#wolfgang held
genevieveetguy · 1 year
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The toothed vagina appears in the mythology of many and diverse cultures all over the world. In these myths, the story is always the same. The hero must do battle with the woman. The toothed creature can break her power.
Teeth, Mitchell Lichtenstein (2007)
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magnolia-sunrise · 10 months
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over the time he's known them, Bastien has always had at least a vague notion of what Wolfgang does. to actually see them kill someone with their bare hands is... a different experience
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just some silly guys :)
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filmap · 2 months
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Rosen für den Staatsanwalt / Roses for the Prosecutor Wolfgang Staudte. 1959
Newsstand Ob. Königsstraße 8, 34117 Kassel, Germany See in map
See in imdb
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snowisflesh-blog123 · 4 months
i love australian cigarette plain packaging. look at this corpse 🫵
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ohmyoverland · 2 years
um remind me again why BPO doesn’t keep hunting Nomi in late season 2 when she’s literally just living in her apartment again? what, is whispers ~too busy~ to remember his easy way into Will’s cluster that’s literally just chilling at her last known address?
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Ratet, welches Wolfgang Herrndorf-Buch ich heute angefangen hab
Wenn eure Antwort "Tschick" war, dann liegt ihr falsch! Richtig gewesen wäre:
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slenbee · 2 months
Terato Adventures Part 2
Part 1
The Library came to the forefront of your mind of places to visit. There was bound to be many unique books on both the history of this world and the monsters that lived in it. Human schools only taught so much, so there was bound to be a plethora of knowledge that awaited you once you passed through its doors.
After arriving at the library you found yourself in utter awe of the sight before you. It reminded you of a campus, almost. Trees decorated the lawn outside, various benches and tables of varying sizes scattered about to provide comfortable spaces for humans and monsters alike.
As you followed the concrete path that headed towards the buildings entrance, you found yourself donning a friendly smile that tugged at your cheeks. A few monsters that were heading home greeted you with good afternoons and acknowledging nods, while others passed in silence with their eyes glued to the open books they held.
The building cast a shadow over you as you approached the front entrance, a massive set of doors towering in front of you you. Taking hold of the handle you pulled and pulled… but it didn't budge.
So you tried again. Both hands this time. Tugging at the large door that barely managed to open up the length of your hand. Gods above it was it heavy. Were you that out of shape? Surely it had to be something else, right?
Through the tinted glass you saw someone move on the inside, a small click sounding before the door eased open mechanically on its own.
"Heh, sorry 'bout the door." Came a gruff voice, your eyes darting upward to the large- roughly 7 and a half foot tall wolf man who stood on the other side. "Most of our smaller visitors have trouble with the weight." Extending a finger towards the hand sized blue panel to your left, he flashed you a smile. "We want the library to be accessible to everyone. So don't be afraid to use that next time, ya'hear?"
Feeling your cheeks tint pink you look at the accessibility button before looking back up at him, a sheepish smile tugging its way across your cheeks. "Th-Thank you." With a large sweep of his arm he motions you inside, the faint smell of old parchment catching your nose as you step through the threshold.
As you stepped inside your eyes went as wide as saucers. The entrance of the library- much like the building itself, was absolutely massive. To your right was a large open area with a glass covered sun roof. Beneath it was a tree, its branches bearing the weight of several monsters who were strung about it reading. At its base lay a moss carpet where a few more patrons lay doing the same.
To your left was a similar area, only this one lacked the sunroof and fauna. There were cushions of all sizes and portable table stands for those who wanted (or needed) to use them. Fairy lights floated and flickered like small candles, casting those that had borrowed them in its faint yet warm glow.
In between these areas was the reception desk. There were multiple demons behind it going about their jobs, their height and size varying much like their horns and skin color.
"Oh wow…" You breath out in both shock and surprise, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by the visual onslaught your brain was trying to process.
"Neat, ain't it?" Came the gruff voice of the wolf man, startling you out of your own thoughts. You turn towards him and he extends his hand. "Name's Clint. Clint Wolfgang. I work here helpin' new people find where they need to be. Is there somethin''' you're looking for?"
