#wig cleaning hack
half-oz-eddie · 7 months
I am so utterly obsessed with rag-tag team heist movies so I made a Stranger things heist crew AU roster
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Steve "Moneybags" Harrington's heist crew used to be a team of 2, the other being Dustin "Phisher" Henderson. Steve was the only person Claudia Henderson trusted to look after her son, and as Dustin grew older, the two of them became close friends.
Steve watched Dustin hack into all sorts of databases, uncover the truth behind town conspiracies and even hack a few of his bullies.
When Mr. harrington cut Steve off financially, he wanted to get back at him, and pull a "prank" with Dustin to empty out an offshore bank account that his father kept hidden from Mrs. Harrington.
The plan went smoothly. A little too smoothly, maybe. Or perhaps Dustin was a natural at this, that's what Steve believed. And since it was that easy for Steve and Dustin to get their hands on $1.5 Million, they decided to take their pranks to another level.
Steve proposed for their next prank, they should clean out one of Mr. Harrington's friends' cryptocurrency. He explains to Dustin how the asshole keeps his assets on a physical drive in his house that they could wipe while he was away on vacation.
Dustin agrees and suggests they bring Eddie "Safecrack" Munson into the fold. He tells Steve Eddie's trustworthy and knows how to pick locks and hotwire cars, y'know, just in case.
Eddie, of course, is thrilled by the idea. Not only does he love a little mischief, he'd love to get his hands on some money and a fast car. "However," Eddie told them "we'll need someone to drive one of those fancy cars outta there. We may be good drivers...but we're not that good. But not to worry, I know a guy."
The guy in question? Billy "Wheels" Hargrove. A California bad boy who knows plenty about fast cars and fast cash, so he's in without question. He also doesn't mind hassling pretty boy Harrington. (there's so much sexual tension between them. Billy's the one who gave Steve his code name. He said 'the hair' didn't quite fit.). But Billy's not doing anything unless his stepsister, Max "Sticky Fingers" Mayfield can come in and swipe whatever isn't nailed down for a cut.
They used to have a complicated relationship, but they bonded by shoplifting whatever Billy's dad wouldn't let them have. Max was a skilled thief. She could get out of any store with anything that she wanted, and Billy would drive away like a bat outta hell. She lifted consoles, games and even a little lipgloss, for Billy.
So their first heist goes without a hitch, and after wiping millions in crypto off some hard drives, swiping some expensive paintings and a 2020 Mclaren, they can't resist the urge to plan bigger heists together.
Billy suggests they call up his coworker Heather "Chameleon" Holloway. "She's got more wigs than personalities" He joked. When they brought Heather onto the team, she showed them her massive walk in closet, full of clothes, wigs, shoes and more. Not to mention, she could use her charm and distract anyone. Heather was bored at home, spending time perfecting her hair and makeup skills. She could change her appearance to look like a completely different person. It was all the fun she had. Her mom was always wine drunk, and her dad was a jerk who ignored her because he wanted a son, so she was happy to be part of a team that didn't treat her like she was invisible.
Under normal circumstances, they'd never spend time together, but now? They're an inseperable friend group.
They've made some friends (and enemies) in their line of work, but everyday is an adventure.
They recently took on a half a billion dollar heist job for a mysterious man by the name of Henry Creel, unaware of the dangers that lie ahead...
Tagging some people: @shieldofiron @adelacreations @dragonflylady77 @harringroveera @bigdumbbambieyes
Because I love your writing and I'd love to hear how y'all would include some other characters/ships in the mix. I just love heist AUs so much~
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Leverage gang gets stuck in the middle of the road somewhere in the desert in Utah
Nathan Ford: Alright gang, let’s go steal a 2007 Honda Civic *Leverage theme music*
Alec Hardison: alright the mark’s name is John Johnny McBingleBangle he’s been using his 2007 Honda Civic for 23 years now running over orphans puppies orphaned puppies AND puppied orphans but to get into his car we’re gonna need his keys now Parker-
Beloved Country Singer-Songwriter and Matt Mercer look-alike Christian Kane: damn it Hardison can’t you just hack the 2007 Honda Civic with your hacker van
Parker: actually guys-
Alec Hardison: Lucille broke down dingus that’s why we’re stuck here in the middle of Utah
Nathan Honda: Yeah that’s why we’re gonna go steal a 2007 Honda Civic gang *Leverage theme music*
Sophie Devereaux: if he’s been driving his 2007 Honda Civic that long then surely he’s got to go to the gas station sometime or another
Nathan Chevrolet: Right so we’re gonna disguise Sophie as an orphaned puppy and she’ll keep mr. McBingleBangle at the gas station long enough for Parker to get his keys and for the rest of us to get inside the car, let’s go steal a 2007 Honda Civic *Warehouse 13 theme music*
Parker: *swinging keys around on her finger* guys no but really-
Alec Hardison: it’s not gonna be that easy his 2007 Honda Civic has a dash cam protected by an enhancement modifier now that means we’ve gotta get not only his keys but also his driver’s license and also his keys’ driver’s license
Sophie Devereaux: *already adjusting her orphan wig* I could pretend to be an orphan who works for the DMV then
Nathan Mitsubishi: Nah no this con’s gotta be clean or we’ll never make it to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza for Parker’s birthday party, we’re gonna go steal a 2014 Ford Focus *Grimm theme music*
Eliot Spencer: wait Hardison rewind that dash cam footage
Alex Trebek Hardison: alright sure
Parker: *holding McBingleBangle’s entire personal records collection in hand* who’s that in the passenger seat?
Eliot Spencer: damn it Hardison that’s two-toe Tony Tommy the biggest baddest meanest guy in all of Uzbekistan this is really bad
Two-toe Tony Tommy, the biggest baddest meanest guy in all of Uzbekistan*: I’m gonna punch you Christian Kane
Eliot Spencer without stubble to indicate he’s younger: not if I punch you harder first Tommy
*they punch each other and they both look super cool end flashback*
Nathan Tesla: don’t worry guys Eliot’s just gonna punch him it’ll be a classic punch the guy steal his car con let’s go steal a leverage theme music *2007 Honda Civic*
Sophie Devereaux: *over earpiece* Guys this is bad Mr. McBingleBangle is gonna run me over he thinks I’m really an orphaned puppy
Parker: what you’ve never been run over before? I did that all the time as a kid
The gang: . . .
Parker: continue
John Johnny McBingleBangle at the wheel of his 2007 Honda McCivic: Man I’m so evil I love running over orphaned puppies like this they’re my favorite watch me hit this sick puppy-grinder Tony
Two-toe Tony Tommy, the biggest baddest meanest guy in all of Uzbekistan: why do i even hang out with you
Parker who is already in the backseat of the car: You wanna say that again?
John Johnny McBingleBangle: huh what who said that ***THUNK***
The crumpled broken form that was once Sophie Devereaux: ouch now im dead lol
Two-toe Tony Tommy the biggest yeah you know the rest at this point: my god John we’ve gotta call the police
John Johnny McBingleBangle: we’re not gonna
Two-Toe Tony Tommy: huh what
John Johnny McBingleBangle: we’ve gotta get rid of the witnesses *cocks gun* nothin personnel kid
Gun: bang
Eliot Spencer: damn it Hardison why didn’t you hack the gun so it wouldn’t kill Sophie
Sophie Devereaux: because I’m not dead
John Johnny McBingleBangle: HUH WHAT
Alec Hardison: *getting out of the car* look again Johnny
Orphaned Puppy, standing next to a life-sized cardboard cutout of Sophie Devereaux: *whine*
Nate Subaru: yeah while you were monologuing about how evil you are we got Sophie out of the way so you’d leave your 2007 Honda Civic exposed now let’s go steal a 2007 Honda Civic *Alphas theme music*
*they do that cardboard cutout thing*
John Johnny McBingleBangle: but i just shot her in the head with my bang bang shooting gun
Nathan Dodge: nah uh uh
Sophie Devereaux: *peels off her bulletproof orphan wig and novelty dog ears*
John Johnny McBingleBangle: HUH WHAT THE WHAT
Sophie Devereaux: And now you’re under arrest
John Johnny McBingleBangle: you can’t do this to me
Two-toe Tony Tommy: yeah they can bub
Two-toe Tony Tommy, the biggest baddest meanest guy in all of Uzbekistan*: I’m gonna punch you Christian Kane
Citizen Kane: Wait zoom in on that asterisk
The Camera: *zooms*
Uzbekistan (oh but actually he’s FBI Agents Taggart and McSweeten in a trench coat)
*they laugh clink wine glasses and pretend to fight end flashback*
FBI agents taggart and mcsweeten in a trench coat: you’re under arrest for running over orphaned puppies with your 2007 Honda Civic
John Johnny McBingleBangle: No no this can’t be happening to me don’t you know who i am I’m John Johnny McBingleBangle I am THE GUY who runs over orphaned puppies you can’t do this to me
The gang: *gets in the car*
Sophie Devereaux: Looks like we’ll be making it to Freddy Fazbear’s pizza after all eh Parker
Parker: yay
The car: *vroom*
Frederick Fitzgerald Fazbear III: wow thanks guys you locked up the guy who’s been running over orphaned puppies outside my restaurant
Nathan Kia: no problem Freddy let’s go steal a 2007 Honda Civic *leverage theme music*
Alec Hardison: wait didn’t we already do that y’all
Nathan Toyota: i may have a problem
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Cam walks into the agency disguised as an ethical hacker. She doesn’t look much different but a business casual attire and a wig does wonders.
She’s there to give a small presentation about laptops and security (ethical hacking / erasing evidence) to the agency (the perfect excuse to commit more crimes).
Micheal spends most of the presentation staring at Camila. And then leaves to find Beatrice. He just stares at Beatrice before grabbing a donut from a neighbouring desk and leaving to sit on a bench in the park.
"You're doing it again." She comes to a stop a few feet in front of him, reaching out to tap his leg with her foot.
"I'm not doing anything, Beatrice." He says, sullenly.
"You're sulking. You think the former hacker that got brought in for a series of talks about keeping digital evidence safe is the hacker I've been looking for."
"It's not an insane statement." Michael says defensively, still sulking.
"I'm sorry for laughing at you, if it helps." Beatrice offers as she sits down. She can see on his face that it does, but Michael's always been more prideful than he cares to admit. He continues to sullenly eat his donut.
Beatrice produces a slim file. "If you're done reliving your emo phase, I had Ava run a background check on our little white hat."
Michael reaches out to try and grab it, but Beatrice pulls it back to avoid his jelly stained fingers. She produces a single use wet wipe from her pocket and Michael shoves the remainder of the donut into his mouth and rips open the packet.
"Her name is Dani Gonzalez, she was born in Toledo, Spain. No record of her parents, apparently she's an only child raised in an orphanage run by the Catholic church." Beatrice summarizes as Michael cleans his hands.
"Started hacking from the orphanages computer when she was 10, the rest is history." Michael finishes, leafing through the file quickly. He chews on the inside of his cheek, another bad habit of his.
"Something's bothering you about it, isn't it."
"Well doesn't it seem a little," he gestures with the folder, "thin for an agency background check?" There's only a few pieces of paper. Beatrice's own agency background check was at least three times bigger.
Beatrice nods. "It also seems quite opportune that she's here the day after you apprehend your suspect."
From down the street, sounds of yelling start to echo. Their phones go off simultaneously, an automated red alert call.
Prisoner escape.
Michael stands quickly but Beatrice stays where she was on the bench. He turns back as it dawns on him.
"You figured it out."
"There's no such thing as a coincidence."
"You knew she was here to break her partner out."
Beatrice nods. "She also made off with quite a bit of information we were previously keeping confidential." Her hands come up in the lazy approximation of air quotes.
A slow smile spreads across Michael's face. "I never thought I'd live to see the day Beatrice Zheng sets a baited trap."
Beatrice finally stands, beginning the slow walk back to the station. "We're in a brave new world, Michael, I'm afraid we all have to step out of our comfort zones every once in a while."
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 4
Episode 19: Danger Things
~Henry's House~
Ah, Halloween. The season for all things spooky, creepy and a little bit weird, and this year was gonna be no different. 
Henry had good memories of the holiday; ever since he was a little kid, he loved the candy, the costumes, the going out with his friends to throw eggs at snooty people's houses, but in recent years, things had been just a bit more special. No one could forget the first year he spent in the Man Cave and ever since then, he'd discovered that the "adults" there were as much of a sucker for Halloween as he was.
That year had been a good year, way back when Jasper tried to pretend to be Kid Danger for a girl who moved out of town three months later, but some good did come out of that crazy night and it was just his epic zombie tennis player 'stume. No, that was the night when Ray practically had a heart attack when (y/n) decided to be a superhero and went on her first "mission". Sure, Jeff wasn't exactly a difficult arrest but in some ways, that evening had been a twist of fate, some kind of weird premonition about what was to come, her destined path to the superhero's path, but that was her and Ray all over.
Those two were star-crossed in every way and were no doubt gonna be all over each other tonight considering that ever since that first confession, they'd taken to seizing every opportunity because for years they'd pushed away what was meant to be and had insisted that their fates lied elsewhere. Not anymore though, and Henry would be off to seem the Man Cave's hottest couple, and Schwoz, and Jasper, and Charlotte presently, just as soon as he finished this damn Jack-o'-lantern for Ray.
"Halloween, Halloween, Ha-allo-ween... Oh, what fun it is to shave a werewolf till he's clean, hey!" The boy sang halfheartedly as he sneakily used his laser to carve into the orange flesh. And this wasn't just a bog-standard, run-of-the-mill pumpkin, no, no, this was a special order, placed by Ray because Henry had some serious carving skills and the hero had a serious ego. 
As per his instructions, the kid had spent all afternoon chipping away bits of pumpkin until his boss's face was illuminating the darkness around him. And adding a brown wig from Junk-N-Stuff just completed the wacky look and the kid was proud of his work, he just didn't know why Ray would want such a thing, well, apart from waning to be vain and have his finacé coo over how handsome he was. Just wait until (y/n) saw this...
"This pumpkin looks goooood!" Henry exclaimed as he referenced his work to the large, blown-up photo of Ray that the man himself had so graciously given him so he'd know what perfection was. Yeah, he'd done a pretty good job, it looked identical to the photo, but nothing would make the weirdness go away, he just hoped that his boss would be pleased with his services.
However, the only people who couldn't see his work and adore it were his parents and luckily for him, they just so happened to walk through the door, like God hated him and wanted them to find out what he was up to or something.
Reacting quickly, he threw his laser into the plant pots and turned the pumpkin around so they'd assume that he was just hacking at some regular lantern, nothing special to see here. God, how would he explain the precision of his cutting or why his boss needed to see his face all lit up? Quite simply, he wouldn't be able to.
"Hey! Sweet 'stumes! Let me guess, don't tell me...you are  people who just got bitten by zombies but haven't turned into zombies yet." Henry grinned at his parents like nothing was wrong and automatically assumed that they were just gearing up for a night of spookiness and splendour like he was. Maybe their costumes were boring but hey, they were old, he could overlook it.
"We're not wearing 'stumes. We're leaving!" Mrs Hart exclaimed, not wanting to know what her son was up to since her night was gonna be pretty eventful by all accounts. Well, it would be if she and her husband ever left the house. It was probably not a good idea to leave her son in charge of the house, even if he was quite mature in some ways, but she couldn't find a housesitter now and not one that she liked enough to pay. She'd have to find one later.
"Like...forever?" Her son's tone was confusing as if he was torn between being sad and excited. On one hand, he had the prospect of being free from nagging parents, pressure about school progress and having to keep his room tidy. But then again, on the other hand, he'd have no money, he'd have to get a job and he'd be forced to cohabit with Piper with no backup for the rest of his days. Okay, that sounded sucky, he didn't want mommy and daddy to go...
"No, that would be ridiculous." And for once, Henry was relieved by what his father had to say. No more panicking about being stuck with his sister for the rest of eternity for him.
"We're spending the night at a haunted house because my rich uncle just died! And, whoever can stay the entire night at Hackney Manor will get his inheritance."
