#intelligent and ruthless she could be
could you recommend any books on maria pavlovna the elder, or at least books that mention and/or describe her life and personality? 🤍
hey 🤍 unfortunately the list will be short, off the top of my head:
- Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna by Galina Korneva and Tatiana Cheboksarova. It is a very rare and expensive book which I never had the chance to read but if I’m not mistaken @imperial-russia has a copy so she might tell us if it is a good read or not! - From Splendor to Revolution by Julia P. Gelardi. - Romanov autumn by Charlotte Zeepvat. - The Flight of the Romanovs by John Curtis Perry and Constantine Pleshakov. - La France des Romanov by Cyrille Boulay (if you read french) - Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K. Massie. - The Camera and the Tsars: A Romanov Family Album by Charlotte Zeepvat. - The jewels of the Romanovs by Stefano Papi. - The Grand Dukes, volume 1 by Arturo E. Beéche. - A Lifelong Passion by Sergei Mironenko and Andrei Maylunas. - The story of my life by Queen Mary of Romania.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 5 months
You know, it would be interesting for me to read the gloomy Disney characters. By the type that the Reader accidentally enters the Disney world. Or is already in this world. For example, a man! The Evil Queen× reader. Just imagine that the mirror says that the most beautiful is the reader and the man!The evil Queen was interested.. Well, or dark! A man!A Disney princess who believes in love and believes that the reader is his true love and that the reader should belong only to him.
Sorry for the bad English
Don't apologize
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You're perf, babes
Yandere!Genderbent!Evil King x GN!Reader x Yandere!Genderbent!Snow White
CW: Death, obsessive behavior
"Magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" The vain king asked his enchanted mirror as he often did whenever his pride was wounded. King Hadewig was the envy of men and women. Cold and beautiful, his features were cut like an ethereal ice sculpture. Intelligent, talented, and ruthless, most everyone either wanted to bed him or be him. However, his power was not guaranteed for long.
Hadewig was King only by responsibility, and not by actual title. His title was, legally, Prince Consort. He married his, now deceased, wife when he was a young bachelor, and she was the only eligible bachelorette of suitable status as a widow. Being so much older than him, it was an "unfortunate", but not "unsurprising" passing of the crown when the Queen died and left her son in Hadewig's care.
The only reason the child wasn't immediately crowned king was because of Hadewig's charm and influence, convincing the court that the young Prince Snow was too irresponsible to rule the country. But it was difficult to continue that lie going, even with Hadewig purposely keeping Snow ignorant of his future kingly duties by treating him as a servant, for now the boy was twenty years of age, and truly should have not only been coronated years ago, but also wed off to the available princess of the neighboring kingdom, a woman as old as Hadewig.
But his potential loss of power wasn't the reason for his low self esteem that day.
"You are, my king. There is one who approaches, but does not yet share with you what makes you fair."
The king slumped in his seat in an uncouth like manner. "Then why does my hunter not look at me like a man?"
King Hadewig's personal hunter, an immensely talented killer that didn't just slaughter animals for the king. And the only person who simply looked at the king. Nothing Hadewig did could change the professional look on (Reader's) face during their meetings. No matter how charismatic he was with his words, how stylish his clothing was, nor the love potions he attempted to spike (Reader's) drinks with, they were seemingly immune to every one of his attempts. In their most recent meeting, the one that left Hadewig depressed, he had offered his hunter a glass of wine, which they turned down, stating that the last drink they had received from the king did not agree with them.
"I can not tell you that, my lord. I only can report what I see, so unless your hunter speaks their secrets out loud while I spy, I am blind to their feelings for you."
Hadewig groaned, upset and broken hearted.
"Show me my hunter, again."
The face in the mirror melted, dissolving into an image of (Reader) leaving the castle. Their strong frame sent shivers down the icy man's spine. His first and only marriage was one of political importance, with no love or warmth between the husband and wife. But in the presence of his Mx. Hunter, the king was set ablaze. The intense feeling of heat was dowsed when he witnessed the bastard he hated most in the world approach his hunter.
At the steps of the castle, Snow had been timidly watching the triumphant hunter from afar, gathering the courage to approach them. He had never known shame, never feeling any sort of embarrassment about the state of his dress, but in the presence of the person who always smelled faintly of iron, he was reduced to two inches tall.
Stepping lightly like a mouse, the short adult snuck up behind (Reader), still debating whether or not he was actually going to announce his presence.
His decision was made for him, however, being noticed by (Reader) almost immediately.
"Good afternoon, your highness." They said, turning sharply on their heel to face him.
The hunter was the only person to address the prince by his royal status.
"Ah- how did you know it was me?" He asked incredulously. A pink blush warmed his entire head, wrapping around the back of his neck and up to the tips of his ears.
"Because I could hear you." (Reader) offered a kind smile to the shy, younger man. They felt sympathy towards him, with the way his cold step father treated him. With what they had done to him.
Snow was impressed by how cool (Reader) was. And a small part of him wished to impress them as well. He tried to straighten out his worn out rags. "What brings you to the castle today?"
"To gift the king a wolf pelt. And also," (Reader) reached into their pouch, pulling out a pressed flower, "to gift you this."
The prince sucked in his gasp, wide eyed and lips pressed tight.
"I apologize for not finding something better for your highness."
"No!" He panicked, grabbing the flower with both hands. "It's beautiful!"
He hadn't received a gift since the passing of his mother.
"Happy Birthday, your highness." (Reader) bowed, then turned swiftly, leaving the young man hyperventilating and sweating.
Only the king and his mirror heard Snow whisper long after (Reader) left: "I love you."
Three days later, and the king was losing his mind over the interaction. Snow was visibly taller, standing straighter as he worked, singing as he cleaned the castle grounds, and it was bothering him.
Hadewig kicked over his chair in frustration. "Magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"
"The one you fear is getting stronger, the confidence has warmed his winter, and people shall notice his spring awakening. The prince now glows more brightly than you, whose anger has etched lines of hatred into his ice like face."
King Hadewig released a scream, losing his control before quickly sharpening back up, running his hands through his messed hair.
He left his study, storming over towards a frightened servant.
"Send for my hunter."
Before (Reader), the king was disheveled, worrying (Reader) something awful.
"I can not stand for this disrespect any longer." His gaze read cold and cruel as it pierced the hunter's. "You understand that you are mine, correct?"
(Reader) thought about the flower and felt a wave of anxiety. "Yes, your highness."
"You understand that you belong to me?"
"Yes, your highness."
He sighed ever so slightly, before retrieving a wooden box from his desk. "I have another assignment for you.
Kill my son."
Nausea threatened to erupt from the seasoned murderer. "My lord?"
"Take him deep into the woods, and bring me back his heart." He held out the box. It was a test, as though (Reader) hadn't proved their loyalty to the mad man enough.
The empty box was heavy in (Reader's) hands.
"As you wish, your highness."
Prince Snow spun in the field of flowers as he searched for the most beautiful flowers for the hunter. It was the best day of his life! His father had given him a colorful outfit that fit him and the hunter had asked him out on a date! Well, they didn't call it a date, but what else could it have been?
He wove a crown for (Reader) while imaging their wedding day, becoming King and Royal Consort and having a real crown placed on their head.
(Reader), however, was weighing their options, not truly paying attention to the prince, and trying to ignore his childlike excitement.
What would the king do, if he was made a fool?
"Oh, hunter!" Snow ran over, holding out the delicate crown. "I made this for you! May I?"
And that was all it took, for (Reader) to spare his life.
They bent down, feeling the weight of the crown on their scalp. It smelled nice. Before Snow could retreat, (Reader) wrapped their arms around his thin waist. They had killed so many people before, but this was only the second time they felt unbearable guilt.
The first was after they took the life of the Queen.
"(Reader)?" Snow stuttered out, feeling weak in their strong arms.
"You must run, your highness." (Reader) whispered into his ear.
"The king has ordered me to kill you. So please, run. Far away, into the woods." They released the prince, and it was only then that he noticed the heavy bags under their tired eyes.
"Why? I don't understand-"
"Leave. It won't be long before that witch discovers my lie."
Snow fell to his knees, holding onto the edge of (Reader's) shirt for dear life, falling apart in front of them. "Please, no! Come with me! If he would kill me, what would he do to you for sparing me? Please, run away with me!"
(Reader) bent down to release his fingers from their hem, planting a kiss on his forehead as they did so. "I hope when I meet you again you will have found a name more worthy of such a warm and kind person. For as of this moment, Prince Snow is dead."
Excitement threatened to crack the King's cool demeanor as he observed the bloody heart in his hands. (Reader) was distant, but that didn't matter to Hadewig, for now there was no competition for his hunter's affection. They would soon be his, even if he had to use force to make it so.
"Excellent work, my faithful hunter." He offered a practiced smile, unnerving (Reader) who prayed that the pig heart made a convincing decoy. At least until they could escape and hide out in the mountains, far away from the King's eyes.
(Reader) gave a deep bow. Then they left, calmly getting on their horse, and leaving, not taking a single glance behind them as they sped off, emergency bag already packed on their steed.
Back in Hadewig's room, he caressed the box affectionately, thinking about his lovely hunter. The stress had certainly caused a frown line, just as the mirror said, but he was working at reversing the damage.
"Magic Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" He dreamily asked, slightly nervous that the rage had permanently ruined his perfect face.
"Hiding deep within the woods, tending a wounded heart, the fairest in the land hides. Prince Snow still lives."
The king scoffed. "I have his heart right here, mirror."
"No, within that box lies the heart of a pig."
The box fell from Hadewig's hands. "A pig..?" His face scrunched up painfully. "(Reader) would never betray- they belong to me! ME! Guards! Where is my hunter?!"
"The hunter is flying towards the mountains, away from the woods they released the prince into."
Hadewig collapsed at his desk, screaming in agony while pawing at his chest. "No! It's all his fault! Find me that little bastard- I'll kill him myself!"
The seven dwarven women listened to the young man recall his tale of woe, his eyes full of tears but a smile still on his lips. "So, if you please, could I stay here? Just until my love returns for me."
Happy sighed dramatically, blushing and twirling her beard. "That (Reader) is so brave~"
Grumpy smacked the back of her head. "That double crosser may have saved the prince, but that doesn't mean they won't double double cross him!"
Bashful stomped a foot. "It's true love! They would never!"
"Well, they never confessed their feelings," Doc said while cleaning her glasses, "they could have saved Snow out of the goodness of their heart."
Snow smiled, trying to calm the fragments of his heart. "I have to believe, to hope, that (Reader) loves me as I love them. To risk death for me.. but, they said we would meet again. And I trust them."
It was painful, knowing that his father wanted him dead, but what was worse was hearing that (Reader) had put their life in danger for him. Despite all the pain and punishment Snow had endured, he never held it against his step father, but now..
A dark, bitter seed had been planted.
And throughout the night as the household slept, Prince Snow could feel it grow, threatening to burst forth from his chest. The dwarven women were so kind to him. So inviting, and trusting.
He wondered what else they would do for him.
The dark haired man knew that the apple was poison from the moment it was placed in his hands. What kind of elderly man would be this far out away from any sort of town, especially if they were traveling to sell produce? He didn't know who the old man was, but knew that he must have been in cahoots with the king.
"Oh, I don't have any money." Snow said quite sadly, placing his head in his hand.
"For such a lovely young man? Free of charge."
"Are you sure?"
The old man was certainly no real beggar. Nothing made sense. It was cruel, what Snow thought to do, especially if he was wrong, but in case he was right.. Snow whispered to a bird before smiling brightly at the stranger, taking the apple in both hands.
"Of course, please take it!"
Snow bit into the fruit, but did not swallow, hiding the chunk in his hand. After a few seconds of pretending to chew, he collapsed, holding his breath.
The king almost immediately dropped his disguise, snarling. His once similarly raven hair had a stripe of grey.
In a voice barely louder than a huff, he said "It serves you right, you filthy bastard. I would have let you live, if you had simply left my (Reader) alone."
He exhaled. There was no movement from the floor.
"Are you dead yet? Can you still hear me? I hope you can." The king smiled. "I hope you can hear me from beyond the grave as I finally get my happily ever after."
But as he celebrated the dwarves rushed home from work, and a small bird was rallying forces to find the hunter and lead them to Snow's body.
As he monologued to what Hadewig assumed was his son's corpse, the women returned from the mines, righteously horrified and armed with pickaxes.
Hadewig heard a woman shout "Grumpy, don't!" before a pick connected with his lower back, piercing his organs from behind.
The pain was excruciating, sending fire up his body as blood poured out of him. He imagined (Reader's) face, finally smiling for him as they cradled him in their arms, accepting his love. Hadewig wanted that to be the last thing he saw before he died.
Instead, he witnessed Snow, smiling up at him from the floor.
