#with Varda and Melian and Galadriel
afanofmanyhats · 4 months
One of my favorite things about Tolkien's writing is that he has a very specific, recurring trope. For lack of a better term, I'm dubbing this the Tolkien Wife-Guy.
This is mainly obvious in the Silmarillion, but Tolkien loves to write couples where the man is a notable individual- nobility, commits a great deed, or both- but the wife is at least equally notable, if not more beloved or powerful. Manwe is the king of the Valar and Eru's main representative in Arda? Everyone loves Varda more, and Melkor fears her more than his own brother. Elu Thingol is the king of the Silvan Elves? His wife is Melian, whose Girdle is the magic that keeps Morgoth's forces at bay. Beren is a chief among the Edain, who befriends animals and survives one of the most nightmarish places in Beleriand? His wife is Luthien.
Even in Lord of the Rings we see this occur, though the couples are on more even footing. Tom Bombadil is... Tom Bombadil, but Goldberry is the River-daughter, and Tom adores her above everything else, and the hobbits are completely taken in with her when she's their host. Similarly, while Celeborn is a mighty lord among Elves, Galadriel is one of the only Noldor in Middle-earth who saw the Two Trees, and her hair inspired Feanor to make the Silmarils, not to mention her own accomplishments in the war against Morgoth. Aragorn is the king of Gondor and Arnor, but Arwen is the Evenstar of the Elves, the descendant of three(?) different royal Elven lines. And Faramir becomes the Steward of Gondor and is one of the noblest men alive, but Eowyn killed the Witch-king, so you know. She got the grander moment for the saga.
But with (most) of these couples, we never get the impression that the man views his wife as Less-Than, or as a junior partner. Thingol is the main exception to this in how he dismisses Melian's counsel, and that's made out to be his foolishness within the text. Otherwise, Manwe treats Varda as his co-ruler, Beren never tries to downplay Luthien's achievements, and I'm pretty sure most of Tom Bombadil's dialogue is about how gorgeous Goldberry is. It's really sweet.
All of these examples really testify to how much Tolkien loved his wife. People rightly point to Beren and Luthien as the prime example of that, but I think you can find it in these other couples too. Even though Edith is mainly known to history as Mrs. Tolkien, it's evident to me that Jirt saw her as a whole person worthy of admiration outside of being his wife.
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velvet4510 · 3 months
Share your ideal Emma Stone Tolkien role in notes. :)
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thesummerestsolstice · 3 months
I like the idea that the Valar can grant boons to men or elves they favor. Sometimes visible– glowing markings, feathers, claws– and sometimes not. Attitudes of these blessings ranged from fear to reverence to jealousy, often reflecting opinions of the Valar more generally.
Galadriel's special treelight hair came from Finarfin. Finarfin got it as a result of Manwe's favor. Given how rare it was for Manwe to bestow such gifts, this caused quite a stir. Later, Morgoth would spread rumors that Manwe was trying to set Finarfin up as the new Noldor crown prince, bypassing Finwe's older children.
Namo gave Fingolfin a blessing, and no one was particularly sure why, Fingolfin included. The truth was that Namo had already foreseen Fingolfin's death, and wanted to give him the strength to let him wound Morgoth before falling to him. Namo has always felt a sense of responsibility for those who choose to come to his halls, even if he's powerless to change their fates.
Celegorm was blessed by Orome, given the kind of teeth and claws that a few of his best disciples had been granted over the years. Orome couldn't take those gifts back, so Celegorm kept them for all his life. You wouldn't know that looking at paintings of him, though, because none of them show him with the marks of Orome's hunt. Whether this was a choice made by him or by later revisionists trying to minimize his connection with the Valar is unknown.
Varda gave blessings to both Earendil and Gil-Galad in the final years of the First Age. Both of them are said to have shone like stars afterwards, and there were some darker rumors that like the hallowed Silmarils, they would burn any unholy flesh that touched them. Some speculated that the blessings were Varda's way of apologizing for leaving the elves to face Morgoth alone for so long.
