#why is adora the only one who should be doing all this?
when they deny that adora and catra are siblings, but also expect adora to constantly take care of catra like an older sister would.
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aprillikesthings · 3 months
The entire plot of She-Ra would be kind of hilarious from the POV of a random Horde soldier the same age/cohort of cadets as Catra and Adora (we know there's more we see on screen whose names we never learn)
Because just imagine
You grow up and sleep in the same bunk room and those two are constantly sharing the same bed, and Adora is at least friendly with everyone but if you're TOO friendly Catra hisses at you and threatens to cut you
Shadow Weaver is obviously obsessed with Adora and using Catra to control her (...and vent her own anger whenever she feels like it), so you just uhhh stay out of that as much as you can
And then one day right after Adora makes Force Captain she disappears and both Shadow Weaver and Catra lose their fucking minds about it, as if there's not dozens of other Horde soldiers, why is it always about Adora
Oh and there's some new tall blonde princess named She-Ra who keeps kicking the Horde's asses?
What do you mean that's also Adora??? THE FUCK???
Oh and look Catra is still weirdly obsessed with her and the two of them seem to start every battle only to run off and fight each other, for fucks sake they should just bang already, you're tired of getting beat to shit because of those two
Anyway at some point Shadow Weaver is gone and then Catra is too, for a while; but oh nope ha ha there she is again
Also at some point some kinda portal thing opens up and everything is HELLA WEIRD and then suddenly everything is back to normal
Except after that Catra's giving orders ALL THE TIME, and she gets meaner and meaner and if anyone tries to talk to her about it they also get shouted at
And then Catra and Hordak disappear, then Horde Prime shows up, and the world almost ends but it doesn't and the Fright Zone is covered in plants for some reason??? Wow the sky is bright without all that pollution. Weird.
And then you find out that the reason the world didn't end is ....Catra and Adora had a make-out somewhere underground and also, now Catra is glued to She-Ra's side and making goo-goo eyes at her
LIKE. The plot of She-Ra would be absolutely batshit from their POV and I can't stop laughing about it, like what do you MEAN I've been sent to fight in battle over and over because these two dipshits couldn't just tell each other they wanted to bang for MULTIPLE YEARS
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the-rat-eatery · 1 year
Something that I think is so great about She-Ra is that it portrays selfishness as a good thing. So many stories about “chosen ones” and “saving the world” are presented as acts of selflessness; it’s the sacrifices that bring the world to peace. She-Ra isn’t like that. It isn’t without its sacrifices, we think of Angella and Mara and Shadow Weaver- but they aren’t the focus. Catra becomes more selfless over the course of the fifth season, but that’s just character development- not the thing that saves the world. 
Adora is a martyr. Obviously. The classic way for the story to handle this is to have her die in the finale- a death tragic but necessary. If she were to die there would no doubt be statues built in her honor, if she had died in the initial seasons then that death would surely be something that was presented as honorable- something to be avenged and be in awe of. But her inherent heroism, her selflessness, is repeatedly shown to be a bad thing for Adora- the person. Sure, the longevity of Adora’s She-Ra might have been expanded if she had given her life for the cause, the stories told in her wake more grand, a punchier ending to the tale, but Adora herself would have felt no benefit- she would have been a corpse. It is Catra, and Catra’s selfishness, that saves her. 
Catra is interesting in that way. We see her arc climax with an act of selflessness- her saving Glimmer in exchange for what she thought would be her life. But it ends with her being selfish, choosing to confess to Adora in the end, desperately asking her to stay- the only thing she ever wanted from her. It is want that saves them both in the end, want is an entirely selfish act. 
Adora’s selflessness is questioned throughout the fifth season by Catra, something that is taken as a given by everyone else in the rebellion. They were all expected to lay down their lives for the rebellion, but Adora was on the front lines. This isn’t even questioned by Bow and Glimmer, who stood back when Adora (without any discussion) was unanimously decided to be the one to take the failsafe. Yes, they didn’t know the repercussions then, but Adora was still the leader, and she was the one expected to take the responsibility. Catra’s selfishness, her not wanting to let Adora go is what brought Shadow Weaver’s deception to light. She wants, and that saves the person she is wanting. Want is lifesaving, want is a good thing. 
I like this because selfishness is good, actually. Selfishness is the thing love thrives on, it’s why living isn’t surviving. 
Selflessness is giving up what we want for someone else’s good. This is good in measure, I’m not saying that everyone should take everything that they want all the time- the world would be chaos. But selflessness can go too far, and we see this in She-Ra. Selflessness can wrap back over into selfishness when you’ve got too much of it- barreling over with giving and giving yourself to other people in a feeble attempt to avoid dealing with your own problems. But the selfishness of She-Ra is the selfishness that is required of love. It is confession. It is, instead of accepting death for the sake of all, fighting for the life you want. Wanting is such a human thing. Not even a human thing, it’s just a life thing. And that same wanting is chastised by the media. We aren’t supposed to want, especially if we’re gay; and if we do then the honorable, right thing to do is to give it up for the good of other people. She-Ra shows us the opposite. Selfishness saves the world and wanting is good. 
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Shadow Weaver's "Redemption"
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So I often see posts going around about Shadow Weaver's death scene and how she "deserved worse" or "doesn't even count as a redemption". In my opinion, like a lot of She-Ra stuff online, it ignores a lot of the nuance of the show's actual writing.
I don't really call her arc a redemption arc... but I do see this scene in particular as her finally, at long last realising how much harm she's caused to Catra and Adora. By keeping them apart... she's actually made Adora weaker, ironically, all those years of manipulation... and it's been for nothing. Adora isn't her perfect little pawn, she's weak and dying of green prime virus running through her and hurting at the thought of her best friend dying to Prime's little pet cthulu.
I see way too many people say that SW should have died sooner and to be honest, yes, if this was any other story, yeah they'd have probably killed her around season 3. If they genuinely did want her to have a redemption, they'd have made her arc in seasons 3 and 4 more genuine, have her work to really be an ally of the rebellion and not being the manipulative witch she'd always been. But that's not what Nate Stevenson wanted to do. By keeping SW around as long as the show did, they got do more with her and show how someone like her is in various environments, both in the Horde and on the side of the rebellion.
I genuinely think this WAS SW doing a "one good thing" like Catra did. And to be honest, it was the only good thing she could really do. There is no way that if she did survive this that she could truly make ammends for the harm and cycles of abuse she perpetuated, especially not at this point in the story.
Hordak was at least under the influence of his programming and war was the only thing he knew when he started the Horde. Sure, he's not entirely absolved of his actions in the war, but he's at least more of a victim and his compassion for Entrapta show's he's at least worthy of a second chance. Shadow Weaver was clearly a woman driven by power, a desperate need for control and that was her own choice, likely from being scared of being weak. (I believe she was telling the truth when she told Catra that Catra reminded her of herself, that she was once a weak and hurt young woman who hated being weak and wanted to be stronger and that began her lust for power.)
Also, what she says to Catra and Adora? "It's much too late for me, but your story is just beginning. I'm so proud of you. You're welcome."
She could have very easily just said sorry, much like Catra did when she rescued Glimmer.... but would ANY apology be really able to make up for what she did? No, probably not. Instead its just... "you're welcome" as if to say "you're finally rid of me, congrats". Because she knows that pain now and how it tore Catra and Adora apart. And the fact she does this with her mask off, without any hint of lies, as if to be finally honest for the first time in so long.
I know it's fun to dunk on SW and say she's the worst ever and yeah, I do enjoy that too... but I also know what her arc, if you can call it, that is about and why she is in the story. Like everything in She-Ra, she has a lot of nuance to her, even if you didn't realise it.
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anti-spop · 4 months
while i love glimmadora, i honestly like the idea of adora not ending up in any romantic relationship. i'm sure the internet would accuse spop of "queerbaiting" if that were the case lmao. but the lgbtq+ community isn't just about romance or sex (and you don't have to be aspec to recognize that imo!). it kinda sucks that spop ignored that completely, since nearly all the characters were pushed in romantic relationships without proper build-up. like, why do characters NEED romance in order to be happy?
i mean, you often see c//a as the only way both catra and adora could be happy, which is bullshit, because, obviously, not only were these two raised as sisters, but catra still abuses adora AND she's still dependent on adora. this relationship only ruined BOTH of their characters. a romantic relationship should NOT equal therapy. especially one with as much abuse and baggage as c//a has.
romantic relationships shouldn't be obligatory or the MAIN goal of a character's arc, because it's just going to resume this character to a ship, not who they rlly are.
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theslayerbrother · 7 months
So there is a lot of Saying of how Jim changed characters Such as Draal Strickler Angor and Nomura to name a few but not that much of how the character changed him (especially his friends and family ) outside of bein Supportive.
edit - there Amazing headcannos by @albentelisa and by a few more so maybe i would return on Something that people already Said
Also i am not a Writer i'm so not calming it's 100% (well Claire mabye hehe) jk.