(Reader) arrived just a moment too late, having been closer than they had expected due to how deep into the woods Snow had traveled. They witnessed the sobbing dwarves sitting at the door, too upset to enter their own home where the young prince they tried to rescue lie dead.
The hunter pushed passed them, not wasting a second to grab the young man. He was still warm, but wasn't breathing.
Snow kept his eyes closed as he felt the worst pain he had ever known.
(Reader's) hands slammed into Prince Snow's chest. A rib cracked under their strength, but Snow refused to show it.
Then their lips pressed against his.
His nose was held shut as (Reader) forced air into his throat, trying to get him to wake up. They continued the repetitions a medicine man had taught them while blowing air into his lungs.
"God damnit, Snow, wake up!"
They leaned in, and felt him breath against their mouth. His large brown eyes fluttered open, and his face reddened.
His lips curled into a weak grin. "You came back for me.."
Guilt washed over (Reader), hugging him tightly to their chest. "I'm sorry I left, Prince Snow."
Warm hands ran through (Reader's) hair. "Please.. Call me Theros."
The regret and pain kept (Reader) still, allowing the recently "revived" prince to pull them in for a kiss.
After all that (Reader) put him through, a kiss was the least they could do.
But for the born again man, it was just the beginning.
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chiscribbs · 1 year
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[***NOTE: Leo's design here is no longer accurate, link to the updated version.]
I know there are already a lot of "the brothers are separated at a young age and raised by different people" AUs floating around, so this isn't especially original, but- I've yet to see one with this particular parent-child arrangement, so...
Here’s some rough concept art for what I’m calling the “Grown Apart AU”  Which I've also been affectionately referring to as the "Everyone's a Disney Protagonist" AU for quite some time... you'll see why.
Here’s the gist: Basically, Splinter is only able to save Mikey and Leo from the lab explosion - Raph is immediately picked up by Huginn and Muninn and handed back over to Draxum; Donnie is lost mid-escape and later found by Big Mama's goons, who show up for Lou but bring Don back with them instead when Lou is nowhere to be found.
Details of each turtles’ upbringings (as well as how/when they meet April) below the cut:  
Draxum raised Raph to be everything he originally intended the turtles to be: a ruthless, obedient super soldier whose sole purpose in life is to protect the Yokai by eliminating the human threat. Draxum taught him to hate humankind and trained him up to be virtually undefeatable in battle. However...because Draxum isn't the most attentive parent, most of the caretaking for Raph was actually provided by Huginn and Muninn. And the two little well-meaning gargoyles - mostly unintentionally and outside of their master's knowledge - wound up nurturing a much softer and friendlier side to their supposedly bloodthirsty warrior-in-the-making. As a result, Raph has essentially been living a double-life under Draxum’s ownership; playing the part of a perfect soldier for his father/general, who he's determined not to disappoint, and only feeling free to be himself when he's alone (or with H&M.)
Raph has always known that there were supposed to be other mutants like himself but grew up believing that he's the only one who survived the experiment, making him the only one left in existence (until Draxum’s oozesquitos create more, that is). Even though he had H&M to keep him company, being an only child could still be pretty lonely sometimes, so Raph would often imagine what having brothers - other mutants like himself that he could have grown up alongside - would have been like.
Raph is the only one of the turtles that knows his human DNA comes from Lou Jitsu - just like Draxum, though, he has no idea that Splinter is actually Lou Jitsu.
Donnie had a posh and cushy upbringing in Big Mama's hotel - she raised him as her own son(unaware that he’s actually Lou’s)/apprentice and uses his technological talents to aid her multiple businesses: he supplies new weapons and battlegrounds for the Battle Nexus, as well as automated assistants and security for her hotel, and even pitches in with her more off-the-record dealings that last one being without Donnie’s knowledge. Big Mama's kept him pretty much wrapped around her little finger; praising him for his intelligence and usefulness whenever he does a good job or makes her nice things. When he hasn’t, however, she’s a less-than-affectionate mother. Donnie will do absolutely anything it takes to impress and earn approval from her.
Donnie is largely sheltered and knows very little about the world outside of the hotel - especially the human world, about which most of his knowledge comes from what he finds on the internet. He doesn't even know that he's a mutant, believing himself to be just some uncommon type of yokai, since that's all he knows. He’s not allowed to fraternize freely with the hotel guests and has a somewhat contentious relationship with Big Mama’s assistant, whom he’s always viewed as competition for her affection. The closest thing he's had to a friend is S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N, whom Donnie built to have someone to talk to (besides Big Mama's boring, no-nonsense henchmen).
Don finally met April when he was about 11 yrs old; he secretly sent one of his spy bots out to explore the human city and she intercepted it. The two have been best friends and stayed in-touch with each other online ever since - April being unaware that Donnie isn't human.
Donnie knows of Lou Jitsu purely because he was Big Mama’s favorite champion in the history of the Battle Nexus - he idolizes him, having watched recordings of many of his fights, and dreams of one day fighting in the Battle Nexus himself (if Big Mama would allow that).
Leo & Mikey
Leo and Mikey were still rescued by Lou/Splinter and brought up in the NY sewers. Splinter felt extremely guilty for not managing to save the other two baby turtles and, for the first few years following the incident, spent much of his time searching for them. Once Leo was old enough, Splinter would start leaving him and Mikey in the Lair while he searched. He eventually gave up his search, presuming them both dead or lost for good, and resigned to keeping the remaining two as safe as possible - teaching them how to defend themselves and warning them never to leave the sewers unless he was with them.
Leo and Mikey were inseparable as kids - they would do everything together, refusing to even sleep in separate rooms until they were too big to fit in one bed anymore. Leo took his job as Mikey's big brother very seriously and always tried his best to protect him, even when they were simply playing games with each other. As they got older, though, the two brothers began to drift apart - Leo started to feel a little smothered; craving more freedom to do what he wanted when he wanted, without the older sibling responsibilities hanging over him 24/7. And Mikey started feeling like he couldn't go/do anything without his brother's judgement or approval, resenting the idea that he needed constant protection.
Finally, when he was about 13, Leo secretly snuck out of the lair one night to check out the city by himself and get a little taste of independence. After that one trip, it quickly became a habit and he soon began making regular “secret” trips into the city.
Somewhere along the way, his innocent quests for freedom and fun grew into opportunities to stir up some trouble - Leo eventually met and became involved with a group of yokai teens with whom he would pull pranks and play jokes on the city's human occupants (harmless ones...usually. They just enjoy causing a little mischief.)
Mikey, having to figure out other ways to keep himself occupied since his brother is usually by himself or busy with his new friends, has picked up a multitude of different skills and hobbies, trying absolutely everything he can get his hands on. His main hobby is spray-painting, which he uses to spruce any wall he can find with his own personal touch. By the time he's 13, much of underground New York has been covered by his handiwork.  Mikey eventually finds out about Leo’s secret outings and follows him when he leaves one night - the two end up meeting April, who's never seen mutants before (having only talked to Donnie online and not seen his face) and promptly freaks out before realizing they're not dangerous. The three soon become friends, too, and April starts making plans to introduce the boys to Donnie - knowing he could use more friends besides S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. and herself.
The four brothers' fates finally collide with one another when an escapee from Draxum's lab - Mayhem - shows up out of the blue and catapults Mikey and Leo to the Hidden City, where they have an unexpected reunion with their eldest brother.
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richardsgraysons · 2 months
prompt — dick grayson has a lot of exes. you don't want to be one of them.
tags —  just overall softness after a period of inactivity <3
you've seen them before. there's kory. she's tall and pretty with green eyes and golden skin and curly red hair that turns into literal fire. she's six foot tall and looks like a damn super model with her six pack and toned arms.
she's sweet and kind and understanding and forward. she's gentle with everybody, and treats everyone the same. she's a literal goddess, and you're sure that he would've chosen her as his future wife.
there's babs. now, if you didn't think he'd fall for kory, he would've definitely spent his entire life with her. how could he not? childhood best friends who've known each other since they could crawl. they've been out in crime together. you opt to stay in and not risk your life, and pray that he comes home safe every night.
she's got flaming red hair. she's not as tall as kory, but she's plenty tall enough. she could be a supermodel if she wants. you're pretty sure she's the toughest person you know. you know she's been shot by the joker and paralyzed for several years, and she's still never lost faith in her ability.
dick's often joked about his red hair-girl kink, and when you self consciously look at your own hair, which isn't flaming red like the girls he's adored, he wraps his arms around you and says, "aw, honey! you not having red hair is just proof i love you for you!"
there's bea. you've seen her only once. when he was ric grayson, and still trying to figure out who he is, she was there for him. she's beautiful, blue locs and sharp intelligent black eyes. she's refused to see him after finding out who he is, and he grows soft when he remembers what happened both.
and the huntress. god, the amount of women that have fallen in love with him isn't fair. helena bertenelli is savage, tough, quick, ruthless. everything you want to be. all the women who have fallen in love with him are unique in their own wright, a modern masterpiece.
but he loves you.
and you're sure he does, because when he comes home from patrol, he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your neck to show you that he's here, he's real.
he does the dishes and the laundry even though he has vigilante duties that night. he kisses you and says "i love you" even when you argue. he never raises his voice.
when you're too tired to do things, he gives you cuddles, even if he deserves them more than you do. he holds your hand in public. he shields you from the invasion of paparazzi.
when you fight, he spends all night trying to figure it out. he makes sure you have date nights no matter what. he blushes when he speaks to you. he stumbles over his words sometimes. his pick up lines are so cheesy that they make your heart sore.
they're just exes. his past.
you're you. his future.
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Dark/yandere king x the queen's lady in waiting mc, perhaps with Anne boleyn vibes👑🌹♟️♥️
Saw the witch x priest post and I have to say that the morally grey protagonist is a really refreshing and unique take
Yandere! King pt.2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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Even though you were never assigned to him Yandere! King couldn’t help but want to be by his side no matter what. You are the in-waiting for the queen, you’ve been with her for all her life and you adored her. She was strong willed and she was extremely intelligent. You’ve been by her side ever since you were young and have a tight bond with her. She was cold but you were happy to serve someone like her. Yandere! King was someone that people couldn’t be offended easily. When in his presence, everyone needed to watch their tongues if they wanted to keep it. He was a ruthless man who only cared about his own needs and goals. Even though he was married it was clear to see that the marriage was clearly political. There was no love between the two of them and they would almost daily cheat on each other. He sometimes even forgot that she existed. It was due to this loveless marriage that he became so interested in you.
Any normal person would be intimidated by this but you honestly didn’t care. If his attention would help you get a pay raise then let him stare at you all you want. In this economy, there was no way you were letting this money bag go. Something that you noticed about this man was that he was overly possessive and seemingly jealous of the things that he considered “his”. If he remotely took interest in something then it was his until he got bored and discards it. No one is dumb enough to stand in his way; he's cunning, backstabbing, and absolutely brutal. Morality means nothing when faced in his way.
Right now, your current situation was… strange. In a dining hall filled with luxurious food. There was a centerpiece in the middle of the table that no one could take their eyes off of.
“You’re majesty, please let me go! I repent, please forgive me for my sins! Please just don’t kill me!” The man screams with streams of tears pouring down his face. It was quite a pathetic sight to behold.
Yandere! King stared coldly at the man nailed down to the dining table. The look on his face could send shivers down anyone’s spine. He was absolutely pissed off right now. Aside from the man in the middle screaming, the room was filled with absolute silence as everyone held their breath. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut it with a knife.
“Your highness please have mercy on my husband! He didn’t mean to! He wasn’t in the right mind! Please forgive him!” The man’s wife begged.
“Listen to him scream like a pig. He touched someone who belonged to me. A sin like that is unforgivable.” Looking your way the king says in a menacing voice. “Tell me where he touched you.” Oh boy, you knew for sure that this was about to get very bloody. Man you really wanted to leave right now. All you could do was hope that he’d increase your salary pay after this for compensation for having to witness this. Like yeah it sucked that someone was going to die right now but there’s no way that you’re quitting. This job paid way too much and you were way too money hungry to quit.
“Tell me where did he touch you? I’ll make sure to gouge out the exact body parts to match.”
“My cheek, my neck, my waist, and my thigh”
Giving you a dismissive look, the king finally allows you to finally leave. On your way out all you could hear were the screams of the man and the sound of ripping flesh. Thank god that was over, it was starting to get annoying. Now you might be wondering where was the queen in all of this? Well, she was with her lover of course! Like I said, the king and queens marriage was only a political one. As long as they didn’t bother each other or get into the other's business, then they did not care about what the other did. It was just truly a loveless marriage.
