#willa lykensen imagines
heliads · 2 years
Family Woes
Based on this request: "Willa has a younger sister y/n and her and the wolf pack are overprotective and y/n can't leave their sight. So y/n runs away and the pack finds her and they make up and live happily ever after"
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Willa Lykensen is at her wit’s end trying to get this pack in order. She was never supposed to take it this far. Willa was nominated temporary leader of the werewolves when their moonstones were at an all time power shortage and everyone was sick. Sure, she did a decent job of getting everyone back in order, but they came pretty close to not coming out on top. 
Willa always assumed that once things were better, responsibility would leave her shoulders. The problem is that such a time has come again and again, and passed by just as quickly. Willa still remains in this position, slightly separated from everyone else yet unaware of how to get back to whoever she had been before all this. Willa tries to relinquish power, but no one takes it, and so she keeps on going anyway.
Sometimes she feels like a train that’s lost control, a great mass of steel and destruction hurtling at a thousand miles per hour towards the rocky unknown. Willa keeps slamming the brakes but nothing ever happens to stop her. At some point, she’s going to make a bad call and the pack is going to suffer, but until that moment, all Willa can do is keep pulling one Hail Mary after another to make sure her people stay alive and relatively unharmed.
So far, all is mostly well. They managed to find the moonstone and the werewolves were able to recharge their necklaces. They could even all take up homes in Seabrook and finally stop living on the outskirts of a place that had once been theirs. Willa goes to school, she makes friends, she learns enough in her books to realize that a kid like her shouldn’t have the job that she does.
At the same time, Willa has to admit that she sort of likes feeling important. Belonging is important to any werewolf, and she is no exception. It is something wonderful to feel wanted, needed even, but the stress is starting to tear her asunder. Willa looks in the mirror and swears a thousand times that she can do this. The reflection, a girl who could probably be her, mouths the same words back, but it’s far less believable when she’s looking herself in the eyes.
Willa’s friends seem to have confidence in her, which is nice. Willa would never dare show a single sign of weakness, but having her friends and family desert her might be her last straw. Wyatt stays by Willa’s side, and even the zombies and humans are able to offer up willing shoulders to lean on if she needs it.
There is one person that’s not entirely on Willa’s side, though. Although Willa does her best to run both the pack and her family, one of her closer relatives seems to stifle under Willa’s leadership instead of growing by it. Y/N, Willa’s younger sister, becomes more and more troublesome by the hour.
That’s what it feels like, at least. Willa asks Zed time and time again if it seems like she’s being too harsh on her younger sister, seeing as Zed is used to having a supernatural younger sister, but he assures her otherwise every time. Willa treats Y/N the same way as the rest of the pack, he sees no concern there.
Still, Willa feels differently. Willa tries to talk to Y/N almost every day, maybe even every hour, but Y/N shuts her down every time. Sometimes the missed connections just result in a sort of awkwardness that isn’t supposed to happen between siblings, other times it leads to fights that lead in one or both of the girls storming out until they pretend nothing happened for a temporary truce.
Willa tries, she really does. It’s just hard when Willa remembers what it had been like when they were younger. Willa swears there was a time in which the sisters actually did get along. It was them against the world, playmates and schoolmates and friends who could tell each other anything. It seems the changing of the times has split them apart as surely as only a difference in years truly can.
Previously, Willa had not been aware of the fact that she was getting older. The knowledge came incrementally, of course; new shoes were outgrown, jeans rose above her ankles, but all those signs could be ignored if one tried hard enough. It took more solid proof for her to come to grips with the fact that she was no longer quite so young and naive as she once had been. 
Willa rereads old books that had been her favorites and scoffs at the juvenile attitudes of the characters. Her sister tells Willa that she no longer acts the same way, even though Willa has no idea what would have been different in her attitude nor how to fix it. 
The only thing Willa can do is try to watch out for her sister. Willa doubles her focus, hoping that maybe making her sister feel important will build more bridges than it burns. The opposite happens; every time Willa shows a clear indication of trying to watch out for Y/N, the other girl recoils from Willa’s every move.
It all comes to a head about six months after the werewolves find the moonstone and move into Seabrook for good. Y/N came home several hours later after school without telling anyone that she wouldn’t be on time. Willa was pacing around the house when Y/N finally showed up.
Although Y/N tried to act like nothing was the matter, the guilty duck of her head when she opened the door to find Willa waiting for her was as sure a sign as any that she knew something was wrong.
Willa doesn’t wait for pleasantries, she never has. “Where were you?”
“Good to see you too,” Y/N mumbles, clearly annoyed, “Thanks for asking about my day, it was wonderful. How was yours?”
“Don’t try and play around,” Willa fires back, “you’re late. What happened?”
Y/N shrugs. “I was talking to a friend and we stayed late to study. No big deal.”
Y/N tries to move past, but Willa blocks her way. “Not so fast. You have to tell me about these sorts of things, you know. I had no idea where you were. For all I knew, you could have been hurt somewhere and in need of help.”
“Or I could have been just fine,” Y/N counters, “which is what happened. Seriously, calm down. I’m what, a couple of hours late? It’s not even dark outside yet.”
“You should be happy it’s not dark,” Willa argues, “if it was, I would have sent out some of the pack to search for you. You have to realize that this isn’t okay.”
Y/N scoffs. “That’s crazy. I’m allowed to have some freedom, you know.”
Willa folds her arms across her chest. “That freedom doesn’t involve giving me a heart attack every other day because you decide to do stuff like this. Come on, how hard is it to just text me?”
Y/N groans. “It shouldn’t even matter. You’re so overprotective, same as the rest of the pack. Just let me have a little bit of breathing room.”
Willa arches a brow. “Overprotective? We’re trying to watch out for you. You’re still a kid, Y/N.”
“And you aren’t?” Y/N asks pointedly, “I’m just trying to live my life. I’m sure you did the same thing as me when you were my age.”
“You shouldn’t have to do the same things as me, because I’m trying to protect you from all that,” Willa counters, “I want you to have a normal life.”
“If you want me to be normal, you have to stop being such a helicopter parent,” Y/N replies, clearly frustrated. “Just leave me alone.”
Willa isn’t willing to let this go quite so easily. “Not a chance. You’re too young to be doing all this. We’re not done until we can agree on a solution to that.”
Y/N lets out an angry breath. “You really can’t let that go?”
“No, I can’t,” Willa says, “Not until you realize that your bad choices are going to get you killed.”
“At least then I wouldn’t be as ridiculously uptight as you,” Y/N spits out, “you’re a pain to be around. I’m sick of being in this house.”
This time, instead of trying to escape to a different room, Y/N turns around and leaves again. Willa moves to stop her, but it’s too late, her sister’s already hurrying back away into the street. In seconds, she’s turned a corner and is out of sight.
Wyatt appears down the hall. “I heard shouting, what was that about?”
Willa groans. “I’ve messed things up with Y/N. She says we’re too overprotective.”
Wyatt grimaces. “She might be right there. I know you’re just trying to keep her safe, but everyone needs a little bit of space to grow into their own person.”
“I wish you’d told me that a little earlier,” Willa sighs, “she looked mad.”
Willa holds out hope that Y/N will realize she overreacted and come home, but even after night falls, there’s no sign of her younger sister. To make herself feel better, Willa pretends that Y/N’s just spending the night with a friend, but after a few discreet texts to Addison and Bree, she finds out otherwise. Wherever she is, Y/N is with no friends of theirs.
That does it. Willa rallies a few sympathetic werewolves and sets out as a search party. The wolves have always been good hunters, and within the span of about an hour or so of stalking through the woods surrounding Seabrook, Wyatt tugs gently on Willa’s arm.
“Over there,” he whispers.
Willa nods gratefully at him and sets over. Out of the corner of her eyes, she can see Wyatt quietly alerting the other werewolves that it’s alright. The others start to leave, but Wyatt lingers in the background just in case.
Y/N is walking through the forest, either heedless of the surrounding darkness or just choosing to ignore it. She doesn’t flinch when Willa calls out her name, just squares her shoulders and keeps walking.
“I don’t want to talk to you,” she says.
Willa sighs. “But I want to talk to you. I’m sorry, Y/N. Really, I am. I was wrong to try to be so overprotective. You deserve your space. I was just scared that you’d get hurt.”
Y/N laughs bitterly. “You’re just saying that to try and get me to go back to the house.”
“Partially,” Willa admits, “but also it’s true. If you want to go have a sleepover at a friend’s house to get away from me, fine. I just don’t want you to be mad at me the whole time.”
Y/N stops walking, which Willa takes as a small victory. “Really?” She asks doubtfully.
