#with the accent dont forget the accent
wild-flowerhoney · 10 months
moonseeker raising harry after losing everything and trying their very best to keep his parents' memories alive but also move on together is so important to me
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demadogs · 8 months
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(2023) Dir. Shawn Levy
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broodygaming · 3 months
omfg the Daggerheart character design thing is really scratchin ALL the 'tism itches haha. I feel like I'm chompin at the bit, this looks so fun. I love watching them mess around with accents and debate and stick to choices. I just wanna squeeze 'em all.
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bechloesupercorp · 1 year
ava finding out that "bisexual" in french is "bisexuelle" (pronounced BEA-sexu-elle) and exploiting the ever loving fuck out of it with her puns
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ourdreamsareneon · 2 months
I think it's weird that as a culture we just stole the word mana from the Māori/Polynesian language(s) to use in video games because it's kinda magic in a way if you understand nothing about the culture youre taking from and white dudes from Ohio still debate the pronunciation like it isn't a real word.
The Māori vowels are
A = ah (as in are)
E = eh (as in there)
I = ee (as in three)
O = aw (as in or)
U = oo (as in two)
You will often see a macron (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū) which just denotes that it's a long vowel sound instead of a short one.
The constinants are fairly easy, there are just a few things to keep in mind like "wh" is a "f" sound similar to the "ph" in "phone" and that "nga" makes a "nah" sound similar to the "nah" in "yeah, nah...yeah."
Additionally, te reo Māori is a very nasal heavy language and uses soft rolled R's more along the lines of French rather than Spanish if that helps.
Te reo Māori was once an exclusively oral language. It wasn't until the Dutch, French, American, and English "settlers" arrived in the 19th century that white people tried to write it down. It is also an endangered language that we need to work to keep alive, especially when the New Zealand government is actively trying to destroy it.
You Americans and Europeans wrote this language down. The least you could do is learn to read it.
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harpieisthecarpie · 1 month
Mildly important fanwork/fandom interaction questions! Anyone can feel free to answer!
Thinking about fandom interactions, I'm wondering about how we as fan communities can create fun environments and engage with other fans more!
You can answer (or not answer) however many of these questions as you want! The questions bolded with their number in purple are the ones I'm most curious about.
Feel free to reply in the reblogs, tags, or comments!
If you can, please reblog so we can get more answers :)
Questions below!
(There's sections for fans that make fanworks, fans that interact with fanworks, and fans that enjoy fanworks but don't interact.)
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Fans that create fanworks (fanart, fanfic, edits, etc):
A1. What are your favorite kinds of interactions/comments? Ex. Long rambles, analyses and theories, strings of incoherent garbled yelling
A2. Where do you like to get them? Ex. Ao3 vs Tumblr, reblogs vs tags vs comments, in DMs?
A3. Do you want or enjoy people creating stuff inspired by or modifying yours? (Creating as in art of your fic, fic of your art, etc. Modifying as in translations, podfics, etc)
A4. Do you want or enjoy people promoting your stuff? Ex. fic rec lists, sharing in groupchats, posting about your stuff with links to it
A5. How do you feel when you get nice comments or have good interactions?
A6. Most importantly, what would you say to people who are scared to or or don't know how to start interacting with fanworks?
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Fans that enjoy fanworks and interact with them:
B1. What kind of comments do you like leaving and where do you leave them? Ex. Ao3 vs Tumblr, reblogs vs tags vs comments
B2. What makes you more likely to interact?
B3. What made you start interacting?
B4. Have you made any friends or mutuals by commenting and interacting?
B5. Has leaving comments and talking with creatives changed how you feel about or approach your own fanworks?
B6. How has interacting with fanworks and the guys who make them improved your fan experience?
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People that enjoy fanworks but don't interact (no judgment! We're all different 💛):
C1. Do you want to interact more? If you do, what makes you want to comment or interact?
C2. Is there anything holding you back? Ex. nerves, unsure how, bad past experiences, etc.
C3. Do you make your own fanworks? Has that affected (or been affected by) your choice not to interact?
C4. Are there ways other fans could help or encourage you to interact or get involved? Are there any ways you want to encourage yourself?
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PS. Add a 💛 or <3 to your response/reblog if you want me to make an anonymous survey focusing on this topic!
I'd compile and post the results so we can see how our fellow fans think :)
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cocolacola · 1 year
it's only a good headcanon if it makes zero sense.
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mysterious parents and memory loss will do that i guess.
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k00kiecrumbler · 2 years
I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always trying to get you off ( me & you ) - fall out boy
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I just wanted to put that because I missed putting songs in my posts...
anyways, um still monke brain...even though I'm torn between the rt cowboy voice and the guy who voiced Godot in the anime [ and by that, I mean the English dudded] .
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gameboy-berry · 1 year
I managed to dig up some sticky notes and this is the first thing I did I'm not joking /silly
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raydianbluesandhues · 9 months
Do you have any hcs about Blob? That do you think his “mysterious past” is all about?
[guardian music]
Hi yes i do >:] it’s about time i share my headcanons about him
Buckle up folks it’s time for blob headcanons part 2: explaining his backstory this time
I think I’ve stated in his previous headcanon post that he isn’t Raydian. It’s very obvious that he isn’t; comparing him to one is like comparing a cat to a dog. There’s some similarities but there are a few differences that set them apart.
