#if i get hate asks oh well screw it lol
findmeintheferns · 1 year
your bestfriend’s roommate
(part one)
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𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂: you’ve had the same plug for years, but he wasn’t replying & you were desperate. your bestfriend had been wanting you to switch to her roommate for ages so fuck it. problem is though, you weren’t expecting her to be this attractive…
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰: a lil bit of smut, drug use (weed), slowish burn, kinda boring sorry lol writers block
𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽: 2.2 k
𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: dealer ellie williams (TLOU) x reader (y/n)
You stare down at your phone for the 100th time only to once again get met with a blank screen. It had been 5 whole hours yet still nothing. You tried not to let it bother you but at this point you were well and truly feeling impatient. You groan, flipping the phone over so you can no longer fixate on it.
Dina notices your frustration, “I’ve told you so many times that my friend is a way better plug, she replies almost instantly. Plus, she’s in my dorm, you can visit me & stock up at the same time.”
You’ve heard this spiel before, but you weren’t sold on it. You liked having a dealer that was strictly business, you’ve never been one to want to stay and chat, you just want to get your weed so you can go home & get high as soon as possible. Plus, you’ve had the same dealer for over 2 years now, going to someone else would be like a betrayal.
You go to reply but Dina beats you to it,
“Yeah, yeah I know. You guys have an unbreakable bond or whatever.”
You give her a small smile, “I mean hey if he doesn’t reply in the next hour, I might get desperate. I told Alex we could smoke & get ice-cream tonight.”
Dina lets out a snort, “Oof yeah, you’ll definitely be needing the weed if you’re spending the night hanging out with him.”
You roll your eyes, not wanting to reply to her snarky comment. You had nearly been dating for nearly a year, but she still hated him. She never really liked him in the first place, she says ‘his vibe is off’, whatever that means. After a little incident with his best friend Mia however, her dislike turned to hatred. Nothing bad even happened, you overreacted. They hung out, you weren’t aware, and you walked in on them hugging. You got upset at first yeah, but he reassured you that it meant nothing, that she was having a bad day and it was just a simple hug. You believe him, so that’s that.
Dina grabs your phone from off the table, distracting you from your thoughts.
“Just let me put her number in your contacts in case okay? Her name’s Ellie.”
“Fineeeee. I need to go anyway. If I don’t study for this exam I’m screwed, I slept through like half of the lectures.” You sigh, stressed about all the content you have to somehow remember over the span of a few days.
Dina pulls you into a hug, “You’re terrible. Good luck with that, I love you dumbass.”
You pull away and laugh at your brutally honest friend as she begins to walk away, “Yeah, yeah, I love you too I guess.”
You grab your bag, placing a tip under your now empty coffee cup before leaving the little café.
You stare at the clock, it’s an hour before you’re meant to meet Alex and your dealer still hasn’t replied.
“Ughhhhhhh. Whatever. Fine. Fuck it.” you murmur, pulling out your phone.
You really didn’t feel like texting a new dealer, you’re pretty introverted already and it seemed like a lot of effort. But what were you supposed to do.
You unlock your phone and open contacts, Ellie’s profile popping up straight away. You send a short text, introducing yourself as Dina’s friend and asking if she had anything to sell tonight, you weren’t in a place to be picky.
To your surprise it was only 5 minutes before you received a reply. Her response was short too;
ellie: yeah, i’ve got a bunch. do you want to come here & pick up? that way you can decide what you want
y/n: oh okay, sure. what time?
ellie: now?
y/n: okay. see u in 5.
ellie: you know where to find me
You did appreciate that she didn’t drag out the conversation, but you were still nervous about meeting someone new. Dina’s dorm room is only a short walk from yours which you couldn’t lie, was pretty convenient if Ellie did become your new dealer. Once you arrive at the door you stop for a moment and take a deep breath in, hoping the conversation would be as short as it always was with your normal dealer. If only Dina was here to make things less awkward, but she had volleyball on tonight.
You knock and the door opens instantly. Suddenly your whole body completely stiffens as your eyes meet the girl opening the door. You know you should be speaking right now, but you’re weren’t mentally prepared for this. She looked absolutely nothing like you had imagined. You don’t know why but you kinda assumed she’d be on the gross & dodgy side. She was in fact the complete opposite. She was wearing baggy grey sweatpants and a tank top that hugged her body. Her short brown hair was half tied up in a little knot, her fringe falling over her face. She must of been getting ready for bed. You really wish Dina had gone into more detail when describing her, you weren’t prepared for her to be this…well, attractive, for lack of better words.
“Y/n? You here to pick up yeah?” Ellie’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Hey, yeah, sorry. Yes I am” you quickly respond, kinda embarrassed about the pause.
“All good, come in and I’ll get you what you need. Sorry about the mess.”
You walk inside the dorm, you had been in there before obviously, but not while Ellie was there. You never even really payed attention to her side of the room yet now you can’t take your eyes off it.
“So, what are you after? I’ll see if I have some.” Ellie asks
“Honestly I don’t mind. Whatever’s your favourite at the moment”
You don’t want to drag this out, you need to head to Alex’s soon and you already feel awkward from the previous interaction.
“Hmmm. Probably blue dream then, it’s mostly Sativa. Really helps with relaxing.”
You shrug “I trust you.”
She puts your weed into a small ziplock baggie and you pay. You quickly try and say goodbye as you walk towards the door but she stops you
“Yeah you’re gonna have to stay at least for a little longer.”
Confused, you stare at her blankly, “Umm, why?”
She returns your glare, “Have you never picked up before or something?”
This kinda offends you and you don’t really know why.
“Yes I have. For your information my dealer just isn’t responding tonight. This is a one off.”
Ellie scoffs, “Huh, lemme guess. Derek is your dealer?”
This takes you back for a moment,
“Yeah… how do you know that?”
She laughs, relaxing her stance and moving to lean back onto her bed.
“Makes sense why you don’t know pick up etiquette. You need to stay here for a little so it doesn’t look sus. Otherwise cops will catch on, just like with your friend Derek. He was lazy and now he’s screwed. You definitely won’t be hearing from him for a while.”
Great. Well that makes sense why he wasn’t responding. You sigh and flop down onto Dina’s bed, staring up at the roof. You really don’t feel like staying here for any longer.
“Aww, am I that terrible to hang out with?”
You roll your head to stare at her, but she’s already looking at you. You wonder what she’s thinking.
“It’s not that” You lie, because it kinda is. “I’m just meant to be meeting up with Alex right now”
She laughs to herself again, “Oh that’s right, Alex, your boyfriend.”
“What’s funny about that? How do you even know that?” you retort, pissed off at this point.
“No, no, nothing. Dina told me is all.” She smiles
You sit up, ready to leave, “Right, well, I need to go. Thanks for the weed.”
You move towards the door but once again Ellie stops you before you can open it.
“Hey, I’m sorry” She says softly “I didn’t meant to upset you, stay a little longer and have a joint.”
The way she’s looking at you makes your stomach churn, but not in a bad way. There’s something so endearing about her, even when she’s pissing you off.
“I really should go, I’ll be late” You respond, trying to not be tempted by the offer.
“It’s on me, just because I annoyed you” she smirks.
You know you should decline, but it’s a lot harder than it would seem.
“Fine. One joint”
So, you didn’t just have one joint, you both shared quite a few. You weren’t sure if it was just the weed that made being around Ellie more manageable, but you were actually having fun. You unintentionally lost track of time, talking about anything and everything. Ellie told you all about her Astronomy major and her favourite astronaut, Sally Ride. You told her about how much you hated math and your inability to focus during lectures. You had moved closer together so that you were both laying down, squished on the same bed staring at the roof. Ellie turned her head to face yours,
“You look pretty stoned” she whispered, a big grin on her face.
She was so close to you it made you nervous, but also kinda excited. She looked incredibly attractive, you kept trying to deny it, but you couldn’t help it. The way she held herself, the way she spoke, her looks, all of it was pulling you in even though you knew it shouldn’t.
You giggled, wanting to reply with a snarky comment but being too high to think of one. You went to take the joint from her, but got distracted by the tattoo on her arm. It was pretty big, it was some sort of moth and a fern. You followed it down until it ended, stopping at her hand. You intertwined your fingers with hers, lifting it up so you could get a better look.
“What?” she laughed, confused as to what you were trying to do.
You didn’t think, you just spoke, “You have really attractive hands Ellie”
For a moment she looked taken back by your comment, but she was too high too overthink it. She moved so that her body was on top of yours, your hands still connected. You felt yourself getting wet, too horny to think about the consequences of what was happening right now. She grinded her thigh into your pussy causing your eyes to roll back as you let out a soft moan. She leaned down and pushed your hair behind your ear.
“Oh yeah?” she whispered, replying to your previous statement “You should see what they can d-“
Ellie was cut off by the sound of ringing. Fuck. You jerk up, grabbing your phone. Surely enough, it was Alex calling. What had you done.
“Fuck, fuck-fuck-fuck” you mumble under your breath, picking up the phone call.
Alex: “Y/n? You okay?”
Y/n: “Alex I’m so sorry I was studying and I must have fallen asleep.”
Alex: “Ah, no weed then?”
Y/n: “No weed, I’m sorry. Rain check?”
Alex: “All good, love you.”
Y/n: “Love you.”
You felt incredibly guilty, probably the most guilty you’ve ever felt in your life. How could you lose track of time like that? How could you act on impulse like that?
Ellie broke you out of your train of thought “Shit. I don’t even know how that happened. Y/n? Are you okay? Fuck I’m sorry.”
You knew you had to leave before you made an even more regrettable decision. Quickly grabbing your stuff you began to walk to the door,
“All good. I need to go. Thanks, erm, for the weed”
Ellie tries to say something else but it’s too late, you are out of the dorm in no time, almost sprinting back to your room.
That night you got barely any sleep, mad at yourself for taking things so far. You knew it was wrong, so why did you feel yourself wanting more.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 7 months
Can you please write something with Kenny Omega x fem reader,
Kenny has his surgery (for his diverticulitis) coming up and is nervous about the surgery, reader is there for him to comfort him and also is in the hospital with him and stays in the hospital for the entire time, so that reader is the first person he sees after waking up?!
There for you
An: I had no idea what to call this fic, leave better suggestions lol
Kenny Omega X femReader
Kenny Omega Masterlist Main Masterlist
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The moment Kenny got his diagnosis I promised I would be there for him no matter what. I would be at every appointment and do whatever I could to make the best of this situation. When Kenny found out he needed surgery him and I were both nervous. Despite Kenny having multiple surgeries in the past this one was different. This surgery would not be easy, the recovery time would be long and Kenny would be in a lot of pain. Regardless I would be there for every second. 
Today was surgery day and although I would never tell Y/n, I was scared. I hated putting her through this. I felt like this was a never-ending cycle. Ever since my belt collector era, I had found myself constantly out of action. I contemplated retirement but decided to do a final run with The Bucks for the trios’ titles. That plan got screwed over when we all got suspended and during that time I realized I was far from done. I still had things I wanted to do in my career and like always Y/n was nothing but supportive of me. When I first started feeling sick I ignored it, I had matches booked, storylines were being written and I coudn't get sick. I assumed it was a bug as a lot of the talent caught this stomach bug but mine never went away. Y/n had to beg me to go to the hospital and when I finally did I was told I was lucky I came when I did. If I had waited any longer this whole thing could have been way worse. 
As much as we tried to avoid surgery it came to the point where I needed it. Like always Y/n was there for me for every second. She comforted me and took after me the whole time. In the days leading up to my surgery, she prepped the house to be perfect for my return. She even spent the holidays with me in the hospital which I know was hard for the both of us. She held my hand while they put me under, telling me how much she loved me and how she would stay for the whole operation. Everything that happened after that was a blur. I didn’t know what time it was when I finally woke up but I knew it was late. Hospitals always creeped me out, especially during the night but this time I felt at ease. Looking down I could see all the bandages and tubes on my body, it freaked me out. The only light in the room came from the hallway of the hospital and the moonlight that shined through the window. It was quiet, the only sound was the beats of my heart that echoed off the monitor. Beep….Beep…Beep. As I looked around the room, I noticed Y/n curled up on a chair in the corner. Although I didn’t see her at the time her presence in the room was all I needed to comfort me.
 “How are you feeling?” Y/n asked me quietly. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you” “I wasn’t really sleeping. They said everything went well. You should be able to come home tomorrow” That I was thankful for, I couldn't wait to be back in my own bed. “That’s good, I feel fine for the most part” “Good, you are on a lot of pain meds. When they start to wear off you have to tell the nurse.” Y/n told me tirdly “Thank you, Y/n” “For what?” “For everything, for always being there. I really don’t deserve any of it” “Oh hush, you do deserve someone to take care of you Ken. You should try and get some rest, your body needs it.” “Yes ma’am, Good night” “Night, Love you” “Love you too” How did I get so lucky. 
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dootznbootz · 4 days
Can i be honest. I don't get it when people try to use Antigone as a feminist icon or something, or that "She literally died because she didn't listen to man! That's just like us!" Because it's not and we're not living in the 16th century.
And these people are acting like Creon wouldn't have killed her if he was a man. Or that Creon wouldn't have killed her if he was a woman. Like guys, I'm sorry but "Girlboss" feminism is soo annoying.
I saw a post where it's like "Greek mythology male characters: 'He seems chill... Oh he's being a douche to women. Female Greek mythology characters: 'She seem cool... Oh she's getting revenge on the men that wronged her. She's so cool!!"
And in the tags they were hating on Ody for killing the slave girl and calling Medea an icon. Even though Medea killed her two young children just because she was salty at Jason... double standards at their finest, people
Also people better be mad at Penelope as well if they're mad at Odysseus for the slave girls. She hated them just as much.
Wise Penelope heard his words and rebuked Melantho, saying: “You can be sure, you bold and brazen bitch, that I have seen your shameless acts. You’ll wipe away the stain with your own head. You clearly know full well, because you heard me say it—I’m planning to ask this stranger in my halls some questions about my husband, since I feel such grief.”
(Book 19, Johnston)
People just literally turn a blind eye when the woman also does violence against other women. (Same with Clytemnestra. like sure, she killed Agamemnon but she also screwed up her kids. (one a girl so a lot of these "girlboss" types ideals are contradictory))
And it's really really tough enjoying Medea only to see people "girlboss" her. I love the play. It made me feel so many things but NONE of them were GOOD feelings.
Old meme from a post I made a while back but it sums up my feelings lol.
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I think it weirdly comes from this awful wave of "I hate children. Horrible beings. Hope they suffer. etc.etc." bullshit and the girlboss wave :'(
Also um, yeah, Creon would've killed ANYONE who would have buried Polyneices. I've always seen Antigone more as a story of honoring family and a family's love for one another, not so much of a "feminist story". As Creon is like, the opposite of Antigone in how he does not wish to honor his family no matter what and will even have family killed for honoring family.
I weirdly think there's this phenomenon of people seeing stories/myths that simply have women in them, especially if they are "center stage" and then decide that they're feminist regardless of the context.
Like I guess you could say that these stories simply having complex and driven women is feminist (I mean...moreso than most booktok/modern YA novels ;~; where many female leads are very...bland imo) which is very sad that feminism is just the bare minimum of "Hey a woman is a person who is complex."
But it's also like, these women and their meaningful and HUMAN stories are LOST because they're just painted as "girlboss".
I think Antigone would be more like "I mean...I was just trying to bury my brother because I care about him and didn't want to see him left to rot. I would have done it no matter WHAT told me not to." and less about "YASSSS queen SLAY!" shit.
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beansprean · 2 years
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Infodumps, nonsensicals, and foreshadows from the Guide!! Also I originally had cobwebs all over her in the first panel sketch but I forgot to add them back lol
My Familiar's Ghost part 21
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. The Guide jerks into frame, snatching up the corded earpiece of an old fashioned phone and leaning in to shout frantically into the attached mouthpiece, "Nadja?!" On the other side of the panel, split by a jagged line, Laszlo holds the receiver of a corded analog phone up to his ear and casually checks his nails, answering, "Fraid not, darling. We just need to pick the marvelous rat maze of your brain for information on your spooky little secretaries." Behind him, ghost Guillermo hovers nervously, scraps of black shadow swirling around his glow. 1b. The Guide deflates, now looking slightly irritated, and asks "The wraiths? What about them?" Laszlo gestures loosely with his free hand and replies, "I was wondering how exactly one is made; I was reading an excerpt in 'An Un-Erotic G-' The Guide interrupts with "'Guide to the Undead'? Oh, yeah, that book is crap." Laszlo prompts, "Crap full of gaps, if you'll care to fill them for me?" Guillermo gets increasingly fidgety and impatient behind him. 1c. The Guide explains, appearing to keep a count on her free hand, "Well, like other ghosts, they die. If they have any unresolved business, they cannot move on to whatever afterlife they prescribe to, etc. etc. They are compelled to cause torment to those who tormented them in life, and in their presence are overcome by powerful emotions like hate or resentment or l-" Guillermo jerks forward into Laszlo's space to interject, his hand going right through Laszlo's elbow. "But what's the trigger?! Why do some spirits become wraiths and some don't?!" Laszlo glares at him and frowns deeply, leaning away.
2a. The Guide suddenly brightens, smiling, free hand curling up daintily. She says, "Oh, hello, Guillermo! I am glad to hear you are safe and sound. Now, don't forget to register your title with the council. There's a lot of new openings right now, so lucky you! Your first year's dues-" Guillermo interrupts her again, shouting, "Stay on task, please!!" and flapping his hand impatiently through Laszlo's arm. Laszlo screws his face up uncomfortably at the noise, leaning as far away as he can, and turns the receiver outward so Guillermo can speak into it directly. 2b. The Guide grimaces, surprised by the outburst, and holds up a hand defensively. "Okay, okay, jeez. I do not understand how this can be so pressing. A spirit is just a reflection of one's state of being! Normally, a wraith is a wraith because something has severed the body's connection to the soul, like a deal with a demon or a haunted organ transplant or witchcraft..." Laszlo and Guillermo freeze and glance at each other in realization. /end ID
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equallyshaw · 1 year
presidents daughter x Jack hughes
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slow burning little blurb😌
Warnings: angst, juvenile delinquency (but really a national emergency lol) swearing. nothing else.
Word count: 5.08k
bit choppy!
ophelia grace kennedy paced up and down her room, as she went through her foreign government flashcards. she was studying for her winter finals, now a senior at rutgers university in new jersey. she was getting a bachelors in international relations and a bachelors in french. ofcourse she'd go down this route, just like her family before her. it was now December 9th and her time here in new jersey would be coming to a close in a mere 6 days, before heading back to the white house for christmas and winter break with her parents. maria her roommate stormed into the room breaking the girl from concentrating and sighed. "what now?" ophelia asked, stopping in her step and watching her best friend grin. "we've been invited to a party in the city!!!" she said. ophelia growled, "yeah like my dad would say yes." she hummed going back to her flashcards. maria snatched them out of her hand, "screw the cards, screw pops and get your ass out the door in 20." she said without waiting to get a response. ophelia stood there torn, she knew she should not go but another part of her wanted an excuse to head up to manhattan. "but isn't it a 2 hour drive???" ophelia yelled out the door and maria only laughed. "that's why timmy is driving us." she hummed and ophelia cringed. maria had had a massive crush on timothy, her personal secret service agent since sophomore year. personally speaking, he was attractive; ophelia would not deny it. but she also knew she would never allow that to happen. besides, maria was always joking that timothy had a crush on opehlia and not one for maria. ophelia pulled herself into the washroom and quickly got ready.
