#why is that my cat Ozzie???
pygmi-cygni · 16 days
hc for moonknight boys ( pigging off of the preferences hc a little..) with neighbor!reader who is thick as fuck and has a big white cat named Osiris and one day the Boys hear her opening her door in the hall and calling for her cat, the boys being like ⁉️ HUH and then they go over and meet the cat and like they have a huge big fat crush on her
AWW anon this sounds cute.
reader is fem (uses she/her) curvy, fluff, pining, dual POV. no y/n
Summary: reader moved in a week ago and her cat is adventurous. not exactly the way you asked but it mutated hehe
song recs: anything by stephen sanchez or frank ocean
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Things had progressed nicely. The furniture arrived yesterday, and you'd got it done in a flash - hopefully the neighbors weren't too concerned with the loud thumps and scrapes. You were most glad that Osiris' cat tree had arrived so he'd stop shredding the carpet.
"Ozzy," you whistled. "Breakfast, bubba." You scraped the rest of the tin into his bowl and waited for the excited jingle of his collar.
Frowning, you peered into the living room. Even in dead sleep, Osiris woke at the prospect of a snack. Part of why you got along so well.
Hoping you hadn't shut him in a closet, you set down his meal and knocked on all the doors, checking the shelves and any tricky-to-reach spots. Ozzy often forgot his size and got into places he couldn't easily get out of.
It wasn't a huge apartment, only two bedrooms and a bathroom. You'd done two rounds before nervously figuring that he'd gotten out.
How? The door was closed and locked - you double checked, always.
Your hands fluttered nervously, lip stuck between your teeth. He was a lovely boy but he didn't know the area. You didn't know the area, where would you look? There was one floor below you until the busy street...
"Shit," you muttered, hurriedly pulling on your shoes. The cold air had started yesterday. I'm comin', buddy, don't worry, you thought nervously. You were dressed in a comfy sweater and sweats. Hopefully you didn't look too much like a crazy person.
Slamming your door behind you, you looked both ways down the hall, eyes squinting for a flash of white fur.
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Marc had enough. Somewhere, a tiny trilling bell was jingling. It was driving him fucking insane. He'd poked through the stacks of books and under the mattress. His phone - Steven might've installed some crazy alarm - but no dice.
He peeked out his door. The hall was empty, but-
"Oh," he said, crouching. "Hey there, little guy."
Steven, now awake, snorted. Not very little, though, is he?
The roundest, whitest cat he'd seen in his life was sat patiently in front of his door. Brilliant green eyes blinked up, and a soft meow carried through the hall. Marc had never been good with cats.
His headmate shoved to the front, greedily reaching out for a pet. "He's so soft," Steve breathed, scratching under the cat's chin. A titanic purr radiated out of the fluffy monstrosity, reveling in the attention.
Steven was in love. He gently picked up the cat, snuggling its warmth. Marc grimaced, tapping on Steven's shoulder. You don't know where that's been, man. Wash your hands.
He waved him off, eyes glued to the cat. It was cold out; the poor thing was probably starving. Closing the door against the cold air, Steven happily set his new friend on the ground.
"Would you like some food, then, little man?" He cooed. The cat meowed again and ran off curiously. Steven watched as it poked and sniffed through his flat, purring the whole way. He noticed a slight jingling sound follow the furball. Aha, he was the culprit.
Means he's got a collar, Marc noted, so he's got an owner, I'd bet. Steven pouted slightly; he wouldn't mind keeping the little bugger. Jake hissed when the cat started wiggling into the closet.
Ay, if that thing steals my gloves I'm takin' it out back.
Steven gaped at the hostile behavior of his friends. "Alright, fine," he relented, "but I'd like to feed it first. It's cold out, y'know."
Whistling gently, Steven knelt down in front of the wardrobe. "Here, kitty," he said softly, clicking his tongue. A fluffy tail tickled his nose. Giggling, he caught the cat in his arms.
"Okay now, hold still for a smidge, lemme look at you-"
The cat squirmed as he felt around for a collar. Truly, the amount of hair on this thing was insane. Jake sneezed.
A little gold tag glimmered. Steven squinted. "O...Osiris? Innat funny, Marc? His name's Osiris!" He dropped the cat in favor of rambling about the deity, hands moving excitedly. Jake frowned.
Isn't that the death guy?
Steven sighed at Jake's vocabulary. "Underworld, mate, very different." The alter snorted. My bad, of course.
Could be an omen, Marc quipped.
"Why're you all being so grumpy?" Steven groaned, raking his hand through his hair, "it's just a cat."
Did the tag have an address? Jake wondered, back on track. The cat had curled up on Steven's lap, so he tried gently to get closer without disturbing him.
"Uh...yes?" The numbers were smudged to hell, so he couldn't really read it. The cat couldn't have gotten too far in the cold, his owner lived close. Steven's disappointment at letting go of his friend was quenched by the intrigue of meeting someone who was interested in Egyptology.
He fed the cat a few pieces of cheese and scooped him up. "Alright, off you pop, let's find your owner, yeah?"
The cat purred in his arms, snuffling into his jacket. Steven whistled aimlessly, locking his door and setting off.
He lived on the third and highest story - so he'd work his way downwards. He paused.
Marc sat back knowingly. See, in order for this to work you've actually got to talk to people, Stevie. Steven faltered. He looked sheepishly in the reflection of the doorknob.
Rolling his eyes, Marc slipped in to front, jostling with Osiris. The cat noticed a switch, and curiously sniffed the new alter. Jake backed out; claiming allergies. Grimacing, Marc reached for the knocker on the neighbor's door.
No luck. Nobody on his floor had seen or lost a cat named Osiris - though he did encounter a tearful little boy looking for his hamster. Internally, Marc wondered if the cat had found the rodent first. Steven would switch out every few minutes to stroke Osiris lovingly, before hiding in the headspace if someone approached.
The cat seemed to get used to the different men, eventually falling asleep.
Marc sighed, taking the elevator down to the second floor. This cat was heavy.
He nearly ran smack into someone else as he stepped out. Osiris yowled and he stuttered an apology, blinking at the impact.
A very shocked woman was staring at him, mouth open.
"You've got my cat!"
He blinked again, looking at Osiris. "Your...he's yours?"
You nodded, reaching out for him. Marc clumsily handed him over, still reeling from the coincidence. You thanked him profusely, gently scolding the cat.
You beamed at him. "Thank you so much, sir, I thought I'd never find him. Ozzy's a bit of a pill when we find a new place, I appreciate is so much."
Marc was stunned stupid. Once he'd gotten a look at you, you were really pretty. There was a nice, calming energy radiating off of you like a halo. A flush had brightened your eyes and cheeks from the cold, coloring you like a cherub. The fluffy cat rubbed itself on your legs, tail winding around your supple curves.
Ay, amigo, Jake whispered, you haven't said anything.
"Yeah," Marc stammered, wiping his brow. "Yeah, for sure, it's...it's no problem." Fuck, he sounded like Steven.
The poor brit was in the same sinking boat, brain gone offline in shock. Oi. Oi Marc, don't fuck this up holy shit do you see her earrings? She's got little moons on-
Marc had to mentally mute his friend's babbling, too preoccupied with not looking like an idiot. You were busy cooing after your pet. A cute smile adorned your round cheeks and he had the urge to reach out-
"Hey, d'you want to come in? I've got some coffee or tea inside," you offered, gesturing behind you. Marc had a feeling that was a bad idea, seeing as how fast his heart was beating, but Steven was doing flips with excitement, so he accepted.
Your apartment was lovely. You'd clearly just moved in, the furniture was clean and new. Incense burned at the window, filling the room with a jasmine scent. Marc inhaled deeply, catching whiffs of your shampoo. It made his chest feel a little gooey.
Steven needed a tranquilizer, he was so elated. A small shrine to Ra was on your vanity, with a plate of dates and gold coins. Your bookshelves, unlike his, were neat and organized. Most of the books were on Egypt or horticulture. That explained the houseplants on every flat surface.
If we were mentioning omens...Jake murmured suggestively, nodding to the abundant moon decor and Egypt references. Marc pushed him away, too enraptured with watching you.
You were humming quietly, grabbing mugs and sugar and cream. That wonderful halo was burning brighter the longer he stared. The sweater you were wearing was a lovely shade of blue that brightened your face like the sun. Fitting that she likes Ra, Steven breathed, she looks celestial.
Jake agreed silently, having swallowed his own tongue. He was excited about the coffee, smelling warm and rich from your kitchen. You handed them a cup, gesturing to the milk and sugar.
"Help yourself to either," you said cheerily, patting Marc's shoulder. holy fuck your hands were soft. He watched you disappear into the hall, mesmerized with the sway of your hips.
Don't be a creep, Steven scolded, as if he hadn't been mentally planning a wedding. Marc murmured something unintelligible, awestruck by your lovely figure.
He gulped his coffee too fast to hide the flush on his face when you returned.
"What's your name?" You asked, sitting across from him. You told him yours, voice musical and light.
"M-Marc," he said around a burnt tongue and a lovesick heart. You asked him questions about where he was from, which he tried to answer, though in truth your sparkling eyes and lovely scent were really difficult to think around.
Your curves were quite distracting, and he kept being drawn to your movement, face aflame. His dignity was in tatters now but he'd never seen a person so gorgeous before. Osiris wound around his feet, an almost-smirk on his face.
Marc's gaze was glazed as you continued talking, words going in one ear and out the other. That was okay - he could catch up once he asked you on a date. Currently he was too preoccupied with imagining your soft skin and supple hips and-
He scowled at himself, shameful. Jake shook his head, sighing. he didn't show it, but a hot rush of desire was also snaking through his chest. Steven was sat and totally absorbed in your conversation like a child at storytime.
Before he left, he slipped his number onto your kitchen table for you to find later. You caught him as he left and pulled him into a hug.
He'd completely glitched when you pulled him into your soft body. Trembling with restraint, he carefully hugged you back, nose pressed greedily into your sweet-smelling hair. You fit perfectly in his arms, waist wonderfully soft and perfect to hold. Marc's mouth was dry as the desert. His heart was thundering, and he held on for a bit longer than necessary. He couldn't let go, he just wanted to hold you and squeeze and kiss you and oh god he's gonna embarrass himself like a teenager with how hard he's getting-
You waved goodbye and shut the door, leaving him awestruck in the hall.
"I think I've been drugged," he breathed to nobody. Steven had passed out, and only Jake was left to numbly agree.
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@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @krakenkitty
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undreaming-fanfiction · 8 months
For A Handful of Bandaids
This is my entry for SpicySixWinterFanworksChallenge organized by the lovely @thefreakandthehair.
“Hey Steve, do you know where we’ve got some bandaids?”
In hindsight, Eddie should have known that a simple question like that would never prompt a simple response from his boyfriend. Steve was many things - brave, loyal, a great cook, wonderful in bed, but most of all - he tool Eddie’s well-being very seriously. He was a raging bull whose red flag was anything related to health, injury, sickness or danger, no matter how small.
Well. Not really raging. More like anxious, caring and always ready to whip out half of a pharmacy.
So of course, the answer wasn’t “they’re in the second drawer,” nope.
Instead, Steve stood up, grabbed Eddie by his shoulders and started checking him for injuries. “Eddie, are you hurt? Did someone in town attack you again? Shit, I thought things’ve calmed down, did you recognize them?”
It would have been hilarious if Eddie hadn’t hated making Steve worried.
He reached for Steve’s hands, still on his shoulders, and put on his most persuasive voice. “Steve, baby, I swear I’m fine! No attacks, no black eyes, no broken bones. I’m completely fine!” He even grabbed his collar and moved it to the side so Steve could check. “See? No strangulation marks. Uh...no new strangulation marks, post-bat.”
Steve seemed to be calming down, good. Fantastic. “So...” he said slowly, “...you don’t need them for yourself? Did one one of the kids get hurt? Wayne?”
Eddie really wanted to punch himself in the face now. Why hadn’t he spent those five extra minutes looking for the bandaids himself?!
“No. Look, Steve. I need them for myself, but for something small. Something very very VERY tiny. I just made a not-so-ideal decision and now I want to treat the consequences.”
