#working on Gyarados 2
moe-broey · 2 years
Was thinking about that vid actually and wanted to share it just in case anyone needed it! It focuses on legitimately obtaining Pokemon, but has some really useful and obscure tidbits that you may have forgotten about, and will be lost to time once the shop goes down.
Such as:
> PokéBank will become free to use once the eShop goes down, HOWEVER. PokéTransporter will NOT be available to anyone who decides to wait until PokéBank is free if they haven't downloaded it/subbed to Bank previously. Good news is, a Bank subscription is only $5 and even though you can't add funds with a credit card or eShop card at this point, there's still a way to link funds using your Nintendo account (vid goes over this detail!)
> Obtaining the Dream Radar Therian forms of Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus (also grants them their Hidden Abilities)
> Easily obtained Gen 1/2 Hidden Ability Pokemon via Transporter, plus moves exclusive to those gens (cannot be legitimately learned in newer games)
> Catchable Celebi in Crystal Version
> Mega Glalie (or Mega Steelix depending on your 3DS's region) from the Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire demo that can be transferred to the full games
> Ash Greninja (has the ability Battle Bond) from the Sun and Moon demos that can be transferred to the full game
The eShop is shutting down this month! March 27th! So if any of this interests you, make sure you have everything!
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One of my favorite patterns I've ever done, but working on this fabric was a nightmare 😅 It was my first linen and I think it was just slightly too loose of a weave. But I'm so glad I pushed through and it's so amazing finished! I made the shiny gyarados and magikarp in etoile so they're actually shiny!
Pattern: “Pokémon Great Wave” from XStitchCollective on Etsy, based on art by Missypena Fabric: 2x2 on 36ct PTP Dapple Linen Started: 2/16/2020 Finished: 4/7/2023
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coolshadowtwins · 3 months
The next step on my MDZS Pokémon au, with part 1 being here, we’re going back in time from the Juniors!
Rules that I mentioned- 1) Everyone has a team of three. 2) their started is the equivalent to their sword, and has their swords name. If they have a second, named weapon, then a second Pokémon has a name. Let’s go!
So the Pokémon protagonists that we will be following are, *Drum roll 🥁🥁🥁*
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Yep! It’s Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian!
So the story starts out with them only having an Eevee each. All three siblings got an Eevee, as the family got the eggs from JFM’s own Vaporeon.
The Jiangs own the water gym in the region, except JFM is also an elite four. So when the tournament season starts, and JFM can’t take gym challengers and instead has to take elite four challengers, who would man the gym?
The answer is Madam Yu. But her main team is not primarily water based, so she has to use gym Pokémon to match her husbands theme, which she hates. (I don’t have her drawn yet, so when I do, I’ll post her) She wants JC to take over, but he can’t with just an Eevee. So, it’s time for his Pokémon journey!
JC just wants to do his family proud, and get water types to take over the gym. He’s fully expecting to evolve his Eevee into a vaporeon. I had a little trouble, debating what other Pokémon to give him that felt JC, and if you can think of something better, please tell me! But I ended up going with Feebas, because I can only imagining him trying to fish up a Magikarp to get a gyarados (after probably episodes and episodes of trying and failing to get a water type) only to get a Feebas. And through ~shenanigans~ he has to keep the ugly, weak fish.
Of course, he doesn’t really know what it evolves into. Imagine his surprise later…. (I have a separate, older JC drawn up to show later)
I gave him a lotad, because you’re fighting a angry looking trainer that sends out a Ludicolo is hilarious to me. I don’t have an image of how he got that Pokémon, or when, but I do think it’s his last.
Now to WWX.
He got his Eevee, Suiban, at the same time as JC, when they are 10~ just a little after coming to live with the Jiangs. Side note here- I have no idea how his dog phobia works here. Is it a specific dog? Is it just dog Pokémon? I said before that Yiling is the graveyard town of the region, so maybe he’s just scared of Greavard. He was still on the streets after losing his parents, just like canon.
I think Zorua is his last Pokémon. I gave him that one purely because I felt it fit his vibes. I think he gets Drifloon when they pass through Yiling, to challenge the gym there. He actually had this Pokémon as a kid, and it got left in Yiling because it wasn’t in a ball. So when it saw WWX again, it just started following him again. I gave him Drifloon because of the Pokédex entries saying how it steals children! I felt that it was horrifying enough to work! JFM comes to find his dead friends child, only to find him living on the streets, with a Drifloon following him? Horrifying.
I think he gets his Drifloon before JC gets anymore Pokémon. Maybe he even gets his Zoroa before JC gets anymore Pokémon. This makes JC that much more desperate to catch something, leading to his fumble with the fishing.
I also don’t know which Pokémon gets to be Chenqing. I feel like, being the one got in Yiling, it should be Drifloon. But I think Zorua would be the ‘feared’ equivalent to the demonic cultivation. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Another thing that I imagine for WWX is that he had expected to take over the gym when JC, in the future, started completely taking over for his dad- gym and elite four. Like Madam Yu is doing. He fully expects to evolve his Eevee into a vaporeon as well, and had expected to get a team of water types to match. JC is not that happy when he ends the journey with the team that he has!
