#willingly for the first time in a long time
captain-joongz · 20 hours
Thinking about free use husband!Joshua…
Coming home to him and wrapping your arms around him from behind while he is cooking .. kissing his neck and shoulders and teasing him until he gets hard
Making him keep cooking while you start to touch him cruelly, praising and degrading him in the same breath
And he loves it, letting you do whatever you want to him, making him submit, even though he would do it willingly, this way makes his body shake, until he has to turn off everything and stop before he collapses on the floor…
Maybe this doesn’t make any sense, maybe it does, I cant really tell im too tired 😭
- ✨
(Btw you’re gonna get that job!!)
so sorry for the delay darling, i ended up taking a little break for dinner and a shower, but now i'm back and more ready than ever to tackle this delicious scenario~
and thank you for the encouragement! i honestly don't know how to feel about the interview today, but hopefully it didn't go completely awfully haha! i have another one tomorrow afternoon, so there's more awaiting ! but that one is for an english teacher, which i think should be perfect for me <3
here's your delicious little story ✨anon <3 and as always, hard hours continue and will continue for another week !!
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warnings: cursing, marking, subby Shua, handjob, cumming in pants
ooooh now, Joshua is a little bit of a wild card, isn't he? i feel that he has a strong and easy-going enough personality that people would assume he'd like to naturally lead, but also there's this air of gentleness and prettiness about him that just screams "i'll let someone take care of me", not to mention that he's a sassy little bastard
so maybe he would sometimes brat out a little, have some cheeky remarks, but deep down he just loved submitting to you, especially when you came home all fired up from a long hard day at work. oh he'd know that you'd need to get your hands on him and unwind with the fierce aura of exhaustion and frustration enveloping you
he'd at least hoped he'd be able to finish the dinner he was preparing for the two of you, but then you were in the kitchen, wrapping your hands around him in a back-hug, smushing your face into his shoulder
"hard day?"
"oh god, you don't even know. janet from accounting is being a cunt again, it's crazy."
for a few moments the chatter between you flowed without interruption, you hanging off of him and loudly complaining about a coworker that's been making your life ten thousand times harder, and he'd started to relax and focused back onto cooking
but that's what you were waiting for
the second you could feel him untense in your hold, your hands started to wander. at first only slowly caressing his sides or across his tummy, touches that could easily be read as comfort, but then your hand strayed a little too up and pressed up on his nipple just as you pressed an open-mouthed kiss to his neck, both feeling and hearing his breath hitch under you
"baby..." he'd say breathlessly, trying to reprimand you but his body would already be heating up with the promises it came to understand from your hands
you wouldn't stop, for anything, busying yourself by leaving hot laving kisses to his neck and behind his ear, one hand carefully massaging his scalp and tugging at his hair while the other one slyly made its way under his t-shirt to tease his nipple without the barrier of clothing
you'd love the feeling of him tensing under you, his body going all high-strung when you'd press down on the stiff little peak and push it around with your lazy fingers, breaths leaving him in huffs and sighs every time you'd tug his hair a little harder
he'd still try to pretend to be fully focused on cooking, but it would all grow hazy in front of his eyes, his lids threatening to fall shut with every electrifying rush of lust and pleasure from your ministrations, and soon he'd start messing up - clumsy hands dropping the spoon, crushing the ingredients in his palms on every hard bite you distributed to his neck, and you'd chuckle at his plight
"what is it, baby? aren't you a little clumsy tonight?"
he'd huff at your words but say nothing, stubbornly trying to ignore you and your games - and that would only stoke your fire and provoke you into upping the ante
now sticking your both your hands under his clothes, one migrating to give attention to the other nipple while the second naughty hand travelled south until you were cupping his half-hard cock and punching a moan out of him
"Shua, baby, you're not paying attention to the food at all, i'm so disappointed. i was looking forward to your cooking all day, but you can't focus long enough to not burn it..."
