#willard x reader
pleasantangelpaper · 7 months
I need more Willard Hewitt fanfiction….. this man is so fine, and the fanfic for him is so lacking.
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sivyera · 9 months
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Yandere TDATT characters being in love with you would include...
ft. arvin, preston, lee, willard, lenora
a/n: pls don't kill me for the preston part, i mean some of you simp for joker who is much worse, btw y/n and Lenora are 18
⤷ Arvin Eugene Russell
-Arvin would probably first met you at school when he was waiting for Lenora. He saw you standing up for Lenora to her bullies which immediately made him curious about you.
-So he would ask Lenora about you, he'd also told her to befriend you so you can help her in school, definitely not to know more about you.
-He would stalk you, sometimes he'd be in his car, driving behind your walking figure on the street, or he would sneak to your house at night watching you sleep or shower or do literally anything.
-He will protect you more than he does Lenora. If anyone even look at you the wrong way, they will end up with several broken bones. And if someone tries to touch you without your permission or make you slightly uncomfortable, the person will end up dead.
-After some time he will approach you. Starting a conversation about how glad he is that Lenora has you, that he cannot be around her to protect her all the time.
-He would never hurt you. Maybe if you find out that he killed someone for you, he would try to manipulate you, but he would never punch your or something similar.
-He would kidnap you soon, just to make sure that you are safe with him. He would also take a good care of you, will give you some freedom when he trusts you enough that you won't run away.
-He would want to spend every minute with you and he won't ever let you go, he loves you so much.
⤷ Preston Teagardin
-Preston would meet you in church after your grandma took you there. You didn't believe in god (you were atheist) and just lived normal life but that was to your grandma a sin. Your grandpa didn't really care because he was atheist as well so you often made jokes about your granny's faith.
-When Preston saw you he knew that he wants you. Your beaty was unbelievable. Which made him curious about you. He saw in your eyes that you don't believe in god and that's what attracted him.
-Your grandma told him how sinful you are and asked him if he could talk to you, which he gladly accepted.
-He would manipulate your grandma to think that he needs more time with you, alone. So she will make you go to the church more often, than he could be alone with you.
-Possessive and obsessive, will also stalk you a lot. Probably in his car at night looking into your window at you.
-He wouldn't even try to convince you to believe in god because he himself doesn't believe in him. He is also atheist he's just doing it for the money and power.
-You two will be alone in the church or after some time in his house. He would be over the moon because he can have you all to himself. BUT he wouldn't do anything without your verbal consent, because he would never hurt you in any way.
-Your relationship will be a secret from the start, just few glances and his death stares at anyone who's talking to you.
-But after some time he wouldn't be able to control himself anymore. He just has to have you, all the time. He can't get enough of you.
-He will kidnap you unless you go voluntarily. If yes than you two will run away and live somewhere in countryside where no one will bother you. You will have freedom around the house and on the yard, but he's the one who will go for grocery OR he will go with you, just to make sure no one will talk nor touch his precious angel.
⤷ Lee Bodecker
-Lee will stop you while he was working because you drove too fast. When he pull you over he was too stunned to speak. You were beautiful and he saw fire in your eyes.
-He shook his head and flirt with you, but enough not to make it weird nor make you uncomfortable. At the end of the day he didn't give you the speed ticket and let you go under one condition, which was to give him your name and phone number.
-After that he will make excuses to talk to you, so he would either stop you at the driveway or call you or knock on your door for a talk (because he will found out where you live by stalking you or looking into your file at the police station)
-He is also a stalker but not that much like Arvin, Preston or Willard. He will call it 'looking out for you just in case some men will make you uncomfortable' because he's a policeman, after all it's his job ;)
-He will offer you his help to stay close to you, doesn't matter if you need help with grocery or drop you somewhere in his police car.
-If anyone touches you, make you uncomfortable OR dare to flirt with you, he will arrest them for a long time and make sure they will leave you alone.
-He won't be rude to you or harsh but he will be dominant (like every other characters except Lenora) because he is policeman, you will have to have some respect for him.
-He will kidnap you sooner rather than later, just in case no man will hurt you, this city is cruel...and he can have you for himself.
⤷ Willard Russell
-Willard couldn't take his eyes off of you, when he saw you at that bar. He will talk to you as long as possible and he will flirt with you. After your shift he will take you home to make sure you are fine, definitely not to find out where you live ;)
-He will come to that bar more often to see you and talk to you, will also protect you like that, because no man would even try to talk to you when they saw that Willard is near you.
-At night he will sneak into your house and sat next to your bed, watching you sleep for few hours, you now again just in case.
-He is the most possessive of them all, also the biggest stalker. If anyone will try to talk to you, he will wait on them somewhere in private so no one could see what he will do to that man, because i'm telling you the man that talked to you won't survive or he will have a REALLY hard time.
-He will kidnap you after just two months, this world is too dangerous for someone so beautiful and precious like you.
-He also wouldn't hurt you but he will manipulate you if you won't listen to him. He is also the most dominant, he is veteran so he has some discipline and will 'teach' you how to listen to him.
-Won't let you out of the house but otherwise you have freedom and if you need anything from the shop, he will either go with you or buy anything you need. Most of the time you will stay home tho.
⤷ Lenora Laftery 
-Lenora will meet you at school, you were her new classmate. She is the purest of them all but don't let her innocence fool you. She might be pure and innocent but she's not dumb, she can use it.
-From the start she will pray to god every night so he make her emotions for you vanish. But she will get use to them after some time.
-She will make herself a victim more than she already is to make you protect her from her bullies.
-She is more like your worshiper. Let's say you will became her new 'god' more like goddess, she will worship the ground you walk on, will pray every night for you and your love.
-She will also be a bit confused how much emotions she feels towards you, unhealthy emotions like lust, obsession, desire,... which she finds sinful and horrible but she cannot help herself.
-She won't stalk you... lot, but will kind of spend as much time with you as possible, which means sleepover or study dates (like she likes to call it, even tho they aren't)
-She also won't kidnap you made she will make herself look like a victim even more so you will stay by her side, if you talk to other guys she will act hurt and will say that the guys has been bullying her so you will eventually stop talking to him. She loves you and won't let you leave her side.
tags: @clarks-letterman hope you like it!
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bradshawssugarbaby · 8 months
Hard to Forget - Willard Hewitt x Reader
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A/N: I wanted to branch out the list of characters I'd write for and since Willard is a fave of mine (I have a soft spot for dumb pretty country boys oops), I figured I'd roll with it.
Inspired by I Bet You Think About Me and Betty by Taylor Swift;
“But now that we're done and it's over, I bet you couldn't believe when you realized I'm harder to forget than I was to leave”
“But if I just showed up at your party, - Would you tell me to go fuck myself, - I’m only 17, I don’t know anything.” “Will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends?”
pairing: Willard Hewitt (Footloose 2011) x f!reader
content/warnings: swearing, angst, Willard being a dummy, some pining, fluffy ending.
word count: 3k
“Willard, you can’t just go around kissin’ other girls and then telling me you love me, that’s not how this works!” 
“Well, maybe I dunno how any of this works, did’ya ever think that? Jeez, you’re puttin’ more rules on me than coach does for a football game, babe. Maybe I don’t wanna be in a relationship like this? I’m young, you know, I’m 19, I wanna be free and have fun while I still can. I’m gonna graduate soon and I wanna enjoy life before I get stuck workin’ a 9 to 5 somewhere. I know I’m not playin’ football when I get out, but I’m not plannin’ to be like everyone else back home and have a wife and kids and a dog before I turn 30.”
“Well then, maybe we should break up, Willard. Apparently according to you we were never anything to begin with, so it shouldn’t be too hard to call this off.” 
“Yeah, maybe we should.”
Willard’s words were like venom, stinging you as you walked away, hot tears threatening to overflow your eyes and stream down your face. You headed off to your dorm, trying your damnest to not let Willard’s indifference towards you get under your skin. You were determined to not let some country boy from a small town in Georgia break your heart, you were better than that. Before you left, you spun around on your heel and looked at him.
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself, Willard?” 
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。
Five years later, and you had long moved on from the cute Southern country boy who’d tried to break your heart. You’d completed your university degree in Education, worked your ass off, determined to be happy with or without your ex boyfriend. You and Willard never crossed paths again at university, and you were sure you’d never see him again. That was, until you had to return home for the weekend. Your younger sister had just turned 16, and your presence was requested, causing you to make the four and a half hour one way trip down to Athens to be there for her party. You’d moved to South Carolina after graduation, landing a job with a school district in Charleston where you were hired on as a first grade teacher. Once you arrived back home in Athens, the memories of Willard and your years at university all came flooding back. Complicating these, was when your tire blew on your car. You had to have it towed to the nearest mechanic.
When you hopped out of the tow truck, you lifted your sunglasses up from your eyes, resting them atop your head, squinting as you walked into the garage. A tall man with dark hair and a deep Southern accent with his back turned to you as he wiped his hands off called out to you. There was a sense of familiarity as he spoke, an uncomfortable feeling brewed in you as he turned around. You saw his face, and nothing about him had changed - the same hazel eyes, dark brown curls, the faint scars on his cheek and his chin now almost unnoticeable. His breath audibly hitched as he saw you. 
“Well...hi,” Willard chuckled awkwardly as he saw you, taking a moment to register everything that had changed since you’d left him.
“Hi,” You responded coldly, your arms folded across your chest as you looked at him, “My tire blew, I just need one replaced. No I didn’t have a spare, just charge it to my credit card when you’re done, ok?” 
“Well now, is that anyway to talk to your ex boyfriend?” Willard smirked playfully, that same godforsaken twinkle in his hazel eyes that always won you over before still clearly present.
“Ex for a reason, Willard.”
“Not a good one,” He admitted as he nodded his head slowly, “I-uh-I’ve been thinking.”
“After 5 years? Seems a little late.”
“Listen, darlin’, I was a stupid kid,” he began, nodding slowly, “I never wanted to hurt ya.”
“Well, you just did a damn good job of that without even trying, didn’t you?” You rebuffed his attempt to discuss further and handed him your credit card so he could put the tire repair on file with your card. 
“I’m sorry, ok?” He said softly, his voice barely a whisper as he spoke. 
“I’m not.”
“I probably deserve that, I’ll admit,” Willard sighs and shakes his head, “Let me make it up to ya, ok? Maybe I could take you for dinner some time? How long are ya here for? I can’t cook for shit still, but I remember you always loved going out to that place near the campus, I could take you there if ya’d like?”
“Thanks, but I have plans.”
“I haven’t even told you when it is yet.”
“Well I’m only home for a weekend. It’s my sister’s sweet 16.”
Willard’s face fell as he nodded slowly. He sighed softly and handed you your card back, furrowing his brow as he spoke.
“S’pose I can’t convince you then, can I?” 
“What could you possibly say to fix it after five years, Willard?
He frowned again before gazing up at the clock on the wall. He nodded slowly and turned his attention back to you before speaking again.
“I’m off in 10 minutes, if you wait for me, I’ll explain everything. If you say my explanation and apology aren’t good enough, I’ll back off and you can pretend you never even met me. I’ll even fix that tire for free first before you go back home.”
You weighed your options as Willard looked at you hopefully, almost as if he was pleading you to agree. You sighed and shook your head before pointing a finger at him.
“Don’t disappoint me, ok?
“I’ll do my damnest not to, darlin’”
After 10 short minutes, you observed as Willard punched out his time card and trodded off to the change room to discard of his dirty, grease laden clothes. He smiled as he walked out to you, wearing jeans and a plain white t-shirt, his beat up old baseball cap from when you’d first met him now adorning his head. He laughed softly before turning to you once again and grinning.
“I’m impressed you waited for me,” Willard explained. 
As the two of you headed outside, you spotted his infamous beat up old pickup truck, looking as rough as ever parked outside. Willard grinned at you and laughed, “You used to love this truck, you know.”
“Yeah, when I was 19, I also loved country boys in cowboy hats who wiillingly broke my heart by kissing other girls while I thought we were dating exclusively,” You hissed at him.
If there was one thing you knew about Willard, it was that he didn’t give a single fuck if anyone didn’t like his truck. That truck was the only thing he loved more than his own mama, and Willard would spend every last dime he had to fix that awful thing just so he could continue cherishing it. He’d always been very set in his ways about everything. It was the reason why you’d split in the first place. He was so determined to “live freely” and “live his life” that he gave up anything he figured might have stopped him, including you.
“Listen, I’m sorry for what I did, yeah?” 
“So you’ve said.” 
“Just hear me out, ok? I was a stupid kid. I was 19, I didn’t know shit. I still don’t know shit at 24, but you know what I do know?” 
“How to count past 10 without taking your shoes off?” You retorted dryly.
“Hey now, I’m trying to be serious!” Willard laughed softly, “I know now that you never would have stopped me from doing whatever I had my heart set on. You would have encouraged me to just be happy. I appreciate that. I was just too stupid to pick up on that. I’m sorry I broke your heart. I also learned that you were so much harder to forget than you were to leave. Watching you walk away and hearing you tell me to go fuck myself gave me quite the ego check. And, I really did think you were the sweetest lil’ Georgia peach I’d ever met.”
You rolled your eyes as you tried to maintain your icy exterior towards him. On the inside though, you could feel your heart melt ever so slightly as he called you a Georgia peach - that had always been his saying when he thought you did something cute. He’d pat your cheek with his big hand, calloused from a combination of playing football and his studying to be a mechanical engineer, and grin at you as his thick as molasses Southern accent gushed at you. “Well ain’t you just as sweet as a Georgia Peach?” he’d always say. Half the time you figured he said it purely to make you blush. 
Willard took a step closer to you, his hazel eyes meeting with yours the way they had when you two had dated all those years ago. He sighed softly, almost happily as he saw you weren’t rejecting him this time around. His hand reached for yours slowly, his touch gentle and delicate, as if he was trying purposefully not to scare you away. He smiled softly as you allowed him to hold your hand, your lack of resistance giving him a glimmer of hope that you might have somehow found a way to forgive him. You would feel yourself wearing down against him, your cold, frozen exterior towards him melting away as he gently held your hand.
“Willard,” you frowned slightly as you looked down at his hand holding yours, trying to ignore the fact that your hand fit perfectly in his.
“Darlin’ I’m willing to do anything to prove to you that I’m not going to break your heart again if you give me the chance. I’ve spent the last five years realizing that those big dreams and aspirations I had in college weren’t going to come true without you. I never did make it out of college football, I never ended up travelling or leaving Georgia like I said I would, but, I mean, I do decently well for myself. When you left I realized you were what made me happy though - not travelling or football, or workin’ on cars. You. And when I didn’t have you to do all these things I’d dreamed of with, well, none of them seemed worth doin’ anymore.”
 You sighed softly as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze. You looked up at him, meeting those gorgeous hazel eyes you’d always loved, tears welling up in your own as you gave an understanding nod of your head. 
“Now, there’s my sweet lil’ Georgia peach,” he smirked as he stroked the back of your hand with his thumb. 
A rush of memories and a sense of familiarity came rushing over you as he spoke, calling you by the pet name that always made you weak in the knees years ago. You shook your head quickly as you tried to shake the feeling of nostalgia that was overtaking you.
“I should get going.” Your voice was soft-spoken, partially feeling guilty as you spoke.
Willard swallowed hard and nodded his head, trying to not sound defeated. He gestured his hand outward, pointing towards the street, forcing a hearty laugh and a big smile as he spoke.
“Yeah, might not wanna be late, your mama’d be so mad. Bet your sister wouldn’t be none too pleased either tho, would she?”
“No, I don’t suppose they would be. My sister’s party is supposed to start in,” You frowned as you looked at your watch and shook your head, “!5 minutes. Christ, I better start walking.”
“Don’t be silly, I’ll just drive you over. Sure your mama doesn’t want you wanderin’ your way around town to get home.”
You opened your mouth to argue but quickly closed it again. You knew he had a fair point, and you’d never make it there in 15 minutes by walking. Smiling, Willard opened the door of his truck for you, gesturing to the front seat for you to hop inside. You jumped up into the seat and nodded slowly as Willard took your bag out of your temporarily non-functioning car for you, placing it in the back. He climbed into the driver’s seat and turned the key over, the engine making its unique sputtering sound as it roared to life, the old engine sounding like it was clinging to life by a thread. 
“You know, I could fix ‘er, but I just…I dunno, the sound is sort of nostalgic for me, ya know? It’s comforting,” He chuckled.
You rolled your eyes and laughed as he drove towards your parents house. You directed him along the way, but once he found himself in the familiar neighbourhoods he used to drive through to pick you up all those years ago, he didn’t need your navigation skills anymore. He smirked as he pulled up out front of your parents’ home, watching as you hopped out of the truck. He raised an eyebrow as the crowd of your family members that was congregating outside of your garage. Willard waved politely to them, recognizing a few of their faces from family functions he’d accompanied you to years ago. He parked his truck and hopped out, smiling as he looked over to you.
“I take it you never did tell your mama the truth about why we broke up, did ya?” He whispered to you as your mom waved to him from the garage.
“No, I didn’t want to her to go sharpen her pitchfork to come after you with,” You smirked at him and shrugged your shoulders, “You’re welcome.”
As you came up closer to your family, you felt Willard put his hand gently on your back. Turning to you, he smiled softly and whispered in your ear gently.
“Sorry, just trying to make it seem like we didn’t quite break up as badly as we did,” he nodded as he let out a soft chuckle.