But it’s fine, right? He’ll just used borrowed Pokémon like Madam Yu does, and it’ll be no problem!
I was going to add a third to this post, but it got long! So I’ll add it in the next one!
Next time! The boys first gym battle, with (reminder) only an Eevee each!
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Big announcement time!
A lot has happened and even more is about to so I’m here to catch everyone up and announce something new!
To start: Over a month ago I held the first play test in the server with Nines, Slime, Chime, and Talai. It went really well! So here’s a rough overview of what happened:
Team Twoshot was tasked with finding a missing Volbeat and disabling a minor dungeon, named the Symphonic Glen, which used to be a stage for Pokémon to share their music with each other. Loudred, with his posse of 4 Whismur, took over the stage and pokénapped the Volbeat to use as a personal spotlight with her Tailglow, which gave him a +3 to Insight making his Echoed Voice even more dangerous. Plus each Whismur had a specialty punch move; Ice, Fire, Thunder, and Mega punch. It was a tough fight but Team Twoshot managed to bring the crew down and save the Volbeat, reuniting her with her lovely partner Illumise.
Nines played Heathcliff, a scarred male Gyarados with a purple scarf, well-worn but also well-cared for. Very much willing to let loose, but surprisingly careful about his allies. Particularly the ladies.
Talai played Slasher, a female Sneasel with some piercings. She has a rough exterior and personality who secretly has a soft side.
Slime played Demeter, a somewhat dainty and matronly Roserade with a penchant for drinking tea, and a distaste for unnecessary fighting. Has unique colored roses, one red and the other purple.
Chime played Tealight, a small but fearless Litwick. He's friendly if a bit creepy, and prone to jumping straight into battle for his teammates. Totally consumed with inflicting status effects.
We found a lot of things that needed clarification thanks to the playtest, such as:
Travel Points now allow you to move up to 2 tiles per point.
Which kinds of effects still apply on partial hits, most notably Lifedrain.
Fainting has been entirely reworked, which will be addressed at a later time.
General Movement, such as you can't move diagonally through 2 hostile Pokémon.
Lots of changes to Roleplay Actions, including a new feature called the Stamina Bar.
And a lot more that we've been working on!
In other news, we've finished our Explorers of Sky playthrough and have started Gates to Infinity! Team Soy Bois, led by Boi the Riolu and Wattson the Shinx, managed to save the world (with a single punch!) and now it's time for a team; Team Gorls, staring Fraisey the Axew and Brittany B the Snivy. I've actually never played Gates (no spoilers if you join us!) so I'm excited to see what happens. We stream most every Saturday at 6pm est and we voice the characters! Anyone is welcome to join and, if you're interested, you'll have a chance to voice a character too!
Another event that is just starting is Talai's Friendlocke! We will be playing through Pokémon Insurgent as a nuzlocke where each person participating roleplays as a member of the team, choosing moves in battle and strategizing together. Can these mons parent their kidnapped orphan trainer? Join us and find out!
So, what's next? Well, simply put, more playtests! There's still a lot of mechanics that need tested before this project is finished. This time, however, I will be taking a backseat. Instead, my co-creators Nines and Slime will be DMing, each testing different parameters with very different dungeon layouts, difficulties, and more. I will still be involved, just this time I will be observing the sessions and taking notes on anything that needs worked on. Below are brief descriptions of each DMs planned playtest:
Nines' Playtest:
The Coral Cape stars a ragtag group recruited by the Cutthroats, a roving pirate band. You're tasked with scouting out the titular dungeon, reporting back with any objects of interest, and - most importantly - looting anything you can get your hands on!
This playtest places low-level characters against a variety of situations,  primarily combat as well as some social scenarios.
Slime's Playtest:
Deep within the Iron-Soul Mausoleum, something has stirred, causing Steel, Rock, and Ground type Pokémon to become rowdy and dangerous. Several Explorer teams have ventured into the ancient crumbling ruin, but none have successfully cracked the puzzle and made their way into the central chamber.
This Playtest is testing the upper levels of character creation, dungeon based weather effects, as well as the maximum size of Dungeon layout.
Once the Alpha playtests are over we will be going over the entire system and reworking/finalizing as much as we can before the next stage; Beta test Oneshots. There will be a series of oneshots with the goal of giving as many players a chance to play as possible. If you are interested in being a part of the two alpha playtests or the upcoming beta oneshots please check out the Discord server.
And that's all for now! I will do my best to keep everyone posted but if you have any questions feel free to drop them in the comments and we will do our best to answer them. Thank you all for being a part of this project and for being patient while we figure out the next steps; your support truly means a great deal to me!
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potahun · 6 months
Do you have any WataMiku headcannons? I saw your art and now this is one of my fav ships.
