#thanks for the req!
lode-builds · 2 years
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i used to be SUCH a hobbit hole girlie back in the day
request by acestars!
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dailyterumob · 1 year
fem terumob? 🥺
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mob and her gf who shops at claires
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pastelsandpining · 1 year
Firstly, congratulations bb for the 400!! You deserve more! 🥳🎉💕
Than bots lol
For the prompts may i ask for our blonde children to have fight and make up? Maybe just me that rarely see these 2 fight lol
WILD I LOVE YOU!!! enjoy some Sky babies! <3 I don't think they would stay upset with each other for very long
enjoy my take on "hey, what if link didn't win the wing ceremony?"
special thanks to my beta @badmoonbuns !!
Masterlist | 400 Requests
flying low
Skyloft was quiet.
The air was colder high above the small expanse of her world. Zelda tugged her knees to her chest and tucked the hem of her skirt under her feet so no wind could pass through. There was a heavy sense of sadness sitting on her chest that afternoon, a plaque that had built up since the morning: since the Wing Ceremony had ended and the little wooden statue of the winner did not sit in Link's hands. 
It hadn't been the time or the place to confront her best friend, and the expression on his face should've been enough to make her realize he was just as disappointed as her, but she couldn't help herself. She was hurt, furious, because the Wing Ceremony wasn't something of luck. Link was a natural flyer, the best she'd ever seen, and she longed to know how he'd lost to Groose. How he could let himself lose to Groose, let her have to endure the ceremony at the top of the statue with Groose.
She'd looked at him on the landing platform, at the lost look in his eyes, and she couldn't help herself. She hadn't exactly been level headed. Zelda stepped up to him, voice low and quiet and sad, and asked,
"Oh, Link... Did you even try?" 
They'd never argued that badly before. Well, maybe she shouldn't use the word argue, because that implied a heated conversation between two people. In their case, one person had been conversing and the other had been receiving all of the heat. Link had always been a quiet boy, never one to stick up for himself because nothing ever really seemed to bother him, but his quiet compliance in the face of her disappointment had angered her even more.
Cruel. It was a cruel question; of course he'd tried. Maybe he was a sleepyhead, sometimes a bump on a log, but he gave his all to everything he did--being upset was no excuse. But she thought he'd win. She'd planned for him to win, because her gift had been specially crafted for him; her song and all of her practice had been with him in mind! She'd had so much faith in him.
Zelda had turned on her heel, her back to him, and stormed off to get the ceremony over with.
It was a dumb ceremony.
It wasn't a big deal.
But it was, because she'd only get to be the Goddess Hylia this once, for her class, and Link didn't win. He wouldn't be the one on the statue with her. He would have another chance to compete, to win, to take on the role of the Chosen Hero before his official knighting, sure, but it wouldn't happen with her, and Zelda was jealous.
Jealous and bitter.
She hadn't come down from the statue. She'd sent Groose on his merry way after a song and some convincing, but the peaceful quiet at the top had given her the space to let herself feel. She'd sunk against the goddess and buried her face in her hands, cried until her head ached and breath heaved, and even when she calmed down, she didn't move.
It was over now. There was nothing she could do to change what had happened. Not the race, not the ceremony, not the things she'd said. Zelda could admit she'd been irrational all day: pushing Link off of Skyloft, not believing a word he said, nagging him about practice--and she crossed a line. After the race, he looked like she'd slapped him. She couldn't help wondering where he was now.
She leaned her head onto her knees and closed her eyes. The breeze cooled off the stinging skin of her puffy eyes and tear-streaked cheeks, and she was so exhausted that for a moment, she understood Link. She wanted nothing more than to fall asleep. Maybe she would've, had the sudden footsteps not startled her. An awful feeling hit her when she told herself it could be Groose again, coming back with the ego she'd squashed when she disrespected the ceremony by giving it the least amount of effort possible. Or maybe he'd told on her to a professor or her father, and they were coming to scold her for it. Reluctantly, Zelda turned her head.
Maybe she'd prefer the sight of her father right now, rather than a windswept and hesitant Link.
"Hi," he said. It was a wonder she could hear his whisper over the wind.
"Hi," she replied.
"Can I... Um. Do you want company?" he asked, one of his hands gesturing awkwardly to the space beside her. Zelda shrugged her shoulders halfheartedly. When he didn't move, looking like he was still unsure of himself, she said.
