#will reblog this on the proper blog in a second
fluffghostrp · 2 years
‘  tell  me  of  the  beast,  and  i  will  hunt  it  for  you.  ’ (from akari?)
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    “Hm? Of the loup-garou? T'is more of a danger for you, than me.”
The witch clicks her tongue in thought, as if debating to humor the girl.
    “A human who wears a pokemon's skin, stalking the wilds in it's guise. Or perhaps a pokemon who can take the guise of a human? Hard to say.”
Is she absolutely choosing her words carefully? Yes. Yes she is.
    “I am sure you have heard of similar tales - many different entities can shift their shape as described. The problem is not the trickery... to appear human and pokemon does not make a loup-garou. What makes a loup-garou is whether or not they start seeking humans as prey. While i appreciate your bravery, what makes you certain you are up to the task?”
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maulfucker · 1 year
How do you feel about the fact that in his original appearance Maul was as old as an average tumblr user
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little-eye-guy · 1 year
i love that my blog theme doesn't know how to handle polls. like it just doesn't show you the results
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cesiscribbles · 1 month
You don’t want your art to be reuploaded even with links to you, am I right? Just want to be clear.
No, I don't want any sort of reuploads. I know some people at least give proper credits but nonetheless.
I don't see why I should pour my energy and time into my art and stories just so sb else can post it on their blog within seconds?
Can you imagine how heartbreaking it is to see your art in a stranger's post and said post having tons of likes/reblogs/comments etc while sometimes your own original post isn't doing such numbers?
Even had the case where sb stole a post with my OCs and people started roleplaying with them, making them absolutely horny and shipping them with some other characters.
So yeah, even when sb has "good intentions" when reuploding my art I feel nothing but anger and frustration. There are only a few exceptions where I allowed a reupload but that happens rarely.
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horrendoushag · 11 months
just went into the danny phantom main tag for the first time in a while and found a ton of dpxdc prompts flooding it. didn't realize it was still such a big issue. so,
hey guys this is your reminder to ONLY tag your danny phantom/dc crossovers as #DPXDC, no other fandoms
I know you want people from the dp and dc fandoms to be able to find your crossover stuff. I relate. but to the multitude of people who want plain danny phantom content or aren't interested in dc, finding dc crossover after dc crossover is just annoying. we don't want to have to dig. we are going to scroll straight past your dpxdc prompts and art and fics. tagging only for the crossover is unusual, yeah, but this crossover is so big it is literally its own fandom. and as relatively large as the dpxdc fandom is, I'm pretty sure the danny phantom fandom is bigger. thus, we do not want a bunch of posts from a different fandom in our tag. people who want dpxdc can go out of their way to find it by way of the tag I thought we'd established months ago. if you want to tag it as danny phantom or dc or whatever for the purpose of organizing your blog, just reblog the post with the tags added.
I love dpxdc crossovers. I was reading one right before I started making this post. but when I go to the danny phantom tag, I want to see mainly danny phantom content. now when I try to do that, I find a whole lot of not-that. I just searched 'danny phantom', and of the top dp posts, 26 out of 48 were dpxdc. clicked on the danny phantom tag and 12 out of the first 14 top posts were also dpxdc. much of this was not tagged with the proper DPXDC tag. the issue appears to be far less severe for the dc fandom, but it's still a bit irritating.
again, I love this crossover. I don't want to blacklist the multitude of tags it uses, because I like seeing it on my dash occasionally. but if this keeps up, I honestly might.
it's DPXDC, no spaces, DP comes first, DC comes second.
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spiderverseconceptart · 11 months
So it looks like the blog got shadowbanned
This means it's not showing up in search results, tags, or post notifications (although I have no way to check the notifications part). My best bet is that this is a copyright issue, so to try and bandaid this I've added another disclaimer to the pinned post which I'll copy/paste here:
- This blog only collects already public art. No fan-art drawn by other fans or those who worked on the film will be posted here. Everything is official development art for the Spider-Verse movie series.
I've also edited the original disclaimer to clarify that this is a fan-blog.
My second guess is that it got softly marked as spam, because of how many notes/followers it's been gaining in such a short amount of time. Unfortunately, there's no solution to that.
I've sent 2 appeals to staff as of July 17th, with the blog being shadowbanned on July 13th. I am yet to get a proper response, but hopefully, this visibility issue will be fixed as soon as possible.
I deeply apologize to anyone who uses this blog as a resource, and if this inhibits your creative process or use of this blog in any way.
I won't be pausing the queue during this time, but I will be limiting it to one post per day until the issue is fixed. This is to avoid large amounts of art not making it to the tags.
