#will she kiss her first mate this event??? *maybe so gif*
hotchfiles · 6 months
divine rush.
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⋅☆⋅ mrsaluado's first xmas event ⋅☆⋅ masterlist
pairing: sirius x fem!reader.
summary: sirius is just very very nervous to meet your parents.
content warnings: maybe underage drinking lol but just fluff
word count: 1,4k
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"oh my, you do not look well, pads." that was probably not the best way you greet your boyfriend as soon as you open the door to your home, but it got you by surprise how red and sweaty he looked, he wasn't the type to get sick and he looked absolutely feverish. "are you alright?" you touched his forehead with the back of your hand terribly worried about the boy in front of you.
"i'm fine! just... nervous." sirius replied, his teeth clenched as his eyes traveled to the room behind you. so that was it. you smiled back at him, holding his hand to finally pull him into your house, to meet your parents for the first time.
"you're quite charming, nothing to worry, babe."
"don't think being a good kisser's gonna work on your old man." you laughed out loud but you weren't sure he was actually trying to be funny, his eyes still roaming around your parents' house.
it was a decent middle class family house, not nearly as big as his own, or even the potter's one, where he had been living for the past year. still, it reminded him of his best mate's home in the best way possible: it felt like home. your little cousins were running around, no one telling them it was impolite to do that. most of your family were casually dressed and had christmas hats with the family's last name embroidered.
it was easy to see why you were so loving and understanding and for a second he envied you, the same way he envied james. he had spent so many years feeling like christmas was just a day family got together to make their highest efforts to look and seem better, more successful and richer than the others. worrying if his clothes were alright or if his mum was going to yell at him for it. arrogance was really the only things uniting his family and for a while he thought that was how it was for everyone.
"dad's been doing literal shots of spiked eggnogg, you could try the kissing." that finally got his attention back to you, a boyish grin taking over his beautiful face, following up with the quickest of kisses, his lips barely touching yours.
you nodded and were about to take him to the kitchen to meet everyone, especially your mum and dad, but your mother was quick to notice you both were taking a while at the door, going to you to see if everything was alright.
"merlin, aren't you dashing?" was her literal first words to sirius, excited her daughter had been dating such a beautiful boy, "where's the tattoos?" he was confused for a moment, his arms covered up with his coat, but he gave his hands so your mum could see it, his eyes looking straight at you trying hard to understand what was going on, you simply shrugged, like you had no idea and no involvment in that.
of course you did, you had mentioned to your parents he had quite a few and that he probably would be nervous about it so your mother thought the best way to make him ease up was just to put him on the spot immediately. good intentions, not the best execution.
still, he was getting less nervous by the second, your mother was a blabber mouth, she could talk with a rock, it felt you blinked for a second and she was already pushing him to the kitchen, taking one of the red embroidered christmas hats and fitting it on his head just before she herself introduced the boy to her sisters, who also had no problem showering him with compliments, you followed close behind, trying to hold in how amused you were and when you got to your dad, your mum went to his side, waiting for you to do your part.
"this is sirius, dad, sirius black, the boyfriend i've been telling you about." the fact you talked about him to your parents seemingly so many times had him die and come back mentally about three times before offering his hand so your dad could shake.
your dad gladly did, again, asking him all sorts of questions, about his tattoos, about motorbikes and music and what kind of food did he like. all questions about him and him only, not about his family, not about his blood, not about his name nor money. just him, what he liked, what hogwarts classes was he good at, what quidditch team did he support.
all training he had done as a child on how to behave correctly at family parties showed completely useless as the men of your family fought about who was going to win the quidditch world cup and the women tried to secretly talk about their sex life to one another but were all a bit tipsy on wine to really notice how loud they were.
your dad even offered you both eggnogg, and before any of you could drink it, he got a bottle of firewhisky, already half empty, and added barely a shot to each, his finger going over his lips asking for secrecy, but your mother obviously noticed it. "you're not trying to get the boy drunk, are you?"
"sweetums, let the kids have some fun, it's christmas!" he argued, knowing very well the amount of alcohol he had added wasn't going to do much but that it would be enough for him to create a cool father-in-law image.
you were in heaven, every time you felt sirius' hand brush on yours softly, showing you he was fine as he talked so happily to your family you felt your heart getting fuller and fuller of love for him. at the end of the night his coat was nowhere to be seen, he had leftover containers to take back to the potters and his arms were very very colorful after he decided to let your cousins paint his tattoos.
your parents offered the guest room so he wouldn't have to leave, although he would have to share it with other family guests, but he didn't want to impose so much just yet.
and when it was only the both of you, before he left, sirius took you in the most passionate and grateful of kisses. "i want this for us, doll face, so much."
"what do you mean?" you looked up at him confused, your arms over his shoulders.
"family... this freedom, kids running around, spiking the boyfriend's eggnogg... i hope we get to where your parents are." you could try to hold your emotions, you could try not to cry, but you knew it would be impossible, so you just let your eyes water and put your head on his chest.
you hoped so too, and hearing him say those things gave you a sense of certainty that one day it would be you both having your kid's partner over for christmas, and that thought on its own made that night one of the best of your life up to now.
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I Meant You
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Sometimes Tony's meddling ends up being a good thing
Drinking games gone right
Warnings: Cursing, mention of kissing and steam (ish) themes
You glanced up from where you'd been laid back across Wanda's legs when Tony walked in whistling. "Uh oh" the downside of the compound when there were no missions or no big event to attend? Tony tended to get bored and a lot of times you all were dragged into it.
"Tony" you warned cautiously but he just smiled "C'mon now sparky we need some fun and I've got just the idea" you groaned under your breath glancing around the room and realizing just why Tony had summoned all of you to the media room "What's the idea?" Nat asked coming to sit next to you and Wanda, curling her legs under her gracefully. "Well I have a few bottles out of my personal collection for us mere mortals and Thor brought some mead from home for the super soldiers and demi gods amongst us"
"You called us all here to drink?" Sam spoke up but Tony shook his head "Not just drink. We're gonna do some team building exercises" you narrowed your eyes "Drinking games" he pointed to you with a smirk "first point goes to sparky for figuring it out!"
You rolled your eyes but honestly? It sounded kind of fun. Hell it wasn't like most of you ever got the chance to have downtime and a lot of you had never had a normal upbringing so why not cut loose a little? Or maybe the appearance of a certain brunette super soldier wandering into the room with Steve and Thor perked your attention.
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Bucky had moved into the compound a while back, after Steve and Sam's prompting. Your quarters were on the opposite ends of the same floor. Of course you'd known stories about him, both as the winter soldier from the S.H.I.E.L.D. files and as Bucky from Steve.
You didn't judge him for the winter soldier stories, you knew those codes were far gone out of his head and he was no longer a threat in that way. He'd shied away a lot, only talking if you prompted first and honestly you hadn't thought he liked you at all until one night he'd been plagued with back to back nightmares.
You hadn't been able to sleep so you'd headed for the kitchen that was the middle mark of your floor. Tony had them all strategically lined up, something about ventilation systems or something. You knew that he had the best espresso machines in every kitchen and that the fridge and pantry would be stocked.
You walked into the empty room and asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. if she could access your Playlists. She started playing one and you smiled, humming along with it before moving around the kitchen. You started a cup of espresso then headed for the pantry to see if any of the croissants Tony had brought still remained.
You'd walked out the pantry and nearly dropped the box of croissants because Bucky had spooked you. He moved so quietly and was so damn broad you hadn't been expecting him to be standing in the doorway. "Sorry doll. Didn't mean to scare you"
The small smile that was pulling at his lips made your stomach flip. Damn he was gorgeous, those damn blue eyes made you forget your train of thought for a moment before you recovered "Oh, it's fine Bucky. Did I wake you?"
He looked confused so you motioned to the lights and speakers "I couldn't sleep" he nodded "Yeah me neither" a silence fell so you held up the box in your hand "Ever had chocolate croissants?" He shook his head so you smiled "Ever had espresso?"
He shook his head again so you grinned "So I'll set the machine to make another cup and we'll head to the media room. Tony has like every movie known to man at our fingertips so we might as well take advantage right?" He looked unsure for a second "You sure you want the company?" "Of course! Bucky you're my team mate and I'd consider us friends. Friends hang out so let's hang out" he smiled "sounds good"
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Since that night you and Bucky had started getting closer. He let you in on things only Steve knew and a few things Steve didn't. When you had a nightmare he was there to comfort you and vice versa. On missions you always ended up teamed together and any outing the avengers had to attend he'd be close to your side especially after the incident where you'd threatened a reporter for making statements towards him and Natasha about the redroom and hydra.
You'd started to develop feelings for him but damn who could blame you? He was gorgeous and sweet, strong but gentle. When you'd fall asleep against him and wake up in his arms it made your mind wonder to how it would be to truly be in his arms. How did he kiss? How would it feel when he touched you? When he pulled you close?
You knew that was a line that couldn't be crossed, no matter how you felt when he smiled and asked if he could sit with you even as Tony and Sam argued over what game all of you would play. "So what's Stark up to?" You shrugged "He wants to play never have I while Sam wants to play a twisted version of two truths and a lie"
You turned towards him and saw the confusion in his eyes "Bucky, you don't know either of those games do you?" He shook his head so you quickly explained the basics of both games, not only to him but to Steve and Thor as well.
By that time Tony and Sam were through arguing and turned to adress the room "We're playing never have I first if there's no interesting incidents we'll move onto two truths and a lie" "Set up" Sam motioned to the table so everyone grabbed a glass.
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You were seated cross legged between Bucky and Nat. So far you'd taken two shots, Bucky had taken one of the mead while Nat was three shots in. Everyone around the table had taken at least one shot.
"Ok here's one" Nat spoke up and when you cut your eyes at her she gave you a wink "Never have I...had feelings for someone younger than me"
Tony took a shot considering he was married to Pepper who was two year younger than him. Wanda took a shot since technically Vision was younger than her. Steve and Thor both took a shot. What surprised you and made your thoughts run rampant was when Bucky gave you a small smile before tipping back a shot himself.
Who did he have feelings for? It couldn't be you no matter if the thought had been fleeting through your head. Could it be Nat? Or maybe Maria or even Sharon.
Of course he'd have feelings for someone, hell he was allowed to date same as the rest of you. No matter Iif the thought of him with someone else made your heart clench.
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Bucky noticed how you went quiet at his side. You'd been laughing and joking over the various questions up until that point. Christ, had you figured out he meant you?
Maybe that's what was wrong. You knew he meant you when he took a shot for having feelings for someone younger than him and didn't feel the same.
He didn't want to make you uncomfortable, hell you were one of his closest friends now. When he'd moved into the compound he hadn't been sure anyone would trust him, not that he blamed them. You on the other hand had been one of the first to greet him with a smile.
You were beautiful and smart. You were able to think on your feet during missions and always did the headcount once everyone was back on the jets to ensure no one was left behind. You'd defended him and Natasha alike to the press.
More than one night when neither of you could sleep you'd end up in the media room watching some movie you'd clicked on. He hadn't cared about the movie as much as the company. You always slowed his mind down and help chase the demons out.
The first time you'd curled up into his side he'd been sitting with his arm across the back of the couch. You were sitting hip to hip with him citing that the movie had freaked you out a bit but you refused to not finish it. He hadn't minded you getting closer. The movie was almost finished when he realized your head was leaned over on his shoulder where the metal of his arm met with flesh.
He hadn't been sure if he should wake you or not. As he sat there you snuggled closer to him and despite himself he found a smile working its way onto his face. He'd let his mind wonder what it would be like for you to be in his arms in earnest, to feel your lips against his.
He'd never meant to fall for you, it just sort of happened and now had he inadvertently pushed you away by half admitting his feelings?
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You shook yourself from the shock of Bucky admitting he had feelings for someone to clear your throat "Ok here's one, never have I had merchandise of me" you laughed when damn near everyone in the room aside from yourself, Bucky, Wanda and Maria took a shot. "Ok Sparky you got me on that one. My turn. Never have I threw a punch on reporters" you, Nat, Sam and Maria all took shots.
You leaned a little closer to Bucky, trying to get your mind off the question of who he had feelings for. You missed the look Nat shot Sam who spoke up "Never have I had feelings for someone older than me" you leaned up to glare at him before taking a shot. Luckily you weren't the only one, Nat and Maria both took a shot which opened a whole new line of questions.
You avoided Bucky's eyes when he bumped your arm with his. He leaned down next to your ear "Is it Steve?:" you shook your head slightly "Nope" "C'mon now didn't think we had too many secrets any more" you turned to face him, thoughts escaping you at those blue eyes staring back "Yes I have feelings for someone older than me, way older but no it's not Steve"
You felt everyone's eyes on you which made heat rush up your neck. Normally you could handle it but given the amount you'd drank mixed with the fact that Bucky clearly had meant someone else was too much. You downed the shot in front of you before standing up "Excuse me. I've got to use the bathroom" you turned and walked quickly out the room with intentions to hide in your quarters long enough to let the embarrassment pass.
Maybe you could convince Bucky you meant Loki or Sif?
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The moment you left the room every set of eyes landed firmly on Bucky "Tin man are you really that dense?" Tony was the first to speak up. Bucky was trying to comprehend what had just happened "What the hell did I do Stark?"
"She means you man!" Sam shoved him when he spoke. "What? No she doesn't" Bucky argued which made Nat stand up and walk over to him "Dammit I know her better than anyone. She's had feelings for you for a while and you've had feelings for her. Man up, go chase her" "and if you're wrong?" He asked so Nat pointed towards Tony "I will let him take out a billboard that says Natasha was wrong for once"
Bucky headed in the direction you'd went knowing you were more than likely in your quarters. The closer he got the clearer he could make out the faint music slipping under the door. It was that band you loved.
He paused for a second before finally knocking. The moment the door opened he saw your eyes widen "Damn I was hoping for Natasha" he shrugged "I can go get her?" He started to walk off but you grabbed his arm, your fingers curling around the cool vibranium of his palm. "Wait, Bucky what did you need?"
He looked down where you were holding his hand and a smile slipped onto his face. "I meant you" the words escaped without any thought behind them but the moment they were out in the air he didn't want to take them back.
You froze, fingers digging into Bucky's hand slightly. He meant you? "Are you saying that to save my feelings because Nat told you I meant you?" He smirked slightly "Actually Nat, Tony and Sam told me you'd meant me but no I'm not saving feelings. I meant you"
You stood there for a second before Bucky moved, his right hand cupping the side of your face "Can I kiss you?" You nodded and he smiled before leaning down to capture your lips with his.
He tasted sweet, the honey of the mead prominent in flavor and on his tongue. You sighed slightly and felt him relax into you as he deepened the kiss. His left hand went to your waist pulling you flush against him even as you were forced to pull away in need of air "Well damn" you breathed out and he smiled "That a good reaction?" You laughed breathlessly "The best. Now please kiss me again"
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Jewel of the Autumn
Chapter 1
Pairing: Cassian x Vanserra!Reader
Summary: Many had excepted High Lord Beron to immediately marry off his beautiful daughter when she came of age, maybe even before, but when instead she’s kept out of the public eye and confined to her chambers many are surprised he does not use her to improve relations with other courts. Instead he fears that when he does eventually marry his daughter off she will be corrupted and the horror of his ways will settle into her mind causing him to keep her as a prisoner in her home, a girl who doesn’t even realize she is one. When he brings his daughter to the High Lord meeting neither of them realize of the mating bond that has just clicked for the General of the Night Court.
Warnings: Sexist views, unhealthy father-daughter relationship, abusive and toxic families, Isolation
Word Count:  5646
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A part of me wondered how much more I’d enjoy little moments like this if I was closer to my mother and if I’d seen her more and learned more about her if I would have enjoyed her brushing my hair. I never missed the way she looked at me through the mirror with both love and terror, I could never miss it but my moments with her were never long enough for me to ask why she’d looked at me like that, why when she did come around for me she’d always hold on so tight to me then leave and then take so long to visit again. I couldn’t enjoy moments like this when all I could wonder was when she’d decide she wanted to see me again and treat me the way she’d treated my brothers, like her child.
I felt a kiss placed on the top of my head and saw her set down my brush before she hugged me and kissed my cheek to make her leave, I waited until the heard the sound of my door shut before standing up from my seat to go look at the mannequin my father had put in the corner of my room. Father had known how excited I’d been for the High Lord meeting after I’d learned he was taking me, because of the fifty years under the mountain I’d never been able to do much because I was only twelve when it happened. This was my first real event and I was so excited to go, the gown was emerald with gold sleeves and the prettiest skirt on it and the velvet fabric was so soft. I felt like I could die from excitement. I heard a knock at my door and turned toward it to see it open, three handmaidens came in and bowed to me, I nodded to them with a smile on my face before moving to sit down on my vanity chair like I’d been instructed to do countless times.
I turned toward my room as they began to do my hair and makeup. The makeup was simple and only enhanced my features as heavy makeup is not seen as appropriate for a lady, or in my case princess, in the Autumn Court. My hair was much more complicated and beautiful, the pretty braids showing off my red hair and face. It took around forty minutes for the three to finish everything, once I was done I gave them a thank you which they nervously nodded at before leaving. Once they left I moved over to the corner of my room where my dress was and removed it from the mannequin, practically giggling as I rushed it over to my bed and laid it down to admire it, I then realized that the shoes that were supposed to go with it weren’t there I went back over to the corner to look and they weren’t there either before I could leave my room to go ask about it my door opened, I looked to see my father coming into the room with my shoes and a tiara in hand. I smiled at him and moved over to give him a hug that he returned. I began talking fast, thanking him for the dress and for allowing me to go to the meeting with him and Eris and just allowing men out in general which was something that never happened often.
He smiled before directing me to sit down at my vanity and look at myself with him standing over me and stroking my hair. He leaned over to set the shoes down on the floor before he spoke, “You look beautiful, princess.” He said by placing the tiara on my head, I smiled as he placed the beautiful piece on my head. He secured the tiara with the braids on my head, “This was from my mother's collection,” he said when he finished, “I was looking through our archives for my own crown and saw this there, I thought it’d look wonderful with your dress.”
I whipped my head to look at him, “Can I really wear this?” I said excitedly, which he nodded with a smile on his face, “Thank you so much!” I thanked him, the biggest grin on my face.
“All I’m asking is that you follow our basic rules, okay princess?” He told me, which I nodded without hesitation, “Of course Father.” I said.
The rules he’d taught me were to keep me safe, it was to be quiet in public, to smile and wave then always stick by my father's side because he was the one that was always certain to keep me safe. I’d been told stories of daughters of Kings and High Lords who were murdered or, um, other things because they were protected. My father only wanted to make sure that I was safe.
He told me to meet him downstairs when I was dressed so that they could go, once he’d left the room I rushed myself to get ready as fast as I could and went to meet the three, my mother, father and oldest brother down stairs.
When I made it down there my mother wasn’t there quiet yet but both my father and brother were, I said hello to my brother and gave another hug to my father before waiting a few minutes for my mother to make her way down. Due to my mother and father obviously being married she’d be at his arm, if my brother wasn’t coming it’d be appropriate for me to be at my fathers other arm but in this case I’d instead be at my brothers. Once my mother had come down I turned to my brother who already held his arm out to link to, my mother had done the same to father before the four of us winnowed to the Dawn Court.
Once we’d gotten there I had to make a conscious effort to not allow my jaw to drop, the court was beautiful and much brighter than the Autumn Court with flowing color all around. My brother thankfully kept me focused on the purpose of being there and led me inside the palace to the meeting room. I kept my head up as I was told to when we entered the room, my brother and I tailing our parents to our seats. I scanned the room noticing the High Lord of Dawn of course sitting in his chair, I also saw the High Lord of Day eyeing my family which I turned to ignore as I'd been instructed to do countless times, I also noticed what I could only assume was the Night Court. So far they had the biggest party, the High Lord and his wife as I was told sat there with a blonde girl, two winged males, a smaller dark haired girl and a girl who looked like the Lady of Night but sterner. When they turned to look at my family, partially me, I looked away and turned my focus to my chair to sit down, which my brother stood behind me to push me in. I sat there quietly at my brother's side and waited for the other courts to show. My brother and mother sat by my fathers side due to tradition which had my oldest brother sitting beside me. I could hear my father instructing my father that if something were to even slightly be off to immediately winnow me away, as well as to cover my ears if the conversion turned inappropriate.
The other courts, well except for the Spring Court, had shown up now. They all decided that High Lord Tamlin would not show and decided to begin the meeting. I only turned my head to look at whoever spoke but mainly ignored the conversation as it was something that I didn’t understand. It discussed the war against Hybern which I’d been told countless times by my father to not worry about, so I didn’t because I trusted my father. The only part I truly listened to was the discussion of the Lady of Nights sisters being thrown into the cauldron which I couldn’t help but feel sad about as she described it. 
I jumped in my seat a bit when High Lord Tamlin burst into the room, the sound shocking me. My brother Eris had placed his hand on my own to calm my heart rate down from that, I also soon found his hands on my ears as the argument between Night and Spring ensued. Because of it I didn’t hear much but I heard something about moaning, though it didn’t matter much as High Lord Rhysand had done something to stop the Spring Lord from speaking. 
It wasn’t long after when my father began to argue with Night as well, causing my brother to get dragged in it as well. My mother instructed my brother and her to switch seats as she knew that now that Eris was apart of the narrative he could no longer do as our father asked, as she sat down next to me and my brother pushed her in as he continued talking she soon pushed her hands to my ears as my brother spoke, saying something inaudible before one of the two men from night with the wings has pushed him to the wall, his hand at this throat.
I yelped at the scene, my mother had lost her grip on me and my father moved over to push me to him instead. My heart raced and I turned to look at the rest of the night. I looked at the other winged male for just a moment before turning back to my brother. I felt something pulling but it was ignored as my anxiety for my brother's situation had skyrocketed.
Soon the Lady of Night had called the male, Azriel I heard, off my brother. Eris gripped his own throat as Azriel let go, I got up from my spot by my father to grab my brother and set him down on his seat again, he continued to pant from it as I sat him down before taking my original seat. I felt a glare from my father but I didn’t care. 
I looked over to the Night Court to see Azriel taking his place once again, which annoyed me. I felt the other male, what I could only assume, was glaring at me intently. I chose to ignore it and turned to inspect my brother's neck, which he told me to ignore and focus back on the meeting. I could feel the male's gaze still on me as I could see the face of the High Lord of Night change when he looked at me. 
I spaced out as the meeting continued up until the end of it. I heard one of the High Lords ask everyone to stay so we could continue to meet tomorrow but my father refused. My father stood up from his chair, getting ready to winnow us away with him.
“I’m afraid that I think you should stay High Lord Beron.” I heard the Night Lord say. 
“We won’t be doing that,” my Father said, “I have responsibilities to attend to at home and I'd like both my children to be home now, especially after your treatment of my son.” My brother instructed me to stand with him, linking arms with him. I took notice of the panicked look on the second winged male's face as he turned to look at his High Lord. 
“High Lord Beron, please stay, would you? We have a lot to discuss tomorrow as well as some things tonight.” High Lord Rhysand said, clearly trying to persuade my father.