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Let's Start with the easiest and Probably the most loyal person to Jim and the first Person after Jim that was introduce was his BFF Toby. Toby Represent Jim mortality the fact that he Can be hurt and injured because toby very easily get hurt and injured because he only human and not in the best of shape but besides that he is able to Keep going Which is Why Jim kept going able to do things despite being only human.
(i am well aware that Jim was the one who push to toby to Keep going as well was the first but Jim a lot of the time felt a moment of weakness that he isn't good enough and toby Should him that isn't true it Kinda go visa versa)
another thing about toby is his happiness and he have a Positive out Look of things toby and Jim become friends a short time after his father Left Which is Why Jim able to Keep going as much as he did because toby was always being besides him.
that's Also Why the rott movie was bad because it tainted that idea.
but isn't canon still hunts me a lot of the time.
overall Jim became much more happy and Much less angsty that he Should've been without toby.
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moving on to Jim's Crash and Jim's Soulmate the Lovely but dorky Claire.
Claire represent Jim's fear especially the ones who relate to Losing his Loved ones and become evil Plus Lacking in Self belief.
thanks to Claire Jim able or have much easier time overcoming his insecurities his Lack of believing in self to do Something risky Such as the final Push in the bathtub Scene (Part of it obviously is the fact that Claire herself is a bit of a Dork lol).
the thing that Claire gave to Jim was her Love and acceptance that she trust him and he totally deserve the Love and care that Claire give him. as he doesn't need to be fear that he always feel accepted with her.
She is also extremely Smart So she can her only Second to Blinky so she help Jim with things that aren't trollhunting related and Very Powerful So She can Protect Jim when ever he need a hand.
Claire is Jim greatest Love and i think that Jim feel a lot more confidence and accepted because of her.
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even tho Jim Claimed that he doesn't care about his father but he def need one and Blinky was the Answer. i believe that Blinky Represent Jim desire for family and being a Leader because both of them becomes Leaders Jim become a Leader at part 1 of Season 1 and Blinky at the end of Season 2 after the Death of Vendel both were hurt by a close family relative Jim by his father leaving him and his mother as a little kid. and Blinky by his brother Joining the Side of gunmmar both able to make their own family Jim found toby as best friend and brother then Blinky became his troll Dad and ARRRGHHH his troll brother. Blinky befriend ARRRGHHH and Adopt Jim as his son.
Blinky made Jim the best trollhunter change him and give Jim a Parent figure that's all the Most wholesome.
Jim need a father figure to guide him in trollhunting world and Also being a father in general. Plus Someone to share his Knowledge with.
so Overall Jim need a guidance of mentor and a father and Blinky answer that call
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ARRRGHHH is everyone favorite wingman i do think AREGGGGG represent Jim entering a role that can be very well take your whole childhood away. both were enter the role of a Warrior in a young age i believe that ARRRGHHH form @albentelisa worlds he understand Jim as a role of trollhunter the Most and Probably Jim has much better time dealing with being a trollhunter thank to ARRRGHHH
Also his big heart and Adorable Personality help Jim have much better time entering a Strange world of the trolls well and Blinky and Draal Obviously.
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Draal is Jim troll brother one of my favorite relationships in the Series
Draal represent Jim defined by his father both were defined by their fathers until they able to break it Jim but overprotecting his mom and have carry all the responsibilities in the house and Draal by following his Dad's Job of being a trollhunter which is Why is He was a rival to Jim at first
Fun fact - i thought that Draal would be an Antagonist for Jim after he defeated him but i glad that he didn't became one and instead became an ally.
Draal was a role model for Jim because Jim understood honor of a Warrior and Also build confidence in Battle as well. Draal was Protector so much that Jim carried his wish and Kill gunmmar by his name and his death consider to be the best one in the Series.
Draal was able to Change Jim make him better as a Person i feel lIke because of Draal i believe that Jim is even honor then he used to before (he had a lot of honor before that but still) better Adjust to the troll world because he had a troll for a brother.
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@pinkytoothlesso11 and @rexnanorum @yavannah  @seekerofblades idon't know about the following two these following ones your expert not mine so i feel free to add up if i miss Something.
Barbara is Jim's mom and i think she represent his heart Barbara is Super Compassionate and have a Similar heart to Jim by being a Doctor and helping people both Jim and Barbara were hurt by Jim's father when he let the both of them down.
the Desire to help people so no one will be left out is Something that they both share Jim by being a trolhunter and Barbara being a Doctor.
Jim Learnt form Barbara that he doesn't need to be afraid to share the burden that you carry with your Loved ones. and that lies not matter what the intention behind it can and will damage your relationship with your Loved ones like what happen with them in Season 1.
Thanks to Barbara Jim become more honest Person who will have better time sharing his burden with his Loved ones and put his trust in them.
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now to everyone favorite avocado troll nerd dad Mister Strickler. Strickler is one of the few relationships that is more antagonistic cuz Jim and Strickler butt heads a lot in trollhuntes in Season 1.
i feel Like what Strickler represent in Jim is the Desire to be Loved and accepted Sure Jim have toby and Barbara but he bullied and for the first part of trollhunters by the trolls because he was a human and Strickler by being a Changeling both however fortunately get the acceptance and Love Jim by Killing Bular and getting together with Claire and Building a family with Blinky ARRRGHHH and Draal
and While Strickler by getting together with Barbara and creating a family with Jim.
Strickler give further Knowledge about troll history and Changeling history to Jim teach him Combat Moves that Blinky won't teach because they cross his Limit.
Also i feel Like the Credit goes to @pinkytoothlesso11 i feel Like when Jim has a half troll Strickler is one who can understand him the most.
Which is Why at the end thanks to Lovely nerdy Strickler Jim is much easier time handling and Seeking things that others might won't understand.
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stanlunter · 5 months
I'm kinda curious why you don't like catradora? Is it just not your thing or do you have reasons? Just kinda curious as I almost always only see the "they were enemies! And that makes it too toxic!" But I saw you like catra/glimmer so yeah, just curious as someone who personally likes it but also hasn't watched the show in ages
Thank you for your question
Yeah, I do hate it, mb not its fans (or at least not all of them, cuz most of them are actually super annoying, but anyways) tho. Also sorry for my bad English
As for the reasons, there are actually many reasons:
Starting with, like you said
1. Being toxic. But the difference with Glitra is that in their way It's not like Catra abuses Glimmer, no, they hate each other mutually, there ia no "abuser x victim" dynamic, bc they hurt each other mutually. Also there are no manipulations, guilt-trips, gaslighting and etc, they are completely honest with each other. While with Adora, their dynamic is rather "abuser x victim" than "enemies to lovers" bc Adora never wanted to hurt Catra, she was always only ensuring what Catra's doing and saying. Adora was always holding back, never tried to kill Catra or make her feel like nothing or hate herself and all her fights were litterally either self-defense or defense of her friends or other people who were attacked by Catra. While Catra always tried to hurt Adora, both mentally and physically, tried to kill her many times, tried to make her hate herself and etc, etc. She was the reason why Adora had such a strong hero complex and always wanted to sacrafice herself. Adora litterally had panic attacks bc of Catra. And the whole "it was a war" argument doesn't work here bc being a war criminal doesn't make Catra any better and bc Catra was toxic to Adora even when they were on the same side. She was always jealous, controlling, possesive and didn't want Adora to have other friends. She wanted Adora to belong to her, which was shown many times. Also she physically hurt her many times, gaslighted her and etc. So their relationship would be much more abusive than Glitra relationship. And what makes it even worse is that Catra has learnt all her abusive traits from SW - recognized Adora's abuser. Catra litterally copies everything the main abuser who has traumatized Adora in the forefront does, which is actually creepy af too. Even she tortures Adora in s4 she says that she took the idea from SW. So she just takes the abuse she (and Adora) has been throught and intentionally uses it against Adora
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Even if you have a kink for abusive ship, you should write them well and not put them in a kid show, normalizing abuse by this. There are examples of good enemies to lovers in kid shows which aren't abusive and It's fine (like Dipper/Pacifica, Talon/Penny, Bubblegum/Marcelin kinda, Amaya and Janai (It's good and It's wlw too), even Glimmadora would work since they were enemies too and etc).
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2. The whole being "basically adoptive sisters" thing. They aren't actual sisters, but they were actually implied to be so. I won’t even mention every time the CREW referred to them this way (however, there were many times), but the main problem is that their whole relationship is fully based on the "Skapegoat & Golden child" dynamic. And SW is a mother figure who loves one child and hates the other one, who always tries to earn her love and jealous and hate the favourite child. Some people say SW was just a teacher and not a mom figure, but it would be a lie at least bc 1. The crew has stated SW as a mother figure, so It's canon anyways 2. It was said by Adora that SW was like a mother to her 3. You don't try to earn your teacher's LOVE like Catra does 4. The whole thing that SW sees herself in Catra and wanted fulfil her ambitions throught Adora. Also SW wasn't a mother figure for other cadets, it wasn't actually her duty to teach Lonnie, Kyle, Rogelio and others. She was a right hand, not a teacher and she was there only for Adora bc she decided so and for Catra bc Adora wanted so. So, even if you're trying to ignore it, It's a huge part of the plot and a base of their relationship. Oddly enough, but many catradora shippers actually love to admit that "SW was a bad abusive mother", "Catra & Adora have mommy issues", "Adora is a favourite child" and etc, yet when you point it out, they start denying it. I find it strange.