!!! my watamiku agenda!!! is !!! working?!!!! <33
thank you so much, im so glad if my art could make you ship watamiku??
more than headcanons, i have a lot of scenarios, but they mostly boil down to what i wrote for this fic, so, that wataru: 1) doesn't flirt with mikuri; but 2) enrols him in spy missions in which mikuri always gets the beautiful spouse, beautiful lover role (and mikuri is so scarily good at the spy thing too); and 3) wataru is so serious about his g-man job, so damn serious, that mikuri finds him weirdly endearing / charming. the rest of the tsme gang is always there for these and daigo is always exasperated by wataru very politely asking him whether he can help pay extra-budgetary costs of missions. it's for the greater good, wataru says. g-men missions are for justice, and kanto funds arent enough (daigo believes (rightfully) that wataru is doing this strategically to cut down g-men expenses. mikuri finds all of this so amusing)
the pattern gets watamiku from mere 'i know about him and that he's a respectful champion', to acquaintances, to mikuri flirting with wataru and wataru not quite catching it, to wataru considering mikuri a friend and telling him once that 'i'm sorry i keep putting you in these situations during g-men operations. acting these roles may be a bit uncomfortable at times for you - i'm sorry' and mikuri is just ^^ 'you are a silly man' *takes off his shirt
they bond a lot over gyarados, mikuri has "water" sessions with him where they go to the pool or a lake and wataru practices a different way of using the strength of water types, by channeling their grace. mr hyper beam and the graceful contest master that is mikuri can complement each other so well <3
conclusion: i love watamiku, thank you for shipping them as well <3333
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wanna infodump about pachirisu?
hey anon i am kissing you on the mouth okay let's go
so, it's 2014. the pokemon vcg world championships is on the horizon.
enter Park Sejun. he went into the tournament as a favorite by a significant amount, having a 2nd place finish at worlds in 2011 and top 8 in 2012 and 2013 (all of which were within 3 games of becoming the champion) and dominating the south korean scene all year.
a lot of that was due to his team building. he consistently ran innovative teams that hugely shaped the meta. mega kangaskhan, for example, dominated most of the world, but sejun's answer to it meant it was not finding that same success in south korea.
the main narrative around him rocking up to the tournament with pachirisu is that he loved it so much, he was determined to make it work come hell or high water.
but that's not the full story. it was actually a fucking brilliant strategic choice.
i could go on a whole other infodump about the details of how the format being restricted to the kalos regional dex led to the specific conditions that made this possible, but i won't.
the important part is that Sejun saw mega gyarados being potentially in a really, really strong spot as the meta swung pretty massively right before worlds.
the only question, then, is how to support it, since it was still pretty hard checked by some pretty strong and popular pokemon at the time.
again, i could go on about the other pokemon he brought and how every single choice was incredibly well thought out, but this is about pachirisu.
stats wise, while it's offensively not great, it's surprisingly bulky, especially when compared to the other format-legal pokemon that could learn the move follow me, which was its primary role on the team. that redirect could be used to protect gyarados, allowing it time to set up dragon dances and all that good stuff.
but that's not the end of how incredibly strong a supportive pokemon it can be, especially if you're not prepared for it.
it also ran nuzzle, which does approximately 0 damage but paralyzes, which in gen 6 quartered the pokemon's speed, not halved it, and super fang, which, due to it always doing half the target's remaining hp, made pachirisu enough of a damage threat that you can't just ignore it. you've gotta deal with the little motherfucker, or you're gonna get fucked up. pachirisu also has volt absorb, further covering against the very strong electric types that were popular at the time.
and then, of course, was the element of surprise. many people at the tournament had never played against it competitively, and even those who had were likely to not know/remember that it can learn follow me, and failing to play around follow me can be absolutely devastating.
this is already pretty long so i'm not gonna break down his 2-0 win in the finals, but my god he made calls with pachirisu specifically that were incredibly intelligent and were absolutely crucial to his victory
tl;dr, Park Sejun is fucking brilliant, and with a series of some of the biggest brain choices to ever hit the vgc scene, both in team building and in-game, he wrecked shop with the little zappy squirrel that most people wouldn't even begin to consider for any team, let alone one at the highest competitive level.
also it's so fucking cute ^_^
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everynya · 22 days
[Intro] Okay guys, we gotta rap some Pokémon You just do the singing, I'll take care of the hard part Let's get it on
[Verse 1] I want to be the best there ever was To beat all the rest, yeah that's my cause Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran♂, Mankey Venusaur, Rattata, Fearow, Pidgey Seaking, Jolteon, Dragonite, Gastly Ponyta, Vaporeon, Poliwrath, Butterfree Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all Pokémon
[Verse 2] I'll search across the land, look far and wide Release from my hand, the power that's inside Venomoth, Poliwag, Nidorino, Golduck Ivysaur, Grimer, Victreebel, Moltres Nidoking, Farfetch'd, Abra, Jigglypuff Kingler, Rhyhorn, Clefable, Wigglytuff Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon
[Verse 3] Zubat, Primeape, Meowth, Onix Geodude, Rapidash, Magneton, Snorlax Gengar, Tangela, Goldeen, Spearow Weezing, Seel, Gyarados, Slowbro Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all (Yeah) Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all (Yeah) Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon See rap shows near New York City Get tickets as low as $30 You might also like Sharpest Tool Sabrina Carpenter Taste Sabrina Carpenter Bed Chem Sabrina Carpenter [Verse 4] Kabuto, Persian, Paras, Horsea Raticate, Magnemite, Kadabra, Weepinbell Ditto, Cloyster, Caterpie, Sandshrew Bulbasaur, Charmander, Golem, Pikachu
[Verse 5] At least one hundred fifty or more to see To be a Pokémon Master is my destiny Alakazam, Doduo, Venonat, Machoke Kangaskhan, Hypno, Electabuzz, Flareon Blastoise, Poliwhirl, Oddish, Drowzee Raichu, Nidoqueen, Bellsprout, Starmie
[Interlude] Woo, we're at the halfway point, doing great so far We, what's all this "we" stuff, I'm doing all the hard work Breaktime's over, here we go!
