#witchcraft infographic
foragewitch · 5 months
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New moon & full moon rituals
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coinandcandle · 11 months
Low Energy Witchcraft
Witchy things for you to do when your energy is low but your need to witch is high.*
Hi-res download available on my ko-fi for monthly and one-time members!
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Energy Observation
Not everyone can sit in a serene and silent room and meditate efficiently, so pop on your noise-canceling headphones and maybe do a quick guided meditation to help get in tune with the flow of energy in your body. Simply observe, don’t try to force energy to flow
Tea spells
Herbal teas are great for spells because they already have “spell components”—herbs—and they’re designed to be easy to make. Choose a tea that incorporates herbs that fit the intentions of your spell. If you have the energy for it, come up with a prayer, chant, or rhyme for your spell while you wait for the tea to brew!
Touch Grass
No really—go outside and just appreciate the nature around you try to see if you can let go of yourselves and just be a part of the world around you.
Spiritual Soup
If you can’t go outside then try to get in tune with your indoor space and allow yourself to become part of the spiritual soup that is your living space.
Digital Offerings
If you can’t physically create an offering for the deities, spirits, etc in your life, make a digital offering. You could create a mood board, collage, cobble together a Pinterest board, and more. The possibilities are endless!
*Keep in mind that this is my personal experience and your mileage may vary. While these seem pretty low energy for me and others, this may not be the case for you. Take what clicks with you and leave what doesn't.
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eklektikamagika · 5 months
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solsticefires · 1 year
probably kind of an asshole opinion to have, but whenever i see someone habitually use the word "witchy" to describe their practice and elements within it, i know i can safely disregard most of what they post.
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thelittleredwitch · 7 months
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Lunar Phases
A complete lunar cycle (a lunation)  
Takes approx 29.5 days- from new moon to new moon
A full revolution, however, takes 27.3 days. The moon completing 1 full orbit around the earth
In 1 month the moon goes through 8 phases and usually spends 2 ½ days in a single zodac sign
Theres 8 lunar phases- 
 4 primary 
 4 secondary 
4 quarters- 4 weeks
●New moon
Waxing crescent 
●Half moon-first quarter
Waxing gibbous
●Full moon
Waning gibbous
●Half moon-fourth quarter 
Waning crescent 
Week 1
New- Waxing- ¼ waxing
Week 2
¼ wasing- gibbous-full moon
Week 3 
Full moon-waning gibbous- ¾ waning 
Week 4
¾ waning- waning crescent- New moon
New moon-
Beginning of a lunar cycle
First appearance of the waxing crescent 
phase between waning crescent and waxing crescent 
No visible moon
New beginnings,personal improvement
Increasing in size
Creative, growth,nurturing energy
Empowerment, motivation, inspiration, healing, luck, elemental 
Full moon-
Most powerful
About a 4 day window of full moon energy, 2 days early and 2 days after
Spells, love, fertility, making decisions, divination, attraction spells,healing, guidance  
Shirking in size
3am is the prime time 
Banishing spells (bad habits, addictions, bad energy, etc), destructive energy (this doesnt have to have a negative result), best time for ending relationships, saying goodbye to bad people
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swirley1618 · 10 months
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saryfaerie · 2 years
✨The Evolutionary Tree of Religion✨
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breelandwalker · 1 year
I keep seeing "Signs You're A Witch" type posts popping up in the tags and ohhhh I'm so tempted to start a fight.
For anyone that needs to hear it, there is NO SUCH THING as being a witch without knowing it.
Being a witch is not a birthright or a genetic marker or a secret superpower or some hidden trait that needs discovering. Being a witch is a conscious personal choice that is entirely up to the individual. There is power in walking the path BECAUSE it is a choice.
There is no quiz or infographic or reading that can tell you whether or not you're a witch. It doesn't matter whether you've had an affinity to magic and nature since childhood or are only just discovering the craft later in life. It doesn't matter if you've read every book on magic there is or only theorized about what you might like to do. (And yes, you can learn about witchcraft without ever being a witch.) The only one who can decide whether you're a witch is YOU.
And just to be SUPER clear on the matter, ANYONE can be a witch if they want to. Things like gender, race, religion, and physical ability are not determining factors.
Do you want to be a witch? Are you willing to self-identify as one, even just to yourself, and practice some form of witchcraft?
Congratulations! You can be a witch!
Give it a try if you want to. The path is yours to enter or leave as you will, for as long as you choose to explore it.
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Beginner Witch Starting Points
° . * • ☆ Research starting points ☆ • * . ° The following list is of topics that I believe are good research starting points for beginner witches. I've laid it out in a couple lists of what I consider the most important to research early down to things you may want to research depending on interests.
