#wmp talks
weaponizedmoth · 7 months
Apparently blocking a person on Pinterest does fuckall cause I've blocked this AI art acc and they keep recommending me their stuff EVEN IF THEY'RE BLOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAA---
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uupiic · 10 months
Finding a decent music player these days be like ''no, I actually WANT it to play stuff right from the CD without having to bloat my computer with unnecessary files. No, I do not want it to just play from what I already have. JFC what??? Horrible interface, that one :/''
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ariqueery · 1 year
So a while ago I saw a post with the coolest vintage tshirt and I instantly fell in love and decided I needed it in my life:
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I searched REALLY hard for the original copyright holder to see if I could buy one, including digging up the original source of the image (the Lesbian Herstory Archives) to find out that WMP stands for WomanMade Products, and eventually stumbled across a feminist bookstore with the same name. I called expecting to get the runaround for a week and then be told they couldn’t find the creator, but she actually picked up the phone herself! Becky Bly has been in business since 1976, created this design in the early 80s, and said as long as I wasn’t selling it, I could reproduce it!
I ended up having to redraw it by hand because the original scan was skewed (there was much wailing) and got to work. Ignore how sloppy the pattern is, I fixed most of it while stitching.
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I then immediately put it down and forgot about it for weeks until I realized Pride was right around the corner and frantically picked it back up. I took it with me to a roller derby match to work on during the breaks and ladies, if you haul out embroidery that says “dyke” on it at roller derby, you will IMMEDIATELY have lots of queer women talking to you. This has been Ari’s Top Tips.
I then forgot about it for another week and a half until I realized Pride was in two days and started sewing as fast as I possibly could, bruising my finger where I braced the needle. I finished it at 1:30 am the night before Pride:
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This is the best thing I’ve ever done. I am obsessed with it and keep staring at it. Everyone at Pride thought it was amazing and I got SO many compliments that went straight to my head. One person at temple asked if they could commission me to make one for them and I got to say “sorry :( I only got permission to make it for myself :(” instead of “the amount of labor that went into this is going to COST you, I don’t think you want to pay that much.”
Thanks again to Becky Bly for permission to reproduce this, I am going to use this bag until it falls apart and then probably make another one lol. Go check her out if you’re interested in her work!
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Let's talk about the writing process.
One of the reasons why interaction is so important is the amount of work that goes into writing.
My average creative writing speed is 55 WMP (I'm much faster on typing tests and when writing from uni). I got this number by going to typing monkey and typing out a passage I had completed in my head, it is wholly inaccurate to the real amount of time a fic takes. If I break it down into the time it took me to write my last fic, not accounting for anything, and presuming I just typed for hours straight, it would have only taken me nine and a half hours to finish the fic, it took me six months to even begin to publish.
Writing isn't just the time it takes to type something out. It's researching and world-building, editing, creating art like banners and title cards and most importantly, forming the story. The math says a 4.5k word chapter takes eighty-one minutes to type out, but editing, refining, going back and rereading previous chapters for details and changing details throughout the story as better ideas come massively adds to the amount of time taken.
You may look at a 4k or 6k chapter, read it in ten minutes and move on, but that may represent hours upon hours of work, it could have taken the author three months to finish. A multi-chapter piece of fanfiction very well may be the length of a novel or more. If you're lucky, you have a beta who can help, most people are doing it completely on their own. That means someone is doing the work of a writer, an editor, a publisher (putting the story out there) and a publicist (promoting the story) all by themselves for free, in their free time.
If I am very lucky (or seriously sleep-deprived), I can knock out 4k in a day, it might then take me another day to go back and edit it. It should have only taken me just over an hour. Most of the time, a 4k chapter takes me multiple days, and that's when things are very good, there are times when it can take me a month. I wrote fic through near homelessness and housing issues, personal and familial health problems and a whole host of other shit on top of studying.
Commenting and reblogging takes a few minutes, and it's the least you can do to thank a writer for all their hard work. Creating comes with a great degree of vulnerability, it can be hard to keep going if hard work just ends up in the void. If you take a few minutes to say thank you, it will be appreciated.
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seawispdenizen · 4 months
Playing the new Paper Mario ttyd remake and it's making me remember just how much I love worlds with little guys who are creatures like reaching the town with the koopas and those flower guys... cool. Like yeah that guy is a bomb but he's also a little guy.
That's the kind of energy I want for WMP like yeah there's monsters who somewhat have human proportions but there's also monsters with just two legs or that are giant walking eyes. Some of them are dragons and some of them are clowns and they talk and live in this world..