You nodded slowly in agreement and smiled at your family members as Willard joined you. He laughed as your dad wrapped an arm Willard’s shoulders, pulling him in to talk for a moment, as he would have with an old friend. Willard gave you an apologetic smile as he shrugged, not realizing that your family would have missed his presence so much. 
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。
A few hours later, Willard was still hanging out at the party, unable to make a quick getaway as your family members wanted to hear about all the things he’d done over the last five years. In a way, you were glad they were so welcoming towards him once again, happy to see that he was still considered family by your loved ones. You couldn’t help but notice the butterflies you got every time you saw him smile or laugh while he spoke, like he was genuinely enjoying himself, it showed to you that what he had said earlier about missing you had been completely heartfelt. 
As everyone started to head out, you met Willard on your parents front porch, smiling softly as he held your hand again under the warm glow of the porchlight beside the door. You could feel the gaze of your family members peering through the curtains at you, all secretly and silently hoping that one of you would give a sign that you were rekindling what you’d once had together. 
“Thanks for letting me stick around, I missed seeing everyone, I missed how nice your folks are,” Willard nodded, smiling brightly at you, his cheeks turning pink as he spoke.
“I don’t think they would have given me the option to send you home without staying, to be fair.”
There was an awkward silence in the air between you two as Willard’s eyes met yours. He bit his lip softly and laughed, shaking his head, his dark brown curls becoming perfectly tossed, his discarded baseball cap shoved into his back pocket from when he sat down for dinner earlier. 
“You know, I really wanna kiss you right ‘bout now.”
“Strangely enough, you’re kinda making me wanna kiss you right ‘bout now too,” you teased.
With that, Willard put his hands on your waist, pulling you in close for a kiss. His lips were soft, with a sense of hunger and passion added to the chemistry between you. You could tell just by how his lips met with yours that he’d been craving this for the last five years. That he’d wanted nothing more than to hold you close and kiss you under the porchlight like had so many times before. And if you were being honest, you’d craved it too all these years, as much as you hated to admit it.
“So, where does this leave us then?” You raised an eyebrow at him, “‘Suppose I can’t hate you anymore if I’m letting you kiss me like that, now can I?”
“Don’t suppose you can, sweetheart. Looks like you may have to agree to datin’ me again?”
“Is that so?”
“Now come on, my lil’ Georgia peach, don’t make me get on my knees and beg you to take me back in front of your folks. You know I will.”
You laughed softly and pressed your lips to his again, murmuring into the kiss as your lips touched. 
“Come ‘ere, country boy,  you’re mine now.”
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green-socks · 1 year
Teenage Dream
Pairing: Willard Hewitt (2011 version) x f!reader
Summary: Moving back home turns out more exciting than you'd thought when you run into Willard, your crush from way back.
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: rated M: car sex but not explicit, only mentioned. Aged up Willard so he's mid to late 20s in this!! They're at a bar but no one's actually drunk.
Notes: I don't know if anyone but me is into this but I just wanted to hear it for the boy. Give the boy a hand!! I love him so. Much love, as always, to @a-reader-and-a-writer for betaing and for putting up with my booty-calling ass at all times <3
If you've seen the video of Miles dancing to footloose while driving, that's 100% grown up Willard, just so you know.
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Moving back to Bomont didn't feel nearly as bad as you once had thought it would. Getting out for a few years felt good, sure, and seeing more of the world even better. But now it just felt nice to return home and be closer to your family. Besides, your work allowed a remote position, so it didn't much matter where in the world you were as long as the job got done. And Bomont allegedly had great internet these days, so you figured why not.
Your friend Iris from school had also moved back two years ago, so you knew there was at least one good friend there waiting for you already. It would be nice to catch up with her and be closer again.
And what better way to catch up than go out to the closest bar (which was in the next town) where the clientele wasn't exclusively well over 55. It was a good bar. They had great cocktails and gave discounts to anyone who sang karaoke, so the people were generally in great spirits.
Around midnight, after a couple of drinks that provided an unnecessarily vivid throwback to your teenage years and a powerful duet of I Will Survive, you were on the hunt for some water.
Stumbling right into the solid chest of an actual tall drink of water wasn't on your mission plan but you were willing to roll with the punches. Only before you even had the chance to raise your head and see who the chest belonged to, the man happily shouted out your name.
"Wait– Willard?"
(It really shouldn't have surprised you that in this corner of the world you always had a chance of running into someone you knew.)
That face you recognized. That face hadn't changed basically at all in the nearly ten years that it had been since you last saw him. The rest of his body was what didn't compute. The Willard from school had been tall too, obviously, but also kind of lanky with long flailing limbs. The Willard in front of you now was huge, with broad, strong shoulders and biceps that– okay yeah you were staring. But seriously, that t-shirt had to be a size or two too small.
The man himself fortunately seemed oblivious to your gawking, and instead wrapped you in a quick but enthusiastic hug.
"Great to see you! I heard you were back but didn't expect to run into you just yet. What's it been, nearly ten years? Man, time flies," he prattled on, releasing you and looking you over as if he was cataloging if anything had changed.
"Good to see you too," you finally managed, looking up at him. "Yeah, I moved back just three days ago. But you never left, did you?"
"Hey, I went to college!" He pouted in mock offense. "But yeah, then I came straight back. Big cities freak me out." This time he pretends to shiver. "If I need to experience the wild world for a weekend I go stay with Rusty, but otherwise I'm good here."
"Oh, how is she doing? I haven't seen her in years either."
"She's doing great! She lives with her girlfriend Annie now, and they have a really cute dog," Willard said excitedly.
You knew that Rusty had a girlfriend through Iris who was the one in the loop for all gossip and followed everyone on social media, still keeping up with everything. You hadn't bothered with that so much, but it was still nice to hear these updates. You hadn't been that close with Willard or his gang, but you had some classes together and became friendly enough that way.
"How about you?" you asked. "You and Ren still going strong? Still do everything together?" You smiled a little teasingly because this one you already knew the answer to. You had heard that they had mostly taken over Ren's Uncle Wes's car shop, and apparently business was going so great people came there from out of town in search of better service.
"I accidentally put on his shirt tonight because our laundry keeps getting mixed up. Does that answer your question?" he deadpanned, making you laugh.
"That explains it. I thought your arms looked about ready to burst out of that shirt."
You immediately snapped your mouth shut, feeling embarrassed. Why would you point that out?? He brought up the shirt and your mind immediately went there again, but you didn't need to say it for crying out loud.
Thankfully Willard only laughed. "I know right? I don't understand how it keeps happening, it's not like we even have the same size most of the time. You should have seen one time I put on his sweatpants to run to the store, I thought I was gonna get arrested for public indecency or something!"
You choked a little bit on your water at that mental image.
"I'm sure the old ladies at the market were quite delighted," you chuckled.
Willard snorted. "Yeah, I got some looks alright, though I wasn't sure if they were into it or if they thought I needed Jesus."
The two of you continued catching up, moving farther to the edge of the dancefloor where you could talk without having to shout. You had no idea how much time had passed until Iris came to knock on your shoulder. After greeting Willard, she turned back to you, pulling you aside to talk a little more privately.
"How would you feel about me staying here in town for the night? We can totally head home together, but I have a chance to get laid if I stay here. Maybe you could get a ride with Willard?"
"You wanna go and have a sleepover with Alex?" you teased her. You knew Alex was her regular companion here, that she was kind of hoping would turn into something more, so you couldn't begrudge her.
"Could I?" she tried a half apologetic, half pleading smile. "You and Willard seem to be hitting it off." Her eyes were pointedly looking in the man's direction, who was still hovering a few feet behind you.
"Speaking of which. You didn't warn me he looks like that now!" you hissed. She was the one who was supposed to relay all the interesting knowledge to you!
"Well, I mean, he doesn't do anything for me. I didn't think it was important," she shrugged.
"But you know I was super into him in school, obviously he does it for me!"
"That was ages ago! I'm barely into people I liked two years ago let alone in school!"
"But it's Willard," you gesticulated broadly with your hands, hoping to emphasize the point.
"Alright, fine, I understand. But we're getting off track here." And with that Iris side-stepped you to talk to the man himself. "Hey Willard, could you take her home tonight? I'm staying in town, but I trust you to keep her safe," she smiled sweetly, playing all innocent.
You noted three things. One, she used the words take her home, and you were definitely going to kick her for that later. Two, Willard didn't even need to be buttered up, because of course he would help an old friend. And three, he honest to god puffed out his chest at Iris telling him he was trustworthy. Even tipped his hat, giving her his word that he'd take care of you.
Goodness gracious, you might not survive this night.
"Are you sure it's not too much trouble? And that you're good to drive?" you wanted to check.
"I've only had one beer tonight, I'm cool. And it's no trouble at all, I promise," he smiled.
With that, Iris took her leave, but not before giving you a hug, demanding you check in later, and threateningly muttering something about crushed testicles to Willard. He looked appropriately nauseated.
Clearing his throat a couple of times, Willard turned to you again. "Uh.. uhm, do you want to go home right now or, uh, do you wanna dance for a bit?"
"I could dance for a bit, yeah!" You were so proud of yourself for sounding totally cool and normal.
The dance floor was unfortunately packed because the night was at that point where everyone had had just the right amount of liquid courage to let loose.
But no one let loose like Willard.
You had never before danced with a guy, or anyone really, who was so willing to absolutely tear up the dance floor with no regard to how it looked. Of course, Willard looked fantastic – Ren was a great teacher after all – but more important was the fact that he was genuinely having fun with it.
It was infectious. Not just to you, but to the people around you as well, though it seemed Willard was unaware of the effect he had.
You were breathless with laughter, and sweaty as hell, but you didn't mind. That is until the song switched to something slower and sensual, and Willard held you so close you knew he could feel your sweat-soaked back. What had started as an overexaggerated "sexy" grind making you laugh wasn't that funny anymore. It had morphed from a joke into something actually hot, and you were breathless for a whole different reason.
Before you could get too in your head about it, the song changed again, this time to an upbeat rock song. You continued dancing, but the energy from before was gone and the crowd on the dancefloor was thinning, so you noticed another need taking over.
"I'm kind of hungry, would it be okay to leave now?" you asked, shouting up to Willard.
"Sure, what did you have in mind?"
You wanted a burger. So that's what Willard got you.
The night air felt exceptionally lovely after the sweaty bar. You ate your burgers on the bed of Willard's truck, because he was surprisingly strict about not getting a mess inside the car.
On the drive home, you talked more about what both of you had been up to in the last almost decade, while still jamming along to the radio. There was no stopping Willard.
"In college Ren dragged me to cheerleading tryouts. He had that gymnastics background and thought it would be fun, but, honestly, back then I thought that cheer was just for girls. I obviously don't think that anymore." He rolled his eyes – you did too. "Anyway, I got sucked into it. Now I coach two teams, so that's a lot of my free time spent with that. It's gotten pretty popular in Bomont lately!" he gushed.
"I don't doubt that, with you coaching," you chuckled.
"What do you mean?" He glanced at you.
"You know, 'cause you're so likable. You're the kind of person who gets others excited too, and I'm sure you're a really great coach."
"Oh. Thanks."
Willard was trying to hide his smile, but there was no hiding that blush. You thought it looked adorable.
As the conversation went on, you moved from trading stories to light flirting and playful banter, the mood in the truck relaxed but cheerful. At one point you made Willard laugh so hard he had to pull over to an empty lot not too far from home to avoid crashing. After the last giggles subsided into quiet hiccups, you just continued talking. It took you nearly thirty minutes of conversation to realize that a) Willard never started the car again and you had just been standing still in that same spot where he pulled over, and b) you two had drifted closer to each other while talking, so much so that Willard's face was mere inches from yours.
Which made you realize your gaze kept dropping to his lips a whole lot. They just looked so.. kissable. You'd always thought so. His lips looked so soft and plump, his smiles so warm, that you desperately wanted to lean in and get a taste.
It was nearing two am but you were wide awake, nerves alight with excitement from Willard's proximity.
And unless you were much mistaken, his pupils were fairly dilated, looking at you just now.
"In my experience, if someone looks at your lips a lot it means they want to kiss you," Willard murmured quietly.
You couldn't even bother to pretend to be embarrassed about getting caught.
"Yeah, I think that's true," you breathed, looking into his eyes that were now boring into yours.
"Do you think it's true or is it true?"
"That doesn't make any sense."
"Yes, I want to kiss you."
"Oh thank god," Willard groaned and cupped your cheek, pulling you in the rest of the way.
2:24 am
"Should we stop? You said you don't want your truck to get messy," you panted.
"I've had a shift in priorities. I no longer give a shit about my truck," he murmured into your neck without even stopping the movement of his hips.
Your text to Iris at 2:59 am:
I may have just lived a teenage dream of mine and fucked Willard Hewitt in his truck. Now home ok. Talk tomorrow❤️
You fell asleep immediately, and let the responding reaction gifs and exclamation points be tomorrow's problem.
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fangirl-writes · 1 year
Dancing in the Street
Willard Hewitt x Fem!Reader; Ren McCormack x Sister!Reader
Warning(s): Just general stuff in the movie. If you’ve seen it you should be fine. Also the reader doesn’t like Ariel so if you like her, sorry.
I lost all these asks trying to answer them so idk what happened I’m sorry.
1) Hi hi hi, I was wondering if you could write a Willard x reader fic from the 2011 footloose? I'm having Miles Teller brain rot and cannot stop thinking about him!! 💕💕✨
2)  Can I get a Willard Hewitt x reader where your Rens sister and you guys meet at school then is really impressed you and your brother dance so good at the diner plssss?? I love Willard
3)  hi!! i was wondering if you could write something for willard hewitt (footloose 2011)? i can not find a single fanfic for this man so if you could write something with fluff and maybe like best friends to lovers that would be so awesome! thank you so much :)
Notes: Hope you guys are happy. I had to watch the Footloose remake to do this fic. The remake. It’s...not good.
Anyway, first footloose fic! Yay! I hope you like even if it’s ridiculously short.
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When you agreed to move down to Bomont with your brother, you didn’t think it would be as shitty as it was.
You’d already lost your mom, you didn’t need the rest of the joy in your life sucked out, but apparently the town was looking to do just that.
No music? No dancing? Are you kidding? Isn’t that against the first amendment or something?
Apparently not, as it seemed this rinky-dink town hadn’t changed its views since the ‘80s.
You worked as a waitress at Starlite and Ren was stuck in a cotton gin. The school hated Ren’s guts and didn’t take too kindly to your “explicit and vulgar display” of band t-shirts. Plus that plus prissy little Ariel Moore made you wanna hurl, even if Ren was infatuated with her for some god-knows reason.
It wasn’t all bad. You helped Ren fix up the yellow bug and he drove you to school every day, not that you had another choice besides maybe walking.
And there was also Willard. The ray of sunshine through the cloud of darkness in all his southern glory. 
You guys met him the first day of school and the three of you meshed right away. You told him when Ren was bullshitting him and he explained what all of his crazy phrases meant.
You weren’t sure you were into him “like that” yet, but you’d heard Ren smack him upside the head for commenting on your looks once, which told you enough.
And, lucky for you, Woody’s uncle, Claude, was a pretty rebellious boss.
“Hey, Woody!” Claude said. “Check the door man. Cop still here?”
Ren and you exchanged a glance as Woody went over to the window to watch the cop pull away.
“Five-O getting his move on,” Woody reported. “Whatcha got for me, Uncle Claude?”
Claude reached down below the counter and pulled up a burner CD. “David Banner, bootleg. Don’t get too krunk out there. First sign of the police, I’m gonna pull the plug. I don’t want a fine and you don’t want another ticket.”
“Wait,” Ren said. “You got a ticket for dancing?”
“He got two tickets for dancing,” Woody’s girlfriend answered. “One more and he’s off the team.”
You followed Claude to the back where he had a record player that doubled as a CD player. Your mouth dropped open in awe.
“All right, let’s get this party started,” Claude said.
He flipped some switches that turned on the outside speakers and turned back to you.
“Now, I know you’re new here so I’ll let you go watch this one time,” he said. “But don’t expect me to let you off work just to dance.”
You grinned widely before practically tearing off your apron to follow Ren, Rusty, and Willard outside.
The speakers were like old drive-in speakers that blared in the parking lot and you watched in awe as the previously perceived boring small-town kids danced better than you could.
“Yeah, dude, they- they get into it,” Willard said.
"Hey, you,” a girl said to Ren. “Come on, let’s dance.”
She pulled him out onto the floor and you watched gleefully as he busted a move.
“You dance, Willard?” You asked.
He blushed a little, shaking his head. “Oh, no, no way.”
“Why not?”
He shrugged. “I don’t dance.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Me and my boys are going to push everybody back,” Woody said to Ren over the music, pulling his leather jacket right off his shoulders. “Let me see you and your sister do your city slicker thing.”
Ren jogged over to usher you in with him and you happily obliged.
“Number 24,” Ren said and you nodded.
You both fell into a dance you’d choreographed together back in Boston, moving easily to the beat and doing your “city slicker thing.”
You shared a quick glance, a silent communication, before you both ran up and backflipped off the edge of a blue pickup sitting on the edge of the dance area.
The crowd cheered.
You laughed, falling into freestyle mode with the others as Ren walked over to dance by Ariel (who looked eager to receive the basically lap dance he was offering).
You felt alive for the first time since your mom. You missed dancing.
That was until you spotted Ariel and Ren grinding on each other shamelessly.
“Oh, gross,” you said, turning away and spotting Willard, who was already looking at you.
You flicked your head, gesturing for him to come join you.
He just shook his head and saluted you with his coke cup.
You sighed and walked over to where he was gathered with Woody, his girlfriend, and Rusty.
