#wish we could see that on i medici
goldeaglefire1 · 1 year
soooooo. Skullgirls Twitter may or may not be giving hints as to what Marie's story mode entails and I don't see anyone talking about it here so. me, being the guy who loves speculating about shit forever, am going to do it myself
(note: going to be long so here's a read more for all your sakes. also it's 12AM and I am tired so coherency may or may not be a thing. godspeed)
okay so! first, probably most vital thing! the first gameplay clip they ever showed of Marie (by which I mean like four days ago) is just her in the character select screen. nothing too crazy, except. in the character art that pops up when Marie's selected, she does not have her usual skull eyes
now you might think "well this is all extremely early footage that could be a placeholder and they just haven't put the pattern in yet" except someone pointed it out and the official response was
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so. from the sounds of it this is intentional. she intentionally does NOT have the skull eyes associated with the Skullgirl, even though she's clearly using the Skullgirl's power. so there's one thing
thing number two! one clip later, and we get this right after
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now this could be a tongue-in-cheek joke about exactly how different playable Marie feels from boss Marie - because yeah playable Marie looks absolutely nuts - but considering the skull eyes thing I have my doubts. and it's not like the tweet is wrong - compared to her usual set of minions, the skeletons in playable Marie's moveset are notably more expressive compared to the complete lack of emotion in the boss fight. I mean, everyone's pointed out the ribbon on Laser Skeleton's horn! that's just adorable!
hey speaking of undead minions. this piece of evidence may or may not age well depending on what the next clips show us but do you know who hasn't shown up at all in Marie's moveset thus far? her undead Medici minions. or for that matter the Lamia shadow she summons to blindside you from across the screen whenever she wants you to know your place. neither of those have showed up. meanwhile there HAVE been several moves regarding Marie's previous experience in housekeeping, which isn't exactly NEW for her since in her concept art from way back when there were a bunch of moves referencing housekeeping already in the cards, but seeing it directly from Marie feels distinctly. out of place somehow. hmmmmmmmmm
in the trailer that first revealed Marie in 2022 there was a line that was like "after ten years...a shard [of the Skull Heart] still remains" which got people speculating about what exactly it could mean if it even DID mean anything and wasn't just cool advertising bullshit. well, it seems fairly clear to me that Skullgirls Twitter is hinting at the reality of the situation, and what exactly that might entail
the Skull Heart is a corruptive influence on Marie. we know that; this has been established since Squigly's story mode, where Marie nearly drops a building on a bunch of innocent bystanders before realizing what she was doing and caught the top half of Medici tower. and then there's the more recent development that Marie becoming a Skullgirl gradually led to her forgetting the actual reason for why she made the wish (to save Patricia) vs. what the Skull Heart wants, which is for everything to get razed to the ground (which Marie ended up narrowing down to "fuck the Medici in particular", to which I say: fair enough)
so! as far as I can tell, this moveset (and the eventual story mode) for Marie explores what exactly she's like WITHOUT the influence of the Skull Heart compelling her to murder everything. how she managed to pull if off is still a mystery for now, but we should get an answer for exactly how she came back later down the line.
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thesongofthegreens · 1 year
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Imola had been lost. More importantly, so had Francesco. He felt the latter's loss more, however surprising that might have been. Imola could be won again, despite the Pope's purchase of it, but he was not so sure that the same could be said of Francesco. What had Jacopo said for him to turn against them so quickly?
While Lorenzo could play as naive as he desired, he knew it was not only Jacopo's doing; his business dealings with the Pope and what truly been given to the Pazzi's had not entirely an innocent slight. Francesco had even questioned his motives then, but Lorenzo had never believed it would tear them apart. His own dismissal had only served to prove what lie Jacopo had fed his friend.
For the good of the Medici bank.
It echoed in his mind, when he would find a moment to rest, or when he believed he was more alone than he had ever been. With Giuliano mourning Simonetta, he had no one to bear the brunt of things. There once had been a time where his brother's absence would have nearly been missed, or even unnoticed. Not to say that he had not loved his brother, only that his own loneliness had been a shallow fountain then - it had become a sea.
With the Pope preparing an army to Imola, supposedly to set upon Florence, he knew he needed more than his family by his side. And for that, he would have to admit his sins and possibly those of his fathers before him, no matter how difficult it would be for him to do so. Republics could not be built without a cost.
As the carriage rode along the stones, there were bumps along the way, yet the carriage was never set off the track - it still persevered. I will become the carriage, if I must, he thought, though he was less sure that his path would be so easy.
He passed the many doors surrounding the cathedral, and the many people making their way to mass. There, in the many pews that were held there, they would still be separated by status, but God would see them as equals. They would dip their fingers into holy water and bless His name as equals. Such a small thing set a smile on his lips, for he wished the rest of Florence could be so.
Lorenzo dreamed for it to be so.
When he arrived, his coachmen knocked on the wood, pulling him from his daydreams and to the mouth of the cathedral. He found his brother there, waiting for him, as he exited the carriage. He spoke a few choice words to Bastiano, before encouraging his brother to believe in the good of othes, that words could bring peace before the sword.
As they turned and walked the steps, his heart grew heavy at the sight of his friend, a small smile set onto his face. In the months that had passed, Lorenzo had not seen such a sight, despite the many times he had seen the Florentine banker.
He found himself stopping, with Francesco met his gaze; there was regret there, but there was something else, something ready to take on a life of its own. Lorenzo felt it, in the very fiber of his being, that the mass service would change the tides, though he could not say whether it would be in any of their favors.
"I know our families have had their disagreements, but I hope from now on, we can bury that, start new, for all our sakes." The smile that touched his mouth was friendship, his arms held out for an embrace. It was one that had not been shared in many fortnights.
Lorenzo could not help but think of his grandmother, her wish to see their families at peace, for eternity. But it was not just her, but the shadow that had been hanging over both of them that reminded him to let the past live there, to make anew with what they could.
After a moment, he moved forward, his own arms wrapping around his friend, though he could not claim his heart remained entirely whole. For both of their sakes, he whispered, "I always meant for us to be friends, Francesco."
"We shall be again."
While Lorenzo would not admit it to his brother, to the many seeing them at the mouth of the cathedral, he had sunk right into the embrace at the promise, relief flooding through him. Whatever spat had risen from Jacopo, whatever unthinkable had been requested of the Florentine banker, Francesco had stood against him, one last time.
As they pulled away, to face one another again, Lorenzo touched the back of his neck, a smile being shared between them both - for a moment, all transgressions were forgotten.
"I am glad to hear it," he began, looking down to the ring he'd been given when he had removed his father from the Priori. He twisted it around his finger in thought, a sigh leaving him. "I don't want to simply begin another chapter of our friendship, Francesco. I would see our banks united, again." Brown eyes searched his, there was that secret in them again. "Truly united, not in word, but in deeds and parchment."
| closed roleplay with @all-that-is-gold-is-now-gone , sorry for the long starter, i wanted to set the scene! |
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seraandthebees · 1 year
Wip Wednesday
Tagged by @mxkelsifer to share my writings! Since I’m a bit late on the draw I won’t tag anyone this week but I’ll be more on it next time around!
I’m back on my Medici bullshit so that’s what you’re getting this week! This is pretty late in the story I have so far (though probably around the midway to two-thirds point of the fic proper). Hopefully it’s not too tricky to understand without context, but just in case:
Piero is Cosimo’s son
Marco is Cosimo’s long term friend (and a friend of the family)
Ugo is the Medici accountant (employed by the family)
Donatello is in fact the artist, and an acquaintance of Cosimo’s from his youth
“Where did Marco get that letter from?” he realised, verbalising the thought as it came into his head. Raising his head to see Rinaldo’s face, he could easily tell the other man’s suspicions were immediately raised. He could not blame him, especially given the circumstances. Besides, he could tell that Rinaldo did not like Marco very much for whatever reason. As far as Cosimo could tell, he never had.
“How long have you known him?”
“Eighteen years," he responded. “Marco would not do this. Even when he goes against my wishes, he has my family’s best interests in mind. This makes no sense for him.”
“I don’t know,” Rinaldo countered. “It is a lot of money, even if he is sharing it with an accomplice.”
Silence fell as he considered how best to respond. He could not consider that Marco might have been involved until he was left with no other choice. He had done more for this family than was ever asked of him and likely more than he would ever know. Why would he suddenly change his mind? He valued Cosimo’s company as well as the luxury his wealth afforded him, Cosimo was certain of it. Surely it would require more than that to buy his loyalty and for him to give up his way of life.
That was, unless he had discovered Cosimo’s newfound relationship with Rinaldo. Marco never gave the impression that he would be bothered by such matters but then again perhaps Cosimo was looking for understanding where it simply did not exist. Just because Marco was not a man of particular faith, it did not mean he did not agree with any of its teachings. There was nothing to say that his implied understanding of Cosimo’s tendencies was anything other than acknowledgement and tolerance which could only last as long as he refrained from acting on those feelings.
That said, he thought he might have caught Marco gazing at Donatello when he had cause to come to Florence a number of years ago. He had thought perhaps… but that was idle speculation and would get him nowhere.
“I will not place the blame at my friend’s feet without proof,” he declared. “We should investigate other avenues first.”
Rinaldo was evidently displeased with his answer, but did not fight him on it any further. He let his hand drop from Cosimo’s shoulder, stepping back with a sigh. Rinaldo’s frustration went unseen by his lover though who turned to focus on just how much he would have to give up in order to make up the vast amount thousand florins remaining to pay for Piero’s return. He needed to speak with Ugo urgently for a comprehensive understanding of where their finances currently stood.
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ayliamc · 1 year
Day 8 - Art Fatigue
Steps walked: 22,802
Flights climbed: 44!
Vehicles ridden: 0
Points of interest visited: 6
Leonardos spotted: where one used to be
A truly luxurious morning today. Not even hampered by the discovery of tickets booked for an earlier time than we expected. ‘Twas a sunny and cool morning, perfect for our plan to hike up for a view of the city. Also our first [and only] time exploring the south side of the Arno. We passed by Galileo’s house. No big deal right? It certainly seems not to be. It’s just a building, now three townhouses, with a little plaque and a little mural. Otherwise unmarked, no pomp, no circumstance. We might have missed it had it not been for Google maps.
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I can be seen here pointing at both the plaque and a cat who was walking by. (Have I mentioned I miss the animals?)
A little further up the hill was one of many botanical gardens. We got admission and marveled at the fact that they advertised wifi and offered the password freely, and the password was rejected about seven times before randomly being accepted. No one could make sense of this. But we wandered around the poorly marked garden and enjoyed nice views of Firenze despite my indignation that the map and signage was so senseless.
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A little further up the hill was the Piazzale Michelangelo where yet another replica of the David resides, this one in bronze. It also provided a great overlook of the city — evidenced in part by the large crowd we had joined all seeking the same view.
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It really felt like we could be looking out onto a city in 1475, the same city Leonardo loved and lived in. The same city that has produced so many great minds. The art mouth, where creativity and genius stems from the wellspring of the Arno.
We made our way back to our room — without using gps! — and had some leftovers for lunch before heading back out into the city.
We had seen signs advertising an exhibit at the Palazzo Strozzi by one of my favorite modern artists, Anish Kapoor. I learned of him in 2009 when we saw one of his exhibits while living in London and was captivated by his work. So I couldn’t resist the opportunity to see another, and bonus: introduce his work to Dan. The exhibit happened to open today! Despite my earlier belief that it opened the tenth of July because of European dating. How lucky that we happened to be in Florence on the opening day of the exhibit! I wish it had been bigger. There weren’t many pieces installed but the ones we saw were incredible, featuring a wax installation I had seen in London and some mind bending mirror and black pieces that made you feel like you were at once falling forward and that the world was shifting around you.
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From there we went back to Universo Vegano for a quick snack where I got drunker than I expected from the Aperol Spritz I got in lieu of the hot chocolate I wanted (they were out) but thoroughly enjoyed the hazelnut croissant (Dan got tiramisu),
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then back to the Museo Opera dell’Duomo, the museum connected to the Duomo. The museum is housed within the same building in which Michelangelo carved the David, close to its original intended location (the Duomo) and close to its original actual location (outside the Palazzo Vecchio, former home of the Medici family) and a short walk from its current location (the Galleria dell’Academia). Much to my disappointment they did not have his old workshop preserved or on display even. The museum is instead filled with numerous sculptures, most of which were originally built to be featured inside the Duomo. At some point, the put the original pieces in the more protected museum and replaced them in the Duomo with copies. Items of note we saw included:
- the Gates of Paradise, made by a bunch of famous renaissance artists, none of whom are particularly interesting to me
- Michelangelo’s The Deposition, a statue he originally meant to adorn his tomb. But in typically Michelangelo form he got frustrated with imperfections in the marble and smashed it to pieces, leaving it unfinished before it was reassembled after his death
- An altar piece that had some work done by Verrocchio, Leonardo’s first teacher
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Our tickets to the museum also came with admission to the crypt below the Duomo so we circled the massive cathedral looking for the entrance. By the time we found it, I was eager to sit down. We had already walked a LOT. At the museum, they’d made me check my backpack (my tiny little bag), and reinforced that the coat check was “only for the museum”. Well I got to experience some more of that “don’t expect things to make sense in Italy” vibe when they turned me away at the crypt for my backpack again, and offered me no solutions as to where I could check it. So Dan went in without me because I was too irritated to deal with it, and I gave my ticket to another woman who wanted to see the crypt but they were sold out. We never even entertained going into the refractory which we also had access to with our tickets. All we wanted to see was the museum anyway.
