#will be active tomorrow cx
wrathyforest · 14 days
hello good morning is link click season 3 airing?? some of the stuff you're posting does not look like it's from the first 2 seasons 👀👀
Hello! no, s3 is still far away from us. There are suspicions that the Yingdu/Bridon Chapter (8 episodes) will probably gonna be airing this year's late autumn/winter.
I'm reblogging my stuff from this and last year of brainstorming activity in the insane room, so these are just fruits of my (and everyone's) imagination...
I reblogged stuff today, because tomorrow is September 13th, which is a date on LG's watch (the last ep of s2) hinted to be tied to CXS's death. Which is why we are expecting the official accounts to post something to crush us with new info!
And we're anxious..... <_<
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steel-and-fire · 7 months
//Today is one of my very few free days, so I'm spending some time with family and friends cx will be back with activity tomorrow~
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the-tender-princess · 7 years
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Sooo made a new blog…cuz I love having a bunch of blogs! X’D either way, here it iiis! @the-land-godess​ If any of ya want to interact with Nanami, that would be great‼ OH‼ And guess what?! Imma be active tomorrow?! Amazing, isn’t it?! o3o on both blogs ofc!
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wtffundiefamilies · 3 years
Law student nuggestsofchicken (heh) has been summarizing Josh’s bond hearing.  I’ll be pasting that here, but you’re better off finding them on reddit yourself.  I’m finding their commentary really useful because I have no real idea how any of this shit works or is supposed to work.  Trying to keep their emphasis as true as possible, but might miss some stuff.
Prosecution’s first witness direct: Special Agent Gerald Faulkner Special agent with homeland security investigations (HSI)
Been with them since April of 2009
Since 2010 been working federal child exploitation cases
Works with ICAC task force which is Internet Child Against Children.
Worked over 1000 child exploitation cases
Vast majority involved online pornography
In May of 2019, there was an investigation of a bittorrent program that noted activity in the upper northwest area of AR involving distribution of known CP images
Explanation of peer-to-peer file sharing networks. Known by law enforcement as commonly used to distribute CP
Bittorrent is a version of peer-to-peer sharing
On May 14 and 15, detective was able to download two files
-EDITED AND REMOVED- Faulkner describes graphically what the CSA depicts. If you're really curious some news outlets have reported on it. But our members predominately felt that it was not worth reading.
Police used ISP and the geographic location of the IP address to locate the activity and it got directed to the DHS task force to address it.
Police issued a warrant to the ISP to obtain the name and account of the user.
In October 2019, the ISP revealed the account in question was owned by Joshua James Duggar with an address in Springdale.
Apparently the mapping system was out of date, and the proper address was Wholesale Motor Cars for the account associated with the activity.
DHS obtained federal search warrant to search the car lot.
Warrant was executed on November 8, 2019 at 3:15pm.
Car lot is adjacent to Highway 12, between Springdale and Siloam Springs. At the time of the search warrant there were approximately 30 cars and and RV on the lot. Two buildings, a shed undergoing remodel and a metal building the size of a toll booth which they found out was the main office.
When officers arrived on the scene they encountered Pest and two individuals.
Police approached with a soft approach, no weapons drawn, explained that an investigation was underway with suspected contraband electronically. This was not an arrest warrant, so the three people there were free to leave.
Police did not tell them case-specific facts because it could spoil statements that could be made.
None of the vehicles, none of the uniforms worn indicated that it was a child exploitation case.
Josh produced cell phone and said he wanted to call his attorney. Police said the phone was under investigation and then seized the phone to prevent any spoliation of evidence.
Josh remained on scene during the investigations. He was not guarded by law enforcement during the search.
Police seized a desktop computer, a macbook laptop inside an RV, and Josh’s iPhone.
Government’s Exhibit 1 is the photograph of the Wholesale Motor Cars main office.
Government’s Exhibit 2 is a photograph of the desktop computer. Wallpaper has a photo of Josh, Anna, and their kids but the kids have been redacted.
After securing the scene, they asked Josh if he’d be willing to discuss the issues. He agreed to speak with them.
Conversation happened inside a government vehicle. Duggar was passenger side, other officer was in the rear seat, Faulkner was in driver’s seat.
Other officer received verbal consent from Duggar to record the interview.
Duggar spontaneously asked, “What is this about? Has anyone been downloading child pornography?”
At that point, no one had told Duggar that child pornography was an issue in this case.
Officers Mirandized Duggar his rights.
Duggar said he owned and operated the car lot since June 2018, that he owned the desktop computer they found, as well as the Macbook and the cell phone they seized.
Duggar said he owned his phone but other family members could have access to it.
Duggar declined to provide the password to the desktop or the phone to law enforcement.
Duggar said that he owned the Macbook but that other family members had access to it.
He said, in response to a question from law enforcement, that he was familiar with peer-to-peer file sharing networks but did not which to comment further. He said that his devices might have been associated with peer-to-peer file sharing.
He noted that TOR might have been accessed by the desktop
TOR is a browser used to access the dark web, which is a known source of CP.
At this point law enforcement did not have reason to believe TOR/dark web was an issue in this case.
When asked if he was familiar with bittorrent Duggar declined to answer that question.
At this point, law enforcement explained that the investigation involved someone had been using bittorrent or peer-to-peer networks from that car lot to access CP involving children between the ages of 5-10
When asked whether he had any reason to suspect or had seen anyone using his computer accessing CP Duggar said “I’d rather not answer that question.”
Officers found bittorrent and TOR on the desktop.
Officers found fucking Covenant Eyes on the computer.
Information from Covenant Eyes indicated the program was registered to Josh and Anna Duggar.
On May 13, 2019 a linux-partition had been installed on the computer.
A linux partition can divide the harddrive of the computer into two isolated sections that work independently.
The linux partition was password protected and the last four characters of the password were -REDACTED- but had been used for a variety of his accounts over years.
Linux partition side did not have Covenant Eyes installed on it, so activity would not have been detected by the account.
On the Macbook there was bittorrent as well as Covenant Eyes.
Duggar had backed up his iPhone to that Macbook which allowed law enforcement to obtain texts, photos, etc. from the Macbook
Law enforcement found iChat messages from May 13-16, 2016 on the computer.
Government’s Exhibit 3 is a forensic examination summary of May 13 and May 14 extracted from Duggar’s electronic devices.
D objects to moving Exhibit 3 into evidence because of lack of foundation, and argues that it was prepared for litigation purposes but the witness was not the expert who created it.
P provides some more foundation for the Exhibit and judge admits it.
Exhibit is displayed. Basically summarizes the sus computer activity in May 2019. Linux partition was created and on the same day Tor Browser was installed on that side of the partition.
On May 14, at 4:49pm, Pest sends text that says “Got stuck here and still not free yet. Im gonna aim for tomorrow just after lunch.”
On May 14, at 4:58pm Tor browser was used to access porn sites associated with rape and files associated with CP. Video was downloaded
At 5:38pm, user accessed bittorrent. Two videos were downloaded. (Little Rock Officer was notified)
At 5:41pm, user accessed TOR directory site and website associated with bittorrent.
On May 15, 2019 at 11:35am computer user downloads 3 torrent files associated with CP.
Throughout the course of the day on May 15, Josh Duggar sends texts to 22 members of the Duggar family asking them to pray for a motorcyclist who got in an accident by Wholesale Motors. Computer also gets used to write reviews online under the name “Joshua.”
There’s also geolocations of photos taken at the car lot by Josh’s phone, but that piece of evidence doesn’t get admitted because D objects to lack of foundation regarding the reliability of geolocation data
TW: At 5:25 user of desktop downloads a file called “DD” that is known in the ICAC circle. Faulkner says that this series ranks in the top 5 of the worst CP he’s had to examine.
Josh’s screen goes black, AUSA wants to double check that he’s still present, he turns his screen back on.
At 6:56 user of desktop downloads a zip that contains 65 images of CP.
On May 16, user of desktop downloads file called “Pedomom”
The zip had been opened and the CP images had been viewed by the desktop.
Approximately 200 images of CP were located on the desktop in unallocated space, which means someone tried to delete them.
Friends and family at the time testified that Josh had a pornography addiction.
CX: Special Agent Faulkner
(I’m not gonna include information that was repeated on direct. Just getting the points that D seems to think is damning)
Faulkner was training another agent at the time of this investigation
The Detective in Little Rock was able to detect an IP address, but not one particular device.
Individual devices can be recognized by a MAG(?) address, which did not happen here
Little Rock detective did not have an Network Investigative Technique warrant
P objects on this, noting that it’s a detention hearing. Judge agrees but allows D to develop its point
D asks whether Faulkner’s first time reviewing the images at issue was in October 2019. Faulkner says it was probably June 2019.