35 minutes later the two hopped in the car that was waiting for them. "hi timmy. hi oswald." maria said looking at ophelia. "miss mendez, miss kennedy." timothy said looking through the mirror at ophelia. "good evening timothy and oswald, sorry for the last minute drive." she said honestly but he waved it off. as long as she got their safe, he didn't mind. the four drove about an hour and a half before making it to the swanky manhattan apartment. well, penthouse. "thankyou timothy." she said as oswald opened the door for the two of them. "ill be up soon." he said looking back at her and she nodded before stepping out. the three of them walked into the complex, and hurried up the elevator. "okay penthouse b." maria said looking at the text message. "and how did we get an invite?" ophelia questioned maria and maria giggled. "i might know somebody." and ophelia now smirked. "is he the one from 2 weekends ago?" and maria blushed as the elevator opened. "let me call him." maria pulled out her phone and the guy quickly picked up. "hey we are here, can you come for a moment?" she asked and the respondent quickly said yes. the three walked up to the door, and waited. oswald stood in front of the two, and the dude was shocked. "oh my god its ophelia kennedy." he said as he looked from maria. ophelia nodded softly, hating that he recognized her. "sorry." he said realizing how he was acting, and ophelia nodded. "sir, i am going to have to search the premises before miss kennedy can be let it." and ophelia sighed. "uh let me go get the owner, but that wont be a problem." and oswald nodded. the elevator dinged and timothy walked into the hall, coming up behind ophelia. "well ill leave you to it!" maria said as john pulled her inside, just as the owner came out. jack did a double take at the girl, knowing he knew her from somewhere. the secret service agents at his door, gave it away. oswald explained what he needed to do, and jack opened his door widely for them, his gaze continuously going back to the girl. "sorry about all of this." she said sheepishly, and she could feel two sets of eyes on here, making her feel small. "not a problem miss kennedy." jack said smiling. she looked up and met his eye, "ophelia." and he smiled wider, "jack." and he held out his hand. she blushed, taking a hold of it and shaking it. oswald came back out and took the first shift outside, and so timothy and her entered the penthouse after jack.
maria pulled her best friend towards the windows, shoving a drink in her hand. "thanks." she hummed quickly throwing it back. maria watched trying to hold back a laugh, as soon as ophelia finished it she went to go look for another. "don't follow me." she said to timothy who was about to follow. this was one of the few times where she demanded they let her disappear without following. "I'm not leaving." she added before walking off to the kitchen. some recognized her, 90% of the americans at least did. nobody bat an eye otherwise. she searched the kitchen looking for a seltzer or something and she smiled once she found on. "seltzer type of gal, huh?" she heard jack announce as he entered the kitchen. she stood back up from the cooler and nodded, watching as he strutted towards her and grabbed the drink to open it. smooth, she thought. "why thankyou." she smiled, and she leaned into the kitchen island. "ofcourse, you're american royalty, i might as well do my duty of being a good host." and she waved her hand in front of her. "no no, that's my dad not me. don't act any differently please. you don't have to!" she said and he nodded. "oh my god so it is true!" a tall guy said from the doorway. "if i recall we had to a project on the Kennedy family junior year of highschool and you were featured in it." the guy said causing jack to laugh at his brother's forwardness and then saw that ophelia was cringing. "that's uh that's nice. good thing we didn't do that." she smiled softly before drinking her seltzer. "oh yeah right...sorry." luke said feeling bad and ophelia just nodded. "well i should get back before one of my agents call my dad." she huffed as jack was about to say something. "who are you here with?" he asked walking out with her. "my best friend maria, who i think is seeing somebody named john. i have no idea though." she said walking towards her spot before. "oh yes! he did mention it. well at least he's american so he knows who you are and everything that comes with knowing you?" he asked and she laughed at his attempt to make a joke. "haha very funny." she smiled as the two walked up to maria and john. "such a nice place dude, thanks for letting us crash." maria said and jack nodded. "ofcourse, pleasure is all mine." he smiled looking down at ophelia briefly. "well if you need anything ill be making the rounds." he said to the group and then back at ophelia who nodded. he looked at her for a few more seconds before leaving. ophelia and maria stood side by side with john for the next two hours, getting to know him and learn more about his profession and who half these people were at the party.
ophelia found herself around 1 am walking out to the balcony that accompanied the penthouse and took in the frigid temperature. it was becoming too confined and a bit warm for her inside and this seemed like a welcoming idea. jack had been watching her all night as she interacted with john and a few others who had made their way over at some point. he took in how she laughed, how she interacted with maria but through it all she seemed guarded and somewhat closed off. but who wouldn't be when they had a pair of eyes on them at all times. he waited a few minutes after she stepped out to step out with her. "party boring ya?" he questioned as he shut the door, and she turned around and giggled. "not in the slightest, i think nico and i had a good 10 minute conversation in french so this is at the top of house parties for me." she joked as she came up next to her. "oh really?" he said quirking an eyebrow and she blushed. "john tells me that you guys are seniors at rutgers. what are you studying?" he asked looking down at her, giving her his full undivided attention. "hah, i think you can google it." she joked swirling her seltzer. "well but yeah i could, but i wanna hear it from you." he said sweetly and ophelia felt herself smile against her better judgment. "well just like every other member in my family I'm studying some sort of government. but mine is in international relations and then another major in french. i plan to work at the embassy after graduation." she explained and he felt himself smile. "my dad just about shit himself when i told him my plans. he was expecting me to do something else, let alone move to france." she added causing the both of them to laugh. "wanna run away from the u.s?" he grinned and she shook her head. "shhh my dad doesn't need to find out." she grinned leaning into him just a bit, placing a soft hand on his arm. "your secret is safe with me." he whispered grinning, and she recognized it as a sincere one. one that made her warm inside. "say, have you ever been to a hockey game?" he questioned, her hand not leaving his arm as they turned towards one another. she shook her head no, "oh wait! i did go to the 2018 stanley cup playoffs when my dad was a senator!" she said remembering now. "or whatever year it was." she laughed uncertainly. "i think you're right, but you and maria should come to our next game in two days." and she sighed. "good thing I'm done with finals then." she said through somewhat gritted teeth, knowing that she would not be going home as decided by her dad but she'd be staying in jersey just a bit longer. against his wishes ofcourse. the sliding door opening but she didn't move back from jack. "hey girl, we are going. timmy's being an ass." she said before timothy came into view and ophelia sighed. "well thankyou for the invite and a great party, jack." she smiled. he nodded, "ill make sure john gives maria my number so we can situate the ticks." he said and she nodded before walking back inside.
ophelia threw her overnight bag into the fire escape as maria watched from the ground. two floors up and ophelia could put her fear of heights away and hop down. she grabbed her second phone and walked down. the two looked at one another, as if to say 'are we really doing this?". ophelia grabbed maria's hand and pulled her towards the uber that was waiting for them. she had had enough of the two agents for two years and decided that she wanted to ditch them. besides, she had had a lovely argument this morning with her dad which untimely led to her hanging up one him; not wanting her to stay longer in jersey after her last final that early afternoon. so, this was going to work or not work, she didn't know but that was thrown out the window as the two sped off towards newark. maria texted john that the two were on their way there, and to not say shit to anybody besides jack. nobody could know they were coming. "lets hope this works and i don't get shot in the process." ophelia said shutting her eyes. "lets hope it does work." maria said squeezing her best friends hand.
the two drove into the underground parking garage and saw john waiting for them with jack. the two hopped out and maria quickly hugged john. "hi jack." she said sheepishly and he smiled, pulling her in for a hug. "where can we put our stuff?" maria questioned the two and john smiled beginning to walk the four over to the car. "thanks man, appreciate it." ophelia said. "wheres the entourage?" john asked shutting his trunk and maria smiled. "she ditched em for the night!" she cheered, throwing her hands up in the air. "hahaha. funny." ophelia said rolling her eyes. "lets just go before people see us." ophelia said pulling the three back towards the door. "lets get margaritas!" maria said as soon as the two were alone on their way towards a box that was filled with executives for the team and one that was smaller so they could blend in easier. "fine, only one though." ophelia hummed.
the game was in full speed an hour later, and opehlia found herself enjoying it immensely. oh, how she adored grown men throwing each other around, searching for the tiny black object on the ice. she made note to go to more hockey games because they were entertaining. she shamelessly watched jack throughout the night, feeling her attraction towards him grow. she hadn't been able to get him out of her mind for two days and this was only going to add to it.
and throughout the night, she thought not once of the outside world and who might be looking for her. back at the whitehouse, her parents were terrified of what could have happened. agents and police personnel on high alert throughout the east coast. she knew ultimately she shouldn't have done what she did, but now it was done. the game went a little too quickly for her liking, and the two stayed back in the box waiting for the two guys to come out. john had the idea of ordering in and the four of them hanging at jacks penthouse for the evening. the two came in with one trailing behind them as he was on the phone with somebody. "great game guys!" ophelia said smiling widely, feeling the two margaritas pulsing through her veins. "oh my god, she was loving it! she was so into it it was so funny." maria said laughing at the fact that she misread a call and got upset about it. "hey, its not my fault the dudes microphone went out." jack and john picking up on the situation. "ill need to hear more, but should we get going?" jack questioned and the two nodded. the five of them headed out towards the two cars, "wanna ride with us? were going straight to my place. they are picking up chinese." and ophelia nodded. "i swear to go if timmy or oswald or your fucking father call me one more time, i'm gonna scream." maria said as she turned on her phone. she flashed ophelia her phone and saw 35 missed calls. "turn it back off, they can track it." ophelia said and maria nodded.
jack and luke watched as ophelia grew quiet, as soon as they entered the car. "do they not know youre here?" luke asked and ophelia nodded. "oh god, please tell me were not gonna go to prison for harboring the presidents daughter?!" luke panicked.
it was around 1 am after many boxes of chinese take out and a comedy movie, they were all exhausted. maria and john moved to his place on another floor offering ophelia to come with them, but she said she wanted to finish the movie. luke headed to bed after they left, and so now it was just jack and her. "so why did you not tell them you were going out?" he questioned, turning towards her on the couch. their knees brushing one another for a split second. she sighed, thinking of what reasons he was going to give. "i wanted to be normal again just for the evening. i wanted to have a good time without feeling my agent's eyes on me at all times, you never feel alone. ever." she said looking at jack in the eyes. "did you feel normal?" he asked and she smiled softly taking in how his eyes softened as he looked at her. she took in how comfortable she felt in his presence and the warmth that he oozed, "i do now." she hummed before closing the small distance between them by pressing her lips to his. it caught him by surprise but he melted into it, finding the base of her back quickly; his arms wrapping around her. their bodies quickly not getting enough of one another, jack pulled them down the hall to his room. making the most of her night of freedom.
it was around 5 as the two found themselves wide awake talking, laughing, kissing, and falling for one another. jack pulled her closer to his chest, not wanting this moment to end. "when do you come back?" he questioned and she shut her eyes. "the 7th, i start classes the 10th." she said. he nodded, "how about we do something during my by week in feburary?" he questioned and she smiled. "its a good thing my classes are all online. ill talk to my mom and have her convince my dad." she hummed looking up at him. "its a good thing, she's got a soft spot for me." she hummed before pecking jack again.
as the two were starting to fall asleep, their breathing already mimicking one another they heard a big boom at the frontdoor. more like a crash. she quickly sat up in bed, pulling the blanket to her chest, gathered her discarded clothes and slammed the bathroom shut, locking it behind her. she knew who was here. "ophelia?" jack questioned as the master bedroom opened, to reveal timothy. jack threw his hands up, as more agents filled the room. "jack?" he heard luke call out, as they pushed him into he hallway. jack sighed, knowing his brother was ok. "is she in here?" timothy asked pointing towards the bathroom and jack nodded, apprehensively. "i swear to god if you touch the door, you'll regret it." she yelled, knowing he was about to or at least attempt to open the door. she slid on her socks and stood up, taking in her appearance. she sighed stepping out of the washroom, timothy inspecting her to make sure she was not harmed. "im fine, tell him oswald." she said looking at her most trusted person in the world, who nodded. "you're dad will be happy to hear we found you but he wont be happy where." timothy said grabbing her arm and began to walk her out. "let go of me!" she screeched, ripping her arm from him. she'd never seen this side of him and she did not like it. they made it to the front door and saw maria standing outside with john, "can i at least say bye?" she asked looking at timothy. he looked down at her, knowing that if he did so, there would be no chance with her selfishly. he'd been battling two years of feelings and knew she was slipping from his hands. he sighed, and nodded. "alone." she added and timothy sighed again nodding for the agents to get out. as soon as they did, closing the broken front door behind them she turned around. "im so sorry, i didn't think they'd come here." she said panicking. jack shook his head, "no no, don't worry. you didn't know." jack said softly putting his arms around the girl. he rubbed her back, "yknow id still like to see you after you get back." he said and she smiled. "didn't scare you away?" she questioned and he smirked. "not even close." he said before quickly pecking her. timothy opened the door, letting her know air force 1 was ready. "bye jack." she said before walking out and past timothy. she gave maria a quick hug before she was whisked away.
jack hadn't stopped thinking of the girl as christmas rolled around, and the texting the two did was nonstop. the two could not get enough of each other, respectfully. ophelia was a wreck as she was locked away in her ivory tower, not daring to speak to anybody but oswald or her most trusted assistant. the president took notice of everything, and i mean everything. he would go up to the personal quarters for the family throughout the day and would hear his daughter laughing, talking in hushed tones and sadly, sobs. she was only allowing oswald and her assistant to see her, as she didn't want to be anywhere near her parents. with the reprimanding he did once she got back, he understood. but he knew the history of the family and his panicking was warranted. theo kennedy walked towards his and his wife's bedroom to talk, he needed to confirm his suspicions. "is she really seeing that hockey player?" he said and his wife was taken back. "uh...i believe so. at least that's what kelsey said. the two haven't stopped talking since the night she was found. well actually before that too." she responded, and he nodded sitting down at the edge of the bed. "would it be wild to invite him to the christmas party?" he questioned and his wife smiled. "are you getting soft?" she smiled coming up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. "i think that ship sailed years ago." he huffed and she laughed. "she's our only child theo...don't push her too far and give her reasons to never come back." his wife whispered. "i get she messed up and made a dumb mistake, but we both know either one of us would have done the same in her position." and he knew his wife was right. they both would have done it. "ill let kelsey know." he announced, standing up and walking out.
though kelsey never told ophelia, knowing it would be a lovely surprise for her. ophelia smoothed down her silver dress that donned a bow at the back of her neck. kelsey inspected her hair and makeup, smiling at how perfect it was. "you ready?" she questioned and she nodded. she walked out of her room in what seemed like days. oswald smiled down at the girl, putting his arm out for her. she smiled looping her arm in his. "absolutely beautiful miss ophelia." he hummed and she smiled widely. "thankyou oswald." and the two were on their way downstairs. "ill be right down there, take your time." oswald said stepping aside and walked down the grand stairs that would lead them to the grand room where the party was. she sighed running her hands down her dress once more, as kelsey fixed the bow that went down halfway revealing the rest of her back. "knock em dead, sis." she smiled and ophelia nodded. she needed a drink, and pronto. especially after the amount of pictures that were going to be taken as she made her entrance. she rounded the corner and stood for a brief few seconds at the top looking down at the groups of people mingling about. oswald nodded at her, speaking into his earpiece. she slowly stepped down the stairs hoping to not fall flat on her face. as she looked around briefly at the people realizing she was walking down, she caught a familiar face. scratch that, four. and then it was as if more and more kept popping up. she whispered to oswald that she was going to greet the group of people, and as she looked over, she saw jack already making his way over. "ofcourse miss ophelia." oswald said standing back into position. "hi jack." she smiled widely, pulling him in for a hug. "hi opehlia." he whispered, a bit stunned by the forwardness. "what are you doing here?" she questioned pulling him to the side of the stairs. he shrugged, "your dad called me four days ago and asked me if i wanted to come. and that i could invite anybody i wanted to-to come along." he said and he saw the confusion wash over her features. "he did?" she asked in disbelief and he nodded. "is it too soon?" he asked growing nervous, and she shook her head quickly. "oh no! not at all, I'm just stunned a bit that's all." she said smiling widely. "I'm really glad that you're here jack, truly." she said inching closer to him. "ill meet up with you guys soon, i need to find my dad." she said and he nodded, placing a kiss to her cheek. her cheeks became crimson red, jack noticing immediately. she watched as he walked back towards the group, and then she slipped into a secret door towards the oval Office.
"ophelia!" she heard her name from behind and she knew who's it was. she stopped to look back and saw timothy walking quickly down the desolate hallway. "yes?" she questioned, and she saw that he was upset. "what is that guy doing here?" he asked and she was taken back a bit. "why does it matter to you?" she huffed, before starting her descent again. he grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "are you two together?" he asked and her face became stern. "why would it matter to you, huh?" she spat while yanking her arm back. "why would it? have you not recognized anything?" he asked and he saw confusion wash over her. "what-what are your talking about timothy?" she asked growing irritated. "you musn't think that everything I've done for you has been just for my job. you really don't think that right?" he questioned searching her eyes. she shook her head, "timothy-" he cut her off. "have you not realized my feelings for you?" he asked and she felt dread wash over her. "oh fuck no, this isn't happening." she said taking a step back, putting her arms out to create distance. "don't go do this route timothy, please." she begged but he shook his head. "ill put in my notice, then then-" she cut him off. "if you think that i have feelings for you, you are certainly mistaken. what the actual fuck, timothy? don't follow me" she ordered, beginning to walk towards the oval office. she made it to the office, and shut the door behind her. her dad was at his desk, going over some last-minute items. he quickly looked up and was shocked to see his daughter back in the very room he berated her a week back. "first thing's first, please get timothy off of my service. secondly, you invited jack?" she said walking up towards his desk. he sat back in his chair smiling, and nodded. "okay." he said nodding towards his agent behind him and the agent left the room. "i had to meet the guy who's had nonstop communication with my daughter." he said and she softly smiled and then it dropped. "was it to make amends?" she said quirking an eyebrow and he laughed. "you're mother is quite the convincer and knows how to fix situations. good thing she's in my corner and nobody else's." he said and she nodded, knowing full well the angel (and devil) that she was. she sat down in front of her dad. "i do really like him, i think you'll like him too." she smiled and then there was a knock on the door. oswald appeared with her mom and somebody else. jack walked into the room nervously looking around, and then he found ophelia. he instantly calmed down, and she smiled widely.
"so you must be jack." her dad said standing up and jack swallowed hard, putting out his hand for him to shake. "ye-yes, jack hughes." he said nervously. "hear you're a pretty good hockey player, jack." her dad said and jack shrugged. "i'm alright." and ophelia smiled at his modesty. "heard you're good enough to make the olympics team and represent our great country." and jack was confused looking over at ophelia. "he loves hockey." ophelia said and her dad chuckled. "yes, nhl network is always on. just recently caught a segment on international play coming back so that's why I'm excited for 2028!" he explained walking back to his desk and shutting the small desk lamp off. ophelia made her way over towards jack and straightened his bowtie. "calm down, you're fine." she whispered for just him to hear. jack watched as he did so, a feeling of calm washing over him.
