#why do i have to ship obscure ships tf
denerims-archive · 6 years
you know where to find me [sharky x deputy]
[AO3 LINK] warnings: straight nsfw porn without plot with a little bit of angst
“She really debates kicking him out of the truck.”
He’s the one thing that makes sense.
Her father’s gone. Every other person she knew is scattered to the wind and the county that was home for eighteen years of her life is burning. Literally and figuratively. Everything is upside down. But somehow, against all odds - there’s Sharky, sitting next to Jo in the passenger seat of her truck, rambling about only God knows what. The only thing that has changed is that he somehow managed to grow a beard out of his patchy high school facial hair.
Jo used to brush him off back then. Hell, everybody did. He was a burnout. Literally and figuratively as well. She still isn't sure if him and his two buddies catching the sports equipment shed on fire was purposeful or just an accident. That didn't stop him from trying to talk his way out of it. Most of the time, Sharky spoke just to keep his mouth running. He was…well, like a shark. If he stopped talking, he’d probably die. But Jo has realized that he makes some good points every once in awhile. And the bastard is funny too.
It grounds her heavy heart and spinning head.
Sharky seems to make it his mission to fill tonight with talk and laughter too. They were riding back to the prison from freeing an outpost, her truck bouncing on the old dirt road they were taking through the mountains. It’s safer to travel on those than the main roads even though it took much longer. They didn’t have to contend with roadblocks and only occasionally saw a peggie or two.
Sharky is a good distraction from that. She thought that dealing with John and his people had set her on edge. But the Angels…
Staring out into the dark woods, she can’t help but imagine how many brain-dead creeps are lurking in there.
But then Sharky laughs and she looks over at him, struck by the warmth of his smile.
“What?” he asks. “I’m funny!”
The point? Already forgotten. She just wants to keep him smiling.
“I know. I was just thinkin’ that,” she tells him truthfully, struck a little by the ache in her heart. He gives her a once over. Jo can feel his eyes on her; checking her out or seeing if she was pulling his chain.
They reach the top of the mountain and Jo pulls the truck off on a little side road, hidden in the trees on a whim. Her mind is racing. A million reasons against, a million and one reasons for.
“What’s up? You see somethin’?” he asks, nervousness in his voice.
Wordlessly, she unbuckles her seatbelt and climbs into his lap.
“Woah, hey uh-“ he laughs nervously, keeping his hands held up as if he doesn’t want her to take offense. As if she wasn’t the one who was crawling into his lap.
Heart-thudding, she grabs his cheeks in her hands and kisses him.
Yes, he makes sense.
In the chaos, she needs something that makes sense.
His beard scratches at her lips as she kisses him, slow and experimental at first. She gives him soft, little pecks that soothe him. They make his eyes shut too but he still seems like he’s not entirely sure what to do with his hands.
For a moment, she wonders if this is some bliss-induced hallucination and with the way he’s acting, Sharky seems to think the same. But there is a shocking clarity in the haze of want that spreads through her body. Jo grabs his hands and brings them to her ass. He seems to get the idea of what she wants and finally tongues into her mouth, sparking a fire in her belly.
His hands shift to her front to move her shirt up and she tenses. An ice-cold chill washes over her, a shock through the haze of heat that has clouded her mind. Jo all but bruises his wrists when she wraps her fingers around them and guides his hands back to her ass instead. He seems to want to ask, prod but Jo doesn’t let him, leaning in for another kiss.
She knows it was innocent. He doesn’t know about the scars that mar her skin now, ones she hasn’t yet had time to come to terms with. Wrath across her chest. Pride on her shoulder. Lust just underneath her navel. Jo feels bile rise in her throat and she tries to focus on the feeling of his warm lips against hers and his hands squeezing at her. This was supposed to distract her, not bring things bubbling to the surface.
“Jo…,” he breathes raggedly against her lips. It almost undoes her. One of the few people who know her name.
Jo needs him. Now.
She shifts back to sit on his thighs, quickly undoing her belt and her jeans. Her hands are shaking as she does so; overwhelmed by the want and the fear of the things raging up inside of her.
They fumble in the cabin of the truck. Jo half-stands, bent against the roof as she does her best to wiggle her jeans down and off. She kicks her boots off along the way. Sharky watches her, caught staring at her body in the moonlight. He cups the back of her soft thighs when she slides back into his lap, clad in her underwear.
Jo tangles her hands in his hair and arches, groaning into a deep kiss.
“What’s gotten into you, girl?” he grunts as she practically ruts herself against him. “Hornier than a-“
His voice comes out half-awe, half-joke.
Jo’s fingers find his belt buckle and yanks it open, effectively silencing him.
“You complainin’?” she asks, pulling back to suck in ragged breaths.
“No, no, nope-“ he insists quickly and shakes his head, worried Jo might stop. She dips back down and starts to mark at his neck, smoothing her hot tongue over them when she’s satisfied at the way he groans deep and guttural.
Her hand ventures into his jeans with a little help from him scooting forward in the truck seat. Sharky’s hard inside his boxers, surprising neither of them. He’s returning the favor, kissing her neck as well and the cabin is filled with the radio and the rumble of the truck and their heavy breaths.
Jo’s heart is pounding in her chest and it stops for a moment when she finally touches him. He’s a little on the average side but thick. Thick enough to work with. It’s been such a long time for her…
Her body feels like it can’t wait any longer and her head is swimming. She doesn’t even stop to reach into the glove box and pull out the condom she knows is there. Jo just pulled him from his jeans, pulls her panties to the side and-
Jo is blinded by it for a moment; sinking down on him, feeling so full it stings just a little bit. Her hands fist into his t-shirt and she feels him tense underneath her body. He curses, hisses a little and instinctively bucks up into her wet warmth.
Sharky’s hands on her ass tighten, holding her still for a moment. Jo worries briefly he might come too quickly and she whimpers pitifully at the thought. But he lets out a ragged breath from his nose and presses his face into her neck. His hands give her ass a little squeeze that she assumes is her go ahead.
Jo starts to rock herself on top of him, the pressure of his abdomen against her clit making her head spin. God, how long had she been aching like this? Her pussy is wet and takes him easily. Quick little rolls of her hips start to build the familiar pressure at the base of her spine.
Her fingers tangle in his hair again, tugging roughly as she works herself on him. He leans back after a moment, staring up at her with hooded, lust-filled eyes. His hands stay obediently on her ass, her hips but his eyes are hungry.
She starts to bounce a little bit, the truck rocking with her movements. Every little hot puff of air that comes out of her mouth fans over his lips in the small space between their mouths. Jo’s looking into his eyes, her body aching in every way possible. Her hands find the back of the seat as she drives herself onto him. She feels sweat start to stick to her skin, the flannel she’s wearing suddenly burning her body.
Sharky’s hand pulls back and delivers a sharp smack to her ass and she shatters completely.
“Fuck,” she groans, eyes slamming shut as she presses her forehead to his. She slams down onto him and gives a hard, slow grind, chasing her orgasm. She can feel herself flutter around his cock as she comes, stars exploding in the darkness behind her eyelids. Jo feels him tense underneath her, groaning as he comes inside of her. Smack. Another spank to her opposite cheek that sends her whimpering hotly against his ear as she droops against him.
Jo rests her head on his shoulder and lets herself catch her breath. The air in the cabin of the truck is warm and sticky, smelling of sweat and sex. If she lets herself think about what just happened, the reality of fucking Sharky in the passenger seat of her truck while under the watchful eye of a giant fucking statue of Joseph Seed, she’s worried she might laugh.