"Uncle Jimmy died?!" Well, for the kid, the news of such a tragic passing in the family wasn't a cause for clapping his hands together in delight like it was for his mother. Damn, he liked that kooky old guy, why did it have to be a free-for-all just because he was a gazillionaire or something?
"I know...so sad." Mrs Hart was quick to change her tune when she realised that she was being unduly chirpy about a recently deceased man, but as always, her husband was less tactful and less willing to hide his excitement. Jeez, you'd think he'd want to seem mournful and shocked by his uncle's death, y'know, show a little decorum, but nope. He just wanted a fat wad.
"Focus, Henry! I'm about to inherit a fortune!" Jake giggled gleefully, prompting his wife to do an excited jig as she couldn't contain it anymore and they quickly made a beeline for the car, not that Henry was gonna let them slip away so easily.
"Uh, okay, well, hang on a second, hang on a second, whoa, whoa, whoa! Who's gonna watch Piper while you're gone?" He asked. Just because his sister thought she could look after herself didn't mean that they were gonna let that happen. She was still a child, still young and full of mischief and Mr and Mrs Hart knew all too well about what she could get up to whilst they weren't around. But they couldn't miss this opportunity to get rich quick, and that's why they'd come up with a solution in planning.
"You are!"
"What?! No, no, no, no, no, I can't watch Piper tonight." Henry was quick to dismiss the idea for several reasons, numerous of which he couldn't tell his parents. First off, he'd rather carve out his eyeballs with a rusty spoon than spend the night being verbally abused by his pipsqueak sister. 
Secondly, this was meant to be his night for fun; Halloween at "work" with his friends, hanging out, getting candy, staying up to see the sunset and that wouldn't happen with Piper, not that he could tell them that. So, he decided to bend the truth a bit, make it seem a bit less superhero-ish since he couldn't tell them that Captain Man had ordered a pumpkin of his face and was expecting its delivery promptly. 
"Why not?"
"Because I'm supposed to go trick-or-treating with Charlotte and Jasper. Okay, we're going as funny exterminators from a very famous movie." Henry gestured to his costume and instantly his parents knew which movie, but that didn't matter, nor did it matter that he already had plans. Going out with Charlotte and Jasper was only part of the fun, no doubt (y/n) and Ray would have something to do as well and he didn't want to be the jerk that bailed on that, but his mom and dad were firm.
"Well, young man, you should've thought about that before Uncle Jimmy died!"
"What?!" Henry couldn't believe what utter bullshit he was hearing. How was he supposed to make plans around an entirely unpredictable event? If he had known that one of his loved ones was about to pass away then maybe he wouldn't have "double-booked" himself and he was almost about to scream that in their faces until someone beat him to it.
From inside the house, there was a piercing scream and the unmistakable shrill of it made it undoubtedly Piper, who was probably overreacting over something not that deep. Still, no one wanted to face her fury even if there was an emergency going on and Mrs Harts was eyeing up her exit route.
"Ooh, Piper sounds mad. Better go see what she wants!"
"Bye!" And with that, Mr and Mrs Hart were scampering away from their bewildered son with their luggage trailing behind them. That was not fair, they got to go off galavanting for a fortune, whilst Henry had to face a lipgloss-wearing dragon with nothing to protect him other than the measly excuse that siblings don't hurt siblings. Like that old chestnut would ever work...
"Yeah, great parenting! That was sarcastic..." He yelled after them, receiving nothing but a car horn honk for his trouble. Piper was their daughter, why couldn't they tackle her wrath? No, no, he was a superhero's sidekick, he could do this. It was just a matter of being a calm, kind older brother and sorting out whatever she needed. Then, he could go and enjoy All Hallows' Eve with his friends.
"Piper?" He called out as he entered the house, knowing he'd regret it soon but still he persevered. The second scream didn't give him much hope, but the girl wasn't being secretive, almost immediately giving up her location, so how bad could it be?
"I'm under the table..." Piper responded in a frightful tone and not using the brain cells he'd been blessed with, Henry, in a moment of stupidity, peered under the coffee table as if Piper could fit under there and even if she could, he would've noticed her the minute he walked in anyway. What a moron...
"The kitchen table!" She snapped at him when he failed to find her and suddenly, Henry felt a bit dumb. Right, right, those were her legs and judging by her kooky clothes, she was in her 'stume, so he couldn't for the life of him work out what was wrong with her or why she felt the need to duck under there to find comfort. She couldn't be scared, Piper was never scared, so what was it?
"Oh, right...well, uh, why are you under the table?"
"I messed up my hair!" Oh, that made sense. There was one thing Piper was scared of, now that he thought about it, and that was what other people thought about her. Her image was everything, she had followers to impress, friends to pretend to like, parties to go to, and she always had to feel confident and look good, but Henry was sure that it couldn't be that bad. Maybe she'd just over-teased it or used the wrong shampoo or something, surely, whatever had happened, it didn't warrant sitting under the table.
"Okay, come on, Piper, I'm sure it's not that--oh my god, what happened to your hair?!" And the supportive brother bit went flying out the window. Henry gasped and recoiled at the utter shambles that was Piper's hair, or what was left of it. For some bizarre, unknown reason, she'd cut ninety per cent of it off, leaving her with a buzzcut that on second thought, didn't look terrible, but it was a far cry from the long honey-brown curls she normally rocked.
"I tried to trim my hair just a little bit so I could be this Fresno Girl Doll for Halloween." The girl started to explain, gesturing to one of her favourite dollies, which had long, silky blonde hair, nothing like whatever Piper had done to hers. It was a shame really because she would've ended up looking quite nice had she cut her hair properly, but it was too little, too late for that kind of thinking.
"That would've been a sweet 'stume..."
"But after I trimmed it, I noticed that the right side was a little bit longer than the left side, so I trimmed a little off the right. But I trimmed too much, so then I tried to even it out on the left side but I trimmed too much again and it just kept happening!" She explained with remorse and desperation written all over her face. It was understandable that she wanted to go back in time to stop herself before she picked up those damn scissors, but that wasn't how life worked. She'd just have to wait until her hair grew out again.
"At least it's even." Yeah, Henry wasn't gonna be getting pats on the back for that line; more like rubbing salt in the wound than offering healing words of support.
"I look terrible! And my hair was one of my fifty best qualities!" Piper pointed out and on the plus side, at least she knew her worth, on the downside, Henry could see that this had severely knocked her confidence. 
Hmmm, what to do? Well, the first thing to do would be to answer Charlotte, who was trying to call him on the cool walkie-talkie that the Man Cave team had all bought, thinking that it would be a cool addition to their costumes since most of them were dressed up as people who'd plausibly use the devices.
"Henry, this is Charlotte. Do you copy? This is a code-red, repeat, code-red!" The teen's voice came over the walkie-talkie and Piper fell silent as Henry went to answer the call since "code-red" sounded like it was something serious. The clever girl was back in the Man Cave, babysitting Ray as (y/n) changed into her "surprise costume", which she promised to be both adorable and weird, so there was no peeking from the man until she was good and ready. That left him begrudgingly in Charlotte's stead until she returned to kiss the pout off his handsome face.
"Hey, Charlotte! It's Henry..."
"You have to come to work right now! Code-red..." Charlotte told him, airing on the side of caution and not saying too much since she wasn't sure who was listening in apart from the obvious suspects already tuned into this frequency. Plus, she knew that talking about serious stuff was risky when anyone could overhear what was being said on the walkie-talkies, so it was just better if Hery got his ass over to the store, which would be easier said than done with Piper in tow.
"Copy. Hey, come on, we gotta go to Junk-N-Stuff."
"Code-red! I repeat, code-red!" Charlotte stressed as Henry stood up from kneeling next to Piper.  Right, he needed to move if it was so important that she wouldn't drop it, but Piper was determined to stay in the house for the next six months or however long it took until her hair was at a normal length again. 
"Yeah, got it. Code-red, we are on our way--come on, let's go!" Henry reached for Piper's elbow, hoping he could drag her out of the house without much fuss, but that was wishful thinking. Of course, his sister wasn't going to go quietly or go at all, she felt hideous and wanted something to cover what wasn't on her head and walking through the streets to that stupid store, in front of everyone who was trick-or-treating, wasn't gonna make her feel any better.
"No! I'm not going out of the house with my hair like this!" She stated firmly, causing Henry to sigh at how she didn't get the urgency of what Charlotte had just said. 
"But I gotta go. You heard Charlotte, it's a code-red!"
"It's a code-red!" That had to be proof enough to move her butt. Something serious was going down, he didn't know if it was a silly emergency, such as (y/n)'s mystery costume, or a genuine emergency, such as something that required his services as Kid Danger. He just didn't know and that worried him, so they needed to leave and it's not like people would say stuff about Piper's hair or lack thereof. And if they did, they were the evil, mean ones, so who cares?
"And mom and dad said I have to watch your while they're gone, so let's go!" He made another excellent point; he was the boss in the absence of their parents and he wasn't gonna leave his sister alone to get kidnapped, hurt or killed by some terrible disaster, that would leave him grounded for the rest of his life. But Piper wasn't listening.
"I said, I'm not leaving!"
"Okay, hey, hey, look. There's uh, there's wigs at Junk-N-Stuff, right? We'll go to Junk-N-Stuff, get you a wig and you'll look exactly like that creepy doll. Let's go." Henry proposed and to Piper, the majority of it sounded pretty good. A wig didn't sound bad, not on the night of the year when it was socially acceptable to wear fake hair that looked nothing like your own. Yeah, no one would notice, her brother had said something smart for once, right up until he insulted her beloved Fresno Girl Doll.
"She's not creepy! She's beautiful! She's a Fresno Ten!" Piper bit back, stroking the doll's head like it had gotten upset by Henry's mean words, but honestly, he didn't care. The doll was creepy, similar to the kind he'd seen in horror movies when the eyes blinked by themselves or its head did a three-sixty. All he wanted to know was whether they had some realistic wigs in stock at Junk-N-Stuff.
"Hey, Charlotte, we have wigs at Junk-N-Stuff, right?"
"Yeah, we got wigs. I'm wearing a wig right now." However, the reply that came did not sound like his female friend's light, high-pitched tone. Instead, it was deep and easily recognised as his other friend, who'd been listening in the whole time and only chosen that moment to butt in since he was the official shopkeeper of Junk-N-Stuff. No matter if it was (y/n) and very occasionally Ray who did the stocktaking, he wanted to be the one who got the pride from the job.
"Jasper? Have you been listening?" Of course, it was him. Henry knew that voice anywhere and knew that he had a walkie-talkie too, he just didn't expect to hear him when having a "private" convo with Charlotte.
"Of course, I have. I heard Charlotte say it was a code-red."
"It is a code-red." The girl kept saying it, so it was inevitable that Jasper's attention would be piqued, but at least he was eavesdropping for a good reason. He might not be a superhero, but Jasper was still part of the team and if he was concerned too then it was all the more reason for Henry to get going.
"See? We'll go to Junk-N-Stuff, we'll get you a wig and everything will be just fine." Henry soothed Piper and reluctantly, she began to follow him, praying that all the kids and their parents had decided to start knocking on doors a little later this year. However, before they could leave, Jasper had a dumb question, which slowed them down even more.
"Why can't you just stay home with your parents?"
"They're gone! Okay, my dad's rich uncle died and now, he's staying overnight at this haunted mansion in order to claim the inheritance." Henry clarified as briefly as he could but the news came as a shock to Piper, who much like him, hadn't expected to hear such news in such an uncaring manner. Oh well, she'd get over it, he certainly did.
"Uncle Jimmy died?!"
"Focus, it's a code-red, Piper!" He told her firmly, wishing that people would stop interrupting him so they could actually get out of the house but then, someone else wanted to say something and for them, this interruption carried a highly important reminder.
"Hey, bring that pumpkin with my face on it." Ray's voice crackled to life over the frequency and for Henry, it was just another confusing thing to add to the pile. He definitely wasn't expecting to hear his boss, but he wouldn't forget the pumpkin now, especially when he guessed that the entire damn Man Cave had chosen to tune in to what was happening around him. 
"That's right." Dang it, this is why he shouldn't be left alone without (y/n)-supervision. He got weird and invasive, although little did he know, the smart ones had also taken a few liberties, which was surprising but come on. They were human too, plus, the woman in question had some inside knowledge to impart.
"Okay, is everybody on this channel?"
"Noooo..." Ugh, Schwoz too? Seriously? Why did he have to listen in? What purpose was he serving right now? Apart from being annoying, there was nothing, and Henry figured that it was best to leave the radio-ing before he was kept at his house all night but...
"By that he means yes. We are all listening and yes, we do have wigs at Junk-N-Stuff, we had a delivery last week." (y/n)'s gentle was added to the mix as she tuned in from her seat at her vanity unit, finishing the last of her makeup and adjusting her costume before going out to show her friends. She was particularly proud of this one just because of how funny it was, plus, it had just enough skin showing to satisfy her need to make her lover drool without being too conspicuous in front of several teens. 
"(y/n)? You too?" Henry groaned, throwing his head back in frustration but at least with this one, Piper didn't mind too much. After all, she liked (y/n), she liked her a lot, and the same could be said for Ray, who was also happy to hear the melodious voice in his ears after going a whole hour of staying put. Seriously, it had taken him fifteen minutes to put on his hot sheriff's costume and rub a bit of bronzer onto his stubble to accentuate it, what was taking his sweet girl so long?
"Sweet girl, you ready to come out yet? I'm bored..." The man grumbled into his walkie-talkie, earning a glare from Charlotte as she sat across from him at the super-computer. All he had for entertainment was a dumb bowl of popcorn and the goddamn news, no lips to kiss or hair to stroke and certainly no hips to admire and run his hands over. Where was she? His neediness was killing him...
"Patience, sweetheart. I'll be out when Henry gets here..." The woman's smirk was evident in her voice, full of teasing since she knew exactly how her doofus was feeling and figured that he could wait for a little longer until the kid got here. It would all add to the effect and she was hoping that he liked what she'd bought, even if it was one of the weirdest 'stumes in the shop, but then again, if it showed her legs, boobs and hips off, then he'd like it.
"Ugh! Henry, get here right now!" Ray snapped impatiently, feeling the exact opposite of what his girl had said. Screw that virtue, he was feeling much more sinful and was eagerly anticipating what she was wearing. If it was anything like what she'd worn on Halloween a few years ago, or if it had the same effect, then he'd be drooling all night long.
"Dude!" Henry exclaimed exasperatedly. Honestly, didn't he see that that's what he'd been trying to do for the past five minutes?
~Fifteen minutes later~
The whole dropping Piper off with Jasper for her wig-fitting thing had gone smoothly, thank God. Frankly, the girl couldn't get into the shop or under the false strands quick enough since she felt the eyes of every child, teen, man and woman burning into her exposed scalp as she walked through the streets of Swellview and the way she saw it was the sooner she had a Fresno-esque wig on her head, the better.
And that left Henry to freely head down to Junk-N-Stuff in the elevator, his Ray lantern tucked safely into his arms with the brown hair and candle inside to boot. He still had no idea why there was such a big rush for him to get into the Man Cave, save for the pumpkin and the still yet to be revealed costume but here he was, ready to be wowed and/or informed.
"All right, let's make this quick. Piper's upstairs with Jasper, trying on wigs." He announced to Charlotte and Ray as he stepped out of the elevator and Ray, complete in all of his hot sheriff's uniform, which had (y/n) slavering from the moment he put it on. Seriously, she might have discovered that she had a thing for doofuses in uniform, but that was just gonna be kept between them.
"First thing first, show me my face-o'-lantern!" The man instructed his sidekick, who happily presented his work to his boss. Well, the kid had lived up to his carving reputation, Ray was thoroughly impressed and if he wasn't already deeply in love with the sweetest girl on the planet then he might have fallen for his own face because daaaaamn.
"Here you go, man." Henry grinned and handed the heavy pumpkin over, happy to see Ray so satisfied with what had taken him hours in his backyard under the highest secrecy. He'd lost blood, sweat and tears to make that thing but damn, it was a thing of beauty.
