#why is it so expensive qwq
violetdisasterzone · 10 months
does anyone know where I can get the taiwanese version of svsss without having to sell my firstborn
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lovetei · 11 months
also while im still here hehehe
could you do the brothers comforting an mc that had a breakdown in the groupchat? it doesnt have to be separate! since i imagine they come to mc's room one by one to comfort them on their own way yk... ???? like theyre helping each other out to help mc... if that makes sense qwq
Ooh... I don't really know if I correctly got your request but I'll try?
I fell asleep midway doing this so I just rushed it. Don't worry though I'll post another one for today
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Comforting a MC that broke down in the group chat and what are specific things they'll do to comfort you
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Warnings: Cussing, them being rich, Mentions of "I'll kill myself fr" attitude from MC, Mentions of drugs as a joke
Links: Masterlist
Satan: To be honest, why does RAD even have an entrance exam?
Asmodeus: Like it's so easy to pass.
Mammon: FR, they just be wasting papers at this rate.
Leviathan: Seriously Mammon? You can't even pass a normal drug test 😒
Belphegor: Mammon is so optimistic to the point where even his drug test is positive Lol
MC: I will kill myself.
Leviathan: Oh shit
Beelzebub: 😀
MC: :)
Leviathan: MC that's wasn't for you 😭😭😭
Lucifer: And what caused that uncharacteristic melancholy in your countenance, dear?
MC: I have no time for your jargon, tall fuck 🖕🏻
MC: If no one found out what I want for comfort the next 24 hours, you all are gonna see a dead sheep by the next day.
MC: Bye.
Fuck life and fuck everybody
He will turn the Devildom upside down just for you
He'll show up at your doorstep with multiple jewelers with catalogs
And they're showing you accessories that are never bellow six digits
But you just waved it off?!
He would show up at your doorstep with keys in his hand
He'll then make you look at your bedroom window and there, outside are multiple sprouts car lined up
He'll press one of the key buttons and suddenly the Ferrari will light
Then the BMW, then the porch, then the Lamborghini
And you don't even want these?! He made sure they're all human brands!
His offering is probably one of his exclusive islands
It's true
He's showing up outside your door with papers and pictures
Showcasing some of his private islands that he will gladly gave you
They might be giving you jewelries and cars
But he's giving you properties
Condominiums and even some room from his apartment business
Please those earns a lot just don't do anything to yourself
Typical Asmo will pull out every Profesional designer
Gucci? No problem
Saint Laurent? Right here
Prada? At your service
Don't do anything to yourself babes, you can even ruin all these expensive clothes if you want, it's not a bother.
There's a whole catering group for you
Right outside your room
Profesional chefs and extremely expensive foods right out of your door
Waiting for you to go out and eat it
Please, MC. He'll even join you
Probably one of the most sane
He'll book you a ticket to a rage room
Except there you can go fully berserk like using all the cancer causing spells you know
Or he'll just knock you out
Whatever works the best.
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emilycollins00 · 1 year
Emilyyyyy!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖 Hi hehe uwu
Could I request Yuki and Taichi (separately) with a reader who likes fashion but gets insecure with certain clothes, thinking they couldn't pull them off? Whether it's platonic or romantic doesn't matter since either is fine ^^ Hope you have a great day Emily!! (人*´∀`)。*゚✨✨✨ Sorry if the request is a bit vague qwq
Of course you can!! 💕 Not vague at all, it was really a really nice writing experience! I didn’t specify the type of clothes or the relationship, so anyone can go for it.
Please enjoy!
Fashion conversations (Yuki and Taichi x reader)
“Are you going to try it?”
“Y-yuki!” You barely contain a scream, unconsciously hiding the piece of clothing behind your back. He watches you unimpressed, although you are sure it must seem off for you to act this jumpy. You had come together shopping after all. “What’s up?” you smile, and he raises an eyebrow. You know you couldn’t fool him, but appearing distracted was always an option. Lucky for you, it works.
“I’ve been calling you for a while, you know. I found the accessories I wanted.”
“Oh! Let’s go see them then.”
The green haired boy hums, however his eyes are now fixed on the rest of the clothes hanging behind you. “That’s a good color. Are these from the new collection?” he asks, and touches their fabric.
Your nerves pick up, asking you to leave. “Seems like it!” you place the clothes you had back again on their hanger. “Too expensive though. Maybe when sales come.”
You don’t like to lie, especially to Yuki. But you don’t have the guts to say out loud what your mind told you.
That you are not fit for those clothes.
And you hate it, because fashion is... actually a somewhat comfort of yours. You love trends, talking about clothes, styling them, and using them to express yourself, and it makes you overwhelmed that for these specific clothes your actions always contradicted your thoughts. Like part of you was simply okay with having them between your hands, imagining a version of you where they actually looked good enough.
“Since when was that a problem? If you like them you should just try them now.”
"We came for your accessories though."
"So? I wouldn't have asked you to come if I were in a hurry."
You feel like Yuki is being more persistent than usual, but maybe it’s just your desire to leave. “It’s fine.” You insist and glance at the clothes. You shake your head. “In any case, I don’t think they— “
“Don’t tell me you’re going to say they wouldn’t look good on you or something stupid like that.”
You press your lips together. You adored Yuki, but sometimes he was too honest and raw with his choice of words.
“I like it.” He continues looking at the clothes, and tilts his head turning to you. “It’s different from what you usually wear.”
You don’t know where to look. “I guess.”
There’s a moment of silence, the background music feeling in for both of you. You know by now he’s picked up the situation, he’s far too smart not to. Also for best or worse, knows you too much as well.
