#I ain’t sleeping tonight I can FEEL IT and I have to go to WORK TOMORROW
finniestoncrane · 1 month
i don’t really feel like sharing stuff just now so i’m gonna take a probably teensy little break from posting fics!!
i went on and fuckin on about my pornstar cooper but it’s whatever and i hate to be a fuckin bitch about it but i’ve been crying like a baby for two hours (rejection sensitivity haha) and oof it feels vulnerable and i’d rather not feel like that
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aerinaga · 10 days
can I request a Paige x jealous one year younger reader
wow, okay.
paige bueckers x jealous one year younger!reader
warnings: none
synopsis: paige and her colleagues are working on a project together. one girl, specifically kate, is being too close to paige.
you and paige have been dating for a while now, everything is going well. its just that you’re a year younger than her, meaning that you’re not on the same level in college. there have been ups and downs with communication, but its been going well for a while.
you were currently with ice and kk, hanging out together in the dorm while you wait for paige.
paige was currently in the study hall with her groupmates for a project, she’s been there working for 2 hours already.
the three of you were talking about the team, especially with the new freshmen and transferees in the season.
you noticed that its been a few hours since you heard from paige, you told kk and ice that you’d go see paige in the study hall. kk and ice were both protective of you, disagreeing that you would go alone.
the moment you arrive there, you couldn’t help but feel annoyed? jealous? upset?
paige was laughing around, smiling, and feeling giggly with her groupmate, kate.
you never really knew kate, except for the fact that she’s a bitchy flirt. everytime she saw you and paige, she would greet paige with such a big smile. and as for you, she’d just give you a small smile.
even kk and ice were irritated, they knew about kate and her asshead moves. they knew that you hated her guts.
the three of you were a few meters away from their table, one of their groupmates noticed. paige looked back to see the three of you with a smile full of sarcasm.
kk started clapping, earning questionable looks from the group.
“wow, okay paige.” you tell her, sparing her nothing and leaving with ice and kk.
you all decided to go for a chick-fil-a run, after being so fueled up by the view earlier.
“man, what was that? ain’t cool at all bro.”
“paige didn’t even do anything, thats just not funny.”
ice and kk grumbles around about what they saw, and you knew they were mad. it’s not funny if they’re pissed.
“i understand the fact that i’m not aware of what goes around in the senior community, but seriously dude? paige knows i don’t like her.”
all of you arrive back at the dorm, and the first face you guys see is paige’s face. kk gives her a disapproving look, ice lays a hand on paige’s shoulder, telling her to “man up.” before they go to their own rooms.
before paige even speaks, you tell her first.
“look, i understand that i’m not on the same year level as you. we have different communities, but seriously paige? you KNOW that i don’t like her. i get that you’re groupmates but really dude? do you have to entertain her every second? did you even get any work done?”
paige stays silent, a look of guilt on her face.
“i know that you don’t like her, i do my best not to get entertained by her, but i don’t want people to speculate. i don’t want any issues going around, you know i hate that.”
you don’t say anything to her, you left their dorm, going to your apartment.
you didn’t wanna see her right now, especially when thats all she responded with.
its 9pm now, you were in bed, scrolling through tiktok. you heard your door open, wondering who it was. your mom, paige, and ice had the keys to your door. you got up, went to the living room to be greeted with paige. paige had a bouquet of flowers in her hand.
you can’t deny, she looked hot. a low messy bun suits her so much (i’m a sucker for that).
“oh hi. why are you here? its late, paige.”
“i shouldn’t have entertained her, and importantly, i shouldn’t care about what people say. i promise it won’t happen again, i won’t entertain her anymore. i’m sorry, baby. i really am.”
you pause for a moment, you didn’t know what to say. your anger from earlier was still lingering around, you won’t just fully forgive her.
“yea, okay. you can sleep here tonight, its late anyway.”
you head into your bedroom, getting comfy under the comforter. you feel the other side of the bed being filled up with your girlfriends scent.
your back was facing her, you didn’t bother moving one bit. you were falling asleep.
paige was still up, scrolling through her phone. she couldn’t sleep at all, knowing that you weren’t in your best mood just yet. it was already 2am.
you woke up from music coming out of paige’s phone. she must be watching tiktok. you turn to face her, still half asleep.
“love, go to sleep. its so late” you mumble, wrapping your arms around her waist as you fall back asleep.
paige turns her phone off, laying down properly so that she could hold you in your arms.
“i love you always, baby.”
she whispers, kissing your forehead.
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sinsofbeauty · 9 months
Red Stained Sunflower Pt. 3
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Fandom: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game
Pairing: Johnny Slaughter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Use of Pet Names, Suggestive Nsfw content, Cigarette mention/usage, SMUT!!, Fingering, P in V, Unprotected (Stay safe), slight choking, and more but I don’t wanna spoil the fun ;3
Requested?: Yeeee!!!
Overview: If the events that happened the night before weren't enough, then tonight sure as hell would be. After an awkward encounter, you find yourself alone with the man who has such a hold on you. Talking and playing around won’t compare to what you got yourself into tonight.
A/n: This is the last part of this little series!! If you would like to see more Johnny feel free to send me an ask/request! I got a couple in my inbox so I’ll be working on those! Johnny’s a little more soft but can be a bit aggressive in this one so if ya aint feeling it DNI!!
This chapter contains written NSFW content. Minors are advised to not interact!! Enjoy!
Red Stained Sunflower Pt.1 - Red Stained Sunflower Pt.2
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You weren't prepared for really visiting the Slaughter home the next day. Your heart pumped strangely after Johnny left last night with his confident demeanor and witty remarks. You couldn't sleep all night from it. The man’s scent had still lingered in your room, especially on your bed where he decided to make himself comfortable. You hated him for that. You loved the thought of him but hated that he was constantly on your mind.
Now you were on your way to meet the man, telling your father that you would be at Maria’s for a bit. Lying, so that you could see the trouble that dipped so far into your heart. Walking along the dirt road in your favorite sundress and a small bag, you decided to go through the front instead of the back way close to the gardens like last time. It probably would be easier since it was getting late, the sun coming close to the horizon. 
You hurried your steps as your feet silently patted on the porch, before raising your hand to knock on the door. Your hand was mere centimeters away but suddenly stopped when you heard commotion coming from the other side. And it didn’t sound good either…
“Ya’ keep leavin’ without a trace and don’t tell nobody! The hell ya’ goin’ off to?!”
You carefully pushed your ear to the door to hear if anyone was nearby. If you can recall his name, it sounded like Drayton. The older gentleman who occasionally went by the name Cook among some members of the family. Given that he didn't seem to like your presence, you didn't actually talk to him all that much. When you laugh with Bubba and Nubbins, you may receive sidelong looks or little scoffs from the kitchen. He appeared agitated, and was questioning the person who had turned his mood so sour.
“That’s none of yer damn business, old man.” 
Oh… that’s who was getting interrogated. Johnny. What they were saying appeared to grab your attention, even though it shouldn't have startled you as much as it did. 
“It’s that girl again ain’t it? Ya’ keep goin’ out and followin’ ‘er like a gosh darn puppy!” Drayton had persisted in reprimanding Johnny, his aging voice hoarse with annoyance. “What’s so special ‘bout ‘er hm? She can’t do nothin’ for ya’-“
“Watch yer tone! Before ya’ start ta’ have a real problem on yer hands.”
Drayton and Johnny both appeared to be furious, but Johnny's stance was clearly more aggressive. Given that the older man made a comment regarding other girls, you weren't sure if they were talking about you or not. Your heart briefly ached as a result. You felt a tiny bit envious when you imagined Johnny with someone else. As you refocused on the exchanged words, you briefly dared to blink. 
“Calm ya’self Johnny!” Your ears twitch to the sound of Sissy’s voice. 
“Get off a me!” He growls, sudden footsteps approaching closer the door. “Yer quick ta’ start pointin’ fingers. Do I need ta’ remind ya’ how long ya’ left us fa’?”
“Don’t chu start yappin’ at me! Ya’ know what I needed ta’ do-“
“And I know what I’m doin’, so quit yer barkin!” 
You became aware that you were still listening in as footsteps began to move dangerously towards the door. You immediately moved away from the porch, to the side of the house where the bushes encumbered beneath the window. Bubba and Nubbins emerge from the door moments later once it had opened. You see from the bushes as the two enter the white pickup truck's back bay, with Sissy trailing behind them and moving toward the passenger-side door. Johnny is furiously flailing his arms behind Drayton as the older man stumbles out of the house.
When Johnny came closer, Drayton spun around and pointed a finger in his face as the younger man's brows furrowed. “She’s makin’ ya’ weak boy. Weak! And if I have ta’ tell ya’ ta’ leave ‘er alone again-!”
“What are ya’ so afraid of ol’ man?” The man’s eyelids lower in suspicion. “I don’t have ta’ explain anythin’ ta’ anybody, and I ain’t gonna let ya’ boss me ‘round like a kid.”
“So naive, wait until ya’ mother hears about this,” Cook chuckles, hopping into the truck. “Ya’ care ‘bout ‘er more than ya’ care ‘bout yer own family. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, once she realizes what you are, you’ll treat ‘em like the rest once she tries ta’ leave.” 
As you saw Drayton shut the door to the truck, his remarks caused your stomach to churn, giving you anxiety-filled butterflies. The vehicle had been started, and the engine was roaring as it backed into the driveway. Once it was turned around it drove off, leaving Johnny there speechless and heated as ever. You’ve never seen him so upset, so… filled with anger. He tightened his jaw and balled his fists into the palms of his hands, a vein protruding from the side of his temple. He looked like he could kill someone, right then and there. After a period of silence, he took a long breath in and let it out harshly.
“Yer terrible at hidin’.” 
As Johnny's statement rang across the air, your heart leaped and your eyes widened. Before turning around, he had let out an abrasive huff while his tongue prodded at the insides of his cheeks. “Ya’ can stop hidin’ darlin.” He only moves a few steps before his eyes and boots come to a complete stop on the ground. He was perceptive, and that was well noted. He closed his eyes and ran a hand through his dark hair as his demeanor abruptly changed. “Come oooon, I know yer out here.”
Although you were uneasy, there was no use continuing to hide now that he had exposed you. A few seconds later, you emerged from the bushes, and Johnny's eyes shot open to meet yours. His chocolate brown eyes locked with yours at that very instant, and you could feel the rage and shame simmering behind them. With the broad grin that covered his face, he did a great job of hiding it. 
“How did you know I was here?” You asked, making him shrug his shoulders. “Could see yer footprints. They moved that way unlike the others,” His fingers pointed down to the ground, making you smirk and shake your head slightly. “Didn’t think ya’d be ‘ere so soon. Hell, thought ya’d go on and ditch me again~.” 
“Well… I uh, was thinking about it. After hearing all that.”
The smile on Johnny’s face faded as quick as it came, tilting his head slightly with the squint of his eyes. “How much did ya’ ‘ear?” He asked, stuffing his hands in his back pockets.
You fiddled with the fabric of your sundress, debating on whether or not to tell him the truth. You didn’t mean to eavesdrop, it just happened to be a bad time and you didn’t want to get caught knowing they were talking about you. It was reasonable, but then again… maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to lie right in Johnny’s face.
“Enough…” You said, making the man turn his head away. “I know Drayton didn’t like me that much but not as… much as I thought.”
Johnny shook his head, a chuckle coming from his mouth. “Heh, yeah. I got some explainin’ ta’ do don’t I?” The man had lifted his arm, hand gesturing to you as he began to approach. “Walk wit’ me?”
He smiles once again at your head nod when he approaches. He took hold of your shoulders and pulled you along with him as the two of you moved to the side of the house. “So… about that explaining?”
“Yeah yeah, I’m gettin’ to it.” Johnny rolled his eyes playfully, removing his arm from you to run his fingers through his hair again. “So impatient. Next thing I know yer gonna be bossin’ me ‘round!”
“Thought you didn’t like being told what to do.” You say, his eyes narrowing to stare at you in a playful side eye. 
“I don’t.” His voice cracks with excitement, making you giggle in response. 
Both of you had stopped, and Johnny had positioned himself on a car's damaged hood. He had rested against it, his arms crossed, and his head tilted to the side. The male had observed as your eyes silently absorbed the magnificence of the meadows. You were patiently waiting for him to resume speaking, but the breathtaking scenery fully captured your attention. The scene of the sunflowers gently colored by the sun's rays as they sway side to side in the wind. The man behind you, who had hummed at the sight, was the only one who managed to divert your attention away from the view.
Your head turns, staring Johnny with his half lidded eyes. “I should’ve brought my camera.” 
“Why didn’t you?”
“Forgot. I was so busy getting ready that I left it on my dresser.” You had fumbled through your bag in your hip, looking into it for something. 
“Got all dolled up just fa’ me? Ya’ shouldn’t have~.” Johnny was… staring a lot, and it was awfully distracting. You don’t even remember what it was that you were looking for. 
“Oh shut up.” You say, putting your bag away to your hip. “Come up with that explanation yet?”
Johnny sighed and rubbed the side of his stubbled cheek as another smile appeared on his face. “What do ya’ wanna know?”
There were many things you wished to know. Why Drayton didn't like you, whether his family disapproved of you, whether he is seeing someone else, and whatever part of him the older man was referring to. There was just a lot on the table, and you didn't have much time to gather everything from him given how soon the sun would set. “Has Drayton always had something against me?”
“Doesn’t like any girl I bring home,” Johnny explained. “Says it’s a distraction. Don’t know what the problem is when I can handle myself.” 
“Maybe he’s just worried about you?”
“Should worry ‘bout his damn self.” Johnny rolled his eyes at that.
“Okay,” You walk over to him and hop onto the hood of the car to take a seat. “Does the rest of your family… not like me?”
Johnny didn’t say anything for a moment, averting his eyes away from you as he thought about it. The man looked up at the sky, nodding his head slightly. “I… don’t really know.” He finally responded. “Sissy has her suspicions. Nubbins doesn’t really care, I know big boy likes ya’ a lot.” 
“Who Bubba?” 
“Yeaaah,” His grin starts to appear again. “He’s like a kid, likes it when ya’ spend time with ‘im. Yer much nicer than the rest of us.” 
Well that was good to know at least. You smile at that, nodding your head to the thought. “I’m glad that he likes it when I’m around. He’s like a puppy, so energetic when he’s happy. Speaking of-“
“Oh god,” Johnny sighs out loudly. “Don’t— Don’t listen to anythin’ he said beginnin’ with that!” 
“So you follow me?”
“Jesus Christ,” Johnny groans out loud, shaking his head. “I don’t follow ya’!”
“What about the skatin’ rink?” 
“That was one time!” Johnny lifted his arms up as he exaggerated his lies. “That’s cause I wanted ta’ know what ya’s been doin’.”
“I mean you did break into my house,” You teased, making him huff in irritation. “Do you usually just go into places whenever you feel like it?”
The man cracked a bit, chuckling before shaking his head at you. “Breakin’ inta’ houses ain’t my usual thing. I like bein’ more… direct. If that’s whatcha call it.” Johnny shook his shoulders at the thoughts, giving the question more attention than he probably intended. “Maybe… I’ve seen ya’ a couple times in town.” 
“Sneaky thing aren’t you~.”
“Indeed I am~,” He realized right away that you were making fun of him. After pushing himself off the hood, the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of crumpled smokes. 
“You’re not gonna smoke are you?” You ask with your eyebrows raised. “Those are bad y’know.”
“So nosey,” Johnny pulls out a cigarette and stuffs it into the side of his mouth. “Yer stressin’ me out with all these questions.”
“I can ask more.”
“Shut up.”
His grin seemed to morph into a naughty one when you were about to speak back to him. The chuckle that rumbled in his throat caused him to avert his eyes. He was aware of what you were about to say, and unlike yesterday, you were all by yourself with him. He smirked triumphantly and drew the lighter from his other pocket as you forced your mouth shut. However, you got an idea and got up off the car hood. You approach Johnny and snatch the cigarette out of his mouth. His expression was priceless and made you laugh out loud. 
“Uhm…hey?” He says reaching for the cigarette before you pull it back. He licks his lips with a sly grin, nodding his head. “Ohhh, okay. So that’s what we’re doin’ hm?”
“Maybe,” You reply. “Yer funny, now give it back before I take it.”
