#women's viking outfit
worldwithfalak · 1 year
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thesinglesock · 10 months
my old How to Train your Dragon obsession suddenly re-emerging now, after I've spent years learning about Historical Viking Clothing and Crafts is great actually cause I get to apply the Fun History Knowledge to my favorite blorbos, and now I have some very specific scenarios.
in Viking culture, gift giving was a big complicated very significant thing. And one gift that was Especially Significant was that of a New Shirt. Women would propose to the guy they wanted to marry by making him a brand new linen shirt. I could go on for several pages about what that tells us about viking culture, gender roles, and also the extremely fun ways viking age stories used "gifting a shirt" as a symbol in romantic stories, but I'll restrain myself. This post is about How to Train your Dragon.
Astrid Hofferson can't sew. There's no way. Girl spent her whole life training to be a warrior, she has not had the time or patience to sit down and learn to sew (even though it involves a whole lot of stabbing things with a sharp object). I mean even her own clothes are made with minimal amounts of sewing (a needlebound tank top and some furs wrapped around her arms instead of sleeves).
Hiccup Haddock Horrendus III, on the other hand, knows how to sew. Sure he mostly works with metal and leather, but leatherwork requires sewing. I'm pretty sure I can find actual footage of him using a needle. Also his clothes are nicely sewn, and since he grew up without a mum, and his dad is a very busy man, he must have made at least parts of his outfit himself.
So my question is: how did they ever get engaged. How did that proposal go? Did Astrid suffer through learning a new skill so she could spend months of her life painstakingly stitching together the Worst Shirt Ever Made? I imagine her rage quitting after she has to undo that one seam for a fourth time, and in true Astrid fashion, just chucking it at Hiccup with full force when he walks into the room.
or! would Hiccup defy Viking Gender Norms because he gets that Astrid has no interest in sewing? and then he gets it into his head that it has to be the most elaborate shirt on the whole island cause it's for his girlfriend and he can't even remember ever seeing her in a nice shirt before? and that's a shame cause she deserves to have nice things! And he overthinks every choice along the way because what if she hates it???? But ofc it turns out really nice and she adores it.
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 5 months
Norsemen & Anglo-Saxons Chapter 3
Any Viking/Norse words and customs were found on Google, so if it's incorrect please educate me!!
Summary: Princess Y/N has a secret that her parents are ashamed of.  A conquering Viking chief recognizes the gift she has.  Will they be able to bring peace between warring people, and maybe find love along the way?
Viking!Bucky Warnings: eventual smut, abuse, violence, animal attack, blood
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Y/N held Bucky’s arm as he led her through the village.  People who hadn’t been down by the shore watched her walk by, some of them bowing and others smiling widely.  They reached a tall black structure, the hof, or temple as Bucky explained, and she was separated from Bucky and brought inside.  She followed Winnifred until she was presented to a group of women who were surrounding a bath.  They were all in simple strapped dresses, as the heat of the water dampened the air heavily.
“We must prepare you for the marriage ceremony tonight,” Winnifred said.   Y/N nodded, trying to relax the nervous flutter of her heart.  “They will take care of you, and I will come for you when they’re finished.”  Y/N was stripped and washed extensively.  Her hair and teeth were brushed and cleaned, her body scrubbed in all the crevices, even in spots she was embarrassed being touched.  She took it all in stride, assuming that it was customary.  When it was all done she was dried off with a fine blanket and then dressed in an outfit like what Winnifred was wearing, but the dress was a dark green color and the fur adorned on her shoulders was that of a fox, the red complimenting the dress nicely.  Her hair was braided and her fingertips dipped in a red paint that dyed her skin quickly.  She was given a necklace that attached to her dress made of beads, metal and bone. A circlet crown was placed atop her head nestled in her hair, made of finely woven metal, more beads and tiny pieces of gold.  
Winnifred came to collect her and brought her to the front door of the temple.  “I will present you to our people, and you will be given a new name,” she explained.
“A new name?” Y/N questioned.  “What’s wrong with my name?”
“Nothing, my child.  You will go by both names.  Y/N, your English given name, and a new Danish one, given by prophecy from a seer…me,” she gave Y/N a wink.  Y/N nodded as Winnifred tapped the doors with her staff.  They opened instantly from the outside and Y/N was greeted by everyone in the village, torches lining the way as nightfall set in.  Winnifred led her out into the small clearing in front of the temple.  “I give you Y/N, a lost daughter of Freya, our soon-to-be Drottning and wife of my son, James.”  She lifted her hands towards the sky.  “I call upon our Aesir!  We present this child to you for reclamation!”  Her hands shook and a faraway rumble of thunder was heard, making the crowd of people mumble as they watched the sky.   The clouds seemed to clear for a moment, and as the stars peeked through Winnifred smiled.  “Astrid,” she beamed.  She placed her hands on Y/N’s face.  “Y/N  Astrid, daughter of Freya, Drottning of the Danes, child of the stars.”
The crowd of people cheered as Y/N smiled at Winnifred.  Winnifred led her to Bucky who stood nearby.  He had also bathed and was dressed in a long dark red tunic, brown pants and deep brown boots, an even longer fur coat on his shoulders.  His braids and hair adornments were renewed and he wore a necklace with a round pendant.  Y/N gawked at him, appreciating him all cleaned up as he took her hand, leading her through the people.  Many of them reached out their hands to touch her, speaking to her in their language and some in English congratulating her and welcoming her.  Bucky led her to a clearing in the middle of the village with a large bonfire heating the area.  There were garlands covered in flowers and fruit, furs placed throughout the seating areas, and people playing instruments she didn’t recognize.  A few women were singing along with the music, their voices hauntingly rippling through the air.  Something about the whole thing felt so right, so comforting, so true, that Y/N fought back tears watching them celebrate.
They approached an arch made of horns where another woman dressed similar to Winnifred stood.  As people got into positions around the fire and seating areas the woman held her hand up to quiet the players and singers.  She held up her painted red hands that were holding a braided rope that was made of fabrics, ribbons and a strip of a black animal pelt.  
“Frigg!  We bring to you a couple wishing to bind themselves together in life and beyond.”  She gestured to them to give her their hands.  They presented their entwined hands to her and she proceeded to bind their hands together.  She started what sounded like a prayer in their language and Bucky lowered his head.  Y/N followed quickly.  As the prayer continued Y/N felt her power flowing through her without thinking about it or calling upon it herself.  Her hands began glowing in the binding, and as the woman’s voice rose in volume the power seeped into Bucky’s hands.  He didn’t react at first until the power seemed to inject into the veins of his hand.  His eyebrows furrowed, then a low hiss passed through his teeth, and then he began to shiver as the green light zapped through him.  Y/N looked on in horror, trying to release his hands but unable to because of the binding.  She looked at the woman, who was still chanting, and then behind her to Winnifred, who just nodded at her with a serene look on her face.  Bucky shivered more violently then suddenly stopped, his body almost going rigid before a heavy sigh left his mouth.  The woman finished her prayer and did the motion in front of her face that Bucky and Winnifred had done in greeting before turning towards him.  
