#why is the shifting mound able to control him?
tai-janai · 7 months
i hate to be that guy but i cannot get behind the idea of the Hero being LQ's "agency" or "will"
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diazsdimples · 5 months
Buddie "wish I could carry you in my pocket"
"Wish I could carry you around in my pocket," Buck sighs as he gazes lovingly at Eddie sitting on the kitchen table. He's just a little too short for his legs to touch the ground, so he's got his ankles hooked together as he swings his legs back and forth. That, plus the oversized hoodie he's wearing have the effect of making him look like an overgrown toddler and Buck thinks he is simply adorable.
The minute the words leave his lips, Buck has an idea. A year or so ago, Buck had been messing around with one of Maddie's old spellbooks when he'd come across a Shrinking Spell. Thinking it would be useful if he ever needed to pull someone out of a mound of rubble or remove a crush, Buck had learned the spell, accidentally shrinking Maddie's laptop before figured out the reversing spell and had put it to right.
"Hmm?" Eddie says, lifting his eyes ever so slightly from the cookbook he's studying. "What was that, baby?"
Buck rolls up his sleeves and flexes his fingers a little. "Oh nothing, don't mind me." He clicks his fingers and looks pleased as a small shower of blue sparks rain onto the hardwood floors. There's a very faint smell of sea salt, but hopefully not enough for Eddie to notice. "Hold still."
Eddie barely has a moment to register Buck's words before Buck does a series of complicated wiggles with his fingers, mutters "Parvus" under his breath, and Eddie is suddenly shrouded in a cloud of royal blue energy. The room is suddenly filled with the scent of the ocean, as if Buck has suddenly stepped out onto Santa Monica beach.
When the cloud clears Eddie is nowhere to be seen, and Buck's heart is instantly in his throat.
"Eddie?" he calls out, walking towards the table where his boyfriend had been perched moments earlier. "Eddie are you still here?"
I've fucking disappeared my boyfriend, Buck thinks in a moment's panic. He hadn't read anything in the fine print about performing the spell on performing it on human subjects, and he's also not sure how to control the size of the thing he's transforming. There is a very real possibility that he's shrunk Eddie to the size of a dust mite and will never be able to resize him again.
Why the fuck can't he use his brain before acting??
Just before Buck plummets into a proper panic attack, there's a small movement on the table, just behind the cookbook resting on the edge.
"Buck, what the fuck have you done to me?"
The voice is high pitched and quiet but unmistakably Eddie's, and it takes Buck a second to locate it. But there, dusting himself off and looking decidedly unimpressed, is the smallest Eddie Buck has ever seen in his life. He's about the size of Buck's forefinger and leans against the pages of the cookbook as he glares up at his boyfriend.
"Oh my god, you are so tiny!" Buck grins as he takes in Eddie in all his miniscule glory. "I can't believe that worked!"
Buck reaches out and picks Eddie up, his fingers pinching at the back of Eddie's hoodie, and he drops his boyfriend into the palm of his hand. Eddie wobbles unsteadily before gingerly lowering himself down so he's sitting on the edge of Buck's palm with his legs dangling over the edge, no dissimilar to how he was on the table. He crosses his arms across his chest and glares up at Buck. If he wasn't all of 3 inches tall, it would almost be intimidating
"Put me back," he demands, the authoritativeness of his tone lost entirely by the fact that he sounds like he's swallowed a tank of helium. "Put me back or so help me God-"
"Or what?" Buck giggles, "You'll crawl up my nose?"
"I'll squeeze inside your dickhole and cause permanent damage with my teeth and fists," Eddie counters with a huff.
"Don't threaten me with a good time, babe."
"Buck please, we've got a shift in 3 hours. Make me big again," Eddie pleads, and Buck's completely incapable of defying his boyfriend at the best of times, especially when he's perched perfectly in the palm of Buck's hands, looking so tiny and adorable and pleading silently with his big brown eyes.
Buck sighs and holds his palm adjacent to the table so Eddie can walk across it and take up position next to the cookbook.
"Can I at least try fitting you in my pocket?" he asks, giving Eddie his puppy eyes, but it seems Shrunk Eddie is immune to Buck's charms. He shakes his head vehemently, snapping his fingers so a ball of deep green energy appears in the palm of his hands. The mellow, woodsy scent of pine trees cuts through the saltiness of Buck's magic as Eddie juggles the energy ball between his hands.
"Try it, I dare you."
Knowing when he's beaten, Buck relents with a sigh. Buck may be the one that practices magic the most but Eddie comes from a long line of powerful sorcerers, and Buck has no trouble admitting that Eddie is the more skilled magician of the two of them. If Eddie wanted to, he could turn Buck into a cockroach in a matter of seconds.
"Magnus" he mutters, channelling a fraction of his energy towards Eddie, and there's another cloud of rich blue energy and Eddie reappears.
He shakes out his arms and hops off the table. "You have no idea how weird that was," he grimaces. "You looked like a giant!"
"Don't I always?" Buck teases, referencing his slight height advantage against Eddie which was a slight sore point in their relationship.
Eddie takes two steps forward so they're nose to nose, and is about to open his mouth to scold Buck before a look of surprise passes over his face.
"Huh!" he says, stepping back so he's able to look at Buck properly. A grin begins to spread over his face as he looks Buck up and down. "I think that spell made me taller!"
Buck balks. "Absolutely not, that's not possible," he says, shaking his head. "I'm the tall one!"
Eddie steps back into Buck's space and yep, he's definitely grown an inch or two. They're almost completely at eye level, with Eddie a fraction taller, if anything. Buck gulps. Maybe he shouldn't have played around with magic.
"No, baby, you're definitely shorter than me no," he grins, and he tilts Buck's chin up (up!!!) to kiss him. It's soft and sweet, their lips moving in tandem. Eddie's smiling into the kiss and Buck can feel the smugness radiating off him.
"I'll just have to shrink you again," he points out as they break apart, but Eddie merely grins and kisses Buck on the forehead.
"I'd like to see you try."
Send me a ship and a sentence and I'll finish it!!
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fantasticalchaos · 12 days
Slay the Princess x Ever After High AU
Okay SO— I’ll be quite honest I saw this post thought “hey that kinda reminds me of Slay the Princess— WAIT A SEC”
And here we are! The Elaboration!
Note: the Voices will come in their own post. For now it will be just 3 characters… in a sense: The Narrator, the Princess, and the Player! Contains also my interpretations of the roles. ALSO SPOILERS!!!!!
The Narrator 🪶
As I said in my previous post: Headmaster Milton Grimm would be the Narrator. One reason is that those two give the most gaslighting, gatekeeping and girlbossing characters in their respective series! Not telling everyone the entire story; Keeping them under the wraps and expecting them to follow through with the story/mission. (Milton = Everyone following their prewritten destinies regardless of how horrific and unfair it is. STP Narrator = Follow through with slaying the Princess.)
Second reason is well… spoilerly!
Here’s the rundown for those who don’t know (and mind spoilers)
Originally, the Player/Hero and the Princess were abstract concepts that were once one being. One that is basically the cycle of life and death.
The Princess, who were forced to slay, is the Shifting Mound (aka Shifty for the fans). Shifty is the concept of change, and changes her form to whatever the Player perceives her to be.
Likewise, the Player/Hero is the Long Quiet. The Long Quiet represents stagnation, having everything be alive and remain in its current state. Something that Narrator considers his creation.
The Narrator fears death, which is contained within Shifty. She is not death, but it is contained within her; Death is a natural part of change and life. He also doesn’t like the amount of suffering and chaos that Shifty brings to both him and his world. So, he does everything in his power, and manages to rip apart the two from the cycle… at the cost of his life.
Thus, he trapped the two entities in Construct away from reality, with the Princess as the prisoner (ironically a route you can take with her) and you - the player - the task to finally slay her. In some cases, he’ll even try to take control of you to do complete his dream. Sounds familiar huh? Who else would try to take such drastic measures to ensure it all will work in their favour/plan?
The Princess 👑
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The Princess/Shifty… It could be anyone! It’s your choice!
Me personally? My pick would be Raven! Outside of her being my fave, there is a reason why I pick her! Raven’s one of the major characters in the series that challenges destiny!
Both Shifty and Raven wanted to be free! Albeit for different reasons. For Raven, she just wants to be herself and live the way she wants that is not hexpectated from others. Shifty, on the other hand, wants to free herself from the cabin (after being trapped there for so long) and leave.
And while both have their own level of extremities, they will do what they can to reach their goal. (Raven refusing to sign the book, and do little things that are not fit for being the Evil Queen. Shifty… well, let’s say there’s more than how she looks.)
Raven is also a powerful sorcereress in her own right as well! In fact, eventually she gets to overcome the barrier to use her magic for good! Hell, she wasn’t even supposed to use her powers for good; It’s rebelling her role as the Evil Queen! And she only was able to access her magic for good again when she decided to… let’s say sneak up some forbidden books 😉
Also, the Princess is chained to the wall in the cabin when you first encounter her. Who else was chained in a way? Raven, in the reflection at end after taking a peek into her destiny. (Legacy Day)
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Scenes that became a core memory for me fr fr number ♾️ (sorry couldn’t help it)
Alternatively, my other pick would be Cerise! Consider it? Cerise is half werewolf, and her parents deviated from the story by falling in love with each other! And they all have to keep it secret lest they get discovered and go poof! And that is dangerous, something that Milton would not approve at all! Again, another individual wayyy stronger than she looks! It’s quite ironic actually… considering her fairytale…
“You’re on a path in the woods. And on that path is a cabin. In that cabin, there is girl in bright red hood. You need to slay her. If you don’t, it will be the end of the world.”
The Player/Hero 🗡️
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Again, another one that could be anyone!
For me, it’s Dexter. And, yes I will admit I ship Dexven but I have a legit reason for this lemme cook! Now, we and Dexter himself don’t know his destiny. As in, what his fairytale destiny is; Who and which Prince Charming Dexter is supposed to be. This could work, as the Narrator (Milton) would be giving Dexter his “destiny.”
“Dexter Charming, this is your destiny! Isn’t this what you’ve been wanting to know your entire life once upon a time?”
“Well yeah… but I’m not so sure about—”
“Then I have full faith in you in carrying out your destiny. It is rather important destiny. It is for the greater good for all fairytales”
“But slaying a princess?!? I can’t imagine pulling through that…”
And the conflict with what Dexter knows about being the hero and a Prince Charming???? Yes, he’s supposed to be prince/knight in shining armour and save the day! But slaying a princess to do it??? What??? He’s also taught to save princesses and damsels in distress, not slay them! What will he do?
Additionally, Dexter can also be the Voice of the Hero too! Speaking of which… I will do the Voices in a separate post *rubs hands together with my chef hat* c:
Before we end things here, I will say this:
You don’t have to choose these characters (especially for the Princess and the Player/Hero roles) as there are no wrong choices. No wrong answers. These are my interpretations, and you have your own! This is a love story (au) with any of your EAH ships - and have fun with it! 🤗
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cabinofimagines · 6 months
Chapter IV; convincing
So it took a while, but at some point I realised I wanted to finish writing at least arc one before posting the rest so oops.
Word Count: 1.2k
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You both re-entered the clearing, followed closely by an overly excited Mrs. O’Leary. 
"No problem, I've got worse enemies than overweight satyrs." You overheard Percy saying. Nico was the first of you two to speak up, letting your presence be known to the demigod and tree nymph. 
"Good job, Percy. Judging from the trail of goat pellets, I'd say you shook him up pretty well." You could see clearly that Percy was nervous as he tried to smile. You were aware that Nico had made it pretty clear to Percy what his plan was, and if you were in this kid’s shoes you would have been nervous too. Luckily, you were just an idiot tagging along in the plan.
"Welcome back. Did you come by just to see Juniper? And who is your friend?" Nico blushed and you wondered whether it was about the friend thing, or about Juniper.
"This is (Y/n), and um, no. That was an accident. I kind of . . . dropped into the middle of their conversation." Blushing out of embarrassment then, you inwardly cheered. He also did not deny the friend comment you happily noted.
"He scared us to death!" Juniper said. "Right out of the shadows. But, Nico, you are the son of Hades and all. Are you sure you haven't heard anything about Grover?" Nico shifted his weight. Ah, she must have been crying worried over her lover. You had caught some of the stories around camp, however you did not know any of these people personally, so you tended to mind your own business. 
"Juniper, like I tried to tell you . . . even if Grover died, he would reincarnate into something else in nature. I can't sense things like that, only mortal souls." "But if you do hear anything?" she pleaded, putting her hand on his arm. "Anything at all?" Nico's cheeks got even brighter red. "Uh, you bet. I'll keep my ears open." 
"We'll find him, Juniper," Percy promised. "Grover's alive, I'm sure. There must be a simple reason why he hasn't contacted us." She nodded glumly. "I hate not being able to leave the forest. He could be anywhere, and I'm stuck here waiting. Oh, if that silly goat has gotten himself hurt—" Mrs. O'Leary bounded back over and took an interest in Juniper's dress. Juniper yelped. "Oh, no you don't! I know about dogs and trees. I'm gone!" She went poof into green mist. You gaped at her disappearance, never having gotten close to a tree nymph before. 
Mrs. O'Leary looked disappointed, but she lumbered off to find another target, leaving Nico, Percy and me alone. Nico tapped his sword on the ground. A tiny mound of animal bones erupted from the dirt. They knit themselves together into a skeletal field mouse and scampered off. You were impressed by his control, but truly you felt as if this shouldn’t have come as a surprise. 
"I was sorry to hear about Beckendorf." Nico said and you downcast your gaze, having heard the news quiet recently. This was one of the first people from camp that you knew who died, and the news had taken a toll on camp. 
"How did you—" Percy started, and you were reminded that he was there with Beckendorf on the ship. "I talked to his ghost." So the rumours about Nico’s powers were true – he could actually converse with the dead. "Oh . . . right." "Did he say anything?" 
"He doesn't blame you. He figured you'd be beating yourself up, and he said you shouldn't." "Is he going to try for rebirth?" Nico shook his head. 
"He's staying in Elysium. Said he's waiting for someone. Not sure what he meant, but he seems okay with death." You weren’t sure how to feel about these developments, but before you could give it much thought Percy started talking again.
"I had a vision you were on Mount Tarn," he told Nico. "Was that—" 
"Real," Nico said. "I didn't mean to be spying on the Titans, but I was in the neighbourhood." "Doing what?" 
Nico tugged at his sword belt. "Following a lead on . . . you know, my family." Percy nodded. You side eyed your friend, wanting the ask for an elaboration. However, you had felt him close the moment Percy started asking questions to him. You had heard a whisper about a sister, but there was nothing you could go off from. Nico was a mystery to you and you wished you could unravel it. 
"So how did it go?" Percy asked. "Any luck?" 
"No," he murmured. "But I may have a new lead soon." 
"What's the lead?" 
Nico chewed his lip. "That's not important right now. You know why I'm here." You saw Percy’s face fall. You knew Nico wanted you to help convince Percy, but you had barely exchanged a word with the son of Poseidon before. What were you supposed to do? Tell him you would safe him from being stabbed? 
"Nico, I don't know," Percy said. "It seems pretty extreme." 
"You've got Typhon coming in, what . . . a week? Most of the other Titans are unleashed now and on Kronos's side. Maybe it's time to think extreme." Nico looked towards you as to urge you to help him. You stepped forward. 
“If I may, Percy, “ you looked the son of Poseidon in the eye, surprised by the distrust in them, “I’ve been at camp since April – if Nico hadn’t brought me here I would have been dead and I know that even with how hard I – we – camp has been working,” you heard sounds of fighting in the distance, “I fear we are hardly a match for the Titan army.” Nico nodded in agreement. 
“This comes down to you and Luke. And there's only one way you can beat Luke We can give you the same power," Nico urged. "You heard the Great Prophecy. Unless you want to have your soul reaped by a cursed blade . . ." You hadn’t heard the prophecy fully yourself – around camp it was deemed a kind off taboo to mention or talk about.
“You can't prevent a prophecy," Percy said. 
"But you can fight it." Nico had a strange, hungry light m his eyes. "You can become invincible." 
"Maybe we should wait. Try to fight without—" 
"No!" Nico snarled. "It has to be now!" You were startled at his outburst – but you did agree with him. 
"Urn, you sure you're okay?" Percy asked and you threw him a wary look. 
“Percy, look,” you started as you noticed Nico taking a deep breath, “It will be significantly harder, maybe even impossible to take this journey when the fighting starts. Maybe even too late- if you want to prevent any more losses, deaths on our side you must go now.”
“I'm sorry if I'm being too pushy,” Nico’s gaze was strict towards Percy, “but two years ago my sister gave her life to protect you. I want you to honour that. Do whatever it takes to stay alive and defeat Kronos”
"All right," Percy decided. "What do we do first?"
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A Case of the Chills
Not me posting writing for the first time in 4 years?! I'd like to introduce you to some of the characters from my primary D&D campaign over the last few years. Finch is my tiefling arcane trickster rogue, Donahue is @brick-brooke's half-elf hexblade warlock, and Opal is another friend's dragonborn twilight cleric. More info on these characters can always be found on my main blog, @alistairweekend. The AO3 version of this includes art by Opal's player!