“I’ve already made my decision.” He said before gripping onto my mother and winnowing away, my brother following as well. We’d winnowed into one of our living spaces, “Eris, bring your sister to her chambers.” My brother nodded at him before walking me away from them.
The walk was silent for a while, as it was later at night none of the staff were around to hear us. 
“Father seemed a little mad when I helped you up, is he mad at me?” I asked Eris, concerned.
“Perhaps a little but it won’t last with you. He has never stayed mad at you and he has other things to attend to, he’ll forget soon so don’t worry.” 
I nodded at this but still felt mortified, “Is your neck okay brother? Does it hurt?” I asked him.
He smiled a bit, “My neck is fine, don’t worry so much, okay?” I nodded at that.
We walked by a hall where multiple of my other brothers' rooms had been, pacing by one we could hear noises coming from it which made my already concerned and racing mind worse.
I looked around the hall and noticed that it was my second oldest brother's room. Archer, from what it sounded like, was stumbling around in there. 
“Is Archer okay?” I asked Eris, to which he patted me on the head.
“Just stay here for one second.” He told me, before letting go of me and pounding on Archer's room. I heard Archer's voice say ‘shit’ before he made his way to the door and opened it. Archer's hair was disheveled and looked like a cut on his cheek, “What do you need?” He asked Eris.
“What the fu-“ Eris stopped himself, “What are you doing in there?” 
I saw Archer look in my direction when Eris stopped himself from saying fuck. “Just… stuff.” Archer said, “Don’t worry about it.” 
I swear I could feel Eris roll his eyes, “Just keep it down, we could hear you down the hall.” 
Archer nodded to it, “Okay sure,” He looked toward me with a smile on his face, “Goodnight (Y/N).” He said before closing the door.
Most of my brothers ignored me, but Archer didn’t. He was one of the few who I could actually hold a conversation with and I actually felt like cared about me. Eris sort of did as well, like I could tell he cared but I didn’t speak to him much, Archer would always be my favorite though.
With no more detours we made it to my room where I wished Eris a good night and moved to one of my drawers to pull out a nightgown. A simple white one that was long with sleeves. It had some lace on it but it was still simple. Then I loved my mirror to carefully take everything off.
I set my tiara down carefully, not sure exactly what to do with it now before taking down my hair. With the braids and stuff it took about 10 minutes to get it fully out. I brushed my hair and pulled it back before moving to my  bathroom to wash my face. Once I was done I let my hair down and put on slippers to peek out and see if any of the night time staff were around. I noticed a brown haired girl down the hall which I ushered over, I asked her to go ask my father what he wanted me to do with the Tiara which she obliged to. 
I sat on my bed to wait for her to come back. I was so tired from the day and really wanted to just pass out, but I wanted the Tiara taken care of first. I was terrified of something happening to it as it was so special to my family.
As I sat there I noticed something dark, like a shadow in my room. I thought it was exhaustion, thinking my brain was just messing with me, but I kept seeing it. The shadow, no, shadows, were in different parts of my room. I got up from my spot and tried to follow it but it would disappear and reappear. I started to feel like I was going crazy as my eyes followed it around, when a knock was at my door they disappeared. Trying to hide my annoyance and how I was kind of scared I walked to the door to see the same servant with orders to take the Tiara to my father. 
She went over to my vanity to grab it and quickly left, with that sense of relief in my mind I let myself fall into my bed, choosing to ignore the shadows in my room.
It was later that night, after I’d been home for hours and sat in my room really thinking when I’d made up my mind. I grabbed a red robe and threw it over my nightgown, grabbed my slippers and made my way over to Eris’ room. I decided if I was caught in the halls by Father I’d just tell him I couldn’t sleep and wanted to stroll a bit.
My room was higher up in the house than my brothers, it was in a tower and used to be used as the Hand’s tower but once I was born it was converted into mine, my father said it was to make sure I’d have my own space away from the rowdy brothers. I’d read a story once about a girl with long blonde hair being trapped in a tower kind of like mine. My room reminded me of that but without the trapped part. 
My brother's rooms were split into two hallways, the oldest three, Eris, Archer and Onyx had theirs and then there was a hallway with four more rooms where Tobias, Magnus and Elias rooms were. The fourth room was abandoned, covered in cobwebs and I swear the times I’d looked I’ve seen rats or something in there. When I’d ask who’s room it was, no one would answer me. I'd thought about going in multiple times but always got too scared even peeking in there.
I made my way down the stairs trying to make it look like I wasn’t rushing in case my father saw me. I passed through halls before making it to Eris’ door, I knocked on the door and heard nothing on the other side. I knocked once more and noticed the room was dark and no one was inside, I closed the door and decided that I’d wander some to see if I could find him.
Dragging myself through the halls was both boring and a little interesting, so much of this I’ve never seen at night and it was peaceful and pretty. I tried to enjoy it but I was more focused on finding Eris to let him know my decision. 
I was now approaching the High Lord’s wing, where my father's rooms and office were. I thought about turning back but if Eris’ was there made me curious as to why he would be there late at night. I walked down my father's hall and noticed his rooms seemed empty, the door wide open and dark. I kept walking to where his office was, the light gleaming out of the room indicating someone was in there. I kept my footsteps silent as I approached the cracked door and listened to some sounds.
I heard the sound of a liquid being poured, it sat silent for a second before a glass was banged onto a desk and I could hear my father's voice, “Hand me it.”
I could only hear footsteps, then it fell silent and I jumped at the sound of whipping. I could hear a groan as the sound of it continued, so I decided to look into the room, wanting to understand what was happening. My heart felt like stopping as I saw Elias kneeling on the ground looking away from father shirtless as father whipped his back. I moved to cover my mouth when I looked past my father and saw Eris’ standing in the room as well, staring into space as Magnus was whipped.
I stepped back, trying not to alert my father. When I felt like I was far enough away I bolted. My heart raced as I ran the entire way to my room, running up the stairs exhausted me as when I finally made it into my room I fell onto my bed to catch my breath.
My head raced and raced trying to understand what I’d just seen, my father had never even raised a hand to me and I had just assumed that went for my brothers as well. I didn’t understand what Elias could have done to be whipped. I had caught my breath finally when I began crying, when I sobbed my eyes out into my pillow. It didn’t matter to me that I’d barely ever spoken to Elias, that I knew nothing about him and he’d never had any interest in me. He was still my brother and seeing this happen to him hurt, it hurt so much seeing my father do that, so something I had no idea he was capable of.
I wasn’t sure how long I’d cried for when I heard my door open, I was scared to look up and tried to pretend I was asleep but instead I was shaken in my bed and I looked up to see Eris standing over me with a panicked look on his face. I rubbed my eyes and sat up as he spoke, “How much did you see?” He asked me frantically.
“I- I don't know.” I swallowed.
“You can tell me, dear,” Eris said, “How much did you see?”
My breathing became uneven, “I saw father, I think- I think whipping him.”
Eris wrapped his arms around me, “Do not let Father know that you saw that, you have to play innocent and not let him know.” I nodded to Eris.
“Is Elias okay?” I sobbed.
Eris stroked my hair, “He’s gonna be okay, I promise.”
My breathing quickened and I sobbed harder, “I don’t get it, why’d he do that? Has he always done that?” I sobbed out countless questions as Eris could only hold me.
A week after the events of what Father had done passed I’d gotten good at pretending I hadn’t seen what I saw, Eris refused to explain more but I found out pretty quickly Father had been doing that to all of my brothers and possibly even my mother. I’d pretended to be on my cycle early in order for my Father to leave me alone for a week to just make sure I’m okay every couple of days. Thankfully my ‘cycle’ would fall on the night when Eris was planning on sneaking me out to that party, which I had now learned was in the Night Court for some reason. 
The dress Eris picked out was a simple black gown with gold designs and a mermaid fit. It was out of my comfort zone but I apparently needed to fit into the Night Court for it. My hair was braided into a bun with more gold in my hair. 
I finished getting ready and waited for Eris to meet me in my room, it was about twenty minutes until he got into my room, and he matched me. Eris gave me a hug, explaining to me to follow his lead and stay quiet until we get to the room. I wasn’t sure what he meant by this exactly but I told him I would. 
I linked arms with Eris before he winnowed us, we were now in a dark hallway that entered into a room where possibly over a hundred people were. We walked into the room with each other and Eris told me to ignore anyone who looked at me. I looked around the room to see the High Lord and his wife sitting on the throne, looking at me intently. I looked away from them and used my free arm to grab onto Eris’ tricep to help my nerves. We walked straight into a room near the back with a large table and a bunch of chairs. Eris set me off to pull a chair out which I sat in and he pushed in for me then he sat down next to me. 
“What's going on, Eris?” I turned to ask him, noticing that he was looking down at the ground.
He took a breath, “If you never want to come here again, after this it's your choice entirely. If you decide you don’t like these people and don’t like this male you will never have to see him or any of them again.”
My heart began to pound, “What do you mean?” I would have pushed him more but more people entered the room. I noticed all the people I saw at the High Lord meeting entered the room. I turned to look at Eris again but he now looked at the High Lord.
“This is her? This is your sister?” High Lord Rhysand asked what seemed frantic.
Eris sighed, “Yes, of course this is my sister. Where's Cassian?”
“I’m here.” I heard a voice behind me speak, I turned to see the second winged male who now I could assume was named Cassian. My stomach felt weird when I looked at him, I looked back at Eris who had the same look my mother always gave me. I gripped onto Eris' arm and went closer to him, “What’s going on? Eris please.”
I saw Eris’ jaw tighten as the other people sat down in their seats, “You guys should introduce yourself to her.” His voice was quiet and shaky, which scared me.
I saw the group look around a bit before the short dark-haired girl spoke, “Cassian, come on would you?”
I looked over to Cassian who looked nervous, it was weird seeing such a large male nervous. He swallowed, “(Y/N), right?” I nodded to him, “Well um, I am your mate.”
I was a little shocked at the lack of hesitation, then my shock turned to anger toward Eris. I turned to look at him, “This is why you brought me here, why didn’t you tell me?” I said angrily.
“I didn’t know how to tell you.” He told me, I rubbed my face in an attempt to calm myself but it did nothing, “You're kidding?” I said, getting up from my seat, “I’m sorry, I just, I need to go. I’ll come back another time.” I told Cassian before walking out of the room, well more storming, with Eris following me.
“(Y/N), please listen to me, I’m sorry,” Eris yelled behind me as we exited too ball room into some hallway.
Once I thought we were far enough away, I finally stopped to look at him, “Why didn’t you tell me!” I yelled at him, “You just forgot to tell me something as important as this?”
“Please, I didn’t know how to tell you and with what happened with Father I didn’t want to overwhelm you and Cassian didn’t want to wait and-”
“Oh shut up!” I noticed Cassian and a few other people behind Eros now but I didn't care, “You knew! You knew I had a mate and you didn’t tell me! I don’t care what you thought was best for me, you should have told me!”
“I know you're mad but please, just-” I smacked him across the face. 
“Fuck you!” I had never cursed in front of anyone in my family and I could see the shock on Eris’ face as well as I saw Cassian's jaw drop a moment before I continued storming away from him, I didn’t know where I was going and I clearly didn’t care. I guess Eris regained his composure as I could still hear him coming after me. I stopped for a moment to take off my heels where I felt a hand on my shoulder which I turned too, thinking it was Eris.
“What the fuck do you want Eris?” I turned to see that it wasn’t Eris, but instead Cassian. He grabbed my heels from my hands before directing me toward a different direction.
“I understand you're mad at your brother but you really shouldn’t walk around here, this city isn’t the best.”
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juvenillia · 8 months
~ second death ~ Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish x fem!reader [hurt fic]
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summary: Johnny has to prepare himself for a special day, that he never believed would come.
a/n: what can I say? I read this quote and had to get those broken feelings out of my system sorry not sorry we like to suffer
cw/tw: angst, hurt (no comfort), mentions of loss, death, petnames, there is some fluff in between
worcount: 1.8k
》Read on AO3《 》Master Post《
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"There was before you and there was during you. For some reason, I never thought there would be an after you." - Colleen Hoover
The look in the mirror, nothing more than a tired reflection of him, staring in the distant. Johnny always knew that his job was hard. That it was full of vicious events repeating one another. But he always came back, especially after he found a reason to which to return to.
"Can I help you?", you asked him with your sweetest smile. He only stood there, literally staring at you. When he was on leave, he always dropped by the traditional bakery in his hometown. Mr. Kringle would already know what he ordered. It was always the same, a pair of the fudge brownies with white chocolate inside and a regular coffee. He didn't expect to be greeted by a new face. "Uhrm. Can ye recommend something?" He suddenly sounded so insecure. So, unlike his physical appearance. Your eyes trailed over the different things separating the two of you behind the glass. "I do fancy these. They're sweet but not to over the top and go perfectly with a black coffee." You explained softly pointing at the baked goods. He didn't even look at them, his eyes are pinned at your soft features. Trying to burn every feature in his brain and he only nodded. "Would you like anything else?", you said soothing while packing his order with such a careful and lovely manner. "Yer number." He was so straightforward, his voice much more confident and you couldn't help the blush growing on your cheeks. Of course, you gave him your number.
He changed; the last mission was harder. Harder than he ever thought, because for the first time he had the feeling, the fear, of not returning. And somehow, he didn’t. A part of him stayed there. A part of him died in Las Almas. That was the first time John MacTavish died. His glance flashes to the bed of your shared bedroom. Well folded sheets, silky in a wonderful olive green. They still hold your scent. It is the only thing that keeps him sane. It is the only thing that lulls him to sleep. He wasn’t able to change those sheets since he returned.
"I like the green ones. They complement the lights when the sun rises.", you chimed while holding the fabric in your delicate fingers. "Whatever yer want, mo ghraidh." [my love] he placed a soft kiss onto the crone of your head. "Johnny.", you exhaled jokingly annoyed. "What?" - "It's gonna be your home too, you can't let me decide everything.", you said while placing the sheets in the shopping cart and hooking your arm around his. He only smiled at you. "Whatever makes you smile, makes me happy."
His eyes return to the image in the mirror. He adjusts the bow tie around his neck. Smoothing out some wrinkles in the suit he wears. He hates suits. Especially this one.
"Bloody ‘ell, MacTavish. It isn't that hard to pick a damn suit.", Simon exhaled annoyed while Johnny puts on what feels like the millions suit. "It has to be perfect. Alright?!", he yelled from the changing room where he just fought with those tight pants. Maybe he gained some muscles again and should buy a larger one. You definitely wouldn't mind. "She isn't marrying the suit; she is marrying ya. And that is already a miracle itself mate.", Simon explained while scrolling through his phone. Johnny paused his movements and grins like a mad man. Bended over he looked in the tiny mirror in front of him, but not at himself. More like in the distant. " 'm gonna marry her.", his voice is filed with pure sincerity.
His fingers run over the side of the bed where you always slept. The mattress still having an imprint of your figure where you were lying all the time. The spot he now sits down and would just love to be swallowed by the soft mattress.
"Love...", you exhaled only above a whisper. He only pushed him closer into you, his head resting on your chest and counting your heartbeat while trying to steady his own. You absently let your hand play with the strand of his hair. "It’s alright. I’m here with you.", you chimed in your sing song voice. He only nuzzled his head further into you while squeezing your sides. "I love ya, bonnie." You only kissed the top of his head. “I love you too.”, he closed his eyes again and drifted away once more.
His eyes trail over to the window. Showing a little garden. It was neatly organized. Flowers blooming everywhere. The ones right in front if the window, they were your favorites.
"MacTavish, you're an unbelievable idiot.", you cried out while cleaning the mud from your face. He wrapped his arms around your waist, hands full of dirt. "And all yours, my dear.", he chimed while picking you up and swirling your around. Holding you close in his embrace. "Forever, yours.", he repeated softly before letting your lips meet his. You cupped his cheeks, but mostly to get revenge. Greasing the mud all over his face, just like he did a few minutes before. "Ya gonna regret that." He snickers, while you pulled out if his embrace and started running away from him. The laugh never ending while he chased you and pulled you down into the still wet grass and planted kisses all over your face. It was his favorite melody.
He pushes himself up from the bed and goes downstairs. Simon is already here, as well as Kyle. He looks at them, wearing those suits he knew too well. They look back at him. Their faces wear a weak smile, and Johnny only nods before his eyes drift over to the kitchen to the right.
"Bonnie, we have guests.", Johnny yelled out while entering your house. You walked downstairs to greet his teammates. "Nice to see you again. Tea?", you chimed while heading over to the kitchen and pulling the kettle down from the shelf. "I still think ya don't deserve her, Soap.", Kyle said while following you. "When yer hold hostage blink twice.", he said looking at you, and Johnny just pushed him gently in the side. "Ya can always call, when he does something stupid.", Simon assured you. Pulling out their usual mugs from the shelf above you. "So, you mean like all the time?", you asked jokingly. You all laughed. During these times the world seemed alright.
It's silent. The two men only look at him, nodding silently. Johnny swallows hardly before heading outside to Simon's car. The taller man taking the driver’s seat. Johnny sinks int the passenger seat and closes his eyes.
"You won't drive. Please you're way too battered, love.", you pulled him away from the driver’s seat and he lets you. Simon gently took the keys out of Johnny's hand. "Aye. But you dae wanna make out with me still. Eh?", his walk was sloppy as you helped him in the backseat, still wearing the smile you fell in love with in the first place. Kyle took the passenger’s seat in the front. "Always." You placed a quick peek on his cheek while securing the seatbelt before moving into the car next to him. Reaching out for his hand.
The men climb out of the car and head right into the church. With every step forward it grows heavier. Johnny wants to run away. He wants to turn away. Simon and Kyle are right behind him. Simon’s hand lingered on his shoulder. His face is serious, but never cold.
"Finally satisfied?", Kyle asked in a mocking tone. "I hope so.", Simon exhaled quite annoyed. They wore the suits Johnny picked out and they stood in front of a mirror. Johnny nodded. "She's gonna love it.", he beams in happiness and even Simon couldn't suppress the smile growing at his lips.
They enter the church you loved so much. Everything seemed so pretty. Too pretty. The place is decorated in your favorite flowers. Your friends and family are all gathered together. A man walks up to the front and starts a speech.
"I just can't put all my feelings for her in a minute speech. How is this supposed to work?!", he panicked and Simon scoffs. "Just imaging what you really want her to hear. A few things you always wanted to say to her but never found the right time to.", he stated calm. Kyle and Johnny looked at him in disbelief. "That could actually work." - " That’s why I am yer best man..."
So, he stands up straight and starts his speech. Hands gripping tight on a little paper in his hands. Every word is heavy on his tongue, but he manages to push through and holds the tears back. "I never realized how lost I was in this world until I looked into your eyes. In those pretty eyes I found my home. And when I heard your voice for the first time, I heard my future. I committed myself completely and only to you, and I would do it again and again. Forever yours.", his voice goes quiet. Nobody of the guests would really understand his words, but you would. That is the only thing that matters. His heart is shattered into pieces as he places a ring down into the earth. A ring you was meant to wear. A ring he got long time ago because he was sure about it. Sure, about you.
"Yer lost mate.", Simon exhaled shocked while looking at the little box Johnny held out to him. "Why?" - "Ya know her for a month, went to yer first date like two ago and yer already got 'her a ring??" Johnny chuckled, his eyes lingering on the box. "I know she's the right one Lt. I just know." Simon only shook his head, but a soft smile was on his lips.
This was the moment all the people around him witnessed the second death of Johnny MacTavish. There was before you. A time Johnny can't remember at all. Because you changed it all for him. The time during your shared life was everything he ever wanted. Everything he never thought he could have. And somehow, he never thought there would be time after you but here you were. He always supposed he would leave way before you, but that wasn't the case. Here is he standing surrounded by people that love you, but nobody could understand what you meant to him. Nobody of them would understand the love he's holding for you. Nobody would understand that with your leaving you also took him with you.
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ultralightpoe · 1 year
Pearl, Peach and Pomegranate - Tangerine
Authors Note: I am working on requests rn but I had to write this because it’s been stuck in my head all dayyyyyy -- Let me know if you want more of this little family?
Description: The Three times Tangerine meets the loves of his life
Warnings: birth giving
Word Count: 1730
If you like Taylor Swift and my writng then look at my writing event I have HERE! I think you will really enjoy it! 
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You were having a good day, this much Tan knew. 
He had been watching you for days, sitting in the back booth of a pub near a mission he had taken, with his brother. They still had two more weeks of work and Tan was just fine with spending every second he could sitting right here…..watching you. 
“You should go talk to her.” Lemon offers, playing the straw of his lemonade, smiling a bit when Tan shakes his head. “What’s the worst that can happen?”
“She could hear me, mate.” Tangerine snaps, his face thrown in an incredulous look as if the thought was the worst thing he had ever heard. His rings glint in the light as he grabs the empty glass in front of him and breathes out. 
“Well you need another drink.”
“She seems busy.” Lemon laughs at this, gesturing to where you were polishing glasses with no one bothering you. “Okay okay. Fine.”
Risking one last glance at his brother before sitting up and scooting out of the booth, taking three easy strides across the bar until his hands touch the wooden bartop that separates you from him. You don’t notice him at first, which he is affronted and glad for, and he took a second to watch you a bit closer. 
You were pretty from a distance but at this angle you were absolutely stunning, from your hair to your outfit all the way to the pearl dangly earrings you wore in your ear. 
“Oh hey! Sorry, what can I get for ya?” You smile and he swears he feels his heart stop. It takes him a minute to clear his throat and come up with a good response, a heat traveling his skin. 
“How about your number?” Smooth. Bloody smooth. 
“Or maybe you can start with my name?” You laugh, reaching a hand out to him. “I’m Y/n.”
“Tangerine.” He responds, reaching to shake your hand and there is a zap when your skin hits his. 
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize we were using code names.” You tease, shaking your head. 
“Get a grip, pearl. Catch on.” He laughs, sitting on the stool to stare at you.
“Yeah, my lil’ pearl.”
“How ya doin’ love?” Tangerine asks, decked out in protective hospital scrubs, leaning down to kiss your forehead as you grunted in pain for the hundredth time. 
You were covered in sweat, tears sliding down your cheeks, and his hand had lost feeling 10 minutes ago due to your tight grip but Tan had never been so in love with you. Which was astounding considering he worshiped the ground you walked on. The pearl wedding ring you wore began digging into his hand as you yelled out while the doctors began trying to do breathing exercises with you and you tried to keep your cool, you really did. But the second the sweet short nurse started handing you another ice chip you lost it a bit. “Get the fuck OUT OF MY SPACE WITH YOUR UNMELTED WATER!”
A laugh crawls up Tans throat that is quickly diminished when he sees the nurse give you a dirty look, a protective anger washes over him and he reaches a hand over to snatch the cup from her. “I can handle this, yeah? Why don’t ya’ go hover over another pregnant lady?”
His eyebrows are pinched together and when he leans forward to give her his best ‘fuck around and find out’ look the gold chain he always wears pops out of the scrubs and flashes. You hum, coming down from a contraction and your hold on his right hand softens the slightest bit. 
