#won't play any music either you're both going to just sit in silence
obey-me-disaster · 1 year
I saw the Mammon with a clingy MC headcannons and was wondering if you could please write those for the rest of the brothers?
Sure thing ^-^
This is the first I got to write after the hiatus. It was such a nice thing to work on in order to get back into writing.
Demon brothers with a very clingy MC
As much as he would love to indulge you, he is a busy demon. He can't always be by your side and sometimes, he needs his alone time to get rid of his nerves.
Still, he tries to make time for you cause he would hate if you started to feel neglected because of his work.
Usually when he invites you over to his room to listen to music or to talk about 'important matters' it just means you'll get to be as clingy as you want with him.
He takes advantage of those times to let go of all the stress and just relax with his lover. If he drinks enough he might start venting about either his brothers or Diavolo and be generally more open.
Sometimes, when he is doing paperwork, he will let you sit on his lap to cuddle him. From time to time he will stop to check on you and give you a kiss.
Unless he is doing really important work, he will let himself be dragged away from his office by a clingy MC without putting too much of a fight. As much as he may try not to show it, he adores you and he would be more than happy to indulge a clingy MC
If he is in demon form at an event, he likes to wrap on of his wings around you to bring you closer to him.
Already done here
He adores it but he is not used to it!
He isn't used to the attention, the affection, and all the spending time together.
He is an introvert, from time to time he needs time some time alone in order to recharge his social batteries. Tho, as time passes, some of the 'time alone sessions' can be 'spending time in the same room but doing different things in silence' sessions.
He adores all the cuddles and attention, but it will take him some time to get fully comfortable. He will go through some phases where he feels guilty for not being all that comfortable from the get go but that's nothing a little bit of reassurance won't solve.
He likes to wrap his tail around you when play games, either around on of your legs or waist.
He tries to convince you to either wear one of his hoodies or for you to give him one of your jackets/hoodies. He tries...but he always gets embarrassed before really saying anything.
Once he gets used to all of the attention and affection he will start being clingy too, and actually be open about it!
It would hit him pretty hard that someone wants to be that close to him in that way. Sure, there have probably been demons and witches alike that wanted to be close with him for various reasons, but this was the first time when he felt so calm and warm about it.
This feeling didn't really hit him at first, he would just be close to MC while he was reading. It really hit him one random day when he realized how little his wrath was screaming inside of him.
Whenever you decide to cuddle him he treats the same way as if a cat would sit on his lap, he is no longer allowed to move.
Would honestly take a clingy MC to different museums or exhibitions in order to both satisfy your clinginess and his thirst for knowledge.
He is quite a romantic demon from all those novels he has read, so a lot of the things you two do, especially on the days you're especially clingy, would remind him of scenes from his favourite books.
No matter how clingy you may be, Asmo has you beat in that category. He is honestly the best brother for a clingy MC.
He is clingy himself, would welcome with open arms all of your affection and doesn't have any emotional baggage holding him back from being affectionate with you.
You two are basically never separated after a while. You two might as well share a room and a closet. He has no qualms about sharing clothes with you.
He likes to think about what activities would bring you even closer. And of course, there will be tons of photos, both for Asmo's enjoyment and for devilgram.
The poor guy gets so used to having you always by his side that if he has to go through a day without you he will start complaining that his affection levels are low. He will start crying about dying if you don't shower him in your affection, so go wait him in his room won't you?
Would be really chill about a clingy MC. If they wanted to, he could just carry them around. He enjoys their attention and food tastes better when they are with him.
Working out? Chances are you are being used as one of his weights. Eating? Sitting in his lap. 10/10 guy to cling to.
He prefers to carry you around cause he is aware of his one track mind. If he gets too focused about either one of his hobbies, food or working out, he fears he wouldn't be able to give you as much attention as you need.
Be prepared to be his pillow 24/7. He will fully take advantage of you being clingy towards him to make you his nap partner.
You can't exactly get too mad at him either...you get to be clingy and he gets his sleep, with how nice and soft he feels chances are you'll fall asleep too.
Even when he isn't asleep, he likes to lean against you and generally be really close with you. He is probably as clingy as you are.
Uses his younger brother privileges to get his brothers to leave the two of you alone.
Honestly, a lot of the time it would be enough if he was able to sleep in the same room you're in, even if you aren't cuddled up with him, but if he can convince you to put off for later whatever you were working on why wouldn't he? He is the avatar of sloth after all.
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irisintheafterglow · 11 months
cw: swearing, mentions of eating
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"i can't believe you're sneaking me out of my window like a fucking damsel."
"with all due respect, i can't exactly just knock on your front door," he chuckles quietly under his breath. his hand hovers respectfully beside your waist as you hop down from your window, the other hand unwaveringly steady in yours. you both wince at the crunch of your shoes on the crisp autumn leaves, as if the foliage wanted to rat you out and reveal you were sneaking around with the sorority's worst enemy. "very elegant landing," he teases and you stick your tongue out in response.
"next time, let's just use the main entrance," you mutter, keeping your fingers laced in his and dragging him to the side gate. "you don't even have to step on the porch; i'll just say i'm getting picked up by someone."
"your sisters would tear me like a banana peel as soon as they saw my car," he reminds you, pulling his hand away to open the passenger's side door. "and i won't say i don't like the thrill of this whole debacle." he carefully closes the door as quietly as humanly possible and creeps around the front like a cartoon burglar. you shake your head in light-hearted exasperation and his mouth becomes a smirk as he slides into the driver's seat. you suddenly curse under your breath, moving to reopen the car door. "what're you doing?"
"i forgot a jacket and we're gonna be outside, so-" you're barely finished with your thought before he's tugging off his crewneck and tossing it in your lap, just as he did during the halloween party. when you pull it over your head, it's warm like a space heater and rich with his cologne. he's left in an equally enticing black tee and you stare out the window to fight the fire on your face. "thank you."
"mhmm," he hums absentmindedly, as if giving you his clothes was as natural as blinking. he starts the car with a jerk of the key and pulls out into the neighborhood, keeping one hand on the wheel and the other floating just above your thigh. you gently push it onto your leg and his thumb rubs circles against your skin. "any thoughts on where to go tonight?"
"i'm a little hungry; i've been working on a midterm for hours," you suggest and he nods in agreement. as if on cue, a soft but persistent rumbling sounds through the car and you can't help smiling. "seems like you need some food, too."
"my beautiful date was taking a little long to get ready, unfortunately," he remarks with a sly sparkle in his eye and you roll your eyes.
"you're the one who showed up twenty minutes early," you argue, giggling at the panic that coursed through your body when you saw his car pull into the driveway. his eyes met yours through your bedroom window (you were grateful for having a room facing the street, for once) and you played a minute-long game of charades to tell him to leave. in the end, your hand practically slapped the call button, urgently whispering to park around the corner until your sisters left for a party. "i was so scared they were going to come out with sledgehammers and wreck your car."
"suddenly, it's a crime to be punctual," he laments melodramatically. "you gonna put on music or are we gonna sit here in silence? i don't mind either." the sarcasm in his tone doesn't escape you and you wonder again why, exactly, you kept letting him sneak you around like a secret royal lover.
"you are so indirect, geto suguru." he snorts out a laugh while you plug your phone into the aux cable of his car.
"last time i was direct, a guy ended up on the floor."
"true. any requests?"
"you know i like anything you play," he replies so tenderly that your brain short-circuits momentarily. "except for that musical shit. i'll only do that when we're at karaoke."
"speaking of, am i still invited to that karaoke thing tomorrow night?"
"of course, you are." the car pulls into a fast-food drive-thru and he rolls down the window. you're grateful that he gave you his sweater when the chilly air blows through the car. "and, before you ask, no. they're none the wiser."
"alright, that's good. is your roommate gonna be there, too?"
"satoru'll be there, yeah, along with a few guys a year younger than us. they're cool so you don't need to worry about them," he reassures you before leaning out the window and ordering all of your favorite items off of the menu. after dragging you out of the sorority house so many times, he'd memorized your favorite things and could read you instantly to know what you were in the mood for. he was nothing like your sisters insinuated his frat to be. "i'm excited that you wanna go," he says while you're eating in the parking lot. you have french fries scattered across your lap, but he thinks you'd never looked more beautiful.
"i'm just nervous that someone's gonna recognize me," you admit and he shakes his head.
"they won't give you shit if i'm there," he states with absolute certainty. "i'm the strongest, remember?"
"why is it that, whenever we're together publicly, you're somehow fighting for my honor?"
"you act as if i don't enjoy it," he replies with an arrogant smile. "i'll be your hero anytime, sweetheart."
"i can't believe you have such a large ego for such an unassuming demeanor." he scoffs and shoots you a mischievous look.
"you know what else is large-"
"alright," you stammer, shoving a chicken strip into his mouth to shut him up. "that's enough from you."
"hey, you're happy to be out with me, right?" your eyebrows draw together at the seriousness of his voice. it makes your heart race and your palms become clammier.
"of course, i am. i've never been happier."
"good, because i wanna keep doing this."
"doing what?"
"being with you."
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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UshiSakuAtsu Hurt/Comfort
Ushijima heard Atsumus voice drifting from their bedroom when he got home from practice. He pressed a kiss to the top of Sakusas head, taking a deep breath as he smelled what Sakusa was cooking. "Is that dinner tonight or are you meal prepping?"
"Dinner. Made Atsu's favorite, he had a bad day today so I thought I'd make something to cheer him up." Sakusa gave Ushijima a kiss when he turned his head, smiling when it was reciprocated. "Atsumu had a bad day? What happened?"
"Yeah Im not sure what it was, he didn't want to talk about it yet. I think he's on the phone with Osamu so he probably wanted to talk to him about it first." Neither were offended whenever Atsumu sought out comfort from his twin first, they knew he would come to them eventually
"I see. Do you want any help?" They fell into a comfortable silence in the kitchen, music was softly playing from their Alexa. "I just, I dont get why Rin won't commit to moving in with me yet. I even said I'd open a new store in Shizuoka but that just didn't seem to be what he wanted." Atsumu hummed as he listened before he adjusted how he was sitting on the bed, his chin resting on his knee. "Maybe Rins just not ready for the commitment yet of moving in. Ya know he loves you but I think Rin just wants to take things slower. Have you asked what he wants right now?" "....no, I kind of just thrust the idea onto him. Ah fuck, you're probably right Tsumu. What did you wanna talk about again?" Atsumu let out a breath of relief, he had called Osamu an hour ago, and immediately his twin started talking about his relationship problems, ones he's heard before and had given advice already. "Foster wants to start putting in the other
Setter in practice matches and I'm just worried that he's gonna replace me. Just something was off and I'm just worried" "Oh I see. I doubt that's what's happening. Oh Rins calling I got to go, love ya Tsumu." Atsumu barely had time to say bye when Osamu hung up. Tossing his
Phone aside, he ran a hand through his hair, feeling his frustration and hurt grow more. He hadn't wanted to talk to Sakusa and Ushijima about it yet, he needed someone outside of Volleyball to talk to it about and Osamu was just out of the sphere enough to understand his fear
Deep down Atsumu knew he wasn't going to get replaced as starting setter, but the voice in his head wouldn't stop whispering 'Nobody likes you' 'You're easily replacable' And when the voice was feeling particularly evil? 'Ushi and Omi don't need you.' 'They don't want you'
'They'd be better off without you. They'd be happier if you were gone' Atsumu had never opened that door for them to see inside of it. He couldn't let them see his darkest insecurities. He couldn't risk losing them. When Sakusa had knocked on their door, Atsumu had already begun to spiral down that dark hole, barely registering what had been said. He's quiet through dinner, quiet when they clean up, and he doesn't try and cuddle with them as the sit on the couch to watch movies
By the time they were about to get into bed, Sakusa and Ushijima were watching him like hawks. Atsumu normally slept in the middle of the two, he liked being held by both of them, but that night he just stared at the bed before shaking his head to himself and he left the room. They found him sitting in the guestroom, staring at the window with a vacant look in his eyes. "Atsu, talk to us. Let us help you" "Tsumu, tell us what's wrong so we can fix it" They sat on either side of him, Ushijimas hand on his shoulder, Sakusas on his thigh. "Nothins wrong. The room was too hot for me, you guys go sleep in there, I'll be fine in here" "Were staying wherever you are, you shouldn't be alone right now, I can see the wheels in your head turning and I just want to say, and I think Omi would agree, whatever your brain is
Telling you is wrong." Atsumus eyes widened a fraction and they knew they had hit the correct assumption. "Atsu?" The kiss to his temple made him shudder, as if his whole body was thawing in an instant and his eyes started watering. "No one cares about me, not really. No one
Wants to listen to my problems because I don't matter to anyone. I'm just a placeholder, and the moment something better comes along I'm going to be thrown away. I'm only- I'm only wanted when people need to vent about their problems but- but if I /ever/ try to talk about mine?"
Atsumu took a deep breath, pausing and Ushijima and Sakusa shared a look, knowing if they interrupted him, they'd prove hum right. "If I ever talk about mine, im selfish. I'm stupid. I'm self centered. Osamu was right when we were younger, nobody really likes /me/. I'm just so
Tired of being the one everyone comes to because the moment I try and go to someone I'm punished." By the time he finished talking, the tears pooling in his eyes had started to fall and Ushijima pulled him into his arms while Sakusa wipes his face. "Tsumu I'm sorry people make you feel this way. I'm sorry Osamu ever said that to you, and I'm extremely sorry if either of us have ever made you feel like you're just a temporary thing" Atsumu cried into Ushijimas chest as the taller man talked. Then it was Sakusas turn to talk
"Atsu, you aren't a burden on us, and you aren't something we ever want to throw away. You can always come to us about whatever it is you're feeling, you won't scare us away by being honest and you won't lose us either. We're here to stay for as long as you'll let us be with you"
Atsumu grabbed at Sakusas hand on his thigh, bringing it up to his chest so he could hold onto it. It took awhile for Atsumu to stop crying and when he did, he was ready to talk. He told them everything including, after a bit of gentle coaxing, his fears of them leaving him. They didn't mock or laugh at him once, and there was not a single sign of disgust or boredom as he spoke. Sakusa was the first one to speak up when Atsumu finished, and he was stroking Atsumus hair as he talked "Atsu, we will never leave you. You are the sun in our life. You
Bring laughter and light everywhere you go and we would be absolute fools to abandon that. We will be here until you don't want us here anymore. I meant that earlier, I mean that now, and I'll mean it forever. I love you." He leaned forward and kissed Atsumu when he turned to
Look at him. Ushijima waited until Sakusa was finished before he spoke. "You know I'm not as good with words as Kiyo but I agree with everything hes said. Your presence feels like home and it feels like where I belong. You complete Sakusa and I."
