#why did i let myself watch it? i knew i shouldn't have. since i really want to boycott this movie tbh
-sighs- Why is the The Flash movie trailer so good? -cries-
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wolfiesmoon · 9 months
I can't sleep
Ran x good girl!reader
Do i want a bad boy (literal criminal) bf? Yea but i would probably cry if he insulted me or got into trouble in any capacity at all
(i am totally not unironically vibing to pretty little psycho while writing this)
edit: i made a part 2!!
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"I dare you to kiss Haitani Ran." Your friend nudged you.
You knew you shouldn't have agreed to this stupid game of truth or dare. You knew your friend was going to make you do stupid stuff like this.
"Like... the big scary delinquent guy?" You asked, hoping you heard her wrong.
"Yeah, that Haitani Ran." Your friend smirked mischeviously.
"How about I don't do that?" The last thing you'd want to do is get involved wth any delinquents or gangs. You have no idea how dangerous Ran could be and even if he wasn't you'd still refuse to kiss a good for nothing delinquent.
"Are you trying to get me killed?" you followed up, realising just how bad this dare could end up.
"You do know that refusing this dare means that you have to do anything I say for a week, right?" Your friend had a horribly evil look on her face. You don't even want to know the things she would make you do if you refused this stupid dare.
But is kissing Ran any better? Pick your poison, you suppose.
"Fine, I'll do it." You said behind clenched teeth, not at all happy about this outcome. You've never even kissed before, and now you have to kiss freaking Ran Haitani. You might actually die.
Why did you agree? What is wrong with you?
This might just be the worst day of your life.
You ended up being a little unfocused in class, making your teacher worry.
"Haitani-san." you call out to him, your voice dying off slightly at the end due to nerves. You're the only ones left in the classroom, with your friend watching from behind the door to make sure you actually do it. He looks back at you and you feel a shiver run through you.
Oh my god, you're actually doing this.
He stops, waiting to see what you want with him. You move closer to him, and his eyes narrow slightly, as if he's getting a good look at you.
"Now, what could the class president herself possibly want with me?" his tone was slightly mocking and you would have showed him you're not to be messed with but honestly you'd probably be the one losing in that scenario.
You inhaled sharply, pulling him down by his braids and planting a kiss straight onto his lips. This feels like a bad shojo plot, the "good girl" falls in love with the "bad boy" and kisses him all of a sudden. Except there's no romance involved here. Just a dare.
Is this how you kiss? Why does it feel so strange? That should be enough, right? You can feel your parents shaking their heads dissaprovingly already.
Ok, now you're just kissing him for way too long. It's time to let go. And you try to, you really do. Since when were his arms wrapped around your waist, anyways? And why isn't he letting you go?!
You can feel your friend's evil stare burning into your back. This is not amusing!
He laughed a little into the kiss, pulling you impossibly closer. Oh, so they're both going to enjoy your suffering now, you see how it is.
Still, kissing him isn't half ba-
Ok, you're actually losing it. You need out and fast.
You wriggled out of his grasp, running away as fast as your legs could take you. You heard both Ran and your friend yell something behind you but you honestly don't care.
Why did you ever agree to do this?!
That same thought persisted even as you tossed and turned in bed that night.
"Oh god, he's going to send his goons after me and I'm gonna die... And then I won't ever get to become successful..." you muttered to yourself.
"Or maybe he's gonna come and kill me myself after school tommorow... Ugh..." you can't come to school tired, you won't be able to pay attention in class that way. You can't ruin your perfect record by falling asleep in class.
Who cares about the perfect record?! You should be worried for your life!
"And what is that stupid noise, anyways?" you muttered, grumbling and getting up to inspect the source. Another stone hits the window, making you jump slightly. You walk to the window and open it, narrowly avoiding a stone that was thrown your way.
Wait. You'd recognise that voice anywhere.
It's Ran.
"What are you doing here? How did you even get my adress?" you half yelled, not wanting to wake up your parents.
"You shouldn't sweat the little things. Come downstairs." he was smiling calmly, but you still couldn't tell if he was threatening you. Actually, is that his motorcycle parked next to him?
"You should probably put on a jacket too. It's real cold." he added on, and you nervously closed the window, quietly sneaking downstairs and putting on a jacket. Your pyjamas are not the most presentable, but you really don't want to test his patience right now.
You met him outside. What is he going to do to you now?
"Get on." he pointed to his bike, catching you off guard.
"Not without a helmet, riding a motorcycle without one can be really dangerous and you could lose your life." you couldn't help but bring up safety regulations. It's in your nature.
"I told you, don't sweat the details and just sit down." he completely ignored you, pushing you in the direction of the bike. You complied, sitting down on it awkwardly, not sure what to expect. He doesn't seem violent...
He sat down behind you, revving up the engine and just driving off without a care in the world.
"W-Wait!" you were shocked at the speed, grabbing onto him by instinct and missing the way his lips curved up at that.
"Where are you taking me?! I never consented to this!" you had to yell over the sound of the engine, shutting your eyes. He was right, it really is cold when you're riding on a motorcycle.
"And you know what I didn't consent to? That kiss." he replied and your face scrunched up a little, cringing at the not so distant memory. "But that's fine, because that means you're mine now."
"Huh?!" you finally opened your eyes, looking up at him. His expression was a little hard to make out since the only thing illuminating it was street lights that you were speeding past. Is he even following the speed limit?
"I value my sleep, you see. And that little stunt you pulled made me unable to fall asleep. So I figured I might as well give you a little visit." he placed a hand over you protectively, making you worry about your safety even more.
"Who would have thought the top of the class good girl would fall for me?" he looked down at you.
"I did not fall in love with you! It was a dare!" you shot back.
"Oh well, doesn't matter. You're my girl now. And that's that."
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Curiously enough, it was quite easy to get into the villain's lair.
On their way in, the hero had made sure to dress as their civilian persona - simply, to avoid as much attention as possible. Additionally, (they weren't proud of this) they had asked some of their colleagues to stage a bank robbery, with their best friend even wearing their suit.
It was a necessary measure, even though the hero felt horrible. Everyone included was just acting; heroes and civilians alike knew that it wasn't real. So, they hoped no one was actually getting hurt by accident.
Once the hero was in the villain's lair, they followed the dark hallways and hoped they wouldn't end up being cut into pieces by hidden lasers. They looked behind themselves every now and then to make sure they were alone but their paranoia was unfounded.
It was just them.
Eventually, they came to a stop in front of a giant metallic door and prepared themselves to somehow break through it. However, it opened immediately, without them having to lift a finger. They hurried through the door and found themselves in a giant hall with several workingspaces - one looked like a lab filled with several ongoing experiments, one was clearly for machine construction and the last one, full with monitors and here, the hero found them.
They were watching the live footage of the "bank robbery," but they didn't seem to be invested.
"...hey," the hero said. They couldn't believe their voice was shaking.
The villain turned around in their chair and looked at them, brows furrowing.
"That's quite a bit of trouble you went through to see me," the villain said. They stood up but the hero's eyes were still on the screen, following their friend's moves. It wasn't until the villain came to a stop right in front of them that they looked up at them.
"Oh, yeah. I...I really needed to speak with you in private. Thanks for letting me in." It would have never been easy to get into this place if the villain hadn't observed them the entire time. The villain gave them a once-over and it was almost comical how the both of them looked like two normal people.
Both in jogpants.
As if there was anything normal about this relationship.
"My pleasure." The villain stared at them, their gaze boring into the hero with curiosity. "You look a little pale."
"Yeah, sorry. I..." God, the hero didn't know where to begin. It was so embarrassing, so stupid that they were here. They supposed it was a mistake to bother the villain with something this trivial, this unnecessary. "I...fuck."
The hero let their gaze wander to the ceiling, desperate for the uprising tears not to drop.
"Hey, easy," the villain said. Their voice was gentle and the hero felt - even though they shouldn't have - so incredibly save in here. Wasn't that stupid, too? That the hero felt save with the villain?
"This is so stupid," the hero whispered under their breath. They hadn't expected to get this emotional. They usually never did when they talked about it. They closed their eyes and pressed their palm into their eye socket, taking in a deep breath. "I kinda need your help with something."
They took out their phone and showed the villain the picture.
"This person is stalking me," they said. Their voice was thin. They swallowed. "It's creepy. It's weird. They somehow got a job within the agency last week and it's been getting worse. A month ago, I saved them from, I don't know, something and ever since they have tried to get closer to me. Now, they know my identity, where I live, my friends, my pet, they know stuff from my past and they follow me around, they take pictures of me, I can't-"
The villain's gaze on the picture hardened.
"I can't get rid of them. I can't really defend myself. If the public finds out that I was rude or even aggressive towards a fan..."
"Do you want me to kill them for you?" the villain asked and the hero blinked a few times.
It dawned on them that they didn't really know why they were here in the first place. Sure, they wanted this problem of theirs to be gone, but they didn't know if they wanted this person to be eliminated.
"I don't know, I...I just can't do this anymore. I have talked to the agency and they told me they can't do anything without evidence. And I can't kill them, I can't...I'm just so tired of it. I am scared they will leak my identity or my address. Or they will take pictures of me when I am not careful enough. I've never felt this powerless in my entire life."
"This charade-" the villain pointed at the footage of the hero's friend with their thumb "-is to distract them, I presume?"
"Yeah, I've asked my friends and they are willing to help me, but they can't do anything either. I don't want them to get into trouble."
The villain was quiet for a moment. They stared at the screen where the hero's friend announced heroically that the danger was over.
"I understand if you don't want to get involved. Or if this is too much trouble for you. I don't expect anything," the hero clarified. "But if you have an idea or a suggestion on how I could deal with this, I'd be more than grateful."
"They think the both of you are friends, right?"
"Something along those lines," the hero said. It was actually more than that but they didn't want the villain to know about the repulsive flirting. The hero took a step towards them and reached for the villain's forearm.
Something to hold onto. Something to stabilize them.
"I'm...I am sorry," they said. They looked at the ground, embarrassed, and turned towards the door. "I shouldn't have come here."
The villain grabbed their hip.
"If you truly think I will let you walk back out there after everything you've just told me..." Their eyes were boring through the hero, demanding attention. "...if you truly believe I will let you be exposed to such abhorrence, you're truly dumber than I ever anticipated."
The hero stared at them, eyes wide.
"I...I can't ask you to kill someone for me. It's not right, it's not, it's-" The hero swallowed. They truly didn't want to cry in front of the villain. "What kind of hero does that make me? Some fucked up hero who asks their nemesis to kill people they don't like?"
"Do I look like I need to kill someone to get my point across?" the villain asked. They smiled gently. "Let me take care of it. You can stay here if you want to. For as long as you want to. I'll pick up your cat. I can get some stuff from your place."
"Don't you think that's pathetic?" the hero asked. "That I can't deal with this? I mean, I'm supposed to be one of the most powerful people in the city and sometimes I feel like I can barely breathe when I see this person."
The villain made a grimace, almost as if the hero had just asked them a question that deserved a slap.
"You tend to forget that you're human. Power doesn't replace fear. Most people think it does. But power only fuels anger. Or in your case..." The villain had never looked softer. "...kindness."
"I believe it takes great courage to ask for help. And you being here means it's really bad," the villain said. They touched the hero's cheek, careful not to make any quick moves. "I won't kill them because it's your wish. But I will take care of this."
It was decided, then.
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rafeshoeeee · 2 months
Best friends brother
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I had been best friends with Sarah Cameron for as long as i could remember. Our families go way back and had known each other for years.
Sarah is the kook princess, everyone knows her and everyone loves her. She's dating Topper Thornton, her brother's best friend. They're constantly arguing with each other and it's so tiring. Topper is very short tempered and gets annoyed by Sarah's friendliness towards everybody. I have to tolerate Topper as he's around most of the time, but i have my reasons why he's not my favorite.
Sarah's older brother Rafe is just so dreamy. Due to me being very close with Sarah he has to put up with me constantly being around, but deep down i know he doesn't mind that one bit.
I've known Rafe since he was a stroppy 9 year old boy. I've watched his mannerisms change over the years as he developed into the person he is.
We never really took any notice of each other when we were younger, but once we both matured, we couldn't keep our hands off of each other.
We had gotten much closer over the past two years and everyone had noticed. We spoke more at parties, laughed together, got drunk together and behind closed doors we did things we know we shouldn't.
But we just couldn't help it.
I wanted him because i knew i couldn't have him.
i remember when i first developed a little crush for him a couple of years ago, and i would get upset every time he brought a new girl home. Which was usually once a week, sometimes more. But overtime this bad habit had worn off once we started getting closer.
We are actually dating now but it's a massive secret. No one can know, and that's what makes it exciting. Sneaking around together gives both of us a buzz that's indescribable.
I used to tell myself that i would never do anything to ruin mine and Sarah's friendship, yet here i was laying in her brothers bed with nothing but his t-shirt and my pink panties on. My body pressed up against Rafe's bare chest, my finger nail tracing shapes on his right bicep. His arms lazily draped around my waist and had been for most of the night.
It was early morning in the Outer Banks and i had been awake for a little while, just watching Rafe peacefully sleep, looking so calm and relaxed. I listened to his slow heart beat gently bump in his chest, calming me also.
I watched him as he blinked his eyes open, adjusting to the light that beamed through the curtains. I placed a couple of gentle kisses along his jawline to let him know i was awake before nuzzling my head back into his chest.
His hand gently stroked my hair and i felt his lips kiss the top of my head, making me smile to myself. I loved mornings like this, Rafe being all soft compared to his usual tough boy act. No one ever saw this loving side to him and that's why everyone thinks he's a hot headed maniac. Most people only see his bad moments as he doesn't let his guard down very easily, but i was so grateful he chose me to be like this with.
"morning baby" i whispered to him, propping myself up onto my elbows so i could look at his face.
He squinted at me, his eyes still not adjusted to the light. He slowly removed his arm from around my waist and rubbed his eyes with his hand. I lightly laughed at his action, knowing that he wasn't a morning person but he was trying his best.
"morning beautiful" he replied, his voice slightly cracking due to him not being fully awake yet.
I just looked at him with loving eyes, wondering how i got so lucky. My heart fluttered in my chest at his compliment and how sexy he sounded with his morning voice.
I cupped his right cheek gently and connected our lips, the kisses were gentle and passionate, full of warmth and love.
I could feel Rafe's hands traveling down my body and they stopped at my bum, squeezing the flesh, causing me to giggle into his mouth and our lips separating.
"Rafeee" i squealed from his unexpected gesture.
Before i could say anything else, Rafe grabbed my chin and reconnected our lips, the kisses still so gentle and soft.
As much as i wanted to stay in bed all morning with Rafe, cuddling with him and absorbing all his body heat. I couldn't risk getting caught in here and he knew that. A lot of the time we spend together has to get cut short and it's so annoying because all we want to do is be together every minute of every day. But we just can't.
I struggled to pull away from Rafe as he knew what time it was. He knew i had to leave and scurry off to the guest bedroom and act like i didn't spend all night and all morning laying in his bed.
He groaned out of frustration and peppered kisses all over my face. I giggled at his clinginess, "baby i have to go" i told him firmly but softly, looking at him with an apologetic expression.
