thenuministry · 2 years
Remembrance: A Personal Short Story
Responding to impulse and taste buds, I jumped out of my wooden chair.
‘I’m getting a piece of cheescake, you want anything?’
Intrigued, my best friend looks up at me.
With his eyes, he takes a visual stroll over the display of cakes and sandwiches.
He caresses the stack of books we’ve collected in the last 45 minutes.
The stack representing our subconscious attempt to recreate early adulthood passions and excitement for llewellyn books back before we knew a thing or two.
His eyes dart between his left and right shoulders before he looks back at me.
‘No, I’m good. Actually….maybe…a tea?’
Knowing our favorite tea, a hot cinnamon sunset by Harney and Sons with a dash of cinnamon and two table spoons of honey, I feel a smirk come upon my face.
I chuckle and put on my best rendition of the flirt.
‘Ochun in a cup!?’
He mirrors my expression and oozes over the stack of books as if Harney and his sons had materialized into a seductive and charismatic cult organization. 
Demonstrating his desire; he vocalizes the sound of his approaching pleasure.
‘Ochuuuun in a cuuuup!’
I roll my eyes, and nod my head while laughing under my breathe.
He’s always like this.
As I walk towards the cafe, I am aware of my body and the deprecating dialogue I can’t seem to ever escape.
At least, the weather understands me.
It knows how I feel about myself. It knows how others feel about me. 
This weather and I, had a thing or two in common.
We were both depressed, uncomfortable, and riding on the possibility of explosive expression. Our dark secret being that we both felt like an inconvenience, as opposed to the love and welcome that a bright and sunny day receives.
I am, somehow; always off kilter.
Especially, when it comes to the weather. 
I tend to embrace whatever comes at me never checking the stats and going with what is happening moment to moment.
Right now, what is, is that its starting to rain. Everyone resents the rain despite preparing for it. And I, resent their resentment.
Also, I fucking haaaate umbrellas.
Especially, on New York streets.
The baristas voice makes its way into my ears, separating me from the allure of my personal Hell. I turn my gaze away from the glass panels that cover this particular Barnes and Noble and look back at the barista.
‘I’m sorry, I’m always in a daydream.’ I say this as if she were somehow exposed to my inner world of doom, gloom, and shame. 
The barista shrugs her shoulders, and smiles to be polite.
Again, I am casually disassociating and caught in the moment; completely missing her outstretched arm with my best friends tea in her hand.
She just wants to get back to her washcloth.
Embarrassed at my inability to stay present, I open my mouth suggesting a brief smile of gratitude, quickly taking my cake and tea with me.
My best friend is buried in two books at once, absorbing information as he always does. With admiration, I continue to walk towards our table feeling my appreciation for his capacity to hold so much information and his hunger for continued study and knowledge.
I will never know why I am his friend.
I don’t know why he likes me or keeps me around.
I’m pretty ann-
‘Ochun in a cup…yaaaas!’ He says as his voice squeeks in excitement.
I feel his joy cover me, breaking me free of my intrusive, cycling thoughts. 
I place the tea in front of him and then situate my cake, sizing it up to see where I am going to start while wondering if I am going to like it. 
$7 pieces of cheesecake are usually a hit or miss for me. 
My bestie breaks my focus.
‘You know Padrino wants us to stop by for thanksgiving. Do you think you want to come with?’. 
Here go my feelings again, a fucking ouija board without a planchette. 
A part of me desires to connect with my spiritual godparents, another part of me feels resentment at their selective care for  certain godchildren, and another part of me just feels guilty about feeling any and all of this.
As I search myself, I hear my best friend closing his books. He slides his hand into the center of our table.
‘You don’t have to, but if you want to go, you’ll be with me.’
I feel my discomfort stirring and beginning to pour out of my cells. My scent gives me away; an aroma reminiscent of basil and thyme-of love and bitterness.
I sigh.
‘Yea, I know. I feel like I call too much attention and I dont want to be in a room with people who seem to be unsure about me.
Not seem. Are unsure about me.
My best friend raises his finger to his lips.
‘No, I don’t think they are unsure about you. I think they love you. They think you are to yourself, but they don’t think anything of it. You’re a classic child of Centella.’
Centella Ndoki, what Paleros call the ‘lesser spirits’ of afro cuban necromancy and to whom I am initiated. 
The Storm Spirit, Queen of the Dead, the Witch of all Witches.
‘What are you thinking about?’ 
I notice his hand is in front of me, again gauging my attention.
I can no longer contain my frustration.
I let go.
‘I don’t get any of this and I don’t feel like I am learning anything I’m supposed to. I am mostly there because of you. If it weren’t for you, they would not give me, Tania, or Marco the time of day but yet they always ‘need’ us. That’s not a blame, I just question the validity of all of this and my place within it. I am questioning my place in life, period.’