"Ah, yes. I am handsome..." He smirked at the kid, who rolled his eyes at the egotistical comment but didn't say anything. It was just expected from the man now, he jumped at any opportunity to remind everyone that his chiselled jaw and crystal blue eyes had earned him trophies and as usual, the job of confirming it fell to the person who appreciated it more than anyone.
"You'll get no arguing from me on that one but I still can't believe you got Henry to make you that thing." (y/n)'s voice came from the top of the stairs as she exited from the sprocket, a soft smile on her face from hearing every word that her doofus had said upon receiving the lantern, which she thought was a bit stupid considering that it was a masterpiece destined to rot, but whatever. She was more interested in admiring how she wouldn't say no to bumping into Sheriff Manchester in the middle of the woods, and Ray's thoughts weren't too far from that...
Okay, maybe they were a bit different, mainly because (y/n) hadn't opted for what most girls would. She wasn't a stereotypical Barbie-bitten-by-a-zombie girl or a Playboy bunny or a school girl or a witch or a nurse or E.T under a bedsheet, she'd picked the most ludicrous yet cutest thing she could find, the costume that she was sure was shunned by most girls, but saying that, she wasn't most girls.
She was a goldfish. A cute yet oddly attractive in the weirdest way goldfish. Don't ask why or how she'd bought a goldfish costume but she loved it in its entirety, from the peculiar headband to the flouncy skirt to the neon orange heels. She wasn't sure why a goldfish would wear heels but she wore them anyway and had painted her eyelids a vibrant copper to match, her lips a deep scarlet to make them pop. It was crazy but Ray instantly fell in love with it too.
*you have no idea how long i've been saving this. isn't it cute in a weird way?*
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"What are you?" And Henry spoiled the mood. Ugh, Charlotte could see what she was, well, to be fair, she'd been told in advance. Being the woman's maid of honour carried its hidden benefits, such as being privy to what the woman was planning on wearing for Halloween. And with that knowledge, she could see that she definitely was a goldfish, but on second thought, she could understand the confusion. It was quite a singular idea. 
"Duh! I'm a goldfish! Look, I have scaley, fin...things." The woman poked at the voile tassels that were secured around her arms, which she assumed were supposed to imitate elegant fins that floated in the water as the fish swam. 
Oh well, she wasn't out to impress Henry, even if she did compliment him on a job well done for his, Charlotte and Jasper's trio-inspired 'stume, a throwback to her childhood by all accounts. No, the man in front of him was who she was trying to entice and one long raking of his eyes down her body and a gulp of his throat told her everything. Ray liked it. Success.
"What do you think, Ray?"
"You look adorable, sweet girl...or should I say my sweet goldfish." He smiled as she walked over to him from the sprocket, expertly dodging the fake cobwebs she'd stretched across the place to make things look spooky. Her grin was wider though as one hand landed on her waist to bring her closer, although not as close as she'd prefer since she was sharing her doofus with a pumpkin. Still, kisses were still possible, right? Yeah...
"Well, the description on the packaging says that it's meant to be weird, cute and hot all rolled into one and I think that sums me up perfectly." (y/n) joked as her arms went around his neck to pull his lips down to hers, an action that Ray gratefully threw himself into after going without for a full sixty minutes. The man couldn't survive on no kisses, not when he was addicted to the sugar rush for the rest of his life.
"Definitely look hot to me..." Ray murmured against her lips, careful to not drop his beloved pumpkin, despite how hard it was to focus his mind on anything that wasn't his sweet girl's kiss or the flashes of her costume in his mind. Did he dare tell her that she couldn't have chosen better because this showed off everything he adored about her? Her body, her personality, how different she was to every other girl who'd stumbled across his path before it crossed with hers? Hell yeah, he did...well, until Henry rudely interrupted.
"Seriously? You guys are the grossest people I know..." Henry complained, his nose screwed up, which earned him an amused huff from Charlotte. Yeah, he didn't mean that, well, he did but at the same time, everyone knew that figuratively, he was cheering them on at every given opportunity. If there was ever a demonstration of those two's relationship, he'd be there with a foam finger, a banner and a horn just to prove how much he wanted them to stay together forever. The kid just wasn't good at showing it.
"Anyray..." The hero cleared his throat as he pulled back from the kiss before it could get any more passionate because that only led to one thing and (y/n) wasn't ready to sacrifice her makeup yet. However, there was one thing niggling at her and it was the goddamn new thing that Ray had going on, his new catchphrase, speech pattern, funny, little, annoying, ego thing.
"Do you have to say that?" She groaned, flopping her forehead onto his chest as he smirked at her reaction. He only did it to wind her up, normally it resulted in her kissing him to shut him up or something equally irresistible, so he kept doing it, much to her chagrin. For (y/n), it sounded so...cheesy, so big-headed and she put up with a lot of that when it came to her doofus, but there were two pet peeves that she attached to the man.
His incessant naming of everything to include "Man" somewhere in the title and this that he'd started doing. "Anyray" was just the start, he'd come up with new things later, mark her words.
"Anyray...Charlotte's worried about a bunch of missing dogs or something."  Ray moved on, ensuring that he stressed the first word to make his girl screw up her nose cutely. With his heart melting at the sight, he dropped a kiss on her hairline, but when the girl replied, (y/n) became infinitely more worried because as usual, Ray had the story wrong.
"What? It's not a bunch of missing dogs, it's a bunch of missing kids!" Charlotte corrected sharply, causing (y/n)'s head to snap from her direction to Ray's, a serious look in her eye. Seriously? Why didn't he tell her about that? Had she known that children were vanishing in the city then she wouldn't have done the whole costume reveal thing. Naturally, she would've been at the computer trying to help the girl out, not trying to make her fiancé want her as much as she wanted him.
"Wha--missing kids?! Raymond, why didn't you tell me?!" 
"I didn't know! That's way more serious!" Instantly, Ray was behind her, stepping over to the supercomputer so they could get all the latest information and because missing kids take precedent, he no longer cared about the dumb lantern hindering the way he curled around his girl. Instead, he threw the big orange squash to the floor, leaving it unwanted as it cracked on the tiles and spilt its guts everywhere, much to Henry's distress.
"Dude, I worked all day on that!" He cried, staring at his ruined masterpiece with a heartbroken expression. All that carving, all that skill and hard work that had gone into getting the face just right were ruined in a matter of seconds. Sure, Henry knew that the pumpkin wouldn't; last forever but he had hoped that it would stick around for Halloween night at least.
"Hey! They're talking about it on the news." Charlotte interrupted his whining with the important statement and turned the monitor on to reveal Mary Gaperman's cheerful expression. As usual, Ray had both arms around (y/n)'s waist as they watched, her back pressed snuggly to his front so her head could tilt back against his body and breathe in his cologne, whilst he pressed his lips to her temple, cheek, exposed neck, any patch of skin that looked lonely.
"Happy Halloween, Swellview!"
"Halloween or Hallow-missing-tweens..." Well, that was a dramatic way to begin the program. Mary and Trent weren't messing around, their happy smiles dropped into serious expressions the moment the man mentioned the abducted children, although perhaps wordplay wasn't appropriate at a time like this. 
"It's both, Trent. Today is Halloween and it's making some kids in Swellview say boo...hoo because they're missing."
"That's right, Mary. They're gone. So far, ten children have disappeared without a trace...unless you consider the puffs of smoke, the screaming and the eyewitness accounts of a terrifying monster appearing out of nowhere, a trace. If you do, then those things are traces." Trent blabbered on and Mary's puns weren't helping. There were probably parents out there worried sick, praying for their children's return from the clutches of this so-called monster and here they were making jokes. Typical KLVY.
"Ten kids, that's a juggler's dozen."
"That's right, Mary. The big question is who's going to be eleven..." That was the big question, who indeed? Perhaps they'd be a total stranger, just another kid who'd played in the city and was unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or maybe, just maybe, this one would hit closer to home for the Man Cave team.
"There, there, there, there, there, there, there, there, there and there. Those were the ten places the kids were last seen." Charlotte addressed her friends, namely Henry, Ray and (y/n), who were all sitting or rather, snuggling for some, on the couch. 
They had called an emergency meeting sort of thing, any ideas of Halloween fun being terminated since they had a job to do and it was Charlotte's job to plot the disappearances. Y'know, 'cause she was good at all that stuff, unlike Henry, who was interested but not smart enough to know how grid references and distance, time and speed were relevant. Ray was in a similar situation and he found himself preoccupied with something he deemed much more interesting. 
As for (y/n), well, she was highly interested, hanging off her every "there", but when you had Ray clamped to your side, his arms around your waist and his lips on your neck, it was kinda difficult to stand up and work. He had her in a koala bear hold, hands deadlocked around her waist so he could keep her securely in his lap and his nose nudged into her hair. Call him selfish but he got the feeling that he wouldn't get many more opportunities tonight and she just looked so cute, he couldn't help but want her all to himself.
"Does anyone else see a pattern?"
"Oooh, ooh, pick me, pick--!" (y/n) tried to raise her hand, as if she was the student and Charlotte was the teacher calling on her wisdom. To her, it was obvious what the map showed and she found herself feeling like she was back in school when all the other kids were clueless and she had all the answers. The nerd in her demanded satisfaction and Charlotte was about to give it to her, right up until Ray took it upon himself to be the smart one. Because everyone knows that he was one of those.
"I've got this, sweet girl. I know..." He butted in, gently picking her up and depositing her in the space he'd been occupying. It was a shame that he had to separate himself from her, but he could see what the map was showing, plain as day and the woman would be perfectly fine with Henry. In fact, she was sharing a look with him, probably because they knew how big his genius was and how he was certainly gonna get it right, not because they knew he should've left it to the smarties.
Swapping places with Charlotte, who sat down on the edge of the couch when (y/n) budged up to give her room, Ray stood next to the screen and began to randomly draw a squiggly line to connect the dots in an utterly incomprehensible manner. 
"This...is the pattern." He told them, drawing what looked more like spaghetti than what (y/n) and Charlotte had been picturing and it just showed why Ray was an adorable doofus, not a wise professor. How were they supposed to make sense of that?
"Uhhhh, you sure?" Henry and Charlotte frowned, wondering what was going through his mind and how he could possibly think that that mess was a pattern, what with all the loops and turns he was making.
"Uh, doofus, it just looks like you're drawing random--" (y/n) tried to advise him, wishing that he'd just sat still and continued to trail his hands around her stomach and down to her thighs, at least then she would've been able to correctly say what it was. But no, Ray was being a doofus again and wouldn't listen to anything they said.
"Then, it goes this way, round here, then it goes into the hole, back over the top and finally, brings us back to here and finally, as you can see, the pattern is clear...boom." Ray didn't stop until the entire board was covered in a large, red scribble and whilst every dot had been thoroughly covered, whatever pattern he was seeing didn't exist for everyone else. The teens and his sweet girl waited impatiently for him to finish, feeling like they were just wasting time. Time that could've been spent looking for the missing kids.
"Or, doofus..." (y/n) started, waiting for Henry to climb up next to the screen since in the time it had taken Ray to draw his "pattern", the boy had put two and two together and worked out what the girls were thinking about. Right, he could draw it, she could explain it, after all, Ray never listened to anybody else. "...It's an X."
"Aw, baby, you're so smart but...I'm not seeing." Ray smiled at his fianceé softly, reaching out to cup her cheeks and squish them together at how hot her brain was, so much smarter than he ever was, but because of that, it meant he couldn't see what they were talking about. Or rather, he could, he was just too stubborn to see it after Henry erased his scribble.
"I did it! I made a device that can find all of those missing dogs!" And here came Schwoz to add to the confusion. He too was in costume, although no one could quite place who he was meant to be, what with his mullet-esque wig, normal shirt and jeans. He just looked like a blast from the eighties, and for the life of them, his friends couldn't work out who he was dressed as nor did they know what the odd-looking device in his hands did.
"Not dogs, it's kids," Ray replied darkly, still feeling moody that his big theory about the pattern being a squiggle was a dud. The severity of the situation also didn't help; as much as he hated looking soppy and soft, Ray didn't like bastards who kidnapped children and found himself feeling rather concerned. Maybe it was because he was reaching that point in his life where he liked the idea of having his own family and since he was in love with the only person he'd ever consider that with, kids were sounding quite nice to him and his paternal side was coming out.
"Oh...well, then. This thing is useless." Schwoz sounded dejected as if he'd spent his entire night figuring out the blueprints and then assembling the machine. It certainly looked like something he would build, complicated and brilliant, meaning Charlotte was hoping that it could be repurposed for something else.
"Actually, my neighbour's dog is missing, so can we--" She started, hoping that all of Schwoz's hard work wouldn't have to go to waste, but then he just threw it to the ground with a stony face. It was trash to him, as worthless as the ruined pumpkin that it landed in, circuits mixing with orange, fleshy guts. Looks like that dog would have to stay lost. "--I guess not..."
"Hey, sweet 'stume. Who are you supposed to be?" Henry took a moment to analyse Schwoz's costume with a smile, appreciating that whoever he was, he'd done it well. In the corner of his eye, he could also see Ray coming to stand closer to him, or rather, he was just putting an arm around (y/n) and flickering his eyes over her before looking back at Schwoz. She looked happy and he knew that there was no better sight.
"Oh, I am Schteve." The genius responded with a bright smile but that information went over his friends' heads. Schteve? Steve? Steve who? He just looked like a regular guy, no one famous or recognisable and Henry, Charlotte, Ray and (y/n) just gave him blank expressions in return.
"I don't know any Steves..."
"Schteve Geldershy, my friend from college. He looks just like this...see!" Schwoz turned to the computer and brought up a picture of some dude from the late eighties, who was dressed identically to how Schwoz was and throwing up finger guns. Well, he'd nailed the costume, he certainly looked like this "Schteve" guy, but why would you dress up like a normal person?
"Aw, Steve looks nice..." (y/n) told Schwoz, glad that he had friends somewhere in the world because lord knows that Schwoz was what some might call odd. Ray scrunched his nose up at her words, knowing that it was unfounded but he now disliked Steve by just a smidge because she was studying his features. 
Silly doofus, her gaze was soon back on him when she felt the muscly arm around her shoulders tense and with a peck to his frowning lips, he was soon perking up again, although not for long. The moment (y/n) pulled back to give him a raised eyebrow for prickling over a guy she was never gonna meet or even like in that way, Jasper came stumbling from the elevator, looking like he'd been in a fight.
"Gwuys! Gwuys! We have a sthuper stherious emergenthy!" The boy panted as he briskly walked over to them and immediately, (y/n) was concerned for several reasons. The most obvious was one was that Jasper had somehow split his lip, meaning every word was painful as his lips moved and stretched, and subsequently, it gave him a rather unfortunate lisp. For Schwoz, it was hilarious because the kid couldn't say anything right, but the others got the sense that something wasn't right. After all, Jasper wouldn't come in like that if it wasn't important.
"Jasper, you sound ridiculous!" Schwoz chuckled and pointed at him, earning the small man several dry looks just because of how ironic it was. This was coming from the man who found the simplest of English words impossible to pronounce, did he need reminding of the "byergurr" incident?
"I think that's the pot calling the kettle black..." The goldfish girl told him with his hands on her hips before turning to Jasper. She was close enough to see the small streak of blood covering his top lip, just below his nose and her instinct to protect the kid came flooding in. Right, where was her first aid kit? 
"Curly, what happened? Why are you talking like that?"
"I smasthed my fathe on the door in Junk-N-Sthuff when I tried to run down here to tell you that your sthisther, Piper, disthappeared!" Suddenly, no one was laughing. Piper was gone? What? She'd been upstairs with him, trying on wigs to go with her costume, how could she have disappeared? 
This must've been just another Jasper misunderstanding because Henry couldn't cope with the idea of something happening to his sister. Yeah, she was a brat but at the end of the day, she was his family.
