charmixpower · 2 years
Hello @snarky-art , I drew some Sky & Brandon & Diaspro lore
Plz enjoy
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Enchantix Samara!! Fairy of Gravity, Guardian Fairy of Eraklyon!! I don't like her outfit but her sleeves are super fun XD
She usually casts magic by pointing in the direction that shes creating gravity. So it looks like she's hand dancing but she's throwing people around XD
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Diaspro from magic Winx to Enchantix. I like wrappy fabric with her and I'm certainly going to commit to that
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Sky and his half brother Thoren
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I like to imagine Diaspro doesn't join the Winx...at least not directly ^^ and here she is in s3!!
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kifkay · 3 months
the Cloud Tower headcanons
out of the three Magix schools, Cloud Tower has the biggest roster of scholarships and waived tuition fees.
witches are oft mischaracterised by the public. because they draw their power from strong, negative emotions, people incorrectly assume that witches must be either miserable, evil and/or drudging through a miserable existence. because of those biases, many talented young people never even pursue a witch’s education.
the Cloud Tower has been historically a very generous institution, hoping to draw in more students and combat those believes. Under Griffin’s leadership, the amount of given out scholarships is as big as ever and is specifically geared towards financially compromised students, or students in bad life situations. 
Every first year student at the Cloud Tower gets to choose a new name for themselves. It’s a ritual meant to symbolise rebirth; a way to let go of the past and embrace your new life.
of course, you’re not required to go by that name after the “initiation” - but that’s the name your coven siblings will remember you by.
in the last couple of decades, the idea of a self-sufficient, all-powerful witch became extremely popular. if before witches came in covens, nowadays, most prefer to do their bidding alone. this is why most Cloud Tower students are more versatile than fairies, but less powerful since they spread themselves thinner to try and learn a bit of everything.
in order to earn their enchantix, a fairy has to make a sacrifice to save a person from their homeland. in order to go through their final transformation, a witch has to prove their relentlessness and determination; willingness to achieve a goal by any means possible, at the expense of oneself.
the requirement for the final transformation is deliberately vague. it can be grandiose and self-destructive - a last stand, you, engulfed in blazing fire, shielding your friends with all that you’ve got - because worlds be damned, your loved ones are your first priorities. or it can be as uncomplicated as standing up to your shitbag father and trashing your old house; that asshole won’t keep you down any longer. all in all, there’s no right way to be a witch.
student spend their first three years of college on campus. their fourth year, the school finds them an internship. future guardian witches are hired by “hero-for-rent” organisations and sent on supervised off-world missions, alchemists and potion-makers are interned in Linphea, teachers are sent off across dimensions. they come back once every semester, to report their progress, and on graduation. similar system in employed in both Alfea and Red Fountain.
some fairies and witches definitely have beef with each other, and stereotyping/hate-mongering is ripe on both sides - BUT. so many of them are dating each other. just so many. you guys have never been in an (almost, there are still guy and non-binary witches/fairies) all girls boarding school if you think those bitches from Alfea and Cloud Tower are anything but gay.
Griffin is in an attrition war with the fairy-dating witches. they keep sneaking their SO’s into the Cloud Tower, who then have to be rescued because the castle is kind off sentient and keeps trying to eat the intruders-
it’s just annoying to be constantly dealing with! so Griffin literally puts anti-fairy charms on the school grounds.
(but then Griffin also has to call an emergency meeting with the entire school and reiterate that she is not actually homophobic - just against trespassers without entrance permits - and to please, stop sending hexes into her office-)
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You can't convince me that the boy who fiercely loves and fights for his world in Meridian, who is a HUMAN (whisperer/murmurer in comics) with NO SPECIAL POWERS, who taught himself and FOUGHT AND LED A REBELLION AGAINST TYRANNIC RULE for years after years, who expected nothing in return, the man who was so emotionally intelligent and quick witted, kind hearted to those lost and in need, who so truly believed and convinced Elyon that she was the true light of Meridian even though she herself thought she was born into evil being related to Phobos, the man who's fatal flaw is loyalty and duty, who again and again put his trust in people and chose to see the best of them,
yes THAT boy, ISN'T SOOOO MUCH BETTER than a bunch of private school boys with their fancy academy and weapons and nepotism crushing on the girls from their sister school.
