#with him for them to stop fighting so they wouldn’t destroy the planet in the process
sacha-da-1 · 2 years
It’s a good thing that The Master went batsh*t during The End of Time around Ten rather than almost any other Doctor, can you imagine many of the others having any real sympathy for him?? Honestly? (By that I mean enough so to actually try to help him and forgive him.) Ten was lonely and had his soft spot for the Master amplified, the others, who knows how they would’ve reacted. It’d vary of course, but just think about it lol.
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rex101111 · 9 months
Things that happen within the first few hours of AC6:
1. You get shot with a huge-ass laser mid-atmosphere entry. You barely survive this, landing several miles away from your intended landing zone.  Welcome to Rubicon 3.
2. You have a mech built with bargain bin parts, barely held together with hope and spite. It has a energy sword though, so that’s nice.
3. Not even two seconds after your, very rough, landing, you get a call from your “Handler”. He is ostensibly in charge of your well-being. This begins and ends with him sending you off on missions he’s fairly certain you’ll survive and charges you for the damage you get to your mech, the bullets you use, and he’s also cut out a piece of your brain to put in augmentations that will make you a slightly better mech pilot. In the top Most Horrible People On This Planet contest, he wouldn’t make it to the top 10.
4. You make your way through a derelict hunk of junk that’s threatening to collapse on top of you. Not even two minutes into this journey, you’re getting shot at with missiles. 
5. You finally reach your intended destination, a burning husk of a city filled with scavengers and low lives who will shoot you on sight. You are here to grave rob.
6. The reason you are grave robbing is connected to the fact you got shot in orbit, you are here illegally, and you need to find a license from any fresh corpse so you can steal the identity on it and be able to do mercenary work.
7. You go through four corpses before you find one with a license that can pass muster.
8. Mid corpse robbing a gunship sent by The Space Police spots you and you have to shot it down so it can’t kill you or, even worse, stop you from stealing the identity you just found. 
9. As soon as you get registered in the Mercenary Rolodex, which takes less then a second of an A.I taking a look and saying “alright checks out”, you have two missions. One of them has you killing a bunch of resistance fighters from the planet’s native population on behalf of a weapons company that really wants to do business here. 10. The next mission has you going to a base owned by that very same company and blowing up everything you can find there. This does not anger that company one bit, if anything it just convinces them you are a very thorough worker. 11. Very shortly after that, you are tasked with destroying a prototype mech by another company before it can get into mass production. That mech is being piloted by what can only be described as an Anime Protag who is in the worst possible franchise for his type of character. You can murder him in less then two minutes if you know what you’re doing. You can hear him desperately fight for his life the entire time. 12. After that, before you even get to clean the blood and oil and broken dreams off your robot, you get a call from a merc group leader saying that he’s seen you murder that guy real good, a guy who was auditioning to join his group, and likes the cut of your jib. He gives you the callsign he was gonna give Anime Protag before you blew him the fuck up. He laughs and tells you to be careful since it’s an unlucky number. This is the least morally repugnant thing you’ll do all game.   
13. A while after that, you go into a power plant and destroy the generator, it promptly blasts you in the face with the red radioactive Super Fuel that toasted this planet a few years back.
14. You survive, somehow, and you get a disembodied voice of some girl in your ear. You tell your handler about this and he just shrugs it off with “oh yeah that’s probably a symptom of the lobotomy, don’t worry about it”. The voice is probably the most moral person on this fire blasted hell scape of a planet.
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green-eyedfirework · 2 months
Dick kept his breathing low and even as he scaled the building.  Quiet, deep breaths.  He needed to keep his breathing constant, because otherwise he was going to start hyperventilating.
He could feel the panic humming under his skin.  Dread settling just under his heart, a hot, heavy weight that had formed the moment he’d seen that orange-and-black armor.
He hadn’t understood it fully, not then, but the research they’d done afterwards had been clear.
Deathstroke.  Slade Wilson.  The world’s deadliest mercenary.
Cradling the broken, bleeding corpse in his arms, the assassin that HIVE sent after them, the one that had destroyed himself and collapsed mid-battle.  He’d died fighting them.  And that two-toned mask had looked up from the corpse and directly at them.  At him.
Dick had felt the cold clutch of fear before they’d found out that the assassin was Grant Wilson, that that was Deathstroke’s son, that they’d just landed themselves on the shit list of a killer with so many bodies that they couldn’t even count them all.
In short, they were screwed.
It wasn’t their fault.  It wasn’t.  They hadn’t killed Grant, it wasn’t their fault whatever HIVE had given him destroyed him, they didn’t ask to be attacked—but if Grant hadn’t been exerting himself against a team of superheroes, maybe his body wouldn’t have failed him.
Deathstroke had already made it clear who he blamed.
They couldn’t fight him.  They could try, and they would all die.  Deathstroke was a villain on the level of the Justice League, and while Dick and his team could hide behind their mentors for a while, Deathstroke wasn’t a normal heavy-hitter villain.  He was smart, he was trained, he was deadly, and Dick didn’t think there was a prison on this planet that would hold him.
Sooner or later, he’d get out, he’d track each and every one of them down, and he’d kill them.  Avenge his son.  And they wouldn’t be able to stop him.
Unless his vengeance was already sated.
Dick swallowed painfully.  The building’s security was easy to bypass, and soon he was creeping down the stairs, making his way to the basement level.  The silence and darkness pressed in around him, like it was trying to devour him, and Dick just curled tighter in on himself.
There was no stopping it.  Not now.
Dick hadn’t tried to avoid any of the security cameras—he wasn’t hiding.  He wished he was, desperately, he wished this was a mission, he wished this was a ploy, he wished there was an exit plan.
But there wasn’t.  It was a simple logic problem.  Deathstroke would kill everyone at fault for his son’s death.  The Titans were at fault for his son’s death.  Robin was at fault for his son’s death.
With some misleading statements, Robin would be the only one at fault for his son’s death.
Deathstroke wanted vengeance, and there was nothing they could do but give it to him.  Dick shoved down the part of him analyzing the situation, pointing out likely outcomes, shrieking about consequences.  He knew the consequences.  Bringing them back up would only break him.
The metal door at the bottom of the stairs was more difficult to crack.  Dick gave it his best shot, though, and he was about halfway through a lock when something unclicked.
Dick closed his eyes behind his mask, and took a second to breathe.  Then he pushed at the handle and opened the door.
The corridor beyond was empty, dimly lit and half in shadow, and Dick closed the door behind him as he entered.  He pretended like the click-thud of the locks reengaging didn’t send shivers down his spine.
He didn’t know whether he was supposed to wait near the door, and he warily stepped forward, into the semi-darkness, gaze fixed on the gloom.  It took him five steps before he saw the outline of the broad figure, and he stuttered to a halt.
He wasn’t wearing his mask this time.  Long, white hair, a dark eyepatch over his right eye, the other eye ice blue.  Arms crossed over armor, expression blank, but Dick could still see the simmering fury.
“Did the little bird come to take me out all by himself?”  Low and hard, without the mocking edge the words implied.  Too angry to be mocking, which was terrifying all on its own.
“No,” Dick said quietly.  He—he needed to do this right.  He had one chance.  And if he failed, he failed them all.
I’m sorry, read the letter he’d left on his pillow, this is the only way to stop him.  To protect you all.  I am so, so sorry.  I’ll miss you guys.
Dick slowly folded to his knees, hands raised.
“I—I came to surrender.”
Dick kept his gaze on those dark boots, which was the only reason he tracked Deathstroke moving forward, the man’s footsteps were silent.  “You came to surrender,” Deathstroke echoed flatly.
“I’m sorry,” Dick said, his voice eerily distant, like it was disconnecting from his mouth.  “I killed your son.”
The boots stopped right in front of him.  Dick waited, heart stuck somewhere in his closed-up throat, for them to snap out.  He’d forgotten to breathe somewhere along the way, and the air was unnaturally still.
“You killed my son,” Deathstroke repeated in the same, flat tone.
And these were the words Dick had to get just right, because if this went wrong, then the blame would push back on the kids he was trying so hard to protect.  “When I attacked him, he fell.  It was that wound his serum was trying to heal when it gave out.”
It was a lie.  But it was a lie carefully crafted—Grant had fallen, but it was because of his own bomb, and Dick had been nowhere near him.  There had been way too much time and way too many injuries accumulated after that for that to be a reasonable cause of death, but it was a plausible explanation.  If Deathstroke had been watching long enough to know that Dick was lying, he would’ve jumped in to save his son, and the hazy, conflicting reports on the battle shouldn’t contradict Dick’s story.
He needed to draw the blame to him.  His fault.  One target.  The Teen Titans would be safe, even if Robin had to die to ensure it.
“And you came here to confess?”  The boots circled around him, and Dick resisted the urge to follow his movement.  “A disarming trick.  But you can’t possibly think you can defeat me.”
Oh gods no.  That—Dick wasn’t sure if Batman could face Deathstroke head-to-head, and even if Dick had won some small element of surprise by showing up here, this was Deathstroke’s bunker.  Home ground.
“I didn’t come here to—to defeat you,” Dick said, his voice getting quieter as he tried to keep it steady.  His eyes burned, but he forced down the wavering.  “It’s—it’s my fault.  Not the Titans.”  And the moment that would make or break it.  “Please don’t go after them.”
The boots came to a stop in front of them.  “The Titans—” and that was definitely derision in his tone—“How cute.  Children playing at being heroes.”
Dick didn’t notice he’d unsheathed the sword until the point of it was under his chin, pushing up.  A gasp escaped as his head was forced up, as he met that icy gaze, as the sharp edge pressed against the base of his jaw.
“You came here to beg me to spare your little friends, Robin?” Deathstroke asked, voice cold and cruel.
Dick couldn’t nod, so he whispered out a broken, “Yes.”
“You came here to beg for mercy?”
Dick stared up at him, at this killer of unparalleled skill, and something slid heavy into his gut.
Deathstroke could slice through his throat with a flick of his fingers.  Delaying it just meant things would get worse.
The sword vanished as quickly as it had appeared and Dick gasped as a line of fire burned across his collarbones.  He looked down to see the slash through his uniform, a shallow scratch on the skin beneath.
“You came to the wrong place, kid.”
The boots were walking away, and Dick felt terror slice through him, panic rooting him to the spot.  “Wait,” he called out, rising up on his knees, “wait—the Titans didn’t do anything, please, it’s not their fault, I killed him!”
It abruptly occurred to Dick that Deathstroke could demand the same price—kill one of Dick’s loved ones for his loss.  No.  No, he couldn’t.  No, please no—
“I don’t care about your friends,” Deathstroke said, halting ten steps away.  “You should be more worried about yourself.”
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x-0ophelia0-x · 8 months
two separated souls, reunited.
Pairings: Ezra Bridger x F!Reader Warnings: Ahsoka S1 Spoiler!, it’s my first fic too, please have mercy, it’s also not proof read, supposed to wake up for school in 4h :D
word count: 1,4k
summary: you and Ezra were in a relationship. After his disappearance back in Lothals big fight, you promise to yourself to find him, no matter the cost.
authors note: as I mentioned before this is my first story, well in english at least. I’ll correct the mistakes tomorrow, just wanted to post this already due of the lack of Ezra content here :´D
I hope you like it! <3
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„I couldn’t have wished for a better family…can’t wait to come home“
Those lines were stuck in her head.
10 years had already passed since that eventful day. 
10 long years of not knowing what to do.
Her nightmares where plagued by her memories.
The horrific sight of Thrawns flagship being held by purrgils, ready to jump into hyperspace. Knowing that he was still in there. 
Not being able to see him one last time before their ways parted for who knows how long. 
Only hearing his voice through her comm link.
And just like that he was gone. 
Gone somewhere far away from them.
y/n didn’t want to give up.
Ezra meant the world to her and that day just broke her. 
And as the years passed by she started to lose hope.
What if he didn’t survive the hyperjump? What if he lost his memories?
What if-
What if he died?
She didn’t want to think about that, she’d feel it if something would’ve happened to him, right? Their bond was strong, there’d be some sign trough the force if he really was dead. 
But just as she started to accept the fact that finding him would be impossible, Ahsoka had found a map that may have Ezra’s location on it. And with Ezra’s of corse Thrawn‘s too. Her discovery didn’t go unnoticed though. 
Morgan Elsbeth who was currently working on to get Thrawn back found out about Ahsoka finding the map, sending the ex Jedi Baylan Skoll and his apprentice Shin Hati after her.
That was kind of the start of how everything started to go downhill after that. 
Sabine managed to unlock the map but the joy didn’t last long. 
Droids attacked her, followed by Shin. They managed to steal the map, leaving Sabine wounded. 
Those days where filled with quite the action, leading them to this point. 
Ahsoka, Sabine and y/n tracked the hyperspace ring.
They then hid themselves somewhere on that planet.
Shin and the Inquisitor Marrok found them, attacking them to eliminate the threads to Thrawns return. 
A lot happened, leading to the situation of Ahsoka being thrown off a cliff, Sabine lying knocked out on the cold unforgiving ground and y/n having to make an decision. 
Whether to give them the map and follow them as their prisoner, having the chance to finally find Ezra. Or destroy the map and with that the last chance to find her lover.
It was a tough decision but deep down she knew what she had to do.
If there was a chance that Ezra was still alive, she’d have to try her best to find him, to bring him home.
And just like that she handed the map over to Baylan. 
And her journey began. 
She was now riding on a howler, recalling everything that had happened. 
Thrawn was alive. And he had an army. 
There were more Nightsisters, helping Thrawn.
But the strangest thing?
They just let her go, even gave her some Proviant and a Howler.
y/n already got attacked by some smugglers or hunters… 
honestly, whatever they where, they wouldn’t stop her from finding him.
Not when she was so close. 
The attack destroyed some kind of device though, showing her Ezra’s last known location. y/n Just hoped to find him by some miracle. 