Ulmo is probably the Vala who's given out the most blessings– Cirdan, Turgon, Finrod, and Tuor all recieved boons from him, among others. But everyone who's gotten blessings from Ulmo is weirdly secretive about it. There's lots of gossip floating around– Ulmo is the reason Cirdan has a beard, Ulmo is the reason Turgon is taller than Maedhros, Ulmo is the reason that everyone likes Finrod so much, actually everyone blessed by Ulmo gets gills and he has secret underwater meetings with them– you get the idea. Well, probably no reason to consider that last one. I can't imagine any of the Valar using their power for something that foolish.
There is fierce scholarly debate on whether Thingol received a blessing from Melian, and whether her descendants could, theoretically, do the same. Elrond would like everyone to please stop asking him about it. Elrond would also like everyone to please stop talking about Gil-Galad's hair turning silver after the two of them took a very normal hunting trip together.
(Multiple Valar have tried to take credit for just how amazingly luscious and wonderful Finwe's hair is. But no, that wasn't a blessing. He's just like that.)
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newscroll · 3 days
In the lotr books, many female characters don't have much agency outside of men or are objectified, but as a woman I appreciate how femininity is portrayed in Middle Earth. Middle Earth is mostly patriarchal and famous warriors get the spotlight a lot and there aren't nearly enough women characters, but the narrative never implies there's something wrong with being gentle or "emotionally sensitive" in a traditionally feminine way. A lot of media that tries to be feminist can't say that.
The power of feminine characters tends to be less forceful, yes, but not less powerful (think Luthien facing Morgoth). In fact, I think women are portrayed more favorably than their male warrior counterparts for creating things (Yavanna, Varda), bringing growth or healing (Este, Nienna), or protecting (Melian's girdle, Galadriel's Lothlorien). The male characters rewarded most by the narrative are ones that show these "feminine" qualities, and those that disrespect them are rebuked.
As for the women in the main books, all are shining symbols of hope/strength to those around them. Their beauty is mentioned a lot, and there's some objectification there, especially with Arwen and Goldberry, but with the beauty power and wisdom.
(Side note: Most powerful, good things in Middle Earth are also beautiful in one way or another. Even Gandalf with the bushy eyebrows past the brim of his hat is described: "his long white hair, his sweeping silver beard, and his broad shoulders, made him look like some wise king of ancient legend. In his aged face under great snowy brows his dark eyes were set like coals that could leap suddenly into fire." i didn't realize Gandalf was like that but ok)
Anyway, Galadriel and Eowyn especially are powerful in the forceful way, but they learn not to covet power. They're given opportunities to join in the cycle of violence and struggle as martial figures and both turn from that path. Rejecting violent power to be wise and compassionate is an honorable thing in lotr, even if the characters and societies that make up Middle Earth often fail to realize it.
Summary: there are issues with how Tolkien wrote women but he made them out of wisdom and kindness and gentleness and understood the value of those attributes. Misogynists don't respect things that are "traditionally feminine", and the most praised attributes in the narrative of lotr are a "feminine" kind of bravery and honor, which perseveres and remains compassionate in the face of war and the temptation of power.
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spinningalbinoturtle · 11 months
Lotr characters and their dogs (and other pets)
Canonically not a dog person but also just has cat person vibes
He has two cats one of them is a chubby gray kitty named Luthien and she is incredibly spoiled. A birthday present from Bilbo
His other cat is a stray who hates everyone but Frodo- its super scrangly and Sam calls it Gollum and it stuck
After the Quest Frodo gets a little beagle service dog that helps him with PTSD and other medical stuff
Pre Quest had an old basset hound named Fingon. His dad said they didn’t have room for it but Sam insisted on feeding it and when he moved in with Frodo it came along.
Post quest he has a border collie named Ellie (short for Galadriel) who helps him replant the shire
He also keeps chickens at Bag End and spoils them a bit. They are just for eggs
Also has a little dairy cow for fresh milk. Her name is Bell after his mom
The Brandybucks have a pack of mastiffs and they love Merry. Frodo is terrified of them
They also have several feral maine coones that lounge around their manor and also love Merry but hate everyone else
Has a full size horse post quest which he is very proud of and scares the other hobbits. Its name is Theoden
Lets be honest with ourselves Pippin has a lab who has the exact same personality as him and they go everywhere together. Its name is something really basic like Buddy
He also keeps turtles and has a whole menagerie for them. They’re all named after different foods
Aragorn has a husky/malamute that he found on his travels north. He howls back and forth with it and is convinced he can understand it. When he becomes king it sits at the foot of his throne and occasionally will randomly howl in the middle of a meeting.
