#world circuit ladies
Punch Out Women's Bracket OCs! (World Circuit)
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The boys have had their turn so now it's time for the girls! They're back and better than ever! Name: Chatty Charmer/Clarissa Benoit Age: 33 Height: 5'9 Weight: 135lbs Nationality: African-American-French Position: #3 World Circuit Record: 16-8 (8 KO) Stance: Orthodox (Right-Handed) "The heel-clicking, toe-tapping, jazz-loving sweetie all the way from New Orleans, Clarissa lives up to her stage name as she is most definitely a charmer! Whether she's tap-dancing on the side of the street for folks or performing a jazz number inside of a grand performance hall, she always knows how to attract a crowd and boxing is no different! When she retires, she still wants to find a way to keep that dancing soul of hers going"
Name: Frosty Bites/Greta Astrid Winters Age: Late 50s Height: 6'4 Weight: 172lbs Nationality: Russian Position: #2 World Circuit Record: 18-7 (12 KO) Stance: Orthodox (Right-Handed) "Hailing from an unknown part of Russia and terrifying most that stand in her path, Frosty is a hardened old bird with a heart of cold. She's never seen smiling, not even when she's happy, and always seems to have an icy glare in her eyes. When she isn't shoulder-bashing fools in the boxing ring, she's at her little cottage knitting or wrestling with her pet polar bear, Nikolai. Needless to say, this is one granny who you don't want to fuck with" Name: Belle Bull/Ceyda Gozu Age: 35 Height: 6'1 Weight: 162lbs Nationality: Turkish Position: #1 World Circuit Record: 16-7 (14 KO) Stance: Orthodox (Right-Handed) "A gruff woman with an incredible beastly temper if you manage to rile her up enough, this rugged beaut was a former model and wrestler before deciding to make the switch over to boxing. Upon her arrival at the WVBA, she locked eyes with Bald Bull and the two fell for each other in and instant. Bull knew he wanted to put a ring on it when he saw her threatening to gut a paparazzi member like a fish. How... romantic..." Name: Phoenix Burns/Bridgett MacKenzie Age: 30 Height: 6' Weight: 138lbs Nationality: Scottish-Irish Position: World Circuit Champion Record: 18-9 (11 KO) Stance: Orthodox (Right-Handed) "Long ago, Phoenix had a long row with her mother and ran away from her little home in Scotland to go commit petty crimes like theft and arson to vent out her anger. Her fiery talents were picked up by a travelling circus group and she was brought along with them for a good few years. Unfortunately, that career was cut short after an accident that left her with the signature burn scar on her face. Now, she sits atop the World Circuit as champion, burning down all who dare get in her way."
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mariocki · 1 year
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Anneke Wills as Fran Roeding, concerned daughter of a missing scientist, in The Saint: The Helpful Pirate (5.5, ITC, 1966)
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idiopathicsmile · 1 year
you know what really grinds my gears?
okay, bear with me: so as you may know, harry houdini and arthur conan doyle were friends, at least for a while.
by the early 1920s, both arthur conan doyle and acd's wife jean, aka lady doyle, believed whole-heartedly in spiritualism, talking to ghosts and all of that. (sidenote: this was of course right on the heels of a devastating world war and a devastating pandemic, both of which had created a huge population of grieving people, so spiritualism was having a moment.)
lady doyle sincerely thought she had the ability to go into a trance state and pass along messages in writing from the dead. she offered to do this for houdini. houdini agreed.
lady doyle attempted to channel houdini's late mother. she basically drew a cross at the top of the paper and filled it with generic platitudes addressed to "harry." houdini's mom was jewish and didn't talk like that, so houdini knew the jig was up, even if lady doyle didn't. but not wanting to make the situation awkward, he kind of went along with it to their faces.
then acd decided to publish a glowing account of the seance, and since both he and houdini were super famous, it got a lot of attention, and letters started pouring in for houdini, asking if this was true. ultimately, houdini couldn't lie about it. so he essentially said, like, "yeah, i think lady doyle THINKS she can talk to ghosts but she absolutely can't." and it ruined his friendship with acd forever.
and then of course a lot of the people running seances weren't even well-intentioned like lady doyle, they were just simple charlatans taking advantage of traumatized people mourning loved ones. in houdini's youth, he and his wife had traveled the carnival circuit where he did an act pretending to commune with spirits, so he knew all the tricks of the trade AND he had lingering guilt over having done this, AND he was infuriated by this increasingly popular wave of con artists so he decided to assemble a team of anti-grifting grifters and together they went on the road exposing whichever spiritualists were preying on the locals.
houdini's best agent was a young woman named rose mackenberg, who donned disguises to visit the fraud de jour and then importantly sussed out what non-supernatural thing was actually happening, and then houdini would demonstrate the techniques onstage to packed audiences.
(if you want to know more, check out episode 175, "ghost racket crusade" of the podcast Criminal or read Tony Wolf's book The Real-Life Ghostbusting Adventures of Rose Mackenberg.)
but yeah, what really gets my goat is that all this happened and as far as i know, we still don't have like four seasons of a Leverage-style historical procedural about rose mackenberg and the rest of the crew having adventures in the 1920s as they unmask craven hucksters all over the united states. (what we do have, apparently, is one season of a show called "houdini and doyle" which is about the oddball friendship of two contrasting men solving sometimes-actually-supernatural mysteries, and whose premise does i think at the very least a real disservice to houdini's whole quest and also totally erases rose, who is arguably the most interesting part of this story to me.)
i am just steamed about this. steamed.