At some point the howler seemed to have found something. 
It went to a dried out river she assumed, sniffling on some rocks. 
„damn.. I think you’ve lost it.. those are just rocks“
She chuckled, stroking the howlers back.
But it didn’t stop and just when it’s sniffling intensified, the rock moved.
She whispered.
That rock just moved. 
The howler ran closer to that.. thing?
„Hey.. we’re not going to harm you.. and you don’t have to hide anymore
since we kind of already know about your camouflage“
It took some seconds but the creature in front of them revealed itself. 
It was some kind of an walking crab thing, looking innocent. 
„There you go.. so…“
y/n was at a loss of words. She didn’t even knew if that creature understood her, well most likely not considering that she was from another Galaxy. 
But then something caught her attention. 
That crab creature wore some kind of necklace, with a sign on it. 
It was Sabines firebird. 
Her eyes widened at the realization. 
„E-Ezra Bridger..“
She looked deep into it’s eyes, hoping that it’d understand her.
„Do you know Ezra Bridger?“
It seemed to be confused at first, but it also seemed to recognize the name.
„Ezra Bridger?“
It asked with a high voice. 
y/n nodded.
„Yes.. I’m his friend! Do you know where he is now?“
The creature seemed to think about something, it then called
for his friends, leading to some ‚rocks’ start to move and reveal themselves as crab creatures. 
They then gestured her to follow them, leading her to a small village. 
Their houses were small, looking like they would only be temporary there. 
Crab people where walking around, doing their daily chores or just relax, sitting, sleeping or playing while the others looked at their new guest. 
They then stopped, leaving her alone.
She looked around, capturing the sight in front of her. 
Never in her life would’ve she expected herself to be standing in the middle of a village, somewhere in another Galaxy on a planet called Perridea. 
Just as she was looking at some things of the village, she heard a voice.
„I knew I could count on you… y/n“
She felt like as if her heart skipped a beat. 
She’d recognize his voice everywhere.
The voice of the one person whose made the ultimate sacrifice to keep his new family, his planet and his Galaxy safe from Thrawns games.
Ezras voice
She slowly turned around, her eyes fixating on the man in front of her. 
He was leaning against the wall of one of those houses, his arms crossed. A smile, so warm, kind and loving placed on his face.
He had grown, which was to be expected after 10 years of corse.
His hair had grown longer, his curly waves being a stark contrast to the buzz cut he had when she last saw him. 
He even had a beard now.
Her eyes then shifted to his, locking gazes with him. 
They were still the same vibrant blue as the day she lost him. 
Still so beautiful that she got lost in them for some seconds.
She then asked, giving her everything to hold back tears.
„It sure took you long enough to find me..“
He chuckled, but his voice gave away that he also was holding his tears back.
Her legs then started to move on their own, running to him, not wanting to waste any more second. 
Ezra still stood there, opening his arms to catch her, to pull her into a tight embrace. And so he did. 
She clung to him as if he was her lifeline, not daring to let go, scared that he’d disappear again if she’d loosened her grip on him.
„I missed you.. so much..!“
She couldn’t hold back her tears any longer. 
They now streamed freely down her face.
„I missed you too..“
He said, holding her as close as he could.
Both of them had so many questions that didn’t seem to matter right now.
Everything they needed was this one embrace, ensuring them that they found each other again. 
When they pulled apart, they were again looking into each others eyes.
Ezra then wiped away y/s‘s tears, placing his hand on her left cheek while trying to find the right words.
„Thank you… thank you for finding me“
She then placed her hand over his hand, holding it gently.
„Don’t thank me for that… I love you, I’d do anything for you, even if it means to fly into another Galaxy to find you“
She said, laughing at the last part. And he too chuckled while hearing it.
„I love you too.. and I can’t wait to come home“
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mathiwrites · 2 months
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Day 5, Prompt 1 of @tamlinweek: Shapeshifter
Notes: I've already written a couple of Shapeshifter-Faerie Tamlin scenes, so I wanted to see if I could put a twist to the prompt. So, welcome to Pacific Rim!AU ACOTAR. This fic is ongoing and multi-ship.
I'll probably put the masquerade prompt in this fic, too. Trust the process 👌
Read Courting the Apocalypse on AO3 or below the cut.
They came out of nowhere—somewhere deep in the sea, a place no one could follow.
The first attack happened in Australia, on the coast, and before long the massive creature was dragging itself into the city, destroying the lives of thousands. It had taken five days for the air force to take it down, in tandem with the military, and any other goddamn fighting force at our disposal. But the damage was done.
We called these creatures kaiju.
And that first guy? That first big, ugly, fucker? We called him Hybern—a level one kaiju that came back after the winter. We thought we had him, but whatever death we saw was a retreat. He waited, recuperated and hibernated until it popped up on our sensors again.
After the first attack, we knew we needed to change. We need to get bigger, faster, stronger. We needed to defy what we were in physicality by using what set us apart as the dominant species of this planet—our brilliance. We were no longer at the top of the food chain, but not for long.
And that is how the Jaeger program was born.
Giant mech suits that allowed us to change our shape and meet those things on a level playing field. We were knights—fuck, we were goddamn superheroes. We were anything but helpless little humans once the world came together and started sharing all their innovations, coming together against a single enemy. We could be whatever we wanted, fight in whatever way felt right. Plasma guns? Check. Swords? Check. Rocket launchers? Hell yeah.
But it wasn’t always good, and it wasn’t always shit.
My father was a part of the initial Jaeger Program, and he was the commander of Western Shatterdome of the Pan-Pacific Defense Force. My brothers were rockstars. They were the first dual pilot-team—the first soldiers who were able to set aside their hangups, their wants and needs, and blend into one another as one. They became our cause, and they became everything we needed.
Until me and my co-pilot killed them.
“You need a new partner.”
“Tam, will you slow down.”
The auburn-haired soldier jogs beside his friend until he can stand his way; he can barely get Tamlin to stop, and much less look at him. A thick white bandage covers his eye, and Lucien knows that’s exactly why his friend won’t look at him. He sighs, trying to catch his gaze.
“It wasn’t your fault. None of it was. Not this, not what happened back then. If that’s what’s stopping you—”
“It’s not.” Tamlin snaps, looking at the metal walls of the hallway. The shatterdome isn’t made for comfort, it’s cold, utilitarian efficiency. Right now, it’s a lot more comforting than the warmth (and forgiveness) Lucien is offering him. “I’m done.”
After two partners, both of which that ended in some kind of tragedy, Tamlin gets the message. He’s not made for this fucking life. He can’t keep his partner safe, and he sure as hell can’t help his other teammates. What? Lucien doesn’t think he knows what they say about him? The PPDC are a superstitious bunch; the rangers have their rituals, and he wouldn’t be surprised that on their next deployment, if they manage to coerce him to get into one of those godforsaken machines again, they’d steer clear of him. Bad luck is contagious.
“Just go see. Andras found her manning an abandoned model two alone. Do you know how insane that is? Do you know who the only other pilot is who did that successfully? Will you,” Lucien snaps, grabbing Tamlin’s face to look at him. “It’s not your fault. I’ve been in your head. I know that you’re beating yourself up over guilt that doesn’t belong to you. I knew what I was in for signing up for this shit.”
His amber eyes search Tamlin’s emerald ones, finding all the grief he wishes wasn’t there. Lucien sighs, shoulders slouching.
He remembers the first time he jumped into Tamlin’s head—the fear and the anger had been so overwhelming. More importantly, the desperate cry to keep others out of his head was deafening. Lucien wonders if he’s the one that’s in the wrong, if he’s asking Tamlin to sacrifice himself for ‘the cause’.
“There’s so few of us left,” he says softly. Pilot compatibility has dropped over the years. Hell, there isn’t even enough people to test. The war against these monsters has worn hope down. “Someone has to believe in the PPDC. If it could be me, you know I’d free you.”
“If it’s not you, I’m not doing it,” Tamlin says softly. “We are one.” He shaped himself to Lucien—he slotted himself against his heart and mind. To abandon Lucien is to abandon a part of himself. It has to be him.
But it can’t. The second Lucien steps into the Drift, he’ll rob both of them of their left peripheral view. He knows they could adapt; he knows that Tamlin is so damn stubborn, he’d give Lucien his sight back like a healing, avenging angel. Pair that weight along with the responsibility Tamlin feels for Lucien, he’d be taking too much of the mental load. It’s a risk that he can’t take.
Lucien pulls Tamlin close, pressing their forehads together. “Just because I’m not in there with you, doesn’t mean I won’t be there with you.”
Tamlin eases at his touch, and listens. He closes his eyes, latching onto that familiar voice that’s lived in his mind for years.
“I’ve asked for a transfer to LOCCENT. I might not be in your head, but I’ll be in your ear.” Lucien grins.
“What?" You’ve been planning this the whole time?”
“Yeah? Do I look like a quitter to you?”
No, Lucien doesn’t quit. Lucien is a fighter, through and through. To think, they’d sold Lucien to Tamlin as the failure of a legacy family, just like he was. To think, they’d made the best team—brain and brawn.
“Fine, I’ll go see her.”
“Good man,” Lucien pats Tamlin’s cheek, affectionately. His smile falters, as his hand slips to Tamlin’s shoulder. “I need you to know. He’ll be there. He’s still looking for a partner.”
Well, fuck.
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Behold the fruit of my hard work and dedication - a 4500 word MDZS Subnautica AU (part 1)! And when you think I barely knew what that was a month or so ago - character development!
Special thanks to @sasukimimochi for not only giving me alien fish brain worms in general but also for this prompt and all the feedback that's helped me improve this ficlet! This wouldn't have been possible without you!
This will probably not make very much sense without context, but I tried my best to write it in a pretty simple way so that it can be enjoyed on its own even so. The focus is more on feeling anyway!
Enjoy and see you in part 2 <3
There had never been anything more unnerving to Wei Wuxian than silence where there had always been noise, the suffocating feeling of nothing where there had always been something. And that place, that planet, had not been quiet. There had always been sound – the creatures, the currents, the mechanical whirrs of technology, the radio transmissions of people long gone, the data bank entries.
The voice of a loved one, the reassurance that they were still alive because you could see their vitals beep mechanically across a screen, endless. The promise of return, the confirmation that they were with you still.
All of that had been replaced with silence – and Wei Wuxian felt it crawl into his body like winding, lead vines, his hands going numb with anxiety as his heart rate picked up to the point of a health alert beeping incessantly into his ears. It was as though the entire world had stopped, quieted down as if in waiting, like an eager audience focused on the climax of a theater play. What was going to happen next? What would the grand reveal be, the aftermath of what had been before?
Because, before that terrible, painful silence, there had been deafening noise – screaming, growling, the sickening sound of equipment being torn into by something beyond the capabilities of human imagination. He heard it – all of it, through the communication system, and could do nothing but that. Hear. Fourteen hundred meters below sea level, four hundred beyond the capacity of his Seamoth, his beloved was fighting for his life against a relentless, wrathful monster.
And he was powerless to help. If he had tried going down, the pressure would have caved the entire ship into itself, so even if Lan Wangji did survive, there would be nowhere – and nobody – left for him to return to.
And they had made a promise, when they found themselves stranded in this hell world – that they wouldn’t both die here. That, no matter what happened, no matter what they encountered, one of them would come back home alive and stay alive – because there was someone waiting for them at home, in a corner of their galaxy they hadn’t seen ever since they’d passed through the phasegate leading them here. And they had made a promise to that little, crying face, that they would return.
And so, no matter how much his instincts screamed at him to do something, anything, come up with a plan, how can you stay idle while your husband is dying?! – Wei Wuxian did nothing but listen to the fierce fight, motionless in place, shaking, eyes squeezed shut like he was waiting for a powerful blow to hit him the same way it would hit Lan Wangji. 
And then, it was over. The sounds stopped altogether, replaced with that same nothingness that Wei Wuxian had always been so desperate to fill, with music and conversation and even just the tiniest hums and responses from his beloved. 
But he could do none of those things then - all that he was left to do was, yet again, to listen. Listen for the communication system to crackle to life, and for Lan Wangji to tell him that he was  alive, that the creature had been defeated or at least ran off – but Sea Dragons were nothing if not vicious. And despite the prowess of the prawn suit, it had never claimed to be indestructible. If anything, Wei Wuxian was quite certain he had heard it being destroyed before the transmission cut off.  
What could he even do now? He did not have enough supplies to build a second prawn suit, not on such short notice, to try to – to reach that facility as well. The only reason they’d even gone there was an attempt to find a cure for the bacterium they’d both been infected with, to try to stay alive in this wretched place until they could get out – but of course, nothing could ever come easy in a place like this.
And he doubted he could deal with the knowledge that he had lost his husband – or, should there be any left, the remains of – of the suit and the - ! 
His vision became blurry as he stared ahead at the ship’s controls, useless. His fists clenched, hard, and he felt his wedding band bite against his skin with the strength of his grip. Would that symbol of love and devotion now become a relic? A bitter reminder of the person he lost because he couldn’t do anything but listen to him die?
How could he allow all this to happen? Why did he not think of something, anything to prevent this? He should have never let Lan Wangji go down there, he should have –
…ei…ng – Wei Ying!
Wei Wuxian’s head snapped up, as if to search for the source of the sound. Was his mind playing tricks on him? Was this just some other creature attempting to prey on him and use some form of telepathy to get him vulnerable?
Wei Ying, do you copy?
A tremor shook violently through Wei Wuxian’s body, the last of his tears flowing down his face. That was not a trick, it couldn’t have been. No matter how powerful, the creatures on that planet could not replicate Lan Wangji’s voice so well. No, that was his husband, loud and clear – and yet,  “Lan Zhan…? You’re… you’re alive?”
I am here. I managed to evade the Sea Dragon Leviathan by taking cover inside the facility.