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From there we went to the nearby Palazzo Vecchio. (No backpacks again! At least they had a locker room I could leave it in. Somehow today is the day we visited all the “no backpack” museums. Annoying.) It’s a very old building and as the Medici family lived there, it’s naturally filled with art. Say what you will about the Médicis, but they put a lot of money into the arts. The 1% don’t do that so much anymore. Thanks to the patronship of the Médicis we have works from the likes of people like Leonardo and Vasari and Botticelli.
Leonardo had been hired by the family to paint the Battle of Anghiari in their great hall, but he got bored and frustrated and moved away from Florence before it was ever finished. The incomplete fresco was then ruined when they expanded the room and it was subsequently painted over by a new fresco. There are theories that some of Leonardo’s work remains underneath, Dan-Brown-style conspiracies fueled by the “look and you shall find” message painted into the new fresco.
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We saw about a million and a half paintings by Vasari, the frames all Botticelli, and by the end of the tour experienced what I can only explain as “art fatigue”. When we went to Ireland, every castle sighting illicited excitement. But after a week it was like “cool, ANOTHER castle what’s special about this one…” It’s taken three days in Firenze to have the same feeling about 500 year old paintings and reliefs by the great Italian masters of the renaissance. We were a little overloaded with it, and numbed to the magic. We did see Dante’s alleged death mask-but-probably-just-some-sculpture. And another incomplete Michelangelo. And Machiavelli’s old office when he was the Secretary of Firenze.
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We had some time before dinner so we went back to the apartment where we both groaned, collapsed onto soft furniture, and sat in near silence for a half hour before we went back out to dinner.
We opted to return to Nirvana, where we had our first meal in Firenze. I got the ravioli again (no regrets) and Dan got a really tasty tagliatelle with truffle sauce.
We’ve certainly made the most of our time in Firenze. And the location of our apartment was beyond ideal, paid for with shitty wifi and a shower that offered me two whole minutes of hot water that night. I will miss this city.
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histoireettralala · 2 years
Louis XIII and his mother
While contemporaries thought that Louis inherited his father's "spirit" and intellect, his mother may have had a greater influence on the dauphin's political outlook. Henry sensed a central component of this: the striking resemblance of Louis's stubbornness and displays of temper to the emotional makeup of Marie. He even predicted that they would clash some day. This mother-son connection has been generally overlooked by historians, who have seen Marie de' Medici as a mother in name only, lacking in affection toward her firstborn. Scholars often dismiss Marie's role in Louis's early formation with the erroneous statement that she never kissed him, or did so irregularly.
The fact is, the queen did embrace the heir with regularity, if not exuberance, during his initial years. She also showed care for him in her letters, although these always had a practical bent in contrast to Henry's letters to the royal children's governess, which expressed a sense of joy in the children's very existence. Marie's letters remind one of the adult Louis's correctly concerned letters of condolence to subjects and his properly paternalistic communications with his sisters, surviving brother, and other close relatives.
The queen meticulously held out gifts as rewards for good behavior, while advocating inexorable punishment for "stubbornness." Still, she wrote to the dauphin's governess about the need to avoid whippings during the summer heat if possible, because the temperamental child "could get agitated"; and any beating should be administered "with such caution that the anger he might feel would not cause any illness." After 1609, when Louis's governess was replaced by a governor, the marquis de Souvré, Marie wrote to her son: "I am at ease in knowing that you are well and to learn that you are very well behaved, and that you are studying and doing your exercises. Keep it up and obey what M. de Souvré tells you so he will be able to confirm me always in that good opinion."
Marie's letters to her other children, notably the girls, confirm our impressions of the sort of indoctrination she was giving her firstborn. To Henriette, Louis's youngest sister, she wrote that nothing was more pleasing than her "little exercises." To the middle girl, Christine or Chrétienne, came an admonishment to be compliant like the oldest sister, Elisabeth. The mother's displeasure with the news of Christine's illness, we read with some astonishment, "would be greater if I didn't think of the example of your older sister who has been so well-behaved and obedient in doing what the doctors ordered for her. .. . So that is what I want from you and urge you to do if you wish to be always well loved by Your very good mother Marie."
Louis continued to look for maternal affection, despite Marie's cool demeanor. He was drawn to her also by an acquired filial deference, something that he could never fully shake later on in life, even when breaking with her spectacularly as a teenage king and again as an adult. His early childhood rages and pouting against her were no different from those he displayed so often toward his father, nurse, governess, and physician. Indeed, he could be so excited at the prospect of seeing his mother that he would help make her bed, be impatient if she did not come when expected, and race to kiss her when she finally arrived.
In addition to filial obedience and spontaneous hope, Louis was bonded to his mother by their peculiar positions in the royal family. Although she was clearly queen, and he just as surely dauphin, there was always competition for both of them from the same source —Henry's love affairs. Henry had a habit of acquiring longtime liaisons, in addition to indulging in casual sexual encounters. Furthermore, he somehow always managed to get his current lady friend pregnant in tandem with his wife's regular pregnancies. And he insisted that his legitimate and natural offspring live together at St-Germain under the common care of Louis's governess! This was mortifying enough for Marie, who alternated between fighting with her husband and accepting his affection and concern for her well-being, but it was downright confusing and unnerving for a proud, young heir.
A. Lloyd Moote- Louis XIII the Just
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‘Do you not like Florence?’ Giovanni asks, back at his post by the door. Where he always seems to stand as it regards his children: thresholds. ‘I like Rignano more. And that’s where auntie is and all my cousins and your friend who tells me fables about girls turning into trees and birds and horses. Could I be a bird?’ Ah, Giovanni sighs, so that is where Agata is getting her flights of fancy from. He will have a word that Marsilio mustn’t fill her head with nonsense, it drives Tofana mad and Giovanni only wishes for peace at home. ‘Alas,’ Giovanni says, ‘we cannot ourselves transform thus. However, I will see what can be done about concluding business in Florence then taking us all home. I miss it too, pet. Have you said your prayers?’ She promises him that she has. Who did she pray for? Lorenzo de’ Medici because mama said he needs prayers to help him but Agata isn’t certain why. Her father, of course, for he is always away on business and she prays that bandits fall off their horses or down hillsides so they cannot attack him. ‘I have prayed for trees to fall on them,’ she confesses, ‘but Father Marsilio said that I shouldn’t pray to harm people. He said I should pray for them to reform themselves.'
Giovanni trying to get his daughter to Go To Sleep Oh My God Agata Please It Is Two In The Morning.
Agata: but there are ghosts outside my window!! and I want to be a knight and a bird!!
Giovanni: Marsilio stop telling our my daughter tall tales. It's making her imagination run wild.
Marsilio: I literally have no idea what else to do with nine year olds.
100% this is the daughter whose husband Marsilio was hanging out with in the 1490s and she's like "this is father Marsilio" and her husband is like "oh yes, your father's priest friend." And Agata is like, "yes, I mean he's father Marsilio because he's a priest but he's also dad #2: This Time With More Plato Than Reasonable. Giovanni is dad #1: The OG."
Marsilio is just glad he doesn't have to provide for her dowry. 500 dowries for his 500 nieces later he's like: I get why priests go rogue and rob the church coffers, good lord.
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alphaman99 · 10 months
Suppressed Histories Archives
"You are driving me into such a state of despair that no hour of the day passes when I do not desire your death and wish that you were hanged. What aggravates me most of all is that we shall both go to the devil and then I shall have the torment of seeing you even there. I swear by what I loathe above all else—that is yourself—that I shall make a pact with the devil to enrage you and to escape your madness. Enough is enough.
"I shall engage in any extravagance I so wish in order to bring you unhappiness. If you think you can get me to come back to you, this will never happen, and if I did come back to you, beware! Because you would never die but by my hand."
—Marguerite Louise D’Orleans, cousin of Louis XIV, "Letter to her estranged husband, Cosimo III De Medici," 1677, from The Medici Women. A lot of wives felt this way—they could not prevent their husbands' sexual infidelities or dissipation of their wealth or battery and other abuse; but it is rare to see a record of their rage.
That is, other than the fact that many of these court women resorted to sorcières and streghe in attempts to ameliorate their situation, and sometimes even to poisoners, most notoriously Catherine Monvoisin, known as La Voisin. But this lady was not involved in the Affair of the Poisons, a scandal at Versailles that turned into a witch hunt, complete with torture and executions, so I'll save that for the next post
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ducavalentinos · 6 years
Il ragazzo ama l'eleganza e il lusso, le belle donne, i bei cavalli e gli oggetti preziosi. Sarà una constante in tutta la sua vita questo amore per il bello. Una sera invita a cena il suo compagno di studi Giovanni de’ Medici, che è già cardinale, e lo sconvolge per la qualità e la quantità di arazzi, tappezzerie, ori e argenti presenti in casa, a tal punto che il futuro Leone X non se la sente di contraccambiare l'invito per evitare di sfigurare troppo. Il Borgia non vive di soli divertimenti e studi, poco prima de laurearsi conosce personalmente Lorenzo Il Magnifico e interviene presso la corte medicea per segnalare persone a lui gradite. Quando Lorenzo de’ Medici muore Cesare lo onora con un componimento che probabilmente ha fatto realizzare da qualche umanista della sua cerchia, dimostrando in questo modo di essere piú un principe/ambasciatore che uno studente.
Cesare Borgia: Le campagne militari del cardinale che divenne principe. Andrea Santangelo.
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khruseosold · 5 years
Tag drop: Ezio Auditore.
#[ ezio auditore / threads. ] clarity is why i have come so far. that i may better understand the purpose of our fight. and my place in it.#[ ezio auditore / answered ic. ] they taught me to look past my instincts. they never preached answers. but guided me to learn from myself.#[ ezio auditore / answered etc. ] clarity is why i have come so far. so i may better understand the purpose of our fight and my place in it.#[ ezio auditore / visage. ] wanting something does not make it your right. a true leader empowers the people he rules.#[ ezio auditore / roger craig smith. ] bad dresser. shorts and shirt. that's my uniform.#[ ezio auditore / aesthetic. ] we are free to follow our own path. it is our ability to choose what you tihnk is true. that makes us human.#[ ezio auditore / study. ] i disagree niccolo. surely our belief in humanity rests at the heart of the assassin's creed.#[ ezio auditore / meta. ] what is a man but the sum of his memories? we are the stories we live. the tales we tell ourselves.#[ ezio auditore / sound. ] i am a tactless minstrel. i sing off key for coins. if you spot me in the street. please kick me in the loins.#[ ezio auditore / brotherhood. ] a place is not the brotherhood. wherever we draw breath and make a stand. that is the brotherhood.#[ ezio auditore / auditore. ] to the auditore that reads this. remember that you are not a nobleman. you are one of the people.#[ ezio auditore / templars. ] they say there is no absolute truth. or if there is we are hopelessly underequipped to recognize it.#[ ezio auditore / of eden. ] all of her kind died many years ago. i wish I could show you the magic she performed.#[ ezio auditore / de' medici. ] so began a long and prosperous relationship between two families. yours and mine.#[ ezio auditore / earth. ] and love most especially. for the vast and wonderful world that gave us life. and keeps us guessing.#[ ezio auditore / dyn: cristina. ] i wasn't ready! i was planning on being really charming and funny. can i just have a second chance?#[ ezio auditore / dyn: sofia. ] forgive me. it is a joy to see someone with a passion so personal and noble. it is inspiring.#[ ezio auditore / dyn: caterina. ] that woman is as powerful and dangerous as she is young and beautiful. / sembra come una donne per me.#[ ezio auditore / dyn: rosa. ] hey i remember you. you never did apologize for knocking me over.#[ ezio auditore / v: acii. ] i do not know who started this conspiracy. but i know who will end it.#[ ezio auditore / v: acb. ] the corruption and the tyranny will burn to the ground. and from the ashes of vengeance. a new roma will rise.#[ ezio auditore / v: acr. ] here at last. i discover a strange truth. that i am only a conduit for a message that eludes my understanding.#[ ezio auditore / v: embers. ] i knew i would not have time to do everything. now i worry that i do not have enough time to do anything.#[ ezio auditore / v: main. ] auditore. remember that you are not a nobleman. you are not one of the deceivers. you are one of the people.#[ ezio auditore / v: asoiaf. ] serpents. lions and eagles. do they not all find their homes within the dark?#tag drop
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that1fanficwriter · 3 years
What Difference Does It Make?
Pairing: Giuliano de Medici x reader
Summary: You and Giuliano de Medici get caught by his mother after a night of fun.
AN: this is my first fic for this show so let me know how I did! As always my asks and requests are always open; I’d love to answer them!
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As the sun streamed through the window and the long forgotten curtains, you and your fiancé began to slowly drift out of sleep after a very exciting and eventful night. You turned over in your fiancé's arms and whispered “Good morning my love, did you sleep well?”
“Of course, I always sleep well with you in my arms.” He responds.
"I love you," you hum, "I wish we could stay like this forever."
"We could." He hums back.
"Yes, but what would everyone else think. What would your mother think."
"Why do my mother's thoughts concern you my love?"
"Because we are not yet married. She or your brother could still call off the wedding."
"Lorenzo would never do such a thing, he promised that he would make sure we are wed to one another."
