socialscreamsauce · 11 months
I like you and you like me a lot
im pretty convinced people call me friend just so I'll do shit for them and it hurts my insides
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marrijaa · 9 months
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Horizon Cafe and Bakery
Now avaliable on my PATREON, with a correct Tray files🤍😁
Massive thanks to these wonderfoul creators @bbygyal123 @lilaccreative @harrie-cc @pierisim @felixandresims @pinkbox-anye @syboubou
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rexnanorum · 27 days
Conquering the world in style ✨
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I'm back! And I bring you a very stylish napoleonic era Strickler who is ready to take over the world (for the good of the changelings of course..). He is heavily inspired by the really wonderfoul 'memories of darkness' fic which I really recommend you to read! (I will post you the link here later from my laptop). He has no red cape but I think he makes up for it in style and of course with the bust of Perikles, the great Athenian Strategos from the Peloponnesian War (an archaeologist's dream come true 😉).
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Here is the link to the fic that inspired my drawing- I really recommend it 😊
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rhapsodynew · 14 days
Postmodernism and Surrealism.
The Prose of John Lennon
- this technique, let me tell you, is called onomatopoeia.
 "In His Own Write"
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The Wrestling Dog.
     One upon  a  tom  in a far off distant land far across the sea miles away from anyway over the hills as the crow barcs  39 peoble lived  miles  away from anywhere on a little island on a distant land.
     When the harvest time came along all the people celebrated with a mighty feast and dancing and that.  It was Perry's  (for Perry was  the  Loud  Mayor)  job to provide (and Perry's great pleasure I might add) a new and exciting (and it  usually  was) thrill and  spectacular performer (sometimes a dwarf was used), this year Perry had surpassed himselve by getting  a  Wrestling Dog! But who would fight this wondrous beast?  I wouldn't for a kick off.
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About the Awful. 
I was bored on the 9th of Octover 1940 when, I believe, the Nasties were still booming us led by Madalf Heatlump (Who had only one). Anyway, they didn't get me. I attended to varicous schools in Liddypol. And still didn't pass-much to my Aunties supplies. As a memebr of the most publified Beatles me and (P, G, and R's) records might seem funnier to some of you than this book, but as far as I'm conceived this correction of short writty is the most wonderfoul larf I've ever ready.
God help and breed you all.
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The Fat Growth on Eric Hearble.
One fat  morning Eric Hearble wake up with an abnorman fat growth a bombly on his head. 'Oh crumb,' said Eric Hearble, who was a very very,  surprised. Anyway he carried on as Norman for why should he worried?  All of suddy he heard  a  small  little voice calling  him by name,  'Eric...Eric Hearble' it seemed to say though I couldn't say for sure.
That night the very same voice spoke saying 'Eric,  I am a growth on your very head, help me, Eric.'  Soon Eric became very attached to his fat growth friend.
'Call me Scab,' the voice said and he was.
'Call me  Eric,' Eric said naturly as he could.  From then on you never saw Eric without the big fat scab  growth  on  his head. And  that's  why  Eric  Hearble  lost  his  job  teaching spasticd to dance.
'Were not having a cripple teaching our lads,' said  Head- master.
Once Upon a Time There Was a Piggy and A Network of Ulcers
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Once, once, far, far away, far away from Disney - say, three hundred years away, if you want-there were abscesses, or cretins, a whole network in an obscure forest, and their names were: Dirty, Grumpy, Coward, Empty-mouthed, Scoffer, Alice, Bully -and Sausage. So, they were digging, they were rummaging, so they were in diamond ponds, baaagat without something. Every time they went home from the humpback, they sang a song - just like ordinary humpbacks- and it sounded like this: "Yo-ho! Yo-ho! We're going to the humpback!" - in general, it's stupid, because they were going to their own place (although maybe they had to work a little at home).
On one cross-day, they (the Ulcers) came home, probably at six sneezes, and who do you think they annoyed there!? - and there Was Piggy. He's lying in his grumpy bed, grunting. However, he did not particularly appreciate it. "Who ate my kaka porridge?" Sausage, who always wore a light blue pullover, yelled here. A shadow is rubbish, in the marriage chamber, which stood a mile around, a certain ginseng steams into her daily mirror and screams: "My light, mirror, tell me, who is the most beautiful around?" - which doesn't even rhyme at all. "There's a guy in Kiev," the mirror reports. "Krish O'Malley," bursts out here from the tenant, who turns out to be either a Queen, a witch, or even some kind of acorn.