I hated leaving him in the mornings when he's all cute and precious. He grabbed my body and pulled me into him, not wanting to let me go, "just five more minutes" he groaned out, wrapping his big arms around my small frame. He made me feel so comfortable and safe but now really wasn't the time, any minute now Sarah would wake up and come searching for me.
I untangled myself from his arms and quickly jumped out of bed. The slightly cold air pricked my skin, goosebumps appearing on my arms. I searched the room for my pjs, needing to change into them. I know Sarah would think me wondering around in her brother's top is strange and i don't want to cause any suspicion.
"look away" i told Rafe, about to pull his top over my head.
He jokingly scoffed, "your kidding right? I've seen you naked plenty of times"
He's right, but i knew i wouldn't be able to resist his lustful stare as i stripped in the middle of his bedroom. However, i didn't have to time to argue with him over such a silly thing, so i just pulled his top over my head, leaving me in just my pink panties.
My hand instantly shot over my bare breasts as i hurried to pull my own floral pajama top over my head.
"don't cover yourself up sweetheart, let me see you" Rafe demanded, i could tell he had a huge smirk on his lips, despite me not looking his way.
His seductive voice turned me on so much, i loved the way he made me feel. He made me feel like the only girl in the world and he treated me like a goddess.
I dropped my arm from breasts and let them free, perfectly on display for Rafe to eye. I looked over at him and saw him lick his lips.
"such pretty tits" he blurted out, running a hand over his buzzed hair, clearly overstimulated.
I smirked to myself as i pulled my top over my head. I loved how much control i had over him. The way he just drowned me in compliments all of the time made me feel so confident.
i teasingly bent down to grab my pajama shorts, my ass in perfect view for Rafe to see. I heard him grunt from behind me and i quickly stepped into my shorts before turning to face him.
"everything okay baby?" i asked him with a devious smirk on my lips.
He chuckled to himself, "you're such a little tease" he laughed softly and readjusted himself under the covers.
I quickly leant over him to give him a quick peck on the lips before exiting his room. I felt his hand slap my ass and i looked at back at him with wide eyes.
"i love you" i told him before opening his bedroom door to leave.
He smiled at my words and responded, "i love you more baby"
I gently shut Rafe's bedroom door behind me and i quickly scurried to the guest bedroom three doors down. I opened the door, the bed was freshly made and the windows were ajar, a little breeze blowing the curtains. I rolled onto the bed and buried myself underneath the covers, making it look like i had spent the night here.
I missed Rafe already. I missed hearing him breathe in my ear, i missed the feeling of his lips on mine and peppering my skin and i missed the way he looked at me. I couldn't put into words the amount of love i feel for him, and i fall in love with him more and more every single day. I couldn't imagine my life without him.
I adored him so much and never understood how anyone can be mean to him. I understood that he doesn't appear to be the friendliest person on the planet but i believe that you have to give everyone a chance. i took my chance with Rafe and it was one hundred percent worth it.
I opened my phone and typed a message to Rafe,
Me: I miss you baby x
He responded almost immediately, a mirror picture of him with a towel wrapped around his waist. His v line peeking over the top and little water droplets running down his abs. There was text at the bottom stating, i miss you too baby girl
My core was aching for him, he knew i loved him like this.
I quickly went into the guest bathroom that was attached to the bedroom and pulled my tiny pajama shorts down. I snapped a picture of my ass, it was slightly covered by my tiny pink thong, but it was perfect. He knew exactly how to turn me on, and i knew exactly how to turn him on.
Rafe started typing and his message read,
Rafe: fuck baby, i need you
That was it. As soon as i received that message, i quickly pulled my shorts on. i exited the guest room and headed straight for Rafe's. My hand reached the door knob but before i could turn it and enter the room I heard my name.
"y/n? what are you doing?" Sarah asked, confusion written all over her face.
My face dropped.
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fallstaticexit · 20 days
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Prev / Next / Beginning
TW: Internalized Homophobia / Transcript / AN under the cut
AN: Here we are, just one more post before we conclude part 1 of this bittersweet story. As I've mentioned before, this story consists of three parts- Part One - Youth | Part Two - Uni | Part Three - Wife.
Nancy Narrates: [As a treat for the few students who stayed behind, the nuns took us into to the city to shop on Christmas Eve]
[It was the first time Vanessa and I spent alone time together since I started dating Geoffrey]
[I’ve never been happier]
Nancy: [blushes] What?
Vanessa: [whispers] Do you feel like we’re being watched?
Nancy: Oh, Sister Agnes? [gulps] She’s right behind me, isn’t she?
Vanessa: [laughs] I’m serious! Let’s ditch the group.
Nancy: And risk getting a mark? Or worse, sent back home?
Vanessa: [shudders] Having to spend the rest of the break with my father? No thanks. Guess I’ll behave myself- for now anyway.
Vanessa: Sooo, what did you get your boyfriend for Christmas? A thong? One of those string thingies for his glasses?
Nancy: [snorts] I got him a broach.
Vanessa: You’re fucking with me, right?
Nancy: What? It was really nice, and very expensive.
Vanessa: Sure, if he’s your grandfather, Nancy!
Nancy: [sheepishly] I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve never had a boyfriend before. I don’t know if I’m even doing this right. Shouldn't it...feel like something?
Vanessa: What do you mean?
Nancy: Holding hands and kissing. I thought it was suppose to feel like fireworks, like everything is burning and achy. I only felt it once...the first time, at that party.
Vanessa: Oh.. [looks away] Maybe he just needs practice...
Nancy: Maybe... Vanessa, I wa-
Vanessa: Hey! Let’s get some hot cocoa!
Nancy Narrates: [I wish she knew how much I missed when it was just me and her]
[No matter what, she will always be the sun to me]
Vanessa: So, are you going to tell me what’s in those bags?
Nancy: Maybe you should Guess?
Vanessa: Very funny, Blondie. I thought we weren’t exchanging gifts?
Nancy: [pouts] Does that mean you didn’t get me anything?
Vanessa: That’s because we said we weren’t when we were shopping! I could have gotten you something!
Nancy: [chuckles] It’s ok! You really didn’t have to get me anything. I just wanted to get you something I think you’ll like alot.
Nancy: Ta-da! I wanted to officially welcome you into the League of Blondes.
Vanessa: [cackling] No fucking way! This is the best Christmas gift ever, are you kidding!! [digs through bag] What are the scissors for?
Nancy: I was hoping you’d cut my hair. We can both have a new look.
Vanessa: You’re full of surprises, Landgraab. Let’s do it!
Vanessa: You’re being sooo quiet but your thoughts are sooo loud. What are you thinking about right now?
Nancy: Sorry. It’s nothing...
Vanessa: Tell me. Please.
Nancy: No, it’s fine.
Vanessa: Come onnn, please?
Nancy: What happened with Angela?
Vanessa: [huffs] Ah. I was wondering when you’d ask about that.
Nancy: Then why didn’t you just tell me about her?
Vanessa: There’s nothing to talk about. Pretty sure you heard the story.
Nancy: Sure, from everyone else but not from you. I want to hear your side.
Vanessa: [sighs] My side. We were best friends. We did everything together. I loved her a lot. All eyes were on us... so, I guess that’s how everyone noticed how close we were. People were saying things about us, and I was scared my father would find out and think I was like that. So, I turned on her. I called her names. I shunned her. I ruined her life...
Vanessa: It got so bad that she left the school. I never heard from her again. [voice cracks] You have to understand... if my father thought I liked girls, he would kill me. I could never let anyone think I’m like that! I’d rather they all thought I slept around with all the boys in school than think that. I had to do it...
Nancy: Do you?
Vanessa: [sobs] W-what?
Nancy Narrates: [My heart was racing. It just slipped out. And then I said it again, and that time, it felt like I was asking myself]
Nancy: Do you like girls?
Vanessa: [whimpers] I...no!! I’m not...I’m not a lesbian! I swear, Nancy! Please, believe me.
Nancy Narrates: [All that time...I had thought I was the one terrified of what it meant to love her. She was terrified of loving me too]
[This is what kissing should feel like]
Vanessa: [softly] Will you stay in my room tonight?
Nancy: Yes.
Nancy Narrates: [I had so many questions I wanted to ask her. So many things about myself I wanted to share, but there was one thing I wanted more]
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petew21-blog · 2 months
Teen wolf-Alpha needs his pack, Pt. 3
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Stiles P.O.V.
"Stiles knew that being a wolf wasn't an automatic win against other enemies. He knew from Scott what it took. But he thought that now when he had Derek's body, it would take more than 8 hours since he become Derek to get caught. Maybe he shouldn't have gone for the bait as his instinct was telling him, but there was no other clue to follow. Besides his mind was still blown from the sex he had few hours ago with Derek. In Derek's body! Yeah, it was kinda weird fucking his own body, but you know a hole is a hole? Nah his body was attractive and Stiles knew it. And he was now a dominating man, he was Derek and everybody feared him. Wait? Am I really trying to narrate my life now? My hands are tied. I'm imprissoned in Derek's body and my only thought is how to narrate my life? I might be more dominant now or just dominating Derek in my body? Man it was so funny to see him act so submisive. He even sucked his own dick!"
Someone entered the room wearing black clothes and a mask. "Thank you for following us. You have made our plans far easier than we thought you would."
Stiles:"Don't you worry. The pack is on their way"
The man:"Oh I wouldn't be so sure about that. And even if they are, well be already gone after we have collected our needed samples. And you might be already dead."
"Oh boy. I hope Scott's gonna come soon. I know he was acting weird lately, but this is about the wolf pack..."
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Theo's P.O.V.
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Theo:"Scott's body is so awesome. I know I was talking shit about it before, but the strength. Oh god. And I even think that the wolf pack is getting stranger too. But back to me now.
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Theo:"My new arms still have to get more bigger, but I must say I am very fond of them. The power that these guns hold is incredible.
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Theo:"I still have to remind myself that this is me now whenever I look in the mirror. I always expect Scott to start speaking whenever I approach the mirror. Speaking of Scott. He's still my little bitch now. He calls me 'my alpha' whenever we are not in school. But whenever I see a spark of resistance or free will I have to make sure je won't stand up to me. I hope he knows how I can destroy his life AND how powerful his body, now belonging to me, really is."
Scott came out of the hall entering his old bedroom.
Scott:"I... I have scrubbed the whole toilet and I am now ready for you message, my alpha"
Theo:"About damn time! Took you long enough!"
Theo sat down in the chair in front of the mirror and watched every step that Scott took. He was very cautious now. His master was could get angry over any minor mistake.
Scott:"Should I start with your shoulders as before, my alpha?"
Theo just raised his eyebrows which Scott appreciated. Two days ago when he asked him, Theo threw him across the room and made him lick his feet.
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Theo:"Why are you wearing that flanel in my body?"
Scott:"I am so sorry, my alpha. I won't wear it again, my alpha."
Theo:"The hell you will. From now on you will not wear anything until I tell you to. And you will only wear the clothes I will approve. Since you already basjcally live here, serving me, you can get your things and leave them in the basement. You'll be living there from now on. Understood?"
Scott:"I think your family will notice."
Theo:"Did you just spoke without adressing me by my rightful title?"
Scott immediately panicked. Theo stood up and Scott could see his face transforming
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Scott bending down on his knees looking up at his own body:"I see my alpha, my alpha. I am sorry. It will not happen again. Let me make it up to you, my alpha"
Scott started unbuckling the belt. Theo just smiled with his teeth still out. Yeah, that's the way he liked it. He pushed his semi-hard dick into Scott's mouth and thrusted. Theo now knew that he had to make his master happy. And a flacid dick was a problem. He tightened his mouth to make his master feel the pleasure more intensively. He looked up. By the way his master looked at him and the hard dick in his mouth, he could see he made his master happy. His own dick started getting hard too. Scott hated this. He never was this submissive. And now the way Theo treated him made him hard. Or was that Theo's body? He had to find a way to swap them back. He wanted to contact Stiles but couldn't. He always eyed him suspiciously in the halls. Stiles must have noticed that something changed. He needs to contact him somehow. But Theo took his phone and wallet.
Theo was beggining to scream. It was coming and Scott knew that now was the moment he had to act fast. He sped up. Theo was furious now, destroying his old body's soft palate. He came into his old mouth. Screaming and transforming in the process. That's how he liked it.
Scott felt the cum in his mouth. It tasted horribly. Theo in his body only ate meat now, no sugar. So the cum was really disgusting. He quickly swallowed and as soon as Theo took out his dick he said:"Thank you, my alpha!"
Theo just laughed and put his trousers back on. The laughter intesified as he noticed the cum stain on the kneeling Scott's trousers.
Theo:"I hope you understood your punishment for not adressing me properly. Now, take off your clothes. You won't be needing them in this house anymore. Now go and finish cleaning the car!"
Theo looked sat down on the bed looking at himself in the mirror. Man how he loved this. His phone rang. Stiles was calling.
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Scott:"Fucking hell. This douchebag is harassing me at school and now he calls me in the middle of the night? What's wrong with this dude?" He picked up the phone. "Someone better be dying!"
Derek:"Hey, this is Der... Stiles. Yeah. Uh... I need your help. I saw Derek few hours ago and he said he will come back to talk to me about some issue we had. He never came back and I am 100% sure it was a wolf thing and he might be in danger. Come to my house I'll show you where he went"
Theo:"Fine... but you're not coming with us. You're not part of the pack."
Derek:"I... just come "
Theo turned off the call and screamed out:"Hey bitch. We're going for a trip. Get my clothes I wore yesterday and wear them!"
Theo parked outside of Stiles's home. Stiles walked out of the house. Theo could see that his walk was different, but he shrugged it off. Not caring anyway. Stiles got into the car to the passenger's seat. He turned around to see Theo in the backseat.
Derek:"Why are you here?"
Scott looked at the rearview mirror to catch a glimpse of approval from Theo to start speaking. Theo slightly nodded
Scott:"Well I am part of the pack and I wanted to help the alpha."
Derek looked back at Theo and wasn't really sure what was going on. "Right. Anyway, go straight and I'll tell you where to go"
Theo:"I told you on the phone you're not going with us!"
Derek:"Do you want your pack protected or not Scott? If yes, than drive! He might be dead already and if so then I am screwed. So drive now or I will get sheriff's gun from the house and go there by myself"
Theo found the answer very strange and more so did Scott who couldn't hold himself and straight away asked his friend as he normally would
Scott:"Why aren't you adressing your dad as 'dad's?"
Theo had to hide his anger and rather started the car.
Derek looked back and just answered:"Don't know, didn't give it much thought"
Scott knew there was something different. This isn't his Stiles that he knew
They arrived near the abbandoned factory.
Theo:"Ok, we'll go in check the perimeter and get him. You stay in the car, Stiles."
Derek:"Not happening I'm going too"
Theo:'"Not a chance. THEO, you will stay here and watch him. I'm gonna have a look. Have your phone ready."
Scott:"Yes, my alpha" Scott immediately realized his mistake by addressing his master in front of Stiles. He's gonna know. That actually might not be a bad thing. He wanted to talk to him in a week now and never had the chance.
Theo got angry by Scott's answer but there was no time to solve that now. He headed into the factory by the side entrance.
Derek:"Why are you so submissive to Scott suddenly? You never acted like this. You always wanted to be better and acted like you're better than all of us. What changed?"