“Really,” Willa says. “Of course, I’m hoping you will just come home, but if you’re with a friend, that still means someone’s watching out for you. It doesn’t always have to be me.”
An irritated look flashes over Y/N’s face. “See, that’s the same thing. You’re still overprotective.”
“I probably always will be,” Willa confesses, “that’s the problem. Do you remember when everyone was so sick because we couldn’t find the moonstone? I was so terrified of losing you that it never really left me. I know I can be annoying, but it’s all I really know. You keep running off and it freaks me out for the same reason.”
Y/N’s expression softens. “Willa, I had no idea,” she begins.
Willa nods mechanically. “You weren’t supposed to know. Guess I wanted you to keep seeing me as a totally cool older sister. Problem is, that can get pretty frustrating. I know that now.”
Y/N stays silent for what could be just a few minutes, but feels more like an eternity or two. “Alright,” she says at last, “I’ll go back. Just promise that you’ll back off more.”
“I’ll try,” Willa promises. She thinks she might stick by it, too.
Only on securing that compromise does Y/N turn around and begin heading back towards home. Willa falls in behind her, but not before flashing Wyatt a thumbs up so he can go too. It might be crazy hard trying to run this pack, but at least Willa can count on her family. That is everything.
requested by @nev20, hope you enjoy!
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie
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rc-writes · 1 year
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jackiehicks · 1 year
Written In The Stars
Wyatt Lykensen x Reader
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request: wyatt x werewolf!reader and them finding out they're each other's mates (maybe they both have matching markings??)
A/N: this one was kinda fun!! i was stumped at first bc i’m not big on soulmate au’s and i’ve never written a werewolf reader before, but i made it there in the end. i attached a pic of what i imagined the mark to look like when i was writing at the end teehee. i also took some creative liberty with this one, i decided to go for a soulmate thing instead of them being typical wolf mates or whatever, plus the reader is gender neutral so you can read this however you want to perceive it! i hope you guys enjoy <3
words: 1.3k
content warnings: very light mentions of sex
in old wolf legend, there was the story of soulmates. on the 18th birthday of a wolf, they would get a marking on their hand. if two marked wolves were to share genuine love for each other in an embrace, the mark would glow to signify their souls being intertwined. if no glowing occurs, they cannot be soulmates. however, soulmate markings are only for werewolves. if one’s soulmate is not a wolf, no mark will appear. in today’s society, a wolf with a soulmate mark was rare. especially in seabrook, a town where werewolves live in harmony with humans, zombies, and aliens.
so on the 18th birthday of the lykensen twins, when a soulmate mark appeared on the hand of wyatt lykensen, everything changed.
wyatt inspected the mark on his hand for the millionth time that day. he liked how it looked - the design was intricate with overlapping lines and little triangles hidden in it - but despite that, he hated everything about it. the mark was a burden. every wolf his age was suddenly trying to make some sort of love connection with him in hopes that he would be their soulmate. half of them didn’t even have their soulmate marks yet.
wyatt wouldn’t have minded if it was because they wanted to be with him, but he knew it wasn’t that. his sister was the alpha werewolf, making him second in command. they wanted his power and his position within the pack. he knew that if willa had received a mark then all of this attention would be on her, but willa had already found a soulmate in a-spen. that’s what wyatt wanted. not some sort of forced relationship because of a magical tattoo, he wanted the kind of love that you would travel galaxies to find.
he sighed, looking away from his mark for the first time in what felt like hours. he was sitting on the top of the wolf-den, under the stars. when he was little, he would sit up here and try to make words and shapes out of the stars. he looked up at the night sky, inspecting something new for the first time all day. soulmates were supposed to be written in the stars, right? maybe he could find a clue up there…
“BOO!” came a voice from behind him. wyatt jumped, startled, then let out a sigh of relief when he saw it was only y/n, his best friend since they were pups.
“what is it with you and scaring me?”
y/n shrugged, sitting down next to him, “it’s fun.”
“yeah, for you.”
“shut up, you know you love me.”
wyatt looked back up at the stars, raking an exasperated hand through his hair.
“you’ve got that look about you again.” y/n nudged him with their shoulder.
“yeah… it’s-“
“the mark? dude, it’ll be fine.”
“i know, but… why did it have to be me?”
“don’t complain so much, you’ve got 20 age-appropriate werewolves trying to jump your bones. even waverley is trying to get a piece of you, and waverley is hot. who wouldn’t want that?”
“me, y/n. also, gross - don’t talk about jumping bones. i’m having a crisis here.”
y/n leaned back on their elbows, “yeah, but you need to lighten up - what better way to do that than to be wildly inappropriate?”
wyatt chuckled and looked at the rocks below him.
“see, there’s a smile!” y/n nudged him again, “and hey, at least you know now that you have a soulmate. i’m 18 in like… a month. i’m still in the process of wondering if my soulmate even exists.”
the weeks passed quickly. there weren’t many 18th birthdays so soon after wyatt and willa, only waverley - the really good-looking it-wolf of the pack. no mark appeared on waverley’s hand, to wyatt’s secret delight. waverley was cute and all, but he wasn’t interested. the werewolves that had tried to make a love connection with wyatt had all given up, deciding that it was a whole lot of work for something that wasn’t even that important. he was relieved in the end; he had started to get real sick of hugging.
it felt like no time had passed until it was the night before y/n’s birthday. wyatt was looking all over the wolf den for his friend, nowhere to be found. it was late, everyone else was asleep. he stepped outside of the cave when he heard a frustrated sigh from above him. he didn’t even have to look before he knew that he had found y/n. wyatt climbed up the front of the cave, hoping to scare the birthday wolf. he was met with a pebble to the head as he jumped up.
“ow?? why are you throwing stones??”
“sorry wy, i’m not having a great time up here and there are a bunch of loose rocks.”
wyatt clambered up and sat himself next to y/n. “every year, i forget just how much you hate birthdays.”
“why do birthdays have to be so weird? i don’t want all the attention on me. it’s gonna be so much worse this year with these stupid soulmate marks…”
“it’s really not that bad. plus, there’s like 6 of us with markings, so it’s not even a common thing.”
“i guess you’re right… i mean, i don’t know how i feel about even, like, the concept of soulmates. like, to be tied to one person for the rest of your life? i’ve never even been in a relationship. that’s terrifying.”
“yeah, i hear that. i don’t know, i hated it too when i first got it. i kinda find comfort in it now, though. like, there’s someone out there who is for me and will understand me and look out for me, and they’ll be there for the rest of our lives. something about that is reassuring, don’t you think?”
y/n scoffed at that. “it’s creepy! ‘ooh, we’re soulmates, i don’t know you and you don’t know me but i’m gonna love you and be there for you forever and ever and ever until we die’.” y/n shuddered, “super creepy.”
wyatt couldn’t help but laugh. “don’t be such a drama-wolf. it’ll be fine.”
y/n smiled, but the smile quickly faded into a melancholy sadness.
“hey,” wyatt started, “don’t be worried. soulmate or no soulmate, you got me. i’m here for you. nothing’s gonna change that.”
he could hear y/n’s silent tears in the night-time silence. wyatt put his arm around his dear friend, and y/n’s head sank into the crook of his neck. they sat like that for a while, until wyatt noticed a glowing golden light out of the corner of his eye.
“hey, what’s that?” he asked. y/n sat up, and the light moved. wyatt looked at his hand, and the delicate marking on his hand was shining a stunning ethereal gold. it looked beautiful. he heard y/n gasp gently, looking at the mark that had appeared on their own hand. y/n checked the time on her phone.
“12.02am. it’s my birthday.”
“you have a mark.”
“we didn’t even notice.”
“you have a mark.”
y/n tore their eyes away from the marking, which was now glittering a more subtle gold.
“it was-“
“i can’t believe-“
the two laughed lightly as they talked over eachother.
“this whole time,” wyatt began, “this whole time, i’ve been worrying who my soulmate could be. i didn’t even think… y/n…”
“we’ve been inseparable since, like, forever. god, it was the most obvious thing in the world! are we stupid?”
they laughed, revelling in this new and exciting feeling.
“we’re idiots.”
they looked up at the night sky once again, entangled in each other’s arms, and wyatt could swear he saw a glimmer of y/n’s smile gazing down at him.
