#with no communication. half the globe away from each other
zephyr-draws · 1 year
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I think this drawing created some kind of psychic connection
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corpseontheloose · 10 months
Cookies|Adam Stanheight x fem!reader
Warnings:Adam not having a great past
Genre: romance
Summary: Christmas with his roommate turned out to be the night of their first kiss
A/N: SINCE CHRISTMAS IS COMING I THOUGHT ABOUT MAKING A FANFIC WITH ADAM ABOUT THIS. But I also have an announcement. If you want to change the storyline of this story, I made a Character.AI bot with him! Enjoy!! And by the way, I used "make your choice" line from Jigsaw's tapes to incorporate Saw in this story. Ugh this is so bad 😭 im sorry
A shared apartment with cheap utilities and expensive rent. Water sometimes running cold, the power sometimes going off, leaving both Adam and his roommate in complete darkness. Tonight was different. They were both hanging Christmas lights up, up on the wall and sorts of decorations on the ceiling, and around the house. A cold December night was coming upon them, but they wanted to feel the Christmas mood even in this shithole place.
"I think we did good. It screams 'broke people'"
Adam's voice was faintly soft, ragged almost,like he's been having a sore throat for a few days without any treatment. But he didn't. He was just tired and out of breath after spending half of his day thinking about how to rearrange their apartment and another half of day actually doing so. Of course, with the help of Y/N, who had more vision about designing.
"I think we did great actually! And on time, too. Before Christmas Eve is a new record in my book"
Their house was lit with the basic green and red pigments, blue and yellow and sometimes even orange mixing through the other hanged wires on their walls. Some cotton scattered around the living room, imitating snow, because they couldn't afford any fake snow supplies and a small, flowerpot-sized tree resting on top of the coffee table.
The TV was broadcasting 'Home Alone' in the background at a low volume enough to catch their awareness from time to time and lose their attention at the scenes while embracing the Christmas spirit with their home, and end up yelling at each other for misplacing the socks or almost burning the place down after using a lighter to wake up old, half melted candles.
"Where's the snow globe?"
Y/N asked, moving her head left and right looking for the one thing she still holds dear from her family. It was special, in her own way. Although she owned a few more in her parent's house, this was the only one she took from there in case she won't make it until Christmas to their house.
Y/N would often spend Christmas with her family,but after she moved in, for being 'independent', there were days when phone calls and text messages were less and less due to busy days and lack of time. And she called before Christmas, asked if they want to spend Christmas with her, but this time Y/N's family decided on a trip to other relatives. Y/N declined the offer, and assured that she's going to spend Christmas in her apartment with her dear roommate, Adam.
"It's in the box. We still have a few lights in there, too. And a mistletoe. Where do I put those?"
Adam, on the other hand, did not communicate with his family that much. Barely any messages, calls almost none at all. Their relationship was different from Y/N and her parents. After the age of 20,he tried to make a living on his own, running away from so called 'family' that was not so kind to him in his childhood years. He ran away from every single problem, and never looked back. And even after so much time, there's still a hole in his chest, wishing he could fix everything with his relatives and go back in his mother's arms for one more hug. His flip phone would get voice mails from his brother as well, but he cut off any contact with them whatsoever. Never replied back, but always listened to them.
"I'll take care of them. Can you check the cookies?"
Y/N says, grabbing the snow globe and mistletoe, stealing a look for a few seconds at Adam. He gave her a quick nod, muffling a 'mhm' and went straight to the kitchen. The smell of fresh baked cookies flooded his lungs, almost as intoxicating as the smell of cigarettes he was smoking from time to time.
The little kid in him was inpatient to taste those goodies that him and Y/N prepared through the midday just to have something to snack on during the nights of December. A plate was already filled with the baked dough, but they were still cooling down, so Adam couldn't put his hands on them even if he wanted to. Which, surely, he would've if he could.
Both Adam and Y/N were surprised to learn that they had enough money for ingredients, but they weren't complaining. It was heartwarming, even.
"I think they're almost done"
He says from the kitchen, making Y/N's ears twitch at the thought of another plate full of chocolate chip cookies that they will munch on later in the evening.
"Hold on a second!"
She replies, struggling to keep the mistletoe straight.
Y/N was a very bad hider of secrets, especially secret feelings for a person, but she was certain that Adam had absolutely zero idea of her liking the way his hair sat on his forehead, or how his voice was cutting her breath whenever he was around. She was certain, because Adam wasn't the smartest being either. Sure,he was smart, but romance was never his thing. That's why most of his relationships failed. He had a hard time controlling his anger.
So he found himself alone, in a silent apartment, taking pictures of strangers and living off of his client's money. That until Y/N showed up and helped him with rent and loneliness. Especially loneliness. Now the empty fridge was somehow not so empty whenever his money ran out. Nor the sad living room that was now filled with laughter most of the times of the day. He had someone to complain about broken tapes and rude customers and someone who actually listened while he did so.
So, as much as an anger issued person he was, someone found good in him and was there for him. And vice versa, of course.
"Man, these cookies? They're the best. I never tasted such sugary treats before. The ones from the supermarket are shit"
Both of them laughed at Adam's statement, which wasn't false at all. Supermarket cookies were tasteless and most likely out of date too.
"I'm glad you like them. To be honest, I was skeptical about baking them. My mom taught me how to do so, but I failed almost all my attempts. Except once or twice when I actually got the recipe right"
"Nah, they're perfect. Soft and crunchy at the same time? And so much flavour. Mixed with warm milk is just the cherry on top, really"
Y/N giggled as she took another cookie and dipped it in her own mug of milk and swallowed the snack, happily. Her cheeks were now crimson red at Adam's compliments, but she chose to ignore it and continue the movie they were watching.
'Home Alone' was a classic, but almost too boring for them. It was cold too. The outside was covered in white snow, and the windows were now losing their purpose after being covered by tiny snowflakes that were constantly falling from the sky. Twilight was not helping either, and the street lights were now just shiny, smudged dots on the glass.
But It was cold. The heater wasn't exactly the best either,but the couch was cozy. So slowly, both of them found themselves shifting closer and closer to each other. It was like a magnetic experience going on.
"Where did you put the mistletoe?"
Adam asked, his gaze following Y/N's lips and eyes, right after. She turned around and faced him, then pointed at the gap between kitchen and living room. And there it was, a tiny mistletoe, hanging with the other shiny lights, waiting for its purpose to be met.
"Why? Do you want to kiss someone tonight?"
Y/N's joke caught Adam in full act. She continued to dip her cookies in milk after speaking those words, which forced Adam to fall in a small silence while rolling his eyes. He smiled, moving his eyes back to the movie and the food.
"Maybe. Maybe I had in plan to take it with me on a date tonight"
This time, Y/N felt her heart cracking at his words. He never mentioned anything about a date, and was sure that they would spend Christmas together... Like two broke rats in a cage,eating cookies until they're full and laugh at cliché scenes in Christmas movies.
"You're not going anywhere, Adam. Otherwise I'd know about this 'mysterious date'. You can't keep a darn secret"
The room fell into silence again. Adam was gripping onto the couch's material while anxiously chewing on his cookie, trying to decide whether he spills whatever he has to say, or stay silent like a coward. The candles were burning across the room, the sound of melting wax tickling Adam's ears and pressured him even more, while the Christmas lights were pulsing over his hands. He started feeling hot out of sudden.
'Make your choice' was silently pushing him in his mind.
"Or maybe...I wanted to kiss you"
He whispered, turning his head to Y/N and completely losing interest in the other two activities, such as eating or watching the movie. Y/N blinked at Adam as her heart starts booming in her chest. His eyes met hers and, somehow, Y/N felt herself floating.
"I'm so done with your jokes, Adam. They cause me a heart attack"
She answers, her side smile showing off in the corner of her lips. But Adam stayed serious, his eyes desperately searching for a place to rest, but instead they were roaming around Y/N's features. He was begging with his eyes for one kiss. He was pleading.
That's when Y/N realises that he's serious about his words, and without a minute more, she closed her eyes and took his lips on hers. The sweet remainings from the cookies were tasting on their tongues, as well as the cigarette Adam smoked a while before he joined Y/N on the couch.
And even without a mistletoe, Adam's plan was coming true.
Because he fell in love with a girl that was never meant to mean anything in the first place, just a simple roommate that helped him with groceries and rent. But he fell in love hard. It was almost uncontrollable. And she did the same.
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Happy turkey day to you too! :D very thankful for you & the starburst duo :) got some more questions
1: you probably answered this already but what was Chris first couple of weeks/months like after being sent out of the phantom zone?
2: is Chris’s fear of being sent away the same in the comics? Like after removing the red sun watch he caught the apartment on fire or maybe since he’s living in Hamilton country, he set the fields on fire instead.
3: what’s the duos drawing style like? Is it canonically the same type as yours? (Or was it your buddy spider-jays)
4: besides Chris receiving a nut shot from a bully (poor guy) what’s the worst thing the duo received from bullies? Assaulted, wet Willie, putting head into toilet, wedgies, etc…
5: speaking of wedgies, does the duo do that to each other while wrestling or maybe on patrol waiting for crime to happen?
6: I don’t know if you read the recent action comics and/or if it’s canon to your universe, but what’s Chris’s reaction to the super twins? Is he cool with them & see them as younger siblings or does his anxiety kick in of being replaced?
