#with part 3 for coherency and overall effect
nikikikiko · 7 months
hello it is 3 am today we talk about kid’s humanity and how it is vital to him being the way he is mainly by comparing him to the other two shinigami we see in the series. if u expect a coherent structure my excuse is that it IS in fact 3 am and i just woke up from my slumber
but Kid is a character who is mainly defined by three things:
1. He has a huge amount of skill and power alone
2. It is typically overshadowed by his need for perfection
3. He is human. He is also Lord Death’s son.
now, one of these holds seemingly conflicting traits: how can Kid be human if he’s Lord Death’s son? Well, he’s not. He says as much. He’s not human and he’s very easily able to identify this fact. So, how IS he human? How can something inhuman become human?
This , listeners in my walls, has an answer that can be considered very simple:
Lord Death INTENDED for Kid to be human. He intended for humanity to become an integral part of Kid.
At the time of Lord Death’s creation, we understand that inhumanity is needed to deal with immediate threats while humanity is still trying to thrive. This is showcased to us by how Lord Death creates Asura, deals with the Witches, and overall eliminates threats. He’s quick, decisive, and seemingly without any regret. Lord Death does what is best for humanity with a stern hand because that is his purpose initially: to be a present god for humanity, to light the way. Now a god is not, and never will be, human in the ways that they need to be. Especially in Soul Eater where almost all depiction of a god or god like character have them be inhuman in some shape or form. Eibon, Excalibur, the Great Old one of Power, and even Asura have appearances that can be considered monstrous: they are not human.
Speaking of Asura, I would like to call Asura a case of incomplete humanity in the wrong era. Asura is the embodiment of Lord Death’s fears culminated into a person, he did not grow up with a childhood, he simply just was. This, as everyone knows, has had a very negative effect on Asura and led to him becoming paranoid and yearning for power. He is an incomplete human who’s not quite god in the way Lord Death or Excalibur are, but not quite human either. But since he’s not quite human, Asura easily falls into morally wrong temptations to achieve power that would take some or most people at least a few more days of contemplation, and he does so without a drop of guilt or remorse. Can you imagine the absolute betrayal Vajra must have felt in their last moments? The horror and dread? The sadness that this is who Asura is? That it only gets Worse?
Now I mentioned Asura’s incomplete humanity but what exactly does that mean? In my opinion, Asura has some mechanics of a human— the shape to be exact and the general self preservation instincts of one. But where he fails at being human is how he operates. His own paranoia and fear drove him to madness yes but he acts in a way that feels logical to HIM. He does what feels best for himself in incomprehensible wonderland noise, the same way that Lord Death does what feels best for humanity. And because they are gods, they are correct at the time even if they are wrong eventually. Asura, despite having human-esque things about him, is no different than the other gods that walk among the soul eater world.
So how does this all tie back into Kid? Well, Kid is the reverse of Asura. Kid, rather than being an incomplete human, was made to be an incomplete GOD. Intentionally so, since it was the most logical thing to do to keep another Asura from happening. Lord Death created Kid to be an heir but he didn’t want Kid to become Asura 2.0 somehow, so he figured out that reversing the way Asura operated would do the trick. Instead of creating an incomplete human, he would make an incomplete god and that is the Kid we start out with in the manga.
This allows Kid to be human and a god at the same time, allowing him to learn humanity and understand it in ways Asura and Lord Death really just /can’t/. They CAN’T understand it, they simply just aren’t able to. Kid acts emotionally, he takes logical routes yes but he’s very emotional too. He can be impulsive, reckless, everything a human is expected to be. He has a drive to protect humans not because he simply should but because he has walked among them. Kid is friends with and cherishes so many humans, he finds the good in even criminals and that, in a new age where Humanity no longer needs immediate protection of it’s present god, is necessary now.
Kid can create peaceful solutions in place where Lord Death, who can only ever ensure the survival of humanity in a direct way, cannot. He can change and react and evolve in ways Asura cannot. He is human, and the two other shinigami are not. Not to mention, Kid is extremely indulgent in smaller human behaviors: we are shown time and time again that Kid has hobbies he has put time into like skateboarding and he will not hesitate to simply engage in his hobbies, but in comparison, we’re not really shown the hobbies of the other god characters. We don’t even know what Lord Death even does for fun, even though we know what Spirit does for fun.
But Kid’s also not human, and there’s no dissonance created either in this because he simply was made to be human. He knows he’s not human, he admits as much constantly, but he’s not broken up about it. He doesn’t feel disconnected from being a shinigami or from being human, he is both and he is what he is. He is what he was made to be, and his humanity is vital to make him who he is. Without that humanity, we’d most likely be left with something similar to what Kid became under the influence of the Madness of Power: a god determined to make the world into perfect nothingness.
But uh, this is all a 3am ramble ? so. take it with grains of salt LMAOO
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cloudmonarch43 · 16 days
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[ID in alt text, repeated below the cut]
My to-watch list is pretty short now and it's not especially satisfying to write about movies while trying not to say too much about what happens in them, plus I barely like Instagram anymore (where these posts are focused), so it'll probably at least be a while before there's another post like this. But never you think that I don't want to talk about movies!! (Oops, I never noticed I wrote the wrong year for Alien. It's right in the alt text because I typed it all first and then copied it down!)
Image 1:
Saw (2004) is a very silly movie that manages to stay enjoyable the whole way through. Aside from a few good bits, I didn't like Saw II (2005). There were too many characters, underdeveloped, so that even in context it just felt cruel to kill them off. I like engaging with the mechanisms of the games, and yeah the point of the games is violence, but the second movie felt like it didn't care about the game part. It made some good moves as a sequel, but the first one was a lot more fun.
Rather than telling me a story, Dirty Dancing (1987) felt like it was telling me about a story. I liked watching the dancing, and I liked the story that was being summarized, so I liked the movie, but it was strange how much of it just felt like information. Even though the plot was a bit convenient, the great variety of relationships made it feel like a genuine world.
The first time I watched I Saw the TV Glow (2024), I didn't know what I was in for; I kind of stumbled home in a daze of delight and sadness. Movies are such a capacious medium and I love it when that potential is actually used. It also feels good to watch something where the queer interpretation is not just a side effect yet it's still abstract and metaphorical.
We're All Going to the World's Fair (2021) is a super effective movie about watching other people's videos. In reviews I saw, I thought people credited it with a lot that wasn't actually there—only a place was set, which the viewer automatically filled. It didn't resonate with me as much, but I think it's cool to be put through the same sort of process as the characters.
[pencil sketch for Dirty Dancing of Johnny and Baby dancing]
Image 2:
Pretty much everything I wrote in my journal about The Sixth Sense (1999) is using it as a comparison to clarify other things, so I don't know what to say about it on its own. I enjoyed watching it.
After that I rewatched some stuff.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) is great. It really lets you sink in, and there's a lot to sink into, both visually and conceptually.
Blade Runner (1982) seemed more self-contained and a lot easier to follow this time through. I liked it overall but it's so bleak. I guess it's supposed to make me think about what it means to be human but "either you're a cop or a little guy" is the undisputed thesis statement I heard.
The Thing (1982) remains one of my top favorite movies (which is a list I haven't written, but "I Saw the TV Glow" is on it too). I hadn't even remembered a solid half of the great special effects moments because there's just so many.
Alien (1979) didn't work out as well. I still think it's a good movie, but it turns out a lot of what I liked about it was the suspense that doesn't hold up when I know what's going to happen. I know people love to analyze this movie but it's just not catching me that way.
Challengers (2024) is all about three random people I don't have any reason to care about... plus I don't care about tennis. It's not really my kind of movie. That said, it's just about as satisfying as it could possibly be.
