#why is this happening today of all days whyyy
flowersandcandy06 · 1 year
Stop taking me to Google play Tumblr I didnt
Ask to be teleportwd noo
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opikiquu · 6 months
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.Aventurine. Aventurine. Boy wh y
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frank1nsaint · 8 months
Franklin Part 1.
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You look around the crowd of people, slightly overwhelmed by the turn out at the fair today. It was a Saturday night after all anyone who wanted to enjoy an ounce of fun weekend before work/school on Monday was here. Unfortunately for you crowds weren’t your thing since a fight tended to break out and nowadays a gun would be pulled quickly. 
“Damn! he walks like his dick is heavy” you hear 
You start coughing choking on your cola
“What?!!” Wanda comments
“She must be talking about Franklin”  Lashay adds as you all now looked towards where she looked, Franklin’s crew walked towards them mostly because of Leon but still they made their way towards you 
There’s a light laughter between you girls “Girl you crazy!” your best friend who just happens to be your cousin Harmony adds to the discussion 
“Oh shit they coming this way yall straighten up!” Tasha snaps quickly adjusting herself clothes  
You groan internally you didn’t want to deal with Franklin and his men. You were around them from elementary to now, and right now mentioning Franklin and his men was like mentioning the grim reaper and his minions. After Kevin's death and Franklin’s release, it was like they were untouchable, and anyone who crossed them ended up dead. Franklin didn’t have that innocent aura about him anymore, you couldn’t describe it he was different confident
“Ladies!” Mike Mike greets bowing his head
“Hey y'all” Lashay greets
“What y'all doing here?” Leon asks
“We are at the state fair duh we are here to get some drinks food and have fun” Wanda responds
“The questioning is what are y'all doing here?” Harmony asks
“Shit y'all can’t be the only ones having fun!” Jerome comments
You hang back as the group merges and moves through the fair. You would integrate, often joining the discussion, but for the most part you kinda just chilled in the back and watched as the couples (Tasha/Franklin, Wanda/Leon, Harmony/Sean Louie/Jerome) cupcaked while the rest of you walked at a distance from them. 
“Girl Sean talking about making me his girl” Harmony comments as you two finally made it back to your rented out home 
“Oh nice!” you say removing your shoes
“You had fun tonight?” 
“Yea!” you smile 
“Good see it was fun” she says in a “i told you so” mocking tone 
“Yea yea whatever!” you wave her off before retreating to the kitchen. You two spend the night conversing before heading off to sleep. 
Life goes on and not much can be said about trying to survive and make it in a world that wouldn’t allow you to. 
“No,” you look at your cousin with a dead face
“Why do I” you point to your chest, “need to go? Tasha, Lashay, Bri, CiCi they are all going” 
“Because cousin, it's a christmas/new years party, damn you wanna be the only bitch in south central staying home on new years eve??”
“You know i don’t like crowds” you argue “and you know damn well that house is about to be packed” 
“When will you get to experience partying at a drug lords house again?” she counters 
“I would hope never Harmony”
She fake cries “come on girl pleaaassseee” she begs as she hugs you
“Franklin said bring all your friends you know I cant show up without you” 
“Why not?” 
“Because you are part of the package” 
“Just go with the girls” should 
She turns you to face her “Y/N! why don’t you want to come?”
You sigh “i already told you!” 
She gives you a light push “Fine, be boring, have no social life, have no love life, just  survive, Work, school, home, bills thats it???” She throws her hands up when you give her a blanks stare in return 
You roll your eyes as she walks away. What she said got to you eventually, you didn’t want to only survive, you wanted to live just not around Saint and his men, it's like a body dropped every time he was around. 
You ponder for a few days before approaching her, what could hurt a one time party never to be mentioned again at least you could counter if she ever asked you to leave again. 
“Whats the dress code?” you ask as you stand by the kitchen counter 
“What?” She asks as she mixes the rice on the stove
“For this party” you clarify 
She turns to you with a stunned face, mouth a jar wide grin quickly taking over, “you coming?!!!” she asks softly, when you nod she screams and throws her arms around you “OH MY GOD!!!! AHHHH! YES GIRLLLL YESSSS WHAT MADE YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND?”
“Okay calm down!”
“Sorry” she takes a deep breath “I’m just soo excited” 
“Yea yea whats the dress code i mean can i show up in jeans or?” 
“Jeans girl really?” you shrug “You can or you can get a nice pretty dress stand out, get your hair done, nails?”
“So dress up is the dress code?” 
She shrugged “he never said just you know dress nice”
“I can dress nice in jeans”
“In a dress!” she stresses
“Fine” you weren’t going to argue your way through this party 
“Ooh girl, I can't wait to go shopping, let me call the girls and then we can plan to go out together!” she comments before returning to the stove.  You groan already regretting agreeing to go to this party.
The night of the party approaches quickly and you feel your stomach doing flips, it was too late to tell Harmony you changed your mind, you two were looking for a parking spot in the neighborhood, it seemed like half of south central had already showed up to the party. 
You don’t even know how time flew by so quickly, one minute you're in the chair getting your hair done, next thing you're putting on your lipstick, perfume, shoes, now walking towards the door. Watching as people poured in and out of the party. 
The chilly LA evening weather was much appreciated as you were not trying to arrive at the house with a thin layer of sweat on your body. Not after you've primped and primed the entire day. 
“HEEEEYYYYY!”  Harmony greets as you two walk in 
“MY BABY IS HERE!” Sean yells on top of his lungs
You stand back as you watch them greet
“Y/N?” you hear your name 
You turn to face one of Franklin's men “I’ll take your coat”  
“Oh you shrug off your trench coat.”
“I missed you baby” you hear harmony whine in a baby voice you can’t help but laugh 
The house was sorta full, you could still see across the room and make faces you knew that wouldn't be the case in the next hour or so. You just know the party was bound to get shut down
You step further in securing the coat check in your clutch. 
“Hey”  you greet Franklin
“Glad you could make it Y/N” he greets giving you a half hug, you quickly inhale his cologne he smelled good you make a quick note to yourself 
“Thanks for the invite, we brought you this” you say handing him a gift bag
“Oh shit you didn’t have to” he smiles at you
You shrug “well my mama said never show up to a person's house empty handed you know” 
He nods “what yall get me?” He asks trying to move the tissue paper around 
“Oh uh really good wine” 
“Expensive wine”  Harmony adds
“And some Bourbon” 
“Expensive bourbon” 
“Okay Harmony!” you look at her incredulously causing Franklin to chuckle
She chuckles “I’m fucking with you girl but”  she turns to face Franklin, “my cousin went around turn looking for the best wine for you”
“Oh word?” he turns to face you a bright smile on his face 
You feel yourself getting flustered “No I just” you feel yourself blushing “It's a gift and I  like to give good gifts” you defend, you don’t even know why you were blushing 
“That's true you ever want a good gift you ask her she’ll find some good shit” 
You smile “I’m gonna say hi to the girls and boys”  you say walking away from them
“Awkward ass” Harmony comments causing Franklin and Sean to burst out laughing. You throw your middle finger at her and keep walking
It wasn’t that you were purposely trying to impress Franklin, it was just a gift. What would it look like showing up with cheap wine and liquor when you kept hearing about the thousands he was moving weekly.He would probably be offended, you heard about his temper. 
1 hour you say to yourself as you made your way around the room, thats it thats how long you were staying 1 hour. You eventually find a small group of girls to talk to, avoiding Harmony and the rest as they were either in the circle with Franklin or right near it, in the center of the house. When you turn to look at that area you catch a glimpse of Tasha on Franklin's lap, with a flash she gets up and other women take a seat on his lap, you shake your head internally before returning to the conversation. 
The next time you look down at your watch you realise 2 hours had passed. It was already past 11pm and you should have been home by now. 
You quickly chug the water you have been drinking, (you weren’t gonna take risks drinking and driving) you slowly push your way through the massive crowd avoiding anyone from that group spotting you. Unbeknownst to you Franklin had his eye on you the entire night. He watched as you stood in the corner and talked to the girls, then back to the kitchen, bathroom, he even saw you spill water on yourself, he smiled slightly before returning to his conversation, no matter where you were tonight he made sure his eyes were on you. 
At one point you two make eye contact but you smile and quickly look away. Plus the comment Harmony made awhile back about him looking at you a certain way had you nervous being around the man, you can’t explain it you just wanted to get out of South Central unscathed and gaining the attention of Franklin wasn’t a plan. 
“Yea I’m leaving,”  you chuckle nervously while handing them the coat check
“Damn before New Years? it's gonna happen in like 40 minutes” 
“I know but I kinda wanna start getting home before traffic you know” you explain 
You already knew Harmony was gonna be with Sean tonight at his place you begged her to go to his instead of ruining your night with their sexcapeds gladly for you she agreed
He nodded in response “Yea that makes sense, LA traffic can get crazy” 
“Yea it can” You open your clutch to pull your keys but find nothing, you frantically push things around to see nothing, your lip gloss, napkins, mints and your wallet
“Shit” you say to yourself as you think back to the night? Did you leave them in the car? Are they with Harmony? Did they drop and you didn’t hear them? Your mind races trying to trace back the night. 
“Here you go” he says handing you your coat 
“Leaving so soon?”  you hear close to your ear from behind you, 
You instinctively tilt your head away, “Huh?”  as you continue to check the pockets quickly turning around slowly
You release your breath as you feel the keys in your coat pocket, you look up and see Franklin looking down at you smiling
“FUCK!”  you curse internally  “Heyyy” you smile quickly turning to glance at where he was to see if anyone else noticed. It was so packed now you couldn’t see past the sea of bodies now
“Leaving so soon?” he asks again pulling his hands behind his back 
You giggle nervously “Oh yea I don’t wanna get stuck in LA traffic”
He tilts his head slightly confused “But you just got here” 
“No i got here 2 hours ago” 
“I didn’t even get the chance to talk to you tonight” You make a face, he chuckles in response “I’m saying i wanted to catch up with you” he shrugs “we ain't really talked since highschool” 
“Oh” you shrug “nothing much going on with me” 
He smirks “Nah you more interesting than that, I aint even get the chance to tell you look good tonight yet,” You look down at your semi formal sweetheart dress, you were actually glad you agreed to dress up as many women were and you didn't’ want to be the odd one out actually even Franklin was dressed up suit tie the whole shebang
“Oh” you smile “thank you Franklin, you look good too clean up nice” 
He removes the coat from your hands gently “how about you stay a little longer?” he bargains
You chuckle nervously this could not be happening “Noo” you reach for the jacket but he puts it behind his back. “Franklin!”  you scold 
He smiles looking at you “comeon girl you can’t leave right before new years!” he argues 
“I don’t like driving at night. You know how the cops are? And its new years too!?” You catch his eyes drifting lower to your cleavage before making their way up to yours. You use that to your advantage and reach around but he quickly moves the jacket the opposite way
“Franklin!” you look towards where he was seating in the center of the house and see a very ugly mug on Tasha’s face and the other women seemed to share the same sentiment glaring in your direction 
“Come on its" he looks down at his watch, "only 30 more minutes, that can’t hurt” 
“No! Plus looks like Tasha is gonna kill you” you comment
“Tasha?”  he looks at where you tilted your head
“Oh shit!” he laughs “I don’t care about Tee” 
You cross your arms on your chest “Aren't you two dating?” 
“Mmmm well you might not be but she believes you two are and I need my coat Franklin” you open your hand out for him to give it to you
“I’ll take you home” 
“No how are you gonna get back here plus it's your party don’t be ridiculous!” 
“RIdiculous?” He guffaws  “I'm not the one leaving a new years party 30 minutes before new years that's the point of the party!” 
You huff and look up at the ceiling. You need to find a solution. You would leave the coat but it has your keys! He moves closer smiling at how flustered you were getting (“I just wanna go home”) you think to yourself, this shouldn’t be happening he should be dating Tasha. Why isn’t he? Weren't they over each other at the fair and tonight? What was this some freakyshit they were into or what?
“What is it?” He asks softly bringing your attention back to him, that damn smile, those dimples, nope no Y/N you need to go home
“Franklin I would like to go home please” 
“Y/N I told you I’ll take you home” 
“What about Tee?”
“Tee can get a ride home, why you keep brining her up?”
“I’ll take you home. I promise”
“Right after the celebration is over!” he smiles slyly 
You frown “No thats like at 6am!” 
He chuckles you caught on quick “No give me till 1am at least” 
You contemplate no way you were getting the coat back that was for sure
“Fine you promise?” 
“I promise ima get Dreads or Mikey to take you”  You scoff “what?”
You  reach around and snatch your coat shocking him in the process
“No you said you were gonna take me home so you needed to take me home not punt me off to your men” you complain as you throw on your coat quickly 
He smiles at your brattiness “okay okay i will” he reaches for you
You move away from him “Nope i’m going home goodnight Franklin!” 
He sighs, “can you at least let me know you made it home safe?” 
“Fine i’ll page Tee” 
He  groans and you chuckle, he bites his bottom lip as he watches you walk away defiantly 
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sarcasticbambi · 1 year
Even Rich People Deal With Late Shipping Sometimes
Something is off with Tim's Coffee™ and he just doesn't know what it is.
HMB Bingo Board "Did You Put Something In My Coffee?" + Fluff
Every day was the same thing. The alarm had been ringing for the past 30 minutes. Only one of them woke him up, the rest just served to annoy him so he’d get up and start getting ready.
“Come on honey, you have that meeting with the board today that you can’t miss.”
“I can never miss any meetings anyways; it doesn’t matter if it’s with the board or not...”
Marinette has to admit, it didn’t matter his age, Timothy Drake-Wayne always managed to look cute when pouting. Maybe it was because it was so uncharacteristic of him that made it so endearing and needed to be saved as a precious memory.
“Yes, I’m aware. And I’m sorry for that, but you were the one intent in inheriting the company, so you kind of have yourself to blame for that.”
Insert Tim Drake-Wayne pouty  glare.
“Alright, alright! Hahah, if it’s of any comfort, Bruce and Damian also have to be there for today’s meeting?”
“Really? That’s certainly better than dealing with those old snobs alone! I won’t be miserable by myself!”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen any family relish in others' misery as much as you guys…”
“I’m sorry honey, but you already know how it is with them, eat or be eaten!”
“Yes, yes Tim. Now go and wash up, I’ll start on breakfast.”
Just like she’d told him, Marinette went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast, only to come into a block she never thought they’d ever stumble upon.
Where’s the coffee?????
Marinette’s caffeine deprived brain was struggling to comprehend why she couldn’t find the coffee. It should be in the exact same place as always! The second cabinet in the top left corner!
She ended up looking everywhere and, by the time Tim was out of the shower and started getting ready for the day, she had turned the kitchen upside down and there was still no sign of the damned coffee grounds.