Important to research early
♡ How to read critically and cross-reference
> Research is huge in witchcraft, knowing how to find the right information and triple check it's not wrong is very important
♡ Witchcraft vs paganism
♡ History of witchcraft
♡ Open vs closed practices
♡ Cultural appropriation
♡ Discernment/Mundane vs magical
> Always ruling out mundane explanations or options before considering magical
♡ Types of witches
> Such as sea witches, kitchen witches, green witches
♡ Types of magic/practices
> Such as art magic, lunar magic, chaos magic
♡ Types of spells and rituals
> Such as spell jars, candle spells, sprays
♡ Basic spell work
> Such as cleansing, grounding, protection, warding
♡ Understanding Intention
♡ Altars and Tools
> Such as wands, tarot decks, bells
Researching interests
♡ The elements
♡ Symbols and sigils
♡ Item associations and correspondences
> Such as crystals, herbs, colours
♡ Dream interpretation
♡ Religions and deities
♡ Shadow work
♡ Whatever has caught your eye during researching so far, research some more
° . * • ☆ Practice starting points ☆ • * . °
As soon as you feel like you've got a good grasp on witchcraft, you'll want to start practising. With everything you've come across, it might prove overwhelming or confusing as to where to start. Some topics are more advanced than others and aren't considered beginner-friendly. Therefore, having practised and got a hold of some basics is a great way to begin your journey, and is always recommended by other practitioners. That way, if you accidentally step too deep too early, you're already equipped with the information, tools, and experience you need to look after yourself.
It's easy to get excited and rush through it to what you may truly want to do, however, I suggest practising the following topics until it becomes a habit and you can throw up protections and wards like second nature without any notes. It depends on how much time you can dedicate to this daily and whether there are any reasons you might have to slow down, such as being broom-closeted or having children. I would suggest 1 to 2 years overall for researching all the topics in-depth and practising it until you have at least one method of each nailed down confidently with no doubts in your ability or knowledge - and be honest with yourself on that.
Where to begin with practising witchcraft
♡ Grounding and meditation
♡ Cleansing
♡ Protection
♡ Circle casting
♡ Warding
♡ Enchanting items
° . * • ☆ Where to get information and resources ☆ • * . °
The internet is amazing for allowing people to write their own informational posts, blogs, and to make their own videos. Sometimes a simple google search for what you’re after will bring you loads of results, which is also why reading critically and being able to cross-reference is so important. You can find resources and information anywhere, such as:
♡ Youtube
♡ Tumblr
♡ Websites
♡ Books
> Ebooks, audiobooks, physical books
♡ Podcasts
♡ Pinterest infographics
♡ Discord servers
♡ Amino communities
This is an updated version of my old post https://thewitchinthecloset35.tumblr.com/post/656426177696874496/beginner-witch-friendly-research-points
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foragewitch · 6 months
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smoke cleansing herbs and their properties
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Anatomy of a Spell
This infographic is based on my Anatomy of a Spell post and is based on my own experience with spell work.
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Ofc tumblr butchered the quality but I'll try to find another way to post it so that it's more clear lol.
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eklektikamagika · 5 months
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Nymphaea caerulea.
Mystical Egyptian Blue Lotus Wine: a Potent, Magickal Elixir.
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owl-eyed--witch · 1 year
Hey witchcraft community!
I'm looking for some information on urban witchcraft. I live in the city and I'm looking for ways, tips and tricks to connect with my city and how I can incorporate its magick into my practice. If you have images, infographics, texts, books, etc. please send it my way I would be so so grateful! :)
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catdraiochta · 1 year
sourceless baseless easily spread 'infographics' are the BANE of my existence they've done so much harm to the larger witchcraft community and yet i still see blatantly false famously debunked ones reposted every day when will it end
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grim-wildwood · 6 months
Digital Tools
(For the Witch)
You may be thinking, "Locke, you're devoted to the Old Way. Why are you blogging about technology?"
Well, the truth is: I love technology. It makes my life easier, and when it comes to witchcraft, I have found so many different tools to both boost my academic productivity and help keep my focus.
So, without further ado, here are five free programs that I use to study witchcraft with:
Canva Whiteboard
Google Keep
Live Transcribe
Now, I know that new software can be a bit hard to digest, especially if a witch is inexperienced with technology to begin with. So, let me break down everything for you. I've kept all my information short, snappy, and easy to grasp right away.
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Canva Whiteboard
Visual organization
Customizable templates
Infinite space
Cloud storage
Learning curve
Text limitations
A lot of people use Canva for making lovely little infographics, icons, and wallpapers. What they don't know is that Canva has a whiteboard function that allows their users to play with sticky notes, shapes, stickers, multimedia, graphics, and more. I find this absolutely perfect for making mind maps, keeping sigils, and keeping a visual record of herbs and crystals.
