#with a dash of my favourite thing
bidisastersanji · 10 months
Just published chapter 3 for the "Zoro learns french" story on AO3 if anyone's interested! Or you can read it right here (part 1, part 2, part 4) and under the cut:
“Sanjiiiiii,” the little doctor wails as he goes through the familiar motions of treating Sanji’s blood loss. “Who did this to you??” He sniffles loudly. “There are no mermaids here! I thought you were over this!” 
Next to him, Luffy absentmindedly picks his nose- seemingly amused by the situation- as the handful of straw hats gathered in the med bay whisper conspiratorially amongst themselves. What could have possibly caused the cook to pass out from a nosebleed?
Arms crossed under his chest, Zoro’s eye flits nervously to Robin’s and is unsurprisingly met with her ever impassive and mysterious smile, which he notes reach her eyes. She most likely heard everything, Zoro figures. Probably even popped one of her ears near them to hear better. Fuck, this was such a mess. He swallows hard, his mind still racing with the explicit thoughts Sanji had drunkenly admitted to. Not to mention the long-awaited confirmation that he has indeed been sleeping with men at various ports. So maybe learning French had come in handy. He’d never tell Mihawk though. 
“Et puis si tu savais ce que je te laisserais me faire- ” Sanji’s sultry words echo in his mind and Zoro’s ears feel dangerously warm at the memory. He really shouldn’t let himself imagine just what the cook would ‘let him do to him’. Fighting the unconscious impulse to screw his eye shut and shake this off, he follows Chopper’s movements in an attempt to distract himself from the lewd images he’s conjuring. He’s honestly surprised at the self-control he displayed earlier. He was so close to just yanking him by his stupid necktie, kissing him silly, locking his sinfully strong thighs around his hips and carrying him back to bed right then and there, the others be damned.  
He can still feel a tightness in his shoulder muscles from the restraint it took to just sit there and listen to the man’s rant. Before he can dwell any more on his struggle, he’s thankfully interrupted by the sound of Chopper speaking up cheerfully, seemingly satisfied with his work. 
“Sanji will be ok- he actually didn’t lose that much blood. Relatively. I think his training-” a snort from Usopp is quickly silenced by the doctor’s stern look. “must’ve kicked in. He should be fine by tomorrow morning; I've treated him with something that should help with his blood production.” 
The crew, happy to learn their cook will recover just fine, file out of the room to rejoin the festivities, and Zoro does his best to linger just a little longer to peek at the blonde’s soft curls and endearing sleeping face. And if a little bit of pride swells in his chest from knowing he’s the cause of this nosebleed, well...no one will know.  
He’s barely out of the room when he finds himself cornered by Nami. Damnit. 
“I know Sanji was with you when this happened.” the redhead gives him a serious, pointed look. 
Zoro scowls. ‘Yeah, and?” 
“And???” her hands fly, up, exasperated. “What happened?” 
“None of your business, witch.” 
“Oh? And I suppose your debt is none of my business too, you big brute? You wouldn’t mind me adding to it for insubordination, would you?” 
At the mention of his ever-growing debt to the navigator, Zoro’s left gaping down at her, mouth silently forming words in anger. 
“Yeah, yeah, you’ll get me back for this, I’m the worst, blah blah blah.” Her eyes roll and her hands gesture him to move along. “Now tell me what happened. What could’ve possibly triggered Sanji’s nosebleed?” her eyes momentarily flit down to his chest and her lips curl to the side in a little smirk. 
“Unless... no, your tits are always out. Just tell me what happened, and I’ll take 0.5% off your debt.” 
Zoro sighs and relents. “I didn’t do much, he’s the one who came up to me and started screaming at me in French.” 
Nami stares him down with an unimpressed look. “And then...?” 
“And then I just answered him, and he passed out.” he grumbles out petulantly. 
“That’s so weird- wait. What do you mean you ‘answered him’?” brown eyes narrow at him. “In French?” 
“...you speak French?” 
Pain flares on his head from the navigator’s swift punch. She has no sense of humour, damn. 
“Stop fucking around. Why would you of all people know how to speak French?” 
“You don’t believe me?!” he tries to keep his indignant scream as low as he can. 