[pencil sketch for 2001: A Space Odyssey of an EVA pod]
Image 3:
Pulse (2001) is really sad. What if the loneliness was never ending! It's a high quality, coherent representation, and then it just exists and there's nothing you can do about it. (Also it definitely should have been called Circuit.)
I watched Happy Death Day (2017) because I love time loops a lot. It didn't give me more than that, but it was easy enough to sit through. I think it could've pushed its concepts further but at least it didn't fall apart.
Of course then I had to rewatch Groundhog Day (1993), which I'd mostly forgotten, and I was delighted to discover that this movie rocks. It's efficient, covering a lot of ground without feeling distant or dense, and it really felt convincing.
Nightcrawler (2014) is brutal, unforgiving, and a great movie. Lou isn't a defeatable villain; he's a concentration. This movie refuses to lie, and that feels good even though the things it's saying don't.
[pencil sketch for Pulse of Ryosuke kneeling next to Harue, who is hugging herself]
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yeahiwasintheshit · 3 months
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since i watched luca guadagnino's suspiria (2018) a couple weeks ago, and loved it, i found out that dario argento actually created a trilogy after the success of the first suspiria in 1977, and named it the three mothers trilogy. the three mothers were 3 witches, and each mother/witch had their own movie. it was actually kind of an intriguing idea, so i rewatched the first 'suspiria' again, then his 2nd movie 'inferno' and i just finished the trilogy tonight with 'mother of tears'. bottom line is this trilogy is pretty terrible lol... story-wise at least. lol
like i really liked agento's suspiria, cause it was a sort of a technicolor nightmare. argento plays with lighting and color in an interesting way that pulls you thru a story - a story that is pretty light, and plot points that do not make alot of sense, but it doesnt really feel that important cause of the sort of dreaminess of the movie. it just all kinda works together. if without the lighting and color and score, suspiria would just not work... at all i think.
the problem i think with making a trilogy out of a movie where its style over plot, is you have to quickly make a coherent movie afterwards, and 'inferno' is as coherent as 'suspiria' is. which is not much at all lol its kinda obvious plotting is not really argento's strong suite lol but i have to say that visually 'inferno' is just about as visually beautiful as 'suspiria'. it uses color and lighting as effectively. but 'inferno' does not have the score from the band goblin, like suspiria does, and that seriously is to its detriment. it really shows what a good score can do for a movie.
so eventho inferno wasnt as good as the 1st one, it wasnt awful. now 'mother of tears' is awful. completely head scratching nonsensical weirdness. and not really in a good way. there were some interesting parts, but it was not shot with the visual flair for color and lighting as the first 2, or a score that stood out to me like the goblin score, so you kinda have the worst of it all. lol boring sort of normal lighting, and an illogical story, where youre like 'what?' & a kinda forgettable score. for most of the movie the characters motivations feel so scripted, like the only reason this is happening is cause it needs to happen for the next thing in the script to happen. it just kinda feels like a bunch of scenes tied together, trying to get to the end. and the end movie and end to this trilogy was also very dumb and anti-climactic.
also and this is just something i found hilarious, is that the 3 witches in the movies are supposed to be ancient beings, who come back to wreck havoc, and the witch in 'mother of tears' has such fake silicon-y boobs. like even I could tell. lol it was just a little distracting lol
so overall, suspiria 1977 was kind of lightning in a bottle where all the pieces work together - very well. color, lighting, score really elevated a fairly weak script. tbh, i really think the score is what really takes it to another place. cause inferno is pretty close to suspiria in color and lighting and story, but without that goblin score it just falls flat.
i dont know if i recommend the three mothers trilogy, but you should def see both suspiria movies, the 1977 & 2018 "remake".
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technicallywrite · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @envexenveritas, you're enabling me to procrastinate on writing a rather tricky scene.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Just two but one of them is sort of a song parody (about writing fanfiction, to the tune of Losing My Religion), not a fic. But the question says 'works' and... for better or worse, it's a work, I guess.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
393,520 across both works but the song is just 273 so, yeahhhh. That should tell you everything you need to know about my One Fic.
(42 chapters so far, in case you're wondering, including one that was a whopping 20k+ words)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Doctor Who, specifically the new UNIT gang, with heavy emphasis on the Big Finish audios in terms of sourcing story material. I'm basically rewriting the new UNIT storyline, centered on the developing relationship between Osgood and Kate Stewart.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I mean, if we're specifically talking fics, I have just the one. So it's my best fic and my worst fic at the same time, on any metric you choose to apply!
My Cosmos is Yours, aka Cosmos or sometimes Cosmosgate, has 297 kudos so far. Also, 30 bookmarks and 10,493 hits, in case that matters.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Do I reply to comments? Hah. Yes, yes I do. Religiously. Not always immediately, as sometimes I need a bit of time to digest them before replying; but I do read them all right away and I reply to everything eventually.
I welcome every kind of comment, from one-line "GAAHAHHHHHH" eructations to multi-paragraph analyses, rambles and vocal if not always coherent expressions of enthusiasm.
Funny thing, there's a bit of a culture of commenting that has grown around Cosmos. For reference, it has 1,194 comments (though half of that are replies from me).
Part of it, I suspect, is that word has got around that I'm pathetically needy for comments (I make no secret of it), so most of my regular readers have got into the habit of feeding me comments at every chapter, which is very lovely of them. And perhaps because there are so many comments on every chapter, some of the more occasional readers do also seem to find themselves motivated to leave comments, which is a wonderful effect, if true.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I haven't finished a fic yet so, no overall endings to speak of, but if I look across the 42 chapters I've written so far, Chapter 38: Endgame has got to be the most grim in terms of where it leaves Osgood and Kate.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hah well if we apply the same principle of looking across Cosmos chapters, Chapter 42: Life, the Universe and Everything has got to be the winner, with no fewer than three happy endings (one of them a double), if you'll pardon the phrase.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far, no. I occasionally get razzed by my British regulars for committing Americanisms (most famously, writing 'faucet' instead of 'tap') but it's all in good fun.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep. Though I've been told it's not actually smut, it's erotica, which is the best compliment I can imagine. It's all character-driven, and it's very necessary to the story (I say to justify myself). I won't put any labels on it; I'll just say that by intent, it's loving, it's very mature, but it's never unnecessarily explicit. Though it does get people quite hot under the collar, reportedly, which is very gratifying!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Well, I did pull in Malcolm Tucker from "The Thick of It" for one chapter, and he'll be showing up again because he's so fun to write. But it's not a zany kind of crossover.
I don't think I have any crazy crossovers in me, at least not at this moment in time; when I'm in the mood for that sort of thing I go to Lambrookmist.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I'd be terrible as a fic co-author. I've co-authored a technical book in my professional life and it went well enough (the book got published and we're proud of it) but I suspect it was a frustrating experience for my co-author. I'm very critical and I change my mind about important stuff all the time.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Osgood/Kate Stewart obviously. With a side of Gabrielle/Xena and Janeway/Seven. There may be a pattern there.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm like a dog with a bone, I will finish everything, eventually. Although with Cosmos, I can't imagine running out of story to tell anytime soon. It could take years. Unless I find a good stopping point and just finish + start a sequel. That's an option.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Accurate characterization, I think? I'd like to think I do a pretty decent job with pacing and balancing action vs. talk. Also my real-life scientific/technical background helps me write credible plot details for our two favorite science geniuses.
From a stylistic standpoint, I've been told my writing has a cadence and musicality that's very enjoyable. That's something I care a lot about, so, yay.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm painfully aware that I overuse certain phrases. And I overthink things a lot, so it takes me ages to ship out new chapters. Especially now that I have a full time day job again, which I didn't when I started writing Cosmos— long story for another time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
A few lines here and there can be very helpful when the setting calls for it (the characters are abroad, or working with people from different cultural backgrounds) but you don't want to overdo it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Well, I wrote a one-off Picard/Crusher ficlet in the late 90s, so I'm legally obligated to say Star Trek: TNG. But I never wrote anything else (fic-wise) until Cosmos.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Surprise, it's Cosmos!