Horse girl all the way. Brego is his bestie. Man takes excellent care of his horse and buys all kinds of extraneous shit for it.
Denethor has a pack of vicious looking dogs but Boromir has a Dalmatian that loves him so much
Faramir adopts it for a while after Boromir dies but Faramir is much more of a cat person, so ultimately its adopted by Aragorn and becomes mates with his husky. The puppies go to his and Arwens kids
This could go one of two ways-either he has a super graceful hunting dog like a greyhound or whippet or he has a little pomeranian he dresses up and treats like a baby
He has tried to domesticate the spiders with little success maybe because he’s also killed a lot of them
Gimli is a terrier person. He has a little Scottish terrier who sits on his lap all the time when he’s working. Gimli made it a little sweater and it hates Legolas (its jealous of Legolas stealing Gimli’s attention).
He also keeps canaries and they are very well cared for and all have names and he’s the only one who can tell them apart
Has a massive Rottweiler who is super intimidating to everyone except Eowyn. It has bitten Grima multiple times. Around Eowyn it acts like a little puppy.
She also loves her horse as all Rohirrim do.
I could also see her as raising ferrets or chinchilas as well
Firmly a cat person
Doesn’t mind dogs but vastly prefers cats
Has six of them and they’re all rescues. Their names are : Mithrandir, Radagast, Varda, Melian, Beren, and Pippin.
Eowyn indulges her crazy cat husband even when their house is overrun with kittens
Also firmly a cat person
She’s fine Aragorn’s dog but that’s just cause its well trained
Usually just has one or two cats at a time. They’re a special breed from Lothlorien and they’re really beautiful. They like to sit on her lap and purr. They’re also vicious mousers.
Has a big great dane who hangs out in Edoras. Its super sweet and dorky. Everyone loves it.
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eri-pl · 24 days
Melian saw the darkness in Thingol's eyes and married him anyway
Long, chaotic stream of thought below cut (no, nobody owes anybody a relationship)
I'm not saying Idril should have married Maeglin, or whatever. I'm perfectly fine with "Idril didn't want to date Maeglin because she was not into it, and/or he was her cousin and whatever". She had every right not to. Same as everyone.
I'm just saying "saw the darkness in his eyes" is a very weird way of phrasing it. Especially when we look at the three cases of "darkness in eyes" (all essentially fatal):
Melkor (seen by Varda, in the context of romantic rejection)
Feanor (seen by Galadriel in the context of I have no idea) (also I'm sure Nerdanel wasn't blind either. But, as I said, "darkness in eyes" is not a good reason to not get in a relationship, not by itself. "I can't handle this darkness" is a good reason. Nerdanel could handle a lot)
Maeglin (seen by Idril, in the context of romantic rejection)
What do those three have in common?
One of the interpretations (not the one where Thingol easily fits however) is "they're great, best they can, but still not good enough":
Melkor is the most Vala, but he was also the first Vala and he "grew up" being the only finite being he new. and he hated it, he despised himself for being less (it is clear to me from the description of his obsessio with the Flame etc)
Feanor was the most Elf to even elf, but also Finwe wanted more kids, so obviously Feanor got the message that he wasn't enough.
Maeglin was brilliant, and an only child, but also his father was the super-stern, avoidant-attachment tangle of cold trauma that was Eol. I'm sure he got a consistent message of "you aren't enough".
So, there's this inherent not-enoughness. (How is this a reason to not date someone??? I mean, sure, it results in behaviors and problems, but really, really, we could phrase those rejections differently.)
(Or maybe it was "she saw he's going to be evil" but I hate this concept, it rubs wrong with free will to me)
Am I bashing Tolkien? Not really. You know, what vibe I get from those darknesses? CSL's relationship to Susan. You know, "the character he obviously hated". The character he based most on himself.