D brings up the search warrant affidavit which suggests that Faulkner first reviewed the images in October.
D kind of tries to impeach Faulkner with the affidavit but the affidavit statement doesn’t really say that the first time he reviewed the images was in October, just that he did review them in October.
Law enforcement thinks Josh was the only one working at the car lot on May 13, 14, 15, 2019
D tries to distinguish Josh’s personal electronic (the mac and the iPhone) as being Apple while the desktop was a PC.
I know I’m kind of batting down the points D is trying to make but as someone who’s done trial work I think it’s worth saying that Justin Gelfand is really solid. Very conversational and likeable and really seems to know the case.
Re-Direct of Faulkner by P:
While Josh technically turned himself in, he had received word from his attorney who had received word from DHS that there was going to be a warrant executed and that DHS agents followed him as Anna drove him to turn himself in, as they didn’t want Duggar arrested in an area where children were
Question from the judge:
Covenant Eyes was installed on both the Macbook and the desktop.
Judge asked when Covenant Eyes was installed, but Faulkner didn’t know
Any reports from Covenant Eyes would’ve been sent to Anna. But the Covenant Eyes report wouldn’t pick up on the CP because it wasn’t installed on the linux partition side.
Prosecution’s second witness direct: Diem Nguyen - Probation officer
Probation officer for 17 years
Factors considered in determining whether someone should be released: Natures and circumstances of the case, defendant’s criminal history, place of employment, resident situation
Presumption cases are cases where an individual is presumed to be detained and the burden is on the defendant to demonstrate that they should be released
A third party custodian is someone who vouches for the defendant in federal court while their case is pending
They are basically in charge of the defendant if the defendant is released from custody and ensures that they follow all conditions placed by the court.
Mr. LaCount Reaver and Ms. Maria Reaver are the proposed third parties in this case. Mr. Reaver works outside of the home in a full-time capacity at the VA. Mr. Reaver is a pastor and volunteers with jail ministries Ms. Reaver is a full time homemaker. Ms. Reaver was concerned regarding being left alone with Duggar as she was a female and he was a male. (note: Ms. Nguyen is not a good witness. Doesn’t seem like she knows where the prosecution is trying to take this and isn’t really answering the questions) Minors would be coming into the Reaver’s residence for piano lessons where Duggar would be Ms. Reaver is close friends with Josh’s parents and they attended the same church at one point. She feels that she and her husband should help his parents and Josh. Ms. Reaver said she’s a lot closer to Josh’s parents than to Josh himself Josh’s parents reached out to the Reavers for their assistance Ms. Reaver said she was familiar with the charges in question but she did not know the details of them. Both Mr. and Ms. Reaver had concealed carry licenses and had 3 rifles and 6 pistols at their resident. Nguyen asked if they had a gun safe to keep access away from Josh and Ms. Reaver said they would lock up the guns in a master bedroom closet. Ms. Reaver did not have a plan for what to do with the minors coming to the house but said that they would always be accompanied by another adult Duggar would be staying at a side bedroom that locks from the inside so Duggar couldn’t lock it himself, but he could exit the bedroom from an exterior door Nguyen thinks the Reavers “could” be suitable third-party custodians, however the minors coming to the home as well as the firearms causes the probation office some concern. There is internet at the residence but it is password protected. During the interview with Josh, Nguyen asked whether he was suffering from any addictions. He said no. Nguyen found a statement from Josh in 2015 where he admitted to a pornography addiction, but did not ask him about it. AUSA asks about molestation from Josh when he was younger. D objects claiming these records are sealed and leaked from tabloids, and deals with his conduct as a child. Judge overrules. Judge explains that she is concerned about the safety of the community. If the previous molestation issues had been handled in juvenile court it would’ve been sealed. But Duggar and his family have chosen to be public about these activities and admissions and they’re not too far in the past to still be relevant. Minors were 11, 10, 9, and 5 at the time of the incident, and Josh was 14. Nguyen recommends that Josh be detained and the presumption apply. Even if Reavers were suitable third-party custodians it wouldn’t mitigate the risk to the community.
CX: Probation Officer Nguyen
Reavers have no criminal history
No minors reside at the Reaver home
Reavers said they would do whatever they needed to do to be Josh’s third-party custodians
“If the firearms were removed from the home and if the piano lessons cease, would that be a suitable third party residence?” “Quite possibly.” -Justin Gelfand looks forlorn-
In the 17 months Josh has been aware of the investigation, Josh has not left the country.
Re-direct of Probation Officer Nguyen:
Re-iterates the sexual abuse of minors from years ago
Re-cross of Probation Officer Nguyen:
*missed this because I was taking my dog out to pee* But the bit I caught sounds like they were emphasizing that the probation office had the authority to detain Josh if he violates any of the release conditions.
-prosecution rests its case-
Defense First Witness Maria Reaver:
She’s Asian. Did not expect that
“Are you aware of the charges brought against Mr. Duggar?” “Some”
Aware of the two charges here
No criminal history
Has a place where Josh can live in her house
Lives in Washington County
Has a mother-in-law kind of suite in her home that Josh should live in
Would be willing to abide by any conditions given by court
Would report any broken conditions to the court
(Defense attorney Travis Story is….not as good as Gelfand. Lots of stumbling and unclear wording. The reason my summary of this testimony is so choppy is because that’s how it’s being presented. Reaver giving pretty much just one word answers)
Adult daughter teaches piano at the Reaver home
A few minors come over for piano lessons
Location of piano lessons could be moved to a different place
Has a place to move the fire arms if need be
Mr. Reaver leaves for work at 6:30am and gets home at 4pm
Ms. Reaver and her daughter would be alone at home with Josh. The daughter would come and go throughout the day, possibly leaving Ms. Reaver home alone with Josh.
Ms. Reaver would be OK being alone with Josh.
Wants to be the third party custodian to help the family and “minister” to them
Story just says “That’s admirable.” and i laughed bro you’re not the one testifying here??
Ms. Reaver is willing to serve as third party custodian regardless of whatever rules the court chooses to impose.
CX of Maria Reaver:
Reavers have neighbors, but each of them have about 5-10 acres of land so they’re pretty spread out.
Known the Duggar family for 5-6 years. From time-to-time would interact with Josh.
They’ve been inside the Duggar home. And been to a couple of weddings.
Never had a one-on-one conversation with Josh.
Never been alone with Josh.
Attended church them in 2015 when the sexual abuse allegations first came out, but wasn’t fully aware of them. Is aware of them now.
AUSA asks “Can you tell me what you know about the allegations?” Reaver pauses, is silent, and then says “Give me a minute.” Story objects, judge overrules.
“I don’t fully know everything but from my understanding there was some, uh, when he was younger, I’m not sure how old, maybe a teenager, that there was inappropriate touching of some of the minors.”
Was not aware that one of the minors was 5-years-old
“Does knowing that there was a 5 year old involved change your decision to serve as a third-party custodian?” “I’m looking at is as we are here to be as help, to the family, to Josh and Anna. To minister to them.”
Jim Bob called her husband and asked them to be the third party custodian because her husband and Jim Bob are good friends.
“Did you feel any pressure or obligation to serve as the third-party custodian?” “My husband has made the decision and I’m here to support that decision.”
More talk about ministry and serving others
If the conditions were violated she would alert the court before notifying her husband
Would not leave her adult daughter alone with Josh
“We don’t have internet-internet, our internet is in our phone, it’s like a hotspot. There’s no wifi. We don’t have cable. There is no hard wiring.” (side note: wtf?? It’s 2021)
Phones are password protected
Understands that if Josh is released to her home he could be there for 6 months.
Redirect of Maria Reaver:
Re iterates that she would alert the court directly if the conditions were violated
Questions from the judge:
First call if the conditions were violated would be to the US probation office (“Not your husband, not Jim Bob Duggar, not elders in the church”)
Daughter has been spoken to regarding relocation of the piano lessons
“This case has gotten a lot of publicity. And the last thing Mr. Duggar needs is an incident with a firearm.” Reaver says she’d remove firearm
Defense second witness: LaCount Reaver
Has firearms in the house, but would be willing to relocate them outside the house
Willing to serve as third-party custodian along with his wife
????THAT’S IT?? Literally 3 questions
Was aware of Duggars’ charges specifically
Was not aware of all the details, such as that toddlers were involved
But does not change his opinion of being the third party custodian
Jim Bob Duggar was the one who reached out to them first
JB asked if it was something he could think about, pray about, being a part of
JB referenced Reaver’s involvement with prison ministry as making him a potentially good third-party custodian
Has known the Duggars for 6-8 years
Knew them in 2015
Didn’t know the exact details but was familiar with “some charges” related to him
Knew that the minors resided in the house where Josh resided
Was not part of the church in 2005.