Ushijima pressed a kiss to the top of Atsumus head. The blonde looked at the two with wide eyes, almost feeling like he was in a dream and was waiting for reality to kick in. When it didnt come, a small smile appear on his face and he nodded, and despite the redness of his eyes
And the tear stains on his cheeks, that smile was the most beautiful smile they had ever seen. "You both make me feel complete too..you make me truly feel like I'm wanted" And he was, Miya Atsumu was wanted. They would be having a talk with Osamu, but that would be another day
But tonight, they were focused on rebuilding Atsumu up, one kiss at a time.
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infisonicosm-moved · 2 years
I would love a ship if you’re still doing them!
My name is Kendel and I’m an Aries. I don’t really identify with my sign though because I am very soft spoken and I am not stubborn or aggressive at all. I absolutely love music and if I could I would spend the rest of my life doing something with it. I’ve taught myself to play the guitar and piano, and I took violin lessons for about 5 years. I love older music, specifically older folk. John Denver is a huge inspiration for me.
I’m also a very creative person. I love doing crafty things. I pick up new little hobbies all the time but my favorites are making friendship bracelets, embroidery, painting, and crocheting.
I love being outside and doing anything in nature. I’m typically always outside and if I have the option, I’m usually barefoot. I would definitely consider myself a hippie. Most of my values and morals line up with the hippie morals and I love their style. I’m definitely a very go with the flow type of person and I avoid any and all negativity. I’m a very lovey person and I will do practically anything to avoid conflict.
My love language is definitely physical touch and quality time. No matter who I’m with I’m always touching them somehow. Wether it’s a hand on their shoulder or full out leaning on them, I love feeling close with whoever I’m with. I also adore just spending time with the people I love. I find most of the time I always like to be with someone, even if we are just sitting in silence. It’s super important to me that the people I love know that I love them as well. I constantly remind people that I love them and usually buy or make little tokens of my appreciation for them.
This is so painfully Josh that if would be a crime to not ship you with him!
Everything about you screams Josh to me! Y'all have so much in common that it would be effortless. Your relationship would be so easy cause you just understand one another. The both of you would work so well together. Soft whispered words of endearment, and touches that bring you both comfort. I don't see either of you being big on PDA. Josh strikes me as the type who doesn't mind showing it, but prefers to keep his affectionate acts for you behind closed doors.
Any little hobby you pick up, he won't be far behind, wanting to participate and experience everything with you! There's no such thing as FOMO between you two! If you're having fun then he is too! Even if that means just going on a hike together, or laying in a hammock under the sun together. He would be attached to your hip.
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orokay · 2 years
Who is Maelia T‘Lorix? :)
Oooh thank you for asking this, I've been wanting to draw her/update her design for a while but I kept forgetting!
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I don't have a lot of current information on her because I haven't really thought of her much in the last 5 years, but I'm too fond of her to scrap her. The basic rundown of her character is that she's a secret ardat-yakshi. I initially had her working at C-Sec, but I'm thinking of having her work for some sort of charitable organization or smth. The basic idea is that she still carries extreme guilt over her first (and only) kill and has sort of dedicated her life to trying to help people to alleviate that guilt. She's extremely kind and unintentionally charming, but keeps everyone at a distance because she doesn't trust herself despite having a lot of control over her compulsions. Mae has a bad habit of sending mixed signals because she accidentally draws people in before talking herself out of any relationship (platonic or otherwise), immediately slamming the metaphorical door on them to avoid getting too close.
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dragon-kazansky · 2 years
Meet my friend
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Part of the Murder Bird series
Gender neutral reader
Spoilers for episode 6!!!
Khonshu in that suit 😩💕
This was super awkward.
Sitting on the back of a limo, Khonshu on one side, Anubis on the other. Both of them dressed as if they were about to walk the red carpet.
You sit between them, dressed casually and comfortably. No one was really going to see you... for long.
The driver, Jake Lockley- and Khonshu's avatar- was inside getting Harrow. Arthur Harrow had been admitted to a psychiatric hospital after Ammit was bound to him, and Marc refused to kill him.
Khonshu wanted the job finished. Not because Ammit still lived, but so you could be free from Anubis. The deal was to defeat Ammit, and in Anubis' book, that meant to kill her. Cease her existence.
Khonshu would set you free. He wanted his star back.
You stare at your hands in your lap. There wasn't even any music playing. The tense air of the two gods either side of you was suffocating.
Khonshu reaches out and places one hand over yours. You look up slowly, following his white suited arm up to his face with your eyes.
"He won't be long," he tells you.
"I know."
You hear Anubis snicker. You turn your head to face the jackal headed man.
"So keen to be rid of me already?" He asks.
"I became your avatar to help my friends, not to serve you for a lifetime. I help Khonshu and his avatar, that's what I do."
Anubis just chuckles again.
You turn away from the gods to stare at your lap again, this time at the gloved hand of Khonshu which remained there. You were glad for it really. Something comforting.
The car door opens. Your head lifts to see Arthur Harrow being thrown in. You don't see Jake as he closes the door. You hear the muffled sound of something tipping over.
Harrow gives a dry chuckle.
"You can't kill us," he sighs. "You won't kill us," he looks at you.
You look at him sadly.
"Harrow... if there was any other way, I would choose it. I know we've been through a lot in the past, but I can't change what happens now. Khonshu won't change his mind even if I begged."
Arthur looks at you for a few moments in silence before looking out the window.
Khonshu knocks on the window.
Harrow turns to look back at you and him.
The screen behind you rolls down.
"You get out of the car, dear star," Khonshu says, patting your hand.
You look at Harrow.
"I'm sorry it has to be this way."
"What do you mean?" He asks.
You smile sadly at him and then climb out. Anubis stays in the car with Khonshu. You close the door behind you and stand off to the side.
You don't hear the shots. Jake's gun is silenced. You see the flashes though. You look down when no more come.
Harrow is dead.
Khonshu's window winds down and he looks out at you.
"Get in the front with Jake."
You nod silently and do as you're told. The screen is back up so you can't see in the back. Jake gives a curled smile as you climb in the front with him.
You smile back, but it's only a small polite one.
Harrow is dead and that chapter of your life is left behind you now. Anubis releases you from his service.
"He's gone..."
Jake look at you.
"How do you feel?" He asks.
You look at him and smile again.
Jake grins at that and drives away from the hospital. He has a body to dispose of, and he owes you a drink.
@pickle-rick-y @endless-starzz @popcorn36274 @the-chaotic-cow @zafiro-draco @sunnypop02 @galaxypox @starkiller-queen @amp-le @manque-damour @lo0nylexi @jossambird @isa-grant @that-one-short-human @a-hopeless-fan @ancientbeing10 @draarnaak @shohannie @rosaren2498 @snixx2088
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sexyandcringe · 2 years
Deep talks with Suna Rintarou
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Content/warnings: fluff, self-indulgent, kind of mutual pining, mentions of alcohol, sex, virginity and death but it's really not that deep! It's just all hypothetical and light fun talk, so no need ta worry. Suna and Y/N talking shit about people behind their back lmao.
Character(s): Suna x reader
A/n: so i wrote this like MONTHS ago but never finished it cause i thought it was too.. Unrealistic? Self-indulgent? Something that people won't like? But now i realized that i literally do not care about what people think 💀 i'm gonna post whatever I want, EVEN IF it's a different kind of characterisation.
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You hate pubs. You hate seeing so many people dancing glued to each other, the sweat, the smell of too many perfumes all together. You hate their music taste and the loud sounds; unless, of course, it's your favourite music that is playing.
You fidget nervously with your phone, trying to look busy and cool, hoping that one of these old men standing three meters away don't notice you. You hate places where you feel unsafe, but what you hate even more is being seen as lame and becoming an outcast, that is the reason why you accepted your friend's invite in a heartbeat.
A friend who is currently sucking face with a random dude you don't recognize across the room. She is not a bad friend per se, not one of those who would leave you alone in a party without any texts or calls, but right now she's probably drunk as fuck and doesn't even know her own name.
"The music here sucks." You don't expect Suna to reach out to you, you barely talk to him when you hang out with your mutual friends.
He is a pretty boy with hazel eyes and it would be a lie if you said that he didn't pique your interest, that you didn't find him attractive, but his gaze intimidates you way too much for you to even look at him in the eyes. In fact, even now, you are trying your best to avoid them, opting to stare at the nasty crowd in front of you.
"Hmm, it does indeed." One thing you have learnt about Suna is that you and him have the same taste in music, the only knot that connects you two.
"Do you wanna go out? I'm not really enjoying this place." He looks at you briefly before shifting his gaze to your phone, which you have been torturing for a while now. "And it looks like you aren't either."
You don't reply immediately, because going out with Suna means that you will have to talk to him – and that would be definetly awkward – , it's not like you are particularly close with the guy. But you'd rather feel awkward and nervous around him than unsafe and anxious here.
"Sure." You reply, finally looking at him and for a second you see a hint of a smile on his face, you wonder if you're imagining things, did you drink too much?
He leads you out of the pub, looking back time to time to see if you are still following him, and finally you join him to his car. You sit in the passenger seat nervously, but you are not scared. You know that even if he is a little aloof, Suna is a good guy, he wouldn't dare hurt you.
"Wanna go for a long drive? With real music." He mocks the pub's ear-piercing drums; you chuckle at his comment, nodding, "I'd love to."
He quickly connects his phone’s bluetooth to the car’s music player while you click your seatbelt. “Put whatever ya want ” he says, and your eyes widen slightly at the sight of Suna offering you his phone. He is passing his phone with his personal informations and memories to you. You know it’s just so you can put a goddamn song, but still, that doesn’t stop you from blushing and feeling butterflies in your stomach when your fingers brush against his. You are quick to type out a song that you know both of you like and “23” from Chase Atlantic blasts in the car.
It’s peaceful, you think. None of you want to ruin this pleasant moment by filling the silence with useless talk. You enjoy it with your eyes fixed outside the window, but you can’t help but think that the real view is sitting right beside you. So you dare – you dare shift your gaze to him, ogling his firm and veiny hands gripping the steering wheel and just as if he could feel your eyes boring into his hands, he turns to you after lowering the music's volume and your breath hitches.
"What are you thinking?" he asks. I was thinking of how fucking hot your hands are is definetly not the answer, so your brain tries to formulate a reasonable one, failing miserably.
"I just... Thank you." You sigh "I was getting really uncomfortable back there."
"I could tell. You are not used to places like that, are you?"
"Not really, i've just been to a few friends' parties, but i don't like loud sounds."
"Hmm, you do give the vibe of a goody-two-shoes." Suna has a shit-eating grin while he says that, but you are too focused on the new information he just delivered to notice that.
"Hah?! You wouldn't say that if you knew me better." You cringe internally, you don't really wanna look like those quirky girls who think they are mysterious and special by saying things like that, but you also don't want him to think you are a prude. You are not a goody-two-shoes, you ran away from your parents, for god's sake.
"Yeah? Then i'd like to know you better." he says, but he is quick to withdraw his slip of tongue "That is, if you let me."
You feel your face heating up, the words die on your tongue and you have no idea on how to reply to that, "S-sure". Suna Rintarou wants to know you better, you couldn't be happier, you physically cannot stop yourself from grinning like an idiot.
He takes a turn to the left, "So, what would you do if tomorrow was your last day on earth?" he asks. Way to get to know someone, you think, but then again, Suna wasn't really into small talk.
You giggle before replying, "Hmm, i guess, first of all i'd text all my friends – real life and online – and family that this is the end for me, aaaand maybe hang out for a few hours with my closest friends eating whatever i want, give away my stuff to charity, and last but not least, fuck someone. Don't wanna die as a virgin." you conclude.
"You're a virgin?" he quirks an eyebrow. You realize what you had said a little late, your face heating up as you try to play it cool.
"Y-yeah, is that a problem?"
A small smile tugs at Suna's lips. You swear you are seeing things. "No. Not at all. Virginity is a social construction, anyway."
"Cool." You decide to move on from this awkward moment. "What about you?" You ask after putting "Into it" from Chase Atlantics (again), but lowering down the volume so you could hear him better.
"If i'm a virgin or not?"
You want to punch him.
"No! I mean what would you do if tomorrow was your last day?"
"Ehhh, maybe get wasted so i dont have to think about what i should do on my last day, i'm not sure, i'll think about it when the time comes." he shrugs, barely stopping in time when he sees the red traffic light. For someone who is into deep talk, he sure has to improve on his answers.
"You can't know when you're going to kick the bucket, y'know?"
"Didn't you know? I am a main character that can see your death clock. Mine own too." He replies with such a blank expression that for a second even you doubt if he is joking or not.
Still, you decide to play along his little game. "Oh yeah? How long am i gonna live then?"
"Hmm." He checks you out while rubbing his chin between his thumb and index finger, as if that would make him look more credible. "Long enough to get laid." he replies with a smug face that you wish you can kiss.
You gasp at his attack, slapping his shoulder to warn him, but you really don't look that intimidating when both of you are laughing like idiots in the middle of the street.
Unfortunately your "romantic" moment is cut off by honking cars behind you, urging you to hurry the fuck up since the light is already green.
You don't want your conversation to die yet, and maybe it's the alcohol or just the night, but you have enough courage to question Suna, "Okay, my turn." You remember reading somewhere that people at night are more honest because their brains are tired; you don't want to miss this chance. "Do you like someone?"
The first reply you hear is his sweet chuckle. "What are we? Middle schoolers?"
"I'm just curious! Answer me!" You demand, but soon regret it, maybe you are crossing limits you shouldn't cross. "Or don't... if you are uncomfortable."
He hums. You assume you won't get any more information, because you asked something you shouldn't have, and oh god now he will think you are noisy and annoying and- "No, not really." but Suna stops your train of thoughts.
"Huh?" you sure are surprised by his reply. When it's night, people are more honest. So are you. "I thought... I thought you had a little something for Shizue. You guys seem close."
He grimaces at the idea of feeling anything remotely romantic towards the said girl, "Absolutely not. She is the one who keeps clinging onto me, i can't stand the girl."
And again, you fail to hide your emotions; too stunned to speak, you look at him bewildered.
"Don't look at me like that, i know you also hate her."
"How can you tell?"