"Saw the darkness in his eyes" (and hated him for it) really feels like the author looking at himself. So of course I'm not going to bash him, he bashed himself too much already.
So what was that part about Thingol? Just a click-bait?
Melian was an Ainu. Thingol was an Incarnate,. In a world where the very existence of incarnates is a result of the discord, a result (or at least everyone believes so) of evil. of course he would have tons of darkness in his eyes! His very existence is something that shouldn't be if everything went well!
(BTW Feanor "killed" his mother and Maeglin was a child of a marriage that was terrible and not even a valid marriage tbh. they both have very much of the "their existence is the result of some evil" syndrome)
And I'm not saying Melian owed Thingol to marry him. No, she did not. But she saw the opportunity and she chose to and that's passing awesome.
(And then the same motif with Luthien and Beren who was a Men and as we all know, Men are problematic, even compared to Elves.)
And I know this started from Tolkien's wife, but still, the fact that it's always this gender setup... It's interesting in many ways.
I'm not even saying that Idril owed Maeglin (or any other sombination of those) a friendship, or a therapy. No. She set her bounduaries and it was a good thing to do, you need to know your limits and needs and all that.
But when someone can afford it, can afford to look at the darkness, and go forward anyway... it's passing awesome.
Also, going back from metaphysics into attachment styles and relationships and marrying a sad person... One day the darkness will be too much to handle. Not for B&L who lived a short life, but Thingol often ignored Melian, and Feanor and Nerdanel even separated.
But it is normal. And it doesn't make the relationship wrong.
You can handle only a finite amount of someone else's emotions (if you choose to handle them at all, which, again, you are not obliged to) and the point of it is for them to grow and learn to not need your help anymore. It is difficult and doesn't always work and it is normal. It is human.
My point is than it is better to support someone for as long as you are able to without herming yourself and then let them handle it on their own, than to not support someone at all. But again, sometimes "as much as you can afford" is zero, and it is ok. It is ok to not interact with difficult people.
Just please, don't say "I saw a darkness in his eyes". Say "I cannot handle this" or "I have other emotional commitments", or "I need my strength elsewhere" or "I need time and peace to heal" or something like that. It is about your rights, not their wrongs.
You don't owe anyone a relationship, friendship, or anything. But nobody is inherently undeserving of relationship or friendship, or fully incapable of it (some people need more help than others though).
ps: "passing" is a term I borrowed from "le Morte d'Arthur" and it means something like "exceeding expectations". I like it.
And, leaving the theme of romance, I could probably write another long post about how the opposite of "darkness in his eyes" is the light of the Trees in eyes of the Elves (except: Feanor had both) and why I'm not as big a fan of the trees as everyone in the canon (they were a good thing, but not as absolute as everyone paints it) and what Valinor was and what it was not and how the very existence of Valinor is the essence of "you have darkness in your eyes, you can't play with us" attitude but also my expectations are way too high and it's easy to complain in hindsight
Maybe one day I will post something more coherent about it.
Just... let's end this on saying that seeing the darkness, and calling your beloved beautiful and getting married anyway—
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edennill · 7 months
rarely thought about and/or undescribed in canon (gen) relationships I live for:
Celebrian & Finrod
Glorfindel & Galadriel
Finrod & Beleg
Fëanor & Varda (I read someone posit once that given Fëanor's obsession with light, he must have spent some time around her once and !!)
Aldarion & Gil-Galad
Elwing & Melian (post-canon, not that few-month span of time when Elwing was a baby and Thingol was still alive)
Beren & Hiril (why does no one ever notice Beren had a sister?? yes, it's in HoME but so's a lot of other stuff)
Celebrimbor & Fëanor
Finrod & Luthien
but I'm not sure if they count as that rare.
Probably will think up of more as soon as I post this but...
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cilil · 8 months
cílil's sweet & spicy bingo
Here's an overview of my progress for the FOTFics sweet & spicy bingo!
The tldr: I'll try to include the themes on the squares in my current projects. Alternatively they can be attached to requests. For more information on current requests and details, please refer to this post.