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washingtonmarvel · 22 days
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Trapeze artist, strongwoman, and all around badass Laverie Vallee, stage name Charmion, flexes for the camera in this (colorized) picture from around 1905. Born in 1875 in Sacramento, Charmion was a pioneer. She shocked conservative Victorian/Edwardian men with her daring "Trapeze Disrobing Act" (which was the subject of one of Thomas Edison's first films) and her insanely jacked body. But the ladies loved her, and her performances, which were viewed as practically pornographic by the extreme standards of the time period, were mostly attended by women. Throughout her career, she inspired women to exercise and to free themselves of the restrictions society placed on them. Charmion criticized the prudish attitudes of the time and told women they could be just as strong as men (this was a radical claim for that era, but her own body was the proof). A brilliant woman, she was fluent in six languages and regularly lectured and wrote newspaper articles about fitness. She was the highest-earning performer on the vaudeville circuit for much of her career, sometimes earning as much as $500 per week (equivalent to almost $20,000 today). Charmion was known to curl 70-pound dumbbells as part of her workout regimen and she could walk 12 miles without feeling fatigued. Charmion's biceps reportedly were almost exactly the same size as those of Eugen Sandow, who was widely considered the world's strongest man, and in a friendly sparring match she fought on an equal footing with the then-famous boxer Terry McGovern. She retired in 1912 and lived a quiet life outside the limelight until her death in 1949.
EDIT: I made a second post with some more info about Charmion if anyone's interested:
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That's What Friends Are For- E.M.
I've been really thirsty for Virgin!Bestfriend!Reader x Eddie so I poured myself this taaaallll drink of water. Hope you love it xx
You've never had an orgasm, and Eddie would be happy to help remedy that.
Part 2
TW- 18+ MINORS DNI!! Cursing, mentions of smoking, heavy petting, pet names (angel, sweetheart), a lil crying (but in a good way), fingering (lmk if I missed any)
Pairings- Virgin!Bestfriend!Reader x Eddie
Word Count- 4,802
(Gifs not mine, credit to owner!)
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It wasn’t something that you’d normally ask, but with the haze of weed clouding your senses and the exaggerated moans of the poor actress being exploited for the dumb action movie you and Eddie were watching out of sheer boredom, you couldn’t help yourself. You turn to Eddie, the cogs in your head turning in overtime as the words reach your mouth before you can even put too much stock in them, “What does an orgasm even feel like?” Your eyes narrow as you imagine it, the sounds of the woman on screen echoing in your mind. There’s no way that real people sound like that, no, this is just some stupid movie that you and Eddie had never even heard of before digging it out of the pile of tapes beneath the TV. “I mean, I guess it’s gotta feel good, but does it feel that good?”  
While you ponder the probability of the sounds onscreen being at all accurate for real-world scenarios, Eddie’s face pales, the light high he’d been enjoying completely knocked out of his body at your words. Despite being best friends for the past several years, you never really talked about your sex lives with each other. For you, it was because it didn’t exist. For Eddie, it was because the only person he really wanted anymore was you. Every other person in town combined couldn’t interest him half as much as you, and he had definitely looked. Pining after your best friend for years wasn’t really something Eddie was interested in doing, not that it helped. Of course, the only reason you hadn’t made a move—aside from the fact that you were thoroughly terrified at the thought of being rejected—was because you thought that Eddie was something of a ladies’ man. You knew he was much more experienced than you, not that that was a difficult feat, but you knew that he at least went on dates. And you never wanted your attraction to him get in the way of your friendship anyway. If he liked you, he would’ve made a move sooner, right?  
Eddie had fallen head over heels for you about a year after you had met, both of you juniors in high school. You went away with your family on vacation for a couple weeks that summer and came back... different. You were more confident, and even though it had only been a short separation, you looked different, more womanly than gangly teenager. He liked you before, but some switch inside his chest flicked, like the lights were finally turning on in some long-forgotten roller coaster ride. He’s had it bad for you ever since, suffering in silence because he knows how shy you used to be, and still are to some extent. He would never, ever want to do or say anything to make you uncomfortable, including putting his feelings on the line in exchange for your amazing friendship.  
Still, the news that you didn’t know what an orgasm felt like was surprising. He knew you were private about your dating life, and he always respected that. But you had had boyfriends before. And you were both in your early 20s now. Surely you had been with one of them. Or even figured it out on your own... 
“What?” is the brilliant response that flies from Eddie’s lips as his brain short circuits. You look back at his face, having wandered away, lost in thought. Eddie half expects you to backtrack, but still, to his surprise, you double down. 
“What does an orgasm feel like?” He can tell your Mary Jane consumption must be fueling this line of questioning, but if you’re really curious... 
“Um, well...” Eddie flounders, trying to find the words to say. You keep your focus on him, your thoughts trailing only slightly as you wait for him to respond. “It... It does feel really good. I don’t know exactly what it feels like for women, but for guys, at least, for me, it’s like my whole body kind of explodes, but in, like, the best way,”  
You mull this over for a moment, your eyes darting between Eddie’s face and the screen, which has since moved past the over-exaggerated sex scene back into shootouts between the good guy and the bad ones. “Okay, well, have any of the girls you’ve been with ever sounded like that?” You were genuinely curious, trying to imagine what could feel that good and coming up blank. 
