finnslay · 5 months
✨️I am nonbinary fantasy trash bebe✨️
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wylans-flute · 1 year
lucy dacus gets me
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flufflecat · 9 months
Can someone explain what the narrative stakes are even supposed to be anymore in jjk. All the characters are essentially guaranteed to die, the current cast is comprised almost entirely of characters who showed up 2/3rds into the story and we're supposed to care about them for some reason, and I do not even know what the threat is supposed to be anymore. The apocalypse? Destruction of an amorphous innocent society? Like has ANYTHING been shown of "here's the regular world that apparently needs to be saved" or are we just supposed to assume "this society is just Real Life+, so you're REQUIRED to care if some guy threatens to kill all humanity, because one of those humanities may be... a child" or something. Can you spare two seconds to show anything other than some magic randos fighting, or is it just a superhero story all the time now, minus the fun. Remember when yuuji had friends.
#jujutsu kaisen#jjk crit#sorry for like being salty in what will prob be the main tag#I simply do not vibe at ALL with the direction this series has gone in and would love someone to complain about it with ahfkaj#I'd write an entire meta on the narrative flaws but I do not feel like it#seriously though it's chill if people like the story and I'm not trying to cause shit by tagging it#well I'm sort of trying to cause shit#but that shit is 'blease will someone complain with me because I love complaining'#I just don't get it#like oh wow you killed characters off and established stakes! that sets a tone and shows that this is a serious conflict!#oh nvm you've killed everyone just to be gratuitous about it and prove how tooootally realistic your story is#and now there's no reason to care bc why get invested when there's an 80% chance the characters will all die#like. you're just alienating people from caring about the story you're trying to make them care about#idek what kenjaku is supposed to be up to anymore#for all I care he could explode the world and I'd be like whatever there was probably no one interesting left anyway#everything that happens anymore in jjk feels like someone said 'but what if all the nonsense in DBZ... was edgy'#and then thought they did something interesting#wooooahhhh someone did a fight for 70 chapters! so innovative and unique!#someone transformed! what a twist!!#woooahhh you did a nonsense rug-pull and are now lying to us acting like it was intended the whole time! sacre bleu!!!#anyway see my previous complainy post to see why gojos plot specifically is harmful bullshit#but it's a shoooooneeennnnnn#it doesn't neeeeeeeed to be written well or responsibly amiright?!#it just needs to make straight guys on twitter think they're unique for saying 'the real issue with jjk is that some women like it '#ok I'm done complaining. FOR NOW.#I'm sure I'll think of something else to complain about in two seconds.#fluffle talks
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ame-in-the-rain · 1 year
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love its what makes a subaru a subaru
(reblogs encouraged)
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silverwingstorm · 2 years
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cottonkhaleesi · 10 days
Wooooahhhh-oh, we’re half way there~
Wooooahhhh-oh, -
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323 rows left!
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the-grand-av3 · 2 months
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That appears to be an edited photo of me frowning.
That's actually what I looked like in my earlier years of being in Hell. It looks uncanny now, but I assure you, it felt all the more natural back then.
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It's not that big of a deal, you three.
Good lord..
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ccrisntok · 1 year
Heathers au part 2 💀
Okay, off the bat, this one is worse. this post is much sadder than the first one.
TW// Blood, Death, Corpses, Suicidal thoughts/actions, Guns, Homophobia, Violence, Eating Disorders (Again, basically anything that happens in Heathers: The Musical.)
Also, spoilers for Heathers, and DRDT!!!
As I said, this post is a bit more serious than the first one. You need to read the first part to really understand this one btw. sorry. I'm too lazy to explain things again hdafkjlds
This post will have the sad parts of the au, since it's basically a story run-down, but imma still try and keep it a little silly at least.
But there will be a part 3, since I literally can't post all of the images (I have over 30.) And part three will be a lot more light-hearted (just fun doodles, and some cut images from this post), so if this ones too intense, just wait for that one <3 or. dont. thats cool too. Btw I'm gonna re-use a few drawings from the last post for story progression <3
Again, credit to @another-danganronpa-fan for the original au concept!
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(First off, a better rendition of the Heathers + Xander. I didn't make any other full body refs because I got lazy. Anyway, I wanted to talk about these guys a lil more in this post. Character relationships and whatever.)
I feel like the Heathers as a unit all fucking hate each other. David guilt trips Arei into staying and threatens to reveal that shes queer if she argues with him, Arei makes fun of him for having severe mental health issues, and Arturo belittles both Arei and David, constantly commenting on their appearances, which he considers "Barely acceptable", basically its a cesspool of toxicity.
Xander, your average, emotional totally not British boy, doesn't really see any of this and thinks the Heathers have it so easy, and even idolizes them a little, especially David. Or rather, whatever persona David gives off to others.
This leads to him being recruited, in combo with his forgery skills, and his British accent. Cuz, yk, British accents are hot to some people.
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So Xandy gets to be an honorary Heather. This is fine for like, 5 minutes before he is immediately asked to humiliate the shit out of Eden, which he does, begrudgingly. He does this by forging a note to Eden from her crush, Arei, inviting her to a party Ace was hosting that night. Arei doesn't know about this plan until it happens.
at some point between this and the party, Xander sees Teruko beat the ever-loving shit out of Levi and Ace, and he's like "oh wow 😳", which is the first time he ever notices her.
As the party starts, Xander starts getting drunk as hell, and during so, makes some kind of jab at Ace in relation to his ED (I couldn't really find a way to incorporate Heather Duke's bulimia into David, so, sorry Ace.) This leads to Ace fucking hating him with a passion.
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this does not end well btw
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Xander parties rlly hard, and that ends up escalating to him accidentally publically outing Eden at the party (while wasted & high), which leads to Eden being humiliated by the partygoers. Arei, who does actually like Eden as well, obviously doesn't out herself and helps in Eden's humiliation for the sake of self-preservation.
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Eden's like "wha" bc she still thinks the note was real, and is super confused and hurt by Arei's reaction.
I don't believe the two would be childhood friends, like cannon Heathers, I feel like they would just. Like each other. Steal glances occasionally, wave, and smile. Stuff like that from someone like Arei would mean something, at least to Eden. And seeing what she thought was so clear shatter would hurt her a lot.
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After this, Xander fucks off because him and the Heathers get in a huge fight, and he finds Teruko like. In the bathroom or something hiding from the party. I didn't really want to make him break into her house so. I didn't :) they uh. hold hands or something, and then they fall in love wooooahhhh whoda guessed
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So Xander vents about his imminent death bc Art's mad at him, and Terukos like, "yeah... lets go apologize....." (she does not want to apologize). so they pull up and Xander's like "I'm sowwy Art i wont do it again" or something and then uh.
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(why is the family guy death pose so hard to draw) Art drinks some Kool-aid or something that Teruko mixed with drain cleaner and dies.
Xanders like, "NOOOO WAHT THE FUCK" and Teruko, who obviously wanted him to die, is like "oh. we need to cover this up as a suicide". They do just that, and in the wake of his death, Arturo is seen as even more of an icon than he was in life, since the fake note portrayed him as an actually kind, tortured soul.
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Arturo's ghost haunts Xander from this point on, basically just calling him stupid the whole time.
so after this, David and Arei are like, "Aye uh. Art's dead. You wanna hang out in the woods with us and Levi and Ace?" And Xander, desperately trying to not seem suspicious, says yes. Arei didn't really want to do this, but David forced her, and brought tons of alcohol with the intention of getting Levi and Ace drunk so they would fight and it'd be funny. He hasn't taken up Art's spot yet, so he's still kinda chill.
they. do fight, and Xander's kinda like "oop", but David's hoping it gets violent, for funnies.
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it gets kinda personal..
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Then it gets REALLY personal 💀
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And Levi ends up beating the shit out of Ace.
Now, not unlike canon, I don't know what circumstances got Levi disowned by his parents. I feel like in this au, he probably moved in with Ace and his folks, which would give him another reason to put up with Ace's shit. Out of literal necessity. And like, they are probably friends to an extent.