With some help from Tikki (Marinette swears she’d never get anything done if it wasn’t for the tiny Kwami), she ended up calming down enough to process her thoughts for what could possibly have happened to their precious godsent beverage. 
Turns out, they had actually run out and, a simple look at the calendar in the fridge and she could tell they were supposed to get their latest shipment two days earlier. Opening the shipment tracking app, she found out that they missed on ordering the previous month for extra stock (like usual) and ended up only getting the regular monthly shipping, which had actually been delayed because of some sort of storm and, since the storm still prevailed in the area, all flights had been delayed and/or cancelled depending on their destinations. And guess what, North America was one of those destinations that were “Cancelled Until Further Notice”.
Marinette was so close to pulling her hair out from the stress. How was she and her boyfriend supposed to survive their lack of proper coffee “Until Further Notice”???
Turning around the stove to turn off the kettle of boiling water, she happened to land her blue eyes in the container pushed almost all the way to the back of the cabinet and, if there’s one thing Marinette is, is curious.
Curiosity killed the cat.
So, she grabbed the container to find out it was instant coffee from one of the times Connor had been over and commented on how their coffee was too much trouble to prepare in the morning “with all those boring and time-consuming steps”, so he ended up getting himself a bottle of instant coffee from the store.
Curiosity did kill the cat, but satisfaction brought it back!
She had hit Jackpot! 
It was no special roast carefully observed to reach the perfect level of bitterness along with the exceptional flavouring and meticulously packed and shipped at the appropriate storage temperatures to maintain all the properties farmers worked so hard for while also keeping it fresh when it reached their front door and, eventually, ended in their perfect mugs.
So, with the determination to still get some kind, ANY kind of caffeine in their systems that day, Marinette set out to make instant coffee for what was probably the first time in her life.
By the time Tim came out of the room, fresh and almost ready to start a new day, she had accomplished the feat of making a cup of instant coffee for the two of them, along with a couple of pastries to accompany.
She just had completely forgotten the fact that Timothy Drake-Wayne had never, in his entire life, had anything other than the best and highest quality of coffee specifically imported from tropical countries to quench his thirst for the blessing that was caffeine. 
And, when Tim saw the slight mess that was the counter, and the anxious look on Marinette’s face, he knew something was up. Marinette may be clumsy, but her kitchen was never a mess. It was a sacred place for her after all.
He decided to shrug it off, she was often stressed about something, maybe she’d just gotten a message from one of her clients that left her out of sorts for a hot second. The rest looked perfectly normal anyways, so there was really no reason to be worried.
That was what he thought, at least, until he took a sip of his coffee.
It took everything in him not to just spit it out, simply out of respect for Marinette who had gone through the trouble of making it.
When he looked at her, she was looking right back at him through the rim of her own mug.
“Did you put something in my coffee?”
“Why do you sound unsure?”
“TeChNicAlLy. I didn’t put anything in our coffee…”
“Yes! You see, APPARENTLY, there’s been an issue with our coffee shipment this month and we hadn’t stocked up last month and now we’re out of beans and “UnTiL fUrThEr NoTicE” we won’t have anything and then I found the bottle of instant coffee Kon got last time he slept over and that was our only other resource and I just couldn’t let you go to that boring meeting without caffeine lest I wanted you to snap at someone for breathing and I also needed some sort of pick me up and-”
“Marinette, honey. Breathe. In and Out.”
Repeating his actions and instructions, Marinette managed to somehow calm down from the anxious stream of words coming out of her lips in the usual Marinette Ramble™.
“It’s ok, it happens to everyone. I guess even with all the prime and premium subscriptions, even billionaires have to deal with late shipping sometimes.” 
“But... your coffee?”
“It’s fine Bean, I was just asking because the taste felt off and I wondered if in your sleepy state, you could have missed a step or let it sit for too long and it saturated the flavour. To be honest, you could have just told me, and we’d order something to go from the cafe shop nearby and then get something better fitting for our tastes at the company. You know they are kind of required to always have a coffee fix for us if they want us to work properly, so we should be fine for the next 30min until we get there dear.”
“Ah, that’s right... I’m so used to taking my own tumbler of coffee that I tend to forget about the company cafe unless it’s an emergency” Marinette would have facepalmed if Tim wasn’t already holding her wrists and, having her so close to him only gave her the option to drop her forehead on his shoulder. His hands immediately dropped her wrists to fall on her waist in a hug.
“We could even ask for a bag from the storage until our shipment arrives. Or, you know, we could always drop by the Manor. I’m certain that Alfred has a storage room dedicated only for our coffee in case of emergencies like this, so you don’t need to stress so much over it.”
“You’re right! I didn’t even think of that! I honestly don’t know how you’re so calm. I thought you’d be the one skirmishing over this, not the other way around.”
“Because, if I’m not calm then there’s no one to help you calm down and then we’d both be a mess and would not be able to do anything.” the chuckle that left his lips should have been somehow offending, but Marinette settled to just snuggle up to him for a bit more before getting ready for the day, now with the reassurance that they’d still get their coffee fix for the day and that the shipment delay wouldn’t affect them as she thought it would.
15 minutes later and they were both out of the house, the instant coffee now cold and long since forgotten on the dining table, the rest of the pastries arranged with some fruit and cheese for the Kwamis to maintain themselves while the couple was out.
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lily-thesuriel · 9 months
Some Thoughts post ACOSF and pre HOFAS
I have just finished my re-reading of the Acotar saga and I come to make a "brainstorming" of data and ideas that I want to put down in writing before HOFAS
there is a lot of repetition of the dates "more than 10000 years ago" and especially in Acosf "since 15000 years ago" I suppose that they will be to match the dates of the world of Acotar with the world of CC, although there are certain things that do not fit at the moment.
There are several data that change from ACOWAR to ACOSF , why ? Because I believe that they will be relevant in the future, these data are (that I have seen) 1 that in ACOWAR Lucien does not arrive until the lake of koschei but in ACOSF it is said that yes he has arrived / 2 the recap of what happened in Sangravah / 3 the subject of Illyria and the difference between the teaser of ACOFAS and the first chapter of ACOSF
to this day I still don't understand Rhys's "you-always-have-a-choice" behavior in ACOSF, sorry I don't
The secret winged baby and Renesme 2.0 plot continues to be horrible.
I do not understand how people do not shipe Vassa and Jurian, simply with the phrase "do not call her queen that goes to her head" (not the literal phrase, I'm writing from memory do not eat me) I'm already sold, I can understand the ship of Jurian-Vassa-Lucien, I do not share it but I understand it but leave out the banter that has Vassa with Jurian? No,sorry
I don't want Rhys as High king, and I don't know why I think that because of the decline of Tamlin that it will happen.
Bryaxis hello ??? Where is he? He appeared in ACOFAS and then was never heard from again , and who or what was he before he was Bryaxis ???? Fionn??
I need to know the full story of Eris, I need to know what she hides, right now you tell me that ACOTAR5 is from her POV and I'll be happy to read it (very unlikely I know).
Why the carved beasts of hewn city are the same as the "beast form " of Rhys and at the same time are the same as the Hounds of the Great Hunt ?? And why is no one talking about this? I need answers
Narben, where are you ??? (maybe it is Danikq's sword ???)
Nesta can still use the 3 trove ???? Yes ? No? Will Elain use them ? Will Bryce use them ?(I think so ) what will happen when the 4 troves are united ????
The shipons and invoke stones work with firstlight, that "pure" and raw magic that the Illyrian have is actually firstlight, are they a failed experiment of the Daglan/Asteri ? Yes
Daglan= Asteri
Enalius died in a battle against the Daglan trying to protect Ramiel's black stone (or monolith), what is that???? Whyyy?
Ramiel is hollow (and has the Daglan palace??)
Touching Ramiel's stone when winning the great rite heals all the wounds of the one who touches it, Emerie's wings are healed ???? Will she fly again? I hope she will be healed (by Ramiel stome or by Thesan) because she said she was in pain from time to time.
The only thing this fandom agrees on is that Mor and Emerie are going to end up together and they haven't even spoken to each other (that we have seen) just because Emerie called Mor beautiful.
Controversial topic, I understand partly the Elriels. Does Azriel like Elain? Yes, in Acosf that is clear, in Acofas it is intuited although he still likes Mor. Does Elain like Azriel ? Yes, she does. Now I think they will end up together ? No. Why? Because of the scene in Acosf where Az says that the troves have a darkness that Elain shouldn't get close to and Cas responds but Nesta should ? (Not literal phrases, I'm writing without looking at the book ) sorry but what I like about the Maas guys is that they give you options, do you want to do something dangerous ? I don't really like it but if you do I support and help you , the ultimate example of this is Rhys. If you take away that possibility of choice for me that couple loses all appeal (that's why I haven't put up with Rhys half of Acosf) now well if the book ends up being Elriel ?(Which I don't think so and as of today I don't want to ) congrats to them, sure Mass makes me fall in love with their story too. (But at the level of the overall plot if what was said in 2021 is maintained, that the two remaining books of acotar were to be narrated each by a couple, it makes no sense that acotar5 is Elriel because then the trilogy closing ? Whose is it? Lucien's and Vassa's ? And you spend the last book (confirmed for the moment) without any POV of the IC, sorry but it does not attract me at all)
Elain, I really want Elain Book i need her Pov, I still think that Elain is going to end up with his mate ? Yes, that Elain doesn't want anything to do with Lucien ? Yes too. Why do I think they will end up together ( and that their story will be a sort of marriage of convenience / force proximity ) because when Cassian reveals his mate bond to Nesta, Nesta resents the word Mate because it would mean giving up the last of her humanity, Nesta. Now imagine the trauma of Elain who not only didn't want to be Fae but was also engaged and the first thing she learns is that she has become FAE (and therefore goodbye to her life as a human ) and that she has mate (which takes her away from her engagement ). To me Elain doesn't reject Lucien because of her persona, but because Lucien means accepting 100% that she is FAE and I think that's something Elain has not yet done.
Maas highlights interactions where Gwyn and Az appear and does not highlight any interaction between Az and Emerie (compare the two scenes when they go to cut the ribbon) why does she do that ? Well, let everyone draw their own conclusions
ACOTAR 5 : Azriel +gwyn
ACOTAR 6: Elain + Lucien ( koschei dies here , in charge of killing him Elain and Vassa )
Characters that I think are going to die in this saga: 1 Helion (sorry I love you but you have all the ballots to die ) 2 Amrem and Varian, I explain myself, I think the IC is not going to survive whole again, I think Azriel and Cassian are not going to die, Mor has a story to tell (from what is sensed in Acofas and Acosf) and the novella I think will be hers, so the options to die are Feyre and Rhys (who could because they already have an heir, but Mass loves Rhys so I doubt it) and finally Amrem who I think is the one who will die (this time for real) and Varían will also die because separating lovers is very cruel.
Sorry for any mistakes english is not my first language
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kusundei · 4 months
jesus CHRIST im doomed. frustrated because nobody is talking to me? jonathan asked me one question ab it and i was like oh my god maybe there is hope but nooooo. no nothing. god forbid i was honest and i pleaded with you but you just ignoreddd mee. it would be so nice if you could just be . normal? and talk to me? if youre so upset then verbalize it like you do normally. youre dragging it on for no reason and just being evil and immature about it like youre my mom???? why r you choosing now to be silent??? because i told you the truth and thats not what you wanted to hear? because you felt like i was ridiculing you when i wasnt? if you could just listen and believe me and trust me sometimes there would be no issue at all. i wouldnt have to lie or anything we could literally be fine
im just. frustrated again. because even if today doesnt work out how long r you going to keep this up for??? id rather you pester me with questions and lash me than do THIS. its just so so so frustrating. you truly r everything i do not want to be if anything you and jd r soooo similar and maybe thats why i could put up w it for so long??? icjust keep going back and forth. iiii have no motivation i don’t want to do anything i want to rot away. whyyy is this so hard??? why cant you talk to me?????? was it truly that big of an issue??? i told you the truth. i wasnt making fun of you i DO think about you and your feelings iiiii swear to god i do. you say all the time i dont ever think about you but ive always tried??? maybe i am selfish and i dont exactly put you first in most situations and thats horrible on me its just. so. upsetting. i hate hate hate the mindset of being like “ohhh you did this to me so i’ll do it back” because god thats so??? immature??? maybe im being evil because im not truly taking into consideration how you’d feel its just ohhh my god. oh my fucking god?? im sorry iiii cant you r so. frustrating??? and god i fucking hate hate HATE. your voice. your voice drives me insane i dont understand how you cant just talk to people like a normal person? why is it so hard for you to consider that other people have feelings and opinions and not everything is a jab at you or is just about you in general??? i feel so evil being so upset its just oh my fucking. god. your voice is grating. i literally asked yoy i said “dont yell at me just listen to me” and yoy know what you did??? you still yelled at me??? said “how am i expected to not yell at you when you do this” like what the fuck???? thats the point but you dojt have to yell all the time? youre so angry every single fucking day and i am just asking you for one moment . where you can be reasonable and just LISTEN. i know you get upset easily and yoyre so infuriated by me but cant you just? give me one thing? listen to me for once without verbalizing how upset you are like??? anger management maybe??? i cant ever get a sentence out because you refute it without listening completely to what im saying. yoy jump to conclusions and you lash me and you dont ever BELIEVE ME. i dont lie typically theres always a reason if ive fucking lied and despite that i dont even lie to you normally??? i havent lied??? youve been like this since i was a kid you have never trusted me at all and iiiiidontgetit???????
im just. runninf around in circles at this point i am just. frustrated again. jist talk to me. literally. im being open i know yoyre not talking to me because youre thinking about it and youre being immature and BECAUSE OF THAT you r finding your own conclusions without hearing the entire thing. its so fucking frustrating i wish i could just GET TO YOU. its like im talking to a brick wall there truly is just a barrier between the two of us and i try over and over i DO i have tried to repair it over and over again but nooo? i dont think thats ever going to happen because youre never really gonna get over yourself?? am i selfish or am i deemed selfish because you have to think about other people instead of yourself for pnce??? you complain time and time again i only think for myself but i dont even? ask you for things? ive ALWAYS put other people before me iii dont care. at least in my head i see it that way and other people agree i suppose its just you. you see me completely differently and i dont know how to take that because youre supposed to know me well but cleaaarly you dont know me at all???? at least i think so. its jjst ohh my fickign god im going to tear my hair out i cant win with you. im NEVER going to fucking win its actually horrible and sickening and you make me sick time and time and time again. nothing ever makes me as upset as you do. as AWFUL. as it sounds truly i think that if you werent around or if you were different iiii would be okay. id be so much better i wouldve been fine and happy and carefree like i am when you are gone. its just i get reminded of where i am actually and especially going home and its just. god. i hate school genuinely but its so much better than being home iii cant fucking stand it oh my god
im going. to kill myself. i am. losing my mind. im so frustrated im actually like raging or something how can you be so immature iiii dont get ittt??? but then again i go back and forth being like areee you selfish or is it rlly just me and im shifting the blame??? thats why i can never rlly vocalize my feelings because i always feel so bad when i do becasue i feel like im giving myself the benefit of the doubt and not considering pther people but id like to think thats just. me being considerate. god forbid i ever feel things im just. god. god god god. i caaant^_^ im sososo fucking upset again^_^ but i am kind i am fine its fine i dont caareee IDONT CARE. idont care i just feel bad because iiimm trulyy still hoping theres some. light there still. but realistically i dont think there is and iii dont wanna admit thay im just. losing it
just rotting in bed again today i guess iii. have no motivation i cant do anything and i hateee when people r upset at me regardless if im also upset at them its jist. fucking . i feel selfish but im also soso upset but im upset that im upset because i feel like youre selfish????? iiiii. dont fucking know im just. waiting. i am here. praying to god youll talk to me or soketjingim LOSING MY FUCKIGN MIND i jeed tocalm down. i will calm down and be okay^_^ i am fine its fine i love. my boyfriend. so much. i need to get out of here i feel like im suffocating or something
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afawnsdiary · 1 year
Gym Day 3
Leg Day 😁 Killed it! Had the lady gym all to myself today so I took a quick picture to show y’all the tiny closet haha.
