#with peace and love Anon
tame-a-messenger · 6 months
Ya'll are so weird for getting bitter about not getting Damangela. As much as we love their dynamic, we have to accept they are a rare pair and not a established duo. Smosh has no obligation to put them together and they have no urge to be in videos together because they don't have many things in common. I love them and I hope they kick out Noah so they can have more videos together but getting bitter about kt isn't going to solve things. Let's enjoy the current dynamics we have and wait for another Damangela video.
DOG, did you read the posts??? anybody that sent in an ask about "feeling bitter" ended it with "sorry to rant". They were just speaking their mind, I see no problem in it. (I believe one of the Anons even said they felt BAD about feeling that way)
"we have to accept they are a rare pair and not a established duo."
?? who are you? the Smosh casting director?? while I slightly agree that it is a little bit of a 'rare pair' the top comments of videos they appear in are almost ALL talking about them. I would say they are somewhat 'established' as a duo. (more like rivals, but that's still in the realm of 'duo')
"they have no urge to be in videos together because they don't have many things in common."
Once again, ??? they have plenty in common?? they both are improv/theater kid nerds? and they get along swimmingly I don't see what you're getting at.
While I agree being bitter isn't going to solve things, (obviously? what is it I can solve?? I have no power over Smosh??) it doesn't hurt anybody? what are you trying to gain by telling other people how they should feel.
What do you want me to do? walk into the Smoffice and DEMAND they cast them in another video? /lh (I would if I could tbf)
YOU are WEIRD for trying to tell people how to feel!
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new-revenant · 3 months
Twenty something year old Danny becomes a preschool teacher to a class of young meta and liminal kids, he helps to keep the kids calm when they discover their abilities and is genuinely one of the better teachers at the school. He's also a part time member of the Justice League. He's in the middle of a meeting when he gets a call from a freaked out substitute teacher saying one of the kids is stuck halfway through the wall and doesn't know what to do. Danny excuses himself and explains that one of his kids is having a small problem and he'll be right back and then leaves not realizing the chaos he left behind in his wake as the Justice League believe that Phantom has multiple kids and is a single father
I love teacher!Danny AUs, they are always so wacky and fun. And this seems so sweet! I love misunderstanding plots where the misunderstanding is something super simple. And plots where characters think someone is talking about their children children, when they’re actually talking about their students or something. Basically I love this prompt <3
So the JL know Danny is Phantom and stuff, probably are also away that’s he’s a ghost. Danny says that one of his kids is stuck in a wall at school and the substitute teacher is freaking out, so he’s gotta go real quick. Once he leaves one of the members(I’m thinking Flash because…I like him)is like, “Soo…wanna bet on how many kids he has? I’m guessing three-no-four.” The meeting quickly devolves into this conversation, until Batman or someone else steers it back.
After the meeting, rumors spread through the JL about Danny’s kids, and many bets are made. It takes them a while for everyone to figure out that Danny is just a teacher and not a father. Some figure it out faster than others though, but they think it would be funnier if they go along with the father Danny idea. Batman definitely knows what’s going on, he should know what Danny’s job is at the very least. He does consider the fact that maybe he might be a father, but that thought is short lived.
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crunchy-rocc · 10 months
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three of them
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bbq-potato-chip · 7 months
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thinking about saiura
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tubbytarchia · 8 months
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I read a self proclaimed hater express how much they hated head-wings, feathers around the face, animal tails and bird feet, and that motivated me to draw all of those things
Woe bird feet upon ye, get fucked
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sukirichi · 4 months
I am by no means gatekeeping concepts or tropes. We all know that it’s normal to see the same tropes or AUs be used differently, and that is not plagiarism. However, I recently found a fic that was oddly similar to my old (and discontinued) Gojo x Reader series, Reckless. The CEO! Gojo is nothing new, and neither is an accidental pregnancy trope. The only reason I am concerned is because this Gojo series I found has the exact same themes as Reckless that consists of: a playboy CEO Gojo with a very notorious reputation, a poor reader who is an employee and asset to the company (someone who works closely with Gojo), reader getting knocked up from a one night stand with Gojo, reader with a seemingly dead/absent mother yet still in contact with her father, Gojo with a very traditional family who does not like reader, and Gojo with an ex he struggles to let go of - which are all elements of Reckless.
The first chapter of that Gojo fic is also eerily similar to my first chapter with the same flow of: YN finding out she’s pregnant and her friend being there for her, Gojo saying he’ll take responsibility because ‘they both made the baby’, YN having to move in with Gojo to take care of the baby, and both of them coming to a mutual agreement that their ‘relationship’ will be purely for the baby’s benefit. The flow of events and specific details about the characters’ backgrounds are too similar to mine.