In case anyone is curious, I'm about 1/3 of the way through writing Ch. 43, so hopefully it won't be nearly as long til the next update. (For reference, it took me three months to get Ch. 42 out.)
I think I'm supposed to tag some other writers now? Let's say @starfleetwitch, @kowarth, and gosh I need to look up some usernames. Will add those later. Got to go feed my family now.
EDIT: adding @colourmestoked04 to the taggees
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no-where-new-hero · 9 months
✣ Blake Wrapped: KDrama Edition 📹
Almost exactly a year ago, I watched Goblin for the first time and loved it, as I knew I would (I am so very much the target audience for that show it’s not even funny). And when I started retagging the gifs and stuff I had reposted from that time, I saw that I tagged something with “I’m not in a kdrama phase per se, but…” Reader, I lied. The kdrama phase was just waiting dormant for its moment to overtake my life. Here’s my rough ranking of what I saw this year.
#1: Coffee Prince (2007)
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It’s a little dated, but it also has worn tremendously well considering its contemporaries, and the bones are flawless: great writing with well-rounded characters, a gorgeously evocative soundtrack, a lovable cast. It has recognizable tropes (rich boy/poor girl, second leads, deceptions, etc) but never feels cliche. Also, it’s incredibly queer. Yes, the endgame of the main pair is happily heterosexual but the male lead works through a gay awakening and the female lead is basically non-binary. Even the second couple challenge gender roles in a refreshing way. I’ve only seen it twice because of platform difficulties, but it has compelling rewatch value.
#1’ : Goblin/Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (2016)
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This show is a masterpiece. It has its weak moments here and there (one dreepy song in the OST, the female leads could be fleshed out more, some of the mythology is spit and string), but it’s such a stunning production in the whole that you don’t really get stuck on that. The cinematography is some of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen in any piece of film ever, the instrumental music is unmatched, it engages with deep themes, and the interpersonal dynamics are gorgeous (I love the three-of-us-in-this-marriage feel among the mains). It’s also incredibly moving, especially in parts that you don’t expect. I’ve seen this five times and I’m still not bored of it.
#1.5: Tale of the Nine Tailed (2020)
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Considering how much I’ve yelled about this, you’d think it would be higher, and I think my overall complaint about it is that, on a craft level, it’s telling two stories: the overt story is an immortal romance, but the underneath story is about family and redemption, and that’s the story that’s the compelling one. Unfortunately, unlike the first two I listed, the theme and plot don’t always cohere as well as they could. That being said, the characters are top-notch, the cinematography and effects are great, and the atmosphere always feels just a little bit off to be properly otherworldly. It gave me my OTP and set off an obsession. I need to rewatch it and suffer all over again.
#2: Hidden Identity (2015)
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Of course, this drama is flawed, as viewers always seem to like pointing out, but I also did watch all sixteen episodes in less than 48 hours during a school week, which tells you something about its gripping pacing and structure. The episodes are, well, episodic, but the cliffhangers are fantastic, the various threads build well to the final boss, and It was also just a really well-produced show? The cinematography and fight choreography were masterfully executed, the cast really made the most of their roles, and the theme music was addictive. I was also, of course, watching it for the Plot (Kim Beom).
#2.5: Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 (2023)
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It’s hard for me to evaluate this objectively because so much of it was fan-service, but since I was the fan being serviced, how could I not like it? It lacked the chic sexiness of the first season, but it was full of sincerity and incredible characters making heart-breaking and meaningful connections with each other—the writing improved, thank goodness—and the mix of fantasy, historical drama, and western made for a really fun setting. I enjoyed the shortened structure of having only 12 episodes instead of the standard 16 since it seemed to hold the pacing to a tighter rhythm.
#3: Special Labor Inspector Mr. Jo (2019)
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Would I rewatch this? Probably not. Did I enjoy the heck out of it the first time? Absolutely. It’s a sharp, smart satire whose virtue lies in its breezy ability to entertain as a tall tale while keeping the themes and social commentary incredibly grounded. It’s amazing how a show with such cynicism could also be such fun. The cast was excellent and the plot deliberately uses familiar tropes of rich families, hired gangs, and love struggles to push through its message: Power destroys. Heroism is kindness. Sometimes all you need is one very angry and very tired gym teacher turned bureaucrat to make life better.
#4: Boys Over Flowers (2008)
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This should not be as high as it is, but there were moments I still haven’t stopped thinking about and want to see again, which means it must have had something going on, even though I’m not sure what it was. I could never tell whether it was being ridiculous and outlandish on purpose or the show runners really thought they were making serious television. Exactly two songs in the soundtrack were good, and you also had that theme song as proper paratextual warning, and the outfits were what conservative people probably thing Queer Eye is. I do see why people like it. It’s just the kind of liking you have to do while mildly intoxicated.
#5: That Winter, the Wind Blows (2013)
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This one was melodramatic to the hilt, but somehow weirdly compelling, both through the elaborate ruse that sets up the plot and through the outrageous beauty of the two leads. This is the kind of overdramatic and indulgent nonsense you sometimes want in fiction, especially when its gorgeous to look at. The male lead goes around in suspenders and nice pants looking like a 1930s gangster. His sidekick’s hair and outfit anticipates David Tennant’s Crowley by six years. The female lead’s disability was pretty sensitively portrayed. Sometimes that’s all you can ask for.
Bonus (movies): You all know my thoughts about Flight. Also going to mention Hellcats, which was absurd but also deserves full points for having a main character come out as gay for her best friend).
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tricoloured-cat · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KUNIKIDA! sorry guys decided to do this instead of what you wre expecting HAHA anyway
my top 5 kunikida cards from mayoi
based on a mix of strength, utility, art, and just vibes
NOTE: this is purely based on what Mayoi has blessed me with. that, unfortunately, does not include the Masquerade and Chinatown ones WARNING: barely coherent ramblings and lots of simping HAHA
5: [Harvest Moon]
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Oh the tears of joy I wept when I finally got this even after the event... how could I not cry? Look at it! Kunikuni with a bunny! AND it's animated! tho ngl not a fan of the animation
Art and concept aside, it's part of the top 5 because it's actually pretty useful. Decent ATK, one-hit-kill + azure orbs to omni, not to mention its leader skill reduces turns for active skill? Pretty good!
4: [Doppo Poet]
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A classic. His first SSR. But it really is good and I do use him a lot because of how strong his active skill is. 100% ATK and 100% marble force increase, and best part is it lasts for 3 turns! Not one I'd put as the leader definitely, but it's a great support for the rest of the team.
3: [Rainy Season]
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The first smiley Kuni card I have would be the [Resplendent Banquet] - and imo it's STILL the cutest sprite and skill animation - but aside smile I have to give it to [Rainy Season] for giving us a beautiful, colorful, and amazing leader of a card. I ADORE the skill animation as well, but this card isn't ranked higher because the active skill isn't that great.
2: [Year of the Tiger]
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I'm a big fan of the traditional stuff - better if it's got the traditional vibes like this one! The washed out colors, the composition of the main art, and just the overall concept is definitely in my taste. Another smiley Kuni (ofc) but more subtle and more of a proud type. I just LOVE this card because it has a great leader AND active skill. It's just not higher because I'm biased towards...
