#woah me and my bestie were just talking about this at dinner
frankenjoly · 3 months
kunizai "I'm proud of you, you know that?"
And your choice with "you're cold. come here"
picked kenji & kyôka for the second bcs. the besties
kunikidazai + “i’m proud of you, you know that?”
“I’m proud of you, you know that?” Kunikida said, in barely a whisper. There was no need to speak louder, though, since the recipient of those words was sitting right beside him.
So close their hands might brush at the slightest move.
“I’d say ‘take me out for dinner first, Kunikida-kun’ if we weren’t about to have dinner already.” Dazai answered, his glance moving up to check the oven’s current status before going back down and finally falling on Kunikida’s face. And he maybe should have been annoyed by such a response, but what came from his mouth was a brief snort. “Now seriously, I just did my part. Like everyone else.”
“I don’t get how that could contradict me being proud of you, but go off, I guess.” His comment was accompanied by another scoff, as amused as the first one.
“So you’re not proud of everyone else, then? Woah, harsh.” At that point, there was no doubt about how Dazai was just being dramatic for the shits and giggles. And as tempting as Kunikida found playing along with it, that wasn’t the route he took.
“C’mon, obviously I am.” He instantly nodded, and if his hand was trembling a bit when he moved it to brush the back of Dazai’s, it was more about nervousness than having been struggling that day. Though, if asked, Kunikida may or may not try to pretend it was them acting up. “But now I’m talking to you specifically, so just take it, alright?”
“In my defense…” Dazai replied, going even further than he had and resting his head on Kunikida’s shoulder. “ Strictly speaking, I never said I wasn’t gonna take it.”
Then there came Kunikida’s third snort.
“So you were just what? Taking your time?”
kyôka & kenji + “you’re cold. come here”
“You’re cold.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement. Doubting would be difficult, after all, when Kenji had started shivering. “Come here.” Kyôka patted the spot right beside her over the bench she was sitting on, nudging him to come closer and sit there.
“Alright!!!” Kenji didn’t even hesitate and ran towards her, slowing down when near and sitting slowly. 
Then, once he was already there, Kyôka took the towel she had been wrapped in and readjusted so they would both be covered. Since Kenji had just gotten out of the water, getting in direct contact made her experience a bit of that same cold, but it wasn’t like it bothered her much; in mere minutes, they would both be warm again, after all.
“Thanks!!!” He said, smiling wide as usual. “I didn’t think it’d feel so chilly when getting outta the pool, y’know.” Kyôka nodded, since she had experienced the same barely an hour before. “Like, we go swimming back home too, but it’s usually way warmer after. Unless you fall into one of the ponds in winter, obvi, then it’s super cold.”
“I think it was somewhat warm when my parents took me to the beach for the first time too. Or at least I think it was the beach, I was very little.”
“Yeah, I don’t fully remember my first time swimming either. Well, not literally swimming ‘cause I didn’t know how to, but you get me.” Of course she did. “And… I prefer swimming when the water’s still, but the beach sounds fun. Maybe we can go sometime, all of us together.” 
“Oh, yes.” Kyôka instantly beamed. “Plus, we can build sand castles and play games in the sand, it’s not all about swimming.”
“I know, don’t worry.” In theory, she didn’t. In practice, everyone knew Kenji’s history with a flooding river, and even if the sea was different… a bit of reassurance wouldn’t hurt. Quite the opposite, actually.
(Also on ao3.)
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sp00kycrumpet · 11 months
Find A Way. (3/4)
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Rating: E
Tags: season 1, soft!Joel, reader was besties with Maria, idiots in love refusing to admit it, pre-established relationship
Warnings: swearing; character death; spoilers (if you haven't watched the series/played the game)
(Part One) (Part Two)
Will also be posted on my AO3
You couldn't believe it. In your search to find Joel, you'd somehow found his brother instead. All through dinner and your evening with them both, you tried to work out how to bring it up. Maria leant you some clothes to change into, and you were grateful to finally be clean and warm. You padded back downstairs, fingers playing with Joel's necklace as you got lost in your thoughts. Tommy was in the kitchen, tidying up after dinner.
"Hey, didja want somethin' to drink? I think we still have some wine around here." You nodded a little with a smile, thanking him. Tommy poured you a glass of wine, talking about how people were making their own alcohol within Jackson now. He turned to hand over the glass, his eyes falling to the necklace sat around your neck.
"Where'd you get that necklace?" He asked quietly, something in his eyes as you glanced at it.
"Oh this? I was given it." You replied, Tommy frowning a little. You knew Joel never took it off, if this was the Tommy Miller who was your Joel's brother then he'd surely recognise it.
"Who gave it you?" He asked, folding his arms loosely over his chest. The same defensive stance Joel took, there was no doubt who this man was before you. You licked your lips, watching Tommy as Maria came in.
"Woah, serious conversation?" She asked, sensing Tommy's apprehension. Tommy glanced over at her, his posture softening slightly at being around his wife.
"I was just askin' where she got that necklace from." Maria turned to look at it, tilting her head slightly.
"That is an unusual looking pendant." She commented, pouring herself a glass of orange juice. Tommy hummed in agreement. You took a sip of your wine, toying with the glass between your fingers.
"The guy I was looking for gave it to me before he left Boston." Tommy inhaled at that, his eyes not leaving your face. You could tell he was torn between believing you or assuming the worst and Joel was dead, his body looted. His jaw clenched a little as he tried to formulate an answer.
"Oh that's romantic. And you told me you don't know what is between you!" Maria laughed a little, looking at Tommy in confusion when he didn't say anything else. "Tommy? What's wrong?"
"That's Joel's necklace." He muttered, Maria blinking in confusion before looking at you. "If you look on the back of it, there's two deep scratches where he damaged it at work one day, caught it moving some wooden beams and damn near broke his neck." Lifting the pendant slightly, you turned it over and saw that Tommy was right. There was indeed two deep scratches on the back. You looked up at Tommy.
"Why are you here and with my brother's necklace around your neck?" His tone seemed cold, you shifted on your feet uncomfortable. Maria scolded him for being so stand off-ish before glancing at you. You took a breath, placing your wine glass down.
"Because Joel left me in Boston to go on a mission to get a battery for a truck. He couldn't get hold of you and he was losing his mind. He gave me this and promised he'd be back for it but he never showed. So I left to try and find him." Maria's eyes went wide, her gaze moving between you and Tommy.
"Joel Miller is the guy you've been seeing?" You nodded a little.
"I know it seems hard to believe but I'm telling the truth. I didn't intend on coming here, but when I realised I couldn't find Joel. I figured I'd just keep moving… and I ended up here. Almost poetic I set out looking for him and instead find his brother that he was looking for." You twisted your fingers together, Tommy nodding a little before apparently deciding to believe you. The two of them shared a look before Maria faced you, reaching to squeeze your hand gently.
"Well that'll make finding him again easier." She gave a little smile and you couldn't help but worry they were keeping something from you. The topic was dropped for now, instead talking about the cottage Maria was letting you have and her asking if Tommy would mind helping you if anything needed fixing up. He agreed and seemed less irritated now, a smile working over his face.
The next morning, you found Tommy in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Hey, look I'm sorry for bein' a bit of an ass last night. I assumed the worst when I saw that necklace and shouldn't have." You shook your head, watching him.
"Honestly I was wondering if you were the Tommy that Joel spoke of so often and was so desperately trying to find. And how to bring that up. Such a small world that I set out to find Joel and instead found you married to my best friend." Tommy laughed slightly, plating up some bacon and eggs for you.
"Weird, huh?" You nodded, thanking him for the food and sitting down to eat. "Although not as weird as thinkin' my big brother actually let someone close enough to him that he'd hand over that necklace. Joel hasn't dated since Sarah's mother left. The outbreak made him cold. Although for a while I thought he and Tess had a thing. Guess not. But… I'm glad he has someone." You gave a little smile.
"Had. I can't find him, remember?" Tommy paused, making a little noncommittal noise in the back of his throat.
"Joel has a habit of turnin' up when you least expect it. I'm sure you'll find him."
After eating, Maria handed you a bag of clothing and the keys to your new home. It was small, two bedrooms and needed cleaning but it was quite homely. The living room had a fireplace and a small kitchen dining room. You loved it instantly. Tommy helped fix the window shutters and got some cleaning supplies, Maria joined you later in the day with a small box of groceries that would keep you going for a bit while you got settled. You agreed to help where you could around Jackson, Tommy was impressed with your shooting ability after he took you to the range to practise and you blew away half of his troops without even trying. He talked Maria into letting you be part of the daily patrols under the agreement it wouldn't be every day and you could help her with keeping the town running. You seemed to settle in easily, splitting your time between learning patrol routes and your team, and spending time with Maria to learn the ins and outs of Jackson. You were still holding out hope you'd find Joel, catch a glimpse of him while out patrolling and hunting. Maria found you a radio to use and you would scan stations in case his voice came through. As the months went by, you started to lose hope and just focussed on your new life in Jackson. It felt wonderful to be able to spend time with Maria like you used to do before everything happened. Winter passed and Spring crept in, flowers were peeking out through the grounds, birds would chirp and everyone seemed to be happier as the days got warmer. You made a couple of friends, spent most of your time working or helping people out. It felt nice to be needed and to be doing work that wasn't trading expired drugs for a morsel of food.
By February, Maria was ready to give birth, joking she couldn't have a February baby and risk them being born on a leap year. She asked you to be there when it happened, as well as Tommy. You agreed and helped get a bag together for when she needed to go. Excitement for new life took over your days, constantly hanging around Maria's in case it happened. You were woken up in the early hours one morning by Tommy hammering on your door. Maria had gone into labour suddenly, Tommy panicking and grabbing you to watch her while he fetched the doctor. You ran over there, greeting your friend with warm towels and blankets ready. She looked like she was struggling and already tired, you set everything around her including water bottles and anything else you thought she might need. She cried out in pain as the contractions got closer together and more intense. You held onto her hand, trying to help talk her through it and repeat that Tommy was on his way back now. But the baby had other ideas and wanted to be out as soon as possible. You sat between your friends legs, encouraging her and praising her as you saw the baby emerging. You grabbed blankets and a soft towel for once the baby was out. You'd never done anything like this before but figured Maria knew what she was doing. You helped ease the baby out the last few inches, careful cleaning his tiny face before wrapping him up just as Tommy burst through the door. You smiled up at him as Maria gave a tired sigh of his name. You handed the baby to Maria and moved away for the doctor to step in and help. You glanced down at yourself and realised you were a little bloody. But Maria and the baby were both doing fine, Tommy cut the cord before finally having a cuddle with his son. You excused yourself to go downstairs and wash your hands. You couldn't believe you'd just done that, of all the things the apocalypse had forced you to do - midwifery wasn't on the list of things you'd expect. You stood by the back door, taking in some fresh air as you dried your hands. You never heard Tommy approach until he placed a hand on your shoulder.
"You doin' okay?" He asked softly, you smiled up at him and nodded.
"Yeah. Can tick deliver a baby off my Apocalypse Bingo card now." You chuckled, draping the towel over your shoulder once your hands were dry.
"Thank you. I don't know what we'd have done without you." You smiled, patting Tommy's arm gently.
"It's what friends do Tommy. We help each other." Tommy nodded, you let out a breath as you looked out at the garden. Tommy watching you before he pushed a hand through his long hair.
"Look. There's somethin' I need to tell you. At first I didn't because I didn't wanna give you false hope." You looked up at him, your breath catching in your throat.
"What is it Tommy?" Tommy steeled himself, ready for an outburst if you got angry.
"Joel was here." You stared at him.
"What?" Tommy nodded, shifting his weight on his feet before fixing his gaze on you again.
"About a month or so before you showed up. He turned up outta the blue with this kid by his side, said she was some Firefly bosses daughter and he had to take her home. I was sceptical… we had a fight because he didn't act as supportive as I'd hoped when I told him about Maria bein' pregnant. Selfishly I assumed he'd be happy but I guess you never know with Joel." Tommy leaned against the doorframe beside him. "I found him hidin' in a store tryin' to repair his worn out boots with tape. I gave him some new ones and he admitted the truth to me. That she was special, that he was afraid to take her himself because he's been havin' these anxiety attacks and he's slower. Dude's only 56 but actin' like he's 96. He told me someone was waitin' for him at home, but he wasn't sure he'd make the journey back to them again." Tommy glanced at you, you inhaled sharply as you watched him. Tommy nodded a little. "Imagine my surprise when you arrive with Joel's necklace and a similar story to the one he told me." You could feel your hands tremble at the revelation. Joel had been here. So close and yet still so far. That had been so long ago though, you didn't dare think about how long. There was a look exchanged between Tommy and you that you both understood as assuming the worst case scenario.
"Thank you Tommy." You said softly, Tommy nodded.
"I just thought you outta know. I don't know if he will come back but if he doesn't… know he left here with you in his heart still." You smiled slightly, that did make you feel a little better. You heard the baby cry from upstairs and glanced at Tommy.
"Go on dad. I'll see myself out, I got first patrol in two hours so I should probably go shower." Tommy embraced you tightly, thanked you again for your help before dashing off upstairs to Maria and his son. You smiled to yourself before turning to let yourself out of the house, it was an emotional evening and you wanted to just crawl into bed and sulk in self pity for a little while. You stood in the shower, trying to wonder where Joel could possibly have gone and if he'd come home. Or if Tommy had finally told you so you'd stop spending your life waiting for Joel, just in case. You went out on your morning patrol, ending up being sent home early when you almost got swiped off your horse by a low branch. You explained about Maria's baby and your team were less pissed off, but still irritated they were a body short. You slept the whole day once you'd gotten back, a mixture of exhaustion and your brain just shutting down as you tried to accept that you were never going to see Joel again. Maybe you'd finally accept the pestering from a fellow patroller to go out to dinner as a distraction. You burrowed yourself into your blankets, cursing yourself for not telling Joel how you really felt that day he left. You let yourself spend the day relaxing and just sulking, allowing yourself to just be in your feelings for the first time since Joel left.
(Part Four)
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marlenesluv · 10 months
Teammates Roommate… (OP)
summary: as max and landos roommate, you hear a lot about formula 1, but you usually stay out of the heated conversations. but when lando and max start posting you online, tagging you, landos teammate, oscar piastri, is interested in you.
pairing: fem!reader x oscar piastri, fem!reader x platonic grid
fc: kurodahana on insta
warnings: i’m pretty sure none, i cant remember if there’s cussing or not lol
type: smau + dialogue
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
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liked by: landonorris, y/n.user, and 42,013 others
tagged: landonorris, pietra.pilao, and y/n.user
maxfewtrell: roommate reveal on the second slide 😛💅
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pietra.pilao: my fav gal <3
↳ y/n.user: pietraaa <3
lnfournation: WOAH SHES SO PRETTY
mclaren481edits: omg girl crushhhh
f1updates: THE INSTA DROP
landonorris: not the side eye, y/n🙄
↳ y/n.user: wtv
user7: she has a public insta?? HELLO
danielricciardo: y/nnnnnnnn🤠
↳ y/n.user: danielllllllllll🤠
bigricenergy: y/n and dan besties?
user1: pietra and max are so cuteeeee
f1fp16: she’s so pretty ohmygosh
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liked by: oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 28,024 others
y/n.user: first day at the mclaren paddock tomorrow, kinda nervous
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oscarpiastri: so excited to meet you!
↳ y/n.user: yayaya!! me too :)
f1updates: she’s literally so gorgeous, how did she wind up living with those two😭
↳ y/n.user: LMAO PLS. first, tysm. and i grew up with max and lando! so we j all kinda decided when we were older to live together
user3: awwwhaha the pic of missing max, you found him!
papayafam814: girllll we are so excited to see you in the paddock!!!
maxfewtrell: i love that second photo!
↳ landonorris: prove it. make it ur lock screen
↳ pietra.pilao: no. im his lock screen
↳ landonorris: 🙄
piasss81: ooo oscar and y/n content!! i’m excited
user8: pretty girl omg
francisca.cgomes: omg our sushi date was so fun🥹 we need to do it again soon!
↳ y/n.user: i’ll see you tomorrow, babe😋 we can get lunch?
↳ pierregasly: no?? you’re gonna steal my gf from me?!
↳ y/n.user: so? kika?
↳ francisca.cgomes: yesss let’s get food😛 pierre we can get dinner
↳ pierregasly: wow thanks
your instagram story:
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seen by: oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 24,134 others
When Oscar met Y/n, the only thoughts in his mind were how funny she was, how everyone in the paddock loved her, and how beautiful she was. He wasn’t sure if he was experiencing a crush or a heart attack with the way his heart was beating out of his chest when he asked for her number.
Y/n gladly gave him her number, knowing she would probably be hanging out with him again soon. Lando had invited Oscar to stay with them during break, which was right after this race.
Of course Oscar was excited to hangout with Lando and Max, and he knew Carlos, Pierre, and Charles would probably come over at some point as well. But he usually kept to himself, something Y/n seemed to do, but not with her friends. She easily got along with the paddock, though. Joking with Oscar and Landos engineers, getting food with Oscar, Lando, Max, and being joined by Zak Brown.
Oscar didn’t expect Lando to barge into his drivers room after Qualifying though. He had just sat down and was drinking his water when Lando opened the door, where he could see Max and Y/n walk by, probably to the cafe.
“So…when are you going to ask her out?” Lando asked, after he had closed Oscars door and stood infront of him.
“Who?…” Oscar picked at his fingernails, even though he knew exactly who Lando was talking about. “Y/n, you muppet. When are you gonna ask her out?”
“I don’t think I will, Lando. She doesn’t even know me.” he brushed his hands through his hair, making eye contact with Lando.
“Maybe. But if you ask her out, then you guys can get to know each other. Come on, mate. She’s been single for two years now, all of her past boyfriends were dicks to her, and you’re a good bloak. Max and I approve.”
Oscars head snapped at Lando, “You guys approve, do you? Have you guys been talking about this?”
“A bit. Listen, get changed. Put a nice shirt on and meet us in the cafe. Max and Y/n are already ready. Us four are going to get dinner. Hurry up.” Lando said, leaving before Oscar could even reply.
Surprised, and a little excited, Oscar got changed and met you guys in the cafe. He saw you, sitting next to Max and Lando as Max called Pietra, and Lando scrolled through Instagram. You made eye contact with Oscar, getting up and waving him over as Lando noticed, smirking at Oscar.
“Hey, Oscar! You ready to go?” you bit your lip, just out of pure habit, making Oscar look and nod, “Yeah. Are we gonna meet there..?”
“Oh, about that, mate. Can you take Y/n and I’ll take Max? Just easier transportation that way.” Lando said, smirking again so Y/n couldn’t see, but Oscar could see perfectly.