"don't be so mean" he'd whine and you'd tsk at him
"is that any way to talk to me?" gripping him harder, you'd love the way he'd groan under you, hands abandoning the utensils to grip at the counter, but you'd quickly grab them and push them back to the pot
"go on, baby, cook for me if you want my praises"
and Joshua would give it a valiant try, he really would, stirring the food in little aborted motions while you rolled his nipples between your fingers and kissed at the bitten and marked skin of his neck, hand massaging and squeezing the growing bulge in his pants, and the kitchen would be full of the sounds of hissing cooking food and his little sighs and breathless moans
but he'd know it's game over town the moment your hand slipped into his pants and gripped his cock. the skin on skin contact was almost enough to send him crashing to the ground, knees buckling and knocking into each other with the surge of pleasure. and yeah, he definitely didn't even see what he was doing anymore, head tipped back and whines spilling out with every slow measured stroke on his cock
you'd see his hands shaking on the utensils, you'd see how he'd start losing focus, not moving them anymore, instead jerking his hips in tiny little circles to fuck into your hand - and of course you'd still him and tell him he needed to do better - and of course he'd moan at that, his cock jumping in excitement
"i c-can't, fuck, wanna cum please-" you'd recognise the tell tale signs he was close, the way he'd squeeze his eyes shut while his mouth fell open, the way his whines got more and more high-pitched and his hips shook as he supressed the need to pump them into the tightness of your fist
"go on, baby, you've been such a good boy for me"
and that would be all it took for him to frantically start turning the stove off, barely managing to catch onto the counter before the combined stimulation of you biting his ear and squeezing the tip of his throbbing cock sent him over the edge and he came in his pants, shaking in your arms with soft cries
Shua would turn to jelly in your embrace, barely even holding up on his own two feet while the half-cooked food cooled down on the stove, but it would be hard to pay attention to anything else except for his body thrumming with the release and the gentle kisses and praises you whispered into his lips for listening to you so well
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divider by @cafekitsune
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zeyris-daydreams · 1 day
About the fox and the rabbit 🛡️ [2]
Yandere Tighnari x reader. Last part. In which the bunny finds hope, or in which the hope is seized and crushed.
Tamer than last. Tighnari has an accomplice.
[part 1]
Adjusting to your new situation shouldn't be difficult for you. You had a roof over your head; a warm bed and food. Tighnari never failed to provide you with entertainment or reading material, were you to ask for it.
But who would willingly cave in and plead for the bare minimum like so? After all, to do so was to admit defeat, and show you were used to your current situation.
Well, that would be exactly why you bothered with asking in the first place. Prey are of weak mind, and weak willed people cave in. That's the nature of this world, whether you'd like to believe otherwise didn't truly matter.
Tighnari was the superior one in this dynamic, or so he'd like to say. While it hasn't been more than a few weeks, he'd perhaps assume you've adjusted to your predicament splendidly. And, while he noticed your occasional longing gazes to the window, his resolve didn't falter. Aside from sometimes, where you truly looked beaten down by your situation.
But that wasn't very often, as the guilt was always overridden. Either but a sense of pride or deep desire, one so sickly he'd rather believe it's animalism, rather than his true self. Perhaps with your escape attempts decreasing, Tighnari himself began to trust you.
He wasn't always mean, and he wasn't always nice either. After settling you down in that little place of his, you found he's grown.. attached. The man still terrified you however. Being prey under the care of a predator, that was hardly the fate anyone could've ever asked for.
And in a sense, you've never asked for it either. That didn't stop the fox from smothering you with unwanted affections, whether it was using you as a personal toy to hug at night, or as a private warmer for colder days. Tighnari could be nice. Or play nice, at least, when you played nice yourself. In the end, the fox had no doubt about it, you'd cave in eventually.
A prey can only take so much, and by the time you went a while without trying to be disobedient, he assumed you'd grown used to it. That, perhaps now willingly, you'd stay in place like asked.
Then again he couldn't be more wrong. Prey is prey, and while prey caves in, its intelligence never goes higher than the intelligence of a petulant brat. That's what he'd - ignoring all your expertise - would say, upon noticing you gone.
It was a fairly cold day, as cold as it could get in Sumeru. Which didn't say much. Still, it was fairly early that he came back home to you, only to find your books long abandoned and the doors unlocked. The blankets were scattered from your bed, and he analyzed the inside of the home like a crime scene.
The soft materials were thrown off the mattress, laying on the floor. And he could only assume it was done in haste. Presumably you got to your attempt right when he left the place, the rush visible in everything thrown down. The reading material you've received the night prior seemed to be untouched, on the nightstand where he left it.
Gritting his teeth together, he looked over to the doors again. He couldn't be sure when exactly you've bolted out. And perhaps that was entirely your plan, if you left when he was gone, he'd hardly know where you could've gone to. And that only served to stirr paranoia within him.
The outside was dangerous for a fragile, idiotic thing you were. Even when you attempted to work under him previously, you weren't the most precise person. Forever clumsy and nervous. In a sense, he felt scared. Not because of you gone, but because of what could happen to you.
