#wilmon forever 💜💜💜
theydonthavenames · 3 months
One. More. Sleep
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Wilmon forever.. 💜🧡❤️
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youngroyals-baby · 2 months
The cutest moments from season 3 💜
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Honey you're the best, truly doing God's work. I am feeling super positive, bc think of all the things we're going to get in the coming weeks: lots and lots of promo, including, I hope, a photoshoot or three (Gay Times my beloved 🙏) and then 4+ hours of NEW CANON that we can spend months poring over, digesting, debating, and creating beautiful content from. Think of the edits! Think of the fics! Omg I can't wait!
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vitzoki · 3 months
💜mental check in!💜
Just popping in to say that whatever you are feeling right now is VALID.
I’ve been feeling A LOT. Most of which I can’t explain. But a surprisingly big part has been loneliness. So I thought I would make this post to possibly help someone else feel less lonely.
Here are some of my thoughts, and how I choose to rationalise them:
• It seems like the actors and creators are moving on very quickly - Anger and sadness and guilt- they have all gone through this grieving process since summer, they love this project just as much as you, but are also excited for their journey with other stuff their doing! How lucky you are to find out what that “other stuff” is!
• This is an end. - Sadness and grief - In some ways yes. But it’s all still here! You can rewatch the episodes. And the fandom is still VERY much active. And you’re not leaving, right? As for the story? It’s changing mediums! The characters still have so much life to live. There are soooo many talented fanfic writers out there. GO FIND THEM.
• The finale (ew hate that word) was PERFECT! - Happiness and glee - YESSS A PISITIVE FEELING! We like having those! And yes. “Finale” is so… final?
•I feel like I have a way too strong reaction. Why am I so dramatic? - Panic and guilt - Noo. It’s big. EVERY. FEELING. IS. VALID. + you have a lot going on in real life. It’s all just exploding now.
•Everything hurts - idk - Let it. But not too much.
•I love everyone involved in this show so incredibly much I wanna thank them and hug them and jsjsjdjs - Love, sombreness, sadness, confusion? - They know. In some weird, incomprehensible way. And be careful not to go too far into this parasocial relationship spiderweb!
Feel free to DM me if you want help with your feelings!💜 love you lot🫶
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da-proti-toku-grem · 1 year
look at them, Maca 🥹
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I immediately thought of you, lil bestie 🫂💖 (beep boop your nose too btw!!)
*boops your nose right back* 🫂🫂
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jovenesaltezas · 2 months
Hello, after many days… I come to leave my comments about the last season, my favorite along with season 1.
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I loved this season, even though it was a rollercoaster... I have to say that even though I cried and suffered, I enjoyed it a lot.
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from the music, which stole my heart, the photography, the scenes, and how well Omar, Edvin and the rest of the cast did it.
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And not to mention that ending, epic. I cried a lot, my God. It was so beautiful. seeing them happy and so free… together. that Wille's face in freedom still makes me cry. Thanks to Lisa, she did a great job. and I will always be grateful for that.
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I will always love this series and my Wilmon 💜. 💜 Young royals forever 💜
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peacepleasec · 2 months
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💜 Kisses Wilmon 💜 season 3 💜
💜 Wilmon endgame 💜
💜 Young Royals forever 💜
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haley770 · 3 months
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wilmon fanart because they are finally free, they are finally happy, and they are finally together forever 💜
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kruemel8 · 2 months
I could listen to Omar speaking about Young Royals for hours. He loves the show and Simon so much. And I love the little details he shares.
Wilmon endgame and Young Royals forever, like he said 💜
I would never have guessed that he was smiling in the August scene and the way he was like no bro I will not walk like that. I think he will never tire talking about Young Royals and what it means to so many like the part about the letter from the older guy. Young Royals forever is the new Royals baby.
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After everything, boyfriends now. 💜 Will go through trials and tribulations together now. ❤️
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sunflower73498 · 3 months
Young Royals is such a beautifully complicated, real, heartbreaking and fulfilling story.
I loved the finale. Wilmon Forever. All the mains had such lovely growth this season 💜
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anonfromtheflight · 2 months
The last couple of weeks have been a real rollercoaster of emotions with so much stuff, good and bad, happening to me but through it all a marvelous constant have been my wonderful Young Royals friends who have helped me feel better and hopeful about the future 💜💜
Today has been a month since the release of S3, which was amazing to share with so many of you, and omg it's going to be just 5 months?!? since I discovered Young Royals 😱😱😱
WHAT IS TIME?!? I can't believe it's been only 5 months like WTF!?!? It really feels like it's been longer!! I'll be forever grateful to have found the show when I did because it led me to all of you (and yes, wilmon and Omar!!) and you guys have been amazing to me in so many different ways, I think I'll be saying thanks to whatever force put Young Royals in my path for the rest of my life.
Thank youuuuu to every kind soul who has shown me love during my time here, you're all wonderful and I love you all!!
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Wilmon forever. 💜💜
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hergrandplan · 3 months
After all they've been through seeing Wilmon as the in-love couple they are is what I want and I'll take a whole season of it 😂 Give me all the kisses, hugs, just spending time together, tender moments!! Now obviously, wishful thinking because it's YR but hope they give us plenty to help with the heartache that's to eventually come before Wilmon endgame. 😁💜
I'll take some Simon singing to Wille (thinking about that hammock scene specifically), a The Gang and Wille interaction and Wille standing up for Simon (which I think will happen!!). There's more I wouldn't mind but regardless I'm just so excited and I can't believe it's close and I'll be screaming about this show forever. ☺️❤️
yes!!!! give me boyfriends in class, being so annoying that the teacher forces them to sit on the opposite side of the room (it doesn't help, they're still constantly looking at each other and not paying attention but at least it's not as distracting for the rest of class)
give me long afternoons spent in bed, their textbooks lying open on the floor but they've given up studying because they wanted to cuddle.
and i'm very excited to see the Gang with Wille too!!!
and same, Maria, I'll be right there screaming with you lol
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