“No- I’m saying that you wouldn’t go through the trouble of learning a language unless there was something in it for you- so there’s gotta be someth-” Nami comes to a realisation, and her eyebrows raise in shock, giving Zoro an appraising look. 
“Oh my god.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Shut up.” 
By some stroke of luck, Nami leaves the elephant in the room alone, and returns to the matter at hand. “Ok, ok, so you speak French. I can only imagine what you must’ve said to get that kind of reaction from him, though.” She runs her hand across her face, tired. 
Sanji wakes up and is immediately blinded by the sun shining through the window. Ugh. He groans at the dull, pounding feeling behind his eyes and turns to his side to hide from the offending light. He’d definitely had too much to drink last night. 
He snorts into the pillow. He’d drunk so much he’d either dreamed or hallucinated that Zoro could speak French. Wow. His unfiltered imagination really went wild, didn’t it. He can almost hear the seductive words dripping like sex from dream Zoro’s lips, the rough timber of his voice causing a shiver to shoot up his spine and- 
A distinctive, sterile smell cuts through his train of thought. 
Is this the infirmary?  
He cracks open an eye, confirming his theory. This is the med bay all right. He groggily sits up, blanket falling from his torso, and catches a stain on his usually pristine white shirt from the corner of his eye. His chin drops to get a better look. Is that... blood? 
His blood. He’s had this happen enough times to recognise the results of a nosebleed. Grumbling, he throws his legs over the bed to stand up, annoyed at the prospect of having to scrub the stain out of his good shirt, when it finally hits him. The moment his feet touch the floor, the evening and his current predicament suddenly click together and bring his thoughts of hydrogen peroxide and baking powder to a screeching halt. 
A beat passes. 
Like a rubber band stretched tight, a myriad of thoughts is catapulted to the forefront of his mind, jumbling together in a mess of realisations. Zoro speaks French. Zoro sounds unfairly sexy when he does. How long has he spoken French. Where did he even learn it. Zoro probably overheard his conversation with Robin. Zoro understood the filthy things he told him. To his face. Zoro flirted with him. 
His face burns even brighter at the memory of that last one. Oh god. He even called his dick “big” right to his face. 
Well-versed in burying his feelings deep deep down (years of practice), Sanji staggers through his usual morning routine. Once back in the comfort of his kitchen, his hands go into autopilot mode as he preps for a big healthy brunch to revive his nakama from a long night of festivities. 
It takes him a second longer than usual to notice the creak of the door as someone walks into the kitchen, and he doesn’t bother turning around to see who it is, too busy trying to catch up on his cooking schedule from his late rise. Luffy will be up soon, and he needs to satiate the black hole that is his captain’s stomach. 
“Oi. Tu cuisines quoi.”  
(Oi, what’re you cooking.) 
“J’prépare un brunch bien gras. Je suis sûr que ça soulagera la gueule de bois collective.” Sanji absentmindedly answers the annoying swordsman. Tch. Always up in his business.  
(I'm cooking a greasy brunch. I'm sure it will help relieve the collective hangover.)  
“Ça sent bon. Je peux goûter?” (It smells good. Can I taste?) 
The mosshead’s gorilla arm comes into view from over his shoulder as he reaches to dip his hand into the batter Sanji’s whipping up, and the cook slaps his hand away and heavily crushes his foot without even breaking his rhythm.  
“Non. Bas les pattes.” 
(No. Paws off.) 
Zoro makes a disgruntled noise and properly steps up next to him, leaning his back against the counter. From his peripheral vision, Sanji notes him standing there, head turned towards him, looking at him cooking. Just looking. Odd behaviour for a marimo.  
Minutes pass before the swordsman’s voice interrupts the rhythmic sound of Sanji’s cooking, saving him from the panicked screaming in his mind: They’re speaking French. Zoro’s clumsy pronunciation is the hottest thing he’s ever heard. Why are they acting like this is normal. Why is he standing so close. And are they ever going to address what happened last night? All this stops at the sound of: 
“Et toi, je peux te goûter?” (And you, can I taste you?) 
Sanji’s breath hitches and he feels a warmth creep up his spine, to his neck, his ears, and all the way to the top of his head. He’s going to implode.  