And she’s pretty sure Sharky wouldn’t be a fan of that reaction.
She looks up when she hears a wet squeak against the glass, finding Sharky drawing a little smiley face in the foggy window.
That’s when she does laugh. When was the last time she did that?
It’s a full laugh, right in her belly. It’s one that reminds her that he’s inside her because her body moves with it. It’s joined by Sharky’s chuckling and she feels his laugh against her cheek when he offers her a scratchy peck.
“Jesus,” she breathes and slides off of him, snapping her underwear back into place. Jo can feel his warm come inside of her and regret burns through her a little. Yanking her jeans back on, she avoids looking at him.
“That gunna happen again? 'Cause you might wanna give me some warnin’ before you jump me,” Sharky prods, clearly uncomfortable with her silence.
“Jump you?” she asks, aghast. Embarrassment burns through her. “I did not jump you.”
“Sure, whatever you say, deputy,” he grins that stupid shit-eating grin that makes her want to kiss him again. "I mean, I'm happy to be of service."
Jo has her hackles raised and she’s definitely blushing. Or would be if her face already wasn’t flushed from the orgasm he'd given her.
“You are such a shit. And that? Ain’t never happenin’ again. Just so you know.”
He tucks himself back into his jeans and smirks to himself. Jo angrily grabs her boot and shoves it on. Without tying it up, she grabs the other.
“And just so you know,” he starts and she really debates kicking him out of the truck.
“When you do want it again, you know right where to find me.”
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lord-of-no-energy · 2 years
It’s the Little Things
From @lyra-ame​
Hey yooo~♪ I just binged your entire blog and I am In Love with your writing! Are you accepting requests right now? If not, go ahead and ignore this but I'd like some head canons on your favorite character(s) and maybe why you like them/attracted to them? :DDDDD
Thank you for the ask! Gave me the healthy dose of self-indulgement I needed. And thank you for waiting so long.
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This was a tough choice but my favourite has to be Lumie! From her character design, she seemed intimidating and distant. So when we first get dialogue with her, I was pleasantly surprised! Her potential character conflicts, the way she immediately took Nine under her wing, and her Ancient costume made me fall so hard for her. I’m so excited to see how the writers will develop her character as the story goes on!
I like to think Lumie is perfect pitch
I don’t know where that thought came from, I just think she is
Of course that means hours and hours of conversation with Vanessa
Which is basically just Lumie talking about wow music wow this song was so good it made me feel woooosh and weeeeew and waaaaao
Speaking of music, she plays the harp really well! 
Lumie hasn’t interacted with others much, so she doesn’t know a healthy way to communicate her emotions
So it is a sight to see her pour her emotions out through music
Since she hasn’t had a proper childhood, she’s always excited to do childish things!
Oh you want to negotiate diplomatic matters with Lumie? Sorry you have to do it in the playground on top of the slides while pretending to be pirates on a drowning ship sorry
She’ll give you a rating of 1 to 10 based on immersion, acting, and creativity. The higher the rating, the more she’ll consider you a worthy ally
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This guy originally struck me as a flat cliche character, but I loved him nonetheless. Until he started wondering if his dedication to Lord is really loyalty, obsession, or just something that happened because of pure chance. And then that basically had me pacing around asking myself what the difference between a loyalty and cult-like behaviour is. Basically I like the dilemma added to his character arc. Just recently I got midway through extreme mode, to that part of the story, and it made me like him more than I already did. 
Somehow a genius at riddles????
Ask him a riddle and he’ll respond like it’s no big deal
When you ask him how he knows he’ll just say “I’ve heard it before”
Oh and he’s an expert at magic tricks!
Fram lost her shit when Johan randomly took a granola bar and vanished it into thin air
Then freaked out even more when it appeared in his hands again
Unfortunately this has become a running joke in Avillon and whenever someone loses something, they turn to Johan and tell him to bring it back
Very very very talented at origami
He made a house once and after that, whenever Charlotte, Lyn, Cannae, or Fram get paper, they bring it to Johan so he makes them something
Johan tried to teach them origami but they just absolutely refused to learn
So that’s him now
Johan the magic paper man
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Fire Rashad was the first time I considered making an in-app purchase tbh. I love him so much, maybe it’s because we both share similar personality traits and I relate to him on a spiritual level. Man’s a walking meme, I swear. I almost died laughing when he put his hands together like that dude in the trade offer meme. Sorry there’s no deep reason for me to like Rashad. It’s just that this guy made me temporarily forget I’m asexual so he deserves a spot in my top three.
Gets into the most obscure topics and stays up until 2 AM until Luci walks into his room like a disappointed mom and tells him to go tf to sleep
If you ask him about anything he will know at least something about it
“Hey Rashad do you know anything about the 128th day of 206 BC”
He’ll be like “Oh isn’t that the day that one Greek philosopher saw a donkey eat figs and died laughing”
I bet he’s that weird kid with weird phases like this guy definitely went through a 4 day tank top phase
He doesn’t swear anymore but will if you ask him to
Rashad is the one who can successfully piss Luci off the most
If the two are three meters proximity of each other, you can start betting on how long there is until you hear Luci shout “NO WELLS ARE NOT STRAWS FOR THE FUCKING EARTH YOU DUMBASS BITCH”
Rashad has mastered the art of stone faces
Walk in to him using his computer and from how frustrated he looks, you’d think he’s working
But he was probably playing Minecraft lmao
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The internal crisis I went through to choose just three... 
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ofherlionheart · 2 years
teen wolf 👀
HAHAHA you're really sending me to the root of my personhood with this one
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): bro i think it was lydia martin. i thought abt her so much i wrote a scydia fic. who tf even shipped scydia?? no one it was all stydia or allydia. god i forgot how bad these ship names were
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): scoot mccute for suuuuure tho i think me now would have more nuanced takes/understandings of his character than me then lol
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): boyd! baby did not get any character development :( i didn't think much of it when i was actively watching the show but me now is like. bro. we knew NOTHING abt that man (#charactersofcolordyingfortheWhiteMantrauma)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): cora hale jfc i was so excited for her and then she got nerfed, like, 5 eps after appearing. what the actual shit. why did jeff davis get bored with his own characters so quickly
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): jackson "where. do you get. your JUICE" whittemore. one of those characters i want to just be unapologetically the worst b/c it's funny as fuck
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): chris argent. exhausted dilf was such a good look for him
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): derek hale b/c it be so fckn funny. mans cannot catch a break, ever. it's canon law
send me a fandom and i'll tell u what tumblr meme award i'd give its characters
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sparkys-ec-corner · 3 years
Can you lease enlighten me as to why you ship Amomiche and why you love Amostia so much? Since Amostia is given very little screen time if you will and barely characterized at all it's difficult for me to see why you ship them so much and why you love Amostia so much. Or is it partially because your a hardcore Len x Miku shipper? You can ship whatever you want ofc I just am curious as to what led you to ship it and stuff. Plus I'm more of a Gumi x Gammon shipper (#NemesisxNyozeForLIFE!!!) who barely ships Miku or Len or Rin with anybody and when I do ship them it's more often Miku x Rin (I'm trash for girlxgirl ok) sooo. And yes that goes for in Evillious as well I barely ship any of the Mikus with anybody (minus Michaela x Clarith) and same goes for any of the Lens. So oof
dw!! i understand your points and im aware of how unusual it is for me to love a character like amostia and ship something so unexpected like amomiche (i already apologize since this is long,,, oops,,,)
i would be lying if i said that the fact im a diehard lenmiku shipper didnt affect my decision in bringing amomiche into existence, but it's mostly due to this specific extensive au that serves as amostia's characterization arc and the hcs involving both amostia and michelle.