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shiftingwithmars · 11 months
Haunted Love-A Wyatt Lykensen Halloween fic
A/N:Reader is made out to be human but you can imagine them as any monster or whatever. Use of Y/N, although you can imagine whatever name you want. I just came up with this cute lil idea for a spooktober fic. This Fic was inspired by a Bucky Barnes fic I saw, so yeah<3
Warnings:Fluff, maybe some swearing, Reader has a fear of clowns, Idrk what else, super cute ig? Reader is made out to be Female but you can imagine them as any gender you wish<3
You looked up at Addison, crossing your arms over your chest. “Addy, do we have to do this?” You asked with a slight pout. “Come on Y/N! Haunted houses are fun! And besides, it’s a great bonding experience as friends!” You sighed softly. You didn’t want to admit the real reason you didn’t want to go into the haunted house; Wyatt Lykensen. You two had been dating for a few months now, but the other day you got into a fight and you hadn’t talked since. Now, you were with your friends at a haunted house. It wasn’t being around Wyatt that made you anxious, but rather where you were. You were easily scared, and now Wyatt was going to see you get scared harder than you had ever been. You didn’t want him to see you as weak, which is exactly why you were so anxious.
Y/N slowly walked into the haunted house, gripping Wynters hand tightly. Addison and Zed were walking hand in hand, meanwhile Bree and Bonzo were too focused looking at each other to even get scared. Eliza just took pictures of everything, complaining about how “unrealistic” it all was. Wyatt and Willa were in the back of the group, although you couldn’t hear what they were saying due to their whispering. Wynter let go of your hand as she saw the Football coach operating a froyo cart. She ran over to him, pulling her wallet out as she excitedly bought some froyo. You saw a mirror and you focused on your reflection. You looked like you hadn’t slept at all the night before, which was kind of true. You took a second to fix your hair and clothes, making sure that you looked at least a little decent. when you turned back, your friends were gone. You began to walk a little faster, hoping to find them. Suddenly, you saw two of the workers coming towards you, their clown costumes almost scaring your pants off. As the got closer you continued to back away, you breath hitching in your throat as your back hit the wall. The workers continued to come closer, and you hid your face in your hands. “Hey, she’s had enough. Leave her alone.” A voice spoke up, and you looked up to see Wyatt standing across from you and the workers, his eyebrows raised and his arms crossed over his chest. “Oh yeah? Or else what?” One of the workers said with a laugh, causing the other one to snicker. Wyatt snarled, his fangs showing and his eyes glowing yellow as he growled at them. The guys jumped back as Wyatt growled, scoffing as they scrambled away. Wyatt came over and pulled you closer, your head resting softly on his chest. “Shh, it’s okay baby. I’m here…” he whispered softly, gently kissing the top of your head. “You wanna get out of here?” He asked softly, and you nodded.
You and Wyatt sat on your doorstep, your head resting on his shoulder as his arm was wrapped tightly around you. “Thank you, for being there for me tonight.” You said softly, gently kissing Wyatt’s shoulder. “Of course baby. I’ll always be there for you.” He responded with a kiss on your forehead.
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 2 years
And Here I Thought We Were Progressive
Happy whumptober!
Loosely inspired by Blood Thicker Than Silver by the lovely @keepswingin and @rainfallingfromthesky
Prompt: "This wasn't supposed to happen"
Fandom: Z-O-M-B-I-E-S
Characters: Wyatt Lykensen, Willa Lykensen
Summary: Wyatt falls right into a literal trap. And here he thought Seabrook was progressive.
Trigger Warnings: blood, injuries, burning, poison
924 words
Wyatt couldn’t see.
Warm, coppery blood was dripping over his tightly closed eyes, some dribbling past his lips and landing on his tongue as the gash on his head continued to throb .
He had just — just been on a patrol, nothing out of the ordinary, and — fuck . He hadn’t meant to trigger the trap, silver teeth snapping closed around his leg. He hadn’t even seen it.
In his frantic attempt to get it off, he’d fallen to the ground entirely, landing face first into what must have been another one.
His eyes burned. 
This wasn’t supposed to happen, and Willa was going to kill him, but maybe… maybe he could take care of it on his own! That didn’t sound too difficult, he could just carefully tug his leg free, even though he couldn’t really see it—
He howled in pain, claws digging into his leg on reflex, and that only made it worse.
Fuck .
Jesus, Willa was going to end him if he didn’t die of silver poisoning first.
He howled again, knowing his sister must still be nearby. The more prideful part of him almost hoped she wouldn’t hear.
The little brother part of him really hoped she would.
The silver was straight fire , setting the blood still on his insides ablaze. It was a special, hell kind of pain.
He smelled his sister before he heard her. Leave it to the alpha to be quiet as a mouse, even on crunchy leaves and snappable twigs.
“H—ey, Wills,” he said, attempting a lighthearted smile. It probably looked more like a grimace. It sure felt like one.
“Oh my god,” Willa said, horror-stricken. “What happened?”
“Tripped,” he said with an accompanying hiss of discomfort. “I know you’re always tellin’ me to watch where I’m going, but,” he managed a momentary, twitching grin. “In my defense, this wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“Is it ever?” Willa asked, mostly to herself. 
Her hand landed on his cheek, gently, and she carefully tilted his head this way and that, assumably examining the injuries on his face.
“You think it’ll scar?” He asked, “give the ladies a little something to look at?”
Willa didn’t respond. She just huffed an almost-chuckle, tracing the pads of her fingers gently over his skin. 
“We need to get that trap off your leg,” she finally said, worry stitched through her voice. “But we’re so far out from the den… shit.”
She may have still been talking, but honestly, Wyatt’s head was swimming enough as it was, and with the piercingly loud ringing in his ears that was no doubt linked to the unholy fire the silver was currently trying to set him on, he couldn’t… be bothered to really… listen.
“Wyatt? Hey!” Strong hands gripped his shoulders, shaking him softly. “You’re okay. I’m going to take it off, are you ready?”
“Just make it quick,” he said, digging his claws into the earth in preparation for the pain about to be reigned upon him.
The metallic pressure came off in one instant snap, and he screamed , a howl that must have truly torn his throat with its hoarse desperation. 
He could feel the silver forcing its last touch of poison into his blood. 
For a long, horrible few minutes, he just breathed , panting and taking in grateful gasps of air as tears pushed past his still closed eyes. He couldn’t begin to imagine the pathetic mess he must have looked.
Finally, when the pain was somewhat bearable to exist with again, he slowly, carefully removed his fingers from the dirt, wiping his eyes dry.
Getting his first glimpse of Willa, he immediately frowned. She had torn the bottom of her shirt to wrap hastily around his wound. He was grateful, of course, but a younger, more anxious version of himself told him to feel guilty over it.
His eyes settled on her hands, and the freshly inflicted burns on them. 
Wyatt’s stomach churned. He should have just clawed the damn thing off himself, but now Willa had hurt herself to help him, help him out of a completely preventable situation that he’d just stumbled into, and what kind of a fucking beta was incompetent enough to do that, and fuck —
He sniffled, embarrassed and guilty and in pain and wanting nothing more than to curl up in a ball and sleep until he was either healed or dead .
“You better not be doing it,” Willa warned, gingerly wiping his tears.
“Doing what?” 
“Throwing a pity party for yourself,” she stated matter-of-factly. His mouth hung open, unsure how to respond. “ Wyatt ,” she said, putting her hands firmly on his shoulders. “I’m not mad that this happened. I’m mad at whatever dipshits put those traps out in the first place. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Your hands…” he protested pathetically.
“What, you think your alpha can’t handle a couple burns? Please .”
The dramatic way she flipped her hair, at least, reached its obvious goal in getting a tiny, genuine smile out of him.
“Now, let’s get back to the den,” she said, helping him to his feet. “And get you taken care of for real.” Casually, she snaked an arm around him in a clear attempt to stabilize him.
“I don’t need help walking,” he whined, despite being absolutely sure that his leg was on the verge of needing amputation. 
Willa just kept helping him along, her firm grip silently saying something along the lines of “yeah right, dipshit”.
Although she probably wouldn’t have said it like that. Right now, at least.
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call-to-the-wyatt · 2 years
Zombies Headcanons- Dating Wyatt Would Incloud...
Heyyyy!!! This is my first ZOMBIES headcanon, hope you’ll like it!!!
written & published : July 18th, 2022 | word count : 780
~ CUDDLES. our soft boy is cuddley af. Cuddling with you makes him feel like he’s protecting you from everything, which is pretty much his favorite thing to do.
~ He’s also sneaking from the cave to your house just to get a hug from you after the pack goes hunting.
~ ALL of the pack loved you since Wyatt introduced you, except for Willa. You’re human, so she needed a long time to trust you with her brother; but eventually she sees you as a part of the pack.
~ Wyatt is VERY protective of you; as I mentioned earlier, he LOVES feeling like he’s protecting you from everything in the world. He would do anything for you, if someone or something hurts you or make you miserable, he would find them and teach them what people get for messing with his girl\boy.