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Jadi Pilot Project Wolbachia, WMP Optimis DBD di Buleleng Beres
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BULELENG - Buleleng Development Festival (BDF) 2023 kembali menghadirkan narasumber berbobot yang membahas pembangunan di Kabupaten Buleleng. Pada hari ini, Selasa (22/8/2023), di GOR Bhuana Patra, acara tersebut dihadiri oleh Putu Velyniawati, Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE Specialist) dari World Mosquito Program (WMP) Indonesia sebagai narasumber. Dalam Talk Show yang dipandu oleh IGA Agus Mahendra tersebut, Velyniawati mengemukakan alasan dibalik pemilihan Kabupaten Buleleng sebagai pilot project Wolbachia. Menurutnya, Kabupaten Buleleng memiliki kasus Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) yang cukup tinggi. WMP melihat hal ini sebagai panggilan untuk bertindak dalam mengatasi masalah yang mendesak. "Kami melihat usaha keras Pemerintah Kabupaten Buleleng dalam menghadapi kasus DBD yang cukup meresahkan. Oleh karena itu, kami memutuskan untuk menjadikan Buleleng sebagai salah satu sasaran Pilot Project Wolbachia," kata Velyniawati. Lebih lanjut, Velyniawati menjelaskan bahwa musim pancaroba kerap kali menyebabkan angka kasus DBD meningkat secara signifikan. Oleh karena itu, program penerapan Wolbachia akan segera dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Buleleng untuk membantu meredam penyebaran penyakit ini. Metode Wolbachia yang akan diterapkan oleh WMP adalah dengan menyebarkan nyamuk yang telah diinfeksi oleh bakteri Wolbachia. Bakteri ini memiliki kemampuan untuk mengurangi penularan DBD pada nyamuk Aedes Aegypti, pembawa utama virus penyakit tersebut. Velyniawati juga menyampaikan bahwa metode ini sebelumnya telah berhasil dilakukan di Yogyakarta dan kini sedang diujicobakan di Pulau Bali yaitu Denpasar dan Buleleng. Ia menegaskan bahwa upaya penerapan metode Wolbachia akan dilakukan secara bersamaan dengan berbagai metode preventif lainnya, seperti fogging dan pemantauan jentik nyamuk. "Kami berharap dengan adanya penerapan metode ini, angka kasus DBD di Kabupaten Buleleng dapat ditekan. Penyebaran Wolbachia akan berlangsung selama 12-20 pekan dan dijadwalkan akan dimulai pada Bulan November 2023," tambah Velyniawati. Velyniawati optimis dengan komitmen dan kerjasama dari berbagai pihak, WMP optimis bahwa upaya untuk mengatasi kasus DBD di Kabupaten Buleleng akan memberikan dampak positif bagi kesehatan masyarakat setempat.(bpn) Read the full article
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badgraph1csghost · 1 year
How to Use a Computer, Part 3: Common Filetypes in Windows
In this section, we’ll talk about files and what software tends to open it.
Text and Word Processing
DOC & DOCX: Microsoft Word documents. Word can open DOCX, OpenOffice and LibreOffice can open DOC.
ODT: OpenDocument Text. OpenOffice and LibreOffice use this filetype natively. Word will (begrudgingly) open it, but it will complain about the file being corrupt (the only thing corrupt around here is Microsoft).
RTF: Rich Text Format document. WordPad, Word, OpenOffice, and LibreOffice can open it.
TXT: Text file. Notepad and Wordpad can open it.
MP3: MPEG Layer-3 file. Every audio player can open it.
WAV: Microsoft PCM sample. Every audio player and audio editor can open it.
AIFF: Apple PCM sample. Every audio player and most audio editors can open it.
MID: Sequenced MIDI file. Windows Media Player can open this, but you might need the MIDI mapper driver on Win 8-11.
FLAC: Free lossless audio compression. Sort of obscure still, but VLC media and most audio editors can open it.
MP4: MPEG Layer-4 file. Every video player can open it.
MKV: Matroska Video Container file. VLC media player can open it.
MPEG: Ye olde thyme videoe filee. MPEG is still supported in Windows Media Player (for some reason).
AVI: Audiovisual Interleave. Every video player can open it.
MOV: Apple iMovie file. Most video players can open it. WMP used to have a problem with MOV, but that got ironed out in Windows 7, I think.
JPG: JPEG file. Every image viewer, editor, web browser, and desktop publishing application can open this.
PNG: Portable Network Graphic file. All the same software that can open JPG can also open PNG.
GIF: You’re on Tumblr. You know what a GIF is. Windows Image Viewer on Windows 7 for some reason can’t open GIFs, relegating them to Internet Explorer.