Well? Here’s what I can come up with for these questions my friend @gothicghost2000 ;-)
1. Very similar to the canonical first half of Last Son, during the first week of staying with the Kents (after of course being rescued from the DEO after they confirmed his Kryptonian biology), he mainly spoke the Kryptonian language to which only Clark can understand and communicate with. He also suffered a bit of his memories being scrambled, not remembering his birth name or his time in the Phantom Zone in full but at least knowing he’s free now from a certain person from there, aware of where he is now and the he has no desire to go back to where he came from. He feels very nervous around Lois at first due to overhearing her comments of doubt whether they can fully reside him, especially since they wonder if Jon will feel like he’s been replaced. This though comes to a head when Bizarro, under secret orders from Luthor, attempts to take Chris for whatever scheme Luthor had in mind. The resulting brawl that followed had Lois saw poor Chris have a nearby school bus lane on him. He came unscathed of course but the look of fear in his eyes was more than enough to drive her to get him to safety. However as the globe on top of the Daily Planet building was knocked off its hinges and plummeted to them, Chris in turn rescued Lois via flying to catch the globe himself. As soon as Bizarro was defeated and apprehended, Lois small and subtle growing bond with Chris was solidified, she’s ready to take in another child into her household. Thus through some legal shenanigans and Oracle related info dumping, Chris was finally allowed to stay with the Kents, first as a foster child but in all too due time as a fully adopted son, a big brother for Jon.
2. Oh yes very much. That fear of being rejected for one or few things he does wrong, intentional or not, permeates his conscience beyond any doubt. And yes, I can see him accidentally lose control of his power via removing the red solar watch, resulting in a solar flare that would destroy the Kent’s’ then house/apartment by accident. Similarly though, it takes one of the first of many heart to heart talks between Clark and Chris to let the latter know it wasn’t his fault and that he does belong with them. Thankfully either way, the Kents are able to move to a new house at Hamilton Country with some nifty small upgrades and pleasantries, among them a small hidden portal to the Fortress of Solitude if needed.
3. Very much, the artwork of them provided by the great @spider-jaysart are what I envision. Honorable mention though should go to @theredheaded-stuff whose had about one or few drawings of them that capture their looks quite well
4. Back when the Duo were slightly younger but still in a school that has sixth grader bullies, I can easily predict their stuff in their lockers being trashed, toilet swirlies, their lunch money getting taken, all too common insults about their families (especially for poor Jake due to his grandparents, the Flying Graysons, and their ‘accident’ being an all too common favorite for bullies across the generations to pick up on, and even their passing homework getting shredded right in front of their eyes. That is though if they allow the bullies to get to them on that level so easily.
5. Not when play wrestling but when it comes to crime fighting, probably they can do such for especially uncooperative and jerkish common low level thugs. Mainly crooks who get power wedgies from the Duo would be left on streetlights and even telephone poles with sticky notes that the Duo’s logo and say “Bad Guy” for police to pick up later. Jake is often the one doing more so of the wedgie action as per the fact his training environment is Bludhaven, where fighting dirty is a bit of a common occurrence
6. If say we jump ahead to Chris and Jon aging naturally into their late teens when Otho and Osul move in, I can see Chris being something of a close brother figure to them akin to Jon is. He’d tell them all sorts of stories from when he was their age and take part in their training into superheroics if they choose to do so. He’s overall got no real issue with them beyond the initial shock of them entering the Kents’ household. By this point in his life, he knows much better than thinking of younger new members of the family replacing him.
Happy (late) Thanksgiving and Black Friday Friend :-D
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Arrival (2016)
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Watching Arrival a second time takes away its surprises but gives you a new appreciation for its storytelling. It’s a wholly different experience. You pick up on certain character beats and structural points that were impossible to spot the first time around. It’s a brainy sci-fi film so make sure you block off at least a half hour after it’s over to discuss it with your friends.
Twelve mysterious alien spacecraft have appeared across the globe. The U.S. government selects Linguist Louise Banks (Amy Adams) to help communicate with the extra-terrestrials. She begins deciphering the way these visitors communicate but progress is slow. While Louise and theoretical physicist Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner) desperately try to convey critical human ideas and concepts to the visitors, the rest of the world becomes increasingly wary.
Residing in the same neighbourhood as Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Interstellar, Arrival is about aliens but really, it’s about communication. Think about how many ways we communicate and how so many things are assumed when two people are face-to-face. You don’t have to speak the same language to know what barred teeth means. Smiles are universal. Even with all these things in common, we still misunderstand each other constantly. Now imagine communicating with a creature that (as far as we can tell) doesn’t even have a face. You wouldn’t know where to begin. At least you know they’re intelligent and willing to communicate. They haven’t blown us up yet. That’s promising.
Much of the joy of Arrival comes in the procedural bits. When Louise has an “aha!” Moment and makes a breakthrough, it’s the most exciting thing you’ve seen. The more her work comes together, the more eager you are for her and Donnelly to share what they’ve found with their superior (Forest Whitaker as Colonel G. T. Weber) and then get right back to teaching new words to the Heptapods.
The whole movie could’ve been just about learning to communicate with the visitors but unfortunately, mankind is never as open-minded as it should be. You can see the progress they're making but when Louise tries to explain it to others, they just don’t understand. Tiny, seemingly insignificant decisions snowball into avalanches which threaten not only this operation but the entire human-heptapod encounter and possibly, the world. There’s a sense of wonder and excitement blended with suspense and nerve-eroding fear that something will go horribly wrong any minute.
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Now that we know the ending, aspects of the story change completely. Initially, you assume the images of Louise and her daughter Hannah are flashbacks. These "explain" why, she is now alone and isolated. Actually, those are not memories; they're glimpses of her future. Deciphering the alien language and immersing herself in it allows Louise to perceive time as they do: non-linearly. It’s an example of time travel done right. Louise can suddenly look into her future and find crucial information from conversations that haven’t happened yet, bring them “back” and make them happen. How did she know what words General Shang shared with his wife before she passed? In a way, she always knew. That’s how time loops work and if you don’t understand it, this is where that half hour you set aside will come in handy. The problem is that you’re still thinking of time as a line when it isn’t; not anymore.
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Arrival has an airtight screenplay. Re-evaluating its story and themes further emphasizes how much time and effort was spent polishing it. It’s complex, which makes the moment where it finally clicks immensely satisfying. As a bonus, it’s wonderfully acted, extremely moody, gorgeous to watch and masterfully directed. This is the best sci-fi film we’ve seen in a long time. (On Blu-ray, March 15, 2019)
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oathofconquest · 1 year
by the way since its pride month
to my friends from the us - please, not only this pride, but generally - please take a second to think about and listen to queer folk from outside of the us i know its hard for you guys right now. and im sorry. i send my best wishes. but it is hard in other places as well - and the struggles of those outside shouldn’t be ignored. the internet allows us to connect to others on the literal other side of the globe! and that’s wonderful. it allows the queer community to be truly international, to transcend borders. however, on the internet, the conversation always seems to center around the US. out of the 45 countries in europe, as far as i know, only about 20 recognise gay marriage. about 10 others recognise some sort of civil union. that’s less than half. and that’s not even mentioning the god awful laws in regards to transition, the comically small amount of doctors that are well versed in the subject and public opinion. and in the grand scheme of things? europe has it good. we have it really good. (even if in the country i live in, sterilisation is required to transition.) the rest of the world outside the europe and the us only ever gets used as a scary far away boogeyman - ooh look, they kill gay people over there! there’s real people there, you know. it’s not just a statistic to get scared over. and while i don’t feel like my voice ever gets heard as someone from central/eastern europe, the voices of people from africa or asia are ignored ten times the amount so please, if you have the ability to, try and include voices from other countries in your conversations as well. be kind to each other ok? thank you
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everettdowlingwh · 5 days
Pioneering Affordable Housing: Emerging Trends Shaping the Future
Affordable housing has become a critical issue for communities across the globe. As populations grow and urbanization increases, access to affordable homes remains out of reach for many. With millions struggling to find decent and affordable places to live, developers and policymakers are under pressure to find creative solutions to meet this demand. Fortunately, innovation is playing a crucial role in transforming the affordable housing landscape. New approaches in design, technology, and collaboration are paving the way for more cost-effective, sustainable, and inclusive housing solutions. In this article, we’ll explore some of the emerging trends in affordable housing development that are breaking new ground in the industry.
The Rising Demand for Affordable Housing
Before diving into the innovative trends, it's important to understand the scope of the affordable housing crisis. Globally, more than 1.6 billion people lack access to adequate housing. In the United States alone, millions of households spend over half their income on rent, leaving little for essential needs like healthcare, education, and food. The shortage of affordable housing has led to an increase in homelessness, overcrowded living conditions, and greater socioeconomic inequality. With the challenge so widespread, the need for affordable housing development is greater than ever.
Modular and Prefabricated Construction: Building Faster and Cheaper
One of the most significant trends in affordable housing is modular and prefabricated construction. This method involves constructing parts of a building off-site in a controlled environment, which are then transported to the final location for assembly. By moving a significant portion of the construction process away from the building site, developers can reduce costs, minimize delays, and shorten construction times.
Modular construction can be customized to fit the needs of different communities, making it an ideal solution for a range of environments. Whether it’s urban, suburban, or rural, prefabricated homes offer a scalable, cost-efficient solution that reduces both labor and material costs. Additionally, the controlled factory environment leads to less waste, making this method more environmentally friendly.
Tiny Homes and Micro-Apartments: Maximizing Space, Minimizing Costs
Another growing trend in the affordable housing space is tiny homes and micro-apartments. These small-scale living spaces range from 100 to 500 square feet and are designed to maximize efficiency while keeping costs low. Tiny homes and micro-apartments are especially popular in urban areas where land is expensive and limited.
These compact homes offer a practical solution for individuals or small families who don’t require large living spaces but need an affordable option. By reducing the footprint of each unit, developers can build more homes in densely populated areas, allowing for higher density without sacrificing livability. Additionally, tiny homes are often built with sustainability in mind, incorporating energy-efficient systems and materials that help keep long-term costs down for residents.
3D Printing Technology: Revolutionizing Affordable Housing Construction
One of the most groundbreaking innovations in housing development is the advent of 3D-printed homes. This technology has the potential to dramatically reduce the cost and time it takes to build a home, making it a promising solution for addressing the affordable housing crisis. 3D printers can create homes layer by layer, using a concrete mixture or other materials, in as little as 24 hours.
Companies like ICON and Apis Cor are leading the charge, building homes that cost a fraction of what traditional construction methods would. A 3D-printed home can be built for as little as $10,000, making it an incredibly cost-effective option. The process also minimizes waste, as the printing system only uses the exact amount of materials needed for each home.