[Verse 6] Metapod, Marowak, Kakuna, Clefairy Dodrio, Seadra, Vileplume, Krabby Lickitung, Tauros, Weedle, Nidoran♀ Machop, Shellder, Porygon, Hitmonchan Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all (Yeah) Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all (Yeah) [Verse 7] Articuno, Jynx, Nidorina, Beedrill Haunter, Squirtle, Chansey (Pokémon!) Parasect, Exeggcute, Muk, Dewgong Pidgeotto, Lapras, Vulpix, Rhydon
[Verse 8] At least one hundred fifty or more to see To be a Pokémon Master is my destiny Charizard, Machamp, Pinsir, Koffing Dugtrio, Golbat, Staryu, Magikarp Ninetales, Ekans, Omastar Scyther, Tentacool, Dragonair, Magmar
[Interlude] Whoa, catch your breath man, shake out those lips It's downhill from here, just twenty-four more to go Now it gets tricky, so listen real good
[Verse 9] Sandslash, Hitmonlee, Psyduck, Arcanine Eevee, Exeggutor, Kabutops, Zapdos Dratini, Growlithe, Mr. Mime, Cubone Graveler, Voltorb, Gloom (We're almost home!) Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all (Yeow!) Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all (Huh!) Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon (Yeah) [Verse 10] Charmeleon, Wartortle Mewtwo, Tentacruel, Aerodactyl Omanyte, Slowpoke Pidgeot, Arbok That's all, folks!
[Outro] Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all Ooh, gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all Ooh, gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon!
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katbug666 · 21 days
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Pokémon DND Session 4:
Spectreon, the eeveelution I saw after captured the team rocket member, and all my pokemon went to enter the laboratory. Spectreon went through the door, I wasn't strong enough to open it so Tedster (Teddyursa) did.
There was another door that was locked. I took the bobby pin out of my hair and picked the lock. I entered the room and there was a bunch of giant screens and a console with a rolly chair in front of it, I sat down and tried to turn it on. A past video of a sandshrew in the lab appeared. A man with a mask entered the room with a syringe. He injected the sandshrew and then it writhed in pain on the floor. The man beat it in the head with what looks like a mace until it was no longer moved. I told my pokemon to look away. Half of them didn't (teddiursa, plusle, and eevee). The other eevee and spectreon also don't look away. Many videos of the same situation with different pokemon play, but only in a small number of them the injection seems to work, the first is of a magikarp, who's spirit rises looking like the flesh has been striped away, in another, a cubone had a dark smoke surround it after death, revealing its spirit, with a wisp of a ghostly tail at the end and it even looks creepy/ ghostly. There was a two ralts who were injected that were both successfully turned into ghost type pokemon. There was a room with 3 tyrogue, 2 were brought back. A crying person injected a bulbasaur, they beat it to death but seemed sad. the bulbasaur died and came back as a ghost type bulbasaur with a jackolantern on it's back instead of a flower. The bulbasaur started crying and killed the scientist. An eevee was injected with the serum and it died, it looked like a failure so they proceeded to try to inject the second eevee but the first willed itself back to life through evolution to protect it's sibling and became a spectreon. There was a small child... they injected and beat it to death and a pokemon, wisprit, rose. A snorlax is transformed into a ghost type, with a creepy big mouth on its stomach, and goes on a rampage. It cuts the camera feed.
I ask spectreon if that was them and they nod yes. A man wearing a lab coat bursts in, he throws out what looks like the ghost type snorlax from the screen. It attacks, all my pokemon spectreon and the eevee fight back and it goes to sleep. The man throws out gyarados. We fight it for awhile. The snorelax wakes up and we knock him out but a cloud of smoke appears caused by the gyarados and all 3 dissappear.
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3038: Aerodactyl (Neo Revelation)
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Aerodactyl wasn't going to win any awards for attacking, as it was really just going to coin flip to be able to do anything there no matter how nice the effect there was. It was a very interesting Pokemon Power that gave Aerodactyl a role, as any Pokemon (not named Kingdra, which did it on its own) could access attacks from their previous forms. While most Pokemon would have no interest in this, there were a few that had a chance to make this work. Whether that was going to be enough when you had to evolve from a Mysterious Fossil (or, in the earlier parts of Rocket-On, flip with Fossil Egg) was more of an open question.
60 HP was rather poor for a Stage 1, though at least it was still ahead of the output from things like Steelix and Dark Feraligatr. The Grass Weakness was a problem in a game with Crobat in it, and even in Neo-On you'd run into Meganium and the like. The Fighting Resistance wasn't quite as notable, but it was still nice to be able to block Tyrogue even if Aerodactyl wasn't really going to be the focus for attacks in any of these cases. The Retreat Cost of 2 meant that keeping something like Warp Point around was a good idea if possible.