as for why i love amostia, it's because i thought he was a character with a lot of potential that was shoved to the side as a simple plot device + i was incredibly salty over why amostia is the only irregular who doesnt appear in motheavenly novel at all. since ma was given some characterization that culminated in her "i'm going to destroy the universe to confirm my existence" goal at the end of the novel, i wondered, "what about the Punishment boy? doesnt he get a chance to appear since he's an irregular too? where is he?"
heck, even irregular in scap short story gets a personality, however extremely barebones and single-minded it is, and he's called a boy without an ego since he died right after being born. despite this, he still had the desire of meet his mother.
around 2018, i began writing what would be amostia's backstory because i thought he deserved one. he deserved a personality. he deserved to be cared about. i was ready from the start to be that one weirdo who likes an obscure character no one cares about (i never finished that fic, btw. my hcs changed overtime and my prose back then was kinda ew, so i deleted it)
i never intended to love him as much as i do now. i just wanted to give him a personality and a backstory, but the more i thought about what might had happened to him in lunaca labora and during his time as Punishment the weapon and what would be his personality, the more i wished him to be seen as a person rather than "the weapon nemesis used to blow up the world".
i joined an ec discord server for no other reason but to find other fans, and rather hesitantly shared my hcs of him and fanart in the channels. as i said before, i knew it was weird for me to be attached to a character no one cared about, but i nevertheless persisted on.
before i knew, i was changing everybody's perception of amostia, turning him from a simple plot device into an actual character to the eyes of the fandom.
to be honest, i still do not believe how much everything has changed all thanks to me, only because i cared enough to share what i thought of him. i didnt... expect my hcs to be received so warmly. i made him starkly different from your typical ec len — he's angry, explosive and rude; nothing like the dimwitted and enthusiastically chaotic hansel, much less like the loyal and stoic allen — but maybe the fact he was so different was why people liked him so much. he's like a bright red dot on a canvas of soft colors. im really happy that people liked and accepted my hcs, even after Outlaw & Lychgate was published.
as for amomiche, here's where the extensive au comes in — before Outlaw & Lychgate was published, i had a thought that amostia wandered around the dead world before being found by meta and pretty much adopted by her. this characterization arc of his is meant to be a "coming to age" type of story, exploring his past and making him learn how to be a better person — an actual person with dreams and purpose instead of a weapon merely to be used by others.
initially, i intended michelle to be amostia's friend since they both have a link through nemesis. they would kinda bond through that since michelle wanted to know a bit about nemesis despite amostia himself not knowing much, after amostia finding michelle lost in a snowy night and bringing her back home.
one time, i received a m/a ask in amostia askblog about "len" and "miku" being a couple for some asks. since michelle was the closest "miku" to amostia, i obviously were to bring her in. tbh i was already slightly struggling with keeping them as friends since i found them to be really sweet together and my dumb lenmiku ass bothering tf outta me, and that m/a broke me definitely. i gave in. (although i took a time to answer the m/a itself, admittedly. by the time i answered it, i was already doodling some amomiche stuff)
again, i was ready to be seen as weird, to be the only person in the entire fandom to ship them together. i never hid the fact it is a crackship. i knew i would possibly be cast out as lenmiku trash for it. regardless, i kept doodling them and talking about them simply because i liked them (hell, they stay as friends for a long time in the au before romantic feelings blossom. sue me for liking friends-to-lovers trope with a self-improvement undertone)
and then, my surprise when it was accepted by the fandom despite its status as crackship. gosh, even people who arent into evillious had doodled amomiche!! someone who was into ec actually thought it was canon!! and was saddened to discover that it wasnt because they thought it was really sweet!! and they didnt even ship lenmiku normally!! i swear this still makes me die inside, seriously 😂
so you can say it's a combination of everything that eventually brought amomiche into existence, including my own love for amostia. i dont blame anyone for being confused with it since amostia as a character is so underdeveloped in canon and amomiche is a crackship. it's okay, really. im just vibing here. im not here looking for validation for them nor am i hoping for official crumbs.
all of this is self-indulgent, simply because i want amostia to be more popular, even if slightly. amostia will never become as popular as hansel or allen, im aware, but as long as someone appreciates him as a person, then i think my job is done here. all i want is people to appreciate him. if someone comes to like amomiche too, then it also makes me extremely happy! if someone likes amostia but not amomiche, that's fine too! i don't mind different hcs. if one respects my own, then i respect theirs.
so. yeah. it might not make sense to some people, but that's basically it. i am but a humble artist doodling stuff for a character who she wants to give the happiness and the characterization he didnt get in canon. if someone likes them, then im happy!! 💖
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moresundamageplease · 3 years
(apologies abt the long post, im on mobile)
some juice on sol....
1. general, overall dislike for the majority of the euro gods 😔😔 she and her brother were tossed into space without so much a second thought by odin (and in her lore video ot was stated that him "and his ilk" didnt like them ((particularly their father's arrogance)) so i can extend that to the other gods. like. sol invictus would Not like having to share a name w some barbarian sun goddess from the north) so it really goes w/o saying that she'd be pissed at all of them still, and want to act like an annoying cat around them.
2. particularly w hera. goes into her house and melts all her fancy pots and vases cause tf is she gonna do? turn her into fruit (derogatory)? the only unique nature of being projected is that she can Kinda get away w being a dick lol. cant really punish her again bc shes already destined to die
3. its never explicitly stated in mythos if sol is a jotun or aesir or whatever but. given she was born from mundilfari im saying she and mani are jotuns. that being said, im taking the liberty to say that they have little to no reason to care about gender and sex like mortals do/would since they dont need an explicit partner to bare kids (like. mundi Didnt have a partner. he just suddenly got gregnant w sol and mani and the rest is history lol. and loki was briefly a mom. also ymir is actually intersex so why would they discriminate their old man. jotuns Hate the mortals and gods anyway so they can be a little valid as to why as a treat)
3.5 that being said, the same happened w sols kid, who i named sunna for convenience sake. by that i mean sol didnt get pregnant w her (ex)husband, glenr. it just kinda happened and she rolled w it. tho sol felt awful that essentially sunna was going to inherit a punishment given to her by mundi and co that, once she had her mental bearings in check, took sunna via projection and gave her to sols very obscure, very unknown sister, Sinthgunt (personal theory: goddess of the stars). while it was an easy decision bc she wasnt abt to let her only child be condemned to eternal isolation, it still kinda left her emotionally drained 😔 sometimes ur a mom for like 4 months and you dont really want to let go bc ur kid is the first person you have and can touch wo fear of burning them and ur terribly lonely
3.7 sol (and honestly mani too) doesnt hate mortals. minority of their people but they think theyre neat! if a bit stupid at times, but theres really not much to do aside from just watching them on a day-to-day basis. plus she and him technically count the hours and days for them so its nice to be a little appreciated by Someone.
4. she and glenr got a divorce. easier for ship purposes, as well as maybe making a little drama if need be. glenr can be a dick, as a treat.