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floralovebot · 5 months
should i try writing florelia fics... should i..... i feel like i should.......
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drops-of-moonlights · 2 years
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I also did the guys! don’t think I’ll retouch their specialist/guild looks yet but I can play around with their fairy/witch forms lol
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trashcankitty12 · 2 years
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Winifred “Winnie” Scofield
Youngest Child of Helia and Morgan Scofield
Magical Chimera
-Winne is the youngest child and only daughter of Helia and Morgan Scofield. 
-Like her brother, she inherited her mother’s ears. Or rather, she has a slight point to her ears. She also tries hard to be in touch with her elven heritage.
-She’s got dark hair like her father that she keeps in a short bob and has gray eyes like he does.
-Winne’s 12 and goes to the Callistan Preparatory Academy. (Which is just a fancy middle school. One where she’s constantly rolling her eyes because of how many of her classmates want to believe they’re better than other people because it's mostly rich kids and she’s only going there because her Great Uncle Saladin and General Grandma went there.)
-(Yes, she and her brother call their Dad’s mom General Grandma. It’s a loving term of endearment and it makes the old woman roll her eyes and laugh. So it’s perfect.)
-Her birthday is December 1st. She’s a Dragon by the Magical Dimension’s standards and a Sagittarius by Earth standards.
-Winnie’s into art, but not to the degree that her brother and father are. It’s a fun hobby and a great way for her to vent some of her frustrations, but it’s not a passion for her like it is for them.
-She really loves making little doodles and often creates mini-comics that she sends to friends to cheer them up.
-Her real passion, currently, is in nature, specifically the animals. 
-Endangered animals tend to be the heart of many of her projects; essays, protests (that her brother helps her set up), videos, photos, and drawings. Basically, anything she turns in at school that doesn’t have a specific topic, it’s probably going to be about a rare or endangered animal.
-Elliot is so proud of his little sister, and is always the first to jump into her campaigns.
-Morgan and Helia are too, often using their own expertise and their influence to assist. (Though they try to stay in the background as much as possible because they don’t want their kids to think they’re taking over their own projects.)
-Winnie has a menagerie of pets that come in and out of the home. (Usually until they are healthy enough to go, but they tend to come back for love.) 
-Helia’s not as okay with the pets as Morgan is, mostly because they tend to just ‘show up’ without warning and oftentimes he ends up getting jumpscared by various animals and insects.
-Morgan finds this all hilarious. Elliot is fairly chill about the animals, so long as leave his cameras alone. 
-Winnie’s like her cousin Etta, physical and ready to fight if she has too. (Though unlike Etta, she doesn’t look for fights, she tries to hold off unless she’s pushed or someone else is in danger.)
-She loves to sword-fight like Etta and has even joined her in the Junior Sword Fighting League. General Grandma is so proud and has even gifted her her own specialty sword. (And Grandpa Palladium is considering getting her her own armor from his family.)
-Winnie has magic, natural-based magic, but she’s not sure if she’s going to become a fairy. Her wings haven’t come in and she’s already 12… So… What’s up? Is she going to be a late winger like her Aunt Flora and Cousin Etta? Or is she just… Not a fairy?
-Her magic isn’t quite that strong yet, but she is getting there. (Typically she works best with runic magic than core magic. But it is what it is.)
-Like any good little sister, Winnie torments her older brother every time he has a romantic interest over, usually by embarrassing him. (Sometimes Elliot just plays along, sometimes he gets her back.)
-(There’s an ongoing prank war within their house; one that sometimes even involves the parents.)
-Winnie’s into comfort when it comes to her clothing options and loves oversized hoodies, soft shirts, and pajama pants. (Though will quickly swap to jeans when going for a hike. After all, safety first.)