{ao3 link}
Finch was actually disappointed when her watch ended and she had to leave the soft warmth of the fire. After decades of living in a temperature-controlled palace and then several months in the tropical city of Kovali, adjusting to the temperate forest the Society for the Preservation of Fill found themselves in was proving a far larger problem than anticipated. Frankly, the situation baffled Finch. It wasn’t as if her clothing lacked, or there weren’t enough blankets, and by all accounts she ran warmer than most. Something about this forest just gave her the chills... literally.
As she exited the campfire’s embrace, Cricket landed on Finch’s shoulder and snuggled into the crook of her neck. “You cold too, buddy?” she murmured, reaching up to scratch the little faerie dragon’s head. Maybe she’d ask everyone in the morning how they were feeling.
She ducked into her tent and, taking care to avoid the two lumps that were Donahue and Opal, swiftly burrowed into the blankets of her spot in the middle. Cold. Of course. She gritted her teeth to try and prevent herself from shivering, holding on to the fact that the blankets should trap her body heat soon.
Minutes passed. And passed. Finch shifted, hoping finding a comfortable position would solve the issue, but she remained conscious. It was still just cold enough to be uncomfortable. Frustration bubbled in her chest.
At one point Finch heard rustling blankets as if in response to her movement. She stilled herself. “Donahue?” she whispered. “You up?”
No response. Finch let out an audible exhale through her nose. Then Cricket’s head poked out of the blankets, and he wriggled out to nimbly flit to the person on Finch’s left, an action rewarded with a grunt.
Finch rolled on to her side to face towards Donahue, who was nothing more than a mound of blankets with a faery dragon on top, nipping at the strands of blue hair sticking out. “So you are awake.”
“Maybe so,” he grumbled. “I’d like to not be, though.”
“Did I wake you up?”
He seemed to think about it. “...Yes.”
“Liar!” Finch hissed, propping herself up on an elbow and using her other arm to smack the blanket lump with her pillow. She immediately regretted the frigid air allowed to touch her skin at doing so, however, and gasped. “Gods, it’s fucking freezing. Are you cold?”
It was barely audible, but Finch made out a sigh from Donahue. “Yeah.” A moment passed, then he shifted to finally reveal his head. Cricket quietly trilled in delight and wasted no time in squeezing under the blankets, poking his head out right underneath Donahue’s chin. Donahue paid no mind and raised an eyebrow. “Wait, you’re cold?”
Finch pouted. “I know. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m starting to think it isn’t natural. It’s why I’m still up.”
Donahue’s demeanor seemed to sharpen into something more serious. “When was the last time you actually slept?”
“Technically, I don’t ‘sleep,’” Finch said, gesturing at her long elven ears.
Donahue scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Two can play at that. Neither do I.” He also waved a hand at his own tapered ears. “You know what I mean.”
Finch poked her tongue out at him but relented. “I was able to rest last night.”
“Ah. Lucky.”
“Oh? When did you last sleep?”
“Mind your own business.”
“Really? You’re gonna ask me and then say it’s none of my business to ask you the same thing, bitch?”
Donahue looked like he wanted to retort again, but his body betrayed him by making yawn, which he tried to stifle. “Ugh, fine. Two days ago.” Now that he said it, Finch did notice the dark circles under his eyes, even in the limited lighting. And he had seemed more tired than usual during the day, which was saying something.
“This is bad.” Finch put a hand to her face. “Especially if the others aren’t sleeping either. Though Opal seems fine...” She glanced to the right at their dragonborn companion, much more sprawled out than either of the blanket cocoons Finch and Donahue had made.
“Well, she’s a white dragonborn,” Donahue reasoned, “So she probably has way more resilience to cold than anyone else...”
“Mmmwha?” Opal suddenly mumbled drowsily, causing both Finch and Donahue to go wide-eyed and tense. Just as Finch was ready to believe she’d gone back to sleep, she spoke again, somewhat slurred: “You guys talkin’?”
“Sorry, Opal,” Donahue said, slightly above a whisper this time. “Go back to sleep. We’ll try to be quieter.”
Opal raised her head and rubbed her eyes, blinking a few times at them. The blonde fur tufts along her head and neck stuck out at wild angles. “You both aren’t sleeping?”
“Too cold,” Finch explained.
“That’s no good.” Opal’s brow furrowed as though thinking hard, though she was clearly still three-quarters asleep. “All right, everybody c’mere.”
Opal leaned forward, and suddenly blankets were being shifted and rearranged to the sounds of Finch and Donahue’s confusion and protest. When she was finished, all three of them were under the same pile of bedding. Finch found herself sandwiched between Opal and Donahue, not quite touching but still much closer than before, and she felt her face heat up. “I-Is this really necessary?”
“Warmer now, right?” Opal sounded entirely too pleased with herself. She stretched her neck out, which was just long enough to position her head right above Donahue’s. Cricket seemed thrilled by the new arrangement, settling in between Finch and Donahue’s shoulders.
Donahue had been incredibly tense, but slowly relaxed, if only a little. “Whatever. If it’ll help us sleep...”
“This is so embarrassing,” Finch groaned. “Nobody learns about this, got it?”
Donahue sighed and nodded, but Finch had more been asking Opal. Judging from the lack of response and steady breathing, however, she had already fallen back asleep. How did she do that so quickly?
Now Finch found herself worried about not sleeping for an entirely different reason. She had never shared a bed with anyone before, and was entirely too aware of both of her companions’ presences. She became acutely aware of the fact that any shifting she did could disturb them. But as the minutes ticked by, Opal was, to Finch’s chagrin, proven correct as the remaining chill faded away and her eyes fluttered shut.
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a-detraque-barista · 4 years
Sweet Milk Tea
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Jeon Jungkook x Shy Reader
Genre: s m u t, 18+, college, soft boi gguk
Word Count:1.8k+
Warnings: big dicc kook, unprotected sex, sensitive thighs??, insecurity (you and jungkook), jungkook enjoys eating you out a lil too much
A/N: wassup my honey buns~ just thought i’d drop this filthy self-indulgent trash here and leave until one of my wips get done...this is straight smut and very little plot :D
“At least I don’t go around parading my dick to all the girls in our course!” your voice cracked but it somehow didn’t throw off the menacing tone.
Everyone looked at you as if you were mental. You couldn’t blame them, it was the first time they had ever heard your voice. The first time you had snapped at anybody in front of them, or in general.
You weren’t one for talking to people you didn’t know very well. It just didn’t come as naturally as it did for others. It’s made you a societal recluse and most of the time, you didn’t mind it. And the looks on your classmates’ faces gave you a major confidence boost. 
“At least people actually like me,” the asshole known as Jungkook hissed.
And there goes that confidence. Sure, you always claimed you don’t care about what other people think. However, just like any other human, we want someone to like us to create friendships and relationships. 
Just like that, you walked out of the classroom and down the long hallway as if it was a normal day.  The only thing different, you had tears in your eyes that were threatening to fall at any moment.
As you were just walking out of one of the exits, you felt someone grab your shoulder and pull you back. Your face met a solid chest, noticing the black leather jacket, you knew exactly who it was. When you went to pull away his arms tightened refusing to let go. 
“I’m sorry.”
Jungkook had you pinned beneath him on his bed. How this happened was a mystery. You had agreed to go to his apartment because he wanted to give you a sincere apology. What you said was over the line as well so you agreed. Everything was fine and dandy until syrup for the milk tea had splashed on your face and neck, even ending up on your shirt.
Seeing you in his shirt had Jungkook growing an erection. You just looked so cute, so fuckable. His cock decided it was time for Jungkook’s wet dreams to come true. 
Especially now with such a bratty look on your face, all he needed was a solid yes, “Tell me, my love. Do you want me?”
You nodded, already wanting to feel him. Jeon Jungkook was sex on legs and you refused to admit how many times you’ve thought about him with your hand down your pants. He clicked his tongue, “I need your words.”
“I want you, Jungkook.”
Hearing his name come from your lips, had a shutter going down his spine. His lips crashed into yours as he firmly pressed his muscular thigh against your clothed pussy. He swallowed your gasps and quiet whimpers. Gradually, Jungkook applied more pressure but now he was rubbing his thigh back forth. 
You were trying so hard to hold back your moans and whimpers making the man above you smirk into the kiss. Even as he pulled away breathless, he had that grin on his face. Your sounds were stroking his ego at this point leading him to lick and kiss your neck to see what else can make such adorable noises leave you. 
He could still taste the remnants of the syrup on your skin. He was so very tempted to lick every part of your neck, just to make sure all of it was gone. But he removed his shirt from you instead. Placing open-mouthed kisses along your jaw and neck, leaving behind a trail of purple and red marks.
You could feel your clit throbbing, begging for more attention. Jungkook could feel your hips move, creating friction against his bulge. He groaned before ripping your bra apart and began palming your breasts. He wanted you so bad but he didn’t want to rush things.
Jungkook wasn’t sure if you would wake up tomorrow and never want to see him again. He wanted to make sure even if you do want to forget about him, you won’t be able to forget the way he made you feel. His insecure thoughts were interrupted once he noticed you squirming from the addition of his muscles flexing.
You were still keeping as much noise in as possible. Jungkook wondered how much teasing it would take until you gave up. With a grin he trailed his hands down your body, squeezing every now and then. One particular squeeze of your upper thighs had made you gasp. He froze before gently digging the tips of his fingers into the area causing you to whine. 
He wanted to hear you whine again and again. 
Jungkook finally tucked his fingers into the waistline of your jeans and panties and slid them completely off. Your lips were glistening and puffy. He couldn’t help but flatten his tongue and dragged it between your folds. Jungkook’s eyes rolled back into his skull at just the taste of you. The moan that escaped your lips didn’t help his grip on sanity. 
With his control slipping, he started sucking and slurping like he was a man starving. Now you could no longer hold back your moans. And they only encouraged Jungkook even more. He kept his hands busy with massaging the upper part of your thighs making your moans sound whinier. His grip was sure to leave bruises for you to find in the next few days, reminding you of your time with the inky-haired boy.
Jungkook reluctantly let one of your thighs go to slowly slip his index finger into your tight pussy. Moving his mouth up to your clit he licked and suckled to his heart’s content. Your hands found their place in his raven curls, slightly tugging making Jungkook growl.
He couldn’t keep himself from bucking his hips into the mattress to get some kind of friction. He moaned into your pussy as he inserted a second finger. Gently stretching you so you can take him with as little pain as possible. Soon he added a third and picked up the speed he was thrusting at. You began to feel the tell-tale knot in your lower abdomen and Jungkook felt the way you started to quiver.
Right before the knot came undone, he pulled away. But he didn’t pull away enough to make your fingers leave his hair, which you tugged on in frustration.
“Jungkook damn it, I almost came,” you groaned taking your hands away from his scalp to perch yourself up on your elbows. He grumbled with the absence of your hands but loved the attitude you showed. So he sat back on his heels while running his hands along your thighs.
“But I didn’t want you to come just yet, my love. Be patient and I’ll give exactly what you want,” his deepened voice made the blush come back to your face full force. 
Licking his lips, he started to undress. Shirt, pants, and underwear made their way to the floor. His cock sprung up and leaked precum. It was enough for him to slick his dick with, stroking it just for more precum to escape.
Jungkook would love to see your pretty lips wrapped around his cock, gagging on it. But both of you have waited long enough. He tucked his hands under your waist and flipped you onto your stomach, lifting until your hands and knees held you up. The bulbous head pressed through your lips and against your entrance. You were so wet for him, making both his cock and your cunt glisten.
You wiggled your hips a bit, the anticipation beginning to become too much. He chuckled before pushing in. Jungkook took his time, making sure to stretch you out properly. Shifting his hips back every inch before pushing in more than he had previously. 
Never having taken such a girthy and long cock, the sting felt delicious as it made your walls form to his dick perfectly. The slight curve of his shaft made the head rub against that one special spot. Your breathy moans got louder the farther he went in. Jungkook growled and groaned above you. 
Once his cock completely sheathed inside of you, grating his hips against your ass felt like he was trying to go even deeper. Jungkook thrusted slow and shallow, wanting to let you get adjusted. When you pushed back he got the hint and pulled out farther only to slam back into your tight cunt.
His head rolled back as he gradually picked up his pace but it snapped back up hearing your load and wanton moans. God, why did you have to sound wonderful? He wanted to make you moan so much your throat would get raw. Your arms could no longer hold yourself up, causing you to be muffled by his pillows. Jungkook didn’t appreciate the decreased volume of your beautiful sounds so he wrapped his arms under your tits and just above your mound. 
His pace quickened as did his breaths, “Look at you, getting destroyed by my cock. What a mess. Can’t even stop moaning for me.”
You whined in response to his words as you could no longer create coherent sentences. It was almost becoming too much, your denied release coming back even harder. Jungkook’s pace became sloppy, the build-up paying off.
“Want my cum? Tell me, what do you want? Use that pretty mouth of yours,” Jungkook’s voice was now gravelly as he reached down to your clit but didn’t apply pressure.
“Please-please, I want your cum,” you gasped out, barely audible, but he accepted that.
Jungkook made quick, fast circles around your clit, causing your whole body to shake as your walls clenched and milked his cock. Feeling you tighten and quiver, Jungkook’s cock twitched and painted your walls. He laid both of you down, grinding his hips against yours until your cunt sucked him dry. He made sure not to put all of his weight on you while the two of you came down from cloud nine. 
Jungkook kissed the nape of your neck before moving down to your shoulder. He couldn’t help but love the feeling of you breathless beneath him. The feeling of you both spent and tired together, trying to catch your breaths. Jungkook was reluctant to pull his softening cock out of you but he did nonetheless. 
Leaving the room to get a damp cloth and clean the two of you up. You rolled onto your side facing him after he laid back down, also on his side. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer. He could see the look on your face that held uncertainty. His mind went to the thought of you regretting ever coming to his apartment. Until you spoke.
“I’m sure you want me to leave now right?”
Jungkook’s eyes widening, just now seeing the insecurity in your eyes. He sighed as he leaned down to gingerly kiss your lips, “No, I want you to stay. Unless you want to leave.”
You shook your head and kissed his nose, “I wanna stay, until you don’t want me to.”
He chuckled before cuddling up with you and pulled the covers over, “Good thing I never want you to.”
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duskholland · 3 years
letting my inner whore out and thinking about mob!tom or even regular Tom accidentally flaking on plans with you and coming home really late, so he’s just gonna jump into bed with you and finds you in bed asleep in lingerie. 🥴🙂 and he just mentally curses himself bc now he knows that he flaked on a great night and you slept in this on purpose so he KNOWS. and having him grovel for your forgiveness OOOOOOF 🙂😌😗 make him pay for it !!!
you didn’t ask for a blurb but this inspired me so i wrote something !! i changed the circumstances of this just a lil bit but the mistake/grovel concept is all still here too :’) can be read either with mob or normal tom!
wc: 2.3k || 18+ nsfw content minors dni!!!
warnings ↠ fingering, oral (f receiving) and overstimulation :’)
*:·゚✧*:·゚✧ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
Tom hadn’t thought about the repercussions of his actions, but as he walks into your bedroom and finds you sprawled out across the mattress, half-naked and sleeping, he finds himself regretting his decisions. He curses--softly, so he doesn’t disturb you, but with enough bite to make it count. His fingers curl into frustrated fists at his sides as he leans back against the doorway, eyes skimming over you.
He hadn’t intentionally bailed on date night, but something had come up. He’d texted you, grovelled profusely, tacked on a series of those heart emojis you’re so fond of as he’d sprinkled his messages with Xs, promising it wouldn’t happen again, promising he’d be there next time. You’re lovely--you’re always lovely, even when Tom fucks up--but even he’d been able to tell that you’d been annoyed. This is the second date in a row that he’s cancelled, and it’s clear you’re pissed.
You’re wearing lingerie. With your sleepy lips puckered into an unassuming pout, you look almost angelic, sprawled out, asleep. But Tom knows exactly what you’re like, knows that you’d fallen asleep, wrapped up in tight red lace like this just to rub it in. He chuckles slightly as he finds himself nodding. He has to give it to you--you always know how to get to him, and you always succeed.
Pushing away from the door, Tom stifles a yawn. If you weren’t sleeping so deeply, he’d wake you up and start his grovelling right away, but he knows better than to pounce. He doesn’t want to disturb your beauty sleep when he’s already treading on thin ice.
As Tom walks through to the ensuite and strips off his clothes, he keeps the door open, both of his eyes fixed on you, admiring you, tracing you, loving you. Fuck, his heart swells as you murmur something in your sleep and turn over, frowning as you try to get comfortable. Tom’s never going to cancel on you again.
After turning off all the lights and padding over to bed, only in his boxers, Tom very carefully starts trying to move you. You’re asleep on top of the duvet, which is slightly problematic, but he’s strong, and gentle, and he manages to coax you into resting on the mattress instead. When you don’t make any obvious movements, he thinks you’re still asleep, so climbs in after you and rolls over, wrapping his arms around you and spooning you as he nestles his face into the back of your neck.
You’re so soft. You smell of peaches, and as Tom gently rolls his hand over the rise of your exposed hip, he marvels at how warm your skin is. He rolls his fingers over your side, nuzzling closer, trying to pull you as close as possible. As he starts to press gentle kisses to your shoulder, he wonders if your sleeping form can feel how fucking sorry he is, can tell in the soft nuzzles of his mouth how apologetic and guilty he feels now.
“Y’know, I am awake,” you mutter, voice tired. “You’re not good at being quiet.”