As he walked back and forth the place his eyes never lingered on a single thing. Instead, he already imagined the worst scenarios. Perhaps you've tripped on something. What if something bit you? Worse, what if someone saw you and decided you're too sweet to walk around like this?
He's always been paranoid, and while he realised your natural inferiority, he was also swept off his feet by you. Unfortunately that standing didn't give you power over this dynamic, as he was worried that you'd get hurt. Similarly to an owner of a pet worrying for its well being.
Then, there was also an off chance you've already gone further.
Have you told somebody already? Did you run for it, exposing him? Maybe you've blatantly lied about how much of a horrible person he is, for giving you a purpose appropriate to your being.
He sat himself down at the edge of the bed, fingers shaking as he thought. Tighnari knew that calming himself down would be the priority, and that's what he tried to do. After all, had you exposed him, he'd be aware of it by now.
He vaguely remembered someone passing him the message from Cyno to meet today. But first, he wanted to check on you. Given your clear disappearance, he'd have to contact him anyway. And so, after much internal turmoil, he finally stood, heading out once more.
Your plan was over before you've even known it. Everything was perfect, the time, the place. You could've sworn that by the time you crossed the border, it would've been too late for him to retrieve you.
That's why, once he was gone, you broke out and ran for it. If you were fast enough, you'd get far enough away. And that's what you tried to do, leaving the forest and heading down the single path available.
Tighnari kept you inside for the most part, tucked away like a pearl inside a clam. Hoarded even, and so the lack of movement caused you to become fatigued easily. General lack of physical activity only made you prone to exhaustion, and so while walking, you had to take necessary breaks. It was only due to those breaks that it took you longer than usual to get anywhere. Perhaps if you informed one of the eremites in corps of thirty? Or a matra.
It did give you better survival chances. In the end that's what you did, and although exhausted from the long walk, you stood in Padris Dhyai. You chose this place instead of Sumeru city due to it being situated further, as you hoped that the fox would assume you've chosen Sumeru city instead.
Upon settling near a fountain, you realised the exhaustion. To get here in a short amount of time you attempted to walk fast, running on occasion. You weren't prepared for such a journey either, and so, despite thoughts running through your mind the entire time, you could only focus on the ache on the bottom of your feet.
For the moment you finally, truly breathed. You could only focus on the physical sensation of your strained muscles, but also on the area around. The growing and vibrant plants, the clean cobble laid down on pathways. Despite your rush, you felt a sense of appreciation.
A sense of… happiness, at finally seeing the outside.
You wished you could've broken out earlier. Perhaps you wished your run wasn't this exhausting, but it only made sense. With you being weakened, you wouldn't be insane enough to journey just to get to Padris Dhyai, meaning he'd be less likely to look for you there. And that's exactly what you did.
As you looked around the architecture of the place a weird sense of dread washed over you, but you passed it off as merely fear of being caught. And so you continued, noticing some men from the corps of thirty. And as you walked to approach them, you've noticed them speaking to one of the mahamatra you vaguely remember seeing before.
He was turned with his back to you, wearing a strange garment and barefoot, and you merely stood. As he finished speaking you noticed him facing you, brow raised in expectation.
The other men only glanced before making their way somewhere else. It was strange, mechanical almost. As if the mahamatra felt your presence.
Your fingers twitched, your voice hoarse from the journey. “I… need help.”
For a moment his expression shifted, from neutrality to recognition. But it was moments, and he moved his white hair from his face as though to see you better. “Did something happen?”
At that point you felt too shaken and anxious. The more you spoke the more you felt like you'd be pounced on and dragged back inside. It was a terrible feeling of impending doom, as if you've picked the wrong dialogue.
“Yes I- I've been held.. held captive and I only manage to escape-” you cleared your throat. “I need to get out of here please I-”
Before you could get more panicked about the matter you felt his hand on your shoulder. “You are safe now.” He began, and yet you knew you weren't so sure. Nothing about this made you comforted. “You seem awfully fragile. Let's go somewhere to talk, it will be better than here.”
All you managed was a nod, a shaky one at that, and you looked to the ground. The man led you along the spiral stairs, and while staring down at your steps you noticed the flowers blooming on the side of the path. So vibrant and free.
The mahamatra introduced himself as Cyno, and as he walked you to a plant glass house nearby he briefly elaborated on what he was doing here. Perhaps you would've listened more attentively, were it not for you focusing on the glass house itself.