"who'd you bring tonight?" her dad asked breaking their trance with one another. "uh my parents, brothers, and a couple teammates." he said sheepishly, "great! we get to meet the parents, hun." her dad mused as the two walked out in front of them. ophelia rolled her eyes, "he hasn't been this excited in a few years i apologize in advance." she hummed and he smiled, holding out his arm for her. she looped her arm in his, and the two walked out.
the two made their way up to the personal quarters for the family a few hours later, showing him around the white house for a personal tour. "and this here is my room." she said sheepishly allowing him to walk in. she shut the door behind them and started to pull off her earrings that were beginning to throb. jack turned around halfway to see what she was doing, and she was making her way back towards him. he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her inclose and rested his chin on her head. "thankyou for coming tonight, I'm so glad that you did." she smiled. "ofcourse, i had to see the girl im absolutely mad about." he hummed, and she felt her heart swell. "and where she got her snooty attitude." he added joking and she rolled her eyes. "haha very funny." she said pulling back a bit to look up at him. "will you be my girlfriend?" he asked off the cuff and she threw her head back laughing. "points for throwing me off guard, but yes. i would love to be your girlfriend." she hummed and he smiled widely. he closed the space between them, placing his lips on hers. ones that tasted like whiskey and the comforting smell of sandalwood and cedar plagued her nose. she began to untie his bowtie, and as soon as it was undone she began to push him back towards her bed. she giggled as he fell back upon the bed, not knowing it was as close as it was. "oops." she said placing a hand on her lips. he smiled, pulling her to his chest, not being able to get enough of her.
ahh! i hope you enjoyed this lengthy and somewhat slow burning blurb, i kinda wanna make a follow up? probs will lol. but please like and reblog if you enjoyed!
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bronx-bomber87 · 8 months
Happy Saturday all :) We only have 5 eps left in this season. I can’t believe it. 17 days to the premiere. Well 18 for me since I don't have cable just Hulu but still. Ahhh the Dim and Juicy Ep. I remember the 3 week hiatus to get to it was the worst. Felt like we had a lot of extended breaks in S5. Drove me insane. But anything is better than the one we’re coming out of now ha I’ll take 3 weeks over 9 months any day heh.
I liked the parallel in this how unhealthy Jake/Sava were. And how solid Tim and Lucy are. I mean Dim And Juicy were a mess. My god the man cheated on her more than once. They are not relationship goals lol I enjoyed them nonetheless though. I know Eric and Melissa had a blast filming this. Did my best to get everything in. Content heavy one. Let us get started.
5x18 Double Trouble
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We hit the ground running in this one. Sava is waiting for Jake outside of prison. He’s getting released due to overcrowding. Not because he was good LOL Even Sava makes a crack it wasn't that. Been serving about 6 months for the drug charge got in 4x22. It’s a trip to watch them. We get all the benefits of Melissa and Eric’s chemistry inside another couple. It's wild. Sava all but squee's when she see's Jake which is pretty cute.
They launch themselves at each other once he’s free. All kisses and hands. Saying how much they missed each other. All the chemistry and swaying cuteness that comes with them. This scene is pretty cute to watch. They do look like they are so in love which makes what Jake does later so confusing and awful tbh. He greets her friend Lisa with a hug and you can see Sava breaks it up pretty quickly.
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Sava brings Jake back to her side. Asking what he wants to do first? Being the classy gentlemen he is saying she knows what. Ha Horny horn dogs. I do love it though. it’s like getting the most reckless AU version of Tim and Lucy. Although they wouldn’t cheat so it’s not entirely accurate lol Sava asking him if he wants to go straight? Jake replying 'Nah, screw that. Let's be bad.'
This leads us into the documentary. Shots of Jake and Sava during it. My god they are sex crazed af. I think that’s why everyone loved watching them though. heh They legit were gonna make a sex tape and got caught LOL I remember being so excited and confused as to what this episode was going to be ha. All I knew was going to be a documentary one and I always have a soft spot for these ones.
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We start off with Lucy getting mic’d up. She looks way more nervous this time around. Why you ask? Her person isn’t with her. Her safe space and grounding force is missing. She even asks why she can’t be interviewed with him? They want their POV's to be separate this time. It’s so sweet she misses him and needs his presence to calm her nerves. This makes me so happy I cannot.
We watch her take a deep breathe knowing they have to be apart. They ask how Lucy knew of Jake Butler in the first place? Lucy goes on to explain about Tamara’s car and drugs they found in it. Which led them to Jake. They bring up the fact he and Tim look alike. Tim is already grumpy and hates these damn things. What happens when you remove him away from his sunshine human.
He’s extra grumpy. It shows in his very first shot. His body language screaming how much he doesn’t want to be here. The crossed arms (mmm hello biceps.) Tim defiantly saying how they don’t look the same at all. Refusing to believe they are anything alike. Other than looks Jake is the complete opposite of everything Tim is for sure. He’s so sassy and salty when the director says they’re identical. ‘Says you.’ Oh my love. I adore you.
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They come at Lucy with both barrels about being Dim and Juicy for their OP in 'Double Down.' Knowing their ‘pretend’ intimacy was so much more than that. Lucy looks like she’s getting overwhelmed poor thing. She tries to divert it back to what they accomplished with their OP. Not the fact that they were UC together as a couple. The director presses more asking if that’s when her and Tim became intimate?
There’s a reason they pulled Tim from her for these questions. He would’ve knocked this guy out for them being so personal. Also for making her feel uncomfortable asking them. She can’t even look the man in the face when she says this BS line about pretending. Cause it’s utter crap and she knows it. Yeah they were in other relationships at the time. To quote Angela from 5x01 ‘All true. Not what I asked.’
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Lucy defending them both. Saying they didn’t get together until they were both single. Which is true and I am eternally grateful for. Do love her making sure everyone knows this. That they didn’t do anything untoward during their OP. Cause they wouldn’t while in relationships. Not who they are. They were damn close but didn't. Why they are the opposite of Jake/Sava. The director says he wants to dial in on that. Lucy becoming agitated asking do we really have to?
These questions clearly getting under her skin. The director noting it’s astronomical they would even meet the both of them. Let alone have both Jake/Sava together and her and Tim as well in a relationship. Before she can answer Tim interrupts says interview is over. She asks what's wrong? He tells her not here.. Lucy thinking it’s linked to questions she’s being asked. I love him holding the door for her as they leave. Ever the gentlemen.
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The closeness and height difference is glorious in this shot. You can tell when they’re alone by her body language Lucy goes into calm down Tim mode. Her hand reaching out for his and subtly touching it. Thinking she has to get him to settle down for hearing those questions. Before Lucy can talk Tim explains why he removed her. Has nothing to do with that. He pulled her over because Jake has gone missing. Doesn’t want to do police work in front of the cameras. Saying Nolan and Celia got missing persons call and it’s about Jake. Lucy is shocked saying 'What?'
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Nolan and Celina show up and Sava is freaking out cause Jake is missing. The director asks why Jake and Sava are at a mansion in Beverley Hills? We find out they’ve been casing rich families. Taking over jobs like handy man, nanny etc so they can live in these fancy houses and steal their stuff. It’s pretty smart despite being awful LOL This last family needed a handy man. Jake beats the crap out of the current one. Strong arms his way into taking his job.
I do love seeing how tall he is in that camera shot. mmm. Tall drink of water that man. Jeans and a leather jacket? Yum. Gimme. Luckily this family needed a nanny as well. So they both fit right into this scenario. Angela saying Sava slid right in LMAO I’m dying at Wes’s reaction. They’re so cute I can’t stand it. I do love me some Wopez. He tells her that's a really descriptive way to say it HA These documentaries always produce the funniest little moments like this. Why I love these and have a soft spot for them.
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We return to Nolan’s and Celina questioning Sava. She is still panicking. Saying this is why she didn't want to call the cops. Nolan noting because they're doing something illegal? She tries to defend their jobs there. That they're "straight" now. John gets her back on track by saying Jake disappeared? We cut to another video slash moment. Sava and her videos ha it is super cute how he looks at the camera. That smile we all love. Jake saying she needs to remind him to erase security footage. My god they’re sex bunnies LMFAO. He gets up to grab another beer and asks if she wants anything? She said lobster salad.
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The ass tap he gives her on his way to get another beer. my goodness. I love it. Reeling over here. Don't worry about me. They must’ve had so much fun filming this. I mean Eric mentioned it was one of fav eps of the season. The BTS they did leading up to his showed how much they enjoyed it. Her little dance after he says he’ll get her lobster salad. Haha Sava just living her best life in this moment and it’s showing. Sadly this is the last time Jake is seen alive on camera.
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We find out Jake took off and never told Sava where he was going. Which is heartbreaking. Because she clearly loved this man very much. Moral compass or not she loved Jake. That gets them on the topic of lying and secrets in a relationship. They ask her if Tim and her keep secrets? Lucy says nothing big.
That honesty is the most important thing in a relationship. Cutting to Tim and his reply I’m rolling. Eric killing it in this episode with his sarcasm. The king delivers once again. I mean he’s not wrong he is sitting there because of her secret. Well intentioned secret though LOL One born out of love. This one was funnier than the other two I thought. Just lots of funny/punchy bits like this one. I enjoyed it so much.
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We return to station. Aaron’s calling in he found a body. That it’s Tim. The expressions in this scene are primo. First off Lucy and Celina's confusion is hysterical. Standing next to him and hearing this when he's very much not. Tim looks so annoyed Aaron couldn’t tell it wasn’t him LOL Also irritated at the thought of being dead. Like he's insulted he would ever be dead in a dumpster haha Oh Tim I love you so much.Like Aaron you’re all looking for Jake and your mind goes to Tim LMAO Never gonna live this down my dude....
Tim grabbing Lucy’s radio off her hip is doing things to me. I also adore the looks when he does. She just allows it only looking down. Such a deep level of comfortability in this action too. Lucy doesn’t react at all. Just used to Tim and his antics. It’s the little glances through out this portion love too. Tim's look into the camera cracking up as well. Like this friggin dope thinking i'm dead... His face the literal version of SMH ha I loved this mini moment so much.
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They ask Tim if it was disconcerting he saw a version of himself dead in the dumpster? Being Tim he’s not going to show a documentary crew of all people his vulnerability. That’s reserved for one person and one person only. We shoot back to Lucy who says she has nightmares. God I can only imagine the nightmares seeing that produced for her though. Even though it wasn’t him you know she carried that with her when they left.
I bet you she had nightmares that night and Tim had to soothe her. Damn that would be good fic... LOL Anyways they ask Lucy if she thinks Tim has nightmares? Lucy tells them no but he’s been doing the job longer. I love her defending his high walls though. Saying why they’re in place. Not wanting them to judge him for it. Refusing to let anyone cast a negative light on him.
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The director asks if she’s jealous he can turn it off like that? Lucy’s answer is great because it’s very her. Telling them No. Personally she needs to feel for people it’s who she is. I totally get that I am a massive empath. It’s how I connect with people as well. It has it's downsides it’s true but worth it in the end. When they ask her bout his walls being an issue? I LOVE her smile. Because those walls have never really been an issue. A challenge for Lucy yes in slowly breaking his down over the years. But never an obstacle for them.
We all know she saw behind his walls very early on in their relationship. Saw the man hiding behind that wall. Tim has been a soft marshmallow for her for YEARS. Legit years. Why she has zero hesitation in her reply. He was soft for her long before they got together. It’s just now he allows himself to fully be this way openly and he’s ok with it. Well when they’re alone he is. Of course he’s going to be rough and grumpy with the crew. They’re not his person. Nor would he ever tell them he was soft for her.
That's not Tim Bradford at all. But his actions speak louder than his words ever could. You have to earn that out of him though. Lucy earned it million times over. Why she is the only one who gets to see it. Does crack me up the way the director says. ‘No sir....’ After Tim asks him if he looks like a big softy? You know Tim loved instilling that fear in him. He may be super gone for his wife. But he’ll be damned if he doesn’t command fear and respect around everyone else. These two the epitome of Grumpy x Sunshine per usual. Tim is hard ass unless you’ve made past his wall. He loves Lucy most so she gets all the soft goodies haha
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Sava shows the director a video she’s scared to share with the team after being questioned. Thinking they’re gonna use it against her. It’s a video of them driving around being all cute. Saying I love you to the camera and such. But then get run off the road in an attempt to kill them. Their car gets totaled and Jake has them bail completely. Car and everything they leave behind. They were able to locate the car for evidence after they see this.
They couldn’t get anything from the car scrapings unfortunately. Had the most common paint out there. So another layer was added to this mystery. Who was the driver? Sava then gets a text threatening her about an item she had no idea about. One that needed to be delivered. It was sent to her and Jake. The texts went on to be violent in nature toward Sava. So it was time for Lucy to go UC to figure this out. Meet up with this person threatening her.
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Thanks to Lucy’s UC Op the SL finally has some answers. The guy contacting them was related to Jake they were cousins. He was into some shady stuff and was an international arms dealer. This where I really feel bad for Sava. She had no idea about these back ally dealings he was doing. Not only that but he was cutting her out of the deal on top of it. That Jake targeted this family for a specific reason and she had no idea. Makes me sad when she says she thought he loved her oof.
That she knew him. Pretty sad. We find out later through Sava. That Jake always had a burner phone. They were able to get that number through this whole thing with the shady cousin. It’s where we find out Jake was cheating on Sava. Again….Lucy calling him the Shakespeare of sexting LOL They ask her if she’ll read some of them? It’s adorable how flustered she gets. Saying she can’t her Nana would be watching this. HA
The director does the dumbest thing he could do. Asking Tim if he would read some? Like did you really think that was gonna happen bud? Like really? His reply of if Lucy wasn’t gonna he sure as hell wasn’t going to. Telling him to take that away from him. Have you not paid attention at all in these documentaries? Why would they think asking was a good idea? LMFAO Mess with the bull gonna get the horns people.
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We find out the person Jake was cheating on Sava with was Lisa. Her best friend…Like damn it’s bad enough to cheat but with her best friend? God…As douchey as it gets on his part. Jake breaks up with her via text but Lisa can’t handle the fact he was choosing Sava. It’s when everything comes together. We find out she tried to run them off the road and kill them. When that failed she asks for Jake’s forgiveness. Wanting to meet up. When he showed up she killed him immediately and dumped his body. Shit….That's a seriously scorned women right there.
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This next portion is the definition Grumpy x Sunshine. They ultimately decide not to charge Sava with anything. The director asking what Lucy thinks of this? She of course gives the softest, most empathetic, and hopeful answer. Because it’s Lucy Chen. She exudes all that in her decision making. It is her super power after all. Naturally her answer was geared towards a second chance. Thinking maybe this will put Sava on the right path.
We cut to Tim saying ‘Of course she said that.’ He knows his girl so well. What’s so great here is his expression as he says it. That smile of his when he says that line. We all know one of the reasons he fell for her is that sunshine. That empathy and her seeing the best in people. She charmed her way into his heart with it. He truly does admire her for it. You can see the fond affection his face and tone when he says this.
He may not agree with her but he loves that about her. The man loves her so much even when he’s being sassy it comes off as affectionate. It's the first time we see him smile this episode. Why? He’s talking about Lucy. She brings it out in him. She melts him even without even being present. Just the thought of her and he lights up. Her compassion is one of his fav things about her. Gah they cute.
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They finally get to to be interviewed together. It’s the best part of the episode. Director not wasting any time with his first question. Asking them if they’re worried cause their doppelgänger relationship was so dysfunctional? Lucy once again seeing the best in them. Telling him it was an unfair characterization of them. That Jake cheated not only that but cut her out of a gun deal after that. Not healthy in the least but to her not dysfunctional.
I adore how riled up Tim is with his questions. Protective Tim has entered this conversation. Getting very agitated with what he’s implying. Look at how Lucy looks at Tim as he goes off on his rant. She loves this man sitting next to her. Grumpy rants and all. The amount of affection on her face as he continues his tangent. She could watch him go off all day. My heart. The director saying he thinks it's reasonable question. Tim doesn't agree and tells him off. Saying they’re working too hard. Ha I love him.
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Tim continues on (very passionately might I add) about separating their relationship from Jake/Sava’s. Want's to make it VERY clear they are nothing like those two. That the only thing they share is looks. He is so offended he would even compare the two. I mean it’s true. They’re not on the same planet as Tim and Lucy. Lucy continues to look at her man with serious heart eyes. Her smile giving me all the feels.
She is loving his fierce defense of them as a couple. Saying Jake/Sava based their lives on deceit. Of course it infected their relationship. He’s not wrong…This next bit gets me all in my feels. The way he looks over at Lucy. A real genuine smile just for her. Look at his smile. I'm a puddle. He is the absolute softest for her. *heart clutch*
Saying they’re in a very different place. His passionate defense is of them is sexy if you ask me. Also look how different he is with her by his side. Sharing more than he's been doing in his previous interviews. Being a little vulnerable cause she’s there with him. More than he has the entire episode. I cannot. This makes my heart so happy.
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The look on Lucy’s face when they ask what place they’re in? She is also ready to throw down with them. Incensed they would even ask that. Her reply is perfection. Saying ‘If you don’t know, then you haven’t been paying attention.’ I remember thinking this was a shot at anyone complaining this season. (and I LOVED it) Which blew my mind btw whenever I saw it. Cause if you could be negative in a season this good what makes you happy? I remember unfollowing some people cause I didn't want their tainted vision in my feed. If you could look at their relationship and not see the beautiful progression you weren't watching the same season as me.
To not see what they’ve built to this point in the season. You are like Lucy said clearly not paying attention. I remember seeing some posts about not enough PDA, kisses or intimacy. (there was lots of intimacy btw just not straight up making out) You’re missing the point of the realistic healthy adult relationship that's being portrayed. They're not teenagers who will be angsty over nothing. These are people in a stage of their life where that nonsense isn't going to happen. Any angst they've had has been productive. If you came out of this episode thinking they needed to be more like Jake/Sava you missed the point entirely. Of this season really. They are not them.
The beauty of Lucy and Tim is in the small tender moments. The little things that add up to so much. Yes I love kisses and such don't get me wrong. God I love them. Will lose my mind over any in S6 no doubt. But there is so much more to a relationship than just that. The emotional intimacy and how they’ve grown together since 5x10 is unreal. The massive shift in Tim alone is enough to tell you how well written they are. What a healthy adult relationship looks like. Had their bumps along the way but what couples doesn’t? I just loved that line from Lucy. S5 is a game changer in the best way for them. If you can’t see it or how they've both grown together you clearly haven’t been paying attention. That line was amazing and I loved her saying as such.
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The director takes shot at what place they're in. Coming up with some buzz words. As generic as he could possibly be. Lucy calls him out for it. Because it no where near describes what these two have. Tim is simmering as this guy continues to try and rile them up. I adore him ready to go off and Lucy immediately calms him with a single touch. That’s all takes for him to go from raging bull to heart eye Tim in an instant for her.