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Another thing is subjective, just my personal vision, but I highly dislike all "childhood friends" ships (mb with exceptions if they always actually had feelings for each other, but in catradora case we find out about it only later, especially from Adora's perspectice). Also there is a biological theory that if kids know each other since the age under 6, they see each other as siblings anyways, especially if they grow up together in the same house, especially with the sams parent figure. So, even tho it's subjective, It's an important reason to ms. And I actually did thought of them so and thought everyone does untill I joined the fandom. So even if I don't recognize "see each other as siblings" thing when it comes to usual friends who haven't been grown up together, I do with those who have. Flr example, Renora. This ship was always weird to me and when they become canon, it didn't make me love it. I don't think It's problematic, but it absolutely does make me feel uncomfortable. Like, if you haven't developed your feelings for each other for during these 10 years you were together, where are the feelings suppose to come from later?
But yeah, childhood friends thing is my subjective reason
3. Catra's redemption arc was horrible. And redemption arc is one of the most important things when it comes to enemies-to-lovers, since It's the thing that suppose to help them become canon. Everyone immidiatly has to forgive Catra and no one calls Catra out for what she has done. Even Glimmer, who's mom was killed bc of Catra or Adora who has been abused by Catra for years. And so Catra doesn't even actually changes. She just swaps sides and immidiatly becomes Adora's gf. That's the problem. If you write enemies-to-lovers, do it well
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4. The whole way the shis was handled. It just doesn't make sense and completely ruins the whole development of almost all characters. Adora's development is getting destroyed and she just comes back to s1 Adora. Her whole arc was about stopping blaming herself for Catra's actions, separating from her abusers and getting a life. But she just ends up forgiving Catra and considering Catra a victim of herself. And starts blaming herself for "leaving" Catra again. They just forget everything they've been throught. And what about Catra? Catra was obsessed the whole time. She hated Adora and liked hurting her. Catra was litterally addictive to Adora. It wasn't love, it was possesion. And giving an addict a drug isn't a way to go. Catra should separated from Adora, learn how to live without the idea of being "either with her, or againt her". That's why I think her leaving the Horde with Scorpia and going to a Crimson waste would be the best happy ending for her. She would get a life, get what she wanted (being loved), what she needed and what she deserved and let her issues go. So they just aren't good for each other. Having Adora around was always hurting Catra, Catra never was able to fully show herself when Adora was with her in the Horde and she even saya that Adora leaving gave her a chance to fulfil her actual potential, so Adora leaving was the best thing happened to her. Even if Catra wasn't fully agree with her own words, it was basically truth, bc Catra actually did feel bad bc of Adora when they were together (it wasn't Adora's fault, but still). Catra was always blaming Adora for her problems and didn't stop even in s5. So It was bad not only for Adora, but for Catra as well
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Also Adora never even loved Catra before. If Catra's possesion can be called love at some point, it doesn't work this way with Adora. Yeah, Adora cared about Catra as a friend, but DT was right, Adora didn't need Catra. She didn't have such big problems with letting Catra go. After s1 she forgot Catra and never recalled her as a friend, only as an enemy. So her whole "I love you too" thing just came out of nowhere and was a lie. Just like "I never hated her" bc Adora did and it was shown. Adora got new friends who care about her and getting Catra was absolutely unnecessary for her. It doesn't work even as a Stockholm Syndrome or a trauma bond, bc it was never shown and Adora got a development
Actually, if it did make sense, mb I would like it, but unfortunately it really doesn't and only ruines everything the show has been building for years, which is sad, cuz I used to love both Catra and Adora
It's also strange to me how shippers compare catradora to so many actually good wlw couples like Korrasami, Harlivy, Caitvy, Lumity, Bumbleby, Chaggie and etc, while in reality their relationship is much closer to Tauradonna (which is actually hated by Bumbleby shippers, which is ironic) and Citrus and actually Shin Soukoku and Simon/Grace, or even some actual/ almost actual siblings like Vi/Jinx, Zuko/Azula, Rapunzel/Cassandra, Claudia/Soren, Qrow/Raven, Maki/Mai, Nightwing/Red hood, Thor/Loki, White queen/ Red queen and etc.
But I would prefer to compare it to Shin Soukoku tho
So, these are the main reasons. Actually I don't understand why can't catradora shippers just admit that their ship is problematic and enjoy it as it is, bc it doesn't really make sense to just make ship a full ooc and make it romantic and sweet to like it, bc it litterally goes against the whole point and everything it always has been. So I have a big respect for those shippers who do admit the problems and enjoy it without lying to themselves and gaslighting others tbh
Anyways, thanks for a question, it was actually interesting to answer it and you can feel free to asnwer, desagree or agree, Im not a hater or smth
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wisconsin2002 · 1 year
"Catradora is toxic and abusive"
You know what?
Its been years since She-Ra ended and I'm WAAAY past caring to try and justify my liking for this ship for motherfuckers on here anymore.
Good. I'm glad that catradora is "toxic" because it made for an intriguing story with very complicated characters in complicated situations and while it didn't connect with many, it did with the majority which is all a story can really try to accomplish at the end of the day. Still reach the hearts of those who never gave up on it.
Catra and Adora's story was always destined to have an ending that would piss some people off. No matter how it ended. Because they love eachother and they would always make it back to one another regardless of the hardships and their very challenging past and it's hard to imagine that after all they've been through, but they do.
And some people don't want to see that because it's not a perfect ending and they can't fathom that. They want to see the ending where everything gets tied up in a nice little bow with no open ends and scars but catradora is not it.
Catra and Adora's story is bitter but it's not over. The show may be but you can clearly tell they both have a lot of growing and healing to do as people and they're gonna do that together now away from the toxic environment and people that blurred their mind away from that chance to start something new and healthy.
Catradora through out the show is an end to the shit in their life that wasn't working for both of them and a beginning to find something that can work now without abandoning eachother again.
Really it's incomplete. ND wanted all of us to imagine the next steps of their relationship which is why a lot of people only use their past to determine that instead of their present and their future and come to the conclusion that it's toxic.
And no matter what that's how it's gonna be. Because that's one of the many conclusions people can arrive to.
They're an open book couple with so many possibilities and it's up to our imagination to say where they'll go next. And that's just how it is. It's like the ending of Bojack Horseman. No one's story truly ends but they all arrive at where they need to be to make the next step.
They can be toxic, they can be sweet, they can be bitter. Possibilities are endless.
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Regardless tho they're so fucking interesting just like characters should be. And I'm perfectly fine with that.
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spopsalt · 6 months
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I found all of these on Pinterest TODAY. And I’m only gonna be able to unpack SOME of them.
“Better than the rest of the female population”? Jfc, did whoever make that one hate women or something? Because Catra is the lowest bar for a person. Not even a bar, that chick is the fucking floor.
I don’t even understand what the Jesus one is trying to say. But I don’t think I want to. Im pretty sure whoever made that is susceptible to falling into a cult. Which is fair, since this fandom essentially is one.
“We wants S4 Catra.” First off, I feel like they’re specifically saying S4 bc thats the season most people agree she’s legal. Second, that’s literally Catra ar her worse. Look, I understand liking villains. Im a simp for villain characters. But something tells me the type of person who made that meme doesn’t understand liking a villain and acknowledging they’re a villain. They probably think S4 is the best because she’s ‘Mommy’ or whatever, and would probably defend everything she did in that season and pretend she wasn’t a villain, without realizing S4 Catra (Every Catra really) would literally let someone die for being an inconvenience, try to murder suicide someone to prove a point, send someone to a death prison for saying no, and would essentially rip out someone’s pacemaker for a laugh. Yes, the perfect partner. 😒
“Why can’t Catra be real?” Well… Catra specifically doesn’t. But people like her do. Most of them are war criminals, dictators, politicians, mass murderers, abusers, ableists, rapists, people in positions of power, in jail, the type of person to hit someone for talking back, single for a reason, you get the idea. So, in short whoever is out here simping for Catra hopefully realizes the difference between reality and fiction when having a crush. And if they don’t, they need help. I’m not even getting into the fact about half of these are her as a minor (if not all of them.)
Btw, I’m not saying anyone who relates to Catra is a bad person like what I listed. You can relate to her and not actually be like her. But I think most if the toxic stans who ‘want someone like Catra’ are in it for the wrong reasons. I. E. ‘Mommy-dom Cat-girl UWU Catra’ which is literally just an abuser who has probably murdered a lot of people.
Exactly thank you! There's a disturbing amount of Catra simps and as a pansexual I can confirm I never simped for Catra (Or any fictional character if I'm honest) I mean I guess I could see why someone would due to some people simping for villain characters (For example I know a LARGE amount of the Rick and Morty Fandom want to smash Rick, there's literally an account dedicated to it) but I still don't get it. Whatever.
