#wolff parkinsons white
zeldalover6969 · 1 year
who up being chronically ill rn ! anyways i wish my hands wouldn't do All That
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coined by me (@once-in-a-mogai-dream).
this gender is NOT intended to glorify, glamorize or romanticize any sort of condition at all. i made this so people with these conditions can feel comfortable in their identity.
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datasearch12 · 1 year
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thetoxicteatime · 2 years
I am frustrated. I have wanted to post a couple different times but my life is a consistent shit show. Everything was going so well! Took my boyfriend to Washington with me and he met my whole family. It went really well which was shocking to me but I absolutely loved it. It actually made me kind of miss home, not enough to move back but enough to want to go visit more. I was going to explain a…
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clinicalmedicine · 8 months
Embark on a journey with Jennifer Carlquist, PA-C, and course director of The Urgent Care EKG Course as she shares 12 essential insights for navigating through EKGs in the urgent care setting. 
1. When a patient has an irregular rhythm, it is important to look closely for P waves. If they are the same shape and distance from the QRS complex, you could be dealing with sinus arrythmia. This is usually caused by breathing.
2. If you have a patient with palpitations, you may find a clue to the cause by asking the patient when the palpitations happen. Often, palpitations only occur when the patient is about to go to sleep which could be caused by anxiety, although this is a diagnosis of exclusion.
3. When you have a patient with tachycardia, make sure you can explain why. Pulmonary embolus can cause tachycardia and will not always be associated with an s1q3t3.
4. If you have a very short PR interval, the first thing you should look for is a delta wave. This is what you will see with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, which can be fixed with an ablation.
5. If a patient has experienced a recent stressful event such as the death of a spouse and has new onset heart failure, consider Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. This can present a myriad of EKG findings, including STEMI.
6. PVCs are not always benign. They can lead to heart failure if there are enough of them. 
7. There is always a reason for sinus tachycardia, while supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) comes on suddenly for no good reason. It’s hard sometimes to tell the difference between the two, but when you start to sort through the history, that’s where it really starts to make sense. Sinus tachycardia will have volume loss, fever, anemia, or anxiety, while SVT patients will usually have none of those. The exception would be if a patient has anxiety after they started feeling the SVT, which is a whole different story.
8. When interviewing a patient about their palpitations, it is always helpful to ask if they have anxiety as well. If they do, ask them which came first: the palpitations or the anxiety. If the anxiety came first, then it is most likely anxiety causing the palpitations, although this would be a diagnosis of exclusion. If the patient feels palpitations and then anxiety comes on, that’s more likely arrhythmia based.
9. It is impossible to diagnose Takotsubo cardiomyopathy from an EKG alone. There are many different presentations of the condition, including STEMI, nonspecific STT-wave changes, T wave, and inversions that are symmetric. If you have a patient with a classic story that involves recent major stress in their life, then absolutely consider this diagnosis. It can be seen during their angiogram, where it will look like apical ballooning, and they will have a reduced ejection fraction.
10. ST-segment elevation can be very minimal and still deadly. It is important when you are screening for ST elevation to look closely at the TP segment. This is the most isoelectric line, and this is where you should draw your line to see if there’s any elevation or depression. As little as 1 mm can be significant for STEMI in the inferior leaves, so it really does matter here. Get serial ECGs.
11. When looking at the intervals at the top of the EKG, one of the most important numbers to look at is the QTC. The QTC should be <460 ms to be normal in women and <450 ms in men. If it is longer than that, consider adjusting the patient’s QT-prolonging medication. We do not usually see Torsades de Pointes until they get >500 ms, but it’s still a good idea to minimize risk by getting the patient off any QT prolongers you can.
12. Torsades de Pointes is lethal and most likely stems from a prolonged QT. Unlike in VT, the treatment is magnesium, but prevention is always the key. Amiodarone can also prolong the QT and can be proarrhythmic, so you may have to choose a different drug in some cases. 
