#will labelleofbelfastcity
masculinepeacock · 2 years
6 and 31 for the music asks!!!!
6. what bands/artists do you want to see in concert?
*so many* i desperately want to see hozier and marina. i would also love to see goodnight, texas
31. are you a lyric analyzer or do you just listen for fun.
it depends on Why im listening to something tbh, and what kind of day im having!
[ask game!]
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creacherkeeper · 9 months
hello i would like to thank you for your fics, which successfully implanted Aelwyn Abnormalities in my brain as quickly as the first paragraph of tunnel vision. do you have any fic/writer recs for d20? i feel like i've ventured straight into the deep end by starting my d20 fic exploration on yours and i have no regrets but i'd love to branch out from there
ough a message i really needed tonight thank you ToT <333 (which also made me check my ao3 for the first time in a while and see all the nice lovely new comments .... wah)
simply always happy to Implant Aelwyn Abnormalities i dont post a ton of fh anymore just cause i havent been on the fandom train in a minute but rest assured the abernants are always in my heart fr fr
some recs for u:
big juicy aelwyn character study by @marshmallsy i left such an insane comment on it that she had to be like hey dog u good and simply no i wasnt
post sophomore year aelwyn does community service at an old folks home and simply i adore it. by @masculinepeacock
im not really a fh/d20 shipper very much so i dont read a ton of shippy stuff but this longass aelwyn reclasses as a paladin aelwyn/kristen fic did make me feel so insane in the head. by @labelleofbelfastcity
another good long abernant sisters healing fic by @frill-shark that made me feel so so many things
not aelwyn specific but this series is a bad kids found family hurt/comfort and fluff series that got me so bad when i read it (its nuclear family disarmament by allapplesfall idk if this person has a tumblr but i will tag them if they do)
i hope that gives you somewhere to start!!! thank you so much for reading my fics im so glad you enjoyed them :D
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foxboyclit · 1 month
DnD Moral Alignment and Adventurer Picrew
tagged by @space-writes, ty! despite fixating on evil manipulative characters, i am in reality not that much of a cunt. i know in my heart of hearts id make a great androgynous bard, and the cat familiar's based on a dnd character!
no pressure tagging @nightwardenminthara @lawful-evil-novelist and @labelleofbelfastcity
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hyenagirlbulge · 9 months
tagged by @foxboyclit my beloved
Rules: Make a list of all of the things that have made you happy recently! Then, tag as many people as you want that you think may need it to keep the positivity going ✨
-Johnny got added to guilty gear so ive been playing him so i’ve been playing him *so much*
-Armored Core 6 came out and it feels *incredible* to play, yesterday was the biggest day of the year in gaming for me
-All my school friends are moving back into the city this week so im super excited to see them
-I might get to play my ttrpg game this weekend so :3 im excited
-And ive been watching stuff with my wonderful boyfriend and its been a ton of fun <3
no pressure tages @goldentlme @moonlightmancer @cosmiccanid @labelleofbelfastcity :3
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Tagged by @petrosapian for 7 comfort films I don’t know if I’ve even seen 7 films total ok…
The Princess Bride
Who Framed Roger Rabit
Jurassic Park
Barbie Princess and the Pauper
The Little Mermaid
A Night at the Museum
Tagging @dapper-nahrwhale @gorgugplushie @labelleofbelfastcity @gothic-pegasus @lichposting
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whenipe · 2 years
mutual i met on ao3 bc we both wrote chronic pain fics of the same ship just reblogged mutual who i met on podcast twitter’s 11k note post …. terrifying it feels as if something has shifted
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sylvansleuth · 3 years
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Buckster “Right on the Money” Boyd🐗
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audiodramatist · 3 years
📷 try your best to guess <3333
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callout post. also it's the gorgug hoodie but with boggy
(send me a 📷 and i’ll make a picrew of what i think u look like!)
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nerdybirdy6602 · 3 years
🧑 favorite character to write?
Another character in my top five is probably Lars Vandenchomp! There's something about their loyalty and love that makes them not only easy to write, but so much fun to write! I don't want to say that they're predictable, because that feels like an insult to the character and Ally, but I'll just say that it feels easy to make in-character decisions for them when writing fics.
🎤fave line in a fic you wrote?
Well, speaking of Mice & Murder... My most recent fic, "Stupid, Emotional, Obsessive Little Me" has this moment where Lars is trying to reconcile their feelings with reality and they say, "I wish you could love me." I know it's a really simple line that I most definitely didn't invent, but it works well to portray all of their anguish and longing.
Thank you for your questions! <3
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imgenheaney · 4 years
Palette #17 and Michael Holden?
tori bought him a new sweater !! 
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send me a colour palette + an osemanverse character ! 
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retroosquared · 4 years
5, 13, and 72?
5. old king cole by the mechanisms
13. rose red by the mechanisms
72. save a horse (ride a cowboy) by big & rich
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masculinepeacock · 3 years
florist and tattoo parlor fh au thoughts?? (also hello!!! <33)
AHH okay, brain rot, i'm gonna have to do a full-like strip mall situation here for all of the bad kids to be there bc i love them <3 so (also, hii <33)
in this universe Riz's private investigator office is in the Elmville Strip Mall, and one side is the florist run by a tall (and kind of intimidating) man named Gorgug, and on the other side is the tattoo parlor ran by two women named Zelda and Fig, Zelda is a bit more emo compared to more punk Fig (it 100% affects their art styles)
also included in the strip mall: there's a coffee shop called The Oracle that a woman named Adaine owns with her inheritance money from her asshole parents, and a very intimidating woman named Aelwyn works there, the two of them look enough alike to potentially be related, but Riz doesn't dare ask how. The bowling alley at the very end of the strip mall is ran by a guy called Jawbone who will regale any teenager who asks with absolutely wild stories about his youth. his niece and her sometimes on-sometimes off girlfriend (who she's good friends with in the off time) work there. her gf, kristen, is great with the children's birthday parties.