ICO: Icon file. Most of Windows’ stock icons are packed away in DLLs, but you can edit standalone ICO files and create new ones in GIMP and Photoshop.
File compression and archives
ZIP: WinZip compressed folder. Windows can open these natively.
7Z: 7-Zip file. 7-Zip and, I think WinRAR, can open these. Only 7-Zip can save files in 7Z format.
RAR: WinRAR compressed folder. WinRAR and 7-Zip can open these, only WinRAR can save files in RAR format.
Miscellaneous and Windows system formats
EXE: Binary executable. These are the actual software programs that you run to do stuff with, like GZDoom, Mozilla Firefox, Snes9x, WordPad, and all that.
MSI: Windows installer file. Usually, installers are in EXE format, but a scattering of developers, particularly Microsoft, Mozilla, and Google use MSI. If you need to install something from MSI, just treat it like an EXE and click on it.
DLL: Dynamic link library. Software file directories are lousy with DLLs, but there’s not really any need to mess with them.
CFG: Configuration file. Human-readable configuration settings that can be opened in Notepad and reset manually. Usually, there won’t be any need to do that, though.
There are loads more esoteric filetypes in Windows, but these have been the kinds you’ll encounter the most as a casual computer user. Tune in next time as we discuss Mozilla Firefox.
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wetthandss · 2 years
Pathfinder update: Wollachia lore!
Hihi, I got this all finished tonight so here it is! It's about time I actually wrote about that one place I keep referencing and talking about how shit it is to live there to my players. Now they'll understand! Extra note at the end to my player who made a backup character who is an Ysoki that is from a Wollachian city!
Wollachia is based vaguely on many different European nations from Romania to Belgium to most obviously England, but the time period puts it pretty squarely withing the first industrial revolution in England. The Engol-Kalt split is based on both the Flanders-Wallonian split as well as the Anglo-Saxon and Celtic conflicts. The name Wollachia is wordplay between Wallachia, an early modern era principality and Wolbachia, a common genus of parasitic bacteria. Contrasting the aesthetic of olden-times European states run by despots and tyrants with parasites is the linguistic theme of Wollachia in lieu of a foreign linguistic origin like my other nations and regions. Enjoy!
The history of Wollachia is relatively recent compared to Aten, Ram, Tianguo and Shathzoh, however in terms of technological advancement Wollachia excelled due to calm weather, temperate climate, and high precipitation which made agriculture extremely plentiful. Without having to spend as much time on simply surviving, luxury technology progressed rapidly in Wollachia. Wollachia was initially 8 different city-states, which through wars, diplomacy, treaties and conjoining ideas, eventually became one nation state, Wollachia, the name taken from King Ecgherht Walhaz, the first king of Wollachia. The two main divisions between the city states- the common-speaking Engols and the undercommon-speaking Kalts- are still present in Wollachia.
The government of Wollachia is a constitutional monarchy where the figurehead monarch is beholden politically to a parliament beneath them. The current king of Wollachia is King Karles Thres Walhaz, the youngest king to ever rule yet a conservative hardliner and strong advocate for industrial progress- whatever the cost. The parliament is made up of 300 seats spread out between 3 major political parties and two minor ones. These parties are;
The Wollachian Unitarian Movement (WUM) who believe in Engol-Kalt cultural merging to create a single Wollachian identity. They are most popular among the people of Wollachia, both Engols and Kalts.
The Wollachian Engol-Kalt Preservation Coalition (WEKPC) is a coalition of various Engol and Kaltic movements and parties that believe in keeping Engol and Kaltic culture separate, but together in friendship. Despite what the WUM claims, they do not believe in national divisions, they still support a single Wollachian state.
The Kaltic Independence Party (KIP) is exactly as it sounds, and wishes for Kaltic secession from Wollachia, as they claim that the Wollachian monarchy and parliament favour the Engol population and culture too much, and that the Kaltic people would be better to secede from Wollachia as their own independent state on the eastern side of the Danib river where the vast majority of Kaltic people are concentrated, and where many industrial and infrastructural efforts are ignored. 
Looking at the minor parties now, there is the Industrial Effort Initiative Vanguard (IEIV) who used to be quite a popular party with the king, but fell to the wayside as other governmental departments became capable of handling industrial development themselves. They’re still around, but don’t serve much of a purpose aside from propagandising in rural towns to drum up popular support for industry.
The last significant party, the Wollachian Monarchist Party (WMP), who are a religious organisation that advocates a theocracy adhering to the monotheistic deity Saint-Pierre and His prophet Francisco. Saintism is the existing state religion of Wollachia, being favoured by the monarchy for decades.  