Relief flooded Wei Wuxian’s system to the point of it being nearly overwhelming, a fresh wave of tears invading his vision. His husband was there, he was still alive, conscious and his, there was still hope that they would, somehow, reunite and perhaps even leave this terrible place. 
However, the prawn suit is beyond repair. I am going to have to manage on my own.
The relief had been short lived, though, as the magnitude of the situation befell Wei Wuxian again. Lan Wangji was not only alone in a strange, alien facility, but he was also largely defenseless. Whatever awaited him there… he would have no chance to survive against it.
But returning to the base, or even swimming upwards towards the Seamoth, was not viable either – for all it was worth, the alien facility was far safer than the open waters, where it was no guarantee other hostile creatures would not attack. In fact, it was more of a guarantee that Lan Wangji would die if he left the building than if he stayed inside of it.
Wei Wuxian could tell he was spiraling, and losing his head to overthinking and panic would help nobody - what he needed to be was calm, collected and rational. He would allow his emotions to take over once Lan Wangji was in his arms once more, safe and unscathed. 
So, Wei Wuxian took in a deep breath to steel himself and focus on the certainties of the moment.  One, his husband was alive. And two, he needed to help him stay alive until they found a way to get him out of there. Two possibilities emerged: either Lan Wangji would be able to find a safe exit, or Wei Wuxian would come up with a way to go down there and retrieve him - of course, without compromising any of their vehicles. 
Considering the fact that he did not currently have the equipment to go down to the facility and retrieve Lan Wangji himself, the latter option would not be viable - so all that was left was for Lan Wangji to find a safe passage away from the facility. 
As tedious as that could be, though, the alien buildings were rarely death traps – their previous inhabitants needed a means to get in and out, after all. The only question was, how did they manage to do that in a building 1400 meters below sea level, surrounded by an active lava lake and aggressive predators looming so closely?
“How’s your inventory?”
I’ve emptied out some of the storage unit of the prawn suit and still have the supplies I need. I’ve used up one of my tablets to deactivate the force field.
Optimal. I’m alright, Wei Ying.
“Okay.” A deep breath, and hands that kept clenching and unclenching to regain feeling. “Tell me what you see.”
For now, there is nothing but –
A loud, mechanical sound came through, and Wei Wuxian could hear the other gasp, startled. He felt his body tense up, heart hammering suddenly against his ribcage.
“Lan Zhan?”
The facility powered on. It was sudden.
Wei Wuxian let out a breath, trying to relax away the tension in his muscles. “Okay. Is it clear?”
Seems so. There’s… something here.
There is a pause as Lan Wangji scans the structure. Wei Wuxian feels his palms sweat as he decides to maneuver the Seamoth to the base and try to think of building something to help in the meanwhile.
According to the databank, it’s an ion fabricator. It creates ion deposits that can be then mined for cubes. 
Wei Wuxian sighed, both frustrated and disappointed. “But the prawn is ruined, so we can’t use it.”
Mn… A pause, before Lan Wangji continued, There are also various artifacts here, I can scan them for you if you want. While I try to find an exit. 
Wei Wuxian found himself smiling slightly, “You know I can’t resist recording some of this really cool alien data. Perhaps it will be worth something when we get back home, and I’ll finally get funding for my research lab.”
 Lan Wangji’s tone softened ever so slightly. 
I will do my best to gather as much information as I can. There are seven entrances I can access freely, and I believe this facility’s main purpose is exactly that, research.
The situation must have definitely worn down on him as well, despite his attempts to downplay it – and now it was the first time since he’d so very narrowly escaped death that he could think of something else but survival. He found himself wishing Wei Ying was there to marvel at the alien architecture and technology and make that place a little less terrifying, a little less treacherous. 
“I’m trying to come up with something to help you, maybe there’s something I can build using our storage…”
No time for that. 
“Lan Zhan-”
Have any of our sea creatures hatched yet?
Wei Wuxian sighed, deciding to give in to the deflection. He would try to find a solution regardless, but he supposed it was better for Lan Wangji not to have to worry about him as well. With all his inventiveness and prowess, even Wei Wuxian himself could admit that he could be reckless sometimes - especially when his beloved’s life was at stake. 
So, Wei Wuxian’s eyes flitted towards the aquarium, in search of new little creatures. He had not even thought to look at it, overcome with dread and anxiety - however, the eggs sat motionless in the sand, no sign of any ready to leave their encasing. 
“Not yet. I think they’re waiting for you.” Wei Wuxian’s voice shook slightly, feeling the other’s absence now more than ever, “Don’t let me be a single parent, alright?”
I will come back to you.
Wei Wuxian opened his and Lan Wangji’s shared data bank just so he would have something to do - something other than be afraid -  and, for a moment, he became distracted with what his husband had recorded for him.
“All of this… so many species, they were so thorough…”
I believe we’ve encountered most of these, except for the Sea Emperor Leviathan. There's a preserved fetus here that the researchers appear to have been unable to utilize.
“They were looking for the Enzyme, weren’t they? Just like we are…”
How are your symptoms?
“Just like usual.” Wei Wuxian lied, and he knew Lan Wangji didn’t believe it either, but he didn’t press the issue. In fact, just that morning, right after Lan Wangji had left for the depths, Wei Wuxian had a flare up, a painful, bloody coughing fit followed by a bout of hallucinations that nearly had him destroy important components of their base in an uncontrollable rage.
If they didn’t find a way to access the Enzyme, Wei Wuxian could not help but fear he would end up being the one to hurt his husband and kill both of them in the process.
There isn’t just alien technology here.
“What do you mean?”
There is a 15th century sword here. From Earth.
Wei Wuxian tapped his chin in thought, “15th century… the 1400s… The Renaissance? Galileo, Copernicus… could some of the greatest human achievements be credited to an alien race?”
Perhaps they did not become involved, merely observed and collected samples.
“Most likely, but that isn’t as entertaining.” Wei Wuxian allowed himself a small laugh. “This is going to make Earth historian meetings a lot more interesting when it gets out.”
Lan Wangji let out a huff, almost chastising Wei Wuxian for the oncoming scientific chaos he seemed eager to cause. But in truth, he missed the other’s humor, the little remarks he would make whenever something surprised him - and the alien base was indeed surprising. Wei Wuxian would have to make do with the scans and the data, though - as well as Lan Wangji’s stories. And while he had never been much of a storyteller, he would try. He would tell Wei Wuxian anything and everything he wanted about that place as long as he managed to get out of there alive. 
There was silence for a while again as Lan Wangji scanned through the artifacts and explored the area, though it was less nerve-wracking this time, because Wei Wuxian could hear him breathe, and move – and though it was not ideal, it was more than enough for now. However, the anxiety ate away at Wei Wuxian regardless – he could not be there with his husband, could not see what he was seeing, and couldn't help him.
Not to mention, Lan Wangji’s options were limited - without the prawn suit, there was not much he could do and there was nothing he could use to either defend himself or build something to escape. 
The communication system came to life again. I’ve reached some sort of pipe room. There is tubing, where infected peepers swim through and come out cured.
Wei Wuxian tapped his chin again. Could that be part of the alien’s project to cure Khara’a? Had they managed to get some kind of experiment to be successful or was there something else healing the fish? 
 “Can you trace back where the healthy ones are coming from? Maybe that’s where the cure is.”
The tubing system appears to be built into the facility somehow, I cannot follow it…there is no exit here, either. 
A cold shiver ran down Wei Wuxian’s spine, and though he had never been superstitious, he could not help the sinking feeling that settled into his gut. “Be – Be careful, alright? If there’s anything – “
There is not. And, in a softer, soothing voice,  Trust me, Wei Ying. I will be alright.
Wei Wuxian crossed his arms in front of his chest, as if seeking warmth, comfort. His voice had dropped as well, unsure of whether he wanted to speak out loud or not.  “This is really difficult for me, you know? You’re down there, and I’m up here, and I can’t do anything…”
I know. It will be over soon.
Wei Wuxian did not find comfort in those words at all, feeling his eyes well up again. “Don’t say it like that.”
I apologize. I meant that this… unpleasant situation will be over soon. I will not. We will not.
Wei Wuxian desperately wanted to believe that, to hang onto Lan Wangji’s words like they were the promise of the heavens and not even dare to question them. But this planet is not a place for hope, for optimism - it’s a merciless underwater jungle, hell beneath a sparkling blue surface. And there had never been room for hope in the abyss. 
I have found another… doorway. It is guarded by a forcefield. 
Wei Wuxian quickly wiped at his face, clearing his throat so he could speak. “Where does it lead?””
I can’t tell. 
“You’ve already used up the tablet we found, though… ” Wei Wuxian all but wailed. “God, if only I could find a way to –“
I have brought a second tablet, Wei Ying. Lan Wangji interrupted, only a little bit smug about it. I was granted access.
Wei Wuxian couldn’t help a little smile. “Always so well prepared, of course my husband would foresee even the most unexpected things.”
But instead of some teasing reply back, Wei Wuxian was once again met with silence, and he realized the more time passed without hearing his husband, the more the dread he’d barely managed to stave off returned. 
“Lan Zhan? What’s going on?”
There was no response. Of course, Wei Wuxian could hear the other breathe still, and nothing violent seemed to have happened because Wei Wuxian had not heard anything to cause him worry. 
So then why wasn’t his husband replying?
“Lan Zhan?” 
Yes. I am here. 
“Are you alright?”
Do you remember the vision I had? 
“With that female creature thing?”
“What about it?”
She’s calling for me.
Wei Wuxian felt ice invade his bloodstream, his voice unsteady as he spoke. “Lan Zhan, that wasn’t real.”
It is now.
“Lan Zhan!” He all but screamed, slamming his hands into one of the ship’s consoles. “Whatever that thing told you, it wasn’t real. Don’t listen to it!”
Lan Wangji did not reply, but Wei Wuxian did not want to allow silence to take over again. He struggled to steady his breaths, quick as they were, and continued, “Tell me what you see.”
A moonpool.
“Lan Zhan, you’re – are you going in?”
There must be something of value here, otherwise they would not have guarded it like this. 
“There could also be something dangerous they wanted sealed away. Lan Zhan, we can’t just infer on –“
There is no other way, Wei Ying.
“Did -” Wei Wuxian swallowed back his tears and the mounting despair, “Did that thing you saw lure you in there?”
Was his husband losing his mind? Was that it then? He would jump into the water, right in the jaws of whatever awaited him there, and Wei Wuxian would be left to, once again, listen to it happen? Would his husband go die willingly?!
Wei Ying, I am still of sound mind. If whatever I am seeing was trying to kill me, it would have already. But I think this is different. 
It was growing increasingly difficult for Wei Wuxian to control his emotions, voice coming out louder and more desperate than he had intended. “Lan Zhan, you - we can’t just risk so much for a hunch!”
There is nothing else to do. I either take the risk, and perhaps find a way home, or I die here.
Wei Wuxian could hear the echo of his husband approaching the water, and the sound of his body disturbing the surface, little ripples hitting against him. “W-What if there is something else, what if you haven’t found it and you’re just – you’re killing yourself for no reason?!”
Lan Wangji remained ever so calm, There is nothing else. I’ve checked everything.
Wei Wuxian’s eyes scanned wildly around the base, hoping that a solution would manifest itself out of thin air for him to hang onto. “Then – then wait, I can try to upgrade the Cyclops! I-I have enough time to go find the materials we’re missing, it’s only a few things, I can already set up the map and-“
Wei Ying. I asked you to trust me.
Wei Wuxian all but slid, bonelessly, against the console, voice breaking, “I do, Lan Zhan, I trust you and I love you and I… I can’t let you – I can’t lose you. I don’t want to, and I’m-“
I love you.
It was too late to stop himself from crying now, “Don’t say it like you’ll never say it again.”
I’m going in.
“Lan Zhan…”
And once again, Wei Wuxian found himself surrounded by silence. What could he do now? Who could even know what Lan Zhan would find, what kind of creature would tear him apart without any hope of fighting back? And when - if - that happened, what would Wei Wuxian do?
He needed his husband, needed to not feel like the world had forgotten him there and was waiting for him to die just like everybody else already had. He needed to not be alone, to have someone to live for, to fight for, to make him feel like there was still a point to his struggle to survive. 
And he still - A-Yuan was still at home, waiting for him. Waiting for both of them - to come back and tell him stories about worlds further away than even his imagination could take him… to tuck him into bed and kiss him goodnight, and make his favorite breakfast every morning… What would Wei Wuxian tell his son when he asked about his a-Die? That some terrible monster tricked him into offering himself as sacrifice in a strange facility deep inside a cursed sea? Wouldn’t A-Yuan ask ‘where were you then, baba? why didn’t you do anything’? What would Wei Wuxian tell him? That he was incapable? Useless? That he hadn’t even tried?
Would his son not hate him then? Would he not hate himself? Would it be right for him to keep living?
Wei Ying! Wei Ying, can you hear me?
Wei Wuxian did not react at first. There was no way that was his husband. Perhaps that creature had found a way to reach Wei Wuxian, and was trying to make him believe in delusions so he would jump into the water and let himself be killed as well. 
But Wei Wuxian would not let that happen. He would not give in, and he would not allow this horrid place to kill him. If he decided he would die, he would do so on his own terms - and if these monsters had taken his husband away from him, he would not give them the satisfaction to take him too, to claim another life. 
Wei Ying! I’m - there wasn’t a monster, it saved me! I’m trying to…
“Get lost.” Wei Wuxian almost wanted to laugh. That’s what that monster would want him to believe, right? That Lan Zhan was alive, so he would run out and try to find him, only to fall prey to it!
I’m - I don’t know where I am, I can’t… go on any further…
“I said, get lost!”
What an annoying creature! Did it not realize Wei Wuxian would not fall for its tricks? If only he had the equipment to go out there and kill it - kill all of them, everything, destroy the whole place, blow the whole planet all up until there was no trace left of it, of anyone or anything…
His eyesight blurred, anger simmering beneath his skin. He was having another flare up, wasn’t he? The bacterium was going to kill him… how disgusting…
Wei Ying, I know you’re angry, please, just listen…
Wei Wuxian coughed out a mouthful of blood. Why won’t the damn thing shut up already?!