Tom pauses his movements. He wonders if you can feel him wince. Your tone is terse.
“I’m sorry,” he says immediately, voice quiet. He kisses your shoulder again and, knowing you’re awake, smooths his hand down to rest over your lower abdomen. His fingertips play with the trim of your lacy panties, fiddling as he hums. “I’m a dick for cancelling, darling. I am very sorry.”
You make a tsking sound. “Are you actually sorry, or are you just trying to get back in my good books?”
Tom hums. “Both,” he admits. He kisses your cheek before sitting up on his side, digging his elbow into the pillows. You roll onto your back, darkened eyes meeting his as you stare at him, the ghost of a smile building on your lips.
Tom brings his hand up and tentatively cups your chin between his thumb and index finger, using the touch to angle your face towards him. When you hum in approval, Tom leans down, kissing you gently. He hopes that you can feel how apologetic he is through his mouth, and he feels his heart lighten when you reach up to run a hand over the side of his face before twisting it into his hair. As your lips become warm and slick with spit, Tom hums, trying to move closer only for you to stop him by pulling away and pressing the tips of your fingers to his lips.
“Oh?” you tease. “You think it’s going to be that easy?” There’s a mischievous glint in your eyes, and Tom watches as you sit up straight. The duvet falls down to pool at your waist, exposing your sheer bralette. Tom swallows as he sees your nipples, hard and straining against the flimsy material.
“No?” Tom replies.
You laugh. You reach out and touch his cheek, angling his face until Tom’s eyes are back on yours. “You need to make it up to me,” you say. For the first time, hurt seeps into your eyes. Tom’s guilt reappears, overpowering all of the lust that had emerged as he’d seen you wrapped up in lace.
“I’m really sorry,” he says again, and Tom means it. He moves, smiling slightly as he slides on top of you, pushing you back down onto the mattress as he cages you in with an arm on either side of your face. He nuzzles the tip of his nose against yours. “I love you, baby, and I’m sorry for letting you down. It won’t happen again.” He kisses you gently. “I know I said that last time,” he adds, whispering softly, “but I promise. Nothing is more important than you. Nothing.”
You comb your fingers through his hair. “Yeah?”
“Of course,” he says, and it’s true. You’re everything. “Can I make it up to you now?” he murmurs. Tom draws his lips over your face, kissing in a line until he’s whispering into your ear, voice growing raspy. “Let me make you feel good.”
You hum, drawing it out as you pretend to think about it. Tom moans as you tug on his hair, your hands then skimming away to careen down the muscles of his back. You tease him, pressing your fingers into his shoulders as you slowly grind up to press your centre against Tom’s crotch. He grunts, face falling into the crook of your neck as he feels himself harden again.
“Are you alright down there?” you tease, hand drifting down to rest over his ass. Tom moans as you pull him closer, keeping his crotch against yours as you encourage him to grind against your heat.
He releases a noise of strangled enjoyment. It takes all of his self-control to pull away, kissing your chin when you raise a brow. “This is about you,” he decides. “Not me.”
You swallow. “Okay,” you agree, catching your lower lip between your teeth. “I had some fun without you,” you add, smirking when Tom raises a brow. “Can you blame me?”
He shakes his head. “‘Course not,” he says. “Love you,” he adds, then he gets to work.
Tom presses kisses to every part of your body as he gently moves down your figure, resting at your chest to lap over each one of your nipples with his tongue. As the lace of your bra gets soaked with spit, Tom picks up his pace, drawn to your low moans. When he’s not rolling his tongue around your nipples, he’s cupping your breasts in his palms and massaging your chest with his fingers, alternating between light teasing touches and more substantial grabs that make you release the prettiest groans.
By the time Tom reaches your centre, he isn’t surprised to see you quivering. He doesn’t pause to take off your lingerie, knows better than to strip you of something that you’d put on so deliberately. He enjoys watching the confidence that it gives you.
“Oh, baby…” Tom murmurs, rolling his index and middle fingers over the front of your panties. They’re soaked, and as he presses up against your covered clit, he feels your centre pulse. The whimper you release is soft and broken, and Tom is quick to settle between your legs. He parts your thighs before kissing your mound, his nose nuzzling up against the wet warmth of your front. He tenses the tip of his tongue before dragging it over your covered folds, the slickness of your panties making it easy for him to delineate the rise of your bud.
“Shit,” you whine. You bury your hands in his hair and jerk him closer, pulling Tom’s face further into your heat. “Fuck, Tom. Don’t tease me— fuck. You’re supposed to be making it up to me.”
Tom moans in agreement. He manages to wriggle away just enough so he’s able to pull your panties to the side, and after taking a moment to run both thumbs down the side of your folds, he gently coaxes them apart, exposing your cunt. He curses, looking between your centre and your eyes with lust.
“You’re so fucked already,” he murmurs. He slips his fingers down to play around with your entrance, his digits getting coated in your slick. You whimper and thrust your hips until he crooks the two fingers into you, your walls giving way and enveloping him immediately. “Have you already cum tonight?”
Briefly, guilt flickers across your face. It fades as Tom leans down and sucks your clit into his mouth, soothing the bud with his tongue as his fingers start to pump into you. “Y-yeah,” you whimper, and suddenly it makes sense why you’re being so responsive.
“I can tell. Pussy’s so hot, baby, so wet… Practically gushing out over my hand, gorgeous.” Tom pulls away, shifting a thumb onto your bud as he looks down at where his fingers are opening you up. He adds a third easily, desire running hot through his body as you cry out loudly. “How many times did you cum?”
Your breathing is heavy, laborious. “Twice,” you admit. Your fingers fist the sheets, eyes fluttering shut as you arch your back and moan. “Shit, Tom… please.”
“Please?” He’s enjoying this, loves the way you squirm as he curls his fingers up and presses against your g-spot. You’re so beautiful. “Please what, lovie?”
“Make me cum,” you whine. You open your eyes again, wide and pleading. “Please, please—”
“C’mon,” he murmurs. “There you go, baby.” Tom thrusts his fingers faster, with more urgency, and speeds up the movement of his thumb on your clit. “Cum for me, darling. Let me warm you up… Let you feel really good. Always so pretty when you cum for me… so, so pretty, baby. Come on.”
You fall apart a few moments later, walls contracting around his fingers. Tom watches in awe as you cry out loudly, eyes rolling back as your chest rises and falls. He doesn’t stop, though, not even when your walls stop pulsing and your climax ends. Instead, he drops his head and puts his mouth back on your bud.
“T-Tom,” you cry out. You’re squirming again, properly now, but he knows you’d tap out if it was too much. Both of you know that you enjoy the blurring of the pain and pleasure as he overstimulates you like this. “Holy fuck… ‘m so sensitive.”
Tom’s hand is properly wet now. He can feel your arousal dripping between his fingers. You’re so slick his movements are imprecise, and so he counters that by thrusting his fingers harder, blundering up against the spongy rise of your walls until you’re crying out. As he brings you close again, he moves his mouth over your cunt, sloppily making out with your clit and your folds. Occasionally he’ll tease your rise with the bumps of his teeth, and he likes the way your moans change from shrill to intense when he runs the flat of his tongue over your bud again.
“Tommy,” you wail. You sound wrecked, and when Tom glances up, he sees you, eyes full of blurring tears, skin covered in a sheen of sweat. You gasp as he curls his fingers perfectly, and Tom watches you bury your face in your arm as you orgasm with a yell. This time, he has to move up, pressing his elbow into your thigh to keep you down as the pleasure consumes you. Your hot cunt squeezes his fingers tightly, an iron-like grip that almost immobilises his hand. Luckily, Tom’s used to you, knows how to continue to please you until you’re fucked out and crying.
Your peak stretches for a while, the air alight with the sounds of your whimpering enjoyment. Tom laps over your clit until you’re crying out and tugging at his hair, at which point he moves away from you. He smirks as he sees a trail of saliva connecting you to him, then sees the way your thighs tremble.
“How was that, darling?” Tom checks, letting his fingers slip from you. You whimper and he pulls up to you, gently kissing your cheek as his eyes skim you for any signs of damage. All he finds is bliss, then your lips on his as you peck him quickly.
“Fantastic,” you announce. You sigh as you fall back against the mattress, smiling lazily. “Fuck, I love you.”
Tom wipes his lips before kissing your nose. “Love you too,” he murmurs. “Did I make it up to you?”
You nod immediately. “Yeah. You did more than just that.” You reach down to touch his crotch, and Tom jumps. He’d been so preoccupied with you that he’d forgotten about his length, hard and straining against his boxers. You run your thumb over the patch of material, soaked with his precum. “Let me say thank you,” you say, speaking quietly but teasingly. Your tone makes Tom bite his lips. “Let me make it up to you…”
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐭 (𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚! 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨) 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝
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𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝙼𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊! 𝙹𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚞𝚗𝚑𝚘 (𝙰𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚣) × 𝙼𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 (𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎)
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝚂𝚖𝚞𝚝, 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝, 𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏, 𝙼𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊 𝙰𝚄
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝙿𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚞𝚙 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚊 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗, 𝚈𝚞𝚗𝚑𝚘 𝚌𝚊𝚗'𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚖 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚛.
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 3.8K
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜, 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚓𝚘𝚋, 𝚐𝚞𝚗 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢, 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢, 𝚍𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗, 𝚞𝚗𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚌𝚊𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚡 (𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚐𝚞𝚢𝚜) 𝙳𝚘𝚖! 𝚈𝚞𝚗𝚑𝚘 × 𝚂𝚞𝚋! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @little-precious-baby @yunhoiseyecandy @galaxteez @yunhofingers @brie02 @deja-vux @multidreams-and-desires @rvse-miingi
Swerving into the sidewalk, the female took less than 5 seconds to fit herself into the passenger seat and slam the door behind her. Stepping on the accelerator, her partner's eyes looked firmly forward as he maneuvered himself through the alleys to safely get them out of the city without having to use the main highways. Once making sure no one was following them, they both breathed out a sigh of relief, thankful that the mission had run smoothly.
"Got it?" The male asked.
Reaching into her cleavage, she took out a folded piece of paper and held it in front of him, the male slightly cringing when he saw where it had came from.
"Like taking candy from a baby." She snorted before stuffing the piece of paper in the glove compartment.
As if on cue, the small screen on the dashboard began blinking, letting them know someone was trying to contact them. Pressing the answer button, the driver looked momentarily to see the face of their leader pop up.
"Tell me neither of you got your limbs torn off." He voiced his concern.
"We're on our way back already, give us an hour and we'll be there."
Satisfied at the success of the mission, the platinum blonde male looked over at the woman who simply had her arms crossed over her chest, staring daggers at him.
"Thank you for your sacrifice Y/N." He smiled at her.
"Oh shove it up your ass Hongjoong. It was embarrassing enough to dress like a whore let alone have some middle aged man grope my body. I would rather be bored to death walting in a car like Yunho did." She was fuming, still disgusted at the ordeal she had to go through, even her partner grimaced slightly when he thought about what she had to go through.
"But it was a success right? Thanks to the fast acting sedative Yeosang gave you." Hongjoong tried to reason with her.
"Whatever, as long as she doesn't have to do those dirty jobs again I think we're fine." Yunho piped up, unconsciously gripping the steering wheel a little too tight.
Hongjoong held back a smirk threatening to form across his lips.
"All right then. I expect you both here very soon."
With the screen going black, the pair just sat there in silence, one focused on the road while the other opted for looking out the window, having no other amusement besides the endless trees surrounding their path.
"Why even would you care about me doing jobs like this?"
Yunho was not expecting her to talk let alone ask a question like that out a nowhere.
"What do you mean?"
Y/N rolled her eyes.
"You know exactly what I mean. What you said to Hongjoong before, why should you care about me having to do these kinds of jobs?"
Yunho stayed quiet, pondering over his next words.
"I just....working so long with you I naturally feel an attract- a concern!...over your well being." He quickly corrected himself.
"I just think you're too talented and too good at your job to have to sink down that low just because Hongjoong wants to use the easy way."
Y/N had an amused look on her face as she listened intently to Yunho's words. Scanning him all over, she wasn't going to lie she found him extremely good looking and she'd be lying if she hadn't thought about fucking him more than once. She had often heard the snickers and teasing San and Wooyoung often directed at him too and she was more than curious to find out whether the rumors were true or not.
"You know what I think Yuyu?"
The way he suddenly straightened up and swallowed hard at the nickname did not go unnoticed by her. Taking off her seatbelt, she leaned over to him, her breath ghosting over his ear.
"I think you're jealous." She giggled when he moved his face away from her proximity.
"Why would I be jealous?" He cleared his throat, keeping a straight poker face one.
With a sly smile, Y/N began unbuttoning the top of his shirt.
"Cause some rival actually got to do what you wish you could do but are too scared to."
Yunho inhaled deeply when he felt her nose pressed up against his neck, lips dragging themselves up his jaw.
"And what exactly would that be?" Although he seemed nonchalant about her behavior, truth was he desperately wanted to know just how far the dirty bastard had gotten with his gorgeous partner.
"Oh you know the usual..... a kiss, with tongue involved." As she said that she made sure to lick the shell of his ear.
"A hand in between someone's legs, cupping a certain member."
Yunho let out a groan when he felt her hand squeeze at his growing erection, palming him through his trousers.
"Or fingers sliding up thighs and inside a little black dress."
Yunho's eyes widened significantly at her description.
"How far did they go?" His knuckles were turning white from how hard he was gripping the wheel.
"That's not important-"
"How far did he go?" The sudden raise in his voice startled her slightly, but it also meant that perhaps her plan was working.
"If you really must know.....he got 2 fingers in before passing out cold."
Y/N could see a tiny vein poking out from the side of his neck, telltale sign that he was really trying hard to not loose his temper. Looking away from her, she heard him mutter a soft 'damn him' before turning his eyes back on the road. Wanting to further anger him, she decided to throw in a little lie in her story.
"Had to readjust my dress after he was knocked out and wipe some of the spit off my chest."
Yunho's reaction was instant as he gripped her hand that up to now had still been groping at his cock, crushing her fingers in his palm.
"What do you mean wipe spit off? He saw your chest?" His pale complexion was suddenly turning a light pinkish and red shade.
"Saw, kissed, licked, bit the girls, you get the gist."
Releasing his harsh grip on her hand, Yunho took a deep breath, trying to remain calm but no longer being able to hold himself back from doing something he had been wanting to do for a long time.
"Take off your panties and spread your legs for me." He suddenly ordered her.
Y/N was so taken aback by his instructions that she looked at him as if he was crazy.
Rolling his eyes, Yunho repeated himself.
"Take off your panties and spread your legs for me."
Turning on the cruise control on the car, Yunho looked over at Y/N, eyes burning with anger.
"Don't fucking make me repeat myself."
Y/N wanted to laugh at how silly he sounded, which he noticed how she held back a snort and he did not appreciate it.
"What if I don't want to?" She raised an eyebrow at him.
"I didn't ask what you wanted, I gave you an order."
Wanting to further test him, Y/N smirked.
"Why don't you make me?"
She shuddered when she heard the sound of a gun cocking and then gulped when Yunho held it right in front of her face.
"Now babygirl....let's try this again. Those panties, off." He said as he pointed the gun down at her legs.
Reaching into her dress, Y/N peeled her underwear down her legs, embarrassed about the wet patch that was in between them caused by her teasing on her partner. Looking over, Yunho chuckled when it did not go unnoticed by him. With one hand still on the steering wheel, he used the hand that held the gun and dragged it across her thigh in slow, circular motions.
"Spread those pretty legs for me now."
Tapping the inside of her thigh, the corners of his lip curled when he heard her shift in her seat, signaling that she was obeying him. Taking a peek, he was not satisfied with the results.
"Spread them out as far as your able to baby, and lift up that dress of yours. Let me see how wet your little cunt is." The gun he held was already lifting part of her dress up.
Sitting up, Y/N lifted her dress up to her waist before spreading her legs out, feeling the cool air breeze at her glistening folds. Taking his eyes off the road for a moment, Yunho admired the beautiful picture sitting next to him, all pliant and awaiting further instructions.
"Fuck you have a really pretty pussy."
Y/N bit down on her lip when she felt the barrel of his gun press against her clit before dragging her her folds, collecting much of her already formed arousal.
"What if I just shoved it inside that filthy hole of yours? Fuck you with my gun? You'd probably like that wouldn't you?"
Y/N gasped when she felt the gun poke at her entrance, her walls already tightening themselves. But instead Yunho simply pulled the gun back, bringing it up to his face before licking off the juices left over. Y/N couldn't keep her mouth from falling open slightly as she watched him practically eat up her slick. Setting the gun down on one of the cup holders, Yunho snaked his hand in between her legs, thumb pressing against her nub which had her inhaling sharply.
"Such a sensitive little one....and so responsive."
His thumb began to draw circles around her clit, flicking against it occasionally. Y/N couldn't understand how he could still be focused on maneuvering the wheel without getting distracted or being lazy with the movements on her mound. The way his thumb worked her clit was so precise, so skilled, as if he knew exact what to do to get her more and more worked up with each brush of his thumb. When he moved his thumb away it was only so he could slide one of his long and slender fingers inside her.
"Oh fuck." Y/N's hands gripped at the arm rest as she felt his finger reach so deep in her.
"What never had something this long in you before?" He snickered amusedly.