“Mind if I have a sip of that?” You asked Willard.
“Oh, uh, sure,” he replied, handing you his cup. “That was some pretty good dancing out there.”
“How would you know, you don’t dance,” you joked.
“I got two eyes, don’t I?” He asked, grinning right back at you.
You two were leaned so close you felt his breath on your face. It made your stomach flutter.
“Y/N, I was wondering-”
“You can put on a show for that guy, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna.”
You both looked over to find Ren walking up to the group.
You and Willard leaned away from each other.
Ren’s jaw was so tight you thought he might crack his teeth. 
“That guy block your boner?” You joked, referencing a joke Willard made a few days ago.
“Shut up,” he replied, shoving your head away jokingly.
Suddenly, the music cut out and Claude came over the loud speaker. “Attention, Attention. Ariel Moore, will you please come up to the front of the diner, your daddy is here for you.”
The crowd sniggered and laughed as “daddy’s girl” stomped her way up to the diner.
“Show’s over,” she said as she passed your group.
Your face contorted.
“Daddy’s gonna take her out to the woodshed,” Willard said.
“What the hell does that mean?”
“It means she’s in deep shit.”
You bit your lip to keep from laughing. 
“Come on, loverboy,” you said, shoving your brother. “Let’s get home before we get picked up by the law at ten o’ one. Oh, and Willard,”
The boy in questioned looked up at you.
“We can finish our conversation tomorrow, okay?”
He smiled. “Yeah, alright,”
You grinned back and turned away from him.
Ren’s eyes narrowed at you. “What was that all about?”
You shrugged. “Nothing. Willard and I were having a conversation while you were feeling up the preacher’s daughter.”
“I was not feeling her up,”
“Oh, please, Ren, the whole parking lot could tell,” You replied, sipping the last of Willard’s drink you’d never given back. “You’re practically throwing yourself at her.”
“I was just dancing,” Ren retorted, pulling open the door to the bug.
“Funny, you never dance like that with me.”
“That’s because-” Ren huffed dramatically. “You know what, this conversation’s over.”
“Oh, I’m sure it is,” you replied, getting in the passenger side. “Can I pick the music?”
“Can you ever pick the music?”
“There’s your answer.”
You rolled your eyes as Ren picked “dancing in the dark” by Bruce Springsteen for the ride home.
You turned to look out the window, noticing Willard in the rearview talking to Woody.
You smiled. This town might suck, but Willard makes it more bearable. 
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
Get Them Cowboy Boots Moving
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Pairing: Willard Hewitt x City girl!Reader (afab!reader)
Characters: City girl!Reader (afab!reader), Willard Hewitt, Ren McCormick, Rusty Rodriguez, Ariel Moore, Tony Moore (Ariel’s Cousin), Chuck Cranston, Cranston “henchmen”
Warnings: Fighting, blood, misunderstanding of one’s feelings, reader is oblivious to Rusty and Tony being together, Willard is a simp for the reader, mentions of the “hat rule”
Word Count: 1,533
*Reader is Ren’s bestie from Boston
You throw your head back, headbutting the guy trying to pull you away from the others. You trip after escaping from his hold. You force yourself off the ground, spinning around to kick him.
He grabs your foot, tossing it to the side.
You’re already off balance and fall, landing on your stomach. You close your eyes, waiting for his next move, so you can kick him in his stomach. 
“Come on,” Ren and Tony, Ariel’s cousin, haul you up before the former goes after Ariel’s dumbass ex Chuck.
You hear grunts and punches, finding Willard beating the shit out of the guy who was messing with you.
He shoves him away, turning to walk to you when another one of Chuck’s friends jumps on his back. 
Before things could escalate, he maneuvers his way towards a truck him, slamming the guy into it, flipping him into the truck bed. He steps away before he could find himself in a hospital.
The girls run back over to you asking if you’re okay, distracting you from the fact that the boy with the country accent who just helped you, the one who’s seemingly been in love with a girl with curly air and an interesting, hardly heard of name, beat the crap out of some guy who was harming you. 
“Are you two, okay?” You ask, checking over them, something you’ve been doing to everyone since you came to town.
“We’re fine. Are you okay? You took a tough fall with that animal?” asks Rusty, who glances over at the truck.
Tony makes his way over to you three, his hand on the back of Rusty’s back.
You shake off their concerns, “’course I’m fine.” 
“Are you-” Ariel starts when Willard and Ren walk over to you girls.
“Everyone okay here?” Ren keeps his gaze on Ariel.
She nods, “yeah, we’re fine. I don’t know about her though.” She gestures to you.
“You guys go in. I’ve got to get a Band-Aid for my elbow and I’ll meet you in there right after.” 
“No,” Ren shakes his head.
“Absolutely not,” Tony adds. “We all go in there as a group.”
You sigh, avoiding there gaze. “Just- I need a minute, alright?”
The girls sigh.
Willard stats behind you, gesturing for them to go inside.
Ren smirks, knowing his boy is about to make a move (or he hopes he is).
Tony sighs and shakes his head, knowing the kid ain’t gonna be able to spit the words out right.
The four leave. 
You turn away, expecting all five to be in the building dancing the night away. You unlock your car, opening your trunk, searching for your first aid kit.
“I got a- a first aid kit in my car.”
You jump back, dropping the kit before smacking his arm when you see who it is.
Willard rubs his arm, “ow?”
“You dumbass. Why’d you do that?”
“I was trying to be nice, a gentleman some might say but clearly that didn’t go as planned.” 
“Obviously. Shouldn’t you be in there, sweeping Rusty girl off her feet?”
“I could but she’s already got someone in there dancing with her.”
“Ah,” you nod, pulling out a Band-Aid and Neosporin. “I’m the only one without a date so naturally-”
“Woah! Woah! You’ve got this all wrong-”
“Oh, great. I’m not even good enough to be your date willingly. That’s nice.” You chuckle sadly and toss your trash into your trunk, not in the mood for anything else. 
“No, Jesus! No! Just- just come with me, alright?” He holds hand out for you. “I want to show you somethin’.”
You shake your head, raising your hands to close the trunk, “if this is a prank or something stupid-”
“Stop talkin’ so we can start dancin’.” He slams your trunk closed for you.
You blink in surprise but can’t take a moment to process it any longer since he takes you by your hand, pulling you into the dance. 
Couples are already dancing, crowding the floor leaving little space for everyone but, when Willard has something on his mind, he’ll come up with a plan and figure it out.
You and he stand near Ren and Ariel who are lost in their own world, beside them is Rusty with her man- “that’s Ariel’s cousin,” you point out.
“Sure is.”
You tilt your head.
“Why’s that so hard to understand?”
You turn your head back to his, watching his curious gaze. “I just- I thought you and Rusty were into each other?”
He shakes his head, “she wanted to make him jealous and I, being the good friend and guy that I am, I helped her out.”
“You ready to dance?”
“I thought you didn’t dance. No. No- I’m sorry let me, correct myself- because you couldn’t dance.”
He straightens his posture with his hands on his hips. “Alright, listen here, Missy. I can dance… now and I am trying to lay on the charm here.”
“Yeah, you know when a guy likes a girl. He tries to impress her.”
You furrow your brows, “when a guy likes-”
Willard hears someone whistling, he turns to see someone from one of his classmates pointing to you.
He grabs your hand and pulls you closer to the makeshift DJ station. He guides you behind the equipment. His hand drops down onto your lower back. “Alright, darlin’. This is when you play a good song and I run out onto the dancing floor and impress you.”
A smile sneaks its way onto your lips, “you don’t need to impress me, Willard.”
“Yes, I do. I need to make sure you know how much I like you before the night is over.”
“No. No. Play the song and watch, okay? Please?”
You sigh, placing the headphones on your head, “fine. Go get them boots movin’.”
“Is that a twang of country I hear in-” 
“Will, come on, man.” Ren grabs the country boy and hauls him back onto the dance floor.
You’re barely paying attention to the music as the boy in the cowboy hat moves on the dance floor.
“Where’d he learn to dance like that?” asks Rusty, standing beside you with Tony holding her hand.
“I don’t know?”
“He’s really making sure you’re watching him.” She smirks.
“What?” You look up, turning towards her.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” 
“I really don’t. I bet if I look back, he’ll be having fun, dancing the night away like the rest of the students.” As soon as you turn around, his pretty chestnut eyes right in front of you.
“You’re dancing now.”
You shake your head, “I can’t.”
“Why not?” He challenges you.
“Someone has to do the music-”
“I can do it.”
You sigh, “Tony-”
“Thanks, Tony!”
You giggle, “Willard! Willard, slow down.”
He stops in the middle of the dance floor, spinning you around before pulling you back into his arms. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight? And every other day and every time I see you.”
You move to face him, his arms still wrapped around your waist. You gulp, “I don’t think you have.”
“I’ve got some lost time to make up for, don’t I?”
You hum, stealing his hat off his head. “You also have yet to ask me a certain question.”
“Ah, right? You plan on giving me my hat back? I’m sure my hat hair is real bad.”
You lean closer to him, “no and wrong question.”
“You know the hat rule and anyone with half a mind know not to ask you out.” 
“Possessive, are we?”
“Hell yeah, especially with a pretty lady such as yourself… who I’d be lucky to call mine?”
Your fingers play with the hair on the back of his neck, “I’m afraid I’m gonna have to think about that one.”
“Don’t break his heart now,” Ren interrupts your conversation.
You offer him a dry laugh, “very funny. How do you think priesthood will be?”
“Not cool, darlin’,” Ariel adds.
“And yet, you still love me.”
They shake their heads, dancing away from the two of you.
The boy dancing with you wastes no time. “Was that a yes?”
“I’d say the fact that I’m wearing your hat and not dancing with someone who will step on my toes should be more than enough for you to know.”
“Know?” He asks, his southern drawl making him even cuter.
You roll your eyes, sighing.
He tries to ask what’s wrong until your hands are on his cheeks pulling him closer. Willard closes his eyes at the sensation of your warm… soft… lips colliding against his. 
You pull back, staring at him.
He opens his eyes and finds your worried gaze on him, he smiles. “It’s about damn time.”
“Is it now?”
“You bet. Been wanting to do that for a while now.”
“Guess tonight was your lucky night, cowboy.”
He lets out a joking groan. If only you knew what that nickname actually did to him. “Care to dance till dawn with me?”
You place his hat back on his head with a smile, slapping your hand in his. “I thought you’d never ask.”  
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oncasette · 2 years
Childhood best friends to lovers with Willard Hewitt (personally one of my favorite Miles Teller roles)!!❤❤
you’d been friends since the fifth grade. it started out as a petty playground rivalry where the two of you had bet slide privileges on who could run the length of the building the fastest. he was so shocked when you won that he wouldn’t leave you alone.
you stayed friends throughout middle school, through his awkward phase and through yours. you hadn’t realized he’d become your best friend, though, until the eighth grade formal when he’d asked another girl to go with him instead of you, effectively leaving you to ask one of your mutual friends.
you’d gotten over that in the few months that summer break had lasted, and high school drove you even closer together.
it took him until sophomore homecoming to ask you to a dance, one you begrudgingly accepted now that you were fighting tooth and nail to keep this crush for him tapered down.
he admitted he had feelings for you his senior year. it took ren mccormack coming to town for him to finally realize he had them, but he finally told you that night ariel had dragged all four of you out to a line dancing bar.
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njpuckbunny · 2 years
willard with a gf that plays soccer hcs :]
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pairing- willard hewitt (footloose) x reader
a/n- i have two willard requests and i feel like writing my own stuff rn cuz i start soccer tmr LOL also i’m in love with this man
warnings- none :)
when willard drove past the soccer field for the first time after school he was head over heels
he saw you laughing with one of your friends, with the schools uniform on and your hair tied back
from that moment he was going to make it his mission to try to talk to you
the next day at school he spotted you at lunch and decided to walk up to you in the line
he tried (painfully) to ask you out and settled for you tutoring him in english
after a few lessons, and will trying to up his confidence, he asked you out to go to some bar
obviously, it was the best date you had ever been on and you invited him to your next soccer game
he happily agreed and joined you, cheering you on every chance he got
he loved seeing you play with everything that you had
after your game he asked you to be his girlfriend and you were inseparable
when you and will went to the prom together, both of you could not stop smiling the whole time
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The Boy From Bomont
pairing: willard hewitt x fem!reader
warning: sexual harassment/assault, fighting
A/N: basically footloose 2011 in a different way.
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I don’t what it is about Bomont, it’s odd to me, we’re not allowed to listen to music including dancing. I’ve never been to a place like this or live in a place like this. My aunt, uncle, my cousins and I have to go to church, I’m not really a religious person but I’ll try to respect the church if I can.
I go to Bomont High School which their traditions at this school is nothing what my last school had. No school dances and no music allowed anywhere at this school.
I meet Ariel and Rusty in my ELA 3 class and Ariel reminds me of a girl who I went to school with, really rebellious, not a goody-goody I can tell, and has a boyfriend who looks like a college kid. Rusty is like me, not what Ariel is.
Rusty took me to the drive-in and everyone was really nice and really dirty minded, like my friends back home. I met Willard, he reminds me of a boy from my last high school. Really southern and really kinda has a good heart.
“What do want from the menu?” Woody told me.
I look at him about to speak but his girlfriend interrupted me.
“Leave that girl alone, so there’s a lot of good food on the menu, I suggest the hot dog.” She says.
I chuckle, “I think I’d like the hot dog with nothing on it.” I said to Claude.
Claude gives me the hot dog and says to Woody, “Now, I don’t want a fine, and you don’t want to get another ticket.”
“Wait, you got a ticket for dancing?” I asked Woody.
“He got two tickets for dancing, one more then you’re off the team!” Woody’s girlfriend said.
I get my stuff and go outside to see what’s going on, I hear music from the speakers.
“Holy.” I go to where Rusty and the rest of her friends are at.
Everyone continues to dance and I’m amazed by this, everyone hates the fact that dancing is against the law.
“Y/N, come on let’s dance.” Woody’s girlfriend says to me, leading me to the middle of the huge crowd of people dancing.
I start to dance and I get into it and I hear people cheering, I don’t know why for me or for another person. I continue dancing and noticing no one is dancing, just me. I got kinda nervous but I continue to dance. Ren starts dancing with me, I follow his lead, until I notice Ariel so I stop and faked a reason why I’m going to Rusty and the rest of her friends.
“Attention. Attention. Ariel Moore, will you please come to the front of the diner? Your daddy is here for you.” Claude says in a speaker.
Ariel leaves with her dad. “Daddy’s gon’ take her out to the woodshed.” Willard says.
“What does that mean?” I said looking at him.
“It means she’s in deep shit.”
What is wrong with the county?
I got to know Rusty friends a lot better, especially Willard, he told me about his personal life and what even happens at this county. I can’t stop looking in his eyes but I can’t help it. He seems like a sweet guy to me.
Ren gets in an invite to go to the speedway and Woody, Willard, Rusty, Woody’s girlfriend and I go to support Ren and I notice the gang, they are creepy to me. I get uncomfortable by approaching them and Willard notices me get uncomfortable so he holds my hand. The words I’m even hearing right now get me uncomfortable. I don’t want to be here.
“I love that lil dance you were doing last night. Noticed that you can swing your hips like, what are they called, a stripper.” Chuck says to me.
He’s friends giggle.
“Thank you, didn’t notice a maggot was looking at me being a pervert.” I said back.
He wants to kill by the way he’s looking at me.
“Now, how about you start dancing with this.” Chuck says to Ren getting in a tractor.
I hate this.
The race starts and I get nervous because some of Chuck’s gang get in three buses. I hope Ren survives this. My friends and I get up to where the flags are at.
“Go Ren!” We all say.
Ren is winning but we saw the most terrifying things I’ve ever seen. The buses tipped over and destroyed. Ren tries to stop and Woody and Willard goes out there to save him. Ren jumps out with Willard and Woody.
“Holy shit!” I say. Rusty laughs at my comment.
I get to the library to study for some things in some of my classes and I notice someone in the corner of my eye and it’s one of the guys from yesterday.
“Can I talk to ya.” He says.
I ignore him.
“Listen, yesterday was cool wasn’t?”
I stay silent.
“You’re actually kinda cute. Wanna somewhere more private?” He says.
“I don’t want to.” I said to him.
“Come on, a girl like you, might get a baby in her belly.” He says with a disgusting smirk on his face.
“I gotta go.” I get my things and try to leave but he stops me and tries to touch me.
“Let go of me you creep!” I struggle and kick his dick.
“Excuse me?” A librarian says.
I look at him and he takes me to the principal’s office.
“Now Ms. Y/L/N, why did you kick Rich?” Principal Roger says to me with the librarian and a cop in the room.
“Rich tried to touch me! And he, he wanted to rape me.” I said.
“Now Y/N, tell us the truth, what did he do to you to make you hit him.” Principal Roger says.
“What I just said.” I say looking in his eyes.
“Well he said that he was trying to help you with your homework.” He says to me.
“He’s lying!” I kinda yells.
“Now Y/N-“
“He told me that a girl like me can get pregnant!” I interrupt him.
“Then why did you kick him?” The librarian says.
I make a big sigh and say, “He sexually harassed me!”
“I know Rich won’t do that.” The cop says.
“Are you kidding me? Does anyone in this town understand about sexual harassment or assault?” I question.
“We do Y/N.” Principal Roger says.
“Y/N, here’s your ISS slip and have a good day.” He says.
I take the slip out of his hand and look at it and look at him.
“You guys really don’t know what’s going on with women today don’t you?” I says and walk out of the office and went outside to get out of this hell hole.