-She and her brother can’t play board games or card games together unless they’re on the same side/playing co-op. (Fights break out.)
-(Poppa Salvador thinks it's funny, making him think of his dynamic with Griffin when they were younger. Morgan’s not impressed.)
-Winifred isn’t fond of her school, it’s been said before. But she does have her core group of friends and her clubs. (Outside the Junior Sword Fighting League of course.)
-She’s in the Environmental Club, part of a comic book club, and helps out with a volunteer project with their school. (And has plans to revamp it once she’s met with the principal.)
-Winnie is also the one who organizes minor rebellions in her school. (Dress coding issues, the sit-in to stop the destruction of the hiking trail behind the school, the refusal to do school work when it came out about the athletes getting free passes, etc.)
-(Her parents are just glad she hasn’t followed Valkyrie’s advice to burn down the science lab like she’d done once.)
-Winnie’s favorite classes are her Natural Science classes (biology, anatomy, geology, botany).
-Least favorite? Her Writing classes. And History classes.
-Don’t get her wrong, she loves history, she just doesn’t like the way they’re taught, especially since she has family directly involved with some of the major historical incidents that have happened the last few decades and knows the classes taught are full of bullshit and speculation.
-In fact she often gets into arguments with her history teachers because she corrects them. Yes, she’s that child.
-Morgan is so proud of her daughter. Helia is too, but couldn’t she find a nicer way to call out her teachers instead of flat-out calling them idiots?
-If her wings come in, she’ll be going (hopefully) to Alfea and focusing her studies on Environmentalism. However if they don’t, she’s unsure.
-Part of her thinks she could go to Cloud Tower, but she doesn’t feel like she’s a witch. After all, they use core magic more than runic magic, same as fairies. And unlike Elementals, she doesn’t draw directly from an elemental center.
-She doesn’t want to go to the same school as her brother because she’s not as into art. 
-Truthfully she’s thinking of studying more deeply into her elven roots, but that would require some research and some lengthy discussions with her Grandpa Palladium’s family.
-Fingers crossed.
-She’s not sure really what she wants to do when she’s grown, but she’s certain of one thing; animals are going to be at the forefront and she’s definitely going to be an activist of some kind.
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florelia12 · 9 months
What a better way to start 2024 on tumblr! No one cares but I’m backkkk
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Ofc i HAD to do a witch/fairy version but these are so cute omg
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13daze · 2 years
thinking about medea again
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 4 months
Yandere Prince x Witch! Reader
TW: Drugging (Love Potion), dubcon
Wanna buy me a coffee?: ☕
Once upon a time, in a land full of magic, a witch is in her tower stirring liquid in her cauldron.
"Ok, my seafood boil should be ready," You say, wiping the sweat off your head.
Your phone rings from the counter, and zap it so it answers the call.
"Y/N, we've gotta go to this ball!" Your friend, Ella, full name Eleanor Charming, exclaims, making you roll your eyes.
"Ella, just because your family has extreme luck finding love at balls, doesn't mean I will. Besides, I like living in the woods. The princess with powers and Eduardo are good friends. I babysit their kids sometimes, real firecrackers," You respond, tying your hair up. "Now, if you excuse me, I have crab legs to eat."
"Too late, I already magiced up a dress for you!" Ella exclaims, appearing behind you. "Boom!" 
White light hits you, and suddenly, your comfy purple pajamas are replaced with a long, purple ball gown with black lace covering the front. You have long, black latex gloves and thigh-high high-heel shoes swirling around your legs made from crystal. Your hair is in a bun and is held by an ornament resembling thorns. 
"You really chose a look that says I'm from the Woods, huh?" You question, walking to Ella. 
"Yes, I did. Now, come on, we're about to be late!" Ella giggles, grabbing your hand and running to the black Mercedes outside your castle. "I modified the animal into carriage spell into something more modern."
You buckle your seatbelt, and Ella speeds off to the prince's castle. As you wait in the line of limos, you redo your lipgloss and spritz a bit of perfume to get the crab smell of your skin. 