"What do you mean disappeared?" Charlotte asked in concern as everyone gathered closer, (y/n)'s hands pausing before she could assess his lip. Okay, that didn't sound good, not for the girl she was so fond of and her hand dropped to rest on one of Ray's folded ones since she wanted something to hold onto. Why was her git feeling so heavy?
"A monsther snatched her and then disthappeared in a puff of sthmoke!" 
"What?" Henry gasped at that, purely because of how outlandish it seem. When he said monster, he pictured something you'd seen in a child's fairytale book or perhaps even something in the shops right now considering it was Halloween. But then again, Henry had long been open to the impossible, when it came to his job, he had to be, but a monster, really?
"Yes, exactly. I can't understand a word you're saying." Ray looked at Jasper with a sceptical look. Come on, this kid was known for stretching the truth and his lisp wasn't making him any more believable. Henry's rotten sister had probably just walked off or something because everyone knows that monsters don't come and go in puffs of smoke.
"He's said that a monster appeared in a puff of smoke and took Henry's sister, doofus." (y/n) translated for him, knowing that Ray was just letting his ignorance cloud his judgement. If he didn't want to believe something, he'd just stick his head in the sand and wait for everything to blow over, only this time, she got the feeling that this wasn't going to go away easily.
"Just like those other ten kids," Charlotte exclaimed, gesturing to the map and all the other locations where kids had been snatched from. Something peculiar was happening here and Piper's case was fitting in with the others, causing Henry's face to grow pale as he realised that everything was connected.
"So, Piper is eleven..."
"Precisthely. The stwangest thing..." Jasper spoke soft with a hint of mystery in his tone, but Henry didn't have the time to ponder what he could be referring to. If his sister had been taken then he was gonna go find her and hopefully all the other kids, and he didn't care if Captain Man wasn't behind him. But, y'know, it would be nice to have company...
"Come on, man, we gotta go find my sister."
"Well, how are we supposed to do that? We don't know where this monster went, we have no way of knowing." Ray argued. Sure, he was up for a rescue mission but he was also trying to be realistic. In his experience, trying to find someone went really well when he had somewhere to start, a clue or fact that could point him in the right direction, but they had nothing. They didn't even know if this monster was real or just some asshole in a costume, everything was against them, unless...
"Uh, doofus, you might wanna come look at this." (y/n) told her fiancé over her shoulder, tilting her head as she thought about what she was seeing on the map. Huh, who would've thought it? not Ray or Henry, that's for sure and she and Charlotte desperately wanted them to come and see what they were seeing but as always, the boys had thick skulls and their eyes closed.
"Not now, sweet girl. I don't know where to begin to look. Nobody does...you just gotta let her go." Ray turned away from his frustrated lover and back to Henry, who he thought needed words of comfort and a warm hand on his shoulder during this trying time. It was all looking so pointless, so hopeless and he didn't see how they were gonna find a girl in the infinite, sprawling universe so he wasn't trying to be rude or insensitive. It was just his way of trying to be supportive.
"Raymond...we think we know where she is." (y/n) pressed on in a sing-song voice, trying to get her dumb doofus to listen to her, although considering how far his head was up his ass, that was gonna be difficult. God, he pissed her off so much sometimes and it made her want to shout and tear her hair out because, on one hand, she wanted to be angry at him and punch him for being such a moron, but then on the other, she loved him too much to do that.
It was a never-ending cycle of permanently being frustrated and tired mixed with being utterly in love with the man. He was an idiot but a well-meaning one. Her doofus.
"(y/n), please, he is trying to grieve." Ray pointed to the kid's stony face and mistook it for heartache from the assumed death of Piper. However, it was really just Henry's way of letting his boss's words wash over him and drain away because that was a load of bullshit. 
He wasn't gonna let his sister go and live with a monster for the rest of her life, he was gonna find her and take her home. So, ignoring Ray, he stepped passed him and looked at the girls who clearly knew what they were doing and prayed that they could give him a solution for finding a Piper in a haystack.
"Yeah, sure he is. Charlotte, you take this one." (y/n) told the girl in a bored voice, giving her lover a defiant stare with her arms folded before looking back at the map. It was right there, staring at them in the face, why did he have to be so adorable and so idiotic at the same time?
"Remember earlier when we figured out that if you plot the locations of all those kids that disappeared on the map, it creates an X?" Charlotte refreshed their memories. Even though it had only been a few minutes, there was no doubt that for some people, those few minutes would've been like a lifetime and this information would be old news by now. Speaking of some people...
"Well, I saw a different shape but go on." Ray felt the need to add that just because a small, stubborn part of him wanted to believe that his stupid scribble could be a pattern, although he was more tempted to drop it when his sweet girl gave him one of her warning stares. Sheesh, he knew that look.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, so?"
"Look where Junk-N-Stuff," Charlotte told them all, thinking they'd all do what any normal person would and look at the map that she minutely gestured to. But no, like the morons they were, Jasper, Schwoz, Henry and Ray tilted their heads to look at the ceiling, knowing that half a mile up, Junk-N-Stuff was eerily quiet after this apparent kidnapping. Honestly, it was like the girls were working with children.
"On the map, you idiots! Look at where Junk-N-Stuff is on the map!" (y/n) hissed, wilding gesturing to the board, what they should've looked at in the first place. The boys' mumbling continued as they located the right street for Ray's beloved store and Charlotte took a deep breath before continuing. Today was not the day to strangle someone.
"Junk-N-Stuff is also on the X, and check out what's right in the middle of the X." She smirked and gently tapped the screen. This was the biggie, the fact that would leave the all blown away because it was so obvious in her and (y/n)'s eyes. A tag appeared in the centre, showing the name of some company and sweet cheese, it couldn't have been more suspicious.
"Place called Evil Science Corp." Henry read out and everyone gulped. Well, with a name like that, they had to be involved in the disappearances, it was like they were trying to stand out so much they blended in. Not that it was working.
"Well, I don't like the sound of that." Ray chuckled nervously, trying not to sound scared but jeez, he'd stake his superhero career on that place having something to do with it. Maybe if he asked nicely, his sweet girl would let him hold her hand, y'know, just for support, not because he was frightened or anything like that.
"Neither do I. Do you think that's where the kids went missing?" Henry asked Charlotte and (y/n), who didn't have those sorts of answers. All they had was what they'd found and their gut instincts telling them that this needed investigating; they couldn't tell Henry any more than that, nothing about Piper or anything that would quell his worries.
"We don't know, but come on, with a name like that, it must be a good place to start." (y/n) shrugged and Henry got the message, loud and clear. Right, they weren't gonna learn anything just standing around laughing at how funny Jasper sounded or listening to Professor Manchester and his bright ideas, they had to get moving before something terrible happened.
"Yeah, let's go. Let's go, let's go, let's go!" The boy gestured for her to start shifting and Ray rolled his eyes at how he, the boss, Captain Man, the proprietor of everything around them and the payer of Henry's wages, was now taking orders. 
"All right, all right, I'm hurrying. What's your beef, jerky?" What was all the fuss about? The sooner they had to transform, the sooner he had to lose the precious sight of his sweet girl in her goldfish costume and he didn't see why they had to go so quickly without even a final kiss.
"What's my--my beef is that my sister's been kidnapped by some monster and we've no idea where she is, but wherever she is, it's probably dark and horrible and scary..." Henry theorised and he could see it now. This sicko probably had torture chambers and filthy, squalid cages where he locked up his victims before murdering them. Or maybe he toyed with them for a while, played some twisted game and forced them to live in fear--oh god, it didn't bear thinking about.
Wherever she was, Piper was in trouble, he just knew it. And so help him, Henry was gonna find her, starting with the Evil Science Corp.
~Evil Science Corp~
On the face of it, the building looked quite normal. Just another regular office building in the middle of the business district of Swellview, ugly, made from sun-bleached bricks and no doubt filled with under-paid yet over-worked workers. At least, that's what they wanted people to think.
Striding through the building, Ray, (y/n) and Henry, all now dressed in the super suits, burst into the room of what they had been told was the boss's office. They didn't want the workers, they wanted the big dog, although what they found upon entering in their super-cool, super-intimidating fashion, was little more than some filing cabinet, a desk, a hat stand and a pretty, young secretary singing under her breath as she worked. Huh, so far, so normal...
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"Hi..." She smirked at the boys, her eyes raking down Captain Man's body as she stepped towards her with a scowl on his face, fists clenched. Well, she would be having a double helping of him, even if it was a surprise to see Kid Danger there too, kicking down the door and walking into her workplace like they meant business. Come on, everyone woman in the city fancied him, but only one got to love him. 
One glare from Miss Danger had the secretary looking away sheepishly and rubbing her freshly manicured hands together like they'd been slapped away from reaching for something forbidden. She was rather pretty, very pretty, in fact, and (y/n) could see that she was quite used to male attention judging by the perfectly rehearsed and practised way she reclined into her chair and crossed her legs, her work no longer important, but she had her sussed. The secretary could do whatever she liked, she just didn't want her to get the idea that she actually stood a chance with Captain Man, not when he was already happily taken.
"Do you have an appointment?" The woman cooly asked the three heroes who stood in front of her as if it was a normal thing for her. God, she looked so cocky, almost like she was inviting (y/n)'s challenge, taunting her for the way she so readily protected what was dearest to her, but the woman held her nerve and merely slipped her hand into Ray's. A small gesture but it spoke volumes and the secretary backed off, even if it was just because Henry was on the warpath too.
"NO!" He growled, wanting to make it clear that if he had to kick down some doors, break into a few buildings to save Piper then he was going to. 
"Yes!" Ray, on the other hand, wanted to add a cool factor. Because everything was about being cool.
"We do?" (y/n) asked and looked at him with knitted eyebrows, wondering if he'd taken the initiative and phoned the company himself. He never did that, in some ways, she was like his private secretary, always sorting things out for him, although she'd never let him know it. Had her doofus done something for himself for once and taken the quiet, subtle route into a problem?
"With justice!" No, but it sure did sound cool. (y/n) struggled to hold back her grin at that, Henry didn't even bother to hide it, not when his boss was so stupidly brilliant. Aw, he was adorable, a true showoff until the end and for being the doofus she loved, (y/n) awarded him a kiss to his killer jawline.
"Good one, dude... We got an appointment with justice!" Henry reiterated, picking up on Ray's strong, masculine voice that showed they meant business and when the phone rang, the hero answered it before the secretary could even move. That was the kind of pumped-up mood they were in.
"She'll call you back!" Yeah, there's no way to show dominance in an office like slamming the hideously beige phone down into the cradle. Seriously, why was everything about this building so brown? 
"Listen, love, we want to talk to whoever's in charge around here!" (y/n) demanded, tapping her nail on the wooden no desk to emphasise every word. Henry scrunched up a random sheet of paper that he found there too and threw it to the floor, knowing that if it was important and needed, then they'd just have to pick it back up and unwrinkle it. He was living dangerously until the man they were looking for appeared next to them like a goddamn phantom.
"Well, that would be me." The three gasped and felt their hearts pound when suddenly, a guy spoke and when they looked, he was standing there like he'd been with them the entire time. Ray physically jolted as his body assumed this sudden stranger was a threat and his arms curled around (y/n) to keep her safe, her ear pulled tightly up against his chest so she could hear his frantic heart rate until they realised that it wasn't a demon come to suck out their souls, it was just a man. A very normal-looking man.
"Where'd you come from?" Henry and Ray asked as they tried to calm back down, the couple separating a little awkwardly since they always seemed to wind up in each other's arms when it wasn't necessarily appropriate. They could practically feel the green-eyed disdain radiating from the secretary, who, like most, had read all about their blossoming relationship in Swellview's gossip columns and wept when she realised that her microscopic chance of dating Captain Man was gone, thanks to the appearance of Miss Danger.
"Well, I'm originally from a small town in Idaho called Bellevue--" The man--boss, they assumed since that's what he'd said--started, although Ray didn't want an entire life story from the guy. He just wanted to know how he'd snuck up on him, Captain Man, the man who made it his innate ability to detect someone sneaking around.
"I meant just now!"
"From over there. I'm wearing silent shoes. See..." The man stamped his foot, proving that his shoes had some kind of noise-cancelling technology built into them, meaning that no matter how much force he used, he made no sound. It was quite a cool invention, even if it scared the wits out of people who didn't notice him coming.
"You should call those sneakers..." (y/n) joked, ignoring how the shoes weren't exactly sporty, more like the stiff, formal loafers that a man had to wear to seem smart in the office, but still, it made her chuckle. 
Ray seemed to like it too considering how a smile broke out on his face and his lips grazed her hairline before returning to his tough stance when the shoe guy seemed to be equally amused. Hey, this guy was bad news, he just knew it, he didn't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing the cutest jokes coming from the sweetest woman in the world.
"I invented them. I'm Bill Evil, chairman of the Evil Science Corp."
"Oh, yeah? Bill? You also invent that monster that's going around stealing kids?" Captain man's fury was terrifying as Bill faced him, Kid Danger and Miss Danger by himself. Yeah,  he had the face of a guilty person and was starting to shake at their demanding questions, although for now, he was gonna uphold his innocence.
"I have no idea what you're talking about..."
"Oh, don't play dumb, Bill. We know you're in the centre of the X!" Henry was quick to beat down his proclamations that he'd done nothing because he wasn't in the mood to play games, not when his swee--horrible sister was still missing. To be fair to Bill Evil though, spouting stuff about the X did sound a bit crazy, but no one found it in themselves to calm him down.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"The X!"
"It's a pattern on the board that I noticed by myself." Ray snapped after they all pointed out the highly suspicious pattern that was centring on this man's company. Dear, sweet ray, he believed what he wanted to and much to the amusement of his sidekicks, he liked to twist the story to make himself feel and seem better.
"Well...you tried, sweetheart." (y/n) gave him a half-smile and patted his cheek, knowing that what he'd say was complete rubbish but right now, that didn't matter. All they needed to focus on was how to break Evil into squealing about what he and his minions were up to in his dingy little factory.
"Guys, I promise you, we're just a normal science lab that makes things like quiet shoes. There is absolutely nothing strange going on." Bill gave them a soft smile as an attempt to reassure them that all was well within his company and for a moment, the heroes very nearly bought it. That was until a highly panicked man in a full hazmat suit, gas mask and rubber gloves came bursting through the double doors behind them with pure fear in his eyes. Normal their asses.
"The portal is outta control! And it's definitely connected to that monster that going around stealing kids!" The unknown scientist disappeared as quickly as he burst in, only taking the time to tear off his mask and relay the information before vanishing to tackle whatever chaos was happening behind that door. And whatever was up, Captain Man and his sidekicks wanted answers about this portal thing because Bill Evil had been caught lying and Ray hated when people lied to him.
"We're doing some construction..." Was the lamest excuse they'd ever heard as Bill offered them a nervous twitch of his lips as if nothing was happening in his factory. He just wanted these damn heroes and their morals to go away because he couldn't explain what was happening or control it, but he wasn't going to get what he wanted. Not by a long shot.
"You're gonna have to try harder than that, pal." (y/n) muttered and turned to go and open the door that the scientist had opened, Ray and Henry hot on her heels. She didn't care about whatever that coward had to say or whatever pathetic excuses he could come up with, she had eleven children to find, one of whom was rather special to her and if anything happened to that girl then Henry wouldn't be the only one out for blood.
"Let me go first, sweet girl," Ray told her as she reached for the door handle, her fingertips leaving the cool metal as his indestructible frame took the lead. It was obvious what he was doing, investigating the danger first, not in order of seniority or anything like that. More like the order of who was the squishiest, who would be turned into jelly if there was something terrible behind that reinforced steel. 
So, Ray went first for obvious reasons, the first in the line of human meat shields; then it was his precious girl because he would never fully warm up to the fact that she was now following him into peril wherever he found it, but if he could protect her in any way then he would; and finally, it was Henry, the kid who could dodge almost anything but if something did happen to explode, he'd need all the protection he could get. It just made sense to do it that way and it made Ray feel a bit better about who he was taking into a dangerous fight.