“Awaken, White Wolf,” the woman said quietly.  Bucky’s eyes opened and he blinked rapidly until his gaze met Y/N’s eyes.  She gasped upon seeing her power flash in his irises before it disappeared.  “You now share the power of Freya, Jarl.  She has bestowed her gift through her daughter to you.  Your children, their children, and their children and so on will carry this power, this gift, this responsibility.  Treat it well and with respect, else it will be taken from you and lost forever to the land and its people.  May it bless your lives together.”  She reared back and let out what almost sounded like a howl.  The people around them all did the same.
“Frigg and Freya bless this union happily.  You may seal this marriage with a kiss.”
Bucky still looked shocked at what had just happened but smiled as he leaned down to Y/N.  He pressed his lips to hers as they shared their first kiss.  The people around them cheered, and yet Y/N couldn’t hear them.  She was too entranced by his lips, the softness, the tenderness, but most of all the fire it ignited deep within her.  A rush of their now combined power flowed through them and melted into the ground below them, creating another whistling wind that sounded like laughter and a rumble in the earth that sounded like a hum of acceptance.
He pulled away and grinned widely at her.  The woman untied their hands and Y/N immediately brought her hands to his face.  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what was happening, I didn’t mean to hurt you–”
“I’m fine, my Drottning,” he kissed her nose.  “I feel…reborn.”  Y/N huffed out a laugh as she scratched his beard, the worry still etched on her face.  “Now we celebrate, Asynja,” he pulled her along to one of the seating areas and pulled her into his lap.
The night was filled with songs and dances and performances.  There were even fights, with the people making bets on who would win.  Mead flowed heavily and food was shared as the night drew on.  Y/N was approached by many of the people, some of them just to say hello, others to bless her and Bucky, and others who asked for blessings from her to their children.  Y/N didn’t know what to say, and yet each time something deep inside her seemed to take over and the words just spilled from her mouth.  After hours deep into the night Winnifred stepped forward.
“It is time for the union to be completed,” she motioned to Bucky and Y/N to follow her.  There were some “oohs” and “aahs” and whistles heard through the crowd as Bucky excitedly pulled Y/N out of the clearing and back towards the temple.  Once they’d reached it the women who had bathed Y/N before opened the doors for them.  A large bed had appeared in the temple where benches and tables had once been.  Y/N tensed as she knew what was to come next.  “Here I leave you.  Congratulations my dear Bucky,” she took his face in her hands again, giving his cheeks a pinch, “and welcome to the family, Y/N Astrid,” she walked up to Y/N and pressed her forehead against Y/N’s forehead.  She gave them one final head bow then retreated back towards the clearing.  
Bucky pulled Y/N into the temple and the doors were closed behind them.  Y/N was still tense as she stared at the bed.  The temple was warm, making her start to sweat under the fox fur she wore, but she was afraid to make the first move and take anything off.  She knew what the wedding night entailed, how it was done, but had never done it before herself.  It was a strict rule that an English princess was to be untouched by anyone until her wedding night with her new husband.  Y/N didn’t know if the Danes had different traditions.
“You look afraid,” Bucky observed. 
“That’s because I am,” Y/N answered quietly.
“So it’s true?  The English don’t let their royals do anything until marriage?”
“Yes,” Y/N glanced at him, surprised.  “At least, they try.  Have you done this before?”
Bucky shook his head.  “No, but not because I wasn’t supposed to.  Just because, well, war,” he said somberly.  “Never got the chance.  Or found someone I’d be willing to be with.” Y/N nodded, her eyes flitting around the room.  Her breathing became heavier as her nervousness gripped her heart.  “Hey,” he stepped in front of her.  “It’s going to be fine.  We will learn.  Together.”
Y/N nodded again as she tried to slow her breathing.  Bucky pulled her chin up with his finger so she would look at him.  He leaned his face down to her and brushed his lips down her cheek leaving a wake of small kisses across her nose to the other cheek, and then hovered above her lips.  Y/N’s eyes fluttered as she watched him, her eyes flicking back and forth from his eyes to his lips.  He pressed his lips against hers like he had for their first kiss, then angled his head to deepen it, pressing more firmly against her mouth.  The fire deep within her was ignited once again as his lips moved against hers.  Her hands gripped his shirt as his arms wrapped around behind her and pulled her flush to his body.  
Bucky walked backwards with her until the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed.  He slid his fur off and then broke the kiss and sat.  His hands slid from her face to her shoulders and unhooked the fox fur off of her, then slid behind her and untied the back of her dress.  It loosened around her and she let it slide down her body.  She wore an almost sheer underdress and some underwear underneath it.  Bucky pulled her underwear down and helped her pull the underdress over her head until she was left bare before him.  Y/N instinctively started to cover her breasts with her arms, her legs trying to cross to cover her most private parts, but he held her still.  “You’re beautiful, Y/N, don’t hide from me.”
He leaned forward and kissed her stomach then dragged his lips across her skin to the underside of her left breast.  He kissed it, making her shiver, then licked his way to her nipple, giving it a soft lick and then sucking it into his mouth.  Y/N’s hands shook as they laced behind his head, holding him against her as he nipped lightly at her skin.  His hand went to her other breast and massaged it, his fingers rubbing her other nipple.  
Y/N’s knees felt like they were about to give out from the pleasure she felt at just his mouth and fingers on her.  She gasped as he switched breasts, his mouth now laving at the opposite nipple.  He let out small whimpers as he sucked and licked her, his breathing becoming faster.  Y/N moaned at a particularly hard suck, her head falling back.  Bucky’s metal hand slid down in between her legs, his fingers rubbing her lower lips until he found the little spot that had her nearly buckling against him.  The metal against her skin felt glorious.  His mouth let her breast go with a pop and he stood.
He turned and pushed Y/N onto the bed and motioned for her to scoot up as he kicked off his boots.  He pulled his shirt, pants and underwear off and stood before her.  Y/N’s heart rate jumped as she looked at him.  The contrast of his metal arm against his skin was tantalizing, but she was shocked by the amount of markings he had on his body hidden under his clothes.  A tapestry of animals and runes littered his torso and his right arm.  As her gaze wandered down she audibly gulped.  This man was huge in every way.  Her widened eyes made him laugh.  “It will be alright, Drottning,” he said as he crawled onto the bed.  “I will get you ready for me.”  He laid on his front and hooked his arms around her legs, pulling her body towards him so that her core was in front of his face.  She tensed, not knowing what he was doing.  He felt her hesitation and smiled up at her.  “I’ve been told that this helps.  You’ll like it, I promise,” he winked at her.  Y/N nodded.  He kissed her thigh and then dipped his head down.  She wasn’t sure what to expect until she felt his tongue lick her slit and she gasped loudly.  He licked her lower lips languidly then would dip further into her and flick at her entrance.  He moved upwards and found that spot again, flicking his tongue quickly on it.  Y/N’s back arched, her hips trying to twist out of his iron grip, not because it was painful but because it almost felt too good.