Tim was ready to thrown the hell down. I love protective Tim. Lucy taking the wheel in this moment is everything. Her touch basically saying she's got this. Looking directly at her man when she says this next line above. Also don’t think I didn’t see your eyes move to his lips madam. I do adore how she is looking at him. Exuding every ounce of love in her body for him as she speaks. They’re so in love make my heart hurt in the best way. Her eyes so full of warmth and affection for the man sitting next to her. They really are in a beautiful place. Making my shipper heart so very happy.
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Tim’s sweet smiles as she rubs her thumb up and down his wrist in a soothing manner. I love it so very much. Never be over how she make's sure to keep eye contact as she calms him down. Tim also doesn't break his eye contact with her as she does this. They're killing me with all the shipper feels in this moment.
Let’s not forget her necklace on full display here. In this beautiful moment. Happy looks so damn good on them everyone. Another thing I love so much is how Tim lets her take over. He was ready to shut this down. Kick them out. She places her hand on his arm and he’s at peace. Lets her direct them from here on out. Only Lucy has the power to soothe him this quickly and effectively.
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She’s calmed Tim down enough to have him rejoin the convo. Saying as police officer your future is never certain. Lucy adding on anything can happen at any time. Tim rolling it into kicking them out is amazing. Telling them straight up they’ve overstayed their welcome at this point. I mean they really have LOL Cracks me up how she turns her head towards him. Not really shocked but realizing he's over this now. Her smile is the best.
I love him pointing his finger. The shots at his relationship with Lucy were his breaking point. That is the most precious thing in world to him. Something so sacred. Why Lucy had to stop him from eating them lol Lucy’s reaction is the best. She loves this insane man sitting next to her so much. Her pushing his arm down like 'Ok babe that’s enough.' lmao. Such a wifey move to do that but also she knows Tim is at his limit. Tells them it's time to go now....
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I love them instantly going into couple time mode once it's over. Lucy asking if he wants sushi? Tim saying how it’s perfect. Then looks back at them glaringly. Saying this place better be spotless when they get back. I love her escorting him out of the apt. Hand on his back directing him towards the front door before he pops off more. Such a married move. God damn I love them so much everyone. Fantastic ep from start to finish. ❤️
Side notes-non chenford
Grey’s picture and how happy it makes him I love it so much. It’s so cute I can’t stand it.
He was so distraught when it was destroyed lol They replace it and it’s so sweet hilarious adorable thing for Grey.
Thank you to all my readers you make my entire day when you like, comment and reblog. Tis been a joy for me. See you all in 5x19 :)
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
Hey! I was hoping to request a dialogue request for teen van with 9 and/or 11. Fluff would be great but if you want to add smut that’s fine lol
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🧡Nose-Goes - Van Palmer x fem!Reader🧡
Fanfiction master list
disclaimer: don't repost my work. I only post on Tumblr and on Ao3. anything else is stolen and should be removed immediately
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Summary: Practice goes wrong and you're left with a lot to clean up...
Warnings: blood, broken bones/injuries, wound cleaning/patching up w/ fluff, very quick mention of periods/PMS, implied sexual conversation
Word Count: 2,394
A/N: Hello Loves! this was such a cute and definitely wanted request. I had two people ask for this number with Van specifically! Van is such a cutie and I was very happy to write this for her. She actually comes quite naturally to me to write. not much more to say on this one, so as always, feel free to leave questions or comments in my comments or ask box, and happy reading! 🧡
Van Palmer Tag List:
Yellowjackets Tag List: @frasersgf
General Tag List: @summergeezburr
You were not in the mood for practice today. Not for any particular reason, but today just didn’t feel like the day. You just felt so gross for no reason! Maybe it was that time of the month again. You weren't sure, but you still needed to go, no matter how much you wanted just to leave the locker room without a word. You were thinking all of this while filling your water bottle with a mopy look on your face. That is til you were grabbed into a surprise bear hug from behind that made you shriek. There was an unforgettable laugh that flowed into your ears and you groaned as you were released, only to turn around and punch your attacker in the arm which only provided more laughter. 
“Fuck you, Vanessa Palmer!” you yelped as you attempted to hide the smile that began to grow, tugging at your lips to reveal your teeth. Some of the other girls began to peek around the lockers momentarily before returning to what they’d been doing. Van only grinned, suppressing her laughter as she wiped tears from her eyes. 
“Damn, that was so good! You really screamed that time!” you rolled your eyes, picking up your water bottle that had now spilled into the fountain, ruining all your work. 
“Yeah, not like you’re familiar with that,” you murmured so only your companion could hear despite the echo the locker room had. Van wiggled her brow and grinned, but a mild blush still filled those freckled cheeks she had. Probably from her ego. 
“Oh you know and I’m damn proud,” she said, her chin practically resting on your shoulder as she whispered in your ear. 
“Well keep acting like that and you won't hear it till next semester,” you raised your brows high and gave her a grin of your own. Her hands subtly found your hips and she shook her head. 
“Eh, I know you. You’ll come around. There ain't a guy in this school who can do what I do,” you tilted your head then turned your eyes down to your water bottle as you screwed on the lid.
“Who said anything about finding a guy?” you promptly walked away from her and back to your locker to grab your towel before heading to the field. But you did catch a glance at the goalie, lips parted as she tried not to leave her mouth agape. You knew she hated that idea but in a sexy way. You smiled knowingly at her but darted outside before she could say anything about it. You were still grinning when you took your place in the group circle for stretching next to Shauna. The brunette glanced at you, noticing your grin, and tapped you on the shoulder to get your attention.
“You good? Heard you scream in there,” she nodded her head towards the locker room door just as Van made her grand entrance. You chuckled again and nodded, twisting your back to loosen up before leaning down to touch your toes. 
“Oh yeah. I just got her back for that is all,” Shauna gave you a knowing look and nodded. 
“How’s all that going anyways?” she asked in a whisper as you both leaned down. 
“Oh, you know. As well as you’d expect,” you played coy, not wanting to give too much away. 
“And she’s good?” Shauna, always curious asked. You gave her a simple, wordless look, and her brows raised. “Damn, good on you,” she chuckled with you. Shauna was the only person, if anyone, who knew of your “relations” outside of soccer practice with Van. It hadn’t been on purpose. She’d walked in on Van kissing you in the locker room lang after practice when you hadn’t expected anyone to come in. thank god it had been her rather than someone like Laura Lee. The girl was great and all, but had she seen she’d likely have called for hellfire to rain down then and there. She was cool about it and kept that secret safe for you both. You suspected others might have picked up on it, but Shauna was the only one to know in detail. 
“Alright ladies, time for drills,” Coach Ben interjected, bringing out the balls for practice and putting an end to stretches. “We’ve got three weeks before it’s time to start thinking about nationals, so let's bring out A game, alright?” you lined up for basic net aim to practice shooting and to help Van with blocking. You hung back in the line with Shauna while Jackie went first, watching quietly as the other girls had their go. Jackie was blocked rather quickly and didn’t seem all that happy with it. She joined the line again behind you with an irritated look. Next was Tai and then Lottie, who all got blocked just like Jackie, who now had a furrowed brow and a firm frown with crossed arms. 
“Damn, Van’s really on it today,” Jackie huffed. 
“Good. We need her focused up,” Tai said simply with a shrug. 
“She seemed mad when I went,” Lottie chimed in. Shauna gave you a knowing look and you chuckled to yourself, leaning into Shauna's ear to whisper. 
“She’d not mad. She’s bothered, shall we say,” Shauna suppressed a snorting laugh and covered her mouth, but you could see the smile in her eyes. 
“y/n, eyes up!” Coach yelled. It was your turn and you hadn’t been looking. 
“Right, sorry,” you said, moving up to get into position. You made fleeting eye contact with your goalie with a smirk on your lips before focusing back on Couch, who kicked the ball your way. You made a mad dash, moving to the left of the net before switching up last second to nip the net in the right corner. It made a satisfying swishing sound and Van nearly nosedived into the dirt. There was a quiet cheer with unceremonious applause behind you and you jokingly took a bow, enjoying the praise. You turned to Van, who had gotten back on her feet and was smearing dirt across her cheek. You wrinkled your nose with a smile, saluting her as you jogged to the back of the line. She finally loosened up, smiling and shaking her head before focusing on her task once again. 
Things didn’t go wrong till you were doing your classing 4v4 drill. It was you, Tai, Laura Lee, and Natalie against Jackie, Shauna, Lottie, and Allie. The field had been made smaller with cones moving the endzone up. It was simple and you’d done it a million times. Just get the ball into the other “team’s” endzone, but each player only got three touches on the ball. It was all about synchronization, speed, and timing. You were on you’re third run of the drill by now and you’d gotten into a good groove with your team. Maybe that had made you cocky. 
You started simple. Tai scooped the ball on the whistle and drove it down the field as far as she could. After her three touches, it was passed to Natalie, who drove it farther down. She was prepping to pass it on to Laura Lee when Shauna slid in out of nowhere, knocking the ball out of the way and into Jackie, who quickly passed it to Allie but was intercepted by Tai again. The ball was far too close to your endzone for your liking, and while there wasn’t a goalie for this exercise, you took it upon yourself to stay close to the endzone in case of an incident like this. Tai was prepping to pass the ball back to Laura Lee or Natalie, both being in range and ready, but as she started the pass, Allie did a running slide and- smack. 
You have no other recollection of what followed other than a blur of black and white, and a loud crackling, crunching sound before you even realized you’d hit the ground. You squeezed your eyes shut tight, everything spinning around you as the ringing in your ears subsided and you heard muffled voices of concern, but especially Van cursing quite aggressively. You refused to open your eyes as you bit your lip hard. 
“y/n, can you hear me? Hey! Help me here, I need her to sit up and lean forward as much as she can!” you heard a squeaky, high-pitched voice yelling beside you as someone slid in behind you, helping you move up and leaning forward as instructed. You realized this was Lottie as you started opening you’re eyes. You felt crowded around you, that is till you noticed Van nealed in front of you, reaching out to cradle you’re facing in her palms.
“ok, chin up and take a breath for me. You’re tuning purple,” she instructed. You let go of the air you'd been holding in your mouth with a shaky groan. You hadn't even realized you'd been holding your breath. 
“Misty, go call her mom,” Coach instructed.
“What's her-” the blond started. She was right beside you, you noticed now given how close her voice was. 
“I’ll go with her,” Shauna pitched in, thankfully knowing your home phone number. It only then clicked. You'd broken your nose, maybe. It was so hard to tell with things like this. You looked down at the grass between your legs at the small pool of blood forming from the heavy stream coming from your nose. You reached up a curious hand to touch the unseen injury, crossing your eyes for some kind of image. It still wasn’t registering, given the adrenaline rush you had going on. You heard Lottie hiss beside you, her hand on your back. 
“Oh no, don’t…” she murmured, but Van took care of it, taking your hand in hers before your fingers made any contact with your nose. 
“Let’s not do that, ok?” she used her gentle voice with you. You’d always liked that.
“How bad is it?” you finally managed to ask. 
“Well, you kinda look like shit. You also busted your lip,” Van chuckled. You managed to reciprocate and sat up more as the bloodstream subsided. 
“Why thank you,” you tried joking, but you started feeling lightheaded. 
“Ok. Van take her to the locker room I’ll have Misty bring you some ice when she’d done with the phone. And help her get her things, alright?” he seemed quite irritated with the whole situation. Van nodded and let go of your hand in exchange for hooking her arm under yours with your arm over her shoulder as she helped you hobble to the locker room without falling over. Lottie followed behind to grab your things. Allie, who was standing off over by the bench turned her gaze from you as you passed. 
“Here, lay down on you’re back. And breathe through your nose for me, ok,” Van instructed once in the locker room, sitting down beside you. She helped you into a lying position with your head in her lap. Lottie left your water bottle and towel on the bench beside you while Van helped you lie down. “Hey Lot? Can you get me a wet rag?” Van asked, her hand absently running over your forehead and hair. She wasn’t hiding as well as she normally did at the moment. But in your lightheaded state, you didn’t mind it. Lottie nodded, disappearing for a minute and returning with a wet rad as requested. Van nodded her thanks and smiled ad Lottie left quite quickly, leaving you alone with the redhead. 
“Look at you, nurse Vanessa. Never thought you the type,” your voice was horse suddenly. Van chuckled and rolled her eyes. 
“I’ve had enough sports-related injuries to know what's up. I’m gonna dab some of this blood away and cool your nose down for the swelling till we get that ice. That alright?” you nodded. The rag was cool on your nose, but it was enough to have you feeling the pain now. “Damn, you took that like a champ, huh?” she murmured as she wiped away the last bit of blood crusting around your nose. You shrugged, hands folded on your stomach as you looked up at her. 
“I didn’t even have time to react or feel it,” Van smiled again. Her free hand moved to caress your jaw, brushing loose hair from it. Her fingers brushed against your throat where she could feel your pulls beating. She wasn’t hiding the intention well. She dabbed the rag at you’re lip. 
“Allie should have planned that better,” she mumbled. 
“I don’t think Allie thinks about stuff like that,” the ginger scoffed. 
“Yeah, and one day it’s gonna get her seriously in the shit,” 
“She’s young. She’s got time to learn,”
“Well, she better learn quick,” you couldn’t help laughing, then hissing with a cringed look as the involuntary scrunching of your nose sent a shockwave of pain over your face. 
“Hey, careful. And where’s misty with that ice?” Van cooed, her brow knit in worry. It was so sweet of her, honestly, the tenderness and concern mingling in her gaze for you. You couldn’t help smiling up at her. “What?” she asked, noticing the look. 
“Will you kiss me?” you asked in a low tone, almost a whisper. She paused, moving the rag away from you’re face. 
“I wouldn’t want to hurt you more…” she argued against the voice in her head telling her how she wanted to say yes. 
“Then be gentle,” you insisted. “You will. You’re always gentle with me,” Van smiled and sighed, giving in. She leaned down, her lips sideways against yours. She kissed softly. Too soft for your liking. You reached up your hand, hooking it around the back of her neck to pull her down further. Her free hand caressed your forehead and she chuckled against your swollen lip. The added pressure sent a mild pain through your lip, but you didn’t mind. You enjoyed the feeling in a mildly masochistic way. She pulled away first but lingered to smile down at you, admiring your eyes. 
“I’m gonna have to be gentle with you for a while, aren't I?” she mused. You shrugged, brushing your fingers over her cheek. 
“Yeah, but we both like that,” her only reply was a hum before she leaned back in for another taste.
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nburkhardt · 1 year
Somebody loves you, you got a friend (part 4)
Part 1, part 2, part 3
Please don’t look too closely at things if it doesn’t make sense…ignore it hahaha. (I edited it and tried keeping to a timeline, but I think screwed up somewhere lol)
Telling Eddie is terrifying.
Steve’s little over a month along, his doctor said something about seven weeks? Maybe eight? He’s not entirely sure to be honest and he’s getting off track right now.
He’s pregnant with Eddie’s baby and he’s currently standing on the stairs of a trailer, specifically, Eddie’s home. He’s nervous and scared, because this is huge and they’ve only been dating for two months. The ultrasound picture in his back pocket is burning a hole and he has to remind himself of his mom’s words.
“You’ll be okay, even if Eddie doesn’t stay”
But god, he wants Eddie to stay.
The door is pulled open and the alpha is all smiles, “Stevie! What a surprise-“ the smile fades a little as Eddie sniffs, “what’s wrong?”
“Can- can I come in?”
Eddie wordlessly moved aside, letting him in before closing the door and he feels eyes on him as he paces. “Stevie, what’s going on?”
He stops and simply pulls out the picture, “um, so, I’ve felt like shit for the last few weeks and my mom had me take this- well- um,”
Steve will be the first to admit; his way with words is absolute shit.
Eddie’s mouth drops as he finally sees the picture. It’s still only a blob, even just looking at the picture he, Steve, can still hear the heartbeat.
The silence is suffocating and they’re still only standing in front of the door, Eddie’s holding the picture in his hands and Steve is biting his bottom lip and shoving his hands in his pockets, then without much thought just blurts out “I’m keeping it”
Eddie just nods and Steve can’t tell if it’s a good nod or a bad nod. But at least he wasn’t thrown out.
“I can- can I?” The alpha mumbles out and looks up at him, he has tears in his eyes, “are- are we okay?”
He doesn’t know what’s been asked, but with the phantom heartbeat beating in his ears and Eddie looking like he does- Steve just moves and wraps his arms around the alpha.
“We- we’re okay. As- as long as you don’t hate me for being a dumbass and not being on birth control”
Eddie’s arms are tight around him and he feels his lips against his temple as a laugh bubbles out of him.
“I think, it’s not just your fault here, Stevie”
~ ~ ~
Telling Eddie’s Uncle Wayne is a whole lot easier than telling his own dad.
Luckily his dad is too afraid of his mom to do anything to him and luckily Eddie’s uncle is a man of little words.
“You both made a mistake,” the older alpha told them, “everything will be okay, I’ll help you both”
And that’s that, from Wayne at least.
His dad, looks at the picture as if it personally offended him, then promptly decides to leave. He doesn’t even yell and doesn’t say all the things Steve isn’t supposed to know about his mom. He packs his stuff, saying “You’ll have everything you need, but I’m leaving”
And once he’s gone?
They technically celebrate. Even though his father just walked out on them all because his son is pregnant at sixteen. He doesn’t want to know how he would’ve reacted if he knew the baby’s father.
His mom is laughing and crying. She has a glass of wine, her hands are shaking. For once he can’t tell how she’s actually feeling. All he knows, her scent filling the room is an odd mix of happiness and sadness.
“Oh Steve, I didn’t-“ she looks sad, but somehow happy, “Baby, him leaving is a good thing. I’m just, overwhelmed. He was,” she shakes her head and grabs his hand to squeeze it, “he wasn’t nice, I should’ve known and should’ve left him a while ago, you’re the only good thing he’s even done to me. I’m sorry I allowed him to be so, so hurtful to you”
He’s going to blame the crying on that he’s pregnant. Even with how much he loves his mom, how much they get along- hearing her apology meant so much.
I hope everything seems in line, I’ve been going back and forth on my wording. Tbh it’s probably all over the place still. Anyway, yay Eddie didn’t freak out 🥳 well I mean, he did but he didn’t? Hahaha
Next time we’re going to school AND the CC boys make an appearance ❤️
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chadillacboseman · 1 year
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Summary: Part of the Vampire!Graves AU that @gloombride and I are currently going insane over. My original/first snippet is here. Graves is back from the dead and needs to find you. 141 has taken you for interrogation after hearing reports that the commander might be alive. Graves doesn't take kindly to your imprisonment. Reader is gender neutral, but the pet name "baby" is used.
Word Count: 5.1k!!!
Warnings: Oh boy! Major character death, blood, dismemberment, broken bones, vampirism, consumption of blood. The least offensive part of this is the use of guns lol. The moment Price and Graves interact, some pretty graphic descriptions of injury take place and continue until the end.
"What do you know about Phillip Graves being alive?" Captain Price stood before you, his figure looming above your seated form, hands resting on his rifle.
That was the truth. You'd spent the last two weeks mourning his death after his second in command had came to your door to notify you.
"Bullshit-" Soap piped up from across the room, his voice tinged with barely contained rage. Soap had been one of the few to know about you- Graves had pulled a weathered photo of you from his pocket to show him the night before they'd taken down El Sin Nombre.