This course is ideal for PAs and NPs practicing in urgent care. Whether you’re new to practice or have many years of experience, you’re sure to learn practical, evidence-based tips you can use on your next shift. You can sharpen your EKG interpretation skills, improve your accuracy, become more proficient, and boost your clinical confidence with The Urgent Care EKG Course.
Visit https://www.ebmedicine.net/ekg to learn more.
Even more content:
Check out one of our latest reels (less than one minute!) by Jennifer Carlquist, the course director.
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simulation-machine · 8 months
Controversial opinion: Being sick is not a good time
Hey y'all! Haven't really been around too much. I've been sick for the past week-and-change, (probably the 'VID or a sinus infection) (I didn't bother getting tested because I go literally nowhere and my partner, who does go places, tested negative).
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Basically, I imagined Teen Lou and Esme cheering me on whenever I did Olympic-level feats like showering or making myself tea.
If for some reason you wanna know more, here's a cut because I suck at being pithy.
My body's response to getting sick is basically 1) whine so, so much and 2) sleep for 17 hours a day until conditions improve. Fortunately, my partner is very much a caretaker at heart and ensured I was fed and that the dogs were looked after. Oh, did I mention school started this past Monday? So yeah I haven't been online much.
On top of all that, my mom was hospitalized. I was on the phone with her wife every day and long story short, it was a combination of getting bronchitis and pneumonia at once, a blood clot in her liver KIDNEY, being on too high of a dose of 'beetus meds, and also being allergic to one of the antibiotics they put her on. Oh, and she has Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, which means they had to pay extra attention to her heart so she wouldn't have to get a 3rd ablation.
So, when I was online, it was on FB to let people know what was going on with my mom. FB is basically the equivalent of a mass text to everyone I know and I otherwise don't really get on it. ANYWAYS.
The #1 fear in my life, that I have had since I was a wee little kid, is my mother's untimely demise. She's been sick a lot throughout my life despite being a tough ol' broad who is the real-life inspiration for Destiny Child's "Survivor."
Which is to say that on top of being physically worn down, I have been endlessly emotionally exhausted as well. Like every update from my step-mom/mom's wife about her hospital stay would end in me crying and freaking out, having super vivid dreams about having to plan my mom's funeral (THANKS BUT NO THANKS NYQUIL, YOU NASTY YET SUCCESSFULLY CONGESTION-KILLING BITCH).
I have been playing Sims 4 still, but not the Orson's because I cannot be trusted when goofed up on cold meds. I've been playing a very casual game that sort of started off as a 100 Baby Challenge with Wicked Whims turned waaaaay up, but is now the story of 7 sisters who have the same mom but different dads.
I might show some pictures from that because some of those kids turned out hella cute and interesting. Plus I was needing a bit of a break from the Orsons anyways.
That's all! I'm feeling like 75% human these days so I'll likely be on a bit more, but mainly just wanted people to know that I didn't die or rage quit or anything.
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housesunstone · 1 month
So i finally cried about it now I just need to talk it out. my grandpa (who has been my father figure since i was born and who adopted me and thus i have more of a father-child relationship with) went to the hospital on Thursday on what we thought was heat stroke/ heat exhaustion. He was kept overnight, and on Friday night, we found out that he has gallstones. they are so big and caused some damage that he needs to get his gallbladder removed. Normally, this wouldn't be too bad, but my grandpa has very little of his heart working since he has had so many heart attacks, and he also has something called Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome, so him getting this is very, very high risk since he doesn't clot well and being put under there is a high chance he won't wake up. As okay as I am with death, I just can't even imagine him not being in my life.
We still have to wait to hear from the doctor who will remove his gallbladder, but I'm still very upset over this whole thing. Im hoping for the best but the worst it lingers....