Before either of you can utter another word none other than Giuliano's mother, Lucrezia de Medici, comes into he room to wake up your fiancé just as you had feared.
"Giuliano, it's time to," she stops. "What on earth do you think you are doing! Do you have any idea how detrimental this could be to the both of you if word got out!"
"But mother, what difference does it make?" Giuliano asked "We are already engaged to be married, why should we not be together?"
"Because you are only engaged to be married. Until you are officially married you know you are not to be together without a chaperone. I though I had taught you better than this Giuliano."
"Mother, I do not care what happens; I love her and we are to be married in a fortnight anyways. It truly does not matter."
"All right, I'll let it by this time just make sure that no one other than our family finds out. Who knows what the Pazzi would do if they heard about this happening." She says before leaving the room.
"You know I would do anything for you." Giuliano says, turning to you.
"Of course, just as I would do anything for you my love." You say "Now why don't we go see what there is for breakfast. It is getting quite late you know."
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inky-duchess · 4 years
21 History Ancedotes for my 21st Birthday
So today I celebrate my 21st birthday and I have decided to gift you all with 21 of my favourite historical Ancedotes. Some are funny, some are sad and some are plain bizarre but I hope the make your day 💜
Mary Maloney, an Irish-born suffragette in England followed Winston Churchill around while he was campaigning for a seat in Parliament, drowning out everything he said with a very large bell and calls for him to apologise for his comments on women's rights and suffrage movements.
Clodius Pulcher was a well born Roman noble during the last day's of the Republic. He gave up his Patrician status to become Tribune of the Plebs (an office in which one had to be a Pleb) by being adopted by a much younger Plebian man who became his "father". Clodius was a bit of a riot, sneaking into religious festivals dressed like a woman to sleep with Caesar's wife, building a shrine to Liberty in the ruins of the Conservative Cicero, vetoed the last speech of one of the Consuls (who basically did nothing all year and was apparently going to roast Caesar) and burned down the Senate House with his funeral pyre (the Plebs who loved him literally tearing up the furniture to build his pyre). He was honestly the best fun.
When laying on her deathbed, Queen Caroline of Ansbach turned to her husband George II of England and told him he should marry again. George refused to ever wed again... But added he would have mistresses. Caroline said , likely with a roll of her eyes, "oh my god that doesn't matter."
Florence was a pretty cool city in the Renaissance until Savanorola came to town. He disliked the loose living artists that crowded the city, with their naked pagan gods and rampant homosexuality. He expelled them all with help of the French hoping to make Florence Holy Again. When the Borgia Pope excommunicated him and sentenced him to death, one man in the crowd was reported to have said. "thank God, niw we can return to sodomy." One Floretine man in the 1490s said Gay Rights.
So this list couldn't be complete without an entry of the only American politician I love, Alexander Hamilton who was just a walking entity of sass. I could go on about his sharp sarcasm or his disaster bi vibes with John Lauren's but my all time favourite Alexander Hamilton ancedote has to be this exchange with Thomas Jefferson "There are approximately 1010300 words in the English language, but I could never string enough words together to properly explain how much I want to hit you with a chair."
Caterina Sforza was an Italian noble woman during the Renaissance. She was apart of the powerful Sforza family, which drew many enemies to her. One fateful day at Forli, Caterina's children were snatched as hostages. The besiegers threatened to kill her children if she did not cede the castle. Caterina refused, lifting her skirts and shouted to the besiegers that she had the means to make more children.
Hannibal Lecter's creator Thomas Harris was happy to end his great character's story with the original trilogy. However his publishers forced him to write an unneeded prequel explaining why Hannibal became Hannibal. Thomas Harris agreed lest he lose the rights to his character so he wrote Hannibal Rising, where Hannibal as a young man hunts down the Nazis who ate his sister with a katana.
Nell Gwyn is my favourite mistress of Charles II, mainly because of her sass. Once while trapped in the middle of a riot where Londoners swamped her carriage thinking she was Charles's Catholic mistress. She popped her head out the carriage and told the people "Pray good people be civil. I am the Protestant whore." She also dosed her rival Moll Davis with laxatives in order to free up some of Charles's time and she once flashed her underwear at the French ambassador after asking him why the Franch King did not pay her to spy on Charles because she was with him every night. A true Queen.
Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty of China once rose from his bed to go do some ruling when he realised his lover, Dong Xian was sleeping on his sleeve. Rather than disturb his lover, the Emperor cut his sleeve off at the wrist to leave Dong Xian nap. Nothing has ever been more romantic than that. Y'all could never.
Princess Margaret the sister of current Queen Elizabeth II was a socialable Princess and often tasked to visit the up and coming music stars of the day on behalf of the Crown. When meeting the Beatles one evening, she noticed George Harrison was acting a little odd. When she asked what was the matter, he replied "We arent allowed eat until you go." Princess Margaret laughed and promptly left so the Beatles could get some dinner.
During the Siege of Jadotsville, Irish soldiers under the flag of the UN were attacked and besieged by local insurgents allied with the Katanga Regime. The insurgents numbered thousands while the Irish only had 158 soldiers, all who were lightly armed. They radioed to their allies assuring them that "we will hold out until our last bullet is spent. Could use some whiskey though".
Napoleon was famous for writing raunchy letters to his wife, the Empress Josephine while he was away. She used to reply with really mundane letters or not at all. She really just could not be bothered with him.
Josip Broz Tito was so fed up with Joseph Stalin sending assassins to kill him, he wrote to Stalin personally to say "If you don't stop sending assassins to kill me. I will send one to Moscow and I won't have to send another." It didn't work but Big Dick Energy.
Successful Roman soldiers returning from war often got to march along in parades known as Triumphs. During this, it was customary for them to sing bawdy songs about their commander. One surviving one about Caesar goes like this "Romans, lock up your wives. Here comes the bald adulterous whore. We pissed away your gold in Gaul and come to borrow more."
Matilda, Lady of the English was a woman so badass that history cannot handle her. She was the daughter of Henry I who left his throne to her after the death of her brother. She was away in France when her father died and her throne was snatched by her cousin Stephen. They battled back and forth for years with neither side ceding any ground. Matilda was once besieged in a castle during a snow storm, with Stephen's men all around her. Instead of fighting her way out. She simply donned a white cloak and walked out of the castle. Just walked out without any of Stephen's men seeing her.
Pedro of Portugal once fell in love with a beautiful lady in waiting called Inez de Castro. For years, they lived as man and mistress, popping out a few kinds. Pedro's dad really did not like Inez and wanted Pedro to find a legitimate wife so he had her killed. Pedro returned home to find the mother of his children dead. Pedro went a little crazy. He had all his father's assassins killed, ripping out their hearts as they had done to him. When Pedro ascended the throne, he demanded the Pope legitimize his children by Inez. The Pope not wanting to upset the King, said he couldn't because Inez was never crowned Queen. Pedro dug Inez up and crowned her as Queen, having all the nobility swear loyalty to her corpse. The Pope had no choice but to agree to his request.
A famously clever general once saved an entire city with an ingenious stragety to sit outside the city waiting for the attacking army to come. The attack had come to fast for the city to ready themselves for a Siege so, the general had to move quickly. He evacuated the city and took his place waiting for the army to come. The enemy forces stopped and took one look at him and bolted, thinking he meant to lure them in one of his famous traps.
Michaelangelo was really badly treated by the Vatican when he was painting the Sistine Chapel. He constantly fought with the Popes over the design and his work, which he was paid peanuts for. Michaelangelo got his revenge in his work, painting the gates of Hell behind the Papal Throne and an angel flipping the ol' fig (the Renaissance version of the bird) toward the Pope's chair.
Peter the Great was not a perfect guy. He kept serfdom as a practise in his kingdom, he had his son tortured to death and he could be an unpleasant guy. But Peter was a dreamer. He wanted nothing more to build a fleet for Russia and bring Russia beyond its borders. Peter took a gap year from ruling Russia to wander around Europe. When he stopped in England, he was granted Leicester House to chill in while he did his shipwright studies. It was here that Peter found a new passion. The wheelbarrow. Cue Peter and his new found English buddies drinking in Leicester House, punching the artwork and rolling each other around in barrels across the house's Great gardens.
Diogenes is hands down a walking shit post. He was a great thinker in Greece during the reign of Alexander but a rather dry, sarcastic wit. He lived in a pithos/a jar because he shunned all vanities and values of society. He trolled other philosophers, attending their debates to heckle them and eat loud foods through them. When Alexander the Great came to fan boy over him, saying that if he were not Alexander he would like to be Diogenes to which Diogenes just said "yeah me too, now get out of my sunlight."
Cosimo de Medici was the son of a Floretine banker with a great knowledge and love of art. Cosimo wished for Florence to release its potentially and join the Renaissance. He hired Filippo Brunelleschi to finsh the Great Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore which had láin unfinished for over a century, a symbol of a failure of ambition. The builders had lost the knowledge of creating a dome so large so it remained unfinished. Despite much opposition from the other nobility and denouncers of the Renaissance, Cosimo's dream of the completion of the dome was completed, making it the largest brick dome in creation at that time. There is nothing like achieving your dreams and certainly nothing like leaving a lasting reminder that screams 'I was right and you were wrong' to stand for centuries.
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rogershoe · 4 years
Lights, Camera, Action
Part seven
(Part six)
Summary: You’re a production assistant on the set of Cursed. The night before your first day at work, you opened your laptop to shockingly realise you’d be working with Daniel Sharman (and a plethora of other amazing actors), someone you’d been watching on screen since you were a teenager. You kept your expectations low, the PAs rarely got to interact with the talent…what was your chance?
Word count: 3.1k
Tag list: @sxperncturalimpala67 @mrsaaronkeener @tinygardensoul @disasterday @5am-cigarette @lancelotapricot @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @slytherlight @18somethingpsyche @ceruleanmusings @glxctt @cavillxhenry @lovelyapplessss @hereagainsstuff @linkpk88 @aliceperdida @weeping-redemption @magicalsaladnacho @ineedyourskulls @fandomarstrash @cheythefangirl @pure-ghost @estrielle @tessxblxckthorn @isaac-lahey-is-bae @bubblyanis @proudhufflepuff77 @dollfacev8 @everlastingdreams @thehatredofshiprrick​
Warnings: age gap between reader and Daniel, swearing, slow burn, mentions of sex
Notes: So sorry if this chapter is also a bit all over the place! I’ve been very distracted with school and it’s been a bit harder to find the time to write. All that said, here’s chapter seven and I hope you guys enjoy it!! Sorry again in advance for the lack of Daniel content, but I promisee that the next will have a lot more to make up for it. Thanks for reading!
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(picture by @archivesharman​)
“We’re good then?” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.
“Ofcourse….yeah….we were always good” you mumbled.
He smiled at you before turning around and walking away. 
What had just happened? You didn’t know if this day was the best you had ever had or the worst. 
It was probably both. 
As you pulled off your headset, your heartbeat thudded in your ears. Too many thoughts rushed through your mind, some good some bad. Why was he apologising to you? Did he really think he was at fault? And had he actually heard the part where Cassandra mentions you getting nervous around him? Had he noticed your uneasy behaviour? Or was he going to start noticing? 
You thought you’d hid it oh so well…that no one could tell you had a weird crush on Daniel. Was it even a crush? Or was it feelings? You barely knew him, you’d have to get over it sooner or later…or atleast you hoped you would. 
One part of you wished you could be like Siara. She didn’t give a shit if they were actors. She saw them as regular human beings and nothing more. She didn’t get nervous or starstruck. From what you’d seen, those were the type of people actors felt comfortable around to like and be friends with. Not anxious fangirls like you.
You shook your head, shivering. Why did it have to be so cold? 
6:06 pm 
You walked into your apartment, which was not much warmer than the outside. You took off your sweater and put on a thicker one, also grabbing a warm blanket and settling on your couch. The second you turned on your tv, you saw that Netflix was recommending Medici to you. You had seen from Daniels instagram that he was starring in the second season. Maybe this was a sign that it was time to watch the first. You clicked play and leaned back into your couch, letting the show whisk you away from your own troubles. 
Tuesday, January 15th, 2019
3:32 am
You jerked awake when your phone vibrated on your thigh. You were shocked when you looked down at your watch to see it was half past three. You had only gotten through one episode of Medici before falling asleep from your exhaustion. You contemplated falling asleep again but decided against it, you were starving and hadn’t had anything to eat since 12:30. 
You felt oddly refreshed, and felt like going out to get something to eat. You usually weren’t the spontaneous type, especially not at 3 am…but for some reason, your body craved fast food and also the cold night air. You though it out in your head and decided that you could get drive thru and eat it in your car, and by the time you were done, it would be time for work anyways. 
You got up and got ready. Freshening up and putting on your “work clothes”. You hadn’t slept for eight hours straight in a while and so didn’t even feel the need to drink your usual cup of morning coffee. 
You grabbed your jacket and headed out, your keys jingling as you locked your apartment door. 
The night breeze was just as you imagined. The cold crisp air felt oddly refreshing against your face, and you could almost taste the coldness when you inhaled. You had kept your car window down, weirdly craving the chillness. 
After a few minutes though, you found yourself shivering and rolled up your car window, licking your lips to warm them. You thought over where to get breakfast (or dinner?), and decided that McDonalds was your best bet. You knew they’d be open and also exactly what to get. 