“Bucky…” Y/N moaned, her hands pulling at his hair.  It only spurred him on, a deep hum from his mouth vibrating into her pussy, making her squeal.  He sucked on the spot and unlooped his flesh arm from her hip.  She felt one of his fingers start to prod at her entrance that was quickly getting wetter by the second.  He slipped his finger in then thrust it in and out slowly.  Y/N felt a tension deep in her gut start building.  He slipped another finger into her, stretching her as he thrust them in and out, picking up in speed as his lips sucked her spot into his mouth.  The tension was making her see stars, her legs trying to clamp shut around his head.  He then sped his fingers up again and started flicking the spot harshly with his tongue.  Y/N moaned loudly as the sensations all became too much and she felt the tension snap inside her.  She felt a gush come from her by Bucky’s mouth as she nearly ripped at his hair.  Her legs shook uncontrollably and her hips bucked violently.  The feeling started to ebb away and Bucky pulled his fingers out of her, licking some of the liquid that came from her before pulling himself up.
“Taste so good, my Drottning,” he said in a husky whisper.  He lifted his wet fingers to her mouth.  She opened her mouth instinctively and he put them in, making her taste herself.  She moaned a little at the taste as she tried to breathe normally again.
Bucky’s fingers retreated and he put them in his own mouth, licking up anything left she didn’t get.  He spread her legs further apart and settled between them, his hips inching closer to hers.  Y/N tensed again, knowing what he was about to do.  “I don’t think it will…” she started, then shut her mouth.
“I’ll go slow,” he promised, kissing her again.  “Tell me if it’s too much.”
Y/N hesitantly nodded.  Bucky took his stiff cock in his hand and pumped it a few times, making himself moan, then lined it up with her pussy.  The head of it slowly pushed into her, making both of them groan.  Y/N tried to relax but felt herself tensing at the intrusion.  Bucky stopped and began sucking at her breasts again, distracting from the pain and pressure.  As he worked her into another pleasurable frenzy he would slowly inch forward, until he was fully sheathed inside of her.  Y/N appreciated him going slow, letting her adjust to him, and when he was all the way in she sighed.
“It feels…so full…” Y/N said dreamily.  The fullness was making her feel delirious, like she had been missing something she didn’t know was a possibility.  If it always felt this good she wanted him inside at all times.
“So tight, Asynja.  Ah,” he gasped as her pussy fluttered around him.  “Gods, you feel so good…so right,” Bucky slowly pulled back then pushed forwards, letting her feel every part of him.  Her hips trembled again, her legs wrapping around his hips as he continued to thrust in and out of her.  She looked down at where they were joined, watching him move in and out of her, the sight making her whine deep in her throat.  Bucky moaned at the noise she made, pulling her head up with his hand and kissing her passionately.  As their tongues entangled his hips started moving faster, making her gasp against his mouth as her eyes rolled back in her head.  “Feel good, my Drottning?  You beautiful, powerful, strong woman…destined for me,” he whispered against her ear as his head dropped into the crook of her neck.  He thrust harder into her, making her fingers dig into his back.  “Mine,” he nearly growled as his hips rolled.  
Y/N felt a heady drunkenness setting into her mind, her head feeling foggy as the pleasure took over all of her senses.  She felt herself nodding as he claimed her.  “Yours,” she babbled,  whimpering with each hard thrust as the tension built again deep in her core.  “Your Drottning…your Asynja…my Bucky…”  Bucky suddenly hauled himself up, holding her against him so that he was thrusting up into her.  The angle made her yelp as he felt even deeper than before.
“That’s right, you're mine…I’m yours…Y/N Astrid, my star,” he pulled her down onto him as he thrust upwards.
The snap was unexpected and even more tightly wound this time, so much so that when Y/N screamed his name it reverberated through the temple.  She clung to him as her entire body tensed and she gushed around him.  Her pussy squeezed him like a vice and he shouted as he finished inside of her.  Y/N could feel him filling her up and it prolonged her shaking around him as she whimpered with each shock she felt spread from her pussy.  Bucky fell to the bed, stopping himself from crushing her at the last second.  They lay together, sweaty and exhausted as they came down from the high.  
Bucky turned his head and kissed Y/N’s cheek softly.  She smiled, her tired eyes blinking slowly at him as he rubbed his nose against hers.  “I think we’re pretty good at this,” he huffed out a laugh.  Y/N giggled, then groaned as Bucky slid his cock out of her, making him hiss.  He lay next to her as they both stared up at the ceiling.  Y/N felt around for his hand and laced her fingers in his.  Bucky smiled widely at the gesture.
Just as Y/N was on the brink of falling asleep she felt a fur being draped over her and a kiss to her forehead.  She smiled dreamily and snuggled close to Bucky’s warmth.  She had done it.  Married the supposed enemy, created an alliance that brought peace to his and her people, and found a new home that was accepting of her and the magic she possessed.  She missed Alfie terribly, but hoped that in due time, if her ability had shown her correctly, he would be alright and become the great king he was destined to be.
**picture is A.I. from Pinterest, unknown original "artist" or "creator"**
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how do u design outfits? also, what are the nearby villages opinions on the clans?
Thank you for asking!!! Asks fuel my passion! Long post warning!
Instead of kittypets and rouges, we got the outsider settlements, which are just basically generic, 1800's European settlers and farmers.
The outsiders rarely interact with the clans outside of trading, seeing them as either savages or bandits- not helped by Bloodclan. When the clans were young, there were a lot of issues with fights breaking out between Thunderclan, Shadowclan, Skyclan, and these villages. The clans had a bad habit or raiding the villiages for and the villagers thought the clans were godless heathens. This reached its peak when once of the nearby villages had enough and burned down Skyclan's entire settlement and driving them out.
This being said, many outsiders do see the clans as being cool- afterall that's how we got our white boy Firestar!
Clan Fashion!
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their outfits are pretty medieval northern European and viking inspired. They raise sheep, so they get a lot of wool, which is both worn and traded. Warriors will often wear the pelts of the animals and monsters they kill for bragging rights. This makes them great for cold weather, but summers are rough. Jewelry is usually worn by women, but earrings are popular among men. Thunderclan clothes are not all that colorful because they have a higher need for camouflage. Thunderclan is, unfortunately, not the best with hygiene (stinky), but they are pretty good about taking care of their hair. Clan color is red and gold, which they wear red during clan gatherings and battles to distinguish the clan apart.
Inspired vaguely by Eastern Asian Cultures - mostly Japan (I was a weeboo when I made this au, sorry). Since they have a lot more open land than the other clans, they invested in more farms over hunting, which has resulted in being able to get better clothing either through crafting or trade. They have a silk farm that produces good fabric for the clan, with the extra being traded to outsiders or in clan gatherings. This alos allowes their garments to be lightweight and easy to move in. They have very colorful clothes since they rely on stealth a lot less than others. Green is their clan color, so it the most popular. Hygiene is really important to them and hold spiritual significance (though this may be the medicine folks trying to get people to take better care of their bodies). Long hair is popular among older warriors, but younger, less experienced warriors are encouraged to keep it short because hair pulling is a classic shadowclan move.
Clothing is mostly Greek and Roman with a hint of Pacific islander for their tattoos and jewelry. Riverclaners spean 90% of their day in or around water, so they wear very little clothes in their daily life. Man rarely even wear shirts- showing off as much of their ceremonial warrior tattoos as possible. They don't have much room for growing cotton or raising animals, so they get most of that through trade (or stealing from Thunderclan). Jewelry is huge for both sexes.-both seen with some sort of colorful shell or shiny stone somewhere on their bodies. Their hygiene is okay... they wash often, but they always smell a little like seaweed or fish. Clan color is blue!
