#without having to dig thru my entire page
alo-piss-trancy · 4 years
11, 30, 32, 41 for the fanfic writer asks! - Nsfwitchy
((I'm still open for these if anyone else wants to send some btw! I'm just slow af with answering haha but I'll get to them))
11: How do you come up with your fic titles?
Honestly? Part Song Titles/Lyrics and part 'This Line I Wrote Sounds Kinda Pretentious for a Piss Fic... I'm Definitely Gonna Use It'. Or just a general theme. Or a pun. Looking at my fic list... there's a lot of puns in titles.
Tbh I rarely title things until I'm actually on the ao3 posting page so I just scramble to pull one out of my ass XD There's no real method to my madness
30: Post a snippet from your current WIP without context.
"There. You've been graced with more attention from a Togami than a wretch like you ever deserved. I suggest you savour it while you- hrk!"
His words were abruptly cut off by a tightness around his throat, the grip clenching to restrict his airflow, little by little. While admittedly surprised, he didn't panic, merely studying what he could of the arm in his sightline. The metal tips of her scissors traced his Adam's apple, then slid up to dig into the flesh on the underside of his jaw. She didn't draw blood, but all it would take was a hint more pressure. Now that he was forced to lock eyes, she leaned in so that her breath flared in his face. 
"Kiss me like you mean it, pretty boy~" she commanded, leering down at him. She'd climbed onto the edge of the chair for better access, pressing their foreheads together. And, not-so coincidentally, pressed her left knee directly against his swollen abdomen. What breath she hadn't choked out of him was stolen in a pained wheeze, his vision spotting. Now, not only were his teeth swimming, his head was, and he loathed whatever noise of pleading had managed to escape his lips during his lack of focus. She removed both her hand and weapon from his neck, and he only took a moment to inhale before he shoved himself into as much of her as his binds would allow. Her chest, nearly flat enough to rival his own, pressed against him, and he blocked out her obnoxious sighs with a growl, tilting his head to smother her lips. 
32. Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. What fics do they come from?
I swear any other time I'd have a whole list of my best stupid jokes and puns from my fics ready to fling at people but here I am, blanking as soon as I'm asked lmao. Isn't that always how it goes c': I had to dig through my ao3 and this is what I came up with, not sure if they're my ultimate faves bc I tend to pick favourites by the whole fic in general? But here we are!
I tend to write in run-ons and broken sentences so one of these is more like an excerpt? Because otherwise it wouldn't make sense lol
1. "Get down on your knees, my pet." the President purred, and that sound reminded her that she was going to be devoured today, body and soul, by this magnificent predator. The rarest of tigers, regal in its brutality in the way scarlet blood stained snowy fur. "Kneel for me." Her captor insisted, fangs sealed behind serene lips, and she kneeled, her bare knees caressed by a plush rug as she tilted her head back and bared her throat.
Yes. Like the blood of its prey, a messy, distilled part of her would taint Kirari Momobami, would stick with her long after this exchange ended and they parted ways. The President could bite into her, tear her apart in any way she saw fit and gorge upon her, but this would never be a one time affair. She was going to leave her mark before she succumbed...
( 'Freezerburn', a Kakegurui praise kink fic I wrote for a kinkmeme on dreamwidth. I'm a slut for animal imagery lmao )
2. "You can pretend you're some pillow princess, but you're a filthy fuckin' horndog..."
( 'Deny Me, Degrade Me, Desecrate Me', my trashy Good Girls smutfic which also has some choice gunplay excerpts I almost put here instead lol. I need to catch up on that show so I can write them again bc that ship is God Tier)
3. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!?”
“Dragging you to the bathroom before you piss yourself like a big baby.” Alois deadpanned, blinking down at him. “Even though you’d probably deserve it.”
“You could have accomplished that without caressing me like a harlot. Get your hand off of my arse.”
('Desperate Danse', my beautiful piece of Cielois shenanigans c': I had so much fun with the dialogue exchanges in that fic lol. Annoying poor Ciel is a riot )
41. What’s your most popular fic (with the most notes on tumblr, most hits/kudos on ao3)?
This is actually an interesting question to me because the answer really does vary depending on what your definition of 'popular' is. Do you measure it by hits? Audience interaction? Platform? I had too much fun clicking around the stats page to analyze that so have answers for different criteria:
Hits: 'Getting Your Feet Wet'
Kudos: 'Tear You Apart'
Comment threads: 'Conundrums Lead to Collapse'
Tumblr Notes: 'Cops and Robbers' (and also those Akira drabbles like him in class or in Sojiro's car. Y'all are just absolute sluts for the p5 protag over here lol)
So what I'm getting from this is ao3 prefers my various femslash bs and tumblr wants the Nasty Crime Boi. Which is fine with me bc I love writing both 😎
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fluerallinmylis · 4 years
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So most of these are stated without going into specifics but I do go into the creation of children to be trained as future soldiers. I do not have any Child Psychology to back me, and most of what I am basing this from is various sci-fi movies and the TV show Dark Angel.
Heed the warnings, Lovelies. I don’t go specific but it is there.
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat!
Warnings: Child Death, Child Abuse, Institutionalized Abuse, Military Grooming, Medical procedures on minors (unspecified), Training of Child Soldiers,  Possible Child character death (in later chapters), Medical Procedures, Bio-Engineering, Unethical Medical Practices, Genetic Tampering, Non-Consensual Body Modification, SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), Temporary Main Character Death as per The Old Guard. I think that’s the worst.
(let me know if I missed something)
Title: That Would Be Enough
Fandom:The Old Guard (2020)
Status: 2/? WIP
Summary: It’s been almost a decade since the Merrick debacle. Almost as long since their wayward brother slipped into the shadows of the modern world and only sporadically checked in to send gifts. But a quick jaunt through Italy may prove the serendipity they needed to become a family again.
Perhaps even grow....
“I apologize it took so long to get this to you, but I felt I had to ….”
“Verify the sources?”
Nicky tightened his grip on his Joe’s hand. Ever since Joe had returned from the Market, he had been upset. His love had tossed the bag of sweets on the kitchen counter and knelt at his feet, wrapping his arms around his waist and hiding his face against Nicky’s stomach. Such actions weren’t uncommon for them but to do so in the kitchen, without a single word passed between them? Joe had said that Copley had vital information for them, that they needed to contact him immediately, then whispered softly to him,
“Booker is here, with Quynh. But Nicolo, he had a girl with him…. Oh my heart, she has your eyes. I fear what the truth they spoke may mean, but she has your eyes.”
Joe had buried his head without another word then continued to hold to him as a drowning man would his last anchor.
Nile had quickly set up a secure connection for the laptop and printer and proceeded to print several dozens of pages. They had all looked over the first few pages, then Nile had immediately taken to the laptop while Andy called Copley. He had quietly coaxed Joe up and onto the couch, where they were now, with his arms holding his other half as he pressed tight against Joe’s back. Even after looking at several of the documents himself, he could scarcely believe what they said.
“The facility where this data came from has been wiped from the map,” Copley said from the video connection on the laptop. “Whoever went after them, there is barely any of the structure left that hasn’t been razed to the ground by fire or explosives. But, there IS enough to confirm my suspicions.”
“Copley, these are kids,” Nile stressed, waving a handful of papers. Copley himself nodded, running his hand over his face.
“I am aware. It appears that Dr. Mita Kozak, Merrick’s lead scientist during the Debacle, took what information and samples she could when fleeing. She found funding with another private think tank and then proceeded to,” at this point Copley refers to his own papers, “‘use bio-engineering to enhance tomorrow’s soldiers.’ From the data and documents Booker sent to me, She used the samples she took from all of you, as well as his initial samples, and used illegal cloning practices to try and –”
“What ‘initial samples’?” Nicky found himself interrupting. All eyes turned to him, then to the laptop where Copley looked confused.
“The initial samples Booker gave when he brokered the original deal.”
“What ‘original deal?’” Andy demanded.
Even hundreds of miles away, Copley leaned away from her. “The original deal with Merrick was that he would receive the samples from the base kill room and Booker as a live and only test subject. Booker was to walk in to the building two days after the mission and surrender himself. It was Merrick who changed the arrangements and demanded all of you. When he brought you to my home, he had said he would show you the blueprints and plans to get your men out in trade for himself. Your new mortality and Keane derailed that plan.”
“And when were you going to tell us this?” His lover growled in his most dangerous tone. He himself was quickly reaching the point of murder. Sebastien had made a deal only for himself? He hadn’t sold ALL of them to Merrick? Then why were they just hearing this now?!
“Booker said that he would tell you before you made your verdict,” Copley stated and silence reigned. A quick search of faces told that their brother had done no such thing, hadn’t told anyone. It might not have made a difference given the hurt and betrayal they felt then, but to know that he had been taken advantage of as well? That he had not gladly led them to that madwoman, but had been tricked alongside them?
“We’ll get back to that,” Andy announced then turned back to the pictures in her hand. “Tell us about what that Bitch did.”
Copley took a deep breath before beginning, “From the notes and information Booker saved, Kozak used genetic cloning to attempt to create more Immortals. During the initial tests, one set of embryos were injected with a contaminated sample of two of your DNA, instead of receiving a single donor sample. Of the,” Copley paused here and swallowed heavily, “‘the Alpha batch,’ only the that set of embryos survived past the first trimester. When they did amniotic testing to see why, they discovered that the two samples had somehow merged to create a new DNA helix. Kozak then purposely did so with 4 more embryos, and each survived to birth.”
“How many?” he forced past the tightness in his throat. Copley ran his hand across his face again then sagged against his chair.
“The first were two embryos were implanted into the same woman. Due to contaminated lab protocols, both Nicky and Booker’s DNA was injected after the embryonic DNA was removed. One boy and one girl were born on October 19th, seven years ago. The ‘Beta batch’ were four embryos injected with only Nicky and Joe’s DNA.”
“Six children,” Joe whispered, then turned to face him. Tears welled in his eyes because this? This was a dream that NONE of them had dared to dream, an impossibility both because of their Immortality and then again from who they were. But Six? He had SIX CHILDREN?! A daughter and five sons – two by his Sebastien and four by his Yusuf?!
“Three,” Copley whispered and those tears fell for entirely different reasons. Copley cleared his throat then met them with solemn eyes.
“One of the boys died as an infant, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is listed as Cause of Death. Another had an adverse reaction to a procedure and was unable to be resuscitated. One fell during what is termed a ‘training exercise.’ He died on impact of a broken neck. The girl was deemed ‘undesirable for future training’ and was left while the remaining were sent to another facility. The last records state that they were attempting to harvest her bone marrow due to an accelerated healing factor roughly an eighth of your own. They list a time of death shortly before the destruction of the first lab and facility – ”
“No, she lives,” Joe argued. “She has Nicky’s eyes and Booker’s hair and she – She lives! Booker had her in the Market earlier, and he mentioned Quynh protecting them both!” He stood quickly rounding on Andy with a calm desperation few ever saw. “That level of destruction, of complete annihilation? To protect one she considers family, Andy? She would do all that more and if she started her attack as they performed these tests –”
“We contact Booker first,” Andy said lowly. She was still in shock but hope and experience made her push thru, as did their own. “We meet him first and find out what is true or not. Copley, he gave you a number?”
The younger man nodded. “He is currently staying in a Villa, twenty minutes past the opposite side of town. Satellite imagery shows three heat signatures. I’m sending the directions and his number to your phone.”
“While we’re doing this, dig into anything you can about Kozak and where those other kids are. Any and all information, I don’t care how outrageous.” At this, she reached out and grasped Joe by his neck, bringing him close to press forehead to forehead. “We will find them and we will bring them home.”
“Everyone,” Joe said with tears in his voice and Nicky could only close his eyes and breathe deeply.
“Everyone,” Andy repeated.
Nile and Copley began discussing other matters but he blocked them out as his chest tightened and grief swelled within him. Gentle hands clasped his own and he opened his eyes to Andromache pulling him to stand, hugging him tightly and whispering that “We WILL find them. I PROMISE you, we will.” He could only nod, no words escaping his throat, and then HE was there. His Yusuf, His companion for this entire immortal journey, his soul and heart given physical form. He took his hand and led them away, to their room. Try as he might to keep quiet, he choked twice in an effort to keep his tears inside, but then the door was shut and he was surrounded by the sight/touch/smell of home…..
…. and he broke….
His tears and grief fell from him in agony and he clutched to his man with all the strength he had been given. He grieved for the young lives that had been lost, for the children they would never know. He grieved for the horrors that-that monster would have visited upon his children, THEIR CHILDREN for they would ALL be THEIR CHILDREN if he had his say. He grieved for the time lost, for not being there to see all their firsts, their joys or fears, their likes and dislikes and that which made them them. He held tight to the other half of him and grieved in his Husband’s arms even as rage boiled low and fierce in his heart.
“They will die screaming,” he promised in a hiss of breath, faces pressed close and staring into equally grief-stricken yet enraged eyes. “We will end all of them then we will live.”
“We will bring Him home,” and he shuddered in relief because Yusuf could only mean one Him when he spoke to him in that voice, “And we will raise our children. And if any try to stop or take them from us….”
Here they both bared their teeth in snarls that they remembered from the first glimpses they had across a battlefield. Yes, should any try to stop them, they would bring down 900 years of war upon their entire bloodline. They will wage war and they will WIN but for now….. Now they will grieve the children stolen from them before they even knew. They will rebuild each other’s broken parts and then be stronger for it. But for now, they wept.
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writingpuddle · 5 years
The foxes and Andrew reacting to Neil with a British accent?