~ He is also a little possesive of you. Not in a bad way, he just makes sure you have his scent all over yourself  so every wolf, zombie and human being around will know that you’re his and he’s yours.
~ Your parents walked in on you laying in your bed with Wyatt’s head on your chest and your arms wrapped around him A LOT; He loves listening to your heartbeats and the feeling of being in your arms after hunting. (you do force him to shower before that though)
~ FALLING ASLEEP IN HIS ARMS. You love the warmth of his body and how protected you feel when he hugs you, and he loves how he can protect you and how calm and relaxed you look when you sleep, not to mention his amazement at how small you feel in his arms, so you two do it a lot.
~ Being the 2nd cutest couple in Seabrook High, right after Zed and Addison.
~ Getting teased by your friendgroup A LOT for being so unrealistically ADORABLE.
~ Having the cutest nicknames for each other- “moonlight” and “sunshine” are your (and his) favorites for some reason- but you call each other “my wolfy” and “my human boy\girl” a lot. (Addison laughs at you every. single. time.)
~ He’s sneaking around just to hug you from behind when you take your books from your locker
~ You do the same to him.
~ Overall you’re the cutest couple ever and I want to have your relationship.
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New Student // Willa Lykensen
request: could you do Willa from Zombies x female reader (if you’re not comfortable then gn reader), a really cute fic where Willa has a crush for the first time and she’s quite nervous around the reader which is out of character for her, but Addison and Wynter assure her that it’s okay and Willa flirts with reader?
prompts: none!
summary: you’ve just moved to seabrook, and everything has been going great! except for the fact that one of your new “friends” is pretty much ignoring you. what happens when the two of you are tricked into spending time together?
warnings: god used as a curse word?, also a kinda abrupt ending :/
word count: 2k
a/n: gn!reader
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Your hands clenched tightly against the straps of your backpack as you looked up at the building in front of you. Seabrook High. It was yet another first day of school for you. After having spent the majority of your life moving from city to city, your parents decided they wanted to move back to their hometown. And while you were excited at first due to the chance of finally having a somewhat normal highschool experience, Seabrook wasn’t anything like you thought it would be.
Before even walking into the building, you looked around in shock at everyone walking beside you. And just when you thought you were finally going to have a normal high school experience. But no, you just had to go to a school that had monsters attending.
Now you were never one to judge. You knew how it felt to be hated for reasons you couldn’t control. But just the thought of having to spend the rest of the year sharing classrooms with zombies, werewolves, and aliens made you a bit uneasy.
Your parents assured you they were all very nice and that you had nothing to be afraid of. And while you believed that none of the other students would ever actually harm you, you still couldn’t shake your anxiety.
But nonetheless, you had to walk inside. It wasn’t like you could just turn around and hide in your room for the rest of the year. People would notice. And it was your senior year, so not graduating didn’t seem like a very pleasant idea.
Taking a deep breath, you started walking into the building. The perfect white walls accented with pink and green filled your view as you took in your new surroundings. A group of cheerleaders walked by, looking as peppy as ever. You could easily tell apart the cliques based on the outfits alone. And looking down at yourself, you realized you didn’t really fit into any of them.
The humans wore pink and blue, looking perfectly well put together. Cheerleaders were all wearing their bright pink and green uniforms. The zombies wore clothes that looked like they were handmade, patches of fabric and uneven stitching catching your eye. The aliens stood out too, all shiny and futuristic looking. And even the werewolves had their own look, purple and brown, with faux fur accenting their looks.
Meanwhile you wore an old band tee and ripped jeans. You stuck out like a sore thumb. A few people looked at you weirdly. None of the stares were mean, rather just curious or confused. You didn’t have a clique, or a group of people like you. No one even looked remotely similar. You felt your anxiety beginning to build up again. Maybe you really weren’t going to find any friends. Maybe there was no common ground between you and anyone else in this town.
You carefully squeezed your way through the crowd of teenagers, occasionally glancing down at the paper in your hand that held both your schedule and your locker number. After wandering through the halls aimlessly, you found the locker that would be yours for the rest of the year. You walked up towards it, and entered the combination on your paper, but the lock wouldn’t budge. You tried again and again, but it still wouldn’t open.
You let out a frustrated huff, punching the locker as you did so.
“Need some help with that?”
You turned around to find a girl, with bright blue hair standing behind you. Her hair was a stark contrast to the green and pink dress she wore. She held both her pom poms in one hand, the other was pointing towards the locked behind you.
“Uhm yeah. I’ve been trying the combination but it just won’t open.”
“Mind hold these?” She extended her pom poms out towards you, her smile never fading
You nodded and grabbed them, moving aside so she could try her luck at opening your locker. Somehow she managed to bust it open on the second try.
“One of the numbers in your combo was wrong. It was a 10, not a 1.” She smiled yet again, grabbing her pom poms back from your hands.
“Thank you so much! You’re a lifesaver.”
“Oh, it was nothing. You’re new here, right? I’m Addison!”
“Y/n. Nice to meet you!”
“You too! I guess I’ll see you around.”
And with that she headed off down the hallway, practically bouncing with each step.
“Y/n! Over here!”
Your head turned at the call of your name, and you saw Addison waving you over to the table she was sitting out. You instantly felt relief wash over you knowing that you wouldn’t have to deal with finding a place to eat lunch.
You walked over to her table, and took a seat next to her, not wanting to sit next to someone you didn’t know.
“Hi,” you said as you waved nervously at everyone else sitting at the table.
“Everyone, meet y/n! They’re new here! Y/n this is Zed, Bree, Eliza, Bonzo, Willa, Wyatt, and Wynter,” she said as she pointed towards everyone sitting around you.
They all greeted you, and talked excitedly, happy to have met someone new. All of them except for Willa that is. She kept glancing at you and then looking away, not saying anything and instead focusing on the lunch tray in front of her. No one else seemed to notice her silence, or if they did they didn’t say anything about it. Maybe she was just like this. You didn’t want to say anything or draw attention to it, especially since you had just met. But a small part of you felt a bit sad that she had ignored you.
“What was all that about Willa?” Wynter asked, walking up beside her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Will replied, attempting to brush off Wynter's comments.
“Don’t think you don’t know what you were doing. You barely said anything at lunch! And you’re always chatty!”
“You know I’m not that friendly around new people.”
“Well yeah, but I mean you didn’t say anything at all! You could barely even look at y/n.”
Willa’s eyes widened and she felt her face grow hot at the mention of you. Wynter almost immediately noticed the change in Willa’s demeanor, and managed to put two and two together.
“Wait a minute. Were you ignoring y/n because they make you nervous?” Wynter asked, a teasing smile growing on her face.
“What? No! I don’t get nervous.”
“You are so lying right now!”
“I am not!”
“Mhm, yeah sure. Whatever you say.”
“Addison!” Wynter yelled, speed walking down the hallway to catch up with the cheerleader.
“What?” Addison asked, laughing slightly at the excitement on Wynter’s face.
“I think Willa has a crush on y/n!”
“Wait seriously?” Addison said, a smile beginning to grow on her face.
“Yeah! I mean think about it, why else would Willa just completely ignore them? And whenever I mention their name, Willa gets all squirmy.”
“Oh my gosh! Ok we have to do something!”
“Like what?”
“We have to figure out a way to get them to talk!”
“Ok! But how?”
“I have an idea!” Addison said, smiling even wider.
You tapped your fingers on the table in front of you, attempting to find something to keep you stimulated while you sat in wait. Earlier that day Addison had asked you to meet up with her and some of her friends at the library to study for the biology test coming up at the end of the week. Of course you had accepted, both wanting to spend time with your new friends and desperately wanting to not fail your first test at a new school.
She said she was going to meet you at 3:30, but it was now 3:45 and Addison wasn’t anywhere in sight. None of them were. You were beginning to think maybe you had gotten the time wrong, or maybe everyone else was at some other library even though you were pretty sure this was the only library in Seabrook.
Another ten minutes passed, and you were about to leave when your phone buzzed. You picked it up to see a text from Addison.
Cheer practice is running really late today, I’m not sure I’m gonna be able to make it :(
Hope the study group goes well!
Well that explains where Addison was. But what about everyone else? You waited another five minutes, deciding to stick it out a little longer, just in case they were all running late. When no one else showed up, you decided to head home. Maybe you really were at the wrong place.
Just as you began putting your books back into your bag, someone walked over to the table you were sitting at, placing their bag down beside them. You looked up to see Willa standing in front of you, her signature scowl present on her face. You felt your cheeks heat up at the sight of her. Even if she always seemed grumpy, you still found her absolutely breathtaking.
“Hey Willa. You here for the study group?” you asked, not quite brave enough to meet her eyes.