5. sol is a little tsundere. shes not gonna tell u shes lonely. like past her Optimist Proxy™ shes a cranky, backhanded bitch whos desperate for someone to be genuinely nice to her lol. like neith might be nice but does she trust it? no, not when neith is older than her lol. it doesnt help sol blames the gods for her position in life 😔😔 basically anyone older than her is going to get the snark and bitchiness, and them being nice to her feels disingenuous. but yea she is. Very alone in every aspect and isnt abt to talk abt it w anyone because Ew.
5.1 but, along w the Lonely™, she also hasnt had a full nights sleep in like. Forever? she learned Very quickly that sleeping on an uncomfortable chariot being chased by loki's grandson is a recipe for disaster, esp if she wants to live. at most she gets a few minutes in periodically, but resting isnt real (which may or may not take part in her crank). but she'd also be a Heavy sleeper. once shes out shes Gone for the foreseeable future.
5.2 im still cranky she doesnt have a taunt for odin but does for loki.
5.5 p much the major reason why sol took an initial liking to arthur and merlin is Because they were raised by and as mortals, and have no bearing of her position.
5.6 but yea vaguely considered rewriting the ragnarok lore bit to include sol bc its kinda dumb she wouldnt be there when her life is on the line. but she'd either Kinda make nice w brits Then, or afterward in hera's mega fuck-up meeting and peace councils.
6. unsurprisingly has a terror for all dogs, no exceptions. growling, barking, yipping, jumping, hackling, Anything a dog does is just. Not good. skoll is traumatizing. hes also a cunt who likes saying some choice words in an attempt to get under her skin and demoralize her (another reason for her bitchiness. sometimes u hear taunts @you for like 100k years and it just bleeds into mannerisms. it doesnt help she has little disposition to not say them). canines are just a no-go for her 😔 they could be the friendliest dog in the world and she wouldn't be 50ft near it.
6.1 otherwise she likes every other animal, particularly bunnies and parakeets
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shortnotsweet · 5 years
Hello, your fiveya pride and prejuice had me on my knees. Everything you have writing for the umbrella academy is so nice, this fandom should be thankfull you are here making gold content. I'm not very creative and I still dont know which kind of prompts you would like, but the last au gave me some Elizabeth Swan vibes, so maybe you could do a Fiveya Pirates of the Caribbean Au? Whatever you make I'm sure will be wonderfull :)
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It’s 1732, and Governor Reginald Hargreeves and his two adopted daughters, accompanied by the family butler, Pogo, are sailing to Port Royal aboard HMS Crown when they come across a shipwreck. The lone survivor of the tragedy is a young boy, shaking and shell-shocked. A sympathetic Pogo begs Reginald to allow him to take him in - Pogo himself will rear and provide for the child out of his own wages.
Vanya clutches the railing and looks out into the wreckage, into jagged mountains of burning wood obscured by ink black plumes of smoke that cast a ghostly silhouette against the dreary sky and the great gray sea, and can’t take her eyes off of it. It’s a tragedy, with glowing embers peeking through the remains of the ship, keeping it alive and drowning in the water, and Vanya is fascinated.
I do not want to know what transpired here, she thinks. She doesn’t need to know, anyway - it looks like a wasteland, like something writhing and nearly dead, and then her father takes her by the shoulders and pulls her away.
The boy is raised in a fine household, alongside Reginald’s two young daughters, both of whom are handsome, intelligent, and composed. His truest and most constant friend, though, is Vanya.
The Boy starts out as a Will Turner of sorts, only more confident and living in relative comfort, except with the knowledge that he is an outsider even among orphans, and a survivor of something terrible. He longs to go back.
By 1742, the boy is merely fifteen and already deemed an academic prodigy in a vast array of scientific, mathematical, mechanical and historical studies.
By the end of 1742, he’s gone, vanished into the night and headed for the sea. Vanya, not for the first time in her life, is alone.
Years later, she’s grown into a beautiful yet confined woman. During a botched proposal, Vanya faints, due to a combination of heat, anxiety, and a too-tight corset, plummeting into the harbor below, only to be rescued by a mysterious man
Surprise y’all guess who it is
Five and his crew are under a curse that renders them undead corpses under the moonlight, burdened with immortality. Idk why he’s cursed, ig he just got up to a lot of pirate shit lmao. The gold of his father’s pocket watch is key to breaking this curse, and he’s returned to Port Royal after all these years to retrieve it, after he gave it to Vanya for safekeeping the day before he abandoned the Hargreeves household to rejoin the life of piracy
She agrees, of course, but he is soon confronted by both Reginald and Leonard, backed by the Navy, on account of 1) being a pirate and 2) trespassing and in order to safely escape he takes Vanya hostage
In his time away, Five has become captain of the dreaded Academy, the ship that his own father used to command before the wreck. Vanya initially disapproves of his life choices because he may be older now and like damn ok, but 1) hygiene 2) the ethical ambiguity of piracy and 3) you left me dude without warning ,, tf is up with that?
Cue childhood friends reconnecting in really awkward circumstances + maybe Stockholm syndrome
Luther, Ben, Klaus, and Diego are members of his crew. While Diego is a fantastic swordsman, Ben has a connection with sea monsters that allows him to dissuade nearby creatures from bothering their ship. Klaus is a mystic they picked up along the coast who can communicate with the dead - it’s through him that they learn the specifics of the curse.
Five glances down at her, sleeves rolled above his forearms, his hair dripping saltwater over his brow. “The Romans did it, didn’t they?” Honor among thieves is how the saying goes. “They encouraged it, actually, especially in children. Stealing. Steal from your enemies, steal from your neighbors, steal from your friends.”
At this, Vanya’s eyes narrow. “I wouldn’t steal from my friends.”
Five shrugs.
“It builds character,” he says, “and it builds world skills. If you’re a thief, then you’re fast, resourceful, and, most importantly, you’re still alive. That’s helpful. It can be a good thing, to be a thief.”
“The greatest empire of all time, after Britain, just a whole lot of thieves?”
“That’s Rome, then, a bunch of thieves. The empire essentially stole its own foundation from other civilizations, you know? Arches and aqueducts and art - even the Republic was based on direct democracy.” He leans back and looks at her from under his lids. The floor below them shifts and sways along with the rhythm of the sea, and Vanya leans against the mast to keep her horizon line steady.
“So you’re a history buff now?”
“I always have been,” Five says defensively. “Math is just more exciting. You don’t need to get caught up with the Romans anyway,” Five laughs. “We’re pirates.”
“I suppose I need to find a way to make myself useful, then?” Vanya crosses her arms, squinting under the white hot sun. “Be helpful.” Do as the Romans do.
“No, of course not,” Five says quickly, uneasy, bitter. “You didn’t join the crew, remember? You were kidnapped.”
Days into her kidnapping on the high seas, Vanya ditched her heavy ass dress for a practical pair of trousers and tied her hair up. The sun smiles down on them in a thousand yard stare, reflecting white off the crests of the waves that jostle the ship further away from land, and her white skin has already shown signs of browning. She can breathe, though, better and easier than she’s ever breathed in her entire life
The ocean never ends, but Vanya can see something flickering on the horizon, something that looms across the skyline and drags the sky down to meet it. It feels like hope, like dreams once dashed in her girlhood, and now that it has come out of hiding, unclothed and unabashed under an impossible white sun, Vanya can’t stop looking.