Slowly, he pumped his finger in and out the her, loving the way her walls seemed to suck him back in whenever he pulled out. Y/N decided to close her eyes and just enjoy as her longtime partner invaded her most intimate part, first with one finger which was soon joined by a second one, further stretching her out.
"So warm...." Yunho mused while curling his fingers upwards.
"That feels so good."
Yunho felt proud of himself as he heard her say that, ego boosted further by the tiny sighs her nose breathed out.
"Yeah? You like my fingers inside you baby? Like having them inside your tight pussy?"
Y/N moaned in response when he began thrusting his fingers with more force, sloppy sounds being heard throughout the car due to how wet she was. Her thighs began to close around his hand, which resulted in Yunho slipping his fingers out before landing a harsh slap on her clit that had her nearly jumping in her seat.
"Keep those legs open for me you slut. After all, that's all you're good at."
If it had been anybody else, she would have slapped them for saying that. But something about Yunho actually had her nearly cumming at his words. Spreading her legs once again, she welcomed his fingers once more, bottom lip caught in between her teeth.
"You said he got 2 fingers in? Tsk. Pathetic. I bet I can top that."
Y/N's mouth dropped open into a perfect oval shape as Yunho stuffed yet a third finger in her, momentarily slowing his pace down so he could brush the tips of his fingers against the roof of her walls. He knew he found what he was looking for when she let out a particularly loud moan and her legs shook.
"Found you."
Y/N began writhing in her seat as Yunho jammed his fingers in and out of her at a rapid pace, his tips always making sure to brush at her g-spot. Yunho had a smug grin throughout the whole time, every 5 seconds or so he looked back to watch Y/N's blushed face as his hand fucked her.
"If you're already this worked up about just my fingers, I can't wait to see what you'll be like when I'm fucking you balls deep."
Y/N whipped her head at him after he said that, her incredulous eyes meeting his haughty ones.
"Yes Y/N, this is merely a prep to get you ready for my cock. I need you stretched open so you can fit my massive cock inside that tiny pussy of yours."
Y/N threw her head back as she began picturing getting fucked by his cock.
"Oh my- oh my God! Fuck!"
Yunho's speed never slowed down even after he felt her cum all over his fingers, wanting her to keep the high for as long as possible. He wanted to make sure he managed to get her to spill out as much as possible. Only until he felt her come down from her high did he remove his fingers from inside her. Holding them up to her lips, his thumb grazed her bottom lip.
"Taste yourself baby."
Her mouth opened and enveloped his fingers inside it. She hummed against his fingers as she sucked off her juices off them. Yunho didn't pull them out of her mouth until he was sure she had licked them clean. Wiping himself off on his pants, he then undid his zipper and began pulling himself out of his tight confinement.
"Be a good girl and suck me off baby. Put that pretty mouth of yours to work."
Seeing him whip out his massive length had her drooling over it. It was the biggest cock she had ever seen in her life and she couldn't believe that she'd actually have that in her soon, no doubt destroying and rearranging her insides. As she kept staring at it, she was smacked out of her trance when Yunho harshly yanked her down by her hair and pressed her face against his dick.
"Are you already too dumb to obey a simple order from just getting fingered? Or from seeing my huge cock?"
With his grip still on her hair, Yunho guided her so her nose brushed all around his length, making her sniff him which she gladly did.
"If you're really that much of a cockslut then you should have no problem sucking me off. Now get to it."
Opening her mouth, Y/N first took his thick head in her mouth, giving his slit a little dig with her tongue which made Yunho groan. Being in the mood for teasing him, she kept only his head in her mouth for the meantime, sometimes pulling off to give his slit sweet kitten licks before slurping around it once more, making sure to moan as dramatically as she could.
Knowing what her game was, Yunho wasn't having any of it.
"I know you can do a lot better than that you slut. Or did you forget how to suck dick?"
Putting one hand on the back of her head, he smoothed out her hair, petting and stroking her head in such a caring and tender way, all while having a sadistic look plastered on.
"It's ok, let me remind you."
Y/N gagged as she felt Yunho push her down his length, her nose hitting against his pubic bone. He held her there for a few seconds before pulling her back up from her hair. Letting her gasp for air first, Yunho fisted some more of her hair in his fingers before shoving her back down his length. His hips would often come up to stuff more of his length down her throat. Her mouth was so warm and he loved hearing her choke around his cock. Y/N hollowed her cheeks out as much as possible, sucking as much as Yunho as she could without gagging too much. The car was filled with her slurping and gagging sounds, and whenever Yunho would look down to see the mess she was it only fueled the feeling that was brewing in his lower stomach.
"Shit! You're going to make me cum- cum inside your mouth."
Yunho tried so hard to focus on not swerving out of the lane. He was thankful it was a deserted road that hardly anyone used, otherwise he would never have gotten away with face fucking Y/N as he drove. Hearing him finally start spewing out lewd sounds from his mouth had made Y/N proud. Sloppily, she kept deepthroating him, letting his head hit the back of her mouth as her hand reached over to cup his balls, massaging them in her palms.
Yunho began frantically bucking his hips up.
"Shit! I'm going to cum- Oh fuck!."
Swiftly pulling her off him, she had saliva trickling down her chin, lips swollen and red after making her practically swallow him whole. Y/N was confused when Yunho suddenly got off the road and parked the car. Struggling to take off his seatbelt, Yunho turned his attention to her.
Getting the hint, Y/N got out of the car, pulling the rest of her dress over her head in the process. Opening the door, she quickly climbed into the backseat where seconds after Yunho joined her. He practically slammed the door behind him. Pulling his pants further down, he began pumping himself, spreading more of his precum around his shaft.
"Get on top of me."
Not needing to be told twice, Y/N climbed on top with his lap, a little too earnestly given how she hit her head on the roof of the car.
"Watch your head." He teased her.
"Fuck off." She hissed as she rubbed her head.
Holding her hips, Yunho lifted her up and then sunk her down onto his length. Y/N shuddered then stood still as his enormous length ripped right through her, stretching her far beyond anything she ever felt.
"I'd rather fuck you if you don't mind."
Y/N couldn't contain her whimpers and shrieks as Yunho slammed his hips into her, fingers digging into her ass to hold her down on his lap. Her hands held onto the top of the seats to keep herself from bouncing too much and accidentally hitting her head again. She cried out harder when Yunho angled his hips so he'd hit at her g-spot over and over again. Their heavy panting and breathing, mixed with the steam and sweat their bodies were producing was staring to make the windows fog up.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to fuck you."
Y/N gasped when one of his hands came up to wrap itself around her neck, not pressing down at it but it made her shiver in anticipation at what he was going to do.
"Seeing you parade yourself in such short skirts during meetings, bending down and having everybody stare at your ass or tits-"
Letting out an animalistic growl, Yunho's hand gripped her jaw tightly, squishing her cheeks together to the point of hurting.
"Made me want to bend you over the table and spank your ass red before fucking it in front of everyone."
Releasing her jaw, his hand once more went to her neck, except now he gripped it tightly, cutting off part of her oxygen intake. Yunho grunted as he felt her walls compress around his length. Leaning his head to her chest, he began to suck and bite all across her breasts and sternum, not satisfied until he was sure to leave purple marks on it. Yunho continued to bounce her on his cock, loving the way her eyes shut tightly and her mouth stayed agape and poured out such sinful sounds. Because of his hand on her neck, she tried to warn him that she was about to cum but instead gibberish came out.
He understood though what she was trying to say.
"Awww is my little slut going to cum so soon? How desperate and needy were you that you're about to burst anytime now?"
Y/N began tearing up at his words and the endless strokes of his head hitting so deep in her.
"Or do you just love my monster cock that much?"
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she began quivering on top of him.
"Fuck! Yes- love your monster- oh god!"
Feeling her cum all over him, it didn't take no more than a couple more roll of his hips for Yunho to start pumping his seed into her, deep and raspy grunts spilling from his throat as he continued to grind himself into her so as to ride out their orgasms.
Once they both came down from their highs, Yunho tilted Y/N's face up so he could kiss her. His kiss was desperate and his lips would harshly nip and tuck at her bottom lip, biting down and making it more swollen than it already was.
"You're mine now doll. I'm claiming you as my own. From now on anybody who wants you has to step over my dead body first."
Y/N giggled and blushed at his words, not against being Yunho's property one bit. Her fingers ran themselves through his hair as she kissed him back with the same amount of passed he had. Their kiss was interrupted by the loud buzzing of Yunho's phone.
"Shit." Yunho muttered as he reached for his phone, grimacing when he saw it was Hongjoong.
Hongjoong's voice boomed through the speaker.
"Where the fuck are you two?! It's been over 2 hours! You should have been back a long ass time ago!"
They both looked at each other, trying hard not to burst out laughing.
"Uh.....we stopped for ice cream?" Yunho tried to make up an excuse.
"I'm not in the mood for games Yunho, so tell me what the fuck happened. Did you two get chased?"
With a shit eating grin on his face, Yunho stared straight at Y/N as he said the next words.
"Well if you really want to know, I just got done fucking my sweet partner in the backseat of the car."
They could hear Hongjoong wheezing while someone in the background started screaming hysterically.
"And you're going to be waiting for us more cause I'm not done with her yet...."
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. xlvii - center stage
<< previous | masterlist | next >>
??? × reader, ateez × reader
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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After the performance, you all congratulated Yunho for his performance along with his teammate. But not long after that, he ran off with his team to do an evaluation back at the practice room where they had also put their things.
Deciding you wanted to spend more time with Yunho, you split off with the others to wait for Yunho. How could you not? The way he danced woke something in you that you didn't think was there.
Luckily when you got to the practice room, the captain had just wrapped things up and they began to slowly file out. As people walked out, you sneaked in and waited until the room was empty except for Yunho who was focused on rummaging around in his bag.
You slowly crept behind him, making sure he wouldn't realize you. when you glomped down onto his back, he yelped and fell to the side, effectively toppling the both of you over. You giggled when he looked at you with eyes wide as saucers.
"You scared me!" he exclaimed. Though when he looked at your widely grinning face, he couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous the situation was.
You both scrambled back into a sitting position before talking.
"So," Yunho started as he zipped his bag tightly, "how'd you like the performance?" he asked, looking at you with hopeful eyes. You light up as well, wanting to tell him what you thought.
"I loved it! You were so cool! The boys and I couldn't tear our eyes off of you!" you told him. He beamed up immediately at your encouraging words.
"But there was something that I don't quite like from your performance," you added, pursing your lips. Yunho's eyes widened at that, worried, "w-what is it? Did I made a mistake on stage??" he panicked immediately.
You pouted and feigned a saddened look at him, "I don't like the part where you danced with that one girl and the fact that you looked so incredibly hot that the girls around me were lusting after you," you said, playing with your fingers and avoiding Yunho's stare.
Yunho exhaled in relief at your words. But soon his demeanour changed into a teasing one. His darkened eyes looked straight at your face and he crawled close to you, "so... you were jealous at the other girls, baby?" he asked, tilting his head to the side even though you weren't looking at him.
You nodded slowly at him, hands fiddling, "I don't like the way they talked about you, they were saying things like being able to see the outline of your dick from your pants," you mumbled.
"And why don't you like it?" he asked. At his question, you snapped your head up to look straight at him. Your eyebrows were furrowed and cheeks puffed up slightly, "because I'm the only girl who's supposed to be able to see your dick!" you exclaimed.
Seeing how adorable you are though upset, Yunho laughed wholeheartedly before he pulled you closer to his lap. He let your legs dangle on his sides as his arms wrap around your waist securely.
He stared at you with a smile on his face and eyes filled with affection, "you ARE the only girl who's able to see my dick," he giggled. He leaned his face forward and nuzzled his nose with yours.
Your hands instinctively gripped on his shoulder, bottom lip still jutting out, "don't make me tattoo my name on your dick to ward off other bitches," you muttered at him.
Without a warning, he pressed his lips to yours, kissing you with an urgency that is not usually like him. His kisses were always soft and gentle and he only acted as such during sex. But with the position you were in, how things progressed from one moment to another, and his dick coming to life, you had an idea of where this might go.
His teeth tugged at your bottom lip teasingly as his hands rest on your thigh, his fingers crept into the inside of your short skirt. When his fingers began to scratch at your thighs, you gasped into his mouth.
At the opportunity, he slipped his tongue into your mouth and drove his hand to cup your ass under your skirt.
"You know, you talk as if guys weren't lusting after you all night long," he mumbled against your lips. You let out a noise that indicated you were questioning him, to which he chuckled, "I saw how the guys other than us looked at you, probably wondering what kind of panties you're wearing," he said before he suddenly flipped your skirt up at while detaching his lips from yours to stare down at your crotch at the same time.
Once his eyes saw your panty-clad pussy, you could see how it immediately darkened. His hand didn't even hesitate when he reached forward and tugged your panties to reveal your pussy.
At the revelation, his tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip, "how would you think they'd react if they saw my marks all around your body?" he asked as he began pushing you down to a laying position, "t-they wouldn't be able to see them because I w-won't let them," you stuttered out.
Satisfied with your answer, Yunho proceeded to hover above you with his face at your crotch. "Little princess has been trained well, hasn't she?" he smirked up at you. He pressed a soft kiss on your mound over your panties before tearing the flimsy material off with his teeth.
When his teeth grazed at your skin, you couldn't help but gasp and instinctively tried to close your legs. But Yunho was having none of that as he immediately pressed your thighs to make sure your legs stayed open for him.
Once your panties are fully off, you saw Yunho pocketed it in his front pocket. His eyes met yours and he smirked devilishly, "I'm confiscating this," he simply said.
Before you could even say anything to him, he had pressed a finger into your hole. Your eyes widened in shock and your breath hitched. At the sudden intrusion, your hands gripped onto your skirt tightly.
Yunho chuckled at your reaction, finding it rather cute, "you look adorable like this," he said. Then his eyes shifted to your pussy, staring at it intensely, "and your pussy's taking my finger so well," he said before he started thrusting his finger in you slowly.
Knowing you both are in a relatively public space, you bit your bottom lip to prevent yourself from being too loud.
Blissfully in his own headspace, Yunho moved to pepper kisses along your inner thighs. The feeling of his soft lips so close to your pussy was frustrating.
You let out a soft whine at Yunho, wordlessly letting him know that you want more. But Yunho only bit your skin in response, letting you know that you were in no place to make demands.
Yunho's fingers began moving quicker, more desperate than before. His lips left multiple marks on your skin, painting them red and light purple. His possessiveness was apparent with the way he was marking you up, wanting to make sure that you and maybe the others would see that he was with you, that you're partially his.
Without you even realizing, Yunho had managed to slip three fingers in you and was ramming into your cunt quickly, adding a thumb to your clit just because.
"-n-nho! Yu-yun- ho! I'm gon-gonna-" you stuttered out, brain fuzzy from the sheer intensity of his finger fucking. Yunho grinned wickedly at the sight of you. He crawled back up, his finger never stopping, fervently pushing you to cum all over his fingers, "Come on baby, let it go, show me how much I affected you," he commanded.
Your eyes snap shut as your jaw hung open when you cum hard on Yunho's fingers. Your pussy clamped his fingers, preventing them from moving.
As you let your first orgasm ebb away, Yunho moved forward to press rewarding kisses all over your face. He whispered compliments to you, telling you how proud he is at how obedient you are.
Before you could fully recover, Yunho hoisted you up and pressed your chest onto the cool mirror. The coldness of the mirror on your hot skin made you shiver. He had a hand wrapped around your waist as the other lifted your skirt up to expose your bottom whereas you had both hands pressed on the mirror by your side.
Yunho stood behind you, his dick pressed onto your ass and you were able to feel how hard he was. You could only assume it's uncomfortable.
"Can you feel me baby?" he asked right next to your ear, biting on it slightly. You whimpered but managed to let out a soft 'yes' to him. "You were worried that other girls would get to me when the fact is, you're the only girl who is able to make me this hard," he groaned.
You heard the sounds of zipper unzipping and a bit of rustling before you felt the bare tip of Yunho's dick in between your legs. You sucked in a breath when he started to rub his massive length along your pussy, using your juice as a lubricant for his dick.
"Can I please fuck my girl? Please?" He asked softly.
Your legs almost buckled at how affected you are by his voice and words.
"P-please Yunho, fuck me," you whimpered at him.
At your confirmation, Yunho used his free hand to manoeuvred his dick at your hole. Your jaw once again dropped open when he began to push in slowly. You could feel all of him grazing against your inside, slowly bottoming out until he's finally all the way inside you, his hips flush against your ass.
Yunho gripped on you tighter, seemingly trying to control himself, wanting you to get used to him first. Your head dropped forward as you focused on how he made you full.
After a while, you pushed yourself back at Yunho, urging him to start moving.
He took notice of your signal and immediately took hold of your waist with both of his hands and just began thrusting into you.
The pace wasn't rushed, but it wasn't slow either. It was rather powerful but not harsh. Yunho wanted to make sure that you felt him as much as he was feeling you enveloping him tightly, making him feel so exhilarated without doing much.
"God, you feel amazing, your pussy is so fucking greedy taking all of me," he moaned loudly. Yunho leaned back to see how you both are connected, "God, I fucking love you, (Y/N)," he groaned out. The sight of his dick disappearing into you sent tingles down his spine and he could feel his dick twitched, wanting nothing but more of you for him. He began thrusting quicker, your slick helped him slip easily with the pace he wanted.
