#wiith fans
damonalbarn · 2 years
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Philadelphia, Oct 2022
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athousandbyeol · 29 days
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andy-wm · 5 months
Why is Bam on insta?
This thought flashed in my head when i saw the most recent photos of Bam.
Maybe I'm just slow and everyone else figured this out already but maybe not, so I’m sharing it.
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The Bam insta account isn't just a fun side project set up by JK while he’s doing military service. He doesn't even have an account for himself*, so why would he make one for his puppy? It's not like he needs (or wants?) more followers or influence, and he could have just used his t1ct0k, where hes already got gazillions of followers.
When bowwow_bam first appeared, many comments suggested he created it to keep in touch with ARMY while he's serving in the military. And yes he DID share the account with ARMY on weverse, but I doubt that's the reason it exists.
Bowwow_bam is not for ARMY...
The photos JK gets from the training centre let him know that Bam is happy and well cared for.
Even though Bam has been in and out of the training centre often while JK has had his schedules, those stays were brief compared to 18 months. This time, Bam will basically be living there full time, long term.
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Maybe this is why JK sent Bam to the training centre so often in the past, when he might have left Bam with friends or family instead. That way, the training centre became familiar to Bam before his long term stay.
Bowwow_bam is for JK
Bam's photos are likely sent to JK directly, so why post them to a public platform? And why post ONLY these?
Sure, it's a good way for JK to stay connected to ARMY with minimal effort. Let's not be foolish enough to think he doesn't care about that. It's pretty clear he wants to pick up his career where he left off when he comes back. (It goes without saying that BTS - and JK - will still have millions of fans after MS.)
But i don't believe thats the only reason Bam has an insta account, and i dont think it's the most significant reason either.
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There are so many ways JK could have maintained a socials presence. If he wanted to be on insta, even just reposting old content would keep him at the forefront of ARMY's mind... if he had an insta account* that is.
It also got me thinking about what JK will be doing with his time off.
He isn't all that close to his family, he tells us. And most of his friends are idols, from what we see (although that could be selective information), so probably insanely busy with their own schedules. And his Bangtan brothers, his found family, are also doing their service. And he and Jimin are apparently on different shifts (if the information we have is correct).
So who is he connecting wiith?
Who is his link to home and normality?
This doggo right here is.
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Besides letting JK know that Bam is happy and well cared for, the photos connect JK to home and give him something tangible to look forward to on the other side of his service.
They'd remind him that this episode of his life has an end date, that he has a place to return to, and that somebody is waiting for him to come home. Bam is waiting for him.
But why post them on instagram?
We know JK has a strong connection with ARMY. He's said many times that we're his safe place (debatable, honestly) and his happy place (I truly hope so). He's told us it's ARMY he talks to late at night when he's alone. He's also set clear boundaries about what he's prepared to share and how close we're allowed to come - although he blurs these lines himself sometimes... naked livestreams from his bed come to mind, but i digress...
I believe the insta account - Bam and ARMY together - is his anchor. This is his link back to his life before and after MS.
Sharing these photos from the training centre with his three (or four or five) million closest friends would validate for JK what his life has been, and will be again. It tells him we (like Bam) are still here, still waiting, without him ever having to ask.
It keeps that part of his life real for him.
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Just to be clear,
I'm not downplaying the significance of Jimin and JK serving together in the companions program.
In my mind nothing could be more significant.
Jimin is with him day after exhausting day, just as he has been for the last twelve years. While that must be an enormous comfort to them both, these long and arduous days must still seem endless.
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Getting through this difficult time with any sort of optimism would require something to look forward to, and recieving photos of Bam would give JK much happiness, and remind him that there is life outside of the camp.
They'd serve to remind him that at the end of it all he will see his beloved doggo in person...
...and that he and Jimin will go home and his little family will be whole again
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*pretty sure he does tho...
~as always, opinions are my own and all of this is conjecture~
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There's some of my Crack ships and headcanons.
First of all.