1: [Joyous Night]
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This is my second SSR Kuni ever and it's still my favorite to this day. I gave nearly all my moons then JUST for the art (card change one) because LOOK. He's SMILING. He's HAPPY. He's got his HANDS in his POCKETS. He's HOT in his SUIT-
No but seriously as a concept plus the colors and composition of the main artwork AND the cute contented sprite - I just HAD to get it. Thank you Mayoi for blessing me with this AGH
The reason why it's also one of my all-time favs is because of its active skill. I'm biased towards high ATK (150%) increase + something else, and that something else just happens to be "piercing marble" effect which is super useful. You could finish two waves in just two turns with this one.
3: Fish- I mean [Vivid Color]
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It's a strong SR. The leader skill isn't great BUT paired with other SRs its active skill is actually pretty decent. Also, fish.
2: Azure Ki- I mean [Tarot]
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Honestly, the only reason why this ranks higher than Vivid Color is because the art is *chef's kiss* HAHA The active skill is meh but at least the leader skill is good!
1: Fish again- I mean [Enjoying Nature]
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Great leader skill. Decent active skill. Man's about to enjoy his favorite hobby. Need I say more?
AAAAND that's it! My mini-Kuni tribute for today. Just looking for an excuse to gush about him and the amazing art dedicated to him... ugh I love him sm GIVE HIM MORE CARDS, BSD MAYOI!
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canmom · 27 days
NieR Automata Anime episode 13-14
previously: [e1], [e2-3], [e4-5], [e6], [e7-8], [e9], [e10-12]
After a long hiatus to get the production back into some semblance of order, NieR Automata ver 1.1a came back a couple months ago! And a new cour means new OP/ED.
For the OP we have Black Box by LiSA:
The video does more for me than the song here, a cool montage of scenes from Route C. Kinda huge spoilers if you haven't played the game but maybe it's less so without context lol. We have images of the Tower, of 9S and A2 fighting (really cool sequence; Shinichi Kurita animated the flashiest shot), and a few other significant images from across the game.
The real highlight for me though is the ED, Hai to Inori by Gems Company arranged by Keiichi Okabe, which features some really cool multipart harmonies and distorted vocals. The ED itself is a nice sequence with some of the flower imagery the series is known for, but they also made a music video for the full song which involves a lot of stylish robes, ominous architecture, and glitch effects as a group of hooded women perform a mysterious ritual involving candles. It's DoD3 as hell and I'm so here for it...
What's the deal with Gems Company? They're actually a virtual idol group consisting of nine vtubers, produced by Squeenix. I believe this is their first time appearing in an anime ED, and the music style definitely seems like a departure from their other work. I suppose it makes sense, given NieR Automata began as an idol group (the original YoRHa, assembled to make the soundtrack to DoD3), to come back around this way!
Episode 13: reckless bra[V]ery
The first episode of the new season starts with an extended flashback episode, in which we get the reveal that 2B is actually 2E an Execution type unit, designed to destroy 9S every time he knows too much. In the game this is one of the final reveals, which you learn in the Tower sequence. But it's a subject so thoroughly covered by the side material (e.g. Memory Cage/Memory Thorn) that I guess they figured it was worth exploring now.
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The frame story starts with one of the sidequests in the game, where you encounter an E type unit suffering a kind of guilt-induced breakdown. 9S figures out what 2E's deal is, and almost escapes his fate, only to be betrayed by his own Pod.
Notably, some of the action in this episode takes place in a location from the original NieR (Gestalt/Replicant), the temple near Façade where you have to do a bunch of 'clear the room without taking a certain action' puzzles. This doesn't really have bearing on the plot, but it's cool to see paintings of these zones.
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It's all a setup for 2B to kill 9S, but she hesitates this time, allowing us to get a long delayed scene where they discover Emil inside a machine lifeform in the ruined department store. Emil is really adorably animated, scooting off in a very cartoony way.
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Squash and stretch.
So, the 2E cat is out of the bag. Cutting to the present, we see Commander White declaring it's all finally over: she no longer has to order 2E to kill 9S, because it's time to end the war!
She's right, but not in the way she thinks.
Overall, good episode and a strong start to the new season. It may seem a little abrupt to reveal all this right after ending A, but it does a good job of rearranging material from the game and the side stories/concert dramas into a coherent arc, finally lets us see Emil, and sets up for the descent operation. There's also some really nice fight animation in the opening part of the episode, in which we see 2B and 9S really pulling out some moves to cut up the Machine Lifeforms together.
The puppet show is a skit about how 2B is finally saying 'Nines' now. I think they have some new sets as well.
Episode 14: Mission [F]ailed
We knew it was coming.
Commander White commits the whole of YoRHa into one massive attack on the machines. The Council of Humanity, for their own inscrutable reasons, let her hand out the YoRHa superweapons like candy and call in orbital strikes on the machine factories. The YoRHa put on their fashiest uniforms and line up.
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The 3DCG on the flight units is massively improved in this episode: they're now using a cel-shaded style similar to the way the machines are rendered and it makes a world of difference. The descent scenes, compared to the first episode, are night and day. They even add a new variant of extra wings on top of the flight unit, in case this wasn't matryoshka enough.
Compared to the game, the anime increases the scale of the final descent operation, showing us 9S commanding the scanners in a complicated hacking operation as the Resistance use big YoRHa lasers to blow up a huge army of Engelses in a scene that is, well, very Nausicaa...
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A magnificent mushroom cloud in the sky... No Anno to animate the explosions but they do a creditable job.
It definitely does a stronger job of selling the idea that this really is a planetary-scale battle with WMDs going to and fro; there's a bit of dialogue to explain why they didn't do this before (the machines would evolve to resist the weapons, but now they're trying for all out extermination).
But of course, it's going to follow the same arc as the game. There's some neat foreshadowing with 21O receiving visions of a red butterfly (also! we get to see 21O in battle! turns out the Operator units really have some moves!) before the Red Girls install the logic virus through the secret backdoor and all hell breaks loose.
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If there's one thing this anime does rather well, it's evil grins. They really are doing the whole 'switch to a deeper voice to be evil' thing a lot now, pretty much every time the Red Girls are on screen.
To really drive home the 'YoRHa going berserk' angle, they have a subplot in this episode on the relationship between Scanner and Battler units. Early on, we're introduced to a series of scanners, whose Battler companions are being rather... affectionate:
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The childish design of the Scanners is also underlined...
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The lore is that there were originally male units of all types, but after the M02 trial unit all went berserk and killed each other, they decided male YoRHa would only be Scanner types (except in the alternate genderflipped universe anyway... look it's a deep well). Why they're all like, teenagers? Well you see, shotacons are 2% more efficient in battle... idk it's just part of the doll imagery right? boys represent a kind of vulnerability, and for the story to do its work, yorha have to be kind of have a certain naive affect. (we do see an adult member of the resistance get mercy killed by Lily)
Anyway, the point of all this is (apart from underlining 9S's feelings towards 2B, which are perhaps most explicitly romantic in this iteration) to set up the logic virus scenes where they all start murdering each other! This is NieR, after all. We start pulling on the imagery of lovers' suicides, a recurring motif in JP fiction, as the dialogue takes on a possessive turn...
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Death death death! It definitely adds a dimension, even knowing the logic virus scenes are going to happen; another aspect is that 9S's scanner network is back-hacked and used to compromise the YoRHa, so we can add that to the stack of things that will drive 9S off the deep end.
More lore: the original prototype YoRHa No. 9 was the architect of the secret backdoor in YoRHa, after he discovered that the YoRHa androids are based on machine cores. He modified the plan so that the YoRHa would eventually be destroyed, to keep the secret that the humans are dead. So it really is all 9S's fault... sorta :p
All in all: a cool treatment. Next episode we'll presumably see how 2B dies. In the game this is an absolutely brutal sequence where you try to walk across the map as your systems slowly shut down and the screen glitches out harder and harder. Fascinated to see how they treat that in the anime!
The puppet show in this one is cute: it's based on the easter egg in the DLC where you fight the CEOs of Square Enix and Platinum Games in the arena.
