#woah women
lesbianmarrow · 10 months
femslash rarepairs save me
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p0plotte · 1 year
Wanderer of The Stars
Bad Habit - Steve Lacy
Hell. Hot, damp, and generally uncomfortable to be in for the average person. A lot less dry than you’d think, surprisingly enough. It’s more like Florida dialed up to 21. Anyway, yeah, the average person would be absolutely miserable in hell. Demons on the other hand.. they’re pretty damn comfortable there. But with comfort, there’s always certain individuals who want more out of their life. Demons especially so. Hell, that’s why so many of them leave to go to earth.
..Aldion just so happened to be one of them. On a particularly normal day in Hell, he decided to make his move. He drew a circle on the floor, lighting candles and whatnot, before standing in the middle of it and waiting for someone to summon him. He put his hands on his sides and waited, and waited.. and waited. He started getting impatient, his demonic tail swishing a bit side to side. It’s already almost been an hour, and nobody has even tried to summon a demon? Seriously?
“Tch.. how is nobody even trying?! Aren’t there like, thousands of cults on Earth?! They should be fighting over me right now, a bona-fide demon!”
He grumbled, an irritated expression on his face before, finally, he felt something. The circle began glowing, and he sighed in relief. He stomped his foot on the symbol, and he appeared elsewhere, in a school classroom, surrounded by students. He looked around, the students looking at him in awe. He appears to be in some sort of occult club room..
“Hmph, about time you called me here! I almost had to take matters into my own hands!”
He took a step out of the circle, the students too flabbergasted that it actually worked to stop him.
“You should feel honored that I, Aldion, graced your presence! You know what? Because you made my job easier, I’ll leave you a present.”
He snaps his fingers and a small box appeared in the middle of the circle.
“Some basic human wants.. money, food, games, yada yada whatever. Now, I’ve got places to be! Farewell, mortals!”
He snaps his fingers once more, taking on the appearance of a human student to avoid suspicion, and leaves the room. Another demon is loose on Earth. Great
The mountains were steep today, snow melting off slowly from the warm spring air. As winter faded into spring it seemed humans became more eager to do reckless things. This happened every year, once the sun began to shine its light more often human teens and children became much more prone to self endangering acts if it meant fun for the summer.
Atop the snowy mountains lived an oni. One that could easily make her form more human-like to fit in with other humans. Speaking of humans, she was sat in a classroom full of them at the moment. Once class had been let out she felt this.. aura. Upon stepping into the hallway she felt her stomach churn, a darkness clogging her senses.
A demon.
“Please excuse me..”
She parted from her very small friend group to go off and explore the source of this aura. Once she turned a corner an overwhelming dread washed over her. It had to be the one walking up the stairs in her direction..
The yokai stepped back around the corner to catch her breath, holding her hand over her mouth. Just what the hell were those occult kids thinking?! They always pulled shit like this.. she just knew this was related to them somehow. Did they not understand the true dangers of summoning demons?..
“How sickening..” She murmured, “Euu..”
The demon, in human form, made his way up the stairs, absolutely certain that nobody could tell he was a demon. Unfortunately, he didn’t know there was an Oni here. He smugly walked through the hallway, assuming it to be empty.
“Ah.. finally, out of that humid hell!”
He smirks as he makes his way past the Oni, his tunnel vision not noticing her in the slightest. He looks around a bit before noticing a backpack lying on the ground. This could very well make it easier to blend in with the other humans.. and after all, if someone was careless enough to just leave it lying there, they surely deserved for it to be stolen. He quickly puts it on before continuing to walk through the hallway, making his way toward the glowing green exit sign. If anyone questions him.. he can just say his ‘parents’ called him out sick, and they’ll surely let him leave. It’s a foolproof plan!
Smooth strands of black hair fell in front of her face as she watched the demon stroll through the halls. Maybe he couldnt sense her? Or simply put, she was really good at hiding it.
She watched as he took her bag which she’d just so happened to drop when slumping against the wall, unsure of if he really couldn't see her. She couldn't help but make a small look of disgust. Greedy, filthy demons invading a place which wasn't theirs to invade.
lThe oni gathered herself, and with a kick in her step ran after the demon. After they’d both exited the building she finally spoke.
