#with her eclectic list of guests
could you recommend any books on maria pavlovna the elder, or at least books that mention and/or describe her life and personality? 🤍
hey 🤍 unfortunately the list will be short, off the top of my head:
- Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna by Galina Korneva and Tatiana Cheboksarova. It is a very rare and expensive book which I never had the chance to read but if I’m not mistaken @imperial-russia has a copy so she might tell us if it is a good read or not! - From Splendor to Revolution by Julia P. Gelardi. - Romanov autumn by Charlotte Zeepvat. - The Flight of the Romanovs by John Curtis Perry and Constantine Pleshakov. - La France des Romanov by Cyrille Boulay (if you read french) - Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K. Massie. - The Camera and the Tsars: A Romanov Family Album by Charlotte Zeepvat. - The jewels of the Romanovs by Stefano Papi. - The Grand Dukes, volume 1 by Arturo E. Beéche. - A Lifelong Passion by Sergei Mironenko and Andrei Maylunas. - The story of my life by Queen Mary of Romania.
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brostateexam · 7 months
Miss California was the best thing about Thanksgiving. By a lot.
She's doing really well. She can walk on her own and has good range of motion. She can get on to certain things in my mom's house by climbing up using her claws, and for the rest, she comes to where she wants to go and then chirps until she's picked up and placed on her desired surface.
She spent a lot of time snuggling with me and purring. I love her so much.
Other good things:
People really liked my food
One of my mom's guests brought really nice gelato
End of list!
The dinner was very weird. The kids were, to be honest, awful little gremlins (perfectly understandable; their dad has cancer) and the adults weren't really interested in controlling them (perfectly understandable; see previous). So most of the adult time was corralling the kids or making awkward chitchat while we all avoided talking about how my BiL has cancer.
No one really was able to have a good conversation or relax anyhow because my mom's place is far too small for eight people to just enter the space and find a natural place to sit unless she puts work in to setting up the space for people, and she didn't do any work whatsoever. So the end result was there weren't enough chairs set out, three people in the living room and two in the kitchen with thee people having to stand at any given time, which added to the chaotic feeling and did not make for a nice atmosphere.
She also allowed her friend to bring gelato for dessert, but my mom keeps kosher so we had to switch dishes and utensils between dinner and dessert, and the dishes can't touch or share a sink. Then she got really snappy with people not knowing which dishes were for milk vs meat (and by the way, she has like a random pile of eclectic dishes for each so you can't just say "pink floral pattern = milk, blue plates = meat" or whatever), and got really annoyed about people using the wrong utensils or whathaveyou... The solution here was to just say "bring non dairy ice cream, or jello, or just fruit" but instead it was a damn mess. Great gelato, though.
A bit too great. I had too much of it and ended up with dumping syndrome. I had to lie down until it passed, during which my mom passive-aggressively asked if I was ready to leave yet no fewer than three times. It was beyond rude and I'm still steamed about it hours later.
At least everyone liked the food I made. I'm thinking I'm going to pass on seeing my mom for a bit after that, though. She's been helping me a lot with the house, which I appreciate, but maybe it's causing some resentment toward me because she was just shitty to me in a way I didn't appreciate.
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marya-blackbone · 2 years
sleepover redux
A/N: max and el do espionage and learn something about steve
One of the first things Eleven does after moving back to Hawkins is to invite Max to a sleepover. Max is really glad – after that first sleepover last summer, she hoped it would become a recurring thing for her and El (minus the uncovering of a horrifying body-snatching conspiracy, of course) but they never got the chance. Now that El’s back, Max is secretly pleased neither of them made any new friends this past year and finds it surprisingly easy for them both to slot back into each other’s lives once the UD dust settles, and accepts the invite with zero hesitation.
Eleven asks if it would be alright if she invited some other people too, to which Max nods, of course, feeling warm and fuzzy about the fact that El asked her first and checked if she would mind – Max hasn’t had a best friend since kindergarten and El’s earnestness has turned her into such a sap. She doesn’t mind, but she is curious as to who else El wants to invite given there are only a handful of people who even know El exists.
The guest list currently includes Nancy, Robin, and Erica. It will be a girls' night, El says. Max hasn’t spent too much time with any of them but it doesn’t sound like a bad idea – El should get to have more friends who are girls, but she can’t exactly meet new people at the moment, so it makes sense that she would want to get closer with the ones already part of their monster-hunting club.
Max comes over early to help El set things up. Hopper and Mrs Byers have been especially indulgent of El this evening, leaving the table laden with plenty of drinks and a mountain of snacks before heading off to Enzo’s. Will helps them gather all the pillows and cushions and blankets they need from around the house, and when he admits Eddie has cancelled D&D for tonight, both Max and El agree that he should stay. And so it becomes girls’ night plus Will – none of the girls even bat an eyelid at his inclusion when they arrive, it’s just smiles and laughter.
It goes really well, despite the spread of ages. Erica is really mature for eleven, and Robin and Nancy seem to enjoy getting to act silly and giggly again. They paint each other’s nails, braid each other’s hair, and make it through one and a half John Hughes movies before they have to press pause because suddenly everyone needs to pee, and then forget to resume because they’re too caught up in gossiping.
It’s Eleven who tentatively proposes the finding game. Max didn’t think she would want to play again given how badly things ended last time, but all that stuff is gone now – and gone for good this time. Eleven says that she can feel so in the Void and going there actually helps her to remember it’s over. She promises she doesn’t mind – she already has a sheet of poster paper and marker pens ready for writing names and everything.
They shuffle into a circle while Max explains how the game works, and they each add a name to the sheet of paper. Max puts Lucas, El puts Hopper, Will puts Mike, Robin puts Steve, Erica puts Suzie (because apparently, she needs to verify the hotter-than-Phoebe-Cates claim), and Nancy goes for Debbie Harry, after which everyone complains that they didn’t know celebrities were an option, so they fill the gaps with an eclectic mix of actors and pop stars, and then they’re ready to spin.
It stops on Steve first. Max reminds her to get out of there if he’s with a girl or doing something gross, and Eleven nods her understanding before putting on the blindfold and filling the air with TV static. It doesn’t take long for her to find Steve.
“I can see him. He is smiling and I think he is talking to someone but I can not see who it is,” says Eleven. “He is holding a black guitar,” she observes.
When Steve starts to play, she pushes the sound through the radio so everyone can hear the soft strumming. It isn’t until he starts singing that Max recognises the song – it’s on the mix-tape Lucas made for her the last time he was trying to win her back; it’s a love song. Steve plays it surprisingly well. If Max didn’t know any better, she might think Steve has fallen in love – real love, reciprocated love; the kind that Steve deserves. But if Steve were in love, they’d all know by now. He’s all grand gestures and public affection and boom-boxing outside bedroom windows, not secret late-night serenading.
The lyrics taper off, and Steve asks, “Why are you looking at me like that? Not metal enough for you? I know it’s no Master of Puppets, but I thought it wasn’t hal-mphh!”
Max hears something over the radio that could be mouth noises and moans at the same time Eleven says, “I think they are kissing.”
That’s their cue to dip, Max realises, and is about to say as much to Eleven just as the radio crackles for a damning and breathy, “Because I loved it, big boy.”
A/N: i have ideas for a part 2 soonish
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Magic Revisited: The Wedding
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Summary: You and Andy finally tie the knot. Also check out Forever My Love: A Barber Honeymoon.
Warnings: Fluff, Abstinence, Bride Stress, Cursing, Happiness, Minors DNI
A/N: Part of my Growing Pains Series. I hope you enjoy this glimpse at Andy and Reader's wedding. Please let me know your thoughts. All mistakes my own. Thanks for reading!
Eight Months Before the Wedding: The Guest List & Venue
Andrew Barber was the easiest groom in the world to work with. He made it clear from the moment you became engaged that this wedding was all about you. 
Whatever you wanted, you got. 
The only thing Andy wanted control of was your honeymoon. That was strictly his territory. 
Fine by you.
You’d opted to keep the guest list on the small side, hoping to create a more intimate feel, You didn’t want or need a bunch of strangers at your ceremony. Your wedding was about you and your Big Man, and nobody else.
It was important to note that your fiance was also a generous man. He was open to every idea, willing to explore every concept, tour any venue - whatever you wanted. At first, you’d struggled to find the perfect space for your special day.
And then it dawned on you. If you wanted romance and magic…why not go back to the place where it all began? 
Your Merry-Go-Round.
It was perfect. The City had done some serious work on the former carnival graveyard, and the gorgeous space had recently reopened under the name The Seashore Fair.
You’d asked Andy if he was okay with renting out the park. He’d smiled, kissed your forehead, and made the call.
You’d forgotten that your Andy Bear had connections.
Six Months Before the Wedding: Your Dress
And then right after that, you’d found your perfect dress. You’d been aimlessly walking around downtown with a couple of girlfriends when you’d stumbled upon a little dress shop sandwiched between two random, much larger stores. 
Something about the quaint, eclectic little place had drawn you inside, where you’d met Miss Eliza Flograni. She explained that she specialized in selling vintage dresses and other unique keepsakes. After explaining that you were on the hunt for the perfect dress, the tiny red-headed woman had grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the back of the store. 
“I have it.” She’d mumbled. “It’s been waiting for you. Must find it.” The sweet little madwoman is rifling through racks and racks of dresses - even throwing some over her shoulder, forcing you to duck to avoid being whapped in the face. 
Was she okay?
“Are you alright?” You ask, as you dodge another garment bag.
“Oh, fine, fine.” Miss Flograni looks at you with a gleam in her eyes. “I just know that I have your dress. One moment!” She sings. “We don’t want to conceal your gorgeous skin, we want to show it off!”
