#wont tag the others since theyre barely there .
sho-haizono · 9 months
Blackout seesaw mv has made me insane for many reasons but
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^ THIS SCENE in particular is what's getting me the most. As far as I know, the only other mv to include this feather effect is the living on the edge mv (and surprisingly enough not the tsubasa moratorium mv.)
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So I went through the mv again and the image above is the best I could find that could match the blackout seesaw screenshot.
And it's like. Aira feels so much more confident in the first screenshot.. he's closer to the camera, there's less feathers, the rest of alkaloid isnt in the shot, and even his pose just feels more like he's facing the crowd head-on.
Oughf. He and the other members have grown sosoososo much and blackout seesaw makes me very emotional. Or something.
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snapvalentine · 2 years
A very small trip through a very mean man’s life
WOW this went on for a while!!
What started as a quick rundown of Val’s backstory quickly turned into essentially a mini-fic summarizing Val’s story (up until endgame stuff).
I’ve had a few people curious about Val’s whole dealio, so here you are!! I appreciate anyone who reads this whole thing bc MAN is it a lot lmao!!
Originally, Val is from Unova and was supposed to be the protag for Black/White and Black/White 2, kind of a mash up of the two plots and settings. Keyword being WAS supposed to be the protagonist, though, as this is a sort of alternate universe where instead of Hilda becoming the big damn hero, it’s Hilbert, leaving his childhood friend Hilda, or Val in this case, in the dust.
Val and Hilbert were absolutely inseparable through grade school, all the way up until Ethan decides to leave his hometown to try and become Unova’s next champion. 
And that act ate Val alive. Because not long after Hilbert sets out on his quest to become champion, word from him quickly dwindles. It’s only years after separating that Val finds Hilbert not only having become Unova’s latest champion like he dreamed, the youngest in history in fact, but he defeated Team Plasma in the process? Gained favor and friendship with legendary dragons? Got to travel the world and meet other powerful trainers and champions? Meanwhile, after moving out to Driftveil alone in his late teens, Val was stuck barely scraping up enough rent every month. Needless to say, Val felt bitter And lonely. 
And maybe he wasn’t necessarily bitter at Hilbert himself anymore. They were both like 14 when they parted, and Val at least grew enough to chalk up his initial anger to general teenage angst. But the feeling still lingered. That should’ve been HIM getting to travel with his team of super-powered best friends and meeting celebrities and sailing out to Paldea to visit the Great Crater or whatever, because boy was there suddenly some buzz around That place for some reason.
See, Val had always struggled figuring out what he wanted in life. Where he was meant to go. There wasn’t a whole lot he was good at. At least, not a whole lot HE thought he was good at.
He couldn’t really hold down a job. He pushed away a lot of potential friendships and opportunities out of some weird form of spite. He wasn’t a Bad guy. Just a big jerk.
The past year or so, he spent most of his days getting cash from unofficial (see: slightly illegal) pokemon battles in back alleys and the less tourist-y streets of Driftveil (and Nimbasa, when he had the spare cash to ride down there). He started with a modest team: a shiny Hypno named Vim (that Val now considers his ACTUAL childhood friend. lmao.) and a Drilbur he got in a trade, that he nicknamed Valor. But with time and steady practice, his team grew from two to three to five, eventually even a full six. He grew more confident taking on gyms, taking what little cash and chances he got to travel, slowly accumulating a few badges for himself over the years. Just barely six along with an attempt at the Battle Subway once (which uh. Went really badly not good when he got to the Subway Masters themselves, both in terms of the fight’s results and Val’s subsequent handling of said results). 
Mind you, despite his team growing stronger and stronger, he wasn’t particularly Good at battling or strategy, wasn’t particularly good at directing a whole team all with wildly clashing personalities. But he loved his guys so much anyway, and they loved him back <3. They were practically his only sense of companionship as he neared the end of his 20’s. His own little dysfunctional family.
Still, even on his badge-collecting quest, Val wasn’t really sure Why he was doing it all. Was it to be champion too? To get the same sense of thrill in his life Hilbert probably got? He wasn’t even sure he Wanted to be champion. And Lenora kept urging him to try his hand at applying to be a gym leader. She was sure he had the capabilities with enough practice, if he only chilled out a bit. But no, gym leader didn’t feel like Enough. He certainly didn’t want to just Settle, either, he was sure of it.
All these options seemed like they were opening up to him again, and yet none of them felt right. And it was in this perpetual confusion and quiet agonizing over his direction in life that something. Else. would find him. It would appear only as an undersized Aerodactyl skull on the soft sands of a small, hidden beach outside of Driftveil. It was something that would cause a spark to creep through Val’s skin, and quietly stuff it in his bag and hurry back home.
It was something that was not meant to exist. Something that caused Palkia to labor over spacial tears ad nauseam and Dialga to have to smooth out so many ripples in time, it lost count. It was something that was not meant to exist. It was not pokemon, but close to it. It was not legend or myth, but you would not be called a fool to regard it as one. It was something that repeatedly slipped through the cracks and layers and fabric of reality and it pulled back curtains to sights near incomprehensible and it was something that was Arceus’ and only Arceus’ deepest secret that He did not even let His own children know of and it was something that was not meant to exist.
Many throughout history would falsely assume Giratina was Arceus’ polar opposite and equal, but she was merely another of His children. Powerful, certainly, but a power He could douse if ever need be. Giratina was not Arceus’ equal. That title belonged to something Val would later affectionately nickname Missing Number, due to its bizarre absence from the pokedex. Missingno, for short.
Missingno promised Val power and infamy beyond anything Val could imagine. All paths would open up before him. He could have free pick to the story he wanted to be in, free pick to be the person he wanted to be. Val kept it his little secret between himself and his new friend, who was still literally just a skull, and did not talk or move, but Val knew nonetheless this is what it promised him and spoke right into his core. And Val knew it had the capability to do everything it told him.
But Arceus knew of Val’s secret little friend as well, and fearing a world He so lovingly crafted falling into chaos, and with little power to destroy the early creation He meant to discard, Arceus was left with no other choice to deal with this intrusion. Like Val separated from his friend as a kid, he would be separated from his new friend again. Flung back in time and space, as distant but as safe as Arceus could think, Val would wake up on the sands of Hisui, greeted by a frantic, frightened professor(?) and his defensive ace Vim. He has no memory of how he ended up here, but somewhere in his core again, he knew it was Arceus that sent him here. Why, he couldn’t tell you.
Laventon would offer Val a job with the Galaxy Team after witnessing his skills in battle with Vim. And Val would ultimately reject Laventon and Cyllene’s offer to join the security corp, and subsequently, was kicked out of Jubilife Village for refusing to get a job, essentially, lol.
At the very least, a local merchant didn’t think it was Quite that fair that this weird faller isn’t even allowed to get acclimated before being thrown out into the wilds. The merchant gave him a tent and a bedroll and some food, along with a little spending money to get some proper clothes and cover up. A strange guy, claimed they were ‘investing in the future’ or whatever, but they were nice. Val’s new Cyndaquil lost to the guy’s Togepi, and Vim wasn’t happy about everyone being so wary about her, but at least they had somewhere to start, Val supposed.
Val wasn’t particularly close with Volo at first (he learned that was what they called themself, apparently). Val set up his camp not far into the Obsidian Fieldlands, but he was woefully inexperienced in ‘roughing it’. And the merchant, Volo, visited on the regular to help. He just felt it was only right! Felt like if he just left Val to die, he’d have as much blood on his hands like. Well. Let’s not continue that comparison. :)
And by all means, Volo was not fully honest with Val either, at first. He wanted the stranger to be safe, of course! But he wanted information just as much, and he figured a quiet exchange of survival tips and supplies for knowledge was a very good trade, even if Val didn’t exactly know he was involved in one. And that was the beauty of it! Val didn’t have to know!
Granted, Val spit venom and vitriol at the merchant. A lot. Val didn’t trust a soul out here, but Volo could understand. They took way worse from Cogita, they could handle Val. They kept their distance just enough to keep Val comfortable and talking. Just enough to keep themself from getting attached.
Unfortunately for the both of them, Val was feeling a lot more emotional and, frankly, vulnerable out here than he’d like to admit. Even if he didn’t trust the merchant. Even if he was sure he was being used. It was nice to have company for once. Human company. 
And Val would start to seek Volo out himself, much to the merchant’s dread. But Volo had to keep up appearances, didn’t they? To keep their secret exchange going? So they would camp together and share stories over firelight. Val had a love of horror movies and stories he read on the internet, and would recount tales of faceless men in the woods and cursed photos of grinning Arcanine. And Volo was, admittedly, very intrigued. Some stories were entertainingly ridiculous, but some had them utterly enraptured. Finding themself some nights begging Val to continue his stories after abruptly announcing he was going to bed. And Val looved Volo’s tales of myth and legend, stories gathered from Hisui and regions beyond. The way their face lit up at the prospect of someone actually being interested in their little history lessons.. It was cute. Admittedly.
And the two go from distant acquaintances, to friends, to accompanying each other constantly on deliveries and trips to ruins and sharing meals and beds with each other every other night.