Eddie chuckles a bit, eyes flicking up in a memory, “Well, one, but I’m pretty sure she was faking. Some women think they have to sound like that because that’s what the movies show them they’re supposed to sound like. But really, there are all different kinds of... sounds... that people make when they’re feeling that good,” he explains, his surprise relaxing now into amusement just slightly. 
“Oh,” You look back at the screen, apparently done with your questions. Eddie feels his heartbeat fading back into its normal rhythm after the near heart-attack you had inflicted upon him, and things go quiet for a minute before you turn your head back toward him, mouth poised open to speak. “Do you think—Never mind,” You quickly shove the thought back down your throat, remembering that Eddie’s not supposed to know you’ve been in love with him forever.  
The possibilities of what you were about to ask him makes his heart race again, until he’s burning to know. “What is it?” He asks, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. 
Your lips press together and shake your head as a heat spreads over your face, giving you a moment of clarity amid the warmth of the high. “No, it’s okay, it was a dumb question,” You wave your hand in dismissal, and pray that Eddie doesn’t press it further in fear of your mouth working faster than your logic. Of course, you have no such luck. 
“There are no dumb questions. If you want to know something, all you have to do is ask. Would I ever judge you for anything? And really think about that, because I’ve seen you pick a pickle up off the floor and eat it,” He laughs, trying to diffuse the tension. It helps a little, and with his reassurance and that fleeting moment of clarity far away, you open your mouth again, hesitating as you find the right words. 
“Do you think... that you could maybe... show me?”  
Eddie’s eyes bulge from his skull, and he’s afraid that his heart has totally stopped for a minute. But after an agonizing moment, a thick thump of his heart breathes life back into him, and he can only pray that you can’t hear it as it loudly thump, thump, thumps in his chest.  
“Show you..?” It’s a begging question. He’s not exactly sure which part you want to learn, and he wants to make sure he doesn’t assume anything. 
You turn away again, the mortification laying over you in a thick blanket. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have... You can forget it,” 
Eddie doesn’t want to mess this up, and the visions of you making such pretty little sounds for him, or better yet, unraveling under his touch, automatically send all of the spare blood in his body downward, so quickly that he almost becomes dizzy. He has to make an effort to shift his body to hide his growing erection as he tries to reassure you. “No, no! Don’t worry, I’m listening. It’s okay, I swear! What do you want me to show you? I... I can do my best,” His voice is sincere, sincere enough to make you look sheepishly back at him, your lashes low as you try not to look in his eyes. 
You take a deep breath, your head buzzing with adrenaline as you form the words. “Would you show me how to have an orgasm?”  
Eddie swallows hard, his Adam’s Apple bobbing in his throat. He’s trying so hard to make this seem as chill as possible, for both of your sakes. If he gets too eager too quickly, there’s no way he wouldn’t just bust in his pajama pants, and he might scare you. His mouth is dry as he nods quickly, “Um, yeah. I- I can definitely try,” He watches as your face grows redder by the second, but you give a small smile, one that makes Eddie lightheaded again as another shockwave of want shoots through his half-hard cock. “Do you want to go to my room?” He asks softly, gauging the look on your face as you still avoid his eyes.  
“Yeah,” You murmur, but your legs won’t move. There’s a want in you, despite not knowing how to indulge it, and as Eddie gets up from the couch, offering a hand to you, you take it and squeeze, finally looking up at him. Eddie feels like he might faint in that moment, your hazy eyes doe-like and innocent, not making it any easier for him to keep calm. He pulls you up to your feet and you follow him, your hand in his, to his room.  
You shut the door behind you, flicking the lock on the knob despite being the only ones home, and turn to face Eddie, who stands just behind you, still not believing what might happen. “S-so, um...” He begins, feet shuffling beneath him. “For girls, it’s a lot harder to... finish. It takes a lot of warming up first,” Your brow furrows. 
“Warming up?” A blush breaks out over Eddie’s cheeks, and he reaches out to let his fingers trace up your arm, ghosting over your shoulder and up your neck. A breath hitches in your throat as his palm cups your face, and suddenly, you think you might know what he means. Nevertheless, he explains. 
“It’s a lot easier when you’re feeling good from other things first. Like touching, kissing... things like that. It can be painful if you don’t do it right,” Your lashes flutter as he leans in slightly, and you can feel his warm breath fan over your face. 
“Oh,” Eddie lets out a breath of a laugh at your breathless response, and already you feel yourself turning to putty in his hands.  
“I want you to tell me if you don’t like something, okay? Don’t try to spare my feelings. If you want me to stop doing something, or you want me to do something specific, you tell me. Okay?” The demanding edge in his whispers snaps you back to reality, and you feel a warmth building deep within you. It’s nothing like you’ve ever felt before. Sure, shadows of this have been felt watching risqué movies with sex scenes or kissing your prior boyfriends awkwardly in the backs of their cars, but that pales in comparison. This is a new, deep burn in the very depths of your body. 
“Mhmm,” You try to lean closer to him, to feel more, but his other hand goes to your waist, holding you in place. Your eyes meet his, and they’re unexpectedly hard, his brown eyes serious as he looks at you. 
“I need you to say it. I need to know you can say it,” Your breath stutters again at his words, but still, you find your voice. 
“I- I don’t like that,” You whisper, and it’s all you can do. Eddie nods in approval, but his eyes want you to continue, “I want you... I want you to kiss me,” You can hear the hammer of your heart in your ears, your blood singing as the anticipation grows. Eddie’s eyes return to their normal softness, gazing into yours like he’s seeing the sun set over the ocean for the first time.  