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Anyway, after this, rumors spread that Xander was actually the one who beat the fuck out of Ace, unprovoked. Since Ace is like 3'2 or some shit, people think Xander just beat him up bc he was an easy target without Levi around or something.
This happens because of a combo of Ace not really remembering what happened, his spite towards Xander, Levi lying about it, and David agreeing with the story (again, for his own amusement.) Arei doesn't really care enough to speak out, and Xander's reputation goes from already dead, to decomposed.
He vents to Teruko about this, cuz that went soo well last time, who makes up a plan. She tells him to tell Ace and Levi that he really wanted to fight them, and she would bring a "fake" gun to scare them with. (btw shirtless levi just to warn you) (and a dead body. and blood.) (prob shoulda put those first)
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This goes about how you would expect (can you tell I gave a bit more of a shit about these guy's deaths than I did Art's....sorry homie). Instead of doing what Kurt cannonically does (hauling ass in the opposite direction), Levi actually tries to help Ace, with no luck.
I made a longer version of this but Im trynna stay in the image limit so. Anyway, Teruko is like "look what you diiidd Levi he trusted what you said and now he's dead! Ok bye" and then shoots Levi too.
Xander is losing his fucking mind, and really upset, obviously. But Teruko is like "I did it because I love you...." and manipulates him into really believing they did somewhat the right thing, because Ace and Levi were bullies, and ruining ppls lives.
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They frame Levi and Ace's deaths as a double suicide. Teruko convinces Xander to portray Levi and Ace as gay lovers who, "killed themselves to escape an unaccepting world", since they contributed to Eden's harassment over her sexuality.
This leads to Ms. Hu publicly speaking up in support of queerness, which leads to the harassment following Eden, and the fear holding Arei back to subside a little, as the student body is moved by Levi and Ace's super real emotional romance.
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Ace and Levi's ghosts join Arturo in haunting Xandy, and Xander regrets like. Every choice he's ever made.
Xander and Teruko's relationship is kinda deteriorating, and David decides to take officially take the mantle in the aftermath of Arturo, Levi, and Ace's deaths.
He gets kinda goofy, and starts harassing Arei more severely. This takes a head at an assembly Ms. Hu throws for teenage mental health, where she encourages the kids to vent their frustrations and grievances, which would "set them free."
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Arei finally takes the opportunity, and confesses about her turbulent home life, David and Arturo's harassment, and that she struggles with suicidal thoughts. David takes this as a personal attack on his reputation since she mentioned him, and berates her, until she decides to try and end her own life in the school bathroom.
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Xander stops her, and tells David to fuck off.
This ends with Arei and Xander becoming better friends, and they start to bond over their shared care for Eden. This reminds Xander how bad he fucked up with his best friend, and reminds Arei that she really does care a lot about Eden, even if she wishes she didn't.
Speaking of Eden, after everything that had happened, the deaths, the harassment, and what she thinks is the loss of the two most important people in her life (Xander and Arei), she also decides to take her own life, Ace and Levi's suicides nailing it into her head that she didn't belong. She wanted to escape to a world that wouldn't judge her, like Martha, and death was the only way she felt she could do that.
She jumps off of a bridge, but ends up surviving.
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Xander, obviously fucking horrified, rushes to her side. After seeing how hurt she was, he kinda realizes how serious death is.
He killed people, all because Teruko felt they needed to. He realizes his relationship is toxic (only took a kill count of 3), and decides he can't do it anymore.
He ends things with Teruko, and goes home. He figures this is the end of it, but the ghosts haunting him tell him that Teruko was coming back, and she was mad. Oh no!
After Teruko breaks into his house, Xander locks himself in his closet and listens to her mad ramblings.
She says she's going to bomb the school, killing everyone inside, and she wants to do it with him. The whole school was basically in the building for a pep-rally, and she wanted to frame it as a school-wide suicide pact, with a signed "suicide note", a fake petition she'd passed around the school during the mental health assembly.
Xander, out of options, ties himself to the ceiling and pretends as if he has hung himself, which he hopes will stop Teruko's rampage.
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Instead, Teruko decides even if Xander was dead, she was going to kill everyone anyway.
After Teruko leaves, Xander chases after her, grabbing a kitchen knife as protection, with the intention of killing Teruko, and probably himself, for the sake of the school.
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After realizing Xander is alive, Teruko doesn't stop her plan. She's even more dedicated to it, and Xander is dedicated to stopping her.
The two physically fight for the bomb, and in the scuffle, Xander ends up stabbing Teruko in the stomach. He takes the bomb, and begins to leave with it, with the intention of using his body as a shield so that the school wouldn't be damaged if he ran out of time.
Teruko stops him, and in one more act of weird, toxic, love takes the bomb from him, and says she will blow up herself, and only herself.
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Xander lets her take the bomb, and Teruko walks out to the front of the school. Xander watches as she lets it go off, killing her instantly, and tells her to say hello to God, having faith that maybe her death could grant her forgiveness, if there was a higher power out there to forgive her at all.
annnnndddddd I'll draw the aftermath in part three!
I'm proud of it, though! There are quite a few images I had to cut, since Tumblr has an image limit and I made way too much, but that's what part three is for, in combo with a little of the aftermath! I just didn't want to split up the story into two parts, since I wanted it to flow well. I hope I managed to do just that.
Hope you enjoyed this fucking roller coaster, and I hope to see you back again for the DRDT Heathers finale! Which... wont be that epic, or anything, but hopefully fun!
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abesetacringe · 11 months
Could i use some of your Monique art as a playlist icon on Spotify? with credits of course. your art is so nice<333
THAT WOULD BE SO NEAT WOOOOAHHHH I'd appreciate if you'd share this playlist when you'll finish making it!!! :00 /vpos
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ambivartence · 5 months
top three kpop boys you havent drawn yet but want to? 👀
wooooahhhh what a question omg lemme think lemme thinkkkkkkk
1. riize sungchan ! i've been saving some pretty photos of him but haven't gotten around to it yet :( 2. sf9 jaeyoon :) as of this week i've become a jaeyoon stan hehe so i'll definitely be drawing him sometime soon^^ 3. zb1 hao or bnd sungho! they're both so cute hehe
> Ask me my top 3 anything, kpop edition <
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you have no clue how much that made me go wOOOOAHHHH...
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camilieroart · 2 years
Colorcoded TMNT AU Masterpost :
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how sentient is Shelldon? you said he's a pet so I'm guessing he probably can't talk?
shelldon is literally just a pet, as sentient as Icy or Buckle hguirugerhiughre
he's just a lil boy
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a really weird doggy
buckle and icy also have their owner's color hguierhger shelldon was a project by tiny turtle tot Donnie, they're VASTLY different from Meets :D
aww so Shelldon's been around for a while then?