You stood there idly, not listening to a single word Johnny said. Johnny had taken that moment of silence to look over you, before his hand rushed to grab yours. It caught you off guard, your wrist with the cigarette being taken as he pulled you towards him. The front of your body collides with his, a small grunt coming from you. Looking up at the man your eyes widen. Cheeks flushed, you feel his other hand snake around your lower back to keep you there. Oh dear… what did you just get yourself into? “Tsk tsk. Yer playin’ a dangerous game here sweetheart.” Every word in Johnny's voice is dripping with seduction, like a warning sign. “If that’s whatcha wanna do, I’m all up fa’ the challenge~.” Johnny takes the cigarette from your hand and sticks it back in his mouth. What an absolute tease. The way your body effortlessly melted into him gave the man the confidence that he could get away with it. “What~? Wish I did somethin’ else wit’ ma’ mouth?” 
“If you wanted to, I’m sure you would have.” You say narrowing your eyes. 
“Oh really?” Johnny says, his hand behind your back moving to place itself on your abdomen. He moved you backwards, your hands coming in contact with the hood of the vehicle you sat on earlier. “What makes ya’ think I won’t?”
“I don’t know, maybe you do it to all your other little girlfriends.”
Your statement made Johnny laugh, having to take the smoke out of his mouth before it fell out. “Awww ya’ heard that too? Jealous~?” He made your lips purse, your eyes moving away to the side of you. “I’ll amuse ya’, so how ‘bout this. Yer the only one I’ve been talkin’ to fa’ a while.”
You look back up at Johnny, who had stuffed the cigarette back in its little box. “So amused,” You roll your eyes, trying to remove yourself away from Johnny but all he did was stand in your way. He was so close to you, that he practically had you pinned against the car and him. 
“Lookin’ a lil’ sour there honey.” He teased, the cigarette box being placed back in his pocket. “Still jealous~?”
“N-No…” You stammered, swallowing thickly when you tried to look away.
Johnny chuckles as he detects your lies. He was making you so anxious and driving you mad by imagining the other women he's seen. He was undeniably so close to your body that you would bump into him if you even attempted to move. His hands, which were still protected by his grime-stained gloves, advanced to your waist. When his face got close to yours, it made you hold your breath and your heart race.
“Can’t fool me darlin’, yer a terrible liar too.” His nose brushes against yours before he pulls his head back again. “I promise~, yer the only one I got eyes on.” Before you feel them move to your hips, the hold on your waist becomes tighter. You were raised back onto the car's hood a short while later. Johnny reached out and traced his fingertips along your exposed thighs without pausing. “Yer the only one I want.”
Once more, his face approaches yours, but this time he maintains his distance. The once-orange sky was beginning to turn dark, misty blue as the sun dropped below the horizon in the distance. The view in front of you now... drew you in more than ever, and you were unable to take your eyes off of him. Your head subconsciously turned in his direction as quiet breaths filled the chilly air in the silence. 
“I want you too…” You say quietly, making the man in front of you grin.
“Hm?” He hums, moving himself in between your legs. “Ya’ want me?”
The man takes one moment to remove his gloves while you nod your head. He places them beside you, grabs your legs, hooks them around his waist, then grabs your hips. 
“All of me?” 
Your hands that had been resting on the hood, came and cupped the sides of his cheeks. “Yes,” You reply. “I want all of you, Johnny.” 
“Ya’ sure?” The male wasn’t hesitant, he just knew what both of you were going to get into. You knew this yourself, and you nodded once more. “Good, cause I’mma keep ya’ aaaaall to myself~.” 
The man's lips had touched yours at that point. Your entire body experienced waves of arousal as well as butterflies throughout your stomach. His touch was felt, and the satisfaction from his lips lingered on your own. It appeared as though he was directing you through every step due to the way they moved so perfectly alongside yours. He tasted metallic and minty, with a hint of tobacco. 
He pulled back from the kiss as his bare hands took hold of the hem of your sundress and raised it just a bit. As he moved from your earlobe to the side of your neck, his lips made contact with your jaw. You start to gasp softly as Johnny grazes your neck with his teeth and nibbles on your tender flesh. He leaned down to your collarbone and softly sucked on the skin there, creating a small hickey in the process. A reminder of what was his.
“Drivin’ me crazy sweet pea,” He mumbled in the crook of your neck, his calloused hands massaging the top of your thighs. The more he dragged on his throbbing need for you, the more vigorously he kneaded them. “Might not be able ta’ hol’ back much longer.”
Your legs are still around Johnny's waist as he pulls away from you, but you move your eyes. They proceeded on to the growth that pressed up against his jeans and the obvious indent of his own erection in a sizable tent. You shiver at the sight.
“Gettin’ cold?” He asks, the man lifting you from the car hood.
“A little,” You half admit, your hands hanging onto his shoulders. “Didn’t think you’d care much.”
Johnny chuckles as he lowers you and unlocks the car door. The man poked his head inside and looked around as it rustled. The back window and the opposite side of the car were covered in sunflowers, and the only damage it appeared to have was a couple rips in the back seats. He moves and motions for you to enter with his hand. A hefty slap on the ass greets you as you crawl inside after taking the bag off your shoulder and throwing it within. You yelp as you turn to face Johnny, who dove with a grin on his face. 
Before climbing on top of you, he crept into the car and shut the door behind him. The man lowered his head back to your face as your back pressed up against the seat cushions and your head leaned forward. “I’ll warm ya’ up real good baby girl,” He adds as he presses his hands firmly on your lovely outfit. He raises it, revealing your (color) underwear, and wraps his fingers around them. 
Once he begins pushing the thin cloth up to your thighs, his lips come into touch with yours. As it slides down your ankles, he grabs them, taking them off your legs. He hums and pulls away from the kiss as you move your dress subtly with your hands to cover any views he might have.
“Hidin’ from me?” Your head slams against the seat as his enormous hand grabs both of your wrists and moves you lower with his other hand. He raises the clothing up to reveal you while pinning your arms above your head. As a result of Johnny's position, your legs were unable to even close completely, so he only huffed amusedly as you attempted. “Be a good girl and I might be gentle.” 
“You better be gentle,” You blurt out loud, earning a hefty laugh from Johnny.
“Riiiight, forget yer still a virgin~.” He sees you pucker your lips, Johnny taking the opportunity to peck them, making you groan. “Take this off will ya’? I wanna see everythin’.”
As you sit up to remove your sundress, Johnny draws back as you blink at him before nodding. You slipped your flats to the ground, nervously staring at Johnny as your sundress joined the pair of shoes. He had taken off his torn-up, black muscle shirt as you were doing this. The muscles you previously noticed were considerably more impressive up close. The scars, the little chest hair, and the flexed appearance of his arms. God, just looking at him made your pussy throb.
With such precision, he swiftly tossed his belt on the ground. Johnny’s boots were kicked off soon after, his jeans going down his legs and off his ankles. “God… jus’ look at ya’…” The man was in awe, his cock so strained that the boxers it held were pleading for release. He spread your legs open, looking down at you as he took in every inch of your body with his eyes. 
Johnny gives you another kiss, this time with his lips flowing against yours and his hands encircling you. He releases the clip from your bra, allowing it to fall as you adjust it to the side. The man was gentle, even attentive. His fingers stroked over you as if you were a work of art. A canvas that he was so tempted to ruin yet was too delicate to damage.
“Mmhn… I want you… Johnny…” Your words were said between kisses, the ones that got more rough with every passing moment.
Johnny pulls back, his pants evident while his lust for you grew immensely. “Yeah?” His voice is low, deep with pure emotion. 
You can feel his fingers rubbing against the slit in your pussy at that very instant. They have an unfamiliar, somewhat unusual feel about it that makes you flinch with curiosity. Before shutting, your eyes lock onto his, and as he rubs his thumb on your clit, you let out a gasp. Oh he knew what he was doing. This wasn’t his first rodeo. 
His eyes dart between you and your aching cunt as the pad of his thumb experimentally strokes your clit. You covered your face in embarrassment at the quiet grunts and tiny moans you let out. But Johnny appeared to enjoy it. How your confidence and shyness seem to win his favor equally. The unintentional bucking of your hips to increase your pleasure. 
“So wet fa’ me darlin’~,” Johnny purrs, his hand adjusting itself. “I could jus’…”
With his words, Johnny’s finger enters your pussy. Your back begins to sag, and you whimper. The man does this while touching your breasts with his free hand and kissing them. You felt dizzy with excitement as he pinched your nipples and took them between his teeth. Your body burned at his touch and you wanted more. 
Your body tensed and jerked in response to the excitement that shot through your abdomen, his finger began curling in the most sensitive parts. Johnny was relentless, making sure that none of his actions left you even the tiniest bit untouched. That was until he slipped in another into your tight hole. This time it felt uncomfortable, and you expressed that feeling too.
“E-Eh… it hurts…” You whine softly, your hands gripping on Johnny’s biceps.
“I know baby,” He says, sending a kiss to your jaw. “Need ta’ stretch ya’ out fa’ me.”
You were speechless when you considered that Johnny was bigger than his fingers. Your hand, let alone your fingers, were much smaller than his. The discomfort you are experiencing right now undoubtedly pales in comparison to what you saw—er, see—in his boxers. He appeared to be on the larger side. Jesus…
Your face twitches as you notice him starting to up his pace. As his motions intensify, the buildup in your abdomen begins to expand and keeps growing. He was skilled with his hands, and within minutes you were on the verge of bursting. As your pussy throbs on his digits, the space between your walls gets smaller as he stares at you with half-lidded eyes. He hums as a result of your hold on his biceps, which also serves as a visual cue that you are close.
“J-John-ny… ah~ s-slow down…” You whine out, your words not phasing him in the slightest. The discomfort had faded to pleasure, your head hitting the window as your legs started to shake.
Curling his fingers he presses against your g-spot, making you squeal. He was merciless, fucking you with his fingers alone made you dizzy. “Thought about this all fucking day,” He growls, his voice cracking with lust. “Always on ma’ damn mind… fuck~, wanna make ya’ cum darlin’.”
“I… wanna cum.” 
Johnny looks at you with a grin, his head tilting. “Ya’ wanna cum fa’ me baby?”
He nods slightly in response to your head nod. The man had corrected himself, lowering his body and bringing his face to your pussy. You tighten up as a new feeling begins abruptly, your eyes widening. Johnny places his tongue on the swollen bud of your genitalia, the muscle twitching as he started lapping at it. While his fingers occupy the space within, he suctions and pleases you with his lips. The sensation of lowering your hands and grabbing Johnny's hair in your fingers was irresistible. 
“Mmhn~! Johnny… fuck! J-Johnny ple-ase!” 
Johnny had been humming along to your moans as they reverberated around the vehicle. Your stomach's coil finally burst, your eyes clamped shut, and your back arched in ecstasy. As he holds you down, Johnny pulls his fingers out of your cunt and grabs your hips with both of his hands. Your climax is coursing through your body as he continues to devour your pussy. His hair was being held in place by your hands so tightly that you worried you may rip it out. Your thighs were gripping the sides of his head as if you were going to break his skull.
“N-No! Waitwaitwait– Johnny!!”
As his mouth violently began sucking on your clit, you begged him to stop. The man, however, remained still, and you then experienced a new feeling. Your cunt gushes, Johnny groaning before quickly removing his face away from your sensitive core. Your grip on his dark hair, which had been locked in your fingers, loosened as you panted. His hands holding onto your hips relaxed while he chuckled. The man licked his lips and then ran his tongue against his teeth as he raised himself to his knees, which kept him on the seat's cushions. You stare at him in the hot atmosphere of a cool night. His chin down to his chest was slickly covered in your juices, he wore it like a medal as it glistened on his skin. A giggle escaped his thin lips as he raised his hand to wipe his face. “Did I just–”
“Squirt all over me? Yes, yes you did~.”
You blushed madly, setting a hand over your mouth and looking away from him. “I… didn’t know I could do that.”
Johnny grinned, “These hands work wonders darlin’.” He ran his hand over your pussy again before patting it, making you jolt at his soft motions.
“Eh– Ah! H-Hey! I’m still sensitive...” You whined.
“Oh I know,” Johnny said, pulling the hem of his boxers down. His cock emerged from that piece of clothing after it had fallen. Although the image had your mouth watering, you were uneasy about having that inside of you. “Bein’ sensitive is the bes’ part. Yer gonna be screamin’ ma’ name as I fuck ya’ senseless~.” You gasp when Johnny moves in between your legs, pulling them apart as he grips his twitching cock. He pumps it slowly, taking a moment to coat your juices on his hard length. Moments later, he lines himself up with your hole, running the loose strands of his now messy hair back.
“You don’t need me to do anything? I mean– I can… you know…” You tried to find the right words, but feeling the head of his cock press against you distracted your thoughts. “Nah, we’ll get ta’ that some otha’ time.” He says, leaning down to you. “I jus’ wanna be inside ya’~.”
His lips make contact with yours, and the sudden penetration makes you tense up immediately. You try to release, but the more he pushes the more pain surged through your lower body. When he pulls back from you, he stares into your eyes, a sudden wickedness appearing in his own. All of a sudden he bucks his hips forward, his mouth opening agape when his full length is inside of you. You whimper out in pain and pleasure. You felt so full that your walls could only squeeze around him, and so sensitive that a simple adjustment made you groan with pleasure. “A… warning would’ve been nice.” You glare at him, the man taking your body and pulling you back down to lay on the cushions. “Oops~.” He purrs, a small moan coming from his throat. Johnny takes your legs and wraps them around his waist again. “Want me ta’ go slow?”
“So considerate,” You say, watching as the man comes down to you. 
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” 
The man pulls his hips back before slamming back into you, your eyes widening at the feeling. A shocked gasp wakens the night, and Johnny continues to fuck you like the man he is. Hard, deep, thrusts that send your toes curling, and your hands to dig into his back that you held onto for dear life. The jolts of pure pleasure send you into a state of ecstasy, your mouth sending out nothing but pure, uncontrollable moans. 
“God baby— fuck~! Yer clampin’ on me— shit— uh~.” Johnny moans at you, his eyes watching every single detail of how your body craves him. “All mine… all fuckin’ mine— god!”
His head dips to your neck, placing firm kisses as his hand grip the sides of your ass. He lifts you up slightly, his cock beginning to drill into your tight pussy. 
“AHH~!! Ohmygodohmygod~!!” Your voice sounded so beautiful, getting louder every moment he bucked his hips into you. 
Johnny mutters under his breath, stopping and pulling his cock out from you. “Turn around baby,” He motions, watching as you quickly get on your hands and knees. You wiggle your ass, making him tap one of the cheeks teasingly. “Fuckin’ tease.” 
“Your the one who stopped when it was getting good.” You roll your eyes.
He scoffed, slapping your ass in which made you jump. “Ass up ya’ little shit.”
You smile, arching your back as he positions himself against you once more. While Johnny stuffs his cock back inside of you, you chuckle as you feel both of his hands on your ass. Oh, if he wasn't ramming into you before, he sure was doing it now. This position made things a lot easier for him to access. In the deepest places, most sensitive areas, as soon as he hit that sweet spot that’s all he ever did. 
“Tryna get away~?” He grips your hips as you try to pull yourself away, pulling you back on his cock. You squeal, your head shoving itself down in the cushion of the seat while your legs shake tremendously. “Ahhh~ fuck yer tightenin’.”
“Feels s’ good— ah— fuckfuck mmhn~!” 
“Say it again,” Johnny bends down slightly to take your neck into his hand. “Fuckin’ say it again!”
Tears brim in your eyes as his thrusts make your stomach clench, your eyes practically rolling back into your skull. “It feels good!! AHH~!! You feel so good Johnny!!”
“That’s right love, take it~ Take it~!”
Your orgasm hits you like a freight train as your body trembles. As Johnny continues to abuse your g-spot, you scream, your delightful climax intensifying to the point where tears are streaming down your face. As the man squeezed your neck, the shortage of oxygen caused you to start seeing stars as you gushed once more on him. Your voice breaks when he lets go of you, and your head is fuzzy as he fucks you for the remainder of your climax. 
His low murmurs and grunts escalate to become louder growls and moans. He gave you a hard slap on the ass and grasped it tightly. Both cheeks took turns getting reddened handprints. The man's thrusts were more eager, and he was grinning broadly. 