“You know no one is going to judge you, Y/N.”
“I know.” You say that too quick. “I know. I just… still feel embarrassed, for some reason.”
This time the summer member does frown, mostly confused. “Why?”
As you watch him cross his arms, waiting for the answer, there’s a pinch of pain and annoyance rising within you. Maybe jealousness even. In any case you hate the feeling, because you know he didn’t mean it like that. “You can pull of anything Yuki.” You start talking. You open your arm, gesturing the rows of clothes surrounding you two. “And it looks great, okay? No matter what you wear. And— I’m not saying this because I’m comparing myself to you, but this?” you turn to the clothes. You pick them up and hold them with both hands again. Your voice falters as you low your head and look at them. “This” you repeat. “I feel like I shouldn’t even try.”
Yuki stares at you. You don’t say anything. A few couples and groups of friends walk by, laughing, hands with bags. “Because you’re uncomfortable?” he finally ask.
You shrug. Not really. “It… doesn’t feel right.”
“What doesn't?”
You lift your head and blink. Now you are too occupied trying to make sense without getting angry. “What do you mean what— wearing this! It would look better on you or—  I don’t know! Literally anyone else.”
“So if you saw them on let’s say, someone from my dorm, you would like it.”
“Without thinking anything of it.”
“Yes!” you raise your arms exasperated.
“So there are clothes made for everyone except you? Don’t you think it’s weird?”
You open your mouth to contradict him, but you don’t know how to phrase it other than what it was already said. You had never had expectations for others— you had seen people of all shapes and sizes rock the hell out of this clothe before and loved the way they looked.
But you?
“Those people... aren’t me.” You say, hoping to end the discussion. You could easily look at another person objectively and see how beautiful and stylish they looked, but your relationship with yourself regarding these particular clothes always came with complications.
“Look,” Yuki doesn’t want to argue. But this topic was too close to home for him to evade it. Specially coming from you. “I’m no psychologist. But there’s no harm in going out of your comfort zone sometimes. There are no wardrobe rules, Y/N.”
“Challenging your rules and insecurities isn’t an easy thing to do.” He continues, seeing you didn’t retort to his statement. His orange eyes speak from experience. “But if you like something hanging on a rack or hanger, instead of writing it off, try to try it on. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that the only thing you need to do to pull off a look is to wear it. Your confidence will catch up eventually.”
“Sounds easier said than done.”
Yuki shrugs. It was what it was, and he wasn’t one for sugar-coating things. “See what happens when you do, forgetting everyone else. For what it’s worth, I think you would look more than good wearing them.” The summer member turns to the formed queue for the cashier and then again turns back to you. “I’m going to grab the accessories. See you at the entrance when you are done.”
He walks away, leaving you and your thoughts alone, running back and forth for a while in your head, conflicted. Your mouth becomes a firm line as you weigh the options and his words, clenching on the clothes. You take a deep breath.
You hoped your confidence picked up speed.
For all the time you believe he’s been waiting, Yuki doesn’t complain about it.
He also doesn’t comment or applaud when he sees a shopping bag hanging from your arm.
“I still need to pass by the sewing store as well. That money-grabbing yakuza made me promise to wait only for when there’s a discount.” He complains remembering one of their multiple arguments. He looks to you. “Do you have time?”
You nod.
None of you say anything else, heading to the shop while making conversation about the fabrics, as usual. After a while and just before you enter the shop, Yuki suddenly grabs your hand and squeezes it.
It’s pretty quick. One small squeeze and a fast release. A Yuki way of saying I'm proud of you, by the way. The action makes your chest jump.
You hope in the future you would be too.
Because today wasn’t to say your insecurities were going to vanish when you began dressing in the clothes resting on your bag, but it was definitely a pretty big step towards feeling better about yourself.
“Man I love thrift stores! Do you think I should take this jacket too, Y/N? It’s big but I hope I can grow— Oh wait this one’s cooler!”
You walk behind Taichi amused, infected with the enthusiasm the autumn member exuded. Of course, the fact that you had been asked to come along for your opinion regarding fashion made you feel somewhat pleased as well.
“Take both for now, we can see them better where there’s more light... and we should really have you try all the clothes you have chosen so far. We can take another look later around the shop afterward. Your arms must be getting tired.”
The redhead who was still gushing over the amount of pockets the new-found jacket had stared at his arms and blinked. Indeed, they were practically non-existent due to all the trousers, sweatshirts and jackets covering them. “Oh yeah! Didn’t even notice! Let’s see, the changing rooms were…”
Once he’s inside one of them you decide to take a small walk around the place while waiting, humming happily. You remember Yuki mentioning this shop to you a while ago but hadn’t been able to visit until now, which was crazy honestly, given how often you went shopping around Veludo. You let your hand caress distractedly the rows of hung clothes when your eyes notice a specific item. You stop and stare at it for a few seconds, before slowly taking it out of the hanger.
Your fingers dance through the fabric slowly. They turn the clothes around and you conclude it might even be your size, but that’s as far as you go. You begin to put it back into place. You would never be able to—
“Wow, that would look awesome on you!”
You find an excited Taichi running towards you from behind. He’s wearing some of the chosen clothes. “Are you going to try it?” he asks eagerly.
“Not sure yet.” You manage to say casually before focusing on him. “Turn around?”
Motivated, he proceeds to do a slow turn so you can see the back as well as the sides.
“What do you think?” he says as you both go back to the changer. He looks again at his reflection in the mirror and begins making a few poses. “I feel really cool!”