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‪‪♡ Flowers: Winter prompts, Melkor x Mairon
♡ Meet-violent (free space): Winter prompts, Thuringwethil x Lúthien
♡ Hand holding: Winter prompts, Nerdanel x Nienna
♡ Lace: Winter prompts, Vairë x Míriel
♡ Love at first sight: Winter prompts, Melian x Arien
♡ Love letter: Winter prompts, Tauriel x Arwen
♡ Soulmate: Winter prompts, Míriel x Indis
♡ Romantic dinner: Winter prompts, Nerdanel x Anairë
♡ Secret admirer: Femslash February, Galadriel x Melian
♡ First kiss: Femslash February, Nerdanel x Indis
♡ Sunset: Femslash February, Arwen x Éowyn
♡ Chocolate: Femslash February, Ilmarë x Nilmírëa
♡ Confession: Femslash February, Ncharr (OC) x Tar-Míriel
♡ Dance: Femslash February, f!Glorfindel x Mentelossë (OC)
♡ Stargazing: Femslash February, Varda x Uinen
♡ Moonlit stroll: Femslash February, Lalwen x Haleth
♡ Bubble bath: Femslash February, Varda x Nienna
♡ Candles: Femslash February, Nerdanel x Anairë
♡ Cuddling: Femslash February, Vairë x Míriel
♡ Strawberry: Femslash February, Vána x Nessa
♡ Proposal: Femslash February, f!Melkor x f!Mairon
♡ Blind date: Femslash February, f!Manwë x Indis
♡ Homemade gifts: Femslash February, Uinen x Elwing
♡ Secret relationship: Femslash February, Thuringwethil x Ilmarë
♡ Jewelry: Femslash February, Míriel x Indis
♥︎‬ Double penetration: Dead Dove December, Melkor x Varda
♥︎‬ Scent kink: Femslash February, Lúthien x Thuringwethil
♥︎‬ Outdoor sex: Femslash February, Yavanna x Melian
♥︎‬ Temperature play: Femslash February, Nári (OC) x f!Fëanor
♥︎‬ Praise kink: Dark romance, Arien x Eönwë
♥︎‬ Breeding: Dark romance, Míriel x Finwë x Indis
♥︎‬ Body worship: Dark romance, Írilómë x Amarëa
♥︎‬ Cuck (free space): Dark romance, Eönwë x Arien x Mairon
♥︎‬ Somnophilia: Dark romance, Glorfindel x Ecthelion
♥︎‬ Strip tease: Dark romance, Telimektar x Ingil
♥︎‬ Impact play: Dark romance, Melkor x Mairon x Maedhros
♥︎‬ Blindfolds: Screw Yule, Gothmog x Eönwë
♥︎‬ Size kink: Screw Yule, Mairon x Finrod
♥︎‬ Shibari: Screw Yule, Vairë x Caranthir
♥︎‬ Omegaverse: Screw Yule, Curumo x Aiwendil
♥︎‬ Dirty talk: Screw Yule, Eönwë x Arien x Mairon
♥︎‬ Edging: Screw Yule, Melkor x Mairon x Maedhros
♥︎‬ Lactation kink: Screw Yule, Aulë x Yavanna
♥︎‬ Orgasm control: Screw Yule, Irmo x Fëanor
♥︎‬ Cockwarming: Screw Yule, Ingwë x Manwë x Varda
♥︎‬ Sounding: Screw Yule, Melkor x Fëanor x Gothmog
♥︎‬ Voyeurism: Screw Yule, Maedhros x Fingon x Manwë
♥︎‬ Sex pollen: Screw Yule, Melkor x Sons of Fëanor
♥︎‬ Nipple play: Screw Yule, Ar-Pharazôn x Mairon
♥︎‬ Marking: Screw Yule, Gothmog x Fingon
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Female Character Tolkien Fanfic Appreciation
Canon Female Character (CFC) Original Female Character (OFC) Non-Canon Female Character (N-CFC)
Bells and Drum @hhimring Rated: T OFC(s)
Playing in Gondolin on the feast of Tarnin Austa (no, not that last Tarnin Austa), Salgant remembers a long-ago music lesson in Valinor.
i'll be waiting here till the stars fall out of the sky  @admirablemonster Rated: E OFC(s)
Hemmoril, Maglor's best friend and horsemaster, says a quick goodbye to her wife Gweriel as the Dagor Bragollach looms.