"Pfft, have you seen the expressions you make every time she talks? "
"Oh my god!" you cover your face, embarassed to be so readable.
"I guess you are right, i do hate her guts. Always so loud and fake."
"and fucking rude." he adds.
"I know right! Wanna slap her so bad every time she opens that foul mouth of her."
He laughs, you think that maybe he imagined seeing you throwing a hand to the loathed woman, and to be honest, you don't dislike the scenario either, so you laugh with him.
"I wish she would just leave me alone. I think i've dropped enough hints to show my displeasure around her."
You don't show it but you are so, so glad he doesn't like her, happy even that he seems to hate her as much as you do. You couldn't guess, really, he always have an unreadable expression, you wonder how many people he hates, yet hangs out with. Not like he chose to hang out with her, she just happens to be close to one of his friends, so she always ends up self inviting herself when their group hangs out.
As much as you are glad, you don't want to spend the rest of the ride talking about her and ruining your night, so you decide to change the subject, but Suna beats you to it.
"Okay, next question. Are you busy tomorrow?" he asks smoothly, and you swear your heart skips a beat, because there's no fucking way that The Suna Rintarou is asking you this so you could hang out with him tomorrow. You try to not get your hopes up and play it cool, praying to whatever higher being that he does not notice your nervous behaviour.
"Not really. Why?"
"Wanna go to the mall? I need to buy a present for my sister's birthday... thought it'd be better to have another girl around to choose the gift. Also wanna check out the new manga section. What do you think?"
Playing the hard to get girl has never been your forte, that is why you easily give in to his charm and nod approvingly, "Sure, sounds good. Text me the time and place later."
Suna smiles softly looking at you before returning his eyes on the road; you don't know that but inside he is squealing like a high schooler who just touched his crush. Well, it's normal for him to feel like that, after all, you (his crush) are going to hang out with him tomorrow and he can't help but think of it as a date.
After some more chit-chat about his sister and your workplace, he drops you off at your place, calling it a night. Honestly you would love to spend more time with him, you even considered inviting him home, but you trashed the idea thinking of it as inappropriate and especially because you really wanna wear your soft pijamas and sleep like log; the night has exhausted you.
"Thank you for the ride, Suna, I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Call me Rintarou." he corrects you and you feel heat rushing up on your face as you stutter on your words, "O-okay, Ri-Rintarou". Shit.
He drives off as you keep grinning like an idiot in front your apartment door.
You can't wait for tomorrow to come.
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Reblogs are really appreciated!
END NOTE: I didn't wanna say this in A/n's above because it would spoil the ending, but in case anyone thought i was "cringy" for stuttering Rintarou's name (because in western culture calling people by their name is normal), i wasn't trying to be a weeaboo w japanese culture, i actually, in real life, call people im not close with by their surnames, classmates included, and i dont let other people call me by my name except family/close friends (i use a modified version of my name online, too), so yeah calling someone by the name/being called by my name is a huge deal for me.
This is not a taglist, i'm just tagging people who replied to my post about me asking whether you guys would hate me if i made a gossipy Suna, so since u guys replied, i'm assuming that you wanted to read this (if not, fluff you!): @yesamu , @i-know-something-you-dont , @im-embarrassed-of-this-account , @eternitysin , @natriae .
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225s · 3 years
A Jadon Sancho angst plss❤️
Five years ago, you've sworn you'd never talk to Jadon Sancho again and for once, you've actually managed to keep your promise. Of course, him moving to Germany had made it easier, as it strongly reduced the chances of bumping into each other, but that utopia couldn't last forever, especially not when it came to Reiss.
"I just don't get why you two threw away a perfectly good friendship like that."
He's been nagging your head off from as soon as you set a foot in his house, whining about how much of a shame it was that the two of you didn't talk anymore. And he was right about that, even though you'd never say it out loud. You did have a good friendship, having known each other since you were little kids, always playing football together and causing trouble - your mums would never let you alone with your siblings, afraid the two of you would turn them into little troublemakers as well.
You cared so much for each other, so much that every silly thing would cause an argument between you two, the final one ending with one last 'I hate you' that neither of you actually meant before you walked out of each other's life. And yes, you knew you were being petty and childish, but sometimes it's easier to hold a grudge than it is to apologize.
"And I don't get why you're so pressed about it. We just don't talk anymore, that's it," you shrug, grabbing a handful of crisps from the bowl Reiss just filled. "It's not like we're going to throw hands as soon as he walks in here."
"No, but I will if you two don't make up today," he retorts and snatches the bowl away from you.
"What are you going to do? Lock us in a room until we talk again?" you scoff.
Reiss looks back over his shoulders as he walks out of the kitchen, one eyebrow raised. "Don't give me any ideas."
Turns out it's not even that difficult to avoid Jadon when you're both in the same house; Reiss' apartment is packed with people, barely any room left to move, so you just stay in a circle with your friends, dancing and talking. That is until Reiss loops his arms around your waist and lifts you up in the air, carrying you through a sea of people towards the kitchen, where a certain someone's already leaning against the counter, looking just as sulky as you.
"What the hell, you're actually locking us up in a room?" you whine and kick against your friend's shin.
"Shit, that hurt. And no, I just want my two best friends to decorate my birthday cake, so I won't have a year full of bad luck."
"Yeah that's not a thing mate."
Reiss let's go of you and goes to block the door, glaring at Jadon in the meantime. "Shut up Sanch, you should be thanking me for trying to fix your shit. Now if you would excuse me," he says, sinking down and taking out his phone and earbuds, "I'm gonna sit here, listen to some music and make sure you guys don't put poison in my cake or kill each other instead of talking it out like normal people."
There's an awkward silence while the two of you try to think of something to say, both too stubborn to say sorry and move on.
"So," you start, still not sure what to say, "How have you been?"
Jadon scoffs, eyes trained on the cake as he tries to write 'happy birthday', the letters looking like the handwriting of a five year old. He shakes his head as if he couldn't believe your audacity to act like you cared. "Really? You didn't care about that for the last couple of years."
"You didn't either," you roll your eyes, and snatch the chocolate sauce from his hands. "Now stop ruining the cake, you asshole."
"I didn't care?" Jadon asks, eyes going from the cake to your face, "I sent you a bouquet of your favourite flowers for every big moment in your life because I couldn't be there for you like I'd promised, but I still didn't care? Shit, I know I wasn't always here the last couple of years, but at least I tried. Where the fuck were you?"
You're taken aback by his outburst, at a loss for words as you stare at him, and notice the tears in his eyes that he tries to blink away. "I'm sorry, I didn't, I don't know, I didn't think you needed me."
"You were the only one I needed to be there," he whispers, not trusting his voice as his vision gets clouded by tears. Sorry doesn't seem like the right word now, so all you do is take him into your arms and hope this action will speak for itself.
"Your next game is on Saturday, right?" you whisper after a while, your hands grabbing onto his shirt, afraid to let him go again.
"Yeah, you wanna come?"
"I would love to. It's been quite a while since I've seen you play in real life."
There's a smile on both of your faces as you pull away, the hope of fixing your broken friendship making your eyes sparkle. Before you know it, you're getting squished against each other again by Reiss' arms, and you're pretty sure you can feel something wet on your hair.
"Bro, are you crying?"
"Once again, shut up Sanch."
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seacottons · 4 years
illusion — k.hj x reader
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pairing: hongjoong x reader
wc: 1k
notes: this is a stupid mess, sorry. uni!au. soccerplayer!hj. soccerplayer!reader. highly suggestive dialogue.
synopsis: "gross, joong! it’s hot and sticky, and it’s all over my hair!”
“stop complaining, and stand still, will you?” hongjoong mused in annoyance.
in the other room, yunho and mingi cease their silent studying session to peer at each other in an uncomfortable silence.
“please tell me i heard wrong, mingi.”
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Muffled moans bounced off the walls of the apartment, clipped yelps occasionally interjecting the breathy sounds. Quirking a brow, Yunho peered over from his spot on the bed, laptop in his lap, to the male sitting across from him in the gaming chair.
The red-haired male's head bopped gently with the music blasting from his large headphones as he typed away at his own laptop. Pulling one side of his headphones away from his head, Yunho stilled to inspect the source of the noise. Another moan rung out, and his head snapped up to the closed door suspiciously, eyes practically bulging from their sockets.
"Mingi," he whisper-yelled to the oblivious red-head, the tips of his ears flushing red. Did the other two not realize he was home? He hastily swung his sock-clad feet onto the floorboards, laptop thrown to the side of his bed as he scrambled up. He underestimated the strained position he's been sitting in for the past hour, and his large frame collapsed onto the floor, both legs asleep and good as dead-weight.
The vibration of the thud caught Mingi's attention, and he turned his head back to give a the squirming Yunho a quizzical look. Peeling his headphones off his head, Mingi swiveled his chair, essay forgotten and stood to stretch his limbs, spine popping about three times.
"What are you doing on the floor?"
Yunho opened his mouth to reply when another groan interrupted him.
"Stand still, will you?" Hongjoong muffled voice mused in annoyance.
"No! This is gross, Joong! It's hot and sticky, and it's all over my hair," a broken whine left your mouth, "I should've never agreed to this."
In the other room, Yunho and Mingi cease their silent studying session to peer at each other in an uncomfortable silence. Mingi's jaw is slack, threatening to snap at any second as he eyes his blonde friend, arms awkwardly hanging in the air. Yunho's face contorts into a grimace either from the conversation in the other room or because of the painful pin and needles sensation shooting through his legs.
"Stop complaining," they heard Hongjoong growl, "You're the one who demanded to put my fingers to good use!"
"Yeah, but it fucking hurts!"
"You're just too tense. Loosen up a little and it'll feel good, I promise."
Mingi's face pales considerably.
"Please tell me I heard wrong.."
A broken moan startled the two men, and Mingi pulled Yunho up by the collar of his sweatshirt, hands jostling his frame rapidly, "We can't let him take advantage of Y/N like that, Yunho!"
Before Yunho could pipe out a reply, the red-head is scrambling to the door, hand practically ripping the doorknob out of the frame as he swung it harshly, footsteps booming as he marched into the living room threateningly.
"Kim Hongjoong, you disgusting pig! I didn't take you for a—" Mingi spluttered at the sight in front of him, confusion taking over his features as the words died in his mouth. Two pairs of eyes stared back in confusion. His mouth hung open, closing twice, before falling ajar once again, "I— I didn't.. uhm. I thought— forget it. What are you doing?"
You shared a look of bewilderment with Hongjoong before shifting your gaze to the stunned red-head.
"What are you shouting for?" You mumble, face scrunching up in a grimace as Hongjoong worked more of the hot cream onto your neck and shoulder, his other hand tugging your shirt just enough to expose your upper arm.
"You thought what? And why am I a disgusting pig?" Hongjoong asked curiously, brows furrowed as he dug his thumb onto the knots on your neck, "Y/N, I don't think coach will let you play this Friday with a sprained shoulder."
"Bullshit. He won't know it's this bad. You'll vouch for me though, right," you asked angrily, earning you a miffed laugh from the male above.
"Nice try," he mused, "As if I'll let you play when I know you're injured."
"I love you too."
Mingi stood tall and awkward in the middle of your shared living space, averting his gaze as a red-hot blush of shame overwhelmed his features. A hand reached up to rub the back of his neck, the male embarrassed by his naive ignorance.
Yunho, finally having enough circulation in his legs, stepped out of the room to see what exactly had Mingi shutting up that quickly. The sight of you sprawled belly down onto the couch with Hongjoong rubbing menthol muscle ointment onto your neck and shoulder has him mentally face-palming.
The two of you were still in your blue soccer uniforms, grass stains marking the '81' and '17' on your shirts. Your dirty soccer cleats were thrown messily by the front door, specks of dirt and grass littering the floor.
"Mingi, instead of staring at me like an open-mouthed goldfish, why don't you hand me the muscle patch on the table?" Hongjoong eyed the taller, his eyes then flickering over to Yunho, "What? Why are you two acting so strange?"
"N-nothing." Yunho let out a dry laugh before clearing his throat as he watched Mingi peel open the muscle pain patch for Hongjoong, who carefully stuck it onto your sore muscles, "We— we, uh... Mingi and I just wanted to let you know that.. Mingi! What was it again?"
The mentioned male startled at the sudden question, shoulders tensing as he mentally scrambled to find a rational explanation, "Yes! We— We're going out to eat!"
Yunho merely gave him an unamused glance, the corners of his lips threatening to quirk up, "And we're going to visit the library to finish our project there."
"Okay.." Hongjoong drawled out slowly, confused eyes flickering from the blonde and the red-head. The blue-haired man helped you sit up, adjusting the pillows behind your back whilst periodically taking brief glances at the two tall males scrambling out of the door with a hasty goodbye, "See you la—"
A moment of silence passes.
"What was that all about?"
"Beats me," Hongjoong answered, suddenly pausing to gaze at the door in deep thought whilst rubbing a patch of skin on your inner thigh. You have a gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach on what his next words will be, "Since those two are going to be gone for a while, do you-"
His words die in his throat as you slot your lips over his own, arms pulling him down atop of your frame for a searing kiss, ignorant to the throbbing pain in your shoulder.
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
Heartbreak Hotel (d.s.) - Chapter Nineteen
A/N This chapter’s song is the sweet I Want You, I Need You, I Love You by Elvis of course
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Daniel didn’t know that girls – humans – could scream that loudly. The way Elvis moved and danced on stage had all the girls screaming at the top of their lungs and Daniel was sure he’d lose his hearing by the end of the night. Regardless, he was thoroughly enjoying himself and singing right along with Loretta and the rest of the crowd as Elvis played his show. Loretta was absolutely shining, clinging right onto the rope barrier and smiling up at the man on stage like he was God Himself. You best bet she was screaming too, especially when Elvis reached down to hold her hand for a brief moment and she absolutely lost it, turning to her right to where Daniel stood and she shook him by his shoulders, screaming in disbelief.
“Daniel, did you see that?!”
Her obvious glee just made Daniel smile. Maybe Christian was right; he seemed to enjoy her company more than the show itself. But it was close.
About halfway through there was an intermission and Daniel and Loretta headed to the back of the stage space to the concession stand to grab some snacks.
Daniel pulled out his wallet and the few dollar bills that his mother gave him, “What do you want to eat?”
“You’re paying for me?” Loretta asked.
“Of course.”
“What a gentleman.” Loretta giggled, linking her arm in his to shuffle closer as they waited in line.