The nurse, apparently not as stupid as he thought, backs out and removes herself from the room. The second the door closes he turns to you and leans his head in, allowing you to smell the peppermint he loved so much. “Say the word Pearl, and I’ll go handle her.”
“Easy there tiger.” You laugh, letting go of his hand to reach up and hold the back of his shirt and draw him in. “No death on our baby's day.”
So he listened, and he is thankful he was here for this because 2 hours later you were holding a small bundle in your arms as Tan paced the room anxiously. The doctors had left to check all the test results to make sure the baby was okay leaving you three alone in the room. 
The purple bundle (Lemon had insisted purple was a lucky color for babies and made a blanket himself) was so silent and terrifying that Tan had to stay on the other side of the room. 
He, for the first time in his fucking life, felt so vile. Like he would taint the air his daughter breathed, his pure precious daughter. 
“Would you stop pacing and come hold her?” You ask, a soft look on your face.
“I…..Pearl I can’t-” He chokes up, body tightening and eyes welling with tears. “I don’t wanna hurt her.”
“My arms are so tired, please?” It was a lie, but he didn’t need to know that, but you knew the only way he’d get over his fear is if he thought you were in pain. Within moments he was across the room, hands shaking as he slowly picked her up into his arms and sat in the chair beside your bed. 
Tangerine had been on countless missions where he had to keep himself contained in order not to get caught, and yet never once in his life had he ever sat so still. He couldn’t risk hurting the……
And that’s when he sees her, looking down on the sweetest face he has ever seen, peacefully sleeping. Tears began flowing from his eyes and you laughed lightly as you watched, crying yourself. 
“How do we feel about the name Peach?” You finally ask after a moment of crying and Tangerine could do nothing else but nod. Because at that moment he knew he would tear out his own heart for his little girl, his sweet baby Peach. 
He was still covered in blood by the time the plane landed, Lemon panting by his side as they raced through the airport with tons of people turning to stare at them. If this was any other day he would have changed into a fresh suit and tried to hide the proof of what he had just done. 
But he had no time to fuck around today. 
You had told him you had a feeling something was gonna happen before he left, and the both of you assumed that feeling revolved around him getting hurt on the mission, so he had promised to stay safe and kissed you passionately before he bent down to kiss Peach’s head and left. 
Little did he know that your feeling would end up meaning you would go into labor 8 days early and he would miss the birth of his second daughter. 
“Lemon, hurry THE FUCK UP!” He barks when they reach the parking lot, rushing to the cars in the back and both finding the first one that was unlocked and throwing their stuff in the back. 
Lemon sets his bag down  lightly, shaking his head when Tangerine chucks his own on top. “Be careful, yeah? I got that gift for Peach in there.”
Lemon had taken his job as godfather very seriously and now every place they went he collected an ornament for your daughter so she could hang it on her little pine in the backyard. 
“Yeah yeah. Your Peach’s favorite blah blah blah. Shut the fuck up mate.” Tan snaps, hopping in the drivers seat and hotwiring the car. “I got her a barbie.”
“She likes G.I. Joes.”
“Well France didn’t have any fucking- you know what? I don’t have to explain myself to you because the barbie I got was cool. Yeah? So fucking awesome. Wearin’ scrubs and everything so why don’t ya piss off?” 
Lemon shakes his head, obviously amused and holds on tight as his brother tears through the streets like a wild man. By the time they actually make it to the house the car is nearly out of gas and definitely burnt through the oil. 
The second he has it parked he is rushing out, racing up the front steps and opening the front door. 
Peach squeals in excitement, dropping the two figurines she had been playing with, and jumping across the room to dive into his arms. 
“There she is! My plump little Peach!” Tan sighs, wrapping his arms around her tightly and pulling her in. Every worry seemed to vanish when you or your daughter hugged him and for that he was eternally grateful. “Where is ma?”
“Upstairs!” She smiles, pulling out of his hug much to his chagrin and dragging him up the stairs to the nursery he had set up a month before he left. 
The door is silent when he cracks it open, but his daughter stomps across the room calling for you. You smile, sitting up in the rocking chair when you see them both, and fix the bundle you were holding so he could get a better look.
He never wanted to meet his second child covered in blood, and he was embarrassed at the fact that this is how his new baby would meet him at all. Not that it mattered considering she wouldn’t actually recognize colors or remember this when she grows up. 
You hand her off, kissing the top of the blanket before moving to pick up Peach so she didn’t feel left out. Tangerine tries to catch his breath as the baby blinks at him, waking up and looking straight at him.
“She’s looking at me.” He says, heart beating out of his chest. Suddenly the baby smiles and coos and he feels like throwing up in excitement. 
“She must recognize your voice.” You smile, bringing Peach closer to see. 
“What did you name her?”
“Well I figured we had a tradition to uphold and since I was craving Pomegranate seeds for 9 months it seemed fitting to name her…”
“Pomegranate.” He smiles, a laugh escaping him. “Oh she’s gonna grow up hatin’ us for that one. I love it.”
“Hey papa?”
“Yeah Peach?”
“What is all over you?”
(If you like Taylor Swift and my writing take a look at my writing event for April HERE! I think you will really like it! Let me know if you want more of Tangerine and his two daughters!)
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obscurism · 2 years
Fluff Alphabet - The Huntress
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about their partner?)
Anna adores everything about you. They are the sun, the moon, and the stars to her. Though if it had to be narrowed down it would be seeing you smile.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of their partners body?)
Their eyes. Despite a language barrier, she can always tell how you feel by your eyes and pays close attention to them. Anna loves how expressive your eyes can be. Window to the soul kinda stuff, ya feel me?
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
At first Anna is probably repulsed by touch since she’s spent so long in isolation and those, she has come across are fighting for their lives against her prowess, but once she becomes more comfortable with a lover’s touch, she’s a cuddle fiend. It’s all she’s going to want to do and will seize every opportunity to do so. Big spoon? Absolutely. Putting her head on your chest or lap after a long day? Her favorite moment. Little spoon? Maybe if you ask nicely.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with her partner look like?)
Listen, this woman probably has no idea what a date even is so in her mind it’s just a way to spend time together. Ideally, she’d probably take you into the forest and teach them about edible plants or maybe bring home a big kill from a hunt and the two of you would share a nice meal.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around their partner?)
Anna is wicked stoic for the most part, and I don’t think shows emotions too much. Though I believe she’d let her guard down sometimes. A smile when proud or happy, a frown when confused or upset, a smirk when feeling a little bit more devious, and perhaps even trying to hide how flustered she is when you give her a kiss.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Ultimately yeah, I think Anna wants a family. She likes caring and providing for others, it’s kinda her love language imo, and I think she’d absolutely love to have a wife and kid.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
She loves to give gifts. Huge ass animal she killed for food? She did it for you to prove how much she loves you and also, it’s dinner. Ring she stole off a survivors finger? It’s your ring now and you’re her wife. A cool rock? Absolutely. A wolf she killed for trying to attack? You got yourself a new fur pelt to keep you warm at night.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Anna will hold your hand at any given moment. Doesn’t matter if you’re walking around the forest or just cuddling, her hands are always holding yours.
I = Injury (how would they act if their partner got hurt?)
First of all she’d be extremely concerned and immediately come to aid. Based on past events with her mom and the little girls she kidnaped she be terrified of your injury taking you away from her, so expect her to be tending to whatever happened and freaking out a bit (even if it was just an accident). Now if it was another killer or survivor that injured you, well safe to say they’re dead on sight.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank their partner? how?)
I think Anna likes to joke around in her own way. Pinching a butt and pretending she didn’t do anything, making you pick up something she knows you can’t lift and playfully teasing you about it before coming in to take care of it.  
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss their partner?)
While Anna enjoys kissing you at any given moment, she enjoys quick kisses. It’s a way to show affection while during a task, in the middle of the forest where she always has her guard up, or as she’s walking by.
L = Love (how do they show their partner they love them?)
Anna shows her love in many ways, but the top way is providing for you. Making sure that you always have food and a warm place to rest your head at night, she’d think she was a terrible mate if she couldn’t do that for you. Another way she shows her affection is cuddling and dang, this woman loves it.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
The first time you two kissed or watching you stare in awe of how beautiful the forest looks with a fresh coat of snow over everything.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Losing you. She wouldn’t be able to handle it mentally and emotionally if she lost you. You become her everything very quickly, and she sometimes goes a little overboard with making sure you’re safe due to her own fears.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
In my humble opinion, it would probably have to be the way she tilts her head side to side as she stands still either watching you or something else.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call their partner?)
Oh, Anna enjoys pet names! She loves to call you котёнок (Kitten) and дорогой (darling). Though she really loves it too when her partner calls her Anya, An’ka, or Anechka (which is just are other variations on her name).
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with their partner?)
While any time with you is wonderful to her, she enjoys taking you through the forest for walks just to enjoy the fresh air. She really also enjoys just being in the cabin together whether it be relaxing in bed or sharing a warm meal.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
I can’t think of a song that reminds me specifically of her, but songs that have more of a mood to them, ya know? I’m not sure why my brain associates these two songs first but uh, have at ‘em.
Ivardensphere – Orcus
Ari Mason – Dim the Lights
S = Secrets (how open are they with their partner?)
Anna is a guarded person and doesn’t really enjoy feeling vulnerable, so I think it would take time for her to feel comfortable enough to tell you things, though she wouldn’t ever keep a secret that would harm you.
T = Time (how long did it take to get together with their partner?)
Well, she probably kidnapped you, so if you count that as ‘getting together’ then very quickly. Though for you both to become ‘official’ as a couple, it probably took a good deal of time as she had to earn her trust with you slowly after ya know, the whole kidnapping thing.
U = Upset (how do they act when their partner is upset?)
Anna will immediately want to resolve the issue. She doesn’t want you to be upset and will immediately try to figure out what’s wrong. They won’t be happy until you’re happy once more. For example, if you’re getting cranky cause you’re hungry, expect Anna to have snacks on her if you go out into the woods the next time to avoid that scenario.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show their partner off?)
Anna is proud of not only her survival and hunting capabilities, but she’s proud that she can provide in abundance for not only herself, but you as well. While she would love to show you off, she’s extremely hesitant. She’s very possessive of you and would immediately kill anyone who she felt got a little too close to you. She’d rather keep you tucked away nice and safe.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about their partner fighting? Would they fight for their partner, beside them, etc?)
She’d like you to be able to defend yourself, and will teach you to, but she’d rather you not be in the position to need to in the first place. Anna would not only fight for you but kill anyone for you. You say the word? They’re dead. They hurt you in any way? Dead. Say the wrong thing? Also dead.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read their partner?)
After being with you long enough Anna will be able to read you without even having to think much. Since there’s a language barrier, she learns your nonverbal cues for how you’re feeling or what you may want or need. From the way you might look down when upset about something, the way your lips curl in the slightest of smiles, or just how open your body language is, she’ll be able to understand you perfectly even without words.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to their partner?)
It’s of my opinion that Anna seems like a very traditional person in regard to romance. So of course, you’re getting a ring that she’s stolen off a body. She’ll hide it and while on a walk she’ll take you to a nice scenic area in the forest, take your hands in hers and give you the ring.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Anna is a very calm person to begin with, so I think what helps her really relax and be fully calm is knowing you’re safe and taken care of and when the two of you can share a content silence as you work on different things at the same time.
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fantasyqueen502 · 8 months
Who are you?
Rated: PG (Mentions of violence, blood, and experimentation)
Summary: Reimagined events of Miguel finding his happiness and an unforeseen adversary.
Authors note: Most likely some grammar errors let me know if you find any and feel free to leave a like or comment. ❤️
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A small squeak leaves the small woman's lips. The look of shock and surprise from being startled subsides. She smiles nervously, struggling to shoulder the heavy front door. Carrying a sleeping Gabriella, bags of groceries, and a shoulder bag, leaving her a tangled mess with no arms available to free herself.
"You're home." She states it as if it were an unbelievable occurrence. "C--thank you." tumbles out of her lips. Miguel took Gabriella into his arms. She stirs but continues her slumber. Surprisingly, he holds her with one arm while balancing her on his hip, using the other to take all of her bags. Even her shoulder bag, which housed her laptop and textbooks. "Miguel, you'll pull something; let me---" 
His lips capture hers in midsentence. Frozen in shock, she slowly melts. When he breaks, she stumbles, leaning forward, not wanting for the moment to end. "You deserve a break. Treat yourself." 
He chuckled at the way she touched her lips. "Ok." She breathes, taking a step back after realizing how close they were. "Ok." She says it again, a bit more confidently, watching him disappear up the stairs.
"Maxine?" He calls. Walking into the dark kitchen, finding the light under the door, which led down into the basement. "Mi amor?" He calls. Looking around. Growling under his breath, he scans his watch. "Lyla, find her location. Did something happen? Was she kidnapped or—"
"No she's---" the yellow hologram begins
"Right here!" 
He turns, only to be greeted with a baseball bat.
Waking up, he winced the left side of his head, throbbing, and his vision doubled and spun as he lifted his head to the woman standing in front of him.
"What are you doing?" He's attempting to sweet-talk his way out of this mess.
"The better question is, How are you here?" Her voice was different. Lower and with an accent. Australian maybe. "You're definitely not Miguel O'hara, who was shot by some thug in a white pullover."
He didn't react, but his blood ran cold to see how this information got out so quickly.
"Strange, I found the same white pullover stuffed into the upstairs bathroom trash bin." She picked up the blood-stained clothing from the table she leaned on.
Miguel had enough. He was going to easily break free of his restraints, only for his arms to feel weak. His whole body felt heavy and numb, like dead weight, just hanging off of him. "Quite a kiss, Casanova." She chuckles. "Haven't juiced in; I don't know how long." She exhales a shuttery breath, yellow sparks of electricity dance about her fingers. "Syphoned from your nervous system. I can't have you hulking out or whatever and wake up little cinnamon bun. I actually like the kid. Now answer my question, mate. Who. Are. You."
"I'm from." He grinds his teeth; thoughts escaped him; he can't think. "I'm from another dimension."
"Mmmmhmmm," she hums dubiously. Poking and prodding at a watch in her palm. His watch. Realizing his wrist was bare.
"How?" He whispers. "Stop that!' He shouts.
"You were talking to someone. Who were you talking to?"
"Lyla. She's my AI system  from...
"Another dimension." She scoffs. "You can't accept me to believe that."
He suddenly glitches an array of colors, twisting and bending his body out of place before returning to normal. He groans trying to catch the breath that was knocked from his.
"Fascinating." She grins expression lit with wonder. "Why are you here?"
"I answered your first question; now let me go."
"I'm the one not tied to a chair, so I think I'm still asking, and you'll keep answering, yeah."
"Who are you? Electro? Maxie?" He snickers.
"Maxine Dillon. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. You ruined a great, diabolical plan. Three years of undercover, setting up a resume and interview to get close to the daughter, and getting rid of Oscorps best by getting into his pants."
"You killed this dimension's Miguel."
"Yes, well, I was, no thanks to you. I was finally going to be taken seriously. Thee, Maxine Dillon, Electro now have access to all of Oscorp's dirty laundry. I bet even KingPin would volunteer to be my lap dog for a week for a megabyte." She grins to herself.
"I don't think so." He monotones. 
"Shut up!" She screeches, "What do you know?" Grabbing his throat, her nails dug into his skin.
The squeak of the basement door sounds caused both to snap their heads towards the top of the stairs.
"Maxine?" A small voice calls.
Miguel watches as the woman quickly releases him, pocketing his watch and straightening her clothes before ascending the stairs.
"What's wrong, pumpkin?" She asks sweetly, saying that even Miguel forgot that she threatened him with violence just a few moments ago.
"I had a bad dream." She sniffles. 
"Oh no." 
"A dream that I couldn't find you." She hiccups with sobs. Miguel grinded his teeth, trying with his might to break out of this restraints that bit into his wrists and ankles.
"Let's get you cleaned up, then some warm milk." The door closes, leaving Miguel with some time. Collecting his breath, he felt the effects of the nerves losing its grip. He broke free of the ropes and ties with ease.
Creeping up the stairs Glitching as quietly as he could vaulting from the wall up onto the top of the stairs into the kitchen, where Maxine had her back to him.
"What did you do to her?" He snaps lowly, pinning her to the fridge.
"She's using the bathroom, and I'm warming up some milk." She wheezes, her face going red, with his forearm on her throat. He roughly searches her pocket, slipping on his watch.
"Lyla, scan the milk." He demands. 
"Normal whole milk, 98 degrees Fahrenheit."
He glares at the woman who glared back, rubbing her throat. Both have their stare off as the meek steps come down the stairs and around the corner into the kitchen.
"Daddy!" She grins, lifting her arms as he lifts her.
"Maxine said you had a bad dream."
She nods, hiding her face in his neck.
"It's ok, Nina." He was rubbing her back. Maxine turns the oven off, pouring three mugs of milk.
"Milk's ready." She announced, handing out three mugs.
"Gracias, Maxine." The girl thanks
"De Nada." She returns. 
"One for me and one for Miguel." She fakes a cordial smile. Lifting her mug to him and taking a sip. He stares daggers but takes a sip when Gabriella watching him curiously to keep up appearances.
Taking Maxine's hand to bed Miguel spies from the doorway.
"All snug?" She asks. The girl nods at the puffy blanket tucked under her chin. "Nice and warm." The girl nods. "Not too warm." She tests the girl, she giggles, grinning, and shakes her head no. "Get some rest. You have to get up early tomorrow." She reminds. 
"Buinos nochas." She says she is kissing her forehead.
"Buinos nochas, Maxine." She yawns. 
"Buinos nochas, Papa." She mumbles. 
"Night, Gabriella." He whispers, kissing her forehead.
Closing the door behind him, he looks at the woman with furrowed brows. "Tomorrow's Saturday." 
"Why does she have to get up early?"
"Soccer practice. It's her big game tomorrow; how can you not know?"
"Not this dimension's Miguel, remember."
"If I was going to take over myself from another dimension's life, I would do some homework."
"Why were you going to kill me?"
She scoffs, going to walk away, but he pins her to the wall. Surprisingly silent. He pins her arms at her sides by her wrist.
"Did you even think about Gabriella?" He sneers. "Taking away her father."
"Father." She cackles. "In a biological sense and nothing more." She spat. "Do you want to know how many excuses I had to come up with on the spot as to why her dad doesn't love her?"
He is floored, letting her go. "He was a workaholic with a temper who didn't know how to express grief and love to his six-year-old daughter."
"What's your deal with Oscorp?"
He waits, his eyes looking into her own.
"To expose them."
"Exposing a million-dollar tech slash medical technology of the future that are actually bad guys be anymore predictable."
"I need this world's Miguel because he was working on another serum project."
"What serum project?"
"The stupid project that gets thousands, if not millions, of people killed on their crusade to recreate the Super Soldier serum."
She rolls up her sleeve, showing a faint serial code. "Bout sixteen living on the street thought I was testing aspirin or stool softener, but was pumped with chemicals for almost three years—water therapy, electro shock therapy." She sighs, rolling her sleeve back down. "It feels like fire pumping through your veins." She mumbles. "I power this whole city, and most anesthesia, tranquilizers, and painkillers don't work on me. Yay me!" She cheers humorlessly.
"I think there's a way for both of us to get what we want." Miguel propositions.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff/Reader - The One Where You Punch Tony Stark - Part One
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Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || AO3 (Complete)
Summary:  When the rumors that you punched Tony Stark in the face spread around your school, some interesting events unfolded. Or enemies to Lovers in high School.
Warnings: 18+; Enemies to Lovers/ Angry Sex/ Underage Sex/ High School AU/ Violence/ Fights/ Inappropriate language.
Words:  19,905K (Complete)
Sometimes it is just a punch “ - Chapter One
Rumors at your high school were spreading like the plague. No one would really admit to talking about it, but everyone knew they were gossiping. Everything about this place seemed to irritate you deeply, from your stupid and petty classmates, with their idiotic social circles and narcissistic behavior, to the body of psychotics professors who seemed to take pleasure in embarrassing the students.
Fortunately, it was your senior year. You couldn't wait to get out of this place, to get away from this troublesome town.  You let out a grumble when you noticed two teenagers pressed up against your locker. Fucking hell, you thought impatiently as you walked up to them. Then you noticed who they were, and your irritation increased even more.
Golden boy, captain of the soccer team, arrogant pain in the ass, Steve Rogers, was kissing Sharon Carter against her locker. Sharon was a cheerleader, human barbie, and honestly, she used to be a nice girl in elementary school, then you guys grew up and she became an arrogant bitch.
- Really, Rogers, don't you have your own locker? - commented a voice next to you, before you could say anything. It was Natasha, your locker-mate, with whom you had at least three classes together. She was very closed off and didn't let anyone near her, always alone at school. But if you could guess, she was the closest thing you had to a friend in this place. Steve stopped kissing Sharon when he heard Natasha, and throwing his arm around the girl's shoulders, he smiled wryly at Nat.
- Take it easy, Romanoff. We were just making out. - He says, and then adopts a debauched expression. - You know what this is, right?
- Screw you, Rogers. - Natasha says without hesitation, Steve laughs ironically and then his gaze falls on you.
- What are you looking at? - He threatens, you roll your eyes. He then leaves, dragging Sharon through the halls. 
- Fucking idiot. - Nat grumbles when you are alone. You don't really know what to say, so you just stay silent as you open the locker to get your chemistry books. - I heard about Stark's party.
That's the problem with rumors. You didn't look at Nat, but shrugged. 
- What about Stark's party? - You tried to play along, but Nat let out a little giggle.
- Everyone is talking about how you punched him in the face. - She said, turning to you as she leaned against the now closed locker, two notebooks in her hand. You finished picking up your books and turned to her. - I just think it was cool. - You smile awkwardly, looking at the floor. Nat speaks after a moment. - Are you going to the game on Friday?
You blink in surprise at the question.
- I don't like football.
Nat chuckles.
- I'm not going to the game. - She says, and seeing your frown, she adds. - You know the skate rink a little way past the bleachers. I'm meeting some friends there. You can come if you like. - Nat says finally, winking at you before turning away, walking in the opposite direction of the corridor.
 You are very surprised that you have been asked to go out with Natasha Romanoff and the friends you didn't even know she had. Ignoring how awkward the interaction was, you make your way to the classrooms, heading towards the chemistry lab.
Professor Agatha Harkness has been your chemistry teacher since the first grade. She is extremely strict, and demands that her students work hard and cannot stand, or rather absolutely detests, sycophants. You laugh with the memory of the day when Steve Rogers tried to buy a higher grade by bringing her a Teachers' Day gift, and Ms. Harkness simply threw the package in the trash at the front of the room, saying that if he wanted to pass her class, he better study.
You took your place in the last chair, yawning slightly as you sat down. You were startled when your colleague in front, Darcy Lewis, turned in her chair to look at you.
- Can I help you? - you asked.
- I heard that you punched Tony Stark. - She said. - I think it's awesome. Finally someone wiped the pretentious smile off his face.