“Get lost!”
Wei Ying… I know you’re sick, I know… know you don’t mean to… just… just listen… for a little bit…
Wei Wuxian heaved a long, painful breath, the pressure against his ribcage bringing some clarity to his mind. He could hear the other struggling to catch his breath, a sound far too realistic for anything on that planet to be able to make it.
What if that was indeed Lan Zhan? 
Wei Ying… the cure… the Sea Emperor Leviathan is… her eggs… go and…  free them and… I… 
All Wei Wuxian could hear now were quick, shallow breaths - and he sprinted towards the Seamoth with all his might, more afraid now than he had ever been before. Would his husband die before he reached him with the Seamoth? Had he been so incredibly dumb to think someone was playing mind tricks on him and left his husband to die in the middle of the ocean?! 
Would Lan Zhan die thinking Wei Ying let him -
The radar on the ship blinked rapidly as it detected the temperature pattern of a human being less than 300 meters away - Lan Zhan was close, a lot closer than Wei Wuxian had thought him to be. If he hadn’t snapped out of that trance, if he hadn’t - 
When he got close enough, Wei Wuxian was quick to jump out of the vehicle towards the floating, aimless body of his husband. He was unconscious, but not dead - he couldn’t be dead. Wei Wuxian would never forgive himself if his mistake killed his beloved, and he would betray his promise and take his life right there. 
So, with shaking, fearful hands, and tears clouding his vision, Wei Wuxian brought his husband into the Seamoth and carefully removed his helmet so he could breathe freely. But the first thing Wei Wuxian noticed, other than the slow breaths that fanned from his beloved’s lips, were two shining tear tracks down his face. 
The vehicle surfaced with ease. Outside, the planet’s sun shone brightly on a clear sky, casting light over the wild greenery of the Mountain Island. 
Wei Wuxian let the hull of the Seamoth open, warm rays of sunlight cascading over Lan Wangji’s face. He had carefully placed his husband in his arms as he sat in the captain’s seat, never wanting to let him go again, and so he anchored the ship to the shore like a sailboat, rocking with the tiny waves like a child’s crib. 
Now, all that was left was to wait. 
Lan Wangji had not been unconscious for long. It was likely that exhaustion caught up to him before he could make it ashore - after all, no matter how strong, he was still human. A human that had barely survived a nearly fatal attack and then ran around a strange place in search for a way out, not unlike a trapped animal seeking escape from its cage. Anybody else in his place would have been long gone - so much effort for his body to take, on top of being infected by a powerful bacterium… it was a wonder he was still alive. A miracle, even. 
Running a hand through Lan Wangji’s sweat-damp hair, Wei Wuxian could not help the tears in his eyes from falling as he leaned down to leave a soft, chaste kiss over his love’s forehead. He had almost lost him - and not even because of a mindless sea monster or a twisted form of technology.
He could have killed his husband himself.It felt sacrilegious to love on him now - to touch him, to hold him. But Wei Wuxian could not help it, not as his body still trembled with the horrors that he had had to live through. Or rather, to witness. He would never forget that suffocating feeling of helplessness, the despair that came with hitting the limits of technology and his own humanity. 
It flows out of him almost as smoothly as his tears do - a song so full of heart and longing and love, that the world around disappears into it.
And then, quietly, a second voice joins in, humming along the beautiful melody and the shaking voice of his beloved. 
The song cuts off into sobs and I love yous, and the sound of the waves lapping at the sides of the floating ship…
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outermaybanks · 18 days
Out of the Woods - ch 2
a/n: okay i know this is an oc fic and that's not everyone's cup of tea which is so totally fine, im just curious would it be better to make each chapter longer like 3k-6k words, or should i keep them shorter but there'd be a lot of them? pls
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Kie liked to fill the silence with question games. Usually basic ones, but we’d already run through most of those. 
“So when are you gonna tell JJ about your huge crush on him?” Kie asked suddenly, making my head whip around. Pope began laughing hysterically which just made me more flustered.
“Shut up, Kie. Pope, stop laughing!” I scolded, dipping my hand in the water to splash it at him, but that just made him laugh more and now Kiara was joining in. 
“Fuck you both!” I said, fighting out giggles myself as Kie splashed me back. When it died down, it felt heavy, like the unanswered question was still aching to be answered.
“Well I think you guys would be good together.” Kie spoke up, obviously feeling the tension.
“Yeah, like fire and gasoline.” Pope teased, earning a smack on the arm from Kie.
“You know the rules. No Pogue-on-Pogue macking,” I said.
“No one actually follows that rule.” Pope said and I rolled my eyes.
“Fine. Something else. What’s your biggest pet peeve?” Kie asked.
“When people pry into my love life.” I teased, earning a middle finger from Kie, giggling.
“What about you?” Pope asked, bumping Kie’s shoe with his.
“My biggest pet peeve? When people give one percent to the environment.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“We only have one Earth, Pope. We should be giving it 100 percent bare minimum.”
“Right… that’s not fiscally sound.”
“Neither is destroying the only planet we have to live on.”
I saw blue cars pulling up. “Hey, hey, hey- cops.” I said, interrupting their debate. 
“Shit.” Kie mumbled.
“Call them.” Pope instructed.
“I can’t. Towers are down.” Kie slowly stood and hid behind some debris, we followed behind her.
“If I lose my merit scholarship, I’m gonna kill someone,” Pope whispered as we found a place to hide. We tried to listen in, and Pope said maybe they wouldn’t go up there, but Kie wasn’t as optimistic.
“Follow me.” I said, keeping low and sneaking over to the building to go to the other side where the boys had gone into the room. We could see them through the window.
Pope bent down to pick up a rock, but totally missed, so me and Kie picked some up and we all started throwing rocks, aiming for the window. Once one hit the glass, John B’s face appeared in the window and we all motioned that he needed to go, Pope whispering “cops”, as if John B could hear him.
John B disappeared in an instant and I felt my stomach drop. What was the charge for sneaking into someone else’s hotel room? 
“C’mon!” Kie said, grabbing my arm and pulling me. We ran to get back on the boat, with Kiara at the wheel.
“Should we peel?” Kie asked.
“Never leave a Pogue behind.” Pope answered. I was still catching my breath, watching the hotel for any signs of them catching JJ and John B.
“Seriously, should we peel?” Kie asked again.
“Maybe..” Pope answered and I smacked his arm. Just then, the window opened, and JJ and John B climbed out, standing on the ledge on either side of the window.
“What the fuck are they doing?” I asked. Both boys looked like they were having fun. They weren’t rushing to climb down, even though I’ve seen JJ jump from higher. Then something fell from his pocket my breath caught in my throat. The cop looked out the window, so we all turned as if we were just talking. Then they left, and the boys came down, laughing from the adrenaline. 
John B quickly got us out of there and the two began telling us what they saw, and how the cops took everything. I was sitting on the front of the boat, trying to figure out the feeling in my stomach.
“Scooch.” JJ said, walking over to me.
“Fuck off.” I retorted, making him raise an eyebrow at me.
“What’s your problem?”
Instead of answering, I scooted over. “Are you seriously mad at me? You guys could have warned us sooner.” “Well, we would’ve, but Pope was on the math team.” Kie teased. JJ kept his eyes on me, like he was unsure of me.
“The cops took everything like it was a crime scene.” John B spoke up.
“Did you guys find anything?” Pope asked.
“Hmm…Did we find anything?” JJ said, digging into his pockets, only to pull out a stack of cash and a gun. “No, I don’t think so. Oh, yeah, we did.”
I jumped up to get away from the gun. Pope stepped forward, pulling me back behind him to be further from the gun.
“What the hell?” Pope asked at the same time that Kiara said, “Dude, what?”
“Dude, chill. Come on.”
“Why would you take that from a crime scene?” Pope scolded in disbelief.
Kie turned to John B, Pope started panicking over his scholarship, and JJ tried to reassure him it was fine. Once Pope gave up, sitting back down, JJ turned to look at me, holding the gun up.
“It’s fine, Junie, look.” JJ tried to reassure me, but I wouldn’t even look at him. “Bug..” JJ tried again. Bug was his nickname for me, when I was a kid, my mom would call me Junebug, but when I found out that junebugs were the stinky ones, I made her stop. JJ, upon learning that fact, picked up on calling me bug. 
John B pulled up to the docks, but we noticed a huge group of people, so we hung out under a canopy to watch the chaos.
“Junie, c’mon, we’re not 12 anymore you can’t give me the silent treatment when you’re mad at me.” JJ practically pleaded. He was wrong, silent treatment was the best punishment for JJ, it wasn’t the silence that drove him nuts, it was the fact he knew I was upset with him. 
“Did you hear something, Kie?” I asked, making her roll her eyes.
“Real mature.” JJ grumbled, John B chuckled watching the whole thing unfold. But then, some of the people cleared, and we could see what was causing the chaos, a dead body. A crab fisherman called it in, found him in the Marsh. One of the girl’s that liked to follow JJ around said he was Scooter Grubbs, and that he was out in the storm. “I got a pic, check it out. Dead body.” The girl, Samantha I think, showed each of us the picture, causing me to grimace when I got a peek as she showed it to JJ. “That’s morbid,” I mumbled, grimacing as I turned my head away.
“What kind of boat did he have?” JJ asked.
“Somehow that dirtbag copped a brand new Grady-White. Everyone’s out looking for it.” We all exchanged looks. 
Pope had to run home, but the rest of us went back to the Chateau, sitting in the mudroom. JJ fidgeted with the lighter I got him. “Junie, you talking to me yet?” JJ asked.
“Hey, Jeeb?” I said, getting John B to turn to look at me. “Yeah, Junes?”
“Does JJ still have that stolen crime scene gun?” I asked.
“Mmmm yeah, looks like it.”
“Oh, okay” I said, going back to drawing on the whites of my shoes with a sharpie.
The door flew open, getting my attention. “Okay, so, um… we didn’t see anything. We don’t know anything. We need to have total and complete amnesia.” Pope said, sitting beside Kie.
“Actually, Pope’s right for once. See, I agree with you sometimes.” JJ stood up. “Deny, deny, deny.”
“Guys, we can’t keep that money.” Kie spoke up.
“Okay- not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Kiara.” JJ retorted.
“We have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs. Otherwise, it’s bad karma.”
“Bad karma to be implicated in a felony, too. We gotta go dark.”
“If that means we get to keep the money, then I agree.” JJ said.
“I don’t agree.” John B chimed in.
“What? Why?” JJ asked.
“Just think about it. This is Scooter Grubbs we’re talking about. Same dude that’s buying individual cigarettes at the Porthole. Shit, one time I saw this dude begging for change in the Save-A-Lot parking lot because he needed gas. We’re talking about a dirtbag marina rat who’s never had more than $40 in his pocket, and all of a sudden he’s got a Grady-White? Just sayin’.”
This would become the topic of discussion all day, John B just couldn’t let it go, bringing it back up while Pope and JJ fished, and me and Kie shared a blunt. 
“Alright, so think about it, Pope. How does a marina rat get a Grady-White?” John B asked.
“Prostitution,” Pope answered flatly, focusing on fishing.
“Square groupers, bro,” John B corrected. “Okay, flying under the radar, no aerial surveillance. They don’t do that stuff during a hurricane. What does that mean? JJ?”
“They were straight smuggling’,” JJ answered. I looked over my shoulder at him, only to find his eyes already on me. I turned back around.
“Smugglin’. And I guarantee there’s a serious amount of contraband in that wreck,” John B argued.
“Hell yeah. Oh-” JJ was interrupted by his line moving and quickly started reeling in a fish. 
After we went back inside, this time, Pope was the one to bring it up.
“For the record, if that is a smuggling ship with illegal contraband on the inside of it… it probably belongs to someone else,” Pope pointed out.
“Minor details,” Kie spoke up.
“They could come looking for it. Taking it would be catastrophically stupid,” Pope argued.
“Right, well,” JJ said, leaning over to take the stack of money from Pope before fanning out the cash. “Stupid things have good outcomes all the time. All we need to do is figure out a way to get into the cargo hold of that wreck. Until then, we just lay low. Just act normal.” JJ finished.
“Right. And how exactly do we do that?” Pope asked. Yep, they won him over.
“Kegger?” Kie suggested, and we all looked around at each other, smiles growing on our faces.
©outermaybanks 2024
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starryevermore · 1 year
all those chickens ✧ commander wolffe
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: Star Wars request?  reader making Gen Z references while infiltrating a base and everyone is just “wtf” but as soon as they stop it’s all hands on deck coz reader is just silent and that ain’t normal so ⭐️PaNiC⭐️ turns out…there was a lil porg and they turned comms off to save it  - anon
pairing: commander wolffe x fem!reader
summary: wolffe does not understand all of the strange references you make to the culture of your home planet, earth. but, when you go silent on a mission, wolffe finds himself worried at the lack of communication. 
word count: 1,835
warnings?: reader is from earth, i’ll be honest there’s a fair mix of both millennial and gen z references in this but whatcha gonna do about it, not proofread
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Commander Wolffe didn’t pretend to understand you. Trying to understand you was like trying to understand the Force—it only ever gave him a migraine so intense he would rather listen to C-3PO talk for hours on end without interruption. Or, perhaps, that was a bit extreme—no one could listen to that droid talk that long without wanting to bash their head through a wall. But, nevertheless, whenever Wolffe attempted to understand the strange things you would say, the references you would make to a culture only you were familiar with, it left him with more questions than answers.
After all, why were you doing something for the vine? What the hell was a “no bones” day and why was it being determined by a geriatric animal? (A pug? What the kark was a pug?) Why did you pick up a glass of blue milk and mutter “what is wrong with you? why are you blue?” before laughing like you told the most amazing joke in the galaxy? And never mind the words and phrases themselves you would use—“rizz”, “stan”, “yeet”, “bussin’”, “vibe check”, “I’m weak”, “main character energy”, “borg”. And don’t get him started on how you would end words with “-ussy”! 