With every powerful thrust, he sent you lurching forward, almost colliding with the mirror. But thankfully you were anchoring yourself with your hands on the mirror.
Yunho looked up only to see you were looking down. Frowning, he reached a hand forward and grab your chin, "I want you to look at me fucking you, got it?" he growled. Through the pleasure that clouded your mind, you managed to nod.
Both of your eyes stayed on each other the whole time he was thrusting into you. He had a satisfied smirk on his face, pleased that you listened to him well.
Due to the previous orgasm from his fingers, you were still very much sensitive and it didn't take much for you to feel your second one incoming. Yunho felt you began clenching him, almost trapping his dick in you while your hand curled into fists. He reached both of his own hands to interlace with yours. You felt his chest pressed on your back and you couldn't help but leaned back to capture his lips with yours.
With your lips connected, fighting for dominance and Yunho's dick buried deep in you, stroking your g-spot constantly, it only took a couple harsh thrusts before you came hard whilst squealing into his mouth.
Immediately, your legs felt like jelly and thank god for Yunho's fast reflex as he immediately held you close and brought you to a standing position.
Your pussy was clenching him so hard and with the warmth and the feeling of you shuddering against him, Yunho came inside you not long after.
You detached your lips from him to catch your breath. But you opted to press soft kisses along his jaw. Yunho kept thrusting through both of your orgasms, prolonging them as much as he can.
When he felt like he couldn't unload more, he stopped the movements of his hips and once again connected his lips to yours. You giggled when he playfully bit onto your bottom lip while caressing your hips underneath your skirt.
"Can we just stay like this for a while?" he mumbled against your lips. When he felt you clench on his dick that was still inside you, he moaned loudly, "scratch that, can we stay like this forever?"
You giggled at him and poked his nose, "nope, because," you cut yourself off to peck him quickly once more on his lips, "I'm hungry and I wanna go get something to eat with you," you grinned.
Yunho matched your grin with his own and nodded. He carefully slipped himself out of you, making you visibly shudder both at the feeling of him grazing your inside and the sudden loss of him.
He fixed your clothes first before fixing his own, making sure it wasn't too obvious that you two just had sex in the dance room. Once he deemed that you both looked good, he took your hand in his and walked out.
"Oh, look!" you called out to him, showing the screen of your phone with an open group chat message, "the boys are at Mcdonalds! Should we join them?" you asked, tilting your head to the side.
Yunho pursed his lips but shrugged, "I can use like 20 pieces of nuggets now," he said. You rolled your eyes at him and nudged him with your shoulder, "can you really gobble 20 nuggets in one sitting?" you questioned. He raised an eyebrow at you challengingly, "you doubting my skills?" he then leaned his face close to you, "I can gobble you up if I want to," he teasingly stated.
At his faux threat, you giggled loudly and smack his arm playfully, "you can't gobble me up, you doof!" "Sure I can! you're teenie," he grinned.
All the way to Mcdonalds, you both joked around, teasing one another. He even commented on the fact that you hadn't worn your panties as it was still in his pocket.
But he got to admit that at that moment, when you two were alone, with you laughing at whatever stupidity he uttered, he had never seen or heard anyone so perfect.
And that's when it hit him.
He loves you.
Not only loving having you around.
But he loves you genuinely and wholly.
And that he had said it to you not long ago.
taglist :
@raysanshine @peachy-maia @xuxiable @90s-belladonna @theclawofaraven @sanraes @sungiehan @felix-kithes @nycol-ie @superstarw99 @skkrtnawrskkrt @viv-atiny @the7thcrow @stfu-xeena @laurademaury @multihoe-net @daisyhwa @scoupshushushu @whyisquill @bikiniholic @yunhorights @exfolitae @simplewonderland @verycooldog2 @perfectlysane24 @hannahdinse8 @tannie13 @aka-minhyuk-kun @phebeedee @em0yunho @marsophilia @donghyuckanti27 @se-onghwa @malewife-supremacy @hyunsukream @elijahbabyb @taejichafe @alliecoady98 @rdiamondbts2727 @hakuna-matata-ya @ohmy-fandoms @spacebikerateez @stray-bi-kids @imaaroy
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is-it-madness · 4 years
A Different Kind Of Birthday Night
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A/N: Happy Birthday, my darling friend @fadingcoast!!! This is for you, dear heart. Here’s hoping for a wonderful year for you. Love you 🥳💜💜 Thank you for encouraging me to post this and for betaing. You are absolutely incredible.
Pairing: Loki x f!reader
Summary: It’s your birthday and Loki gives you a gift you’re sure to never forget
Warnings: This being my first smut should be warning enough. But also... D/s dynamics, kinda sub!Loki, oral sex (f receiving), fingering. I believe that’s it.
Word count: 1356
It was evening when you finally came home from work.
After working a full shift at the hospital, you felt gross, contaminated. Kicking off your shoes and tossing your keys down, you headed to the bathroom, wanting to wash the day’s grime off you.
You rubbed your eyes when you entered the bathroom, only to blink several times when realizing the tub was lavishly prepared for you. You smiled slightly, knowing only one man would’ve done this for you.
“Hello, my love.”
How you’re never able to sense his presence when he stood behind you, is something you’ll never figure out. You only knew he was there if he said something, or if he placed a hand on your waist, pulling you against him.
You spun around, grinning for what was probably the first time today. “Hi.”
The tension in your shoulders relaxed as you took in the sight of him gloriously bare from the waist up. Sitting enticingly low on his hips, were a pair of sweats. You could tell that he wanted to kiss you, to pull you into his embrace, to hold you flush against him. The want was clear in his eyes.
But you shook your head. “Bath-”
“-first,” he finished your sentence. “Yes, yes, I know the requirements, love.” A ghost of a smirk pulled at his lips. “I have no qualms. This time.”
“Oh? And why’s that?”
Loki grins and kisses the tip of your nose. “You’ll see. After your bath.”
A few minutes ago, you might’ve been exhausted and ready to collapse in bed. But that smile? With that mischievous glint in his eyes? Oh... now your interest was piqued. Whatever he had in store for you was sure to be more than interesting.
He took your chin between his fingers and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. “Now, in you get.”
You rolled your eyes at him, which earned you a playful smack to your ass, making you giggle. Loki heads to your shared bedroom to do... well, who knows what he has planned, and you stripped before sinking into the invitingly warm water.
When you walked in the room, you were greeted by a sight you weren’t expecting.
Loki was sitting on the floor, completely stripped, and looking at you with a demure expression.
It wasn’t often you saw him behave like this. Maybe twice before. But when he did, you relished in it. It meant you were in charge tonight. It meant he was yours to control, to use for your pleasure.
You crouched in front of him. “So pretty,” you murmured, easily slipping into your role of being in charge. “Especially when you’re like this, for me to use at my disposal.”
He licked his lips. “Thank you, Mistress.”
There it was. Your title. Your proof of power for tonight. It sent heat straight to your core. Your eyes flitted to his tongue and you smiled darkly. This is going to be fun.
“Hands behind your back. No touching me unless I grant you permission.”
He complied to your command and you straddled his lap, his semi-hard cock rubbing against your folds. You trailed your fingers along his chest and nuzzled into his neck, rocking your hips oh so gently to feel a delicious bit of friction on your clit.
“What to do with you… restraints? Or maybe the crop. You did look so cute with that collar…”
Between your words, you left open-mouthed kisses against his throat, leaving a bite here and there, making your mark on him. You could feel his muscles flex and tense under your touch and you can tell he’s using a great deal of restraint to not touch you.
You sat up straight, a smile gracing your face. “I know exactly what we’ll do.”
You stood and walked across the room, taking a seat in his chair, the one he used on occasions when the roles were reversed. But tonight? Tonight it was your turn.
You tugged on the tie holding your robe closed and spread your legs wide, giving him a full view of your glistening pussy. You hear his breathing hitch and his deep green eyes go black.
“Well?” You arched a brow at him, teasing a finger between your wet folds. ”It’s not going to take care of itself.”
Loki crawled towards you, hunger evident in his eyes. He settled himself between your legs, resting his hands on your calves. He placed soft kisses and nibbles on your thighs, fingers lazily trailing up your legs. You shuddered under his featherlight touches, as he takes his time.
Frustrated, you seized him by his hair and pulled his head back.
“Did I tell you I wanted teasing?”
“No, Mistress.”
You tighten your grip on his hair, tugging a bit. “And what are you doing right now?”
A soft moan escapes his lips. “T-teasing.”
“I’ll deal with your disobedience later, but right now,” you dragged his face close to your heated center. “I want that silver tongue on me.”
He responded by giving you a viper-like smile and licking a fat stripe on your pussy. You threw your head back, eyes rolling as he began to feast on you.
“Good boy... just- ah! Just like that.”
He hummed, laughing, sending vibrations on your clit as he sucks it into his mouth. Loki grabbed your hips, pulling you closer to his assault and threw you legs over his shoulders. He licked firmly against your folds and dipped his tongue inside you, nose nudging against your clit.
“Such a pretty pussy… and you taste so sweet Mistress.”
Your breathing became shallow, a small whine left your lips, but you still need more. “Loki-”
You hadn’t uttered more than his name, but he already knew what you wanted. Your folds were wet enough to make it easy for him to insert two of his long fingers inside your pussy. He looked up at you through his lashes, licking and sucking your clit as he pressed his fingers, scissoring for a moment before trying to find your sweet spot.
“You’re doing... s-such a good job... hmm- such a good job.”
Loki hummed in appreciation for your praise. He crooked his fingers in a come hither motion and your legs trembled when he found your g-spot. You threw your head back, reduced to whines and moans. His eyes were closed now, brow furrowed as he focused on bringing you pleasure. He added a third finger, pumping them in and out, tongue flicking and sucking your clit.
“L-Loki… I’m c-com-” You didn’t even finish your warning before he gave a particularly harsh suck and pressed his fingers deep inside your pussy.
You came with a gasp, a strangled scream, and his name on your lips.
Loki lapped up your juices, slowing down his ministrations to help you ride out your orgasm. You collapsed in the chair, chest heaving and limbs trembling. He stood up and gathered your limp figure in his arms, carrying you to bed and gently putting you down. He crawled on top of you, caging you between his arms. The weight of his body on yours was comforting, while the weight of his heavy cock on your mound was arousing. You cupped his face and brought him close, kissing him slowly, intimately, the taste of your release making you heady.
He pulled away, resting his brow on yours. “Happy Birthday, my kitten.”
Your eyes widened. “I forgot it was today. I can’t believe you remembered.”
He laughed quietly. “Your king never forgets such an important day.”
“Thank you for this, Loki. It was a wonderful gift.”
Loki arched his brow and smirked. “You didn’t think we were done yet. Did you?” He rubbed his cock against you, steadily building your arousal up. “My love, you should’ve known that we’ve only just begun. Your gift ends when you’re covered in my cum, begging me to stop fucking you.”
“I’d never beg you to stop…” you bit your lip.
Loki smiled widely. “Shall we begin?”
My ride or die:
@lehuka123 @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @just-the-hiddles @thehumanistsdiary @fanfictionaries @astheworlddturns @bbarnestan @buckyfan12
@delightfulheartdream @imherefortomhiddleston @imnotrevealingmyname
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
An unfair race
I finally finished this! This fic is kind of a follow on to Endless Nights. Note: That fic is rated M and contains some sexual content, but you do not need to read it for this to make sense. I wanted to combine Finn talking with Heather, and an aspect of the discussion after that fic, where we talked about athletes in particular using exercise as a coping mechanism, and how this can sometimes turn unhealthy.
Some content warnings for this one: over exercise (if you'd like to skip the explicit description of this, skip to after the first stars, although there are a couple of mentions throughout), food mentions, self-depreciation and mentions of coming out/being outed.
Rating: T
If you feel I missed any content warnings or need to change the rating, please drop me a message!
The characters in this fic are from the sweater weather universe and belong to @lumosinlove
Finn’s entire body ached as his feet pounded against the path once more. His form was sloppy now, shoulders too hunched over and his strides falling without any real control. He forced himself onwards, breaths coming in fast pants, the straining muscles of his quads screaming desperately for more oxygen. And yet, his brain still whirred, obnoxiously loud thoughts pushing their way back to the forefront each time Finn managed to grasp a few blissful quiet seconds. He’d lost count of the number of times he’d passed the statue of the girl and her ducks, the smile on her face that he normally found so comforting becoming more and more irritating with each meeting. As he came to the gates of the park, Finn contemplated going home, but even just the reduced speed had brought the taunting thoughts back with a vengeance. One more go.
"H, has her jacket on. Has everybody got their game faces ready, boys?" It had been at least 30 minutes since James had made the joke as they all tumbled from the locker room, yet the sound of bright laughter still rang in Finn's ears.
He watched as Heather tugged her suit jacket more tightly around her, their eyes meeting for the third time in short succession. Fuck. Finn pushed his tongue against his mouthguard, sinking his teeth into the hard plastic. Later, self-inflicted as the need would be, he would complain about the new one he’d have moulded, each guard always feeling slightly different. For now, the rhythmic clench of his jaw was soothing.
Finn forced a breath through his nose, trying not to react too visibly as Heather dipped her head once more to add another scribbled note to the small, black book she carried everywhere. He forced himself to look away, knowing his constant glances were giving away his unease. Whilst Heather didn’t come to every training session, not even most, it wasn’t that uncommon to see her hovering around the edges of the ice, and ordinarily, only the very newest of the team paid any attention to her beyond an initial greeting.
“Earth to O’Hara!”
Finn held up his hand in apology, shaking himself back to the training session. Kasey’s eyes bored into him. It wasn't his usual intense stare, but something more concerned and Finn waited for the inevitable question. After a long few seconds, Kasey's eyes dropped to the puck, passing it back to Finn to take another shot.
The numbers on the clock inched forwards, slow and heavy like the sweet sticky molasses Leo was so fond of. Still, when Coach finally dismissed them for the day, Finn found himself wanting to take another lap. If he could get his thighs to burn enough then his head would race a little less, and it wouldn’t be too suspicious; Finn’s record of being last on the ice was surpassed only by Sirius. Before Finn could really consider it, Leo was next to him, knocking their shoulders together.
“Hey,” Leo cocked his head slightly, hair ruffled from the mask he’d recently pulled off and his pale skin glistening with sweat. He looked as beautiful as ever. Illogical as it was, it somehow made the dull ache in Finn's chest worse. "Everything good?"
"Yeah," Finn tried for a smile. "Busy brain today, that's all." There was no point brushing the question off completely; Leo was scarily observant. He and Logan often joked that he had eyes in the back of his head. Finn had no doubt he had caught the many pucks he had missed over the last hour.
"That sucks," Leo said, scepticism leaking into his voice. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Finn followed his glance behind them to where Logan was tussling with Jackson, loud rumblings of French intertwined with their laughter. "Or Lo, perhaps?"
"I like it when he looks like that,” Finn sighed.
"Mmm, me too” Leo hummed, his features softening. “Don’t think I didn’t notice that change of subject though, Sir. You don’t have to talk to me about it, but please don’t bottle it all."
Finn slumped into his stall, smiling as Leo lifted his hand to press a kiss to the knuckles. “I’m dealing with it.”
“Baby,” Leo started, his next word morphing into a stunted exhalation of air. His eyes closed briefly, his shoulders squaring before he relaxed them. He opened his mouth again, the sentence uttered clearly not what he’d originally planned on saying. "I'm going to take my padding off and head to see Lars. I think Loops is sticking around so I can get a ride with him if you two want to go home?"
Finn thought back to the quiet look of concern on Logan's face after he'd got home from his run the previous evening, and to the creased lines of worry at the corners of Leo's eyes earlier. "I think I might go and see Heather," he shrugged.
"Thank God," Logan appeared, wrapping his arms around Finn's waist. "Your runs were getting ridiculous."
"You didn't say anything?" Finn turned in Logan's arms, to rest his chin on top of his head.
"We were going to give you one more day. Leo wanted to speak to you this evening, only I had faith.”
"Oh, fuck off," Leo laughed. "You were just avoiding the conversation."
“I’m offended that you would even suggest that,” Logan burrowed into Finn’s chest. The sweat soaked gear they wore didn’t smell great, but neither of them seemed to care.
Moody huffed as he veered around them, his arms filled with tape. “No canoodling in the locker room.”
“As lovely as this chat has been Finn, if you really did just come in to catch up then I’m going to have to ask you to leave. I’ve got a couple of sessions this afternoon, and a mound of paperwork to complete,” Heather shifted in the forest green bucket chair. They were new since Finn had last been in here, replacing an ugly leather thing that Heather had always complained was too stereotypical. She’d removed her jacket now that she was back in her heated office, the item hung on the back of the door where it rightfully belonged.
Finn, freshly showered and changed, sat cross legged in the chair opposite. He reached forward to grab more pretzel sticks from the bowl on the table between them, puckering his lips as his tongue protested another injection of salt. “You know there is something I could do with your opinion on.”
Despite the reaction being minute, Finn saw the tiny upwards quirk of Heather’s lips. “Go on,” she encouraged.
“It’s dumb,” Finn muttered, drumming his fingers against the arm of the chair.
“Thoughts don’t have moral value Finn, it’s what we do with that’s important.” Heather pulled a handful of tissues from a box on the table, holding them out. “Tap away, but please spare the upholstery.”