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welcome to my blog !! ::3
basic info:
helloo !! my name is cyrus and im a pet regressor and age regressor !! when regressing i switch between littlespace, petspace, and a weird inbetween where im basically a kemonomimi? idk, ive never seen anyone else regress that way, but i call it puppy boy regression, and my mindset is inbetween human and animal ::3 im a puppy regressor, specifically german shepherd, and my little age is 7-9. wont specify big age but i am a MINOR!! minor minor minor. i do NOT want to see anything nsfw and will block. >::Ɛ okay anywayss.,, im kinda new to tumblr so im not sure what to include in this intro !?!? im always looking for mutuals, if you follow me i will probably follow back !! ::3
what i post:
ill mostly post petre/agere tips and activity ideas on this blog !! ill also repost anything i enjoy and may ramble from time to time.., i may post stimboards and moodboards as well, but im not very good at making them !! ::Ɛ
MY REQS ARE: open !! ::3
my labels and disabilities:
transgender man
wolff-parkinson-white syndrome
anger issues (undiagnosed currently)
sally face
warrior cats
animal jam
goofy movie
into/across the spiderverse
more i cant remember rn.. too speepy.
random facts:
i do not have a caregiver, nor do i want one !!
im an older kiddo regressor and doing “mature” activities such as chores helps me feel little ::3
i LOVE aliens, if it wasnt obvious ::3
i also really like clowns !!
i listen to rap mostly if you want more details pls ask i love to talk about my music taste
i still enjoy big shows/music when little
alongside a regressor, i am a furry n kemonomimi ::3
my kins when im little:
scout from tf2
socks from bluey
rainbow dash
sonic the hedgehog
barry from pokemon
(growing list, probably !!)
my kins when im big:
katsuki bakugo
larry johnson
red guy
kenny mccormick
craig tucker
miles morales
(growing list, probably !!)
thanks for reading !! byebye
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 6 months
Kirsty angst hurts but the headcanons? 🥺🥺
TW: Medical content, eating disorders, alcoholism, drug abuse/addiction, miscarriage, abortion, emotional abuse, not very Paris or Gilmore (Emily, Rory, Lorelai) friendly
feels like i'm still missing stuff but like oh well
Kirsty was born with underdeveloped inner ears, she has always had moderate hearing loss (undiagnosed) but when she gets a head injury in the s2 car accident, it becomes more severe and finally gets diagnosed
Whenever Kirsty is really stressed or overwhelmed, she goes into a deep cleaning overdrive until she physically can’t anymore and just ends up laying on the floor wherever she was last working
Kirsty starts wearing hearing aids when she's 17, she gets her first cane at 18 but doesn't need it all the time, and as an adult she gets a second cane (she gets the floral cane in high school, the chair cane as an adult)
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Kirsty suffers from a lot of chronic pain from dance (especially hips, knees, and ankles) and is almost always using at least one hot water bottle when she’s at home, as well as even more general chronic pain
Kirsty also struggles with chronic fatigue, she struggles to force herself out of bed most days which is a significant factor in her coffee addiction, though even then it doesn't help very much.
Kirsty has Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, which is an abnormal heartbeat. It's present from birth but it's common to not exhibit symptoms for a long time – in Kirsty’s case it first flared up the summer after s2 but with cutting back caffeine and getting treatment for her anxiety it got under control before much testing was done; she’s had a few episodes since then but it doesn’t get really bad again until season 7 where it leads to surgery and more long term heart issues
She doesn’t realize it until her s7 heart issues but she’s absolutely terrified to die
She's allergic to latex and mushrooms
Kirsty has had an eating disorder since she was eight years old – this isn't including the fact that she is autistic and very particular about her food as well. It was the result of Emily's constant criticism of Kirsty's appearance and eating habits, and a bit of Kirsty's major control issues spiralling
She started taking anxiety medication in New York, but has kept it a secret because she knows that both Emily and Lorelai would react very negatively
Kirsty battles with alcoholism and drug addiction for most of her life. It starts in her freshman year of high school – originally with alcohol and smoking but then she also starts smoking weed (doesn't particularly like it but it makes her less socially anxious at parties) and starts doing coke. She is able to get mostly sober but has some relapses over the years.