Daniel’s heart skipped a beat and he smiled down to his hands as he tucked the folded bills in his palm.
“I’m really craving some popcorn.” Loretta whispered, skimming the menu set up over the small concession stand.
“Really? Me too.” Daniel smiled.
“If you get something different, we can share.”
“Sure…like what?”
“Anything but chocolate.”
Daniel looked back at her, “You don’t like chocolate?”
“I know it’s weird. But why do you think I drink strawberry milkshakes?” Loretta shrugged.
“It’s not weird. I don’t like chocolate either.” Daniel whispered.
She glanced over at him and they shared small shy smiles before stepping up to the counter to order. Loretta kept her arm linked in his until they had to carry their snacks and drinks to one of the tables along the side wall and they sat down together to eat their spread of popcorn, gummy candies, and two bottles of Coca-Cola. Loretta’s gaze lingered on Daniel as he ate quietly and watched the crowd bustle about the room as intermission was about to end. He didn’t notice her staring as he popped a candy in his mouth.
They didn’t speak for a moment as the lights flicked to alert the crowd that the concert was to continue in a few moments; they each seemed in their own minds for a moment. Daniel could taste the mix of salty popcorn and sweetness of the candy with each bite, the flavours lining up perfectly to Loretta’s snacking. He suddenly didn’t feel like jamming out to Elvis anymore. His heart kind of hurt. He set his pop bottle back on the table and wiped his hands on his trousers with a sigh.
“Are you alright?” Loretta asked him, sensing his change in demeanor.
He pulled a small smile in her direction, “Yeah.”
Loretta paused her chewing for a moment to stare disbelieving at him but then turned back to the stage when Elvis returned to continue the show. He talked to the crowd a little bit and the girls that were right at the front were screaming and reaching for him, nearly fainting when he touched their hands.
Neither Loretta nor Daniel made a move to join the audience by the stage, both looking in different directions and obviously bluer than when the evening started and neither could quite place why.
“Alright, we’ll get right back into the music since that’s what you’re all here for.” Elvis said, his soft southern accent making all the girls swoon. “We’re gonna slow it down a little so everyone grab your honeys and let’s show some love.”
The band began to play slowly, the steady tune of ‘I Want You, I Need You, I Love You’ and Elvis’ smooth voice filled the small auditorium. The couples found each other around the dancefloor and swayed slowly together to the soft music; Daniel and Loretta being the only two sitting alone. Daniel watched the man on stage sing deeply, catching his eyes from across the room and just as quickly, their stare was broken.
Daniel stood up, suddenly filled with a strange shot of determination and he turned to Loretta, holding out his hand to her, “Would you like to dance?”
Her flat face lifted into a smile and she nodded, setting her hand in his as she stood up and he led her to the dancefloor. Daniel turned to face her, hesitantly setting his hands on her waist as hers rested against his shoulders, plenty of space between them.
“Every time that you're near
All my cares disappear
Darling, you're all that I'm living for
I want you, I need you, I love you
More and more”
It was as if Daniel couldn’t stop looking at her even if he tried, her green eyes sparkling in the spotlights of the stage and her light freckles that dotted her nose only kept him staring as if trying to memorize each one. He felt so warm with her and her hands on his shoulders nearly made his knees weak as they swayed softly to the gentle music, his hands merely ghosting her waist as if afraid to touch her.
“I thought I could live without romance
Until you came to me
But now I know that
I will go on loving you eternally”
Loretta shifted to hold her wrist behind his neck comfortably, pulling him a step closer and his hands glided tighter around her waist over the material of her lacy dress. Their eyes were still locked, unbreakable gazes, as if they were trying to read each other in perfect silence. Daniel’s body was urging him to pull her even closer and he fought the natural desire to tug her close, trying to simply picture Corbyn’s raised fist in front of his face instead. He was already pushing his luck dancing with her. The song certainly didn’t help and Daniel’s heart was racing in his chest until he felt like he might completely burst.
“Won't you please be my own?
Never leave me alone
'Cause I die every time we're apart
I want you, I need you, I love you
With all my heart”
Neither of them knew how it happened – maybe they were too distracted by the music – but soon they were nearly chest to chest; so close their noses were almost brushing as they stared silently, expressionlessly at each other. Loretta was a few inches shorter but not by much and she was staring up at him like she didn’t want to look at anything else for the rest of her life. Or at least that’s what Daniel felt like but maybe it was his own subconscious desires he was yearning to make a reality through any excuse he could reach for.
But she was beautiful. And he couldn’t deny the honest magnetization he felt towards her in the most innocent and literal way; he just couldn’t stay away from her. Corbyn’s threats meant nothing in that moment. Nothing at all.
“I thought I could live without romance
Until you came to me
But now I know that
I will go on loving you eternally
You please be my own?
Never leave me alone
'Cause I die every time we're apart
I want you, I need you, I love you
With all my heart.”
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mirror-juliet · 5 years
Body paint-Lee Seoho {Smut}
Requested by Anon.
Im taggong @youneedapiratekink cause i can💙✨💙✨💙
I am so sorry this didn’t come out on time like it should have, i’ll admit i got a little lazy over the weekend. I hope the chapter makes up for it.
Thank you for requesting 
Tags: Body paint, rough sex if you squint, hand kink if you also squint. Art hoes. Unprotected sex. Wrap it before you tap it kiddo’s.
"Hey babe, can you hand me that brush?" Seoho asks but the question just goes through you as you focus on his beautiful hands, putting more pigment onto your page.
"Hey!" You shriek as he snatches the oil pastel in your hand.
"Can you hand me the brush to your right please?" He asks again, pointing to said brush.
"Only if you give me a kiss." You purse your lips, holding the brush close to your chest.
He easily takes the brush from you and continues his painting. You pout cause he still has your pastel on the other side of him.
"Seoho~" You whine, poking him on the forearm. "I need my pastel~~"
You keep pestering him until he yelps from you pulling his arm hair
"Pastel. now." You point at it and hold your hand out. He reaches down and licks it, immediately regretting it. He gets up from his chair and runs to the work sink, putting his mouth under the faucet.
You take this opportunity to grab the pastel, resuming your shading. "Can you come sit back down, i need to see if i should add something else."
He comes back over, sitting down and resuming his painting this time with a sour look on his face.
"Why are you even drawing my hands?" He gives you one of his hands, painting with the other.
"It's for school. What's it to you?" He pulls his hand back. "Well it is attached to me, so pretty it's important."
You scrunch your nose at him. "Why are you painting me?" He cracks a smile as he looks at his reference photo of you, nearly naked, only a translucent sheet covering you.
He thinks back to when he had Xion photograph you. He was so flustered and didn't know if he was being respectful towards the both of you, A fond memory in his eyes
"What's it to you?" He mocks your words, grinning wider as you smack his arm.
"I don't know what i'm going to do with it it when i'm done, i just wanted to paint you." He looks at you and kisses you lightly as he cups your face, getting paint on it.
You stand up to go rinse it off when he stops you by holding your hand. "Leave it, it's cute."
You sit back down and continue to do oil sketches of different parts of Seoho as he works on his painting.
You begin to loose yourself in your art, being pulled back out by said man.
"Your art is beautiful, but you need to take a break and eat something." He puts down a cheese, meat and fruit platter that you didn't realize he had gone to make.
You reluctantly put down your sketch book, knowing Seoho would make you eat one way or another.
The two of you talk about nonsense, mainly upcoming art projects and wish lists for what supplies you two would like in the studio.
The bell at the front of the studio sounds, making Seoho get up from his spot, allowing you to finish your slice of cheese and get back to your work.
You decide to make a piece with your own hand as a model, seeing as your favorite model was busy with his art shop. Not only was he a very talented artist, he made most of his living by restoring paintings, sometimes taking art commissions himself.
That's how you met Seoho, restoring paintings.
Your art class was learning about restoring paintings. The teacher had Seoho come in to teach a thing or two, as he was one of the most pleasing graduates from the college three years prior. He had taking a liking to you, paying more attention to your work throughout the week as he was teaching your class.
When he was getting ready to leave he had told you to stay behind, that was when he gave you his number to meet up for lunch sometime. A year has passed since then and you agree that was one of the best moves you've made.
A set of hands rubbing your shoulders alerts you to Seoho's presence.
"Do you have a new piece to work on?" You ask reluctantly, knowing he would ask you to leave the studio and back into the house, he had a thing for people not being around for the restoring process.
"No, Hwanwoong and Xion have to do another photo shoot for their major. Hwanwoong wants me to do a painting on you. Is that okay?" A spark sets off in your eyes, you whip around.
"Really?" You grab his hands in excitement, already pulling him off to the supply's
"I'm going to take that as a yes then." He laughs at you as you pull out the body paints.
"I don't know what i'm going to paint on you yet. Will you wait until i get a sketch down?" The sparkle in your eyes dim, allowing him to grab one of his many sketch pads.
He beckons you closer with his finger. He pulls you closer to him sitting at his drafting table, wrapping his arms around your waist and giving you a long kiss to the lips.
"Do me a favor baby girl and go take a shower. The paint will stick better." You smile down on him. Giving him another kiss before slowly detaching yourself from him.
"I won't be long."
You quickly bounce inside his house that is attached to the shop, making your way to your shared bathroom.
In the shower, you take care to shave off your body hair, knowing it would show up on the camera's and make Seoho's work look messy.
When you get back to the studio, this time in a robe and with your hair in dutch braids, Seoho is setting up the air brush and brushes. You hug him from behind, slightly startling him.
"Do you want to set over there?" Seoho points to the stool now on a tarp, ready to catch any of the paint.
He walks back over to you, helping you remove your robe and applying the pasties for you, making you shiver at his cold touches.
"So are the boys still here?" You distract yourself from how gorgeous he looks while working.
"No, they went out for lunch. I told them i would call when i'm done painting. I don't think Xion would want to see you half naked again." He smiles at the last part.
"Wont he see have to see me half naked when he takes the photos?" The coldness of the primer makes you flinch.
"Yea, but he thinks the paint will make a difference. Hwan would probably enjoy it though." You both laugh at the Casanova of a friend.
You both fall into somewhat of silence, listening to the music that plays, and watching the older man as he focuses of the painting.
It's amazing to you how he could look so attractive while hair slightly covers his eyes.
He looks up to you, sharing your gaze until you blush hard and look away.
"You act like this is the first time i'm seeing your body like this." He brushes a dark purple color along your rib cage, sending goose bumps across your skin, not unnoticed by Seoho who only smirks.
You find yourself biting your lip more often, occasionally humming along to the songs that seem to only edge the uneasy feeling between your legs. Seoho doesn't help either by steadying his beautiful hands by laying them against your skin.
He crouches down to work dangerously close to your heat, even though there is a pasty covering you, you cant help but feel nervous he would figure out your situation.
Seoho surprises you by sparking up and placing hard, wet kisses to your lips; supporting your back so you wouldnt fall off the chair.Enticing small moans out of you
His other hand works on removing the stickers upon your breasts. You don't mind, actually helping him remove them, along with the one covering your heat.
You place a hand on his chest, pushing back to catch your breath. Seoho doesn't seem to have a problem with air, attacking your neck with kisses.
Another thing you loved about Seoho was that he was always very passionate and excited about your intimate moments. It surprised you at first, since he was five years older than you already. Though you weren't complaining.
He wraps your legs around his waist, picking you up and placing you on his drafting table. It was perfect in his opinion for eating you out, with the angle it was set at. The force of the placement makes you squeak.
He spreads your legs, flattening his tongue and licking a long stripe against your pussy.
"Seoho." You sigh, running your fingers through his hair. He bends your legs, placing them against your stomach.
"Hold them for me?" He asks, smiling at you. You comply and take your thighs from him.
Seoho makes quick work of his fingers, placing two in your needy hole, scissoring.
His soft lips attach themselves to your clitoris and begins to suck.
Your moans fill the air along with you back arching towards him. "Ahhah...Nguah."
You let go of your legs, allowing them to almost snap shut against his head as he curls his long fingers inside, brushing against the core of nerves.
He holds open your legs with his elbows, allowing his free hand to play with your breasts once again.
"Seoho. Please, your fingers feel so good." You don't quite know what you're asking for, only that you want more of it.
Seoho seems to understand, he pumps his fingers faster, making your hips buck up into him.
"Wha-" You whine as he pulls his finger out, looking at the mess you've made of them. You inwardly cringe as he licks his fingers off.
He dips his head back down to make out with your lower lips.
"Mhhh. Baby~ You taste so good for me."
Seoho tries to go back down, to be stopped by your tugging of his hair.
"Nu uh. I want to feel you inside of me." You pout at him, making him grin once again.
"Your wish is my command darling~" Seoho places gentle kisses on your collar bone as he unbuckles his pants over you, turning you on further.
Getting impatient, you pull down his pants and boxers just enough for his member to spring out.
"Someone's impatient." Seoho says through a shit-eating grin. You just pull his head down into a heated kiss.
"Just fuck me already damni-Ah!" Seoho pushed himself in, setting a quickened pace, not allowing you a second to catch your bearings.
He grunts repeatedly in your ear, pulling the lobe in between his teeth. "Is this what you wanted? For me to fuck you on the table so hard you cant do anything but hang your mouth open like the dumb slut you are for my cock."
You cry out, He picks up his pace.
"How many nights did you get yourself off to the thought of me fucking you like this over a desk? You lusting over a teacher. You really are a teenager still."
Seoho pushes against your shoulders, digging them into the table that was sure to leave bruises against them tomorrow.
"Answer me Y/n." He slows his thrusts, making you shiver
"Every night you taught my class! I wanted you to bend me over the desk and fuck me! Please, god let me cum." You bucked your hips up into him to gain more friction.
"Only if you cum with me. Deal?"
"DEAL!" Seoho lets out a laugh that would sound hysterical to anyone else but you, he snaps his hips into your pelvic bone, now chasing his own release. The room begins to fill with the sweat, dirty sounds of skin on skin, paint acting as a makeshift lube and moans you both are producing.
"I-I'm....Gonna" A long moan escapes your lips, you dig your nails into his forearm that is still pinning you down.
"I know." He drags his slender finger across your clit, making your legs shake in pleasure, too much pleasure.
You see every color as a wave of heat and pleasure wash over your body, clamping down on Seoho hard enough to milk him to his orgasm. He nearly doesn't pull out in time to shoot four long strings of hot cum across your abdomen. The both of you stay like that for a few minutes, catching your breath.
"Did i fix your problem?" He asks in between pants, wiping his sweaty brow and smearing paint on his face.