“Are you sure?” Eddie whispers as he inches toward you, his face leaning down ever closer. This might be the closest you’ve ever been to him, and the thought sends a delicious shiver up your spine. His nose just brushes yours, and your eyes flutter shut. 
“I want you to kiss me, Eddie,” It’s barely a breath, but he hears you, and gently, gently, his lips meet yours, barely a brush of skin against skin. You hear him suck in a deep breath before letting his lips move against yours a little more firmly, the hand on your waist snaking around your back to pull you closer to him. You let your hands find the back of his hair, which is up in a cute, messy bun, and your fingers wind themselves around a few loose, curly tendrils there. Then, Eddie’s lips move across your cheek, down toward your jaw, and the first sound comes loose from your lips. 
It’s a tiny noise, but it might as well have been Eddie’s favorite song, the way he revels in it. He can feel the pounding of your heart in your chest as you press yourself against him, not really knowing what to do other than let Eddie work his way down your neck with his lips. “E-Eddie...” You whimper, hands gently grasping at the fabric at the back of his worn t-shirt.  
Eddie stops then, immediately, waiting for your instruction. He had gone too far, hadn’t he? He had done something to make you uncomfortable and now you’d never ever talk to him again... “Can we lay down?” You ask, breathy and quiet in his ear. He presses a firm kiss to the top of your shoulder in relief, elated that you were enjoying what was happening before pulling away. 
“Yeah, let’s get you comfy,” He smiles one of those easy, lopsided smiles that takes your breath away, and you feel the butterflies that usually reside in your stomach move downward to your core. You instinctively clench your thighs together to try to squash the foreign feeling, but as Eddie moves to lay down, you see the bulge in his loose pants, and it sends a new swarm flooding your body. With a deep breath, you join Eddie and lay next to him, his face only inches from yours. His hand reaches toward your face, gently brushing a few stray hairs behind your ear. “Do you want to just keep kissing, or are you ready to try something else?” He asks. You think it over, biting the inside of your lip as you bite back the embarrassment of being so inexperienced next to him.  
“Can we try something new and still do some kissing?” You smile sheepishly, not being able to hold his gaze as your face heats. He lets out a small laugh, not at you, but because you’re so nervous. 
“Yeah, we can do that. Is it okay if I touch you? I can just try a few things and you can figure out what you like,” He suggests, his eyes roaming over you. You’re not wearing a bra, because you never did when you and Eddie were just lounging around watching movies and smoking, something Eddie had to get used to quick when your body started really developing. Once or twice when he was a few years younger, he had to fake an upset stomach just to relieve his aching cock in the bathroom upon seeing your pert nipples through the fabric of one of his old t-shirts. 
“Yeah, I think I’d like that,” With your permission, Eddie’s fingers gently reach the hem of your shirt, slipping under and running his calloused fingertips over the smooth skin of your side. You let out a gasp, your eyes screwing shut, and he notices the way your hips move of their own accord, trying to scratch an itch you’ve never felt before. He has to bite back a moan of his own just at the sight of you, so beautiful, so willing beneath his capable hands. He lets out a shaky breath as his hand moves up your side, leaning in to kiss you like he said he would, like he was aching to do again, and you accept his lips greedily, your hands pressing into the sides of his face as he glides across your skin, not light enough to tickle, but enough to send tingles over your skin, goosebumps forming in the wake of his caress. 
When his hand comes to cup your breast, not daring to flick over the sensitive nub just yet, you let out your second noise as he gives a little squeeze there. This one is muffled by his lips, pressed firmly to yours, and the vibration of it shoots straight down to his cock, which twitches willfully in his pants, wanting you more and more every second that passes. 
With a light touch, Eddie lets his thumb just brush your nipple, and it sends an electric shock through you, leading to your third noise, a much sharper sound that almost sounds painful. But when your lips press into his even harder, Eddie is only spurred on and he does it again, then lets his full hand grope over the full mound, rubbing across your breast with his palm. Eddie lets his tongue trace over your bottom lip then, and you open your mouth to him, not really knowing how to kiss with tongue, but unwilling to stop to make a comment about it as your body ignites to a new level of fire and electricity.  
Your legs are continuously rubbing together now, the friction glorious but not enough, and you want to feel more. You’re panting in between the long stretches of kissing, and while you don’t want to stop, you also need to tell Eddie what you want. So, instead of rushing back to his kiss, you press your thumb gently to his bottom lip, pupils blown with need. “Can you take my shorts off?” You ask, your confidence building. Eddie nods all too eagerly, and he gets up onto his knees to shift town toward your bottom half. You roll onto your back and lift your butt to make it a bit easier for him, his hands finding purchase at your hips, fingers dipping just below the waistband when he stops. 
“Do you want me to take your underwear off too?” He asks, wanting to be sure. You bite your lip again as the embarrassment floods back. 
“I’m not wearing any...” You admit, giving a small smile. His hands grip at your hips a bit harder then, and his sharp breath only helps your growing need. This is the most beautiful you’ve ever seen him, towering over you like this. You can see the long outline of his length through his pants now, and you let your mind wonder what could happen if this goes even further than you originally intended. It’s enough to make your hips roll in Eddie’s hands as he starts pulling down your sleep shorts. You close your eyes, trying to keep your embarrassment from making you chicken out when you’re finally about to get what you’ve always wanted. 