No hesitation about leaving his daughter or wife alone with Josh
No implication that he would get anything in return for housing Josh
He’s a volunteer chaplain at Washington County jail but that’s been halted because of COVID-19
Not necessarily interested in offering counseling for Josh
Willing to call US Probation directly if Josh violates conditions
Has “phone internet” and “uses that for the computer.”
Says he’s a “3 or 4” on a scale of 1-10 of tech savviness
Phone is locked with a pin
Did not know Josh is tech savvy
Last time he spoke with Josh one-on-one was more than a year ago
Not sure if his wife has ever had a one-on-one conversation with Josh
“Is it common practice in your marriage that when your wife interacts with men that there should be a chaperone there?” “I think that would be best.”
Says that his wife should be around Josh with another person, not necessarily a male, could be a daughter
Is a family, they discuss things, they both prayed and decided to do it
“When a family is in need and they ask you for help, I think that’s something anyone would do”
Questions from the judge:
Willing to remove firearms if Josh is released to his custody
Will under no circumstances reveal his password to his phone or computers to Josh
“If you or your wife or your daughter observe or learn about a violation by Mr. Duggar I need to hear you say that your first call will be the US probation officer who’s supervising this case?” He says yes.
Judge: “The time for prayer, and conversations with Jim Bob, and with the elders of the church, that will happen after calling the probation office.”
Defense closes case. Closing arguments now.
Judge asked both sides to keep closing arguments to ~5 minutes since it was getting late.
Prosecution closing:
Nature and circumstances of charges:
Josh intentionally used Bit Torrent to receive CP.
Intentionally used linux partitions to hide what he was doing
Covenant Eyes does not pick up on what’s going on behind the partition
Josh took steps to conceal his activity by doing it on his work computer and avoid the recognition of Covenant Eyes.
-description of how horrific the CP found on Josh’s computer was-
Emphasized that the partition was password protected using a password linked with Josh’s other accounts which indicates that Josh, and not another employee, was behind the partition
Timeline in Exhibits 3 and 4 demonstrate that Josh was the one using the computer in May to download CP and throughout the day texting his family and using the computer for other uses
Discussion of Josh committing sexual abuse when he was a teenager.
Josh’s lack of movement in the past 17 months does not necessarily mean he wont be a flight risk now that circumstances are different
Nature and seriousness of the danger to the community:
We know the extent and the steps Josh will take to hide his actions. We know the kind of material depicted in the CSA that Josh had. We know he has a sexual attraction to children.
Not sure if the Reavers, Ms. Reaver in particular, understand the task that she would have to take on as third-party custodians.
Ms. Reaver doesn’t generally wanna be alone with a male. They have guns. They have minors at their place for piano lessons. Doesn’t make sense that they’d want turn their entire life around to do a favor for a family friend.
We know Josh has a history of “hands on” abuse, we’ve seen how sneaky he can be, AUSA asks that he be detained.
Defense closing:
Josh is presumed innocent of what he’s accused of. A detention hearing is not the place to try this case.
Two prongs under Bail Reform Act: 1) Flight risk
DHS executed search warrant in November 2019, 17 months ago, but Josh has not fled since then. Voluntarily surrendered without issue.
Not a danger to the community. If law enforcement thought that he was a danger they could’ve detained him back in 2019, but they didn’t.
Probation officer Nguyen testified he has been fully compliant since he’s been arrested.
Judge asked the Reavers point blank if they were willing to report to the probation office first, and they said yes.
Law unambiguously points against detention, and the facts point against detention.
Court taking brief recess to collect thoughts and look through evidence. Asks Josh if he’s doing OK, or where he is in the detention center. He says “Sitting on a metal stool, Your Honor.”
Judge's thoughts:
Nature of circumstances of charges against Josh: Presumed innocent. But count 1 carries a mandatory minimum 5 year sentence. Count 2 could carry sentence of 20 years based on the evidence admitted at trial. Court views these charges as very serious. Court is concerned about the evidence describing those charges. It is concerning that that DD file is "some of the worst sexual abuse child pornography that he has seen in over a thousand cases." That concerns the courts.
The number of images concerns the court. The prepubescent age of the victims concerns the court. The sophistication of the person who downloaded the images concerns the court. It is not the average defendant who can access the Dark Web, who can use partition devices, and who can bypass significant surveillance programs.
Children are involuntary victims of pornography and sexual abuse. They're subject often to human trafficking and other circumstances we don't have time to address. The demand and download of child pornography fields the market for the production of this material. The forensic evidence suggests that a significant amount of effort was made to download a significant amount of child sexual material. The weight of the evidence is not insubstantial. That also weighs against Josh.
History and characteristics of Josh: Josh has a long history in Northwest Arkansas, he's married, has children. He has no drug or alcohol history. It seems that Josh has been involved in various businesses in Arkansas. Josh turned himself in and does not appear to have a history of other crimes. Josh did not seem to obstruct any investigation.
The court does not need to treat Josh differently than anyone else similarly situated. However, Josh's family has chosen to make their family life public. Although Josh has never been convicted of any crime, he has admitted to in the past touching children, which concerns the court. That was a public admission, and everyone at this hearing knows it. This concerns the court. What's particularly concerning is the age of Josh's sisters and the age of the children involved with the charges against him.
The court is mindful, however, that this conduct happened a long time ago. And it happened when Josh was a child. That fact, and that fact alone, are in Josh's favor. It is concerning to court that Josh has committed that he has an issue with pornography; that is different than child pornography. But what the court has heard is that prior to images being downloaded to Josh's computer, Covenant Eyes was installed which is a program that acts as a deterrent. The court has also heard testimony that Josh's wife may have been his accountability partner on that. The court is not making a determination on that, but it concerns the court.
The court is concerned that the ages of the children involved are very similar to the age of Josh's children and the ages of his nieces and his nephews. The court keeps coming back to the age of the children Josh interacts with on a daily basis and is concerned.
Seriousness of the danger Josh poses to the community: The court does not know. Josh has not been convicted of being a danger to anyone. There is no criminal history that suggests Josh has displayed a pattern of violence to anyone. But Josh's children, his sibling's children, and his minor brothers and sisters are all part of the community that need to be protected from him.
This is a very close call. The U.S. Attorney has not met its burden.
Josh Duggar will be released on very strict conditions:
- Cannot be returned to his guest house or TTH
- Court is not interested in second chances. Don't fuck up with the Reavers. (paragraphsed)
- Tomorrow Josh will be released to the Reavers with close GPS monitoring. Restricted to this residence except for working, education, church, medical services, meeting with lawyers, court ordered obligation, or other activities approved IN ADVANCE by the probation office.
- May not possess or view pornography or erotica of any kind
- Court does not think it has the technology to limit Josh's use. Josh cannot have computers, phones, smart TVs, gaming systems, etc. He may not ask for the passwords from the Reavers or her daughter.
- Josh can get a jitterbug phone to contact counsel as long as it's approved by a probation officer.
- Josh cannot leave the Western District of Arkansas.
- Josh can have unlimited contact with his children as long as their mother is present. Josh cannot have contact with any other minor children including siblings, family members, piano students, etc.
- Not a requirement but a recommendation: Plan activities based on who he might run into. Avoid birthday parties, etc.
- No substances, drugs or alcohol
- Cannot actually or constructively possess a firearm
- Must surrender passport and not obtain a new passport
- May not violate any state or local law
- Must provide a DNA sample
- Must appear in court as requested
- Tomorrow must sign an appearance bond
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x-exo · 3 years
Hehe but why would I not do such nice things and reblog your amazing creations like ??? I must share, I must show love
Dhkadnsk I felt that xD and then shortly after we got wonho's comeback and I screamed because oh my gosh yesss!! This song is just flippen amazing, I really love that 80's vibe we are getting (it reminds me of songs my parents listen too from that time) and the dancing. I LOVE how just smooth he is dancing, apparently he wanted to appear like water for the dance and he pulled it off. I'm proud for both boys, they put out amazing works of art that has me both dancing and crying in the club
Exo wise, kyungsoo is amazing like you said, the way he is casual about his solo album talk is making me laugh but be excited like I'm curious what style he will go for? Sehun has a movie coming out soon I think (catboy for the win lol) and lastly chanyeol. Welp it seems to be an exo trend where the boys surprise us with something good and then they say "peace out" lol. This makes me laugh a bit, idk I'm weird cx but while I do wish we could have a bit something more from chanyeol (or him address the chaos from a while back) i hope he will do well at the military! It was going to happen soon for him and soon baekhyun so now nor never right?