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This is what it looks like ingame:
Cute to see that acknowledged.
Next up, despair!
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Enhancing Essay Writing Skills: Tips for Improving Clarity and Coherence
Writing an essay that effectively communicates your ideas requires more than just good content. Clarity and coherence are crucial for making your thoughts understandable and engaging for readers. Here are five essential tips to enhance your essay writing skills:
1. Clear Thesis Statement:
Begin your essay with a concise and clear thesis statement that outlines the main point or argument. This helps guide your reader and sets the tone for the rest of the essay.
2. Organized Structure:
Divide your essay into paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of your argument. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence and follow with supporting evidence and analysis to maintain a logical flow.
3. Seamless Transitions:
Use transitional words and phrases to smoothly transition between ideas and paragraphs. This prevents your essay from feeling disjointed and ensures a coherent progression of thoughts.
4. Concise and Active Writing:
Craft clear and concise sentences in the active voice to convey your ideas directly. Avoid verbosity and passive constructions that can hinder comprehension.
5. Consistent Tone and Style:
Maintain a consistent tone and writing style throughout your essay. A cohesive tone helps create a connection between different parts of your essay and enhances overall coherence.
By implementing these five tips, you'll be able to produce essays that are not only informative but also clear, engaging, and easy for your readers to follow. oughout your essay. A cohesive tone helps create a connection between different parts of your essay and enhances overall coherence.
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Now that I myself am in the process of writing my own fic for my AU I now understand how difficult it is to think of coherent world building. For example, do the Yōkai have a movie industry? They have recording technology, they should have one. Do they get movies from the surface? Are they allowed? Or are they just smuggled in? Draxum definitely watched Lou-jitsu movies. Did they see them in those spheres? How do they change the format?.
Don't make me think about technomancy, please.
But seriously, there's just so many moving parts to any society, it's so interesting to think about how they all fit together. And you will virtually never run out of things to think about, especially as you learn more about the world and why shit is the way it is.
The thing I've been keeping in mind here is that the Yokai world is very small. Literally, since most of them live underground with limited resources and they can't just expand however they want, but there's also just not a whole lot of them. I haven't put concrete numbers on it, but considering the population of NYC is around 8 million and the Yokai can't outnumber them or the humans would realize something was up, I've been assuming there's about five million Yokai altogether.
This is not a lot. Just pulling up some Wikipedia, that is the population of Ireland. New Zealand. Costa Rica. Not together; each of them have a population just over five million. For other Americans, I live in Minnesota, which is about 5.7 million. California has almost forty million people. Five mil is the population of Alabama. Imagine if every human on earth died aside from the people in Alabama.
So you do have to work that into your world-building. A big reason humanity has advanced so much in the past few centuries has been the dramatic increase in population-we're at eight billion people right now. We only hit one billion in 1800. We've gone up by 2-3 billion people in my lifetime. That's billions more people to feed, yes, but that's also billions more people working, studying, figuring out more efficient ways of doing things, moving our technology forward. That created a snowball effect as those extra people not needed for shit like farming and other low-level work were able to invest their time into making machines to help with the farming, freeing more people from their labor and adding them to the 'fuck around and find out' class, making advances in medicine, which meant more people living to fuck around and find out, and so on.
This happened in reverse with the Yokai. They aren't all peasants working in the dirt to scrape out a living because they have developed technology in the past that made gathering basic resources less labor-intensive, plus they have magic. They have universal healthcare and provide free education because they know from experience that those things are nothing but beneficial long-term. And Yokai do live longer than humans, so a highly educated citizen will likely keep benefitting their community for a few hundred years rather than the 50-70 years we can expect out of a human.
But...they still need some farmers. They still need teachers and baristas and primary care doctors, and their population is so small that there just isn't a ton of people left over to do shit like Draxum and Galois are doing. And then you add capitalism into the mix, which further decreases overall productivity because now you have people like Bella doing IT work to pay her bills and then numbing the pain of existence with drugs because she's way overqualified for a job like that and it's really not a job that needs to be done in the first place.
This is a very long way of saying that they're likely at a standstill in regards to developing their own technology and culture, and are probably in the process of being taken over by human culture due to cultural dilution. I doubt they have the resources to create Yollywood or whatever-Hollywood also really relies on the international market too, don't forget, (especially China, which is why so many movies have 'gay rep' that can be easily edited out-Chinese law forbids that) and with the Yokai's small population/need for secrecy, there just wouldn't be enough of a market to make high-budget movies worthwhile. (and they can't get away with charging exorbitant ticket prices because Yokai kids would just stream human movies instead) In my fic they do have some Yokai TV shows, but they're like...soaps and reality TV. Stuff that can be made on a really low budget, because that's all that profitable. They absolutely could not outlaw human stuff because so much of their society is human stuff.
Also keep in mind that since Yokai live longer, cultural shifts would probably take a lot longer. They wouldn't be outright hostile to change, (if you live for hundreds of years, like, you've seen the world change a lot with your own eyeballs, if you don't get over it and accept that change happens you're gonna have a real bad time) but they would take a lot longer to get used to it. A lot of Yokai still don't have televisions or computers because they're used to their magic glasses, and cell phones are just now catching on with Yokai teenagers. Draxum thinks his house is modern by virtue of having an electric fridge. (that he bought in the sixties) They have modern technology, but it's all mixed in with shit from different periods in the last two hundred years or so.
As for how magic systems work-that's the fun thing about magic systems, they're magic! By definition, they're not supposed to make logical sense. You can hand-wave a lot of shit that way. The only real rule with establishing magic systems is that you have to stay consistent with your ruleset. So say like for Death Note-the rules for the Death Note are well established and are an integral part of the storyline. If the L plotline was wrapped up because Light just wrote 'L' in his Death Note while picturing his face, we all would have rioted because that would have gone against how we understood the magic system. Conversely, if I gave Leo a piece of paper that killed people and just let him write 'goatman'-I mean, from a story standpoint that wouldn't be very good, but as long as I didn't call it a death note I could get away with it. If anything, I would have established a rule for how my own magic system worked.
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blrbaileys · 11 months
Mob Vote and Minecraft Updates in General
*Edit:* Warning - Extensive rambling with no through line or halfway decent structure
Idk, I need a place to put my thoughts.
The original mob vote concept was cool, 4 unique and honestly kinda challenging looking mobs, we can vote on which gets added. I'm actually a fan of Phantoms, despite them being a nusiance to most I think having flying mobs is cool and they should add more mobs that just fly about.
And I actually liked the follow ups where the mobs were tied into biomes because it wasn't *about* the mobs, they were just nice tie ins. But at the point we're at now they have to force us to be excited about the "features" these mobs add and while they are somewhat cool features, they aren't really much in isolation.
The Sniffer could've been much cooler bundled with an extensive update to say, the Jungle or Desert biomes, or an actually interesting archeology update.
Or in the Glow Squid case, its a weird single use feature, they could have easily bundled the glowing sign effect into Glowstone Dust.
None of this is to say adding more mobs is the wrong choice, I think the opposite, we need more mobs which just, don't have features attached.
Ambient mobs, fireflys, birds flying overhead, snakes in the Desert, rats around structures, more variety in the oceans (actual variety, the differnt combos of Tropical Fish are a nice touch, but the mob is the same regardless)
Then as you do updates, you can add features to them where it makes sense, but tying the feature to the mob from the get go and then forcing a vote on it just means less features in the long run. And I'm not unaware as to why they do it this way, the mob vote gets people talking, I mean I'm talking about it right now so I guess I'm not helping but whatever at this point we are half way through the vote anyway.
The chatter, even that against the mob vote conceptually pushes Minecraft into our feeds, even the BBC are reporting on Minecraft LIVE and the mob vote cause its a story now.