Steve’s eyes narrowed and his stare traveled directly into Eddie’s soul. “Eddie. What. Did. You. Do?”
“...I think it would be easier to show you.”
In another hindsight, it would have been easier to tell Steve. If Eddie thought seeing the crime scene would calm his boyfriend down, he was dead wrong.
Steve’s eyes traveled over the destruction. Eddie’s books, neatly arranged on bookshelves that morning, were now lying everywhere. The books from the bookcase didn’t fare any better - except the bookcase was now lying on them, over their bed. Speaking of the bed, the plant that they saved from a local dumpster and nurtured back to health? That plant was now depotted over Eddie’s pillow.
He sucked in a breath through his front teeth. “Did someone break in?”
Eddie shook his head so fast his hair became a tangled mess. “No. Nono. Steve. No one invaded our wonderful home. No one damaged our property. I mean, someone did, but it was...very much deserved.”
“Eddie. Explain. Now.”
“Oh yeah. Sure. Will do. Um...how long a version do you want?”
“Right. In short - Ozzy did this.” Noticing Steve’s disbelieving stare, Eddie quickly added: “But I deserved it. Totally.”
Steve sat down onto the single clean and empty spot on their bed. “Are you telling me that our cat knocked over a full bookcase?”
Eddie had the decency to look guilty. “Oh no, that was me.”
“I take back the “concise” request. Tell me everything. Step by step.”
“Right.” Eddie’s eyes darted between each aspect of the crime scene, trying to put together a reasonable explanation. “So. I was sitting on the bed with Ozzy. He didn’t like something I did and decided to run away, but I was...sort of connected to him.”
“Sort of connected...?”
Eddie waved his hand. “I’ll explain. But as he was escaping, I had to go after him, because you know...connected. And he really didn’t like that. So he jumped up that bookcase and we were still-”
“-connected?” Steve didn’t seem to understand or believe any of it, but he was certainly entertained.
“Yep. So I tried to climb the bookcase and get him down.”
Steve’s palm connected with his forehead with a resounding slap. “Eddie. Do you know how physics work?”
Snorting, Eddie shook his head. “Of course I don’t, Steve. Failed high school twice, remember? But I also know your grades and because of that I dare to say - neither do you. Not that physics would have gotten Ozzy down.”
“That part is true.” Steve was grinning back at him, imagining the chaos. “So, you climbed the bookcase and it fell on you. What next?”
Eddie pointed at the sad remains of Steve’s plant. “I knew how much you love that plant, so I decided to save it. Since it was on that bookshelf. I heroically leapt from the bookcase and towards the plant, but I have miscalculated my daring rescue.”
Steve’s eyebrows did that adorable confused scrunch. “You what?”
“I jumped too fast and it fell on my head.”
Eddie nodded, touching a sore spot on his nape. “Yeah. And my head gave it that extra bounce to land on the pillow. Wrong side up, I’m afraid.”
Steve reached out to the plant and picked it up, examining its leaves. “I think she’ll live. She’s a strong girl. Continue.”
“Not much more to tell,” Eddie shrugged. “Ozzy used the commotion to disconnect himself from me and darted outside. I got soil out of my hair and went to ask you for bandaids.
Steve was stroking the plant’s leaves, checking for damage. “The one thing I don’t understand is this. How didn’t I hear it happening?”
“Oh, it was much faster than it sounds. And I believe you were washing the dishes.”
“That explains it,” Steve nodded and set the plant into its miraculously unharmed flower pot. “One more question then. How were you connected?”
Eddie started chewing on his hair and looking at the ground instead of Steve. “You know...it’s almost Christmas, right?” he asked in a quiet voice. “And you love Christmas. Everyone knows you love Christmas, so...”
“Eddie. How were you connected?” he repeated slowly, carefully.
He smiled sheepishly, pulling something colorful from his pocket. “Do you know how they say that fate connects you with a red string? Something like that. The rest shall be revealed when we find Ozzy. I think he’s hiding under the sink again.”
Steve stood up and sighed the deepest sigh Eddie had heard in ages. “I have no clue where this is going,”
Ozzy was, as Eddie had predicted, hiding under the sink. He was hiding really well, 10/10 would not find the cat, except for the red wool that led from the corridor directly to the bathroom. And when they finally got the unhappy cat out with promises of treats and even more treats, Steve finally saw it and laughed.
“Really, this is what you did?” he asked and reached out to free Ozzy.
Despite his prompt escape, Ozzy still bore wounds from his brave fight against Eddie. Except those weren’t wounds, it was a half-unraveled red Christmas sweater. Steve thought he recognized Claudia Henderson’s work. No matter who knitted it, Ozzy obviously hated the idea.
Eddie was, just like the sweater, bright red. “See, it was nearly finished and I promised to try it on him, just to see if it fits. And when he decided he didn’t like it, which was pretty much immediately, I think one of the loose threads got caught on my rings. So...yeah.”
 Steve pulled him into a kiss and scratched Ozzy’s back, now free from the wooly prison.
“You really thought you could get that sweater on our cat? You’re adorable. I’ll get those bandaids.”
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str4ngergirlw0rld · 9 months
Eddie is late hes so fucking late and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t get this fucking kiss with you, he will go fucking crazy and do something so stupid that he’ll be banished to the depths of hell. Fuck it why did he have to work on new years eve , of every day of the year this one ? He’s pretty sure he broke at least 6 laws getting to the house but he is willing to deal with the consequences only after kissing you
He just got home , he left his car door open just to make it in time.
Hes unlocking the front door with his Metallica key you gifted him for his birthday as a way of asking him to move in with you.
He runs in the house & accidentally trips over ozzy & sabbath , the cat & puppy you also gifted him for his birthday but not before he gives them kisses too. “Love you guys , still my favorite gift ever”
Hes running running running up your shared staircase trying his best to get to you before the tv announcers make it to “happy new year.”
He runs into your shared bedroom and walks in on you in your favorite monkey slippers ,his favorite red lace panties and the red and pink hellfire shirt he gifted you.
He grabs your face despite the snowflakes on his gloves and plants the sweetest loving kiss you’ve ever received. Hes so happy to go into the new year with you and even more excited to have many more moments like this. “Happy new year baby, maybe next year you’ll be my wife”
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happy new years my beautiful beautiful babies i fucking love you all so goddamn much its fucking crazy. know that you are loved and cared for.
@lovebugism @taintedcigs @chrrymunson @reidsbtch @mmunson86 @keeksandgigz @stveharringtn @trashmouth-richie @luveline @harrywavycurly @punk-in-docs @purplehazed-h @ghost-proofbaby @neonghostlights
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xhoneygirlxx · 1 year
Life Sized
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
summary: After a spell gone wrong, Eddie Munson is stuck with a real life Lucky Lucy doll.
warnings: fluff. slight angst. grump x sunshine reader. cussing. mentions of Eddie dealing. strangers to friends. Reader is a doll, "Lucky Lucy", however because she's made up skin tone, body type, and ethnicity is not mentioned. Eddie calls reader doll/Luce/Lucy Reader does wear Eddie's clothes. Reader and Eddie are around 20 (even though reader is a doll, she's been out for about 20 something years). 90s era.
*if I missed anything please let me know!
a/n: hi my loves! I'm so sorry for the wait but life was hectic for the past few days with schedule changes and birthday plans. I want to let you guys know I am slightly hung over so this might now be the best. Anyway, thank you guys for joining me on this birthday adventure! Love you guys :)
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Cause we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl
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“Woah woah woah woah woah,” Eddie waves hand back and forth, eyes closed as he tries to process what he just heard, “You did what?” 
Sighing heavily, Dustin stands up from the well loved couch that sits in the Munson’s trailer. “If you listened the first time you would have heard me. I said, I went to the crazy lady’s store in the hopes of bringing Chews back from the dead because I can’t watch my mom cry anymore. Before I created a monster out of a dead cat, we decided to practice on Mike’s sister’s doll,” Turning his body slightly, Dustin points to the pretty girl that sits in the recliner. 
“It didn’t work but when we woke up this morning she was sitting there.” The curly haired boy stares at the older boy in front of him, semi out of breath from his fast speaking. 
“Let me get this straight, you went to the one place that is off limits to everyone in Hawkins, bought a book of spells, and then brought a doll to life, only to bring said doll to my house?” His voice is loud enough to ricochet off the thin walls. 
“Well you said everything I just said, but yeah pretty much.” The young boy nods causing the curls of his hair to bounce. 
“Nuh uh, no, I don’t want any parts of this.” Shaking his head, Eddie begins to push the younger boy towards the door. 
“Eddie please,”  Will begs from his spot on the couch, “We have no one else to turn to.” 
“Yeah, come on Eddie, we need our dungeon master.” Lucas adds, knocking his shoulder into Mike who stays quiet on the arm of the sofa. 
“Hey don’t bring me into this, I didn’t want to do it.” Mike throws his hands up defensively, only to change his answer when the other two boys give him a stern look. 
“I-I mean, Eddie, we need your help.” It comes out more like a question than a plea but it’s the best they're going to get out of the black haired boy. 
Locking eyes with the older man who still has a hand on his shoulder, Dustin does his best to give the world's cutest puppy dog eyes. 
“Please, Eddie. I need you.” It’s quiet and sincere, and because it’s coming from Dustin it goes straight to Eddie’s heart, tugging tightly on the strings. 
Fuck why did he have to have such a soft spot for the kid. 
“I swear to Ozzy himself, if you don’t fix this in twenty four hours, your ass is grass.” A ringed finger is pointed at Dustin, his eyes going semi cross eyed from watching it wag in his face. 
Turning his body quickly, Eddie points his finger to the other three boys who sit wide eyed on the couch. “And that goes for you three. Your asses will be hanging right next to Wayne’s mugs if it doesn’t get fixed. Capiche?” 
When all four heads nod vigorously, Eddie straightens his posture and releases a sigh so loud it sounds like all the air from his lungs came out.
"Can I just say, you remind me of Lucky Lars! He has cool tattoos and long hair like you too!" You're looking right at him, eyes sparkling with happiness.
"Jesus H. Christ, there's really a talking doll in my house." Eddie's voice sounds like a whining child as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Alright it seems like everything is fine here, so we're gonna go ahead and leave." Before Eddie can stop Dustin or the rest of the younger boys, they're already out the door and gone.
"Great, just fucking great." Slapping a hand down to his thigh, Eddie spins on his heel and heads to the kitchen. He needs a fucking beer, or maybe six, either way he needs something to get him through this nightmare.
Opening the fridge, he grabs a cold can of pbr and gulps it right down without taking one breath. The liquid goes down so smooth and for a minute Eddie seems to forget the predicament he's in. Then you speak and he's instantly brought back to reality.
"Um, excuse me sir," It comes out so graceful and sweet and he hates it.
Without moving his head in your direction, he spits an angry "what" at you - teeth gritting and fist clenching. A part of him regrets being mean with you, it's not your fault this whole shitshow happened.
"I um, just wanted to ask if everything was okay." He hates that your pretty face is scrunched up with so much sadness and that he's the cause of it.
Deep breath in. Deep breath out.
"Yeah, just peachy." It's forced through his tight lip smile.
"Oh well that's great!" You annoyingly clap your hands together and he winces at the sound. "When can we go shopping?"
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Eddie didn't know who he wanted to kill more, you, Dustin, or himself. Why he even agreed to taking you to Starcourt was beyond him, but God was the whole experience horrible. You commented on every single thing, stopped and looked at mundane objects, and ooh'd and awee'd every time you stepped in a new store.
Every store you walked into, you left with multiple bags, which Eddie had to carry. To make matters worse he had to pay for everything, burning a hole right through his drug dealing money. You're a doll for heaven sake, why the hell would you have money?
On the way home you would not stop talking about the whole experience, comparing everything to Lucy's Lucky Land. To make matters worse, you wouldn't stop touching the radio until you landed on the most ear bleeding pop song.
The moment the two of you arrived back at the trailer, Eddie realized he couldn't escape this nightmare. He was stuck with you until those little shit heads could come up with a solution to the problem.
"Alright, just uh.. put your bags somewhere in the corner." Eddie instructs, pointing in the cleanest corner of his bedroom.