Wollachia has a standing army, mostly made up of young men both Engol and Kaltic. Weapon technology remains made up of bows and spears, however advanced squadrons are known to wield guns, a rare ranged weapon that uses explosive powder to fire bullets from a tube at extremely high speeds and range. Despite being prone to breaking, not very accurate at long range, taking a full minute to reload a shot, and the explosive powder being difficult to obtain, these weapons are incredibly dangerous and often immediately fatal. Wollachia is not currently at war with any nation, but they remain militarised through anti-Rammite propaganda that plays on a sort of cold war between them.
Cultural traditions
Wollachian culture, as has been mentioned, is not singular but separated into Engol and Kaltic culture. Engol culture is the predominant cultural and ethnic group in Wollachia. Engol culture has always been closely aligned with and heavily influenced by the monarchy, who has always given them favour over Kaltics. The most prevalent cultural practice of Engols is that all citizens must reach two metres or higher in height, and if one is naturally shorter than this (Including the halfling monarchy) must wear stilts at all times to bring them to exactly two metres tall. Foreigners are not required to use stilts, but are still looked down upon by conservatives and centrists. Saintism is a central part of Engol culture as well, and may involve abstaining from alcohol and drugs, practice of positive necromantic magic, and manual labour in the name of Saint-Pierre. Kaltic culture is starkly different, but not so much that the two can’t get along. Many Kaltics are anti-stilt, and practise their cultural rights to not wear them, even if it affects how they interact with the world around them and draws the disdain of some Engols. They are typically not Saintists, and disregard Francisco’s words. Instead, many Kalts revere a polytheistic religion that identifies core aspects of the world and anthropomorphises them. The Kalts know they are not actually anthropomorphic or have personalities in the way that we think of them, but they believe that in the absence of mortal understanding of how these forces actually work they must rely on mortal creativity to give life and meaning to us. There aren’t many “tenets” unlike Saintism, but the typical moral taboos are considered. As opposed to the Engols strict work ethic, Kalts like to take it easy, and are stereotyped (not entirely incorrectly) as being lazy. 
The state religion of Wollachia is Saintism, a monotheistic religion that worships Saint-Pierre, a deity who created all of existence and governs all of it still. Saint-Pierre has a living prophet on Earth that runs through a bloodline, with the current prophet named Francisco. There are six central tenets of Saintism, listed below.
Consume not to stupor thyself, as your work with be shunted in turn.
Healing arts are the most holy and are to be learn’d, for you will keep thyself and thy neighbors able-body’d to produce for the Lord.
The highest of all activities upon mine Earth is creation with thine own hands, in the highest quantities, to serve your King who may then serve the Lord in his fullest.
One must not wear the shawl, scarf, ascot or tie, as demon’s grip them and will pull thee into their most gruesome murder.
The Lord’s prophet will be taken to the same degree of authority and authenticity as the King, and shall serve as advisor, the most devout worshipper who hast devot’d their life, mind, body, soul and energies unto the Lord.
The holyest number in all being shall be 6, which holds all numbers above et whilst degrading those below. The calculus cannot be witnessed for oneself, so followers all ye must have faith in the Lord.
EXTRA NOTE (context at start of post):
You lived in a city. Most of the cities are in the Engol side of Wollachia, which you'll learn about if you read the rundown in the document. Cities consist of tall, narrow houses stacked side by side along two sides of cobbled roads where horses and carts ride and crowds of people walk on busier days. Ysoki housing is accounted for, although it is segregated to specific parts of cities because they must be built differently. Living in the city is a hustling life, and almost every man in the cities work in the factories, which cough smog constantly that has made the air gross and probably unhealthy to live in. The factories themselves are dangerous, and fatalities are not uncommon. Sanitation is extremely poor, because of a lack of sanitation workers, but Ysoki have been able to build up immunities to many diseases because of it. The sky is usually grey and cloudy, and it rains often. The food is plain, but individual families (usually women due to male labour preference) take it upon themselves to create unique and perfect recipes in their spare time. It contains a lot of carbohydrates and simple herbs that many people grow themselves. Whenever you leave your house, you would have to wear your stilts that bring your height up to exactly two metres tall. You got used to it over the years, and can function normally while using them, as if leg extensions are the most normal thing in the world. ANYONE (including halfling royalty!) is beholden to this practice, although if you are above 2 metres tall you thankfully don't have to be forcibly shortened. 6 is a holy number in the Wollachian state religion, so having a height of at least 6 feet is very important to Saintists and Engols.
I've really been writing all day and I'm tired now so that's it for now. I'll do another update tomorrow about developments within the Aleaza' clan post-Aleimlaq!