Y/n smiled at Oscar, unaware of Landos planning. Y/n did find Oscar cute, maybe that wasn’t a good idea to tell Pietra. She swore she wouldn’t tell her boyfriend, but the thought of her best friend with a good guy and happy, she couldn’t resist telling her boyfriend when he asked, having his own suspicions when he caught Y/n watching Oscars race pov one sunday.
She wanted to get to know Oscar better, as he did her. “Yeah, that’s fine. You wanna just send me the address?” Oscar asked, pulling his phone out for when Lando sent it.
“Mate, we are just gonna go to our house. Y/n obviously knows the address. We’re gonna watch 22 Jump Street and order Chinese takeout.” Lando got up with Max and said their byes to Y/n. Max making kiss faces behind Y/n and Lando winking.
“Ready?” Y/n asked, grabbing her bag. “Yeah…” The two of them left the paddock together, occasionally getting stopped by fans for pictures, and Netflix to film Oscar leaving after Qualifying.
As they got to Oscars car, he opened the passenger door for her, closing it when she got in. He threw his bag in the backseat, and started the car up. “You wanna put your bag in the backseat?” Oscar asked, reversing out of his spot. “Hm? Oh, sure.” She placed it on the floor in the back and he played some music, light conversation about her school floating around.
“Wait, so you’re studying art history then?” Oscar asked her as he drove to her house.
“Mhm. It’s actually really interesting.” Y/n looked at Oscar, making quick eye contact as he nodded and looked back to the road.
“Do you like it? You seem more like you’re into the history aspect than the art.”
“How did you know that?” she questioned, raising an eyebrow. “I saw you earlier on your laptop looking at an article.” Oscar shrugged.
“I do enjoy the art aspect though! I don’t know what I’m going to do with my degree but, I enjoy it. Its better than accounting.” Y/n sighed as Oscar laughed a bit, “Not a math fan, I take it?”
“I’m horrible.” she deadpanned, making Oscar laugh more, her joining in. The rest of the ride was filled with general conversation. Not much needed to be said between them. They had a mutual love for quite, and they didn’t find it uncomfortable. If anything, it was comforting. The slight music in the back, the only other noise being his car.
When they got to the house, Lando and Max were unpacking the food, as Y/n had texted hers and Oscars order in the car. Glances between the two were common throughout dinner, back and forth, and flirting done by Oscar.
Annoyed by the lack of flirting by Y/n, Lando grabbed Max and dragged him out of the room, leaving the two introverts alone.
“They aren’t going to talk if we aren’t there, mate. Y/n is too shy.” Max said, cracking his neck as Lando glared at him. “They’ll talk. They have to. Did you see the way Y/n stared at him as he unwrapped chopsticks?? My god, she’s so touch deprived. I’m rooting for them.”
“Yeah, I know. Hopefully Oscar speaks up, cause Y/n could go days without talking.” Max spoke, looking at Lando as he had his ear against the bedroom door and heard talking, “Mate! Oscars talking to her- oh wait! I heard her too!”
“You’re being a little creepy….move over.” Lando scoffed at Maxs comment, scooting over to Max could listen as well.
Out in the living room, Oscar had turned the tv down so he could talk to Y/n. They ended up having a long conversation, during which he asked her on a date, which caused her mouth to open a bit, nod, and say yes. “I’d love to, Oscar.” Which caused him to smile at his spring roll.
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liked by: oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 57,237 others
y/n.user: sunday? no. race day. monday? no. date day.
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↳ maxfewtrell: calm down, mate (i’m ecstatic)
user3: lando and max are the captains of this ship fr
oscarpiastri: my gorgeous girl 💓
↳ y/n.user: pretty boy💓🫠
ferrarifriends: the second picture?!🥹
↳ mclarenfp814: so cuteeeee
pietra.pilao: ugh. picture perfect couple
↳ maxfewtrell: and us??
↳ pietra.pilao: calm down, babe
papayapage1: oscar is so bf in these pics
y/ns.fp.official: UGH SHES SO PHOTOGENIC
lilymhe: my girl crush fr
↳ alex_albon: 🤨
↳ lilymhe: i said GIRL crush. you’re the loml, it’s different
↳ alex_albon: ❤️
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liked by: oscarpiastri, francisca.cgomes, and 59,130 others
y/n.user: osc after getting p3 and me and kika on another dinner date while our bfs train🥱
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user7: being the best wags really does take it out of them. justice for all wags! we love
oscarpiastri: we’re so cute ☺️
↳ y/n.user: ik☺️
f1wags: a couple i would die for
papayabros: taylor swift coded?
↳ yourbsf: mitski coded.
↳ y/n.user: MITSKI😫🫠💓
user5: ummmm, don’t know if i wanna be y/n, or be WITH y/n
↳ user9: the second one
mawfewtrell: CUTE COUPLE ALERT 🚨
↳ landonorris: WEEWOO WEEWOO
f1updates: adorbs adorbs adorbs
y/nandoscarfp: my otp fr
francisca.cgomes: we do take the best pics of each other fr
↳ y/n.user: we really do
oscylan814: papaya boy #81 is taken ladies :’)
↳ oscarsedit8fp: okay buttttt she’s so cute and funny and nice so i’m good with it
your instagram story:
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seen by: oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 37,024 others
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liked by: y/n.user, landonorris, and 382,024 others
oscarpiastri: nyc dates and subway pics <3
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y/n.user: photographer oscar is here <3
↳ oscarpiastri: im only your photographer tho
↳ y/n.user: i’m not paying you tho
↳ oscarpiastri: pay me with kisses
↳ y/n.user: on it!!
redbullfp1: might be my new fav couple…
brasilll4ever: guys i saw them kiss at the brazil gp and they were so cuteee
f1wags: omggg ours favs ☺️
user8: ugh the way he posts her is too cute
papayabroskis: papaya gf!!!!
↳ mclaren814bae: i love papaya gf!!!!
landonorris: the way me, max, pietra, arthur, and charles were also with them in nyc but they wont post us?!
↳ arthur_leclerc: we don’t mean anything to them😔
↳ maxfewtrell: it’s so rude
f1updates: we all know that if pietra was there, then everyone else was third wheeling y/n and pietra
↳ pietra.pialo: so true 💋
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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doctorstethoscope · 3 years
The Right Chapter 4 || Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
Hi besties we’re back besties :)))
Read previous chapters of this fic here!
 contains: brief mentions of a gun and domestic abuse, the beginning of ~feelings~ between hotch and reader
wc: 3.1k
The first thing you noticed when you woke up was the smell, which Reid would tell you was interesting, because smell is the sense that we lose the most in sleep. Hence, smoke alarms. Shaking the thought away with a fond smile, you padded into the kitchen slowly, finding Aaron with his jacket and tie long discarded, his shirt unbuttoned at the top and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. 
“It smells so good!” You announced. 
“It’s olive oil and garlic.” Hotch chuckled as he turned away from the stove to face you. “And you’re supposed to be sleeping.” 
You craned your neck to look at the stovetop clock behind him. “I slept for three hours, Hotch. And I’m sure you’re going to enforce my full eight hours later tonight.” 
“Well, this isn’t ready yet.” He said. 
“Really? You aren’t just feeding me oil and garlic?” You quipped. 
“Don’t be a smartass,” he smirked at you. 
“I want to help,” you told him earnestly, looking up at him from where you’d perched yourself in one of the barstools at his counter. “What can I do?” 
“Here, chop this onion,” he said, sliding everything you’d need across the counter so you could stay seated. 
He moved around the kitchen gracefully, combining ingredients and stirring a sauce and boiling water for pasta with the ease of a practiced chef. He refused to tell you what he was making, and you leaned forward in your chair, trying to see if the spices by the stove would give you any clues. They didn’t, but before you knew it, Aaron was plating pasta with chicken and mushrooms and broccoli in a sauce that smelled heavenly.
 “Will you tell me now?” You whined as you both sat down at the table to eat. 
“It’s nothing special, really.” he laughed at your antics. “It’s pasta in a lemon-dill cream sauce.” 
“You’ve been holding out on us,” you accused as you took your first bite. “Aaron, this is delicious.” 
He smiled back at you, trying to ignore how much he loved hearing his first name come rolling from your lips. “Well, you helped.” 
“Please. I chopped vegetables and used the can opener. I certainly did not, and could not, whip up a lemon-dill cream sauce on a moment’s notice.” 
You continued to banter over dinner, laughing and smiling in a way it felt like you hadn’t in weeks. Aaron, ever-efficient as he was, had handled most of the cleanup as he was cooking, so all that was left was packing up the leftovers and putting your dishes in the dishwasher. When you closed the fridge, Aaron spoke up again. 
“So, Jess is supposed to drop off Jack tomorrow.” Aaron mentions, with a certain forced casualness. 
“Oh, I can be out of your hair.” You said with a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes.  “I’m sure I can stay with Emily--”
“Woah, woah, slow down.” Aaron stopped you. “I’m not kicking you out. I was just going to say, I can ask Jess to keep him for a little while longer.” 
“Hotch, no way. He’s your son. I’m not kicking him out of his own house or keeping him away from his father.”
“Of course you aren’t. I can go visit him at Jess’s place and when you’re comfortable with him, he can come here.” 
“I’m plenty comfortable with Jack.” You assured him.  “I just meant, won’t it be weird for him, if I’m here? And I don’t want to intrude on your time with him.” 
“You’re not an intruder. Jack loves you. And I--” he started to say something, but caught himself. You decided not to think too hard about it. “I would be happy to have you here, with him.” 
You still felt uneasy-- you knew his time with Jack was precious. You took a deep breath, preparing to strike a compromise. “How about this-- I go stay with Emily-- listen--” you stopped him before he could cut you off. “I go stay with Emily tomorrow night. It’s Saturday. I need some girl time, and Jack needs some dad time. You and Jack can spend the day together, and then I can come back on Sunday and you can talk to him about me being here before I’m actually in his kitchen eating his cinnamon toast crunch. I know he loves me, and I love him too, but I don’t want to overwhelm him.”
You could tell that he wasn’t entirely sold on the idea of you being out of his sight for a whole day, but he wasn’t Josh-- he wasn’t going to try to use his emotions to control your behavior. He didn’t say anything, but you could see the discomfort on his face. You know that sooner or later, you’d have to have a conversation about where you’re actually going to live-- but you decide not to push him any further tonight. 
“I’ll be with Emily the whole time. After today, I’m pretty sure she’d shoot him on sight if given the opportunity. You don’t need to worry.” You told him, reaching over to squeeze his hand. Your touch grounded him, brought him back to reality.
He took a deep breath, resigning himself to give you what you wanted, just as he always would. “And you’re going to take your meds, and take it easy, and not--”
“Yes, dad.” You scoffed. “See, this is why I need you and Jack to take some time. You should get all of this out with him.” you laughed at him, and he grinned back at you. 
“You’re just as stubborn. That’s not my fault.” 
“Some people call that being strong-willed, Aaron.” you teased back, sticking your tongue out at him for good measure. 
Aaron panics slightly when he doesn’t find you in the guest room the next morning, but his anxiety evaporates when he sees you perched on the couch in the living room, your hair thrown up into a bun, sitting criss-cross with your feet tucked underneath you and your laptop on your lap. You’ve brewed a pot of coffee, and Aaron takes a minute to look at you fondly before that nagging voice at the back of his head reminds him that you’re his subordinate, that you were hurting, and that even if you weren’t, you could never love a bitter, old, broken man like him. 
“Working on something?” He asked, interrupting his own spiral. 
Your eyes shot up instantly, not having noticed his entrance. “Nothing important. The coffee’s still hot, I hope you don’t mind.” 
“Of course I don’t mind.” He reminds you, rolling his eyes goodnaturedly. “You’re not an intruder here. Especially not when you make a strong pot of coffee.” 
“Doing anything fun with Jack today?” You asked, shutting your laptop as he sat down at the other end of the couch. 
“It’s supposed to be nice, I think we’ll go to the park. He’s just about ready to take the training wheels off of his bike.” He smiled fondly. 
“Aw, my little man! I’m so excited for him.” You cooed, only brightening Aaron’s smile.
“What about you?” 
“I’m not sure. Emily said I should be ready for brunch and that she, JJ, and Garcia would handle the rest. She mentioned that someone gave her explicit instructions for me to take it easy, so I imagine we’ll probably be skydiving and binge drinking.”
“You think you’re real funny, don’t you?” Aaron asked dryly. 
“Yeah, actually, I do.” You smiled over at him, and the corners of his mouth quirked up before he could force them into their usual stoic line. 
There’s a knock at the door, and you shoot up. “That’s Em.” 
Aaron places a hand on your forearm as you trot past. “Hey.” His gentle voice stops you in your tracks. “Be safe, please? Be vigilant, and call me if anything happens?” He looks up at you, and you can see the lines of concern etched around his dark brown eyes.  
“Nothing’s going to happen, Aaron.” You placed your hand on top of his. “Enjoy your day with Jack. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
There’s a moment that passes between you, and you almost think you’re going to lean and give him a peck on the cheek to say goodbye, but Emily knocks again and you’re both distracted. You roll your eyes at yourself as soon as your back is to Aaron. Clearly these painkillers were taking their toll on you.
When you and Emily arrived at the restaurant, JJ and Garcia were already at an outdoor table waiting for you. The four of you chatted and laughed over pancakes and coffee and fruit before walking around the downtown area shopping. Then JJ started leading you down a less-familiar street. 
“Where are we going?” you asked, picking up your pace a little to walk next to JJ, who was at the front of your four-person group on the sidewalk. 
“That is for us to know, and you to find out.” She winked at you with a smile before taking off ahead. You let her, falling into step with Penelope. 
“You know, too?” 
“Of course I do, kitten. But I’m not spoiling the surprise! Just be patient.” 
You know better than to even try with Emily. You just rolled your eyes, chuckling a little at your friends’ antics. Eventually, JJ is leading you up the steps of a brownstone, set back a little way from downtown. 
“What are we doing?” You asked breathlessly. 
“We’re just taking a peek.” JJ said, opening the door and leading you up to a second-floor unit. 
“This feels illegal.” You remark as Emily produces a pair of keys. 
“I know the owner,” she tells you, swinging the door open and letting you walk inside first.
Natural sunlight pours into the empty apartment. You look to the left and see a granite kitchen island, and crisp white cabinets situated between stainless steel appliances. The space that you assume to be the living area is open, and the room is of course void of furniture, but it’s not hard to imagine a loveseat in the center of the room, a chaise along the far wall, a coffee table in the middle, an open bottle of wine and all of your friends filling the empty space. 
“What are we doing here?” You ask with a little chuckle. 
“Well, we know that Josh’s name is on the lease at your current place.” Penelope starts. “And you just have a lot going on right now, and we wanted to help, so we were looking at some places for you. If you don’t like this one that’s fine, I have a whole catalogue of others sorted by distance from work and walkability and--” 
“You guys didn’t have to do that. Thank you.” You smiled. 
“We wanted to.” JJ tells you. 
“Well, what do you think? Go, look at the bedroom.” Emily prods, and you smile, swinging open the door across the room, revealing a large open bedroom and an en-suite bathroom with a truly gorgeous tile shower. 
“The place looks great, Em, it really does. I’m just going to have to think about it. There’s been a lot going on.” You understate. 
“Of course.” She responds. 
“Not to mention the fact that Hotch barely wanted to release me into your care for the night, so I’m not sure he’ll take well to me moving further than his guest room.” You laughed. 
“He’s got it, bad.” JJ comments offhandedly, and your jaw hits the floor. 
“Jennifer!” You chastise her.
“What? You can’t possibly play dumb here.” She asks. 
“I literally couldn’t have less of a clue what you’re talking about. Hotch has only ever been platonic and professional with me.” You denied.
“Well, of course, but he’s different with you.” Emily defends JJ. 
“Different how?”
“He’s--- he’s just different, sweet cheeks. He lets his walls down, and only by 10% or so, but for Hotch, that’s major.” Garcia supplies.
“He’s protective of you in the field.” JJ notes. 
“He’s protective of all of us in the field. We just get partnered up a lot.” You defend him, although you don’t know why. You’d want nothing more than to let them convince you that you meant something to Hotch the same way he meant something to you, but you couldn’t let yourself believe that. It would only mean more heartbreak later. 
“And who makes that decision?” Garcia reminds you.
“And it’s not just the field. He doesn’t even like it when the local cops look at you the wrong way or give you a hard time.”  Emily adds.
“You all need to get away from work more. You’re profiling when there’s nothing there.” You argue weakly. 
“You’ll see,” JJ smiles, rolling her eyes at you. “We’ll let you off the hook for now. But you might want to put a little thought into why your first worry about getting a new place is what Hotch would think.” 
The rest of the day found you back at Emily’s place, lounging around in comfy clothes and binging shitty rom-coms. You ordered a couple of pizzas for dinner, and passed around twizzlers and coca cola like you were at a middle school sleepover. It was nice. Great, even. Josh wasn’t the biggest fan of your coworkers, and you had grown more distant from them over your time with Josh. The conversation was breezy and light, the evening full of laughter. It wasn’t until later, when everyone was cleaning up and preparing to head out, that your tone became a little more serious. 
“Thank you guys, seriously.”
“You know you don’t have to thank us for eating takeout and watching movies in our sweats.” JJ tells you with a smile as she tosses some candy wrappers.
“And you know that’s not what I’m thanking you for. I know I wasn’t the best friend when Josh and I were together.” 
“Clearly that wasn’t your fault.” Emily reminds you. 
“Maybe not, but I still appreciate everything you all did for me today. I missed you.”
“We missed you too, bug.” Garcia said, wrapping you up in a hug. “Just don’t tell boss man that we stayed past your bedtime.”
You let out a laugh. “He’s so ridiculous.” 
“Ridiculously in loveeee,” JJ sings out teasingly. 
��Watch it, or I’ll tell him you kept me out late drinking!” You joked with her as you and Emily walked JJ and Garcia out the door. You and Emily bid your goodnights to each other as you slipped into her spare room, stretching out across the bed lazily. You feel your phone start to vibrate, but you can’t for the love of god remember which zippered pocket of your go-bag you’d left it in. When it stops vibrating, you let out a frustrated groan. Finally, you find it, in the pocket of the jeans you’d worn to brunch this morning. You have a missed call from Aaron, which you return immediately, flipping back over to lie against the mattress. He picks up on the first ring. 
“Hey, I didn’t wake you, did I?” 
You check the time briefly, rolling your eyes a little. It’s not even midnight. “No, I was awake.” You tell him. 
“Did the girls just leave?” He asks casually, but you know Garcia probably wasn’t joking about Hotch enforcing a bedtime. 
“A while ago. I was in the shower when you called.” 
“You’re an awful liar, you know.” He chuckles at you. 
“I thought we agreed that you were going to let all this parental energy out on Jack.” You responded, hoping he could hear the smirk in your voice. 
“I just don’t want you to push it.” Hotch confesses with a sigh. 