Also they should be happy that Catra isn't real because Catra would be in prison. Also who wants to be the Catra to my Adora...you mean who wants to be the abuser to my victim? I'm so incredibly distributed by Catra fans
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darklight572 · 9 months
"Catradora is Toxic"
Is a claim i've seen spread...heavily here, now, obviously this is disproportionate compared to the actual number of SPoP fans. This is, even if its Tumblr, social media.
Despite that, I think even folks who don't buy this interesting take could use a reminder- why exactly is Catradora not toxic?
Before we do that, we should look into: what makes a relationship toxic, how that can change, and how exactly abuse factors into all of this. Let's be clear, toxic and abusive aren't the same thing, they mean different things.
Usually "toxic" in regards to a relationships is talking about unhealthy and, sometimes, dangerous actions between folks in an relationship. For example, repeated mischaracterization. [1]
"Abuse" then speaks about when unhealthy behaviors occurs repeatedly, usually with an intent to harm the other person, and is much more actively dangerous. [1]
TOXICITY (EARLY) So then, do Catra and Adora have a toxic, or even abusive, relationship in She-Ra Princess of Power? Yes! Just not in all the instances people like to claim they do. They begin with a toxic relationship, and would delve into an abusive one toward the end of season 1 (Promise imo), then their relationship dissolves from Adora's perspective.
It starts as toxic for a number of reasons, but being brief, Adora does not fully see Catra as a person with her own autunomy but as something to protect and derive her value from. This is very much not intentional on Adora's end, but imo, Adora starts the series with a mindset with the belief that she must do acts of service to derive any value. A lot of this is expressed in her actions in the first couple of interactions she has with Catra and Shadow Weaver.
For example, choosing to leave Catra behind to find the sword even as Catra asks her to bring her. She is either: not taking Catra's abuse seriously enough, or being naive in regards to the chance of Shadow Weaver harming her for something not her fault.
Catra shows fewer troubling behaviors at this early in the case, but there are a couple- for example- when Adora asks her to come back Catra seems to disproportionately blame Adora for the violence inflicted on her. Adora is responsible for her own actions, not for Shadow Weaver's she is still a child. I want to be clear, Catra is not inherently in the wrong for being mad at Adora for not realizing Shadow Weaver was a piece of abusive shit, but shifting the blame of the abuse itself is.
If you wanna learn more about that early dynamic, I recomend Five by Five's [2] "Trilogy", "Why Adora Matters", and "Why Catra Matters". Some of my points and ideas are informed by those videos.
ABUSE (STILL EARLY) So, when and how does this become abusive? A lot of people might point out that Catra harms Adora physically pretty early in the series- I would like to point some mitigating factors in this. Catra is a CHILD, 18 at oldest, who is being repeatedly physically and mentally abused and probably violated (See: Shadow Weaver's ability to mind wipe people). It is impossible to say that Catra's seeming agreement in bringing Adora back is uncoerced.
Especially since she showed signs of leaving the Horde until she recieved seemingly safety from Shadow Weaver in some small part by becoming a Force Captain. So, in my mind, a lot of Early Catra is easily explained. We see this most clearly, imo, in No Princess Left Behind. Not only does Catra give Adora her sword back when she could: have attacked the weakened princess, pulled more alarms, etc- and it would have- at least in her mind- given her validation from Shadow Weaver.
Yet she doesn't, because while their relationship is toxic, it is not abusive at this point in time.
I think the tipping point of abuse (as mentioned previously) is Promise. This is where we see, again imo, undisputable evidence of Catra intentionally harming Adora with no seeming coercion. Letting go of her at the crevisse. Maybe she thought Adora would be fine with She-Ra, but that absolutely doesn't excuse her here. Then, the physical harm she continually perpetuates against Adora is at least- in part- uncoerced, as we see here.
MIDPOINT (ALL THE OTHER SHIT) We have to look further into Catra's abuse against Adora- and to what extent it is Catra. I think a point that too many people miss is that throughout the majority of the series Catra is in a system which repeatedly abuses her specifically, she is not just a child soldier who grew into a commander, she is one targeted uniquely by multiple of the higher ups. This does not excuse Catra's behavior, but it makes it A) more understandable, and B) less reprehensible.
So, what does she do? Mostly attacking Catra and mentally manipulating her while in battle- some of this is her trying to survive against She-Ra's enormous physical stature- but she seems to gain some amount of satisfaction from it all. Despite this, even though she has multiple opportunities to have killed Adora, she never does. This is, to be clear, a very low bar- but it does demonstrate that some claims of Catra "leaving Adora to die" are extremely overexaggerated. Adora doesn't fight particularly well in a lot of scenes, and Catra could have very easily chosen to slash her throat instead of kicking her. Catra does not want Adora to die.
One of her greatest harms is when she pulled the lever for the portal. Although, there are several mitigating factors which makes it not quite comparable to Glimmer's actions a season later. First of all, after Shadow Weaver's escape, Catra assumes Shadow Weaver's place- and Shadow Weaver is replaced by Hordak as an abuser. Second, Catra is not working on perfect knowledge, she is told it could destroy everything- by who exactly? Adora. Who she has seen consistently not recognize threats properly in the past, and has been able to outwit consistently. What she actually knows is that pulling this will hurt Adora because she didn't listen to her, to me, its unclear how much of the situation actually dawned on her.
This, again, does not excuse the situation- but it explains it. While Catra shows self-harming behavior, I don't think its at all consistent with her character to want to destroy everything- we see her contradict that with her literal every action. No, this action is much better explained as a judgement call of Adora. One of the worst actions she actually does is send Entrapta to Beast Island. While Entrapta percieves this as a "positive" later on, to Catra, Beast island is a death trap and that is her intent when she does this. This action is mitigated at least slightly by the fact that Entrapta was directly standing in her way of doing what Hordak wants. Catra knows how that ends, pain or death (through suffocation or beast island itself).
While its more than possible Entrapta could have convinced Hordak not to pull the lever (this is contentious), Catra is very clearly not thinking here. Some like to use Catra's manipulation of Hordak later on as proof she has some massive plan but uh- her plan was to nearly destroy the world then lose to Adora, and then manipulate Hordak? No- clearly she wasn't thinking, and was trying to justify herself to someone that could harm her, keeping her security. Does that make any of this right? No. But again, it provides context.
ANALYSIS (WHEN IS IT OKAY TO FORGIVE?) So, looking at ALL of this, how could there be any doubt? Catradora is toxic and abusive, the claim is correct, no? No.
Because while toxic, and further abusive, describes Catra throughout most of the series, it does not describe her throughout the ENTIRE series. And, her acts of abuse have consistently been muddled with manipulation. Earlier, I left out a small detail, even during Promise- Catra was being actively manipulated by Light Hope. Her memories were being changed, Catra is being violated. That changes a lot doesn't it? Throughout the series Catra's safety is conflated with an end-goal. Taking over the Horde with Adora, retrieving Adora for Shadow Weaver, being a Commander for Hordak.
This does not change the fact that she was abusive, but it puts Catra into a context as someone who is not necessarily doing so of her own will. Of course she grows more and more angry at Adora, in her mind, Adora is actively refusing Catra's safety. This is still a very toxic mindset, but it is a deeply understandable one considering Catra's childhood. This changes the entire dynamic Adora and Catra have. We see everything from Adora's perspective, we understand thats not her intent, and not even what she's doing. But Catra doesn't. The abuse, fundamentally, comes from a lack of perspective. [2]
So, Season 5, the biggie in the room. This is what most critics of Catradora seem to either ignore entirely or dismiss without thorough examination. Well, they also ignore all of the context of seasons 1 through 4 but i've already discussed that. Its notable that here, for the first time in a long time, Catra's power is something she knows not does not protect her. It allows her to consider her own perspective as unbiased as she has ever been able to. She is isolated from most anyone she could abuse, and the one chance she does have she chooses not to.
Here, she finally recognizes that her own perspective is rooted in a flawed understanding of their childhood. Not just from Shadow Weaver, or even from Light Hope- but from herself. This is extremely important, Catra- in realizing this- is not just taking accountability for her actions but the mindset that lead to it- and immediately takes action to correct herself. She rescues Glimmer, and in the process is violated again, this time even more severely- and is mind controlled by Prime. Adora saves her anyway. Because even abusive as Catra was, Adora understands the context that Catra was abusive in, and through her action to save Glimmer, see's the goodness in her return. As Catra couldn't kill Adora, Adora can't let Catra die.
So, Adora rescues her, Catra reacts negatively at first- but of course she does- her mind was just taken from her without her consent. But even then, Catra wants distance, asks Adora to drop her off- to isolate her. Adora refuses. This is important, too often people outside of a situation or even the perpetuator try to claim ownership of how to help the people they harmed- thats not up to them- its up to the person harmed. Adora doesn't want Catra gone, because she see's the context which shackled Catra has been- literally- eradicated. Catra proves to us that Adora isn't just being optimistic here.