“I fuckin’ needed this— uh~ fuck I needed you~ Doin— mhm~ this ta’ me~…” Johnny threw his head back, taking in his own pleasure. The man was close to cumming, his thrusts starting to become sloppier than they were before. “I’m so close… Y/n, say my name.”
“Johnny…“ Your brain was mush, barely being able to comprehend what you had heard.
He slaps your ass, hard, making you yelp in surprise. “Louder~.”
“Johnny!” You moan louder.
Another firm slap, making you whimper out. “Scream my fuckin’ name~!” He positions himself, his cock pulling out to the tip before thrusting back in. 
“AH~! Johnny— FUCK~!” You scream out, the continuous jerk of his hips driving you wild. “Johnnyjohnnyjohnny— ohh my— MMHN~! JOHNNYYY~!!!”
“That’s… fuckin’… ohh~ fuck~  ha— ah ahhhh~.” 
Johnny stops moving and embraces your cunt with his pulsing cock. His hot cum shoots ribbons into your pussy, coating the walls of your womb with his thick sperm. His pants were just as heavy as yours, and the air in the car smelled strongly of sex. Your head turns to look back at him only to realize he had leaned down, his hand rubbing the small of your back as he huffed. Both of you stayed silent for a while, admiring each other, which was a little different for Johnny.
“You okay?” He asks breaking the airs silence, making you smile again.
“Yeah… just really hot.”
Johnny grinned and drew his cock away from you. Both of you sigh as the feeling suddenly slips away. He settles down and observes while you prepare to follow suit. When he notices you struggling, he smiles before grabbing your arm and bringing you near to him. “C’mere.” 
You move over to him, the side of your body pressing against his. Your entire body relaxes in his arm as your head lays against him, his body radiating a warm but comforting heat. Being around him made you feel safe… oddly enough. Though god, did your lower body throb like a mother fucker.
“Still gonna go with pretty boy on Friday?” His question lingered in the air for a few seconds before you turned your head to look at him. 
“I already canceled that,” You say, shrugging your shoulders. “I have plans.”
“So you do hm?” He says with a smirk. “And what are your plans?”
Johnny understood what you meant after only seeing you grin. He gave you one back, truly pleased with your choice. His expression caused your heart to melt. He knew he had you, he claimed you as his before you even knew it. Can he… really say that this is love? Is this how it actually felt? Like the others, you were drawn in, but there was something special about it. You were the one person he really desired and cared about. The mark of his prey had been on you, his print now painted red on your body. His little red stained sunflower. 
His, and his only.
@optimsluv @chernayawidow @yixxes @marriedtoeddie @iorbit @yoong1c0re @thedollmakerkai
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m2ok · 3 months
I’ve never been so madly in love
Cowboy! Johnny Mactavish x bottom! M!reader
Tw: soft fluffy smut
A/N: Guys this is my first time writing smut…I think I did alright, but let me know if you have any critiques for future reference :) 
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Johnny twisted in the bonds tied around his wrists, thick rope cutting into soft skin as he wriggled about from where you had placed him on top of your horse. 
“Oh come on!” He groaned, trying with all he had to stretch the rope and break it, but to no avail. 
You ignored him, the hefty bounty you would get for his capture heavy on your mind as you made your way steadily back to your little town for which you were the sheriff of. 
Seemingly annoyed at your lack of attention, he shuffled forward as much as he could on the horse, knocking his shoulder into yours to force you to put your eyes on him. 
“Can we at least stop for the night! Wolves live near these parts and I’d rather not meet em.” He tried to reason. 
You rolled your eyes at the man as you ventured onwards, shaking your head at his pleas. 
“With the bounty on your head I wouldn’t worry about wolves. Ain’t no way I’m lettin’ them take that money from me” you assured, though positive your words did little to comfort him. 
Johnny chuckled dryly, “aw sheriff, you wound me.” he mocked, struggling against the ropes halfheartedly. After a moment he sighed, once again giving up.
“Tell me honest pal, that bounty’s all worth it? All the work, risking your neck each time? For what, a few coins and a pat on the back?” He gazed ahead down the darkening trail. The trees seemed closer, though miles ahead still, shadowy figures lurking within just awaiting his arrival. 
“When was the last time you took a rest, had yourself a drink or dance with a pretty thing?” Johnny glanced sidelong at you, a hint of mischief in his eyes despite his words. 
You were tempted to ignore him once again, but you figured conversation might do you some good out on the dusty landscape. Though you wished it was with better company. 
“Dance with who? You?” You scoffed, shaking your head as you adjusted your hat so it wouldn’t cover your eyes. 
“This here’s the only work I’ve known. I’ll be damned If I let it go now,” you didn’t care much for the money nor the glory despite what you had said, the chase was the most fun part; that was what kept you going and made the job enjoyable. 
And Johnny was the only man who routinely matched your wits. Though this time proved different, this time you had finally won. It was a kind of euphoria you hadn’t felt in a long while. 
Johnny let out an obnoxious bark of laughter. “Well now sheriff, I’ll have you know I get rather frisky when I’ve had one too many. But you don’t seem the type.” His smile faded as he pondered your words. 
“Aye…I get it. The thrill of it all keeps the blood pumpin’. Nothin else quite like the open road.” He sighed wistfully. “What I wouldn’t give to feel that freedom again, even if just for a night.”
The horses slowed as darkness fell. Up ahead was a small clearing, as good a spot as any to camp, and it had Johnny eying you sideways again.
 “Bet you five dollars i can wriggle outta these here ropes by mornin’. Whaddya say?” He flash a rougish grin, bright eyes watching for your reaction.
You stopped the horses as you camp upon the little plot of land, dismounting as you unpacked the little rucksack you carried. You set up a small tent with a mat on the inside for a buffer against the hard ground and some furs for warmth. 
You spent the next few minutes gathering wood for a humble fire, completely ignoring Johnny until the thing was built - then you spoke as you dusted your hands off on your worn denim. 
“I’d be a damned fool if I took that bet.” You said as you looked over at him, the mischievous glint in his eyes doing little to ease your nerves. “Reckon I won’t get much sleep tonight on account of makin’ sure you stay put.” You grumbled to yourself as you practically dragged him off of the horse, setting him in front of the fire before he could complain about being cold. 
Johnny chuckled at your wariness. “No need to fret sheriff, I ain’t goin anywhere.” He said with a wink before he shifted into a more comfortable position, eyeing the flickering flame.
“Must get lonely out here though. Never thought I’d say this, but I’d offer you some company.” His grin returned, flecks of gold in his eyes as he gazed over at you from where he sat, his eyes holding something you couldn’t quite pinpoint. 
“We bounty men gotta stick together after all. Who else understands the thrill of the chase, hm?”
He leaned forward, closing in on your space as his voice turned low, “and between you and me, I’ve had my sights set on a certain lawman for a while now. Why do you think I keep letting you catch me?” He winked. 
You cleared your throat, suddenly feeling warm in places the fire couldn’t have reached. Damn scoundrel was playing games with your head, same as he did to escape time and time again. But part of you found yourself intrigued at his new tactic, despite your better judgment.  
You wrote off his words as deception, an attempt to get your guard down just enough so he could run off in the middle of the night with everything you owned. 
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, adjusting your pants as you turned your attention back to the fire to hide your blush; hoping he would right off your red face as a result of the fire burning bright in front of you. 
“You’re bad at hidin’ your intentions. No wonder ya get caught so often, you’re a terrible liar.” You said with a roll of your eyes, trying as hard as you could to ignore the temptation and desire slowly building in the deep pit of your stomach. 
You and Johnny had always had this strange sort of relationship. He would tell you sweet nothings, his face so honest and true you couldn’t help but believe him only for him to run off the second he saw an opportunity. Though you always crossed paths again, and he always assured he meant what he said.
You knew it was wrong to feel this way about a man of his stature, and you hated your body for betraying your mind. The desire in you slowly turning into sick guilt at the feeling of being physically attracted to a man you were supposed to be capturing, and likely sending to his death should you turn him in. For what crimes committed you couldn’t rightly say. 
Johnny chuckled once again, not missing the slight flush creeping up your neck towards your ears. “Now now sheriff, no need to be coy. Ain’t no crime in finding a fella agreeable.”
He shifted his bound wrists, leaning ever closer so his words were for your ears alone. “And to be honest, I’ve yet to meet a man as cunning and determined as yourself. It’s…inspiring” His breath was warm against your skin, lips barely inches from your own. Fear and desire warred within - this outlaw could ruin you with a single move. And yet…out here in the whispering dark, titles and duties seemed so far away and futile. 
Johnny searched your gaze, smile fading to something hungrier, questioning. After so long chasing each other’s shadows, what would happen if one of you stopped running, just for a moment?
The fire crackled lower as stars emerged unseen above trees. Anything could happen…if you would just let it.
Your own eyes were blown wide as he leaned in ever closer, sharing the same air as you gazed into his eyes. You wanted to believe his words, and you wanted to give into your instincts. No. You couldn’t, you had to convince yourself this was just an issue of forced proximity. So pent up from a job you couldn’t catch a break from that you got hot and bothered at the sight of an attractive man. You were better than your instincts, you had to believe that. 
You cleared your throat as you leaned away from him, shaking your head as your eyebrows furrowed while a new sort of feeling filled you - hurt. You weren’t sure why this new emotion popped up, but it did. You wanted to be seen as more than just a means to an end, but you knew this life didn’t offer much of that. Everyone was always going to be more worried about their own skin, and maybe you should take their lead. 
“M’ not gonna be something you use just to get away. Nor will I be a one night stand.” You grumbled, words firm and sure as you mindlessly poked the fire with a nearby stick as a way to distract yourself from the current situation. 
Johnny sat back with a sigh, watching your restless stoking of the flames. Clearly this situation stirred more within you than you cared to show. And he understood - to give in would risk everything, for the both of you. 
“Hey now…” He said softly as his gaze turned tender “I meant no disrespect.” His tone was gentle now, earnest in the firelight. “Fact is, I’ve never met a man like you. There’s something about you that intrigues me, lawman. Something worth riskin’ it all for, if you’d have me” 
He held your gaze steadily, searching. After so long running wild, the idea of settling…It didn’t scare him half as much as he thought. Not if it was with you. 
Johnny smiled faintly. “What do you say we grab this here bounty in the morn, head into town as partners? I’m willing to turn a new leaf, if you’ll vouch for me.” 
The offer hung between you, heavy with promise. A chance at something real. It was all your call.  
You thought about your options, finally landing on something you deemed not quite illegal. With steady hands you grabbed a knife from your pocket, taking his bound hands in one of your own while the other used the blade to carefully saw through the thick rope. 
The binds fell away to the wind, and you set the knife to rest on the dirt as you gently massaged the indented skin, unwilling to let go of his warm hands just yet. 
You pulled away to look over at the small town barely a mile away, a big wooden saloon sign catching your eye. “I need a drink anyway.” You said simply as you both made the short trek over.
It was hours later when you finally got back to camp, alcohol still buzzing in your system just enough to give you confidence as you clung onto each other life life depended on it, lips clashing in a heated kiss as you moaned against him, addicted to the feeling of Johnny’s hands on your waist - desperate to keep you pressed against him. 
Johnny grinned against your lips, heart soaring like it hadn’t in years. Finally free in more ways than one, and with the most interesting man he’d ever known no less. 
“Sheriff…” he murmured, guiding you down into the soft grass as hands roamed, learning your shape in the pale moonlight. No need for words now - just sensation and freedom, two men chasing a different kind of high. 
Clothes were discarded in haste, bare flesh reveling in the cool air and fiery touches. Johnny looked down at you with hunger, a longing, he’d never allowed himself to feel fully before this night. 
“Tell me what you want darlin’,” He breathed against your neck, nipping softly at tender skin. Your hands in his hair urged him closer still, the ache inside building swiftly with the need to be inside you. 
You arched into his touch, a whine leaving your lips as his hands roamed against sensitive skin. It wasn’t often you were under someone like this, so vulnerable and splayed out for all of him to see. 
“Johnny~” You gasped, desperate for some sort of friction as you rolled your hips up to meet his own. 
“You- just want you. Please…need you to - to make me yours~” You were begging, frantic hands keeping him close as you waited with mock patience for what you wanted Hips wiggled in anticipation as you looked down to where your bodies were so nearly joined, only needing a slight push from Johnny to come together as one. 
Johnny growled low at your plea, all thoughts fleeing save the primal need to claim and be claimed in return. 
“Fuck, baby. Whatever you want~” He rumbled, grasping your hips to still them. With a slow roll of his own and careful aiming, he teased your entrance with his aching length. Your gasp spurred him onwards, sinking in to the hilt with shuddering care. 
Pausing the savor the connection, Johnny saw stars behind his eyes. You felt so unbelievably right wrapped around him, guiding his rough edges into a smooth whole. 
Bracing above, he gazed down at your blissed out expression and swore then and there - come hell or high water, nothing would rend him from your side again. You belonged to each other, body and soul, and may the devil himself try to tear you apart. 
With that vow sealed in his blood, Johnny began to move with near excruciating patience, learning your responses like familiar paths once trekked long ago. 
“Mmf~!” You moaned, words escaping you at the feeling of being filled so entirely, nearly cumming as soon as he entered, hard member pressing down in you deep enough to make you feel utterly full. 
“Fuck! so - shit - so fucking big Johnny!”  You whined, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him impossibly closer as you began to rock your hips in time with his thrusts, trying to urge him to go faster. 
“Please - please move I can’t- Need you to move-!” You begged, your own hard cock leaking precum against your stomach as you waited impatiently for him to bend to your pleas. 
Johnny groaned at your words, beyond thrilled you found his size so pleasing already. “Anythin’ for you, darlin’,” he grit out, pulling back slowly before snapping his hips forward in a deep thrust. 
That first rollick sent sparks shooting through his veins, your walls clasping him in exquisite heat. Johnny set a punishing pace from there, driving into your willing body like a man possessed. All that built up want and denial over your respective chases came flooding out in each meeting of skin. 
Reaching between you, he grasped your aching member, pumping in rhythm with his thrusts. Johnny wanted you unraveling completely beneath him, marked inside and out as truly his. 
“Come on now honey, let go for me,” he urged roughly, angling for that spot deep within. 
His balls drew tight with the promise of release, but Johnny wouldn’t dare finish before you. No, he was going to milk you for all you were worth before he even thought about his own release, tying your pleasure irrevocably to his own.
You gasped at the sudden onslaught of pleasure, eyes nearly rolling back as your body moved with every harsh pound into you, mind going dumb on his cock. Though you wouldn't ask for anything better, the feeling consumed you entirely, pleasure taking over everything as you felt that familiar coil in your stomach start to tighten further and further until-
With a soft cry you came, body shaking as your spend landed across both of your bodies. Your legs tightened around his waist, desperate to keep inside for a while longer, almost crying at the thought of him pulling out of you so quickly. You wanted to spend the entire night wrapped in him like this.
Johnny groaned at your reaction, grinding his hips through your release to prolong your pleasure. The way you clung to him so wantonly with shaking legs stole what little breath he had left. 
“So responsive already, darlin’. I ain’t done with you yet - don’t worry your pretty little head~” He rasped, uncaring of the mess you were creating. With sloppy rolls he rode out your aftershocks, cock throbbing at your fluttering insides. 
But you begged for more like the insatiable creature he knew you to be. Johnny wasted no time obeying, moving your legs so he could pull you up into his lap, pistoning up into that sweet spot with no mercy. His orgasm teetered on the edge, held back only by sheer force of will. Johnny latched onto your neck, sucking a sore mark to match the pulse beating erratically beneath his lips. 
“Fuck, sweetheart. Ya feel so damn good takin’ my cock. Gonna fuck another load outta you ‘fore I’m done, you hear?”
His fingers returned unbidden to your sensitive length, determined to wring every last shiver from your overstimulated form beneath the glory of the moon. Johnny wanted this night - wanted you - to last as long as fate allowed. Let the dawn take care of itself for once. 
His words did little to quell the burning lust building up inside of you once more, a whiny moan leaving you as your second orgasm of the night rippled through you, this time merely dribbling out of your tip. 
“God- fuck Johnny!” You whined “So good- so so good inside me. Can’t even can’t even think right!” You babbled, practically drooling as you held on tight to him fingernails no doubt leaving scratches along his body. 
“Need you to cum in me - nice and deep and- and make me yours~” You begged, rocking your hips against his. 