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bananacover · 2 years
How to crop a video in windows media player
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wmv files to play in Windows Media Player with ease. When the conversion finishes, click Open to locate the converted video files. Once you've finished all the settings, click "Convert" to begin FLV to Windows Media Player conversion. In this way, you can not only personalize the video, but also reduce the output file size. Tip: Before the conversion, you can click Edit to Trim, Crop, Watermarks, Effects, etc. If you prefer high definition videos, move your mouse pointer to "HD Video" and then choose HD WMV. There, you can take WMV as your output video format. Click the Format menu, select Windows Media Player friendly format as your output video format. You can click the "Add Files" button to browse, select and load the file in the application. You can drag and drop the file directly in the application.ī. Launch the FLV converter and put FLV files on the converter. How to convert FLV to Windows Media Player supported formats Read More: Play AVI in Windows Media Player
Now download the video converter and follow the guide below to get your work done in clicks!ĭownload FLV to Windows Media Player Converter: Not only does it functions as a FLV video converter, but also as a FLV editor that you can use to trim, crop, merge VOB files and so forth to personalize and touch up your movies before converting them.
And you can also get alternatives to iMovie including Windows Movie Maker, Adobe Premiere Pro, FoneLab Video Converter.
This FLV file converter supports converting FLV to WMV, MP4, AVI, MOV, AVI, M4V, FLV, ASF, MPEG, DivX and hundreds of other formats. In this post, we will show you how to crop a video with iMovie correctly. If not, an alternative workaround is to convert FLV to Windows Media Player friendly format.īrorsoft Video Converter is just the right tool to help you encode FLV to Windows Media Player compatible format. After successfully installing the codec, you will be able to run files with. Yet the codec of FLV needs to be downloaded by the user to run FLV files on WMP. Codecs of many formats are inbuilt in WMP to open files of that format. However, FLV is not supported by Windows Media Player. Have you ever met the similar issue? In this article, we'd like to share the easiest solution to help you open and play FLV files in Windows Media Player at your will.Īs we know, FLV is a format that has gained popularity with the passage of time. More than more guys complained Windows Media Player can't support FLV video files. We've found many threads online that talk about the FLV and Window Media Player playback issue. Windows Media Player Fails to Play FLV Video - Fixed
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weaponizedmoth · 5 months
The ask game revealed a fellow spider man enthusiast? Don't mind if I ask about "The Spider Woman" fic!! :DDD I am quite curious about this one!!
Unfortunately no, sorry :(
The only fanfiction involved in this one is the titular embarrassing fic. I write fanfic once every blue moon, and I complete it through gritted teeth, so most of my WIP writing is original fiction. The Spider Woman is about a punkish weird scrawny librarian dude in a weird dystopian future who falls in love with this also weird woman who keeps coming to the library to get books about spiders, especifically. Except it's revealed she's an actual spider at the end when she morphs into one.
So, no spider man, sorry :(
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redloftwingfeathers · 3 years
Going through the skyward sword gif tag last night and I realized how funny it would be to have someone who has never even LOOKED at the game back in 2011 and ask them for the context of these gifs because SS be wildin from serious moments to ridiculousness, and I just want someone to look me in the eye and go "what the ever loving fuck is going on" when they see Zelda sobbing her eyes out, to Groose divebombing into Link in the middle of the sky, or having some handsome aesthetic shots before panning over to Gary doing his little Irish jig around an unconscious Zelda
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jovialturtleface · 4 years
I really like these designs from Balan Wonderworld, they're so fun and silly. Also I think gear & pumpkin themed designs are neat. I only know of like two gear based designs but still its neat!
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annerogers31 · 3 years
Someone soared into the cast. Here’s Sparky completely refurbished and with a new role to play.
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Sparky Weathers:
Personality: Sparky used to be very happy-go-lucky when he was younger, he still is now but the scars of being experimented on and neglected made him more distrustful of the kindness of others. Sparky doesn’t want anyone to worry about him because of his past and thus avoids talking about it. Once someone gains his trust his friendship is everlasting. He’s more adventurous than Anne and thus more reckless. Sparky is someone that takes actions first and see how things turn out after. Sparky is thankful his faith intertwined with Anne and even more grateful that she puts up with his shenanigans. Sparky is not a great planner but what he lacks in foresight he makes up with actually sticking to a plan in the long run.
Relationships: Anne is his legal sister after the WMP funded and protected them so Sparky could start his life anew. The young dragon was in tears when the one that got him of the streets suggested to become official family. The two have a strong bond and are inseparable. Sparky gets along with the rest of the WMP members since he joined though it took some time given his past.