“Sorry,” Finn grimaced, cleaning his hands of the salty residue.
“No need to apologise, I’m just still a bit precious about the new furniture.” Heather smiled. “Why do you think your issue is dumb?”
“It’s -” Finn tugged at his sleeve. “I can just never be happy with what I’ve got can I? I spent 8 years saying that if Logan could just love me back then I’d never complain again. And now I’ve got Logan and Leo and I’m still not happy.”
“What’s making you unhappy?
Finn breathed in deeply, scrunching his eyes shut. He’d spent weeks stuffing the pain into the tiniest box he could in his brain, and now here Heather was asking him to just - talk about it?
“Finn, look at me?” Finn did as he was asked, lifting his head to find Heather’s kind eyes. “I’m going to reiterate something I’ve said before. You can say anything you want here. It doesn’t matter if it’s selfish or unkind or if you think it’s stupid. Unless I think you’re a danger to yourself or anybody else, then nobody is going to hear about it.”
Finn bit his lip, wiggling his toes beneath his legs. “I get jealous,” he rushed out. “I get jealous of Cap and Loops and Potts and Lily and all those other couples who just get to hug and kiss and tell the cameras how stupidly in love they are.” He paused, the panic of having told somebody matching the relief, but now the words had started tumbling out he couldn’t stop. “I get so angry about it. Sometimes, for the tiniest second, I hate them. All of them.” he whispered, barely able to admit it. “And then I just feel worse. Because I love them too and it’s not their fault. Cap and Loops didn’t even get a choice in the matter. How messed up is it to be jealous of somebody that got outed?”
“Emotions are complex. It is possible for you to have sympathy for Sirius and Remus, whilst still feeling jealous that they now can be more open about their relationship.”
'I don't like it," Finn huffed. The sentence had come out mimicking a toddler having a tantrum. Finn wanted to act like one too, to throw himself on the floor and scream.
“Have you spoken to Leo or Logan about it?”
“No,” Finn frowned. “It would just make them sad and I don’t want them to pressure them. I don’t want them to know I think such horrible things.”
“Okay,” Heather nodded. “Imagine one of them came to you and told you everything you’d just told me. What would you say to them?”
“Wait.” A distressed noise fell from Finn’s lips. “Do they talk to you about this too? Both of them make a comment here or there, but we talked about it not long ago and we agreed that we weren’t ready.”
“Finn, you know I can’t tell you about what I discuss with Leo or Logan.”
“It was worth a shot,” Finn shrugged.
“So, what would you say?”
“I’d say they are entitled to be jealous. I'd say it’s not fair we don’t get to do everything the others do just because the world is homophobic and close minded and can’t imagine the three of us could love each other exactly the same as every other more traditional couple. I’d say that I know they don’t hate Cap or Loops or Potts or Lily, they hate the situation and that’s completely understandable. It fucking sucks and they can be angry about it." Finn drew in a hulking breath, Heather's outline a little blurred through his wet eyes. Each word had sent an aching pain through his body, similar to when he ran, only now he felt like was chasing something cathartic rather than running away.
"Earlier you said what you had to tell me was dumb," Heather said. "Can you explain why you think that it's dumb for you to feel that way, horrible even, but if it were Leo or Logan their feelings are valid."
"Maybe it's not dumb," Finn looked down at his hands, tracing over the freckles there. "But that doesn't change the fact I don't like having those thoughts. Especially when I don't want to act on them. I’m okay with waiting to tell people about us, if we ever do. They're not ready. I'm not ready."
"That’s something we can work on. Helping you to reframe those thoughts, I mean.” Heather slipped her notebook from where it had been tucked beside her and made a note. Finn leaned his elbow on his leg, tucking his chin onto his fist, trying to make his attempts to see the page surreptitious. Capping her pen, she gave a small chuckle, “I’m just leaving myself a reminder of what we’ve discussed. You can always ask what I’m writing, I’m not trying to keep secrets from you.”
Finn sat back, the book no longer quite so interesting now that it wasn’t forbidden. “So? That’s it?”
Heather hummed. “For today. I think you’ve got a lot to think about already. I’ll schedule some more sessions with you over the next few days, okay? It’ll give me a chance to get some new pretzels.”
"Thanks," Finn laughed, then gestured at the empty bowl. "For the pretzels. And the talk."
“That’s what I’m here for,” Heather said. “I’m just going to ask one thing of you before I see you next. Please try to keep your evening runs to a reason-”
“Who snitched?”
“There was no snitching, as you call it. We’ve just known each other for a while now, Finn. And as an employee of the Lions whose job it is to make sure you’re at top playing ability, I don’t want you to injure yourself. As your psychologist, I want you to have healthy coping mechanisms and exercising to that extent is not healthy.”
“I know,” Finn unfolded his legs, stretching them out. They’d gone stiff after being sat on for so long, the sensation coming back with an uncomfortable tingle. “I’ll try to keep the runs in check, promise.” His gaze fell on the closed door, steeling himself to leave. He stood, sending Heather one last smile. It was safe in here, but his boys were out there.
“See you soon, Finn.”
Stepping out of the office, Finn closed his eyes, giving himself a second to compose himself. A rustle of movement to his left caught his attention, startling a little at the sight of Leo and Logan. They sat on the floor, Leo’s hand resting on Logan’s knee where they were hunched to his chest.
“Sorry,” Leo scrambled to his feet, his arm outstretched to let Logan pull himself upright too. “We didn’t want to wait too far away. In case, well, I don’t know, you needed us.”
Finn joined them, immediately finding Logan attached to his side, his familiar warmth exactly what he wanted right now. “I’m okay,” he assured. “I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about it with you guys just yet. I need a bit of time to process, but just you being here makes things better. I’m going to see Heather a bit more too.”
“Proud of you.” Leo flanked him on the other side, taking his hand. Finn didn’t get to be in the middle often, Logan usually claiming the spot, and he felt like he had a kind of shield. “We just want you to be happy. And safe.”
“Can we go home, please?”
“Ouais, home,” Logan agreed.
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niqhtlord01 · 4 years
Humans are Weird: Pack Mentality
( Don’t forget to come see my on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord )
The shift bell screeched across the construction yard and one by one the workers began filing out.
Florp was high up on the five story metal frame when the bell rang out. He had been welding two beams together at the time and had just finished his final weld.
His species were known as Zepoids and were a jellyfish like creature with no eyes, mouth, or other orifice to speak. One might might even be forgiven for mistake them for a large pile of jello upon first contact. Yet the Zepoids were fully sentient and could alter their body structure to fit any shape needed, even going so far to grow several different arms capable of the most delicate of touch or, in Florp's case, strong enough to hold on to a raw structural beam without slipping.
Carefully deactivating his welding torch and putting it inside his jelly like body, Florp detached from the beam and fell several stories to the ground of the construction site with a loud "Foop!". The benefit of being a jelly creature lacking any bones was not lost on Florp and he was often picked to handle jobs more often considered hazardous to his fellow workers.
Rolling along the hard surface to the toolshed Florp popped out his welding torch and then left for the exit along with the rest of the workers.
Most of the workers had gotten used to Florp working with them and weren't scared or uneased by the goo like creature rolling around and over time Florp had made some companions, though the human word for it was "Fir-en-sds".  One of them just happened to walk next to Florp after they left the yard.
"We're going to head over to the Drunkards Gallows for a few beers," Ronan said as he walked alongside Florp, "want to join us?"
Lacking any form of muscle to help produce sound Zepoids never needed to communicate using sounds until after their discovery and inclusion into the galactic community. To compensate for this they had learned how to control their bodies mass and inhale air before forming specific openings and exhaling. As the air left through these openings it would generate specific sounds which Zepoids could use to form words if altering the shape in rapid succession.
"Yeeeeesh." Florp spoke through his wind tubes.
Ronan smiled and turned to some other workers who had been following.
"Florp's in." he said and they smiled and nodded.
The bar was packed tonight but the group was able to find a table near the back. Alongside Ronan and Florp were Jack, Paul, and Moxford; though everyone just called him Moxy.  
Florp did not understand the concept of socializing as his existence had never been dependent upon the interactions of others. Yet as he had interreacted with humans more and more he had realized that it seemed highly dependent for them to survive. Over time Florp had adapted this mindset as well oddly enough as he seemed to enjoy his time in the company of others than alone.
He had joined his fellow workers on such outings before often to the same bar and found himself in his usual stool; occasionally reaching out with a goo tentacle and grab several peanuts from the bowl and let them be dissolved slowly in his body.
It was in one such instance when some passers by bumped into Florp's stool and knocked it over throwing him to the ground. He landed on the floor of the bar and splashed out like a water balloon from the impact. Some of the other patrons who had bumped into him then stepped on Florp while he was on the floor and slipped, throwing them to the floor as well.
One of them tried to right themselves by bracing their hand to the floor, but to do so had put their hand straight through Florp's body that was still dissolving peanuts.
"Fucking shit!" The patron cried as they felt the skin of their hand slowly start dissolving.  They pulled back their hand and cradled it as their friends came over to see what happened. One of them pointed to Florp who was slowly regaining his blob like form.
"That alien freak just attacked us!"
The others of their group sounded off as well.
"Why'd they even let that freak in here?"
"Go back to your shithole you piece of shit!"
"The fuck you thinking hurting our friend?!"
Florp was taking in all of these questions at once and was trying to respond when he felt a bottle thrown against him. One of the group had picked up a nearby beer and chucked it at him while he was still on the ground. The bottle impacted Florp but then became stuck in his body as if it had been thrown into a mound of snow.
Before another bottle was thrown Moxy was beside Florp and shoving the harassers back.
"The fuck do you think you're doing to my friend?"
Moxy was now standing between Florp and he reached down and pulled out the beer bottle that was still stuck in Florp's body.
"You're alien freak burned my hand!" The harasser held up his hand to show a thin layer of his skin had dissolved.
"Then maybe you should watch were you're going." Ronan said as he joined Moxy while Paul and Jack looked on but kept drinking.
"Who the hell are you?" They pointed to Florp. "This things owner?"
"His name is Florp," Ronan said, "and he is my friend."
The other group snickered and laughed.
""Friends" he says" one of them chuckled. "I guess when you've a face that ugly you'd put your dick in anything."
One of them threw another bottle at Florp but this time Jack was there. He grabbed the bottle mid toss and without beating a stride chucked it right back at the prick who threw it, striking him right in the face sending him toppling to the floor.
Moxy and Ronan looked startled at Jack's intervention but he just stood their wiping his hands.
"You mess with one of us you mess with all of us."
Florp was confused as to what was going on but as the man who had been knocked down got back up to his feet he pointed at Jack and shouted "Get him!"
As they rushed forward Paul put down his drink and calmly grabbed hold of his wooden stool and threw it like a club right into the chest of the first one rushing sending them flying.
Another tackled Jack to their table and they struggled for a moment before the wood broke under them and crashed to the floor. Moxy and Ronan raised their fists and starts swinging left and right while Florp rolled around the floor dodging this foot and that.
An hour later after dodging the cops the group had broke off down and alleyway and took a breather. They bailed on the fight just as the squad cars rolled up outside and fled out the back door several blocks away.
Florp rolled in front of Ronan and stretched himself high enough to match his height.
"Why.........fight......them....?" He gasped the words out.
Ronan just let a soft smile cross his face as he kept taking deep breathes.
"You're one of us mate." He coughed out before slapping his knee and straightening up. "When someone messes with one of us.."
"...they mess with all of us." Paul finished as he adjusted his grip on Jack who was still dazed from the bottle of gin that struck him.
Florp pondered this and looked over his friends.
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jadelynlace · 3 years
Ink Drinker / Modern Vikings AU [Ivar x F!Reader], Chapter 5
catch up here!
synopsis: Ivar was only meant to be a friend with benefits, but he caught feelings for his older brother’s best friend, and co-worker: you.
pairing: Ivar x F!Reader
***content warning [PLEASE READ]: this chapter is quite gruesome, please read at your own risk. yes this is based off of a trauma call I actually went to, and yes I am sparing some of the sicker details because it truly was one of the worst calls I had ever walked in on. and yes, it actually happened this way and yes, this helps me heal from it. ok, that is all.
author’s note: I’m so sorry.
A sinful noise comes from Ivar’s mouth in the exact moment you entered in through the threshold. Truthfully, the sound sent a shiver down your spine, worrisome as the twenty four hour shift ended and Ivar had chosen to go to your flat last night, not his own. 
“Why are you in my house, Ivar?” You say to him, eyes scanning over his half naked body as it tangled throughout the sheets, biceps set to curling around the rather feminine color of your duvet.
“Good morning to you too,” Ivar says back with a yawn that croaks from his mouth as he pulls the covers back. “Come lay with me,” Your mind rolls ideas between your ears, behind your eyes as you calculate why Ivar willingly came to your empty place the night prior, when he knew you were working yourself to death on the back of a never ending ambulance.
“That didn’t answer my question, Ivar,” Your voices teases him as you walk about the small space, pulling pins from your collar. He goes silent after your statement, moving the blankets to cover his face out of a twinge of embarrassment, not sure how you would take to learning that he felt better here. Felt happier, even when you weren’t home it gave him that sense that he wasn’t alone. You peek your head back to make out the large mound under the duvet, Ivar rolling under it and flopping on to his stomach. Tossing the discarded blues into your hamper, the tags, keys, pins and your tactical belt are all put away neatly in their homes as you pull on a shirt that no longer has a real shape to it. Ivar’s eyes peel open when you creep the covers off of his face, the cold air rushing against his skin and you’re in his vision—not as blurry to his glasses-less eyes as you make way to snuggle into him.
“Don’t want to creep you out,” Ivar says to you lowly, voice hoarse like sandpaper, scratching in its new use and you only turn your head to give him a sideways look. “It makes me feel better to be here,” He finally admits, fingers busying themselves with the loose hem on your shirt as he still won’t look at you. “Makes me feel less alone even if you’re not here,” You want to sigh, you want to cup his cheeks and push them together like he’s a toddler who’s being too damn adorable for your undertaking, but you can’t. These are words that took him a while to finally speak, progress for what darkness seems to leech in his mind at all hours, and now only a sliver of light comes through because he’s telling you how he feels. The reasoning behind it all, the baring of his soul on the bedsheets and stark naked with his emotions.
“You can come here whenever you want Ivar, you know that.” You say back, eyes searching his and they close briefly, sighing in a moment of relief because you’re not throwing him out on to the street for his choice. “Anything that makes you feel better, you should do,” You tell him, a peck to the corner of his mouth as you settle against him. “As long as it’s legal,” You add quickly, picking your head up in haste to move your point across and Ivar only chuckles as you do.
“You know what makes me feel better?” Ivar whispers and he’s climbs over you, pressing a weight to rein over you and you giggle. Sluggish as he moves with his hair tickling your face and he’s finally made the leeway with his figure, bending his forearms to catch his weight.
“What makes you feel better?” You ask him, looking up at this man who is so hopelessly in love with you he doesn’t even care to hide it on his face.
“You make me feel better,” Ivar tells you and the words hardly escape before his lips are against yours. Languid and soft, relishing in how your nails scratch up his back, humming as they press along his skin like keys on a piano and he finally drops his weight. Laying over you as his lips find their place on your pulse point, grazing the skin like thousands of little needles and you let a breathless moan pass from your tongue. Ivar only hums in response as his mouth stays busy, splotching you and navigating the skin to make sure more of the dots will stay hidden when you put your blues back on. His forehead rests on the length of your collarbone, his hand moving around the mattress to find yours. “I’ve never been in love until I met you,” Ivar whispers against you skin, sinking the praise into your pores and it shatters your heart but repairs it just as quickly. Resting his cheek he finally looks up at you, dragging his fingertips down your nose and there’s a low light that’s dancing off of his features, paling his blue eyes as he gazes at you.
“I love you, too Ivar,” You say softly and you mean the sentence with every single fiber in your body. You’d say it until you were blue in the face if it helped to heal every demon in his mind. He smiles as you say it, like he still can’t believe his luck.
“Want you—but I know you’re tired,” He mumbles and his lips take back to the game against your skin and you know he doesn’t mean to try to turn you in his favor. But you tell him about the coffee you had—more than you should have had if you planned to sleep some of the day away and he’s moving back over you again. Worshipping you with each press of his lips, each roll of his hips as he grinds down against your spread legs. He’s not rushed with how he feels you, how he only kicks his pants off and pulls your bottoms off as you undress fully for him, his eyes just watching your skin as he kisses each knee cap and then he’s back over you. Mouth against yours as the tip of his cock brushes against your opening, how that small notion is already so heavenly and when he’s finally pushing into you, you’re holding back on to him. Letting him know you’re there as he moves slowly in the morning light. Heavy breathing and soft mews between the both of you while Ivar brings you to your peek with the rolls of his hips and his tongue on yours. And he falls with you, panting and coating your walls and humming in pure contentment because this is a sensation he never wants to forget, never lose, as long as he lives, sleeping the morning away tangled between you and the sheets.
It had rolled into another slow morning left with nothing other to do than mop the bay’s floors and terrorize Hvitserk with unruly sprays from the soap gun. Laughing as he flinched, all but made inhuman noises whenever your aim got closer to his pristine blues. You two had gone on coffee runs, stopping to grab lunch and snacking away with boots up on the benches as another unrealistic drama show flashes from the screen. It was a bright change for the days that you two had spent together, but the quietness was never welcomed completely without the slow thoughts of what was to come lingering behind it. A car into a semi-truck. Hvitserk tipped his head back and groaned so loudly he nearly fell backwards from his chair. At least you were just able to blaze through the streets of town with loud horns and bright sirens and command the authority to have everyone bow to your right of way. 