“Do all demons take others things without asking, or is that just a you thing?” *She inquired,* “Let me take a wild guess and say you were just summoned from the occult club and think you’re alone here. Right on the money, yeah?”
He stayed quiet for a moment before turning around and facing the oni, a confused look on his face. He tried to feign innocence, making a shocked expression.
“What.. what are you talking about? Demon..? Are you.. calling me a demon? I’m.. offended! Yeah! I feel deeply hurt!”
He crosses his arms and turns back around.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about anyway! I’m just going home because I tested positive for an illness, and I don’t appreciate your false accusations!”
He began walking once more, but in his head, he began thinking to himself.
‘Eh?! Already?! She.. how did she know?! Was my disguise THAT flawed?! I look exactly like a normal human, don’t I?!’
He kept up his facade of normalcy on the outside, but inside, he was starting to become worried. Who.. is this girl?
As he spoke she continued to follow. She even began to walk on top of the railing to the stairs which lead from the doors off campus. Once they’d reached the bottom she hopped off the railing, landing right in front of the boy.
The ravenette placed one hand on a crystal which was implanted into her chest, the other she used to hold up the other's chin to make direct eye contact. Within seconds, a vibration reverberated from the crystal- and in their own little bubble, the horns, tail and face paint of the oni were perfectly visible. With this the other’s disguise was foiled as well.
“Would you like to try that again, demon-boy?” She pursed her lips, “Red skin.. white hair.. black and yellow eyes.. gee, I’d hate to be needlessly picking apart some cute halloween costume of yours if that’s really your excuse.”
He was definitely caught off guard by her landing in front of him, and even moreso by her grabbing his chin. Just who does this oni think she is?! He pulls away flabbergasted, but quickly tries to regain his composure. He clears his throat, before realizing that his disguise is, in fact, gone. He grits his teeth and backs up a bit, clearly a bit worried, but he takes a deep breath to compose himself.
“Alright, fine! So what if I’m a demon?! What makes you any better than me, Oni?! Hell, I was minding my own business until you started chasing after me!”
He crosses his arms, giving the oni girl a defiant look as he began to back up a bit more.
“Hell is the place you should be. Not here.”
Every step back he took she took a step forward. She was extremely composed, it seemed this flustered the demon much more than it flustered the oni. She removed her hand from her chest, eyes narrowing.
“The oni here were sent by the gods to protect this world from demons such as yourself. That is what gives me my foothold in this situation. We may have similar DNA patterns, but we have very different origins and intentions.” She paused, “I am simply protecting the humans I was sent to watch over. Pardon me for being weary of an intruder.”
Her voice was monotone, laced with small hints of sarcasm here and there. He wasn't getting away anytime soon if he didnt start talking.
He gulps, his voice becoming a bit shaky. Of all the people to run into upon arriving here, he just HAD to run into an oni, huh? He takes another few steps back before hitting the wall of this little bubble they were in. His eyes widen a bit before he takes yet another deep breath in.
“I’m not even here to do anything bad, man! I’m just.. bored of hell! That’s all, honest! Why’re you getting so close to me?! You can ask me these dumb questions from the other side of this dumb little bubble!”
He tries to give off an aura of confidence and belligerence, but his tail is saying otherwise, drooping as if he were unsure, afraid even. Knowing this, he tries to hide his tail behind himself. He narrows his eyes to continue his false impression of confidence, attempting to get the oni to back off.
“Hm? Claustrophobic?”
She covered her mouth and began to giggle a little.. a claustrophobic demon? Nonetheless one so evidently intimidated by her? It was kind of endearin-…
She fell silent. Even that thought alone struck a chord in her. One that made her sick, as if a spile had been shot directly through her guts.
“Well, demon- if that’s the case,” *She stepped forward once again till their noses touched,* “I cannot permit you to walk on this Earth freely. But, for now I can do something to allow you to stay.”
From the palm of her hand emitted a glowing collar, one which was only the basic outlines of one. It wrung itself around the boy's neck till it looked like he had some sort of odd tattoo.