Kirsty has five children, four pregnancies, and two labours. Her first pregnancy is before season 1, she gets an abortion (Chandler is the only person who knows, she tells Logan a couple of years later but pre-Yale). Her second pregnancy is either through s3 (in piece) or just after graduating Yale (my way/most AUs). Her third is in either s6 (in piece) or s7 (my way), she miscarries. And her fourth is when she's in her thirties, the labour almost kills her. She has twins the first time and triplets the last.
She also struggles from postpartum depression. She's mostly okay the first time, throwing herself into preparing for Yale helps to distract her, but it's very bad with the triplets
Kirsty absolutely adores the snow. She loves rain too, but snow is as magical to her as it is to Lorelai.
Kirsty is also always cold. So while she loves snow, she does end up suffering a lot because once she gets cold, she really struggles to warm back up, but she'll curl up under blankets with her hot water bottles and tea/hot chocolate and look at the snow out the window
Kirsty fractures her ankle in Presenting Lorelai Gilmore ( only in My Way ), she also fractures her wrist in Teach Me Tonight. She gets a severe concussion in Teach Me Tonight as well, and cracks at least two ribs, and has a spinal injury and another severe concussion from Forester pushing her down a flight of stairs in Keg Max
When Kirsty has her bad heart flare up in s7, Colin and Finn drop everything to move into the apartment and help out – in both verses, as does Jess (in My Way, he already lived with her in Piece) and Tristan (in Piece, he already lived with her in My Way), and Logan tries to come back to New Haven as often as possible
Kirsty is the absolute worst when she’s sick!  She does not take care of herself and will keep going until the collapses!  She’s very self sufficient and will insist that she’s absolutely fine, no matter how bad things actually are!  It’s very difficult to convince her to let anyone help, or even to get her to admit that she’s sick — it started when she was a child because of her refusal to miss a dance competition over being sick, so she would just take as much cold medicine as she safely could and just kept dancing, and she’s carried that well into adulthood
(and in more serious cases, of which she’s definitely had some, her deep rooted fear of hospitals and doctors absolutely leads to her doing anything to not have to actually see a doctor, she also really is deeply deeply terrified of doctors and if she has to go to a hospital or doctor's office she will have at least one panic attack, regardless of whether or not she's the patient)
Kirsty is very prone to dissociative episodes and goes nonverbal when they happen, it's her brain's way of protecting her from her anxiety – they're set off the most by Emily, Lorelai, Forester, and Christopher
Kirsty is the reason that Paris doesn't get into Harvard. She calls Kirsty the R slur (in front of half their grade and multiple teachers) and Kirsty flips her shit and immediately goes to Charleston, throws a bit of a fit, he’s just kind of like “sucks to suck”, and looking him in the eye she picks up the phone on his desk and calls Emily. needless to say, he backtracks quickly and suspends her, and removes her as editor of the paper (I’m sort of considering having this be in s3 during the student council mess bc then she could also be removed as class president)
Kirsty is beyond pissed to end up in a quad with she and Rory at Yale, and is trying to petition to be able to move rooms. Ultimately, after Emily decides to redecorate the dorm without permission, Kirsty gets a note from her therapist saying that for her physical and mental safety/wellbeing, Kirsty will no longer be living on campus (Kirsty also threatens to sue them and to sell the story to the press) – she gets herself an apartment and doesn't tell anyone where she lives
Kirsty has endometriosis. Her periods are very irregular and very painful, it's also one of the factors in sex being extremely uncomfortable for her, and causes her severe nausea
Kirsty has (at least) three service dogs over the years, starting in s7! They're all introduced here!