“Yeah. Where’s everyone else?” Her voice was so monotone that you couldn’t tell if she was angry or not.
“I don’t think they’re coming. I’ve been here for over half an hour, and you’re the first person to show up.”
Willa paused, something that looked like confusion flashing across her face, before returning to her normal, expressionless self.
“Addison told me to get here at four.”
“That’s weird, she told me 3:30.”
Willa’s eyes widened, a look of realization followed by annoyance. She groaned, burying her face into her hands.
“Uhm, you ok?” you asked, confused by her reaction.
“Addison did this on purpose. She wanted us to be alone together. Wynter must’ve told her.”
“Told her what?”
As soon as the words left your mouth, Willa froze. An unreadable expression crossed her face, and you felt nerves building up inside of you, panicking that you had said something wrong.
After almost a minute passed, you tried to ease the ever building tension.
“Did I say something wrong?” you said softly, not wanting to anger Willa any more.
But to your surprise, when she looked up at you her expression softened.
“No. No, you didn’t say anything wrong. Sorry about that. It’s kinda my fault that this happened. You see- god this is so awkward,” she trailed off, bringing her hands up to her face again.
You reached over and gently pulled them away, smiling when your eyes met once more.
“You can tell me if you want. I won’t judge if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“No, it’s not that. It’s just- I like you. Like really like you. And Wynter figured that out. So she probably told Addison who set up this whole fake study group plan to get me to actually talk to you instead of just ignoring you.”
You felt a million butterflies beginning to flow through you as your face lit up at Willa’s confession. Even though you had only known her a few days, you felt this pull towards her. It was unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. And to know that she felt the same way! It was indescribable. You felt like you were floating.
“I really like you too Willa.���
For the first time ever, you saw Willa smile. You could feel your heart racing as you interlocked her hands with yours. Her touch was electric. Everything felt magical. So what if she was a werewolf and you were a human. None of that mattered. Especially not in Seabrook. This was the most freeing town you’ve ever lived in. And you had a really strong feeling that you were going to love it here.
taglist: @rottenstyx
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wyatt-and-addi · 2 years
After the release of Z3, I feel pretty good about trying to start this blog up again! Now that the series is complete (that we know of) and some loose ends have been tied, I have so many ideas on character types and whatnot. :)
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Paring: Wyatt Lykensen X FEMALE! READER
Requested: Yes / No
Warnings: foul language. nudity. graphic descriptions of blood and cannibalism. sexual activity. 
Summary: Weeks after your old elementary friend had finally vanished from all existence everything seems to finally go back to normal. Standing in a coffee shop you met him. And all hell breaks loose.
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You were fashioned in the bathroom taking a warm cloth and bringing it towards your face wiping off the dried blood. You sucked in a breathe the sound of your beating heart filling your ears. You didn’t feel at all ashamed for what you had done. That bastard human deserved it.
The overbearing of your anxiety flared, you were worried you might get in huge trouble, since unfortunately, the human is never to blame. You had gone to bed that night in hopes for a better day the next morning -- the only problem was, he saw everything. 
THE DIRT BELOW HIS BROWN BOOTS became sore while he had previously been peering into your small window for the past five minutes watching you. Your brown pale skin covered in the blood that wasn’t your own. Your face dry and lips cracked from the crying you had done, you felt numb. Your heat besting rapidly in anxiety.
The mirror reflected your bruised image. The bags under your eyes were a dark purple, your eyes a dark brown with widened pupils ( a side effect of a broken Z-band which usually wears off after twelve hours ). Your sink water turned a bright pink as the last of his blood washed down the drain. Disappearing into the drain pipes.
Your mascara smeared down your cheeks, your nose and cheeks red and your eyes puffy. ‘Your going to kill him’. A selfish voice spat in his head, his sharp claws dug into the untouched flesh of his tan palm. He was furious.
How could someone so shameful have the power of destroying someone who was so innocent? She was a ray of pure sunshine. His sunshine. The pondering question he already knew the answer to racked the Alpha wolf’s brain. He couldn’t understand it.
You were so innocent. Baby like. His baby. He felt guilt.
A page pant of sadness washed over him. He had wished it was him, who could comfort you from what had just happened. ‘Shh baby it’s okay I’m here now, your safe, completely safe, I won’t let anyone ever harm you again, ever, never again. I am so sorry.
So sorry. So sorry.’ He had imagined you sobbing desperately in his chest the ache of your body he felt against his own skin, he’d stroke your arm softly and whisper sweet nothing in your ear.
He’d reassure you constantly, be their for you when having to deal with the gained trauma even after the act. He’d give you anything you needed. Leave you loving encouraging notes in your belongings. Hold you every night as you slept. Lock every door and window in the house.
He’d lay bare with you in bed for hours just to make sure his babygirl was okay. Although he couldn’t help blame himself. He knew that he couldn’t just burst into your house and save you from your attacker, even after the matter.
‘oh uhm yeah, I’ve totally been watching you for months, that includes changing, and showering, and well... pleasing yourself too.
I’ve seen it all, and uhm I’m kinda in love with you too so I mean that’s a plus, uhm I know literally everything about you, how you are very persistent in organization and you hate cheesy romantic comedies.
How you’d just want to stay up until three a.m. reading a book about truce crime. How you can girl over the most underrated music artists and how you hate a guy that plays dumb in the most basic way. I know you absolutely hate roses anything I’m missing?’
He chuckled at the image of you stunned. He knew more about you than you knew yourself. How you’d jump into his arms, the feeling of your skin against his. Your soft lips brushing against his neck. He’d want it all.
That would immensely creep you out. His intention would to never make you uncomfortable. So the pain only grew worse. Not being able to call you by your name. Hold you. Take in the surreal beauty that was Y/N.
His white fangs pressed against his bottom teeth. His blood boiled to the brim. He wanted to make that disgusting human pay for what he did. His stomach twirled in mixed emotion.
He so badly wanted to hold you in his chest and comfort you, but some things have complicated consequences.
In the low midst of the night he kept a sharp eye on the human who groggily made his way down the deserted dirt road, stalking the weak being beneath the depths of the dark forest.
Small boots could be heard from miles stretched along the black canvas of the open air, the human male scanning his surroundings for some place to rest or.. a possible shortcut that could lead him home.
Wyatt licked his dry lips breathing out slowly watching the human stand in the clearing with curiosity. ‘Kill him’. ‘He deserves to suffer for what he did’. ‘Y/N’. ‘Think of Y/N’. ‘Gut him’.
The imploding thoughts trying to take control of him. His pupils shrunk and turned a bright yellow his fangs grew from the K-9’s in his mouth. He breathed heavily and beast like trying to regain his composure. Sure, he thought of you.
How you would’ve told him ‘this is dangerous and could get you caught by wolf patrol don’t’. But, the monster side of her would’ve agreed with him. Could’ve given into the impulses.
Could’ve joined in on the eccentric thrill of gutting a human to their bones watching as blood came spitting out of their body, falling limp to the ground and squirming like a dead rabbit, until their last breath leaves the closure of their lungs.
But he bit down on the inside of his cheek hard and shoved the impulsive thoughts aside. He caught attention of the human stepping through the clearing, Wyatt swiftly disappeared behind a tree. (Thank his wolf stealth.)
He watching closely behind the large oak as the midnight sky lit up with thousands of glowing stars the bright moon floating still. His feet crunched under the small wood chips and loose dirt, which made Wyatt’s right ear twitch occasionally. 
The human was lost, he had reached up to a large clearing in the middle of the forest ‘maybe this will be a quicker way home’. He thought to himself as he squeezed his way through the thick pine trees that scratched his face and dark leather. Little did he know he wouldn’t be going home.
An owl called in the distance alarming the human. Shrugging it off he walked a few more feet bonfire stopping in the middle of the clearing an eerie feeling began to set it and shake throughout his body. Wyatt quickly ran behind the large oak tree causing the bushes to rustle.
The human quickly threw his head around to the source of the sound, Wyatt felt his heart pace quickly , quicker as each second passed.
The moonstone laid on Wyatt’s chest grew a bright blue his sharp K-9s’ growing to a slick point and his eyes glowing a bright deeming yellow.
A low growl erupted from his stomach the animalistic nature taking grasp of his human side. The human caught sight of a dark shadow peeking out from behind the tree. He bolted the other direction.
His breathing paced as his nimble legs carried him the south west end of the dark dreary forest. Mud crushed under his boots his lungs burning and heaving out of exhaustion. Wyatt was faster. He dodged past trees and bushes running at almost fifty miles.
His leg got caught on a sharp tree ranch nearby he knew that whatever was out to kill him was going to make it quick. He was scared. He pulled with force which caused the branch to cut into the soft flesh of his leg, blood seeped through the blue denim and into Wyatt’s nostrils.