The air between them felt horribly wrong. He sat down, leaving a decent gap of space between them, and she tightened her hold on her legs. For a moment, neither said anything. She watched him trace mindless patterns in the dust with his finger.
"I'm sorry I didn't win," he said while. He was avoiding her gaze.
"It's okay," she told him--and that was when he whipped his head to face her.
"It is not," argued Link. "I promised you that I was going to win and then I didn't."
"Things happen." Promises got broken, but Zelda didn't want to be mad at him. She wanted to have her best friend again, so they could march around Skyloft and soar through the skies. "Groose needed it for his ego."
Link's nose wrinkled and he replied, "What for? It's already as big as his hair."
She would've giggled if she hadn't felt so sad.
"I'm sorry for saying you didn't try," she said. "I was just upset and-"
"No, you were right, Zelda. I should've practiced more. I didn’t take it seriously before today and I’m really sorry I let you down.”
“I wanted it to be you so badly,” she admitted quietly, leaning her head against her knees again. “Did I put too much pressure on you…?”
“What? No. Gods no, you didn’t-! Zel, the only thing you did was believe in me.”
Zelda gazed at him, at the look in his eyes, and offered a hand. There was no hesitation this time when he took it, making a tiny smile curve on her lips.
“I’ll always believe in you. Even next year, when you’re flying for some other Goddess.”
Link made a face. It was half a wince, half disgust.
“I’d rather never be a knight at all than be knighted by someone else.” 
It was a stupid thought on his part, but it made her heart swell no less. An idea brewed in the depths of her mind; she’d already disrespected the ceremony once, what harm would a second time be? She scrambled unsteadily to her feet, dragging a confused Link with her in the process, and both of her hands grasped wildly for his.
“What if we did it anyway?” she suggested, her grip tight. “What if… What if we redid the ceremony, right now?”
“But I didn’t win?” he replied, brows furrowed. Zelda shook her head.
“Does it matter? I don’t— None of this is real, right? I don’t have the power to knight anyone. So what if I just…did it? With you this time?”
He looked at her as if she’d suggested throwing Mia off of Skyloft, but both events would have no real repercussions. Link thought, and thought, and to her utter delight, he nodded.
“I owe it to you,” he decided. “For sticking you up here with Groose.”
And it felt so much better, so much more natural to see him kneeling before her, his head bowed and hand in hers. Like he belonged there, looking every bit like the hero she knew he could be. It felt so good to remove the sailcloth she’d refused to give Groose from around her shoulders so she could hand it to Link instead. Something in them had healed, soothed by the ridiculous giggles of a secret ceremony, and when he stood up to meet her, she had the wild thought to kiss him. 
Instead, Link offered her his hand and gave her a smile that could melt ice.
“Will my Goddess bless me with a race through the skies?” he asked and her face burned.
“You’re on,” she declared, and without warning, she leapt from the Goddess statue.
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jakeabel · 1 year
draw anything joetrick!!!!
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guitar boys <3
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ftm-megamind · 1 year
Can you please do a Boots gif pack?
here you go!! tysm for the req. and also so sorry this took so long i had a hectic week
boots gifset!!!!!
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[gif description: gifset of boots from newsies (1992).
in the first gif, boots is abruptly woken up. he jolts up, and then flops back down, not wanting to get up;
in the second, a nun gives a piece of bread to boots, who shares it with sniper;
in the third, boots sings, throwing his head back a little as he does so;
in the fourth gif, boots twirls around and then throws his fist as he dances;
in the fifth, he exclaims that spot conlon gets the manhattan newsies a little nervous;
in the sixth, boots works the water pump, looking quite sleepy;
in the seventh, boots nods in agreement as jack says that newsies sell papes (not headlines); then, in the eighth, boots lifts his hat up repeatedly upon seeing a girl walk by;
in the ninth gif, boots dances to the choreography of seize the day;
in the tenth, boots pumps his fist in the air, shakes around and then grabs his chest as if he got shot;
in the eleventh and last gif, boots and sniper sing together before skipping off elsewhere.
end gd]
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Soooo I haven’t requested anything for a while now I think I know what I can give you this time, since Pokemon Horizons had revealed a new character! Her name is Dot! Have a nice day ~
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daedalusdavinci · 2 years
someone in the rogues server requested “That isn’t an option.” with twobats
send me a prompt!