Yeah I couldn't send an anon :c asks are on but not anon, not sure if it was a glitch on my end. But for mingyu, its getting a bit more chaotic if you have been catching up (I know you said you are taking a break which i support! I will miss seeing you active but take a break for sure! Your happiness and health is important and this news with mingyu is alot. Come back when ready of course! I'll be here and others as well!) But one thing for sure is pledis DID their job and put out an announcement! They confirmed one of the accusations to be false, they are working on getting things more cleared up and in the meantime mingyu is on a hiatus. Its a good step and I'm guessing for the more series stuff they are getting evidence and talking with everyone they can and put it out like starship did for kihyun. As a mingyu stan I'm happy one part is cleared up BUT this isn't far from being fixed which is what I'm seeing many fans say "oh we should have believed him in the first place" and I am sitting her confused because like no, it isn't? We don't know any of these idols, they are meant to just entertain us with music really as you said. They still need to clear up the first set of comments so I'm happy things are being done, its far from being finished so I'm staying in the middle still. All I know is there's the issue with mistranslations that also are causing problems
Ok i wrote alot I'm so sorry dnakdba but I hope you're doing good!! I may hope off on anon sometime in the future! Dont wanna bother you with shoving myself into your dms lol. Ps fudge kakao m as well
sorry again for taking ages to answer 😔😔 i’ve been away from here for a while but omg thank you again for being so nice :’) 
I’ve been OBSESSED but like OBSESSED with Wonho’s Devil OMG it’s literally one of the best songs that have been released in the last few years HIS MIND ??????? i love it so much wow also CHANGKYUN all his songs are so good and mysterious and sexc and so him i love them so much (all the content i’ve been getting from him these past months... chef’s kiss!!)
Chanyeol is finally in war and Baekhyun is leaving next month! I’m happy they can take a break and focus on other things other than being idols tbh and they’ve prepared things for when they’re away! I’m really looking forward to every 27th of every month omg pcy and his big ass brain! i wonder what’s he prepared! also he’s got a station coming out tomorrow which i’m v excited about (even though sm for some reason won’t give him his well deserved solo but that’s to discuss another day smh...) ALSO DID YOU SEE OBSESSION XIÜMIN???? MY GOD the concept was tailored for him omg i’m so glad he knew we wanted him in there and he delivered!!!! 
As for the mingyu thing...things have been kind of “cleared” out now but i feel weird still idk i’m still waiting for him to say something on the matter tbh idk if it’s ever gonna happen but..yeah but at the same time i miss seventeen and gose so much i hope they come back soon
HOSHI!!!!!! omg hoshi ???????? i’m in love with spider and the mv and the concept it suits him so well AND THE CHOREO???? i can’t wait for studio choom and to see him perform it live on music shows (i think he’s going to attend a couple???) he looks so good and seems so happy to be releasing his music! nd also the seventeens hyping him up at any given chance??? we love to see it! 
but anyways i hope you’re doing well too! and hope out of anon whenever you want to ☺️ also we got the songs back!!! yessss but still fuk kakao m for being petty
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leondxs · 6 years
ooc; OOOF Thank you so much to everyone who has sent me asks today. I’ve been at work since this morning and just got off about an hour ago. hopefully I’ll be able to answer at least some of them tonight! Just a warning though, the OC asks might take me a while lol. They always do. ^^’
Also idk how active I’ll be tomorrow. I’ll be off work but I’m taking my little sister shopping and we’re going to go see Hotel Transylvania 3 cx
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My boys getting so big 💙 I get another ultrasound on Monday to see how he is and my baby shower is tomorrow! I’m really nervous seeing I haven’t had a party about myself since I was like 12 years old so it’s been 8 years since any kind of party was thrown for me cx another update on my life is a long time friend of mine and I really connected and finally came to terms with our feelings and recently started dating. He lives 4 hours away which is really hard and frustrating some times but he’s so in love with my baby and I and treats us so well I’m very excited for what our life has to offer. Ramsay has been so active lately I have countless videos of him reaching out of belly and rolling over. I’m so excited and nervous at the same time for my little boy ❤️ I also got my hair done for my maternity pictures for tomorrow !
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devontroxell · 4 years
Is It Time to Reconsider and Reprioritize Your Marketing Metrics in the Time of Coronavirus?
A closer look at what marketing tactics seem to be working – and what to watch out for.
Earlier this year, before the world experienced mass disruption, we were putting the finishing touches on a series of eBooks looking at some of the most interesting trends we saw in content, marketing, and business strategy.
Now, as many of us brace for a possible second wave, we thought it might be useful to look back and see if our insights held up.
Did we get it right? What did we miss?
Let’s Look Back
To gain more context on each of these metrics, take a closer look at our report, “Boost Your Success with Personalization, Storytelling, and Metrics that Matter.” Here’s a shortlist of measurements we highlighted:
Cost Per Lead (CPL)
Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL)
Sales Qualified Leads (SQL)
Conversion Rates by Channel
Email Marketing Performance
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Revenue Growth
Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI)
Brand Loyalty (repeat visits)
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
SERP Position Zero
Many of these are foundational — and few marketers would argue they aren’t important. The list just might look a bit “pre-pandemic” is all.
Because, make no mistake, the biggest factor as to whether your business thrived, survived, or didn’t was how much it relied on delivering in-person experiences. And, few people could see that coming.
Since then, travel, restaurants, sporting events, live music, movies, and the theater haven’t fared well. And, as most of us are keenly aware, it’s hard to see a rosy economic outlook for businesses in these areas soon.
Digital Maturity Matters
For an organization that doesn’t depend as much on in-person experiences, the biggest factor that impacted their ability to succeed was how far along it was in its digital transformation.
If your company did not have the digital tools and work methods fully in place before March, likely you would have been caught a bit behind. Those that did were able to pivot in a short amount of time. But those that didn’t had to work harder to catch up.
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“97% of enterprise decision-makers believe the pandemic sped up their company’s digital transformation.” – Entrepreneur Magazine
While most marketing teams suddenly adjusted to remote work, their customers made a more definitive switch to digital tools and channels as well.
So, keeping all this in mind, what metrics are worth taking a closer look at?
Maintain Focus on These
Though audience behavior was important to track before, it’s even more critical now. Wherever a real experience can be replaced in part with a digital one, look for engagement to increase. Website traffic, for instance, has exploded. As of this writing, inbound marketing champion Hubspot tracks total monthly volume traffic as having increased more than 30% compared to pre-COVID benchmarks. Interestingly, the number of marketing emails sent increased by about 50%, but response rates went down by about 14%.
What do these numbers tell us? What metrics and actions should marketers prioritize now?
In case you haven’t performed one already, an end-to-end customer experience review could be in order. That includes taking a closer look at your content and channel strategy as well. For some external guidance, consider a few metrics cited as top performers in a recent report published by Salesforce:
Top-Ranked Overall Marketing Program Success Metrics, by Company Performance; High Performers3
Sales effectiveness
Customer satisfaction
Social analytics
Web / mobile analytics
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Work to Earn More Trust
When you look more deeply into delivering customer satisfaction, trust and transparency emerge as watchwords.
In fact, “Marketers predict that customers will place a higher than ever value on trusting relationships, with 29.3% saying it will be customers’ top priority.” –The CMO Survey
Ask yourself this: Is your core audience of prospects and customers likely to change? Look for patterns in your campaign data that can help you plan better than before.
Track Metrics that Lead
Speaking of change, aim to see what more you can learn from leading indicators. Though more difficult to measure and draw conclusions from, they can help you see whether your latest tactics seem to be working.
Leading indicators can provide useful insights on change:
Daily active users
Unique visitors
Time spent on website / or app
Average revenue per user
“Leading indicators can help an organization’s decision-makers spot issues and act fast. 5” – Julia Ahlfeldt, Julia Ahlfeldt CX Consulting
Lagging indicators help you measure results – which means they are ultimately more important. But while they are more reliable and easier to measure, they are not always as easy to move the needle on:
Key lagging indicators to scrutinize more deeply now:
Email Marketing Performance
Revenue Growth
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Customer Renewal Rate
Churn Rate
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
Considering how attention has shifted so dramatically toward digital channels and properties, one piece of advice from our report was pretty much on the nose.
“Two guiding principles to keep in mind for all are to put your audience first and aim to deliver the highest quality customer experience across the entire customer journey.” – Tomorrow People
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Zoom-in On Immersive Media
One area that would have been harder to predict, but makes a lot of sense in hindsight, is how video and other immersive visual formats became even more popular since the outbreak and lockdowns.