Naomi x gamzee makara (even if Naomi hit gamzee on the head with her paper fan. It doesn't affect him and instead he become honking machine. Even if she harden the paper fan. Naomi genuinely thought that gamzee enjoy pain but it turns out that her paper fan doesn't affect the highblood and it's harmless.)
Cupid Valentine x sollux captor (cupid genuinely thought all yellow-blood trolls smell like chicken noodle but it turns out sollux doesn't know how to cook and would burn the kitchen and only eat chicken noodle. Also her biblical accurate Seraphim form doesn't look intimidating to him and he described it as ju2t giiant floating eyeball wiith two much wiing2)
Equius Zahhak x Sagittarius Ellyn (Ellyn is tan woman who's heavy alcoholic from germany Soo she sounds very angry when speak German which lead Equius to think she's angry or scolded him but in reality she just drunkly tease him. Call him Mann mit Eselsohren or man with donkey ears in German. Wonder who give him the rights to look this cute and promise to take him to farm to see horses. (I hc him to have ears that looks like donkey ears😼.)
Riku Kuroi x Eridan Ampora. (Riku is french so she loves to tease him about his high-blood status, often calling him “mon poisson noble” (my noble fish) whenever he’s being overly dramatic. Riku finds Eridan's flair for the dramatic both amusing and charming and would often softly bite his fins know how sensitive they are just to get a reaction out of him.
Dj clover x Terezi.
(DJ Clover has a serious, no-nonsense personality when she's on the job, especially when it comes to her dj duties, Terezi, with her flirty and playful demeanor, often finds herself playfully teasing Clover about being “4ll work 4nd no pl4y” Clover rolls her eyes but secretly enjoys the challenge Terezi presents. The Flirtation Game: Terezi loves to tease Clover about her serious nature, often saying things like, “You n33d To l1ght3n up, or you m1ght just turn 1nto 4 st4tu3!” Clover can’t help but smirk at Terezi’s antics, knowing that the flirty troll somehow manages to bring a smile to her face even if it annoys her.)
Lady Luck x Kanaya: (both enjoy Fashion and gardening.. Mea act as model for Kanaya whenever nobody wants to modeling for Kanaya. They're creative, motherly and caring, willing to care and being shoulder to cry on for others. taking a particular interest in fashion and colorful patterns. As well as being avid reader of horror and romance novels and enjoy hosting tea parties.)
Dice x Vriska (dice doesn't like Vriska because of her antagonistic, bitchy, manipulative behaviors where consequences matter to him they don't matter to her and he dislike when she blame the bad things that happen to her on her bad luck instead of her behaviors. Him cares deeply for people and consequences was influenced by his parents who raise him in strict household so he doesn't turned out to be spoiled and dependent child that depend on them. He doesn't mind put her in her place and call her out for terrible behaviors. however she still flirt with him due to the fact that they're both Enjoy dice and has apparent skill in gambling. Dice can come off as gruff, standoffish, sarcastic, reasonable, but surprisingly patient and able to take a lot of outlandish events in his stride, He is very observant, having the ability to read people and understand their problems well (even when they don't themselves), which makes him quick to notice when someone isn't being genuine with him, something he doesn't enjoy. He values authenticity. Also his name isn't dice and it's just nickname. It's actually Faust de Valois.)
Undine x feferi (feferi and Undine like to watch Ariel or any cartoons with mermaids in it. Undine is mermaid and she can turn into human whenever she wants. However her fins and gills still exist so they often go on water-related dates :3 While sea dwellers are not qualified mermaids but rather a sub-race of troll distinct from the commoners by mutation and habitat, a caste which rules over the entire species. They still have fins as ears and gills on side of their necks and some of them live in sea while small part of them don't and live in cities. Undine is just nickname. her actually name is Amphitrite bc I'm obsessed with Greek mythology.)