You smiled wryly. Darcy was one of the smartest girls in the class, and she had never really talked to you before. She returned your smile before turning forward again.
 You were distracted by the landscape outside, but you noticed when the room suddenly fell absolutely silent, and turned your face to find out what had happened. You felt your body tense with the intensity of anger you received in the gaze of Tony Stark, entering the room at that moment, a large purple mark in his left eye. He didn't stare at you for long, taking a seat in one of the front chairs with his friend James Rhodes. Many of the classmates began to whisper about the party, glances running between you and Tony. But the room fell silent as Ms. Harkness entered, and the students began to rush to their seats.
If there was one thing that Harkness hated more than sycophants, it was tardiness, so you weren't surprised that everyone in the room held their breath as they watched the Maximoff twins arrive late to class.
- What an honor the Maximoffs have decided to join my class. - She sneered as they walked to their seats. A few giggles were heard.
Pietro Maximoff was a member of the football team along with Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, and you guessed that's why he gave you an angry look before he sat down. You didn't really know the twins very well, but you knew that everyone knew them. 
While Pietro was extremely popular, and changed girlfriends like he changed clothes, his sister, Wanda Maximoff, was a member of the student council, as well as being the captain of the cheerleading squad. She was ridiculously beautiful, the kind that would bring boys crawling to her door. But you had never seen her date anyone, not that you really paid attention to Wanda anyway.
When Ms. Harkness started class, your mind wandered to lunchtime.
Your week went by too fast, you realized. With the final exam period approaching, you were spending a lot of time studying. Natasha didn't speak to you again all week, and you were beginning to imagine that the invitation to go out was your imagination, but then she smiled at you and told you that she hoped you could make it on Friday, and you just nodded, too surprised to say anything.
The school seemed to get even more unbearable on game days. The players were agitated and noisy, and disrupted all the classes. Also, the cheerleaders seemed to occupy every bathroom you entered, taking over the sinks with their makeup. 
You grumbled when last period finally came around. It was literature with Mrs. Hill, and she was probably the only teacher you liked.
It was hot, and you put your leather jacket on the chair as you stretched your body and raised your arms, lifting your shirt a little. You blushed in surprise as you noticed a girl you didn't know staring at you mischievously, her gaze drifting down to your waist tattoo, which had been visible for a moment.
She continued to stare at you brazenly, biting her lip, and you felt very uncomfortable. 
- Do you need anything? - you asked snidely. The girl was startled, and rolled her eyes in embarrassment, then turned to look away. - What the fuck was that. - you muttered to yourself, as you opened your notebooks.
You heard laughter, and raised your eyes, frowning as you felt your stomach flip at the vision of Wanda Maximoff throwing her head back as she laughed at something her partner said to her as the two of them entered the room. You blinked in confusion at your own reaction, quickly looking away. 
And then your lab partner for two years, Jessica Jones, with whom you had never exchanged a word that was not subject-related sat down next to you and asked how you were doing.
- I'm sorry, what's that? - You asked in surprise, but Jessica smiled.
- What's up with you? - she repeated, causing you to frown.
- Why are you talking to me? - you retorted, and Jessica just shrugged.
- I want to be friends with the girl who punched Tony Stark in the face. - She says simply, and you stare at her for a few seconds, not knowing exactly what to say.
- All right, then. - You say, turning your attention back to your materials. Jessica smiles before adjusting her posture to rest her head on her arms on the table. 
Professor Hill begins her class shortly after, and you reprimand yourself for letting your gaze wander to Wanda and then looking away. What the fuck is the matter with you today?
You were particularly focused on an exercise that didn't seem to make any sense when your classmate in front of you passed you a piece of paper. You looked around, seeing a small commotion, which indicated that the paper had been passed around the room. You frown, opening it.
- Ulala, you have an admirer. - Jessica teased, leaning yours shoulders together to read the paper. On it was simply written "want to make out? girls restroom, second floor". You laughed ruefully. - Are you going to accept?
- I don't even know who sent it. - You comment, looking around, but no one is looking at you. You quickly hide the paper to prevent the teacher from seeing. - Besides, it might just be a joke.
- Maybe. But the whole school is talking about you, so I think you might have suitors. - Jessica commented, writing in her notebook. - Besides, you're hot. It's not like no one notices you.
- Thanks. - You laughed, returning your attention to the exercise.
The class finally came to an end, and Jessica patted you on the shoulder, wishing you a good date even though she knew you weren't going, and you laughed, realizing it was a joke.
You were putting your notebooks away in your locker when school counselor Nicolas Fury approached you.
- Hello, Miss Y/L/N. Could we talk for a moment? - He asks, leading the way to his office. You sigh, knowing exactly what this is about, before nodding in agreement.
In Fury's office, you sit in the armchair opposite his desk, while he assumes his typical thoughtful position.
- I'll be straightforward, Y/N. - he begins. - I heard rumors about you getting involved in a street fight outside of school hours.
- Great choice of words, Fury. - You counter. - Out of school hours, and even off school grounds so I really don't understand why I'm here.
Fury smiles, crossing his legs.
- So you admit you were in a fight? You know as a counselor I need to warn your mother...
 - I admit nothing. - You cut without patience. - It's my word against the other gossips. 
The man lets out a chuckle before continuing.
- I imagine Anthony Stark's black eye was a domestic accident then?
You smile wryly, shrugging your shoulders.
- I think Tony Stark would rather say he hit his face against a wall than admit he got beaten by a girl, so I would put that in your report.
- Please, Y/N. - Fury asks with a serious expression. - If you tell me the reason for the conflict with Mr. Stark, I can find a way to help you.
You laugh, crossing your arms.
- The reason is that Tony Stark is an arrogant jerk who thinks he can do and say whatever he wants without consequences. - You say, and then stand up. - I don't have anything to tell you, and school hours are over. Excuse me, Mr. Fury.
You say before hurrying out of the room, annoyed by all the talk. Leaving the hallways, you roll your eyes at the excitement of your classmates, all of them heading for the soccer field, while the remaining team members in the hallway were applauded and patted on the back as if they were war heroes.
You were happy to remember your date with Nat and her friends as you walked out of the school.
Good thing I brought my jacket, was your first thought as you headed out to the skate park to meet Nat. You could hear the noise from the stands, which must have been packed since everyone in the school seemed to love football.
You had bought some French fries from one of the stalls set up for the game, and walked alone toward the park, around the iron bleachers.
A few minutes later you arrived at the skateboarding rink, observing the small group of people that was there. Nat waved to you as soon as she saw you, and you smiled.
- Hey, you made it. - She remarked as she approached. You waved. She turned to the group. - Guys, this is the girl I told you about, Y/N. 
You waved to everyone, who smiled at you.
- This is Clint, Laura, Thor, Valkyrie and my boyfriend Bruce. - Nat said, introducing everyone. You have never seen them at school. - They are owls.
Oh, that makes sense. You thought. They were all students at the state school that was two blocks away. Their mascot was an owl, and their team was your school's opponent in today's game. That's why they were all here.
You sat down with them, offering them some of the fries you had bought. You smiled as you noticed Nat sitting with Bruce, it was different to see her like this, completely comfortable and smiling openly.
Thor then stood up, a skateboard in his hand.
- Hey, Y/N, want to give it a try? - He suggested and you hesitated. You didn't really know how to skate. But Thor seemed nice and willing to teach you, so you nodded and stood up.
It was fun to learn from him. You laughed about the times you fell on your buttocks, and Thor seemed concerned about checking to see if you were all right. And when you got tired of that, you and he joined the group again, talking about various random things.
You eventually found out that Clint and Laura were already engaged to be married, and intended to move in together after college. You thought Thor and Valkyrie were boyfriend and girlfriend at first, but she commented that she hoped to meet more interesting girls in college. Also, Thor told you that he was applying to colleges outside of New York, wanting to be closer to his brother. Bruce wanted to go to medical school, and he and Nat were looking forward to sharing an apartment together. You told them that you had applied to colleges all over the country, that there was nothing really keeping you here. 
You spent the whole period of the game talking, and having fun. And then, when the fireworks went off from the stadium bleachers, you thought it was time to go.
The vast majority of the people had already gone home by the time you reached the stands, and then you thought you heard a noise. Investigating the source, you walked slowly around the iron construction, letting out an exclamation of surprise at the image you saw.
Tony Stark was wrapped around Steve Rogers in the passionate kiss. You wanted to laugh at the hypocrisy. You were going to leave in silence, because you didn't give a fuck about what these two were doing, but Tony pushed Steve away and opened his eyes, and then he saw you.
Assuming an aggressive posture, while Steve looked worried, he advanced toward you.
- What the fuck are you doing there girl? - He shouted, and you took a few steps back in surprise.
- You must be looking to get punched in the face again. - You retorted angrily, hiding your nervousness. You could fight, but being alone against Stark and Rogers, you might push your luck. 
- I think you'd better not tell anyone what you saw here. - He threatened when he approached you, Steve following close behind.
- You think I care if you're banging Rogers behind the locker room, Stark? Screw you. - You retorted in a provocative tone. Stark advanced on you, his fist raised, but Rogers held him back.
- You're out of your mind, it's a girl. - He spoke, shoving Tony away from you. 
- Listen to your boyfriend, Stark. - You teased last, reveling in Tony's anger.
Tony let out an irritated snort and jumped toward you again, but when Rogers grabbed him, he punched him in the face. You blinked in surprise, and then they started to fight, rolling on the ground.
What the fuck, you thought, frowning at the scene, and taking a few steps back to avoid being bumped into.
And then someone shouted, and you looked up from the fight to see Pietro Maximoff coming out of the locker room along with Wanda, and another boy from the team who you thought was named Bucky.
The boys ran to separate the two, and Pietro held Tony by the arms as Bucky stood in front of Steve.
- What the fuck are you guys doing? - shouted Pietro.
- It's all this crazy bitch's fault! - Tony shouted, pointing at you. You rolled your eyes as Pietro looked at you in confusion.
- Are you fighting over her? - he asked. And you burst out laughing when you understood.
- Oh, Maximoff, that's not the kind of fruit they like. - You sneered and Pietro had to hold Tony back to keep him from jumping on you. 
- Let's get them out of here. - Said Bucky dragging Steve away. Pietro nodded as he dragged Tony to the opposite side.
You frowned when you were left alone with Wanda, and she looked at you.
- Do you need something? - you said snidely, and Wanda let out a wry laugh.
- I don't know what your deal is, girl. - she said, stepping closer. - But I think you'd better leave my friends alone.
You laughed.
- What friends, Maximoff? - You countered. - Those kids are narcissistic sociopaths who will fuck anything that wears a skirt. And your brother is an asshole. You're just a trophy to them.
- You don't know shit. - Wanda spoke angrily.
- Try to stop behaving the way they want you to. - You provoked by taking a step forward. - One day of not being the perfect little lady that everyone thinks you are.
- You shut your mouth. - She retorted with fury in her eyes, and then she shoved your shoulders, making you laugh ironically. - Stay away from me.
- Oh but I can't wait to get out of this fucking school! - You shouted back, laughing wryly. - And I'll never have to endure Stark's little group ever again. But mostly, I won't have to deal with Miss Perfect Girl here, with her fake smiles and annoying comments. - You punctuated your sentences with your finger, as you approached Wanda, who was staring wide-eyed. You let out your breath through your mouth as you realized how close you were, and stared intensely at Wanda. - I hate you.
- I hate you too. - She whispered before breaking the distance between you.
You closed your eyes tightly, lifting your hands to Wanda's waist and squeezing. Wanda sighed against your mouth, and you took the opportunity to push your tongue against hers, moaning at the new sensation.
Feeling her whole body respond to the kiss, you pushed her, until she slammed her back against the locker room wall. You pressed your knee against Wanda's center, and she moaned against your lips, lifting her right leg and entwining it around your waist. You felt your body tremble in anticipation, and the new friction made you press Wanda tight against the wall.
You weren't thinking about anything. All you felt was Wanda. Her tongue circling in your mouth, stealing all the air from your lungs. You pulled your mouths apart to breathe, and moved your kisses down to Wanda's collarbone, which made her sigh. You kissed the skin, hard, marking her. The thought of her trying to hide those marks after that, stimulated you to suck. Wanda let out a loud groan, pressing her nails into your shoulder.
You brought your mouths together again, and let your hands run up the inside of Wanda's blouse. She was still wearing her cheerleader uniform, and you tried not to think about it so much.
Your hand reached her right breast, and you squeezed without hesitation.Wanda moaned against your mouth, and you kissed her hard as you pressed your bodies together.
She whimpered as you pushed your knee up, breaking the kiss to rest her head on your shoulder. You let out a wry chuckle, lifting her chin with your hand and forcing her to face you as you brought your mouths together again. This time you let your tongue play with hers slowly and sensually, making her shiver. 
And then you reached down into her blouse again, pulling down her bra. With her breasts exposed, you played with her hardened nipples, feeling Wanda rub against your knee. 
You lowered your hand around her waist, pulling up the fabric of her skirt. Your hand moved down to her now exposed ass, and you squeezed the flesh, pressing Wanda against you. The contact made you both moan with intensity.
When you interrupted the friction with your knee, Wanda grumbled at the lack of contact, but you kissed her firmly, one hand squeezing her neck, and she trembled completely. You released her ass, to run your fingers up her thigh, until finally you reached her pussy. 
Reaching up with your fingers to pull down Wanda's panties, you kept up the pace of the kiss, wanting to keep her distracted.
You found her pussy soaked, and moaned as you felt it. Massaging her superficially with just one finger, it didn't take long for Wanda to whimper, moving her hips in search of more contact.
She broke the kiss with a moan when you penetrated her without warning. You moved your hand from her breasts to grip her leg around your waist, seeing that the intensity of your touch was making Wanda shiver and lose her balance. 
You withdrew your finger and then sank in again, and Wanda rested her head on your collarbone, sighing breathlessly.
- I'm sorry, Wanda. But I won't be gentle. - You whispered against her ear before sticking two fingers in without warning.
Wanda cried out against your skin, completely surrendered. You didn't wait for her to get used to the sensation, moving your fingers immediately afterwards. She bit your shoulder to keep from moaning, and her hips began to move frantically against you next, trying to increase the speed. You smiled mischievously, following her request. 
It didn't take long for her body to quiver in spasms, you delighting in the feel of her pussy tightening against your fingers. A thrust or two later, and she came apart against you, letting out a sultry moan against your ear that made your own intimacy pulsate. 
You continued to stimulate Wanda's swollen clitoris even after she came, and she bit your shoulder, trying to normalize her breathing and stop shaking. She quickly lowered her hand to yours, asking you to stop your touch, and you gave her a dirty smile before moving your fingers up to your mouth, tasting Wanda's sweet flavor on your tongue. She looked at you with dilated pupils, and then moved forward, kissing you again and tasting herself in your mouth.
Kissing like this, she was soon ready for another. But you were interrupted, a hissing noise in the distance. You grumbled, pulling away, as you helped Wanda fix her clothes. 
- Who's there? The game is over! - says a voice. You knew it was the janitor, he had probably come to lock up the locker rooms. 
You and Wanda laughed as you ran past him, holding hands, while he yelled that you couldn't be there.
When you reached the parking area, you caught a glimpse of Rogers' car parked next to Pietro's car. The four boys were there, talking. They didn't see you.
Wanda also looked and then pulled you to the corner of the wall of the school building, hidden from the rest of the place. 
- I guess this is good-bye. - You commented, letting Wanda press you against the wall, as she slung her arms around your shoulders. You kept your hands on her waist. - It's a shame really. I wanted to make you cum in my mouth.
Wanda bites her lips, holding back a giggle as her eyes sparkle with mischief.
- It doesn't have to be the last time. - She says, bringing your mouths closer together.
- No, it doesn't. - You agree, closing the distance, meeting her in a slow kiss, while your hands press her ass into you.
- Hmmm, I should go. - She grumbles, breaking the kiss without pulling away. You bring your mouths together again, biting her lip gently, which makes her close her eyes and chase after your mouth, but you don't kiss her.
- You can go. - You play, squeezing her flesh again and pressing her against you.
- Fuck. - She whispers before kissing you again, one last time. 
You separate amidst giggles and stolen kisses. Wanda gives you one last look before walking toward the parking lot. You stand there against the wall for a while, your heart racing, with the promise that this would not be the last time.
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twilightt-fantasy · 3 years
Caius Volturi Masterlist
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bonding -  can I request a Caius imagine? Perhaps a bonding moment between him and reader
talking - can I get a Caius reaction to the reader sleep talking? Make it sweet, make it funny, do whatever you like!
introvert - could you do a Caius Volturi x reader where she is his mate and a Brazilian vampire, who is very calm and introverted and loves to read?(Could you also add that the Cullen’s are surprised when they met her?)
history - can you please do a Caius x reader in which his mate is a big fan of history and keeps asking him about important historical events due to him being a vampire and Caius finding it extremely adorable?!?!
kiss me harder - hello love, could you do #53 from the prompt list thingie with Caius?? (Against the wall kiss.)
mine - can I get a uhhhhh 61 with Caius?? (”You’re mine. I don’t share.”)
you - 3 with Caius Volturi please! :D (“You’re the only one I want.”)
school trip - could you do an imagine with Caius meeting his mate for the first time, his mate being a young innocent teenager?
immortal child - one where the reader is categorize as a immortal child, maybe she’s Caius child before he was changed and when he did get turned he changed her by accident since he thought he had killed her; and the volturi comes across her and Caius is just happy to have his child back in his life. Maybe that’s why he’s also so bitter and cold hearted
christmas morning - for the Christmas requests maybe a Caius fluff of him spoiling his mate with gifts and like gift opening on Christmas morning? Thanks!❤️
white christmas - could I pls request something with cauis where it’s snowing and she is so excited because it doesn’t really snow where she was from.
love - can I request a imagine with Caius, where his mate is a shy skittish girl and she is like always attracted to his sleeve or hand, and one day she wonders away from him and a vampire mistakes her for there food and tries to attack her and Caius saves her and just comforts her, and he thinks it’s best she lives away from the castle but she rejects his offer to stay with him and he is just blown away that she loves him. Thank you!
reminiscence - Hey! First of all, I simply love your blog and second of all, I was wondering if I could request an imagine with Caius where the reader and him spend some quality time with each other, cuddling near the fireplace (bonus points if they're one of the oldest married couples in Volterra) and they reminisce all of their years together? Ups and downs? Basically, good old tooth rotting, old married power couple fluff. I understand if you are not able to do this, but I just had the idea. Merry Christmas
sister (+ aro/marcus) - where the reader is Bell’s littile sister. And she finds out she is the Volturi King’s mate during the battle.
hit on (+ aro/marcus) - do you think I might be able to request an imagine where the reader is mated to the Kings (like a poly relationship.) And she gets hit on/cat called by one of the lower guards. Possibly someone else sees, and spreads it throughout the guard until the Kings eventually find out?
burn (+ aro/marcus) - maybe the Volturi Kings with a fem!mate (all three mated to the same person.) who accidentally burns herself (its super small, but she still feels it but she brushes it off) Anyways the Kings see and they FREAK because fire is like the only thing that can completely kill a vampire. Thanks so much 😊
trouble (+ aro/marcus) - a poly relationship with the reader and the Volturi leaders where the reader wants to outside, but her mates say no, but she sneaks out anyway, and something terrible happens. 
witch (+ aro/marcus) - can I request a scenario in which the reader is the three volturi kings mate (like a poly relationship) but not a human. She’s actually a which and can’t be turned into a vamp bc she’s already supernatural. While witches don’t age past 21, they don’t have super strength or healing like vamps, which is why they’re really protective of her. Thing is she hates it, bc she can protect herself with magic and doesn’t like being coddled
protection (+ aro/marcus) - can I have 57 with Caius, Aro and Marcus? As a poly ask? Thank youu💕💕(“Despite what you think, I am completely capable of taking care of myself.”)
snow day (+ aro/marcus) - Can I request a one-shot for Christmas with the kings and they mate. Them love the christmas time and go out the castle/escape to see the snow falling in Volterra on a beautiful day. Would be funny and romantic awww! ❄☃���🖤
baby (+ aro/marcus) - In your opinion how would react and act the three Volturi king (as a poly or not, what you prefer) with a s/o who is a single mother with a very young kid (like 2-3 y/o). They would accept the baby? They would think about him/her as theirs? If yes, when the baby calls them “dad” what woul be their reaction?
costume party (+ aro/marcus) - the reader is excited to show her mates her costume
midnight snacks (+aro/marcus) - 1 with the volturi kings from the Christmas prompt list (“Are you eating cookies right now? It’s 3 AM!” “If Santa can do it so can I.”)
enough for you (+ aro/marcus) - Can I Request the volturi kings (poly or separate either is fine) with a mate who feels like they aren’t good enough for them. Like maybe they are bit more childish and scatterbrained (maybe they have adhd and/or dyslexia) for their age. And they feel so inferior like even the receptionist who is younger than them is way more put together. Thanks!
stand up (+aro/marcus) - I have yet to see any of these (kinda?-) But I was hoping if you could do a Poly relationship with the Volturi kings, where the reader is shy as heck and is related to the one and only, Bella swan?
stress relief - the kings worry that their mate is pushing herself too hard.
standstill - can I get a Volturi Kings story of sorts where the reader is Bella's aunt from Charlie's side, she is their mate and they find out she is pregnant with their baby. how would they handle it?
broken bones - Can you write poly volturi kings with a mate who broke her arm because i broke mine recently and i feel like shit. Thank you and you dont have to do this if you dont want to <33
volturi kings with a childish s/o 
poly relationship with volturi kings
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electradelight · 2 years
touchdown in atlanta pt. 1 (a tom x zendaya mini!fic) | oct. 25, 2020
Hello. This is the first time I’ve written a fic since I was like 14 on fanfiction.net. I had to come back because Tom and Zendaya are adorable. 
link to pt. 2
link to pt. 3
Intro: So if you’re a hardcore intense shipper, maybe skip this intro. Anyway, I thought Tom and Zendaya were doooone when Z and J. Eloridi were caught kissing in NYC early 2020 (ugh those candids kill me btw. Incredible rebound, Ms. Coleman. I wish I could see all their film photos from those days). Anyway… July 2021 came around and those cute Z/T car kiss photos came out and awwwwww.
On top of that, the NWH press tour made me fall in love with their chemistry–it’s so palpable it makes you feel warm inside. The nosy virgo in me needed to understand the timeline of these events  (shoutout to @spidermaninlove on tumblr) and in doing so… picturing how a few moments played out.
Disclaimers: Of course this is a work of fiction, imagination, just me, someone-who-loves-love, daydreaming about two strangers in love… etc… etc. I’m 24 so I feel like I have a good grasp on their maturity but I’m from LA so please forgive me if/when Tom’s character doesn’t sound authentic to an English bloke (did I use that right?). 
Also, I’m not a writer. Not that I expect people to read. Anyway. Here we go.
Here’s my fave gif of them. Just because.
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October 25 2020
Tom couldn’t stop fidgeting with his signet ring. 