“Holy shit,” Eddie breathes, and your eyes shoot open as you stare at him, mortification building in your chest. 
“What? Is it bad? Do I look weird?” You ask in a flurry. Your hands go to cover your face, thighs clenching together to spare yourself when Eddie pries your legs apart again. 
“What? God no! You look... You look fucking amazing,” There’s a wonder in his voice, and you peek through your fingers to find him staring down at you, the look on his face amorous, hungry almost, like you’re his favorite meal in the world. It takes you aback, but nevertheless, there’s a twitch in your hips again, seeking a friction that you can no longer achieve for the time being. Eddie gently lowers himself on top of you, and you let out a moan when you feel the fabric of his pants brushing over your bare pussy. You let your hands fall as you try to push yourself into him, but there’s a hand holding onto your hip now to keep you down. “Oh my god, please, can you try not to do that right now? I am already in serious danger here, angel. If I feel even a little bit of you against my dick I’m fucking done for,” Eddie breathes a laugh to cover the moan in his voice, his face hovering over yours. 
“B-but I want—” Eddie cuts you off with a deep kiss, his hand squeezing into your hip as you desperately try to feel him against you again. 
“Not tonight, sweetheart. I want this one to be about you, okay? If you still want to in the morning, we can circle back,” Eddie offers, and you give a small nod. “Okay, then. I’m gonna touch you now, okay? I’ll go nice and slow. If you want me to change what I’m doing, just tell me,” You nod again and the hand gripping your hip travels down and his lips meet the hollow of your neck, giving just a tiny nip at the skin that sends your hips up again in need. Eddie tries to hold it in, but he can’t help but moan softly against your skin as he continues his journey.  
His fingers ghost just over the sensitive bud of nerves then, and the shock that goes through your body is even more intense than before when he was playing with your nipple. Your arms fling around his back and you grip the fabric of his t-shirt like a lifeline. “I’m gonna take good care of you,” Eddie whispers as he travels up your neck, “I’m gonna make you feel so good,”  
The promise is punctuated by a soft circle around your clit, and your whimper is so pathetic it startles you as it tumbles from your lips. You can feel how wet you are now; how hot your core is against his fingertips. It’s so blissful, so wanton that you feel your walls clenching around nothing, another new feeling that sends your head reeling. Eddie continues his gentle pattern around your bud, sucking sweet bruises into the skin below your ear between whispers of sweet nothing that spur you forward on your quest into the unknown world of this beautiful feeling. 
“E-Eddie,” You plead, head thrown back in pleasure. Your fingers pull his shirt so that your hands connect with his skin, “Can you go—Can you go a little f-faster, please?” Eddie nods into the crook of your neck as he complies, fingers moving just a bit faster, a bit firmer against you, and your chest starts heaving in pants again, moans spilling from your mouth more freely now. You grind into his hand pathetically as the intense pleasure grows. You feel like you could cry at the feeling, so blissful and beautiful and everything you’ve ever dreamed of as Eddie works you further and further, his lips only ever leaving your skin to whisper sweet nothings to you. 
“You’re doing so good... I can’t believe I get to do this for you... Been wanting you like this for so long...” Eddie nips and sucks and licks across your neck, up your face, across your lips, and you’re just so consumed by him that you feel hot little pinpricks in the corners of your eyes, your throat going thick as the tears begin. 
When Eddie catches sight of the first one, he slows his work on your core, afraid that you had changed your mind. “Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?” You feel a pang of panic then, not really knowing why but knowing that you were desperate to reach the edge you were approaching. You pull at his shirt, not being able to verbalize your excruciating need for a second. 
“No, no!” You plead, “Don’t stop, please... I just... Please don’t stop...” You don’t know why you’re crying. Maybe because it feels so good, maybe because the emotions are just so new that your body is startled by them. Either way, Eddie is reluctant but believes you, because he trusts you and you trust him so completely that you don’t think that there’s any way that either of you would or even could hurt each other. 
Eddie picks up the pace again, his lips focusing on yours now to help keep you from crying. Your fingernails scratch up his back as you whine and writhe beneath him, coming closer and closer to something. There’s a tenseness in your stomach now, and it’s building. There must be a precipice close, a pinnacle to all of this pleasure and need Eddie has been giving you. Your panting breaths become more ragged, and Eddie gets the feeling that you’re close. 
“That’s it, angel. You gonna cum for me?” He practically moans against your mouth, and it’s another agonizing minute of this pressure inside you building before you feel it.  
Your hands clench Eddie’s shirt as you unravel. Your tears are flowing freely down your face, mouth open in a loud moan that reverberates on the walls of Eddie’s small room. Eddie keeps drawing circles over your clit as you ride through the waves of your first ever orgasm, kissing down to the top of your chest and back up to add to the pleasure. Finally, you feel it start to subside, the wide waves lessening into ripples as your breath starts to even out again. Eddie slows down again, and finally stops after a few more seconds, wanting to draw out your bliss as much as he can. He kisses you deeply, the hand on your pussy traveling up to grip your side, sliding up past the hem of your shirt as he holds you firm. You can feel the slick on his fingers cooling down on your skin, and it sends a new wave of shivers through your body.  
You kiss each other for a long time, not wanting to go back to reality where you’re just friends, but finally you have to pull away for air. You look at each other, both of you quiet. There’s a new electricity in the air, charged with the anticipation of what you’ll say to each other now that everything has changed.  