Unlike the other clans, Shadowclan is not strongly linked to any specific culture. Instead, seeing as how they have a long history of letting in outsiders and they are seen as suspicious by the other clans, I made the pirate like! They wear pretty similar clothing to the outsiders that I've next door. Practical clothing is preferred to stylish stuff - if you wear jewelry flashy colors, they are gonna make fun of you. Most Shadowclaners keep their hair short because it is easier to keep the mud and bugs out. Women and medicine wear scarves or wraps over their hair for both religious reasons and to keep their hair from getting damaged. Hygiene wise, they are trying their best. Clan color is purple.
All clans wear custom cat masks for ceremony and battle
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thealogie · 1 year
I feel like if we get a sex scene in season 3 it has to be crazy and almost psychedelic and I think the best inspiration for that would be the big lebowski dream sequence.
If I don’t have Crowley dancing down a staircase in a porn repair man outfit while aziraphale is at the bottom in full cartoon women Viking armour while they bowl a ball together and Crowley flys underneath multiple azirphale legs I don’t want it.
I’m glad we’ve all decided that the sex scene absolutely needs to be like a surrealist cartoon.
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bubbleteycosplay · 10 months
A new Sigyn outfit is ready ^^
Matching my MCU Sigyn Wedding Dress, there is now the After Wedding Dress. The idea behind the dress is that when you get married in Asgard there is a traditional ritual in which only the closest family and representatives of the royal authorities are present. The other is basically a festival for everyone with a large contingent. In this traditional ritual you tend to wear traditional clothing, which is why the dress is based more on the old traditional clothing of Viking women mixed with the MCU clothing style.
The dress was designed by me and my seamstress and sewn here.
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Traditional dress jewelry
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The Wig is a Wig from Wig is Fashion
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vikenticomeshome · 5 days
The Land of Ta (Vintage Stickers) (1981)
So, a few years ago, there was a mystery being discussed on Reddit regarding the origin of a vintage pin featuring a strange creature with the name Geedis.
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I don't know that they ever found out who made the pin. However, they did find out the origin of the character of Geedis. He was from a collection of stickers called the "Land of Ta" produced by the artist Sam Petrucci for the company Dennison back in 1981.
YouTuber Whang! made a pair of good videos. One of them talks about the mystery, and the other discusses the resolution.
It was discovered that the artist was Sam Petrucci. It was also discovered that the characters were only ever used for the stickers. There wasn't a book series or cartoon tied to it. I got ahold of the two known sheets labelled for "Land of Ta", and I did high-resolution scans of them. The 80-218 sheet looks a bit off, as if they printed the characters slightly to the right from where they were supposed to go. The 80-219 sheet looks perfect, however. I don't have the spin-off(?) sheet "Women of Ta" (80-224), but I plan to get that one as well.
So, we have these characters without any backstory or even character bios. So, we can only judge these books by their covers. That's what I'm going to do. Let's go out of order and start with the 80-219 sheet.
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So here's Eris. I can tell that they aren't a traditional Dragon, as those have four legs. Likewise, I can tell that they aren't a traditional Wyvern, as those have two legs. Maybe they were based on the more obscure Amphiptere. It's not a perfect match, as Eris's wings (or are they flippers?) are basically on their head.
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That was drawn by English cleric Edward Topsell back in 1608. The Amphi- prefix suggests that they are amphibious creatures, which would fit with Eris's sea-serpent look. However, I can't find much information about them.
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And now we have Hermann. It is a bit difficult to make out his eye color. His eyes may be red, which is stereotypically evil. That axe, complete with chips, does look somewhat menacing. However, he might not be using it as a weapon. He may be a wood-cutter. The short legs and massive torso make me think of Where the Wild Things Are. On the plus side, his legs are super short, so you could probably out-run him in a chase.
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And now, we have our first human (or maybe just human-like) character. Radon has a horned helmet. That's an old Viking stereotype that has been largely debunked. Having horns on your helmet is a really bad idea in a fight, as the enemy can grab the horns and do alot with your head. I cannot see what his necklace is made of. His boots are made of metal, while the rest of his minimalist outfit is made of fur. That's a bit odd. Barbarian types would probably still with all-fur, and a knight would probably have more substantial metal armor.
He's jacked as hell, and he looks very serious. So, fighting him would probably be a bad idea.
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And now, we have whatever the hell Shimra is. They look like a cross between a red-eyed tree frog, a mountain lion, and a chipmunk. I don't immediately recognize Shimra as an existing creature from well-known folklore. They look about ready to pounce. Those claws look like they could do some damage. Some frogs do have tiny teeth, but they're more for swallowing prey whole rather than chewing.
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And here we have Stefan. He's a tall, jacked, barbarian with an elaborate wyvern on top of his staff. He appears to have just taken down some type of wyvern. However, I'm not sure I believe this. Sure, he has one foot on the wyvern's belly. However, it's claws are well within range of ripping his balls off. The staff that he leans on doesn't looks very useful as a weapon, as he's bound to get the little wyvern caught on something, or broken off. He's not even looking at the wyvern that he's supposed to be fighting. He's just staring straight ahead, not knowing what he's about to lose.
I think this shot was setup and posed. It's like that old trope of the hunting trophy with the bear posed like it's going to attack. Yeah, something tells me Radon could take him.
But maybe I've got Stefan all wrong. Maybe that wyvern on his staff indicates that he is a wyvern-trainer of some sort. Maybe the wyvern on the ground is actually his pet, and that's why he isn't worried about the situation.
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And here we have Uno. They won't stop staring at me. I have to question how they're holding that club. Why is the club being held in their lower arm? It they try to pull back to swing, their upper arm will get in the way.
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And now, we have the first member of the 80-218 sheet. The green skin and antennae make me think of the Namekians. He appears to be carrying a serpent, which I assume is a living minion. Or maybe he swings it like a flail. Maybe it's both.
Zoltan, of course, is rich as all hell. He bought those gold arm bands with the royalties from his line of fortune-telling machines. Here's an example from pinrepair.
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And here's C3PO's cousin, Tokar. Or maybe that's a man in a suit with a respirator, a-la Darth Vader. We know he was inspired by Star Wars anyway. That's definitely a killer robot pose. I wonder who he is reaching for? Or maybe this is as far as he can raise his arms. That upper part of his chest piece looks like it would inhibit his shoulder movement.
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And now, everyone say "hello" to Iggy. That is certainly a face. This bothers me more than Uno did. Just like Zoltan, we have some sort of living serpent. In this case, the serpent is wrapped around his staff. Surely, Iggy isn't planning on using the staff as a weapon while the serpent is wrapped around it. Or maybe I've got the wrong end of the staff here. Maybe Iggy is the serpent, and the green guy is the minion.
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And there's Harry. He has some horrifying mixture of a bald eagle and an earthworm. Just like Stefan earlier, his animal-handling skills are questionable. It looks like its about to bite off Harry's nose.
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And now, we have Erik. At first, I thought he was another human, like Stefan or Radon. But then, I saw those bird talons on his feet and that beak on his face. I don't see any wings, but he does have a bird on his helmet and on his staff. With the questionable exception of Tokar, Erik is the first one who decided to bring chest armor. He looks like the sort of person that another fighter would discount immediately because of his looks. But then, he would take them apart.