It had benches inside, the ground on it evenly split to house plants and alike. Many flowers you've recognised and seen before, having known their medical properties. Other ones you weren't sure of anymore. You couldn't revise your knowledge for a few weeks now.
His speech was all a means of comforting you, that's for sure. Once he sat you down he allowed you to speak properly, his eyes never leaving yours. As strange as this individual looked, he seemed safe enough.
And so everything poured out of you like water rolling from stones struck by lightning. And before you knew you cried. You explained, sighed, wiped your tears, confessed.
Then again with all the words you spoke the mahamatra seemed just as calm as before. Perhaps his job already desensitized him to such displays, and he could only offer an occasional nod. That, or an additional question, to make you feel heard.
“And this… Tighnari person you speak of. Do you have any details I could go by?”
Appearance and otherwise you explained as best as you could. Midway through your conversation you've noticed Cyno leave the glass house briefly. He spared you a look before talking with another person - you assumed it was merely him arranging something for you, and you felt even a slither of hope. That is until you've seen the man write down what Cyno spoke of. Whatever it was, you didn't comprehend the words from such a distance.
The tingling sense of dread didn't leave once he came back and sat next to you once more. He offered to take you to Sumeru city for more comfort in filing a report, but you only shook your head.
A part of you felt strange. Happy, yet unrested. “No, no. I believe.. I believe it's easier if we do it in a discreet way I- he told- he said before that even if I run he knows.. he knows people.”
There was a tightness in your throat as you spoke, and you placed your hand on your neck. Cyno simply nodded in understanding, but offered no comment on your ideas.
While discussing your next move you've noticed he generally was a quiet person. For the most part he allowed you to speak and plan, but he didn't offer input of his own. To your questioning of what's better, he merely offered a shrug.
“Do.. do you think I should go for- Fontaine or.. liyue maybe. It's closer..?”
But Cyno could only question such a choice. “But how will that help? I'd assume it's best to take care of the issue at its root.”
If you'd known better, you could've assumed he means your predicament. But that was the furthest of what Cyno meant. “Then- then do you think I'm better off having forces involved in the matter?”
“Well, what do you think?”
For a moment you could've sworn it felt as though Cyno was not paying attention. But he was. He was listening to every detail of your story.
“I'm.. I don't know I've.. I've thought about it for so long.” And so you remained visibly troubled, looking at the flowers in the glass house. You've been occupied far too long to focus on the things around you. It's been only a few hours.
With a sigh you looked at Cyno, but only for a moment. “I had.. plenty of ideas. Like.. I don't know…I could… I could tell everyone- he- he did a horrible thing and I need.. I need people to know he's-” You felt your feelings get the better of you, before Cyno cleared his throat.
“Calm down. It's alright, speak clearly. We need to come to some understanding on how we will deal with it.” he began, but you weren't sure. Like so he slowly coaxed you to open up about all of your ideas to escape.
You slowly explained what things you could do to remain free. How you wished to expose the fox for who he truly was, how you wanted to warn others. And how, most importantly, you wished to flee and be safe.
Yet every time you spoke you had second thoughts. While you had no reasons for concern now, you definitely did once he went back to nodding. Listening, but not offering any input, no further ideas or his own thoughts.
You stared at your hands for a moment, before playing with the edges of your sleeves. Tighnari had enough decency to keep you clothed, but you didn't think of it that way. “Could we… get him convicted?
After brief silence you finally looked at Cyno, and he seemed lost in thought. “If we do get proof.” The statement meant nothing by itself. And yet, you've felt an underlying threat of it.
It wasn't long before you ran out of things to say, and you were met with silence. Cyno was deep in his mind however. And as the quietness progressed you found your fingers restless, before you noticed Cyno’s gaze be cast towards the glass house entrance.
There he stood, seemingly out of breath, ears dropped. He seemed annoyed, now that you thought about it. Tighnari was leaned against the frame of the entrance, and he frowned upon seeing you. Still, as quickly as he saw you, he looked towards Cyno.
Brief silence followed. No one spoke, and then finally..
“Thanks for holding her here. I don't know how much longer that could've taken.”
And perhaps the sense of dread you've felt before wasn't placed there by a mistake. The mahamatra spared you a brief glance, before nodding, standing. In the moment you wished for nothing more than to merge with the floor, and your throat went dry.
All words you could've spoken were gone, if there were words you could've said to begin with. “You're lucky I've been there, then. She said she'd prefer to tell everyone what happened”
Cyno's words carried some disdain, and as the fox straightened, the mahamatra only walked to him. Tighnari raised his brow. “Did she now?”