My demons begin to remind me of how much of a mess I am, how selfish I am to have said what I said and to assume I deserved anything. 
They continue to tempt me back into my comfortable hatred and anger towards my family which just so happens to be connected to my rage for being born.
I can’t even take my own life and end this; because, God….
This spiral makes me feel displaced, wrong, and stupid simply for fucking breathing.
I am nothing like them and even when i try to be like them, it still isn’t enough.
The fires in me are rising to an uncomfortable peak-
Barnes and noble fades away into the blackhole that is my mind, my thoughts are then swallowed up by silence.
This experience is like witnessing some sort of cosmic food chain.
For a moment, it is just me and my best friend in what feels like a bubble made up of soft clouds.
I turn to look at my best friend.
I wonder if he feels what I feel.
The shift in pressure. 
The quiet.
What just happened?
I watch as my best friends pupils dilate.
He inhales, his lips slowly parting.
Curious and concerned, I lean in.
‘What, whats happening?’
‘You are a lot like Centella…’
My best friend looks at me as if he is looking past me and at me at the same time. 
He continues.
‘It makes sense why She chose you. You are dark, mysterious, hard to put a finger on. People can go crazy and obsessed if they spend too long trying to figure you out. People can feel this…and they are scared because they don’t know what it is.
Like you, she is very misunderstood and understood at the same time. It’s hard to explain.’
He bites his nail briefly, its clear he is deciphering some sort of code or message like he does when he is devouring books.
‘Most people can’t reach you because most people are not supposed to. They can’t until they are ready.’
He turns his head, I am assuming to receive more information.
My disappointment threatening the silence between us.
I want to be understood.
I want to be seen.
Wtf God!
‘Yoooooooo.’ He gasps as his hands wave with the zeal of a cartoon bird; his body communicates wildly in the ecstasy of revelation.
‘You are like chaos itself. Sasha…You have no idea what is coming for you. You have no idea who you really are. Sasha…
You have to get to know Centella better. Forget about our godparents, this is where She wants you. Shewants to teach you Herself. You are right to stay to yourself. Keep doing what you are doing, let hershow you.’
We hold each others gaze for a moment, though his looks more dazed and mine confused.
‘Sasha, its so beautiful.’
He looks away, clearly still ruminating on what he had seen.
Time slows down some more before it seems to snap back in place. 
My best friend resumes his study while I stare at my cake like The Oracle would jump out and tell me what just happened in this matrix.
I don’t feel beautiful.
Maybe, he was just trying to make me feel better. He is my best friend.
I cut into my cake with my fork curious and secretly grateful that I had something else to engage my mind with.
I can’t deny that something about what he said feels true.
I can’t put my finger on it.
I just know it’s important.
What is wrong with me?
One day, I will remember.
-Original story experienced in 2012
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amieravenson · 11 months
What is the Witch Wound? (And ways to combat it.)
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So I didn't hear anything about the witch wound until a few years ago. And then, suddenly, I started hearing it everywhere. Have you been wondering, like me, what it is and where the term came from? You're in luck! We're going to go into it here. The witch wound is given to women by society, by our parents, and by ourselves, and it makes us fear our own power. When our parents tell us to quiet down or behave like a lady, they're feeding the witch wound. When society tells us that our main value is in our sexuality or our ability to birth and nurture babies, it's feeding the witch wound. When the patriarchy devalues women, it feeds the witch wound. When anything at all disempowers women and teaches them not to trust their own inherent strengths and abilities, it feeds the witch wound. But what can we do about it? I have some ideas. - Find your voice. Do whatever it takes. Do you like to write? Do you like to speak into a microphone? Do you like to sing or dance? Find a way to express yourself and never look back! - Practice good self-talk habits. Anytime you say something bad about yourself, correct yourself and then praise yourself. (This is a tough one for me, as I tend towards negative self-talk when I'm stressed or angry.) - Get involved in a cause you care about. Lend your talents to something that matters. Pet welfare and adoption, anti-racism causes, housing inequities, income inequities, political movements, there's so much out there to choose from, and there are so many organizations that can use your power! - Set good boundaries and maintain them. Find the people that feed your strength, and keep them close. Find the people that drain you and keep them at arm's length. Never let anyone keep you down! - Practice good self-care. You've heard the phrase 'you can't pour from an empty cup', right? It's completely true. Feed yourself well, give yourself plenty of rest, get some pampering in when you need it. Keep yourself strong and powerful! Now this is me, so you didn't think you would get away from this post without a list of rocks, right? Not possible. So here's a list of stones that will help keep you feeling empowered and strong. Carry them with you to remember that you have all the power in your life! - Agate brings strength, self-acceptance, and self-confidence. Helps you speak your truth. Courage in overcoming emotional