yeah ! he's the family pet :) until mikey gets icy and raph gets super jealous and mad then reconcile with icy and hten get buckle
splinter was okay with shelldon because it's a robot messed up dog so he wasn't going to leave fur or poop eveerywhere splinter was less okay with Icy but got convinced and I mean if Mikey got Icy and Raph couldn't get Buckle that would have been extremely unfair
Splinter: "can you kids stop randomly adding new members to the family"
Donnie in hte back working on Meets, sweating
Leo, the only one without a pet: "can we get a pet mouse or something, I don't wanna be left out"
actually i think leo and shelldon would get along really really well like shelldon is the pet of both leo and don :)
icy has like different stages of melting, when she's straight out of the fridge she looks like a normal cat with fucked up stripes
Casey, taking something from the fridge: "that's a weird fucking cat"
mikey from the couch "that's a weird fucking family"
casey at the beginning of the show is just that one guy with common sense that's like "nothing here is normal"
"everyone here looks insane and it's great"
does Splinter get along with certain pets more than others? does he do the "no pets allowed" and then immediately become best buds with one of the pets fvgdffd
oh absolutely
it's hte Dad Thing ™️
Splinter : "No pets ):< they're dirty and leave things everywhere" Also Splinter : baby voice "oh that's my little angel, my adorable treasuuuure, yesssssssssssssssssssh yes you are"
Raph, holding Buckle: "can we keep it?" Splinter: "no" Raph: "please :((??" Buckle: doing the puppy dog eyes (which is impressive without eyes) Splinter: Splinter: "okay"
slow zoom towards buckle, little hearts and the fuzzy look appears, but it's just zooming into her fur
Splinter: "your puppy dog eyes face does not faze me" <- totally fazed by the puppy dog eyes face
Also unrelated to all of that I got a cool ask about like making different tmnt gens + cc interact and it's very cool but it's also stressing me out
I think they'd get along really well with the Rise crew
all the Mikeys would be immediately besties
esp the donnies since Donnie CC won't try to be like "actually I'm better because I can do things better" because of his self-esteem he's prolly just gonna be like "wooooahhhh you're so coooo and talented and amazing"
I feel like CC Leo and Rise Leo would get along great until Rise suggests pranking their brothers and CC would be like "why ???? Except if the prank is to shower them with love, affection and support, I don't see the point" and then Rise would short-circuit
CC Leo doesn't do pranks fjevfhe except like super nice pranks to his siblings. However Mikey and Donnie do. Raph doesn't do them often unless he has to get someone back about smth rjevfbe Raph is like "why prank when you can just look at thzm dead in the eyes and say mean things. Isn't that the same thing ? No ? I feel like it is."
i'm thinking about mikey and raph and i think there should be a whole ep dedicated to resolving their conflict, and that at some point (maybe after the big fight I mentionned there ijgreijuergg) it's particularly bad and Leo and Donnie are particularly worried about them and then Mikey drops a bomb in the moment like "I wish you weren't my brother" or smth like that and then he'd immediatly regret it but like Raph fled
and so Leo and Donnie get really mad at Mikey and leave to find Raph, leaving Mikey behind at the lair devoured by guilt and he talks with Splinter about it
but like the talk isn't like just calmly talking you know like Mikey is absolutely freaking out, he's like "dad I said something horrible and I don't mean it and I don't know why I said it, and I'm so scared" like he's a mess And on his side Raph is really hurt and furious but since he's alone and there's no video games he just takes out his anger on things and villains if they happen to cross his path, he just keeps punching and making people hurt like he's hurting, until there's nothing left to punch and he just starts crying. That's when Donnie and Leo find him and they hug silently
So after the raph rage moment, we have Mikey cuddling up next to his dad that's trying to calm him down. He's crying, he can't even speak, he feels awful about himself. And like, Splinter knows this is THE moment to lay all the hard truths his son couldn't see and he knows it's going to be brutal, and he needs to soften it a bit. Once Mikey is a little more calm, Splinter starts by talking about his obsession with the Gender ™️ and the pronouns and this kind of things. He explains that people, a lot of people out there don't see things like him, and they try to make him think like them. And the thing isn't to know who is right or wrong, but to understand eachother's point of view and find a middle ground. Forcing someone to act like you because the You is Better, isn't going to lead anywhere. And it's the same thing with Raph. Raph thinks differently, acts differently, but that's just how he is. The way Mikey acts isn't the right or wrong one. It just is and he needs to accept that. It's with the comparaison to people who refuses "pronouns" and "gender" that Mikey finally realizes what he had been doing to Raph. And like, as soft as Splinter tried to put it, that's still extremely violent and like a punch in hte guts. The guilt triples, he feels like he's going to throw up and cries even more.
Raph, Donnie and Leo are on a roof, shielding from the rain and talking more calmly about what happened, and reassuring Raph. Raph is unusually talkative and very vulnerable, still crying a little bit, explaining how he had been feeling lately, how he had been trying to close the rift that had been happening between him and Mikey but whatever he did was always wrong. He talks about how Mikey seemed to continually try to make him like him and that he tries to make his brother happy but it never works and it just makes him angry. He even talks about how he feels about Leo and Donnie and about their family and how scared he is to lose it all but he doesn't know how to say it. Leo and Donnie don't say much, just reassuring him when he's spiralling, listening. After a while Raph calms down and quiet down to his usual talk flow and they just watch the rain pass silently.
Back at the lair, Mikey has trouble accepting all the bad things he's done (but I just wanted my brother to be happy !! But it hurted him... But it came from a good place, maybe he'd understand ? No, this isn't his problem, he doesn't need to understand I need to understand.) but he's trying. He's mostly extremely anxious about his brothers who have yet to return, and how to apologize to Raph. He's pacing in the living room, muttering while Splinter is on the couch watching him silently. Then the lair's door open and Leo and Donnie enters, revealing Raph behind them that seems hesitant to go in. Mikey immediatly runs up to him and open his mouth but nothing comes out and he panics. He wants to say so many things but what if he accidentally hurts him again ? What if it's the wrong thing to say ? He tries several times and then the stress and frustration build up and he just starts crying, mumbling apologies and his brother's name. Raph finally steps into their home and the door closes behind him and he hugs Mikey tight. Mikey is surprised then quickly hug back, burrying his head in his brother's neck and continuing to apologize without actually forming any coherent sentences.
Mikey and Raph have a more long term conflict
Mikey and Raph's biggest problem and the cause of most of their fights is their inability to actually understand eachothers. Mikey is super optimistic and very positive and always want people to be happy and cool with eachothers and friends. He talks a lot and doesn't listen much. Raph is really reserved and snarky. He likes to tease and sometimes borderline bully but he has trouble seeing the line. He's not good at social interactions and try to stir away from them. He's a good listener but doesn't talk about his problems and would rather punch them out. The problem is that Mikey's hyper positive attitude makes him think that Raph's reserved attitude is a problem that needs to be fixed. That Raph sometimes insensitive comments once he is forced to be in a social environment is another problem that needs fixing. The problem is also that Raph tries very desesperatly to grow closer to Mikey but the only way he knows how to do that is to tease, which Mikey absolutely hates. So, it often clashes.
Of course Mikey doesn't realize he want to "fix" his brother, he thinks of it more as in "helping him flourish", but it's not really what he's doing
Mikey: "he just needs a little push :)!" Also Mikey: yeets Raph a mile away out of his metaphorical comfort zone
But like for him it's not that big of a deal, he doesn't see it that way and since Raph is reserved he doesn't vocally express how uncomfortable he feels, and physically he just looks a little bit embarassed.
he think he's doing the right thing
and since he's not very good at listening, he's not realizing what he's doing isn't helping at all
mmmmmm bad communication all around
they're trying but they just don't get the other ):
so like afterwards in the next few eps, Mikey and Raph are walking on eggshells around eachothers (just in the background, like details, it's not the main focus of any scene), being very careful to not upset the other and trying to figure out how to act normally while also not hurting the other. Eventually they figure it out, over time, organically, just Raph's teasing is more soft, whenever Raph doesn't want to be in a social moment, Mikey sometimes give him one of his comic books or go get the pets for Raph to hang out with... just a lot more respect from both sides. :)) growth !!!