Prehistoric Memory was the entire reason to run Aerodactyl. It let all Pokemon in play, including those of the opponent, access any attack on Pokemon it evolved from. Energy costs were still required for these attacks. This did have a lot of competition from Recall in Rocket-On and Memory Berry in Neo-On, and in most contexts those were better. Aerodactyl did have the advantage of evolving from Mysterious Fossil, which let it slot in decks with Kabutops. Since the most common partner for Kabutops was Steelix, using Aerodactyl could let a heavily damaged Steelix use Rage from Neo Genesis Onix to get a huge KO if needed. If you still wanted to pair this with other things that weren't as fitting, Giovanni's Machamp had some use for a similar strategy.
Fly did 30 damage for 3 Colorless Energy and also had a coin flip. A heads flip meant all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Aerodactyl on the opponent's next turn were prevented. A tails flip meant that not even the damage on this attack happened. The risk was just so high that it probably wasn't worth it, even if avoiding all damage for the turn was really nice if you didn't run into a Warp Point or Double Gust.
Aerodactyl had a small niche, generally alongside Steelix to get that Rage attack off in a few spots. Steelix really wanted Gold Berry to use Rage then heal some damage against weaker Pokemon or Focus Band for a chance to survive a bigger attack right after. Aerodactyl didn't fit in quite as well elsewhere, but if you wanted to use it instead of a Trainer with Crobat (for Poisoning a Steelix) or Giovanni's Machamp (for another Rage style attack) you could. The same went for the generally worse Gyarados in Legendary Collection. It was, at minimum, a fun thing to play around with, giving access to extra attacks for Evolved Pokemon.
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
how many pokemon are in your dex, and how many are original? i’m unsure of how many to make lol
It’s actually a kind of checklist I go through:
What are my starters/starter evolutions?
Obligatory inclusions: every region has a Pikaclone (some kind of mouse with circle cheeks), a low-level wild bird, a low-level bug (usually with a cocoon stage), 2-3 box legendaries, some kind of minor legendary set with a matched theme, a pseudo-legendary 3-stage dragon, and a mythical.
Figure out what country/area you’re basing it on, and look up the area’s culture, see what sticks. For example, there’s a superstition in Poland that a squirrel on the roof means a fire’ll happen. So I made a fire-type, smoke-based squirrel.
Look at native animals to the area. See if you can mix these with the cultural things, and think of what type they would be in your head.
Work in the theme of your game as much as possible. If it’s time, make clock or ancient pottery Pokémon. If it’s volcanoes, use igneous rocks or those pine trees that only release seeds during a wildfire. And if your Pokémon versions have opposing themes, try to make equal amounts for each theme—those are your version exclusives.
With all of those done, NOW you start on including past Pokémon. They should fall in either the realm of “seldom used” or “I really like these,” ideally both. For example, I added in Comfey, because it’s only in Alola and the Sword/Shield DLC.
Add in the Pokémon that always show up—Magikarp, Ditto, the Eeveelutions, etc.
With established Pokémon, try to make a few regional variants that fit either your base country’s culture or your overall theme. I’ve got a Fire/Ground Skiddo and Ice/Normal Wooloo for Summer and Winter, and I have a variant on the Oddish line that makes them more poppy-like. Vileplume is modeled after a poppy, Bellossom after a Polish wedding crown.
If you get any other good ideas for variants, toss them in! I’ve got an Electric/Water Magikarp that turns into an Electric/Dragon Gyarados, because it sounded cool. Go for it!
After ALL THAT is done, take stock of how many types you have, and start adding Pokémon from past gens that fit the types you’re lacking. Try to keep your Pokédex between 150 and 200 total—Kanto was 151, and Hoenn was 202.
Tweak whatever types you have too much of/get new ideas for.
Then you’re done!
To answer your question, my Pokédex (margin of error for one or two, I just counted these by hand) has 159 entries, with 76 being totally original, and 20 being regional variants of established Pokémon.
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sunkensymphony · 2 months
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So I have been feeling this yearning for years to recontinue my Soul Silver nuzlocke.
But here's the problem...
I lost the save data, and all my journal entries to Yami's Adventure. So I have nothing to work with. But I really wanted to complete this story, and really, revamp it, soooo... 
It's time for the dearly beloved REMAKE! (Funny because Soul Silver is a remake.)
But anyway! This Nuzlocke comic will feature the same character -- with a few tweaks. Different design and different name, but she embodies the same archetype. (You'll see what I mean soon. Very soon.)
Here's the ruleset I'm using:      1. Catch only the first Pokemon in each area. 1a. Pokemon of the same species/evolution line will not be captured unless said Pokemon has died.         1b. Shiny Pokemon can be swapped in for the Pokemon caught on the route they were encountered on.         1c. Gift Pokemon are allowed.         1d. Trading is allowed, but only for the purposes of evolution. Additionally, trading with NPCs is allowed. 1f. Storyline Pokemon like Sudowoodo and Red Gyarados do count as encounters. That being said I will not be using Legendary Pokemon.   2. If a Pokemon faints in battle, it is pronounced dead. No exceptions.     3. Battle Style is Set. Switching Pokemon uses a turn.     4. I can only use the amount of Super/Hyper Potions that my opponent uses. (This is going to be 2-3 for Gym Leaders. And the Adventure Begins AGAIN!