Again, I am not gatekeeping concepts, just as how I’ve had other writers ask me if they could write their own stories or takes based off of the NAOYA’S TROPHY WIFE COLLECTION or the BONTEN HUSBANDS EXCLUSIVE, and I’m fine with that. I’m even happy people are inspired by what I write. But being inspired is completely different from taking someone’s story and posting it as yours. Please trust your own creativity and skills in writing. You can write amazing stories and have people love them without having to steal from others.
It’s sad to say this is not the first time I, and other writers, have been plagiarized. It’s even more upsetting to know that a friend of mine who has also written a Gojo series (that I’m sure you all know and dearly love) experiences the same issues with the same person. The fact that this is happening to many writers out there is disheartening. We work hard and pour a lot of love in the stories we create. None of us are getting paid for this, and we simply want to share our passions with others. So please, let us be kinder with one another and show love and support the right way. If you love a fic, you give feedback and rb/comment + show support to the writer. You don’t steal their ideas and play it off as your own because you liked it.
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blindmagdalena · 3 months
Maybe this is stupid but how do you handle liking Homelander but him being like Yknow a piece of crap and the whole r wording. Cuz I have some sort of stupid attraction to him but it makes me feel all sorts of guilty and gross and maybe that’s bc I already have mental issues and worry I’ll be punished or ridiculed or something bc of it and idk. It sounds really dumb but idk how to get out of the weird funk cycle bc I don’t like using the “it’s just fiction” either bc that doesn’t make me feel any better. Feel free to ignore this I’m just having a moment 😭
aw, darling. i'm saying this gently and kindly with my whole heart: introspection. me telling you why i'm okay with loving a fictional character isn't going to help you come to terms with the fact you do, especially since "it's just fiction" IS enough for me.
Homelander does not have victims. you cannot have Homelander arrested. no one you know or will ever know has been harmed by the text and images that combine to create this non-existent figment of our collective imaginations.
it sounds to me like your guilt/shame is primarily coming from your fear of judgement. that's not surprising given how heavily influenced fandom has become by puritan ideology. people ARE extremely cruel to one another these days for their preferences in media. you have to make the choice to break away from that. connect with people you feel safe around. no one is morally superior for their preference in fiction.
and also like... i'm not comfortable with EVERYONE in my life knowing how much i like Homelander. i absolutely have friends i would be embarrassed to try and explain it to. but i don't have to! it's not their business, it's mine.
having empathy for a fictional (and very tragic!) character does not make you a bad person any more than enjoying horror movies or violent video games would. please don't let anyone convince you that it does.
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galedekarios · 6 months
Narrator: Suddenly, a tressym flies into your inbox.
Tara: Mr Dekarios has asked me to deliver something to you on his behalf.
Narrator: The tressym is disgruntled. She would not be complying with this undignified request had it come from anyone but her beloved companion.
Narrator: The tressym boops your nose and flies away.
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redstonedust · 1 month
What island do you live on?
i live on doing your mom island and all your friends are here
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Yeah the ts crit community really is mostly on tumblr. If any crit on twitter is brave enough to call out thomas or even just ask a SIMPLE INNOCUOUS question like ‘hey whens the next sanders sides coming out’ they get dog-piled by his followers. Just now my twitter tl algorithm made some posts pop up from ppl I don’t even follow and they’re just defending thomas + his patreon and saying that we’re just angry jealous ppl who don’t understand what goes on behind the scenes for him (as if THEY do?).
I swear, the die-hard fans that are still left, I’m sorry, they’re not a fandom. They’re a cult. A cult of personality centered around one man, purely there to keep stroking and defending his fragile ego. They’re no better than the sw*fties or any other group of ppl driven by blind devotion, obsession and white knighthood.
Oh 100%, there's next to no ts crit community on twitter, I got curious and checked a few days ago, searching stuff like Thomas Sanders Critisism, TSS Criticism, TSS critical, stuff that's used over here and the only thing that got anything was the first, but then it was just showing stuff with "Thomas Sanders" or even just "Sanders" in the post. So it's hard to organize that kind of community, plus the die hards and Thomas being on there.