“Hotch, I’m okay. Really. You got me out of there and got me patched up. I’m good now.” you tell him, sitting up against the pillows. 
“I also let you go home with him that night after I saw him hit you.” He reminds you, and although you can’t actually see him, your mental picture of him, head hung and thumb running anxiously against his fingers, is startlingly real.
“I made that choice, Hotch. You gave me an out and I chose not to take it.” You reminded him. “That’s on me.” 
“No, it’s not. This wasn’t your fault.” He’s quick to correct you 
“Not yours, either.” You add.
“He pulled a gun on you that night.” He says, more to himself than to you. 
“Yeah, he did.” You said quietly.
“If I had let you go home with him, and he had--” He starts to spiral, but you pull him out of it. 
“Aaron. I’m right here on the phone with you. You came and got me out of there. I’m okay.” 
“I don’t know what I would have done. I can’t-- I can’t imagine a world without you in it.” He confesses, sounding breathless even though you were sure he was just sitting on the sofa at home. 
“You don’t need to. I’m right here.” You tell him. “Is that why you called?”
“It’s good to hear your voice.” He answers, in his own roundabout way. “Did you have a good day?” 
“Yeah, I did. What about you and Jack?” 
“Yeah, we did. We didn’t quite get the training wheels off yet, but we’re getting there. He’s so excited to see you tomorrow.” 
“He is?” You asked. 
“He is. Are you surprised? He’s not exactly shy about how much he likes you.” 
“No, I guess not,” you laugh, remembering a time he had nearly knocked you over in Aaron’s doorway with the force of his hug. “What did you tell him?’
“I just told him that you’d been feeling a little sick, and that you were going to be staying here until you were feeling better.”
“And he was okay?” 
“His exact words were ‘is she too sick to build legos with me,’ so yeah, I think he’s okay.” He laughed, and you tried to push down the sense of warmth that the sound of his laughter spread throughout your chest. It didn’t work. He interrupted your internal dilemma without realizing it. “I should let you get to sleep.” 
“Try to catch a few hours yourself, Hotchner.” You tell him. 
“I’ll see you in the morning. Goodnight.” 
“Hotch?” You say before he can hang up the phone. 
“Yeah?” He asks. 
“I can’t imagine a world without you in it, either.” You tell him in a whisper that’s almost self-conscious.
“You don’t need to. I’m right here.”
tagging:  @the-modernmary @greeneyedblondie44 @angelic-kisses13 @wanniiieeee @hotforhotchner11  @baumarvel @ssamorganhotchner
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stressy-enby · 3 years
Some Scars aren’t Physical: PART 2
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Iida X GN! Reader
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Allusions to past abuse, swearing, slight panic attack, L-bombs, and the obligatory Izuku texting POV 😜🤪
Summery: (Y/N) had a terrible boyfriend in middle school. He was possessive, manipulative, and just plain awful. Since breaking up with Him, (Y/N)’s had pretty bad relationship anxiety. It’s so bad, that it makes them afraid to pursue their new crush: the kind, earnest class rep, Tenya Iida.
Link to Part 1
Please note: Reader is a little short. Like, Iida’s a tall boi, and Reader’s implied to be short enough to at least have to tilt their head a little to fully see them. If you’re 5’10 or taller, (first of all, fuck you, can I have your height?) then kindly overlook every time reader is described as short. I’m 5’2, leave me alone.
Btw, this is the end, y’all. I only planned 2 parts. Enjoy 😘 
. . .
Summer came. Villains attacked, a classmate was kidnapped and rescued, and you moved into the new school dorm system. You and Tenya had been going out for a little over a month. You were thrilled to be closer to him with the dorms, and he had shared your enthusiasm, even if it was somewhat more contained. 
“Y’know what’s funny?” You looked up at Tenya, swinging your interconnected hands between you. “I still don’t think I’ve gotten used to the convince of the dorms.”
“Well, we haven’t been here very long.” The bespectacled boy mused with a smile. 
“Yeah, but it’s like… somethings I forget that we’re even in the dorms.”
“Really?” Tenya pressed the Up button on the elevator, running his thumb over your knuckles as you waited for the doors to open.
“Uh-huh. Just yesterday Izuku and I were texting and planning a movie night, I made said something like ‘wanna come over to my place or should I head over to yours’, and he was like ‘we’re literally within the same 500 yard radius of each other. It doesn’t matter.’ My dumb ass really thought I was still in my own house.”
Tenya laughed as you pulled him into the waiting elevator and punched in your floor number. “What movie are you planning on seeing?”
“I’m going to make his sit through all of Mama Mia!, and possibly the sequel if we don’t start too late.” You cut your eyes to the side to squint playfully at your boyfriend. “Why? You want in?”
“If you’ll have me, I don’t want to encroach on your “bestie time”.” Tenya pulled his hand out of yours to make over exaggerated air quotes. 
You scoffed, lightly shoving him out of the elevator as it opened on your floor. “I highly doubt he’d care. Homeboy won’t say it to your face, but you’re his bestie too.” You grabbed his forearm, hugging it to yourself.
“If you’re sure, I wasn’t kidding about not wanting to intrude on you and Midoriya’s time. I know he’s important to you.”
You smiled warmly up at him, coming to a stop in front of your dorm room. “I really appreciate that, but you have nothing to worry about. If I didn’t want you there, I wouldn’t offer.”
“Hmm. I just might take you up on that, then.”
Tenya took both your hands in his own, brushing his lips against your knuckles. You giggled softly, squeezing his hands in response.
“I had a lot of fun tonight,” You said quietly. “It’s been really weird lately, we defiantly needed a night out.”
“Yeah. Things seem to be settling down, but I think the training camp incident’s still heavy on many of our minds.” Tenya sighed. “I know it is on mine.”
You hummed, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Then you certainly deserved a date night.”
He chuckled, a soft, blissful expression painting his sharp features. He cleared his throat, his cheeks beginning to darken. “(Y/N), uh, I’m going to ask you something. Before I do though, I want you to know that saying “no” is an expectable answer. I’m not going to be upset, I promise.”
You raised both eyebrows, brows furrowing. “Okay,”
Tenya took a deep breath, squinting his eyes shut for a second before reclaiming eye contact with you. “Can I kiss you?”
You swore the world stopped. You vaguely heard laughter from the dorm a few doors down, but it didn’t register. All that mattered was Tenya. Beautiful, respectful, wonderful Tenya, and how he wanted to kiss you. He hadn’t asked when you’d had your first kiss back in middle school. He just swooped in and-
Nope. You’re not thinking about Him. He’s not here. He can’t hurt you anymore. Tenya’s here, and he’s asking if he can kiss you. 
And you want him to kiss you.
“Yeah. Yeah, I would really like that.”
A small smile cracked across Tenya’s nervous face. He gently cupped you face with his hand. “You’re sure? Absolutely sure that you…”
You stood on your toes, knotting your fingers behind his neck. “Kiss me, Tenya.”
And he happily, albeit nervously complied.
. . .
After a draining school day and the mountain of homework that followed, all you wanted to do was collapse. You flopped over on your bed, groaning into the blanket. You were so tired you didn’t even feel like going down to the main floor for dinner; you figured you could raid your mini fridge when you got hungry.
Tenya’s gonna have a heart attack if he thinks I’m skipping meals, you thought with a dry chuckle. Just as you were unlocking his phone to text him, you heard a knock at your door. 
“Yeah?” You called, refusing to leave the comfort of your bed.
“It’s me, Tenya.” He replied. “Can I come in?”
“Sure. Yeah, get in here.” You sat up to greet your boyfriend, tossing your phone aside.
He entered, pressing a kiss to your forehead before joining you on the bed. “How are you, dear? You’ve been hiding in here since the class ended.”
“Tired. So tired.” You mumbled, leaning into his large frame. 
“Oh, well, that certainly explains your absence.” Tenya remarked. “Are you hungry? I was thinking we could go out someplace to get something to eat. Somewhere off campus.”
“Um, I…”
You’d never liked saying no, especially not to Tenya. You’d never really had a reason to; you usually agreed with whatever he suggested. He’d never liked it when you said no to Him. He’d guilt you into giving into whatever it was He wanted. He’d twist your emotions until you couldn’t do anything but halfheartedly agree to His whims.
You were still far too tired. You couldn’t even bring yourself to go downstairs, much less out of the school. You didn’t want to. You wanted to say no.
But the word wouldn’t form. 
“(Y/N)? Honey, are you okay?” Tenya asked, a concerned expression taking root on his face. “You look distressed, and you’re shaking, what’s wrong?”
“Uh, I-” You swallowed thickly, breathing going funny. “I don’t-”
“Shit,” Tenya muttered under his breath. He slipped off the bed to kneel in front of you, taking both your hands in his own. “Shhh, (Y/N)? I don’t know what’s going on in that head of yours, but I promise you’re going to be okay. Try taking some deep breaths, okay? It’s alright. I’ve got you.”
You slowly calmed down, your anxiety settling as Tenya whispered soothing words and caressed your hands. “I’m okay. Thanks.”
“Of course,” He murmured, brushing hips lips against your knuckles. “Can you tell me what happened?”
You hung your head, shame twinging in your gut. “I’m too tired to go out, but I wasn’t sure how to tell you no. I guess I got nervous.”
“Okay, why is that scary to you?” Tenya retook his seat next to you, rubbing a gentle hand across your back. “‘No’ is an acceptable answer, (Y/N). You shouldn’t force yourself to do anything you don’t want to do.”
You tugged on his shirt, eyes beginning to brim with tears. “Can I sit in your lap?”
“Oh, come here.” Tenya encouraged, opening his arms.
You crawled onto him, sitting sideways on his thighs and leaning against his chest. He tenderly wrapped his arms around you, tucking your head into the crook of his neck.
“I had a boyfriend in middle school who wouldn’t let me say no to Him.” You muttered, nuzzling more into Tenya. “He’d guilt me into doing whatever He wanted. He did a lot of other shit too, I don’t think I can get into all of it right now, though. You’re nothing like Him, and I know that. I really like you a lot, Tenya, and I trust you, but I still get nervous sometimes because I keep thinking about what it was like with him and it’s ruining things with you and I don’t wanna fuck this up and I hate it and-”
“(Y/N), you’re crying.” Tenya interrupted, brushing his thumb across your cheek. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, honey.”
You nodded mutely, wiping the rest of your tears. “ ’m sorry,”
“Please don’t think you have to apologize. I understand. You have nothing to be sorry for.” He assured you, gently rocking you back and forth. “None of this is your fault.”
He held you for another few minutes, rocking you until your tears stopped falling. “Thank you, Ten.”
“You’re welcome, dear.” He kissed your forehead, smiling loving at you."Can you promise me something?”
“I don’t know, what is it?” You asked, squinting.
Tenya laughed softly. “That you’ll say ‘no’ to me when you have to.”
“I’ll try,” You twisted your shirt in your fingers. “I don’t want you to be upset with me, though.”
“For what? Having your own opinion? Not wanting to do something?” He pulled away from you a little to look you in the eyes. “That’s unfair to you. You’re far too precious to me. I don’t want you to feel like you’re trapped being with me.”
You laughed breathily, smiling for the first time all night. “That’s just it, Tenya. I don’t feel trapped. I feel free.”
Tenya let out a dumbfounded laugh, blush spreading across his face. “W-well, I’m glad.”
You softy threaded your fingers into his hair, kissing him sweetly. He melted into your touch, pacing a hand on the back of your head.
“Thank you,” You whispered against his lips.
“For what?”
“For just… being you. You’re amazing, Ten.” You pursed your lips, organizing your thoughts. “And… I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.”
Tenya’s grip on you suddenly slackened out of shock. You would’ve slid right out of his lap if you hadn’t anchored yourself by griping his shoulders.
“Woah, sorry,” Tenya quickly gathered you into his arms again, face burning. “You surprised me. Um, did- did you mean it?”
“How could I not?”
 Tenya let out a dazed puff of air, a flustered smile tugging at the cornered of his lips. He lightly kissed your jaw, his fingers dancing over your waist with a feather-light touch. “I love you too, (Y/N).”
. . . 
(Y/N): Yeah, I was just too tired to go down to dinner. Don’t worry, I’ve got food up here. Tenya wanted to go out for dinner, but a minor panic attack changed his mind 😎
Izuku: Wait, panic attack? What happened?
(Y/N): He asked if we could go, and I got a little nervous about telling him no
(Y/N): I freaked out a little bit, and he held me for a while. I told him a little about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
Izuku: …Voldemort??
(Y/N): 😑
(Y/N): Yes, Izuku. I dated Voldemort in middle school.
Izuku: Lol, how’d that convo go?
(Y/N): Really well, actually. Tenya was supper understanding. God I love him.
Izuku rolled his eyes, snickering as he texted back, Totally news to me. 🤣 When did you come to that realization? 
As he hit send, a different text notification slid across the screen.
Iida: (Y/N) got anxious about something and explained a little of their “bad dating experience” you mentioned to me. They were a little distressed about the whole thing, but they still managed to fluster me.
“What am I, the middle man?” Izuku asked himself, sighing as he texted his friend back.
Izuku: Ooh boy. What’d they do?
Another text from you. Izuku navigated back to your thread. This was already getting tiresome.
(Y/N): I dunno. We had a date a month-ish ago, and we had our first kiss afterwards. I think I may’ve had some sort of idea that I was in love with him then, when he asked if he could kiss me.
Iida again. “Good grief,” Izuku muttered.
Iida: They told me they loved me. It threw me for a loop, but I managed to regain control of my senses to tell them that I loved them too.
Izuku: Geez, you two are hopeless.
Iida: What do you mean?
Izuku: I’m currently switching back and forth between texting both you and (Y/N) gushing over each other.
Iida: Oh.
Izuku: Yeah man. This is fun and all, but (Y/N) called me as their wingman first. Go get your own, lmao
Switching back over to your message, Izuku sent one last text:
Izuku: That’s really sweet. Anyway, Iida is also texting me at the exact same time as you are. Thought I’d pass along a message he didn’t ask me to pass: he’s head over heels for you. I’m now muting my phone. Being friends with you two is exhausting. 
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eartht137 · 3 years
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Oh curvies I have another part to put up for you. I'm hoping this is enjoyable please feel free to leave feedback, I need it lol. Not too much to say about this chapter except here ya go. I had fun writing more about Lois in this chapter and giving her perspective a bit about the whole "friendship" so let me know so I can improve. Alright read away love ya MMMMwwwwahhhhh!!!
Summary: Clark and Y/n have been spending a lot of time together. Y/n has asked Clark to invite Lois along but she hardly ever shows up. Y/n doesn't think much of it, but she should, because Lois wants time with her man and Y/n is in the way. How will Clark handle the distance though?
Dark Clark Kent x Black!Plus Size Reader
Over the next few weeks you and Clark spent almost everyday together, and you were starting to feel a bit bad that Lois hadn't been able to join, but a handful of times. Clark spent every moment he had available working to get you to fully trust him and you finally relented to having movie night at his place.
"Hey bestie." You greeted as you removed you jacket.
"I was thinking, I want to take you out one day." he commented from his couch as you began moving around his kitchen to start making dinner.
"Uh, no." You said calmly.
"You do realize I've only seen you your uniform, casual clothes, and pajamas. I've never seen you dressed up."
"Well tough luck Kent," You said pointing a big metal spoon at him. "I don't do dress up." You said sticking your nose in the air.
"You don't do a lot of things." He complained under his breath. You held the cooking spoon to your chest and calmly walked in front of him. "It is my job in my life and the next to give you the biggest amount of grief and shit since you made the decision to bulldoze your way into my blissful loneliness." he erupted into a fit of laughter as you spoke in your overly proper accent. "Furthermore, I shall repeat my earlier sentiment. I don't do dress up. Now, Mr. Kent, I am preparing our meal and you shall behave if you want dessert." You said holding you overly proper dramatic demeanor.
"Dessert?" He asked biting his lip, his mind traveling to dangerous thoughts.
"Oh yes, a quite delightful dessert-a mortal weakness of mine." You said in a dramatically evil way, rubbing your hands together as if you'd created something diabolical.
"Oh god here we go." Clark said pinching the bridge of his nose.
"CHOCOLATE!!!!" You both yelled out together, you added and evil laugh at the end and walked like Igor to the stove, rubbing circles on the glass.
"Yes, yes, bake my pretty's and we shall take over this world-TOGETHER!!!" You definitely had Clark in tears of laughter. A slow clap brought him out of his euphoric laughter. You both looked and saw Lois standing in the door way and she didn't seem too happy. You assumed it was because of work.
"Hey Lois." You said cheerfully not really noticing how she was looking between you and Clark.
"What's going on?" She asked folding her arms across her chest.
"It's movie night." You said excited that she was there. "Come, come. I show you." You said getting back in character to cheer her up. You Igor walked with her back to the kitchen making her laugh even though she was upset and didn't want to. You opened the stove and showed her the dessert. "Shh shh, no one must know of my plan." You said rubbing your hands together evilly.
"What plan?" She asked confused.
"To take over the world with CHOCOLATE!!!" You said throwing your hands in the air adding the evil laugh at the end.
"Go, go you must go and prepare yourself." You said shooing her away.
"Prepare myself?" she asked even more confused.
"For movie night. A night of terrifying, horrible, scary-wait, what are we watching again?" you asked Clark. He said a movie you hated and you immediately deflated laying on the floor in tantrum style. "You said we wouldn't watch that one. No wait, its our viewer of honors turn to choose. Lois, you don't know how great it is to have you for movie night!" you said jumping up genuinely excited. She couldn't help but smile because she could see you didn't have bad intentions, but the same couldn't be said for Clark. She really didn't know what his deal was. She questioned him from the beginning when he began to talk about you and your work. She didn't think much of it at first, even when he invited you for dinner at his mom's, she honestly thought he was just being nice because you were a loner in his class, but when the movie nights and friend outings overshadowed their relationship, that's when she realized something else was up. She saw the long stares and smiles at you, she remembered when he used to look at her that way. The only thing that kept her certain that he still loved her was that he hadn't told you his biggest secret. Your gasp startled them out of there stare down.
"I forgot the whipped cream." You said urgently.
"There's some in the fridge." Clark said pointing at the refrigerator. You put your hands on your hips and glared at him.
"Is it cool whip?" You asked waiting for his answer and his silence was answer enough. "Its alright, I'll go get some."
"You most certainly will not. I'll go get some. I'll be right back."
"Woah dude, you're forgetting the cash." You said fishing in your pocket for money. He chuckled, ruffled your fro, and left. "Dude, I said not the mop." you said fixing your hair.
"So..." Lois said a bit awkwardly as you walked back to the kitchen.
So, how's everything at the Daily Planet going? Clark was telling me you were on this really big blow up article. I can help. I can go and get info that way you don't have to and you can spend more time with Clark." You said with a smile.
"Yeah, lets talk about that, spending more time with Clark. How about you back off a bit and not spend so much time with him."