“How was that?” Eddie settles on, his brow set in a concerning furrow. He wants to make sure that you had the best experience he could’ve offered you, because that’s what you deserve. You deserve to feel this good all the time. 
Your soft eyes bore into his and you nod slowly, trying to etch every detail of this night into your memory forever. “It was amazing. You are...” Your hand comes to hold his face, and he leans into your touch in such a way that your heart melts for him even more. “You’re so amazing, Eddie, thank you.” You give a little laugh then, at how silly it sounds for you to thank your friend for giving you an orgasm. Eddie laughs a little too, and he stretches his lips to kiss the edge of your palm. 
“Anything for my favorite girl,” He whispers, smiling that easy smile that you love so much. Pride sparkles in your chest at his words. God, you love him so much... 
“So...” You feel a blush creeping on your face again, “You’ve been wanting me... like this?” You think back to the words he whispered against your neck that made your insides turn to mush. 
Eddie flicks his eyes away from you, embarrassed. “You caught that, huh?” 
“Was I not supposed to?” You giggle, your smile sending shockwaves through Eddie’s body. 
“Well, I just didn’t think you would. You seemed to be pretty distracted if I recall,” He jabs playfully, his gaze returning to you. His eyes soften at his next thought, “What do you think about that?” 
This is it, this is where everything changes. It’ll never be the same after this. “I...” You begin, building your courage. “I’ve been wanting that, too.”  
Eddie’s face moves through confusion, surprise, and then settles on joy, his smile widening to reach his sparking brown eyes. “Yeah? You’ve been wanting that too?” Your smile matches his as you nod, letting out a breath of a laugh with the relief settling in your chest. 
Suddenly, Eddie squeezes you in a bone crushing hug, peppering kisses over your face as you giggle. His lips settle on yours again, and it’s like taking a drink of cool water after wandering in the desert. You don’t know if you’ll ever get used to this, but by God, you’d be happy to. 
You keep kissing and cuddling for a long time, talking like you usually do, how best friends do, but now it’s just better. Best friends, but there’s no more hesitancy, no more wishing for more, because now, you have everything you could ever want. 
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idiopath-fic-smile · 11 months
this one goes out to all my Singin' in the Rain ot3 truthers—
Cosmo Brown had always known it would end like this.
Cosmo was a lot of things—in fact, you could argue he was too many—but he wasn’t dumb.
From the early years, when Cosmo and Don were just kids playing for pennies in pool halls, to their stint dodging rotten vegetables on Vaudeville stages across the very backwaters of America’s backwaters, to their first real breath of success in Hollywood (and then the second and the third and the fourth), Cosmo would catch a glimpse of his handsome, charismatic friend from the corner of his eye—a flash of dark hair, that perfect tooth powder ad smile—and know that for all Don’s protestations, someday the guy was gonna meet a wonderful girl and get married, settle down, and very gently slip off to the far edge of Cosmo’s life.
So yes, Cosmo had seen Kathy Selden coming. Not the details, not her sense of humor or her musical little laugh or the madcap way she really threw herself into dancing with them around Don’s place at 1:30 in the morning—and okay, certainly not the part at the beginning where she had jumped out of a cake at a party, but he thought a fella could be excused for not correctly divining that. 
The general outline of the thing, though, how Don’s eyes followed her around a room...he had been preparing for Don to propose to Kathy ever since she’d tried to throw a pie at Don’s face. And when the happy day came, Cosmo had been ready with his best man suit, his best man speech, a slightly updated version of “Here Comes the Bride” that’d had Don and Kathy laughing all the way down the aisle.
Don and Kathy would buy a house together. They would have a swimming pool and a dog and then inevitably, a small parade of adorable little snot-nosed kids who would call him Uncle Cosmo, and they would spend less and less time with him, not on purpose but busy with the rest of their lives, and ultimately Cosmo would learn to make his peace with it because he’d have no other choice and he would have to try to move on and not live too much in his memories. He could picture it so clearly, he figured if the songwriting gig with Monumental didn’t pan out, he could always return to the backwater circuit with a new act: The Amazing Cosmo of the Cosmos—ladies and gentlemen, he sees the future, he reads the stars, he silently pines for his best married pal and all the while tap dancing!
Don and Kathy inviting him along on their honeymoon, though—that part was a surprise.
“What?” said Cosmo, hands frozen over the piano keys. He’d been busy with a brand-new assignment; on the heels of The Dancing Cavalier, offers were pouring in and he’d taken the first one scoring a movie that didn’t star anyone he was secretly in love with.
Don had looked a little wounded when Cosmo broke the news last week, but a guy had to start making his own way in the world. Besides, orchestrating layers of strings to swell as the camera zoomed in on Don and Kathy blissfully locking lips in radiant monochrome, oblivious to the rest of the world—well, Cosmo knew that dance, he had mastered the footwork, and he didn’t especially feel like a reprise.
It wasn’t lost on him that Kathy had dropped by his rehearsal space alone today. Of course, he had no idea what this meant—he didn’t think it was about the new job; Don didn’t tend to stay sore at him for that long—but Kathy was acting perfectly natural, and so probably the smart thing was to follow her lead.
“It’s a two-week transatlantic cruise,” she said now, gracefully dropping beside him on the piano bench. “We thought it would be nice to see Europe, take in the sights, get away from all the cameras.”
“Ah yes, such a wallflower, our dear Don,” said Cosmo solemnly. “Besieged on all sides by the love of his public, a tragedy of our times, up there with Lear! Hamlet! Caesar! The one with all the Greeks and the giant wooden horse, nay, nay, neigh.” He played a tragic little trill, for effect. Kathy huffed a laugh and smacked his arm.