"Oh.. Um.." You paused for a moment. "I'm fairly new to town and some friends of mine said that this was one of the first places I should visit." You trail off a moment, looking past him at the books that lined the walls and disappeared into what was bound to be a labyrinth of shelves to get lost in.
An exciting if not scary adventure, that was for sure.
"Ah, well feel free to look about. There's bells on the end of some of the shelves. If you need assistance, just ring one and either someone from reception will pop in to help ya. Or if I hear ya, I'll come find ya."
Smiling up at the wolfman you look down to see that you hadn't taken his hand in greeting. Without a second thought, you take his larger hand in yours, giving it a firm shake. "Thank you, Clint. If I need anything I'll make sure I ask."
Flashing you a toothy smile he returned the shake. "Heh, you're welcome darlin. I look forward to seein' you." Letting his hand fall he tossed you a wink, his tail swaying as he turned and headed back towards reception.
Watching him leave, you let out a sigh through your nose, your mind reeling with different ideas on where to go first.
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theinfiknight · 4 months
What if the characters of Discworld were Avatars of the 15 fears from the Magnus Archives?
Now, just a disclaimer, this is just my personal opinion of which character would best fit the bill. Regardless if you agree or disagree, feel absolutely free to do so either way. Also, obvious spoilers for the books excepting Shepherd's Crown and Raising Steam.
The Web:
This one is obvious and can be no one other than Lord Vetinari himself. An absolute master of subtle manipulation and long term planning, Vetinari is the perfect Avatar of the Web. He creates a reputation of pervasive fear and makes people believe that he could do away with them at a whim, despite him never once killing a single person who wasn't an irredeemable criminal of some sort, and even then usually giving them chances to redeem themselves first. This being the case, I'd say Lady Margolotta is also an Avatar, and the one who exposed Havelock to the Web in the first place.
The Hunt:
The most stereotypical aspect of the Hunt is manifested most by Wolfgang von Uberwald, the textbook Hunter who chases and kills for the thrill of it. Both Sam Vimes and Angua hear the call of the Blood, but both refuse to heed it, and so aren't Avatars. I'd argue that there's another Avatar of the Hunt fulfilling the other role, created by the Hunt to be the perpetually hunted, the never caught but ever pursued white stag/ golden doe, the one, though not only, Rincewind.
The Eye:
One Avatar is Jeannie and every Kelda before and after her. The Kelda sees everything and knows what has happened and what will. The alternate answer is Blind Io, given his literal eyeballs that float around and also that he's cognizant of everything that goes on in the Disc, and that everyone knows he's watching.
The Spiral:
The Elf Queen. The undisputed master of illusion and deception, creating false worlds that operate on her rules, trapping people in unreal dreams they cannot escape, making them see and believe what she wants them to see and believe. Bel Shamharoth is also a possible answer given how he distorts the senses and feeds on those he traps.
The Buried:
Albrecht Albrechtsson. Knockermen are undoubtedly Avatars of the Buried, with the complex stew of fear and reverence they feel for the underground, and Albrecht is the lowest among them. Agi Hammerthief is probably the only fully realised Avatar of the Buried, who dwells beneath the Disc where no one will ever reach him.
The Flesh:
The Igors and Nutt. The Igors for obvious reasons, their affinity for tinkering with bodies, and their indisputable understanding of the fact that meat is meat, and as such can be used for a lot more than its original intention. Nutt because he is a creation of said tinkering, flesh made warped, with a living engine of meat inside him.
The End:
Mort and Bill Door, and possibly every zombie. This really needs no explanation. Mort stepping into his Master's role is the textbook descent of a human into Avatarhood, developing strange powers and slowly becoming Other. I'm not counting Death because he is the personification of the thing and isn't human enough to qualify as an Avatar, and I'm not counting Susan because she never carried out the Duty.