"No, no, no, don't go in there! Uh, let's go to the parking lot! Besides, there's nothing of interest in this room! Why don't I show you a different room, where we make the quiet shoes? You won't believe what you don't hear!" No matter how much Bill rambled, the heroes weren't buying. It was impossible to believe him, not when they were seeing the terrible truth for themselves.
For starters, for a room with nothing of interest, there was a hell of a lot going on in it. It wasn't even a room, not from what (y/n) could see; she knew a laboratory anywhere and even for Ray and Henry, who both regularly renounced anything nerdy or geeky, the sight of the cables, equipment and terrified scientists was also a dead giveaway. And they were terrified for a good reason.
Ignoring the mess of flying papers scattering on the floor and the men and women trying to find a solution, the trio couldn't help but notice the portal that the scientist had mentioned, mainly because it was huge, ugly and stuck to the side of the wall like some kind of mutant growth. The entire left wall was covered in what looked like decay of extraterrestrial fungus but what was really interesting, or petrifying depending on how you looked at it, was the swirling abyss in the centre, a gateway to another world that was as fiery as hell. And it looked like that's where it led to.
"We wanna know what that giant wall nostril is, Bill!" Ray demanded, staring at the portal with a mortified expression. Jeez, talk about illegal science, this shit took the biscuit and he ensured that (y/n) and Henry were a good three-foot or more away from that thing, dreading to think about what could happen if they touched it. For one thing, it did not look friendly.
"Yeah, Bill! We also wanna know about that monster!" Henry added, turning to stare at the man with one of the most serious expressions that had ever crossed his face. Bill had to start talking soon, otherwise, he was gonna split his head open and find the answer for himself. It was surprising just how much he'd do for Piper, given how much grief she'd given him over the years.
"Yeah! And what happened to all those missing kids?! Plus, the shoes! You know, the sneakers? They're actually pretty cool and interesting too..." (y/n) tried her best with her argument but come on, it was science! It was inventing! It was engineering! That was her thing and yes, she was worried about the kids, they took precedent, of course, but...a little information about the shoes couldn't hurt. She might even find herself inspired by the technology.
"Yeah, but maybe answer the other questions first!" Ray's hand found its home in the small of her back, a small reminder that they had a job to do, although he did recognise that she too was prone to getting a little off-topic sometimes. Henry's flaw was balancing his normal life with his hero one, hers was science and sometimes a crippling sense of shyness and his was moms. Specifically hot ones. They were working through their issues but old habits die hard, no matter how much you try to change.
Okay, if I tell you, do you promise to keep it a secret?" Bill asked, fearing the consequences of his company's actions. He knew full well what they doing was illegal and stupidly dangerous, it probably broke some federal laws or something but he was hoping that Captain Man would give him a bit of rope and some of that famous mercy of his so he could perhaps wiggle away from prosecution with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. But then again, these supers had stupid morals and things...
"We're not stupid..."
"Absolutely not!" Three, resounding no's. This would be interesting.
"Do you promise that I won't be in trouble?" After the first answer, the chairman could already guess the answer, but nobody could blame the guy for trying. He was looking at spending the rest of his life answering for his crime of creating a wackjob portal thing in Downtown Swellview, it was understandable that he was shitting himself.
"I can't promise that..."
"You're screwed either way..."
"You're already in a lot of trouble." Yeah, that was what he'd been fearing and with their guarantee that he wasn't gonna get away with this, Evil knew that there was nothing he could do now except to spill the hard, naked truth.
"Fine. Earlier today, we were playing god. As all scientists do, by the way, it's not just us!" To be fair, he had a point with that one. (y/n) knew it all too well and not just from her dealings picking apart atoms and watching them create chain reactions or mutate into new life. Even the good scientists, the ones that want to cure the world's worst diseases or find a way to stop famines and droughts forever mess with the natural order, bend the rules to get what they want, it's just how people find the answers to life.
"Yeah, fine, we'll give you that one..."
"So, it seems that we accidentally opened a portal to another dimension and it also seems that there is a monster from that dimension that crossed over into our dimension and is currently abducting children," Bill explained succinctly. Well, when he put it like that, what was there to worry about? No reason to panic or get worried about some beast from another world snatching kids to eat them or hold them hostage. What a moron...why did he sound so calm?
"Oh, and Miss Danger, the shoes are made from a space-age polymer. That's pretty much it..." He concluded and the heroes shared a worried look and not just because of how the situation was worse than they had previously thought. Somehow, things went from worse to...really worse when a chilling groaning, gurgling, rumbling sound followed by the shrill blare of an emergency siren sounded in the room, causing Bill Evil to pale yet again.
"Uh-oh, you might wanna grab onto something!" He warned them, his eyes scanning the room for anything solid enough to take his weight.
"What? Why?" Henry did not like the panic in his voice nor the alarm that wouldn't quit it and he guessed that it was a fire drill or something. Shit was going down and he knew that Ray was starting to sense it by the way his hand latched onto (y/n)'s hand and refused to let go; a lifeline onto the person he refused to lose.
"Because the wall nostril makes that sound every time it's about to suck something inside!" That did not sound good. That did not sound good at all. Sensing that for once in his life, Bill was telling the truth the first time around, Henry quickly grabbed onto a yellow post that was firmly welded and bolted into the floor, (y/n) doing the same as Ray came up behind her. His arms encircled her before grabbing onto the post too, another safety precaution since he figured that if for whatever reason she let go, God forbid, all she'd hit was his chest and he sure as hell wasn't gonna let her go.
The "suction" began and the chairman wasn't wrong. Anything that was nailed down or holding on for dear life was quickly pulled into the portal like it was a vacuum cleaner. An aluminium chair was the first to go and as swiftly as it started the suction stopped, but it was replaced by something much more horrifying. The rumbling sound was replaced by the shrieks and squeals of what could only be described as children fearing for their lives.
"What is that sound?" Henry asked as everyone relaxed for the moment and let go of their solid objects, Miss Danger sparing a glance for her hero and giving him a gentle kiss as his arms unwound from her sides now that he knew that she wasn't going to be whisked away to another dimension. Still, the time to be tender could wait, the noises coming from the portal had them storming over to investigate in a matter of moments, too concerned at how they seemed to pierce their bodies to the boot get too caught in each other.
"We assume that it's the sound of the terrified children being tortured by the monster..." Bill answered sheepishly, shuffling his feet in those stupid quiet shoes of his as Ray, (y/n) and Henry went from concerned to outraged in point five of a second. What did he mean they assumed? That implied that the whole lot of them were too cowardly to go and investigate and Ray couldn't stand cowards.
"Have any of you actually gone through the portal to see what's going in the other dimension?" The hero asked furiously, wondering what the hell they were playing at. Maybe it was his paternal side coming out again or perhaps it was just his moral code screaming to save the kids as they screamed and throttle these assholes who couldn't be bothered to go and check it out. Surely, that would be anyone's first thought, to go and see if the truth really was as horrible as it seemed.
"Nooooo! No, no, no, that is way too scary! We hear a lot of screaming coming from that thing." Bill laughed off their concern, further fanning the flames of their anger. He didn't know who he was dealing with he and he wasn't aware of their personal connection either so his words were careless as well as insensitive and it took everything in the heroes to not wrap their hands around his throat. "See? There it is again! It's terrifying!"
The screaming intensified as the seconds passed and it reached the point where Henry couldn't take it anymore. If these weaklings were gonna shun their duties and ignore the plight of these kids, including his sister, then dammit, he was going in. Something was happening in there, something awful, he just knew it and whilst he wasn't the biggest fan of leading his friends into battle, he knew that they'd be up for it. Well, (y/n) would want to, but Ray would want her to stay put but he could work with that.
"You hear that? We gotta go in and save them!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you do! Go, go, go, go ahead! I'll stay here and keep Miss Danger safe!" Ray stammered, pushing one sidekick forward towards the portal and the other one behind his back as she frowned. Not this shit again, (y/n) was grateful for the concern and found his protective streak flattering and cute...and annoying sometimes. When was he going to accept that where Captain Man and Kid Danger went, Miss Danger would follow? She wanted this, she wanted him, no matter what she had to face to have him.
"Captain Man, explain, please." The woman and boy stared at him with disappointment and disbelief in their eyes. That made Ray pause but he felt that he had a good reason to refuse to go in. 
It wasn't that he was scared or a coward or unsure of himself in his fighting capabilities, he just wasn't certain that he would be able to keep them safe. He had a young boy and his entire world to keep safe when they went on regular missions, but they didn't know what was on the other side of that thing. He just couldn't be certain that they'd come home and it might have been selfish and possibly traitorous but...he wanted to stay here and keep his wife safe so he'd stand a chance of being able to call her that.
"You heard the scientists. Only one person can through the portal!" Ray lied, hoping that Henry would be blinded by his need to save Plopper or whatever her name was to see that he was making it all up. However, even if Henry was that stupid, (y/n) wasn't and the scientists were better listeners than he had first anticipated.
"We have never said that..." Bill piped up, causing (y/n) to stare at Ray with a raised eyebrow. He could see it in her eyes, the disappointment being kicked away by the hope that he'd make things right and agree to come with them because she wasn't going to let Henry go alone, so that left him with an ultimatum. Stay and leave her open to a violent death or be brave and protect her to the best of his ability whilst they rescued some children.
"Captain Man, please..." She whispered, brushing their fingers together to try and persuade him, using every trick she knew to get him to cave. From her battering eyelashes to her big doe eyes to how her hand was lightly holding his, she did it all and Henry just hoped it would work. He needed the Captain on his side and he was sorry that he was putting the man's fiancée in harm's way, but then again he wasn't. They were superheroes, this was what they did.
"All right, fine! We go in, we kick some monster butt, we get the kids and we get outta there!" Ray couldn't resist even if he wanted to. The moral compass, the paternal instinct, his need to make her proud, it was all telling him that he'd be facing these demons one way or another and he couldn't get away from that. They were going and he was going with them it seemed, so his plan had to be simple and limit the chance of his life falling apart.
"Sounds gooood!" Henry smiled at his boss and returned his eyes to the portal, the place he'd be diving into in four, three, two--and he took the plunge. Not wanting to dilly or dally, the kid just went for it, crawling into the swirly, slimy orange stuff that was coming from the hole, leaving Ray and (y/n) to follow.
"Come on, sweet girl. Let's go save some kids--" Ray sighed, squeezing her hand tighter so he could lead her to the portal too. He didn't want to, he still preferred to wrap her in cotton wool and give her the most comfortable life anyone could imagine, but with Henry gone, his choice had been made. The kid was his sidekick, the youngest and most innocent, he'd do anything for either of them, but just before they went in...
"Wait!" (y/n) stopped dead in her tracks, her heeled boots digging into the floor to tug him back to her before he breached the wall nostril. Ray looked back at her in concern, thinking that she was having second doubts or something, but that didn't make sense. She wasn't afraid of a fight, not when she was fighting with Captain Man and Kid Danger, so he couldn't figure out what was going on until she continued, "--before we go...I love you, Captain Man."
His heart melted at that, he should've known. Before any dangerous or potentially life-threatening situation, she always took a moment to ground herself with the three little words that took a decade to leave her lips, but now, she'd never let him forget it. If they were gonna get stuck forever or die then she wanted him to remember how she was with him until the end, even if they didn't get to complete most of their plans.
"I love you too, Miss Danger. Always have, always will." Ray smiled down at her, dropping a kiss on her lips after the words left his mouth, sealing the promise most sweetly. It certainly made whatever was on the other side more bearable, he could die a happy man knowing that he'd had the privilege of calling her his after waiting for so long. Hopefully, it wouldn't go like that and they'd live long, happy lives with two or three kids, a dog and a nice house in the country after they retired, that was the dream.
"Right, let's go save these kids. All in a day's work, right?" She grinned as she pulled back, hearing him chuckle as she dropped to her knees to begin crawling. There was a funny smell coming from the portal, sweet and familiar like something she knew but couldn't possibly place. 
Oh well, it would all be fine, at least that's what they both told themselves as they followed behind Henry and boldly entered the world where they expected to find scenes of horror and squalor. The place where a monster would live.
~The other dimension~
Or not. Henry was the first to be freed from the portal with the couple right behind him since it just seemed to bundle them all together and spit them back out all at the same time. Blinking at the brightness of the place, something unexpected since they assumed that the other dimension would be dark and grisly, they found themselves staring at an equally shocking scene. And not from the horror of it all.
It was a lot...nicer than they had expected. Instead of blood, guts and weapons for torturing innocents, the room was like every child's dreamland. Bright colours, soft carpets, plushie toys, rainbows and flowers everywhere and to say that they'd been kidnapped, the kids didn't look like they were in trouble at all.
Still, what did stand out to them was the hideous, frankly terrifying creature that stood amongst them. The most. And boy was he, tall, fanged and clawed to slice open stomachs and eat the innards, and had a face that only a mother monster could love, not to mention what seemed like blood coating his torso and arms. Dear God, that savage, he was wearing the blood of his victims because now that they looked closer, it seemed like the children were also covered in the red substance and that's when Ray's need to protect them went from five to five hundred.
"Get the kids!" He screamed, gearing up to face the beast himself, that way his sweet girl and Henry would be able to stay away from the violence and guide the children to safety. One quick shove through the portal and they'd be fine, but first, he had a monster to fight.
"Would you like a hug?" He--it asked,  extending its arms in a friendly manner that greatly confused the heroes but they didn't trust it. In their minds, the monster was probably just luring them in with false smiles and kind words so he could hurt them too, that's probably what the weird room was about. Y'know, get the kids to lower their guards so he could swoop in when they least expected it.
"Die, you foul beast!" Ray cried, not taking any chances and without further ado, he flew towards the monster in a raging tackle, taking it to the floor with his full body weight. The kids started to scream at the sudden violence but Henry and (y/n) weren't gonna wait around whilst Ray put himself in danger with that thing.
"All right, come, get out of here!"
"Let's go! Come on, we're here to save you!" They told the kids as they each began grabbing whoever they saw and taking them to the portal's mouth so they could crawl back through. With any hope, Bill Evil and his team of scientists could keep them safe until they were done here, well, they hoped it wasn't too much to ask from those morons.
With a punch to the face, the monster thing wasn't going anywhere, to be honest, Ray had that shit under control as he continued to beat him--it--whatever to the ground and kept it there. Sure, the kids seemed a bit dazed and confused, mortified, in fact, but they just put that down to the stress of the kidnappings as Henry finally found his sister--his priority.
"No, stop--"
"We'll get you outta here, don't worry!" He silenced her complaints as he pushed her through the portal, followed by a boy that (y/n) had managed to grab hold of. The numbers were slowly dwindling and the more Ray kicked that thing's butt the better because there were still quite a few scared children on the outskirts of the room. 
"Come on, pumpkin head, let's go!" (y/n) exclaimed as she shoved a kid dressed as a pumpkin towards the exit, whilst Ray was preoccupied with grabbing the monster. The sneaky little thing tried to make his escape by climbing up a ladder, but Captain Man was too clever for him. He ripped the freak's body away and pushed him to the ground, knocking over a cabinet full of candy as he went. Poisoned candy no doubt.
When he tried to defend himself with a doughnut-shaped beanbag, Ray just kept punching. He'd been fighting for years, he'd been practising with and without a strike shield, he knew what he was doing and no beanbag was gonna stand in his way. As he was punching it out of the way, his sidekicks were escorting the final few kids to safety and then, the monster decided to try and argue his case.
"No! It's just jelly from the doughnuts!" He tried to explain, gesturing to the blood-red mush dripping from his teeth and claws, but Ray didn't buy that for a second. Like he was gonna trust a villainous beast who'd stolen children from his dimension and being a seasoned fighter, he knew a blood-like liquid when he saw it.
"Spare me your lies, you vile creature!" Ray bellowed and pulled him over his shoulder, causing the monster to groan when his back thumped against the brightly patterned rugs on the floor. "Stay down, monster!"
"Let me explain!"