The Academy is still being pursued by the Royal Navy, and Five can’t just return Vanya bc they're not only on the run but they’ve got shit to do, aka curse-breaking shit. Plus, he really, really doesn’t want to
And deep down he can tell that she doesn’t want to either
“But you like it here, don’t you,” he accuses her, hard and fast because he knows she’ll be honest, and the strategist in him wants to size the queen, wants to take her home. “You were miserable back there,” Five reminds her, his own eagerness a tangible thing to his ears. “Reginald made you miserable. Jenkins made you miserable, hell, even Allison made you miserable.” Vanya’s gaze remains unblinking, but the corner of her mouth twitches ever so slightly, her lower lip dragging it down. The sight of it gives him pause, and he wants to stop for a moment, wants to apologize for it, but the conqueror in him leers in approval and he’s plowed too forward, too far already. “You wanted to leave, every second of every day. That’s what you told me,” Five reaches forward to take her by the shoulders, gently crowding her against the railing, and she looks up and into his face, dwarfed by his height. “You’re free now, you’re here. Reginald can’t get to you. Why would you want to go back?”
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You’re free now. There’s nothing for you there, he tries to say, and she must get this, because her eyes go alight, just for a second, and her lip curls into a snarl.
The thing is, she’s much happier here, with Five and his crew and a great, endless sea, but she remembers Allison all too vividly, remembers that she left her alone without warning. Vanya knows that it’s like to be left behind, and the thought of Allison alone with only their father for company strikes something hollow and sinking into her chest, something like dread
“I don’t want to go back,” she snaps, harsher than he expected, and he lets go of her. “Of course I don’t.”
You think I want to go back to corsets and Reginald’s voice in every hallway of that old, evil house, and Leonard crowding me everywhere, acting like I’ve already said yes, and this stench of absence that follows me wherever I go.
Oh, she realizes, of course he doesn’t.
“Then don’t.”
Vanya glares at him, hard and herself, and he can see the betrayal sink into her face and settle like silt at the bottom of a glass.
“It’s because we’re family,” she says, and the fifteen-year-old in Five finds himself enraged because Vanya’s family is supposed to be here, with him.
“I need to see her again,” Vanya enunciates carefully, forming every word with a nervous kind of fear, like she thinks he won’t understand, and Five’s anger dissipates almost as quickly as it had risen.
They’re going to break that curse, and Five will be a real boy (man) again. Allison won’t be alone, because her sister will come back for her (just as Five came back for Vanya). They’ll all have real, red, beating hearts, and Five will have Vanya for himself and Vanya will have one thing all her own - she has an entire ocean to conquer and no regrets
For once, Vanya has a choice, and it’s a pirate's life for her
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piccolina-mina · 5 years
leverage and roswell nm for the tv meme thing
Ultimate Fave Character: really love the "kids" so I rotate between them depending on my mood. Today I'll have to say it's Eliot.
Character I didn't used to like but now do: Sterling. He was such a pain in the ass, but he grew on me.
A character I used to like but now don't: can't think of one.
Character I'm indifferent about: Tara. She wasn't Sophie. I didn't care.
Character who deserved better: All of their clients, tbh. People are the worst.
Ship I've never been able to get into: Any ship that involves Sophie or Nate with any of the "kids" (eliot, hardison, parker)
Ship I've never been able to get over: Parker and Hardison are SO CUTE. Like, the work they dedicated to that ship and developing it. Hardison loving her for who she is and learning how to love her in a way she's comfortable with especially given she was lowkey on the Spectrum is just really beautiful to me.
A cute lowkey ship: I don't know the Parker, hardison, eliot ot3? Is it lowkey? It's cute af.
An unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: Maybe Nate and Maggie? I thought they were the cutest exes. Ugh.
A ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: I can't think of any. Low on romantic ships and high on family goodness and kicking capital ass.
Fave storyline/moment: All of it? The team searching and trying to save Hardison in the graveyard job was one of my absolute favorites because the running gag was that he was the butt of the jokes and annoyed them. Or plan M was Hardison died, but like their all lost their ish.
Storyline that never should've been written: There were like three episodes that Bored me to tears. Like the big bird job with the plane. Other than that, I loved everything.
My first thought on the show: this is so cheesy but right up my alley!
My thoughts now: BRING IT BACK!! REVIVE IT! REBOOT IT! REVIVE IT AND REBOOT IT! The world is in dire need of more Leverage right now! 😭😍
Roswell New Mexico
Fave Character: I rotate between Maria and Kyle.
Character I didn't used to like but now do: Hm. I legit didn't like Michael for like the first couple of episodes. He was only likable around Alex and Maria.
A character I used to like but now don't: Noah, I guess. Although Dark Noah would have been a great villain if they kept him.
Character I'm indifferent about: Cam, maybe.
Character who deserved better: Rosa Ortecho. Forever and always.
Ship I've never been able to get into: Canon? Maaaaybe Max and Jenna. Non-Canon? Maria and Isobel.
Ship I've never been able to get over: ironically, I'm not so invested in a single ship that I can't get over them. That even goes for the heavy hitters Ech0, M@lex, M!Luca/m@richael.
A cute lowkey ship: hahaha! Me? The multishipper answering this is funny. Out of the main characters I basically ship both Kyle and Maria with everyone but Isobel and Rosa (because age and relation), and maybe Michael sometimes. DeLevans, DELVECHO, Kyluca, Marliz, Kylex, Manevans (alex and Max would be cute don't @ me), kyle and Max (bang it out boys), and so forth ...
An unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: Well, since part of the reason I'm fandom notorious rather than my usual and preferred obscurity is because I dared to ship Miluca 😳, so I'll go with that. LOL.
A ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: I feel we can all agree Noah and Isobel should be at the top of this list.
Fave storyline/moment: Rosa coming back from the dead is still one of my all time favorite moments and the thing I'm most excited about.
Storyline that never should've been written: I have had to let a lot of things go to still watch and enjoy. And the pod squad covering up Rosa's death after thinking Isobel killed her still enrages me. And then Michael and Isobel still being such sh!ts to Liz KNOWING all of this will still set me off. And Noah being the villain and how he was the villain and how he violated Isobel and Rosa and that HE was the villain... just ... 😒 Anyway.
My first thought on the show: why tf are they rebooting Roswell? *b!tches* But let me watch it first to be fair. It's... passable.
My thoughts now: How tf did I get sucked into this show? I cannot believe I fell into this. And when did I fall this hard for Trevino?
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I am. so fucking tired. but I’m also late asf for Eden-6 stuff to the point it got its video release, so here I am playing catch up.
tl;dr: swamp planet!! we get some cool shots of Alitair and Aurelia, i, surprise surprise, still do not trust mr. wainwright, i tried to form an argument that these ruins we see across the planet are abandoned Atlas facilities/ships, but ~who knows~. also i would (and probably will) die for the saurians. i love them so much. one of them has a funky bone hat. it’s great. also also “stop the CoV before they gain control” [looks at trailers and behind closed doors intro] ... uh oh gamers...
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“A backwater swampland of a planet, and family home of the Jakobs clan. Eden-6 is covered by lush greenery and stagnant waters, dotted with occasional settlements and the rusted hulks of crashed spaceships. Civilization has never fully taken hold here, and indigenous dangers including ravenous Saurians and semi-sentient Jabbers effectively rule the planet. As if you didn't already have enough to worry about, the Children of the Vault have a presence here as well.”
im excited for the abandoned spaceships, those things look fucking bad. ass.