Val and Volo would eventually pry at each other’s fears and pains and find they both shared a feeling of being lost in their own world. And Val would maybe let spill in a heat of emotion and tears that Arceus couldn’t even be bothered to tell him why he was sent here. That Val was expected to pick up the puzzle pieces on his own in a world out to kill him, with no sense of direction or why he was being punished (and Val was sure by this point it was a punishment. What else could it be?). And Volo’s guts would churn with a mix of anger and gloom. At yet another cast aside by God itself? Disappointing, Volo thought, but not at all surprising behavior from the Parasite-in-Chief. And Volo, with his ever present shut-eyed smile, would swallow his frustrations boiling up into his mouth and promise Val that they would find out just why Val was here, and how to get him back on the path he wanted.
Eventually, in their collective quest to find answers, they would get to gathering plates. Would attempt to speak with the lake spirits. Something, anything, to cure Val’s (and Volo’s) woes. More fallers from another world would appear. This time, two children. But these children were different from Val and the older man in the mountains Volo talked about. They had a shine in their eyes and an excitement in their chests that couldn’t be hidden. These children were here with a purpose, a mission. As Volo would correctly assume, a God-given one. And his stomach would churn again and his grin would nearly falter.
And later, Val, alone, would find a small, lavender skull among the seafoam of the coastlands. And Val was sure it was meant just for him. So he would shove it in his knapsack and keep his new friend for himself. And eventually, his new friend would become his old friend. A secret, old friend Volo had never even heard of. And wasn’t that the beauty of it? Volo didn’t have to know.
And Volo would see a bizarre shift in personality with his beloved. Not a bad one, certainly. Val would suddenly be so chipper and upbeat, so excited to move Volo’s plans along.
So so eager to stay up allll night to watch him sleep, as if Volo hadn’t been sleeping with one eye open those nights. But this was Val! This was his dearest friend! He knew Val better than anyone here. Not Vim, not Irida, not Ingo. Volo knew better than anyone. This was just Val getting himself back up on his feet, just a bit overeager. He was sure. This was Val.
He was sure this was Val.
He would continue try to ignore the chill that crept up his spine every time he glimpsed Val’s wide, unbroken grin. He would continue to sleep with one eye open.
Tl;dr: local unovan is such a massive jerk and loser, he gets preyed upon by an actual eldritch abomination. Arceus says nope. Nuh-uh. No sir. And shoots him back in time where he invents the world’s first queerplatonic relationship with a merchant that wants to kick the holy spirit’s ass. Hilarity ensues when said eldritch abomination returns to posses said merchant’s girlboytoy and torment them for a laff. 
Local merchant has spoken to reporters and claimed ‘Fine, I GUESS i’ll go through a redemption arc about it.’ in response.
Bonus things i did not get to mention bc i didnt know where to put it and this thing was getting so long already include: 
-How Val and Vim met. 
-Val frequently scaring Volo at the start of their relationship by just. Running off in the middle of the night sometimes in a homesickness-induced panic. 
-Literally everyone keeps their eyes on Vim at all times, presumably bc, in the age of much Much more dangerous pokemon, Hypno are very like. Understandably feared, alongside those that choose to train them
-Val bonding closely w Irida and letting her air her grievances w being clan leader, and her kind of joining Val and Volo on their adventures sometimes. 
-Val’s insane level of guilt over meeting an amnesiac Ingo who’s nothing but nice to him after all that shit in the Battle Subway went down.. 
Volo eventually introducing Val (and Irida, probably) to Giratina, among other spoilery endgame story things gkdgkj. 
-Missingno just straight up like. Fusing personalities with Hisui!Val to the point where its very hard to tell if Val’s a completely innocent party anymore or if Missingno has just warped his grip on reality That Much. That shit sucks Ass for Volo a lot once Val starts doing some Really fucked up shit let me tell you :). (Let alone the weird body horror missingno puts him through like GOD.)
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turnstechgodhead · 7 months
Le sign... speaking of the server,
dirk is encouraging me to be more firm on my own thoughts for my comfort
i've seen ppl talk about it in stream a lil which im always like I Don't Care when it pops up but i've had Enough and i want to talk about the topic bc it's itching at my brain follicles.
since we're pretty strider-oriented, this had to happen at some point: strider cest/strilonde cest/in cest wont be allowed in the main server. if other people don't care, i might make a separate server.
-"hey why is that ^ something you would allow? pretty insane." / "are you a pro shipper then??"
"so you're an anti?"
also no
i dislike this argument as a whole bc i don't 'get it' i guess because im audhd. neither side is fully correct nor fully wrong.
"fiction affects reality." and "fiction is not reality." are two different thought processes that can and should coexist in the same space.
look. fiction can affect reality, but it IS also possible to separate from it. you can para or whatever responsibly. tag it. try to make sure people who don't want to see it don't have to see it. and if minors are getting sent your shit, make sure its clear that this should NOT be happening in reality. if you're a child, keep that shit blocked. it's NOT for you and you should not be actively consuming it. (please listen to this advice bc i grew up on the internet barely supervised, from a very unhealthily early age [7-8] and then developed into a fucked up hypersexual.) (seeing something fucked up and being like AUGH my eyes! is normal because that just. happens. thats life. you deal with it afterwards in some way. talking to someone you trust etc. you do not go back for more i am begging.) (if someone is showing you these things on purpose then please read this website all the way through for me ok?)
you should not be looking at an adult exploring/enjoying fucked up shit
videogames are not going to make you or me more violent by having violence, gore, and murder in them. but videogames DO make some people violent. those people should not have access to these things. but we (you and i) cannot control that beyond making sure content is labelled and set aside. i like playing games where i assassinate people. i am not an assassin. someone could play the same game and get terrible ideas they act on. this is not my fault for playing the game.
and, if you're an adult who likes fucked up shit (me too) tag your shit or have it listed somewhere on your about that it's something you post about frequently there. and maybe reiterate that it's not real. its just toys. and should never be followed irl. yeah, it fuckin sucks that we gotta do this shit, but kids are unfortunately on the internet, with the inability to differentiate grey from black and white. your shit might be the first exposure. which sucks!! so it's our responsibility to try and mitigate harm on both sides unfortunately until we can convince parents to start parenting their children again. which sucks. i just wanna post shit in peace but the buzzing around from very loud teenagers makes me anxious. i get it.
it fucking sucks!!! but we can't control other people, especially if theyre malicious
but you control what YOU see on the internet. block anyone. (i blocked someone back in the day for disliking johndave. be free.) and help people do that (control what they see) by making it very clear. you aren't evil for not wanting to see it, and other people aren't evil for enjoying fucked up content.
also some of yall on BOTH SIDES do some truly vile shit in the name of this argument when your energy could be spent elsewhere doing shit you like or even doing things that are actually. Helpful.
so i don't like either label i dont want to be associated with either of the sides but if you want to call me one or the other then . Whatever i guess? thats your business, not mine. just know you are not a failure or a freak for not constantly reinforcing and reassuring everyone that you think adults doing their own thing in fictional spaces with little toy dolls (that theyve been doing since the 70s-80s) is gross. you can just think that like. in general and look away because the dolls are dolls. but don't go posting doll horn-knees untagged. that's rude as fuck.
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omgwhatchloe · 1 day
why is the top post on my fav boys tag ai trash…
sean macguire modern headcanons to change that!!
-very firmly lives in the mansion with the rest of the gang and would never want to move out (like the marstons) because he doesnt want to pay bills
-took time and effort into decorating his room and even got lenny to decorate it too since he basically moved in. its filled with random ornaments, posters, cheap things from amazon and a huge irish flag over his bed. even if he didn’t resonate with the things in his room much, he would NOT have it looking bare.
-the worst for being on his phone constantly but wont respond to anyone but lenny or his da, not that anyone else is too keen to message him. his camera roll is also a mess off accidental screenshots and bad pictures of things he hasnt needed to look at in months. OCCASIONALLY theyll be a sweet picture of jack or lenny, but theyre buried so deep in his brain rot camera he forgets about them until a birthday or something.
-darragh always facetimes him at seans convience, so staying up late to speak to him. funnily enough, darragh knows tech more than sean.
“right, iv to go now da! where-how-”
“okay, sean…the red button. just click the screen-”
“i AM-" “and a red button-” “its this shite phone-" “ill just cut off…”
-buys cheap shit online as random presents for other people. lenny for some reason has a glowing turtle keychain…he doesnt have keys. abigail is plagued with random stuff he bought jack that the kid hasn’t bothered with in ages because he only cares about his ipad.
-is unfortunately subjected to being sent ‘relatable irish memes’ by many of the other members who just assume he relates and dont think twice. john sent him one of a “classic irish mammy” tiktok trying to be nice and it went like this
john: [video] lol i bet u went through this😂
sean: no cuz i dont have a ma john
there is also
mary-beth: [meme about growing up protestant in north of ireland/northern ireland that she didnt read hard enough]
sean: ?
mary-beth: Isn’t that how you grew up?
sean: im catholic and from the republic
mary-beth: ???
-related to the online shit one, he is a food hoarder. he is always ordering food from random sweet companys or just over spending in walmart then keeping it all in his room and barely eating any of it. it disappears because lenny steals it and eventually it gets left somewhere then put in the kitchen.