"I said stay down!" The hero growled when the monster dared to raise his head and meet his eyes. A strong jab on the nose swiftly sorted him down and this time, it took a wise choice, not wanting to face the man's wrath or his fist after such a savage beating. And as much as she loved to watch him fight, y'know, considering how insanely hot he was as he used nothing but his raw strength, Miss Danger and Kid Danger had cleared the room, meaning the show was over.
"Captain Man, let's go!" (y/n) held her hand out to Ray as she and Henry paused next to the portal, not wanting to leave their favourite doofus behind. She refused to go without him and Ray immediately took the hand she offered, pressing a kiss to it, which he saw as a well-earned reward after doing all the heavy work.
Wait!" Ray suddenly said, making them frown in confusion. Why would he want to wait? They had no idea why, all they could work out was that he was studying the portal with some kind of serious thought, and that was a rare thing for the man.
"Wait for what, doofus?!"
"We have to close this portal permanently," Ray told them both and instantly, they knew he was right. They couldn't risk this sort of thing happening again, those children had been through enough, but they sure hoped he had a plan for doing that because they had no clue. Seriously, Henry was barely passing science in school and even (y/n) with her damn degree didn't know how to close a tear in the fabric of space.
"Well, how are we gonna do that?" Henry asked, worried that with every passing second, the monster was gaining the strength for round two.
"With this!" Ray exclaimed, having come prepared. Reaching behind him, he pulled a rather large device from his belt or maybe it had been shoved down his pants because it seemingly came from nowhere. The man had his talents, even if it was baffling to work out how he was able to pull it off. "An explosive seismic charge!"
"Where the hell were you hiding that?" (y/n) asked as she looked at the huge device, feeling that she would've noticed it earlier had it been on his person. She...appreciated his body, looked at him quite often and had a few sneaky glances at his ass so she was certain that it hadn't been there before, but whatever. If it got them out of trouble she was willing to push that thought to the back of her mind.
"Who cares? Just make it quick!" Henry told him and vanished through the portal so he could make it back to safety or however safe Evil Science Corp could be. He knew the couple would be right behind him, Ray would make sure that (y/n) made it too and she wasn't about to let him stay with the freak.
"Get through the portal, sweet girl!" The man ordered his sidekick as he pressed the seismic charge onto the mouth of the vortex, wanting to ensure that she was safe before the explosion. Sure, the weapon was primed and ready to go but right now, (y/n) didn't feel like a sidekick nor did she feel like taking commands. Right now, she was a girl waiting for her husband and she didn't want to lose him before she had the chance to actually call him that.
"Not until you come too--arghhh!" (y/n) started arguing back until she felt a warm yet freakishly large hand rest on her shoulder and upon turning around, she knew why Ray's eyes darkened with terror and fury. Her gaze met the monsters and in her fear, she interrupted his cordial grin as a snarl and she squeaked out a yelp. 
"Miss, if I could just explain myself..." The monster began, hoping that the nice-looking lady was the more reasonable of the three and she was, but the sound of initial fear and shock that left her lips spurred Ray into action. How dare this thing lay a hand on the woman he loved, how dare he make her feel scared when she was next to him, this thing was going to pay.
"Silence, demon!" He growled and forced himself in between the woman and monster so he could backhand it harshly, causing the creature to stumble in confusion as (y/n) clutched at her chest from the incident. Sweet cheese, that had given her a shock and before she knew it, Ray had her crushed to his chest and face-to-face with their ticket home.
"Into the portal, now!" Ray instructed her, not caring about being bossy or curt with her, all he cared about was his fiancée's safety and how she'd almost been taken or eaten by a demon, not to mention blown to smithereens by a bomb he'd set to blow in less than a minute.
Not wanting to argue, (y/n) started crawling, feeling him right behind her as they passed through the swirling mist, leaving all the danger and the faint beeping of the charge behind them. Honestly, the science lab couldn't have looked more welcoming, even if the children and scientists alike looked miserable. 
Upon exiting, several people stepped forward to help them out, which they had thankfully done with the kids too. At least they'd redeemed themselves in that way. The bizarre thing though was that after passing through, all the children and heroes were left coated in some kind of weird, purple, space, portal goo stuff. It was all over them too, head, uniform, hands, everywhere and suddenly, a shower sounded quite appealing too.
"Nice work..." Henry told his boss as he helped (y/n) to her feet, their hands almost glued together by the stuff covering them. The kid was grateful, however, thanks to Ray's quick thinking, they'd not only saved the kids, but any moment now, they'd ensure the problem wouldn't happen again and in his mind, that was a job well done.
"Thanks. You okay, babe?" Ray nodded at the boy before looking down at his fiancée to see if she was injured or anything after that monster grabbed her, but it seemed like all she could concentrate on was the sludge in her hair and on her skirt. 
"Yeah, but what is this stuff?" She asked, not expecting a definitive answer since they weren't scientists and a proper test would have to be done to find some that'd stick, but still. She just hope that whatever it was, a hot wash would remove the stain and that she didn't wake up tomorrow morning with crazy hair. 
Uh, some kind of interdimensional goo. You still look hot, though." Ray smirked, making a smile break out on her face at how he could flirt in the strangest of situations. He would've probably kissed her by now if it wasn't for the fact that instead of her usual red, her lips were now painted with a deep purple, complimentary from the workings of the universe. For once, it had pulled them apart instead of pushing them together. Or had it. All this meant was that they needed to shower when they got home...together, to save water, of course.
"Captain Man, Miss Danger, Kid Danger..." Piper suddenly appeared at their side, shocking the couple into decency as they realised that the girl was talking to them. Right, work now, private stuff later; even if their super suits were goo-covered, they still had responsibility when wearing them and couldn't get too carried away, especially when the girl gave them such a stern look. What was up with her?
"Ooh, no need to thank us." Ray held his hands up modestly because he couldn't think of what else it could be. He and his sidekicks had just saved her life, she was most likely trying to express her sincere gratitude that they'd been brave enough to crawl into that place and get her out. Yeah, that was it.
"Thank you?" And when Piper said that, they didn't pick up on her interrogative intonation and assumed that she was saying it to be nice. Her frown meant nothing, right? They were smiling for the proper reasons, right? Well...
"That monster was nice! His name was Kevin, he was just lonely and wanted some friends!" 
Yeah, we could've left at any time!"
"We wanted to stay!" Piper explained with the help of a boy dressed as an explorer or something and all of a sudden, the room felt quite awkward. Right...all those times he wanted to explain, the cute decoration, his frankly adorable name, that was all just because he was genuinely trying to be friendly. Not a murderer, not a torturer, not a kidnapper, just a funny-looking guy who'd grown tired of a cold, lonely planet. Shit.
"That is new information..."
"Would've been nice to know that before..." Henry, Ray and (y/n) struggled to find the words to respond to her, to find an explanation that would excuse what they had done. Perhaps it would've been better to ask questions first and punch later, rather than just wildly attacking the monster--Kevin before he'd had a chance to say his side of the story. 
"Hey, uh, how long did you set the timer for the seismic charge?" Henry turned to his boss, praying that there might be a chance to go back and pause it, but that depended on whether Ray had given them a few minutes or a matter of seconds.
"Ummmm..." The man slowly looked back at the portal, gulping when he realised that he'd gone for the latter option. Everyone backed away, hiding behind Captain Man and Miss Danger's backs as the goddamn portal imploded, the work of the seismic charge, which was enough to force the thing to collapse in on itself in a burst of yellow, pink, orange and blue. 
The kids watched with sadness written all over their faces as the decay, tentacle growth stuff began to retreat from the wall. It shrank and shrank until there was nothing left; no vortex, no mist, no sounds, no hideous brown stuff, just a smooth, tiled wall like the rest of the room. Kevin had been lost forever.
"That's a solid wall, dude."
"Yeah, it's just a wall now..." Henry and (y/n) stated awkwardly, rapping their knuckles against the wall to check if everything was back to normal and it was. Whatever had caused the portal was now long gone and even though the children were heartbroken at how their playroom had been lost, their job was done. Well, come on, nothing good lasts forever...
"You're welcome!" Ray wasn't gonna stick around to hear their complaints either. Acting quickly if a bit stiffly, he grabbed his girl's hand and began to lead her to the exit, Henry following after them since he was sure that he'd hear what Piper had to say when he got home. He didn't need to hear it twice.
"Happy Halloween, everybody!" He told the kids as they sauntered away, owning their mistake as they walked out. Bill could clean up the mess and pay for the taxi rides home, after all, he'd started all of this when he decided to see if he could change what shouldn't be messed with.
"We did a bad thing back there." (y/n) mumbled to her lover as they practically ran out of the building, worried that if they took any longer, someone would run after them and they'd have to do some serious explaining. 
That wasn't Captain Man's style, he didn't do explanations, but for his sweet girl, he sure as hell did reassurances. He could see that she was worried, otherwise, she would have certainly given that dumb secretary a final glare as her eyes lingered on his back when they passed her desk. Hmmm, how would he handle this one?
"Yeah, well, it means I get to shower with you when we get back. Silver lining, sweet girl." Ray smirked as they wound their way through the boring beige corridors, heading for the parking lot and the Man Van that would whisk them back to such a luxury. Maybe it was a cheeky shot, but it made her smile and in his books, that was good enough, more than enough actually.
"True, I really need to get this gunk out of my hair..." (y/n) complained, stroking a finger through her locks and wrinkling her nose when she found that the stuff was starting to thicken and dry. That was the last thing she needed, this goop turning to space cement and after such a long, stressful evening, she was looking forward to relaxing with her doofus. Perhaps the first five minutes of a horror movie since she could never get through them and it always left them cuddling closely for the rest of the night.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure to get it all out." He replied smugly, chuckling when a blush lightly dusted her cheeks and she failed to hide her smile. He was dumb but when he was so cute, she couldn't find herself rolling her eyes as she did for all those cheesy lines in her favourite romcoms. He just made her happy when he tried his best and she couldn't ask for more, not when he was perfect.
"Ugh, you guys are the worst..." Henry muttered as he speedily walked past the lovey-dovey couple, happy to leave them to their mushy stuff since it was starting to rot his teeth. It's like they never got sick of it, they'd never left the honeymoon phase and he sometimes wondered how they did it. And certainly, he'd never stop teasing them, not for the world.
"I think you mean she's the best, kid! She's perfect..." Ray called after him, satisfied with sounding like a big softie since (y/n)'s blush went from a faint pink to a deep red in a matter of seconds. He never lied about that kind of stuff, he couldn't, hurting her was like sacrilege and in a way, it was kinda like they were teasing the boy right back. If it embarrassed him so much to see them so deeply in love, then they'd relish in that, see how much they could make him squirm and shudder.
But if only they saw the way Henry hid his proud smile.
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Kenny's hair is really long when he first gets a fresh body, though this isn't really noticeable or a big issue due to the hood containing it. So he doesn't have to cut it when he first wakes up in bed, just at the first opportunity.
Normally he just hacks it off himself with the first pair of clean scissors he can find. Running around with hair past his knees stuffed into his hood is more trouble than it's worth. He generally keeps it cut pretty short, typically no longer than past his chin at the longest.
Though occasionally he does wear it long, first when Karen had a phase of wanting to learn to braid but her own hair being too short at the time. During which Kenny rocked hair just long enough to pass his shoulder blades.
The most recent time however was while being princess Kenny. In which Kenny didn't cut her hair at all, even if it was all carefully braided and hidden under her hood and wig.
Think Finn from Adventure Time, but instead of a bear hat it's Kenny's hood hiding and containing all that princess hair.
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englishstrawbie · 2 years
#kacytober: OCT31 - halloween
🎃 👻 🎃👻🎃👻🎃👻
Lucy and Kate walk through the street party, their eyes alert as they search for their suspects – a group of crooks trying to clean dirty money through the import and export of fine gemstones. It has NCIS and FBI working together, but it is not an easy task. With Halloween celebrations in full swing, they are struggling to see people’s faces behind their masks and elaborate make-up. They know from the computer records that Ernie was able to hack that the group recently bought a host of superhero villain costumes, which narrows down their search – but then they aren’t the only ones to have done so. Jesse has already taken down a fifteen-year-old dressed as Thanos by mistake and earned a telling off from the kid’s mom.
“In my defence, he was tall!” Jesse says through the radio, earning him a chuckle from Lucy.
“This feels impossible,” Kate says, her eyes darting about.
“We’ll find them,” Lucy says nonchalantly. “And if we don’t, at least we didn’t miss out on Halloween.”
It had been Lucy’s idea to dress up, pointing out to Tennant that, even if they don’t show up in their NCIS uniform, wearing civilian clothes would also bring attention to themselves. It had got competitive quickly. Jane is dressed as Cruella De Vil, while Jesse – with years of experience in creating Halloween costumes for his kids – has come as Beetlejuice. Kai is dressed as a voodoo witch doctor, with make up so intricate that even Lucy is jealous. Ernie didn’t get the memo and came as… a science geek.
Lucy was the one who insisted that she and Kate come as a duo, which is why she is dressed in a pinstripe suit and bowtie, with her hair tied back in a tight pony tail, and sporting a carefully crafted, thin moustache. The Morticia to her Gomez, Kate is dressed in a long, figure-hugging black dress. She refused to let Lucy dye her hair, so she is wearing a black wig, her face pale and her eyes dark.
Kate scratches her head, the wig irritating her scalp.
“Stop doing that, you’re only making it worse,” Lucy says, grabbing Kate’s hand and holding on to it.
“I feel stupid.”
“You look hot.”
Kate does that half-smile thing, like she’s trying to be serious but is feeling a little flustered by the way Lucy has barely stopped looking at her ass all evening. She glances down at her girlfriend, who – despite the unusual facial hair – looks sexy as hell in a tailored suit that Kate can’t wait to rip off her as soon as they get home.
“There!” Lucy says suddenly, bringing her out of her daydream.
“That guy there, dressed as the Joker, he’s limping. Didn’t Tennant say that one of the suspects had been in a motorcycle accident recently?”
Kate looks over to a shifty-looking guy who is talking to someone else dressed as the Riddler. To anyone else, they look like two comic book geeks who have come dressed as their favourite Batman villains. The two men share a look and drop a package behind an apple bobbing cart, nodding at the young woman who is busy chatting to the public, who slides it into a bag with the flick of her right foot.
Lucy calls it into the team using her covert radio and they quicken their pace to tail the two suspects. The man dressed as the Riddler looks over his shoulder and catches them, whispering something into his companion’s ear.
“Shit,” Lucy says under her breath. “Come on, Whistler, we’re on.”
Lucy launches forwards as the two men start to run, with Kate close behind her. They weave amongst the crowd of scavenger hunters, cutting behind the children trying to catch monsters with a stick and a hook from a large pool of water, and catch up with them by the big wheel. Lucy takes the Joker, using all her might to rugby tackle him to the ground, while Kate grabs the arm of the Riddler and spins him, using her other hand to punch him in the stomach. He doubles over and she uses the opportunity to knee him in the groin. He falls to his knees and Kate grabs his arms, pulling them behind his back. She looks over at Lucy, who is still scuffling with the Joker. She is pinned to the ground and the Joker raises his fist, but Lucy is nimble and she jerks her leg upwards in a kick. He moans as she connects with his groin and pushes him off of her, rolling out from underneath him. She quickly catapults herself on top of him, one knee balanced precariously between his legs to stop him from fighting back.
Jane appears moments later, her gun drawn. Jesse and Kai follow her, handcuffs out, and they secure the suspects, who become docile once under arrest.
Kate walks over to Lucy, who is still on her knees, and holds out her hand, pulling her up to standing.
“Ugh, why do they always run?” Lucy grumbles as she brushes the dirt and dust off her suit.
“Good job, you two,” Jane says as she walks over to them. “The boys are gonna take them back to base.”
“Did you get the girl at the apple bobbing stall?” Kate asks.
Jane nods. “And the two waiting in the parking lot. All five suspects under arrest.” The crowd around them starts to dissipate. “Why don’t you two stay and enjoy the rest of the party? Lucy, you can write up your report tomorrow. Kate, I’m sure Curtis will say the same.”