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Yeah, I saved him for last. Geedis led so many people to learn about the Land of Ta. He brought the 1981 sticker pack out of obscurity. He looks very friendly.
And that's it for the 80-218 and 80-219 sheets from the Land of Ta. I'll make another post later on when I get the 80-224 sheet for the Women of Ta.
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nimblermortal · 4 months
The Upheaval of Society to Make Ships
I'm going to skim over the idea that the limiting factor on making ships was the cloth and ropes, because I've seen that floating around before.
Quick figures: small craft needs a cloth weight of .3-0.75 kg/m2 for its sail, large craft needs 0.95-1.05 kg/m2. Double-coated Norse sheep would have produced 1-2.5 kg of wool per year. So on the one hand, you need roughly half as many sheep as you have square meters of wool in a sail, doubled because only an idiot sets out without a spare sail. Make that sail a conservative 80 m2, and you've got 80 sheep-years to outfit a boat with sails alone.
Now there's the man-hours (or more likely, woman-hours) to turn that into cloth. Neil Price cites two person-years of ten-hour days to make one sail. Doubling that for the spare sailcloth and to make it a less ideal figure, and you get 3-4 person-years for one sail.
Then you have to clothe the people sailing in the boat, at 30-80 people per ship. Neil Price estimates 24 person-years to outfit the crew. Then you have to double that so they have spare clothes in case it gets wet, not optional, Mr. Trenchfoot. Then you have to add in the tent-cloth for the ship, and rugs, and ropes, and cordage.
Neil Price estimates an annual production of around two million sheep* for sailcloth alone, and then guesses at the clothes and rugs and concludes that these calculations are supported by the archaeology, which shows abandonments of farms not so much from catastrophe as a social reorganization in order to maximize sheep output to support those raids.
Not into towns, these were people who didn't even have a word for town, but into larger farmhouses with larger sheep fields. But only the bad land; the good land had to be saved for hemp and flaz to make rope and rigging. (And sails.) And the woodland had to be carefully managed to produce the correct types of wood for the correct ships, maybe planned 60 years in advance. Ship-building on a cathedral scale.
And so we return to all those person-hours. Where do you get all that labor? Easy, when you're raiding: You bring back slaves. Female slaves, who already know how to spin and weave, and who balance the sex ratio. Specifically:
In the written sources it is abundantly clear that this work was primarily within the social sphere of women - but which women? The free female population did not suddenly expand exponentially in the course of the Viking Age. This suggests that many of these textile workers would likely have been enslaved. This may go some way towards explaining the numerous sunken-floored weaving huts found clustered around the halls or as settlement boundaries on sites throughout Scandinavia - buildings that proliferate just when the landed estates are expanding in size. The conditions inside these sheds would have been horrendous. In excavations of these structures, archaeologists find lines of circular weights by the doors, where they had fallen from the looms left in place when the buildings were abandoned. The close, repetitive work was done in what light could be had, a narrow shaft of illumination surrounded by near darkness. Years spent in such dimness, trying to pick out the threads and different vegetable dyes, would have ruined the women's eyesight. All day, tiny floating particles of wool would gradually accumulate around the work, drawn into the lungs with every breath. By evening, the air inside the huts was probably opaque and filled with the sound of coughing. In the winter darkness it would all have been even worse, working by rushlight alone. The work was vital, the experience appalling.
And of course the point of this is to support raids, to get the labor to make ships for raids, to get the labor to support ships for...
Thelabor of the enslaved in turn enabled the escalation of these same activities, because it was the unfree who made it all possible. Behind the Viking fleets and crews, apparently appearing so spontaneously in the annals, lay this elaborate and cyclical system that created more of the same... The raids were an economy in their own right.
*Personally I'd like to see the whole calculation because I don't trust humanities experts with numbers, they complain so very loudly.
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flowerboy302 · 2 months
A/N-Actual name
Y/N-The “Main character”
D/N-Dragons name
D/T-Dragons type
This is a Snotlout x Male!reader
Chapter 1:Two new dragon riders
Y/N pov
It was a normal morning, but is that anything aside from my mornings. But today is what wasn’t normal, because I was becoming a dragon rider. I spring up from my bed, my (Insert color) locks bouncing, I never have time to do them, I’m not like most girls when it comes to stuff like that, all I wanted to do was ride a dragon into the sun rise. I think biting my lips as I hurry out of bed and throw on some clothes, my (Insert color) orbs locking with the outfit of my dreams, as I throw it on and put my hair in a messy bun and walk outside of my small hut, being greeted by the flirtatious Snotlout Jorgensen, flexing his muscles. “So you’re the newest dragon rider huh? Well good thing a lady like you had such a strong Viking to help her.” He says smiling at me as I scoff.
“I don’t need a male to help me, I’m probably a natural born dragon rider.” I say with an impressive smirk, knowing I got his attention on me for the rest of time.
“Well then miss Viking, if you will follow me we have one more person to get.” He says keeping a confident mind, but I read him as a book.
I was rudely awakened by Gothi, like most mornings she’d hit me upside the head with her staff. I love the women like a mother but still, that love can only go so far. I blink a bit to adjust my eyes, seeing she already had an outfit for me, I was becoming a dragon rider so I guess fashion was important. I put it on and am quickly met by Shortlout, I mean Snotlout Jorgensen, and some girl I’ve only seen around when I had time to explore Berk, a rare thing. “Well,as a soon to be dragon rider you should atleast give me a proper greeting.” Snotlout says before being waked on the head by Gothi. “Ow, ow, ok. Let’s just go already.” He said walking out, with me and the girl following. The whole way to find whatever dragon was the right fit was annoying, Snotlout kept trying to impress the girl, Y/n was her name I think? And she was going on about “I don’t need a man I’m already stronger than” or some annoying thing like that.
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And the dresses in that mod 🤢 none of them at all fit the time period and I hate how they went through the effort to give the women dresses but put no effort into the men's outfits so they all look like they're attending different events
Also the fact that the dancing couples just kinda float around each other looks bad
I should preface this by saying my opinion is based entirely on the 3.0 and 3.1 versions of the Grand Crystal Ball. I don't know anything about any other versions that may exist.
Like, the closest comparison I can make between the dresses from the Grand Crystal Ball and literally anything else in The Elder Scrolls is the dresses from the Shivering Isles. You know, over two centuries and a realm away.
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A little gaudy? Maybe. But these dresses blend into their environment. The SRM ballgowns don't really do that. (I don't have any screenshots, but if anyone else does, please feel free to share them.) They are Disney Princess dresses, completely out of place in a pseudo-medieval/Viking Age society like Skyrim.
This isn't to say I don't think ballgowns don't exist in Tamriel. I think it's perfectly plausible and altogether probable that culturally appropriate gowns exist. But the SRM ballgowns aren't it,
The men's outfits are just. Okay. They're okay. Nothing is particularly special about them, but nothing is really bad either. Honestly, they look kinda foppish. But yeah, they don't mesh with the saturated Princess Barbie thing the ballgowns have going on. Which . . . is a shame, because I'm sure the artists (not Mara, she didn't put these outfits together) did their best, but their best would look better in a different game.