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It looks a lot bigger on the picture because I used wide angle to capture it all while squeezing myself in the corner. I’d say it’s about 40-50 square meter. My living room is 32 🤭
It’s nice though that there is one at least. So you don’t have to do your RDLs and Squats in a room full of men. It‘d be quite uncomfortable. Also when you go at times like I do, it feels safer to have a space like that. Trainers won’t be at the gym before 9am and other staff members not until 7am. There is a night watch but this morning it was a rather tiny woman and I was a little confused about how she’d protect me if anything happens 👀
Not a day so far where I didn’t embarrass myself though. I don’t know what it is with me lol. Went on the leg curl today and I somehow managed to slip down lmao. Don’t ask me how!!! Just so glad no one saw that. At least I think no one saw that 🙈
And because I forgot to tell yesterday: when I was at the cable pull a guy came over and asked something. I say something because I saw his lips move and talking in my direction, a meter away from me but I couldn’t hear a single word. And I said I’m sorry what? He repeated but I still didn’t hear anything 🙈😭 I was just like wtf brain get your shit together. And so I had to ask him again and it was so embarrassing 🙈 I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m fucking stupid or something 😭 All he wanted to know was how many sets I had left and I gave him such a hard time.
I hate when that happens. And it happens a lot. People talk to me, I hear their voice, but no words can reach me. So awkward every time this happens. 🫥
And why the hell do they have this terrible light in the gym. It’s the same light you have in changing booths! It makes you so ugly!! Whyyy. Not asking for sexy dim light but c’mon!
Also today I saw the first gym babe. Not just saw, heard her as well. I don’t like talking bad about people I don’t know. But if you are familiar with certain videos of women complaining about creepy guys while they’re literally half naked or doing things no one can look away from, then you get the picture.
Anyways it was fun, saw nice people (men) and found a couple new vegan products at the store afterwards. Happy Day ��️
PS: I need a solution to this carry-stuff-around-in-the-gym issue. Like, you got a towel, membership card, water, phone etc and it feels like going into a grocery store without a cart. Balancing it, making sure you don’t drop or forget anything. But it can’t be a bag where you don’t see the stuff or you have to fish it out. But I guess a basket would look silly 🤭 I need to figure something out
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ivehadthatdream · 8 months
Went to my gasto appointment today. I was telling her what's been going on with me, and once she heard I was a weed smoker she was like "this could be chs" and now she wants me to stop smoking for 4 weeks ☠️☠️☠️ tbh I've been trying all 2023 to take a break so now I have a reason to actually do it. But I highly doubt I have chs. I've already looked into it when my stomach issues started, and if I had it I would be cyclic vomiting daily, which I don't. But anyway imma take a break and see what happens.
She also has me scheduled for an endoscopy on February 5th. I'm nervous tbh idek why. But it doesn't seem like a big deal. She also was supposed to set up an ultrasound for my gallbladder but I haven't gotten a date on it tho.
I reqlllylyyyy regret not writing down a list of all my symptoms!!!! Literally every time I go to the fucking doctor I forget half my symptoms, and for some reason the days I go to the doc I'm suddenly having one of my good days where the symptoms are less severe like whyyy. But anyway hopefully I can bring it back up to her somehow because I just want them to have all the info so they don't miss something.
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
Hybrid Y/N
multiple x creeperhybrid!reader
warnings: creeper explosions, revival for wilbur
note: y/n is genderneutral, also i had fun making this one today. should i make a main taglist, excluding series
ohhh, hybrid trouble😏
literally chaos, like sapnap x god!reader, watch out, because you will never know when you purposely, with sap, tries to explode a monument or building with some significant purpose
literally peas in a pod
no one can never see sapnap without you tagging along with him
you guys are the duo who everyone avoids
crazy squared
you got it, he tries to get you angry or just wants to make your current emotion really big so you can blow up something that he hates, maybe like a sign saying he's a homeless teletubby, something like that
spoils you to no end
Wilbur Soot
hmm, why does he praise you?
seriously, same thing with god!reader, he praises you until there isn't any praises left, but it never runs out so it’s endless, infinity, domain expansion
(sorry got into the wrong fandom there hehehe)
after he got revived, he definitely convinces you to join him and tommy on their little adventure
he gives you stone, yes, just stone, because to him that represents love and affection, please give him a hug
Karl Jacobs
one of the most adorable duos in the entire universe
definitely asks you to blow up some land so he can build stuff
instead of him spoiling you, YOU spoil him
like, he's so adorable ☺️
sometimes you guys do trades, like you blow up something, in exchange for a few diamond blocks or something more significant
he spoils you definitely
asks you to help build las nevadas with him
speaking of las nevadas, he probably gives you a job, maybe managing the casino?
he definitely comes to you for things, like redstone, pistons, because damnn he is kinda broke
Dream XD
he gives you unnecessary things from time to time
literally praises you for the weirdest things
basically like, "oh congrats, it's your birthday, let me give you some bedrock."
that's just not all
he will literally try to charge you up, so when someone touches you, you'll explode, it's kinda weird but endearing, sometimes you wanna smack him for that though :/
why do you guys sleep a lot?
like damn, do something for once
when you got roped into george's shenanigans, you would have never thought you would just sleep
it's only sleep, no wars, no nothing
calmest duo
this is probably the most chaotic duo i have ever seen, and i have seen a bunch
when there is lightning outside, you will get anything iron, whether it is a shovel/spoon, sword, helmet, etc, and raise it up in the air and pretend your zeus
like bitch, why
and then in the sidelines, there just tommy watching what happens, but do you wanna know what did happen?
you got charged up, and then you ran towards tommy and exploded
thank goodness he didn't lose a canon life, but he did get really injured
helps maintain his bees
you accidentally kill some :(
you babysit the beautiful baby piglin michael when tubbo and ranboo are off somewhere
he adores you to no end
like he has so many favors to give to you since you have done a lot for him
he feels like you are siblings
helps him with his enderwalk ✅
helps him remember important things ✅
why is the duo so precious, i don’t know
you’re conditioned to be friends with phil and techno
you both are main characters
ooh, two creeper hybrids, wow, such a great team!
god!reader and creeperhybrid!reader have a thing in common, which is you help him with the prison
he literally got you a trident and a crown, ✨best friends✨
thank you so much, besto friendo (if you know where that is from, i love you!)
also you help each other out with explosions and stuff
and just in general keep each other in check
i will say this again, you both are gods at redstone, dont flipping test me
Philza Minecraft
protects you from any harm
dadza is poggers 👍
when you explode because of something that made you pissed, you best know that he will be right next to you
he’s automatically ready to be a therapist
you have to be close to techno, no ifs or buts
gives you the good stuff 😏
and when i mean the good stuff, the GOOD stuff :)
he will give you endless things, including but not limited to, bedrock, diamond blocks, netherite, gold, enchanting books, and also his crown and his cape
when you accidentally catch a storm, and you get charged and explode, he will rap you up in his fluffy cape, but then that just makes more electricity, and therefore, more explosions
that’s not cool y/n :(
back in the dinosaur days, you guys were cute little muffins
aesthetic: puppies favorite food: muffins and cookies
why is this also a cute team, like whyyy
pressuring bad to be closer to sapnap ✅
we aren’t going to that point though
“hey you want some food?”
“sure y/n, and while your at it, let me give you some jewelry.”
him filling your pockets with rings, necklaces, bracelets, just basically anything that is shiny and decorative on the human body
them being a mercenary back in the olden days really paid off, now they has the money to give you the ✨world✨
i want someone like that
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mionemymind · 3 years
Chapter 8: The Attack
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Fake Memories
Series Summary: After Y/n is caught cheating on Wanda with Carol, Y/n would do just about anything to get Wanda back into her life. But was it even Y/n’s fault that she cheated? Or was it the new enemy set on revenge?
Chapter Summary: The road to healing may have gone well for a while, but what happens when there are setbacks?
A/n: “ <|> “ This is the paragraph separator for this chapter. I JUST found out today that Tumblr limits your images to 10 per post. I will be suing. (Not my GIF) 
Warnings: Fighting, Hydra, Blood, Mentions of Death, Anxiety, Curse Words
Word Count: 6.5k
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 |
The first couple of seconds to minutes of waking up tended to be blissful for Y/n. The first thing she could feel was the soft sheets followed by the scent of lavender on the pillows. After that, her eyes slowly open, adjusting to the natural light that emitted from the room.
It was during this time that her brain had yet to fully awaken, allowing her to feel things in their natural state. There was nothing that she had yet to think of that could possibly taint this pure feeling. And Y/n truly enjoyed it. It was as if she was floating in the sky and gravity has yet to pull her back down to Earth. This feeling could hardly be compared to anything else.
When she woke up this time, the sun was rising since the blinds had not been closed the night before. The rays peeked through the shades, letting them know it was time to wake up. “Y/n,” Beth said as they laid in bed together.
Looking over at her, Y/n tended to notice her nurse in a different light. Sleeping was something that allowed vulnerability within each other. While Beth was naturally a person that could easily be vulnerable to others, it took a lot from Y/n to let Beth see that. But the nurse has proven again and again that she would not hurt Y/n. And that meant a lot to her.
“You know I love you, right?” Beth whispered to her. Y/n nodded in agreement, not wanting to break the softness in the atmosphere just yet. “Then when I say this, I mean it with my whole heart.” The seriousness in Beth’s tone confused Y/n. It was too early for serious talk.
“You seriously gotta start sleeping in your bed,” Beth stated as she hit Y/n with one of her pillows, breaking the softness in the atmosphere to something still light-hearted and playful. As Beth got up to start her day, Y/n replied with a muffled groan.
Removing the pillow from her face, Y/n gave Beth an unimpressed look. “Whyyy must you kick me out? And here I thought you were having fun with our sleepovers.” Beth grabbed a set of scrubs from one of her drawers and said, “It’s not considered sleeping over if your intentions are to avoid a girl.”
Y/n feigned a scoff at Beth’s accusation. While it was true, Y/n didn’t like to be called out for her actions. “Even if I was, WHICH I am not, why does it matter?” Placing her hands on her hips, Beth looked at Y/n with the “are you seriously asking me that” look. The answer was plain in simple, you can’t avoid the inevitable.
“It matters because I want you to start healing. Estell, Fury, Carol, and Bucky want you to start healing. We all want you to start healing. And you avoiding Wanda is hindering your path.” Shoving the pillow back in her face, Y/n groaned like a little child after being told what they did wrong.
“Groan all you want Y/n, you know I’m right.” Beth went into her bathroom to turn on the shower, letting it run till it was the perfect temperature. “And if you don’t talk to her soon, I will end these sleepovers of ours,” Beth yelled from the bathroom.
“Oh really?!” Y/n said not giving in to the pressure. “AND I will stop game night!” Gasping at her words, Y/n replied, “You wouldn’t dare!” Beth walked back into her room with a triumphant smile. “Try. Me.”
“Fine,” Y/n said unwillingly. “But we better be playing Catan next board game night.” It was a well-known fact that Beth hated any strategy or math game. As she once said, “It’s game night. Why must we choose something that requires thinking rather than having fun?” But this time, Beth’s smile didn’t stagger. She would suffer any consequence if it meant Y/n would finally start healing. “Deal.”
Bucky walked down the hallways of the tower with a redhead hot on his tail. Ever since Wanda saw Y/n that night, she had been dying to see her again. She’s asked Fury twice before he kicked her out of his office. And now, she was asking Bucky.
“Why are you even asking me about Y/n’s location?” Bucky said frustratedly. He still had a lot on his plate and having a guilt-torn kid was not on his agenda today. “Well, I did ask Fury, but he kicked me out. And you’re the second closest to know where she is. So please tell me.”
While turning the corner, Bucky kept walking, not giving in to the pressure. “Even if I did know, why should I tell you?” Although it wasn’t quite clear to Wanda, Bucky remained a little skeptical as to whether Wanda deserved to talk to Y/n. Even though she did remodel Y/n’s room, he still needed something else to calm his concerns.
“Because I need to apologize! I thought I'd made this clear.” Wanda said as if it was the most obvious thing. Sometimes she wondered if Bucky couldn’t pick up on shit like this. “And I need to make this clear. I can’t tell you where she’s at.”
“Please. Bucky.” Bucky abruptly stopped, causing Wanda to collide with his back. He turned around with a defeated look on his face. When it came to Wanda and now Y/n, he hates to tell them no. It’s always like kicking a puppy in its face. “I would Wanda. I really would. I know you want to apologize, but Y/n has to come to you on her own terms. We can’t just force it. The girl has been through a lot.”
Wanda grew confused at Bucky’s last sentence, which he took as an opportunity to step into the closing elevator. “What do you mean-” the doors closed, before Wanda could finish her sentence. “-she’s been through a lot?”
As Estell poured herself a cup of tea, she made a sharing gesture to Y/n and said, “Tea?” Making a disgusted face, Y/n replied, “Estell, are you okay? Because you know how much I hate tea.” Laughing at her reply, Estell sarcastically asked, “So I take that as a no?”
“A big fuck no.” Laughing once more, Estell placed the kettle at its stand and sat back at her seat. “Well, a girl can always try. And you never know, you could change. I mean, take me for example, I used to hate tea just as much as you. But a couple of weeks in Europe really changed it for me.”