You chuckle and nod. Bright colors like the ones he had chosen were really like him. “Looks good to me too. Though the trousers look a bit short, don’t they? Do you feel comfortable?” you tilt your head.
“Yup! I saw this style on some magazines and I’ve wanted to try them for a while! I know they are not really in right now but…”
“Not at all! If you like them go for it.”
The answer makes Taichi beam. “All right, then this combo is secured!”
You both spend quite a while in the shop long afterward, and you have to commit to Taichi. You had lost count of how many things he had tried at this point. And while you look around some more, waiting for him, there are a few times you can’t help but walk by the rack where those first clothes were.
You don’t really know why you do it, since everytime feels like a pinch to the stomach.  
“Are you really not going to try it? You seem to like it a lot.” Taichi suddenly asks during his last change of clothes.
“You know, that?” He points with his head to where the clothes rest. “You have been looking at them all this time.”
It’s an innocent comment, but it still makes you flustered to have been this obvious. “Nah.” You dismiss the idea, heart picking up pace. “I don’t think it’s going to be good on me.” Your eyes travel through Taichi’s current sweatshirt. You hum, resting your hands on your hips. “Personally I think it’s a bit too big on you Taichi, the cut of the shoulder doesn’t end with yours and…”
“Why do you say that?”
“Well because it gives the sense that your shoulders— “
“No, I meant," he tilts his head curiously. "Why wouldn’t they look good on you? Are they too small?”
“Oh.” You blink. “No, well. It’s because— You know. It’s too good. It’s going to be wasted on me.” You try to joke. You don’t have the confidence to wear it. Never had for those specific clothes.
“Are you kidding? I think it’d look amazing!” You are quick to begin to deny it, but the redhead is a bit too set on the idea for some reason. “Come on!” he insists grabbing the clothes and pushing you towards his own changing room before you can think otherwise.
“You have helped me lots today, you should try something too and enjoy it!” he grins.
You take a long, deep sigh inside the changing room. You can’t believe you actually gave in to his pleas— or maybe you did it just to stop the uncomfortable situation. In any case, you are now wearing them and as expected, you don’t know how to feel. You haven’t even turned around and looked in the mirror.
“Are you done? Can I see?” Taichi asks from outside after a while.
Because you have always loved this type of clothes. But it didn’t feel right. Of course you know it’s your insecurities talking, but the thought of showing it to Taichi -to anyone really- made you feel embarrassed.
You groaned to yourself. Coming face-to-face with things you didn’t like about yourself always left you feeling defeated.
You sigh, counting to three before you open the curtain and bite your lip. Luckily it was a weekday, so there weren’t many clients around the shop. You shrug once you make eye contact with the autumn actor not knowing what to say. Taichi however irradiates enough energy for both of you.
“I like it!" he compliments happily. "It’s different from what you usually wear!”
Exactly. “Yeah, well— I’m going to change now.” You smile. “You can go ahead and pay.”
“What? You are not going to buy it?”
"Why? You look..."
“Taichi please stop saying that!” you interrupt. His eyes falter at your tone. You feel bad for it, but right now you just want him to quit it. To stop saying they looked on good. “I’m not... fitted for these clothes,” you mutter, and begin to head back to change.
“W-wait, Y/N!” you sigh and turn to him, although you don't know why. He scratches the back of his head. “I don’t have the sense you or Yuki-chan have with clothes but… I do I say it…” He crosses his arms and frowns in concentration. “Ah!” Suddenly his eyes snap open. “You told me the trousers I got were too short before, right?”
“Uh, yeah… but that was my opinion so…”
“And then you said if I liked them I should take them!”
“I did. But that’s because you felt comfortable with them. I don’t.”
“See but that’s because you haven’t worn them before!” he points to the clothes. “I get it! Wearing a dress and a wig in one of our first autumn plays back at the time felt weird at first, but it was actually nice the more I wore it, you know? Even the others said I passed by as a real girl!”
“Uhm.” You knew he really was doing his best to prove a point… in his very Taichi-like way. So you didn’t comment on it.
“What I mean is,” he continues. “Challenging your rules and insecurities isn’t an easy thing but if you like those clothes enough or are interested in them… who cares if you pull it off or not? I mean, you can take all the time you want to get used to them, right?" You frown a bit, processing the words.
You bite your lip and finally for the first time, look at the mirror to see yourself. You take everything. Then you turn again to Taichi. You didn't know what to do.
"Of course all that is just my opinion!" he says quickly, noticing your indecision. "I'll support anything you do. Oh, and if someone says anything bring them on! I’ll have a real talk with them!"
That does make you smile.
Before you know it, you two are leaving the shop. Taichi with hands full of bags and you with only one. You stare at it in trance.
You really had done it. Your stomach felt funny.
“You did it!” he exclaims next to you. “Man, you are so cool Y/N.”
You let out a laugh, feeling really close to crying. Taichi supporting you had been nothing new, but the situation was. He felt proud and happy for you. And if he did, maybe the choice was good enough.
“I don’t know about cool but… thanks.” You mean it.
“Of course!” He smiled happily, unaware— or maybe not so unaware. You had learned to give Taichi more credit than he gave himself. He had a way of reassuring people of their own negative perceptions like you had never seen someone do. “I know!” his voice brought your back. “We should go to that place Ban-chan told me just opened to celebrate!”
You shake your head amused. You are about to say he was making a bigger deal than what it was, but you stop yourself. Today was the first time you had actually fought back against your insecurities and won, and hopefully, that will make every battle after that a little bit easier and easier as time passed.