Archangel meep x Dirk strider
(once Ezekiel left a portal that lead to heaven and stuff open. So dirk (being guy with deep fascination and curiosity) went in the while angels were having a meeting While Ezekiel was genuinely surprise like Sera when Sir Pentious proved redemption was possible. while cupid Valentine (Ezekiel little sister) and god were like "oh you have boyfriend who is human that's cool anyway show him around the place and being nice to him." So Ezekiel show him around and once they reach to Ezekiel room's. Dirk get attracted to angelic horse named Sleipnir and start begging Ezekiel to let him ride the horse even though Ezekiel didn't want to interrupt the horse who was sleeping and ended up wake up the horse bc dirk won't stop giving him the sad puppy eyes and ended up flying around the heaven on Sleipnir. )
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reidsworld · 1 month
Hi can u do a max verstappen fic where he is in a relationship wiith reader who is his teamate and she is actually sooo nice that kids are always drawn to her(like little fans or kids of other drivers and team principles) so its very cute to see them and it makes max want one as well
Some teasing from other drivers too
Hi anon! Thank you so much for the request, I hope I did it justice🫶
The work is posted here.
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not-goldy · 1 year
I am confused. Gay people hug women too. Don't we already know from years ago that jungkook has, in his life, back-hugged a woman that everyone involved agrees he was not dating? I bet he even hugs his mom and many other pretty men that are not jimin. Have these people ever gone outside? Have we been operating under the assumption that jungkook, even if he is straight, has no female friends? Is this really the final straw of jungkook's queerness? Some of y'all are sad
They conveniently gloss over the B in LGBTQ plus too and expect us to be phased by it💀💀💀💀
I just be sitting here feeling embarrassed for them as fuck. At least Namjoon gets it. He gets it.
They keep looking for the slightest hint of interaction between JK and any imaginary or random girl as proof he is straight and I'm like 👁👄👁
Is bisexuality a joke to these people????
And for someone who firmly believes Jimin is bisexual I get discombobulated and confused when I hear these red herrings truly. Like what difference does that make? He's still queer🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I've seen Jimin drool over men's thighs as he does women. And I'm at this point a full blown lesbian but I'm enamored wiith Jimin and would definitely throw it back for him. Does that make me straight? I don't think straight people understand straight anymore.
I don't have to go through any mental gymnastics to explain away he's supposed attraction to girls if indeed he is- if he likes girls it's totally valid. it doesn't take away the fact he's attracted to Jimin or has been into that man from day one. And that's something most people just don't get.
First they tried to prove Jikook aren't a thing but failed with all the sus and question marks that surround their relationship. They tried the fan service argument and it didn't work, they tried the brothers rhetoric and that failed too. Now they like well let's just prove he's into women that should do it.
They must really be stupid or they're desperate attempts to invalidate Jikook has left them senseless.
so pathetic
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Cuddles & Toothy (happy tree friends) vs Heath Burns & Hoodude Voodoo (monster high)
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Cuddles & Toothy
they 0ften get iin2 stupiid siituatii0ns & wiith cuddles she just d0esn't care that he's iin danger untiil she's ab0ut 2 diie n stuff & wiith t00thy they're pretty siimiilar wiith cuddles wiith the "n0t giiviing a shiit untiil deathh" thiing except iit's m0re liike "iif ii diie ii diie sucks 2 be me l0ll" iin a way & they're s0 ann0yiing /p0s & ii l0ve themm ^_^
Translation: they often get into stupid situations & with cuddles she just doesn’t care that he’s in danger until she’s about to die n stuff, and with toothy they’re pretty similar with cuddles with the “not giving shit until death,” thing except it’s more “if I die I die sucks to be me lol” in a way and they’re so annoying /pos & I love them ^_^
Heath Burns & Hoodude Voodoo
Listen, Heath isn't the brightest. He revealed everyones identity as a monster while they infilterated a normie (human) party because he ate spicy chips, one time he had a cold so bad someone had to freeze him because he kept sneezing out fire, he had his friends go on a trip THROUGHOUT EUROPE to get back Clawdeen's notebook, put himself and his friends in a show called "Die Trying" and they almost died, several times. His braincells are probably burned up. AND WHO IS HIS FRIEND?! A FUCKING VOODOO DOLL! THAT WAS CREATED BY THE DAUGHTER OF VIKTOR FRANKENSTEIN BECAUSE SHE WANTED A BF. Somehow the biggest causes of accidents at monster high befriended a guy who is just the misfortune doll. Hoodude is somehow also not the brightest. He sees a cat that could rip him in half and goes "OOH KITTY!" When Hoodude grabbed Heath's notebook he got worried. He makes up with being accident prone by being sweet and kind. Heath isn't a voodoo doll, he is just a guy who could probably just burn down the school if he messed up in mad science class once.