Jumping over large rocks and the bushes he caught up to the human quickly grabbing him by his jacket he pushed to human to the ground and used the force of his arms to hold him in a pin.
The human breathed heavily his eyes widened in fear “please .... don’t hurt me”. He spoke weak like it was an excuse to let him go. Wyatt’s eyes glowed his lips formed a deep snarl.
“Let you go? And what, you continue raping other innocent women”. He whispered a deeply distorted voice replacing Wyatt’s usual calm manner. The monster had completely taken over. The human whimpered and squirmed like a dead animal.
A scream left the human’s mouth and soared above the trees as Wyatt bite deeply into the salty flesh. The blood was warm a large chunk of his skin hung off of Wyatt’s mouth before he spit it out discarding it.
The human grunted and moaned in pain shooting out lines of foul words. Wyatt smirked as he straddled the humans hips in place allowing him to not move.
In panic the human began to wail his arms, the young wolf felt his heart erupt in his chest. The watched as the human wailed in half death, he felt evincible.
The blood squirted and poured out of the human’s uncared wound. The blood tasted sweet in his mouth, a true delicacy.
About fifteen minutes after he threw the discarded bones into a six feet deep ditch he had dug after killing the human.
His mouth, arms, and clothes all drenched in the human’s bodily fluids and chunks of his flesh on his chest.
He smelt foul. He knew he did. He wanted to make sure you were okay but couldn’t come to you smelling like this.
He had walked the path he knew like the back of his hand spotting the small watering hole, he stood at the shore of the small lake the moon glowing brightly over him.
Taking off his fur coat he stripped himself of his purple hoodie before slowly bringing up his white tank top over his head revealing his broad v line, toned abs and chest stained with blood.
Unclasping his jeans he slide them down towards his knees kicking off his boots and white socks. Then came his boxers.
He engulfed himself in the lake slowly, it was freezing cold but was used to it. The water has risen up to the middle of his waist, he began to vigorously rub off the dried blood splashing cold water in his face and arms.
Dipping himself under the cold lake he rushed up and breathed out coughing. Moving his wet hair out of his face he caught sight of a dark shadowed figure that stood at the shore. He could’ve sworn it was you. Your pale skin glimmered beautifully under the moonlight.
He didn’t move a muscle, yet he waited to see what your next intention was. A robe you were wearing slowly feel to the ground as you now stood naked your gaze kept on his, you slowly entered the water.
Your figure made your way through the cold water, his eyes never leaving yours he was absolutely stunned. This had to be surreal.
Your hips moved in the water causing ripples to shift outwards, your brown eyes fluttered innocently. He stood in front of you awestricken, you were gorgeous.
He was scared that maybe if he had made one wrong move you’d leave, so there he stood motionless waiting for you to respond.
You were now in front of him, your naked glory he kept his eyes on you out of full curiosity. Your face inches away from his you guided his hands towards your side his warm arms wrapped securely around your waist.
The tension was lingering, his heart was pacing at an irregular pace questions swirling around in his mind but nonetheless, he wouldn’t change a thing.
The two of your lips met in pure bliss, moving in synchronization your fingernails traveling up the back of his neck and into his soft curls his hands gripping your hips lightly not wanting to hurt you without permission.
His lips trailed from your jaw and to your neck where he softly bite and sucked gaining small moans from you in response.
Heavy breathing and moans began to fall from your lips as he held you in his arms his nails digging into the sides of your hips causing you to squirm, the fingers of his right hand gently sliding over your folds.
Unfortunately for Wyatt, he awoke in a panic, his head was spinning and he was covered in blood. His brown eyes scanned his surroundings, the green trees a dim green and the woods ground wet and sloshy from the rain the night before.
It was a dream.
Fuck. It was a dream.
Shivers shot down his spine and throughout his body as he remembered the horny dream he had. God he wished it where real. He observed his clothing. He was drenched in blood. His whole body.
He pondered to himself in confusion then it clicked. After killing the human he had retreated back to the clearing and fell asleep after ... Waking up he knew aside from the perks of his wolf powers one downside was that wolves couldn’t remember events that happen after they detach from their human form.
He licked his chapped numb lips while his ears perked up, sirens could be heard from miles away, holy shit. The police had found his body. Quickly, he stood up and ran left towards large similar oaks trees, lucky for him he knew the woods so it was easy for him. 
Suddenly while his head was turned behind him making sure he wasn’t seen he quickly looked forward and collided with anther body a loud grunt slipped passed his lips as he fell on the hard soil, groaning. 
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diary-of-deadweight · 5 years
Hey um can you do a fic or ficlet we’re Wyatt is sick and Willa has to take care of him please btw love your writing ❤️
Sure why not and I’m glad you like my writing ❤️❤️
“Come on Willa, don’t make me.”
“Take the damn medicine Wyatt.”
“No! it’s like a combination of shit and syrup! We might as well call it Shit medicine then cough medicine!”
“Wyatt! As your alpha and as your sister just take the fucking shit medicine!” Willa growled in evergrowing frustration at her brothers childish refusal to comply whenever the white plastic spoon with the thick whiskey brown liquid was jutted in the direction of his tight lipped mouth, moving his head so it was pressed up against the headboard behind him.
The beta only shook his head, trying to lean his head away from the spoon, kicking his feet furiously as if he was having silver shoved into his face over and over again, to him this was a fucking nightmare come to life. He didn’t mean to stay out in the rain for so long with less then appropriate clothing on for the occasion either for roughly 30 minutes or so with Wanda who was in the next room being taken care of by Wynter.
He knew this was going to happen so he could only blame himself for being where he was now, in bed with like 3 blankets upon him and his sister forcfully trying to feed him medicine with half a cup of tea going cold beside him.
“Wyatt for fuck sakes this ‘shit medicine’ is going to make you better in no time so stop being a scaredy-wolf and take the damn thing!” The, in the writers opinion, older sibling bellowed as a vein on her neck popped, frightening of any nearby wolf that was wandering outside the door, covering their sensitive ears from the loud sound that came out of nowhere.
“And I said no way in he-“ while he was ranting, Willa took a shot in the dark and shoved the spoon within his massive mouth as he talked as it seemed to be the only solution to this seemingly never ending argument, Wyatt did this to himself, he forced her hand into taking desperate measures as the curly haired female heaved a sigh of relief, thanking god that the hardest task of the day was finally over with.
Wyatt coughed and spluttered from the surprise attack, clutching at his throat while swallowing the remainders is the medicine down his throat reluctantly, glaring at his smug sister whilst flipping her off in the process before coiling himself into the horde of blankets to hide away his embarrassment with heavy eyelids.
“I hate you.” He muttered under his breath.
“love you too little brother.” The alpha affectionally replied, capping the medicine bottle tightly so nothing could escape incase she dropped it on the way out, turning off his desk lamp off before taking her leave, not before saying in a soft tone, “goodnight, hope you get better soon.”
“Oh who’s the sick pup now?”
“Fuck you wyatt!”
“Love you too Willa.”
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heliads · 3 years
Disney Masterlist
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Ben Florian
Happily Ever Afters - Based on this request: “Ben x VK!Reader. Soulmate AU where the bad things you think about yourself are marked on your soulmate's skin. Reader only has 1-2 things because Ben has a good life. Ben has around half a dozen. During the lake scene they notice Ben is their soulmate and try but fail to hide it thinking he deserves better” Soulmates AU
Carlos de Vil Masterlist
Harry Hook
One Story Leads to Another - Based on this request: “AU where everyone is "chosen" to be parts of fairytales. Heroes get love ballads and villains get traditional villain songs. Reader and Harry are friends on the isle and get chosen for a story, and are both super excited because they think they'll both be villains together. So imagine their surprise when they get their first song together and it sounds an awful lot like a love song.” Imagine
So In Love That You Acted Insane - Based on this request: “Harry Hook x reader based on 'the way I loved you' by taylor swift. Childhood friends to lovers, to strangers to lovers again” Imagine
Reaching - Based on this request: “Jay x Fem! Reader. Jay coming behind reader holding her waist while reaching to get her something she was struggling to get off the top shelf” Imagine
How to Train Your Dragon
Hiccup Haddock III Masterlist
Teen Beach Movie
Butchy Masterlist
Seacat Masterlist
Willa Lykensen
Family Woes - Based on this request: “Willa has a younger sister y/n. her and the wolf pack are overprotective and y/n can’t leave their sight. So y/n runs away and the pack finds her and they make up and live happily ever after” Oneshot
Wyatt Lykensen Masterlist
Zed Necrodopolis Masterlist
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voidedtrisha · 4 years
Requests are open!