You start inching towards the door. This woman was a little too special.
“We can always come back. Really. It’s no problem and -”
“Found it!” She announces, doing a little spin. “You go try this on and come back to us. I promise you’ll love it. It’s unique.”
The woman thrusts the bag against your chest.
“It’s unique.” Miss Flograni repeats again, before pinching your chin. “Like you, my darling.” She directs you towards the fitting room and then flits away. 
Good lord. You think to yourself as you look down at the bag in your arms. What’s the harm in trying it on?
Unzipping the bag, you hold up the dress in front of you.
“I don’t know…” You mumble to yourself. And here comes the manic pixie owner. 
“That’s no way to try on a dress. You won’t get the full effect. Let me help you, darling.”
Together, you work your way into the dress. Once it’s on your body…you can barely breathe. 
And not because it’s a little too tight. Oh, no.  
Because it’s perfect. It’s gorgeous. You call your friends back as you continue to admire your figure in the mirror. You wipe away a stray tear as you twirl. 
You’d found your dress. You grab the little red head and press a smacking kiss to her cheek. 
“This is my dress.” You whisper to her.
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“I know.” She boops your nose. “Told you it’s been waiting for you. Now for measurements!” She flits away, singing Once Upon A Dream from Sleeping Beauty. 
Thank you, Miss Flograni, you delightful little madwoman. 
Fourth Months Before the Wedding: The Menu Tasting
You and your Andy Bear were enjoying a glass of wine at Enzo’s. While they were typically closed on Mondays, as your official caterer, Camilla and Enzo were kind enough to open their doors to you on their day off. 
Goodness, you loved these two. They’d been so excited when Andy had initially reached out to them about catering your wedding. The sweet couple had even offered to do it for free. 
You both had responded with: absolutely not.
The two of you made it very clear that you would be paying for their services, and after several arguments, they'd finally agreed. 
“So let’s walk through the appetizers again.” Enzo mutters as he adjusts his glasses. 
“Okay.” You swat your fiance. “Pay attention, Big Man.”
“I’m listening, woman.” Andy leans in to press a kiss just behind your ear. 
Your mouth waters when Camilla walks into the room carrying a tray of delightfully fragrant culinary delights. 
Meatballs. Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms. Lemon & Rosemary Pan Seared Sea Scallops. Roasted Artichoke Hearts with a Sweet Pepper Relish. Brie with Fig Jam on Toasted Rounds.
Each bite was fucking delicious. If your guests had any sense, and you were pretty sure most of them did, they would love these.
“What do you think, babe?” You look over at Andy as he finishes off a scallop with a satisfied groan. 
“No complaints here.” 
Next were the Main Dishes. For dinner, you had decided to offer:
The Lasagna Classico. Roasted Chicken Piccata. Herb Crusted Halibut. Beef Medallions with Mushroom Risotto. Eggplant Parmesan.
You feel like you’re about to explode as they bring out dish, after dish.
Giggling, as you sample each one, you also take to feeding Andy, enjoying the way the corners of his eyes crinkle with every bite.
God, you loved him. 
And finally, it was time for Dessert. This time you’d kept it simple:
Lemon Cheesecake Tarts. Tiramisu Bites. And a Cafe Bar.    
Everything was coming together, and you could not be more excited.
Thirty Days Before the the Wedding: Abstinence 
The only time Andy ever balked at one of your requests happened roughly a month before the wedding. You two were curled up on the couch reading books and resting your feet in his lap. 
You moan softly when one of his big hands begins to massage the balls of your socked feet. 
“Feel good, baby?”
“Want me to make you feel even better?” Your man purrs as he tosses his book aside and begins to crawl towards you.
Biting your lip, you let out a sigh. 
“Ordinarily, I’d say yes, but I think we should hold off.”
“Huh?” He pauses.
“I mean, I think we should wait until the wedding night to, uh, make love. So it’s special, you know?”
“Special?” Andy growls as he resumes crawling towards you. “Any time you and I are connected, it’s special. Whether it’s in, like, Buckingham Palace or right here on this couch. There’s no need to wait, baby.”
He brushes his soft, full lips over yours. And then he begins trailing kisses down the column of your throat. 
“Don’t make me wait, Y/N. Don’t make us wait.”
One hand moves under your shirt to cup your breast through the fabric of your bra. 
You shake your head and push at his muscled chest. 
“But think how special it will be if we do wait! Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Same goes for abstinence, baby.” You stroke his cheek. "You promised me whatever I wanted." You remind him.
“No.” He pouts. “You can’t leave me with only my hand for a month.”
“You’ll be fine.” You lean up to peck his lips. “Thank you, Andy. I know this one’s a lot. And I appreciate it.”
Your fiance rolls off of you, clearly irritated. 
“I’m not gonna make it to this wedding.” He grumbles as he trudges away. “Take my pussy from me. The fuck? What's next?”
Eh, he’ll be fine. You think to yourself as you resist slipping your own hand down the front of your shorts. We’ll both be fine.
The Day of the Wedding: Butterflies
Today was the day. 
The day you married your best friend. 
The day you pledged your love to another person for the rest of your life.  
The day you became Mrs. Andrew Barber. 
You sit there in your robe as your glam artist puts the finishing touches on your airbrushed makeup. 
As far as you knew, things were going off without a hitch. 
Guests were arriving. Music was playing. The weather was nice - a sunny, 78 degree day.
Your two bridesmaids, Rhea and Melanie, sat in their pink silk robes sipped their champagne and talked softly, trying not to ruffle your nerves. 
Because you were nervous. 
This was a big decision.
You were committing yourself to another person, to a man, for life.
A tear slips down your cheek before you can stop it. You quickly dash it away.
“Sorry, Kendra.” You mumble. “Don’t wanna ruin your fabulous job. And I do look fabulous.” You offer her a slightly watery smile. You’re immediately surrounded by Melanie and Rhea. 
“Okay, one of us is gonna get Andy.”
“On it!” Rhea murmurs. 
“No!” You jump up. “He can’t see me before the ceremony - it’s bad luck!” 
Another tear. You were terrified. But you were also overjoyed. 
“I’m fine ladies.” You delicately blot your eyes with a tissue. “I’m just a little overwhelmed.”
You turn to Mel and Rhea and offer them a dazzling smile. 
“Let’s get our dresses on. It’s almost time for pictures.”
The florist picks that moment to walk in holding your bouquet. You’d gone with pale pink and lavender as your colors.
“Gorgeous.” You whisper. “I love it. Thank you.” She nods, smiles, and jogs off with it to god knows where.
The Day of the Wedding: Giving Yourself Away
You watch from a space just off the side as Rhea is escorted down the aisle. You were next and there were so many butterflies fluttering in your belly, you could barely catch your breath. 
And then you hear the music. 
“Go!” Your wedding planner whispers. “Go, honey.”
But you couldn’t quite get your legs to move.
“Go!” A gentle shove to your lower back has your legs working again. Holding your bouquet and smiling, you focus on making your way towards your Andy Bear. You love the face that you’d chosen to hold the actual ceremony in front of the newly restored merry-go-round. It was a magnificent structure and would make for a beautiful backdrop. 
By the time you reach your Big Man, you notice his eyes are shimmering with unshushed tears.
“Oh, sweetheart.” You murmur as you watch one fall. Leaning over, you use your thumb to brush it away. “Hi, baby.”
“Hi, baby.” He whispers back. 
You hand your flowers to Mel so you can grip his large hands with your smaller ones. 
“Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today…” The minister begins. 
“It’s my understanding that the two of you have prepared your own vows.” 
You both nod. 
“Very well. Andrew, you may go first.”
He clears his throat before beginning.
“My, sweet Y/N.” Andy clears his throat again. “I vow to love you with every fiber of my being. I promise to protect you, to be your biggest cheerleader, and your strongest advocate. You also have my vow that I will never stop trying to make you laugh.” One of his hands lets go of yours to softly caress your cheek. “I love your smile. I promise to continue to strive to become a better man for you, so I can be the best husband I can be. You have my promise. You have my word. These are my vows to you, my love.”
Woah. Andy leans down to kiss your hands. 
“Thank you, Andrew. And you, Y/N?”
You take a shaky breath. 
“Andrew, my Big Man, I promise to love you unconditionally. You have my vow that I will always be in your corner. I will be your rock the same way you’ve always been mine. I promise to always come to you with an open mind, and an open heart. You mean more to me than you will ever know, and I swear that I will do my best to show you just how precious you are to me every single day. Woo!” 
The crowd chuckles softly as you force yourself to take a beat so you can blink back tears.
“I promise to never stop dancing with you and to always be your fellow goofball. These are the vows I make to you, my handsome love.”
“Thank you, Y/N.”
You smile and look back at Andy. He’s smiling too. Good. 
“And the rings?”
The Best Man hands them over. Andy had taken your ring from you the other day under the pretense of having it cleaned. But when he slid it on your finger now, you noticed that he’d added an extra band filled with glittering diamonds to your ring. 
He grips your chin. “Only the best for my baby.”
Shaking your head, you take his hand and slip a silver wedding band on his own finger. He didn’t know you’d had it engraved, but you’d show him later. 
The Minister moves on…  
“If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Speak now and I break some ankles. You think to yourself.
Silence. Good.
“Then by the power vested in me by the State of Massachusetts, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride -”
Your now-husband is on you immediately, his lips slanting over yours, one of his hands slowly sliding down towards your ass, which you manage to catch. You pretend to nip at him when he finally pulls away. 
“Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Barber!”