Hey anon im p sure you sent me this like a million years agobut I found it again when going thru my asks yesterday so here goes myattempt at a bulletpoint fic:
Neil grew up in the states, sohis default accent is American, but he is ridiculouslygood at imitating. Like give him a ten second audio clip and he canextrapolate basically an entire dialect from it
The Foxes discover this aroundHalloween when watching a spooky movie and Neil goes into a perfect deadpanmockery of the Dracula character’s terrible Transylvanian accent
It becomes a thing
The Foxes will give him an accentand just set him loose
Neil is kind of surprised bytheir enthusiasm but also secretly very pleased to have found a way to amusehis Foxes
He likes making them happy so henever denies them
Except Kevin, but that is mostlybecause the team gets more amusement from watching Kevin get frustrated and trynot to show how annoyed he is over Neil being such a petty little asshole
Also they discover that if Neilputs on an Irish accent when Kevin isn’t paying attention he will absolutelyJUMP
Give him an order in an Irishaccent and he just instantly starts to follow through before he wakes up,blinking in disorientation as he realizes what he was doing
It’s funny at first, then theyrealize it’s because he associates the accent with his mother, and then itskind of sad, and then Kevin starts telling more stories about his mum and someof the few good memories he has of her, and then it gets funny again because Foxesare Foxes and they do love a good roast
Kevin complains outwardly but itsactually kind of cathartic to talk about his mother
He tells Andrew this inconfidence and Andrew just glares at him like no shit dude, you need fuckingtherapy
That summer is going to be thesummer of the girls graduation
So they’re all determined to dosomething big to celebrate
And they get it in their heads todo a Eurotrip
Neil isn’t really payingattention at first because he’s more concerned about whether Andrew will bewilling to do a transatlantic flight
(Andrew is obviously going tocome. Flights suck, but there is no way he can cope with his whole family beingthat far away. He does not feel the need to explain this. It should beobvious.)
That’s when the Foxes pause, alldevious.
They’ve been plotting
“So, Neil,” Allison says. “At what point are you going to introduce usto your British uncle?”
Neil does not see where this isgoing
In fact he is largely baffled bythe suggestion.
“You realize my uncle is agangster, right? Like, literally a crime boss. Possibly the most dangerousperson in Britain.”
Neil is ???
“But he saved you Neil,” Nicky says emphatically. “We need to thank him.”
“Uh, kind of by accident, butyeah, technically.”
“You should call him. Just toask. You know, at least give the guy some warning that you’ll be in the area.”
Neil is still kinda confused butokay, fine.
Now here’s the thing
The Foxes have heard any numberof accents from Neil by this point
Including a magnificent Godfatherimitation
And probably half a dozendifferent British ones
But those were always for the laughs
He always picked a terribleaccent or would mock the living hell out of a posh one
Neil isn’t used to being thefunny one so he’s trying his best okay
And it’s fun and all but Neil can’tbe seductive to save his life
Even if you made him speak theFrench, the language of love itself,he’d just sound like he’s talking about the next game because he has zeroflirtability
Face it his and Andrew’sflirting sounds kind of like death threats to outsiders
They deserve each other
SO the Foxes convince Neil tocall up his uncle and they huddle around the phone
Only to be utterly disappointed
Neil talks with Stuart for all ofa minute and a half, just normal voice
He hangs up and tells them thatStuart will meet them in London in May and that they’re going to get him inshit with the FBI for this
The Foxes retreat, mutteringmutinously
Andrew is well aware of what’sgoing on, but it’s halfway amusing so he doesn’t say anything
As the months pass the Foxesbecome increasingly desperate in their attempts to make Neil say something sexy
They make him quote movies, TVshows, read out flirty text messages
One memorable time they even gethim to read out a page from Fifty Shades of Grey in a stuck-up British accent
They almost die laughing
It’s like a fucking superpower
Neil can say absolutely anythingand make it come across totally non-sexual
The Foxes have pretty much givenup by the time the summer trip comes around
Neil spends the plane ridepretending not to fuss over Andrew so by the time he arrives he’s totallyexhausted
And here is what he didn’texpect:
He is totally used to listeningto the local accents and then blending in naturally
It’s very disorienting beingamong the Foxes and their various Americanism, but hearing British accents allaround him
And his instincts are snarled upin knots
Plus he’s fucking tired
So he keeps slipping
First it happens when they passthrough customs, just a little lilt to his voice to put the officer at ease
But then it keeps happening
Stuart sends a couple cars topick them up and take them to this massive place he owns right in centralLondon
Being a crimeboss comes withcertain perks okay
Neil slips up again when he’stalking to the driver, his accent washing back and forth
Everyone else isn’t really payingattention because as excited as they are about Neil’s accent they’re in London and they’re all exhausted and fora lot of them it’s the first time they’ve been outside of the States, ever
Andrew notices
But he doesn’t say anything
They get to the apartment andfind a note there from Stuart saying he’ll pick them up tomorrow for a tour
Everyone splits off into theirrooms to sleep
Neil falls into bed exhausted, but sleep doesn’t come
And Andrew knows this but is tooexhausted himself from the stress of flying to deal with it right away
So he just wraps an arm aroundNeil’s stomach and holds him there as he drifts off
And it’s not enough for Neil toreally relax but it’s enough to make him feel grounded
The next morning Stuart shows upand everyone blinks at him bleary eyed and suspicious
But he’s charming and most ofthem find it kinda disarming
Which is how the Foxes end up takingwhat is probably the most expensive tour they’ve ever had (Allison excepted),lead entirely by a crime boss
Neil is lagging behind a bit buteveryone is so caught up in it that they don’t really notice
Except Andrew
That boy is always attuned to Neil
So he drops back with him andthey have a brief intense staring contest which ends in Neil looking away
They’re standing in Trafalgarsquare watching some street performers so no one is listening
Neil is obviously chewing onsomething and Andrew waits him out
He would wait forever
Finally, Neil just says, “I’vebeen here before.”
Which isn’t much but Andrew’smemory has never failed him before
I couldn’t live there again. I couldn’t retrace my steps to any ofthose places
Andrew knows what its like to feelsick at things that other people would love
So he nods and stands next toNeil the whole day
Not quite touching but closeenough that they can feel each others gravity
At the end of the day Stuart andNeil have a very cordial goodbye and then Stuart leaves them back at theapartment
Everyone is gushing about how charismatiche is and Neil doesn’t bother to correct them
His uncle has always been a bitof a snake-charmer but at least he knows he’ll never hurt his Foxes
They’ve still got a few days inLondon and Stuart’s secured them tickets to an underground dungeon tour thingthat usually has months worth of waiting list
Neil’s a little leery of goinginto a dark underground space, but with his Foxes there he’s sure he’ll beFine™
The team breaks out drinks aftersupper but Neil doesn’t have the energy
(Honestly according to thistimeline they’ve been in London for twenty-four hours they should be jet-laggedto hell and back, but w/e)
So he retires to their room andAndrew follows him like he always will
He sits next to Neil on the bedand waits
God there’s so much fuckingpointed silence between these two dear lord guys learn to communicate
Eventually Neil sighs. “I thoughtit would be okay. With all of them here.”
Andrew mulls that over
He doesn’t know how to admit thatit bothers him too. Seeing Neil reverting back to old habits, trying to blendin like its second nature
But he knows Neil is here to stayso he just slips a hand around the back of Neil’s neck and tugs him in untiltheir foreheads touch, breathing in the same air
Gradually the tension eases outof Neil
“We can go home,” Andrew says
“No,” Neil says. “I want to stay.I want to learn how to…do all of this, as Neil.”
Andrew squeezes the back of hisneck one more time. “Okay.”
It’s a silent promise, one he’sbeen keeping for over a year now: that any time Neil drifts too far, Andrewwill keep him anchored.
Neil knows it and he can’t helpbut smile a little, watching Andrew’s hazel eyes disappear into the shadowbetween their faces.
“Yes or no?” he asks
Andrew draws back a little
“You’ve been dissociating allday.”
“I’m here now.”
Andrew scowls and let’s go ofhim, standing up to go dig out his pajamas from his luggage
Neil flops down on the bed andadmires the view while Andrew changes
(That’s a nice thing. Andrewbeing comfortable enough to change in front of him. Sure, he’s always partiallychanged out in the locker room, but in private it’s different. It’s more. And Andrew is willing to give thatto Neil.)
(It’s very nice.)
“Staring,” Andrew grunts
“Can you blame me?”
Neil sits up again and tugs onthe front of Andrew’s shirt until he gives in and steps up close, betweenNeil’s legs
His hands go to Neil’s sideswithout conscious decision
“Nicky wants the genuine Europeexperience,” Neil murmurs, toying with Andrew’s hem. He still hasn’t been givenpermission to touch, so he doesn’t. “We’re going to be staying in hostels.Might be the last time we have a room to ourselves.”
Andrew bites down on a thousandimpulses, reflexes to shut Neil down, cuthim out
Instead he just kisses Neil, goodand slow, a reassurance that they’re there,they’re real, and that this isn’t going away
“Yes,” he says, and pushes Neilback onto the bed.
You know what happens next
They love each other deeply andprofoundly and all that but they also like each other’s butts ya know
So afterwards they get cleaned upand curl back up in bed to sleep
Andrew climbs over Neil andnearly knees him in the balls and Neil’s laughing a little and Andrew scowls inannoyance as Neil scoots closer
And with the most obnoxious chav accent that’s ever been heard says, “Any chance a bloke could get a bit of a snog before bed?”
It is quite possibly the worstthing Neil has ever said and Andrew does not hesitate in slapping a pillow overhis face to try and smother him
Neil is laughing his ass off andit devolves into some pretty stupid wrestling before Andrew gets Neil pinneddown, straddling his hips
“Bloody wanker,” Neil says, unable to contain his grin
“Shut the fuck up,” Andrew says,and kisses him so that he does.
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builder051 · 6 years
It just snowed again here lol so I feel the cold. Could you do a fic where Jason gets locked out of the apartment/apartment building (my apartment building has doors outside that you go through and if you don’t have the key you’re fucked) and Colby finds him? Maybe hypothermia for Jason?
The first day of the new semester is dedicated to working out kinks.  Jason knows that.  He doesn’t expect to receive any homework as he waltzes around campus, every class releasing early after a casual overview of the syllabus.  
One benefit of being a halfway through his junior year is the lighter schedule.  He’s only on campus twice a week now, but, as he’s quickly learning, the aforementioned lightness is subjective.  Tuesdays and Thursdays have him running from seminar to lecture to lab from 8 in the morning to 5 at night.  And those are start times.  It’s well past 7 when he finally trudges back to his car to drive home.  
“Flop day, my ass,” Jason mutters, turning on the radio and scanning until he finds something that isn’t a commercial.  He’d been irrationally proud of himself this morning, learning before the school day even commenced.  When I’m a teacher, he’d written across the top of the first page of a fresh spiral notebook, don’t start coursework on first day.  Set expectations.  Expect schedule changes.  Then he’d missed the professor’s introduction because he was too busy beating himself up over the two iterations of the word “expect” so close together.  
Jason can’t believe how tired he is.  Some of it is misinformation, his brain attempting to process his surroundings and doing it badly.  It’s barely past the dinner hour, but dark enough to be midnight.  He may not have any reading to do when he gets home, but he’s still been gone for more than 8 hours.  Exhaustion is a natural response, even if it isn’t helpful or expected.  
A flutter of panic runs through his stomach as he thinks of what’s in store for him tomorrow.  He’s starting his first run of student teaching, meeting his mentor and the principal of the local high school bright and early tomorrow morning.  Will he be able to get enough sleep?  It’s so late…
No, he reminds himself.  It’s not.  The car clock says it’s 7:26.  Twelve hours before he has to be somewhere again.  Twelve hours, what a relief.  Or should he be thinking only 12 hours?  Is that really enough time?  Does he have a shirt to wear that isn’t horribly wrinkled?  There’s enough time to iron, isn’t there?  Do they even have an iron?
And so it goes.  For almost half an hour.  Traffic is stop-and-go, a mix of late commuters and folks on their way to and from the smattering of restaurants ringing the campus.  Jason thinks about stopping to pick up something to eat, but he lacks the motivation to even pull into a drive-thru.  He’ll have to watch that.  make sure it doesn’t become a habit.
Eventually Jason reaches the parking lot of the apartment complex.  He pulls his Corolla besides Mike’s frosty Rav-4, proof that she’s been home for hours already.  If only he could count on her to cook dinner.  He laughs to himself, wishing Colby was the one who got off mid-afternoon.  But alas, his partner is stuck in the awkward phase of proving himself and working long shifts in between the holiday and regular retail seasons, while his stubborn sister is inside, probably reading with headphones on and oblivious to Jason’s imminent arrival.  Jason shakes his head.  At least Mike doesn’t take up much space.
He slings his bag over his shoulder and runs toward the building, skidding slightly on the ice around the edges of the lot.  He swipes the RFID fob on his keyring across the sensor situated on the other side of the glass door.  Jason doesn’t hear the requisite beep, but he assumes his chattering teeth have just drowned out the soft sound.  He hadn’t thought he’d need gloves and a hat when the only time he’d be spending outside would be spent walking briskly, but he wishes he had them now.  He reaches for the door handle and yanks, but it stays resolutely shut.
“The hell?” Jason mutters.  He swipes his keyring again, listening closely.  Again he hears only silence.  “Hm.”  He cups his hands around his eyes like binoculars and looks through the glass, trying to find the source of the problem.  It’s hard to see in the dark, but the kiosk with the sensor seems to be glowing with its usual pinprick of orange light.  