The Marks That Bind Us @polutrope Rated: T OFC
“Lachend,” I called to him, “you stain the waters with the blood of the slain.”
In Ossiriand after Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Celegorm meets the Green-elf he deserves.
Mothers @melestasflight Rated: G CFC
The music of each of her children had been different. Maitimo’s a gentle flame. Shy at first but growing ever steadier, brighter, its warmth spreading to her fingers and feet as if she had eaten a fruit of Laurelin. - After the exile of her children, Nerdanel heals and nurtures a love of a different kind.
A welcome distraction @ettelene  Rated: E CFC
Nerdanel is trying to work, but Fëanor has other ideas.
If Ever She Sang  @sallysavestheday Rated: G CFC
Elwë was not the first Elf Melian drew into Nan Elmoth. He was the first of them to survive. A love story, of sorts.
Of Circles and Cycles @anerea-lantiria Rated: G CFC(s)
A young Andreth comes to live with Adanel...
Women of the House of Finwë @scedasticity Rated: T CFC(s)
My writings for Finwëan Ladies' Week 2022.
Eggshells chestnut_pod Rated: G OFC(s)
A few white-winged terns skimmed the waves in the distance. Linglas watched them swirl, wishing she could peck a fish from the waves with only her beak. Their pale wings scratched at the horizon, growing larger, and larger–
One hungry year after the first fleet of Edain landed on Númenor's shores, still wet with seawater, ships arrive in Rómenna from the west.
Varda's Light Shines In Their Petals @daegred-winsterhand Rated: G CFC
When Nerdanel feels homesick, Fëanor brings her something to cheer her up.
Sisters Elves_Behaving_Badly Rated: E CFC(s)
Amarië, Eldalótë, and Elenwë spend a day at the hot springs where they enjoy wine, philosophical discussions, and one another's bodies.
Hands on your knees, you can braid my hair @curanthir Rated: G N-CFC
Finrod wakes up and thinks about her relationship with her wife
Star Silk @oopsbirdficced Rated: G CFC
Galadriel loves the way Celeborn makes her feel.
Easing the Leaving @maglors-anion-gap Rated: G CFC(s)
The door did not open immediately.  At this time of night, and in these circumstances, Nerdanel had no reason to expect friendly company.  There was not even a window through which Nerdanel might see her.  The scrape of the bolt sliding back did come. Sornafelmë was reminded of Fëanáro then, and how he'd set a peephole into the door of his workshop - as he put it, for determining if his guests merited his attention.  But while Nerdanel's door opened slowly, it did open.  
The answer lies in limbo and the harvest will be hard @quixoticanarchy Rated: G CFC
"If by sky-bound ship Eärendil shall pass again by Middle-earth," said Elwing, "then by sea shall I do the same."
Elwing sails back toward forbidden shores for possible closure and difficult conversations; Innumerable Stars 2021 treat fic.
To die in the light @skyeventide Rated: M OFC(s)
When she pushes herself through a tight hole in the ground, she wonders if perhaps she has not dug herself upside down and, rather than emerging to the surface of the land, she hasn’t instead found the blackest corners of Thangorodrim. * A thrall escapes Angband. This is the journey of what comes after.
Incarnate Pleasures @disasterousexpense Rated: E CFC(s)
Appreciating the diverse and beautiful breasts of the legendarium, through canon and canon-compatible pairings. Ongoing series, fill for silmkinkmeme!
Sic vita est @i-did-not-mean-to Rated: T N-CFC(s)
Based on the lovely art #148 by maglorslostsilmaril (lovely author AND writer!), this is a collection of short stories about the different daughters of Fëanor and the chaos that seems to pursue them obstinately. Beta-ed by the amazing cuarthol (again, excellent author, please go check it out!!!)
It's a series of ludicrous, humorous, and often light-hearted incidents with softer (and sometimes slightly sad) undertones.
We hope that you'll find some pleasure in this; I have taken a few liberties when it came to ages and timelines in order to make all the babies meet and this is far from canon-compliant.