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Ambermire I am guessing is one of the more swampy areas? Jakob’s Manor is obvious, and Fort Sunshine I’m guessing is that abandoned facility we’ve been seeing around the trailers. unfortunately we don’t get too good of a look at the fortress (shakes fist at gearbox) but we do get some other stuff!
im gonna go over the instagram video first because the pics are a treat so we’re saving them for last.
sorry for the progress bars btw lol
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i fucking love that gas giant. so much.
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swamps are one of my least favorite biomes, but i know gearbox is going to make me love it.
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also a look at one of the crashed ships! (i assume) looks like Atlas to me. Or old Hyperion, but tbh idk why Hyperion would be on Eden-6. so Atlas it is.
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a look at one of the settlements. i really love the contrast between this planet and Promethea and Athenas.
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those gross pod things on the right? idk if they’re egg sacs or plants or what but i both hate them and love them. also whatever that is glowing on the bottom left. i wanna touchy
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Jakobs manor!! honestly a lot less extravagant in the front than i was expecting. also now we know this one shot
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is definitely not in front of Jakobs Manor. could be the back entrance or smth tho. looks like it leads into a garden-y area.
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my question is, is it a Jakobs thing to enjoy hunting? because it seems like it’s a Jakobs thing to enjoy hunting. also i don’t trust Jakobs. I know I’ve said that, like, a bajillion times, but i don’t. and those metal cowboy-lookin’ robots are totally theirs.
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im just surprised the Hammerlocks are living in the Manor. I assumed they were like... visiting. now im pretty convinced mr. wainwright down here is evil because only Alistair is on Sanc-III and we’re all assuming that the Sanc-III demo (not the more recent one) takes place after Athenas, right? 
and OMG YES lilith’s tattoos aren’t visible in the newest video on sanc-iii!! im hoping that means she gets her powers back!! im giddy to look over it 30 times i cannot wait. but one post at a time.
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evil. evil man.
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he either dies or he’s evil i don’t trust him and hammerlocks eye shouldn’t be red in the We Are Mayhem trailer i just... im so suspicious of this man.
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AURELIA i love her so much. she was great in TPS, one of my mains. her new outfit is popping, i love the boots.
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also she has 2 ice diadem shards now and im terrified yet oddly happy for her.
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ALISTAIR. i legitimately thought he was on Promethea at first, then i realized this is probably part of the abandoned facility/fortress. shame we don’t get a closer look at it.
also look who’s eye is back to being not-red again!
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also the writing on the back there makes me even more convinced this is Atlas facility. on Promethea, the parts of the Meridian city are labeled with these unique symbols (so far i’ve seen blue and red) and this red one looks like it fits the mark perfectly.
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these look like the same canisters from the mine on Pandora. whatcha pumpin eden-6?
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more red plants. i like how different this can look from athenas, yet still have very similar foliage. outstanding move, gearbox.
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is that another crashed ship in the background??? yes pls. also this dude’s face paint is giving me huge Mask of Mayhem vibes, I love it.
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the inside of Jakobs Manor
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i hate to tell you this mr. gearbox sir but im pretty sure they do
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also that one scene of troy in the manor as well
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dis one
is that the globe in the background? anyone know? im trying to remember where the fuck ive seen that shot of the library/globe. hmmmmmmmmmm
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it is not the globe whump whump. i am excited to explore this library tho. 
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what looks like fishing net on the right? wild
also car!!
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no wings/fins like in the Mask of Mayhem trailer tho, that sucks.
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i like this dude. especially his face paint.
i like this glowing crystals even more tho
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purple crystals that mimic troy’s red ones? me likey.
eridium? maybe! slag to chug when u need more power? maybe! i don’t know!
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j̷̧̭͙̹̭̀̽͆̕͘u̸̦͌̃͛̕̕s̴̡̰͙̣͊̂̔t̴͇̪͐ͅ ̸̭̐́w̵̧̯̲͊̀̃̄̕a̵̢͓̎́̏̓t̷̪̓̑̎͜c̶̢̢͔̀h̴̥̬̪̫̫̿ ̶̪̬̞̼͐̾̉͐̒ơ̵̼̋̍̓̕u̵̻̪̞̞̺̐̾̀̚͠t̶͉̠̟͉̪̋̈̿ ̶̢̗̗͑f̵̰̫͇̈̾ọ̴͑r̶̢͕̺͈͎̃̌͘ ̸̩͆̏̅a̸͈̙̪̋̏ǹ̷̮͚͍̽͜ģ̵̠̀̍̋̔r̴̪̦̾̇̕͠y̷̘͖̜̿͑̅̀ͅ ̷̬̱͉̗͌̇j̵̹͇̽͗̕ā̸̳͇͈̠̺b̴̰̏͜b̴̘͗̔e̷͖̓͊r̸͍̫̻̊͆̊s̸̛̙̳͔̗̋̓͝ 
also check that glowy light in the background. totally Atlas.
also also i like they have little hanging nest/house things. those are really cute.
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this motherfucker is coming at us with a sledgehammer ffs
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i like their tiger stripe designs. they blend in with the leaves, which i guess is an evolutionary advantage all things considered.
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i fucking love Saurians holy shit
okay okay okay okay
picture time 😎
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i love the skybox on Eden-6, holy shit it’s beautiful. also, those sacs/plants/fungi or whatever are definitely volatile.
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look at that one glowing red one. that’s totally going to deal some fuckin fire damage to whatever touches it and i for one am ready
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can we get an F in chat for Eden-6? lmao i remember being like ‘oh look a gas giant’ in my analysis of every museum of mayhem piece and COMPLETELY FORGETTING that eden-6 has a gas giant directly beside it. big brain fart there.
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holy shit i love the color schemes for these things. i know there are blue ones as well, but these orange/yellow/red ones are FANTASTIC. i especially love the shiny yellow ones. they’re so pretty!!
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we also get a mostly obscured window in the back there
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possibly part of the abandoned facility? but more than likely just part of a crashed ship.
like (im assuming) this one!
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the doors match up to Sanctuary-III quite well. also the bones on the ground. i love the regrowth aesthetic they’ve got going on here.
also apparently ratches have made their home here. these things are fuckin everywhere. they’re like the new rakk holy shit
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look at the one on the bottom right! those blue markings are fuckin stunning and i love the little fins on the sides of his head
and that giant skeleton in the background? that’s some good shit right there! im hoping those are fireflies/some sort of glowing insect around the front there. so we can have pockets of glowing orbs dancing around the map as we explore.
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i really like the hulls of the ships, the one on the far left and the one in the back right.
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im mostly interested in this tree. i wonder if it just regrew around some debris or if this is making the stuff on this planet grow wildly out of control. I’m always down for science gone wrong! and with atlas, pretty much anything could go horribly wrong. that’s just their way of doing things.
anyway it is 4 in the am and i am tired, so im gonna pass tf out now and hopefully do Fl4k’s trailer, and a few other posts i gotta catch up on, tomorrow! so hyped for fl4k info!!
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ooops-i-arted · 5 years
15 Day SWTOR OC Challenge
15. Free day. Anything you’d like to talk about that wasn’t covered goes here. Fun facts? Not-fun facts? Go wild. I don’t own you.
A bunch of random tidbits about my OCs??  Don’t mind if I do!
Avei is right-handed but can use her left hand well enough in most situations to be somewhat ambidextrous.
She makes many jokes about how good she is with her hands.
She smol, about 5′2″.
After Corso gave her Flashy and Sparkles she uses them exclusively.  She always wanted cool modded blasters but could never afford them, so she treasures her pair and keeps them in top condition.