I will say on a slightly other note, the whole "modders can make this in one day argument" is kinda flat. Modders usually have to make it for one version in one language on one platform. Mojang have to consider localisation, cross-compatibility, actually conceptualising the mob idea, etc. That's not to say Modders aren't incredibly hard working, they usually are, but if you're looking to call Mojang lazy I wouldn't do it based off just that.
This is already a long af post with little coherency but we're rolling with it.
I think really what I want to see, as a player since like, 2012, is Mojang just to make bolder moves in regards to the updates. I want them to change core gameplay mechanics and just, see what happens. And yeah last time was 1.9 and it divided the community into two distinct parts that exist today but we need something like that alongside 2 new wood types.
In regards to recent/planned changes to villagers and the netherite upgrade template, its clear they are trying to lengthen the "midgame" of Minecraft to capitalize on how most people play (that being they have a 2-3 week fixation on the game each year and then stop) This sucks, don't strech your midgame, extend your endgame.
Add more powerful mobs in a new dimension, make a place where even netherite armour feels like iron. I have no doubt it'd be a nightmare for new players so make it difficult to get to (like the totally-not-a-portal-frame in the ancient citys) make the overall gameplay loop of Minecraft longer.
I'm going to stop here for now, if I'm bored/procrastinating studies enough I should actually format some of these thoughts into something.
Anyway, boycott the mob vote, its unlikely to do anything, they truly don't have to care, but people made posters and played Poor Mans Poison over them, can you really still vote after that?
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A Comprehensive Guide to SIBM Pune Selection Criteria for 2024
If you're eyeing a future at one of India’s premier business schools, understanding the SIBM Pune selection criteria is essential. The Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune, is renowned for its rigorous admissions process, which ensures that only the most deserving candidates make it through. This guide will walk you through the key elements of the selection criteria for 2024, giving you a clear roadmap to enhance your chances of admission.
1. Entrance Exam: SNAP
The SIBM Pune selection criteria is the gateway to SIBM Pune. Conducted annually, this exam assesses your quantitative, analytical, and verbal skills. To be considered for admission, you must achieve a competitive score on SNAP. It's crucial to prepare thoroughly, as your SNAP score is the first filter in the selection process.
2. Academic Performance
Your academic background plays a significant role in the SIBM Pune selection criteria. The institute looks for candidates with a strong academic track record. Typically, SIBM Pune expects a minimum of 50% in your undergraduate degree (45% for SC/ST candidates). While academic performance alone doesn’t guarantee admission, it is an important component of the overall evaluation.
3. Group Exercise (GE)
After clearing the SNAP exam, shortlisted candidates are invited to participate in a Group Exercise (GE). This exercise evaluates your teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving skills. It’s designed to simulate real-world business scenarios where you need to collaborate and contribute effectively. Perform well in this segment to strengthen your application.
4. Personal Interview (PI)
The Personal Interview (PI) is a crucial part of the selection process. Here, the panel assesses your communication skills, personality, and fit for the program. Be prepared to discuss your academic achievements, work experience (if any), and future goals. The PI is your chance to showcase your passion for business and demonstrate why you are a perfect fit for SIBM Pune.
5. Written Ability Test (WAT)
In addition to GE and PI, you may also be required to take a Written Ability Test (WAT). This test measures your writing skills and ability to articulate your thoughts coherently. It usually involves writing an essay on a given topic, reflecting your analytical abilities and thought process.
6. Work Experience
While work experience is not mandatory, it can enhance your profile. SIBM Pune values candidates with relevant work experience, as it adds practical insights to academic knowledge. If you have work experience, highlight it in your application to stand out from other candidates.
7. Diversity Factors
SIBM Pune also considers diversity factors, including academic background and geographical location. The institute aims to build a diverse cohort of students, which enriches the learning experience. Emphasize any unique aspects of your background that contribute to this diversity.
8. Final Selection
The final selection at SIBM Pune is based on a cumulative assessment of your SNAP score, GE, PI, WAT, academic performance, and any additional factors. The admissions committee evaluates your overall profile to ensure that you align with the institute’s standards and values.
Understanding the SIBM Pune selection criteria for 2024 is key to crafting a successful application. Focus on excelling in the SNAP exam, preparing thoroughly for GE and PI, and showcasing your academic and professional strengths. With thorough preparation and a strategic approach, you can increase your chances of becoming a part of this prestigious institution. Good luck with your admission journey!
By following these guidelines, you’ll be well-prepared to meet the SIBM Pune selection criteria and embark on a rewarding academic journey.
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engrammonline · 26 days
Starting Out with IELTS: Key Steps for Beginners
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The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a crucial step for many seeking to study, work, or migrate to English-speaking countries. If you’re just starting your IELTS preparation journey, the process might seem overwhelming. Don’t worry! With a structured approach, you can navigate your way to a high score. Here’s a comprehensive guide for beginners on where to start:
Understand the IELTS Format The first step in your preparation is to familiarize yourself with the IELTS test format. The IELTS is divided into four sections: Listening: 4 sections, 40 items. Reading: 3 sections, 40 items. Writing: 2 tasks. Speaking: 3 parts. Each section has its own format and types of questions, so knowing what to expect will help you better prepare.
Determine Your Current English Level Assess your current English proficiency to gauge where you stand. You can do this through: Practice Tests: Take a full-length practice test to understand your strengths and weaknesses. Online Quizzes: Many websites offer free quizzes to test your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. English Proficiency Tests: Tools like the Cambridge English tests can give you a rough idea of your level.
Set Realistic Goals Based on your current level and the requirements of your target institution or immigration program, set clear and achievable goals. For instance, if you need an overall band score of 7, break this down into the required scores for each section.
Gather Study Materials Invest in reputable study materials, including: IELTS Preparation Books: Books like “The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS” and “Barron’s IELTS Superpack” offer comprehensive coverage. Online Resources: Websites such as the British Council, IDP, and Cambridge offer free practice materials and sample questions. Apps and Online Courses: Apps like IELTS Prep and online platforms such as Magoosh provide interactive learning experiences.
Develop a Study Plan Create a structured study plan that allocates time for each section of the IELTS: Listening: Practice listening to different English accents and note down key information. Reading: Develop skimming and scanning techniques. Read a variety of texts to improve your comprehension. Writing: Practice writing essays and reports. Focus on task achievement, coherence, and grammatical accuracy. Speaking: Engage in regular conversations in English, practice common IELTS speaking topics, and record yourself to evaluate your fluency and pronunciation.
Practice Regularly Consistency is key. Set aside dedicated time each day or week for IELTS preparation. Regular practice helps build familiarity with the test format and improves your skills.
Join Study Groups or Classes Consider joining an IELTS preparation class or study group. Group learning can provide motivation, access to expert advice, and additional resources. You can find classes at local language schools or online.
Take Care of Your Well-being Preparation can be intense, so it’s important to take care of your physical and mental health. Get enough sleep, eat well, and take breaks to stay focused and energized.
Simulate Exam Conditions Closer to your test date, take full-length practice tests under timed conditions. This will help you manage your time effectively and reduce test-day anxiety.
Review and Adjust Regularly review your progress and adjust your study plan as needed. Focus on areas where you’re struggling and seek feedback from teachers or peers.
Conclusion Preparing for the IELTS as a beginner can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can become a manageable and even enjoyable process. By understanding the test format, assessing your skills, setting goals, and practicing regularly, you can build confidence and improve your chances of achieving a high score. Remember, consistency and perseverance are key. Good luck with your IELTS preparation!