Two hours until this plane landed. Two hours until he stepped into the humid Atlanta air and yearned for a cool English breeze. Two hours until he would be in the same city as Zendaya, well… potentially. He hadn’t asked her. He just didn’t want to seem desperate, you know?
He unlocked his phone and scrolled through his favorites album. He hadn’t reached out to Zendaya since her birthday last month. And before that, it was back in July to congratulate her on her Emmy nomination. He stopped on a facetime screenshot of her smiling away from the camera at Noon. He was so proud of her… and he felt a rush knowing he would get to be in the same place as her for the next several months. He wouldn’t have to wait until an important date came up to start a conversation with her. 
He wondered if she was still dating Jacob–erm, the Australian one. They hadn’t really talked about that during their calls. They were really long calls… she must know how much he missed her. He missed her laugh. He really hoped she wasn’t dating anyone. Of course, Tom knew it didn’t matter what he hoped. He ultimately wanted her to be happy… and if Jacob Elordi is what she wants then she should respect that. But gosh it was difficult wasn’t it? To even attempt to do that? He missed her loads.
Tom was getting too far ahead of himself.  He opened his iMessage and typed “hey mate , are you coming to Atlanta tomorrow? My plane should be landing soon.. X”. He sent it before he could obsess over it. 
Tom closed his window and settled in for a nap, but not before scrolling back down to Zendaya’s contact, and pinning her to the top of his iMessage app.
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sofreddie · 3 years
Scent from Above 2
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Summary: The morning after.
Characters: Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Fan!Reader
ABO BINGO: Daisies/Fresh Bread/Pine
Word Count: 1,672
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, Scenting, Scent Bond, Smut (Use of condoms, Knotting), Mentions of Marking/Claiming/Mating, Fluff
A/N: Attention thirsty bitches...get your cups ready. : ) Each part of this series will feature an @spnabobingo square.
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Jensen woke with a groan and a stretch. As he moved, he felt another warm body beside him. He cracked open his eyes, seeing Y/N in his arms, neither of them having moved from the night before. He wasn't sure what to do as he watched her sleeping.
Should he wake her?
Should he try to crawl from the bed and let her sleep?
He quickly remembered that she was in heat as she shifted to her back. Her scent struck him, drawing him in once more, his nose drifting to the scent gland in her neck.
He breathed deeply of her, musing on her scent. There was something flowery, like daisies. Something warm and rich, like fresh-baked bread. He breathed deeply once more, catching the earthy undertones of pine. Each layer brought on a feeling of home and warmth and familiarity.
After a few minutes, he decided that maybe he was being a little creepy, and maybe he should try to occupy himself until she's ready to wake. So he carefully removed himself from the bed and ordered breakfast via room service, not thinking it wise for them to be apart or in public in their conditions.
Jensen took a quick shower and dressed in a t-shirt and track pants just in time for the food to arrive. As he removed the lids and the aromas filled the space, Y/N stirred awake.
"Good morning," Jensen beamed at her as she shuffled into the main seating area of the suite.
"Morning," she blushed at him, running her fingers through her tangled hair. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her and he silently reminded himself it was only the beginning.
"Are you hungry?" he offered, gesturing to the cart, "I didn't know what you liked, so I got a little of everything."
She smiled warmly at him, "Could I take a quick shower first?" she asked, noting he already had. He nodded and silently guided her to the bathroom, watching as the door closed behind her.
He was absolutely not going to think about her naked and wet behind that door.
As he heard the shower turn on, he realized she didn't have a change of clothes with her. He quickly dug through his suitcase, finding another simple t-shirt and pants. He went to the bathroom and knocked on the door lightly, but there was no response. He took a deep breath and cracked the door open just enough to place the clothes on the counter before quickly shutting it again.
Jensen had started digging into the food by the time she came out. Her hair was down and damp, her face free of the makeup she had been wearing. His clothes draped her frame and the Alpha in him felt proudly possessive.
"Thanks for the clothes," she said as she sat on the couch with a respectable distance between them. She was nervous, not sure what to expect, and distracted herself with breakfast, "I'm in another room here," she explained, "Just a few floors down."
"What room? I'll have them send up your stuff."
"What? No," she protested, "I'm perfectly capable of getting my own things."
"It's not such a good idea to go anywhere," he began hesitantly, "And I'm not really sure I could handle it if you did," he added bashfully.
She was surprised. As she showered she thought about the events of the night before. How could she not? She was sure he would politely tell her it was a mistake, it was his rut, anything really to back out of it. But here he was, seemingly still sure.
They ate in relative silence, exchanging smiles and giggles between bites of food. They were both trying to ignore the fact that their biologies were ramping up once more, their urges becoming prevalent.
"Come here," Jensen softly spoke as he tugged at her. She went willingly, letting him guide her to straddle his lap on the couch. He buried his nose in her neck once more, humming in satisfaction as he took his fill of her. She scented him in turn, slowly allowing herself to believe it was real.
He placed a wet kiss on her neck, making her moan. He did it once more, teasing the tip of his tongue and her hips involuntarily ground down against his.
He was so very hard and so very there.
A moan slipped past his lips and Y/N shuttered. It was the most erotic sound she'd ever heard and she felt a swell of pride at being the one to bring it from him. She did it again, slowly and more purposefully this time, teasing them both.
"You want that, Omega?" he breathily asked as he ground up against her core, his hands squeezing her hips.
"So much, Alpha," she replied, before kissing him hard. Jensen responded eagerly, opening his mouth for her as she introduced her tongue. He moaned again, her hips now steadily working against him.
Their clothes were quickly shed, each piece being thrown without care as they bared themselves to one another.
"Condom?" she asked bashfully as she ran her fingers through his hair.
Jensen blindly retrieved one, his face buried in Y/N's breasts as he licked and sucked at her supple flesh. He held it up to show her, still preoccupied. She chuckled and took it from him, opening it with her teeth.
"Wait," he said, finally lifting his head from her chest to meet her eyes after she rolled the condom down his shaft, "Don't you want me to-" his fingers strayed to her core and she shook her head adamantly.
"No," she breathed, "Just you."
She shifted her hips and sunk down on his length with a long moan. His arms wrapped around her back, holding her tightly to him. The breath was punched out of him. She surprised him, he wasn't ready. But at the same time, he was so fucking ready.
Hell, he was ready to take her and claim her in the alleyway last night.
After they both adjusted, he loosened his hold, keeping his arms securely around her. She pulled back to look into his eyes as she began to move, sliding slowly up and down. Her jaw dropped open, the sensation of his thick girth pushing and stretching against her walls amazingly perfect.
Jensen almost couldn't stand the intensity, the intimacy of her gaze. This was quickly becoming the sappiest moment of his life and he couldn't complain one bit.
"J-Jay," she breathed out, adjusting her hips to a new angle and pressing her chest against his. His eyes fluttered closed at the sound of her calling his name. He groaned and went straight for her neck. After a good long scent, he opened his mouth, licking a line before clamping his lips down to suck a dark mark.
She cried out, her hips jerking, and he thrust up in response, sucking harder.
"D-don't claim me," she stuttered, riding him hard for the both of them.
"Not this time," he reluctantly agreed with a smirk.
He wanted to. God did he want to. He knew she was his and he was hers. But he also knew that she needed time to adjust. That she wasn't ready. That she wanted it but hadn't fully let herself believe it. He'd give her all the time she needed.
She panted as she rode him and he thrust up into her. He couldn't get the angle or speed that he wanted. And he wanted to be deeper. With a frustrated snarl, he wrapped his arms around her and dropped her on her back on the couch swiftly, still buried inside her.
She gasped and he plunged hard, knocking her body up the couch a few inches.
"Yes!" she cried out desperately, her nails digging into his shoulders. He growled and gave her all he had, riding them hard through their highs.
His knot popped and his teeth ached as his eyes locked onto her pulse beating rapidly beneath the taut skin of her neck. Feeling himself lose control, he turned his head, biting down into the couch cushion and growling as he emptied himself into the condom.
His teeth didn't release the pillow until his body calmed and he felt the urge pass. He immediately buried his face in her neck, lapping against the dark purple mark he'd left earlier, his mind letting him pretend it was his claim.
They spent the next few days in much the same fashion until her heat and his rut had finally passed.
"Stay just one more night with me?" he asked as she came out of the bathroom in her own clothes. Jensen ended up having her things delivered after all, "My flight's pretty early in the morning. But we can spend one more night," he pleaded, his hands on her waist as she shouldered her Winchester Bros. branded weekend bag.
He didn't miss the opportunity to playfully rib her over it either.
"I can't, Jay," she pouted. She had quickly adopted the nickname for him and he was thrilled with how comfortable she grew around him in such a short amount of time. He did his best all weekend to show - and say - just how much he wanted her and how sure about them he was.
"If you let me claim you we could take Mate Leave," he grinned.
She playfully slapped his shoulder and scolded him, "I just want both of us to be totally sure before making such a permanent commitment," she said for the umpteenth time that weekend.
"Next time then," he joked, wiggling his brows, "I stole one of your shirts, FYI," he added, blushing, "I think I'd go insane if I didn't have your scent around me."
"I guess that's okay," she said, "'Cause I took one of yours too," she looked to the ground bashfully. He laughed before cupping her face and kissing her hard.
"We'll find a way to see each other soon," he promised.
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let-them-read-fics · 3 years
Empress of the Heart (Pt. 2)
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Synopsis / Request: “Reader is an actress, and she meets Jennie at an event. They have a one night stand afterward, and months later they meet again.”
Pairing: Jennie x Fem!Actress!Reader
Warnings / Misc: Smut (only in Pt. 1), Angst, Fluff
Here’s the second half of the request for you lovely peeps! Enjoy :)
Part 1
"Y/N, more people are arriving and management wants us to greet them. Something about photo ops." Jackson, your fellow lead, says as he pokes his head into your dressing room. His entrance intruded on your thoughts of the beautiful brunette that effectively stole your heart away within a night, leaving you completely at her mercy despite being worlds away.  
"Alright, just give me a second." He nods and goes to stand outside your door -- you're expected to be seen together for a good portion of the night. Thankfully, though, Jackson is a good guy; he cares a lot about you, always doing everything in his power to keep you happy. The feeling is mutual; it's nice to have someone in your corner in an industry as unforgiving as this one. 
"Ready?" You ask, opening the door after you've checked yourself in the mirror and smoothed down any unruly hairs or clothing. Looking presentable is a must tonight -- you can't appear as wistful as you've been feeling lately. 
"Sure am." His answer is a bit unnecessary, seeing as how you asked a rhetorical question, but you send him a smile nonetheless. He offers you an arm, and soon the two of you are walking back towards the entrance of the building. 
Waves of flashing cameras greet you for the second time tonight, now capturing you in your full glammed-out look. The first time had been a few hours ago when your team arrived to begin setting up and get all of you ready. 
The entire cast now stands stretched out in front of the large screen that will air the movie later, your arms around each other as you smile for the cameras. Promotional pictures shine behind you on the screen, serving as a perfect backdrop as they cycle through their predetermined slideshow.
Eventually, you all disperse to greet some guests. 
"Thank you for coming, Mr. Choi. It's wonderful seeing you again." 
"I hope you enjoy our performances, Mrs. Lee. Your support has meant the world to us." 
"Ah, Jeong! How've you been?" 
Countless faces pass by as you work hard to greet everyone, knowing full well your company will be upset if you slack off now. It's everyone's big night, so they obviously can't have their leading lady stopping for even a minute. 
You're almost ready to run to the restroom in order to have a moment to yourself, free of prying eyes and judgemental stares; but what you hear next sends a chill down your spine, an all too familiar ache in your chest. 
It's Jennie. She's laughing that wonderful laugh of hers, taking you back in time to when you first heard it. Her members must've said something really hilarious, because all of them are doubled over, clutching their stomachs with laughter. 
"Hey again," Jackson greets, and for a second you almost want to tell him to leave you alone. You don't, though, knowing you have no right to pull something like that. 
"YG's girl group just got here. Do you want to say hello?" Of course you do. You want to run into Jennie's arms and spin her around, reveling in the way her arms would surely wrap around you in that warm embrace that's so uniquely hers. You want to tell her a stupid joke to make her laugh again, like she had just a few moments ago. You want to talk to her. 
But you don't.
"No, not right now. I'm going to visit with my family, if that's alright with you." 
"Sure, sure." He says considerately, unwrapping his arm from you. You press a friendly kiss to his cheek as a thank you, letting it serve as a goodbye as well. 
"Eomma!" You shout, squeezing through the crowd when you spot her at one of the banquet tables lining the front of the room. The rest of the space is filled with rows of chairs, already set out for when the movie premieres. 
"Ah, baby girl. We're so proud of you." She says, holding you in a tight embrace as tears spill from her eyes. Her arms bring you comfort like no other, and you're beyond grateful to have her here tonight. Some of your friends stand behind her, too, waiting for their turn to say hello. 
Jennie watches you interact with them from across the room, and she feels a pang of sadness run through her. She's not naive to how these things work: your other cast mates had come over to greet her and girls, snapping pictures and even starting meaningful conversations in some cases -- all of that meaning you had been given the opportunity to do the same, but turned it down. Do you not want to see her? Maybe she had misjudged your night together. You are an actress, after all. 
She shakes her head, physically willing the thoughts to go away as she turns her focus to whatever new person was talking to them now. She continues stealing glances in your direction, finding you looking somewhere else every time. She'd give just about anything to have you look at her, if only for a moment. Just a glance, she thinks to herself, praying the universe hears her pleas. They seem to fall on deaf ears, though, because before she knows it the MC is calling all of you onto stage and the guests are directed to their seats. 
"Let's welcome the cast of Empress of the Heart!" The MC says cheerily, tucking his notecard underneath his arm in order to clap along with the audience. "They've spent months working hard for this project, travelling to filming locations in different countries, learning new languages, and facing their fears. We hope all of you thoroughly enjoy their performances. Now, I'll hand it over to our leads." 
You and Jackson bow towards the audience, waving at them politely as they applaud you again. He looks at you, a silent question of if you want to speak first, and you nod. Taking the mic from him, you say, "Firstly, I'd like to thank our incredible cast and crew. They played just as important a role in this movie as Jackson and I, and we're endlessly grateful for their hard work." More cheers ring out at your kind hearted show of appreciation, and you speak up again once they've died down. 
"These past few months have been some of the best of my life, and I owe that to people like you, and my fans. Thank you for taking a chance on me and supporting me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you." You say sincerely, looking into the camera that's recording all of this for exclusive content. When the movie drops for the public in a couple weeks, they'll be able to buy this tape as well and see highlights from the premiere. The thought of your fans watching it from the comfort of their own homes, yelling praises at their screens, makes you smile. 
Jackson takes over now, smoothly transitioning into his own mini speech of thanks. You stop your eyes from meeting the one pair that they so desperately want to, always keeping them trained on other parts of the crowd. If you allow your resolve to crumble, you'll get lost in her all over again and potentially screw up one of the biggest nights of your life. You can't take a risk like that. 
You laugh at something Jackson says, some joke about how you had to face your fear of heights for a scene in the movie, and Jennie takes a deep breath. She's not exactly jealous, but yet that's precisely the feeling that creeps its way into her chest. She knows that you're avoiding her for some reason, but she has no idea why. Did she do something wrong? 
Why, why, did they have to sit Blackpink in the row right behind you? It's karmic, the universe's way of pushing you back to each other, but you don't know how to feel about it all. You can feel her eyes boring into you as each new scene plays, silently begging for you to turn around and talk to her, even if it's impolite to do so in the middle of a movie.
You don't, though, fighting every fiber of your being to keep yourself from giving in. 
Despite the emotions that swirl within her that pay little mind to the number they're doing on her heart, she actually finds herself enjoying parts of the movie. It's bittersweet, seeing you up there, but you command the screen in a way that seems to steal all coherent thoughts from her brain. You're truly skilled, and she gets a kick out of watching you hide behind your hands in embarrassment when your co-stars offer whispered praises.
During one scene in particular, though, Jennie's eyes drop to the floor, her teeth clenched together tightly. Your character just saved Jackson's from certain doom, and the two of you are sharing a long-overdue kiss. The rest of the crowd lets out approving noises at this, but Jennie is comforted by her members' soft smiles and reassuring touches. You feel guilty, for some reason, knowing that anything you were a part of made Jennie so upset. It shouldn't matter, though -- I mean, it's not like you and Jackson are actually together -- but still, it hurts Jennie to see him kiss you and hold you in the ways she wants to. 
The rest of the night carries on much the same, but later on, once you get enough courage to look for Jennie, she's gone. The other girls are too, and a sinking feeling settles in your chest. Gone -- again -- just like all that time ago. Your reasons for staying away from her were legitimate, but they felt nothing of the sort as you glanced around the crowd again. 
The movie ended earlier, already getting good marks and reviews from the critics who came to view it, and now the "afterparty" of sorts was kicking in. You hadn't expected the girls to stay long after the movie, but you'd at least hoped to utter a word to them, if nothing else. A smile would've sufficed. 
Realizing she's really gone, you let out a sad sigh and make your way down the hall, towards the large doors that lead to the balcony. If anything can clear your mind right now, surely it's a chilly breeze. 
You lay an arm against the sturdy railing, leaning on it as you massage your neck. All of the stress you've been put under is showing in the form of painful knots, far too many to get rid of in one go. You sigh, letting your head lull forward and lay against your arm.
"And here I was thinking I wouldn't see you again."
At the utterance, you turn around to find her leaned up against the stone wall of the building with a playful smirk on her lips. She's back to her old self in an instant, but you can sense the undertones of nervousness in her voice. 
The darkness of the night that envelops you two makes her eyes look even more feline -- even more alluring -- and it takes everything in you not to lose your train of thought. 
"Jennie." Her name comes out as a pleased declaration more than anything else, a familiar flutter taking over your heart at the sight of her. It's a warm feeling in your chest, and you never want it to go away. 
You try not to focus on the sensual swaying of her hips or the teasing look in her eye as she pushes herself away from the wall to approach you. 
"I thought you left." You breathe out, remembering how sad you were earlier. 
"Without getting you alone first? How could I?" The implication behind her words gives you pause, causing a blush to begin forming on your cheeks. You curse yourself for being so easy.
"I've missed you like crazy," she confesses, allowing herself to be vulnerable again. Now in front of you, she brushes the back of her fingertips against your cheek as you look into her eyes. 
"I've missed you, too -- more, probably," you say, the declaration sounding like an embarrassed sigh as it leaves your lips. She smiles at that -- her genuine, gummy smile that you've missed so much -- and your heart flutters again. 
She debates on asking the question that sits on the tip of her tongue, waiting to be answered. "Why didn't you greet me before, at the party?" Her voice is small now, insecure, as she avoids your gaze and stills her movements. 
"I-..." you start, finding yourself at a loss for words. Should you tell her how you feel?
"I was afraid you'd throw me off my game. You're pretty distracting, you know?" You reply, nudging her shoulder playfully. A hint of a smile tugs at her cheeks, unsure if it should finish the job and turn into a big one. 
"I thought I did something wrong." She informs.
"Not at all. In fact, you did things a little too right, if you ask me. I can't stay away from you, Jennie." Her heart trips and stumbles over itself in its pursuit of gaining a steady rhythm again, thrown off course by your words. 
Growing brave, she suggests, "Go on a date with me, then. I wanna have more nights like that with you." She whispers that last part, ghosting her fingertips over your skin to awaken the memories. 
"I'd like that," you smile, leaning in to kiss her lips. It's soft and gentle, much like your first one, and your heart hammers in your chest. It seems to forget that you've done this before, choosing instead to subject you to the giddiness you felt that first time with her. 
She pulls back to rest her forehead against yours, settling her arms around your waist, saying, "I've wanted to do that all night." You smile for the millionth time because of her, happy with how things have turned out.
"Do it again, then." 
And she does. 
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
"candy floss"
Summary: After Fred's death, George and Y/n lean on each other to carry on. This wasn't the most brilliant idea, though; George was pretty much in love with the girl, and Y/n— well, she had been dating Fred prior to the Battle of Hogwarts.
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst
Suggested by: @crispykittywitch
Things never go as planned: @sarcasticallywitty15 @beautyschoo1dropout @s1ut4georgeweasley @leovaldez37 @missmulti @weasleywh0r3s
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: grief, feels, brief mention of Fred x Reader ig?
A/N: I decided to name the parts bc why the fuck not so keep an eye on the titles 👀. This story is based off this convo and these headcanons. If you wanna be tagged in the next parts tell me, and enjoy <3
Prologue :the aftermath
Part I : sleepless nights
Part III: shock therapy
Part IV: wrong name
Part V: the perfect excuse
Part VI: the downfall
Part VII: apart
Epilogue: I still love you
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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The moment the last group of customers decided it was time to call it a day and exited the shop, I left the till counter and grabbed my wand from my pocket, instantly turning the sign in the door so it could be read from outside 'closed'.
A sigh escaped my lips as I leaned against the multicolored wooden rail.
I was drained.
The shop helped our minds to get distracted and stray from the grief, yes, but it was also exhausting.
We had been subconsciously overworking ourselves to the point where it was borderline self-destructive.
It didn't help that I was throwing myself into comforting George, either. I could not be blamed for doing that, though; he was broken.
A part of me, the rational one, knew he would pick up the pieces and build himself up again, it would just take a lot of time.
There was another part of me, though, that depressed, drained part, that was beginning to think he would never heal by himself —maybe he wouldn't heal at all— but still held onto the hope that, if I tried hard enough, I would be able to mend what had been broken in him.
A terrible idea, really, because I started to dismiss in its entirety my own miserable, damaged state.
And George, ever the caring, sensible one, would have noticed that; he would have made me realize I was not doing nearly as well as I thought, he would have talked some sense into me, but he wouldn't— he couldn't, because George was lost in an ocean of grief, trying so hard not to drown that he wasn't able to notice I was trying to aid him from my very own sinking boat.
It also seemed to be working; he was more animated, slept more soundly, and his smile was a bit brighter even —at least the one he had for me.
"Rough day?" My eyes, which I didn't know I had closed, fluttered open at George's voice.
He walked to me with a tinge of guilt in his face. "You know we can switch places, right?" I had been working as the public face of the shop since we had reopened, and George had taken on the task of doing the paperwork and shippings instead, showing up from time to time to help me and to let people know there was still a Weasley running the business.
I had been the one to suggest this, since I knew George had compromised with reopening only because of me, and he was clearly not ready to put up a sociable, positive attitude for dozens of people every day.
"Nah, it's fine like this." I assured him with a reassuring smile.
He measured me with his eyes for a second; I couldn't really tell if he saw through me or not. "So I was preparing the today's shippings," he rocked a tiny purple basket I quickly recognised in front of me. "I found this in the back of the stockroom."
"Are those—?"
"Candy floss cupcakes, yes." A year and a half ago we had bought five baskets of candy floss cupcakes from Honeydukes per George's request in order to unsuccessfully try and implement them.
"Are they even edible anymore?" I couldn't help but laugh.