“87% of U.S. consumers and 80% of UK consumers say they’re consuming more content – broadcast TV, online videos, and online TV streaming take the top spots overall for increased media consumption.” 6 – Global Web Index
On-SERP SEO is still very important. “The ability to rank above number one in Google results, along with the opportunity to provide a featured snippet of content is a powerful way to improve your lead-related metrics.7 ” – Tomorrow People
It barely needs mentioning, but unless you’re in an industry that directly benefited from the newfound focus online, your revenue metrics will require special attention and patience going into next year.
When your business has adjusted to the new normal, consider reinforcing best practices and testing new ideas:
It barely needs mentioning, but unless you’re in an industry that directly benefited from the newfound focus online, your revenue metrics will require special attention and patience going into next year.
When your business has adjusted to the new normal, consider reinforcing best practices and testing new ideas:
Track audience behavior more closely. Maintain any efforts to secure SERP Position Zero for terms important to your brand. Take a closer look at which metrics are most important in this new climate. Should they be reprioritized?
Keep improving on the customer experience you deliver. With video and social media platforms like TikTok having gained more attention – brainstorm ideas that can help you take advantage. Consider producing explainer videos for each of your major products or services at the very least.
Reassess your brand and business. Is your brand seen as trustworthy and helpful? Certainly, you want to provide positive experiences for your customers. But also consider what you can do to assist with your primary constituencies and local communities.
Look for more ways to innovate. Consider running an internal innovation workshop. What can you do to rapidly innovate on your core offerings?
Become more agile, and prepared to pivot as needed. Whether your business was well-prepared ahead of the rapid digital transformation or not – there is always more you can do to prepare for the next disruption.
Is It Time to Reconsider and Reprioritize Your Marketing Metrics in the Time of Coronavirus? published first on https://wabusinessapi.tumblr.com/
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steel-and-fire · 1 year
//sorry for the small absence, work has been hard and i havent been feeling too well last couple days.
Tomorrow is my day off, and then weekend, so ill be more active hopefully cx
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So I know I haven't been the most active user ever, and I still have a few asks to take care of I apologize I am hoping to get caught up tomorrow cause I love you guys and don't wanna fall behind so I shall do that's.
Right now though I am lit falling asleep at the computer so I shall get everything all wrapped up tomorrow and I have a little thing I'm working on for you guys to do too cx
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roscgcld · 3 years
Since I'm not gonna be active for 12 6am-6pm hours tomorrow due to power outage, imma leave something for u to imagine :) don't worry I show mercy this time
Imagine Nanami and you were on a coffee date and you decided to get a simple black coffee, but your not very used to black coffee. (Sorry if your used to black coffee go with it)
"Don't you dislike black coffee?"
"dislike is a lil dramatic, it's not my favorite but I'll get the hang of it" you took a sip and made a slight face due to the bitterness whilst Nanami just laughed at the sight of you.
"you want me to get you some sugar?"
"don't underestimate my will power, you..." You paused to think of an insult to say to Nanami but none was made.
"you what?" He asked with a slight teasing in his tone.
"shut up, it's hard to create an insult for a gentleman like you"
"you know, sometimes I'm not all gentleman"
I'll leave this to your imagination 😏
Oh no, love, I hope you keep safe during the outage! And that the weather is not too cold or too hot because that will be a pain ><
And honestly, my baby ass does not like strong coffee, to begin with. So I need to be really sleepy or need that kick in order for me to order something that isn't a latte lol. Americanos are my biggest fear in a coffee shop cx
But I bet you Nanami would just give you the most amused smile as he eats whatever pastry you two had ordered, already being able to imagine the face you are going to pull since he knows you well enough. And when you pulled the exact face he imagined, he can't help the chuckle.
Although he loves you a lot, does not mean he will not that the chance to tease and make fun of you. But when you bite back, he is not against reminding you on how his good girl should act T^T
I want Nanami to be real rn T^T I am gonna cry and be single forever at this rate lol
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andreacaskey · 6 years
Smartphones and Voice-Assisted Devices Create Opportunities for Modern Customer Experiences
Anyone who uses a smartphone can attest to the incredible power of real-time, in-the-moment discovery that leads to decisions and outcomes. But, now in an age of voice-assisted devices, we are further empowered to command information or purchase on-demand. “OK Google, Alexa, Hey Siri, what are the best bluetooth headphones for me?” Or, “Please reorder groceries from last week for delivery tomorrow afternoon.” Like mobile shopping, voice-assisted behavior is also becoming second-nature. Brands must now reimagine the customer journey and design for always-on, continuous and assistive engagement…dedicated for voice and mobile screens.
Every day, customers are becoming more and more mobile and as a result, more informed, empowered, demanding and impatient. Mobile devices and smart assistants are now the first point of reference for a rapidly growing share of your market. These devices add a new dimension to the shopper journey while also introducing new shopping behaviors. For example, in its research, Google learned that mobile searches for “where to buy” grew over 85% in the past two years. And, 44% of those who use their voice-activated speaker at least weekly say they use the device to order products they need like groceries and household items at least once a week.
Modernize the customer journey for mobile and voice.
This is where everything changes when it comes to customer experience (CX). Consumers who depend upon mobile and voice-assisted devices are introducing new opportunities for engagement. They are seeking next-level assistance. Brands must now modernize touchpoints to greet customers in the context of their device and intent. In the case of mobile and voice-assisted devices, that takes delivering useful content and simple touchpoints to help them achieve their goal productively and seamlessly.
For example, 1-800-Flowers.com CMO Amit Shah, shared how these new engagement opportunities allow companies to get back to its roots of delivering immediate, personalized customer service. According to Shah, “Our job is not to tell customers they have to call us or visit us in a certain way, but to actually be where the customers have chosen to be. And, if we can make it a one-stop shopping experience, we must.”
Shah sees mobile and voice as investments in improving customer experiences and outcomes. “Our goal is to remove all the drag coefficients between you and your purchase. From the customer’s point of view, it provides a very seamless multichannel and multi-mindset experience,” he said.
Shah continued, “Everything that we’re seeing flourish today—mobile, voice assistants, machine learning, AI—it’s all taking us right back to our DNA of having one-on-one relationships with customers.” While mobile has and continues to completely disrupt the shopping landscape and introduce new customer behaviors, voice is following suit. “The volume of engagement we see already suggests that conversational commerce is not a horizon outcome. Customers are shopping with their voice now,” he observed.
Help customers take action…their way.
More and more intelligent platforms, such as Google’s Shopping Actions, are starting to connect the dots between customer intent, discovery and outcomes across devices/channels. As such, brands need a new blueprint to compete differently on different devices, as touchpoints and the customer journey continues to evolve. Beyond websites and landing pages, mobile sites and apps, brands must now develop a dedicated vision and architecture for seamless, on-demand mobile and voice experiences. The goal is to assist and to stitch-together divergent behaviors, regardless of device, and to listen to and guide consumers as they jump channels, devices and transactions.
With so many devices and choices, the journey has never been so complicated. But, brands have no choice but to be present. The value and competitive differentiation comes down to assistanceand how brands simplify and integrate fragmented touchpoints. Doing so…
Ensures brands are present during mobile and voice search.
Converts customers based on matching intent with desired outcomes.
Integrates collaborative shopping lists, portable carts, instant checkouts and mobile wallets.
Introduces on-demand shopping based on historical purchases-linked through personalized, relevant information—specifically designed for mobile behavior.
Increases loyalty by simplifying decision-making and also makes journeys more instant and intuitive to mobile and voice-assisted devices.
There is now a real need and bona fide competitive advantage to modernize the customer journey for a mobile and voice-prompted era of assisted consumerism.
Doing so greets and assists customers in ways that are pleasantly intuitive and useful, while introducing immediate competitive advantages.
The shopping journey has been and will continue to be disrupted. The brands that win will be those that understand where, how and why customers are making decisions, cater to what they need in critical moments of accelerated decision-making, and deliver utility and value in each moment (regardless of device). And, the brands that win compete to assist. In return, they gain more than conversions, they also earn trust and ultimately, the prestige of becoming an advisor brand.
Are you listening?
Brian Solis
Brian Solis is principal analyst and futurist at Altimeter, the digital analyst group at Prophet, Brian is world renowned keynote speaker and 7x best-selling author. His latest book, X: Where Business Meets Design, explores the future of brand and customer engagement through experience design.
Please, invite him to speak at your event or bring him in to inspire colleagues and fellow executives/boards.
Connect with Brian!
Twitter: @briansolis Facebook: TheBrianSolis LinkedIn: BrianSolis Instagram: BrianSolis Youtube: BrianSolisTV Newsletter: Please Subscribe
The post Smartphones and Voice-Assisted Devices Create Opportunities for Modern Customer Experiences appeared first on Brian Solis.