You and Andy lightly jog down the aisle amidst the whoops and cheers and congratulations. 
It was done. You were married.
You were Mrs. Andrew Barber for now, forever, and always.
After the Wedding: The Farewell
You and Andy slow dance in the pavilion while your guests continue to snack and ride the bumper cars and the tiltawhirl and the scrambler. Of course you two had ridden your merry-go-round several times, but right now…
As far as you were concerned…you two were the only people in the world. 
“I love you, Mr. Barber.” Your murmur as your head rests against his bread chest. 
“I love you more Mrs. Barber. You made me the happiest man in the world today.” When the band takes a break, he begins singing Luther Vandross’ Here And Now in your ear - the song you first danced to as husband and wife. 
After a moment you join him. Neither one of you could carry a tune, but it didn’t matter. 
“Here and now I promise to love faithfully You're all I need Here and now I vow to be one with thee (You and me), hey Your love is all (I need) I need”
You’re so involved in your own little world, you’re almost startled when you feel Andy whisper in your ear that it was time to go. 
Apparently you two had a flight to catch. 
“Your chariot awaits, my lady.”
“What?” You blink up at him as people gather round to see you off. You two start making your way down the line, waving goodbye…
And then you see it.
There was a carriage waiting for you. But not just any carriage.
It was Cinderella’s carriage. And it was spectacular. 
You let out a yip when your husband swoops you into his arms. “Only the best for my princess. Now we’ve really gotta get going if I’m going to get you to Italy before all of this magic turns back into a pumpkin.”
Your jaw drops. 
Italy. He was taking you to Italy. The one place you’d always wanted to go. 
“First stop, Rome.”
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rank acotar characters by how long you could stand to be in a car with them? important factor: they decide what music is playing
Ranking ACOTAR characters based on an 8 hour roadtrip where they control the aux. Don't forget that I alone have the only right opinions in the fandom and therefore will be taking 0 feedback.
17. Beron- AM talk radio the WHOLE way with the most HEINOUS opinions a person can have. Loudly agrees and at times is arguing back with the guest through the speakers. Is he aware they can't HEAR HIM?
16. Amren- Doesn't like music. No road games, please.
15. Jurian- Dad rock. There is only so much Every Rose Has It's Thorns we can hear before its time to drive this car off a bridge. Pour exactly NO sugar on me, I am afraid of ants.
14. Gwyn- I'm SORRY, but she's giving very strong show tunes vibes. Spends the whole time singing, and yeah her voice. is beautiful but this is not American's Got Talent. This road trip is about classic jams, not showing off.
13. Nesta- Gruesome murder podcasts. Listens without flinching as the night grows darker. Thinks we should turn down that dark road as a short cut. Why is she cutting cheese with a hunting knife?
12. Tamlin- Country music, but it's like, pop-country and not country with feeling or country for murdering men. Barefoot blue jean night? Sir we're in New Jersey.
11. Eris Vanserra- Listens to The History Of Rome podcast the whole way. Jesus Christ man can we choose another point in history? NO. We will hear of these ancient battle tactics and we will be grateful. Only upside is Mike Duncan is a great story teller. Definitely asks for a sexual favor half way through, like I'm not DRIVING HELLO SIR?
10. Azriel- 2004 best of emo jams. Its a playlist he made himself, with all the classics. Become increasingly concerned when MCR's Helena comes on and he turns it up to belt with clear, obvious feeling. You okay, bro? Want to pull over for a taquito?
9. Vassa- Whatever is on the radio, like this isn't cornfield country. There is NOTHING but the sound of me mooing at the window ("cow") or the static as she flips station to station. Occasionally finds the most banger radio station filled with songs you forgot about, only for it to vanish right at the climax of a song you're both belting. Still, the spontaneity is fun
8. Rhys- NPR podcast. God it's informative and yeah it's interesting and the conversation it opens up keeps you both busy for hours so it's hard to completely complain. Spends a lot of time staring at his phone and fact-checking guests
7. Tarquin- Apple Music? I mean...I GUESS. He did his best, but his best is questionable. It's his own playlists and his taste in music if fun, if not eclectic. No one vibe- and he brought snacks.
6. Mor- Nothing but gossip. How does she know so much? Terrified to tell her about personal life, but have to admit hearing what disasters everyone else is really fills the time.
5. Emerie- PREPARED. Downloaded a mix of playlists AND podcasts, rotates them when the mood starts to flag. Never lets her finger off the phone, but also does not take requests, so stop asking. You get what you get.
4. Elain- It's pure pop and nothing else. Bouncy and upbeat, she came to have a good time with nothing in between. Outdoes Tarquin in snacks, and has a list of road games ready to go for when everyone is burned out with music.
3. Lucien- A playlist for every mood. Oh it's raining? It's sunny? Everyone is hungover and needs quiet? He's got you covered. The vibe never drags and is always appropriate, reading the room before you even know the tone has shifted.
2. Cassian- King of the excursion. Roadside America memorized, Cassian knows where every biggest wind chime, ball of yarn, and rocking chair is located. Somehow manages to keep everyone mostly on time. Stops for snacks instead of bringing his own because everyone knows the best food is at a rural gas station. Ranking jerky flavors for fun, and in between, keeps it easy with a steady jam of road trip faves.
1. Feyre Archeron- High Lady of the Road Trip herself. Turn off that podcast, turn up the music. Feet on the dash, gossip ready to GO. Can tell a story for HOURS, knows all the deets on everyone's messy lives. Planned ahead and found a hotel with a pool AND a bar. Playlist absolute perfection, based on the friends in the car.
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The Dark Passenger - Chapter Two.
I am absolutely thrilled with how well received this was, so decided to treat you all to another update, because I’m kind like that! :)
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Previous chapters - One
Words - 3,093
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
Tag list - In the comments. Please DM to be added/removed
The vibe on Friday night was completely different to when he’d visited The Luna Lounge on a quiet Tuesday, EZ entering the establishment to find it absolutely packed out. He expected no less; the music louder, the air thicker with testosterone, although, he noted, there were quite a few groups of women in attendance, the pounding roar of You Could be Mine by Guns N’ Roses blasting through the club as the girls on stage gyrated to the beat.  
He ordered a beer, thanking the bartender before strolling around, his eyes locking upon Camille, his heart flipping as soon as he saw her invert on the pole and slowly slide down, caressing her neck with her neon blue fishnet gloved hands, her underwear matching, the small crowd before her going wild, bills flung in her direction, as naturally they would be.  
He slowed, pausing for a second, making sure she saw him before he kept right on walking, heading to the end, where Raven danced like an amped up hellion, standing right in front of her. He could see out of the corner of his eye that Camille had noticed, her eyes flitting over to him, wondering why he’d blown her off in favour of another. And boy, it pissed her off.  
Ever since Tuesday, she’d found herself thinking about him, the guy who she’d danced for, and perhaps enjoyed more than she should have. She knew how to have that professional veneer up, even when her clientele was attractive, she had to hold back, not let the lines blur, but as she’d gyrated against him and watched his eyes burn gold as he came, something had been stirred within her, a switch turned on, a flame lit. She was heavily attracted to him, she had to admit.  
There was something there, and she knew it. She knew he knew it, too, yet there he was right in front of Raven, and not her. This did not sit well. Suddenly, Camille questioned whether or not there’d be a connection there at all, for him to return to her workplace and not immediately seek her out. If she had been less mildly irritated by it, she might have cottoned on to the game he was playing with her.  
EZ could tell with each little glance he offered in her direction that she was negatively affected by his tactics, smirking to himself as he turned his attentions back to Raven, smiling widely at her when she leaned down to pick up her money, sliding a ten into the top of her bra. She blew him a little kiss, continuing to gyrate for him, her curtain of silky, black hair swaying as she moved to the beat, EZ thinking how eclectic the DJ was to follow GnR with Rick Ross.  
Camille wasn’t stupid, and by that time she’d sussed his game. Why would he have one eye perpetually on her rather than both focusing on the girl in front of him if he didn’t want to provoke some kind of reaction? She slipped a few times, throwing a dark look in his direction, not appreciating someone playing her like that, but otherwise didn’t react.  
She was a tougher nut to crack than EZ had first anticipated. He wouldn’t budge, though. He was much too used to having women fawning over him, his status as El Presidente meaning that he truly did have the pick of whoever he wanted. Camille was no hanger on, though. She was someone who, although regretful over her decision not to go and enjoy the tall, handsome biker, took a little more effort to bed. Especially in the wake of the behaviour she witnessed that night.  
Before long, she was exiting the stage, going back to change into a little white lace dress, her neon blue underwear showing through, just as she wanted it to, taking a tour of the tables, schmoozing the guests, flirting up a storm in order to secure the lucrative commodity that was the private dance. She secured one with a college kid, the young guy twenty-one if a day, and a little startled looking, knowing she’d have to be gentle with him. She was perceptive enough to know what would work best in way of tease with her clientele.  
For this guy, she perhaps wouldn't grind against him quite as fiercely as she had the big, leather clad dude whose eyes she could feel upon her as she led her customer into the private room, but who was nowhere to be seen when she emerged a while later. She shrugged it off, continuing her tour of the club floor, securing another two dances. It was a profitable night, all thoughts of the dark-haired man who had attempted to play her leaving her mind.  
That was, until he returned the following night, Camille working the floor when she saw him enter the club, giving her a little glance before heading right for the stage, embarking on exactly the same routine again and seeking to show his attention to another. This time, he chose Kellie, a girl whom Camille absolutely couldn’t stand, bitchy gossip that she was. She had few friends within The Luna Lounge, Mai and Tallulah being the sole two girls she got on well with, friends outside of work as well. Sadly, their shift patterns meant they often didn’t work at the same time.  