“Estell, I really doubt that I would change,” Y/n said in a light stubborn tone. What Y/n failed to notice was the small smile that appeared on Estell’s face as she took another sip. Those were the keywords that she had been waiting to hear. Now, here was her opportunity to bring a long-overdue subject.
“Contrary to your belief Y/n, but you have changed.” Placing her cup down on the table beside her, Estell held her hands together as she looked at Y/n with a proud look in her eyes. “This has been our thirteenth session. Not only have you made progress on your mental and physical health, but your memories are starting to reveal the truth in itself.”
Standing up from her spot, Estell walked over and grabbed a book from her massive library collection. She handed it to Y/n and gently placed it in her hands. “This book has been handed down to many people. It was given to me by my therapist who was given it by her therapist and so on.” Y/n looked down onto the cover of the book to notice a huge scenery comprising Europe’s greatest sites and cultures. “I want you to have it.”
Not really knowing what to say, Y/n asked, “Why?” Estell crouched in front of Y/n and softly grabbed her hands. The very first thing Y/n noticed about Estell’s hands was how perfect the temperature was. Generally, people felt warm or cold but never perfect. The second thing she noticed was how soft they were. They truly embodied how Y/n thought Estell was like.
“I’ve had numerous patients over a couple of years I’ve been a therapist. All have a similar occupation to you but all are different in personalities. However, I do believe you stand out among them all.” Y/n knew that Estell was a gorgeous young lady. From the way her body was sculpted to perfection, to her chiseled jawline, to her overall amazing personality. But the very thing that completed it was her eyes. They were inviting yet mysterious all at once. And Y/n couldn’t help but oddly be captivated by them.
It wasn’t that Y/n was getting feelings for her therapist. Quite the contrary. It was these details that Y/n wanted to memorize for Estell was one of the few people in this world now that she trusted. The list was very small. It grew from Fury and Carol to Fury, Carol, Bucky, Beth, and now Estell.
“How?” Y/n asked once more. The girl was starting to feel overwhelmed with how gentle Estell was being. But rather than pulling away from this feeling, Y/n wanted to try to embrace it. Because this feeling was coming from a person she now trusted.
“Because even after the life you’ve lived, you have still managed to want to do good in this world...and that is something not a lot of people can say about themselves.” Not even realizing it, but Y/n started to tear up from Estell’s words. They would silently fall onto the book as the two shared this intimate moment.
“So I want you to take this book and see what I saw.” Estell slowly stood up but was quickly tackled with a hug from Y/n. As Y/n clutched onto Estell, she sobbed into her shirt, releasing what was long built up. “It’s okay Y/n...It’s okay.”
For a while, Y/n and Estell stood in an embrace as Y/n let out everything that was inside her. Even as Y/n cried her soul out, she knew this brewing feeling inside her was vulnerability. And regardless of how panicked it made her feel, she pushed through and continued to cry.
It was time to cry. It was time to be vulnerable. It was time to heal.
The duo didn’t know how much time had passed before Y/n stopped crying. Whether it be a couple of minutes, maybe up to an hour. But regardless of the time, Y/n finally felt relieved at how much lighter she felt. She was slightly embarrassed for getting Estell’s shirt wet, but Estell didn’t care. This was a barrier that Estell had been wanting to take down for some time. She was beyond ecstatic to finally see it through.
Grabbing a couple of tissues nearby, Estell handed them to Y/n. Grateful for her kindness, Y/n took them and began to wipe the remaining tears from her face. “Better?”
“Better.” There were small smiles as the two finally accepted what had happened, but there were still some lingering thoughts in Y/n’s head. “Do you really think I deserve this?” Y/n said as she gestured to the book in her hands.
Looking at Y/n, she thought about her response as she grabbed her coat from the rack. “Let’s take a walk. This conversation is going to need it.”
“So your version of a walk is taking me to the local botanical garden?” Y/n asked as they slowly walked through various greenery. “There is a science when it comes to gardens. Apparently, it does relieve some stress when people are surrounded by greenery like this.” Estell knew that Y/n absolutely enjoyed the relaxing view but would never dare to admit it. It’s what happens when you have a stubborn patient.
“Well, I can only hope that you’re not lying to me.” Estell jokingly crossed her heart in front of Y/n causing the two to laugh at her gesture. The two continued to walk around in silence but stopped at an empty bench that had a great view of the whole place.
Estell broke the silence, figuring it was time to finally answer her question. “Before I say what I think, I want to know what you think. What do you think you deserve?” Y/n pondered about it for a minute. It had been a while since she thought about the things she deserved in life. And the last time she thought about it, all she could think about was dying.
“I...I haven’t really thought much about it. For a while, I thought my life would have ended. Now, here I am trying to figure out how to live a life I never thought I would see.” Y/n sighed as she anxiously played with her hands. “Figuring out the future is hard when you never thought you’d even be here. And it’s like my thoughts are telling me so many things at once.”
“What are they saying?” Estell softly asked. “They say a lot of negative things to me...the main one is that I don’t really deserve anything.” Estell reached out and grabbed Y/n’s hand, making sure that Y/n felt anchored to the ground.
“Why don’t you deserve anything?” It was this same question that Y/n was asked months ago but her answer was still the same. “I’ve hurt people. The majority of my life has been spent supporting an organization that has done nothing but murder and torture innocent people. Heck, even one of my best friends was one of those innocent people.”
“What will it take for this feeling to go away? To finally start off on a clean slate?” Looking ahead, Y/n distracted herself with the greenery in front of her as she replied, “To die...to die an honorable death. One that hopefully saves thousands of lives.”
Once again, the two went silent as Estell processed Y/n’s confession. She knew of Y/n’s suicidal tendencies but she never thought that she would have brought it up this early together. Although dying for a greater good was something that happened often for heroes, Estell couldn’t help but worry if Y/n would see dying for the greater good as a first resort rather than her last.
But as the sun started to set for the two, Estell finally gave her peace of mind. “You wanna know what I think?” Y/n glanced at Estell, waiting for her to continue. “I think that you accept responsibility for every bad thing that has happened, regardless if it was your fault or not. You put the weight of all these tragedies on yourself in hopes to finally set it right someday. But the thing is Y/n,” Estell looked Y/n in the eyes as she said, “it wasn’t your fault.”
“None of it was your fault. Your family’s decision. All the pain and torture that Hydra has caused. None of it. I want you to understand this Y/n. You were born into an organization meant to hate the ‘weaker’ parts of humanity. But the minute truth was shed onto you, you decided to leave. You decided to do good. You did good after being born to believe in hate.”
“So while these thoughts tell you that you deserve nothing. I will personally say to them that one, they can fuck off and two, you only deserve nothing but the best...so, please, believe me when I say that this book is not the only good thing you deserve in life...you deserve everything.”
Filing out the quinjet one by one, the Avengers were finally back home after countless failed attempts to capture Hydra’s plans. On the landing pad, a nearby agent had informed them of a mandatory debriefing meeting that was in half an hour.
“At least Fury gave us time to change,” Steve commented as the team slugged to their respective rooms. Once their doors closed, Steve couldn’t help but rip off the suit from his body. Losing was something Steve took personally. Whether it was from the local bullies, or the army saying no, or even a simple failed mission, Steve took it personally.
As he glanced at his reflection, the once strong and selfless man was gone. A mere shell took its place. Even as he washed all the dirt and grime off his body, he couldn’t help but feel pathetic. The guilt was still eating him to this day, gnawing at every chance it could take.
Looking in the bathroom mirror only made him realize just how wrong he has been this whole time. And there was little he knew that could possibly make up for his actions.
But as Steve self-reflected, in the elevator was Y/n. She was unaware of the return of her team members as she rode back up to her floor. Still pondering about today’s session, she had failed to be aware of her surroundings.
Turning the corner, Y/n had bumped into Natasha, one of the very few people she wanted to see. “Watch it,” Natasha said coldly as she headed to the conference room. But something inside Y/n changed. She no longer wanted to hide from what she was feeling. And what she was feeling was pissed.
“What’s your problem?” Natasha stopped in her place and turned around. She glared at Y/n, not wanting to even speak to the girl. “Actually, Natasha, I’ll tell you what your problem is.” Y/n steeled her nerves as she walked closer to her, right until there was a foot between them. “You claim to hate me for the sake that I ‘cheated’ on Wanda. But it’s clear it’s something more.”
Y/n clenched her fists. She dug her nails into her palm to feel something as she spoke to Natasha. “When you look at me, all you see is yourself,” Y/n said in a disgusted tone. “I am the part of you that you wanted to kill so fucking badly. Well tough fucking luck Natasha, you can’t kill what the Red Room has done to you. You can’t kill the cold-hearted bitch they created.”
That was all that it took for Y/n to get under Natasha’s skin. Quick to react, Natasha was about to slap Y/n’s face until a strong hand stopped her from doing so. “We have a meeting,” Steve sternly said as he prevented Natasha from hitting Y/n.
He was walking to the conference room when he saw the altercation happening. Seeing the sight of Y/n was a huge relief, but seeing this go down only added more anxiety.
Natasha removed her hand from Steve’s grip and snarled at Y/n, but she responded, “You will never be able to wipe the red from your ledger.” Seeing Natasha change her stance, Steve quickly stepped in front of Y/n and sent a stern look. “Go.” Natasha didn’t move but only stood there with a clear look on her face. Feeling overprotective of the younger member, Steve sternly added, “Now.”
With one last look, Natasha left and headed to the conference room. Once it was the two of them, Steve and Y/n silently sighed in relief. Although Steve would have been prepared, Y/n would have struggled against the assassin. It had been months since the last time she trained. She doesn’t even know when she would be cleared of her medicine that hindered her powers. But nonetheless, Y/n was slightly and silently grateful for the man in front of her.
As Steve uncrossed his arms, he turned around and took a good look at Y/n. “She’s alive,” was the first thing he thought and he was silently thankful for that but before he could say anything, Y/n simply said, “Thank you.” She quickly left in the direction of her room, leaving Steve by himself.
Rushing to close the door, Y/n sighed in relief as she could feel her body shake from the confrontation. Her anxiety was reaching high levels, something she hadn’t experienced for a while. Although she felt safe in her room, the relief was short-lived as she turned around. There was Wanda, sitting on the edge of her bed with two important journals in her hands.
“What are you doing here?!” Y/n didn’t care for her answer as she snatched the journals out of her hands. “I - I was waiting for you - what are those journals for?” Wanda stood up as Y/n shoved the journals in her back pocket.
“It’s none of your business,” Y/n snapped. This was already proven too much to handle for Y/n. She hadn’t anticipated her team’s return but for Wanda to find out about the journals was a new level of anxiety. “It is my business when my name is on those pages. What are you writing about?”
Wanda stepped closer to Y/n, hardly leaving any space between the two. However, this only triggered Y/n’s flight response. Feeling the walls close in her, Y/n walked out of her room with Wanda following her trail.
“Y/n, you can’t just ignore me!” Wanda frustratedly said. She was tired of all the running and hiding. All she wanted was to finally apologize. “I can and I will!” Wanda rolled her eyes at Y/n’s stubbornness.
Catching up to her, Wanda spun Y/n around by her shoulder, demanding her to stop. “Will you please just talk to me!” Feeling fed up, Y/n responded, “How can I when you come into my room and invade my privacy?!”
“They were already opened by the time I got there! I was going to put them aside when I noticed my name.” Feeling frustrated and anxious, Y/n walked away from Wanda and headed to the elevators.
“Where are you going?!” Y/n flipped Wanda off as she headed into the elevator. “Away from you!” However, what Y/n had forgotten was how equally stubborn Wanda was. The redhead slid inside the elevator before it had fully managed to close.
Impatiently, Y/n tapped her foot, wanting to get off the elevator as soon as possible but Wanda wasn’t having it. Seeing this as her only opportunity, she pressed the emergency stop button, causing the elevator to halt immediately. “What the hell, Wanda?!”
“Just let me talk. All I’ve been wanting to do is apologize to you!” Y/n rolled her eyes as she undid the emergency stop while accidentally pressing the basement floor button. “What’s the point in apologizing if all you can see me as is a cheater?!”
“I came here to apologize for the fact that I hurt you! Yet, you haven’t even tried to apologize for cheating on me!” At this point, the basement floor was getting closer and closer. The two were practically yelling at each other at the top of their lungs. If Y/n hadn’t been on her medicine, her powers would have surely gone off by now.
“Because I’m not a cheater!” Y/n wasn’t quite sure what made Wanda pause. Whether it was her revelation or the fact that they finally arrived at a floor, she didn’t care. She bolted out of the elevator, finally realizing the floor they were in. “Shit,” she thought.
Only 10 minutes into the meeting and Fury was already grilling the Avengers for how poor they did the missions. “So you’re telling me that after all this time, not a single one of you can tell me any information on Hydra’s plans!” Slamming the file of reports down on the table, Fury glared at them all.
“Sir-” Holding up his hand, Fury said, “Don’t. This is serious. Not only do we have Y/n’s life on the line, but the resurrection of Hydra is not something we can toy around!” Before he could continue with his lecture, blaring alarms went through the tower but the immediate sound of an explosion caused the team to look out to the window.
The team quickly got up and jogged to the window. The closer they got, the closer they saw the burst of big spheres of smoke and fire engulf the air. “F.R.I.D.A.Y what is the situation?” Tony asked as he signaled for his suit to make it to him.
“A huge bomb has been detonated in the Upper East Side of New York. Our sources currently can’t tell the cause of this, however, the explosion has caused damages within a mile radius of it.” As soon as F.R.I.D.A.Y finished, Tony’s suit arrived. He quickly flew through the window, not caring about the small damages.
“Quick, I need you all out on the field controlling the situation! I’ll handle the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Now, go!”
After another somewhat successful day, Bucky was heading up in the elevator when it suddenly stopped. The fire alarm blared along with the signal that they were in danger.
As New York was attacked, Bucky was only stuck inside four steeled walls, not realizing the chaos that brewed outside.
Arriving on the scene was a sight that none of the Earth’s mightiest heroes could forget. Buildings on fire, people dead or injured across the streets, damages everywhere, and this was only at the edge of the blast. “Tony, I need you to do something about this fire,” Steve said through his earpiece.
“Already on it.” Tony flew around the sight of the blast radius. It was ever more horrifying up there as it was down on the ground. What frightened Tony, even more, was how the fire didn’t appear to die any time soon. It looks as if it just started. Looking at nearby buildings, he could only think of two main sources of water. The nearby ocean or water towers.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y locate all nearby water towers within 5 miles.” Already flying to the nearest one, Tony build it from its stand and quickly flying back to the fire. Punching a hole into the side of it, Tony flew around the fire, hoping the water would fight against the fire. “Vision, give me a hand with this!”
Back on the ground, Steve ordered many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to carry as many injured people to a safe place away from the blast zone. Clint had been in charge of getting as many ambulances and vehicles to the scene. They needed any and all that were willing to take the injured to the hospital.