Scott:"I know you might not believe this, but hear me out. I've been trying to tell you for a week now, but he wouldn't let me. I am Scott. Theo swapped us and now has made me his sex slave. I wanted to escape and everything, but he threatened to hurt you or destroy my life and everything. I really wanted to tell you sooner, Stiles. I really did" Scott was crying softly
Derek:"That's touching and everything, but I'm not Stiles."
Derek:"Yeah... your naive little friend wanted to get close to you and bought a second hand potion. Now he's acting dominant in my body and on his first hunt got himself caught immediately."
Scott:"So the person inside in danger right now is Stiles?" Scott ran out of the car into the building. Derek right after him.
Theo got to Stiles first. He was still handcuffed to the fence.
Theo:"Oh what do we have here? Aren't you suppose to be my big mentor teaching me stuff about being a wolf? Not getting caught seems like an essential skill. Now don't you think?"
Stiles:"Can you let me go? They left right after your car arrived so they still might be nearby."
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Theo:"Doubt that. With three wolfs here, they won't risk that. But I can see that they set some traps on their way from here. There's a trip wire over there." Theo unhooked Derek's body. He took off his shirt and threw it at Derek. "I don't have bandages, so just take this to atleast cover the bloody spots where they took the samples
Stiles put the shirt on. Few seconds later Theo and his own body ran into the building
Derek:"Fucking me is one thing, but almost getting my body killed and mutilated is a different level. We're leaving"
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Derek grabbed his body with by his arm pressing one of the sample sites causing him pain
Derek:"I hope it hurts. If they make another chimera and it's gonna be my clone, I swear I'm gonna kill you" Derek was too focused on speaking to Stiles that he didn't see the trip wire while leaving the room
They expected an explosion. But instead a gas from the ceiling sprayed them.
Stiles:"That smell exactly like the..."
Derek:"Like another way to make me angry"
They passed out.
They woke up almost instantly. The four of them now looking at a very different point of view than they had before
Derek:"Oh shoot me now!"
Stiles:"Did we just?"
Scott:"How is this possible?"
Theo:"No way you guys just made us all do a potion swap. And you swapped into HIM?"
Derek:"Let's get out of here before we'll be attacked or something. They wanted Scott to be out of his body before and they got that. Let's get out of here right now"
They went to Stiles's house. His dad was still on duty. There was one message left from him if everything is ok. Some of the four sent a message back to him, but besides that there was nothing to worry about. Maybe just the swap thing. And who was who now?
Scott found himself in Derek's body. Derek was now in Scott's
Theo was Stiles and vice versa.
Theo talked to Derek's body that was now occupied by Scott:"Look I'm really sorry for how I treated you earlier. I didn't really mean..." be was interrupted by a punch from Derek
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Theo fell on the floor. "Ok I deserved that. But maybe think about the fact that I am a fucking nerdy human right now and I can't handle this power"
Scott:"I should kill you for how you treated me"
Stiles:"So you guys also bought a option from a sketchy lady?" Stiles said with his shirt already off examining his new chest.
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Derek:"Nobody is as naive as you, Stiles. Theo set him up to be the new alpha. Which would work out perfectly if you wouldn't spoil jis plans by getting caught"
Stiles:"Again. I am sorry. They surprised me. I really wanted to prove myself to you, you know."
Derek:"You don't need to prove anything. I know you'd be capable of handling it. It was your first day as a wolf. Mistakes happen. And even we are not able to get the Dread doctors."
Scott:"Sorry to interrupt you guys, but can I talk to Stiles alone, please? Maybe you could check if Theo is still breathing? I think Stiles might want his body back"
Stiles:"Yeah... we'll see about that"
Derek:"Sure. It's not like I got something to do anyway"
Scott:"Stiles, I am so sorry that Theo acted to you the way he did. I wanted to tell you before, I promise. But he threatened me, to hurt you and everything. He even made me his sex slave and forced me to walk around naked. So I want to thank you, even if it was coincidental, that you set me free."
Stiles:"Oh... well no problem. I mean, we're best BROS right? Come on let's just hug it out, man" Theo's and Derek's body hugged. While Stiles's body controlled by Theo looked at them in disgust while spitting blood.
Stiles:"You know, let's leave Derek here with Theo for a while. I got something I want to give to you."
The two of them left to Stiles bedroom.
Stiles:"If you want to give me something for saying you, I might be able to give something to you that might help with your ptsd right now"
Scott:"And what would that be?"
Stiles smiled as he went kissed Derek's body.
Stiles:"I think it would help you to dominate Theo's body, that's now already leaking while looking at you, and I might actually enjoy this too. I really fell in love with Derek's body. Especially the thing you got in your pants.
Stiles grabbed Derek's dick and smiled at Scott with Theo's smile.
They lied down into bed. Making out. Scott was using his new massive arms to take off their clothes, throwing them on the ground. They didn't stop making out. Only when Stiles made Scott sit on top of him to kiss his chest and inhale the musk that he just possessed few hours ago.
They were now lying naked in Stiles's bed. Their hard dicks pressing against each other. Derek's hairy body scrathing the hairless body Stiles now fully enjoyed.
Stiles interrupted the making out session:"What did he make you call him?"
Scott:"My alpha"
Stikes:"Oh my alpha. I need you dick inside of my. I need to be punished for making you suck your own dick so much. It's time to punish me, my alpha"
Scott enjoyed Theo's faced being so submisive. Maybe it was also Derek's massive body that made him the dominant role Stiles was leading him into.
Scott:"Turn around, bitch"
Stiles smiled and did so. He heard as Scott spat saliva into his hand and rubbed it over his dick and then over his hole.
Stiles:"I got some lube here, you know"
Scott:"This bitch needs to get it rough!"
Stiles:"Oh yes, my alpha. Fuck me, my alpha!"
The two massive wolf bodies were practically destroying the bed. Stiles was holding on to the wood, while Scott was fucking him senslessly.
Scott:"Tell me who i am!"
Stiles:"You're my alpha!!!!"
Scott:"Fuck right I am. No matter whose body I'm in."
Stiles:"Fuck, DEREK, I think I'm cumming already!!!!"
Scott:"Did you just call me Derek?"
Stiles:"Sorry. Heat of the moment. Fuck, this body really wants to be humiliated!?"
Scott:"Yeah. Been there. Call me my alpha again!"
Stiles was circling around Derek's dick. He loved how Derek's massive cock was messaging his new prostate. Even if he came already, he had DEREK's dick inside of him!!!
Scott was increasing his speed. It took him some time, maybe cause Stiles already used Derek's body to fill his old hole. But Scott came inside. Stiles now felt the warm cum inside of him. It was so hot...
They were next to each other, smiling at one another. Hugging. Exploring their new bodies together.
Stiles:"What do we do now?"
Scott:"About the swap you mean? Not sure about that, but wanna go for round two when were both ready?"
They just smiled at themsleves again. Making out.
You guys really love Teen wolf 🤣
Another 2 stories from inbox that I combined together (Liam is coming in the next part!)
Could you do a Teen Wolf story including Scott, Theo and Stiles?
Is it possible to make a follow up of your teen wolf story where Theo transoform Scott even further into his beta bitch? like maybe forcing him to wear the clothes he chose, or no clothes at all in the house. Or even include Liam. That would be awesome, thanks :D
Part 2:
160 notes · View notes
ripdragonbeans · 3 months
Zeno's Paradox // modern!Aemond x reader (2/2)
•Aemond x Reader, Aemond x Floris, Jace x reader•
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Summary: You and Aemond instantly clicked when you met at university. So why did he choose Floris instead of you?
TW (overall): afab reader, p in v, oral (f receiving), swearing, talk of violence, talk of losing a body part
Part 1
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You and Jace had a plan for every day. Every morning you'd meet up with him at the cafeteria. He'd sit close enough to you that your knees would be touching. Any time you talked your heads would be bent down and close, giving the illusion of wanting to be only with each other and no one else. 
It took a few days but finally Aemond and Floris showed up one morning for breakfast. Seeing them hurt your heart. You looked at Jace and nodded.
“Let's go then,” Jace smiled. “I'm gonna say a joke and you're gonna laugh like it's the funniest shit you've ever heard.” He cleared his throat. “What's red and bad for your teeth?”
Oh gods.
“A brick!”
You looked Jace dead in the eye with absolutely no amusement. “Seriously?”
“Just laugh,” he whispered.
As you saw Aemond and Floris get closer you let out the biggest laugh you could muster, without it sounding fake, of course.
“Hahahahahaha!” There was pain in your eyes but you did your best to smile like it was the best joke you’ve ever heard. “Gods, I love your jokes.”
Placing your hand on top of his, you interlaced your fingers just as Aemond and Floris came up to your table.
Aemond looked at your hands then flitted between you and Jace.
“Is he bothering you again?” Aemond asked.
“No, why would you ask that?” You cocked your head to the side and moved closer to Jace.
“Last time we talked to him you were pissed beyond reason.”
“Well, things change. People change, Aemond. And I found myself wanting to get closer. He’s much nicer when you’re not around. He’s been a big help in my Eyes of the Seven class. Right, Jace?”
Jace smiled at you. “Yeah, and you’ve been helping me, too. Studying with you is one of the best moments in my life. And now I can call you mine.” 
He leaned in and kissed your cheek. You were watching Aemond closely. His face was neutral but you knew him and his eyes were angry. A muscle in his jaw ticked.
“Well…congrats I guess. I'll see you around,” he ground out. 
Aemond tried to leave quickly but you held him right where he was. You weren't going to let him go that easily.
“You're not going to eat breakfast with us? It's a nice morning!” You offered. “Floris? What do you think?”
“Oh, let's eat breakfast with them, Aemy,” Floris pleaded.
Fucking “Aemy?”
Aemond was hesitant. “Fine.”
As the pair went off to get their food you and Jace talked quickly.
“First off,” you started, “that joke was stupid. Second, good call on the kiss. Aemond hated that,” you grinned.
“Hey, that joke was funny!” Jace defended himself. “I saw the way he was looking at you. It's been a long time since I've seen him that pissed. I don't know if Floris could even tell.”
“That just goes to show how much she doesn't know him. She shouldn't be with him, they don't compliment each other.” A beat. “I swear, Aemond hasn't been himself since they started dating.”
“I'll agree that he hasn't, at least the few times I've seen him. He's stuck to Floris’ side.”
“Love that,” you dead panned.
“We're back!” Floris sang.
“Great,” you said through gritted teeth.
“So, tell us how you two started dating!” 
Aemond sat down. “Yeah, how did you start dating?”
You looked at Jace and put a loving smile on your face. “He comforted me one night. I was having a really bad day, heard some terrible news, and he found me,” you moved your focus to Aemond. “He was there when no one else was and I'm so thankful for that.”
“We started hanging out more and the rest is history,” Jace pulled you in close and you leaned your head on his shoulder.
There was a tense silence. Aemond stared at you intensely trying to get a read on you. You put up your walls and gave him a shy smile. You nuzzled in closer to Jace.
“Aw, that's so sweet!” Floris broke the silence. “I know Aemy told you how we got together so I won't bore you with our story.”
Our story.
It hurt. It hurt so much. You felt like you were in a fucking Taylor Swift music video.
Jace looked at you and saw your face devoid of color. “You okay, babe?”
You coughed. “Yeah, yeah. Um, I think I just need to get to class. It's getting late, you know?”
“It's only seven forty-five and you haven’t eaten,” Floris tried to get you to stay.
“Yeah, and my class is at eight and I finished eating before you guys got here,” you tried to get away but she stopped you in your tracks.
“Oh, you and Aemond have that class together, right?”
“Yeah, we do, but I was gonna go ahead. He can stay here with you. He doesn't have to come with me.”
“Nonsense! I know you two haven't been able to hang out much since we started dating. He just always wants to be by my side,” Floris laughed and turned to Aemond. “Go on, Aemy.”
Standing there awkwardly you waited for Aemond to get up and join you on the walk to Psychology.
“Hey,” Jace tugged on your hand. “I'll see you after classes, yeah?” he pressed a kiss to the back of your hand.
Despite Jace being an asshole to Aemond in their childhood you couldn’t help but find a friend in him, especially now. The dating might be fake but the two of you have grown to care about the other.
“Yeah,” you offered him a small smile.
You turned and left the cafeteria with Aemond but as soon as you were outside you picked up the pace, hoping to lose him. If he really wanted to talk to you he'd catch up. When you thought he wasn't going to even try, you slowed down; believing yourself to be far enough away from him. But you heard his footsteps as you neared the classroom door. He grabbed your arm and turned you to face him.
“Can we talk about this?” he whispered.
You refused to look him in the eye. “What's there to talk about? You're with Floris and I'm with Jace, end of story.”
“Exactly! You're with Jace! Why would you even think of him?”
“Because, like I said, Aemond, he was there for me when no one else was.”
“What about me? Why didn't you come to me.”
“You were busy.”
“How could you know that? I haven't received any text or message from you since Floris and I started dating.”
“I didn't need to text you to know you were busy. I saw you. You and Floris aren't exactly discreet,” you spat out.
Realization hit him. “Are you jealous of Floris?”
“I never said anything about being jealous, I just said I saw you were busy. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to take my seat in the classroom.”
“Wait.” He grabbed your arm once more. “There’s nothing serious between me and Floris. We’re just dating.”
“It seemed pretty serious when you were eating her face.”
“You know that doesn’t mean -”
“Are you trying to explain why you haven’t been around me? Because if you are, you’re failing badly.” The anger you’ve been repressing began to bubble up. “Ever since you started dating her you’ve left me. All we do is sit next to each other in class. We don’t talk. You don’t say anything in class anymore, either. You got with Floris and left me, Aemond. You fucking left me.”
You pushed yourself away from him and headed to a different seat, already occupied in front, behind, and next to you. Being next to Aemond would give him more opportunities to talk to you. As much as you wanted to talk to him, you didn't want to hear about how great him and Floris have been.
While you weren’t sitting next to him, you felt his gaze on you the entire time. Even when the professor was talking about Zeno’s Paradox, one of his favorites, he was still focused on you. It was cruel, how Zeno’s Paradox was the main lecture for today. Two points will never be together, there’s too many halfway points to make it. There’s always halfway to go.
You refused to look Aemond’s way. He sat in his usual seat, the one next to him vacant. You hoped it hurt him a bit, not sitting next to you. The entire time he’s been dating Floris you’ve been discarded. It wasn’t even until today, after prompting from Floris, that he talked to you. Maybe he felt guilty for leaving you and didn’t want to see what happened to you as a result. If that were the case, he was being weak.
Class dragged on and on. While there’s infinite halfway points, according to Zeno, it appeared the same for this lecture. You groaned loud enough for the professor to call on you.
“I’m sorry my lecture is boring you. Shall we wake up and play a trivia game?” the professor asked the class.
That woke up the class. Everyone was always willing to play a game rather than listen to a professor drone on and on, despite this professor being a very animated one. Class finished up with everyone playing the game. You tried the same strategy for leaving the room as when you tried to leave the cafeteria earlier. Quickly.
You made it out the door and down the hallway, heading for your dorm instead of your next class. Skipping one class wouldn’t hurt your grade too much. Besides, you really needed to get away from Aemond.
“Hey,” a voice called out.
You picked up the pace.
