#wilhelm x the queen
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I like that they gave nuance to the queen this season. Her love and support for her son is more obvious for us and for Wilhelm. They communicate more and better, and she hugs him. 
Even if she is still all in the royal bullshit, we can see that she mainly wants to protect him from the media exposure and harsh public opinion. Secrets are not just about keeping apparences, but it’s also about Wilhelm’s right to have privacy. And that was taken from him with the video. That’s why it was important for her to deny it. Not to deny that her son was queer but to not take away Wilhelm’s right to come out when and how he will choose to. 
She do not support August as an heir and she’s the one to push Wilhelm to see a psychologist. It’s a balance between her caring for her son’s mental health and selfishly wanting him to act properly and not make scenes anymore to not embarrasse her. And during the last scene she feels divided between being proud of Wilhelm to make the speech and push forward his anxiety, and just wanting everything to go the way she wants. 
But i don’t know, i feel they did well with her character. She feels more like a mother, who has huge and fixed expectations about her son but still. She knows how difficult it is to be in their position as royals and public persona and try in her way to preserve Wilhelm from too much pain while still having a personal agenda about it all. 
Also Pernilla was glowing in each scene.
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thaliasthunder · 2 years
wille: why do i need bodyguards??? there's literally no threat in here??
wille, 5 episodes later: *gunshoots into the air* IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU AUGUST
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fragcc · 5 months
Do you ever think about how years later when wilmon are already happily established as boyfriends Kristina can just call Simon whenever Wille is being a bitch to her like
"Hello, yes, could you please come over and help Wilhelm get down from his wardrobe, he might listen to you"
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perfecteggpartyland · 3 months
If Kristina after everything she's been through has the right to have a breakdown and its understandable; so did Willie. Nothing was too harsh at all. Like your opinion but did we watch the same thing? She was neither good boss to Willie or a mother. I'm not saying that losing Erik wasn't painful or she isn't human ; yet she didn't even give Willie a proper chance to mourn and now after a breakdown she gets to take a break and once again everything falls on willies shoulder?she is but Willie after everything definitely had the right to breakdown; since he couldn't take it anymore. It really bothers me that people are really on Kristina's side while completely disregarding Willie .
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youngroyals-hc · 1 year
Wille and Simon are at the castle their final night before returning to Hillerska after the Jubilee day speech and Wille takes Simon's hand and starts to direct him to a wing they haven't been to yet. Simon follows along a little bemused because Wille seems so intent, but they reach a door that Wille pushes open to reveal a beautiful Fazioli grand piano in an airy sitting room. Wille tugs Simon over to the piano stool and they sit together. Wille's gaze darts around before settling on Simon's gaze and asking "will you play the song for me?" And Simon says "you mean the one from the ball?" And Wille nods his head and Simon huffs out a little laugh and says "it's not very happy Wille" and he replies "I don't care, you wrote it about me. No one's ever done that before" so Simon sings it for him while Wille closes his eyes and gently sways. When he finishes Wille opens his eyes and grins, clapping for Simon who laughs and hides his head in Wille's shoulder. He sits up and looks at Wille and says "now you play something for me." And Wille groans a little and says "but you're so much better than me, I was just made to learn for ages because apparently that's something a prince has to do." And Simon says "well at least you can read music! Surely you can still remember something" and Wille looks a little nervous but nods and settled his hands over the keys. He plays Simon Poulenc, and his fingers are sure in the movement. Simon almost stops breathing from concentrating on the sound Wille makes. When the piece finishes he just turns to Wille and stares before gently shoving him and saying "what the fuck Wille I thought you said you weren't very good!" And Wille goes pink and says "I'm not, I don't have the music... In me like you do. I mean 11 years of learning and that's all I've got to show for it? You've never had one lesson and you write these incredible songs!" And Simon just has to laugh because he knows Wille won't change his mind. Instead, he turns and says "maybe we could write a song together? With your theory and my so called innate talent, we could be the new Leonard and McCartney!" And Wille just barks out a laugh and says "oh yeah, you really think so? Well guess we better get started!"