Tallulah, or Lu for short was on that night, though, Camille replacing her on stage after an unsuccessful tour of the floor for private dances, the girls exchanging a little cheek kiss as they passed.  
“It’s tough out there tonight, babe,” Camille told her friend, Tallulah widening her eyes a little bit.  
“Yeah, they need more alcohol in ‘em, loosen those wallets a little!” She snickered softly with laughter, climbing up to the stage, passing Kellie by and taking a glance at the gorgeous Latino man she was dancing for. He didn’t even look at her. She would bend to him this time, he knew she would, watching her as she began to dance, her eyes flitting over to him every so often, checking to see if he was watching her. Of course, he wasn’t.  
“That’s right, babe. You work for it.” he thought, smirking to himself. He wasn’t about to give it, though, and in his arrogance, he thought Camille’s display was mainly for his benefit. It wasn’t.  
Well, maybe a tiny bit. A girl had money to earn, though. Where the man she desired so heavily was concerned, she was determined not to break, almost as much as he was adamant that he wouldn’t make the first move on her. She would come to him. As it turned out, though, an external force acted upon the latter, spurring him toward her, but not because of anything relating to his attraction to her.  
Keeping his focus on Kellie, he heard the commotion before turning his head, seeing a guy reaching up to make a grab for Camille’s legs, attempting to yank her onto his lap but only succeeding in sending her off her seven-inch heels and onto her butt. He could have left it to the bouncer, but instinct kicked in, EZ crossing the ten-foot gap faster than the security and hauling the man back by his collar.  
“She isn’t yours to fucking grab at, bro! What’s wrong with you?” he yelled at him, the bouncer giving him an appreciative nod before swiftly taking over, hauling the man from his grasp and out of the club. He then turned to Camille. “Are you alright?”  
She winced, trying to arrange herself in a less mortifying position, her right butt cheek feeling both numb and on fire with pain. “Yeah, yeah I guess.”
She was attempting to play it down, he understood that. “Can I do anything?”
“Help me down?” He nodded, reaching under her legs and wrapping an arm around her back, lifting her off the stage. He noticed a distinct lack of care from her fellow dancers, the bouncer jogging back over to make sure she was alright, though.  
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay. Thanks, Samuel,” she reassured him, sighing, not looking forward to the likely huge bruise she’d have to cover in body makeup in order to keep looking pristine while she worked.  
“Cool. I’ll go and tell Martin what happened.” He exchanged another nod with EZ before leaving to head up to the owner, Martin Yorke’s office and inform him of the incident.  
Turning to him, Camille smiled, leaning to kiss his cheek. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” Wanting to move away from where she was being stared at, she began to limp around to the seating section, kicking her shoes off on the way, EZ following. “I appreciate you for doing so, though.”
He frowned slightly, taking a seat beside her. “You’re welcome. Women shouldn’t be grabbed at like they’re property.”
She shrugged, dropping her chin a little. “I’m used to it.”  
Lowering his head, he caught her eye, frowning. “You shouldn’t have to be, Camille.”
Immediately, she sat up a little straighter. “How do you know my name?”
“I know a lot of things.” He paused for a second, studying her face, feeling himself pulled in by her all over again. “Including that you shouldn’t put up with that bullshit.”
Her eyebrows fluttered a little, Camille touching her tongue against her top lip momentarily. “But yours is okay, right?”  
He felt a little affronted, not expecting her to be the type to call him out on it. Perhaps she wasn’t quite as meek as he’d thought. He recovered well, though. “I didn’t try to yank you off a stage.”
“No,” she began, cocking her head to the side, “but you did expect me to go home with you on Tuesday, and then came back here yesterday with the express purpose of ignoring me in favour of Raven because I refused. And then the same tonight, but with Kellie”  
“Is that bullshit, really?”  
“Some might say so.”
He snorted softly. “All I want to do is take you home and give you a damned good time. Is that really such an inconceivable idea, that two adults who find each other attractive actually admit to that and go and do something about it?”  
Direct, to the point. No dancing around it, as it were. Before she could answer, though, they were joined by her boss.  
“Camille, you okay, hon?” Martin asked, his eyes flitting between her and EZ a couple of times, a small frown denting his forehead.  
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine, just sore and a little shaken,” she confessed with a small shrug, Martin nodding. As strip club bosses went, Martin was a pretty good guy. He wasn’t a pervert, he wasn’t unfair, and he absolutely did not tolerate any of his employees being disrespected. The guy who had grabbed her would never be allowed back within The Luna Lounge. It was a small consolation for the fact that if they reported the guy in question for assault, usually nothing was done about it. Martin had been in the game for long enough to know that girls working under the banner of sex worker were not offered much respect from the authorities, if any at all.  
“Take the rest of the night off, go rest and I’ll see you Tuesday. Here, take your fee back, too.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out two fifties, handing them to her. Each girl had to pay a fee to the club of a hundred dollars a night to dance, and a percentage of what they earned from private dances. Stage earnings were not cut into. With that, he left them to it, EZ immediately turning back to face her.  
“So, that admitting?”  
She had to admire his tenacity, laughing softly, shaking her head. With the rest of the night off, and the tension between them doing nothing but mounting deliciously, she considered this the universe giving her the chance for a do over. She’d ended up regretting not going home with him before. Why do so twice?  
He was right. They were adults, they were attracted to one another, so why not do something about it? The chivalrous nature of him coming to her rescue in the wake of her being mauled had, in her mind, cancelled out the bullshit, his need to make her jealous. Besides, him doing that in the first place, was it really bullshit? Or creatively trying to get her attention?  
Either way, her mind was made up. “Do you want to come back to my place?”
The way his face lit up as the smile spread across it, oh! He was so hot. “Yeah, I do.”  
“Give me five minutes to go collect my stuff, and I’ll meet you outside.” Getting up, she was a little easier on her feet, only a slight limp to her otherwise feline glide, EZ standing and heading towards the doors, pulling his cell out as he approached his bike, leaning back against it while making a necessary call.  
“Hey Gus, you alright? Bouncer didn’t rough you up too much, did he?”  
“Nah, just threw me on my ass, bro,” Gus grumbled, lighting a cigarette. “You nearly fucking choked me out when you grabbed my collar, though!”
EZ laughed. “Yeah, sorry about that. Thanks, though. See you around.”  
Gus grinned as he ended the call. He had absolutely no idea why the president of the Santo Padre charter of the Mayans had wanted him to grab onto that specific girl, and he hadn’t asked either. He knew though, as a street hustler, if men in greater seats of power wanted a favour and were prepared to pay well, it was always better to take the cash and keep them happy.  
True, EZ likely could have simply used his own charm to get Camille into bed with him, but he sensed it would take considerably longer than he would have liked, so he cut a few corners. Also, he wasn’t prepared to bend to her either. His ego didn’t allow for it.  
What little good was left within him did feel a tiny slither of regret that she’d ended up hurt, but bruises were minor. And he’d make sure he gave her such a good time, she’d forget all about it. Most, if not all women forgot their troubles when they had him between their legs.  
His attention was diverted away from reading a message from his father when Camille exited the club, looking considerably more casual than he’d expected. Blue skinny jeans, a pair of tan Ugg boots, and a grey t shirt that sloped off of one shoulder. Even dressed down, she was still exquisite, though.  
“My place is fifteen minutes away; the red Mustang is mine. Try to keep up.” Her little eyebrow raise made him snort laughing despite his resolve, turning to look at the car she’d just clicked her key fob in the direction of.  
“Nice ride,” he commented.
“Oh yes. I am.” She was funny, he liked that, once again laughing. “What’s your name, by the way? I feel like I should know that already.”  
“EZ. Short for Ezekiel.”
She nodded, hitching her bag up onto her shoulder a little higher. “I’ll see you back at my place then, EZ.” She leaned in, making like she was going to kiss him, only to move away again, her fingernail trailing his neck. It was an action that had anticipation fizzing through him. Camille knew exactly what she was doing, even though she had no idea the extent of the games he was playing against her in engineering all of this.  
Throwing her bag in the trunk, she got into her car, grumbling a little when her butt stung in pain. Damn that fucking guy, but at least she’d landed on something fleshy, rather than her hip or side. “Oh well. You’re about to have your mind taken off it nicely.” she muttered to herself as she started the engine, four hundred and fifty horses ready and primed to charge beneath the hood, the V8 engine roaring as she pulled out from her place and shot across the parking lot.  
She’d always said that once she earned a decent living, she’d buy herself the car to reflect such. Between her day job, stripping and her Onlyfans modelling page, she earned decently enough to afford something nice, as well as a house in one of the better areas of Santo Padre. She wasn’t made of money, the nature of her work not always reliable and meaning some months were a scrape to make the mortgage and car repayments, but she was comfortable enough.  
Camille had only ever seen stripping as a way to see herself through college, until she’d qualified as a beautician, but having gotten used to the money, she had now set herself another goal which the meagre salary of a beauty therapist wasn’t enough to accomplish. She was saving to be able to open her own salon, hopefully followed by a chain.  
At twenty five, she had hoped to be there already, but previous debts on a home she’d shared with her ex, a home he’d absconded from and left her with a tonne on rent arrears around her neck had somewhat cut into her finances over the past five years, hence even more reason to continue stripping as well as working at a salon during the day. She was often tired, but she had what she needed, financial independence.  
Camille Smith would never again rely on a man for anything, even his share of the rent, hence why as soon as she was financially able, she’d bought the simple, modest home she pulled up to exactly seventeen minutes after leaving The Luna Lounge, a large Harley pulling onto the drive behind her car seconds later.  