It took you five minutes to get to your local McDonalds. You pulled into the drive thru window and ordered a McChicken, a large fries, a coke, and an Oreo mcflurry. You usually never ate a big breakfast, especially before work, but you were starving and felt like you could eat their whole menu. Actually, you were holding back. 
You got the food, breathing deeply when the hot smell of salty fries wafted towards your nose. There was a 7/11 a few shops down so you went and parked in front of it. From you seat, you could clearly see the door of the 7/11, and also the inside through the windows. It was one of the few places open at this time and you loved people watching. Especially people at a store at 4 am in the morning.
You pulled out your food and took a bite, your jaw aching with pleasure. When you took a sip of the coke, you could feel the cool liquid travel down your throat and through your chest.  You looked up and saw that there was a cashier inside the 7/11, a teenage boy. He was sitting on a chair, his eyes droopy.
You tore your eyes from him when you heard a car pull into a parking spot a few spaces away from you. Your eyes widened in confusion when you saw Bradley step out. You knew your next actions were stupid and immature but you still went ahead. 
You quickly (but carefully) put your food down on the seat next to you, and with unnatural swiftness, pushed/jumped yourself onto the back seat, lying flat on your back so he wouldn’t see you. You hoped he hadn’t seen the car move, but you don’t think he did since a second later you saw him walk into the 7/11, unbothered. You took a deep breath looking at your watch, it was 4:12 am. Huey had texted you saying that the crew and actors both would have an early start today. You would have to be at the studio by 5:00, which was 10 minutes from the store. 
The position you were in wasn’t uncomfortable, but it was definitely getting slightly hard to breath. What the fuck were you doing? You should just get up and continue eating, he probably wouldn’t see you anyways. 
Before you could, you saw him coming out and froze, holding your breath. You saw him look into your car but not at you, just at the empty front seats. There was a small box in his hand but you couldn’t tell what it was. You waited for his car to pull out but after waiting for almost thirty seconds, you got increasingly confused. Suddenly the car started shaking rhythmically and your eyes widened when you realised what he was doing. 
He was busy now so you quickly got up and climbed into the front seat. 
Seriously? He was really having sex in a car an hour before work? It was odd but you weren’t one to judge. You actually envied his spontaneity. 
You started your car and drove away.
4:50 am
You opened the door of your car and got out, locking it behind you. You felt sick from all the food you ate, especially since it was right after you woke up. After you had driven away from the 7/11, you had decided to just eat in the studio’s parking lot and wait until it was time for work. Now.
You walked towards the building, rubbing your hands up and down your arms, your keys jingling in between your fingers. It was freezing this early in the morning. 
When you walked into the studio, you were surprised to see all of the PAs except Bradley and Jay standing in a group together, talking to Huey. You walked over and greeted them, standing next to Siara. Huey was looking through the papers and you took the opportunity to ask her what exactly was happening. 
“What’re you guys talking about?” you whispered.
She turned to you, also speaking quietly, “Something about how we might have to travel somewhere”
“Us?” you said surprised. 
She nodded. You swallowed, trying to lessen your excitement. They would probably want the more experienced PAs anyways. 
Huey cleared his throat and you turned to look at him. 
“Alright. Please listen carefully since I’m not going to repeat this”
Everyone nodded and he continued, “To make a long story short, we’re going to be moving filming to England in two weeks and we want all of you to come with us. It’s fine if you’re unable to, but it would be extremely convenient for the production if our crew were mostly the same” 
He paused and you took a glance at Siara. Her expression was blank. You sighed looking away and at Huey, who was now speaking again.
“All expenses, plane tickets and accommodation are payed for. Along with lunch, breakfast is also included. We’ll be in England for nine months with a two week break every three months”
Distraught spread through you as you realised you would have to be in England for nine fucking months…only if you accepted. 
You nodded as Huey handed a folder to each of you, “This has all of the information you’ll need…if you decide to come, sign this and give it to me before the end of this week”. He walked away, leaving you all to discuss what you were to do. 
Louis spoke up first, smiling widely, “Please tell me you guys are coming, you have to come”, he sounded like an excited child.
You beamed, “I really want to…but, it’s more than half a year”, you saw a sad expression spread over his face. 
“I’m going…I’ve always wanted to visit Europe” you heard Siara say. 
“Come on Y/N” Louis said looking at you.
“I’ll decide when I go home and let you both know” you said smiling. You wanted to go so bad, but the thought of nine months away from home terrified you. Even if you could visit.
10:48 pm
You had just gotten out of the shower and settled into your bed after drying off. Your work day had been exciting of course, but definitely not as eventful as yesterday. You hadn’t interacted with Daniel except your usual “hey”. You had talked to Jasmine about the change in shooting and she had told you that her and Cassandra were definitely going. Although you hated Cassandra, Jasmine was one of your closest friends on set and that made the decision much easier. 
You pulled out your phone and opened your’s and Louis’ chat.
Y/N                                                                                                                         Hey, good news! I’ve decided I’m gonna come. I’m gonna miss Talia, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I don’t wanna miss out at all!! I'm so excited [10:29 pm]
Louis                                                                                                                         What?? That’s great! I honest don’t know what I would’ve done without you [10:32 pm]
Y/N                                                                                                                           Hahaha                                                                                                                       We’ll def talk more about it at work tomorrow, I think I should really sleep now lmao [10:33 pm] 
Louis                                                                                                                     Of course of course. Same here...gn! [10:33 pm]
Y/N                                                                                                                          Gn :) [10:34 pm]
You smiled to yourself before texting Siara as well. She usually took longer to reply so you decided not to wait and turned your phone off. 
You were equally nervous, scared, and excited for the trip. You’d get to travel? To another continent? Over a whole ocean? For nine fucking months? And almost for free? You honestly couldn’t believe it. The nine months still scared you but you tried to focus on other things instead. Like the beautiful sights you’d get to see in your time off…and also the places you’d get to shoot scenes. Daniel obviously as well. You wondered for a while if he was happy to go to England too. It was his childhood home. 
Friday, January 25th, 2019
5:05 pm
You licked your lips to warm them as you entered Daniel’s trailer and took a deep breath as the warmth inside enveloped you.
It had been two weeks of helping Cassandra and Jasmine and you had finally gotten the hang of it. So far, your first day had still definitely been the most eventful, with you cutting your finger and then Cassandra getting angry at you. The rest of the days had been much better in some ways. You were still very giddy around Daniel, but you had learned how to hide it. 
It was also much easier since you were more confident in what you were doing. You had actual jobs, like removing his make up and getting his skin ready…things which Jasmine used to do before you. Now that you did it, it gave Cassandra and Jasmine both more time to focus on his actual make up and hair. Cassandra wasn’t much better. She hadn’t blown up on you again like she had that day, but there was a significant increase in scowls, eyebrow raises, and dissaproving looks in general. If looks could kill, you’d be dead ten times over. 
 “Hi Y/N” Jasmine said, as you closed the door behind you. You looked around and saw that Cassandra was absent. Thank God. 
“Hey” you replied, grinning. You glanced towards Daniel, who offered you a short smile. 
You got to work, pulling out a make up wipe and rubbing down his face gently. You had learned that leaving the tears for last was best. That way you could use a separate, stronger wipe on them too. 
Although you had done this about ten times now, it always made your flutter to be so near him. It was also odd how accustomed you had gotten with his skin. You noticed whenever he had a new scratch, or a pimple, a tan…any small changes. 
For some reason, it made you feel special to be this close to him. It almost didn’t make sense to your brain, how close you were to him everyday, yet how little you actually interacted with and knew about him. 
Today you were too busy looking at his eyelashes and didn’t realise you had run your wipe directly over a small cut on his jaw. He hissed slightly, opening his eyes. Jasmine cocked her head towards you both from where she was looking through a make up drawer. 
Your mouth hung open in shock as you snatched your hand away from his face. Your eyes fell to where his cut was, and you swallowed. Why did you have to be so distracted and clumsy? 
“Oh no, I’m so sorry” you said nervously and rushed over to the sink, wetting the corner of a small towel. 
You jogged back over to his chair, being extra gentle as you dabbed the damp corner on the cut, trying to wipe the make up wipe’s liquid away. You then dried it with the dry part of the towel.
“It’s fine really Y/N” he said laughing slightly, “It happened during filming”
Your skipped a beat when you heard him say your name. It was still surreal to you that Daniel Sharman knew you….let alone you name. You smiled slightly before setting the towel down on the counter. 
“Is it still stinging?” you said gesturing to his jaw, your hands shaking.
“Oh no, not at all” he said shaking his head. You felt that he wasn’t telling the truth but you let it go. Grabbing the make up wipe, you continued wiping his make up off. It was a much smoother process, and you took the time to ease your racing heart rate. 
The flight was tomorrow and you couldn’t help but feel excited every time you thought about it. Louis had informed you that Jay and Bradley had opted out of coming on the trip. You were sad about Jay’s decision, but not so much Bradley’s. 
You were happy but also terrified that your work was taking you out of comfort zone. Jasmine had texted you yesterday saying that she’d pick you up so you could both go to the airport together, which made the whole ordeal a whole less nerve wracking. 
You had gotten quite used to this trailer, to the studio…..and you hoped that your routine and jobs (that you had finally gotten somewhat good at), wouldn’t change the minute you got to England. 
Saturday, January 26th, 2019
2:58 am
You jerked awake and checked your phone, afraid you’d overslept. Nope, there was still a whole two minutes left until your alarm. The flight was at 7:00 am and you had told Jasmine that you wanted to get there atlaeast two and a half hours before. You rather be early and wait in the airport for an hour than be late and miss the flight. 
You had thankfully packed everything the night before and it only took you almost forty minutes to get yourself and your bags ready. Just a few minutes after you were done, you phone rang. It was Jasmine. 
“Hey, you’re here?” you said, smiling and wheeling your suitcases closer to your apartment’s door. You phone wedged between your cheek and shoulder.
“Yes!” she said sounding excited. You were eager to go too, but you had only slept four hours and were finding it hard to get to her level of excitement. 
“Great..I’ll be right down”
It was a struggle, but you managed to get both your suitcases into the elevator and onto the curb outside your apartment building where Jasmine was waiting. The cold night air hit you like a brick, and you felt energy surge through you. 
Jasmine got out of her car quickly, “Oh let me help you with those”
You both loaded your suitcases into the trunk of her car. Y
You rubbed you hands together warming them, as you got into the car, you backpack at your feet. Jasmine started the car, beaming. 
“You excited?” she said, driving.
“Very” you laughed, turning the heater up. You were tired, but the adrenaline from your excitement kept you wide awake. 
4:56 am 
It took you guys almost twenty minutes to get the airport, which wasn’t bad. You were now walking through the airport, your luggage hopefully making it’s way onto your plane. You had made it through security smoothly, and there had been no problems with your boarding pass or passport. If there had, Cassandra would’ve probably killed you both. 
“What’s the gate number?” you asked Jasmine, who was holding the boarding passes. 
“Uhh” she looked at them, “32B”
You nodded, just a little farther. The smell of coffee and food from the various little cafes made your stomach grumble. 
You thought your adrenaline would’ve died down by now but it hadn’t. You tried to keep telling yourself that it was because you were travelling to Europe…but inside, you knew the real reason you were so excited. 
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hubbytaeil · 4 years
hello! can u please do angst #6 from your prompt list for johnny?? maybe some enemies or fake dating ?! thanks <3
Johnny + #6 It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion
genre: kind of angst, reneissanse!au 
synopsis: an alternative universe in which reader is a Medici and Johnny is a Pazzi in 15th Century Florence. In case you didn’t know, Giovanni is the equivalent of John 
tw: mentions of blood and death
word count: 3k+ 
a/n: there i go again putting together two of my favourite things together aka Johnny and Italy so really this is pure self-indulgence. On top of that, this will be the last post I make. I’ve been thinking a lot, I’ve put two and two together and I understood that I’m about to enter the busiest period/year of my life, but that’s adulting right? Either way, it was fun to be here while it lasted, thank you for your support but I feel like I need to concentrate on getting my life together now. Remember to take care of yourself, nenétte says goodnight <3
It was a perfect night for a celebration; it seemed as though the whole city of Florence had gathered in the presence of the Corsini in their great villa. Music played gayly and the atmosphere was filled with laughter and joy. You knew very well this was all your friend Matilde’s doing, her social gatherings were known to be the most entertaining throughout the republic. The reason of the celebration was unknown but the guests were having a splendid time. When you finally questioned Matilde about it, she just shrugged her shoulders.
“Must a lady always have an excuse for her to wish for good company and a good laugh?” she whispered in your ear so that she would not be heard by her older sisters.
“Oh, most certainly not. Yet, I am still rather perplexed on why the lady in question has to invite the entire city in her home to simply have a laugh.” you responded, holding her hand in a teasing manner.  
“We should enjoy ourselves for as long as we can, y/n. Just like your brothers always say, don’t they?” you nodded at Matilde’s statement, glancing over at your brother Lorenzo engaged in what seemed a heated conversation with one of the guests. You always regarded yourself to have had such a lucky disposition, having been born in one the most influential families of the peninsula. Yet, your true luck laid in the wonderful family members you had been blessed with. A young lady such as yourself could not have hoped for a better environment to grow up in, surrounded by illustrated artists who would always come in and out of your household, the toms of the library of your beloved father, God rest his soul, and, of course, the presence of your ever so outstanding siblings. Lorenzo noticed your gaze towards him and he saw how must’ve been lost inside your numerous thoughts. He shook his head slightly. Divertiti. Have fun, he mouthed. You smiled enthusiastically, remembering what such beautiful lines of wisdom you had found lying on his desk along the piles of scattered papers. You felt the need to share them with Matilde.