"I hope so?" He chuckled too, tearing the film covering the sweets. "Thought we might as well finish them."
My eyes travelled from the basket to him and viceversa before stating, "well I'm hungry so..."
"Same here." He was the first one to pull out a pastel colored cupcake, though he handed it to me. "Wanna get food poisoning together?" Laughing, I gave him a nod as he grabbed his own cupcake. "At the count of three?"
"Three." We said in unison right before taking a bite of our respective madeleines.
I frowned at its surprisingly good flavour. "Am I delirious or are they actually edible?"
"Dunno," he shoved the rest of his cupcake into his mouth with a shrug. "maybe we're just starving."
"Go big or go home, I guess." I finished my cupcake before leaning on the basket to pick another one. My head snapped up with my brow quirked when I heard a soft chuckle. "What?"
"Nothing." George shook his head, motioning at the stairs. "Shall we sit down?" I followed his lead, sitting on the stairs and waiting for him, who had stepped towards the drinks aisle to grab a couple of juice bottles, to do the same.
We stayed there, eating and drinking in a comfortable silence until the basket was empty and our eyelids threatened to shut.
"I think we should head back to the flat." He spoke, leaving the half empty juice aside so he could stretch.
"I'm gonna learn how to cook." I stated, getting up. "We can't get by based on most likely expired sweets and whatever is in the Leaky Cauldron menu."
"Aight." He mimicked my actions, picking up the stuff we left on the stairs. "We will learn the basics tomorrow." He got behind me and began to gently push in the flat's direction. "But now we're gonna get some sleep, miss."
I would be lying if I said my heartbeat didn't pick up when his hands landed on my shoulder blades and made their way to rub both my arms reassuringly.
I would be lying if I denied I leaned back when he did that, letting myself get closer to his chest.
And I would definitely be lying if I said I didn't crave going back to my room so I could cuddle him all night.
One Week Later
"—right in the cauldron, love." I pointed at the cauldron besides me, giving a sweet smile to the kid in front of me, visibly going to be sick thanks to the free sample of Skiving Snackboxes.
"Y/n!" I spun around at the loud calling of my name above the shop's racket. I was able to discern a long, red mane flowing fast towards my position right on time for the owner to wrap her arms around me.
"Glad to see you too, Ginny." I laughed, trying not to lose balance due to her enthusiasm. "How come you're here?" I questioned, pulling away.
"We heard you were open." Harry walked up to me, appearing from behind the girl, "And thought we'd pay a visit to our friends, right?" Ginny nodded, looking around while Harry gave me a quick, yet comforting hug. "Where's George?"
I motioned up to the small office, redirecting the couple's eyes to the second floor. "Doing paperwork—AH!" I jolted when a pair of hands tickled my sides, my head snapping to see the towering ginger standing behind me. "Speaking of the devil."
"I thought I saw Gin through the window," George explained, his hands lingering on my waist for long enough to his sister to stare, before pulling Ginny into a tight hug. "And came down to check if she was distracting my employee."
"You got her all bored here, mate." Harry pointed out, a light joking tone in his voice.
"And you're the one supposed to help with that?" George rolled his eyes dramatically. "Pfft... What a world we live in." With the said, he gave the boy a side hug. I heard Harry murmur an 'We missed you' before they pulled away with a pat on the shoulder.
My gaze landed on the youngest Weasley, whose welled up eyes were trained on her older brother's half smile. I only averted my eyes and waited for her to discreetly wipe away the unspilled tears while Harry and George catched up.
By the letters she had sent me, I reckoned the last time she had been near George, he had been lifeless; seeing a glimpse of who was once one of the most cheerful, funny and charismatic people in her life, was probably poignant to Ginny.
I hadn't realized she had moved closer until I didn't hear her soft voice. "Thank you." I offered her a confused smile, though deep down I knew what she meant.
Two Days Later
George was having one of those days.
We both knew it was coming soon; it had to happen sooner rather than later, since he had been in a surprisingly good mood for almost a week. I suspected seeing Harry and Ginny had brought back the events of the Second of May.
I suggested to close the shop for the day, since he was unable to move out of bed; he refused to do so, but I convinced him to stay in the flat and rest —it was Tuesday, anyway; I wouldn't have to handle many customers.
Due to that, when I saw Hermione, Ron, Bill and Fleur entered the shop, it was understandable that I hadn't become the happiest person in the world.
I greeted them, there were hugs, kisses, and even a joke or two, and when Bill asked about George, I excused him without giving much detail.
They understood.
Fleur was the one to restart the conversation, lightening a bit before requesting a tour for the shop, since she had not yet been there.
It was when we reached the love potions that Hermione, using the fact that Fleur was very much interested in the product, held my hand and pulled me aside.
"So... how are you doing?" The frown in her face, the fact that she was whispering, the squeeze her hand gave mine, let me know she had read me the moment her eyes met mines.
I sighed with a shrug.
"You can tell me." Could I? "No one's asking you to put on a happy face, Y/n." The girl assured me, her eyes digging into mines. "It's not just George, we all lost—" she shook her head at her own words before correcting herself. "you lost him too."
I lost him too.
I bit my lower lip to stop it from quivering.
The memory of Fred's broken smile as his corpse laid on the stretcher, that memory that haunted my dreams, appeared vividly before my eyes.
My lips started to burn with the ghost of that kiss he gave me before we split up, him with Percy and me with George; it hadn't been meant to be a goodbye kiss. It was meant to be a good luck kiss.
I covered my mouth to muffle a sob, and Hermione's arms were quick to be wrapped around me, reassuringly rubbing my back.
I saw them entering from Y/n's balcony; I wasn't emotionally ready to face them all at the same time, but when I didn't see them exit, I figured Y/n hadn't been able to dismiss them.
I decided I owed to them all to bite the bullet, so I threw on a shirt and the first trousers I grabbed, cleaned up a bit and left the flat.
With a deep breath, I made it to the second floor and mentally prepared myself to go down to the first one.
As I began to climb down, though, I noticed Hermione and Y/n talking in private, closer than the others to the stairs.
I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but all my senses were automatically focused on Y/n whenever we were in the same room; she just stole me away from reality.
"You lost him too."
Hermione's words visibly triggered something on Y/n.
'Something', as if I didn't know what they had triggered, as if I didn't know what— who was on her mind.
I guess he was always on her mind, though.
What was left of my heart shattered in a million pieces when she broke down to tears —for several reasons—. "I miss him." She whispered in Hermione's shoulder. "I miss him so much."
If I had any tears left, I would have cried my eyes out right there. Had I been so selfish that I had disregarded how she was feeling? So blinded by the light and love and warmth she was constantly giving me that I had forgotten about her grief? Was I that bad of a person, that I would have rather live in the illusion that she had not lost the boy she was dating?
My mind told me I didn't want any of those questions answered.
"George!" As Ron yelled my name in surprise, Hermione and Y/n pulled away, the latter rubbing her eyes while both of my brothers jogged upstairs to hug me. "Ginny told us you're open—"
"But Y/n said you weren't feeling well." Bill finished, squeezing my shoulder. "We only stayed a little longer for Fleur to see the shop."
"Yeah, we'll come back tomorrow," Ron assured me. "So you can rest and..."
My brother's voice sounded further and further with each word; I felt myself drifting off, getting lost in my own mind and gravitating towards the same thought over and over.
She deserves better.
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Heartbreak Warfare [G.W]
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description: you’ve been summoned to Hogwarts to aid in the war efforts and you know that things will change forever.
warnings: war scenes, death, grief
word count: 5.8k
taglist: @p0gues4l (message me if you would like to be added)
“What’s wrong? What’s happening?” you asked. You had just apparated to the Burrow in response to the coyote patronus George had just sent. 
“It’s happening,” he said.
“Right now?”
“Right now. Everyone’s preparing their things, we have to leave soon.” Okay, so it was really happening. You all knew it was going to happen at some point. You squeezed George’s hand, mentally preparing for the journey ahead.
“I’m going with you. I don’t care what you say. I’m contributing to this battle,” you said.
“I know darling. I couldn’t hold you back no matter how hard I tried. We need you. You’re the best healer there is.”
You nodded, knowing he was right and suddenly you felt scared. You began to worry that you might lose George forever. He’d already lost an ear, which in retrospect wasn’t a huge deal, but it could’ve been much worse. 
“You okay love?” He said to you. The look of concern on your face must’ve been evident. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into him.
“I’m just scared, that’s all.” He rubbed your back and kissed your forehead. 
“It’ll be okay, we’ll make it through this. I know we will.” You hoped he was right. You didn’t want to lose him, or anyone else for that matter.
“Come on kids, everyone together now!” Mrs. Weasley called. You circled around the portkey that would take you to Hogsmeade. You all grabbed a hold of the kettle and moments later you were airborne. George took a hold of your hand and everyone let go of the kettle together, floating down onto the familiar grounds. You weren’t sure what the plan was from that point on. You assumed the teachers of Hogwarts were casting protective charms to keep intruders off the grounds. You also didn’t know if the Death Eaters were nearby and about to attack. You landed safely and you knew there wasn’t much time. George seemed to know what to do. He grabbed your hand and you ran off down the deserted road, with Fred following closely behind. You knew better than to ask questions. You trusted them and you knew they had a plan. The three of you entered a run down pub, The Hog’s Head, which was completely abandoned. George approached the portrait of a young girl, with blonde curls and familiar blue eyes. He nodded at her and she gave a small smile before swinging open to reveal a passageway. 
“You two always did know the ins and outs of the castle,” you whispered. 
“We never had the chance to use this passageway very much. We had no need to,” George said. You walked primarily in silence. You didn’t think you’d ever seen the boys so serious before. George continued to make small gestures of affection toward you, squeezing your hand, gently rubbing your back and kissing your forehead. It was reassuring and contributed to your calm demeanor. You tried to return the favor the best you could, but you couldn’t tell what George was thinking. The silence was killing you. Everything just felt so intense and you weren’t sure you could handle it.
The end of the tunnel seemed to be in sight and you saw a door swing open in front of you. You were in a large room that featured decorations from three of the four Hogwarts houses. Your first instinct told you this was the Room of Requirement. It was the only logical answer. 
Once you arrived inside, you were greeted by some familiar faces. Neville informed you that Harry, Hermione and Ron had recently arrived and were in the process of searching for one of the horcruxes. All the students were in the process of preparing for battle and those underage were being escorted to a safe place. 
Fred left the room in search of Professor McGonagall. It was your understanding that you were sent in first to communicate with McGonagall so that she could temporarily take down the guards and let in the other Order of the Phoenix members. Some were on their way through various passageways currently, but a majority were waiting to apparate in. 
Several of the students left the makeshift common room and you could feel the emotions welling up inside of you. George pulled your hand to move forward but you stood still. He turned around and his expression immediately turned to concern. You felt the tears steadily falling down your check and you felt pathetic. You weren’t normally emotional and it wasn’t often that you cried, but you couldn’t control the feeling taking over you. 
“Hey, hey it’s okay dear. It’s okay…” he pulled you into a tight hug.
“I’m-I’m so scared George. What if I can’t do this? What if we’re in too deep? What if…what if I lose you?”
“Shh….shh….don’t speak like that. It’s okay,” he said, just trying to calm you down at this point. He pulled your face up towards his and you looked deep into his face. “Don’t start doubting your abilities now, love. You were born to do this. You always rise to the occasion and exceed everyone’s wildest expectations. This is your moment. And I am going to fight with all of my life to get through this for us. My biggest regret right now is that I didn’t get the chance to marry you when I knew I should have. And maybe this isn’t the best time to do this but I’m done waiting for the perfect moment,” he let go of you, except for your hands. He knelt down on one knee and pulled out a small, velvet jewelry box.    
“When we were young, my mum always joked that one of the boys in our family would marry one of the girls in yours. And I always knew it would be you and me. We playfully flirted with each other when we were young, before we even knew what flirting was. We would play pranks on our siblings and relentlessly tease each other, but there was always something special between us. We had fun, but we had our serious moments too, where we could talk about life and our future. Standing here, in the castle where we fell in love, everything feels right. I can remember sneaking up to the astronomy tower to have impromptu make out sessions, cuddling by the fire in the common room, playing footsies at breakfast in the morning, and flying around the quidditch pitch together. Not to mention, the night I snuck in to visit and we spent the night together in this very room. If this is the end for us, at least we had an amazing time together, however short it might have been. But I know this isn’t the end. This is just another adventure. Please, make me the happiest man alive, and promise you’ll marry me?” He opened the box and inside was a brilliant square cut diamond mounted on a gold band. 
You were speechless, but tears were flowing again; but this time, they were happy tears. You managed to nod your head and George took the ring out of the box and slid it on your left hand. Moments later his arms were around your waist and his forehead was pressed against yours. You placed your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately as he lifted you off the ground and spun you around. “I love you so much,” you managed to say.
“I love you too,” he said as he kissed you again. “I’m sorry the proposal wasn’t some extravagant event. I had all this stuff planned out for it but I don’t know, this just felt right.” 
You had to admit you were certainly taken by surprise but you also appreciated the spontaneity. “No, no this is perfect,” you added before kissing him once again. Suddenly you heard applause and you looked behind you to find a crowd of friends and students smiling and cheering for you. 
“It’s about time, mate. I’ve been waiting for you to pop the question for years now,” Fred spoke. He was the first to come over and congratulate you both. He wrapped you in a hug and welcomed you officially to the family, even though you’d been a part of it for years. Before anyone else could come over and make a big deal out of this you spoke.
“Not that we don’t appreciate all your support, but we should probably start preparing for this climactic battle.” For some reason this statement was slightly amusing to some. People had almost completely forgotten the severity of the situation for a brief moment. Before you walked down to the Great Hall, George took your left hand and kissed it, giving special attention to the beautiful ring on your delicate finger. You admired the way it looked and knew that this small trinket would get you through the terrible event that was about to take place. No matter how gruesome or difficult things got, you could look down at your hand and know a piece of George was with you and that alone could bring a smile to your face and provide you with the motivation you needed to keep going.
You scurried down the grand staircase hand-in-hand, careful to anticipate it’s changes. Now more than ever you were feeling like a power couple and you needed that feeling to stick with you for all intents and purposes.
The moment you had been dreading all day had finally come: the moment you had to leave George. You didn’t want to draw out the goodbye but it could be the last time you ever saw him. He looked down at you and you returned his gaze and no words needed to be said. You grabbed his face with your hands and pulled him down to your level as he wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tight. You weren’t sure how long the kiss lasted but it wasn’t long enough. You pulled away and you tried to hold back the tears that were forming. You opened your mouth to bid him farewell and he put his finger on your lips to shush you.
“Don’t say it. Don’t say what I know you’re about to say. This is not goodbye, Y/N. This is see you in a bit.” You nodded your head at this as he kissed your forehead and you walked your separate ways. You looked down at the ring on your finger and regained your composure as you made your way towards the hospital wing. You had to focus; it was game time. Madame Pomfrey was grateful to see you and she immediately put you to work preparing different elixirs and potions that would combat certain wounds or injuries. You took inventory of the magical substances you had and organized them in a logical manner that allowed both of you easy access. Your last step was to put up a protection spell that specifically shielded the wing. The last thing you needed was duels pouring in and interrupting the healing process. You were already concerned with the space you had to work with. You brought in some extra beds and cots from the dormitories but as far as floor space was concerned, there wasn’t much. You weren’t trying to be pessimistic; you were trying to be realistic by being over prepared. Hopefully you wouldn’t need more space but it was all too likely.
A booming voice came out of nowhere startling you. Madam Pomfrey dropped one of the empty vials she was holding as the voice rang out, "I know that you are preparing to fight. Your efforts are futile. You cannot fight me. I do not want to kill you. I have great respect for the teachers of Hogwarts. I do not want to spill magical blood. Give me Harry Potter, and they shall not be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded. You have until midnight."
While the deadline was rapidly approaching, it was nice to know you still had a bit of time and death eaters weren’t storming the castle just yet. This could’ve been a ploy by Voldemort to catch everyone off guard but you highly doubted it. You all knew he wanted Harry and if he could attain him without losing any followers he would. He was clever. He knew Harry was just and wouldn’t let innocent people die for him. But there was no way anyone would let Harry leave. He would have to slip away if he planned to approach the Dark Lord. You tried to stop thinking through the situation so much and instead made the most of your time before the blood bath began.
Shelves and shelves of potions, elixirs and medicines filled the hospital wing. You weren’t quite sure what to expect but you kept your wand in hand and prepared for the worst. You were a damn good healer and you were confident in your abilities. Your mental pep talk was interrupted by a loud crashing noise and a series of booms. The battle had begun.
It turned out your preparation in the hospital wing was unnecessary. You wrongfully assumed that this battle would be like a war and that injured fighters would be escorted to the wing. In this situation, however, injuries were minimal; death was overwhelming. The dueling became so intense that wizards and witches were still firing spells while experiencing excruciating pain. You worked with Madame Pomfrey to quickly alter your strategy when you realized people wouldn’t cease fighting. You decided to stock your bags with the most important potions and take to the battlefield, searching for anyone on your side who might need some extra strength. 
The scene was horrifying and absolutely chaotic. All of your senses were heightened as you realized you needed to remain alert because there was so much occurring. The worst part was all the bodies lying lifeless around the castle. You decided to transport them to the hospital wing to prevent any further damage to the departed. You also distributed healing potions and elixirs throughout the castle, realizing that two people couldn’t possibly be present for everyone in need. 
You darted around, fending off jinxes that were sent your way without engaging in any duels. Across the way, you saw a blast of fire and felt like your help was needed. You ran over and found Percy hissing in pain as his arms, hands and neck were scorched. He quickly paralyzed his opponent and took a moment to relieve his burns with some cold water.
“Here, here. Let me help,” you spoke up, knowing water would only temporarily relieve the pain. You quickly grabbed a tube of burn-healing paste and lathered it over the affected areas. “This should only take a few minutes to work and then you’ll be good as new.”
“Thanks Y/N.” 
“It’s good to see you again, Perce,” you smiled at him. You left him sitting and went to find others in need of help. But you made a grave mistake.
“Y/N, look out!” You heard someone call. Before you had time to react you heard a spell whiz past your ear. You turned around to find Dolohov with his wand raised fly backwards after being hit with the Stupefy spell. How could you have been so stupid? You didn’t check the surrounding area and almost found yourself dead. You were a little shaken up. You turned around to see who had saved you and saw Fred standing on a perch. He raised his eyebrows and gave you a head nod, his nonverbal way of saying you’re welcome. You took a few steps over to thank him and suddenly there was an explosion from the outside. Fred’s back was turned and he didn’t have time to move out of the way. The wall and ceiling came crashing in and landed a few feet shy of you. You looked over to see Fred was no longer visible, likely trapped under a pile of debris. The noise from the explosion blew out your eardrums, and all you could hear was a high-pitched ringing. You started to feel light headed but you still managed to make your way over to Fred as Percy followed close behind you. Percy took the liberty of magically removing the broken pieces of wood and brick so you could reach the twin.
You saw the crooked smile plastered on his face as the color slowly left his cheeks. You placed your hand on his cheek and felt his skin grow cold and you started sifting through your bag of potions, hoping there was something here that might save him. Then you felt Percy’s hand on your shoulder and you knew it was too late. He was gone. You felt your legs go weak and a moment later you were on the floor and tears were in your eyes. You weren’t sure if it was the aftermath of the explosion or the sudden onset depression but moments later everything went black.
“Y/N. Y/N, dear,” you heard. You opened your eyes and squinted at the figure above you. Madame Pomfrey. You took a deep breath in and slowly sat up as you were still seeing stars. You looked around and saw a few other students recovering in the beds of the hospital wing.
“What…what happened?” 
“You passed out. There was an explosion and it shook you up a little bit. You’re all right now, you’ve been here resting for a bit. But the war is over. We emerged victorious.” A wave of relief rushed over you before the memories of the battle came to light. You just kept replaying the explosion and the expression on Fred’s face when you found him. It just made you feel numb. He didn’t deserve that. “Why don’t you go out to the Great Hall and let people know you’re okay.” You nodded and slowly walked out of the hospital wing to hopefully be reunited with friends and family. You just couldn’t stop picturing Fred’s face and you began to worry that George might have passed too. You wouldn’t be able to handle that so instead of thinking about it, you waited, hoping to see him soon enough.
You walked into the Great Hall and found people sitting in small groups scattered among the four long tables, huddled in blankets and covered in blood, sweat and tears. One of the tables was reserved for the bodies of those who didn’t make it through the war. People would walk around in search of loved ones, hoping they wouldn’t find a familiar face. You couldn’t be around any other people at the moment; it was too hard to see their pain. You sat by yourself and put your head in your lap, trying to take deep breaths to prepare yourself for what might happen next. 
“Y/N,” you heard someone faintly call. You slowly lifted your head to see Hermione approaching. She threw her hands around your neck and squeezed you tight, as you tried to return the affection. “Thank God you made it. Are you alright?” she asked. You nodded wordlessly and she led you over to where a few of the Weasleys were congregated. Percy, Molly and Ron were there. Hermione informed you that they were waiting for the others to see who had made it. Percy and Ron were comforting Molly and you assumed that meant she knew about Fred. Your heart dropped to see her look so sad and shedding silent tears. They each hugged you and greeted you warmly, despite the somber mood. 
“We, uh, we lost Fred,” Ron whispered to you, as he pointed out the ginger body resting on the table a few feet away. You nodded and whispered, “I’m sorry,” unsure of what else to say. Ron just rubbed your back and put an arm around you. “Who else has made it that we know of?”
“Dad and Bill are okay. They’re helping clean up around the castle and bringing in bodies with some of the others. Harry’s around here somewhere.”
You shifted your attention yet again to the table supporting the corpses when you spotted a few allies. You lightly gasped and said, “Tonks and Lupin?” The two bodies were lying side by side, almost as if they were holding hands.
“Yeah, they fought bravely but it wasn’t enough,” he replied. You nodded yet again before asking the question that was burning in your throat.
“Have you heard from George at all?” 
Ron looked at you with sad eyes and shook his head no. You accepted his answer and took a seat on the bench. Ron put his arm around you and rubbed your shoulder in a very brotherly manner. Hermione provided some comfort as well saying things like, “I’m sure he’s fine Y/N. He’ll turn up.” While you knew she meant well, it was only making things worse for you.
“I’m going to get some fresh air. I’ll be back.” You stood up and walked out to what was left of the Entrance Hall and made your way out to the Viaduct Courtyard. This was one of your favorite spots at Hogwarts and you had so many memories here. You would often hang out here in between classes or study when the weather was nice. 
Once you and George started dating, he would prepare little scavenger hunts for you on special occasions with little gifts laid out that reminded him of you and the last spot was always here, where George would be waiting with another surprise. This just became your place, where you would meet before meals or in between classes. It was an unspoken place you shared that no one else knew about.
You walked a few steps further and sat on the ledge beneath one of the arches. This was the exact spot where George told you he would be leaving Hogwarts and he refused to let you come with him. And then a few hours later, you sat here and watched as he departed with the accompaniment of a fireworks display. 