The closer it was to the ring on her hand, the more it would sting. It was a precautions that she only used when certain a demon wouldn't hurt a fly. Though.. she hadn't needed to use it yet- not till today. Usually, she’d just kill the demons.
“You may roam the Earth, but for now you’re on thin ice. It may seem inconvenient for you, but trust me, this is a big pain in my ass too. It ruins my daily schedule entirely..”
”Are.. are you kidding me?!”
He pulls back again, somehow even more flabbergasted by her nose touching his. He would have fallen over, if it wasn’t for the barrier behind him. He grabs his neck, trying to get whatever it is off, but it’s no use. He breathes heavily, and his facade of confidence dissolves.
“What did.. what did you just do to me?! Explain yourself!!”
His face reddens a bit from fear and embarrassment. He has no clue what just happened, but he knows it can’t be good for him in the slightest. He felt the stinging as her ring got closer to his neck, and he instinctively tried to pull away.
Philophobia. The fear of love, adoration, endearment, and attachment. Unknowingly, she had just signed herself up to become attached to someone. Whether it was her duty or not, it would become a burden for her. She took her hand back from the collar tattoo, watching as the glow it emitted slowly faded, along with the heat. The steam from around the demon's neck caused smog to stain the sides of the bubble, like a hot breath in the cool air.
“I told you, demon. You may not walk this Earth freely, or you will be brutally slaughtered. Not by myself, but by other onis that are not so forgiving of the demon race. So now,” *She held up her hand so he could get a good look at her ring. The gem on it resembled the crystal which was engraved in her chest, “You’re the dog to the House of Fei. I don't expect you to be a dog, that is simply your title. When other oni see the mark, they’ll know to leave you be.”
She lowered her hand and shook her head with a sigh, backing away from the pitifully weak demon. He was quite lucky actually, that it had been her he ran into and not her fellow oni.
“Plus.. I’m not certain I can trust your word. It’s safer for me and you this way.” She hummed, “I’m Mingxia Fei. We’ll become well acquainted from now on.”
”..dog? A dog?! Why does THAT have to be my title of all things?! A little respect would be appreciated..”
He crosses his arms as she backs away, visibly offended by being referred to as a dog of all things. He tilts his head, narrowing his eyes again as he glares at Mingxia, a look of annoyance plastered on his face.
“And.. and stop talking like you just did me a favor! I woulda gotten along perfectly fine, but no! You just had to but in..”
He pouts as he looks away in an almost childish manner. For a demon, this guy is almost painfully immature at times..
“Plus, I don’t think you deserve to know my name. This sort of harsh treatment is beneath me, y’know? You need to be a little nicer, oni!”
“It's just the title.. I dont see you as one. You can move up rank titles if you’re good from what I’ve heard.”
She has obviously never done this before.
Mingxia’s gaze failed to waver as the other backed off and looked away. She sighed, shaking her head.
“I’m only going to say this one more time; the six other onis would have ripped you apart.”
For a demon, he was extremely childish.. It was a little funny. She got close up to him once more and used the unringed hand to start gently petting his hair. She ran her fingers through it slowly, playing with the tufts that had been sticking up.
“Is this nice enough for you, demon boy?”
He immediately went somehow even redder in the face and tried to pull back, his eyes wide and a flabbergasted look on his face. He stammered for a few moments before managing to finally spit out the words, his voice cracking.
“W-what the hell do you think you’re doing?!”
He ducks down and covers his head, burying his face in his shirt to avoid her doing that again as he lets out a little whimper.
“W-what makes you think you can just do that to me?!”
He looks insanely embarrassed at the moment. That was quite possibly the last thing he expected to happen right now..
She watched as he retreated into his shirt like a small child and frowned. Had she done something wrong? She swore that children adored being pet like that. Then again.. he wasn't actually a child. He just acted like one.
“I thought I was being nice..” She murmured, “Apologies if I scared you. It was not my intention..”
The ravenette put her hands behind her back, white horns almost shining in the light of the sun. Though the day wasn't one resembling the summer.. no. It was much more like a cloudy yet simultaneously bright day. Foggy, even.