The Slaughter:
Carcer, the Gonne, and Cohen the Barbarian. Carcer killed for the fun of it with no care for reasoning, consequence or morality. He WAS a one man slaughter by himself. Cohen's existence was also very similar to Carcer's, albeit he killed far more people and lived by a Code that ensured that though he mass murdered on the regular, he always did it with the same honesty as a man hunting for his next meal. As such perhaps Cohen was more an impersonal personification of the Slaughter like the Piper rather than an Avatar of it. The Gonne was more an a artifact that channeled the Slaughter into whoever held it, be it D'Eath, Cruces or even Vimes.
The Corruption:
Vorbis and the Cunning Man. Vorbis absolutely embodies the toxicity and insidious creeping infestation of the Corruption. He pollutes organisations and people, changing them and turning them into versions of himself, utilising extremely unhealthy relationship dynamics in order to do so, creating an atmosphere ripe with fear, desperation and despair. The Cunning Man is similar except his method of corruption is more direct than Vorbis's ie literally taking over the body of his victim while subtly influencing the minds of those around him when he's less corporeal. His presence is filth of the mind and stench of the soul, and incites disgust and fear among those aware of his true nature.
The Stranger:
I had some trouble with this but finally decided on Susan and Lu Tze. Although one would intuitively put Susan under The End, in practice the characteristics she actually exhibits line up more with the Stranger. She walks unseen among others, unknown in the places she passes through, never usually staying very long in one place unless that happens to be her dwelling at that time. Her presence unsettles people. She doesn't fit in among others and has always been set apart. She's too undead to be truly alive and too alive to be truly undead. The only people who really know her are Death and Time. To everyone else, she's a stranger they see sometimes.
And Lu Tze, of course, is just the Sweeper. No one knows the first thing about him apart from the fact that he happens to be there. He's a part of the background of whenever he is. If anyone ever truly Looked at him, and actually noticed what they saw, that he's in fact a stranger in their midst, the first words out of their mouths would be "I do not know you"
The Desolation:
Stratford, Spider the Rat King, and Ipslore the Red. Stratford was a motherfucker who would bleed every last drop before abandoning the corpse he created. This was a bastard who, wishing to cause Vimes as much pain as he could, chose to target his son rather than seek him out directly. A man after the Desolation's own heart. Spider was out for everything the humans had. It wanted their utter ruin and destruction and was well on its way to achieving it. And Ipslore attempted to destroy the whole world with his resentment, using and abusing his own son as his instrument to do so, and would have succeeded too, if it weren't for some idiot with a half brick in a sock.
The Extinction:
The Things from the Dungeon Dimensions. The Extinction is the end of the rule of Man and their replacement with the horrifying Other. And there's nothing that fits that description better than the Things from the Dungeon Dimensions, constantly seeking to bring about exactly what the Fear is.
The Lonely:
This was difficult to decide as well, but I believe the First Tooth Fairy might qualify. Living literally locked up in a bubble separate from the rest of reality, it lives apart from everyone and everything else, keeping alone for all eternity. Additionally, I believe that every living witch(with the exception of Nanny Ogg) carries a piece of the Lonely inside them. Its influence never goes away, and those who succumb to it are the ones who become cacklers.
The Vast:
Tiffany Aching and, funnily enough, a Simon once again. Tiffany's primary source of power is that she is, at her core, something far bigger than herself. She may be just Tiffany but she is also Land under Wave, the power and will of millions of years of life before her. At her most powerful she is aware of EVERYTHING, from the bones of the flint beneath the chalk to time itself to the stars being born in the distant sky. She is small but she is also Vast. And Simon sees the whole universe and truly understands what he's looking at. He sees and understands more than he can express and his knowledge of the Vast almost approaches comprehension.
The Dark:
The one, though once again not only, Samuel Vimes. There couldn't be any other answer here. The dark walks with him. He was born in it, moulded by it... By the time he saw the light it was nothing more than BLINDING. But yeah, he is most at peace in the true dark in the pissing rain on the cobbles, even before he was literally possessed by the living darkness itself. The dark aids him and talks to him. The dwarfs and the goblins may live in the dark, but Sam Vimes looked into the Abyss, and he wasn't the one who blinked.