"Yes." You try to wipe his face off, only to get more on him. The both of you ending up in laughs.
"We seriously need to clean up and start painting again." Seoho helps clean your stomach off and leads you to the shower to help wash each other off.
The art and photoshoot ended up going spectacular, Hwanwoong loved photographing your body, Xion enjoyed the art his Hyung had created for them. And Seoho loved watching you get flustered everytime he would make a seductive glance at you.
Xion didn't freak out as much as he thought he would, maybe it was because he had seen you in much worse, rather less, or it might have been that he didn't have to have Seoho breathing down his back this time 'round.
"Hey, the pictures turned out great." Hwanwoong walks into the studio with a vanilla folder and Xion behind him.
"Yea, we got an A!" Xion beams, engulfing you in a hug. If only the poor boy knew what went on prior to those results.
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(Pics not mine, cresit goes to owner)
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eryiss · 4 years
Fraxus Week 2020: Day 1 - First Meeting
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Summary: After a crappy post-college first year, Laxus jumped at the opportunity to leave town for a week for a road trip with his friends. He intended it just to be a week away with his friends, but when he meets an unfamiliar stranger, the vacation turns into something much more. [Fraxus Multichapter]
This was written as part of the annual Fraxus Week event hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus​​. This year I’ve decided to make an eight-part multi-chapter fic out of the prompts. They might not be in the correct order, but I think the end product will be worth it. Hope you all enjoy it.
You can read this on Fanfiction, Archive of our Own, and under the cut.  Read the other chapters from this masterlist.
Chapter One – Getting Aboard
It had been Bickslow's idea.
Nobody would think it, but the blue haired idiot was perhaps the most caring of the group, the mother figure, in a way. He wasn't the most conventional 'mom friend', and it certainly didn't diminish his enthusiasm to get drunk off his ass when the opportunity presented itself, but he was always the one keeping an eye out on his friends and knew when something was wrong. Apparently he had seen something was wrong with all three of them, and had come up with this plan on how to fix it.
A road trip to the Grand Canyon. None of his friends knew where the idea had come from, nor did they know why he insisted on renting an RV and driving there instead of getting the train. But the man had this enthusiasm about him that was cast upon them like a spell, and they couldn't find a way to fight it. Perhaps they all knew they needed the break.
Laxus was damn sure he did.
It had been just shy of a year since his graduation from college, and his plan had been to get a job in a gym being a personal trainer. That hadn't happened. He'd gone to many job interviews and nothing had come from any of them, and each rejection had been like a punch to the gut. He knew he couldn't just use his grandfather's money for ever, so had gotten what was meant to be a temporary job in an office while he looked for more appropriate employment. That had been nine months ago, and he hadn't been near to an interview for his chosen career in over half a year.
So far, his post college life had been a failure. Perhaps he had been naïve to think good things would happen instantly, perhaps he just needed to be patient. But the idea of getting away from everything for a week was what he needed.
Even if it was in what he could only assume was a crappy van.
Even if he had to wake up at five thirty to get on the highway before the majority of traffic, for some reason.
Even if one of the people he was traveling with was a stranger.
He had known Bickslow for the longest. They had been friends since they were kids and, although Bickslow moving away for college had meant they weren't as close as they once were, Laxus still considered the man his closest friend. He was chaotic, loyal, and overall just a fun guy. He could be obnoxious, but who couldn't?
Evergreen had come later, when she transferred into their high-school and Bickslow had dragged her into their small group. She was a little haughty at first, but that was clearly a defensive state she took on as the new girl. As they got closer, she showed a snarkier and quick-witted side. She fit in with the two men like the missing piece of a puzzle, even if she had a stupid insistence of hitting them with a fan when annoyed.
But now there was Freed.
Laxus didn't know all that much about Freed. He knew that he went to the same college that Bickslow and Ever did. He knew that he lived a few towns over, about half an hour's drive. He knew that he was a literary and science major. That was it. But both Bix and Ever thought well of him, so he was probably a good person.
"What time is he coming?" Makarov asked, cupping a mug of coffee while sitting at the kitchen table.
"Should be a few minutes," Laxus shrugged, biting into the toast he'd made for himself.
"I don't get why you have to leave this early," Makarov commented, glancing at the clock handing on the wall as sipped his drink. "You're going to be driving for days on end, you'll get caught in traffic anyway. You might as well sleep in to an appropriate time."
"Nobody asked you to see me off," Laxus quirked an eyebrow. He agreed with the sentiment though, he'd much rather leave later and deal with the traffic.
"No, but you seemed determined to bump into everything as you were getting ready and to make as much noise as you could. It's hard to sleep through that," Makarov grinned, clearly trying to get a reaction out of his grandson. "Besides, it's been years since I saw your friends, it'll be nice to see them again. And that new boy you'll be travelling with, I want to mee him too."
"We're picking him up later," Laxus said, crunching another bite of toast; he had burned it.
"Ah," Makarov nodded.
The two men fall into a comfortable quiet, the silence being accompanied by the radio Makarov had insisted turning on despite complaining about all the music they played. Laxus ate his breakfast while his grandfather read the newspaper. Once Laxus was finished, he checked the small suitcase that he had packed for himself to make sure it had everything he needed, then sat back at the kitchen table and waited for his friends to arrive.
A few minutes later he got the text saying that Bickslow was outside. He cracked his back and walked to the front door of the house he shared with his grandfather, and looked upon the large RV that had been parked at the foot of the driveway.
It was an impressive looking vehicle, and probably a good model. The idea to go on this road trip had been made in March, giving the four of them four months to save up enough to hire something relatively luxurious. Bickslow was hanging out of driver's seat window with a wide grin on his face, clearly happy that his plan was starting. Laxus found his enthusiasm infectious, and a small smile graced his lips as he approached.
This was exactly what he needed to put aside the disappointment of the year.
"Hey man," Bickslow greeted with a voice too loud for the time of the morning. He looked past Laxus and grinned wider. "Hey Mr D."
"Morning Bickslow," Makarov greeted from the doorframe, smiling. "Is Evergreen not with you?"
"She's in the back, sleepin'. Told her that it'll take a hell of a lot of beauty sleep not to make her look like that, but she didn't listen to me," He cackled at his own joke, and Laxus chuckled as he saw a hairbrush hit him in the back of his head. "The big guy wake you up, Mr D?"
"What do you think?" Makarov laughed, and Laxus glared at him. Since when was it a known trait that he couldn't keep quiet in the morning?
"See you in a week-old man," Laxus waved his hand, hoping to stop the taunting conversation between his friend and relative. "Try not to die while I'm gone."
"Cheeky brat," Makarov retorted with a grin. "Have fun kids."
Bickslow gave a response in the affirmative while Laxus pulled open the door of the RV, climbing up the steps. It was as nice inside as it was outside, with a small table and seating nook, a cooking area, a bed at the back and a small room that Laxus assumed would be the washroom. Laxus absently wondered if either he or Bickslow would manage to fit in the shower, given their size. But still, it was a nice vehicle and would be more than enough for their week inside of it.
Laxus walked to the front of the vehicle and took the passenger's seat, grinning at the sight of Evergreen with an eye mask on while buckled into the seats surrounding the table. The seat was comfortable enough, and Laxus found himself smiling at the vehicle.
"She's nice, right," Bickslow grinned in reference to the RV. "Best one they had. Turns out four of us not having any fun for months means we save a lot of money."
"Glad to hear it," Laxus chuckled. "I half expected you to pull up in some crappy van with a piss stained mattress in the back."
"Oddly specific there Dreyar. Speaking from experience?" Bickslow grinned, and it was clear that his excitement was going to make him completely obnoxious throughout the week. As annoying as it was, Laxus wouldn't have it any other way. "So, just gonna put this out here. Sleeping situation. The bed at the back fits two, and the table folds away and makes another single bed. Obviously, they'll be two of us in the back. So we can either have Ever and Freed sharing the single bed 'casue we won't fit-"
"Like hell I'm sharing," Ever snapped from her seat. "It'll be cramped enough as it is."
"Or we take turns each night with one of us in that chair," He nodded to the seat Laxus was sitting in. "It reclines and turns slightly, so they'll be enough leg space. It's basically like a plane seat without anyone behind you."
"I'm sure we can manage with that," Laxus nodded. "Wouldn't wanna piss of medusa," A hairbrush hit the back of Laxus' head this time. "How many brushes do you have?"
"Five, they each do different things," Evergreen grunted from her seat, and Laxus chuckled when he saw her put the mask over her eyes again.
"How can they do different things?" Laxus asked.
"They just do, it's why they're all different shapes and have thinner and thicker prongs," Evergreen sighed. "Ask Freed when he gets here, I'm sure he'll know. And that way you won't be talking to me and I can get some sleep."
Laxus decided not to push his luck, knowing that his friend had enough strength to throw a hair dryer at his head, as well as the morality to do so. Instead he leant over to Bickslow, who had pushed the key into the ignition, and spoke softly.
"Why would he know much about hair brushes exactly?" He asked, and Bickslow looked at him with confusion before realisation hit him.
"Sorry, I keep forgetting that you know basically nothing about him," He laughed, turning the key, and starting the engine. It was a powerful machine, and Laxus appreciated it. "Freed's got really long hair, keeps it pretty well looked after too. Goes down to his ass, don't know when he last had it cut. It looks good on him though. Oh, and it's green. Like, bright green."
"Really," Laxus furrowed his brows. "Everything you've said about him makes him seem pretty… strait laced I guess."
"He is, kinda. He's just got green hair," Bickslow shrugged, smiling wide. "He's kinda contradictory when you get to know him. You'll love him, I know it baby."
Bickslow revved the engine unnecessarily, waved out the window with an overly loud 'Bye Mr D!' as he did so, and started to pull out from Laxus' neighbourhood. Laxus gave his grandfather a small wave in goodbye, and saw the old man return the gesture. He leant back in his comfortable chair and allowed the gentle vibrations of the vehicle moving to calm him, closing his eyes softly as the warm sun hit his face through the front window.
This was exactly what he had needed after the year he'd had, and even the idea of being in the RV with a stranger didn't put a damper on his mood.
It had taken about forty minutes to get into the town Freed had lived in, and only a little while longer to get to his apartment. The building wasn't the nicest looking place in the world, and Bickslow explained that Freed lived by himself and financed his own life through his student loan and a job. Laxus didn't judge him; that was an admirable thing to do and he couldn't look down on his because he lived in a slightly crappy apartment building.
Honestly, for some reason he had expected a spoiled kid.
"Could you go up and get him?" Bickslow asked, looking towards Laxus.
"Can't you text him?"
"Nah, he takes hours to answer any texts, so I never know if he actually reads them quickly or not. Don't wanna be waiting down here for ages," Bickslow shrugged, and then grinned. "Besides, it'll give the two of ya a chance to get to know each other before you get trapped in here with us. Makes it less awkward."
Laxus sighed, but nodded. He was almost certain that getting to know Freed was the only reason he had been chosen to find the man, but he couldn't prove it as he didn't know if Bickslow's claim about his texting etiquette was true or not. He shifted his way out of the RV, Bickslow shouting the man's apartment number and the code for the door as he did so. Once he closed the door, he could swear that he heard the two speaking in the van, but ignored it.
The apartment building wasn't run down, but it was lacking luxury. Paint was peeling off some of the walls and the elevator opened with a horrid creak. Laxus walked into it and pushed the button for the ninth floor.
A ridiculous bubble of nervousness entered his stomach as the elevator started to ascend. He had never been talented socially, and his communication skills were both blunt and often uncared for. This had meant he never truly got used to being around new people, and it took him a while to warm up with most people. And now he was going to be stuck in a pretty small RV for around a week with a man he didn't know. He knew that his friends were good judges of characters and they assured him that they'd get along, but Laxus still could be nervous about meeting him.
Once the lift had found the right floor, Laxus looked around and settled on the sixth apartment's door. He knocked it curtly, the sound echoing awkwardly in the hallway. Laxus fidgeted for a moment before it was opened, revealing Freed.
"Oh," The man said in a velvet smooth voice. "Hello."
"Hey," Laxus greeted. "I'm Laxus, Bickslow might have told you about me. He said to come get you."
"Of course," The man said, and offered him a smile.
It was a nice smile. In fact the entirety of the man was nice to look at. He had long green hair, as Bickslow had said, and it was tied up in a high pony tail. A few green strands had fallen down to frame his face, accenting his sharp features, and pronounced bone structure. His outfit portrayed a fit body, and the unassigned top button showed a small slather of a firm chest. He had piercing blue eyes, a small black mark high on his left cheek, and thin lips.
When his eyes flickered down, he saw that the man had two large sports bags at his feet, clearly his own luggage. Laxus was suddenly reminded of why he was there, and snapped out of his split-second trance.
"You need help with them?" He offered.
"I'm fine," Freed assured him. "Although you could hold this if you don't mind."
He reached for a shelf in his apartment and picked up a small plastic thermos, handing it to Laxus. The blonde took it and looked at it with confusion. "Doesn't it make more sense for you to hold your own drink. I really don't mind taking a bag."
"It's not for me," Freed explained, lifting his bags out of his apartment, and placing them down to lock the door. "I shared a morning class with Evergreen, and she was snappy enough at eight in the morning, let alone half six. I assumed she might need some caffeine."
"Yeah, both me a Bix got a hairbrush thrown at us already," Laxus laughed. "Probably a good call."
"I would have made the two of you one as well," Freed stated as they walked down the hall. "But I don't know what you drink, and I don't believe that Bickslow needs any help in being overly energetic."
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure my grandpa's neighbour is gonna complain because of the shouting," Laxus grinned a little as he called the elevator. His friends were a topic he could handle.
"I'm surprised he didn't try and get my attention by yelling from the sidewalk."
"Well, I'm pretty sure that the only reason he sent me up here is so we can talk without them being there," Laxus admitted, before wondering if it was appropriate to say so. Was it meant to be a secret?
"It makes sense," Freed nodded. "They haven't really told me too much about you. I know your name, that you're a year older than us, and that you went to college to become trained in sports science and physiotherapy. That's essentially it."
"Well, that's all true," Laxus said as he walked into the open elevator. "I haven't gotten a job in my field yet, so I took a temp job. But I'm still looking. Bix said you've got a job as well as going to college?"
"I'm a waiter at Blue Pegasus, a restaurant a few blocks away," Freed explained. "It's not the most interesting work, but the pay is enough to keep me stable. And sometimes I'll get a meal at the end of the shift for free, so I can't complain."