For starters Raydians don’t have tails! Blob does and it often trails behind him loosely. He has partial control over it but it does what it wants most of the time. It’s sort of his “compass” in a sense? It usually ends up pointing somewhere he needs to go, or he usually uses it to point to an exact place since the end of it is an arrow (and it makes it easier for him to track things). He gets asked about it sometimes and he just says/signs
“Oh, this thing? It’s my tail” and he goes back to whatever he was doing
As for what he is/could be, have a small bit of trivia:
before the development of De Blob, there was De Blob: Utrecht! Based off of the Utrecht School of Arts, this was essentially the prototype to the De Blob games.
this game basically followed the same plot: INKT taking over a colored city, Blob comes in to save the day
Though- instead of using color, you had to absorb people
( if you don’t believe me it’s on the wiki )
I remember reading this and I’m like “Oh cool. So what if I took this and just. made them like a subspecies of Raydians” which is why we’re here today
Utrecht (The Planet) and Utrechian/Utrechter (The People that Live There)
I headcanon them as carnivores based off the game’s mechanic of literally absorbing people. They can eat fruits but it’s not something they’re going to make a main part of their diet
They’re probably a lil grumpy and rude as result but they’re pretty similar to Raydians outside of that, colorful and genderless folks
I’ll make a separate post about these guys but! That’s what I believe he could be.
As for his backstory, I do believe he was born there, but was most likely discarded for his appearance. He was probably taken in by someone who possibly had a bit of pity for him, and could’ve eventually migrated over to Raydia. He wasn’t raised in Chroma (and if I remember correctly he was raised in Pantone Village) and most likely started realizing he wasn’t exactly normal compared to everyone else
Outside of the literal difference in species his powers are incredibly out of the ordinary. I think I briefly explained them but to sum it up: he can manipulate color energy. Reviving trees, changing the appearance of a bird, breaking Graydians out of suits by overloading them with color energy. He’s able to both manipulate color energy to do what he wants and is able to raise the color energy levels by simply painting.
These powers were something he was either given or born with, and while I’ve always said he was born with them it doesn’t make a bunch of sense. Who would he have gotten them from?
It would make more sense that he had gotten them from somewhere, possibly from some sort of accident or a strange overload of color energy. Perhaps that messed him up and now he has the ability to paint and do all that he can currently do
And what he got into contact with is an absolute mystery to me. Maybe an over abundance of color atoms? Color energy is very unstable and I wouldn’t be surprised if that were to be the reason, but it’s something that I’ll have to think about more
I don’t think he has an appetite for meat purely because of his upbringing; it probably makes him sick and irritates his stomach. It also probably tastes gross to him and he absolutely prefers fruits
And i think constantly being around Raydians has also influenced this. I think if he stuck to his natural diet he would have no friends whatsoever
He probably goes quiet when someone asks him where he’s from, or what his story is. It’s probably not a fond memory for him/he doesn’t remember everything. and asking about his power is probably going to get you the same response
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adhderall · 10 months
if I turn off reblogs I always make sure to turn off the option that lets others blaze it (lol) too because although it's EXTREMELY UNLIKELY (this is a very irrational thought) part of me is paranoid that if I don't, some petty ass fucker is gonna pay real money to broadcast my dumb posts just to spite me.
#at that point youd have to be obsessed but like.#knowing the shit i get myself into who the fuck knows if i have or will get a stalker one day#the closest ive come to having a stalker (that i know of....) is#when this girl i had a crush on (who had blocked me btw and told me to never contact her again lmfao) sent some dumbass friend of hers#to befriend me on discord and idk... make some shitty attempt at trolling me (that was really dumb and unfunny btw) ???#we didnt share servers or even mutual friends at all and i did not recognize his username#so i was like. interrogating him like Who the fuck are you and WHO gave you my username..... this was back when dicksword had the#discriminator numbers after the username like hashtag 0123 or whatever. and my username had an accented letter(á) in it. ok now these#tidbits are very relevant because you needed to have someones exact username to even be able to add someone without having mutual friends#or being in a server with them. idk why im explaining all this ig for the 2 people that havent used discord ever#but anyway. yeah he said 'durrrr i jsut looked it up and found it randomly' like yeah no. dont buy it. i may be dumb but im not stupid#i SUSPECTED it was that girl (former crush) . nagging feeling. but i brushed it off as a kind of wishful thinking 'i just want to feel like#she cares/d ig' but uh. yeah her stupid fuck friend made a fatal mistake (no like seriously how fucking dumb are you. you udnerestimate me)#and that was leaving his other accs linked to his profile. not using a burner acc. i fuckin did some digging through his linked sites and#looked up his usernames and etc. and i was able to trace it back to her pretty easily lmfaoooooo like dude you forget im way smarter than u#anyway uhhh yeah if you read all of that ily<3
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vivi-ships · 10 months
Man, I would have made such a great French person, I'm so good at being judgemental and hating when strangers approach me or making small talk and I'm terrible at sugarcoating my negative opinions to spare people's feelings.
Plus, I love gay people, pastries, art, wine and smoking.
I just think my artistic and autistic vibes would have flourished better there.
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windowsfr · 1 year
ok i know i dont skinpost a lot here, but ive been thinking abt doing a trans pride aether skin, should i just go for flag n vibes or biohack...2! (warning for needles! see here)
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vilsoo · 2 years
matthew GOTTA be william afton. and josh is definitely gonna play michael omg they’re gonna look so good… but in the off chance they’re not, i’m still excited about them being casted !!
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sweetheart-dot-jpeg · 2 years
each year there should be an assessment as to how fucked up the Minecraft 3d models have gotten for animations n stuff.
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nwaml · 2 years
Dont ask for my ethnicity I'm so white washed
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