as sad as it is I'm actually really happy with Mikey and Raph's relationship, it's one of the rare thing in Colorcoded that feels really fleshed out
question: do they have t-phones or smartphones like in rise
I KEEP THINKING ABOUT IT AND I HAVE LIKE NO CLUE I think they have nothing before going out for the first time on their own
what about both
they have a smartphone for everyday use and t-phones for missions
the t-phone act more like walkie-talkie, and can have a tracker to find each other and an alert button and stuff like that
that's actually an amazing idea ties back nicely to donnie's staff thing too
and Donnie has to tell his siblings every single mission not to take their smartphone because they are too easily trackable by enemies compared to their t-phones or something
Mikey: "but I don't have any games on my t-phone :(((, or internet :((((("
plus it's like actual warning for actual people like "if you go out on a mission [protest] don't take your smartphone because it is easy to track"
[the turtles about to leave for a mission] Donnie: "Mikey, what do you have hidden behind your back" Mikey, nervous: "Nothing" Donnie: "For the 100th time, just leave your phone at home"
Donnie : "In order to prove to you that your smartphones are too easy to track, I will now tell you everything you've done in the past month" Mikey : "Yeah but you can do that because you're smart, that doesn't count" Donnie : "Mikey our ennemies are smart-"
Donnie: "To show you how vulnerable your phones are, I could also pull out everyone's search history in like, a few minutes" Mikey, who has been looking up many many tutorials of pranks to pull on his siblings later : "Please don't"
I'd imagine Mikey would often get the Adhd Boredom™️ during long missions and would need his phone as a distraction
ohhh maybe his t-phone has like a game in it just for him
and like it's a co-op game they all have but Donnie put the function in just so Mikey wouldn't get the Itch ™️
at first it didn't and then Donnie decided to add some silent (emphasis on SILENT, for missions) video games for him
Mikey suddenly : "OH COME ON I WAS THIS CLOSE !"
dk if CC Mikey does a lot of pranks but that's the only thing that came to me
ohhhh he's the one that do them the most yeah
even if he doesn't go all the way i think he's spend hours looking up pranks just to see and get inspired
colorcoded Dr prankenstein
While writing MIKEY AND RAPH ep thing
you can make the anger build up with an internal monologue or something bhff "We could have died! What kind of plan was that? Of course Raph wouldn't think twice about putting us in danger, he never thinks things through because he doesn't care!" etc idk dvhdf that would imply Mikey thinks Raph isn't taking his leader role seriously which I think you did imply in what you wrote? do you think Mikey would have some anger towards Leo for letting Raph take the lead?
well i think he should if it was the only reason he was angry, but the fact that he doesn't even speak to leo about this like it's just Raph, Raph is wrong, Raph did the bad thing, like it accentuates how he's been acting, raph taking the blame for everything mikey finds upsetting he doesn't realize it but it's slowly what had been happening
maybe when leo tries to intervene like "mikey you need to stop" "I need to stop ?? No Leo, YOU need to stop giving leadership to a reckless idiot"
Donnie being the lil bro: "you know what, I think I'll let everyone sort this out and not intervene"
i mean donnie is very non-confrontational
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everytime any of his siblings fight imagine that he looks like that in the background because he do
does he still sometimes have fights with his siblings?
he really doesn't, he caves in really easily because he doesn't want to fight, and that's like a problem in itself colorcoded info here (modifié) he doesn't have enough self-esteem to go "yeah i'm probably right" or "yeah i deserve this" "hey donnie can you give me the last of these cookies you love so much ?" "ah... well I kinda wanted to eat it..." "aww, c'mon D, pretty pleaaase ?" "I mean yeah okay"
he would get in a fight, or in a prank or anything that means him standing up for himself a bit more, if it was with another of his siblings. Like if Mikey is like "hey let's not bring our bros their umbrellas", he'd be down. But if he was alone, even if he REALLY didn't want to. Heck, even if he was sick he would go.
it's also a bigger problem in the last part of the season, when he thinks they should focus on hte Krang but Leo insists to be on the Foot. And Donnie doesn't insist because he doesn't want to argue. so when he discovers how screwed they are because of the technodrome and how little time they have to stop them, he blames himself
Still while writing MIKEY AND RAPH (@calista-222 was a big help)
Mikey is being pretty ableist tbh (whether it's intentional or not), I'd mention that instead, he may have adhd but if he can't handle Raph stimming or not being good at socializing, then it should be said as it is instead of using a completely different but similar topic but if you do use it I would simply use a real example instead, like Splinter saying something like "Michelangelo, what would you say if someone used the wrong pronouns when referring to you?" and Mikey would obviously say he'd correct them, "then what if that person keeps using the wrong ones because they think they are right and that it's how you should be referred as?" (if think you see where it's going bddf) and then link it to how Mikey has been acting with Raph and how he was trying to change him etc
oh that is so much better than what i idd also yeah he's being ableist I should say the fucking word "Micheal my boi you're being ableist and htat's pretty fucked up."
I mean, it's not just about MIkey being ableist xD trying to change someone, neurodivergent or not, is still bad
and anyway splinter can't say the word because like to them neither raph nor mikey are neurodivergent like they don't even know what neurodivergent is
having a good day
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you're not transphobic my baby boi you're the opposite i'm sorry you're baby ! you're still all the other things at the moment tho BUT DON'T WORRY IT'S COOL !!!! you'll learn from your mistakes and admit you are wrong and you'll be fine and the most important thing is learning !! you're open minded and you only want the best for everyone (even if that led you down a pretty fucked up path)
Mikey: "I want to help people so much that when it doesn't work I try way too hard and it ends up in disaster"
that's actually pretty much the take i wanted with mikey
I wanted to like make being overly positive a bad thing, like he's being so Positive that he tries so hard to help, he wants to spread the positivity and the happiness but like he's starting to enforce it instead and like yea,,
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(art by @calista-222 )
Mikey : "I'm positive I can help my brothers be happy and their best selves :D" Mikey 2 years later : "I just told Raph I don't want him to be my brother anymore"
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me: "I will speedrun the line art" also me: procrastinates
me: "i will finish the text today" also me : procrastinates
mikey happens to take the toll on our procrastination
"you make artists and writers procrastinate, Michelangelo" Mikey: "what"
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this feels like a great meme template
new Mikey meme format just dropped
Mikey: "Next thing you're gonna tell me is that I'm being overly positive, haha" Everyone: Mikey:
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this is the funniest thing
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free the boi i need to work on the text
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sure isn't his day
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"you are hard to write, Michelangelo"
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Splinter: "Michelangelo, I want you to know that I am never going to give you up, I will never let you down. I won't ever turn around and desert you-" Mikey: "ARE YOU RICKROLLING ME"
Splinter coming into the room and breakdancing then leaving that's the equivalent
Mikey: crying on the floor Splinter, breakdancing softly: "what's wrong, son"
Still writing MIKEY AND RAPH :
"Sometimes when he gets excited he moves around a lot" suggestion: "Sometimes when he gets excited, he expresses it more physically than you and your siblings"
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"your brother moves around a lot when he's excited" "yeah i uh i can see that"
Casey: "hey Raph, I got you this new video game you've wanted for months-" Raph: vibrating in excitement Leo: "CASEY WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, HE'S GONNA LAUNCH HIMSELF INTO ORBIT-"
writing April meets the turtles for the first time :
has the media ever talked about mutants or anything before all that?
not yet ! Splinter and the boys are the first wave of mutants, so they're not public knowledge yet, there's not enough around to be noticed.
while I was trying to fall back asleep this morning I was thinking of a thing CC Donnie would do with his bros since he was a baby AND THAT'S LITERALLY THIS POSE. LIKE DOWN TO THE CHIN ON HEAD.