Jason swipes a third time, looking and listening this time.  Still nothing.  He gives the door a good smack with the pinky side of his fist.  The warm brightness shakes, and the jagged edges of something papery tremble into existence.  A leaf or a gum wrapper or something, trapped between the glass and the sensor, perfectly positioned to interrupt whatever invisible means the key fob uses to communicate with the kiosk.  
“Ugh.  Fuck.”  Jason smacks the door again, then stupidly pulls on the handle.  Hitting it won’t unlock it, he knows.  But the situation is frustrating.  Jason looses a few more choice words, then slowly pulls in a deep breath.  He blows out a cloud of steam.
There is a simple solution, though it’s mortifying.  Jason digs in his pocket for his phone to call Mike and ask to be let in.  He feels like a dog scratching at the door.  He taps his phone’s dark screen, but nothing happens.  At first he wonders if his mind is playing tricks again, since the door just pulled the same one, but then the realization hits him and his stomach turns to a bucket of ice.  He ran out of battery before stepping into his last class.  
It’s his own fault for leaving his headphones plugged in with Pandora streaming for an entire class period.  Jason tells himself he’ll carry a charger with him at all times from now on, but it does nothing to fix the current problem.  “God fucking dammit, Mike!” he yells, pacing back and forth in front of the door.  “Decide to go check the mail or something!”  
But she won’t.  Jason knows she won’t.  Mike is… lazy is the wrong word, but Jason’s shivering seems to be interrupting his thoughts with sharp spikes like those produced by a seismograph.  Sparing.  That’s more accurate.  If something isn’t her problem, she’ won’t volunteer to make it her problem.  Once she’s safely in the apartment for the night, there’s little chance Mike will step out of her bedroom, let alone the front door.  
They originally chose this complex for its safety features, but now Jason hates them.  The 10-foot brick wall surrounding the grid of row houses is too steep to scale, and if he tries, he’ll only mangle his fingers.  He imagines drops of blood running down his palms and freezing before they hit the ground.  Jason feels faintly nauseated.  If he pukes, that will probably freeze, too.  At least his stomach is empty.  
He wonders vaguely how long it takes to starve to death.  Then how long it takes to die of exposure.  If he gets back in his car, he might be warmer, but he’ll have to run the engine to run the heater.  Jason’s gas tank is rarely over half full, and today topping up was another activity on the list to do later.  Plus, people are more likely to see him up here by the door.  Someone will come in or out soon.  
It’s still early.  Right?  Jason checks his watch.  It’s almost 8.  Time for… what do they watch on Tuesdays?  He’s too cold.  He can’t think.  He bounces on the balls of his feet, vocalizing indistinctly and listening to his pitch change as it bounces off the glass and echoes back at him.
“What the hell are you doing?” a muffled voice asks.
Jason spins around to see a tall, slender figure, almost unrecognizable under a hat, scarf, and shabby parka.
“Ohmygod.” Jason feels faint with relief.  He trips toward Colby, unintentionally tackling him and sending him ass-first onto the pavement.  
“Whoa, ok.”  Colby says, his voice halfway between amused and concerned.  “Good to see you too.”  He clasps Jason’s hands between his mittens.  “What’cha doing out here?  Besides trying to give me a concussion”
“Freezing to death,” Jason breathes, burying his nose in Colby’s shoulder.
“You lose your keys or something?  Did you walk here?”  Colby looks around wildly.
“No,” Jason says, trying to determine if it’s worth it to explain.  His brain gets hung up halfway through.  “Did you walk here?”
“Nah, Gil dropped me off halfway down the block,” Colby says.  He uses his thumb to stroke Jason’s red nose.  “Who are you and what did you do with my boyfriend?  Since when are you worried about me before you’re worried about you?  Not that, like, that’s a bad thing.  It’s just a ‘you’ thing.”
“Sheesh.”  Jason tries to roll his eyes, but he feels faint again.  
“Here, let’s go inside.”  Colby starts to pull him up.
“No, you gotta, um, you gotta…”  Jason can’t stop stuttering.  “You gotta call Mike.”
“Why?”  Colby looks at him like he’s gone nuts.
“Don’t ask.  Long story.”  It’s not actually that long, but Jason shakes his head anyway.  “Just do it.”
“Ok?”  Colby takes off one mitten and pulls his phone out of his coat pocket.  “But I get the full explanation later, right?”
“Yeah,” Jason agrees without thinking.  “But call her fast.  I’m fucking cold.”
“You know, I would have never guessed,” Colby laughs as he dials and holds the device to his ear.
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ohhippiehavoc-blog · 6 years
Home Cleaning With Alkaline Water
This may be something I'd like to get eventually. The health sector just like any other industry too can benefit greatly from this amazing tech tool. As an industry we want and need to take part in finding long-term solutions to ensure that the problem is stopped. To use the GFR calculator, you need to enter weight, age, gender, race and serum creatinine values. Thank God you don't think I need them. So I have a fondness for crocheting but I am still no rocket scientist but your piece has bought back to mind the years of my mother's majesty and I can not think of it without thinking of her. Have fun crocheting some of the patterns. You have a nice friend that she gave you that. The pharmaceutical drug industry argues that would also have opened up a “Pandora’s box” of problems—particularly safety issues—as tons of new and cheaper drugs flooded the market from Europe and Canada. In Canada you can buy refills at many local drug stores or grocery stores. Wouldn't that prevent the gasket/seals to go bad after two refills. If you have internet facility then you can get online help. Hi, I have tried several ways to get the liquid soap dispensed, Right now, soap leaked to the bottom, on the counter but not thru the dispenser, like it should. The person may feel very giddy when attempting to sit up, may have an intense headache around the forehead, and his or her scalp may feel sensitive to the touch. As the Lysol Healthy Touch product line already includes an instant hand sanitizer product, we will probably see the development of a high-quality instant had sanitizer refill for the Lysol No-Touch. In standard usage, one refill will perform about 166 dispenses. Unsure whether anyone else is on the line yet, the female caller throws out the first question: "You got gang stalking or V2K?" she asks no one in particular. She had to go for 4 hours dialysis process at the hospital every alternate day, for toxic waste and water to be extracted out from her body system due to the chronic failures of her kidneys. You avoid these foods to avoid gout attacks, but your body cannot function properly without protein - meats and seafood are common sources of protein! Being liquid, wheat grass nutrition is rapidly assimilated by the body. Dec 12, 2016. A new study finds a link between regular use of the common NSAID ibuprofen and reduced risk of lung cancer death for current and former. Mortenson LE. The off-label debate: a threat to the future of cancer care. What problems are caused by off-label drug use? The bill also includes tougher penalties for drug companies that commit fraud and bans the practice of brand name drugmakers paying competitors to keep lower-priced generic substitutes off the market. The FDA requires stringent rules prior to approving a medication, this in turn costs the drug companies millions of dollars, who then pass the cost on to the consumer. Therefore, the FDA has crafted an entire suite of web pages that help manufacturers of unapproved drugs navigate the regulatory landscape, canada drugs online Unapproved Drugs: Drugs Marketed in the United States That Do Not Have Required FDA Approval. Be sure to analyze for yourself the information we have gathered and presented in recent days. Exceptions are if you have reached age 65 or withdraw due to death or disability. Over The Counter (OTC) Analgesics or pain killers are drugs that act at different levels of the pain transmission pathway. Prescription drugs can be legal and prescribed by a family physician. Arizona residents, snowbirds from the states and Canada flock to Los Algodones, Mexico for low cost dental work, prescription eyeglasses and prescription drugs. For Storing Treasure: Dogs who like bones often bury them for safekeeping and to dig up later. Typically, individuals who are faking mental illness go for the typical Hollywood presentation. In this article published in September 2008 issue of “Alternative Medicine Review,” the authors found that vitamins A and C are useful for preventing urinary tract infections, while potassium salts help reduce painful urination associated with urinary tract infections. Finding a medicine that gives fulfilling rest without genuine symptoms can be testing. When it comes to food items, savings on generic brands vs. Your HSA must be maintained by a qualified third party, such as a bank, credit union, or savings and loan. 10 with Lysol coupons. Is it the right amount?
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1 of 4 secrets to make you business succeed
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There are a few secrets that I might like to proportion with you.  You may have been aware of some of them before.  Virtually you could have heard of all four, but I will promise that you will end every article with a fresh perspective.  I'm able to display you how four easy secrets and techniques can create a powerhouse web business.  That is the primary part of the 4 article collection.
Before I reveal the vault of a hit web commercial enterprise secrets I ought to provide you with a warning of one element.  All the records in the international will no longer take the place of willpower and persistence.  A web enterprise is much like an offline enterprise.  It takes tough work and resolves to be triumphant.  However operating smart is heads and tails better than undeniable old running.  Those 4 secrets will flip any clever working, devoted common Joe or Jane into a successful net enterprise owner.
Web fulfillment mystery #1) content is king.
Heard that before?  I recognize I've.  The element I by no means knew became the way to use content to my benefit.  Content material is useless except its miles optimized for the search engines.  It should also be optimized in your reader.  You have two clients- readers and engines like google.  You ought to fulfill both with the identical specific content material.
Content is king only if you have precise and fantastically specific key phrases located in incorrect locations.  Lamentably the difficult component is determining what key phrases to apply.  A keyword may be a single word or a word.  It's far the period that web surfers use to look for facts.  Location yourself in their footwear and try and discover what search terms they use.  You ought to then examine the search term.  How many humans search using that period?  What number of sites already deliver information on that seek term?  A simple call for and supply rules.  The extra call for with much less delivery equals greater profitability.
You have got numerous options for figuring out keywords and their income ability.  Search yourself, pay an agency to search for you, or have your hosting organization do an entire keyword search for your area of interest or internet enterprise subject matter.  In case your website hosting company does no longer offers this provider I suggest you switch to a plan that does.  This option by myself could make or ruin your business's future.  In case you would like my encouraged hosting plan, please contact me.
Without a proper keyword seek and evaluation you could as properly neglect approximately becoming successful with an internet enterprise.  Investing in this one key is the start of making plans for your website.
Your subsequent action step is to plan your website online format based on the 50-175 high-call for and low-deliver key phrases. Your website has to be dependent on three levels.  Tier one is your home page.  Tier is made from all your principal topics and additionally constitutes your navigation bar buttons.  Tier three keywords are sub-topics of tier pages.  Prepare your 50-175 keywords into 3 ranges.  Doing this makes it less difficult for visitors to navigate through your website and it makes it less complicated for search engine spiders to locate all your pages.
Seek engine spiders do no longer like to fish around for all your pages and links.  That is why many sites provide a “site map”.  A website map is one page that carries hyperlinks to all of the content material pages.  That is a satisfactory direction to take; however the general public agrees that pages with a whole lot of hyperlinks on it are valued much less than content pages that casually link to other content pages.
The usage of three tiers permits you to head from topic to sub-subject matter to sub-sub-topic all with the aid of herbal in-content hyperlinks.  For instance, tier 1 is the homepage on a health website online.  Tier 2 is a page all approximately cardio hobby and its advantages.  A tier three page off of that tier 2 web page is set one of a kind treadmill routines.  Do you notice how the web site traveler would like this structure?  They click on “cardio” and are given hyperlinks to extra precise pages about aerobic subjects.  Seek engine spiders just like the 3-tier shape too.  It method they do not ought to dig through layers and levels of useless links.
There is even extra to content material than finding profitable keywords and structuring your site into smooth-to-navigate tiers.  You ought to optimize every page on your internet site to perform properly and rank high at engines like google.  Many human beings commit their running existence to optimization secrets.  A full-duration article simply on optimizing is feasible.  Heck, a full-duration ebook is feasible.  My advice is to apply a web hosting employer that mechanically teaches you how to optimize internet pages for the engines.  Doing so that it will purpose much less headache and frustration and it'll hold you targeted on building content material.
Short training in optimization: place your unique keyword within the file name, title, description, and keyword segment of your web page.  Then sprinkle the keyword for the duration of the content material.  Additionally offer a hyperlink the use of your unique keyword in the hyperlink textual content.  If all of this has you spinning your head, I advise going to the website hosting employer I exploit.  They educate you to build a website using blocks.  It’s all simple and less complicated than you watched.
There may be one closing piece of content.  It should efficaciously pre-promote your service or product and function you as the professional to your discipline.  While your internet site has 50-one hundred seventy-five optimized pages for your visitors to read via it will begin to function you as the professional.  Your website turns into referred to as the region for statistics approximately (insert your area of interest).
While site visitors find your web page thru search engines like google they are searching for information approximately a hassle or question they have.  If they land to your web site and you try and sell them something proper away one factor is certain- they click the back button and locate another website to be able to give them data.  This is why pre-promoting your products or services is paramount.  Supply your visitors about what they need.  Solution their query and inside the procedure let them understand approximately your services and products.
All the facts develop rapport and believe with your website online visitor.  It positions you as an expert.  It continues your vacationer for your web page longer seeing that they may be virtually studying content material.  Search engines notice this and rank you higher.  How well your website online can preserve site visitors is referred to as "stickiness."  Your web site must entice and preserve traffic for so long as feasible.
Provide content that pre-sells your products, positions you as the professional, and focuses on highly profitable key phrases.  You can not go incorrect with your net commercial enterprise in case you do those things.  The secret to content is to meet both your tourist and search engines.  Lose one or both and you are doomed.  As I cited earlier, it is excellent to work smarter and now not more difficult.  Your hosting organization need to be presenting a maximum of those offerings to you freed from rate.  There are a small few that try this, but it is nicely really worth the research.  Contact me for in addition to assets and data.  Having a successful net enterprise starts offevolved with powerful content material.  Stay tuned for the following articles of this serie!