(Due to this also inhibiting notifications, reblogging this post would be greatly helpful! Thank you)
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Since it'll be a little while until I can give you proper news about a possible second showdown, in the meantime, I would like this blog to be an all fankid appreciation place! So please feel free to tag this blog on any of your fankid posts and I'll reblog it!
This is so we can support all fankid loving artists! Even if they didn't get to participate in the showdown! Because if you know me, you know I love fankids, and the more characters I can look at the better.
So yes! This blog won't stay dormant in the meantime, instead, it'll serve as some sort of fankid shrine, because we should all support creative and talented people! For this reason, again, feel free to tag this blog<3
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extra-stout-stories · 2 months
That Little Bit Fatter
April 2024: A realistic vignette from my old blog which I'm reposting here to centralize likes/reblogs and deactivate my defunct account. (Second person feedee POV, encouragement, SFW.)
You got that little bit fatter, and now your shirts don't fit.
You can still button them up -- barely. But they're snug on the curve of your fat belly, and they just barely leave enough slack for you to tuck them into your pants under your belly hang. (Your pants are getting tight, too.) Sit down at the right angle and you can feel the buttons strain, but even when they're not, you can feel that snugness, that tightness, like a little whisper in your ear as you go through the workday: you're getting fatter.
You've had a double chin for years. But you got that little bit fatter and now you really look fat, no matter what the angle. Sit down at the right angle and you can feel your face sink into it. It feels comfortable.
You got that little bit fatter and your moobs stuck out that little bit further. Under your arms they've even turned into side rolls that you can grab a handful of and jiggle. Good thing you got that little bit fatter and your belly grew too, just to keep them in perspective.
You've had a belly for years, too. You've always been chubby. But you got that little bit fatter and now your belly is a real slab of flab, rolling over your waistline in a proper hang. You can't keep your hands off it, can you? Without even realizing that you're doing it you sometimes find yourself idly hefting it, feeling how soft and thick it's gotten, tracing your fingertips along the warm, soft line where it folds over.
Yes, you've always been chubby. But you got that little bit fatter and now you're undeniably, unmistakably fat. You can see it in people's faces sometimes, a subtle difference in the way they react when you reach for another helping of food. They're not seeing someone who's "let themselves go a little"; they're seeing a fat person, a person who loves to eat, who eats more than they're supposed to and doesn't seem to care. You'd be lying if you said it wasn't awkward sometimes, but you like it, too. You always secretly liked being fat, secretly loved to eat, even secretly fantasized about growing bigger. But you got that little bit fatter and crossed the line into properly fat and not just chubby, and now your fatness feels somehow realer, truer. You got that little bit fatter and suddenly your identity felt more secure.
You got that little bit fatter and you started testing your limits. You used to feel embarrassed by how much you could eat in a sitting. Now it feels like a challenge, and you're hooked on the excitement. You got that little bit fatter and you started enjoying going out to eat and ordering that extra appetizer, that extra dessert, even that extra entree. You got that little bit fatter and it was like giving yourself permission to embrace the glutton you've always been.
You got that little bit fatter and you liked it.
But sometimes, standing there hefting your belly hang in the mirror or lying back in your armchair and breathing heavily as you digest another big meal, it feels like it's still not enough. You're not that big. It's not like you're so fat that you can't reach past your belly. It's not like you're so fat that you can't walk.
Maybe tomorrow you'll add another snack or two to what you've already been eating. Maybe when you're in the snack aisle you'll look at the calorie counts and go for the highest one you can find. Just for fun.
Maybe you'll get a little bit fatter.
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birinboom · 28 days
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$1 donated = 100 words written on a WIP of your choice! IE if you donate $5 I write 500 words on the WIP you've chosen to sponsor.
Donate HERE then send me a screenshot of your donation, either through an ask or a dm (EDIT: From now on I'm going to start answering asks with donations to say thank you, please let me know if you'd like me to NOT answer your ask so you'll be kept anonymous!). Please note that this screenshot will be passed on to @ficsforgaza, so make sure you’ve scrubbed all personal information before sending it to me! And please don’t cheat and send the same screenshot to multiple authors!
Also, I will regularly update this post. Since reblogs don't show updates, please check this post on my blog to see new edits!