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(art by @calista-222 )
Just Donnie hugging his brothers from behind, and then putting his chin on their head and sometimes he’d fall asleep like that.
he started sleeping on his brothers' shell and when they grew up he just fell asleep like that sometimes
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how to be comfy for donnie : a full split and resting head on brother
they'd probably like spiderman dfgd Mikey: "when you think about it, Spiderman is kinda of like a spider mutant" Raph: "Mikey what- Raph: "Wait. you're not wrong actually"
the turtles answering like an ask that goes "do the turtles play pranks on each other ?" and it's leo, raph and mikey answering "yeah we play pranks but we try not to do any on donnie because he's got a soft shell" cut to one of the pranks where donnie get a water balloon in his face and mikey goes "HAHA SUCKER" and immediatly donnie's eyes well up and he goes "i'm a sucker ????" and he starts crying on the floor
Casey really doesn't like to be touched, it makes him feel unsafe. EXCEPT HIS SISTER AND DAD If the touch comes from behind/he didn't see it coming, his immediate reflex is to elbow/punch/jab the person touching. He can't control it. He was not physically abused, it's just his trust issues. The main crew work around that to make him as comfortable as possible. In tense situation he doesn't mind it as much, but it depends where/why/who Raph is okay with touch as long as he's the one initiating it. If he's not he feels very uncomfortable and if it lasts too long he feels a bit sick. Usually his family work around it by starting a touch (hug, grab...) and stopping midway and waiting for him to finish the move. It is how he expresses affection however, so he does initiate touch often. In tense situation tho he just gets yanked if needed. Leo is VERY okay with touch and will initiate touch WHENEVER HE CAN. If he goes without touching someone for an extanded period of time he becomes nervous and fidgety. It's his main love language. He wants to be caring, supportive and loving to his family whenever he can. He thinks it's very important. To express affection to Casey he often uses sign language as a replacement for touch and it works very well for both of them. Mikey really likes touching, but not at Leo's level. he expresses affection both physically and verbally, and alternates between the two often, or use only one if necessary. Donnie is okay with touch as long as it's not by surprise, it had caused enough incidents to make him nervous. April and Metalhead are cool with touch, without an actual opinion on it. They think it's nice.
it comes from what my dad and I used to do for uh. reasons. We have like this evening ritual where we hug after brushing our teeth (thinking of implementing it in colorcoded), but there was a time where we couldn't touch each other so he just stood like 2 feet away and reached out, and opened and closed our palms and that was the equivalent of hugging. So like I think that when leo wants to express affection to casey he just says the thing in sign language. To him, it's not verbal, it's a movement so it's like touching. To casey, it's NOT touching but it's affection, and he likes that. Like if Leo wants to pat his shoulder he'd just sign "pat pat" instead. That'd be the same level of reassurance for Casey as an actual pat for like Mikey.
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expressing affection in different ways my beloved
boundaries !!! respect,,,
want me to turn that fluff into kinda angst but not really ?
when in the beginning of season 2 Casey and the guy finally meets up again, Casey's first move is to run and tackle hug them all. and cry
the turtles when no-touch-guy suddenly tackle hug them : shocked stares raph, quietly : "what's happening" casey, bawling his eyes out
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he felt very alone and very lost big relief
like it's his way of saying "i trust you like family now"
the only people he's comfortable with touching him was his dad and his sister, and now also the turtles and april
i think colorcoded is lacking worldbuilding
that and like, not a lot of places are actually said so far besides the lair, and april's place
like at the end of season 1, new york gets destroyed, but why should anyone care, the viewers barely know anything about the city so it's not as impacting yeah i think it might be time to expand a bit XD like you know the one off villains in 2012 eps, they added life to hte world, same to minor villains in Rise colorcoded's world feels a bit flat and lifeless besides hte turtles rn
have an ep or two showing off April and Casey's life (with relevant plot of course) outside of the turtles Like that one ep in rise with April and Sunita, the turtles can still show up, but you can use it to show the city
maybe add a character like Murakami from tmnt2012
like, maybe have April have a teacher who's a little bit relevant to the plot for example? one teacher who's really nice and for example, some days April arrives to class super tired or hurt because she had been fighting some enemy and the teacher gets worried and she has to avoid questions
they can be a reoccurring character that's one example a reoccurring side character that adds a little worldbuilding but human, to have more worldbuilding on the humans' side
that or you keep it like that and simple lean more on the human characters you have like make Kirby more relevant, even Baxter can add a lot of stuff despite being a villain
baxter dies like 5 eps in
make up events
like, idk, an ep about a random book fair for example
i was thinking an highschool festival or smth and the turtles showed up in disguise to support their buddies
but yeah i do need to flesh out the human part of it a lot more. I think it's important for season 1 to get as much as human world as possible, and barely any mutant thing because it's going to be explored more in season 2. So i need just to make this city more alive with more stuff, human wise
steve is at first a background character that have throwaway lines about 2012 and someone with him would always say "shut the fuck up steve", sprouting a social media # called #steveneedstherapy, and later in the season becomes relevant as Casey's therapist in the beginning of season 2 he's also one of the survivor and advocate for the turtles
"hey wouldn't it be fucked up if like there were squirrels that'd could go into your mouth and reproduce in your stomach" "shut the fuck up steve"
CC Leo being an extremely supportive brother my ABSOLUTE BELOVED
Also I had completely forgotten about the whole Raph and Karai arc where they both went in bad directions except Raph had the common sense not to become a murderous villain (Shredder) like Karai did
Also Leo and Mikey having one single braincell when alone, beloved dumbasses (affectionate)
imagine like a super serious version of leo left alone with cc mikey for 5 minutes and suddenly he actually acts like a teen
cc mikey's power over all leos
IDW Leo, extremely serious: "Alright everyone, let's focus on the plan. But first, there the hell is the other Mikey?" goes to looks for him CC Mikey, in the kitchen: "hi :), sorry, I was getting everyone some sodas" IDW Leo, suddenly not serious: "I bet I can stack more soda cans than you" CC Mikey: "YOU'RE ON!"
oh this could be a great ground for angst
like imagine a very serious leo is left alone with Mikey and like, it cracks his "very serious and strong and mature" mask and suddenly it's just a teen, a kid, and all the burden falls back and he cries
CC Mikey: "Holy shit, you had such a shitty life dude, and you had to be so serious and mature for so long, I'm sorry" CC Donnie: "Can't you have any more tact???" IDW Leo, crying his heart out: "BuT hE'S RiGhT tHougH,,,,"
tbh it's more likely for Raph to be blunt than Mikey but yeah
Splinter: "If we were human, I'd have to have 911 on speed dial constantly, but since we're not, I have to ask you to please, please stop putting yourselves in danger over bets"
"hey Leo, do you think a chainsaw could go through my shell ?" "I don't know Mikey, let's try it out !"
Splinter: "NO-"
Mikey: "Leo, if you manage to do a backward somersault from this building to that other building I'll buy you a copy of Tanako No Ichi the game" Leo, 100% confident: "PREPARE TO LOSE, BROTHER" Splinter: "Leonardo, is your life really worth an old video game" Leo: "IF MIKEY IS PAYING FOR IT, YEAH"
Leo then proceeds to fall and Splinter had to casually catch him mid-air because he 100% knew it would happen Leo: "okay, maybe it wasn't such a good idea" Splinter: "think first, then act" Leo: "act first, then think" Splinter: "no"
Splinter : "Oh, thank god Metalhead, you are the savior I needed. You will be responsible, and mature, and watch over your brothers." Mikey : "Hey Meets, if you manage to do a backward somersault without using your robot thingies from this building to that other building I'll help you win against Raph in the next game tournament." Meets : :D!!! Splinter : "Oh no"
he did the same thing with Casey and he immediately realized he also was the same dfbhdfhdf Casey: "HEY GUYS, WANNA SEE WHO CAN EAT THE MOST PIZZA IN 30 SECONDS?" [everyone cheers] Splinter, head in his hands: "please please can I have at least ONE responsible child"
Donnie : "Oh no, don't tell me they're going to eat all of these at once ? I'm going to be the one having to clean up and help the belly aches ):" Splinter, desesperate : "Yes so you should definitely prevent it right"
Donnie: "Leo challenged me and now my honor is on the line, forget everything I said, I have a bet to win" Splinter:
splinter : "in retrospective, adopting a robot turtle, along with my 4 turtle sons and 2 human children was not the smartest move"
he literally has to take care 7 teenagers how is he surviving
he is not
Splinter: "I have been trained in many arts of combat, meditation, and more but parenting is by far the hardest I have ever faced"
Kirby : "Why do you keep adopting kids then ?" Splinter : "Well I want to protect them and keep them safe and help them have a good life and-"
Jong-Min : "I appreciate that you took Casey under your care but uh... You have a lot of kids, so why...?" Splinter : "I fucking love kids man."