"Oh-I...." You trailed off feeling a bit uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize-I....I didn't know, honest, but you're absolutely right. I'm so sorry." You said genuinely feeling bad that Clark hadn't been spending time with her as you thought. You respected that she needed him and even though you tried to avoid it, you figured something like that would happen. "Should-do you want me to leave?" You asked not wanting to make her uncomfortable.
"No, stay, just....I need him too. Tonight's okay, but just a couple of weeks? I need him to myself." she said hoping you'd understand.
"I completely understand." you said continuing to prepare the meal for the evening. You really wanted to leave, but you didn't want to make everything awkward. When Clark made it back, Lois was able to keep up the act, you weren't. Clark could tell right off something was up, even when you kept saying you were okay, he could tell you were lying. Once dinner was done, you all sat quietly watching the movie Lois had picked. Soon he and Lois had fallen asleep together on the couch. Taking that as your moment, you tried to leave as quietly as you could. You were just opening the door when you heard him stir awake.
"Y/n? Where are you going? Its too late."
You quickly rushed out and left without saying a word. That was the last he heard from you for almost 3 weeks. You didn't show up for class in person, only opting to take the online course for awhile, and you wouldn't answer his texts or calls. One evening after not getting a response, Clark was fed up and he was ready to confront you about your sudden absence. When he got to your door he saw that it wasn't fully closed. He heard your muffled cries and made his way to make sure you were okay. He saw you burying your face in the pillow trying to quiet your cries. His arms wrapped around you like a blanket and you immediately began to calm down and feel better. After awhile when you calmed down, you tried to get up, but Clark held you still. He went and got you a glass of water and aspirin. He made sure you got everything down safely and he hovered over you not giving you room to escape.
"Are you okay?" He asked still caging you in. You nodded. "What's going on? Why have you been avoiding me? I thought we were friends? I would've been able to be here to help you but you shut me out and I want to know why?"
"Clark, really? Right now?"
"You're damn right, right now."
"You can't spend everyday with me and neglect Lois, its not right. She needs you to be there for her and you can't do that hanging around with me." You said trying to get from under him.
"She said something to you?"
"Of course she did, I assumed she'd spoken with you, I just didn't want to upset her or cause problems."
"You didn't want to upset her? Oh right, but you didn't think of how it would upset me, your friend?"
"Clark, are you even listening? Lois needs you she-"
"I'm not talking about Lois, I'm talking about you and me. You don't shut me out like that. Did you even consider what I would think or feel? Did you think of maybe coming to me and talking about it?"
"N-no, I-"
"No you didn't, you were being selfish!" He yelled making you feel bad. You'd never seen him so upset and you immediately wanted to make it right.
"Dude, I'm sorry okay. I just felt so bad that I was coming between your relationship, I just didn't want to upset her."
"Once again, we're not talking about her, we're talking about you and me. I'm trying to make you understand that what you did was hurtful."
"-and I'm explaining why I did it. I was asked to step back, so I did. What more should I have done?"
"You should've come to me! You talk to me and tell me what's going on."
"Clark, yes you are my friend, but that is mad disrespectful and I won't disrespect her. She came first, I'm just the little lost puppy you picked up okay? You can't neglect her you will lose her." you tried explaining to him. He stared at you for a second, before storming off. He went and stood on your patio to cool off and you took him a drink as a peace offering. When you handed it to him, he grabbed your hand in his.
"Don't ever do that again." He chastised before pulling you into a big hug. That night, you both cooked dinner together and sat to talk a bit more.
"Clark, I know you might not want to talk about it anymore, but I really do think you need to talk with Lois. She needs you more than you know."
"She doesn't need me, she hasn't needed me for a long time. We don't even sleep together anymore. I can't even remember the last time we had sex." he said taking a long swig of his beer. You shifted a bit uncomfortably. That was a huge no-no topic for you and you fought to keep the image from crossing your mind. You already felt bad for the very vivid dreams you'd been having about him, so vivid they'd jerk you awake.
"You really should talk to her." you whispered. "I-I have something I wanted to tell you."
"Oh yeah?" he asked curious.
"I met someone, we're just getting to know each other now, but I really like them. They're super awesome and super sweet, and before you ask, its not the guy from class." you said smiling and finally looking at him. You noticed that he looked pissed. His jaw was tight and he wouldn't look at you. "Dude you okay?" he sat silent for a moment too long. "Clark, what's wrong?" He didn't say anything, he just got up and walked out of your apartment. It was his turn to ghost you and you didn't speak with him again until you decided to go back to class in person and you'd hoped whatever was bugging him had passed. When you walked in class, he didn't even acknowledge you and you were hurt. You waited back after class to at least speak to him. Once everyone cleared out you tried talking to him.
"Hey, how've you been?" you asked carefully.
"Oh I've just been, trying to spend time with Lois as requested." He snipped at you.
"O-kay well, just wanted to check on you." you said turning to leave, but he grabbed your hand.
"No, don't leave. I'm sorry, its just...it been a really long day and I haven't talked to my friend in weeks. Come on, lets go to the office." He said leading you back to the back. You both sat back there catching up and joking.
"Well I have a favor to ask, and I promise you don't have to if you can't or don't want to, but I wanted to ask if you and Lois would like to come on a double date with me and my new partner this weekend."
The look he gave you quickly made you rethink asking him that question.
"I mean you don't have to, I understand if you have plans."
He stood stone still staring at you for way too long, then he smiled.
"Yeah, we'll be there. What time and where?" He asked.
What you'd missed was the deviousness dripping off of his voice because his smile made it seem like he was being nice. You gave him all the info and hugged him before waving goodbye.
"Dinner this weekend huh?" Clark said to himself. "Dinner is going to be very nice." He said before getting his material together for his next class.
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heytherejulietx · 3 years
okay you already know what I want, but that prompt 35 pls and if you want a kissing one with it, top of head kiss would work well 🥰 ILY BESTIE
Hurt / Comfort prompt list.
Kisses prompt list.
Reggie Mantle - Helping the other person when they’re sick and have nobody else to help. | Top of the head kiss.
Riverdale tag list - @bucky-j-barnes @adorably-sweet-hufflepuff @kpopgirlbtssvt @booksmusicteaandanimals @happy-puff @cheryllclayton @jesso80 @dietbreadloaf @thebluetint @lilireinhartsimp @camiczzzz @bitchy-broken @crazyninjalight @luella-cane @literarygetaway21 @hopeversusillusions
To join my tag list fill out this form.
Y/N let out a low groan into her pillow when her phone started ringing, the noise so loud it hurt her head, which already felt like she had been hit with a shovel. She reached her arm out and patted across her bedside table for a moment so she didn’t have to open her eyes, which felt like they were glued shut; and managed to knock over a bottle of water and a photo frame in the process. By the time she had picked up the phone she was frowning, huffing as she answered it and put it to her ear.
“Hmm?” She managed to briefly hum as she rolled onto her back, her body aching and sore.
“Good morning sweetcheeks,” Her best friend’s voice boomed over the phone and she groaned, immediately turning the volume down. “Woah, ouch, not happy to hear from me?”
“You’re too loud Reggie,” Y/N complained quietly as she lifted her hand to rub her eyes. “Why are you calling, shouldn’t you be in class?”
“Shouldn’t you?” Reggie countered, and she winced a little.
Y/N had meant to tell him she wouldn’t be in school the night before but she must’ve passed out before she had the chance. She hadn’t been feeling too well for the whole weekend; her fever kept getting worse and each throb of her headache felt like a direct shot to the brain. To make it worse her parents weren’t home as they were out for two weeks on a trip, so she was on her own. And she definitely didn’t have enough energy to even crawl out of bed, let alone go to school.
“Sorry Reg I meant to say, I can’t come in today.”
“Why not?” She could practically hear him pouting over the phone and couldn’t help the slight smile that passed over her lips.
“‘Cause I don’t feel too well. I’ll sleep it off today and I’ll be back tomorrow, promise.” She said quietly, before she lifted her arm to muffle a coughing fit that came along suddenly, leaving her chest and throat burning as she frowned.
“Shit, Y/N, that sounds bad. Are you okay?” Reggie asked, his voice softer than before and full of concern, something rare for the jock. “Can you ask your parents to get you some medicine or something?”
“They’re not home,” Y/N told him, wheezing slightly when she started feeling another coughing fit coming along. “Look Reg I need to go, don’t worry about me I’ll be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah okay, see you.” Reggie responded before she lifted the phone from her ear and ended the call, sighing as she just dropped her phone onto the duvet, too tired to reach over and put it back on her nightstand.
As quickly as she had been woken up her eyes started closing again, drifting off into an uncomfortable and achey sleep that she expected to drift in and out of all day.
What was not expected was a loud knock at her door just over an hour later, followed by four impatient rings of her doorbell.
Y/N scowled as she opened her eyes, hoping whoever was there would go away, though after six more impatient rings of her doorbell and bangs against the door that she was sure could leave a dent she groaned and forced herself out of bed to open the door.
Everything was sore as she got to her feet and shuffled into her slippers, still in the same pyjama trousers and an old Bulldogs jumper that she had stolen from Reggie that she had been in for the whole weekend. Her hair was still up in the same beyond messy bun too, loose hairs spreading out like she had been electrocuted. The flush in her cheeks from her fever was prominent, sticking out against the pale sickly colour of the rest of her face.
By the time she had gotten to the door she was wheezing from another coughing fit, and had to cover her mouth with her arm again as she pulled it open to reveal who was there.
Reggie Mantle.
“M’lady.” He bowed falsely as she had opened the door and she frowned in confusion, eyeing him up.
He was still dressed like he was going to school, his backpack still slung over his shoulder, though in his arms he carried a flask, a handful of sunflowers that looked suspiciously like the ones she had in her front garden, a water bottle, and a bottle of medicine.
“Reggie, what- what are you doing here?” Y/N’s mouth opened as she stared at him, more confused than anything. He didn’t particularly like school but he never skipped Mondays - Mondays were the days for Bulldogs practice.
“I’m here to see my favourite little honey-bun of course.” Reggie teased as he reached out a somehow free hand and gently tapped the edge of her nose before he held everything with two hands again as he stepped inside without waiting for her to let him, allowing the door to shut behind him.
“You have school.” Y/N deadpanned, and he rolled his eyes as he looked at her.
“Thanks Captain Obvious, what a real find you have there.” Reggie responded and Y/N huffed as she crossed her arms.
“No seriously Reg what’re you doing here, you’re gonna miss class and-“ Y/N started before she cut herself off as she started coughing again, wincing as the pain spread through her chest with every cough she let into her sleeve.
“Okay calm down before you end up dying on me,” Reggie shook his head, emptying his arms onto the nearest surface so he could gently rub her back as she coughed. “You said your parents weren’t here and it’s really shitty to have to be sick on your own so I wanted to help.”
When Y/N had turned to look at him he was smiling genuinely which caused a similar expression to form over her lips, thankful that he would do something so kind for her. “Thanks Reg.”
“No problem,” He shook his head, before he paused and moved to grab the flowers again and held them out to her. “These are for you, sugar plum.” He teased and she rolled her eyes but took the flowers nonetheless.
“Thank you, I’ve got some sunflowers just like this outside.” Y/N smiled and almost laughed out loud at the panicked look that briefly crossed his face.
“What a coincidence,” Reggie mumbled, scratching the back of his neck, before he cleared his throat and took the flowers back from her. “Okay, you go get in bed and I’ll get these in a glass and sort everything else out.”
“Everything else? Reggie what-“
“Go, now, don’t make me count to three.” He threatened jokingly, and though she rolled her eyes she still turned to walk back upstairs, leaving Reggie to fumble around downstairs. He had been in her house enough times to know where everything was already. Reggie usually came to her house when things were getting hard with his dad, and although her parents claimed to have no clue what his situation with his dad was like, there was always a blow-up bed prepared on her bedroom floor when he happened to stay for dinner.
Y/N got back into bed and propped her pillows up so she was sat against the headboard, signing as she leaned back. It was another ten minutes before Reggie walked through her bedroom door, carrying a tray with him that he placed on her bedside table. On the tray sat the sunflowers in a glass of water, a bottle of water, a bottle of medicine, and a bowl of soup - which was what she was assuming was in the flask he brought. Even though he didn’t seem like the type, Reggie was an amazing cook, and made the best soup. She had mentioned how much she liked it once, and somehow since then whenever she was feeling sad or unwell Reggie brought her some of his soup for her to have.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile softly as she watched him carefully place the tray down before he moved to sit on the bed beside her, passing over the bowl of soup with a spoon.
“Thank you, Reggie.” Y/N said softly, her voice full of sincerity as she leaned against him slightly, smiling further into her first spoonful of soup when she felt his arm curl around her shoulders.
Y/N and Reggie had always been very close. It was normal for them to hold hands, or for him to carry her, or to pretty much do everything that a couple would do, other than kiss. Half of the time Y/N didn’t know where they stood on terms of their relationship, whether they were best friends or whether they were more, but she knew for a fact that she wouldn’t trade it for anything; she had the best person on the planet all to herself.
Y/N ate the soup quietly as she listened to Reggie telling some story about football, letting him do all of the talking as she had the soup that he had made for her. She didn’t look away from him as he spoke, and before she knew it she had finished the whole bowl of soup and half of her bottle of water by the time his story was over.
She wheezed again as she coughed which prompted Reggie to reach over and grab the bottle of medicine, causing her to frown a little.
“The liquid stuff’s really gross.” She pouted, and Reggie just rolled his eyes as he poured a spoonful out.
“Take it or I’ll spoon feed you.” Reggie threatened jokingly, and thinking he wouldn’t she just shook her head and didn’t take the spoon from him, leaving him holding it up in the air.
Reggie just shook his head and lifted his spare hand up to her, a finger underneath her chin which he used to tilt her head upwards. Her mouth fell agape upon shock of the action, her heart suddenly fluttering in her chest madly, so he used the opportunity to fit the spoon into her mouth so she could have the medicine.
Y/N pulled a face as soon as the bitter taste hit her tongue which prompted the jock to laugh as he took the spoon back, and handed her the water bottle to wash away the bad taste.
“Aww you’re so cute, you know that snookums?” He teased as he tucked her underneath his arm again, and she just groaned quietly as she nudged his ribs with her elbow.
“Cut it with the pet names, Mantle.” She huffed quietly as she let her head drop to rest on his shoulder.
“Why, pumpkin, you’re just way too adorable to stop.” Reggie teased again and grinned, causing her to just roll her eyes in response.
After a moment she watched as Reggie reached over to her bedside table to grab her hairbrush, and before she could ask what he was doing, she felt his fingers carefully pull the current hair tie out of her hair before he started running the brush through her hair gently. Her eyes fluttered closed as he brushed her hair, and then ran his fingers through it after; which caused butterflies to pool in her stomach and a stupid girlish smile to paint over her lips.
She stayed quiet for another few moments as she leaned into him, fiddling with the sleeves of his jumper she was wearing to keep her fingers busy before she turned her head to look up at him again once he had finished brushing her hair, leaving it in a loose ponytail once he was done. “Thank you for coming today,” She said softly, meeting his eyes as he smiled genuinely too. “It means a lot.”
“It’s no problem, I just didn’t want you to be alone.” He said softly and shrugged a little.
Y/N smiled softly, though yawned before she could say anything else, her eyes closing for a brief moment. With being exhausted from being sick anyways, paired with the warm soup in her belly and the comforting arm around her shoulders, it was extremely tempting to fall asleep there and then.
“Get some sleep,” Reggie mumbled as he gently rubbed her arm, prompting her eyes to close properly. “I’ll still be here when you wake up.”
“Thanks Reg.” Y/N whispered softly with a sleepy smile across her lips.
“Of course.” He muttered, and pressed a kiss to the top of her head which caused her to smile a little more as she relaxed into him, sleepy and happy in the arm of her best friend.
Best friend, though maybe more.
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hueningkaisbabi · 4 years
Sweets ~ Saiki k
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Chapter 5 ~ Hugs
pairing: saiki k x fem!reader
summary: saiki goes to his favorite café and his “not“ friends follow him. When he’s there the waitress who serve some coffee jelly captures his eye and his mind with her thoughts and looks.
genre: happy stuff
after the night in the park it seemed as you and saiki got closer
not besties but he would message you randomly
and the conversations were not awkward
which you were glad about since whenever he was with his friends he always seemed uncomfortable
while serving table you felt your phone go off in you back pocket
grabbing it you saw messages
saiki k: hey are you working
y/n: yes i am! come in i’ll give you coffee jelly
not even a second after sending that the pink haired boy walked through the door
“Saiki- kun! welcome back, that was really fast”
“i wanted coffee jelly is that so bad” his face was calm but his eyes sparkled seeming excited for the coffee jelly
“have a seat saiki i’ll bring it to you right now”
“ok thank you” he’s very blunt you thought
he’s sweet in a monotone way, very interesting
“here you go saiki! enjoy” you walked away knowing he was already munching on the jelly
it was 2:30 when he came in and you ended work at 4:30
still serving tables you noticed saiki still sitting there but with books around him
“saiki why are you still here?”
“i’m doing homework but i wanted to walk tou home i hope that’s okay”
“awww saiki that’s really sweet thank you but i don’t want you to wait long”
“it’s okay y/n”
“okay maybe i’ll finish early have fun with your studies” you laughed and stuck out your tounge
you could see a slight smirk on his face
a little while later you were just sitting behind the counter when your phone went off again
teruhashi: hai y/n!
have you seen saiki???
he was supposed to walk me home
seeing these text messages you suddenly felt bad wondering why saiki came to walk you but left teruhashi
saiki hearing these thoughts was losing it
are you kidding me right now
saiki put the idea in your head to ask him what this was about so he could explain
and so you wouldn’t tell teruhashi he was here
you should ask saiki you suddenly thought
walking over to his table
“hey saiki... um can i ask you something”
“sure. sit” moving his books from you side
“this is kinda weird but why are you walking me and not teruhashi?”