"It's our turn, get ready!" Ella squeals, giving the car to the valet.
"Princess Ella Charming and her friend, Lady Y/N L/N!" The announcer yells as the two of you walk into the ball.
"Wow, this place is bright," You comment, looking at all the jewels, lights, and glamor.
"I know, right? It's so we can glimmer as we dance," Ella exclaims, dancing away with a man.
"Well, I've been left alone," You grumble, grabbing a glass of wine and walking to the hallway.
While exploring the castle, you find a path leading to the royal garden. You see a handsome man with blonde hair, tan skin, and greenish-blue eyes crying near a large fountain with a mermaid spitting water. You realize it's Prince Henry's younger brother, Prince Helio.
"Henry...why did you have to go?" He cries, making you feel sorry for him.
"Uh, hi! Sorry to interrupt your crying session, but would you mind me asking what's wrong?" You ask, revealing yourself. 
"Oh, sorry. I'm supposed to be out there finding a queen to rule with, but I'm out here crying over my brother. Henry was such a good older brother to me. He helped me with studies and sword training, but then he went into those woods and never came back. Now, here I am about to be king alone with only my mom and dad as family," The young man weeps, wiping tears from his face.
You knew what happened to the former Prince Henry. Everyone in the Woods did. But, it's things like this that are the reason people like you live in the Woods.
"I'm sure your brother misses you dearly. Even if he can't come back, I'm sure he'd want you to be a good king to your people," You comfort him, handing him your glass of wine. "Besides, it's your party. Wouldn't exactly want to let everyone down, would you?" 
"You're right. I, Prince Helia, shall make this the best pre-engagement party in this kingdom. Now, do you desire another drink, love?" 
"Yes, and just so you don't have to keep calling me love, my name is Y/N L/N."
Prince Helia leaves to get a cup of wine for you, and he pulls out a pink vial from his cape and pours it into your wine. He shakes the cup a little and lets the potion settle into the wine. He smiles lustfully, knowing he'll have the eternal love, the fairy tale ending he always wished for.
"Here's your class of wine, princess," Helia says, passing you the drink while he secretly pours the rest of the vial into his wine. "To happy endings!"
"To the Woods!" You proclaim, wrapping your arm around his to do your toast.
"To love!" You and Heli exclaim, drinking the wine.
When the wine travels down your throat, the potion takes effect immediately. You feel dizzy, and your wine falls to the ground. You fall, and Helia catches you.  
"My love, are you ok?" Prince Helia asks, holding you in his arms as he feels his heart beating. 
"Helia~" You moan, sitting up and leaning in to kiss him.
You kiss Helia, and it's like you both have lost control of your body and emotions. The kiss feels so good, you could've sworn you are in heaven. His hands roam your body as your tongues intertwine. Spit comes out of both of yours and Helia's mouths, and his short blonde hair ruffled as your hands run through it.
"I love you. I love you. I love you!" Helia chants, his kisses trailing down your neck. 
"Ah-ah~" You moan, sticking your neck out as leaves his mark.
Helia undoes your corset, and he throws it to the side. Your dress falls to your waist, leaving your breasts bare for him to see. You quickly shimmy off the rest of the dress and kiss Helia again.
"You look absolutely gorgeous, darling," Helia compliments, his eyes full of lust and love. "I need to worship your body. Come here and let your prince worship every inch and imperfection of your body and soul."
"Yes, my love," You reply, straddling Helia.
Your beloved prince traces every part of your body with his hand and circles the beauty, birth, and stretch marks. He kisses your clavicle, breasts, armpits, every body part on the way down to your pussy. When he finally reaches your clothed sex, Helia kisses it. 
"Helia, I'm-"
"A virgin? I know. But that doesn't matter because I would've loved you even if you weren't. I love everything about you. Your stretch marks, your body hair, even your scars."
Helia gently takes off your underwear and spreads your legs. He deeply kisses the entrance of your pussy, and he inhales the scent of it. His tongue enters your vagina, and your body can't help but react. Your back arches and your hands grip the stone steps. As Helia eats you out, your hips buck into his face. Helia speeds up his licking, and you suddenly start to feel weird.