It was one of the very few times that Wolffe questioned the Jedi General Plo Koon in his decision to have you join them. In Wolffe’s view, no matter what benefits you might bring to fighting the war, it was all substantially lessened by the fact that you didn’t make a bit of sense half the time. And don’t get him started about how you always seem shocked when he or his brothers didn’t understand whatever bantha shit you were going on about. 
“You wouldn’t last a day on Earth,” you’d muttered once when he questioned why you put on an accent and said “airport? I’m not going to the airport.” when Wolffe said you needed to report to the hangar. 
“I would sooner walk into an active battle zone without any weapons than I would step foot on your planet,” he’d said. 
“Weird flex but okay.”
He didn’t miss the flash of hurt on your face, though, he said that. It was that day that he learned your planet, in a galaxy far, far, away, had been destroyed and you were one of the very few survivors. And, well, while Wolffe might not have experienced a loss on the scale of billions, he did know loss. And he knew a thing or two about trying to keep the memory of lost loved ones alive. So, while he might not have understood every strange thing you said, he didn’t give you as much of a hard time about anymore. 
That said, it still confused the hell out of him everything you referenced something from your culture. Even now, as you joined the 104th on a mission and kept going on and on about things Wolffe could never dream of understanding. For a brief moment, you had even ran ahead of them, chasing after a group of porgs, until Wolffe ordered you back to his side. He couldn’t let you run out into a trap, after all.  
“Look at all those chickens!” you said, looking out the porgs roaming around. The little buggers seemed to have infiltrated the Separatist base on their own. It was almost funny, actually, imaging the little critters annoying the clankers. 
Comet looked at you, his head titled. His bucket shielded his facial expressions, but Wolffe was almost certain that Comet was looking at you like you said that the porgs were rancors or something equally wild. “Those are porgs?”
“It’s a reference to something on the foliage app,” Sinker said. He looked at you for confirmation. “Right?”
“It’s called Vine,” Wolffe grunted. When he looked back at you, he saw a smile on your face. His heart stuttered. (Why? You smiled all the time. It was almost annoying, how smiley you were.) “What?”
“You remembered. I thought you didn’t care when I babbled on about Earth things.”
“I neither have to care nor understand what you’re talking about to listen to you,” Wolffe said.
“I think you care,” you said. You bumped your shoulder against his. “You act like a big, strong wolf, but really you’re a sweet, little puppy. All bark, no bite.”
Wolffe barred his teeth, snarling at you, but it did little to stop the laughter echoing throughout the Wolfpack. You lifted your chin, smiling widely at him. Then, you raised your arm, your hand resting on top of his bucket, before you tapped it once, twice—pat, pat!
The Wolfpack’s laughter turned into near howls. Comet nearly doubled over. Booster slung an arm around your shoulder, tugging you closer to him. A spark rose in Wolffe’s chest. He wasn’t sure what he was more upset by—your teasing or one of his brothers touching you. 
“Warthog, Y/N, go find the control room and extract the information we need. The rest of us will deal with the clankers,” Wolffe grunted, trying to stamp out his frustration as they neared the control room in the Separatist base. 
He had no right to be upset, after all. Why would he? You were another member of his squad. You were a friend. That was it. Surely, there had to be some other reason that Wolffe was so bothered by this. Maybe it had something to do with it being so long since they were on leave. Maybe he was just missing companionship in general, and that was making him feel things toward you. You were, after all, the only woman he saw on a day to day basis. Yes. That’s what it was. It was nothing personal. 
Wolffe kept his focus on scouting ahead, ignoring the laughter from his brothers. As he put some distance between himself and you, Comet jogged up to join him. Kriff. This wasn’t going to be good. 
His younger brother bumped his shoulder against Wolffe’s, and practically crowed, “Oh, Wolffe! You’re such a little puppy!”
“Watch it,” Wolffe growled. His grip on his blaster tightened, his knuckles turning white. “Focus on the mission.”
Sinker laughed. “C’mon, vod, how can we take you seriously when you’re all bark, no bite?”
“Oh, lay off him,” Boost said. Wolffe wanted to believe his brother was on his side, but Boost was, perhaps, probably the worst about teasing him. He knew Wolffe long enough to know all the ways to get under his skin, and he always took full advantage of it. “He just cares so much, he doesn’t know what to do with himself!”
Wolffe stomped ahead, feeling something akin to a petulant child, as his brothers’ laughter echoed around him. Why did they have to make this something it wasn’t? Why did they act like there was something there? 
But, why was there this…uneasy feeling settling over him? Wolffe’s hand dropped to his comm. You hadn’t said anything for a long time. Why was that? Usually, he couldn’t get you to shut up. You always had some sort of commentary, whether it be those ridiculous Earth references or it be you just babbling on about whatever it was you were doing at the moment. 
“Y/N, do you copy?” he asked into his comm. 
Panic settled deep in his chest. He repeated the question a second, then a third, time. He never got a response. 
“Warthog, is Y/N with you? She’s not answering her comm.”
Wolffe almost preferred the silence. An unsure answer…Well, that usually meant there had been some sort of trouble. And if you were caught in that trouble…Wolffe shuddered at the thought. You were part of his squad. You were someone he was supposed to look out for. Wolffe wasn’t sure if he could stand it if something happened to you. He didn’t want to lose another member of his squad. 
But…Well, it went deeper than that, didn’t it? If something happened…If he never got to see you smile again, if he never got to hear you laugh, if he never was left scratching his head at some strange thing you said, Wolffe’s life would feel incomplete. He would miss you. He would more than miss you. He would tear apart the entire galaxy if it meant getting revenge on whoever would hurt a hair on your head.
“Yes or no, trooper?” Wolffe barked. 
“Well, she was just here, sir. And now…she’s not.”
“What the kark is that supposed to mean?”
“I don’t know! I just looked up and she was gone!”
“Well, find her!” Wolffe snapped. 
As Wolffe turned to look for you, too, he shot at a couple of clankers that had rounded the corner before taking off in search of you. Kriff. Was he the only one whose brain fully formed? Why the hell would you just wander off like that? Why the hell wouldn’t Warthog immediately report that? Why the hell didn’t Warthog keep a closer eye on you? Anything could happen out here!
“What’s wrong?” Comet asked, firing at a clanker, as he saw Wolffe double back. “Are we retreating?”
“Warthog lost Y/N,“ he growled.
“Damn. Better go find your girl then,” Comet said. 
“She’s not—just, watch my six, okay?”
Thankfully, he didn’t need to go far. As he neared the control room, he saw blaster fire and a clanker fall, then heard your voice as you said, “There ya go, baby. Evil droid is all gone!”
“What the kriff do you think you’re doing?” Wolffe asked when he got nearer. 
“Was saving this little fella,” you said. You were cradling the porg in your arms as if it were a baby. When you looked up at Wolffe, your eyes were wide, your lips in a pout. He fought the urge to reach out, grab you by the face, and kiss you until you couldn’t breathe. “Can we keep him, please? He could be the mascot of the 104th!”
“…I’m going to pretend you didn’t ask that.”
“He’s just a baby! Say hi, baby!” you cooed. You lifted the porg, which squawked in Wolffe’s face. 
Wolffe reached out, grasping your arm in his hand, and began tugging you away. “C’mon, we got what we needed. Let’s get outta here.”
“But the baby—”
“…Take it up with the General.” Wolffe paused, then took a moment to look you over, make sure that you didn’t earn any injuries in your impromptu rescue mission. “And, Y/N…?”
“…don’t ever go silent on me like that again.”
A smile tugged at your lips. “Even if it means you have to listen to my silly little Earth references?”
Wolffe almost held back, almost didn’t say what he was thinking. But, well…He really didn’t like it when he thought something had happened to you. And so he said, “I would rather hear your strange references than never hear from you again.”
And he meant every word. 
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deludedfantasy · 10 months
Trimax Vol 8 Ch 1-3
I'm losing my mind over this volume, I swear to god. It makes me feel like I'm chewing on glass. Anyway, here are some unhinged thoughts about the first half of volume 8.
Ch 1
The fact that the broken posts of the bridge look like crosses reads as very ominous to me…
Ok, this page. This page has lived rent free in my head for two months since the first time I read this. At first, I didn’t notice that Vash was balancing on the stump of his arm, it just kinda looked like he was doing one of his insane workouts but then. Oh but then. I looked closer and I Realized and the cold dread set in. 
You know what else gets me? Knives stripped him of his clothes. He left Vash in only his pants. But worst of all, he took away his arm. You could argue it was because it has a gun in it, but all he’d really have to do is take the bullets out and it wouldn’t be useful anymore. Taking away his arm is just adding insult to injury and in particular shows his just blatant disregard for Vash’s bodily autonomy. Just because it’s not flesh and bone, doesn’t mean it’s not a part of his body! It’s his arm, goddammit! And Knives said, I’ll take this away from you, this isn’t part of you and I just don’t think you need it. It’s pointlessly cruel and punitive. I think he’s doing it just because he can, to show how powerful he is, and how Vash is his.
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Knives really said, “I was going to use Legato’s powers for my evil plans, but actually, it’s better for just torturing you.”
Vash is right! Knives is going on and on about how humans abuse and misuse Plants, but Knives was the one who crashed humanity on a desert planet. These people are trying to survive with the only resources they have. Vash knows it’s horrible and unfair, but what choice do they have? They’ve been forced into a trolley problem of epic proportions and somebody has to die, either a lot of humans or a single Plant. What kind of choice is that?
Oh, Wolfwood. What are you thinking about? His mission is over, he’s led Vash to his doom, and now, he’s just smoking another cigarette. Is that a face of regret? Or despair, that he couldn’t do anything to stop what was coming?
So Knives’s ship is something of an anomaly. It seems like humanity doesn’t have the capability to make anything that flies anymore, so it’s a shock when it appears over the city. No wonder that one kid is asking their mom where their camera is. 
Wolfwood isn’t shooting to kill! How interesting, I say with tears in my eyes. He’s always listened to Vash and now, he’s started to take it in. That he doesn’t have to be a killer, even if that’s what his mentor made him to be and is still trying to make him be.
Another instance of Wolfwood’s magically appearing handgun. 
But man, Chapel is fucking evil. He sends Double Fang to slaughter those soldiers to teach Wolfwood a lesson, to make him hurt, for not doing it himself. Because Double Fang doesn’t give them a quick death like Wolfwood would. His is hard and bloody and revels in the carnage and you just know it makes Wolfwood sick. 
Vash asks Knives, “Do you really believe people cannot change?” He’s not just asking him about humanity, Vash is asking Knives if he doesn’t believe he can choose a different path too. That even though he’s started all this and is intent on destroying humanity, he can’t find another way. Vash still sees something of his sweet brother in Knives and he’s begging him to stop.
OMG TESLA. The mention of her makes Vash so angry, he actually manages to fight against Legato’s control of him! This was what I was talking about in my meta, the hypocrisy of Knives using Tesla for his crusade, and Vash directly calls him out for it!!! He’s using her to fuel his rage and hatred rather than looking at the fear inside himself. 
Oh, I love this conversation so much. Vash is right, they do have a duty to Tesla, but not in the crusade Knives created. “Only the victims of violence can truly describe its essence.” Because they know what can be done to them and have seen the results of it, they’re the only ones who can stop it. They’re the only ones who can change the story because they know the ending and the pain it causes. They’re the ones that can stop the cycle. Instead, Knives is just continuing it. 
Also!! Vash calls out Knives for bottling up his feelings and letting them morph into something big and ugly and toxic, enough to motivate him to do these terrible things, to turn Tesla’s death into a crusade of hate. When he asks, “Is that who you really are?” it hits really hard, because we know what Knives used to be like, that sweet curious child. By never letting any of that fear out, it turned that cute little kid into a hateful, murderous man, and despite all the terrible things Knives has done to him, Vash still sees that little boy. He wants Knives to see it too. But he won’t, because he’s gone too far to stop now.
Ch 2
Ugh, Chapel is really twisting the knife here. Wolfwood already feels like he doesn’t recognize himself, that he can’t go back to the very place he gave everything up to protect. To then hear it from the man that twisted him into this shape only makes it sting more. 
Look, I already hated Chapel from my first read of the manga, but now I hate him even more. He’s so cold and cruel. He’s telling Wolfwood all these things to hurt him, and he does it with such glee. He looks down on Wolfwood’s love and care for the orphanage. It’s straight up fucking evil to tell Wolfwood that the place he gets most of his assassins from is the orphanage, that Wolfwood didn’t manage to protect those children. 
These moments, as the soldiers are trying to figure out what happened across the bridge and we see the carnage Knives left behind, were particularly chilling on my first read. I was kind of in denial about where this was all going and really didn’t think we were going into what’s essentially an Apocalypse scenario. The way it’s revealed is so fucking brutal and it still makes me so tense.
And then it just keeps getting worse and worse. Knives accused humans of only being able to cause death and destruction, endless suffering, but look at what he’s doing. The empty cities, the riots, the kid crying over his dead parents—he isn’t doing anything that humans haven’t done before. Another instance of his hypocrisy. 
And Wolfwood…poor Wolfwood. He’s just sitting there and looking so angry that he can’t do anything. I personally think that he’s also feeling guilty so his part in it and that’s only making the anger at himself and the world worse.
In one chapter, the world is completely decimated…but at the end a ray of light. The girls are back! They’re still alive and they’re working with Luida! I love how every time we leave them, we’re reintroduced to them in a similar way. But this one is so very silent, with two lone, cloaked figures riding across a barren landscape. When they enter the building, rather than the usual jokes and talking, they’re greeted warmly as equals and we get the feeling that someone is still fighting for humanity when Vash can’t.