“Sure. Lead the way then.”
So you had all the right to celebrate and feel happy with yourself.
Wishing you all a wonderful day! 💕
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juliusthedressmaker · 2 months
Uhhh Killian is yours, yours only. Nobody can have him but you can have him.
*gives Killian back to Julius*
QwQ… (Yandere Julius x Killian? I love it.)
Killy is absolutely mine, yes. I am the only one that he ever has and ever will love, his heart belongs to me alone and our souls are intertwined in a far higher dimension - as humans call them - than any being can comprehend. We're married, and he has my name tattooed on his chest, and I have a diamond ring so big and expensive that only mob Boss money can buy. That's very true, yes. However, sexually we aren't monogamous.
It's very rare that I ever mess around with other men. He doesn't like it when I do but also doesn't have much to do bitch and moan over it, you know? Since, well, Killian sleeps around with countless women and heavily fem aligned enbies - and it doesn't bother me at all, I genuinely do not give a fuck. I know how Killian views women, thinks of them and how he treats them. He's very misogynistic, so much so he calls men who say they're red pills "beta cucks" and thinks Andrew Tate is a "wannabe" and "omega bitch" ...... So you can see why I don't care about him sleeping with them. ...and, hmm...well, if you know anything about Killian, then you know how things play out for about half those ladies.
I do not like him sleeping with men and masc aligned enbies though. It makes me very very very jealous and angry!!! >:v Killian is pansexual, gender is irrelevant him, he's attracted to feminity and "pretty" so it does lower the amount of men and mascs significantly he finds attractive. Buuut still, to my dismay, there's plenty he finds attractive. And when Killian finds someone attractive, there is no stopping that man from putting on his charm and making a move. >:/
No matter what though, it's always me he comes home to at night<33 Plus, he lets me make those men perfect AND! "all mashy" if i want once he's done (⁠◕⁠દ⁠◕⁠)
I am not yandere or whatever though... The reason I cut Killian's throat was because. Well. I'll be honest: he knocked a glass of whisky over and it broke, so I used to glass to cut his throat. LOOK, MY LIFE WAS SO BAD AND I WAS AT MY WITS AND WE HAD BEEN FIGHTING ALL NIGHT TOO PLUS WE WERE BOTH VERY VERY VERY DRUNK AND HIGH! AND I DID APOLOGIZE. ... eventually. BUT IF I HADN'T KILLED HIM THEN HE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN BROUGHT BACK AS A DEMON WHEN I WAS!! And he said he would have been humiliated if anyone other than me was the one to take him out, he literally wanted to die by my hands, go can go ask him yourself if you don't believe me!!
Everything worked out for the best and we're happy and in love and he is my everything. We are not complete without each other, two halves of a whole 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 And also he's sexy as fuuuuuuuhhhhhhh and I can climb him like a tree. Did you know he has a 12 pack? Because he has a 12 pack!!!🤤🤤🤤
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campwillowpeak · 1 year
mama sloth i have reached the terrible conclusion that to get my mom a real nice present for her birthday, i'll have to take on so many shifts i'll be in zombie mode for a month, and still have to possibly do some commissions to make sure i reach my goal. why are spa's so expensive???
Oh snap I never been to one so I never knew they were so much??? Like gat damn???
Best of luck to you friend, I'm sure your mom will love it qWq
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would you like to request ryoga, nayuta, allen and saimon(separately) with an S/o that kisses and runs? When the S/o runs towards them, he pushes them into a quick kiss and then bolts in another direction. If you want to use different characters, that's good too! Have a great day/night! #Hebi100Special
Writer's corner: Hii!! It's okay, darl! There's no need to change the characters! Thank you so much for requesting! Hope you'll appreciate also the small gift I personally made for you, because you managed to get into the first three requests- you're the 3rd!!! Hope you like it qwq.. I'm not an artist so.. if anyone of you has any advice, I'm happy to get some :D ♥ also I'll made gn! 'cause I'm not sure if you want it to be male!s/o or... Tell me! So I can fix it for you in case! Enjoy~
Warnings: none
⋆𝐑𝐲𝐨𝐠𝐚, 𝐍𝐚𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚, 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧⋆ 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐬/𝐨 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 (#𝐇𝐞𝐛𝐢𝟏𝟎𝟎𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥)
The small gift for you~
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⋆Ryoga felt really strange when s/o suggested him to have a walk out of the prison.
⋆It was the yard time in prison, so all the prisoners were around smoking or eating something they had previously stolen from the cafeteria.
⋆s/o wasn't a prisoner like Ryoga and the others..
⋆They were more likely a dj who would have helped Gokuluck with their new songs..
⋆Oh, well.. this is what Inukai always told him and the others.
⋆They had been working with that team for a few months now, promising them that they'd have won and beat AKYR.
⋆Of course Ryoga had never talked much with them, due to his problem to communicate with people.
⋆(You know.. the fact that he doesn't know what to say to people and because of it he usually uses violence and beat people-... here.)
⋆So he really doesn't know why they wanted to have a walk with him and to talk to him so bad.
⋆That's the reason why Ryoga kept an eye on s/o, not trusting them completely.
⋆He was already ready to fight them, if necessary.
⋆After some time of walking and randomly speaking about how incredibly sunny that day was...
⋆S/o did the unthinkable.
⋆They pulled Ryoga in a kiss and, after that, they ran away all blushed.
⋆Ryoga opened his eyes wide, shocked by that random and sudden affection.