“You know that’s not it,” she said. “Being watched all the time—we can’t always do what we want. It’s rotten.”
Tell me about it, thought Cosmo.
He was sort of seeing a fight choreographer named Archibald, who came from old money and was a “the third” or a “the fifth” but nice enough Cosmo might even forgive him for that. Archibald was trim and athletic, with dark brown hair that was just starting to go gray at the temples and enough discretion that Cosmo didn’t think they’d get caught. The only problem was that he didn’t laugh at Cosmo’s jokes, seemed to just tolerate them.
“What do you two even talk about, then?” Don had asked, when Cosmo had let this slip over drinks the same night he’d explained about the new movie project. (Cosmo had been trying to spend less time with Don and Kathy since the wedding but Don had said, “C’mon, pal, we miss you” and Kathy had laid one hand on his arm and peered up at him with her big green eyes and Cosmo was only one man.)
Cosmo had frowned, because Don hated Archibald, for reasons that were frankly mysterious. Then he’d looked up and grinned a grin he didn’t exactly feel and said,
“Tell you when you’re older,” and then Don had choked on his dry Martini even though Cosmo knew Don knew about Cosmo’s tendencies. It wasn’t something they discussed, and Cosmo had never properly gone with a guy before, but whenever a big-shot producer started complaining about all the degenerate queers in showbiz, Don always sharply steered the conversation someplace else. It was all very gallant and noble and knightly, and someday Don would play King Arthur and Kathy his lady Guinevere—
“Honestly, sometimes it feels as if we’re living in a fishbowl,” said Kathy now, in the present.
“And so your solution is to relocate,” said Cosmo, “to the biggest fishbowl on this here magnificent earth. The mighty ocean!” He struck up a sea shanty. “Oh blow the man down, blow the man down / way ay, blow the man down…”
Not everyone appreciated his musical flights of fancy, but when Cosmo turned, she was leaning with her elbow on the side arm of the piano, watching him with her chin on her hand and laughing. 
“Just for two weeks,” she said. “So, are you coming?”
“With you two,” said Cosmo, just so there could be no misunderstandings. “On your one and only honeymoon.”
“Yes,” said Kathy.
“As what, your first mate?”
“Sure.” She grinned and threw him a quick salute. Cosmo was almost never attracted to women but in this case, he understood the appeal.
He swallowed. “You are aware of that ancient saying, ‘Two’s company and three’s a fast track to divorce court’?”
“You’re hardly a threat to our marriage, Cosmo,” she said, and he agreed, of course, in both directions, even, but it still stung to hear her say it out loud. For want of anything better to do, he gasped, clutched a hand to his chest and reeled backwards so hard, he threw himself off the piano bench, landing in a somersault on the floor.
Kathy spun around fluidly on the bench to face him, pleated skirt whirling a little, heels of her shoes clicking together. 
“Oh, I said that badly,” she said. “I only mean that it’s more fun when you’re around. We have a better time, Don and me both. Remember the night we decided to make Dueling Cavalier a musical?”
“Do I remember the best night of my life?” Cosmo peered up at her from the hardwood. “Why yes, madam, now that you mention it, I believe it might ring a bell or two.”
“The best—” She frowned for a moment, and he remembered then that as a newly married woman, a newly married woman to Don Lockwood, no less, she’d no doubt experienced any number of evenings that blew that one out of the water.
Even besides that, it felt awfully revealing all of a sudden. Cosmo threw an arm over his eyes. He felt naked. He wished he was naked, because that might at least distract from whatever his face was doing.
“So it beats your time with Archibald, then?” said Kathy shrewdly.
Cosmo uncovered his eyes. He forgot, sometimes, that new as Kathy was to the moving pictures business, she was still a city girl, with a city girl’s worldliness. Also, Don had probably told her; that seemed like the kind of second-hand secrets married people shared with each other. He wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
“Hardly a topic for mixed company,” he said.
There was a pause.
“So yes,” she said and smiled with a smugness that would’ve been unbecoming were she not as cute as a button.
“What do you and Don have against the poor man anyway?” he groused. “He’s never done so much as sneezed in your direction, and if he did, I’m sure he’d use a handkerchief.”
“For one thing, we know you could do better,” said Kathy, folding her arms.
Cosmo elbowed his way back to sitting, brushing himself off with dignity. “Well, better’s not exactly knocking on my door right now.”
“This town doesn’t have an ounce of sense.” She reached down to offer him a hand up, pulling Cosmo to his feet; she was stronger than she looked. “Listen, two weeks away, it’ll be good for you.”
“What about you two?” Cosmo protested as he reclaimed his spot on the bench, Kathy sliding to make room.
“What about us?” said Kathy with wide eyes.
“Two newlyweds might want some alone time?” he offered weakly.
Kathy shrugged. “I told you, there won’t be reporters or cameras. It’ll be plenty private.”
“What about your matrimonial needs?”
“Which needs?”
His eyes narrowed; she was a terrific actress but suddenly he wasn’t sure he was buying it. Kathy wasn’t dumb either.
“You have to know what I mean. Don’t make me play Cole Porter at you,” said Cosmo. She hesitated, and Cosmo began to pluck out a melody: “Birds do it, bees do it / even educated fleas do it…” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“Let’s do it,” sang Kathy, finishing the stanza in her lovely alto, “let’s fall in love.”