Natasha helped those that were stuck in the rubble with assistance from the Hulk as Sam flew to people stuck at the top of buildings. And as they continued to work diligently through the chaos, another blast was seen and heard miles away from them.
Their screams echoed in their ears as Steve urgently asked for an update. “I need eyes and ears over there!” But it was as if the dominos started to fall and heroes soon found themselves in an endless nightmare as Tony said, “F.R.I.D.A.Y isn’t responding!” As if on queue, four explosions detonated outside to the Avenger’s tower. Soon, the beacon for heroes was set ablaze and all Steve could think about was how Wanda and Y/n were still in the building.
“Ay! Is anyone there?” Bucky yelled to the elevator camera. After no response for the last minute or two, Bucky decided that he didn’t have the patience to wait. The fire alarm and the intruder alarm were starting to piss him off and being stuck in between these walls only made him angrier.
Standing in front of the doors, Bucky cracked his knuckles and neck and said, “Let’s get you opened up now doll.” Hardly using his strength, Bucky opened up the elevators doors wide enough. He slipped through the doors and landed on what seemed like an empty floor.
The first thing he noticed was the gigantic ball of smoke and fire that was a mile or two away from the tower. Before he could call for F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s help, the sound of loud steps coming from his right silenced him.
Bucky quickly hid behind a wall, focusing his senses on figuring out who had infiltrated the tower. More importantly, where was Y/n at? Peaking his head out, Bucky quickly saw the logo that ruined his life. Feeling his anxiety kick in, Bucky tried to calm down but the purpose was defeated when another explosion was detonated in a different direction. What added more fuel to the fire was the corresponding four explosions that shook the building’s core.
However, this explosion did not phase the enemies at all as they surfaced the floor, looking for any possible enemies. Trying his best to steel his nerves, Bucky surprised a Hydra agent by grabbing his gun and flinging it back to the closest enemy. Using this momentum, Bucky kicked the enemy in the chest, sending him flying to his comrades, knocking all of them down like pinballs.
“If it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you’ll get,” Bucky yelled. What the enemy failed to realize was once Bucky was pissed there was nothing stopping him especially when the safety of his best friend was at risk.
Being so far down from street level, Y/n and Wanda didn’t realize they were being attacked until the alarms were signaled. In the midst of their fight, they quickly grew quiet in order to assess the situation. “We have an intruder,” Wanda stated. Her hands were slightly up as well as her guard.
Before Y/n could respond, the tower went dark. Throughout the building, all anyone could see was the darkness. Being in the basement, Wanda and Y/n’s only source of lighting was the backup alarms that blared through the floor. Pressurized gas was emitted in 30-second intervals inside the building. The feeling of it almost threw Y/n in a downward spiral as she remembered all the times her powers flared.
“We need to get to the rest of the team. F.R.I.D.A.Y, what’s their status?” No response came as the alarms still blared. That was when Y/n’s breath caught in her throat. “Oh fuck,” she thought. Whoever this was, not only had they managed to bring the tower’s power out, but they had managed to bring down F.R.I.D.A.Y and that task alone was something very few people can do. This was serious.
“Wanda, I don’t have my powers,” Y/n warned. “What? How-” Wanda was cut off at the sound of someone breaking the elevator doors. Acting on instinct, Wanda grabbed Y/n and shoved her behind the wall. A second later, the elevator doors flung past them causing damages throughout the room.
“Find me my soldier.” It was that cold voice that cut through Y/n’s nerves. She knew who they were coming for. It was quite obvious. This floor was designated for one enemy only. Fully realizing who this was, Y/n sent a quick message to Carol.
Y/n prayed to herself that Carol would arrive in time, but she knew better to rely on others. Wanda couldn’t help but roll her eyes at Y/n’s decision to text the very person they had just momentarily been arguing about. Before Wanda could comment, Y/n looked at Wanda with such seriousness that the redhead forgot all about the comment. “We can’t let him get away. Capturing him is our priority and failure is not an option.” Y/n looked and could vaguely see that the boss was by himself. “And no matter what, do not let him touch your head.” Wanda only nodded at Y/n’s words. This was no time to argue with her considering the seriousness of the situation. The tower has been infiltrated. The team was nowhere in sight. And Y/n had no powers. None of it was working in their favor.
On her signal, Wanda threw an energy blast at the boss when he wasn’t looking. Y/n remained behind Wanda, covering her back in case someone were to attack. Without her powers left Y/n in a fragile position. She hardly had any training in months. Her powers wouldn’t activate no matter how hard she tried. And now, who knows what powers the enemies possessed?
Still blasting him with all her might, Wanda threw a bigger blast at him, causing him to be sent back to the nearest wall. Walking slowly towards the target, the two remain on guard seeing as they could only make an outline of the hole in the wall where they had sent him.
“It’s gonna take more than that to kill me.” Y/n’s eyes went wide realizing his voice was behind them. Quickly turning around, the boss had immediately put Wanda in a chokehold, but she was quick to react. She used her powers to weaken his hold and side-kicked his stomach. This sent him back a couple of feet, a good enough distance between him and them.
“How pathetic,” he said as he spat out the blood from his mouth. “Always cowering and hiding. It’s almost pathetic to think that you were Hydra royalty.” His accent was strong as well as his stance. Since it was close to dark, Y/n could hardly see the man’s face and the voice was something she couldn’t quite recognize.
“What are you doing here?” Wanda spat. She held one hand out, ready to attack while using the other to keep Y/n close. If there was one thing she was going to make sure of was that Y/n was going to be safe. “Isn’t it obvious? I came for him.”
As if on queue, the soldiers came back with Memory Man with them. The sly smirk was spread across his face as he saw Y/n cower in fear. Before Wanda could react, one of the men teleported himself between Wanda and Y/n, grabbing ahold of the redhead.
They briefly disappeared and reappeared at the boss’s side, leaving Y/n at the corner by herself. The soldier shoved Wanda into the arms of the boss, and he quickly grabbed his knife and held it up against her throat while the other hand sat right on top of her head.
“Now I suggest you listen before your pretty little girlfriend gets hurt.” Even though she hadn’t spoken to him yet, she didn’t dare to. The idea of Wanda’s memories being fucked just like hers made her anxiety explode. It was one thing to hurt her but it was a completely different ballpark to hurt Wanda.
“That’s more like it.” The boss walked closer to his entourage seeing as he had the upper hand in the situation. “Get her.” One soldier stepped out of line and quickly grabbed Y/n. In one swift move, he shoved her to the floor as his hand remained on Y/n’s head. Even when she tried to look up, the soldier was quick to shove it back down. This action quickly broke her nose.
“Even better,” the boss said as he sighed in content. “It’s like the sight of you squirming and struggling brings me nothing but joy. This is what you get for betraying Hydra. For betraying your family.”
“You’re not my family.” The soldier punched the back of Y/n’s head, causing the memory to flash. It was too quick to remember but the feeling paralyzed Y/n. It had been a while since her mind played fake memories in her head. Feeling all her progress go down the drain, Y/n started to silently cry.
“Don’t cry now. Your lesson has yet to be learned. Once I fry her brain, you’ll then learn to never betray us again.”
“Don’t,” Y/n said as she tried to break free from his grasp. “Don’t hurt her!” By the now, tears were streaming down Y/n’s face. She was struggling to break free, but another quick punch to the head caused another memory flash.
“I’ll do anything you want! Just please. Don’t hurt her!” The boss looked at Y/n with sharp eyes and a wicked smile. “As you wish.”
The boss let his hold on Wanda go, but his hand was quickly replaced by Memory Man’s, keeping Wanda in place. Not only that, but the remaining soldiers kept their guns pointed at her.
Feeling frozen at that moment, Wanda saw everything in slow motion. She saw the boss walk over to Y/n as he pressed his hand against her head. Soon, the screaming started. This broke Wanda’s trance as she tried to get out of their hold, but Memory Man was quick to say, “Do that again and we’ll kill her.”
Even if she tried to object, a soldier threw a punch at Wanda’s face. If it were to be a regular person, she would have been fine. But the blood in her mouth and the searing pain in her face told her otherwise. These were super soldiers and they certainly weren’t messing around.
And as she saw and heard the love of her life in pain, there was nothing that Wanda could do that would ensure both of their safeties. She didn’t know when the screaming stopped, or when Y/n stopped squirming. But when the boss was done, another punch was delivered to Wanda’s face and stomach. She fell on her knees as she broke in and out of consciousness.
“Let’s bring them.” And as the soldiers carried the two back into the hole they created, a glowing figure stopped them in their tracks. Wanda didn’t remember much but she did remember seeing how bright this aura was. They seemed to be powerful as the soldiers dropped her and Y/n to the ground. They quickly protected their boss and Memory Man.
But Wanda’s vision grew blurry. One minute she saw them firing guns at the glowing aura. The next, they were gone. Another moment later, she heard them yelling at Y/n to wake up but the girl remained face down on the floor. The last thing she remembered was the glow coming towards her before everything went black.
It didn’t matter where you were at during that fateful night in New York. The damages caused by Hydra were felt near and far. And as the Avengers fight off the remaining soldiers and rescue the remaining civilians, their home was left in ruins and damaged beyond repair. Screams and fear ran rapidly through the streets. That was a day New York will forever remember as the day the heroes failed.
Chapter 9
Taglist:  @halobaby  @arelyitsherec8 @blackxwidowsxwife @cristin-rjd @madamevirgo @trikruismybitch @paradiselost916 @mmmmokdok @morbid-gaymer @dailyavengering @itsnottilly @helloalycia @randomshyperson @tomy5girls @daenerys713 @ensorcellme @lezzzbehonesthere @imagine-reblog @sighsam @olsensnpm @tquick99 @feolok @emilyprentisslittlewhore @mvddison99 @iamapotato @shadowybailiffdreamer-donkey @yuhloversxx @mjaudrey @upsidedowndanvers @somewhatgreatexpectations @wandavixen @second-try-stevie @magicallymaximoff @username23345 @coollemonsaresour @littlewinchester15 @aimezvousbrahms @afuckingshituniverse @am-just-a-cosmic-joke-to-me @ohmygooddamnbisexualmood @diaryoflife @s7uts @newyork1432 @the-anxious-stargazer @hello-mtf @marvelousbelladonna @ima-gi–na-tion @obsessed-with-wandamaximoff @the-camilucha @itsnottilly @171611 @kaitlynroseb @daisybri7 @drpepperobsessed @bemyvitamin @musicinourlips @marvelousbelladonna @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xastrydx @chasethemoon @naixia00 @lostandsearching @stupidsapphicsstuff​ @haechanana @the-camilucha​ @severepeanutartisanhands​ @owloftheshadows​ @somewhatgreatexpectations​ @ywuen​ @mixed-fandom-mess​ @loomontoia​ @ilovemarvelwome​​​​n @isitallreallyworthit @coxmicbabygirl​  @cyanide-mustard @mrs-avenger3000  @prentisshoe​ @andrea-stark ​
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chosenimagines · 3 years
01 Just pull the car over!
02 I won’t let anybody hurt you
03 You have been crying! Whyyy?
04 What a precious gift! I’ll treasure it forever.
05 Did it hurt?
06 Let it all out! It is alright to cry
07 What do you need right now?
08 I LOVE chocolate!
09 My pleasure
10 What would help you?
11 Smile for me? Pleeeease?
12 Don’t cry because of me! I am not worth any of your tears
13 I will always be your back-up
14 Come on! They are waiting for you.
15 The floor is cold. Don’t lay on it!
16 You look like a fairy!
17 It’ll be better soon! I promise
18 You brought me food? *teary eyes*
19 Don’t worry I got this
20 I believe this is yours
21 Thank you for taking care of me
22 Always by your side
23 No matter what I will always help you to calm down
24 Take a deep breath
25 Let’s take a break
26 I always have been here and this won't change
27 I’ll take care of that
28 Let me please take care of you
29 Think of it this way! We lay under the same stars no matter how far apart we are
30 Your smile is gorgeous
31 I will never be far away from you
32 Tears don’t make you ugly! You are beautiful! With and without them.
33 Nothing could ever take your sunshine away
34 Stay with me
35 You were never alone! I always have been by your side
36 I am going to get you out of here
37 There is only you!
38 You are my safe place
39 I look at you and I’m home
40 You are my family
41 They/This are beautiful! You are beautiful
42 Don’t be scared! I am right here
43 Don't worry! I got this
44 Shut up and come here
45 You taught me that
46 Until you are ready to fix your crown we will lay here, watch (insert name of a movie/show) and eat Tortillas with Nacho-Cheese
47 You can close your eyes. I won’t go
48 This brilliant mind needs to rest after this exhausting day!
49 Food, blankets, pillows, movies and a big hug. I think I got everything for you!
50 Don’t worry, I’m all yours
51 I try my best but I really don’t know what sad people need
52 If it still hurts I could- could- What do you do with wounded people?
53 I can be your reason why
54 Where is your goofy smirk? I miss it
55 You know I love you, right?
56 Are you sure?
57 You still fight! I know that you do but now you have a partner
58 Do you remember that? That is what we will do to make things better
59 Don’t be scared. I am right here!
60 I promise that I won’t go until you ask me too
61 It’s okay! I got you
62 Do me a favor and sit down!
63 Look at me! Not them. Me. Look at me!
64 It’s all over now! You are safe.
65 Focus! Focus here
66 I’ll stay right here, okay?
67 Do you need a hug?
68 Come home
69 Don’t do that! You’ll hurt yourself
70 Are you sure everything is fine again?
71 I am not going to fight you
72 I am not scared of you
73 Take a breath! A deep breath through your nose.
74 Squeeze my hand when you take a breath and release when you breath out
75 Have you eaten something today?
76 We don’t have to be anywhere right now
77 Stay here as long as you want
78 You can sleep now
79 It was kinda cute actually
80 This is all for you
81 Thank you for your precious smile
82 I don't want your body! I want to know your soul
83 I am taking you home. You barely can stand
84 You smell like home
85 Come here
86 As long as you are not good I am not going anywhere
87 Can I hug you?
88 Is this okay?
89 Breathe for me. Please just breathe for me if you don’t do it for yourself!
90 We don’t do anything right now
91 Nothing is more important than you staying here and letting me take care of
92 I belong right here. In good and in bad times, Darling!
93 You don’t have to be alone
94 It’s tough but we will get through it
95 Do you want to talk about?
96 Let’s just lay here
97 You are all I need
98 Sssh, sssh, sssh, ssssh! It’s all good.
99 I got you! I will always have your back
100 It will never be too late for me to pick up your call
101 I am taking you home
102 How about we get (the favourite food) and build a pillow fort?
103 You need some sleep, dear
104 Do you want to do some guided breathing?
105 Wait a minute! I am giving you my jacket/hoodie
106 You want to go for a walk?
107 I love you! You know that right?
108 Don’t you worry! I am going to braid your hair
109 I would give up everything just for your smile
110 Of course I will believe you
111 Please breathe in through your nose
112 You accept me for who I am
113 For you it is alright to listen whatever I choose to stay
114 Just give me a big hug
115 You never want me to justify my feelings and I love you for this
116 Go and take a bath! I am bringing you in your comfy clothes
117 Come in, it’s cold outside. I’ve baked cookies, and there’s hot chocolate on the stove
118 I’m not going to judge you for any of the things you did. I’m just going to take care of you the same way you have always taken care of me.