“Y/N/N!” Ariel says to me but I ignore her.
“Y/N, what’s the matter?” She comes close to me.
I look at her, “Had the worst god damn day of my life.” I say.
“You wanna talk about it?” She says.
“I prefer not to, you won’t believe me.” I walk away.
“What happened?” She yells at my direction.
“You won’t even care!” I yell back.
I get in my car to drive at some abandoned warehouse. I get out of my car and start to get out and then start to think on what just happened at school.
I start to cry and I sit on the floor and bawled my eyes out. Why do people don’t take women seriously? I curl up in a ball and cry to myself. I hear some footsteps, I look where the noises are at and it’s Willard.
I whimper a bit.
“What’s wrong?” Willard said walking up to me.
“I got in school suspension.” I wipe my tears off my face.
“What happened?” He sits next to me.
“That guy yesterday, Rich, he tried to touch me and he, he told me I would look good pregnant, and when he was trying to touch me, I kicked him in the ball sack.” I look at him.
“And you got suspended?” He questions.
I nod.
“Y/N/N, I’m sorry that happened to you.” Willard says and hugs me, I hug him back, I cry again.
“Those guys are assholes.” Willard whispers in my ear.
I giggle. “They really are. Does this town even care about women’s rights at all?” I stop hugging him and look at him.
“Apparently not.” He says.
I look down at the ground and Willard makes me look at him. I look at him with teary eyes, he kisses me. I kiss him back. He’s the only guy I can trust to be around me including Ren and Woody.
We stop kissing and he gets my hair away from my face.
“I wanna go home.” I said.
“I’ll take you home Y/N/N.” He says.
“Really? I mean I can drive myself.” I said.
“No, I insisted Y/N/N.” He holds his hand out for me so he can help me back up on my feet.
He helps me up and I give him my car keys. I get in the passenger seat and Willard gets in the driver’s seat.
“You ready?” He says looking at me.
“Yeah.” I look at him.
He drives away from the abandoned warehouse, I can’t believe what happened today. He pulls up to my driveway but we stayed in my car for a few minutes.
“I have a question Willard.” I look at him.
“Yes Y/N/N?” He looks at me.
“Why aren’t we allowed to dance or play music whatsoever?” I ask.
“Um, Ariel’s brother, Bobby and some of his friends went partying, they were drinking and driving, and they got in a car accident on a bridge.” Willard told me.
“Is that why Ariel is the way she is now?” I ask.
“Yeah, she used to be a goody two shoes back when we were freshman and sophomore and now she’s a rebellious girl who goes to church.”
“I met that type of person and she’s my friend since elementary school and she reminds me of Ariel.” I said to him.
“And she’s the preacher’s daughter.” He says.
I can’t believe that I just heard that, I never knew about that but I remember seeing her at church but never got to meet her.
“And she hangs out with those creeps and the one who tried touching me?” I said.
“Yep.” He says.
“Willard, do you want me to drive you home?” I said.
“My house is three houses down, you know that Y/N/N.”
I never noticed whatsoever.
“Oh I forgot about that Willard.” I said.
“It’s okay.”
Willard and I get out of my car and I walk up to him, he gives me my car keys.
“Again thank you for driving me home Will.” I said looking up at him.
“You’re wel- Will?” He questions.
“Am I allowed to call you that? You can tell me if you don’t want me to call you that.” I say.
“It’s fine. It’s cute that you just said that Y/N.” He gets closer to me.
“I-I love you.” I said.
“I love you to.” He smirks.
We kiss again. I hear giggling and it’s my cousins watching us. I look at them kinda embarrassed. Willard laughs at them.
“Again thank you for driving me home Will.” I said to him.
“Once again, you’re welcome.” He smiles.
“I’ll see you tomorrow at school?”
“Hopefully all because of your stupid in school suspension dates.” He says.
“Don’t remind me.” I said walking to my car to get my book bag and the slip.
“See you tomorrow Y/N/N.” He says about to walk away.
“Hopefully Will.” I said back.
I show my aunt and uncle the slip and obviously they get angry but I tell them the full story and they agree with me but they want me to do the suspension days. I’ll do it but I don’t deserve to go to detention for what that asshole did to me.
I eventually showed and told Ariel the ISS slip and the whole story on what Rich did to me and Ariel confronted Chuck and Rich about it and Chuck beats her up. She tells her father and he slaps her because she’s not a virgin. When she came to my house, I call Rusty to come over and I patch her up. The three of us stayed up talking about my situation including Ariel’s as well but besides that, we talked for hours until we fell asleep on my bedroom floor.
Ren is teaching Willard to dance. Woody, Ren, his cousins, my cousins and I help Willard to dance and he kinda got the hang of dancing. He asks me to dance with him and I join him. Ren and Woody notice us kinda flirty.
“You guys! There’s children here.” Ren says.
“Oh we caught them kissing a while back.” Sarah, my cousin, says.
“She just exposed you two.” Ren laughing.
We kinda get embarrassed but sometimes we don’t even care what people think of us.
Ren and I keep on helping Willard to dance, he kinda got confused but then one day he danced like Ren. Ren and Willard practiced a dance a week or so and Will finally did it!
A few weeks later, the county including students from Bomont High School and parents went to the county courthouse to talk about why dancing isn’t a crime. I sit with Willard and my aunt, uncle and my cousins sit next to me. Ren talked on the bench and a few hours later, dancing isn’t against the law anymore! So the whole senior class goes to the abandoned warehouse that I went to, to cry my feeling out but this is about Bomont’s first dance. We get decorations up on anything that involves a wall.
I get my dressed for the dance I hear a knock on the door and it’s my aunt.
“You look beautiful Y/N/N.” She says tearing up.
“Thank you Y/A/N.” I hug her.
“Someone’s waiting for you.” Y/A/N smiles.
“Willard?” I smile.
“Yeah Y/N. He looks really cute.” She whispers in my ear.
I look down, I think she can tell I’m blushing.
“I’m going downstairs, don’t stay up here too long.” She says walking out of my room.
“I will.” I said.
I fix my hair and walked downstairs and see Willard. Looking like country boy. I can tell he looks so happy.
I approach him and he has a crossage in his hand, I believe that my uncle gave him that.
“You look beautiful.” Willard whispers in my ear.
“Thank you.” I say.
He puts the crossage on my wrist and it matches my dress.
“Now you two, have a fun time and if something happens, call me.” My uncle said.
“We will Y/U/N.” I said.
I hug my aunt and uncle including my cousins and Willard drives us to the warehouse.
When we got out of the car we see Chuck, Rich and this other guy approaching us.
“Look who it is, the school’s slut and the school’s cowboy.” Chuck says.
“Let’s not fight alright, Rich how’s your small dick.” Willard says.
“It’s fine. Listen, you need to pay my medical bill.” Rich says directly at me.
“Let’s go Will.” I whisper to Willard.
We try to walk away but Chuck and Rich grab me and the other guy grabs Willard and I try to fight back but they were too strong.
“Do something Willard!” I scream.
“I can’t fight Y/N!”
“Fight Will!”
Willard starts fighting the other guy and I start to fight back Chuck and Rich. Ariel, Rusty, and Ren comes out to us fighting.
“Get your damn hands off of her!” Ariel screams at Rich and Chuck.
I fight with Ariel and I notice that Willard, Ren and Rusty is fighting the other guy. When everything was over Willard approached me.
“Are you okay?” Willard says touching my cheek.
“I’m okay, are you?” I question.
“I am Y/N/N. Let’s get in that warehouse.” He says grabbing my hand and taking me to the door.
Ariel, Ren, and Rusty join us and told us if we’re okay. When we got in the warehouse, music began to play, we danced like it was the last day on earth dancing.
Bomont isn’t that bad, except me getting suspended. I made good friends with the best humans I’ve ever met and I have a boyfriend who’s the most sweetest boy I’ve ever met as well.
Ariel told me this quote one day, ‘Dance like no one’s watching.’ And that’s what I did, danced like no one’s watching.
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emmyrosee · 1 year
Willard Russell
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His Socks.
NSFW Content. Reader Discretion Advised. Minors DNI.
The Engagement Ring.
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callmemana · 1 year
Fanfiction Recommendations:
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Criminal Minds:
Dazed & Confused:
Stranger Things:
Top Gun:
The Outsiders:
One Chicago:
Outer Range:
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alphabetbill · 2 years
A-Z lists and other thingos
I'm in a writing mood and I promise I'm gonna start actually posting some of the A-Z lists that some of you have requested XD I'm also opening up imagine/oneshot prompts with the following characters/people;
Bill Skarsgard
Roman Godfrey (Hemlock Grove)
Henry Pearl (Battlecreek)
Mickey (Villains)
Mark (Assassination Nation)
Clark Olofsson (Netflix version, just to be clear)
Zeitgeist/Axel Cluney (Deadpool 2)
Willard Russel (The Devil all The Time)
Dane (Naked Singularity)
Or if you could give me a prompt, I might even be able to come up with my own character to use in the A-Z list or story. Please DM your suggestions and I'll do the best I can to knuckle down and finish some other ones. Since I started on Tumblr I've done frick all and I'd like to change that now that I have a bit of time.
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xhoneygirlxx · 10 months
Watermelon Sugar
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Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
summary: Eddie shows you the eight wonder of the world. his mouth.
warnings: reader and eddie are 18+, established relationship, fluff, Eddie being a munch. nicknames/pet names used (baby, honey, sweetheart, etc.) MINORS DNI 18+ smut: fem oral receiving, blowjobs mentioned, talks of past sexual experiences, praise/body worship, swearing. *Skin Color/Ethnicity not mentioned! not proofread, spelling errors and horrible writing.
if I miss anything plz lmk!
a/n: hello my loves! thank you all for the kind words and reactions on my last couple of posts! as you all know smut is not my forte but I felt the need to write this. am I projecting??? maybe but we’re gonna pretend that i'm not :)
The low hum of Steve Nicks’ voice plays through Eddie’s room, the soundtrack of your makeout session with your boyfriend. Orange glow from the late afternoon sun comes through the window, an angelic glow casting around the frizz of the mentalhead’s hair.
It started as an innocent day, hanging out together in a comfortable silence in his room. Him doodling in his notebook and you flipping through one of his old comic books. Somewhere along the way a featherlight touch turned into shared giggles, sitting in his lap turned into a chaste kiss, and it ended up with him in between your parted knees, kissing like his life depended on it.
A curtain of curls block out the skylight, tender lips on yours like melted honey, and big hands roaming down the expanse of your body. When Eddie moves away from your mouth, he takes the oxygen from your lungs with him and you whimper at the loss.
"Gonna let me have a taste of you, pretty girl?" Big doe eyes shine down to you, way too eager and excited. Your stomach twists into knots, the training you put yourself through in case of this moment, has all been for nothing. What do you say to the man that hovers over you with so much love in his eyes?
"How about I suck you off instead, hmm?" You try to come off as sensual but instead you sound scared.
It's an offer that you've made so many times over the short course of your relationship with Eddie. This was your first real relationship besides the eight grade love affair you had with Simon Willard. That only lasted a week.
You weren't anywhere near a virgin, that so called sacred part of yourself is now in the possession of a random boy you met on vacation before your senior year. Hookups weren't uncommon to you but what was uncommon to you was the affection you received during the sex.
People you've hooked up with never really cared to get you nice and ready the way Eddie does, prepping you with two or more fingers, working you open so that it doesn't hurt going in. Guys didn't care if you got off or not, they were just looking for a hole to fill and someone who wouldn't get clingy.
You had guy friends, including Eddie before you started dating, and you heard the horror stories they had of going down on a girl. It was never in mean spirit, although the discussion should've stayed in the bedroom, but it still scared you shitless. How one girl didn't properly take care of herself, causing the smell to be rancid. This girl didn't wipe the right way, leaving scraps of toilet paper down there. And the one that really settled itself into your brain, was how good or bad a girl tasted.
Of course you, and all of your guy friends, knew that girls didn't taste like ice cream, or strawberries, or candy. It was made up, another bullshit beauty standard for woman to worry about.
You had paid attention to the way guys would ask you if you wanted it done. The way they would sigh and roll their eyes like it was the biggest task of their lives. You would end up telling them that you're more of a giver than receiver, and that you just weren't interested in that whole thing. When they would release a breath of relief you would fill with shame, almost like you were the one who requested it to be done and had been turned down. The embarrassment of rejection you didn't even ask for.
So when you and Eddie first had sex as boyfriend and girlfriend, you made it your mission to never let that horrid question come from his mouth. You always made sure to offer him head first, and if it looked like he was about to ask, you'd simply tell him you couldn't wait anymore.
Now here you are, under him, ready and willing to take him in your mouth, and he's gotten the question out before you could beat him to the punch.
"Ya know I will never say no to that, sweetheart. But-"
Uh oh. That's the word that comes before a life or death sentence. It's hanging heavy over you, the once comfortable silence is now killing you. Squeezing all of the air out of your body, limbs going numb with the loss of circulation, all the while your ears ring like an explosion has gone off.
"I want to return the favor." It's so sincere when he says it and it makes you want to cry. A boyish smile taking over his mouth, deep dimples appearing on the fat of his cheeks.
You must look like you've seen a ghost because the pretty smile that was written on his face is now taken over by worry.
"I mean, I don't have to. It's just- I feel like," Eddie's a panicked mess, backing his face further away from your own. The small bubble of love that the two of you created has now been popped with your own doubts and fears.
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable, I just thought I could make you feel good s'all." The confident man that you know all too well is now reduced to a fumbling and anxious person. His fingers work at the chunky silver ring on his finger, twisting and twisting and twisting it around.
"You just always, I don't know. It just always seems like you never ask for head and I just wanted to offer it to you, I guess."
The whiskey eyes that never left your gaze won't even look at you anymore. Focusing on that damn ring that goes faster and faster the longer you wait to respond. You want to run and hide. Dig a deep hole and never come out. Your lovely boyfriend who's done nothing but treat you like the queen of the goddamn universe, now thinks he's made you uncomfortable.
Embarrassment rushes through your veins, throat closing with the grip of shame making it harder to breathe. Tears prick your eyes, hot and heavy, ready to fall at the drop of a dime. You feel so guilty for not just telling him the truth, for not saying all the concerns that you had. Even before you started dating Eddie always confided in you, telling you the deepest secrets that kept him up at night and you couldn't even tell him this one thing.
"I'm embarrassed." It comes out in a sniffle, lip wobbling beneath the teeth that hold it down, trying to make it go away.
"I'm just embarrassed I won't be good. That I'll be another conversation for you and the boys to drink to. Will I taste good? Do I smell weird? Does it look pretty? All of these questions circle my brain and I'm so fucking scared that you won't like me anymore." It comes out like word vomit, so fast and uneven in tone that you're not sure if it even made sense.
You don't have time to think it over anyway, Eddie's too quick putting his hands on your cheeks, gently making you look up at him. The same kind eyes that you always see meet yours. Thumbs gentle swipe the fat tears off of your face, his cold hands extinguish the flames of your skin.
"Honey, I promise you I would never, ever do some dumb shit like that. What the guys and I talk about is irrelevant, half the time they don't even know what they're talking about. I felt the same way when you wanted to suck me off the first time, every single question you ask yourself is what I ask myself." Eddie's eyes are searching yours, looking and waiting to see the dread leave your head.
"Like I said before, I would never want you to be uncomfortable but if you're okay with it, I'd really," He places a gentle kiss on your forehead, "really," he continues to place more delicate kisses around your face, "really love to make you feel so fucking good."
When he's done, he looks back down to you with a dopey smile, he's low and hazy drunk off of you. A smile tugs on your own lips, so warm and fuzzy off of him. You know he means it and you feel sad that you even questioned him. Childish laughter rings out between the two of you when he pinches your sides, tickling out the stiffness in your body.
When the laughter dies down, he asks you again by cocking his eyebrow up in question. Nodding your head, you give him a confident yes, something you didn't feel the first time he asked.
Moving down your body, trails of kisses are left on your skin, mapping out his journey to your center. When he reaches the hem of your pants, he looks up to you once more waiting for a reply. Encouraging him to go further, his chilled fingers douses the warmth radiating off of you.
Leaving you only in your polka dot designed panties, Eddie teases you by running his fingers up and down your thighs.
"I gotta say bub, I love the pink dots. Top notch fashion if I don't say so myself." Eddie jokes and it makes you giggle. Swatting lightly at him, he returns the laughter.
"I'm not lying, I swear! If only you know what you do to me." As much of a joker Eddie is, he was never one to joke about your beauty. He found everything you did, said, and wore so fucking breathtaking and flawless, he'd probably get hard from the sight of you in a Tin Man costume.
"If you, at any time, want me to stop just tell me. I won't get mad, just let me know, okay?" Eyebrows scrunched with seriousness, Eddie makes sure to be loud and clear with his instructions.
"I promise, Eds." You say and he takes that as the green light.
Eddie's index finger teases your cloth slit, running up and down so slowly it feels like torture. When you lift your hips looking for more friction he snorts lightly.
"Patience, my love." His fingers continue to dance over your panties, running back to the top of the band and pulling them down in a swift motion.
When the cool air hits your wet seat, you whimper slightly at the feeling. Eddie has seen your pussy multiple times, but when he spreads it with his fingers, you can't help but feel shy, closing your legs around his arm.
"Don't go shy on me, baby. I just wanna see the prettiest picture I've ever seen." His eyes are still trained on the glistening of your sex, glimmering like bright pools of water.
It feels like an hour of no movement from Eddie before he goes to change his position between your legs. Shuffling back on his knees, he picks your thighs up to place on his shoulders as he lays on his stomach.