"Helia, I feel strange!" You moan, sitting up.
"It's ok, my love, embrace that feeling," Helia replies, giving one last kiss to your pussy and kissing your inner thighs as you cum.
Helia begins to strip, and his clothes go flying off. His six-inch cock drips with precum, and you instantly want it in you.
"I'll be gentle. I know it's your first time. God, I can't wait to make love to you and give our kingdom an heir," Helia says, crawling towards you and lining up with your entrance.
You lift your legs to give him room, and he holds your hands. You wrap your legs around his waist, and he kisses you deeply. 
"I'm going to enter you. Tell me if there's any pain," Helia states, slowly inserting his dick in you.
You twitch in pain, and Helia's hands are on your face. He kisses you again, and you kiss him in return.
"I'm ready, Helia," You say, looking at his beautiful green eyes. "I'm ready for you."
Helia thrusts slowly, panting and moaning as if your body is sweet nectar. His steady rhythm of thrusting sends your body into ecstasy.
"Mm~ Helia," You moan, feeling Helia's cock move in your pussy and kisses on your neck.
"Are you enjoying me, my love?" Helia questions, speeding up the rhythm of his thrusts.
"Yes! Yes!" You exclaim, loving your high.
Your toes begin to twitch, and hearts appear in your and Helia's eyes. Helia's thrusts speed up, as do his kisses. Love bites cover your neck as Helia reaches his orgasm.
"I-I love you, my-my princess! I love you!" Helia stammers, climaxing and cumming into your pussy. His legs twitch as he orgasms.
"Oh-oo-ah-Helia!" You scream, your toes curling from the release and your pussy tightening around Helia's dick.
Helia kisses you, tears flowing from his eyes as he rides out his climax. When he's done, his sweaty body rests on yours.
"I love you. I-I love you so much, Y/N. I want to be with you forever. I need you," Helia rambles, resting his head on your chest.
"I know, my prince. I know," You pant, rubbing Helia's head.
After your passionate session with Prince Helia, your prince covers both of you with his cape. He's been kissing your skin since fucking you, holding you in his arms as if you would go away.
"I'll announce our engagement tomorrow, and we'll be married next week," Helia says, kissing your hand, knuckles, and fingers.
You fall asleep in your prince's arms, and he kisses you goodnight. 
"Goodnight, my darling."
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charmixpower · 1 year
I wanted to make Helia's and Nabu's magic more specific and specialized so they aren't interchangeable with the Winx and them not going on every mission makes more sense!!
So here are my ideas
Helia, Witch of Steel
Helia is extremely strong and combat efficient...in urban areas. He needs pre-existing steel to do anything. So once he's in nature he's essentially fucked. Lucky for him he's smart and carries around steel cables/strings on his body. This means whenever he's not battling at RF or in a city, he has no options for defense because he doesn't have enough of his element to make a defense. This makes Helia's whole thing when it comes to combat "offence is the best defense", attacking and restraining with his steel cables and dodging when he can't restrain his opponent. He primarily stays on RF for s2 because he's terrified to lose the rest of his family (aka Saladin), where he is absolutely terrifying because a lot of RF is made of steel so the entire building becomes a weapon for him
Saladin is so touched that Helia would uproot his life to protect RF, and wishes that Helia would stop scaring the freshmen
Nabu, Fairy of Refraction
Nabu has the opposite problem. Refraction is the process of deflecting things or changing their direction. You cannot attack something with the concept of redirection. You can however make all attacks against you completely fucking useless. Nabu is the oops all shield to Helia's oops all sword, and I love him. You simply can't attack him, his shield game is perfect, the only way to get any hits on him is to wait out his magical stamina (good luck), or be faster than his magic
Nabu not going on every mission makes slightly less sense but he is inherently a liability. The only thing he can do is block, and if he's caught off guard or his opponent is faster than him he's essentially fucked and needs to be saved. The Winx can't spend time watching his back for him so that is why he doesn't go. Which doesn't make perfect sense but it's what I have XD
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thesimline · 1 year
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A collection of stylish hats for your fashionable witch sims, just in time for the spooky season! CC links under the cut.