Perhaps that's why Cyno was so attentive. Then, it made sense. You slowly stood, while you wished to remain frozen in place, you couldn't. If you did, your plans would've failed once more. And so you tried to run for it, your feet trampling flowers beneath.
You aimed for the other entrance to the glass house, but a hand firmly grabbed your arm, tugging you back. “Not so fast.”
It was all that it took to make defeat settle in your bones, deeply, fully. Perhaps you wouldn't get away. Not now, not ever.
“Just what to do with you to really teach you your place, hm?”
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Today's the day. Today's the day, Amelie decides, gathering the courage. Today is finally the day they come out to their father and stop putting on the façade of a trophy.
It gets ready, making sure to give Willard extra attention, partially due to stalling and dragging everything out until it can't anymore. Partially because faer cat can see their stress and worries.
This can go so many ways,many of which are dangerously wrong,but it has to do it. The stress and denial is just not worth it anymore. The façade is cracking either way.
Unlike usual, instead of getting there through a door,it takes a taxi. Amelie needs the extra time to think things through. Unfortunately, getting to their father's office isn't a long ride and it's over before they can even relax in the slightest.
So they make their way, knocking quietly on the door with a slightly shaking hand.
“Please come in.”- faer father says, unaware of who is standing behind the door.
With a moment of hesitation,it enters the office,a slight smile on their face. It's aware it looks different,but they couldn't do it anymore. They were sick of dressing in pinks and dresses that felt suffocating. They were sick of seeing the same ginger hair as their father's.
James seems more than taken aback at the sight of his child standing there with bright blue hair and a purple velvet suit,so unlike the version he is used to.
“Alice? Is everything alright? You… look rather different today.”
He says the word as if it's bad. To him,it very well might be. He was always too worried about others' opinions about him, doing his best to blend in and not drive any attention towards his appearance. He loved saying how the nail that sticks out gets hammered in.
“I can assure you that I am feeling perfectly fine,no need to worry about me.”- they smile, sitting down in the chair in front of his desk.
“What's the matter with your appearance? Is this some sort of a joke?”
“About that… I have come to tell you something.”
Amelie breathes in, fidgeting with faer septum slightly. They avoid its father's eyes,scared of what they'll see in them. His disapproval might as well break them.
“Well then. Go on,Alice.”
Amelie takes a deep breath,feeling the scrutinising gaze on them. Will he take their words seriously? Only one way to find it out.
“Well,first off,please call me Amelie. I… I do not like being called Alice anymore. Second, my pronouns are they/them,so please do not call me a girl. I am non binary and aro ace. I am no longer willingly tolerating being misgendered,so please make sure to remember this.”
They rattle it out,scared of being interrupted. Amelie stills,waiting for a reaction. James seems to process this for a few minutes before breaking into an amused loud chuckle.
“Really,Alice? That is what you had to say? I almost thought you wanted to discuss serious matters. I told you several years ago,sweetie, you will forever stay my precious little girl.”
He gets up to pinch Amelie's cheek. Others would see it as a sign of affection,but to them,it was patronising. A confirmation that he will stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the change of his child.
"Are you sure your work is not stressing you out too much? Mayhaps you could benefit from a change?"
Their heart drops and shatters right beneath their feet,despair and anger slowly bubbling. What did they try for? It changed nothing. Might as well have made it worse. Should they accept this? Keep up the façade and let it slowly break them to pieces until fae can no longer function?
The words said by Outis and Jackson echo in their mind. Giving up means leaving them behind,and they could not do it. They couldn't let down their friends and let this defeat them.
So they make a choice.
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Oh fuck benzodiazepines my beloved.....