If you want some tools which allow you to create high-converting web page in few minutes read this: How To Make Money With Clickfunnels Affiliate + Bonus
For more tips and suggestions about online business and entrepreneurship visit: TOP Affiliate Marketing Programs
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tangtang7843-blog · 5 years
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Jason Fladlien – Speed Mission The #1 Approach To Launch An Complete Enterprise On-line … Or To Give ANY Current Enterprise A Kick In The Pants – With No Cash, No Connections, And Just about No Effort Hey, Jason Fladlien right here and wouldn’t you agree… that any system, strategy, or methodology turns into simple if in case you have the required sources? In case you have an e-mail listing, you get push-button visitors. In case you have connections, you get immediate visitors from companions. In case you have tons of cash, you should buy visitors… And these are simply visitors examples! The purpose is that you simply may not have the posh of an inventory, cash, expertise, or some other sources. You may must get one thing going from scratch… or, like me, you prefer to have new concepts pay for themselves as an alternative of investing a ton of labor or cash upfront… which is why I feel you’re going to like this. The Mannequin That Individuals LOVE To HATE What I discover fascinating is that the mannequin that's bar none the best possible approach to launch a brand new enterprise on-line or make stronger any current enterprise… will get a foul rap. It’s bizarre, as a result of it meets all the necessities I like to see in any methodology. Let’s see… It does NOT require you to have an inventory or some other type of attain It does NOT require you to have expertise, and even expertise for that matter It does NOT require you to work for lots of hours or make investments a ton of cash earlier than you begin seeing ends in your PayPal… And… you may discover this fascinating: I used this methodology only recently for what may doubtlessly result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in my pocket. It scales ALL the best way – from scratch to hundreds of thousands. Which makes it excellent in my e book. So WHAT is it and WHY Do Individuals “Hate” It? Sufficient teasing. The tactic I’m speaking about is so simple as it will get. Right here it's. You leverage the data of another person to your personal achieve, for his or her achieve, and for the achieve of your prospects. Right here’s what you do: 1) you discover an skilled, 2) interview them, and three) create an data product out of that interview. A easy three step course of. So why the dangerous rap? I don’t know. I feel it’s as a result of individuals don’t notice that it’s solely a three step course of. … Which is pure madness! So individuals who hate it are so off the mark about this mannequin it’s not even humorous. The truth is you'll be able to simply do it – with out expertise. There’s a selected approach I’m going to indicate you that permits you to get expertise in a no threat setting. In the event you screw it up… (and for this primary time, you WILL screw it up!) – it’ll nonetheless make you cash in the event you observe the method. Plus there’s a selected psychological trick that explains why consultants really DO wish to discuss to you (in the event you use a sure strategy…) even when they've by no means heard of you earlier than. And don’t get me began on questions. It’s EASY to seek out and ask questions that haven’t been finished to demise and that provoke the skilled to deliver their A-game to your interview! The right way to make this mannequin work in ANY area of interest Belief me on this: I KNOW for a undeniable fact that for nearly each single particular person studying this web page, including the interview mannequin to their enterprise or utilizing it to make their very first greenback on-line… makes A LOT of sense. In actual fact, I feel it’s the #1 approach to launch a brand new enterprise on-line or to get an current one to the following degree. Along with my CMO, John S. Rhodes, I’ve created a system that walks you thru each step of the best way, removes each concern and each impediment and propels you from nothing in any respect to a product that’s finished and being profitable. Examine this out… Whenever you begin consuming Pace Mission, you’re going to right away adore it – for a few causes. For starters, it’s considered one of – if not ‘THE’ – best, quickest, most sure-fire methods to get one thing occurring the spot, with out expertise, with none prior belongings like an inventory, repute, or expertise. Anybody can take it and run with it. Much more importantly… it’s one thing you'll be able to scale into an enormous earnings stream as a result of Pace Mission is all about constructing belongings (by the efforts of different individuals) and buying mental property that can make you cash over and over. Right here’s what takes the cake… What makes Pace Mission actually distinctive is you’re getting an entire bunch of distinctive ‘twists’ to this confirmed mannequin that… Will change the skilled’s perspective in the direction of you in a snap and make them DESPERATE to be working with you (How? … Thanks to at least one little factor you’ll say – search for the precise phrase inside and use it verbatim…) Permits you to provide you with precisely the appropriate inquiries to ask to extract most worth out of the skilled – because of this, your interview product goes to be way more substantial, distinctive, and precious to your viewers Reveals the place to seek out as many certified consultants as you need – that every might have a HUGE viewers and a HUGE platform so that you can faucet into… In addition to offers you with a whole ‘quick-start guide’ that permits you to stand up and working tonight if you need In fact, that’s not practically it – you’re going to get methods, step-by-step approaches, all that great things. Right here’s precisely what you’re getting… First, you get 5 modules that designate the system, step-by-step, offering you with all the required particulars for every step you want to take to go from a standing begin to a super-sonic velocity and revenue – in addition to the massive image of how every little thing suits collectively. Have a look… Module #1 Uncover the neatest and quickest 5-step course of you should use to get your first interview fashion undertaking accomplished. The key is making a particular check setting to be taught the ropes and achieve great confidence WITHOUT any stress. Module #2 See the right way to extract most market worth (“MMV”) even with out expertise or expertise. Use the processes to get built-in visitors, dig into any area of interest, and benefit from the halo of energy and success of different consultants. Module #three The “One Foot Hurdles” are these issues which are extraordinarily simple to beat or clear up in little or no time with little or no (or zero!) monetary funding. Study why consultants are determined to speak to you, the right way to ask good questions, the right way to make everybody very completely happy (together with prospects), and a lot extra. Module #four That is the place you get extra superior entry to doing Pace Mission fashion interviews utilizing easy, however tremendous efficient methods. Know who to focus on, when to focus on them, why they want you, the place to seek out extra consultants, the right way to ask precisely the appropriate questions, the right way to win the “recreation” earlier than you begin, the right way to make consultants completely happy, the right way to write Pace Mission product gross sales letters, and far more! Module #5 There are six individuals who could make or break your Pace Mission undertaking. 5 of them are actually superior and considered one of them will destroy your product and suck your time away like a vampire. Discover out who’s most necessary and least necessary to your interview product and the right way to work with all of them in precisely the appropriate approach. Plus, you’re additionally getting a mindmap that permits you to evaluation the method at a look and do every of the steps in a easy, follow-along fashion with out ever opening the members space or watching the movies. That’s not NEARLY It! Whereas there’s a WEALTH of knowledge out there in these modules and the mindmap… You’re getting way more than that if you spend money on Pace Mission at the moment. You’re additionally getting an audio recording of me, Jason Fladlien, discussing the interview mannequin in entrance of a dwell viewers, gifting away all types of secrets and techniques like… Case Examine #1 “The Fast And Soiled Interview” – how we shortly did an interview with a multi-millionaire that billionaires(!) take heed to and launched a profitable product. My time funding to create that product? Underneath three hours… The 6 Varieties Of Consultants you’ll encounter when interviewing persons are The Egghead, The Marketer, The Connector, The _______, The _______, and The _________ – and why avoid the final 2 if in any respect potential (Vital: in the event you strategy this the WRONG approach, you’ll by no means get an interview product finished…) Case Examine #2 “The Professional Interview Occasion” – on the different aspect of the spectrum so far as the interview merchandise go, you’ll discover these large multi-expert occasions and merchandise. Right here’s a case research of an occasion identical to that which I used to be part of… The Psychology of Consultants – and why a LOT of educated and necessary individuals really are EAGER to speak to you and to say YES to collaborating with their sources in no matter you’re constructing for your self The “Sponsor” Trick – the right way to get a third celebration PAY to your concept And far, way more! In fact, you’re additionally getting a word-by-word transcript of the recording which weighs in at 23 pages and greater than 12,000 phrases – you’re going to like this in the event you be taught quicker by studying or wish to evaluation key ideas shortly after listening to the recording. In The Cash After Hitting The Save Button? The underside line is… Pace Mission is an effective way to construct a enterprise from nothing in any respect, and it’s one thing I can wholeheartedly advocate to finish freshmen in addition to entrepreneurs who've been across the block. Why? Crucial purpose is that it doesn’t require you to ramp up earlier than you begin being profitable. As quickly as you’re finished together with your first product, you might be within the cash HOURS after hitting the Save button – how superior is that? With that in thoughts… SalesPage (extra information): http://speedmission.com Jason Fladlien – Pace Mission Comprises: Movies, PDF´s [ihc-hide-content ihc_mb_type="show" ihc_mb_who="2,3" ihc_mb_template="1" ] If broken links, please contact me via email or facebook. [/ihc-hide-content] https://mmomem.com/jason-fladlien-speed-mission/?feed_id=1073&_unique_id=5ddd1b0cda0c1 #jasonfladlien #speedmission
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lifepros · 7 years
Invest in a pocket sized journal and reduce stress, improve efficiency and forget nothing
TL;DR - Having a pocket sized journal that you can remove and write down a peice of information in just a couple of seconds can have a dramatic impact on your organization and quality of day to day life.
This is mine. This is the original cover I bought off Amazon, but the price has gone up significantly. It holds pocket composition books you can buy at Walmart.
It doesn't have to be anything special. I prefer the leather cover, because it makes it much more durable and resilient to general use. It just has to fit in your pocket or purse and be easy to get to. There should be one simple motion to pull it out, just like your phone.
So why have this?
If you use it regularly, you will see significant reduction in your daily stress, forget less important pieces of information and just be more organized in general. I'm a senior software engineer and my work is the "lose a lot of money if you fuck up" type of work and my blood pressure is nearly perfect.
As a senior software engineer, my typing skills and my speed at which I use technology products is top notch, but I've yet to find any note taking app on my phone that can match writing in this journal in terms of speed and efficiency. I've tried every note taking app under the sun and I found all of them too cumbersome for daily use to the point where I just stopped using them without realizing it.
It doesn't run on batteries. Yeah, it can burn, but your phone can also get smashed. The fact that it doesn't run on batteries is really important.
You know those donkeys at work who don't contribute much, but always carry around office materials completely unrelated to their job to create the perception they are busy and organized? This serves the same purpose, but you are going to use it.
It's all vintage and hipster like and stuff. Chicks dig that.
So what do you do with it?
You write stuff in it to remove it from the clutter inside your head and the speed at which you can pull it out and do it makes it a very convenient and easy to adopt habit.
There is a limitation of how much stuff a person can juggle in their mind at one time. I forget the actual numbers; I think it's in the 30s. And when we are trying to keep track of more than we can handle or process, this creates stress and strain and worry.
Therefore, by getting in the habit of immediately recording those little things you need to remember in the course of the day, they get stored safely in your journal, allowing you to let them fade from your mind.
Here is some examples:
Daily To Do Lists - I devote a page to each day of the week and then split it in half, one side for work, one for personal. I only write down things I need or want to accomplish this day and then I don't have to worry about any of it until I have time to devote to accomplishing something.
Long Term To Do List - I have one page devoted to items that need to be done at some point, but I am not sure when. They get added to this list, then crossed off when moved to one of my daily lists
Grocery Lists - Self explanatory
Workout Records - I keep track of my daily workout progress in pages in the back of the book. For example, with cardio, distance ran, pace and time. For weight lifting and core, sets and reps accomplished. Once again, tried multiple fitness apps and just haven't found anything to make me deter from recording it this way. I transcribe my progress from the journal into spreadsheets or fitness tracking services once a week, so I can see progress over a longer period of time.
Random Bits of Important Information - A phone number from a chick at a coffee shop when I am at a coffee shop, an address of a meeting I got when walking, an IP address for a server I need to work with later, a temp password only good for 20 minutes. All of it gets written down on pages devoted to random information immediately out of habit, leaving me free to forget about it and focus on more important things like reading Reddit. I have the comfort of knowing where it all is at all times and within easy reach. At the end of the day, I transcribe anything that needs to be retained into my Google calendar or contacts.
Random Note Taking - I find pulling this out in meeting and taking notes in it to be much faster than trying to do the same with my phone. I never have to ask the speaker to stop or slow down and I transcribe them into Google documents later in the day. I rarely take anything but this to a meeting unless I am demoing a piece of software and need my laptop.
Travel Itinerary and Directions - When traveling by airplane, I record my entire travel itinerary in this journal, because of how difficult it can be to get a reliable signal on a plane or in airports. The same with road trips. I record the directions step by step for the route I am taking, because I've gone thru mountains only to lose my phone signal and GPS and get screwed.
Edited: Typos
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graven images.
[source] [triggers]
If you really believe in something, it can be yours.
That's how we've been conditioned to think. Mostly, I suppose it's a coping mechanism to keep us from eating the rich. We all think we'll be rich someday if we just want it hard enough. How long has it been since there was a good, old-fashioned culling of the wealthy elite?
That probably wasn't a good way to start this blog post... I'm more than a little tired, but fuck it. I'm leaving it.
That was the subject of an email I received before my ISP dropped me. My phone turned into a brick the same day. Hell, I think it was the same precise moment, though it's difficult to know for sure since I only tried it after my laptop couldn't connect.
"Corruptus"... I'd never heard the word before, and to be honest I'm not exactly sure it IS a word at all. It could be Latin. It sounds like Latin. I haven't been able to look it up, and this is the first time I'm getting on the web since my unexpected removal from the grid.
I tried to sign on at the local library, by the way. My card was revoked... unpaid late fees for books I'd never read, much less checked out. Mostly borderline fetish material and self-help books for various mental illnesses. The apparently quite detailed tome on weapons of mass destruction seemed to be of the most concern for the librarian.
I hung around the library for maybe a half an hour, until someone left a computer logged in and unguarded. When I went to check my email, to tweet a complaint about what happened, those accounts were gone, as well. Honestly, I was a pretty huge dumbass for expecting them to be there.