As they move around, Catra ceases her violent actions against her, she barely even bickers- when she raises her voice she immediately apologizes and displays accountability for her anger. She helps save the world from Horde Prime. I think looking at Shadow Weaver's behavior creates a nice dichotomy between what someone actually changing looks like versus someone who wants to appear as changed. Shadow Weaver is still manipulative, still actively trying to get Adora to do everything she wants- and Catra- doesn't take her shit. She calls Shadow Weaver out, repeatedly sticks her own neck out against her former abuser in order to save Adora.
Catra does eventually get emotional with Adora, but there is not manipulation happening in "Heart Part 1", Catra is correct- Adora will die if she does this herself- Catra doesn't want Adora to die. Is this the most healthy way of doing this? Absolutely not, but again, they are fighting an evil space empreror. When she realizes Adora is going to die, she immediately course corrects and goes to find her, attempting to and successfully rescuing Adora from herself and Prime.
Does this make what happened before, okay? No. It doesn't. None of what I've explained here should make you dismiss what Catra did, Catra certainly doesn't, but I want you all to think about what creates the abuse and toxicity in the first place. Is Catra actually the origin? Or is she a tool for a system of perpetual power to inflict violence through. She isn't completely cleared of her part in her actions, she has choices, but in such a system your choices are limited and often coerced. Catra was actively coerced at literally every step, and had her options limited from day one. She was different, and Shadow Weaver didn't like the, even toxic, relationship she had with Adora.
Highlighting that a lot of the initial toxcitiy is from Adora helps illustrate my point more clearly, it is not Adora being a "bad person" it is the oppression of the Horde using Adora as a tool. Adora has the privilege (through the Sword and her lack of physical danger) to escape it, Catra- at least, in a safe way, didn't. Catra didn't have the power to fight off the Horde when they came looking for her, at least, she didn't think she did. What we see throughout the series is Catra trying in vein to reclaim some small amount of safety she had when she was with Adora and failing because she was playing the system's game.
Adora knows this, of course she does, thats why she's so quick to go back after Catra once she see's the glimmer of goodness in her (heh). What makes Catradora so good in my opinion, is that it doesn't just show how people who were abused can move on, but it shows how systemic oppression differs from individual abuse. Is their relationship going to be perfect at the end of the series? Absolutely not. Will it abusive? No. Not from the context we see in Season 5. Is it okay for Adora to forgive Catra? That depends on the person. Fundamentally, Catra's situation is extremely complicated, with no real analog to our real world in its entirity. We have to understand that metaphors can only go so far, I've tried to explain as much as I can, but there's absolutely nuance missing here because Etheria isn't Earth, and the Horde isn't like any massive corporation or even military on Earth.
I think, given all the context, and Catra's later repeated displays of growth and goodness- that Adora can forgive Catra. I feel, for a lot of reasons, a lot of relation to Adora. I can say, at least from my current understanding, that I would forgive Catra.
That doesnt mean my take is automatically correct, but, the continued insistence that Catradora is toxic has largely ignored a massive portion of context and development on Catra's side and seemingly completely missed the fact that some of the toxicity came from Adora before it came from Catra, and therefore missed the system ultimately responsible.
[1] "What is a Toxic Relationship." Elizabeth Scott, 2023 https://www.verywellmind.com/toxic-relationships-4174665
[2] "Five by Five Takes" Youtube Channel, Sar (Specifically Trilogy, Why Catra Mattesrs, and Why Adora Matters)
One Little last note: I have absolutely missed a LOT of things, Glimmer's actions in comparisons, some of the specifics, Catra's toxic (platonic) relationship with Scorpia- but - most of that isn't necessarily relevant to this anaylsis. What happens with Scorpia is much more complicated than Catra just abusing Scorpia, but I think the situation with Entrapta is much more poignant and relevant for what we're discussing here.
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Catra x gn! Reader - Masks
A/n: I was going to make this into angst but I didn't you lucky fucks
Summary: Catra has always found a way to break your mask, and you always return the favor though
Warnings: allusions to brutality/killing in war, abuse mentions (shadow weaver,) I think that's it? You have been warned!
The three p's:
[pronouns: you/your] [pov: 2nd person] [pairings: (romantic!) catra x reader, (platonic!) adora x reader, (platonic!) adora x catra]
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The hoard wasn't all bad.
Sure, the hoard wasn't good and they were raising child soldiers but there was still so many good memories. Mostly because of the people that were in them.
You missed the days were Catra, you, and Adora were all together, you missed Catra most of all. You wish above all else that she would come to the side of the Rebellion and just see what you were seeing. Though Catra probably wouldn't even if she did, because sometimes she is just so involved in herself that she doesn't see past some things like how she thinks she isn't good enough.
You can thank Shadow Weaver for that one.
Shadow Weaver truly did love Adora even if it was because she honestly thought Adora was special (she wasn't wrong to be fair.) It was for selfish reasons, but she did in her own terrible abusive ways.
Then there was you.
She didn't treat you differently than she treated Catra at first, because at first you weren't special, you were the unspecial to the second unspecial one. When she found out you were naturally born with dark magic though? The world was turned upside down.
Training with Shadow Weaver was grueling, plus you didn't have a connection with her like Adora (and even a little bit Catra) did. You were just power to her, and she was so wrong to train you.
Because you are stronger than ever now.
Your magic wrapped around the horde soldiers as they scream in fear as you move them towards you and the other princesses with a bored look on your face. This isn't even that hard, these idiots should see what you are really able to do.
Frankly, what grabbed your attention was the growling of a cat that was also caught in this tornado of darkness.
You drop the rest of the people and only held Catra now in the tornado. You knew she probably would have escaped if it was her and others in there, with just her she was truly alone and couldn't manipulate anyone to get her way.
"Let me go!" She screeches.
There was also the fact that you didn't really need the others.
The cat's locked up in a room in Brightmoon and you can hear her scratches at the door and her screams to let her out.
For some reason they placed her in the room right next to yours so you had to listen to her all night, and all you want to do is sleep.
Glorious sleep.
You nearly got there, to dreamland where you could run free and let your emotions go, pretend like there wasn't a war. As if you had no powers, and find yourself surrounded by friends that didn't glance at you nervously all the time.
You see it, the way that Glimmer would glower at your powers, how the other princesses would stare at you with a little bit of fear, the manner that Bow would always step a little bit in front of his friends when you're around. Then there's Adora who's eyes would glaze over and her hand would go to her sword ready to strike.
That's why you found bittersweet comfort in your dreams, because you always had to pretend like the world couldn't touch you, you had to be the stoic one that would do the dirty work in the war. The one who would go with the people and see the blood and gore that came with it, to see them die knowing that it would break anyone else.
You value your escape, that's why you didn't care that Catra is maybe even scared, she needs to shut up.
You stomp out of your room and slam open her door before quickly closing it back up.
Catra couldn't get out as the room is sealed with dark magic courtesy of you, and if she tried to attack you, you would have the upper hand.
Besides, you know Catra probably better than she knows herself even with being away from her for so long.
"Oh look who it is." Catra laughs sarcastically with an almost pained look in her face. As her hair was a strangely frizzled mess, and there were bags under her eyes, yet she still looks as gorgeous as ever. As she always does.
"Someone else who abandoned everything for nothing."
"I'm assuming Adora already talked to you."
Catra scowls, "She did, and I don't need another hero complex talk."
You raise your eyebrow at her and cross your arms over your chest, the memories of the past flicker through your mind as this reminds you so much of your past banter. Even if this was dry and dark, nothing like the light atmosphere that it once was.
"I'm not here to give you one."
Catra rolls her eyes. "Then what are you here for then? That's what it seems like all you Rebellion people are useful for."
She narrows her eyes at you as if observing every part of you and trying to commit it to memory. "Although you aren't quite like the rest of them are you?"
Ah, here it comes, the moment she tries to recruit you back.
"I know you see the way they treat you, as if you're dangerous."
You roll your eyes, of course she's going this route, she may not be wrong but that doesn't mean she had good intentions.
"Well then spare me the Villain talk, Catra it won't work."
"Then why are you here? Why else then if you're not doubting your place in the rebellion?" She interrogates you, almost innocently looking.
That's where Catra is incorrect in her facts, you don't doubt your place in the rebellion because you know it's the right choice. Just because people assume you're dangerous doesn't mean you're going to cry back over the horde because they "don't understand." You would be a weapon over there, at least here you can use your abilities for what you would like.
"I'm actually here to tell you to be quiet, I would like to get some sleep tonight and you meowing like an injured kitten isn't helping." You deadpan.
Catra glares at you. "Did I really mean that little to you, did what we use to have mean so little to you? That you just came in hear to tell me to shut up?" She's says, offended as she balls her hands into fists at her sides.
Sighing you run a hand through your hair, Catra is the most difficult person to have a conversation with that doesn't make you want to actively to pull your hair out. One moment she's the enemy and in another she wants to be your lover.
"Of course it matters, but you made your decision and you broke my heart when you stayed. Why would I ever come into this room to have a lovely conversation to reminisce about the past?" You scoff. "Trusting you, is out of the question."