⋆He didn't know s/o had a crush on him..
⋆I mean... He didn't even talk so much with them!
⋆When he realized, though, that they had run away all blushed without explaining, he tensed up, wringing his hands.
⋆"𝐇𝐞𝐲!!! 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫?!?!-"
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⋆Nayuta was simply walking through streets with Kanata.
⋆The project for the day was to have lunch in a cheap restaurant.
⋆Both twins wanted to have some fun time together out of that apartment they called house.
⋆Of course Yatonokami brothers knew s/o.
⋆They were probably the closest friend they both actually trusted.
⋆"Oh, Nayuta.. What about this one?.. They also cook our favourite dishes.."
⋆That's what Kanata simply said with his usual serious expression.
⋆Nayuta just nodded, agreeing for that restaurant.
⋆It looked adorable, even if not expensive!
⋆The older twins looked at Nayuta, as he put his own hands into the pockets of his white pants.
⋆"Alright.. I'll go to check if there's any empty table for us.. stay here. I'll come back soon."
⋆He said and entered the restaurant, while Nayuta was still looking at all those families and couples having lunch in outside tables.
⋆While he was standing there, with his hands in his jacket's pockets, he heard some running steps.
⋆Nayuta turned his head only to see s/o smiling.
⋆They were so happy to see him but kinda surprised to see him alone..
⋆Where was Kanata?
⋆Nayuta explained everything and s/o just nodded smiling.
⋆It was their moment.
⋆Actually they had always had a crush on him.
⋆They wanted to tell him, but had always seen Nayuta with Kanata and couldn't express their feelings because of that.
⋆But now that Nayuta was alone..
⋆What kind of words did they have to use?
⋆In a moment of silence s/o blushed and decided not to say a word, but to act instead.
⋆They pulled Nayuta in a kiss, grabbing him by his oversized jacket.
⋆After that they ran away without saying a words.
⋆Nayuta did the same; he didn't speak, just looked at them going away, barely hiding his blushed cheeks behind the collar of his jacket.
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⋆Allen was simply sitting on the sofa, trying to relax after a whole night without sleeping.
⋆As you can imagine, he had been awake to work on music.
⋆He had laid on the sofa, closing his eyes and breathing deeply.
⋆He was exhausted, but pretty proud of the tracks he had composed.
⋆In a few seconds he started to think about some of his favourite food.
⋆It was clear.
⋆He was hungry.
⋆That's how he decided to have breakfast out before going to school.
⋆He dressed up and left the apartment he shared with Hajun and Anne.
⋆While walking Allen realized how terribly tired his body was.
⋆"Maybe it hasn't been a good idea to stay awake even last night..."
⋆That's what he thought as he reached a bar he was used to eat in even after school.
⋆s/o worked there so they were pretty happy to see Allen.
⋆He didn't even tell them that he'd have been there that morning!
⋆So it was a sort of surprise.
⋆The bar was still empty, as s/o had just open it.
⋆They were also cleaning the floor, as usual before the opening.
⋆"Allen!! Good morning! What can I get for you, my dear?"
⋆They said smiling brightly, as they approached the tall and kinda introverted guy.
⋆Soon s/o noticed how incredibly tired Allen was, as he answered with a yawn.
⋆"Something to wake me up, please, s/o.."
⋆Soon s/o came up with a strange idea, as their face filled with a smirk.
⋆As they heard those words and Allen had closed his eyes again for a few seconds, with his elbow on the table and his hand holding his tired head..
⋆s/o pulled him in a kiss, which made the red-haired boy open his eyes wide.
⋆He was awake now.
⋆Awake but also shocked.
⋆In a few seconds he saw s/o running to the kitchen.
⋆He was sure he had seen their cheeks becoming blushed, but he didn't have enough time to see their face after the kiss.
⋆The only thing he managed to say when they had run to the kitchen was..
⋆"𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐞?!…."
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⋆The life as a teacher is stressful sometimes (and I know it pretty well- qwq)..
⋆But it's always full of funny moments and pride for the students reaching their goals!
⋆Saimon had just finished another of his days at the International Private University.
⋆He was simply putting away his things, into an elegant black-leathered bag.
⋆He couldn't really wait to go back home and relax for a bit before going to Bar 4/7.
⋆Soon through the school's halls he saw s/o, a teacher just like him, walking heading the exit.
⋆They had finished their day too.
⋆Saimon really wanted to invite them to have a drink together, so he speeded up his steps and reached them.
⋆They were completely among their thoughts, maybe thinking about what to eat once at home, or when to find enough time to correct all those papers of tests their class had.
⋆"Good afternoon, s/o!", this is how Saimon said hi to them.
⋆S/o smiled in response and apologized for having their head in the clouds.
⋆Soon Saimon told them they didn't need to apologize at all and invited them to have a drink together once exited the University.
⋆Of course s/o accepted and they both went to a cute bar where they both bought something to eat.
⋆Saimon talked about how much he respected s/o for being a good teacher and a kind-hearted person as s/o blushed and thanked him.
⋆As you can imagine, s/o had a crush on him and decide to do something crazy.
⋆After some time spent together at that bar, before going away, s/o stood in their tip-toes only to pull him in a kiss and ran away after that.
⋆"I'm- I'm sorry!!!!!..."
⋆Saimon didn't expect anything like that but kept silence until he saw their shape disappearing behind a corner.
⋆"𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞, 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲…", he whispered.
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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shnowbilicat · 1 year
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May I introduce to the world my three TTRPG bbys; Void, Saphira and Daraen!