Where did he learn to say that. He hears himself squeak out that very question, eyes looking down at the bowl of batter, pointedly ignoring the other man’s heated gaze. 
Zoro's deep voice rumbles in a low chuckle. “Ça ne répond pas à ma question. Ni à celle de hier soir.” 
(That doesn’t answer my question. Nor last night’s question.) 
Callused fingers suddenly grip his chin, and now he’s face to face with Zoro, who to Sanji’s surprise is sporting a dangerously tender expression, his hand moving up to cup his cheek. His voice is softer, this time. 
“Dis moi.” (Tell me) 
His chest aches. “Tell you what?”  
Sanji doesn’t like the vulnerability voicing his feelings in French makes him feel. It’s so much easier to revert to his usual abrasiveness. Safer. “I already told you how you drive me up the wall. What, do you want me to embarrass myself further by telling you how badly I’ve wanted you?” 
An expectant eye stares back at him. Patient. Silent. 
The blonde huffs and raises his flour-dusted hand to the one Zoro is gently cupping his face with. “You’re the most infuriating person I’ve ever met. Do you have any idea the self-control it takes to not just -“ he feels a tightness in his throat - he didn’t think it would be so hard to actually say it- “de ne pas te dire tous les jours combien je t’aime?” 
(-to not tell you every day how much I love you?) 
He blinks and Zoro’s lips are on his, soft and delicately pressing against his own like he could break at any moment. And boy does he feel like he could. He immediately starts pushing back, angling his head just so to deepen the kiss, melting from the sheer tenderness, his fingers still gripping Zoro’s hand where it lays, rough calluses against his soft skin.  
They briefly part for air but Zoro immediately dives back in like a man starved, tugging the cook by his hips to stand between his legs, and the blonde has to bite back a moan at the manhandling. Sanji’s arms loop around his neck and find purchase in his ridiculous green hair. 
Zoro will never get enough of kissing this man. It’s simply too intoxicating, and perfect, and everything he’s ever wanted. Which is why it’s with great reluctance that he retreats from this slice of heaven, if only to make sure his own intentions are clear. He can’t believe the bastard beat him to it. He’d walked in here with a plan to test the waters and flirt back- get a little revenge on the blonde from the way he made his brain short circuit the previous night. Maybe test out a few phrases he’d learned in those Harlequin books the pervy cook loves so much. What happened instead was so much better. 
He’s glad to be propped up against the counter because his knees feel weak at the raw, exposed emotion on Sanji’s face when he tells him–  
“Je t’aime.” 
A radiant smile. A wet laugh through misty eyes.  
“Imbécile.” (Idiot) 
The man buries his face in his neck and presses him close in an intimate embrace, holding tight at the back of his shirt. Zoro’s chest swells with love and he holds him back just at tightly, rubbing soothing circles on his lower back. 
“Ton imbécile.” (Your idiot.) 
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lbibliophile-sw · 10 months
One thing I love about Clone Wars fanart is how much of it is just various characters napping on each other. We all took one look at them and decided that what they really need is snuggles and sleep.
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akai-anna · 2 months
Round 1
Round: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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sysig · 1 year
for requestober !! can i ask for a crossover of vargas and tsp ? something like , stanley being edgar and scriabin being the narrator:3
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Day 1 - Destruction
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ylvaslooks · 10 months
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onlyfangz · 5 months
ive definitely talked abt this before, but i literally cannot relate to the posts that are like "ohhh you guys ship them romantically when theyre soo much more interesting as friends". i contain multitudes. i think they are best friends. i think they are lovers. i think they are soulmates in a way that cant be categorised. these statements dont conflict.
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 1 year
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even the bravest ponies cry...*:・゚✧
♡ ˢᶠʷ ᶦⁿᵗᵉʳᵃᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵒⁿˡʸ ♡
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zincbot · 7 months
played through tunic so fast i didn't even process anything besides filling my noteapp with "left right down up", but yo the production line for the obelisks? that was fucked
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chaosintheavenue · 21 days
Please excuse the Mikus.
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ntshastark · 3 months
floating avatars..... save me..... .
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nicohischier · 4 months
finished my movie. above average. doesn't deserve a gifset rbed. will return to the ao3 tag tho so. small wins.