Giving them leave to enjoy the Halloween festivities, Lucy and Kate walk hand in hand towards the water, where a row of silly games are set up. A spooky version of whack-a-monster is a popular choice for children and adults alike, and they dodge the crowd.
Neither of them are in the mood for games, preferring just to enjoy each other’s company as they take in the joy and fun that surrounds them.
“You know, when we were kids, Noah used to prank me every Halloween,” Kate says as they walk. “Stupid stuff like a fake spider in the shower or eyeballs in my breakfast cereal. One year, he left a bowl of jello on top of my bedroom door and, when I opened it, it landed on my head – just as I was getting ready to go out to a party with my friends. I could have killed him!”
They both laugh.
“We weren’t really into pranks,” Lucy says, thinking about her brothers and sister. “We’d decorate the house with skeletons and cobwebs and pumpkins that we’d carved ourselves, but it was all about trick or treating for us. We used to have a competition to see who could come home with the most candy.”
“And who used to win?”
“Me, of course,” Lucy says with a grin.
“But you don’t even like sweet stuff,” Kate points out.
She always complains when Lucy insists they get the salty popcorn when they’re watching a movie together.
“I like you,” Lucy says, which makes Kate chuckle. “I especially like you in that dress.”
Underneath her make up, Kate’s cheeks turn pink. Even after all these months, she still blushes whenever Lucy pays her a compliment.
“You wanna go home?” Lucy says.
Her tone tells Kate exactly what she is in the mood for.
“Yeah, I do,” Kate says. “But first…”
She tugs Lucy’s hand towards the photobooth.
“…let’s get some pictures. I wanna keep a memory of these outfits before we have to return them tomorrow.”
Lucy smiles to herself as she follows obediently. She didn’t mention to Kate that they didn’t come from a rental place. These outfits are theirs to enjoy whenever they want.
And Lucy does have a thing about Kate with dark hair.
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ginshachocosplay · 11 months
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Cosplay 2010 - Sakura Con
Oh man! I was going through my computer and found a bunch of old cosplay photos that I thought was lost! Back in my wee cosplay days of 2010 me and my friends did a .Hack//G.U. cosplay group at Sakura Con here in Seattle, WA. So many people brought fabulous costumes and it was a ton of fun! For that shoot I made four costumes: Silabus, Ovan, Haseo (2nd form), and Endrance (I was Endrance). I was so proud of those costumes, though I would not use the same materials or techniques today at all! This was in the early days where I used materials that looked right even if it wouldn't function right, be too hot, too fragile, not structurally sound, etc. As such, ended up making Haseo out of upholstery vinyl. Don't envy them at all 'cus I imagine it was pretty hot and constrictive!
Not posting their faces because I lost contact with these guys years ago and don't believe in posting faces online other than mine without permission, even if it's a cosplay in a public sphere.
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Sylabus is first! I made the majority of the costume mainly because my friend didn't have the time to do so between school and other projects (they are/were an amazing artist!!). I was particularly proud of how this one came out looking considering I had only been doing cosplay for around 3-ish years at the time. The lines look great! They did the wig and the sword. We lost contact years ago after graduating high school so I hope they're doing well for themselves (I miss you if you're out there!).
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Next is Ovan! I am so proud of not only how the costume looked but that damn arm of his! I spent so long cutting cardboard and foam core and painting.... ug! But it looked incredible! He paid me $300 for the entire costume including materials at the time. Def would not do that again, ever. But again it was in my younger days where I didn't value my time or effort as much... also it's pretty but, you know, don't look at the seams or the construction lol. Not pictured: the glasses. His face was perfect for the costume but since I lost contact with them years ago I don't want to post their face without permission.
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Then Haseo, 2nd form. We saw a hack online about using reflective tape to make costume parts glow when flash is used. It worked so well! As said above, this is all vinyl with puff paint and foam, so it was HOT to wear. Bless this guy for being a good sport, especially since it took me something like 2-ish years to actually put it together...
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Finally, myself as Endrance. Once again, a whole lot of work for a costume that I would not at all make in the same way. I bought a cording foot for my machine and carefully pieced together a Jet Set material and sewed the cording on.... the cording did not stretch. So I used a stretch material with a non-stretch cord for what is essentially a body suit.... yiiikkkess! Looks great, don't look inside cus it is not remotely clean. But that's what the early days are about! I had fun, they had fun, tried and learned a lot, so it was all worth it! All the all-nighters and, at times, multiple days of not sleeping. Literally can't do that anymore cus I'm not built like I was at 20. :)
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jeza-red · 2 years
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I posted 23,188 times in 2022
That's 1,993 more posts than 2021!
126 posts created (1%)
23,062 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 163 of my posts in 2022
#elden ring - 26 posts
#plants - 17 posts
#life woes - 14 posts
#bloodborne - 7 posts
#lol - 7 posts
#blaidd the half wolf - 5 posts
#xd - 5 posts
#houseplants - 5 posts
#hoya - 5 posts
#writing - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#every time i see a post like that it's almost 100% by a person who never experienced a minute in their lifexd
My Top Posts in 2022:
So, uh, meeting my boss’s wife got me thinking back to my old manager. Both found veganism like the light in the dark, religious-like. That got me thinking about the vocal vegans I came across in my life and there seems to be a common thread between them that always rubbed me wrong. 
The issue I have with some  militant vegans is that they rarely consider the environmental cost of a 100% plant-based diet. Very often, abstaining from eating meat/diary is understood as this amazing thing one can do for their environment and the planet in general, and some such.... because plants imported from halfway across the world can fill dietary holes left by animal-based protein and lack of variety it poses - avocado, bananas, chia and quinoa, citrus and so on. All easily available.
In general, being vegan is not in any way anymore environmentally friendly than not-being one (vegan leather, etc). A vegan milkshake form nestle is in no way 'friendlier' to the nature than the milkshake standing next to it. Same with vegan cheese. Vegan burgers. Nut milks. Every 'vegan' product pumped out by a company halfway-across the world.
It's a moral choice and should be recognised and respected as such. The only genuinely environmentally-friendly diet is local - and thus limited to seasonality of greens and fruit. It's a diet that usually contains meat by the sheer force of the lack of options.
And modern humans hate not having options. The ideal weekly menu serves something else every couple days at least. The ideal diet is ‘varied’ and ‘full’ and ‘providing all vitamins and micro-elements we need’ and that means all the vegetables and fruit all the time. We are convinced that we need everything and get used to having everything available at all times, fresh and clean and beautiful. It’s hard to give it up.   
59 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
Why is the Rings of Power so uglyTT
Why is a show supposedly so expensive looking so drab?
Why are the elves looking like people I see at ASDA during my weekly shop?
They're doing their best, bless them, these poor actors, but they got no help from the makeup, costumes, scenography depts and even goddamn wig makersTT
I've seen better looking, more believable cosplays.
65 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Regardless of my gripes Elden Ring is still a super fun game.
However, nothing in it as of far.
Came even close to making the impression that fucker made on me in Bloodborne
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FROMs monster design peaked with these absolutely horrifying assholes and nothing so far matched themxD
115 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
I would actually ask everyone to reblog this one - it's about the danger of a popular Fractal Woodburning hack that can kill you before you hit the ground.
134 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Started feeling towards Ranni recently.
How lonely she is. How her family fell apart and now all she has is her scheming and 3 companions. Out of which she knows one has no loyalty. How she knows that her protector will stand against her and how inevitable it is - she knows the end of her plan will result in losing Blaidd, the one person left to her.
How both of her brothers and mother fell to madness and how her own mission sometimes seems just as mad. How she wants revenge on those responsible, but those turn out to be further from her grasp than Queen Marika.
How did she feel discovering that her family was destroyed as a collateral of someone else's bid for freedom? That all the misery that befell them turned out unimportant? That her father is the key to revenge - a puppet in the hands of Others.
What sort of anger carried her through the ages on her impossible mission?
185 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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codylambertdanafoster · 7 months
The best way to clean and declutter your house is to put egg shells in the nose> Bone boys ward luna in "greet tip sky hyper." ffxv Garth identify bruises better thin diaper corn chip> samurai Hamgee retourner les pubgle choco wig> viking bartz dids your feet potty.
Follow for more beauty tips cleaning hacks * side hustles* and recipes.
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Alright. so most people are probably aware that like, most 'life hacks' don't really work. Like Five Minute Craft stuff, is almost always like 1) not a hack at all, 2) really unnecessary and overcomplicated, 3) sometimes dangerous
BUT RECENTLY i have found two very specific 'life hacks' that i doubt many people will need...
but if you style wigs for any reason, or want to clean tarnished silver, keep reading i guess!
1. Synthentic wigs can be detangled by washing them with fabric conditioner.
This seems intuitive, maybe. It's a synthetic fiber so it's like clothing, it makes sense right? But when i tell you the first time I used this hack, until the moment i brushed it out when it was dry, i thought it wasn't gonna work. This wig was like, almost past the post of no return, tangled beyond belief, it felt ratty and dirty to the touch, it was no good. and it wasn't really brushing out either.
i rinsed it, hung it up to dry, and when i felt it the next day after it had dried...IT WAS CRUNCHY!? i thought for SURE this wig was dead, and that i had killed it. but one stroke of my comb and BAM it was magically soft and knot free. i was seriously floored.
2. If you want to clean tarnished silver, just put ketchup on it.
One of my friends told me this trick, because me and my partner bought a silver cake knife at the thrift store, and i was like...hmm. Maybe i'll give it a go. For a laugh.
Im just...what?? how?? why???
so uh....yeah! enjoy these random ass hacks that are tested by me, a stranger on the internet.
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masatos-wig · 2 years
how in the hell is this the team my excel teambuilder made me. AND ITS FOR LOST ALICE LIKE ?? also ik cesshi looks like hes having fun singing but behind those bright blue eyes hes screaming
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daphnedauphinoise · 3 years
Hair MasterList
Hair Basics
How to wash your hair properly 
How to: Hair washing hacks
How and when to wash your hair (curly hair)
How to choose the correct shampoo and conditioner
How to check your hair porosity  (2)
How to find your curl type
How to stop habits that are damaging your hair
How to do the LCO (moisturization layering technique) method   (ideal for straigther hair types) 
How to do the LOC method (Better suited for curly and natural hair)
How to dry your hair properly using a hair dryer
How to air dry your hair properly
How to: Natural hair bedtime routine 
How to: Bedtime haircare routine
How to straighten your hair
How to straighten you hair (for curly or natural hair)
How to use a Dyson hair-wrap
How to diffuse your hair (for curly hair)
How to curl your hair 
How to curl your hair with a hair straightner 
How to curl your hair (no heat) 
How to curl your hair with no extra equipement 
How to tell your hairdresser exactly what you want
How to: Learn different types of hair dyes
How to dye your own hair 
How to pick the right hair colour for you
How to bleach your hair at home 
How to dye Asian hair using Japanese products
Hair Cuts 
How to cut your own hair 101
How to cut your curly hair
How to trim your natural hair
How to cut your hair into long layers
How to your hair into Korean style long layers 
How to cut your bangs 101
How to cut your bangs like Matilda Djerf
How to: Korean see-through bangs
How to cut curtain bangs 
Styling Hair 
How to do easy hairstyles for long hair
How to do easy hairstyles for shoulder length hair
How to do easy hairstyles for short hair
How to do trendy 90s hair styles 
How to do y2k hairstyles
How to do traditional Indian/Tamil hairstyles for weddings or temple visits
How do a French twsit updo 
How to low bun hairstyles
How to do easy braided hairstyles
How to Hollywood inspired vintage hairstyle 
How to do a blow-out at home
How to do a 5-min blow-dry
How to do a 90′s supermodel inspired hair *detailed*
How to do a Victoria Secret model insipired hair (no heat)
Natural Hair 
How to do protective hairstyles
How to do knotless box braids 
How to maintain your box braids 
How to style your box braids
How to cornrow your hair
How to do butterfly locs
How to begin to wear a Hijab / Hijab 101 
How to look after your hair under a Hijab
How to style curly hair under a Hijab
How to wrap turban style Hijabs
How to wrap a Hijab the Malaysian/Indonesian way 
How to style Hijabs 
Wigs and Extensions 
How to: Learn about different types of wigs 
How to figure out which is the type of wig is the best for you
How to install a wig 
How to install a wig (on an asian girl ) (on white girl) 
How to re-install a wig 
How to remove a wig safely
How to: 100% glueless wig installation 
How to customize your wig 
How to customize your wig *detailed*
How to clean your lace without washing 
How to fully clean your wig 
How to lay your edges 
How to: Learn about hair extensions
How to use clip in hair extensions 
How to put in tape hair extensions 
How to install halo hair extension
How to install sew-in hair extensions
How to blend short hair with your extensions
I made this for me because I kept on losing the videos that I liked watching for reference but I thought I should share it, incase anyone would like a reference list or they haven’t been taught certain things. I have tried to include things for other women outside my ethnicity. Hope it helps :) 
Much love,
Daphne xox
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manymanydolls · 2 years
Doll Restoration: Nancy
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I finally wrapped up my second doll restoration project, a TM 23 who came to me in the most horrific condition (seriously, this gal looked like shit). Here’s how she started off:
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Uh, yikes. Her lips were practically gone, her hair was choppy and dry as straw, her limbs were hardly in their sockets, and she was covered in ink splotches. A go-over with a Mr. Clean magic eraser took off the thin coating of grime that had sunk into her, then I de-stuffed her and tightened all her limbs. Next it was time for the ink stains.
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I think I may have set a record for how many benzoyl peroxide treatments she went through- I stopped counting after 9. Eventually, the majority of them faded away. I gave her another cleaning with the magic eraser and treated the big shine marks and the gouge in her nose with micro mesh. While her head was still off, I made shrunken head trinket boil washed her hair.
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After washing and conditioning with braid spray, I got a good look at the true damage done to her hair. It was hacked almost down to the wig cap at some places, and so thin that she looked ill. I’m still in the middle of another restoration project that you’ll see in about two weeks, so I took the wig off that doll, curled it, and put it on Nancy.
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Eye of the tiger. Just like we practiced.
I added some color back to her face with watercolor pencils, plus a few more freckles and a birthmark on her temple to cover one ink stain that refused to fade past a certain point. She still has a couple flaws, but she looks like a completely different and much happier gal.
Nancy was originally put up for sale under the name Nicole, but after 6 months, I grew too attached to her and decided to make her a part of my doll gang. She’s very excited to hang out with her new friends!
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Hiiii! Here’s part two of my Katniss and Peeta Taking Of Each Other bookcomb! It’s pretty long so … sorry 😬. There was a lot I didn’t include and a lot I wasn’t sure about including, because so much of Catching Fire and Mockingjay is about them wanting to protect the other but I tried to narrow it down to actual acts that were caring, or times they at least tried to care for the other.
Then, as if I can’t stand it another second, I start running. He catches me and spins me around and then he slips — he still isn’t entirely in command of his artificial leg — and we fall into the snow, me on top of him, and that’s where we have our first kiss in months. It’s full of fur and snowflakes and lipstick, but underneath all that, I can feel the steadiness that Peeta brings to everything. And I know I’m not alone. As badly as I have hurt him, he won’t expose me in front of the cameras. Won’t condemn me with a halfhearted kiss. He’s still looking out for me. Just as he did in the arena. Somehow the thought makes me want to cry. Instead I pull him to his feet, tuck my glove through the crook of his arm, and merrily pull him on our way.
“We’re going!” says Peeta, shoving the Peacekeeper who’s pressing on me. “We get it, all right? Come on, Katniss.” His arm encircles me and guides me back into the Justice Building. The Peacekeepers follow a pace or two behind us.
Effie starts giving me pills to sleep, but they don’t work. Not well enough. I drift off only to be roused by nightmares that have increased in number and intensity. Peeta, who spends much of the night roaming the train, hears me screaming as I struggle to break out of the haze of drugs that merely prolong the horrible dreams. He manages to wake me and calm me down. Then he climbs into bed to hold me until I fall back to sleep. After that, I refuse the pills. But every night I let him into my bed. We manage the darkness as we did in the arena, wrapped in each other’s arms, guarding against dangers that can descend at any moment.