I love these three with a dying passion <333 qwq
Void the Tiefling
When Void was young he joined a group of thieves. But not so long after he joined there was a heist gone wrong and Void was caught by the towns guard. He was the only one and was left to die. The guards put him in chains and together with other criminals and creatures was dragged through the land, waiting for punishment ... only to come across a rich family. The Mistress of the family wanted Void to join the Maids and Butlers in their manor, even ebing a playmate for her son. Begrudgingly the Master bought Void off of the guards and Void cursed his now slave life ... if it wasn't actually that bad. Thanks to the Mistress Void and every helper in the manor, human or human like, Void soon fit right in.
Surprisngly he felt comfortable, seeing as everybody treated him like one of their own. Everyone but the Master, who warned him that if he would harm or even just touch his son Void would be thrown into the dungeons below. The Mistress however encouraged Void to feel free to be portective of his young Master and play with him and soon Void was the young Master's personal Butler and closest friend.
One day, while playing hide and seek, the Master of the house saw his son touching Void's tail and the Tiefling was immediantly thrown down below, never to see sunlight ever again. Void was in shock and begged to be freed, but that would never happen.
Not long after the manor was attacked. In a panic the guards dropped Void's prison keys and the Tiefling could escape, only to see his friends and family killed on the floor, blood everywhere and expensive items missing. Worried Void checked on the young Master's bedroom, only to see a rouge jumping out of the window, leaving the room empty. Something inside Void ignited and searched the manor for supplies to take with him. The Mistress and Master were also found dead, the former hurt Void a lot, the latter not at all. Lastly Void took one of the Master's coats for the road, he didn't need it anyways now that he was dead.
With that Void had a new goal; find the thieves guild that took the Mistress' life and avange his young Master.
Void is the face and leader of my TTRPG trio and actually my very first DnD character!
Back in the day I played a lot of TTRPGs/Pen and Paper in my apprenticeship and when one of my friends offered to try and DM DnD for us I was stoked and created Void; who is obviously based on Vincent, cuz why ot have your comfort character to be in your first DnD game?? X3
Sadly he only got one session in before we all had a winter break and then covid hit and I'm still hoping to get together with my DM to maybe have a solo adventure or something :'33
I also finally finished his redesign yesterday, so I'm so happy to finally show off my new bbys X33
Saphira the Dragonborn
Saphira grew up in a humble village. Her father was a proud and strong Paladin and a follower of Bahamut. He always believed in justice and equality and taught his daughter everything he knew, even how to fight. Since Saphira's father was a well known adventurer he talked a lot about his quests all around the country and her mother was always reading her stories about heroes when she was small, Saphira got so inspired that she also wanted to become an adventurer as well. Her curiosity about the world outside of her village was eating her up, so she loved listening to merchants and travelers that were traveling through.
She read any books she could get her hands on, whether it was about adventuring tipps, the history about her world or even about Bahamut himself, and developed abilities to help her outside of the village, to protect the innocent and the ones she loved most. She even started to bring justice to bad guys and thieves in her village to train.
One night her heroic actions and her deep want to go adventuring caught the attention of Bahaumt and he gave her his blessing. Saphira vowed to the great dragon to follow him and the path of justice and rightiousness, becoming a cleric in his name.
Saphira's father was so proud of her that he opened the gates for her to go out and adventure on her own. In tears Saphira thanked her parents for their support and promised she would fight for every race and creature in need and that she will come back as a hero deserving of her father's pride.
Saphira is my dragon bby and I love her. She's such a cutie and always sees the good in people ARGH so cute qwq
She is my second DnD character and is an active participant in a current DnD campaign and it's so nice to play DnD with her ... if our DM would stop having such good rolls and SAphira freaking out at her companions, and herself, dying :'33
Daraen the Strix
Daraen had a nice life in a small village with his parents. Even though Strix look like they are dangerious and there had been really bad rumors about them, Daraen's parents were the sweetest bird like folk around, and so they taught Daren to always be a kind child. As a kid he loved helping his parents in the garden or cooking or even finding out his great affinity to magic. He was the happiest little Strix around ...
... until, one day there was a knock on the door. daren's parents told him to hide away as they opened the door. There soldiers arrested his parents for being a danger to the land and chained them up to be executed in the town's plaza. Daren was terrified and with a blanket over his head and wings he snuck after them all. Only to see his parent's get ropes around their necks. Even though they cried, they still smiled and thanked their community for letting them exist and live here as long as they did. With that the small Strix saw his parent's get hanged.
Distrought Daraen ran, crying his lungs out and hding in an alleyway until the next day arose. With a heavy heart and without any more tears Daraen returned to his now empty home, the only thing that he still had left from his parents. He locked himself inside, lived life and rarely went out. When he did he hid his wings and claws from the outside world. He grew his magical powers, reading up on any books he could find ... or even steal. Many years later the soldiers returned, but Daraen was ready. He attacked and tricked them to enter his house, and while Daraen escaped without a trace, the house exploded and was set ablaze.
With that Daraen left his village for good and flew into the night never to be seen again ... and withthe hopes to find a place were he could belong without getting his wings clipped for existing ...
Daraen is my lastes bby and I have to say my favorite?? I love them all, but I just adore wings and claws, okay?? :'3
Also he's a little tsundere and a sorcerer, and I LOVE magic qWq
Compared to Void and Saphira, Daraen is actually from a Pathfinder game my IRL friends host. When I was invited I looked at the races that Pathfinder had and something about wings and claws just ... spoke to me, you know?? ewe
I don't have a name for their group yet, but they are my bbys and I will fight for them to live a long and adventurous life :'33
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lemmilemura · 1 year
i got this idea from the love language hc’s but what about simon with a rich s/o, like they spoil him too
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Oooooh, very interesting idea! I'll certainly try my best!