She thought she was free of the bad men of her past, but as she walked up the drive, she had no idea how truly dark to the core the one walking behind her was. When his lips began to press kisses against the bare flesh of her shoulder as she opened her front door, darkness was the furthest thing she felt from him.
When he turned her around and brought his mouth to hers, all Camille experienced was fire, kicking the door shut before bouncing up into his strong arms, the inferno between them raging, as they knew it would as soon as they gave in.  
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theselfshippingwitch · 10 months
Janine x Egon Wedding Questions
(This is for The Real Ghostbusters versions of the characters)
(also i'm gonna tag @ariel-seagull-wings bc they wanted to see my answers to this lol)
Imagine what music they would have? What food? Would it be outside? What kind of theme, if any, would they have?
I imagine Egon would want only classical music while Janine would be like PARTY!!! Lol she would still want the classic organ music as she’s walking down the aisle though, and at the reception they would have a combo, like they would start with classical and then go into more like dance music as the night went on. They would have their wedding in this amazing greenhouse venue in Brooklyn with this incredible ceiling. No theme, the venue is the centerpiece. 
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The food would also tie in to the venue as they have a lot of fresh and light fruits and veggies (and mushrooms) for the cocktail hour and an amazing seasonally-appropriate salad before the main course.
Who would they invite?
Okay so Egon was definitely having like, a whole crisis about this bc his family is pressuring him to like, invite all these important figures from the scientific community and “uphold the reputation of the Spengler family within these prestigious circles” and whatever and Egon just wanted a small wedding but the guest list just keeps getting bigger and bigger and its so hard for him to ever say no to any of his family and it was like… 
It was Janine who encouraged him to advocate for himself and stand up for what he wants out of his big day bc she was not having all those stuffy scientific types at her party absolutely not
In the end, it was a celebration with extended family and close friends and louis who always ends up at janine and egon’s wedding no matter the circumstances of the occasion for some reason
jk louis is a close friend and we love and respect him is this house
Also Ray is Egon’s best man and Janine’s sister is the Maid of Honor
What season is it? Day or night? What colors do they wear?
It is a summer day (August 2nd, 1993), bright and sunny but luckily not too hot. The only other color beyond the natural green of the surroundings is the pink of the bridesmaid’s dresses and burgundy of the groomsmen’s ties.
Is it traditional or do they do something wild?
Traditional! It’s the wedding Janine has been dreaming of since she was a little girl (along with her Jewish wedding ceremony, which she had first). 
Did they write their own vows? Who is the person marrying them?
Because this is going to be the secular wedding (even though it has a lot of things based on Christian wedding traditions ik)  they wouldn’t have any religious figure marrying them. They would just get, like, a professional wedding officiant who just fits their vibe yk? And it was important to Janine that they write their wedding vows bc… she just needs to hear it, okay? She cannot just have Egon say “yeah, mmm-hmm” to whatever the officiant says, she needs to hear Egon say how much she means to him and we’re all gonna make him do it
Are they wearing suits? Dresses? Something else entirely?
Okay here’s the fun part FINALLY
Janine’s dress: 
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Bridesmaid’s dresses:
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Egon’s suit:
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This means ray gets to wear his pea soup green suit that he already owns!!! Groomsmen’s suit:
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What does their cake look like if they have one?
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Does she throw the bouquet for someone to catch or does she pass out one flower to everyone to let everyone know they are worthy of love?
Janine definitely wants to throw her bouquet! Even though two of her bridesmaids are already married (her older sister, and her bff Violet who married Egon’s bff Ray last year)
Do they have a party afterwards? What music?
Yes!!! Yes they do!!! And the music is an eclectic mix of Egon’s classical music (with a live string quartet) and Janine’s playlist of party music with artists like Madonna and Cyndi Lauper (with a live DJ)
She also has a reception dress!:
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Is it the wedding of their dreams or does something go awry?
Janine is too rich now for something to go awry
Also! How is the kiss!? Do they smooch softly? Sweetly? Passionately? Does he dip her into a deep smooch? Is it a soft sweet peck?
The kiss we’ve all been waiting for tbh
Very sweet and romantic. She puts a hand on the back of his neck while he holds her waist. He’s been mostly expressionless through the ceremony but he smiles as he kisses her, the softie
What is their honeymoon like? Is it a stay at home one? Do they go somewhere exciting? How long is the trip? Or stay at a hotel? Or maybe a cute little cottage somewhere?
They go to Cairo, Egypt! I feel like it’s the perfect mix of what they would both want out of a honeymoon. It’s an exciting city that’s got an ancient history and culture attached to it (egon is gonna study so many hieroglyphs you don’t even KNOW)
Does she take his last name or him hers? Do they keep or hyphenate their names? Or maybe they both take on a whole new last name together!
But they would have to change the name tags on the uniforms…
How many kids do they have? What are their names?
This is where it gets sketchy cuz fankids are a whole nother thing that I haven’t thought of yet for janegon but I DO know that they have a kid about one year apart from Violet and Ray’s oldest kid and they’re both boys and they’re besties who go on adventures together (the violet/ray kid is the timid one and the janegon kid is the bold one, you get where i’m going with this)
Where do they live?
In a penthouse apartment in Manhattan, where Janine can have space to write editorial articles for the magazine she created and runs, Egon can get to Ghostbusters HQ without too much trouble (even though he’s not part of the field team anymore he works on R&D with Ray out of there almost every day).
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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Princess Anne’s Country Life guest edit: The inside story of putting together a magazine with The Princess Royal
Country Life | Published 29 July 2020
Paula was the Co-ordinating Editor of the special issue, which was guest-edited by The Princess to mark her forthcoming 70th birthday — a 172-page edition of the magazine highlighting The Princess’s deep love for and thorough understanding of the countryside and those who live and work in it.
‘Working with a small team from The Princess’s office at Buckingham Palace, we overcame the challenges of working from home across the country due to the Coronavirus pandemic to pull together an eclectic edition that truly reflects the issues and the country people that The Princess holds dear,’ says Paula, who compiled the magazine from her kitchen table in Dorset.
‘Working to a list of features supplied by The Princess in February, we quickly marshalled our best writers and photographers to write about and photograph all the subjects requested, while adhering to social distancing rules,’ Paula continues.
‘This involved commissioning one of the very best Scotland-based gardens photographers to illustrate a beautiful, but far-flung garden, surrounding the Ruuval lighthouse on Islay, plus our Picture Editor, Lucy Ford, organising lots of individual open air photo shoots with The Princess’s nominated champions of the countryside.’
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The magazine’s Deputy Editor Kate Green and freelance photographer Sarah Farnsworth were also delighted to be invited to The Princess’s home at Gatcombe Park in Gloucestershire, to illustrate her dedication to organic farming and rare breeds.
Once all the words and pictures were ready, the work of putting together the pages could began.
‘Once we’d gathered all articles and images, our talented design team — led by our Art Editor, Emma Earnshaw — set to work creating a series of eye-catching layouts, which were then expertly fitted by our Chief Sub-Editor, Octavia Pollock’ Paula continues. ‘It was a massive effort on behalf of the entire team, including our Photographic Library Manager, Melanie Bryan, who met me just off the A303 to hand over the page proofs ahead of our meeting with The Princess.
‘Having sent nigh on 1,000 emails and made countless telephone calls, we are really proud of the edition and the way it reflects The Princess’s commitment to the countryside and more than 300 patronages,’ enthuses Paula, who, along with Country Life’s Editor-in-Chief Mark Hedges met The Princess at Gatcombe in mid-July to go through the final page proofs.
The issue also includes a 2,000-word leader article, which The Princess wrote on her own iPad, in which she credits her parents for instilling her appreciation of Nature — ‘Both my parents had a love and understanding of the natural world through their own experiences’ — and explains how fortunate she feels to have spent ‘most of my life in the countryside’.
Mark Hedges concludes: ‘It was an absolute delight to have The Princess Royal as our guest editor. Her passion for the countryside shines through with every feature, combined with her concerns that the right action is taken to safeguard the rural way of life for future generations, from providing affordable housing to dealing with fly tipping. We do hope our special edition makes a very fitting 70th birthday present.’
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Karaoke #2 - Because Tim loves 80s Classic New Wave
“OK OK OK! Thank you Luna and Wade for that weird but really excellent version of “Islands in the Stream” by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton! Tim - you have a very… um… eclectic list of songs for our singers to choose from, did you make it this random on purpose?” Angela asks of the tipsy and relaxed birthday boy. “Why don’t you come up on stage for the Grand Finale?”
The MidWilshire crew + friends had packed the karaoke/burger joint on Sunset and had basically taken it over for Tim’s surprise birthday celebration.
For the past three weeks, Nyla, Lucy and Angela had been asking Tim’s friends and family about his favorite songs. Rachel, Isobel and Genny had come through with most of the songs on the diverse song list. But it was Tim himself who provided the last two songs of the evening, the ones that Lucy heard him sing in the shower or when he was cooking and cleaning - when he thought he was alone.
Everyone by now knew that Lucy was a phenomenal singer, so Angela waited a few minutes for everyone to refresh their drink, come back inside, or take a last minute bio break. Angela told the crowd her favorite Tim birthday story from when they were rookies and had to arrest the second largest pumpkin farmer for smuggling cocaine in his pumpkins at the County Fair and then had to break up a pie fight that broke out during the pie eating contest. Their shops had smelled of blueberries and pumpkin for weeks.