"That's my whole world right there," Graves grinned and ran a thumb absentmindedly over your face in the photo, "Gonna make it home safe just to see that face again."
"Didn't peg ya for one to settle down, Graves," Soap raised an eyebrow, "But I can see why."
Graves chuckled and shoved the photo back into his pocket, "I'm gonna hang it up soon, give the Shadows over to Oz- sit my ass behind a fuckin' desk and call the shots from there."
"I don't know anything!" you hissed; tears were threatening to well up in your eyes now.
"Let me clue you in here," Price knelt down in front of you, eyes laser fixed on yours, "You are not leaving this room until I get an answer."
"Fuck you."
"Shepherd told me you were dead," Oz's back was against the wall, eyes following Graves as he paced.
"Maybe I was," there was a new glint in the commander's eye that made Oz uncomfortable. His irises were glowing in the dim light, two halos of amber bobbing just above his shark-like grin, "Now I'm gonna ask you one more time, where are they?"
"Those British fucks came knocking-" Oz paused, eyes screwed up, as if he was trying to conjure the memory up in his mind, "They know you're alive. Took 'em in for questioning. That's all I fuckin' know, Graves."
He didn't need any more than that.
"Do me a favor, Osmond," Graves glanced over his shoulder as he exited the room, "Don't tell Shepherd about this conversation. I'd like it to be a surprise."
Your house was deserted. Lights were still on, and your phone was sitting at the table. Graves knew you didn't go voluntarily. He inhaled deeply, letting the scent of the place dance through his nostrils and across his tongue. Each scent was a thread, a way to trace back to the source- a way for him to find you.
He got a lock on it, pulled it from the others that surrounded it until it was all he could smell, all he could taste. From there, it was easy- like a bloodhound on the trail he could retrace your every step.
The other scents made his fangs throb, anger welled up in his chest- Soap, Ghost, and two others he couldn't quite place.
It was easy to follow the trail once he had a lock on you. Graves could see the scent now, like a faint fog that hovered in the air.
You were close. And so were the others.
"Do you really think he's alive?" The soldier Gaz was posted with was chatty. He hated that.
"Dunno. Price seems to think so," Gaz traced a circle in the dirt with his boot, hoping to avoid further conversation.
"Yeah, but, they fuckin' blew that tank sky-high, right? No shot he lived."
"Maybe he wasn't in it."
The soldier seemed surprised by the suggestion, "Yeah? That could be. Probably put some low level guy in there, made him get blasted."
Gaz simply grunted in response, praying that the man took the hint. He didn't want to be part of the interrogation, in fact, he thought the whole thing was a farce. As if Graves would be foolish enough to tell you he was alive, let alone where he was.
So, Price stuck him outside on "guard duty" with some chatty nobody until they were through.
"I'm gonna do a walk-around, make sure nobody is up to anything," The soldier had clearly taken the hint, uncomfortable with the silence that was left hanging between them.
"Knock yourself out," Gaz leaned back against the cool metal of the wall and watched as the man disappeared into the darkness.
The night was quiet and Gaz could hear the faint sounds of the highway in the distance, muddled with crickets chirping in the field just outside the gate.
The minutes ticked by and Gaz began to wonder if the other soldier had abandoned him. He wouldn't complain if he had, but Price demanded two on the door at all times.
"Oi, you done fucking around out there?" Gaz called into the darkness.
No response.
"Jesus, mate-" He cupped his hand around his mouth and yelled once more, "If I have to come find you, I'm tellin' Price and he'll kick your ass."
"Fuckin' hell," Gaz muttered as he flipped the flashlight to life on his rifle and aimed it into the distance.
He wandered between the shipping containers in the warehouse yard, flashlight beam bobbing from shadow to shadow.
"You out here takin' a piss or are you-" Gaz stopped mid-sentence as his beam fell on something dark pooled on the concrete. From it, drag marks had been formed in the liquid, leading off into the darkness. Gaz knelt beside the puddle and examined it closely; he realized with a sudden jolt that it was blood. A lot of it.
"What the fuck-" He lifted the beam of his flashlight, following the drag marks until the dark overwhelmed it.
A thud in the distance, just beyond the reach of the light made him jump; he lifted his rifle to his shoulder and tried to calm his racing heart.
"Somebody out there? Come out with your hands up." Something to his left rustled and Gaz spun on his heel in search of the source.
Gaz had never met Graves in person. He only knew him from photographs and from a brief glimpse of him during their raid of the Fuerzas Especiales base.
But, the man standing before him was undoubtedly Phillip fucking Graves.
Something was off about his uniform, it seemed to shine in the light. It took Gaz a moment to realize that the fabric was covered in blood.
"Gaz, right?" Graves grinned as he drawled on, "Never had the pleasure of meeting you, but I'm sure you know who I am."
"Price is gonna have your fuckin' head."
"We'll see about that. Now look, I think you know what happened to your buddy," Graves nodded to the pool of blood, "But it doesn't have to happen to you. You answer my questions, you walk away. Pretty simple."
Gaz swallowed, hard, and flexed his fingers on the grip of his rifle, "No shot."
Graves sighed and ran his tongue over his teeth, "I know you're smarter than this, Garrick. Tell me where they're at and we go our separate ways."
"I promise you, I'm a man of my word."
"Gaz, we're calling it a night. Everything clear out there?" Price released the button on his radio and waited for a response.
"Fuck's sake, Gaz," Price shook his head and made his way toward the entry. Gaz was good at what he did, but he never turned his fucking radio on.
Price flung the heavy metal door open and found the entry unguarded. Gaz's rifle was leaned neatly against the wall, and there was no sign of Krieger anywhere.
Graves watched Price from the shadows, listening as his heartbeat grew more rapid with every passing second, no doubt worrying about Gaz's safety. He didn't have to worry- Graves was, indeed, a man of his word. The kid had left without a scratch on him, but he'd made him leave his radio behind; he knew Gaz would try to warn Price. He'd probably gone to circle back and do it anyway, but Graves didn't care.
It would be more fun if they knew he was coming.
Graves waited until Price turned his back and made his move, lunging out of the darkness and shoving him to the concrete. Price grunted as the air was forced from his lungs, thrashing beneath the other man's weight.
"Hello again, Captain," Graves shoved his knee into Price's back and used his weight to keep him pinned, "Long time no see."
"Graves-" Price growled as he tried to free himself from his grip, "What the fuck did you do to Gaz?"
"Nothing," Graves said simply, "The other one, though," he whistled for emphasis, "Let's just say he retired early, hm?"
"I'll fucking kill you-"
Graves used his free hand to shove Price's face into the concrete, silencing him.
"No, no, I think you misunderstand the situation here, hoss," Graves leaned down until his face was just inches from Price's, "See, your little lapdogs thought they killed me down in Mexico. Hell, I thought they did too. But somethin' out there had a different idea, and now-" he flashed his pointed teeth and Price's eyes widened, "I'm gonna make you and your little 141 regret it."
Graves adjusted his weight so he could wrestle one of Price's arms out from under him, easily overpowering every attempt he made to pull it away.
"I'd love to take my time with you, but I don't want the boys inside to get worried and come lookin'- that'd ruin all my plans," Graves angled Price's arm until he felt resistance, the bones trying to prevent him from moving them beyond their limit, "Doesn't mean I can't have a little fun first."
A sickening crack radiated under Graves' grip and Price cried out through gritted teeth as his radial bone gave way, followed by another crunch when the ulna followed suit.
"Hope that wasn't your shootin' arm," Graves joked as Price panted in pain beneath him, "Not that that matters much."
Graves reached for his other arm, wrenching it back despite the other man's efforts against him. This time he twisted, savoring the way Price cried out in earnest when his bone spiraled into pieces, skin already beginning to discolor as blood gathered beneath the surface.
Graves dropped the now limp limb, feeling Price's heartbeat, erratic and racing, thrum in his ears. Oh, how he wanted to break every bone in his body, to make his death as slow as he could. But he didn't have time for that.
Instead, he reached down, taking Price's head in his hands and lifting his face from the pavement, "Take a real good look at the stars, Captain," Graves grinned as he felt the race of blood just under the skin, "At least die lookin' at something pretty."
Price opened his mouth to retort, but Graves wrenched, hard, twisting his head until he felt a pop reverberate through his fingers. Price's body went limp, and Graves stood up, pausing to dust himself off before making his way to the door.
Your back ached from the hard metal chair, and the dim lighting was threatening to give you a headache before long. You'd told Price over and over again that you knew nothing, and yet he still persisted.
He'd left you in the room with Soap, who was watching you from the shadows, a look of pure hate painted across his face.
"You can keep lyin' all ya want, but eventually we're gonna get what we want," his Scottish accent grated on your ears after hours trapped in that fucking room.
"I don't know how else to tell you this, you thick-skulled moron-" you shifted in your chair so he could better see your face, "I don't know fucking anything. You telling me that Phillip is alive is just as much of a shock to me as it is to you!"
"If he is alive, I can tell you this much-" you were mad now, some kind of volatile mix of anger and grief that had you feeling bolder than you ever had before, "he's going to tear the place apart looking for me."
Soap didn't respond, which only irritated you further.
"And from where I'm sitting, you look like a prime fucking target right now!"
That made him laugh, which sent a jolt of rage through your chest, "Even if your little boyfriend is still alive, he's not making it ten steps into this country-"
His cellphone began to vibrate, interrupting his tirade; when he pulled it from his pocket, you could see Gaz's name on the screen.
"Gaz- what? Slow down, man. What are you talking about?" Soap's brows were furrowed, and you could hear the other man shouting frantically, "I can't- did you call Price? What do you mean he didn't answer?"
Your heart hammered as you strained to hear what Gaz was saying on the other end, you caught bits and pieces- "killed Krieger" and "I ran"; before Soap hung up, you heard "You have to get everyone out."
Soap hammered the call button on his radio, "Ghost, you got ears on?"
There was a pause before his radio crackled to life, and Ghost's gruff voice responded in the affirmative.
"Listen, Gaz just called me- I dunno if he's off his rocker or what, babbling on about Krieger being dead and-" he paused and looked down at you before continuing, "Just...could you go outside and see what the fuck is going on?"
Ghost made his way silently through the hallways toward the front entry. This whole affair annoyed him- if Graves was alive, how far could he possibly have gotten? He wasn't an idiot, he'd have kept his status from you for as long as he could for his safety and yours.
But Price's ego was bruised and you were an easy grab- it didn't matter if everyone agreed or not.
Where the hell was Price, anyway?
Ghost flung the heavy metal door open and blinked as his eyes adjusted to the sudden darkness- the small light that had hung just above the frame seemed to have been broken.
Ghost cursed and thumbed the flashlight on his rifle to life, sweeping it over the concrete.
"Price-" he spotted the man, lying limp on the pavement just a few feet away. There was something wrong with the way he was positioned, something unnerving about his neck, "Captain?"
Ghost crouched low to the ground and approached, "Captain?" Once he was closer he realized what was wrong- Price's neck was twisted beyond its limit. His eyes were wide and bulging, bloodshot and full of ruptured vessels.
"Fuckin' hell," Ghost stood straight and hit the call button on his radio, "Soap, we have a problem. Lock the door to that cell and meet me out here."
"Ghost?" Soap turned the key in the lock on the cell door as he peered down the hallway, "Ya there, LT?"
Silence was his only answer.
Soap made his way toward the exit; his heart was hammering- what had made Gaz go into hysterics like that? Where was Price?
His thoughts were interrupted by a loud thrum as the power went out in the warehouse, sealing him in total darkness.
"Fuck!" Soap jumped in surprise and fumbled in the darkness with his rifle until the flashlight came to life.
The bright white beam bobbed as he continued his trek in darkness toward the door, "Comin' LT! The fuckin' power went out," he called, hoping Ghost could hear him through the metal.
The door rattled, hard, and Soap stopped in his tracks, "Soap, open the fuckin' door," Ghost's voice echoed over the radio.
"Locked yourself out, eh, LT?" Soap chuckled.
"Fuck off."
Soap approached the door and swept his flashlight over it, confusion taking root in his mind as he took in the chains that were wrapped around the bar.
"LT, something...something is going on with the door-"
Graves watched from the rafters, feeling Soap's pulse grow more rapid by the second, savoring the thrum of it in his ears. He had wanted to save the Scot for last, but fate had other plans.
Soap examined the chains, running his gloved hand along the metal, "LT...there's chains on the door."
"There's chains, keeping the door shut."
"What the fuck are you on about, Johnny?" Ghost sounded annoyed; the door rattled as he put his full weight into it once more.
Graves was tired of the pathetic display below him- while Soap fumbled in the darkness, he was able to see everything in perfect totality. Every finite detail, every color. Another benefit of his new condition.
Graves dropped from the rafters, silent as a predatory cat, moving as if he was one with the shadows until he was behind Soap, close enough to hear his every breath.
"Hey Soap, long time no see."
Soap was quick, Graves had to give him that much. He swung his rifle, nearly connecting with Graves' head, and managed to strangle out "GHOST, GRAVES IS-" over his radio before it was ripped from his vest.
"Soap? Johnny??" Ghost's voice faded away on the abandoned radio as Graves dragged the Scot down the hall.
"Wakey wakey, Soap," Graves brought his hand down, hard, across Soap's face, the sound ringing through the empty room.
The Scot's eyes fluttered as he regained consciousness, eyes flitting around the room frantically. He was seated, his wrists bound to the arms of the chair he was in. His ankles were bound as well, held tightly in place with some kind of cord.
The room was dark, save for one single bulb that hung above his head, casting harsh shadows on his figure.
"What the fuck-" Soap hissed as his eyes struggled to adjust to the pitch blackness, limbs straining against his bindings.
"You wanna know something, Soap?" Graves paced around the chair, his Southern drawl echoed off the walls of the room, "I wanted to like you. Hell, I did like you. But you just couldn't let it go."
"You took Alejandro's base!" Soap spat, "You wanted us to just 'let that go'?"
"I'd be willing to let bygones be bygones, too. Bury the hatchet. When I crawled outta that tank, I was just happy to be alive."
Graves reached for the crowbar that hung from the back of his tac vest, wrapping his fingers around the cool metal and snagging it from the loop that held it.
"But then I come home to find that you and your little gang of assholes had the gall to use someone I love to try and hunt me down," he brandished the crowbar, its silver finish glinting in the harsh light, "And I can't forgive that."
The crowbar came down swiftly, connecting with Soap's knee, its clawed head dragging the flesh and connective tissue with it. Blood splattered to the floor and Soap let out a pained cry through gritted teeth.
Graves raked his eyes over the soldier's panting form, calculating where he should strike next. This time the blow came to his chest with the blunt side, taking the air from Soap's lungs with a dull crack.
The Scot coughed, a faint wheeze at the crest of his next breath. Graves grinned wolfishly, waiting for him to recover, the crowbar tapping absentmindedly against his flattened palm.
"Ghost...." Soap wheezed, his head lolling slightly, "Is going to fuckin' kill you."
"Better give him a good reason, then."
Graves brought the sharp teeth of the crowbar down, with his full strength, onto Soap's right fingers. The metal cut through in one motion- muscle, tendons, and bones giving way easily under the blow. The force was such that the teeth lodged themselves into the wood of the chair as blood oozed from the two severed fingers in thick rivulets.
Soap let out a genuine cry of pain, his muscles flexing on instinct, struggling against his bindings. Graves gave him no time to recover, swinging the weapon upward and striking him in the jaw with a wet whacking sound that reverberated through the metal.
Blood gushed from his cracked jaw, spilling down his fatigues and pattering to the floor. He let out a pained groan as more blood rolled over his lips and down his chin.
Another blow landed on the side of his head and for a moment, he danced on the edge of unconsciousness, his skull throbbing in time with his pulse.
"Ghost-" blood clung to his lips as he spoke, weak pleas falling on deaf ears, "Simon, please-"
Graves laughed outright at that, "He's not coming to save you. By the time he gets in this building, you'll be long gone."
"Fuck....you," Soap wheezed. His face was covered in blood now, caked in his stubble and soaked into his uniform.
His other hand took the abuse this time. The crowbar's sharp clawed end ripped through two of his fingers, sending a spray of crimson to the floor. Graves waited until blood had pooled on the metal, then raised the weapon to his mouth and ran his tongue along it, pointed fangs glinting in the harsh light.
Soap could barely muster a cry of pain this time, instead making a pathetic moaning sound as the fresh blood joined the rest on the floor at his feet.
"Aw, come on now, buck up, sport-" Graves positioned the crowbar under Soap's chin and tilted his face upward, "Don't be blacking out on me just yet. I'm not done havin' fun!"
He tossed the crowbar to the side and Soap's head dropped to his chest once more, his breaths coming in shallow waves. Graves unsheathed his combat knife and fidgeted with the blade, contemplating.
"You wanna know something, Soap?" Graves paced around the chair slowly, mapping out his next target, "I really respected you. It's a shame it had to go down like this."
Soap groaned in response, a wet, gurgling sound that fell flat in the empty room. Graves rolled his eyes and slid the knife under the shoulder straps of the Scot's tactical vest, slicing the fabric and letting the heavy kevlar fall away from his chest.
"Let's wake you up, shall we?" Graves laced his fingers in Soap's hair and yanked, hard, bringing his face upward. He gripped the blade tightly and brought it to the Scot's cheek, dragging it down the flesh and leaving an angry cut in its wake.
Soap gritted his teeth, choking back a cry of pain as blood flooded down his jaw and neck.
Graves tutted, unsatisfied, and instead brought the blade to Soap's stomach, "Guess we'll go big then."
The knife pierced through the Scot's skin just above his navel; blood gushed around the blade as Soap thrashed, a new, more urgent sound escaping his lips.
"That's more like it!" Graves grinned, delighted. He pulled the knife upward, shredding the flesh and muscle until he hit the resistance of bone in the ribcage.
"Simon!" Soap cried hoarsely, his mind struggling to comprehend the new pain, "Ghost, please- it hurts."
Graves watched as the blood flooded to the floor, enough to make Soap grow pale, his eyes going in and out of focus.
"Sorry, hoss," Graves cocked his head and took a step back to avoid his boots getting tinged with blood, "I know your ol' pal Ghost has got to be close to getting in. Couldn't have him interrupting."
Soap slumped forward, his form going limp; a few disjointed words still fell from his lips as he faded from consciousness, "Simon", "please" "Help me".
Graves grabbed Soap's dog tags, clutching them firmly in his fist before ripping them from the Scot's neck, "No hard feelings, Johnny boy." He watched, amused, as the Scot convulsed and then went limp.
From down the hall, Graves detected another heartbeat, racing, filled with rage.
Graves prowled along the rafters, watching Ghost move through the warehouse. It would be hard to break him- he'd read the files. The man had a psych profile a fucking mile long.
"Lookin' for your buddy?" Graves called down from the ceiling, watching as Ghost pointed his rifle skyward, eyes under his mask narrowed as he stared into the darkness, "Got some bad news about that."
Ghost swung his rifle wildly, aiming into the rafters; Graves could hear his heart hammering, a sweet melody of anticipation that made him grin in the darkness. He took one last look at the bloodied dog tags clutched in his fist before tossing them to the ground.
