#wish i could not be a whiny baby about it BUT ALAS
finniestoncrane · 4 months
i don’t really feel like sharing stuff just now so i’m gonna take a probably teensy little break from posting fics!!
i went on and fuckin on about my pornstar cooper but it’s whatever and i hate to be a fuckin bitch about it but i’ve been crying like a baby for two hours (rejection sensitivity haha) and oof it feels vulnerable and i’d rather not feel like that
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lovesanmotion · 3 years
ateez reacts: making up with their s/o
💌 This is: Requested | Alot of you have asked for a part 2 of the arguement reaction and now here I am to deliver all of you its part 2 
A week. That’s what it took long for Hongjoong to go after you. After you had left the shared apartment, it was never the same for him again. Hee started coming to work hours late, work productivitiy low and once caused destruction on the coffee machine because the coffee didn’t taste the same just like how you’d do it. He was slightly thankful that he still has his job despite the mess he placed upon himself. 
Hongjoong knocked on the door to your parents’ house. A bouquet of flowers in his hand to let you know that he always has you on his mind. As the door opened, he was surprised to a new you. A new you wherein there was this certain glow in you, the wrinkles and tiredness away from your face. The sense knocked into Hongjoong: he was the cause of the problem. 
“W-What are you doing here?” You asked, staring at him and then eyeing the flowers in his hand. 
Hongjoong smiles and hands you to the bouquet, to which you accept. “I came here to apologize. You might still hate me and seeing my face right now is probably making your blood boil...but I’ll get into it. I’m sorry, and I miss you. Marrying you is the best thing I ever did. And I’m ready to give you all the children you and I wish to have. But, I’ll give you more time and space. It’s what you need right now. It was nice seeing you, Y/N.” As Hongjoong was about to leave the walkway, a hand gripped on his forearm. His heart raced inside his chest, as he turns around to face you, a soft smile paints your small lips. 
“Stay with me.” 
After plates, knives and forks were thrown to one another, Seonghwa took a break on you and met up with other women. Going on dates and having drinks with them, he couldn’t even look at them the way he would look at you. It had been half a year since he lost contact with you. Until one day, while he was about to get ready to go on a date with this women who his friend set him up with, he received a phone call from an unregistered number. Nevertheless, he picked it up. 
“This is Park Seonghwa, right?” On the other line sounded like a voice of an older woman. 
“Who is this?” 
“I’m sorry for calling without notice. I’m Y/N’s mother. Y/N has been missing since last night.” Seonghwa couldn’t hear anything what your mother is saying, quickly taking his keys, phone and wallet before dashing out the door. 
“Where was she last seen ma’am?” He quickly gets inside his car, pressing the keys to start the engine. 
“Central Park in the city, the one called Seoul forest. We called for a search team earlier today but they couldn’t find her.” Your mother’s voice began to break, Seonghwa’s heart started to beat immensely. 
“I’ll bring her back to you” He says before ending the call and driving off. You see, Seonghwa didn’t used the word “try” in his sentence. It is because whether it takes him hours, he would thoroughly look for you all by himself. 
And deep within the forest, Seonghwa kept yelling your name, it was dark and cold and he’s all alone. His suit all covered up with sweat, dirt and leaves. As he went further, Seonghwa found an abandoned bus inside the forest, he didn’t know how could a bus fit in the forest’s narrow road but he went aboard it alas, found you in the middle row. 
He wanted to get mad at you, scold at you for getting your mother and him worried. But he couldn’t bring himself to do so, instead, he wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly, breaking into small sobs. 
“I didn’t think it would be you who’d find me” you whispered, burying your face on his shoulder. 
“I should’ve hugged you the last time I saw you” 
You lifted your suitcase up and strolled it inside the airport. A week program in Jeju is exactly what you needed to get your life back together. Finally, it is you. No more hiding and pretending to be someone you’re not for Yunho. 
While waiting to be called in the immigration, you sat at the lounge area, scrolling through your phone when you heard a commotion and rushed footsteps, tilting your head, you saw a crowd of men, women and Yunho? You watched as Yunho moved his head right and left as if he was looking for someone, and when your eyes met his, he walked towards you. 
“Isn’t that Yunho? What’s he doing here?” 
“Who is that Yunho going to? Isn’t he and Nayoung together?” 
“Whoever she is, she’s ruining their relationship” 
“You’re leaving without saying goodbye?” He asks, you scoffed, closing your phone. “I’ve already said my goodbyes to everyone. Except you. Why should I?” Standing up, you grabbed the handle of your luggage and was about to wheel it away when Yunho caught its handle. 
“And you’re leaving, just like that?” You spun around, looking at Yunho in the eyes with your tears forming. 
“We tried to make it work right?” Despite the tears threatening to fall down and your nose turning red, you smiled to him. 
“Yunho, I’m tired.” You whispered as a tear slips out of your eye. “I looked for you in places I knew there would be you. But it was you who kept walking away, and I’m tired of chasing you.” small sobs finally broke out, but still, a crowd of women surrounded the two of you with camera’s pointing at you both.  
“I’m sorry.” Yunho says, head hung low. “I’m sorry if I made things worst for the both of us.” He pauses, catching a tear fall down on the floor. “But now I know, that you’re really for me. Even if its going against my family, I’d do anything for you to keep you in my life.” He finally lifted his head up, eyes red and tears streaming down his face. 
“The worst thing I ever did is that...I depended my happiness with you.” 
Yeosang and his other woman were caught redhanded by you last night. And you hated how he showed no mercy or remorse for you. 
“But I wanted to say thank you for you. Thank you for all the memories we’ve shared. Even if it was short, I’ll treasure them. The good and the bad. Goodbye, Yeosang.” And with that, you got up and left. 
There was no closure between the two of you. You and San separated paths together and have been doing everything you both wanted. And you think it’s better that way, because you were done and tired. Having to put up with him always was draining you emotionally and physically. As if its only you who cares about the relationship. Although he left you traumatized, you were slowly coping up before you could face the world again. 
Red. That was all you could see. You trashed and threw everything in sight, causing a mess all over your room and it took about five people to stop you from destructing your whole room. You wondered if you really deserve love at all, because right now, all you ever feel is rage. 
Woo took his sweet time and met with multiple women, hooking up with them on random nights before calling a cab to take them to the nearest hotel. But get this, Woo never kissed them. Not once. He never got off with them, and often time, he would get annoyed at how whiny and demanding they could get in bed. And one night when he couldn’t sleep, his thoughts drifted to you. He wondered if you were sleeping well right now, where you are and wondering how well you are. His thoughts brought him back to all the memories he shared with you. A small smile paints his lips until he groaned, lifting his head slightly as he sees his cock erected up. 
“You miss her too, huh?” 
A day after you and Jongho fought, he started to become around at home more often. He would lightly scold you if you did house chores as he would always volunteer to do it for you and would tell you to just lay down and take a rest. Whenever the baby would cry in the middle of the night, Jongho would only tell you to go back to sleep as he could handle this. And you did, you went back to sleep, only to be awake a few minutes after about how cold the spot next to you is. 
Slowly you got up and went over to the baby room, your heart swelled at the sight of Jongho sleeping in the couch with your child laying down on top of his chest. 
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pathetic-lesbian · 3 years
It's 2021 and I still dream about the Swan Queen panel that never was
Of course, I fully respect that JMO and Lana are their own people and whatever did or didn't happen between them (because we can speculate all we want but really we have no idea) is none of our business—they have absolutely no obligation to us as fans and should they never publicly associate with each other again, that is entirely their choice and we should respect them first and foremost.
That said, the selfish part of me that loves Swan Queen and still seeks validation for this queer ship for both fandom reasons and Personal Reasons just... wishes things were different. If, over the last decade of panels and interviews and Q&A's, we had just gotten ONE panel with the two of them that was centered around Emma & Regina and not Emma with her male love interest or Regina with her male love interest, I just, I still shamelessly crave some sort of validation and we've never really gotten it in a substantial way from anyone actually involved with the show. The little insecure baby gay in me who saw so much in Emma and Regina's relationship and felt dismissed over and over again by the show and its creators still wants some sort of definitive statement from those intimately involved with it. I want to be told unequivocally that we are not just delusional idiots who made things up that weren't there and tried to shove them down people's throats, that it's cool that this ship resonated with us and it's cool that we're passionate about it the way fans of the canon het ships are, because we didn't exactly get these messages from OUAT as it was airing and it kind of really sucked. If Swan Queen could even just finally be acknowledged as a legitimate ship and side of the fandom after all these years that would make my heart very happy.
(And I am aware that both JMO and Lana have expressed before (to varying degrees) that there's nothing wrong with Swan Queen and the community that's formed around it is great, I just... wish there were something more solid I could cling to because I'm desperate :))
Alas, it's probably never going to happen and I can live with that, I just wish, at the risk of sounding whiny or accusatory, that this fandom had been treated better. And that responsibility ultimately wasn't on JMO or Lana, it was on the creators, the show, the network, etc. who profited off of our viewership and support.
Anywho, happy 2021 swen❤
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heresyourramen · 4 years
Seo Changbin - Green Eyed Monster
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Halloween was ages ago but I still wanted to post this one. 
Changbin x female reader insert (Heavily tattooed y/n, she’s strong too since her job is a personnel trainer, idk whatever)
5.9 K Words
Warnings: A horror house, a lot of angst, pretty vanilla sex some light oral, jealousy, some fluff. 
"Its charming!" your voice echoed through the cold night air. 
The old mansion or at least what was left of it was probably anything but, though like anything if you looked hard enough you'd find the quirks. the gothic architecture had fallen apart, the steel spires and some old grey, rotten wood all that remained its steel spires and a  very creaky weather vane  that's rooster shape became somewhat ominous in the darkness of the night, well that and the sounds of people screaming inside every now and again probably also didn't help. 
"It's probably haunted and we're all going to die," Changbin's monotonous voice  came from beside you and you saw Felix clutch onto your boyfriends arm tighter and you half wished your love for all things spooky had remained a secret so that you could be the whiny baby  but alas, Changbin had met  you on a day you were wearing your favourite oversized Freddie Kruger t-shirt and therefor that was an impossible feat from the start. Han was clinging to your puffer jacket sleeve,  Minho stood beside you his face impassive  as he also stared ahead, out of the corner of your eye you saw Hyunjin sneak up on him from behind, he breathed down the back of Minhos neck, you've never seen someone go so pale so quickly but as soon as Minho turned around Hyunjins own fear was prevelant on his face as he flinched away from Minho who nearly put him in a choke hold.
 You let out a small sigh, when you thought touring the haunted house would be a  fun little activity for pre-Halloween festivities but when the boys thought they'd be able to manage wandering with you they'd obviously forgotten the last time they let you pick the movie for the designated movie night.  Your hope of cuddling with Changbin had been thrown out the window at the first jump scare, Felix claiming a spot on his lap instead and Han clinging onto you like a koala, his flailing had caused you to miss half of the movie itself. Chan had sat quietly enduring the movie his hand sneaking to hold Jeongins hand in his own for comfort, Hyunjin and Minho had clung onto each other  desperately and Jeongin had watched with the same level of interest as you and Changbin.  Chan was stuck recording  with Seungmin and Jeongin on a new vocal unit  track, keeping them away from tonight's little adventure and leaving and your boyfriend as the only two who might actually enjoy this horror show.
"Thanks sunshine." You rolled your eyes, you loved him but sometimes he was insufferable. You stepped forward walking through the crooked iron gate along the path lined with different carved pumpkin lanterns, Han either to scared to let go or too busy looking around for the  monsters his imagination was conjuring followed after you. You were a few steps in and the other shuffled through as well, following in your wake. 
The massive door lay  turned in against the wall and if it wasn't  for the small lights decorating the tickets table it would've looked like a big mouth of darkness waiting to swallow you whole and the entryway was deserted only some graffiti and stupid kids names carved into the ancient walls. You felt Han shiver most probably because of the breeze but you took his hand and gave it a gentle and what you hoped was a centring squeeze, not wanting the activity to induce a panic attack for him although that might be impossible because of what could be waiting around every corner. When you looked back  to check that no one had tripped over some old sticks and trash  that was blown onto the porch, your eyes immediately met Changbins his face was as impassive as ever but his brow had a small furrow to them as it moved from your face to your hands now hidden by Jisungs sweater paw and you turned your head back not really feeling guilty about it. 
Changbin was a naturally cuddly person with his members but for some reason he had kept PDA and clinginess with you to a minimum , rarely even holding your hand and only ever giving you a hug as a greeting in front of his members. Of course as the relationship progressed the boys saw you often enough to be comfortable with you as well, they'd be affectionate in a friendly way but often the affection you received from the younger boys felt more than that, that Changbin would show you. 
In private it was like his hands were glued to your body, always touching you in some way, hand resting on your thigh if he was busy otherwise he'd be cuddling you and peppering you with kisses 90 percent of the time. It hurt you that he didn't want to do the same for you in person but you'd left it alone knowing he would have good reason but it also meant in your perspective he had to accept that  being affectionate was part of your nature, and babying the boys was part of your natural trait as 'the mom' friend.  Han squeezed your hand as you passed under a not so stable looking archway and into a room with an old fire place following the neon arrows taped to the floor. Suddenly Minho- and Hyunjin's petrified screeches came from behind you and you saw a white hand come from underneath a table clutching onto Hyunjins ankle Minho screeching because Hyunjin nearly tackled him to the ground in his dramatics.  Hans other arm wrapped around the one holding his hand as he suctioned himself onto you, Felix also practically now being carried by Changbin. 
When you turned to lead the way into the new room a clown towered over all of you in the middle of the entryway, its plastic hatchet raised and a terrible grin with sharp teeth painted on the mask, your eyes widened and you couldn't help but giggle this however was inaudible thanks to the howls the boys sent up at the sudden shock. You lead Han around the clown, the actor in the suit only allowed to turn as he follows you with his scary smile as you walked passed. 
This was how the rest of the evening continued a jump scare coaxing wails and terrified screams from everybody but you who simple giggled at the outrageous costumes and Changbin who's expression remained mostly passive. When you exited the massive doors Felix and Han was practically dragging you and your boyfriend out and into the cold night air again.  When you all piled into your car Han having called shotgun the boys immediately started rambling loudly over the pop hits that played on the radio. When they mentioned they should do it every year you rolled your eyes at the outrageous suggestion. 
"Hey Noona, why do you like scary stuff so much." Han inquired eyes wide as everyone's attention shifted towards yourself and everyone else in the car went quite as you scanned the street to park so you could get ice cream, you sighed and parked at the end of the street.
"Because it's fun." the truth is that it had become a comfort much like getting piercings or tattoo's had, the pain, the adrenaline rush, they all clouded your brain in a new way that your sadness didn't and since then each of those items had become associated with feeling better, and even though your mental state had changed since a few years back it didn't change the fact that it was important to you. Changbin new this was the real reason, dammit it was one of the first conversations you had when you started dating and that's when he noticed you awkwardly shifting around the smiley with your tongue as you smiled uncomfortably he announced that he really wanted ice cream and diverted the attention away from you successfully. You got out and made sure the car was locked as you started walking until suddenly you felt someone jump on you, you heard Felix giggle and you grinned hooking your arms under his thighs as you carried him on your back an easy feat thanks to the hard work you put in the gym on the daily the few meters to the front of the late night ice cream shops entrance, conveniently located on the same block as their apartment. You've spent many nights here, post date night, post gym, heck even post sex but it didn't matter because it was Changbin who had made this place one of those things that help you feel better, but it was probably because he made you feel better.  Felix hopped off and you looked over to your boyfriend eyeing the two of you with that same look he had given Han clinging to your side, before directing everyone to the counter. 
You all sat happily eating the ice cream, laughing at the boys making fun of each others expressions when they got scared. You giggled along with them your legs resting on Han's lap who had claimed the seat beside you in the booth before any one could give it a second thought, you licked at your own ice cream the metal of your tongue ring against the creaminess a sensation you'd never get used to yourself.  At first you were confused when Changbin had approached in the gym at what seemed to be the end of a session with Chan, your friends who had used to train with you telling you that you often looked more than intimidating when doing your workouts, which you understood, you were the definition of the modern post break up stereotype, hair dyed nearly white except for your dark roots, tatted from your neck to your fingertips, pierced and hitting the gym nearly two hours a day with thigs big enough to crush skulls in between them, except your last break up had been two years ago and you hadn't felt the need to date again. Well, until Changbin who had nervously shifted himself from side to side and asked you to go for coffee with him, you had barely answered your eyes scanning at the veins that lined his big arms, looking bigger thanks to the pump from working out. You swore some drool had escaped your mouth as you ogled him and quickly said yes, truth be you had admired him plenty of times from across the weight section, I mean who didn't, he was beautiful. Point is you were beyond out of place with the sunshinyness of the boys, only ever somewhat looking like you could maybe fit in when you stood next to Bang Chan and Changbin with their monotonous outfits of black. But they had all warmly accepted you, with zero reservations,  as if the piercings and tattoos barely even existed, something you appreciated in a culture it was so seriously frowned, them treating you not like an outsider meant the world to you. 