“As my dear brother would say, del domani non c’è certezza. Of tomorrow there’s no certainty.”
“And would your other dear brother say, sorella?” Giuliano intruded in your conversation but Matilde was not at all displeased. Giuliano had that effect on every lady (or lord), with his astonishing complexion and rather captivating character that at times could be considered rather bellicose.  
“Well in your case, you would just simply sneak away with the fairest lady here present and leave your younger siblings to watch out for themselves.” you affirmed, of course he couldn’t help but smirk at truthfulness of your words.
“Not this time, y/n. Tonight I’m very determined to protect you from the rapacious gazes of Florentine society. Mother’s orders.” Said Giuliano sternly, locking his arm with yours, leading you to dance and separating you from Matilde.  
“Is that so, Giuliano? Is any of the gentlemen here present organising some sort of coup against my character?” you implied, trying to veil your cheeky smile. As the music initiated, you let your brother guide you in the sea of people, hoping not to get the wrong steps and end up on someone’s feet, just like what happened last time with one of the Albizzi boys.  
“Not that I know of, no. But who knows what are these pompous bastards’ ways to smear our family.” your brother hissed when he got the chance to be close to your ear as he made you turn.
“You’d know better not to utter such profanities, messere.” you muttered, mocking your childhood governess which made Giuliano laugh silently as he positioned you both in line. You continued on dancing and you could feel your brother glaring at every gentleman whose turn was it to dance with you. Much to your determined protector’s surprise, you had never cared much for the company of men, therefore you were sure you could defend yourself in case of uncomfortable or inconvenient situations. You limited yourself to exchange the bare minimum of pleasantries, enough for you to be polite but not enough for them to justify any sort of pursuing. An equilibrium soon to be disrupted by a young man, all dressed in black, who you had never seen before, not at any of Matilde’s parties or in church or even in one your brothers’ company. The gentleman, who most definitely stood out for his imposing height, took your hand and led you forward. You had never felt intimidation in the presence of the opposite sex, as opposed to what all decent ladies are taught, and yet there was something about him that made you both fear and admire him, with his hair long and dark and his serious gaze.  
“Are you enjoying yourself, my lady?” his raucous voice filled your ears as he made you sway past him and back at his side. You tried to compose yourself.
“Most definitely, my lord. I reckon you are as well.”
“I am certainly, though it is rather unfortunate that no other lady can dance as well as you.” whispered the puzzling man, in the corner of your eye you saw a smirk. That must have been the dreaded coup Giuliano was worrying about. You were ashamed to admit that being charmed wasn’t as unpleasant as you had expected. You could’ve even get used to it if it meant looking into the stranger’s beautiful eyes and how they glowed under the candle lights. They irradiated a particular light, making anyone believe that they held some type of knowledge a common person could not aspire to.  
“It is the mere product of practice. Truth to be told, I find books more entertaining at times.” you took a step forward together, hand in hand.
“Is that so? And in what readings have you most interest?” you smirked at his question, holding in a chuckle, resulting in him frowning as he waited for your respond. He pulled you in and then you spun around him.
“I’m afraid if I told you, messere, you wouldn’t want to pay me such honouring compliments anymore.” You showed him your most endearing smile and he gladly reciprocated, staring at you attentively as you draw a circle around him.  
You were doleful to let go of his hand just to give it to another gentleman. Faster than you expected, the dance came to an end you were already anticipating to resume the conversation with your newest acquaintance. You felt silly in not having asked for his name. You spotted his eyes again the crowd and he was svelte to start making his way to you. But before he could reach you, you observed how his eyes shifted from you to something that was behind. His expression had darkened. You turned around to realise how that something was no other than a rather crossed Giuliano. The young man froze where he stood, meanwhile Giuliano was quick to grab you gently by the arm.  
“I most definitely have oppositions about your taste in men, y/n.” your brother grumbled, not taking his flaming eyes off the gentleman dressed in black.  
“I actually found him to be the most agreeable gentleman to dance with me tonight. What could your oppositions be, brother?” you glanced over at him once again, wearing a pleased smile. This time he didn’t even flinch, he had reassumed the initial austere expression. It set off a bitter taste in your mouth.  
“Do you really wish to know the reason of my oppositions?” Giuliano’s tone was strange. You knew he was hiding something from you. You nodded impatiently, only wanting to find out the dynamics of this sudden change of mood.  
Giuliano let your hand rest on his as he made his way to the unknown man with you at his side. Your heart sank in your chest once you were face to face yet again with the handsome stranger. What was your brother trying to do?
“Giuliano de’ Medici.” spoke the tall man. You were not surprised at him knowing who your brother was, but it didn’t explain at all why this was your first time seeing him.
“Giovanni de’ Pazzi.” responded Giuliano. Your throat ran dry at the sound of that name and your head was suddenly heavier.  
It couldn’t be. He was a Pazzi, but how was this possible? You had never seen him around any other person who carried such dreadful surname. All good dispositions towards the man changed in the blink of an eye. And all it took was a bloody name.
“Tell me Giovanni, how was England? It was quite a lengthy stay, wasn’t it?” Giuliano posed his question, but the usual tone of mockery was not trying to be hidden by any means.  
“It was indeed, lengthy enough for me to start calling myself John, like the locals did. But I have missed Florence very much.” John’s tone on the other hand was firm and poised, hard to believe he was a Pazzi if one didn’t notice the deadly spark in his dark eyes, the same spark you had mistaken for a sign of a respectable man.  
“May I present to you my sister, y/n de’ Medici?” the reveal of both of your identities had banished any sort of possible affection between you and John. There you stood face to face, a pernicious look in both of your eyes. You bowed never letting your gaze leave him, not interested in being polite, not to him or any member of his family.
“It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, madonna. I certainly look forward on having more conversations regarding our favourite lectures.” his devious smirk didn’t look as charming anymore, not when it reminded you of the odious man who was head of his family.
“I certainly do, messer Pazzi.” you responded with not even a drop of sincerity, you made sure the message was clear. You heard an unpleasant voice calling out John’s name. It was Francesco de’ Pazzi.
“If you’ll excuse me, my brother requires my presence.” John bowed elegantly and was swift to leave you and Giuliano alone. You squeezed your brother’s hand as tight as you could after John was far away enough.
“Say, what would you do without me, sorella?” Giuliano was glad in having succeeded in your mother’s plan but you felt deceived and most importantly, you felt uneasy having been so close to someone who despised your family so deeply. Though you were relieved in having been saved from stepping into the lion’s den.
“They should hang these Pazzis’ portraits around town so that decent young ladies don’t make the grave mistake of dancing with them.” you whispered bitterly.  
“You seemed quite glad in the moment; I’ve never seen you look at a man like that.” Giuliano teased you.  
“Do shut your mouth, and don’t mention this to anyone.” you warned him, your voice shaking thinking about John’s hand touching yours, about his eyes piercing through you like an arrow.
“Whatever for? Lorenzo always speaks of ending this rivalry once and for all. Perhaps, he’ll be happy to acquire a Pazzi as a brother-in-law.” Giuliano spoke with poison in his voice, since he clearly didn’t agree with his oldest sibling. Not to mention just weeks prior Francesco de’ Pazzi and Giuliano had been involved in a fight around the market place. Giuliano had a tumultuous character and it didn’t help the devilish rumours the Pazzi would spread about your family. You clang at Giuliano’s arm like you did when you were child.
“I shall never speak to a Pazzi ever again, let alone marry one. Just the mere thought makes my skin crawl.” had you and Giuliano been alone, you would’ve spat on the ground.
“Well, you’re in luck, I’d never let you commit such treason against our family, but must importantly, against me.” you both chuckled softly, hoping not be observed by anyone who would report what you were saying to the people involved.  
“I know you two are up to no good, whatever is going on?” Lorenzo approached you, assuming a concerned look.  
“Absolutely nothing, brother. I was just mentioning how all eyes seem to be on y/n this evening.” confidently answered Giuliano, tapping on the palm of your hand.  
The evening was far from being over. Though, unlike your brothers, you required fresh air from time to time during crowded banquets such as these. You asked Matilde to join you on one of the balconies but she kindly refused after Giuliano finally asked her to dance. Therefore, you made your way alone. You rested your palms on the reeling, breathing in and out, looking up at the sky and following the trail of stars.  
“You know, my uncle always says you Medici spend so much time looking up at the clouds that you forget what really matters.” a familiar voice sent a chill through your spine, making you shiver in result. You turned around to see John standing in between the pillars with a smug look on his face. Perhaps he thought he had conducted you into some trap. You pitied him.
“And my dear brother Lorenzo always say that you Pazzi waste all your great potential in going after what is out of your reach.” you replied severely, your back as straight as it could be. John snickered at your comeback. He looked rather dangerous with his face beaconed by the torches hanging on the wall, almost like Lucifer after having fallen from heaven. You had to admit, there was a hint of fear inside of you but shut it out as fast as you could.
“Have you been sent here to antagonise me?” you asked him since he hadn’t spoken.  
“You are a Medici indeed.” John affirmed almost to himself, observing your every feature. “But no, I hadn’t such intentions. Though I could, if you were inclined.” said John, taking a step towards you.
“You’d be wise not to antagonise the wrong person, messere. One may even get hurt.” you warned him, looking at him dead in the eye. You were not used to stepping down to anyone, you were proud and not ashamed of it. Thought you two seemed to share this particular trait. It was a silent quarrel.  
“Well, if that isn’t an inviting prospect.” John grinned, not taking your fervour seriously.
“So, you have come to antagonise me. I guess it runs in the family.” you raised your eyebrows in false surprise. “Did your uncle have to bring you back here all the way from England for this sole purpose?” you laughed in his face but his expression didn’t mutate. Yet his body seemed to tense up.  
“The reasons of my return certainly do not concern you, my lady. Furthermore, I gathered you were enjoying yourself mingling with a Pazzi. Now, that’s not a behaviour worth of a Medici, is it?” John scolded you and rage created a stinging sensation that spread throughout your body. You tightened your fists, to the point where they hurt, anything not to let wrath cloud your judgment.  
“I do not believe you are to be the best individual to judge what is worth of a Medici or not.” you stated as you commenced to circle around him.
“You have just returned to Florence and you are probably following your brother’s orders to please him. In that case, I wouldn’t blame you for your foolish provocative attempts.” you completed the circle as you said this.  
“but I would blame you if such behaviour had been deliberate. Oh, it would’ve been so unfair to me, messer Pazzi.” you affirmed, sarcastically raising the pitch of your voice. You stood once again face to face, far away from the brief moment of propensity that you two had shared hours prior. You weren’t sure if his lively eyes regarded you as a prey or as his equal. John contemplated you, his opponent, before breaking into a smile.  
“And what a pain it would be, y/n” You saw him move his hand preparing to reach for yours until he refrained himself “for you to know that I’ve been unfair to you.” John knew how to play this game very well indeed, whether he had learnt from his brother or anyone else in the family. Did he stop himself because in him there was enough decency left that didn’t make him want to compromise a young lady? Or perhaps did he want to prolong the fun he was having?  
“Your perseverance is admirable, Giovanni” you saw him wince at his real name being pronounced. “though too much of it could lead to dangerous outcomes.” your venomous threat didn’t make John retreat but you could see that he was impressed by it.  
“I certainly hope this fierceness of yours doesn’t get you into trouble, my lady.” he whispered.
“And it is a real shame no one has asked for your opinion in regard of my character, my lord.” you stared into each other's eyes like sword blades colliding. It was a tie.
“Y/n.” you heard Lorenzo calling your name, though it resounded like white noise in your ears. He informed you that it was time to leave. You looked over John’s shoulder and saw him looking rather preoccupied. You were glad that it wasn’t Giuliano or else he would’ve challenged John straight away after seeing you alone with him. You didn’t even bother bowing to John and you simply took heavy steps towards your brother.  
“Are you alright, y/n?” Lorenzo questioned, rubbing one of your shoulders.
“I’m feeling splendid, do not worry about me.” you reassured him. You glanced back at John whose expression was cryptic. You worried if that expression was going to haunt your dreams that night.
“Have a good night, madonna. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of other occasions to talk about Ovid.” John hinted at the conversation you had during the dance and it made you fume with both rage and humiliation. You saw your brother’s expression darken at John’s words but he remained calm, even if the grip he had on you said otherwise. You, on the other hand, were seeing red. It was beyond unfairness; it was absolutely evil. You pushed aside the fear of John spreading vicious rumours about you being promiscuous or loose solely based on that conversation.  
“There’ll be no need.” you affirmed, succeeding in keeping your voice stable. “I believe we have nothing more to say to each other. Have a good night.” and like that you stormed out alongside your brother, utterly infuriated at the state of wrath John had put you in.  
“You and Giuliano are going to be the death of me, you know that?” Lorenzo muttered in your ear after you two had reached the carriage.  
“I’m so sorry, brother.” you lowered your gaze.
“I believe you have done nothing to be sorry or ashamed for.” he made your raise your head and look in his eyes. “Furthermore, at your age I was way more reckless than you are right now.” he made you chuckle which slightly lifted your spirits. It didn’t shake off the feeling that you had made a terrible enemy that night. John eventually came to visit you in the first nightmare you had in years. One in which he was standing victorious over Giuliano’s lifeless body who laid on the altar of the Duomo, the holy cloth covered in his blood.