Distinguishing features: Sparky is the only dragon in the world that can transform in three forms, his original dragon form, his humanoid form and his Boston Terrier form. Sparky is only able to transform in these forms because of the scientists who kidnapped him and messed up his DNA. He mainly is in his human form though he isn’t always comfortable in it because of the scars caused by the experiments. His dragon form is to brawl and escape in tricky situations while his Boston Terrier form is to spy, trick and surprise enemies. Most of Sparky’s scars are located on his chest which he can hide by his fur in both animal forms. He's also a heavy smoker.
Interests: Sparky loves going to the movies, especially the ones of explorers seeking far of lands in search for lost civilisations and treasures. Sparky needs to lose steam on a regular basis and found his relief in flying through the sky at record speed, it is all the more fun for him when his friends join him.
Dislikes: Sparky hates going to the doctor, he knows very well that these people just want to help heal him but his trauma makes him freeze or struggle every time he enters a hospital. He also isn’t keen on water since it takes hours to dry his feathers.
Skills: He’s Anne’s partner in every mission or investigation. He’s a skilled flyer and a capable combatant. One of his abilities is spying and getting away in even the most troublesome situations.
I made the dog character into a mischievous dragon and an attractive humanoid... I REGRET NOTHING!!! 😂😂🤣
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danny-chase · 3 years
Yer a lil cutie patoot :)
Also lol what if Young Justice were all actual RPI students? What’s everyone’s major? What clubs are they in? Are they RAs/LAs?
Kadjska I've thought about this too much after seeing this (for those of you who don't know that's our goddamn college's freshman dorm)
Aight lets go, majors (slashes are dual majors we do that):
Tim - undeclared engineering -> CSE because Bart wanted someone to take data structures with and now he's in too deep, minors in cog sci and phys
Bart - GSAS/CS -> GSAS/E-arts
Kon - Business, math and econ minors
Cassie - MechE/Aero
Anita - EE/CSE (best majors I'm biased)
Cissie - ME -> BME, minor in math
Greta - Biochemistry minor in physics
Various headcanons
They're all in board game club (pshh I'm not biased), which is how the girls group met the guys group
Tim, Bart, and Kon all procrastinated and didn't pick roomates and got signed up to triple in Barton together
Tim and Bart are in the Pokemon Go club
Kon is (not so secretly) in the yugioh card club
Cassie, Anita, Cissie, and Greta have a DND campaign going, Anita's DM they met through the club freshman year and get an apartment together sophomore year
I feel like Anita and Greta would make great LAs and Cassie and Cissie would be awesome RAs
Bart plays ultimate frisbee
Kons a hockey player
Cassie is a mentor for the local robotics team
Cissie's on LEAP this is non negotiable
Anita is a math mentor for IPERSIST
Greta's in WMP (women's mentoring program), she ropes all the other girls in the following year
They all play intramural dodgeball together, despite Tim having multiple concussions throughout their season
Cissie is in RPI players and archery
Anita and Greta are in key club
Greta is in band she plays the tuba cuz i said so
Tim is in the radio club and later joins the embedded hardware (i think that's it's name) club
Kon does the improv comedy club
Anita is on ballroom dance team and NSBE
Bart's also kinda in game dev and is totally in the DDR club
Cassie, Anita and Cissie are in SWE
They tear the boy's door of its hinges and sled down EMPAC hill freshman year
Tim and Bart die in data structures together, no one sees them for 2 weeks straight and all of a sudden they're back again, they probs take it first semester with Cutler (Tim signed up a week late, they both had comp sci credits)
Anita would get on with Prof. Sawyer really well and probably be a TA for Circuits
Anita and Tim gripe about how hard ECSE is all the time guys it sucks it's awful I'm okay
Tim and Cissie both had breakdowns due to data structures and intro to eng design respectively, Cissie screamed at her group ala Cissie yelling at the JLA style, and now they both go to counseling
Kon is relentlessly bullied for being a business major but the inherits Lex's business sense and makes more than everyone combined
They all explored the basement of West Hall, Greta pretended to stay behind, but instead she ran over there first and freaked the fuck out of everyone pretending to be a ghost
Barts part of the underground furry ring
Tim cosplays for genircon
Bart was fine at CS he literally just got bored during algo and switched
Barts that one GSAS student who does immaculate work but if he's bored he does nothing at all, so only like 3 people can work with him - 90% of the battle is keeping him invested in the game
Cassie and Cissie climb up on the roofs of buildings to make out get time away from the chaos
Dick dropped Tim off at school because Bruce was on a business trip, and did that thing that my mom did and invited a random person (Greta) to dinner so he could ensure Tim had at least one friend