note i didn't want to include heath, clawd, and manny because i hate gen 1 manny as a jackson fan, yes i know heath can be a bully but most of the time he isn't a evil but just, stupid and a pain magnet
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SHINee, I watch it on a mega screen..15th Anniversary Movie Releases
SHINee's 15th debut anniversary movie 'My SHINee World' will be released in September, revealing various unreleased contents under the theme of SHINee's footsteps following the fans' point of view
The director is Lee Hubin.
It includes behind-the-scenes interviews during the preparation process along with the live performance of SHINee WORLD VI wiith a dynamic screen, various unreleased contents to look back on 'SHINee's past' are prepared and storytelling that can be immersed is emphasized first
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The Opposite Color Narumitsu Shipping Theory
This...is a doozy.
Also, tagging @mikaharuka because she is sure to be amused with this...post
So, for the longest time I have wanted to make this post, but I've always been too busy. Now tho, I have some free time...so what better to do than to bestow upon the ace attorney community with my cursed knowledge? That, of course!
I am...so sorry to all my followers. I love all of you, and I'm sorry to any poor soul who sees this on their timeline.
So, what is the the "Opposite Color Narumitsu Shipping Theory", you may ask? Well, it is simply the theory that, if we go by the logic of shipping characters wiith their opposite color counterpart, then Phoenix and Edgeworth would not be shipped with each other.
So who would these two be shipped with, you ask? Well...Phoenix would be shipped with Larry, and Edgeworth would be shipped with Gumshoe.
Let me...explain!
*insert sci fi music*
The Reasoning
So, let's first come to how I came to this conclusion. I was thinking about Narumitsu, as any normal AA fan does, and I was thinking about how neat it was that Phoenix and Edgeworth were red and blue, sorta opposites. Then, I remembered that blue and red aren't really exact color opposites. I brushed this off at first, but then I got thinking. Going by color theory logic, who would be Edgeworth and Phoenix's perfect match? So, I looked at a color wheel.
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Color wheel for reference.
Now, as seen in the color wheel, blue is opposite to orange, and red is the opposite to green. I was ready to just go "Ah, neat" and then move on with my life...but then, I remembered which characters had these exact colors in their color scheme, and thus who the perfect match for Phoenix and Edgeworth to be. Two characters that I would have never thought to ship Phoenix and Edgeworth with.
Someone orange for Phoenix.
Someone green for Edgeworth.
And who is orange and who is green in Ace Attorney?
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...You know where I'm going with this, aren't you?
Going by the logic of opposite color shipping...then Phoenix (blue) would be shipped with Larry (orange), and Edgeworth (red) would be shipped with Gumshoe (green)
...Yep, that's my conclusion lmao. I uh...I spent way too much time thinking about this, and when I had this divine conclusion I almost screamed lmao.
Now, I want to say this. At the end of the day, this is just some crackpot theory I made up by thinking too much. If you ship Narumitsu, cool! If you ship Gumworth and WrightButz, also cool! If you ship Gumbutz then go right ahead!!! The beauty of fanworks is that anything goes! And Gumbutz, Gumworth, WrightButz, and Narumitsu are all just as valid!!! And again, this is a crackpot idea that my mind came up with cause I was thinking too hard.