Still having doubts, you lean up on your elbows, watching your boyfriend to see what his reaction is. To your surprise, he looks like a kid in a candy store, awe and wonder swimming around in the big brown pools of his eyes.
When an obscene sniff rings through the air, you can't help but cringe a little. Waiting for him to look repulsed, you're again astonished when all your met with is a feral look.
Very tentatively, he runs his flat tongue from your hole to the top of your clit. Moaning deeply, he moves his gave up to you. A smirk breaks out on his features, so devilishly and mischievously.
"Oh baby, you have no fucking clue how good you taste." There is no questioning in his cadence. It's smug and cocky and it makes you shiver with need.
Repeating his motions from before, you mewl at the feeling, lifting your hips again. The chuckle that comes from Eddie vibrates off of you, make you move you squirm. Reaching his strong hands around your thighs, he holds you in place with his firm grip.
When the wet muscle breaches your needy hole, you fall back onto the bed moaning out in pleasure. He works your open with it, flicking it in and out efficiently.
Pulling out of you, he moves up to your bundle of nerves. Starting slowly, he circles around once or twice, before working it in figure eights.
You melt into the bed like a popsicle on a hot summers day. There's not a single thought in your head other than the feeling of his mouth. You're a livewire come to life, so sensitive and lost in the haze of pleasure.
You think this is the precipice of ecstasy but then one of his thick fingers enter you and his mouth sucks hard on your pulsing clit.
It feels like fireworks on the fourth of July, bright and explosive, big loud bangs ringing out into the night sky. It's like the feeling of going down the big drop on a rollercoaster, tingling deep in your belly and a rush of adrenaline pumping through your veins. It's like winning first place, heartwarming and shocking all at the same time.
You feel all these things at the same time, every single one of them caused by the actions of your boyfriends mouth. It's overwhelming and so fucking delicious but you can't say anything than cry out in bliss.
Letting go of your clit with a pop, Eddie's head pokes up at you like an excited puppy. "S'it feel good baby?" You want to answer, you really do but the way he sneaks a second finger into you and crooks them at the perfect angle makes you lose all motor skills.
"Awe, honey" he coos mockingly, "Is it that good?"
"S'good Eds, so good." You're a blubbering, crying mess. So hooked on the feeling of him, hooking on the feeling of how he made you feel.
He doesn't say anything else, too busy pushing his face back between your legs. His motions go faster, fingers hitting that sweet spot inside of you that he only managed to find, his mouth switching between motions, driving you closer to the edge as he does.
The string in your belly is pulling tighter and tighter, barley hanging together by a thread. You're a thrashing, sweaty mess on his bed, gripping the pillow underneath your head that your knuckles will probably be stuck in that position. You don't care, not when he's moving his head back and forth, slurping up your wetness like a handmade milkshake.
It's filthy, down right dirty the way it sounds. The noises that carry out into his room echo so loud the neighbors could probably hear. The squelch of your wetness being pounded into by his hand, the way he's drinking you up like a dehydrated plant, the moans that escape out of your parted lips.
"Eddie, please. FUCK, please." You're blathering at him, not even sure at what you're asking for.
Separating himself from you again, he continues working his fingers deep into you.
"You wanna cum, pretty girl? S'that it? Wanna cum all over my fingers?" You moan louder in response, clenching around him harder as you do.
"Go ahead, be a good good and cum for me. Come on, honey. Cum for me." That's all you need to hear before you're hurtling off the edge of your release.
You release with a silent cry, all the air being punched right out of you. Your body feels weightless, like you were thrown up into the clouds and not being able to come down.
Your whole body shakes, tears streaming down your face, all while your hole pulses and quivers around Eddie's fingers. A gush of wetness coats his fingers, a big puddle under your ass, leaving another stain on his bed seats.
He watches in awe as you hit your peak, how your back arches off of the bed and how you look so fucking perfect like this. The shy girl that never got experience this kind joy, now swims in the ocean of euphoria of the climax. He feels so lucky to witness this, to be the first and last person to ever see you this vulnerable.
Eddie wishes he could paint this moment, make a portrait of the way your kiss bitten lips form the perfect O, make the brushstrokes of your hair and some of it sticks to your sweaty face. You're so beautiful and he doesn't know how blessed to be yours.
When you float back down to earth, to the springy mattress of Eddie's, you take a moment to catch your breath. When he removes his fingers from you, you weakly hiss from movement and he offers a quiet sorry.
Moving back up to his knees, he hovers over you and smiles brightly down at you. Smiling weakly back at you, he uses the hand that's not supporting his weight to place it on your jaw. His thumb brushes back and forth and you melt right into it.
"How was that?" Pink tints his cheeks, grinning ear to ear.
You chuckle weakly, shaking your head in disbelief.
"I think I went to outer space for a second there."
A booming laugh leaves his chest and it makes you smile even harder. Your heart feels so full and so happy. You're so in love with him and it makes you delirious. You want to see him like this for the rest of your life, big smiles and even big laughter, so pretty and delicate only for you.
"Well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself there, space cadet." Leaning down to press his lips to yours, your soak in the feeling of it. When he moves away you pout at him, and he bops you on the nose with his finger.
"I was thinkin' I could return the favor, big boy." You whisper seductively.
"Oh baby, that sounds wonderful but-," He makes eye contact with you, "I need to be in you like yesterday because that, right there was the hottest thing I've ever witness."
"I happen to be a romantic. So I shall wait until my fair maiden is okay to resume our activities." Closing his eyes with pride, he places a hand on his heart.
Hiding your face with your hands, you bust out laughing at his little antics and when you peek between his fingers you see his teeth flashing back at you. Removing your hands from your face, you tuck a loose tendril behind his ear.
"You're a dork, but that sounds good to me."
Thank you all for reading! I loves you all and hope you enjoyed!!!
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bradshawssugarbaby · 5 months
dear reader, the greatest of luxuries is your secrets
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misc. characters
aaron hotchner (criminal minds) -> i can see you
harrison knott (press play) -> take me home tonight ✿ -> it's a marshmallow world
willard hewitt (footloose) -> hard to forget
walt "finn" finnegan (everybody wants some!!) -> my best friend's girl
clark kent (dceu/arrowverse/smallville) -> picture perfect (smallville!clark kent) -> let's marvin gaye and get it on (dceu!clark kent) ✿
capt. syverson (sand castle) -> all dressed up ✿
minors dni. | anything ✿ contains smut/sexual themes.
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cameronspecial · 6 months
Bad Friend
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Swearing, Mentions of Sex and Making A Bet On A Date On Getting A Date With A Girl.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 10.8K
Summary: After Rafe makes a bet with Topper, it leaves him in need of Y/N's help. Y/N doesn't believe in love, but through getting to know Rafe while helping him, she may start to rethink her thoughts about the feeling.
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“I dare you to get Y/N to date you,” Topper challenges, taking a sip from his drink. Rafe’s eyes stare at the pair of girls stumbling over each other, laughing as they trip on the sand. They are obviously very drunk. Rafe doesn’t think he has ever seen her smile. The only person who could break Y/N’s enigmatic and emotionless composure is the girl currently being held up by her, Amanda. Rafe isn’t one to back down from a dare, but he also doesn’t chase after a lost cause. Love isn’t something that Y/N has ever sought after. It isn’t a secret to anyone on the island. She’s the product of an affair; her Kook father cheated on his wife with her Mainlander mother. She grew up listening to her mother’s stories about how charismatic boys always leave behind brokenhearted girls. About how even though Willard Graham genuinely did love Cordelia Y/L/N, the money his wife, who was back in the Outer Banks, would bring was more important than the little girl he bore with Cordelia. This didn’t stop Cordelia from moving to the Outer Banks and Willard didn’t object, he wanted to be in his daughter’s life. But that truth imprinted itself on Y/N. She saw how the possibility of love tore her mother apart and she vowed to never let herself go through the same thing. In fact, she abandoned all notions of emotions in general. Feelings made her vulnerable and vulnerability got her hurt. 
Rafe doesn’t need to get tangled up in that mess. He pulls away from the sight of the best friends and shakes his head at Topper. “Nah, I don’t feel like dealing with her. She may be all bark and no bite, but I don’t want to deal with that yapping dog,” he refutes. Kelce chuckles, “Come on, you scared you won't be able to win her over. Or better yet, maybe you’re scared of her.” The rest of the senior boys laugh, teasing Rafe about being frightened by the junior. “Dude, I could get any girl I want. But if I’m going to be going after someone, I might as well go for someone that’s actually hot. Y/N looks like she fucks about as good as a sack of potatoes,” Rafe disagrees. 
Topper gives into Rafe’s demands for a different target, “Fine. How about Amanda? We’ve all heard the rumours about her in bed, but she will be hard to get with guard dog Y/N by her side. So I bet you can’t get Amanda to go on a date with you by the end of the summer.” He spots the girls again from across the fire. “What do I get if I win?” Rafe questions, swirling the solo cup in his hand. What’s the point of a bet if Rafe doesn’t gain anything from it? “Bragging rights,” Topper continues when he sees Rafe’s raised eyebrows. “And… we’ll each give you two thousand dollars.” This piques Rafe’s interest. He honestly would’ve done it for the bragging rights, ten thousand is a raindrop compared to the ocean of his family wealth, but it’s always fun to get a little extra money. Before Rafe can agree, Kelce speaks up with his own question. “Hold on, what do we get if you lose?” Rafe’s hand reaches for his chin, rubbing it as he thinks about what he can offer. Money is a plausible option, yet it’s nothing to the rich Kooks. He feels the buzz of his phone with a notification from Barry saying that his next stock is ready. A lightbulb shines in his mind. “I’ll give you all free blow for a month,” he suggests, shoving his phone back in his pocket. Sure, they can afford their own drugs, yet the principle of getting stuff for free gets to anyone. His friends grin at him. “Deal.” 
Amanda Dalton. One of the sweetest Kooks around and also the most innocent. She’s the epitome of the dumb blonde stereotype, no matter how much Y/N tries to help her friend out. “Y/N, what state is Canada in? I can’t find this on the map?” Amanda asks, searching through the American map. Y/N sighs and searches up a map of North America, “Babe, Canada is its own country. See. It’s right on top of America. So it’s not a state.” Amanda concentrates on her friend’s phone. “Oh, that makes sense,” she whispers, going back to typing on her phone. Y/N puts her phone away and continues to paint her nails, “Why do you want to know?” “Well, I wanted to buy tickets for the Era’s tour in To…ron…to. It says it’s in Canada,” Amanda explains.
“Toronto? That is in Canada.”
“How about Vancouver? It says British Columbia. Is that in England? I’ve always wanted to go to England.”
“No, Babe. Vancouver is in Canada. British Columbia is the province. It’s like a State. Why are you looking at other concerts anyway? Didn’t your dad already get us the tickets for the concert and plane?”
Amanda nods, “He did. I wanted to go to another one. I guess I won’t be though. Thank you for coming by the way. I know you aren’t the biggest fan of concerts.” Y/N looks up at her friend with a smile. “No problem, I would do anything for you. You know that. Plus, someone has to keep you safe.” Y/N takes Amanda’s hand, starting to paint the girl’s nails without asking. Much to the girls’ surprise, the sliding door opens and Rafe appears before their eyes. “Hello, ladies. How are we today?” he questions with a smile. He settles in the chair between the girls and leans forward on the table. “What are you doing here?” The friends postulate at the same time. Amanda with curiosity. Y/N with annoyance. He flashes his pearly teeth, “Mr. Dalton asked me to come over. I’m helping my dad with the company and he is making a deal with Mr. Dalton, so I offered to come over to go over the contract one more time.” 
“How sweet!” Amanda gushes. Y/N has the opposite idea, “So why are you with us right now?” Rafe ignores the latter and turns to the former. “Not as sweet as your cupcakes. Your little brother let me try one and it was delicious,” he compliments. Y/N knits her eyebrows together. She doesn’t understand why Rafe is being so nice. He’s only polite to people he wants something out of. Amanda’s cheeks turn red and she turns her head to hide it, “Thank you. It’s a new recipe.” “Well, it was really good. If you like cupcakes, I know this great bakery on Maine Street. Maybe… maybe I can take you some time,” he proposes with a charming grin. Amanda’s eyes start to twinkle, “I would love that. Y/N and I love cupcakes. Her favourite is salted caramel. Do they have them?” Rafe is about to correct the assumption that Y/N is invited when the door opens again. 
“Rafe, thank you for waiting and coming over. I’m ready to go over the contract now,” Mr. Dalton announces, giving Rafe room to walk back into the house. Rafe bids goodbye to the girls and follows Mr. Dalton inside. 
Y/N closes the front door behind her, making sure to yell out to the family to lock the door after her. The gravel gives way to the pressure of her feet and she puts her headphones on as she picks up her bike from the ground. Her father tried to buy her a car, but she wouldn’t take it. The only thing she allows Mr. Graham to do for her is to pay her tuition at Kildare Academy, but she refuses his help for anything else. She even started working at The Wreck so that she could grow independent from him in university. Unlike most people in the Outer Banks, Y/N doesn’t really belong to either of the tribes. Her father is a wealthy judge, who is the son of an affluent lawyer and doctor. Her mother makes enough as a software developer for them to sit comfortably, nowhere near Kook level, yet also more than the Pogues. Sometimes it’s hard for Y/N to be in the middle of both worlds. Both accept her into their groups, except for the times when she does something that goes against their nature and then it’s like she belongs to neither. Like when she went to Midsummer as a guest, the Pogues were quick to mock her for being a part of the tradition. Or when she sided with the Pogues during a fight between the two groups and suddenly, the Kooks didn’t know who she was. 
Before she hops on the bike, the front door opening and closing causes her to turn around. She thought maybe she had forgotten something and Amanda was coming to bring it to her. Instead, she finds Rafe watching her. Rafe isn’t expecting to see Y/N at the end of the driveway. He didn’t see her when he said goodbye to Amanda, so he assumed she had left a while ago. As they stare at each other, an idea pops into Rafe’s mind. It’s a long shot, except if he can get her to do it, then it would help him along with the bet. Even though, Amanda isn’t a virgin, everyone knows she can be a little ditsy in terms of actual dating. As made evident in his earlier conversation with her, she isn’t the greatest at detecting that someone is flirting with her. He knows that the way other people have had sex with her is because she approached them and Rafe didn’t want to play the game like that. It would be too easy. Plus, Y/N backs off the guys if Amanda is the one to initiate it. He is here to play the game, so he will. 
“Do you want a ride?” he calls out, opening the passenger’s side door for her. Y/N considers it for a second. It would take her around thirty minutes to bike home and only ten minutes by drive. All it takes is for her to notice the setting sun for her to come closer to him. She doesn’t say anything as she opens the back of the truck bed. She struggles a little with putting her bike in the back, so Rafe helps her out. His hand accidentally grazes her arm and she jerks it away from him as soon as she feels his touch. She storms off into the car. Rafe sighs and closes up the back. This is going to be harder than he thought. 
The truck sits in silence before she breaks it. “What are you up to with Amanda?” she interrogates, not looking away from out the window. Rafe isn’t sure how to word his proposition, “Nothing, I was just being nice.” “That’s a lie. Everyone knows that isn’t in your vocabulary,” she retorts. He shrugs and looks back at the road, “Maybe it is now. Amanda is a darling. She deserves to be treated in a pleasant way.” 
“You don’t treat your own sister like that. What makes Amanda so special?”
“I don’t know maybe I like her…” 
He tries to make the words as genuine as he can, looking over to Y/N to further the believability. “Ha, I’m not going to let you go anywhere near her,” she laughs. This is his opportunity, “You might change your mind once you hear what I have to offer.” The joy she feels stops abruptly. She shouldn’t be intrigued, yet she is. He takes her silence as a motion to keep going, “I’ll pay you ten thousand dollars if you help me get a date with Amanda.” Her first instinct is to reject him, “You are ridiculous if you think I would do that to my best friend.”
“Why not? You aren’t doing anything bad. I don’t want to hurt her. Just take her on a date. No offence to her, but we both know that talking to her can make you feel like a catapult. Everything goes over her head.”
“It’s practically selling my friend to you for 10K. I’m not doing it.”
“You aren’t selling her to me, just helping me out. Like a consultant. You could use the money for university. I bet it would go a long way.” 
He got her. He can see the moment her frown turns to interest and he has to stop himself from celebrating. Her mind hates her right now. How could her mood instantly change at such a selfish thought? She thought that she was more loyal and had better values than that. However, the money would help her out a lot with tuition and it’s not like Amanda has to know. “Fine, I’ll help you.” This is a bad idea. 
Closer to closing The Wreck is practically a desert town. Y/N sits at the counter, reading over her textbook. “I’d like a table for two, please,” a voice interrupts her studying. She looks up to see that Rafe is alone. She chuckles, “And who is going to be joining you? Your ghost girlfriend.” “Haha. I forgot how funny you are. No, you are,” he reacts, waiting for her to give him a table. She gets up to get him a menu, “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m working.” “There is no one here, Y/N. If someone does come, then I wouldn’t get angry at you for getting up to help them,” he points out, holding his hand out to the booth he decided to sit at since she isn’t moving. She huffs in defeat and joins him at the table. “Did you want to order anything? I don’t think Mike and Anna would like it if I just let you hang out here,” she informs before sitting down. Rafe glances over the menu, “Ugh, a cheeseburger, fries and a coke for me, please. And then get whatever you want. On me.” Y/N’s eyebrows rise at the mention of a please and that he’ll pay for her food. She isn’t going to argue though because who doesn’t like free food? 