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40sbarnes · 4 years
Medici: Spymasters of Florence
Chapter 14: Fortune Favours The Bold
its not the longest chapter but goddamn its soft <3 i hope you enjoy this its basically just fluff lolll 
tag list: @brynthebulldozer​ @mythicalamphitrite​ @nana035 @valravnsraven @hannahhistorian92 @not-thatweird (it won’t tag idkwhy sorry!) @isaac-lahey-is-bae @angrygardendeer @unstoppable-xavi
pairings; slowburn lorenzo x reader, platonic francesco x reader
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Lorenzo fell into stride beside you, his words still hanging in the night air.
"There's lot of things I haven't told you about myself, Medici," you grinned up at him, his brows raising at your words.
"Is that so?" His tongue poked the inside of his cheek as he thought of his next words. "Tell me another one."
Your face scrunched slightly in confusion, and he picked up on it immediately. "Indulge me, tell me another thing I don't know about you," he lifted his chin up, watching as the stars took their place in the sky. You looked to the side, bashful.
"Hmmm..." you trailed off, your eyes drifting to where Lorenzo was looking, letting the sound of your feet on the cobbled path fill the temporary silence, "I don't enjoy conversing with rich men," you smiled up as you watched the dots of light in the sky.
Lorenzo scoffed, his gaze falling on you once again. "You certainly didn't mind it tonight," he shot back.
"Untrue," the word was soft as it fell from your lips, "you don't have to enjoy a job to do it."
"Fair enough," he breathed out, "but surely you make an exception for bankers?" He tried, his shoulder brushing against yours as you walked together.
"Pazzi isn't one for conversation," you shook your head, continuing to tease Lorenzo, "his nephew however..."
"Oh come on, Bellondini, you can't despise my company that much," his ego was on the verge of bruising.
You just looked at him, trying not to laugh at his audacity.
"Y/n," his hand caught yours, and he stopped you both from walking, as his thumb brushed a gentle line against your fingers. Both your eyes were watching your hands. "Look, I am truly apologetic for the things I said, they were spoken with spite. I'm well aware you would never wish to be my friend, let alone my wife." His honesty took you by surprise, you glanced up at him, to find him already looking down at you.
"I thought we were saying things that we didn't already know," you attempted to joke, pushing his messy hair out of his eyes with your free hand, but his own met yours, holding it against his face.
"I'm serious. You are a remarkable woman, your lack of status does not weigh on you at all. It fills me with envy. For my status is all I am. All I could ever be," he admits, and you are frozen in place.
"You know your words hold false," your voice was quiet, you couldn't believe what he was saying.
"You, more than anyone, know them to be true," his lips smiled, but his eyes showed anything but happiness. You used your hand on his face to cup his cheek properly, forcing him to keep eye contact with you.
"You do not need me to inflate your head, Lorenzo, you know just how cunning you are. I mean, who else would have thought of such a fine way to utilise my skills?" You countered, and you watched a glint pass through his eyes.
"Anyone with half their right mind still in pla-" he began, but you cut off his pity party before he could eat his cake.
"Lorenzo. When will you realise that wealth and status aren't everything? I am remarkable because I am. As are you. Our blood doesn't define us," you were growing weary of this talk, and Lorenzo crying over being so rich.
"You think I'm remarkable?" He cocked a brow, and you let your hand fall from his face.
"Did I say that?" You acted as if deep in thought.
"I'm almost certain," Lorenzo simply nodded, his hold on your hand easing, until it faltered altogether and you both began walking again.
"I'm not," you grinned, "I certainly recall you saying something about how remarkable I am though..." you teased.
Lorenzo turned to you, a lopsided grin showing his teeth plastered across his face. He shook his head and focused back on the path in front of him.
It wasn't long before you were back in your room at the inn, out of your fancy gown and into one of Lorenzo's shirts. He hadn't mentioned it, but it was the least he could do as you had no other clothes with you, and would have to wear your own dress again tomorrow.
"Goodnight," you whispered, sliding under the covers and lying down.
"Goodnight, y/n," Lorenzo stood awkwardly beside the bed for a moment, unsure of what to do.
"Are you going to sleep?" You questioned, lifting up the blanket beside you for him to get in.
He didn't move. "You don't wish for me to sleep on the floor again?"
"As long as you stay on your side I have no qualms," you promised, turning over to face away from him.
The bed dipped slightly under his weight as he gingerly got in. You tried your very best not to laugh. Lorenzo de ‘Medici, womaniser, so awkward about sharing a bed for the night. He could be such a child at times.
"Besides," you spoke up again, "my dagger is never out of reach," you teased, lightening the tension.  Lorenzo scoffed, turning to lay on his side away from you. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight," you sighed, "again."
You hadn't been travelling for long before you arrived at the same town as days before, where you'd acquired the dress. Lorenzo pulled on Callus' reigns to bring the horse to a stop.
"What ever is the matter?" You grumbled, you hadn't fully woken up and were hoping to get some distance covered today.
"Nothing. I just thought it an idea to get some food, we won't come across another town until midday and you will be starved by then," he hopped down off Callus, before putting out his hand for you.
"And you're immune to hunger?" You tilted your head, swinging your leg over the side, although not taking his hand.
Lorenzo rolled his eyes, shoving coins into your hand before grabbing it and pulling you down. "Just go get something."
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," you huffed, although your eyes were already scanning the market for what you'd buy.
"Yeah, not your side," he smirked at you, and you just laughed, shaking your head slightly before headed towards a fruit stall that had caught your eye.
"Be back here in twenty!" He called after you. You waved at him without looking, agreeing to his terms.
And you stuck by them. In twenty minutes you were back where he'd said, a bag of food secured. But neither he nor Callus were there. Worry set in. Surely he wouldn't desert you? Surely?
You bit at your nail, looking around for him, until you saw Callus tied up outside a small store, a stranger brushing him. You moved towards him, trying to check him out before confronting him.
A hand rested on the small of your back before you could reach him. And you spun to see Lorenzo smiling down at you. "Everything alright?"
"Where were you?" You ignored his question, glancing to under his arm to see he was holding two parcels.
"Doing some shopping myself," he shrugged, before he guided you both to Callus. He thanked the man and gave him some coin before he started to secure the parcels to Callus. He took the bag of food off of you and tied it around the saddle.
"What's wrong?" Lorenzo asked when you still seemed off.
"Nothing, let’s go," you decided, and so you did.
After another day and a bit of travelling, you had arrived home. Lorenzo had brought you just outside of town, before helping you down off Callus. You both stood beside the horse, Lorenzo reaching into his satchel to pull out a bag of coins.
"Your payment," he stated as if it wasn't obvious.
"Thank you," you almost felt awkward taking it, before you quickly ignored that feeling.
"And, uh, a small gift. To show my gratitude. And my regret of my previous words about... well you know," he sighed, his lack of composure was unsettling, but you didn't have to focus on it as he took the parcels off the saddle and handed them to you.
"Lorenzo, you needn't have-" you looked at the gifts in your hands. One of the parcels was thick, but soft, and the other was narrow and cold.
"I did," he assured you.
"Well, thank you," you looked up at him, not realising just how close you were standing apart.
Your eyes scanned each other's, before you took a step back. "What are they?" You broke the silence.
"I'm sure you'll figure out a way to find out," he grinned. You shook your head at his stupidity before reaching up to pull him into a quick embrace. It didn't last more than five seconds but he didn't need any longer to react, wrapping his arms around you for the short hug.
"Good luck with the vote," you bid him, it was happening in a matter of days. You had discussed it all on your journey, and you both decided that Pazzi would definitely be calling on you in the upcoming days, and unless something was to happen with him, you had no more business with Lorenzo until then.
He smiled at your words, looking to Callus before back at you.  "I cannot lose with you on my side."
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azurevi · 4 years
on land where we can touch the moon (2/?)
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A quick note- this is pretty messy. I'm planning as I write, so there'll be information scattered across the words, and it may be overwhelming...kinda. I have added a little note about what happened in this chapter in the end. This series is also up on ao3.
There is, naturally, a reason Azul was stuck with the name 'The Sea Merchant'.
It wasn't a bad name, and there was no hint of degradation in it. It just wasn't particularly suiting. Azul wasn't a merchant. He wasn't even a shopkeeper. He was just invested in a little magic, and this hobby of his got leaked out somehow. 
His magic was certainly something. It's A Deal allowed him to confiscate another person's valued quality in exchange for their wish. Anything could come to life as long as the deal was equal.
Only the drunk and people in desperate need of help ever went to him for help. After Azul had started mastering his magic, he reckoned that it hadn't been used to its full potential. If the person on the other side of the deal failed to meet the requirement, Azul could take even more from them without suffering any loss. 
And so he sugarcoated and exaggerated his words, put up the most professional smile he could manage. For a few weeks all was well. He'd gained himself a melodious voice, splendid flexibility and a ton of unique magics, but nothing great ever lasted. He was soon exposed as a scammer and his notoriety was whispered among the streets, passed on and on until every family warned their kids not to ever run into him. And Azul, with his fame and prosperity wilting under the gossip and points of fingers, was forced into giving up his success.
He had been in hiding ever since.
He could never understand how something as atrocious could happen to him. If it hadn't been for the sneers and isolation in the entirety of his childhood, he wouldn't have grown up hating everything and everyone around him that called him ugly, unwanted, repulsive. It should've justified his desire for revenge.
Instead, God decided that his suffering was not anywhere close to enough and kicked him down the cliff where he was crying for help.
That being said, Azul was grateful to have Jade and Leech sticking around after everything. The two of them were also unpopular among others, so they eventually got close as a tight-knitted trio.
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"No you didn't," Jade said firmly. 
"I did, Jade. I did," Azul sighed, "They were dying, Jade, I couldn't just let them die,"
"Well, you should've."
"Don't be so uptight. Azul was doing the right thing, wasn't he?" Floyd winked. "So. Were they good-looking?"
"The human. You must've saved them for a reason,"
Azul hated how Floyd's words implied that he would never do good unless there was something in it for him, but one could never lie in the face of truth. 
"I just didn't want to let them die. It was their birthday,"
"What does that have to do with everything?" Jade asked. "You went above the water. You saved a human. You were almost caught. You could've died up there, you know. How did you even manage to breathe?"
"I just… did." Azul said, twirling his tentacles in nervousness. Jade was entirely disapproving of his actions, while Floyd on the contrary seemed to be mildly intrigued. 
Everything still felt like a fever dream. All the fireworks and cheering and explosion were still vividly scorched into his mind as if they'd been put on repeat. The splendid colors, light giggles and- 
And those beautiful eyes of yours. The way your hair flowed in the night sky with ease, how you laughed like tomorrow was promised and your life had been planned out before you, a clear and untainted path to success. Azul couldn't decide on whether he was jealous or amazed.
"Well, you better hope they didn't really see you, or that they forgot about it. If the humans come down here to hunt us down-" Jade couldn't even bear to finish the imagination. He simply shook his head in dismay.
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"I swear I saw someone! I couldn't have just been washed ashore!"
"Apparently, you were," Jack said, stroding with large steps that had you panting to keep up. "Near-death experiences do things to our mind, your majesty,"
"That may be the case for others, but I'm sure I was conscious," you retorted. "I woke up to a pair of pale, azure eyes, then in a blink they were behind the rock. If it hadn't been for you-"
"I apologize for worrying about you, your majesty."
You bit your tongue. Fighting with Jack always ended with him being passive-aggressive and you stepping back reluctantly. Plus he was as stern as a rock. Almost nothing could move his belief.
Shouting and grunting could be heard from inside the medical room where Ace, Deuce and Grim were being tended to.
Jack flung open the door, and the three stumbled to get into the blankets and put on a excruciated expression.
"I see you're all healed up," Jack said. Ace hummed lowly and slapped his forehead with the back of his hand. 
"I'm at death's door, commander. It pains me to say this, but I might need to take more days off,"
Jack was quiet for a while, and you could almost see a drop of sweat sliding down Ace's forehead.
"And you, Deuce?" Jack challenged.
"I'm traumatized," 
"And Grim?"
You arched your brow, at which he shivered in fear. "I- I'm feeling fine already,"
"So it's just Ace and Deuce, right?" Jack said. Ace and Deuce nodded their heads so hard they could fall off.
"Alright. Your health is of utmost importance to us, so I'll contact the Raven Healer…"
"The what?!" Deuce's voice croaked.
"The Raven Healer. Surely you've heard of him. He's best known for being able to treat any diseases, both mentally and physically,"
You were sure there were sweats rolling down Ace's cheeks now. "But- but doesn't he heal by using bizzare mediciness…?"
"Oh yes. His magic is what makes him such an infallible doctor. You two seem to be in a lot of pain. I'm sure he'll free you of your suffering."
You turned sharply towards the door and stifled a laughter. 
"That's… not very necessary…" Deuce's voice faltered word by word. He was fully aware that he'd already lost. "You know what, commander? I think I can dive back into work right this instant!"
Jack smirked smugly. "Splendid. And you, Ace?"
The two of them stared at each other so intensely there seemed to be sparkles between them. Finally, Ace gave in. "I'll start work tomorrow,"
They didn't even wait for Jack to walk completely out of the door to whine. They looked fully healthy, even more energized than you.