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byanyan · 11 months
TAGGED BY: no one but i've seen it a few times now and y'all know i love a good info sheet so i'm stealing it
NAME: yeong-hwan byun / 변영환
NAME MEANING: something to the effect of eternal shining or eternal brilliance
ALIAS(ES): byan
PICTURES YOU LIKE BEST OF YOUR CHARACTER: i'm no artist so you'll have to accept some of my favourite fc images that exude byan vibes / energy / looks
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ㅤwhile english is their most used language, their phone's default system language is always set to korean because it's a bit more agreeable with their dyslexia than english has ever been. this also has a bonus perk of being a bit more difficult for most people around them to navigate, so nosy foster parents, caretakers, etc. have a slightly harder time trying to snoop.
ㅤrooftops are their favourite places to hide when they're distressed or running from something. they've always proven to be the last place most people look and, all things considered, it's pretty easy to lose someone by just climbing straight upward.
ㅤwhen taking their emotions out with violence isn't an option, byan takes to drawing instead. a lot of the drawings in their sketchbook(s) that aren't fashion or tattoo related are visual expressions of their emotions, and occasionally glimpses into some of the more traumatic scenes in their past — sometimes images as they remember them from the moment, sometimes from a more outside perspective, and sometimes even the end result they wish had happened. it's not always incredibly clear, sometimes the images are more representative of something they've been through, but the emotion behind it always comes through. this is one of the major reasons why they don't like letting anyone flip through their work. this was also the main and only real way they coped with their emotions throughout much of their childhood, and they still have some of the more violent scribbles they did at a younger age when their anger was a lot more repressed.
ㅤcrime. pickpocketing, shoplifting, vandalism, burglary, arson — you name it, they probably engage in it and have a great time in the process. breaking laws and causing trouble for others is fun, and doubly so when you get something out of it for yourself.
ㅤart. whether it's simply drawing, spray painting the blank wall of an alley, making or altering clothes and accessories, doing their makeup or painting their nails, or giving themself a new tattoo, they love being creative and expressing themself.
ㅤphysical activity. never one who's been able to sit still for any length of time, you'll always find them moving, even when they're not at track practice. they're regularly parkouring and freerunning across the city, are found getting themself into fights with just as much regularity and, once they're a more functional adult, they're going to the gym every day to burn some of their overwhelming energy (and maintain muscle ofc).
EIGHT PEOPLE YOUR CHARACTER LIKES/LOVES: sol, lena, ardaka, peter, claudette, kit, ...? —with the exception of sol, these are all cases of familial (specifically sibling) love.
ㅤblindly trusting anyone, especially those who should have had their best interest at heart, without first having them prove themselves.
ㅤkilling the man who assaulted them. and the fact that they even regret killing him because they know they damn well shouldn't. it was him or them, and he got exactly what he deserved.
ㅤbecoming dependent on someone other than themself. allowing themself to rely on another is a recipe for trouble, they almost always end up with the rug pulled out from under them when they least expect it, left miserable and hurting and in a much worse position than they were to begin with.
ㅤlosing their freedom and control over their own life. no one who has ever had power over them and their life has used it to benefit them — only to hurt and use and control them. they are the only one who can be trusted with their own wellbeing; their control over their life and their freedom are the only thing they really have, and it's something they've fought impossibly hard for.
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milfweirdal · 1 year
THANKS VEX!!! and thanks @charmy-2000 as well for the birt day wishes and @ everyone who took the time to message ;-; you've all made me feel v special
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
i love when i see a piece of fanart about one of my most favourite ships because i get to play a game i like to call “figure out which one of the three it is today”
because all three of them have one edgy guy with long dark hair and pale skin and pretty eyes, and the other is a brunet with slightly tanner skin and cozy sweaters and the most lovestruck look in his eyes.
tell me, when i describe that to you, where does your mind go?
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like… tell me the difference?! i love them all so dearly and omg these pieces are wonderful.
byler: @lifenmars on instagram
steddie: @theopteryx
wolfstar: @emeriart
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hakusins · 3 months
Ask game,
1, 2, and 3
OOOH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING ABOUT ERI !!!!! I've never been able to ramble about my baby lore-wise so this is !!!!!! EXCITING !!!! Though before we begin I feel like this is very important to establish my OC: Eri first. Because from what I understand, a lot of people who know and love Eri on this blog, know about Eri as the DOL PC, whether it'd be the fem! version or the male! version. But since this is an OC related ask, I decide to use their normal version!!