“You have no home here, right? So you may as well take this opportunity as a good thing.”
”S-scared? Me?! Oh, please! I just.. didn’t expect you to do that!!”
His voice is a bit muffled from his face still being buried in his shirt, and he’s still as embarrassed as earlier, but he feigns confidence with his voice, hoping that the oni doesn’t notice just how flustered he is. He’s far too proud to admit that.
“And.. what exactly are you implying? Me? Live with you? As if! Never in a thousand years!!”
He shakes his head defiantly, hugging his knees.
She sighed, purple irises glazing over with a look of exhaustion. What a difficult demon.. but at least he wasn't violent.
“I never said that. I just hinted at the fact that there is a place you could live for now.”
Living with a demon? As if. Maybe some of her fellow oni would use them as spies or apprentices, maybe even minions- but she’d rather not.
Inviting a demon into her home was a load of trouble waiting to crumble down onto her shoulders.
“But, if you’d rather live poor and alone on the streets, then I won't stop you.” She cocked her head to the side, “It won't be any different than the life you lived before in hell.”
”Won’t be any different..?!”
He raises his head from his shirt, still red, but more so due to frustration. Still embarrassment obviously, but mostly frustration. He pouts, clearly getting more upset by the minute.
“H-how could you possibly know what my life is like, huh?! You’re just some self-righteous oni!”
He stares up at Mingxia for a bit longer before sighing and looking back down.
Without hesitation she took hold of him by the collar of his shirt, holding him up against the back of the bubble.
“An Oni is a demon. Simply one that has been repurposed for god. I used to be exactly where you are. Have you not brushed up on your history lessons?” She narrowed her eyes, “If you need any evidence, hopefully this will suffice.”
She set him back down rather gently.. in high contrast to how intimidating she unintentionally came across as. The oni took her hands and slowly unbuttoned her dress shirt. On her stomach a large pentagram symbol was implanted onto her skin. Though seemingly it had been ‘rewritten’ by the symbol of an eye over it, glowing the closer her ring got to it.
“So the choice is yours. Live a better life with some restrictions, or live a lonesome, similar life to the one you had prior.”
He didn’t even get the chance to see the pentagram as he quickly covered his face in response to her unbuttoning her shirt, his fear suddenly vanishing and being replaced with sheer embarrassment.
He can barely even speak, stammering far too much to even form a coherent sentence. For a demon who was acting so superior earlier, he’s acting drastically different at this point. He continued to look away as he slowly tried to regain himself, breathing heavily as he shut his eyes tightly.
“W-where.. where would I even live?! I obviously can’t live alongside you..!”
“Is there something wrong? Apologies.. I didn't realize my symbol would make you afraid.”
Mingxia quickly rebuttoned her shirt up, obviously a bit confused. Had she done something wrong? Mayhaps the eye of an angel which was implanted over the pentagon was a bit scary.. even if it was more like a tattoo than a real eye.
“There is a small community home and café in town which I believe you’d fit in with just fine.. they’re somewhat dare-devils themselves.” She sighed, “The school day is almost over. We should move quickly.”
With this she pressed her hand against the gem on her chest once more and watched as it’s vibrations reversed their true forms, once again disguising their non-human features.
“A demon being a sitting duck is just asking for trouble anyway.”
”Y-yeah, yeah, sure, whatever! Let’s just get moving already!”
He quickly turns away, throwing the backpack back on his shoulders as he begins walking towards the town at a high speed. He’s clearly still flustered and whatnot, unable to even look back at Mingxia. He’s red in the face, a lot more noticeable now that he’s in his human disguise, and his heart is racing. He just got here, and this sort of thing has already occurred? What the hell is happening here?
The oni was a quick mover. She hardly stopped to chat with the people around her, in fact she’d rather not. Then she’d have to explain why in her arms she was carrying a grumpy school boy bridal style.
Her ring gleamed under the slowly setting sun, amethyst gem’s purple light gleaming in the dark.
“Here we are.”
Mingxia stopped in front of a shop which the windows were covered in, it was a tad bit peculiar but oh well. She began to walk up the steps which led to the dormitory part, and with a bit too much ease kicked the door open.