“what?” he said acting obliviously
you showed him the messages
“this sounds bad but why would you want to walk me when you can walk someone as beautiful as her”
you were looking down a little ashamed because you teruhashi liked him and yet he was walking you.
a nobody
“you are beautiful y/n. very. i wanted to walk you because i wanted to. i never said i would walk teruhashi and she never asked me too”
“oh... thank you saiki” you turned your head towards the window trying to hide your blush
he could tell you were flustered
suddenly he sort of regretted it thinking you’d start liking him now but that wasn’t the case with you
it kinda pained him for some reason that you weren’t fan forking over him but he didn’t know why
saikis so sweet, i’ll give him another coffee jelly! you thought
saiki froze, woah
you got up “i’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere” you were smiling devilishly as if he didn’t already know
bringing him the jelly you sat it in front of him
“thanks for being a great friend saiki! i’m sorry about teruhashi, i’ll tell her i haven’t seen you. hopefully that’s not to mean”
turning around to grab your phone he smiled to himself
thank god he thought
~time skip~
once your shift was done you walked over to his table again where he was sitting silently waiting
books all packed
“im ready saiki let’s go” you didn’t realize but while looking away from him
the walk home was pretty silent
which was nice for you both
the silence was relieving and i guess that’s what comes with good friendships
is not needing to stay talking all the time
your thoughts weren’t running wild either
just thinking of normal stuff
dinner and a movie maybe you thought to yourself
ooooo i’ll watch avengers maybe, that sounds cool
he was weirdly fascinated by your liking of avengers
once you made it to your house sailing was just about to walk off after your goodbyes
when you went for it
hugging the pink haired boy
he was startled not listening to your thoughts for a second he missed it
“thank you for being a great friend saiki! have a great night! byee”
you said while running inside afraid of the reaction
he was stunned, motionless for a second
he was touched
by a girl
a pretty one at that
walking home silently he smiled to himself
what a great night
you both thought laying in bed drifting to sleep
hung out with my friend this week. was an amazing time so i didn’t have time to update my bad! hopefully this is good. if you have any requests or suggestions please send them in!!
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starcountesseevee · 4 years
A Rocket Coincidence (Part 14)
Part 13 / Part 15
     Kali woke with a massive headache and groaned as she pulled the covers over her head to shield her eyes from the daylight seeping in through her curtains. Hangovers were the worst. She tried to get comfortable again and fall back asleep but the pounding in her head had other plans. She eventually gave in and slid her legs over the side of the bed, slowly getting to her feet while using her nightstand to steady herself.
     The house was quiet which meant Mara was probably still asleep. Lucky her. Kali shuffled into the kitchen to get a couple of advil to ease her headache, leaving the box out for whenever Mara woke up, and to start a pot of coffee. Kali was curled up on the couch mostly through her second cup with Mara came out. 
     “Mornin’.”  Kali greeted her friend who looked like how Kali felt.
     “Oh thank the stars you made coffee.” After pouring herself a cup Mara plopped down on the couch next to Kali and got comfy with her head leaning on Kali’s shoulder. “Let’s not do that again for a while.”
     “Or ever.”
     “Or ever indeed.” Mara started to laugh but stopped abruptly, groaning as her head throbbed. They lapsed into silence for a few minutes before Mara spoke again. “How ya feelin?”
     Kali paused before answering, knowing Mara didn’t mean the hangover. “I’m fine.” 
     “You sure?”
     “I said I’m fine.” She didn’t mean to snap and immediately felt bad. “I’m sorry, I just...don’t want to talk about it right now.” 
     “Well, if you do I’m here for you, you know that.” Mara squeezed Kali’s leg reassuringly. 
     “I know and that’s why we’re besties.” 
     After breakfast Mara went to get ready to go down to the studio for the day. Kali waited until she was gone to jump in the shower and hopefully get rid of the last of her hangover. She leaned against the shower wall, letting the hot water cascade down her back as she thought back to last night. She felt so stupid. This whole time she had thought...no, she stopped herself. She shouldn’t have thought anything at all. She frowned angrily, apparently the water wasn’t the only thing getting steamed.
     Back in her room Kali glanced irritably at her Pokegear that was still sitting face down on her nightstand. She wasn’t even sure if there would be any messages but she couldn’t very well ignore it forever. Pursing her lips she picked it up and was surprised to see six new messages and a missed call, all from Cliff. Her finger hovered over the unread messages, the preview of the latest one saying *If you could just…*, but instead of clicking on it she closed the app and set it back down. She wasn’t going to let him know she read them just yet. 
     Instead Kali threw herself into cleaning the house; partly to keep her mind off the texts but also because she felt bad Mara was taking care of classes today. By the time Mara got in for the night the house was sparkling and Kali was just finishing dinner.   
     “Woah, someone was busy.” 
     “Just a little, hope you're hungry.” 
     "Starving, let me get washed up real quick." Mara headed towards the bathroom but paused with her hand on the kitchen door frame. "Anything from…." She let the sentence trail off. 
     "Dunno. Didn't look." Kali shrugged. Was it just her imagination or did Mara seem disappointed? 
     “You can’t avoid it forever, you know.”
     “I know.” Mara looked like she was going to say something else but instead turned to leave. They ate dinner in relative quiet, the only conversation being about the shipment from Erika that had arrived and Kali agreeing to set up the display the next day. 
     Mara insisted on doing the dishes so Kali took Nero and Rowan out for a short walk. When she returned Mara regarded her coolly from the couch as Kali took off her shoes but otherwise didn't say anything; as she often did when she didn't want to start an argument. 
     "Okay, okay, fine!" Kali sighed loudly before retrieving her Pokegear from where it had been sitting all day and plopped on the sofa next to Mara. “Here.” She handed it to Mara with the screen open to messages. “You do it.”
     “You sure?” 
     “Mhmm.” Mara eyed Kali for a long moment before looking down at the screen. She was quiet as she read through them.
     “I dunno, he seems pretty sincere.” 
     Kali couldn’t take the suspense and took her Pokegear back, reading over the messages herself. 
     *You look nice.* 9:14pm
     *Having fun?* 9:26pm
     *This is what you meant by spoken for, huh?* 9:49pm
     *Ignoring me?* 10:33pm
     *Look this got blown out of proportion, Sierra is NOT my date or girlfriend. Please let me explain.* 12:57am
     *Missed call* 1:12am
     *If you could just let me know you got home safe?* 1:31am
     *You there? Can we talk?* 2:08pm
     Kali closed out of the messages and tossed the Pokegear on the couch next to her as she tried to process the array of emotions she was feeling. On one hand he did seem sincere and she wanted to believe him but she saw what she saw last night. How could anyone not have seen?
     “Well?” Mara questioned after a few moments.
     “I don’t know. You saw them last night too! It's not just me!” Kali tried to justify her reaction. “That Sierra,” She practically spat out the name, “Was all over him! There’s no way there isn’t something there. Right? I mean come on, of course he has a girlfriend and of course she’s Team Rocket.” 
     “I dunno he says she’s not, maybe it's worth hearing him out.” 
     “Who’s side are you on?” Kali scowled. 
     “Always yours, girl.” Mara stood and leaned down to give Kali a kiss on the top of her head. “I’m meeting Jules for a bit, don’t wait up.”
     “Yeah, yeah, rub it in.” Kali teased, sticking her tongue out at Mara's back. 
     "Seriously though, at least consider hearing him out." 
     "Maybe." Kali watched Mara leave and hugged one of the couch pillows to her chest. "Maybe…"
Part 13 / Part 15
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jbbuckybarnes · 5 years
Petal Light - 3/7
Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Petal) Summary: Hydra has taken over, there is surveillance everywhere and you need to stay covered or inside as much as possible. The Avengers slowly begin to form a resistance with civilians to start taking down Hydra bit by bit. Who thought your mind would be occupied with a little light that runs all around the compound? Warnings: Fun, mission, a little girl being abandoned in a building A/N: This is not beta read, but I hope you’ll enjoy it anyway!
M A S T E R L I S T | Petal Light Masterlist
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“Steve, Nat, Petal? You’re gonna get a few blocks to go through, might bring us up to our goal for 50 people to give training to.” Tony said the next day at your Sunday noon meeting. “Alright. Downing a few drones, sending people to sweep. Repeat. Talk to them, create morale, let the others train them into good shooters and fighters for a few weeks. Pick out the soldiers to immediately help the resistance. Although, those might be hard to find with the extensive data the military and all those agencies had on all of them to seek them out.” you added your own two cents. “Let’s go.” Nat grinned and picked the device from the table. “Gonna have to brainstorm a few resistance ideas, calls and strategies with you two on the way.” You smirked at Steve and Nat and she smirked back, that was your bestie.
“Teaching them hand-to-hand, how to disarm and how to shoot. And some survival basics.” Nat mumbled in the car to the mission area. “Medical basics but that’s like a weekend of information and we can give them little flyers about it,” you added. “Maybe preparing them as well as we can for killing someone,” Steve chimed in. “Yeah, that’s pretty damn important,” you mumbled. “We’re here, ready to take down some drones?” Nat grinned at Steve and you and everyone shared a nod before you got out of the car and into the next best cover.
“Patrol!” Nat whispered over to you and you tensed up. “Damn!” You mumbled. She counted down on her fingers before you both ducked out of your covers and took down one Hydra agent each. “Hostile activity detected!” You heard from a robotic voice and turned around to a drone light shining on you. You pressed the button to EMP the device and it fell out of the sky, Steve catching it just in time. “We need to move, NOW!” Steve ordered and you all got in the car and drove to the next block, this time parking in a back alley.
“Great, now we have to be extra careful with drones AND hostiles,” you grumbled before pressing the button again, catching the drone gracefully. “With each drone, they see going offline, they will know where we are,” Nat whispered before walking to the other exit of the alley and downing the drone there. “One block done, one to go.” Steve documented. You spoke into your earpiece, “The sweeping team might need extra backup, we might’ve triggered a drone out here.” “Great,” Tony answered sarcastically. “I know,” you grumbled. --- “We found her all alone.” One of the trusted SHIELD agents came towards you with a child after the sweep mission ended. She had a little girl on her arm, maybe 4 and clearly a little bit uncomfortable and scared. “Left a note where we found her in case her parents just were somewhere else.” The agent continues. Team Cap stood left and right to you, turning all soft when the child started to scan through them and began to recognize them. She visibly relaxed and you got closer, “What’s your name?” “Eva,” she answered with big eyes at you. “And how old are you Eva?” You asked shaking her small hand. “3 and a half.” She smiled proudly. “Woah, you’re pretty big for your age, Eva.” You grinned and got a grin back. “Do you wanna play with new toys, Eva?” The agent asked the girl and didn’t get a response. Eva was staring at Bucky, his metal arm and picked up on the soft but awkward mood he emitted. Little hands reached out towards him and he shifted for a second before exhaling and stepping forward to take her. “I like arm.” She smiled up at him and clapped her hands excitedly. “You wanna play with James?” You asked the little one. “Yes!” She smiled brightly, “Play with James!”
He smiled at the energy-filled child on his right arm and nodded, “What do you wanna play, Eva?” “I wanna play cars.” She made big eyes up at him. “Then we’ll have to look for all the cars.” His eyes got big too. You chuckled and he looked up, “What?” “I don’t know, it’s adorable,” you shrugged and added, “Sorry for using your actual name, was trying to save you from the butt jokes.” He chuckled shaking his head before looking at Eva, “Let’s find the cars, huh?” “Cars!” She clapped again before both of them wandered off.
“Part of the resistance should be group therapy and child care,” you added to the list in the evening at the dinner table. Eva was still with Bucky, sitting next to him, getting her food cut by Natasha. “Yeah, Bucky can’t play dad for all of them.” Sam chuckled. “He probably could, but I feel like he wouldn’t get any sleep doing it.” You chuckled. “I’d do it if you all didn’t need me so much.” He grinned. “Woah, chill over there. It’s not like we don’t have Natasha.” “Guys, manners at the dinner table, a child is present.” She grinned at the round now. “I’ll definitely try to join in on that whenever you all don’t need me,” Rhodey said with a soft smile towards the little girl. “God, all these men are so soft all of a sudden. Didn’t know you just needed a child in the room for that,” you smirked and shared a look with Nat.
The evening was spent on the only working TV in the compound, with a DVD of Paw Patrol. Eva was cuddled between Bucky’s metal arm and his chest and clearly enjoying the warmth. Steve was on his right side, you on his left, monitoring her more, always ready to answer potential questions about why she’s here, but they never came. After 6 episodes she was fast asleep, face squished against Bucky’s jumper and drooling. “Can we keep her?” He grinned at the little girl, softly going through her hair with his warm hand. “If her parents don’t turn up, sure.” You shrugged and both of you interchanged at a grin. “She’s an angel,” He mumbled totally in love with giving Eva comfort. “Yeah...where does she sleep though?” You asked the important question. The sweep team had collected not only food but also mattresses. But you didn’t want her to wake up on the floor in an almost empty room. The people you had rescued until now still needed to be thoroughly checked for espionage and only a few were people you already trusted. “She can sleep in my room.” He looked up from her at you. “Alright, don’t be surprised if you’re woken up by someone jumping on your chest.” You giggled. “She could wake me up anytime.” He stuck out his tongue.
Petal Light Masterlist
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winnipegpatty · 6 years
to all the boys i’ve loved before [part i] | s.m.
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part ii. part iii.
a/n: hey its your local idiot who accidentally deletes her own writing. i changed the gif bc don’t even try and tell me that doesn’t look like a high school noah centineo esc shawn mendes. 
It was the last dinner as a family before Ari would be going to college. Of course she’d chosen the absolute farthest place she could have picked: England. To celebrate, Dad was making Mom’s famous tamales. Well, he would at least try.
“I hate when he makes tamales” Sofia whined. “He always messes up the masa and it’s all crumbly and dry.”
She was eleven, and she was definitely the drama queen of the family.
“It’s sweet,” Ari cooed as she led Sofia down the stairs, “And no matter how it tastes, you take a big bite and say mmmm just like Mom’s, okay?”  
Sofia rolled her eyes, but nodded in agreement anyway.
Just as the three of them reached the stairs, Josh stepped into the entryway, heading straight for Ari. With a quick kiss, he greeted his girlfriend, before hollering out to their dad in the kitchen. I stayed on the stairs, in the background, as I usually did when Josh was around these days.
“Sof,” Josh greeted her younger sister with a high five.
And finally, me.
Stepping off the stairs, I met him halfway. He high fived me as we all moved into the dining room where Dad was setting the table. Ari went back into the kitchen to get everyone’s drinks fixed up.
“I can’t believe we aren’t going to see Ari until Thanksgiving,” Sofia spoke to the table.
“Well, it’s actually going to be Christmas. England is too far to come home just for Thanksgiving,” their dad answered.
“Christmas?” Sofia asked, looking towards Ari as if she might have a secret trip home planned.
“Look on the bright side,” their dad responded, “Ari won’t be here to hog the car so, Y/N can practice her driving.”
Dad took that moment, to pass out the tamales to each plate, and Sofia noticeably grimaced before covering it with a smile.
“I forgot I had to drive with Y/N now.”
“Feel free to take the bus,” I responded with a roll of my eyes.
“You know if you’re ever in a bind, I can always help out,” Josh offered. He was perfect like that, always offering to help wherever he could. “I’m not disappearing; I still live right next door.”
“Orrrrrr, I could drive. And if we ever get pulled over, we’ll just switch places real fast,” Sofia spoke with exaggerated movements as if reenacting the scenario in her mind.
“Excellent idea, sweets,” their dad chuckled.
Ari returned with drinks in tow, handing one to each person, “What are we talking about?”
“Just how bad of a driver Y/N is.”
“And airplanes,” Josh piped in.
Ari looked at him oddly, “Yeah?”
“Yeah just, ya know...how you weren’t going to be able to come home for Thanksgiving. Which, brings me to this…” Josh dramatically pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket, unfolding it to show Ari. “I thought I’d bring some home to you. I’m coming to England.”
It was a plane ticket.
“Hey, look at Josh steppin up!” Dad cheered from the head of the table.
But Ari didn’t look pleased. In fact, she looked on the verge of irate. “You already bought this?”
Josh stuttered over a few words for a moment before standing up. The tension in the air was palpable, and with just the greatest timing Sof truly has ever had she took a bite of her tamale and said, “Mmmmm, just like Mom’s.”
I guess I should tell you about Josh. For the last two years he’s been Ari’s boyfriend. But before Ari even cared that he existed, he was my first boyfriend. Space between the words boy who was a friend. I could tell him anything. We just really understood one another. He was my best friend. We didn’t exactly stop being friend when Ari and Josh got together, things just became….different. They didn’t want me to feel left out. So they invited me everywhere. Like...everywhere. Even on dates. They tried to make it as normal as possible (for a third wheel, I guess), but it just wasn’t the same. It’s not like I wanted to date Josh or anything. I’m happy for Ari. She deserves an amazing guy like Josh. And so I wrote him a letter, and I wasn’t going to send him the letter or anything. It was just for me. So I could understand all these crazy feelings. But I guess really, it was also about how sometimes I imagine what it would be like if I’d realized how I felt about him sooner. If I could have been the girlfriend instead of Ari.
My letters are my most secret possesion, for no one to see but me. There are five total. Kenny from camp, Shawn from seventh grade, Lucas from homecoming, Jake from Model UN, and….Josh. I write the letters when I have a crush so intense that I can’t even think straight. When I don’t know what to say.
Ari would say I’m being dramatic, but I think drama can be fun. Just as long as no one knows about it.
Ari and Josh broke up that night. Before mom died, she told Ari to never go to college with a boyfriend. And the next morning, she left for England. And that was the end of Ari and Josh.
Ari always said that when something is no longer useful, you either donate it, recycle it, or throw it away. I always knew she felt that way about objects, but I didn’t know she thought about people like that too. I didn’t know it was possible.
It was first day of junior year. Ari was in England. I’d actually cleaned my room last night which has never happened before. And I was driving Sof to school for the first time. It all felt so wrong.
Walking down the halls as a junior in high school, I was almost at the top. I passed Josh, which felt both weird and more natural than it had in the past two years. But as I turned too look at him as I walked away, he looked sad.
Walking backwards wasn’t my strong suit though because moments later I walked right into a person.
“Ow. Excuse you!”
“Oh, shit. I’m so sorry, Gen.” I answered as I moved away from the girl who was basically the devil incarnate. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Oh, it’s you.” Gen sneered.
Gen...Genevieve. We used to be best friends, but post middle school for reasons having to do with her popularity, and my lack thereof. We are no decidedly, not.
At least school was the same.
“Cute boots,” Gen spoke as she eyes my boots with clear distaste.
“Thanks, they’re vintage,” I did my best to smile.
“And they’re amazing! Not everyone can rock the, but Y/N can really pull them off.”
Christine...Chris. Gen’s cousin. My best friend. My only friend really.
And then walked in the devil’s boyfriend. Shawn.
“Hey babe,” he said as he wrapped his arms around Gen’s stomach, and kissed her lightly on the temple.
“Hiiii.” Gen said sweetly.
“How’re you doing?”
“Oh I’m good, how are you?” She cooed back, clearly enamored by Shawn.
Shawn, you remember him. From seventh grade. From the letter. That’s this Shawn. Gen’s Shawn. Seventh grade, my first real boy girl party, and well, everyone knew that Shawn and Gen, who at the time was still my bestie, only liked each other. And it was at the first long awaited boy girl party that I had my friend kiss….with Shawn. It was only a spin the bottle kiss, but it was a kiss.
“I was just complementing Y/N on her adorable boots,” Gen said to Shawn, “Come on, there are more important people to talk to.”