When Emily is mad at Kirsty, she burns childhood photos of her (Richard has learned to have his own copies of every photo) and says she’s having a funeral for her granddaughter – side note, Kirsty has significantly more of a relationship with Emily growing up than Rory did. Emily pays for all of Kirsty's dance fees (lessons, shoes, travel, competitions, costumes, etc, plus is the one to take her to New York every year when she does Nutcracker) but in exchange, Kirsty visits her once a week (usually Sunday afternoons), is a very involved DAR member, and helps out with every event that Emily hosts
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korloniumcrystals · 5 months
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3
-I like swimming and hiking
-I used to have Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
-I love houseplants (I have seven in my room right now, including a 20 year old umbrella plant my mom gave me)
btw check out this lemon and avocado I sprouted this year
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themogblog · 1 year
Who are you? What is MOG?
Hello! I'm so glad you asked, my name is Indy, I'm 27 years old and I have a rare neurological disease. MOG/MOGAD (Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody Disease). It's kind of a mouthful, as just about every medical condition is. If you want to get down to the sciency portion, you should check out TheMogProject.com because I failed Chemistry in college. So I will be using a lot of metaphors, because that's how I relate things. We should probably start from the beginning? Yeah the beginning.
So let's skip back 21 years ago, as little Indy was coming into childhood and school. Well, my best friend at the time (for privacy sake, names will be changed) Terry, had glasses. Little me wanting to fit in, also wanted glasses, especially because I couldn't see as well as others. So After a visit to an eye doctor, I had bifocals. Yes, tiny child with bifocals.
And before you read any further I hit the rare disease lottery. I was also diagnosed with WPW (Wolff Parkinson-White Syndrome), which is a condition in which your heart has extra electrical pathways. I got lucky, I had two extra pathways! So when I would work out or run around, or just be a kid my heart would start racing, and it wouldn't slow down. My record was 325 bpm, and I stayed conscious. I'm apperently a medical marvel.
And just writing all this is making me tired, so I'm gonna take a break and go play some Sims 4. So here's Indy signing off, with the rest of the stories to come.
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callmebrycelee · 2 years
This reaction is for the season 5, fourth episode titled "Heal Thyself" which originally aired on October 11, 2022. The episode was written by David Foster and directed by Darrell Martin. Spoilers ahead!
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So, one of the biggest complaints I hear about New Amsterdam is how the show has increasingly veered away from its original thesis statement. What makes the show stand out from other hospital dramas like Grey's Anatomy, The Good Doctor, and Chicago Med is its ability to shine a light on the numerous inadequacies within the realm of healthcare. Back in the early days, whenever Max got a bright idea about how he could improve things, he would immediately be reminded of the chokehold politics, funding, and bureaucracy had on our healthcare industry. 
In this week's episode, we get the answer to a question I've never really considered: Who doctors the doctors? Doctors are human just like everyone else. Doctors get sick. They have aches and pains. They deal with the same chronic illnesses and diseases that the rest of us have to deal with. When Max summons the entire staff via an emergency text, they are all shocked (and quite a bit annoyed) when they discover the real reason he has gathered them. Max announces that they are all in critical condition. He further elaborates by saying morale amongst doctors is at an all-time low. He says that burnout and turnover are at an all-time high. If things continue down this path, before long, there will not be enough doctors to keep the doors to the hospital open. Max's solution for combating this collective fatigue is opening everyone's schedules so they can take care of the things they haven't been able to do, i.e., long overdue checkups, surgery consultations, etc.
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Let's start with Dr. Lauren Bloom. When she goes in for a routine checkup, she learns that she is 5 pounds underweight. Being underweight means she will no longer be able to take Adderall. Dr. Bloom is concerned because she needs the medication to keep her focused. Unsurprisingly, she does not take the news well and after handing over her remaining pills, she begins binge eating in hopes of gaining back the missing five pounds.
Dr. Bloom spends the remainder of the episode shoving whatever food she can get her hands on into her mouth while trying not to be a raging you-know-what to her staff. Things are overwhelming at first for Dr. Bloom. When an ER patient experiences complications while giving birth, we see her almost shutdown. But somehow she manages to stay focused, even without the aid of her medication, and she is able to free the umbilical cord from around the baby's neck and successfully deliver the baby.