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rottengurlz · 1 year
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lover, don't touch me // leave, i am a danger to you // but ooh, i hunger for you
#this is leona's vampire lover audra#i guess you could say the first time they met was when audra nearly killed her in a blood lust because she hadnt fed in so long#idk how to describe it well but audra suddenly stopped devouring her when leona looked at her with no fear in her eyes#but looked at audra like she was something to worship#she whispered that audra was so beautiful even as her own blood was splattered between them and staining her lips#leona had never seen someone or something so perfect and powerful#power that she wanted and knew exactly how to get when audra whimpered over the slightest bit of praise#i never talk about them but i am CONSTANTLY thinking about them <3#some fun little facts is leona killed her husband in cold blood because he was pitiful and boring#she married the first person to show any interest in her just to get away from her family#he would have been a perfectly good husband for anyone else#but the best part of their marriage was when she stabbed him in the stomach 47 times and felt his blood splatter against her skin#for audra OBVIOUSLY had to make another oc who would do anything to be loved even if it means destroying herself#audra was turned very suddenly and without any guidance#she murdered her lover without even realizing it she opened her eyes to find them splattered across every surface of the room#because of that shes done everything she can to protect herself from others even if it means starving herself of blood#until she goes into a frenzy#leona is the first person she has ever willingly fed off of#idk if willingly is the right word since leona practically begs her to do it#i really want to remake leona now.........#i like how leona looks but i want her to match audra better#mysims#the sims 4#simblr#sims 4 screenshots#sims 4 cas#ts4 cas#sims 4 edit#ts4
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onedragonaday · 8 months
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1/16/24 Theoradus from Dragon slippers
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hallufabrication · 8 months
It's a small world
A fic about various things I wanted to write about instead of rambling about them; focuses on Manta and Hannah. The whole thing is under the cut.
Manta didn’t expect his and Hannah’s connection to fizzle out the way it did.
Not that he was expecting anything specific; She wasn’t someone he would really consider a friend. At the same time, though, he couldn’t deny that they weren’t exactly strangers, either. They hung out sometimes, she tried to help him during his illegal race against Corto, and they bonded over how great they thought Teach tech was – something that left a bitter taste in his mouth now.
He would have expected some kind of a lukewarm goodbye, or an awkward wave as they stepped onto the boats meant to take them to their homes. But as the boat steering towards the Solar Sea took off, there was no exchange between them - in fact, he wasn’t even anywhere nearby, instead preparing for his and Shino’s attempt at getting a better life for themselves.
He did think then if he should have approached her outburst the day before the way he did. Back then, he didn’t see it as anything more than a show of weakness; she wouldn’t have lasted a day in what he had to live through on Polaris. Why should she get sympathy for being a double-crosser? For only feeling bad now that it was too late anyway, now that Gavinda’s plan was in full swing?
But it wasn’t too late. Not to her and the Tikis, anyway. And she did her part in fighting against Teach…
Unlike him, at first.
No, Hannah wasn’t weak. After everything, Manta could tell that much.
Maybe he shouldn’t have underestimated how cruel Teach could have been to her. Maybe that shouldn’t have been his last words to her.
“Oh well. Too bad”, he thought, going back to packing his stuff. What’s done is done.
He hasn’t really thought about this, or anything related to the Mirages, for the next few months. He had more important things on his mind - building a new life from scratch with Shino (and Debbie) on an entirely new island was challenging enough to take away any time he could have had for reminiscing about his old acquaintances from the Whale Cup.
They weren’t on his mind these few months later, as he was walking through one of the lesser known alleys of Tortuga to his boat, either - at least not until he saw a familiar looking silhouette walking through one of the streets he’d usually pass.
“Hannah?” He called out instinctively, more out of surprise than anything else.
“Oh– hi, Manta.” She replied, turning around to face him. “Been a while, huh?”
“Yeah, but– What are you doing here?”
“On Tortuga? I came for the Rotor Punch, obviously.” She shrugged. “But, I wanted to see how you’re doing with my own two eyes while I’m here, too.”
“You heard of me?” He asked, squinting his eyes.
“Duh. It’d be harder to not hear of the famous White Tiger, honestly.” She said, leaning on the wall next to her. “You’re taking Aquagram by storm– You know that, right?”
He shrugged and made an indecipherable hum. Debbie did tell him that he was getting more popular day by day, but he never really got interested in how popular he was outside of Tortuga, exactly. His winning streak mattered to him more than whatever she was doing over on her hologlove.
“Wait, but– Rotor Punch? You’re competing?”
“What, you think I can’t handle it?”
“It’s just– I didn’t know if you’d still be racing after… Everything.”
Hannah frowned for a short second, but quickly smirked instead.
“It takes more than that to make me quit, you know. I managed to get into Solar Empire’s drone guard.”
She crossed her arms, still leaning on the wall.
“So, I’m the one representing the Empire this year.”
“Oh, wow. You got yourself a solid position, huh?” He said, walking over and sitting down on the stairs next to her. “How’d you even do that?”
“Eh, turns out getting to the finals of the Whale Cup was good enough of an achievement to sign up. Only had to climb a few ranks after that.”
“Pshf, sounds easy.” He teased. She only hummed in response.