All kept gender-neutral Based on the show
Why do I feel you'd get competitive? Like trying to out-rich the other?
He''ll get you something, You'll go 10 dollars more. He'll go 50 dollars more, and so on until eventually you're buying things worth thousandfold the original.
Also I feel like, when you first get him something, he's like "wat" because he really didn't expect it at all.
"How expensive was this???" He'll ask, butthen you list all the expenisve things he'S bought you and he'll be like "That doesn't count"
It's sort of a 'battle' at Christmas. Who can get the more expensive thing? Your friends eventually give up trying to get something expensive, they're always outdone.
You can also call it Sugarparents to eachother. If either of you forget your money, the other pays. No being paid back either.
I don't quite know what else to put, really sorry, hope it's still okay qwq
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darkicedragon · 7 months
darkicedragon does the trio/tao get frankenstein gifts, which frankenstein is touched by, but he also figures out this is happening bc they think they have to to keep frankenstein happy rather than bc they want to and/or treated as payment since theyre under frankensteins roof ococo M was it a canon or a fic that M didn't spend his salary and franken had to point out to him that its his and he is free to do anything with it darkicedragon canon :) m didnt know he was being paid haha frankenstein had to set up a card for him 😂 ococo Franken going face palmed when M spent the whole thing to get him something darkicedragon 😭 ococo Bby qwq Yeaaah XD, it was a good detail for canon That's why I thought it was a fic 🤣 darkicedragon 😂 i did write a few fics abt it so that could be wh6 ococo M getting franken a very expensive watch, and by the brand franken knows that M must have spent at least 2 to 3 salaries to get him that Its thoughtful cause M knows that Franken is not the best at keeping track of time
darkicedragon ahaha awww 'your salary is meant for you to spend on yourself' 'i wanted to spend it that way' 'hm' ococo "Its thoughtful to get me a gift, but I can't accept this" "Oh, isn't it your liking?" darkicedragon then m buys something 4x his salary 8')))) ococo Franken has to bonks him XD Would franken keep the watch but deposit the money that M spent back to his account darkicedragon yeah its going to be hard bc m would clam up if he thinks its a rejection/frankenstein doesnt like it hes still in survival mode so doesnt even consider spending it on himself. needs to appease frankenstein first
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the-kings-of-games · 1 year
Hello, Flame! It sure is a funny coincidence that I clicked follow along with several others who happen to not be bots, but anyways, it's nice to meet you and follow your blog!
I've actually come across several of your fics on Ao3 before getting into tumblr, and I quite like them; the style is one of those where the choice of words says volumes more than a larger wordcount ever could. It's a breath of fresh air compared to what I usually read, and I find that pretty neat. You also seem to actually know of the card game, and yeesh, there's so few people in this place who do.
I'm kind of a new face here, and more of an ARC-V/Card lore fan who will occasionally post essays (and doodles and fics, eventually) about the aforementioned topics, but I do like to talk about the other series sometimes as well. It's part of why I'm glad to have found you around these parts, haha.
All in all, well met! Have a good day/night.
Hi, @pinkprimrose05!! Nice to see you in my inbox again.
And you came across my fics on Ao3 before getting on Tumblr?? :O No wonder your username seems so familiar!!!! I hope I remember you right because you're one of the my very few regulars who also commented on my stuff. :D You even read my obscure shit too, omgs, and that's hilarious to say because I main obscure/rarepair hell. What a neighbor—you're a gift that keeps on giving. QwQ I write my fics for you (and, like, the five other guys who come around, lololololol). That whole middle paragraph really be doing be good. QAQ (I'm breaking down now, I'm an emotional.) Now I'm curious as to who other people's fics read—I really don't know at this point; I've driven myself into a corner because it's been a pretty long time since I've read other fics because all I want is Kizuna and only me and my friend Schatten provide. xD
I have no idea where you get the impression that I know TCG. OwO I just collect pretty cards and obsess over Blackwings. But you know, let's make all the TCGbros mad—I do know TCG, you're right, and I refuse to do it right. U_U But in all honesty, Tumblr YGO fandom is mainly into the anime, and we know how they break their own rules regarding TCG, lmao. Additionally, writing duels and/or breaking down is pretty difficult; if you're getting into TCG irl, it can get pretty expensive too in order to make your deck competitive. Konami purposefully print cards exclusively, and the card market is pretty hard to keep up with if you don't know meta (which includes learning meta) or understand the general vibe among collectors. =_= Please, I just want to show you my Blackwings. I have no idea what they do, they just like to hangout together. This is a hostage situation.
And yes, you are a new face here. Where's this wave of new users coming from? It's an infestation up here. /J Maining Arc-V is questionable—kidding! (Or am I? owo) And oh! essays and fic and doodle! I hope to see them soon! Re-educate me on Arc-V and/or card lore. (Oooh, if you like TCG and dragons AND you write, you should consider applying to the Dragon's Den zine (@aygozineproduction). 030) And omgs, you did it again!—I'm glad you're here too. QQWQQ
Regarding your reply from earlier, yes, @saltiestcoconut and I are friends! They're one of the first I made getting into YGO fandom, and I'm glad to say we're still friends to this day. ^^
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spirit-ask · 2 years
Well frisk i hope you know what your doing. But here is some advice at least. Even if you feel like you have to do it all should at least remember that people still care about you. I’m sure there are still some people out that that miss you. So even if your a vessel. Take care of yourself. You to Fae. You both are amazing beings. So always stay determined. *Big wing hugs* qwq
Frisk’s mouth curls up a bit as they shake their head. Their expression much like a parent looking at a child. 