She gently closed it behind her, and then proceeded to drop Aldion on the floor.
“This will be your group home if you don't wish to live with me, I feel you’ll get along with the people here just fine.”
Aldion makes an “oof” sound when he hits the floor, rubbing his behind, which took the brunt of the fall. He’s still in his human facade, appearing to be an ordinary, blonde human, standing at around 5’7.
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?! Just because you’ve done whatever you did, it doesn’t make me a lesser to you, you hear?!”
He pushes himself off the floor, dusting his uniform off. He turns to Mingxia with an annoyed look, placing his hands on his hips and pouting.
“I deserve more respect than this, you hear me?!”
She sighed, purple irises filling with a look of annoyance. Still, she composed herself to where she was calm once more with a few deep breaths. Black strands of hair fell before her eyes as she knelt down to the demon’s level.
She gently began to pet his hair and even rubbed his back after..
“There, there.. I apologize. I should have set you down normally. It slipped my mind that you wouldn't land on your feet.” She frowned, “I do, however, respect you. I respect all living creatures. That is besides the point though. Will this place be alright?”
It’s not like she lingered in her temple much anyhow.. he would be rather lonely if he lived with her and refused to go out and about with her.
He looks around. Looks like some kind of.. dormitory. Nobody appears to be present right now, but there does appear to be something cooking on the stove. He sniffs the air. Ribs. He walks around the room, taking the scenery in with his false azure eyes, his illusion masking his true, yellow ones. He sits on the couch. Soft.. good. He stands up and continues to inspect the area, looking around for a little while longer before returning to Mingxia.
“Hmph. This place seems.. fine enough. Decent, even. Thanks.. I guess. Now you can take your leave, I’ll just relax here for the time being.”
He crosses his arms. He clearly likes the place, but he appears to still be acting defiantly. Almost like a child..
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mummer · 3 months
rhaenyra outsourcing motherhood to rhaena and assigning her that passive feminine role was REALLY interesting….. rhaenyra as a character is at her most fascinating when she is forced to navigate and ultimately perpetuate the gendered structures she despises and wishes she could transcend— the seeds of her tragedy already sewn here. just great character work
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randymarshiszaddy · 4 months
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They have something in common
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bisexualfagdyke · 1 month
I cant believe people on here actually think you are a bigot for *checks notes* thinking that trans men are oppressed for being trans men and have unique experiences with transphobia
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15-lizards · 6 months
Imo there is not enough Valyria content out there so I would LOVE to see your thoughts/headcanons on what the geography, city, fashion, etc. looked like
okay this ones a little difficult because even though Valyria is clearly inspired by Rome, I don't like roman (aka greek) architecture for them it just doesn't really fit to me. Honestly its hard to assign any real life inspo because the existence of dragons would have had some major impact on the society as a whole, architecture included
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However, if I had to pick a type to ascribe to Old Valyria, my first choice would be a twist on Hindu architecture. I am absolutely obsessed with the sheer amount of details on the buildings (especially the Meenaskshi Temple at the bottom, everyone please go look at more pictures of it it's gorgeous). It's incredibly complex but also tends to be very symmetrical, the styles perfected over hundreds and hundreds of years. I also really love the idea of the spaces being open and well lit, it fits well.
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Another alternative is traditional Chinese architecture, with the added bonus of dragon motifs that are already there :D Another type of architecture with an intense focus on details, symmetry, and how the design of a space affects a person. Architecture is a reflection of where a society is in their development, and I find that this could be a good inspiration for Valyria, an advanced culture with the excess time and resources to build things like these.
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Woof okay clothing is all over the place I need to brainstorm and tighten my focus on different inspos (also I wish I could draw well so I can blend these styles properly but alas...anyways we ball). The main thing is mediterranean cultures I know that much. The Iberian Peninsula, Rome, Greece, the Minoans, Malta, Cyprus, etc etc all the ancient clothing and traditional costumes from around the Mediterranean Sea. Valyria was in a warmer, damper climate, meaning lots of loose fabric that could let air through but wouldn't weigh you down. Also doubling as shields from the sun. You get the gist I use this type of clothing all the time.