“What about Adam? Is he participating with you?”
A slight grimace showed up on Hannah’s face. Manta wasn’t sure how to decipher what emotion it was supposed to show.
“...No, he’s not. He hasn’t reached out to me after Teach’s defeat.”
“Oh.” Manta said. “...Sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Hannah sighed, sitting next to him on the stairs.
“...I haven’t tried to reach him, either. At first I thought I should, since Teach manipulated him, too, but… He was always more invested in her plans than I was. It seems like we both picked our sides.”
“...I see.”
A moment of silence fell upon them.
“And you’re…not worried?”
Hannah glared at him for a few seconds before deciding on an answer.
“I… don’t know. I have mixed feelings about it all.” She stated, resting her chin on her hand.
“Teach was cruel to him, too. She’s not going to suddenly do a 180. But, if that was his choice, then–”
She suddenly waved with the same hand in the air, leaning back.
“--so be it! I’m not going to chase after someone who made up their mind!”
She let out something between a groan and a sigh, hiding her face with her hands for a moment.
“...What’s it to you, anyway? I didn’t take you for the type to talk about this kinda stuff.”
Manta shrugged, looking somewhere else.
“You were the one who said it’s been a while.”
“Heh– yeah, that’s true.” She chuckled. “I guess it did a number on you.”
They sat for a moment in silence before Hannah stood up from the stairs.
“...Well, I should go. I take it you’re taking part in the Rotor Punch too, right?”
“Of course. Who do you take me for?”
“Yeah, thought so.” She smirked again, turning back to go about her way.
“I’ll see you around, then. Just don’t expect me to go easy on you.”
“Psh, as if I’d need that. But yeah. See you around.” He replied, also getting up from the sidewalk.
As he got back to walking to his boat, he felt a sense of a relief he didn’t expect.
Turns out, he was sorta glad to see her again.
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pallases · 1 month
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mackmp3 · 7 months
went rock climbing for the first time in a few years it was really fun it was really fun and my climbing partner was this beautiful boy who sort of looked like one of my friends but a guy and he had a lovely british accent and curly hair down past his eyes...
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
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Love VS submission, control and freedom/going wild
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twice now i have had dreams that seem to span days wherein i reconnect with [man i posted about a date with licherally last year] and am more intimate with him than i ever was......i had a boyfriend for five months since we lost touch and i had a date just last week that went very nicely.....why am i being tormented ! i have never stayed hung up this long this is insane!!?!!
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dutybcrne · 1 year
Unless Kaeya is completely comfortable with the person, he would never actively want to have sex with someone facing them nor from the front. The last thing he wants is for them to see/feel him like that, especially if fully undressed
#suggestive#//First sinday hc whoop whoop#hc; kaeya#//The exceptions outside his special few are ones he wants smth out of he knows might get off on his body#//it’s maddeningly dysphoria inducing; esp with some of the things they might say; and always leaves his skin crawling#//But it’s nothing a little booze and pride in getting smth he wanted out of it to can’t help cope#//Not entirely wash away; but at least ease the burn of it a little#//The select few allowed to see him fully are numbered enough to be counted on One hand#//And even then; the whole time through the first few goes with him; he WILL be analyzing each and every reaction and word they say#//What extra non-related info can I fit in here hmm#//Deffo a power bottom; but will happily jump at the chance to peg sb if given the opportunity#//Really likes taking initiative and pleasing his partner; though is okay being used by them from time to time#//He just likes the feeling of being in control of himself and the situation most#//will only willingly give it up; again; for the sake of getting smth he wants out of the other or if he really trusts the other person#not to take things too far. That; or he’s being incredibly self-destructive; but that's a WHOLE other can of worms#//He doesn’t mind if the other person is rough with him or not; so long as he can still have an opening to turn tables he’s fine#//Will let them do whatever; but once he starts reaching his limits & starts poking for ways to fight back?#//If he can’t find one; it Will get ugly#//Has retaliated quite viciously to those who cross lines with him; esp if he knows it was deliberate. Severity varies depending#//Playful competitiveness and attempts to quell him to submission are fine; but if he starts feeling it’s getting a little Too serious#THEN it’s a problem. Has only happened a handful of times; but he’s still wary of it#//Shit what do I tag on that last bit#//Adding to a previous bit; he won't mind taking on a more passive role if his partner wants it; esp if necessary#//Really; most anything goes with him so long as he has an out or two; give him that much and he's good#//He won't mind setting his preferences aside for whatever reason so long as he has that much#//Will still playfully try and tug the reins out of his partner's hands though; can't & won't change that he'll still be a lil shit about i#//That is a MUST. It's so fun to him esp if they get annoyed enough to try and fuck it out of him
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anaid-queen · 2 years
Hypnotic by Zella Day is babygay Will in full awe of & surrendering himself to his new daddy sire Angelus
I’ll Be Yours by Placebo is Angelus deciding that this boy is his, and taking care of him best as he knows how (by establishing himself as his greatest and only source of comfort, his last and only authority, master and carer at once)
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takenene · 2 years
guess what. turns out i do actually have a least favourite genre of fanfic, and no, it's probably not what you think.