You turn on your heel once you realize it's silent, you have completed your original mission and unfortunately gave yourself more to keep yourself up at night. Catra may be silent tonight, but she still managed to find a way to invade every corner of your mind.
"Y/n wait-" She goes to grab your hand but you knock it out of the way before she can.
"What are you going to say Catra? Sorry, I doubt it. I can't stand when you're lke this, it makes the different colors of your eyes a true story." You glance at them once before looking away. "Two faced."
"Please." She tries again. "Come back to the horde, I won't force you to do anything just come back."
"I said no, I'm not going to sacrifice my morals for you."
Then there's the shift, you see it, the moment those words (the truth) come out of your mouth she's the enemy again.
"Oh, stop it!" She laughs at you. "I've seen you on the battlefield, what would the princesses think if they truly see what you do? Do you think there will be any chance of them accepting you then?"
The dark magic swirls around for a split second you but you close your eyes and calm yourself from using it. It would trigger to much of Shadow Weaver for Catra, and then you would have a real problem.
You have to be the stoic one again, you can't let your emotions get the best of you. Not even with your lover.
"You need to listen to me very carefully Catra." You start. "The princesses already know what I do, and although you might think I will flatter on the battlefield when facing you." You pause as you see her eye twitch.
"I will not, you said it yourself, you've seen how I fight. I don't want to live without you, but that doesn't mean I can't. Don't make me prove."
"What does that mean?" Her voice wavers at the end despite her false bravo.
"It means you have to make a choice. Join the rebellion, or you'll loose me forever."
"I can't just let go of everything I've built!" She hisses and stalks up to you so you're chest to chest and everything you tried to coach yourself into flies out the window.
"Who are you proving a point to? Adora? Adora just wants her friend back. Me perhaps?" You pretend to think before rolling your eyes. "Oh wait, I know! Shadow Weaver."
"I'm not-"
"How many times do you have to suffer before you realize giving up is sometimes the strongest thing you can do." You whisper as you brush lock of hair behind her ear and she gazes at you with wide eyes.
"Join the rebellion, Catra." You breathe out, as your faces grow closer.
She squeezes her eyes shut tightly before finally collapsing into your arms, her red mask clattering to the ground.
"Yes, I'll join you."
For the first time in a long time you smile.
Words 1679
she ra taglist: no one yet! (Just comment, dm, or send me a message and I'll add you!)
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something that really frustrates me about spop is that we're supposed to believe that shadow weaver is an evil and selfish person who doesn't deserve redemption, but she's literally the only one being useful in s5. in fact, even before that, when she was still light spinner, she was the only person who actually wanted to do something about the war.
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Light Spinner: The Guild needs talents like ours more than ever before. Perhaps-- [looks away in thought] No.. you're not ready.
Light Spinner: It's no illusion. This is really happening. An army has invaded our lands. They call themselves the Horde. The Princesses have proved ineffective against their strength. They've accomplished much more in a short time, more than our so-called leaders have.
Light Spinner: We can no longer stand by while the Horde conquers more and more territory. The Princesses have been unable to stop them, and now they have taken a runestone, the Black Garnet.
literally she was the only one trying to do something. all of the other leaders just stood by and decided to leave it to the princesses. the princesses, as we've seen, were irresponsible and useless.
why is shadow weaver the bad guy here? i mean, sure, she wanted power. a pretty basic motivation honestly, i don't think wanting power alone is an entirely bad thing. and she was manipulative. which was definitely bad but considering how no one took her seriously, she had to resort to something.
if they really wanted us to side with the princesses, they should have given us a reason to root for them. but no. perfuma was impatient and immature. mermista constantly complained about doing her duty. frosta seemed to be responsible at first but turns out, nah, she's just a chaotic kid. glimmer was also pretty much not suited for queen duties. netossa and spinerella were just the resident sapphic couple.
in s5 as well, everyone was mad at shadow weaver for suggesting that adora carry the failsafe. but did any of them have a better idea? did any of them even try to come up with a good solution? or offer to carry the failsafe themselves? shadow weaver was the only person taking the war seriously, apart from adora herself. the rest of them acted like it was some minor inconvenience and like shadow weaver was just ruining the fun for them.
it's absurd really. shadow weaver is a complex character but everyone, the crew included, treats her like an irredeemable monster. i'm not saying she needed to be redeemed. but she did have a point - none of the other characters were even trying to take the war seriously. you can't blame the only person who is willing to go to extremes for the greater good, if everyone else is slacking off and treating a literal war like a pillow fight.
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peoplesrazor · 21 days
Oh boy...
So in her introduction, Lily names five shows she thinks people talk about the most often for important LGBTQIA+ Rep. Those shows are Legend of Korra, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, and The Owl House. She mentions three other shows that I'll talk about later that she says people don't talk about, but which either had rep earlier, or had just as good or better rep.
She doesn't mention Ducktales or the Daria movie Is It Fall Yet ?or any other shows. Just in case you're wondering. She talks about Braceface, 6teen, and Lloyd In Space. Now, Lily has mentioned the other two as they were shows she watched growing up. I think Lloyd was a suggestion on her blog. I remember someone mentioning it there.
I'll let her arguments for these stand as she is mostly talking about how "early" they were. I do want to point out these characters were only in couple of episodes in one case, and a single episode in the others. So, Daria should have certainly been at least mentioned as an early example, even if it wasn't a very good characterization.
The three shows she says have better rep then the five she thinks are held up so much:
Craig of the Creek has several couples that fit this description and it's good rep, because it's so low-key. People talk about them though. The show, though very good, can be a bit niche to begin with so it just doesn't have a large vocal audience.
The Loud House has Luna and Sam, which does get talked about too, but it's a contemporary of the other shows you mentioned. Which means Luna and Sam, by your standards for the more modern stuff, have to be main characters. If you count Luna and Sam as main characters, you have to count, at least, fifteen other people. Kind of easy for their couple of 15 minute episodes to get lost in that shuffle.
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts is one of my all time favorite shows. Lily says people are sleeping on Benson and Troy due to racism. What? Kipo is very popular in the fandom circles I hang around in and Benson and Troy are like THE ship. Did you sleep on this one, Lily? Did no one in your circle recommend it because it's a serialized fantasy adventure? Is that why you never did a dedicated video on it, despite it's rep being so good?
It wouldn't be a Lily video if she didn't tear down the shows other people like. First, there is something she repeatedly gets wrong, as far as I know, about Korra. She again says that Korrasami was a popular ship, true, and that they threw it together last minute, false. At least, by everything I've found. No, it wasn't planned from the start, but it wasn't last minute, either.
They started discussing it while writing book one. Writing. Not during it's run, not while animating the last few eps. While writing it. Why wait then? I suspect it's for something Lily has actually complained about before that actually happens. For some reason, showrunners want to wait until the end of the series to have the couple end up together. I suspect it was never anything deeper than that.
Okay, onto the Catradora thing. I'm not going to argue with anyone, not even Lily, who finds the relationship toxic, unhealthy, abusive. Though, now that I think about it, Lily, you sure seem to like to repeatedly show that footage for someone who gets triggered by FMA.
Anyway, I want to point out this hypocrisy:
Lily: If I have to hear it on a live stream, read it in production materials, or on Twitter, it doesn't count. I base my criticism only on what is in the show.
Also Lily: Let me once again call Catra and Adora sisters based on a single line I found on one page of outside materials, despite the show never once giving any indication that is the case.
She also lies and says it does indicate that. It does not. Hey Lily? Are Kyle, Rogelio and Lonnie also siblings? Wait. You never actually watched the show, you probably don't know who they are.
Should have just posted the bingo card again.
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aprillikesthings · 6 months
can I finish this before I gotta get ready and leave for the Maundy Thursday service let's find out lol
(Edit: Nope.)
s5 ep11 Failsafe
someone hold me
I have to actively suppress the urge to read the synopses of the episodes at this point
oh also lol this is just funny to me, I saw a post Elsewhere Online where someone watched all of spop the first time and they HATED the dumb names everyone has, and I think they mentioned Castaspella specifically.
And like FIFTY PEOPLE responded with "dude they had to use the original names from the 1980's series" and I was the only one there old enough to have watched the original series and I had to point out: the original series was made to sell toys. The vast majority of cartoons in 1985 were only made to sell toys. They gave everyone those dumbass names because it was easy for kids to remember and beg for the toys."
That's also why all the female characters in the original series have the exact same body type. Yeah the body shape itself was due to 1980's-era sexism, but also? It was so much cheaper to animate the show AND make the toys that way!
But also, it's hella ironic to me that the 2018 show has so little official merch!
And now, back to crying over cartoon lesbians:
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good question
ugh I hate her
Shadow Weaver: "While you were traipsing around in space,"
OH MY GOD they were saving a few people's LIVES and it was kind of IMPORTANT but WHATEVER
"--some of us have been working to stop the Heart of Etheria from falling into Prime's hands. And we discovered the same thing you did. Rumors of a Failsafe that will break the restraints the First Ones built and set the stolen magic free." Glimmer: "Are you kidding? After everything that happened last time, you're still going after the Heart of Etheria? And you're helping her?" Castaspella: "We're trying to free the magic for all of Etheria so we can be strong enough to fight Prime. I'm doing this for your father and for you. Shadow Weaver is the lesser of two evils."