Laxus nodded, understanding the conflict of working at a job that doesn't thrill you without having the option of quitting. The elevator started to slide down, and a repetitive tone began to play in the small box. Neither man spoke, and Laxus would have expected the urge to fill the silence, but it didn't come. For whatever reason, he felt comfortable with not speaking when Freed was around, something that didn't happen to him often.
Thinking back, the last time he had been okay in silence with a stranger had been Evergreen.
They reached the bottom floor hallway of the building a moment later, and Laxus held open the front door for Freed so the man could walk out without dropping his bags. When they walked into the morning sun, Laxus found himself momentarily transfixed by the sight of the man under natural light.
He looked radiant.
His slightly paler skin seemed to glow in the sunlight, and his perfectly brushed hair shimmered in the light. His eyes even seemed to sparkle as he approached the comparatively dull vehicle that was their home for the next week. Laxus' grip on the thermos tightened slightly as he walked forward.
"Just opened the storage," Bickslow commented from the window. "Put your bags in there, so we have space."
Freed nodded, walking to the small storage cubby that was opened from the side of the truck. He placed his bags down and opened it, and Laxus walked beside him. Freed placed one of the bags into the RV's trunk equivalent, and Laxus lifted the other to do the same. It held a fair amount of weight to it, and Laxus found himself impressed that the man had managed to lift this and another bag without any difficulty. Maybe the bulging in his sleeves wasn't just vanity muscles, as Laxus had assumed.
"Thank you," Freed nodded towards Laxus, closing the storage space.
"It's fine," Laxus assured him.
The two men climbed inside the RV, being greeted by a still too cheery 'welcome to the party bus' form Bickslow. Laxus saw that, in his time in the building, Evergreen had taken the front seat and was reclining in it with the eye mask on and a blanket covering her body. He rolled his eyes, placed the drink in a cup holder on the dash, and looked back over the RV's interior. The only place you could sit while it moved were in the table booth that Freed was sitting at. Laxus took the seat opposite him.
As he got into the leather booth, he saw that Freed had taken out a novel and was scanning the paged with quick moving eyes. The sun was hitting his face just right and illuminated it in a damn impressive way. Annoyingly, Laxus blushed
"All aboard," Bickslow yelled. "Next stop, the Grand Canyon."
And, with a pleasant nervousness in his stomach as he looked at Freed, Laxus found himself excited for the journey.
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minvaleria93 · 4 years
Summery: being the baby of the group the boys have been overprotective over y/n. Especially Yoongi. So when she starts seeing Kai things begin to heat up, feelings begin to unravel and sober thoughts are spoken out loud. 
Pairing: Yoongi x reader 
Genre: romance 
Words counted: 3428
WARNINGS: this will make your heart go 🥺😖😍😭 so don’t say I didn’t warn you 
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She made sure to close the door silently, not to alert the boys. It was one in the morning y/n had just arrived home from meeting up with Kai. Kai and y/n had been dating for a few months, but kept their relationship a secret from the members of BTS because they were extremely overprotective when it came to dating and boys. Especially Yoongi. She walked silently towards the staircase, her shoes in one hand so there wasn't noise as she walked over the marble tiled floor. But just as she was about to walk up the first step of the staircase, the lights turned on, illuminating the living room and the corridor. Y/n cursed in her head, her eyes shut tightly before she opened then again and turned around."Well, well, well."Y/n felt her heart drop to her stomach; Jin sat on the sofa in the living room dressed in his black silk pyjamas with a baseball next to him. Y/n opened her mouth to speak, but Jin jumped to his feet."No!" He said. "I don't want to hear your excuses. Do you have any idea what time it is, y/n?""Yes, and I—"Jin blinked as he looked at the girl. "I'm speaking right now," he cut her off. "Is that right or not?" Isabel pressed her lips together and hummed. "You did something wrong, do you agree?" He asked, and y/n only nodded with her head down. "Now go to your room!" Y/n quickly took a small bow before she ran up the stairs. 
The morning came, and y/n headed downstairs for breakfast before she and the boys do would go to their rehearsal room and work on a few dance routines. 
The moment she entered the kitchen she could feel the tension breathing down her neck when she saw Jin and the others sitting at the table. 
"Look who finally decided to show up," Jin smiled at her. 
Y/n muttered a small, 'good morning' as she walked over to the table and sat down next to Namjoon for protection. 
"You slept in this morning," said J-Hope. 
"I just have one question," said Jungkook. "Is this going to be a regular thing? Because it's nice not having to be woken up by loud music and a hoover for an alarm clock." 
"Where were you last night?" Yoongi asked. 
"Yeah," said Jimin. "You missed movie night."
Y/n opened her mouth to speak. She knew they'd find out about Kai and her sooner or later. It was becoming slowly out of hand having to keep their relationship a secret not just from the boys, but also ARMY and EXO-L.
The sound of Jin's knife echoed throughout the kitchen as it dropped from his hand and onto his plate. 
Jimin and J-Hope looked at the girl with their jaws hanging down and their eyes widened in shock. 
Jungkook blinked and Namjoon's brows shot upwards.
Yoongi sat still like a statue, no emotion in either his expression or eyes. 
"Kai?" Taehyung asked slowly, breaking the silence. Y/n nodded, she could feel cold eyes on her coming from one of the members at the table, but she couldn’t see who since her head was down. 
The sound of a chair being pushed back filled her head, and when she looked up she watched as Yoongi walked outside to the garden. The boys knew that they were overprotective over y/n, but it was for her own good. 
And after Yoongi told Jimin how he felt about y/n it all made more sense to him. Yoongi watched y/n with this look in his eyes that even a blind person would describe as much more than just being a protective friend. 
Jimin too, pushed back his chair and followed out after Yoongi to make it seem less suspicious. 
It's been a few weeks since the boys found out, and y/n had been spending more and more less time with the boys. They'd only see her at breakfast and rehearsal, but for the rest of the day she was either in her room or out with Kai.
"Where is y/n?" Namjoon asked, as he checked the clock in the dance studio. 
Yoongi pushed himself away from the wall and placed his water bottle down on the table. During the last few weeks he was much colder and moody. None of the members had ever seen him like this before, especially with y/n. If he saw her he'd ignore her and avoid making as so much as eye contact with her. 
"Don't act so surprised," he said. "She won't be turning up for today's rehearsal. We should just start without her."
Taehyung and Jungkook looked at the rest of the members with their arms crossed over their chest and their eyes widened. They could feel the coldness in Yoongi's tone. 
Namjoon exhaled a sigh. "Maybe you're right," he said slowly.
"We need to sit y/n down and talk to her," said Jin. "Set a few rules, you know."
"I agree," J-Hope nodded. "This isn't like her. She is always the one keeping up is line, but things have changed. We need to talk to her."
Jimin walked over to the radio and handed Yoongi the CD. "Are you alright?" He asked in a small voice so the others couldn't hear. Yoongi nodded, but didn't as so much utter a single word. 
Just as he was about to hit play, the door to the studio opened and in walked y/n. Her long, dark, brown hair was tied up into a ponytail and she wore her dance outfit. "Sorry, I'm late—"
"It's fine," said J-Hope. "We're just happy that you could make it." 
They has been dancing for about two hours, and each time they'd stop to go over a routine y/n would quickly run to the table and check her phone for a message. And Yoongi was loosing it inside.
He watched y/n from the mirror as she smiled down on her phone screen, and that was enough to set him off. "We should set a new rule," he said. Everyone turned to him. "No phones when we are rehearsing."
There was a short pause as everyone thought about what he said. "Yeah," said Jin. "That's a great idea."
"Is it just me," whispered Taehyung to Jungkook, who sat in the back. "Or has Suga been acting off lately?"
Jungkook nodded. "I was thinking the same thing," he whispered. "Especially when y/n's around."
Y/n watched Yoongi with an arched brow. She knew he was referring to her because she was the only one checking her phone. Nevertheless, she didn't want to start an argument so she switched her phone off and placed it back down on the table. 
The song played softly in the background as they sat in the car that overlooked the city. Sat in the front passenger seat, her knees to her chest and her back against the door, laughing at something Kai had said. Y/n enjoyed spending her time with Kai. He knew how to make her laugh, put a smile on her face and would loose track of time with him.
But she also missed the boys. Especially Yoongi. He may have appeared as the savage type and like he didn't care about much, but deep down he was the sweetest person she came to know. He was funny, would make fun of her but in that friendship-type of way. He was also passionate and hard working. Y/n would be lying if she said that she didn't have a secret crush on Yoongi, but she knew he only took her for a sister like the rest of the members. So instead of having high hopes and the risk of loosing her friendship with Yoongi, y/n knew she had to take those feelings and lock them away in a chest somewhere deep.
Kai reached his hand out towards y/n and cupped her cheek to pull her in for a kiss, but before he could as so much lean an inch forward y/n's phone began to ring. Kai held back from exhaling a sigh as he leaned back in his seat. 
Y/n turned her phone over and looked down at the caller ID; Mochi. She swiped her finger across her phone screen and held the phone to her ear.
"Y/n, where are you?" He asked, making y/n feel anxious and worried from the tone in his voice.
"I'm with Kai," she replied. "Why? Is something wrong?" She heard Jimin curse under his breath over the phone. "Jimin, what's wrong?" She asked.
He was home alone with Yoongi while everyone else went out to watch a movie, and instead of sitting the night out with him, Yoongi locked himself in his room with not just one bottle of Soju, but also a bottle of Spirytus vodka after finding out y/n was not  going out with the boys to be with Kai.
Jimin hesitated, he didn't want to ruin y/n time with Kai, but the whole reason Yoongi was acting up was because of her. And either way, Jimin knew that if he didn't tell her the truth she'd end up coming home just to find out for herself. 
"It's Yoongi," he said. "He's lost it."
"Lost it? What do you mean? Where is everyone?"
Jimin sighed. "They went to the cinema," he replied. "Y/n, just tell me how to g—"
"I'll be there in ten minutes."
Jimin's eyes widened. "What?! No, y/n it's fi— hello?" Jimin exhaled a deep and heavy sigh, his hand caught in his hair as he threw his phone on the sofa. 
The door closed behind her as she threw her key in the bowl on the table on the side. "Jimin!" She called out as she walked down the corridor to the living room and spotted Jimin sitting on the sofa. 
"Y/n," jimin jumped to his feet. "You could have just told me how to deal with him. You didn't have to come."
Y/n waved her hand as though she was brushing air away. "Is he still in his room?" Just as jimin opened his mouth to answer, there was a loud clashing sound coming from upstairs. Both Jimin and y/n turned their heads at the sound. 
"What is he—" y/n caught Jimin's arm. 
"I'll go."
She stood in a dark corridor that the only source of light illuminating it was from behind the closed door. She raised her hand up and knocked three times before speaking. "Is anyone home?" She asked,  and a low chuckle came from behind the door that followed the sound of a clicking. The door was now unlocked.
It was a mess. There were papers on the floor with lyrics for songs, pictures were also laying on the floor and there was broken glass scattered on the floor with a mark of dried alcohol on the wall. 
Y/n walked to the side of the bed and sat down on the floor, facing Yoongi who had his back against the wall, one leg stretched out and the other bent up with his wrist dangling over it has he held a bottle of Spirytus vodka in his hand. The purple, neon, LED lights in the room made his hair appear almost jet black and his eyes a void of darkness. She had seen him drunk before, but not like this.
"I see you're redecorating," she broke the silence. Yoongi didn't speak. The bottom of his lip folded over his top forcing a sarcastic smile while he nodded his head. 
Y/n watched him for a moment. "What are you doing, Yoongi?" She asked in a small voice that she was surprised he heard her.
"What does it look like?" He asked, his words came out almost mushed together. "I'm drinking." Y/n rubbed the side of her temple to stay calm. Drunk Yoongi was a whole other level of back-talking, sarcasm and stubbornness. 
"So," said Yoongi. "How was your date with Kai?" The very name tasted like poison to his lips. 
Y/n tilted her head to one side. "Yoongi," she said. "I know you don't care—"
"You're right," he said, coldly. "I don't." He raised the bottle of vodka to his lips and took a large gulp, the liquor burned his throat and chest making it feel like it was on fire. 
"I think that's enough," y/n clicked her tongue, as she reached her hand out towards the bottle, but Yoongi tugged away and held it to the level of his eyes.
Y/n bit the inside of her cheek as she watched Yoongi's expression turn into a small smile, his shoulders moved up and down as the chuckle left his lips and his eyes closed while he shook his head. "I don't care about him, I care..." He paused and his laugher slowly faded as he looked down on the floor before he lifted his head up to look at y/n. "I care about you." 
"Yoongi, you don't have to pretend that you care about me—"
Yoongi frowned, his nose scrunched slightly and his lips pouted. "Of course I care about you!" He exclaimed. 
"Okay," she said sarcastically. "You care about me. Now could you please give me that bottle—"
"No!" Yoongi shook his head. "You don't seem to get it, y/n. You have no idea how much I care about you," he said softly, and y/n felt her stomach twist into a knot. "Since I've said this much, I might as well just spill my heart out at this point." Yoongi looked deeply into y/n's eyes, and since waste a single second. 
"You," he began. "Have no idea how much you mean to me, y/n. You have no idea how much seeing you or just knowing that you're in the same room as me means to me. How much it makes me calm and at ease knowing you're around me."
Y/b dreamed of the day Min Yoongi would pour his heart out to her and tell her how much she meant to him, how happy he was to be around her, that seeing her made his day better. But now that it was happening she was afraid and she didn't know why. And there was also Kai who was nothing but sweet and nice to her. "Yoongi," she said. "Please, stop talking."
"But I'm nowhere near finished, y/n," he shook his head. 
Y/n stood up quickly and wanted to leave, but Yoongi caught her wrist in a firm grip and held her still. His very touch— the feeling of his skin on hers sent a shiver down her spine. He locked eyes with her again, but this time he much closer to her. "You have no idea how much I loath the thought of him as so much thinking about you," his voice came low, dangerous and poisonous. "Let alone touching you. I let someone snatch you away from me when I had you in the palm of my hands." Y/n didn't utter a single word. She stood there in silence and watched Yoongi speak. 
He exhaled a laugh. "I was so stupid!" He said more to himself than y/n. "So stupid to not come forward and tell you how I felt the moment I saw you. I was— and forever will be an idiot." 