You weren’t sure if it was the trip down memory lane or if all the events of today were getting to you but you started to cry. The tears were silent, slowly slipping down your cheeks, as you were still too numb to emote properly. You sat there and toyed around with your wand casting little charms to keep your mind distracted. You had no idea how long you’d been sitting there but you were completely zoned out to the world. You didn’t hear the footsteps approaching or notice a shadow growing closer to you.  It wasn’t until you heard the words, “Hey stranger,” that you were pulled from your daze.
You looked up and saw a tall figure with ginger hair standing in front of you. Your fiancée. You tried to stop crying and smile at him before you dropped your wand and threw yourself into his arms.
“You’re okay! I love you so much,” you said, as your tears rapidly increased. He stroked the back of your head and buried his head into your neck, taking in the scent of your hair. 
“Come here,” he said, pulling your face up towards his. He gave you a sweet, passionate kiss, which confirmed that you weren’t dreaming and George was actually here with you. You put your hand on his cheek and soon you pulled away. You looked deep into his eyes and lightly stroked his cheek with your thumb. Suddenly the image of Fred’s face entered your mind and you felt a chill go down your spine. You quickly pulled your hand away from George’s cheek and held it close to your heart. 
“What’s wrong, love?” he asked, noting your sudden movement, “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.” His choice of words couldn’t have been worse. You felt your eyes well up with tears and a second later you were sobbing. He pressed you close to his chest and rubbed your back and shoulders, “Shh…shh…it’s okay.”
“I’m sorry, George. I’m so, so sorry. It’s all my fault,” you kept repeating. He continued to try and calm you down but nothing was working. It was clear that he didn’t know. He hadn’t checked in with the rest of his family first. Instead he found you. How could you possibly break this news to him?
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault and I understand if you hate me and you don’t want to marry me anymore.”
“Y/N, what are you talking about?” he asked, concerned. He attempted to pull your gaze up to meet his but you couldn’t look him in the eye. He slowly sat you back on the ledge and squatted to the ground to reach your eye level. Your crying had only gotten worse and no matter how many times he wiped the tears away, they always returned.
“Y/N, take a deep breath, okay?” you did as he said and inhaled deeply a few times. “Now please tell me what’s happened.”
You knew there was no way you could explain the situation to him but at the same time you knew he was growing anxious being left in the dark. “It’s Fred…” you whispered. You saw his face drop and you put your head down once again. You couldn’t see him cry. You couldn’t see him devastated. He took your hands and stood up, pulling you up from the ledge. He hugged you once again as you continued crying. Your sobbing eventually dulled to simple tears again, as you probably didn’t have much left in you. He put his arm around your shoulder and you made your way back to the Great Hall.
Things didn’t get much easier. George tried to stay strong but as soon as he saw Fred’s body, he broke down. He kneeled down at his side and started weeping, as you stood behind him wrapped in a blanket, struggling to keep your tears to a minimum. You wanted to comfort George but you didn’t know what you could say to make this any better. You bent over and wrapped your arms around his neck from behind and whispered, “I’m sorry.” You stepped back and slumped down at the neighboring table, cradling your face in your crooked elbow as you sobbed once again. Hermione took the seat next to you and held onto your hand, letting you know she was there if you needed her. Every so often, there was a hand that ran up and down your spine to comfort you. Soon you ended up tiring yourself out with all the crying and you fell into a light sleep, a small moment of peace for the day.
You awoke when you felt Hermione squeeze your hand and let go as she stood up from the bench. She whispered something to Ron, you assumed, and the light touch on your back ended as well. It was then you noticed things had gotten quiet. There was no longer a murmur of general chatter, the sighs of relief upon finding another living loved one, and there were no more tears being shed over the lost. You felt someone sit down next to you and an arm wrapped around your shoulder. No words were spoken but you found yourself waking up more as you leaned your head into your latest visitor. You took a deep breath in and smelled a familiar musk that you knew belonged to George.
“Hey,” he said as he saw your eyes flutter open.
“Hi,” you mumbled.
“You get all the tears out?” he asked you, half jokingly.
You gave him a very small smile and said, “Yeah, I think I’ve dried out.”
“Okay, good. Let’s go talk somewhere.” He took your hands and helped you up. You saw the Great Hall was nearly empty but a walk and a change of scenery was exactly what you needed. You walked in silence but George held your hand the whole time. You glanced down at your left hand and the glimmer of a diamond caught your eye. The ring was absolutely beautiful but after tonight you weren’t sure what would happen between you and George. 
You reached the top of the Astronomy Tower and you assumed this was your destination. You looked up at the stars in the sky and found the view to be stunning. After all the destruction of the castle and the horrible events that occurred today, the stars in the sky were still beautiful and the world kept spinning. 
“Promise me you won’t cry again?” he said as he sat down on the cold, stone floor. “I can’t watch you cry anymore. It makes me sad.”
You nodded your head and joined him on the ground, “I’ll try not to, but no promises.”
“Okay, now I know this might be hard for you but I need you to talk to me. What happened with Fred?”
You took a deep breath before you explained the situation to him. “During the battle, I found myself running around and helping to heal people who were injured. Percy was burned pretty badly so I stopped and gave him some cream. Once I finished, I departed without scanning my surroundings and Dolohov was right there, about to curse me. Fred spotted it and called out to warn me before hitting Dolohov with a stunning curse. I turned around to thank him and suddenly there was an explosion. The wall and ceiling caved in, trapping Fred. I went to help him but…it was too late. I’m sorry.”
There was a long moment of silence as George processed everything you had just said. You saw the pain in his face and you knew what was coming, so you made it easier on him. You took the delicate ring off your finger and placed it in his hand. He looked up at you and went to speak but you cut him off.
“I understand if you never want to see me again and we don’t have to get married. I know this is all my fault.”
“Y/N, stop. It’s not your fault that this happened.”
“It is my fault. I’m the reason he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. If I had just been more careful and paid attention, things would have been fine. Then you would still have your best friend and you wouldn’t be in so much pain right now.”
“Do you know what the last thing Fred said to me was?” you shook your head no so he would continue. “He said to me ‘You can make it through anything as long as you have her by your side. She’s special, so don’t screw it up.’ And I think he’s right. Fred risked his life to save yours, and in doing that he saved mine too. If I had lost you, I would have been majorly depressed; I would’ve become a different person; I would’ve stopped living. While Fred’s death is extremely painful for me, I know a part of Fred will always live within me. I know this isn’t easy for you either, but you have to stop blaming yourself for this. It isn’t your fault. The only way to accept what’s happened and to start healing is for you to recognize you are not to blame.”
You nodded at him as one silent tear slid down your cheek. He brought you close to him and kissed your temple. You felt better after hearing George and you knew you would have to work together to get through this. “How are we gonna tell Angelina?” you shyly asked, thinking of Fred’s pregnant wife. He insisted she stay safe at home. Surely this news would kill her.
He sighed, “We’ll find a way. She’s going to need us more than anything to help her get through this. Especially with the pregnancy. It’s going to be so much harder on her because she’s lost her other half.”
“What if she hates me…?” you whispered.
“Y/N, look at me,” he grabbed your shoulders and made direct eye contact with you, “This is not your fault. No one is blaming you. So please stop, okay?” you nodded as he spoke these words to you very clearly. While you still felt responsible for what had happened, you knew that George was being reasonable and that he was probably right. It just wasn’t something you could automatically accept. He gently took your left hand and slid the gorgeous ring back onto your finger.
“You still wanna get married, right?” he asked you. 
You smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips, “Yes, but I think we should wait. Let all this madness pass and then we can focus on planning the best wedding there ever was.”
“That sounds like a wonderful plan. Now, are you ready to go home and get some rest?” 
You nodded and you both stood up. He put his arm around you and you apparated back to your cozy apartment. It had indeed been a long day and you were physically and emotionally drained. George rinsed off in the shower quickly before letting you get in. Cleaning all the blood and grime off your skin genuinely made you feel better. It was like you were ridding yourself of all the bad feelings. You toweled off and put on one of George’s T-shirts before you joined him in bed. You curled up next to him and noticed that for the second time today, he was crying. He quickly wiped away his tears once he realized you had joined him, probably so you didn’t start crying again. But you felt stronger now and you knew you had to help George heal since this was quite a burden on him. You put your arm around his neck and turned him towards you, so that his head was resting on your chest. 
“It’s your turn to be sad and my turn to be supportive,” you said as you kissed his forehead and ran your fingers through his hair. He turned his full body toward you and wrapped his arms around your torso, pulling you close. You continued to gently scratch his back and arm as his tears started up again. You whispered comforting words to him but you didn’t deter him from letting everything out. Soon his breathing turned steady and you assumed he was asleep. You took that as your cue to close your eyes and try to get some rest. Your lives had changed drastically in more than one way today, but you knew as long as you stuck together, everything would be okay. 
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allegra-writes · 4 years
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Peter Parker x SHIELD Agent! Reader
Warnings: Smut. Dom!Peter, jealous, Possesive!Peter, rough sex.
Weeks after the island, Peter finally sees you again. But you aren't alone...
Part of the "Fine Line" series but you don't need to have read that first.
Series Masterlist
Peter couldn't breath. His clothes felt stiff and restrictive, the bowtie, suffocating. This was a bad, bad idea. He wasn't cut for this. He was just a Parker, not a Stark, he had spent most his life trying to be invisible, not even getting superpowers had changed that. He had never wanted to stand out. He didn't want to be seen, to be recognized. 
Even Quentin Beck had realized that. That's why he had done what he had, because he knew it would be the best way to ruin Peter's life. It had been almost a month since his return from Eroda, since Pepper and Fury had managed to clear his name and expose Quentin Beck as the fraud he was, trying to frame Peter for his murder with an adulterated video out of jealousy and envy. The greedy, insane employee gone mad after being overlooked in favor of the young intern, chosen by Tony Stark himself to be his successor. Spider-Man had just been doing his job as Peter's bodyguard when the incident at the bridge happened.
That was the official story, and the press had bought it with gusto, plastering the wide eyed boy's face on every cover, every paper, every magazine, every news site. A few weeks later, he was pretty much America's new sweetheart. Everybody knew his name. Everybody knew his face. His anonymity was gone.
Quentin Beck had won. 
And now, there he was, being blinded by flashing lights, walking the red carpet of his first gala as the official heir of Stark Industries… two seconds away from throwing up.
"Breathe, Peter" Pepper whispered to him, voice calm and reassuring, "Just focus on a point above their heads, and keep your head high" 
She took a step forward and Peter couldn't help but stare: she looked like a queen in her white gown, complete with cape and everything. She was an elegant woman but it wasn't just about her beauty, it was about the power, the authority she commanded, every eye in that red carpet had no choice but to focus on her. 
Tony had been like that too, albeit in a different way: charismatic and bigger than life. Peter wondered how anybody could look at him, awkward and pasty, and think he was related to the man. Because he knew what people were saying...
"Parker, how are you holding up, mate?" A tall, blond boy patted his back, pulling him out of his thoughts. Harry Osborn, the only person there to introduce himself to Peter and actually take the time to try and make him feel comfortable. At first Peter had thought it had something to do with his family being the one hosting the gala but the youngest Osborn wasn't exactly famous for his good manners or decorum. 
"I think I'm about to have a panic attack" more like sensory overload, but Peter wasn't sure how could he explain something like that to his new friend.
"Well, you are not hungover and puking on the photographers" The blond flashed him a brilliant smile, "so you're already doing better than me on my first red carpet"
Peter couldn't help the burst of laughter, but far from offended, Harry's grin turned even brighter. The flashes went wild.
"There you go, that should make for better photographs than the deer-in-the-headlights look you were sporting"
Peter offered him a grateful smile,
"Thanks dude, really"
"Don't mention it" Harry shook his head, "You're actually doing me a favor, letting me hang out with you. You're saving me from looking all lonely and pathetic in front of these vultures, since apparently I have been stood up..."
Peter stared at the blond in surprise. With those sharp cheekbones and icy blue eyes, it was hard to believe any girl could resist him. He suddenly felt a lot less bad about showing up dateless. 
"Alright, we've spent about fifteen minutes out here, we can go in now" Harry instructed, already a pro at this kind of event, gesturing for Peter to follow. 
He noticed the whispers as they walked into the massive lobby together, Oscorp and Stark Industries were rivals, just as Norman Osborn and Tony Stark used to be. His mentor used to find the other billionaire shady and his experiments, unethical. Even now, Pepper's and Norman's relationship was strained, at best, so seeing both heirs so friendly with each other was a little shocking. But if Harry didn't care about that, neither would Peter. Whatever sins the father had committed, he wasn't going to hold them against the son. That wasn't Peter's style. 
"So, what do you think of your first gala, so far?" Harry sauntered in front of him, stealing two champagne flutes from a passing waiter and handling one to Peter.
"Oh, I- I don't drink, thank you"
"Good, that's a wise choice, don't change it" Harry praised, taking the glass back and downing that one too. Peter shook his head.
"I like it," He replied, looking around at the huge salon decked in lavished green and silver banners, the tables gilded with intricate floral arrangements, the huge shiny dance floor in the middle. "Stark Industries' is having one for Christmas, but it's going to be held at a hotel…"
Harry made a face,
"Yeah, that would be the norm, actually. But my father wanted to have it here this year, to prove the facilities are safe, you know?"
Peter thought back to that fatidical field trip all those years ago, to this very same building, when he was bitten by a stray radioactive spider that had escaped one of the labs. He hummed noncommittally. He seriously hoped mister Osborn was right, for the good of everyone attending the party, Harry included. Because truth was he really liked his new friend, he made everything easier just by offering Peter his company, by giving him someone his age to talk too, amongst all those old, stuck up gazillionaires that stared at him with curiosity at best, and open contempt at worst. 
But of course all good things had to come to an end, such was the Parker luck. Harry took his vibrating cell phone out of his pocket.
"Would you look at that! It seems my date has finally arrived" He announced, eyes glued to the screen, smitten smile on his face, "One would think an influencer would jump at the chance of being photographed by the press at a red carpet… But not her, of course. No, she arrives an hour late… I'll go find her, be right back, Parker"
That was when he saw you. Entering the ballroom, a siren in your long golden dress, scanning the crowd. You looked stunning, hair longer, lighter, done in elegant waves cascading down your back.   Your smile was dazzling as you found what you were looking for, and Peter didn't see his new friend make his way to you, entranced as he was by your mere presence.
Until he reached your side, and kissed your lips. 
Harry Osborn offered you his arm, and you took it graciously, and he walked you through the room, proud swag on his steps as he introduced you to practically everyone in the party, Peter's heart breaking a little more with every step you took towards him.
He hadn't heard from you since the island, and now he knew why: You had already found someone new. Someone better, more handsome, and classier than Peter. Than the awkward boy you had been sent to protect. 
Because underneath the Stark's money and his spider powers, that was all Peter was: some orphan kid from Queens who didn't belong. Harry could take you on dates to fancy restaurants without mispronouncing the names of the dishes, he could take you walking around his mother's art gallery in the upper east. He, with his aristocratic features, his british boarding school accent, his old family money, was a much better fit for a princess like you. You wanting Peter had never made much sense anyway. 
And you looked good on Harry's arm, better than ever, actually. You looked happy. Peter hated it, and he hated himself for it. 
"Parker! I want you to meet my date, Sixtine Boucher, influencer, it girl, philanthropist..." Harry was saying, suddenly in front of him, but Peter wasn't listening. You were there, close enough to touch, in the flesh. He could hear your heartbeat, smell you, sunshine and sweetness under the chemical tang of your expensive perfume for the first time after so long and it was almost overwhelming.
"Sixtine" You corrected him, sighing as if it was something you did all the time and you were tired of it, "Bonsoir, Peter."
You sounded… funny. 
"You know each other?" Harry's voice asked, politely curious.
"We met during vacation, at the…" You trailed off, eyes meeting Peter in a silent request to play along, disguised as a struggle to find the right words, “... Comment dis-tu ‘plage’ en anglais?”
"Beach" Provided Peter, his brain catching up at last "Yeah, at the beach… when I was on vacation… a-at the french riviera"
"What a small world!" Harry chuckled but it sounded nervous, uncertain. No doubt he could feel the tension between the two of you, growing with every passing second. Along with Peter's understanding. The hair, the dress, the french accent? It was a costume, you were a spy after all. You weren't there for leisure, you were there for work. This was a mission. Harry was your target, or maybe your cover. Whatever it was, it wasn't you. It wasn't real. 
But then again, had Peter really met the real you? After all, not that long ago he had been your mission too…
When the next waiter passed in front of him, Peter stopped him. It probably would no nothing to his spider metabolism, but alcohol was looking more and more like a good idea. He had a feeling he was going to need all the help possible to get through the night. Harry arched a brow but luckily didn't comment, as he was beginning to get a clearer idea about how you and the brown eyed boy knew each other.
A glint on your cleavage caught Peter's eyes and he frowned. There, hanging from a long gold chain, nested between your breasts and almost completely hidden by the, admittedly low cut, neckline of your dress, rested a familiar crystal sunflower. The cheap jewel didn't match your cover, or your outfit, the only reason why you could be wearing it, was him. 
He nodded, almost imperceptibly, letting you know he understood, and you let out the breath you were holding. 
But awareness didn't make watching you, plastered to Harry's side all night any easier. It didn't stop him from seeing red every time you called Harry "baby", the endearment close enough to the "baby boy" you used for Peter to feel like a betrayal. It definitely didn't save the glass of wine he was holding from shattering under his grip as he saw you sneak outside of the room with him in the middle of dinner.
"Peter! Are you alright?" Pepper fussed over his hand, looking for cuts, and motioning to a waiter to help clean the shards of glass from the table.
"Yeah" He murmured, distractedly, eyes never leaving the doorway you had disappeared through, "I-I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse me"
He didn't even wait for Mrs. Stark's reply as he got up from the table, giving chase to you and your date through corridors and elevators, following your giggles and the faint trace of your perfume. His persecution led him to the upmost floor of the building, where a single mahogany awaited him, but the fingertip scanner on the lock told him he wasn't going to be able to open it. 
He cursed, barely catching himself from making a dent on the wall with a punch. You were doing your job, that was all, he repeated, like a mantra. Whatever was happening behind that door meant nothing. You were wearing his sunflower, that had to mean something, it had to.
After a few minutes, that felt like hours to him, the door opened.
"Peter! Shit, I was hoping you would be smarter than to follow me!" You hissed, as he pushed you back, stepping inside the room and closing the door behind him.
"Where is Harry?" 
"Knocked out in the bathroom" You pointed at a door by the side. Peter took a look around the room, by far the biggest, most luxurious office he had ever seen in his entire life. And he had been inside Pepper's so that was saying something. The view of the Manhattan skyline through the floor to ceiling window was nothing short of breath taking. "I just needed him to get in here"
"Right. Of course. I knew that" 
You squinted in suspicion at his flat tone,
"Pete, are you… jealous?" You smirked, amused. But Peter wasn't in the mood for your teasing, his patience finally reaching its limit.
He was on you in a heartbeat, pushing you back against the wall, caging you with his body. There was a dangerous, possessive spark in his eyes that you had never seen before. One that promised trouble for you. 
"So what if I am?" He challenged, bracing himself on one hand on the wall next to your head, the other one slipping through the high slit on the skirt of your dress, fingertips digging on the sensitive skin at the inside of your thighs, "So what if every time I saw him put his hands on you tonight, I wanted to break his fingers? What if every time he kissed you, I felt like dying?" 
The pain was evident in his voice, breaking your heart a little. But this was you, you were a special agent, this was what you did. Peter had said he wanted you, wanted to get to know the real you. Well, this was it. 
"I'm not going to apologise for doing my job…" 
"I'm not asking you to" He interrupted
"Then what are you asking of me?" 
Peter pinned you with a long, considering look and you did your best not to squirm under its intensity.
"I'm not asking anymore, mon chérie " he finally spoke, "I'm taking"
He crushed his mouth, and his body, to yours, trapping you under his familiar weight and, for the first time since returning from the island, you felt home. He tasted like wine, and the cherries from dessert and heat. You had almost forgotten how his warmth felt like sunlight against your skin, until every starved pore opened to soak him up. His teeth grazed your bottom lip, making you moan. God, how you had missed him on your lips! 
You must have said it out loud, because you felt his smile against your jaw as he broke the kiss to let you breathe. 
"Did you, now?" He inquired, nuzzling down your neck, "Where else did you miss me, cherry?" 
You felt his long, talented fingers find their goal, tugging your underwear to the side, slipping into you with no warning once he realized how ready you already were for him.
"Did you miss me here? Did you miss me inside you?" 
There was a buzzing in your coms and the reality of what was about to happen, andwhere it was about to happen hit you like a bucket of cold water. 
"Peter, wait, not here!" Peter ignored you, lips latching onto the spot just under your ear that Peter knew made you see stars. He couldn't wait, couldn't tear himself away from you, from your body. You were already breathing hard and he knew your halfhearted resistance wasn't going to last much longer. He speeded up the movement of his fingers inside you, tearing an involuntary cry out of your mouth. He was working you expertely, wave after wave of wetness bathing his hand, undeniable proof of your pleasure. 
"Gonna leave so many pretty marks on you..." He promised, puncturing his words by biting down, hard, on the column of your neck, "Everybody's going to know who you really belong to..."
"Peter, please!" You sobbed, implored.
"Want me to stop baby girl? Really?"
You shook your head no. You didn't, you couldn't. Fuck the mission, fuck Oscorp, you only wanted to feel him. It had been too long, way too long. You took your coms out of your ear and smashed it under your hill. You'd deal with Hill later. 
Peter slid the straps of your dress down your shoulders, lowering his face to your exposed chest, all wet lips and hot tongue as you hurriedly undid his button and zipper, finally freeing his angry, hard member. You pumped him once, and he bit on your nipple with enough strength to draw a single, sweet drop of blood. 
"Oh god… feels so good" Peter's words were muffled against your collar bone, as he stretched you, burying himself deep inside you, as far as he would go, "being one with you again…"
"I missed you" You confessed, "so much, baby boy!"
Peter leaned back, stormy eyes capturing yours, holding you hostage,
"Oh no, my cherry, after your little stunt calling Harry baby all night?" He tsked, "No, you don't get to call me that anymore… now, you're gonna call me 'daddy'"
With that, he started thrusting up into you roughly, hips almost cruel in their onslaught as they slammed into you, truly railing you against the wall, unyielding, unrelenting. You wrapped your arms and legs around him, holding on for dear life, taking what he gave you like a good girl cause that was what Peter needed from you. 
But god, did it feel good! His large thick cock, hard as vibranium, stretching you to your limits, a fit so tight you could feel every bump, every vein, as he hit all the secret spots inside you, tearing the pleasure out of you. Your orgasm was building fast, so fast it made you dizzy with the way all your blood rushed to your center. As your walls began to quiver around him, and you met Peter's fierce, furious face, you knew he wasn't going to be satisfied with just the one. Oh, no, he was going to rip out at least one more orgasm from your ravished body before releasing you. Undoubtedly not before marking you from the inside with his own release, you had long ago learned Peter was animalistic like that, all higher reasoning disappearing when it came to making you his. 