As they laugh and make up silly lyrics and melodies together, Kristina walks by and stops when she hears them. She pokes her head around to glance at Wille and Simon at the piano, smiling and teasing each other. Her façade drops slightly, seeing for the first time her son interacting with someone who wasn't Erik so carefree and brightly. Something clicks inside her, and she realises that Simon isn't going anywhere. This isn't some little sexual exploration that Wille would eventually grow out of. Her son was in love, and nothing would change that.
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I may just be over analyzing this, but I can’t stop thinking about the scene in s1 ep3 of young royals when Wilhelm and Simon are walking out of the building and all the students around them start whispering. Wilhelm is (understandably) confused, and that confusion only intensifies when the headmistress pulls him aside with Wilhelm’s mom on the phone. Basically, Kristina tells Wilhelm that Erik, his older brother, is dead, and Wilhelm is completely surprised. The reason I think this is such a big moment is the fact that the student body of Hillerska knew about the death of Wilhelm’s brother before Wilhelm did. The Royal Court took the time to make a social media post or announcement or something before they thought to let Wilhelm know that one of the people Wilhelm loves most in the world is dead. I know we all knew that Kristina prioritizes the monarchy over the family, but I think this scene just highlights that.
Edit: As a few people have pointed out, the students of Hillerska probably knew from a leaked source rather than an official announcement. However, it still says something that the country knows about Wille’s private life before Wille does.
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dusty-daydreams · 2 years
I find Wille’s dad so fascinating. He doesn’t do anything but offer the occasional meaningless platitude and passively back his wife up. He might as well be part of the horde of Court Administrators
He never features in any of Wille’s calculations or discussions. Wille doesn’t even think to call him for support at the beginning of the season when he has no one to talk too and so calls his mum to rant.
It’s like because Wille’s role as Prince subsumed his role as Son he stops being son to anyone, not just the Queen as his superior and predecessor but also to his dad.
Something is in there about the way power imbalances mess up intimate relationships. Wille’s dad can’t be his dad and stand up for his son against his wife, because his wife is his Queen. Wille’s parents can’t have a mutual marriage because she is Queen first.
I wonder if part of Wille is drawn to Simon is because of how outspoken he is. Simon has and expresses opinions. Simon is the soloist in the choir. Simon tries to be his own person first before he is anyones partner. The complete opposite of the dynamic he sees with his parents.
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claremontwille · 2 years
this parallel was so painful.
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springjjjj · 1 year
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The way monarchy just dumped every responsibility to Wille while he's still grieving for his brother's death or his mother talking about his 'future children' when he's currently in love with someone out of their expectation or even when his mother is just reminding him of people's judgment but the way she talks feels like she's already comparing him to his older brother. Then his dad not saying a single thing, he's not even a father but just a prince consort.
What a frustrating scene..
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omartinyosef · 3 months
OKay guys, can we talk about this?
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I think we all (me included) are antagonizing everything about Kristina's role a lot.
I think she's really torn between her role as a Queen and Wilhelms mother. Some friends and I personally believe that she was like Wilhelm, she didn't really want to become Queen, but she had to. That's why she's trying to force Wilhelm to keep his role as Crown Prince.
And I understand that she wants Wilhelm to be king, because if I was her, I WOULD ABSOLUTELY HATE AUGUST BEING KING. And since there's no options left since Erik's death, she has to pressure Wilhelm, something that, as a mother, we believe she hates.
Because at the end, she's Wilhelms mother. But at the same time she's a REALLY complicated character, bacause it's so hard to understand her sometimes.
I have to say that I felt so bad for her on season 3 because of her health. But, I felt worse for Simon.
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I think that Simon thinks that he's causing so much trouble. He wants to be with Wile, but since he saw what happened on Wile's bday party, he felt like it was his fault in some part of it. Because he thinks that the Queen dislikes him or something, and that that's something that is creating problems between Wile and his parents.