-he, along with bill, arthur and karen, is banned from a random bar and no one, not even those involved, has the slightest idea why. they just assumed it had something to do with a night out they can all barely remember and left it as that. sometimes he does wonder why it was just them four who got banned.
-has not got a drivers license, isnt planning on getting one, and drives the most in the gang because darragh taught him as a necessary life skill. has the least crashes but drives the fastest and most reckless. he is genuinely proud of how well he can drive.
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sweetheartsaku · 2 months
MY LOVEEE HAPPY GF'S DAY TO YOU!!! technically it's not august 1 for me anymore, but I wanted to greet you otherwise 🙂‍↕️
YES I CONSIDER U MY GF BC WHY WOULDN'T I??? we haven't been moots for too long, but right now I already see the lasting effects you'll have on me 😞 all positive though ofc!!! I'm starting to think that fr the best thing I've ever done was to follow u and send an ask in your inbox!!! AAAAAGH BC I WOULDN'T HAVE MET YOU IF I DIDN'T???? you wouldn't be my skibidi lovey of I didn’t</3
ever since our first interaction, i KNEWWW i had to be friends with you!!!! you were so kind and sweet, and you were just YOU!!! and that's one of the best things ik about you 🫶🏻 thank you so so much for letting me be my sappy self in your inbox bc I wouldn't have known what to do if you didn't HUAGSHWBHSHA
ANYWAY PLS KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH:( NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS I'LL ALWAYS ALWAYS BE HERE FOR U!!!! just lmk and I'll instantly be right by your side bc duh I'll cross mountains for you!!!?!?!?!?@(@?@(×[+<×[
DON'T EVER EVER STOP BEING WHO YOU ARE ML!!! don't let other people tell you otherwise bc you quite literally are one of the bestest people I've ever met!!!! not only online, but in general!!! you absolutely 100% deserve all the love in the world saku, please always take care!!!! and if you don't, I'll be here to remind you anyway 😋😋
I'M TELLING MY GRAND CHILDREN ABOUT YOU, BTW!!!! as long as they're under my roof, they'll be hearing the name saku every other minute ☝🏻and every interaction we've ever had will be hung up in a frame over my fireplace 🤗 you're legit like the peanut butter to my jam, the spoon to my fork, the barbie to my ken, the shoyo to my kageyama, AND OFCCC THE SHOTO TO MY SERO!!!!!
I'll stop now before this gets out of hand 🤝🏻 ILYSMMM SAKUUU HAPPY GF'S DAY ML MWAH MWAH MWAH<33 💙🤍🩵💙🤍🩵🤍💙🤍🩵🤍💙🤍🩵🤍
OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS FRANNSSSSS :((((((((( you are the absolute sweetest oh my@#$%/ 😭😭😭😭😭/!?!??
WHAT THE POOPY I TOO AGREE WE ARE GEE EEFS AND PLANTONIC SOULMATES AND EVERYTHING AHH!!!! i could say the exact same thing abt u, u were so cute and a simple shu fic i wrote at like 4am on a random april suddenly brought me u months later D: im so grateful i stayed up writing that now 😣 AND OBVIOUSLYYYY i love when ppl get a little sappy cuz i like knowing that theyre comfortable to say it especially to me omg!?!?!
our first interaction i will ALWAYYSYSS TREASURE OMHG??? looking thru my frans tag is the best part of my day frfr, seeing u on my dash always makes me happy and giddy inside that theres an actual person and sweetheart living and breathing on this earth who talks to ME?!?!?! like i gasp a lil. i fr be giggling at our interactions at school and my friend looks at me like hes saw a demon squealing like
I WOULD OBVIOSULY CROSS MOUNTAINS OCEANS GALAXIES FOR U OMG. youre literally apart of my world and its fr been like barely a month since ive met u :(((<3
I WONT I WONT!!!!!!! :DDD i feel rly happy being ms, esp on this app no one seems to find me annoying or a yapper or too moody :(( i thank it all to ppl like u who make me feel like im supposed to me comfortable here!!!!!! you too, DESERVE THE WORLD!!! AND MORE!!!!!i lobe u sososososo much hehe<3
my next 345678 generations will be hearing ur name. over and over till they forget their own. LIKEEEE my mooties here are like the lomls AHHHH JDCNJKDSBFKDSB OF COURSE !!!!!! ur the gravity to my world like lwk😣 the sero to my sho 😞!!!!!
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kinkajouwof · 2 years
Can you share said flame and ochre headcanons by chance?
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sakumasmut · 1 year
hell yeah anzu best (baby) producer
yeah she would definitely let people fuck her for free sometimes if she's too horny. like one time she told her classmate that she's sick and is going to go home early, but in reality she was being bred all day long by students from another class in the gym locker room or anywhere empty tbh (obviously her classmates knew bc they'd join during break) by another class i meant like those troublemaker students who barely attend classes, she loves how rough and reckless they are when using her
my hc is that she wont let them fuck her until they attend class and stop being a nuisance even if they offered her lots of money. though alternatively, she'd let them do whatever they want to her as long as they dont trouble the student council
i have a similar scenario on mind where she plans on letting everyone in her year fuck her and pump as many babies into her for an entire week for graduation
she did something similar during eichi and the other seniors's graduation last year, but only for the idol course graduates since theyre the only ones who know of her being a slut
this year however, her yearmates from all the courses knew about her side job, so the amount of people plowing her increases by nearly tenfold (and to be fair she absolutely adore this idea)
i mean being used as a breeding bitch by a few hundred or more people for an entire week sounds like the perfect way to end your school year, doesnt it?
she ends up taking another week or two off after that due to the fact that her yearmates took fucking her 24/7 literally. while she's asleep, eating, showering, you name it and by the second day she completely lost the ability to move her limbs. each of them ends up with at least two babies from her
sorry this ramble is so unhinged but this is nothing compared to my other aus
it'll take forever if i were to list all of them so here are some other slut anzu aus: public use, isekai/monsterfucking, idol (i'll most likely talk about this next) etc
i'd take an anon sign-off but to be honest i dont think i need any (for now?) if you receive the most insane anzu au its definitely from me /lh
please share any/all aus as you’d like I enjoy anzu breeding. also you don’t have to take a tag but there will be others who enjoy anzu too as a note
but god yeah I love her being so free use that nobody can keep her hands off her. they just love filling her up and she keeps providing, hard time saying no. she better be getting great aftercare in the aftermath since she won’t be moving for a while
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4shfur · 3 years
alitm was such a book idk if i can fit all my thoughts into one post im on mobile and it wont let me put the little red more things so this is your warning, i have the post tagged but still, be warned there are major spoilers for alitm
anyways i loved alitm this may not be a popular opinion but i thought it was amazing and a perfect end to the series. it fucking broke me oh my god. on one hand it was amazing writing and i loved it ON THE OTHER HAND WHY DID THEY HAVE TO MAKE IT THAT SAD.
bristlefrost im so sorry i ever said anything bad aboutyou you are the paragon of perfection, the best cat in the whole world and i hope they name 50 cats after you.
i want to imagine bristlefrosts death ended up sort of like the epilogue of firewing. she wont be in starclan but shes still there in spirit and shes always watching over the clans. i am 100% sure she knew that rootspring was willing to chabge clans for her, i think they both did and GODAMNIT THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN HAPPY AND HAD KITS. i have cried 5 times since i read it. her death scene was beautiful, so poetic and i loved it and i hated it. BUT THEY KEPT ON PILING ON THE GRIEF. its tearing me to shreds to think tht shes not even in starclan, she gave up her life, her spirit, and her future with rooyspring to save the clans and for that she has earned a place in my favorite warriors cats.
shadowsight also was great this book, im so happy about how everything was tied up at the end, i was worried the erins wouldnt do it but i thought it was great and im so glad shdowisght can just move on.
graystripes death was sad but also im so glad he gets to be with his family again, he and firestar were so gay this book. speaking of firestar im so glad they brought back his personality from the first arc. he kicked darkstripes ass and he kicked it good. im so glad they brought back how his main perosnality traits were 1. loved violence and 2. really fucking petty and nosy
also i am convinced. I AM CONVINCED. that the scene at the end where rootspring tries to reach bristlefrost and sees the image of them under a willow tree? and with their kits? and runjing through the forest? thats bristlefrost. it has to be. it cant just be a coincidence that she also imagined them under a willow tree, and with three kits, and running through the forest. it cannot be.
im sorta disappointed that snowtuft didnt get a proper death scene, but it was cool that we got to see other dark forest cats. i thought ashfur was a really great villain still, and i LOVED the scene where needletsil and violetshine beat the shit out of darktail. he totally deserved it.
im sad squirrelflight wasnt in the final battle though. the speech graystripe gave from her was great but also i think she shoulve given it herself.
im so happy theyre changing the code, its long overdue. i think the lesson of this book is that bristlefrost is the best and everyone should love her. she should have been on the cover. bramblestar barely even showed up
i loved her sacfrifice, it really was worth it and it was beautifully written, but also im getting way to worked up over this and im fucking miserable that shell never gt to see that it was her who saved the clans, it was her determination that inspired dark forest cats to fight on their side, and it was her loved with rootspring that encouraged them to change the code. shes so wonderful and i loved her so much. bristleforts is the only warrior cat ever.
over all 12/10 just for bristlefrost. i might follow up on this post
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step by step very simple neocities start tutorial based off of how i do it :] (might be wrong. who knows) this is long because i put incremental screenshots so ..my bad . . . @terrencetich​ this is what i said id put together!
sooooo to edit a page . . when you first make a neocities page, it looks like this:
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i circled the index.html file in red, and the style.css in blue. theyre the most important things here right now. if you go to edit index.html, this page shows:
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this is the html side of your page, and has some pre-loaded stuff on it that shows how some html tags work, like <p>, <h1>, <ul>, and <li>, as well as how to add an image and hyperlinks to your page. if you click on the “view” button at the top right, it’ll show you how the page looks on the web.
i’m going to delete everything from that first <h1> to the last </p>, which is what i put the blue rectangle around, so that i can put my own stuff in. everything between <head> and </head> is fine to leave, and is important for formatting dont worry about it. now the code looks like this:
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and the site is like this:
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pretty bare, but my text is there! time to look at style.css.