Pink heels step on the brown shag carpet of his room, eyes traveling around as you take everything in. It was completely different from what you were used to, clothes scattered everywhere, cups and dishes stacked up, and posters with names you've never heard of.
It amazes you just like everything else you've seen today. You've never seen a room like this, not even the boy's back home had rooms like this. With wide eyes and agape mouth, you spin around with open arms, just like you did when you walked into the mall.
"Oh, Eddie! This is so beautiful!" With your bags still in hand, you sit down on the mess that is his bed.
"Oh my lucky stars!" You gasp, "Your bed is so soft!" Proving your point, you bounce on your butt causing the springs to creak with every movement.
Eddie watches from the doorway, unamused by your entertainment.
"Ugh yeah, it's a bed. Don't you have those in Lucky Land of Lucy or whatever it's called." Crossing his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow in questioning.
"It's Lucy's Lucky Land," you correct him, still smiling ear to ear, "and yes we do have beds! Our beds are made of plastic though, not bouncy like this one!" Sliding the bags from your arms, you continue to bounce but now you use your arms to make yourself go higher.
"Right, I should've known." He drawls.
Crossing into the room, Eddie starts taking off his vest and leather jacket, followed by his heavy boots. He doesn't realize that you've stopped bouncing, now honed in on his movements.
Turning around from where he stands by his dresser, he's met with the sight of you trying to take your shirt off.
"H-hey now, let's not do that." Turning his head to the side so he doesn't see anything he's not supposed to, he stretches his arms out to stop your hands from moving.
"Did I do something wrong?" You're so sincere when you say it, innocence dripping off of you like raindrops on a flower's petals.
"You can't just start taking your clothes off, Luce." His eyes are still to the floor, cheeks glowing red from the flush that's creeped it's way there.
"But I thought that's what you were doing." It sounds dejected and Eddie chances a look at you and he instantly regrets it.
There you sit on his messy, old, stain ridden bed, glossy pout on your lips and eyes glassy with tears. In that moment he sees you, the girl that's been nothing but sunshine and rainbows all day, the girl that's taken every indirect insult he threw with a smile on your face, now reduced to tears because of him.
"No, sweetheart, I was just taking off my shoes and jacket. When it's ready to change I'll let you do it in privacy." He tried his best to explain to you not wanting to upset you anymore.
"Are you mad at me?" You sniffle.
His eyes study your face, watching the tears roll down the plush skin of your cheeks. The more he looks, the worse his frown gets. "Why would I be mad at you?"
"B-because you d-don't want m-me here. I-I didn't mean to r-ruin your life Eddie." Tears now fall like a stream of water and words are being choked out through hiccups.
Eddie can feel all the blood drain from his body, cemented to the floor of his room. You're reduced to tears and snot because you think he hates you. He made you feel this way through constant eye rolls and loud huffs. You've been nothing but kind to him, trying everything in your power to get him to have one decent conversation with you. Yeah, there were some things he couldn't wrap his mind around when it came to you, especially when you tried to chase down a squirrel in pure curiosity, but you were trying.
Just this afternoon were you dropped off in a stranger's home, new to everything in the world, with not one single clue about life outside of your little playland. You didn't ask to be brought to life, you didn't ask for any of this but Eddie made it your problem the minute you opened your mouth.
He doesn't know what to do or say, he just stands there completely silent watching your shiny exterior crumble to nothing.
"I j-just wanted to be y-your friend b-but you hate me." Your small palms catch your face, your sobs now echoed in the curve of your hands.
"Lucy," Eddie walks over to you, dropping to his knees in front of you, "I don't hate you, okay?"
Separating two of your fingers, you peek at him from the comfort of your hiding spot and quickly retreat when brown eyes peer into yours.
"Lucy,” He calls but you don't move.
"Luuuccy," This time it's sung but still no movement from you.
Releasing a deep breath, he tries to think of something that will make you happy.
"I guess I'll just have to find someone else to play with my hair." Shagging his shoulders, Eddie sighs sadly and drops his head.
"I can play with your hair?" You sniffle, face still shining with the wetness of your tears.
Craning his head back to you, he smiles softly and nods his head. In an instant your jumping up from the bed, clapping your hands together in happiness.
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"So what kind of jobs do they have in Lucy Land?" Eddie asks, wincing slightly from your finger untangling a knot in his hair.
"Oh we have so many! I've been a fashion designer, model, singer, baker, doctor, and a ballerina!" Your fingers continue to intertwine sections of the curly brown hair, trying to be as delicate as possible.
"Then there's Lars, the one you remind me of, and he's an action star. Then there's Lance who is a race car drive. Linda is a teacher, Lorelai is a painter, Lily is a florist, and then there's Larry, he doesn't have a job."
"Why doesn't Larry have a job?" He asks, flinching slightly when you pull a little too hard for his liking.
"Cause he's Larry." You say nonchalantly.
Pulling the scrunchie from Eddie's wrist, you tie off the first braid before moving on to the next one.
"What's your job?" It's an innocent question but it still makes him choke on his drink.
"I ugh, I uh work in sales?" It's the best answer he can come up with, not wanting to explain what drug dealing means to your innocent ears.
You continue to tug on his hair, pulling and twisting strands. "What's that?"
"I sell things." Blood rushes to the tips of his ears and apples of his cheeks.
"Like what?"
Eddie would rather deal with the yanking of his hair than answer this question. He racks his brain for an answer, letting a small pause settle over the conversation.
"I sell brownies to people." Doing his best to shrug, embarrassment sinking to the pit of his stomach.
"Oh my golly!!! I love making brownies," You gasp and then pause for a moment, "but in my world our ovens and food are fake, so I wouldn't know how to do it in your world."
"Wait, so what do you eat?" Eyebrows are pinched together in confusion.
"Oh Eddie, you're so silly." You giggle, reaching for his other wrist that adorns the pink scrunchie.
Tying the end of his braid, you pat his shoulders gently, "All done."
The lanky boy stretches from his position on the floor, knees creaking from the movements. Walking over to his mirror, calloused fingers run over the french braids, shocked by how neat they are.
"Wow," he whispers, "They look really good, doll." Eyes still trailing over his hair, head moving side to side making sure to see every angle.
"They look so good because I had such a pretty model." Your lips are sprawled out into a smile.
Eddie finds himself blushing again, bats swarming around in his tummy and heart skipping multiple beats. Trying his best to shake it off, he claps his hands together and spins to face you.
"How about I make you my famous mac and cheese for payment?"
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"Who knew food could be so good?" A satisfied sigh falls from your lips.
"Yeah, who would've thought?" Eddie snorts, sarcasm soaking his words.
Leaning back onto the couch, your eyes flutter shut in contentment. Your hands sit folded on top of your belly, shoeless feet propped up on the coffee table in front of you.
Eddie lets you enjoy your food coma, picking up the empty bowls and walking them to the sink. He decides it would be better if he washes them now, not wanting Wayne to get home and bitch him out for having a full sink.
Once the dishes are done and dried, he walks back into the small living room and is met with the sight of you sleeping. Long eyelashes fall on the tops of your cheeks, your permanent smile still sits on your pretty glossed lips, and small snores falling from your nose.
For a moment he just looks at you, eyes following the lines of your features for the first time all day. When you first showed up, he could see that you were pretty and during the mall trip he'd find little details he hadn't noticed before, but right now he's really taking his time to admire you.
You're so beautiful, flawless really, and man did he get lucky having you crash into his life. You're a doll, something that's made of plastic, but nothing about you screams fake. You're so sweet and kind, always quick to accept whatever apology he gives you when he's been shitty.
Your spirit and energy shines brightly through you, bringing light to the darkness of his reality like the sun coming out on a cloudy day. You're all pink and sparkles, glitter and fluff, while he's black and spikes. For all the bad in the world, you remind Eddie of all the good.
He doesn't hate you, in fact he likes you and he wants to have you around for a bit longer. He wants to be friends with you, teach you about the real world and everything it has to offer. For the first time today Eddie realizes that this might not be so bad, not when he gets to relive all the cool things in life with you by his side.
Stalking over to you, he gently shakes your shoulder. "Luce, hey Lucy. Come on, s'time to wake up."
Squinting from the harsh yellow lighting of the room, your lips pout slightly from the rude intrusion of your slumber.
"Come on, Luce. We're gonna go to bed now." Holding out a hand to you, Eddie helps you stand up from the couch.
"I don't have jammies." You sound like a small child, voice quiet and hushed from how tired you are.
"What did you get at the mall then?" Leading you to the edge of the bed, he helps you sit down.
"I bought cute clothes to wear during the day." You shrug, rubbing your eye with the back of your hand.
"Of course you did." It's quiet enough so you can't hear, fingers rubbing hard over his forehead. "Alright, well I have something you can wear."
Digging through his drawers, Eddie finds an old Hellfire shirt and a pair of sweatpants from high school he doesn't wear anymore. Walking back over to you, he hands you the clothes and instructs you to change when he leaves the room and to call for him when you're done.
When your groggy voice echoes from behind the closed door, he slowly creeps in. You're still sitting in the same spot now wearing his clothes.
"Everything fit okay?" You nod, eyes growing heavier the longer you're up.
"Good, good. Well let me help you," Eddie leans over you, trying to fluff up the pillows the best that he can. Pulling the covers back, he tucks you into place.
"I'll be sleeping on the couch, so if you need anything just call my name and I'll be back." Giving you a tight lipped smile, he turns to shut the bedside lamp off.
"Eds?" Your voice cuts off his actions. "Can you sleep in here with me?" You blink up at him tiredly, still as beautiful as ever.
"How about I sleep on the floor next to you? Is that okay?" Eddie offers and you quickly accept with a sleepy smile and a lazy nod.
"Okay let me grab some extra blankets from the closet and change, then I'll be in." He reassures and you wiggle around in a tiny dance making his chuckle.
"Hey Eddie," Again you cut his movements short, "Thanks for being my best friend. I like being here with you." Your smile is shy, fingers nervously picking at the frayed edges of the blanket.
"I like being with you too. Thanks for being my best friend." The two of you beam at one another, letting the warmth of your budding friendship sink into both of you.
Leaving the room Eddie makes sure to shut the door behind him. Before he digs for any kind of blanket, he moves to the phone that sits on the wall. Punching the numbers fast, he looks back to make sure you haven't left your spot.
After a few rings, the other line finally picks up to his relief.
"I know it's late but ugh," He checks the door one more time just in case, "Forget what I said earlier. Yeah, she's gonna be staying here for a bit longer."
After hanging up the phone and grabbing whatever he needed, he heads back into the room where you're now sound asleep. Throwing a pillow to the floor, he shuts off the light and lays down.
For a moment it's quiet, the darkness of the room lulling him to sleep quickly. Before his eyes slam shut, your arm snakes out from under the blanket, your awaiting palms sitting there for him. Without hesitation, he grabs on and holds it for dear life.
Yeah, having you around won't be so bad.
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Thank you guys for reading! love you all <3
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Eddie will bring home the mankiest stray cats you've ever seen calling it either something metal like "Ozzy" or "Satan" or something ridiculous like "Cabbage" or "Fork", and Steve will tell him this is the last one and that he's not going to be responsible for them but will also spoil them rotten and is usually the cat's favourite out of the two much to Eddie's distain, "Bezelbub I saved you and you choose your mother over me! The betrayal! This is why Toothpaste is my favourite at least she appreciates me!"
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wheels-of-despair · 8 months
The Devil's Trip Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Eddie and Evil Woman embark on an epic spring break road trip… in which everything goes wrong. Contains: Good tunes, snacks, a cooler full of drinks, the open road… also traffic, poor planning, a heroic Hopper rescue, bad food, accidental injury, blood, spring break just not going like it should. Words: 3.3k
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"Check!" You shake the shoebox full of cassettes in your lap.
You reach back and rattle a bag full of snacks. "Check!" There's also a cooler full of soda and stuff to make sandwiches.
"Wayne's still up, you've got time to run back in if you want to."
"UGH, get out of my van," Eddie groans. You laugh and lean over for the pre-road trip kiss.
"Check," you whisper against his lips before straightening.
"Alright, let's blow this popsicle stand."