“He was poaching. What business is it of hers, anyway?” says the man.
“He’s her cousin.” Peeta’s got my other arm now, but gently. “And she’s my fiancée. So if you want to get to him, expect to go through both of us.”
When my mother has locked the door behind them, I slump against the table.
“What is it?” says Peeta, holding me steadily.
“Oh, I banged up my left foot. The heel. And my tailbone’s had a bad day, too.” He helps me over to one of the rockers and I lower myself onto the padded cushion.
My mother eases off my boots. “What happened?”
“I slipped and fell,” I say. Four pairs of eyes look at me with disbelief. “On some ice.” But we all know the house must be bugged and it’s not safe to talk openly. Not here, not now.
My mother gives me a cup of chamomile tea with a dose of sleep syrup, and my eyelids begin to droop immediately. She wraps my bad foot, and Peeta volunteers to get me to bed. I start out by leaning on his shoulder, but I’m so wobbly he just scoops me up and carries me upstairs. He tucks me in and says good night but I catch his hand and hold him there.
Peeta sits on the side of the bed, warming my hand in both of his. “Almost thought you’d changed your mind today. When you were late for dinner.”
I’m foggy but I can guess what he means. With the fence going on and me showing up late and the Peacekeepers waiting, he thought I’d made a run for it, maybe with Gale.
“No, I’d have told you,” I say. I pull his hand up and lean my cheek against the back of it, taking in the faint scent of cinnamon and dill from the breads he must have baked today.
Each afternoon he carries me downstairs for a change of scenery and I unnerve everyone by turning on the television.
Effie, shining in a wig of metallic gold, lacks her usual verve. She has to claw around the girls’ reaping ball for quite a while to snag the one piece of paper that everyone already knows has my name on it. Then she catches Haymitch’s name. He barely has time to shoot me an unhappy look before Peeta has volunteered to take his place.
“Why would he paint a picture of me, Effie?” I ask, somehow annoyed.
“To show he’s going to do everything he can to defend you. That’s what everyone in the Capitol’s expecting, anyway. Didn’t he volunteer to go in with you?” Effie says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
I lock my fingers tightly into his and say, “Watch my feet. Just try to step where I step.” It helps. We seem to move a little faster, but never enough to afford a rest, and the mist continues to lap at our heels.
Peeta and Finnick and I position ourselves in a triangle, a few yards apart, our backs to one another. My heart sinks as my fingers draw back my last arrow. Then I remember Peeta has a sheath, too. And he’s not shooting, he’s hacking away with that knife. My own knife is out now, but the monkeys are quicker, can spring in and out so fast you can barely react.
“Peeta!” I shout. “Your arrows!”
Peeta turns to see my predicament and is sliding off his sheath when it happens. A monkey lunges out of a tree for his chest. I have no arrow, no way to shoot. I can hear the thud of Finnick’s trident finding another mark and know his weapon is occupied. Peeta’s knife arm is disabled as he tries to remove the sheath. I throw my knife at the oncoming mutt but the creature somersaults, evading the blade, and stays on its trajectory.
Weaponless, defenseless, I do the only thing I can think of. I run for Peeta, to knock him to the ground, to protect his body with mine, even though I know I won’t make it in time.
While I help Peeta coat his skin with the ointment, Finnick deftly cleans the meat from the shellfish.
I stretch out, pressing my hot cheek on the grass mat, staring at the thing in aggravation. Peeta rubs a tense spot between my shoulders and I let myself relax a little.
I know it’s stopped when I feel Peeta’s hands on me, feel myself lifted from the ground and out of the jungle. But I stay eyes squeezed shut, hands over my ears, muscles too rigid to release. Peeta holds me on his lap, speaking soothing words, rocking me gently. It takes a long time before I begin to relax the iron grip on my body. And when I do, the trembling begins.
“It’s all right, Katniss,” he whispers.
“Katniss!” I hear his voice though he’s a far distance away. But what is he doing? Peeta must have figured out that everyone is hunting us by now. “Katniss!”
I can’t protect him. I can’t move fast or far and my shooting abilities are questionable at best. I do the one thing I can to draw the attackers away from him and over to me. “Peeta!” I scream out. “Peeta! I’m here! Peeta!” Yes, I will draw them in, any in my vicinity, away from Peeta and over to me and the lightning tree that will soon be a weapon in and of itself. “I’m here! I’m here!” He won’t make it. Not with that leg in the night. He will never make it in time. “Peeta!”
I’m rattled by the turn in the conversation. The implications that I could so readily dispose of Peeta, that I’m in love with Gale, that the whole thing has been an act. My cheeks begin to burn. The very notion that I’m devoting any thought to who I want presented as my lover, given our current circumstances, is demeaning. I let my anger propel me into my greatest demand. “When the war is over, if we’ve won, Peeta will be pardoned.”
At the mention of my name, Peeta’s face contorts in effort. “Katniss . . . how do you think this will end? What will be left? No one is safe. Not in the Capitol. Not in the districts. And you . . . in Thirteen . . .” He inhales sharply, as if fighting for air; his eyes look insane. “Dead by morning!”
Off camera, Snow orders, “End it!” Beetee throws the whole thing into chaos by flashing a still shot of me standing in front of the hospital at three-second intervals. But between the images, we are privy to the real-life action being played out on the set. Peeta’s attempt to continue speaking. The camera knocked down to record the white tiled floor. The scuffle of boots. The impact of the blow that’s inseparable from Peeta’s cry of pain.
And his blood as it splatters the tiles.
I poke around in the pile, about to settle on some cod chowder, when Peeta holds out a can to me. “Here.” I take it, not knowing what to expect. The label reads LAMB STEW.
I press my lips together at the memories of rain dripping through stones, my inept attempts at flirting, and the aroma of my favorite Capitol dish in the chilly air. So some part of it must still be in his head, too. How happy, how hungry, how close we were when that picnic basket arrived outside our cave.
In the fluorescent light, the circles under his eyes look like bruises. “There’s still time. You should sleep.” Unresisting, he lies back down, but just stares at the needle on one of the dials as it twitches from side to side. Slowly, as I would with a wounded animal, my hand stretches out and brushes a wave of hair from his forehead. He freezes at my touch, but doesn’t recoil. So I continue to gently smooth back his hair. It’s the first time I have voluntarily touched him since the last arena.
“You’re still trying to protect me. Real or not real,” he whispers.
“Real,” I answer. It seems to require more explanation. “Because that’s what you and I do. Protect each other.” After a minute or so, he drifts off to sleep.
“Katniss!” He whips his head toward me but doesn’t seem to notice my bow, the waiting arrow. “Katniss! Get out of here!”
I hesitate. His voice is alarmed, but not insane. “Why? What’s making that sound?”
“I don’t know. Only that it has to kill you,” says Peeta. “Run! Get out! Go!”
It’s a long shot, it’s suicide maybe, but I do the only thing I can think of. I lean in and kiss Peeta full on the mouth. His whole body starts shuddering, but I keep my lips pressed to his until I have to come up for air. My hands slide up his wrists to clasp his. “Don’t let him take you from me.”
Peeta’s panting hard as he fights the nightmares raging in his head. “No. I don’t want to . . .”
I clench his hands to the point of pain. “Stay with me.”
His pupils contract to pinpoints, dilate again rapidly, and then return to something resembling normalcy. “Always,” he murmurs.
I help Peeta up and address Pollux.
While Cressida and Pollux make fur nests for each of us, I attend to Peeta’s wrists. Gently rinsing away the blood, putting on an antiseptic, and bandaging them beneath the cuffs.
By the time I make it back to the fence, I’m so sick and dizzy, Thom has to give me a ride home in the dead people’s cart. Help me to the sofa in the living room, where I watch the dust motes spin in the thin shafts of afternoon light.
My head snaps around at the hiss, but it takes awhile to believe he’s real. How could he have gotten here? I take in the claw marks from some wild animal, the back paw he holds slightly above the ground, the prominent bones in his face. He’s come on foot, then, all the way from 13. Maybe they kicked him out or maybe he just couldn’t stand it there without her, so he came looking.
Out of nowhere, the tears begin to pour down my cheeks. “She’s dead.” I clutch my middle to dull the pain. Sink down on my heels, rocking the pillow, crying. “She’s dead, you stupid cat. She’s dead.” A new sound, part crying, part singing, comes out of my body, giving voice to my despair. Buttercup begins to wail as well. No matter what I do, he won’t go. He circles me, just out of reach, as wave after wave of sobs racks my body, until eventually I fall unconscious. But he must understand. He must know that the unthinkable has happened and to survive will require previously unthinkable acts. Because hours later, when I come to in my bed, he’s there in the moonlight. Crouched beside me, yellow eyes alert, guarding me from the night.
Peeta, bearing a warm loaf of bread, shows up with Greasy Sae. She makes us breakfast and I feed all my bacon to Buttercup.
I wake screaming from nightmares of mutts and lost children. But his arms are there to comfort me. And eventually his lips. On the night I feel that thing again, the hunger that overtook me on the beach, I know this would have happened anyway.
Peeta says it will be okay. We have each other. And the book. We can make them understand in a way that will make them braver.
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forthewinn · 3 years
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His life was complicated, to but it simply. Everything had changed after he and Lucy had broken up in college. While LA was a great place to be, Winn got offered a job at CatCo at the same time she was wanting to start the police academy. Slowly they realized they just didn’t have the time to put effort into the relationship anymore, so together they had realized it wasn’t working out. At least not right now. 
And then a year into working for CatCo, his father had broken out of prison. Winn knew that his father was going to come after him, the moment that there was that stupid toy on his desk. And then there was the set up at the arcade that the FBI had followed him on. And then one night, as he was leaving Kara’s apartment he heard the footsteps from behind him but it was too late. His father had him pressed up against the window, unable to fight him off as the chloroform was pressed up against his nose and mouth and he was dragged away. 
His father was smart, so Winn wasn’t shocked when they made a clean getaway, and blended into a suburb almost 30 miles away towards the Mid-Wilshire part of LA. His father had gotten a wig for himself and put in contacts, after growing a beard Winn knew that they were going to be here for a while. His father looked different, and Winn wasn’t allowed to leave the house. Kept in the basement his father wanted him to take down Dunholtz and everyone like him. 
It took Winn almost a year, but he finally got all the information that his father wanted. He didn’t think about the things that had happened in this stupid house in the past year, the things his father forced him to do or the lessons he had to learn the hard way. After posting all the information online, Winn may have ‘forgotten’ to scramble the signal like he had every time he hacked into someone’s network. Yes, he was scared of what his father was going to pull when the police showed up, but anything was better then the hell he was living in. His father was unstable, and even though he said that Winn was his greatest work, the younger worried that his father saw him as his property and was willing to kill Winn to keep anyone else from having him. 
But the knock was on the door in the middle of the night, and his father answered the door and Winn sat up in his bed, listening to the voices up above.
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psalloacappella · 3 years
la fuga - pt 1
Pairing: SasuSaku Fandom: Naruto Rating: M  Genre/Tag: AU; partners in crime; timed writing exercise Ao3 | twt
He rewrites their destiny with simple psalms, and she tastes them; seeds and fruit divine. 
“A beginning.”
la fuga
escape. flight. get-away. fugue.
Who knew her face could look quite this ashen? Wan, half-dead — not unlike the corpse they left behind.  
Wrung of blood, arranged in an artful, though staged, thistle of limbs on a kitsch sitting room rug.
In a dingy stall of a wayward train station, she retches.
Knife nearly slipping out of quavering hands, she hacks at long pink locks intent on leaving little to nothing — wigs in endless chromatic rotation from here on out.
At his knock, she startles: metal on ceramic as it clatters in the sink when he slips through the door.
Takes her by the face, antiseptic hands gripping all of her as if to root her to the earth, to regain the gravity spurned by what they’ve done.
“A few more minutes.” A hiss against her temple, his hold protective but laced with tremor. “We’re almost out.”
Her sob cracks, splits as fire kindling, as glass underfoot. Incapable of love-story soothing, he runs fingers over the frayed locks left and murmurs reassurances like incantations, warding off the evil of the necessary deed.
“Is this the end?” she whispers.
Drops to her knees on filthy tiles, walked on by thousands; tracking anonymous dirt. A red wig surfaces in the go-bag first, summoned.
Without answering he kneels, rummages alongside her, silent, procuring a cap.
She takes it from him, places it gently on his head.
Coal eyes askew, mostly hidden by the brim, he exhales in a long, slow beat which answers all the questions she’s loathe to ask.
“So we just—” and she can’t breathe, not now and never again, not with the imprint of ocean eyes razed and branded on the inside of her eyelids — “We just run?”
Clutches at his sleeve, yanking him close to meet his gaze under the ineffectual disguise.
“We flee like this, just you and I and these bags and this,” and she shakes the duffel under his nose, “this blood money!”
“Quiet.” An admonition through gritted teeth.
“Then tell me, Sasuke!” Raising her voice in a commuter restroom, tongue and lips singing of copper and salt ferried by tears. “Is this the end?”
He’s rigid for a moment, a second, an eternity. (Time is fuzzy, don’t you know, after trauma.)
Doesn’t speak; takes the red wig.
Tenderly tucking the hacked remains of her silkspun pink hair into the wig cap lining, he fingers a red strand.
Limbs abuzz:  It seems she’s left all her blood and soul on that gaudy rug, numb to escape the knowledge and weight of snuffing out a life.
“No, Sakura.”
She can’t feel her fingers in his, the way he lets them rest on his palm and the sting of antiseptic pricks her nose again. Oddly grounding. They’re real, and so is this.
Coaxing and scrubbing the blood, skin, any incriminating genetic material out of the beds of her nails.
“Remember,” the knot in his throat is palpable, so unforgiving to the dead, “he made it difficult. Struggled. Took a foolish stand.”
Somewhere, a warning chime signals impending departure.
“We knew the jobs wouldn’t always be clean.” Irony abounds, as he works on her nails. “But I don’t intend to leave you behind.”
His stare skewers her right through, all glitter and sloe.
Perhaps to hide the anxious bob of the apple of his lovely throat, his finger trails her palm’s lifeline with a shivering reverence which leaves her breathless, starved.
He brings her hand to his mouth.
“Not an end,” he says against her fingertips, one by one, tasting the pucker of antiseptic and the love underneath.
He rewrites their destiny with simple psalms, and she tastes them; seeds and fruit divine.  
“A beginning.”
Young and old couples alike are always misusing the station restrooms — a fact of working here, and often the most interesting thing going on.
Today’s no exception:  A man with a cap brim pulled low and a woman with disheveled red hair. Both young.
They pause at the board.
No space between them, with arms around one another’s waists as they contemplate their next destination.
They decide in a single moment, on a cosmic wavelength all their own. Security watches them lazily as they buy tickets, head to the lower level tracks.
So in love.
The dispatch will come in six hours later, the descriptions slippery and lacking form. Security shrugs, remembering nothing unremarkable.
The restroom they’d spent time in was surprisingly clean.
A man with a mask over one eye, like some ridiculous television character, inquires.
Descriptions? Details? Destinations? No one remembers much in a sleepy anonymous station.
They strike — copper, not so much gold —  with an unreliable witness whose intoxication muddies the story.
“They were inseparable. Carried her bags, held her hand. Sweet.”
“What else?”
The blonde purses her lips, flicking a fingernail against the glass of an empty pint container. Tattoo of a — slug? — on her wrist.
“Nothing else.” She shrugs. “They were happy.”
“Did they say anything odd, strange?”
The witness only scoffs.
“They’re just kids, Detective — Hatake, was it? Kids in love. They were heading out on a long trip, ah, what did they say—?”
She hiccups, to his dismay.
“They said it was . . . ‘not an end, but a beginning.’”
And now she tilts her head, grinning.
“Sounds sweet, doesn’t it?”
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