Rafe plays with his rings while he waits for her to return. “Alright, I put the order in,” she tells him, sliding into the booth across from him. He nods and looks down, “Thanks.” She waits for him to talk and gets annoyed when he doesn’t. “Why did you come here, Rafe?” she asks with irk dripping from her voice. He gathers his thoughts, “You said you’d help me get through to Amanda. So what can you tell me?” “Right. Then I have two things I want to bring up. One. I’m going to quiz you to make sure you actually care for her. Two. If you pass, we are going over the terms of this deal,” she lists with two fingers up. Nerves cause goosebumps to run up and down his arms. The prospect of being quizzed on Amanda makes him worry that he won’t be able to keep up this charade. He extends his hand out, motioning for her to continue. “I’ll start easy. When is her birthday?” she tests. 
“May 25th.” 
“Correct. What’s her favourite TV show?” 
“She says The Good Place because it’s your favourite, but it’s really The Bachelorette.” 
“Okay. Last year, she had an allergic reaction to something. What was it?”
“She got stung by a bee.”
“Right. Final question, what does she do when she gets nervous.” Rafe pauses for a second. He has no idea what the answer is. The only reason why he knows all the other stuff is because Amanda is a loud talker, but something that comes from an observance of her wouldn’t register in his brain. As he thinks, his eyes are drawn to the way Y/N’s fingers dance along the table. He can tell they are moving in a pattern but he can’t keep track of it. “Are you going to answer the question?” she impatiently queries. He focuses on her face, “No, I honestly don’t know. I really do like her. I promise.” “Your promises don’t mean anything to me, but you still pass. I was going to help you anyway, knowing those things don’t mean anything. I just wanted to make you suffer a little,” she teases with a soft smile that Rafe enjoys. He chuckles, “You got me. So, to go over the deal. As long as she goes on a date with me by the end of the summer, you get your money. Does that work for you?” “It works perfectly. I’m going to add that I am not going to let you do anything that hurts her and if you do it behind my back, I’m going to chop your dick off and sell it on the black market to be eaten by the creepiest bidder,” she threatens, her finger pointed at him. He extends his hand out to her, “Deal.” 
Y/N readjusts the magazines on the ottoman one more time. She doesn’t know why she told Rafe to come over to her house, but there is more of a chance that they get caught by her going over to his house than by him coming over to hers. There are always more eyeballs on Tannyhill. She is snapped out of her worry by the ding-dong that sounds throughout the house. Her sock-covered feet glide against the hardwood floors as she hurries to answer the door. “Hi,” she greets a little out of breath from her cartoon-like slip. “Come in.” She steps out of the way so Rafe can make his way inside. He enters the house and takes off his shoes once he notices the pile by the door. His eyes examine the open plan of the house. Her house isn’t anything like one would find on the Cut, yet it also isn’t as big as the ones in the Figure Eight. It was brand new when Cordelia bought it and since then, it has undergone small renovations as necessary. 
“I get that it isn’t as big as your house. You don’t need to make googly eyes like that though,” she comments, heading to the kitchen to get something to drink. He shakes his head, “No, I wasn’t thinking that. Your house looks cozy. I like it.” “Well, I don’t care for your approval. Do you want something to drink?” she offers, holding up a can of coke. Rafe doesn’t know if the choice of drink is because she is getting one for herself or if she remembers his order from The Wreck. His head flicks up to signal he does want one. He settles on the couch and listens to the sound of the can being cracked open. She pours the drink into a glass with ice, walking over to join him on the couch. When she places her water next to his bubbly pop, he concludes that she remembered his order and this causes his stomach to flip. He could tell people a hundred times what his favourite food is and he would bet all his money they wouldn’t hold the information in their brain. She takes a sip from her drink, “You have to be more direct when it comes to Amanda, but also not too obvious with what you want or you’ll scare her off.” “If I have to be clear and not clear at the same time, where does that leave me?” he questions with a chuckle. She holds her fingers up so they are practically touching, “In this sweet spot that gets you a date with her.” He sits against the back of the couch. “Okay, so how do I get in that sweet spot?” he inquires, drinking from his cup. “Movies. Recreate a famous movie scene and that’s when it will click in for her.”
“What kind of movies? Like romcoms?” he gets her to clarify. She nods and squats in front of the entertainment centre under the television. She pulls out different DVDs, placing them in front of him. “Yep, we are going to watch all of her favourite rom-com movies, so take notes,” she tells him. He looks at the spread in front of him, “You actually have DVDs.” “Yeah, these cheer Amanda up when she is down and you never know when streaming services will take them down,” she says nonchalantly. He gives her a soft gaze, “You must like the movies too if you bought them though.” “Not really. They’re okay. I prefer mystery movies. Knives Out, A Simple Favor, The Menu. You know, stuff like that,” she lists while popping in the first movie. Rafe thinks it’s sweet that Y/N went out of the way to buy these comfort things for her best friend. 
During the ads, Y/N goes to the kitchen to get some snacks for them. The variety she has is impressive, yet he doesn’t find the quintessential movie night snack. “No popcorn? Not that I’m complaining.” She brings the box of donuts in her lap, “Nah, who needs to fill up on that shit when I’ve got Krispy Kreme donuts.” He watches as she picks up a jelly-filled donut and bites into it. She lets out a small moan, pulling the treat away from her mouth to leave behind the red jam at the corner of her lips. The sound she made went straight to his brain, the one downstairs. His hand goes up to his own mouth to hint at the mess on her face. She wipes at the wrong side, so he goes to wipe the correct corner. She jerks away from him, “It’s okay I got it.” “Sorry,” he mumbles, dropping his gaze with shame. She shakes her head, “It’s fine. I just don’t like being touched. Do you want a donut?” He picks out a regular glazed donut and eats it. “You are right, these are better than popcorn. I have to ask though, why donuts over popcorn?” 
“My mom never liked popcorn. Said they made the house smell when you popped it and the kernels were a choking hazard. Plus, since Krispy Kreme isn’t on the island, she’d make it a whole event when we went to the main island to get them for movie night.” 
“That sounds fun. Are the jelly donuts your favourite?” 
“Yep, I like strawberries and who doesn’t like powdered sugar.”
“True, both very valid reasons to like it. Can I have one?” 
She pulls the box away from him, “That’s a funny joke. These ones are mine.” “You’re territorial, noted,” he thinks out loud. The movie starts and a hush falls on both of them. After watching a few movies, they take a break to go to the bathroom. “Do you want to watch The Good Place?” he proposes as she walks back into the room. She tilts her head at him, “Sure. I meant to ask. How do you know it’s my favourite show?” He changes the TV to the Firestick and pulls up the show on Netflix. His shoulder rises, “You talked about it in philosophy class. It was what you made your presentation on and you sounded so passionate about it that it was clear how much you liked the show.” “Huh, I didn’t think you would notice that,” she thinks out loud. He gives her a pointed look, “I’m not as unobservant as people think that I am, you know. I do actually listen when other people speak.” She smirks at him. “Really? I wasn’t aware your ears had the ability to listen.”
The sight before her is one that she never dreamed of seeing. She honestly isn’t sure if her rom-com plan is going to work, but getting Rafe to recreate the movie and the money is worth the lie she told him. It wasn’t hard to get most of their class to come to the football field during the summer. Everyone will do what Rafe would say and people are too scared of Y/N to argue. When the speaker turns on with a loud screech, multiple people duck with their hands covering their ears. The beginning melodies of “Can’t Take My Eyes off Of You” by Frankie Valli start to play and out comes Rafe from behind the bleachers. He sings the lyrics as he moves from side to side of the rows, pointing to Amanda to make it clear who he is talking to. Y/N glances at her friend to see the other girl’s eyebrows connected. She nudges her friend with her elbow, “I think he is serenading you.” “Like in 10 Things I Hate About You?” Amanda’s eyes brighten. Y/N’s head moves up and down, “I think so.” Amanda’s hands come together near her heart and a smile paints on her face. 
“This is so sweet. Do you think he wants to fuck?” 
“Babe, for him to go through all of this, I think he wants to do a lot more than have sex.” 
The song finishes and Rafe hops over bench after bench to run in front of Amanda. “Please go on a date with me, Beautiful,” Rafe pleads. Y/N should feel happy that the plan is working. The look on her best friend’s face says it all, yet it doesn’t help the ugly roar she wants to let out at the nickname he used. She is pulled out of her thoughts by Amanda screaming yes. Amanda flings herself into his arms and kisses his face. The student body claps to congratulate the pair. With the endgame achieved, Y/N feels she is overstepping, so she starts heading back to her bike. 
A voice from behind her halts her departure. “Hey, Y/N, wait. Where are you going?” She spins around to see Rafe chasing after her. “I’m heading home. You got your date to go on and I’ll wait until you go on it to collect what you owe me,” she says, getting on her bike. Right as she is about to petal off, Rafe runs in front of her and grabs her handlebars so she can’t go further. His head moves from side to side, “We are going out tomorrow. She has dinner planned with her family tonight, so I thought that maybe as a thank you, we can go to the Mainland and get some doughnuts.” “From Krispy Kreme?” she mutters, playing with the knob of her bike bell. He smiles, “Where else? Come on, we can make an afternoon out of it. I think it would be fun.” “And why would you want to spend more time with me? I’m not the one that you like,” she responds. His fingers meet her hands on the bar. When she doesn’t flinch, Rafe thinks she lied about not liking being touched or maybe her feelings about him have changed. “Because I’m grateful that you are helping me and I want to thank you.”
“You will thank me with the ten thousand dollars that you give me.”
Rafe doesn’t know why he insists on taking Y/N out; he really wants to spend the afternoon with Y/N. 
“Are you really turning down a free doughnut? I saw that box, you don’t have any more strawberry jelly doughnuts to fill your tummy, Petite Louve.” 
Three years of French means that Y/N can easily translate the nickname he calls her. Little Wolf. She wants to ask why he called her that, except her rumbling stomach gets her to agree with his statement instead, “Fine, let’s go.” Rafe lets out a victorious whoop and he helps her off her bike. They walk beside each other to his car. Y/N would bump her hip against his every once in a while, which would cause him to knock into the bike that he was holding for her. He could only chuckle every time she did so. 
“How can you drink that? It’s basically all sugar?”
“Says the person who is about to eat a bunch of donuts. I don’t think you can judge me though because you are drinking pure dark roast. No wonder you are so bitter.”
Y/N giggles, “I will have you know that my bitterness is due to the fact that most people suck.” “Hm, that makes more sense. Here, try some. Maybe it will make you a little sweeter,” he offers. He tips the straw in her direction. The light brown slushy-like drink is topped with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles. Her lips wrap around the tube and suck. Rafe tries to stop the intruding thought of her lips being around something else. He doesn’t know why the image came into his mind; he shouldn’t think of her like that. Her face scrunches as soon as the sweet liquid hits her tongue. “Blegh, I was right. This is too sweet,” she criticizes. She hands him back his drink and their hands brush against each other. He laughs at her reaction and she loves the way it sounds. He takes a sip from his drink, “Why am I not surprised that it’s too sweet for you, Petite Louve?” She stops swirling the coffee cup in her hand and looks up at him. “Why did you start calling me that?” she queries. He leans back in his chair, “Call you what?” “Petite Louve,” she utters without hesitation. His elbows meet the table as he places his head on his hands, “It means little wolf.” He knows what she wants to know, except he is enjoying this game. She rolls her eyes and her arms cross one on top of the other. “I was in your French class last year, Rafe. I know what it means,” she scolds, giving him a dead stare. Rafe’s hands go up in defence, “Alright, alright. It’s because wolves are protective of their pack and they don’t often let outsiders in. That’s how you are with your pack.” 
“I see. Wolves are pretty cool so I accept that nickname,” she concludes. He lets out a satisfied breath, “They are. So are you going to eat your doughnut or are we going to stare at it all afternoon?” Her eyes dart to the white puff piece in front of her. She picks it out and holds it up to him. He gives her a raised eyebrow. “Because you let me try your drink,” she clarifies, waving it in his face. He takes a bite and similar to what happened to her a few days ago, a small red blob forms at the corner of his lips. Her arm instinctively reaches for his face and wipes the smear off his face. She uses the napkin to clean off her thumb. “Thanks,” he shows his gratitude by offering the doughnut he picked out for himself. 
She takes a bite out of it and they eat in silence for a few minutes. “I totally embarrassed myself this afternoon, didn’t I?” he verifies between bites of his caramel Kreme crunch. A grin forms on her face as she recalls the events, “I thought it was hilarious. Unfortunately, from what I saw on Insta, every girl found it romantic and every guy wished they thought of it to get into Amanda’s pants.” Rafe can see the gears turning behind her eyes. “You are planning their downfall, aren’t you?” Her grin turns wicked, “Most definitely. They are going to regret the shit they said.” “Well, I’m looking forward to seeing what you have planned for those guys,” he informs. They had about two more doughnuts each before packing up the rest for home. He opens the door for her and hovers his hand on her lower back as he guides her to his car, making sure not to make any contact with her. She can feel the heat emanating from his hand and wishes that she can feel the weight of it. He pulls the passenger’s side door open for her, closing it once she is safely in the truck. As he drives to the ferry, his eyes dart toward her and drink in her appearance. Her shoes are resting firmly on the floor mat while her sock-clad feet are curled under her leg. She leans back against the car seat with her hands on her knee. The slight dip at the corner of her lips does not stop her from mouthing along to the lyrics of the song. 
Her clothes aren’t name-brand like the other Kook girls. It looks like something she could get at any generic store. However, one thing stands out to Rafe as he watches her stick her hand out the window to glide with the wind. A gold bracelet with three small diamonds slid down her right arm. Only one person could’ve gotten her that Tiffany & Co. bracelet. “Why won’t you let your dad pay for your university?” The hand out the window drops onto her lap. She fiddles with her bracelet. “He didn’t want to be in my life. The only reason why he suddenly cared about my existence is because my mother moved here, so I could be closer to him. He solely cared for me when it fits into his life,” she begins. “If he pays for my university tuition, then it’s going to be like I owe him something. And the last thing I want is to owe that man something.” 
Rafe nods as she says, “If you don’t want to owe him anything, then why are you going to Kildare Academy? It’s not like you can’t go to Kildare Country.” “It’s an agreement I made with my mom. She agreed that I could pay for university if he pays for private school,” she shrugs. He finds it refreshing that, even though she could choose to be taken care of, she wants to provide for herself and work hard to be able to do so. The car slows once her house comes into view. It comes to a stop and Rafe reaches behind the seats for the box of doughnuts in the back. His hand accidentally brushes her shoulder; she doesn’t flinch away. Instead, she wishes his warmth would remain against her skin. He turns toward her and rests it on her lap. “Thanks… for everything. It was really nice of you,” her voice is barely above the sound of a mouse. He flashes her a smile, “No problem. And should I be concerned that you are being kind to me? Are you playing nice so I don’t suspect you are going to kill me?” “Haha, I’ll have you know that I can be delightful sometimes,” she retorts. Her eyes wander down his face to his pink lips. They appear to be softer than she expected. He doesn’t seem like the type to use lip balm. He notices her line of sight and instinctively, he examines the curve of her lips. 
His head leans forward and she follows his lead. A knock at the window causes them to jump away from each other. “Hey, Baby! Where have you been?” Cordelia yells through the window. “Is that Rafe Cameron beside you?” The mother squints at the boy sitting beside her daughter. “Yes, Mom, it’s Rafe. We went to the Mainland for doughnuts. We brought you back the glazed chocolate cake ones you like,” Y/N reports to her mother whilst rolling down the windows. Rafe’s head peeks out from behind Y/N’s head, “Hello, Ms. Y/L/N.” They wave at each other and Cordelia smiles at the two of them. “Please, call me Cordelia. You bought me dessert. Do you want to come inside for dinner? We are probably going to order from The Wreck,” she suggests. Rafe shakes his head with tight lips, “I would love to if I didn’t have to go to dinner with my family tonight.” “Ahh, that’s too bad. You definitely have to come over another time,” she encourages. He assents to the statement, “It would be my pleasure.” Y/N gets out of the car, gathers her bike from the back and the women bid Rafe au dieu as he drives back home. 
“You and Rafe would make a pretty cute couple.” Y/N’s eyes orbit themselves, “We aren’t a couple, Mom.” “Sureee. I saw you guys were about to kiss. It was funny seeing how fast you guys jumped away from each other,” the mother taunts her daughter. Y/N groans, “Forget about delivery, I’ll pick up our food myself.” She hops on her bike and starts making her way to the restaurant. “You can’t escape my questioning forever, Baby,” Cordelia screams to the girl fading into the distance. 
He didn’t want to lie with Y/N close by; he couldn’t exactly reveal to her that he was going to meet up with his friends to collect his winnings from a bet. It would ruin everything if she found out about the bet. “I think it’s cheating that you got Y/N to help you out,” Topper objects, setting his stack of money on the table. He shrugs, “We didn’t mention anything about getting outside help. We merely talked about me getting a date with Amanda, which I am going on tomorrow.” Rafe counts the money, listening to his friend complain to the others.