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sk8termikey · 5 months
Chapter 5 of 21 Questions
better interface on wattpad
  Lily and Alex were now finding themselves in Jade's living room, where they all gathered there with Lucas to play board games. Following their shifts, it was some well-deserved quality time together beyond the workplace.
While playing, there was some food on the table and as Lily took a nugget, she couldn’t help but think about Matt. For the past few days, she hadn’t been able to take him off her mind, thus leaving her friends curious about the cause of her distraction – they knew not to ask her as she would definitely tell them at one point. Lily had never been used to making friends so this was a major change in her life as she never expected to feel attached to someone so quickly. It had only been a month and a half since she and Matt started talking, but the feeling of creating a bond with someone was honestly special to the girl.
          Following several hours of Uno – and Alex winning almost every round, they grew somewhat weary of the game and collectively agreed that it was time for everyone to depart; especially since they all had work scheduled for the following day. The only exception was Lily, who had chosen to take a day off. Consequently, the two girls bid farewell to Lucas and Jade before making their way back home.
As Lily was driving, she observed Alex who had fallen asleep in the passenger seat – it was to be expected given that it was nearly midnight, and both of them were drained from their long day at work. As they neared their destination, Lily received a text message but chose not to divert her attention from the road. Instead, she decided to wait until they reached their destination to check the message since they were almost home.
When they arrived home, Bernard was waiting for them. The cat couldn’t care less about where they had been – it is a cat – but the way he was sitting right behind the door made the girls giggle a bit as Bernard looked like he was scolding them for coming back so late. After petting their beloved pet, Lily and Alex both went into their respective rooms to have a shower and get changed. 
A dozen of minutes later, Lily was finally able to check her phone and saw that she had received a text from Matt – it being so late was usual for them now as they were both free mostly during the evenings. As it often happened recently, a text from Matt was enough to make a smile appear on Lily's face. She reminded herself that it hadn't been long since they started talking, but their blooming friendship was already cherished by Lily, who was enjoying the unusual change in her life.
Good you're awake
Guess which pokemon i caught today
Ooh it should be a good one
Sounds like a good one
Do I even get some hints??😭
Like its type at least
Yes my bad😅
1st hint: water
2nd hint: it's huge
That's what she said-
I have gyarados in mind
I know it's easy to find one in the DS games but maybe pokemon go is different
Drum rolls
It is…
A wrong answer
I wish i could have one tho
Wait i know then
Those were my only 2 thoughts tbh
I know wailmer is also easy to catch on DS lol but ig they changed all the capture rates
Probably bc some pokemon as hard as hell to catch and they don't look like they should be
I'm just glad I can catch them while driving because I don’t actually have that much free time to go wander outside everyday
I still can't over that thing of yours
If i ever play pokemon go, I might have to buy one
It's honestly the best gift my mum has given me
But if you ever play, please tell me
I should find my 3ds and flex some of the pokemons I have. Some you'll never have for example👀
That's a bit mean 
But I do kinda want to see rare pokemons even if they’re not mine
Yayy I'll let you know when I find it
Expect to cry from jealousy in the next couple of weeks haha
Oh that reminds me
I'm leaving tomorrow on vacation
For a couple of weeks actually
Might not reply often…
Bro it's fine dw
Is it like school holidays rn?
I honestly have no idea how school breaks work nowadays
I finished school almost 2 years ago???
You do remember I'm 19 right?
Ye ofc but maybe you're in uni idk
Which you aren't obv
No I'm not, I'm working full time
It's just a vacation to celebrate my friend's birthday 
That's so cool to do smth like that
I hope they have a great time!!
And you as well ig
I really hope as well, she's one of our closest friends and she's turning 18 so major celebration
The emojis
You also work?
Yes, with my best friend!
Uni isn't your thing either?
Nope :))
I had thought ab going at first bc of social pressure yk
Society telling us to keep studying for 10 years then having a job until we fucking die😃
But then I realised I should do my best to find what I actually wanna do
And I'm pretty happy now
That's great
I'm the same way I'd say, my brothers and I knew we wanted to work together and none of us was really keen on going to college 
I love that for you
Can I ask what you guys do?
Damn fuck what do i say
Ig we're in social media?
You sound unsure😭
Sorry if it was too personal
No no, it's fine I think
I work at a café/bookshop
Literally my 2 passions united
Sounds real good
Look at us being fulfilled adults
Omg I just remembered
I have an anime to watch
What is it?
You want to stop talking to watch it?
Oh no dw!
I can watch it tomorrow honestly, I’m off
And it’s demon slayer, one of my faves<3
The episode was out on sunday so i’m already late to it lol
Do you watch anime?