The only thing I can say about the dancing mechanics is that it's freaking hilarious that the Skyrim Romance Mod requires the Skyrim Sex Lab to allow the LDB and Bishop to twist each other into pretzels, but nothing is done to make the dancing even look dynamic. By Talos, I can't decide if it's haha funny or sad funny.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 6 months
Okay, so
Atalanta’s design in the 2014 Hercules movie.
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To quote Angel Dust…
They do my girl so dirty here with this outfit cause once again this falls into the trap of prioritizing sexiness when it comes to warrior women. I’m not entirely sure if this is meant to be the actual Atalanta from myth cause they completely botch her backstory but it’s a movie about Hercules so I’m gonna treat this like it’s the “real” Atalanta.
For those of you who don’t know, Atalanta is one of the Hunters of Artemis and spent her life being raised by bears and hunters out in the middle of the Grecian forest. As such she spends very little time in actual civilization and fights with a bow and arrow. She’s also famous for slaying the Caledonian Boar almost singlehandedly.
And yet…this shows almost nowhere in this design at all. If you told me this woman grew up in the woods I probably wouldn’t believe you. The only thing that’s remotely appropriate is the armguard for the bowstring. This outfit has so many dumb choices.
Her hair is up in a ponytail of intricate braids. She grew up in the woods, why would she care that much about her hair? She didn’t spend any time around people, so hair care to this level shouldn’t even be on her radar, let a lone a priority for her.
She’s as white and unscarred as she could possibly be despite living out in the middle of the woods. She hunts for a living, there’s no way she hasn’t gotten into skirmishes with her catches before.
She has nothing but skimpy leather which does nothing to emulate a bear or protect herself in any way. Cause yeah she didn’t grow up around humans but she’s Atalanta not Eve, let her be clothed.
She’s supposed to be an *archer* yet she has abs for some reason….? If she’s running around doing archery day in and day out her body’s not gonna look slim like that. There’s been viking tombs they’ve found where there’s bone deformities from how much archery they did, her upper back should be ripped as hell.
And the boobplate…..the fucking boobplate 😑😑😑 Sorry but boobplates need to keel over and die already, the only purpose they serve is showing a character has boobs. 
If you’re gonna design a look or outfit for a character like Atalanta, it should very obviously emulate her wildness and feral nature to reflect her upbringing. Let her actually feel like a bear in human’s clothing.
Take Disney’s Tarzan for example.
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Everything about this design says “person who grew up in a wild jungle”. He wears little clothing so he can run around in the hot humidity, he keeps his hair almost completely loose and unkept. And even his very body, yeah he’s kinda ripped but he’s not Chris Hemsworth ripped. He’s still very lean and scrawny looking. He looks like a gorilla in a human body almost.
Why not do the same for Atalanta? As a bear lady she could be wearing furs all over that she sewed into clothing herself-heck she could even be wearing the hide of the boar she slayed- so she actually looks like a bear. She should keep her hair in a simple style, either really short or just tied up in a basic ponytail. Let her have scars all over her body to show that she’s gotten in some nasty struggles. Let her be super thick to give her the mass of a bear. Let her have wood for basic armor instead of any kind of metal
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Man, unfortunately heathers first episode in rtte gives self insert fanfic. (Not to be derogatory to those who write that kind of thing, it’s just her being so OP at first and everyone loving her and also she can cook is a lot at once. Like I’m certain I have old things I wrote as a 13 year old of fantasies of being basically Heather in the fandoms I was in at the time.)
(Also I like her character design mostly, but my nitpick with rtte is that a lot of the women characters that aren’t meant to be like ruffnut are almost too pretty.
Like they’re too soft and it just slightly doesn’t fit with the other characters. That’s a very slight gripe though. Like, they’re Vikings! They can still be pretty but it’s almost just too safe of designs. I want them to be slightly rougher. Like I love valkas design in movie too, it’s more visually interesting than dragon rider barbie.
Also most of the women who are supposed to be “pretty” in the show have the exact same body type. I want variety! To be fair that could be animation budget restraints and using the same models.
I do love heathers outfit though. I wanna draw her and Dagur, im definitely gonna be posting stuff to my art account rtte related)
Still do love Heather overall though. The more they expand on her and allow her to be not perfect the more I like her
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snowberry-crostata · 2 years
Clothing of Skyrim, Part II: Common Garments
I find the clothing in Skyrim very bland and lacking in cultural identity, so this series of posts is me thinking (way, way too much) about what it could have looked like if the designers had leaned into the Viking influences seen in the game.
Cotton, linen, or wool split-leg breeches are the foundation garment for almost all outfits. These come in a variety of styles and colors. Some women choose to forgo breeches and wear only a shift as their undergarment in warm weather, but breeches provide an important layer of warmth in the cold. Both men and women wear a cotton, linen, or wool undertunic or shift on the upper body. This garment, which is also slept in, helps keep the outer clothes clean by absorbing sweat from the body and is changed and washed regularly. Women sometimes wear a band of fabric on top of the shift, or occasionally underneath, to keep the breasts in place during hard work or combat. These bands are made of a single long strip of linen that is wrapped and tied around the breasts, torso, and occasionally over the shoulders. Wealthier women might buy a dedicated brassiere, though these are rare. Fitted, supportive shifts that can be pulled tight over the breasts with lacing are more common among the upper classes.
Stockings, hose, and/or socks are worn by all classes. As in other provinces, they come in a bewildering array of colors and patterns. Hose are made from bias-cut wool, while socks and stockings are knitted in wool, cotton, or silk. Since each leg is fashioned and worn separately, hose can be worn as matching pairs or mixed-and-matched in varying colors. They are tied to the breech girdle (a cloth belt, which often has ties attached for the hose) at the waist while stockings are held up with ties or garters above or, more usually, below the knee. The fineness of one’s stockings is a direct indication of one’s wealth, with the highest quality and best-fitting stockings knitted with fine gauge silk thread by artisans in the Imperial City. Socks can be worn on their own or on top of stockings and hose for additional warmth.
A quilted layer, such as a quilted petticoat (padded with cotton, animal hair, or wool) can be worn on top of the undergarments in cold weather. Quilted garments such as sleeved tunics and sleeveless vests are also worn as outerwear, or even as a form of padded armor. These garments can provide both additional insulation and protection depending on the type and density of the batting.
Tunics and hose or trousers are worn by both working people and warriors. Tunics can be long or short sleeved and are pulled on over the head. They can made from plain cloth or be highly decorated with woven edging. The length of the tunic is a reflection of the wearer's status; working folk typically wear a shorter tunic, with the hem falling around mid-thigh. Warriors wear longer knee-length tunics, and nobility, not needing to worry about protecting the garment from wear or filth, might wear a tunic that ends at mid-calf. Trousers can be fitted or loose, with warriors preferring loose, baggy cuts.
Dresses are worn with a long-sleeved shift underneath. The layer directly above the shift is a long-sleeved ankle-length dress which is pulled on over the head. This dress can be worn on its own or with another garment on top. The topmost garments come in a variety of cuts and styles, ranging from short-sleeved tunic-like garments to apron-like dresses heavily embellished with embroidery. Regional styles of dress vary significantly.