Making your way towards the queen’s chambers you begin to perform your daily duties. Mindless tasks that bore you to death. The only reason your pay was so good was because of how fond Yandere! King is of you. Any other person in your position would only get a fraction of your wage. You were a bit thankful for this because if he ever deemed you as boring and fired you. You’d still have enough money to live a fairly decent lifestyle. Something that you’ve learned while working for the royal family was that it was always best to stay away from their personal affairs. It gets real ugly once an outsider ever decides to interfere. You honestly wished you knew this before your parents forced you to sign up for this job. Maybe it would have saved you from an annoying king?
Sometimes he’d hand you little trinkets to indulge yourself in. It seemed that he was quite fond of observing you and witnessing your reaction to new devices. With someone like him running the country most people would think that it’d be in ruins. However, he’s definitely smart and knows how to run a country. It’s thanks to him that his kingdom has one of the best economies in the world.
Even though you were primarily assigned to the queen you saw Yandere! King more than her. To you, he was an obnoxious and dangerous figure. One that can easily win wars and conquer any land he so desires. He is a very selfish man that has a habit of being physically and emotionally manipulative. To be honest you can’t say you were any better. Oftentimes you’d use people to your own benefit but he’d definitely take it to the extreme. The amount of people that he used and discarded was insane. Weakness is a word that seems to be out of his dictionary.You could never tell what exactly he was thinking, he was like an enigma. One thing you were certain about was that with the rate of his obsession he’d never leave you alone.
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urfavleo777 · 6 months
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warnings: age gap, teacher x student relationship, smut
teacher's pet.
Every word he said was giving you goosebumps.
He was harsh, stony, and, according to many students, ruthless. There were times when you made eye contact with each other, although they never lasted longer than two seconds, after which you always felt your cheeks burning. Those two seconds were enough for you to feel like he was sucking your soul out of you. Then you looked away as if you had been burned, trying your best to focus on the lecture. Apart from the innocent glances you threw his way, you had absolutely nothing in common. Well, based on the students' stories, you avoided him, afraid that you too would get to know his harsh side. As you walked down the same hallway, you were so scared of the confrontation that when you spotted him on the horizon, you turned around and ran towards the nearest restroom. Back then, you were sure he didn't even remember your name. And, what is more, you weren't aware of how amused he was by your childish behavior.
Despite his aura that was repulsive to many students, one thing could not be taken away from him. His intelligence.
Every time you couldn't keep your eyes off him. You couldn't quite tell whether you were enjoying the subject matter due to its inherent interest or whether it was him who had become your focus of interest. You were completely fascinated by him. He was definitely an object of desire among women. Despite his strict side, female students flocked to him like flies. Professor Colby Brock was particularly disliked in the male community. Because he used the most ruthless and extremely harsh comments especially towards men.
The silence all around pulled you out of your thoughts. Upon realising that everyone was staring your direction, you turned your head up. There he was, looking at you. Patiently waiting for your answer to the question he had previously asked.
After a few seconds, which felt like eternity, he gave you a smile and moved on to get the answer from someone else. You started blushing from the embarrasment. Your friend sitting next to you noticed and playfully hit you with her elbow, while raising a brow at you. She obviously knew about this little crush and always made jokes about how the two of you should just get a room already. You always rolled your eyes, knowing deep down that's what you wish for.
The next round of questions started and you saw your teacher going down the line, all of your classmates answering one by one. When you knew it would be your turn next, your heart began racing. You were quickly counting through the questions, to see which you would have to answer, so you wouldn't embarass yourself even more.
"Miss Y/L/N, number three, please."
He set his hand on the table in front of you, supporting his body weight as he was leaning a little bit. Tattoos peaking from under his rolled sleeves, you had to push away the sinful thoughts once again.
"How do you check brain health? Uh, you check it through electroencephalography, spinal tap or myelography," you looked up at him, trying not to stumble over your words.
"Agreed, but you forgot about the most important and simplest method called Imaging Tests. Otherwise, good enough."
You weren't entirely happy with your answer, but you were glad that you were at least able to escape the humiliation of yourself. After you answered your question, he suddenly decided to finish the lesson, as an hour and half already passed.
"That's all for today. And, don't forget to borrow a book on neuroanatomy. It can really help you." He finished the class by picking all of his books up, walking towards the door. He let everyone pass through, before walking out of the class himself.
You and your friend said your goodbyes and each went different ways. Yours lead to the library.
Your professor semeed to be following the same path.
If it weren't for the fact that you were in a public place, you would definitely have burst into loud screams.
Upon arriving at the library, you were greeted by the closed doors. What was extraordinary was that the library closed earlier than it should have. The librarian usually set her own rules, so it was almost impossible to come across her.
You shook the handle one more time and checked for the opening hours sign, just to be sure.
The sign was showing exactly what you thought. The librarian was probably drinking a delicious cappuccino in the principal's office. It's called double standards when you're related to the head of this school.
You weren't happy with the situation, but there was nothing you could do, so you decided to go home. When you turned around, you started rummaging through your bag. It was always full of stuff and you could never find wireless headphones. You walked slowly, leaning to the side, still grabbing random things to find the plastic box. After a few steps, you noticed a figure in front of you.
Upon turning your head up, you noticed your Brain Mechanisms professor standing there. He was playing with a set of keys, turning them at their hoop around his fingers. You almost fainted. You started looking around frantically, but it was too late to escape. It would be at least strange if you ran out now. Certainly no one would see you in any of his lectures again.
"Exemplary student, I see. Running to borrow the book I mentioned straight after the class," he pointed out, while slowly walking towards you. Your heart started pounding, but thankfully, he just passed you to get to the door.
"I didn't know you were in charge of the library, professor Brock. Where is Mrs. Smith, may I ask?" You were genuinely curious.
While trying to unlock the door, he turned his body halfway to face you.
"I have not received any information about her, but I volunteered to take her place. You know, I get credits for it and, I assure you, it's not that hard of a job."
Your suspicions about drinking coffee in the principal's office were becoming more and more true.
When he finally managed to open the door, he walked past it. Holding them open with one hand, gesturing for you to come through with the other.
Marching forward, you felt his eyes looking you up and down. As you walked through the doorway, you heard his voice behind you.
"The section you are looking for is there," he pointed to a huge shelf to the right labeled neurology. Everything would be fine if there weren't a dozen or so shelves. You didn't know which to look at.
You quickly gave him a smile while speeding your walk to get to the shelves, so you could look for the books you needed and got the hell out of there.
All this time, you were wondering why he hadn't criticized you yet.
After a while, several more people started walking through the door. They sat to study or just tried to find the books they wanted. It was taking you a surprisingly long time to find the titles you were looking for, the ones that were supposed to help you with your studies, but you didn't want to ask the teacher, you'd rather die on the spot.
You spent a good ten minutes going slowly over the section of letter "N" but didnt see any copies of the neurobiology book left. Thinking your classmates already took all of them, you were slowly losing hope. You slid over to the frame on the right, moving on to find a book for your psychology finals.
Scanning the shelves with your eyes, looking for the letter "S" the dark figure appeared next to you once again.
"Need any help?" he asked you generously.
Well, you didn't want to ask him that at first. But since he was already standing there, you decided to give it a try.
"Yes, sir."
He started walking away from you, signaling you to also leave the cubicle made out of shelves.
"Well, maybe neurobiology is in a different section. You're in the language department, Miss."
You were following him to the other side of the library, but this comment made you pause for a split second and roll your eyes. He was following you to the cubicle in the furthest corner of the room. You really just wanted to get this over with and come back the next day, when the usual librarian would be back.
Then, Professor Brock, walked between the two giant shelves and you kept following him. Stopping in front of the middle one, you started scanning the section of the letter "Z" once again.
"Thank you, I can handle from now on."
Something didn't seem right as he didn't leave after what you just told him. In fact, he got even closer. You didn't know if you were scared, purely annoyed or even a little bit aroused. You just barely got to notice that the books on the shelves were about history, when he turned you around in one swift movement. You dropped your bag on the ground in a response, hoping your glass water bottle didn't shatter.
He pinned you against one of the bookshelves, roughly holding your arms above your head.
"And maybe, I lied about the book being here," he whispered straight to your face.
You began to breathe heavier and felt your heart practically leap out of your chest as you looked up at the professor towering over you. You felt small and weak. But you kept your mouth shut.
"Tell me, Y/N, do you think I'm an idiot?" he asked, his voice as cold as ice then. You surrendered completely to his voice. Not having the courage to respond, you shook your head. "Use your words, puppy."
"I would never dare to think like that, sir."
"Oh, and I think otherwise. I've seen the way you look at me in class. Every time you try to avoid me, you make me look like a fucking idiot. Do you think I don't notice the looks you give me during lectures? Is that why you are so restless, innocent, absent?" You felt goosebumps once again.
"Never in my life would I have thought you were an idiot, professor."
"Good. Now, just stay right there. And don't you dare move, understood?" he added, raising his voice even more.
"Yes, sir. I won't move, I promise, I'll be good for you."
"Good girl, always so obedient when you want to be," he whispered in your ear, making shivers shoot right down your spine. "I bet you will miss me when you graduate. Will you?"
You bury your face in your hands as your cries wrack through your body. "Y-yes. So much, sir."
"Oh, I'm sure you will." He almost scoffed. He moved your hands away from your face, taking both of your hands in one of his, and his free hand reached up to wipe your tear-stained cheeks.
"There's nothing to cry about. I can't stop thinking about you, puppy. Every time I catch your eye, I try to stop myself from fucking you on my desk. Can you understand that? Can you understand how much you mean to me?"
"Sir- I..I'm not worth losing your job, listen to yourself!"
Colby frowned and grabbed your hands tightly back into his. He never liked anyone not looking at him when they talked to him.
"That's for me to decide, isn't it?" He asked sternly as he looked at you.
"How are you going to make sure no one ever finds out, sir?"
"By being careful, and taking our time," he explained. "But also by being smart.. by paying close attention to any signs that anyone is suspicious. And that means you'll need to learn how to be careful too.. how to be cautious" he added. "We will keep it between us, my girl."
You nodded at his words and suggestions.
"I'll make sure to be careful, sir."
He smiled down and cooed in your ear.
"There we go.. You’re so smart, darling."
His fingers ran through your hair and despite the comfort, you felt a knot in your stomach at his words.
"Do you like that…? The thought that you can have me?" he asked teasingly, smiling a little bit. "The thought that you are mine… and only yours? Does it make your heart skip a beat?"
He moved his hand to play with the collar of your shirt, noticing how your eyes followed everything he did.
Almost immediately, you nodded and opened your mouth in a contented sigh.
"Y-yes, sir."
"The thought seems nice, doesn't it…?"
He leaned closer to you, his eyebrows raising in mock curiosity, as if he was exploring the feeling right next to you. Back then, his tone was filled with nothing but lust.
"And..what if I were to…" he asked as he moved so he leaned closer to you until he was practically above you… "Show you how good it feels…?" He asked gently, leaning forward.
"Would you like this… princess?" As he spoke, his breath became even warmer and you could see his eyes were filled with nothing but love, lust and passion.
"I'd love that… Professor. I am yours."
You bited your lip as you looked up at him with innocent eyes. You moaned when he inhaled your scent and kissed your neck, licking it in the process. "Do you want to do it here?" He huskily asked, hands also beginning to touch and caress you everywhere, especially your boobs, groping and massaging it.
His deep, sexy voice plus the way he kept touching you everywhere sent shivers down your spine that you didn’t even think twice to tell him yes. You looked like an angel, pure and innocent.
He took your body tightly, molding it in his grip as he rested his chin on your shoulder. You sook your head in despair, eliciting a sarcastic laugh from him. "I like that, professor"
"I’ve barely touched you yet, lil’ thing." He tugged at your hair, pulling harshly at it.
"Professor," you grumbled, which only resulted in him pulling at it even more.
"Spread your legs for me, puppy." he demanded, holding your torso tight in his left arm. Enamored of how his eyes hovered over you while making your way up between his legs, you slowly parted your knees, giving him a lovely sight.
"Please," you sighed, feeling shivers run across your body.
He chuckled, blowing air at the bruise he’d just created on your neck. "Why such a rush? We need to take it slow so you can learn!" You gulped as soon as he scraped his nails on your stomach. "Do you promise me you’ll pay attention to the lesson, puppy?"
You bobbed eagerly, glancing at his face just to see his tongue in between his teeth in a devilish grin. "Promise, I promise you."
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butdaddyilovehim-hs · 10 months
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The Divorce: Part I
Y/N takes on her first high profile case as an assistant at a law firm. Her first client? Harry Styles.