Avei loves to tinker with stuff and does it to calm down or soothe herself.  She feels the same about ship maintenance and if she’s stressed will just open a random panel and tune up everything inside.
Her favorite place in her ship is the cockpit.  She loves to sit and just watch the stars.
She got her fancy blue dress one night when Avei went home with a Coruscant socialite for fun times, her dad came home early, and Avei grabbed the wrong set of clothes on her way out the back door.
When Avei was about eight, an Organa noble’s kid snuck on board Atr’ii’s ship.  He wasn’t very useful - more enamored with the ~glamour~ of a rogue’s life than any of the reality - but he was a convenient babysitter for Avei so Atr’ii let him stick around for a few weeks.  He would teach Avei all sorts of fancy noble mannerly things to entertain her and she went through a princess phase for a while.  As an adult she finds it useful when she does a job smuggling for a more white collar client.
She also went through a Jedi phase as a kid.  When she met Skye she was immediately excited to have a cool Jedi friend.  (Skye took a while to warm up.)
Avei can be charming and suave for short periods of time but if you get to know her at all the fact that she’s huge dork is revealed.
She loves puns.  The worse, the better.
Her idea of seducing her husband is “Hey farmboy, let me ride your tractor, I can drive stick hurr hurr”
Avei thinks hair is weird af.  Obviously she’s used to being around humans and everything, but it’s still weird to her.  If drunk enough she will play with people’s hair.
She will dance sober but dance even more enthusiastically if drunk.  She will only sing when drunk, and when she does it is loud and terrible.
Avei’s favorite song is the Star Wars equivalent of Uptown Funk.
If you make slave girl or dancer comments to her face, she will shoot you, most likely in the junk.
She hates the Hutts and the Cartel because of their enslavement of her people.  When she needs a girl’s night, she, Risha, Akaavi, and sometimes Skye will go rob some Hutt business or another.
She is not an animal person.  At all.  She was incredibly salty about Risha putting the shanjaru on her ship.
There are NPC lines about statues being built of your PC.  At least one of Avei gets built.  Avei has a holo of her touching her own butt.  She then made Corso pose for a holo of him touching her butt.  They are framed and displayed in their house.  Avei is very proud of them.
Kiva refuses to bring her first girlfriend home because of them.  Corso ensures the holodisplay is mysteriously not working when needed for her sake.
Avei suspects she knows why the holodisplay keeps mysteriously going out but she likes tinkering with stuff too much to really complain.  Also she makes the picture bigger each time.
She prefers fruity sweets over chocolate.  Her favorite is a specific brand of sugared shuura fruit imported from Naboo.
Illivrin, being raised in a poor subsistence farming community and then being a slave, has a very low-grade education.  In American terms, she probably wouldn’t have even graduated high school.
She has poor reading and writing skills.  She struggles to read at more than a slow pace, and her handwriting is rough chicken scratches.  She completes everything she can digitally.
This is how Sali’ra manages to turn Illivrin’s base against her; Illivrin gives Sali’ra more and more paperwork over the years so Sali’ra gets more and more intel and can start manipulating Illivrin’s underlings accordingly right under her nose.
Also due to this she will eat anything.  If she gets it and it looks vaguely edible and she’s sure it’s not poisoned, she will eat it.  Her diet is terrible.
She is extremely paranoid about poison being hidden in richly flavored dishes, and avoids fancy foods.  Her diet mainly consists of ration bars, some vegetables, and crappy roasted meat.
Illivrin is right handed.
Like Avei, she pretty smol.  About 5′5″.
She is incredibly strong in the Force.  The Anakin Skywalker of her day.  I don’t give a rat’s ass what KotFE canon says about Vaylin.
She is hardcore introverted, and is honestly happiest wandering in the depths of a Sith tomb alone or with just Khem, looking at weird artifacts.
Unlike Bioware I did not forget about the Silencer.  Illivrin will take any excuse to whip it out and point it at an enemy.  It’s like Life Day for her.
She isn’t a fan of music, and prefers quieter recordings of obscure classics from Imperial and Sith cultures if she does have to listen to something.  Generally things that sound like quiet wailing to the untrained ear.
She doesn’t like to wear things heavier than a scarf on her face or neck because it reminds her of her slave collar.  She still treasures the Mask of Kallig, but it’s the only exception.
For this reason she keeps her hair short until she is exiled, when she doesn’t have a way to cut it regularly.
She didn’t trust anyone with scissors near her neck and had a barber droid, which she mindwipes regularly to avoid tampering.
She kept bangs grown out on one side because she is self-conscious of the burn scar on her face.
Illivrin’s Force powers manifested while she was a slave in the form of a Muggle Repellent charm-type thing.  Any slave overseer getting ideas about the nearest female slave got hit with a massive, uncontrolled “STAY TF AWAY” wave from her through the Force; all they knew was that they suddenly got a horrible headache.
Because of her days as a slave, Illivrin enjoys killing slave owners and...the slaves.
She kills the owner first in a horrible, horrible painful way ofc.
But then because her mindset is “I would rather die than be a slave again” she kills the slaves too, because slavery is a fate worse than death and as far as she’s concerned, she’s saving them.  The slaves do not see it this way.
Illivrin’s final end is when Kiva reverses the binding rituals, frees the Sith ghosts Illivrin bound, and in turn binds Illivrin to an eternal prison in a tomb on Yavin 4.  She is trapped there, separated from Khem Val, the only person she ever cared about, for all eternity.
It is a deeply beloved and self-indulgent headcanon of mine that at some point Anakin Skywalker finds her prison tomb thing and she fries his bitch ass.
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marioshipping · 2 years
Waluigi x Great fairy of victory
*stares at you* Who tf is...is the Great Fairy of Victory a Mario character?? *looks it up on ol google* Oh it's from Mario tennis that's why I had no idea who she was. jfdkhsk Anon, where do you get these obscure characters from fksghk Anyways, uhhhh...hmm...I...don't really know enough about her to make a conclusion here. And especially why Waluigi of all people would be interested. So I'll ask that whoever asked this (or if anybody wants to chip in) tell why you ship it in another ask! Because I have NO idea!
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chooseandact · 7 years
(These replies are making a monstrosity themselves.) Tagging @insectoid5, @frozenartscapes, @ultranos, @kalikoke, @hathor-frozen, @myfanfictiongarden, @mighty-meerkat, et al.
EDIT:  (And again, I spawn another monstrosity. *sigh*)
@frozenartscapes​ reblogged your post and added: Don’t forget, I also brought in Yama and his cronies from Big Hero 6 (source). So there’s also the possibility of dragging gang activity into this as well.
(Also I now officially headcanon that all the recruiters for the Org are named Joe. Not as fake names, but real names. It gets confusing really quickly. It also doesn’t help because of Family Guy, but I also picture all of them voiced by Patrick Warburton.)
Don’t worry, @frozenartscapes, I didn’t forget Yama. I mentioned them in “DA!prompt #3” with the same source. You should’ve got a notification, but I mis-typed everyone’s “@”, so it didn’t send. :( Also, I really like the idea the male recruiters all sound like Kronk (That’s who I asssociate Patrick with; I never watched Family Guy.) More stuff below.
@myfanfictiongarden​ reblogged your post and added: […] Anyway, I see @chooseandact​ that you wrote quite a few characters down. While it would be fun to see all the HoND crew interact with Judge Frollo and our Frozen gang, add some BH6 and spy Rapunzel…. I´m for keeping things small. You can only devote so much time to one character, but with more then 8? Each of them has their own storyline etc. etc. it could be too much.