Buuuut, I kinda wanna make a fic where Edgeworth thinks Phoenix is dating Larry, and Phoenix thinks Edgeworth is dating Gumshoe, and then it turns out that Larry and Gumshoe were dating. I just wanna write it, for the lolz,
...Fuck if I end up writing this I have nobody but myself to blame.
Well, this has been your local AA fan's ramble. Signing off.
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wrongcaitlyn · 3 months
in talk your talk you should make nico write "the band and i" by maisie peters PLEASEPLASE PLASE PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏 its literally the #1 song i associate wiith tyt & and the sequel fic PLESAES PLESAE PLEASE PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also alex or someone should have a chappell roan song!!! piper would 100% be a chappell roan fan PLESE IM BEGGING YOU THE BAND AND I BY MAISIE PETERS
i LOVE the band and i, and i really wanted to include it somewhere, but it just doesn't really fit with any of the albums i have planned out :// however i definitely hc it as one of the unreleased songs! as for other artists and music, i really don't have a list of songs that i imagine alex to sing, so that's completely up to you - but also, just letting y'all know, that my playlists are literally just what i imagine the albums to be!! this is fanfiction!! you guys can create your own playlists, or take mine and slightly adjust them, i promise i won't be offended!! make nico's music however you want it to be!!
as for piper, she would definitely be a chappell roan fan, i was listening to her album while writing the entire shelper fic
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council-of-beetroot · 8 months
Hmm, for the fanfic ask - if you haven’t answered already - 3, 14, and 21?
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Probably Poland's Cleaning of the Storage or Jars of Flowers. I am still quite proud of those fics honestly
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
I think either the forced fem fic or "better than Gold would be good with a visual medium particularly better than Gold because a fic dealing wiith sports is arguably much more compelling when in a visual medium. The forced fem fic because it's all about appearances there.
And probably jars of flowers I think the flow of the story would work really well in like a short animation maybe even wordless telling the story through the images.
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
Answered here
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mokkamicci · 2 years
Kataang vs Zutara: a small chat
So most of you who follow my blog on here will know that much of the content that I reblog and post are Miraculous-related. But I also post ATLA and Zutara content occasionally. I am a massive Zutara fan and I’m here to talk about something that I’ve noticed within the ship wars between Zutara and Kataang.
So starting off, while Zutara fans criticise the Kataang ship wiith facts and logic, sometimes I feel like some of these people go a little too far with their criticism, claiming that Kataang is misogynistc, makes Katara out to be some kind of trophy for Aang and is just all around nothing more than an unbalanced relationship. Obviously they’re not wrong, but sometimes they forget that Aang is just a kid, just like Katara is. Relationships at that age aren’t gonna be the healthiest because they’re going through a developmental phase at that time (aka puberty). You could argue the same thing could happen if Zutara became canon instead, because they’re both teenagers. Not to mention Zuko and Katara can both be hot headed at times. Combine that with hormones and growing into young adulthood... yeah it’s not exactly a fun time.
I also think that Zutarans often end up mischaracterising Aang completely in order to justify their arguments to the point where it’s barely recognisable from the canon Aang. Like the way some people talk about him, it’s almost as if they make him out to be like some kind of incel. Y’all are really jumping through a lot of hoops to make that kind of conclusion. This is almost like the time Adrien/Chat Noir salters in the Miraculous fandom called Chat Noir a sexual harasser. It’s really funny the way they think.
Another toxic trait they apply to Aang is him being an evil abuser who stifles Katara’s freedom and who also has his feelings coddled by her. The fact that he is selfish and puts his own comfort and feelings over her own has somehow become fuel to harshly criticise Aang. Like he is 12! Of course he’s gonna be a little selfish and immature! I don’t think his not-so-likable character traits justify belittling his relationship with Katara.