Word Count: ~ 3k
Warnings: none… yet 😋
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Y/N wouldn’t say she was particularly brave. Or outspoken. She didn’t like speaking much at all really, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t good at her job. She just happened to be a bit shy. Sometimes she wondered why it was exactly that she wanted to become a lawyer, a job that required more talking than most others. But here she was, assisting at one of the largest law firms in England. Now she didn’t actually do much legal work; she tended to fetch coffee and organise documents but if she ever dared to speak up, people would quickly realise she was much more intelligent than what she was given credit for.
“Y/N! We have a possible case, a big one. I want you as my right hand woman for this ok? Let’s get you out of your shell a bit eh?” Mr Collins strode up to Y/N’s desk, startling her slightly.
Robert Collins was a joy of a boss and Y/N was grateful for every second she worked with him. He knew she was timid and he didn’t push past her limits. But he was encouraging and sometimes Y/N wished he wouldn’t be as nice to her so that she could prepare herself for the real world outside her little bubble where people were ruthless and unforgiving. Robert also had an extremely pregnant wife at home who was ready to pop at any moment which somewhat accounted for his rather happy in office personality. 
“Who’s the client? Do I know them?” She asked, standing and rounding her desk to where Robert stood. 
“I’d be surprised if you didn’t. It’s Harry Styles.” 
Y/N’s jaw nearly dropped to the ground, but she kept quiet as Robert briefly explained the situation. It wasn’t anything they weren’t used to - high profile divorce, with two people unable to come to a decision on what to split between them. 
“We’ll need to draft up a plan this afternoon, we’re meeting him tomorrow. He’s doing interviews himself which is unheard of. He’s looking for the best representation he can find which is understandable - the man has assets. Every law firm in the country wants this case. If we get it, it’ll skyrocket our reputation. Do as much research as you can, I’ll send through a file on everything I have. I need this to be airtight Y/N. He’s one of the most important clients we could ever have and he also has reputation for being a bit of an asshole so we… you need to prepare for that. Don’t screw this up.” 
“Of course Mr Collins I’ll get right on it.”
Y/N worked for hours, making a solid plan and editing it until she was finally happy with it. She left the office for the night, long after everyone else, arriving home as the sun started to set. After a quick shower and muesli bar (Y/N knew it wasn’t the most filling of meals but she was tired and frankly could not be bothered) she jumped into bed. 
Just as she was closing her eyes, her phone buzzed twice. 
Robert Collins: Y/N, Linda is in Labour!
Robert Collins : You’re going to need to take the meeting alone tomorrow. You need to do everything you can to secure this deal. Do whatever it takes. We need this case. We need him. If there’s an emergency call me but otherwise I’ll be at the hospital. Will keep you updated.
Y/N’s heart dropped to her stomach. Take a meeting ALONE? With HARRY STYLES. Oh he had to be fucking kidding. With a groan she flopped back into bed and covered her face with a pillow. This was a nightmare.
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“I don’t care who it is, I want the best and I want them now. Do you understand? I’m sure I don’t need to remind you what a sensitive matter this is.” 
“Yes of course Mr Styles, right away sir.” 
Harry slammed the phone back into it’s receiver, before slumping back into his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose. If you had told him in his 20s that he would be CEO of the largest company in the world before he turned 30, he would have smirked, tossed back his whiskey and said that sounded about right. Harry was sure in himself and in his abilities. He was brilliant at his job, however, he had learned that being brilliant at his job didn’t come with being a pushover. As a result, he was ruthless, harsh and didn’t have a reputation for being the nicest boss. Everyone was terrified of him and he liked it that way. Harry enjoyed control. He relished it. 
But, if you had told Harry in his 20s that he would be getting a divorce at 35, he would have laughed in your face, in slight disbelief before protesting that he and his wife were as happy as ever, content and in love. He would have said all of that before he walked in on her fucking her pilates instructor in their bed. 
Sofia Styles had dissolved into cries and pleas as Harry calmly ordered the both of them to get out, before resorting to screaming abuse at him when it seemed her begging was falling on deaf ears. She wailed about how he didn’t make time for her, how all they did was argue and how she had needs that Harry wasn’t taking care of. Which was… true. Harry had grown tired of their rather vanilla sex life over a year ago, but Sofia had never been interested in changing up their routine.
Before he had fallen in love with Sofia, Harry was a dominant. He took pleasure in taking control, having women submit themselves to him and writhe beneath him. It was safe, it was consensual, it was fun. God he didn’t remember the last time he had had fun. That side of him had quieted when Sofia had walked into his life. But that wasn’t the point. None of it mattered now.
“Mr Styles? Is everything alright?” His assistant poked her head through the door, shutting it behind her softly as she took in his frazzled state. Harry had hired Nancy a few years ago and despite being in her early 60s, she was the most competent assistant he’d ever had. She was also there for motherly advice whenever he needed it. Nancy knew how difficult it was for Harry to have his mother living so far away, so she made an effort to make sure he was eating well and sleeping enough. 
“I’m fine. It’s just hitting me all at once. I’m tired.”
“It will pass Harry. I know you, you’ll be alright. Mr Horan called to ask how you were… you also have a few meetings this afternoon. The legal department also wanted me to let you know that they’ve found candidates. I think they were… frightened to call you back, so they called me.” Nancy said, a wry smile on her lips. 
Harry gave her a weak smile in return, resting his head in his hands. 
“Tell Niall I’ll call him later and that I’m ok. Cancel the rest of my meetings for today if you don’t mind and tell legal I want to meet them all as soon as possible. Tomorrow if they’re able.” Harry scanned his email for the list of candidates pausing as he read one of the names. 
“I’d like to see the representative from Collins law firm tomorrow too. I’ve heard he’s quite good."
“They’ve already set up a meeting but actually it’s a “her”.” Nancy corrected.
“Huh?” Harry looked up, confusion evident in his features.
“Meet her. The interview is with his assistant, Mr Collins is caught in a family emergency. Y/N Williams, I believe. She’s Robert’s right hand woman and they specialise in this kind of thing, so you’re in good hands.” 
Harry raised a brow. 
“I’ll be the judge of that.”
“Don’t scare her away Harry. I know how you can be.” She chided and Harry scoffed.
“That’ll be all thank you Nancy.” 
With a roll of her eyes, the older woman shuffled out of the office, closing the door behind her. 
Harry rubbed his eyes in irritation, resting his head in his palms. It was going to be a long day.
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“Your client is WHO?!?”
“Harry Styles, you heard me the first time Lauren, and keep your voice down! I’m not supposed to say anything, it’s all very private and quiet because of who they are. And he isn’t my client yet.” Y/N exclaimed to her best friend.
Lauren had a tendency to get overexcited about things but Y/N had to admit she had butterflies in her stomach about this too. Harry Styles was without a doubt one of the most attractive men she had ever seen and the fact that she was meeting him today had her wrecked with nerves. She was curious as to what had made his marriage fall apart, at least she assumed that’s what she was hired for, given her specialty. Maybe he was bad in bed, but she doubted it. Maybe he cheated on her? Did she cheat on him? Maybe-
“Y/N! I’ve been calling your name for like 5 minutes what could you possibly be daydreaming about? Mr Styles?” Lauren laughed at the stunned look at Y/N’s face as she came back to earth. 
“I wasn’t daydreaming about him! I was just thinking… I wonder what he’s like.”
“Well you’re not going to find out if we keep talking, you’re going to be late babe, go!” 
So, after a few words of encouragement, Y/N made her way to the meeting, breathing heavily as she pulled into the carpark. 
Styles Incorporated was one of the largest buildings in the city. It had 68 floors, high ceilings and windows that were always shining. Y/N made her way inside, slightly taken aback by the atmosphere. There were hundreds of workers but it was so quiet, almost as though they didn’t dare make a sound. Y/N grimaced at the sound of her heels clicking on the tiles, walking towards reception. 
“Hello, I’m Y/N Williams, I’m here for an interview with Mr Styles.” Y/N said politely, almost in a whisper due to how quiet the building was. 
The woman at the desk peered at her from behind her glasses. 
“He’s expecting you. 68th floor. Glass office, you can’t miss it.” 
“Thank you. Anything I should know before I go in?” Y/N meant it as a joke, simply because she was nervous, but the woman nodded. 
“Don’t speak unless spoken to, don’t ask any personal questions, and address him as Mr Styles at all times.” 
Y/N blinked in shock, before nodding and walking quickly to the elevator. Her stomach turned as the elevator rose, and she took deep breaths to calm herself down. The woman at the desk in front of the larger office gave her a warm smile as she arrived, telling her to head on through.
Y/N swallowed at the sight of the man behind the desk, plastering a shaky smile on her face and entering through the door. His eyes remained glued to his laptop as she stood timidly in front of him for a few moments before clearing her throat.
“It’s lovely to meet you Mr Styles I’m-“
“Late.” He remarked, eyes still on the screen.
“I’m sorry?”
“You’re late, Miss Williams. You’re also not who I was expecting.” He looked up at her for the first time and Y/N was taken aback slightly by his features. He looked as though he had been chiseled from stone, all hard lines and piercing green eyes and cheekbones that could cut glass. 
“I don’t mean to be rude but I believe I’m right on time.” Y/N checked her watch, noting that it was 10am exactly. 
“Around here, if you aren’t early, you’re late. I’m a busy man Miss Williams, if I’m not punctual everything falls apart. Do you understand?” 
Y/N exhaled softly, observing the rather irritated man in front of her, gathering her thoughts. 
“Of course Mr Styles, I apologise. I don’t want to take up too much of your time, I’m sure this is an issue that you’re eager to move quickly through.” Y/N mentally high fived herself as her voice only shook slightly, even if she had basically rehearsed what she was going to say like a script about 10 times on the way over. 
“Take a seat Miss Williams. You look like you’re about to run at any minute and unfortunately for you, I have time.” 
Y/N swallowed before nodding meekly and taking a seat on the other side of his desk. 
“So I thought I would start with why you should hire-“
“Do I frighten you Miss Williams? You look rather frightened.” He cut her off, a small smirk on his face. 
Y/N froze. She didn’t know how to respond to that.
“I’m sorry Mr Styles but I don’t think that’s very relevant to what we need to be-“
“I think it’s relevant. I want to know whether I frighten you or whether you just find me so attractive  that you can’t possibly look me in the eye. Maybe it’s both. I tend to have that effect.” He stood, leaning slightly over his desk, towering over her. 
“Mr Styles that isn’t very appropriate. It also seems like a bit of a personal question and I’d like to keep this professional.“
“It might not be appropriate Miss Williams, but I am curious. You intrigue me. And as for professional well… I’m certainly not one to talk about what happens inside my office.” He smirked again and Y/N genuinely thought she was about to combust. The betrayal that she felt from the wetness between her legs was also overwhelming to the point where she couldn’t take it anymore. What he was offering she was unsure but Y/N had a job and Robert trusted her to do well. 
“Ok well let’s talk. How about we start with the reason you and Mrs Styles feel the need for divorce, so I can properly convince you why our firm is what you need.” Y/N could hardly believe she was rejecting whatever was going on and she also couldn’t believe her voice still worked after all of that. 
It was like a switch. One minute he was flirty and suggestive and wildly inappropriate and the next he was dropping back into his chair, the smirk disappearing from his face and instead replaced by a flicker of annoyance and then… sadness? He recovered from his emotive slip quickly and his original stony features were back. It’s a shame, Y/N thought. He’s rather beautiful when he smiles. 
“She cheated on me.” He said bluntly. 
It took everything in Y/N not to react. But it was almost as though he could tell she was trying to control herself. 
“You can laugh. I would. CEO Harry Styles. Has the world at his fingertips and can’t love anyone enough for them to stay.” He laughed bitterly and Y/N almost wished she could give him a hug. 
“That’s… not what I was thinking.”
“No? You feel sorry for me then? It’s usually one of the two. It’s alright Miss Williams, when you get to where I am in the world you soon realise that everyone leaves sooner or later.” Mr Styles raised his eyebrows, seeming slightly taken aback by his own admittance. Y/N couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming need to reassure him that he would be alright. It seemed behind his arrogance and cocky persona, he was just lonely. 
He cleared his throat, his emotionless mask returning as he checked his watch before looking up at the ceiling and rolling his eyes.
“You have… about a minute of my time remaining before I have other things to be doing. I’ve seen five other candidates today and they were all spectacularly mediocre. So, convince me.”
Y/N hushed the little voice inside that wanted to scream about how he had done most of the talking. Instead, she took a deep breath and explained their plan, just as she had rehearsed in the mirror that morning. She said most of it with her eyes cast downward and when she was finished she raised her gaze slowly, noting the small smirk on his face. 
“Ok. You’re hired.” Mr Styles stood abruptly, ignoring the look of shock that flittered across Y/N’s face. Hired? Just like that?”
“Oh really? Well thank you Mr Styles, I’m sure Mr Collins will be in touch.” Y/N gathered her things, slightly relieved to be escaping from the confines of his office. 