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wrestlezon · 1 year
dynamite 3/22/23 (live)blog containment zone
we started late again...
omg… hospital for the bucks… theyre doing it. theyre progressing the elite story hangman… in the ambulance… omega gets left behind… OOOOO theyre DOIN IT….
[orange + sting & darby vs kip + butcher and the blade]
sheesh lol orange's facepaint :)c kip periwinkle'd his hair kip is cool because i look at him and know exactly what his deal is. he is a my chemical romance tumblrman when i can look at a wrestler and understand what their deal is? thats good mcr tumblrman is not even my thing but i appreciate him having style. and panache i also like his goofy sinister mindgames at orange. i also like that they WORK on orange. he got under his skin! he made orange of all people snap! such a good rivalry kip: yes! the crowd: BOOOOOOO the crowd: yaaaaaay kip: yeah thats more like it!!! sting: 🧍���♂️ kip: 😰 that was a cute ending! i liked that lmao orange is knighting sting
[video for the pillars 4way]
ooooo theyre finally pulling the trigger on the pillars 4way…
[video for kenny vs vikingo]
whoops i missed this because i was getting a snack. despite whatever the hell is going on on twitter i dont need a video package to enjoy a good match tho
[gunn club vs top flight]
the gunns outfit today? insane unbelievably im having a hard time concentrating on this match because im lost in the bliss of chips + yogurt
oh no… ftr leaves aew if they lose… well. i wont get mad
[backstage with jade & mark sterling]
so fucking funny that mark sterling's letterhead logo is 1) GIANT and 2) FULL BLACK. the printer ink!!!!
[stokely vs hook]
soooo excited for this lmfao stokely pulling the not medically cleared card. AND retiring again just to seal the deal "HE IS SICK!!!" love how the security guard action jumped into the chair stokely screaming quoting 2pac? god. killing him with that chair just holding up stokely!! hook is so strong dead. killed him
oh my god matt hardy encouraging ethan page to avenge stokely This Is How Matt Hardy Can Get Revenge
[adam cole!]
yay adam cole what a face. hes not going to do a heelturn, right? at least not anytime soon i wonder who he is fighting LMAO DANIEL GARCIA… oh my god. his entire capital L Look ok cole is def not gonna do a heelturn if hes up against garcia
[backstage with kenny and don callis]
ooooo theyre doing ittttttt… theres strife… oooo
[moxley vs stu]
uno's mask is soooo shiny get him stu!!!!!!! cool pose on the ropes, moxley lmfao claudio yawning?? whoa what a loose slam by moxley. big flip off the corner by stu!! very cool oooh moxley's counter into bulldog was also cool backpack moxley huh, whats going on with moxley's ear? oh its bandage
lmao yuta "we're off the clock! 🙄"
[backstage with ricky starks]
mad about beefin with juice? yea oh theyre finally gonna fight? on rampage!
little baby drawing on the cubicle lmao this footage is rj city in the background of this bit too? i thought it was funny he was in the first one like they just took over his office and started being really cringe in there and hes just like 🙄 well ok then
[toni storm vs skye blue]
booo outcasts. yay skye blue whoa that was a swift and snappy suplex thing by toni. that crowd person is loud, whoever they are
nooo dont spraypaint her ! the women's facesquad has appeared riho!! wlilow!!
rampage being on saturday… when i was in 3rd grade i got into an argument with the neighbor boy about wwe not being on whatever day it was supposed to be on and bet him 5 dollars about it. i won and didnt get 5 dollars because thats an astronomical amount in like 90s dollars
[backstage with stu]
oh no stu's arm moxley LMAO i love how the BCC are just backstage rascals now like if you wander around backstage you better watch out because you might get into a lv50 random encounter with the BCC
[kenny vs vikingo]
SON OF KING VIKING lmfao kenny's intro having so much shade in it. that's don callis' doing, right omg that dude's superkick party sign is so extreme kenny oooooooooomegaaaaaaaaaa!!! his theme is sooooooo good. god we havent heard it in so long right? because theyve been coming out to journey this whole time? is this kenny's first solo match back omg! vikingo tope whoa??? implosion hurricarana?? dude has been doing nothing but the sickest of flips no! kenny, no! drop it…. drop it!!! no table! cmon theres no need for this!! lmao he is being so badguy. hair pulling!! this rules. we get to see all the top-tier precision moves because these are insane toptier wrestlers these guys are doing SO MANY apron/off the ring moves right now omg balance: unparalleled ??????????? phoenix splash "you can see it in his eyes! ill intent" now hes just killing a ragdoll "swan-diving reverse hurricanrana!!" my friend is yelling about how we've never seen any of these moves in our lives and yet they have names according to excalibur holy shit a 630 what?? vikingo did like a million rotations lmfao vikingo rolling up and all the way around kenny omega to get him into a pin??? omg you straight up cannot blink in this match kenny won!
OH MY GOSH ITS THE BCC sirens?? HANGMAN STOLE AN AMBULANCE???? what is that. what is his weapon oh its a plank with nails in it. why is it spraypainted black !!!! CALLIS he is such a LIAR!!!!!!!! SNAKE!!!!!!!!! OUGHH!!!! im making an angry wojak face right now
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thebooknearme · 2 years
Heathen: The Complete Series Omnibus Edition
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About The Book:
Title: HEATHEN: The Complete Series Omnibus Edition
Author: Natasha Alterici & Ashley A. Woods (Illustrations)
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Pub. Date: May 17, 2022
Publisher: Vault Comics
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 336
Find it: Goodreads, https://books2read.com/Heathen-The-Complete-Series 
WOMAN. WARRIOR. VIKING. HEATHEN. OUTCAST.  THE GODS MUST PAY… Born into a time of warfare, suffering, and subjugation of women, and exiled from her village for kissing another woman, the lesbian Viking warrior, Aydis, sets out to destroy the god-king Odin and end his oppressive reign. She is a friend to many as she is joined by mermaids, immortals, Valkyries, and the talking horse, Saga. But she is also a fearsome enemy to the demons and fantastic monsters that populate the land.  Heathen – The Complete Series Omnibus Edition trade paperback collects the entire twelve-issue series. Soon to be movie directed by Catherine Hardwicke (Twilight, Red Riding Hood, & Lords of Dogtown) Perfect for fans of Monstress, Helheim, and Northlanders.
“These declarations of self from women and queer characters fit so elegantly into the mythology Alterici uses to weave her tale, it reminds us that these narratives belonged there all along.”- The Mary Sue
“I want epics with female leads, and fortunately HEATHEN fulfills that desire in a big way, while also adding its own unique touch with themes that are as contemporary as they are timeless.”- Women Write About Comics
“One look at the cover and I knew this book was right up my alley. If you are into Norse mythology and aching for a lesbian angle, then this book is for you. If you want a love story that is more than a romance, a heroine that is truly honourable and fierce, then I urge you to pick this … up.”- The Lesbian Review
“Natasha Alterici's Heathen, has single-handedly redeemed the disaster that pop culture has been making of Norse mythology. It’s a smart, funny, feminist, queer and sex-positive take on the Viking world; one with a wide cast of diverse and endearing characters. Heathen is a must-read for comics (and mythology) lovers of all sorts and those in quest of superb queer and feminist comics in particular. RATING: 10/10”- Pop Matter
About Natasha Alterici:
Natasha Alterici is a writer and artist living in Tulsa, OK who has been working as a freelance artist for over ten years. Works include Heathen (Vault Comics), Dinosaur Project, Gotham Academy: Yearbook, Grayson Annual, The Lez Film Review, Mixed Signals, Lovers and Other Strangers, Transcience, and a number of others. When not drawing, she enjoys watching cooking shows with her wife and their two cats, Cheshire and Louise.