“That isn’t an option.”
“Harvey,” Bruce pleaded, stepping forward. The water splashed under his foot, but he was so drenched it hardly mattered anymore. Rain pounded down around them like a warning, urging them to go inside before anyone else could get hurt, before Gotham could grow any darker.
But Harvey stood his ground, as stubborn and determined as he’d always been. The streetlight cast deep shadows across his face, turning his scars fierce and severe. His curls stuck flat against his forehead, the white side hanging low in front of his eye. Even drenched, even angry, he looked stunning, dangerous and sublime and as beautiful as he’d been the day Bruce met him. His finger never strayed from the trigger of his gun, his hand never wavering, but the safety was still on. Still, silently, he held back. “You always had too much hope, Bruce. You put it in the wrong man.”
“No.” Bruce shook his head. “Never.” His shoes pinched and his socks squelched, his suit pulling in uncomfortable places, but he pushed forward against the rain anyway. Harvey stepped back, but Bruce kept pushing forward, trudging through the flooded street towards the man he’d once called his best friend. “Harv, you made a difference. You still can. Don’t do this.”
“I can’t.” But Harvey sounded less certain, now. He took another step back, his eyes flickering over his shoulder. “You don’t understand.”
“Then tell me.” Bruce held out his hand, finally coming to a stop in front of him. “Help me understand. Don’t make yourself go through this alone.”
“You don’t want to understand me,” Harvey said.
Bruce cracked a tiny smile. “It’s like you don’t even know me. Harv, come on. Give me a chance. For old time’s sake.”
Harvey’s eyes flickered down to Bruce’s hand, then up to his face again. After a long moment, he reached into his pocket.
A heavy feeling settled over Bruce’s chest. He’d hoped Harvey would be able to make a decision without the coin. His smile tinged sad. “Don’t lose it in the rain.”
Harvey paused. Then, he withdrew his hand again. His gun returned to its holster. “Just go home, Bruce,” he said, his voice barely audible over the rain. He sounded tired.
Bruce’s heart felt suddenly fragile in his chest. Unable to help it, unable to resist, he stepped forward again, reaching for Harvey’s hand.
The look Harvey gave him was surprised, but not terribly so. Almost immediately, his fingers closed back around Bruce’s, squeezing as Bruce moved in front of him. “You really have a taste for trouble,” he said quietly, touching his forehead gently to Bruce’s.
“You were never any trouble to me,” Bruce said, cupping his cheek.
Harvey pressed just slightly into it, closing his eyes. He looked so exhausted, so fragile. It made Bruce wonder just how much he’d been dealing with on his own, after all this time.
“Come home with me,” Bruce said softly.  “Please. Just for one night.”
Harvey took a slow, shaky breath. He didn’t respond. But when Bruce pulled him closer, he folded into him easily, tucking his face against Bruce’s neck, and Bruce knew.
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arsonistbunny · 2 years
Can u perhaphs draw a mariontette (for req)
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cor-lapis · 2 years
Itto and shinobu vibing in inazuma
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The great arataki gang singalong!! Check itto's character stories- even though shinobu was initially not down to yell on a cliff at new year's I'd like to think she had fun eventually ^^
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blackcatarts · 2 years
Could you draw Sorbet Shatk or Candy Diver please? :)
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bubble noises
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johnny217 · 2 years
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Simon: Good job, Fulbright. 
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caterpillarstims · 1 year
Sorry for requesting so much!! If you want to we would love a stimboard for our Fujiko from Lupin III with motorcycles, gems, and overall feminine themes! - @chickensystem
Posted! Hope it’s to you taste, let me know if you want anything changed!
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troutpaws · 7 months
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cherished wildlife reqs #1
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jakeabel · 1 year
you could draw all of fob getting slushies or something like that❤️
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maybe they should’ve splurged on a third slushie after all
(patrick and joe will not share with pete)
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ninjasmudge · 2 months
For that one shit poopoo color pallet thing you could do the wife left me for narilamb divorce arc
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i like to imagine this is the meeting before nari asked them to sacrifice themself
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9ffairs · 5 months
hello. can you please draw soldier eating a burger thank you.
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wahhhh 🤤🤤🤤🤤
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