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At the end of the episode, she goes back to the doctor who performed her checkup and learns she's lost another pound. She is dumbstruck by this news and when the doctor asks her to check her watch for how many steps she's logged that day, she sees that she's walked over 18 miles during her shift. Dr. Bloom is disheartened because another lost pound means she won't be able to get her Adderall back. When it looks like she's about to have a panic attack, she takes some time to breathe and eventually calms herself down. In an enlightening moment, Dr. Bloom realizes she didn't need her Adderall to help her focus. 
Next up is Dr. Floyd Reynolds. Dr. Reynolds proves the most resistant of Max's heal thyself approach. When he is confronted with the news that he is exhibiting signs of a serious heart condition called Wolff-Parkinson White (WPW) syndrome, he shrugs it off and makes sure the surgeries Max rescheduled are reassigned back to him. His doctor, Diana Flores (Keren Lugo), reschedules all of his surgeries so that he is left without an excuse to not have a catheter ablation procedure. 
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Dr. Reynolds is not a good patient. It has been alluded to in past episodes that he has a bit of a god complex when it comes to his surgical skills. I found it extremely interesting that everyone in the operating room are women of color. While Dr. Flores is attempting to get the catheter placed, Dr. Reynolds tries to instruct her on what to do.  
Dr. Reynolds has an epiphany right before the surgery is performed. He confesses that when he is in a car, he prefers to be the one behind the wheel. When it comes to family cookouts, he prefers to be the one behind the grill. As a heart surgeon, he is used to calling the shots. It's easier being the doctor and not the patient because being the doctor means he is the one in control and relinquishing control is hard for him. Thankfully he does finally give over control to the other doctors and nurses and he is able to have the procedure done. Afterwards, he introduces himself to the new resident. It appears that this new resident might be a love interest for Dr. Reynolds. Here's to hoping that A) She is geographically-desirable and B) She isn't married.
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We move on to Dr. Elizabeth Wilder and what's ailing her. Like Dr. Reynolds, the chief of oncology isn't exactly thrilled with Max's latest endeavor. When he confronts her about it, she finally comes clean about needing surgery to correct her carpal tunnel. Max and her interpreter Ben (Conner Marx) insists she have the surgery she's been putting off, but Dr. Wilder refuses.
Max goes behind her back to schedule the surgery and Dr. Wilder is furious. She points out that if she has the surgery, she won't be able to use her hands. Without her hands, she wouldn't be able to sign, text, or write. If she can't do those things she can't communicate with those around her. She can't do things for herself. She wouldn't be able to be a doctor without her hands. What I find interesting is that just a few episodes ago, one of her patients had similar concerns about undergoing a life-saving surgery but she ended up talking into having it done. Dr. Wilder was pretty dismissive of his wishes to not have his arm amputated but she expected Max to respect her wishes to not have the surgery to correct her carpal tunnel. Oh, the hypocrisy!
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Anywho, Dr. Wilder does end up scheduling the surgery herself. Ben thanks Max for convincing Dr. Wilder to have the surgery. He also tells Max that he is the only one who could've talked her into having it done. 
We now head over to Iggy who is the most agreeable toward Max's self care plan. Rather than make an appointment for a checkup or scheduling a long overdue procedure, he opts to go out on a date with a guy named Ronel (Ryan Youngwoong Kim). During the date, Ronel is very sexually forward with Iggy which, in turn, does not make Iggy's nature rise. Iggy leaves the date and heads back to the hospital where he vents to fellow psychiatrist Dr. Dorian Rylance (Derek Smith). Iggy laments his disappointment in gay dating culture. He talks about how things nowadays seem so focused on sex but Dr. Rylance reminds him that hookups existed way before the internet and gay dating apps. 
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Dr. Rylance gets Iggy to open up more about his failed sexual experience with Ronel. Iggy comes clean about his erectile dysfunction and blames his inability to get it up for Ronel on it being his first time having sex since spliting up with Martin. Dr. Rylance doesn't buy Iggy's explanation and reminds Iggy of the first time he got together with Martin. The night Iggy met Martin, they hooked up but ultimately ended up together. When things moved towards sex with Ronel, it felt too familiar and his libido shutdown. 