Smartphones and Voice-Assisted Devices Create Opportunities for Modern Customer Experiences published first on https://likesandfollowersclub.weebly.com/
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bombshelltrash · 7 years
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6/20/2017 – 077/100 Days of Productivity
Alright, so today was a good day! I finished all of my French 2B activities a day early, plus my quizzes, all after work. And then I took my pup on a walk, which was nice and relaxing! Get a relax day tomorrow with the boyfriend, and I’m excited to play with his new kitten more cx
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years
Why smartphones and voice-assisted devices create opportunities for customer experiences
New Post has been published on https://britishdigitalmarketingnews.com/why-smartphones-and-voice-assisted-devices-create-opportunities-for-customer-experiences/
Why smartphones and voice-assisted devices create opportunities for customer experiences
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Voice + Mobile + Digital
Anyone who uses a smartphone can attest to the incredible power of real-time, in-the-moment discovery that leads to decisions and outcomes. But, now in an age of voice-assisted devices, we are further empowered to command information or purchase on-demand. “OK Google, Alexa, Hey Siri, what are the best bluetooth headphones for me?” Or, “Please reorder groceries from last week for delivery tomorrow afternoon.” Like mobile shopping, voice-assisted behavior is also becoming second-nature. Brands must now reimagine the customer journey and design for always-on, continuous and assistive engagement…dedicated for voice and mobile screens.
Every day, customers are becoming more and more mobile and as a result, more informed, empowered, demanding and impatient. Mobile devices and smart assistants are now the first point of reference for a rapidly growing share of your market. These devices add a new dimension to the shopper journey while also introducing new shopping behaviors. For example, in its research, Google learned that mobile searches for “where to buy” grew over 85% in the past two years. And, 44% of those who use their voice-activated speaker at least weekly say they use the device to order products they need like groceries and household items at least once a week.
Modernize the customer journey for mobile and voice.
 This is where everything changes when it comes to customer experience (CX). Consumers who depend upon mobile and voice-assisted devices are introducing new opportunities for engagement. They are seeking next-level assistance. Brands must now modernize touchpoints to greet customers in the context of their device and intent. In the case of mobile and voice-assisted devices, that takes delivering useful content and simple touchpoints to help them achieve their goal productively and seamlessly.
For example, 1-800-Flowers.com CMO Amit Shah, shared how these new engagement opportunities allow companies to get back to its roots of delivering immediate, personalized customer service. According to Shah, “Our job is not to tell customers they have to call us or visit us in a certain way, but to actually be where the customers have chosen to be. And, if we can make it a one-stop shopping experience, we must.”
Shah sees mobile and voice as investments in improving customer experiences and outcomes. “Our goal is to remove all the drag coefficients between you and your purchase. From the customer’s point of view, it provides a very seamless multichannel and multi-mindset experience,” he said.
Shah continued, “Everything that we’re seeing flourish today—mobile, voice assistants, machine learning, AI—it’s all taking us right back to our DNA of having one-on-one relationships with customers.” While mobile has and continues to completely disrupt the shopping landscape and introduce new customer behaviors, voice is following suit. “The volume of engagement we see already suggests that conversational commerce is not a horizon outcome. Customers are shopping with their voice now,” he observed.
Help customers take action…their way.
More and more intelligent platforms, such as Google’s Shopping Actions, are starting to connect the dots between customer intent, discovery and outcomes across devices/channels. As such, brands need a new blueprint to compete differently on different devices, as touchpoints and the customer journey continues to evolve. Beyond websites and landing pages, mobile sites and apps, brands must now develop a dedicated vision and architecture for seamless, on-demand mobile and voice experiences. The goal is to assist and to stitch-together divergent behaviors, regardless of device, and to listen to and guide consumers as they jump channels, devices and transactions.
With so many devices and choices, the journey has never been so complicated. But, brands have no choice but to be present. The value and competitive differentiation comes down to assistanceand how brands simplify and integrate fragmented touchpoints. Doing so…
Ensures brands are present during mobile and voice search.
Converts customers based on matching intent with desired outcomes.
Integrates collaborative shopping lists, portable carts, instant checkouts and mobile wallets.
Introduces on-demand shopping based on historical purchases-linked through personalized, relevant information—specifically designed for mobile behavior.
Increases loyalty by simplifying decision-making and also makes journeys more instant and intuitive to mobile and voice-assisted devices.
There is now a real need and bona fide competitive advantage to modernize the customer journey for a mobile and voice-prompted era of assisted consumerism.
Doing so greets and assists customers in ways that are pleasantly intuitive and useful, while introducing immediate competitive advantages.
The shopping journey has been and will continue to be disrupted. The brands that win will be those that understand where, how and why customers are making decisions, cater to what they need in critical moments of accelerated decision-making, and deliver utility and value in each moment (regardless of device). And, the brands that win compete to assist. In return, they gain more than conversions, they also earn trust and ultimately, the prestige of becoming an advisor brand. Are you listening?
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/briansolis/2018/08/02/why-smartphones-and-voice-assisted-devices-create-opportunities-for-customer-experiences/
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samuelpboswell · 5 years
32 Top Social Media Marketing Influencers To Follow
The social media marketing industry is bursting with innovative professionals — people who push the boundaries of existing social platforms, embrace new ones, and ditch low-performers. With so many fine social media marketers, how do you find new innovators to follow on Twitter and learn from? We've put together a list of 32 top social media marketers that includes a number of fantastic folks who may not already be on your Twitter "following" list, in addition to some industry stalwarts who those new to social media marketing would be wise to follow. We've added a quote, tip, or short lesson from each to help inspire your own social media marketing efforts. List Methodology: For this list we utilize the Traackr influencer marketing platform plus additional criteria including the relevance of the individuals to the topic, the degree to which their networks engage, the size of their networks, along with numerous other factors including online data pulled from blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, SlideShare, other platforms. Many thanks to all the industry professionals who are actively sharing knowledge about social media marketing by engaging and helping others with helpful opinions, insights and expertise on the social web. This brief list is only a starting point to help expand your social media marketing universe.
32 Social Media Marketing Influencers to Follow on Twitter
Beverly W. Jackson @BevJack Corporate VP of Social Marketing, MGM Resorts [bctt tweet="“The most important lesson I’ve learned about leadership is that no one leads alone.” @BevJack" username="toprank"] Brian G Peters @Brian_G_Peters Strategic Partnerships, Shopify [bctt tweet="“The wonderful thing about social media video is that if you do it right, the videos can produce results for your business long after they’ve been posted.” @Brian_G_Peters" username="toprank"] Amy (Schmittauer) Landino @Schmittastic Co-Founder & Owner, Aftermarq [bctt tweet="“True focus comes from believing in yourself. When you are unsure, you welcome distractions. Trust that you’re on the right path.” @Schmittastic" username="toprank"] Amisha Gandhi @AmishaGandhi VP, Marketing & Communications, SAP Ariba and SAP Fieldglass [bctt tweet="“If we want to connect with the people we want to influence, we need to dial back the business speak and communicate more simply and directly.” @AmishaGandhi" username="toprank"] Marcus Sheridan @TheSalesLion Owner & Partner, IMPACT [bctt tweet="“Whether it's views, shares, watch time, or more — it's the little things that make the biggest difference.” @TheSalesLion" username="toprank"] Caitlin Angeloff @caitlinangeloff Social Strategy Director, Providence St. Joseph Health [bctt tweet="“With unprecedented targeting via the social media platforms, it is essential brands and media companies not take a one size fits all approach with their social video strategy.” @caitlinangeloff" username="toprank"] Tim Schmoyer @timschmoyer Video Strategist, VideoCreators [bctt tweet="“When you find someone who understands your journey and your heart, get together, swap stories, and encourage each other.” @timschmoyer" username="toprank"] Konstanze