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(one note i want to make is that it’s good form to put your .css files into their own folder labeled “css,” but you dont NEED to for this right now. also, moving things between folders on neocities isnt click-and-drag, so that detail can be left for later if its confusing)
our html file is what determines our page’s content, and the css file determines how it’s styled. right now, the only element defined here is the body of the page, which defines everything. if you add style “rule” to the body and background, it’ll apply across the page. css is cascading like that, where you can imagine your elements as things nested within each other. if we change the background-color from “white” to any hex code, then the entire page will change to that color.
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like this ^. theres a lot of ways you can alter your site’s body, but for now lets add a “div” element for the text to live in. divs are the main game with this... you can add one to your style.css like this:
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i used “divname” as an example, but you can put something else. just remember to put a . before the name, and { }. now, go back to index.html and put the text content inside of the new div! this is done by doing:
<div class=“divname”> my own stuff </div>
<div lets it know you want a div, class=“divname”> selects the specific div you want, since there’s usually multiple to choose from, ‘my own stuff’ is whatever content you put inside the div (you can put other divs, even), and the </div> endtag is the last slice of bread that closes the div. (endtags are important always make sure you have good endtags)
this wont make any changes until you add some style rules. i want my text to be in front of a white background, so i’ll add “background-color: white” to .divname.
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the semicolon is important for letting it know youre done with that line, also. semicolon = important! now it has a white background. it spans the whole page, since there’s no width set. to set the width, add “width: 500px;” to the line below the last one that was added.
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except i just said 500px as a placeholder.  try a few sizes. you dont have to put a number, though -- “fit-content” is a property that will fit the width of your div to the size of the content inside of it. if i change 500px to fit-content, my page changes to this:
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neater! the text doesn’t have a lot of room to breathe, though, so lets add some padding.
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and maybe i want the font size to be bigger, but i dont want to define the font size for the entire page, so i’ll define font-size in the divname div, but not the body --
Tumblr media
sweet, its still in the corner of the page, though. what can help change that is adding set margins to the div. if i add “margin: auto;” the div will be centered horizontally, but not vertically:
Tumblr media
to position it vertically, “margin-top” can be added and individually tweaked.
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it made it 200px as an example, but you can do whatever. this is sort of the whole gist - making divs, adding content, and defining the style of the div until it looks like how you want.
the things i usually add are: width, max width, height, max height, margin (margin-left, margin-right, margin-top, margin-bottom), padding (padding-left, etc etc),  outline, border, color (sets the color of the text), background-color, background-image,  so on and so on.... 
but dont worry about these until it comes up! focus on “what do i want this to look like?” and gradually tweak until it fits that. look stuff up and use w3 schools and sadgrl! i just realized i have more to say about file organization. ill make a different post for that when im less tired. i hope this made sense! send an ask or dm if you want specific help....though like i said im just a beginner guy so ^--^ v
EDIT: WHY DID TUMBLR MAKE THESE IMAGES SO SMALL IM SORRY. i dont know why theyre so small.
edit 2: what if i remove the readmore
edit 3: doing that worked so...this will just be a long post..
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hamilsquadwritings · 4 years
The Flowers (Philip Hamilton Soulmate AU) ~ part 3 ~
A Soulmate AU in which flowers bloom from your left ring finger, coiling up and around your body, Identical to your soulmates. They stop growing when you meet and turn white when you get together
Soulmate AU in which flowers bloom from your left ring finger, coiling up and around your body, Identical to your soulmates. They stop growing when you meet and turn white when you get together Soulmate AU in which flowers bloom from your left ring finger, coiling up and around your body, Identical to your soulmates. They stop growing when you meet and turn white when you get together
(I decided to work on an old idea I had on my old blog @stargazelaurens and develop it properly)
Words - 2.2k
Warnings - Eacker being an asshole, a couple swears
Tag list {omg people want to be tagged?!<33}: @elizabethgrace459 @agelicl-y @popbubblegum @livylululivy @fanfic-addict-98 @xoxotashxoxo @laic2299 @multifandom-loser @loomingisabel
{{let me know if you wanna be added!!}}
Your flowers had stopped growing.
You couldn't be sure, but all of your flowers had six petals. All except the new one blooming, it wrapped its way around your pinky finger but only five petals were present. Uncertainty filled your mind. 5 petals. How long had they been there? Was it possible that it was working on a vine or a leaf, only to come back to the last petal, if there was to be a final petal.
It had been 2 days since you’d spent the night with your sister, Theodosia and Philip. Spending time with them was a solace and you were more then eager to be away from the monster that was unfortunately still your fiance. You spent a full day with them on a picnic yesterday. Sure it was a bit awkward to start with but at least you werent the only third wheel anymore, you had someone to keep you company while Theo and your sister occupied each other
"theyre pretty cute huh.." philip says softly. He was leaning against a tree while you sat across from him working on a drawing. He looks over across the meadow to watch your sister and Theodosia pick wild flowers to weave into each other's hair.
"they’re so perfect for eachother" you say looking up from your drawing over at them your eyes meeting his in understanding
"I wish I could meet my soulmate..." Philip sighed softly. He hadn't stayed up to date with his flowers. He'd been obsessed at one point, his eyes glued to his arm. He’d trace them with a pen, growing disappointed when a new vine or leaf would emerge from under the ink. He rarely glanced at them now to avoid the disappointment. Philip knew the chances of meeting your soulmate was slim but he couldn't help but hope, desperate as hope may have seemed. It didn’t help that he was engaged to someone who had already met her soulmate.
"me too.." you say as you take a second to glance down at your own markings. You looked to your newest flower tracing the familiar pattern with your fingertip counting the petals, sighing softly, still only five petals.
"Is everthing okay?" philip asks curiously
"uh.." you say quietly briefly looking at him and then back to your flowers "I think maybe my flowers might have stopped growing.. Im not entirely sure but I think they might have..?" You trail off meeting his eyes as you lean back.
"Do you know who it could be if they have?" Philip asks as he looks over, he catches a brief glance at your wrist, his breath catching in his throat, the flowers weaving their way around your hand looked so familiar- no no he shook his head. How could he could he even entertain the thought, there was no way...
"no..." you say with a soft sigh, even on the small chance that you had met your soul mate, the options weren't looking good. On one hand you had George; you would rather live without a soulmate than live with him. On the other hand the only other new person you had spent time with in the last few months was Philip. The universe would never be that kind to you, besides there was that teeny tiny problem. He waa engaged to your sister.
Philip had spoken to his mother the day after you told them what had happened with George. She, as expected, was completely horrified. She listened as Philip explained what you had told him and your sister and how it made him feel. He didn't need to embellish anything, he would never admit it but he cared about you, more than in just a sister in law way. He couldn't do anything about it of course, because you were engaged and so was he. But with your sister and Theo being confirmed soul mates he knew he would never be number one for her. Philip was honest with himself, and sadly felt a bit cheated. He'd always grown up with his parents' example, they may not have been soulmates but they did truly love each other. He thought he would have that when he grew up. Well, he had hoped anyway. But the world seemed to have a very different plan. The conversation you'd had with him the day after the picnic only made his feelings and thoughts more confusing. 
You were sitting in your room with your sister, Theodosia, Philip and Angelica when the Eackers arrived. The shouting was heard by all through three closed doors and a flight of stairs. Philip filled you and your sister in on what had happened the day before. His mother had interrupted Alexander at work to tell him he had to do something. He'd listened as his wife relayed everything Philip said to her that afternoon. Allowing her own suspicions of how their son felt about you to be heard as well. He  agreed to call off the engagement. Not only could Alexander see how much it meant to his son, but if a family was willing to pretty much give their youngest daughter away to be a prisoner locked in a room. It wasn't a family he wanted his son to marry into.
He'd met with your parents the next afternoon, they were equally horrified. Your mother was beside herself, your father however was embarrassed at hearing about it from an outsider instead of you. When he’d called you into the office to explain, your sister had spoken for you. She hadn't realised Philip would be talking to his parents so quickly. She herself had planned to bring it up that afternoon. Then the yelling had started. Your father at you. Your sister and mother at your father. 
Mrs. Hamilton had quickly intervened, telling Philip to take you, Theo, your sister and his upstairs. They would be the ones to handle things for now. Your father had sent a message for the Eackers, requesting their urgent presence. Alexander and Eliza had just taken their leave before the Eacker’s arrival.