I'd say the only place the fandom is pretty active is on Twitter, and that's soley because of Thomas, because he interacts with the fans and makes it so that there's motivation to make tss stuff. You know there's a community on there for it and if you're lucky Thomas will see it and retweet it. Otherwise it's kind of a joke that the fandom is dead until it's breifly revived whenever a new episode comes out. Which then leads to parasocial relationships and the idea that somehow continues to persist that Thomas is a poor boy who can do no wrong and if he did do wrong he didn't actually know any better. Never mind he's thirty-fucking-4. And his fans are half his age.
One this I do kinda disagree with is the idea that all his die hards and current fans are like 14, which I just don't think is true, I think they were like 14 when the last proper episode came out, and are now more along the lines of like 18 or around there. He's got a lot of patrons, including 17 people who paying $125 a month, that money has to come from somewhere and I doubt it's all from allowances.
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gojosbf · 8 months
with gojo, geto and even kenjaku dead, do you think satosugu's story is completely over? because for me personally, if this is the end of their story, it feels kinda unsatisfactory and inconclusive. i hope we get more content and there are so many questions about their story that still need to be answered. i dont expect gojo's censored last words to geto to be revealed ever but i hope we get at least a somewhat conclusive ending.....
Their story had a conclusive ending, they're not the main characters so no matter how much we crave for more bits of satosugu this is what we have and this is how they ended. I don't necessarily find it unsatisfactory considering both of them served their purposes and we got another top notch satosugu angsty crumb till gojo's last breath (that panel of him saying "my only disappointment is that you weren't there to give a slap on the back" and geto's tears). I don't think we should drag it out or find any other means to insert more stsg when it isn't even their story, sad but true. This is it for us, they happened, it was beautiful and then it ended.
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delborovic · 2 years
can you draw Rellik x Karl
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Cuore in pace 🩷📍🧘‍♀️
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actualbird · 4 months
ironic that marius is the ceo of pax (meaning peace in latin) when there’s always drama happening at the company
KLJBJSDLJFDSFBDFS PAX IS THE LEAST PEACEFUL CORPORATION EVER, theres never a day without internal or external strife 😭😭😭
well, it's also ironic that one heading pax (peace) is marius, and the etymology of marius is
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ianthedebonair · 3 months
Do you know what is also canonical? Ortega thinks that Sidestep uses too many Layers. But he doesn't complain (only when you crash the car as Sidestep and he has to cut off your clothes to do first aid/use his hands as a defibrillator. and seeing the regenes tattoos)
but before that, it's just something he realizes step do... and he keeps it to himself.
but what do you think he thought when they went to the apartment date, and at the time step suggested doing a handjob with the “clothes on” and there was this layer underneath? probably marking everything skin-tight…
OR betta, What did Ortega think when he was kissing Damien in that dark gallery and he slowly managed to put his fingers under the tight fabric?
Did Damian let Ricardo delight his fingers in his back there for a while or did he freeze?
Jokes on Ortega because Damien's a loser and he would have kept rotting in secret crush hell if it weren't for his accidental confession after the crash 🤡
But that's for Damien's "canon" Ortega romance.
In my alternate run(s) where they do kiss in the alley, I'm torn between Damien getting too lost in the kiss to panic and freezing like a deer caught in the headlights lol.
(Rest of my yapping under the cut 😌)
I like the first one because it's a rare W for him and his touch starvation--feeling like it was his first time getting introduced to alcohol and immediately getting drunk. But I feel like he was able to pull out of the kiss a bit too smoothly.
Meanwhile, the option where he freezes and lowkey freaks out is soo good... but it sets the touchpanic variable true, and I don't exactly see him having that level of touch aversion. In my mind, it was less about the unexpected contact and more about being paranoid of Ric recognizing the feel of his tattoos and his secret being exposed in that moment.
(I just end up picking between the two depending on my mood 🤷‍♂️)
For the intimate scenes in Ortega's apartment, Ricardo recognizes how big of a leap it is for Damien for that sort of intimacy and I'd like to think that he's laser-focused into making it as comfortable and as pleasurable for Damien as possible. Questions, theories, and fantasies can wait. Ric already thinks he's fumbled his chances with Dame before, he sure as hell won't take this opportunity for granted now.
But once they get over the whole Re-gene reveal and when Damien has gotten past his initial shyness, I'm sure they can get creative with the skin-tight clothes they have at their disposal. I even daresay that Damien would be a lot more freaky creative because of his innate curiosity and Bastard Behavior™️ 👀👄👀
And since I'm already in the topic of garments, I'll just share these two being silly with clothes because I could 🙈. (x)
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foolsocracy · 10 months
Someone from the main TMNT cast and #15?
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realized i included tmnt in the ask game when i have in fact never drawn tmnt before
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