Not really, but I may have watched a couple as a kid
Couldn’t tell you which ones honestly
But on the same subject, i’m quite a nice cartoon fan
Children cartoons >>>
What would my life be without them
Pokemon and cartoons are now our main common points
Which are some of your favourites?
Hmm lemme try and make a top 3
I feel bad to have an actual order bc they’re all my babies
Star vs the forces of evil
Idk if I ever heard of it but it sounds nice
Then I have miraculous ladybug
Wait i think i know that one
Is it like the french heroes?
It’s still made for 7yo kids so the plot goes w that but they’ve been trying to appeal more to young adults now bc we’ve all been watching since middle school lmao
Bonus is I keep my french up to date
You speak french??
That’s such a talent
I’ve taken classes in hs and ig i liked it enough to keep learning by myself
But i know I’ll have a hard time if i ever manage to go to France
I’m sure you’ll do great!
Will i keep discovering talents of yours?
I have lots😎
That’s not true lmao but yeah we’ll learn more ab each other
We have time :))
Good to know :)
I need to know the last cartoon tho
Might be a good rec for me
Oh yes ofc
Gravity falls
And special mention for shera and the princesses of power
Those 4 hold an important place in my heart
Ok rewind
Should i be worried ab your reaction?😭
Omg no
I just wasn’t expecting you to mention it
I LOVE gravity falls
Dipper my man
I’m so happy
My friends like gravity falls as much as an average person haha so it’s so cool to have someone who’s a big fan like me
Mabel my girl honestly
Her collection of jumpers>>>
She does have an awesome closet
Dang i want to rewatch it now
Me too bro
Gonna open disney+ tomorrow
Fuck if i wasn’t on the plane tomorrow i would def suggest we watch it together
Noooo :((
Another time🤞🏻
Still gonna watch a few ep tomorrow tho
You’ll tell me which one you watched
Ofc i got you bro
Not wanting to be rude but my brothers made me realise I need to pack💀
I kinda need to leave
No worries!
Have fun on your trip and I hope your friend will enjoy it as well
Thanks, talk to you soon
Yess, bye :))
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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this is so silly but seeing starter headcanons reminded me of my own and it’s really silly tbh
it’s hard to explain in full without just absolutely infodumping about how i think Lance’s family dynamic works and every detail about them but i PROMISE it’s all connected in some meaningful way. and if i infodump anyways? im so sorry 😭
but ive always headcanoned he raised at least one of his Dragonites from an egg, but it wasn’t his first. my headcanon is that his first Pokémon was actually a magikarp when he was a wee small child on his birthday. to get into the fam dynamic for a moment, my headcanons are whacky but im the captain of this ship and im going down with it. his mom was a blackthorn dragon trainer and his dad was a random flying specialist and delivery guy and yada yada you know how the rest goes. but the parentals decided the best way to bring themselves together for such an important gift was to give him an almost-dragon with a flying typing thrown in it. but maybe not tell little baby Lance what he’s in store for right off the bat. too young to realize magikarp —> gyarados he was not too thrilled about getting Some Fish as his first. dad would always say though: “be patient little one! you’ll understand soon enough”. and it was a STRUGGLE (no pun intended[?])for the longest time Little Lance struggled hard to make any sort of progress. tragedy struck before the magikarp could evolve which takes Dad Man out of the picture. but when the magikarp finally evolved it was like everything clicked and made sense for Lance, for once things made sense. The gift that kept on giving with some love and patience, and I’d like to think this sort of “exercise” taught him what unconditional love meant at such a young age <//3. so in my messed up world, Lance’s oldest Pokémon is the (blue) gyarados!
bonus: this made the red gyarados event hit home way harder than ever, and boy did it hurt lance to see that since he has such a profound soft spot for magikarps and gyarados (bonus bonus(??) if he reacts poorly to people even joking about mistreating a magikarp even in the slightest)
bonus x3: before Lance’s first magikarp evolved, he found out how to make roses out of it’s shed scales and would give these “scale flowers” to his mom to try and cheer her up because that Tragedy really really got to her. little guy was trying his best.
SO SORRY FOR THE LONG RAMBLE ive been thinking about this for almost 2 years it’s actually insane. —🐌
I'm totally with you anon, Lance brain dump is an addiction, but I'm all here for it. 💪
But anywho, I ADORE this idea!! Lance always reminded me personally of a strong, fierce, Gyarados, but where does a Gyarados come from but a weak frail Magikarp? Lance never strikes me as a "prodigy" child, however, one who suffered immensely and had to work so much for where he is now.
Your idea of his parents being there for him and then half of them being suddenly taken away, (hey btw what is THE TRAGEDY? 👁 ), must've been so rough for him and I can only imagine the stress in his trainer life only became more difficult.
Also, Scale Flowers are soo sweet aaaah. <33
Gyarados will always be Lance's most personal Pokemon to me. They just have so much in common man. :')
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charlieslowartsies · 6 months
2 and 4 for the tattoo ask :D?
2. What is your favourite tattoo you’ve gotten?
FUCK ok while it's hard to pick between the lot of 'em...and while I definitely tend to love the most RECENT tattoo I get (before I stop 'seeing' it and becomes one with my body, but still loved) I gotta say...