It wasn't long before I noticed the computer's rightful user pointing me out at the front desk. I guess she wasn't a fan of the direct approach. I was out the door before anyone could cause a real fuss.
It's been over two years since I left Mowgli's Palace and never looked back.
The original blog post has come and gone so much... across so many different sites... that I can barely even remember the first place I tried to host it. If I'd known how far this would go, I don't know if I would've been able to hack out that clumsy, flawed account of what happened. The pressure would've been too great, and I suppose there's a certain level of comfort in the idea no one will actually see or care about your work.
It seems like a lot of sites removed the information, either upon direct request from Disney... or on their own in fear of reprisal. I know a really popular YouTuber who pulled readings of my posts from his channel. The rumor was that someone threatened to sue him, some supposed "author" of the "story". Bullshit. I know first-hand that he took it down in a bout of pants-shitting fear when he realized Disney's connection to his partner company.
I tried to keep up my "After Abandoned" blog for a while. I don't know how many people out there saw my notes on Room Zero, Club 22, and so on. They're still around if you look... at least at the time of this writing.
Yes, "Club 22" exists. No, it's not a typo of "Club 33". I later learned, from the same contact, that there's an 11 as well, and supposedly the debauchery only grows as the numbers get lower. I heard of a "Club 00", but I can't confirm that as clearly as I can with the previous contact. I also don't know if it has any connection to the "Room" of a similar name.
Yes, the door probably said "Characters" or "Cast Members" instead of "Mascots". I know, I know, I hear you all. Thank you so much for that. I'm sure your memory is crystal clear in moments of abject terror, right?
Overall, I'm glad that my words have spread so far and wide... but the down side is that so few of you are taking this seriously. I can't stress this enough... Treasure Island? Real. The Utilidors? Real. Just because you can't substantiate the rest doesn't mean it's "a cool story". Instead of picking apart the inaccuracies and making games about how cool it would be to have been in my position, maybe people can start taking this seriously and digging into what's going on.
I don't know. I don't want this to be a rant. I want to stay focused and make sure I post exactly what I wanted to make public. All of the stress... the stalkers, the phone calls, the broken windows... I know that's all supposed to keep me off track. They want me confused, scared, and most of all they want me quiet.
There's a team of men and women in suits that I've seen at random times. Here and there. I call them "The Focus Group" because they pop up with clipboards and pens, taking notes about everything I do. They all have the same outfits, the same thick-rimmed nerd glasses, the same red pens that just scream "we're judging you".
The first time I noticed them, they were following me through the Mall. I looped and turned, trying to be SURE they were following me... and there they were, every step of the way. Days later, I spotted them again in the laundromat window across from my new apartment.
I chased one down, once. The tubbiest one. They stayed silent through the entire chase and even the scuffle that ensued. When I wrenched the clipboard from his hand, I only found page after page of off-kilter, random gibberish coupled with crude Mickey silhouettes. All in the same red ink.
I know it sounds insane, to say that a group of men and women in black are following me and taking nonsense notes, but I think that's the point. I think the idea is that it SHOULD drive me insane, and if it doesn't, you'll still think I'm crazy just for saying it.
It's a no-win situation.
I will forever regret that trip to Emerald Isle, but on the other hand I'll always be grateful to the people who have come forward, anonymously, to share their experiences with me. Whoever mailed me the suggestion box from the resort is basically my hero at this point. To read what I'd written about the place and still brave the journey... wow. I can't imagine how that felt, whoever you may be. You even left the original, corroded lock in the box so I'd know it was legit. To do all of that without even taking a look inside for yourself must've been really hard. Thank you.
If you haven't noticed, I'm treating this post a lot like my "final installment". There's a reason for that. I don't know how long I can keep subverting Disney's attempts at silencing me before some sort of final action is taken. I have no doubt that somewhere, at this very moment, someone is using my identity to commit a crime that would discredit me. That, or the men in white jackets are about to show me a lovely little padded cell. I don't know what's going to come of this, and that's the worst part I suppose. All I know is that it's coming.
So what is "Corruptus"? Well, as I mentioned it was the title of an email I received. One that was presumably deleted along with my account. It was blank, and seemed to exist for the sole purpose of placing an attached text document in my hands.
Too bad for the powers that be... I had already printed it the moment I saw it.
Not much they can do to reverse that, can they?
I should've mentioned... remember that library? I used their copier to run off a few thousand duplicates of that letter. A few hundred are stapled in random places, a few hundred were passed out to random people, and the rest... let's leave those as a little surprise. Have fun trying to stifle THAT, you horrible mouse-fuckers.
Without any more rambling, here's the letter. Word for word. It arrived from a source whose email address I won't disclose... though I assume it's an untraceable dummy account, anyway.
Summation of CORRUPTUS incidents for January, 2015
For office use only. This message contains information that may be confidential or proprietary, or protected by the attorney-client privilege or work product doctrine intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) named above. Any review, disclosure, distribution, copying or use of the information by others is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error or without authorization, please advise the sender by immediate reply and delete the original message. All email sent to this address will be received by the Disney corporate email system and is subject to archiving and review by someone other than the recipient. Violation of this disclaimer as written will result in prosecution.
Please refer to official guidelines with relation to "known" and "unconfirmed" incident reports. Respect regulation as per ongoing and/or finalized designations.
Known CORRUPTUS incidents up to and including January, 2015
Treasure Island
Extreme agitation/inappropriate activity within Vulture population.
Mild to moderate agitation/inappropriate human activity.
Resolved CORRUPTUS: Unidentified Avian Species
Abandoned. Final.
Disney's Pop Century Resort
Misplaced and mobile objects.
Chronological Displacement/Anachronism.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: Wandering entity.
Disney's River County
Microorganism infestation.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: "Clear Man" aka "See-Thru Man" aka "Friendly John".
Abandoned. Final.
ImageWorks: The What-If Labs (2nd Floor)
Multiple missing persons reports regarding Dreamfinder's School of Drama.
Pin screen fatality.
Vibrating mirror sickness.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: "Wily Wizard" installation
Abandoned. Final.
Mowgli's Palace
Auditory hallucination and/or projection.
Misplaced and mobile objects.
Moderate to severe agitation/inappropriate human activity.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: Inverted Character
Abandoned. Final.
The New Global Neighborhood
Resolved CORRUPTUS: Fiber Optic Worm (NGN C 1)
Resolved CORRUPTUS: Digital Howl (NGN C 2)
Resolved. Repurposed.
Room Zero
Sudden-onset mass-hysteria.
Auditory hallucination and/or projection.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: Unknown
Contained. Final.
Please note: Nara Dreamland is not an officially licensed Disney park and no information or resources are to be shared with any responsible for containing its residents.
A complete list of suspected CORRUPTUS incidents and reports may be available.
It took a few readings before I could get my head around this. Essentially, if the attached file was to be believed, then the events I had experienced were not part of an isolated incident. The events within Room Zero... the Gascots... they seem like part of a much larger problem.
What is "Corruptus"?
Corruption. I mean, I don't need to run Google Translate for that, even if I felt like I COULD take a break from writing without the risk of someone finding and disconnecting me at any moment.
Corruption of what? Dreams? Ideas? Desires?
I've never been a religious man, but I was dragged to Sunday School more than enough times to know about Golden Calves. False Gods created by man... icons, graven images...
Characters. Mascots.
If you believe in the Bible at all, and I'm not sure I do, especially not after what I've seen... then maybe God wasn't angry because people worshiped other things. Maybe he was afraid. Maybe if enough people believe in something hard enough, there's a chance it will come to be. Since we're naturally flawed beings, that means there's a very good chance such a thing would become corrupted.
If you think about it, Disney's animated films have always had one overriding message.
Clap your hands and believe hard enough, and Tinkerbell will live. When you wish upon a star... anything your heart desires...
People like to say Disney has some connection to Satanism, but I never bought into that. I still don't. I think they've been trying to create that Golden Calf... a God-Idol that everyone believes in... one that everyone loves... It's almost as if any dream or idea that is shared by enough human hearts and minds has a real chance of being born into the world.
The creatures... if any exist beyond what I saw with my own eyes... I think they're the deformed half-starts. Random manifestations of some dark, unquantifiable non-life that seeped into our state of being. They're mistakes of reality. Cosmic abortions.
The Corrupted.
Did everyone in Emerald Isle harbor such a negative impression of Mowgli's palace? How potent was the fear of nuclear war on the day Room Zero became full? If you want to find Gascots and mystery voices, does that search bring about the very thing you're looking for?
How many children have been disappointed, confused, or scarred for life when they saw Mickey without his "head"?
These are questions I'm never going to be able to answer. I don't know if anyone can. Speaking personally, this will probably be the last time I talk to you about Disney and everything I've learned about them. I'm truly sorry for that, especially since there's so much more I could say... unconfirmed rumors, documents and items I received that now seem to be gone forever...
I thought they were just trying to contain that Mickey costume. I thought that's why they went out of their way to keep the public in the dark about so much. Why they coerced and bullied to get their way.
Now I realize I was wrong.
It was this, all along.
They didn't want anything like THIS getting out.
I wish you all good luck, and I know I need the same from you.
Thank you.
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albertosantosrocha · 5 years
El bandito review using 😎 Octane software with the supersonic campaign
About Me Alberto
Digital Ofertas+Bonuses
Free Software GRATIS
Traffic Laze
The lost code
This new course called “El-Bandito” is a full case study and step by step guide on how to make $2325.45 with just 1 hour of simple work.
This new course called “El-Bandito” is a full case study and step by step guide on how to make $2325.45 with just 1 hour of simple work.
Abr 3, 2019
This new course called “El-Bandito” is a full case study and step by step guide on how to make $2325.45 with just 1 hour of simple work.Por
alberto santos rocha
Income Producing Activities
El-Bandito Review Plus Super Bonus
This new course called “El-Bandito” is a full case study and step by step guide on how to make $2325.45 with just 1 hour of simple work.
This is affiliate marketing at it’s best but with a very clever and effective twist. This is something I have never seen before and it works brilliantly.
Affiliate marketing makes me thousands of dollars each and every month so when ever I get a chance to go through new strategies and training I dive straight in.
In the video below I dig much deeper and go through this new course and case study in detail and I found some very interesting things.
Watch my full review below.
In the video below I will be giving you a sneek peek of this new course “El-Bandito” and here’s what I found + a sneek peek inside the members area
>> Grab The El-Bandito Income System Here + Your Super Bonus Package <<
* Click Play below *
>> Grab The El-Bandito Income System Here + Your Super Bonus Package <<
Main Course – you get x20 training videos in the main course + including case studies + the super bonus from me
Main course price – ($12.95)  (early bird price is for the first 3 hours ONLY but price will be rising quickly afterwards)
Upgrade 1 – Done For You Campaigns ($37)
This is your chance to get done for you campaigns. This is always a huge time saver and something to certainly consider.
Upgrade 2 – Limitless Traffic for 365 days ($197)
Traffic is the lifeblood of your online income so this is a chance to get Limitless traffic for 365 days. This really is a whopper of a deal.
Upgrade 3 – Lifetime Affiliate Campaigns($197)
You can get access to a lifetimes amount of affiliate campaigns. This will save you a hue amount of time and also a lot of money testing things for yourself. With this you can go straight to the money and start profiting much faster.
Upgrade 4 –  License Rights ($97)
Here you can get full rights to this entire course and products and keep every penny you make. This is always a very valuable offer especially when thousands has been pumped into entire products like this including sales copy and design and product creation plus all the support needed too. Here you can just keep 100% of every sale without doing anything.
In Summary:
I thought the course itself is very good and based on some very clever concepts and something that anyone can easily start implementing right away to get big results.
The training itself is all in videos and they are easy to understand.
The only thing I didn’t like about this course is there is one thing that they talk about which in my opinion is now an old way of doing things and isn’t anywhere near as effective as what I’m now doing. (I will tell you this is my bonus 1 of my super bonus package)
So don’t panic because I have put together training revealing what I now do along with giving you tonnes more extra methods and tactics that you can use to make tonnes more money and get more traffic to your offers and pages.
My entire super bonus package is laid out below.
>> Grab The El-Bandito Income System Here + Your Super Bonus Package <<
Your Super Bonus Package
I have put together a brand new bonus package for the first 75 people ONLY that pick up a copy of  “El-Bandito course” from this Blog or my youtube video. This is a unique bonus package which I have created just for customers that purchase this new course from my blog or youtube video and this will give you a massive advantage over everyone else that grabs this affiliate course.
BONUS 1 – I’m going to reveal my new strategy that I’m now using in my business which is something you need and must know. This is a huge game changer for the entire industry and for those that start doing this early will have a huge advantage over everyone else.
BONUS 2 – Here I’m going to reveal exactly what you need to do to reach super affiliate status and start making thousands each month from your affiliate campaigns using all free traffic. This is exactly how I did it.
BONUS 3 – In this bonus I’m going to explain the one thing that you MUST have in place if you plan on hitting those big paydays as an affiliate. 99.5% of affiliates don’t do this and it’s why I crush my affiliate campaigns because I do this and I show you how and why it works so well.
BONUS 4 – Also as a very special bonus I’m going to give you x4 of my paid products too. These all compliment the main El-Bandito main course and cover things such as traffic, listing building sales funnels and email marketing and lots more.
>> Grab The El-Bandito Income System Here + Your Super Bonus Package <<
This super bonus package is HUGE and packed full of tonnes of extra powerful training, strategies and methods giving you a huge advantage.