Johnny growled deep at your pleasure cries, all sense of restrain utterly vanished in the throes of lustful abandon. 
“Anythin’ you want, darlin’, gon’ fill that tight hole up just how you want,” he grit out through clenched teeth. A few final brutal thrusts was all it took, his release exploding within your clasping heat with a drawn out groan. 
Wave after wave pulsed from his cock, painting your velvety walls white inside and out. Johnny held you flush, grinding through the bliss to be certain not a drop was spared between your bodies. 
As his throes eased, Johnny pressed loving kisses to your sweat-slick brow, nose nuzzling sweetly against your own. “You’re fuckin’ perfect,” he murmured, cock still twitching inside its paradise. 
Johnny adjusted your sated form to cradle properly in his lap, breath coming fast yet deep with afterglow. One hand stroked gently through your hair while the other rubbed your sated length, reluctant to part so soon. 
His sweet words clouded your brain, fuzz covering everything logical as a pleasured haze took over. 
With a weak whine you came for one final time, panting softly as he removed his hand and allowed you to just rest against him. Your body was completely lax in his arms, lingering pleasures twitching inside you still. With another whine you cuddled into him, sweat turning cold on your skin as you sought out his body heat to keep you warm. 
“Don’t leave…” You whispered, the aftermath hitting you hard, body and mind falling together. “Don’t leave me again” you begged, voice shaky as you clung onto him. 
Johnny held you tighter at your whispers, heart near bursting at the confessed sentiment. 
“Never, darlin’, I ain’t goin’ nowhere without you,” he vowed softly into your hair, peppering it with gentle kisses. His hand rose to cup your face, urging your glazed eyes to meet his own smoldering gaze. 
“You’re stuck with me now, ya hear? I’d follow you into hell itself for another taste of heaven like this.” Johnny chuckled lightly even as deep emotion welled in his chest. 
“We’ll face tomorrow together, you and me against the world. Anyone tries to tear us apart will get a bullet quicker than they can blink.” He held your eyes steadily, willing you to see the sincerity in his soul. 
“I love you, little sheriff. Now and always, till my dying day.” With that Johnny sealed the oath with a tender kiss, Pouring every unspoken feeling into action. Nothing would part you from this moment, from him, ever again if he had any say. 
Now yours completely, he guided your limp form to rest atop his chest as blankets of stars looked on. Whatever dreams may come, for tonight there was only peace in each other’s arms at long last. 
As always, requests are open
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stories-and-chaos · 4 months
Helluva High
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AU: Overlord Husk and Angel
[Little one shot inspired by @celestialalpacaron ‘s au of Husk and Angel. Valentino is a sore loser, but Husk has his spider’s back. Enjoy!
Word count 1065 Cw: cursing, emotional manipulation, trauma response (disclosure: I’ve never experienced trauma like this so I apologize if Angel’s reaction isn’t accurate.) ]
Angel was frozen, stuck between fear and desire. His former boss, Valentino, was here. At Husk’s casino. Angel Dust had been working the tables for a couple months now. His looks, charisma, and reputation had him hustling patrons for all they were worth and more.
But despite that reputation (and all the salacious videos of him still being sold) he wasn’t for sale. Not for any amount of time or money. Husk was adamant on that. “You wanna sleep with someone off the clock, that’s your business,” he’d told Angel. “But do it because you want to, not because someone john is paying, got it?”
Now Val was here and Angel could barely help himself. The moth demon had grabbed his arm as he walked past. Now he was pulling the spider close, cooing sweet venomous words at the former porn star. “Angiiiiieee, I miss you baby. That mean old kitty won’t let me win you back. I need you Angel.” Val’s hand stroked up Angel’s thigh, sneaking under the slit in his gown. “I know you want me too, baby. No one can give you what you need, not like me.” One of his other hands grasped another of Angel’s arms. He hooked a finger of his fourth hand under Angel’s pearl choker, “Come on Angel, tell the kittycat to give me a shot at you. Then we can go home and I’ll make you feel so good you’ll forget all this ever happened.”
Angel’s breath caught. Everything about Valentino made him want to just melt away. His voice, his cigarette smoke, the hands stroking his limbs with a hint of claws. But Angel didn’t want to go back. His eyes darted back and forth in panic. He caught a flash of red wings, black fur, and gold eyes. “Do it because you want to…”
“Fuck!” he managed to gasp as he jerked back. The string of pearls snapped at the sudden movement. The iridescent orbs shimmered in the light as they clattered on the table and floor. “No…” he said, voice wavering.
Angel stood up as straight as he could. Valentino’s rage at being denied built quickly. He moved to grab Angel’s arm again but Angel stepped back. “I…I need a break boss,” he said as loud as he could.
“Take the night off babe. You’ve been working hard last few nights,” Husk said curtly as he stepped between Angel and Val. “Thought you knew better than that ‘Tino.” He faced the other Overlord as Angel dashed to the elevator. “Am I gonna have to throw you out?”
“Fuck, just let me play for him again. What do you want a crackwhore like him for anyway?”
“You ain’t got anything worth betting Angel for.” Four members of the casino security turned up to flank their leader. “Get out ‘Tino. If my boys don’t have to drag your ass out, I won’t charge you for the pearls.”
Val spun away, muttering “fucking furry ass prick, that twink bitch, goddamn assholes.” He squeaked in agitation as he stormed out.
Shortly after Valentino’s limo was gone, Husk took the elevator to the penthouse suites. Angel’s door was cracked open. All his arms were wrapped around himself as rocked on the bed. Husk knocked on the door with the top of his cane. The spider demon jerked, eyes blown wide enough that Husk could see the pupils in even the six small ones.
“He’s gone,” the gambler said mildly. Angel took a deep shaky breath. “You did good.” At Angel’s surprised look he continued, “I told you, anyone fucks with you, they answer to me.”
After a couple more breaths, Angel managed to reply. “Thanks boss. I’ll be back down in five.”
“Nah, you’ve got the night off. Call for room service, just go easy on the booze tonight.” Husk didn’t leave right away; he saw Angel retreating back into the cage of his own arms. The catlike demon sighed and strode through the room to throw the doors to the balcony open. “C’mere.”
Angel walked up hesitantly and placed his ringed hand in Husk’s outstretched one. Husk pulled him out into the night air. He smoothly wrapped an arm around Angel’s waist and lifted the lanky demon’s legs up with the other. Angel reflexively wrapped a set of arms around the other man’s shoulders. “Damn Whiskers, you’re stronger than you look!”
Husk gave a huff. He spread his wings and flapped into the sky. “Oh shit!” Angel yelled, now with four arms clinging to Husk.
“I gotcha babe.” He got enough altitude that they could see every part of the Pentagram with ease. “How’s this for a high?” he joked, smirking at Angel.
“Fuck…it’s a helluva view.” Angel scanned the city. His eyes locked onto Valentino’s porn studio. A tiny fuschia line was just pulling up to the street in front of it.
Husk realized where Angel was looking and shifted to block the Red Light District from view. “Nah, we’ve got better things to look at. There’s a lot more in Hell than that shitbag.”
The train of Angel’s gown fluttered in the air. The cool breeze and the sparkling city below, sounds muffled by distance, helped calm him. As the tension started to ease in his frame, Husk spoke.
“Things change quick here, especially between Overlords. You know that, with how fast ‘Tino lost you. So I ain’t gonna make promises I can’t keep. But for now, you’re mine Angel Dust, and no one fucks with what’s mine.” His gold irises gleamed as his smile turned harsh. “I don’t plan on wagering you, ever. Clear?”
Something cracked in Angel, a chip in the despair. “As crystal baby.” He sighed. “Thanks…Husk.”
A few more minutes and then Husk lowered them back to the balcony. “I need to head back down. Call room service, get some rest.” He took Angel’s hand and pressed a kiss to the back. “Let me know how you’re feeling tomorrow.”
Angel ordered food, changing out of gown and jewelry for an oversized shirt while it was arriving. He’d ordered a bunch of finger foods, easy to eat as he lounged. But he was surprised to find his favorite cocktail added to the cart. A card written in Husk’s handwriting leaned against the stem, “Just one tonight.” He snorted before taking a sip. He was starting to like this kind of pampering.
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sopiao · 9 months
can you please write a insecure chubby reader with ghost, price and soap?(separate ofc) ive been feeling REALLY shitty lately and your fics are so comforting😭😭
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(brings me to tears to hear my fics r comforting :,,))
anyways :3
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
Ghost would be the type to be obsessed with you, obsessed with touching you, but he’d never admit it. Just sitting next to you isn’t enough, he man spreads as an excuse to press his thigh against yours, an arm wrapped around the couch to be closer to you.
This man is just so enamored by you. He’d lay on your bed, pretending to be in his phone, while he watches you do your makeup and pick out an outfit for your date night tonight.
It’s a natural occurrence for you to get discouraged by yourself midway through your preparation. Being with him, your mind just turns off and there ain’t a care in the world. But in the midst of your makeup routine you start to get more insecure, your self esteem plummeting when you realize how round your face is and squishy your cheeks are. But that is exactly Ghost’s favorite part of you is.
He pinches your cheeks to scold you, pulling you in with his arm around you to give you 50 kisses on your soft cheeks, doesn’t matter if some of your makeup gets on his face/mask. Sometimes bites them, not too hard ofc, when he feels like it.
“You alright, lovely?” He stops whatever he’s pretending to be busy with on his phone, immediately dropping it to his side as he sits up.
“Yeah.. just.. having one of this moments y’know?” You sigh, peeking back up to continue adding your makeup, he can tell that it’s more than just a moment. Bringing himself up he makes his way towards you, leaning forward over your shoulders to rest his arms on the edge of your vanity. Making you look up and rest the top of your head on his chest.
“Just continue, just wanna watch you” He mutters quietly, as he urges you to move on. Hesitantly, you continue, trying to ignore how Ghost dios his head down to cover the sides of your neck in kisses, leading all the way up to your cheeks. Trying to keep your giggles in as his lips tickle you.
Ghost laughs along with you, eventually tightly wrapping his arms around your middle and peppering your face all over with kisses and smooches, making you burst laughing and beaming at his affections.
“Love this cute, cute face” He smiles against you, nuzzling his face into your neck and covering your collarbones in love pecks.
“So soft, n squishy, like a marshmallow, n so so delicious” He let out in between your laughs and kisses, making your push him away, giggling.
“Fine, fine. Go away! I have to finish” He smiles, letting go of you and complying. But not before attacking you with another fat smooch.
Captain Johnathan Price
John is a very very affectionate man, and he is not afraid to show it. Always a hand in your back pocket or hip when you to walk together, has you sitting on his lap while he does work, even when he sleeps he makes sure an arm is wrapped around you at all times, little spanks on the ass when you walk by, and holds your face in both of his hands while he covers you in kisses.
It was a lazy Sunday today, he wanted to sleep in, arm laying across your thighs while you’re sitting up and on your phone. Scrolling through Instagram, you somehow ended up on a feed of posts of style and fashion, models and photoshoots of incredibly skinny and beautiful models.
Starting to feel like shit you feel like totally drained even after just waking up. You sighed and let your head hit the pillow, staring up at the ceiling. You don’t know how but he can tell, tell every shift in your mood, every thought in your head, he knew you better than you.
“What’s wrong, hun?” He asked, already knowing what’s wrong but wanting you to let it all out. You don’t respond but just shake your head, saying your still just a little tired. Bull. He was literally watching your phone, knowing what was going through your mind.
Without warning, Price sits up, picking you up like you weigh nothing and placing you on his lap, sometimes you forget how strong he is.
“I know what’s going through that pretty little head of yours. And I want you to know how fuckin’ stupid your are right now” He flashes you his charming, sleeping smile at you, putting you at ease a little you smile back and look away.
“I know, I know. It’s just sometimes… I don’t feel..” He huffs out a chuckle, shaking you a little by your hips to get a response, tilting his head to the side to see you better.
“It’s stupid”
“It’s not” He chuckles.
“Sometimes, I don’t feel very… sexy. Sometimes I wonder if your still attracted to me” You whisper, so quietly if he wasn’t listening any closer he couldn’t make out anything your saying. Making him laugh, at first it made you angry, thinking he’s just totally dismissing what your feeling.
“Honey. Sometimes I really do have to question if you have a brain in there” John smiles, squeezing your hips and pressing you closer to him.
“If you don’t think that this is sexy” His eyes grazing from your face to your hips and thighs, rough hands caressing every part of you.
“Then I don’t know what is. ‘Cause seeing this gets me so so worked up” His eyes shift back up to you, pushing you down on the mattress and lifting your shirt up— was actually his shirt— hands going up to caress and rub at your sides before placing a kiss from your chest all the way down to your waist. Making his way down to your thighs, he goes up to see your content but flustered expression.
“And I am still so in love with you, let alone attracted to you. Seeing you in my shirt, in my bed, in my house— our house— makes me feel so young and refreshed again” He pulls up to hold your cheek, giving a little peck to your forehead, then your nose.
Johnny ‘Soap’ MacTavish
Just getting straight to the point. Soap is 1000% a thigh man. Loves every-fucking-thing about them. Loves napping on them, loves having them wrapped around his head. Not even in the sexual sense, just sitting there on his phone with your plush thighs against his cheeks with you mindlessly playing with his hair sends him into pure bliss. This is his nirvana.
He loves biting them, pinching them, slapping them, grabbing them. Like I said, everything. Loves seeing them in shorts, leggings, practically anything. The second you first say anything negative about them, about you. He looses it.
“??? I don’t know. It’s just such a hassle with clothes and chairs. Makes it hard to move through crowds. Seeing them double in size when I sit with my skinner friends makes me feel fat—“ You start on your mini rant when your boyfriend cuts you off.
“Fat? FAT? Oh, baby. You don’t even know what fat is” He sits up from laying his bed between your thighs to lay on his belly, arms around your sides and chin resting in your chest.
“I fucking love these” Soap grabs the back of your thighs and squeezes, making you blush.
“And you should too. How I see you doesn’t matter much. But hearing that you don’t like you and your body is and insult to you and to the God that took his sweet ol’ time making you. ‘Cause all of this. Is a Goddamn master piece” In the middle of his lecture and scolding he’s pulled you in by your hips to slide up on his lap, looking up at you wish such adoring, puppy love eyes.
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wonijinjin · 4 months
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author’s note: bringing producer woozi to yall, because he is the best.
synopsis: as shy as you are about your thoughts, a moment of braveness might earn you something you have been wanting for a long time.
word count: 0.6k | genre: fluff | pairing: woozi x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of food
the masterpost of this series can be found here.
“i am glad you are this interested in music.” your brother said while you were sitting next to him in his room, watching him make beats on his computer. “but if you really want to learn about it you should talk to woozi, he is the pro among us.” you knew what he meant, there have been many times when you watched woozi make music for fun, his talent was really unmatchable. “are you talking about me again?” the best friend of your brother stepped into the room, lazily dragging his feet across the soft rug. “who else, silly?” you replied before your sibling could have the chance, earning a knowing grin from him. “i am gonna go out to buy us some dinner, what do yall want?” he said while rising up from his spot in front of the keyboard. “whatever you guys choose works for me.” you blurted out, to which you got a nod.
soon after taking woozi’s order you were left alone with him, who had taken over the computer and started recording some lyrics. “is it hard to write lyrics?” you asked curiously, leaning closer to the screen to see what he was writing about. he turned to face you, looking directly into your eyes. “not if you have the right inspiration. for example someone you love, or just feelings you want to express but cannot with anything other than music. it is a real soul cleansing experience, really relaxing actually.” he answered without hesitation to which you got flustered; you have been trying to express the thoughts on your mind about him for quite a while now, amongst them many which were still unknown to you. “and what if i don’t know what i feel?” your question seemed to be catching him off guard, but he quickly regained composure. “show me your ideas. i will help.” his words were well emphasised, every syllable holding so much weight in the quiet room. your gaze was avoiding him, some type of unbelievable embarrassment coming over you as soon as you thought about him seeing your lyrics. you hesitantly opened your notes, letting him go through them. “you seem to have one person as the center of the lyrics. you must really love them, huh?” he smiled fondly while looking at your red face. “i do.” you whispered into the air. “how often do you think of the person in the lyrics?” he leaned closer, nose almost touching with yours. you gulped, but didn’t dare stay silent. “often.” he tilted his head. “is that so?” he laughed loudly, the air being filled with something even more beautiful than his music; happiness. “i think about you often too. when i eat, when i sleep, in my dreams, i do this every day, same cycle.” he stopped hin front of your face yet again, searching for your eyes which were pinned on the floor. “look up at me.” you did as he told. “i know these are about me.” he pointed at the phone in your hands. “i might be insensitive or unbothered, but i am a lyricsist, you know. i can tell.” you heard footsteps from the hallway knowing your brother was home. “we will continue this discussion about us at my studio while making this fantastic lyrics into a song, alright?” he winked at you before pulling away and maintaining a normal expression. “i have a few ideas. we ain’t gonna sleep at all tonight.”