Splinter: "Taking care of all of you has been and still is a very difficult challenge.... but I would not change anything about our life for all the money in the world, I love you all dearly and I hope you know that." Everyone: Splinter: "however if you could clean your rooms and do your chores every once in a while-"
Splinter: "You're giving me more gray hair than a man my age should have" Mikey: "but your fur is already completely white and gray" Splinter: "exactly"
Splinter : "Casey, April, you are part of the family as much as anyone else, and since you'll be living with us for a while in Japan, this sentiment is even stronger." April : "Thank yo-" Splinter : "That's why April, it's your turn to do the dishes and Casey, go get the laundry."
So still in the line of the brother "pranks" the bois do, remember, they avoid pranking Donnie too harshly or else he takes it badly ?
Well, they still do like stupid sibling shit, like taking the last pizza slice of Donnie's fav pizza and going "as your older brother, I need the food more than you to grow stronger", or when they need to shower, going past him saying "as your older brother, i need to shower first". So like not really pranks, but it's things that makes donnie mad, but it's cc donnie it's not like he was going to go "hey ):<" so he says nothing and he lets it slide
so like, imagine still the same ask "Do you guys prank each other a lot ?" (this would be a question before Meets shows up), and the older brothers would be like "Well we prank each other quite often, but not Donnie because he tends to take it personally." then the thing I said with donnie crying on the floor if he's being pranked THEN It goes back to the 3 "Donnie never pranks though, he doesn't have the guts for it." then it cuts to a smiling Donnie "I prank them all the time. They just never know it's me." cut to after the 'i shower first' thing, we see donnie scheming around the lock. When they go to brush their teeth like they do every night, all together, Donnie pretexts feeling tired and leaves first, making sure to close the door. When the bois try to leave to, they're locked in. They call for Donnie but assume he went to sleep. Donnie is on the other side of the door, smirking. "The thing is, they're just so convinced I would never that I could be standing there, with a water balloon in my hand, and they'd assume one of them put it there." cut to after the 'take the last pizza slice incident', donnie is scheming around his bros fav pizzas. He says it's a new pizzeria that just opened, and he bought it with his economy to thank them for [insert something stupid they totally believe here]. He didn't have enough for a pizza for him, but he was hoping they'd share. What they don't know is that Donnie poured a shit ton of laxative on there, and he has an antidote just for him. So they share the pizza. And the bois are super sick. Donnie pretends to be sick too and even gags to go first on the toilet. He then stays there for much longer than needed while his bros are dying outside. "I've been doing it for 10 years, revenge pranking, and they've never suspected me. I'm just too smart."
that last prank is a bit too mean to be just a simple nice prank imo tho
no you don't understand they stole the last slice of his favourite pizza do you understand how grave of a crime that is they needed to understand. to be punished. to regret their heinous crime. the shower thing is annoying
stealing the last slice ? Call the state police, lock them up so they can comprehend the horrible thing they've done. donnie was ANGRY. but he's VERY non-confrontional. so he just said it like that
Donnie: "I can excuse my brothers being assholes to me, but I draw the line at them stealing the last slice of my favorite pizza"
Donnie knows revenge when donnie get back at them, he get back at them on the same level of annoyance/anger he felt don't steal his fucking pizza
Donnie is this close to become a supervillain when he's angry Donnie: "violence is never the answer :), unless you deserve it"
but only quietly and in his corner like when he gets mad, he will not look mad because his self esteem is too low to believe he's allowed to be angry and talk back. so he just smiles and stays quiet and act naturally then he strikes when you expect it the least like 2 days after any incident that made him mad, he's standing quietly in the corridor with a knife while they're asleep
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Mikey, waking up to someone with a knife over him: "AAAAAAAAA- oh wait Donnie it's you, hi :), why do you have a knife?" Donnie: "no reason"
Donnie : "Go back to sleep, brother."
Mikey: "OKAY :D"
Mikey, watching tv: "Do you guys ever think about how weird it is that we get super unlucky after we prank Donnie or say something a bit too mean to him" Raph, next to him reading a comic book: "nah" Leo, watching tv too: "It's probably just a coincidence" Mikey: "It's weird I'm telling you. it's like, karma biting us in the back for what we did or something" Raph: "pshh, stop worrying about that so much, it's nothing" Donnie, in the shadows with a remote that'll blow up the tv in their faces: :)
Mikey plotted to murder Donnie after he couldn't draw him, and now Donnie plotting to murder all his bros because they are his last slice of pizza
On Meets' first birthday in the beginning of season 2, his brothers all gift them some kind of blanket made to fit around their shell. It makes their spikiness less of a problem for their siblings, and hides the NYC sewer hatch that was a constant reminder of their collective failure. Mikey's is cat themed, very furry, with a tail and a hood with ears. Leo's is in the shape of a box turtle (deep pink to fit Meets) Donnie's has a little pouch where Buckle, Icy or Shelldon could fit. Raph's is just black with an odd texture. Raph explains Mikey gave him the idea, it's a chalkboard texture so he can draw on it (since Meets always really liked Mikey's stickers and drawings but if they put it on their shell it can clog the opening system to release the drone thingy that can make them fly)
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hides the NYC sewer hatch that was a constant reminder of their collective failure. how what it a failure ?
the destruction of New York The Krang winning
it's literally made from NYC sewer hatches
I mean, yeah. but like, it's not like Meets can do anything about it, there are plenty of reminders everywhere but wanting to hide that part of Meets just because of bad memories sounds pretty unfair to them
it's mostly a problem for them than for their brothers. like it makes them feel really shitty about their body and themselves
lmfao yeah imagine "your shell remind us of bad things. hide it."
"happy birthday or whatever" it's the equivalent of going "here. take this toothpaste and chewing gum. your breath stinks and we hate it"
wait so Meets can sleep?
yeah it's one of the earliest fun fact about them : originally, they had a long during battery who required almost no charging time (sleep), but that meant that Meets was always awake during the night and bored out of their mind. Which meant they were really annoying and also messing with the house stuff and making noise. So Donnie made them a battery that would better match a flesh person rythm. so whenever they sleep, they're charging :)
since you were talking about pranking yesterday, does Meets prank their brothers? I think you may have said it before but I can't remember
i also can't remember if i've said it before but yea probably less than mikey leo and raph (or donnie lmao. they also don't suspect him), because they're less use to the entire family sibling thing. like it's just been a year. of course they're VERY used to it, but still less than the 4 others. I'd say they only prank back. they don't initiate a prank war, but just don't start it with them, they will strike back
Meets & Donnie "if you prank me, you will regret it"
"don't start something you can't finish" so like donnie and meets don't prank each other, and don't work together because donnie will Never Admit any of their older brothers, pranking them : >:) (modifié) meets : sh a m e.