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To clarify first and foremost, Eri's original OC form, is a femboy. He/Him, AMAB, Feminine-looking mfer. Sometimes I slap a boycunt on him but thats not the point! The point is, that most times when I'm talking about Eri outside of the DOL setting, he's not a girl.
Fem!Eri and Masc!Eri which you see as my DOL Pcs, are his variants!
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Now that we've cleared all of that up, I'm now going to proceed to ramble for all the questions for all THREE Eri's because!!!! I love all three of them and they're not the same person. Yes, they're all variants of Eri, but they're different enough where it would warrant at least separate answers for some of the questions! Thank you again for sending these anon, because they're really interesting !!!!!
OC: Eri
send me RED OC Asks!
CRIMSON - What would it take for them to kill someone they know?
OG!Eri - It takes the right circumstance/right price. Of course, if you were for example, his spouse, Eri wouldn't even think about killing you. Not without good reason at least. But for everyone else, it's fair game. Eri lives by his arbitrary rules of how to live life. In life, there is always a cost or gain to every decision and so - the question of taking someone's life doesn't depend on 'what would it take' but rather 'what could he gain?' - because if Eri stands to gain more when someone is dead, then there hardly would be any hesitation. But if he stands to lose more, Eri would not kill the person.
F!Eri - F!Eri is the most timid/mild version of Eri, she's easily frightened by a lot of things and the sight of blood (thats not her period blood) frightens her immensely. It would take a lot for Eri to be pushed to kill someone she knows, and it would have to be for a very good reason. Even with a good reason, Eri might not be able to do it unless she was really really pushed to do it - as in someone's life or her life is in immediate danger and there was no other way to save themselves.
MASC!Eri - MASC!Eri is the most 'aggressive' version of Eri, however - this isn't the most accurate way to explain him. He's a lot more defiant and a lot more confrontational when faced with a problem, but he's young. To kill someone is a line he has never had to face before, but if Eri was forced to do so .... probably he'd be at a loss? Like yeah, he's a tough guy, macho masculine manly man's man. But to actually take someone's life is a weight no one is prepared to carry. I think he'd definitely have an easier time to do the deed than F!Eri but thats not saying much.
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2. SCARLET - How do they grieve?
OG!Eri - Grieves quietly, a complete contrast to how they usually are. They're usually very chatty and loud, always the life of the party wherever they go. So when dealing with loss, he would just close himself off from the outside world for years. Eri may be open and chatty, but in truth - he never allows anyone to get too close, hates it even, so he doesn't feel comfortable grieving to anyone or opening up to others. Because it adds another weakness, another way to hurt him. But usually, there are those who are the exceptions, who build Eri's trust in them and becomes someone indispensable to Eri. It's usually these people who Eri would most likely grieve for.
F!Eri - Her heart is very fragile and Eri wears her heart on her sleeve. She would most definitely be inconsolable for months, her eyes mostly empty and face is always stained with tears. She won't be able to function much in usual day-to-day activities unless someone helps her. She really relies on the help of others during this time, even though she knows how vulnerable she is. F!Eri suffers the most from the fear of abandonment, and to lose someone is the best way to send her spiralling.
MASC!Eri - he'd be in denial at first - whether it'd be for the fact that someone he loved was dead or that he cared this much for someone. He'd try to deny it at first, try to go on through his day as per usual. He doesn't miss anyone - no he's not grieving, he doesn't have time to grieve. It'd be a success for a little while, at least until one day the TV just turns to static because of some faulty cable connection, he has a tub of ice cream on his lap and it slowly dawns on him that he's never going to be able to just dial the number of the person he lost and complain to them that the shitty TV isn't working again. In short, he's the kind to push it out of his mind until his body literally can't keep the grief at bay.
3. WINE - How do they act when drunk?
All three Eri's can't get drunk!! :D
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laufxsons · 1 year
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Finally a WIP that made it out of development hell. In honour of late Good Omens Eve have a study/redraw of our favourite snazzy snake.
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