 "She's talking to that mirror again, Dad," Mr. Cradock says."No matter how I look at it, she's still talking to that mirror." Here Papa Cradock slowly separates himself from the book he is devouring and explains that it is not worth seducing attention, it is temporary, they are all good at this kind of reward. "I don't like this," Mr. Cradock imagines. Here Papa Cradock slowly separates himself from the book he is devouring and explains that no one has to like it at the same time; at the same time, he conscientiously burns his own elephant. "That elephant got me to death," he croaks.- I'm sick to death, because he eats like an elephant, and has already eaten the whole house."
Suddenly, let's go back to the network of ulcers, where There was a Piggy who became a real favorite there, especially because she picked up small poop with a caring hand. "That's what a Piggy we had," everyone exclaimed."She was a good old Piggy, and she's our loving favorite!" "Me too, I'm piggying you all! Piggy Was Happy."I'm grunting all my little homos!" Suddenly, without the slightest prejudice, they all hear a crooked little voice, grating and squeaking something about selling some apples. "I'm changing old apples for new ones! - the above-mentioned voice screams."Try these vinegary new apples, christoradio!" Here the Grumpy man quickly turned around and asked: "Why?" And everyone looked at him.
Not whistling for days, the same voice itches again. and to mention the pro-pro-sale of apples, but this time more diligently: "These apples are really for sale!" There was a Piggy in the house, her blanket was shameless, so she moved out of the house! - On... So I bought one apple, although it didn't help the food program. Piggy did not suspect that the bullseye was filled with a murderous rat. And the saleswoman (it was the overheated evil Queen) hurried to her Castle on junk. bursting with tears on the way.
 But then the beautiful Prince, or actually Mr. Cradock, found out about everything, immediately ate the evil Queen and smashed the mirror. Having accomplished this, he went to the house of the abscesses and began to live with them. He refused to marry Piggy because of poor health - she was, after all, poisoned, and everything else: but they quickly got along, to the great disgust of Sonya-the Grumpy-the Coward-the Empty-Mouthed-the Tooth-Talker-Alice?- 3abiyaki and Sausages. The abscesses chipped in together, although they did not buy a new mirror, but they always sang a cheerful song. So they lived, chewed, pecked good, until they died out - and some did it quite naturally.
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From the book "The Spaniard in the wheel"
Reader's Leaves
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Dear sir,,
 If Mr. Sharomol ("Daimne's Dream", February 23, p. 8, Col. 4) imagines that the Honorable gentleman (Norman Kkashl). Well, here I want to tell him (Mr. Sharomyl) that here he has grabbed more than he can chew. How dare he claim that Mr. Kkkashl is socially selfless? Wasn't Mr. Kkkashl the initiator of all possible excitement, which, in turn, caused the non-friendly departure of the Western Allies (D.U.R.B.). If Mr. Seromysh sincerely believes that the Indonegras are really trying to attack the Australian contingent in front of the World Community, then I can lick the shish here that he (Mr. Shapoklyak) lost The remains of its spill! Did he pour Mr. Kkkashl's deprecating speech on the Assedley of the United Nations? Did he also wash away the hitherto unheard-of freight Hickey about Straw Widows, which was carried through the Chamber by representatives of the Bolsheviks?
In the future, I hope that Mr. Shchekolad refrained from such thoughtless and atasic entanglements.
 Now I will rebuild, your exile,
 Jennifars Kkkashl (not a relative).
P.S. Could you send me a photo of Windy Standing Still?
 Well, you know, Madam, we all think in our resection that you are a foolishly respectable Christian. I wish there were more of you like that, Madonna!
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ceofjohnlennon · 1 year
"I steered the conversation away from the incendiary topic of Beatles wigs and onto John’s book, In His Own Write, which had been published by Simon & Schuster in March of that year and had become an instant hit. 'What's in it?', I asked. 'Oh mostly rubbish', he said, straight-faced. 'Words and things with drawings. Something old, something new, something borrowed and something brown.' He jumped up, went into the bedroom and emerged a moment later with a copy of his book in hand. 'When I was a kid I loved Lewis Carroll — you know, Alice in Wonderlan — James Thurber and the English cartoonist Ronald Searle.' He sat down on the bed, turned to a random page and began to read: 'I attended various schools in Liddypool. And still didn't pass — much to my Aunties supplies.' I blinked, a bit confused by his reading, but he continued; 'As a member of the most publified Beatles my records might seem funnier to some of you than this book, but as far as I'm conceived this correction of short writty is the most wonderfoul larf I've every ready. God help and breed you all.' He flipped to another page, and then in deadly earnest began reading a few pages, as if delivering a serious piece of literature: 'Once upon upon in a dizney far away — say three hundred year agoal if you like — there lived in a sneaky forest some several dwarts or cretins…' He was enjoying himself. 'It's not Enid Blyton', he noted. 'You have to get used to it. My favorite in this book: scene three, act one — take a look when you get a chance.' He closed the book and tossed it onto the floor. I smiled, still not quite comprehending what he had just read. The rain had finally stopped and the sun was blazing outside. John was restless. He jumped off the bed and looked out the window. We still had ten days to go on the tour, but he was ready to move on and head home. 'We are like a bunch of fookin' budgies', he said, returning to the general topic of lousy stadium sound systems. 'We'll all end up like performing fleas in suits', he said, vanishing into the bathroom."