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newbrain55 · 30 days
Post-Production Services: The Complete Guide for Filmmakers and Content Creators
In the fast-paced world of media and entertainment, post-production services play a critical role in transforming raw footage into polished, market-ready content. Whether you're an independent filmmaker, a corporate content creator, or a marketing professional, understanding the nuances of post-production is key to producing high-quality videos that engage your audience. From editing and color correction to sound design and visual effects (VFX), the post-production phase can make or break your project. In this article, we'll dive deep into the various aspects of post-production, the services offered, and why they are essential for delivering outstanding content.
What is Post-Production?
Post-production refers to the phase of video production that comes after filming or shooting has wrapped. It involves a series of processes aimed at refining, enhancing, and finalizing the video, so it aligns with the director's vision and the intended messaging. While many think of post-production as simply editing, it’s a broad term that encompasses a variety of tasks that help bring a project to life.
Key Stages in the Post-Production Process
The post-production process can be broken down into several stages. Each stage is crucial for achieving a final product that meets high-quality standards. Below are the primary stages involved in post-production:
1. Video Editing
The most well-known aspect of post-production is video editing. This process involves selecting, trimming, and assembling footage in a coherent sequence to tell the intended story. Editors work closely with directors to choose the best takes, arrange them, and add transitions to ensure smooth scene flow. Video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and DaVinci Resolve are commonly used tools in this stage.
2. Color Correction and Grading
Color correction and grading ensure that your video looks visually consistent and appealing. Color correction involves adjusting the colors in the footage so that they appear natural and accurate. This includes balancing exposure, contrast, saturation, and fixing color shifts. Color grading, on the other hand, is an artistic process where the color palette is stylized to create a specific mood or aesthetic. Grading can significantly enhance the overall tone and feel of your video, whether you’re aiming for a warm, nostalgic vibe or a cool, modern look.
3. Sound Design and Audio Mixing
Audio plays an equally important role in storytelling. Sound design involves adding sound effects, ambient noise, and Foley sounds to enrich the auditory experience. Audio mixing balances dialogue, music, and sound effects, ensuring that each element is clear and cohesive. A professional mix can make a huge difference, preventing any distractions from poor audio quality that could take viewers out of the immersive experience.
4. Visual Effects (VFX)
Visual effects, or VFX, are digitally-created enhancements or manipulations that are added during post-production. This can range from simple tasks like removing unwanted objects from a scene to complex CGI (Computer Generated Imagery). High-quality VFX can transport your audience into fantastical worlds, simulate environments, or create spectacular action scenes that would be impossible to achieve practically.
5. Motion Graphics and Animation
Adding motion graphics and animations is another critical part of post-production, especially in marketing, explainer videos, and documentaries. Motion graphics include kinetic text, animated logos, or info graphics that provide information engagingly. Animations can also be integrated to visualize ideas, especially when the content involves abstract or data-heavy topics.
6. Titling and Subtitling
Titles, lower thirds, and end credits are essential elements for video content. Subtitling, especially for global audiences, ensures that your video is accessible and comprehensible to a wider demographic. Proper titling and subtitling are not just about translating language; it’s also about ensuring the text is synchronized, correctly formatted, and visually consistent with the rest of the content.
7. Rendering and Exporting
After all the individual elements have been edited, color-graded, and mixed, the video is ready for rendering. Rendering is the process where all layers and edits are processed into a final output file. The video is then exported in a format suitable for its intended distribution platform, whether it’s for streaming, social media, broadcast television, or cinema.
8. Quality Control (QC)
Quality control is a meticulous process where the final video is reviewed for any errors, glitches, or inconsistencies that might have been overlooked. This includes checking for frame accuracy, audio syncing, and overall consistency. Any issues identified are corrected before the video is delivered to the client or audience.
The Importance of Professional Post-Production Services
You might wonder why it’s necessary to invest in professional post-production services. The answer lies in the quality, efficiency, and creative depth that experts bring to the table. Here are some reasons why professional post-production is indispensable:
1. Expertise and Creativity
Post-production professionals have honed their skills through years of experience and training. Their expertise ensures that every aspect of your video, from editing and color grading to sound design, meets industry standards. Additionally, their creative input can enhance your project in ways you might not have imagined.
2. Time Efficiency
Editing and refining a video can be incredibly time-consuming, especially without the right tools or experience. Professional post-production services save you valuable time by taking care of the complex tasks while ensuring the highest quality output.
3. Access to Advanced Tools and Technology
Post-production studios have access to the latest software, hardware, and technologies that may be out of reach for individuals or small businesses. This technology allows them to perform advanced color grading, high-end VFX, and seamless audio mixing that would be difficult to achieve otherwise.
4. Consistency and Precision
Maintaining visual and audio consistency across all scenes is critical for creating a professional-looking video. Post-production experts have the keen eye required to ensure that your video maintains a consistent tone and style throughout.
Types of Post-Production Services Available
Post-production services vary depending on the needs of your project. Here are some of the most common types of services offered by post-production houses:
1. Editorial Services
Editorial services include everything related to the cutting, arranging, and polishing of video footage. This is where the raw content is turned into a cohesive narrative.
2. Sound Design and Audio Services
Audio services involve editing dialogue, mixing soundtracks, adding sound effects, and creating a balanced sound environment that enhances the viewing experience.
3. VFX and CGI
If your project requires digital effects or animation, VFX services can help create stunning visuals that add depth and realism to your project.
4. Color Grading and Correction
Professional colorists offer detailed color correction and grading to ensure your video has a visually appealing and consistent look.
5. Motion Graphics and Animation
From simple lower-thirds to full-scale animated sequences, motion graphics services provide the animation expertise needed for modern, dynamic content.
6. Titling and Subtitling
This service includes designing stylish titles, lower-thirds, and creating accurate subtitles that sync perfectly with your video.
7. Delivery and Distribution
Post-production services often extend to file preparation for various platforms, ensuring your content is optimized whether it’s for YouTube, social media, or large-screen projection.
How to Choose the Right Post-Production Partner
Selecting the right post-production service provider is crucial for achieving your desired outcome. Here are some tips for finding the perfect partner:
1. Evaluate Their Portfolio
Look for a post-production company with a portfolio that aligns with your project’s style and scope. A diverse portfolio showcases their ability to handle different genres, formats, and challenges.
2. Check Their Expertise and Specializations
Some studios specialize in certain areas like VFX, color grading, or sound design. Depending on your project’s needs, choose a partner with the right specialization.
3. Consider Their Workflow and Communication
Efficient communication and a transparent workflow are essential in post-production. Make sure your chosen partner has clear processes and is responsive to your feedback.
4. Budget and Timelines
While budget is always a concern, remember that quality post-production services are an investment. Clarify costs upfront and ensure they can meet your deadlines without compromising quality.
Post-production is the backbone of any successful video project, transforming raw footage into a polished final product that resonates with audiences. Whether it’s editing, color grading, sound design, or VFX, each element of post-production plays a vital role in telling your story effectively. By investing in professional post-production services, you not only elevate the quality of your content but also ensure that your project meets industry standards and exceeds audience expectations.
In a world where video content dominates, understanding the value of post-production and partnering with the right experts can make all the difference
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nitiemily · 1 month
Maximize Performance with Customized Embedded Software Solutions
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In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, performance is everything. For businesses looking to harness the full potential of their systems, customized embedded software solutions offer a powerful way to achieve top performance. Whether you're developing smart devices, industrial machinery, or consumer electronics, tailor-made embedded software can make a significant difference. Here’s how you can maximize performance with these solutions, ensuring your systems are both efficient and effective.
The Power of Customization
Generic software solutions may seem convenient, but they often fall short when it comes to specific needs. Customized embedded software, on the other hand, is designed with your unique requirements in mind. By focusing on the particular demands of your system, customized solutions can optimize performance and enhance functionality.