I love that she says this right in front of Shadow Weaver. Like "girl I hate her too"
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okay ngl I have mixed feelings about this one because unfortunately she's not entirely wrong here but also, shut the fuck up
(something something people are responsible for their own actions but also she wouldn't have done all that godawful shit if Shadow Weaver hadn't been such a shitty parent)
but yeah Catra gets up like she's about to fucking throw some hands and Adora's like It's okay bb
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but also they do need the information Shadow Weaver and Castaspella have
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so it turns out Mystacor was built on top of a First Ones' citadel? huh
Castaspella: "Beneath Mystacor, there are many secret tunnels and rooms, forgotten and sealed off. No one has been able to access them in centuries, but there are whispers of what they contain." Shadow Weaver: "An artifact known as the Crystal of Arxia, hidden there by a group of traitorous First Ones." Castaspella: "You said I could do it!"
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lol they bicker like old marrieds
Adora: "If you figured it out on your own, why come back here? Why do you need us at all?" Shadow Weaver: "Because Mystacor is controlled by Micah, who, you may recall, is controlled by Horde Prime."
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they've been TRYING
"If he seizes the Heart, it will all be over."
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oh god Adora turns around to ask Catra to help out--and she's gone
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YOU'RE THE REASON SHE'S FUCKING "SULKING" and you fucking know it, why are abusers always so god damned surprised to find out their kids don't want to be anywhere near them
(I mean I know why, they think they should be able to control you forever)
aaahahaha Adora's just like Nah I'mma go look for her tho
anyway roll intro!
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omg look at Netossa and Spinny on the bottom left awwwww
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she looks so sad
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well okay sad and angry
their conversation here is so good, because Catra's fully aware of why Adora's doing this, but is really struggling to push past how much she (justifiably!) hates Shadow Weaver and hates being around her
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I actually do kinda wish I'd kept a list of all the times Adora does the self-sacrificial thing, separated into "someone asked her to do it" vs "nobody asked her to do it" lol
BUT ADORA EXPRESSES A NEED oh nice that's progress
Adora: "Hey, she can't do anything to us anymore. Please, come. We--I-could really use your help."
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two things I really love about this: One, she doesn't say that she doesn't like Adora, just that it's not the reason she's going. Two, I feel like Adora knows damn well Catra's not being 100% honest here.
Like, to some extent Catra's saying this as a way of attempting to protect herself a little. She's taking baby steps towards vulnerability, and it's terrifying! And I think Adora can see that and is fine with it--not JUST because she's like "any crumbs are better than nothing" but ALSO because she doesn't want to push Catra.
Because yeah, if there was any actual doubt that Catra does like Adora--
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Entrapta was able to get Spinerella's chip out but says it had started fusing with her nervous system and they're running out of time to safely un-chip everyone.
But she's been digging around the network that connects all the chips to Prime, hoping to figure out how to disconnect everyone at once, and Bow gives her a little encouragement, it's really sweet.
OKAY so everyone who can, teleports to Mystacor with Melog making them invisible. (Apparently Catra doesn't get motion sick from it anymore which is nice lol)
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I love the way they animated them being invisible
oh GOD okay
Catra turns around and says "looks like there's no sorcerers here" while, unfortunately, a sorcerer walks into the room. Shadow Weaver grabs Catra and puts her hand over her mouth to keep her quiet, and Catra (understandably!! but unfortunately!!) jerks away in fury and yells
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And her fury causes Melog to drop the invisibility
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And now the chipped sorcerer knows they're all there
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they manage to duck the attack but Adora goes to transform into She-Ra--and can't do it
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she had this issue last episode aaaugh it's not from being near Shadow Weaver she wasn't there
okay but also Adora runs behind a pillar to hide from an attack with Catra and it's cute
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girl help why is this giving me so many emotions
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y'know it's funny how often I've bumped into posts of people who are confused as to why Adora starts trusting Catra again so quickly, and I frequently wonder if they forget all the childhood flashback scenes of these two. To varying extents they both spent their entire childhoods seeing the other as their only consistent source of comfort and (something resembling) safety, and with some notable exceptions Adora's spent the last four seasons (which was like three or four years) visibly holding out hope that one day she could trust Catra again. This despite the fact that she now has other sources of safety and comfort and love!!! Being with Glimmer and Bow and everyone else was healing, sure; but it never erased her grief over losing Catra. She always, always held out the tiniest flame of hope that Catra would change sides.
And Catra basically tried lighting her own grief on fire (metaphorically and kinda literally) over and over and it just didn't go away, and I feel like when she saved Glimmer and apologized to Adora she had sort of come to terms with the fact that her grief over losing Adora couldn't be burned away, but of course by then she figured she'd fucked up so bad Adora would never forgive her or trust her again. And rather than take it out on other people or suffer any longer she was willing to just die, instead. She really did think that sending Glimmer to Adora was going to be her last act, and she wanted Adora to know she was sorry before she fucking DIED. And I don't think her saving Glimmer was consciously meant to be proof that she meant her apology, but it was. And that's part of why Adora trusts her again.
The fact is, even after everything that happened, both of them had a hole in their hearts shaped like the other. ;_;
And that's why Adora runs and hides behind the same pillar as Catra. (I mean yes, it was also closer, but that's not tHE POINT)
Anyway, this is all why, as I previously noted, Adora's not being pushy. That failed on her, spectacularly; the couple of times she tried it. Asking Catra to come along on this mission is the closest she's come. And even then, it wasn't "you're a good person deep down and you should change sides because I think I know you better than you know yourself," It was "please do this for me, because I need your help." And Catra is fully aware of how hard that is for Adora.
And these two still have a lot to work out post-canon (like, Catra has still got to deal with her need to not just be seen as Adora's sidekick/shadow, and lbh right now some of the rebellion is like "we're only putting up with you for Adora's sake" as if Catra was Yoko Ono) but that's part of why I'm writing a fic lolol
I have so many feelingssss on a related note I spent like fifteen solid minutes last night in bed having taken an edible and listening to my playlist and staring at this gifset lolol
ANYWAY Castaspella knocks out the chipped dude and they run for it
AAAND lol I gotta get ready to go to church. There's still 17:30 left on this episode. Pfft.
BACK FROM CHURCH I washed someone's feet, they washed mine, they stripped the altar, I go back at one or two in the morning for the overnight vigil
In the meantime: gonna finish this episode
(what is my life sometimes)
Entrapta plans to find a bunch of clones so she can figure out how their signals to Horde Prime work. Swift Wind is like Ugh, fine, I'll go with you, someone's gotta save your ass
Entrapta: "Thanks, bird horse!"
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lol how many times have they had that convo
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A family can be a sorcerer and her evil ex, a girl and a boy, two traumatized lesbians, and a cat
But also it looks like something out of an episode of Scooby Doo
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Shadow Weaver opens a magic door
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ngl that's PRETTY. like it's obviously about the Heart of Etheria but wow!
(and there's a dinosaur???)
Adora notices how stressed out Catra is and says "It'll be okay...Trust me." ;_;
Shadow Weaver: "There's no time to waste!"
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The disturbance was your fault, dumbass. I am reminded of all the times my dad got angry at us for being afraid of him. And would hit us. For being. Afraid of him. Because y'know. That's how you stop a kid from being afraid of you. By hitting them.
In any case Shadow Weaver is still trying to get between them and separate them and I just really need this bitch to stop.
(Yes yes I remember she dies later)
Castaspella: "We're on the right path. The Crystal of Arxia was rumored to be the key to reaching deep magic within Etheria."
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"But those who hungered for more power have long sought other ways to obtain the deep magic...with disastrous results."
HIT THE IMAGE LIMIT lemme reblog
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waterfire1848 · 4 months
Entrapta/hordak + 22
Hello @xtratooth thanks for the ask!
22. two miserable people meeting at a wedding au
Hordak sighed as he took yet another sip of his drink and leaned back in his chair. Why was he here? Seriously. Why was he at Adora and Catra's wedding? Less than ten years ago he had been trying to kill them and now they invited him to their wedding.
"We want you to come-" Adora looked at Catra, who had a raised eyebrow, "I want you to come. It'll be good for you. You can't just hide away in your lab forever."
"I did it for decades and I was content with my life. Why should it be different now?" Hordak asked.
"No war for starters." Adora reminded him.
"He wasn't really doing much for the war anyways." Catra mumbled.
"Catra." Adora moaned, "Please."
"You can't keep me from making comments." Her fiance smirked, taking a bite of a cookie in her hands.
"I appreciate the offer, Adora, but I think it would be best if I stayed out of your wedding ceremony. I don't even know that much about them." Hordak added, but Adora refused to give up. He did have to give her credit. She was persistent. It was why she made such a good soldier. Hordak had once seen her get hit in the face with a metal pole and get rid back up.