There's a gym called Hoot Growl run by two impressively tall and buff men who were clearly athletes in high school. their gym is favored by students at the local high school (Ragh and Fabian are great at giving work out tips for teenagers) and middle aged stay at home parents (these two men are so hot).
Riz sees all the drama going down between the various owners of these stores from his perfectly placed middle store in the midst of it all. Gorgug and Zelda went on an awkward date at Basrar's that for some reason? seemed to be spied on by a lot of other people who work in the Elmville strip mall. they? cheered? when gorgug and zelda finally kissed in front of his florist shop? and they just got kindly flipped off instead of cussed out? the relationship dynamics of the Elmville strip mall were weird, but Riz had never really minded weird.
There was a sense of solidarity when you owned a small business in a small town, Riz figured that out. everyone in the Elmville Strip Mall gave the other small business owners discounts, just to help out. Every second Tuesday of the month, after the bowling alley was closed for the night, the younger business owners/employees got together and got smashed as they played bowling. the first time Riz got invited it felt like he was entering a secret club. he kind of liked it.
all of riz's ideas regarding the complexity of the interpersonal relationships within the shops here was 100% proven correct (of course it was, he's a kickass investigator). the two owners of Hoot Growl were dating, but anytime Fabian went in The Oracle to get coffee, he flirted obnoxiously with Aelwyn, all just to bother Adaine (Riz finally figured out that they were sisters). Tracker and Kristen's weird off-again-on-again relationship did not keep them from hooking up with other people who worked here and everyone was just so chill with each other? riz thought it was way too confusing. Fig was obnoxiously in love with the local librarian, who had an impressive amount of tattoos. Fig was also running a betting pool on all the major milestones in Gorgug and Zelda's relationship. They were surprisingly okay with it. Probably because Riz was leaking all of the bets to them. Gorgug refused to let Fabian win. Thank god Zelda found it all endearing.
i really don't know where to take this except all of them participate in small business solidarity and suggest to their own customers that they go other people's shops. sad married mom shares with ragh and/or fabian that she thinks that her spouse is cheating? go to riz <3 need help studying for the ACT? go to The Oracle and ask for Adaine <3 want to impress your crush? go to gorgug he knows exactly what you need <3 want to impress your badass crush? go to the Tattoo Parlor and ask for fig <3 they all just support the hell out of each other
send me an AU and i'll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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gemsofthegalaxy · 4 years
E and J for the fanfic ask game?
E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well? Hooo boy, just, like in general?? There are a lot of characters I def identify with/project onto for sureeeeeeeeeee. 
I’ll just consider my most recent fandoms.. honestly the character I identify with the most is Sir Damien, despite not being religious. The aspect of Damien I relate to VERY much is his specific brand of anxiety. He’s confident in his abilities up until he isn’t, and he’s shown to be clingy in relationships and to have a hard time grasping that his fiancé really does love him even when she’s not actively telling him that. 
he also has a bit of a hard time grappling with the reality of the world he was brought up in, which, isn’t *as* specifically relatable to me, but my heart really goes out to him. in a way I can relate with a certain aspect of that in that I HATE questioning authority even when i know it’s BS and I am so... soooooooooooo bad at breaking rules. i hate breaking rules, even when theyre terrible, and it’s because I’m anxious so I feel like that fits at least a little. 
I don’t know if my only finished fics capture that all that well because they’re both AUs, and he isn’t dating Rilla at the start of either of them, so he’s still got some anxiety but it’s not the same clingy, relationship-based anxiety that I tend to relate to most. 
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
There are a lot of fanfic tropes I like, but I’d say my top one tends to be Best Friends to Lovers and I have written that. (for example, in one of the very same au I mentioned above, Rilla and Damien have been best friends for three years and spoilers but not really, they get together lol) 
You can kind of consider some w359 fics with Minkowski and Eiffel as best friends to lovers because from my perspective they’re best friends, and then they become lovers LOL. OH and my Tangled the Series would count as best friends to lovers bc Cass and Raps are best friends, so... yes, I have written this trope, a few times.
Thanks soo much for the ask!!! Send me a fanfic question letter!
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foxboyclit · 9 months
url song tag
spell your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters. tagged by @space-writes im honored to have your approval for my music
f-fresh tattoo- the mountain goats
o-october birds- flower face
x-xo- fall out boy
b-bare your teeth- ashbury heights
o- orgasm- elita
y-yes mom- tessa violet
c-cheerleader- ashnikko
l-lovefool- the cardigans
i-i, carrion (icarian)- hozier
t- teeth- lady gaga
no pressure tagging @luobingmeis @labelleofbelfastcity @trans-myrrh @ziprasidones @barrybluememes @lesbiananura @silentvoidtreeshop @rukafais @winterskulleton @foxgirldick
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badass-sunshine · 4 years
5, 17, and 53?
Passenger Seat by Death Cab for Cutie
Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Soon We’ll Be Found by Sia
[send me a number 1-100 and i’ll tell you the corresponding song from my 2020 top songs!]
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buttercup 🥺🥺
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Awww☺️☺️☺️ thank you and I wanna hug you too
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