Y/N couldn’t stop thinking about what her mother said. When she got home, her mother wouldn’t believe that Rafe wasn’t her boyfriend until she told the older woman he was going on a date with Amanda. Despite that, her mind is plagued with the idea of being his girlfriend. She’s never felt this way before about someone. She shouldn’t feel this way about him. Love isn’t something that is on her checklist for things she wants to achieve in life. “Get out of my brain you insufferable man,” she grumbles to herself. She twists to rest on her other side, watching the light shine on her bedroom wall as a car drives by. Why can she still feel the warmth of his hand at the bottom of her back? Why didn’t she feel uncomfortable by his touch on her shoulder? She places her hand over the shoulder he touched, trying to simulate his touch. It doesn’t feel the same. Her hand drops to her elbow and she goes through the day. The envy she felt at Rafe calling Amanda beautiful. The sweet gesture of going out of his way to take her somewhere that means so much to her. The way he respected her boundaries about being touched when she didn’t initiate it. These all lead her to one conclusion she can’t make sense of. She must be falling in love with Rafe Cameron. And there is one thing she needs to do before his date tomorrow that is going to make her a bad friend. 
Rafe jogs over to the front door and swings it open. “Hey, I got your money. I was going to give it to you tomorrow… I can get it for you now if you want,” he propositions, stepping back to head upstairs. Her hand darts out to grab his wrist. At the contact, she retracts her arm back to her side with a mumbled sorry. “It’s okay, come in. If you aren’t here for the cash, what did you want to talk about?” he queries. She avoids the windows to his soul and plays with the bottom of her sweater’s sleeve. “Petite Louve, are you okay?” he worries, his hands ghosting the side of her arms. Her normal assurance seems to have evaporated completely from her body. She finally has the confidence to look at him, “Do you really like Amanda?” He pauses, unsure of what to say. “O-of course I do. Why else would I ask for your help with asking her out if I didn’t?”
“Maybe… maybe at the time you thought you liked her.” 
“I did and I still do.”
“Do you really though? Because you don’t have any chemistry with her. Not like you do with... With me.”
His emotions flood him like an ocean overtaking a desert. How can he deny something so true? Except he has too. Not simply because of his bet on Amanda, but because what do two people like them know about romantic devotion? One who doesn’t believe in it and the other who enjoys the chase too much to care about commitment. When the pads of her fingers grazed his face yesterday, he thought he would do anything else to have it on him again. He’d chop off the hand of anyone else who tried to touch him if it meant forgetting what she made him sense. With her standing in front of him, he could have all of that. However, he knows how fragile her heart is and he can’t be the one to accidentally break it. 
“I have no idea what you are talking about Y/N. I like Amanda and I’m going on a date with her. What else would all of this be for? You and I are purely friends and I value that friendship.” 
A dagger to her back isn’t the word for what this feels like. It’s more accurate to say that he put a bag over her head and held it there to leave her gasping for air. This is why she doesn’t believe in love. Because right when a person thinks they have it, the universe rips it away from them in some cruel act. It’s what happened to her mother and it is what’s happening to her at this moment. She fights back the swell that is trying to burst through her tear ducts. She steps away from him, inching toward the front door. Her head swivels to the side and she watches the potted plant on the side sway with the wind. “Right, friends. How could I be so wrong? I mean what would I know about love if I’ve never been in it? I’m going to go. Good luck on your date,” she apologizes, leaving without letting him say another word. Once she is gone, Rafe doesn’t know how he keeps himself upright. His head feels dizzy and his heart is being put through a shredder. He had to do it. There is no happy ending for them. Not for two people who have no idea what it is to be in love.
A month with Amanda was one month too long. Every date they went on further proved the mistake he made the day of their first date. He tried to be the boyfriend she deserved. Tried to fall in love with her. Just because it started as a dare, doesn’t mean it can’t be more for him. Nothing he did could make that sentiment true. His mind was occupied with someone else. With someone, he is trying to protect by lying about how he truly feels about her. This was wrong though and he knew how he could fix it. “And my dress to the party is going to be light pink, so I need your tie to mat-” Amanda can’t finish her thought cause Rafe interrupts her. “I think we should break up.” Her lips move to form soundless words. “Wh-what do you mean?” she cries with her bottom lip quivering. “We aren’t working out. I think it’s best that we break up,” he justifies. He gets up from the table and jogs out of the coffee shop to his car. If they never dated, then he couldn’t break her heart. Except it also meant he didn’t get to spend any more doughnut days. He didn’t get any more afternoons watching The Good Place. He didn’t go to The Wreck out of fear of seeing her. Getting those moments with her is worth the possibility of ending up unhappy because then he would have the good memories they made to keep him company. Mistakes can be made and they can also be fixed. 
Topper and Kelce talk at the booth in the corner, pausing every time Y/N gets close to them. She pays no real attention to them whilst she cleans the table around them. She focuses on finishing her task so she can go home when her shift finishes in ten minutes.  Once she finishes wiping down the table, she picks up the bus tub and starts to head toward the kitchen. Her hand goes for her phone, which makes her realize she left her phone on the chair back there. She spins to get it and catches the back end of the boys’ conversation. “I mean not only does he call her a dog, but he also compared her fuckability to a bag of potatoes and the universe is still like ‘Yeah, sure. She’ll help you win 10K by helping you get a date with her best friend.’ I mean how is that fair.” The tub at the side of her hip clatters on the ground, causing the friends to turn in her direction. “Shit,” Topper whispers. She storms toward them and slams her hands against the table, “Tell me everything.” And for fear of their dicks, they divulge every single detail about that night at the bonfire. 
Thanks to Sarah, who asked Kiara, Rafe knew that Y/N was working today and that her shift was about to end. He leans up against the truck, waiting for her to exit the restaurant. He thinks against putting her bike in his truck already, so she doesn’t feel obligated to talk to him. He pushes off of the side of the truck as soon as he catches sight of her walking down the wooden ramp. He frowns the closer she gets because he can now clearly see that she is touching her face to wipe away tears. Anger fills him at the thought of someone hurting his Petite Louve. He wants to harm whoever did this to her. 
He rushes to the end of the ramp, “Petite Louve, who did this to you?” He restrains himself from pulling her into a hug; instead, he waits for her to blanket herself in his hold. She freezes at his voice, chuckling at his appearance. “Oh, I didn’t know you cared about me again. Thought you would be too busy basking in the glory of your Beautiful to care for someone who can be out fucked by potatoes,” she growls, furiously digging her palms into her eyes to get rid of her tears. She refuses to let him see her vulnerable again. His eyes widen as words he said so long ago are repeated back to him. His hand drags down his mouth, “Who told you that?” “Does it really matter when it’s your words that are causing me pain?” she counters. His hands ghost her shoulders with a shake. “You don’t know the full story,” he argues, running his hands through his hair. She chortles, “So the full story isn’t that you called me a dog and said that I wasn’t attractive before using me to win a bet that would hurt my best friends. And you LIED about it. You made me so much worse of a friend than I thought I was.” “What I said doesn’t mean anything. It was all a lie. It was before… before I knew who you truly were,” he croaks, knowing this isn’t going to end as he thought it would. 
“It’s either a lie or said because you didn’t know me. Choose one because neither of those things is acceptable to me. And to think that I thought I was actually falling in love with you. You go ahead and prove that everything I thought about love is true.”
“You were falling for me?”
“No. I don’t believe in love, so I guess my brain was a little confused. How could it think that someone so selfish and self-centred could be the one for me?”
He knows that her words are true and are merely a fraction of her agony at the revelation. He is left gapping like a fish, searching for any word that would convey how sorry he is for everything. She isn’t satisfied by his wordless scramble, so she gets onto her bike. She doesn’t look back at him as she rides back home. “Fuck,” he yells once she is finally out of sight. He kicks the tire of his car. Topper and Kelce sheepishly come out, discussing how they are going to reveal this all to Rafe. For all they know, Rafe is in love with Amanda. They stop in their tracks. “Rafe…What are you doing here?” Topper frets, approaching the boy hesitantly. Rafe’s eyes burn into their souls, “WHO TOLD HER?” “It was an accident man. We’re sorry. Maybe she won’t tell Amanda,” Kelce hopes. Rafe’s hand tugs at the strands of his hair, “I don’t fucking care about Amanda. Y/N is torn up about what happened and she hates me even more than before. I was about to try to fix everything and now because of you two shitheads, I have no chance.” He slams the car door entering it, cursing why he had to screw this up in the first place.
Y/N had to tell Amanda the truth. She isn’t like Rafe; she can’t lie to the people she cares about. “I’m so sorry, Babe. I understand if you don’t want to be friends. I would hate myself too. I just hope you can forgive me for what I have done,” she begs with tears in her eyes. Amanda’s hand cups her friend’s, “I love you and it’s the past.” Y/N looks at Amanda with big eyes.
“You are too forgiving.”
“Or maybe you aren’t forgiving enough. Your mom forgave your dad a long time ago, so why shouldn’t I forgive you?” 
“Are you back onto this again? You think I should forgive my dad.” 
“He needs a chance, not forgiveness. From the moment you were old enough, you hated your dad. He has never gotten the chance to show you that he loves you. I mean, have you ever asked your mom how she feels now about everything?” 
Y/N stiffens, taking in the suggestion her best friend gave. Amanda continues at Y/N’s silence, “Because I have, Y/N/N. She said that in the moment, it felt horrible. But… as she got older, she realized that it was the right choice. Their relationship was the product of an affair, so she would’ve never been able to trust him if they got married.” “I… uhh… I never knew she felt that way,” Y/N admits, bowing her head in shame. Amanda squeezes Y/N’s hand, “That’s okay. You do now, therefore it means you can change. Give your dad a chance. Now, tell me what is going on with you and Rafe?” “Nothing has been going on with him,” Y/N lies. Amanda giggles, “I’m your best friend. I know when you are lying.” “Fine, I thought that I was falling for him. It was a mistake. He was just using me to get to you. I let him convince me to hurt you and I was such a bad friend for that,” Y/N reasons. Amanda shakes her head, “Please stop beating yourself up over that. As for Rafe, I think it turned into something so much more than getting your help with me.” “Why would you say that?” Y/N inquiries with a tilt of her head. “He broke up with me earlier tonight and he seemed to be on a mission when he left. From what you told me, he was going to tell you something,” Amanda starts to illuminate. “Plus, I know people think that I’m clueless, but I could tell his mind was occupied by someone else during our relationship. He always wanted to watch The Good Place while eating powdered jelly doughnuts. In hindsight, that should’ve been my indicators as to who he was thinking about.”
Y/N looks at her best friend with glassy eyes, “Really?” “Yeah, I would go along with it because it made me feel like I was hanging out with you. And I like hanging out with you too,” Amanda confesses, looking down with a smile. Y/N is touched by her soul sister’s words and pulls Amanda into a hug, “That was so sweet. You know you are more intelligent than people give you credit for and I’m sorry I don’t realize that more often.” “It’s okay. And I know I’m smart. I also know that you need someone to take care of.” Amanda kisses her friend’s forehead and they remain in each other’s grasp for the rest of the night. 
After seeing her for the first time in a month, Rafe didn’t know how he lived without her. What they had was so brief, yet it burned so brightly in his mind. He keeps reliving the memory of them in his mind and it makes his heartache that he doesn’t have more with her. He has to make this right with her for his sanity and his heart. He can’t relive the past; he has to find a way to make a future for them possible. This leads him to the one person in the world who will know how to fix everything. It kinda feels like an ironic full circle to him. “I know I’m probably the last person you want to see right now after I broke your heart. But I really do need your help,” he pleads to Amanda, who is in her backyard tanning. Her eyes find him through her sunglasses, “I’m more pissed off that you hurt Y/N more than anything you did to me.” “Right, right. I can understand why you feel that way. What I did to both of you was shitty,” he confirms, rubbing the back of his neck. She shrugs, “It was. I thought she was finally coming around to the idea of love and now, thanks to you, she feels like she has direct confirmation that it isn’t real.” “I’m sorry.” She scoffs, “Sorry isn’t exactly going to fix what you did.” 
“I know. I’ll do anything to get your forgiveness. And I want to show Y/N that love is really because… Because I love her.”
Amanda sits up completely at the new revelation, “You love her?” “I do. I can’t get her out of my head. I wake up and I’m thinking about her. I go to sleep and I’m thinking about her. Every moment in between I spend beating myself up for letting her go,” he rants, tearing up at the thought of this not going where he wants to go. She crosses her arms, “Well, I want you to be beating yourself up forever.” “Don’t you also want to see Y/N happy?” he counters. 
“I do. And that’s what do you want to do? Make her happy?”
“I want to make her the happiest fucking person in the world and I would give up anything in the world for that to happen.” 
“Fine, I’ll help you. If you hurt her though, I will have my father pull out of the deal with yours and absolutely take down Cameron Development. It’s my turn to be protective of her.” 
Rafe nods, “I would deserve so much more than that if I hurt Y/N. Now, how many rom-coms am I going to have to watch and do you have doughnuts for while we are watching them?” 
Y/N couldn’t believe she was considering doing this right now. She’s walked up and down the driveway so many times that she seriously thinks she should get on her bike and leave. The door swinging open stops her from escaping the situation. “Y/N, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?” Willard steps outside and rushes to check on his daughter. She steps back to stay away from her father’s touch. “I’m fine, Dad. Can I ask you a question?” she cuts to the chase. Willard’s head moves up and down, “Of course. Anything, Kiddo.” “Did you really love Mom?” she spews, eyes glued to her hands playing with themselves. His eyes are slightly wide as he answers, “I did. I regret lying and causing her pain, especially since it meant losing the chance to be your father.” “Why did you do it then?” she pushes further, needing all the answers as to why her father broke their family apart before they could become one. He stares at her for a second, “Life is complicated. I had an affair with your mother when my marriage was showing signs of problems. I was young and thought that running from my problems was the solution. When I found out about you, I realized I had to grow up. So I went back home, worked on my marriage, and focused on earning money to help provide for you.” 
“I was the reason why you broke Mom’s heart?” she whimpers, an awful feeling growing in her stomach at the thought of risking her mother’s love life. Willard shakes his head, “No, none of this is your fault, Kiddo. I was the idiot who broke your mother’s heart. It was never your fault, so don’t think that for even a second.” “Right. Well, thank you for answering my questions,” she states, backing away from her father with her head down low. He scrambles after his daughter, “Wait, is that all you wanted to talk about?” She falls in a standstill. “No… I was thinking that maybe we could go out together sometime. I think that I want to give our relationship a chance.” Willard grins, “Of course, I’m free right now if you want to go out for a late lunch.” “I can work with that,” she agrees.
Lunch with her father worked quite well and her mom was glad that it did. “I think it’s great that you are trying to have a relationship with your dad. The resentment you had for him wasn’t healthy,” Cordelia praises her daughter, bringing her into a hug. Y/N smiles at her mom, “Yeah, it was fun. Although, I still don’t think I want him paying for uni if he doesn’t have to. I want to try having a little bit of my own independence.” “I think that’s great, Baby. Remember that your father and I are always here to help you if you need it,” Cordelia assures. A knock at the door pulls them apart. “I’ll get it.” Her mother leaves her bedroom, so she flops back on her bed with a sigh. “Y/N, you have a guest,” the mother announces from downstairs. Y/N groans because she is just getting comfortable. She rolls out of bed and falls on the floor with a grunt. Her hair is a little chaotic, yet doesn’t bother to fix it. The echo of her weight jumping from stair to stair is the only one that can be heard throughout the house. “Babe, I didn’t know you were coming ov-” Y/N starts, thinking Amanda is at the door because it is the only plausible answer. She ceases once she lays a sight on who it is. “You have a lot of balls coming here,” she says with her hand coming down on her jutted-out hip. 
Rafe gives her a sheepish smile, “I know. Could we talk?” Y/N huffs, thinking about her new streak of giving people chances. She turns to her mother, who is standing near the door. “You guys probably want privacy. I really don’t want to; however, I will be going to the store to get more… eggs?” Cordelia excuses herself, taking her purse and keys to head to the store. “I’m sorry,” he breathes out now that they are alone. Her eyebrows raise, “Is that all you wanted to say?” “No, it’s just the beginning of everything I have to say. I wanted to give you a chance to back out,” he acknowledges. 
She motions with her hands for him to continue. “Lying to you so it risked your relationship with Amanda was horrible. I’m glad that you guys are still friends. It was also terrible that thing that I said about sex and potatoes. It was out of line. I’m sorry and don’t believe that it is true. Those weren’t my biggest mistakes though. My biggest mistake was telling you that we didn’t have any chemistry. Because we fucking do. We have a whole chemistry lab. Test tubs and drugs and all,” he raves. She doesn’t want to giggle, except that the comparison he made was too good not to laugh at. “You know people normally equate chemistry with sparks or fireworks,” she faults, turning her head to the side so he can’t see her amusement. He chuckles with her, “I don’t think we can be considered as normal. I’m an idiot who messes everything up half of the time and you are a stubborn girl who doesn’t believe in love.” “So you’re saying that all girls have to believe in love,” she chides. Rafe panics, “No, I didn’t mean it like that I… uh.” 
“It’s fine, stopping blubbering like a fish out of water,” she commands. His mouth closes and he scratches the back of his neck. “I see you haven’t lost your bark,” he comments. 
“If I lose my bark, then I wouldn’t be me.”
“Right, petite louves always have a bark.”
“Wolves don’t bark. They howl.”
“Okay, I think we are a little off track.”
She shuts up at his words, waiting for him to continue. Silence fills the room as Rafe gets everything off of his chest. “That’s all you want to say?” she confirms. His mouth ups and closes before he nods. “It’s my turn to talk. One. I don’t really care about the potato thing. I’m a virgin so I don’t expect to have any sort of skill in that department. Two. You are lucky Amanda forgave me or else your dick would be hammered to my bike. Three. I tried to open up to you and you lied to me. How am I supposed to trust you after that?” she tirades. Rafe hmms, “Those are all valid points. And I hope maybe you can trust me by letting me show you that I truly love you.” “You don’t love me. You just think you do. Love doesn’t exist,” she reveals. Rafe objects, “I think that you changed your mind on it and are too scared to admit that you did.” “Yeah because look where believing in love landed me. Almost losing my best friend and my heart felt like it just got crushed by an anvil,” she fires back with venom laced in her words. A crooked smile forms on his lips, “So you admit that you do love me.” “I-I… umm. That’s not wh-... um,” she babbles, trying to untie herself from the net he caught her in. 