1 - Bad Witch's Hat by akalukery
2 - Pennyroyal Cloche Hat by Hezza Sims
3 - Round Hat by Dissia (TSR)
4 - Arcane Illusions Witch Hat by Dissia (TSR)
5 - Forest Witch Hat by Simverses (Curseforge)
6 - Witchy Hat by Pink Patchy
7 - The Witch's Hat by Okruee
8 - Moon Pattern Hat by Me, My Sims and I
9 - Crooked Witchy Hat by Fairy Witch
10 - Straight Witchy Hat by Fairy Witch
11 - Witchy Hat by Valley Tulya
12 - Noctem Witch Hat by DanSimsFantasy (TSR)
13 - Mystical Witch Hat by Loverett
14 - Halloween Hat by Kiara Zurk
15 - Rose Witch Hat by Sim Laugh Love
16 - Nature Witch Hat by Feral Poodles
17 - Bad Witch Hat by Blahberry Pancake
18 - Eclipse Witch Hat by Madlen
19 - DIY Witch Hat by Diva Doom
20 - Coven Hat by Candy Sims
21 - Witch Hat by CowPlant's Cake (TSR)
22 - Cornelia Hat by Joliebean
23 - Forest Hat by Berryconfetti
24 - Spellcaster Hat by Snowbat Sims
25 - Witch Hat by by Jools Simming
26 - Black Witch Hat by Simder_Talia (TSR)
27 - Forest Hat by Zx-Ta
28 - Tattered Witch Hat by horresco
29 - Helia Hat by Clumsy Alien
30 - Deary Hat by Toksik (TSR)
With thanks to some amazing creators: @akalukery @hezzasims @dissiasims @simverses @pinkpatchy @okruee @memysimsandi @bonehildastreasurechest @valley-tulya @simlaughlove @feralpoodles @blahberry-pancake @madlensims @divadoom @candysims4 @joliebean @snowbatsims @jools-simming @zx-ta @clumsyalienn
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dragonfly0808 · 1 month
Please please please make the winx rewrite playlist on Spotify
Mkay so… I got way too invested and wound up making a 5 1/2 hours long way-too-detailed playlist
This is the link:
Veiled Wings and Shattered Panoramas Official Playlist
And if you want to know why I chose each song, down here is the way-too-detailed-explanation of the playlist!
First off; I chose 2 songs to represent each season
Season 1- Wings by PIXY and Faerie Soiree by Melanie Martinez
Season 2- What’s up Danger by Blackway and Black Caviar and Different World by Alan Walker and Sofia Carson
Season 3- This is War by 30 seconds to mars and Nightmares Never End by JT Music and Andrea Storm Kaden
Season 4- Tiller’s Prayer by Sabrina Jordan and Ribs by Lorde
Subsection here for the main song of each arc for s4
Arc 1- Generation Why
Arc 2- The Old Therebefore (the singing to snakes version cause it’s more dramatic)
Arc 3- What Was I Made For? By Billie Eilish
Arc 4- Spinnin by Madison Beer
Season 5 will be… Nightmares Come to Life from HSMTMTS and Long Live by Taylor Swift
Next I chose 2 songs for each member of the Winx
Bloom- Rising by Julia Lester and The Albatross by Taylor Swift
Stella- Sober II (Melodrama) by Lorde and skinny dipping by Sabrina Carpenter
Flora- Envy the Leaves by Madison Beer and Mouth of the Eden by Sabrina Jordan
Musa- Whispers by Halsey and the grudge by Olivia Rodrigo
Tecna- Invisible Chains by Lauren Jauregui and idontwannabeyouanymore by Billie Eilish
Aisha- The Tradition by Halsey and Comfort Crowd by Conan Gray
Subsection for my 3 main songs I associate with the girls:
A World Alone by Lorde
For Good from Wicked
Continuing with the boys
Sky- Lie by Jimin and In My Blood by Shawn Mendes
Brandon- Something Big by Shawn Mendes and Thumbs by Sabrina Carpenter
Helia- Cough Syrup (the Glee version) and Speak Out (Acoustic) from HSMTMTS
Riven- Boy in the Bubble by Alec Benjamin and BLUE by Billie Eilish (cmon ‘I thought we were the same birds of a feather now i’m ashamed’ is so Driven coded it’s not even funny. And the whole final part from ‘you were born bluer than a butterfly’ is just so perfect for him.)