It was warm, growing increasingly so in the last few hours and the sun hung well above the road. Scattered with the remains of scrap metal, tangled mess of a car and the comically unbent eighteen wheeler. The fire engine met you on the scene, already blinking with two police cars and in your maneuvering to park the rig close, you caught more of the vehicle wreck. A tangled mess of a black mustang and you could feel the blood drain from your face as your heart stopped.
“Hvitserk,” You whine and that snaps his attention from the back the rig as he’s pulling gloves for both of you. “Oh my god Hvitserk it’s Ivar,” You all but yell and he bolts from the back of the double doors to round the ambulance. And then he sees it. And you see it. Your partner takes off, no protective gear as a shield and you grab him, locking an arm to pull him back as a look of panic crosses him like a field. “Focus,” You hiss at him. “Do your job and fucking focus—you’re the best medic on the god damn team and you need to prove that right now,” But you could say the speech until you’re blue in the face, gasping as the words fall with no meaning because Hvitserk is out of control for the first time ever on a call.
“He’s awake in there,” A voice calls from the other side of the car.
“Get the trauma bag.” You call to your partner and then you take off, steel toes rounding the car and there’s no door to open anymore. Just a blown out rear view window that’s already been cut by those jaws. You see Ivar blink and your mind shuts off completely. 
“Hey baby,” His voice rasps when he sees you in his sight, picking his head up while the crushed front end of the car covers his legs like a blanket. Your heart is stabbed with a knife and you can’t worry about that right now, you can’t worry about how you feel because your uniform is telling you that you’re the only hope for the man you so deeply love.
“Ivar keep your head down please, I need you to stay as still as possible.” You tell him and Hvitserk makes his way behind you. 
“We need the take this side off!” Hvitserk’s voice calls to the fire department. The noise of his voice floats behind you and he pulls another fire fighter to aid him in the collection of equipment he’s sending to you.
“What’s that?” Ivar asks you and you’re reaching behind you for the c-collar. 
“This keeps your neck straight, Ivar, it’s very important that you don’t move. How else are you feeling?”
“My legs feel funny,” Ivar mumbles to you as you lock the device around his neck. At his words you peek down for the first time and your stomach rolls. Churning like a great open sea as you see the mess that is before the two of you. There is no clear cut determining factor of where his legs start and the car ends. 
“Ivar can you feel my hand right here?” You ask him as you have it on his thigh.
“I like it when you touch me there baby,” Ivar slurs and it’s a twist of his words drooling from his mouth as he’s trying to stay awake. Even as his body shuts down. Even with the same bastard smirk. You back out slowly and Hvitserk replaces your spot as quickly as he’ll allow; tunneled vision as he asses Ivar’s closest vein and through a shake in his fingers, hooks him up to a line. “What are you doing brother?” He asks and his voice is smaller now, like a child and Hvitserk only sadly smiles.
“This is pain medicine Ivar, so we can get you out of the car. You’re going to get really tired and I don’t want you to fight it, alright? I’ll see you when you wake up.” Are the last words Ivar registers and his world becomes dark.
The hiss of the saw catches your attention as you watch the sparks sizzle on the heated asphalt. Linens down on the stretcher and reflective gear covering you but your body is so cold, chilled and down right hypothermic as the car groans lowly once it is peeled apart. Like bark from a tree as it curls into scrap metal and Hvitserk cranks two tourniquets on each of Ivar’s legs. 
“Helicopter?” You call to him and he shakes his head.
“It’ll be faster if you drive him down to the trauma center. They won’t fly—it’s too cloudy today,” He calls back and you can’t help but think of the ever going joke about how the pilots don’t fly, even with only one cloud in the whole sky. There’s yelling, screams, the buzz of machines and too much noise but Ivar is still asleep, and you find comfort in the fact that he’s not seeing what you are. Your reflective vest catches the sunlight and it bounces into your face, mixes with your tear filled eyes and you wipe them along your sleeve to smear mascara and sweat. As soon as the command comes from around you that it’s safe, the car is stable and you can reach your patient, you waste no time.
It takes you, Hvitserk and two of the largest firemen on the team to pull Ivar from the wreck. Hooking around his arms and you can still smell his cologne over the burnt rubber that takes up home in your nostrils. His legs are crushed, obliterated and shattered and you’re queasy for the first time ever on a call. They drag behind him like dead limbs as he’s sliding up the back board. Hvitserk tears what was left of his jeans in adrenaline as he tries to wrap what he can to stay sterile but the injuries are far too extreme for you two alone to treat. The mess of mangled flesh and your heart breaks even farther as you see the art work on his skin now a waste because you know how Ivar loves his tattoos. They’re smashed and bent and somehow still there and if it were any other call there would be pictures being taken and you would be exchanging glances with your partner. Treating the rest of what he can and Hvitserk pales, because you both know Ivar may never walk again. 
From above his belt, Ivar looks normal—he looks like the man you saw this morning—your Ivar. Obvious contusions from the seat belt and the airbag, torn shirt cut right up the middle as you attach the stickers to his chest. The Like Pak squeezes an already bulged bicep for his blood pressure and it’s dropping quickly. The non-rebreather mask’s reservoir fills with oxygen and you watch the plastic palpate, the fingers in his left hand twitch like they do when he’s asleep. It feels like a nightmare, loud noises and beating sun with clouds that pass and every time shade greats you, you find another injury on his body. The motions come so simply because your mind has gone, sucked out the window and on a vacation because you need to focus on what you’re doing, now more than ever.
Protruding tibia bones look back at you, knee caps that are now mere powder mock you. You see his bones, you see his muscles, you see every inner part of both of his legs stabbed with shrapnel and the glass, raw and cherry colored, and you think you’re going to pass out as you pull the gurney to the machine that grabs it, sucking into the back of the ambulance. Hvitserk jumps back there you slam the doors so quickly, trying to shut that world out to focus on this one. And then you pull the ambulance around and gun it, sandwiching the peddle between your blood covered boot and the ambulance’s floor. Even over the sirens, the blare of the horn you can hear your partner praying. Praying to a God he doesn’t believe in for his brother to live through this as the monitor sings a tune that Ivar is crashing.
“Come on brother—don’t do this to me,” He curses and pulls another vile, cranks the oxygen flow and sends more fluid into his body. “Don’t do this to me Ivar. Not today. Not today, Ivar,” And the tears finally start again in your eyes as you curse the vehicle for not going any faster. For its limit of one hundred and twenty miles per hour on the open lane of the freeway because cars have spread. They’ve parted as this creature screams for them to obey and you see the cop cars ahead of you, trying to pave the way and then the flight car. Your section chief right on your front bumper and you know he can tell its you driving the ambulance. You’re the fastest driver he’s ever employed and now is the time to remember that—and your job as you all carry Ivar’s body from this battle, into a much worse one.
Ink Drinker Tags:
@smileysam13579 @dreamtherapy @heisentwerk  @angelofthenightposts @ill-skillsgard @youaremyfamiliar @unbetaedimagines @kathryn-jane @readsalot73 @skrsgardspam @lihikainanea @queen-sarang   @anastasiaskarsgard @andmyannabellee @walkxthexmoon  @flowers-in-your-hayr @peachyboneless @heavenly1927 @istorkyou @victoria-styles @quantumlocked310 @xbellaxcarolinax @mighty-ragnarssons @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom @queen-of-upshur @nanahachikyuu @fandomlifeandeverythingelse @ivarhoegh @a5hl3y5ibley  @apenas-mais-uma-pessoa  @youbloodymadgenius @love-all-things-writing  @theanxietyqueen17 @trip2themoon @tgrrose @synnersaint 
*please message me to let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list. specifications for series/etc. are also welcomed, as well as feedback.*
full masterlist can be found here.
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bigbadredpanda · 4 years
Hi, do you think demonic cultivation in mdsz is inherently corruptive for the practitioner?
Hi there! In the wuxia/xianxia/xuanhuan genres, demonic arts are commonly pitted against the orthodox and conventional paths of cultivation. They can be depicted as a shortcut to gain power quickly but the consequences are twofold. The practitioner alienates themselves from the world at large and cultivates at the expanse of the their well-being as it can even be a path of no return. In mdzs, the appeal of demonic cultivation lies in the lack of necessity to form a golden core, anyone has the potential to learn demonic techniques instead of having to become affiliated to a Sect and toiling for years to improve your cultivation with your prowess being tied to your innate ability.
When Wei Wuxian first emerges from Burial Mounds and displays his newly forged powers, Lan Wangji confronts him by saying: “Those who study demonic cultivation shall eventually pay the price. Since times immemorial, there has been no exception.” (ch.62). Repeatedly, he warns him that “this path is harmful to the body, even more so to the heart” (ch.48, 62, 71), thus creating a rift between them each time they encounter one another. In an interview, MXTX confirms that the pervasive influence of demonic cultivation resulted in a progressive loss of control that culminated in a backlash that killed Wei Wuxian. So a question that is worth asking is why does Lan Wangji never object to Wei Wuxian resuming demonic cultivation after the latter’s rebirth? One answer to this is Lan Wangji’s character development, he is no longer as intransigently set in his (and his Sect’s) ways, he does not rebuke or oppose Wei Wuxian, instead he supports him wordlessly. He is the only one who has grown from the experience of the past, Wei Wuxian’s self-control has much improved, he has learnt from his mistakes and lets bygones be bygones. He meets the second siege of Burial Mounds and his accusers calmly with Lan Wangji being a steadying presence at his side. (”But this time, he was no longer alone” (ch.68)). When the tide turns after witnesses come to lay charges against Jin Guangyao, he points out that the flaws in the testimonies but his opinion is dismissively brushed off. “Hearing this, Wei Wuxian gave a faint smile but did not speak again. He knew that no one currently heeded his words or gave thought to his misgivings. Were he to argue more, the focus might shift again to him. If this happened a decade ago, he would have had no regard to what others thought, he would have said whatever he wished to say whether people wanted to listen to him or not. But now Wei Wuxian was no longer interested in being in the public eye” (ch.86).
In conclusion, I believe that with Wei Wuxian’s improved self-command and him being in a much more stable emotional state than in the past, he will not repeat past mistakes and lose control again, especially now that he has Lan Wangji’s trust and support to steady him. Plus, he will be able to to cultivate a new golden core in this body, further mitigating the noxious effects of demonic cultivation by balancing it out with proper regulation of his spiritual energy.
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yutahoes · 4 years
(Special Chapter)
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requested by anon and this anon. (Your wish is my command. But I feel like it’s lacking. Sorry)
This is just a special chapter from Otou-Chan. Please see masterlist for the full story. Thank you. 
Warning: Explicit Smut (Marking, Fondling, Oral - Receiving and Giving, Degradation Kink, Squirting, Breeding, Overstimulation (?), and there’s another one that I don’t know how to tag.), Pregnancy, Couvade Syndrome, Fluff
Word Count : 3.7k  
Tag: @ailoveyuta​
"Ai?" Yuta called in a soft voice, careful not to wake up his wife. It's one of those days again that he came home late from work. To his surprise, (Y/N) called from the kitchen where she's currently doing the dishes. "Hey." he greeted once he found her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Why are you still up?" he asked and noticed the time on the wall, 12:30. Is it this late already? 
The girl finished the plates then turned to him, seeing him still in his suit and dress shirt, tie hanging loosely from his neck. "I finished my artwork late," she claimed as she watched him remove his wristwatch and set it on the table. That gesture made him so hot that she bit her lip, wanting to pounce at him. But he looked so tired. She gulped when he glanced at her, knowing full well that he caught her checking him out. "Overtime?" she asked and he nodded, sitting down. 
The girl went behind him, holding his shoulders and giving them a light squeeze that made him visibly relax. "Did you eat? I'll just heat up something." 
Yuta held her right hand situated on his shoulder as he shook his head. "I had dinner," he claimed. "Coffee will be great." And she smiled, moving across the kitchen to get the coffee maker and prepare him the drink. The sudden loss of her physical touch made him sigh, maybe it's not coffee that he wanted. 
He was admiring her backside while doing the coffee, her long hair, thin waist, and sexy hips. Even her legs look great on the shorts she's wearing. But that's not the best part of her. Lately, he figured that he's obsessed about one thing from her, wanting to touch them all the time that it's making him crazy. 
(Y/N) was surprised when she felt her husband's presence behind her, arms wrapped on her body. She hummed when he gave her a back hug, head nuzzling on the crook of her neck. He gave her a wet kiss on the neck that made her giggle. "I have a class tomorrow afternoon. The director will be mad at me if he sees a hickey on me again." And Yuta chuckled, remembering that one time when her college class kept on teasing her for having a bright reddish bruise on her neck. 
His hands found themselves on the spot that he liked the most, giving it a little squeeze that made her chuckle. "No hickey. Got it," he whispered as he put butterfly kisses on her exposed neck, kneading her breasts. She just smiled at how needy Yuta is being, liking how he massaged her mounds and played with the protruding nipples.
Although he doesn't say anything about work, she noticed the sudden shift in his attitude when he got the chairman position of their company. He became needier and she equated it to the stress that he's getting. It's evident actually, he became thinner since he started managing the whole company. He really is working hard. "Yuta, are you alright at work?" she asked and he leaned in closer as if answering her question. She realized that ever since they both started a career move, it was always her who would tell him about things. 
"I'm just too stressed right now," he mumbled. "I think I'm just too fed up at work lately. Sorry if I'm ignoring you, baby." 
But (Y/N) shook her head and turned to face him. "That's not it. You're always giving me too much," she claimed cutely then bit her lip. Yuta smiled at the sudden change of expression, how can someone be cute and sexy at the same time? "I should be the one apologizing for always being needy and whiny," she claimed then removed his suit, letting it drop on the floor. "So..." she started with a lot of mischief in her voice, fingers undoing the button of his dress shirt. "Since you can't give me a hickey, I'll give you one instead," she claimed then sucked Yuta's chest, making him groan sexily. She licked the spot and gave it a kiss before admiring the red spot she created in contrast to his white skin. "Come to think of it, one isn't enough." And she started sucking spots on his chest, putting color on his pale skin. 
"Oh God, (Y/N)," he called when she bent down to give his stomach marks as well, licking the sensitive navel piercing which she liked so much. Her tongue traced the butterfly tattoo on the side of his stomach. The tattoo he got to divert his mind from the pain of missing her for years. 
She knelt down and it surprised him when she removed his pants, putting down his boxers that it's a pool under him now. "Baby," he called and she shushed him while fisting his growing member. Yuta closed his eyes shut when she kissed the side of his cock, biting his lip to prevent a series of groans to emerge. 
He honestly wanted to try this for a long time, to ask her to suck him but he seriously thought that there's time for everything. And probably, now is the time for this. She gave the tip a lick, kissing it as it oozed precum. "Baby." he called once again, "You shouldn't do this if you're not comfortable," he noted, looking down on her. Damn, she looked so hot kneeling in front of him like that. His wife's hand didn't leave his cock the whole time then smiled before doing the deed. 
Her mouth was really hot or maybe because his cock was really sensitive now but it felt so good that groans escaped his lips. The girl sucked his cock, playing with it inside her mouth and even fondling his balls. His hands reached for her hair, tugging it in a ponytail as he bobbed her head up and down on his cock. Yuta hissed, badly wishing his control wouldn't spill out, but with a mouth so good like this how can he not fuck her mouth? 
"Baby, you're so good." he complimented as the hold on hair got tighter. (Y/N) swallowed his cock, deepthroating him that made him groan. "Oh God, (Y/N)." And that was it, his control going down the drain. He thrusts into her mouth with so much power that if not for his hold on her hair, she might bump her head on the counter. He kept on groaning as he fuck her mouth and felt himself cumming in no time. His cum filled her throat and some dropped on her mouth, even licking the excess from his cock, swallowing it. 
Yuta gave her an adoring smile as he wiped some excess from her lips and she sucked his finger that made him look at her lustfully. "I'm sorry baby," he said then gave her a chaste kiss on the lips, actually tasting himself. "I got carried away." 
But the girl shook her head. "I'm not done with you yet." tracing a finger on the marks that she had done on his body. "Coffee or me?" she asked playfully and he chuckled while muttering her name. "Thought so," she claimed as the plug for the coffeemaker was pulled. 
Their lips were together once again as they struggle to get to their bedroom and she pushed him on the bed, removing her shirt and sitting on top of him. Yuta can't believe that he's already naked, yet here she is, in her bra and shorts. "This is so unfair, you should get naked as well." he revolted which made her laugh. She gave him a kiss then bit the lower part of his lip. "But this is about you for the meantime. I want to make you feel good," she said then sucked a spot by his neck that made him groan. She started filling his skin with red patches that would obviously show in the next few days. 
Her kisses went south until she reached his semi-hard cock and she placed a quick kiss on his tip. (Y/N) removed her bra but before he can hold her breasts, she placed his cock in between them and started thrusting it up and down. The visual and pleasure are too much for Yuta. 