119 I know that it calms you and you love it so I thought we could read together
120 You accept me feelings no matter what
121 You don’t have to be afraid of seeming weak in front of me. I’ve seen how strong you are.
122 I’ll love you no matter what happens, so you don’t have to be afraid anymore.
123 Next time you feel like this, don’t hesitate to ask me for help.
124 How can I make you understand how amazing you are?
125 Never forget that you are not alone as long as I am alive, my dear
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serowotonin · 4 years
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✰︎ pairing // kuroo tetsurou x reader
✰︎ genre // fluff
✰︎ word count // 0.7k
✰︎ warnings // rushed and unedited:)
a/n: i rlly hate my internet and tumblr rn like whyyy😭😭i just wanna post smth for kuroo’s birthday skfnjdd... which is also why i’m sorry there’s no ‘keep reading’ T.T hope u guys at least enjoy this word dump made last minute when i realized it was his birthday,,,,
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you and kuroo have only been going out for a few weeks
and somehow the topic of his birthday never came up,,, you guys just talked bout other stuff ig
anywaysss november 17 comes rolling around and you wake up like you do every other day tired and wanting to stay in bed expecting today to be just another day
and it was… for the most part
you went to school like usual, met all your friends, said a simple hi to kuroo as you passed him in the hallway
yeah it just a normal day
then during lunch, you went to find kuroo cuz yk he’s your boyfriend and you wanna spend time with him
that’s was when you should’ve realized today wasn’t just a “normal day”
he was carrying a bunch of stuff in his arms: a “how to play volleyball for dummies” book, at least 3 different types of hair gel, a comb, and a packet of 7/11 bread
“where’d you get all that?”
he shrugged and simply said, “volleyball club and a few others”
you just nodded and for some reason beyond human comprehension didn’t think to ask any further
soo.. instead you just enjoyed lunch with him, stole that packet of bread, and made plans with him to go buy more after school
the rest of the afternoon was pretty much the same
you still didn’t know it was kuroo’s birthday and your mind was free of worry of what to get him
then, as you were walking the halls of nekoma high, you overheard some of your kouhais (younger students) talking about giving kuroo some cake
first things first, kuroo is a very tall and noticeable man
he’s also captain of the volleyball team and not many know how much of a dork he rlly is
they know he’s smart tho
which means there are a ton of people attracted to him
and since you guys haven’t been going out for long,, it hasn’t been clearly established that he’s taken yet
now that should’ve given you a clue or at least sparked some sort of curiosity because why would they give him cake? today? of all days?
but ofc you pay it no mind and continue on your way
it wasn’t until you opened your phone and checked instagram did you finally realize what today was
tons of kuroo’s friends had posted pics of him that had the words “happy birthday kuroo” on their stories
you suddenly felt ur stomach drop
it’s only been a few weeks but you’ve already achieved one of the largest acts of clownery as kuroo’s s/o — not knowing it was his birthday
the stuff at lunch and the talk of cake made sense now
you rushed to the gym, ignoring any after school activities you were supposed to participate in, and once there, called for kuroo
“ohh yeah. no wonder you didn’t get me anything”
there was a sort of awkward silence before you quickly declared you were gonna make up for not knowing
with that, you left school, went to the nearest convenience mart and bought everything you thought kuroo would like
before you could go back, kuroo called and said coach let them out early today
cuz it was his birthday n all~
you asked him to meet you at this cute cafe nearby and you started making your way towards it.
you treated him to pancake and ice cream (after much resistance on kuroo’s part) and gave him the grocery bag of little goodies shortly after
then the two of you walked around the city just talking bout stuff when you happened by a small, empty playground...
and as they do, the two of you decided to play on the swings for a bit
you were just pushing kuroo lightly when you told him, “to be honest, i still feel like i haven’t done enough.”
“for my birthday? y/n please this is already enough”
“but ughdkcncj the feeling’s still there you know?”
“mmmmmm, ok how about.. you give me a kiss.”
“if you’re comfortable of course—“
you gently pressed your lips against his and stayed there for a few beats before pulling away
“happy birthday kuroo,” you said with a bright smile
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yulight · 4 years
Snow Fall
Desc: Christmas seems like the only holiday which you are able to spend with your boyfriends. Their busy schedules always take every holiday away from you. They said they had two surprises, one you can have on Christmas eve, but the other you must wait for on christmas night.
 Paring: Bang Chan x F.Reader X Han Jisung. 
Warnings: Poly relationship, Smut, a small hint of fluff, oral sex(both), fingering, orasgm control, Switch!Jisung,Dom!Bang Chan, Sub!Reader, two soft slaps,Petnames.
word count: idk a lot like 4k
Merry christmas everyone This is brought to you by @clandestine-lixie​ Smutmas collab!
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You woke up with a small hum feeling Jisung’s arms wrap around your waist tighter, you couldn't help but to smile watching his sleeping figure hug you tightly. You turned your head to look where Chan sleeps and to your surprise, he was still there sleeping peacefully. You were always thankful for these days, however more so thankful for this holiday where you get to spend the whole week uninterrupted. The days were now limited, leaving only today, and Christmas left. You left a gentle kiss onto Chan's cheek before running your figures through the younger male’s hair.
“Jisungie, wake up” you whispered softly trying to not wake Chan, Jisung however only let out a groan or two holding you even tighter making you sigh, as you try your best to wiggle out of his grip.
 “Whyyy” he whined, you froze for a second as you looked down at the sleepy Jisung who eyes barely open as he buried his face into your chest. “Jisung, I need to pee” he groaned loudly as he let go with a small huff. The moment your feet touch the ground you hiss at how cold it was. Walking on your toes, you quickly ran off to the bathroom. 
Your relationship with the two is a bit different; it started out as you and Jisung as a couple. Jisung was a very soft switch, who wanted to try new things leading to threesomes with Chan. Jisung ended up feeling like allowing him to enter into your relationship. Chan just evened out the both of you. You are very submissive, and Jisung needs to be submissive himself from time to time. It also made you feel more comfortable being Jisung was younger than you meanwhile Chan still being older. No matter what way it was looked at, Chan was the perfect match, making everything balanced between you and Jisung.
As you left the bathroom, you entered your shared room with the boys to see Chan awake Getting Dressed, however, Jisung was Gone. You ran over hugging Chris from behind your small arms barely wrapping around his waist  “Good Morning Chris” you leaned into his warmth as you smiled happily. “Morning darling, why don't you go help Jisungie with breakfast hmm?”
You quickly nodded, as you let go of his warm body. As you left the bedroom, you quickly rushed your way to Jisung leaning against the kitchen counter. Watching Jisung as his head was stuck into the refrigerator “What's for breakfast?” He would look up as he pulled out the milk and some eggs “your favorite, pancakes” you smiled clapping a bit before going to grab a bowl before Jisung hand grabs yours “Nope, go watch some tv. I’ll handle it” he kisses your forehead before grabbing everything he needs. 
“But.. chan told me to help you” Jisung would shake he looked at you and behind you down the hall “and.. I'll tell you to go watch tv. I'll cook don’t worry about Chan” You let out a small huff knowing that Chan wouldn't be happy with You listening to Jisung over him. However, he would be more upset with Jisung than you, as you moved to the living room you would sit down on the couch clicking around on the channels. 
You didn't even notice that Chan had entered the room until you heard Jisung say your name. You're head turning in the direction of the kitchen. “Jisung. I told her to help you cook breakfast, and I told you to start breakfast, not cook it yourself.” You quickly stood up from the couch, making your way around the kitchen. You would continue where Jisung left off on the pancake mix, testing the heat of the pans before placing the mixture onto the pan. 
“I just wanted her to relax, it's not that bad Chan it's not like I was gonna burn down the house from pancakes, I just wanted today and tomorrow to be as special as possible for y/n”
This happened a bit more than it should, Jisung may have a submissive side himself , but always found it hard to simply submit and let Chan handle everything. Naturally causing him to bump heads with Chan which he would quickly apologize for his mistakes, Chan knew this about jisung and never really took much offense to it, and always took the same approach on teaching him his place. It took a few times of you clearing your throat, for the boys to notice you wanted their attention. 
“Breakfast is done” You hummed softly with a smile. The both of them turn to look at you, Chan stood with his arms folded across his chest while Han stood there chewing on his bottom lip. Jisung and chan exchanged a few looks before looking back at you. You honestly felt like you did something wrong in that moment. 
“Bedroom now” Chan spoke firmly as he looked down at Jisung before looking back at you “By the time i get in there i want to naked and on the bed got it Y/N” You nodded quickly confused on what you did wrong.
Jisung noticed the confusion “why so early? I thought it was planned for later after the-” Chan would slap the back of Jisung's head as he pointed to the room before looking at you who was still standing frozen in the kitchen “babygirl?” You gasped lightly before running off into the bedroom.
Following Chan orders, you quickly Removed your clothes as you Laid onto the bed Before both men.Chan Fingers ran gently through Jisungs hair, before he slowly moved into whispering something into his ear, his lips folding into a smile as he nodded. A small feeling of worry washed over your body, unsure of the words that were whispered into Jisung's ear before you couldn't even contemplate more. Jisungs Hands grabbed your legs, spreading them apart enough for him to slide in between them. Your face grew hot when your eyes met down to his.It always felt embarrassing for you, Having someone head between your legs. 
Jisung hands gently rubbed up and down your thighs, in his small attempts to relax and distract  you from your embarrassment. Chan's body slowly dipped down onto the bed making you break your eye contact with jisung looking over your shoulder to Chan, whose Hard cock pressed painfully against his pants, slowly rising your gaze upwards. Chan typically wore gentle loving smiles, however today his lips only formed into a smirk.
“Alright Baby Girl, Since you have been such a good girl all year long, Jisunggie and I are gonna treat you so well.. However” His eyes would shift over to Jisung who was leaving small kisses up and down your thighs. “Jisung hasn't been a good boy, So he Doesnt get to cum, until i say so” Jisung head would snap upwards as he looked at Chan,
“Chan.. That's not Fair..” Jisung pleaded softly as he small whines left his lips
Chan Shook his head as he looked down at you, rubbing his thumb gently against your bottom lip.: “Jisung, You better use your tongue for something better than complaining. I Said it and itsFinal” Your gaze was fixed onto Chan the way he spoke was such a contrast to how he looked, his facial features were soft and gentle, While his Tone was harsh and vermonus.
You let out a small gasp as reality hit you quickly grabbing onto the bed sheets below you, The shure fact that Jisung was between your legs and he was now longer leaving small trails of kissing on your thighs.The smaller Male had his head against your wet heat, his tongue dragging across your folds before sucking lightly on your clit Your weak attempts at closing your legs was stopped by Jisung as he threw your legs over his shoulder as his hands held your hips down. Chan let out a pleased Hum as he watched your body react to the younger male.
“Look at that Y/N, Jisung. Watch him” Chan hand would grib your chin as he moved your head forcefully shifting your view down at Jisung. The younger male, lips never seemed to leave your clit as he looked up at you, his eyes flickering over to Chan, who sat beside you as Jisung's eyes quickly snapped back at yours, like Chan silently ordered Jisung to look back at you.
Your face grew redder by the second, your whimpers slowly growing into whiny moans. Chan Hands gently moved down your chest giving your breast a soft squeeze as your hands left the bed sheets as the grabbed onto his wrist, as you let out a small throat moan your hips Bucking up against jisung face causing the younger small to groan against your core Only sending vibrations that sent a small shiver down throughout your body.
Chan was always amazing how your body reacted to the smallest of things, remember how you and jisung were each other first it always did make sense how you both only knew so little. A loud moan from leaving your lips took Chan out of his thoughts as he quickly looked over at Jisung, from the reaction he thought Jisung did what he was told not to do when Chan whispered into his ear. However to his surprise the Younger male still had his head buried between your thighs. “Look at Jisung being such a good boy” His eyes went to you, as he leaned down kissing your neck softly his plush lips brushing against the shell of your ear. “Now baby girl, are you gonna be a good girl and cum all of Jisung tongue” Chan knew you were close the way your hands gripped his wrist, the way your legs shaked, the failed attempts of moving away from jisung mouth.
Without much a single second you nodded, as a string of whiny moans left your lips. “Then cum for him babygirl But don't you dare close your eyes look at him.” Chan knew you well, he knew your habits, as you fought yourself to keep your eyes open your hands would leave the older males wrist as it grabbed onto the younger hair the second your orgasm hit you, Jisung let out a moan as his mouth finally left your clit, only for his tongue to lick up all your juices. Your thighs shock lightly, as the grip into his hair didn't leave, Jisung mouth left your wet core, as now his fingers are finding their way to your entrance. He would look up at Chan, a small way of asking for permission. 
Seeing that Chan agreed, inched himself back, as he slid his fingers Into your entrance, your head threw itself back as you moaned, your attention snapped to Chan. He had his hard cock in his hands as he gently rubbed the head of it against your bottom lip. Your hands leaving the younger males hair as you reached up to wrap your Hands around the base of Chan His cock, Chan shook his head as he grabbed both of your hands holding them up above your head. “No Hands Babygirl, just that beautiful mouth of yours”
You wanted to say something, say how you can’t take all of him in your mouth, you simply couldn't contest as every sound that left your lips were moans, actually you could barely even think right now, due to Jisung fingers curling up into you. As Chan took the moan as an invitation, he slid himself into your mouth. You let out a small hum as your tongue was greeted with the sweet salty taste of him, Jisung let out a small groan, as he watched the both of you. Jisung lowered his head as he hid himself between your thighs kissing them lightly as he slowly slowly worked his fingers against you.Jisung groaned softly as he rutted his hips against the bed, biting his lip as he whined. “Chan.. Please” 
Chan would over at Jisung as he shaked his head, “How about you make her cum one more time, and i'll let her suck your dick hmm? But remember do not cum Baby boy” Jisung would sigh softly as he hid his face into your head leaving small kisses onto your sensitive clit. 
Chan would roll his eyes as he looked back down at you, he couldn't help but to smile at your flustered faces, how your eyes were closed as you attempted your best to focus on him. The way your tongue wrapped around his length with small bobs of your head. Chan ran his fingers through your hair as he let go of your wrist. “Such a pretty girl you are.” 