3D printing is especially useful for creating affordable housing in regions that are prone to natural disasters or have a shortage of skilled labor. The speed and efficiency of this method make it a viable option for scaling up affordable housing in both developed and developing countries.
Adaptive Reuse: Transforming Existing Structures into Affordable Housing
Another exciting trend is the adaptive reuse of existing structures. Instead of demolishing old, unused buildings, developers are repurposing them into affordable housing units. This method is both cost-effective and sustainable, as it reduces the need for new materials and preserves the existing structure’s history and character.
Cities with many vacant commercial buildings, such as office spaces, warehouses, and industrial properties, are prime candidates for adaptive reuse. By converting these spaces into residential units, developers can provide affordable housing without the need for extensive new construction. The reuse of existing structures also helps revitalize communities, bringing new life to areas that may have been abandoned or underutilized.
Adaptive reuse not only benefits the environment but also contributes to urban renewal, providing affordable housing in areas that desperately need it. It’s an innovative way to tackle the housing crisis while preserving the cultural and architectural heritage of cities.
Co-Housing and Shared Living Models: Building Communities, Not Just Homes
The concept of co-housing and shared living is another trend gaining momentum in affordable housing development. Co-housing communities typically consist of private living spaces surrounded by shared communal areas like kitchens, gardens, and recreational spaces. These communities foster a sense of togetherness while also cutting down on individual living costs.
In shared living models, residents may share not only communal areas but also bathrooms and other amenities. While this arrangement may not appeal to everyone, it’s particularly attractive to young professionals, students, and people looking for an affordable, community-focused lifestyle. Shared living spaces promote social interaction, cooperation, and support, creating a stronger sense of community.
By pooling resources, co-housing and shared living models can significantly reduce rent and utility costs. The shared infrastructure also helps lower maintenance expenses, making this model a cost-effective solution for affordable housing in densely populated urban areas.
Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration for Impactful Solutions
Governments and private developers are increasingly working together to tackle the affordable housing crisis through public-private partnerships (PPPs). These collaborations leverage the strengths of both sectors to create more affordable housing options. Governments often provide subsidies, tax incentives, or access to public land, while private developers bring expertise, efficiency, and innovation to the construction process.
PPPs allow for the development of mixed-income housing projects, ensuring that affordable units are integrated into broader housing developments. This model helps reduce segregation by income and creates more inclusive communities. PPPs have proven successful in many regions, offering a scalable approach to affordable housing development that benefits both the public and private sectors.
Sustainable Housing: Going Green to Keep Costs Low
Sustainability is becoming an integral part of affordable housing development, with green building practices being incorporated into projects across the globe. Energy-efficient homes equipped with solar panels, high-quality insulation, and water-saving fixtures help reduce long-term living costs for residents by lowering utility bills.
Sustainable housing developments also emphasize the use of environmentally friendly materials and construction methods. While the initial costs may be higher, the long-term savings in energy and maintenance costs make these homes more affordable in the long run. Green housing projects not only benefit residents but also help cities meet broader environmental goals, such as reducing carbon emissions and conserving resources.
Developers are increasingly recognizing that affordable housing and sustainable housing are not mutually exclusive. By incorporating green technologies and practices, affordable housing projects can provide long-term value to both residents and the environment.
Community Involvement in Development: Empowering Residents
In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on community-led development in affordable housing projects. This approach involves residents in the planning, design, and sometimes even the construction of their homes. By giving communities a voice in the development process, these projects are better tailored to meet the specific needs of the people who will live in them.
Community land trusts (CLTs) are a prime example of community-led affordable housing. In a CLT, the community collectively owns the land, while residents own or rent homes built on that land. This model ensures long-term affordability, as the land remains in community control, preventing speculative price increases.
Community-led development not only addresses the need for affordable housing but also empowers residents, giving them a sense of ownership and pride in their neighborhood. This approach fosters stronger, more resilient communities and helps ensure the long-term success of affordable housing projects.
The future of affordable housing is bright, thanks to the innovative trends emerging in the industry. From modular and 3D-printed homes to adaptive reuse and co-housing models, developers are finding creative ways to make housing more accessible and sustainable. Public-private partnerships and community-led development efforts are also helping to bridge the gap between supply and demand for affordable housing.
As the demand for affordable housing continues to grow, embracing these innovations will be crucial for creating homes that are not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly and community-centered. By investing in these forward-thinking solutions, we can work toward a future where everyone has access to a safe, affordable place to call home.
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bog-water-030 · 10 months
Bogs Bullshit Save for Sim Noobs
So I've started a new save on the sims 2 and unfortunately I have like one friend who's well versed enough to really get wtf I'm talking about when I yap about it. Then it hit me it would probably be a good idea to explain from zero. THIS is zero. If you know anything about anything in the sims 2 please skip this post.
If i sent this to you, congrats, find a screenreader, you're gonna be here a while.
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"Strangetown is a small desert town with few inhabitants. There are two main streets, known as the Road to Nowhere, placed parallel with each other, around which the majority of the town is built. There are also three smaller roads, two of which are dead ends. Strangetown's landscape is barren, with only scattered cacti as flora... Considering the desert setting and references to Area 51 aliens, Strangetown may be located in the state of Nevada." (Sims Wiki)
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The Specters live on this god awful graveyard built up of the lovers and neighbours of Olive Specter.
Olive (pictured far left) is painfully in love with the grim reaper and has one child, a son, who was swiftly whisked away by the government, for obvious reasons. She's also raising her sisters only child, Ophelia Nigmos (pictured to the right), and god bless this poor child's soul she is STRUGGLING. Olives late husbands are just as unfortunate as their names suggest. Earl E Demise, Hugh Thanasia, Rigger Mortis. Its. Its really bad. Ichabod Specter is the only one she stuck with long enough to get her name changed.
Ophelia, bless her heart, is living on the community graveyard and these god damn ghosts REFUSE to leave her alone. She has pissed herself several times and it's genuinely effecting her terribly. Ophelia has two secret boyfriends (they both know about each other. I did not choose to make them polyamorous). Johnny Smith (pictured in the thought bubble), a half alien. And Ripp Grunt, the son of a space racist. She's still a teen so she has very little lore beyond being an orphan at first.
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The smiths are genetically the worst family. Pollination Technician (pictured far right) Smith (yes that is his full legal name) is kind of a slut. He has four kids. Jill (pictured far left) and Johnny (pictured to the right of jill), with his wife Jenny (pictured to the left of Pollination tech). And Chloe and Lola with what would now be considered his own fucking father in law. This asshole who I will now call Paulie, spent his days as a space man impregnating random men all over the globe. And decided, after it all, to settle down with the DAUGHTER OF HIS FIRST LOVE QUEST. hate. Hate him. He also has a lawn in the DESERT. hate Paulie.
Jenny, bless her heart, does not know of her half-sister-half-daughters, she just really likes the colour green. Their two kids are your standard suburban kids aside from the space racist military man next door. Johnny is so sweet and just finished high-school. He didn't go to college but that's okay. He did his best and he's moving out very soon. And Jill despite being a little shite who doesn't do homework, has my heart and I can't wait to see how she turns out. She's just started ballet and she loves video games. Sweet summer child.
The Grunts
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The grunts are my least favourite. They suck balls. They refuse to do the dishes. The dad, Buzz, lost his ex-wife to god knows what I think she was electrocuted. His hate for the world is leeching into his poor poor kids and it infuriates me. Realistically Buzz and his eldest son Tank are the only awful ones. Tank is a clone of his father. All he wants to do is join the military. He refuses to shower and keeps bothering the Smith kids. Ripp is the second and he's a dork I love him. I unfortunately cannot stand his father so I haven't played his household much,
The Curious'
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The Curious' are a mess. From oldest to youngest it's Pascal Vidcund and Lazlo. Immediately when you enter the lot pascal goes into labour and has one alien child named Octavius. Lazlo cannot get bitches. He's very handsome and a good chef but good heavens he's too forward. Vidcund pissed himself in front of his first love Circe as a teen, and so struggles with women nowadays. Vidcund is obsessed with his telescope. So obsessed that he uses it during the day for people watching. He has gotten beat up by various neighbours. Mostly Olive. He speaks to one woman consistently and its Bella Goth. Despite also being pussywhipped for the woman he cant stop insulting her. She's exactly his type. He's genuinely very interested but he has negative rizz and everything he says is wrong and bad. He's lucky he's hot because if he wasn't I'd kill him.
Pascal is the only Curious brother capable of speaking to women and he is painfully gay. I love him he's the most tolerable Curious
The Beakers
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The Beakers are awful. Circe is this money hungry bitch who enjoys the suffering of children, she is pregnant, I worry. Loki is a general asshole incapable of doing anything for himself. He has a maid, a butler, a gardener. I expect he'll want a nanny for his kid. He has a gun capable of sucking the skills out of people and he uses it on his pet human Nervous Subject (Olive Specters kid). Nervous had an AWFUL upbringing. He's a shy, grouchy, slob who's only capable of working out. He constantly smells. He's constantly offending people. His only friend is Pascal Curious and Erin Beaker, and those two are incapable of having enemies. I say pascal is his friend but he's like 2 minutes away from marrying the man. The issue is he's basically nocturnal, he cant stay awake long enough to call Pascal let alone get ready for a real date.
The Singles
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So the singles are this 4 person disaster household consisting of the aforementioned sister daughters Chloe and Lola Curious. Alongside Erin Beaker (Loki's sister), and Kristen Loste who has zero lore beyond being gay as shit and in denial. They're a bin family which basically means the sims team couldn't find a way to make them not fuck their siblings so they've been banished to the shadow zone.
Chloe is a mega bitch. She's actively mean to everyone and generally is only nice to get in everyone's pants. She takes after her whore father I guess.
Lola does nothing but work. She has no other hobbies or interests which is to her favour.
Erin is also gay, she's loved by many (except Chloe who ceaselessly harasses her).
Kristen is doing her best but she spends all her time working, eating and sleeping.