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List of WIPs in no specific order:
Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia
Roommate Kiri (no proper title yet) Kirishima Eijirou x Reader  Quirkless roommate AU, pandemic fic which I never wrote during the actual pandemic, fluff, roommates to lovers You don’t really know your roommate well. He’s fine as roommates go, cleans up after himself, bills paid on time. But he’s rarely around for you to actually get to know him. Things begin to change when the pandemic forces both of you to stay at home and your social butterfly of a roommate suddenly loses IRL access to his friends. Current word count: 340 words Estimated ~6,000 words 1,000 words sponsored! Read the original drabble here
Sequel to post-apocalyptic shopkeep Bakugou (again, no title yet) Bakugou Katsuki, Reader Post-apocalyptic AU, adventure, fluff, light angst You are hired to go to an old nuclear facility to look for documents important to your client. Bakugou, who you’ve come to for weapons, insists on coming with you. During your mission you and Bakugou grow closer and you get to see a side of him you’ve never seen before. (I am unsure whether they will grow closer as friends, as a mentor/mentee thing, or if they become lovers. Open for suggestions on this) Current word count: 450 words Estimated ~8,000 words Read the first part here 
The Color of Twilight Ojiro Mashirao x Fem!Reader Fantasy AU, fluff, romance Dreaming of getting away from the city and opening up a country-side café, you decide to sell most of your possessions and move to the village of Faerie’s Brook. However, you would never have expected that the stories about the magical creatures of the countryside were actually real. Current word count: 2,230 words Estimated ~12,000 words 2,700 words sponsored! Read an excerpt here
The Hue of the Sky Todoroki Shouto x Reader Fluff, nature healing When Shouto is forced to take a break from work due to a quirk injury, the two of you decide to go on a camping trip to your favorite lakeside spot. Current wordcount: 260 Estimated ~2,500 words 1,100 words sponsored!
Honkai: Star Rail
A second part to The Luck-Bringing Cat Jing Yuan x Fem!Reader Fantasy AU based on ‘The Apothecary Diaries’ (I need to find a better label for this), fluff, romance SO! This one doesn’t have any form of synopsis yet but I have a lot of ideas! Like a more in-depth description of Reader receiving Snowmoon, or Jing Yuan coming home after having been away for months and an epic cuddle session happens. I’m also open to more ideas!  Current wordcount: none Estimated ~2,500 words Read the first part here 
I may add more WIPs in the future.
Please note that I am terrible at estimating word counts and the fics will most likely end up longer than I anticipated ‘cause I am utterly unable to be concise.
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I'm the one who submitted that gojo request. Tysmmm♡
I really liked it!
But now, I have a question. What's lesson #2👀
Ask and you shall receive~
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Title: A Hands On Lesson: Lesson Two (A continuation of A Hands On Lesson)
Characters: Gojo x m!reader
Contains: Blowjob, handjob, blindfolding, masturbation, praise, pet names(love), light BDSM
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
Reblogs > likes
"Ready for lesson number two~?"
Your cheeks, still heated from your body's climax, kept their red shade, and you needed a moment to regain yourself before you could answer.
"Mhm~ You're so good at following orders, I think you can handle a little more, yeah?"
Before you could speak, he lowered the blindfold over your eyes. You attempted to pull it up so you could look at him and ask what exactly he had planned, but he was quick to stop you.
"Ah ah ah, put the blindfold back on. You'll see in a minute."
You hesitated, but you remembered the safe word that Gojo gave you. Your anxieties slowly started to melt away, worry steadily being replaced with excitement. You heard the sound of pants unzipping, fabric rustling, and since you couldn't see, thoughts flew through your mind a mile a minute, wondering what Gojo had planned for you next.
"Lean over here," he simply stated, "and don't worry, I'll lead you."
You were grateful for his assistance, as once you leaned over upon his command, you found yourself unable to get in the proper position. Gojo led you as promised, getting you in the spot he wanted you, perfectly placed between his legs. The sight of you so lost but determined to obey him made his body flare with desire. Taking one of your hands, he led it over to his thigh, your other hand following suit.
"There we are...good boy~"
The praise started to click with you, causing you to gently squeeze at Gojo's thighs. "Th...Thank you, sir."
"Ah, and so polite~" He gently raked a hand through your hair, slowly slipping back into the role he made for himself. "Now...bring your hand towards the center."
One of your hands obeyed his command, slowly and hesitantly making its way to the middle of Gojo's legs, coming into contact with something quite hard. Just touching it made you gasp, the heat not even registering with you just yet.
"Heh...surprise~ You made me pretty excited with all your sweet little sounds, I figured this could be your second lesson: how to please your master."
Him referring to himself as such sent chills of excitement down your spine, but you weren't sure exactly what you should be doing. Noting your hesitation, Gojo chuckled to himself before resting his hands on either side of him. "Take that hand and gently stroke up and down. You can manage that, yeah?"
Okay...up and down. Think about how you'd do it to yourself...
You kept yourself in mind when you started, your hand loose but keeping contact with Gojo's cock as your hand carefully pivoted up and down. Not being able to see it, you could only feel how erect it was, the ridges of him bumping underneath your fingers. A pleased breath sounded from Gojo, and it sent your heart fluttering.
"Just like that~ You can be a little firmer with your grip."
"Y-Yes, sir."