"Tell me you're mine" he breathed, demanding, against your cheek, hand sneaking between your bodies to tease your pearl, making you explode in sensation, and prolonging your climax, keeping you there where he wanted you, right on your peak until you were at the edge of sanity, your brain unable to process that much pleasure so suddenly and for so long.
You tried, but you couldn't remember how to form words, the only sound leaving your lips a delirious,
"Say it, my cherry" he insisted, feeling his own release approach much quicker than he would like, but it just had been so long, and he had missed you so much and you just felt so fucking good  "let me hear you say you're mine as I make you come again…"
"Yes!" You cried, finally finding your voice, "I'm yours, Peter… only yours!"
"Damn right… all mine… only mine…"
He was almost there, and judging from the way your muscles were tensing and locking around him again, Peter knew you were too. But something was going on outside, his super hearing catching the sound of the elevator doors, and footsteps on the hallway. Still, he couldn't stop. He was so close, so fucking close… He had to come, had to make you come, before they did. There were voices outside, one of them he even recognized, telling the others to stop, to listen. Peter sneaked an arm around your waist, getting you away from the wall, moving you up and down his cock at inhuman speed, and he finally felt you fall apart. He came with a final cry of triumph… right as the doorknob started to turn. 
Faster than any human could, he ran behind the door, with you still in his arms, to buy himself a couple of seconds as he slipped out of you, fixing your dress so you were completely covered before even thinking about tucking himself back inside his pants. 
"Oh, for fucks sake!" Norman Osborn's exasperated voice was the first thing your pleasure addled brain was able to process as you stood on shaky legs, Peter's frame still hiding you from view. He took of his suit jacket, helping you put your hands through the sleeves and fastening it close.
"Put down your weapons, you goons! High security breach?.. Horny teenagers are not a menace, I should know!" Norman was still yelling at his guards. Peter turned around to face the old man, and you muffled your histerical laugh against his sweaty back, breathing him in. 
"S-sir… sorry, we-we we-were just" Peter babbled, trying to catch his breath.
"Oh, save it, boy! I know exactly what you were doing, this whole place stinks of sex!" 
You snorted and Norman finally seemed to notice who you were,
"I'm sorry, weren't you my son's date?"
You could only laugh harder.
"He passed out" provided Peter, as innocently as he managed, "in the bathroom"
"He's in the…" the billionaire's eyes widened, "Wait, you… you three were…"
"He really liked Peter" You announced, unhelpfully, fake accent restored. 
"Ignore her, please" Peter sounded apologetic, not wanting the blonde boy that had so kindly offered his friendship to him to face unjust consequences for his own fuck up "Harry has nothing to do with this. My girlfriend was just trying to make me jealous. It worked. Harry's only mistake was to get drunk"
Norman rolled his blue eyes, so alike his son's,
"A common mistake for him. Trust me, boy, you don't need to make excuses for him… God knows I got tired of making them myself a long time ago." He sighed, gesturing to his guards to check on Harry inside the bathroom.
"Now, get out of here, both of you, so I can call the cleaning crew… not Tony's son my ass, this is the exact same shit your father used to pull at all my parties!"
Peter opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, but you tugged on his arm, it was pointless to try and deny it, Osborn senior was never going to believe him. 
Peter took your hand,
"Right. Of course… we'll be… going, then"
You chuckles at his cute, nervous babbling became a full on belly splitting laugh as you ran out of the office and locked yourselves inside the elevator. 
"Oh my god, his face!" You clutched at your stomach, doubled over, "that was… the best alibi in history! They didn't even search me!!" You showed Peter the tiny pendrive with S.H.I.E.L.D's logo where you had copied all the information inside Norman Osborn's computer. Peter tilted his head in confusion,
"Six, where were you even keeping that?!" Osborn's security might ot have searched you, but his own had been… pretty thorough. 
You merely winked, 
"Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?"
This time, it was Peter's turn of barking a laugh. He pulled you to him, kissing your forehead.
"Come on, let's find Happy and tell him to get the car. I want to get out of here…"
And he was taking you home with him. 
To be continued...
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cedricslover · 3 years
Troubled pt.5
Pairing: Cedric x Fem! Reader
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.6 (Final)
Series summary: A very unfortunate situation happened and it resulted in very unfortunate events. You had everything, a good boyfriend that everyone dreamed of, best friends that you got in a twin pack, and a loving school. It was a calm before a storm and in your sixth year the storm came. You faced the consequences your deceased parents run from, you were only left with your only family, your little brother. What would you do in order to save him? The answer is, everything, even if it means joining a terrorist group of wizards, joining THE DEATH EATERS…
Chapter Summary: 3 weeks have passed, you did get hate, but after a while it calmed down. Maybe because of the new “thing”, Cedric and Cho. They look good together and you tried your best to be happy for them. Not until the second task, Cho was important to him, you get it. As you headed back to the castle you were greeted by Dobby and took you to the residence of the Black family. You found out what your parents really did, and when you were on your way back to the castle after the talk you had with Remus and the others, Cedric suddenly appeared in front of you at Hogsmeade, and is that worry in his eyes?
Note: there is no specific house:))) i can make requests if y’all have one. 
Warnings: Angst, torturing, mentions of death. And itty little fluff.
Word count: 3.9k
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Sometimes, it would really hurt after you made the right choice, but you would always wonder, was it really the right choice if it cuts this much. 
“Y/N?” George snapped his fingers that directed your attention to him. He was smiling sadly to you, “Fred and I brought you Cauldron Cakes.” he sat beside you and handed you a bag, it wasn’t just Cauldron Cakes, there were also Chocolate Frogs, Liquorice Wands, and Acid Pops. 
“You didn’t have to bother George, I’m fine really. It’s been what? 2 or 3 weeks already, I’m doing great” you smiled widely at him, the corners of your eyes wrinkled as you tried your best. “Yeah alright” his face relaxed and shifted his view on what you were looking at earlier. 
You were at the courtyard, sitting on a bench, you wanted to breathe fresh air after cramming. It felt good, just feeling the February breeze blowing your hair, giving you kisses, it was freedom being blown by the wind. You didn’t mind the chatter of the other students who were hanging out in the courtyard, their laughter wasn’t annoying at all, it felt natural, their smiles weren’t forced-but you know each one of them has or is still fighting a battle. 
“You like it here now?” Fred arrived and sat at your other side, now you’re in the middle of the twins, “sort of” you scrunch your nose and titled your head, there was comfort seeing these people. It might sound weird because some of them hated you, although they must have forgotten about it already, you still received howlers and glares before. But after almost a month, they all seem to move on, you wished it was just that easy. 
“Is something itchy Y/N?” George asked you as you were unconsciously scratching your left forearm, he was about to reach for it but you instantly avoided it but not in a suspicious way, thankful for the snitch that suddenly went in your direction. 
You caught the snitch that’s why it was not suspicious, you would’ve kissed the person that owned that snitch but your mood changed in a snap as you saw who were walking towards you. 
It was Cho, with Cedric. 
“Oh hey, may I?” Cho pointed to your hand where the snitch is, your lips curved into a smile as you stood up and handed the snitch to Cho, you glanced at Cedric for a second and was greeted by his blank stare. You purse your lips as they start to walk away. 
“They’ve been spending more time together” Fred muttered after one whole minute of silence after you sat down again. You saw in your peripheral vision that George was mouthing him to not say anything. You half smiled and pulled your head back and watched the sky, the clouds moving as they took unrecognizable shapes, the birds flying, and even a few of the students who were riding their brooms. 
“It’s fine George, and yes, I know. Who wouldn’t notice. Not me” You inhaled the fresh air, images flashing before your eyes. 
You walked back to your dorm and closed the door. Your roommates weren’t there yet. You took this opportunity to grab your trunk and open it. Hidden at the very bottom of it was a letter. At first look you would think that this was just an ordinary letter, but seeing that there was a hair purposely attached to the envelope, you know who it was from.
Dear Y/N,
             Your brother is fine, I heard from a fly that there’s something that is going on in your life. End that now. Death Eaters don't do attachment unless it is attachment by blood. I have high expectations for you, my lovely subject. You don’t want to disappoint me right? My coming back is almost near and if you ruin that, then prepare to say farewell to your ickle brother. 
You trembled as you read it. This letter came just before that picture of Cedric. You didn’t have the guts to read it before, until now. You had to make sacrifices, Cedric can find another girl, and it seems like he already did.
“Ced?” you called his name while you lay at his chest, “Yes, dove?” he sounded sleepy, his arms wrapping you. “If we broke up, would you find another girl?” you looked at him, he was just staring at the ceiling, his long lashes peeking at you, you pouted as you thought how unfair it was, why do men always have the long lashes. 
“How about you?” he was now looking at your eyes, his stares were direct to your soul, in his eyes you can’t hide any secrets, it would all be naked. 
“I don’t know” you shrugged, broke the eye contact, and reached for his hand and intertwined it with yours. 
His chest was going up and down, you felt his warmth wrapping you “My answer would be,” he guided your face to look at him again, “no” he smiled sweetly, “I date to marry Y/N, and I don’t think I would love anyone like how I love you” he planted a kiss on your forehead.
Another day and it was the day of the second task, you weren’t so sure as to why Harry was so off. 
“Harry, you alright?” You walked up to him as you headed to the Black Lake, worry and anxiety was all over his face. He looked at you and you saw how he swallowed so excessively for many times, showing that he is not okay, “Have you seen Hermione and Ron?” Harry asked, his eyes can’t focus in one direction. You stopped and grabbed his shoulders. 
“No. I haven’t seen them, but Harry, you need to focus.” you stared at his eyes, your brows furrowed. “You’ll do great, and I know Hermione and Ron are fine, they wouldn’t miss their bestfriend fight for 1000 galleons” you chuckled as the tense in his face slowly disappeared. “Come on” you wrapped your arms around his shoulder and headed to the shore. 
“So what’s in the egg?” you asked him, he was still looking around and you understood him. Even if it was you who was in his shoes you would be anxious, this tournament can bring you death or glory. And your best friends, your supports, weren’t there, it must feel twice as heavy.
“‘come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.’. 
That’s what it said-or more like sang” Harry looked at your confused face. “So they took something important or close to you?” your eyes squinted at the view of the twins who were still doing their gambling booth.
“I think so” he yawned, he must have gotten little sleep. 
“Step up mates, don’t be shy!” you heard George and Fred calling the students, “Merlin, what’s the point of this?” you let go of Harry and he went to his classmates, while you headed to the twins. 
“Oi! What’s the score?” you asked that made their heads turn to you in shock, their faces brightened up and told you the score. 
“Shut up. Fleur’s great” you rolled your eyes and stood beside them. “Yeah we know” they both said and fixed their gaze on Fleur, Fred immediately removed it and continued to take the bets while George was busy staring at somewhere, it wasn’t Fleur, but perhaps her friend. 
“You two doing fine?” you nudged George that made him slightly jump, he shook his head and smiled “got into an argument. Got any advice, lover girl?” he teased you, you laughed and pulled his ear, “If you continue this I swear to the founders of Hogwarts I am going to cut your ear off” you said while he chuckles and still saying ouch. 
Someone cleared their throat that made you three stop, “Ah! Pretty boy, what is it that you need?” Fred asked while secretly pokes you. “I’m going to place a bet” he still has that cold stare whenever you’re around, completely different from that warm look he always had. 
“To who?” George asked, raising his eyebrows, “To myself” he handed a sickle, after that he just turned his back to the three of you, it was complete silence, it was never expected. 
“A confident lad we got there mate” George chuckled and handed the sickle to Fred who also laughed, you just plastered a smile on your face still observing Cedric’s back, he’s also tensed, you know him, but he’s just hiding that with his stupid smile. You never wished Cho to be here so much, where in the bloody Earth is that girl?
Your question was answered when you saw Cedric coming up from the water, Cho wrapped in his arm as they tried to inhale oxygen, your heart shattered at their sight. 
So she’s the valuable one, the one he’ll sorely miss. 
You smiled bitterly as the cheers grew louder. The two talked. Well if he’s with Cho, he won’t be risked to any danger. 
“I hate you.” you whispered and made your way back to the castle, there were no tears that streamed down to your face and you hated it too. Your heart felt heavy, it was so hard to breathe that you had to stop just to compose yourself. Your hands resting on your knees you were alerted when you heard the leaves crunching. Immediately getting your wand and looked up, only to be greeted by Dobby. 
“Dobby?” you slowly put down your hand and looked at the elf in front of you. “Hello Y/N Y/L/N. Dobby is here asked by Remus Lupin, Dobby can’t take you anywhere without your consent, will you come with me?” he was looking up at you, you treated Dobby like any other living thing, you never treated him as a slave, that’s why you’re part of S.P.E.W. 
You observed his face and later on accepted his hand, you would rather go wherever Dobby would take you, other than this place.
“Sirius?” You were greeted by Sirius black when you and Dobby arrived at 12 Grimmauld Place, you weren’t familiar with this place but you know this was the residence of the Black family. 
“How are you dear?” he hugged you, Sirius was sort of close with your family, well the Blacks to be specific. But you know your parents didn’t like most of them, they had a disagreement with most of the purebloods who sided with the Dark Lord.
“Let me go!” you shouted as the Carrow siblings held you and your parents. “Shh. You might wake your little brother, Y/N” Amycus peered at you and smiled devilishly. “Please. Don’t hurt my children” your father begged, your mother was now in tears as she looked at you, your lips were bleeding after Alecto slapped you. Thinking that would shut your mouth.
“Please” Your mother now looking at you apologetically, you just got home after getting a letter that your mother was ill, you got permission from school and this is what greeted you. 
“Let her go. I beg you” your mother looking at Amycus, her eyes pleading, the color drained out her face. “Alright, we’ll let your children go. But after the story telling” he smirked and looked at you. 
“You know, your father and mother, they were born in very influential and powerful families, pure blooded people. Until later on they were recruited to be on the Dark Lord’s side of course, they agreed but on one condition, no dark mark.” He looked at the forearms of your parents, true enough, there were none. 
“The Dark Lord believed they were loyal subjects,” Alecto brushed the tip of her wand to your jaw, her nostrils flared at the sight of you. “But after a while, it seemed like the enemies always knew what was up on our sleeves. We tried to contact them again, but they were-poof! Gone” she laughed like a mad woman and it immediately changed to her teeths grinding. She threw a spell at random spots of your house that made loud noises, glass shattering, portraits falling, and many more.
Your shouts being overwhelmed by the chaotic noise. After a while, the noise stopped, “Don’t worry about little Theodore, he’s sleeping soundly. No, we didn’t kill the poor child, we're not murderers” Amycus giggled. You felt your stomach turned upside down, you were disgusted by them. 
“Crucio!” Amycus pointed his wand to your parents, you screamed and screamed as you watched them wince in pain, their veins pulsing in their necks, trying their best to breathe. 
“STOP! PLEASE STOP!” You cried, your face went pale as you saw their faces. Your parents are in pain and you cannot do anything. “Please” you whispered, head facing the floor, you felt the energy drain from you. 
“Get your brother Y/N” your mother mouthed to you, the siblings not paying attention to them. She was still in pain, your eyes were blurry from the tears but you still nodded. You secretly reached for a big chunk of shattered glass and swiftly cut the rope that was tied to your wrist. 
It was as fast as lightning that you got into Theodore’s room. You locked the door, it was nice that every room in this house was chanted with an anti-apparition charm except for the living room. You picked up the sleeping boy and headed to his wardrobe. You heard banging on the door but you chose to not be distracted by it. 
The second wooden wardrobe looked normal on the outside, but it was not, it was an emergency door, while carrying your brother in your arms you also grabbed the emergency bag. Your parents always had an emergency plan and you never thought you would need it. 
Stepping inside the wardrobe, you wanted to go back, but you can’t use magic, you don’t even know enough spells to defend your family from skilled killers. 
You wiped your tears and continued. The sunlight immediately hit your face as soon as you stepped in the back of your house. With all the hesitation you have, you run, not minding the bag that has a dangling keychain where it says “With you, always and forever”. 
You hated the idea that they might have expected this, that this is what they are meant to be, that this was meant to happen. Because as you run away from your comfort, from your home, you hear the words that made tears race down your face, words that made your throat dry, words that made you hug your brother tighter. The words, 
Avada Kedavra.
“What?” you stood up from your seat as soon as Remus, Sirius, and Emmeline Vance revealed to you that your parents were double agents, they were with the Dark Lord for information and were really loyal to the Order of the Phoenix. 
“When we heard what happened to them it was too late. Y/N I’m sorry” Emmeline went up to you and embraced you, she taps your back as you cried on her shoulder. You knew your parents weren’t bad people, you just needed confirmation, somehow a needle was removed from your chest, somehow you felt relieved, knowing that they fought for the many, for the good. It was a cry of relief but at the same time there was pain in there, you finally cried after weeks, it felt satisfying.
“I’m sorry” you worded out while you fidgeted your fingers, again, you four were sitting at the table. You know, you have to tell them. Tell them that you were forced to get the dark mark, that you didn’t have any choice, tell them that they have your brother. Tell them.
“Something is bothering you. Tell us” Remus said, your eyes darted on the glass that was on the table, you were uneasy, your hand was sweating and the voices in your head were starting again. Tell them. Don’t tell them. They would help you. They will hate you. It was so noisy, so loud, so crowded, you can’t control it. You were so in your head that you didn’t realize you broke the glass just by staring at it. They all flinched. 
“I- I should go” you got up and was about to head to the door, but Sirius was fast enough to block the door while Emmeline held your wrist, “You can tell us Y/N, no one can hurt you here” she smiled to you, you sighed and slowly pulled the hem of your sleeve. 
And there they saw it, fear crossed their faces first but after a second, sadness took over. “No” Sirius started shaking his head, trying to deny what he just saw, “When did you get that?” Remus asked, his eyes fixed on your forearm. “Summer” you answered. You heard Emmeline sniffed and Sirius turned his back on you, his shoulders shaking. 
“Are you all crying right now?” you felt relieved that they didn’t hate you, or pushed you away. “Yes” they three answered, covering their faces with their hands. You wanted to chuckle, seeing grown ups cry, it was definitely not something you anticipated.
"You were just a child" Remus whispered but loud enough to fill the room, and there you realized, yeah, you were.
“They have my brother” you confessed as soon as they calmed down. “They blackmailed you?” Sirius asked while he wiped his nose with a tissue, you nodded as an answer. “Typical” his expression was dulled. 
“You have to work with us Y/N. Let us help you” Sirius said and they all looked at you, waiting for your answer. “We will save you and your brother” they smiled at you, their smile had hope. That’s why you gave them the answer you knew was right. “Yes. I will work with you” your eyes gleamed, suddenly, you weren’t alone. It felt good. 
Then, you told them all the information you got. Every.single.detail. 
“Thank you sir Dobby” you flashed your teeth to the elf beside you as you two arrived at Hogsmeade. “Sir? Dobby likes that very much” the corners of Dobby’s mouth turned up. You giggled seeing his happy smile. 
“You better go now Dobby, freedom awaits you” and so he did, he disappeared before your eyes after taking a look at your S.P.E.W. badge.
You walked now to Hogwarts, it was not that far and you could use a little time to think before you were greeted again by the smiles and laughs of people at the castle. Probably congratulating Cedric for saving Cho. 
Hogsmeade was not silent, there were still people but not that many during Hogsmeade weekend trips, you did want to buy something but it seems like you didn’t bring any money with you. You wished that you should’ve asked the twins for a few sickles, they obviously had some. 
Your eyes explored every store you passed as you walked, it felt carefree just walking to Hogsmeade freely, no students around, no yellings and such, it was just a fine afternoon. You didn’t notice that you spent hours at the Grimmauld Place, it was a nice chat with them and sooner, few arrived, such as Kingsley Shacklebot, and the new auror Nymphadora Tonks, she was fun to be with, especially given that she’s a metamorphmagus, that would be extremely cool and helpful at the same time. 
The sky seemed to be clear, you breathed in and shutted your eyes, the wind must have taken that as a cue to blow you, unconsciously, you smiled, freely, not forced, not fake, the smile that you didn’t even notice until a voice made you open your eyes. 
“I miss seeing that smile” 
In front of you was the man you love, the man you dreamt of everyday, the man you decided to save, the man that has grey captivating eyes, chiseled jaw, and a stupid smile that will melt you. 
Before you could even register that he was in front of you, he pulled you into a hug, tighter than ever, you wanted to go away from him, you wanted him to let you go, but your body said otherwise, because you wrapped your arms around his waist. Feeling his warmth. Feeling Cedric.
“Please don’t disappear like that again. I was so worried. Don’t do that again love. I don’t want to lose you” he muttered during your embrace, that's when you registered what was happening.
“No, no, no” you pushed him and took a step back. Your eyes pierced him, you didn’t know what to feel. You were confused, and by the looks of it, he was too. 
“Y/N- “ he was pacing, his brows knitted and he washed his face with his hands. It was always his move to show frustration. 
“Fuck.” he said and stopped, he stared at you and started saying things that made your stomach filled with butterflies, it made you feel bittersweet too. You still didn’t know what to feel.
“Y/N, I know you didn’t cheat on me, I know that decision we made during the night of Christmas was pure rubbish, and I don’t have any relationship with Cho. She likes my friend, and I was just helping her, she was also helping me…" he bites his lower lip, "to get back to you. That’s why I was shocked when she was the one I had to save. We were both confused, we don’t like each other" he continued.
"I miss you Y/N, you know that I would choose you over and over again because you’re my home, you’re my comfort, and I didn’t know what to do when you suddenly disappeared from my life. I also know how you can disappear anytime because of You Know Who, but I don’t care. I love you and I want to be by your side even now, I don’t want to protect you because I know you don’t need that but you need someone by your side, supporting you, and I want to be that person, I should be that person Y/N. I don’t want to regret anymore” Cedric’s eyes were filled with tears as he talked. It broke your heart seeing him like this. 
“Ced” you slowly walked to him and held his face with one hand, his eyes closed and squeezed your hand, “I’m sorry. I love you too but it was the only way, they would hurt you. And I can’t imagine myself being the reason for your pain” your eyes getting moisty. 
“How about you, weren’t you already in pain?” his eyes just looking at you, you two didn’t care about the location you're in, because in this moment you and Cedric only mattered. 
"I can manage" you smiled despite both of your tears flowing down, "Liar" he pulled you and buried your head on his chest. Your hearts beating in sync, you didn't know if this was the right thing to do. But if you choose to be happy, if you choose the choices your parents made, then maybe, you can die without any regrets, you can die happily, knowing that you lived your life. 
"Let's not do that anymore hmm?" Cedric strokes your hair while you just stand there, feeling and smelling him. He was so addicting.
Your nod was the answer. 
Maybe you can save your brother and yourself at the same time. Maybe there's still a future, a bright one, waiting for you. Not just sacrifices, heartbreak, and death. Don't get lost in the dark they say, but the dark was your friend, and it won't let you get lost. 
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