Timmy- The Other Side and Summer Child by Conan Gray
Nabu- Wool by Flatland Cavalry and Die Alone by FINNEAS
Subsection for my 3 main songs I associate with the boys:
Youth by Shawn Mendes and Khalid
The Story by Conan Gray
Next, songs for the couples!
Skloom: lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid, Surrender by Natalie Taylor (and in the future) Maybe this Time by Joshua Basset and Sofia Wylie
Stella and Brandon: There’s no Way by Lauv and Julia Michaels and R.E.M by Ariana Grande
Flora and Helia: Canada by Lauv and Alessia Cara and Venus Sunrise by Lia Marie Johnson
Rivusa: Ain’t No Doubt About It from ZOMBIES 3 (partially as a joke but also cause that song is absolutely so them) Alley Rose by Conan Gray and ESPECIALLY Vermillion by Sabrina Jordan
Tecna and Timmy: Someone You Like by the girl and the dreamcatcher and Tell Em by Sabrina Carpenter
Aisha and Nabu: Tornado Warnings by Sabrina Carpenter and safety net by Ariana Grande and Ty Dolla $ign
Next, songs for different characters and a few couples!
Icy- 28 Reasons by SEULGI
Stormy- The Lighthouse by Halsey
Darcy- Partners in Crime by FINNEAS
Darcy and Riven- Getaway Car by Taylor Swift and Astronomy by Conan Gray
The Trix- Lightning by Little Mix
Daphne- Can’t Catch Me Now
Valtor- Burn the Witch by Shawn James and Castles Crumbling by Taylor Swift and Hayley Williams
Daphne and Valtor- Dynasty by MIIA
Now Roxy’s squad!
Roxy- Control by Halsey and How Villains are Made by Madalen Duke
Shirley- Matilda by Harry Styles
Naten- Kid in Love by Shawn Mendes
Alexa- Follow the White Rabbit by Madison Beer
Chimera- Wandering (Don’t Go) by Hues and Lia Marie Johnson
Chimera and Naten- The Alchemy by Taylor Swift
Roxy and Shirley- On My Way by Sabrina Carpenter and Alan Walker
The Sibling Squad- Grow by Conan Gray and Warriors by Imagine Dragons
Then I put a bunch of songs that just remind me of the Winx or help me get into a writing mood, I’ll just put the title here cause I’m getting tired
odd eye
run for roses
secret story of the swan
flesh & bone
legends never die
Finally, I put a song for Selina and what will be the main song for season 6
For Selina: Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall by Lydia the Bard <- this is exactly the vibe future Selina will have for reals
And finally, the main song for s6:
Til Forever Falls Apart by Ashe and FINNEAS
Wow… I def put way too much thought into this.
Anyways, hope u enjoy!
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floralovebot · 1 year
Have you ever thought of an AU where Helia is a prince/royalty?
I have! While I'll admit it's not one of my go-to au/backstories for him since I love military nobody Helia, I have come up with some of my own aus for prince!Helia! My favorite flavor of prince Helia is he got kidnapped/otherwise taken away and doesn't know he's royalty until they all meet the rulers and do a double take ajdhgladg OR what is basically the apocalypse backstory but with him being royalty instead ajdhgljad so his entire planet gets fucked by the witches and his parents die and whatnot so while he's Technically a prince, his kingdom doesn't even exist anymore so it doesn't matter (LOVE aus that explore more Permanent effects of the war i think domino should've stayed frozen too !!)