But you thanked whatever deity existed everyday for all of them, no matter what, because for now you could say you wouldn't be getting new piercings or tattoo's soon at least not for the reasons you were used to getting them. When you were done, saying good bye to each of the boys, with soft pecks on the forehead from Felix and Jisung and a timid wave directed at them as they walked away, you released a deep breath the air foggy as it left your nose. 
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Changbin taking your hand, hooking his pinky with yours as he walked with you back towards the car, it wasn't unusual for him to go home with you after a day out. When you got in the car instead of your usual comfortable silences after busyness of a day there was an uneasiness to it, you shifted in your seat uncomfortably before driving to your place only a few blocks away.  Changbin sat looking out the passenger side window not even trying to change the music on the radio like he usually would and you swallowed hard. It's been a long time since your previous relationships and they almost always ended in a week of this type of suffocating silence, with a goodbye and a 'I've found someone else', your knuckles turned white  gripping the steering wheel hard as you nibbled your bottom lip, but you felt your body relax as his hand softly rested on your thigh. The warmth a comfort to your anxiety, his thumb rubbing slow circles easing away all the bad with each rotation. 
 He got out and patiently waited for you to grab your gym bag from the back of the old SUV before making your way back towards him. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and tucked you into his side as much as your thick puffer jackets would allow.  Your apartment wasn't big but it had a loft that allowed a little bit of separation and when you made your way upstairs your anxiety sparked once more when Changbin didn't follow you up and immediately flop down on your queen sized bed like he usually would. 
Changing out of your jeans and into some leggings and one of his old fluffy pink sweaters you slowly made your way back downstairs, despite your intense and obviously intimidating appearance you hated conflict and honestly you wished your anxiety would vanish so you wouldn't have to worry about talking about whatever it was that caused this uncomfortable silence. As you set about rinsing all your shake mixers in hot water while some water boiled so you could make coffee you felt his intense gaze on your back from where he sat at the small counter that separated your kitchen and living room area. When he cleared his throat you froze, hands still half in the soapy water as you waited.
"Y/n we can't avoid this conversation." you sighed audibly tongue poking at your smiley as you turned around again.
"Changbin I'm avoiding it because I don't even know what the conversation is going to be about." your tongue pokes at the side of your cheek irritation bubbling inside you for some reason and you fold your arms over your chest but quickly let them fall to your sides trying to stop yourself from creating a defensive wall. Changbin's jaw flexes visibly as he bites down in frustration, this wouldn't be your first argument and you had a feeling it probably wouldn't be your last but it still didn't mean it was something you wanted to do at almost midnight after a long day. Your arms automatically crossed across your chest as you leaned against the sink and Changbin stood up from his seat to stand right in front of you his hands resting on your biceps tenderly.
"I don't like seeing the guys so affectionate with you, and before you say something-", he held up a pointed finger as you prepared yourself to interrupt him mouth already open but shutting quickly at his gesture, " - I know that's something I'll have to discuss with them and not you but I wanted to tell you how I felt." 
"Well Binnie it would help if you didn't give them any space to do so." Your brows furrowed as you looked up at his only slightly taller figure, his eyes scanned your face confused a silent question asking what you meant by that. You huffed eyes diverting to the ground and away from his gaze, your hands cupping your elbows instead of defensive you came across scared.
"You don't show affection towards me around them." You mumble and quickly look at him his gaze still confused but he didn't step away his hands were still softly gripping your arms.
"Binnie you cuddle them and let them cuddle you all the time when I'm around, there's no space for me to initiate any type of PDA between us and besides I wouldn't initiate it because they're your friends and I don't want you or them to feel uncomfortable. " His grip on your arms tighten for a second before his touch leaves you completely,  Changbin takes a step back and crosses his arms. 
"You're right I don't want them feeling uncomfortable, that's why I don't do it Y/n, you are a lot to take in and we need to give them time to get used it." You felt a pang in your chest he's never once said anything negative about your appearance, never even hinted that it bothered him and him using it as an excuse made a different kind of anger bubble inside you.
"Well I'm pretty sure they've warmed up to me by now judging by how you're getting jealous ." You didn't even try to keep your tone neutral every word dripping with sarcasm a you stared him down, hard. "Jealous?" he rolls his eyes up exasperated and chuckles and places a hand on his chest, " I'm not jealous."
"Oh? Then what are you?" you quirk a brow a smirk tugging at your lips. this was exactly why you avoided conflict, you knew yourself, and you knew you didn't fight fair. 
"I'm tired of my girlfriend hanging on my members like she isn't already in a relationship and acting like she'd rather be having them fuck her into the mattress." Your gaze darkened and your face turned into an ugly snarl.
"Changbin, listen to yourself." Your tone was low and an obvious warning, he didn't know much about your previous relationships, but he knew how you felt about cheating.  He ignored it, taking a step back into your personal space.
"Gee I bet that'd be nice, huh? Dating two famous stars at the same time." Your eyes that had been screwed shut as soon as he'd stepped closer shot open wide. Never once had you ever said anything about dating him because he's famous or done something to actively make his life even more difficult as an idol sure you were active in the industry you were a fucking dietician and personal trainer for a variety of stars but he knew how you felt about mixing your personal life with your work. 
"What . The. Fuck. Changbin?" you two both stood glaring at each other you never thought you'd see the day that jealousy could turn the man in front of you this ugly. You were looking for something in his eyes in the form of remorse or even a little bit of guilt but nothing but anger and something you could describe as jealousy darkening his gaze and staring your figure down. 
"You better give me a very good reason as to why I should still let you stay the night and not  make you get a taxi right now."  Your eyes lowered into a glare a hungry and angry fire in the pit of your stomach as you pointed in the direction of the door.  When he crashed his lips onto yours it was hard and messy and you mumbled inaudible protests into his mouth that was still devouring your lips.  Your brain went static when his one hand laced through your hair and the other your waist and in other scenarios you wouldn't have minded but now you hated it, he'd hurt you, and you were mad but his kisses had the ability to slowly melt your fury into lust a weakness he seemed to exploit.
 His lips detached from yours, messy and swollen red from his harsh biting and you gasped finally breathing, as he planted open mouth kisses past your jaw and down your neck, you can't remember when your hands had gone to his chest but you didn't mind your hands sliding down and under his t shirt finger grazing over his hard abs and back to his hard pecks. The way he moaned against your neck set off a bunch of butterflies in your stomach, and you smiled dumb. His hands roamed across your body and finally found resting place under your ass that he tapped softly ordering you to jump, and you did so legs wrapping around his waist out of habit his lips back on yours furiously devouring you once again.  He only did so until he reached the stairs, pulling back to make sure he wouldn't fall on your way to the bed, you took this as ample opportunity to strip, as you tugged off the sweatshirt leaving you bare and Changbin paused his ascent with a pretty whine, before placed a tender kiss in between your boobs right on top of the blackout rose tattoo on your sternum, before biting at the same space and you bit down hard on your bottom lip to suppress your own whine.  
He continued making his way up, knee's almost buckling when you sucked and nibbled at the space on his neck right under his ear. When he got up the stairs he put you down softly before adjusting you roughly so your head was on the pillows and he was removing the tights and panties at the same time, he quickly took his shirt off after but before you could reach out and touch him his arms immediately went to your hips as he hooked them under your legs the only part of him in reach, his head.
 He started biting and nibbling down the inside of each of your thighs soothing each new little bruise with an open mouth kiss getting teasingly close to your dripping core before suddenly pressing his tongue flat against your clit and suckling on it your moan tore through the room and replaced your pants as he continued sucking and softly nibbling on it slowly pumping two fingers in and out of your wet pussy. 
Gripping at his hair hard in an attempt to ground yourself you nearly tugged his head hard enough you thought you might've pulled out strands, when he curled his fingers inside you as you unleashed a whine, but he only groaned deep in his chest the vibrations through your clit causing a different wave of pleasure to move  through you. The way your walls clenched around his fingers almost sucking the digits he was scissoring in deeper, as you came closer to your release he detached himself from your clit and pulled his fingers out abruptly.
 The snarl you unleashed as your head whipped up made him smirk, you knew exactly what he was doing, Changbin was a motherfucking tease and after arguments he seemed to enjoy it even more as he wound you up till you were nearly teetering off the edge, dragging you further and further away from your orgasm until it'd suddenly crash into you , and crash over you hard. Using your hold on his hair you pulled him up so his face was hovering over yours again and you had to work hard to repress the shiver running up your spine at how absolutely breath taking he looked, swollen lips pulled in a smirk and dripping with the evidence of your arousal, his full cheeks covered in it, half lidded eyes looking down on you pleased with himself and the hard hold you had on his dark tresses. You were debating flipping him over, fucking him stupid and then leaving him high and dry like he often tries to do with you but he stopped all thoughts of doing so when you heard a belt buckle and a zip as Changbin pulled back to stand and take off his pants and boxers your grip loosened on his hair at the implication of the sounds. He made his way back over you, the same lazy smirk still on his face some part of the fuzziness started fade and you lowered your gaze into a glare.
"The silent treatment?" he said quirking a brow, as he reached over to your bedside drawer and took out a condom your eyes following his actions and your hands resting next to you on the sheets, fisted them hard in an attempt to contain your body's neediness. 
"It's okay baby, you wont stay like that for long." as soon as the condom was on he was positioned between your legs and he was pushing inside you slowly, inch by inch. You bit down on your lips hard enough to draw blood as you tried to contain your whine as you clutched the bed sheets beneath you, no matter how many times Changbin's size was always almost too much to handle but the pain always became a brief memory as soon as you adjusted. 
"Shhh baby," he cooed softly in your ear as he brushed sweaty strands of hair out of your neck as placed more opened mouth kisses down where his fingers had softly grazed before, his breathing heavy at the tightness around him as he waited for you to signal that he could move. When he pulled back your eyes fluttered open and you gave him a stern look and you felt him pull almost all the way out before thrusting back into you slowly.
 The pace made it feel like he was never ending but eventually his hips was once again flush against yours his head poking at a specific spot inside you that had you shuddering a moan escaping through your lips your eyes screwing shut. This time he pulled out thrusting back in hard and your lips went wide open in a silent moan as his finger directed your chin so you faced him, your eyes fluttering open.
"Come on baby, I want you to say my name..." his voice is deep and raspy in your ear as his fingers gripped your jaw trapping your head so you could only look up.
"I want to make sure you know who's making you feel," he thrusts into you hard and your back arches so your chest is pressed against his.
"...this..." another hard thrust and your moaning, borderline screaming, loud enough you know your neighbours will be complaining the next day.
"...good." this thrust felt so deep you were sure if you looked down you'd see him poking through  your stomach and your hands flew nails digging into his back and legs wrapping around his waist in encouragement. He starts a relentless pace his hips slapping against you harshly as he hits continuously hits the spot that has you moaning, tears welling up in your eyes that are screwed shut and your hands move to desperately clutch at his hair again, his grunts and own moans right by your ears making you keen, he shifts his arm hooking under your knee pushing it up and almost against your chest and suddenly he's deeper.
"Binnieeee!" your scream echoes of the walls off your otherwise silent apartment your back arching as stars start to enter in your peripheral and your moans become louder. 
"See baby," he mumbles, panting against your exposed neck as you toss your head back in sheer pleasure as he continues his relentless pace, "that wasn't so difficult." he planted open mouth kisses on your neck, nibbling at already bruised and marked skin, purple over the blue ink that decorated your throat. His high was approaching even faster as he watched you fall apart beneath him and by the way your walls were fluttering he knew your own orgasm wasn't far away. 
His arm unhooked from underneath your  leg but you were to far gone too even notice, your brain had gone blank your vision white as he brushed his fingers against your clit. You came hard, shuddering and Changbin felt himself cumming as your walls squeezed him dry as he rode out both your orgasms.  He pulled out of you and you whimpered at your own sensitivity, he discarded the condom and came back pecking your forehead.
"Go get ready for bed baby, I'll change the sheets." His voice was gentle and as you grabbed something to sleep in you felt a heavy weight settle on your chest, your fuzzy and tired brain not quite comprehending it as you cleaned yourself and got under the clean sheets. Even as Changbin came back from his shower his front pressed to your back arms squeezing you tightly against him, his lips kissing the back of your neck goodnight before cuddling you till you fell asleep the weight didn't go away. 
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You had woken up sore but not nearly as sore as you thought you'd be, when your alarm went off at 5 a.m. you had quickly switched it off, Changbin's snores the only sign he was indeed alive and not a corpse, with the way he was able to sleep through anything you often ended up checking his breathing on days he didn't even make a sound. You peeled yourself out of bed grateful that you had showered after your promiscuous activities, albeit half-assed and sleepy. You jumped up an down as you pulled up the teal coloured yoga pants and slipped a big black hoodie over the matching sports bra. You busied yourself with your usual routine, making your breakfast, blending the protein shake and then making your coffee and leaving Changbin's on the bedside table just before you left. 
It wasn't unusual for you to leave him alone at your place after he stayed the night it was rare that you didn't have a client in the early mornings but you felt that nothing was resolved. In fact as you drove to the gym you felt that frustration bubble again, you were hurt and mad that Changbin had gotten his way when he had no right too.  After your session with your first client you felt somewhat better, the endorphins from working out helping you feel better even if it was only a little. 
The days that followed allowed for numbing routine to push your unease to the back of your head Changbin had mentioned they'd be busy the days that followed your weekend but you thought you'd at least be able to spot them in the gym, better you didn't because you wouldn't know how to act. When you got an invitation for dinner at their apartment for tomorrow you were half surprised and half relieved, it had been five days of silence and work, not completely unusual but he'd at least send an 'I love you' or an 'I miss you' text when he was super busy. 
Only when you drove to his place after getting ready after work did the nervous jitters set in and you tapped away at the steering wheel before pulling into the underground parking lot. The lift ride felt like an eternity and you couldn't decide if it was unnaturally cold because of air conditioning or because it was winter and you wondered if the fluorescents were always that bright? You took a centring breath and lightly tapped the door, you heard heavy foot falls on the other side and then the door swung open and Felix was tugging you inside he'd helped you take off your jacket while you slipped off your sneakers and gave you quick side hug before having you follow him into the living room. It was dark all the curtains drawn and some red fairy lights were strung up alongside some fake cobwebs, some bat cut outs and what looked like skeletons you'd find in a biology class room, on the floor was a pile of blankets and cushions Jeongin, Minho, Hyunjin and Han sat on the floor in front of the tv different bowls of Halloween themed candy in front of them as they chatted away, Felix who had left you came back out with cookies decorated in orange and black icing and Seungmin following with two big bowls of popcorn. 
You heard Changbin and Chan's familiar giggles as they made their way from their room you assumed and your shoulders dropped the tension disappearing at the fact that Changbins smile remained even when he saw you. He made his way over to you and he tugged you into a tight hug tilting his head back and pecking your lips tenderly. Your brain stopped working for a second, his lips like a pause button for your thoughts and you couldn't help but melt as all your senses  became filled by Changbin, his cologne filled the air around you and his arms created a safety bubble around you, when he pulled away and you felt the red rush to your face you realised what he'd done. He took your hand pulling you to sit on the couch next to Chan and Felix, when he tugged you down you nearly fell into his lap and when you tried moving away he pouted and tucked you into his side as he looked down at you, the other boys chatting away without a care in the world.
"What's going on?" you whispered blinking confused and eyes wide. 
"We're celebrating Halloween and you get to pick the scary movie." Changbin said and handed you the remote. 
Your brain was still trying to focus on the fact that he was being affectionate in front of everyone else and you quickly selected Scream, not too scary and a movie you watched religiously every year for the holiday. 
Seungmin sat back and handed you one of the big popcorn bowls and immediately Felix, Chan and Changbin greedily stuffed their hands into the bowl as the movie started. For the most part the boys remained in their own seats allowing you and Changbin to cuddle in peace him lying on the couch with his back on the arm rest and you draped between his legs, head resting on his chest, there was still flailing about and screaming loudly at the murders and jump scares, but seeing as Felix  was seated next to Chan he got to Koala someone  else and Seungmin and Jeongin acting as the calm for the others antics. It was nearing the  end of the movie, the build up featuring an array of dramatics and Han turned facing the two of you his hand grabbing yours that was dangling down the side of the couch past Changbins waist and trying to hide behind it. You smiled sweetly but your eyes went wide as Changbins arms wrapped around you and he sat up slightly.
"Yah, this is my girlfriend hold your boyfriends hand." he said in an aegyo like tone his chin nodding jokingly in the direction of Minho, Han giggled and turned to face the screen but didn't let go of your hand and you looked up at Changbin who sat smiling at the screen and you had to contain your giddyness, nuzzling your face back into his chest as you smiled like an idiot. When the movie ended and the boys started talking animatedly about their favourite parts and getting up to fetch more snacks for the next one you felt Changbin shift. 