ooh unrelated question but still CC related! Does Leo drink tea? in a lot of tmnt iterations, he seems to like drinking tea, idk if you ever mentioned that in CC
i'd say they all drink tea (except meets for obvious reasons lmfao). It is Leo's preferred beverage, whereas for Raph it's coffee (makes him calm), Donnie loves hot cocoa, and Mikey is a juice boy. His favourite is orange juice, but he also really really REALLY likes banana milkshake whenever they can get some
also i feel like i need to underline : meets doesn't hide THEIR revenge pranks
ok so, while they were napping/charging in the lair (plugged somewhere), Raph gets the idea to "whoops" trip over the cable and unplug meets. Which just wake them up. Of course they're like ):< i was having a nice dream ):<. Raph just snickers and apologizes and plug them back. Fast forward at night. 3 AM. Raph is soundly asleep. Suddenly his speakers starts blasting at full volume "NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP, NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN"
raph was like "hehehoho harmless short term prank :)" meets was like "TIME TO GIVE THIS TURTLE INSOMNIA"
Leo: "gee Raph, you look tired today" Raph: "I got loudly rickrolled at 3am and I think I lost some of my hearing from it, I sure wonder who could have done that" <- knows it's Meets Meets: :)
Donnie, sounding very much not sorry : "Wow I'm sorry Raph. But I sure am glad we soundproofed every room, individually. So you could suffer al- I mean so it didn't wake us all up"
Raph : "That sounded. Weirdly sarcastic coming from you." Donnie : "Ah, well. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the last pizza slice you took yesterday"
imagine if Meets is the only one who knows Donnie pranks them back in secret
like they walk in and donnie freezes and they stare at each other for a solid 5 minutes
so they can team up in getting back at their bros youngers siblings teamup
good for them they're bonding over pranks
also Meets being Donnie's self control dfbhf Donnie: "Raph stole my last slice of pizza, you know what that means...." takes out a chainsaw from out of nowhere Meets, lowering Donnie's chainsaw: "I think we should settle for a simple prank and avoid fratricide if we can help it"
well i was literally thinking that but in the opposite direction fear the day they are both unhinged and no one is being rational
Meets : "We could push them off the building" Donnie : "nO-"
Meets : "Come on, what's a 20 feet drop for a turtle ? They did steal your pizza..." Donnie : silently considering it
Meets: "just tell them to hide in their shells right before pushing them, they should be fine" Donnie: "I like that reasoning"
they are both acting as eachother's self control
one day they'll both be very angry and their siblings will better run when that happens
meets and donnie are like leo and mikey but on the opposite end of the spectrum
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a Colorcoded short where Leo, Mikey, Raph and Donnie are out (separately), and Splinter is at Kirby's, so they ask Meets to take care of the pets while they're gone. As soon as the door closes Meets turns around and the pets are gone. They panic, look all around the house, and doesn't find them. They go back to the living room and the pets are just sitting there. Meets slowly gets on the couch, staring at them. The pets are staring back. Suddenly Buckle moves and Meets jump to stop her, but miss and crash, and when they get back up they're gone again. They look around, suspicious. Something falls off a bookshelf, then there's noise in the kitchen, a door open and closes, horror vibes you know ? hezighfue Meets puts on big person pants and go investigate. When they get to their corridor with their room, with the blocked out end, they see it's slightly open. Their brothers had a lot of creepy story about this place, so Meets is nervous. They go in anyway, not reassured, looking around, using their natural body light to see. Everything is very dark and abandonned, and there's creepy cracking everywhere. They hear a big noise not far from them and they're sure it's one of the pets and gain back composure. They start confidently walking there but then hear a meow from where they come from. They turn around and all the pets are standing in the corridor in the house, looking through the hole. Meets freezes, realizing that whatever made the noise is unknown and probably dangerous. They slowly turn back to where they were going and there's two glowing eyes staring back. When they blink, Meets freaks out and run back to the house, straddling the pets and hiding under a cover on the couch, STARING to the corridor, whith all their weapons out and ready to launch. When their brothers return, they're just like "uhh you okay ?" and then the short ends hguerhigeur
mikey’s shell looks like a biscuit. I want to bite.
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you know how like Karai had a nanny take care of her when her dad was busy, and the nanny basically raised her, and when she turned into the shredder she 'kills her' for calling her "karai" and "sweetheart" OKAY SO I THOUGHT ABOUT IT
and what IF she was the foot equivalent of Bishop in term of informations ? Like, Karai tries to kill her, and dump her body somewhere but she gets saved by another member of the Foot and at some point the gang stumbles upon her and she reveals everything about karai they didn't know yet. like what happened to her, who she is, why she killed saki and stockman... and like she can't help them (she doesn't want to hurt the baby she raised and also she literally can't because i mean well almost dying wounds leave things behind). but she tells them everything she knows and wish them luck and that hope be by their side [16:01] i may or may not name her shinigami
slowly building a small group of human allies that will make a quick comeback end of season 1 and beginning of season 2 as like "they saved me during the wipeout »
so like you know how raph's main love language (like only love language) is touch ? only if he initiates it but like he can't express it verbally. And you know how Casey literally cannot be touched or he will elbow you in the eyes out of reflex ? yeah So like
i feel like past the Raph Awkwardness Phase ™️ he'd be very self-conscious of his inability to express affection to casey. He'd see Mikey tell him he's a great friend, Leo doing his sign language (if leo associates it more to touch, raph associates it more to talking so it blocks him), Donnie having the incredible privilege of sometimes being able to Touch in Casey 'my mental health is good enough' days, and when he can't, hang out with him and tell him that he loves him and cares about him. So he'd see all that and then he'd see how he acts where he hangs out, sure, but he wouldn't be able to make little reassurance pats or squeeze saying he cares and like he misses that, he wants to make Casey understand he really likes him and he's a friend and part of the family. But he doesn't know how.
So he'd overcompensate. Whenever Casey comes over he would always let him choose what he wants to do, when he can he give him tons of gifts of things he likes (sometimes things he made with Mikey's help), if he stayed over to eat, he'd always be the cook and make him his favourite meal and then STARE at him as he eats. He'd bake him cakes with like a big ol' heart in the middle of it (he'd write 'i love you' but he can't), make him cookies, walk him to the door... etc. and Casey would just be SUPER confused. He'd go over the others and be like "so uh... what's the deal with Raph recently ? Is he like... flirting with me or something ? If he is, someone needs to tell him he's terrible at it." The turtles would look at each other and be like "no we think he probably just wants to show you he cares. he's just trying way too hard and not sure how to do it." "Wh- why didn't you like tell him to stop or help him ?" "Ah, well, we would, but it's really funny to watch, and it doesn't harm anyone. Actually better than that, it showers you with love and care so it's pretty cool in our opinion"
(typo) babiefed ← about Meets
fed like a babie
fed like a baby : through the cordon ombilical
Meets: "I charge with a cord, and electricity is kinda like food for me, so-" Leo, holding Meets' hands to stop them from signing more: "imma stop you right there, I know you're gonna say something stupid"
i read the notification and it cut at "holding meets" and I immediately went "ah yes hold them like simba" in teh lion king
Leo, holding Meets like a cat, singing: "IT'S THE CIIIRCLE OF LIIIIIIFE"
Raph: "the fuck you guys doing" Leo: "reenacting Lion King" Raph, extremely confused: "why??" Leo: "We're just very bored"
Mikey is very into musicals he’s love this
I'd totally imagine Mikey singing disney songs at random and annoy his siblings with it
omg a colorcoded ep that's just a musical play organized by mikey and leo
question fbhf: We know CC Raph loves video games, but is he good at it? (cause, ya know, you can like something but not be a pro at it dfbhf) would Raph absolutely destroy his siblings at Mario Kart for example or would his sibs still have a chance at winning xD?
oh no no raph is very good at video games. His favourites are strategizing games but he suck at it. However he's excellent at fighting games, RPG, these kind of games. He's also very good at race games higerhuigre
do you think Raph would let his family win at video games when they're upset as a way to try to make them feel better,,
yeah, and he probably used to let casey win to show affection when he first started to hang out with them
then he went "okay i know you now time to annihilate you in video games"
Casey: "were you letting me win before??" Raph: "not at all, I have no idea what you're talking about"
casey before : smug because he was the only person able to defeat raph casey after : D:>
Casey: "HA y'all are just bad at video games, I win against Raph all the time" The others, who know: "enjoy it while it lasts :)" Casey: "what's that supposed to mean"
Casey : "i've been fooled. i'm been completely bamboozled"
random cc quote that got stuck in my head all day :
Leo : "Don't worry guys, we still have a ninja's greatest weapon !" Mikey : "Family ?" Donnie : "Hope ?" Meets : "ME !" Leo : "Wh- no what ? No ! No, blinding powder ! You guys are so mushy"
Meets and April are down for murder Raph is down for murder if necessary (would like not to) Leo would murder if he had absolutely no other choice and it would completely break him Casey is okay with stealing if necessary (is not down for murder) Donnie won't like it but will steal if absolutely necessary
Mikey have strict morals and he will go by it
Donnie would kill if you steal his last slice of pizza
yes but that's unrelated
Donnie: "I would kill you if you steal my pizza but I swear I don't condone murder"
Hye-Jin is so smoll,,, so baby,,,
also she gets along with raph best like when she comes visit she always run up to raph
all the turtles love her but she prefers raph :)
why does she like Raph? cause he's the most chill?
he's very good with kids
and she thinks he's so cool and fun usually meets is there too to help communicate clearly but when they're not they communicate anyway (since Hye-Jin only speaks Korean) a bit more rocky but it works
like if he plays video games with someone she's watching on his laps, if he walks around he's holding her in his arms, or she climbed on his back sometimes raph just plays around with her
raph REALLY likes kids
Casey, @raph: "don't you dare take my place as Best Big Brother™️"
casey is actually super happy of how well she's getting along with everyone, and that she's having a good time too when she visits
mikey however is disappointed he's not the cool turtle brother
he's trying VERY HARD, like baking cakes (taste horrible) or trying to make her toys, or pretty drawings and she really likes it !!! but she prefers raph
it's like "here hye-jin I made you this cool drawing !" and she's like : GASP !!! So cool !!!!!! And then walks straight to Raph to show him her cool gift and how cool the drawing is
Mikey: "WHY CAN'T I BE THE FAVOURITE FOR ONCE? :''(((" Hye-Jin, just chilling with Raph: :)?
leo, patting his shoulder : "hang in there mikey.... popular with people our age, and not with kids... rough times. Rough times."