"Anyways, did you find your saviour?"
You sighed. Ace and Deuce were still skeptical about your 'story', which you'd corrected to 'experience', but at least they were open-minded. 
"No clues. I've had guards patrolling about every two hours. Nothing has yet to happen,"
They eyed each other uneasily, then back at you with a worried face. Before they could make assumptions, you defended yourself. "No, I'm not sick. My head's not concussed,"
"Well," Grim scurried to your lap. "Perhaps your saviour doesn't wish to be found?"
That'd be unwanted. You would wish for anything but to create troubles for your lifesaver. Nonetheless, you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep without sending your gratitude. 
Alright, there might be a selfish motif. You were admittedly curious about those light, pensive eyes and silvery, gleaming hair under sunlight. All these unknown were like a gravity pool, pulling you deeper and deeper into the mystery.
"Well, you ought not to lose hope," Ace patted your shoulder casually, like you weren't the princette of the kingdom he was serving for. "Maybe you'll actually run into him. Fate has a weird habit for setting unexpected traps."
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It wasn't so much love as a tender curiosity, but the line segregating them was so flimsy that one's got to mix them up at some point.
Azul found himself in such a dilemma. He couldn't decide whether it was attraction or nosiness that he was feeling. Either way, it's got him hooked like a drug. Something beautiful had finally entered his life like light piercing through a thick fog of ink, and it was possessive. Azul had a feeling that it wouldn't go away until it had drained him of his mind.
The door to his room was thrown open and Azul had to hide the peeled petals and green stem in a jumble. He had been chanting 'they love me, they love me not' for the past hour. To his luck, Jade and Leech didn't seem to have noticed his haste expression. They were both panting when they swam inside.
"What's wrong?" Azul's first instinct was that something had gone south.
"There-" Floyd wheezed. "There's a sta-"
"There's a fallen statue in the Coral Maze," Jade finished the sentence. "People are fussing over it,"
"Okay," Azul eased back into his bed. He'd already lost interest at 'Coral Maze'. It was at the centre of where the majority of sea creatures inhabited. Nothing could make him go anywhere near civilization and its hubristic aesthetic again.
Or so he thought.
"No- you don't get it. It's a statue of a human that sank along with wreckages of a big ship, and it's made of gold,"
A statue made of gold.
He recalled it now. It was supposed to be your birthday present. The consternation of what followed the present revelation had been so intense that it'd washed the memory of the statue out.
"We just thought that it could be the statue you mentioned in your story, you know? It looked really grand…" Floyd sighed.
Azul wanted to get up and swim over right there, right then, but he knew he couldn't. What would others say to him the moment they saw the shadows of their tentacles crawling on their pure and oh-so royal ground? What accusations would they throw his way? How many children will be led away from him like he was some man-eating, brutal abomination?
Not to mention the unforgiving rage he'd evoked in trying to scam them in the past. Dishonesty was highly criticised in their high-class society. It was as if they were saints that had never done one thing wrong. Bet they'd never even stayed up past midnight.
"You ought to come take a look!" Floyd suggested. A casual, friendly proposal.
"No," Azul snapped. "No, no. I'm not going there,"
"They're planning to use the gold," Jade said. "You know how they are. They see one thing from the ground and start screeching in pain,"
They were going to use your statue. The statue that was perhaps the only thing that was related to you, the one way to never have to forget about you again in case that you never met again.
And to imagine the effect it'd add to his collections! A big gold statue in the centre of his grotto, accentuated by the sparkling of other jewelries. It'd be complete.
"I'll sit on it," Azul decided. He was not to act rashly, lest he walked one step wrong and brought upon himself misery and misfortune. If he really was to pay a visit, he would act in secret. Perhaps in the veil of the night. 
"Just don't act alone, okay?" Jade said. Azul nodded despite not paying any mind to him.
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In the dead of the night Azul decided to sneak out. Alone. It was a mistake, really. Azul couldn't stop thinking about your statue, and by the time he realized how absurd it was, he'd already gone to the Coral Maze.
There was nary a shadow except his own. Still, it was much lighter than where he lived even at night. The distorted image of the moon waved from above as Azul made his way through the many identical corals. Then he finally found your majestic statue standing solemnly in the centre. The only beauty in the water.
It was a sight for sore eyes. White, pure light reflected off the gold and created streams of gleams onto the ground. That someone would ever find it to be disgraceful was incomprehensible to Azul. Something like this deserved to be put on display in the museum for all to see.
There was no radiance on your face and no splendid colors in your eyes. It was merely a fraction of what you were. Nonetheless, it was enough for Azul.
"Who's roaming there?" an alerted voice asked. When Azul turned, he saw a silhouette looming from outside the Coral Maze, holding two anglerfishes in hands and waving them in the water.
Panic was the only thing Azul felt as he hid behind the statue, struggling to keep his tentacles out of sight. The light stayed right in front of him for a while before skimming away.
Azul grabbed the statue and swam, pushing his tentacles through the water as hard as he could. 
"Wait there- oh goodness!" 
There were several voices now, mumbling and inquiring. Then light was casted upon his flitting figure and there were bemused gasps before someone yelled, "Seize him!"
Azul was out of breath. He wished he excelled in fitness but instead he was stuck with incongruous tentacles that would never cooperate at the most needed times.
A hand grasped the end of his tentacle but slipped off. He kept the statue tight in his arms, as if his life depended on it. He could tell that they were near now, and was trying very hard not to imagine the gruesome outcomes.
Someone grabbed his tentacles. He faltered and was pulled back despite protests.
"Keep him in place!" another person yelled as the crowd moved to keep Azul fenced in.
Azul couldn't see anything. Everything was a poor mixture of shadow and distaste and sneers. He was probably going to die right there.
"I can't believe you have the guts to come back, Ashengrotto. After all the things you've done!" someone spoke up.
"Yeah! How shameless of you!”
"And he's stealing our properties now! Imagine how desperate he is,"
"You guys don't even want it!" Azul said.
Some guy lurched forward. Azul cowered backwards.
"It's disgusting, yes, but it's still gold." he said as if it was a completely just thing to do. "It landed on our ground, so it belongs to us. On the contrary, you don't have the rights to lay your filthy hands on it. What more do you want to steal from us?"
"I'm taking this because none of you understand the beauty of it!"
This evoked a negative reaction from the crowd, but words could never be taken back. Azul could feel his heart pounding like a prisoner hellbent on escaping. He had to escape. No more of this degrading gazes. No more of the points of fingers.
"Beauty?" the guy scoffed, and for a moment his face scrunched up and he was ready to spit out rage, but then it softened into a smug smirk. "I guess only ugly understands ugly, huh?"
Azul's head throbbed.
"It doesn't justify your actions, ink-blasting thief. Hand that piece of trash over right- uff!"
He was flung deep into the water until he disappeared into nothing but a black dot. People around Azul immediately made way as they fled in screams and wails. His tentacle was still tingling with the impact, but he couldn't quite feel it. Even if he did, he couldn't care less as he skyrocketed to the surface of the water. He blinked and blinked, but his eyes were still blurred by what would be mixed into the seawater eventually. 
He'd had enough. Heard enough, seen enough. If he'd spent one more second down there he would have suffocated to death.
The familiar freshness of air welcomed him the moment he broke through the water's persistence. The land wasn't far ahead. He swam towards it as if it was his sanctuary. 
There was a man sitting on the rock, face hidden under the hood. Azul considered retreating. He had no idea what would happen to him if he was spotted, but nothing better would happen if he were to go back. So he continued swimming and crawled onto the cool soft sand, only letting his head be seen by the man as he hid behind yet another rock where he placed the much valued statue.
He seemed to be asleep, chest heaving up and down at a steady pace. Just as Azul started sliding out, the man raised his head and looked straight at Azul.
They were a pair of humming, white circles, seemingly void of any sentiments. The man had a mask on that shielded his face except for his tightly shut lips. Two crows were staring right at him with the same uncanny manner.
"You've finally arrived," the man said.
Probably the humans had been searching for him. Azul decided to keep his mouth shut.
"I've been hearing your calls…" he tilted his head. "You can come out. I know what you are,"
Azul still hesitated. But he was much closer to the ocean than to the guy, so he slowly let his tentacles into light.
The man remained calm, not a bit taken back by the revelation.
"Well, I've been hearing your calls…" he resumed.
"I never called out to any humans,"
"Not literally. But you have been calling out a lot," he smiled amiably. "You have to know that it's especially hard for me to hear from creatures undersea, so if your wishes managed to reach me, it means you're pretty desperate,"
"I think you have the wrong person," Azul said and started retreating.
The guy sprang up and his crows curled up together beside him. "Wait- I should introduce myself first. I'm the Raven Healer,"
Azul pondered for a while. "That doesn't explain anything except for the crows,"
"You lots haven't heard of me?" he frowned so deep that his brows and eyes were a cluster. "You guys are really secluded,"
That was when Azul finally realized that he knew about them. About all the lives and creatures that inhabited the deep sea.
"And I mean no harm to your realm. My only target is you," he smiled again, this time at an ominous angle.
"Well, I'm quite famous in this realm. I heal people for a living, whether it be physical or emotional needs. Anything you need, I can grant you,"
That's not very different from Azul's magic. 
"Sometimes, when someone is really desperate for a change, their thoughts can be heard by my crows. And you, Azul Ashengrotto…" his smile dropped a bit and his eyes drooped. "is particularly distressed,"
"Alright. It was nice meeting you," Azul nodded respectfully. The man didn't seem to be harmful. If he fled right now, he could probably throw him off.
The Raven Healer stilled, then burst into piles of blatant laughter. "No, no. I've been looking for you, don't you get it? I'm here to grant your wish!"
I'm here to grant your wish. Like how Azul'd promoted his business as the Sea Merchant.
"I understand that you've been suffering quite a lot, and that you want a change. But nothing ever comes without a cost… I'm sure you can understand,"
The healer stood up, the material of his greatcoat fluttering in the wind. He made his way freely to Azul, who could only freeze up as he inspected the statue with great interest.
"The heir to the throne! I see why you're desperate now. They're a real catch," the healer then looked down at the outstretched tentacles without a word. Azul prayed in his mind that he would turn away from them.
"Well, here are my terms. I will grant you a pair of legs in exchange for your magic,"
Wait, what?
Azul was pretty sure the Raven Healer was just imitating him now. A great figure appearing out of the blue to answer your hopes. The catch was that the figure would always take away your most important thing. It was never a fair deal, Azul was aware.
"I don't think you need my magic," Azul breathed.
"Why, I do!" he exclaimed. "Collecting magic is a splendid hobby of mine! It is because of all these magic that I am such a renowned magician,"
He was obviously lying. His smile couldn't reach his eyes, and the orbs where his eyes were supposed to be were humming like a hazard label.
"I think I'll be just fine," Azul hurriedly brought the statue to his chest and started sliding away.
"...How are you going to survive?"
"What?" Azul swiveled, exhausted.
"Up here. With your…" the healer wiggled his fingers.
"I'll find a way,"
"No you won't," the healer protested. Azul looked up to the sky, took a deep breath and decided to entertain him. 
"Why so?"
"You're gonna cause ruckus. Chaos. People are not especially used to seeing half-man half-octopuses roaming their land," he said honestly. 
Despite knowing all this, Azul still considered his word rude. There was a thin line between blunt and disrespectful, and he'd just crossed it. 
"There won't be anyone dealing with you, will there?"
"...I suppose not-"
"Exactly! I am your only hope!" he exclaimed once again, throwing his hands up in the air like a dramatist. "Unless you want to go back?"
Azul glanced at the serene water. He knew that down there, the mermaids and mermen must be panicking over what'd just happened.
"You can't hold onto that statue forever. If you really wish to stay here-"
"I just came, Mr. Healer. I'm not going to stay,"
"Yet. Come on now," he groaned, as if he was the one exasperated. "I know you want it. You need it. So what are you waiting for? You're never going to see all the beauties in this world in this state!"
He was right. Agonizingly right. He couldn't just walk around as an octopus. It would be like a stain on a quaint painting. Moreover, now that he was here, he couldn't just give up the chance to find you again. It's not like the ocean would welcome him anyways.
As if hearing his thoughts, the Raven Healer reached his hand out, "Deal? Your magic for a pair of legs. It's a fantastic trade if you think about it,"
One second. Two second. Azul didn't wait until the third to act on it. The moment their skin touched, Azul felt a stream of warmth coursing through him, rushing to his throat, where he choked up a luminous blue orb. It was within the healer's fingers within seconds.
"And your legs," he rummaged inside his pocket. There seemed to be numerous tiny objects inside as he dug around. Finally, he pulled up a thumb-size bottle and handed it to Azul.
He downed the slimy liquid inside under the healer's encouraging nods, and almost gagged at the sensation. "Guh! What the hell is-"
His tentacles started glowing a bright yellow, bright enough to attract people in this dead of the night. They started to shrink until they completely disappeared, and a pair of human legs replaced them.
He couldn't believe his eyes as he stretched around and surveyed the changes on his body. It took him quite some time to adjust to it, but he was surprisingly good at it. The fabric of the pants that came with the gift fluttered against his 'flesh' like a mother's caress. He felt normal, for once. Not some ugly monster that preyed on innocent kids. Not a marginalized criminal. Not even a wicked fraud. He was just a human wanting to explore the world.