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Lacrimosa dies illa Qua resurget ex favilla Judicandus homo reus Lacrimosa dies illa Qua resurget ex favilla Judicandus homo reus - Lacrimosa, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
You’re no stranger to the feeling of numbness.
Even if you never had the chance of being acquainted with it back in your home world, you had plenty of opportunities to familiarise its cold, detached hopelessness from your time in this plane. Of course, your first memories of this were the blind panic that seized you when you first arrived or the lightheadedness that washed over you after you succumbed to the injuries Housewarden Rosehearts had inflicted on you or when you became more and more aware of Crowley’s manipulations. 
You compared it to the crisp tingling that engulfed you when Azul and his twin cronies who lusted for terror as much as they did blood and agony had sent you to the frigid depths of the sea and the submerged Mostro Lounge. Who knew that mental numbness and physical numbness were completely different flavours of the same bitter meal. You didn’t before you do now.
You’re falling, drowning, thrashing and flailing in meaningless desperation against the despair around you.
Trouble may come in threes but only company that misery is crowing to desire is you it seems, as it pulls you along for its twisted dance macabre - it’s cold, sadistic fingers gripping your figure, harsh and unforgiving, as it manhandled you to a rhythm you’ve never heard of, living deep, dark imprints in it’s unyielding wake. It crushed you against it, leaving no room for air or words to enter your lungs, and you looked helplessly towards the shadowed corners of your vision, towards the unseeing gazes of grinning onlookers, your tender feet burning and blistering with every new step, with every new unpredictable move, as they took deranged pleasure in your plight. And with a scorching spotlight above you, all you could do was relent.
You wanted off. You wanted to leave this chessboard that everyone but you could see. You wanted to tear off the blood-soaked puppet strings that were digging and searing into your wrists. But you couldn’t. In this world, your life was not your own but merely a toy. A pawn. Some form of entertainment that gave them a means to an end. The black spiderwebs of your scars that clung and coiled around your skin, the onyx discolouration of your magic-induced gashes and obsidian veins were proof that your nightmares were real, that you are stuck in this hopeless existence.
Kindness was your hamartia, you realised. The love that you swore by, that you held dear to your heart, one of the only fragments of you that hadn’t been ripped away from you, was the very reason you were left chained in this prison. If your peace were your wings then your kindness was the sadistically scorching inferno that melted the wax between them, sending you plummeting to your tragedy. 
Love ruined you so it simply had to leave. After all, your broken spirit was already a price you paid for your hopelessly optimistic naivety, the reason you were unaware of the consequences of no good deed going unpunished. 
Your thoughts sang a final requiem to the person you used to be, a soft symphony of saudade that got fainter and fainter as you felt the writhing of something within you. Whispered voices that embraced you with their comfortably icy caresses, the wispy tendrils of your soul softening with every alluring cajole and when you let yourself sink into their assuaging depths, you were reborn.
It was strange how still the air inside Ramshackle had become. The ricocheting echoes of your heels along the tar covered floor were the only signs that something was within it. Even the darkness enshrouded depths of the Ramshackle Wood were silent. Not even the barest breath of life could be somewhat acknowledged. 
Was that odd?
You can’t remember what it was like to feel, to be more than this cold, hollow vessel of numbness. You could faintly recollect words like ‘happiness’, ‘comfort’, ‘joy’, ‘love’ these so-called ‘emotions’ that used to mean something to you, if only you could recall what they meant. Not that you cared. You were incapable of caring about anything now. The nothingness within you being the only sense you could grasp. 
What was it like, to feel? It sounds awfully draining. Such a vulnerability that’s exposed to the world is very easy to exploit. You must’ve been in so much pain, being so unprotected. But you’re different now.
You look at the shattered mirror in front of you. A lifeless doll drenched in running obsidian stares back.