The Goths
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Bella Goth is a cross neighbourhood sim so while her lore doesn't actually effect her in this save it matters to me. She's a wife and mother of two but has no memory of this thanks to the power of alien abduction. All she recalls is the name on her drivers license. She was originally from Pleasantview, married to Mortimer Goth and raising Cassandra and Alexander, but after her affair partner's affair partners decided they weren't into sharing she was abducted by aliens and dropped in the middle of strange town. Bella has only just paid to put a roof on her shack house. Since she has no memory of her children she's a okay slutting around with no remorse. Unfortunately, I allowed her sluttery without prescribing birth control. She's gotten with (as of winter) ajax, Lazlo, and 3 miscellaneous townies.
0 notes
xtruss · 2 years
Climate ‘Teleconnections’ May Link Droughts and Fires Across Continents
New research could help countries forecast and collaborate to deal with dry spells and fires
— By Nikk Ogasa | February 13, 2023 | Science News
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The El Niño climate pattern across the equatorial Pacific Ocean typically causes rainfall to decrease and wildfires to become more frequent in tropical Africa (shown). NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
Large-scale climate patterns that can impact weather across thousands of kilometers may have a hand in synchronizing multicontinental droughts and stoking wildfires around the world, two new studies find.
These profound patterns, known as climate teleconnections, typically occur as recurring phases that can last from weeks to years. “They are a kind of complex butterfly effect, in that things that are occurring in one place have many derivatives very far away,” says Sergio de Miguel, an ecosystem scientist at Spain’s University of Lleida and the Joint Research Unit CTFC-Agrotecnio in Solsona, Spain.
Major droughts arise around the same time at drought hot spots around the world, and the world’s major climate teleconnections may be behind the synchronization, researchers report in one study. What’s more, these profound patterns may also regulate the scorching of more than half of the area burned on Earth each year, de Miguel and colleagues report in the other study.
The research could help countries around the world forecast and collaborate to deal with widespread drought and fires, researchers say.
The El Niño-Southern Oscillation, or ENSO, is perhaps the most well-known climate teleconnection (SN: 8/21/19). ENSO entails phases during which weakened trade winds cause warm surface waters to amass in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, known as El Niño, and opposite phases of cooler tropical waters called La Niña.
These phases influence wind, temperature and precipitation patterns around the world, says climate scientist Samantha Stevenson of the University of California, Santa Barbara, who was not involved in either study. “If you change the temperature of the ocean in the tropical Pacific or the Atlantic … that energy has to go someplace,” she explains. For instance, a 1982 El Niño caused severe droughts in Indonesia and Australia and deluges and floods in parts of the United States.
Past research has predicted that human-caused climate change will provoke more intense droughts and worsen wildfire seasons in many regions (SN: 3/4/20). But few studies have investigated how shorter-lived climate variations — teleconnections — influence these events on a global scale. Such work could help countries improve forecasting efforts and share resources, says climate scientist Ashok Mishra of Clemson University in South Carolina.
In one of the new studies, Mishra and his colleagues tapped data on drought conditions from 1901 to 2018. They used a computer to simulate the world’s drought history as a network of drought events, drawing connections between events that occurred within three months of each other.
The researchers identified major drought hot spots across the globe — places in which droughts tended to appear simultaneously or within just a few months. These hot spots included the western and midwestern United States, the Amazon, the eastern slope of the Andes, South Africa, the Arabian deserts, southern Europe and Scandinavia.
“When you get a drought in one, you get a drought in others,” says climate scientist Ben Kravitz of Indiana University Bloomington, who was not involved in the study. “If that’s happening all at once, it can affect things like global trade, [distribution of humanitarian] aid, pollution and numerous other factors.”
A subsequent analysis of sea surface temperatures and precipitation patterns suggested that major climate teleconnections were behind the synchronization of droughts on separate continents, the researchers report January 10 in Nature Communications. El Niño appeared to be the main driver of simultaneous droughts spanning parts of South America, Africa and Australia. ENSO is known to exert a widespread influence on precipitation patterns (SN: 4/16/20). So that finding is “a good validation of the method,” Kravitz says. “We would expect that to appear.”
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Where Drought Hot Spots are Found. In Sync! Climate teleconnections like the El Niño-Southern Oscillation may influence the onset of droughts at about the same time at hot spots around the world. These hot spots are shown on this map in red, with darker shades indicating areas that are more prone to drought synchronization.
In the second study, published January 27 in Nature Communications, de Miguel and his colleagues investigated how climate teleconnections influence the amount of land burned around the world. Researchers knew that the climate patterns can influence the frequency and intensity of wildfires. In the new study, the researchers compared satellite data on global burned area from 1982 to 2018 with data on the strength and phase of the globe’s major climate teleconnections.
Variations in the yearly pattern of burned area strongly aligned with the phases and range of climate teleconnections. In all, these climate patterns regulate about 53 percent of the land burned worldwide each year, the team found. According to de Miguel, teleconnections directly influence the growth of vegetation and other conditions such as aridity, soil moisture and temperature that prime landscapes for fires.
The Tropical North Atlantic teleconnection, a pattern of shifting sea surface temperatures just north of the equator in the Atlantic Ocean, was associated with about one-quarter of the global burned area — making it the most powerful driver of global burning, especially in the Northern Hemisphere.
These researchers are showing that wildfire scars around the world are connected to these climate teleconnections, and that’s very useful, Stevenson says. “Studies like this can help us prepare how we might go about constructing larger scale international plans to deal with events that affect multiple places at once.”
— Nikk Ogasa is a staff writer who focuses on the physical sciences for Science News. He has a master's degree in geology from McGill University, and a master's degree in science communication from the University of California, Santa Cruz.
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xeroxpaperwholesale · 2 years
What is GSM Paper? Everything you need to know
You may have used the term "GSM" if you've ever ordered business cards, invitations or any other printed paper products.
Perhaps you bought a bulk print product and needed to get the details right, such as paper size and thickness.
This term may have been used during that time.
It's time to learn it if you order printed products a lot.
This term will help you specify what you want more precisely, whether you are ordering business cards, flyers or posters, stickers, or any other type printed material.
What is GSM Paper?
GSM stands for grams per square meter.
This standard measures the weight of different types of paper from a single square meter-sized sheet. The square meter sheet is the same regardless of the paper's length.
Paper weighing 55gsm, for example, will be lighter and thinner than paper that weighs 400gsm. The paper of 400 grams will, however, be heavier, thicker, and more durable.
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Additionally, 55gsm paper from paper distributor won't weigh the same amount when cut to letter-size and poster-size. Both are still considered 55 gsm papers, as that number indicates a certain thickness.
For example, A4 is 55gsm letter-size paper. The length and width are the first measurements, and the weight and thickness the second.
What is the importance of paper weight?
As you can see, lighter paper is best for certain applications. While thicker and heavier papers are better for other purposes. The GSM of your paper product will help you make the right design decision and how it will be used.
Here's an example: Small business cards can contain valuable information. These cards are often kept or passed between business partners, contacts, and potential customers. They should be thicker and stronger than ordinary paper.
Flyers that announce a sale or other event, on the other hand have a temporary purpose. These flyers communicate information to the person who receives them and are then thrown away. These are printed on lighter paper and have a lower GSM.
It is extremely useful to know the GSM standard for your paper products if you are constantly ordering them.
Common GSM Paper Sizes & Measurements
You must also ensure that you order the right size paper for your project.
Most business cards are standard-sized, along with brochures, books and business letters.
Measurements and sizes for ISO A paper
ISO A is an international standard for paper size. It is measured in millimeters and meters.
The largest format in this system, A0 is one square meter.
You can reduce the size by taking the largest size you have and cutting it in half at the widest point.
A1 is the next smaller size than A0. A1 can be cut in half to determine its size.
This table shows the paper sizes in this system, from A0 to A10. These are some of the most well-known standard sizes.
A6 - 105x148mm or 4.13x5.83in - This is the standard size for postcards, and the common size for printing photos. A4 - 210x297mm or 8.27x11.69in - Used to send letters, catalogues, magazines and other documents. A2 - 420x594mm or 16.54x23.39in - For smaller posters, maps, and diagrams.
Two More Ways to Measure Paperweight
GSM is not the only method to determine the paper's weight. There are several other methods that can be used to measure the weight of paper. They use different standards and different measurements. These systems are available in many parts of the globe.
1. Caliper
A caliper or micrometer is another way to measure thickness and weight of paper. This method measures the actual thickness of paper in increments of 1/1000 inches. This measurement can also be called points. Example: Paper measuring 0.008 inches thick is also known as 8-point media.
2. Basis Weight (U.S.
The Basis Weight system is the standard method in the United States for measuring paper weight.
This system can hold 500 sheets of one type of paper (called a "ream") in the uncut basic size. This weight is used to classify the paper regardless of its final cut dimensions.
You may also find it confusing that each type of paper has a different sheet size.
0 notes
writer59january13 · 2 years
Unidentified flying object abducted yours truly,...
a willing experimental subject
to escape untenable married life.
Upon falling into a deep slumber,
the following subconscious
somnambulant scenario arose
allowing, enabling, and providing
temporary alleviation from
outa harried married state.
Out of a tendency to be impetuous,
and oblivious to danger,
I voluntarily let myself get abducted
by this gruesome green
Geico looking alien ghoul.
Any resemblance between the following
piece meal description being kidnapped
by an alien (from another
condemn nation in the cosmos),
and married life purely coincidental.
Although pitch-black that hot summer
July night 20xx, an ominous
ghastly shape could lumbered
near the skeletal partially built addition
at Lower Merion High School.
This phantasmagorical amorphous,
diaphanous, illustrious, portentous...
entity hovered outside the phosphorescent flying saucer.
I stood stock still as my cold breath
created miniature clouds that formed
a gauzy window,
thru which opaque
ether real movements detected.
Eight tentacles sporting 2,240 suction cups
used to grip, taste, and smell
(similar to Octopus teacher
viewed courtesy NetFlix)
shredded this faux misty shroud
and quickly, yet gently grabbed me.