“Hired on one condition. We win and you go out to lunch with me.” It wasn’t a request. More of a statement. 
Y/N’s cheeks flamed as she struggled to compose herself. 
“Mr Styles I really don’t think that’s appr-“
“I don’t really care what-“
“Would you stop cutting me off?! For goodness sake let me speak!” Y/N huffed and rolled her eyes, stopping short at the look on his face. 
“Oh my goodness Mr Styles I am so sorry, I didn’t mean it. Sometimes my mouth starts working before my brain.” Y/N was aware she was rambling but she couldn’t help it. She’d blown the deal, she must have. 
His signature smirk reappeared and Y/N’s shoulder’s relaxed slightly. 
“Don’t apologise Miss Williams. I was riling you up. I like a woman who knows what she wants. Do we have a deal?”
Y/N hesitated before thinking back to Robert’s text. Do whatever it takes. 
“Ok. I’ll… go to lunch with you if we win.”
“Wonderful. When we win you mean. Now I hate to cut this short darling but I really do have places to be. I’m sure I’ll see you soon, tell Robert to give me a call ok?”
With that, he ushered her out the door, closing it behind her. Y/N stood, frozen for a moment before making her way slowly to the elevator. 
What was that?
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Harry chuckled to himself as he watched her through the glass walls of his office, talking to herself quietly as she waited for the elevator, cheeks flaming. He got a kick out of making her so nervous, it did great things for his ego. He wasn’t lying, she did intrigue him and if he could convince her, she seemed like the perfect distraction to get his mind off things and a distraction was exactly what he needed right now.
Read Part II here
A/N: So this is part one!! What do you guys think so far? It’s certainly going to get exciting in the next chapter! Thank you for reading xo Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list!
@lukesaprince @intimacywithceline @styleslover-1994
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sassycheesecake · 4 months
A/N: As requested by my followers, here’s my bday special yakuza!Suna smut! (It sounds like a dish lmao, also happy bday to 25 year old me yay) The characters are like in their mid-twenties! P.S. I had way too many ideas for writing this, so I am gonna divide it into two parts :'D
Warnings: non-explicit sexual content, cursing, enemies to lovers trope, mentions of sex
You absolutely despise him.
He’s an infuriating, stupidly attractive, arrogant jerk.
Even his name leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
Rintarō Suna. 
Henchman of ruthless yakuza boss Shinsuke Kita, he is a highly intelligent strategist with rather unfortunate good looks that could make any girl swoon as soon as he looked their way. 
Too bad for all the females that Suna doesn’t do relationships, only fucking with no strings attached. 
He’s the only one in the group who brings company back to his room, claiming he has 'needs' and it’s a good stress relief.
You couldn’t care less, it’s not like you have a thing for Suna. 
He uses women and throws them away like paper, his body count is probably higher than the Spanish flu. 
You’re walking down the dimly-lit hallway, passing by an expensive painting towards his room.
When you get closer, you hear the sound of a moaning woman, along with the constant creaking of a bed. 
Immediately, your stomach twists in a weird way and you take deep breaths before hammering your fist against his door.
You hear a startled yelp of the woman and thankfully the creaking stops.
"What?!" Suna snaps loudly from inside his room.
"Suna, get your ass out of there. Kita called for a meeting 20 minutes ago. Send your visitor home and get a move on!" You yell back in frustration.
You wait for about seven minutes before the door opens, and a bright red-headed woman emerges from the room, hair all tousled up with cheeks colored almost as red as her hair.
She is unmistakably beautiful, you unfortunately have to admit. 
She looks a little bit guilty when she looks at you, not saying a word as she brushes past you in a hurry to leave. 
When you look back inside Suna’s room, the air smells heavy with sex and frustration from Suna's side, not exactly happy that you interrupted his hook-up session.
"You know, you’re such a manwhore." You say, with a voice full of anger and jealousy, after the woman has left.
"And proud of it sweetheart." Suna begins to pull up his discarded boxers and black jeans again, turning away from you, so his broad muscled back faces you.
Along with lots of scars of fights he has been in, his massive tattoo always amazes you.
It’s two giant vipers entangled with each other, mouths open so fangs are on display. At the bottom of the vipers, a red demon skull with a nasty snarl is staring right into the viewers face. Along on top of the skull are two horns, looking like they grew out of the skull. Two arrows go through the vipers, not hurting them but so the reptiles curl around them. It represents deceptive authority. 
"Enjoying the view?" Suna's teasing tone rips you out of your daydream.
"You wish. Kita has called us into a meeting and you weren’t picking up your phone when Aran has tried to call you multiple times." You cross your arms in front of your chest as you watch him getting dressed. 
Pulling his discarded maroon hoodie over his upper body, he faces you again with his usual bored expression. Aka what you call his resting-bitch-face.
"Let’s go fuckboy. Kita is waiting for us and with every damn second I spend waiting for you, he grows more agitated. Ever since his girl has left him, he’s been more moody, impatient and impulsive than usual." In the last part of your sentence, you drop the volume of your voice. 
Suna finally finishes putting on his sneakers and steps out of his room to lock the door and follow you to the conference room.
"I can’t understand how you can have sex with someone who screams so loud, I’d probably get my eardrums busted if my partner screamed so loud." You start the conversation.
"Think you sound better?" Suna grins at you with those beautiful dark emerald eyes of his, while still walking beside you to the conference room.
"I KNOW I sound better! At least I don’t scream like a cat in heat when I orgasm." You huff and fast the pace in your steps.
"I don’t care how loud they are, as long as I can fuck them and they leave, I could give less a shit." The brunette fastens his steps, so he is walking next to you again, making your shoulder brush with his side occasionally.
Silence from your side for a few seconds before Suna starts talking again.
"By the way. Why are you so uptight? Haven’t had a good fuck in a while?" He taunts you as he leans closer to your face.
You ignore his comment, finally arriving at the conference room.
When you open the door, you see Kita leaning his head against his propped up fist on his table and at the sound of the door opening, his brown eyes snap towards you. 
His eyes are very cold and it gives you shivers every time you look at him.
Suna shortly follows after you and without any acknowledgment to his boss, he sits in the seat next to Osamu. 
"Finally." Kita sighs and leans back in his chair. Finally all of the Inarizaki members have arrived, sitting at the long white-gray marble table, with Kita sitting at the head of the table. 
The last unoccupied chair was next to Riseki, who gives you a small smile as you sit down next to him.
Kita stands up and walks around a little bit, starting to talk.
"The reason why I called you all in here is because Inarizaki will soon expand its territory. With Shiratorizawa and Nohebi gone, all that is left is Karasuno and Itachiyama." Some of the members listen intently to him, others like Suna pulling out his phone, typing on it with a bored expression.
"So what are we going to do about them?" Aran asks from Riseki's left side. 
"I had a talk with Iizuna last night. We have come to a mutual agreement of joining forces together." Kita answers, stopping at the window to look outside.
"What? Ya serious?! Those snobby bastards only care for their own fuckin' profit!" Atsumu sneers madly.
Kita looks at Atsumu through his peripheral vision briefly before returning his gaze back outside.
"I know that some of you may have a problem with that, but Karasuno has gotten too much power in the last two years. Sawamura is stealing most of our customers away and by joining forces together with Itachiyama, we will be able to take over half of Japan, soon maybe the whole of Japan. Eliminate them one by one, pray you do not disappoint me.”
“What about their newest product ‘Spikedopamine’? I heard that’s the newest shit in town. Is that why our sales have dropped so much?” Akagi states, who sits on your right.
Ginjima and Atsumu who sit across from you, start laughing hysterically at the name that they chose for the newest drug they produced. The name-founder Kageyama used to play volleyball back in high school, where most of the crows have met and formed their group. 
“That’s the stupidest name I ever heard!” Atsumu manages to say while getting tears in his eyes.
Ginjima and Atsumu keep on laughing until Omimi shoots them a sharp glare, while Kita looks at them with an undefined expression.
Ginjima immediately stops, while Atsumu’s laugh turns into a nervous chuckle, stopping after a while as well.
It’s quiet for a while before Kita starts to speak again.
“I will divide you into teams and you will all work together with Itachiyama. Iizuna and I already made the teams.”
Kita walks back to his chair to sit down and reaches for the few folders that Aran has slid over to his boss.
“Team 1, the Surveillance Team. Osamu, you will go with Akagi, Kosaku, Omimi and Komori from Itachiyama. He’s a black-hat hacker, he can help you hack into their security system and download important files, steal information and hack into their bank accounts.” 
The names of the men that were called begin to stand up, since Osamu sits on Kita’s left side at the head of the table, he grabs the folder that Kita has provided him.
“And Team 2, which will be the Assault Team, will consist of Atsumu, (Y/N), Suna and Sakusa from Itachiyama. He's a weapons specialist, expert interrogator and master strategist.” Kita slides the folder to you, since Suna is still on his phone, showing it to Atsumu, who grins mischievously at the screen. 
“Aran, Riseki and Ginjima, you stay here at headquarters, in case someone gets injured, you can take over. That will be all.” Kita, Aran, Riseki and Ginjima begin to get up to return to their rooms while you and your assigned team remain seated.
Well this is fucking great. 
You’re stuck with a psycho, a manwhore and an arrogant jackass for God knows how long, until you all bring the downfall for Karasuno.
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melintowriting · 2 months
The first Empress-Chapter 2
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Hello everyone! Chapter 2 is finally out. I hope you'll like it!
Warnings: arranged marriage, smut (+18), virginity loss, blood, corruption kink, breeding kink
Word count: 2.528
Kaitain, a few days later
Their wedding took place a few days after their first meeting on Kaitain.
The ceremony had been lavish and the young Na-Baron and his wife had become husband and wife before the eyes of all the lords and ladies of the Landsraad.
Monique had been watching her daughter attentively throughout the whole banquet. Her Bene Gesserit eyes, trained not to miss anything, had looked beyond the young woman’s apparent calm to see some agitation. The idea of sending her to Giedi Prime, to that horrible planet, tormented her. But she could not fight against fate. She found peace in her torment only when she reminded herself that Jeremy would go with her, that she would not be alone, that her twins would not be separate.
Monique looked at her, sitting next to Feyd Rautha, observing the guests.
She was studying them in the Bene Gesserit way.
Monique almost smiled: her daughter’s training had been a success.
"You taught her the Bene Gesserit way impeccably." commented Lady Jessica, sitting next to her.
"We both trained our offspring well." confirmed Monique "Paul… is he the Kwisatz Haderach?"
Lady Jessica remained silent for a few seconds before answering: "There are signs. Soon the Reverend Mother will test him with the Gom Jabbar and we will know."
Monique immediately noticed the apprehension in Jessica’s voice.
"He will succeed." she reassured her, smiling with maternal solidarity.
Jessica turned to look at her sister-in-law, unsure whether to ask her the question she had been thinking about for hours.
“And Megan? Is she the Chosen Woman?"
Monique remained silent while the prophecy about the First Empress repeated in her head. 
-One day, the Empire will know the power of a young woman. - 
The prophecy of the First Empress was the first that was taught at the Bene Gesserit school, along with the one of the Kwisatz Haderach. Both would have been the result of the complex and intricate breeding plan that the Bene Gesserit had carried out for centuries. 
The prophecy continued with -Loved by the peoples and feared by the powerful, born by a Bene Gesserit sister and an honorable man from an adverse and distant land, she will be the first woman to sit on the throne. - 
Megan had shown signs of great intelligence and power from an early age. The way she spoke, studied people, showed mercy for the weak and ruthlessness for the oppressors... everything had always made Monique believe that she would be the First Empress.
"I think so." she replied to Jessica "Or at least everyone thinks so.”
At the age of ten, during a dinner, Megan asked the Emperor why the people outside the palace died of hunger and while they always wasted their food. He looked at her in shock, opening his eyes slightly, especially when Megan added, "We should feed them too. We have enough food for ourselves."
Since that day the signs had been irrefutable. Her greatness and nobility of mind were known to everyone on the planet. The kind way she addressed servants, the way she always fought with the Emperor, even to no avail, to try to improve the living conditions of the people... everything had led people to love her, to the point of whispering "Empress" at her passage.
Everyone knew about the prophecy, everyone was waiting.
"Our Bene Gesserit sisters have been at work on Giedi Prime to spread the word of her imminent arrival. We’ll see."
The two women looked at each other in silence, almost in a hopeful way. If it was true that their children were the chosen ones... there would be enormous challenges and dangers ahead of them.
"Tell me Jessica." Monique then changed the subject, "My brother hates being here, doesn’t he?"
The two women’s eyes rested on Leto talking to some of the Lords of the Great Houses.
"He hates being in the same room with the Harkonnens. But he would never miss his granddaughter’s wedding." 