Prolly my parents handwriting. My dad died suddenly in 2022. I was 29 and didn't take it well, but I had gotten lucky and had him write down what I wanted 7ish months prior.
Every night when I was in highschool, with a long streak of self-harm and suicidal issues going on, he started telling me "Good night, see you tomorrow." as I passed him in the kitchen while he stood there doing his BG's.
I don't know if someone (my therapist, my mother) if anyone told him to say that. He just...started it. But it worked. It worked until I left for college, and by then I was more stable. He still said it, since by then it had become habit I'd imagine.
So even though he's gone, I still have him to tell me "good night."
My mother's is "good morning." Sunrise always comes after nightfall.
4. What is your dream tattoo?
Aaaa an easier one! I'd have to say Neon Cthulu and my haunted house were my dream tattoos. I think my current dream tattoo would be a perfect looking Starmie! He's one of my favorite pokes. Although my sea serpent tattoo will be gyarados inspired, I just straight up want a purple, gorgeous Starmie tat so bad! My current artist says they might know a great artist who does fab pokemon style so I might need to hit them up!
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a-land-lacking-sleep · 7 months
Electric Trains are the Future Extra: Akari's Team post-PLA
After gaining the Champion spot in the Sinnoh Pokemon League, Hikari Mifune worked to defend it for over 2 years from aspiring challengers, trainers who thought she had won on a fluke, and even the previous Champion. So it came as a heavy surprise when she disappeared suddenly in the fall of 2021, leaving her Pokemon behind.
In the year 1871, Professor Laventon meets with a young girl who claims the name "Akari", and over the course of several months, she forms a team that solidifies her as the Champion of the Almighty Sinnoh.
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Ember - The starter that she helped Laventon recapture, Ember has been a constant companion to Akari. Even before her evolution to a Typhlosion, she acted as a mediator of sorts within the team, being the one to remind everyone of their common goals and keeps friendly squabbles friendly. She also has been a major help in keeping Akari calm through her time in the past. As with the next two Pokemon, Ember is named after a challenger that Akari had met as Champion, who was a Fire-type trainer. (In real-life, I purposely stole the name from @waywardstation. She has yet to forgive this transgression)
Skylar - The most Bird that has ever Bird, Skylar was the second Pokemon Akari caught in her time in Hisui. A caring but assertive personality, Skylar is known to perch behind people and preen their hair and clothes to her liking, a habit she's had since being a Starly. As with Ember and Iona, Skylar is named after a challenger during Akari's time as Champion, who had a shiny Staraptor on his team.
Iona - A Gardevoir that Akari had met in the Mirelands fully evolved while having a rough day. The Pokemon had stuck close to her, and worked to make her day easier by removing obstacles, soothing agitated Pokemon, and even helping to calm Akari's mood. Iona has done similarly since, doing her best to help this lost child that she found and befriended. Iona is named after a repeat challenger that Akari got to know outside of the League due to school.
Yama - Oddly for a Snorlax, Yama is notably the runt of his litter. With a shiny blue pelt and 4'3 standing height, Yama is the second shortest on Akari's team. Akari had met him in the Fieldlands taking a nap, and decided to lay down next to him on a whim and napped with him. When the pair awoke, she asked to capture him and he didn't say no. Conscious of his own height issue, Akari decided to name him Yama to remind him that while he may be physically short, he still has the strength of a tall mountain.
Oroshi - If Yama is the world's babiest Snorlax, Oroshi was the world's most monstrous Magikarp, seemingly larger even than other Alphas of the species, with the temperament of a Gyarados before he even evolved. By the time he evolved, though, Akari had worked with him on his temper and he's able to move through Jubilife Village without moving a single person out of his way. Akari decided to name him after a strong downward wind due to his ferocity.
Kuu-chan - Somehow, Kuu-chan is even more of a baby than Yama. Being caught almost the minute Akari arrived in the Mirelands, just like Zeal before him, Kuu-chan decided not to evolve for several months. In his case, he evolved the day that Volo requested to meet Akari on the mountain. Originally, Akari was calling him "Kumaru", a portmanteau of "Kuma" and "-maru", but the longer he stayed a small Teddiursa, the less she called him his full name and more a cutesy nickname, until it finally stuck.
Akari caught plenty of Pokemon outside of these six, but outside of specific needing of research tasks, or the Creation Trio, these six are the Pokemon she carries around with her. Once she returns home, she makes sure to prioritize integrating them into her team and her daily life, giving them the same love as her old family. After all, these too are her precious friends.
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the-koiking-pond · 1 year
(@gildedgaggle) Hey, there's been an uptick of people trying to do a "Karplocke" here in Ferrum, where they try to get a Magikarp to evolve into a Gyarados without them losing a single battle, or else they get discarded. Now I have a bunch of abandoned Magikarp here at the shelter I work at, and I'm not the most experienced at caring for fish Pokemon. Any advice? Or should I send them your way? -Tapestry
1) I am going to come to Ferrum and eat these people.
2) The Magikarp Care Guide is here to help! This isn't the first time some overwhelmed sanctuary has gotten an influx of magikarp, and that's what the care guide is for!
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