Obediently, you tightened your grip, Gojo reacted immediately, his body shuddering under your touch. "G-Good~ Very good~"
With his voice the way it was, husky and rushed, you almost ripped off the blindfold, desperate just to see what he looked like, but you couldn't bring yourself to do that. No matter how much you wanted to act on your own, Gojo was in charge, and the idea made you feel small in the best ways.
"Mm...~ Now...As much as I hate saying this...I want you to stop, okay? And I'll lead you into the next part."
You equally didn't want to stop, but at his command, you did. Gojo shifted around, and he spoke gently, asking that you open your mouth for him.
Now you knew well of what can happen during sex. You were inexperienced, not ignorant. That being said, you worried about the safe word, and even brought it up to Gojo.
"Ah, yeah." Lust had clouded his mind, he almost didn't think about that. "Here, if you can't handle anything, and you're unable to talk, pat my leg three times, okay?"
With a new way of being able to stop when needed, you felt your worries start to melt once more, and you were ready for what Gojo wanted next.
With your mouth open as ordered, Gojo carefully slid the tip of his cock in, the warmth immediately causing him to let out a low moan. "Take your tongue and...mm...move it around in circles."
The taste of Gojo was strange, but welcoming. He was somewhat salty and bitter, but it wasn't a bad taste. Your tongue circled around the crown of his shaft, and once again, it got quite the pleasing sound from him. He got a little too excited, and you felt both his hands on your head. His restraint was great, and he quickly removed one, using the other to gently caress you as a way to praise you in tandem with his soft panting.
Without him asking, you grew a bit confident and lowered your head along him, slowly and carefully taking more than the tip into your mouth. The action startled him, and he was surprised himself.
"W-Well...~ Are you a brave boy~?"
If it wasn't for his praise, you probably wouldn't have even done this, but with it, you felt confident, especially with how he reacted each time you did something. You stopped when his tip hit the back of your mouth, not even touching your throat but still filling you up. But...
...now you were at a loss of what to do. You knew people bobbed their heads along the shaft but...how exactly were you supposed to do it to his liking?
"T-Take your tongue along the bottom and move your head back and forth, love."
Bless Gojo.
Following his advice, you let your tongue rest at the bottom of his shaft and started moving your head along him, a soft groan coming from you and stimulating him. Your sounds mixed with his sent a shot of heat to your groin, and goddamn did it all arouse you to no end.
You couldn't help the traveling hand that found its place at your cock. You may have been inexperienced in certain aspects of sex, but you were no stranger to masturbation. Working on yourself only led to you making more noise for Gojo, and in turn, led to Gojo making more sweet music to your ears, an orchestra that gave you goosebumps. The air filled with sounds of sin, and both of Gojo's hands found their home on your head. He didn't do anything save for gently gripping your hair, but he did buck lightly, causing you to gag slightly. The feeling only made him more vocal, which once again led to this heavenly cycle of pleasure.
As time went on, both of you began to hitch your moans, feeling your climaxes approaching. You worked on yourself to get there while simultaneously focusing on Gojo. If you got it right, you could get the two of you to cum together.
Sooner than expected, your seed shot from your shaft, landing on the bed in a small stream. You hadn't even thought about what would happen if Gojo came, but he spared you any thought, pulling his cock from your mouth and finishing on your face. It wasn't the cleanest way to finish him, but he, too, wasn't sure of what he should do, so to save you the trouble, your face was the answer.
"A-Ah hah...sorry about that," he breathed, sliding the blindfold up. He finally got to see the blissed out expression you wore, see your face all flushed, eyes hazed as you panted softly from your own release. He caressed your face as he admired this lewd appearance. "Mm...~ But...I'd say you passed with flying colors, love~"
With a breathy chuckle, you leaned into his hand, resting from the work. "I can't wait for another lesson with you, Satoru...~"
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skeelly · 8 months
"trust that you betrayed, confusion that still lingers"
i see you've decided to suffer by checking my blog so-
hi! welcome to my blog! :)
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉
: ̗̀➛ i usually post about: taylor swift, sometimes one direction, books i haven't actually finished, rarely rants, sometimes harry potter/other shows I've watched and honesty just anything i see on my feed.
: ̗̀➛ i love/enjoy: taylor swift, olivia rodrigo, claire rosinkranz, conan gray, one direction and all it's members, harry potter, HORSES, writing//reading, money, poetry, football//soccer (sports in general), memes or anything funny, painting my nails, that one guy in my sister's class, being annoying and most importantly the sturniolo triplets.
this is a safe place for everyone!