Alex @Konstanze Global Digital Storytelling, Cisco [bctt tweet="“Co-creating content with influential industry experts is one way for brands to unlock powerful, authentic storytelling that results in valuable brand experiences for customers.” @Konstanze" username="toprank"] Rob Walch @podcast411 VP of Podcaster Relations, Libsyn [bctt tweet="“The biggest shows out there did nothing to promote their show, they let their audience do it.” @podcast411" username="toprank"] Alison J. Herzog @alisonjherzog Senior Director of Brand and Digital, Visa [bctt tweet="“Brands need to manage experience across the entire company. Each person and department owns a piece of the overall #CX.” @alisonjherzog" username="toprank"] Dan Gingiss @dgingiss Chief Experience Officer, The Experience Maker [bctt tweet="“Remember, when customers are reaching out with suggestions on how to improve your product or service, generally it means that they really care and that they're brand loyal.” @dgingiss" username="toprank"] Zontee Hou @ZonteeHo President & Chief Strategist, Media Volery [bctt tweet="“To build trust, you have to understand human motivations.” @ZonteeHo" username="toprank"] Andrew Pickering & Pete Gartland @AndrewAndPete Co-Founders, Andrew and Pete [bctt tweet="“Social media is a tool we use to keep connected with the people in our lives. It’s a way to strengthen relationships and to make new ones.” @AndrewAndPete" username="toprank"] Jenn Herman @jenns_trends Social Media Strategist, Jenn's Trends [bctt tweet="“I'm a BIG proponent of a clear strategy for content, posting frequency, messaging, and branding. Keeping it clearly focused on your target audience is the key.” @jenns_trends" username="toprank"] Jon Loomer @jonloomer Facebook Marketing Strategist, Jon Loomer Digital [bctt tweet="“Keep experimenting and trying different things. You never know what the perfect combination is for you — there really is no one formula that works for everyone.” @jonloomer" username="toprank"] Sandy Carter @sandy_carter VP, Amazon Web Services [bctt tweet="“Data is at the heart of EVERY major tech trend in the coming decade.” @sandy_carter" username="toprank"] Justin Levy @justinlevy Director of Social Marketing, ServiceNow [bctt tweet="“You have to move from looking at marketing tactically to looking at it strategically.” @justinlevy" username="toprank"] Scott Monty @ScottMonty CEO & Principal, Scott Monty Strategies [bctt tweet="“There's so much focus on the latest platform, trend or technology. But true storytellers know that the medium isn't the message.” @ScottMonty" username="toprank"] Brian Fanzo @iSocialFanz Digital Futurist & Founder, iSocialFanz [bctt tweet="“Stop talking with a logo, start talking with your employees.” @iSocialFanz" username="toprank"] Shannon Paul @ShannonPaul Vice President, Digital Line of Business Marketing Director, Fifth Third Bank [bctt tweet="“A key driver in any successful strategy is going to be organizational and operational alignments.” @ShannonPaul" username="toprank"] Larry Kim @larrykim CEO, MobileMonkey [bctt tweet="“The ability to be a team player is one of the most important employee skills of 2020.” @larrykim" username="toprank"] Heidi Cohen @heidicohen Chief Content Officer, Actionable Marketing Guide [bctt tweet="“As a key element of your marketing strategy your blog supports content marketing, social media, search and audience and customer acquisition.” @heidicohen" username="toprank"] Donna Moritz @SociallySorted Founder, Socially Sorted [bctt tweet="“More than ever, it's important to survey your audience to find out what they need and how you can help them.” @SociallySorted" username="toprank"] Mari Smith @MariSmith Facebook Marketing Expert, Mari Smith International [bctt tweet="“Those first few seconds of your video are gold. Make sure you're following a strategy that keeps people watching.” [bctt tweet="“Those first few seconds of your video are gold. Make sure you're following a strategy that keeps people watching.” @MariSmith" username="toprank"] Ian Anderson Gray @iagdotme Founder, Ian Anderson Gray [bctt tweet="“The Internet is a sea of helpful tools, and with so many options, it can feel like you’re drowning.” @iagdotme" username="toprank"] Ann Handley @MarketingProfs Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs [bctt tweet="“It’s incumbent on all of us in B2B marketing, whether you are a writer, or a marketer, or whatever role you play to take some risks and just get out of the box and throw an ax at that target.” @MarketingProfs" username="toprank"] John Lee Dumas @johnleedumas Host, Entrepreneurs on Fire [bctt tweet="“It’s not always about doing as much as you possibly can - it’s about choosing the right things and going all-in on those.” @johnleedumas" username="toprank"] Mark Schaefer @markwschaefer Executive Director, Schaefer Marketing Solutions [bctt tweet="“Good enough today isn't good enough tomorrow if you want to keep growing.” @markwschaefer" username="toprank"] Jay Baer @jaybaer Founder, Convince & Convert [bctt tweet="“Customer experience is not only about removing friction and minimizing mistakes and calamities but also about delivering something the customer didn’t see coming.” @jaybaer" username="toprank"] LaSandra Brill @LaSandraBrill Head of Integrated Digital Planning, NVIDIA [bctt tweet="“Don’t say no. Instead tell me how you get to yes. Being able to identify and communicate the tradeoffs is 'strategic thinking.'” @LaSandraBrill" username="toprank"] John Hunt @Smead_JohnH Senior Manager of Digital Marketing, Corporate Brand Communications and eCommerce Content, Smead Manufacturing Inc. [bctt tweet="“Today there are no more secrets. You've got to prove you can help, and not just say it.'” @Smead_JohnH" username="toprank"]
Piece Together Your Social Media Marketing Knowledge & Execution
Statistical analysis, no matter how well-researched and deep, can only go so far in surfacing people you’ll find the most helpful and influential in your daily professional marketing lives, which is why we’d be delighted if you would share the name of social media marketers that influence you most in out comments section below. We hope that you've found at least a few new-to-you social media marketing influencers on this list, and gained a smattering of inspiration from their quotes. To further your own social media marketing expertise, here is a bonus list of our best relevant recent articles:
13 Top B2B Social Media Marketing Trends & Predictions for 2020
How B2B Marketers Can Build Their Personal Brands on Social Media
Our 10 Top Social Media Marketing Posts
Social Media Secrets: 5 Under-the-Radar LinkedIn Features for Marketers
Spotlighting Organic Social Media Video Success: Your Guide to Metrics and Specs
Finally, there's no better way to meet new B2B social media marketers than attending industry events, and you can catch our CEO Lee Odden at an array of upcoming in-person and streaming online conferences and webinars: March 9, 2020 Webinar Panel Are you ready to transform your B2B marketing? Featuring Joel Harrison for B2B Marketing, Doug Kessler from Velocity Partners, Lee Odden, and Mark Bornstein from ON24 Registration info here March 19, 2020 Convergence Summit Minneapolis Lunch Keynote: In Search of Trust: How Authentic Content Drives Customer Experience Agenda and registration info March 24, 2020 Pubcon Florida B2B Influencer Marketing Workshop Register here March 25, 2020 Webinar Top B2B Marketing Challenges, Trends and Best Practices for 2020 Register here April 22, 2020 - ContentTECH Summit How to Optimize Content Performance with Influence  Session info and register here April 23rd, 2020 - Content Marketing Conference How to Optimize Customer Experience with SEO and Influence Conference info and register here May 13 - 14, 2020 - Ceros Experience Matters How to Optimize for Customer Experience with Interactive Content Event and registration info here May 27-28, 2020 - B2B Ignite USA Keynote - In Marketing We Trust: How to build influence with the C-Suite and on the street Conference agenda and registration info here
The post 32 Top Social Media Marketing Influencers To Follow appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
from The SEO Advantages http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/OnlineMarketingSEOBlog/~3/bnyOUYfuxZo/
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ralphlayton · 5 years
32 Top Social Media Marketing Influencers To Follow
The social media marketing industry is bursting with innovative professionals — people who push the boundaries of existing social platforms, embrace new ones, and ditch low-performers. With so many fine social media marketers, how do you find new innovators to follow on Twitter and learn from? We've put together a list of 32 top social media marketers that includes a number of fantastic folks who may not already be on your Twitter "following" list, in addition to some industry stalwarts who those new to social media marketing would be wise to follow. We've added a quote, tip, or short lesson from each to help inspire your own social media marketing efforts. List Methodology: For this list we utilize the Traackr influencer marketing platform plus additional criteria including the relevance of the individuals to the topic, the degree to which their networks engage, the size of their networks, along with numerous other factors including online data pulled from blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, SlideShare, other platforms. Many thanks to all the industry professionals who are actively sharing knowledge about social media marketing by engaging and helping others with helpful opinions, insights and expertise on the social web. This brief list is only a starting point to help expand your social media marketing universe.