I found myself on-board
a battle gray extra-terrestrial object.
Fate delivered me into the "hands"
of what appeared the most surreal setting
created by ingenious
computer graphics technicians.
Nanny boo boo
uttered the creature from black abyss.
Since what sounded like
outer space gibberish
as a second language not an elective
when I attended Methacton High School
nearly two and a half score years ago
(nor colleges for that matter),
an automatic reflex took over.
I offered a gap toothed
(i.e. Alfred E. Neuman -
what me worry) wry smile.
An immediate interest arose
from these outliers at the ultra thin
metallic post sticking atop me noggin.
As a human robot electronic signals broadcast
and received courtesy said antenna.
Nevertheless, a crazy idea occurred.
Maybe these foreigners
from another galaxy could secure
long overdue permanent implanted teeth
(in place of these ill fitting dentures)
and extricate me out volatile pledged troth
without charging an arm or leg.
Non-verbal communication
resorted to as a necessary expedient
to establish comprehension
and self preservation.
Additionally, the notion
to avoid any action interpreted
as hostile best be applied
even at the expense
of forsaking being whisked away
countless light-years
from 1148 Greentree Lane,
Narberth, Pennsylvania.
Psychiatric medications re:
and AMITIZA 24 MCG -
prescription laxative)
prescribed by Doctor David Lee Wrought)
most definitely eased anxiety
per dread locked terror
that loomed large
within my quite active imagination.
I willingly made clear
(using all manner of gesticulations)
to surrender myself,
which idea triggered
a flicker of excitement.
This bizarre situation could offer
this golden opportunity
to escape the tragedies
of terrestrial existence
and perhaps link up
with another weird organic life form
human or otherwise.
Once this electric like surge
coursed thru each fiber,
I brazenly approached
the other-worldly specimens
guarding their shimmering craft,
which appeared to hover just barely
above the perimeter slated
to be another state of the art
wing of this campus.
I hemmed and hawed
with tentative steps
before nonchalantly scaling
the hydraulically propelled ladder.
At once, an immediate whoosh took place.
After these myopic eyes
adjusted to the scene,
I observed an identical earth like landscape
and heard what sounded
like the most melodious chimes.
Actually, that globe happened
to be dear third rock from the sun
as viewed from the nearest window.
Upon setting foot into the structure,
an automatic accelerator
jettisoned this motley crue at warp speed.
Within my mind, I thought
what to do to pass the time???
Instantaneous sans any desire
promulgated that very wish.
Perchance, these ethereal creatures
(large and small)
conveyed messages telepathically?
I put this hypothesis to a rudimentary
electric kool aid acid test.
Within my mind, I silently uttered
Matthew Scott Harris.
An instant reply came back - in my head.
Every one of these wraith-like
cosmic nomads understood
wordless wireless whims,
thus believing yours truly
(me self) to believe said species
reduced signals to digital bits
and/or hallowed weaned bytes.
Upon waking up,
I realized the aforementioned a dream
merrily rowing me thru illusory time stream.
0 notes
voltagesmutter · 4 years
Obey Me x Heat
Obey Me - Diavolo Head-canon.
Prompt: ‘I’m in heat’
Warning: NSFW, Female MC, Priest Kink.
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‘Beast in heat’ is named after Diavolo. The whole of devildom prepares for his heat due it’s length, almost a month long.
The first signs of his heat about to start is he’s incredibly sensitive to smell, his nose buried in the locks of your hair, your skin or even your clothes if you're not around. He will wait outside the shower for you, hands all over your body just to savour your scent as he licks the trickling water droplets from your skin. The second is he always has bedroom eyes, even across a crowded room he can find you with one glance, shooting you that look. Lust in a glossy wax beneath half-lidded eyes meets yours, sending tingles down your spine and directly to yours core, knowing exactly what he plans on doing to you the minute you're alone. The third, and most obvious, is his sex-drive. He is hard constantly, waiting for any given moment to pounce you. 
“Diavolo, here?” You whisper, not putting up much protest as his fingers push past the band of your panties to stroke your wet folds. “Hush little one, no-one will interrupt us if you keep quiet,” He whispers back between kisses to your mouth, his teeth taking your lower lip and giving it a sharp tug as he pushes a finger inside you. You moan in response, gripping onto the collar of his RAD uniform, spreading your legs slightly so he can add another finger. The ruler of demons woke up alone in bed on the first day of heat, storming out to RAD to find you and whisk you away, no one daring to question the mighty ruler as he pulled you into a empty meeting room and locking the door. Three fingers stretching you, your hand wrapped around his thickness already leaking with pre-cum. Pushing you down on the table, fingers pulled from you as he pulled your panties down your legs until they hung off one ankle. His hands gripping your ankles and pull you to the edge, spreading your legs wide and a thrust of his hips has him buried deep inside you. You cry out his name at the sudden thickness inside you, back arching off the table with finger nails scratching lines into it. He felt bigger than normal, pulsing with heat and need inside you as he ruthlessly thrusted into you. He thrusted in, pulled out, thrusted in harder and felt your walls already tremble around him. The foreplay and the sheer size of him bringing you to climax in seconds as you pulsed over him, legs trembling in his hold as he continued to thrust into you. “Shh little one,” He lets out a lowly chuckle to see you so vocal beneath him in such a public area. Freeing one of your ankles he removed your panties, leaning over you and putting them in my mouth in attempt to silence your moans. The grip on your ankles tighten as his pace only picks up, head thrown back in pure bliss as he brings you to climax once more before finding his own. Only instead of slowing after, he continues to thrust, still standing solid and erect inside you. “D-Diavolo!” You whimper, panties soaked from saliva as you try to open your heavy-lidded eyes, unsure if you could take anymore. “One more, I promise just one more,” He whispers, readjusting his grip and removing one hand to circle your clit. Tears falls from the corner of your eyes at the motion, legs shaking violently as the knot inside you tightens again, your third orgasm hitting you as he pounds into you. He thrusts one last time, groaning as he pushes as far as he can inside your squeezing walls to release himself. After a few breathless minutes, Diavolo still standing solid but finally letting you go back to class. He helps sort out your skirt, smirking to see the slick essence of mixed release spilling atop of your thighs thats leaked from out of you. “Now go be a good girl and finish your classes,” Helping to fix your messy hair and flushed face, “I can keep myself busy for a few hours but I’ll come back to find you at lunch, by then I’ll be quiet starving and you are my main meal,”. You walked out of the room, a heavy sigh of relief to see that it was still the first period and no-one would have heard you, or that that you missed much of class. Just as you made it to the room a hand tugs you back, Diavolo pulling you into an embrace, your panties he’d kept shoved in his hand. “I changed my mind, have the day, no the week (it was the month) off, I’m starving now so come back with me and let me have my breakfast in bed,”.
Can be very sadistic when in heat, he loves nothing more to watch you beg to be fucked. Heat is also when he lets his fantasies come to the surface, wanting to indulge in all of them.
“Again” His words sharp and crisp, ringing through the empty chapel.
“I- Forgive me father… I have sinned,” You repeat, unable to see Diavolo as your bent over the service table. 
“And what have you done as such sin?” The feeing of fabric presses against the back of your thighs, the edge of your skirt being pushed up to expose your laced underwear.
“I had- devious thoughts about you, dirty thoughts, lustful thoughts, sinful thoughts,” You reply, breath hitching to feel his hand curve around the globe of your ass.
“And what do you deem as fitting punishment for these sinful actions, hmm? I think a good spanking would do just fine,” Although asked as a question, it’s a statement.
“Please father,” You whisper, cheek pressed against the flat of the table. 
“Say it properly or you shall receive no help to cleanse your sinful ways,” Words as smooth as the devils bow.
“Spank me father, make me see the error of my ways,” Face glowing to hear the dark chuckle behind you, the palm on you now lifted. The sound of skin on flesh contact followed by a gasp fills the chapel, sharp stinging tingles against your skin. He repeats the action a few more times, each time growing in pleasure rather than pain and before soon your mewling at each one.
“This is supposed to be punishment little one,” He hums in disapproval, his other hand slipping under your underwear to trace along your slip, a low growl to feel you so wet.
“I-“ You start but cut off into a moan, two slender fingers thrusting inside you and twisting, sending your mind blank. He continues to curl his fingers grazing over the sponge patch inside you as he spanks you once more, the sensation matching your thighs tremble as you pant heavily.
“D-Diavolo please,” You whisper, needing more, the aching of needing to be filled with something bigger taking over you.
“Tch, do you forget who you speak to?” He teases, slowing his fingering movement, a teasing slap to the side of your ass that made your skin wobble.
“Father- please… please,” You whine, hands grasping the community sewn cloth beneath you. 
“Please what? I do not understand what you need,” He twists his wrist and you cry out in pleasure, unable to hold in the noises as your eyes screw shut.
“Fuck me, fuck me farther please. Please please, fuck me I need you so bad,” You beg, feeling heat within your stomach rise and tighten. Fingers removed causing a heavy whine from your throat, panties pulled down until they drop at your ankles, your knees wedged further apart by his thigh as you feel his erection pressing against your ass. A small trail of wetness presses against your cheek from his leaking cock, slightly ragged breath as he strokes himself to the glistening on your core in front of him, ready and dripping to be filled. He gives it a few more sharp slaps, humming in appreciation to see a slight mark of a red-hand print forming on your skin.
“Fuck me, please, however you want,” You whimper, trying to raise your ass as an offering to press his head against your core, “Please, please just fuck me-“. You don’t finish the last of the sentence, Diavolo grabbing your hips and mercilessly thrusting into you, fucking you to a greater level of pleasure upon the alter of the empty church. He repents your sins whilst adding a thousand more to the list as he brings you to multiple climaxes in ways that would make his own father blush. “Oh god-” You wither, body curling over as the pressure inside you builds more, tears falling freely like a streaming river. A raspy chuckle followed by the sound of intense sound of slapping skin, you’d came so much already each time he thrusted out and back in wetness collected atop of the altar before dripping onto the floor in a shiny puddle, “God can’t save you now little one, there is only me,”. The devil indeed fucking you to mind-numbing overstimulation.