Distantly, you hear ink dripping onto the floor
Huic ergo parce Deus Pie Jesu, Jesu Domine Dona eis requiem Dona eis requiem Amen
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magnolia-sunrise · 1 year
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noticing a pattern. of some sort
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Rounding out 2022 with not quite a redraw of an old sketch I did of them
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kankuroplease · 5 months
can you, make a Hc for Mika please, an uchiha inozuka man, mid-length hair, wild claw eyes, ringtones?! give it to me and I love it! 😭 another crush that doesn't exist lol 🤧
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Wolfgang never heard her curse his name the way Ringo did the day the triplets born
Mika was a massive baby, literally the biggest baby Ringo ever had to birth and she swore he was their last kid
Despite the rough birth and agonizing last trimester, the triplets were relatively easy babies
All upsets were usually fixed by put them next to each other, although Wolfgang worried that Mika was too big and active to sleep next to his siblings
He looked about 3 months older and acted that way too given he could hold his head up and roll over before Leonie and Sena
But Ringo insisted Mika wouldn’t hurt his siblings and she was right
Leonie would accidentally yank his hair and cry but he never retaliated (he did cry until they got him free though) and Sena would suck on his cheek sometimes and he just allowed it
As the triplets aged, Mika was clearly the gentler of the bunch
He was also Ringo’s Mama’s boy, making sure to give her a hug everyday before he did anything else
He also went to her for comfort whenever he had a scraped knee or any other pain and she had no problem with it (he baby 🥹)
Even when Sena mocked him for being so needy and whining to mom over “nothing”
A lot of Fredericks friends thought he was the same age as them because he was almost the same height as the older boys
His dad often joked that his big appetite was going to leave the family broke because Mika really could eat a lot
He just didn’t seem to put on any weight
Despite knowing Sena would insult him or possibly harm him if he was in a foul mood, Mika still tried to get Sena to play with him and Leonie because it made him happy when they all got along
Even if he did end up fighting with his triplet, he never told on him and would just claim any injury was an accident
When they grew out of that phase, Mika didn’t hold any grudges against his brother
He was given his father’s last wolf pup as his companion
He was much too happy to finally be able to have one on one conversations with his brother
He wrote to grandmother Sumi a lot and looked forward to hearing from her. She even sent him some hair pins after he asked her if she could send him something she really liked
Grandmother Ebba always brought him around the Inuzuka’s to brag about how cute and big he was
Asahi taught him some self defense techniques
Kuri always brushed his hair out of his face and let him sleep next to her when he had nightmares
He often got stuck posing for Leonie for hours when she got into portraits
He didn’t really mind but the chickens didn’t like having to be held for long periods of time
If he was getting into trouble, it was definitely because he listened to Sena
He was still regarded as the family cry baby and took up the habit of going off to cry as he didn’t want anyone knowing he was crying
It was during one of those times of crying in the woods that he heard someone sobbing MUCH louder than himself
When he went to investigate, he found a girl whaling
He tried to ask if she was lost just shook her head and didn’t say anything else
he sat with her and sung her a song his mom always sang him to cheer him up until she calmed down
When she finally stopped crying, he learned she was an orphan was left with some nuns in town
She was worried her uncle wasn’t coming back, meaning she’d have no more family
And Mika being Mika told her if that happens, he’ll be her family. He’s got a pretty big family and most of his siblings like him, so he was sure he was fit for the role
He introduced her to his siblings and friends so she wouldn’t feel so lonely the next day
And like clockwork, every other day, he’d show up to get her to go play with the others
Mika ignored when the others would tease them about being “in love” because they were always together, but Sofi would it upset and run off
Which made him lecture his other friends about upsetting her so (and made them tease him more about defending his “girlfriend” like some knight)
They’d make different origami designs with Kuri’s help. Sofi always wanted to trade Leonie for one of her red origami pieces
Napping under trees with the other kids after long days of playing
He looked forward to seeing her as she was fun to be around
Once they entered their preteens, the nuns didn’t appreciate them spending too much time together alone and so, he was forced to see less of her
His parents thought this was ridiculous (some of their other kids they might understand, but Mika? The boy was very pure hearted) and gave him task as close to the orphanage as possible so the kids could still see each other occasionally
But even that got completely forbidden after they caught Mika cleaning the blood off her scraped knee with his mouth
That was the last time Mika saw his friend and rumors flew about them sending her away to become a nun too
He so, he still made sure to leave a red paper crane for her on her birthday on the steps of the orphanage just in case she could somehow get it
Years later, when he was about to leave her birthday gift as usual he was caught off guard by the door opening
Sofi greeted him as if no time had passed at all and remarked he looked exactly how she remembered him
Turns out those nuns really did send her off, not to a nunnery like the rumors said, but a college (that might as well had been one)
She was set to be the towns new school teacher
He missed most of what she was saying from his heart racing from his joy of seeing her smile again
He ended up blurting out tmi to try and catch Sofi up on his life quickly (he’s a craftsman, he still helps out with his mom and dad,he got a weird rash a few summers ago but it cleared up, etc.)