Eddie turns the key and his van roars to life, sending a few stray cats scattering in the morning sun. He reverses out of his spot in front of the trailer. When he puts the van in gear and it lurches forward, you remove the correct tape from its case. Eddie stops at the edge of the trailer park to check for traffic on the main road, and you slip Road Trip Mix #1 into the tape player.
He waits for Ozzy to shout "All aboard!" before gunning it and hitting the highway.
You're kicking off your spring break by going to a music festival in Illinois. Just you and Eddie and an epic road trip and two days of up-and-coming bands. You've got three new rolls of film and plan to fully document every memorable moment. Rest stops, cheesy roadside attractions, sleeping in the van, the concert stage. You've been planning your escape from Hawkins for weeks.
Two songs into Road Trip Mix #1 later, a look of concentration settles on Eddie's face. The "Leaving Hawkins" sign comes into view. You both wait until the exact moment you pass before yelling "FUCK YOU, HAWKINS!" The first time he did it, it scared the crap out of you. Now you yell with him.
You grin at each other and face the road… seconds later, the van shudders. Eddie's brow furrows, and his eyes dart between the needles on the dashboard.
"The fuck?" you ask.
The van shudders again, and the engine sputters and dies. Eddie curses and coasts to the side of the road. When the van comes to a stop, he sighs and turns to you slowly.
"Gas?" he asks, one eye scrunched.
You stare at each other for a second, and then burst into laughter.
"Well, we're off to a great start," Eddie laughs.
"How the fuck did you forget to get gas?!" you ask.
"I meant to do it last night… but someone had her hand creeping up my thigh on the way home, and it distracted me."
"That slut," you deadpan. "Tell me who she is, I'll kill her."
Eddie grins. "Uh, there's a station about a mile back, they probably have a spare gas can for emergencies such as these… rock, paper, scissors?"
You glare.
"Orrrr I could go get it and you could stay out here… by yourself… on the side of the road… all alone…" He bats his eyelashes.
"What are we waiting for?" you ask, opening your door and sliding down to the ground. You reach up to lock it, slam it, and meet Eddie at the rear doors.
You walk in silence for a few minutes, then Eddie asks, "Wanna play a game?"
"Is it called Guess Who Forgot to Get Gas?" you tease.
You take another few steps, notice he's no longer beside you, and turn back to see why. He grins and takes a leap at you, attaching himself to your back.
"Oof!" you grunt. "What are you doing, moron?"
"I'm gonna have to carry a gas can back, so you're gonna have to carry me to the gas station."
"That does not seem at all like a fair trade," you grumble, but try to keep walking. You stagger a few steps under his weight, waiting for him to take pity on you and hop off, but he does not.
Until a siren chirps.
Eddie lets you go and hops to the ground, and you both turn to see Chief Hopper leaning out of his Blazer's open window and looking unamused.
"I don't know what you're doing, I don't want to know what you're doing, I just need to know if you require my assistance in a professional capacity."
You glance toward Eddie, entirely unsure if he's going to play with Hopper or be serious for once in his life.
"Van ran out of gas, so I tried to hitch a different ride. But she ran out too." You elbow him, and he grins.
Chief Hopper sighs and hangs his head. "Get in, delinquents."
"Can I sit in the front this time?" Eddie asks excitedly.
"No!" Hopper barks.
Eddie laughs and crosses the road to open the door for you. You slide in, and Eddie slides in behind you. He laces his fingers behind his head and stretches out, making himself comfortable in Hopper's back seat.
"Where you kids headed?"
"…the gas station?" Eddie says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Where were you going before you ran out of gas, smart-ass?"
You stifle a laugh and Eddie grins. "A music festival in Illinois."
Hopper makes eye contact with you in his rearview mirror. "Your mom know where you're going and who you're with?"
"Yes," you answer simply.
He studies you in the mirror for a second before returning his attention to the road.
"What, she says one word and you believe her?" Eddie asks incredulously. "We go way back, Hop! You grill me ALL the time!"
"She's got an honest face. You look like a gremlin."
You snort, and Eddie's jaw drops.
Before he can formulate a snappy response, Hopper pulls his Blazer into the gas station. He takes his time getting out and walking around the back to extract his gas can. Finally, he opens Eddie's door and hands it to him. Eddie hops out and takes the can to fill it, and you're left alone with the police chief.
He hovers outside the open back door, blocking your way out. You're a little nervous… until he speaks.
"He being a gentleman?"
"He tries," you smile. Hopper comes off as gruff, but you know there's kindness underneath it. Otherwise, you'd probably be writing Eddie letters in jail.
"Your mom really know where you're going?"
You nod. "She even gave me a new roll of film and told me to bring her back a souvenir."
Hopper nods his head in approval.
"I'm glad he's got somebody," he says lowly. "You're keeping him outta my hair."
"If you miss him, I can set him loose every once in a while," you grin. "I don't think he's been properly chased away from the water tower in ages."
Hopper laughs. "Nope, all yours."
Eddie announces his presence with a grunt, heaving the full gas can into the back of the Blazer.
"Filled, paid, it'll get us a ways."
"You're gonna stop and fill up before you get back to empty, right?" Hopper asks, glaring down at Eddie as he squeezes back into the truck.
"Yes, Mom," Eddie grins.
Hopper rolls his eyes and slams the door. He gets into the driver's seat and takes you back to the van quickly, but doesn't let you out right away.
"Illinois cops aren't as nice as I am, Munson."
"I knew you had a soft spot for me," Eddie grins.
"I mean it," he says, turning in his seat to face the two of you. "You screw up outside of Hawkins, and I'm not gonna be there to give you a lecture and send you home."
You look nervously between them. How much trouble has Eddie gotten into?
"We'll be fine, Hop," Eddie says boredly.
"Are there any illegal substances in your van?"
"If there were, would I tell the Chief of Police?"
Hopper growls and turns his attention to you. "You gonna keep him out of trouble?"
"It's a rough job, but somebody's gotta do it," you smile, glancing over at Eddie.
"You both realize I'm a legal adult, right?" he scoffs.
"Could've fooled me," you and Hopper say together. Eddie rolls his eyes. Hopper laughs and gets out to open the rear door. You hop out, Eddie retrieves the fuel and empties it into the van's gas tank, and hands the empty vessel to Hopper.
"Have fun, behave, watch that gas hand, do not take any illegal substances across state lines, et cetera."
Eddie puffs out his chest and salutes, and Hopper gives him a shove toward the van. You smile and wave. Hopper puts his gas can back in the truck, waits until Eddie gets the van started, and heads back toward Hawkins.
"Alright, take two!" Eddie says as he pulls back onto the road. It was a little quieter this time; you were a little paranoid about getting busted with substances that may or may not be in the van, and a little stressed from barely making it out of Hawkins before the first sign of trouble. It's only a hiccup, you told yourself, just to keep you on your toes for the rest of the trip.
You made it a few minutes down the winding road before running into a long line of stopped traffic. You couldn't see far enough ahead to figure out what was wrong, but after what felt like an hour of waiting, traffic finally began to crawl through. A car lay upside down in a ditch. Tire marks on the road. A crew sweeping up glass in the other lane.
"You okay?" Eddie asks.
"Yeah," you whisper.
"It's a bad curve," he explains. "Not the first time."
It's also not the first time you've been through here with him at breakneck speeds. He reaches over and puts a hand on your thigh as the long line of traffic slowly proceeds.
Eddie pulls off at the next gas station, to let the traffic thin out and properly fuel up the van. You take the opportunity to stretch your legs by walking through the store and looking for snacks you don't already have.
You spot a clearance rack full of off-brand chips you've never tried before, for only ten cents a bag. You grab one of each flavor and bring them to the register at the same time Eddie comes in to pay for his fuel.
Eddie pays, the cashier stuffs your chips in a plastic bag, and you head back out. The traffic is still moving slowly.
"Wanna hang here until traffic starts moving again?" he suggests.
"Sure," you smile. "We can sample our chips and see if it's worth going back in for more." Eddie moves the van from a pump to a parking spot, and comes to join you atop the rotting picnic table in the grass beside the store. He plops down two drink cans from the cooler, and you lay out your different chip options.
"Six flavors," you announce. "What do we want to sample first?"
"Hmmmmm… this one." Eddie picks up a red bag with flames coming off of the text. Of course. He rips open the top of the bag and offers it to you. You pull out one very threatening-looking red chip. Eddie extracts one too. You gently tap them together in a super classy gas station potato chip toast, and pop them in your mouths.
When the heat hits you, you spit it out. Eddie lasts a few seconds longer, but spits his out too. You both pop open your cans and guzzle, hoping the cold liquid will put the fire out and mask the awful taste.
"Okay, fuck THOSE," Eddie says, setting that bag aside. "You pick next."
You select the cheesy ones, hoping they'll be mild. You open the bag, and you each pull out a chip.
Eddie sniffs it. "This smells like feet."
"Yours, or a normal person's?"
He throws his chip at you and has to pick another.
You skip the toast, but both bite down at the same time.
Not good, but not so bad that you have to spit it out. You repeat the process with barbecue, salt and vinegar, sour cream and onion, and plain. Neither of you eats more than one chip out of each bag.
"Did all of those suck, or did the first one just burn our taste buds off?" you ask after you drain the last of your soda.
"Kinda wish it HAD burned my taste buds off," he says, looking warily at the six almost-full bags of chips. "What are we gonna do with those?"
You look disdainfully at the awful snacks. "Take 'em home and give 'em to the boys for the next movie night. Tell 'em we had to sample each bag and make sure they were suitable for nerd consumption."
Eddie laughs and shoves the chips back in the shopping bag. You tie it - because surely staleness wouldn't improve the flavor - and hold it up to give it a spin.
"There we go," you smirk. "A heartfelt gift for our dear friends." Eddie snorts.
"Looks like traffic's moving quicker," he notes. "Wanna get back to it?"
"Let's roll," you nod, rising from the picnic table with the bag full of awful chips. Eddie hops off of the table and lands with a hiss. You whip around at the sound.
He's holding his hand in a fist. You step closer and uncurl it to see what's wrong. The table gave him a splinter.
"I've got tweezers in my emergency bag, c'mon, I'll fix you up." You pick up your empty cans and toss them in a nearby trash can, crawl into the back of the van, and start digging. Eddie sits on the floor by the back door until you locate your emergency supplies.
"Damn, is there anything you're NOT prepared for?" he teases when he sees the packed box.
"Nope," you answer, dabbing alcohol on his hand. He hisses again. You make quick work of the splinter extraction and bandaging. You lean down and kiss the bandage when you're done, before he can even pout and ask you to kiss it and make it better. He smiles when you sit back up.
Three minutes later, you're on the road again, and it's time for a new tape. You pop out Road Trip Mix #1 and swap it for #2.
"Damn, we make a good mix tape," Eddie remarks.
"Mix tapes," you correct. "There are six of them."
"And each one is better than the last," he says, reaching forward to turn up the volume…
The knob comes off in his hand.
"Give it here," you say loudly, so he can hear you over the deafening screams of Judas Priest. You hold out your hand, and he drops the knob into it. You lean in close and try to figure out how it goes back on so you can turn it the hell down. You've nearly got it when a blinding pain shoots through your head.
"Shit, fuck, I'm sorry!"
You don't know what's going on. You're seeing spots, your head is killing you, and there's… blood? On your shirt?
Eddie's hand reaches out to grab you and keep you from lurching forward with the van when it comes to an abrupt stop on the side of the road.
"Fuck, fuck, look at me," he says hurriedly. You're still transfixed by the blood dripping on your shirt. Suddenly, everything goes quiet. You look up in surprise, but it's just because he's turned the van off and the music isn't blaring anymore. His eyes widen.
"Are you okay?"
"I… don't know?"
"A fucking cat ran out in front of me and I hit the brakes so I wouldn't hit it and you hit your face on the dash," he explains hurriedly.
You take a second to process it.
He reaches into the back and grabs a spare hoodie. "Here, he says, lifting a sleeve to dab at the blood that had spurted from your nose. You laugh at the absurdity of it all. This is the trip from Hell.
"Ow!" you screech when he touches a sensitive spot, done with your laughing.
"Sorry! Fuck, I'm so sorry."
You take the hoodie from him and mop up the rest of the blood. Good thing it's black.