Something primal is released within him to see your core dripping with his essence. 
“Keep them spread for me,” He coo’s, pushing your trembling thighs apart. “Diavolo… no more please,” You whimper, clit twitching at the air hitting you. Your body ached slightly, muscles set alight from the sheer intensity of Diavolos' heat this evening as he had taken you to the brink of insanity with the sheer amount of orgasms you had had. Over-sensitive wasn’t even close to how you felt. “It’s okay,” He reassures you, taking two fingers to spread your folds, eyes a blaze to see the beady white leaking from out of you, “Just stay like that,”. Still in demon form, his champagne orbs glow, fixated on the sight before him. He nestles between your spread thighs, taking his spare hand to jerk himself off to the sight. His hips bucking, growls spewing from his mouth as his eye’s never leave your velvety fold. The sight is self is purely erotic as you watch with beneath your thick lashes, it can’t help but make you wet, gloss of liquid dripping from you spurring him on more to see you aroused at his actions. You call his name, taking one finger to slowly circle your clit, over sensitivity and hips spasming at the first touch. You whimper highly and it takes only a few circles to bring yourself to climax, his earlier releases flooding from you as you pulse over nothing. He ravels at the sight, groaning louder and louder with his twist of his wrist, before finding his release, pushing the head of his cock against your dripping folds and coaxing them once more. 
Lucifer and Beel - Heat
Satan and Leviathan - Heat
Mammon and Asmodeus - Heat
Belphegor -Heat
Obey Me - Masterlist
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mysmegrace · 3 years
i recently installed mystic messenger again after like a month or more of not playing (was afraid of someone finding the game in my phone) , and it felt good to "see" the characters again , so can i please request headcanons of the rfa seeing mc after a long time ?
hello, that's completely understandable lol. i remember back in 2016 when i played it the first time around (i deleted it after the first bad ending and didn't play again until 2019 lol) and was worried people would look on my phone and see it. oh how times have changed lol. but of course!
RFA Seeing MC After a Long Time
yoosung kim:
you attended the rfa party during the last summer you had before going to college.
life was looking up for you.
you found an amazing boyfriend, started becoming independent, and got a good summer job.
things only got better when you found out you had gotten accepted to college.
only problem was that the college was in the US, and your friends and lover were in South Korea.
as much as you loved your new life here, you reminded yourself of your feelings before meeting the rfa.
how everything you created here would only be temporary.
but now, you didn’t want to stick to that anymore.
your life was going so well, and you knew yoosung wouldn’t be happy about you leaving to go across the globe.
however, it was too good of an opportunity to let it go.
this was what you were to planning to do for the last decade.
if you were to give up now, all your hard work would be for nothing.
you were incredibly conflicted, but eventually choose to follow your passion at college overseas.
and yoosung was frantic about it.
he wouldn’t be able to see you, protect you, help you, feed you, walk with you, the list went on.
however as he’s gotten more mature over the past few days, he knew he didn’t have the power to stop you, nor should he guilt you about it.
besides, he wanted you to pursue something you were passionate in and become successful.
some sacrifices would just have to be made.
that didn’t mean he would let you go either.
the two of you made a promise to call, facetime, and visit each other as often as possible.
you’d make it work.
so with much regret, you left to the states.
and when the holidays approached, you decided to bring yourself to him as a gift.
it had been months since he saw you at this point.
you both could enjoy the holidays together while relaxing.
it was a win win.
and what better way to carry out your surprise than by showing up to his front door at 10pm?
and that’s exactly what you did.
giving the door a good few knocks, you waited until you were greeted by yoosung standing in his unwashed pajamas, staring at you.
it took a few seconds for it to click who you are, yet once that processed, he was overcome with joy.
you thought it was adorable how his hands flew to his face as he began to pull you into a hug shortly after.
you were met with only parts of words as yoosung couldn’t explain his excitement fast enough.
and you were ecstatic as well.
you never realized how much you missed him until you were reunited with him again.
hence why after you two spent the holidays together, you found it incredibly difficult to leave again.
however with his encouragement, you went off to work your hardest so he could meet a successful you the next time you reunited.
hyun ryu / zen:
much like zen, you were an actor too.
you were a much lesser known actress, but you had began building connections.
and those connections all paid off when you were offered a new role in a movie that was predicted to be going big.
you couldn’t be more grateful.
yet as you began reading farther into the offer, your heart slowly sunk.
if you were to take the role, you would have to relocate to germany for the next 9 months.
you wanted this so bad, but you didn’t want to leave zen alone for 9 months.
he if could, he would join you in germany.
but he already had a role to work on in south korea.
as much as you wanted him to join you, you didn’t want him to give up his role he had been working so hard on for the past year.
you were conflicted, and knew it would be best to talk about it to zen.
not only to see what he thinks, but to ease your feelings.
and once you had the discuss about it with you, you came to a conclusion.
you would could, keeping in contact with him everyday.
though zen was heartbroken about it, he knew how much you wanted this and how much this would advance your career.
so with a heavy heart, he sent you off.
the moment you left on the plane, he was already longing for your reunion.
9 months never went by so slow.
when you were with him, there was never enough time to bask in each others love.
but without him, everyday had an extra 8 hours.
even though you were working 24/7, time stayed still for days on end.
yet when the production ended a month early, all your worries and stresses eased as you could finally reunite with your love in person.
without thinking, you packed all your stuff up once you got back to your trailer to get the next plane back to seoul.
you hadn’t even thought to tell zen until you boarded the plane.
too late now though, as you weren’t aloud your phone on the plane.
what an idiotic rule, you thought.
but perhaps it was better this way, as you could surprise zen with your return sooner than expected.
you gave into the tiredness that followed you around for the months prior, awakening to the speaker saying you’ve landed.
in your half awake state, you got off the plane and called for a cab.
it only took an hour to reach your destination, in which you got more sleep on the way there.
you thanked the driver before heading out, practically running to the front door.
you knocked, hoping to make zen believe you were only a door salesman or a mailman.
you heard some footsteps approaching behind the door in a hurried state, before the door opened and you were greeted with your future husband.
his expression changed in the speed of light once he quickly realized who you were.
you were met with a tight embrace, doubting if you could breath for a second.
zen pulled away not too long after, his excitement getting to him as he said “i didn’t think you were supposed to be home so soon!”
to that, you could only giggle as you admitted the reason behind your surprise.
zen was more than happy to see you home earlier than discussed before.
“this day is too important, we have to do something now!” zen said as he got dressed up to go out in the christmas weather.
with a small laugh, you agreed.
the rest of your day was spent going out to cafes and buying presents for the other rfa members.
and to your luck, the movie turned out a huge success.
not only in germany, but in korea as well.
things worked out for the best, you thought.
but one thing was for sure, you weren’t doing that again.
jaehee kang:
jaehee had brought up the idea of opening a cafe, to which you were 100% in on.
however, in korea you had to have a culinary certificate to own a cafe.
i dont know if thats legit or not i completely made that up
but if you had to get a certificate, you were going to get it in the best way you could.
and a college you had come across was perfect for that.
it was a good price and had a great reputation.
there was one problem however, and that was that it was located in france.
which was a 12 hour flight away from seoul.
you knew there was no opportunity like it, but you couldn’t stop yourself from being on the edge about it.
you didn’t want to leave your friends and family here for 2 years while you went off to another country on your own.
plus who knew if something would happen to you while you were aboard?
your concerns were slightly lessened after you brought up your worries to jaehee, and the encouragement she gave you was overwhelming.
she suggested for you to go for it and that she would hold everything down in seoul while helping the rfa in planning future parties.
on the upside, it would give her more time to save up more money for the opening just in cause it was needed.
with hesitation, you decided to go along with her words and study in france for some time.
you would miss each other, but you both knew it was what you two needed to ensure a sucessful future.
while you were aboard, jaehee would attend culinary classes in korea here and there.
you would keep in contact frequently, but never had the money to go back to seoul on holidays to reunite.
so once those two years had passed, you were out as fast as possible.
you loved france, but you loved your girlfriend more.
you hopped on the plane home, eager to see everyone again.
and once you arrived at the airport in seoul, the first thing you saw as you exited the plane was your girlfriend standing there, eyes focused on the doorway waiting for your arrival.
and once your eyes met, you were quick to run up to her while opening your arms to hug her strongly.
two years was such a long time to be apart, but all was well now.
shortly after, the two of you opened the cafe and were met with an incredible amount of support from the community and rfa.
now you were content to settle down in seoul with the love of your life.
jumin han:
you were very business driven, which jumin liked about you.
even having your own fashion company.
you were unlike many other women he had come across before in various ways.
but the downside to your business focused mind were your frequent business trips.
some would last a day while others would last a week.
though this recent one you were expected to take was unlike anything you had ever had to do before for work.
it suggested you stayed in china for a month as you worked out many business issues and proposals.
while your company had began trending recently, you had never expected this.
the first thing that came to your mind once reading the email was your husband.
you felt horrible when you had to leave him alone for a day, but a month?
you couldn’t even imagine how much that would hurt him.
however, this wasn’t something you could just refuse.
if you did, you weren’t sure if your company would continue standing.
and so later that night, you told jumin everything over wine.
how you didn’t want to but knew your company wouldn’t survive without it.
he didn’t know what to make of everything.
this came at the worst timing.
he needed to stay in korea for the time being for business, so he couldn’t join you in china either.
reluctantly, he supported you in your travels.
he understood your situation, but made you promise to call him every night.
which you had no problem with.
and so with a sad smile, you had left a few days later.
things were frustrating in beijing, but you at least had the comfort of your husbands voice to fall asleep to.
everyone at the office noticed jumins shift in mood as soon as your left.
yet without a voice of concern, things carried on as if nothing happened.
the day you were set to come back, jumin cancelled all plans to spend the day with you.
you needed to make up for the time the two of you lost, and you needed to rest in the comfort of your own home again.