The Eackers were in your fathers office with your parents for over an hour before you heard anything. A stark change to when the Hamilton’s were in there, it was so silent you could hear a pin drop.
"Y/N!" Your father calls. You look at your sister quickly, unsure what to expect. She stands at the top of the stairs with Angie, Theo and Philip as you make your way down. George was waiting at the bottom of the stairs with your father. His parents were already waiting outside in the carriage.
"Darling” George says with false endearment. “Your father has told us the most disturbing things. I'm not sure how you’ve become mistaken.. I am so sorry that you thought we’d ever.. well that we’d ever mistreat you in any way, I could never.." he says holding out a hand for you, taking yours when you stare into his open palm, he uses it to pull you flush against his, his other holding you close “you have to know that. I would never dream of treating my bride to be with such hate.” His voice was thick with sadness and regret. You were a bit impressed by  his acting abilities, though they were merely an extension of his twisted nature and despicable lies. You were even more repulsed that he could even put on such an act after the way he had planned to treat you. 
"Well now that all that has been sorted.. until next time Mr Eacker" your father says dismissively as he breezes past you both without a glance in your direction retreating back into his office. You looked around for your mother, she had already left to the garden, leaving you alone with George.
"Wait.. were still getting married?" You ask in confusion, your eyebrows furrowing across your forehead. You could feel your skin growing cold. The realization of your near future playing vicious images in your mind, this couldn’t be happening.
"Well of course we are sweetheart.." George saying taking your arm, squeezing just hard enough that it was uncomfortable. He watches your fathers office door shut as he leans in "listen, closely, I wont say this twice.. if you ever pull a stunt like this again.." his voice was rough and cold, dripping with the thrill of threatening you. 
You look up the stairs meeting the curious and worried eyes of your sister, best friend and the Hamiltons. George pulls you out of their view. You barely heard his harsh words, they didn't make any impact, you couldn't believe it. Not only had George managed to weasel his way around your father, but now your father was angry with you for telling the Hamiltons before you told him. According to him therewas nothing wrong and you had made a fuss only to embarrass him in front of the Hamiltons and the Eackers. That couldn't be further from the truth, although you knew he would never see it that way, if he wouldn’t listen to Mr and Mrs Hamilton what hope did you have?
You were pulled from your thoughts as George kissed your cheek, it took everything in you not to flinch "I'd spend as much time as you can with them. That room of yours is going to be terribly lonely.." he whispers lowly looking from you up to the stairs where your friends were waiting. George smiled widely and waved, leaving your wrist with a handprint, that brought a red color to your flowers, before he headed to the door to leave with his parents. As soon as they were out of view, you dashed up the stairs to join your best friend, sister, her fiancé and his sister. 
"What happened??" Theo asks asks as your sister hugs you tightly. 
"Nothing... he lied and- “ You had to pause trying to control the fear your voice was sure to give away. “were still getting married" you say quietly as you hold onto her. Theo wrapped her arms around you both, holding you close. She couldn't believe it. Much like your sister, she'd offered to go and sort George out herself when your sister filled her in on what had been happening. Theodosia was a big believer in soulmates, the day she found your sister was the happiest day of her life. She felt that everyone deserved to experience the once in a lifetime happiness. Though she understood why some people didn't marry for love, she'd always found it cold how people married their children off. Even when it worked out. It was unfathomable to her that George and his family would treat you like that, and to actively plan it before you got married was beyond horrific. 
"How- what-" Angie says looking over to Philip quickly. He stood with his hand clenched tightly around the banister watching the carriage retreat down the drive. His jaw was set and tight with tension, his eyes full of anger. He really thought this was going to work. When you'd told him and (S/N) what happened he thought your father would listen to his and sort it out. He was horrified to learn not only was George getting away with it but just as your sister had predicted, it didn't seem like your father cared. At least not enough to put a stop to it, unlike his own parents. 
When Eliza had told Alexander he'd been furious, admittedly not just at the situation but for his own reputation (which was a problem in itself but not the one Philip wanted to focus on right now). If word got out that his daughter in law was being kept prisoner in such awful conditions the fall back on him, as a politician tasked with shaping the future, would be astronomical. And make no mistake, it would get out, Philip and (S/N) would make sure of it. 
(S/N) was pissed, there was no point in talking to your parents now. As far as they were concerned everything was resolved, it was just teenage meddling, despite the fact Philip’s parents has been involved. Your parents, especially your father, wouldn't hear anything more on the subject. In fact he was likely to raise his temper if she even thought of bringing up the subject. She glanced at Philip before she and Theodosia lead you to your room. She could tell he felt bad about talking to his parents straightaway. He should've listened to her and let her approach your parents first, it was a little late for that however.. she thought settling you into your bed tucking the small blanket around you comfortingly. 
"Thats it... there's nothing to be done. I have to marry him.." you say slowly, your voice full of defeat.  Your shoulders slumped as your sad eyes look to your sister and your best friend, taking their hands in each of yours "I'm going to spend every second with you guys.” You said finding a new determination “The next time I see him will not be a second before I have to"
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Okay, you know how I said I wanted to watch all these german minecraft series and then watch 3rd Life SMP? Yea, I actually dont have the attention span to watch a bunch of white bread boys fuck around in minecraft with little to no story, regardless of wether theyre american or european so Im just gonna write this post and them start watching 3rd Life SMP so yeah.
First, I kinda want to discuss what Im hoping for on like, a meta-level I guess. The only other minecraft RP Ive watched that seems similar to this is Dream SMP so expect lots of comparisons.
I like to split dsmp into three major parts: no story/non-rp, story/non-rp and story/rp.
The first part was literally just a live streamed vanilla minecraft let's play and it was boring as shit. It felt exactly like watching a bunch of dudes play minecraft and unless they acknowledged the people in their donations (who could uncomfortably pushy and even shippy at times) you did not at all get the impression they were even aware of the stream. And as much as I appreciate some level of authenticity in this type of content, I also expect to be entertained by it and this did not even meet my bare minimum standard of entertainment. Admittedly, my attention span is very low so that definitely has something to do with it, but still. I personally have never felt anything but boredom and occasionally intense discomfort while watching anything from this 'era' of dsmp.
The second part was the start of the first conflict, and thus the start of some semblance of a story. They were kind of 'roleplaying' already (both in the sense that they obviously have their personas for their content and in sense that they didnt actually have grievances with one another and were just playing it up for the sake of entertainment) but it was more on the fly, even less focused and less serious. However, it was already legues more fun to watch.
And then we had the third part, where, starting with Wilbur Soot joining and deciding to larp Hamilton, they started to plan things out more and have more complex and/or dramatic conflicts. Needless to say, this was/is the best part in my opinion and what made me see the appeal of dsmp.
What Im hoping for 3rd Life SMP is, that they skip atleast the first part. From what I can tell, it was created sometime after dsmp has been in that third part for a bit and it is a minecraft rp, so Im assuming the people behind it wanted to do something similar, just with the story aspect there on purpose and from the get-go, if you know what I mean. And by the way, I dont think thats wrong or even "copying" in the slightest. Dsmp very much seems like a case of "they did it first, not best" and if anything, I think it would be a shame if people didn't want to do their own spin on this basic concept.
What Im personally hoping for in terms of the 'style' of roleplay itself, I really hope that they dont seperate it as rigidly into lore and non-lore as they did in dsmp. Ideally, they would do it like Ranboo (Wilbur when he was playing Ghostbur to an extend too, but he didnt actually stream and have his own POV back then), where he's always kinda 'In-Character' even when there isnt really anything happening in the plot at that moment. Again, I just dont have the attention span for no story in series like this anymore, so I'd appreciate it on a personal level, but I also think that it could humanize the characters more and potentially add additional depth to them. Especially since it looks like 3rd Life is made by the Hermitcraft group and if the stuff Ive read about Hermitcraft (especially in comparison to dsmp) it wont thrive off intense conflicts and wars in quite the same way, so that could also be a way of making a calmer rp interesting.
And now, some actual plot predictions!
So, the way I found 3rd Life SMP was this really neat 'Pitiful Children' animatic by ZylisticArt. I didnt actually 'watch' it because when I look up animatics I just kinda stare at the screen, not processing anything because Im too busy imagining my own OC animatic to the song, but I did read the description and was mildly intrigued, and its the main reason I wanted to watch 3rd Life so Im going to properly watch it now and post my predictions for the plot below.
The description mentions something about the animatic being based on some kinda theory, but I only skimmed it in order to not get spoiled so idk what thats really about. Im mostly intrigued by the fact that the description mentions it being a hardcore SMP (with a twist!), that, combined with the name and the visuals of the animatkc lead me to a couple conclusions;
I dont really know how Hardcore mode works in multiplayer, but in singleplayer you just get permanently kicked out of your world when you die, so Im assuming it works like that on a server too, except on a server, Im pretty sure you have the option of being 'reinvited' onto a server by the admin(s) so you could theoretically have three lives while keeping it a hardcore project where you cant regenerate without potions or golden apples and all that. Again, idk if thats actually how hardcore works but I sure hope it is, because thats what Im basing pretty much all of my predictions on.