"Y/n?" Changbin says and hum looking up at him, he looked extremely uncomfortable and you could see how he forced himself to look you in the eyes.
"I'm sorry, I know this doesn't make up for what I did or how I made you feel, I had no right too, I know I manipulated the situation. Jealousy just got the best of me, but I'll do better for you." His voice sounded pained, every word laced with regret and you adjusted so you could hold his face between your hands squishing his cheeks, almost surprised that he let you but his neediness to be babied obviously cancelled out his anxiety.
"You're right what you did wasn't fair, but lucky for you I can't stay mad at you for long." his shoulders relaxed and you pecked him softly on his lips and when you pulled back you could've sworn you saw the galaxy in his eyes.
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The Rabbit of Night Raven Chapter 1: Demons in high places Pt 2
Part 1 is here
For the next few days, Amane was running her dry with all his demands, as well as her money. They ranged from annoying to atrocious. But she bared through it all.
Jack, Epel, and Sebek found not long after, been informed by Ace and Deuce. They offered to take care of Amane so she could rest but declined. Amane might blackmail her that she wasn't doing her job as a hostess, not to mention he might make them uncomfortable as well. She just had to soldier on.
"I forgot to ask, how did you end up with those wounds?"
It was a Sunday morning, and Valerie just brought his breakfast. A plate of raspberry and chocolate waffles, and Darjeeling tea. He demanded it to be made since he said he wanted his favorite breakfast. He nearly emptied her wallet, because of how expensive the raspberries are.
She also decided to eat with him this time, to hopefully build a better level of trust. Grim was downstairs, saying he didn't want to be in the same room as him. He paused mid-bite and narrowed his eyes.
"Why the fuck should I tell ya? We don't exactly see eye-to-eye ya know."
"I know, but I thought I could understand you better. Despite, the sexist nicknames, and overall rudeness. I can tell you're not a bad person."
Amane studied her face to find any hint of mockery, or deception. However, to his surprise there was none. Her face was earnest, as she patiently waited for him to speak. He sighed.
"My shitty dad did this to me."
This shocked her, but he paid no mind and continued.
"I did something he didn't like and got punished."
"Wha-What did you do?"
"I gave some information to our rival company, safe to say my old man was not pleased. My friend is the CEO's kid, my dad was planning an assassination attempt on him, but I eavesdrop on one of his meetings and managed to phone her just on time. He saw this as an act of betrayal and punished me for it."
"Didn't you're mother do anything! What about the rest of you're family?"
"My mother had no power, and the rest of them agreed with my dad."
She went silent and contemplated. She had one question in her mind.
"But...How did you manage to end up in that crater? Night Raven is miles away from any other piece of land."
It was his turn to be silent. Amane looked away as he pondered for an appropriate response. Finally, he faced her.
“You see Sugar tits, my family and I are demons, sex demons to be exact. He probably used teleportation magic to get rid of me, and erase any evidence."
A demon, an incubus no less, well, that did explain why he didn't die so easily when she found him. Though she should have guessed he was a supernatural being, his ears were a dead giveaway. Speaking of which, she remembered what she first thought he was and let out a giggle.
Amane furrowed his brows. "What's so funny?"
She turned to him still giggling.
"I thought you were some kind of fae, with you're ears and all."
He knit his brows at her answer, before giving out a hearty chuckle.
"Haha, you actually thought I was one of those guys. Fairies are overrated  Hun, demons are what's hot."
"Oh really? they've been so overused in the media, I thought they were the overrated beings." She smirked. He gave out another chuckle.
"Oh, honey. That just means we're more lovable."
They let out another good-hearted laugh before the girl asked another question.
"So...Is there anything else I should know about you or demons?" He let out a thoughtful hum before answering.
"You know about demon pacts, yeah?" She nodded.
"Well, back in the old days my family would perform blood pacts with people who they are eternally grateful for and give them gifts as a sign of their loyalty."
He gave her a close-lipped smile.
"But of course, you won't see me that Sugar tits, I ain't exactly grateful to be in your care but it will do.'"
"Keep that attitude up, and you'll be relying on Grim."
"He's cute but unreliable and a bit whiny for my tastes."
She laughed. She was about to reply when she heard the said monster calling for her. Valerie muttered under breath on how he's such a whiny baby, but there was a smile on her face.
"I'll see you later. Call when me you need something." She got up and left. Leaving Amane in his thoughts.
No one, but his mother and his best friend were that kind to him.
Maybe she ain't so bad.
Night came quickly. Valerie decided she and Grim will have dinner with Amane. Technically, she had to bribe him with her tuna casserole to get him to cooperate, and just like that he's happily eating his third serving with them.
"Mmmmm~ The cheese complements the tuna so well! You really outdid yourself Henchwoman!"
"Is he always like this?" Amane whispered as he watched Grim loudly eating his food with a blank look on his face.
"Yeah, but it's his charming point, I guess."
Unexpectedly, after their conversation this morning. Amane didn't bother her as much, just an occasional glass of water or a trip to the bathroom. She didn't know what changed his attitude, but it was welcomed regardless.
"So. After you get better, wanna hang out sometime?" He glanced at her mildly surprised, but a cheeky smirk made it's to his face.
"Asking me on a date are you Sugar tits? So bold~ But alas, girls aren't my thing, but if you're setting me up with one of your boy toys I'll happily oblige."
She giggled and lightly punched his shoulder. "No, I mean for us hang out as friends, and I don't think I should introduce you to guys just yet. Unless you want to traumatize their minds with all your flirting."
"Their loss if they can't handle this firecracker."
Valerie smiled. She liked this side of Amane better, he was easy to talk to and made great jokes, even if his humor is a little...Vulgar. After dinner, she helped Amane get ready for bed, then her and Grim's turn to retire.
"Kid, hey kid." She groaned and turned over. But she felt the covers being forcefully removed.  Groggily she sat up, she asked what's wrong.
"It's Amane, he's been crying for thirty minutes. We tried to comfort him but it got worse." Wilbur answered, concern evident in his voice.
Blinking the sleep out of her eyes, finally registering the loud screaming and crying, and the ghosts concerned expressions. She rapidly got out of bed, waking Grim up in the process, and sprinted to Amane's room.
He was a mess when she got to him. Amane was thrashing around, covered in sweat and tears leaked out of his eyes. He was mumbling in his sleep.
"N-No! Stop it!... Please I-I'm sorry, no more." He choked out a sob. Her heart clenched at the sight. She climbed on the bed and managed to wrapped her arms around him.
"Amane! Amane it's alright, no one's here to hurt you. It's not real!"
He jolted up and she caught the sight of his face. His eyes were red and his breathe were ragged. He started to chew on his bottom lip, and his eyes welled up with tears again. He buried his face on her chest, his body wracked with an onslaught of sobs and tears.
She rubbed circles on his back in an attempt to comfort him and whispered more words of reassurance. It took a while, but he managed to calm down. They sat in silence, save for Amane's occasional sniffles.
"Hey, Valerie." This was the first time he said her name properly. "Ratting my dad out wasn't the only reason he beat me."
He confessed that the other reason he was actually a bastard child. His mother had an affair with one of his father's employees once she found out he had a mistress. She was going to announce the divorce during their anniversary when his father blackmailed her to stay with him. Amane didn't know what it was, but it worked.
He told her that since he was the only child, his father expected him to take over his place one day, and produce an heir. Unfortunately for him, he was interested in boys and didn't like the idea of taking over his father's company.
His mother was the only person who accepted him, while his father was outraged. He argued he could just adopt a child, but it only made it worse. The rest of his family expressed their disappointment in him, in everything he did, and voted him to be banned from the family.
Valerie, just sat there as he continued to cry. She soothed him, telling him that it's okay, that it's not his obligation to live up to his family standards, whatever he does his choice only not theirs. That he should be free from their hateful opinions.
She spied the ghosts and Grim at the doorway but didn't say anything, opted to just comfort the man in her arms.
After that night, their relationship changed drastically. He was more open to her, more friendly, and used her name often. He told her stories about his childhood and his best friend Lorelei, who was also a demon descendant, notably a spider demon. A famous idol who's known for incorporating spiders into her aesthetic. He promised her to introduce them sometime.
In return, she confessed to him she was from another world and he didn't look a leased bit surprised.
"Honey, after all the shit I've been through, nothing surprises me at this point."
She told about her life in Night Raven, how she constantly solved the school's overblot problem, and how she's basically Crowley's errand girl.
"The school is lucky that I don't have any magic. With all the stressful situations I've been through, I would have overblotted and destroy the entire school.'"
She shared stories about her and her friends' shenanigans, and the rest of the boys. He questioned if any of the boys were her boyfriend, cause he noticed how affectionate she was to all of them. She told him no, she was just like that normally.
"I don't understand why they turn red whenever I hug them or kiss their cheeks. I mean, showing affection to friends is normal."
Ahh. The oblivious type.
It was finally the day Amane recuperate, and to go home. They were in the mirror chamber and Crowley was there to wish him the best of health, (and maybe exploit some money from him.) He wore the clothes when she found him, all clean and fixed.
"Mr. Mania I hope your stay was pleasant, and I wish for you the best of health, A reward is not needed, a simple thanks will do for I am gracious. But if you like, then I am in no room to argue."
Valerie mentally rolled her eyes at that but gave Amane a soft but sad smile. She was slowly getting used to his company and almost asked if he could stay longer, but she refused to be selfish. Instead, she just hugged the man, which he reciprocated.
"I hope you come back soon."
"Of course I will Val, ain't nothing gonna stop this firecracker." He turned his attention to Grim and gave him a noogie.
"Of course I'll come back for you too, ya little shit."
"Fguaa! Just get out of here!"
He gave them a crooked grin and walked away. Valerie watched as he walked away, hoping she could meet him again. However, after a few steps, he stopped and ran back to her. This perplexed them, especially when he got into one knee and took her hands.
"Valerie Kemonihito, I wished to have a blood pact with you, I am forever in your debt."
They stared at him as if he grew three heads. None of them couldn't believe his words. A blood pact? What was he doing? Valerie was the first to recover.
"Amane you don't have to do this, you don't have a debt towards me." She tried to reason, but he furiously shook his head.
"No, I do. You have saved my life and brought me peace and comfort when I am at my most vulnerable, you have accepted me as I am, and have not judged me for my past, and for those reasons. So please, accept it."
They all stared, waiting for her answer. After a few agonizing seconds, she responded.
"It won't hurt that much right?" Amane smiled.
"Not much, just a tiny prick will do."
"Alright let's do it."
"Are you sure Ms. Kemonohito?" Crowley cut in. "Blood pacts are a serious oath that should not be taken likely if ever one of the party's' will break it, death is the only punishment."
Valerie gazed at Amane, there was no hint of mischief, the determination is clear on his face.
"I'm sure." Amane smiled and got up.
"Okay." He brought his hand up, claws grew and took his index finger and slowly cut a small line in both their hands. Valerie winced but bared with it.
"Now we hold hands and recite our own oath, I'll go first." He cleared his throat.
"I, Amane Mania will dedicate my life to serve you. Wherever you are and whenever you are, I shall protect you with my life, and bring you justice if ever I failed to protect you."
"I, Valerie Kemonohito will do my best to be kind and just to you. So you may never suffer or feel lonely, you are welcome to be with me as much as you want so you may never feel ostracize again."
As they said these words, a dark reddish light enveloped them. The blood on their hands swirled and mixed together before engraving it in their skins like tattoos, going up to their arms all the way to their faces.
Grim and Crowley watch the spectacle, astounded but frighten as the light died down, and their marks disappearing.
Valerie blinked, she stared at their hands. All healed as if he didn't cut them. She cut off from her musings when Amane spoke.
"With this blood pact, you can summon me anytime time you want, no matter the place I will be with you. All you have to do is either call my name three times or use your blood and call my name." He informed.
"And now for my tribute. Give me a moment."
He raised his hands, chanting words under his breath a pinkish glow covered his hands, when the light died down a silver necklace inlaid with pink quartz appeared.
“Alright, c’mere.” He turned her around and clasp it on her.
“This was an heirloom, but only those who we think are worthy may have this and I want you to take it.” Valerie admired the the craftsmanship of it and beamed up to him.
“Thank you.” He ruffled her hair.
“No problem, now time to to get my ride. Y’all better step back.”
They did just that. Amane closed his eyes before muttering incomprehensible words, a star pentagon appeared before their eyes, it glowed a red malevolent aura, then a screech.
It was horrendous. The sound shook the ground and cracked the windows but weirdly not the mirrors, finally, a giant figure swooped up and landed next to Amane. It was a monster, it was twenty-foot tall, it had a humanoid body but its hands and feet had dangerously sharp talons, its wings were big as its body, and it’s head reminded her of an owl but the sharp teeth made her reconsider.
"Mr. Mania! Do you realize what you have summoned!?" The fear and shock were clear in Crowley's voice as he stared at the creature.
'"What is that!? It's so ugly!" Grime cried. He hid in Valerie's clothes as it's glowing amber eyes glared at him for his comment.
"This is a Strix. A demonic vampire owl that feasts on human flesh and blood. Lucky for you, this girl likes what normal owls eat so your good." The strix's feathers were the colors of pecan and it had small tufts of white.
"Her name is Lisha, I saved her when she was being bullied from her own kind. Lisha that's Valerie." Valerie shrunk when the strix's gaze shifted from Grim to her.
Lisha tilted her head curiously before leaning towards the girl, sniffing her hair and clothes. Valerie stood still as it goes on. Finally, she let out a happy chirped and nuzzled her. Valerie let out a surprised gasp but laughed and wrapped her arms around her head.
“How about that? Lisha doesn’t usually like strangers, but it seems your an exception.” He grinned
Valerie ran her fingers in Lisha feathers, they were soft and smooth. The monster purred in content.
"I'll be off, for real this time." He got onto Lisha’s back, but Valerie spoke up.
"Wait where are you staying?"
"I'll go to Lorelei. Her dad and I are cool cause I saved his life." The star pentagon glowed. He looked back, he gave one final smirk and disappeared.
Valerie smiled fondly, she scratched Grim’s ears as an attempt to comfort him.
"Well." Crowley coughed. "Now that's over, Ms. Kemonohito I hope you learned something from this experience.”
"Yes, sir."
"Good now I must be off. Crewel will have my hind if I keep him waiting." He muttered as he walked off.
Just as he walked out, her first-year friends ran in. All with worried expressions on their faces.
"Valerie! We heard a screech and it came h-"
"Oh, it came from Amane’s familiar.” She answered.
“Damn, nice ice Val.” Ace commented looking at her necklace.
“Thanks. Amane gave her to me as a gift." The mentioned of his name sent shivers to the ADeuce duo as they recalled his...Advances towards them.
"Its beautiful." Epel was sure Vil would approve of it.
"He didn't do anything obscene, Valerie?" Sebek eyed at the peice of jewelry, feeling something different about it.
"No, but we did a blood pact though." That made them froze.
"You did what?" The fae's voice was low for once as he and the rest of the boys stared her, wide-eyed and slacked jawed.
"A blood pact."
All hell broke loose.
The boys were screaming at her, asking why would she do that, and promising to beat the life out of Amane, thinking he forced it on her.
Valerie pursed her lips, she set Grim down before hitting their head. They grunted in pain.
"Okay before you guys go off. Amane did this as a sign of his gratitude and gave me this necklace as a sign of loyalty. He was actually a great guy once you get to know him, and he's just misunderstood. He even promised to come back and hang out, you should join us."
Ace and Deuce paled at the mention that he was coming back to Night Raven, but jealousy grew in their stomachs like the rest of the boys. Hearing her talked so fondly of him irritated them, but she didn't notice.
"Fine, we'll consider your offer Princess. But we won't hesitate to gut that guy if he makes you upset." Ace huffed. She grinned.
"Thank you so much. Now if you excuse me, I'll have to buy groceries." She kissed their cheeks.
She happily walked out leaving five red-faced boys and made her way to Sam's shop. 
"Hey while we're at it, can we buy some premium tuna. I need it after all I've been through."
"Fine, you've deserved it." He cheered.
She giggled. Admiring her necklace, it glinted brightly under the sun. Her thoughts drifted to Amane, hoping he was alright. She knows she'll see him again after this is Twisted Wonderland
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catchlalune · 4 years
Handcuffs and Lipstick Prints
a/n: Hello! Up next on fics I’m most likely never going to finish is the tbz smut! I believe this is really the last smut I’ve ever written? I had intentions to really flesh out the characters and the backstory behind it buuut alas, I was in a groupchat that gave me the idea/motivation to write it and haven’t been in it for a reallly long time. 
pairing: KevinxReaderxJacob
genre: smut, spy au
wc: 811
You were sure they wondered how they got here, how two of the best agents in the company had fallen so far from grace. Handcuffed to the same bedpost with hardly any space between them, cocks hard and leaking just the tiniest bit of cum. They had been tailing you for months on end with the most perfect cover ups for them. Jacob who teaches guitar to children and Kevin who teaches piano at the most prestigious of schools, too good of a cover really. You could smell the fact they were spies from a mile away, but you continued to play it safe. Lay in wait, be a good girl and make it seem like they had the wrong target. 