32 Social Media Marketing Influencers to Follow on Twitter
Beverly W. Jackson @BevJack Corporate VP of Social Marketing, MGM Resorts [bctt tweet="“The most important lesson I’ve learned about leadership is that no one leads alone.” @BevJack" username="toprank"] Brian G Peters @Brian_G_Peters Strategic Partnerships, Shopify [bctt tweet="“The wonderful thing about social media video is that if you do it right, the videos can produce results for your business long after they’ve been posted.” @Brian_G_Peters" username="toprank"] Amy (Schmittauer) Landino @Schmittastic Co-Founder & Owner, Aftermarq [bctt tweet="“True focus comes from believing in yourself. When you are unsure, you welcome distractions. Trust that you’re on the right path.” @Schmittastic" username="toprank"] Amisha Gandhi @AmishaGandhi VP, Marketing & Communications, SAP Ariba and SAP Fieldglass [bctt tweet="“If we want to connect with the people we want to influence, we need to dial back the business speak and communicate more simply and directly.” @AmishaGandhi" username="toprank"] Marcus Sheridan @TheSalesLion Owner & Partner, IMPACT [bctt tweet="“Whether it's views, shares, watch time, or more — it's the little things that make the biggest difference.” @TheSalesLion" username="toprank"] Caitlin Angeloff @caitlinangeloff Social Strategy Director, Providence St. Joseph Health [bctt tweet="“With unprecedented targeting via the social media platforms, it is essential brands and media companies not take a one size fits all approach with their social video strategy.” @caitlinangeloff" username="toprank"] Tim Schmoyer @timschmoyer Video Strategist, VideoCreators [bctt tweet="“When you find someone who understands your journey and your heart, get together, swap stories, and encourage each other.” @timschmoyer" username="toprank"] Konstanze Alex @Konstanze Global Digital Storytelling, Cisco [bctt tweet="“Co-creating content with influential industry experts is one way for brands to unlock powerful, authentic storytelling that results in valuable brand experiences for customers.” @Konstanze" username="toprank"] Rob Walch @podcast411 VP of Podcaster Relations, Libsyn [bctt tweet="“The biggest shows out there did nothing to promote their show, they let their audience do it.” @podcast411" username="toprank"] Alison J. Herzog @alisonjherzog Senior Director of Brand and Digital, Visa [bctt tweet="“Brands need to manage experience across the entire company. Each person and department owns a piece of the overall #CX.” @alisonjherzog" username="toprank"] Dan Gingiss @dgingiss Chief Experience Officer, The Experience Maker [bctt tweet="“Remember, when customers are reaching out with suggestions on how to improve your product or service, generally it means that they really care and that they're brand loyal.” @dgingiss" username="toprank"] Zontee Hou @ZonteeHo President & Chief Strategist, Media Volery [bctt tweet="“To build trust, you have to understand human motivations.” @ZonteeHo" username="toprank"] Andrew Pickering & Pete Gartland @AndrewAndPete Co-Founders, Andrew and Pete [bctt tweet="“Social media is a tool we use to keep connected with the people in our lives. It’s a way to strengthen relationships and to make new ones.” @AndrewAndPete" username="toprank"] Jenn Herman @jenns_trends Social Media Strategist, Jenn's Trends [bctt tweet="“I'm a BIG proponent of a clear strategy for content, posting frequency, messaging, and branding. Keeping it clearly focused on your target audience is the key.” @jenns_trends" username="toprank"] Jon Loomer @jonloomer Facebook Marketing Strategist, Jon Loomer Digital [bctt tweet="“Keep experimenting and trying different things. You never know what the perfect combination is for you — there really is no one formula that works for everyone.” @jonloomer" username="toprank"] Sandy Carter @sandy_carter VP, Amazon Web Services [bctt tweet="“Data is at the heart of EVERY major tech trend in the coming decade.” @sandy_carter" username="toprank"] Justin Levy @justinlevy Director of Social Marketing, ServiceNow [bctt tweet="“You have to move from looking at marketing tactically to looking at it strategically.” @justinlevy" username="toprank"] Scott Monty @ScottMonty CEO & Principal, Scott Monty Strategies [bctt tweet="“There's so much focus on the latest platform, trend or technology. But true storytellers know that the medium isn't the message.” @ScottMonty" username="toprank"] Brian Fanzo @iSocialFanz Digital Futurist & Founder, iSocialFanz [bctt tweet="“Stop talking with a logo, start talking with your employees.” @iSocialFanz" username="toprank"] Shannon Paul @ShannonPaul Vice President, Digital Line of Business Marketing Director, Fifth Third Bank [bctt tweet="“A key driver in any successful strategy is going to be organizational and operational alignments.” @ShannonPaul" username="toprank"] Larry Kim @larrykim CEO, MobileMonkey [bctt tweet="“The ability to be a team player is one of the most important employee skills of 2020.” @larrykim" username="toprank"] Heidi Cohen @heidicohen Chief Content Officer, Actionable Marketing Guide [bctt tweet="“As a key element of your marketing strategy your blog supports content marketing, social media, search and audience and customer acquisition.” @heidicohen" username="toprank"] Donna Moritz @SociallySorted Founder, Socially Sorted [bctt tweet="“More than ever, it's important to survey your audience to find out what they need and how you can help them.” @SociallySorted" username="toprank"] Mari Smith @MariSmith Facebook Marketing Expert, Mari Smith International [bctt tweet="“Those first few seconds of your video are gold. Make sure you're following a strategy that keeps people watching.” [bctt tweet="“Those first few seconds of your video are gold. Make sure you're following a strategy that keeps people watching.” @MariSmith" username="toprank"] Ian Anderson Gray @iagdotme Founder, Ian Anderson Gray [bctt tweet="“The Internet is a sea of helpful tools, and with so many options, it can feel like you’re drowning.” @iagdotme" username="toprank"] Ann Handley @MarketingProfs Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs [bctt tweet="“It’s incumbent on all of us in B2B marketing, whether you are a writer, or a marketer, or whatever role you play to take some risks and just get out of the box and throw an ax at that target.” @MarketingProfs" username="toprank"] John Lee Dumas @johnleedumas Host, Entrepreneurs on Fire [bctt tweet="“It’s not always about doing as much as you possibly can - it’s about choosing the right things and going all-in on those.” @johnleedumas" username="toprank"] Mark Schaefer @markwschaefer Executive Director, Schaefer Marketing Solutions [bctt tweet="“Good enough today isn't good enough tomorrow if you want to keep growing.” @markwschaefer" username="toprank"] Jay Baer @jaybaer Founder, Convince & Convert [bctt tweet="“Customer experience is not only about removing friction and minimizing mistakes and calamities but also about delivering something the customer didn’t see coming.” @jaybaer" username="toprank"] LaSandra Brill @LaSandraBrill Head of Integrated Digital Planning, NVIDIA [bctt tweet="“Don’t say no. Instead tell me how you get to yes. Being able to identify and communicate the tradeoffs is 'strategic thinking.'” @LaSandraBrill" username="toprank"] John Hunt @Smead_JohnH Senior Manager of Digital Marketing, Corporate Brand Communications and eCommerce Content, Smead Manufacturing Inc. [bctt tweet="“Today there are no more secrets. You've got to prove you can help, and not just say it.'” @Smead_JohnH" username="toprank"]
Piece Together Your Social Media Marketing Knowledge & Execution
Statistical analysis, no matter how well-researched and deep, can only go so far in surfacing people you’ll find the most helpful and influential in your daily professional marketing lives, which is why we’d be delighted if you would share the name of social media marketers that influence you most in out comments section below. We hope that you've found at least a few new-to-you social media marketing influencers on this list, and gained a smattering of inspiration from their quotes. To further your own social media marketing expertise, here is a bonus list of our best relevant recent articles:
13 Top B2B Social Media Marketing Trends & Predictions for 2020
How B2B Marketers Can Build Their Personal Brands on Social Media
Our 10 Top Social Media Marketing Posts
Social Media Secrets: 5 Under-the-Radar LinkedIn Features for Marketers
Spotlighting Organic Social Media Video Success: Your Guide to Metrics and Specs
Finally, there's no better way to meet new B2B social media marketers than attending industry events, and you can catch our CEO Lee Odden at an array of upcoming in-person and streaming online conferences and webinars: March 9, 2020 Webinar Panel Are you ready to transform your B2B marketing? Featuring Joel Harrison for B2B Marketing, Doug Kessler from Velocity Partners, Lee Odden, and Mark Bornstein from ON24 Registration info here March 19, 2020 Convergence Summit Minneapolis Lunch Keynote: In Search of Trust: How Authentic Content Drives Customer Experience Agenda and registration info March 24, 2020 Pubcon Florida B2B Influencer Marketing Workshop Register here March 25, 2020 Webinar Top B2B Marketing Challenges, Trends and Best Practices for 2020 Register here April 22, 2020 - ContentTECH Summit How to Optimize Content Performance with Influence  Session info and register here April 23rd, 2020 - Content Marketing Conference How to Optimize Customer Experience with SEO and Influence Conference info and register here May 13 - 14, 2020 - Ceros Experience Matters How to Optimize for Customer Experience with Interactive Content Event and registration info here May 27-28, 2020 - B2B Ignite USA Keynote - In Marketing We Trust: How to build influence with the C-Suite and on the street Conference agenda and registration info here
The post 32 Top Social Media Marketing Influencers To Follow appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
32 Top Social Media Marketing Influencers To Follow published first on yhttps://improfitninja.blogspot.com/
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