"You starting to think maybe this trip is cursed?" you ask, muffled through the hoodie.
Eddie sighs.
"You wanna go home?"
You shrug. You don't want to ruin his trip. You know how much he's been looking forward to this. You'll stick it out with him.
"Let me see you," he says, reaching for the fabric hiding half of your face. He removes it, and his eyes widen. "Yeah, we're going home."
"Eddie, you don't have to--"
"Shut up," he orders, getting out of his seat to dig in the back. He comes back into view holding a cold can of soda, which he wraps in the hoodie. "For your face," he says, offering it to you.
"That bad, huh?" You smile, which is a mistake. "Ow."
"Buckle up, relax, this hell-trip will be over soon."
He searches the floorboard until he locates the volume knob, twists it back on, and immediately brings the noise down when the van starts up again.
Eddie waits for a break in traffic and turns around in the middle of the road. Once you're headed toward home again, you lean back in your seat, hold the cold can up to your face, and stare out the window over top of it.
The first sign you see is the one stating that Hawkins is six miles away. You start laughing.
"…are you okay?"
You laugh harder.
"Shit, do I need to take you to a hospital?"
"No," you wheeze, "this trip really is cursed."
He looks at you like you've grown another head.
"Think about it," you chuckle. "We made six mix tapes. We bought six awful bags of chips. And we made it a whole six miles outside of Hawkins Fucking Indiana."
As if on cue, "The Number of the Beast" starts playing. You look at each other and lose it. You cackle until your sides ache and your face aches more before.
"Ow," you whine, trying to focus on the road and stop laughing. When your body finally stops shaking, you sink into your seat and close your eyes.
"Best trip ever," you mumble.
You hear him chuckle.
"Babe?" Eddie asks after a moment of silence. You open your eyes. You're passing the Welcome to Hawkins sign. "You wanna go to my place or yours?"
"How bad do I look?" you ask, turning to face him. He grimaces. You lean your head back against the headrest and close your eyes again. "Take me wherever the adult on duty is less likely to beat your ass for doing this to me."
"…kind of a toss-up," he laughs quietly. "Which bed do you like better, mine or yours?"
"Don't care, as long as you're in it."
"You know… we've got lots of supplies… mattress in the back… we could just park in the woods by Lover's Lake for a few days."
You consider it while he drives.
"Yeah, babe?"
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
"I wasn't done."
"I love you, but I'm not peeing in the woods for a week."
He snorts and puts on his turn signal.
Taking an epic road trip and camping out in a field in Illinois with a bunch of kick-ass bands you'd never heard before was a nice idea.
But hanging out in your basement and listening to Corroded Coffin practice the same songs as always wasn't bad either.
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morganski-19 · 11 months
Steve doesn't really have any issues with his neighbors. None of them are that loud at night or like to throw parties, so everything else he can kind of deal with. He's met a few of them and they seem great, but he wouldn't consider any of them friends.
There's one neighbor though he's never met, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know him. It's the one who lives across from him. From what Steve can hear from the hall, the guy works nights and sleeps most of the day. After sometimes lighting a joint that can make the hallway smell like weed for a little while, but Steve could care less about that.
He sometimes hears music pouring out of the apartment and singing when he's out in the hallway. Hard not to when the walls are so thin, but it's never when he's asleep, and honestly it's kind of nice. He thinks the guy's pretty good honestly and wonders if he's in a band or just keeps it all in his apartment.
The one thing he definitely knows about this guy who lives across from him though, is that he has a cat. A very vocal one. Every morning when he comes home from work, Steve will hear the door open and the cat will meow, loud. Only to be followed by "Well hello to you too, Ozzy," or something of the sort.
It's funny really, a little routine. It's every time, every single morning, sometimes even at night too. And when Steve's in the hall, sometimes the cat will be meowing for a while and then he hears a very grumpy voice tell Ozzy that he will be fed soon.
Today is the same. The guy comes home, says hello to his cat, and the door shuts. Only this time, Steve keeps hearing the meowing. It takes a few minutes, but then he hears the guy frantically calling out for his cat, and the cat calling back to him hopelessly. It has to have gotten into the hall.
Steve opens his door to find the cat, Ozzy, pacing in front of the door, meowing its head off while the guy is rooting around in his house. He walks over and knocks on the door, planning on leaving after doing so. But then the cat starts to purr and rub against his legs, so he just stands there and lets it happen.
The door opens and Steve's greeted by a guy he guesses is around his age with curly hair that meets his shoulders.
"Can I help you?" he asks while the cat meows at Steve's feet. "Holy shit, Ozzy. You little fucker, get inside."
Steve laughs as Ozzy struts back into the apartment while meowing loudly and giving Eddie the stink eye.
"Thank you so much, I didn't see him get out. He didn't, like, scratch you or anything?"
"No, not at all. Does he do that?"
Eddie sighs. "Yeah, to new people especially so I'm surprised he didn't do it to you. Guess you won him over. I'm Eddie, by the way." Eddie sticks his hand out and Steve gives it a shake.
"Steve, I live across from you."
"Oh, you just moved in last month. Sorry if I'm loud sometimes, I play guitar in a band so it can get a little loud sometimes."
He shrugs. "I don't mind. I've heard you though, you're good."
"Think so?" Ozzy meows from inside the apartment again. "Jesus Christ you're needy. I will feed you in a second. You should be happy, I'm socializing."
Steve laughs again while the cat responds. "He really seems like he needs food."
"He acts like I've never fed him a day in his life. You can come in if you want, not to be presumptuous or anything. It just might be nice to get to know one of my neighbors, and Ozzy already likes you so there's that."
"Yeah, sure. Why not."
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shares-a-vest · 6 months
@flufftober Spring Edition Day 1: New Beginnings
wc: 590 | Rated: T for Canon-Typical Swearing | cw: One mention of cigarettes
Tags: First Apartment, Moving In, Steddie Cat Dads, Robin Buckley, Erica Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Wayne Munson
Note: For the next two weeks, I'll be writing little ficlets within my Joanie Munson AU for this Spring Edition of Flufftober. Hopefully, I can fulfil each day – that's the goal anyway seeing as I couldn't participate too much last Flufftober. Nothing too elaborate, all stand-alone ficlets (as always) in this AU.
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‘Steddie’s Tiny First Apartment’
Steve sets down the last moving box, placing it amongst the others. He stands upright and hums contentedly as he looks around the cramped, already messy, box-filled apartment.
His new beginning with Eddie.
Eddie who is coming up right behind him, so hot on his heels with excitement (and not a thing in hand) as he steps inside, he knocks square into him.
Steve yelps and stumbles forward.
But Eddie catches him, one hand on his polo sleeve, the other looping around his middle at break-neck speed.
“Easy there, sweetheart,” Eddie playfully warns, pulling them flush and bringing his other arm up to lock Steve firmly in an embrace.
“You ran into me,” he quips, giggling.
“We’re here,” Eddie sing-song whispers in his ear, a grin evident in his beaming, gleeful voice.
Steve nods, smiling as he leans into his partner’s touch.
He wants to stay like this – the two of them together.
In this place.
Their home.
“Cats incoming!” Robin announces, pushing through the doorway.
She bumps into them hard and Steve’s knee connects with a rather solid box, the contents of which gives a thud.
That one must be Box Number Twenty of Eddie’s books...
“Fuck – Rob!” he splutters, rubbing at the pain as Eddie continues holding onto him for dear life.
He watches on as he best friend tip-toes about, dodging boxes and knickknacks, misplaced furniture and random clothes, records and already-wilting houseplants as she cradles a very displeased – and freed from the confines of his cat carrier – Ozzy.
She only just makes it to the haphazardly placed thrifted couch when the demonic scamp leaps from her embrace with a bellowing meow! and scurries away.
“Why did you take him out of his carrier?” Eddie whines, practically shouting into Steve’s already-sensitive ears.
“That boy needs to roam free!” Robin argues, stretching her arms out wide and spinning around to make her point, “Besides, he started hissing at me in the car.”
She continues moving and almost runs off-kilter into Claudia Henderson’s old coffee table.
“Well, now he’s going to – ” Eddie begins, cut off with an elbow to the ribs as Dustin barges his way into the apartment.
“Precious cargo!” he yells, his voice reverberating around them as he carries Eddie’s DND folder and screen across his arms, keeping them steady and balanced with what looks like Herculean effort.
Erica follows not a second later, holding nothing but a purple string bag she swings about with abandon.
Steve can feel his eyes bulging out of his skull at the lack of assistance being carried out by two individuals who all but forced their way into the Beemer for the no-longer-final trip to Chicago.
But Steve doesn’t manage to get past open his mouth to complain because Eddie lets go of his steel-grip hold on him and launches himself clean over the aforementioned last box to snatch up the string bag.
He opens it up to expect the contents, mouths a count of his dice and brings the bag tight to his chest.
Eddie looks up and his face promptly drops as he looks over Steve’s shoulder – likely to the source of the sudden, strong scent of cigarettes.
“You were supposed to come back down to the truck, boy,” Wayne Munson grumbles, huffing away as he brings in a box labelled, ‘KITCHEN’.
Eddie begins muttering some excuse but Steve can’t find himself caring too much about the impending Munson Squabble.
Their new home could really use a collectable coffee mug or ten.
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
If you sent your S6 LI a nude while they were at work:
Did these for S4 but someone got in before me for S5, but now that we've got all the LIs, here we go. I don't have gifs this time, just HCs lol.
Has his hands full right this very second, holding a particularly nasty cat. Leans over to quickly glance at his phone, sees the image preview. Eyes go wide, and he leans in to make sure he's seeing things correctly. Completely loses all concentration, he's coming home with scratches up his arms. But don't worry, he's gonna get his girl to put a few more on his back when he gets home.
Can't really look at her phone while doing a set, but she feels it buzz a custom vibrate pattern in her pocket, and smiles a little. It's late , and there's only one reason that her girl would be awake at this hour... so Bella knows exactly what's in that text message. And she knows she's not sleeping at her place tonight.
She doesn't have her phone while she's practicing or on stage, but as soon as she comes off it you best believe she's squealing. Everyone's asking her what happened, and she's proudly announcing that her girl just sent her a nude. But she's not sharing. The other ballerinas aren't getting a look at her girl.
He's in the middle of streaming. His phone chimes, sees its from his girl, pauses to look at it (because he always pauses the game for her), and immediately just freezes. He glances up at the camera, then back at his phone, then back at the camera.
"Sorry guys, gotta go. Something has... uh... come up. Don'tforgettosubscribebyee!" Slams the computer shut, he is gone.
She's probably overseas, so she can't rush home like the others, but she can take a break, jumping into the nearest bathroom, locking the doors and taking a sneaky nude back. She's been in enough photos, she knows how to take them. The pic she's sending back is good enough to frame.
Doesn't have a phone. Even if he did, doesn't have reception in the middle of the forest.
Got his airpods in while practicing in the half pipe. Siri reads it out. 'Text message from My Girl. Attachment: 1 image. Text message reads: I want you.'
Jamal immediately wipes out on the half pipe. He's fine. He climbs out, packs his shit and is on his fucking way.
Just finished training, checks his phone. Eyes go wiiiiiide. The lads see him and know exactly why, but he quickly locks his phone and packs his shit. Doesn't bother showering. He can do that at her place when he drags her in there with him.
Like Flo, sneaking into the bathroom to send her a dick pic back. He’s a sexting pro, in minutes she’s on her way to drop by wherever his event is. Crazy quickie in the backseat of his car. Gives her a kiss, fixes his clothes, back to work like nothing happened. Sends her a text a little later to let her know he’s ready for round two
Would barely be able to tell anything was awry. The tiniest smirk, the subtlest flash of fire in his eyes, and a text back.
He can't talk right away, (he's flying a fucking plane, obviously). But he can check it at the hotel that night. He's immediately sending her one back, and then, he's picking up the phone to call her. He's not hanging up until they're both satisfied.
Like Bella, he's probably performing, so he can't respond right away. But when he sees it, he's sending her a message back straight away, gushing about how beautiful she looks... and telling her in no uncertain terms exactly, step-by-step, what he is going to do to her when he gets home.