This is great for visual-style learners who like to study with minimal writing.
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Aesthetic layout
Customizable font
Group editing
Tagging system
Cloud storage
Limit of 50 articles for free
You must sign up as a "company" (I say coven!)
Mobile app does not allow note editing
Planable was originally designed for planning professional social media posts. However, it's also fantastic for keeping long-form notes. It has all the writing tools you could possibly need for making in-depth articles, plotting out the content of your grimoire, and hosting live study groups. It can handle any multimedia you throw at it. It also has an app in beta for viewing your notes on the fly.
Great for witches who love hoarding all their knowledge in one cozy spot.
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Google Keep
Customizable note backgrounds
Voice memos
Tagging system
Cloud storage
Only has basic font customization
Images only (no video compatibility)
It's short; it's sweet. Google Keep (or simply Keep) is an ad-free notes app that gets down to the nitty-gritty. It's best for lists, checkboxes, short-form notes, and posting pretty pictures all in between.
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Cute and easy app design
Turns goals into a game
Guided meditiation
Daily affirmations
Recieve uplifting messages from friends
Requires a healthy/newer phone to run
Only available on Google Play Store
Finch is charming, useful, and an anchor all bundled into one. Aimed for self-care, this app is no standard pet simulator. Your finch brings genuine companionship from a place of love, sending you affirmations, inspiring quotes, and offering compassion in hard times. You raise your finch by setting and completing goals for yourself, whether it be for self-care, everyday tasks, magick, or all three. The app also offers guided meditation, emergency panic/anxiety attack regulation, journaling, motivation check-ins, and other various emotional wellbeing activities.
The best way to do magick is with a clear and calm mind. Finch is perfect for facilitating this!
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Live Transcribe
Instant loading time
Transcribes in multiple languages at once
Offline usage
May occasionally mishear you
Doesn't shy away from transcribing vulgar language
If the app is closed, you will lose your previous transcription unless history is turned on
Turn it on and let it work! Live Transcribe takes verbage and turns it into a live and fairly accurate transcript for you to format into notes. I personally love finding short video documentaries on history and witchy how-tos to transcribe.
Great for learning and retaining verbal information for witches who may have an audio processing disorder. It's also good for the humble act of hoarding knowledge.
I hope that you find good use out of these digital tools! Have a lovely rest of your week, and enjoy a breath of fresh organization. 🌿✨️
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2uuno · 4 months
hi! i just saw your post from like a year ago about “progressive people” being assholes to people with visible disabilities and i don’t want to like overshadow the fact that it was about certain disorders or physical disabilities but it is so true.
Like, after covid, everyone was pro-lgbt, a capitalism hater, wearing weird eyeliner, practicing witchcraft, and just having all these feminist and progressive opinions, and you’d see people getting called out for being bigots all the time. And I’m not saying any of these things were bad. But i was having the worst ocd of my life, and god forbid somebody was kind to me about it or asked how i was doing. i was getting called crazy, stared at wide-eyed, and was just getting punished over and over for exhibiting symptoms, by these same people who were apparently so progressive? who posted infographics about anxiety and depression?
my friends never asked how i was doing, nothing. this also goes for my eating disorder, because they’ve been demonized (i mean, the disorder is horrible, but the person who has it isn’t) so much that anyone who exhibits symptoms is seen as harmful and evil. like only the people who might be triggered are deserving of care, and the people literally going through it are somehow perfectly capable of stopping and just choosing to be triggering or to be in such a position. (even if somebody is “proud of it” that person is still ill! Anorexia causes a distorted view of reality, that’s literally one of the main symptoms!)
i genuinely can’t even begin to explain the level of abuse i underwent because of these two disorders during that time, by people who would post about mental health and go to pride parades! i was getting yelled at all the time, and i was constantly treated like a burden, like i was deciding to inconvenience them, or to trigger our friend who’d had an ed just because i didn’t want to eat, and nobody ever tried to support me instead! that’s the thing that bothered me the most. I just kept getting called out, scolded, reproached, and my symptoms would often get paraded around like i was some circus freak (i used to wash my hands a lot and people would just go around laughing and recounting about it (i didn’t mind jokes being made but without the lack of any support or attention to how i was doing it just seemed wrong))
sorry for the rant but i’m still so furious about it, and so sad for the me of the time who felt like she was deserving of the way she was being treated. if they’d been outright assholes that would’ve been at least coherent. But you can’t call out people for body-shaming, or being homophobic, or being triggering to people who used to have an ed, and then be angry and annoyed at people because they exhibit clear symptoms of mental distress.
YES. yeah it's. really good to hear someone else gets what i mean. i really don't like how i phrased that post, but it's still really important to me
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