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“I have saved far more souls than I believe you are imagining. My experience in this matter is much greater than you are thinking. The souls that I save are more of a family to me than anything else.” Frisk gives their voice more presence, “And I would like to inform you that I am not merely a vessel. I am a host. And as a host, I can refuse service to anyone I choose.” 
Fae’s thoughts resonate within her mind, “I’m sorry if I sound rude, but if you could refuse anyone then how was Flowey able to control you?” 
“I am able to host souls, Flowey has no soul. So what he did was equivalent to tying my arms and legs and using me as a puppet. Which he did poorly might I add,” Frisk explains. 
“Oh, that’s why you moved so strangely back then,” Fae remarks. 
“That is correct. Even the souls who only play the game are able to control a human better,” Frisk chuckles at Flowey’s expense. 
Fae imagines that the flower would not be happy to know about it and resolves not to say anything about it. 
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But she does smile at your compliments, “Thank you~ I am going to do things right this time. I promise! And I won’t ever forget how much help Frisk has given me. I’ll always be grateful.” 
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mcmoryfound · 2 years
@hideyou​ inquired: ╱ u know how i feel about ur writing, it is wonderful - makes me happy when ur on the dash hehe, but the question for you ,  tell me more about yukio's family?? [   (un)prompted   ]
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[ ue ue ue, i’m honored to hear that, thank you so much qwq   ]
anyway, let’s go to yukio’s family! all that canon gives us are parents, but more likely considering little that we know about how closed his childhood was, for Yukio himself there also weren’t many more family members in his life. but even with so limited contacts, even his parents were distant to him. after all the enterprise had to be run by them. which is why they tried to replace it by so many expensive gifts, a babysitter or private tutors at first. this also helped to create that idea of money being only form of a bond that can exist.
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& the biggest issue with successful family was that kid should be outstanding as well & yukio was... anything but that to extend. even if they wanted to show him off to others & he was quite skilled, he never really communicated with them. any claim, true or false would be met with no reaction from a kid. neither he was overly interested in leading the company. so even excusing teaching him a future profession as a ‘family time at company’ wouldn’t be something plausible.
it’s not a thing he enjoys to talk about, saying that he was happy over their suicide being more of a defense mechanic than genuine feeling. furthermore it seems like despite missing that bond, he had some attachment to them. after all with all the money, he could create own company to earn the money, but instead he choose to pick up the company he destroyed himself & bring it to greater glory than before
i am absolutely gonna divert from purely Yukio’s family to a general concept of family for him, because this opened that can of worms. from his point of view there’s no such thing. of course he saw happy families from time to time, once his parents went out with him, however it felt fictional. fact that to feel anything along the lines of actual affection he had to resort to holograms for sure didn’t help to make him feel otherwise.
so in the end you tell me, bc obviously certain fullbringers are more of a family than his biological one
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crashpill · 9 months
I have to see that when I get back home at the end of the month that I draw a picture with me and König. I need that 👉🏻👈🏻 aaahhhh
I need a drawing tablet to take with me... why do they have to be so expensive qwq
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damn-it-damian · 3 years
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Oh, My Dear, would you look at that~
(open for better res)
I ...did a thing. (and there´s more where this came from)
based on/inspired by this tutorial by Anna Broster (and a lots of fanarts that I´ll link the second I come across them again); sewn by me
all the weapons are my little sister´s... 
Jaskier in the fancy shorts is now my new life passion ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ (yes I do realize I'm a year late)
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bmpmp3 · 3 years
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lil doodle of an oc. his name is mari. ive posted him before but i dont remember if i mentioned his name fhsjfhfgjaksdfs. he is a jrpg hero and he gnaws on bones like a wolf
#art#ocs#oc art#traditional art#watercolour#i mainly started tagging mediums in my art just in case someone is curious about what i use#but it does always look a little funny tagging little tiny doodles that took longer to dry than it took to draw with something that sounds#as grand as 'watercolour' tends to sound#like technically 80% of my art are watercolour paintings........technically#its just i hate colouring and watercolour in my experience is the cheapest and fasted way to get a lot of colour down#expecially if you use a travel set with dry pans you need to wet#used to use tubes a few years back but ever since i got this travel set.....man#also if you can find a waterbrush? its a lifesaver#i use a koi brand travel set the one with 30 colours and it was a little expensive at like 40 bucks at the time#but its lasted me actual years now and i still havent hit the end of any pans#the pans look small but man.........i dont understand how i get so much mileage outta them#i am running a little lower on the purple and magenta and the browns cause i use those like its going outta style#and to be perfectly honest there are like 7 greens in there and i use maybe 2#but i think every watercolour set is like that qwq#why do they give you so many greens and blues#all i need is brown#i can do anything with brown#oh someone once asked me how i go about watercolouring i should show u guys someday#weirdly enough im self taught hdsjkafndjf ive taken many art classes in my life but never has anyone ever told me how watercolours work#maybe they figure people can figure it out on their own? but i always hear folks talk about how tricky it can be too.....#anyway would u guys like some bad watercolour tutorials#i think i may try to make one or 2
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panjams-posts · 4 years
I don't wanna sleep, knowing my ranking will plummet to the thousands by morning XD
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