Bonus: Hamish
Checks the message, fires a text back, slips it back into his pocket. No prospective buyers any the wiser. She opens the text back: 'On your back on the dining room table. Fifteen minutes.' He's making a... quick stop at home before his next showing.
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starryeyedjanai · 1 year
Steve Harrington, cat whisperer
steddie | rated: teen | 1.8k
Read on AO3
Steve is having the worst day of his life.
Okay. Maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but he woke up late for work and couldn’t stop to get coffee, so he was grumpy all morning.
And then when he took his break and finally did go to get coffee - because caffeine is a drug, kids, don’t do it - some maniac spilled hot coffee all over his white button down shirt as soon as he walked inside the coffee shop.
Seriously. Who is drinking hot coffee in August? And why was this guy walking around with a to go cup with no lid on it?
It’s boiling outside and Steve is still not used to the oppressive southern heat even after living here for years now. So he was already wiping sweat from his brow on his five minute walk to the coffee shop before he got doused in hot coffee and it’s just. Not a good day.
When he returns to work, he’s red in the face, not only from the heat, but from the embarrassment of having all his coworkers see him waltz in to the impromptu all-staff meeting with a tight, tight t-shirt with Ariana Grande’s face plastered on it (which he nabbed from his car on the way back to work - he took Robin to the Ariana Grande concert last month and she made him buy a $10 shirt from some sketchy guy in the parking lot who only had women’s size medium shirts.)
The all-staff meeting is a disaster. Corporate legal reps come sauntering in with their unsympathetic smiles as they tell a room of 100 employees that a third of them won’t have a job by the end of the week.
(“Some sacrifices have to be made.”
“We promise it’s not a reflection of your work.”
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!”
Okay, so maybe they didn’t actually say that last one, but that was definitely the vibe they gave off.)
He couldn’t concentrate after that. He had a deadline to meet, but he was plunged into a spiral of existential thoughts all afternoon.
How had he ended up here? He’s 29, stuck in a dead end job that has no chance of upward mobility that he only really got because his dad put in a good word for him and now he doesn’t even know if he’ll have a job next week. His thoughts keep circling back to having to ask his dad for help finding somewhere else to work and he does not want to do that. His slightly strained relationship with his parents has mellowed out over the years, but he doesn't want to rock the boat by asking his dad for a favor.
He simmers on it for the rest of the day. He doesn't get much work done, but in the end, he really can’t find it in himself to care. He doesn't do meaningful work. He works to help keep the rich CEO rich. It’s kind of hard to care about numbers in a spreadsheet when he might be screwed out a job at the end of the week.
He takes a walk after work. He has so much pent up energy and he can’t just go home and be left alone with his thoughts all night or he’s gonna do something stupid like try to cut his own bangs.
He immediately regrets his decision to take a walk in the park by his office because he forgot how hot it gets at 5pm. He’s contemplating just turning around and heading home to mope all night when he hears a shout from behind him.
He’s about to turn around to see what all the commotion is about when he’s assaulted by… some kind of creature? It climbs up the back of his pants leg and hooks its sharp, little claws into Steve’s shirt as it climbs up. Ow.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry! I can’t believe he just did that. Let me just-”
The weight of the animal is lifted from his back, but the claws remain and double down, poking through the shirt to grasp at his skin.
“Ow, fuck! What is happening back there?” he asks.
“I’m so sorry, he’s not normally like this. Ozzy, you have to let go. You cannot just attack people like that. Please let go?”
Steve’s shirt is tugged as the stranger attempts to wrestle his pet away from Steve. The claws aren’t digging into his skin anymore, but this little guy won’t let go of Steve’s shirt.
“Ozzy! I swear to god if you don’t let go-”
There’s a ripping sound and suddenly, Steve feels a breeze on his back.
“Oh no,” the stranger whispers.
Steve just closes his eyes and breathes out slowly for a minute. The universe has it out for him today.
He opens his eyes after a moment of silence for his Ariana Grande shirt and turns around to see-
“Are you okay? I mean, your shirt is kind of ruined, but are you okay? Did he hurt you at all? I am so sorry.”
It’s like all the air has been sucked out his lungs. Because this guy? This guy is gorgeous beyond belief. His curly, black hair is windswept and his face is flushed and he has a scar covering the lower half of one side of his face, little tendrils of texture that Steve wants to touch.
He looks like something from Steve’s dreams.
Of course the universe would have him meet this beautiful guy right now when he’s looking like a hot mess. What’s the opposite of meet-cute? A meet-ugly? A meet-ugly, where this guy’s gremlin of a cat destroyed Steve’s shirt after an already horrible day.
And- oh. It’s a cat. The thing that attacked him and wouldn’t let go is a cat. It’s a cute cat. A deceptively cute cat considering he just attacked someone.
Steve realizes he’s been staring when the guys concerned face grows even more worried at his silence.
He shakes himself out of it. He says, “I’m okay. It was just a shock. I didn’t know what was happening back there. That’s all.”
“He just slipped out of his collar and ran after you. He’s never done anything like that before.”
“Do you, like, normally walk your cat?” Steve asks, unable to keep the judgment out of his voice.
“Hey, he likes it. It started out as a joke,” he says, running his hand over his cat’s fur. Ozzy. He thinks he remembers him calling the cat that. “He really likes it though. He begs me to take him out, usually.”
Steve smiles at that. “That’s kind of cute.”
“I’m Eddie, by the way,” the guy says, stretching his hand out.
Steve takes it, shakes his hand, and says, “Steve.”
Ozzy starts struggling against Eddie’s chest where Eddie has him in his other arm, like he’s still trying to get at Steve.
“I don't know what he wants. He really seems like he wants you to hold him or something. Do you want to pet him or hold him maybe?”
Steve feels powerless to say anything other than, “Sure. Give him here.” He is so weak when it comes to pretty people.
He reaches out and Eddie places Ozzy in Steve’s hands and as Steve brings him into his chest to pet him, Ozzy starts climbing him again. Steve lets it play out this time without freaking out and Ozzy kind of awkwardly settles with his paws on Steve’s shoulders and his body pressed around Steve’s neck like a scarf.
“That’s um,” Eddie stammers. “That’s really cute. He used to curl up on my neck and kind of bury himself in my hair when he was a kitten. I haven’t seen him do that in a while. He’s usually not very social around strangers. I’ve never seen him climb someone just to curl up around their neck.”
Steve brings his hand up and strokes the fur of Eddie’s cat. He’s pretty docile now that Steve is petting him.
“I don’t know. I’m somewhat of a cat whisperer,” Steve says around a laugh. “My cat, Han Solo, was the neighborhood nuisance when I first moved here. Always getting into fights with people's dogs as they were walking them, always getting into my neighbor’s yards and destroying their flower beds, that kind of thing. He was scratching at my door one day and I opened it and he just walked inside like he lived there and just never left. So maybe your cat was just picking up on the vibe that I’m good with cats?”
Eddie perks up and says, “You have a cat named Han Solo? That is - it's cute. You don’t really seem the type to like Star Wars.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Isn’t everyone into Star Wars these days?” And then, at Eddie hum of approval, he says, “Han Solo was pretty much my bi awakening.”
Eddie brings his hair in front of his mouth, hiding his smile as he says, “I sincerely hope you’re not talking about your cat.”
The laugh that’s startled out of Steve's chest also startles the cat lounging across his shoulders. Ozzy stands up and tries crawling down the remnants of Steve's shirt, getting his claws stuck in the fabric once again.
Eddie steps closer and helps wrestle Ozzy away from his shirt a second time.
“Man, he really hates that shirt,” Eddie says, grinning at him. “I would offer to buy you a replacement considering he absolutely destroyed it, but I don’t know where I’d get such a masterpiece.”
Steve looks down and laughs. Ariana Grande’s face is still in tact, but with most of the back of the shirt hanging loosely at his waist, this shirt is hanging on by a thread.
“Yeah, I think I can live without it. My best friend kind of bullied me into buying it, anyway.”
He feels the lull of silence that washes over them in his bones. He wants to keep talking to Eddie, wants to suggest they go get dinner together, wants to ask him on a date, wants, wants, wants.
Because he’s had such an awful day and this interaction has made him smile more times than he can remember smiling in the last month.
He opens his mouth to say something, anything, when Eddie beats him to the punch.
“I know this is a little weird, but my apartment is, like, right up the block. I’d hate to send you off wearing the scraps of your best Ari gear. I could grab you a shirt, drop this little guy off, and we could get dinner? If that’s something you’d be interested in.” Eddie bites his lip, looking like he doesn't know that the answer is a resounding yes.
“We should dinner, yeah,” Steve says and cringes. We should dinner. Who talks like that?
“Yeah?” Eddie asks, smiling. When Steve nods, he says, “Okay, let’s get you a shirt, something a little more metal. And then, we should dinner.”
Steve knows he’s being made fun of a little, but if it’s by Eddie, he kind of doesn't care.
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bloodmoon24 · 9 months
Fizzarolli: *sleeping on the ground like a cat until he heard someone singing*
Asmodeus: 🎶 I like cheech-a-cheech-chee-roni like they make at home, or a healthy fish with a big backbone. I'm Ashmedai, Asmodaios, Asmodeus the alley demon! I've got that wanderlust. Gotta walk the scene. Gotta kick up highway dust *touches the grass* Feel the grass that's green *jumps up on the edge of a bridge* Gotta strut them city streets, showin' off my éclat, *sees Fizz and smiles* yeah🎶
Fizzarolli smiles back at him
Asmodeus: 🎶 Tellin' my friends of the social elite, or some cute demon I happen to meet that I'm *jumps to a tree and sprinkled some flower petals on Fizz* Ashmedai, Asmodaios, Asmodeus the alley demon!🎶
Fizzarolli: *gets some petals off of him while chuckling* Why, monsieur, your name seems to cover all of Hell
Asmodeus: *picks a flower* Of course, I’m the only demon of my kind *tossed it down to Fizz*
Fizzarolli: *as Ozzie continues to sing, he straightens out his outfit*
Asmodeus: 🎶 *gets down from the tree and goes up to Fizz* I'm king of the highway. Prince of the boulevard. Duke of the avant-garde. The world is my backyard. So if you're goin' my way, that's the road you wanna seek. Calcutta to Rome or Home Sweet Home in Hell...Magnifique, you all!🎶
Fizzarolli blushes at him with a small grin
Blitz: *with Barbie Wire* Oh, boy. A Sin!
Barbie Wire: Shh, shh. Listen
Asmodeus: 🎶 I only got myself and this big old world. But I sip that cup of life with my fingers curled *walked around Fizz* I don't worry what road to take, I don't have to think of that. Whatever I take is the road I make, it’s the road of life make no mistake, for me. Yeah! Ashmedai, Asmodaios, Asmodeus the alley demon *grins at Fizz in a flirty way as he makes the same face to him* That’s right, and I’m very proud of that. Yeah!🎶
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batwritings · 2 years
Brainrot time! I cant shake this scenario off my head:
Its spring, something in the air changes, flowers blossom, animals seem to be more active, all colors become brighter and senses seem to sharpen. There's almost an electricity in the air... and the hybrids of the smp feel this change. Of course they know what the season means, afterall spring is for breeding, as a matter of fact, most of them start to act... different. With more energy, some of them become particulary territorial, some of them become snappy. Some of them become extra clingy and some seem completly unaffected, until something makes them snap, the further into the breeding season, the more feral some thoughts become.
Everyone is deep down, waiting, holding their breath, the luckier hybrids have a partner to get through the season, but what about those unmated?
Feel free to add your thoughts if you want! About any hybrid you feel like it :]
[Ill probably add a more filthy follow up of this, if i muster up the courage]
I honestly am just gonna compile a list of people into this because I have MANY thoughts on this subject (partially from experience...um...don't ask unless you want to know ^^; ))
Dream- Starting strong, I fully believe this man is a hybrid of some kind, usually a ram. Usually would go to George and Sapnap for help during his ruts until he meets you. He was always incredibly meticulous about watching the days before his next cycle. Being in the prison was hell for him because he had no way of tracking the days and no you to help him through it. He'd rut against his pillow and whine your name, desperate to feel your touch to help his overheated, understimulated body.