thankfully, your company didn’t meet it’s downfall just yet.
in fact, it was now prospering.
saeyoung choi:
your day was going as it normally would.
well, as normal as a day with saeyoung can go.
yet it all changed when you got a call that your brother had gotten into a bad car accident, and the situation wasn’t looking good.
you didn’t know how to react, so many emotions and fears were overwhelming you.
you knew you were your brothers emergency contact, as he had no one else close to him in his life, so it was no question about why they called you while you were in seoul and he was in brazil.
but after learning about the situation, you quickly realized that you needed to get back to brazil as soon as possible.
they didn’t know how long he had left, and the remainder of his days would require for him to get help to do everyday things.
with your eyes barely spilling over, you told saeyoung everything.
you were met with a hug as he comforted you.
when you brought up the fact of needing to leave, he didn’t think twice before giving you his blessing (though he knew you didn’t need it).
it would be hard on him because he wouldn’t be able to join you as he was in an active mission, but he would keep in touch and make sure of your safety from countries away.
after all, he would do the same if saeran were in your brothers position.
the next day, you backed your flight to brazil, packing only what you needed.
your days in brazil passed in pain, as you watched your brother fight for his life daily.
until one day, his body gave up on him and he passed.
you were devastated.
you were on autopilot in public and breaking down in your hotel room when no one was around.
after attending your brothers funeral and a week of mourning, you began to book your ticket back to seoul.
yet in your state of heart ache, you didn’t realize the change in the countries health as the coronavirus started running through every town in the nation.
planes were unavailable and travel was banned.
now you were stuck here for the next 6 months, always hopping the next month would be better and you’d finally be able to go home.
saeyoung was on his toes all the time, not feeling the same without you.
and you missed him more and more as the days went on.
when the time finally came, you rushed to buy a ticket, though most people weren’t flying due to their fears surrounding the situation.
the plane was empty, allowing you to sneak your phone, sending a text to saeyoung.
“i’m on the plane home now” you typed.
saeyoung was overcome with joy to see your message.
though you had to isolate for 14 days, at least you were in the country and close to him.
once you got off the plane, went into isolation, and tested negative for covid, you ran to your shared home.
opening the door to be greeted with the same old smile that teased you every morning was a refreshing sight.
you ran up as he lifted you in a tight embrace, swaying you side to side in a wave of excitement.
after months of stress and anxiety, you could finally breath.
that realization alone was enough to make you burst out into tears of relief.
your feelings were contagious, as you saw saeyoungs eyes starting to water as well.
you were finally safe and sound in his protection, and that was all he could’ve asked for..
01:51 AST - 09/01/21
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freehawaii · 2 years
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SeattleMet - March 22, 2022
Waikiki was like a ghost town in the middle of 2020. Instead of sunburned bodies sardined on the Hawaiian beach or the high-pitched squeals from tourists as their feet touched the warm ocean, there was just the sound of the wind and waves crashing on the shore. For Starr Kalahiki, Native Hawaiian jazz singer and activist, those early quarantine days fostered healing—for both the land and the locals. “The response was immediate. The land was so, so happy,” she says from her blue-walled bedroom in Moanalua, about 10 miles northwest of Honolulu’s famous beach. “In Waikiki, you could smell the lipoa, you could smell the seaweed. You didn’t smell suntan lotion.” Two hundred miles away, on Hawai’i Island, photographer Kapulei Flores felt the same: “It was so nice to be able to go to the beach and not have to worry about if it’s gonna be crowded. Just being able to freely walk around your own community, your own ’āina, was the best part.” But for others, the change felt apocalyptic. Airports had no traffic; neither did the freeways. Streets weren’t flooded with people, hotels and restaurants were desolate. With tourism as the state’s biggest industry, Covid threw Hawai’i for a loop—and the islands already struggle with the effects of visitors. A 1973 Seattle Daily Times article proclaimed the 50th state an ideal travel spot for Washingtonians: “Hawai’i is a destination that has just about everything for the vacationer, from the high-rise finery of bustling Waikiki to the quiet scenery of the neighborhood islands.” In 2019, Hawai’i had a record year, bringing in 10.4 million tourists from around the globe—two million of those from Washington. Pre-pandemic, 170,000, on average, left Sea-Tac Airport for the islands every month. But when Covid hit, Hawai’i governor David Ige proclaimed a 14-day quarantine for all incoming travelers. The slightest violation of his restrictions would be met with a pricey fine or up to a year in prison. For those first 10 months of 2020, total visitor arrivals in Hawai’i dropped 75 percent, from 30,000 to less than 1,000 per day. Travel from Washington to the islands declined only 35 percent to about 730,000 for the entirety of the year. Though the pause in travel kept Hawai’i as one of the lowest Covid-infected states in the U.S., its unemployment skyrocketed, going from two percent to 20: “We went from the lowest unemployment to the highest in the whole United States in one month,” says Jerry Agrusa, travel industry management professor at the University of Hawai’i. Then quarantine exceptions expanded, allowing visitors to bypass it with a negative test. The pre-travel testing program led to the highest number of visitors since before Covid in just the first month, and nearly half of those travelers flew out of Sea-Tac. By the time 2021 came around, talk of a “hot-vaxxed summer” lingered in the air. Although Seattle logged record-breaking temperatures in June, nothing stopped Washingtonians from trading Golden Gardens for the North Shore. Yet visitors cheated isolation requirements, ignored mask mandates, and even falsified vaccination cards—one forger was arrested with a fake card that read “Maderna” instead of Moderna. As delta spiked, the state saw some of the highest case numbers they’d seen all pandemic and Ige pleaded, “Now is not a good time to travel to Hawai’i.” Covid cases and hospitalizations can be tallied and the number of tourists that entered each island can be counted, but it’s harder to determine a diminishing land. “How do you quantify ’āina that is eroding because there’s too many hikers?” says O’ahu singer Pōmaika’i Keawe. At Diamond Head State Park near Honolulu, a park coordinator counted more than 500 people on the trail one day last summer, despite Hawai’i’s social distancing measures. In 2020, Hawai’i Tourism Authority tried to remedy the tourist problem, announcing a six-year plan that consists of reservation requirements for state parks, conservation fees, and even educational videos that spread cultural and environmental awareness. The plan hopes to change the stigma surrounding tourism and challenge visitors, giving them a more authentic experience. Agrusa thinks the real problem is there are just too many tourists. Tourism has never been a black-and-white issue for Hawai’i. For many, the hospitality industry is their main source of income and is the main driving force for the state economy. But its effects are complicated. “Everyone equates Hawai’i with tourism,” says Agrusa, “but our real problem is housing.” It started with short-term vacation rentals. During the 1980s, O’ahu was littered with STRs. Visitors intruded residential neighborhoods and by 1989, the island made them illegal. But in 2019, there were still an estimated 33,118 STRs statewide, and they contributed to the shortage of affordable full-time rental homes. Some renters in Hawai’i spend more than 30 percent of their income on housing costs. Home value and property taxes continue to rise, pricing out many local residents who already struggle to stay in their homes. Still, out-of-state investors continue to buy up houses, condos, and apartments, especially in Waikiki. “We’re being uprooted for corporate foreign entities and companies who do not care about the land or the people or the effects,” says photographer Kapulei Flores. Struggles over land are nothing new in Hawai’i, nor are how they intersect with its tourism. Mauna Kea, the globe’s largest mountain, is a premier site for astronomical observatories—and a popular visitor attraction. It is home to more telescopes than any other peak. When plans for another observatory were announced, Native Hawaiians protested the additional intrusion on a sacred space. Kia’i mauna, mountain protectors, have been protesting the installation since 2014. “We are doing our best to preserve what we can so you can continue to come back,” says Keawe. “But you’re not going to have the same Hawai’i to come back to if you’re not helping us care for this place, and learn who we are, and why these places are important to us.” In late 2021, locals in the state’s biggest city were dealt another blow. As tourists worried about restaurants being open for indoor dining, 93,000 people couldn’t even drink their own water—it was laced with petroleum from the nearby Navy fuel farm on O’ahu. This isn’t the first occurrence either. Since its creation in the 1940s, the well has leaked 180,000 gallons of gasoline into Hawai’i’s drinking water. As mask mandates fell across the country, Hawai’i has remained the sole holdout with a statewide rule ending March 25. Two years into the pandemic, singer and activist Starr Kalahiki still has hope for a change in how outsiders affect life in Hawai’i; she imagines a world for both outsiders and Natives. “What I wish is that it would be understood how sacred this place is and that it would be honored as such,” Kalahiki says, crying. “I don’t blame the world for not knowing how Hawai’i should be seen. I want to share the beauty of this place with the world, but in a safe way.”
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silyabeeodess · 3 years
FusionFall Headcanons: Wartime Volunteers
While the Fusion Fighters as an army are widely recognized as the heroes taking on Fuse, no one can easily sit on the sidelines. There are a ton of volunteers across the globe who play their part in the war in smaller ways, offering the Fusion Fighters the support they need to keep going and helping ensure that there’s things left for them fight for.
Right from the start of the war, housing became a serious issue within the City and Suburb areas. Even if Earth's army had the time or resources to establish temporary barracks for everyone, the spread of fusion matter infected several locations where they would've been set up. Since everywhere on the planet can be called a dangerous war zone, it was also important to stay close to civilian areas as well, further limiting where each base would be planted. As such, people opened any and all buildings that they could to make room: Churches, businesses, public centers, and even private homes. While there's a vetting system, you'll find large communities where soldiers have moved in such as Peach Creek Commons and Sector V.  These homes are often owned by people who are fusion fighters themselves or have them in their families.  Beyond some small compensation, another advantage to this is that fusion fighters living so close-by means that there’s always someone to defend the properties from roaming fusion monsters.  
As mentioned in other posts as well, victory gardens have become popular to ensure that the army has plenty of rations available to them.  Some people cook or donate the food they grow for soldiers, others will use the gardens as just a primary means of their own household getting food to help keep other sources open.  When contact was re-established between Marzipan and the rest of the world during the second half of the war, there was less of a need for these gardens; however, many people would get used to having the small plots of crops in their yards even if they felt comfortable enough without them.        