Hiya everybody! My Imagine/oneshot/preference requests are open!
I am literally down for every type of request - except smut and adult x child pairings - so feel free to request!^^ Also don’t be afraid to ask me to do an imagine/preference/oneshot with a character or fandom I didn’t list!^^
Fandoms that I will write imagines about:
―The Lost Boys (1987):
Michael Emerson
Sam Emerson
Edgar Frog 
Alan Frog 
―Stand By Me (1986):
Chris Chambers
Gordie Lachance
Vern Tessio
Teddy Duchamp
John ‘Ace’ Merrill
Richard ‘Eyeball’ Chambers
Billy Tessio
Charlie Hogan
―Young Guns I-II (1988/1990):
Billy the Kid
Chavez y Chavez
Joshia Gordon ‘Doc’ Scurlock
Dick Brewer
Stave Stephers
Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh
―Footloose (1984):
Ren McCormack
Willard Hewitt
―Gravity Falls (2012-2016):
Mason ‘Dipper’ Pines
Mabel Pines
Wendy Corduroy
Robbie Valentino
Stanford Pines
Stanley Pines
―Class of 1999 (1990):
Cody Culp
Sonny Culp
―Stranger Things (2016- ):
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Dustin Henderson
Mike Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Will Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Robin Buckley
―Grease (1978):
Danny Zuko
Sandy Olsson
―IT (1990/2017/2019):
Bill Denbrough
Beverly Marsh
Ben Hanscom
Eddie Kaspbrak
Richie Tozier
Mike Hanlon
Stanley Uris
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter
Victor Criss
Reginald ‘Belch’ Hugins
―Changeling (2008):
Sanford Clark
Gordon Northcott
―Bones (2005-2017):
Zack Addy
Lance Sweets
Seeley Booth
James Aubrey
Temperence Brennan
Jack Hodgins
Arastoo Vaziri
Wendell Bray
Finn Abernathy
Jared Booth
Vincent Nigel-Murray
―Z-O-M-B-I-E-S I-II (2018/2020):
Zed Necrodopolis
Eliza Zambini
Wyatt Lykensen
Wynter Barkowitz
Willa Lykensen
Bucky Buchanan
Addison Wells
―Jeepers Creepers I-II (2001/2003):
Darry Jenner
Izzy Bohen
Scott Braddock
Andy Bucky
The Creeper
Billy Taggart
―Descendants I-II-III(2015/2017/2019):
Carlos De Vil
Harry Hook
Ben Beast
―Teen Wolf (2011-2017):
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Lydia Martin
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Theo Reaken
Kira Yukimura
Allison Argent
―Ed Edd n Eddy (1999-2008):
Double D
The Kanker sisters
―Five Nights at Freddy’s (2014- ):
Freddy Fazbear
Toy Bonnie
Toy Freddy
Toy Chica
Funtime Freddy
Funtime Foxy
Circus Baby
―Big Mouth (2017- ):
Nick Birch
Andrew Glouberman
Jay Bilzerian
Jessi Glaser
Val Bilzerian
Kurt Bilzerian
Leah Birch
Judd Birch
―Harry Potter:
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Oliver Wood
Hermione Grager
Fred & George Weasley
Marcus Flint
Adrian Pucey
Neville Longbottom
Luna Lovegood
Seamus Finnigan
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rc-writes · 4 years
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Things were really going great for the werewolves of Seabrook. They were making their way into Seabrook High at night and hadn't been yet seen. Well they weren't at all seen until Wynter had accidentally kicked a trashcan and cought the attention of  Y/n who was on a midnight stroll.
Wynter being Wynter popped up from behind a bush before Willa could stop her, "Oh sorry that was me. Oh no I gave us away didn't I?"
Y/n blinked back in response. She had heard of the werewolves but didn't know if they were actually real, let alone think they'd show up at her school.
The rest of the werewolves stood up since they were ultimately found out about and found it no use to hide anymore.
Y/n finally found her words and asked, "Umm is anyone of you going to explain anything?"
"Well we thought it was a good idea to join this school and wanted to check it out." one replied, it was Wyatt. "And we usually only go places at night."
Y/n raised her eyebrows at the boy, "Well I don't believe that, but I'll let you on your way."
It had been a few days since y/n's encounter with the werewolves. It was now once again late at night and Addison, y/n twin, was already asleep.  Y/n was sat on the couch reading a book when she heard a noise.
Turns out it was the werewolves and they wanted her to follow them. Eventually she agreed and she was led to the den.
There she was told of the great myth of the Great Alpha and how they believed it was her.
"No, no I can't be. I don't have any werewolf ancestors I believe. And why wouldn't it be my sister? She has the same hair!" Y/n asked in disbelief.
"We believe it's you! Maybe you have a long lost ancestor you don't know about? Give it a try? You could be our only hope." Wyatt pleated.
Willa rolled her eyes, "Well he believes it's you. But it's worth a try."
"Just please at least try?" Wyatt asked walking up to you and taking your hand.
Y/n took a moment to consider, but she decided she couldn't say no to him. She would have to admit that she did form a crush on the boy over the last few days. "Alright I'll do it!"
Willa then brought out the Great Alpha's necklace and held it up for y/n. She nodded and then put the necklace around y/n's neck.
Within seconds y/n's eyes glowed gold and she grew fangs, and along with that her hair and clothes changed into werewolf style.
"Its her! I told you all!" Wyatt yelled.
Y/n blinked in response and poked at her new sharpened teeth. Wyatt then hugged her and she felt her face heat up.
"I told you that it was you!"
Y/n laughed, "You definitely did."
Requested by @princess-of-the-fandoms
"Can I request an imagine for Wyatt Lykensen? He’s from Zombies 2. Maybe where Addison has a twin and she turns out to be the Alpha, but also seems to really fall for Wyatt when they first meet since she was on a midnight stroll when they arrived to Seabrook?"
Please check out my bio before requesting.
𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙨  |  𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢
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keepswingin · 5 years
but nevertheless (it’s all for the best)
(part one)
part two: there ain't no one here to blame,
“Wyatt I’m serious—“
He runs to him as soon as he sees the tuft of white hair in front of the rest of his dark brown, thinning with age.
His father chuckles and catches his son as he plows into him, lifting him and spinning him around. Jason laughs along with him, wrapping his arms around him as soon as he’s back on the ground, squeezing the back of his shirt tightly.
“Hey kiddo,” his dad whispers back, the corners of his mouth crinkling with a smile of his own. “I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve last seen you.”
Jason pulls back, a sudden scowl to his lips. “It has been,” he grumbles, avoiding his mother’s gaze from where she stands a few feet away, her arms crossed, her lips pulled into a thin line.
It’s been two weeks since his mom told him they were getting divorced, and things were odd and out of place.
His dad had come home with his baby sister that night, but by the next morning, he was gone.
When Jason had snuck into what used to be his mom and dad’s closet while she was cooking dinner, he found that all of his dad’s clothes were gone, down to his favorite wolf jacket that he had since he was a teenager and never left home without.
The discovery had upset him, and his mom had found him, angry and crying into his pillow after she had called him for dinner and he hadn’t answered. She had pulled him into her lap and held him until he felt better, until the tears had stopped.
He thinks it’s the closest he’s been to his mother in a while, or at least since his little sister was born.
It was always him and his dad against the world, and his mom was like the sidekick. He couldn’t imagine facing Doctor Doom without them.
He wasn’t Spider-Man, he was Jason Lykensen, superhero-in-training.
“Wyatt,” his mom calls, grabbing their attention. Jason looks over and feels sad at the look he sees in his mom’s eyes.
It’s far from happy.
When his dad looks over and meets her eyes, there’s something that passes between them that Jason doesn’t understand, but he does understand the hard crease to his dad’s eyebrows afterwards, almost like he’s mad about something.
“You stay with him,” she says. Firmly. “Don’t leave him alone. He’s just a kid.”
“You’re acting as if he isn’t my kid,” his father whispers sharply, a sting to his words.
His mother narrows her eyes, and goes to say something else—probably something about the time Dad let him run through the forest leaping from rock to rock, or the time Dad taught him how to track living, breathing animals.
Or, maybe, the time Dad left him home alone when his sister had called for him, a broken howl so distant Jason had barely heard it, his dad jumping up from the kitchen table, his dinner plate crashing to the floor.
Charlotte was with mom, and he had grabbed him by the shoulders and told him that Aunt Willa had needed him, needed him because something was wrong, and to do nothing but watch a show in the living room, and not to move an inch.
He had promised he would be right back, and then had gone out the back door.