Sofi giggled and told him to take a deep breath
hugging for a while before she took her crane, thanked him, and told him they’d have all the time in the world catch up but it was getting late
After that day, the two picked up back where they left off in closeness
He loved getting to spend time with her again
But Sofi definitely made things hard (pun intended)
It didn’t help that she didn’t set any boundaries with him
They weren’t kids anymore, so her cuddling up next to him under the trees and propping her head on his chest felt more intimate
Her still singing the songs he taught her when they were younger made him feel so special
Her soft curves he could just make out when she wore lighter clothes made his mouth water
Her sweet smile, wide hips, and thick thighs guest starred in his dreams and his days difficult
He already knew he was in trouble because his father and older brothers warned him about those Inuzuka like responses when there was an attraction to another
And it’s not like he never had a crush on anyone, he had several
This just felt more intense. irresistible even
And it didn’t help she was naturally good with kids. It made it easy to imagine her as being the mother of his children
Asahi gave him pitying looks when he came across the two. Mika’s pupils blown as Sofi linked arms with him
Kuri was no help as she often went on about how Sofi looked good in this or that
Frederick was generally just shocked that Mika was a virgin. Sure he’s the most timid out of them all and the women around them liked bulkier men, but not even just the tip? Wild
Leonie could tell he was craving Sofi and took to teasing him about needing to stake his claim before the nuns make her into one of them
Elke had a good amount of suitors both Inuzuka and non-Inuzuka chasing after her and she would fish through her love letters to find ones to tell him to act more like (and who not to act like)
Arashi wrote him a letter of telling him where to dig for a ring he’d buried last time he was in town and wished his big brother luck. He always liked Sofi and thought a Claddagh ring would suit her/their relationship well
His father told him to just ask the girl out
His mom kept inviting her to dinner to try and get the ball rolling for them
He tried to ignore the butterflies and bite his tongue about asking the cheesy question of she remembered he offered to make her his family
Instead choosing to let it run it’s course hoping it would die down naturally
Which was a good plan, a great plan even. But he really couldn’t tell her to leave his home in the middle of a bad storm
And it made sense to share a blanket for warmth
It wasn’t a big deal 🤡
Come the second day, they did get a bit carried away with drinking and play fighting because they’re both very ticklish
And Sofi jokingly bit his shoulder to get him back in some way (because he had her pinned by the waist) making him groan and jump off her
She apologized for the bite and he apologized for not stopping sooner but instead she didn’t have to apologize
After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, Mika joked that maybe they’ve been hanging around each other too much if she’s starting to behave like an Inuzuka
And the look on her face of disappointment made him panick and stumble over his words
He loved having her around and even his family liked having her around.. She could even move into his place if she wanted to and they could be together forever
“Is that a promise or a proposal, Mika”
The most desperate “I love you” slipped out honestly before he could stop himself
Sofi kissed the tip of his nose and said she’d waited so long for him to love her back that it feels surreal hearing it
Mika swore he’d say it as many times as it took for her to believe him
After that stormy confession, the two decided to tell his family that they wanted to get married
And without any objections, they were able to do after Arashi and Sena came back~
It took him a while to stop blushing when he said his wife and Sofia’s students found it funny to pick on him about it
But nothing could ruin his happiness when he saw her
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cazzyf1 · 3 months
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The christening of Damon Hill, who is being held by Jo Bonnier with his dad Damon Hill, behind him. Also with Wolfgang von Trips, Stirling Moss & Tony Brooks
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snowisflesh-blog123 · 2 years
if i now pronounce you chuck & larry wasn't about them falling in love what was with the scene where larry sadly puts down his late wife's clothing as a symbol of moving on and then picks up and hugs chucks jacket to his chest tenderly after seeing how great chuck was with his kids huh? huh???