Jessica’s words made Monique smile.
Her brother, so stubborn but kind-hearted... 
He was the only real man in that room.
The two ladies were not the only ones observing the Duke though: Baron Vladimir was also looking at him with prying eyes.
-That damned Atreides- he thought -It will have to be eliminated sooner or later. -
The celebrations continued until late evening.
The newlyweds had little conversations during the festivities: they had exchanged a few fleeting words on trivial topics but nothing more.
Feyd only looked forward to the end of the dinner. He could no longer contain his impatience to spend his wedding night with Megan.
He wanted to see her, to explore her, to claim her as his. A mischievous and perverse smile had been printed on his lips for the whole evening; a smile that Megan immediately understood to be a sign of desire.
If until then she had tried not to think about it, the idea of consuming the wedding began to frighten her. The way he looked at her, like a predator looking at his prey... almost terrified her. 
Was he going to be gentle? Probably not. Was he going to hurt her? It was easy to see how much Feyd loved pain.
As soon as the banquet was over and the couple got up from the table, Megan’s eyes searched desperately for her mother’s.
Monique looked at her, hinting at a comforting smile. She had explained everything she needed to know about a man and how to give him pleasure. She knew she was ready. Yet seeing her like this, almost seeking help, made her heart clench in her chest.
Jeremy clenched his fists as he watched his sister and Feyd leave the room.
- If he dares hurt her, I swear I’ll kill him.- he thought, barely finishing his glass of wine.
The door to the room closed behind them with a slight creak.
-It’s done, now I have no way out.- she thought.
She could feel them, she could feel his icy eyes staring at her incessantly. 
She hated being afraid, fear made her feel stupid and vulnerable. Normally she would be able to hide it with forced confidence but at that moment nothing seemed to work.
"Are you afraid of me?" 
Feyd’s hoarse voice made her wince. 
"My Na-Baroness, you know what I absolutely hate?"
Megan turned slowly, trying to remain impassive.
"Liars." He took a step towards her, passing his tongue over his black teeth. "So I will ask you again and I want you to tell me the truth this time: are you afraid of me?"
-I won’t admit it so easily. - she imposed herself, thinning her eyes.
-She keeps lying. - Feyd thought, caressing her cheek with one finger. He then whispered: "Such a stubborn pet, I will change that."
Megan shuddered, her heart beating faster.
-Pet, I’m not your pet- she thought but remained silent.
Feyd knew she was a virgin. The idea of taking her innocence, of corrupting her... it was enough to make his cock twitching from impatience.
"I’ll be gentle with you this time." he promised with a perverse smile, "Does that reassure you a little?"
The girl felt her stomach tightening with terror. -This time- she repeated in her mind, gulping.
Feyd shook his head, pretending to be disappointed: "It’s rude not to answer when someone asks you a question, pet. Answer me."
Megan struggled to nod. How stupid she had been. How could she not be afraid to marry him? Thinking back, she should have been. She could have used the Voice, but for what purpose? The wedding night had to be consummated anyway and using her secret weapon this quickly wasn’t wise.
"Yes, it reassures me." she lied again.
When Feyd kissed her, Megan made it seem casual. She returned the kiss with the same intensity he was kissing her with, making her tongue touch his. The kiss was intense, rough, wet. 
She slowly began to undress, sliding the straps of the dress along her arms and making it fall to the ground with a slight thud.
Feyd took his lips off hers to admire her. She was just as he had imagined her to be. Her body was harmonious, perfectly proportioned. Her skin was pale, her breasts were abundant and perfectly round, her hips wide. He laid his hands on her butt and then squeezed her flesh, feeling desire growing inside him. 
"Lay on the bed, pet." he ordered, grinning.
Megan obeyed, sitting on the fresh silk sheets. 
It was all new to her. Being seen naked, having sex... she wondered if it would hurt.
"You’re so beautiful and innocent." 
Feyd looked at her with growing desire.
"Now I must prepare you to take me." he explained, unbuttoning his jacket to reveal a muscular and sculpted abdomen "Otherwise I’ll break you, pet, and I don’t want to ruin you. Not now."
Despite the anxiety, the fear, Megan could not deny how beautiful Feyd was.
His body, his shoulders, his strong arms... everything was a pleasant sight.
Feyd approached her, ravenous. He was so close to her that he could feel her agitated breath. Megan’s dark eyes watched him, studying his moves.
"Spread your legs," he ordered, kneeling before her.
Megan obeyed and Feyd almost grinned, eager to find out what she tasted like.
As soon as his tongue touched her sensitive bud Megan could not hold back a moan of pleasure. Feyd’s mouth was tasting her, exploring her already wet folds.
"You taste good, little pet." he said in a hoarse voice before putting his lips back on her.
The girl shuddered, throwing her head back from pleasure. It was a sensation never felt before. Strong, overwhelming, intoxicating.
"Do you like it, little pet?"
Megan couldn’t help herself and moaned again. Feyd’s mouth was experienced, passionate, and she never thought she would have liked it so much.
"If you don’t answer me, I’ll have to stop." he warned her, raising his icy blue eyes to meet hers.
"Yes, yes." she nodded, out of breath "I like it."
Feyd smiled widely, showing his black teeth: "How much?"
"So much."
There was one thing Feyd was particularly proud of: his ability in giving pleasure to women. He knew how and where to touch them, how to make them responsive to his touch, how to make them moan and scream until their voice was lost.
He eagerly licked her intimacy and then started to tease her entrance with one finger, sliding it up and down her wetness. When he inserted it slowly he felt her become stiff, almost retracting from the sensation.
"Don’t run away from me." he said while grabbing her by her thighs to hold her steady.
It took her a few moments to get used to the feeling and to find it pleasant.
When he inserted a second finger, instead of retracting, Megan groaned even louder. She was ready now. Ready to take him.
"Now you’re ready, little pet." he announced to her, getting up.
The girl caught her breath, watching him getting undressed.
The way he was pleasuring her... she wanted more. She watched him take off his pants, revealing his manhood. It bounced as soon as he freed it, already hard at the sight of her completely naked in front of him.
He was so big that Megan wondered how she could take him. It was as white as alabaster, with some bluish veins starting from the base to arrive at the tip, already glistening with precum.
Feyd crawled on the bed, sliding the tip against her wet entrance.
Megan held her breath as soon as he pushed it slowly into her. He began to move inside her, watching her muscles twitch at each thrust.
"If you contract it will be worse." he said in a deep voice, placing a hand on her breast, squeezing it.
At first it was pain, just pain. He was too big for her... he was stretching her at every thrust, her walls tightening around him from the pain.
But after a few moments the pain turned into pleasure, to the point that she could no longer hold back her moans.
"So tight" Feyd muttered, slightly increasing his speed.
-She’s so beautiful, so delicate... I’ll ruin her as soon as I get her used to my cock- he thought, looking intensely into her eyes.
"Feyd." she whispered, feeling his tip hit an unknown spot inside her at each movement.
The way she had pronounced his name with a mesmerized look of pleasure, almost in a whisper... sent him completely over the edge.
Her tight walls tightened, milking his cock as he came inside her, hard. 
A long and guttural moan escaped Feyd’s lips as he could feel his cock twitching.
He slowly came out of her, looking at his cum dripping from her. He bred her properly. 
"You’re bleeding, pet." he said, seeing blood on the sheets.
Megan looked at him again as if she was bewitched, still panting.
The sight of his seed mixed with the blood of her virginity made him feel insatiable.
"But you haven’t come yet." he pointed, kneeling again "Let me make it right."
His lips kissed her clit again, eating her out like a starved man. The ferrous taste of blood mixed with both of their juices was divine. Feyd continued unabated until he heard her tremble, moaning louder and whining.
"Cum for me, darling." he ordered, inserting two fingers, "Don’t be shy."
Megan felt the orgasm coming hard and fast as she shook in pleasure, screaming his name. 
"Feyd, yes!" she screamed as she came against his mouth, rolling her eyes back.
Their panting breaths united to become a unison as their eyes met. 
All the fear that Megan had felt seemed to be gone. Willingly or unwillingly, Feyd had ensured that she would also enjoy herself, trying to be as gentle as possible. She knew it wouldn’t happen again but she would always remember that moment, beautiful in an unexpected way.
-And now? Now what should I do? What should I say? - she thought as her husband laid next to her -My mother did not instruct me on this. -
Megan, who always tried to explain everything with reason, understood that rationality wouldn’t have been useful to her at that moment. She understood that she had to improvise and to follow her instinct.
She did not expect any other kindness from him: he had already tried hard enough. And then it wasn’t necessary. They’d just gotten married and most likely never going to love each other. They just had to generate heirs and bear each other for the rest of their lives, nothing more.
She could live without love.
In the silence of the room Megan also laid down, staring at the ceiling as she tried to breathe regularly.
After a few minutes it was Feyd who broke the silence with his hoarse voice, saying: "Sleep. Tomorrow we will leave at dawn for Giedi Prime. You must rest."
Megan nodded, her stomach squeezing with anxiety.
Tomorrow she would have left her past behind. Tomorrow, her new life would have begun.
Tag list: @mamawiggers1980 @avidreader73 @pomtherine
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danauschaewon · 21 days
my thoughts on dimension 20: fantasy high junior year ep 19 ragenarok Discourse™
⚠️ spoilers! ⚠️
from a watsonian perspective, the bad kids don't know of any way to cure a rage star. if any of the characters were stressed enough sufficiently to be angry (rage token), porter seems to be able to immediately control you so even not directly being controlled by a rage star seems to put you under ankarna's domain. there's no reasonable watsonian expectation for them to believe the ratgrinders could be redeemed, notwithstanding whether teenagers would show other teenagers who hate them that grace.
additionally, the Discourse™ seems to forget that there's ultimately a choice between following porter or not. lucy frostblade's sacrifice was extremely poignant because she chose to die rather than go against what she believed in. buddy dawn's immediate switch perfectly aligns with how religious fanatics believe/claim to believe whatever is convenient for them without any internal consistency. that doesn't mean that they weren't groomed by porter but there's really no ground for some of the moral absolutism I've been seeing here.
that also leads to something that I haven't seen people discussing; kipperlily and oisin straight up murdered buddy (their own party member, who they secretly treated as a pawn the whole time) by slitting his throat to try and keep the bad kids from being revived??? it's implied they also killed lucy and covered it up for so long that she is almost beyond reviving just so she couldn't snitch on them?? even if you liked the ratgrinders, they're much more ruthless than bad kids are, even if you take riz and fabian's comments into account. also, if the entire school was in fabian's house, they essentially tried to kill all 500 other students in their school + jawbone to beat a magical loophole to ascend porter.
and the obvious being: if you are fighting to end the world (remember they did bring down fig and gorgug, even if they are uncoordinated in pvp), don't be surprised when people fight you to save the world.
from the doyleist perspective, others have already pointed out that dnd is a combat focused game. if you fail a persuasion/intimidation/deception roll, regardless of what makes more sense for the story or the themes or your character, you probably have to fight to the death. this isn't a story written with a single overarching vision from one mind, it's real people being filmed in real time playing a game designed around roleplay AND combat. combat is gonna happen.
secondly, this is a world where powerful individuals have the ability to directly control the universe (magic). "might makes right" is a terrible moral system but that's also how reality works (laws are only (as strong as) their enforcement system, the police are an occupying army, etc).
human beings are social beings and our intelligence/creativity allows us to imagine a world where no individual or socioeconomic group can use might to make right. but our imagination also is limited by our own inconsistencies, ignorance, socialisation, habits, etc. and most importantly, our stories about the world mustn't confuse us from how the world actually is. not everyone can be redeemed, even if you want them to be.
if you want the world to change in a certain way, you have to gather enough strength to change it. the more it deviates from the status quo, the more strength you need. that's not just martial or economic power, there is social power that can be influenced by a collective moral or intellectual sense. however, those with the power to directly eliminate your existence will need to be sufficiently worried about consequences to not use that power (e.g. american police know they face no consequences for executing black people in cold blood, that's why they actually do kill instead of simply want to kill like other non-police racists).
if the ratgrinders want to kill the bad kids and ascend porter to godhood, they have to actually have to develop their skills to do so. that's why they exp levelled, they tried taking advantage of the last stand, one of them sent their grandma to kill the entire school at one kid's 18th birthday party. and correspondingly, if you don't want your 18th birthday party to end with your death + your entire school's deaths + the ascension of your teachers as the new god of rage, you gotta kill some grandmas and poorly coordinated exp levellers.
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Blood Sport
Feyd Rautha x Y/N - drabble part 2 - 1.2K WC
Part 1
Part 2 (you are here!)