Of course they hadn’t accounted for you being so amazingly adaptable. After a while Kevin and Jacob had even forgotten they were on a mission, or at least that's what you suppose otherwise they wouldn’t be handcuffed to this hotel room bed right now.  You however had not forgotten, but the whimper from the bed had certainly made you wish you had. 
You set your glass of alcohol down on the nightstand and rise from your perch on the comfy armchair the hotel provided. With a flick of your wrist your robe falls around your ankles like pools of silken liquid obsidian. 
“Quiet, you don’t want your friends who are supposed to help you hear you whine like a little bitch for my pussy do you Jacob?” A tilt of your head and a quirk of your lips makes him moan out and thrust up into the air desperately, you watch in sheer enjoyment as Kevin’s cock jumps even though the words are not directed towards him. 
“H-how did you know?” Kevin’s words are breathless and whiny, they make you push the strands of hair from his forehead that had begin to dampen with his sweat. You lean down to press a chaste kiss to his cheek and have to laugh at the groan he tries so futally to hide. 
“How did I know what? That you two are some of the worst spies I’ve ever met?” Your left index finger circles around the tip of Kevin’s dick collecting some of his precum and he lets out a sound you aren’t sure you’ve ever heard before. “Shhh baby, I’m not done talking.” 
“Or do you want to know how I knew you’d be here tailing me after I just got all of the president’s information? Are you mad that I beat you to it?” You raise your finger to your lips and take a slow lick that causes Jacob to whimper again. 
“Both of you are very bad at following directions, I think I’ll have to punish you.” With that you turn on your heel to open the nightstand drawer and retrieve two small bullet vibrators. Once you’re certain they both work you climb over them and lay in between their right and left legs on the bed, back propped against the back of the bed frame so you’re facing them. You smile and lean forward after grabbing their cocks and turning the vibrators up to the highest setting. 
Since you’d been edging them for at least an hour beforehand you hadn’t expected them to last long but when Kevin cums after only thirty seconds of the vibrator against his head you can only laugh. Jacob cums not long after Kevin and he is just as loud, his cum thin and white getting all over his stomach and your hand. Kevin grunts at the overstimulation and you simply grip their dicks tighter. 
“If you were good boys and kept your noses out of my business you wouldn’t be in this predicament would you?” Jacob is muttering something like cursing and praises and Kevin is moaning so loud you’re sure that everyone on the floors below and above can hear, not that you care very much you aren’t going to be staying much longer. 
“I asked a question, and when I ask you answer.” You turn the vibrators off right when the two of them are about to cum, Kevin so desperate that tears leak from his eyes and wet the satin pillow frame. 
“No we wouldn’t be, please let us cum.” 
“What a little cumslut, can’t you wait until I’m finished scolding you? I should gag you.” You lean back away from them entirely, spreading your legs and you hear Jacob make a sound of approval when he sees how wet you are. 
“Looks good right? Do you want a taste?” They both nod eagerly and you scoff. “I wasn’t talking to you Kevin, you sit there and think about how to please me and I’m going to let Jacob do the honors of making me cum.” 
“B-but I want to make you cum too.” 
“Don’t worry baby, you will.” 
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wonderland-in-bloom · 4 years
there for you
[jamil viper x spoiled!vampire!princess!reader]
@yandere-of-your-dreams​ asked: Just wanted to pop in and say I love your writings❤️���� and may I please request a one shot for Jamil were the reader is a spoiled vampire princess💖
aaaa thank youuu sm! hope you enjoy this!!! also THANK YOU ALL SM FOR 800+ FOLLOWERS AAAAAAAA,, i screamed at like midnight last night lol ;w; thank you everyone so much! i’ll keep doing my best!
“JAMIL!” you screeched. you tapped your foot on the floor multiple times, growing increasingly impatient. “JAMIL!” he still didn’t come out of the kitchen. you crossed your arms as tight as you possibly could. “JAMIL VIPER!!!” you practically jumped out of the armchair you were sitting on and stomped your foot on the ground. he finally walked out of the kitchen with a scowl on his face.
“what?!” he growled. “i called you three times already! why didn’t you-” he cut off your sentence “you didn’t call me three times, in fact you called me many more times than that. i could hear you perfectly fine, (y/n).” he stepped closer towards you, a slightly terrifying aura surrounded him. you weren’t scared of course. who was he compared to you? suddenly your back met the wall, and he slammed his hand on it, just inches away from yours. he leaned his face close to your own, causing you to grit your teeth. “don’t you know how much of a spoiled brat you are, princess?” he teased you in a husky voice. you felt his breath tickle your ear, and you started to push him away from you, but to no avail. “LET GO!”
he inched closer to you. you felt tears prick the corner of your eyes. “jamil viper, leave me alone!” you screamed. with your eyes closed, you sensed his presence away from you. you heard the door click open and him sighing before closing it, and leaving you alone. you opened your eyes and sighed to yourself, before leaning against the wall and crouched down. “spoiled brat...” you hissed. you felt the tears coming back. “(y/n) (l/n)...the eldest...supposedly the next ruler.” you clenched your fist. “bullshit!” you grabbed a vase from beside you and smashed it against the wall. 
princess (y/n) (l/n).  the eldest child of the king and queen of your kingdom of vampires. your parents were very doting parents, and spoiled you with everything you ever wished for. from the most glamorous of dresses, to jewelry made out of pure gold. you were happy, but you were never pleased. all the civilians loved you and cherished you, but that all changed when your younger brother was born. your parents never turned their attention to you anymore, nor did the civilians, as in your kingdom, the one who could rule had to be male. and with your little brother, no one cared about you anymore. you tried to do everything you could to get your parents’ attention, but alas they turned their backs on your and continued fueling all of your wants, except for one thing you actually really wanted, their love.  
coming to night raven college, none of the students liked you. they all thought you were spoiled, bratty, annoying, whiny, the list goes on. you didn’t plan on getting close to anyone anyways. however jamil viper was the only one who was...somehow neutral with you. he didn’t mind spending time with you despite the way you acted, but of course he would be annoyed with you at times. but today...it was just different. he seemed to despise you. “jamil...i’m sorry.” suddenly you felt your throat ran dry. a symptom of craving. you quickly got up and went to your cabinet and slammed it open. you gasped to see all of the vials filled with precious, red liquid, empty. “what?! how can this be-” you choked on your own words, the thirst growing by the second. 
you felt pain in the pit of your stomach as you tried to inhale as much air as you could. you were suffocating. it was like a feeling of being drowned, yet at the same time, also a feeling of being thirsty, like never having a drop of water your whole life. you whimpered in pain and curled up into a ball on the ground. “h..help...me...” 
meanwhile, jamil was anxiously pacing around the exterior hallway of the school, while he debated with himself whether to go back to you or just forget about you and go back to the scarabia dorms. “fufufufufu, what do we have here?” jamil turned to the source of the voice. on the ceiling. he looked up to meet the eyes of lilia vanrouge. “lilia-san.” he hopped down from the ceiling and stood beside jamil. “what’s with the pacing around all over the place? something tells me you’re unsettled.” jamil sighed as he ran his hands through his hair. “it’s nothing...” lilia chuckled. “it’s (y/n) isn’t it?” jamil didn’t react to this however, he was pretty shocked whe lilia mentioned your name. 
“you’re debating whether to go back to her or not aren’t you?” jamil still tried to keep his composure but eyed his senior. “how do you know this?” lilia smirked. “your actions are very clear to the eye, viper.” he started to walk away from jamil but stopped before turning the corner. “oh and if i were you, i’d go back and check on her. she might be in serious trouble. call it...an intuition...” and with that, he vanished. jamil was still debating with himself but it seemed as if his feet moved themselves all the way back to your room. he hesitantly knocked on your door. “(y/n).” no reply. he knocked again. “(y/n)..?” and now he was starting to grow impatient. alright he might not have been answering when you called him, but he found it extremely immature for you to be doing the same thing. “i know you’re mad....just...” he sighed. 
“pardon the intrusion.” he opened the door slightly and slipped inside. he looked around to find you nowhere. “(y/n)...?” he walked behind the sofas to see the smashed vase. this was when panic started to set in. “(y/n)!” you heard a clang coming from the kitchen and he ran to see what happened. he saw you on the floor, while inhaling as much air as you could, a hoarse voice coming out from your own throat. you looked up to meet the eyes of jamil. he flinched a little as he saw your eyes glimmer a glowing red color, and your fangs were just as evident as ever. “(y/n)...are you alright?” 
“i need to drink jamil! please! let me...NO! i can’t!” you reached your hand to grab him but when you realized what you were doing, your other arm grasped that arm reaching for him. “what happened to you..?” his eye trailed to the shards of glass vials and saw the empty cabinet which was supposed to be your supply of blood. he learned about it somewhere before. if they didn’t satisfy their thirst, vampires would be immense pain due to this. jamil took it upon himself to crouch down in front of you and grabbed your chin. “(y/n)...” he softly spoke. with your thirst driven eyes, you looked at his soft expression. “it’s alright...you need to drink. besides, i don’t want anything happening to you...”
tears streamed down your cheeks as you forgot all of your human-like behavior and threw yourself onto him. you pounced on top of him and dug your fangs deep into his collarbone. he grunted slightly, trying to endure the excruciating pain. from a sensation being similar to being stabbed with a knife, it soon faded away as another feeling started to dawn upon jamil. you took another gulp of his blood before finally backing away and realized what you’ve done. “JAMIL! I’M SO SO SO SO SORRY!” you sighed. “for everything.” he was readjusting his uniform while listening to you speak. “i’m sorry for being so bratty. so annoying. i’m sorry for treating you so badly! you can leave me if you want to, i don’t need anyone...” you felt a hand on top of your head. 
“i can’t leave you alone, besides who would be here to offer you blood when you need it?” you blushed. “i-i can order blood you know! ethically sourced and clean, guaranteed!” this caused jamil to chuckle. “(y/n), i’m sorry for losing my patience around you. i’m sorry for treating you the way i did.” you shook your head. “n..no...i’m the one who’s sorry.” he was picking up the glass shards from the floor when he saw your expression. he started to laugh. “what?! it’s not funny?!” he continued. “are you seriously crying?!” you sniffled and wiped the tears away. “no! shut up!” he pinched your cheek. “you’re such a big baby.” 
“i’m sorry...for being that way.” jamil smiled. “it’s alright, (y/n). you don’t have to apologize. but of course, there are a few things about you we need to work on. such as your patience, whininess, brattiness, the list goes on.” you pouted. “i get it! i’m a shitty person!” jamil chuckled. “well not all that shitty. come on, we start on improving today.” you looked up to see his smiling face and hand extended to help you stand up. you hesitantly grabbed it and you were back up on your feet. “i’m sorry if i bit you too hard, or if i took too much blood.” he just shook his head. “i’m alright, don’t worry about me.”
“jamil...i’m sorry. again.”
“i know. and you don’t have to apologize so often.”
“okay...i’m sorry...EH WAIT...SORRY FOR...nevermind.”
“this is already a good change.” 
i was kinda thinking of owari no seraph when writing this lolol i miss it sm, hello season three wyaaa ;-; also i’m just gonna continue fangirling over the beans day event and all of the fanart lolol still debating with myself whether to write astra’s story or not meeeehhhhh :p
love, a♕
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all-things-skam · 5 years
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Title: My Valentine
Ship: Wtfock | Robbe Ijzermans + Sander Driesen (Sobbe)
‘’Can I see?’’ 
‘’Come on, Sander…’’ 
He used his free arm to cover as much of his work in progress as possible, shielding it from his nosey and impatient boyfriend. ‘’No. Not until it’s finished.’’ Robbe pursed his lips into a pout, but Sander didn’t give him attention. ‘’Don’t bother making that face, it won’t work,’’ he warned, knowing him like the back of his hand. 
Sighing, Robbe fell back into his seat, defeated. 
Being ignored and pushed away wasn't how he had hoped his first Valentine's Day to go. Especially after Sander told him he had plans for them. 
The blond artist had asked Robbe to meet him at this park after school, saying he had a surprise for him. Alas, Sander didn't think that Robbe would speed to the park and get there before he had finished his drawing.
Robbe opened his phone and searched for a picture to post. Aaron had already made a cute Valentine’s Day post and Robbe didn't want to be dethroned by them for the cutest couple. He had to maintain his status and show everyone that he had the best boyfriend.
As he scrolled in his photo library, he realized how few pictures he had of himself and Sander. Most were from the early days of their relationship, in Robbe’ room or at the bar where they had their first date. The rest were pictures Robbe wanted to keep to himself, little moments between the two of them or just Sander doing everything and nothing. 
He ended up picking a picture of them in his bed, taken from Sander’s old camera. The quality had decreased from being scanned and uploaded on a phone, but Robbe didn’t mind. He liked this picture. It was taken on the first afternoon Sander and him spent some time together. They had stayed secluded in Robbe’s small bedroom all afternoon, only coming out and saying goodbye minutes before Milan came back from work. 
Typing a quick caption, Robbe posted the picture and got lost scrolling on his feed, liking Jens’ post with his new girlfriend - a lamp. 
‘’Finished!’’ Sander declared, dropping his pencil. 
Beside him, Robbe was quick to react, excited to see Sander' drawing. Sander uncovered the paper, allowing Robbe to finally see. 
In the middle of the paper was a sketch of the two. Robbe's hand was holding the back of Sander's neck, their faces so close and touching, about to kiss. 
His lips turned into a grin, grateful and proud. ''My artist,'' he said, cupping the back of Sander's neck and joining their lips for a kiss, just like the drawing.
Whether it was a quick sketch on a napkin or a full piece on a big canevas, Robbe was always amazed by his boyfriend's talent. He didn't know much about art, its terms or techniques, but he never failed to make Sander feel supported and skilled. Sander knew he was good at it - otherwise, he wouldn't have been chosen to this art school -, but hearing it from Robbe's lips, his lover, was different.
‘’You like it?’’ Sander asked, pulling back. 
Robbe nodded, their noses brushing as he did. ‘’I love it. I love you.’’ 
Sander snorted, retracting from him and placing the sketch into the red sleeve he was drawing on, protecting it from any possible crumpling in his backpack. ‘’Sap.’’
‘’What are we doing, now?’’ Robbe asked, doubting they’ll stay on that park bench all evening. 
‘’We’re going to yours. I passed by the flatshare during lunch and Milan helped me set up some stuff.’’
Furrowing his eyebrows, Robbe gave Sander a worried look. ‘’Sander… What did you do?’’ 
Sander grinned mischievously and stood. ‘’Come.’’ He held out his hand, waiting for Robbe to take it.
Sander was almost stepping on Robbe's heels as they walked down the hallway, overexcited about his surprise. Robbe had warned him that he didn't want to do something big for Valentine's Day, preferring something chill over a grand gesture which was a bummer because Sander loved to prepare big surprises. But, for once, he listened to his lover's wishes and went with something more toned down. 
‘’You better like it, I was almost late to my afternoon class and my teacher is a cranky spinster. She isn't very understanding when it comes to love.’’
Robbe shook his head at Sander's anecdote. 
''Ready?'' Sander asked, hand on the door handle.
He made a move to twist it but didn't push, making Robbe groan impatiently. ''Wait!''
The blond laughed behind Robbe, the latter feeling the vibration of Sander's laugh from how close they were. He can be such a whiny baby sometimes. ''Okay, okay,’’ Sander said, this time opening the door.
Robbe frowned, seeing his room the same way he left it this morning. His green hoodie was still on the floor along with yesterday's tee shirt, his bed perfectly unmade and his science textbooks dangerously sitting on the edge of the desk.
What? Where is the surprise?
Seeing his boyfriend's confusion, Sander guided him further into the room until he could see the piece of fabric pinned on the wall. Immediately, Robbe jumped to conclusions, imagining the worse.
‘’Sander, you better not have spray-painted my wall. The landlord will kill me if-’’ 
‘’No.’’ Sander shook his head, chuckling amusedly. ''I rented this projector for the night at my school and Milan helped me put up this fabric on your wall to make a decent screen,'' he explained, pointing to the rectangle device set on the nightstand. ''We can watch anything we want...in the comfort of your bed, which is much better than going to the movies, in my opinion.'' 
Robbe held a snicker, getting Sander’s subtle allusion to Aaron’s romantic plan. The curly haired one had been talking about his Valentine's Day date plan all week, claiming that he had the best date idea, but let’s be honest, no one could top Sander's at-home theater. 
In Robbe’s bed, they could cuddle and make out all they wanted without being scolded by an employee. They were free to wear - or not wear - anything, be as comfortable as they wanted. They also didn’t have to endure the kissing noises the other couples around them would make. 
''And,’’ Sander paused, adding suspense, going into his backpack to pull out a white paper bag. ‘’I got us pastries from the bakery. Croissants, snowballs, pralines- all the good stuff.’’ 