you know those canon rewrites that change the premise in ways that, by all means, should butterfly effect THE FUCK out of the plot, only then it just... doesn't? so what you get is basically a faithful retelling of canon, with characters having gained a fascinatingly different perspective on their circumstances, that changes ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?!?!?!?!
fucking. bonus points if there are direct quotes from the source material
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baccan0pe · 1 year
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rescnatd · 15 hours
Only the veteran survivors of the Battle Beneath the Crescent are aware of how much Geshu Lin's death affected Jiyan. Even fewer actually the truest extent of this and why.
#hc; jiyan#//he himself is rather frustrated at his own lingering attachment to the man. Bc really; he SHOULDN'T be#//It wasn't as though he and the man ever really saw eye-to-eye in life; their core ideals the furthest thing from each other#//It wasn't as though the man's stubbornness & ruthless strategies didn't make his blood BOIL more often than not; as solider & medic#//It wasn't as though the man would have EVER looked at him the same way Jiyan did to him#//Be it due to the power imbalance b/w General & combat medic or the near decade & a half yrs between them; or the fact that GL's eyes were#only ever on the battlefield ahead; fighting for a future he & everyone else around him damn well knew he would never live to see#//Jiyan knew it was hopeless the moment he'd realized how he felt; the foolish little bloom of first love amid resentment & frustration#//& yet even three years later; Jiyan can't help but CLING to those phantoms of him; those of the Retroact Rain & within his own memories#//He yet clings to the way the man had always seemed to shine; like the full moon on a cloudy night. Of the first sight he ever had of him#when he'd been assigned to the man's service; the cold determination glinting in his eyes; sharp as a blade and just as merciless#//He clings to the Respect he had for him; for his quick choices in battle; seemingly unwavering resolve; the power he possessed to protect#& destroy with chilling ease–things Jiyan himself wished he could have. He desperately strove to be exactly like him; sans the way he would#endanger his own men for the sake o victory. That; Jiyan would never forgive & never let the man forget it. & was most definitely annoyed#to hell & back when he'd get brushed or even laughed off times he dared step out of line & call it out; to the horror of other soldiers#//It felt as if GL acknowledged & willingly accepted his vitriol with open arms. Was it a challenge or self-punishment? Jiyan never knew#//All he knew is it always made even more upset; and prompted more clashes between the two on their ideals. A selfish part of him liked to#believe these arguments helped distract GL from the horrors of war; a twisted solace amid it all. It did.does help ease the sting a bit#//At first; he confided in folks like Ningwei or trusted older soldiers about those sightings; how shaken they left him; how guilty he felt#in wanting to see MORE of them; so tempted to try and talk to them; rather than fight or ignore them like he'd supposed to#//But w their increasing concern & gentle attempts to get him to step back or even suggest stepping down as General; he's clammed up tight#//Now no one but him & the phantoms know how frequent & intense the sighting get; as far as anyone knows; he hasn't seen any of GL in 2yrs#//Meanwhile; Jiyan is fightin for his life & sanity; feeling his heart break over & over again each time he bears the brunt of harsh words#over his intentions & strategies; his soft heart unwilling to sacrifice his men for victory. Of just SEEING him & that steely gaze again#//At times; Jiyans wonders what would happen if he gave into selfishness & tried to act on his longing upon these phantoms#//Would they disappear? Reject him? Accept him? Would he stop being so haunted by him with the closure it could bring?#//But he's terrified of any and every possibility. And most of all; he's disgusted in himself for daring to sully the memory of his General#with such thoughts and desires. It's a disservice & insult to him; wanting to use what's left of his presence in this world like that#//& yet Jiyan can't bring himself to let go of it. If this is all he has of him now; how can he bear to let him go? To let him be FORGOTTEN#//He really can't. No matter how much it hurts him to do so; in every sense of the word
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