Part 3
Part 4
Warnings: violence, blood, blood eating/drinking (BRIEF AF), sword/knife fighting, reader is just built different, she is THAT bitch, slow burn, this man is falling slowly for your ruthless ass
You walked into the training arena. A large black room with a plethora of weapons to choose from. Everything was of Harkonnen design, curved heavy blades with thicker handles. You preferred your own Cruor weapons, thin balanced straight blades that were easy to move quickly so your nails could also become improvised weapons. You took your personal blades from your maid before dismissing them, wanting to be alone to train. You readied yourself before slashing expertly at the training dummies, practicing a technique taught to you by the monks of Succo. 
House Cruor had occupied the planet Succo long before you were born; all ancient teachings were still taught. Especially to you as the sole heir. You were just as deadly as you were intelligent. Legend has it that the Sardaukar held only a fraction of the battle knowledge the monks of Succo had. Such a powerful but secretive house, you were almost forgotten as your planet was at the far reaches of the universe. Nobody went there unless they had a purpose. The cold dark planet shrouded in red darkness full of blood magic. You thought of your home, how you already missed its ethereal red glow. How you were now stuck on Geidi Prime, promised to a man who was rumored to be psychotic. From what you gathered, he found himself to be impenetrable. Arrogant. You would not bring shame to your house by refusing the marriage, Harkonnens are formidable in battle and useful allies. But that did not mean you had to become some cowering pup. You would show them all just how strong House Cruor is. 
Lost in your training you barely heard the door open and shut. You threw your smaller blade behind you without looking, defense mode taking over your brain. When you turned, poising yourself with your larger blade, ready to attack, you saw Feyd with your knife in his hand. Blood trickled down his hand but he didn’t seem to mind it. You could smell it across the room, it was tart but somehow sweet. It made your mouth water in anticipation of tasting it. Feyd lowered his hand, looking at your knife before tossing it aside. He pulled one of the Harkonnen swords off the nearby wall before walking towards you. You grunted, sharpening your eyes and standing your ground when he got to close. You listened to his blood pump, his heart beat quickly. 
“Are you afraid to fight?” you asked him.
He answered with a scoff, “Afraid? Of you?”
“You should be.” you said, “Your heart beat tells me you are.” you smirked, egging him on.
His face hardened, he struck out at you multiple times, you dodged each strike without even lifting your blade. You laughed at him, moving fluidly as if this were child's play for you. His face grew angrier with each strike that missed.
“Fight if you are going to fight!” he yelled, “Or is it you who is afraid?” he spat.
Wrong words. You lunged at him, slashing wildly but with expert precision. He did his best to dodge your blows but you were faster, more skilled. You kicked out his leg before slashing his hand with your nails, causing him to drop his sword. You went down with him, straddling his chest so your legs could hold his arms down. You held your sword behind you while holding your nails to his throat. Little pin pricks left a droplet trail of blood down his neck. 
Both of you were breathing heavily, “I have you.” you said mere inches away from his face.
He looked at you, bewildered. Amazed by your skill, nobody had ever bested him so quickly. 
“Yield?” you asked, pressing your nails slightly harder.
Feyd groaned, but not out of pain. Out of sheer arousal. He did his best to hide it, alter it. After a moment he nodded. You stood quickly, holding out a hand to help him up. He looked at you for a moment before grabbing your hand with his bleeding one and hoisting himself up with your aid. You looked at the crimson on your hand before licking the dribble up. Your eyes fluttered shut, he was sweet. Like some sort of rich, deep wine that you wanted to drown in. Your fangs ached for more. 
“Do I taste good?” he asked with a smirk.
You opened your eyes to see his arrogant face, how you loathed that face. You quickly spat the blood on the floor, “Absolutely vile.” you replied to him. 
You picked up your knife before heading towards the door. 
“Wait!” he said with urgency. 
You turned to look at him, giving him a quizzical look. 
“Train me.” he said.
You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Please… train me… you are a worthy opponent.” he said with sincerity.
Your heart softened a bit at his wanting to learn from you and admitting you were a great warrior. You nodded at him before leaving.
You stayed in your room for the day, the blinding light of the black sun on Geidi Prime was getting tiring walking in every day. You had black out curtains installed to somewhat resemble home. Light was not deadly to the Cruor but it was irritating; like a pebble in your shoe. 
You heard a knock on your door, thinking it was one of your maids you allowed them to enter. You laid on your bed with your eyes closed in a lengthy black robe that was ever so slightly sheer. 
“What is it?” you asked.
“I have something for you.” said a gruff voice. 
You shot up, “What do you want?” you asked, surprised he was in your chambers. 
Feyd held out a small disc. “What’s that?” you said moving slightly closer to him.
He moved to your bed, standing almost chest to chest with you at the end of it. He set the disc down before activating it. The room filled with stars and a familiar red glow, the red supergiant your people referred to as Rubrum glowing in the corner. 
You looked around amazed, surprisingly happy to be with Feyd at this moment. Feyd watched as you looked around, admiring your beautifully striking features. He was growing to like you and thought this olive branch might soften you towards him a bit. For some reason, the setup brought a few tears to your eyes.
“What is it?” Feyd asked.
“I miss Succo… I miss home…” you said, looking on at the stars and Rubrum. You used to get this view everyday, yet it almost felt like a distant memory looking at it now. 
Feyd’s heart dropped a little, “Geidi Prime is not to your liking?” he asked, looking on at the stars with you. 
“It is too bright… and lonely.” you said, mumbling the last bit.
Feyd softly turned you to face him with a finger under your chin, “Keep this, enjoy your home view whenever you wish it.” 
You locked your eyes with his, his eyes glancing to your lips then back up repeatedly. You softly dragged one of your claws over his cheek bones. Turning his head, you gently kissed his cheek. “Thank you Feyd.” you said with sincerity. 
His name sounded so perfect on your lips, he wanted to hear you say it over and over again. “Feyd huh?” he remarked.
“Do you expect me to call you Lord Na-Baron Feyd Rautha? Because I will not be doing that.” you said, backing away from him. 
Feyd smiled, amused with your attitude. He had never met someone so sure of themself.
Naboo's Note:
Yeeeeee were getting into it!! This series is gonna be so fun I just know it. I'm gonna try to make it a slow burn but I have never been great those so here's to hoping. Thanks for all the love around my idea, I really have a lot of hope and ideas for it so its nice to see other people think my weird space vampires are cool. XOXOXOXOXOXOXO, talk soon!
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bitchy-craft · 9 months
Which Mean Girl You Are | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out which mean girl you are. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
ANNOUNCEMENT: I have added new products to my shop.
Masterlist > Questions > Paid Readings
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
Regina is the leader of the Plastics as most know when having watched the movie, the popular girls' clique. She is confident, manipulative, and highly self-absorbed. Regina is known for her beauty, but also for her ruthlessness and cunning behavior. But also keep in mind that the chances of Regina actually being confident are very slim, and could easily be a mask she puts up in a way to protect herself.
Regina's mean streak stems from her desire for control and power. She often belittles others, engages in gossip, and actively tries to sabotage people she perceives as threats to her popularity.
Pile 2:
Gretchen is one of Regina's closest friends and a fellow Plastic as well. She is insecure, eager to please, and tends to be overly dramatic. She often follows Regina's lead and seeks her approval. If there is someone she sees where she needs validation from she will do whatever it takes to get that approval, afraid of being looked down on.
Gretchen's mean behavior comes from her need for validation and fear of Regina's disapproval. She is willing to do hurtful things to others in order to maintain her position within the clique.
Pile 3:
Karen is another member of the Plastics, known for her ditsy and clueless personality. She is friendly but lacks intelligence and often says unintentionally insensitive things that hurt the people around her.
Karen's meanness is mostly driven by her willingness to go along with Regina's schemes and insults without question, she simply followa and is not even aware of Regina's cruelness. She doesn't actively instigate cruelty but is complicit in Regina's actions.
Pile 4:
Janis is an outsider who was once friends with Regina but later became her enemy due to Regina making up rumours about her and spreading them around the school. She is artistic, witty, and outspoken. Janis has a strong sense of justice and a desire to expose Regina's true nature.
While Janis initially appears to be the victim of Regina's cruelty, she also engages in mean-spirited actions, such as plotting against Regina. Her desire for revenge and her willingness to use others to achieve what she wants makes her a 'mean girl' as much as Regina.
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cherry-bomb-ships · 3 months
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Hey guysss, this art is the first installment of a series of profiles I wanna make for each of my self inserts! I figured I would start with R. Marie, seeing as they're probably the s/i I've put the most thought and development into! A bit of backstory info (as well as the tag list) will be under the cut, and once more profiles are created, they'll also be linked with this one! Any reblogs and comments are all seen and appreciated!! 💜🥺💛
Other Profiles: Nurse (Team Fortress 2)
As a child, young Ruby Marie was lacking in the characteristics that begin most villains' tragic backstories; she came from a loving, middle-class family in a good neighborhood and made friends easily. Not only that, but she excelled in class and always had a good rapport with her teachers and fellow students. If things had continued the way they did, she may have been on her way to growing up to benefit society with her inventions, maybe even winning a Nobel Prize or two.
But all of that changed in the third grade, when the science fair project Ruby Marie had worked for three weeks on came in second place to a first-grader's potato battery. A potato battery, the most basic of science projects!! From that traumatic, devastating day forward, the young scorned genius swore that the world would never made the mistake of believing there was anyone more intelligent than her.
She immediately threw herself into the studies of evil, and the more she learned of its ways, the more she convinced herself that she was made for it. After years of self-taught villainy and perfection of deadly robots, the young kind Ruby Marie was long dead, and the cold-hearted, ruthless R. Marie was born.
R. Marie quickly figured that making their genius known across the world could easily take decades of their life - which were decades that they would rather spend enjoying their reign over humanity - so they devised a plan to get to the top in record time; they would simply ride the coattails of someone who had already been working for decades to take over the world, and as soon as that poor sod succeeded, they would overthrow the fool and take their rightful place as ruler of the world. And R. Marie had just the sod in mind...
@ava-ships @bee-ships @beetleboyfriend @canongf @clawfull @cloudyvoid @derelictdumbass @discountwives @dissonantyote @edencantstopfallininlove @final-catboy @gible-love-nibles @halsdaisy @hoppinkiss @hotrodharts @hyperionshipping @iyamifucker @lex-n-weegie @little-miss-selfships @little-shiny-sharpies @loogi-selfships @lovebugexe @mandrakebrew @mintpecks @mrs-kelly @nameless-self-ships @nerdstreak @paper-carnation @patches-and-her-selfships @p-i-t-s @reds-self-ships @rexscanonwife @ship-trek @spacestationstorybook @squips-ship @scroldie @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @toogayforthistoday @winterworlds
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Madeline Usher - Setting herself up for failure
Because the thing is, Madeline was never close to successfully develop an AI human consciousness. Not even by a long shot. Roderick convinced she was, because either he knew jackshit about tech and algorithms, idolised his sister, was delusional about her progress, or Madeline was lying to him the same way Vic did, or a combination of all of these. Or Madeline was deceiving herself.
Because, based on the themes of the show, how could she create a fully realised human mind from scratch, when she doesn't understand what it is?
She loved Roderick's kids and his grandkid, but only as extensions of her brother. Not as people. She failed to understand Tamerlane's cry for help, dismissing her desperate (and valid) need for love and companionship, her immense guilt, and ended up giving her niece the most batshit worst advice that only further exacerbated her paranoia and isolation. She didn't bother caring about what the children were up to, if what they did did not pertain immediately to the superficial benefits of the family. She thought Napoleon made "debutante balls". Napoleon, whose occupation was in video games, provided he had had better creative encouragement and guidance, potentially could have been the best person in the family to connect with Madeline on a professional level. As an equal.
It was not a huge surprise that Madeline's digital recreation of Lenore was that soulless, horrifying text chain Roderick received at the end. Even as Madeline was permitted to a diary full of the girl's thoughts and dreams, she did not understand her, and at that point was incapable of trying. She did not know Lenore as a person, the kindness that drove the girl, in the same manner that she did not understand how people like Annabel Lee and Dupin operate. The one time she was given a chance at instrospection, when Annabel Lee told her "You are so small.", she squandered that chance by burying it with Griswald and never thought of it again.
Madeline was brilliant. She had an incredible, ruthless drive for success. She foresaw the necessity of her field. She understands how the world works. When it concerned her. She understood the worst parts about a person. When it concerned her. It was her intelligence, arrogance and hubris that Verna respected. Madeline also did not understand the good parts about a person. What makes them whole. Her humanity was amputated, half of it by her own doing, and she lacked the self-awareness to realise that her amputated worldview was not the whole picture.
So of course she failed at her lifelong dream of creating a living digital consciousness.