Ghost spun on his heel at the sound of metal connecting with concrete, eyes widening as they fell on Johnny's dog tags, dented and covered in blood.
"Y'know it's a damn shame, Ghost," Graves drawled from somewhere above him, "Soap died all alone, screamin' your name. Should'a heard him when I cut his gut open-" he paused to chuckle at the memory, "he was beggin' like a dog."
"Come down and fight me, Graves!" Ghost snarled, his rage fighting the overwhelming grief of losing Johnny.
"Careful what you wish for."
Before Ghost could turn to the source of the voice, pain erupted in his lower back. There was a momentary heat as he felt fingers push through the fabric of his gear, then into his flesh. He tried to pull away, but Graves had a hold of something inside him. Instead, he turned as well as he could, swinging the rifle to take aim at the other man's chest.
Graves grinned and clenched his fist until he felt a crunch. Hot, coppery blood ran down his arm and mixed with a viscous fluid that poured from Ghost's now shattered spine.
When he released his grip, the masked man crumpled to the floor, his legs now immobile beneath him. Graves took advantage of the momentary shock to grab the rifle from Ghost's hands and toss it across the room.
Ghost was panting under his mask, trying to process the lack of feeling in his legs.
"You know, I always wondered what you look like under this-" Graves took a fistful of the fabric just above the skull and pulled, prying the mask from Ghost's face and letting it fall carelessly to the floor.
"Now, I don't know what the hell Soap saw in you," Graves paced around the downed soldier, watching his eyes follow him; there was no fear there, just anticipation, "Gotta say, I respect the dedication to the badass bit you've got going here."
Ghost said nothing in return. He could feel the blood pooling beneath him, soaking through the hooded sweatshirt he wore under his flak jacket. He'd been through worse- Graves would have to do better than this.
"Johnny boy, though, he dropped the act pretty quick," Ghost's mouth twitched at those words, "Wish you could have heard the way he begged for you to help him right up until the end."
Graves retrieved his crowbar once more, and Ghost's eyes flicked to the dried blood caked on the hooked claw.
"Just know you won't be very far behind him," Graves lined up his crowbar and brought it down with the entirety of his strength, onto Ghost's right arm, just under the elbow. The bones gave way easily, shattering under the weight of the metal.
Ghost didn't make a sound, and his face barely changed; he merely stared up at Graves, his jaw set.
"Like I said, pretty impressive-" Graves tapped the blunt instrument against his palm. Ghost was lying flat on his back now, unable to support himself with his arms any longer, "Just wish I had a little more time."
Ghost's left arm was next. The crowbar came down, teeth first, the force of it cleaving straight through the flesh and bone and striking off the concrete beneath it.
This time, Ghost made a sound, a guttural groan from somewhere deep in his chest. He was growing more pale by the minute as blood began to spread in a halo around his form on the floor.
Graves was growing bored of the interaction.
"Don't worry, Ghost" Graves moved behind him, shoving him upright and bringing the crowbar to his neck, "Soap won't be alone for long."
The crowbar went tight against Ghost's throat, cutting off his air. He tried to move, tried to thrash away from the pressure, but Graves was stronger.
"Look at that! There is some life left in you," Graves sneered as he pulled the metal even tighter, eliciting a choked gasp from Ghost, whose head thrashed weakly, trying in vain to relieve the pressure.
Graves pulled with more force, grunting against the soldier's struggles, until he felt the man go grow weaker before becoming still entirely.
Graves rose to his feet and let Ghost fall to the floor in a heap, watching with amusement as the light went out in his eyes. He paused to dust himself off and replace his crowbar on the back of his vest before exiting the room and making his way toward you.
You strained your wrists against the bindings, struggling helplessly to free yourself in the pitch blackness. The power had gone out what seemed like hours ago, and Soap still hadn't returned.
Was this some new trick? A vain effort to make you talk by playing on fear?
Your thoughts were interrupted by the distinct sound of the door on the far side of the room opening- no light flooded in from outside, which meant the power outage stretched at least into the hallway.
"That you, Soap?" you tried to sound casual, but the darkness and your immobility were starting to wear on you, "Neat trick with the lights."
No response.
"Ever figure out what Gaz was so worked up about?"
You could feel someone getting closer to you- not hear, feel, like the air shifted around whoever it was. The hairs on the back of your neck were on end, your heart banging out a rhythm in against your rib cage.
"Hello?" Your voice sounded very small, dwarfed by whatever presence was hovering near you in the darkness.
"Hey baby," a distinctive southern drawl purred near your ear and you felt as if your heart was going to leap out of your throat. There was a coppery smell to his breath that you couldn't quite place.
"Phillip?" You choked back a sob as he cut the bindings on your wrists and ankles.
"It's me," you felt his hand cup your chin and his forehead touched to yours.
"How-" your voice cracked and you felt tears spill down your cheeks as you struggled to find the words.
"Shhh, it's alright. I'm here," Graves pulled you in close and you buried your face in the crook of his neck. His shirt felt wet, and the metallic scent persisted on him, almost overwhelming, "I'm gonna walk you outta here, okay? But you gotta promise me something-"
"Keep your eyes closed."
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constellation-em · 2 years
'You Never Asked Him What It Meant' - Din Djarin/Reader
This is a snippet from a WIP of mine- reader has lost Din, and a wandering woman has just asked if they would like her to wait with them. I'm not so good at writing full blurbs but want to practice more, so I figured I would get this small piece out. Please leave feedback! I need it lol, writing fanfiction is a lot different than the literary analysis like I'm used to.
words: 1.1k
warnings: language
feedback wanted!
"No, I just- He'll find me but- I don't even know where the ship is, oh Maker I'm screwed!" Your sobs returned, it felt like the air had been pulled out of your lungs by the fear that always sat in you when Din went after a bounty. What if he didn't come back? You couldn't fly the ship. You couldn't fight. You were just a glorified engineer and medic, basically kept on to keep the ship clean. Why did Din even keep you around?
You liked to think it was because he had taken a liking to you. You had been working on his ship with him for over a year at this point- hired off Nevarro when Karga decided you needed something better to do than slinging drinks. Din hated you at first. He ignored you, and just let you do your own thing. It wasn't until he came back with a stab wound in his dominant arm that your talents came to light.
What he had been told: You could fix a ship in a pinch, and do housework. Not to mention your cooking was not too shabby. "She'll hold you accountable," Karga had said.
What he hadn't been told (and what Greef Karga didn't know, and would never know): You had been getting paid under the table to patch up bounty hunters when things went awry for them. You knew your way around a medkit with your eyes closed.
Din couldn't fix his own arm, much to his demise. He tried, you heard his grunting from inside the cockpit. To be honest, you had been a bit concerned at first that maybe something… less than savory was happening.
"Hey," He had yelled, "You know how to cauterize? Or even use a kriffing bactapad?" You had walked in, and he was a sore sight. Like… a really sore sight. He was sitting in the pilot's chair, facing sideways from the door, hunched over into almost a ball. There was a deep laceration on his right shoulder, and blood caked all around it and his hand.
His hand. That was the first thing you saw, his gloveless hand. This was the first time you had seen any of his skin. Up to this point, you weren't sure he was human. Hell, you didn't even know his name. The next thing you saw was his beskar armor, thrown onto the ground. Normally he was gentle with it, almost reverent. Then you noticed his flight suit.
Pulled down off his shoulder, down his arm, and hanging half off his back. Unzipped and his chest in full view. This couldn't be compliant with his Creed. Could it?
"I- yeah. I'll grab my medkit."
"No need." He grunted, pointing at the box sitting next to him.
"Mando, there's no numbing spray in there. Mine has some, let me grab it. Keep pressure on the wound."
"I said. No need." You could hear the anger in his voice. It wasn't meant to be directed at you; you knew that. It still stung though.
"Alright. But it's gonna hurt." You moved towards him, kneeling on the ground at his side. There wasn't a lot in his medkit. It seemed well-used. There was at least enough to disinfect, cauterize, and cover with a bactapad.
"Good." That made you pause. What did he say? Did he say good? Maker, did Karga stick you on a ship with a psychopath? Or… was it something sadder than that? Did he feel like he deserved it? As you moved to grab his arm, he stiffened up. "Sorry. Not used to… this. Getting help."
"S'okay. Just let me do my thing, Mando, and you'll be good as new." He relaxed a little bit, shoulders falling as he let out a breath. "This spray is gonna be cold. Just a warning." You grabbed the small bottle, giving it a small shake. Good. Mostly full. Although you figured you wouldn't need much, seeing as he literally said good to it hurting. You pointed it at the cut, giving it a spray.
"Dank Farrik! Fuck!" He jerked out of your grip, grabbing his arm and hissing with pain.
"Shit shit shit shit I'm sorry Mando I tried to tell you-" Fuck you had warned him right? He paused, and tilted his head towards you.
"Keep going."
"Say again?"
"Keep. Going." So you did. You gave him another spray, and you grabbed the cauterizer. Every sound you made caused him to stiffen up, and every time you grabbed his arm again he relaxed. It was a never-ending cycle of cusses and hisses and gentle shushing.
By the time you finished and applied the bactapad, his breathing had settled down to a normal pace. You looked up at him from your place on the floor. He was silent, which wasn't uncharacteristic of him, but you were worried. What if he was mad at you for helping him? He had asked, but still. What if he fired you, sent you back to working at a shitty guild bar and dealing with flirtations of douchey bounty hunters? You couldn't go back there. You wouldn't.
"Thank you." It was a small sound, a barely heard sentence. You weren't even sure you heard it come out of his mouth, until he turned to face you directly. His hands reached out and grabbed your shoulders, thumbs lightly stroking them.
"It's nothing, you were hurt… I couldn't let you suffer like that Mando." He tilted his head towards yours, the cold beskar of his helmet pressing against your forehead. You weren't sure, but you thought maybe this meant he was warming up to you.
"My name is Din. You should know that… if you're going to be my medic." Oh. Oh. You weren't even expecting a thank you out of him. And he gave you his name? You didn't ask for it; he bared it to you, just as he bared his soul when asking for help, when showing you his scarred and wounded skin. "Will you? Be my medic? I wish Karga had told me about your skills before… that piece of bantha shit keeps so many secrets." This was a new side of Man- Din. You had never seen him so talkative.
"I- yeah. Yeah Din. I'll be your medic. From now until you get tired of me. If that's okay?" You chuckled against his helmet, and if you heard right, he did too.
"Of course. Of course it's alright cyar'ika."
You never asked him what that meant.
thank you for reading!
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mistress-ofmagic · 2 years
Around the Realms in 80 days- Chapter 18
Pairing: Reader x Loki
Story summary: You have fallen through a portal during the convergence into Asgard and come face to face with Thor, and his brother Loki. With no way to return, you must travel with the two men and their hoard of asgardian soldiers to get back home. Things get from bad to worse when you have to share a tent with the god of mischief himself.
Notes: Oh hi there! Welcome to another chapter (this Is pretty good timing for me, two chapters in a month? Who says I don't feed you! This was a fun chapter to write, I did a lil bit of breaking the 4th wall here lol! I know a lot of you hated Latte to begin with because she was a lil nervy and didn’t always stick up for herself (Im only going off on what I would be like guys lmao some of us are very soft and not at all brave or heroic) and I know she’s a bit of a reluctant hero or an anti-hero, she'd much rather be chilling somewhere with her coffee than faced with this shit! 
Anyway, enjoy!
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find all parts to this story on Tumblr here
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Jesus Christ…” You muttered under your breath as you stormed off, leaving Stark Towers behind you. 
You span round to face Oliver, who was having to do a fast pace walk to catch up with you.
“What?” You asked rather sharper than you intended. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, that’s so embarrassing. It’s been…”
“Stressful morning?” Oliver grinned good-naturedly.
You sighed. “Kind of.” 
“I can’t imagine. Where do you want to go?” 
“Honestly I don’t know the city at all.” You forced a smile, trying to forget L-O-K-I and enjoy the rest of your day. 
“Where would you recommend?” 
Oliver smiled again. He was a smiley person, you noticed. Unlike he-who-shall-not-be-named who usually looked unimpressed at best, especially when you were around. He looked cute again today; it felt strange seeing him without his lab coat on, as if he was missing something somehow. He was wearing jeans and a graphic tee-shirt, his brown hair tousled again as if he constantly runs his hands through it, and his hazel eyes seemed to light up when he smiled. His face was open and sincere, again unlike Loki who was closed and harsh. Maybe there was something to be said of their life experiences though; while you didn’t know much about Oliver and his life, you doubted he had ever tried to take over an entire planet and been defeated and imprisoned. 
Still…suppose you can never be too careful. Enough tinder dates had taught you that.
You realised you had been staring at him and hadn’t listened at all to his response. 
“Sorry, what did you say?” You asked sheepishly. 
He laughed, “I suggested we could go to the museum of modern art? Or if you would prefer to just see some sights we could go to times square…?”
“Museum sounds good. Sorry, I’m a little distracted.” 
He chucked as you started heading off in the direction of the museum together. The day continued to be pleasant enough and you actually began to enjoy your stroll despite the way the morning had gone. 
Oliver broke the cordial silence.
“So then, I guess the number one question…how did you get landed with the task of being Loki’s…companion?” 
“Companion?” You screwed your face up. 
Oliver laughed, “well, whatever you’d call your relationship.”
“I try not to call it anything.” You muttered under your breath.
You begin to explain the situation to Oliver, and the rollercoaster that was yours and Loki’s so called “relationship”. 
Oliver gave a low whistle after you finally finished regaling him with your sorry tale of woe.
“Man…that’s heavy.” 
“Horrible isn’t it.” You sighed glumly. 
“I can’t believe you got kidnapped!”
“Kidnapped, bullied by trolls, meeting Loki, it’s been the worst of times.” 
He laughed and you scowled at him.
“It’s not funny, my life is a Shakespearen tragedy.”
“No no, of course not, I’m sorry. Is meeting Loki really as bad as being attacked by trolls?”
“Far, far worse.”
For some reason, Oliver seemed to think you were joking and laughed. 
 But…you do seem to find yourself in some scrapes don’t you.”
“Scrapes find me, I am merely a passive entity to which disaster finds.”
“I find that a little difficult to believe, given that by the sounds of it you basically begged to stay here.” Olivers eyes twinkled with good-hearted mirth. 
“That’s…that’s beside the point.” 
“Of course, of course. You know…I’m not so sure though.” 
“About what?”
“If I didn’t know any better, and despite all your complaining, I’d say you rather enjoy traveling around with Loki.”
You spluttered, “What? What are you trying to say?” 
“Loki this, Loki that. I’m just saying, for someone who hates him so, you do enjoy talking about him.”
You stared at him, horrified. An awful though suddenly appeared…over the past few weeks had you managed to pass the Bechdel test? 
“That’s not…” The words got stuck in your throat. 
Maybe Oliver could tell how nauseated you were because he said gently,
“I’m joking Latte. It sounds like you’ve been through hell and back. You’ve been so brave I’m not sure many people could do what you have done.” 
You blushed and stuttered for a different reason.
“I’m sure that’s not true. Besides I didn’t really have a choice. Sink or swim I guess. I was pretty cowardly to begin with, I let Loki scare the shit out of me. I’m not…a brave person, I’m not particularly tough.” 
“I would disagree, the story you just told me would suggest otherwise. Jesus knows I couldn’t have done half the things you did, I would have laid in the corner and cried.”
You snorted.
“Arguably, that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing.”
“You’re the hero, you have to go through some sort of journey.” Oliver winked at you. 
“Oh please, I’m definitely the anti-hero, the people at home watching the inevitable film of my life will be screaming at the tv I’m sure.” 
“Well, anti-hero or not, I’d watch that movie.”
You really wanted to make a snide comment about that making Loki the villain in this particular story, but you kept your mouth shut given that Oliver seemed to think you were infatuated with the Asgardian God. Definitely not true, by the way. 
“Sure, ‘my life as the worlds worst avenger’ coming to cinemas soon.”
“I think I’d prefer ‘How to train your fire demon.’” Oliver joined in. 
“Or, ‘Asgardian Psycho.”  You snorted, thinking back to Loki.
“What about ‘An Earthling in Asgard?”
You grinned, “it’s good, but a little on the nose, plus I’m not just in Asgard anymore, I’m quite the realm traveler.” 
“Fine then, how about ‘Around the Realms in 80 days.” 
You laughed, “That’s not bad, you never know with the rate things are going I might end up doing just that.”
“How are you feeling about your upcoming trip?” 
You sighed, a little wave of anxiety settling into your stomach. 
“Pretty nervous. I’m not sure who I think I’m kidding being here in the first place, and now apparently I’m traveling to a dangerous realm of fire and brimstone, where I’ll probably get myself killed no doubt.” You paused,
“Sorry, I don’t mean to offload! It can’t be much worse than the current state of things anyway.” 
“Please, don’t feel bad!” 
“Maybe some modern art will cheer me up. Hey, actually, how did you find out my stupid nickname?” You asked, realising he had been calling you your misnomer. 
Oliver laughed sheepishly,  
“Well, I heard Thor call you that when he was talking to Stark yesterday.”
“Oh god, what did he say?”
“Only good things!” Oliver hurried to reassure you. “Just discussing your amazing performance with the demon in the cell.” 
“Hm, I don’t believe you but for the sake of my self-esteem I won’t press further.”
After a short walk, you made it to the museum and followed Oliver inside. You insisted on paying for your own ticket, of course. 
You had just about settled into an enjoyable afternoon, wandering around the exhibits when your phone starting beeping. You ignored it at first and then your phone started ringing. 
You stared at it and blinked twice as Loki’s named popped up on your phone. It had also been him texting you apparently. The message flashed on your screen.
                   Loki: There’s an emergency 
“Is everything okay? You look ill.” Oliver asked. 
“This can’t be good.” You sighed. “Let me take this.” 
You walked over to the entrance of the exhibit as to not disturb everyone there. 
“Hello little mortal, enjoying yourself on your, what do the young midgardians call it, A date?” Loki spoke lazily.
“Its not a date!” You hissed loudly into the phone, raising some eyebrows around you.
“It’s not a date.” You repeated again quietly as you turned your back. 
“I think the lady doth protest too much.”
“Seriously what is wrong with you?”
“Not much, what’s up with you?” 
You could basically feel Loki’s irritating grin through the phone.
“God you give me whiplash. What do you want Loki I’m busy.”
“Not too busy to pick up the phone I see.” You could hear a smug tone to his voice.
“I only picked it up because you said it was an emergency.” 
“What emergency could I possibly need your help with.”
“Okay, goodbye Loki.” 
“Wait, actually there is an emergency.”  
You sighed and rubbed your forehead. Man, this god was going to turn you grey. 
“What?” You snapped. You were in no doubt there was no emergency and Loki was ringing you to just mess with you. 
There was a pause on the phone. You considered hanging up before he finally continued, 
“Stark has arranged for a movie night tonight and we all have to attend.” In his defence Loki sounded very glum, as if something horrible had truly happened. 
“That’s not an emergency Loki. Now excuse me while I go back to my not date.”
“Where are you?” He asked.
Your eyes narrowed suspiciously, and you looked around you, scared incase he popped up from behind a statue or something. 
“Were in the museum of modern art. Why?” 
“No need to sound so distrustful.” Loki sounded amused, “I had no idea you were such a connoisseur of fine art, you never struck me as the type.” 