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yanderepuck · 11 months
Kinktober Day 24
WELCOME BACK SLUTS. It's that time of the year you've been looking forward to. As always, Kinktober is hosted by your local Napoleon simp @xxsycamore
If you would like to read Kinktober 2021 and 2022 they are here
Remember to reblog and tell me what you thought about it
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Day 24 -  Against the wall | Bent Over a Table/Desk
You wouldn't have guessed Mozart would have been okay with this, but maybe he's just caught up in the moment. Really caught up in the moment.
He has you bent over his piano, cock deep inside you. You're only wearing your bra due to Mozart getting handsy earlier. He did have you up against the piano, kissing you and groping you.
It wasn't like him to get horny like this in the middle of the day, but you were going to take it. Your hot breath hit against the piano, you could see it fogging under you where your skin was touching it.
Mozart held onto your hips as he thrust into you. His one hand moved around to rub against your clit. You let out a yelp of surprise and pleasure. All he had to do was used his hands and you'd melt into him.
For now you pressed your body against the body of the piano. You pushed your ass into him as much as you could. You pushed back as he was thrusting in and met him in the middle, getting you to moan loudly.
"Stay still," his voice was like a low growl. His fingers rubbed you the right way to get your body to tremble.
You shuffle your feet, your toes trying to curl. You had nothing to hold onto and just dug your fingers into the wood.
His thrusting got harder, if the sweat from your body wasn't causing you to stick to the piano you would be jerking forward with each thrust.
"Ahh...ahh Wolfgang..!" You reach your limit and cum on him.
He moans as he feels your walls clench around him but he isn't done yet. His fingers dig into your skin as he gets rougher. His other hand is still playing with you.
You press your forehead against the piano and begin panting between your moans.
"Your moans sound so beautiful in here, meine liebe. Be a little louder."
His voice that time was soft, like it was two different people. He made you raise your hips just enough so that when he thrust in he was hitting a new spot.
Just as he wanted, your moans got louder. "W-Wolfgang!" You felt yourself getting close again already.
After pushing your hair to one side, Mozart leans down and bites into your shoulder, not able to control his thirst any longer
You moan and the pleasure from his gets you to cum again, in turn leading to Mozart filling you with his.
He moans into your shoulder, drawing out blood to help him relax. He pulls his mouth away and pants with you. Once he pulls out of you he leans against the piano to fix his pants.
After giving yourself a moment you pry your body off of the piano. Not the most pleasant feeling. You lean against it to catch your breath as Mozart picks up your clothes for you.
He catches a glimpse of the surface from the corner rod his eye and turns to look better. There's a rough outline of fog where your body was.
"That needs cleaned now," he carefully sets your clothes on the piano, not caring since it's already going to need a good scrubbing.
"I'm surprised you let it happen in the first place," you step back into your underwear and get your skirt back on.
"Maybe you shouldn't have started kissing me here then," he teased.
"So now it's my fault?" You pout at him as you put your shirt on
"Because I find you irresistible," he kisses you on the lips, helping you button up your shirt. "Meine liebe," he smiles softly.
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