A small laugh escaped his lips as he looked down at their hands and intertwined their fingers. "You have no idea how I envy the stupidest things," he laughed. "I envy the y/f/d that kisses you each time. I would trade places with the air that rushes by you. I envy the people you see when you are not home. I envy the people who talk to you and make you laugh. But most of all I envy Kai because he has taken what was mine before I could even come clean to you."
"You have no idea how much I love the way you hum when you're doing something," he said. "How cute you look when you're so focused on something. How you act so tough when you're so small. How you try and keep everyone in line. How your eyes light up when you talk about something that inspires you." 
There was a short pause as he reached his other hand up to her cheek so naturally like he had done it so many times. "You have no idea how much I want to be the one you think about last before you fall asleep and then when you wake up first thing in the morning," he whispered. "You have no idea how badly I want to hold your hand as we walk down the streets or to hold you close to me when we are watching a movie or just sitting and talking." His eyes dropped down to her lips band he suddenly became thirty. "You have no idea how badly I want to kiss those soft lips— to taste the sweet lip bomb you always use. To call you mine." 
Y/n could feel her vision become blurry and her chin trembled slightly. This was what she wanted to hear. This was like a wish come true. Like her praise had been answered. 
A tear escaped her eye, and then another. Yoongi brushed her years away with his thumb and leaned his forehead against hers with his eyes closed. Having her this close to him made his heart race like he just ran a marathon. The smell of her sweet perfume filled his nostrils making him inhale a deep breath like was about to go under water. 
"Y/n," he said her name in such a soft tone that it made her legs go weak even though she was sitting down. "Give me a chance."
Her brain was on fire, ready to explode from the impossibility of this moment. It feel like she was watching it happen, detached from her own body, incapable of intervening.
He gazed at her in a way that way both cool and smooth, but lusting at the same time. Her smile spread, and her flicker of relief turned into a feeling that punched her in the gut when he smiled back. It was utterly intoxicating, especially because she only dreamed that he'd smile like that at her.
Yoongi angled his head slightly to the side, looking down at her lips as if asking for permission before he closed the space between them. Y/n felt the butterflies in her stomach and her heart was beating so loud that she thought he must've heard it. 
They parted from the kiss, and Yoongi looked at her, the brown of his eyes changed into something hungry, and before she knew it, his hands were in her hair and their lips met in a sudden blow as he pushed her against the wall. And he kissed her. Hungrily. Desperately. 
Y/n knew that this was bad because she was with Kai, but the feelings she had towards him were nothing compared to what she felt towards Yoongi. With Yoongi it was the longing of wanting to be with him, to have his arms wrapped around her, to know what each of his kisses felt like, to just sit and be in the same room and do nothing, to just hear him breathing next to her— it was not the same, and she knew she was going to hurt Kai with this, but no matter how hard she tried closing and pushing her feeling for Yoongi away it seemed impossible. He’d always find a way to haunt her.
She pulled him closer as she wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her hands through his soft hair. She could feel herself getting drunk from the alcohol on his lips. Yoongi griped her hips and allowed his hands to conquer her body. His arms were strong around her as he held her close to him. Her head began to spin, and it was because his lips were on her neck, tasting her, devouring her. Yoongi lifted her by the waist, hoisting her up against the wall, his hands cupping her backside, and her legs wrapped around him. 
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5 years
Pairing: Mark Lee x reader
Genre: fluff I guess?
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and vomit
So this is the first thing I’ve ever written, my first language is mixed with English so sorry if some things don’t make sense. I’m not very good at writing but I thought I’d give it a shot
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"We're having drinks at mine on Friday, you coming?" Chan asked. "Who's all going?" You asked, contemplating on whether you should go or not. You weren't really the kind that's into drinking. Well, you've never actually had drink but just the idea of it puts you off. "Me, Mark, Daisy, Chaeyoung, Minhyuk, and possibly Wooyoung and Yerim." You heard Mark’s name pop up and you instantly perked up. You have feelings for Mark. You’ve had them for 5 years actually. Everyone who saw you together always thought you were in a relationship. You told him about 2 years ago that you had feelings for him but he rejected you in a kind manner. Thankfully, your confession didn't affect your friendship. He and everyone else, minus Chan, thought you had moved on but you hadn't. Since you told Mark about your feelings for him, he's had two girlfriends. One was one of your close friends and the other, who he is currently dating, hates your guts. The reason being was unknown to you. You thought it could be because you’re a girl but she didn’t mind Mark being friends with any other girls so that couldn’t be the reason. All you knew about her was that she had cheated on him twice and he was not happy with her. You always wondered why he didn't break up with her when he told you that he didn't have the heart to. "Don't worry, she won't be there." It was like Chan read your mind. "I'll think about it," you replied whilst scrolling through Instagram.
Friday morning and you still hadn't decided if you were going to go to Chan’s or not. You wanted to go because you thought it would be fun but you didn't want to go because you would most likely have to deal with drunk people. You were sitting on the grass on campus doing some work when someone came and sat beside you. Expecting it to be Chan, you looked up and saw Mark and Chaeyoung. "Are you coming to Chan’s?" "Add songs to the playlist," they said at the same time. You just looked confused when Mark repeated himself, "Are you coming to Chan’s?" You set your pen down, "Oh right, eh, yeah I am," you said. No going back now. "Sweet. We'll see you tonight then," Mark said, patting your shoulder then leaving with Chaeyoung. Great. Just as you put your headphones in, Chan appeared. "So you coming tonight?" You take your headphones back out and set them down. "Yeah, I am." He gave you a thumbs up. "Cool, you can stay over if you want, Chaeyoung, Daisy and Mark are." You looked at him with a confused look, "what about the others?" He shook his head, "Nah, they can't even come so it's just gonna be the five of us. You might have to share a bed, by the way." You didn't think it would be that bad. Sure you weren't that close to Daisy and Chaeyoung but hopefully you'll become closer after tonight. "Alright, I'll come over at 10." You told him. Chan nodded and made his way to a lecture.
It was 9:30pm when you looked at the clock. You decided you would leave in 15 minutes since it takes around about 20 minutes to get to Chan’s. You had been to Chan’s before but that was about a year ago so you were going to have to guess how to get to his. Your phone lit up with a text from Chan that read "Are you coming?" You had just gotten into your car, texting back with "I'm omw". You had been driving for about 15 minutes, turning into the correct roads when you realised you couldn't remember what Chan’s house even looked like. Shit. You were lost. You pulled over into a passing place and got out your phone to text Chan. Your thumbs did a little dance over the keyboard, not wanting to send a message admitting you were lost. Right at that moment you got a text from Chan that read "m8 r u lost or something?" You laughed at the message and replied with "maybe, maybe not" and waited for a response. You looked at the houses around you and thought you recognised a car parked in a drive way. Wait. You physically face palmed when you realised you had been sitting outside Chan’s house for the past 5 minutes thinking you were lost. You pulled your car into the drive way, turned it off and got out.
You walked up to the front door to be greeted by Chan and Chaeyoung and some very loud music. Before you could even take your shoes off, Chaeyoung had handed you a can of something and led you through the house to the source of the loud music. You saw Daisy and said your hellos, wondering where Mark was. As if by magic, Mark appeared from the kitchen with a can like yours. He looked at you and just said "Shut up" which you responded with "You shut up". You and Mark have the kind of friendship where you insult each other for fun and are sarcastic 90% of the time. You went and sat down and everyone came and joined you. You were all just joking around when Mark decided you should all play the card game "kings" which involves a lot of drinking. Half way through the game you had your feet on Mark’s lap, Chan and Daisy kept holding hands and Chaeyoung kept on doing shots. You ended up losing the game which meant you had to drink the alcoholic concoction in the middle but you refused. Mark and Daisy said they would share it for you, both drinking a half. By this point, you had been there for about 2 hours and your head was killing you and you felt really panicky and on edge. Maybe because this was your first party.
You were left in the room all by yourself when Mark came in and walked over to you. He looked at you with a worried look in his eyes "what's up? Are you okay?" You just shrugged your shoulders and mumbled an "I guess" when he grabbed your hand and started stroking the back of it with his thumb. He pulled you up off the chair and told you to walk around a bit. You walked through to the living room to find a cat which you befriended. You were playing with the cat when a drunk Daisy came into the room and sat on the floor beside you. Chan appeared to see if Daisy was okay, "just wait, leave, we are having a one-on-one conversation, Chan. Come back in 5 minutes," Daisy demanded, slurring some of words. Chan left the two of you when Daisy looked at you, "Do you hate me? Because I feel like you hate me and I don't want you to hate me because you seem like a lovely person and I want to be friends with you but I feel like you hate me." Daisy rambled on. "I don't hate you, Daisy. You seem like a lovely person too." You assured her. "I am, I just don't want you to hate me," she mumbled drunkenly, standing up, stumbling slightly and leaving. You laughed to yourself and carried on playing with the cat. You spent an hour sitting with the cat when Chan’s mom came home from a night shift at work. The five of you and Chan’s mom were all speaking when Chaeyoung quickly stood up covering her mouth. Oh no. You were so thankful that there was a trash can near because all the drink Chaeyoung had consumed had come back up to say hi. You, being the absolute baby that you are, had to leave the room because vomit makes you feel like vomiting. You went and sat back with the cat when Mark appeared with a whole pizza. You were sitting looking at the floor when Mark broke the silence, "you're really pretty." You looked at him, confused, "what?" He looked at you in the eyes and repeated himself "you're really pretty. I felt like I needed to tell you that because you don't get told that enough." You looked back at the ground, trying not to show that you were blushing, "I only ever get told that by my mom and grandma," you said, chuckling to yourself. Before anything else could be said, Chan’s mom came into the room and started a casual conversation with both of you. After having a random conversation about making a cake with mayonnaise, Mark thought it would be best if you went to bed since you felt bad. You walked up the corridor with Mark, "where am I going?" You asked Mark, "well, either you go left into the bedroom or you go right and end up in the bathroom, your choice really." He said chuckling. You went into the guest room which had a double bed in it. You were sitting on the edge of the bed when Chan’s mom asked if you would mind sharing a bed with Chaeyoung, you looked at her and replied with "as long as she doesn't vomit again." Chan’s mom laughed, handed you a pink, spotted bathrobe and walked away. 10 minutes had passed and you were still sitting there when you overheard Mark speaking to Chan’s mom, "So Chaeyoung is passed out on the couch, Daisy is sleeping in Chan’s bed so you'll have to share with Y/N." What? Did you really just hear that? You're going to have to share a bed with Mark, the guy you've liked for 5 years? The guy that is one of your best friends? The guy that's in a relationship with a girl that hates you? Great. That's not going to be awkward.
There was a knock on the door, "yeah?" You replied whilst in a daydream, "what's up roomie?" It was Mark. "Nothin’ I guess," you replied, not making eye contact. Mark took the bathrobe, put it on and then sat on the floor in front of you, stroking your leg. "What's up?" You started shaking, "I just don't feel good, that's all." You said looking at your feet. "Do you feel sick or is it your anxiety?" He questioned, knowing you better than almost anyone. You lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, "both I guess." You sighed. Mark got off the floor to come and sit beside you. "I'll try and take your mind off it. So, what's the gossip?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "There's not much gossip, I live a very boring life you know." You said, laughing slightly. Mark was lying across the end of the bed with his eyes closed when you nudged him, "lie up here, it'll be comfier," you said, patting the other half of the bed beside you. He moved up beside you and got under the covers, looking at you while you were putting your hair up in a high ponytail. "You should feel honoured, I never let anyone see me with my hair up and bare faced," you mentioned, lying down beside him. You were staring at the roof when you heard a quiet "you look pretty with your hair up." You turned to look at Mark to notice he was already staring at you. "Don't look at me so close up!" You mumbled while covering your face, "but why?" He questioned, "just because." You replied.
You noticed your phone light up and saw that Chan had sent you a snapchat. That's weird, he's two doors away. Why can't he just come to your room? You opened it to a black screen with text that read "could you go find Daisy’s hoodie? She won't let me leave" Leave where? Just then you heard someone retching across the hall. Lovely. "Mark, could you help me find Daisy’s hoodie? She needs it and I dunno where it is," you asked looking at him. "Just give her this," he said, taking off the bathrobe and throwing it to you. You quietly opened the bedroom door and lightly knocked on the bathroom door. The door opened a tiny bit and then you saw Chan’s face appear. “I can’t find her hoodie but here’s a bathrobe, is she okay?” You asked as Chan took the robe. “She’s just had too much to drink. I want her to go to bed and try and sleep but she’s refusing to get off the floor, do you think you could help? Since you’re a girl and all.” He said, looking hopeful. “Dunno what being a girl has to do with this but I’ll try.” You crouch down beside Daisy to make sure she’s actually listening. “Come on Daisy, it’ll be much better if you’re cosy in bed instead of on the bathroom floor.” You couldn’t quite make out what she was saying because she was talking in a really whiny, wailing voice. After about 10 minutes of persuading Daisy to get up off the floor and go to bed, you had succeeded.
Heading back to the guest room, you opened the door quietly not knowing if Mark was awake or not. You looked at him and noticed he was peacefully sleeping. As gently as possible, you got into the bed and just lay there. You looked at your phone to see what time it was; 02:30am. You didn’t feel as tired anymore so you just lay there for what felt like hours, the only thoughts going through your mind was “MarkMarkMarkMarkMarkMark”. Around 6am you started to feel slightly tired but still not fully able to fall asleep so you turned onto your side so you were facing Mark’s sleeping body. You couldn’t help but notice that even with acne scars and a bit of stubble, he still looked perfect. The way his lips were ever so slightly parted was perfect. How his messy bed hair looked perfect. But you can’t think like this. He has a girlfriend and you’re not the type to ruin relationships. You turn onto your other side to try and stop the thoughts. A couple more hours pass by when you feel movement on the other half of the bed. Your eyes snap shut, pretending you’re asleep when you hear Mark leave the room. You sit up and rub your tired eyes and fix your messy hair before Mark comes back in with two glasses of water, handing one to you. “So how’re you feeling?” Mark asks with a sleepy voice after a few minutes of silence. “Honestly? I’m so fucking tired, my dude.” You say causing him to give a small chuckle while squeezing your hand. Before your conversation could carry on, Chan, Chaeyoung and Daisy all barge into your room and pile on your bed. “Hey Daisy, did you find your hoodie?” “Yeah it was in the freezer.” After a bit more small talk between the 5 of you, you all get up and get dressed for the day.