George- A cat. You can't tell me this man wouldn't be a god-blessed cat. Now this does tend to mean a spiky cat dick, but he does do his best to make that process as painless for you as possible. During his ruts are about the only times he's not an absolute pillow prince and will fuck into for as long as you'll let him.
Sapnap- His touch can be rather dangerous if not monitored very closely during his breeding cycles. He has burnt you before during sex and he will absolutely tear into himself about it after. Think "I was too rough with you during my cycle and now you don't wanna be my mate," to the tune of that one Ozzy Osbourne TikTok. Honestly being with him during a rut is how you probably discovered your love of temperature play.
Awesamdude- Almost doesn't want you around during his ruts. Sam can get a bit violent, namely with his mating marks. In the early stages, he's more prone to exploding, which is part of why he doesn't want you near. But he knows better than most what it's like to go through a rut alone and eventually relents. He learns to to let off tiny explosions over one big one and both loves and hates the scars he's left on your skin.
Eret- I see her as a wither hybrid of sorts, and yes, Withers do go through mating cycles. She tries really hard not to touch you during this time as you WILL get withered. While it might not kill you, Eret still worries about hurting you in a state where he's not really in a position to help, brain too foggy to think of much but how you good you feel.
Foolish- The most violent honestly, namely because of how much he bites. And then, y'know, shark hybrid. Shark smell blood. It can...cause a bit of a frenzy. He will often try to breed you with both members because that's how he gets the most pleasure. He really enjoys the sight of you wearing his cum though as well, all stuffed full and carrying his scent.
Karl- Remember! Karl isn't human, so I would wager he does go through a form of mating cycle. He's more liable to showing his true form in this state, despite how he may have tried to hide it at first. He really likes to wrap you up in his arms and hold you close, both in and out of that form. His cycles don't last super long, but he's so foggy during them he doesn't always remember.
DreamXD- This absolute menace. XD will suppress himself for as long as physically possible before his body says "Look if you don't fuck right this second? We're gonna have a problem >:(". He knows he's allowed to let himself go with you and will honestly probably fuck you relentlessly in the days during his cycle. If you're okay with it, he'll probably go even if you pass out, but if not is more than okay with separating himself from you while you recover. You'll find him in the corner of the room, watching you with darkened green eyes as he waits for you to come to.
Schlatt (saved the best for last /hj)- Absolute menace number two. Schlatt however, is just endlessly horny. He will fuck you no matter where, or when in front of whoever if you're cool with that. During his ruts though? He's far more tender, far more sincere. While normally Schlatt can be pretty demanding and domineering, he shows his soft side during this time, how he craves to feel you take him and how desperately he wants to mate you and make you truly his. Maybe even start a family.
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Unlike his sister, Flora, who had been allergic to her mother's milk, Atticus had an easy time nursing and always seemed to have a large appetite. Winifred didn't mind one bit, in fact, she found it rather peaceful. With the twins, she'd been under terrible stress, fretting over why her daughter wouldn't take to her and hadn't realized how serene it could be to watch her baby receive nourishment from her.
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Lawrence was adamant about making sure his wife was caring for herself as well, bringing her porridge with raisins and tea with cream and sugar, exactly as she liked it. He felt guilty he couldn't be home as much as he used to be, but it seemed with Beth's help to look after Ozzy, Winifred was fairing well all on her own.
He missed his family something fierce though, and the dark purple bags under his eyes were becoming heavier and more sunken. He longed deeply to be back in Ireland, or even just go on holiday again, but with their newest addition to the family, he knew it would be impossible to rest anytime soon and continued trudging forward.
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Most afternoons after luncheon, everyone would gather in the parlor. Winifred cared for her youngest, or read in-between his naps, while Beth busied herself with knitting and Ozzy played with his toys somewhere nearby.
At first, Ozzy had hardly noticed his new little brother. None of them wanted to push it until he was ready, which had mostly been suggested by Beth and the rest followed suit, knowing that she understood his quirks better than anyone. Eventually though, he grew curious on his own, as was his nature.
Atticus napped soundlessly in his bassinet, while Winifred and Beth drank their English breakfast tea and Ozzy was making attempts to wake a sleeping Honey, who couldn't be more disinterested in the toddler. Even when the adults told Ozzy to leave the cat be, he hardly listened.
However, lucky for Honey, the newborn began to stir from within his bassinet, fussing quietly for now.
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Standing on his tip toes to get a good look at what was making that peculiar sound, Ozzy crept over to the bassinet and peered inside. Unsure what to make of the sight, he gawked at him silently with a rather queer expression as Winifred rose from her seat to stand there beside him.
She observed his expression cautiously before saying anything. Once she was convinced there would be no tantrum, she spoke to him in a gentle voice. "That's your baby brother, Atticus. Would you like to see closer?"
"Mhm..." Ozzy replied, unable to look away from him for even a moment. He had never seen anyone smaller than himself before and it was very strange.
Winifred lifted Atticus from the crib, holding him in just the palm of her hand, allowing Ozzy to examine him while she hoped he would notice the features on his brother's small face that were similar to his own. The newborn stirred, cooing a little, and Ozzy reached his hand up to touch him, completely entranced.
"Soft touches, Oz." She reminded him softly, which they so often had to do when he wanted to "play" with the cats. He was doing perfectly fine so far though, and she couldn't wait to tell Lawrence how brilliant he had done with it.
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Nevertheless, Atticus was still hungry after his nap and resumed his fussing once again. Startled, Ozzy turned on his heel, feeling awful for doing something wrong, before running towards his Auntie Beth for safety.
Beth opened her arms at once, suppressing a giggle at his reaction to the baby's cries. "Oh, my darling, come here, come here. It's okay!" She soothed, talking to him in a rather high-pitched, baby voice.
Once he heard her reassuring words, his chin ceased it's quivering, tantrum avoided, but still, he did not like that horrid noise! "Up! Up!" He whined, until at last Beth lifted him into her arms and placed him into her lap.
"Suppose that could have gone worse." Winifred noted, and Beth simply nodded in agreement.
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Wanting to help make Ozzy feel a bit better, Beth decided it was time for him to get dressed for the day and go outside to play. The breeze was just warm enough to be comfortable and they played throughout the remainder of the afternoon.
Together, they ran through the yard after each other, smiling brighter than the sun in the bright blue sky above them. It was seldom Lawrence had the time to play like this, and preceding the baby, Winifred had been too pregnant, and now too busy with Atticus.
But Ozzy was too little to understand that as of yet. All he knew was that he loved to be with his dear Auntie most of all.
Once out of breath and needing to rest, they laid near each other in the soft grass, while Beth tickled him on and off as Ozzy erupted into fits of laughter.
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Inside the house, Winifred watched them from the window while she bounced Atticus up and down in her arms.
Introducing Ozzy to his new baby brother had gone better than she expected and it seemed Beth had been right in knowing it would go smoother if they waited for him to make the first move.
It was the same way she just seemed to know when he needed an extra nap, or wanted another slice of an orange and no one except her could understand his babbling, or when he lost his teddy and was delaying bedtime.
'It went well', Winifred told herself over and over again as if still in disbelief. But as she watched Beth and Ozzy together, she realized she felt a little disappointed, envious almost, wishing she was Ozzy's comfort rather than Beth. Their relationship had improved, that much was true, but after all this time, she was becoming quite sure that it would never be what it should.
next / previous / first
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lieutenantak · 4 months
Portfolio 🎨
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as I shitpost a lot, i'll put all my art in here guys (i'll try to update as frequently as i remember to do it. i hope for you it'll be frequent)
(it looks like a boomer post but i'm trying my best)
and feel free to send requests if you have some 👍
ATEEZ fanarts 🔥
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-> Gotta work
-> Vogue San (cleaner ?)
-> Vogue San (sketch)
-> Summer ANITEEZ
-> Vampire Yeo
-> Coachella San (w/ colours)
-> Drunk kitty San
-> Coachella San (sketch)
-> Sandeokis for the soul
-> MAMA 2023 San
-> Bouncy
-> Guerilla Hwa sketch
-> Guerilla San (Hello82 contest)
-> Accurate ATEEZ chibis (according to San)
-> Outlaw San + smol woosan comic
-> smol San meets big San
-> Waterbomb Jongho and joong (sketch)
Stray Kids fanarts ⚡
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-> Red Lights Chan
-> Pool Changbin sketches (SKZ Code)
Helluverse fanarts (Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss) 🖤
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-> Helluva Boss fanarts - Sketch dump
-> Helluva Boss fanart - Deadly Sins
-> Helluva Boss fanart - Verosika sketch
-> Helluva Boss fanart - Human DIsguise IMP
-> Helluva Boss fanart - IMPsona
-> Helluva Boss fanart - Ozzie and Stolas negociate
-> Helluva Boss fanart - Moxxie sketch
-> Hazbin Hotel fanart - Cursed Cat Alastor
League of Legends fanarts 🐱
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-> Heartsteel Sett
-> Heartsteel Sett (sketch)
-> Ocean Song Seraphine
-> K/DA MORE series
Anime fanarts 🌀
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-> Jujutsu Kaisen fanart - Nanami sketches
Other works 🫀
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-> Sketch dump #1
-> OC - Carter the model (sketch)
-> OC - Carter still is half-clothed because why not (sketch)
-> Fanart - Chocola Sketch
-> Fanart - Paris Paloma 'Labour'
-> Fanart - Magical Doremi Sketch
-> OC - Sunburnt Carter (meme)
-> Fanart - The Mafia Nanny Garbiel et Davina
-> OC - Nicole's revealing outfit (+ bonus Carter approval)
-> Sketch dump #2 - Instagram requests
-> OC - Dumb sketches
-> Fanart - Deadpool and Wolverine
-> Fanart - French Revolution Miku
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mrslectermoriarty · 10 months
Headcanon Series #12
Here goes some Stranger Things stuff because I finally watched it yes it broke me so here I give you some Eddie centered Headcanons because that guy is 100% me as a fictional character and I died with him in the Upside Down which makes him a huge inspiration :)
Yes I ship Steddie so fuck off if you don't like it
1. Eddie always humming some metal or rock songs, most times without even realising it (that's how Steve learns all the great bands)
2. When Eddie finally graduates, Hellfire throws him a party and honours him with a framed picture of him and "Hail to thee our infantry, still brave eyond the grave"
3. No but seriously, they definetly honoured him post mortem
4. There is this black stray cat in the neighbourhood who keeps scratching at his door so Eddie feeds it and adopts it eventually
5. He names it Ozzy because it once brought him a dead bat as a present and Eddie still a little uncomfortable around bats almost pees his pants because no way his cat just helped him deal a little better with that trauma
6. Ozzy becomes his mental support animal from then
7. That cat is a little sceptical about the kids at first but as soon as Dustin enters, it won't let go of him because let's be honest Dustin is so Eddie's son
8. Eddie is convinced that Ozzy can read his mind
9. Or that Ozzy is from the Upside Down which freaks him out a little but untill now Ozzy hasn't tried to slaughter him in his sleep so he gets comfortable eventually
10. Eddie and Steve move together in a cute little house
11. Corroded Coffin goes on tour one day and of course Eddie takes Steve with him but the kids (who are no longer kids but it doesn't matter) won't let both of their parents "leave them alone to rot in the town" so they all join and Steve has a little breakdown because ge will end up being a babysitter again and he's not okay with that
12. Of course he is, he loves his children
13. Ozzy can't be left behind and in the end the tour bus is stuffed with people
14. The kids are Corroded Coffin's biggest fans and love to brag about how they know all members personally
15. Eddie doesn't throw his guitar pick during concerts, he hands out dices - just for the flavor
16. He will happily sign anything for you with "The Munson Killer" if you ask him about the homicides during autograph session
17. Yes, his name was cleared by the government pretty fast after the earthquake but people are still a little uncomfortable around him - he takes it with humour
18. Since its the 90s where you can only be subtly gay, Steve and Eddie get pseudo married in Mike and El's yard in autumn after the tour ends - Argyle comes down to Hawkins to be their wedding officiant (they don't regret a single moment during the ceremony, it was hilarious) Robin ist Steve's Maid of Honour and Eddie asks Nancy because honestly, Nancy may have had eyes for Steve for a while when Jonathan was back but she saw the looks Eddie and him exchanged when they thought the other one wasn't watching and that tension so she eventually sat Eddie down and told him to ask Steve out and they kind of bonded over the years after that because in the end there is an understanding among those who love Steve Harrington
19. Steve gifts Eddie Metallica cards as their 'honeymoon' - Eddie cries for half an hour
20. He pays Steve back by slamming adoption papers on the kitchen table on their anniversary in 2006 with the words "You got me everything I could dream of back then. My turn. Bam."