Before, he can only see this in porn or when Jaehyun tells him about his sexcapades but now, his wife, the vanilla type of girl, is making him experience getting fucked by her breasts. He then realized how special a woman's body is. There's no limit on the pleasure that they're giving. 
He came and semen spurted out of his cock, covering her breasts that made her so delectable. Once recovered from his high, he pushed her to bed and started licking his cum off her. He really loved her breasts that he would want to always suck on them and play with them. (Y/N) would moan at the contact of his tongue to her nipples, pulling his hair to enjoy the sensation. His mouth kissed her stomach and she moaned. "Yuta..." she called. "I want to make you feel good..." she whined but he didn't stop his adventure of going south until he's at the waistband of her shorts. "Fuck, Yuta." And she knew what will happen now that he's pulling down her shorts and underwear. 
His tongue immediately licked her clit and she moaned, arching her back at the sensation. Damn, Yuta Nakamoto and his mouth. He parted her legs and started fucking her with his tongue, making her scream in pleasure. His thumb started circling her clit as he alternated the sucking and licking of her pussy. (Y/N) could feel her soul being sucked by Yuta's mouth. And yes, that's how amazing he is. She came in no time, letting him suck everything. 
He grinned while rubbing his mouth using the back of his hand and that gesture looked so sexy, so deadly. "Oh, God. Fuck me," she exclaimed that made him smirk. "Your wish is my command, princess," Yuta mumbled while jerking his cock and positioning it on her entrance, making her nod. His cock sank inside her and he groaned at how tight she is, like a virgin never fucked before. And the thought that it's only him fucking this cunt made the beast in him growl that instead of the usual gentle thrusts, he was jerking into her violently. He wanted to break her, to loosen up that tight pussy and make her so sore that she won't be able to sit in the next few days. 
Fuck, (Y/N) thought, Yuta is so rough but she doesn't want to complain. Not when sex is this good. She could feel her body being thrown to bed with each thrust and his cock hitting her in the pleasure spot. With the way that he is going, she's sure to get so sore tomorrow. Should she just call in sick tomorrow? 
"Yuta!" she shouted as one hand grabbed the headboard and the other scratch his back, wanting something to claw on. He was jerking into her real hard that she can hear his balls slamming against her skin. "Yes, fuck baby." he cursed while jerking in her in such power and speed, driving both their orgasms. She came with a mind rippling orgasm and immediately felt him filling her up. What surprised her is when he didn't pull away after cumming in her. "Yuta..." she called but he just gave her a kiss on the neck.
"God, I'm sorry." He whispered, still hovering above her. "Are you hurt?" 
She giggled at that, remembering the time they had sex before meeting his dad in the hotel room. "I'm fine. You're underestimating me, Otou-chan." She mumbled while threading her fingers through his hair. "I think I'm ovulating. Why am I so horny?" 
It was now his turn to laugh. How adorable. "Then I'll fuck you real good that you'll be so sore." A moan escaped her lips when his fingers rubbed her clit. "When someone asks you what happened, you're going to tell everyone that you became such a sex toy for daddy." She screamed when he slapped her throbbing core and he raised an eyebrow at her. "You like this, my whore?" A husky moan escaped her lips when he repeated the same action. 
She's turned on. This is her kink? "You are such a horny slut, (Y/N)." It made her wetter as possible, making Yuta amused. Three fingers entered her that she tried closing her legs but he pried them open. "Are you close, my whore?" he asked, still rubbing her clit while fingering her vagina.
 Her muffled cries were all Yuta could hear as well as the squelching sound of his fingers inside her. She is so wet and so hot. (Y/N)'s face was filled with too much unadulterated pleasure that makes him so turned on and so hard. "Yuta. Fuck!" she shouted as she squirted much to the guy's delight. She was trembling in pleasure as the liquid poured outside her vagina as if she peed. Fuck it, Yuta is so amazing for making her a mess like this. The girl felt light-headed at what happened and he just smirked like being proud of himself. "I bet I can do that again," he claimed that made her groan when he rolled on top of her, jerking his hard cock before entering her pussy hole. Damn it, she's really going to be so sore tomorrow. 
He started thrusting into her, steady and in such a pace that made him almost inhumane. Fuck Yuta and his stamina, this will really be the death of her. Because of the stimulation earlier, his cock was almost sliding inside her due to her wetness. He kept on thrusting inside her, the bed squeaking in protests as her moans filled the room. He really had the goal to make her have difficulty in walking tomorrow, doesn't he? "Oh fuck!" she kept on screaming, hands gripping the bedsheet for something to claw on at how pleasurable everything is. If this continues on, they'll definitely top the sex they had in Paris and she'll probably be full in the brim with his cum. 
God. At this rate, she's surely getting pregnant soon. 
Yuta woke up feeling chills all over his body. It's weird, he's not like this last night. He even enjoyed dinner with his family. Is he feeling ill all of a sudden? His stomach was churning that he ran to the bathroom quickly, vomiting whatever it is that is inside his stomach. "Are you sick?" (Y/N) asked, leaning on the doorway of the bathroom with a glass of water. "Did you drink with otousan last night?" 
He nodded, remembering sake but it's only glass. He's not drunk. "I feel nauseous." Then shook his head. "I'm fine. I'll go downstairs after this." She nodded asking him again if he wanted to drink any medicine but he shook his head, repeating that he's fine. 
(Y/N) was helping in the kitchen when Yuta came down asking for a glass of water. She offered a cup of coffee but he declined, stomach churning at the smell of caffeine. What is wrong with him? "I'm still sleepy." 
"You just woke up." his dad claimed, laughing at him. The older was spreading peanut butter in his toast when he noticed (Y/N) putting freshly cut apples in between the peanut butter sandwich. 
This action caught his stepmom's eye. Oh, she gets it now. "(Y/N), when was the last time you had your period?" She was still munching on her treat when she looked at the older. She didn't actually think about her period. Why? "I think you two are pregnant." 
It's weird that instead of her, Yuta is the one experiencing the symptoms of pregnancy. He would wake up vomiting or even get really sleepy. "You must have really loved your wife." Her doctor would always note whenever Yuta has questions about her pregnancy and its symptoms. Even when his friends found out that they're pregnant, they kept on teasing him for liking (Y/N) so much. 
Yuta does, as a matter of fact. How fascinating is it to be a woman? Imagine bearing a child for nine months inside you, experiencing vomiting every morning and restlessness. And all he could do is watch and wait. She had these unusual cravings like mango or tamarind in the middle of the night and he cannot complain, she's doing too much.
She would have these heavy mood swings where she changes into another person instantly. She would easily cry while watching a movie, sobbing as if she's the main character then would laugh too much after the movie. And it's adorable, honestly. 
Another thing that he cannot wrap his head to is her obsession with him. Whenever he would return home at night, she would wrap his arms around him telling him that she loves him so much which made him giggle. At night, she would make it a point that their bodies are touching even if her belly is starting to protrude. In the mornings, she would cling to him and whine about leaving her at home that would put a smile on his face for the whole day. Really adorable. 
"Yuta…" she called from the bedroom, sobbing. The guy stood up from the couch in worry, leaving his laptop on top of the coffee table. She was sprawled on the floor, in the middle of their bedroom, surrounded by her clothes. "I'm too fat. I can't fit my clothes anymore."
He sighed then kneeled in front of her, wiping her tears. She's in her last trimester, just two months before their little bean comes out. "Love, you have a lot of maternity dresses." 
Her cries got louder and he panicked. Did he say something wrong? "I want to look good beside you. You're practically a God and I look like a pig beside you." 
"A cute piggy." And she slapped his arm that made him whine in pain, laughing. "You are still the prettiest woman in my eyes. The cutest, the sexiest…" 
"Even if I don't fit my clothes anymore?" 
Yuta nodded. She's really cute. "You can wear my clothes." He smirked. "Or you can just be naked here in the house, I wouldn't complain anyway." Another slap and he giggled, wiping her tears. "Even if you grow another eye or another limb, I'll still love you as much." 
That is convincing enough since she stopped crying. "Do you want some ice cream? I'll get some. Then we can watch some Death Note." 
She beamed at that. "Can you get me potato chips as well?" He nodded, kissing her forehead. "And green mangoes?" Unusual food choices. 
He smiled warmly at her. The wonders of being pregnant. "I'll clean this up. Wait for me outside." 
"Yuta…" He hummed, still focused on the clothes scattered on the floor. "I love you." 
He smiled on her way. "I love you, sweetcakes." Then returned to what he was doing. 
"Sweetcakes?" She repeated, a strain present on her voice. "Are you seeing someone else?" (Y/N) sobbed. "Is it because I'm too fat?" Shit, he thought, here we go again. Fuck these mood swings of hers. 
"Don't panic," Yuta exclaimed, driving his wife to the hospital. Luckily, he was at home when her water broke. Their princess must have decided to see the world a week earlier than her supposed due date. "I said don't panic." He shouted that made her laugh. She's not. Except for the slight pain in her stomach, she's pretty calm unlike him. 
The fear of her childbirth came to her when she saw the hospital. What if something bad happens to her and her child? What if she's really not ready yet to be a mom? What if Yuta suddenly realizes that this is not what he wants? "Don't leave me." She begged her husband, holding his hand tight. 
Yuta hushed her, brushing her hair away from her face. "I'm here. You'll be fine." He mumbled then kissed her forehead. "Hikari will be fine." 
Hikari. Light. Her obsession with Death Note led to her name and Yuta was just relieved that they had a daughter, at least they wouldn't name their son L. 
Childbirth. If he thought a woman is amazing by getting pregnant, his admiration grew while watching his wife give birth. Sweat and tears streamed her face and all he could do is accept the pain when she clawed her nails on his arm or pulled out his hair. God, he wished he could take away the pain she's feeling. "I don't think I can do this, Yuta." She cried when the doctor asked for one last push. "It's too painful." 
He kissed her forehead then wiped her tears. "You're doing great, love. Just one last push." He muttered. "For Hikari." 
"For Hikari." She repeated then breathed hard, garnering all her energy for that last push. Her hands were tightly clutching on Yuta's as he mumbled repeatedly that she's doing so well. 
A cry resonated inside the whole delivery room and she saw how her husband's eyes lit up at the image of their daughter. Hikari. She really is their light. The newborn was placed on top of her as Yuta touched the younger's nose with great care as if she's breaking in his touch. "God, you're so pretty, my angel." He cooed. "You look like your mom." She giggled at that. 
"(Y/N)," Tears were springing from his eyes when he called her name. "You have no idea how I'm so in love with you." But (Y/N) smiled, she knows. 
Yuta was the same on the day they were married and he stayed next to her. She's sure that he will love Hikari just as much. "Yuta, I love you." And he repeated those same three words to her. "But please, let's lay low on making a child. Let's wait for Hikari to grow up first." 
He giggled then kissed her forehead then the top of their newborn's head. "I promise to make use of condoms from now on." With all the energy she had left, she slapped his arm while laughing. "I'm not the best. I'm not enough but I promise to be loyal to you and Hikari. I'll love you both to death, my Ai."
(Y/N) smiled. He doesn't need to justify that. He's the best husband, there's nothing she could ask for. She's sure that Yuta will be the best dad. 
Special chapter done. 
It was a challenge to put a husband Yuta and wild Yuta in one scenario so I hope you do like it. I’m terribly sorry for the cringey smut, I don’t know where that came from. 
Thank you for reading and anticipating this chapter. 💖
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the-evil-authoress · 3 years
GX Month Day 14: “Clock Tower Prison”
A man imprisoned by his destiny and hellbent on revenge. Seek justice today with the pro duelist vigilante Edo/Aster Phoenix!
I cycled through three different ideas before finally landing on this. Season three is what I know best.
Victoryshipping ahoy!
In which Zane is lonely and bad at coping, and Aster is very gay.
No seriously, this ain’t like Chazz day. This is 500 words of make out.
A part of Aster still thinks he should have expected this - been more careful, something - because he already knows Jaden never looks before he leaps and all his friends will chase after him. The rest of Aster is more concerned with surviving this nightmare until he can find a way home. Sartorius must be panicking by now.
Learning that duels aren’t just duels anymore had been the first challenge. ‘Sacred battles’ the monsters of this realm called them, where the rules of the game meant jack shit and participants fought for their very lives. Aster rubs his arm where he’d - thankfully - caught the broadside of a sword. It could have been a lot worse.
His nose slams into a broad back as Zane jerks to a halt in front of him. “Break lights would be nice,” Aster mumbles, rubbing his face as he peers around his travel companion - Zane is definitely not the first person Aster would have chosen to go on an interdimensional field trip with. A few meters ahead of them, some paces outside the gate to the fortress they’d been aiming to check out, sit for mounds of freshly turned dirt. A Duel Academy issue duel disk stands lodged into each one.
Aster’s arm throbs, a very real reminder of his own mortality, as he and Zane wander closer. “These look like grave markers.” The calm of his voice surprises even himself as he bends down to inspect one of the disks. Perhaps he’s come face to face with death one too many times to get worked up over it.
Zane inhales sharply and Aster glances up in time to see the horror flash in his eyes before the man turns briskly away. “It doesn’t concern us. Let’s go.”
Yeah, Aster doesn’t believe that for a second. Zane sounded harsh, too harsh for someone who didn’t care. Anger always precedes another deeper emotion. Looking across the other three duel disks, Aster spies the blocky “10join!” sharpied between the dome and the back row activation buttons. He wonders which sibling was so unfortunate, or if they both were.
Aster notices things. He likes watching and analyzing and figuring out what makes people tick. It’s a great way to get under his opponent’s skin and throw them off balance; it’s a useful skill for interrogation. This is neither, but Aster still notices things. In fact, Zane makes it very hard not to notice things. The gap between them lessens with each passing day; Zane gradually sits closer and closer when the two of them make camp, until they eventually end up hip-to-hip and shoulder-to-shoulder. Aster doesn’t mind the closeness - he and Sartorius have had a skinskip going for years - but Hell freaking Kaiser is quite possibly the last person he ever thought he would participate in such intimacy with. Case in point, right now, in the dead of night, laying next to their campfire, Zane has his head on Aster’s chest.
Real talk, Zane isn’t unattractive and Aster is very, very gay. And getting frustrated. And he’s never really been the ‘wait around see’ type; he is very much the ‘act upon given information’ type, and Zane has given him plenty in actions alone over the past few weeks.
“Oi, Zane.” Aster taps the other duelist’s shoulder and waits for Zane to lift his head and look him in the eye. What happens next is pure impulse. Aster intends to question Zane about their current relationship, but somehow that signal gets scrambled on its way from his brain to his mouth, all he can think about is how much Zane’s eyes’s look like the ocean, and he ends up kissing Zane instead.
Sweet Destiny Heros, why?
Zane goes rigid against him, expression stiff with shock. Aster bites back a grimace. “Did I misread the room?”
Zane’s expression shifts minutely as emotions play across his face like some kind of internal debate between them. Whatever conclusion they come to, Zane relaxes against Aster once more. “No,” he says at length and kisses Aster back.
Zane is...rough, to put it mildly. This is by no means Aster’s first kiss - he did some experimenting during his time of self discovery - but this...this is intense. Zane brings the same ferocity from his duels, and Aster can’t even tell what their lips are even doing anymore; can’t even tell if he wants to know the details beyond the fact it makes his head feel fuzzy and light and tingly. His hands bury themselves in Zane’s hair - thick and coarse - as Zane shifts to kiss down Aster’s jaw and neck. Except it’s not really kissing anymore, there’s too much teeth.
“Ow! Stop biting!” Flinching, Aster tugs on Zane’s hair. With a small grunt, Zane smoothes the flat of his tongue over the offended skin and begins trailing soft, butterfly light kisses across Aster’s neck. Oh, that does funny things to Aster’s insides. Neck tingling, he arches and writhes, unsure if he wants to get away or get closer. Both? Ah, fuck-
With a tiny whine, he pulls Zane away from his neck to crush their lips together again in the confusing, intoxicating dance. Zane’s hands stroke down Aster’s sides and tease his hips through the fabric. Aster jerks, horrified by the tiny noise that gets muffled against Zane’s mouth.
“Stop pulling,” Zane murmurs, voice rough, and yet Aster recognizes it as a request rather than a demand. Still, he releases Zane’s hair to grab a fist full of black fabric, shaking with the electrifying feeling Zane’s touch sends across his skin.
And hand tugs his shirt from his waistband and Aster’s hand snaps down to grab Zane’s wrist. “Keep your pants on, Marufuji, I’m not legal yet.”
Zane snorts - Aster’s far too fried and tingly and wired to begin comprehending what the sounds means - but smooths his hand up Aster’s chest over the fabric regardless. Aster lets his hand drop to the ground as Zane fits his face snug against Aster’s neck and lies there, while Aster tries to regain control of his breathing. There is something insanely hot about having Zane’s full weight pressing Aster against the ground, but he wouldn’t be able to breathe like this for long.
“Hey.” He pushes Zane’s shoulder. “I need to breathe.”
Zane’s eyebrows furrow before he makes a soft sound and shifts his weight to the side, allowing Aster his first full breath since this...whatever this was began. One arm rests around Aster’s waist with Zane’s face still snug against Aster’s neck.
Idly tracing his fingers up and down Zane’s arm, Aster stares at a starless sky. His heart rate slows, his breath returns to normal, his skin stops tingling save for the ghost of Zane’s breath on his neck. Maybe one good thing came out of this crazy fieldtrip.
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