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lunajay33 · 4 months
New World🍂Part.5
Summary:The farm is starting to feel like home but will it stay that way, will Daryl stay true to his word and stop ignoring you? Will your relationship take the next step?
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You’ve been at the farm for about a week now and it’s been going along as good as it can, you’ve gotten pretty close with Maggie, finally having a girl you can have a conversation with that feels like you’ve known her for years, sure the other woman of the group were nice but Maggie felt like a long lost friend
You both were picking some eggs from the coop for breakfast
“So how are things with Glenn?” You asked seeing her stop for a moment making you internally laugh
“What do you mean?”
“Oh come on I see the way you guys sneak off, he’s a good guy he’ll treat you well” you said putting another egg in your basket
“I don’t know it’s going fine, daddy thinks it’s a bad idea but I’m grown and I don’t wanna stay away”
“We don’t know how much time we have left now, dive into it, if we’re going out we might as well have fun”
“Well speaking of how are you and Daryl? He never wanted to leave your side when you were shot”
“We are good, I know he’s stressed from not finding Sophia yet, I’m trying to cheer him up when he comes back every evening but I don’t know how, I’ve tried comforting him but it doesn’t seem to work”
“Hmmmm….how far have you both gone?” She asked making you choke in shock
“Umm we’ve only had a few quick kisses”
“Come with me” we brought the eggs to the house and she brought me up to her room
She rummaged through her drawers and pulled out a blue piece of clothing, throwing it at me
“Here I’m sure this’ll cheer him up for sure” you held it up and it was a skimpy langerie set
“Maggie I can’t wear this that’s so embarrasing”
“What was it you said to me earlier? If we’re going out might as well have some fun” she smirked
Damn she threw that right back at me
“Do you really think he’ll like it? How do I even start something?”
“Wait are you a virgin?”
“I mean….yes I’ve honestly been waiting for him but now I’m inexperienced and don’t know what to do”
“Just tonight have this on before he comes back and after he’s relaxed a bit maybe just start pretending to change and see what he says”
“Hmmm okay I’ll try, god I’m nervous”
“It’ll be fine if he loves you he’ll love this”
You were in yours and Daryl’s tent when you heard the zipper open showing Daryl all hot and sweaty
“Hey D, how did today go?” You asked as he sat on the bed/cott that Hershel gave you since you shouldn’t sleep on the ground while healing
He wrapped his hands around your legs and pulled you into him sighing
“Not that good huh?” You asked running your hands through his hair
He didn’t answer he just wanted to feel you and have some peace for a second, you stood there for what had to be atleast 20 minutes of him just holding you before he looked up at you and sitting back
“How’re you feelin? Have ya changed yer bandage yet today?” He asked lifting your shirt
This was your chance
“Not yet, do you wanna help me?” He usually helped you change it before bed but still didn’t hurt to ask
He grunted in agreement, you would usually just lift your shirt a bit but screw it, you pulled the shirt completely off and dropped it to the ground, when he looked back at you from getting the supplies his face was hard to read and the insecurities were sinking in
“Is it not good? Too much?” You asked nervous
He shock his head ogling your body
“Perfect, damn woman, where’d ya get this?” He asked going to unbutton your pants
He pulled them down as you stepped out and he laid his hands on your hips
“Maggie, she said it might help you unwind” you smiled as you sat on his lap both legs on the side of his
“She ain’t wrong”
He flipped you over still gentle of you wind and laid you on the bed hovering over you, you pushed his vest back helping him strip but he was hesitant about removing his shirt and you knew why
“We can wait d, it’s okay”
He sighed and threw his shirt to the pile followed by his pants
“I wanna feel ya” he groaned as you traced your hand down his chest to his clothed dick
“I need you Daryl please”
The evening was filled with gentle touches, loud moans and words of praise
He laid back next to you huffing in air, looking at your body, reddened and shaking from the multiple rounds cause this man has the stamina of a god
“God Daryl that was definitely better than my vibrator” you said looking at him as he laughed, he wrapped his arm over your hip rubbing up and down your back
“I forgot to change yer bandage” he said sitting up as he pulled on some boxers and started to change the bandage
As he was tapeing it back up you ran your hand against his cheek
“I love you Daryl Dixon” you said softly as he looked back up at you
“Love ya too peach” he whispered as you safe his skin redden
He climbed back in bed and pulled a blanket over you both and you both fell asleep
You woke the next day, Daryl was already gone looking for Sophia like he did every morning, you got ready and made you way to the house, seeing Maggie she ran up to you excited
“How did last night go?” She asked
“Your plan worked amazing, I can’t believe he’s mine, after all this time being my best friend he’s finally mine” you both squealed in excitement like you were teenage girls
“Ya we know it went well, thought a cat was dying out there” Shane said making everyone laugh
“Oh shut it let the girl be happy” Lori said
Ahh everyone knew now but what could you do? You weren’t exactly quiet but since you and Daryl are camped farther out you thought it would be fine but oh well
You helped Lori and Maggie around the house and farm for the day helping relax your mind but every now and then you’d think about Daryl out there….alone
“WALKER” you heard Andrea screaming outside
You ran out seeing Rick Glenn and Shane running out into the field then that’s when Andrea’s gun went off, you had a gut feeling something was wrong and so and behold the guys were screaming to stop
You ran out after them to see Daryl all bloody and muddy, weak
“Oh my god”
“We gotta get him to Hershel” Rick said and Shane and him picked him up
You sat on the bed as Hershel stitched him up and bandaged his head
“What happened D?” You asked worried
“I thought I’d find er, got er doll, then the damm horse bucked me off down a hill, arrow went threw me” he said tired as Hershel finished stitching him up
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there next time I’m going out with you”
“Nah, don’t want ya out there, can’t lose ya too” you understood his concern and didn’t wanna push him right now
“Well I mean we have matching scars now” you said making Hershel chuckle
“Is it okay if I stay here with him tonight Hershel?”
“It’s no problem dear” he said smiling as he left the room letting you both have some alone time
You laid infront of him pulling the blanket up over him
“Do you need anything?”
“Nah…..just stay with me”
You both fell asleep having a quick name, god knows he needed it, you woke up some time later when Carol brought in some supper for you both, as you were eating you remembered some news Maggie told you
“Guess what I found out today?”
“Loris pregnant”
“Serious?” He asked looking at you with a raised eyebrow
“Ya Maggie told me, her and Glenn went out yesterday with Glenn and got her some stuff that’s how she found out”
“Hmmm not a great time”
“Ya I guess, but I mean haven’t you ever thought about having kids maybe this baby will lighten things up”
“Nah never thought ‘bout it”
“Really? Never ever thought of a little Daryl running around?”
“Never saw a point, having to deal with Merle it never gave me a chance to think bout it” it was a bit sad to you but it’s not like you wanted kids now, all you needed was Daryl honestly
“Ya want kids?” He asked taking a drink of water
“As a kid and teen I thought about it, maybe have two, dark hair…..blue eyes but that’s not that big of a deal now, it’s not safe and it’s scary to be pregnant even scarier without a doctor” you said setting both your plates aside now that you were done
“What ya’ve been wanting kids with me that long” he smirked
“Stop you’re embarrassing me, as long as I have you Daryl I don’t need all that” you said wiping off the food off his mouth you found adorable
You spent the night cuddled together
It’s been a week again since Daryl incident and things were getting tense between Shane and dale that’s how you all got to be outside the barn full of walkers, gun in hands
Taglist: @thebadbatch2022 @writer-ann-artist @ghostboneswrites @deansapplepie
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a real bed
arthur morgan x female reader
summary: You’re tired. Arthur’s been gone. When he leaves you to spend another night alone, he works to make it up to you and show you exactly what you deserve. wc: 3.4k warnings: TB-doesn’t-exist au, some light/non-graphic smut note: HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY @margowritesthings​​! I loved the princess treatment prompt, I hope this is full of the fluff (and smut) you were looking for! thank you to @rdrevents​​​​​ for hosting the valentine gift exchange!
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“Carrots are done,” you slide the last of the vegetables into the pot and wipe your hands on your apron.
Pearson grunts, and you accept it as the most you’ll get for a thank you. “Stew is going to be light on the meat again. Where is that man of yours?”
“He’s not…my man.” You don’t look at him when you say it, heat flaring in your face at the words. You know who he refers to, but you and Arthur still felt new. It was no secret, you admit, and after years of pining it was nice to have your affections returned. But as you fill a pail of water for the girls’ washing up, craning your neck to look over the short bridge to Shady Belle, you can see Arthur’s horse is still missing. “I don’t know where he is.”
He’d left yesterday evening after a short visit and even shorter dinner. Things were rough for the gang, but you felt it was always the roughest for Arthur. He surprised you leaving so soon after returning, and when you asked if he wouldn’t stay for the night he only smiled and said you could have the bed to yourself like you would enjoy it. You kept your mouth shut. Kissed him goodbye. Watched him ride away and disappear into the trees.
Pearson calls your attention back. “He hasn’t been hunting much.”
“Arthur’s been hunting as often as he can. He always brings back something,” you snap. You rub at your raw hands, the filled pail pushing the metal handle into your skin.
“Brings back more than most,” Pearson backtracks as soon as he hears your tone. You understand his frustration - hungry people don’t treat the camp cook too kindly - but you won’t let him blame Arthur.
You take a second pail and dip it in the water barrel to fill that one too. “If you need meat, send out Bill. He’s been sitting on his ass all day.” You stare at the man currently sitting at the table sharpening a knife.
“Bill can’t hunt for shit.”
“I can hear you,” Bill looks up with a scowl that might have made you afraid once.
“Then maybe he should practice.” The look you shoot him fixes him to his seat as you storm from both of the men, pail in each hand.
You’re tired of hearing excuses for people. Tired of feeling like only a few are doing the work for everyone. Tired of how the humid heat of Lemoyne dampens your dress with sweat. Tired of wearing boots that have long outworn their use. And tired of hearing Miss Grimshaw’s grating voice from all the way across camp.
The girls seem to catch on your sour mood and don’t say a word as you drop the buckets of water and silently take the wet clothes to the line. You pin up shirts and sheets along side Mary Beth thinking about another lonely night and how you would kill for a chance to sleep in a real bed, tucked in Arthur’s arms.
It’s a nice daydream that carries you through the chore so that by the time you return to the front of the house and see Arthur hitching his horse to the post, your first reaction is elated relief. He spots you first, pace picking up as he approaches. He doesn’t make it before he’s waylaid by Pearson.
“Mr. Morgan! Good to see you. Camp provisions have been looking a little light recently, think you can restock?”
You want to throw something at him.
Arthur barely grunts before he’s ruffling through his satchel. “It ain’t much right now, but…” he pulls out a few cuts of meat. You think maybe rabbit. “Here. See if you can’t do something with this.”
“Thank you, Mr. Morgan! I’ll try and get this in the stew for tonight.”
You stand at Arthur’s side, once again impressed that no matter what, he always has something. You lift a hand to touch his arm when he speaks again.
“See that you do. I’ve got somewhere to be, so you’ll have fewer mouths to feed.”
Pearson’s already off to prepare the rest of dinner, but Arthur’s words strike your heart.
“What? You’re leaving again?”
He watches your hand draw back, your face fall. He nods. “We’re going out into Saint Denis tonight.”
You swallow, look at the ground. Of course. Work never ends. “Who’s goin’ with you?” At least you hope it’s someone you trust. Someone like Hosea, or Charles, or—
“You,” he says, like it was obvious. “We’re going out to the city.”
It’s the second shock of the night. “What? Arthur, I don’t really think I’m up for a job right now. It’s been a long day, and you’ve only just got back—”
His laugh is low, and his hands hold you by your upper arms. “It’s not for a job.” His hands move up and down your arms, comforting and pulling you closer.
“Got an errand to run and then…dinner. I got us a room.”
Your heart stutters in your chest. The dream from earlier suddenly feels possible. You grasp his forearms as he holds you. “A room? With a real bed?” He nods, eyes still smiling down at you. He looks as tired as you feel, and you take hold of his lapels. “Yeah, princess. With a real bed.” His hands slide over your back in an embrace. It eases something in you, the stress of camp, of surviving, of watching him leave. You don’t think about how your feet hurt or how rough your hands are. You think of this, being in Arthur’s arms, that reassuring feeling that no matter how bad things are, he still takes care of you.
You don’t have to think about it, you were ready to go as soon as he said the word ‘room’. You’re glued to his side as he walks you back to his horse, and you let him lift you up to the saddle. A trip to town for a night off sounds like heaven, but there is one thing you’re curious about as Arthur mounts up behind you.
“What exactly is the errand?”
You don’t know what you were expecting. Perhaps shopping for supplies, an exchange where Arthur sold some goods. Things that you had seen before. The building looks like a green house, the front filled with gorgeous ferns and flowers. Your eyes are drawn to the ceiling fan above as Arthur ushers you in, the fading sunlight filtering in through the glass casting shadows on figures and hats and frames lining the walls. An ecstatic and slightly accented voice pulls you from your observations.
“Ah, Tacitus! I am so glad to see you. And you, my dear, you must be Mrs. Kilgore, it is an absolute delight to finally meet you!” he takes a breath to lift and kiss your hand. The man barely gives you a moment to open your mouth, already talking a mile a minute. Though Arthur had told you his name is Algernon Wasp and to expect your alias, the eccentric seems so excited he all but forgot to introduce himself.
There is a dress, and it’s a wonder you’re here, and the corset gave him such trouble to make, but he is absolutely thrilled with how it turned out, and how do you like it, but oh, you can’t really say that it’s beautiful if you haven’t tried it on, and he really needs a model to know for certain it’s finished, and yes, yes it has to be you…
In any case, being stuffed into a strange man’s corset by Arthur in the back of green house is not exactly the sort of errand you had expected.
Algernon admits that the dress was not made entirely by him, but he really is the true artist behind it. The corset itself is cream, embroidered with flowers and embellishments in a deep navy blue to match the heavy skirts. He talks from the other side of the curtain while you direct Arthur on how to properly lace the corset. Both of your voices are low, movements slow. His hands linger where they can, and too often you find yourself leaning back into him. You can feel the warmth of his palm despite the layers fabric, and when he finally ties the ends, you hold his hands where they rest on your hips.
You don’t know why you’re here, wearing this dress that is worth more money than you’ve ever owned at once, but if Arthur wanted you here for the silly friend of his who rambled about duchesses, baronesses, and contessas then you would be here, looking like you could fit right in with them.
“How goes it? Please tell me you haven’t torn anything, Tacitus.” Algernon’s voice breaks you from the moment, and Arthur’s hands slide away. You pull back the curtain, taking in the dress once again. “Oh a muse indeed! You are perfect, would you look at that. What do you think?”
“Well, I…it’s gorgeous.” You can hardly take your eyes off it. The bodice has the finest stitching you’ve ever seen, the skirt like silk beneath your fingers. “But what does this have to do with me?”
“Why, it’s yours!”
You shoot a quick glance behind you to catch Arthur’s eye, thinking that perhaps when he had said the man was cracked he wasn’t exaggerating. But Arthur never meets your eye, his own gaze fixed on the clinch of the corset around your waist.
“I’m…not sure I can afford this…”
“Nonsense! Your husband has already covered it. In fact this is my payment for the favors he’s done me. I have never worked without a model before, but when I saw you, I just couldn’t say no!”
“I don’t believe we’ve met before,” you say in confusion.
This time Arthur does meet your eye, and you can see he’s bashful.
“Of course not, my dear! I mean the pictures.”
“No, no. You’re right. Pictures hardly do them justice. The drawings, illustrations of pure emotion. I’ve never thought of sketch work to be so…moving. But these! Your husband is quite the artist!”