This super bonus package will be gone VERY QUICKLY because I’m only allowing 75 bonus package copies to be given away this time so just make sure you pick up the new course quickly to secure your super bonus package spot. If you miss this super bonus package you will truly be missing out because as I said in my video my bonuses alone are worth a lot more than the main course itself.
Closing Thoughts: The whole course is exceptional value and the training is brilliant too and I’m super happy to recommend this to you because I know you will really like it.
This entire course with the extra training plus my super bonus package is a real Whopper of a deal so don’t miss out.
BONUS # 1$1952.80 in 48 Hours Full Case-Study & Video TrainingIn this complete video training you’ll get to watch over our shoulder as we setup a passive profit machine in under an hour that made $1952.80 with FREE traffic. The best part is we set this up months ago and it is still making us commissions today.
BONUS # 2Emergency Cash BoosterIn this bonus you’re going to get proven fast cash generating methods that work like clockwork to generate quick money. Any one of these methods can be used as a stand-a-lone income source or as a complete business in a box.
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MAKE MONEY WITH EL BANDITO OR WE’LL GIVE YOU A REFUNDAlthough the discounted price and bonuses make getting El Bandito right now a total no-brainer, we don’t want ANYTHING to hold you back from getting this now.
These 75 super bonus packages WILL GO QUICKLY so make sure you grab it early.
Once you have purchased the course your bonuses will be waiting for you in the download area or just email me at [email protected] ” and I will send them to you.
Grab your copy below..
Any questions or comments please leave them below and I will get back to you.
>> Grab The El-Bandito Income System Here + Your Super Bonus Package <<
Dan Rose saysJuly 19, 2018 at 10:03 pmTrying to buy El Bandito thru your link via Paypal but I keep getting Brendan Mace as the seller? What’s up? Probably going to miss your bonus’s now. DanREPLY
Arlene Aliano saysJuly 17, 2018 at 3:08 amI PURCHASED el Bandito and all the upsells until I came to the last one. It was more expensive than the others so I had to check and see if I had enough money to purchase it. When I finished checking from a different computer and returned to the offer, the window had closed and I was unable to get back into it without starting at the beginning again. Is there any way that I can still purchase that last upsell?REPLY
alex saysJuly 16, 2018 at 7:42 amGood Morning Paul,First and foremost, without making any apologies for being repetitive, but thank you once again for yet another excellent and honest review.I am particularly interested in the Upgrade 2 – Limitless Traffic for 365 days Option – is it quite ‘diverse’ from the other good traffic systems/methods promoted in your other, highly acclaimed reviews ?Kind Regards,Alex.REPLY
ramaraju saysJuly 15, 2018 at 10:06 amI bought the Elbandito thru your link , but have not received the bonus that you promised. How can I contact you with the details ? Thanks.REPLY
Steven Lucas saysJuly 13, 2018 at 1:34 pmHi Paul,You have a lot of trust with me and despite the constant warnings of shiny object syndrome I keep giving myself, I will be grabbing this one through your link.Thanks for the heads-up.Regards,Steven LucasREPLY
Paul Nicholls saysJuly 20, 2018 at 8:22 pmHi DanYes this is Brendans offer and I am the affiliate, so once you grab your copy my super bonus will be available for you in the download area after your purchasePaulREPLY
Paul Nicholls saysJuly 20, 2018 at 8:22 pmHi ArleneI did email you back yesterday with a linkPaulREPLY
Paul Nicholls saysJuly 16, 2018 at 5:44 pmHi AlexThe traffic upgrade basically gives you tonnes of traffic strategies which will be enough for you for the next 365 daysWhen it comes to traffic you can never know enough, I always go through new traffic training at every opportunity.Anyway, take a look and see if it’s a good fit for you 🙂PaulREPLY
Paul Nicholls saysHey thereyour bonuses are waiting for you inside warriorplus (the marketplace which you purchase this new course from)If you are still struggling to find it then email me and I will send it overPaulREPLY
Paul Nicholls saysJuly 13, 2018 at 2:48 pmThanks Steven for the kind words 🙂It opens Saturday 9am ESTThere is some super powerful stuff that I share in the bonus package I have for you 🙂Talk soonPaulREPLY
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topicprinter · 7 years
I post this for feedback, for inspiration and progression. Fire at will. Its long, real long, but holds value. Thanks for reading.Before i begin, i would like to share one personal opinion. For those of you who say an idea is worthless until it is executed, you are wrong. The ideas are the fundamentals, the foundation. It is the beginning of all endeavours, the initial point of creation. I agree, the thoughts are generally only relevant if acted upon, but i would like to stress the importance and value the idea itself holds, do not undermine it. Keep thinking, even when it may seem illogical, or impossible. Darwin is a fine example of such perseverance.I am 29, an entrepreneur, serial thinker, bipolar. This idea ive been trying to prove wrong, for 3 years now, without success. Have literally hundreds of >1m valuation ideas, some 10+m, but always looking for more. I need billions. It is the only way i can do what i want to do, too actually make a real difference or impression, i need to have these mass resources. This is not greed. This is perfectionism, its all or nothing.Lets set the stage....In this global age of information, connection is king. Marketing in itself has fundamentally changed. Reaching someone is no longer enough, you must engage, and captivate in order to make an impression. Companies are more then ever searching for innovative ways to acquire new consumers. My new application/idea is basically a marketing app, if you want it simply.Over the years, we have grown accustomed to advertisements, and we seem to accept this as a way of life. We acknowledge this as a part of business, and adapt accordingly. Online, mobile, TV, radio, its all there i don't need to say it, ads, ads all over the place. Its annoying, and inconvenient. Its also largely, ineffective and inefficient for the merchants as well. The expected impact or impression rate on most advertising campaigns is below 10%. This is absolutely terrible, but it is accepted.My business will change all of that. It does so in many ways, but one main difference is we allow our users to pick the ads or businesses they wish to interact with, and reward them for there time accordingly. This concept is quite vast, and hard to explain, so i am going to try and lay it out simply.Lets call the new business, Score. Score is an application that connects merchant and consumers. The applications is free for all users, forever. Revenue is from merchant side.As a small business or merchant, there are advertising campaigns that you create, and pay for each time you publish one. There are many different options available. You can create a video commercial, and send it out locally or globally. You could advertise a special sale at your restaurant, "buy dinner...get free wine" and push it out to locals thru the application. You may be a global corporation, wanting to increasing brand awareness, so you create a trivial challenge incorporating your brands mission, and engage users on a personal level. You may be Ford Motor Co, looking for new marketing strategies, so you create a campaign, engage users, reward those that complete your challenge, give away a few cars. The possibilities are grand, and this discussion only outlines one single “facet” in the application. A part one, of 4, so to speak. The other 3 are fairly standard business models, that will be adapted and improved, to increase user base and market share.The entire platform is supported by a reward credit. The users are enticed to use the application for the benefits of the rewards. The reward/credit type is undetermined at this time, but most likely will be actual fiat currency. Cash rewards. The reward credit is funded via merchants and corporate businesses. They will create “campaigns”; push out a sale, advertise a commercial, or a challenge and along with it, there is a reward, for viewing or completing the challenge. The consumer earns the reward.To best understand the business model, I will describe how the service will work, from both perspectives. The possibilities are not limited to these scenario, but are too help you envision what the application can accomplish.So Merchant A(lets say this is Subway, or a local sandwich shop) is having a hard time marketing to new customers. They heard about this new marketing service called Score. So they sign up for our SAS, get approved, and pay a membership fee. One of the features of this new service, is the ability to create a local campaign advertising his product. He makes sandwiches, and they are normally $10. He wants to try the service out first, so he creates a new campaign, and a sale, for $8.00 sandwich. This campaign, maybe a video or slideshow along with some brand info, will go out locally to the area he selects, and push notify the users of his sale on today at lunch. Now he has a few options to reward his customers, as this is what the platform is built on. A-pay a one time marketing fee, and send out the sale at 8.00 B-send out the sale at 10.00, and give a free 2.00 Bingo credit to all purchasers C-send out the sale at 8.50, and free 1.50 Bingo Credit on purchase D,E,F...etcHe chooses the best reward for his consumers, and his convenience. That he feels is most likely to succeed.Buyer A(Joe), is a hard working man. He likes to save when he can, and collect rewards when he shops. He heard about a free way for him to sign up for contest, win prizes, and collect cash rewards for his participation. Its lunch time, and Joe is ready to choose where to buy lunch. Around 11am, he gets a dingy on his phone from this new Score app he downloaded. “Hey, its subway, come try our new sandwich, we have 10% off today only, and also well throw you back a buck(1.00) Score reward for being a new customer.” Sounds good to Joe, so he heads to subway. Buys his sandwich for 9.00 and scans his Score phone app, and collects 1.00 cashback on the spot.This would now be one full circle example, from merchant to consumer. For those more inclined, I have about 80% of that entire scenario solved, from initial creation, to financial processing. I realize the effort required in order to fulfill such a transaction.Hermes another scenario using the same application.Coca Cola or Red bull say, sees our 1million users, and there marketing team wonders how Score would work for them. They sign up, and create there first advertising campaign, a different one, called trivial advertising. They like this idea, because it engages the user and creates a longer lasting impression. Using existing media and resources, the campaign is completely custom, and controlled by Coke. They decide to have 3 videos, and 9 questions, in total. Each video is 45 seconds long, and follows with 3 multiple choice questions. The first video is about there history, and the second, about how they help the community, the final, the standard issue coca cola ad. They have a few ways to pay for this, and reward the users that engage in the advertisement. A-Pay a one time fee, and reward each viewer with 0.10 credit, or however much the industry CPV would be, for completing the challenge. B-Pay a one time fee, and have a global reward, 5 prizes. Trips, a car, wonderland passes, whatever they determine they can budget for. The viewers, and correct answer winners, would be entered into the contest, and drawn winners rewarded. C-Pay a one time fee, have Score credit as the final prize. Total pool of 5,000. Distributed among random users of the app, that completed there challenge. Everyone gets to see who won, like a Facebook community connection of sorts.Another campaigns could simply pay users for visiting a store. You would allocate 500.00 for example, and pay 1.00 to each user that enters your store, and the app uses GPS among other logistics software to pay the reward upon entry. Using this same soft-stack we can create campaigns, such as an adventure hike, and whoever reaches the physical location target first, gets a free kayak. You can also pay reward upon purchase, as a loyalty incentive.McDonald's, spends millions on these stupid mail coupons that hardly get used. Its a waste of paper, and it gives them zero insight into there consumer, its a gamble. Instead of mass mailing, you do selective targeting. Would you like a McDonald coupon pack for this month? OK, its now in my Score app coupon collection. They even offer incentive, if i actually use the coupons, i get 0.50 Score reward on the spot. If i don't want it, i don't want it, we all win, and save trees. This is all valuable data for Mcdonalds. They now decide who they want to send coupons offers to, based on past purchases, maybe even offer better discounts to loyal customers.These are examples, to help you envision what the application does. It is not limited to these, i simply cannot explain it all, or solve it all. I have well over 50 pages of business concept and plan, and have hardly touched the surface.Many will scrutinize, which is what i want, but please be diligent in your thought, before commenting. It goes well beyond a few paragraphs. I cannot spoon feed.This is a gold mine for data collection as well. Worth more then the advertising revenue i feel. You may say it doesn't solve a problem, but if you dig deeper, you will see that it solves all the problems, even the ones it creates. For consumer and merchant. It has massive appeal to the brick and mortar stores, who have limited options for reaching customers. It saves consumers money, and allows them to feel as if there are more in control. Why do we have AI trying to decide who we are, what we want? You could have simply asked.I don't even know what to do with this. I have owned and operated successful business. This is entirely something else. To compose this idea into a proper business plan would take me 6 months of full time effort. To find a team, build the app...2 years at min. The funds required i cannot even figure that out. You could blow through cash so fast before seeing any profit. It is possible to start small and scale, but even then i would need close to 2million on a proof of concept.I'm lost. I don't even know how to begin to explain this to someone. I know the model is effective and excessively profitable, but trying to relay the entire vision is a challenge. Does anyone understand this, or what it has potential to be?Ever heard of the FAANG? It could be plural.
0 notes
johnchiarello · 7 years
SATURDAY 9-30-17
Isaiah 16:1 Send ye the lamb to the ruler of the land from Sela to the wilderness, unto the mount of the daughter of Zion.
Facebook attempted hack? https://youtu.be/205r-qqKcdU
.Yes- we are on your trail now!
.If you destroy the device- we might not catch you
.Cyber crime punishment is real- if caught- possible prison time awaits you
Isaiah 17:6 Yet gleaning grapes shall be left in it, as the shaking of an olive tree, two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bough, four or five in the outmost fruitful branches thereof, saith the LORD God of Israel.
Isaiah 60:5
Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee.
 News- Facebook- Russia connection? https://youtu.be/qISnutfuepI
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.The Mexican mole at the park in Flour Bluff?
.The Blue store connection [George- my undercover informant]
.Celis case dropped
.Will Russian dressing play a role?
.Caller times and the wall
.The logic of security
.Forces of the gentiles
.Port A will now have her rest
.Casanova ‘ít’s a war zone now’
.Senator Menendez case- New Jersey
.Clinton corruption- FBI- Comey- Mueller-
.The big game
Isaiah 18:4 For so the LORD said unto me, I will take my rest, and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs, and like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.
Isaiah 17:9 In that day shall his strong cities be as a forsaken bough, and an uppermost branch, which they left because of the children of Israel: and there shall be desolation.
The park- https://youtu.be/lHorXbAVV94
.Big Charlie
.Homeless friends are not ‘displaced’
.Albert’s Fema claim?