Robbe’s face broke into a full grin. That boy knows the way to his heart - or his sweet tooth. He closed the gap between them and hooked an arm behind Sander’s neck, going for a kiss. Sander's free hand went to Robbe' lower back, pulling him in closer as they kissed slowly.
Little did he know, this was part of Robbe's plan to grab the pastries bag. 
Sander pulled away, holding the white bag out of Robbe’s reach. ''No, no. We gotta chose a movie first. No movie no pastries.'' 
He pouted and Sander kissed the pout off his face. ‘’What are we watching?’’ 
‘’I don’t know. You chose.’’
Robbe shrugged. He had an idea in mind, a very cheesy idea, but he was sure Sander would decline his choice, knowing his dislike for the movie. ‘’What about Baz Luhrmann’s Roméo+Juliet?’’ he suggested, a little hope in his voice. ‘’But, we don’t have to watch this one if you don’t want to. I know you don’t like this movie-’’
Sander sighed, interrupting Robbe’s rambling. ‘’I guess I can make an exception…’’ 
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bookworms-united · 4 years
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Turbulence by Lyn Gala
5/5  ⭐
damn. i genuinely was not expecting this book. i wasn’t expecting to love the plot and the MC anywhere as much as i did. and it’s been so long since i found a book that completely enthralled me, that after a nontop stream of over the top monotonous cliche novels i was not prepared.
like i mentioned, this book is phenomenal in character growth and plot. it’s a gay scifi novel that is genuinely good. that has all the nuances of a well developed world that make me wish this was a series so i could get more of it. the novel is told from Jacq’s pov, and he’s so tired, of seeing misery, of all the inevitable damages the war brings... yet his unpretentious and upfront attitude gives you all those details no holds barred. 
and jacqs, baby jacqs... i started off hating him. he was rude to the point of being downright hateful, ill tempered and spoke what was on his mind not giving a shit about anyone else. yet he grew on me. i grew to understand his motivations, the reasons behind his words and actions, and was able to see the complex layers of which he was made of. (and, best part is, we didn’t get any whiny excuse for his griveus actions. we got background yes, but he corrected past mistakes and in his case actions did speak far more than words) Zeke, on the other hand, remains a bit of a mystery, although trust me when i say that you will understand why someone like Jacqs is attracted to him. they were made for each other, for better or worse.
so yeah, i loved this book. and if it was up to me i would get six seasons and a movie, but alas, that’s not how things work. read it, tell your neighbors, because trust me when i say you won’t regret it. 
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Give Me Your Fior Di Latte - Seniority
Summary: Being the affluent heir to a flourishing pharmaceutical company, it was easy to say that he had access to anything and everything he could possibly ask for.
Except for what he desired most, so close within his grasp yet still so far away. His superior at work: You.
And he just couldn’t endure this any longer. [Business AU]
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Reader/Fugo
Another day, another country, another meeting.
And yet Fugo was experiencing an all too familiar bout of anger.
He was sure to read up on Japanese cultural etiquette prior to this business trip to Japan--as the heir to one of Italy's most prosperous pharmaceutical companies ought to do--but he still could not contain the admonishing hiss of his voice while his hands seized hold of a wrinkled, lilac-colored collar.
"What the hell are you wearing?! Where the fuck is your suit jacket, you idiot?!"
Having shuffled away to an empty business room, Fugo was not holding back his anger in the slightest while he shook away at a flailing and whiny Narancia, who served as the company's hapless intern while also being his closest friends from college. While Fugo excelled in his studies to be able to graduate in less than 4 years, Narancia was crawling through his 5th year and was in need of an internship to meet the prerequisites for graduation.
Lazy, stubborn, ever and easily distracted--friendship or not, this was the makings of an ever volatile working relationship between the two.
Such was the advice to never do business with one's best friends.
And now, here Fugo was, having to prepare and close an extremely crucial deal between Rinnovo Inc. and the board of one of Tokyo's most prestigious psychology medical group. The meeting was in 15 minutes. Rehearsal was supposed to occur an hour earlier, were it not for Narancia sleeping in after partying it up in Kabukicho the night before with other members of the team and having just now rolled in the same suit clothes he passed out in.
It was clear that Narancia forgot his portion of the presentation.
It was also clear that Fugo was about ready to slam his best friend face first onto the sleek, wooden conference table right beside them.
At least, just until he was reminded of the third presence in the room by the hand that gently rested on his shoulder.
"Panacotta, please--calm down."
It wasn't instantaneous, but the sound of your voice and the weight of your hand was enough to clear away the burning, hot red fury that was obscuring his narrowed pink eyes.
Though Fugo was meant to be an heir to the company, there was still much that he had to learn and experience on his own, even to just work alongside his father. The knowledge he needed would be taught by you, the senior manager he was currently shadowing at work. In a sense, he was on the same page as Narancia, the both of them following after your footsteps to better themselves as businessmen.
The first time he made your acquaintance was during his first year of college, having passed by the office to collect research material for a paper he had to write. You were sitting in the lobby, looking so nervous as you awaited to be called in for your job interview. Having just graduated college a few years ago, your beauty left him entranced, along with the bubbly warmth you exuded, one that was so foreign to what he was accustomed to in face of the cold and corporate atmosphere both at the office and at home.
His paper forgotten, he opted to instead stay with you, wishing to ease your nerves as best as he could while also wanting to get to know you better.
Truly, he hoped for nothing more than for you to get hired, now feeling inspired to take up an internship at the office as opposed to begrudgingly doing so.
Even when he happened to notice the golden band around your ring finger when you adjusted your portfolio one last time before offering your thanks and following the secretary to meet for the interview.
That same hand was on his shoulder now.
Sans one wedding ring.
Those deep inhales you always advised him during bouts of anger were necessary.
Even if you never failed to leave him breathless.
His grip on Narancia's collar loosened as he turned to towards you, his expression beginning to soften while he faced you fully.
Your demeanor was calm, soothing, added with a small but sweet smile on your face. "What's done is done, so let's focus on how we can fix what's going right now, alright?"
Fugo took in another breath.
There was another matter that he needed immediate assistance with, something only you could fix, one that tore at him from within upon each passing day he was left to silently endure it.
He exhaled. "Yes, captain..."
"Still..." You peeked around him, a sigh released from your lips as your expression turned exasperated. "Narancia, you should really take more care, especially with important meetings like this."
The hard thud of Narancia falling to the floor on all fours followed, his head lowered. "Captaaain! I'm sorry I fucked up! I promise I'll do better next time! I'll drink margaritas instead of vodka when I go out!"
While Fugo found reason to forget finding peace and instead seize back his rage, you studied Narancia's physique while you considered what would be the best course of action.
Thankfully, the answer was simple as it was effective.
"Just be glad I decided to dress for comfort today, Narancia. Here...this should fit you since I sized up on it."
Fugo stiffened, his eyes immediately directing away from Narancia towards you, watching as you shrugged off your blazer before offering it his befallen friend. While your top was modest in presentation--not too much skin exposed--the material was form-fitting, made more apparent now that your blazer was gone.
While any moment spent watching you was pleasure at its peak, all Fugo could feel was the vicious sting of jealousy as his best friend eagerly seized hold of your blazer.
"Wahh! You're a lifesaver, captain!" Narancia cried out while rubbing his face against the fine material of your blazer. "I won't let this happen again! You can count on me!"
You began to giggle, reaching down to pat and stroke his head with delicate pressure before playfully tugging at his hair. "You better!"
And so Fugo had to take in another breath.
"Now," you remarked while smoothing down the front of your top. "I'm going to make sure the powerpoint is running properly." Taking a step ahead, you brought your hand to Fugo's shoulder, your expression warm and trusting. "Panacotta, please make sure Narancia's ready!"
He refrained from glancing at your ringless finger, his eyes wishing to never break contact from yours. "You can count on me, captain."
Your hand retracted.
Your feet stepped aside.
You left the room.
Though your scent lingered.
And Fugo felt cold.
It was an icy chill--an achingly familiar one.
He wasn't sure why of all times, but he was getting a sense of deja vu to when you had to take leave for a few months. The only difference between now and before was back then, your stomach was much rounder.
"I never wanna take this off. It smells exactly like captain!"
With no time to be bitter, Fugo was yanked out of his reverie, his head sharply turning to see Narancia still on the floor, moaning dreamily while nuzzling his face against one of the blazer's sleeve.
You weren't around any longer, and thus returned his vision of crimson.
"Fine, since you like it so much, I'll staple it onto your skin if you'd like," he snapped under gritted teeth, taking a few hard stomps ahead to drag his friend up to his feet by the hair.
Narancia let out a yelp, his violet eyes immediately narrowing in defiance before swatting away Fugo's hand with a grunt. He brought his hands up to his hair, quickly patting and smoothing down any disturbed locks. His tongue immediately shot out as he tsked, "Hmph, whatever, Fugo! Your younger age really shows you know!"
Holding up a finger, he proceeded to wag it while an all-too knowing smirk slid onto his lips "It's a good thing captain's already a mom and knows how to take care of brats like you--!"
Fugo immediately lunged to grab the stapler on the conference table.
It was nothing short of a miracle that the two of them managed to get ready on time.
But while Narancia was more or less prepared at last, Fugo's mind was elsewhere, having followed the trail of his eyes with every glance sent your way. Despite the composed expression on your features, he could tell you were cold from the air conditioner in the conference room. Your hand would reach up to rub over your arm every now and then, and he was ready to simply offer you his jacket.
Both for your comfort and to cover you up in face of all the other businessmen in the room.
After all, with the snugness of your top, the definition of your curves were outlined as was how profoundly supple your breasts were, looking still so full and big, as he was aware that you were still nursing your baby.
His attentiveness of you, however, was what caused him to be caught off guard by a question made by one of the board members. He was truly at a loss for what was said--context, his place in the presentation, everything. His eyes shifted to yours for a moment, seeing the confused, if not concerned look in your gaze.
A heat was beginning to crawl up his neck, one of embarrassment, of shame, and of frustration.
But before things turned disastrous, all it took was a quick intervention by Narancia, who was able to answer in Fugo's place, doing so to segue things over for you to explain instead.
Though there was relief, especially as Fugo scolded himself inwardly while returning his focus to the presentation at hand, there was still a lingering, burdensome feeling that he was in dire need of relieving in some way.
Much was presented, business cards were exchanged, hands were shook.
The meeting wrapped up to a seeming success, with the board wishing to hold a follow-up conference call next week to discuss moving forward on a joint venture with Rinnovo. From an utterly stressful, nerve-wracking morning to a lively and raucous dinner at a warm, smokey izakaya bar in a crowded Shinjuku alleyway, your team was in a celebratory mood.
Platters of grilled and fried delicacies covered the low wooden table that you and the rest of the Rinnovo's representatives were knelt before, all while each of you mugs of beer and cups of sake raised in yet another toast.
"Everyone did so well!" You chirped towards your colleagues, holding up your glass of water just before your gaze lowered down to your lap, your smile becoming amused as you continued, "...especially you Narancia! Your improvisational skills really helped us there!"
Having found much comfort in resting his head upon your lap, a flushed and grinning Narancia smiled up at you dreamily at your praise, snuggling into the blanket that was your blazer before responding with a slurred, "'Schank you, captain! Above all elsh, I din' wanna dishappoint yoo~"
"Well you're certainly being a nuisance to her."
Snorting right beside you was Fugo, who only rolled his eyes while he sipped his beer. For as celebratory at you and the team were, there was a standoffish, sour mood that he exuded, looking as though he wanted nothing more than to be elsewhere than here. It made you concerned, as you were certain that something was bothering him, of which you anticipated needing to speak to him about as a superior should.
Still, that was a matter for tomorrow.
In the mean time, you were about ready to depart. The hour was getting late and you wanted to return to the hotel, as you had plans to call back home before you turned in for bed. Wih you out of the country, your child was left in the care of your mother, who had been your main supporter in light of your current situation.
Fugo, having had enough with dealing with the drunken antics of Narancia and the others, offered to escort you back to the hotel. It was for the better any how, as the departure for the both of you was delayed by Narancia whining and begging for you to stay as his pillow, of which Fugo was quick to reprimand him for.
However, aside from that, he was quiet on the taxi ride back. You attempted to probe into what was bothering him, but he assured you that all was well and that he was simply ready for bed after a long day.
Feeling that it was better to give him space at this time, you did just that, wishing him goodbye at the elevators before he hopped off for his floor. Though you hoped that whatever was burdening him wasn't too serious, you anticipated getting to call back home and see how things were going with your child and your mother.
And so you stood before your room, reaching into your purse to take out your room key.
But it didn't take long for the realization to dawn on you that your room key was missing.
You searched through your purse over and over to no avail. Recounting your steps, thinking of all the places you could have possibly left your room key behind. The idea to call your colleagues came to mind, but you thought to do just one more thing before doing so.
It was why you were approaching Fugo's door.
It was why you raised your hand to knock.
You were here to find the whereabouts of your key.
But as the door swung open just before you were quickly yanked inside by the wrist, it would seem that Fugo had a much different plan in mind for you.
As this was going on, a blurry-eyed Narancia was trying to sift through a thick karaoke booklet, katakana and English letters melding together as he tried to find the track number for Snoop Dogg's "Sensual Seduction". With dinner finished, he and the rest of the presentation team decided to party it up even more than they did the night before, making their first stop at a nearby karaoke bar.
"Oi Ghirga, choose a song already!" One of his colleagues grumbled, waving his half-full bottle of Asahi around.
Scowling, Narancia shot him a look of pure annoyance, emphasized by his middle finger raising up in return. "Yer gonna make time for Snoop, orrr elshh!" Still, with nothing but moody blue lighting and a spinning disco ball, trying to make sense of the karaoke booklet was proving to be difficult.
Deciding to use his phone as a flashlight, he reached into the pocket of his blazer to retrieve it, only to come to a hard realization once his fingers touched over something far too thin.
Not only was he wearing a blazer that did not belong to him, he also realized something even far more important as he proceeded to yelp out, "Ahh I have captain's room key! I need to call her!" Drunk as he was, he remembered his promises to you mid-grovel during the morning--him swearing he would do better for your sake.
And him accidentally keeping you locked out of your room when you were ready to relax and make a check in back home was the exact opposite of doing such.
However, as he stumbled outside the room to make the call, you didn't pick up.
And neither was Fugo when Narancia called him afterwards.
His eyebrows slowly furrowed together. Usually, the two of you were quite responsive when it came to answering calls.
And if the both of you--now back at the hotel, with you lacking a key card--weren't picking up your phones, it could only mean one thing.
By his drunken deductions, you and Fugo realized how much fun you were missing out by turning in early and decided to go out and have your own karaoke night together.
Narancia smiled, proceeding to slip his phone back into your blazer before returning back to the room.
The two of you deserved some joy.
However, back at the hotel, joy was interpreted and experienced in different ways between you and Fugo.
As your wrists strained within the binds of a deep purple Versace tie, you continued to squirm upon the king size bed of his suite, your face flushed and your voice quivering. Though the temperature of the room was kept to a chill, you still felt overwhelmed with heat.
Your business attire was once kept in pristine condition leading up to and all throughout this day. Now, your top was torn in half at the front, your bra and skirt tossed to the floor without a care, and your stockings barely clinging to your legs after being torn at the crotch. The flawless state of your make-up was left in ruins as well, most notably your lipstick, having been smeared after your lips have been subjected to so many needy, messy kisses.
The disarray of your clothing made you just so accessible.
And just for Fugo.
As heir to the company, he had to learn how to carry himself with confidence, to declare his presence just by walking into a room. And as he loomed above you, not a shred of clothing on his skin, there was a daunting aura that he exuded, one so powerful yet still so fragile. Despite the relentless and pounding pace of his thrusts, he still couldn't quite hold back the tender side that you knew quite well.
"You baby him too much, bella mia," Fugo hissed out with a ragged breath. "Why does Narancia always get your attention?! Why him?! Why always him?!"
Your mouth parted to speak, to try to sift through all the discord that ringing through his sense of mind, but with the tight grip he possessed your hips with while sinking the long length of his cock in and out of you, you couldn't get a proper word out.
His violet gaze bore straight into yours as he growled out, "I hate this goddamn company--I hate this future that's been locked in place for me. But you..." He trailed off, a glimpse of his yearning for you revealing itself. "You still are the only thing that keeps me happy and sane--even if it killed me every time you brought up your husband." The last part was near spat out with absolute vehemence.
You bit your lip. There was always some tension during the times when your former husband would be around, whether to pick you up at work, or to escort you to company parties. Fugo would always become a lot more reluctant to hang around you with your husband around, but for when he did stay, he was always trying to find a way to direct your attention towards him and him alone.
It all made sense now.
Fugo's hand relinquished one of your hips, the temptation to grope your full and supple breasts irresistible, having yet to satisfy his desire to toy with them from when he was stripping you down. Feeling the soft and heavy weight in his palm while the tip of your nipple gleamed with a drop of milk made his mouth water, even while he was still finally opening up about his feelings.