“Oh, I know,” and you think of what sketches he has of you in that journal of his that he would show this man. In hopes that he would make something for you. Something so fine you fear you may never have an opportunity to wear it again. Algernon is back to rambling about art, but you only hold Arthur’s stare in the mirror.
“Oh, but I know how busy you both must be! Please, don’t let me keep you again. I am no longer sorry to see the garment go when I see just how exquisite you look. Enjoy your evening! As always, it was a pleasure!”
And you find yourselves back outside, slightly stunned on the doorstep.
“Well. I believe I promised you dinner.” Arthur offers you his arm, and you easily lace your own through his.
“I believe you promised me more than dinner. Though I have to say I did not expect the new dress,” you quip. You tug on him a bit as you walk your way to the saloon where Arthur reserved your room and speak sincerely. “Thank you, darling. You didn’t…have to go to such trouble for me.”
“I know trouble. Trust me, this ain’t it.” He drops the teasing for a moment to look at you, and answer just as sincerely. “You look beautiful.” You feel warm, and not from the Saint Denis weather. “Besides, you’re not the only one who’s going to play dress-up.”
You let out a sound of delight. “You still have the suit Josiah picked out?”
“Oh, sure,” Arthur sounds none too pleased, “I still have it.”
“Arthur Morgan,” you sigh, “you really know how to treat a lady.”
On your way in to return to your room, you barely had a moment to look around and appreciate the finer details. Now, you lean into Arthur’s side as he speaks to the bartender and take in the establishment. The Bastille Saloon is still a saloon, but the patrons are dressed as finely as you are now, the furniture made of quality. You don’t see broken glass on the floor or scuffs made from idle knives and rowdy brawls. The tables have tablecloths. The piano is a grand one. The couple next to you are speaking French.
“And whatever the lady wants.”
You blink in attention, and turn to face the gentleman behind the bar. He’s wearing a tie. “Oh…I’ll just have whatever you’re having,” you say to Arthur.
You like the way his lips curve into a smile; it’s a crooked thing, and you may have once thought it teasing, but now you notice he’s fond by the crinkle of his eyes, he’s pleased by the way he leans toward you. Your arms hold tighter to the crook of his elbow, shocked at how just a hot bath and fancy clothing can change both your demeanors entirely.
Tonight you really were a distinguished lady, on the arm of the man you love. You never doubted Arthur to be a gentleman, but you still giggle when he pulls out the chair for you. He takes the seat next you, not across, and you scooch closer.
“Are you sure there isn’t some job?” you lean in to ask with a smile. You wouldn’t mind it if there was, so taken up with the dress, with the restaurant, with Arthur.
“No, darlin’, there’s no job.” He takes your subtle accusation in stride, leaning in and setting a gentle hand on your knee. “Why? You want there to be one?”
“No. Just don’t get why you’re doing this, is all.” You don’t want to sound ungrateful. Or suspicious. Your hand covers his under the table, aware of the impropriety, but too happy to care.
His eyes soften and fingers curl around yours. “Because you deserve it. Because you…deserve better.” The words are unspoken, but you know what he’s saying. He believes you deserve better than living with outlaws, than a campsite that moves every few weeks, than an old rickety cot and Pearson’s stew. He believes you deserve better than him.
You shake your head slowly, not looking away from his eyes. “You know what I want.” It’s a whisper, a spoken promise that you feel the same. No, you don’t want to live in a camp of outlaws for the rest of your life. But you’re sticking with him until the both of you can get out. Find what you want. A real bed. A home. A life.
Arthur looks like he’s about to respond when two plates are set down before you, and you gasp. He ordered prime rib with healthy helping of some of the best looking potatoes you’ve ever seen. You don’t think a meal has ever smelled so good in your life.
“Christ alive.”
Arthur laughs at your shocked reaction.
“What? I don’t think I’ve seen a steak this big.”
“You help prepare food with Pearson all the time,” his voice is a drawl, amused and pleased you’re impressed, and he doesn’t hesitate to start cutting into his meal.
“Not like this.” You know you’re staring, but you don’t even know where to start. “Arthur…if you just wanted to get me in bed, you know you don’t have to do all this.” Your words are crass, but you try to keep it to a hush. His treatment of you this afternoon has got you thinking of one thing, and quite frankly, you are very much looking forward to getting him back upstairs.
The way he chokes on his first bite is worth it. “Now I ain’t uhh…You know, well, um.” He gives up to plead with you. “Princess.”
You laugh at his stammering, put your hand on his knee. “Don’t you start. Because you did promise me dinner, and I intend on absolutely polishing off everything, and I expect you to do the same. And then, and only then, am I going to drag you upstairs and make very good use of that bed. No matter how many princesses, sweethearts, or darlings you use.”
And maybe the two of you are sitting too close that you keep bumping elbows, and no matter how finely you dress you still don’t quite fit in with the upper class, but you’ve never shared a finer meal someone.
And you’ve never seen Arthur eat so fast.
When Arthur took you to the room upon arrival in Saint Denis, the first thing you did was flop to the bed. It was large and well made with thick blankets and would fit two people comfortably.
Now that you finished dinner and are retiring for the night, you don’t even make it there. Your back is pressed to the closed door, Arthur’s mouth covering yours before pressing hot kisses down your neck, across your chest, and over the tops of your breasts pushed up by the corset. You tug mercilessly at the suit jacket he wears, only feeling slightly bad before he lets it drop to the floor.
You can feel the grip of his large hands through the material of the dress - one holding tight to the thigh you hiked to his side, the other roaming over your body before finding its place to cradle your head. Directing your mouth to his then away so he can place more kisses under your jaw. With every certain touch, with every meaningful place of his lips, your heart swells. He whispers every name he’s given you between each kiss, and you find yourself sighing out his, unable to say the words to ask for what you really want.
He has treated you so well all day, and you knew, you knew you would end up here at the end of it, in his arms and in his heart. You were ready to do whatever he wanted. Instead he takes hold of you and gives you everything you want without you having to say a word.
His hands find their way under your skirt, fingertips trailing sparks over your new stockings and to where the corset ends. Every single thing today has been a gift from him, and this here too is another. You can’t keep up, but you’ll let him take, you’ll let him give, you’ll let him have it all.
His bare chest is hot under you palms, your own breasts pulled from the confines of the corset just as you make it to the bed. It’s where you wanted to be all day, and it lives up to every hopeful wish. Arthur handles you, moves you were he wants, and even still it feels like he serves you.
His kisses are like the warm glow of a fire—you chase the feeling, chase his lips, and he gives into every whine from you. You reward him with your moans. He travels the map of your body and disappears under your skirts. His hands and mouth never part from you, and you scramble to take hold of yourself, take hold of him, take hold of the sheets beneath you.
Neither of you say it often, but you both know. Tonight, I love you is said with every touch of his skin to yours. I love you with every kiss. I love you as he wraps you around him. I love you as your hands come to cradle his head.
You pant heavily, still partially confined in your clothing, and as soon as Arthur’s lips return to yours, the frantic grabbing for one another’s affection subsides. He’s steady and reassuring, both of you content to sink into each other until you can’t be any closer. Your kisses turn slow and sultry. His shoulders shudder in your embrace, his hips solid between your legs.
It’s you and him and this bed and the way he calls you mine. It’s rare these moments you get with him, and you soak it up, relish in the way he lets himself love you. In return, you let yourself dream of the future in which you and Arthur share a life, a home, and a real bed.
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karlwriting · 2 years
Falling asleep beside Nanami Kento
Reblog is appreciated:)
I wrote a bit longer to add more fluff this time, aiming to give you all diabetes
There is a Gojo version in my tumblr as well.
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Nanami ‧─═♥═─‧
You are working on your desk in the bedroom, wondering when will Nanami be back from work. Working overtime on Friday sounds like a torture.
“It’s almost 11pm already, Kento must be having a busy day. Gosh i miss him so much…” Although you two are already living together, both of you still think of each other A LOT after a few hours of separation. Suddenly you heard the door unlocks and your heart beats with anticipation.
“I’m home angel, where are you?” Nanami looks for you right after he hanged his briefcase on the hook. He can’t wait to be close to you after a long day of work. He missed everything about you - your scent, your giggles, and your touch.
“Guess where i am Kento~” you playfully say it out loud to give him a hint. You feel so happy to finally be able to see him.
‘Such a naughty girl, cute.’ He knew you are in the shared bedroom immediately. How would he not know?
“Nanami the wolf is coming to get the red riding hood, where will she be?” He loosens his tie and walks to the bedroom slowly. He gets a bit excited by simply imagining you as an adorable red riding hood. This wolf can’t wait for much longer to eat you up.
“Here you are, busy with work?” Nanami opens the bedroom door and finds you still using your Mac.
“Yeah, Gojo told me to make a list of the missing people in Tokyo”
‘Gonna add cyanide to Gojo’s dessert tomorrow.’ Nanami shows you the sweetest smile while his brain is creating a hundred ways to kill Gojo. (Gojo: sneezed)
“Such a hard working lady, feel free to ask me if you got doubts. Now this wolf is gonna take a bath first *kiss*, wait for me sweetheart.” he kisses your cheek then heads to the bathroom. You start to nod off on your desk during the wait.
10 minutes has passed. Nanami walks out from the bathroom with a bathrobe and saw you fell asleep on the desk.
‘You must be really tired from work.’ His heart breaks when he notices your dark circles. It makes him even more determined to torture Gojo.
“Angel, lets go to bed, don’t sleep on the desk.” He walks to you and gently massages your shoulders.
“Hm… sure. Oh you’ve finished bathing?” You wake up and give him a sleepy smile. The way you smile so lovely makes his desire burn more fiercely. But he knows you are tired, so he takes a deep breath instead. He is a patient man.
“Yeah, let’s get you to sleep shall we? Wrap your arms around my neck angel.” He leans his upper body to you, so you can hug his neck. Nanami easily holds you close in his arms with only one pull. Your legs wrapping around his waist as he slowly walks towards the king size bed. You can feel his defined muscles underneath the bathrobe.
“I am dating an adorable koala bear ain’t i?” he chuckles and fills your lips with kisses. His lips are warm and moist from the bath.
“Then you are the only tree that i’ll hug” you both laugh at the joke. He feels honoured to be the tree.
Nanami gently puts you down to bed and covers you with the fluffy comforter. Seeing you lying on bed so peacefully, Nanami joins you and carefully pulls you closer. You bury your head to his chest, feeling so secure and warm.
“This wolf is gonna behave tonight, cuz you need to be well-rested for tomorrow. We are gonna have an unforgettable day off. Sweet dreams.” He presses his lips to yours, then turns off the bed side lamps.
You are kinda looking forward to it.
⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄
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youaintnothinbuta · 1 year
First Kiss - Elvis
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Summary: Your best friend, Elvis, was walking you home from having dinner at his house. When he gets you home, he realises your parents are out of town, and offers to stay so you’re not alone.
Pairing: Elvis x fem!reader
Word count: 906
Warnings: none/fluff. Probably typos/spelling errors/bad grammar that I’ve missed
You and Elvis are close friends, you have known each other since middle school. You liked Elvis a lot, and he liked you even more, but he was your best friend. And through years of him and you constantly hanging around each others houses, your parents and his practically also were best friends. There was too much on the line for either of you to confess your feelings.
You and Elvis lived only three streets away from each other, you had come round to his family’s house for dinner, and he was walking you home afterwards, chatting about anything and everything that came to mind. The pair of you passed two of the boys who you went to school with, sitting on one of them’s car which was parked on the street.
“Fairy here sew that dress for ya, darling? Or is he lucky enough to take it off ya?” One of them called out to you, insulting Elvis through his friend’s wolf whistle. Elvis grabbed your hand, holding it to his chest. He had a very protective nature, over his family and you, especially you.
“You know, Charlie, maybe you’d be able to get a girl into that car if you didn’t holler at them like dogs.” Elvis shouted back as he walked you passed them.
“Why do they always gotta pick on me? I’ve never spoken to them.” You asked, once you were sure they were out of ear shot.
“They pick on ya, honey, cos they want ya to speak to them.” Elvis replied, letting go of your hand.
“You know, you’re a pretty girl. They want your attention.”
“That’s no way to get a ladies attention!” You argued.
“I know that, honey, but not every guy does.” He continued, walking you to your front door. You just sighed.
“Ain’t your parents home?” He asked.
“No, papa had to go out of town for work and mama went with him. It’s just me for a few days.” You explained, unlocking your door.
“Should’ve told me, mama would rather you stay at ours than alone, y’know. You gonna be alright by yourself?” He asked.
“Well, I’m sure I’ll be okay.” You sighed, taking a step inside and flicking on the light.
“Goodnight, Elvis, thank your parents again for dinner for me.” You kissed him on the cheek and pulled him into a hug. This hug in particular lasted a lot longer than normal, you were holding him for as long as you could in hopes he’d realise that was your way of asking him to stay the night with you.
“I’m parkin’ here tonight aren’t I?” He asked, chuckling slightly.
“Well, if you insist.” You smiled, bringing him inside and locking the front door.
“Can I call mama, let her know your folks ain’t home?”
“‘Course.” You replied, Elvis heading to use your telephone, while you headed upstairs to get changed into something more comfortable for sleeping in.
“Mama said you should’ve told her, she’d don’t want you to feel like you can’t ask a favour.” Elvis spoke, walking into your bedroom.
“Oh I know, I just- I thought I’d be fine.”
“She told me to give you this, for her.” Elvis smiled, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
“Give her one back for me, okay?” You smiled.
“I will. Got a pillow you can spare?” Elvis asked.
“I- yeah, why? How many you need?” You asked, puzzled.
“Uh, one.” Elvis chuckled, confused at your question.
“You already got two.”
“What are you talking about?”
“What are you talking about?” Your eyebrows furrowed, confused.
“Honey, is there a pillow I can take to sleep on the couch?”
“What’s wrong with the two you have in my bed?” You asked, surprised.
“Oh, I just thought I’d take the couch.”
“If you want, I won’t force ya, but I don’t bite.” You smiled at him.
“I don’t know…them teeth look real sharp.” He grabbed your jaw, gently squishing your face. You nipped at his finger, playfully.
“Hey, watch it!” One of his hands grabbed your wrist to pull you towards him, the other pointing at you to tell you off, as he scrunched his face.
“Or what?” You smiled.
“You testing me?” Elvis inched his face closer to yours, his eyes locked on yours.
Your voice changed to a whisper “Maybe I am.” You replied.
Without saying a word, Elvis closed the remaining distance between you, his lips gently brushing against yours. It was a tender and innocent kiss, yet strong, filled with years of unspoken feelings.
You melted into the moment, your hand instinctively finding its way to the back of Elvis's neck, pulling him closer as he deepened the kiss. Eventually, you reluctantly pulled away, your breaths mingling in the quiet room. You stared into each other's eyes, a mixture of surprise, joy, and apprehension reflected in your gazes.
“I— I’ve w— wanted to do that for so long.” He admitted. You smiled at his stutter, the one that he develops whenever he’s really or nervous or excited.
“So have I.” Your lips moved, but no sound escaped them, your eyes dropping to the floor.
A smirk curled over his lips. “You go get your little night gown on, I’ll go lock up and meet you up here.” He gently pushed you by your lower back, towards your closet.
You complied eagerly, excited to see what may be unfolding between the two of you.
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morallyinept · 4 months
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A full transcribe of JOEL MILLER'S dialogue/lines from the TV show THE LAST OF US.
Includes full dialogue, and dialogue from any deleted/additional scenes available.
I've created this as a point of reference when writing for Pedro's characters, and I hope you find it useful. Even if you just want to read the dialogue. 🖤
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☝🏻Dialogue has been fully transcribed by myself using reference to original scripts (if available), audio subtitles and using my own two ears. Therefore, mistakes can be made, however I have tried to be as fully accurate as I can. If you spot an obvious mistake, please kindly let me know. Where audio is not clear, I have marked with *inaudible* Scenes are separated for ease of reference.
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Gas breaks down over time. This stuff’s almost water. Back in the day. We’d drive ten, twelve hours on one tank. You could go anywhere. 
Pretty much nowhere. 
It’s a siphon. It’s when liquid… travels against gravity, because pressure-
I know it works. No wanderin’. 
Feel free to wait in the truck.
Yeah, they used to stick big ass ploughs on ‘em and clear the roads for their tanks and such. 