Basically, it's a happier retelling for all the characters, a re-do if you so want, and I truly hope that you'll feel the love and the hope in it.
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Favourite Female Tolkien Character Poll - Round 2 Schedule
Saturday August 19th
Nerdanel vs Lalwen
Haleth vs Adanel
Sunday August 20th
Galadriel vs Idril
Hareth vs Beleth
Monday August 21st
Eärwen vs Elenwë
Emeldir vs Morwen
Tuesday August 22nd
Anairë vs Evranin
Nienor vs Aerin
Wednesday August 23rd
Lúthien vs Elwing
Tar-Ancalimë vs Zamîn
Thursday August 24th
Nellas vs Nimrodel
Tar-Telperien vs Tar-Míriel
Friday August 25th
Beruthiel vs Fíriel
Ioreth vs Gilraen
Éowyn vs Morwen Steelsheen
Saturday August 26th
Varda vs Nienna
Dís vs Melilot Brandybuck
Sunday August 27th
Vairë vs Nessa
Pearl Took vs Diamond of Long Cleeve
Monday August 28th
Uinen vs. Melian
Belladonna Took vs Dora Baggins
Tuesday August 29th
Thuringwethil vs Ungoliant
Rosie Cotton vs Goldilocks Gamgee
Full bracket behind cut
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elronds-library · 2 months
Characters Part 1
This will be added to as the library catalog is expanded.
This list uses primary (most used) and Sindar forms of names only. Texts may be written using the Quenya forms, but that will not be reflected in the tags. People tags are organized by main house affiliation, unless a member of the Secondborn.
Valar and Maiar
Melkor -- Manwe -- Varda -- Ulmo -- Aule -- Yavanna -- Namo -- Vaire -- Irmo -- Este -- Nienna -- Tulkas -- Nessa -- Orome -- Vana
Sauron -- Melian -- Osse -- Uinen -- Arien -- Tilion -- Saruman -- Gandalf -- Thorondor -- Tom Bombadil -- Goldberry -- Huan -- Ilmare -- Eonwe -- Gothmog -- Tevildo
House of Finwe
Finwe -- Miriel -- Indis -- Findis -- Lalwen
House of Feanor
Feanor -- Nerdanel -- Maedhros -- Maglor -- Celegorm -- Caranthir -- Curufin -- Amras -- Amrod -- Celebrimbor -- Mahtan
House of Fingolfin and Those of Gondolin
Fingolfin -- Anaire -- Fingon -- Gil-Galad -- Turgon -- Elenwe -- Aredhel -- Eol -- Argon -- Maeglin -- Idril -- Tuor -- Earendil -- Rog -- Ecthelion -- Glorfindel -- Egalmoth -- Voronwe
House of Finarfin
Finarfin -- Earwen -- Finrod -- Amarie -- Angrod -- Aegnor -- Orodreth -- Gil-Galad-- Finduilas -- Gwindor -- Gelmir -- Galadriel -- Celeborn -- Celebrian
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velvet4510 · 8 months
I just want to say to my fellow female Tolkien fans that we should not feel ashamed for loving these books that are admittedly male-centric.
It’s tempting to call Tolkien a sexist for including so few female characters in his legendarium - and I admit that yes he was not entirely free of sexism - but we must remember that the women he did include are the epitome of girl power and some of the best role models we could ask for: strong and willful and noble and brave, without sacrificing their femininity to prove themselves.
It’s glorious to me how you can flip through the books and see page after page of men doing everything … and then suddenly:
There’s Varda creating the Stars, Sun, and Moon!!
There’s Yavanna saving her trees by inspiring the creation of the Ents!!
There’s Melian making an Elf king forget his own people and then shielding an entire kingdom!!
There’s Lúthien defeating Sauron himself AND Morgoth himself!!!
There’s Idril preventing the complete annihilation of her people by creating the secret path out of Gondolin!!
There’s Galadriel resisting the One Ring!!
There’s Éowyn killing the lord of the Nazgûl!!
There’s Ioreth saving the victims of the Black Breath through her knowledge that the king will be the healer!!
There’s Arwen bridging the gap between Elves and Men as Queen of Gondor!!