trauma. - Moss agate strengthens self-esteem. Helps you expand your personal space and growth. - Aragonite helps provide strength and support, and helps you feel comfortable and well in your own body. - Chrysoberyl helps strengthen self-worth and releases outworn energy patterns. - Calcite enhances trust in oneself and the ability to overcome setbacks. - Red Chalcedony helps find your strength and persistence in reaching goals. - Chrysocolla invokes inner strength. - Fuchsite gives the strength to avoid conflict, instead choosing inner-wellness. - Garnet brings strength and stamina. Supports taking time for yourself. - Iron Pyrite helps women overcome servitude mindsets and inferiority complexes. - Red Jasper strengthens boundaries. - Kunzite encourages self-expression. - Labradorite strengthens faith in oneself. Imparts strength and perseverance. - Obsidian strengthens in times of need (especially for highly sensitive people.) - Mahogany Obsidian also gives strength in times of need, but also helps you eliminate energy blockages and stimulates growth on all levels. - Onyx gives strength and helps promote vigor, steadfastness, and stamina. Helps you be the mistress of your own destiny. - Pietersite helps you walk in your own truth. Helps you process suppressed feelings. - Rhyolite brings awareness of one's own strength. - Sardonyx is a stone of strength and protection. Supplements willpower. - Spinel for physical vitality and strength. - Turquoise is a strengthening stone, helping you to release self-martyrdom and self-sabotage. - Zincite helps you find your own strength. (All stone information is found in Judy Hall's The Crystal Bible.) What do you do to combat the witch wound in your everyday life? Let me know in the comments. Blessed be! Read the full article
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magdalene-spirit · 2 years
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Men under Patriarchy accuse women of— Too much feeling— Too much instinct— Too much sensitivity— Too much emotionality— Both fearing & rejecting the inner realms— They ask—Why do we hate the women so? Where does this anger & belittling of women come from? Why can’t we stand the women crying? Why can’t we stand the noise of women? When they enter the realms of their feeling & knowing!
The wound is Ancient indeed & has many facets. The knowing power or witch power of women infuriates the men— Who are trying to build the New World based on rational thinking! For crying out loud ! Stop all the noise! Of community living & children & food making & ecstatic states!
Dear Men— Place your hand on your heart & enter the silence of being— Allow the women to be as they are— From the heart you shall understand the emptying out of women’s pain. Your shall see her need for love.
Dear Women— Place your hand on your heart & enter the silence of being— Allow the men to be as they are— From the heart you shall understand the cause of man’s violence. You shall see his need for love.
Dear Men & Women— Enter the silence of being— Here you shall have the capacity to hold your own energy in the embrace of Consciousnesses-Love.
Image of man and women: https://chetvergvecher.livejournal.com/843770.html Dean Cornwell-От http://tierradentro.tumblr.com/
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witchcraftmagazine · 2 years
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Read all about Witch Wounds ✨ go to our story and click the link 👉 https://www.magicalrecipesonline.com/2022/05/signs-you-have-witch-wounds.html #witches #witchcraft #wicca #witchwounds #witchesofinstagram #magickwitch #magicalrecipesonline https://www.instagram.com/p/ClwceYPMVtv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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healingthrutarot · 11 months
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Here is the Healing the Witch Wound Spread I created for listeners based on the episode content for Healing Thru Tarot Podcast Ep. 49 Healing the Witch Wound + Review of the Oracle of the Witch: Reclaim Your Birthright Deck
In this episode, I discuss healing the witch wound and review the Oracle of the Witch: Reclaim Your Birthright deck and Spells: A Little Deck of Enchantments both by Rockpool Publishing. I also share a 9-card spread to help heal the witch wound.
Now available on apple podcasts, google podcasts, spotify, pandora, amazon music, audible, pocket casts, goodpods and more.
Pin this spread on pinterest here
Happy card slinging!
#htthealingthewitchwoundspread #healingthrutarotpodcast #healingthrutarot #tarot #tarotpodcast #tarotpodcasts #tarotpodcasters #podcastersofinstagram #tarotblog #tarotreading #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotreaders #tarotreadingcommunity #divination #divinationcommunity #oracle #oraclereadersofinstagram #newpodcast #podcast #tarotnewbie #learningtarot #tarotlessons #tarotspread #oracleofthewitchdeck #rockpoolpublishing #spellsslittledeckofenchantments #deckreview #healingthewitchwound #witchwound
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Old rituals swirling back up. And I wanted to forgive you for it all. But I am a witch, burned too many times before. I breathe fire now, darling. Fucking flames, watching flesh melt like that scene from Indiana Jones. KALI MA! You could call me. I was burned at the stake, flesh boiling while men and 3D women watch cackling, and they called ME the witch, the demon. Fuck. Now I spit fire because I was born in it. Running through a burning house at age seven I saw death looking back at me, and I swear I stretched my arm out for her to capture, but she ignored the look in those green eyes. Keeping me here. For how long I wonder? Please. Not too much longer. 