@crysten is my second acc that i has no value and use. if you know me irl, i suggest you just stop looking at my blog :)
: ̗̀➛ things about me: my name is kristen. i go by she/her. im from the philippines. im a capricorn. intp-t. its hard for me not to make typos cause i send messages without thinking twice. i hate school. if we don't count online friends then im practically friendless. im in a science curriculum but can't understand physics. i love writing. i can fluently speak 3 languages but i want to speak more. i look like an absolute mess no matter the time. im 100000% ambivert. i don't like people who can't work the same pace as me (i know that's toxic, i swear im trying to fix it). my birthday is after christmas. i embarrass myself in ways not even god thought would be possible. im a confusing little biatch so im sorry. OBVIOUSLY, i live off of pinterest and i guess tumblr. proper grammar = non existent. i will give you anything you want, just give me a horse and grayson hawthorne. i love making friends so please don't feel shy to interact with me and i am a minor so please don't be weird <3
i reblog my posts to my other acc because im funny and yes, i keep adding to this intro because i find this thing fun and im kinda bad at keeping up with posts im mentioned in, so im sorry if i dont reply. oh and this intro is heavily inspired by @svnflowermoon & @stvrlighhttt <3
: ̗̀➛ some special people:
@mqstermindswift @stvrlighhttt @remingtonreputation13 @what-about-wendy @dumbass-lesbian @themidnightarcher @astraeasparrow @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies @lucinda-008 @niallermybabe @coco6420 @atwtmvftvtvsgavralpss @swiftieannah @reminiscentreader @hathorneheiress @xyzinthearea-1 @glitterfuturisticmortally @blocked-zombieartist @philomenacunkstan1 @real-human-shana-nicole @newromanticslut @holdmyteaplease @my-mind-is-frozen @zuzanna-jadw1ga @starchasers-stuff @chilipowder9 @iwanttomarrynoahshaw @evermore-4-life @lovliestars @urbanflorals @sl33py-angel @antlerbullets @rohza-is-a-bit-gay @mickeywheeler @reyna-obsessed @13callisto @nqds @maketheshadowsfearyou @crowgenius @in-a-state-of-crisis @cc-horan @bookishswiftie1989 @ava-taylors-version @pranav03 @thislifeissweeterthanfiction @mickeywheeler @waiting-down-the-hall-for-me (apparently i reached the max ments on a post)
: ̗̀➛ dni: racists//homophobes//proshippers//does not stand with palestine//over 30 (respectfully)
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T-2 HOURS to the good omens livestream I am prepared to die.
HELLO TUMBLR *I stumble onto the website with sore shoulders and haunted eyes* I had a theatre workshop today, and I missed you all (in your honour, I made a lot of innuendos there like a true ace idiot, and I made every improv murderous and gay). That is why unlike usually (when this is my only life) I have not yet checked my notifications and my inbox.
BUT WORRY NOT MAGGOTS! *Crowley voice*:
I'm back
There's two hours left for the livestream, AKA two hours left until I watch the second half of season two. I'm not okay I'm not ready. I cry just remembering the Edinburgh storyline. So I hope everyone's ready for nuclear apocalypse.
I have many emotional support bananas with me. They will not be enough, I know. No amount of emotional support fruit will be enough.
For those of you who want to join the livestream, please contact the amazing @thescholarlystrumpet for any assistance, and both of us will publish the link closer to the livestream time, so uh... watch this space for updates? I'll reblog this post with the link, perhaps, and pin that on my blog. Come WATCH MY UTTER BREAKDOWN AND PROBABLY DISCORPORATION.
*cheerleads while howling in despair*
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rivkae-winters · 1 month
Regarding lore.fm, an interaction with the creator through tiktok dm's
Apologies for potentially messy writing I was upset on receipt of this message and still am regarding the topic.
On the subject of lore.fm I was composing a post starting yesterday regarding the dm interaction below and their new TOS but the app is live far ahead of when I thought it would be. Since I feel I made good points regarding the TOS I’ll upload my post later tonight but I wanted to get this portion of the post up as soon as possible. Here’s the brief incident I had in direct messages with the official lore.fm account on TikTok.
I sent my initial message at 8:06pm CST on 5/10/24-
My initial post on tumblr was made on 5/10/24 at 11:01pm CST, I followed this up with a reblog later at
I apologize for the unsightly nature of the screenshots, they were left unedited for obvious reasons. I am aware of my phone's battery percentage in the clarifying screenshot I took just now- I know it's rough I need a new charger. Additionally my apologies for my screen reader square, it drives me nuts too, I just need to keep it at that opacity or I can't find it when my eyes start skipping around.
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Transcription of this conversation:
Me: Hi, I'm an author on ao3 and me and several of my fellow authors are highly wary of your product. Further more where can I provide my official email that I wish to retract my written works from this service.