There’s 100-year-old Lobelia beating Ruffians with her umbrella and leaving money in her will to help homeless hobbits!!
There’s Rosie raising 13 kids while simultaneously serving the whole Shire as Mistress of Bag End!!
There’s Elanor guarding and preserving the Red Book so that we can read it now!!!
That’s why I just can’t hold too big of a grudge about this. Yes, Tolkien didn’t write female characters too often, and it would’ve been fantastic if there were more. But when he did write them, they were amazing.
And on top of that, his male characters display literally our dream level of healthy masculinity in a man. Frodo, Sam, Aragorn, Faramir, etc. are our wish fulfillment. We have every right to enjoy that.
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dwarrowdelf · 1 year
poor man's tags page
(under construction, in that i am working on both adding tags and on retroactive tagging. character tags, which are under the cut, are especially are a work in progress.)
✵ post content
art / audio / cosplay / fics / funnies meta / misc / movies (gifs, etc) my posts / nsft (rare) / polls / shipping theories/headcanons / video
✵ source media
the hobbit / lord of the rings / film cast / the silmarillion (catchall for all histories/tales) / the rings of power / general legendarium
✵ bonus
long but good prev tags more good content in the notes this goes here
✵ ainur
arien / eönwë / gandalf / manwë / melian / morgoth / námo / nessa / oromë / ossë / sauron (mairon, annatar, etc) / tilion / uinen / ulmo / vána / varda / yavanna
✵ dwarrow
azaghâl / balin / bifur / bofur / bombur / dís / dori / durin / dwalin / fíli / gimli / glóin / kíli / narvi / nori / óin / ori / telchar / thorin
✵ elves A-E
aegnor / amarië / amras / amrod / angrod / anairë / aredhel / argon / beleg / caranthir / celeborn / celebrimbor / celegorm / curufin / eärwen / ecthelion / edrahil / elenwë / eöl
✵ elves F-J
fëanor / finarfin / findis / finduilas / fingolfin / fingon / finrod / finwë / indis / idril / galadriel / gildor / gil-galad / glorfindel / gwindor
✵ elves K-Z
lalwen / legolas / mablung / míriel / maedhros / maeglin / maglor / mahtan / nerdanel / nimloth / orodreth / turgon
✵ hobbits
bilbo / frodo / gollum / merry / pippin / samwise
✵ humans
aragorn / barahir / beren / boromir / éowyn / faramir / haleth / húrin / huor / túrin
✵ peredhil
arwen / dior / eärendil / elladan / elrohir / elrond / elros / eluréd / elurín / elwing / lúthien
✵ misc entities
goldberry / huan / OCs / thuringwethil / tom bombadil /
✵ groupings
the fellowship / hobbits / house of finwë / house of fëanor (and followers) / house of fingolfin / house of finarfin / iathrim / númenoreans / gondolindrim / gondorians / imladrim (people of rivendell) / rohirrim / thorin's company / unnamed wives club
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eldamaranquendi · 4 years
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 Legendarium by https://www.instagram.com/art.of.jen/
1-2.  Thingol & Melian
"Elwe, lord of the Teleri, went often through the great woods to seek out Finwe his friend in the dwellings of the Noldor; and it chanced on a time that he came alone to the starlit wood of Nan Elmoth, and there suddenly he heard the song of nightingales. Then an enchantment fell on him, and he stood still; and afar off beyond the voices of the lomelindi he heard the voice of Melian, and it filled all his heart with wonder and desire. He forgot then utterly all his people and all the purposes of his mind, and following the birds under the shadow of the trees he passed deep into Nan Elmoth and was lost. But he came at last to a glade open to the stars, and there Melian stood; and out of the darkness he looked at her, and the light of Aman was in her face. She spoke no word; but being filled with love Elwe came to her and took her hand, and straightway a spell was laid on him, so that they stood thus while long years were measured by the wheeling stars above them; and the trees of Nan Elmoth grew tall and dark before they spoke any word."
3-4. Galadriel & Celebrian
5-6. Arwen
7. Galadriel
8. Aredhel
9-10. Varda Elentari
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 6 years
Me @ Professor Tolkien
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(I'm pretty sure someone has done this before but fuck it)
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