What I am with is a good funny spy-fic, with DA!Verse Elsa on a mission, Kristof, Tadahi and Anna along making things crazyer [sic], D standing somewhere, and the all evil trio Weaselton-Hans-Frollo (Frollo is such a bad guy even Hans can learn more from him-wait, is Frollo still a judge in DA!Verse? I hope so)
I hope, I could help and we could bring this baby to live :)
From one DA!rookie to another: Welcome to the club! I know I listed many characters, but that doesn’t mean we have to use everyone. They’re just some of the many people available to use in the background. Like I said, I thought adding HoND and the others strained disbelief. However, I think we can benefit by keeping just Judge Frollo and Phoebus, even if they make brief appearances:
With Frollo, we get a sense of some of the legal system’s failures (If any of us knows some basic legal stuff, it could help, but no need to go overboard [says the one who scoured the DA!depths for sources!]. If not, we can use Wikipedia or TV courts, e.g. any CSI, any Law & Order, etc.). Elsa has noticed most of the goons she sees are almost always the same people from Yama’s gang, even after honest cops have picked them up. She has suspicions but cannot act on them because of Org work.
With Phoebus, we get laughs as Sgt. Wesel tries to explain his theories to his superior, only for Phoebus to brush him off as (1) the force’s resident paranoiac, and (2) a Living Legend in the bad sense – from Phoebus’ POV, Wesel has been out of touch with reality for a while (we readers know he’s more right than he could ever imagine), but he can’t be dismissed from the force because he did Great Things in his past (and won’t let you forget it, to everyone’s ire) and has employment seniority, so he’s protected even more the local cop union. And we get a trio of good cops (Kristoff, Tadashi, and Phoebus) who sometimes simply meet just to talk, which counters your Evil Trio of Hans, Wesel and Frollo.
@mighty-meerkat​ reblogged your post and added: […] It’s been so long since I wrote any Mariselsa, but I kind of want Marisol at the party as well in some capacity. Maybe she’s on a separate search-and-destroy-information mission for a different handler, which immediately puts a massive spanner in Elsa’s works, because Marisol is…not very good at damage control. If she’s trying to set the place on fire, Elsa’s attempts at discretion are literally going to go up in smoke.
I like that idea! Here’s some more fic welding then: Hans is both terrified and furious at Elsa’s threat, as linked previously. He attends the gang boss’ party, as do Our Heroes, Marisol, Rapunzel (on loan from the German Org as a Field Test), Wesel, and Frollo (and Wesel’s two thugs, but as background only). Marisol has her own mission, which indeed counters Elsa’s goal and sets the building ablaze. Everyone escapes: Marisol goes her way, Elsa tracks the female target I mentioned in DA!prompt #3 (she can be the high-profile target or someone else in the hierarchy), and the rest of Our Heroes return to the Arendelle’s and await Elsa’s return. Everything unfolds as explained in DA!prompt #3, which ends in a fight that wounds Elsa, kicking off the beginning of @frozenartscapes’ fic Call for Help.
@insectoid5 reblogged your post and added: I commend you for thinking this through so thoroughly! That’s the sort of thing I don’t have the energy to do, usually […]
I love your idea of adding spy!Rapunzel, and we may as well add Cassandra (from Tangled: The Series), because I can totally see her fitting in at the Org.  I can totally see Elsa being a spy, given her usual stealthy missions.  Which will last up to the point where she falls out of a tree and spooks the person she’s watching. 😅
Maybe the Org has some kind of vocational cover story for banks and tax people.  Like, I dunno… life insurance. 😂  (I volunteer @frozenartscapes to come up with a better one.)
[…] Also: every recruiter is named Joe: perfect!  (Though how their superiors will know if all the Joes are doing a good job, if they don’t have some way of telling them apart, e.g., “tall Joe”, “short Joe”…). If a small, obscure Frozen ship can have an archivist/historian, I don’t see why this AU shouldn’t have one.  You’re nominated! 😄
Why thank you! And it all started from a dress pic… In the words of Gord Bamford: “It ain’t your eyes, your lips, your nose, your hips / That got me in this mess / Blame it on that red dress” (If you didn’t notice, I think Anna’s dress/fan should keep the style but be fire-engine red bc red hair & all)
re: “Joes”: I was inspired by a scene in the Transformers 3 novel, where 3 secret agents appear. They dress the same and are not related despite all 3 being referred to only as “Johnson”, yet you still can tell who’s talking. The Org’s “Joes” are similar: they don’t need identifiers, even though “their appearance [has] been carefully conceived to leave no lasting impression on anyone who might see them.” (TF book) When someone calls for “Joe”, somehow they just know which one is needed. No one knows how or why. Elsa is unnerved and D is disturbed, even though he hired them. Anna tries to make the obligatory “take your average Joe” joke, but Elsa stops her preemptively, saying an unknown Org person did that the day after Elsa joined. Org rumor has it they were never seen again. The next day, all the Joes arrived 10 min. late with flecks of mud on their Men in Black-style suit pants’ cuffs, and Every. Single. File. with the person’s name (the digital/physical ones backed-up in triplicate, database, weapons logs, bank info, etc.) had the name wiped. Not black censor bar. Wiped. Eventually, they faded from collective memory and exist only as a rumor from senior Agents to rookies.
On the topic of the missing Org person, I found two more Org members: an unnamed duo who reviewed Elsa’s test scores and assigned her to “wetwork specialist” (from the same source as Chamomile Tea “Joe”)
Thank you for the nomination as DA!historian, and I accept the position! I’ll do what I can, when I can, but I cannot promise I will remember everything. As you can see above, I’m trying to make a coherent timeline of events for a chrono DA!blog master post. Still needs (lots of) work & is FAR from finished.
One last thought: would you all be willing to do this fic as a multi-author collab? One person writes one segment, and the next part is handed off to another, all while keeping the basic plot points as outlined above and elsewhere. I’m afraid I can’t do much beyond outlines atm bc Life™ & extreme unfamiliarity with writing fics/dialogue/scene-setting/etc (I know, get experience by writing whenever, no one is perfect the first time, etc.). Thoughts?
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captainmorganrielly · 7 years
Ooh for that ask meme: M, O, U, V, W? It's a lot so don't feel like you have to answer them all!
ahh thank you!!
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend. Hermione Granger - loyal, smart, willing to break the rules for a good cause, believes in equal rights
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of? Shuffle gives me “The Dangling Conversation”, and because I’m hockey trash all I can think of is hockey player/place that traded them 😅
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites. If I can say real people, hockey fandom - Auston Matthews. His story is just amazing (basically this), and he’s a good teammate, and he’s so extra I can’t with him, and he’s so good, I love him so much. Harry Potter - Hermione, for the reasons above. And for the third, to go super obscure since this is what popped into my head, Ursula from Kiki’s Delivery Service. She’s an artist living in a cabin the woods, who’s friends with the crows, and helps Kiki to find her inspiration. Also I get a lesbian vibe from her? Sign me tf up.
V - Which character do you relate to most? Hmm, that’s a tough one. I don’t usually see myself in fictional characters. Maybe book!Ron Weasley is the most like me tbh, if we replace the actually wanting to play the sport thing, and if he actually liked reading
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom. Unless it’s done incredibly well, I find a/o/b played straight to be pretty gross tbh
ask meme!
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