In the animatic there were like green people, yellow people and a red guy who was like, the antagonist I guess. I think the green guys still have all their lives, the yellow ones are down to two and the red lads are all down to their last one. Maybe theres gonna be a thing thats like, if you lose a life you lose a part of your soul and that makes you evil or something? Yknow, like the whole "character comes back wrong" thing, except its the conflict of the entire series. Pitiful Children is very much a 'Manipulating Others Into Doing Harmful Shit' kinda song, and I feel like that would be very in-line with a plotline like that, yknow?
Im not expecting there to be wars/conflicts on the scale of dsmp (no blown up countries here bois) but I am expecting to get ridiculously attached to a place that inevitably gets blown up/set on fire by an antagonist.
Speaking of antagonists, theyre definitely also doing the whole multiple POV thing, which means everyone is an antagonist in one way or another and Im a solutely watching every POV from every characters so that I know the full context and story of everything, so I can have the most correct opinions on them, which is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
Since these are the Hermitcraft guys Im expecting some beautiful builds that make me feel insanely untalented and the same thing with redstone shit.
Ghosts. If they havent added some kind of ghost mechanic/lore at the time Im writing this, they will add one in later, mark my words 3rd Life fandom, mark my words...
Thats pretty much it. This is all going under my mcyt tag too, and I dont think I'll be live blogging it, but it really depends on how interesting it is.
Also, if youre a 3rd Life fan who already watched all of it, the only thing youre allowed to respond to this with is a meme that is horribly incomprehensible to anyone who hasnt watched it.
Have a nice day!
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musubiki · 4 years
I read your tags on that one ask and can I just.... could you please tell us more about the fantasy arranged marriage AU...? 🥺💖
- its set in the inuyasha/princess mononoke type of world where supernatural/monsters are just normal and society has different infrastructure to deal with it
- mochi (because shes a magical girl in almost every au she cannot change this) is like the healer/magic lady/potion maker for their small-medium sized village in the middle of the mountains. her family is known for their potent magic abilities
- lime is part of a prestigious family his grandfather was someone great, like a military general or something, high honor. he works for the monster control/missionary guild centered in the town. theyre fairly to very famous and are very efficient. 
- they were friends as lil kids. just used to run around the village and play with sticks and shit. lime left the village around age 8 to go train for the guild somewhere far off. he worked for a few different guilds but didnt come back to work for the one in the village until he was 18-19
- also i was too lazy to designs outfits and shit but i always see limes guild uniform as like the dread fighter from fire emblem awakening and mochi as the shrine maiden from fates
- as soon as he came back, his family is like “oh good!! we arranged you a marriage to carry on the family name!!! we need a heir!!” and hes like “WHAT?!”
- he was super pissed. because its been like 2 days since hes been back and his family is already throwing this on him, and he has little power to fight them on it. 
- hes just sitting outside on the porch watching the rain all mad and depressed cuz 1) hes not ready to get married, and 2) he wouldve wanted to marry someone he loved but hey, cant do anything about it now. the ceremony is like, tomorrow.
- anyway hes waiting at the ceremony the next day, still mad, nervous, just hoping they picked him someone whose at least cute or something and not some old lady
- its mochi. all dressed in the ceremony dress + makeup. and it takes his mind a moment to register that its her. he recognizes her, but he almost cant believe its ACTUALLY her because she. looks so beautiful. and grown up.
- and the minute she sees HIM shes in shock because she didnt even know he was back. and they cant speak to (and can barely look at) each other because of the ceremony ritual hoo ha
- #nervous
-  next thing they know their families are shoving them into their new house thats all set up for them, complete with only one bed, with a “Go make us some heirs!” or sometHING LIKE THAT AND THEYRE BOTH SHAKEN LIKE PLS STOP
- its so awkward. they touch accidentally and jump to opposite sides of the room. theyre able to talk a little small talk but it wont hold up. mochi says something like “I didnt know you were back-” and lime, an awkward, just says “yeah i am” “i know”
- lime is nice about the whole marriage thing though. he was mad at first but now that his wife is someone he (kinda) knows and shes actually really sweet and pretty hes like ok i can handle this i think
- i think i talked about it in that old post but mochi is 10000% not ready to have sex with him yet. shes so shaky and nervous about it, but she wants to be a good wife and not disappoint him so she tries to force herself to be okay with it
- but he can kinda tell she doesnt want to. hes nice about it. he just tells her they dont have to do that now, it can wait, lets just take it slow for now and lie to our families about it. (and that was the first instance of her starting to fall for him right off the bat)
- ANYWAY THE AU IS JUST THEM BEING AWKWARD AND CUTE AND DOMESTIC!!!!! theyre forced intimate relationship at first turns more into friendship of camaraderie of “our families just forced us into this but neither of us are ready or willing to do this yet so lets just be roomates and operate like that”
- so they do!!! lime buys another bed so they dont have to share one. he cant cook so half the nights mochi cooks and the other half they eat out. they split the house chores and just come home and gossip about their days pretty much and slowly become more comfortable with each other. 
- and then they actually start falling in love with each other. little things like lime grabbing high stuff off shelves for her when they clean the house, or when lime comes home all busted up from work and mochi takes some time to wrap his injuries, falling asleep together outside watching the fireflies in the summer, laughing over dumb shit over dinner
- lime has to leave super early at like 6am sometimes. he always goes to mochi while shes sleeping, softly nudges her a little bit to let her know hes leaving and she gives him a cute smile and a sleepy “have a good day!”
- soft nudges turn into soft forehead kisses and petting of hair locks. she starts falling asleep in his bed and he sleeps 10000x better with her in his arms. 
-(anyway its just 90% lots of cute domestic shit. maybe some drama of regional district lord sulluvan trying to steal her for her magic abilities. stupid domestic adventures)
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many-gay-magpies · 3 years
i got tagged by @mari-kigold!! this was so much fun, thank u for the tag artzyy <3
1. why did you choose your url?
very simple actually. it was gay-jesus-official for the longest time but i needed a change of pace, SO here we are! im gay, i like birds, and my name is magpie—hence, many gay magpies.
(more under the cut)
2. any side blogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
i have three but in only really use one of them sjfhdffgfgc
@bambihee, for moodboards! (it's mainly enhypen-centric at the moment, as is my main)
the other two are old blogs from back when i was in the koc. one of them was my koc "main" that is 99% dead, and the literal only reason i havent deactivated yet is because of the past messages with a close moot that i dont want to lose ;-; the other is a koc rant blog-turned-normal rant blog that i havent used in weeks, honestly i dont know why im keeping it. attachment? pretty jeonghan layout? who knows. anyways im not tagging either of them because theyre both dead af and there would be literally no point <3
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
hold on uhhhh *sounds of a gay doing math* i think like 19 or 20 months? cuz i joined in october of 2019
4. do you have a queue tag?
i barely use the queue BUT since i recently started making moodboards i have a tag for when i promote stuff from my moodboard blog which is just q: bambihee
but other than that no
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i'd been kind of wanting to do it for a while cuz i kept seeing screenshots of tumblr posts on pinterest and it seemed gloriously chaotic (it is), but what really made me take the ✨deep dive✨ was me wanting to see what the kpop, particularly stray kids, fandom was like on tumblr
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it's a picture of heeseung because i'm whipped for him and it's this PARTICULAR picture of heeseung because he just looks so soft in it :(( like seriously his eyes are so big and beautiful
7. why did you choose your header?
i don't have a header at the moment, BUT my last header was a screenshot of heeseung from the fever mv which i don't think requires an explanation <3
8. what's your post with the most notes?
i don't know for certain, but im guessing its the one onlyoneof post i made about the members' reactions to wooksung's ✨move✨ in the libidO dance practice
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i havent counted and i dont really care to to be honest
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
what, really, is the criteria for a shitpost? what is "shitposting"? what is our purpose in life?
(the answer is yes)
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
if i ever end up fighting somebody, even just over tumblr, i will probably cry, have a panic attack, or both. i would rather walk into a tree than engage in conflict with a person.
i did disappoint someone once and frankly i think that was just as bad
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
i do not like them. i used to reblog like every one i saw because i was always like "but what if", but i have since decided that i will not be giving a fuck. i reblog your post when i want to, thank you very much, i dont care if madame zeroni or whoever the fuck curses me for all eternity, that shit is an unnecessary stressor for already plenty-stressed human beings and has no place on my blog
16. do you like tag games?
yes!! not that you'd know it from how little i actually participate in them svfhfhfgdg
i appreciate you tagging me very much i am just forgetful and stressed :<
17. do you like ask games?