[time: 5/11/24 4:40am CST
lore.fm: hello! The email address is team at lore dot fm. Also, I've been made aware by a follower that someone with a similar username as yours on tumblr may be falsely claiming that we are a phishing scam "because of info on who.is." We use namecheap which provides domain privacy protection services and hides the personal information of the buyer to protect them and instead shares an Icelandic address. See info here: https://www.namecheap.com/blog/domain-privacy-is-changing-at-namecheap/ Every person or organization who buys a domain on namecheap can buy that same privacy protection which is why there are thousands of sites registered with the same address. We aren't affiliated with any scams, cyber criminal activity, or phishing that also use namecheap to buy domains. When the app is out we'll let people know they can search it up if they feel unsafe clicking links as well. Hope that's helpful, and thank you for understanding and not sharing libelous information against us! 
To break from the seriousness for a second: Hi lore.fm- I hope you enjoy this post just as much as the last one!
In my opinion and to my limited knowledge this was in response to a reblog I made to my initial post calling for a warning that lore.fm had the warning signs of a phishing scheme (in my opinion) and as best I could recognize them. To give an insight into how I garnered this opinion purely email collection based websites, as well as entities with a very short history online (lore.fm's website was only established on May 3rd 2024) requesting your email is highly suspicious. Once again that is all in my opinion based on my own education and the background I have in Computer Science.
I am not going to be responding on the matter they direct messaged me on as that matter is best handled offline. I am stating my opinion on the matter that my initial message was asking about.
They still did not answer my question or provide me what I direct messaged about in the first place: the email written out fully in a way that is unambiguous and serviceable as an admittedly casual proof in writing. I had messaged initially with a desire to have a clear clarification of their policies on authors revoking their consent for their work to be used in writing rather than the much more ambiguous audio. I especially, as stated above, wanted the [email protected] email written out in the proper way you'd type it into an email address bar.
In my opinion this response to my question, just over two days after, was in bad faith.
I am sharing this direct message since they have no reasonable expectation of privacy. They've positioned themselves in a public manner as a public figure and as a inseparable part of the brand 'lore.fm'. Everything I have shared is associated with 'lore.fm' and not the individual behind it.
In this scenario I am a consumer and in my opinion lore.fm is a company or at least they should (in my opinion) have the legal registration as such. To my knowledge having your business registered prior to advertising to the public is helpful in cases of defamation. To my knowledge as well not having a registered entity as the subject of alleged defamatory speech would make for a difficult case.
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callsigns-haze · 8 months
Hit you again, like a truck..
A/n: This is the second post to my new blog so please be nice! I'm going to try to make this into a series so please show this story a bit of love and reblog!
Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Y/n 'Haze' Mitchell
Word count: 1.4k
Summary: Y/N has finally showed herself after seven years. The reuniting with her friend with benefits may have not been the best but the new confidence boost helped…
Based of the song: Lavender Haze by Taylor Swift
Warnings: Angst and cursing
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“Bradshaw!” You yell through the hard deck as your eyes lay upon the familiar to aviator .
“Is that you, Haze?” Bradley calls out not believing that the other Mitchell would be back stateside or even at the perimeter of California, “This is how I find out you’re stateside, Haze?”
Bradley takes of his sunglasses laying a proper look at you as he tucks his glasses into his beloved Hawaiian shirt. “Yeah, I just thought I’d surprise you.”
You do a tiny run up on the three small steps at the deck, making you level with the floor the pool table is; where Bradley and unknown to you aviators are.
“Hmm.” Bending down, he engulfs you into a hug having to lean down a bit due to height difference .
He never thought he would see you again. For the last seven years you've been like a ghost. Text came in from you once for every couple months, maybe a call ever year or so and then you'd disappeared like some old haze.
"You know I think you've gotten shorter from the last time I saw you," he says still engulfing you, inhaling the familiar lavender scent, the sweet perfume you've always chose.
You lift your knee, putting force in the forward motion as it makes direct contact with Rooster’s groin.
He grunts, thinking that somehow the violence of short Mitchells has made itself upon you. Rooster bends, clutching his stomach with a pained expression. “I guess I surprised you twice than.”
Rooster squints in pain as he lift his look directly at you putting on the most unsuccessful smile, “It’s good to see you.”
“Good to see you too,” you replies but quickly distract yourself by a following question that you ask. “Do you know if he's he—.”
Changing the song on the jukebox to the 86th number and making his way back to the group giving over a beer to Coyote, Jake gaze falls upon you.
“Haze,” he lets out, as he takes the cue out of Bobs hands before he could shoot. “As I live and breathe.
“Hangman,” You say back, looking at the man who feeling you have for are unsure, for the first time in seven years.
“You look…fairly alive.” Hangman lines up his cue with the ball, “Well, I am alive, Haze.” The two of you finally connect eyes, those green eyes as mesmerizing as you remembered, “I’m very alive, Haze. In fact, I really thought someone would have got ridden of you right now.”