Gen waltzed away from the them leaving Chris, me, and Shawn to stare uncomfortably after her.
“She just stopped drinking caffeine for a, uh, diet, I think.” Shawn mumbled as he tugged on a few of his shorter curls. “She’s just going through withdrawls.”
“Are you sure she doesn’t just have a chemical imbalance?” I retorted.
“Right,” Shawn said as he turned and walked away.
Lunch came around, and everything was wrong again. Ari was my go to lunch date. And now I was alone, yet again.
I ended up on the bleachers, next to Josh. Which wasn’t awkward at all.
“I gotta ask,” Josh asked quietly as I sat next to him. “Did she tell you? You guys talk about everything, and I just….”
“She didn’t tell me about this,” I shook my head.
“Well, we’re still cool, right?”
“Yes, we’re cool.”
We ate lunch then, in complete silence. And before you say anything about it, I know what you’re thinking. We really were cool. However I felt about him, I would never do that to Ari.
“This cafeteria is soooooo much bigger than at the elementary school,” Sof squealed. “And everyone wanted to sit by me, oh my god it was just so cool.”
“Yeah, I can totally relate,” I mumbled as we both got into the car.
One more drive and we’d be home free. One day of driving down….hundreds more to go. I waited for Sofia to buckle up, before I began to pull out.
“Woah, hey.” I heard a voice that sounded shockingly like Shawn Mendes.
Sofia laughed, “You really are going to get us killed.”
I shut my eyes closed, hoping maybe Shawn would forget about almost just getting hit by a car. But the tap on my car window said otherwise. I rolled down the window. Honestly, running him over may have been less painful, at least for me.
“Hi,” I sounded mortified even to myself.
“How ya doing?” Shawn asked with a smile on his face. He was bent down so he was at eye level with me (which made everything a million times worse because his eyes were fucking gorgeous and I was going to fucking die).
“Yeah?” He asked.
“Yeah,” I whispered.
“You know people usually check behind them before they reverse? You know...to avoid killing others. It’s a thing we do.”
“Yeah, well, I’m just not, completely comfortable with the mirrors in this car yet.” I stuttered.
Sofia laughed from her seat, and really I would have liked to have run her over with my car.
“Yeah, clearly. You think you’re going to be able to make it out of the parking lot...or?”
“No, no we’ll be just fine. So you should just go, yeah, we’re fine.”
“Yeah, whatever you say.” He pointed at Sofia in the car, “Hey uh, you’re in charge.”
Shawn walked away, and I rolled up my window as Sofia said, “Who was that?”
“That was Shawn Mendes.”
We sat in the parking lot for a few minutes before Sofia said, “So, are we gonna go home?”
“Yeah, of course. We’re just going to wait for all the cars to leave first.”
“You know, Y/N, if you had a boyfriend, maybe you wouldn’t have to drive at all cus he would take us places” Sofia spoke as they were both sat lounging on the couch watching an episode of Stranger Things on Netflix.
I turned to look at Sofia, “If that’s what it takes, I think you’re stuck with me for a while. Sorry Sof.”
“I don’t know, what about that guy you almost killed?”
“He’s dating Gen.”
She really was too young to understand these things apparently. Shawn Mendes was taken. A couple like Shawn and Gen don’t just break up. They’re together for at least the entirety of high school. They’re the It Couple. They’re the ones that go on to get married and become high school sweethearts. People like Shawn Mendes don’t leave girls like Gen for other girls like me.
“You know, it’s not just that.” Sofia shifted on the couch to lean against me. “Don’t you find it kind of odd that we’re at home on a Friday night, watching tv again?”
Sofia sighed, clearly frustrated with me. “Y/N, I’m not saying this to make you feel bad, but I’m eleven. And I cancelled plans to be here tonight, and well you’re sixteen. And you never have plans.”
“That is way harsh.”
“The truth hurts, Y/N.”
Running the mile would most likely be the death of me. Chris, God bless that girl, was keeping pace with me despite the fact that she could have easily passed me by now. Only two more laps were left, or was it three? I was honestly just banking on Chris knowing or the coach to stop us at the right time. This could quite possibly be the third year in a row that I failed to make the time for the mile, but I wasn’t about to start practicing for this or anything.
“Hey!” I heard a voice from behind me.
I looked over at Chris to see if she was talking to me, but she just shrugged her shoulders at me.
“Hey! Y/N,” I slowed down, looking behind me.
It was Shawn. Shawn Mendes.
“Can I talk to you?” He asked.
“Um, me?” I asked, still slowly jogging alongside Chris and with Shawn trailing behind.
“Hey, SM, I heard my cousin dumped you for a college freshman, that true?”
“Uh, I heard you have horns, that true, Chris?”
“Yep, they’re red and shiny.”
Finally they came to a stop. I was definitely failing the mile. “I need to talk to you, Y/N. Uh, alone,” Shawn eyed Chris.
She hummed, slowly backing away, “Well, if you need me, I’ll uh, yeah.” She ran away and gestured in the direction she was running.
“Listen, I wanted to say that I’m flattered, and I appreciate it. But it’s just never gonna happen.”
“I’m sorry, what? What are you talking about?”
Clueless was a pretty good word for this moment.
“Look, from what I remember of that kiss it was hot, for it being in seventh grade, and I think it’s really cool that you think my eyes like sparkle or something.”
And it was in that moment that you saw it. The letter. Yes, the letter. The letter that you’d written to Shawn, never to be given to Shawn. The letter professing your all consuming seventh grade sized love for the boy that had been dating your best friend’s cousin for months. This could not be happening. How did he get that letter? Who sent him that letter? Did the others have letters too? Shawn was still talking, saying something about how he and Gen were just so fresh, he couldn’t start anything else. But I wasn’t listening, I looked over his shoulder and saw what was quite possibly my worst nightmare.
Josh, who was headed towards me and Shawn, holding a eerily similar looking letter in his hand. He looked just as confused as I currently felt, and I did the first thing that I could think of to stop the oncoming questions Josh most definitely had. I kissed Shawn.
Yeah, I know. Not my smartest idea. Not my proudest moment. But I did it, I practically threw myself into Shawn’s arms, and kissed him. And not the seventh grade kind of peck kiss we’d had prior. But a real kiss. Like a, I need to make Josh think I’m in love with Shawn Mendes right now so that he won’t think I’m in love with him kind of kiss.
And just as I pulled away, Shawn looked equally as confused as Josh had before. Before Josh could say anything, I ran past them, back towards the main building. I think I heard Josh call after me as I ran past him, but I definitely did not stop to look back. And that’s how I evaded the two most uncomfortable moments of my life. Or so I thought.
Heading straight for the girls restroom, I locked myself in the nearest stall. Quite literally falling to the ground in a fit of panic. But without even a few seconds of privacy, the door opened.
“Hey, Y/N, you in there?”
What the fuck. Why would I actually say no?
And then, another letter, this one addressed to Lucas, was being slipped under the stall door.
“Look, I just saw you run in here, and I wanted to make sure you were okay,” Lucas said from the other side of the stall door. “I thought you might want that back.” He meant the letter, “It seemed a little personal.”
“Lucas, I wrote this years ago,” I said as I finally made my way out of the stall. It looked like this wasn’t a conversation I could get out of.
“Freshman homecoming, right? I had a lot of fun that night too,” Lucas looked at me. He had kind eyes. “But I thought I should tell you, I’m gay. You know that right?”
“Yeah!” I said overly excited, “Of course, I totally knew that.”
I definitely did not know that.
The letters are out. They’re out. There’s nothing I can do about it. Silver lining. Kenny’s letter was addressed to the dorms at camp, so he’ll at least never know about my crush.
“You really oughta relax,” you heard Josh’s familiar voice in your head. Great, hallucinations. So I was officially insane. Maybe I sent the letters out myself and didn’t even remember. “I know you love me.”
“Loved. Past tense. You’re Ari’s.”
“Dear Josh, I lie awake at night. And sometimes I wonder what it would be like to run my fingers through your hair. What it would be like to lie and stargaze with y--”
“Shut up! You’re not real.”
From your window, you could see Josh approaching your front door. Awesome.
“I’m more real to you than he is,” the Josh in your head responded.
Not even seconds later I heard dad calling for you from downstairs, “Josh is here!”
Time to face the music, I guess.
Orrr, I could always climb out the window. Which seemed infinitely like the better choice than having to tell your sister’s ex boyfriend that you used to love him. Yeah, I’m definitely going out the window. Stepping out of the window seemed easy, until I tripped and fell. I rolled down the small roof, and yep, right onto the fucking grass. But whatever, it’s fine. That’s the price I pay for avoidance I guess. I grabbed my bike from the front porch and hightailed it to the diner across town.
I sat in peace, drinking an amazing strawberry milkshake, until Shawn came in and sat down. Right. Next. To. Me.
“Hey, Y/N.”
Would it be possible to ignore him?
He ordered a chocolate shake and waited for you to say something.
“Whatcha doing here?” I decided on casual avoidance. Pretend like the elephant didn’t exist and it would disappear, right?
“I’m just here to take down a delicious chocolate shake, eh?”
“Cool, cool.”
“Actually, I stopped at your house and your sister said you’d probably be here.”
I was going to kill Sofia.
“Look, I just wanna be super clear. I’m flattered, for real, I am. But like, Gen and I just broke up.”
“Are you trying to reject me right now,” I asked with disinterest.
“Well, yeah. Cus it didn’t really seem like it...got through to ya, the first time, back there, at school?”
“Shawn Mendes, I’m not trying to date you.”
“Okay, like I hear you, but you’re not really acting like that.”
“Listen, here’s the situation. I don’t actually like you. I just kissed you, so it looked like I liked you so that someone else wouldn’t think I liked him.”
Yes, great, tell him all the details. It’s not like the situation was embarrassing enough as it is.
“Oh okay, who’s that?”
“You gotta tell me who the guy is, or I’m just really not gonna believe you.”
“No,” I shook my head furiously. No way was he getting that out of me.
“Okay well, then I’ll just tell the rest of the school that you wrote me a love letter.”
“Um, no okay, no. It’s uh, Josh Sanderson?”
“Wait, doesn’t he date your sister?”
“Well, he dated my sister. Like past tense. And he also got a letter, so you can see how awkward and complicated that whole situation could get. And thus why I needed to kiss you.”
Shawn held his hand up as if to tell me to stop, “Wait woah, you sent more than one letter?”
I shook my head.
“Wow, you really think you’re special and then you find out she wrote letters to two guys.” Shawn depressingly sipped from his chocolate shake.
“Uh, yeah. There were actually five letters.”
“You sent five love letters. Damn, Y/N, you’re a player. Who else?”
“If I tell you, will you leave me alone?”
Shawn mumbled a bit, “Maybe.”
“Okay, Lucas James.”
“But he’s...gay.”
“You don’t know that,” I tried to play it cool.
“Everyone knows that.”
I DID NOT KNOW THAT. Why was I the only person who didn’t know that Lucas was gay? Was I really that blind?
“Who else?”
“Someone from camp and someone from the fifth grade. Are we good here?”
“Uh, uh yeah.” I got up to leave before Shawn’s hand touched my wrist, “Wait wait, let me take you home?”
“So...what are you gonna tell Josh?” Shawn asked as his Jeep pulled up to the front of my house.
“I guess the truth.”
“But what is the truth? Do you like him...do you not?”
“It’s not your problem, Shawn.” You smiled as you hopped out of the Jeep, grabbing your bike from the back.
“Hold up, Y/N,” Shawn called as he ran up beside you. “What if you didn’t tell him?”
“What if...we let people...think we were together? And like..not just Sanderson, but everyone?”
“Why would you want that?”
“Well Gen went nuts when she heard that you kissed me. And if she thinks we’re a thing, she’ll want to get back together.”
“Oh, so you wanna use me as your pawn?”
“Well,” Shawn rolled his neck a little, “technically you already used me as yours.”
You were decidingly going to ignore that comment. You headed closer to the front door, kicking the stand on your bike and letting it go.
“Look, you don’t have to give me an answer now, just maybe think about it?”
“Bye Shawn,” I threw over my shoulder, ignoring his last statement completely.
Fake dating Shawn Mendes, yeah fucking right. Like that would ever happen.
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lynxgriffin · 6 years
Straight Outta Monster Narnia
Here we GOOOOOOO~!
Survey Program! Nice! Ominous!
I am here yes!
Truly excellent dude
OH MAKING A VESSEL NOW what are we Xehanort
NEATO I can pick Chara or Frisk heads or others…
Let’s do someone new. This kinda longish hair head.
STRIPES FOR DAYS! Longish sleeves, methinks
The legs are almost all the same LMAO
This is so friggin creepy I l OVE IT
Favorite food is PAIN nah it’s soft
You have been gifted with kindness, not-XionFrisk
Pain AND seizure. Kinda wonder what happens if you say no tho…
But I don’t want to start over so let’s go with yes
Hi Toriel, you’re looking nice!
That’s a lot of friggin trophies over there
Also Kris, you need some eyes
So we have overachieving perfect child and sad boring child, okay
Awww Gerson wrote a book! How neat
It’s only you…..FOR NOW!!!!
It just isn’t home without white fur stuck in the drain, is it
Also there’s some weird graphical flicker going on when I move and I wonder if it’s not because I’m playing full screen here
“Spray For The Boys, Flamin’ Hot Pizza Flavor” Damn Toby I missed your incredible sense of humor
DAMN who do I pick as my partner
Like…I really want Temmie…but also Snowdrake…
Random snake is also very good…
Ahhh I see this is gonna be pre-determined
Thank you cool snake I love your origin story
Oh this reindeer girl is very cute
I instantly love her, goodbye
Oh Alphys you’re so not good at putting anyone in trouble
Susie are you eating chalk
Oh sheet I like Susie less now
Susie, Kris doesn’t even HAVE a face
Haha totally cut off my answer there
Hmm. I sense…a theme here.
Wow this really is putting on the restrictive aspects here
Now that’s a spooky face
Oh it ain’t gonna be that simple, mean girls
Well, this sure seems like an underground! Also…Kris is green now, okay
Hi there creepy waving things!
To reiterate: this is soooo creepy AND I LOVE IT
Puzzles! We got puzzles again! CREEPY PUZZLES
Whelp, we found Susie, just kinda hiding out in a…dead dust bunny thingie
LOL so much for a party member following you around
Well this is a new and interesting take on the bullet hell mechanics
Such interesting and different architecture
Yes let’s take a sudden HARD SHIFT into Final Fantasy
THE QUEST OF THE DELTA KNIGHTS that was an MST3K ep you know
About like…Leonardo da Vinci actually. Except he was a whiny bitch
LMAO Susie just “nah destroying the world sounds neat”
“Dunno how I got an ax but like, that’s cool”
Dunno if there’s a pacifist version of this game but I stick to tradition so I’m gonna try it
The heckin heck Ralsei is so cute
Yup yup we gonna try pacifist this first time!
“If you’re reading this…I guess you’re dead.” Fair enough.
Gaster noises when trying to use the cell phone, hmmmm…
It’s an inverse papou fruit!
Susie just up and attacks this cake, all right
Battle is cool but it’s gonna take some getting used to, think I accidentally used both of my items
“It’s like a dinner made out of three glasses of milk” Ralsei you’re SO CUTE
Now to see if TP stays leveled between battles…
“I thought you were running away.” / “Yeah, I finished.”
Fugdamn I want —pictures of Spiderman— remixes of this music ON MY DESK TODAY
Damn that puzzle still is tricky
Gah damn that was hilarious but also terrifying
We have the power of FLUFFY BOYS and MEAN GIRLS we are UNSTOPPABLE
Ohhh so that’s what the heart outline does!
Now that is a coooool cat and I like him already
Awww I don’t have enough money for the spooky sword
Susie just roastin’ everybody left and right
These mechanics continue to be interesting and a bit more complex
“Damn, didn’t get to impale myself” I’m sure you’ll get your chance Susie
It’s really interesting how we’re basically group-battling to PREVENT the tank from beating the crap out of everyone
Oh now that light trick is weird
They keep throwing the usual chess and playing card guys at us and somehow I’m Suspicious
LMAO did Susie call us the Fuckboys or something
Oh, the Shit Squad, I guess!
“I, Mr. Society, am far too intelligent to ever bow down to such a tyrant!” Hmmm.
Oh, it’s Sir Lion Plateface again
Well Ralsei got kinda junked there but WE DEFEATED SIR LION PLATEFACE
Cakes…are also my enemy…
Yeeeeah kinda saw that one coming
Susie I get the feeling you’re not going to enjoy being a bad guy either
Dang son I have no clue what’s going on anymore WE JUST HAD SOME SALSA IN A TREE STUMP
This jack’s got my number
That sure is a three-eyed three-headed cat thingamajig
Awww I like Clover
“All proceeds go to kicking your ass” CAN I USE THIS LINE IN REAL LIFE PLEASE
Hot damn we just squeaky hammered our broken cake into ULTIMATE CAKE
Why does a sweet little boy have a mustache indeed.
Create a machine to thrash your own ass, nice
It’s my beautiful death laser duck! Tops in GUN’S
Man Susie and Lancer are just having the time of their lives here
Finally, respect for pinecone-eaters!
Awww Susie, are you actually starting to worry about someone who respects your eating of chalk and pinecones
Oh thank goodness, got through that maze thing
Yes, finally, it’s our DUCK TANK LASER
Why does it say Tuna on it
“Your design sucked so we blew it up” This is like that one Berlin tour guide I had
Whelp, back to telling enemies that Susie will kick them in the shins I guess!
Hey we’ve got a full Final Fantasy team now! Neat
I like how Lancer just sliiiiiides around outside the party instead of walking with
Hmmm well that friendship feeling didn’t last long
You done got locked in the dungeon
Yup sure did eat that jail moss two minutes in
HUH, we’re controlling Susie now
In which choices do not matter…
And we can’t control her actions…but why controlling the human soul?
A pair of eyes got arrested?! What IS the world coming to?!!
Oh dear, we found a bunch of kings in baby jail
Why are these filthy cages so happy-looking
Awwww Susie joined the party for realizes!
So, this about final boss point for this business?
Why are you guys just sitting on a pile of loot
And just who is this sassy lost child?
I am now BED INSPECTOR yes
Hello again fancy blue boy
“Can…can we see it” / “No.”
This sure is a jammin party with CLUB MUSIC OH HO HO HO
Awww he put his bicycle to bed
‘Welcome to my shop, you ungrateful worms” HELL YEAH
I do not wisheth to hear your MP3s! I would rather listen to the sweet song of Death!
Prepare for a battle with…WHATEVER THIS IS!!!!
Six dollars, for all of that?! Geez
WHELP this looks like final boss time…
Hiiiii there Lancer
Oh dang is gettin serious now
Oh woooow that’s…someone’s fetish right there
HOKAY that was tricky but! Having the defense abilities certainly helped with pacifism through that…
Despite ending this peacefully, I don’t think this scene is gonna end on a happy note…
DAYUM that face from Susie!!