ALSO yes! tho i dont get them that often tbh
the ones that are like 'mutuals send this emoji in an ask to see what your mutual thinks of you!' lowkey stress me out because im afraid i wont know what to say ghdhghvh (it doesn't stop me from doing them tho <3)
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
uh. none of them? i dont know
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
nope, and i never have <3 (not a serious CRUSH-crush, anyway)
20. tags?
im gonna tag @ateezaligned @baby-dinobean @markismybxtch @sunghoonseyebrowcult and anyone else who wants to do this! you don't have to if you don't want to ofc ^^
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babysizedfics · 4 years
okay okay please write a hc post about Roman and Virgil managing Thomas's romance life together and it being another one of Their Things, that Logan and Patton barely really participate in? Like I can see them all happy and excited to do this, and Roman reassuring Virgil constantly that he's okay and that they can do this? like idk man I wanna see your thoughts on this. - 🐇
okokokokokokokokok i LOVE this ask thank u!!! i actually ran away with this a lot im sorry but im just LOVING THIS EPISODE SO MUCH so here is the l/b rendition of what happens after!!
so roman and vee actually cant talk coherently for a whole day after they are just so happy!! squealing and giggling! and logan and patton are so shocked by how excited they are but like in the surprised laughter way, they see their boys jumping up and down and rambling and smiling so big and it makes them so happy to see!!
for that evening ro and vee are just ECSTATIC and virgil gets so excited that he loses his voice and goes mute and can only happy flap and squeak and laugh and hum and roman gets so excited that he has WAY TOO MUCH energy and goes for an hour long impromptu run - which logan joins him on because he is worried roman will get so excited he will run off track and get lost !!
and while lo and ro are running and logan is marvelling at how roman manages to run for five mins straight AND not stop talking the whole time, patton is with vee and vee cant talk he can only bounce and squeal and so patton just bounces with him!! they hold hands and jump! he hardly knows what theyre so excited about but of course hes gonna catch the excitement its so contagious!! so they bounce and giggle and pretty soon vee regresses into the most playful excitable little baby
and logan and roman return and roman is still excitedly rambling and logan is chuckling through his breathlessness because actually it was pretty hard to keep up with roman - then ro sees that vee has regressed and INSTANTLY goes into kiddo mode and they have the most fun filled excited happy evening where the boys are just so so so giggly and theres lots of games and bouncing and tickling
the next day they manage to calm down a bit and think and roman realises that maybe flirting and romance hasnt worked in the past bc he was mainly working alone and it is a big job to handle for just one side and it has such a big effect on thomas' mental state that maybe he needs some assistance
and he approaches virgils room and finds him laying face down on his bed with his face in a pillow - roman would be worried that he was crying but he could see virgil was kicking his feet against each other too and roman smiles and 'still thinking about it?'
virgils head pops up from the pillow with the BIGGEST smile and says 'DUH of course i am!'
'me too!!' roman giggles and jumps onto virgils bed beside him to lie down and kicks his feet against the mattress excitedly 'ahhhhh!' he squeals
'ahhhh!!' virgil echoes
after a trifle more gay screaming they calm and are sat shoulder to shoulder against the headboard and virgil is shaking jiji in his hands to help stim and roman is stroking a little giraffe plushie vee has and roman brings it up that he is planning on texting nico this morning
virgil smiles bigger and clutches the toy to his cheat 'oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh yes go for it please please please-'
'hang on!' roman giggles 'im telling you because i thought maybe you would wanna help!'
for the first time since they left the mall yesterday virgils smile drops
'virgil' roman starts, but vee so quickly cuts him off
'i can't, im gonna mess it up! whenever im in charge of somthing i just panic and ruin everyth--'
'you wont be fully in charge, we'll share that role!'
'i-' virgil hesitates 'i dunno...'
roman sighs, then a determinstion comes over him and he sits taller and asks 'who pushed thomas to chase after nico?'
the tiniest little smile twists the corner of virgils mouth, but he scratches his cheek to hide it and when his hand lowers its gone 'that wasnt even a-'
'who pushed thomas to chase after nico?' roman repeats, smiling and poking virgils shoulder
vee bites his lip and pulls jiji up to hi chin 'mmnmn'
'i cant hear it' roman insists, twisting on the bed to face virgil directly. he makes a bold move and even reaches out to gently push virgils chin up so he looks at him. theres happiness dancing in virgils eyes WHICH ARE SURROUNDED BY GLITTERY PURPLE EYESHADOW IN CASE ANYONE FORGOT
'i did' virgil mumbles, followed by a muffled giggly because holy moly he actually did that!!
'and thats why youre my new romantic coworker' roman says very proudly, beaming ear to ear, though he hastily adds 'if you want to!'
virgil considers it, bites his lip, strokes jiji, then his smile practicaly lights up the whole room 'yes!'
and they learn a lot from each other by working together! in this au virgil and patton are the only ones who dont have designated working days, their work is reactionary more than anything, they dont have to create ideas or file information like the others, they just react as and when needed dependeing on what thimas experiences. but working with roman is virgils first experience having a sort of routine with work - every tuesday is romance planning!
they leave it flexible of course on account of both of their neurodivergency and allowing room to push the day back if one or both of them are little, but the predictability is actually something that virgil rlly appreciates and looks forward to every week!
and roman learns ways of reeling in his more extreme ideas and being able to apply a sense of realism to his plans! plus it helps him a ton to be able to talk about ideas and get them out, it helps organise them in his mind - and virgil constantly telling him how great he is at what he does does absolute wonders for romans self esteem too
shoot im out of words bc i just got excited about the episode again ahhhhhh gonna tag this as to be continued!!!!
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Once upon a time
Title: Once upon a time
Prompt: Everything seems to be going perfecrly so why do you feel the need to self harm after being 'clean' for so long? A reader insert where the reader is struggling with self harm again and Morgan helps.
Author: remindmetohaveherdrugtested
Tags: #reader insert #Derek Morgan #Comfort
Trigger warnings: #self harm #blood mention #murder/kidnap #mild swearing
Sat in the back of the SUV, you rest your head against the cool glass of the window and stare into the small gap between Derek's headrest and the cars' frame. Your eyes focused on the steering wheel, held steadily in place by his hands, before flicking back to the oncoming traffic.
Your mind wasn't really there. It was flicking between a million and one thoughts that were barely forming before the next one took over. You should be happy. You had exactly what you wanted from life; a happy little family, a job that you loved, a beautiful house and friends that you could count on. So why were you feeling so numb? Once upon a time that was all you dreamed about.
"Are we almost there?" A sleepy voice from the front broke you from your thoughts and you moved your head.
"About 10 minutes" Dereks steady voice answered, not taking his eyes off the road. "I wouldn't go back to sleep if I were you".
You watched him glance quickly at Spence beside him who looked like he was about to fall back asleep at any moment. It was 2am and the case was quite urgent according to Hotch and Garcia. Derek had swung by to pick you and Reid up as neither of you drove and the rest of the team wouldnt be long.
It wasnt long until the SUV was pulled up beside the rest of the team who were just starting to grab their go bags from another SUV to board the jet. Quickly stretching, you hopped out of the car and went to the boot to pull out your black bag and sling it across your shoulders. "We good to go? I need to get some serious sleep before we land" You asked, forcing a tiny smile at the rest of them. You barely waited for Hotch to nod before you were walking up the steps to the door and entering the cabin.
Immediately you slung your bag into the overhead bin and then settled yourself onto the sofa out of the way, watching as the rest of the team joined you. Each member put their bags away before settling down in a chair. It wasnt long until the jet was airborne but you knew you wouldnt land for a couple of hours and it would be a half an hour drive to the hotel.
"I'll let you all get some sleep shortly. We're headed to Texas" You knew that already from the call that Garcia had made earlier. "We think we have a cold case re-emerging. 10 years ago 2 brown haired, blue eyed and low risk women went missing. 5 years later their bodies were found having only died recently. 5 days later 2 more victims went missing and their bodies have just shown up. If the unsub sticks to their schedule the next two victims will go missing in 5 days and we will loose the trail again. The victims both looked to be kept in relatively good condition, cause of death was a single stab wound through the heart. Crime scence photos are on your tablets to have a look at and then you should try to get some rest" Hotch finished.
It was 7pm and Hotch had sent everyone back to the hotel for the night. You stood in the onsuite bathroom and stripped quickly to shower. As you got out you caught a glimpse of your arms in the mirror. Thin silvery lines marred them and although the last time you had cut yourself deliberately was years ago the lines had not fully faded yet. Your fingers traced them slowly. You weren't proud of it and no one else on the team knew about that part of your life. The familiar urge took hold of your chest. It was a deep and sinking feeling. Like you couldnt breathe. You knew that harming yourself would get rid of the feeling. It would allow you to feel anything other than the numbness that had taken over recently. Usually you were able to push away the urges, breathe through them and distract yourself but today was just different. You were tired of pushing them away and you just wanted it to go away.
Almost in a trance your fingers had found a razor and was removing the blades from it. It was like you were watching someone else draw on your skin. Watching blood trickling down your arms, as if it were rain on the windows. The pain was fresh. It felt good to be able to feel anything other than that pressing feeling on your chest and numbness.
The second the razor touched the side new feelings rushed through you. Guilt. Panic. Anger. How could you give in after so many years of being clean? How would you hide this? Why did you even feel this way when every part of your life was, by definition, perfect.
"Shit. Shit. Shit"
You spun around and shoved your arm into the shower, wincing as the running water touched the fresh wounds and watching as it took away the blood.
Pulling the towel back around you quickly, you walked quickly back into the room and rumaged in your bag to pull out some bandages you kept in there for minor injuries in the field. As you pulled the bandages out there was a loud thud as your bag fell to the floor onto your foot and you swore loudly but didn't pick it up.
With experienced hands you started bandaging your arm up. You'd banaged injuries up all the time in the field but this being from yourself made you feel a wave of guilt again.