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What I love most about this storyline is that we finally got to see someone call Iggy out on his bullshit. Iggy is one of the beloved characters on this show and a lot of his shortcomings are often overlooked because he is so dang charming. Iggy has a tendency to blame his issues on other people and circumstances. He blamed Martin for their breakup which I'm still trying to wrap my head around. He blamed gay dating culture for his inability to engage in sex with Ronel. The truth of the matter is, even after this episode, we (and Iggy) still don't know what he wants. I honestly hope he figures it out soon because I'm not a fan of single Iggy. At the end of the episode, Iggy thanks Max for affording him and the rest of the doctors time to focus on themselves. He then announces that he is going to have consensual sex with a stranger. I'm sorry, but that line made me cringe so much. Here's to Iggy getting his groove back ... I guess.
And then we have Max. The medical director suspects that his cancer may be back due to a lump he found on his neck earlier that morning. It is because of that lump on his neck that he is so adamant his staff take time to take care of themselves. Max knows he cannot afford to put off looking after himself because he has Luna. While his friends are busy learning how to cope without their medication, getting important surgeries, and coming to terms with their ... inadequacies, he goes to have an MRI. 
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The results of the MRI reveal that the lump on his neck shows signs of growth. In order to determine whether or not the lump is cancerous, Max will need to have a biopsy. He has the biopsy and at the end of the episode he gets an answer  though we the audience are not privy to the results. When Dr. Wilder asks him about the results, he assures her that he is healed. I reckon we will find out Max's prognosis in the next few episodes. If he indeed has cancer again, I hope he is able to beat it. Poor Max has been put through the ringer since season one. We have watched this man lose his sister, his wife, and the love of life all while battling cancer and fighting the powers that be. How much more can he take?
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I really liked this episode. I especially liked Dr. Bloom, Dr. Reynolds, and Max's storylines. I have been really worried about Dr. Bloom especially now that she is living with her sister but this episode proved that she is more than capable of handling things without the use of drugs. I liked that we got to see Dr. Reynolds humbled. While he is a great doctor, he needs to be reminded that he isn't a god. He is just as human as his patients. As for Max, it's so good to have him back doing what he does best. Tonight's episode felt like vintage New Amsterdam. With each passing episode, I am reminded this is the final season of this show and I know it will be hard to leave these wonderful characters behind. If this has to be our last hurrah at New Amsterdam, at least we are getting to really focus on the characters this season. I seriously hope that Max ends up being okay. I want him to have a happy life free of cancer. Hopefully he will get a happy ending. I guess we'll see what happens next episode. Until next time ...
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Electrophysiology Market: Transforming Cardiac Care with Advanced Diagnostics
The Electrophysiology market is witnessing significant growth as cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) continue to be a leading cause of mortality worldwide. With advancements in diagnostic technology, electrophysiology is revolutionizing cardiac care by enabling precise diagnosis and treatment of heart rhythm disorders. This article explores the key market trends, segmentation, growth drivers, and leading companies shaping the electrophysiology industry.
Market Overview
According to SkyQuest’s Electrophysiology Market report, the market is currently valued at USD 8.20 billion in 2023, with a projected CAGR of 13%. The increasing prevalence of heart diseases, growing adoption of minimally invasive procedures, and advancements in electrophysiology devices are propelling the market forward.
Request Your Free Sample: - https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/electrophysiology-market
Market Segmentation
By Product Type:
Electrophysiology Ablation Catheters: Key devices for treating arrhythmias through minimally invasive procedures.
Electrophysiology Diagnostic Catheters: Widely used in diagnosing electrical activity in the heart.
Electrophysiology Lab Devices: Includes mapping systems and recording devices for advanced diagnostics.