You closed your eyes and sped up again. You didn’t want to see him, you didn’t want to talk to him. Once you opened the door to leave the building you sped off into a sprint. Tears were coming and you couldn’t stop them. You couldn’t let Aemond see them, as well. So, you went where you could only think of. Jace’s dorm.
“Wait up! Please! I want to talk!”
You shook your head. So close. You could see Jace leaving his dorm.
“Jace!” you yelled.
Jace looked up to see you running at him full force. He looked confused but when he saw Aemond speed walking behind you, he instantly understood. Opening his arms, you barreled straight into him.
“He’s following me. He wants to talk, Jace, and I don’t know if I can do it.” Tears were streaming down your face now.
“Do you want me to make him go away?”
Do I really want him to go away?
You nodded your head yes. Just for once, you didn’t want to be near Aemond Targaryen.
Jace cupped your face with his hands. “I’m going to kiss you.”
He leaned down and captured your lips in a gentle kiss. It wasn’t rushed, it wasn’t awkward. It was simply nice. When the two of you broke away, you leaned your forehead on his.
“He’s just standing there,” he told you.
You pulled your head away from Jace and looked behind you. Aemond was there, watching you. You were close enough to see his shoulders fall but you could almost see something break inside him.
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It was almost the end of the semester and nothing had changed. You and Jace were still “dating” and Aemond and Floris were still together. Floris would try to say hi to you and join you and Jace at meals but Aemond always pulled her away. It was clear he didn’t want anything to do with you.
Maybe it’s for the best.
Both of you were hurting, even though you didn’t know why he was. He should be happy. He was rid of you and had Floris.
“Hey, Jace,” you began. “I don’t think we need to fake date anymore.”
“You sure?” Jace looked at you with concern written all over his face.
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
“What’s up?”
“I’m just… I’m tired, you know?” Everything was tiring nowadays. “We leave for winter break next week. There’s no reason to keep it up,” you said mainly to yourself.
“...Okay. If you say so. Should we make a big deal out of breaking up?”
“Nah, I’m not eager for anyone to really care.”
“You mean you’re not eager for Aemond to care.”
You pinned him with a sharp look. “Shut up.”
“Look, as much as I’ve enjoyed pissing him off, it’s obviously doing something more to both of you. I know you and I didn’t get off on the best foot but I do care about you, as a friend, you know.” Jace took a breath. “Why don’t you talk to him?”
“It hurts. It hurts too much.”
Jace gave you a small smile. “You can do it. If anything, you can wait until after winter break; start new, you know?”
“Yeah, I like that idea.” You returned his smile with one of your own. “Thank you, Jace, really.”
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You ended the semester without saying so much as goodbye to Aemond. You left quickly and quietly. Winter break wasn’t anything to be excited about. It was nice to be with family but that was it. Some old friends visited and they were able to help take your mind off of Aemond but he was always there. No matter what you did, all you could think about was Aemond. You wondered what Aemond was doing on his break. Was he with Floris? Was he with family? 
You still cried frequently. You’ve been crying on and off since Aemond chased you and you ran to Jace. The tears should’ve stopped by now but they haven’t. It’s gotten to the point where you expected yourself to cry almost every night. It was normal now. At least the second semester would be a new start.
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Spring semester began and you hoped to turn over a new leaf. You found Jace after you moved in.
“Hey, stranger,” you greeted him.
“You look a lot better than when I last saw you.” He pulled you into a hug.
“I feel a lot better. New semester, new me, right?”
“If that’s what you need to tell yourself, yeah.”
The two of you continued talking, catching up on the month and a half you were away from each other. Jace spent his break with his family, his whole family, including his adoptive dad. Apparently his family was a little confusing as well. His mom had an affair with a coworker and she got pregnant with Jace, but it was all okay. The guy she had Jace, and her two other children, with died in a tragic fire but her husband was quick to adopt and love them all the same.
You and Jace decided to eat dinner at the cafeteria, as sad as the food could be. Joking around and laughing, you were having a great time. Until he showed up. Jace was in the middle of telling a story about Luke and Joffrey when he stopped mid sentence.
“Jace? What’s wrong?” You were confused.
Someone cleared their throat behind you. You turned around and froze. It was him. Aemond Targaryen.
“Hey, can we talk?” Aemond looked directly at you.
You glanced at Jace and he gave you a reassuring nod. “Yeah, sure.”
You stood, urging Aemond to follow you to a spot against the wall.
“So..” you started.
“I broke up with her,” the words flew out of his mouth.
“You - what?”
“I broke up with Floris. You were right, I was pulling away from you because of her and I didn’t like that. She never tried to get me away from you, she wanted me to still be friends with you, but I found myself being scared of that for some reason. Instead, I plastered myself next to her. I found, I don’t know, some kind of structure when I was with her? Order? It was nice but it wasn’t as nice when I was hanging out with you.”
“And how did… Floris,” you still hated to say her name, “take it?”
“She said it was okay, surprisingly.”
“And now?”
“And now I want to be with you. I fucked up. I fucked up so badly. I left you when I shouldn't have. Being scared of being close to you is no excuse for how I treated you,” he sighed. “And I want you, I really want you. All of you.”
“How do I know you're not going to leave me? I don't know if I could take you leaving me again.”
“You'll just have to trust me.”
“Trust you? Trust you with my heart?”
“Yes. And I will cherish it and take of you and I will always be by your side. Please.”
“...I'll think about it.” You had already made up your mind but he didn't need to know that right now.
“Well, what about you and Jace?”
“Me and Jace? We’re fine. We broke up, too. No bad feelings between us, just figured we’d be better as friends,” you shrugged. You weren’t going to tell him it was all fake.
There was a comfortable silence.
“Have you thought about it?”
“Maybe you should ask me properly so you can get the full answer” you teased.
“Let me start over then,” he cleared his throat. “Can I ask you a question?”
“You already did but sure, go ahead.”
There was a twinkle in his eye. “Will you go out with me?”
You put a hand up. “You just told me you broke up with someone, found out I broke up with someone and you immediately want to fall into a new relationship?”
“Would it be new though? There was something between us when we first met.”
“Yeah, and then you went off to date someone else.” You rolled your eyes.
“I messed up, I know that now.” He took your hand. “Give me a chance, please?”
“Wow, I don’t know. I kind of like it when you beg. Do it again and maybe I’ll say yes.”
Aemond smirked and got down on his knees. “Please, go out with me?”
“I like the sight of you on your knees.” You leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Maybe I’ll ask you to do it again when we’re in my dorm.”
He looked up at you with hope on his face. “Is that a yes?”
“Yes. Yes, Aemond, I will go out with you.”
A smile broke out when he stood up and gathered you in his arms.
“May I kiss you?” he pulled away slightly to see your face.
“I’d be a little upset if you didn’t.”
You met him halfway, leaning up to capture his mouth with yours. It was soft but there was so much emotion poured into it. It was just like what you thought it would be. His mouth moved seamlessly against yours; it was pure bliss. Aemond’s hand went around your waist to pull you closer but was stopped by someone whistling and clapping.
You broke away from the kiss, leaning forward to rub the tip of your nose with his. You looked around for the source of the whistle.
There he was, Jace standing up and clapping. “Whew! You did it! Now get a room!”
You laughed and pulled Aemond away, taking him to your dorm building. As soon as you arrived at your door, you pulled him in for another kiss, this one a little harder than the first. Somehow you got your key into the lock and let yourself fall into your room. Aemond kicked the door closed without breaking away from you.
“I have to tell you something,” you said between kisses.
“Whatever it is, it can wait. I want these clothes off you so I can get back down on my knees.”
“Fucking hell, Aemond, when you put it like - fuck.”
Aemond ran a hand up your body and cupped your breast. You arched into his touch.
“There we go,” he praised you. “It’s just you and me.”
You whimpered when he snuck both his hands under your shirt to take it off.
“No bra? What a bad girl,” he smirked as he leaned down to take a nipple in his mouth.
“Oh, fuck, Aemond. That feels good.”
“Mhm,” he hummed against you.
You backed your way to your bed and he gladly followed, briefly letting go to take his shirt off as well. Leaning back on the bed you admired his body. Aemond was toned and had a happy trail that certainly made you happy. You rose up on your knees and brought him back down in a searing kiss.
“I want all of you,” he murmured against your lips.
A hand traveled down to your core over your shorts where he gently pressed it against you. Once again, you found yourself arching into his touch.
“So responsive,” he chuckled. “I bet you’re fucking wet. Is that right?” He drew circles over your shorts before diving under them.
“Aemond,” you moaned.
“I want you to touch me.”
“Baby, I am touching you. I even sucked on your nipples. You want more?”
“Yes, please.”
He brought his mouth back to your tits, sucking on one nipple while his other hand ripped your shorts.
“No panties, either? Tsk, tsk, tsk, you’re really a bad girl.” He dipped his fingers into your core. “I was right, you’re fucking soaked.”
Aemond pumped you full with his fingers. You couldn’t help but moan and find a rhythm with him. When he took his fingers out you frowned. He brought them to your mouth.
“Suck,” he commanded.
You did as he said, tasting yourself on him. You released his fingers with an obscene pop.
“Now it’s time for me to eat that pussy of yours. Spread your legs wide, baby.”
You immediately did what you were told. The air was cold against your core but Aemond was quick to remedy that. He kissed his way up your thighs, never really going where you wanted him.
“Aemond, please,” you begged.
You felt his smile against your thigh.
“Don’t be such a tease - oh!”
His tongue flicked your clit and pleasure surged through your body. He ate you like a man starved. When he stuck one finger in you, you moaned; when he added a second and third, you arched into him; when he found that special spot inside you, you screamed.
Aemond was quick to cover your mouth with his hand and lifted his head up briefly. “Quiet, baby, we don’t want to get caught, do we? Or maybe the thought of that excites you.”
He went back to your drenched pussy, licking and sucking everything he could.
“Fucking hell, Aemond. Please, I need you inside me!”
“As you wish,” he said against your thigh.
He gave you one last kiss before slipping off his pants and underwear.
Fuck, he’s big.
Your eyes widened at his size and your mouth watered. You wanted, no, needed him inside you.
“I have an IUD, so don’t worry if you come inside me,” you told him.
“Oh, now I’m excited.” He gave you a wicked grin.
Aemond lined himself up with you and rubbed his cock against your slit. Fuck, it felt so good. He slowly pushed himself into you. It was pure bliss. He was so big but you took him in.
“There we go. What a good girl,” he praised. “You feel so fucking good.”
All you could do was nod. You didn’t trust yourself to form coherent words.
He started pumping into you, picking up the pace when you matched a rhythm with him. Aemond leaned forward, holding himself just above you, and pressed his forehead against yours.
“Fuck, this feels so right. You were made for me.”
After a few more thrusts he pulled out of you and you whined.
“On your hands and knees, baby. I want that ass in the air.”
You turned over on your stomach and shook your ass for him. When he slapped it a moan slipped out.
“You like it when I spank you? I’ll keep that in mind for next time.” He rubbed the spot he smacked you and then kissed it.
“You have such a beautiful ass. Fuck, and your pussy. All for me.”
As he sank his cock deep into you, you almost screamed. This angle was so much better, you could feel all of him. You rocked back to meet him with each thrust. Aemond’s breathing was becoming ragged and you could feel yourself near your peak. He brought a hand around to play with a nipple.
“Touch your clit for me,” he ordered.
You were quick to do as he said. It brought you closer to your orgasm and it felt so damn good.
“Aemond, you’re gonna make me come!”
“Hold onto it baby, I want you to come with me.”
He started rutting against you hard, each thrust becoming more and more erratic. You never let up on rubbing your clit. You were squeezing him hard. You knew you were close. You knew he was close.
“Fuck, fuck, baby. Come with me,” he almost begged.
“FUCK!” you came hard squeezing his cock as he spilled himself inside you.
Aemond collapsed on top of you, breathing hard. For a few minutes the two of you just lay there together in pure bliss. He kissed your cheek before sliding himself out of you and rolling over to the side.
“So, how do you like dating me so far?” he asked.
“Oh, shut up, asshole.” You playfully swatted him.
“Come on,” he got off the bed and held out a hand for you. “Let’s shower so we can sleep.”
“Together? Already?” You gasped dramatically.
“Yes.” He pinched you when you stood up and took his hand.
As you started up the shower, Aemond came up and hugged you from behind. “You said earlier you needed to tell me something?”
“Oh, yeah, that. Please don’t get mad at me,” you laughed.
He gave you a skeptical look.
“Jace and I were never dating. It was all fake. I did it to piss you off.”
Aemond buried his head in your neck. “You can be such a snake,” he chuckled. “But I’m glad it was fake. I hated the thought of you being with him.”
“And now I’m yours.” You kissed his cheek.
“And now you’re mine.” He stepped away and pulled you into the shower.
“Promise me you won’t leave me again?” you asked after a few moments under the water.
“Never again, I promise.”
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vikkirosko · 1 year
Hi, can u do a alastor x short reader. Where he treats you like a child, teases you, and carries you because your short but he still loves you.
📻 Alastor x short!Reader Oneshot Short stature🎙
Alastor was tall compared to many people and the difference between his height and yours was obvious to everyone. You were much shorter than him and he often joked about it, treating you like a child. This has been happening since the first day you met. Then you politely asked him not to treat you like a child, because you were an adult, but Alastor did not betray the meaning of your words, and even now, when you were in a relationship, he sometimes continued to treat you as a child jokingly. You were cleaning the office and trying to get to the top shelf to put some books there, when you felt yourself lifted off the ground. You let out a startled cry, then looked down and saw familiar hands. It was Alastor.
"Put me on the floor! I am able to reach the shelf myself!"
"Of course, of course"
He laughed, continuing to hold you and watching your face and your ears turn red. He knew perfectly well that when he treated you like a child, you were angry and indignant, but Alastor was not going to stop. The look of your embarrassed face seemed very nice to him. He never thought about actually offending you, because if he really wanted to do that, he would have done it a long time ago. He just liked to tease you and he was sure that you understood it. You were smart and clearly understood why he was teasing you. Otherwise, you'd be really angry. When you put the books on the shelf, you thought that he would put you on the floor, but instead he easily picked you up in his arms and carried you somewhere.
"What are you doing?!"
You blushed even more.
"It's already lunchtime, you shouldn't forget about meals"
"I can walk by myself!"
Alastor laughed again, seeing your embarrassment. He definitely enjoyed teasing you.
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slutbee · 3 months
american teenagers
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Written for the Sam and Dean Mini Event by @holyfreaks
06/25/24 Prompts: Ethel Cain/LGBTQ
Inspo from American Teenager and Western Nights
Rating: M
WC: 2.8k
Part 1/4.
Summary: Dean's been sneaking out to hook up with boys lately. Sam tries not to care, but he can't ignore the knife-twisting feeling in his chest whenever Dean comes home the next morning. But why would he care? He doesn't like boys, he can't be jealous.... right?
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Every night Dad said not to wait up, Dean went outside to the parking lot. "Don't wait up" really meant "I'll be out all night, probably until the afternoon too," so Dean didn't worry about getting caught sneaking out. Sam always spied on him through the rickety aluminum blinds and knew that if Dad did catch Dean, he would have another thing coming. Because Dean wasn't just out there alone.