You will. Tanks, choppers. All that stuff. Built to fight the wrong enemy. Just scattered around now. 
This is actually before my time. 
It’s a winner though. 
Oh, man. 
Oh. No, no, no. Put that back. That’s not for kids. 
Please get rid of it. 
Uhh… the-
Alright. That’s enough for today. 
Slow down. 
That is twenty year-old Chef Boyardee Ravioli. 
I actually agree. 
I figure I sleep tonight and drive tomorrow, all day, all night, get us to Wyoming by next mornin’. 
Now, why am I gonna tell you “no”? 
No, fungus isn’t that smart. This is too remote for infected anyway. 
They’ll have way more in mind than that. 
Well, that would be Frank’s then. 
'Cause he was outstanding in his field. 
No. Now go to sleep. 
No-one’s gonna find us. 
You don’t like coffee?
Theirs was a lot fresher than what Bill saved up, but yeah, this is what they sold. 
Eyes on the map. 
Last contact came through a radio tower close to Cody. 
Then... odds are he’ll be near a settlement. Probably close to another city. Ain’t too many of ‘em in Wyoming. 
Whose name?
Long story. 
Tommy’s what we used to call a “joiner”. Dreams of becomin’ a hero. So he enlists in the Army right outta high school. A few months later they ship him off to Desert Storm. It’s what they called that war. Doesn’t matter. Point is, bein’ in the Army didn’t make him feel much like a hero. Cut to twelve years later, outbreak happens. He convinces me to join a group makin’ their way up to Boston, which I did… mostly to keep an eye on him, keep him alive. It’s where we met Tess.
And that whole crew, we uh… Well, for it was, it worked. And then Tommy meets Marlene. She talks in him to joinin’ the Fireflies. Same mistake he made when he was eighteen. Wants to save the world. Pipe dream. Him, Fireflies, all of ‘em… delusional. Course, last I heard, he quit the Fireflies, too. So now he’s on his own out there, and… I gotta go get him. 
You haven’t seen the world, so you don’t know. You keep goin’ for family. That’s about it. 
No… You’re cargo. And I made a promise to Tess. And she was like family. 
I will.
I’m persistent. 
You got up pretty early if you wanna grab more sleep. 
Stay put. 
Kansas City.
Screw it. 
We can jog right around this tunnel, take the next ramp, then we’re back on the road, a minute tops. 
Where the fuck is the highway?
Don’t look at the state map, look at the inset. 
It’s gotta be the right… What the fuck?
Put your seatbelt on. 
Are you okay?
You’re not hurt or nothin’?
Belts off! Fast! 
Hey, you see that hole? Can you squeeze through?
When I say go, you crawl through to that wall, and you squeeze through and you don't come out until I say, okay? 
And they’re not gonna hit you. Look at me! They’re not gonna hit you. You stay down, you stay low, you stay quiet! 
Okay. Okay. Go! 
Get back behind the wall. 
Ellie. I gotta get in there, I can’t fit through. 
Well, can you move it?
Let’s go. Fast. 
We go up. 
Hopefully we spot a clear route out.
Stay close. 
For a little bit, maybe. Looks like they’re checkin’ out apartment buildings first. But they’ll be coming through these places soon enough. 
Yeah. Saw it. 
As soon as we don’t hear a truck, we move. Fast as we can. 
I’m alright. Are you alright?
Thing is, is I didn’t hear that guy comin’ and… you shouldn’t have had to, you know?
You’re just a kid. You shouldn’t know what it means to… It’s not like you killed him. But, shootin’ or… I know what it’s like. First time that you, uh, hurt… someone like that. If you, uh… w… I’m not good at this. 
I mean, it was my fault. You shouldn’ta had to. And I’m sorry. 
Show me your grip. Finger off the trigger. Now who taught you that?
Figures. Thumb, over your thumb. Left hand… squeezes down on the right. You got it? There you go. Lookit.
Uh-uh. You put it in your pack. You’ll shoot your damn ass off. 
We’ll get through this. 
You’re just gonna put your foot here. One, two…
Straighten up. I got you. 
Take a look around first. Ellie! Goddamn it. 
By now, Wyoming. 
Alright. We’ll make our way up, and come morning, I’ll take a look at the city and find our way out. 
Forty-five. But no, not all the way. 
As far as I can make it. 
I’ve been on both sides. It was a long time ago. We did what we needed to survive. 
And the people we were with. My brother, too. 
Come on. 
It’s gonna have to be. 
Give me a minute. 
“Lazy ass.” I'm fifty-six years old, you little shit. 
I don’t want someone sneakin’ up on us while we’re sleeping. 
Of course, I’ll hear it. That’s the damn point. 
Yeah, goodnight. 
When we were talkin’ about hurtin’ people… what did you mean it wasn’t your first time?
Alright. You don't have to. I’m just sayin’... it isn’t fair. Your age, havin’ to deal with all of this. 
No, not really. But still… 
Probably more from shootin’. So if you wanna keep your hearin’, you stick to that knife. 
That is so Goddamn stupid. 
I didn’t laugh. 
Jesus, I’m losin’ it. 
Go to sleep. 
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
Angel With A Ticket
George Weasley x Knight Bus Conductor Reader
You’ve worked on the knight bus for so long, and saw such a variety of faces. What happens when you meet a face that normally smiles, but can’t seem to plaster one on?
Can be read as romantic or platonic
Warnings: Angst, Mention of Death, Vague setting, Implied self harm, Survivors Guilt, George Weasley Deserves To Mourn, Dead Fred, Reader is everyone’s therapist, ya know?
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“Hey-! We got one-!” The familiar bobble of the shrunken head would alert you, as you hurried down the stairs of the upper floors. Your bag nearly sending you flying, with its weight. Had the head laugh, before you flicked its forgotten nose. Getting a whine.
“Let’s see who the poor sap in distress is this time-“ You hummed, as the bus gave its sharp stop. Your body having grown used to such a swing, and able to remain standing. “Ya can handle a bus, but not a bag. Magical~!” The head mocked, as the doors opened.
Your eyes couldn’t help but widen, as you saw who was standing there. Was a Weasley, and by the fact a sparkling W pin was on the pocket….It was a twin. Couldn’t be. Twins come in pairs. Where’s the other half? Must be some trick of the eyes. Where is the second in command? You would jump off the bus, and have a look around. Trying to find him.
“It’s just me….” The twin said, with a defeated sigh. “It’s going to be just me. Forever…..Can I just come on already-?” The twin said, as he rubbed at his arms. Suit jacket seeming a mess, and not quite as dapper as it normally was. You tilted your head, as you gave him a better look. Wondering what he was on about.
Normally such vivid eyes were dull, freckled smile missing, and by god so was an ear. Where did his ear go? That’s when it all dawned on you. That same baggy eye look you’ve seen so much of so recently. That was the face of someone who’s been through war. Oh no.
“I’m…..So sorry.” You whispered, as it was hard to process. The idea that twins weren’t twins anymore. “I-“ You didn’t know what else to say, and it didn’t seem like he did either. Just handing over the ticket, and you were quick to autopilot through the transaction. He would climb himself onto the bus, and the energy changed.
The man was normally a beacon of energy and positivity. Didn’t seem like that would be what the bus would feel tonight. With him on the bus, you saw he had no bags. Made you curious why he would be on the bus at all. From what you recall, from your school days, those twins mastered apparation very young.
“Got any beds available?” He asked you, and a nod was what you gave him. “Second floor, to your right.” You said, only to watch him climb up the stairs. It was still hard to comprehend such a livley man went so limp. Probably better to not let him know you didn’t know which twin he was.
“Georgie boy sure has handled it the best he can. Poor child.” Dre said, as if reading your mind. “Still runnen that shop. Maken sure them kids get their fix and be all smiles. Doing the lords work, that be sure.” He sighed, making you wonder if he could breath at all.
“Can’t imagine running a shop you built from the ground up, with your twin, all by yourself.” You admit, as the bus would snap back into the road again. Moving at speeds that could kill. “Why else ya think he’s here? Ain’t the first time.” Dre explained.
That made sense, now that you thought about it. When you weren’t on shift, he must sometimes come sleep on the bus. Just to be somewhere different. This poor man. You didn’t know why, but you wanted to help. Maybe because you knew those twins gave the world everything. And Fred seemed to prove it, with his own life.
Up the stairs you went, to see the many other sleeping passengers. Many a young teen running away from home, to mothers escaping house holds that didn’t want them. So many sad story’s the bus held. All giving them a needed moments rest, before their next stop. Now the infamous George Weasley was in that pile.
You would dance around the sliding beds, as to soon stand next to his own. To look down, as he made sure to have his working ear face the world. Dress jacket would be tossed over the metal head board, and shoes kicked off, as he tried to get some sleep. Struggling, as you saw his eyes flutter behind his lids. The way he would rub his arms, as if they were always in pain. Attacked by the chill.
“Need a blanket….or something-?” You awkwardly asked, getting a snort from him. “Rather have my brother back, but ‘pose that’s a bit harder. Huh?” He more so muttered, as you let him vent. Seemed he was surprised you did. Was sitting up even, with a brow raised.
“Not gonna tell me that I’m being to blunt, or intense-?” He puzzled. “What-? No….You lost your identical twin. Everyone here has their own story, and ways to deal with trauma. Like hell I’m going to tell you to shut up. If it helps it helps.” You scoffed, as you took offense. Thinking he thought you were fragile. You work on the Knight Bus. Fragile doesn’t exist in that sentence.
“Sure seems like everyone else does. Ya know-?” He begins, and you happily let him. Taking a seat on the bed, and soon did your song and dance. Many a patron would sob their woes to you. That’s just what the Knight Bus was meant for. To let struggling wizards, and witches, get some clarity. And he was no exception.
His head was soon in your lap, as he went on about his woes. How his family more so was pretending Fred didn’t even exist, afraid to even say his name around him. Like it would trigger him to hurt himself more. Acting like he didn’t exist for his sake. Made him just act out more. He was just able to finally vent to someone about it all, and you happily listened.
You let him sniffle, and wiped his tears away, as he goes on about how he could have saved him. If he had just not lost his ear, and was forced to tend to the people in the medical station. That he could have prevented his death, if he didn’t lose his ear. You didn’t dare interrupt, and just let him mourn. Might be the first time he did.
It wouldn’t be long before he was able to finally sleep. They always fell asleep like that. Cry out their sorrows, and you would listen. Let them know that someone was there for them. You would gently rest his head on the pillow, making sure he slept on his left side, before pulling a blanket over him.
“Sleep well, big guy. Do it for Fred.” You whispered, as you would slip back down the stairs. As you did, you couldn’t help but feel a chill run through you. As if some ghost was running up the stairs. You brushed it off as in coming London rain, before you leaned over the railing. Back to your post, with Dre.
“Hope ya know he’s gonna be a regular.” Dre warned you. “And-?” You smarted, getting a smile. “Guess you are cut out for this job.” He laughed, as you rolled your eyes. Despite it all, you did glance up. Knowing that ray of sunshine was up there. You worried, and maybe it was about time someone did for him. “Sleep well.” You whispered, as the bus made its next stop.
“Oye-!” You shouted, as you hopped off the bus. “Come on. Don’t wait for the grass ta grow, it’s time to go-!” You tried to joke, as you grabbed the runaways bags. Helping them on, before you vanished into the night. Leaving behind only the sounds of screeching tires.
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onmyyan · 8 months
NEW PATIENT with Delmont brother brain rot! It’s an infectious disease as this point doc! Gotta share some stuff in my head that I’d love to do to them! ⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄
Cas: We on a cute date and are in a private isolated area in a park/hiking trail/forested area. We brought a cooler of ice cream and other goods. I am deadlocking eyeing this man as I’m licking this long and thick white ice cream pop. Cas’s is beginning to melt on his fingers and he doesn’t notice it cuz he too busy looking at me his baby. I lick his fingers clean from the ice cream and make sure to get his fingers nice and wet in my mouth and eat his ice cream too while I’m at it. I want his own cream seeping from him as well
Gabe: He playing video games and is with his friends doing a team game or something. It late at night and I want him in bed with me. I look at him and bring a finger to my lips to signal to him shush and continue talking to his friends as normal. I crawl up to him and pull down his pants and part his legs. I give him that mad head and make sure to give ‘em balls plenty of love and attention too. I want this man fighting for his life over the mic head set tryin to act like nothin going on while still gaming and supportin his team
Ricky: I’m just feeling really sadistic today and put him in a cock cage the entire day. I’ll tease him over the phone too the entire day and won’t give him any peace while he’s at work, on lunch break, etc. When he comin home I’m tying him to the bed, and even though he’s begging for sweet release of his friend to pound me, I ain’t having it today. No. I’m riding his face, teasing his balls, and makin it so that he’s perpetually edged the entire night. It’s all about my pleasure only tonight, and when dawn comes and he gotta go to work. I still ain’t taking the cage off despite the overstimulated mess he is. He go to work, no sleep, no sweet release, and what he find that I sent him in his lunch? The key to the cage, with a cute little note that says, “Round 2 tonight?”
Marcos: I’m gonna force this motherfucker to buy me a custom made gold ring with my initials on it so he can wear it cause he’s mine, ya know? Then I’m gonna drip lots of burning hot wax on him and press the ring into the wax on his skin to see if it’ll leave a cute mark or two with my initials indented into his skin. After that I’ll allow him to breed me. Oh and this’ll be filmed secretly, and I’ll only let him watch it if I think he performed well enough for me
Manny: Vibrator dildo up his ass, as his hands and neck is harshly pulled and tied to the bedpost. I learned fancy knife play with butterfly knives just for him, and I’m gonna carve my name onto his skin over his little heart where his tattoo is. And you bet I’m gonna make it pretty as I can. I’m taking my time, calling him pretty things, being his lil cheerleader and everything. When I’m done and satisfied with my art, then it’s his turn to pleasure me, but no knife or blood on me
Sorry it got more demented as it went on. I guess I just naturally matched each brothers energy. Whatchu think?
Love 🗡️Psycho🗡️ Anon
👀👄👀 I adore you for this omfg thank you for sending it in I love everything about this
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The Words "Best Friends" Become Redefined. Part 4
Regulus Black AU
Summary: You had been Regulus’ friend since childhood and now his mistress. The war had changed many things, Regulus among them. Now its time to decide if you should put your self-worth over missing someone who was gone.  
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating: M- smut
Link to Part 3 
Songs in Chapter Just Pretend by Bad Omens and Push by Matchbox Twenty
I'm not afraid of the war you've come to wage against my sins. I'm not okay, but I can try my best to just pretend. So will you wait me out or will you drown me out? So will you wait me out or will you drown me out? (at the bottom). I can wait for you at the bottom. I can stay away if you want me to. I can wait for years if I gotta. Heaven knows I ain't getting over you….
“He’s not going to die tonight…I won’t let him.”
The words left your mouth a little colder than expected. While you were more or less speaking to yourself versus providing Kreacher with some hopeful comfort…the feelings were still cold…almost hopeless. Did you know that you could save Regulus? Yes, you could patch anyone up. You had spent years patching Remus up after full moons. There wasn’t much healing that you couldn’t do.
Would Regulus wake up and thank you? Probably not. You weren’t about to get your hopes up only to have them crushed. As much as you wanted Regulus to wake up and tell you that he loved and missed you…you knew that you had a better chance at winning the muggle lottery. You wanted nothing more than to have your best friend back and to have some kind of actual romantic relationship but again…it was pointless.
But he cried for me…he wanted me…
Those thoughts alone were so conflicting. You couldn’t help but feel confused. If Regulus was crying for you then it sounded like he cared. Right?
Don’t get your hopes up.
Taking a breath, you reached for the basin of water that Sirius had brought you. You reached out and gently dabbed at Regulus’ filthy face. When you were satisfied with him looking somewhat better you slowly reached forward and unbuttoned his black shirt. When you saw the scars and red claw marks on his snowy skin, it took all that you had not to cry. Regulus was in worse shape than you thought. The potion, whatever Voldemort threw together, had definitely done a number on Regulus. Time would only tell if there were any long-lasting consequences.
He was so brave…so brave and so smart.
You couldn’t help smiling at the thought. Once again, Regulus proved just how smart of a man he was. You were proud of him. There was no other way to admit it. Regulus had put together a puzzle that The Order had been working on for a long while. He had put together the puzzle and then took it upon himself to “deal with” the problem at hand.