Awwww poor Ralsei
We only have BAD-byes WUAH WUAH WUAAAH
DAWWW lil’ Asriel-lookin dude with glasses (and YES I see that anagram there)
LMAO Susie’s face
Also I’ve really been enjoying the color effects
Awww look at this epic adventure you two had in the closet
So basically we went to Monster Narnia, neat
Awww Susie likes Monster Narnia
Oh no we worried Toriel! THE WORST
Hiiii Toby you busy makin’ something!
I like reindeer girl’s rowdy hospitalized dad
I like how there’s just a poster on the wall in this room that reads PAIN
The police tape simply reads NGGAAAAAHHHHH!
Snowdrakes don’t have arms, oh no!!!
“Does it hurt to be made of blood??” ….Yes. Yes it does.
Woah woah woah WOAH WOAH SANS
Everyone is here! Even Ice Wolf!
Yes I’ll take a Double Ice Pizza you weirdos
That was brilliant, Burgerpants, thank you for existing
Catty!!! Hey where’s Bratty!
Noooo you gotta be besties with Bratty!
Brother Doug…?
Oh no, Mettaton, come out and talk to us!
OMG Asgore hugs
Soul flowers….???
Awwww got some flowers for Toriel
It’s so late but I can’t stop until I’ve talked to LITERALLY EVERYONE
Thaaaat’s politics! …Rarely.
Comes to church for the fruit juice, sounds about right
Let’s go into the woods…what could go wrong…
Why can’t I get into the creepy shed…
Well, I think I got everything, so let’s go home now…
Awwww Toriel is not big on Asgore’s bouquet!
OKAY decided to go to sleep here.
…Well that didn’t work out great
No really Toby please WHAAAAAAATTT
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Spectacle. II
Inspired by our favorite hip hop couple, Offset and Cardi.
I was arguing with my best friend about what he did on her rolling loud set. I’m just gonna write this with Erik x OC (Black! OC);
Erik is a rapper as OC is a rising star. They recently married and his indiscretions have been publicly known via social media, Erik makes multiple attempts to make up for it.
June, 2018:
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Erik Stevens, Stage Name: E. Kill. 31 years old. Married to Raelynn Stevens (Maiden, Johnson) They share one child, a 4 month-old Named Kire (Pronouced KYE-REE) Stephens.
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Raelynn Stevens, Stage Name: Rae. 29 years old. Married to Erik Stevens. She and Erik share a daughter, 4 month-old Kire Stevens.
December 1, 2017
I woke up to the sun was on the opposite side of the house so I knew it was around 4 or 5 in the afternoon. All I could hear was a whispering back and forth between Shawna and Erik.
“I been calling her! I thought she was gone! I damn sure didn’t think she would wreck my shit!” “What did you think was gonna happen? You thought you were gonna come home to a home cooked meal, decent conversation, and some pregnant pussy? You had an affair, Erik. That’s worse than just fucking some slide tossing her some hundreds and never hearing from her again. You had this girl around you. You traveled for this girl. You traveled with this girl. You didn’t even tell Rae everything.” “If I told her everything, she’d burn this whole damn house down! You know that Shawna.” I shoot up from the couch yawning.
“Tell me what?” I direct the question at Shawna. Erik shoots over to me, bending to check on me, “Hey baby, how you doing?” My husband attempts to grab my hand, I push his hand away with my bandaged right one. “I wasn’t talking to you. What happened to my hand?” Shawna sits next to me, “Hey babes, don’t worry about all of that right now. How’s Kire?” I rubbed my belly, “She woke me up so, she’s good.” Out the corner of my eye I see Erik reaching out for me. “N’jadaka. Do yourself a favor, don’t touch me.” He stands up, “How you wanna move forward Rae? Because I love you. I want my family. Give me the chance to fight for it.”
It’s not until Shawna hands me some toilet paper that I realize I am crying, “I need time. Get out.” He grabs a bag I’m sure he packed while I was sleeping and exits through the front door, as he opens the door, paparazzi floods our front porch. I hang my head low, mortified and wondering how I’ll ever get out of my home. “How am I gonna get through this?” My bestie comforts me in a tight hug, “With help, mami. That’s how. Ya team gotchu baby. Believe that.”
December 2, 2017
My assistant Nessa strolls through my backdoor, knowing paparazzi weren’t that indecent to bum-rush my backyard, in awe. “Damn Rae, what happened in here?” I fold my arms shrugging watching TMZ covering my family’s demise for a second time. “I blacked out by the time I was swinging at the records in there”, I nonchalantly point at the dining room. She turns her attention to that, “Daayym! Did somebody burglarize ya spot?” I shake my head, “Nah. I did this. Fucked up that r8 in the garage too.” “What happened? You wouldn’t just do this finding out what happened with that chickenhead.” She holds her hands out looking for answers.
“E came home.” She sucks her teeth, “Forty-Eight Hours Later!” Her spongebob commentator accent makes me crack up at her silly ass, “I needed that” She clings onto me, “I know, boo. I’m sorry he had to be an asshole. How’s the baby?” “The baby is fine!” I succeed in keeping the sex a secret from my assistant, once again. “Dammit, I’m gon catch you off guard! I hope it’s a baby girl so we can get her fly like her momma!” I blush at her correct guess, “Anyway, let me work a miracle. Go take a seat!” I stroll upstairs to retreat back to my baby’s room.
When I reach the top of the steps I looked at the closed door to our bedroom, it had a folded paper in between it. I snatch it out of its place, it was a photo of our wedding picture we took after we eloped in the chapel in Las Vegas.
“Baby lets just do it!” Erik’s tipsy slur was apparent, “Do what, N’jadaka?” “Let’s get married babyy. Be my wife!” “Nigga, what?” He got on one knee in the middle of a busy Las Vegas strip, “You know I love you baby. More that I’ve ever loved any woman. I’m tired of spending time without you! We on tour at different times, back in LA at different times! I’m ready for us to live in our home. I’m ready to put a baby in yo fine ass, Rae.” I protested, “I think not! Boy, you tried it!” He sucked his teeth, “I’m gettin’ yo ass pregnant! Anyway, I’m ready to spend the rest of my life witchu babe. Let me make an honest woman of you tonight.” He pulled out my ring, “Baby, it’s just a band!” He shrugged, “Since we getting married tonight, I figured we’ll work our way up to the wedding ring.” I giggled, “Cocky ass, you just know Imma say yes?” “Will you?” I nodded, “Yes. Yes, N’jadaka!”
I love you. I love Kire. I love our family. Please don’t give up on us.
I swing the door open, “Shawna!” “Yes?” “Can you come up here please?” She met me in my room, “What’s up Rae?” “What was everything that E didn’t tell me?” she sighs, “Uhm, have a seat.” “I’m so tired of people telling me what the fuck to do! I want to stand! Tell me what he’s done, Shawna. Please? I can’t know what I’m doing if I don’t know everything!” She leans on the dresser. I hear my google alerts go off, “Has Rae fallen off the edge? What the fuck?” I click the notification which had a picture of the damaged r8 rolling out of our garage. Nessa jets to my room, “Girl. I had to get that car to the dealership! I’m sorry, they’re closing in less than an hour and if I didn’t get it there today it wasn’t gonna be ready until after the holidays.” “No. No. You good Ness. You’re doing your job! Thank you.” She exhales a sigh of relief, “Okay, cool. What’s going on though? Feels like I’m missing something.”
Shawna clears her throat, “Uhm.. So E. Solace didn’t expose everything that happened. She didn’t wanna publicly put that out, she wanted to have a conversation with you.” “With me? Tuh! The broad has nothing to say to me.” Shawna continues, “In May, she found out she was pregnant.” I blinked a few times, “Excuse me?” “E fucked up Rae. He got her pregnant. He immediately told her to get an abortion, her being an IG model and scared that a pregnancy was gonna ruin her image, she went through with it in July.”
Erik’s POV
I turn on my TV to see my wife being bombarded by paps on TV, her round shape shades covering her eyes, “Rae, have you decided what you’re gonna do about E’s indiscretions?” “Rae, are you gonna get a divorce?” “Rae, did you speak with Solace?” She ignored every inquiry walking into the Beverly Center. I get a notification on my phone, a text from Shawna, “E. Rae’s new number is 310-021-2231.” I texted her.
I’m on my way. Meet me at Farmhouse, please?
Rae Bae: Yeah. LMK when you get here.
That was simple. Too simple. Mac emerges from his kitchen, “Wassup, homie?” “I’m about to meet up with Rae.” He stops in his path, “Woah, you sure she not gon come at you with a bat?” I flinch at the mention, “Man, nah. We in public. She not gon go off the handle like that!” “Man whatever! Rae Rae went cray cray and whooped yo ass! And the r8?! Your other bae?! That was petty. She bought it!” I shake my head, “I think that’s why she destroyed it. She knew I had ol girl in it.” “My nigga.. I know you not that dumb.” “Yeah. I am.” Mack palms his face, “Wow.. Just... wow. Well, good luck on that meeting. I’d keep my distance. Sit at the longest table they got in that bitch!”
My phone rings, I see my wife’s face on the screen.
Rae’s POV
I’m just having the week from hell! My husband’s been cheating on me, it’s in the public eye, I got shows to do for the next month, I need to get in the studio, and now I lost my phone somewhere in this damn mall! This stress and prego brain has taken my irritation to an all time high. “Are Rae and you gonna work things out? Is she pissed off at you? Where are those bruises from, man?” N’jadaka simply answers, “Look, I’m having dinner with my wife, Hope you have a good evening.” I turn around to see him waving off the cameraman, “Hi.” “Hello, beautiful. How you holding up?” “I’m alright. Lost my phone today, but I’m good.”
N’jadaka digs into his pocket and pulls out my phone, “You left it in Saint Laurant. An employee used a picture of you to unlock it and called me.” “You get her number too?” He nudges me, “C’mon Rae. You know I didn’t.” “Whatever, Your daughter is hungry. Let’s go.”
The tension in the private room is so thick, it can get cut with a phone charger cord. I requested the waiter leave us a pitcher of water so he wouldn’t have to come in back and forth to check on us. Because I don’t need my business being spread all over the tabloids regarding my private life.
“Baby, talk to me. I haven’t ever seen you so quiet.”
I take a large piece of salmon and engulf it, “You got her pregnant.” “I--” “Think about your answer..before you think about lying.” he sighs, “I did.” “Did you tell her you were leaving me?” “Rae, it don’t matter--” “IT DOES MATTER, N’JADAKA!” “I didn’t tell her I was gonna leave. I told her that we weren’t as serious as we were in the beginning.” Erik is sitting on the opposite end of the dinner table, on purpose I’m sure.. That doesn’t stop me from trying to throw a plate at his head. The plate clashes with the wall, “Oh, so being married and having a child on a way isn’t serious to you?” I chuck the silverware at him, “I can’t fucking believe you!” “I was telling her what she wanted to hear! It was words with no action behind it!”
“Why? Why did you do this to me? To us?” He hangs his head low, “I’m scared. I’m scared of this fatherhood shit. I know I foreshadowed this when I proposed, but it becoming a reality is freaking me out. I guess I was running from it. I called it off with her before our shower.” I take one final bite of my meal, “It’s funny how you say you’re scared. You’ve been to every doctor’s appointment, you’ve been talking to her, reading to her, singing and rapping to her. You’ve been the father that she needs. And behind my back, you haven’t been the partner I need. You’ve been cheating on me my entire pregnancy. Now all of a sudden as of last month, you want your family? Nah. You gon have to show me. Until then, stay where you at. I’ll sync our calendars before I leave for doctor’s appointments. Other than that.. I’ll mail your shit to Mack’s place.”
“Are we over? We throwing away two years like that? Over some hoe I don’t even want?” “Don’t ever forget, YOU DID THIS.” I sync our calendars as I finish my statement. “Don’t contact me. When I need to see you, I’ll let you know.” I rise from my seat, flip over my plate and exit, stage left, through the restaurant’s back door, avoiding paparazzi.
Okay, III Is going to be the last one (I promise! It’s gonna tie everything together and Rae’s POV between how E got her back... ya’ll gon see, ya’ll gon see.)
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real-pcy-exo · 6 years
Kyungsoo x reader "Strangers" part 2
Genre: fluffy college au
Word count: 1k+
a/n: Helloo!! ✋✋ hope you guys like part 2!
Y/N was preoccupied telling Kyungsoo why exactly romance genre is the worst thing out there and why there should be more movies about dogs when Chanyeol came into the view. "Hey Y/N, you got a minute?" "Depends" Y/N replied with a very serious face, "If it isn't worth it, you have to listen to me why I think orangina and orange soda is not the same." "They're not? Wait no let me talk first." Chanyeol took deep breaths and started, "Y/N" he paused to build up the suspence but one look of disappointment from Y/N, he continued. "Will you go out on a date with me?" 
She chocked on her saliva for a while. "Wait you're serious or this is some kind of sick joke? Oh lord if you read some wattpad fanfics and are trying to recreate one, I swear to god my shoe and your fine ass would some very romantic time making out with each other." She said after she regained her breath. "No, no joking though you did make me curious about wattpad fanfics." "Don't bother going there searching smut and losing your sanity." She paused to look at Kyungsoo before looking back at Chanyeol, "If you're serious then...." With a very shy almost inaudible voice she said, "yes..."
Kyungsoo's train of thought broke and he looked confusingly at Chanyeol and Y/N. "What did she agree to? What did you agree to?" "Ask her man, I got a date to prepare for." Kyungsoo looked happy for Chanyeol, "With who? Where are you taking her? Should I cook for you guys?" "No need to cook but if you insist, that's something else. And I'm taking our dear Y/N to a dinner date to a 70's themed restaurant." Chanyeol didn't wait to see Kyungsoo's expression and just left. On the there hand, the only thing going through Kyungsoo's head was, "Holy shit, did I just become the second lead of that exo next house or door drama??" 
"Hey Kyungsoo, I hope it isn't a bother to you if I go on a date with Chanyeol." Kyungsoo just looked at her for a while, "Okay. It's......okay" "Great! So I've never been asked out before. Since my gay bestfriend lives in London, you're gonna be my straight bestfriend and help me get ready!" "Wait do I have to be your best friend for this?" Y/N looked tired, "If you're not my bestie and don't tell me what makes look good or not. Prepare me because this is THE first date in my life, EVER!" 
So the next day, Kyungsoo was waiting in front of a bus stand for her but she was late. So he decided to call her since she was usually punctual. They recently exchanged numbers and he remembered how it happened. 
"Woman! You better give me your phone number!" Kyungsoo confusingly looked at Y/N before asking, "Why?" Y/N with a betrayed look continued, "Okay, look at me. No LOOK at me. I'm way to fabulous. What if I get kidnapped? How will my straight bestie call me about a hundred times before complaining a police file and dramatically save me huh?" "I asked why were you shouting not why were you asking for my number." "Oh because I don't know how to be not loud."
After 3 rings Y/N answerd her phone, "Yello! How may I bless you today?" "Y/N, this is Kyungsoo." "I know, the id said bitch face." "Umm should I be offended by that?" "Nah it means you mah side chick." "Side what? Anyway, where are you? You're late." "Well technically I'm not. Why are you standing there like an idiot?" The last sentence didn't some from the phone, it was from behind him. He looked back to find Y/N cheekily smiling at him. "Well you're standing too, aren't you?" "Correction, I'm sitting on my toes." If Kyungsoo never had second thoughts about being friends with her, he was having now. "Hey I kinda invited someone, hope that's alright." Y/N instantly became excited, "No no the more the merrier!" That's when she noticed a girl standing behind Kyungsoo. Y/N had seen her before, her name was Sojin. She was pretty and beautiful and everything would want in a girl. "Hi! I'm Sojin. Nice to meet you Y/N." 
They went for shopping, they ate. They honestly had fun. But Y/N seemed out of place. She kept fidgeting and moving around the whole time. When asked she would only say, "Tomorrow is a big day you know!!" 
After they were done eating, Kyungsoo excused himself to go to the washroom. As soon as he was out of sight, Sojin looked at Y/N, "You like him don't you?" "Is it that obvious?" 
"I mean anyone with a brain would get it. Why are you going with Chanyeol out a date?"
"Oh because I have to make sure his plan to make his love of life jealous work!" 
Sojin just looked at her for a while before continuing, "You'll lose Kyungsoo like this. He's a nice guy and I won't hesitate to steal him from you." 
"Woah woah woah hold up, we in a bitch fight? Holy shit I thought we were friends. You just wanted to warn me?" 
"Yes. I like him. A lot."
"Well then I sincerely hope you guys get together!"
With that statement, Sojin thought Y/N lost it, "You're not gonna fight for him?"
"Honey, I'm not some 5 year old and he is not a box of crayon I want. If he likes me, he'll ask me out. Or maybe I'll ask him out. But if he doesn't, oh well it was nice having a crush on him."
"You're different."
"Yeah I accidentally was born with brain unlike most others"
Before Sojin could reply, Kyungsoo came back. They decided to go home as Y/N needed her beauty sleep for the big day. Kyungsoo decided to walk her home as he parted their way from Sojin.
"She was.......nice" Kyungsoo looked at her briefly before replying, "Did she say something?"
"Nothing worth mentioning. Now tell me, how long has Chanyeol and Baekhyun know each other for?"
"Since 3rd grade when Baekhyun decided he needed to be friends with someone who looks a bit like yoda."
"Hmm anyways, talk to you tomorrow. I know tomorrow is Friday but I might skip our regular meet ups. Sorry." Y/N looked apologetic, "But if Chanyeol ditches me, I'll have extra fries to share." When Kyungsoo was starting at Y/N's back retreating wondered if they will start to drift apart if she starts to date Chanyeol.
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psycho-slytherin · 6 years
Strangers ch. 15
Xiumin and Lisa both surprise you, albeit with very different stakes.
Pairing: Yoongi x (female) Reader
Word count: 1.4k
Genre: Fluff
<–– Prev   Next ––>
“So this is what you meant by see you tomorrow?”
Xiumin shrugs. “I hope you’re not disappointed?”
“How could I be?” you laugh, accepting his offered bouquet. “Here I was, ready for work–”
“Surprise! No work, just brunch,” Xiumin says, procuring a pastry box from behind him. “I bought croissants.”
“Yummy! Come in, let me make some coffee.” you pad back inside and set the coffeemaker to work, swiftly sweeping scrap paper and your latest homework assignments off the kitchen table to make room for two plates.
“Sorry for the mess,” you apologize.
“Not at all! It’s my fault for dropping in on you like this,” Xiumin says, setting down the box.
“You dropped in with flowers and food,” you say, grabbing a spare mug from the cupboard as the coffeemaker announces that it’s done. “You’re totally forgiven.”
“Awesome,” Xiumin says with a goofy grin. “How can I help?”