.Indiana- Jammer- Angel
.Fatboy- Paisley
.Standing in the gap
Acts 7:38
This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:
 NEWS- [new stuff- past posts- verses below]
I cover some of the local news- and do some teaching on the videos-
The Caller Times has been running page after page after page- in trying to show the damage that a Trump border wall will do.
 I am actually not for the wall- but my critique of this issue is to simply show the disdain that the media has for the public.
Basically- their argument is what bad effects any security wall- [or system]- would have.
 For instance- criminal drug traffickers [Hmm?- sounds familiar] will simply find other ways to get thru.
Aliens coming into the country will have to use other means-
Yes- all security systems- even border patrol itself- causes others to use different ways to get in.
 The same argument can be made of Police- or border patrol agents themselves.
Yes- it’s a fact- that smugglers avoid areas where there are border agents- they then come thru private ranch lands- and also dig tunnels in areas where agents might not find them.
 So- should we eliminate all border patrol?
What about locking your doors?
It is a known fact that thieves will break thru a window- if a door is locked.
 The same with banks- and security there.
My critique is meant to simply show how the media treat the public like idiots.
I’m pro immigrant- and not for the wall.
 But it’s the ignorance of the media that upsets me.
The basic question is- do physical barriers ever actually deter crime?
If so- then the whole question is moot.
 If physical barriers do not deter crime- then why do people lock doors?- or buy security cameras?
 And the most basic question is- are border patrol agents also a ‘physical barrier’ used to prevent crime?
Yes- in Its most basic form- cops- soldiers- people themselves are indeed physical barriers to crime.
[Physical - they have bodies- get it?]
 And the arguments against a physical wall- can be applied to agents themselves.
Criminals try and avoid border patrol agents-
In their efforts- they look for other- more dangerous places- to enter the country.
 Humans in real need- yes- immigrants also take huge risks- when they try and avoid border agents.
At times we [yes- we!] have found them dead on various ranches in the south Texas area [Fire department days].
And all of this is sad indeed.
They often die- because they are avoiding the checkpoints in our area-
Why has the Caller Times not done an extensive report on the bad affects of these check points?
 Why have they not done coverage on the bad effects of border patrol agents on the border?
Why have they not done the same report on physical security barriers in Corpus Christ Texas?
 Because the whole question boils down to the logic of physical security barriers- whether they be walls or any other physical thing.
Their efforts are well meaning- just nonsensical.
 Simply advocate for a better- more legal way for immigrants to make it in.
Don’t waste so much time- and paper- on all the bad effects of an actual physical barrier-
Because as you can see- it really is a waste of time- and paper.
 NOTE- By the way- I mentioned on video- that I leave my back door- open [not just unlocked] all night long- yes- wide open. Even my street friends know this. So I ACTUALLY practice a NO WALL policy in my own life. Do the Caller Times reporters do this? Do they at least leave their doors unlocked? If not- we- the ignorant masses please ask of you to never mention the subject again. Because if you lock your doors at night- you are obviously contributing to the crime rate in our city- by having thieves and robbers try and get in- some other way - John 10:1
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
On the last video [The park] Charlie talked about a principle-
Isaiah 58:12
And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.
 He did not know I already used Isaiah as a theme earlier in the day- and what we talked about even before the video started rolling was how God will put us in situations where we too vicariously take upon us the suffering of others-
Colossians 1:24
Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church:
 This teaching deserves an entire ‘teaching post’ but I just wanted to hit on it briefly because of the way it came up.
After I shut the video off I spent about 3 hours with my friends at the park- and brother Dave served a great meal [I looked- but didn’t eat].
 These homeless friends were here when hurricane Harvey passed thru- and yet they do not see themselves as displaced- or losing their homes.
Obviously they have lived ‘without homes’ for many years.
 It’s really an example for those of us- who find security in stuff.
To them- the storm has passed- and they are right where they started.
To others in the area- they are realizing that life will never be the same-
 To those who lived in Port Aransas- they see that many are leaving that town- for good.
There is a sense of desperation I see when the local leaders are interviewed on the news-
They seem to be saying ‘Don’t you see how important it is for us to quickly re-build- so we don’t lose our economy [tourism] and the kids to other schools’?
 Yes- people do see- we all see-
Some of you have now learned what it means to be homeless-
And sad to say- yes- many in society don’t really care.
 To those who have homes- life just goes on.
So for the victims of the storm- you can now vicariously identify with many of the friends you have seen on my videos-
 The ones that I was with at the park- who were approached at around 3 pm by some people who rented the pavilion for later in the day.
They walked up to us- and said ‘we have rented it for a special occasion- it’s time for your type to leave’.
 Yes- I jumped on my motorcycle and took off- and my displaced friends did too.
The people who notified us to leave- well- you could just hear it in their voice-
They don’t really care.
 And sad to say- many who see the pleas from the Port Aransas community- many who have watched your story on the news-
Yes- many in the public don’t really care either-
That's life.
Isaiah 58:12
And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.
 Isaiah 60:11
Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought.
In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
 Isaiah 16:1 Send ye the lamb to the ruler of the land from Sela to the wilderness, unto the mount of the daughter of Zion.
Isaiah 16:2 For it shall be, that, as a wandering bird cast out of the nest, so the daughters of Moab shall be at the fords of Arnon.
Isaiah 16:3 Take counsel, execute judgment; make thy shadow as the night in the midst of the noonday; hide the outcasts; bewray not him that wandereth.
Isaiah 16:4 Let mine outcasts dwell with thee, Moab; be thou a covert to them from the face of the spoiler: for the extortioner is at an end, the spoiler ceaseth, the oppressors are consumed out of the land.
Isaiah 16:5 And in mercy shall the throne be established: and he shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David, judging, and seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness.
Isaiah 16:6 We have heard of the pride of Moab; he is very proud: even of his haughtiness, and his pride, and his wrath: but his lies shall not be so.
Isaiah 16:7 Therefore shall Moab howl for Moab, every one shall howl: for the foundations of Kirhareseth shall ye mourn; surely they are stricken.
Isaiah 16:8 For the fields of Heshbon languish, and the vine of Sibmah: the lords of the heathen have broken down the principal plants thereof, they are come even unto Jazer, they wandered through the wilderness: her branches are stretched out, they are gone over the sea.
Isaiah 16:9 Therefore I will bewail with the weeping of Jazer the vine of Sibmah: I will water thee with my tears, O Heshbon, and Elealeh: for the shouting for thy summer fruits and for thy harvest is fallen.
Isaiah 16:10 And gladness is taken away, and joy out of the plentiful field; and in the vineyards there shall be no singing, neither shall there be shouting: the treaders shall tread out no wine in their presses; I have made their vintage shouting to cease.
Isaiah 16:11 Wherefore my bowels shall sound like an harp for Moab, and mine inward parts for Kirharesh.
Isaiah 16:12 And it shall come to pass, when it is seen that Moab is weary on the high place, that he shall come to his sanctuary to pray; but he shall not prevail.
Isaiah 16:13 This is the word that the LORD hath spoken concerning Moab since that time.
Isaiah 16:14 But now the LORD hath spoken, saying, Within three years, as the years of an hireling, and the glory of Moab shall be contemned, with all that great multitude; and the remnant shall be very small and feeble.
 Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
Isaiah 17:2 The cities of Aroer are forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make them afraid.
Isaiah 17:3 The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the LORD of hosts.
Isaiah 17:4 And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean.
Isaiah 17:5 And it shall be as when the harvestman gathereth the corn, and reapeth the ears with his arm; and it shall be as he that gathereth ears in the valley of Rephaim.
Isaiah 17:6 Yet gleaning grapes shall be left in it, as the shaking of an olive tree, two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bough, four or five in the outmost fruitful branches thereof, saith the LORD God of Israel.
Isaiah 17:7 At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel.
Isaiah 17:8 And he shall not look to the altars, the work of his hands, neither shall respect that which his fingers have made, either the groves, or the images.
Isaiah 17:9 In that day shall his strong cities be as a forsaken bough, and an uppermost branch, which they left because of the children of Israel: and there shall be desolation.
Isaiah 17:10 Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength, therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants, and shalt set it with strange slips:
Isaiah 17:11 In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish: but the harvest shall be a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow.
Isaiah 17:12 Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters!
Isaiah 17:13 The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind.
Isaiah 17:14 And behold at eveningtide trouble; and before the morning he is not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.
 Isaiah 18:1 Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia:
Isaiah 18:2 That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!
Isaiah 18:3 All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when he lifteth up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye.
Isaiah 18:4 For so the LORD said unto me, I will take my rest, and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs, and like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.
Isaiah 18:5 For afore the harvest, when the bud is perfect, and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall both cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks, and take away and cut down the branches.
Isaiah 18:6 They shall be left together unto the fowls of the mountains, and to the beasts of the earth: and the fowls shall summer upon them, and all the beasts of the earth shall winter upon them.
Isaiah 18:7 In that time shall the present be brought unto the LORD of hosts of a people scattered and peeled, and from a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden under foot, whose land the rivers have spoiled, to the place of the name of the LORD of hosts, the mount Zion.
 Isaiah 19:1 The burden of Egypt. Behold, the LORD rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it.
Isaiah 19:2 And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbour; city against city, and kingdom against kingdom.
Isaiah 19:3 And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards.
Isaiah 19:4 And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts.
Isaiah 19:5 And the waters shall fail from the sea, and the river shall be wasted and dried up.
Isaiah 19:6 And they shall turn the rivers far away; and the brooks of defence shall be emptied and dried up: the reeds and flags shall wither.
Isaiah 19:7 The paper reeds by the brooks, by the mouth of the brooks, and every thing sown by the brooks, shall wither, be driven away, and be no more.
Isaiah 19:8 The fishers also shall mourn, and all they that cast angle into the brooks shall lament, and they that spread nets upon the waters shall languish.
Isaiah 19:9 Moreover they that work in fine flax, and they that weave networks, shall be confounded.
Isaiah 19:10 And they shall be broken in the purposes thereof, all that make sluices and ponds for fish.
Isaiah 19:11 Surely the princes of Zoan are fools, the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become brutish: how say ye unto Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings?
Isaiah 19:12 Where are they? where are thy wise men? and let them tell thee now, and let them know what the LORD of hosts hath purposed upon Egypt.
Isaiah 19:13 The princes of Zoan are become fools, the princes of Noph are deceived; they have also seduced Egypt, even they that are the stay of the tribes thereof.
Isaiah 19:14 The LORD hath mingled a perverse spirit in the midst thereof: and they have caused Egypt to err in every work thereof, as a drunken man staggereth in his vomit.
Isaiah 19:15 Neither shall there be any work for Egypt, which the head or tail, branch or rush, may do.
Isaiah 19:16 In that day shall Egypt be like unto women: and it shall be afraid and fear because of the shaking of the hand of the LORD of hosts, which he shaketh over it.
Isaiah 19:17 And the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt, every one that maketh mention thereof shall be afraid in himself, because of the counsel of the LORD of hosts, which he hath determined against it.
Isaiah 19:18 In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one shall be called, The city of destruction.
Isaiah 19:19 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.
Isaiah 19:20 And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them.
Isaiah 19:21 And the LORD shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the LORD in that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yea, they shall vow a vow unto the LORD, and perform it.
Isaiah 19:22 And the LORD shall smite Egypt: he shall smite and heal it: and they shall return even to the LORD, and he shall be intreated of them, and shall heal them.
Isaiah 19:23 In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians.
Isaiah 19:24 In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land:
Isaiah 19:25 Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance.
 Isaiah 20:1 In the year that Tartan came unto Ashdod, (when Sargon the king of Assyria sent him,) and fought against Ashdod, and took it;
Isaiah 20:2 At the same time spake the LORD by Isaiah the son of Amoz, saying, Go and loose the sackcloth from off thy loins, and put off thy shoe from thy foot. And he did so, walking naked and barefoot.
Isaiah 20:3 And the LORD said, Like as my servant Isaiah hath walked naked and barefoot three years for a sign and wonder upon Egypt and upon Ethiopia;
Isaiah 20:4 So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners, and the Ethiopians captives, young and old, naked and barefoot, even with their buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt.
Isaiah 20:5 And they shall be afraid and ashamed of Ethiopia their expectation, and of Egypt their glory.
Isaiah 20:6 And the inhabitant of this isle shall say in that day, Behold, such is our expectation, whither we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: and how shall we escape?
 Isaiah 21:1 The burden of the desert of the sea. As whirlwinds in the south pass through; so it cometh from the desert, from a terrible land.
Isaiah 21:2 A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O Media; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease.
Isaiah 21:3 Therefore are my loins filled with pain: pangs have taken hold upon me, as the pangs of a woman that travaileth: I was bowed down at the hearing of it; I was dismayed at the seeing of it.
Isaiah 21:4 My heart panted, fearfulness affrighted me: the night of my pleasure hath he turned into fear unto me.
Isaiah 21:5 Prepare the table, watch in the watchtower, eat, drink: arise, ye princes, and anoint the shield.
Isaiah 21:6 For thus hath the LORD said unto me, Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth.
Isaiah 21:7 And he saw a chariot with a couple of horsemen, a chariot of asses, and a chariot of camels; and he hearkened diligently with much heed:
Isaiah 21:8 And he cried, A lion: My lord, I stand continually upon the watchtower in the daytime, and I am set in my ward whole nights:
Isaiah 21:9 And, behold, here cometh a chariot of men, with a couple of horsemen. And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken unto the ground.
Isaiah 21:10 O my threshing, and the corn of my floor: that which I have heard of the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, have I declared unto you.
Isaiah 21:11 The burden of Dumah. He calleth to me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?