ㅡ From the book "The Beatles And Me On Tour" by Ivor Davis.
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ask-theconsoleponies · 7 months
Hey NES! You are was my first console in my life! Thank you so much for give me wonderfouls moments.
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And so was mine as well with Super Mario Bros. being the first game I've ever played on the system!
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tequila12345 · 7 months
those two comments is from me dedited to all the wonderfoul models and foot models outthere
this also imply another very important thing: as a foot model , and a model in general , that have beauty , fame , high social status and os on, you should be able to insult your fans , too many times i see famous people that thanks their low life fans instead of be honest and tell them what they really think of their miserable fans, this mean that the fans must be educated in order to gladly accept all the insults that you feel like telling them
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piasgermany · 1 year
[Album+Video] Chilly Gonzales mit neuem Album!
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Chilly Gonzales veröffentlicht am 15. September sein neues Album "French Kiss" über sein eigenes Label Gentle Threat - das erste Album von Chilly Gonzales, das in der Sprache von Molière und Bangalter geschrieben und aufgeführt wird. Vorab gibt es den Track "Cut Dick" nebst Video! "’Cut Dick’ ist ein Stück von Monsieur Oizo, alias Quentin Dupieux, das ich seit seiner Veröffentlichung liebe. Ich habe mir immer eine orchestrierte Version vorgestellt. Das Label Ed Banger Records hatte ein Orchesterkonzert mit mehreren Titeln organisiert, und ich sah, dass Cut Dick nicht auf der Titelliste stand! Ich dachte, ich muss etwas tun. Nach der Pandemie führte ich eine Live-Version des Songs auf der Bühne auf, und sie kam beim Publikum sehr gut an. Alles, was ich tun musste, war, Quentin zu kontaktieren, um seinen Segen zu bekommen, diesen Elektro-Punk-Song in einer ‘gonzifizierten’ Version zu covern“, so Chilly. Der Videoclip, bei dem Daniel Gebhart de Koekkoek Regie führte, übersetzt den Titel audiovisuell, indem er einen DogChef zeigt, der phallische Lebensmittel schneidet - ein Saxophon-Solo vom Meister himself gibt es obendrein. 
Chilly Gonzales ist für seine intime Annäherung an das Klavier durch seine Solo Piano Album-Trilogie ebenso bekannt wie für seine unbestreitbaren Talente als Performer, der seine Showman-Energie in den Philharmonien Europas versprüht. Er hat mit international bekannten Künstlern wie Feist, Drake, Jarvis Cocker und Daft Punk zusammengearbeitet, und die hymnische Kraft seines Tracks Smothered Mate (aus IVORY TOWER) wurde zum Soundtrack des WM Sieges der französischen Fußballnationalmannschaft 2018.  Seitdem ist der unberechenbare Pianist Frankreich immer näher gekommen, bis er schließlich nach Paris zurückkehrte, um im Herzen der Ile Saint-Louis zu leben, von wo aus er die Einweihung von Notre-Dame mit einer Träne im Auge und einem Joint auf den Lippen beobachtete. Nach mehreren Jahren intensiver Vorbereitung, die darin bestand, sich ausschließlich von Camembert und französischer Literatur zu ernähren, und während er darauf wartete, in die berühmte Académie Française gewählt zu werden, veröffentlicht er nun, am 15. September das Album "French Kiss".