22. Eddie and Steve got properly married in 2014 when same-sex marriage became legal again, surrounded by their three kids and their kids with their own children - "Why do I feel so old, Eddie?" "Because you are old. Now smile for the pictures, Grandpa!"
24. And yes, of course they had very exhausting negotiations about the number of kids they'd have
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
My cat fell asleep on my arm and that got me thinking of you could write a fic about reader falling asleep on the various ozzies XD how would they react and what would they do?
(Btw I absolutely love your writing I check your blog everyday to see if you've written anything new and it's always such a treat when you do 💝)
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A/N: first off I am absolutely here for the cats invading everyone’s personal space and claiming human limbs as beds, as well as the fact there were two similar themed requests (same anon? Maybe possibly?) I hope y’all don’t mind I sorta combined the two of your requests because…yeah they were really similar rip. I will link the backstory to Farrell!Penguin’s drabble in his section, and the other Ozzies will be original.
Penguins Reacting to Reader Falling Asleep on Them:
Arkhamverse Penguin: 
Well, what was he to expect? That coat he wears is comfy inside and out. 
You were sitting beside Oswald at the head of the long dining table. 
You heard some parts of the conversation, but it didn’t take long between the dullness of the topic and the cacophony of voices to all sound one in the same. You barely make out what Ozzie’s saying as your eyelids eventually get too heavy to hold open any longer.
Oswald was in the middle of giving an order when he felt the slightest weight on his upper arm. Everyone grew silent when they notice you’ve actually nodded off. Some men stared in shock, if they were to fall asleep during a meeting…Oswald wouldn’t hesitate to knock them out for good. 
They weren’t you though. You had him wrapped around your finger like a vine to a branch. He glanced over to you. The scowl on his face perking up to a soft endearing smile towards you. He immediately lowered his voice, but still delivered the order in a stern tone. If any of his men raised their voices even the slightest, he’d shush them. 
“Keep your bloody voice down!” He hissed. “Can’t you see my love is sleepin?”
Reevesverse/Farrell Penguin:
Click on Farrell Oz's header for the full backstory on how the reader managed to pop a squat on Oz’s lap.
Needless to say, you got pretty comfortable in Ozzie’s lap. You reveled in the closeness, being wrapped up in his warmth and clean but not overbearing cologne. You even gained the courage in your newfound comfortability to put your hand over his that was cupped around your waist. Oz quirked an eyebrow at the gesture, but smiled and let you hold his hand. 
Once his friends went off to go dancing with their dates for the night. You enjoyed the one on one time with Oz.
Between the stories shared and the drinks sipped. Time passed faster and it got really late. You don’t remember how or what, but your eyelids were slowly closing like the red curtains at the end of a play. Oswald was so soft, warm, inviting. No matter how hard you tried you couldn’t resist. 
Selina walked passed handing Oz a wad of cash but not before giggling softly. “Looks like your date’s decided to take a cat nap.” 
Oz furrowed his eyes until he looked down. Sure enough, you were snoozing away. You hand on his chest, the hand on his hand slowly losing it’s grip on his. He couldn’t help but mimic the smile you had on your face. He moved his hand that was on your waist over your free hand, to keep holding it to your side. Oswald grew to like holding your hand. 
He chuckled softly. “Yeah, it’d appear so.” 
“You want me to clear a spot on the couch in your office, boss?” Selina offered. 
Oz looked up at her and nodded. “I’d appreciate that.” 
Selina nodded back with a smile, but not before stealing a glance at you. “I think they’re a keeper. I’ve never seen you smile so much in one night.” 
Oswald glanced back down at you. Your body completely lax against his, you’re breathing even. You must feel so content with him. He must make you feel safe…
He brushed a stray hair off your cheek and tightened his hold on you. “Yeah…I was just thinkin’ the same thing.” 
Gotham Penguin:
“What I’m trying to say is…this war CANNOT and should NOT persist. Why must we shed MORE blood, WASTE away more lives!” Oswald was on another passionate rant, to no one in particular but it always helped his mind come up with the solutions. 
“What, Butch?” 
Butch pointed to you on Oswald’s left side. He turned to you and almost jolted out of his skin. 
Y-You were asleep. Gently resting along his shoulder. Your steady breathing caused the tiniest of hairs on Oswald’s pale skin stand up. 
“H-How long was I talking?” 
Butch glanced at his watch. “A little over 2 hours, boss.” He gave his employer a lopsided smile. 
Oswald’s eyes widened. No wonder you dozed off, but he didn’t suspect…he never suspected. You would find him…cozy…inviting. 
“O-Oh…that..that explains it..” Oswald whispered, worried that even the slightest hitch in his voice or twitch in his body will jostle you awake. He can’t say he’s quick to remove you away from him though.
Butch chuckled. Fully aware of the feelings you and Oswald had for each other but refused to act on. Whilst it was adorable, it was equally infuriating. 
“Good night, boss.” Butch began making his way up the stairs to the spare bedrooms in the mansion. 
“W-Wait! B-Butch..” He hissed. “W-What do I do about them?” 
Butch shrugged, but continued to walk off. 
Oswald was about to yell at Butch to come back and help him, but the slight tension in his body caused your head to squirm on his shoulder. 
Well, this wasn’t one of the most uncomfortable places to fall asleep. He leaned back in the plush cushioned chair, your head still glued to his shoulder. Oswald reluctantly laid the side of his face on top of your head. 
He couldn’t help but chuckle in warm delight. 
Yeah, there were way worse conditions to take a nap in. 
BTAS Penguin:
“Oh look, my dear! A gorgeous little dove–oh!” 
He looks down to see you nestled into his chest, with one hand clinging to the lapels of his suit jacket. 
You and Oswald were taking a small rest on a park bench. You enjoyed these special little moments with Oswald. Just the two of you taking a stroll through the park, talking about nothing, looking at all the birds that come your way. 
It was still early in the evening, and it was fair to say you didn’t get the best sleep last night. 
Oswald gulped at the close proximity. W-Why would you sleep on him? Surely he wasn’t the most..comfortable cushion. You had a better chance leaning your head over the bench, or resting on the bench’s armrest. 
Yet, you didn’t do any of that. 
You sought out for him, resting your body into his without so much as a second thought. 
You…you really do like him.
Oswald couldn’t help but smile widely in glee. He could jump up in joy, but he will refrain so he won’t wake you up. He noticed the birds nearby chirping more than usual, as if they’re sharing in his delighted mood. 
He wrapped his arm around you and gently squeezed you, so you were closer to him. His heart almost swelled when he saw you smile and snuggle your head closer to him. 
Oswald kissed the top of your head before resting his chin on top of your head. 
TNBA Penguin:
The night was electric. It was a special night at the Iceberg Lounge. Oswald was premiering a brand new performance act for the club. It took months of preparation and discussions, but it was finally happening. 
The night couldn’t have had a better turn out. 
Oswald was seated next to you in one of the half circle booths facing the stage. Once the act was over, Oz couldn’t help but notice you went rather quiet and his shoulder felt more heavy. He glanced down to see you snoozing away. 
Any other time and if it’d been any other person he would be offended at such a rude display. However, he knew the cause, and how he was part of it. You put just as much hours into setting this up and getting this to work more than anyone. 
Plus, he couldn’t help but enjoy the small palpations his heart was doing. He always enjoyed the idea of having you by his side. The idea of you being intimate enough with him to hold his hand, kiss his cheek, or…doze off on top of him. 
This…this was a good start to making his idea…his dream of you two become a reality. 
Oswald leaned up slightly off the back of the booth. As gently as he could, he readjusted himself so that he was laying back into the booth instead of sitting up straight. He grabbed your spare jacket that you rested on your lap and wrapped it around your upper body. 
Oz gave you a small peck on your cheek. 
“Thank you, my dear…for everything.” He whispered softly in your ear, silently hoping you heard him. 
Telltale Batman:
You were so excited to see Oswald when he said he was coming back to Gotham City. Tossing and turning in your bed from excitement it was safe to say the rough three hours of sleep you got were finally catching up to you. 
You and Ozzie were hanging out in his new apartment. After getting him settled in to his new digs. You guys ordered take out and grabbed a couple movies to watch on the couch. The food was long gone and you were in the middle of the second film. 
Oz couldn’t help but notice you had gone uncharacteristically quiet. He glances down and sees you snuggled up against the pillow and his lower abdomen. Your breathing was even and your eyes were closed.
Always the one to mess with him, earlier you had rested a pillow on Oz’s lap and laid your head there to watch the films. Oz scoffed at you but didn’t make you budge. Now he was sort of regretting that decision. Only a little bit though. 
One of your hands was gripping the edge of his black shirt and the other was wrapped around his waist. 
God, you really were so adorable. Why the hell did you ever hang on to a low-life like him? No assets, no money, no estate…just a name that used to mean something…be worth something. 
Even if he never quite understood you. He appreciated your presence in his life all the more. Oswald did not ever want to think about a life without you. He’s already lost Bruce, if he lost you too…he really wouldn’t have anybody else. 
Oz leaned over you as best he could. Snatched the remote he turned the TV off and he gently slid his lap out from under you. He watched to make sure the sudden movement didn’t wake you. You ended up just nuzzling into the pillow. He chuckled. 
Oz scooped his arms under your body and slowly lifted you off the couch. He carried you into the one bedroom with a king mattress. He recalls the small argument with you over his sheet and comforter colors matching the pillow cases. It makes him laugh internally to himself. 
He pulls back the covers and sheets and laid you down gently into the mattress. Oz tucked you in, occasionally glancing at your eyes making sure you weren’t waking up. Before he left to crash on the couch, he took another glimpse of your sleeping face. 
Oswald smiled, brushing your hair gently out of your face. He got up to his feet, but not before kissing your temple. 
“Sweet dreams, love.” 
One Bad Day Penguin:
The Iceberg Lounge had just closed after another successful night. You were helping Oz with his book keeping. Everyone talks about counting sheep to fall asleep…but what about counting and crunching numbers. 
It had to have been about five in the morning, when Oswald all of a sudden felt a sudden weight on his back. You two were sitting back to back of each other, occasionally checking in on each other and making sure everything was in order and adding up. 
However, he never expected you laying back and nestling in his back. Oswald couldn’t help but admit, you were warmer and more inviting than any blanket he’s ever owned. 
“Hey, sweetie…you wanna call it a night?” He asked softly. 
Your only response was some slight squirming and wordless murmuring. 
“Ah..I see.” Oz responded sarcastically. In moments like these he wished he was more physically capable. He would carry you up to your room in the upper floors of the lounge. 
But maybe I can make it to that couch…
There was a violet loveseat on the other side of your office. As quickly but seamless as he could, Oz spun around on his chair to catch you before your body fell from the lack of support from his back. Oswald jumped off from his seat, and slowly used the wheels of your chair to roll you over to the couch. 
Once the wheels met the edge of the couch, Oz cupped his hands around your neck and lower waist. Using all his strength he moved you from the chair to the couch. Thankfully the transition didn’t disturb you. 
Oswald took a deep exhale in relief. Now he got to take a good luck at your sleeping face. 
It should be a crime to be this cute. It should be an even harsher offense to have someone so precious like you work for the likes of him. However he enjoyed your company too much, call him selfish but you made him happy. You made him feel like a human, deserving of happiness and love. Call him selfish if was ever going to give that up. 
He didn’t even notice him crossing his arms on the couch. Slowly, he lowered his head to rest on top of his folded arms. Just watching you peacefully sleep. 
You were able to peacefully doze off in his presence. Oswald began reminiscing on all his memories with you, and just how joyful and content he was in each one. 
Oz slowly drifted off to sleep too, dreaming of the past with you and the future that has yet to make itself known. But if you were there with him, Oswald was more than ready for whatever the future holds.
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