Backstage, Lucy was once again thanking her very special guest star for coming out for this party and going over the timing of her entrance during the first song and then discussing the harmonies Lucy would sing during the second song. Once they had it figured out, Lucy waved to Angela who came back to check on Lucy and was immediately star-struck by her guest. Lucy laughed and told Angela this is what happens when you delegate - you miss out on some kick-ass connections.
Thankfully, Angela pulled herself together and walked back onstage. She asked for the lights to be dimmed and turned to Tim and said, “happy birthday. Please welcome to the stage - The newly minted Lucy Bradford!”
Lucy stepped on stage and waved to the crowd, then leaned down and kissed her husband and said to him, “because you love classic 80s new wave, this one’s for you.”
The synthesizer began to play and the older members of the crowd who knew either the original version or the more recent remake started cheering and clapping. Tim’s eyes lock on Lucy as he beginsto sing along…
“funny how I find myself, in love with you
If I could buy my reasoning, I'd pay to lose, one half won't do
I've asked myself, how much do you, commit yourself?
It's my life, don't you forget, It's my life, it never ends (it never ends)”
During the very brief interlude before the second verse starts, Lucy turns to the audience and says, “Please welcome to the stage, my new best friend, Mrs…..”
By total random chance, one of the cases Lucy had helped crack several months ago had closed and the evidence from an upstart “bling ring” where celebrity pooches were having their diamond encrusted accessories stolen needed to be returned to the animal owners. Her second to last return after listening to Harrison Ford regale her and Aaron with baby beagle stories from the set of the last Indiana Jones movie, was to the woman standing next to her on stage. Her blonde labracorgidoodle mutt had a four carat collar returned and she and Lucy hit it off instantly, probably because the dog loved Lucy on sight. When the woman asked to be called if there was any thing she could ever do, Lucy immediately thought of this night 11 months later. Lucy had checked with Wade, IA and HR to make sure she wasn’t going to be accused of accepting kickbacks or anything and got the all clear.
Lucy turns to the audience and says, “Please welcome to the stage, my new best friend, Mrs. Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani!” The crowd roars and Tim’s jaw drops to the floor of the stage.
He swivels on his bar stool so fast his Burger King crown almost falls off - and there before him in motocross pants, red checkered vans and a black/red “No Doubt” T-shirt stands the only woman he would ever consider leaving his wife for. Tim’s face morphs into a dreamy, yet bashful smile and his cheeks turn pink as Gwen leans over and kisses his cheek before stepping around him to finish singing It’s My Life - the version she and her band No Doubt made famous in 2003 - 20 years after the original version by Talk Talk burst onto radios everywhere.
Once done, Gwen leads the crowd in a rousing version of “Happy Birthday” to Tim who smiles and hugs Lucy close to him. Then Lucy nods to Gwen who says, “I hear this is your favorite song, so I dedicate it to you from Lucy.”
As the opening notes of “Don’t Speak” begin to play, Tim begins to cry. He’s overwhelmed with emotions watching his favorite singer, sing his favorite song with his absolute favorite person. Their voices blending beautifully during the song’s melancholic verses and chorus. He realizes this whole restaurant is full of people who love him (well they love Gwen right now) but they love him too. He never imagined a life with this much joy and love before Lucy came around. If this moment is a glimpse of his future with Lucy? He’ll take it and then some. He pulls Lucy close as the song ends and nods to Gwen. He nuzzles Lucy’s neck and whispers “best birthday ever.”
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lasudio · 9 months
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VeronaHills, Round Three: Shikibu
Cleo rose from the lawn and spat out a mouthful of grass. The rain pattered away around her but she couldn't hear it for the whining sound in her ears.
She reached to touch the back of her neck and her arm creaked... its... way... upwards. Wow, that was hard. Why was that so hard? Limbs like elastic bands pulled absurdly tight, muscles like fists clenched so hard the knuckles were white... the only thing Cleo could recognise with clarity was her jostled brain pattern. Then of course she realised that recognition could soon vanish. What the fuck happened?
Too much physical activity at the soirée, perhaps. Patricia's eclectic guest list had resulted in a brawl between Sean Barnett, who was a member of her axe throwing club, and someone Cleo couldn't put a name on. She remembers cheering and jeering alongside Trisha Traveller. Her mind's eye then smash cuts to what must have been a dream - she was wearing tastefully coordinated black and white underwear in Patricia's bed, with Patricia, and removing said underwear, with Patricia. Cleo consummating her (allegedly) unrequited crush on her best friend is her last (alleged) memory before waking in the early morning rain, gingerly testing her fingers and toes for intact-ness.
Defeated by confusion, she puts one foot in front of the other towards the front door, til she can't feel any more raindrops slipping through the mesh of her black lingerie.
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mangosimoothie · 2 years
The Bachelorette: Episode 24 - After the Final Rose
Thank you all for following along with The Bachelorette - it was a wild time, and we live for the fans! For our final episode, we check in with the cast one year after the final rose. What's everyone up to? Hopefully living their best lives 
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Aja and Zeke had a beautiful wedding a few months after their engagement. They decided to keep the guest list small since they were a little burnt out after having been on camera 24/7 for the first two months of their relationship.
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Mostly Aja just wanted a formal photo op - I mean, look at her.
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The main event of the wedding was definitely the "reception" (more like RAGER) they had afterwards at Blue's Cradle! Zeke and Aja chose not to live at the commune, but they still live pretty close by and come to visit every so often. And Aja always gets her cards read by her lovely new mother in law.
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After Aja’s last reading, Corinne just smiled and said, “Y’all gotta big yard in de new place, yeah? Good.” 
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We got to stop by the Queen-Byrd household at their adorable and eclectic home in ATL to see how things were going. Aja and Zeke both say they've never been happier and more fulfilled. There's a lot going on! Black Beauty Babies is going stronger than ever, and combining with Blue's Cradle's resources has made both organizations able to help an incredible amount of people. They've also been continuing their "tomb raiding" adventures - helping indigenous communities with hidden and precious artifacts secure them before tourists/"explorers" can. They're getting a lot better at avoiding tomb traps. It seems like things are going great for our former bachelorette and her man. Let's see how it's going for everyone else
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We weren't able to touch base with "Alanzo." In fact, nobody's been able to touch base with him for the last year. We've been told to ask you to contact the authorities if you see him.
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After the show, Darion's girlfriend -- who he hadn't TECHNICALLY broken up with before going on The Bachelorette -- was so upset that she leaked his nudes and racy videos in an attempt to embarrass and out him. That backfired. The internet LOVED Darion. Things picked up for him pretty quick, first on social media then on the covers of magazines. Recently he launched Wolf Packer, which is being lauded as the Fendi of transmen's underwear. Looks like disrespecting women really paid off for him! Funny how that worked out.
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Things didn't work out quite as well for "superstar" Bastien. After he was eliminated and Aja called him a "BAStard" #BastardBastien immediately started trending and stayed trending for 2 weeks, which is like a year in internet time. Because of all the bad press, Bastien's label dropped him. So now both Bastien and his tour are #CANCELLED
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Ryan and Atticus are still together and deeply in love. Atticus decided to go against the wishes of his coven and turn Ryan to cure him of his cancer and ensure that they could spend their eternal lives together.
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X'irron is doing more than fine! He took Aja's advice and continued his intergalactic travels. He hasn't quite gotten to the "finding himself" part of the journey, but he's definitely learning a lot ~getting to know~ all kinds of veeery interesting lifeforms.
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And that's it! Thank you again for watching- oh wait, sorry. How could we forget sweet baby Cooper! Well...
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Cooper's search for true love isn't over! Second time's the charm...That's how that phrase goes, right? (thank you to @maldeebee​ @holocene-sims​ and @utamuse​ for these beautiful girlies!!)
Thank you again so much to everyone who’s been reading this story! I especially appreciate y’all that always comment and reblog and inbox me about it - that seriously means the world 🥺 so instead of leaving a like, leave a comment so we can talk about this crazy show now that it’s over 😔
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anotherwvba · 8 months
Challenge Accepted pt. 9
The living room of Mika and Skye's Campus Lodge apartment was a harmonious blend of two distinct worlds. On one side, the walls were adorned with posters of anime posters for "Sailor Moon" and "Pretty Cure," shelves upon shelves of manga and blurays, a display of meticulously arranged anime figures, model kits, and statues, and a few autographs from her favorite seiyuu.
On the other side, Chicago sports memorabilia took center stage. The walls had a pair of jerseys, a Bulls and a Blackhawks, hanging side-by-side, along with a Cubs World Series pennant. A small bookshelf held two autographed balls, a football by the Bears and a basketball by the Sky, and a small Chicago flag nestled between them.
The furniture was comfortable. The WVBA supplied a pair of recliners, a cozy couch, and a coffee table that currently held an array of Filipino snacks. Mika had just finished preparing turon, a sweet banana roll, and kwek-kwek, quail eggs coated in seasoned orange batter.
Just as Mika was setting down a bowl of shrimp chips on the coffee table, there was a knock at the door. "Ah, perfect timing! Come in, come in!" Mika exclaimed as she opened the door to find Cutie and Niki standing there.
Cutie walked in holding a six-pack of Fanta Melon Soda. "My parents sent these from home to celebrate my win. Thought I'd share the love!"
Niki feigned a wounded expression. "Are you ever going to let me live down our match, Cutie?"
Cutie chuckled, "Oh, of course I will, Niki. Right after I knock someone else out!"
Niki playfully shook her fist at Cutie, "Oh, you're just asking for it today, aren't you?" The room erupted in laughter.
Mika, still beaming, turned to her guests. "Salamat for coming, you guys! I really appreciate your help with this anime party."