You bristled at his insinuation that you were not sophisticated enough to enjoy art. 
“I actually love going to museums. Just because I don’t walk around acting like I’m the dogs bollocks doesn’t mean I’m not cultured.” 
“Do you have to use such crass language when we speak?”
“Do we have to speak at all?” You retorted back, still scanning the room slightly just incase he showed up. 
“I visited your planet with Odin and Thor when I was a child and we visited a place called Rome, they had a great number of many museums.”
“Oh? Was this when Julius Caesar was still in power?”
Loki ignored your comment, 
“Of course, not as many as we have on Asgard. Since you are so interested in museums I can visit together the next time we visit.” He spoke lightly.
You paused, was Loki asking you out? And not just because he had to because of the whole babysitting thing?
“Uh, yeah. I guess I didn’t think that I would go back though, to Asgard. Odin wasn’t mighty pleased I was there in the first place.”
“Odin is not usually mighty pleased about anything, especially if I’m involved.” He kept his voice light and humorous, but there was something deeper underneath. 
The admission came as a surprise, you weren’t that used to Loki speaking about his feelings (kind of) so easily and you were stumped for a response. 
“Well New York has plenty of museums too.” You offered, unsure of what else to say. 
The phone went quiet again. It really was unsettling how quickly the two of you seemed to go from arguing to tolerating each other, and even more unsettling, the occasional moments of companionship with a hint of friendship. 
Not that you were sure he would put you in that category with  the way he had recently snapped at you; when you’d tried to enquire about his parenthood and just before you came on this not date. Although he had also magicked your up a new wardrobe and seemed to get very upset when he thought you were dying so that had to count for something, right?  
Come to think of it, you never actually really addressed the whole “friendship” thing after that long talk the other night on the balcony, where Loki had finally stopped acting like a dick for long enough as to apologise for his actions and have a serious conversation about where you stood with him. He had really opened up then, about how he felt about getting close to mortals. You supposed you couldn’t really be too shocked then, when he seemed to distance himself from you a little the last few days. 
The hot and cold act was not enjoyable but was almost understandable if you saw things from his perspective. You just had to be careful not to get burnt or frozen in the process. 
Not that anyone wants to look at things from Lokis perspective for too long, they’d get a migraine. 
Look at you being all mature and shit! 
You thought back to those nights of sharing a tent with Loki, it felt so long ago now despite not being long ago at all. You had been so scared of him then, so unsure of how he would react next. 
Now? Well he was still a mystery and could still be a complete arse, but perhaps he was opening up to you, slowly. You needed to be patient but only to an extent right, he was obviously a complex guy; not that that gave him a right of passage to be a knob. 
“What are you up to then now?” You asked.
To your surprise, Loki played along. 
“Well now you’re gone I get to enjoy some peace and quiet for once, reading my books.” 
You almost hit back with “so that’s why you called me then, is it?” But stopped yourself. You realised then that Loki was bored. That’s why he’d been so annoyed that you had spent the afternoon with Oliver. Probably. 
I mean, aside from you and Thor, it’s not like he had a lot of friends from what you had seen. Another thing the two of you actually had in common. You didn’t have a lot of friends here either. 
You bit down on your nails, an old habit you had whenever you felt anxious about something.
“Stop that dreadful noise or I shall put the phone down.”
Only paying half attention, you stepped back into someone and banged your side pretty hard. 
“Ow, dickhead.” You muttered as they shot you a dirty look and walked off. 
“What? What’s happening?” Loki barked. 
“Oh nothing, just this asshole walking into me.” 
“Was it that Midgardian boy?”
“What midgardian boy?” You asked absent-mindedly. “Oh shit, Oliver.” You suddenly remembered your not-date probably wondering what the hell you were doing. 
“Anyway, I should get back to…I’ll see you later.”
 “yes.” Loki said stiffly “I’d hate to keep you from your beau.”
“Nobody says beau anymore by the way. S’later.”
“Goodbye mortal.”
You hung up your phone and quickly went to rejoin Oliver. 
“Hey, sorry I took so long.”
“Everything okay?” 
“Literally fine, he just wanted to complain about Tonys movie night or something.” 
“Look at you, movie nights with the Avengers!”
“I know, I’m going up in the world. Careful what you say to me now, I’ve got the force of Earths defenders on my side.” 
Oliver chuckled and held his hands up. 
“I see that. Remind me not to get on the wrong side of you.” 
You turned back to the photography exhibit, wondering what it would actually be like to visit a museum with Loki one day. 
You wandered back into the towers later that evening. After the museum, you had gone for a few drinks with Oliver and, as it was, you were feeling rather tipsy. 
Actually, this was the second time you had been tipsy in the last few days, you reminded yourself, better not make it a habit. 
Still, Oliver was cute, right?
Not rip-my-clothes-off-and-take-me cute, but cute all the same. 
He was very sweet and funny too and although you maybe saw him as friend-material at the moment, that didn’t mean something couldn’t happen in the future. Plus it was nice to have a friend that wasn’t a hundred year plus old god. 
You could get used to the city living, although there was a part of you that missed the Asgardian country side too.
The atrium into Stark Towers took your breath away, you felt far too unsophisticated to be staying there. It was not the sort of place you’d ever particularly imagined yourself but you were going to enjoy your time for as long as you had. Grinning, probably overly familiarly in your slightly drunken state, at the security and receptionists on the ground floor you made your way over to the lift, preparing to stand there for all of eternity due to the many floors. You decided to turn your phone back on to check for any messages you missed after turning your phone off earlier to save battery. 
Two missed calls and a few texts from Loki?
Loki: When are you retuning mortal it is nearly dark?
Loki: Mortal?
Loki: Answer my calls right this instance or there will be consequences.
Loki: Loki, Prince of Asgard. 
You snorted and replied.
You: Why did you text me your own name, weirdo. What’s up?
And for the fun of it, you sent him a little gif of the “wazup” scene in Scary Movie.
Making your way up the many floors in Starks state of the art lift, you waited for Loki to reply. 
Loki: How dare you not answer me when I asked you to. Clearly, you needed reminding of who I am. Secondly, what, in all of the nine realms is that?
You: Firstly, I’m not just at your beck and call Loki, I was a bit busy. Secondly, It’s a gif. It’s just like a moving picture that you send to be funny.
Loki: Busy? With that midgardian boy? Disgusting. I didn’t find the moving picture particularly amusing. Please don’t send me one again. 
You: Get your mind out of the gutter. 
You were hit with a sudden inspiration. You quickly searched for the gif you wanted and found it. Who knew there were so many Loki gifs. The particular one you were after was Loki shouting “kneel” to the ground in Stuttgart during his last soiree to Earth. 
Loki: ?
Loki: It is imperative that you tell me how you acquired this.
You laughed out loud to yourself, as you put your phone away wishing you could see Loki’s face as you had send that gif. 
You figured, given the time, that Stark would have already started the film night, so you headed towards the most likely lounge areas on the penultimate floor. Your guess was right, and you could see through the glass doors the Avengers sat around watching what you were pretty sure was Kill Bill. 
The sight made you giggle, and you remembered you needed to try very hard at not being a little bit drunk. You were pretty sure the Avengers all thought you were slightly strange to begin with, you needed to change their mind. 
You shushed yourself aloud, and prepared to enter quietly and normally. Quietly and normally. Quietly and normally.
You pushed the door slightly and entered. So far so good, no one had particularly noticed you entering. Quiet and normal. Excellent. You scanned the room, looking for an empty seat. Your long distance eye sight wasn’t great as it is thanks to years of starting at screens and it was pretty dark, but you thought there was one free near Thor so you headed over silently.
That was, until, someone very rudely had put a pouff right in your way and you tripped up, slamming your knees into the side of a sofa. 
“Shit” You yelled, rather loudly. 
All the Avengers in the room turned and started at you. 
“Nice of you to join us Wonderland, please come in.” Stark said, dryly. 
You grinned wildly, deciding it best not to say anything, and took the closest seat. 
“Mortal.” A low voice spoke to your left.
“Oh for gods sake” You muttered and glared at Loki for the audacity of sitting where you were now forced to sit. 
Loki seemed amused by this reaction and smirked at you irritatingly. You glared even harder and then faced the TV. 
“You’re back very late.” Loki spoke softly next to you, with a note of contention in his voice.
You decided to ignore him, and tried to focus on the film. You’d never actually seen Kill Bill all the way through and coming in half way was pretty confusing. Loki tried again. 
“I hope you haven’t been fraternising with your mortal boy?”
“Stop accusing me of fraternising every three seconds, and it’s none of your business even if I was." You huffed out of the corner of your mouth, as to not disturb the rest of them. 
Loki looked annoyingly happy that you had risen to the bait.
“I’m going to get popcorn.” You mumbled, and stood up to head towards the back of the room where the snacks and were. 
You stood up too quickly and had to grab the sofa and a blink a couple of times until the black dots stopped floating in front of you. You suppressed the need to giggle and made your way over to the back, being very careful to watch where you placed your feet. 
The lights were on towards the back and you squinted to get used to the light change. You hummed about the snack bar; Stark, or more likely someone who worked for him, had thought of literally every snack you might need to watch a film.
Pick and Mix, chocolate, popcorn, and plenty of treats you’d never even seen before. 
“What are these?” A voice spoke behind you.
You jumped in the air, very nearly spilling the popcorn you had picked up.
“Jesus Loki.”
You looked around to see if anyone had noticed, but you were pretty far back and out of ear shot around this area. 
“Can you not?”
“Not what? He asked, with a fake innocence.
“Not…do whatever you’re doing now.”
“I’m merely standing here.”
“And here I was thinking you had better things to do than stand and talk to Midgardians.” You repeated his words from earlier back at him.
Loki rolled his eyes at you. 
“You surely know how to hold a grudge.”
“I surely do bitch.” 
He didn’t find this very funny and shot you a displeased look. 
“You are drunk again.” 
You tutted and made double sure no one was listening.
“I’m not drunk Low-key.” You elongated his name as you helped yourself to some more sweets “I am a little tipsy maybe. Also you make it sound like all I do is constantly drink.”
“Well you have been drunk twice in barely as many days.”
“That was your brothers fault remember?” 
He let out a long suffering sigh, as if he didn’t particularly want to remember. 
“What are you eating?” He crinkled his nose up as you scuffed another gobful of popcorn. 
“Popcorn.” You said, with your mouth half full.
“Are mortals taught any table manners at all?” He asked, disapprovingly. 
“Do you not have popcorn on Asgard.”
He looked down at the spread of snacks. 
“No.” He said carefully.
“Well what do you eat for sweets then?”
“I suppose we have nuts and grapes.”
“Some nuts and grapes? Christ no wonder you’re so highly strung.”
You gathered a plate up for him with selection of all the amazing confectionary Earth had to offer. “Here, try these.” 
You stared at him in excitement as he ate a handful of Haribos. 
“Hm. I’m not sure I enjoy this texture.”  
“Try this next!” You very nearly shoved some popcorn into his mouth  in your excitement and then realised that would probably get you killed, which would have been messy in Starks fancy lounge; so you just pointed to it instead. 
Watching Loki try new things was surprisingly very entertaining to you. It was unusual to see Loki look so unsure of himself, as normally he swanned around cocky as anything. 
You sighed, thinking back once again to the other night on the balcony. Loki was very good at brushing over any moments of vulnerability, even though he occasionally showed it in moments like this.
With his slightly furrowed forehead and quizzical expression as he tried earthly sweets was the epitome of vulnerable. 
Loki made eye contact with you while you stared at him and swallowed his sweets down. 
“Why are you looking at me like that mortal?” He asked, suspiciously. 
“Nothing.” You smiled to yourself
“Now you are smiling like a loon. I hope you are not loosing your mind over that boy. We have a mission to complete, or have you forgotten?” He frowned at you, disgruntled.
“How could I forget the fact I’m heading to a burning wasteland soon.” You said sadly, thinking of your up and coming trip which, at best, ends in your death. 
“There is no reason to be nervous. You have proved yourself rather difficult to maim.” Loki stated, deliberately.
“Physically maybe but I’m going to need a hell of a lot of therapy when this is over.” You muttered. “Suppose I should enjoy this last moment of calm before the storm.” 
“What storm?” Loki asked cautiously. 
“It’s just a figure of speech.”
“Hm.” Loki made a non committal humming noise. 
“Let’s go finish off the film, I need the escapism.” 
You sat back down together and tried to refocus on the film. You mind kept wandering however and  you remained restless. 
Were things between you and Loki changing? How many Loki gifs could you send of himself before he murdered you in your sleep? 
And, most importantly, what fresh hell awaited you in the realm of fire? 
A/N: Who enjoyed my fourth wall break (kinda?) haha! Also keep tuned folks for some more plot (finally) after a couple of plot-less chapters!
@creationsbyme  @kikster606  @slytherinintj13  @th0rswh0res  @huntress-artemiss  @jannieka394 @stefffrs  @misswimberly @thedistractedagglomeration  @yoongissidebitchh  @purplekitten30 @mischief2sarawr  @johnmurphys-sass 
@lonadane  @imalovernotahater @lokisgoodgirl  @laliceee @dlwrish  @paetonnn
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bobmckenzie · 11 months
Let Me Help ⇢ selfshipvember day 3
word count: ~2000 (I swear this was supposed to be like 1k max idk how this happened LOL) blurb: Bob hurts himself getting a snack, and Caitie helps patch him up when she learns about his dizziness around blood. tw: blood/scar/general wound talk, (almost) fainting
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Hockey just wasn’t the same without a snack, but the McKenzie house was low on anything good. The crackers Bob’d been eating were stale and boring, and needed something—he hated to leave his spot on the couch next to Caitie, but remembered there was a block of cheese in the fridge that might still be good and headed off to the kitchen to slice some, hoping he wouldn’t miss any goals.
He should’ve waited for a commercial break, since he was still trying to poke his head around the corner and catch a glimpse of the TV as he worked—Bob winced when the blade caught his thumb, a little groan of pain escaping him as the knife in his left hand clattered to the floor, gaze shooting to his other hand as he mentally scolded himself. He was preparing what was probably the world's simplest snack, and yet he’d managed to screw it up.
Beads of blood were already blooming on the wound, and Bob’s breath caught in his throat at the sight. He could handle pain well enough, but blood…
He tore his gaze away, turning to reach for the nearby roll of paper towels, but his vision was getting fuzzy, darkness looming around the edges. The roll slipped out of his grasp, knocking a mug into the sink, dishes clanging.
Doug called out sarcastically from the living room, though he sounded much farther away. “Who knew someone could be so loud getting cheese, eh?” 
In the other room, Caitie smiled but rolled her eyes at Doug’s remark and stood up from the couch to see what Bob was up to, or if maybe he needed some help. Truthfully, she was there more to hang out with him than to watch hockey—and maybe was hoping to stay late enough that he’d nod off and fall asleep on her shoulder like he had just last week.
She was so into the thought that she barely noticed as Doug said something about a commercial break and stood up to rush to the bathroom. But the hopeful little daydream she was having was cut short as soon as she stepped into the kitchen—Bob was leaning against the counter, white as paper as blood trailed down from his thumb to his palm. 
“Oh my god–!” She started heading to grab a chair from the little table by the window so he could sit, but saw him sway and rushed over to put her arms around him instead. She wasn’t strong enough to hold him up when his body was dead weight like this, but her support helped lead him down to the floor a little more gently.
“Bob?” She asked, eyes scanning from his injury to his face, which she quickly took in her hands, trying to get those glazed eyes to look at her. The cut didn’t seem too bad—she could tell the bleeding was slowing to a stop already. Everything else was worrying her far more, her heart pounding at the sight of him, and not for the usual reasons. “Doug!” she called, but got no response.
“‘Mm'okay…” Bob mumbled, closing his eyes and leaning into her touch. He meant it, too—something about his arm slinged over her shoulder, and her hands on his face, was making everything come back into focus. “Jus’... gimmie a minute…”
“Can you look at me?” She was pretty sure that was one of the things you were supposed to ask in a situation like this. In her fainting spells in the past, anyway, once she closed her eyes it was usually lights out. “Maybe you should lie down.”
“No, really, I’m okay.” He blinked his eyes open, looking at her like she asked—hey, if he had to look anywhere, he liked this view most of all. And it wasn’t every day he had an excuse to be this close to her. “It’s just… bleedin’ makes me kinda…” He shrugged, heat crawling up his neck at the admission. “I never been good with it, s’all.”
She gave him a soft smile, glad to see some of his color returning. “I think it’s stopping, if that makes you feel any better. Let me help you get it clean and everything—Do you have a first-aid kit?”
He snorted a little, shrugging, trying to play it off like it was a silly question—the truth was with her looking at him all doe-eyed, holding him that gently, he just couldn’t think straight enough to be sure if there was one in the house or not. “I don’t think so, eh.”
She laughed a little, relieved to see him acting more and more like himself. “I have some band-aids in my bag—lemee grab a couple, and then I’ll clean it.” 
His smile faltered, brow furrowing a little, stomach twisting with guilt—she was being too nice to him, and he was ruining her night because he was a klutz who couldn’t handle the sight of blood. “Caitie, y’know, you don’t gotta do all that. I’ll be fine—”
“I’m getting the band-aids.” She took his face a little more firmly in her hands, looking at him pleadingly. “Don’t try to get up yet, okay? Please?” 
He was too tired to come up with some sort of quip, though he wished he could think of something to stop her from taking her hands off his face, to have her sit there with him just a little longer. “Okay.”
She gave him a gentle little pat on the cheek before picking his arm up off her shoulders and standing up, heading back to the living room. He kept his eyes trained on the table at the other end of the room, not wanting to risk another glance at his thumb. He didn’t want her to have to worry about him again if she came back and found him all woozy, or worse, out cold.
She was back in just a few seconds, two individually wrapped plasters in her hand. Hosehead trailed in behind her, pausing for a second to look at Bob before heading over to his foodbowl, clearly not too concerned.
“How’re you feeling now? Less faint?” Caitie asked as she tucked the bandages into her pocket, standing beside him to use the sink.
He squirmed a little at the questions, her voice so genuine and caring. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had fussed over him like this. He nodded, looking up to see her washing her hands. “Lots better, eh.”
“I’m not sure how to… Oh! I have an idea.” Reaching for one of the cabinets, she pulled out a bowl. The next thing he knew she was handing the pull-out faucet from the sink down to him. “Hold this for me?”
He took it, understanding dawning on him as she reached for the soap and finally sat next to him again, setting everything on the floor beside them—she didn’t want him standing yet, so she was bringing the sink to him to wash the cut. 
“Can I take your hand?” She met his eyes, continuing as he nodded, “It might sting a little.”
“‘S’okay.” If there was anyone he trusted to be gentle, it was her. For good reason, obviously—she took his hand softly in both of hers, her touch careful and slow. Her thumb brushed over his knuckles, butterflies blooming in his stomach at the sensation. “Guess you must think I’m like, a total wuss now, eh?” he joked to distract himself from how tender she was being with him, how close she was, the softness of her skin and the fact that he could smell the scent of her perfume—she was wearing the one that always reminded him of apples.
She smiled, briefly meeting his eyes over the frames of her glasses before her attention returned to his hand. “I know you better than that.” She rolled up the sleeve of his flannel so it wasn’t in the way. “And lots of people get unsteady around blood.”