“Could you put those in that vase over there?” you say, nodding at the brilliant pink peonies. “And how did you know my favorite flower?”
“You did a performance with your improv troupe where you mentioned it,” Xiumin says. “It’s a random thing to make up, so I figured you were telling the truth.”
“You’ve seen our performances?”
Xiumin laughs. “Sure, it’s hard to ignore the posters all over campus.”
“What’s your major again? I forgot you went to Seoul Arts too,” you admit, using the shortened name for the university.
“Visual arts with an emphasis on contemporary painting,” he says. “So basically I’m destined to work at the cafe my whole life.”
“Same. You’re talking to an actress, remember?” you remind him.
“Ah, but you’re good at what you do.”
“I’m sure you are too,” you laugh, biting into a croissant. It’s soft, flaky, and the perfect thing to help you recover from your episode last night. You’ve heard of panic attacks, but surely that’s not what your minor freak-out was.
You finish breakfast with more pleasant chatter, and Xiumin stands to help you wash up.
“I actually had something I wanted to ask you,” he says as he dries off the dishes.
“Yeah? Shoot.”
“I was wondering if you’d like to be my girlfriend?”
“I know it’s fast and all,” Xiumin rushes to say. “I don’t need an answer right now. I… well, you’re pretty amazing, y/n. I don’t want someone else swooping you up while I’m pretending to like you only as a coworker–”
“Xiumin,” you say, elbowing him. “Calm down. I’ll think about it.”
His eyes gleam with happiness. “You will?”
“Of course.” Why wouldn’t you? Xiumin’s a nice guy, and he likes you. You like him too, right?
“Awesome! Then I’m gonna get going,” Xiumin says. “I, uh… I may or may not have told the manager I had a morning class, and I’m supposed to be back at the cafe-” he checks his watch, “Fifteen minutes ago.”
“Yeah, of course! Thanks for breakfast.” you wave him out the door before inhaling deeply. Well, that happened.
Shit, homework! You rush to your desk and open your laptop. With the craziness of yesterday, you’ve still got so much to do before tomorrow. You groan at the realization that you have a huge presentation due Friday, and you need to rehearse a monologue for your Shakespeare unit, plus all of your day-to day homework and your job at the cafe… It’s gonna be a busy week.
And it was. Between your morning classes, afternoon study sessions and night shifts at the cafe, the week goes by quicker than you expect.
You and Yoongi text whenever you can, but with his fanmeets and comeback preparation as well as your own schedule, you only manage rushed conversations. Still, you talk about both everything and nothing at all.
You sit back Saturday afternoon and stretch. It’s been a whirlwind of a week– you had dinner with Xiumin twice and Lisa’s come over just about every day to study with you. Even so, you’re pretty sure you failed your history exam, and your advanced literature essay was ninety percent bullshit.
A buzz behind you, and reach for your phone.
“Darling y/n, my beautiful wife, the most amazing–”
“Lisa,” you sigh, bemused. “What do you want?”
“How do you know I want anything? Maybe I’m just wishing you a happy early birthday.”
“You only get that compliment-y when you want something.”
Lisa laughs over the phone. “You caught me. My housemates are having a cocktail party tonight, and I really don’t feel like going– you know how snobby they get when they’re drunk off martinis. Can I sleep over?”
“Of course! God forbid you face the wrath of Wendy’s tipsy critiques again,” you giggle. “Yeah, come on over whenever. We can watch a movie and stuff ourselves full of the cheapest ramen money can buy.”
“You know me so well,” Lisa says, sighing wistfully. “I’ll be there in an hour.”
“By which you mean three.”
“Don’t expose me, y/n!”
You laugh. “See you soon.”
Three hours later you hear a knock at your door and Lisa walks in with her overnight bag.
“I’m still jealous that you live alone,” she announces, flopping on your bed.
“In this tiny ass apartment that’s costing me an arm and a leg? I’ll trade you.”
“You’d rather five housemates than a kitchen you can barely turn around in?”
You consider it. “Good point. Never mind.”
“What movie do you want to watch?” Lisa asks, opening her laptop.
“Something American?” you suggest. “I’ve been meaning to practice my English.”
“Ugh, I hate subtitles,” Lisa whines. “But you’re the birthday girl, so I’ll be a good friend.”
“Wow, I feel like royalty,” you tease. “I’ll change into my pajamas. Pick whatever.”
A few hours later find you and Lisa bawling as the Titanic end credits roll.
“Th-that was beautiful,” Lisa sniffles.
“I’m never getting on a boat again,” you announce, wiping your eyes.
Still hiccuping, Lisa looks at her watch. “Woah! We need to sleep!”
You check your phone. “It’s not even midnight.”
“Yeah, but I’m totally taking you out for a birthday breakfast tomorrow, so we have to be up early.”
You smile at your friend. “Alright, fine. But you’re making too big a deal of it. It’s just a day.”
“You’re so weird. Of course it’s a big deal– your birthday only comes once a year! Now go to sleep. Goodnight!”
With the abrupt order, Lisa turns over in your bed and closes her eyes.
Why do I love her, you wonder as you climb into bed next to her. With your friend’s quiet breathing a calming constant, your eyes flutter shut and you let sleep take you.
“Did you see my bag? Did you see my bag?”
You groan, pressing your face against your pillow. “What the–”
“Sorry, sorry!” Lisa scrambles to shut off her alarm. “I forgot that was on.”
“Mm…” you’re about to turn over and fall back asleep when Lisa pokes your cheek. “Whaaat?”
“Happy birthday!”
You yawn, sitting up. “Thanks, hon.”
“Now let’s get going.”
“Excuse me?”
“I, uh… I made breakfast reservations for my bestie!” Lisa says excitedly.
“Ah, really? Thanks,” you reply, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. “Where are we going?”
“It’s a surpri-ise,” Lisa sings. “Now get dressed. Wear something a little sexy, yeah?”
Your raise an eyebrow. “Sexy? For breakfast?”
“Or don’t. You’re the birthday girl,” Lisa tells you, already waiting by the door.
Twenty minutes later you’re speeding down a highway, dressed in a snug black v-neck and high waisted shorts. It’s only breakfast, after all.
Half an hour of driving leaves you drumming your fingers against the dashboard. “Are we there yet?”
“Tsk, you’re so impatient,” Lisa complains. “We’ll be there soon.”
“Good, I’m starving.”
“You’ll be very well fed, I promise,” Lisa says, winking at you.
Ten minutes later, the traffic begins getting heavier.
“Jeez, why are so many people out this early on a Sunday?” you say, staring at the line of cars in front of you.
“No clue, maybe they all want breakfast?” Lisa suggests.
“I guess.”
You eventually park in front of a large but nondescript building. Streaming past you are dozens of chattering teenage girls, most of them wearing… what?
“Why is literally everyone wearing Bangtan merch?” you hiss at Lisa.
She laughs sheepishly. “I guess I can’t keep it a secret any longer. Surprise, y/n! I got us tickets to a BTS fanmeet. Happy birthday!”
A/N Thank you so much for reading! As always, my inbox is open and I’d love any feedback you may have :)
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misssophiachase · 7 years
Tomorrow, When the War Began
So, this is my Klaroline fusion with an Australian series of seven books by John Marsden. It was also made into a film at one point and now a TV series apparently. This is my first foray into sci-fi. All chapter titles from the awesome soundtrack.
Caroline Forbes takes a post-graduation camping trip in the mountains with her friends only to return to nothing and no one. Can she find out what's happened, especially with arrogant Klaus Mikaelson along for the journey
Chapter 1: Steer
Feel it falling off like clothing, taste it rolling on your tongue. See the lights above you glowing and breathe them deep into your lungs (Missy Higgins)
Storm Lake - IA
"May he rest in peace," Bonnie murmured, looking at the fresh grave sombrely. The others in the circle had their heads bowed and eyes downcast, even Klaus.
Caroline watched stoically as Elijah shovelled the last of the dirt atop the makeshift grave. She had been playing with her beloved dog Jesse only four days earlier and now he was dead. How she had no idea. Caroline had found his lifeless body on the driveway and had run inside to rouse her parents but Liz and Bill had vanished. To where she had no idea either.
Looking back she realised just how young and naïve she'd been up until this point. Caroline's biggest worry was passing her final exams and graduating with the rest of her class. Once she achieved both of those things, Caroline was looking forward to a lazy summer with friends before her interstate college experience began. Little did she know what and who was about to come for them.
When she'd tried to call for help, Caroline discovered the electricity was cut, the house phone line dead and their cell reception was non-existent. It was frightening, paralysing and eerie all at the same time. If only she could go back.
Six days earlier….
"It's our last summer in town dad, the least you can do is let me take the jeep for a camping trip," Caroline pleaded. "Anyway, it's only four days, what's the worst that could happen?" Famous last words in hindsight.
She was almost 18 years-old and it felt so juvenile to beg. She was headed to North Western University in a few months and the least she deserved was some form of reprieve from her parents over-protectiveness. In all of Storm Lake, Caroline had lucked out, being the only daughter of the town's most prominent lawyer and the local sheriff.
Her best friends would tease her mercilessly, especially rebellious Katherine who would constantly flaunt the rules and sneak out with local boys past curfew. Caroline was jealous of her supposed freedom until her parents had decided to send her to boarding school in Des Moines. Caroline wasn't quite sure how sending her to a big city with more than her fair share of guys was considered a punishment.
She'd been sad to lose her friend so suddenly at the start of senior year but at least she still had Bonnie. Well, that's what she thought until the Mikaelson family arrived and threw their small town into a spin. The younger brother Kol had taken an immediate liking to Bonnie and they'd spent their time getting to know each other very well as it turned out. She'd been gushing to Caroline about her first time only days earlier.
There was no doubting their looks were impressive but Caroline decided early on that his brother Klaus Mikaleson was missing the personality gene unlike his sweet talking brother. He kept to himself, barely managing a mumble of response to anyone, too caught up in his art apparently. Bonnie had shared that Klaus resented his geologist father for bringing them to town for field research after growing up in busy London.
His oldest brother Elijah was already attending college at Princeton and their youngest sister Rebekah was at an exclusive music academy in Switzerland, leaving the two brothers in Iowa. Unlike Kol who'd made it his social responsibility to fit in, Klaus had chosen to keep his distance during his final year and Caroline wasn't complaining. It was guys like that who weren't worth her attention. Well, that's what she told herself anyway. The only annoying and equally irresistible part was those dark, blonde curls and crimson lips that had a tendency to curl upwards into an annoying smirk when she passed him in the halls.
"You're talking about going high into the mountains, what do you expect?"
"I'm a big girl," Caroline drawled. "I can handle a few bears."
"And what about those pesky males?" Liz chimed into the conversation.
"I'll make sure I have enough tranquilliser darts to subdue them too," she drawled sarcastically. "Seriously, besides Kat, Bonnie and me, it's only Kol and his older brother Elijah. From what I've heard he could rival you both in the uptight stakes."
"I'll take that as a compliment," Liz joked. "Just let them take the jeep Bill, what's the worst that could happen over four days?"
They'd set out two days later. Caroline drove towards Kat's farm which was a couple of miles down the road. She was looking forward to relaxing by an open fire and swim in the crystal clear stream with the bestie she'd missed all year.
"Hey, sexy," she cooed, throwing her bags in the backseat before jumping in beside her.
"What's with all the luggage?"
"You never know who you're going to meet."
"In the country? How long have you been away again?"
"Shut up and tell me everything," she murmured dismissively, checking herself out in the side mirror as they drove towards Bonnie's house to pick up the remaining passengers. "I've been gone for almost a year, it's the least I deserve."
"Well, besides Bonnie's recent emergence into womanhood there's not much else to share."
"You know I always thought you'd be the next."
"Why? I told you I was waiting for the right person and apparently I haven't met him yet," she mumbled. People might think she was silly but Caroline had always imagined her first time would be with the perfect guy. Unfortunately there was no one in Storm Lake meeting that description.
"How about these mystery Mikaelsons I've heard so much about?" Caroline felt her face redden at the mere mention of their family name. She didn't like the guy but couldn't deny he was gorgeous.
"You'll have to ask Bonnie about that, I'm sure she can share ample information with you on that front. Just don't ask in my presence, there's only so much I can take again."
"I heard there were two brothers that shared those fine genes as well."
"For someone who's been away for a year, you certainly know a lot about what's been going on in little old Storm Lake."
"What can I say? I missed you and this was my way to stay close." Caroline could sense the emotion in her voice and she leaned across to place a comforting hand on her bare arm. She knew the sudden move hadn't been easy on Katherine but she was just realising how much. Caroline always assumed she loved city life but it was certainly a huge adjustment to make. "Plus you know how much I adore gossip."
"Glad to see nothing changes with you, Kitty Kat," she grinned knowingly, turning up Bonnie's familiar driveway. Instead of just the two brothers she'd been expecting by Bonnie's side, Caroline was faced with a very unimpressed blonde, bags in hand. What the hell was he doing crashing her camping trip?
"Woah! I call dibs on the brunette to the left, you know unless that's Kol," she backtracked slightly.
"That would be Elijah," she offered trying to block out Klaus' familiar and disinterested stare as she said it, Caroline had never seen the eldest brother in the flesh but he was just as handsome in his pictures. "I should warn you that he's apparently extremely serious."
"Is that a challenge?" Caroline closed her eyes momentarily as they came to a stop outside Bonnie's family home. She really should have known not to provoke the feisty brunette. She didn't know Elijah but Caroline felt immediately sorry for him. "What's with the cute, albeit angry, blonde shooting you dirty looks? What did you do to him?"
"I might of, uh, kind of assaulted him on prom night," she uttered feebly.
"Ohhh kinky, tell me more." Trust Katherine to jump to that kind of conclusion. 
As they descended on the car, Caroline knew this wasn't the time or the place to go into that particular story. Plus she was far too intrigued as to why Klaus had come along at that moment.
As it turned out, Caroline hadn't found out why he was there immediately. He'd seemed entirely too annoyed to even bother asking. The trip up to the mountains had been surprisingly quiet given Kol and Bonnie were too immersed in each other and Katherine seemed to be sizing up her prey in the rearview mirror. Elijah was either blissfully unaware or ignoring her on purpose.
Caroline wasn't quite sure whether this campout was going to be fun and relaxing as she'd hoped or decidedly more eventful and not in the good way. They left the jeep on lower ground and descended the mountain, packs in hand. Katherine was struggling slightly but Caroline figured her oversized luggage was her own fault.
The scenery was gorgeous as they made their way over the green grass as the sun began to set lazily on the horizon in streaks of brilliant oranges and pinks. Tents were assembled by the stream, Caroline busying herself with the task at hand so she didn't have to be close to Klaus. At least his deep set frown had been replaced by something resembling exhaustion now. 
They ate some noodles for dinner (much to Katherine's dismay about the lack of culinary options) and rolled into their sleeping bags by the crackling fire.
"How about some truth or dare?"
"I'm entirely too sober for that, Katherine," Kol chuckled, stroking Bonnie's arm affectionately. "Unless you want to break out the tequila."
"Maybe tomorrow," Bonnie chided, slapping him playfully. "Eye spy?"
"It's dark Bonnie," Caroline chuckled. "Besides the flames and a few stars there's not much I can see this time of night."
"That's the Milky Way," Elijah offered, pointing above. Caroline was beginning to realise he was a wealth of knowledge and hadn't engaged much so far unless he was sharing some fact. Katherine however seemed undeterred from her mission surprisingly.
"The stars are definitely brighter from here," Caroline breathed. Instead of feeling intimidated by their brilliance, she felt alive and strangely excited for what the future held. A quick glance to Klaus wrapped in his blanket was enough to tell her he felt something similar. He didn't respond just let his gaze linger on her slightly longer than usual. It was times like these she wasn't sure whether he hated her or understood her.
They'd fallen asleep eventually, Caroline woke up a few hours later slightly groggy and attempting to gain her bearings in the limited light. The fire seemed to have burnt down considerably and she noticed the lack of wood, rising slowly to gather some more. 
Besides the flashlight in her right hand, visibility was low. She remembered a nearby clearing that had an abundance of firewood and made her way in that direction. She felt something snap under her foot and jumped in fright at the contact, running into something incredibly hard but also irresistibly warm.
"Are you going to hit me again?" He whispered into the darkness as she clung to his broad chest. After the initial fright and whatever else his touch had caused to course through Caroline's body she backed away and shone the torch in his face accusingly. "Obviously you're going to blind me instead."
"You scared the hell out of me," she growled.
"Well, that makes two of us," he shot back. "What the hell are you doing?"
"What are you doing?"
"I asked you first."
"Mature," she sniped. "If you must know I was getting firewood."
"Well, that makes two of us," he said reaching down to grab some kindling to add to his pile.
"So, where's your flashlight?"
"They're for girls."
"Your maturity is really impressing me, Mikaelson."
"And your inability to take a joke is certainly not impressing me," he growled. "My battery died if you must know, I was making my way back to camp before you decided to grab onto me for dear life."
"Excuse me?"
"You're excused," he replied smartly, picking up a few extra pieces of wood before making his way towards the partially dying fire."Just don't hit me in the meantime."
"I said I was sorry," she spluttered, following him blindly in the darkness. "You need to get over it."
"You accused me of sneaking up on you, I don't recall anything close to an apology in that," he scoffed. Caroline was getting the impression he didn't buy her excuse for the unprovoked attack. It had been rather weak but it was the best she could come up with on the spot rather than betray her feelings. "Much like tonight. I'm getting the impression you like to skulk around in darkened places."
"I don't skulk," she shot back. He may of had a point about dark places though given their two run-ins. "Anyway, what the hell are you even doing here if I'm such a creepy person?" Caroline hissed.
"Not everything is about you, sweetheart," Klaus muttered. "Maybe I just wanted to relax and check out the stars." She remembered his expression as they talked about the Milky Way around the fire.
"They are pretty spectacular," she agreed, looking upwards. The sky wasn't as clear now with only a few stars twinkling but it was still impressive. 
He seemed to follow her gaze and at that moment it felt like they were the only two people in the world. It was becoming more difficult to ignore his spicy scent and the way his white tank top was hugging his torso from this close proximity.
It seemed like everything stopped momentarily before Klaus finally cleared his throat. "Well, as charming as this has been this fire isn't going to keep burning by itself," he replied gruffly. 
Before he could move further a low humming sounded out above."What's that?" Klaus didn't respond immediately his eyes searching above. Caroline noticed one plane flying above soon to be followed by an entire fleet, the sound only increasing as they inched across the sky in large numbers.
"It must be the AirForce doing some sort of training exercise."
"With their lights off?"
"I'm not going to tell the military how to undertake their covert operations and I'm thinking this fire needs our immediate attention before it extinguishes itself completely." 
Caroline didn't argue just followed him and fell back asleep dreaming of stars and airplanes.
You can read on FF HERE
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