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punkeccentricenigma · 7 months
Relationship status: Romantic
Reader prounouns: She/Her
Words: 1566
TW: Some grammatical errors because english is not my first language, angst, toxic thinking, future setting
A/N: The idea for this story I had for a couple of months, and only now managed to bring it to life. It didn't turn out exactly as I wanted, but it's pretty close. Also, today is my birthday. Yay...
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"What do you think, huh?!"
[Y.N] expelled a breath as she was pushed with rough gentleness into the center of a small private bedroom. Her brows remained unmoved, teeth clenched in anger.
"What's your problem, Leo?!" she responded with a question, straightening up to face the mutated turtle who forcefully closed the door, seemingly hurting it more than her.
Not sure what was going on, but not an idiot, she had her suspicions.
"Another base got attacked," Draxum said in a tone of indifference, but his old face betrayed considerable pain. "They're all gone."
The group gathered in the main room of the base under New York, or rather its rubble, expressed a collective murmur of additional words of disbelief or mourning; even if they didn't know these people, they were in the same position, knowing what they felt.
"What do we do now, Leonardo?" April asked, only showing furrowed brows. "It's only a matter of time before the Kraang and others attack us." Her words were logical, especially knowing how cruel and ruthless the aliens were, even to their own. Her chocolate eyes often noticed exhausted brains, dying from exhaustion, in their torturous work.
The turtle's eyes twitched slightly, probably not having slept all night, contemplating all of this since Donatello left. He had not only the planning on his mind but also the entire base's technology. He felt he was slowly losing control, but he couldn't show weakness, not now, not ever. "We'll have to boost the security and fuses; we can't afford them burning out during a potential attack," he said, adjusting his blue scarf. When was the last time he washed it? With a low water supply, laundry had become the worst option.
"Forgive me, leader," the dark eyes of the redearslicer rested on the slightly taller figure who raised his hand to stand out from the crowd. Ah, one of those geniuses who worked with his twin brother. You could see red eyes on the mutant—was it from fatigue or tears shed for a lost person? "But we'll need to conduct further reconnaissance to gather new materials for such an upgrade. Currently, we're lacking many things."
"Right..." Leonardo mumbled quietly, uncomfortably shifting his gaze. "So, we'll do it tonight."
"Yeah! Another round of taking down those damn meatbags!" Cassandra exclaimed joyfully, raising her hands with her wild gaze. Numerous deep scars adorned her bare shoulders, complementing simple childish drawings made by her son.
"However, many of ours were severely beaten last time; they're still in the infirmary wing," the African American woman pointed out sharply, crossing her arms. "We need to wait at least a week to carry out such an action safely!"
Leo had a strong urge to respond sarcastically to these objections but bit his tongue, not wanting to get into another argument.
"Well, then...!"
"I have an idea for a potential solution." All eyes turned again to the older goat when he spoke.
"What is it?" Leonardo's voice resonated lightly. He felt relieved that someone as intelligent as Draxum had an idea, but also uneasy, knowing his past.
"We'll use my mutagen to strengthen our power."
The turtle's pupils narrowed at the sound of his second 'father's' words. It was... unimaginable! "W-what?" he stammered, taking a step forward to stabilize his posture. "Use the mutagen? That damn slime?" He didn't want to use such strong words, but his shock exceeded his manners.
Baron Draxum cleared his throat, ignoring the term for his experiment. "I believe it's the best course of action in this situation. Analyzing past events and the likelihood of future ones, we need a survival factor."
Leonardo took in stale air, waiting for further elaboration on this idea. Why did he still feel uneasy hearing this?
"So, people would have to take the right dose of this green liquid to transform into the appropriate Yokai."
"That sounds absurd," the red-faced one acknowledged, placing a hand on his hip. "It's dangerous, especially in these conditions."
"I don't deny it, but I think it could eliminate most diseases for which we no longer have a cure." "And after failed attacks, people could have a better chance of defense and faster regeneration depending on the mutants they transform into. You know that well, Leonardo." The turtle automatically felt a tingling on his shell in places where previous wounds had faded over time.
"... Still, it sounds wrong." But why? Why do you think that way? Is it your current mindset, or is it from years ago?
"But... Draxum is right," April admitted, walking to stand beside the goat. "Without it, our chance of survival is low."
"We can test it today; I need at least one volunteer."
Everyone glanced at the person next to them, waiting for any reaction. Well, no one is deciding; it will be fine...!
"I... I volunteer." Leonardo's eyes widened as he noticed his partner, who, despite holding a box, raised her hand. There was determination on her face.
"You're being unreasonable!" Although Leo's voice usually had a light tone, at this moment, it was deep and aggressive. The fact that he strongly gestured with his only arm didn't help. "Agreeing to something like this? Are you insane?"
"Leon, listen!"
"No 'listen'!" The man snarled, approaching his beloved, causing an odd dominance. "What you've decided is utterly idiotic!"
"No, it's not. I'm just considering the well-being of the rest!" The woman held her ground, taking a step forward and delicately touching her chest to her fiancé's. Her eyes were sharp, causing a slight embarrassment in Leonardo's mind. He didn't usually behave this way, but he let his emotions take over.
"All that will result from this is total chaos and pain!"
"As if there isn't chaos and pain right now!" She emphasized, gesturing as well. She felt the pressure in her head increasing, and the hope for calming down diminishing. "You need to take a breath and think about it rationally, Leo."
"Ohohoho! Sure!" His tone became more mocking, and he started to pace, adding drama. "I've known that lunatic much longer than you. I know the messed-up things he's done! And you want that green crap to flow through your veins? You should have higher standards!"
"Apparently, I don't, since I chose you, someone who has the same thing in their body!"
A sharp intake of air escaped the turtle as he stood still. His face showed wounded pride, not from his fiancée's words but from his logical error. Fool.
After a moment, [Y.N] took a breath, wanting to calm down. "Leonardo, listen." Her smaller hands moved gracefully, as if she were trying to tame a wild animal that no longer existed in these times. "Draxum is right. Thanks to this slime, most of us will have a better chance of survival."
"That doesn't change the fact that it's total nonsense," the man muttered quietly, burying his chin further into the blue fabric. "Something like this is incredibly painful for an ordinary person, especially in circumstances where there's hunger, filth, death..." His voice slowly broke. Before, he didn't care much about humans; their rescue was just an addition to victory when he fought. But now? Especially since his dearest person is one of them?
"Leon, tell me directly what's going on."
"I feel awful," Leonardo began, letting his crystalline tears flow. "My brothers, Raph and Donnie... I couldn't save them...!" Before he realized it, he tightly embraced the woman, who motherly patted his shoulder or shell. "And even earlier, Dad..." pain "You don't even know how much I wish this invasion didn't happen, that everything was normal." "Or not to get used to every current situation; it hurts so much when everything 'falls into place,' and suddenly something crumbles or someone dies!"
"I understand you, that's why this mutation is needed."
"No, you don't understand..." his whisper pierced [Y.N]'s ears. He pulled away slightly from her silhouette to look into her [COLOR] eyes. "I don't want any changes because it's all I have when it comes to a connection with a normal past." His hand gently caressed the cheek of the person in front of him. "The fact that you're human reminds me of good times, of safety. If that disappears..."
A sense of guilt lingered in both of their hearts. For more or less rational reasons.
The woman averted her gaze, placing her hand on a larger counterpart of the turtle. She sighed softly and smiled reassuringly. "A-alright, you're right."
Another embrace, this time stronger than the previous one. "Thank you... I love you, and I don't want to lose you..."
"Same here..."
"But you know, I would look interesting as a mutated turtle!"
"You'd be bald as a knee."
"You say it as if it were a flaw, egghead."
Laughter echoed in Leonardo's mind as he looked in disbelief at the torn body beneath his feet, covered in red ash.
"This... can't be!" He immediately fell to the ground, brushing the sand off the face of the corpse before him. The man wasn't a believer, but with each passing second, he prayed for it to be a simple dream, a regular nightmare in his brain. Unfortunately... "[Y.N]!"
Amidst the distant sounds of battle, his roar and sobbing resonated among the rubble as he cradled the lifeless body of his fiancée in his plastron.
He should allow it.
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protective-mama-bear · 2 months
: ̗̀The Smiling Psychopaths ༉‧₊
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I have finally did it, i have draw all of the Smiling Psychopaths :'D very proud of myself! Also redesign the psychopaths logo, anyway, enjoy!
What is Smiling Psychopaths? It is a Smiling Critters AU that was created by @smiling-psychopaths but this AU is different, each Smiling Critters are living in different AU but their AUs are where this critter are evil and dark, think of this as Bad Sanses Au, if you know what i mean.
Warning: Blood and eye-contact
Twisted!Bubba Bubbaphant
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Meet the leader of the Smiling Psychopaths, Twisted!Bubba Bubbaphant or what the others call him, Twisted! The intelligent but sadistic elephant critter in the group, torturing his own friends for his own satisfaction and the one who bring the evil version of his friends to join his evil group. He's also a scientist in the crew.
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Who would have thought that the once used to be our lovable and sleepy cat would be joining a mafia? Meet, Mob!CatNap or what the others call him, Mob! The boss of his own mafia and have done many illegal stuff but with all those crimes, he still being fashionable and polite! He have joined Twisted evil group and become a loyal member. He's the one who does the patrol or guarding the mansion.
Lovesick!Bobby BearHug
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(Ignore the white lines–)
A sweet and motherly bear that looks like she won't hurt a fly, but don't be fool by her motherly aura because this bear have locked her own dear friends inside her house, punishing them if they dare disobey her rules! Introducing, Lovesick!Bobby BearHug or what the others call her, Lovesick! The loyal and the protective bear in the Psychopaths, she won't hesitated to kill you, quick or slow, if you dare harm her 'precious friends'. She's the therapist and the 'parent' figure in the crew, also a protector.
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The once caring and the leader of the Smiling Critters have turned into a serial killer! Or what it call, Slasher! He have lost the caring and leadership inside him, only caring to satisfied his thirst for blood. Introducing, Slasher!DogDay or what the others call him, Slasher! The last member that join the Psychopaths. He owned many kind of blades or weapons to tortured his victim but his favorite one is a Bowie knife! Also a masochist. He also an expert on creating traps, like Lovesick.
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No one know what exactly happened to her or why her emotions have vanished, walking like an empty shell with the lack of emotions. Truly a mystery but an intriguing one aswell! Meet Emotionless!CraftyCorn or what the others call her, Emotionless! A very mystery member, rarely appear whenever there's a meeting or any events, prefer to hidden in the shadow and it's no surprised she used her 'hiding in the dark' to her advantage to attack tresspassers. She still love to draw but for some reason, her paint seem to be from her victims blood... very interesting indeed.
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A friend that used to be so cool and out-going have become a ruthless and a very violent person, thanks to that shot in the head, really make him very easily to anger! Introducing, Violent!KickinChicken or what the others call him, Violent! A very loyal member in the Psychopaths but can be quite blunt without even thinking, causing some members to dislike him but this chicken doesn't really care. The leader of The Brutal Trio.
Poison!Hoppy Hopscotch
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She's still an energetic and lively green rabbit but wait! Her energy have turn ten time higher and not only that, after being pushed into a dangerous chemicals, she have an electricity power and inside her body is fill with green poison that could kill you slow and very painful way and did i mention that her favorite weapon is her hammer? She calls it her 'Lucky Charm'. Meet Poison!Hoppy Hopscotch or what the others call her, Poison! A very energetic, fast-speaking and lastly an annoying member in the crew, she never stop moving, always causing troubles or chaos in her way. Her playing is very rough, no one can ever keep up except for her Psychopaths friends! A part of The Brutal Trio.
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The first critter that Twisted ask to join his evil team. The once sweet and 'love to eat' friend have turn into something that is corrupted! She still love to eat but the food that she eat is meat, it can be any kind of meat especially if the meat is still bloody and fresh! Mhm, yum! Anyway, Introducing Corrupted!PickyPiggy or what the others call her, CP or Corrupted but mostly CP. A neutral chaotic member but very loyal to the crew, she does her job very well but would leave a mess when she finish with her mission, she's also the cook in the Psychopaths Mansion and a part of The Brutal Trio.
Ooh boy, that was a lot but i enjoy drawing and making headcanons of these evil silly! Anyway, i hope you guys enjoy this AU that was created a friend of mine! Now, goodbye *jumps out of the window*
Smiling Psychopaths AU idea by @smiling-psychopaths
Twisted!Bubba Bubbaphant, Violent!KickinChicken, Mob!CatNap and Slasher!DogDay by @smiling-psychopaths
Lovesick!Bobby BearHug by me :D
Emotionless!CraftyCorn by @emotionless-craftycorn
Poison!Hoppy Hopscotch by @jumptothemoon
Corrupted!PickyPiggy by @picky-and-corrupted-picky
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