Jisung lips were once again attached to your sore clit as his fingers moved in and out of you curling against you. Causing you to moan and gag against chans. Your body attempts to run away from Jisung, only making the younger male growl against you pulling you down harshly as his free hand Slapped your Thigh as he looked up at You and Chan narrowing his eyes. 
“BabyGirl, Don’t run away from Jisungie, come on, that's not what good girls do” Chan would pull himself out of your mouth, as moved from his spot on the bed. You let out loud whine, your walls clenching against jisungs fingers. Looking down at Jisung, he looked mad. Was it Chan making him wait or was it your running away from him? Both? You let out a small whine as he slapped your thigh again. His lips leaving your abused clit only to be replaced but his thumb as he looked up at you “Y/N go-”.
 Chan grabbed a handful of jisung hair pushing his head back to your clit “Shut up and do you what you're good at” Jisung would whine softly as he went back to sucking on your clit licking. Chan rolled his eyes as he shoved the younger male head harshly against you making the both of you moan. Your hips raised off the bed as your second orgasm crash into your body, Jisung fingers fucking you through it casuing you to cry out. 
Chan letting go of jisung head as he let the younger move take his dripping finger out of you.
“I’ll be nice, how about this Jisung. I’ll let you cum, however. If you cum before her don't even think about tomorrow's plans.” 
Jisung nodded softly as he removed his pants freeing the painful restraint against his hardened member. The cold air makes him hiss softly. As he sat down onto the bed . Chan would help you up gently setting you on all fours as your hands wrapped around jisungs length, as Chan fingers rubbed gently down your wet folds. Both of you whimpered as Chan looked up at the both of you. The both of you so sensitive You being so fucked out before they even fucked you and jisung being out of pure desperation and need. Chan always found it so funny, how jisung has zero control, he would always get himself so worked up so quickly. 
The small licks you left on the tip of Jisung’s cock, made him moan as he leaned his head back. 
Chan had moved grabbing of the condoms that were in the dresser grabbing two and throwing the other on the bed, tearing open his rolling it slowly against his length before grabbing your hips. Chan lined himself with your entrance, the tip of his cocked swallowed effortless as your warm walls hugging him quickly pushed himself into you, as he leaned down kissing your shoulders down your back.
Your choked out a moan as your mouth was wrapped around jisung, the vibrations causing jisung to whimper as he looked over at Chan, The older male smiled as he watched the both of you. 
“Look how cute my little babies are” Chan would grab the younger male by the back of his neck as kissing him harshly the taste of you still lingering in the younger mouth. He would pull away from the younger his hands going back to your hips his own snapped forward into you causing you to pull your head off jisung. Letting out a loud breathy moan. Jisung however didn’t agree with your move. As he grabbed your hair and quickly thrusted himself back into your mouth fucking into it with a small growl.
You gagged against jisung, as Chan hips slammed into you, your walls clenching harshly against chans members causing him to groan. He grew harder for him to properly move. Your next orgasm so close, as the tip of Chan cock hits every right spot every thrust.
“Already baby? Well come on cum all over Daddy's cock” Jisung hand held your head down against him as he fucked into your mouth with small whimpers. Chan  watched as you struggled to keep up between the two of them as his hands would leave your hips again as he grabbed onto jisung hair pulling it as he growled. “Stop, or i will take back what i said” Jisung thrust would stop automatically as he looked up at Chan shaking his head lightly. As Chan let go of Jisung’s hair as Jisung raised you off his member . 
You lean your upper half of your body  against your younger thigh as he coughed out, moans trying to catch your breath. Your mind was so blank you, your orgasm around the corner as you dug your nails into jisung thighs. As Chan some hard thrust throws your body forward, losing your balance the second your third orgasm hit. incoherent words leave your lips as you cried out. Chan holding your lower half in place with ease as he groaned, feeling your wall squeeze against him. Jisung ran his fingers over your lips as he hummed softly. 
“Chan hyung, i don't think she can handle anymore i honestly think she's gonna break if we go any further ” Jisung looked at Chan watching as the elder left kisses down your back rubbing soft circles on your hips.
“n-No” you choked out looking up at Jisung Chan ran his hands down your back as he hummed “BabyGirl, we can stop if you can't handle anymore just tell us when” Chan voice was soft as he spoke You let out a faint nod, your hands wrapping around jisung making his hiss softly. Chan thrusted felt soft and gentle, “You’re always such a good girl y/n,” Jisung hummed as he stroked your cheek gently. 
The moment was so soft and tender, they treated you as if you are glass that could shatter at any harsh movement. It was such a contrast between what was happening only moments ago. Chan thrust never changed from the soft gentle pace he set, it was understandable as even though Chan was the harder Dom, he always found himself being soft after you cumming as hard as you did. Meanwhile jisung, always found it as a reason to fuck you hard, to drag out new reactions. Maybe it was just Jisung brat like nature 
“Chan.. please.” You begged as your hands worked on jisung, pumping it up and down his length. “Please just fuck me harder again i can take it” 
Chan let out a small sigh as he looked down between You and Jisung, Jisung's mouth hung open. Small whimpers leaving the younger mouth. “Fine, Since This is what you wanted, then we can have jisungie fuck you next too” 
Jisung looked up at Chan, he swallowed harshly as he fought back the moans as your mouth was against him “but.. You said-”
“And now i’m telling you to fuck her after me, or do you just wanna cum in her mouth?”Jisung let out a small wine as he looked down at you, the way you bobbed your head up and down his length. He was honestly surprised he didn’t cum already. But he was painfully close.
“Exactly” Chan hips once again started to fuck into your harder, making you gag against jisung only making the younger man whimper. Your walls clenching against him as he fucked into you harshly, The way your walls hugged him, it was only a matter of time until Chan couldn't hold himself any longer.he let out a small growl as it grew harder for him to thrust into you leaving dark marks down your back.  
His pace grew unsteady, His attention stuck on jisung who was visually struggling to keep his breathing under control. Chan knew all three of you were close. “Y/N, look how close you are, why are you holding yourself back cum princess?” Your body reacted to Chan's words faster than you could hear them.Your fourth orgasm hit you so hard. Pulling yourself off of jisung cock with a pop you let out a small screaming moan. Jisung would groan softly as he grabbed your face making sure you didn't attach your lips back to him. Chan pressed himself against your back, your wall milking his cock. Chan and jisung both start to rub smoothing circles onto your skin soothing your body from the shaking. As Chan slowly pulled himself out he would groan softly as he looked over at jisung throwing the second condom pack at him.
Jisung Took Chan spot from behind you. The younger male would look over at chan who was sitting on the bed kissing your forehead softly whispering soft praises into your ear. He would bite his bottom lip as he ripped out the condom, placing it onto himself as he leaned forward pushing himself in with ease. Hissing softly under his breath, with how sensitive the both of you were. He knew the both of you couldn’t last that long Jisung moved his hips slowly letting out a string of moans louder than yours. 
Chan would look up at Jisungs Giving him a small glare, the both of them having a silent conversion without warning his hips would snap forward as he quickly started to pound into you. Chan would give a soft kiss onto your lips eating the moans that left your throat. The grip on your hips that jisung had was painfully hard, The whimpers from the both of you filled the room.
Chan sat there looking assumed between the both of you, all the was needed was for him to say the word you both craved him to say, as jisung thrust grew painfully unsteady, he would hide his face into your back as her let out whimpers that were nearly sounded like cries. Your wall held as you looked at Chan moaning. Your doe eyes begging for him to allow you both to cum.
“Alright fun, you both can cum” his words speaking like magic, as jisung groaned at release as he held you tightly. As your last orgasm of the night hit you like a train, if it wasn't for jisung holding you, you would have crashed into the mattress or chan, all the strength in your body was completely gone. Jisung took a deep breath as he left a small kiss onto your back as he slowly moved, pulling out of you, throwing himself onto the bed.
Chan placed you onto his lap as he rubbed your back lightly as he looked down at jisung who slowly made his way close to the both of you laying his head against chan shoulder. “I’m sorry to say… but breakfast is most definitely no longer good.”  
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
39 and 47 from your prompt list? Peter Parker x reader!! Maybe reader has long hair n it gets stuck in his shirt or something 🥺😭🥺😭 super fluffy
Always Stuck
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Getting your hair stuck in everything was a pain. In ice cream or your lipgloss. In the car windows and your hairdryer. But just this once, you didn’t mind it getting stuck somewhere.
Prompts Used: “I don’t want to risk our friendship, but I can’t keep this hidden anymore.” and “Because I love you.”
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff and a bit of angst. A few bad words here and there as well.
Word Count: 1.7k
Here is my Masterlist, and my prompt list :) Hope you enjoy this one!
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Damn it”, you muttered, pulling your hair out from under the pillow. Having long hair, especially for someone who hates tying her hair up, was a bit of a pain. Constantly pushing it out of your face, as well as trying to keep it out of everything else, had become a part of your life.
So why didn’t you cut it off? Well...because of Peter Parker. Peter was your best friend, a partner in crime, the Batman to your Robin. You had known him from pre-school, where he would come in with colossal building blacks falling from his backpack and an Iron Man lunch box in his hand. As time passed, the friendship between the two of you deepened, and by the time you both were in high school, your feelings towards him had morphed into something much less platonic.
Peter knew how much you loved having long hair, and even if it did give you trouble now and then, he knew you would be unhappy if you cut it off. Your mother had long hair too, well… before she died, and she loved that you grew your hair out to match hers. You remember that you had vowed to have long enough hair to cut it off and give it to her once her chemo-therapy had stopped. Sadly, she didn’t live long enough for that to happen, as the cancer got too her much too quickly. Nevertheless, you had still kept it, not wanting to chop off a piece of yourself that connected you with her.
You might say that that was the only reason for you to keep your long hair…. But it wasn’t. As you were saying, Peter Parker played an important role. He loved your lusciously long hair. A lot. Whether it was just combing his hands through it or styling it when he was bored, he loved playing with your curls. After the patrol, when he came in through your window, it was only a matter of time before he was nestled up next to you, hands entangle in your hair as he fell asleep. So, you didn’t have a strong need or urgency to cut your hair...until today.
It was like the universe was screaming at you to lose your mind. Starting in the morning, you had gotten out of the shower, and while drying your hair, almost half of it got sucked in by the annoying machine. Wasn’t the best start.
Fast forward to an hour later, while you were at school. You hadn’t seen Peter around all day, and you didn’t even have any classes with your friends, so you weren’t in the best mood. Bring out your lipgloss; you looked into the mirror, grimacing at your dry lips. Smothering on a thick layer, you turned around, only to be hit with a strong gust of wind. Blowing hundreds of strands of hair into your face, about half of them stuck to your lips, making you huff out in annoyance.
Since most of your face was covered by your unruly hair, you tried to maneuver yourself to the washroom, hoping to regain your sight, but instead banged into the lockers, causing a loud BANG to go through the hallway. Students voices began ringing out, and soon enough, a flash went off infront of you.
“Get out of my way”, you growled, pushing aside the crowd as you sought out MJ. She frowned apologetically, moving both of you to the bathroom, where you spent the next twenty minutes cleaning out your face and hair from the lipgloss residue and grumbling about how annoying your classmates were.
Not wanting to get any more attention, you decided to leave for the day, as you bid MJ goodbye and began walking to the bus stop.
You would’ve thought that’s enough for the day, right? Nope. While getting onto your bus home, the doors closed...way too fast. Since you were in Queens, the weather was unpredictable. One minute it could be bright and sunny, next? Rainy and gloomy. Today, however, was one of the windiest days ever. So when your were trying to haul your bag into the moving bus, your hair got caught in the door, leaving you wide eyed as you tried to pull it in. People began whispering around you, as you grit your teeth. Pressing the red button to stop the bus, you got off, deciding to walk the next 30 minutes back home.
And what a long thirty minutes they were. You decided to grab a coffee to cheer yourself up, but, as luck would have it, you spilt it when you stumbled on the side walk. Now, was your hair not only covered in lip gloss and pulled apart to look frazzled, but it was also soaked in cold brew.
Taking a deep breath as you entered the house, you ran straight to the shower, dumping your stuff on the ground the minute you walked in. You decieded to shampoo your hair nicely today. Not that you didn’t like the smell of coffee in your hair, but you needed to wash it.
Besides...Peter was coming over tonight. Now, you would’ve thought that washing your hair would not be an issue. You have been doing it your whole life. But boy oh boy, were you wrong.
Squirting the liquid into your hands, you started massaging your scalp. You sighed, finally peaceful after the day you had had. But then… tragedy striked. As you started to wash it out, your eyes began stinging.
“Wha-”, you said, rubbing the water out of your eyes, but it just made it worse. “Holy shit, what is thi-” Stumbling out, you tried to reach for a towel, but your hand got stuck in your wet hair, making you trip. Grabbing onto the lever next to you, the water suddenly became scorching hot, making you cry out before running out into your room. Reading for whatever cloth was next to you, you rubbed your face furiously, until the burning sensation stopped.
Taking a deep breath, you walked back into the bathroom, grabbing a towel and looking at the mess you made. Watching closer, your bloodshot eyes widened as they looked at what you used.
“Shoot, that’s Y/D/N’s shampoo! I used a dog’s shampoo, damn it!” Pissed off, you walked into your room, slipping on your comfiest clothes before putting your stud-ridden hair in a towel, not wanting to see it anymore. Crawling into your bed, you closed your eyes, feeling the tiredness hit you like a wave, and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.
“Hey Y/N”, Peter’s voice floated in through the quiet air of your room. You slowly opened your eyes to see Peter’s face, his lips in a cute smile and his brown curls hanging down his forehead as he looked down at you.
“He-hey Pete, when did you get here?”, you asked, drowsily.
‘Bout an hour back”, he whispered, picking up some things on your desk as he organized them. Pushing yourself up, you looked around your room, shocked to see it so clean.
“Wha-why is, why did you-”
Peter sighed, smiling at you. “MJ told me what a day you had, so I decided to help you out a bit.” He chuckled, smirking a bit. “Especially after your room looked like a tsunami hit it”
“But still, why would you go through that trouble? You must be tired, right? To-today was training-”
“Because I love you. And you always help me out like this when I have a tough day”, he said, shrugging his shoulders. For a second, your heart had skipped a beat, but then you realized that he said it as a best friend. A friend. You wanted to say it back. Say what you’ve been meaning to say. But you just smiled back, opening your arms so he could crawl in, hugging you against his buttoned-up chest.
You huffed out, the buttons digging into your cheek. “Peter, take this off, why must you wear a shirt? Go get a sweater or something”, you said, knowing he left about 5 of his jackets here for how much he slept over at your place.