All turn to Rooster in disbelief and that look that tells you to fill someone in. “So,” Coyote start, “What's brought the witch back to life?
“Call me a witch one more time, Javy, and I will strangle you with your own testicles ”
The balls clatter as Jake re-takes a shot hitting in the remaining ball.
“You've changed quite a bit, Haze. Last time we talked there was not that much confidence in you.”
Rooster rubs his stache with that ‘you can’t seriously bring this up again.’ “At least I don't lead anyone to an early grave.”
Low punch, grave deep for you.
“Well, look at you Lieutenant, you would've never made it this far without your daddy's and godfathers help,” Hangman steps closer, the distance between his face and yours barely exists.
“Mention my father Seresin and I mention yours.”; The next sentence that comes out of your mouth is solid cold but that doesn't stop you.
"And it's not Lieutenant anymore, Jakob, it's Commander Captain to be exact and the Commander Captain that will be flying with your team for the next couple weeks. So watch out Hangman. One wrong move and you're out."
Hangman really wanted to build up on your nerves and had no problem doing it, “First time I see you're not with your asshole and not running back to me, Mitchell, what happened? Daddy knocked some sense into you?” Jake licks his lip while smirking, “Now that I know that you're not in a grave yourself I might do the honors and put you there.”
“Watch it, Seresin,” Phoenix snapped at him, but got ignored by his act. She might fly with him and barely know you but that's beyond the point.
He's getting to arrogant even for himself and at this point it's just bullying. “I love this song.”
‘Slow ride.'
He smirks and walks back down to the bar.
“Well, he hasn’t changed,” you says with the lack of surprise in your tone, expecting worse than this.
“Nope,” Bradley agrees, hands in a fist still mad at what Jake said to you. “Sure hasn’t.”
Fanboy comes up to you and Rooster full shock of what just happened, “I don't know if we're on your side or not but the way you stood up to Bagman was just wow.”
He waves his hands in front of you trying to prove his point. Fanboy doesn't know you but surely is already impressed that he gets to work with you.
Phoenix puts her cue down, wrapping her arm around your shoulder. “Y/n "Haze" Mitchell. The legend of the sky is finally back and hopefully can kick Bagman's ego down to the grave. This little lady is a legend and a god. The things that she does in the air are mental.”
Fanboy exhales, not expecting your second name to be Mitchell.
“Mitchell. As in Maverick kinda Mitchell?”
“Ughhhhh people still recognize me as that—yeah Maverick is my dad. And I'm not a legend Phoenix, I'm a psycho, nearly died last time.”
Rooster frowns, “What happened?” This is not the first time he heard such thing.
Hangman glances over to Rooster and the rest of you talking like he still cared, “Milo, McKenzie, Conor, Eammon, Jacklin, Marko, Nathan all got shot down. Only Marko, Nathan and Milo survived. We all got caught it a dead end.”
They all feel sympathy just aren't showing it in the same way.
“Shit, Haze, I'm so sorry,” Phoenix answers, the sympathy is the only thing she's showing.
“Bit of a while back but everything is okay now.,” You answer. It was a crap few months you're not gonna lie. Seeing and hearing your fellow pilots getting shot down or crashing is not a sight anyone wants to see but it happens and you learned how to deal with it.
So you were right, you know how to deal with it, “Now can you explain to me why you call Jake, Bagman?”
Hangman took in the information. He added up that all the people you have just named were in the 'Stricker Crew'. The Strickers' were established seven years back after the storm in mid May.
The strongest fighters were randomly called down to a mission, completely off-grid. He heard Mav talk about this but never expected the miny Maverick to be called down there herself especially the night of their last scandal.
Hangman makes his way back down to you, beer in hand and cue in the other. “Let's see if you still got it in you.” He puts out the hand he held the cue in but instead you take the beer.
He makes pure eye contact with you as you lift the bottle up to your lavender chap sticked lips taking a sip frow the nice cool beer and never drop the eye contact with him.
His eyes were the hue of the new spring growth, bright and soft all at once. There were flecks of strength, of the kind of green that comes only as summer advances.
And you remember they were never more beautiful than when he cried, when his gentleness flowed over his cheeks, nor when he became the cocky man you came to depend on, decorated with laughter lines. Yet the soul and the eyes are ageless, and to you, so was he.
You take the bottle away from your lips handing it back over to him “Cheap….. just like you,” you smirk as his one falls, “I'll see you bright and early on Monday, Jakob. Don't be late.”
And you leave, leaving him shocked just standing there with a cue and bottle in hand watching you walk away like all those years ago.
Fanboy just casually walks over patting Hangman on the shoulder, “Like I said, I don't know if we are on her side or not but she's wow.”