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suzicrockford-blog · 6 years
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New blog post - Unweaving The Witch Wound.... it was never only about burning women, or even about killing witches. The Witch Wound is present in all of us, and in order to heal from it we must activate and integrate both the feminine and the masculine. https://bit.ly/2oeQr2Y #witchwound #reciprocity #sacredfeminine #sacredmasculine #healing #blog #blogmonday
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kayleighmarieee · 6 years
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M Y W O M B S P E A K S my sweet dear, you are not alone for I am always with you i am always giving you strength, and you my dear are a warrior, a warrior in every sense of the word, you are not alone, for I will always support you, and nourish you back to health. the deep wounds of our past, are behind you, for you are anew. for you are rising above, so look up, my love there's a bright purpose in front of you. - - - - - written by me - - - - - Happy 25th Birthday to me. I am truly leveling up. Yesterday was an ending of abandonment for me. I am not abandoned, I am not lost. I am truly on a path of alignment. I am in ultimate manifestation mode, so watch out world, because I'm yearning for all you are going to bring me and I surrender and accept it. - - - Storytime: so yesterday I felt empowered, empowered in knowing that I am strong. I am overcoming so much and I am so supported by myself and the beautiful universe around me. So onward, I ended up having 8 tarot cards fall out of my bag as I was cleaning up from my workshop last night. And when I dug through my bag, I noticed there was no way this was possible for them to leap out like that. But this is divine detours, this is not chance. And as an oracle myself, I knew there was significance. So I read the cards, and man was this powerful. Divine endings are continuing, and I am moving through a period of emotions that I need to let go of and release. But also, there is significance behind the number 8, manifestation...and not only did I manifest those cards but I manifested much more this week. Wealth, pure wealth in myself...not physical wealth but a wealth of happiness. An overflowing of gratitude. And I'm so blessed. So blessed. My inner child is so happy right now😍 - - - Thank you to all of you that sent me birthday wishes already, today is truly radiant and I'm blessed to have you all in my life. That is a birthday present within itself❤️ Have a beautiful day, I love you all. #poem #poet #happybirthday #25 #oldlady #warrior #radiant #tarot #tribal #womb #connected #connection #cycle #strength #freeflow #poetry #witchwound #wound #neveralone #lonewolf https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu6rQAKlslF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vtbshvanf26g
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healingthrutarot · 11 months
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Healing Thru Tarot Podcast Ep. 49 Healing the Witch Wound + Review of the Oracle of the Witch: Reclaim Your Birthright Deck
In this episode, I discuss healing the witch wound and review the Oracle of the Witch: Reclaim Your Birthright deck and Spells: A Little Deck of Enchantments both by Rockpool Publishing. I also share a 9 card spread to help heal the witch wound. Link to Ep 49 below
Now available on apple podcasts, google podcasts, spotify, pandora, amazon music, audible, pocket casts, goodpods and more.
Happy card slinging!
@rockpoolpublishing @flaviakatepeters
#htthealingthewitchwoundspread #healingthrutarotpodcast #healingthrutarot #tarot #tarotpodcast #tarotpodcasts #tarotpodcasters #podcastersofinstagram #tarotblog #tarotreading #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotreaders #tarotreadingcommunity #divination #divinationcommunity #oracle #oraclereadersofinstagram #newpodcast #podcast #tarotnewbie #learningtarot #tarotlessons #tarotspread #oracleofthewitchdeck #rockpoolpublishing #spellsslittledeckofenchantments #deckreview #healingthewitchwound #witchwound #flaviakatepeters
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witchcraftmagazine · 2 years
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Your Spirit may holds secrets from your past. Do you suffer from Witch Wounds? PASS IT ON ✅ https://www.magicalrecipesonline.com/2022/05/signs-you-have-witch-wounds.html #witchwound #witches #witchcraft https://www.instagram.com/p/CicIuPoMQE-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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witchcraftmagazine · 2 years
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Do you have #WitchWounds ? 5 Signs 👉 https://www.magicalrecipesonline.com/2022/05/signs-you-have-witch-wounds.html #magicalrecipesonline https://www.instagram.com/p/ChO8HaqMSTr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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