Thanks to volunteers, the Fusion Fighters have a radio and media network similar to the AFN.  It’s unlikely to last beyond the war since it was kind of thrown together to begin with and the Fusion Fighters themselves are bound to break apart after defeating Fuse, but they’re really popular for the time being.  Several artists have appeared on the network, including Sunny Bridges, the Gangreen Gang, and Puffy AmiYumi.  Having access to the network has been a big boost for morale. 
Similarly, many artists will also perform live shows at some of the bases, the one in Townsville Center being the most common since there’s already a stage set up and the area is pretty secure.  Soldiers themselves are also free to participate in these shows.  
Medical experience isn’t really necessary when helping soldiers recover after they’ve been revived by the Resurrect ‘Ems, so the teams over them are mainly organized of volunteer field aids led by a small handful of professional medics and therapists.  Their main job is to offer what emotional support they can and ensure that the soldiers have rested before they go back into the field, seeing to it that their minds have caught up with their bodies.  It’s a comfort that helps bring soldiers back to the present when they can’t take a proper break away from the battlefield.
Neighborhood watches have gotten really active, tracking down bands of fusion monsters and organizing evacuation routes within their communities when the Fusion Fighters can’t step in.  This allows for large numbers of civilians to file in and out of an area efficiently if the situation there becomes more dangerous than usual.  They help keep track of each other and offer transport for people who can’t be easily moved, strongly reducing casualties through fierce preparation.
Like Bubbles and Numbuh Three, those who worry for their community’s wildlife help secure animals and near-threatened/vulnerable (at minimum) species of plants in a similar way--either temporarily containing them or moving them to safer environments.       
Fusion fighters can’t always clean up an area after a battle since they have to move on to the next one, so volunteers will often pick up the slack.  For places where fusion monsters come and go regularly, it can be a non-stop job. 
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tribbetherium · 3 years
The Early Glaciocene: 100 million years post-establishment
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A Red Sun Rises: The Phenomenon of Beta-Twilight
HP-02017 is a planet very much alike to Earth. Its atmosphere, gravity, continents and seas are almost identical to that of the world the hamsters's earliest ancestor once called home. Yet it is quite different in other ways: in one very conspicuous one, its sky is not graced by a single sun-- but by two.
The planet is part of a binary solar system: orbiting a yellow main-sequence star, Alpha, at roughly the same distance as Earth does to its sun. But another, smaller star orbits Alpha, much further out than the planet does: its companion the red dwarf Beta.
Beta is nearly half the size of Alpha size-wise, but it orbits so far away that it appears as just a tiny red-orange speck in the sky. It is very much visible in the daytime as a brilliant orange dot overshadowed by its far brighter partner, but as HP-02017 orbits only Alpha, there are frequent points where the planet is between the two stars: and it is in this time that Beta, alone in the sky once Alpha has set, floods the landscape in an eerie crimson light, much dimmer than the full day of Alpha, during the time called Beta-twilight.
The period of Beta-twilight varies throughout the year, as during the midsummer the planet is right in between the two suns, and true night is virtually nonexistent: as Alpha sets in the west the incoming darkness is quickly illuminated by Beta rising in the east, but in the opposite point of the year, Beta aligns with Alpha in the daytime sky, the two suns very close in the sky in midwinter, rising and falling together and leading to true night lasting a full half of a rotation, with Beta-twilight growing longer through the spring and gradually shortening in the autumn.
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And at times, Beta finds an unusual companion in the ruddy skies: the planet's two moons Pyramus and Thisbe. With Alpha's reflecting light on the opposite side of the globe, it is possible for either, or rarely both, of the moons to appear full or gibbous in the sky during Beta-twilight, merging their silvery white light with Beta's red and casting a truly surreal two-toned brilliance across this landscape so familiar and yet so simultaneously alien.
These peculiar celestial arrangement has not gone unnoticed by the local animals: indeed, many have adapted their behaviors and body clocks to take advantage of this unusual situation, unlike anything any life would have experienced on the single-solar Earth. Some species have evolved to be most active during this time, developing good color vision around the red and orange spectrum, and many species would evolve reddish coloration as camouflage to stalk their prey or hide from predators, or sharply-contrasting marks of light and dark that make them stand out in this time of day for communication.
Indeed, the dim lighting has especially appealed to crepuscular species that emerge at dawn and dusk, essentially prolonging these brief periods of subdued light. With the dimmed light reducing the activity of diurnal animals and nocturnal ones alike, this strange, no-man's-land, neither night or day, has brought out species dodging both their nighttime and daytime enemies and adapting to a partition of niches separated not by geography or diet, but by time. Species quite active during Beta-twilight include ratbats, especially insectivorous small flyers, a few hammoth species that migrate during these periods and settle down during the day or night, and the two-fanged daggarats known as the dark maulers, whose red-and black coloration helps them blend in well, and avoid competition from other carnivores more active in true night or broad daylight.
These phenomena would never happen on Earth, yet creatures once at home in that distant world have adapted and evolved in a world where two suns and two moons illuminate the sky above. With four celestial bodies bringing light to this planet, each with their own unique color and brilliance, nights are rarely truly dark on the surface of HP-02017.
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aurora-daily · 3 years
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Interview for We Love Nordic Magazine (September 5th, 2021).
AURORA is one of Norwegian’s most original artists today and is constantly on the international music map since the massive success of her song ‘Running with the wolves‘ in 2015, which was also used in a Vodafone-advertising in Germany. Since then a massive bunch of good tracks followed like ‘Conqueror‘, ‘Runaway‘, ‘Half the world away‘ or ‘Animal‘ from her so far latest album A different kind of human in 2019.
Now AURORA has just released her new – very danceable – song ‘Cure for me‘.
It is a club-song with a massive synth-chorus-melody and indeed a not so typical AURORA-song whereas she has done more clubby stuff in the past (‘River’, ‘Awakening’). The song is about the fact that many people think that there is something wrong with them when society tells them this. But it is all about the fact that no one needs a a cure because everyone is fine just as they are.
And she had the time to talk with us about it and more upcoming exciting stuff. So enjoy the conversation.
You seem so happy and confident about ‘Cure for me’, can you tell a little bit when the idea for the topic ‘Everybody is fine just as you are’ especially for the transgender community came to life?
AURORA: I actually wrote this song in 2019. I think I was on tour from Australia to Brazil and often I think a lot about things, I think about the world, things that are meaningless and things that are important. And there are so many things in the world so many of us disagree with – like the evil things, the bad ways of judging and shaming people for being born the way they are. […] The spark of the song is that it is so sad that people are being told that who they are is wrong and has to be cured. That they have to be cured for the person they are. It is awful to be told that by somebody…. And then I wrote Cure for me. But the songs fits well together with my new album, it is the only song that was written before the start of writing for the new album.
So was it just at the glimpse of the release of the last album?
AURORA: Yes, it was just after A different kind of human was released, step two of my last album. When I release an album I start thinking of the next album the day after. So Cure for me is a part of this album but I wrote it a year before I wrote the rest of the album – So it is very ahead of its time ;)
Ahead and retro at the same time – soundwise, How do you call the style?
AURORA: Well, it is very peculiar. It is very playful and the new album is very serious like all my albums, but it is very playful and has a lot of humor – more than a lot of my music before. And I had a lot of fun doing it. It makes sense in the theme of the album – it connects with the sounds because it has a lot of absurd things and chaotic things in it.
So we can expect some ‘strange things’ on the album?
And soundwise?
AURORA: I am exploring a few very different things and I have been very playful, and I had big fun. And it is very different – but Cure for me is different from the album also. But still Cure for me fits in it.
The sound has some kind of TikTok-style in it with the dancing…
AURORA: Yes, the dance is very inspired by the 1920s and also by Futterwacken, the dance that Alice in Wonderland dances. It is very inspired by history.
Did you do the recording with the same people as in the past?
AURORA: Yes, I made it with Magnus, the drummer of the band – we made the first album together, and me and him did A different kind of human together. And we did this album together, we made it here in Norway. […] We had a lot of fun.
It sounds that it is a more personal style of recording, not in a super-big studio.
AURORA: I don’t like that extra big studios so much, but I must have to admit that I rent a castle… but it is not a studio. You don’t need that super-big equipment to make music, just just need a few things. We put the most important stuff into Magnus’ car and we drove to this place and we stayed there in the Castle.
I need to be in different rooms when I record an album. The Castle is very old and it contains a big history and past and that is why it was just perfect to make this album.
That really makes us interested to hear the the new album!
And regarding the past: How did you came along the fact that Runaway has a big fame through TikTok?
AURORA: I didn’t know it at first! Some guy from Indonesia did that filter that people are enjoying to play around with to create a magical atmosphere or style. So I think it started in Indonesia but the Internet is random, it could have started anywhere. It makes some kind of sense also that people have let Runaway into their hearts in India and Indonesia because they we’re going through a lot of things with virus and Runaway has become something that they needed as an extra – if that makes sense. People needed a friends in Runaway.
It definitely spreads positivity around the globe, so it works! Do you plan to bring that spirit to the people with a tour or something like that?
AURORA: I will start touring in the next year – or at least that is what we have planned. And we will be coming to Germany as well. But we don’t have concrete plans of touring this year, so I will be staying in Bergen, which is nice.
Bergen is something special, especially regarding music….
AURORA: Bergen is funny – it is so small, all people know each other. It is hard to avoid any of us because we are all networking people. It is very nice it is a very good community here in Bergen.
Absolutely – and there are always popping new acts and musicians up in the music scene from Bergen. Do you have recommendations for new exciting music from Bergen?
AURORA: I would recommend Iris and Askjell and then I would recommend a young woman called Hannah Storm, she hasn’t released music yet but it is coming. They are all friends of mine and live here in Bergen. But I am lucky that I have so good and talented friends. And I am so happy because I think they are all amazing.
Thank you very much for the good talk and the insights.
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