To Jake, you really were wow.
A/n: And this is the second post for Haze and Hangman! Please reblog this post and give them love! Please tell me if you want to be added to the taglist and follow this blog since we're only getting started!
Tagging some friends:
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uriswhumpchamber · 10 days
After a long time (read: approximately two weeks) of deliberation (read: procrastinating), I've made this blog. To contain anything whump-related and be able to be properly excited about the idea of torturing characters without filling my main with, well. Y'know.
On to the proper introduction: I am an adult (21+). I speak English as a second language and am not used to writing longer works on it, so you'll be much more likely to see me writing shorter snippets.
Aaand I'm adding a cut here, because oh god this got long.
For tropes I like/you may find in my writing/reblogs:
Multiple whumpees, specially with whumpee-turned-caretaker. Specially if they're not good at it.
Caretaker-less whump; hurt/no comfort; self-caretaking (if that is a trope at all). In a similar vein, carewhumpers. 10/10
Torture in general. A decade of it being a special interest has... Not paid off, but something similar.
Medical/lab-setting whump.
Supernatural/magic whump.
Any sort of deep meaningful platonic relationships in whump I am aro and starved of them in mainstream media.
Defiant/violent whumpees, strong and not.
I have very few squicks, to the point where I don't care to discuss them :P will comment on 'em if they ever come up. I can stomach most things.
I do not have a DNI: you can assume this blog is geared towards people older than 18, that there will be sensitive content, and act based on that. I try to add important trigger warnings to my work (blood, some kinds of violence, flashing and eyestrain if I'm posting something visual, any kind of bigotry), but I can't promise to tag for everything. Am always open to suggestions regarding what tags to add to one post, though.
I'm multiply disabled, autism included in that, and a lot of my characters share those aspects. As much as I don't mind discussing disability in whump, as it's a subject I care about, I will not be apologetic about depicting characters that represent this aspect of my personality, in any of the very common roles seen in this genre.
I tend to write mostly about my own characters. While most of the Deep Lore will not be necessary (and if it is I'll try to give a quick rundown), if y'all end up interested in finding out more about my homemade blorbos, you can find them in my art account under their own tags.
I don't think there's anything I'm missing, so this will do for an intro/pinned post. I hope.
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hells-morning-angel · 5 months
Tumblr media
Welcome all to the circus! Please take your seats and let us begin, shall we? For my first performance, I'll recite my list of rules from the top of my head! Amazing, right? Totally! Now pay attention folks, you'll need to, as there is a hidden password hidden somewhere between the guidelines to this blog!
1) For my very first rule to you dear audience, it's a simple one to follow! Please do not rush my responses, I do have a life outside of this little blog! With that said, I do enjoy and prefer if we have conversations outside of roleplay too! I can be dmed for conversations most times! Believe it or not, I am very shy to approach one of your Audience members first, so please please approach first. If we have more conversations OOC, I'll become more confident in what I write with you and in turn, be open to more possibilities!
2) For my very second rule and I know this should not have to be said BUT I will say it anyways in the event some need to be reminded to have respect for others of different races and identities! In this circus we do not tolerate any hatred directed towards other races, sexualities or gender identities! We respect proper pronouns and names of adress! Any form of disrespect will result in a block!
3) For my very third rule and if this boundary is broken, then it'll result in an immediate ban! On this blog proshipping (Child x Adult content), incest (Family x Family) and problematic ships of that nature are absolutely prohibited! None of that belongs here!
4) And for the fourth rule, please be kind and respectful to people who have different opinions then you! In life, we won't all share the same opinion all the time and it's completely natural! There's no same person after all!
Moving right along onto our next topic, here is more information on the blog itself and the ships it will do!
On this blog, I welcome a variety of ships and pairings, including OC x Canon! I play a variety of the canon characters, Lucifer is simply my main muse! Here is a bulleted list of those I have mused before!
Lucifer Morningstar
Lilith Morningstar
Angel Dust
There are characters that I am open to trying as well in this other conveniently placed bulleted list!
Carmilla Carmine
Charlie Morningstar
If you have another character, please request! I may also be willing to muse them for you! The one character I ban is Valentino!
As far as ships go, I do enjoy Huskerdust, Appleradio, all sorts of ships! I simply do not ship Charlastor or that one pairing with Vaggie and Angel Dust!
I am willing to muse characters on two different social media platforms! Discord and Tumblr! Just specify which audience member and you shall have your request honored! This is an 18+ blog only, please keep that in mind, viewer!
Annmd with that final message, I take my leave for now! Farewell dot now and goodnight! Did you find the password yet? The password is: There is no password! If your interested and only if your interested, please like, follow, comment, reblog or dm me!
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