Niki shrugged, "Hey, I'm no expert like you two. I mean, I've only watched stuff I grab at Walmart like 'Naruto' or 'My Hero Academia.' But I'm happy to help!"
Cutie's eyes sparkled. "I'm so thrilled you asked us, Mika! But I've got a quick question. Um, have you considered... cosplay?"
Mika's eyes widened, her face lighting up like a Christmas tree. "Cosplay? Bakit hindi ko naisip 'yun? We have so much to do!"
After a few hours had passed, the atmosphere in the apartment was buzzing with excitement. Mika sat in the floor, her tablet sitting in her lap, while Niki and Cutie were lounging on the couch. Now, they had a plan… and full stomachs.
"Those snacks were amazing, Mika! I've never had Filipino food before, but I'm a fan now," Niki exclaimed.
Cutie chimed in, "Hai, those quail eggs were something else. So good!"
Mika beamed. "I'm glad you both enjoyed them! Now, let's recap. For the anime party, we've got four hours in the gym. We’ll start with 'Cowboy Bebop,' then  'Ranma 1/2' and ‘Attack on Titan.’ From there we move on to 'Pretty Cure,' 'Death Note,' 'One Piece,' 'Bubblegum Crisis,' and 'Gundam Wing,’ in that order."
Niki's eyes widened. "Wow, that's an eclectic mix! Something for everyone, huh?"
Cutie was equally impressed. "It’s got classics and modern hits. I love it! Now, here’s what I’ve got for the guest list. There’s the three of us, obviously, Skye, Joe, my brother, and Disco. I say we invite Hippo and Bull, too.”
“I knew King Hippo was an anime fan,” Niki says matter of factly, drawing an odd look from Mika. “Look, IT sent me to help him get Crunchyroll to work on his TV.”
“Ah. Makes sense,” Mika nodded. “But, Bald Bull?”
“Oh yeah!” Cutie smiles, “He gives me a shopping list of model kits to bring back every time I visit family. He loves, and I mean loves, Gundam.”
Mika clapped her hands together. "Alright, then! The more, the merrier!"
Niki leaned forward, her eyes twinkling. "On the technical side, I can handle sending out digital invites and I’ll make sure to add that cosplay is allowed. And for the screening, the gym already has a massive projector screen that lowers from the ceiling. I'm thinking of… borrowing… the 4K Ultra HD projector from the arena and bringing the Dolby Atmos speakers we use for outdoor shows. The specs are just… ah, so good!"
Cutie and Mika exchanged glances before bursting into laughter. "You really geek out over this stuff, don't you?" Mika said.
Niki shrugged, "Hey, if you're going to do it, do it right."
Mika then clapped her hands together again, "So, what's everyone wearing for cosplay? I’m breaking out my Sailor Moon."
Niki shook her head, "I'm going to sit this one out. Never cosplayed before and don't have the time to put something together."
“Don’t worry, Niki,” Mika chimed in. “I love sewing. We’ll get you ready for the next cosplay opportunity.”
Cutie pulled out her phone and started swiping. "I'm torn between my Spike Spiegel and my Kamen Rider Kivala." She showed pictures of both costumes to Mika and Niki.
"Wow, both look amazing!" Niki exclaimed.
Mika was intrigued, "Kivala? What anime is that from?"
Cutie chuckled, "Actually, Kivala isn't from an anime. She's from a live-action show called 'Kamen Rider Decade.'"
Both Mika and Niki leaned in, suddenly curious. "Live-action? Tell us more!" Mika urged.
Cutie grinned, "Well, it's a tokusatsu show, a Japanese genre featuring superheroes, special effects, and lots of action. Maybe we should consider a tokusatsu party down the road?"
Mika's eyes sparkled at the idea, "That sounds like another epic gathering waiting to happen!"
Niki nodded, "I'm in, as long as there are snacks like today."
“Oh no,” Cutie shakes her head. “I can’t cook. You know that, Niki. I can burn water.”
“You’ll never go hungry as long as I’ve got a kitchen.” Mika stood up, her eyes shining with gratitude and excitement. "I can't thank you both enough for helping me plan this. It's going to be an anime party for the ages!"
Cutie and Niki joined in the excitement, their faces glowing with anticipation. "We wouldn't miss it for the world," Cutie said.
And so, the trio sat there, their hearts full and their minds racing with ideas, each one contributing a piece to what promised to be an unforgettable night.
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Location: The Ruby Bazaar, a lodge in the northern mountains. A millionaire used to own it, and it was his private den of decadence and debauchery until he had to sell it during the Depression. A gigantic wooden building with a sophisticated, yet rustic interior. Maria rented the ballroom and all ten rooms, should some guests consider staying there. 
Cuisine: A variety of gourmet meats, some hunted on the grounds of the lodge itself. The eclectic dishes will be served with produce, dairy, and wines from local sources. It’s meat and potatoes, but make it fashion! For vegetarians, there are meatless options, but they’re just as delicious.
Dress Code: Considering the location, it is semi-formal. 
Entertainment: A live band will play the entire night, along with contortionists and dancers a-la-Cirque De Soleil. Some will serve drinks while walking on their hands. The other staff members will all wear animal masks of their choosing, mimicking the game trophies on the walls. There’s also a rumor of a murder mystery, but it hasn’t been confirmed...
Guest List: It’s pretty long. If you want one of those rooms, call her up ASAP because they will go fast!
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sfarticles · 6 months
Browsing stores for cookbooks is time well spent Foodies will love the gift of a cookbook, and it won't be hard on your wallet.
Check out my latest column for gifts those who enjoy food and like to cook
I hope you had a joyous Thanksgiving. For me it was a dual celebration, celebrating my parents’ 68th anniversary, as well. They are snowbirds, so it is a great opportunity to enjoy some warm weather and explore Florida’s food scene while in the Sunshine State. Visiting local bookstores to check out their cookbook shelves, especially those books by local authors and restaurateurs, has been time well spent. One thing I learned years ago, don’t take mom along when I am scouting out cookbooks, since mother is not like son when it comes to cookbooks and cooking. To mom’s credit, she still saves the food section from her local newspaper, so upon my arrival, I have plenty of columns upon which I need to catch-up. Dad, who is 91, on the other hand, enjoys cooking, however, he won’t follow a cookbook recipe, so cookbooks are out for him. I am his “go-to” when it comes to recipes.
With the eight days of Hannukah beginning the evening of Thursday, December 7, and Christmas about three weeks away, the race is on to find that desirous, perfect gift. I am asked by many people, “what cookbook do you recommend for my foodie friends and relatives?” It isn’t easy to pick just a few suggestions. My list is quite extensive; cookbook collecting for me is addictive — I read cookbooks the way one would read a novel. I am sure I am not alone; some people on your gift list — perhaps you, too — are like this. Some of these will fit the bill for a welcome addition to one’s cookbook shelf. And a cookbook gift won’t be hard on your wallet.
For Pennsylvanians, or those that wish to explore the culinary scene in the Keystone State, “Pennsylvania Good Eats: Exploring the State’s Favorite, Unique, Historic, and Delicious Foods,” by Brian Yarvin (2021, Globe Pequot, $21.95)  gives the recipient the “tip of the iceberg” of Pennsylvania’s eclectic and vast food culture. The author gives the perfect starting point for exploration. Those who crave food prepared by older relatives now long gone, there is a place out there preparing those dishes, perhaps using techniques now not common. He writes,  “Pennsylvania, is so filled with nooks and crannies that any food, no matter how archaic or obscure, can find an out-of-the-way place to thrive. Anytime you hear somebody say, ‘Nobody cooks that anymore!’ you can be sure that somebody in the Keystone State is preparing it.” He mentions scrapple, buckwheat cakes, smoked sausage, and fried noodles.  His exploration via car, foot and train made him realize there is no “best.” From John’s Roast Pork Shop (Philadelphia), Appel Valley Butcher Shop (Lancaster), Caputo Brothers Creamery (Spring Grove), Patterson Maple Farms (Westfield) to Mister Ed’s Elephant Museum & Candy Emporium (Orrtanna), you’ll visit food landmarks, where some of your food memories can be rekindled again.
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Those interested in food and history will welcome “The Gilded Age Cookbook: Recipes and Stories From America’s Golden Era,” by Becky Libourel Diamond (2023, Globe Pequot, $34.95).  This excerpt was contributed by food historian and culinary stylist, Dan Macey: “Theatrics were an integral part of fine dining. Lavish centerpieces, ranging from floral arrangements to ornate sugar molds and plaster-cast animals, were front and center on the banquet table. This same pageantry was often applied to the centerpiece of the meal—the main meat course.” It gives a glimpse of that “perfect” table that impressed guests in the day and still do.  I enjoyed the tasteful combination of recipes that are approachable, the artistry and history. The recipient of the book will get a sneak peek of what the Gilded Age looked and tasted like through the beautiful pictures, historic menus, and recipes. My friend, Diane Jacob, the author of “Will Write for Food,” gives the book her thumbs up by saying, “A beautifully designed and photographed cookbook, filled with intriguing stories. The parties and events may have been excessive, but the classic recipes here look simple and doable to make. Bring back a bit of the past and celebrate it today with a copy of “The Gilded Age Cookbook.”