He was so brave and foolish.
“Will he be okay?”
You looked up at Sirius’ question as he pulled you from your thoughts. The concerned older brother in your friend was clearly coming out. It didn’t matter that it had been ages since either brother had talked to the other. Sirius still loved Regulus. He still needed Regulus (even though Regulus probably didn’t feel the same way).
“He will. I need to get all of these cuts patched up. After that, we need to just let him sleep. His body knows what to do. The best that we can do is wait.”
Sirius nodded. He wasn’t totally satisfied with your answer but decided not to push it. Sirius knew that you were struggling at the moment and that badgering you with questions wouldn’t be doing anyone any good.
Remus’ hand on the small of his back made Sirius turn.
“Let’s give them some privacy.”
He said in a soft tone. Remus wanted to talk to you more about your relationship with Regulus but decided now wasn’t the right time. Remus knew you better than you knew yourself at points. Remus would talk to you when times were better. He could wait until then to be a “big brother.”
Sirius meanwhile, turned and followed Remus to the door. He hesitated before turning back but decided to. When he did, his heart sank seeing you sitting at Regulus’ side, your hand wrapped around his. Your eyes were hyper-focused on Regulus’ face before reaching out to stroke some hair away from his face.
“I can wait for you at the bottom. I can stay away if you want me to. I can wait for years if I gotta. Heaven knows I ain't getting over you….”
When Regulus’ eyes fluttered open, it took him a good minute before things came into focus. When he was able to see clearly, Regulus was surprised to see Sirius, James, and Remus all looking at him. All three men looked less than pleased which made Regulus raise an eyebrow.
“So…is this what happens when you die? You end up stuck in a room full of people that hate you?”
James, from his place on the dresser, crossed his arms over his chest.
“You aren’t dead…at least not yet.”
Sirius came in next.
“What the hell, Regulus?”
Regulus moved to sit up but froze as sharp pain radiated through his body. He felt as if he had been hit by a muggle car and then put back together with spellotape. Wincing, he finally moved to sit up.
“What do you mean?”
Regulus snapped back. He had half hoped that you would be in the room but there was no trace of you.
“You know what we mean. Kreacher told us everything when he brought you here half-dead. When people show up on my doorstep bleeding like a stuck pig and out cold, I tend to think that something was wrong.”
Sirius replied, in an extra snarky tone. Remus raised an eyebrow before taking his turn to speak.
“Kreacher told us about the cursed object. Is there something that you need to tell us? What exactly is Voldemort doing?”
Regulus sighed. This was not how he wanted his day to go. He didn’t expect his day to go anyway. He honestly expected to be dead…and Regulus had been fine with that.
“You lot know nothing.”
“Uh, yeah that is why we are sitting here talking to you.”
Sirius sassed back. Remus gave Sirius a look before turning back to the younger Black brother.
“Regulus, we have a feeling that you know a lot more than you are saying. I also don’t think you would have intentionally hurt yourself for no reason.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow.
“You know nothing about me, Lupin. I wasn’t about to sit back and watch him be with the woman that I love.”
Regulus snapped while glaring at Sirius. James, Sirius, and Remus all looked at Regulus as if he were mad. Regulus again groaned.
“Y/n, you fucking toss pot! I saw the two of you together one evening at a bar. You were holding her a lot closer than friends hold each other.”
Sirius blinked before bursting out into a fit of giggles.
“Mate, are you insane? Oh, sweet merciful crap, Regulus, I am not dating Y/n. I’m with Remus. I was only dancing with Y/n because she was nearly in tears over you. You have hurt her so much over the past year and you don’t even seem to care or realize it.”
Regulus looked pouty for a moment before speaking.
“I had to keep her away to keep her safe. The colder that I was to her the safer that she was. If she knew what I was doing…if she knew what Voldemort was up to…it could have been too dangerous. Where is she?”
James took a breath. He was trying to be the logical unproblematic one. Normally that Remus' job but James knew that when it came to you, Remus would be irrational and ready to explode.
“She’s an auror and is on a job. Regulus, whatever your reasoning, Y/n still got hurt. I think that you owe her a few thousand thank yous and apologies. If it wasn’t for her, you would be dead.”
Regulus was quiet a moment before looking out the window in silence. He considered his words before speaking. You had never let it slip about what your job was. Regulus knew that you were part of The Order. That was dangerous enough. Now that Regulus knew you were actively going out and putting yourself in danger everything was worse.
“It's horcruxes. That’s what Voldemort is making.”
Sirius, James, and Remus all appeared suddenly shaken. They had guessed that was what Kreacher was referring to when he said “cursed object” but also didn’t really want to assume or get too shaken up too quickly. It appeared that they were definitely in the wrong on that one.
“Horcruxes…are you sure?”
Remus questioned. Regulus nodded.
“Positive. I put it together a long time ago. I could have come to you lot with the information but I also didn’t want any of you getting hurt. It wouldn’t have been fair. If I told Y/n, she would have wanted to come along with me on the hunt. I wasn’t about to let that happen.”
“But you didn’t hesitate in sleeping with her and tearing her down to feeling like nothing.”
Remus said, his voice sounding colder. Now that he had the information that he needed, the older brother in him was ready to fight. So what if he was typically the rational one? He would leave that role to Sirius or James. Right now, Remus was ready to be the “big brother” and start kicking ass.
“I’ll admit that my actions weren’t ideal but it was with purpose. Again, if you would have listened to what I said, it was so she wouldn’t…”
Remus held up a hand.
“Bullshit excuse, Regulus! You’re extremely lucky that your brother is standing between us and I care about Y/n’s feelings or I would kill you.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow. He wasn’t about to tangle with Remus Lupin. Regulus knew that if he wanted any fair shot with you attacking your older brother would be one hell of a dumb move.
“Take comfort in the fact that I feel miserable.”
Regulus commented. Remus snarled angrily.
“Oh, I am. I am warning you now. Stay away from Y/n. She deserves so much better than what she would ever get with you.”
Sirius finally decided to come in. He gave his boyfriend an approving nod.
“Go get some air, mate.”
Remus took a breath before walking from the room without another word. He definitely needed the air. Something told Remus that he had better buckle up because the shit show was just getting started.
I’ll always fight for Y/n. She and I have always had each other’s back. No one will come in-between that.
Remus thought before leaving the house without another word.
A few hours later, you got home feeling more than exhausted. After a trip to Azkaban, you wanted nothing more than to collapse in a hot bath and drown in bubbles. The house was silent when you stepped in and locked the kitchen door behind you.
You made a mental note to go check on Regulus but you needed a drink first. If Regulus was awake you would honestly be surprised.
What a day!
You thought before switching on the radio and moving to pour some fire whiskey.
Said I don't know if I've ever been good enough. I'm a little bit rusty, and I think my head is cavin' in. And I don't know if I've ever been really loved by a hand that's touched me. I feel like something's gonna give and I'm a little bit angry, well. This ain't over, no, not here not while I still need you around. You don't owe me, we might change, yeah
You groaned before switching the radio right back off. The last thing that you really wanted to do was get lost in your feelings. After spending the last hour in Azkaban helping with an interrogation, you were feeling crappy enough.
“You don’t look well.”
Your head snapped up seeing Regulus in the doorway. This was the last thing that you expected. You wanted nothing more than to get up and hug Regulus but you didn’t. The logical side in your head said to not even bother.
“You’re awake. I suppose you're feeling decent enough to be joining the rest of society. Sorry if no one rolled out the welcome mat, we have problems right now.”
You grumbled. Regulus raised an eyebrow. Your rather sullen tone slightly surprised Regulus. While he didn’t expect you to jump into his arms with joy, he expected something else. He wasn’t sure why he was expecting something different. The last time that the two of you were together it wasn’t exactly happy. Sure it was hot steamy dirty sex but the ending was a suckfest.
“Oh, I got enough of a welcome. Now back to you being an auror. You never told me that.”
You leaned back in your chair. Regulus never waited for the right time to bring things up. Why he would wait and ask if you really were an auror?
“There is a lot that you haven’t told me too. Like, you go on some death mission over Horcruxes. Why you treated me like shit…I get that we aren’t best friends anymore but I expected something. I expected to be treated better than some piece of ass that spread her legs for you.”
Regulus was silent for a moment.
“Would you like some chocolate? I think that prison wore off on you.”
You shook your head and got up to go pace around the room.
“You don’t get it, do you? God damn it, Regulus! Everything reminds me of you. My fucking patronus is your animagus form…I can’t do anything without thinking of you. I don’t know why I care so much but I bloody do! I wasn’t ready to let go of you. You have no problems in just letting go of a fucking friendship that was years and years long but I do. Every time I try to move on, all I think of is you…but I’m not doing it now. I can’t keep doing it. You were brought in here half dead last night and for a brief moment I thought that I would lose you…just like I lost you before. You are the coldest, cruelest person that I know. You can't just make someone love you and then check out whenever you damn well, please…”
Regulus stepped forward and moved to comfort you. The expression on his face alone made your heart break all over again. This was your Regulus…your best friend…the Regulus that you loved.
“Y/n, I was being cold to keep you scared away…if you weren’t near me all of the time you were safe. The less you knew the better. It kept the monsters away…”
You moved to avoid letting Regulus touch you. Right now, you couldn't handle anything gentle. You would go to pieces.
“The monsters were you, darling.”
You turned walking from the room without another word. You couldn’t stay a moment longer. Maybe once the “darkness” washed off of you, you could talk to Regulus logically. Maybe you could tell him that you missed him, that you still loved him…that you were thankful to see him alive…and most of all how bloody proud you were of him! Tonight, however, was not that night.
@amelie-black @jessyballet @knreidy1 @justfinishthis @criminalyetminimal @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @ell0ra-br3kk3r @georgeweasleydumbhoe @livshitz @jsjcue @golddustwomann @siriuslyceleste @stelleduarte @millies0bsimp @coffeeaddictednymph @readtomeregulus @rogue-nyx88 @i-love-scott-mccall @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @s-we-e-t-t-ea @f4iryluvy @buttercup-beeee @panpride @saramaple @missgorldafirst @gugggu6gvai @haroldpotterson @jag9000 @quinis  @yousmellllikecaca @mentally-unstable-hoe @goldensunshineshit @aurorasnape12 @ad-astra-again @rubyroscoe1 @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @dumybitch @padf00ts-l0ver @ravenhood2792 @play-morezeppelin @un-lovesherself @melaninnbarbie @marichromatic @lostarc24 @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @li0nh34rt @tas898 @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @deanwherescas @knight-of-gleefulness @untoldshortsofthefandoms @shitfaceddaniel-blog @mycuddlycorner
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vicsnook · 11 months
Come Back…Be Here | Bob Floyd x Reader
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word count: 1230
warnings: deployment, sad, fluff
song pairing: Come Back… Be Here - Taylor Swift
notes: Hey y’all!! Hope everyone is doing well! I know I’ve been away for a little while but no worries I am back ☺️ and ready to write. This one is a sad one so forgive me for that. Please if you don’t mind, like and reblog that way more people can read this too. Thank you for all the likes and reblogs on my other works. Hope everyone is having a great week!!!! 💗
The sound of thunder startled you awake. Looking at your bedside table the alarm clock read 3:00AM in bright red letters. Bob snored peacefully beside you, he could sleep through anything.
The morning came too soon and as you got ready for work you noticed Bob was unusually chatty. He only did that when he was keeping something. Not wanting to pry you went along with it but as everyone headed off the tarmac that afternoon him and Nat got called into Cyclone’s office.
“I wonder what that’s about.”Jake said, raising his eyebrows at you.
“Me too, he’s been really chatty lately so maybe it has to do with that.”
“Yeah, I noticed that. He ain’t real good at keeping secrets” He chuckled as you both headed to the vending machines.
Usually you’d get a snack with Bob after flying exercises were completed but today your appetite was absent. The weird feeling that you’d had in your stomach when you woke up last night only intensified more as you waited for Bob. Jake tried making you laugh by showing you pictures of his new pup but your mind was elsewhere.
“Hey Peach, can we talk?” whispered Bob from behind you, breaking you away from your thoughts. You followed him quietly to your car grateful that you’d all been dismissed earlier today since Maverick was sick.
He started the car and looked over at you smiling weakly. You felt the knot in your throat as he headed towards the beach. This wasn’t going to be a good talk.
He grabbed your hand as you both found a spot to sit in the sand. Both of you stared at the beautiful California ocean when he finally broke the silence. “Nat and I were called up for a mission in Europe. We’ll be gone for a few months.”
“How long?”
“9 months but it can extend to a year. We leave in 2 days”
“Oh” you replied, trying to hold back the tears. Both of you knew this could happen anytime but you were not prepared for it to happen so soon. You’d only been together 8 months and now he was being sent off to the other side of the world.
He pulled you into his chest as you let the tears fall. He smelled of pines and jet oil. A weird combination that you’d come to adore. His fingers lifted your chin to look at him and he kissed you softly.
“We’re going to be okay.” he whispered as you both started to head towards the car. You nodded in response.
That night you helped him pack his seabag between dancing in the kitchen and eating leftover pizza. Tomorrow night the squad wanted to meet up at the Hard Deck for a small goodbye party.
Work flew by and before you knew it you were at the Hard Deck. Bob was off playing pool with Fanboy when Nat pulled you aside.
“Hey, you call me if you need anything. You’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ll keep this one in check.” she said, taking a swig of her beer.
“I’ll try to keep Rooster in check but no promises.” You raised your hands as you both laughed and she pulled you into a hug. In a few hours your best friend and boyfriend would be gone and tonight only seemed to fly by.
Bob and you said goodbye to everyone around midnight. Him and Nat had to be at the airport by 4:00AM. You cuddled up to him that night but as the alarm went off at 3:00AM you felt you’d only slept 10 minutes.
You said it in a simple way
4:00 a.m. the second day
Everyone gathered at the airport saying their final goodbyes. Bob pulled you in for one last hug and whispered “I love you” as he pulled away and kissed your forehead. A few tears escaped your eyes as you both had yet to say those 3 words.
“I love you too, Robby.”
Stumbled through the long goodbye
One last kiss, then catch your flight
“Time to go.” said Nat as Bob kissed you one last time and headed to security.
You followed the squad out to the parking lot politely declining their invitation to get breakfast. All you wanted to do was go home.
Getting ready for work you scanned the room for your dog tags and that’s when you saw it. A red gift box on your bed. Opening it you pulled out a necklace with a heart locket and in it was a picture of you and Bob from your first date. The note in the box read “So you always have me with you. Love, Bob.”
And this is when the feeling sinks in
I don't wanna miss you like this
Come back, be here
You put it on and finished getting ready as quickly as you could so you wouldn’t be late for work. Holding back tears as you headed out the door missing Bob more than anything.
Bob had left Wednesday and it was now Friday. Calls were short as he and Nat were settling in and the time difference didn’t help. He mentioned you should go see your sister to help not feel so lonely. So here you were boarding a plane to NY for the weekend.
Taxi cabs and busy streets
That never bring you back to me
I can't help but wish you took me with you
The breeze was cold as you stepped out of the airport. Raising your arm you hailed a taxi and then you were off to your sister’s. That night after a long day of retail therapy you were able to facetime Bob.
His sweet smile filled the screen as you showed him your purchases. “I got you something so once you know your mailing address let me know.” you said, eying the box on the floor. He nodded, raising his eyebrows at you making you laugh.
You got him a watch he’d been wanting according to Mickey. On the back it had the word fearless engraved, a nod to when you both danced in the rain a couple months back.
He was getting ready for work while you were ready for bed. He said he was happy that you liked his gift and couldn’t wait to get his.
“I’ve got to go baby but just know I love you and I’m thinking of you. Sweet dreams.” he said quietly as Nat knocked on his door.
“I love you Robby.” you replied as he smiled and ended the call.
This is falling in love in the cruelest way
This is falling for you and you are worlds away
In New York, be here
But you're in London, and I break down
'Cause it's not fair that you're not around
You shed a few tears after the call ended. Missing him hurt so much. Your chest aching as you tossed and turned that night. Wishing time would fly by the next couple of months.
Central park felt lonely the next day since your sister was called into work. She loved being a doctor but being on call sucked. You watched the birds from the bench you were sitting at wishing that Bob was with you. That he could Come back, be here.
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