"When you were away for maternity leave, it was the absolute worst. So boring, so dull, so lonely! God, I hated it so much!" Unable to resist and further, he brought his head down to bury and nuzzle his face into your chest, his mouth eager to seek out your milk, a taste he had longed to savor.
Though he took his time with wrapping his lips around your nipples to draw out your creaminess as a selfish indulgence, he did not relent whatsoever with pummeling into you. In fact, in-between gulping down mouthfuls of your milk as he could, he continued, "But when you came back, I had reason to not hate my life as much--"
Your hips were released completely, now weighed down by his body while an arm hugged around your waist, "--especially when I found out that you and your husband separated--he's a moronic bastard for hurting you, but I guess there was some good out of that."
His index finger hooked beneath your chin, having you gaze directly up into him, keeping your face still as he spoke, his expression that of conviction and ever so longing, his voice shaky with desperation, "It's tough being a single mother, isn't it? It doesn't have to be that way, you know. If we just get married, you'd never have to work a day in your life, and I'd be more than happy to provide for our family."
If nothing was going to get you to finally speak out, those words would. Gasping in astonishment, you stared right up into his eyes. "Panacotta, please...! Think about what you're saying! This is--!"
"--everything I could ever want! If you ever end up pregnant again, it'll be because of me!"
A breathless roar.
Now both arms were locked tightly around your waist, just before he ravaged your core with a merciless rhythm that left you shrieking too much to say or do anything else, save for the walls of your core squeezing around his cock and coaxing him to orgasm, to spill all that he could inside of you.
This was impulsive.
This was a long time coming.
This was something he craved to do for so long.
He was far from done with you, by how he was still kissing over your lips and breasts in reverence while his hand furiously stroked his half-erect cock to entangle his body with yours once more.
And as he admired the mewls and moans you let out, the gradual silence of any attempts to get him to reconsider and think things through, the expectant and even needy look that revealed itself on your face as the night went on, he looked forward to when he would convince you to reciprocate the same feelings to his earnest murmured declaration of,
"I love you, captain."
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solerey · 5 years
Some initial TROS thoughts, unpolished and rambling. Feel free to come chatter.
So...”Rey Palpatine” is kind of stupid, but also kind of the best option that they had available to them short of just...doing to TLJ the same thing that TLJ did to TFA and just kicking it apart and tossing the pieces out the window. And I guess JJ and the other folks working on this movie weren’t that level of asshole, okay.
How the hell does Poe being a spice smuggler fit his backstory? Was it a Resistance mission and he didn’t want to spill those beans in front of everybody mid-mission? Because seriously, how the hell is that supposed to fit even time-wise into the history we’ve been given, let alone personality-wise? Was JJ just trying real hard to make Poe “this movie’s Han” or something? Because I hate to break it to him but Poe is the new trio’s Leia and he’s the one who established that fact so he really should have remembered it okay. I mean...at least we do have the canon of Han Solo being a spice smuggler, so we can kind of say it’s not as bad of a Bad Racist Stereotype as it would be to pull the equivalent shit in our world...but at the same time, smuggling space under the Empire is rather different from smuggling spice under the New Republic, which is not a horrible totalitarian government...and for that matter, Poe had nice loving parents and a good childhood, unlike Han, so how the hell did he even end up starting that in the first place? It must have been some kind of undercover mission. It must have. Nothing else makes sense.
OH GODS THAT KISS ASJLK:SGOIWEUGHUAKBN:KNSFN WHYYYYY. I legit let out a noise of involuntary disgust and horror that was some kind of scream-turned-into-a-gurgle that I really, really wish I could duplicate but I don’t even know how I got my throat to issue that sound omg. Made half the theater giggle though whoops. Thank every power in the ‘verse that he died then, at least; if Kylo Ren had not only gotten a “redemption arc” but also lived I don’t know that I could have stomached it...
P.S. “I realized that I’ve been a complete monster and have murdered tons and tons of people for bad reasons and now I feel bad about it, so I’m going to go kill some of my old allies now and then give my lifeforce to someone who’s actually a Good Person so they can survive in my place and improve the galaxy in ways that my shitty whiny evil ass never could” is not the kind of “redemption arc“ that actually turns someone into a good person. Just like with Darth Vader, none of the horrible deeds that Kylo Ren did were erased by the fact that he had a last-minute epiphany and actually killed a few of the right people at the end. He is still a villain -- still a mass-murdering monster. He just managed to do one right thing before he died. He is not Zuko. But gosh, am I looking forward to watching the fandom elevate him to Character Sainthood for that. What is it with people and their inability to enjoy a villain without painting him as some Innocent Woobie? In my day, we could look at our Magnetos and our Doctor Dooms and say “oh yes he’s such an interesting character, I love reading about him, definitely a favorite!” without also convincing ourselves that he was a Good Person who Never Did Anything Wrong Ever...I say, grumbling, from my rocker on the porch of The Fandom Elders.
He’s worse than Kyp Duron and tbh I think Kyp Duron should have gone to jail.
Anyway...I kind of hated the Han scene? And not just because it was part of the “absolve Kylo Ren’s horrific crimes” subplot, but because it just didn’t make sense.
SPEAKING OF...what the hell was up with the “we can teleport objects across massive distances with the Force” nonsense? And people were upset that Leia used the Force to pull herself through vacuum okaaaaay...
Oh Leia. Oh Carrie. At least we got something. Thank you. Thank you to everyone who gave us that; to everyone who salvaged that. Thank you.
Also I really really wish that someone writing for the New Canon would go back to watch the first movie and figure out how hyperspace works. Ughhhh...
Not a lot of Rose in this movie, alas -- I guess she was “the Lando” of the films, huh? Shows up in the second movie and is awesome (really the only good thing to come out of TLJ wasn’t she?) but then gets pulled back to supporting-character role in the third... Hopefully the new expanded universe will do a better job of keeping her around and engaged in the further stories than the original EU did with Lando!
Even less Connix, which is sad. I wonder if it was hard for her, coming back to Star Wars without her mom? Oh Carrie. My princess eternal.
What was the point of the new droid? Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t annoyed by it or anything -- I just didn’t get what he was actually there for? Whatever.
So I’m guessing “Junior” is a baby Ackbar, right? Too bad they didn’t go with Jesmin.
Thank the Force they didn’t kill Wedge, either. (They didn’t, right? I mean, I was watching, but things were kind of chaotic, and I only found out that they’d killed Ackbar in TLJ because they fucking said it afterward, since there had been nothing to indicate he was there before that...but they wouldn’t kill The Survivor, RIGHT?)
Oh man it was so nice to see Lando. I kind of wish he’d been in it more, but at the same time, the bits he was in were so perfect. I hope we get a book about him helping Jannah and the other former stormtroopers tracing their origins.
So real disappointing that we didn’t get to see Finn inspiring any stormtroopers to defect, huh? When they got surrounded on the Star Destroyer, I was so hoping that the stormies were going to suddenly recognize him and lower their blasters...SIGH.
Still, at least Finn is going to be Rey’s first New Jedi Student now, right? Right?
I did really like the group of defecting stormtroopers in general, though. That was excellent. They make me want to actually read a New Canon book although it’s a shame Aaron Allston isn’t here to write one about them because his style would be a kickass fit for that story, wouldn’t it? Whoever they get, I hope someone writes it.
I’m still torn on whether or not I like that it was Luke who lifted the X-Wing out. I do know that I don’t like the Force Ghosts Can Interact Tangibly With The World idea.
JEDISTORMPILOT hug at the end? HELL YES. That is the only ship I want to see in this movie. Okay no that’s a lie I would have also been delighted with Finn/Poe and happy with Finn/Rey but since they didn’t want to give us anything more than bait-and-switch bullshit in this trilogy, I will just sit back and be thrilled by the lack of (likely heteronormative) Mono Ship Resolution and enjoy the fact that the closest we come to actual canon is this charming polyship. Even though all these of these characters deserved BETTER than the weird quasi-love triangle/whatever the fuck was going on there...and we’re not talking about the kiss again ever yuck.
I really wish they hadn’t opened Zorii Bliss’s helmet. UGH.
Speaking of: disappointed that Phasma didn’t come back again lol. Could have gotten her ass kicked again by Finn...only better this time, like the deleted version.
Also why are all of the main characters humans? Come on man...the Resistance is not the Empire (or the First Order, or Final Order, or whatever they’re calling themselves; it’s just a fresh coat of paint on the same old xenophobia). There should be way more non-humans in the ensemble scenes...and a few more aliens as full characters. Someday we’re going to get someone who actually understands the world building of this universe to write a SW movie... You couldn’t even paint Zorii Bliss a different color? Ugh. All we really got was Chewie and a few background extras/jokes/one-liners...and Chewie was pretty underutilized too, imo.
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aaronobrian · 5 years
Star Wars: The Last Jedi - First Thoughts
Below are my first reactions to Star Wars The Last Jedi a day after I saw it in theaters. I posted this on Facebook that started a lot of discussion. To be clear I didn't completely hate Star Wars The Last Jedi. But it suffers from poor writing. Below are spoiler heavy points that I think amount to a 3rd grader writing a movie script. - - SPOILERS BELOW - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.) The slow chase scene of the First Order pursuing the Resistance is BORING! We are watching a Star Wars movie here not an episode of Star Trek Voyager. If I was the writer, I would make the Resistance fleet have enough fuel to make multiple jumps to lightspeed. Then have a cat and mouse chase between the Resistance and the First Order. We could have exciting and multiple star systems that the Resistance fleet could hide out. Sort of like the chase between the Millennium Falcon and the Imperial Fleet in Empire Strikes Back. But on a grander scale. We could see the fleet be picked off one by one in more of a dramatic way. We then could see Poe Dameron, Finn and Rose Tico shine better in defending the fleet.
2.) Finn’s character has NO point in this movie. Finn goes off on a wild goose chase because the movie needed something for him to do. (If they used my chase idea, Finn and Rose would be busy fight the First Order.)
In the past the rebellion had existed for generations simply because ships can pop from one place to the next in the blink of an eye. The Last Jedi introduces magical GPS tracking that essentially makes guerrilla-style warfare impossible. It’s the understandable why Finn and Rose fly off to a random planet modeled off of Monaco so they can disable the technology. This is something the movie does repeatedly, creating problems that didn’t exist before just so its characters can pull off blockbuster high jinks in pursuit of their solutions. Sadly, this entire plot is rendered pointless by the end as we learn Leia was retreating to an old Rebel base on the planet Crait. Alas, Fin, Rose and BB8 are caught and almost have their heads cut off by laser axes.
One of the best part of this movie is to see Finn’s character stop running. In the beginning Finn tries to escape the fleet in an escape pod and the end Finn is ready to sacrifice himself to save the Resistance.
3.) Poe Dameron is always wrong and then is rewarded for it. When Leia tells Poe to break off the attack on the First Order Dreadnaught, Poe ignores her. This leads to heavy losses for one victory. Poe is demoted because of this. When Poe is given no plan from Vice-Admiral Holdo (because COs don’t have to explain themselves to their subordinates), he concocts a plan for Finn and Rose to run off and find a codebreaker so as to infiltrate the First Order ship that’s chasing them. Then when his plan is almost ready to go into action, Poe finds out that Holdo is abandoning ship for the planet Crait. What does Poe do? He mutinies. One of the worst thing that can happen in an armies chain of command. But… the movie ends with Poe being rewarded as leader of the Resistance by Leia saying “don’t look at me, follow him”. (To your certain death?)
4.) Captain Phasma turns out to be completely pointless and dies.
5.) I have no problem that Leia might have powers from the Force. But we have never had a clue from her onscreen history. Yet we have the weird angel like (almost Twin Peaks-ish) scene Where her powers of the Force pulls her back from the brink of death. She’s floating in outer space without any protection and freezing her skin off. In this moment it’s done in a cringeworthy sort of way that’s obnoxious and very strange.
6.) Snoke dies in a hurry. In “The Force Awakens” the big bad was Snoke. There was all this speculation on his character - who he is, where did he come from. Fuck it! Kill him we don’t need to know. Like Darth Maul, Snoke seemed like an awesome bad guy. A suitable opponent to Rey and crew. Instead we are left with whiny emo bad guy Kylo Ren. For as fearsome as Snoke seemed to be, despite being able to throw a human being across a huge room with a flick of his finger and read everyone’s thoughts, has apparently lost his peripheral vision and can’t see that a lightsaber sitting right next to him is moving on its own. Dumb and lazy writing.
7.) Porgs and Vultpex (the Crystalline Fox) are almost pointless and they are a marketing ploy by Disney to make stuffed animal toys for children. Cash grab.
8.) Kylo Ren still is a whiny bitch. Isn’t Star War supposed to be epic? Why is the bad guy an emo kid that hates his dad and looking for a daddy? Darth Vader gave no fucks. The ending scene in Rogue One depicts this. But Kylo Ren is no Vader. He is a fainting baby of a bad guy. That punches his bedroom walls when he feels bad. When Kylo “turns” it prompts a truly fantastic fight scene where both Rey and Kylo are fighting side by side and working together to defeat their foes. It looks and feels so perfect, but that goes out the window the moment the fighting stops and Kylo reveals that he’s really just as much of an angsty kid as he’s always been. Couldn’t we have seen Ren evolve in this movie? Nah - Instead of fearsome we are given pathetic.
9.) Luke Skywalker is a hermit that wants out of this universe. I have no problem that Luke is shakened by his experience with Kylo Ren (Ben Solo). I have no problem that Luke wants to hang up his lightsaber. But Luke knows that Kylo killed his good buddy Han, that his sister is in deadly trouble and the universe is about be handed to the bad guys. And he still won’t spring into action??? When Rey asks Luke to train her, she receives a 3 minute crash course in the Force. Then Luke gives up when Rey is interested in a Dark Side seaweed hole. Well duh, yes - because NO ONE HAS TRAINED HER. (Dumb Ass!)
We do have a great scene when Force projection Luke faces off with the First Order and Kylo Ren. It was super fun and worth watching. But then Luke dies… So I guess Luke gets his wish.
10.) Rey is still untrained. Rey has no mentor. Maybe in episode 9 she’ll get a trainer. But I guess the untrained Rey can just magically control her powers and not be easily led to the Dark Side. But considering that Kylo Ren is such a weak bad guy, I guess she will prevail.
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tumblingdoe · 6 years
More of Day 4, then Days 5 - 9
Saturday January 5, 2019 just before bed
Saturday night after we left card games with friends, I was . not . good. It didn’t make a lot of sense. I’d been really peaceful minutes earlier but in the safety of our new home I realized that things were actually really unmanageable. I felt guilty about the lack of planning which was making it difficult for people to meetup with us but maintained an indignant unwillingness to retreat back to Missoula and allot time to plan. The brat in my head went something like “I don’t want to put more time into strategizing, I’ve already worked so hard to get ahead on Sexplanations, to fundraise, and go on the road.” I was a whiny human mess.
Nels listened then asked that I take things off my plate before I cracked. I evaluated each item but wasn’t able to see a way to let any of them go. So I did the next best thing and got out this wooden massage tool that Alex Reich of MinuteEarth recommended. I rolled out the stress in my back and went to sleep trusting that more would be revealed. Plus, someone from Twitter asked us to meet at Love Revolution in Ashland the next day and that was something to look forward to.
Sunday January 6, 2019
I woke up great. I suspect the hormone monster was off-duty.
We drove to meet another of Nels’ friends for breakfast, a very hip peach farmer. On the way a rafter of turkeys was gobbling down the street and that cheered me up more.
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Breakfast for me was baked apples and french toast. Nels’ friend was very lively and told us about the decision to remove things from her own metaphorical plate. She also talked about people who’d had things removed for them like a vineyard where all the plants got sick and ended the business, a local grocer losing 15 million in profits to a chain store moving in, fires, wind storms, death. It gave some much needed perspective and gratitude.
From there we drove south toward a sex shop meetup at Love Revolution in Ashland, Oregon. Fajitas on the way. We arrived a little bit early decided due to strong rain that way stay abroad and clean house. At 4:58 we made our way across the street to the shop. It was gorgeous. There were Betty Dodson drawings on the walls, chandeliers of half naked men, eco-friendly vibrators, sex position party balloons, rainbow cock pockets, and ethically sourced sheepskin mats for soft sexy time. Brenda, the owner, greeted us at the door and her cockapoo ran up just behind her. I felt like I was at home and even more so when a somatic bodyworker we’d stopped by for the meetup introduced himself and gave me a tour of the space. My people!
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A few others stopped into Love Revolution while I was and I offered sex education, but alas, they were happy just saying hi. I did talk with them about Sexplanations, the road tour, and toy vaginas though and I learned about microwaved bagels as a fifi option. Everyone was super kind and down to earth -- something I wanted to remember for the journey going forward. I roamed the store one last time to select a souvenir and decided on an ornament I call Tinkerbeau. Brenda packaged him up safely for me and asked to treat me to my new magical man. What a treat indeed!