Isaiah 21:12 The watchman said, The morning cometh, and also the night: if ye will enquire, enquire ye: return, come.
Isaiah 21:13 The burden upon Arabia. In the forest in Arabia shall ye lodge, O ye travelling companies of Dedanim.
Isaiah 21:14 The inhabitants of the land of Tema brought water to him that was thirsty, they prevented with their bread him that fled.
Isaiah 21:15 For they fled from the swords, from the drawn sword, and from the bent bow, and from the grievousness of war.
Isaiah 21:16 For thus hath the LORD said unto me, Within a year, according to the years of an hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail:
Isaiah 21:17 And the residue of the number of archers, the mighty men of the children of Kedar, shall be diminished: for the LORD God of Israel hath spoken it.
 Isaiah 22:1 The burden of the valley of vision. What aileth thee now, that thou art wholly gone up to the housetops?
Isaiah 22:2 Thou that art full of stirs, a tumultuous city, joyous city: thy slain men are not slain with the sword, nor dead in battle.
Isaiah 22:3 All thy rulers are fled together, they are bound by the archers: all that are found in thee are bound together, which have fled from far.
Isaiah 22:4 Therefore said I, Look away from me; I will weep bitterly, labour not to comfort me, because of the spoiling of the daughter of my people.
Isaiah 22:5 For it is a day of trouble, and of treading down, and of perplexity by the Lord GOD of hosts in the valley of vision, breaking down the walls, and of crying to the mountains.
www.corpuschristioutreachministries.blogspot.com  [Main site]
 Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on- Thanks- John.#
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roinish · 7 years
TL;DR - Having a pocket sized journal that you can remove and write down a peice of information in just a couple of seconds can have a dramatic impact on your organization and quality of day to day life.This is mine. This is the original cover I bought off Amazon, but the price has gone up significantly. It holds pocket composition books you can buy at Walmart.It doesn't have to be anything special. I prefer the leather cover, because it makes it much more durable and resilient to general use. It just has to fit in your pocket or purse and be easy to get to. There should be one simple motion to pull it out, just like your phone.So why have this?If you use it regularly, you will see significant reduction in your daily stress, forget less important pieces of information and just be more organized in general. I'm a senior software engineer and my work is the "lose a lot of money if you fuck up" type of work and my blood pressure is nearly perfect.As a senior software engineer, my typing skills and my speed at which I use technology products is top notch, but I've yet to find any note taking app on my phone that can match writing in this journal in terms of speed and efficiency. I've tried every note taking app under the sun and I found all of them too cumbersome for daily use to the point where I just stopped using them without realizing it.It doesn't run on batteries. Yeah, it can burn, but your phone can also get smashed. The fact that it doesn't run on batteries is really important.You know those donkeys at work who don't contribute much, but always carry around office materials completely unrelated to their job to create the perception they are busy and organized? This serves the same purpose, but you are going to use it.It's all vintage and hipster like and stuff. Chicks dig that.So what do you do with it?You write stuff in it to remove it from the clutter inside your head and the speed at which you can pull it out and do it makes it a very convenient and easy to adopt habit.There is a limitation of how much stuff a person can juggle in their mind at one time. I forget the actual numbers; I think it's in the 30s. And when we are trying to keep track of more than we can handle or process, this creates stress and strain and worry.Therefore, by getting in the habit of immediately recording those little things you need to remember in the course of the day, they get stored safely in your journal, allowing you to let them fade from your mind.Here is some examples:Daily To Do Lists - I devote a page to each day of the week and then split it in half, one side for work, one for personal. I only write down things I need or want to accomplish this day and then I don't have to worry about any of it until I have time to devote to accomplishing something.Long Term To Do List - I have one page devoted to items that need to be done at some point, but I am not sure when. They get added to this list, then crossed off when moved to one of my daily listsGrocery Lists - Self explanatoryWorkout Records - I keep track of my daily workout progress in pages in the back of the book. For example, with cardio, distance ran, pace and time. For weight lifting and core, sets and reps accomplished. Once again, tried multiple fitness apps and just haven't found anything to make me deter from recording it this way. I transcribe my progress from the journal into spreadsheets or fitness tracking services once a week, so I can see progress over a longer period of time.Random Bits of Important Information - A phone number from a chick at a coffee shop, an address of a meeting I got when walking, an IP address for a server I need to work with later, a temp password only good for 20 minutes. All of it gets written down on pages devoted to random information immediately out of habit, leaving me free to forget about it and focus on more important things like reading Reddit. I have the comfort of knowing where it all is at all times and within easy reach. At the end of the day, I transcribe anything that needs to be retained into my Google calendar or contacts.Random Note Taking - I find pulling this out in meeting and taking notes in it to be much faster than trying to do the same with my phone. I never have to ask the speaker to stop or slow down and I transcribe them into Google documents later in the day. I rarely take anything but this to a meeting unless I am demoing a piece of software and need my laptop.Travel Itinerary and Directions - When traveling by airplane, I record my entire travel itinerary in this journal, because of how difficult it can be to get a reliable signal on a plane or in airports. The same with road trips. I record the directions step by step for the route I am taking, because I've gone thru mountains only to lose my phone signal and GPS and get screwed.Edited: Typos via /r/LifeProTips
0 notes
lisagawlas · 7 years
  I just want to let everyone know I have moved where I publish my blogs, they are now done thru my personal website.  You can still get the blogs emailed to you as I publish them, but you do have to do it from https://www.nationoflights.com/shift-blogs/
So today I will give you links to the ones I have published since Sept 3rd, the last time I published thru wordpress from most recent to oldest:
Starve the Old, Feed Only The New, The Love! Be the Risen Phoenix!!
When we are looking at something and declaring it bad, good, a conspiracy whatever, then we are actually feeding its life force, even if it our desire to bring it to light and attempt to change it.  Unless you have a plan of absolutechange, give it zero energy.  Allow it to die of starvation.
Sep 15, 2017
My Deep Seeded Judgement and Return of the Bird Tribes.
The first thing I want to do today, is apologize to every Texan and to every republican.  I do not think I had ever been made more aware of a long held judgement within me, until yesterday.  It was such a deep judgement, I truly deemed it an observation (as opposed to an emotionally infused opinion.)
Sep 14, 2017
The Standing Rocks of Scotland and the Incoming Energies.
A full spectrum of full light photons have been released and are still swarming around.  Couple that with all the storm energy from the many hurricanes, also the earthquakes and the fires.  We are all, the entire planet and solar system are in the midst of radical change.  Change we have been praying for, waiting for, and now…. here we are.  The greatest thing anyone can do at this moment is partner with the energies.
Sep 13, 2017
Playing in the Land of Shadows with Love and Purpose!
When we hear the word shadows, just like when we hear the word darkness, we instantly think of negative aspects of life.  Not at all.  The earth realm is not half bad and half good, it is All good.  Just different.
Sep 11, 2017
The Crystalline Earth, The Old Earth and the New Power Returning! Part 2
Earth is a biological field and life springs and breaks down at the biological level.  Many masters are now in body, cleaning up the biology as young ones.  The reason it is the young ones, their field is pure.  The mind is untainted with old stories, inaccurate stories so the process of transmutation remains pure.
Sep 10, 2017
The Crystalline Earth, The Old Earth and the New Power Returning! Part 1
He (my lady’s serpent) also explained that the earthquakes that are taking place are digging up all the deeply seeded, very hidden dense energies and thoughts that have been buried.  The winds and the storms are transmuting it into pure energies for new in-powered use.
Sep 9, 2017
The Downpour and IN-Fusion Of the Pure – New – Untainted Energies!
We have all be praying for decades for these higher energies to spread across earth, now that they are, so many are huddling together to make it stop.  Ain’t happening, not without repercussions anywayz.
Sep 8, 2017
The Fires and  Floods, the Full Moon and Our Alignments!
The energies of this moon (and all that intense sun activity) comes in thru the solar plexus, moves into the sacral and then to the root.  Our power (solar plexus) reconfiguration at our sense of self (sacral) and completing our next growth phase of life (root) as we ready for the equinox on the 22nd.
Sept 6, 2017
  Big big (((HUGZ)))) filled New Energies and New Beginnings to and thru the ALL
Lisa Gawlas
All new and renewing full members of the Nation will receive 5 crystals that had journeyed with me to Scotland.  (Please email me your mailing address)  
A forever special to ALL Paid Members of the Nation.  33% off all readings and reading packages.  Coupon code is at the bottom of the members page.
All reading purchases will receive 3 sister crystals (they stayed home, but are fully connected to the ones I brought with me.) Be sure to include your mailing address in the notes section. 
Extra special Reading Special:  22.22% off all readings (to include packages) thru the midnight the 17th (Does NOT include crystals.)  Single readings coupon code: MASTER  and for Packages, coupon code: MASTERBUILDER
My Blogs Have a New Home!! I just want to let everyone know I have moved where I publish my blogs, they are now done thru my personal website.  
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global-times-blog · 7 years
STONE FIREPLACE Associated Articles
Leslie Peck with Forsyth Co. Cooperative Extension stopped by to provide us some pruning suggestions for our timber and bushes in preparation for Spring. Although an hour of skilled session may price upwards of $seventy five, it has the potential to save you a lot of money down the street. Utilizing the great inexpensive landscaping ideas above will have the entire neighborhood asking on your secrets after they go to. They will be so impressed they'll have a hard time believing you did this all yourself. This is due to going over the advice in this article fastidiously to create a properly landscaped yard. Extra energy to you! This text does not even start to scratch the floor of Visionary Panorama and Native artwork throughout Canada. Visionary landscape and First Nations artwork, in general, is so usually neglected within the mainstream art world. It was no shock to me how tough it was to collect data. Within the case of the linked artists, except for Morrisseau, who was labeled by the French, the Picasso of the North, most of my data of the opposite artists is thru my own expertise of the artwork and private contact. I hope that this might provide a little bit extra perception into an art form that ought to no longer be uncared for by the historical past books. The complete options list of Backyard Vegetation is sort of hefty, but let us recap the more significant features and what they mean for your small business. To begin with, a modern theme is not modern without responsive design. Luckily, your website will be as fluid as possible when utilizing this theme right right here. Furthermore, Backyard Vegetation has gone by in depth testing for modern and dated units to make sure full compatibility. With the addition of personalized VComposer elements, you may create thrilling new pages with totally genuine designs. An added bonus is that a lot of the following pointers will improve your well being and quality of life. As an example, making your individual face wash or moisturizer is a enjoyable and empowering undertaking. Cutting grass with a push reel mower is great exercise, and will show you how to lose weight. Sustaining a backyard is challenging and rewarding, and you might give additional produce to neighbors who is likely to be struggling financially. At any charge, you'll feel better saving cash and adopting a do-it-your self mindset this summer. Stepping stones are an awesome addition to a stone or green garden, especially if you must join two elements of your panorama with a pathway. You are able to do this in a wide variety of how, whether it's digging holes and laying in a combination of cement, buying stones and putting in them in your yard and so forth. Because this is usually a labor-intensive process, you may want a stone skilled's assist. It simply is determined by the scale of the stones and the look you're going for within the yard. The Ecomanic is a responsive multipurpose WordPress theme with a clear give attention to businesses associated to gardening. So, in the event you operate a enterprise like lawn providers, landscaping work, or gardening, then Ecomanic is a theme to consider. But, not earlier than you be taught what it has to supply. Though, the best way to go about understanding a theme is to preview its demo homepage. You are able to do so by clicking the Demo button below. In a market like Gardening and Landscaping, it is all about personality and character. And Ecomanic has an eco-pleasant character that implements hipsterish design patterns. Create a seedling nursery using everyday recyclable home goods, reminiscent of egg cartons, in place of plastic pots. Simply fill every cup of an egg carton with soil and seed and, once they sprout, separate the individual egg cups and plant them (cardboard and all) within the ground. You too can use takeaway espresso cups (just poke a few holes within the bottom for drainage) or bathroom roll cylinders. Just make 2cm vertical cuts around one finish of the cylinder and fold in to make a base. Add soil and seed, and pack your new ‘pots' tightly together on an previous baking tray to forestall them crumbling throughout the water-and-sprout phase. As soon as they're prepared, plant in your garden. House: A sixty four-room Georgian mansion also called Bellagio House,” it is the former home of hotelier Conrad Hilton. The mansion is probably the best dwelling west of the Mississippi,” the Los Angeles Instances as soon download as wrote. Built in 1938 and extensively renovated within the Nineties, it has seven bedrooms, 20 baths, a pool home , a 15-automotive garage and a grand terrace with fountain. In 2000, it offered for $ninety four million; it was reportedly listed in 2013 for $225 million, however went unsold. The following data is to assist users and guests (collectively Users” or You”) perceive how we collect, use, disseminate and safeguard the knowledge You present to us whereas accessing and using our HubPages software, companies, the website at HubPages (the Website”), and every other web sites and services as could also be added sometimes (collectively, the Service”). We is not going to use or share Your data with anyone except as described in this Privacy Coverage. This Privacy Coverage does not apply to information we acquire by other means (including offline) or from other sources. Capitalized terms that aren't outlined in this Privacy Coverage have the meaning given them in our Terms of Use. Through the use of the HubPages Service, you expressly consent to the practices and activities described in this doc. You possibly can add pops of colour by planting flowers in the entrance yard and placing potted vegetation on both sides of the front door, says Kimberly Sands , a dealer at Coldwell Banker Benefit in Apex, NC. Contemplate installing white panel lighting alongside railings, fences, or doorsteps to make your own pergola ideas home's exterior visually appealing for night showings. Different low-value projects to enhance your property's appearance include putting a fresh coat of paint on the entrance door, updating the home numbers, and adding porch furniture.
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