I don’t think it necessarily helps when Zutara fans stoop to the level of Kataang fans. I understand Zutara fans’ frustrations, because many Zutara blogs have expressed that they’ve been mocked and belittled the most, by both Kataang fans and even the show’s creators themselves. It only seems fair that Zutara fans get a little payback to treat Kataang fans the way the former have been treated. But I also think by doing this, it’s created an even bigger divide between the two. What happened to “ship and let ship”?
DISCLAIMER: I’m not trying to discredit Zutara, I LOVE Zutara with my whole being. I just think that when it comes to ship wars, people should be a bit nicer to each other rather than making them feel bad about the couple they choose to ship in the show. I’m also not very fond of Kataang either, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to absolutely crucify someone just because they happen to prefer that ship over Zutara. I honestly don’t think Kataang deserves the amount of hate it’s gotten recently. In fact, before I fully got into the ATLA fandom, I used to prefer Kataang over Zutara myself. I thought it was a nice wholesome ship. While my opinion on this ship has changed, I still think there are some parts of it that are cute based on canon moments in the show.
I’m probably gonna get some hate for this, and you know what, I’ll accept it. I’ll listen to what everyone has to say.
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belabellissima · 11 months
Casually slides down your chimney
Your secret santa has returned!! Thank you so much for those answers to the would rather game! I'm notoriously bad at them, too, so I'm happy with the rambling, especially becuase if gave me a chance to learn more about you!
Honestly I think we had the exact same answers for the bonus questions! I'm a hardback fan all the way 🥰 And my go to in the morning is a coffee, but I love nothing more than my afternoon english breakfast with a bit of milk and honey. I think I need to try that masala chai wiith cardamom and sugar though, that's sound delicious!! And Team Rosalie is a perfect answer 🤌
When it comes to your gift, what I'm hearing from your answers is that you'd like a smutty multichapter feysand fic that's set in canon driven and driven by romance with LOTS of angst 👀 hehehe that sounds delicious and I think I already have an idea brewing in this ole Cauldron.
My questions for you now are...
What are your favorite romance tropes?
What are your top 5 favorite Feysand moments?
If you could change anything about the acotar series, what would it be?
What's your favorite song(s) at the moment? Which ones remind you most of Feysand?
Hello!!!! You have returned!!!! And this time I can answer before going to work lmao! edit: no actually I wrote for so long that I had to go to work before I finished and am posting this on my break 😂
And same answers?!?!?!! ITS FATE! And I'm so glad to know another English Breakfast lover!!! Truly a wonderful tea😌 also all the talk of masala chai made me crave some enough to go make a pot! I have had smh a fresh mug next to me and I didn't add too much sugar this time! and i have more dishes added to the never-vanishing pile but I have cleaned up the spills on the counter its f i n e
One thing about me is that I have a favorite pot that I always use for hot drinks and soups because it's the only one without a lip and so also the only one where I can consistently pour from it and not spill what I've just made.... but that one was already dirty :/
Also the gift already sounds so beautiful! Perfect 💯 10/10 I am READY to bawl my eyes out! (have you noticed yet I use... a LOT of exclamation marks?😅)
and for the questions!
Favorite Romance tropes? ooooh thats a tough one because a lot depend on the genre! If I'm reading fantasy then enemies-to-lovers is amazing, but especially so if it's one-sided! Like Jude and Cardan - he was in love with her and she hated his guts so much she thought he must hate her in return! Or Feysand in the first book, now that I think about it lmao. Other favorites include classics such as only one bed (or horse if its a road-trip romance), soulmates/fated mates, forced proximity, and hidden identity! If its more contemporary though, I lean toward fake dating, rivals-to-lovers (technically a branch on enemies to lovers but eh), and mutual pining/idiots-to-lovers. One trope though that i don't really like??? Is actually the love triangle. Because I WILL start shipping all three of them together rather than choose. (Or the back-and-forth starts to annoy me. Depends on how it's being written.) speaking of that if you like sci-fi books i would recommend Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao, that's got a canon polyamorous relationship!