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Tracklist “French Kiss”: 
01. French Kiss 02. Il Pleut Sur Notre-Dame (feat. Bonnie Banane) 03. Lac Du Cerf (feat. Christine Ott) 04. Nos Meilleures Vies (feat. Teki Latex) 05. Wonderfoule (feat. Arielle Dombasle) 06. Cut Dick 07. Romance Sans Paroles No 3 08. Gangstavour 09. Piano A Paris (feat. Juliette Armanet) 10. Richard Et Moi (feat. Richard Clayderman 11. Message Personnel
Außerdem wird Chilly diesen Sommer und vor allem kommendes Jahr auf Tour gehen:
16.06.23 Duisburg – Klavier-Festival Ruhr 27.07.23 Erbach – Heimspiel Knyphausen 24.08.23 Schwerin – Schlosspark 26.08.23 Weimar – Kunstfest 06.03.24 Bremen – Glocke 18.03.24 Hamburg – Laeiszhalle 21.03.24 Dortmund – Konzerthaus 24.03.24 München – Isarphilharmonie 25.04.24 Leipzig - Gewandhaus 27.04.24 Berlin – Tempodrom 04.05.24 Stuttgart – Beethovensaal 06.05.24 Frankfurt am Main – Alte Oper Booking: BTA
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What a wonderfoul wolf!!
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myenglishdiaryy · 2 years
Yeah,i am here again:) today i wanna said a few sentences abaut my yoga practice.its wonderfoul,i know im at beggining but it seems to. Clearly that a magical thing o have .i hope i do it at my hool life.
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parkerbombshell · 2 years
Color Red Radio #79 - 2022
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SATURDAY'S 8PM EST bombshellradio.com CRED #79 LFM 07/30/2022 Playlist   OPENING JINGLE 22   NARRATION:   M1) Strata     - When You Call Me 4:55   M2)      Chilly Gonzales       - Wonderfoule           2:46   short jingle   M3)     Sam I Am Montolla  - Trustworthy 3:29   M4)     Rhi      -  Craving Your Love           3:11   jingle  13   M5)  MELONX          -     Ujjayi (Bruk Rogers Remix)     4:22   M6) Jitwan     -  India            4:56   End Talk:   m7)     Son Little       -  Deeper       4:40   M8) Papik      - Io e Te Da Soli (feat. Alessandro Pitoni)           3:48   Jingle  13   M9) Hudson Mohawke        - Bicstan        4:45   M10) Luman Child   -  Grateful feat. Robert Gee          4:22   Short Jingle   M11) Tinariwen        -  Arawan (Deena Abdelwahed Remix)    6:14   m12)  Ferret Noise   -   Devils Whisper     3:52   END Talk:   M13) Elmo Weber    - GROOVE MAMA      4:04   END Talk                    M14) Bicep    -   Meli  II      6:57                                                               Read the full article
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andybeatdow · 6 years
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Yesterday in @restaurantepocadeoro 💜 In loved this place.😍💕🎉🎶 #restaurant #epocadeoro #amazingthis #nights #happy #shows #loved #Drinks #bathroom #selfie #blue #black #longhair #redhair #Wonderfoul #lovethisday 😘❤🌈🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/BnRclnsB8eo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1egisp6zwibef
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nadiadreamcatcher · 4 years
Reposted from @best_messina Riapre la musica in città ... All'arena di Messina con @thekolors_stash e @il_botteghino_messina #nature #places #amazing #pic #photo #cute #picoftheday #messina #sicilia #sicily #heart #sicilianelcuore #trinacria #love #scorci #wonderfoul #scatti #day #instaday #follower #like4like #likeit #photooftheday #instamoment #igersoftheday #messina #provinciadimessina #stashthekolors https://www.instagram.com/p/CFWqPjyBjaM/?igshid=126a3rylqk7uq
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Grazie a voi per aver premiato la mia foto! - Grazie per averci taggato e per il bellissimo scatto 📷 Photo by: @antoniop_official Foto selezionata da: @ago_esse ☀New Page Best Messina☀ Founder:@c_kyokushinkai97_c Admin: @ago_esse Condivideremo insieme la storia, i colori e le bellezze della nostra splendida Messina! Per far parte di questa nuova splendida galleria taggate i vostri migliori scatti o utilizzate: 👉#best_messina 👈 👉#best_messina 👈 👉@best_messina👈 😄Vi aspettiamo😄 Seguiteci anche su : @best_sicilia @best_palermo_ @best_agrigento @best_catania @best_caltanissetta @best_messina #nature#places#sun#beuty#amazing#beutiful#pic#photo#cute#picoftheday#messina#sicilia#sicily#heart#sicilianelcuore#trinacria#love#scorci#wonderfoul#scatti#day#instaday#follower#like4like#likeit#photooftheday#instamoment#igersoftheday#messina#provinciadimessina (presso Taormina centro) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq9g9SGlIy7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kbkabzak96hg
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ricordidiprimavera · 7 years
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crazy night
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Brandon Flowers 
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