Ch 3
Really hoping that a chapter called “Counter Attack!!” will give me a little hope after all that despair. 
This chapter, and the reveal that Meryl and Milly have spent seven months traveling around the planet trying to bring aid to people, leaves me with a great hunger to see some of their growth and adventures during this time. It would be such an interesting spin-off series.
Especially because Meryl looks so different. She’s always been serious, but somehow she seems even more serious and determined. There’s a darkness behind her eyes that didn’t used to be there before. How did she deal with all her trauma surrounding Vash and the subsequent breakdown of society, not even knowing if he was alive, if she’d ever see him again and be able to work through what happened between them?
I’m sure many people have pointed out this panel, but man, Meryl’s face here. The circles under her eyes, the grimness. She knows everything, she’s seen so many horrible things, but there’s still a spark of determination. 
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Luida and everyone from Home knows exactly what kind of enemy they’re up against. They understand how powerful Knives is and that they stand little chance against him. But they’re going to fight anyway. For Vash and everything he stands for and everything he did for them. 
I love Luida so much. Everyone else in the hangar gets really worried after Meryl tells them what happened in July and what Vash is capable of. But Luida, as usual, sticks up for Vash and reminds them of all the good things he has done for them, how he’s always fought against Knives. And how they owe him, not just to fight, but to help him out and rescue him. He’s not just the destroyer of July, he’s also, above all, always been a protector. And now he deserves someone to save him. 
Oh and Luida’s moment of doubt, her wondering if she’s a coward. Meryl comes forward and admits she’s had the same thoughts. She’s worried about the same things. They both have such a sense of duty and responsibility, but it comes with the burden of never knowing if you’re doing the right thing. 
It’s interesting to think about much, much earlier, when Meryl had her doubts about herself way back during her early days with Vash, when she wondered if she was too cold and calculating. Luida is having a similar moment. There’s something so human about it, their fear that they aren’t doing enough or the right thing. I just love the female characters in this story and their complexity so much. 
Oh my god, this Plant memory. It has lived rent free in my head for months. For all Knives’s talk that humans abuse Plants and don’t care about them, look at this little girl and how joyful she is about it. How the humans thank her for her work. It’s a drop in the bucket compared to Knives’s rage, but it’s wiggling its way in. It’s making him doubt everything he’s ever believed about humanity’s cruelty. 
Vash in that cage/coffin thing fucks me up so badly. You know Knives locked him up like that to “protect” him, so he wouldn’t get in the way of Knives’s work and not kill himself quicker trying to stop him. But it’s so, so cruel to shove him into that small space and isolate him like that. 
Is Knives getting overwhelmed by all of the Plants’ memories? He did absorb so many of them. That’s a lot of minds for any one person to handle, even if he’s a hyper-intelligent Independent. 
YES YES YES. WOLFWOOD TO THE RESCUE. The ambush of the fighter planes was just a distraction for him to get in and get Vash out!!!
Still wonder exactly how he managed to get on the Ark during all this. Was he hiding out on it from earlier? Or did he somehow jump from one of the fighter planes?
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whump-me · 1 year
Martyr, Chapter 12: Lend Me a Prisoner
Chapter 12 of Martyr, a novel-length sci-fi whump story about a captured Martian rebel with a secret and the renowned interrogator who has waited a decade for the chance to break him. This series is best read in order. Masterpost here.
Contains: whumper POV, cold whumper, aftermath of beating, implied future torture
Isadora had lost track of time. She had thought it was still midmorning. Instead, it was lunchtime, and no one was at their desks. When she passed the cafeteria, the noise from inside told her everyone who wasn’t out on assignment was in there, enjoying a break together.
Which meant that if she walked in, they would all see her. Her bruised throat, her rumpled uniform. The emotion on her face. She wasn’t even sure what her face would show. She didn’t know what she was feeling. Anger was the wrong word—it was too simple. Shame, maybe. Her old therapist back on Earth could have told her. But there was a reason she had stopped going to therapy as soon as the military had cleared her.
She weighed the thought of walking in and showing everyone far more than she wanted them to see, versus the idea of pacing back and forth in the hallway until everyone got done eating. The restless fire in her veins made the decision for her. She threw the doors open and marched to the far end of the room, ignoring the stares, the sudden hush that turned into a flurry of whispers.
Clara Benoit was sitting alone, eating whatever slop the cafeteria was serving for lunch today—it was green, with the consistency of oatmeal, and smelled like broccoli after it had gone through the digestive system of some lower-order mammal. The woman’s head jerked up sharply as Isadora rattled the table. When her eyes locked on Isadora, naked terror flooded her face.
Isadora couldn’t blame her. She scared her people at the best of times, even though she was never anything other than fair to them. Having a reputation for being willing to get things done, on a planet full of lazy people trying to get away with doing the bare minimum, would do that. And that was when she didn’t look like she had just come out of a fight.
Benoit was young. One of this year’s new recruits, still not adjusted to the gravity in the Martian domes, which was ever so slightly higher than Earth’s. She moved with the telltale stiffness all new recruits had, like she was constantly sore after a hard workout. Whoever had made the adjustments to make the gravity more Earthlike had overcompensated, and no one—not the initial colonists, and not Earth’s soldiers—had bothered to correct the problem. Typical for this planet. Isadora didn’t think the two of them had ever had an actual conversation before, aside from the initial intake interview where Isadora had made sure she wasn’t stupid or lazy enough to throw Isadora’s entire operation into jeopardy.
“Benoit,” Isadora began. Her voice was raspy. Speaking hurts. She had spoken too soon when she had said she wouldn’t destroy Wraith. By the time she was done with him, he—
No. She would not let anger master her. Not even after what he had done, the way he had so thoroughly made a fool of her. If she did, she would be handing him a victory. Another victory. She took a deep breath.
“Yes?” Benoit said hesitantly. “I mean, um, yes, ma’am. I mean… what do you need, ma’am?”
“You currently have three prisoners assigned to you for interrogation,” said Isadora. All of them easy, and none of them important to Special Security’s efforts, if Grayson was handing out assignments correctly. The latest batch of new recruits hadn’t proved themselves yet. Best not to put them in a position where they could do any harm with their mistakes.
“Yes, ma’am. The interrogations are all going well. Would you like an initial report?” She took a nervous look into Isadora’s eyes. “Have… have I done something wrong?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Then… forgive me for asking, ma’am, but what…”
“Never ask forgiveness,” Isadora advised. “It’s a bad habit. As for why I’m here, I have a request. I need to borrow a prisoner.”
The confusion on Benoit’s face didn’t abate. “Borrow a…”
“You really should learn to finish a sentence—you’ll never be able to keep control of an interrogation otherwise. Lend me one of your prisoners. As far as I know, all three of yours are relatively expendable, so it shouldn’t matter which one. Choose based on whatever criteria you like. Whichever one you’re having the most trouble with, maybe. Or whoever you find the most irritating. It doesn’t matter. Finish your meal, make your choice, and send me the file. I want it in front of me within the hour.”
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but what do you mean by borrow one?”
“I assume you’re familiar with the concept of borrowing,” Isadora said impatiently. “I know you new recruits are often sent to me with shameful gaps in your knowledge, but surely I don’t need to explain basic human social niceties to you.” As Benoit quailed, Isadora took pity on her and relented. “When I say borrow, I mean just that. I require the use of one of your prisoners on a temporary basis. There is, however, a chance you won’t get them back, which is why I came to you. You’re too wet behind the ears to have been assigned a prisoner of any real importance.”
Benoit didn’t appear offended by that. Good. That almost made up for the apologizing and asking forgiveness and all the unfinished sentences. “What do you need them for?”
“That’s not your concern,” Isadora said shortly. “Can you follow my instructions or not?” Some days, Isadora suspected the only reason Earth had put her in charge was because no one else around here knew how to take initiative.
“If you give me more details, I might have a better idea of who to pick.”
“I already told you it doesn’t matter. And I don’t intend to give you more details.”
Benoit swallowed. She got a look in her eyes like she was about to do something she knew she shouldn’t. It was the same look Isadora’s older brother had gotten when they were kids, the day he had decided to leap out of his second-story window to test the wings he had crafted out of paper. He had broken both his legs. Benoit looked as if she anticipated a similar fate.
“I know it’s not my place to say so,” she said in a small voice, “but you don’t seem… yourself today. Is something wrong?”
Isadora fixed her with her patented stare that had made more than one prisoner wet themselves. “What does not myself mean, exactly?” she said in a low, icy voice. “And interrogator should know to be precise with their words. Do you intend to imply that you see something wrong with my simple request? Perhaps you’re concerned for the prisoner in question. You wouldn’t be the first to show sympathy for the rebellion. Have you heard those stories? Do you know how they ended?”
Benoit seemed to shrink in front of Isadora until Isadora was surprised she could still see over the table. A shudder ran through her. She stared down at the green goop in front of her, blinking hard, like she was trying not to cry. “I didn’t… I didn’t mean…”
A trickle of cold disgust ran down the back of Isadora’s neck. Not disgust at the new recruit, even though Benoit was not only back to not finishing her sentences, she was sitting there shaking like she was a prisoner herself, with none of the dignity Special Security should exhibit. Another moment, and she would be a weeping mess. If there was anything Isadora hated more than people who let anger control them, it was people who couldn’t find a backbone. The only thing worse was sloppiness.
But Isadora was only disgusted with herself. Benoit was acting like a prisoner because Isadora was treating her like one. This woman was under her command, which made her Isadora’s responsibility. Hers to protect, hers to teach. Not hers to terrorize. Certainly not for asking a simple question. On any other day, she would have been gratified to see someone asking questions. It would mean they cared enough about their duties to do more than blindly follow orders.
“I’m sorry,” Isadora said.
Benoit’s startled eyes snapped to hers. Isadora couldn’t blame her for the comically befuddled look on her face. She couldn’t remember the last time an apology had left her lips.
“I’ll add a notation to your file granting you an additional week of paid leave,” Isadora continued. “Take it whenever you like, as long as you give at least three days’ notice beforehand.”
That didn’t make Benoit look any less confused. “Thank you, ma’am. But, um… what’s the reason?”
Isadora could hardly say it was out of guilt for the way she had treated her a moment ago. “For lending me that prisoner.” She paused. “And for not mentioning to anyone else that I’m… not myself.”
The woman nodded like an overzealous puppeteer had yanked her strings too hard. “I won’t say anything,” she said, her voice thick with fear. “I promise.” After a pause, she added, “Do you want me to keep this… prisoner borrowing… a secret, too?”
Isadora open her mouth to say yes, then closed it again. In close quarters like this, secrets had a way of getting around. And a rumor with no explanation attached would invite speculation. Isadora didn’t want anyone to guess at the troubles she was having with Wraith. It would be hard enough to get to the security footage of him attacking her and lock it to her clearance level only, before that rumor started spreading too. A prisoner who had managed to lay a hand on the untouchable Isadora Pope… they would whisper about that one in the cafeteria for months.
She really should have taken care of that before coming here. Benoit was right—she wasn’t herself.
“No,” she said. “I’ll handle the necessary explanations.” It shouldn’t be too hard to find some bland bureaucratic reason for her to temporarily take over a prisoner’s interrogation. “Can you get me what I need?”
Her head bobbed, her eyes still wide with fear. “Within the hour,” she promised.
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a-stardusted-sky · 2 months
For the ask meme: 🍒🪞🎶💫? For any oc(s) you want!
Ask link:
Hey! Ty for the ask! 🪞💫 were answered, so:
(Long post incoming)
🍒 -
Dazor - Well, the easiest friend for him to get along with would probably be Kirby, once Dazor realizes Kirby’s not going to backstab him at first opportunity. Gooey and Elfilin he'd be close with too, Dazor appreciates that despite their dark origins, they got good hearts (even if Gooey is quite scatter-brained). I can’t see him getting along with Zan though - her refusal to respect anyone beyond her circle (and eventually Kirby) would absolutely rub him the wrong way. DMK he’d try to avoid. Daroach he just wants to sTOP TRYING TO STEAL HIS STUFF, thank you very much. He and Magolor don’t like each other too much either - Dazor dislikes Magolor’s mischief and over-the-top, un-genuine nature (not to mention his infamous betrayal), and Magolor would think Dazor’s too boring and that it’s a shame he won’t share any Ancient related knowledge. In a similar vein, Dazor would… not get along with Marx, to say the least. For the other friends, Dazor would be on positive or at least neutral terms.
Ao-Yong - Their laidback nature would allow them to get along with just (or at least avoid conflict with) about all of the dream friends. They probably wouldn’t be too fond of Susie though, while they can sympathize with her struggles caused by the Ancients' legacy, they find it much harder to sympathize with the part of colonizing and destroying others' lives for her and her company benefit, having seen that story play out time and time again.
Ky: *Struggling to think here* I can see them enjoying sparring with Meta Knight and the Mage Sisters! I'd also see them being interested in Elfilin given their connection to Elfilis.
🎶- Oh god, this is probably one of the harder questions for me bc my brain just... doesn't really connect music with my ocs? But I do got a few things:
Dazor - The first song is the Aviary Village shop theme from Sky: Children of the Light. It's a relaxing, peaceful song associated with rebuilding and renewal, which is great for Dazor's story. And the second song - whiplash incoming - is Hell’s comin’ with me - Poor Man’s Poison. Pro tip: Dazor is a people-pleaser, he's conflict-avoidant and would rather not fight, much less kill. But if you choose to hurt him or his loved ones, he WILL remember, and he will NOT forget (This will be plot relevant down the line).
Ao-Yong - Their battle theme would probably be heavily based off of Landia's theme and, I don't know, Sekiro's Divine Dragon and/or Elden Ring's Elden Beast. A regal, alien, powerful theme that tells you that you should not be fighting them.
Ky - they can have a leifmotif/theme based off Landia's theme and/or Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit due to the connections with their owners, maybe more the latter since Ao has the stronger connection to Landia here.