"Which is exactly why you should come! Catra and I didn't even know what weddings were until a few months ago and now we're having one. Please, Hordak. It'll be fine, I promise." Hordak growled a little as his ears pinned down. Behind Adora, he could see Catra's ears pinned down as well, clearly against this idea. Adora's blue eyes continued to stare right through him though. Was this a power of First Ones? Being able to make people do what they wanted with a simple stare?
"Fine. I'll go."
"Yes! Thank you! You'll see! It'll be fun!"
Hordak would not describe tonight as fun.
The only people who spoke to him were clones that had been invited to the ceremony and party as well. Everyone else avoided him like a sickness. Not that he could blame them. When you tried to take over the planet and murdered hundreds of people, it was very hard to make friends. The only reason he wasn't dead in a grave someone was-
She was here.
She was sitting at a nearby table. Her long purple hair hanging in it's typical fashion. She was wearing her traditional clothes, except these had no stains on them, but she looked upset. Hordak hadn't seen too much of her recently as she had been needed by her people in Dryl. Honestly, he sometimes forgot she was a princess with people of her own that she was responsible for.
"May I sit?" Hordak asked.
"Of course!" Entrapta chirped, instantly perking up, "I didn't see you at the ceremony. Did you just come?"
"No. I just wanted to keep myself hidden. For everyone's sake." Mostly for Adora's though. She had been one of the few people who actually gave her a chance after everything he did. Having She Ra behind him really did help his case in many instances. Adora and him, both being aliens from other worlds, spent many days bonding over that. Hordak told her as much as he could about the First One's and Adora clung to his every word.
She had done so much for him. He didn't want to be the reason her wedding went wrong.
Entrapta nodded, "Understandable."
"Why do you seem so upset?" Hordak asked.
"Catra and Adora took all my equipment for tracking this social experiment. They even took my notepad." Entrapta put her mask down over her face. At least they let her wear her regular clothes and a mask. Neither woman seemed to have any want to force Entrapta into a dress or suit when she was incredibly uncomfortable in clothing that wasn't her regular clothes.
"I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do?" Hordak asked.
"Do you have tech?" Entrapta asked.
"None to spare I'm afraid." Hordak clicked the metal on his outfit, one Entrapta had made to help him stand out from the other clones, with his claw.
"Brother!" Another voice yelled.
Hordak looked up to see Wrong Hordak, why he kept that name Hordak would never know, walked over to him, "It is so good to see you! Did you enjoy the ceremony?"
"I did. It was quiet beautiful." Hordak said.
"It really was. I wish I knew more about these Etherian celebrations though?" Wrong Hordak said.
"What do you mean?" Hordak asked.
"In most of the plants Horde Prime took us to, the point of festivals like this was for the couple to share their love and announce it to the world but also to ensure that they would have children and continue both their bloodline and add to the population." Ohhhhhhh. Hordak could already see where this was going, "I congratulated both Adora and Catra on their celebration of love but when I wished them many children they ran away."
“Yes. That is generally something people don’t say to a couple.” Hordak winced.
“Queen Glimmer explained that to me. After I apologized to Adora and Catra, Catra they showed me a new game to play to help me have fun.” Hordak instantly narrowed his eyes. Catra showed him a game?
“What game?” Hordak asked.
“You look at people around you, make a prediction about what will happened and, if it does, take a drink of this beverage she gave me.” Wrong Hordak explained.
“Oh. Wrong Hordak that’s-“
Entrapta was cut off by Wrong Hordak’s smile, “I’ve never had more fun!” He walked off leaving Hordak and Entrapta to share a concerned look.
“He’ll be fine. Clone bodies can handle a good amount of alcohol before becoming intoxicated.” Hordak explained. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head, “However, I think I do have a way now for you to do your experiment even without tech and a notepad."
"Tell me!" Entrapta yelled, using her hair to hold herself up.
“We do what Wrong Hordak is doing.” Hordak explained.
“I don’t want to drink. Alcohol is…” Entrapta just shook, “No. I’m just drinking my fizzy beverages.”
"We wouldn’t drink. We would simply have a competition between the two of us. We’d make predictions about what we think people will do and see how they will react during the party. The one who guesses right the most will get to use the new First Ones tech Adora discovered on her latest mission.” Entrapta’s eyes lit up.
“Let’s do it!” She grinned.
The two began to go around the party, looking at the guests carefully and trying to see if they could pick up a pattern. The two were pretty evenly matched in this respect. While Hordak had been on the planet longer than Entrapta, he hardly left his lab in years and was rusty with interactions with other people. Entrapta, while having been forced to be around some people, simply wasn't good with people. It's why she stuck so close to technology.
After making a couple rounds around the party, the two returned to their table and compared their findings.
"I believe that Scorpia will ask Perfuma for a dance and knock someone out with her tail." Entrapta told him.
"Indicate your reasoning." Hordak said.
"I saw her watching other couples dance but she and Perfuma weren't because Perfuma was speaking with Bow. I also saw her drinking with Catra. I think that, combined with her nervousness, will cause her to paralyze someone on accident." Entrapta predicted.
"Impressive. I believe that Catra will hiss at at least one guest." Hordak said.
"Too broad. You have to make a more specific prediction." Entrapta created a hand out of her hair and pointed at him.
"Very well. She'll hiss at one of the clones." Hordak specified, "Catra has a history of hissing and using her claws when she gets nervous. While this is a happy day for her, I can tell by her tail movements that she's also incredibly nervous. Queen Glimmer and Adora won't stand for her hissing at one of their friends or a citizens, but the clones are still not viewed as full citizens by everyone on Etheria meaning Catra will most likely take her nerves out on one of them." He calmly explained.
"Ohhhh. Good catch with the tail movements." Entrapta created a seat for herself with her hair while Hordak simply leaned back in his chair.
The two watched the celebration continue to unfold until they were disrupted by the sound of a yell. They looked to the dance floor where, sure enough, Scorpia was apologizing over and over to some poor dancer she had hit. Entrapta looked at Hordak with a wide grin while Hordak deflated upon seeing Adora place a hand on Catra's shoulder before she could take her nerves out on a clone that had walked into her.
"I forgot to take Adora calming her down into account." Hordak said.
"One point for me! Let's do another one!" Hordak chuckled lightly upon seeing how happy Entrapta was.
The two continued throughout the night to make predictions and see if they could put their previous studying of social experiments to use. Eventually, the party began to wind down, leaving Hordak and Entrapta as the last ones to leave.
"Entrapta." Hordak whispered, "Entrapta, it's time for us to leave." Finally getting a good look at her, Hordak could see that Entrapta was asleep with her head against his shoulder. Smiling, Hordak took the princess in his arms and brought her to Bright Moon castle where the guards took him to a spare bedroom to use.
"Goodnight, Entrapta. Thank you for a great evening." Hordak was about to turn and leave but Entrapta grabbed him by the waist with her hair. It seemed her hair had a mind of it's own because it acted without Entrapta even waking up, dragging him back to the bed, "Alright. Alright." Hordak's words seemed to calm the hair enough to let him go.
The former leader of the Evil Horde climbed into bed with the scientist and got under the covers. Once again, Entrapta's hair worked it's magic and brought him closer to her until they were only an inch or two away. The hair refused to let go until Hordak was holding Entrapta. His eyes grew heavy watching the princess sleep until they closed, leaving him and Entrapta fast asleep inches apart from one another.
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anti-spop · 6 months
might have said this before. sorry for repeating myself. but catra definitely contributes to adora's suicidal thoughts.
catra makes it pretty clear that adora's whole existence ruined catra. that adora wasn't enough to protect her. that adora only hurts all her other friends and won't ever be a good hero, and every time adora feels happy, it's because she's selfish. most of this catra says in the s3 finale, but she makes them pretty clear in the entire show.
adora in s1 (iirc) is convinced that she ruined her friends' lives and that she shouldn't be near them anymore - and perhaps never come back at all. swift wind shows her that glimmer and bow love her and will stick for her, they will never abandon adora to die. and even after catra did leave her to die, adora blames herself for "pushing catra further to the side of evil".
then in s3, adora has to sacrifice herself to save the world. angella sees through her and hugs her. adora cries and still tries to argue that it's the only way to fix things. thankfully, angella proved her that isn't true.
s5 comes along, and adora behaves the same way, too. adora doesn't want to die but she doesn't value her own life or happiness. she's forced to do this again. and yet catra only guilt-trips her more, and what does that do? obviously, that only convinces adora further that she has to go to the heart of etheria alone. and i hate that catra suddenly acts like adora always abandons ppl.
but WHY does adora do that? yes, her being raised to be a soldier has to do with it. shadow weaver's influence onto her as well. but catra is the one who keeps feeding all of this. catra manipulates adora and abuses her to make her feel worthless. that way, adora ends up isolating herself from her loved ones and she is convinced that she should die so everyone else gets to live happily.
while a lot of ppl know this, in the end none of them want to accept that catra has a crucial influence on adora's self-sacrificial behavior.
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