Tim got out of arch because he got a summer internship at WE, Cassie got out for academic reasons
The girls definitely have bathroom talks at least once a month
Kon dresses as SIS man for halloween
The boys use the barton couch cushions to make forts when they live there
I can keep going but i think this is too much already keiajdifo guys RPI's a fucking nerd school and i for one am a fucking nerd
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hfegeorgetta-blog · 5 years
Changing To CDA Format
Tips on how to convert and http://www.audio-transcoder.com/how-to-rip-audio-cd-to-ogg-files burn MP3 to Audio CD that may play on any CD participant. You possibly can arrange FreeRIP MP3 Converter to forge the suitable filename and How To Convert CDA To ogg With Pictures path. A CDA file is a shortcut file that is put in on an audio CD. Step 5From the column of Rip settings", choose MP3" from the Format" checklist. MP3 is a well-liked compression format used for audio files on laptop methods and conveyable devices. Infact I stumbled across your software program while looking out for a DSF to PCM converter for House home windows earlier than the RD model ever obtained here out. You do not need to convert to CDA, audio cds can be burn with wavs information as well. And why would any FOSS programmer in his right mind write a program to transform open format codecs to closed format. Let MS write it. One of many typically uncared for options of VLC is its capability to transform media recordsdata. Not only can it convert nearly any audio format, it may possibly additionally extract audio from video files, which may be very useful for transcription work. On this article, we'll be talking about how you can convert WAV recordsdata to MP3. Convert FLAC(Free Lossless Audio Codec) audios into other formats with nice high quality preserved. Guest This CDA to MP3 converter program works very good and quick; it's easy to know how one can run it and also the value was okay. I might suggest this software to anybody. It is a superb program. I have used for one 12 months. And each time it works completely to convert my audios. The custom service is also very patient for my any query. Any Audio Converter is price using. Why search for other softwares when the freely out there Windows Media Participant (WMP) can do that job for you. Yes you possibly can convert audio tracks from cda to mp3 format utilizing Home windows Media Participant which you'll find in Microsoft Windows OS. Follow these steps talked about under to transform cda to mp3 using windows media participant. CDA to AIFF Converter converts CDA information to AIFF. The converter focuses on AIFF file that helps virtually all codecs in AIFF specification, for instance, pcm eight-bit, pcm 16-bit, pcm 24-bit, pcm 32-bit, pcm 32-bit float, pcm 64-bit float, a-Legislation, mu-Regulation, IEEE 754 float, ima4, gsm, dwvw, and so forth. The software also supports widespread file format corresponding to AAC, AMR, AC3, MPA, WMA, OGG, M4A (MPEG-four audio), M4B (MPEG-four audiobook), and many others. It may convert MPC to WAV, ALAC to MP2, AC3 to MP3, SWF to AC3, MPEG to OGG, SWF to AAC, and so on. MTS Converter can convert MTS to numerous codecs. If it is a regular audio CD you bough from Unbiased Information or Amazon or something, it's probably eithercda orwav and you must be capable of extract it using the default CD extractor that comes with Ubuntu. I doubt it'sogg. and it'll convert all of your OGG information in the current listing to MP3.
TAudioFFMPEG: This codec is based on the FFMPEG library which can encode to MP3, WMA and FLAC and decode from virtually every supply. To MP3 Converter converts most of video and audio enter kinds of recordsdata, like MP4, WMA, M4A, FLAC, AMR, CDA, OGG, AVI, WMV, AIFF, FLV, WAV, and others. Along with encoding of native media recordsdata, the appliance can obtain and convert to MP3 online video and audio content. Once you're presently struggling to convert a CDA file to MP3, you are in luck. Whether you discovered this problem after you upgraded to Home windows 10 in any other case you merely have to convert some audio information into MP3, we've a number of potential choices. Please observe every of the strategies beneath in order until you manage to convert your audio file from CDA to MP3. Trés bien, trés facile, mais je n'arrive pas à convertir des FLAC en Mp3 à 320 kbps malgrés les choices. M4A and MP3 information to iTunes library. Nicely, "Rip Audio CD" means that you want to "rip" (copy) music off an Audio CD and encode it into both MP3, WMA, WAV or OGG Vorbis. three. Start to convert Audio CD to OGG (rip the Audio CD to ogg). audio converter can encode to mp3, ogg, wma and wav. Sample Fee: Select the sample fee: 8000 Hz, 11025 Hz, 22050 Hz, 44100 Hz and 48000 Hz. Just like bit fee, altering sample rate adjustments filesize. 44100 Hz (44.1 kHz) and 48000 Hz (forty eight kHz) are the usual ones. Mplayer can play and convert wma recordsdata to wavs, I've accomplished this in the past. As long as you could have the codecs installed it does work. I did this with non DRM wma recordsdata after all.