But I do like prince!Helia! I think he can be really fun, especially when you compare him to Sky and then compare sky/riven dynamics versus helia/riven dynamics!! I really like the idea of Helia not being heir to the throne but that does bring even more interesting dynamics and challenges into play with him!
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Sky from OG Winx Club
Disclaimer: Just my opinion
So as a kid I actually liked Sky. Like there were 10 different people I saw Bloom with more than Sky, but as a canon ship. They weren't bad. But they weren't great in the way that you go: That's love.
But now as I re-watch it, I ABSOUTLY DESPISE Sky.
Like he lied to Bloom about his identity, "But But he-" "SHHHHH" I don't care why he did it. He full on scammed her. On top of that he had a frickin fiancé. It dosen't matter he didn't want the marriage, he lied to her about his identity and the fact he was engaged.
Looking back on it I feel SO bad for Diaspero. Like there she was just minding her own business and Bloom comes out and attacks her. And accuses her of stealing her man? Like WTF? So obviously Diaspero fought back. Like I get Bloom was the protagonist and such could do no wrong, but here she was the "other woman". She had no idea about Diaspero, but she was still the person Sky was cheating on with.
Not to mention when Bloom thought she may be a witch, Sky's initial reaction was to turn away. Am I the only one who remembered that moment when Brandon pretended that Flora's spell was still working just so Stella wouldn't feel bad about her appearance and he assured her that he loved her no matter what she looked like? Like in those moment Sky reacted like a BOY and Brandon did what a MAN would do.
Also, going a quick reroute to Blooms other ships, I know people joke about Bloom having more chemistry with literally ever other character than Sky. But I honestly feel like it's SO TRUE! Like Icy and Valtor. She had so much chemistry with those two. Also, is it just me or do I feel like Bloom honestly had more screen time with Icy than Sky? I mean if shit comes down to it, I'm pretty sure it's going to end up being Icy and Bloom fighting against a big bad (Bad-Version-Valtor in season 8) than Sky and Bloom.
Gotta ask who was the best winx club boyfriend? For me personally it would come down to Brandon, Helia, and Nabu. Like Brandon and Stella were just great. Helia and Flora were the sweetest and steadiest. Aisha and Nabu I feel like had the most growth from Aisha hating the idea of him to falling in love.
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maycat-19-142 · 4 months
Hi can i request a Winx Helia x witch reader and can it be fluff please?
Helia x witch reader
A/n: how have I never thought about this before
⚠️:witch reader, fighting, hate from fairies, let me know if I missed anything.
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Not a trix witch
You are a "good" witch
You help the wimx out with dark magic
And that is how you meet helia
You were helping them with the codex and helia came in to your life
Was it love at first sight I don't know but he'd clam it was
Your first date was at a cafe in magix and he treated you normal not like the saw you as a time bomb like the fairies at Alfea did
The date was amazing and you were happy
Well when the trix attacked with valtor you got a lot of hate from the fairies at Alfea
So you spent a lot of time with helia in the woods
When the winx went to the earth to help fine roxy
You got your own believix style power up
Your favorite memory with helia on earth was painting your apartment with the winx
If your wondering you go a version of dark sirenix at wasn't cursed like the trix
Helia loved your magic and the way it was different than the winx
You Became a winx while being a witch
All in all be a witch with winx and with helia is amazing
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Have a good day and night
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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witch-ix · 5 months
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Mirta, Galatea, Nova and Krystal.
As the roommates of Aisha and Alfea students one year below the other Winx, these four become auxiliary members of the Winx Club.
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Mirta, Fairy of Emotions
who at first hoped she'd be a Witch but has an easier time using Fairy magic.
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Princess Galatea, Fairy of Melodies
Got famous, before she came to Alfea. Uses her magic to let instruments play music composed by herself, whilst dancing along to her symphonies.
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Nova, Fairy of Warming Lights
has always been one of Stella's closest friends.
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Princess Krystal, Fairy of Sand
Helias younger sister. She's always been interested in potions and healing magic.
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