You’re helping Chan clean up in the living room when he quietly says to you “sorry for the three of us barging in earlier, Chaeyoung said that she doesn’t trust you.” Trust you? “Trust me with what?” You ask, picking up some pillows. “Well you know, she’s best friends with Mark’s girlfriend.” “Gross. Say no more.” You respond, rolling your eyes. “I tried telling her that you’re definitely not the type of person to do anything like that but she wouldn’t listen.” Expressed Chan. “Thanks but it seems like Chaeyoung will believe anything Mark’s girlfriend tells her. For all I know, Mark’s girlfriend could say I’m Satan and that I like to push over elderly people in the street and Chaeyoung would believe it.” Chan stopped what he was doing and looked at you; “you don’t actually do that, do you?” “Are you seriously asking me if I like to push over elderly people in the street?” You asked while Chan burst out laughing. “I’m kidding, I know you wouldn’t do that, you’re too weak to push over elderly people.” He said before running out the room, giggling. After a bit more cleaning and a lot of eating, you decide to head home. That was a pretty decent night.
It had been a couple weeks since that party. Party? Night? Get together? Whatever it was. Everything had been pretty normal, although you noticed that Mark hadn’t been texting you as much. You’re sitting on a bench on campus grounds, proof reading an essay on your laptop before you send it in when you sense someone walking towards you. You look up and see Mark walking over. “Hey Mark.” You say as you finish reading. “Hey.” Not sounding like his usual self, you look at him and raised an eyebrow as to indicate him to explain his tone. “So I broke up with my girlfriend a couple days ago. Well, ex girlfriend now. Just saw her making out with someone so seems like she’s moved on extremely quickly” He said with a sad smile while looking at his shoes. “Oh Mark, I’m sorry.” You said, putting your hand on his shoulder as a form of comfort. He stayed silent. Not knowing whether or not you should say something, you also stayed silent, removing your hand from his shoulder and looking at your keyboard. “I meant what I said that night at Chan’s, by the way.” He randomly said, breaking the silence. “I can’t remember what you said at Chan’s.” You said, cheeks flushing, knowing exactly what he was talking about. “That you’re really pretty. To be honest I’ve thought that since we first met. Actually I’ve had a crush on you since we first met.” He said, not making eye contact, both of your faces bright red. “So I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date and see where things go between us.” He confessed, finally looking at you with hopeful eyes. “That would be nice.” You said with a smile on your face. “I know that night you said I should be honoured because you never let anyone see you with your hair up and no makeup which I totally did feel honoured but right now you should feel pretty honoured; you’re the first and last girl I’ve ever asked out on a date.” He bashfully said. “I’m very honoured.” You said, letting out a small giggle. “Do you wanna go grab something to eat?” Mark asked, standing up. You closed your laptop and nodded. The two of you started walking when you felt his hand grab yours and lace your fingers together. With a small smile, Mark looked and you and quietly said “Your hand fits perfectly in mine.” That was the first of many, many dates.
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junquisite · 4 years
Dangerous love 4
'Agent Park, prepare a team and go to the address I'm sending you! The gang has raided a high class party and are currently holding everyone Hostage! There are more then 30 people as hostages right now!'
With a team of 18 official agents, Park Junhee led the fight against the gang which had been too harmless untill now. Unitll now when it raided a party organised by some rich bureaucrat and has held them hostage.
What felt weird was how most of the members of the gang (13, Chan counted) were sitting in front of the stairs of the mansion, the main door shut behind them and with bored expressions as they stared at the Line of NIS agents in front of them.
"Sir, what do we do?" One of the agents asked Junhee and to be honest, even he was puzzled as to what was going on.
18 NIS agents were standing in front of the gang members, guns pointed at them and not a flicker of worry was on any of their faces.
Something was up.
"Wait till further order. We're going to process the situation first and have a negotiation if required." He ordered and he could hear the protests mumbled under the breath by the agents.
No one likes to negotiate with the gangs.
Junhee asked for the microphone and once he had it, he spoke.
"We won't shoot if you would just drop your weapons and let the hostages go."
There were snickers from the members on the stairs and junhee could recognise a few of them from the time they roughed him up the last time he was face to face with them.
He also remembered how she said she threatened then and how they won't touch him now when he saw a few of them avoiding his gaze.
Which brought him to his next thought. Where was she?
"They are not even Hostages! They have good food and alcohol and servants with them. How are they the hostages and not the poor service people stuck inside with then?" One of them said and the others joined him.
Junheee heard some muted support from his agents too and if you think about it, where was the lie?
"Just. Let them go and surrender your weapons. No one has to fight." Junhee tried again because no matter how much he personally agreed with the view, he had his duty too.
"Just give us a few seconds or maybe Minutes." Another one said and Chan asked Junhee, "is something going on Hyung? Should we make the first move?"
Before junhee Could respond, the door to the mansion opened with a bang and they all saw her back, dragging something outside.
She was quite famous is the NIS office. She was the crazy second in command of the gang and was easily one of the most dangerous one as well.
She turned around and looked at the agents and Whistled.
"So many agents today and we haven't even blown anything yet!" She said and the gang members laughed with her.
Junhee was trying to take a look behind her but it was hidden behind that long coat of hers.
"Agent Park!" She said loudly, walking to the front of her gang, revealing a cylinder behind her and then Junhee heard the uproar between the agents behind them.
"What's with the shock? We have been against each other so many times now, don't tell me you didn't do your homework guys and know all of us and our specialities. Because we did." She said, taking out a gun from her coat pocket and dangling that in her hand.
"Now. The rich guests that you all serve" she said, pointing at the agents and junhee heard Chan curse.
"Are inside that huge mansion. There's a river of petrol between us and them. You see that cylinder? I can blow it up from here and it'll be a quick bye bye for them!" Junhee went rigid and stopped his agents from reacting, waiting for orders from the HQ.
"Or you can let us go, drop YOUR weapons and they live." She said finally, taking off her coat and junhee cursed out loud.
She was wearing a shirt too long for her underneath it.
Not a member's this time.
But his.
His fucking shirt.
She was standing in front of him, wearing his shirt, threatening to blow up a house full of people.
'let them go!' he heard through his in-ears and figured everyone heard it Because there was a string of protests behind him.
"Drop your weapons." Junhee said to his crew and threw his gun to the front of him. The others followed and one of the gang member came forward to look through the guns and picked up a few of them.
He then went straight to in front of Junhee and gave him a two-finger salute.
"So long Agent Park. Remember me. I'm Hangyul."
The drive to their home was silent but frustrating for both Junhee and Chan. But something was bothering Chan and he couldn't pin point it.
The next morning Junhee picked Chan up and when halfway through, Chan didn't played any music, Jun looked at him, concerned.
"You already Chan?" He asked and as if Chan snapped out of a daze, nodded.
"Just. Something on my mind." He answered.
"Is it about yesterday?" Jun asked and Chan nodded.
"Talk to me if it's too much alright?" Junhee said and Chan agreed, the rest of the drive till the HQ, was spent in silence.
After spending a small while at his desk, Chan went to the surveillance department and pulled out the CCTV footage of their clash with the gang the previous day. He got some close ups printed and went back to his desk.
When in the evening he was getting out, Junhee stopped him to ask him to grab dinner with him but Chan declined, saying he had to go meet a friend.
And truth be told, he wasn't exactly lying to Junhee. He went to meet Agent Kim Byeongkwan, who was stationed near the mansion the previous day in the van, keeping an eye on the situation and providing the live situation to the HQ.
"Hey Kwan!" He asked the year older Agent. They were quite close. Close enough for Chan to ask for the footage of the previous day from him. And close enough for Kwan to actually give him that without any questions asked.
Half an hour later, he was pulling in front of Junhee's house and he knocked.
A wet haired Junhee opened the door and raised an eyebrow at his younger partner, anyway giving him way to enter.
"I brought beer and chicken!" Chan said, showing him the six can pack he had along with the packed chicken.
"I would have still let you in if you didn't had that food but I like this better!" Junhee said, laughing.
When each of them were down one beer can, Chan looked at Junhee in all seriousness.
"You got a girlfriend hyung?"
"So suddenly?" Junhee asked and Chan shrugged.
"How long have we been working together hyung?" Chan again asked and Junhee answered, "4. Why?"
"And how long have you worked for the NIS?" Chan asked again and junhee gave him a puzzled look but still answered, "7 years."
There was again suddenly some noise from Junhee's bedroom which junhee didn't even glanced at but it bothered Chan and he got up.
"Don't bother. I told you it's the kitten." Junhee said and Chan leveled him with a serious look.
"Do you even have one though hyung?"
Junhee shrugged and waved at him to go on and so Chan did.
He opened the bedroom door to see a small kitten sitting just behind it.
He picked her up and went and sat in front of Junhee again.
"I can't believe you actually are here." He said to the kitchen and Junhee scoffed.
"What's her name hyung?"
Junhee shrugged and opened his second can of beer.
"I don't know. I haven't named it yet. Kitty maybe?" He mulled over.
Chan thought over it too.
"How about Neko? It's cat in Japanese and mine in Korean. Suits her don't you think?"
Junhee thought it over and picked her up when she purred at his feet.
Brushing her behind her ears, she snuggled to him and he chuckled.
"I guess you're Neko now huh?" He said and she purred, almost as if in response.
Chan pulled out an envelope from his bag and passed it to Junhee on the table.
Confused, junhee opened it up and there were quite a few close up pictures of her from last night.
In his shirt.
"I thought something was weird last night." Chan said as he got up from his chair and junhee just asked what, still looking at those pictures.
"You have been acting strange for quite a while now. You also had sudden plans a few weeks back too? The day we went to check out the blown up place. You went to a hotel." Chan said and junhee just looked up at him.
"What are you getting at?"
Chan came close and pointed at one of the clear pictures of her in that shirt and and pointed at the pocket of the shirt.
"It had a little star on it and it has your initials on it. I know that because I have seen you wearing this so many times. And I know it was a gift someone had it made for you on order so it can't not be yours."
Junhee stared at the picture a while longer.
"It's not mine. The initials aren't clear either Chan. Maybe you're just over thinking."
Chan just stared at him.
"Maybe I am. But prove me wrong hyung. Bring me your shirt them."
Junhee sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
Before he could say anything, there was a knife at Chan's throat from behind and Junhee stared wide-eyed at the person behind Chan.
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Hello. I love your blog very much. I’m new to the Lost Boys fandom- just discovered the movie a few months ago.🙊 I really like the characters Marko and Paul (the two blondes that are playful). If you are willing, can I request to read a story about those two boys teaming up to play-wrestle against Star and playfully /teasefully picking on her since they both have so much energy and love to play!
Welcome to the club! ;) I hope you'll like this! 💕
"Leaving us again, Star?" Paul looked at her as she started to walk away from them. They had just arrived on the boardwalk, and Star would be going off on her own again, as usual.
"Yeah, you know - thought I'd hang out with some fun people tonight."
They were all a bit taken back by the boldness Star suddenly possessed - but that was soon replaced by laughter.
"We're not fun enough for you?" Marko chuckled.
"Well, go on! Leave us!" Paul laughed, grinning as Star walked away, doing whatever she did on the boardwalk.
Later that evening, when shed joined them again, the group was unusually quiet. No comment from David as she stopped on his bike, no acknowledgement from Dwayne. Even Marko and Paul were quiet.
"Did something happen?"
"Are you all alright?"
Silence. No one responded to her, and she decided to just let it be. If they didn't want to talk, then she wouldn't talk either.
She had just enough time to hold on as David drove off, the others following him quickly. Star closed her eyes as the boys raced, trying to stop the sand from flying in her eyes. They picked up spead, and where the slipping of their wheels had scared her the first few times she'd driven with them, she found herself liking it now. She loosened her grip on David, curious why the normal laughter and screams were gone. The boys were still around her- all of them just unusually quiet. It made her nervous - had she done something wrong? Were they angry? Had their meals run off?
She almost fell off when they came to a sudden stop. Stumbling a bit she stepped of David's bike, walking into the cave. Even now the boys were still quiet.
"Guys? What's going on?"
She got no response. Marko went to his birds, Dwayne lit the barrels scattered around the cave. Paul was looking through his music, while David sat down and just looked at her.
"This isn't funny. What's going on!"
"Don't worry, Starry-night," Paul grinned, "That's what you wanted, right? To hang out with people that were more fun than us."
"Hanging out on your own is definitely more fun than hanging out with your brothers." Marko chuckled, one of his birds flying closely over her head.
Star sighed- she had been on her own the whole time. She needed those moments, afterall, living with four boys was more than exhausting. She had looked through some small shops, went to the concert - and hadn't hung out with any people.
"I'm fun-" she started, trying to make up an excuse.
"Yeah, but are you people?" Paul grinned, looking at Marko and then back at her.
"No, but-"
"And she still thinks were no fun, Paul," Marko grinned, looking at Star.
"We should show her some fun -"
Before Star could fully process what they'd said she was tackled to the ground. Marko sitting on top of her, Paul just laughing a few feet away. She tried to turn around - failing to do so. She managed to grab Paul's leg however, and with a strong pull she managed to put him off balance. This caused Marko to burst out in laughter, giving her the opportunity to run away. She sprinted off, away from the cave, up the stairs. She heard their laughter as they followed her. This time it was Paul that grabbed her, pushing her to the ground in a friendly headlock. Marko grinned as he began to tickle her.
"Are we fun yet?"
"You're annoying!" Star screamed with laughter, trying to kick Marko away, as she responded to Paul.
"We won't stop till you tell us what we are," Marko grinned.
"Come on, Starry-night," Paul chuckled, "don't play dumb now. You know better than that, don't you?"
"Don't patronise me, you idiot!"
She tried to move away, trying to get away from this grip.
"You just got to say it Star," Marko grinned.
"Say what?"
"That we're fun," Paul looked at her.
"David says I shouldn't tell lies."
The boys laughed, even more when David yelled from the cave that she could now.
"Come on, sis, you heard him. Tell us we're fun people."
"Dwayne and David are-" Star grinned, finally managing to break free. She ran back inside, trying to find a hiding spot when she was caught by Marko, who flew up in the air.
"Alright, alright!" Star screamed, having a pretty bad fear of heights, "You're fun people! Alright! Just put me down now?"
Marko grinned. "As you wish."
He let go of her, dropping her. She screamed, certain shed hit the cave floor and break a leg or something. She closed her eyes, terrified of the landing when she felt a pair of arms around her.
"So, we're fun now, hm? Does that mean you'll hang out with us tomorrow," Paul chuckled.
"I- I think I had enough fun for a while, asshole," Star grinned, as she went back to her own little nook.
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