Pacemakers and Defibrillators: Crucial for regulating heart rhythms in patients with severe arrhythmias.
Others: Includes specialized tools and equipment for electrophysiological procedures.
By Indication:
Atrial Fibrillation: One of the most common cardiac arrhythmias, where electrophysiology plays a significant role in treatment.
Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia (AVNRT): A fast heart rhythm disorder often treated with ablation.
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome (WPW): A rare condition where electrophysiology diagnostics are essential for management.
Other Arrhythmias: Includes ventricular tachycardia and flutter, both addressed through electrophysiology treatments.
By End-User:
Hospitals: Major centers for electrophysiology procedures and treatments.
Ambulatory Surgical Centers: Increasingly adopting electrophysiology for outpatient treatments.
Cardiac Centers: Specialized in diagnosing and treating heart rhythm disorders.
Others: Includes research institutions and academic centers focused on cardiac care.
Key Growth Drivers
Rising Incidence of Cardiovascular Diseases: The global rise in heart diseases is fueling demand for advanced electrophysiology diagnostics and treatments.
Technological Advancements: Innovations in catheter ablation, 3D mapping systems, and minimally invasive procedures are enhancing the market's growth potential.
Growing Preference for Minimally Invasive Surgeries: Electrophysiology procedures are less invasive, leading to faster recovery times, which is driving their adoption.
Increased Healthcare Spending: Governments and healthcare providers are investing heavily in cardiac care, boosting the demand for electrophysiology solutions.
Read More at: - https://www.skyquestt.com/report/electrophysiology-market
Leading Companies in the Market
SkyQuest’s report highlights key players dominating the Electrophysiology Market, including:
Johnson & Johnson
Abbott Laboratories
Medtronic PLC
Boston Scientific Corporation
Siemens Healthineers AG
MicroPort Scientific Corporation
Biotronik SE & Co. KG
GE Healthcare
Koninklijke Philips N.V.
Biosense Webster, Inc.
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Challenges and Opportunities
High costs associated with electrophysiology procedures and devices pose a challenge, especially in developing regions. However, the ongoing research and development efforts to create cost-effective and advanced devices offer vast opportunities for market growth. The increasing availability of mobile healthcare services and remote diagnostics also opens new avenues for expansion.
Future Outlook
The Electrophysiology Market is poised for continued growth, driven by technological advancements and the increasing burden of cardiovascular diseases globally. Companies that focus on developing innovative and cost-effective solutions are well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for electrophysiology procedures.
As the need for effective cardiac care intensifies, the electrophysiology market is at the forefront of diagnostic and treatment innovations. Healthcare providers and decision-makers must stay updated with the latest trends and technologies to ensure optimal patient outcomes. For a detailed analysis and strategic insights, consult SkyQuest's comprehensive Electrophysiology Market report.
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sheetalblogs · 6 days
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heartheathblogs · 18 days
Understanding QRS Complex Abnormalities in Cardiac Health
Understanding abnormalities in the QRS complex is vital for assessing cardiac health. The QRS complex represents the electrical impulses during ventricular depolarization, a critical phase of the heart’s electrical cycle. Deviations in the QRS complex can indicate underlying cardiac issues such as arrhythmias, ventricular hypertrophy, bundle branch blocks, or myocardial infarction.
A widened QRS complex, for example, may suggest a delay in ventricular conduction, often seen in bundle branch blocks or ventricular hypertrophy. Conversely, a narrow QRS complex typically indicates a more synchronized and rapid ventricular activation. Variations in the morphology of the QRS complex can also signal specific conditions, such as a slurred upstroke seen in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.
The duration, amplitude, and morphology of the QRS complex provide key insights into the heart’s electrical function and structure. Identifying and understanding these abnormalities allow healthcare professionals to diagnose, monitor, and manage various cardiac conditions more effectively. Thus, a comprehensive analysis of the QRS complex is crucial for maintaining cardiac health and addressing potential issues before they lead to more severe complications.
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pleasanttaletrash · 4 months
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