Website | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon
About Ashley A. Woods:
Ashley A. Woods is a comic book artist, writer, & creator from Chicago known for her work on the "Niobe", "Ladycastle" and "Tomb Raider" series. She got her start through self-publishing her action-fantasy comic series “Millennia War” which led to her career in comics and TV. After earning her degree in Film and Animation from IADT, she traveled to Kyoto, Japan where she presented her work in a gallery showcase called, “Out Of Sequence”. Recognized for her female illustrations and designs, her most prominent work is "Niobe: She is Life" with Stranger Comics. Her latest work can be seen on HBO's "Lovecraft Country", DC’s “Wonder Woman Black & Gold 2” and "Jupiter Invincible" with Pulitzer Prize winning author Yusef Komunyakaa which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival June 2021.
Website | Twitter | Instagram
What was your inspiration for writing your graphic novel?
Heathen began with a simple Ren Faire costume design, I wanted to go as a barbarian, and the outfit I came up with wasn't far off from what Aydis wears in the book. After that I found myself drawing it again and again, and realized it was developing into a character. So the next steps were obvious; give her a horse and then write her a story. 
List your favorite graphic novels or comics from when you were a child and talk about how you see them as an adult.
I never got the chance to read any comics as a kid. I was too busy obsessing over a different Eyewitness book every month and then later Mary Higgins Clark mysteries and Lurlene McDaniel romance books. I got into comics in college after my English Comp teacher assigned Maus, and from there I sought out the classics like V for Vendetta, Persepolis, and some Sandman. I've always been a seasonal kind of reader, sometimes I'm devouring everything I can, other times I almost forget books exist. Just how I'm wired I suppose. 
List your favorite graphic novels this year and why you like them.
I've honestly only read one so far this year, but it was a great one! Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me by Mariko Tamaki and Rosemary Valero-O'Connell. It's so refreshing to read about queer characters who are neither role models nor tragedies (both are perfectly valid, just oversaturated). They're just normal kids with normal relationship problems that they have to learn to navigate. I really enjoy down-to-earth stories like that. 
Talk about your favorite kind of character to write about
I love messy flawed characters, the kind who want to be better but aren't quite sure how to go about it. I also love writing flirty characters, they're hands down the most fun to write. And if a flirt happens to be messy and flawed themself, well that's the perfect combination. 
Talk about your least favorite kind of character to write about
This is a difficult one, because if I were to describe the kind of character I don't like I'd inevitably be describing the kind of people I don't like  and I try to find the likable part of anyone I'm writing. Otherwise it's hard to empathize with them, and empathy is the most important part. I guess I'd say I find it hard to write about people who find joy in being cruel. 
Describe your ideal writing space.
Comfy chair with a foot rest, view of the forest or a field, music playing, unlimited access to some kind of sweet treat like peach rings or twizzlers, and plants to fuss over while I run through scenes and dialog in my head. 
Describe your ideal home library.
I'd love to have floor to ceiling shelves, with one of those rolling ladders. Everything is organized by Library of Congress call number system (I worked as a university librarian for a while), and it's dust and mold free somehow. And there's a big pile of cushions and pillows to lay in to read. 
What are some of your favorite video games?
I'm really into Ark: Survival Evolved right now, I enjoy finding and taming all my favorite dinosaurs and building things. I also play Phasmophobia, Minecraft, Katamari, House Flipper, and I like colony sim games like Oxygen Not Included and Banished.
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Credit : Hyeyoung Kim
The Evolution of Women in Armor: Between History, Fiction, and Popular Culture
The representation of women in armor has gained significant popularity in recent years, largely influenced by Western and Japanese culture, particularly through video games, manga, and cosplay. But where does this fascination with armored female warriors come from, and how have these representations evolved over time?
Video Games and the Rise of Women Warriors in Armor
Modern popular culture has significantly contributed to the emergence of the concept of women in armor, particularly through video games and manga/anime. MMOs (massively multiplayer online games) like World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) have played a crucial role in popularizing this image. However, this representation hasn’t always been well-received.
In the early days of World of Warcraft and other MMOs, female armor was often reduced to sexualized versions where functionality was sacrificed for aesthetics. These "bikini armors" sparked controversy for imposing a certain vision of femininity on female players, often without offering alternatives. However, the introduction of the transmogrification system in WoW allowed players to customize their armor appearances, alleviating some of the criticism.
In contrast, FFXIV adopted a more pragmatic and egalitarian approach. The game allows female characters to wear full, detailed armor without gender distinction, while still providing the option to choose more revealing outfits if desired. This flexibility has been widely praised and marks a positive evolution in the design of female characters in video games.
Cosplay and the Art of Recreating Armor
Cosplay has also played a central role in the dissemination of this concept. With materials like worbla, a lightweight and moldable thermoplastic, cosplayers can create complex armor replicas without dealing with the weight or cost of real metal armor. Events like BlizzCon showcase the enthusiasm for these creations, where armor inspired by video games and fiction becomes wearable art.
Women in Armor: From Fiction to Historical Reality
But these contemporary representations aren’t entirely disconnected from historical reality. Some women did indeed don armor and fight on battlefields, though these were relatively rare cases. One of the most iconic figures is undoubtedly Joan of Arc. Born in 1412, this young woman, guided by divine visions, took up arms to liberate France from the English during the Hundred Years' War. Her courage and faith enabled her to galvanize her troops and inflict significant defeats on the enemy before she was captured and burned at the stake for heresy. She would be canonized centuries later, becoming a symbolic figure of courage and faith.
Viking women are also often cited in the collective imagination as warriors, though historical evidence is more tenuous. Recent archaeological discoveries have revealed that some Viking warrior graves actually belonged to women, but these cases remain the exception rather than the rule.
In Japan, the onna-bugeisha, women of the feudal nobility, were trained in combat to defend their homes in the absence of men. These female warriors have inspired many stories and representations in manga and anime, where female characters of interest are often endowed with combat skills and impressive armor.
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credit : Yagaminou
The Ongoing Controversy: Between Objectification and Empowerment
Today, the representation of women in armor continues to spark debate. Games like Stellar Blade (formerly Project Eve) have chosen to deviate from current trends towards more modest representations by featuring a main character who remains openly and deliberately sexy. This counter-current choice raises the question of whether representations of women should always follow a predefined norm, or if they can instead claim a certain aesthetic freedom.
Moments like Zendaya's appearance in a Mugler armor at the premiere of the movie Dune show how much the concept of women in armor continues to surprise and captivate. With complex details and elements that play on apparent nudity, these creations blur the lines between fashion, art, and armor.
Conclusion: A Concept in Evolution
Women in armor, whether from fiction or history, continue to fascinate by embodying both strength and femininity. As media evolves, this concept transforms, oscillating between empowerment and controversy. What is certain is that women in armor, whether they are cosplayers, video game heroines, or historical figures, continue to captivate our collective imagination.
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