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Those on your list who enjoy entertaining, perhaps it is you, a copy of “Butter Boards: 50+ Inventive Spreads for Entertaining,” by Alejandra Diaz-Imlah and Jamison Diaz-Imlah (2023, Cider Mill Press, $27.99) is a must. The “Board craze” is amazing. A plethora of books, websites, and videos, teaching the art of creating food boards (charcuterie, cheese, dessert) are available. There’s even a company that ships beautifully prepared gift boards.  Boards make entertaining easy, whether it be for a formal dinner, brunch or a casual afternoon tea. A new concept is butter boards. You might be thinking, what is this? It’s quite simple…softened butter is spread on a board and paired with ingredients, savory or sweet or both. Then, take a piece of bread, a cracker, vegetable or fruit and swipe some delectable butter spread on it. I suggest you use good quality butter for the best flavor. The author describes cultured butter, Irish and European butter as well as plant-based butter, the latter welcomed by vegans and those who don’t eat dairy products. Savory recipes include: bacon butter with bacon and maple biscuits; Christmas butter with radishes and cranberries; pesto butter with rosemary focaccia; dill, caper and cream cheese butter with lox and bagels. For those with a sweet tooth: cinnamon and honey butter with butter rolls and candied almonds; lemon and ginger butter with strawberry rhubarb jam; Spanish chocolate butter with churros.
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The use of mason jars has gone beyond making and storing preserves. “Mason Jar Cocktails,” by Shane Carley (2022, Cider Mill Press, $19.95) is perfect for those on your list who would like - as the book jacket says, “to combine the best aspects of your favorite creative cocktails with the rustic simplicity of the Mason jar; you’ll be sipping at that martini with country-living style.” Included are cocktails based on a variety of liquors as well as creative mocktails such as Mason Jar Fuzzless Navel and a virgin mudslide.  
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For the bakers or want-to-be bakers on your list, “I’ll Bring the Cake: Recipes for Every Season and Every Occasion,” by Mandy Merriman (2023, Harvest/HarperCollins, $40) will be a welcome addition to their baking cookbooks, especially those who enjoy or want to learn the art of decorating. The beautiful cakes that are truly works of art, begin with a boxed mix and then several ingredients to the mix. She said, “there’s a special way to make a cake mix taste like it’s from scratch, and my recipes are the best way to make that possible.” What is handy about her recipes is that they can be converted to make cupcakes, Bundt cakes, 9 x 13 inch cakes, etc. The section on buttercream essentials, baking tips and troubleshooting, assembling, and frosting are accompanied by step-by-step photos. One tip that she shares (and I agree with) is to avoid substitutions, with the exception of those avoiding ingredients for allergies. She writes, “I don’t recommend changing a recipe the first time you make it. If you change an ingredient,  know that you may end up with a different result.” The flavor combinations are mouth-watering: Cannoli Cake with Cinnamon Mascarpone Buttercream and Ricotta Filling; Creme Brulee Cake with Vanilla Bean Buttercream and Custard Filling; Grapefruit Poppy Seed Cake with Grapefruit Poppy Seed Buttercream and Grapefruit Curd; Gingerbread Cake with White Chocolate and Ginger Buttercream; Eggnog Latte Cake. The stunning photos of every cake will entice the recipient want to make them all! 
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If you’ve noticed, small plates and tapas are appearing on menus like never before. For many people, this is the preferred way to eat, grazing on a few small plates to experience flavors of different food. Entertaining this way at home, rather than preparing an elaborate meal is the trend. “The Complete Small Plates Cookbook: 300+ Shareable Tapas, Meze, Bar Snacks, Dumplings, Salads, and More,” by the editors of America’s Test Kitchen (2023, $34.99) explains how to put it all together…think about what each dish “brings to the table” (no pun intended), flavor, texture, and color. The recipes are categorized into nibbles, little bites, and heartier bites. The editors give pointers on how to create a small plates menu by asking…What’s the occasion? How much to serve? How much time do you have? The editors share strategies to use when choosing what small plates to prepare. Sample menus, some themed, along with recipes, are provided to make the decision easy. For example:  Indian Tea Party (Orange-cardamom spiced nuts; Pakoras with cilantro-mint chutney; Naan with ricotta, sundried tomatoes, and olive tapenade; Gajarachi Koshimbir; pine nut macaroons; Masaka chai). Maybe the recipient will invite you to enjoy the small plates prepared from this gift!
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A recent study has shown that Chinese food is the most Googled cuisine in the United States The research, conducted by foodfirefriends.com, analyzed Google search data. Chinese food is Americans’ most-liked food. The ingredients used in preparing Chinese food are now available in many supermarkets due to the popularity of the cuisine, and the number of folks preparing it at home. To assist in this endeavor, Kevin Pang and Jeffrey Pang, the father-son hosts of the video series “Hunger Pangs,” teamed up with America’s Test Kitchen and published “A Very Chinese Cookbook: 100 Recipes from China & Not China (But Still Really Chinese),” (2023, America’s Test Kitchen, $35). General Tso’s Chicken and dumplings to not so well-known dishes, this gift is perfect for people who love Chinese cuisine and would like to prepare it at home. The tips, techniques and step-by-step instructions and illustrations along with the authors’ stories, hosting a Chinese New Year party just might be on the horizon.      
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With New Year’s Eve around the corner, “Friday Night Cocktails: 52 Drinks to Welcome Your Weekend,” by A.J. Dean (2023, Collective Book Studio, $19.95) is perfect for those cocktail afficionados on your list, especially if they are staying at home to celebrate and wish to experiment with new cocktail ideas. The fifty-two recipes are a collection of classic, contemporary and unique drinks. They are divided by season and month, so the libation can be matched with the weather and holidays. This time of year, the Pumpkin Pie Cocktail, Cranberry Mule or Apple Jack Sour would be appropriate to celebrate the season. The Summer Shandy would be a good choice for the warmer weather. The author writes,“ with a little understanding of the roles of the main components—alcohol, water, sugar, bitters—you can begin to experiment on your own. For example, the French 75 cocktail (gin, lemon juice, simple syrup, sparkling wine); Why not try grapefruit juice in place of the lemon? Or make the same recipe but use different gins?” This joyous holiday season, try something new, but don’t forget the tried-and-true. 
Let the shopping begin!
Stephen Fries, is Professor Emeritus and former coordinator of the Hospitality Management Programs at Gateway Community College, in New Haven, CT. He has been a food and culinary travel columnist for the past 15 years and is co-founder of and host of “Worth Tasting,” a culinary walking tour of downtown New Haven, CT. He is a board member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals. [email protected] For more, go to stephenfries.com
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homemaxrealty · 1 year
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davidsmith24 · 1 year
Discover the Most Significant New Releases in Music This Week
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As music streaming services continue to dominate the way we consume music, it can be overwhelming to sift through the countless new releases each week to find something worth listening to. Fortunately, this list offers a helpful weekly guide to the industry’s most significant news.
This week’s new releases span a wide range of artists across multiple genres. His band Gorillaz, formed by musician Damon Albarn and visual artist Jamie Hewlett, releases his seventh studio album featuring collaborations with the likes of Elton John and Robert His Smith.
Model/Actriz, an experimental duo from New York, released their debut album Defeatist. Rapper Maxo has released his latest project, Smile, which features guest appearances from the rapper’s Earl Sweatshirt and his Pink Siifu.
Other notable releases this week include post-punk band Shame’s ‘Drunk Tank Pink’, electronic musician Yeat’s ‘You Will Learn To Suffer But Then You Can Cope’ and R&B singer Tink’s ‘Heat of the Moment “And so on. Also, her classical pianist Katrina Klimsky released the album Ariel’s Piano, and her experimental jazz trio The Necks released her 22nd album Three.
Fans of digital song also can test out Sideshow’s “The Moon,” which blends factors of techno, house, and ambient song to create an otherworldly listening experience.
With so much new music released every week, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But with Pitchfork’s guidance, fans can discover exciting new artists and albums they may have missed.
Dogsbody [True Panther] by Model/Actriz
Brooklyn-based band Model/Actriz has been making waves with their debut album, Dogsbody, which infuses busy, tense rock songs with an eclectic mix of cultural references. Bandleader Cole Haden’s love for Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical Cats is evident in the album’s sound, which offers a unique blend of popular culture, high art, and suburban living.
Released in 2022, Dogsbody features ten tracks that showcase the band’s ability to create music that is both urgent and introspective. From the opening track, “Dress Rehearsal,” to the closing track, “All in a Day’s Work,” the album takes listeners on a journey through Haden’s encounters and observations of the world around him.
The album’s lead single, “Amaranth,” is a standout track that showcases the band’s ability to blend different genres and styles seamlessly. The song’s driving rhythm and infectious melody are complemented by Haden’s introspective lyrics, which touch on themes of isolation and self-doubt.
Even God Has a Sense of Humor [Def Jam] by Maxo
Maxo, the Los Angeles-based rapper, released his latest full-length album titled “Even God Has a Sense of Humor” on his 28th birthday this week. This album is a follow-up to his 2019 release, “Lil Big Man”. Maxo’s latest album features collaborations from talented artists such as Madlib, Pink Siifu, Liv.e, KeiyaA, and many more.
One of the singles from the album, “Free!”, has been receiving great reviews and has been featured on Pitchfork. The track features an upbeat and catchy instrumental, layered with Maxo’s quick and witty wordplay. The production of the song is credited to Brooklyn-based producer Sporting Life, who is known for his unique and experimental sound.
“Free!” talks about Maxo’s aspirations and his journey towards achieving his goals. He emphasizes the importance of self-belief, hard work, and the power of faith. Maxo’s lyrics are honest and relatable, making it easy for listeners to connect with his message.
Maxo’s latest album is a testament to his growth as an artist. It showcases his versatility and his ability to experiment with different sounds and styles.
Even God Has a Sense of Humor is a highly anticipated release and has already received great reviews from fans and critics alike. With this album, Maxo has cemented his position as one of the most exciting and promising rappers in the game. Read more
Source: Networth
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