Tonight, a boy on a motorcycle stopped at the curb. The growl of the engine made the blinds vibrate against Sam's nose a little bit. He watched as Dean hauled himself cleanly off the post he'd been leaning on, his sleek body a neat little shadow as he went to greet the boy, who had taken off his helmet.
The boy reached for Dean's neck, but Dean caught his hand and looked back, straight into the pair of eyes watching him through the crack in the blinds, and laughed. The mystery boy followed his gaze and Sam snapped his fingers out from the blinds, hiding himself. He could still hear their laughter. Then, the roar of the motorcycle. Sam peeked through the window again just in time to see them ride off, Dean's arms wrapped tightly around the mystery boy's waist.
Sam stepped away from the window. Yes, Dad would be furious if he knew Dean was sneaking out; much less to meet up with boys. And Sam wasn't naive, he knew Dean wasn't just hanging out with them. He had seen Dean kiss one, when he had been more careful about spying on him. The twist in his chest hadn't been because the action was wrong.
The room was quiet when Sam was alone. It would be nice, if he could stop thinking about what Dean was up to. Staring at the faded carpet, he pictured Dean with that rakish grin, smiling into the mouth of a boy a million times cooler than Sam was. He pictured hands sliding up Dean's shirt, discarding his clothes, gripping his hips-
Sam shook his head. Zoned out again. He really had to stop doing that. Daydreaming about his brother... in that kind of situation.
It's natural, he told himself as he kneeled beside the motel bed to pray. I'm a teenage boy, I get horny about everything. It doesn't mean anything.
Still, the wordless prayer that went up spoke multitudes of unacknowledged guilt.
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God, I don't know if you're out there, but... well, you know, of course, but I should tell you anyway... I've been having feelings... well, being attracted to people I shouldn't be attracted to. Boys. I know this is part of my curse, another challenge that I just have to get over to become a better person. I'm really trying, but... if you could help. A little bit. I don't know if I can do it by myself. I can't seem to stop sinning.
Sam grabbed the edge of the bed to stand, wincing when his muscles protested from being overworked during Dad's weekend training. He had prayed every night since the first wordless prayer, admitting a little more each time.
The motel room door swung open. His stomach dropped and Sam turned, expecting to see Dad, home before Dean for once, but it was just Dean. His hair stuck up at all angles and his t-shirt and jeans were rumpled like they had been on the floor all night. There was that twist in his chest again.
"Cutting it close there," Sam said a little bitterly, turning his back on his brother again.
"Nah, I'm always golden," Dean replied cheerfully, clapping a hand down on Sam's shoulder, making him jump. "C'mon, Sammy, I'm bored. Let's go explore the woods out back."
"Bored already, huh?" Sam side eyed his brother and shrugged the hand off his shoulder.
Dean was unfazed. He winked. "You're just jealous."
"What? No I'm not," Sam protested hurriedly, a flush creeping up his neck.
"Yeah, you are." Dean rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, baby brother, when you get older I'll teach you how to pick up chicks. Or guys, if that's what you're into."
"Why would I be into guys? I'm not," Sam floundered desperately.
Dean's eyebrow went up. "Relax, I'm joking. Come on, I'm dying to see what's in these woods."
Sam took a deep breath and glanced around for his shoes. "Fine, let's go."
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During their walk, Sam was silent, finding his ragged Converse far more interesting than the nature scenes around him. He couldn't enjoy it, not today. He watched his Converse stamp down the pine needles under his feet.
"Awful quiet there, Sam," Dean said after a while. "Penny for 'em."
"I'm not thinking about anything," Sam griped. His teenage angst was in full force since Dean had walked through the door practically parading the fact that he got laid.
Dean snorted. "Fine, be that way." They continued on in silence for a little while. Birds sang overhead, oblivious to the fact that they should shut up so Sam could wallow in peace.
He didn't know how Dean did it, going and getting laid (at all, but especially) with boys and still seemed to have a totally clear conscience. Of course, he had never had the same moral compass as Sam, but he didn't really need to, since he was a perfect child. John approved of everything he did (except the hooking up with boys thing, because he didn't know). But Sam? He couldn't do anything right in the eyes of his father. If Dad found out Dean liked boys, he probably wouldn't do anything too drastic, but if he found out that Sam liked boys? That would just be the icing on the cake.
Not that Sam liked boys. That wasn't something that he ever consciously admitted to himself, but sometimes it just came up like that. Whenever that happened, he shoved it back down to the darkest corner of his brain.
"Dean?" Sam said before he realized he had said it.
"Yeah?" Dean had stopped at the base of a pine tree and had his neck craned to watch two squirrels racing up the trunk. Sam's eyes fixed on the curve of his Adam's apple, muscles taut and rippling as he swallowed and laughed. Sam wanted to kiss his neck.
No! that was just because Dean was the only boy he ever interacted with. Not because he liked Dean. Dean was just the precedent for all boys their age.
Sam swallowed hard and forced himself to look away, directing his attention to the pair of squirrels on the tree trunk.
"How do you do it?" he asked vaguely, hoping Dean would get the idea of what he was asking.
Dean did not. "Do what?" he asked, turning to Sam with a quizzical expression that Sam only saw in his periphery.
The squirrels disappeared from view. Sam reluctantly brought his eyes down to meet his brother's. "Y'know. Hook up with guys."
Dean looked at a loss for words for a moment. They had never spoken about Dean's escapades outright. Dean found his footing, trying to brush it off. "You wanna know the mechanics? Well, Sammy, one guy has-"
"Stop it, Dean. You know what I mean."
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Dean stared into the face of his little brother, somehow so earnest and desperate at the same time. He went through possible questions Sam could be trying to ask him.
How is he attracted to guys? How does he stomach it? How does he bear being intimate with someone other than Sam? The last one couldn't be it. Although Sam's slightly accusatory expression suggested otherwise.
"I'm not sure what you mean, Sammy," he said slowly.
Sam huffed a little-brother sigh that was more of a scoff. "Like, don't you feel... I dunno." He pushed around some pine needles at his feet. "Dirty?"
Dean was taken aback. Where was this coming from? Sam's voice sounded rife with guilt, but Dean wasn't sure if it was because of some secret inner working of Sam's mind or if it was because of the question he'd dared to ask Dean.
Dean cleared his throat. "Um. I don't, really." He took a step towards Sam. "I did a little at first, because it was a forbidden thing, but... I dunno, I like it. That kinda outweighs the feeling of it being wrong. Plus, you know how I feel about rules," he added, winking.
"How did you know?" Sam looked up at Dean, his eyes swimming with melancholy.
"That you were, uh. That you like guys." Sam rubbed the back of his neck anxiously.
"Well, I realized I felt the same way about them as I do chicks. Like I wanted to get their attention in the same way." Dean searched his brother's face for any sign that meant that was the right answer. He got nothing, so he continued. "Then, y'know. I just started flirting with them too, and the ones that got it, got it."
Sam looked like he wanted to say something, and Dean had a feeling he knew what it was going to be. He didn't.
"Why do you sneak around behind Dad's back? If he ever catches you...."
Dean raised his eyebrow at that. It seemed like Sam was launching into one of his little lectures, where he tried to keep Dean from doing anything fun. "Yeah, if Dad catches me, I'm gonna get the ass-whupping of a lifetime. But I gotta have fun somehow."
"Yeah, but you don't have to risk it," Sam murmured, looking down at the ground again. His fingers had made their way down from his neck to twist into his hoodie strings.
Dean was getting uncomfortable with the direction this conversation was headed. It was about to either turn into a fight or Sam was going to say something he wish he'd never said.
"I'll be fine, Sammy," Dean assured him, mustering a confident grin. Don't worry about me so much. You'll give yourself ulcers."
He directed Sam back the way they came, but this time he didn't touch him at all.
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By the light coming through the blinds at the motel (different motel, blinds weren't broken, but Dean had turned them downwards so more sun would come in and wake them up), Sam fixed his eyes on the shape in the dark that was his brother.
Dean was stretched out on top of the blankets. The night was still hot and the AC in this motel room didn't work. A rotating fan lightly blew air over the two of them, but it wasn't nearly enough.
Which is why Dean was sleeping naked.
Sam knew it was wrong to look at his brother like this. But he had given up a while ago on shoving down the feelings that were growing towards Dean. His eyes followed the contour of Dean's back, admiring the toned muscles. He lingered on Dean's backside, which was facing him. Recently, Sam had been admiring Dean's trim hips. Sam himself had just had a growth spurt, and he knew his hands were now big enough to fit perfectly around his brother's hips.
That thought conjured up images of Dean underneath Sam, panting as Sam dug his fingers into Dean's pretty waist. Sam felt himself growing hard and he angled his hips downward to press his dick into the mattress.
Sorry, God, came the passing thought through his brain as his hand slid downwards to assist.
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The next time Dean came home in the morning, Sam was waiting for him by the door and jumped him as soon as he opened it.
"Dean, we need to talk." Sam's eyes were wide and his cheeks flushed.
"Jeez, man, let me get two steps in first," Dean complained, lowering himself to the corner of the bed to get his shoes off. "What do we need to talk about so bad?"
"I have something I need to tell you. Or ask you. I dunno." Sam plopped down beside Dean on the bed.
"Shoot," Dean said, kicking his boots to the side.
"I want you to help me get laid. With a guy," Sam added hastily. "Which, I know I was against it before, but-"
"No," Dean cut him off, getting a bubbling feeling in his chest. "No way. I am not helping you with that."
Sam frowned. "Why not? That's not fair, you were getting laid when you were fifteen-"
"That's not the problem." Dean scowled at him. "You're just doing this because you want another reason to piss Dad off, don't you?" He didn't know why he said that.
"Why? Only you're allowed to do it?" Sam a little angry now. He was getting red in his ears, something Dean always thought was cute, which is not at all what he should be thinking about right now. Get it together.
"Yeah, because I'm an adult," Dean said, instantly feeling bad for pulling that card when it wasn't the real reason at all.
"Barely," Sam muttered.
"Well, I am. Legally. So I can do things."
"No you can't, Dean! Our family is different, you know Dad has the same rules for both of us. If anyone is taking risks to piss him off, it's you! You've been sneaking out to hook up with people for months in a row now and I don't see you until the mornings. When the door opens, I have no idea if it's Dad or you. I don't know why you wanna risk punishment going out and finding guys when-" he cut himself off and covered his mouth. Said too much.
Dean knew exactly what he was going to say. Still, he had to make him say it. "What, Sam?"
Sam had paled considerably. "Nothing."
The poor kid started shaking. Dean held out his arms. He needed his kid to know that he was still here to make it better.
Sam leaned into Dean's arms cautiously, like he was afraid it was a ruse for Dean to hurt him. Dean just rubbed his back for a little bit, but Sam didn't stop trembling. His anxiety hadn't been this bad in a while, so Dean just kept holding him. He wasn't going to press the issue anymore; he had to let Sam recover.
Sam shuddered with a shaky inhale, and Dean realized belatedly that he was crying. Damp spots seeped through his shirt. "Sammy, it's okay."
"No it's not, Dean," Sam said brokenly. "I'm messed up in the head. I'll never be normal, I'll never be good like you, I-"
Dean shushed Sam. "Gonna stop you right there. You're more good than I'll ever be. You actually care about the effects of your actions on the world around you. I'm not like that, I'm selfish. Too selfish to realize what I was doing to you."
"You're wrong, I want to do things that are so wrong, I'm so royally screwed-"
"Sam, knock it off." Dean lowered his tone seriously.
"Dean I- I want to kiss-" Sam tried.
"Boys, I know. How many times I gotta tell you ain't nothing wrong with that?"
"You." Sam corrected.
Dean blinked. "Huh?" He wondered if this was part of his dream still. Maybe he never woke up and he was still fast asleep in some other guy's bed.
Sam sniffed and a new deluge of tears fell. "It's you, Dean. Not just any guy."
"Then how come you wanted me to help you get laid?" Dean was really confused now. He didn't seem to be dreaming, but here was his little brother, telling him that he felt the same way about Dean that Dean had been feeling for years about Sam and beating himself up over it and trying to distract himself with as many hookups as possible.
"I wanted to get experience still," Sam admitted, sniffing again. At least he wasn't sobbing anymore.
The pieces were finally falling into place for Dean. Of course Sam was mad when he went out with other guys. Sam wanted Dean to mess around with him.
Dean sighed. "Sammy, we can't-"
"I know, Dean. I don't need you to tell me how fucked up I a m."
"Don't let Dad catch you with that kinda language," Dean chuckled. "Sammy, this- it's like I'm dreaming," he said lamely.
Sam sat bolt upright. "Wait. You mean-" he froze when Dean nodded. Why not? Why not admit to your baby brother you're in love with him?
"Then kiss me," Sam begged tearfully. There were those big eyes, so sad, so pleading. "Please, I need to feel it. Tell me you love me."
"I do love you, Sammy," Dean whispered, voice suddenly gone. "I do, I do."
Sam threw his arms around Dean's neck and buried his face in the side of Dean's head. A chill ran through Dean at the wet contact of his brother's tearstained face against his ear. Sam pressed ever-closer, until Dean was forced to pull him upright into his lap. Sly kid.
Sam pulled back, straddling Dean with his knees in the mattress. He met Dean's eyes, letting his hands slide to cup Dean's face, and sank down into his brother's lips.
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thanks for reading! happy birthday, nep!
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hwasshvur · 3 months
Shadowed Obsession
summary: when Y/N a normal girl who works at a bookstore and tries to get through college helps a male get a gift Soon turns into her nightmare.
Nasia's note: This is my first little ' story' on here!
TW/: Yandere, threats, death mentions, angst, stalking, Wooyoung mother has passed, kidnapping ( If I need to add anything let me know! I want to make my readers comfortable!)
Pairing: Stalker! Wooyoung x female reader
WARNING: This story does NOT portray Wooyoung or any way in this way this is strictly for the plot.