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As soon as we got back to the RV I hung Tinkerbeau from the kitchen cabinets so he could fly as we drove. Then Nels and I organized everything in the RV so Tinkerbeau would have a nice home. It took hours and meant making a mess to assess what would go where but we successfully created a giveaway pile, a trash pile, and a recycling pile -- everything else was neatly stashed away.
Then we decided to drive the mountain pass and get a little closer to our next destination. Up and over we went happy to have all our affairs in order, then Nels parked us at a sweet green meadow at the bottom of the pass to sleep and other things.
Monday January 7, 2019
Time to go to California! I worked in the passenger seat and Nels drove. Had I not been on my phone taking a call I would have taken a picture of the water trucks we passed on the freeway. There must have been two dozen or more and they were each a different color -- magenta, lime green, purple, sky blue. I wished that all state issued vehicles had that kind of pride.
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First stop: Redding, California. Some fans there planned a meetup at a cafe called the Sweet Spot. I thought it was clever. We got build-your-own salads then sat down to talk. How did I get into the field? What’s the best way to talk to kids with conservative parents? What do I know about Bethel Church? We discussed the Sexplanations podcast and how they’d found Sexplanations in the first place. Then I asked where we should head for some Redding tourism and was told Turtle Bay and the Sundial bridge.
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The Sundial bridge was outstanding and there were probably six different species of birds diving for fish in the river below. Turtle Bay was a sort of exploration park surrounding the bridge with lots of gardens and sculptures. I don’t like to run, neither does Nels, but the two of us took off along the garden paths for a quick workout before getting back in the RV and heading to Davis. Davis was/is our first big layover stop on the trip. We parked at friends’, I walked their dog, then we were treated to a home-cooked meal and time with an infant and toddler.
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Tuesday January 8, 2019
I was certain there was milk inside our friends’ house and I would finally be able to have peanut butter bumpers so my morning was hasty. Then Nels showed me he’d gotten me milk at the store some prior day while I was napping. What a guy!
I ate in the RV and then went inside the house to plan the day with friends. The outlined agenda was as follows: drive the wagon with four adults, three backpacks, one stroller, and two kids in carseats to the train station, take the double decker train to Sacramento, walk to the Crocker Art Museum, appreciate art, then get dinner and catch the 7 o’clock train out. We did all that and then some.
Then it was back home to the RV and a night in for our first movie in the motorhome: The Wiz. I hadn’t seen it before but the half I’ve seen now has been mind-bending. The scarecrow played by Michael Jackson sings, “ease on down the road.” Now the Sexplanations Road Tour has a theme song.
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Wednesday January 9, 2019 written by Nels
Another layover day in Davis, CA. I spent it planning, cleaning and repairing the motor coach, and sorting gear. The hunt for a quality RV parts supply store began and ended at Allied Trailer Supply in Sacramento.  Having great inventory and quality service, I walked away with plenty to do.  The acquired parts all fit, now the roof vents all work and new vent wind deflectors will go on tomorrow.  Since we’re finally in a climate that doesn’t freeze we turned on the fresh water system, flushed, sanitized and checked the water lines and will have mobile hot showers in our future. RV upkeep and repair was mostly successful. Tinkerbeau did fly off his hook and busted but he’s in recovery after superglue surgery. Photos soon.
Lindsey finished all our laundry, took walks, got lost, did dishes, called friends and professionals, infant-whispered a fussy baby to sleep, and cooked us a delicious green curry. She is still hammering away on the keyboard as I put this entry into the ether. More stops to schedule. More talks to give.
Thursday January 10, 2019
The plan was to go to the beach. I opted out though for a day of self-care. Nels and the friends headed out and I climbed back in bed to rest with the dog. I ended up sleeping until 2 pm! The dog and I went for a walk and then I drove the RV downtown to meet Michael who played a key role in helping us find and secure the RV that is now my home. We talked for a couple of hours about his romantic marriage, Davis weather, timeshares, and how I was doing then walked down the street where I had parked the RV so I could give him a tour. Later I went by myself to a gift shop called Newsbeat and now I’m snuggled up in blankets getting situated with emails.
There is a large padded envelope full of lubes I’m supposed to try out. They were overnighted here a couple days ago but I haven’t been ready to smell like salted caramel or coat my arms in non-scented silicone for science. More to report tomorrow.
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HCs for Dabi, Tamaki, Chisaki and Tomura meeting their fem!S/O’s ex-boyfriend.
“Now, I personally had horrible experiences with my ex-boyfriends, one of them being really really bad, and I guess I just wanted to write this in a way to help myself and anyone who might have gone through the same kind of trauma. After all, these guys (or at least 3 of them) would be the best at getting revenge, while the other would be amazing at reassuring you.
Take care, everyone <3
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This guy rarely shows his real emotions, preferring to act all goody and aloof, teasing you and making roasting jokes about everyone around him, be it that his S/O knows them or not.
Probably, she will know them since he’d most likely (definitely) complain about how stupid or annoying everyone is, making it his personal goal to make fun of anyone.
Now, he’s clearly one to stand out of the crowd, even if there are other people with much more flashier passive Quirks out there, so he prefers to go out with you during the evening or night, when everything is calm, nobody suspects anything and he can just enjoy his time with his girlfriend.
So there it is, a nice, warm Spring evening, the sky is gorgeous, the Sun is setting, the sakura trees blooming, Dabi holding his S/O’s hand, dangling it back and forth while gossiping together-
Until she stopped dead in her tracks, making Dabi stumble a bit and look back at her, her expression out of the ordinary as she tries to pull him away from there, laughing awkwardly and trying to make up petty excuses to go on a different route.
He just blinked in confusion and raised his eyebrow, just following her and looking back, trying to identify the cause of her distress, until he notices a random guy walking down the road in their direction.
“Do you know that guy, S/O? Or why are you acting like this?” “It’s uh...I...Well...” “Ah! You mentioned this guy once, is that him?” “Uh...Y-Yeah...Let’s just pretend he doesn’t exist before he notice-” “Oh, hey, look at that, it’s S/O! How are you~?” “Kill me now...”
She sighed aggravated and turned to face the smirking man who wore a condescending face, looking down at her.
The situation was relatively amusing and annoying for Dabi, both wanting to see how his S/O is going to react, but ready to step in if needed.
“Look, S/O, I know me breaking up with you was a huge blow to y-” “I broke up with you.” “But to downgrade so much...Going out with someone so ugly...I mean, you’ve never been a princess or anything b-” “I’m not sure on what fantasy land you’re living, but need I remind you how many times you told me I was the most beautiful person alive?” “I was lying, of course. How else would I have been able to get around such a prude like you?” “Clearly, forcing yourself on me was the best course of action, wasn’t it?” “Oh shut up, you liked it.” “Yes, especially when I was telling you to stop it. Oh, or when I was trying to push you off me.” “I’m willing to give you another chance.” “Oh, you’re allowing me to beat you to death? Because honestly, that’s the only thing I’d ever want from you.” “Wha-” “You have the audacity to march up to me after everything you’ve put me through and even worse, you think it’s okay to insult my boyfriend who, by the way, is the best person in the world and unlike you, I don’t like.” “You? You don’t lie?! You lied to me during our whole relationship!” “Ah, yes, you’re right. I never loved you.” “Urgh, whatever, I’m leaving. Tsk...What a greedy slut.”
But before he could leave, a low chuckle could be heard around the park as Dabi put his hand on the ex’s shoulder, forcing him to turn away and look into his glaring eyes.
“Now, now, where do you think you’re going? You insult me? As if that never happened before. But it’s a special kind of low to trash-talk such a nice girl like S/O. You think I’d just let you go away after what you pulled? Oh, no, no way in hell. Ah, speaking of hell...I’ve seen it. It’s blue.” “What the hell are you talking about, you freak?!”
And with that, Dabi started slowly burning the ex alive, enjoying every cry and scream of pure agony that would leave his mouth, all while grinning like a Cheshire cat, clearly satisfied with his work.
After the ex was left as nothing more than a pile of ash on the ground, he nonchalantly turned to his S/O who just stayed back, completely stoic, enjoying the blue flame show and he picked her up bridal style, earning a surprised yelp from her, kissing her forehead.
“D-Dabi, put me down, I’m heavy!” “Nah, princess, you’re not.” “P-Princess...?” “Maybe that idiot was too blind to see what’s in front of him, but I’m not. A gorgeous gal like you cannot be anything other than a princess. Hmm...Or maybe a fairy? An angel? Will you come in my dreams every night from now on?”
Despite the furious blush spread all over her face, she could only smile at him with love and put her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek and snuggling to him like a kitten.
This only made Dabi let out an amused breathe and find some teasing jokes to tell her.
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Tamaki Amajiki
This baby is usually so shy that he’s too embarrassed to touch her or even stay much around her, even if they’ve been together for quite a while, so I think a nice little chill date in a small, not so popular, vintage tea place would be ideal.
Soothing aromas in the air, low, calming music, scented candles, dim-lights, amazing hot beverages, books, intimacy and of course, his sweet S/O that he loves with all his heart but is too embarrassed to look at.
Everything was going really well, his S/O managed to make him smile with her jokes and stories and it was obvious that his eyes were gleaming with happiness, despite not looking anywhere around her, but she knew she was doing a good job, so she slowly slid her hand across the table, gently laying it on top of his.
Sure enough, since he’s rather touch-sensitive  (I believe), he’d almost freak out, but closing his eyes, he’d sigh to relax himself, and then hold her hand tightly, showing her that he’s really trying to get out of his shell and be the boyfriend that she deserves.
Now, the problem is that she suddenly stopped mid-sentence and started biting her lip, trying to put her hood up so she won’t be noticed, but alas, she was, and by none other than her ex-boyfriend, the one that she only mentioned once, wishing not to remember the terrible memories she had with him.
“Oh, what we have here! It’s S/O on a little date with some weird looking elf boy!” “Go away, you jackass!” “Is that any way to speak to your boyfriend?” “You’re not my boyfriend.” “You see, that’s exactly why I was looking for you. To change that.” “Uh...No. I already am in a relationship and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in this world.” “With this...Weirdo?” “You’re just jealous because he’s a strong hero with an amazing Quirk and you’re just a pathetic whiny crybaby you can’t do anything right by himself.” “I wouldn’t go there if I were you. You’re crossing a very dangerous line right there, S/O.” “Go away, can’t you see you’re unwanted here and anywhere else? Nobody likes you.” “Oh, you-”
But before the jerk could act against her, Tamaki transformed his hand into an octopus tentacle, starting to strangle him, getting the courage to look up and glare at him.
“I don’t think insulting my girlfriend was very wise of you, considering your worth level is below sea level. Now, I am a hero so I cannot physically harm you, due to my morality-code, but don’t think I will hesitate it if you are to continue harassing us.”
As Tamaki let the jerk run away, his S/O hugged him tightly, kissing his cheek and grinning up at him, making him widen his eyes and blush furiously, trying to hide under the table, not being used to that amount of affection from his beloved.
“Thank you for protecting me, Tamaki-kun! You’re my hero!” “Ah...I...Well...I have to protect my...Girlfriend...S-So...” “I love you, my brave, amazingly awesome hero! You’re the best!” “S-S/O...Please, my face is burning...” “You’re so cute!!”
Needless to say, his girlfriend couldn’t stop fawning over how adorable he was, especially after standing up for her, and to be fair, he couldn’t stop smiling and blushing either, actually enjoying his S/O’s warm and loving hugs.
Maybe he’d make himself gather more courage in the future, just so he could give his girlfriend the same amount of affection that he receives daily from her.
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Chisaki Kai
This guy is obsessed with germs and all that so he wouldn’t be all that physical with his S/O, especially at the beginning. Then, especially since he’s wearing gloves and a mask, he’d indulge in holding hands or the occasional hug, if nobody is around to see.
He is, after all, a villain leader and having a relationship with someone who looks so sweet and kind might endanger him in 2 major ways: 1) His reputation might tarnish, others saying he’s going soft and that he’s an incapable leader driven by pointless emotions or 2) His S/O might get kidnapped for ransom and it would make him torn and put on spot to make a radical decision that would be painful no matter which way it goes.
This, of course, doesn’t mean that he’d keep his girlfriend trapped in the house or only to stay next to him at all costs.
He deeply respects and loves his girlfriend and accepts that they are both their own persons and have their own lives to go on with, so he’s not exactly possessive or obsessive.
He loves going out at night with his girlfriend since it’s the safest way to go out and not be recognised, since that mask of his attracts attention.
So, there they were in a nice busy pub in a corner table, enjoying their drinks and chatting casually about their life, what’s new, interesting, how’s the gangster life and all the nice, calming trivialities they could think of.
Everything was fine and dandy, he was able to put away his stress and was enjoying his girlfriend’s company, girlfriend who seemed to always take sneaky pictures of him (which he knew about but let her do her thing since it was harmless anyways) and was grinning and texting here and there while keeping the conversation flowing smoothly and also finding out new on-going rumours and gossips which always somehow seem to help him with his plans-
Until someone slammed their hand on their table, making her drop her phone on the table and glare at the person who dared interrupt her date with her lover, when she visibly paled and sweatdropped, making Chisaki look at her and the new person, analysing the situation, but not interfering yet.
“What in the name of all Seven Hells are you doing here?” “I saw you walking with that creep in this sketchy pub and I thought I’d-” “You’d what? Stalk me on my date?!” “Stalk you? Oh, goodness, no, I was looking out for you.” “Why would you-” “That guy is a gangster, you idiot! He’s gonna kill you!” “Er-Ergh...I already knew that, if that wasn’t obvious enough. Now, can you le-” “Then what, you’re using him? Is he your sugar daddy?!” “I beg your pardon, what did you just say?!” “Tsk, I should have known. All I did for you, all that time, was out of the goodness of my own heart. But no, you cheated on me, you materialistic bitch!” “Just because you’ve always been a paranoic idiot with unresolved self-issues doesn’t mean everyone around is the way you imagine it to be.” “You never loved me! You were always after my money! Urgh, I should have know you never loved me! You never let me touch you or show my love to you!” “Yeah, of course I wouldn’t let you force yourself on me when I didn’t want to! There’s more to a relationship then physical stuff and I always told you that. Why do you think I dumped you, you pea-brain?!”
But before he could say anything back, Chisaki sighed, clearly annoyed at the conversation and stepped in, using his Quirk to kill that bastard.
“How could you ever go out with such a nuisance?” “Mistakes were made, Chisaki. I can’t change the past.” “So...Wanna be my sugar baby, then?” “Chi-Chisaki, what the hell?!” “Just kidding. That guy had huge issues and he had to die. Besides, nobody talks to my girlfriend like that and gets away with it.” “Where were you all that time ago? I feel like I wasted a lot of time with stupid people until I met you.” “You have to be patient in your search for quality people. Fortunately, my searching-time came to an end once I met you. “Aww, so you can be a real charmer when you want, can’t you~?” “Only for you, that is. But don’t mention it, or you’ll end like him.” “It will be our little secret, then”
And with that, the pair ordered another round of drinks and continued their conversation as if nothing happened, Chisaki very proud of himself and his girlfriend beaming of happiness at what just happened.
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Tomura Shigaraki
Honestly, nobody ever knows what this guy is thinking so I guess it goes without saying that if anyone dares insult and talk weirdly about his S/O, he will make sure to get the Warp Gate guy to kidnap the jerk so he could slowly and painfully use his Quirk on them until they cry and beg for mercy and forgiveness.
Of course, they’d see none from Tomura.
Both him and his S/O are video games fans so I think they’d enjoy dates where they don’t have to do any effort and just play on their PSPs, either a Co-Op game or separate games, doing their little victory screams and poses or cursing the hell out of their games and looking more focused than ever before.
These dates are a way to really strengthen their bond, Tomura leaning against a tree and his girlfriend between his legs, leaning on his chest, both playing their games.
If it’s a colder weather, Shigaraki would wear a very big hoodie so he could try to zip it around his S/O’s form, both to make sure she’s warm, but it’s a way to feel her close as protected, no matter what might happen.
Thankfully, those hands are never around when they are together.
On a nice day, they go out to their usual spot, her draping his arm around his torso, gripping his hoodie as a support and his having his arm around her shoulder, keeping her close and walking in a comfortable silence, enjoying the nature’s sounds and the peace around
As they strolled on their merry way, the girl feels a hand grip her shoulder and turn her to look at the culprit, who was none other than her ex-boyfriend.
“Uh...Wh-What are you d-doing here?” “You...! S/O, you little slut, I’ve been looking EVERYWHERE for you! Do you have any idea how much effort it was to find you?!” “H-How...?” “What, you think I’m too stupid to find you?! You stink of idiocy from miles away. But it’s okay now, you dumb-dumb, you have me to take care of you. There’s no need to hide with that hideous skeleton kid over there.” “I...I think I’ll refuse. He’s my boyfriend and I love him and I really don’t want to be anywhere around you or see...Or hear about you ever again.” “Hahaha...You...You really think I was asking you? No, dear, it was an order. Now, come over and obey me like the little submissive bitch that you are.” “J-Just leave me alone!”