But all Peter responded with was a loud, exaggerated sigh. “But whyyy. I’m comfy?”
You laughed quietly at his tone, so you started to get up to get him one, but was pulled down. Sitting up back, you realized your hair was caught in his shirt, pulling it up, exposing his taut torso.
“Peter! My hair”, you said, trying to untangle yourself, but only making it worse.
“Huh, oh”, he said, leaning up to unravel your hair, making his face only a couple of inches away from you, letting you see his freckles that adorned his skin.
Too shocked, you just sat there, as Peter’s finger worked his shirt, since, at one point, he realized it would just be easier to take it off. So, you sat there, your body hot and face possibly red, while your (chiselled and muscular) best friend untangled your hair.
“Okay”, he said, leaning back. You stuttered, looking at your hair then at Peter, who just realized he was topless. You could see his cheeks turn pink, and his pupils dilate as he looked at you, and you couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“I don’t want to risk our friendship, but I can’t keep this hidden anymore. I-” you looked at him, feeling a surge of energy go through you, “I really like you, Peter. Hell, I think I love you.” You sighed, worried when he didn’t say anything. “Peter, please say something-” You looked away, tears pricking your eyes. “Damn it, I shouldn’t have said anythin-”
“I love you. Too. You are-I can’t. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to tell you but I-”
You would’ve loved to hear what else he was talking about, but your mind had other things to focus on. Like his lips. Kissing him lightly at first, you deepened it when he didn’t pull away. You felt his hand sneak into your hair, and for the first time, you didn’t mind it at all. He pulled away as he caressed your face.
“Oh my god, I love your hair…”
You laughed out loud, hugging him. “Is that the first words you wanna tell me as a couple?” You pretended to act hurt. “One might even choose to believe you like me for my hair”
He smirked, whispering in your ear. “Oh no, you got me. I am deeply in love with your hair, not you too much. Sorry you had to find out like this”
You became serious, hugging him more tightly. “I was gonna cut my hair today. Thank for-”
“I’m glad I was there to protect the love of my life”
“You are talking about me right?” you asked, looking into his playful chocolatey eyes.
“Who else?”, he asked back, winking…
Thank you so much for requesting this Anon! I loved writing it, and even though I myself don’t have long hair, I highly respect anyone who does, because it's a lotta work. Anyway, my requests are still open, in case you wanna send in ideas that you may have, or just wanna chat. Until next time 👋
Tagged: @idkatee @eternalscribblesforthesoul @loudbluepancake @poisondevotion @scram1326 @t-hollanderr @305weasley @starknik22 @marvelfansworld @lou-la-lou @lomlparker @marvelfansworld @wowitsel @vanteguccir @fullcheesecakeengineer @ladykxxx08 @allegras-sunflower @a–1–1–3
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 ☁︎
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Summary // Tali decided maybe a little flirting won't hurt....oof.
Characters // Talia Flores + Jung Jaehyun(ft.Nct 127)
Era / Year // July 2017
Word Count //
Note // I would like to thank @woopetals for this🥰, ya girl was struggling anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY OUR VALENTINE BOY JUNG JAEHYUN❤❤❤
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"Hey cutie." Jaehyun came into her room laying beside her. She looked up from her book then looked back down and shook her head.
"So you not gonna acknowledge me?" Jaehyun looked offended. Tali looked at him.
"Oh, were you talking to me, I thought you were talking to someone named Cutie." She put a hand on her chest and acting dramatic. Jaehyun rolled his eyes about to leave.
"Ohhh no no no, stayyyy." She whined grabbing on to his shirt.
"Will you respond to me then?" He raised an eyebrow at her and gave her a teasing smile. She slighty lowered her head and pouted.
"Fine, but come on and lets go the cafè handsome." She said getting off her bed, poking his cheek along the way. He loaded for a second but shook it off thinking, no she just playing no way she is gonna keep this up.....
Boy was he wrong.
They left the dorm, and she had a cute smile on her face. Then she suddenly hooked her pinky to his and and took him to the elevator. He was surprised at the sudden contact, he knew he was screwed.
She was humming all the way to the cafe still hooking pinkys. He was just admiring her honestly, trying to figure out what she was thinking.
They made it to the cafe and they got their drinks. They sat down at a table near the back to privacy.
"Whats with you, why you such in a good mood?" Jaehyun asked really curious what got her such in a good mood. She smiled at him and came closer to his face looking him up and down, as he slighty backed away from the sudden closeness. She giggle at his action, she then whispered.
She quickly went back to her seat sipping on her coffee smiling innocently like she didn't make the handsome man infront of her freeze from her act.
"I- I-"
"shhhh,come one lets go get food and have a picnic." She interrupted him grabbed his hand and dragging him to get some chicken.
Jaehyun's brain malfunction a bit he's not gonna lie, he wasn't expecting that. They got the food and went to the Han River instead to get more privacy.
"Here Cutie." He said smirking, trying to feed her but he is extra close. He was in competition mode, no way he is letting Talia win this.
Tali looked at him she took the bite confidently moved back and hummed.
"Im disappointed Jaehyun." She sighed shaking her head. She then resting her head on her hand looking at him with a mechivious look on her face only a couple people have seen.
"I was hoping you would use your mouth to give me my food how disappointing." She said slightly eyeing his lips then cutely poking his cheek with a pout.
He has never been this surprised, its not the first time Tali has flirted back but its only little comments not full on flirting. His soul left his body, he was a still statue. Tali noticed this and started poking him to get back to the real world.
"Jaehyun~ come back."
"Oh- uh-" he stumbled around his words now fully realizing what just happened. She started giggling when she noticed his ears were turning red.
"Aww, wait I'm sorry, now I feel like I went too far." She said trying to cool his ears down with her hand.
"Oh n-no no your fine I wasn't expecting that." Now replacing her hands with his. She giggle again at his embarrassment, she looked up to the sky noticing it was getting dark.
"Come on mi Bon bon lets go home." She sighed grabbing his hand to get him up. He smiled at the nickname and shook his head. He cleaned up while she was getting smoothies.
"Wow, I really dug a whole for myself." He whispered to himself. He catched up with her and hooked his arm with hers and gave her a cheeky smile.
"Now whats got you in a good mood?" She questioned him with a smirk. He had a cheeky smile on display.
"Because I get to brag."
"Yeah.." He said now getting a closer to her, while eyed him.
"Cause I had a date and with the one and only Tali when she is usually busy. Dont you have to work the rest of the week and next?" He questioned her for some reason getting more happy.
"Uh yeah why?" She asked him little confused. He chuckled.
"Well it looks like no one can take you out on a date now can they? Not when you are busy." He said smugly.
Then it hit her.
This man took her on a date, flirted with her and with the addition of her flirting back, on her last day off. No one can take her on a date for the rest next couple weeks because she has a comeback with Blackpink so she can't even have a mini date with the members because she wont even be around them.
She looked at him so offended.
"You...you did this...for what?" She questioned him as they make it to their building. He laughed at her question.
"I have bragging rights now, your last day, you flirting back willingly and good at it too." He said chuckling too. She just had a blank face internally regretting the past what 3 hours maybe a couple more of her life. But she then didn't, since she had fun.
She shook her head at him now suppressing a smile from coming to her face.
"What am I going to do with you Bon bon?" She said putting in the pin code to the dorm. Knowing that she now has to face the consequences of today. He chuckled once again and had a smile on his face. He wrapped his arms around her waist and head on her shoulder.
"Love me more." He said slyly.
"Ha in your dreams." She retored back now opening the door. She saw the boys in the living room chilling.
"Hey guys we are back." She said smiling at them while Jaehyun straighted up with a smug smile on his face but still has a hand around her waist.
"Buuub~" Haechan whinned going up to her about to hug her but Jaehyun's hand was in the way.
"Ay hyung move your hand." Haechan said trying to swat off his hand from her waist so he can hug her the way he wants.
"Nope." Jaehyun said now hugging her fully, pulling her away from Haechan.
"Heyyy." Haechan whinned holding on to Tali's arm.
"Where did you guys go anyway?" Doyoung asked ignoring Haechan's whinning.
"We went to-
"Went on a date."
Everything was quiet, the boys were processing what Jaehyun just said.
"WHAT" Haechan screeched out, making Tali srunch up a bit to Jaehyun's chest now giving him to opportunity to hug her tighter.
"But, WE MADE A DEAL NOT TO SPEND ALONE TIME WITH HER TODAY!" Taeyong yelled out feeling betrayed.
Now Tali was even more confused."What?"
"So we made a deal not to hangout alone with you on you last day off because it would make be unfair...to the rest of us." Johnny explaines now kinda embarrassed.
"I didn't even suggest it Tali did." Jaehyun pointed out. Tali made an offened face but then thought about it.....she did, didn't she.
"Well you came into my room and I was bored what else was I supposed to do?" She defened herself.
"So flirting with me was one solution?" He pointed out.
"Nah don't put that on me you flirted first."
"You flirted Tali?" Taeyong asked surprised.
"Yeah a little."
"N-" "Shhhh I'm going to my room peace people I have a schedule tomorrow." She shushed Jaehyun from talking, she went to her shared room with Mark as she shared a room with him in 127 dorm when she stayed over.
Everyone saw her close the door and then they looked back at Jaehyun offended.
"So you went to her first?" Taeyong asked sassily.
"Yeah, it was nice for the mattera fact and she flirted back too which was the best part." He bragged then started sipping his smoothie.
"Ah Jaehyun whyyy." Taeyong whined knowing damn well he can't spend time with her for the next 2 weeks.
"She wanted to, and I gave her what she wanted." He defended himself.
Haechan huffed also wanting to have a date with her since he hasn't been able to properly hang out with her. Then he thought of something.
"TALI~ COME AND CUDDLE WITH ME TONIGHT!" He yelled out for her waddling to her and Mark's room.
"NO COME CUDDLE ME INSTEAD." Yuta yelled out shoving Haechan out of the way heading towards to door.
Then everyone else joined in.
Jaehyun was now smiling smugly sitting on the island chair looking at the chaos he had made sipping on his smoothie.
"You are proud of yourself aren't you." Johnny said sitting next to him.
"You have no idea."
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Isamu and Aruto, 15
Hon, you get to cheat and get a fourth prompt in for this round because I really wanted to write some Fuwa. Big thanks to my husband for workshopping Bad Aruto Jokes with me over 1. a long car trip and 2. a shared diner milkshake.
15. "Why are you staring at me?"
The lab is quiet but for the hum of machinery. Aruto sits at his grandfather's work table, tools gleaming like jewelry on a square of green velvet next to his elbow. In front of him is one of his grandfather's notebooks, an engineering textbook, and a partially-disassembled Humagear forearm and hand.
It is, if he's being perfectly honest, the creepiest thing Isamu's ever seen. Just...a hand, lying there. It's even got painted nails.
Not looking up from...whatever he's doing, Aruto says, cheerfully, "So what can I do for you, Fuwa?"
Isamu coughs nervously. "I, uh. My ShotRiser needs a repair and Yaiba's busy, I thought you might. Help."
"Oh, sure, I mean, I'll take a look, I'm just in the middle of something--do you mind hanging out? I could kinda use the company, Izu's busy and it feels weird being by myself."
I could watch you for hours--not saying that. "No problem, I have time. What are you--" The fingers of the hand Aruto's working on twitch, and Isamu suppresses the urge to jump. "What, what are you working on?"
Aruto flashes him a knee-weakeningly sunny smile. "Studying. I'm still new to a lot of this engineering stuff, really. I didn't go to university, you know? All of this--" a vague gestured toward the general lab area, "still getting the hang of it even thought it's been, like. A year."
Isamu swallows hard. "I bet it's...complicated. Whyyy, why a hand?"
"Well, Izu was having some technical issues the other day and I couldn't help her and it bugged me." The manicured fingers curl and flex. "So I had We're make me up some practice pieces to work on."
It's hard not to stare--at Aruto, at the hand, at the way Aruto's hair flops over his ears, he is not staring at Aruto. Or at the hand. He is looking safely at a point over Aruto's head where there isn't anything either alarming or distressingly attractive. "That's good of you, to study for her."
Another flashed grin. "I want to be useful, you know? Not just a figurehead." He lifts the forearm up, squinting into an open panel just past the wrist, and then blinks. His face lights up. "I want to arm myself with knowledge."
Isamu thinks, Shit, and chokes back a giggle--
"Actually, hang on, I think I can--" Aruto starts fiddling in the open panel with a tiny screwdriver, tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth. "Who else..." he mutters, "but..." and, with a final, triumphant twist of the screwdriver, "...Aruto!" He looks up at Isamu, beaming.
The hand points at Isamu, palm down, thumb out to the side, in Aruto's unmistakable gesture.
Isamu whirls around and stares fixedly at the wall, teeth gritted and neck tense as he desperately tries to fight off laughter.
Behind him there's some rustling, and then Aruto says, hesitantly, "Fu...wa? Are you all right?"
"I'm fine," Isamu grits out. "Everything's peachy. I can feel you staring at me, why are you staring at me, don't--" He suppresses another wheeze of laughter. "It's fine."
The rolling sound of Aruto's chair pushing out from the desk, footsteps behind him. "No, seriously, are you hurt or something? Is that why you didn't go to Ms. Yua? I guess she would probably scold you." Aruto lays a hand gently on his shoulder. "Will you show me what--"
Think fast, Fuwa Isamu, or he's going to realize you've been losing your head over his terrible jokes this whole time. You need a distraction.
He turns, grabs Aruto by the front of today's tacky, adorable hoodie of choice, and kisses him.
Too fast, genius, says another part of his mind, the one that sounds like Yua and Naki had a kid. He doesn't respond to it, because arguing with yourself is what crazy people do and also his tongue's kind of in Aruto's mouth.
After a moment he lets go of the hoodie and backs off, and Aruto, pink-cheeked, says, "Uh."
Isamu coughs. "I'll. See myself out."
"I, you, but--no?" Aruto grabs his wrist. Somehow this leads to them kissing again, possibly because Aruto decided that it needed to happen. This is fine.
This time, when they stop kissing, Isamu says, "I don't actually have a problem with my ShotRiser, I just wanted to see you."
"You could have said that, you know."
"I really couldn't."
"Right, I guess that isn't really...you." A beat, and then Aruto lights up again and Isamu feels dread coil in the pit of his stomach. "Well, I figure this wasn't quite the shot you were looking for, but I hope I managed to rise to the occasion."
And he winks. Isamu can feel himself blushing. It's terrible. But even worse is that the laugh is coming and he's not going to be able to stop it and Aruto will see and know and--
Aruto's lifting his hand and saying, "Who else but A--mm," and that last bit is cut off because apparently the answer to all of Isamu's problems has become, "stick your tongue in his mouth again and see if that fixes it."
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