“S’usually just when it’s me who’s bleedin’,” he explained, feeling her gently spread soap over the wound. “I do okay when like, the other guys on the team get a nosebleed or somethin’. But when it’s me, and it happens out of the blue like that…” He shrugged, flushing again, wondering why he was even saying any of this when it sounded so lame. “I dunno. It started when I was a kid—Doug and I was fightin’ one day in the living room, and I ended up fallin’ on the coffee table. I had this big gash on my shoulder and had t’go get stitches, but Doug was still mad at me and kept tellin’ me all these lies on the ride to the hospital about how much blood there was, and that he could like, see my bones coming out—‘cause I couldn’t really see back there, y’know?”
“Sounds like Doug.” Her tone was light, though the story made her heart clench a little. She shook her head, understanding perfectly well why that might’ve messed with his head. “He’s lucky I don’t go and barricade him in the bathroom.”
Bob laughed, still not looking at his thumb even as she took the faucet from his other hand to rinse the soap off over the bowl. He kept his gaze on her face, finding distractions in the way she looked so focused, so careful. “He said he was sorry, so.” He shrugged a shoulder. “‘S’not his fault it freaked me out so bad. Or that I was too stupid to know he was lyin’.”
He was so forgiving, she thought, gently drying the wound with a paper towel. And way too hard on himself. “You were a kid.”
“Hmm.” Bob hummed noncommittally. He stayed quiet as she took out the band-aids and finished up, overlapping them in a crisscross that made them feel extra secure on his finger. Finally he looked down, wiggling his thumb a little, all traces of blood gone. “Good as new, eh? Thanks, Caitie.”  The word didn’t seem like enough, but was all he could think to say. If he tried to say something else, something more, he’d probably just make an even bigger hose of himself.
“No problem—it feels okay and everything?” When he nodded, she bumped her knee against his. “You never finished your story—was your shoulder okay?”
His face lit up, eyebrows raising. “See for yourself, eh,” he said, unbuttoning the first few buttons of his flannel so he could push the collar down far enough to show his shoulder. 
It was silly, she knew, but she couldn't stop herself from blushing at the sight of the exposed skin, the hair on his chest and a few little freckles on his upper arm she'd never gotten the chance to notice before. He turned so she could see the three inch scar right above his shoulder blade, raised and pale from time. 
“Looks like it hurt.” Her hand moved, wanting to touch, to run her fingertips over the skin, but she pulled it back before she could fall victim to the whim. “Did the stitches hurt? I’ve never had any.”
“Well…” He smiled as he adjusted his shirt back onto his shoulder, but it was a sheepish, embarrassed smile that almost looked more like a grimace. “I don’t really know. Turns out that sorta thing makes me pass out too. Thought maybe I grew out of that one, but…” He hesitated, but lifted a hand to brush his hair back from his forehead with an embarrassed chuckle, exposing the little scar at his hairline. “Got this one during a game two seasons ago and found out pretty fast that I didn’t. I was all stitched up ‘fore I even came to.”
“Well, you handle band-aids pretty well,” she joked.
He laughed, moving to stand. “C’mon. Let's go before we miss the whole game, eh.”
“Oh—” She stood up, quickly wrapping an arm around him. “Not too fast.”
“Caitie—” He was about to tell her it wasn’t necessary, that he wasn’t feeling lightheaded at all anymore—then wondered why on earth he’d do that when she was up against his side again, holding onto him and letting him rest his head against her shoulder.
He smiled up at her. “Thanks.”
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thenerdnextdoorxo · 2 years
pleasee more of wanda x adhd! child reader u r so good at writing it i relate to it so much😭😭😭😭😭😭 any storyline? maybe wanda gets mad then apologises😍
Sure! and thank you! I just wrote down what I want someone to tell me lol
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You got in trouble. Again.
You have ADHD, which makes it absolutely difficult to sit down for hours listening to the teacher talking about something you're not interested in. especially if that something is chemistry. You hated chemistry with all your heart. You just can't stand the idea of memorizing the elements and what they do and what they are used for, you would rather do something more useful than that like painting practicing piano since you stopped because of this stupid subject.
You got in trouble because you kept tapping on the table and shaking your leg all the time. You don't know why you got in trouble for that, the class moves at a slow pace and you just can't keep up without doing those things. Even if you did it, why is it really bothering them.
"It's distracting," That's what the teacher said.
You sat at the principles office with the teacher sitting next to you, waiting for your mother to arrive. When she arrived, she looked like she got out of something important to get here and she looked tired as well. You immediately felt bad for her since this isn't the first time you got into trouble, but it's not like you did something wrong in the first place. After your mother sat down and the principle told her what happened she sighed and promised the principle that this would never happen again.
You followed you mother while staying quiet as much as possible because she looked like she was mad. You got inside the car and sat at the passenger seat. The entire ride was so quiet and awkward, none of you said a word the whole ride. Wanda received a call from someone and she immediately answered. The call did not look like it held any good news.
"shit," She cursed under her breath. You never heard your mother curse before so you guessed it was something important, so you decided to ask her. "What was the call about?" You asked, trying to sound as quiet as possible. "It was a call from Steve, I lost my role in the mission," She said in a monotone voice. You got worried, what mission?
"What mission was it mother?" you asked again. "The mission I was waiting for for years to get the opportunity to participate in, I lost it because I had to get you and they replaced me because I was late," She said. You felt guilty, she lost the opportunity for something she wanted for so long because of you. "I mean I did nothing wrong, the teacher is just a big jerk," You replied.
"Y/N, couldn't you just sit still for a little bit?!" She snapped. You were taken aback at her snapping, she never did that. "I-I" You stuttered, tears starting to form on your eyes. She stopped the car at the side of the rode and put her face in her hand and sighed. "Honey, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that," She apologized. "You're right, the teacher is a big jerk, I informed the school about your condition yet they still act this way, I will move you to another school where teachers there are more understanding, okay?" She said and looked at you. That's when she saw you crying. She quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car, went to the passenger seats door, opened it, and pulled you to a hug. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that, I understand, you can't keep still because your brain is different than the rest, and it's okay, I love you the way you are because you are unique, please, forgive me," She said while stroking your hair.
"It's okay mom, I understand, this was the opportunity that you've been waiting for for years and I made you miss it, I don't have to forgive you," You said, your voice shaking a bit from the crying. "Screw the mission, who cares about it when my baby needs me, hm? how about we have a day off today, go somewhere nice where we can relax and chat a little, how does that sounds?"
"that sounds like exactly what we need,"
I feel like I made Wanda a bit mean here even though I know damn well Wanda would never do that, this is just for the plot lol. Hope you liked this one!
My requests are open
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 13 ("A Tisket A Tasket") Part 5, I Give Up
Just for funsies here's Jess calling Dean an idiot and Idiot admitting it.
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Before I continued to slog through this absolutely mind numbing DALA (Dean and Lorelai Affair) episode, I uttered 6 words that I hope won't come back to bite me in the ass: "This can't possibly get any worse." Ahahahahahaha. There are 14 minutes left in the episode. I'm fucked. I've been on this one way too long and I'm determined to finish this. I'm just going to enjoy this Literati on a Bridge break. I'm going to my happy place where Dean doesn't exist and Rory is an orphan because Lorelai (and Chrisopher) don't exist and every episode is just 45 minutes of this.
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"I'm so much happier here." R: "Why were you screwing with Dean an hour ago but you're suddenly being nice to me?" J: "Well it's the screwing with Dean that's an important step to getting here so I could be nice to you."
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Ugh he took the fucking Quarter On A String so now I have to suffer through that fucking Lost and Found episode. God damn it Mariano! Why are the pretty ones always so dumb?
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Did I mention that he is so pretty. I'm legally obligated to say that at least twice per Jess Episode. After Rory and Jess part ways, we cut to Rory returning home with a bag from the bookstore and Lorelai immediately shifts full gear into Weirdly Suspicious & Passive Aggressive Mode. When Rory admits she visited a bookstore and had a slice of pizza with Jess (oh the horror!) then goes to her room, Lorelai immediately shuffles her passive aggressive, suspicious little feet right in after her. 90% of the time that Lorelai and Rory meet to talk on their couch after Rory has just departed from the company of Dean or Jess, especially at night or at the end of the episode, it means Lorelai is about to dish out some horrible, horrible wisdom/life coaching. The Couch is where we have witnessed many classic mother-daughter bonding moments, such as the time Lorelai asked Rory to make sure Jess got his rabies shots before she slept with him. Ah, the couch.
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Mmmm yep. *collects money*
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SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH. Here we go. I think it was the great Michael Scott who once said, Why are you the way you are? Honestly, every time I try to enjoy something fun or exciting, you make it...not that. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.
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Ya know, I stan Rory more and more lately with how she stands up for Jess. Sorry your mom's a bitch. How many more tmes I can rant into The Void about Lorelai's unhealthy grudge with Jess? How many more times can I point out that Lorelai has only had one prolonged interaction with Jess, while she's known Dean twice as long and he's been rude and used a condescending tone of voice with her many times, including the first time they met (on Willy Wonka night) and it literally just happened again moments ago. It's just mindblowing to me how she will not let this FUCKING GO and SIXTEEN years later in AYITL when she is married to his uncle she is STILL making digs at him over him being rude to her when he was 17, joking about how he should have a baseball thrown at his head.
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I honestly don't think I could love Rory Gilmore more at this point. Bless her rationality and sweet heart and cute rose sweater that looks like a swirl of that strawberry icing you squeeze over instant oatmeal. Are you witnessing a historical moment right now? The birth of a Rory Stan? Sort of. It won't last forever, but since I won't go past season 4 anymore, then yes.
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The "things she's seen and heard" are just her regurgitating what Dean told her 5 minutes ago. LOL. She just took this kid's word as gospel, without even questioning it. The DALA is so fucked up, man! Lorelai is way too concerned with the lives of teenage boys! If Dean told Lorelai to jump off a bridge would she do it?
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I really wish this were my gritty unrated Gilmore Girls spinoff titled The Hollow because I would have someone on this show actually acknowledge that Jess is honestly something of a miracle. His father abandoned him as a newborn, he had a tumultuous, negligent, inconsistent, possibly even abusive upbringing. His mother drank while she was pregnant with him. He grew up watching unsavory men in his mother's life circle in and out like a revolving door (according to Liz The Worst, one of them even died). Yet he doesn't turn to any real crime, drugs, alcohol, or even sex (okay, well bless his heart he tries there but people seem to cockblock him at every turn). HE SKIPS SCHOOL TO WORK AT WALMART. In real life kids like that are really lucky if the worst path they go down after that kind of chilhood merely involves them stealing loose change from an old fucknugget like Taylor Doose who deserves to be stolen from anyway. That bridge should have been fixed 10 years ago. Here's some of the train wreck. There were no survivors.
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If Dean needs someone to talk to that badly he can get a diary or a dog or a sock puppet or like, one fucking friend his own age. I think half of the issues of this show could be solved if these people had more friends. Can't Taylor Doose swing some kind of town wide Bid-A-Friend Auction? Or emotional support animals?
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Sure but like, did you ever stop to think that you and Dean are actually his only "enemies" and it's completely one sided because he couldn't care less about you, and also, your enemy is a 17 year old boy and you're a full grown adult lmao. Crazy lady. I wonder how Jess feels knowing he's the most exciting thing that's ever happened to a town full of boring nobodies who will go nowhere and do nothing while he will eventually makes millions of dollars from his best selling novels that get turned into blockbuster movies. Maybe someone will even make a movie about his life. I'm going to think about who could play Milo/Jess in a movie about himself while Lorelai yammers on and remains in denial about how insane she is. What do you think? Lorelai says Rory is "So young and naive, so nice and gives everyone a chance"; what she's really saying is "Jess doesn't deserve a chance, not even from you." I stoppped watching at this point and only skimmed a few more seconds. I saw that Rory stormed off, Lorelai and Rory fight over it at FND, Emily is confused, Lorelai says "I didn't like Dean at first because I didn't know him, I don't like Jess because I know him." You know what, there are times when this show starts to get my under my skin so much that I’m just not enjoying it and there’s no point in finishing the episode. In conclusion, Lorelai sucks and ruins everything and my number one Hill To Die On will continue being that Dean and Lorelai are sleeping together because there is no other logical explanation possible for why she talks about him like this. Goodnight!
Edit: guys, sorry that I was so enraged with Lorelai The Worst that I managed to gloss over the fact that Rory and Jess went on a Book Shopping and Pizza PRE-DATE 😍😍😍😍 THEIR FIRST ONE!
In my Gilmore Girls spinoff The Hollow we would see every minute of every Pizza and Book date and pre-date I promise you this 🥰 No skimping!
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transgenderknothead · 2 years
Oh sweets do I got a request for you! Allow me to paint a picture for ya, David x rival gang vampire! Reader like the reader is part of arrival vampire gang from out of town and for some reason her gang has business with Max so they all kind of show up, and her and a couple of her pack members run into the boys at the boardwalk. Like some rivals to lovers type shit hehehe:) (sorry if that's a lot of info this idea is just been rolling around in my head for a while lol, please tag me in it if you decide to write it if not that's cool I hope you have an amazing day!!)
Pairing: David x Rival gang! Reader
Pronouns used: They/Them
Type: Semi-angst? to fluff
POV: Reader
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"Alright Y/N, are you ready?" One of the girls asked.
"Let's get this over with," I rolled my eyes. We'd gotten some business in Santa Carla, old debts, to settle. Which unfortunately meant we'd be running straight into our rival gang's territory.
When we'd arrived at the old CD store our boss had told us to wait for him outside, that he'd only be a minute. A small group of us leaned against our bikes, people watching meant something entirely different for a gang of vampires.
"Well, well, well," a blondie wearing a brightly patterned jacket smirked, "look what we have here."
It wasn't until the fourth boy showed up that any of us recognized the group. His whiteish blond hair and leather jacket glistened in the bright lights of the city. He wore a smug look on his face as he eyed me carefully.
"What are you doing here?" David raised an eyebrow.
"None of your business," one of my partners hissed.
"Oh, but you're standing in front of a shop run by our boss," his stupid grin grew wider, "which leads me to believe it is."
I shifted on my feet; I was the oldest in our group and that meant being the one our boss trusted the most. Which is why I knew that the man we were here to see was our bosses father, from before either of them had been turned. I was not excited to figure out what 'settling old debts' meant anymore.
"Boys, play nice," a tall man walked out behind our boss, his hand on her shoulder.
"Why are they here?" David asked Max.
"Well, my daughter here owed me something, just a few years of commitment here in Santa Carla is all," our boss did not look happy, understandably so.
"You mean she'll be here with us for the next few years," the blond with fluffy hair pointed at our boss.
"They all will," a few of us started to stutter, but I couldn't seem to form any words inside my head.
By the end of the first few months our rivalry had settled a little bit into minor disdain. And I was forced to admit that the Lost Boy's leader had kind of grown on me.
"Hey Y/N," David called me over from his wheelchair. I had been off duty tonight so I was stuck in the cave with him until the others got back.
"What?" I crossed my arms, stopping just a few feet in front of him.
"You've been staring at me since we left," he leaned on one of his armrests, "and one of you friends informed me that you appear to hate us slightly less than everyone else."
"Okay? What's your point?"
"My point is, if you wanna stay I don't think anyone would be upset with you," he winked. I was flabbergasted to say the least, but I would be lying if I told him he was wrong. So, I screwed my mouth shut and walked away, listening to his light chuckle as I did.
After another few weeks had passed I decided that I should talk to my boss about what he had said. My boss explained that it was actually them who told David what they saw, and that he was right, no one would be upset at me for staying after the rest of the group left. I sighed in defeat, I knew that I would have to talk to David again after that. No doubt my boss would say something.
And I was right, because later that day he'd walked up behind me and sat next to me on the rocks.
"Your boss told me you're staying," David's eyes bore into mine.
"Yeah, guess I am," I looked back at the water. I barely felt it when he put his hand on my lower back, really only knowing he did it when he fully wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. I guess I could get used to him.
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biitchcakes · 7 months
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@gammaragee asked: 🎥 - What’s your favourite tv show/movie? // ( accepting )
Okay, strap in ⸺ this is gonna get long I can feel it in my bones HGFDSGK I cannot. . . not talk about both of these things in a stupid amount of detail. I'm literally gonna just go ahead and stick the keep reading here.
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Favourite shows ! I'll start off with SCRUBS. Oh, how I adore this show with every fibre of my being. My stepdad, someone pretty important to me, worked in the emergency room, and actually started his internship within a year of Scrubs beginning. So, watching it with him meant it was always going to cement itself into a special corner of my heart, but even with that aside ⸺ the show is just damn good. It's hilarious, it's heart wrenching, it's got a killer soundtrack each and every season. The characters feel so real, no matter how goofy they or the situations their in are at times.
I simply just think of the episode My Screw Up or My Fallen Idol and I feel a pit in my gut, I tear up. Everyone always brings those episodes up when talking about Scrubs, but there's a reason for that. MAN it's some good T.V. I hardly ever listen to podcasts, but the Scrubs rewatch podcast was one I tuned in for.
The way J.D. sees the world, his little fantasy cutaways, his rambles ⸺ hate to relate to the man LOL but boy does that hit home here. I was thinking about including a favourite scene but I couldn't. The whole show is just everything.
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Next up: SUPERNATURAL. Man. I actually haven't seen much of the show past season nine. And even then, I haven't watched seasons 8 or 9 since they came out about ten years ago. And there's 15 seasons in total. That said, the first five seasons of that show. . . Holy hell. I can't begin to get into the way that show makes me feel 😭 It's so nostalgic, it's like coming home after a long time away. My one and only tattoo ( so far lmao ) is from that show. I know it can be cheesy at times, but that adds to its charm for me. I love how of it's time the first few seasons are.
The visuals of it, it's so aesthetically beautiful. And God, when the emotional scenes hit. . . they HIT. They punch through to the depths of my very soul.
There are things about both the brothers I find relatable. They're comforting to me, they're like family.
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Last but certainly not least, THE GOOD PLACE. I nearly didn't watch this one. I got into it around the middle of seasons three, but I only knew the premise of "woman who should be in hell ends up in heaven by mistake". Which, if you've watched to show, you know is definitely not the only thing that happens DHGKSJ
I won't go into detail because I always want to avoid spoilers about it where I can because the twists the plot takes throughout the seasons are a lot of fun to experience first hand. And, even if you do know, the show is still super worth it. It sent me down my own philosophy rabbit hole for months. Already interested in it before, I've kept up on it since, I watch lectures whenever they pop up.
The finale. . . UUGGHGKSJDHGKS. One of the best on television. That show fundamentally changed me. I am chronically bad at finishing things, but I have finished both Scrubs and the Good Place. Boy am I glad I have. Best finales ever.
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Alright this got away from me very quickly HGSDJK
I'll be brief here fhdskjfds so MOVIES ⸺ my top 7 are:
Meet the Robinsons
Shawshank Redemption
Everything Everywhere All At Once
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Here is my LETTERBOXD account.
( bonus ⸺ here are my favourite horror movies, as well as my ranking for animated Disney movies; I'm currently working on a list of Jessica's favourite movies for a post on here at some point. )
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