Favorite Feysand moments - Calanmai obviously, that scene is iconic for a reason and i get emotional if I think about it too long while remembering chapter 54, there you are. I've been looking for you I also adore Feyre throwing her shoe at Rhys after he dares her to do it again, Feyre taunting Rhys while in the Summer Court only to immediately get jealous that he does the same thing, both CoN scenes, and the scene with the bone carver when feyre admits she would have turned the knife on herself and Rhys is devastated by it. what can I say I love angst hahaha😂
Honestly I don't like that Rhys twists Feyre's arm for the bargain. Like... dude. I know you were playing a part but really? Also i wish nesta was a carynthian - the writer in me understands that her character development and journey needed for her to stand her ground instead of reaching the summit, and arc-wise it was a fufilling end, but the valkyrie lover in me is like... why couldn't nesta reach the top too? also cassian not saying ily to nes in her book?????😡🤬 do better cass.
Favorite songs at the moment are "So Hot that it Hurts" and "Conversations with the Dashboard" by Voilà (they are so underrated I need more people to listen to them), "Electric Touch," "You're On Your Own, Kid," "Castles Crumbling," "Willow," "Ivy," "Dress," and "New Year's Day" by Taylor, "Last of the Real Ones" by FOB, and "Da Selby" Parts 1 and 2 by Hozier. Feysand wise is probably New Years Day (I did title my amnesia fic with this song so I kinda have to pick it lol 😂 ) and Dress (but dress is also perfect for Emorie so👀). Voilà also has a perfect feysand song with "Figure You Out" - it just screams rhys to me in the beginning of acomaf saying "Really? Tamlin? You picked Tamlin? He gave you red paint and thought it would make you happy and you still think he’s the man for you?” Also "Hurt for Me," "Where's My Love," and "Better" by SYML destroyed me with the Feysand feels to the point that I immediately added them to my playlist! 😭
I think that’s it, what songs do you like though??? I’m always looking for new music 😅
Make sure you’re drinking enough water and getting sleep!!! 🥰 See you next time!!!!!! byeeeeeee!!! 👋🏼
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gho2ty · 1 year
not goiing two liie II ju2t have a grubby 2iitter for iit
that2 the 2afer bet two take. ii often keep company wiith my quad2 and let them know iif 2hiit ii2 hiittiing the fan a2 well.
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studentofetherium · 2 years
I think there should be more yuri wiith queerplatonic themes. It's obviously not exclusive to sapphic relationships but yuri is the "bench where two girls may have once sat" genre so it feels like a really good match for less "normal" relationship dynamics.
mhmmm i'm agree but also i don't
i think if asexual and aromanticism were better and understood and aspec topics appeared in media more often, it could be a thing that authors would turn to when wanting to make an odd relationship
but also i don't think that would happen often. most if not all of even the "weird" or "abnormal" relationships still feel like they're meant to be wholly romantic in nature. what gives them their unconventional feeling is the vocabulary used to describe them which can often overlap with aspec topics. also, and this maybe shouldn't apply but i think it does, yuri fans can be an insatiable lot. there's a lot of desire for many basic romantic signifiers that are seen as baseline important to a relationship's existence, which is why people complain about couples not kissing even when it's clear they're still romantically involved. i don't want to imagine how that crowd would react to a relationship which is truthfully not romantic yet close by design
all of this to say: you're right that it should happen more! but i'm not really holding my breath lol
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designatedkilljoy · 10 months
Also speaking of welcome )(ome-
T)(e concept itself is great but its fandom is a )(ellspawn t)(at would not survive t)(e )(S fandom ir even t)(e old Undertale fandom OWJDJW
never wa2 a fan ii could re2pect the concept but iidk man ii grew up beiing hand fed muppet content 2o when ii 2aw iit ii wa2 "errmmm,, yeah iim not lookiing iinto thii2 one"
but yeah what the fuck ii2 up wiith the fandom and why ii2 muppet cronkrii grub iin 2 biilliion fucked up au2
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