"Three days," the Raven Healer said.
"What?" Azul was too joyous to pay real mind.
"If you can't find the most beautiful thing after three days, you will dissolve into sea bubbles,"
Azul stilled as he comprehended his words, then he started to chant no in his mind. He'd fallen for his trap.
"You didn't mention it at all!" Azul yelled. "Refund! You're scamming me!"
"The pot's calling the kettle black now. How comical," the healer giggled. Azul's heart dropped to the bottom.
"Consider this your own medicine. It's not like you're completely at loss over here!"
"Wait!" Azul reached out to grasp his fainting figure, which had become an opaque vision. 
"We shall reunite in three days. Until then, enjoy."
All that was left was the crashing of the waves and songs of the crickets. Bathed in the glow of the moon, Azul finally came to the conclusion that he'd fucked up.
Life never stopped to give him a break. There were haste footsteps nearing from behind. Azul instinctively retracted his tentacles, but forgot about their absence and tripped instead.
"Yikes! That was a nasty fall. Are you okay?" 
Looking up, two formally looking men were standing above him, one with crimson hair and another navy. There was a sword attached to each of their sides.
"Yeah. I-I'm fine," Azul cleared his throat and stood up.
"Are you homeless?" The redhead asked and was immediately hit by his companion.
"You can't go around asking people whether they are homeless!" he scolded, then turned to Azul brightly. "You must be in search of shelter! Please follow us!"
"That isn't any better," 
"Shut up," the blue-haired snapped with the same polite smile. "Come on, Mr…?"
"A-Azul. Azul Ashengrotto,"
"Yes, Mr. Ashengrotto. We can't have you catching a cold out here,"
Despite his friendly facade, Azul could see underlying motives lurking beneath. But clueless that he was, he didn't have a choice but to follow suit towards the castle-like building in the far distance.
"Your majesty will be pleased to see you," the redhead murmured, but Azul couldn't quite catch that.
"What was that?" he asked.
"It's nothing," was all that he received. "Just that you'll surely love the place."
Conclusion : Azul had once gone around scamming others with his unique magic but was busted and had been further criticised since. The Raven Healer is obviously Crowley, and his magic will be further explained in next chapter.
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
10 Dates | The Confessions Date
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Summary: Kim Junmyeon was the epitome of a perfect catch - he was successful, handsome and everything you currently didn’t want in a man. Yet after agreeing to his request to give him 10 dates in total to change your mind, you realised you might have been looking for someone like him all along.
Pairing: Kim Junmyeon x reader
Genre: dating au / romance
Warnings: none
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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After a morning spent in bed exploring one another intimately, you had walked along the River Arno, tried delicious gelato, visited more museums and monuments than you could count on one hand and eaten your weight worth in Italian bread. Another evening was spent out until the night grew old, and the sheets in your bed were ruined by the morning. It was constant heaven and when you got into a rented car to travel to Florence for the rest of your stay in Tuscany, you had believed there was a high possibility that you had already died and this was the afterlife.
It was all too magical to comprehend otherwise.
And even with all your mental preparation, as soon as you saw the Duomo in the distance, you were a lost cause. “Junmyeon, I’m sorry in advance if I cease any type of expected etiquette from here on out.”
“That overwhelmed?” he asked as you gripped onto your seatbelt, your eyes round as saucers and breathing became harder to do naturally.
“I don’t think I prepared you well enough for the history buff within me,” you explained and vaguely heard him chuckle.
You couldn’t explain it. Being in the city with so much rich history and architecture, the birthplace of the Renaissance art movement, and the place of your dreams since you were a teenager, left you utterly speechless. You didn’t know what to look at first or if your brain could even store as much as you were pleading with it to do. The hotel you stayed in held no effect on you once you found the windows, opening them up and staring out at your current world dreamily.
You flinched when Junmyeon reached around you to offer you a drink of water. It made you blink a few times before taking it. He grinned when you finally looked at him. “I should be offering you something with bubbles right now. It might calm your nerves.”
“I’m really here, aren’t I?”
He nodded, rubbing your upper arm repeatedly and you shivered. Junmyeon put his glass down on the small tabletop before encasing you in his arms.
For a moment, even with the dazzling world you wanted to memorise inch by inch, you sighed with comfort into his embrace. Since becoming intimate with him, there was no place you enjoyed more than being buried in his chest. He was always so warm and listening to his heart worked enough to bring peace to your erratic system.
You glanced up at him and shared a grateful expression and a kiss before looking back outside. “I’m glad I’m seeing all this with you, Junmyeon. My friends Kelsi and Ayla aren’t into history like I am. Which is fine, I was going to come here by myself when the time was right. But being with you makes it all that much more special.”
“You better stop with all these beautiful words you keep sharing on this trip or I might go ahead and ruin it,” he told you, blinking a few times and then looked outside, away from your sudden gaze on him.
“Ruin it how?”
“With some little words that shouldn’t come out too early,” he admitted and you smiled giddily.
“What if they come from me first?”
“I’ll call your bluff.”
You gaped at the man and pulled back to arm’s length to pout at him. “Hey!”
“Tell me when we’re back home. This place is our current paradise and it makes everything seem amazing to us right now. Those types of words need to wait until we’re back in reality.”
You thought over his reasoning and nodded. He was right, it would be all too easy with being caught up in the moment to rush ahead and say things that weren’t needed just yet. Two months could easily be enough time for someone to fall in love, and the romantic within you was certainly gearing up for it.
However, the whole reason you were hesitant to date in the first place was from those past experiences. Once you had confessed to love in the past, it crumbled away, the illusion of your adoration replaced with reality. There was no love at all, at least, not the kind you were searching to capture you for the rest of your life.
It could wait until you returned home. Until months had gone by and this dizzying honeymoon period had eased off. That was the most logical.
Your heart yearned for a little more magic, however.
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By the third day in Florence, logic had all but left you. You were surrounded by a world you had travelled only through textbooks. It was right before your eyes, tantalising your senses everywhere you looked, listened and touched. When you thought you couldn’t be further impressed, you would enter another museum, exhibition or monument and fall further in love with Italy.
And with the man at your side.
As you walked around the Boboli Gardens listening to the guide over the Medici history, you found yourself thinking more about your return home than taking in everything around you. You wondered how much it would hurt to come back down to reality, to wake up in your bed back home and no longer at Junmyeon’s side. Would you be satisfied with sending him off to his dreams each night with a simple farewell over the phone instead of a kiss? Would you still see much of him once you were both back at work and pursuing the next big project? You knew he wasn’t going to just disappear from your world but you had gotten a taste of what it was like to spend time with him and you weren’t quite ready to stop doing just that.
Smiling to yourself, you decided you didn’t care how hard it would get at times; you would balance having a relationship with him. You grew excited for the comfortable moments to come, the bickering, the mundane parts to dating someone. So far, you had nothing to see Junmyeon any less for. He had ticked all the boxes you hadn’t believed he would and then some.
The adventure wouldn’t end just because you weren’t in Italy anymore.
So, when you were back in the centre of the city, you stopped walking around the Fountain of Neptune in the Piazza della Signoria and turned to Junmyeon, reaching for his hand.
“I can’t wait.”
“For dinner?” he questioned, checking his watch. “Baby, we have about an hour until our reservation.”
You stilled at the use of the nickname, your heart swelling further. Junmyeon seemed to become aware of what he said, rubbing at his neck a little awkwardly.
“Oh uh, I just said that.”
You grinned. “That you did.”
“You liked it,” he observed and you nodded quickly. A smile erased his hesitance and Junmyeon then beamed at you. “I know another secret about you.”
“I hardly would call that a secret. It’s a common nickname for a partner.”
He faltered. “Common. Maybe I need something better?”
“No,” you spoke firmly, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I love it… I love a lot about you.”
“You’re getting dangerously close to words we agreed we’d keep to ourselves, Y/N.”
“I don’t want to keep them anymore,” you announced, brushing your nose over his as you moved in towards his lips. “I can’t keep them to myself. I’m falling for you.”
“I’ve waited years for this,” he said softly and you blinked in confusion.
Junmyeon seemed lost in his thoughts. “I never expected you to say them so easily to me either.”
You tried to dismiss the moment. He’s meaning for a love like this. Not you specifically, you thought, still blinking in hope that would settle some of the way he had said it in your mind.
However, there was the unmistakable shift in his eyes, the same one you had seen back at his house, shrouding you from the knowledge he seemed to bear. You wished you hadn’t seen it. Been able to fool yourself into the sentence you told yourself, to hold onto those loving sentiments you both had shared.
Junmyeon knew you had seen it too and the confessions fell flat, straight into the fountain behind you, sinking like your heart was.
Was this the catch you had been waiting for unnervingly?
“Junmyeon,” you started, and watched as he moistened his lips in preparation of your heavy question. “What made you go on that first date with me?”
“The first date?” he repeated, trying to smile but it didn’t light up his eyes as it usually did. He was simply trying to buy time, figuring out his path forward. You implored him for an answer and after glancing around the bustling plaza, Junmyeon pointed to one of the alleys that would lead someplace perhaps quieter. You weren’t sure even away from all the people that your mind would silence, the buzz growing louder the longer you impatiently waited for his answer.
Eventually, he found a stone bench for you to sit down on, clasping his hands together as he looked at his feet. “It would have been much the same as it was for you.”
“Kelsi set me up with you. Her work colleague is friends with yours and showed your profile to her. I still don’t know why she put me forward instead of herself though,” you explained calmly despite the noise in your head. You closed your eyes, hoping it would settle it some. “Wasn’t it the same for you?”
“It was,” he stated slowly and then sighed. “It wasn’t the first time I was shown a person to go out on a date with.”
“Normally I would insist to Chanyeol that I was too busy to date because my career is in a pretty pivotal moment right now, if I’m honest. The last thing I needed was to start dating.”
Snapping your gaze to his side profile, you frowned. “Then why?”
“I couldn’t turn you down,” he answered, nodding along with his statement. Junmyeon’s eyes remained downcast and you wondered why he couldn’t look at you right now. What was so big that would make him feel less able to stare at you whilst he talked? His smile turned bittersweet. “Because I know you.”
“What? No, you don’t,” you corrected, your gaze narrowing on him. Finally, Junmyeon looked up, his expression sincere. “I really don’t-”
“We grew up in the same area and although we went to different high schools, I know you from back then.”
“We did an interschool competition one year. You were on the history quiz team, remember?”
Your memories travelled back to a younger period in your life, growing clearer with the more thought you put into it. Junmyeon smiled again. “I was on the athletics team.”
Blinking some more, you tried to find the younger version of him in your memories but you came up blank. He seemed aware of this, nodding again.
“I don’t think you would remember me much. But I remember you.”
“Because of a high school competition, you decided to go on a date with me as adults? That’s nothing to be so concerned over; some might think that’s sweet.”
Junmyeon sighed heavily. “I liked you so much that I convinced a friend who I knew at your school to help me out. He gave me some pointers on how to approach you and then when it came time to, I was beaten to it.”
“Beaten?” you echoed and then sighed with realisation. “Do Kyungsoo.”
“Do Kyungsoo,” he confirmed with a light laugh, leaning back. “You dated him for what, a year?”
You were surprised he had known how long you dated for. Still, you shrugged. “Only for him to break it off when he said we weren’t compatible.”
“I had the biggest crush on someone I didn’t really know. I mean, I tried to know you. Once you meet someone, it becomes easy to see them everywhere. We have crossed paths in life, even as adults, multiple times before that date, you know.”
Junmyeon nodded. “I tried dating others but I guess the juvenile part of me who didn’t get the girl of my teenage dreams wasn’t satisfied. If it wasn’t you, I wasn’t interested.”
“Wow, you thought so highly of me,” you murmured, unsure of how to feel.
Should it be endearing? You felt a little uncomfortable thinking there had been moments in life where Junmyeon had watched you, had felt something for you and you had no idea he even existed.
“So when your picture crossed my desk, I thought maybe this was a sign. That’s why I agreed to the date. And then you politely turned me down. Was this what the universe had wanted me to understand all along?” Junmyeon wasn’t talking to you, but rather himself, perplexed over the concept. He then shook his head. “I couldn’t let you go this time. Not without trying. Which is why I came after you-”
“And suggested the ten dates,” you finished and Junmyeon nodded.
“But here we are in Italy, enjoying each other and our dream. Yours is the place and mine is… well, I guess, it’s you.”
“Can I be honest with you?”
“I hope you would be considering I’m aware how this must sound to you.”
“It is a lot to take on,” you admitted, chewing on your lip.
“I’ve been honest about my approach this whole time, Y/N.”
“Except when you acted like it was your first meeting with me.”
“Well it was, I had only liked you from afar.”
“Maybe it’s best we leave it in the past,” you stated, standing up and inhaling a deep breath.
Junmyeon didn’t join you. “Don’t you have something to say too?”
“Your friends coming on that second date wasn’t a coincidence.”
“That was innocent, simply a backup plan.”
“You said yes to ten dates but wanted to ensure you could find a way out if I didn’t present well?” he surmised and you nodded.
“I didn’t know what to think back then about you. I didn’t think we matched, remember?”
Junmyeon stood up and held out his hand for yours. “Can we go back to smiling and having a good time? We have only one day left in Italy. The truths we’ve confessed to, let’s navigate them back home, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you agreed, slipping your hand into his waiting one.
It didn’t feel the same as before.
Part 8
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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