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eliavraay · 2 years
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An expression study on Scroop from Treasure Planet (Disney), because I am fascinated by this creature. Whoever did the work on animating his face did a stellar job, ‘cause it’s really hard with a non-human face. 
Also because of this, he steals the show for me, because of his striking presence on the screen. Scroop is something you get if you give the xenomorph from Alien a sadistic personality, a voice and make them enjoy destroying the crew-members emotionaly, before hunting them down and murdering them.
I have this headcanon for him to explain why he seems like a loose canon along the movie and why Silver would bring him along. (And I will now get this opportunity to write it down here. ^^)
I think he is the “problem-solver” of the crew. I have no doubt that Silver killed several people along his quest, but he does not seems to like it and seems ashamed when he thinks about it. But he must, if he wants people like Scroop fear and respect him. However I think Scroop did the most dirty work for Silver. Seeing Silver just regreting everything, trying to wash his hands clean and be friendly, is something what can piss up Scroop. If he did Silver’s dirty work for all these years and see Silver just throwing everything away for Jim, it would piss up anyone with a volatile temper like his. Killing Mr. Arrow checks every box in his criteria for action. Arrow is the most imposing figure among the “enemy”. He is the only one who can put up a serious fight. He directly threathens him and obstruckts his way. This means: get him out of the picture the moment you have an opportunity. And Scroop does just that. Silver gets really uneasy about this, but not because Arrow dies. He would have been killed in the mutiny anyway. The reason Silver gets frightened about this is, that Scroop did this on his own, without an order. That’s why they have that argument, because Silver tries to put Scroop back to his place, but the spider just got a scent for Silver showing weakness. 
As for him finally turning against Silver, I heard this qutoe from a video on Youtube from Hello Future Me, which stuck with me when I think about Scroop:
“If one’s indicated needs for tenderness are constantly rebuffed, one comes to manifest malevolent behaviour when one needs tenderness, in lieu of showing the need.”
This. This here just fits him too well. He starts turning against Silver, after withnessing his bonding with Jim. Before that, if you recall the brawl on the deck, he was afraid when Silver stopped him. When he spies on Silver and Jim and the camera shows him in the dark, his expression is just blank. He is not happy or smirking, that he can get Silver. He seems... disappointed. And right after this scene, his behavior starts shifting drastically. He starts riling up his crewmates to kill Jim and his friends, and when Silver puts him down, he actually stands back up and starts picking on him. And there is this pure enjoyment on his face while doing that. 
As for the why... I have this idea, that he was like Jim when he was younger. A kid who was abandoned and never received any support, because... well look at him. He is monstrous and not the type of creature anyone would want to befriend. And I think deep down he is hurt about that. Also when he puts the blame of Arrow’s death on Jim, it’s like his secret agenda to pull Jim down from the happiness Silver gave him. He could have just said that the rope snapped, but he goes the extra length to subtly blame Jim for not doing his job right. Because life is not fair and the little human should get his head straight. That everybody is for themselves out in space and if you are not a killer, you’ll become a victim. Also it would have added so much to his character, if he actively tried to undo Silver’s encouragement to Jim and try to push him down the darker path to become like him. Because if Jim wouldn’t receive Silver’s support, he could have become a loveless, lonely person like Scroop, who does not trust anyone. 
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rosaacicularis · 2 years
Bestie you got so many aus just brewing at all times? Do you ever take a break? /lh anyways I’m gonna feed into the brain rot even more what else is going on in this hero/villain + soulmates au? What was their first civilian interaction? Were they initially tenuous allies at best, mostly using the telepathy to achieve their goals, but overtime something ✨changed✨? -🎶 anon
i try to take breaks and then my little subconscious goes “omg wouldn’t it be cool if grian and scar were tardigrades floating around in the vacuum of space, after being sent off in hopes they could evolve and bring life to another planet” and then i go “omg yeah it would” 
and i am definitely going to ramble a lot because i love this au so much but anyway as for some little fun facts about it <3<3 (and by fun facts i mean the entire plot.. this is literally the entire fic just without any dialogue…. which in my opinion is a little bit quirky of me)
they’d been telepathically communicating their entire lives, so it wasn’t that difficult to realise they were in the same city and arrange a meeting. they were like thirteen and went to see a movie. they made fun of it in their heads, watched it in relative silence out loud while eating their popcorn.
they stayed just friends for a while, not wanting to rush into anything; going about school and university as stolen glances and lingering touches that maybe meant a little more than they were leading on. they could hear each other’s thoughts in their head, they chose to pretend they couldn’t.
the façade came crashing down when they debuted as a vigilante duo. poultry man and the jangler. they weren’t that good or skilled, they hadn’t realised their potential yet—but they weren’t going to let the world suffer—and the jangler got hurt. scar wasn’t going to die without confessing to grian, and grian definitely wasn’t going to let him die after he had. 
they took a break from it, they started training, building connections. they held a lot of resentment toward the heroes for how they hurt scar. one day, and they can’t remember who that it first, they got the idea that one of them would infiltrate the system, reform it or destroy it, just change it so they would stop needlessly hurting the people they’d sworn to protect.
so grian re-debuts as watcher, the untouchable villain. he was fast, could fly, and seemingly unexplainable things happened around him (people can swear they see his eyes go purple sometimes). scar re-debuts as hawkeye, a hero with aim like apollo, and a skill in combat that leaves people horribly envious.
it took a while for them to gain those titles, for them to work their way up, they staged fights between themselves to help. to get on the news, to get their names known and talked about. the snowball of fame turned into an avalanche after hawkeye ‘saved’ the top hero from watcher’s grip.
they both shot up to their respective top spots after that. they didn’t do anything particularly irrational for a while, so they could build up trust. grian got loyal lackeys, and scar got sidekicks and teams. they were in the perfect position to enact a chaotically destructive plan. 
they plant seeds, just little things like scar losing an arrow here, one of grian’s lackeys spilling about dates of illegal meetings there. eventually it all stacks up and comes into play. scar convinces his boss, the head of the hero organisation to go undercover to buy illegal weapons so they can take the group out and study the weapons, use them too, sell them to the military afterwards. scar kills his boss, claiming that the lost arrow was replicated and someone is trying to impersonate him. 
the top heroes have a meeting, and settle on the idea that someone’s soulmate must be working with watcher. that’s the only way any of this would’ve been able to work. they realise that the person may not even realise that their soulmate is working with the city’s most notorious villain, nobody is safe. 
they thoroughly interview everyone’s soulmates, grian passes with flying colours. the heroes are getting a little frantic, they can’t find their leak, their mole. the plan is working flawlessly, but it’s a little bit slow, so watcher walks right into their palms and ‘turns himself in’. 
they arrest him and interrogate him, about his crimes and motives and everything, until they come down to the fated question of who the mole is, the brutus to their caesar. instead of answering, grian drops a little flash drive of information, all the dirt and blackmail material on the hero organisation. 
some of them are horrified, shocked to learn what has been going on under their noses, some look resigned like they were waiting for that show to drop. suddenly the foot they’d had in the door was in their grave. their secrets uncovered, the immoral things they were involved in brought into the light. 
he slips out within the chaos of the heroes fighting amongst themselves. the tension runs deep in the weeks after, to the point where the city starts to notice, starts to lose faith in the people meant to save them. hawkeye makes his public breakaway from heroism by joining watcher and denouncing his old team and boss, telling every news source that will listen about the entire scandal.
every single hero loses their credibility. a few show up at scar’s apartment, demanding answers. he tells them the whole story, how he’d been working with watcher since their conception, and when the heroes ask why he’s confessing now, scar tells them that anyone they’d tell would only see it as them trying to save their skin. 
grian and scar had won.
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A walk in the park with a friendly face
Pairing: Kraven the Hunter X squirrel Girl (if you squint)
Fandom: Kraven the hunter
Description: After another fight with his on off lover Calypso Kraven goes off for a wonder in Central Park where he meets a familiar face.
A/N: hey guys I know it’s been a while but I’m getting back into writing thanks to a certain actor in a certain role. I do love hearing feedback, I know this isn’t the best but it’s a small blurb about how I think Squirrel Girl would work with this new iteration of Kraven. If you do like this ship and what I have written maybe in the future I will write more, I do need to clean up my site though to show off my stories better.
It happened again, Kraven and Calypso had another fight about him, his father and well his whole hunting down and killing of people he thought were unworthy of being called hunters. It was routine for them at this point, they fight, break up, he goes out for a walk, they make up, have sex, rinse and repeat, so here he was currently walking in the greens of Central Park. Some may say that it was unhealthy or toxic but to them it was routine and was how their relationship worked, did he hate it? No, was it tedious? Yes, does his mind wander to other women? Of course, but he was and always will be a beast and therefore has never acted on this impulse for fear of losing maybe the only person who never saw him as Kraven the hunter and only saw him as Kraven.
His mind was brought back as he heard a distant creak of a tree branch, the forest was filled with animals, predators and prey alike but that wasn’t an animal he heard. Continuing as normal his other senses kicked in as his ears picked up a slight movement from the trees, his eyes saw a slight movement of shadow above him, and his nose had picked up a woodsy but not overbearing smell. He also started noticing that above him sitting in tree branches just watching him were squirrels, she never changes he thought fondly to himself as he stops in a small clearing “you can come out now Belka I know you’re there” “ohhh you totally ruined my surprise again,” he heard her whines before a small figure lands gracefully in front of him “, just once I wanna be able to get the jump on you” he chuckles at the thought of her sneaking up on him and being successful.
He gave her a look over as he hadn’t seen her in a while, she was still much shorter than he was even if she tried to be taller in her brown ankle boots which had a small heel on them just to boost her height. She was wearing a black undersuit that really did bring out her figure the older she got after losing her baby fat, and a brown furry leotard which Kraven can appreciate as a wearer of animal fur himself. He also noticed that her hair had gotten longer no longer was it cut pixie short but she was wearing it in a braid, she also had on her signature acorn earrings and her squirrel ears, and of course her large squirrel tail and her ever faithful companion Tippy Toe. “Your hair has gotten longer?” If he was observant, which he was, he would have noticed a faint blush dusting her cheeks “oh yeah, well things had gotten busy with college, stopping evil bad guys from destroying the planet and babysitting for the others I haven’t had much time to schedule a cut, but Nancy said that my hair looks nice but I don’t know it’s not very practical to be fighting crime with long hair” he had to stop himself from chuckling as she tended to ramble on but he found it endearing “Your friend Nancy is right it does look nice longer, but it’s your hair so your choice” she gave him one of her winning smiles that tended to showcase her buck teeth which honestly most wouldn’t have noticed until being told.
“Now, enough of the pleasantries, why are you here Belka? Because now is not a good time” he deadpanned to you, being slightly meaner to get her to leave, Squirrel girl shared a look with Tippy Toe who sat on her shoulder “well Calypso sent me a message saying that you might need to see a friendly face,” he glared at her “,okay it sounded like you needed to see a friendly face,” he continues to glare “,okay she really said that you were being an unstable psychopath and that if I wanted to keep my tail I should leave you alone” he was slightly offended by the implication that he would hunt Squirrel girl for her tail, not like he had imagined trying to hunt her down before with a very different ending “and here you are, why?” He repeats, he didn’t need to know how she knew he was there he was sure the squirrels told her. “Well … why wouldn’t I come? It sounded like things went really dark with Caly and I came to make sure you were alright and that you can talk to me” “right because that’s your whole thing talking to villains like me and then everything is sunshine and rainbows” he said mocking her as he walked by her but she was anything if persistent and so it didn’t take long for him to hear her following.
“Well sometimes it really does help to talk, it’s called healthy communication not that you would know anything about that, and furthermore I don’t just talk I can kick butt you aren’t the only one with super strength and lastly,” she rushed to stand in front of him making him stop up close to her and stare her down as she stared up “, lastly you aren’t a villain” he couldn’t stop the absolute drenched sound of his laughter at her words but she started back face unchanged “Belka I truly don’t understand you at all if I’m not a villain as you say then pray tell what am I?” He was genuinely curious “you’re an Anti-Villan” she answered him back confidently. “What the fuck is an Anti- villian? That sounds stupid” he says walking away but she didn’t let me get far as she jumped onto his back, her tail wrapping around his stomach to keep her balance as she moved to sit on his shoulders. He doesn’t react as he is used to her climbing him, “well you clearly aren’t a hero but Sergei you do very bad things to bad people which it is what deadpool does but he’s more an anti-hero but you don’t see yourself as a hero so anti-villian it is'' he couldn’t really argue with her logic, that was the problem as she was really good at debating, so there they both were walking together peacefully and quietly until Squirrel girl started humming her own theme song while gently taking her claws through his hair. “Have you gotten anyone to sing it for you yet?” “Weelll deadpool seemed interested but then he started writing his own bits and things got so weird so fast so no I’ll just continue to sing it while I’m kicking bad guy butts” this time he let out a chuckle, yeah things were much better with them as friends “hey Sergei?” “What Belka?” “Are you gonna take me to your Kra-van?” She giggles and he groans “I will drop you on your head” her giggles turn to laughter “no you wouldn’t you love me too much” yeah, he thought to himself, yeah I do.
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Loveless - (23)
<<<Prev Next>>>
Word Count: 1900
Warnings: none
Chapter 23
She wanted to be alone. So she dove into the water, never having felt feelings this viscerally before, she didn’t have the privilege or the right. Luck never seemed to be on her side, pushing her from one fight to the other. The reef welcomed her like a mother would, with the corals stretching wide as though it were out stretched arms. Colours swirled around her, a remnant of home, here she could be who she was without an excuse. Here she could cry and never have anyone see it or hear it. This was her domain, where things had a certain degree of control. Unlike life on land, that swayed and changed with the wind or sun. She thrived in brutal weather, in the eye of a storm. But for the tempest she was, her heart was begging for one soft glance from him, It felt like a crime, an unforgivable sin, to be near him. Even more so now having known his history and his situation, her yearning of any kind was pointless.