'Another shift' you thought to yourself as you sat your bag down and looked at the list of tasks you needed to complete during your shift. "Y/N? I thought you took the morning shift because you had evening classes?" your older brother Heesung asked you as he grabbed his belongings to leave, his shift ended a while ago but he decided to help the manager dust off some books. "No, not anymore I had morning classes today." you gave your brother a soft smile and put the list in your cardigan pocket. "Ah okay! Good luck today it's kinda busy because everyone is studying for their exams." Heesung sighed wiping an imaginary sweat from his forehead. "Speaking of exams, shouldn't you be studying as well?" He cocked an eyebrow up in your direction. "Yeah, I'll study during my breaks since I'm working the closing shift tonight," you said with a dramatic sigh at the end. "Oh okay, call me if you need food or a ride home, and be safe Y/N," Heesung said as he hugged you and walked out the back door to the parking lot. you sighed and walked to the front of the library and proceeded to tackle most of your tasks. After doing your task you sat at the front desk and studied for your upcoming exam when a voice called out to you. "Um, excuse me?" you looked and your eyes met with an attractive male who looked around your age, he had a soft smile. "Oh yes, how may I help you? you immediately answered with a shy smile not wanting to weird the male out. "I'm looking for baking books for my mom, she loves baking and her birthday is soon." The male responded playing with his ring that looked like a fidget ring. "Oh! Of course, follow me please" You said with a soft smile and walked with the male to the aisle where all the recipe books were. "We have different types of baking books here but I like to bake in my spare time and this book is one of my personal favorites," you said smiling picking up a book with a lilac purple cover. The male takes it from your hands and examines the pages with a small smile. "You like to bake?" He asks. "Yeah! I bake with my older brother and our mom sometimes or I bake by myself it's kind of a way to escape from reality," you said with a soft smile. The male hums "I'm Wooyoung by the way" The male spoke reaching his hand out for you to shake. "I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you," you said as you shook his hand. "Excuse me miss can you help me? I'm looking for the college textbooks" A female calls out to you breaking the silence between you and wooyoung. "Of course, miss follow me," you said walking toward the female and taking her to the correct aisle. Wooyoung might have been a stranger to you but you weren't a stranger to him. You two had the same classes together he sat far away from you of course he didn't want to bring any attention to himself. He stalked you and watched your every move from afar at the university all the way to your little apartment off campus. He knew you baked in your spare time that's why he came to get a baking book. His mother passed away 3 months ago and she hated baking she never really understood why people would make a treat that can be bad for your teeth. He only said she did because he knew your mother loved baking. She loved it so much that she became a baker and even taught you and your brother some baking tips. He knew everything. your birthday, name of your favorite stuffed animal, childhood nickname, dream vacation. He wasn't stalking you no no no. he was just... researching you! He knew about your shitty ex-boyfriends and he knew he could be better he could do better he knew you better than you knew yourself he was sure of it. Wooyoung walked to the check-out area just to be met by you his angel. "Hey, I'm gonna check out with your suggestion," Wooyoung said sending a playful wink your way. "Really? I hope your mom likes it!" you said giggling at his wink. You checked out his book and put it in a little bag and gave it to him and 'goodbye' to him. You thought it would be your last time seeing him But he knew it wouldn't be.
Part two?
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
“Shut your mouth before I shut it for you.” With our boy Rooster!
oof, we love our boy Rooster! but we also know our boy can have a bit of a temper... thanks for requesting it!!
disclaimer: It's funny how I promised myself I'd never write this trope, but here we are lmao.
description: the squad is enjoying a night at the hard deck, and some fucker makes nasty lil dumbass comments that makes rooster pissed.
warnings: bar fight, misogyny, feminist king!Rooster, protective Rooster, mentions of blood
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(y'all already knew i had to use this gif)
Bradley was, according to himself, usually a very level-headed man. Except for if you mentioned his father. Or his mother. Or Maverick. Or you, for that matter. But other than that he was cool as a cucumber. He never really figured himself to be a jealous type, either - he usually trusted people to do their thing and he did his.
Which is why, when looking back at the incident that had gotten him into his current predicament (you, holding an icepack to his split lip), he figured maybe he had been wrong.
It had all started off as any old night at the Hard Deck. Coyote and Hangman occupied the darts board, Phoenix and Bob were laughing at something that had happened during their flight earlier that day as they racked up a game of nine-ball, and you were dancing to the jaunty tune of Shania Twain's 'Man! I Feel Like a Woman' whilst Rooster sat by the bar, nursing a beer and a big grin watching his girlfriend dance and laugh with Halo. As Shania sang the line 'let our hair down', you looked at Rooster, flipping your hair and swaying your hips seductively with a little secret smile on your lips, enjoying your time letting loose after a week's hard work flying. He grinned back at you, sending you a quick wink and relishing in the giggle that slipped past your lips before you turned to Halo again.
"This is why I don't think women should be in the navy," a voice scoffed from beside Bradley, who turned to look at the man sat next to him for the first time since he'd sat down. Bradley had hardly noticed him at all until he spoke up. Seeing as Bradley considered himself a level-headed man, he gritted his teeth - surprised at how young the man beside him was.
"C'mon man, the first female aviator in the Navy was 1978. Don't you think it's time to let it go?" Bradley grumbled, having read through the female history of the Navy, just because he thought it was important to know. 1978 was a long time ago, sure - but he figured they'd let women do what they wanted before that. But apparently not. The man raised a brow, and Rooster just knew this was going to be a painful conversation to have. But he would have it, because if he didn't - who would?
"What are your reasons for thinking women shouldn't be able to enlist?" Rooster continued, glaring at the lieutenant sat next to him.
"Well, it's obvious isn't it? They're obviously weaker both physically and mentally. And then there's-- all of this," the man gestured to you and Halo having fun on the dance floor, now doing a silly move where you bumped hips before jumping the other way and bumping the other side. Rooster frowned, looking back at the young man.
"Because they can dance?" Rooster was bewildered, and he could feel his cheeks turning red with anger. That level-headedness of his was being tested thoroughly by this man.
"They're sluts, man! They're just looking to fuck anything that moves, okay? Fucking shaking their asses and hanging off any lieutenant that'll look their way. It distracts the whole team, honestly - it throws the whole order off," the man obviously couldn't think of a reason other than his own damn misogyny.
"Don't fucking talk about them like that. What gives you the right?" Bradley seethed, his fists clenched at his sides.
"Oh, I see - which of the whores are you fucking?" the man stood up, laughing condescendingly at Bradley. This made Bradley get out of his seat, standing at his full height, still keeping his distance before he growled out;
"Shut your mouth before I shut it for you, fucker" the man stepped closer to Bradley, and Rooster furrowed his brows as he pushed the man in the chest to make him back down. That was apparently the straw for the other man, who immediately swung at Bradley, his fist making contact with Roosters chin and lip. Bradley was too surprised to be able to brace himself for the impact, and his head snapped to the side at the impact, stumbling for a moment before his eyes grew black with rage. He was shouting now, telling the fucker to get the fuck out of the Hard Deck, easily putting his strong arm around the other mans neck in a headlock, dragging him to the door and giving him a hard shove in the back so that he landed on his back on the ground.
"Don't you fucking ever talk about our girls like that again!" Rooster shouted, pointing his finger at the man before spitting blood right at his face.
The bar had gone eerily quiet as he returned. He saw you making your way towards him, a concerned look etched on your face. He looked around a moment before he barked that everyone should mind their business. Everybody started before returning to hushed conversation.
"Rooster, what happened?" your eyes were filled with worry, your hands finding his face as they gingerly cradled him, and his large hands settled softly on your waist.
"Don't worry about it, darling.." he mumbled as you grabbed his hand and led him to a booth, where you scurried to ask Penny for ice and some medical equipment. You tended to him silently, brows furrowed.
"I was just helping Penny ring the bell," Rooster joked, smiling at your exasperated look. His anger had disappeared the moment you'd laid your hands on him, and now you stood in between his legs, your hands gingerly tending to his split lip. He was looking up at you with so much adoration that you started to feel your cheeks heat up.
"It was kind of hot," you admitted, the sight of Rooster's biceps flexing in his black t-shirt forever ingrained in your brain. Bradley smirked, his hands gliding down to rest at the swell of your ass, bringing you closer to his broad chest, your other hand resting on his shoulder as you looked down at his gorgeous form.
"Yeah?" Rooster smirked, wanting to kiss you senseless for admitting that to him.
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frickingnerd · 11 months
can't stop thinking about you
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pairing: kagami tsurugi x gn!reader
summary: kagami should've been on her date with adrien, but she shows up in front of your door instead to confess to you!
tags: friends to lovers, supportive!reader, mentions of adrigami, confession (kagami to reader), mutual romantic feelings
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you had been helping kagami for weeks now to prepare for her first date with adrien. all this time, you had been in love with her, but kept it to yourself, as she really seemed to like adrien. she was so eager to prepare the best first date possible and to find the ideal way to ask someone out. but when the day finally came and she was supposed to go out with adrien, she instead showed up at your place… 
"what are you doing here? i thought adrien is waiting for you! if you hurry now, you can still make it to the movie!"
you were surprised to see her that day. she shouldn't be here! but given that she was here with you, instead of being with adrien, you couldn't help but get your hopes up. even though you knew you really shouldn't… 
"i know, but–"
kagami seemed to struggle to find the right words. she quietly stared at you for a while, before sighing softly and speaking up. 
"i know this is horrible timing, but… i think i like you!"
if it hadn't been for those two weeks you two spent planning her date with adrien, you'd be excited to hear her confess to you. but now, you were confused. when did she start to feel that way? and what about adrien…? 
kagami seemed to notice the confused look on your face, which is why she took it upon herself to explain the situation to you. 
"i think i was just trying to convince myself for a while that i liked adrien. but the closer the date got, the more i wanted to call it off." kagami began to explain. "because i didn't want to watch that movie with him. i wanted to sit beside you instead. and then i thought… maybe that's what it means to be in love with someone!"
it was an odd confession, but the sweetest you had heard so far. it wasn't as romantic as the ones in the movies, but it was genuine. you knew kagami meant what she said. 
"i wanted to sit beside you too and watch that movie…" you confessed with a shy smile. "i just didn't want to say anything, since you seemed to like adrien"
for a moment, it was quiet between the two of you, before kagami started roaming through her pockets and pulled out two tickets. 
"i still have the tickets. and you said if we hurry, we can still make it…"
you couldn't help but smile, as you reached out and grabbed kagami's hand. 
"then let's run! we don't want to be late"
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chunkymamatam · 21 days
Do you have any more info about shifting to MHA? I know that was probably a while ago but I really wanna try shifting there so yeah!! :DDD
Yeah. It was a really long time ago. Like 4 years lol
So this was actually the first time and place I wanted to shift to. It was mostly mini shifting.
One time I went and I “gained sentience” as me and my friends like to call it lmfao in the street. I looked around and I was like “oh shit. I’m actually here.. huh. I wonder if I can bother Hawks” I saw he was busy and I was like “man I’ll go bother Aizawa he’s too busy with fan girls for me to introduce myself.” I go to walk off and I hear flapping of wings
My first thought was “ah he has hero work to do.” Tell me why this man lands in front of me and knocks me on my ass. That shit hurt like a bitch 😭THEN HE HAS THE AUDACITY TO ASK IF I NEED HELP GETTING UP LIKE HE DIDN'T DO THAT SHIT ON PURPOSE
Also keep in mind I had never met that man until then. I shifted home it freaked me out so bad lol It's funnier when I remember over there my clone teleported her ass away pfff
The next time I managed to shift there I was in an alleyway and all of a sudden a feather floats down. This stalking ass bitch was watching me up above. He drops down and I kindly (NOT) tell him he needs to stop doing that shit (He hasn't done it since pfffff) and he was like
"So.. You're the one who teleported away in the middle of a crowded area?"
"What does that matter? The fuck were you doing watching me???"
"That's for me to know and you to never find out! Haha anyway duty calls" THEN THE BITCH FLIES AWAY Keep in mind I didn't think he was actually stalking me and that's why I didn't freak out more and this next bit happened.
I left after that interacting and came back a different night. It was night and I was just trying to figure out wtf to do now that I'm here and tell me why this man appears behind me saying some "We meet again!" Now if I call you one of my many claimable slurs...(/j) but seriously tho little 18 year old Tam was just happy to be there lmfao. He comes at me with the "I just got off of work you wanna get a bite to eat"
... I said yes and he finally asked my name LMFAO I ended up going to his place at the end of the night. Crazy I know but again I didn't think he was ACTUALLY stalking me okay????
It gets better because after that I ended up accidentally shifting into the LOV hide out LMFAO I literally don't know why tf my clone was there but I was trying to get out of there so fast. They wanted me dead bro. Now I momentarily shot myself in the foot when I was arguing why they should let me live. Shiggy asked why I should be allowed to live and I was like "I got dirt on everyone"
he said "prove it"
I was like "Well I got dirt on everyone here too so I could probably prove it like that"
I revealed to Dabi I knew who he was and gave a few details about every person there that I definitely shouldn't have know from there perspective but then Magne came in and I was like "HOLY SHIT YOU'RE STILL ALIVE????" proceeded to give them life saving advice for her and went home cuz that shit was TOO stressful. had to let my clone deal lmfao
It worked considering I was a free man when i went back. did it last long? no. Was freedom nice for a while?? yeah. Tell me why I run into Hawks and Endeavor. He introduced us and idk if it's just his face but bro was mean mugging me. Endeavor please stop looking at me like that I haven't even started dogging on you verbally yet. They end up running off to do their job or whatever and I walk off. Tell me why I see Shigaraki creeping in an alleyway just watching. HELLO??? I cross the street and end up getting snatched up by Dabi and Twice anyway but fucking christ bro. They take me to the warehouse and tell me why they hit me with the "You were right" MAGNE FUCKING DIED BRO I WAS SO UPSET
Long story short they forced me to stay with them after that. Dabi for the longest time gave me the cold shoulder and was acting like he hated me. I'm just gonna say he didn't and not go too far into what happened cuz idk how old you are. There was also this time when Shigaraki kissed me out of nowhere. I was drunk and rambling and crying about something to him and he kissed me. Gonna be honest I thought he just wanted me to shut up and he was just following the trope. I didn't think he liked me. I only found out because he found out what happened with Dabi and chased me down to confront me about it. It was a wild time. I was so fucking scared bro.
He said "How did you not know I liked you??? I literally kissed you"
"I thought you just wanted me to STFU!"
Shiggy after I said that dumb shit:
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I'm fucking stupid when it comes to people liking me in short. I stopped going to that specific DR shortly after that. I have other MHA DRs if y'all wanna hear about them.
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smoooothoperator · 1 year
Beautiful Stranger
03: The Name Of The Game
Driver! Lando Norris x OC (Lily Barton)
Summer love, strangers to friends to lovers, Greece and Greek mythology references
Words: 3.6k
warnings: fluff, too much fluff. flashbackks are on italics
Official playlist
previous part | next part
a/n: hello beautiful people! here we have this duo again. This are getting a little messy, right? don't worry, the best is about to come soon ;)
Every way of feedbask is very welcomed
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Don't think about him. Don't make a suspicious noise that would make him come. Don't. Don't. Don't. But those god damn blue eyes were staring back at me, so alive and so real.
"Uhg, no" I groaned, closing the sketchbook.
When I woke up I went as fast as I could to my art room, thinking that what I drew last night was some type of dream. That I was dreaming that I was drawing his eyes.
But no, they were real and captured on those thick papers, draws of his eyes from every angle I saw them. 
"You are so stupid, Lily" I groaned, face palming myself.
I wanted to tear off the pages. But… those eyes were so beautiful, and they were looking at me.
"God, you are acting like a teenage" I groaned, closing the sketchbook and leaving it on the table. "So annoying"
I sighed, opening the window and looking at the sea. So close but so far at the same time. It's like the sea is calling me to go but I know that it won't be possible.
I grabbed my phone, playing soft music on the speaker, and focused on the empty canvas that was in front of me. I want to paint, but I don't know what. I want to do something since I can walk around the village or go to work, keeping my mind busy.
"What should I do with you?" I sighed, grabbing a pencil and taking a deep breath.
I sigh and let my hand work, moving all over the canvas. 
Since I was little I always wanted to paint. My school notebooks were full of drawings. I secretly bought all the material I needed and hid it under the bed. I watched tutorials on the internet in the privacy of my bedroom.
I always did this alone.
"What the fuck?" I frowned when I saw what I was drawing. "No way, come on!"
It's as if my brain was letting my heart have the reins of my hands.
I groaned and grabbed an eraser, undoing everything that gave any type of hint about the crush of my brain. 