Mikey: cursed with people having crushes on him despite him being aro and being not particularly popular in any other cases
does Casey and Hye-jin have the same bracelet on their right wrist? is that intentional? I just noticed it bhff
yeah siblings bracelet :)
april has one on her ankle too they just thought it was neat and made the same in black
also unrelated but i think leo would be down for murder if he had no choice
Leo: "I'm a pacifist but..." takes out sword
Yeah basically But only if he has absolutely no choice It'll make him sick to the core and he'll hate it and then himself and will live with the burden for the rest of his days but he'd do it if he absolutely has to
For example, Mikey could never, even if he had no choice, he just wouldn't be able to Like if one of Leo's family member or the entire family is in mortal danger and he has to kill this one guy to save them, he will. He won't like, he'll hate it, it'll disgust him, but he will Meets would kill someone that'd just threaten the family a bit too much. And then go get ice cream
Mikey: "It's okay to ask for help" Leo: "you're not a burden" Meets, April and Donnie: "murder is okay" Raph: "your feelings matter"
Also April has like more morals than Meets she's just VERY intense, just don't mess with her. She would never kill an innocent or someone that mispoke or smth, just don't fuck with her
Meets is a wild card Raph would be less traumatized than Leo if he had to kill someone. He'd 'take it better', carry the burden and go on with his life.
Donnie and Casey would never, unless on accident, like a wound a bit too deep Mikey literally cannot
Mikey: "You wouldn't lie to be on Donnie's side, would you?" Meets: ["I would never"] <- probably would
Splinter, with the turtle tots, struggling a bit to give them all attention : "I sure am glad I only have 4 kids to take care of."
fast forward 14 years later
Raph : "DAAAD, MEETS BLASTED DESPACITO IN MY ROOM AT FULL VOLUME ! AGAIN" Meets : THAT'S NOT TRUE ! THAT'S NOT TRUE ! AND ANYWAY IT'S BECAUSE DONNIE TOLD ME TO DO IT Donnie : "HEY DON'T DRAG ME INTO THIS !" Casey : "Mister Splinter sir, I think the toilet are clogged, should I call a plumber orrrr... ?" April : "Splint, I can't find my phone, have you seen it anywhere ?" Leo : "DAD ! MIKEY IS MAKING FOOD FOR DINNER ??? WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK CASEY ? OR ME ? OR LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE ??" Mikey : "PAPA ! LEO IS BEING SUPER RUDE AGAIN !" Splinter : "Mmmmmh." <- dead inside
also i will stick with the fact that Casey will call Splinter Mister Splinter sir even when they live together
Splinter every five minutes "please call me Yoshi or Splinter. or at least Hamato" Casey : "I'll try Mister splinter sir" splitner : "my fucking god kid"
Splinter afterwards "why didn't you get an umbrella to your brothers ?" Mikey : "Why didn't they just power through" Donnie : "Yeah like real ninjas do" Splinter : Splinter : "all of you are grounded."
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baileybuilds · 1 month
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wooooahhhh,. we didn't make a may 4th post (oops).
We are hopefully going to get a custom commander hat for our cat Maggie soon and I honestly just want to post cat pictures but I need some justification for doing that on our business social media.
In the mean time! Here is a cool piece we are planning on selling soon. It's a trophy case with Grand Admiral Thrawn's belt + badge + code cylinders. Pretty neat right?
Anyways, hopefully cat in cosplay pictures are coming soon... until then, may the force be with you (or something).
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biographydivider · 2 years
Couldn’t stop thinking about Agustín and his nearly-empty glass, so here’s a super quick fic to warm me up for a writing day tomorrow.
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You never would have guessed it back then, but Agustín “Glass Bones” Perez could drink his best friends under the table since, well, since they first smuggled a bottle of wine out of Doña Alma’s kitchen. He, Bruno and Félix had hightailed it up the hilltop that crested the Encanto, giggling and whooping and drunk on their own grandeur before the cork had even been pried loose. By the time they came back down the next morning, full of that very particular agony of being sixteen and hungover for the very first time, Gus has cemented his legacy simply by being the only one of the trio to have not puked into a bush.
Every wedding, birthday, every “wetting of the baby’s head” - Agustín was raring to go when Bruno and Félix were slurring their words and pining for the soft comforts of their beds. He knocked back drinks with an easy, practiced air, sliding his cunados a cocky look over the rim of the glass with a confidence that was never seen outside of the bar. Julieta swore her brother was spinning her yarns about his prowess; until Pepa’s wedding. Her clumsy, awkward Agustín - hair plastered to his head with rain, swigging from a bottle while he watched Bruno and Pepa yelling at each other - had swept her up into a bachata and, for once, didn’t trip over his own feet.
Now; age mellows us all. And three daughters in, Agustín hadn’t been on a bender in quite some time. But old habits die hard, and muscle memory doesn’t fade easily.
“Oh, Luisa,” Agustín was saying to his daughter across the breakfast table, as the family gathered for Morning Briefing, “I meant to tell you; Senor Moreno was asking after you yesterday. He was saying the donkeys miss you. Isn’t that cute? So I said to him, I said --”
Without missing a beat, Agustín raised his glass of passionfruit juice and, with one fluid motion, tipped two thirds of the contents down his throat in a single gulp. Slamming the glass down on the wooden table and running the back of his hand over his mouth with a practiced, performative wince, Agustín continued with his story, not realising the table had gone silent.
“So I said to him, I said --”
Down the table, his cuñados erupted into giggles.
“Wooooahhhh, Gus, slow down there, bro!”
“Y-yeah, that stuff’s strong, y’know? Wanna be careful you don’t get too much Vitamin C...”
Agustín tilted his head to the side quizzically. “What? What’d I do?”
Félix and Bruno caught each other’s eye. In a movement they perfected half a lifetime ago, they banged their own glasses on the table in unison.
“Uno, dos, tres....salut!”
They downed their own glasses of juice - but half of Félix’s came out of his nose, he was laughing so hard.
Antonio tugged on his brother’s sleeve. “Milo, what’re they talking about? Is it a game? I wanna know the rules!”
Camilo, who had obviously never snuck out the house with something stronger than water - no of course not, not innocent Milo! - looked up and down the table before giving an exaggerated shrug to nobody in particular. “No idea, buddy. No idea.”
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imaginita-est-omnibus · 5 months
WOOOOAHHHH holy shit they’re talking about Luke’s mom already?!?!?!?
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shit-talk-turner · 5 months
Did she really think we’d go” WOOOOAHHHH SHES SITTING AT THE PIANO??? SHES WRITING NEW MUSIC???🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️👏👏👏👏👏”?? Like whaaaaaa??🥴 bitch, please😒💅 no one bloody cares. Give us an Alex photo. Oh, but not THIS one again, jeez. Some GOOD one. What a useless wag, srsly
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