She felt the bile resurge in her stomach, disgusted with herself for wanting, for desiring and this is what you get with hoping, you turn weak and pathetic with stars in your eyes. She screamed, a gorge of bubbles escaping her mouth, water engulfing the sound. She knew life was unfair, so when anything good turned up, it was a trap, a lure to pull her in to hurt her deeply. The rejection that comes from having reached out cuts even deeper, making you remember it in the late hours of the night. She didn’t like her lion fins anymore, her chip on her shoulder now a reminder of him.
He was too soft, he could never handle someone like her. She straightened her back, her eyes resetting to their siren lids. A woman who knows her worth is the most formidable creature on this planet, he could never have a sway with her. The scales were never in her favour, the imbalance, the unfairness, she wanted to crush the world to the ground. She raised her spear, swimming around to find a barren area. She propelled herself, taking aim, beginning to swim towards a target in the distance. The tip of her spear ready to sink in, like fangs. The flames beginning to burn, the dot ahead of her holding the image of the world.
But as the target grew bigger, her mind drew pictures of him. His smile. His eyes. His kids. His home. She pulled herself to a stop, her flames dozed by the remembrance of his cool touch. She lowered her weapon, defeated. She had only heard of the stories, the invaders, the fear, the pain, all of it. She only knew of it from Namor’s retelling, from his paintings, from his point of view and it was enough to warrant growing up with a hate for something she did not witness herself. That it was easy to use and blame everything but based on her first interaction, her own emotions she experienced with having dealt with a surface dweller, someone who was from the very place she swore to destroy. She had a shift within her, she didn’t want to harbor vengeance in her heart anymore, she wanted to make room for something else. “Sister.”, she heard Namor, turning to see him swim up to her.
“You left half way through the meeting.”, he approached her. Her mannerisms very different to what it had been usually.
“Is everything ok?”, he asked entering her zone cautiously.
“Why wouldn’t it be?”, she asked evading his question. Her usual gesture, a cold shoulder. With everyone else, the coldness would keep them away but not with him. He saw her grow up, so whatever camouflage she tried to hide behind, it wouldn’t work. She swam towards an empty spot amidst the corals, her mere presence shooing away the small fish like she was a predator.
“No, it just seems like you’re angry.”, he followed her, taking a seat on a protruding rock.
She envied him, he had his purpose set and everything in life navigated in a way he wanted it to. All his deals were struck well, people were receptive to him. Unlike her, they scatter at the sight of her, like she was a monster the sea gurgled up. Her fierceness too sharp to get close, so they admire her from afar. She caught his gaze, as he tried to understand, he was reaching out. But she only knew best to attack. To bare out her teeth, spread out her fins, the ability to lash out her basic mode of survival.
“Not everyone’s like you.”, she furrowed her brows, the cold water couldn’t control the anger she felt within.
“Having it so easy.”, she looked into the abyss, the same melancholy that even he can’t understand.
“The Wakandans tolerate you, you’ve got the princess to like you”, her tongue sharp like a spear, knowing well these words we’re going to sink into his skin.
“Everything is going your way.”, she bit the inner corner of her lip. Angry, with herself, for being unable to fit in. For being remarkably different, that for someone who had a plan and loved stability. All this change was too much to comprehend.
“So I don’t expect you to understand.”, she shrugged her shoulder. As much as she could never understand his life entirely, he could never begin to understand how it had been for her. To be by his side, to hide in his shadow, for people to revel in his grandeur that in the end she will never be known. But the only difference was, she never admired his position or the power he held. She loved being by his side, but it hurt when people never looked at anything beyond him. He was the star and she was anything but. She was the darkness that held him. In all her pain, his hope shined through.
“Ah”, he nodded his head as he walked to take up the spot next to her. He sat down staring at the sunlight that filtered from above, through the soft waves.
“Yes I’m having the time of my life.”, he admitted but it didn’t hold any significant value in the way he said it. She turned to him, confused, that her accusations and brutal words were met with acceptance.
“Watching her suffer because of my actions.”, his shoulders slumped and it was when she saw through the weight he carried, so that it would not spill over to her or anyone else. Her heart ached, she and Namor were well off being alone. And yet they found themselves here, broken and vulnerable.
She sighed, regretting her phrase of words. “I’m sorry.”, she took a deep breath. She was never like this, her attacks were precise on targeted opponents, now she was a squid squirting her messy ink on everything and everyone. Her baggage from within clouding the water, making it difficult to fight through it.
“I didn’t meant it, what I said.”, she told him to which he gave her a tired smile. “I know.”, he nudged her shoulder. The fishes were back, swimming around them, the waters now calmer than what it had been.
“You know you can confide in me.”, he said softly. “You’re not alone.”, he placed his hand on her shoulder, the mere solace of a safe space, it unwound her strings.
“You already carry so much.”, she looked at him. Even if she were crying he wouldn’t know. “I don’t want you worrying about me.”, she folded her arms.
“I always worry about you, sister. Even without the mantle, even without everything else. I will always worry about you.”, he pulled her in, for her to lean her head on his shoulder.
“That’s what family is for.”, he said and she looped her arm around his.
“It’s this fight.”, she searched for words but ultimately the truth was, “I don’t know what I want anymore.”, she admitted finally.
“You must feel happy about that.”, she said chuckling dryly. But again, in the moments he could wield his superiority, he didn’t.
“No.”, he responded. His reaction much sober to his past reactions and the confusion on his face conveyed that he was in the same boat as well.
“How did we end up like this?”, she sighed to which she saw his eyes light up, looking at the beauty around them.
“My whole life, I sought to protect this.”, he waved at their surroundings.
“But I had been so engrossed in it, that I never sat to enjoy it.”, he looked away but an absent minded smile grew on his lips.
“But when I saw Talokan through her eyes, the way she sees my people and strives to protect them.”, he stopped. His gaze turning to her.
“For the first time in centuries, we have been shown goodness.”, he laughed, joy taking over his mannerisms. She smiled quizzically, although he continued to bear the same burden, now he looked free and light.
“How do you do it?”, she asked instantly, curious.
“Process your emotions.”, she thought of the agent’s gaze as he searched for her in the crowd.
“Accept the kindness”, her mind replaying his voice, beautiful. She needed to know the secret to the ease of moving on.
“How do you reciprocate it?”, she asked finally.
He turned to her, “I try to be kinder to myself.”, he raised his eyebrows trying to reiterate a point he had been making all her life. The person she was incredibly brutal with was, herself.
He turned away, his expression growing sober and hopeful. “I try to believe that I too can deserve happiness.”, he said slowly.
He let it hang amidst the bubbles and she let her heart sink with him. All the time she had pressured him for a fight, criticising him for his decisions, urging him to give more, when he was just like her, working through life. Maybe this is how she begins to understand it, to practice it, to lead with the feeling that blooms in the pit of her heart.
She clasped his shoulder. “You do, brother.”, she told him. He smiled as he tilted his head as though he remembered something.
“The war you’ve been asking for, it has found us.”, he told her. She had lived for this moment much like himself, when she would join him in battle, but her chest only tightened anxiously. The peace that she had witnessed for the past few months seemed like a precious entity to lose again.
“Yes I heard.”, she nodded.
She fidgeted with the edge of her dress, unsure on whether she could share with him, these growing feelings. He hated the colonizers. If she were to tell him, she knew he would combust in disgust and shame. She wanted a career change, she will protect Talokan but will put her incessant desire for war to rest.
"But I don’t want to destroy it anymore.", she told him to which a small smile was beginning to form on his face.
"I can’t destroy someone’s home.", She paused not telling him the truth, instead for it to linger in the silence to understand his thoughts. But whatever the scenario, she knew he will not be tolerant of it. His eyes found hers, with a sense of knowing. As through if he heard it, he would rain down the suns fury to cast her out of the sea. But when she looked at him, there was a sense of knowing.
"He is a good man.", Namor dipped his head. This wasn't now she thought it would go.
Namor himself is a Romora shipper haha
@mazune @lilsadb-itch
@orlandoblumhouseofguccimane @hypernhappy @elmush @paperback-writer0807 @sirenbeloved @aslutforscarletwitch99 @gotship123456 @girlymusiclover09 @hoeforsuk @plutosundercoverking @championofthegalaxy @theheartofgrey @wonderkimi-chat @theamericanjewitch @amillylove20 @goldshawty1001 @lvnamiller @euphoricjupiter @queenoffantasyland @terrab3 @dumbbcam @1000heartbeats @agirlwithwinter @fartdart25 @wxnderstruck @sheisbrunetteworld @ijustwanttopasstime @namurii @presidentlokiluvrsblog @itgetzweird08 @littlepadika-main @did-i-ask-no @sorandomfangirl @babybubastis @denise-huxxtable @mhj-url @yippeeki-yah @darlingdandridge @gervi86 @geeyooo @therealoutereffect @notredamneit @Ilevame-a-la-lunaa @queen-of-knowhere @deluluzone @sheontcare @jupiter9545 @fandomsleaveuemotionallyscarred @too-many-atoms @lavenderhazel95 @33shadowhunters @enmuswife3 @serpensastrum
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skywalkerresources · 2 years
                                     LEGO STAR WARS: TERRIFYING TALES            starters taken/inspired/adapted from the special. change pronouns as necessary!
“ so, what do you think? ”
“ a little on the nose is what i think. ”
“ look at this place, you could really use something, anything... a chair, perhaps. ”
“ we’ve got a galaxy to conquer. ”
“ i’ve prepared your bath. ”
“ you. [name]. keep an eye on the place. ”
“ it would be my honor to serve. ”
“ what are you, the last five guys in the galaxy to get the news? ”
“ the first order is destroyed. ”
“ you lost! go home. ”
“ i’m not scared of these bucketheads! ”
“ like taking candy from a baby porg. ”
“ don’t be such a worry wampa! ”
“ i just need to make an emergency landing on that bright red lava planet. ”
“ i was not showing off! that TIE got off a lucky shot! ”
“ okay, you can stay here alone in these dark, creepy woods. ”
“ what is this place? ”
“ don’t sneak up on a guy like that, will you? ”
“ you’re building a hotel... in darth vader’s old castle. ”
“ no offense, but that sounds like a really bad idea. ”
“ and you are who, exactly? ”
“ please, allow me to give you a tour. ”
“ we’ve been working ‘round the clock and i’ve spared no expense. ”
“ are you familiar with the term ‘celebrity endorsement’? ”
“ feel the power of the dark side. ”
“ you’ve got skills, kid. ”
“ you’re the best pilot in the galaxy! ”
“ you’re pretty good with those tools. i could use some help fixing my x-wing. ”
“ so, it looks like we each have something the other wants. ”
“ we’re kind of in a rush. ”
“ this is such a waste of time, [name]. ”
“ i’m so much stronger than all of them. ”
“ patience. there are no shortcuts to becoming a jedi. ”
“ i sense your frustration. ”
“ really? wow. did you use the force to sense that? ”
“ the knights of ren are coming. ”
“ don’t listen to him, [name]. ”
“ stay out of it, [name]. ”
“ power is yours for the taking. ”
“ the knights of ren live by our own code. use our power to take what we want. ”
“ you have skills. yet you follow that fossil skywalker when you could have so much more. ”
“ destroy what skywalker has built and you will be free. ”
“ what i want is for you to leave me alone! ”
“ what was even the point of that story? to scare us? ”
“ there is much to be taken by those unafraid to take it. ”
“ would you bantha brains focus?! ”
“ you said you want to be a pilot. ”
“ i’m afraid if i lose this job, my family has nothing. ”
“ you can’t let fear get to you. ”
“ that’s a sith lightsaber. i wouldn’t mess with it. ”
“ at least i can wield the force. ”
“ i will destroy you! ”
“ i’ve destroyed jedi. a half-sith is no match for me. ”
“ it appears you are un-armed. ”
“ oh, funny thing. it must’ve been damaged in the fight. ”
“ maybe you wanna stop staring into the scary saber? ”
“ power comes not from serving others, but from serving yourself. ”
“ now, see where the saber leads you. ”
“ this sith stuff, do you have any idea how dangerous it is? ”
“ the only thing i fear is poor cash flow. ”
“ this has the power to make any dream come true. ”
“ nothing in the galaxy can do that. ”
“ the droid on the south ridge broke down. again. ”
“ i want you to go to mos espa and get a new one. ”
“ i will be a pilot one day and get off this dust ball planet. ”
“ the wookiee’s paw... make a wish and your dream instantly comes true. ”
“ what should i do with this extra pilot gear? ”
“ that maneuver, what do you call it? ”
“ you remind me of a young me. ”
“ your eyes can deceive you. don’t trust them. ”
“ you have mastered the dark side of the force. ”
“ i sense you are still unsatisfied. ”
“ good to have you, [name]. and thank you for rescuing me earlier. ”
“ i wasn’t sure i’d make it off the death star alive. ”
“ that story is a warning. ”
“ i know what you want... for your family to be safe. ”
“ i thought you were the one to make it happen. ”
“ i’m strong with the force? ”
“ now, the galaxy shall fear me. ”
“ these fools have served their purpose. ”
“ we gotta grab that holocron! it’s the source of his power! ”
“ we’ll do it the old-fashioned way! ”
“ my dreams are crumbling around me. ”
“ everyone gets scared. ”
“ you can’t control fear, but you can choose what to do with it. ”
“ without fear, you can’t have courage. ”
“ may the force be with you. ”
“ i’ll buy us time. ”
“ nice flyin’, kid! ”
“ you don’t have that kind of time. ”
“ oh, don’t get all mushy on me, kid. ”
“ you have any idea what this’ll cost me to fix?! ”
“ see? that’s what greed gets you. ”
“ i guess you’re out of a job. what’re you gonna do now? ”
“ i saw you handled the x-wing. we always need pilots. ”
“ so you were scared back there? ”
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