He takes this as a chance to step closer to her, “Now, look who is the fish, Petite Louve.” He perceives the way her breath stops falling on his skin and a sense of victory finds its way through him. She stares up at him with a dumbfounded look, trying to think of a comeback. Rather than doing so, she falls victim to her own desires and pulls him down so her lips can meet his. His arms grip her waist, just above her bum to pull her closer to him. Their kiss deepens and suddenly, air isn’t something they need. A cough from the front door ends the motion of their lips. Their heads press together as they see who is there. Cordelia gives the pair a bashful smile, “Sorry, I forgot my phone.” 
They wait for her to get her phone from the kitchen. “Rafe, you are staying for dinner when I get back. I also look forward to hearing your apology to me for hurting my baby girl,” Cordelia proclaims, closing the door at the last word. Y/N steps away from him, examining the hardwood floor to gather her thoughts. “This doesn’t mean that everything is completely fine between us. You don’t get to earn my trust back with the snap of your fingers,” she discloses, toeing at the floor with the point of her foot. Rafe’s head bobs, “Definitely, I understand. It will take at least a thousand strawberry jelly doughnuts for that.” She gives him a shove, laughing through her nose. “It’s going to take a lot more than doughnuts for what you have to do,” she adds. “I know. I am prepared to give you all the jelly doughnuts in the world and so much more to help you truly believe in love.” 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @nonbullshit-toleratingkindagirl
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janeyseymour · 3 months
personal and professional 1-3 was soooooo good it gave me an idea!
a mel x work crush reader story in which cute shy fem reader has a sleeper build. usually wearing regular lose fit clothing until one day they have to wear a fancy skirt and heels bringing attention to readers muscular legs. abbott crew starts asking reader questions about her workout routine leading a jealous melissa to make a snarky comment about reader skipping arm day to which reader says something like don’t let the outfit fool you i could bench you right now heels and all. melissa keeps pushing readers buttons until reader grabs melissa and starts overhead pressing with absolutely no issue to prove their point leaving melissa stunned. idk maybe it ends with melissa asking reader on a date that day after school?
Press You (Up Against a Wall)
WC: 3.3k
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You were hired as the long term substitute gym teacher at Willard R. Abbott Elementary School in January, but when the teacher who was out on maternity leave decided to leave the position permanently- that she can’t even believe she stayed there throughout her pregnancy in the first place- you were brought on for the full-time position. So, now you’re Abbott’s official gym teacher, and you couldn’t be more thrilled.
Really, any physical education teacher position is a score in your mind because showing up to school in sweatpants or joggers everyday is any teacher’s dream come true. But Abbott is so nice because you can pretty much do whatever you want with the kids- including dodgeball, which is banned at most schools. 
Under all of your gym clothes, you have a nice body- you’ll be the first one to admit that. Working out six days a week along with having a well balanced diet doesn’t go to waste. None of the teachers, or Ava for that matter, know that you’re a bit of a gym rat- okay, a really big gym rat. Sure, they know you’re athletic and that you’re slim, but they haven’t seen your legs- probably the best part about your body. You’re thankful for that because up until now, you’ve evaded the principal’s flirtatious personality and comments. 
The only person who knows how in shape you are is Mr. Johnson because you help him move things or fix things when necessary. He’s immensely grateful and has promised to keep your hidden figure a secret- he knows how you don’t want to be hit on like Gregory is.
But now, you’re being forced to go to PECSA, and you really don’t know why you have to go, but the school is paying for your hotel room, and you don’t have to attend any of the seminars based on curriculum because you don’t teach any of the core subjects (you had thoughts on that title… physical education was one of the most important for those kids to be participating in if they wanted to grow to be strong and healthy adults).
So while everyone else is supposed to be at their seminars, you sleep in before heading down to the gym to get your daily workout in.
After you’re finished, you head back up to your hotel room and shower before changing into an old band t-shirt, a light sweatshirt, and a pair of joggers. Deciding that you have enough time to explore and just soak everything in, you exit your hotel room.
As you go to back away from your door, so is Melissa Schemmenti- donned in a bathing suit as opposed to the clothes that she should be clad in to attend different seminars.
“Hey, Schemmenti,” you look her up and down. 
“Y/N,” Melissa looks you up and down too. “Don’t tell anyone, but Barb ’n’ I haven’t gone to a single one of those dumb jawns. All for the newbies.”
You mime zipping your lips before letting out a chuckle. “You’ll be at the big party though, right?”
“Hell yeah I will be. I have a math-o-rita chugging champion title to maintain,” she smirks.
“Good. I don’t think I could survive the Abbott crew without you to keep me company,” you blush as you tell her that. “Not that I don’t like the others, but… you know what I mean.”
“I gotchu,” she smiles. “Just stick with me and Barb, and you’ll be fine.”
You nod. “You mind if I join you now?”
“If you can get changed in the next few-”
“Nah, I don’t wanna swim, I just wanna relax in the presence of others,” you lie a little. You really just want to be in her presence.
You and her meet the kindergarten teacher down by the pool, and Barb’s eyes widen just slightly when she sees that Melissa brought you.
“Hello, sweetheart,” she still greets you kindly. “Decided to ditch the seminars?”
“I don’t have to go to most of them,” you laugh softly as you tuck a hair behind your ear. “Just the ones that have to do with PBIS and all of that. Other than that, I’ve just been kind of wandering. Saw Melissa, and I tagged along.”
“And she didn’t tell you to beat it?” Barbara raises a brow.
Melissa shrugs. “She looked like a lost puppy dog, so I took her under my wing.”
Little do you or Barbara know, she has had quite the thing for you since you first walked into the building and greeted her while she was bringing her kids down to special. And then when you spoke to her so shyly, but then she could hear you command the gymnasium to gain control of her class- it really struck a chord with her, and she was taken with you. She would never tell you that, and actually was a bit tougher on you than she was with others, but you have her figured out. She seems to be a bit tougher on those she likes rather than just ignore the ones who she tolerates or just genuinely doesn’t enjoy the presence of. 
“I can go if-”
“You’re with us now. Don’t be an idiot,” Melissa rolls her eyes. 
You bite your bottom lip nervously. “Okay, okay.”
You relax in the lounge chair next to her, and you have to admit it’s a little warmer than you were anticipating it being in here (foolishly… it’s an indoor pool area, what we’re you expecting?). So you shrug off your jacket, tie your hair up, and hike your sweatpants up to your knees.
If Barbara and Melissa notice your calves, they don’t say anything.
You end up falling asleep with your arms protectively wrapped around yourself, and you don’t wake until you feel someone gently shaking you.
“Hun, it’s time to get up.” You jolt awake, clearly terrified as your eyes go wide and your breathing gets deeper for a second. But then you look up, and there’s… well, there’s Melissa’s cleavage in your face, and then a bit further up are her emerald eyes. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.”
“It’s ‘kay,” you mumble as you yawn and stretch a bit. “Sorry I fell asleep on youse.”
“Aye, no problem at all,” she smiles down at you. “Just didn’t wanna leave you down here to think Barb and I abandoned ship, but we’re gonna start getting ready for the party.”
“I guess I should too,” you sigh softly as you stand.
You and the redhead head up to your rooms and start to get ready.
It doesn’t take you long to get ready. You really just throw on the dress you brought- one that accentuates your legs- before applying a light amount of makeup. You run your fingers through your hair as you glance in the mirror. You look good. Deciding that you would rather not kill your feet just yet though, you wait to put on your heels.
A bit later, you hear a knock on your door as you’re laying in bed and scrolling through Instagram. You stand and make your way to the door before looking out the peephole. It’s Melissa, and she looks… stunning. Her hair is in big curls, and she has a beautiful green dress on that only makes her eyes pop even more.
“Hey,” you breathe out softly. “You look… wow.”
She gives you a once over. “I could say the same things about you.”
Your cheeks turn red at her compliment and her lingering eyes on your body.
“You ready? I want a math-o-rita in my hand, and the lines will get ridiculous later on,” she tells you. “And this way we can save a table for our group.”
“Y-yeah,” you say softly as you continue to stare at her. “Just let me put on my shoes.”
She nods as she leans against the doorframe and watches. Then, you give her a nod, make sure you have your lipgloss and keycard, and head out.
When you get down there, she immediately heads towards the bar and quickly returns with two drinks in hand. She hands one to you, and the two of you clink your glasses together. You take a nice swig of it in hopes of relaxing. By the time the rest of your group joins you, both of you are on your second drink.
“You two are here early,” Barbara notes as she looks between the two of you. “Are we interrupting something?”
Melissa rolls her eyes. “We got here a little early to get a table.”
“You both look so nice!” Janine grins from next to her work mother.
You smile at her politely. “You as well.”
“I never really took you for a gym rat, although I suppose I should’ve,” Gregory chuckles. “Damn.”
“Seriously,” Jacob eyes you. “In the most gay way possible, I am looking respectfully.”
“What’s your workout routine?” Gregory asks you.
Happy to talk about anything other than work, you begin to list off the various leg exercises you do. Almost everyone is hanging onto your every word. At least that’s what it looks like. They’re all looking at you like you’re a star- all except the one you want to be looking at you: Melissa. She instead picking at her nails and sipping at her drink. The truth of it is, she is also listening to every word, and she’s beginning to get jealous of the way that everyone is ogling you and your legs. She doesn’t want that to show.
When you’re finished, she bites back a laugh. “Guess we skip arm days?”
“Don’t let the outfit fool you,” you chuckle. “My arms may look small, but they’re defined.”
“Compared to your legs,” she rolls her eyes.
“I could bench you,” you laugh back. “Heels and all.”
“Now that is something that I would love to see,” Barbara chuckles. She ignores the death glare your redheaded coworker sends her way.
“You will not,” Melissa states. “Not in this dress.”
“Maybe I’ll just do some bicep curls with you in my arms then,” you challenge her.
“I doubt you could,” she bites out. “Not with those chicken arms.”
You roll your eyes. “One of these days, you’ll see.”
“Sure I will.”
She continues to push your buttons throughout the night, and with the alcohol that you’ve taken in, she teases you.
“Couldn’t press me now, could you?”
“I could press you up against a wall,” you flirt shamelessly, liquid courage acting as your friend.
Her cheeks turn a violent shade of pink, and you grin.
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” you smirk. “I meant that I could squat against the wall and lift you up over my head.”
“That is not what you meant, and you know it,” she scolds you.
You shrug your shoulders innocently. “You’ll never know what I meant, now will you?”
After another round of drinks, she’s still teasing you. You finally decide that you want to put her incessant comments to and end. So, you sweep her off of her feet, heels and all. You make sure that her dress is appropriate before doing a few bicep curls with her in your arms.
She’s stunned, to say the least.
And then, with one little jerk, she’s up over your head. You bring her back down to your arms and hold her there.
“You ready to shut up yet?” you tease her, looking down at her lips.
Her eyes are wide and clearly impressed. She can’t even find the words right now.
“You ready?” you ask again.
She just nods her head, and you set her back down on her feet. You keep an arm around her until she’s found her footing again.
“That was really hot,” Jacob states. You jump slightly, not realizing he was there. “In the least creepy way possible. I had no idea you were that strong.”
“Most people don’t,” you chuckle as you down the rest of your drink. You wink at Melissa as you make your way over to the bar. “I got the next round. Another math-o-rita?”
She nods again as she makes her way back to your table. Barbara is sitting there with a smirk. “She put on quite the show.”
The redhead’s eyes linger on you as you stand at the bar and try to get the attention of the bartender. “Yeah,” she hums noncommittally.
“Girl, when are you just going to ask her out?” the kindergarten teacher asks.
That pulls Melissa out of her trance. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that I’ve seen the way you stare at her and the pep in your step when your kids have gym,” Barbara snorts. “Even in just her joggers and Abbott sweatshirt. You like her.”
“I mean, yeah… she’s a nice woman,” the second grade teacher tries to brush off her friend’s assumption.
“No, you like her.”
“So what if I do?” Melissa asks as she folds her arms over her chest. “There ain’t no way she would ever like me back.”
“She’s been practically drooling over you since she saw you in your swimsuit earlier today, and she’s currently buying you a drink,” Barbara laughs.
“We’ve bought each other drinks before.”
“But I don’t drool over you in a bathing suit, and I know you don’t drool over me,” the kindergarten teacher snorts. “Just ask her out.”
“Maybe when I’m sober,” Melissa rolls her eyes. 
You start to make your way back over, and the redhead can’t help the way that she watches your hips sway.
“You’re drooling,” Barbara nudges her friend.
“Shut up,” Melissa laughs. She takes the drink that you offer her with a grin. The two of you raise your glasses in a toast before you link arms and chug.
You wipe the liquid that had made its way around your mouth with a chuckle. “Give me twenty minutes, and I’ll still be able to lift ya, no problem.”
You wrap your arm around her waist and squeeze her hip gently, the liquid courage once again taking over.
She blushes, but she quickly gets swept away by Derek, challenging her to yet another math-o-rita chugging challenge.
That leaves you and Barbara sitting at the table together.
“So,” the kindergarten teacher nudges you. “When are you gonna make a move on that redhead you were curling earlier?”
You raise a brow. “What do you mean?”
“When are you gonna ask her out? I heard you tell her you could press her up against a wall, and you and I both know you didn’t mean that in an innocent way,” she chuckles.
You shrug. “Maybe when I’m positive she likes me. I ain’t about to make a fool out of myself and then have to work with her.”
“I think she made it pretty clear she likes you with the way she’s been practically undressing you with her eyes all night,” the kindergarten teacher tells you. 
You laugh. “No she hasn’t.” When she raises a brow and hits you with the trademarked Barbara Howard look, you sigh. “Okay, maybe when we’re both sober… if I can ever work up the nerve.”
“Just give it some thought, sweetheart,” Barb tells you. “Melissa… she’s a tough cookie, but she’s got the biggest heart I know of, and as much as she tries not to, she wears it on her sleeve.”
You nod thoughtfully before smiling. “You think she’d say yes to a date with me?”
“No question,” your colleague tells you.
You think on it for a second, and you go to speak again- to tell Barbara that you might just ask her tonight- when you hear Melissa loudly calling your name.
“Hun! I need a cheerleader so I can absolutely kick Derek’s ass again!”
You look over in her direction and raise a brow, questionably.
“Please, babe!”
Oh, you know she’s so drunk. You can’t ask her out on a date, a serious one, when she’s as hammered as she is. You roll your eyes playfully but saunter over.
She slings an arm around your waist before she gets another drink. Without any hesitation, she chugs the entirety of it before Derek can finish even half of his. You’re impressed to say the least. After she slams down the empty glass to prove she’s finished, she kisses your cheek in celebration.
Not that either of you know it, but Barbara has a video of it.
It’s a bit longer before the two of you finally decide to retire to your rooms for the night… you’re both quite a bit intoxicated, and the redhead practically hangs off of you as you help her down the hall.
Of course, when you go to turn to your own room, she grabs your arm. “Come in?”
“Yeah, I can,” you tell her gently. “Just let me change, and I’ll be over.”
She gives you her best puppy dog eyes, but you insist. “Mel, I really don’t want to be in this dress longer than I have to be.”
“But you look… stunning.”
“While I appreciate the compliment, I would like to get comfortable.”
She relents and turns into her own room. When you knock on her door again, she’s still in her dress though, with the sweetest frown on her face.
“I can’t get out of this,” she tells you. “Stupid zipper.”
You enter her room before spinning her around gently. You unzip it with ease.
“Jeez, take me out on a date before you start undressing me,” she quips teasingly.
You see the opportunity in front of you, and you take it. “How about tomorrow at seven?”
“Only if you show up with those legs out again,” she flirts back.
“It’s a date.”
The two of you spend a few hours chatting and having a few more drinks in her room- beers she brought with her to pre-game before your really do head back to your room to get some much needed sleep.
As you pull the blankets around you, you smile to yourself. You know that she isn’t going to remember you asked her out tonight, but you think that you have the courage to do it again sober now.
The next morning comes, and Melissa comes out of her room with her hood up, sunglasses over her eyes, and she’s drinking Pedialyte through a straw as she wheels her luggage out.
You roll your eyes at her fondly. “Hey there,” you greet her, entirely too perky for her liking at this hour and in her state.
“How are you not dying?” she asks.
You smirk. “I didn’t have a chugging challenge with Derek last night.”
“Eh, worth it to keep my title,” she shrugs.
“You better rally for tonight. You have a date.”
“What?” she lowers her sunglasses so you can see the shock in her eyes.
You smirk. “You have a date… with me.”
The smiles that she breaks out into could light up all of Philly alone. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”
With that, you leave her to continue to nurse the hangover for the car ride home with Barbara as you race off to check out of the hotel and head home. You have a date to plan.
Melissa waits down in the lobby for Barbara to finish packing up her weekend bags. When the kindergarten teacher comes over, the redhead, although clearly hungover, is deep in her own thoughts. 
“What’s got you looking like smoke is about to come out of your head this early in the morning?”
“I have a date with Y/N tonight.”
“About damn time,” Barbara smiles. “Let’s get you home so you can nurse that hangover and be ready for her.”
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