His mom had come back home an hour later to find her son perched in front of the television, asleep with a blanket haphazardly thrown across his shoulders, her husband nowhere to be found.
Dad was gone for three whole days.
When he finally came back home, looking exhausted and ten years older, the first thing he had done was hug Jason, and say how proud he was of him for staying put.
Then he had gone to his mom, who was nothing but angry, unable to reach him, talk to him, yell at him, and fall into her, wrapping his arms around her and burying his head into her shoulder.
They had whispered for a while, Jason had heard his mom tell his dad some things—you’re okay now and she is too, it’s okay, it’s okay—and when he asked about Aunt Willa, his dad had simply smiled, albeit a little sadly, and say she was doing better.
Jason interrupts before his mom could bring any of it up. He doesn’t want them to fight. He wants them to be happy.
“I’m not a kid, I’m ten! I’m almost an adult!” He says stubbornly, and he doesn’t miss the way the corner of his dad’s mouth quirks into a smirk, or the exasperated roll of his mom’s eyes.
She gives his dad one last look before walking over and pulling Jason into a hug, leaving a kiss in his hair. “I’ll be back before bedtime. Be good.”
“Always, Mom,” Jason drones, and his mother chuckles and messes up his hair before reaching for her purse.
“As if I haven’t heard that a million times. Actually be good, okay? Or try to, at least,” she finishes, giving him one last smile and kiss before heading out to go pick up his sister and have a night out with Auntie Bree and Aunt Wynter.
As soon as the door shuts behind her, Jason rocks on his feet before side-eyeing his dad, whose already giving him a mischievous smirk.
“Nerf gun fight using pillows as shields?”
“Oh, you are so on, kiddo.”
By the time dinner time rolls around and they’ve both devoured a three-meat pizza, they’ve only shattered one thing, some old glass thing his dad said his mom never liked anyway, and after that’s cleaned up and Jason is declared the winner of the battle, his dad suggests they go upstairs and start to pack.
Jason agrees, begrudgingly, and together they begin to go through his room, gathering some clothes and toys he would like to keep at his dad’s apartment.
As they move about his room, his dad promises things aren’t going to change, and that two bedrooms are better than one. He promises he won’t go back and forth constantly, or have to move and lose his friends.
He hasn’t seen his dad in two days.
It felt like forever. His mom and dad had already made an arrangement of some sorts, until the papers or whatever were signed anyway, if Jason had to guess.
His dad was picking him up from school and either dropping him off at home or coming home with him, depending on how his mom felt about it.
His father hums, busy sorting through a stack of Jason’s favorite books.
There’s little things that make him look older.
His hair is still the same colors, and his eyes are still the same, him through and through, and he’s still in shape. But it’s the way his body markings pull, how calloused his fingers are from years of scaling rocks, the tarnished silver of his moonstone necklace.
His mother once told him his father had given up a lot to be with her, to be with them. Jason knows from Aunt Wynter—who had always had a problem keeping secrets—that he wasn’t planned, and that his father had to choose between his mom and his pack.
Apparently Aunt Willa didn’t speak to him for over a month after he had made his decision, and soon after, he had relinquished his beta markings, whatever the heck those were.
(He still didn’t know the full story; he wasn’t old enough to unlock his dad’s full superhero background.)
Jason thinks his dad still looks identical to the other wolves, all except the claws they share, where he has normal, boring, human fingers.
And the fangs.
Jason wished his dad had cool fangs like the others.
He wonders if his dad ever regrets choosing them.
“Why are you and Mom getting a divorce?”
His dad doesn’t look up from his sorting, instead popping open a book and flipping through a few pages, flick-flick-flick.
“Sometimes...moms and dads...fall out of love,” he says quietly, almost like he’s afraid to admit it out loud.
Jason doesn’t believe him.
His mother looks too sad, and his father still gives her that look he’s given her since Jason could remember it.
“That’s not true,” he says, pausing, clutching one of his favorite stuffed animals, Henry the Hedgehog, his second, most-trusted partner in crime, tightly. His dad looks up, meeting his son’s determined eyes.
He looks so much like his mother when he’s determined, angry, fighting. Fighting until the end.
“You still love mom, and she still loves you.”
His dad immediately scoffs and shakes his head. “Jason,” he begins, but his son cuts him off before he can get far.
“No, no I know I’m right. You guys never stopped loving each other. So what’s the real reason?”
His dad goes quiet for a very long time, just standing there, holding onto a small pile of Jason’s favorite books. His mom was supposed to start reading the third Harry Potter book with him later this week.
He thinks maybe his dad would like to instead.
“We’ve tried, kiddo. We’ve tried so hard to make this work.” His dad finally says, gently placing the stack of books back on the shelf. He walks over to Jason and crouches down to his level, looking up at him with honest eyes.
“I do love your mom. I love her more than anything else in the entire world. I love all of you so much more than anything else.”
Jason can’t help himself. “Even more than Aunt Willa?”
His father smirks, chuckling. “Well...”
They both laugh at that and then he’s reaching out and ruffling his son’s hair, smiling softly. “I love your mom, your sister, and you, so, so much more than anything else in the whole entire world. Even more than I love my annoying sister.”
He sighs, and then opens his arms, “Come here, kiddo.”
Jason doesn’t need to be told twice as he moves in for a hug, his father’s arms wrapping around him, closing him in.
His dad gave the best kind of hugs, always warm, always so full of love, always just...him.
“You’ll understand when you love someone, just like how I love your mom. You’ll understand. One day.”
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call-to-the-wyatt · 2 years
Do you have any cuddling with Wyatt Headcannons?
aaaaaahhhhh YES!!! that's probably going to be my fav to write so far :)
writing : July 22, 2022-July 29, 2022 | Posting : July 29, 2022 | word count : 641
~ So, cuddling with Wyatt. That's prbably the best thing that can happen to you- and him.
~ He LOVES the feeling of having you in his arms, he feels like he can protect you from everything that way.
~ He would cuddle with you in any position- spoons, face to face, you can ask for anything and you'll get it.
~ After he's hunting, he has a lot of adrenalin, so he comes to you- you're pretty much the only one who can calm him. So, after he's hunting, you find yourself in your bed with his head on your chest- your heartbeats calm him, and he feels safe at last.
~ Also the perfect way for you to fall asleep in the winter- his body is so warm you forget everything about how cold it is outside. And he feels like he can MELT right there when you cuddle closer to him to keep your warmth. dw, Willa took a picture of his face for you ;)
~ I feel like Wyatt is a sucker for calming you when you have a nightmare. If you cuddle at night you’ll probably fall asleep in his arms- which he LOVES- and he’ll notice it when you start act like you’re having a nightmare. So he’ll wake you up, let you cry into his chest for a while, bring you water and help you calm down so you can sleep again. he swears he never been so thankful like when you fall asleep again and have no nightmares.
~ You do the same when he has nightmares.
~ As I said, our dear Wyatt LOVES it when you fall asleep in his arms. It makes him feel like you feel safe enough with him and trust him enough to know he’ll keep you safe in your sleep- which he definitely does.
~ Your parents walked in to check on you and Wyatt, and found you sleeping in his arms, when you look more peaceful than they ever seen you and he looks at you like you’re the most precious thing he ever saw. They took TONES of pictures.
~ Wyatt will make you feel like you and him are the only people on earth, look into your eyes and play with your hair until you’ll cuddle closer to him and whisper, ‘I love you, Wyatt” in the most adorable voice ever. Of course he’ll smile instantly and say, “I love you too, Y\N” and kiss your hair.
~ You’re cuddling EVERYWHERE. You needed to explain people why you’re late too many times. none of them will ever forget this, and they’ll tease you for YEARS after this. But it’s understandable, because his puppy eyes are WAY too irresistible.
~ Whenever you’re in the wolves’ cave, you play with the puppies before cuddling with Wyatt. Long story short, you wake up and find yourself cuddling between all of the puppies AND Wyatt. The rest of the pack found it very funny.
~ His fav position is spoons. When he’s the big spoon, he feels like he’s protecting you from everything, and he can be sure you’re safe and right by his side all night. When he’s the little spoon, he feel like he can finally relax. He cares a lot about his pack, obviously, so when he’s between your arms, feeling your heart beating on his back, he feels like he can relax- like he’s safe, and the pack is safe, and he can finally calm down.
~ Speaking of which, you’re the first person who made him sleep all night. He’s a wolf, so his sleep is very light, but with you he sleeps deeply and all night long. You make him feel safe enough to fall asleep like a kid, and Willa is very thankful for that. Her brother haven’t slept so well in YEARS.
~ Just cuddle with this boi whenever you can. It’s amazing.
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Willa Lykensen Masterlist
New Student
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