1. Enhanced Efficiency
Custom embedded software solutions are crafted to align perfectly with your hardware. This means that the software can be fine-tuned to make the best use of available resources, minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency. Whether it's managing power consumption or improving processing speed, a tailored approach ensures that every aspect of your system works in harmony.
2. Improved Reliability
When software is customized, it can be developed with specific error-checking mechanisms and fail-safes relevant to your application. This leads to increased system reliability and reduced downtime. In critical applications, such as medical devices or industrial control systems, reliability is not just a preference—it’s a necessity.
3. Scalability and Flexibility
As your business evolves, so do your software needs. Customized solutions can be designed with scalability in mind, allowing for easy updates and adjustments as requirements change. This flexibility ensures that your system can grow with your business without the need for a complete overhaul.
Key Benefits of Customized Embedded Software
1. Tailored Performance Optimization
One of the primary advantages of customized embedded software is the ability to optimize performance specifically for your application. Off-the-shelf solutions might not utilize the full capabilities of your hardware, but custom solutions can be optimized to exploit every feature, ensuring peak performance.
2. Integration and Compatibility
Custom software solutions can be designed to integrate seamlessly with existing systems and components. This ensures compatibility and smooth operation across various parts of your technology stack, reducing the risk of conflicts and enhancing overall system coherence.
3. Enhanced Security
In an era where cybersecurity is paramount, custom solutions can offer superior security features tailored to your specific vulnerabilities. By addressing unique security challenges and incorporating robust encryption and authentication measures, customized software can help protect your data and system integrity.
4. User Experience
A tailored software solution can significantly enhance the user experience. By focusing on the specific needs and preferences of end-users, customized software can offer intuitive interfaces and streamlined functionalities that are not possible with generic solutions.
Implementing Customized Solutions
1. Assess Your Needs
The first step in implementing a customized embedded software solution is to conduct a thorough assessment of your needs. This involves understanding the specific requirements of your hardware, the tasks it needs to perform, and the challenges you face. This assessment will guide the development process and ensure that the final product meets your expectations.
2. Collaborate with Experts
Developing customized embedded software is a complex task that requires specialized knowledge. Collaborating with experienced software developers who understand embedded systems is crucial. They can provide valuable insights, recommend best practices, and help navigate the technical aspects of the development process.
3. Test and Iterate
Once your custom software is developed, it’s essential to thoroughly test it in real-world conditions. This testing phase allows you to identify any issues or areas for improvement. Iterative testing and refinement ensure that the final solution is robust, reliable, and ready for deployment.
4. Stay Updated
Technology is constantly evolving, and so should your software. Regular updates and maintenance are necessary to keep your system running smoothly and securely. Custom software solutions can be designed with built-in update mechanisms to ensure that you stay current with the latest advancements.
The Future of Customized Embedded Software
The future of embedded systems is bright, with continued advancements in technology offering new possibilities for customized solutions. As industries become more reliant on smart devices and interconnected systems, the demand for tailored software solutions will grow. Embracing these advancements and investing in custom solutions can give you a competitive edge, ensuring that your systems remain at the forefront of innovation.
In summary, maximizing performance with customized embedded software solutions involves leveraging tailored features and optimizations to enhance efficiency, reliability, and user experience. By understanding your specific needs and collaborating with experts, you can develop solutions that not only meet but exceed your expectations. As technology continues to advance, staying ahead with custom solutions will ensure that your systems are always performing at their best.
To Know More About embedded software
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zenbenefiel · 2 months
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Mastering Managerial Accounting Assignments: Three Simple Steps for Top Grades
Managerial accounting assignments can be challenging, but with the right approach, they can also be an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding and analytical skills. Whether you're dealing with budgeting, cost analysis, or financial decision-making, following a structured method can help you excel. Here are three simple yet effective steps to follow while working on your managerial accounting assignments, ensuring that you achieve the best grades possible.
Step 1: Understand the Assignment Requirements
The first and most crucial step in any academic task is understanding the assignment's requirements. This means carefully reading the instructions, identifying key objectives, and clarifying any uncertainties with your instructor. In managerial accounting, assignments often involve complex scenarios that require a thorough analysis.
Read and Re-read the Instructions: Begin by carefully reading the assignment brief. Look for specific requirements such as the format, length, and any particular areas of focus. It's essential to understand whether the task is asking for a report, a case study, or a set of calculations.
Identify Key Concepts and Topics: Managerial accounting covers a broad range of topics, from cost behavior and budgeting to performance measurement and decision-making. Identify which concepts are central to your assignment and ensure you understand them well. This might involve reviewing class notes, textbooks, or online resources.
Clarify Doubts Early: If any part of the assignment is unclear, don't hesitate to ask your instructor or peers for clarification. It's better to address uncertainties early than to proceed with a flawed understanding. Sometimes, consulting additional resources or seeking "Managerial Accounting Assignment Help" can provide the clarity you need to tackle the assignment confidently.
Step 2: Conduct Thorough Research and Data Analysis
Once you clearly understand the assignment, the next step is to gather and analyze relevant data. Managerial accounting assignments often require you to analyze financial data, make forecasts, or assess various managerial scenarios.
Gather Relevant Data: Depending on the assignment, this could involve collecting financial statements, market data, or operational statistics. Ensure the data you use is current and relevant to the task at hand. If your assignment involves hypothetical scenarios, use realistic data to make your analysis credible.
Use Appropriate Analytical Tools: Managerial accounting involves various analytical tools and techniques, such as variance analysis, break-even analysis, and budgeting. Choose the appropriate methods for your assignment and apply them accurately. Be meticulous in your calculations, as accuracy is critical in accounting.
Interpret Data Effectively: Beyond the numbers, your assignment should demonstrate an ability to interpret and make decisions based on data. Explain the implications of your findings, how they relate to the company's overall strategy, and any recommendations you have. This shows a deeper understanding of managerial accounting principles and their application in real-world scenarios.
Step 3: Present Your Findings Clearly and Professionally
The final step is to present your findings in a clear, organized, and professional manner. How you communicate your results can significantly impact your grade, as clarity and coherence are vital in accounting and finance.
Organize Your Report: Structure your assignment logically. Typically, a managerial accounting report includes an introduction, methodology, findings, discussion, and conclusion. Use headings and subheadings to make it easy for the reader to follow your argument.
Use Visual Aids: Graphs, charts, and tables can effectively communicate complex data and trends. Ensure that any visual aids you include are clearly labeled and directly relevant to your discussion. They should complement your analysis, not replace it.
Write Clearly and Concisely: Use clear, concise language. Avoid jargon unless it's standard in the field and explain any technical terms you use. The goal is to make your analysis accessible to someone with a basic understanding of managerial accounting.
Proofread and Edit: Before submitting your assignment, take the time to proofread and edit it. Check for grammatical errors, ensure that your calculations are correct, and verify that all parts of the assignment are complete. A well-presented assignment reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.
Enhancing Your Skills with Managerial Accounting Assignment Help
While these steps provide a solid foundation, it's important to acknowledge that mastering managerial accounting requires continuous learning and practice. In some cases, you might benefit from additional support. Seeking Managerial Accounting Assignment Help can be a valuable resource, especially when you're tackling particularly challenging assignments or trying to improve your understanding of complex concepts.
Expert assistance can provide you with insights into best practices, offer different perspectives on problem-solving, and help clarify difficult topics. This not only helps you complete your assignments more effectively but also enhances your overall learning experience.
Excelling in managerial accounting assignments involves a blend of understanding the task, conducting thorough research, and presenting your findings effectively. By following these three simple steps—understanding the requirements, conducting thorough research and analysis, and presenting your findings clearly—you can improve your performance and achieve better grades. Remember, consistent practice and seeking help when needed are key to mastering this subject. As you continue to build your skills, you'll find that managerial accounting becomes a powerful tool in your academic and professional journey.
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