"How can I be so ridiculous?" I sighed.
Baking is good, I don't have to draw someone, not even the guy next door with beautiful eyes… Stop!
"Oh dear Zeus, help me" I groan, tying my hair in a ponytail. "Not you, Aphrodite"
I always felt that every type of handmade thing was my specialty. I can draw, I can make jewelry, I can bake and cook. I would be a perfect housewife, just how my mother wanted. 
Too bad I'm not that type of woman.
One of the things that really made me fall in love with Greece was the food. Those Mediterranean flavors were something addictive for me, and the pastry was something I needed to learn how to make.
"Shit…" I groaned, feeling the pain in my foot. 
I shouldn't be standing up, if Logan knew he would come and push me to the couch immediately.
Logan, Logan, Logan… why the hell I can't stop thinking about him? Maybe it is the fact that he came running to check on me, worrying about me. Maybe my heart is saying that it’s a signal of some kind of fate.
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous” I scoffed at myself. “Fate with him? Don’t make me laugh”
The angel in my shoulder was saying sweet things through my ear to my brain, trying to convince it that this was something new. I could hear how the devil in my other shoulder was getting in the argument too.
“I need air” I groan, going to the balcony and looking at the sea with some kind of sadness.
I wish I could be there, I wish I didn’t meet my neighbor, I wish none of this happened.
I wish…
“I wish you were never born!” she exclaimed, slapping my cheek, making the skin burn like if someone lightened a bonfire on ot. “You bring dishonor to this family!”
“But…” I mumbled, feeling the tears blurring my eyes. “Mom I don’t want to…”
“You have to” she stated, mad. I could see her eyes getting red with anger, how the vein of her neck was getting more visible as she tensed her jaw. “It will be in a week. You better not embarrass us more that you already did”
I gasped blinking quickly the tears, surprised by my own memory. I sniffled quickly, brushing the furtive tears that escaped my eyes and ran down my cheeks, making me sigh and hug myself.
No. Don’t get back there, Lily. You are better than this.
“You okay?” I heard him from the other side of the wall that separated the balconies.
I sigh and roll my eyes, closing them. It’s really impossible to not think about him.
“Are you crying? Are you in pain?” he kept asking, making me bite my lip.
“I’m okay, Logan” I said, more sharply than I wanted. “I’m just hating the fact that I can’t go to the beach because of this stupid bandage in my feet”
“I get it” he sighed. 
I sigh and walk back inside the apartment, going around with the clutches. When I smelled that sweet scent coming from the oven I smiled, opening it and getting everything out of it. 
I smiled proudly, looking at the perfectly made baklava and how the scent of it made my stomach growl in hunger. If you want to make a woman happy, give her her favorite meal.
I looked at the clock of the wall, biting my lip. I should make lunch, it's time for it. Morning went by pretty quick, thinking about a certain someone and trying to distract myself. It was good, refreshing. Something I really needed.
Peaky Blinders was playing in front of me, but I stopped it when I heard the front door opening.
"Hello?" I frown, looking at the front door, getting surprised to see Logan there. "Logan? What are you doing?"
"Do you have scissors?" he asked, walking inside the kitchen and placing the bag he brought on the table in front of me. "Oh, it smells nice, what is it?" he smiled pointing to the freshly made pastry.
"Baklava" I frown, following his movements with my eyes. "What are you doing?"
"I'm searching for the scissors" he said, opening the drawers. "I swear I saw some yesterday… here!"
I frown, looking at him turning around with the scissors on his hand and walking towards me, sitting in front of me.
"Put your foot here" he said, patting his thigh.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I frown looking at him, confused. 
"You want to go to the water, right?" he asked me, sighing. "After you told me you were bad because you couldn't go to the beach I went back to the medical centre to talk with the doctor"
"You did what?" I mumbled surprised. He really did that?
"I talked with him" he said. "With the help of Google Translate, of course, and I had him on the phone with a friend that is physiotherapist"
I looked at him and swallowed thickly. Why is a stranger doing such things for me? I'm sure he feels guilty, because it was his fault I am like this. 
"The doctor said that it wasn't too swollen, he put the bandage to immobilise the ankle And my friend said that with injuries like that he likes to use elastic bandages that can be taken off" he explained with a smile, making me look at him. "So… that's why I'll cut the bandage and put this"
"You… you did this… for me?" I was surprised.
No one did this for me. No one cared for me like this. 
"Yeah" he nodded, opening and closing the scissors with a smile. "So, before I cut this bandage… Can I eat?"
"What?" I frown, suppressing a laugh.
"Yeah, I didn't have lunch" he said. "And that… thing looks and smells delicious"
"It's a musaka" I said looking at my plate. "I have more on the fridge"
"Okay" he smiled and got up, going to the fridge and opening it. 
He walked around my apartment like he was in his own house. If someone else walked inside my house and grabbed everything like that I would be annoyed, but he wasn't annoying me. There was something in my brain that didn't turn on the alarms. 
"God, you really are an amazing chef" he said after warming the plate and grabbing a fork, sitting next to me. "See, another thing I know about you"
There was something about him that didn't annoy me. Maybe it was his smile, how it reached his eyes. He looked friendly, shameless, open-minded. 
"Why are you doing this?" I frown, leaving the fork on my plate. 
"Doing what?" he frowned, talking with his mouth full and then swallowing it. "Eating?"
"No. This" I frown, moving my hands between us and them to the scissors and the bag. "Why?"
"You said you wanted to go to the beach" he repeated. "And I want to take you to the beach. That's it"
"Yesterday you said that I shouldn't go" I frown. "God, you are confusing me, Logan!"
"I felt bad when I heard you cry" he sighed. "I don't like knowing people feel bad, or are angry because of me. For once I want to make someone happy, even if that means doing a simple thing as going to the beach"
I look at him and sigh, eating again in silence.
No one did something like that for me. No one wanted to  gesture like that for me.
"Come on, Liliane" my mother said, standing at the door. 
"I don't want to!" I cried softly.
"Ah… don't act like a baby" she groaned, rolling her eyes. "Things like that happen. Dogs die and you'll keep living"
"He was my best friend!" I cried, hugging the small plushie he loved. 
"Stop being a crybaby and get dressed!" she exclaimed. "Your father is waiting for us! This is important, Liliane!"
"I said no!" I cried harder, hiding under the blankets.
No one tried to make me smile after crying. My father used to buy me things to make me shut up. My mother used to look at me disappointed.
"Thank you" I whisper, swallowing the lump  that memory left in my throat. "For doing this"
"It's okay" he smiled. "I'm bored, anyway. Some adventure and fun wouldn't be bad, you know?"
I smile weakly and nod.
Right, he's bored and now I'm his way of getting rid of boredom.
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I always hated to hear girls cry. It really made me sad. 
When my sisters cried when we were kids I always felt like a punch in my chest and I always tried to do something to make them smile again. When my friends cried because a man broke their heart I was always there for them.
And hearing Lily sniffling made my chest hurt. I don't know what it is, I don't know what attracts me to her, but I feel like an invisible force pushing me to her.
It's not a crush.
Or maybe it is? 
After all this time, being famous and having a lot of girls following me hoping that I would choose them, meeting a girl that doesn't know who I am and tries to avoid me, is something that makes me interested.
Hearing her music in the morning is something I would like to get used to. Or smelling the scent of the things she baked. 
Okay, yeah. Maybe I do have a crush on the girl next door that I barely know about.
"You shouldn't keep your foot down" I said pointing at her ankle. "Come on, put it here"
"But…" she frowned, looking at my thigh.
"No buts" I interrupted her, patting my thigh. 
She sighed and placed her leg on my thigh with the help of her hands, letting out a sigh of relief afterwards. I smiled looking at her, watching how her shoulders relaxed and how she ate in silence.
"See? It's fine, I don't bite" I said smiling.
Then I saw her smile, while rolling her eyes. But it was a smile. And I swear it was the most beautiful smile I have ever seen in my entire life.
"Okay, so this is the plan" I said after I finished eating. "I cut this thing, we put that thing and then we'll go to the beach"
"And you know how to put that thing?" she asked, pointing at the bag. "What's that, by the way?"
"Oh, it's an elastic bandage" I said, grabbing the box and showing it to her. "I bought it before coming here"
"You didn't have to…" she mumbled, and I could see the blush in her cheeks. 
"You wanted to go to the beach, then we'll go to the beach" I said, smiling. "I'll take you there"
"On the scooter?" she frowned.
"Yeah" I nod.
"Oh god, no. I think I changed my mind, I like to stay here and do nothing" she nodded.
"Very funny" I laughed. "I'm serious, Lily. I'll take you to the beach and you'll get in the water"
"You promise?" she asked, blushing and trying to not look at me.
"I promise" I nodded.
She giggled softly, finishing her meal and then looking at the kitchen counter. I looked at where she was looking and I got up slowly, leaving her foot on the chair where I was sitting, and grabbed our plates to wash them on the sink, washing them.
"You want to try the baklava?" she asked me.
"Oh definitely" I laughed. "What is it made of?”
“Basically pistachio and syrup” she explained. “It’s nice”
“Okay, then I want some” I smiled, grabbing two small plates and putting the portions on it.
There was something about her that made me want to be here, taking care of her and giving her my attention. It was like she put a spell on me, making my mind clouded. I can’t even know when it happened, when my heart and brain decided that I wanted to help her and take care of her.
“Oh fuck, it’s delicious” I gasped with my mouth full of this delicacy. 
“Thanks” she smiled.
When we finished the pastry I washed the dishes again, and then I sat in front of her, with her foot on my thigh. I washed my hands and then looked at her.
"Wait, you know how to put that bandage?" she asked me, stopping me before cutting the bandage.
"Eh…" I frown looking at the box. "No"
I looked at the instructions, but they were in Greek. She sighed and grabbed the box, her fingers touching mine, making me blush softly.
"Okay… Yeah, I get it" she nodded. "Cut the bandage, then I'll explain you how to put it"
"Okay" I nodded.
I started to cut the bandage slowly, placing my hand on her skin. It's soft, so soft. I heard her sighing relieved when the bandage started to leave her skin, leaving marks on it.
"God, so good" she groaned after her foot was free of bandage. "You have no idea how good it feels"
"I can tell" I nodded, watching her ankle. It's a little swollen, and purple because of the blood. "God… I'm sorry I made this to you"
"It's okay" she sighed. 
I smile weakly at her and sigh, grabbing the box and opening it. I did everything she told me to do, wrapping it on her foot and making sure she couldn't move it.
"Now go get changed" I said. "I'll get changed too, okay?"
"Okay" she sighed, looking at the bandage in her ankle. "Wear comfortable shoes to drive"
"I won't drive" I frown. "We'll go on scooter"
"Yeah, how innocent you are if you think that I'll go on a scooter with you again" she laughed, making me roll my eyes. "I have a car, we'll go on it. Plus, I still have to use the crutches, it will be easy to wear them"
"Okay…" I sighed.
I walked out of her apartment to get changed. Thank god I searched on the Internet where I was coming and packed beach things. 
I took a deep breath and started to get changed. But then I started to think…
What if someone sees me? What if they find me? We'll go to a beach with more people on it, right? If one of them knows who I am, I'm really fucked up. No, I can't go to the beach. I can't, I can't.
Why the hell do you do things without thinking first, knowing that you'll regret doing them, Lando?
"Hello?" I heard her knocking on my door. "Logan? Are you ready?”
“Eh…” I frown, being taken out of my thoughts. “Y-yeah”
I sighed, grabbing my backpack and hanging it on my shoulder. I opened the front door and I swear I nearly died. Lily was standing in front of me, wearing a baby blue summer dress and her hair tied on a braid that falls on her right shoulder.
God, please help me to control myself.
“Are you ready?” she asked me with a smile.
How can I say no to her? 
“Yeah” I smiled weakly, getting out of the apartment. “Do you need help?”
“No…” she frowned, looking at the stairs, then she sighed and smiled weakly. “Please?”
I chuckled and nodded, going some stairs down and she grabbed my backpack and put it on her back. I felt her hands on my shoulder and how she took a step closer to my back. I’ll have to hold her thighs, her body close to mine.
God help me please.
“My car is there” she said, pointing to a white car that was near us.
Of course it was a car that screamed Greece vibes. She’s the representation of what every girl wants to have after watching those Mamma Mia movies.
“Cool car” I nodded, walking towards it with her still in my back. 
“Very sarcastic” she said, patting my shoulder.
“No, I’m serious!” I laughed, placing her on the ground. “It’s a cool car for a place like this that have rocky roads near”
She chuckled and nod, walking to the backseats and leaving our bags there. 
Why do I have that feeling of being comfortable seeing her do something as simple as that? God, I hate those feelings.
“Let’s go” she smiled, sitting in the passenger seat. 
“Ehm… there’s a chance… to go to some type of small beach? Like… with not a lot of people in it?” I asked before starting the car.
“What?” she frowned, looking at me surprised. “Woah, woah… stop there you creep!”
“No! What? No! I’m not saying that” I exclaimed, understanding what she was thinking about. “It’s… well… I have agoraphobia”
Three lies already. Hoe can I be so fucking stupid?
“Oh… Oh!” she gasped. “And a beach full of people won’t help… I get it, yeah”
“Yeah” I smiled weakly. 
“Oh, I know one” she smiled, grabbing her phone and putting the GPS on it.
I took a deep breath and started driving where the GPS said, parking where she told me. At this point I’m praying that she doesn’t discover that I have been lying to her since the start. 
“Here we are” she smiled once we were in the sand. 
Only a few people were there. And all of them were old people, women talking between them. I should be content with this.
I followed her, she was walking slowly to not hurt her foot, and then she placed her bag on the sand, taking her towel and laying it there. She took off her sundress, letting me see the white bikini she is wearing, and taking off the bandage.
How can she be so beautiful? 
“Can you help me go to the water?” she asked me, looking back at me. “I promise I won’t swim, I’ll go until the water reaches my chest”
“I’ll go with you” I said, putting the towel down on the sand and taking off my shirt and shoes.
I felt her eyes on me, and it made me blush. Do I have a boner? No, maybe not yet. 
“Come on” I said, holding her hands and helping her get up, trying to not look at her when she stood in front of me.
She walked slowly, groaning everytime she had to take a step with her bad foot. I just sighed and stood next to her, wrapping her arm around my shoulders and then my arm around her waist, helping her walk.
“Better?” I asked, hearing her sigh.
“Yeah” she nodded.
The moment her feet touched the cold water she sighed louder, making me smile. We walked slowly into the water, she was holding my shoulders and I was holding her waist.
"Good?" I asked her.
She nodded and took a deep breath, then I saw her close her eyes and get underwater, making me gasp.
"Lily!" I exclaimed, holding her close to me. "What the fuck was that!"
"I wanted to have the rest of my body wet" she frowned, holding my shoulders since I was hugging her waist.
We didn't say anything else. She was floating and I held her close to my body. We were silent, any word exchanged between us.
She licks her lips, making me look at them. They look… kissable-
No. Stop it.
"Hi" she whispered, her hands on my shoulders.
"Hi" I whisper back, looking into her eyes.
God, give me strength to not kiss her right now. Give me strength to not do something as stupid as kissing a stranger.
God, give me strength to not fall for her as hard as I'm already falling. 