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Download Alt CDA To MP3 Converter V7.3
VLC can extract audio from any of the numerous enter sources it helps, and write this audio to an audio-file in quite a lot of formats. WAV to MP3 converter, MP3 to WAV converter: Encode WAV information into MP3. And Convert MP3 information to WAV. You should utilize this on-line audio cutter program to chop MP3 file, lower WAV file, reduce OGG file, reduce AAC file or minimize M4A file and so forth. EachCDA file is a sort of a pointer to the placement of a selected track on the CD and contains no musical information. cda to wav Converter Free download freeware recordsdata are all 44 bytes in size and every comprise observe times plus a special Home windows shortcut that permits users to entry the specific audio tracks. 2. There's a distinction between Audio and Knowledge CDs. You'll be able to burn WAV recordsdata to a data CD and a number of other CD players will be capable to play them back. Some CD players, cda to wav converter free download freeware especially older ones and a few increased finish manufacturers will only play back audio CDs. Ensure you choose the suitable CD type originally of your burning session.
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So ifCDA information include no musical information, what happens if you "copy" aCDA from an audio CD to your arduous drive after which double click it? Nothing happens. And this is why you could extract audio tracks from an Audio CD and convert CDA information to MP3. Accord CD ripper is a free CD ripper software that may convert cda to mp3 and wav file format. It is rather easy and simple to use software program that does its job properly. This Audio CD ripper is very quick and it support all CD and DVD drives. You can download this audio cd ripper from the link given under.
Convert any audio format to MP3 or convert between almost all audio formats. To copy or store thecda files to Windows 8 computer, you have to to transform CDA to MP3 or WMA (compressed lossy audio) or cda to wav converter free download freeware convert CDA to WAV, WMA lossless, FLAC (compressed lossless audio) and many others. For those who were on Windows, I'd recommend Exact Audio Copy aka EAC to do the ripping and LAME to do the encoding. I don't use OSX so I am unable to recommend one other ripper apart from iTunes, though I am sure LAME is offered for OSX in the event you just need an encoder.Fun reality - the CDA information you see in an audio disc are nothing greater than shortcuts to the tracks on an audio disc. Observe 2. I have seen that when I attempt to learn a CD in File Handler the identical drawback happens = only cda-files and no utility is recognizing them not even VLC Media Player. This is how to convert audio files to MP3 utilizing Home windows Media Participant.Glorious output high quality - Utilizing theCDA to MP3 Converter, you can get any output formats you want with glorious high quality. I think you'll simply have to use mplayer or something to transform them towav, then use k3b to burn the wav recordsdata to disk, as talked about above. Click "Convert" button to finish changing CDA to WAV. Step 2. In "Rip Settings", select MP3 because the format. It's also possible to choose the audio quality. In case you are ripping quite a lot of CDs and do not wish to change these settings for each CD, click on "Extra options" and then change the defaults.I did use to suppose that digital KNOWLEDGE was KNOWLEDGE regardless how it got moved around. However the reality is, each time those bits leap off your arduous drive and into the burning process (for audio CDs solely - information file burning is a special animal), many unusual issues can and will happen to change the sound. The only refuge in consistency you can find is to get high quality gear, follow the identical process every time and you'll obtain constant outcomes.Windows Media Player is a media player and media library utility developed by Microsoft that's used for taking part in audio, video and viewing pictures in Home windows. Along with being a media participant, Windows Media Participant consists of the flexibility to copy, rip CD to WMA, MP3, WAV. So, Home windows Media Participant might be your free CD Ripper for Home windows 10 that can assist you rip CD to WMA, MP3, WAV in Windows 10.One of the simplest ways to edit your video and audio inside Windows Media Participant WMP Trimmer Plugin Dwelling Version SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plugin Dwelling Version is a small, fast utility that permit prospects to cut or edit any fragment of a media file loaded to Home windows Media Player shortly, with no video top quality degradation or out of sync points.Android supported audio formats embody MP3, AAC, AMR, FLAC (Lossless), MIDI, Vorbis and WAV. The file extensions of Android audio can bemp3,.aac,.amr,.flac,.wav. 1. Wanna convert music purchased from iTunes store, try iTunes DRM Audio Converter , which may additionally convert Apple music and audiobooks to MP3 for saving on your laborious drive with loss high quality.
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