Seeing his girlfriend, the only person in the world who he holds precious to his heart and wouldn’t think of hurting no matter what, with tears brimming in her eyes, trying to make a douchebag stop gripping on her wrists and dragging her away made him snap with anger.
Tomura went to the guy and took a hold of his arm, making sure he decays a good portion of it, grinning already as he starts screaming in agony, looking at him as if he was some kind of monster.
The jerk tried to run away, but Tomura made sure the Warp Gate guy made him fall into the dimension gate, tying him up for a good torture back at the base, as he went in front of his S/O, kissing her forehead and pulling her close to him, hugging her tightly to his chest.
“I should have killed him when you told me about him.” “It’s...It’s okay. At least he’ll get what was coming for him.” “He deserves what he’s going to get. I will make him regret everything he’s done to you, my precious princess.” “Thank you, Tomura...Thank you.” “It’s Game Over for him. Forever.” “I love you, Tomura.”
Now, he wasn’t one to say those words too often. In fact, he hardly ever does. Instead, he’s usually one to show his affection through those little, subtle but important things like “Did you eat?” or “Are you feeling okay? Do you need me there?”  and so on.
Today, he lifted her hoodie sleeves up and kissed her wrists in a way to ‘purify’ the place where bruises might form because of that idiot’s actions.
To both his and her surprise, he muttered a low “I love you” while kissing her, making her eyes widen in surprise and happiness, and him to put his hood on, evading any kind of eye contact.
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yoosungimagines · 6 years
Omg I'm so glad you made this tumblr! Uuuuh. I've got a request: imagine Yoosung finding out that the MC is a few years older than him (either before they have even met and he's developing feelings or when they're already a couple)? Hope it's not too much I'm asking for ;-;
took way too long to finish I’m sorry!! This is fairly long cause well, oops? i’m dramatic haha
also i made it so they’ve met but they’re not a couple i’m sorry if that’s not what you want aaaaa
this is actual trash i’m sorry
Rating: PG13
“Say, Seven, I’m not what they call a…”
Your voice was sheepish as you spoke into the phone, your eyes resolutely trained onto the ceiling and away from Seven’s picture displayed on your phone. There was an expression of defeat mixed with pure embarrassment on your face and your grimace would’ve made for a fun blackmail picture for the redhead.
“A what?”, he drawls teasingly, and you can practically feel the mischievous smirk on his stupid face. “Spit it out ______. I won’t know what you’re trying to say until you say it clearly.”
You wanted to slap him, but alas, his cheek was too far from the palm of your hand. “A-A,” you take a deep breath. Your next words come out in a high-pitched squeak, your fingers clenching around the fabric of your shirt. “A c-cougar!” Your eyes squeeze tightly and your hands fly up to cover your reddened face, a loud stuttering groan of embarrassment leaving your lips.
Seven’s hysterical laughter fills the room, making your ears bleed; you knew putting him on speakerphone was a bad idea! “Oh my god!”, he spits through his giggles. “I can’t believe- haha! A-A cougar- HAHAHA!” You groan again and the urge to hide yourself under the sheets have never been stronger.
“Shut up Seven!”, you cry, his laughs growing in volume at the sound of your suffering. After what feels like forever, his laughter slowly starts to subside, but you can still hear his small giggles between his panting breaths.
“Wh-Why do you ask? What makes you think you’re a c-cou-”, he snorts and you can hear a loud BANG. “C-Cougar-HAHA!” You roll your eyes in exasperation and you consider hanging up on the redhead. He obviously isn’t much help now. Laughing at you isn’t going to do anything for your crippling sanity.
“If you’d just stop laughing, I’d actually tell you.”
“O-Okay, okay, lemme just,” he pants, chuckling under his breath. “Calm myself down… Hooooo~ I can’t breathe.”
“I wish you’d stop breathing.”, you mutter bitterly and he snorts again.
“So cruel ______! I thought we were friends!”, his dramatic yell does nothing but annoy you even further and you tell him so, resulting in another heartbreaking shout.
“Seriously Seven, am I one or not?” His pondering hum makes you nervous and you pull the fabric of your bedsheets taut between your fingers. “You’re gonna have to explain to me why you think you’re a cougar first ______,” he says. Your mouth twists, displeased. “Because personally, I haven’t seen you do anything ‘cougar-like’ in the chatroom.”
You muster up the loudest, most tired sounding sigh you could make and you hear him chortle in amusement. “My friends joke around a lot. About me being a cougar and all,” you explain reluctantly, letting the silk in your grasp fall from your fingers. You instead pick at the stitches in your shirt, a worried lilt in your voice as you speak. “You know how I’m one of the oldest members in the RFA? I told my friends that and well, yeah…” The way your voice trails off is suspicious to say the least, as if you were hiding something from Seven.
“That still doesn’t explain why they think you’re a cougar. You do know what that word means, don’t you? It means to be sexually interested in younger men,” he rattles off, so casually that you wonder if anything can embarrass Seven. Then, his voice turns into something mischievous. “So? Who’s the lucky guy?”
Your flustered sputtering confirms his accusation. Mortified, you turn your body and bury your face into a pillow, your shrill screaming muffled. “______?”, you hear. “______, c’mon it’s not bad to be interested in someone younger than you. And knowing you, you’re probably not interested in just sex, right?” You squeal at the lewd word, pulling another chuckle from him.
Eventually, you turn your head away from the pillow, inhaling to calm your nerves. “Yoosung…”, you breathe out.
“What about Yoosung?”
“Th-The guy I’m interested in… It’s Yoosung.”
Your teeth snags onto your bottom lip when a lengthy silence comes from the other end. “S-Seven? You there?”, you ask, voice shaky. “I know it’s weird bu-”
“I hate you, I hate you so much,” you hiss into the phone. “Laugh one more time and I’m keying your cars!”
He chokes on his laughs, struggling to plead with you through hacking coughs. “W-Wait ______! Let’s be reasonable here!” Seven’s frantic tone in his hoarse voice brings a smug smile on your face. “My babies don’t deserve this! Take me instead! Please!”
You haven’t your rolled your eyes this hard since… Well, ever. “Will you just-! Help me?!”, you huff, the desperation clear even through the annoyance in your voice. “I… I really like him and I don’t want him to be creeped out when he finds out that I’m like 6 years older than him.” You cringe at the thought, heart aching at the image of Yoosung’s face twisting in disgust.
“You mean you haven’t even told him your age?”, Seven asks softly. He sighs, clearly disappointed in you. “______… Yoosung won’t be creeped out.”
“How do you know that?”
“Have you not figured out what type of stuff this boy’s into? Trust me, you’re fine ______. Just tell him. It won’t change his feelings for you at all.”
“His feelings? For me?”
His chuckle feels more reassuring now, the slightest bit of confidence seeping into you from the deep sound.
“He likes you too ______. Probably way more than you think he does.”
“And then he shouts at me for not getting the item in time! Like, how was I supposed to get it when I was literally carrying his sorry butt?!”
Yoosung’s whiny rants were nothing but adorable to you. Admittedly, you were a little disappointed that the only reason he invited you over was to vent, but Yoosung is Yoosung and you’re weak.
You sink into the comfy couch, head lolling to the side to watch as he talks animatedly about his LOLOL raids, hands flailing about and lilac eyes alight with passion.
It’s been a week since your… Enlightening conversation with Seven and it’d be a lie to say it hasn’t been crossing your mind ever since. In fact, it’s concerning just how much you keep thinking about it. Every waking hour - in the shower, while you eat, while you work - it refuses to leave your head.
“He likes you too ______. Probably way more than you think he does.”
If what Seven had said was true, then…
You wet your lips nervously as Yoosung stops his babbling, your silence concerning him. “______? Are you okay?” His eyes peer deep into yours, worry shining in his hues. His pretty pink lips were pulled into a frown. You want to kiss it off of him.
‘He likes you too…’
‘Just tell him.’
‘It won’t change his feelings for you at all.’
“I’m 27!”, you blurt.
Oh shit.
“Wait- Shit! Fuck! I didn’t mean to-!” With a loud, excruciatingly painful groan, you bury your flaming red face into your hands. You hadn’t meant to admit it so abruptly! Stupid Seven!
You can hear Yoosung shift next to you, his movements making you even more anxious. “Uhm,” he finally says. “Well, I’m 21…?” You can hear the question in his voice and you groan even more in embarrassment. Great, now you confused him…
“______? C’mon, tell me what’s wrong!” Yoosung’s hands reach out to grip at your wrists, his touch sending electric shocks up your spine. His thumb rubs soothing circles into your skin, each stroke shooting an arrow through your heart. “You know you can tell me anything right?”
You quiver under his stare, teeth latching onto and chewing your bottom lip to shreds. “My friends,” you manage to choke out, averting your gaze. His wide violet eyes were not good for your sanity. “My friends were teasing me… A-About how I’m a cougar.”
“A cougar?” He cocks his head in confusion. “What’s that?”
You want to D I E.
“Well you see Yoosung, when a woman loves a young man very very much…”
His eyebrows furrow. “So you’re telling me, you love someone and your friends are teasing you about it?”
“W-Well yeah, but the thing is he’s… He’s way younger than me and they just like to joke about that.” Yoosung looks strangely conflicted now, eyes downcast and mouth a thin line; it’s worrying. “Yoosung…?”
“Who is it?”, he asks, painfully hushed.
You could only stare at the blonde, confusion clear in your eyes. “What do you mean?”
“Who’s the guy?” He looks as if someone had stabbed him, betrayal and sadness embedded in his violet hues. “Who’s the guy you… you l-love?”, he practically spat out the word.
A sudden, dawning realization falls upon you and wow holy shit I’m an idiot. Yoosung was jealous. Kim Yoosung was JEALOUS.
You couldn’t help the smile that split across your face and you shake your head at the ridiculousness of it all. “Yoosung,” you laugh, reaching out to cup his face in your hands, pressing your foreheads together. “His name’s Kim Yoosung.”
You watch his expression transition from hopeless to shock to finally, glee. “M-Me?”, he sputters, his cheeks a beautiful red. “You love me?”
Your nod had him beaming up at you, your heart stuttering at the sight. He places his hands atop of yours, staring into your eyes with adoration. “I love you too.” he sighs, pretty lips curved into a dopey smile. He leans in to press a kiss to your nose and you nearly cried from how precious he was.
“Kiss me properly.” You grin when you see how flustered he’s become, puckering your lips to tease him even more. Warm lips capture your own in a tender kiss and you hum, pleased with his boldness.
He pulls away to kiss your cheek, then along your jaw and up to your ear, your little gasps fueling his actions. His warm breath against your skin send shivers down your spine, your ears a bright red.
“You know,” he sighs, his hands sliding down to take ahold of your hips, tugging you closer. “If you were a cougar, I wouldn’t mind if you pounced on me.”
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So since Teen wolf is ending i decide to put my top CLASSIC STEREK FANFIC REC
This is fanfics that i always loved, and go way back I think all of then are from 2012-2013? i dont remember the name of all my favs, because i didnt have an ao3 account and was terrible with names, but here it is:
Gravity's Got Nothing on You
“Three weeks,” Derek says.
“Still don’t want to,” Stiles says.
“I’ll pay you,” Derek says, and that… that has Stiles interested. Alf’s Antique’s may be a great job, but it’s not a high-paying job, and half of Stiles’s tuition is coming from financial aid, so…
“How much,” Stiles asks, “are we talking here? Because I know your family, dude. And it’ll be kind of awkward after.“
“My family thinks you’re some sort of fucking gift to the world,” Derek seethes, like he’s jealous, “they’ll probably be pissed at me when we break it off, so don’t worry about that. Five hundred bucks.”
“A thousand,” Stiles says, because screw ethics. Also, the Hale family is loaded. Derek can deal.
- This one was my first long fanfic that i enjeyd, it is so worth it, and fake pretend relantionship
There is a Brotherhood   
So far, college has taught Stiles three things:
1) Eight am classes are cruel and unusual and should be avoided at all costs, even if it means having to enroll in something truly hideous instead, like Econ 101.
2) Dorm security is just as tight as Stiles’ orientation leader had promised it would be, and the dude guarding Scott’s dorm in particular does not respond well to bribes.
3) Mrs. McCall clearly had no clue what she was talking about when she’d insisted that Scott and Stiles needed to branch out and room with strangers, so it’s all her fault that Scott ended up with a total dick of a roommate and Stiles got stuck all the way across campus with some guy who has a girlfriend two towns over and is thus never around.
Or, the one where pledge brothers Stiles and Scott start a prank war with Derek Hale's fraternity.
- This is just one of the funnist fanfics i ever read
Just Act Normal
If someone had told Stiles back in high school that he would be an Oscar winning actor by the time he turned 25, he would’ve probably told Scott to punch them. The thing is, though…they would’ve been right.
Which makes returning to Beacon Hills, center of all that is supernatural and better left avoided, all the more awkward.
- This one i toke some time to read, because i didnt see stiles was an actor but it always showed up in rec lists and i give up and read and OMG it is so great, actor!stiles totally became a headcanon
Fly a Little Faster  
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
-This fits canon so well that it is amazing, and the speed that mirrorkill took to post this alway amazed me
Permanent Fixture
Derek is Scott's older brother. Stiles is Scott's best friend. Derek is falling in love with Stiles. This is a bit of a problem. 
- This is another one that took me a while to read, because scott and derek brothers wtf? BUT I LOVE IT, and those who like doctor who it is mandatory ;)
Cupboard Love
He’s carefully balancing the sandwiches and the two biggest tupperware containers he could find that both had functioning lids when the front door opens and he almost drops everything right there in front of the stupid fountain.
If that’s Derek Hale, he’s definitely not a mountain man.
- Cute and adorable, what more can I say
Fireman Derek's Crazy Pie [Cheeseburger Baby]
“He can't blame me for the fact that I live in a building full of people united in the singular effort to ogle Hot Fireman as often as humanly possible."
Laura laughs, loud and echoing in the empty restaurant.
"Hot firemen can make a girl do crazy things," she agrees, nodding towards her brother's name on the menu. "Derek won't let me date anyone from his company, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the eye candy."
"Send them my way," Stiles suggests, finally loading up a forkful of pie. "Apparently I'm incompetent enough that I need to be babysat at all times, because it would be cheaper than dispatching a truck every time I try to use a kitchen appliance."
- This one is super funny and adorable
Sourwolf Candy    
When the Sourwolf Candy franchise offers a $10,000 annual scholarship to the school of the winner's choice, Stiles jumps at the chance to enter. It doesn't matter that the other prizes are a day with one of the Hales and a lifetime supply of Sourwolf Candy. The sacrifices are worth it, because if there's one thing that Stiles hates more than Sourwolf Candy, it's Derek Hale.
So of course he has to spend a day with the guy who made the catchphrase 'Don't be such a Sourwolf' popular: Sourfaced Derek Hale himself.  If he doesn't, he doesn't get his scholarship money.
Derek just wants a little sugar.  Or a lot of sugar, as the case may be.
A whole case of sugar.
(He stress-eats sugar, ok?)
- Stiles has the biggest crush of the universe, really babe
Hello, Heartbreaker
It’s a popular joke among Alphas: fuck an Omega, get heartbreak on your hands. Omegas are fragile little emotional things, needy and whiny. Stiles refuses to become that, or to believe that he’s anything like that.
Stiles and Derek have been fuckbuddies for a while when Derek loses his memories of the past three years - and them - in an accident. (Also - everyone's a werewolf, and everyone's alive.)
- First fanfic i ever heard about Mpreg, it is just mentioned, but it was a shock hahah
hope is the thing with feathers
Stiles is ten when he saves the Hales from their burning home and Derek from a wolfsbane bullet, and this establishes a pattern that seem to continue indefinitely.
"Then he's facing a burning home, and he wraps the hood of his sweatshirt around his mouth before he pushes the door open and steps inside. There's Mr. Hale asleep - he hopes asleep - on the couch, next to - Stiles thinks that's his brother but there are so many Hales, who can keep track. He rushes over and starts shaking him, can see the rise and fall of the man's chest so he knows he's alive, but he's not waking up. He shoves away his hood so he can shout, "Mr. Hale! You have to get up, there's a fire! Mr. Hale, get up!" Nothing, he's not even twitching, both of them taking in deep even breaths like they're having the most peaceful of rests, and Stiles is going to cry. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" There's a moment, where all Stiles can hear is the blood rushing in his ears and not the roar of the flames or the creak of wood, then with a violent, silent pop it's all back and both of the men are gasping awake, eyes open and jumping to their feet. "
- Dorks, these two are dorks
Honorable mentioned:
You Belong With Me  
Ever since the new neighbors moved in, Stiles and Derek had been best friends for as long as they could remember. Over the years, Stiles fell in love with the boy next door and watched as his best friend dated, wishing to be the lucky person who got to say that 'Derek Hale is my boyfriend'. Alas, he was overlooked and settled for being the best friend and pined from afar. 
- Dorks pinning, but this one is from 2015, so not that old, or is it? hahaha anyway this is really funny and cute
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