Have to say that I really liked Ludvig to try to talk to simon.
AND have to say that I personally believe that if we locked in a room Simon and Kristina together, two things could happen:
Third world war
Kristina LOVES simon
Because I think that she doesnt dislikes him. She's neutral about him. It's just that she doesnt knows how to deal with this.
Understand that she's a queen. She has everything controlled most of the time. And when Wilmon got together, it was something new to her and she didn't know what to do, or how to manage it, even tough she didnt have any fucking reason because everything was fine until our favourite motherfucker Aug-son of a bitch-ust posted the sextape.
This was new to her and she didnt know how to take care of it, so she took the easy option and made wilhelm say it was not him.
Since Erik Wilhelm was really bad. But Kristina too. She's just really used to pretend, that she's is not capable of separate her role as a queen and her role as a mother anymore.
I think she's a really good character. I ''love'' her? Maybe. Please dont throw me hate about this.
It's just i kinda understand her position here. AND, I also want her to become better. I still have hopes in the last chapter to
Wilmon endgame
Kristina being better mother
Because I think that if this all ends well (I FUCKING HOPE SO), they would get along well, besides of their differences. Because i need wilhelms mother, not sverige's queen.
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oceancentury · 2 months
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The grandmother/writer Prince Wilhelm needed. 😞 Young Royals x The Crown.
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ohokaylie · 2 years
Petition for Young Royals season 3 to have MORE THAN 6 FUCKING EPISODES 🖊️
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iliveinarainbow · 3 months
the amount of people who seem to refuse to even try and understand wille’s struggles is honestly so confusing to me.
don’t get me wrong, he’s entitled and sometimes out of touch, not denying that.
but with the amount of trauma and pain and suffering that he (and simon) has gone through, i don’t understand how and why some people seem so stuck on being mad at him for reacting.
and again, just making it clear, i understand not wanting for simon to get in the middle of it, but as messed up as it is, simon is already in it, has been since the video pretty much.
acknowledging that a character has every reason to feel and behave a certain way also doesn’t mean you condone what they do or that you ignore the fact that others suffer bc of their actions.
wille is in an impossible situation that he never wanted to be in. he just wanted a normal life (or at the very least the understanding of what a normal life is that a royal could have).
but then the fight happened, and hillerska, and simon, and erik, and now he’s crown prince, add the video, his mother, marcus, the speech, his mother, simon, HIS MOTHER.
the amount of people i’ve seen mad at him for blowing up against his mom is like????
i get that she is suffering, i feel for her, but as someone who has sadly been in a similar situation, being constantly told by your own mother, the person you trust innately to put your emotions aside and to behave accordingly, not even being allowed a second to properly grieve, only to then be expected to care for that same parent bc they are now feeling the whiplash can be SO infuriating, and sometimes screaming is the only way to make yourself heard.
(apologies for the mini trauma dump but i really do relate to him on such a personal level)
and let’s also not forget how his mom keeps telling him he needs to be ready to take over for her like yesterday i mean… no pressure on a 16 year old who’s already going through it
idk, like i said, he’s done some things i didn’t love, but i get him.
they will never make me hate you baby prince.
(but i will say that if someone ever shushed me the way he did with simon in that tent… let’s just say august would be handed the throne real quick bc THE DISRESPECT?!)
(also him telling felice TO HER FACE that he only kissed her to see if it would feel like it did with simon… i hereby nominate felice ehrencrona for the noble prize for peace)
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(credit to @frogsnowglobe lol I got inspired from their Sue Sylvester meme)
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theanarik · 4 months
Okay but like. Usually, in monarchies, there are a lot of people in line for the throne. August cannot be the only one. If something happens to August and Wille, who takes the throne then???? The plan should be "get August out of the way, give the throne to the third in line". Seriously. Wille, get some more smart people in your corner
(Check the notes, there's an explanation to it)
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