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itskattkm · 1 year
New York New Rules Pt. 4
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Warnings: Violence, Trauma, Fluff, maybe Smut, mental health, blood
Summary: Y/N meets the survivors of the last events in Woodsborrow and gets on Ghostface's list. But there is also a darkness in Y/N wich path is she going to choose
Female Y/N x Tara Carpenter
Sorry for bad writing. I'm using a translator and hope you guys can enjoy it. Also, this is going to be a slow burn
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
I'm 11 minutes away and I have missed you all day
I'm 11 minutes away, so why aren't you here?
I think I missed you callin' on the other line
I'm just thinkin' all these thoughts up in my mind
Talkin' love but I can't even read the signs
I would sell my soul for a bit more time
You stain all on my body like you're red wine
You're the fuckin' acid to my alkaline
Stupid. Frail. Perplexed. Fearful. Offensive. Sharp and Hurt
„Y/N you rather feel nothing again" I said to myself as I stared at the ceiling of my room. I've probably been lying here for 15 minutes because 11 minutes ran at least three times in a row. In fact, this was one of my favorite songs. But why actually? I know that I have a feeling for the darkness. But why were pain and suffering so self-evident for me? No matter which movie I watched or which series. My darling was always the villain.
There are really people who just hate them because they have the title of villain. But why are they trying not to understand? What about Katherinen Pierce from the Vampire Diaries? This woman suffered and that only because she wanted to be loved and loved? She lost her family. Her child and was hunted for centuries. The man she loved hated her and didn't believe that the love between them was real. Maleficent... rejected and hunted because she was different? Kylo Ren, Star Wars... who let a big wait on his shoulders... not to forget that Luke wanted to kill him. Wanda Maximof... one of my favorites. What was wrong with creating your own world in which you could be happy? Especially if you had lost everything you had left.
Was I the evil one? Did I want to be the bad one? Sometimes I'm not sure but the feeling I felt when Tara looked at me and asked where I was during the attack... I won't forget this so quickly because at that moment I felt like one of the bad guys. But I also felt misunderstood.
Did Tara hate me? How did Tara think about me in general? Since I've been friends with Mindy, I've met her maybe five times. And we didn't talk much to each other. Most of the time our conversations were about the university. I tried to get closer to her. However, I always had the feeling that I was always failing with her. One second I thought I had full self-confidence but then a look into Tara's eyes and my brain shuts down. I had really never felt something like that before. Especially not towards a woman.
I always stayed away from relationships or physical contacts. As soon as it went in this direction, I always pulled back and hid in my bubble. However, there were days when I would have liked to go to the next bar with my dirty thoughts and have been looking for someone for a hot night.
But as I had analyzed myself so far and with the help of Dr. Stone, I knew what my problem was.
The music in my headphones stopped. I looked at my cell phone and saw that my alarm clock that I had set after talking to Sam was now active.
Should I? Shouldn't I?
"Fuck it," I said to myself and made my way to the Blackmoore. I would prove to them all that I am not Ghostface and if they do not meet me then I will also permanently delete these people from my life.
Slowly I played with the ring on my finger. It wasn't special. I didn't like fancy jewelry either. But this ring carried good memories with it and that's why I always wore it with me. When I saw the carpenters and their friends in front of the Blackmoore, I hesitated slightly. Everyone was sitting on the benches of the university and Mindy seemed to be holding a monologue. She was the only one standing in front of them and gestured around like crazy with her hands.
"Why am I doing this to myself?" I asked myself desperately and approached the group. Drier than I thought, I said "hi" when I entered the inner circle and drew all attention to me. There was a free place next to Quinn, so I sat down with her just as she opened her mouth but Tara was faster and said "you came?" I avoided her gaze and looked coolly at Mindy who looked at me with pinched eyes " Y/N Perfect timing..."
Mindy went to explain the rules and that we were in a franchise. I really famous myself to listen to her, but the voice in my head was too loud.
Don't look at Tara. You must never look her in the eyes again. Is she looking at you? Are the others watching you? Do the others know what happened at the police station? Do they know about my state of health? Did they thought I was Ghostface?
"Am I gonna die a virgin?"
Wait a minute? My full attention was back. I looked at Ethan and then at Mindy.
"Weird overshare but that brings us to our current suspects. Ethan! A shy dorky guy who no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky"
So I wasn't the only suspect? I felt a slight feeling of relief.
" Quinn! The sexy sluty roommate"
Quinn looked at Mindy slightly irritated
"Sex positive but thanks?"
"How did you come to live with Sam and Tara?" She asked but Sam answers "we put an anonymous ad online"
And Tara replied "and her dad is a cop"
Mindy took a step towards Tara and said in an aggressive tone "and that makes it more likely that she is the killer because having a cop that is a great cover! Do you not remember how this movies work Tara?!"
Now Mindy gave everything. That reminded me too well of the many discussions we had about movies. Then Mindy even suspected her own girlfriend. Like wow… this whole thing was really serious.
"Never Trust the Love interest..." she said coolly and her look was serious. Suddenly there was a tension in the group. That sounded pretty deep... I mean in the first stab film it was also the love interest, among other things.
"Y/N!" Mindy called and smiled at me dirty. I sighed, pinched my eyes briefly and looked away from the group but Mindy came one step closer to me. "my dear friend Y/N... you are also new to our group," she began.
Did she say group? What did she mean by that? Was I part of the group?
"As your best friend, I know that you are going to therapy"
Oh no Mindy, please don't. Not again. Not again. Why me? Why?
"But you never told me why you are going to therapy... would you share the reason with us?" I avoided her eyes and looked nervously at the floor. My heart was beating so fast that I felt the pulse pounding in my ears. Again I played with the ring in my finger "Mindy she doesn't have to tell us anything..." said Tara after a short silent, low-key.
Surprised, I looked at her and our eyes met.
Relief. Relief? RELIEF!!! The first word that went through my head. Did Tara just defend me? Why had she done that? And there she was again. This gentle darkness, and the little white lights, like a light at the end of the tunnel that rested me to tell me here you are safe.
Stop it. I tore my eyes off her and stared at my ring. "okay then tell us at least where you were during the attack..." I looked at Mindy "home... and you are welcome to ask Maria when I entered the building and when I left it last. As I know her, she can even tell you the exact time" Mindy nodded in agreement to me, she knew Maria "okay. Good alibi. Nevertheless, you are suspicious. You don't like to socialize and maintain the good girl, reading books and sitting at home image"
Confused, I looked at Anika, was that something good or bad?
Anika said "that's not fair, if then we are all suspects, including you"
Mindy agreed with her and said to Sam "especially Sam" confused I looked to Sam, I had the feeling of not knowing something and because of the looks of the others I could see that I was right.
After that, I turned on the conversations of the others and tried to look at everyone unobtrusively. I started with Quinn. Quinn's emotions were neutral in order not to be completely present. Anika seemed very calm and attentive. Sam seemed tense. Chad hmmm I don't have to worry about him, he was fully focused on taking notes. I wanted to skip Tara and see Ethan directly, but our eyes met. Had she been watching me? After not even a second, I broke off the look of contact again by looking at my ring. Suddenly Quinn got up, then Anika moved to Mindy. The group disbanded.
"We have to stay together, that's the only way we are safe and can rule out who the killer is," said Mindy, "you could all come to us" said Sam and now also stood up.
Did she mean me with everyone, too? How exactly did they think of all this here now?
Confused, I asked her as if I hadn't even been present at Mindys Monologue "I don't… wait, I don't look through. What's the plan now?"
Chad replied when he got up "we're going to Sam and Tara... stay together... and try not to be killed" he didn't give me more information when he left. Chad, were you serious? Confused, I looked after the others when they were almost gone.
And then I suddenly noticed a person next to me. Before I could turn around, there was a hand on my right forearm. And then I was back in the tunnel... tried to get to the light. "Come to us tonight and we can tell you everything," Tara whispered to me, slowing down my nervous pulse. I could listen to her for hours when she talked to me like that. It was so reassuring. Warm. Pleasant. Right.
Her eyes fell on Sam when she nodded in agreement with Tara "maybe you can bring another pizza right away," she said and slightly raised the corners of her mouth. Tara pressed my arm slightly and looked at me at with bright eyes "by the way thank you for the pizza... after this hangover I needed it".
What was that feeling at once? Joy or nervousness? I had to smile unconsciously and nodded "special wishes?"
Tara snapped her finger and began to list different toppings and looked at Sam to see if she agreed with her "The main thing Jalapeños... registered" I said and stood up. "You have our address?" Sam asked again and I nodded in agreement. She raised the corners of her mouth again before putting her hands in her jacket and set off. Tara followed her.
Before my brain realized what my body was doing, I grabbed Tara's hand and hoped she would turn to me again
"Why did you help me earlier?"
And again this pure placid and sweetness to recognize in her face "what happened in the police station was just fucked up" we both had to laugh about her word choice and Tara's dimpels came to light.
Damn, how could Tara be so beautiful?
Okay, pull yourself together Y/N! How was that again with Tara? Never looking into the eyes again? Now I just wanted to sink into them and that even though I could never keep eye contact. Simp
"And I wouldn't want that either... if I imagined that someone would have done that to Sam..." she looked back briefly to the her. Sam stood a few meters away from us and waited for Tara "and see that as a leap of faith Y/L/N... don't spoil it" dryly I laughed and shook my head "I wouldn't even have a good motive" she squeezed my hand briefly.
Did we hold our hands all the time? How could I miss that? I mean... with this face you forget everything, she gave me a grin with sharp eyes and whispered "but there's always a motive" and then she disappeared.
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. xiii - lamazda
fashion mogul!mingi × reader
buy me coffee ?
things aren't always what it seems but when even the truth is left unheard, what can people do? one musn't lie but what if the lie is more accepted than the truth? the scariest thing in this world isn't monsters or demons. it's people with no agenda and time to waste.
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It was truly a great day for Mingi.
The weather was perfect, he got enough rest, and best of all, he was cleared to return to work.
Mingi was giddy to be back in the office, it was obvious from the spring in his steps and the happy expression on his face. He didn't even care that people were watching him, he was just glad to be welcomed by the familiar smell of the lobby and the hustle and bustle of people all around. But even then, he was so wrapped up in his own personal feelings that he didn't pay much attention to his surroundings.
As per usual, he would tap his employee lanyard onto the automatic gate and waited for the monitor to tell him which elevator to get on. He looked down at his hands to look at the champagne bottle he brought. He was feeling so good that he couldn't stop smiling and patting himself on the back mentally about the good decision he made.
Unlike a lot of people he knows, Mingi absolutely loves his job because he's passionate about it and he's so good at it. Since he was a child, he knew that he wanted to do something whimsical as a career and despite the bullying and teasing he got when he told people what he wanted to be, he went for it and actually made a name for himself. So it was actually very understandable why Mingi got so upset when he was told that he shouldn't come to work for his own safety. It was pure torture for him to be in such a position. No matter how much he was assured that he was going to be kept in the loop by his superior, Mingi would still rather do things on his own, be hands-on if you will.
With each step Mingi took, closer and closer to his office (well, technically the elevator that will take him to his office floor), he felt his excitement grow so big that it was as if his heart was going to explode out of his chest. It was as if the struggles of coming to the office were forgotten, he suddenly had no problem having to wear a disguise to just simply go from one place to the other. And sure, he had to submit some return forms to HR first before he could even go back to REALLY working, but it was no problem for him, it wouldn't even take long. The thought made him cringe because he realized he sounded like a massive dweebus. "God, do I need to get a life?" he asked himself.
"Excuse me?"
Mingi jumped at the sound from his side, not realizing that there was a person also waiting for the elevator. The woman looked up at him with curiosity, "I'm sorry, were you talking to me?" She asked. Mingi immediately palmed his face and shook his head in embarrassment because he so totally did not mean to engage with anyone. "S-sorry, I talk to myself sometimes and I did not realize that you were next to me, I am so sorry for that," he rambled. The woman could only blink in confusion and turned to look forward, waiting for the elevator whilst muttering "Okay then" to no one.
Focus, life, and social awareness. Those were the things Mingi needed to get. Top of his damn list.
When the elevator arrived, Mingi hesitated to get in for a moment, but really what was the point of avoiding the possibility of having more embarrassing situations to the woman he's probably never gonna meet again? So he simply took a deep breath and walked in, catching a glimpse of the woman's face more clearly as his head was not clouded by shame.
Once the doors closed, Mingi's eyebrows furrowed and his head tilted slightly, sensing familiarity in the woman sharing the same space. As he was standing with his back against the elevator wall, he couldn't help but let his eyes linger on the woman. There was something about her that he couldn't put his finger on. Had you two met before? Mingi tried racking his brain, free-associating with names of people he knew or popular names and hoping that one would stick. He was damn sure that he had seen her before and maybe had even talked to her before. Mingi was the type to never forget a face but ALWAYS forget the name and the place they met. His thoughts ran 200 miles an hour, trying to crack who the woman is because there is no way they met at a fashion event because the magazine is the only fashion-related company in the building so they couldn't be co-workers. He didn't frequent the cafe in the lobby so there is no way they talked there. For some reason, the word 'bunny' kept ringing in his head but he had never been to any place that has bunnies in it. Except for the bunny cafe San dragged him to but that was in high school and Mingi's recognition isn't that great. His eyes kept searching for more clues before it dropped to her bag.
"Oh my God," he choked out, catching the attention of the woman who instinctively turned to look at Mingi. "Excuse me?" she couldn't believe that she fell for him talking to himself twice which she was wrong about because Mingi really was talking to her. "I know you," Mingi said, pushing himself off the elevator wall to take a step closer, making the woman lean backwards slightly. "I... Don't think we have, stranger, I don't know who you are," she chuckled awkwardly. But Mingi was persistent. He shook his head adamantly and grinned widely, "No, we totally know each other. We met at the bar a month ago."
Immediately, at the mention of the bar, your eyes widened and the grip you had on your bag tightened. Just your luck, meeting your baby's dad in the one place you didn't expect to meet him. "I-I don't know what you're talking about," you tried to turn your face around but Mingi took a step away but slightly in front of you, "You do know me, you remembered that we-"
Before Mingi could continue his words, the elevator let out a 'ding' which indicated that they have arrived on a floor. The sound caused Mingi to look up to check whether they were on their floor only to find out that it was not, it was floor 17. You took his being distracted as an opportunity to push him back into the elevator and ran out, causing Mingi to slightly stumble and let out an 'oof'. "Hey, wait!" Mingi called out, mindlessly trying to follow after your figure that had already run down the hall before taking a left at the end of the hallway. But the elevator door had begun to close and he was not about to be injured on his first day back. So he groaned in disappointment and leaned his head on the closed door with closed eyes, not believing that he lost the person whom he had been looking for. And frankly not believing that he found her when he was not even trying, maybe he could brag about that to his friends who had been trying to search for her this whole time. At least now Mingi knows that they work in the same building, he might be able to find out who she is and which office she worked at.
When Mingi opened his eyes, he saw something on the floor that he had not realized before. He reached down and took the item, examining its seemingly blank appearance before turning it around and seeing something written on it. His initial disappointment immediately dissolved as he realized that he was now in possession of a clue that could help him find that woman again.
Truly, it was a great day for Mingi.
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