Okay Random Cultural Things Time
Art and literature? honestly really important because while yes this was a conquering civilization, they needed their exploits to live on in wall frescoes and written epics and dramatic pantomimes. I think they were literate, and probably spread written Valyrian to all the colonies, so that they were easily assimilated. People particularly fond of their dragons had pictures of them made and statues sculpted so that they would live on after their death.
Sports and entertainment also pretty big as well. Valyrians were a highly competitive people To Me so I think that riding, swimming, wrestling, racing, and other games were popular with the people, even those in the higher classes. Also fuck it I bet they raced their dragons. A really tall amphitheater where rich men lost money as they watched dragons circle around the ring. Or fight in midair, if the dragon riders were prisoners or sentenced to death.
As for religion, the Valyrians worshipped the gods that gave them dragons, but also tolerated the other faiths of the places the conquered, just in order to ease tensions (and because they had no dragons so why would they worship dragon gods). I like the idea of Roman household gods, with small altars in every home. Statues of the gods of the home, along with any gods a particular family might favor, along with ancestor veneration and dragon veneration. Dragon skulls and dragon masks on the walls baby!
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lovely-lies · 26 days
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Touch me, love me, hurt me….please
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immult · 21 days
idk about you but i'm looking forward to delilah getting depicted as a literal disease seeping into laudna's brain. briarworms
briarworms LMAOO. no for real i think they should get visceral with the metaphors they should get literal and disgusting with it ugh!!!
i am Still shaking frothing in the mouth at the birth metaphor from the excerpt. the first thing laudna did after she had risen was Cry like oh okay 👍 the rope being the umbilical cord bc it was what connected her memories to her parents like OK cool 👍 "the amniotic fugue sloughed away and she remembered everything" oh like for fetuses okay sure 👍 and the first thing she remembered after remembering Everything was her Mother alright i guess 👍 AND THEN WHEN SHE PASSED OUT AGAIN "THE DARK GRASPED HER LIKE A MOTHER'S ARMS" FUCK OFFFF 👍
delilah is out here trying her sure best to emulate laudna's wakening like a natural birth. bro not even a single dialogue yet and she's already manipulating her way into becoming a comforting maternal shadow for waudna.................
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gldnlvrs · 1 year
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cosmicrhetoric · 4 months
every needle drop in we are lady parts has made me feel so crazy and insane and seen like season one with toxicity and 9 to 5 but now with s2 it's like. i was obsessed with the band gossip literally the year season one was airing and now standing in the way of control gets a quick sting in s2. BRITNEY (even if they hated it the toxic instrumental while rolling credits was iconic). ali sethi. don't let me be misunderstood. the beautiful and true redemption arc of hoobastank's the reason.
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jarellquansah · 3 days
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h4msanta · 7 months
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The super cool @kanonavi and I created an incredibly detailed Genshin Orchestra AU! There is so much that can be said about it, but here’s the trombone section for now!
Wriothesley is a bit of an old and jaded criminal justice major who has been at this university for way too long. Yanfei is a law major and Hu Tao is a mortuary science major, and they both still have hope and joy in their eyes :)
Wriothesley becomes one of the girlies after showcasing his dry wit in rehearsal, and Sigewinne is very happy that he now has friends who get him to do activities. Hu Tao and Yanfei don't have a car and Wriothesley does, so he is quickly roped into driving them to rehearsals, and then to get groceries, and then to go shopping... and then be weird in the Taco Bell drive thru at 11:30pm
They take him to get boba for the first time and he likes it! Now they show up late almost every week because they're getting fun drinks :D
While you're here, go look at my friend's art of the oboe section!
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menalez · 1 year
do lesbians actually like butches? i thought we were all lying to not hurt their feelings, like trans women help 😭
“do lesbians actually like women?? i thought we were all lying to not hurt their feelings like we do with men” this is how stupid u sound
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shadowqueenjude · 2 months
I’m enjoying my status as the cool older cousin😌
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maineventpapiuso · 6 months
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SmackDown has a new king and queen.
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linabirb · 15 days
if mikoto kayano was a girl i'd be her biggest fan. promise
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