The silence in the room was broken by a few raps on the door.
"Uh yeah?" You called trying to quickly pin the bandage in place.
"You alright? I heard some thuds and swearing" Dereks deep voice came through the door.
"Oh, uh ,yeah. Just dropped my go bag on my foot" You tried to laugh it off but something in your voice must've given you away because a moment later the door cracked open.
"Are you sure Y/N?" Dereks voice was clearer with the door cracked.
"Yeah yeah, it'll just a little bruise" You said, rushing to pull the towel around yourself so that he didnt see everything. You closed your eyes and sighed as you realised you had answered too quickly and your voice had cracked.
The door opened slowly before softly shutting. "Whats wrong? You've seemed a bit off all day. Did something else happen?" He paused, his eyes glancing over you and resting on your bandaged arm which was trying to help keep your towel in place. "Y/N?" His voice trailed off and he walked quickly over to you "What happened?"
"I happened" You muttered, turning away and sitting on the edge of the bed.
"You happened? What did you do?" Derek half laughed, clearly expecting you to have fallen or walked into something. His eyes narrowed as you didn't reply. "Y/N?"
You felt the slow burning prickle behind your eyes and felt a tear roll down your cheek. "Nothing" You snapped and turned. "I-uh-Sorry, Im just tired and was a bit clumsy"
You felt a soft hand touch your shoulder. "Doesn't seem like nothing. Why don't you get dressed and we'll talk about it?"
Your hand clenched around the towel as you became painfully aware that you were still naked with nothing but a towel around you. You nodded but said nothing as you got up and grabbed the pyjamas that were at the foot of the bed and walked quickly into the bathroom. Your eyes caught site of the bloody blade lying in the sink and you fought a wave of sickness that arose from it. Quickly pulling on your pyjamas, you turned the tap on to wash the blood away and the dropped the blade out of sight. You didn't need more temptation.
Re-emerging from the bathroom you saw Derek had moved your bag onto the chair and had perched himself on the end of the bed. You walked around him and on the side of the bed.
"So are you going to tell me what happened?" Derek slowly turned around to look at you although you determinedly avoided his gaze.
"Lapse of judgement" You muttered. It wasnt a lie but it wasn't the most straightforward answer. It didn't deter Derek.
"You can talk to me you know. I won't tell anyone and I might be able to help."
You laughed. It was cold and seemed hollow even to you. "If I knew do you think Id be in this mess."
The bed moved and you looked up as Derek sat beside you and slowly wrapped his arms around you. It seemed to break some dam inside you that you had been holding back since he had knocked on your door and tears began to stream down your face.
"I didn't mean to" You whispered. "I haven't in so many years. I was doing well but I just lost my focus. It wont happen again. Please don't tell the others"
Derek pulled you in closer and you turned to press your face into his chest. His heartbeat was comforting. "If you don't want me to tell anyone then I won't" He said simply.
"Im just so numb and it just happened and I just wanted to feel something again. I don't know why because everything is perfect so I dont have a reason to feel like this and why should I have any reason to do that" You rambled coming to a halt with a look of disgust on your face.
"These things happen. It can happen to anyone" Derek soothed. "This line of work is tough, even on the strongest of us. And these feelings can hit anyone. Even those who think everything they have is perfect. Theyre normal"
More sobs racked you body, getting stronger and stronger. It was like you lost all control. "Please" you sobbed. "I just want to feel something. Help me feel something"
Derek pulled you up the bed and pulled you into his chest. "You had a slip. Everyone has relapses. It doesnt mean anything. You'll get through this. I'll be there for you. Always"
You had no more words to say, what else was there to say? Instead you buried your face in his chest and continued to sob until you felt tiredness overcome you and let it take you off into nothingness.
When you woke up, Derek was gone. At the bottom of the bed you saw a pile of fresh bandages, a small tube of antiseptic cream and a note. Picking up the note, you quickly read through it.
"Baby girl,
Once upon a time is the start of a story. You have to keep fighting to see the end."
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shhh-no-ones-home · 5 years
forest fire (2/2) chris motionless x reader
Part 1 part 2
okay so we have this fun center in the area i grew up in called Swing Around Fun Town and its basically an all ages fun center where you can do mini golf, bumper boats, go-kart races, batting cages, and arcade type games, amongst a few other things. that was really like the whole inspo for this cause i think it would be a fun date and the idea of chris playing mini golf is really funny to me since he tol
just know i was cheesing the whole time i was writing this, its so sappy and cute omg. if it was candy it would make you sick XP
Song: according to you by orianthi
tag list: @thisplace-ishaunted @ryansitkowskiswifey @alilpunkrock  @theoneandonlykymberlee @svintsandghosts @cynic-spirit
i stood outside of my car, back against the door, as i waited for chris. it was a pretty nice day so it was better to wait outside than it was in my stuffy car. plus we had decided to meet up for our date at the local 'fun attraction center'. I squinted at the sun as i looked down at my phone, scrolling through some photos that i wasnt quite done editing yet. then i heard a car door slam, looking up to see chirs walking around his car to me. i smiled widely.
"hey stranger!"
i called as he got closer to me, giving me a hug.
"howve you been?"
he asked, offering his hand for me to hold. i gladly took it, smiling widely as we walked towards the front door.
"ive been pretty good, and you?"
he side nodded.
"busy but also good."
i nodded.
"thats good to hear."
he held the door open for me and we both walked to the help desk.
"two day-passes please."
he asked, getting his wallet out.
"oh, do you want me to get mine?"
i said reaching for my pocket. he just looked at me weird before paying for both.
"dont even think about it, i asked you out, its my treat."
i looked at him disapprovingly.
"are you sure? id feel bad if you paid for everything."
he waved me off before putting the wrist band on me, handing me his so i could do the same to him. when they were on he took my hand in his again.
"alright, what do you wanna start with?"
he asked, smiling down at me. i thought for a second.
"ooo wanna race?"
he laughed a little bit.
"sounds good to me."
i skipped a little bit as we made our way outside, swinging our arms between us. he just kind of laughed at me, walking quickly to keep up.
"what do you wanna do after this?"
i asked, standing next to him in line. he grabbed my other hand too and swung our arms back and forth.
"i know i promised no water but what do you think about the bumper boats?"
i sent him a sly smile.
"you ready to get wet as hell?"
i joked and he side nodded.
"i think ill manage."
we both side stepped further towards the front of the line as it moved.
"alright, if youre willing to get wet on my behalf i will gladly fight you on a bumper boat."
he let go of my hands as the man let us through the gate to the go-karts.
"gotta beat me at this first."
he winked at me as i stepped into one.
"youre on!"
i wrung my hair out as i stepped out of the one man bumper boat, looking down at my now soaked shirt.
"worth it?"
chris joked, stepping closer to me as we walked out of the gate to the rest of the 'park.' i laughed and looked at him, flicking the water on my hands at him.
he warned.
"careful cerulli, youre eyebrows my run."
i said laughing at him and his equally soaked state. he just shook his head at me.
"nah, theyre waterproof."
i just shook my head.
"do you want ice cream? i kinda want ice cream."
i said, looking at him before skipping off.
"hey! wait up!"
he called after me as i made my way to the snack bar. by the time he had made it to me i had already asked the man for two sherbets and paid. chris sent me a look.
"i thought i told you today was my treat."
i nodded, handing him the one push pop.
"yep, and per usual im ignoring your unhelpful suggestion."
i smiled at him as i took the top off of the ice cream and pushed it up, taking a small bite.
"i wouldnt call it an unhelpful suggestion, more of a 'i said i was treating you to a day of fun, please stick to that' kind of suggestion."
i laughed a little bit, taking his hand in mine and walking away from the snack stand.
"sure, but its the least i could do since you paid for the bands."
i said shaking my wrist in the air. he just shrugged.
"fine, but no more. today is my treat, really."
i nodded.
"fine, i promise i wont buy anything else."
"good, now lets go play mini golf and dry off."
i took a bite of the sherbet.
"now that sounds like a helpful suggestion."
i joked, nudging him with the arm of the hand he was holding. he just sent me a look and took a bite, getting it on his nose. i tried to stifle a giggle but it didnt really work.
he asked, eyes wide.
"you got it on your face."
i pointed out and he looked down, cross-eyed. i just shook my head.
"what, here?"
he asked and tried wiping each side of his face.
"did i get it?"
he asked, pausing.
"nope, here, let me get it for you."
i got on my tip toes and kissed his nose gently, booping it with my finger after. he smiled at me and took another bite.
"what if i, i dont know, got it here too?"
he said, leaving a little bit on the side of his lip. i sent him a look.
"i dont know, i might have to get that off too."
he looked up and shrugged.
"oh well, i guess youll have to since i cant see it. oops."
he said playfully, making me smile like an idiot. i tip toed up to him again and kissed him gently, right where he'd left the sherbet. when i pulled away i licked my lips and bit into my pop.
i said, taking his hand again and pulling him towards the mini golf. he side nodded.
"and messy."
he said. i barely had time to react, watching him in my peripherals as he stick his finger in it and poked my cheek.
i called but he was quick to lean down and kiss there, making me blush wildly.
"good messy."
he corrected himself and i shook my head.
"come on you goof, i wanna play put put."
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