Cosmo stopped playing.
“I do know,” she said simply, “of course I do, and we’re not worried about it, alright? Listen, do you want to go?”
Cosmo, who had been carefully not asking himself that question, stared down at the piano keys. Did he want to go? He thought back to that night at Don’s, the three of them giddy with excitement and inspiration and sleep deprivation, running through the house, clowning around and dancing with no audience except each other—he hadn’t felt like a hanger-on then, like a third wheel or an extra limb or a chaperone. He’d felt like he was exactly where he was supposed to be, one note of a perfect chord.
“I can’t swim,” he said.
“They’ll have lifejackets,” said Kathy.
“I’ll have to work.”
“We’ll bring a piano.”
“All my houseplants will die,” said Cosmo.
“All your houseplants are fake,” she said. This was true, although he wasn’t sure how she knew since she’d never been to his house. She sighed. “Remember the night of that first screening, when you were about to expose Lina and instead of explaining what was happening, Don told me I had to sing, that I didn’t have a choice?”
He winced, thinking of Kathy’s heartbroken, tear-stained face before they’d pulled up the curtain and revealed who was really singing when Lina moved her lips.
“Yes, and I feel just awful about it.”
“Well, Don doesn’t,” said Kathy. “Because he knew it would take too long to convince me to do something that mean to her.”
“Mean?” Cosmo echoed. “She tried to trap you in a lifelong contract and steal your voice. A common sea witch wouldn’t stoop so low.”
“But there wasn’t time,” she pressed. “And anyway, he knew how it would end.”
“What’s your point?”
“We already bought your tickets,” said Kathy.
Cosmo gaped at her.
“We’ve cleared the trip with everyone at Monumental and anyway, like I said, we’ll have a piano on the boat.”
Distantly, he was aware his mouth was still hanging open. Kathy reached over with one light finger under his chin and gently closed it. 
“That’s better,” she said, folding her hands daintily in her lap. It was around this time she seemed to realize it wasn’t some routine, that Cosmo really was well and truly stunned. “Of course, nobody is going to force you to go with us if you truly don’t want to,” she said into the silence.
“These tickets,” he said at last, “are they refundable?”
“Gosh,” said Kathy easily, “I can’t imagine they are, no.”
The thing was, none of them were hurting for money or work anymore, so the fact that Don and Kathy might be out even a few hundred dollars didn’t catch at him the way it might’ve some years earlier. No, the thought that really seized his imagination was the mental image of Don and Kathy planning this together, Don and Kathy discussing the matter with each other, maybe over breakfast—toast and coffee in their dressing gowns, so sure it was the right thing to do that they’d decided to just go ahead and make preparations: oh and a ticket for Cosmo, of course.
He could do it, he realized. He could go. He wanted to go. It was foolish, but Cosmo was an entertainer; he’d been doing foolish things in front of a roomful of witnesses since he was in shortpants.
“I’ll pack tonight,” he said.
“Perfect!” Kathy hopped off the bench and straightened out her dress. “And bring something nice to wear at dinner for a night or two; it doesn’t need to be black-tie formal, a good suit will do.”
He nodded. “I shall leave the top hat and monocle at home. Two weeks, you say?”
“Yes, and another half-day on either side flying to the harbor and back.” She reached into her coat pocket, and pulled out a folded sheet of paper. “The itinerary,” she said. “Don and I are so glad you’ll be coming.”
“Uh-huh,” said Cosmo. “Say, where is that fella, anyway? What’s the big idea, can’t even stick around to ask his best pal to his own honeymoon?”
“He’s planning the trip,” said Kathy brightly. “Last-minute details. Anyway, he thought you and I should have a chat, one on one. He thought it might help.”
He blinked. “Help what?”
“Help us,” she said.
It was all starting to feel like a farce, like one of those old Vaudeville acts with a lot of fast talking.
“Did it?” he asked.
“I think so,” said Kathy warmly. She turned and began to walk towards the door. “See you at the airport tomorrow. Six AM sharp.”
“Six AM,” he said, and then, foolishly, “You know, I can see why he likes you.”
Kathy dimpled. “Oh, likewise!” She tossed him another smile and then she was heading out of sight down the hallway, shoes clacking rhythmically on the tile.
“Well,” said Cosmo to no one. He felt pole-axed, he decided. He wasn’t sure he had ever felt pole-axed in his life before, but there was no other word for it.
He played a chord, then another chord, then a few more.
“Pole-axed,” he sang, “out of whack, when you are near there’s only one drawback: I can’t be clever, no I lack the knack, Darling, I’m pole-axed, out of whack around you!”
It wasn’t exactly Cole Porter, but he’d take it, he thought, reaching for his pen. There was still an hour or two left before he’d need to race traffic home and dig out his suitcase. Apparently, he had early morning plans.
(ETA: if you didn't see, there is now a second part here!)
(ETA THE SECOND: the whole finished thing is now here!
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tadc-harlequin-au · 3 months
"Greetings. Please, do enjoy your read, with the official Masterpost of..."
The Marvelous Mechanical Harlequin AU!
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Looking for this AU's game counterpart? You can go to The Souls-like AU Masterpost for that!
⚠️ Under construction! Apologies! ⚠️
The long-awaited official masterpost of the Harlequin AU is now here! You'll find everything there is to know about the AU, all in here.
Please note that all of it is still a WIP! And this is NOT an RP blog! ══════☸☸☸════════════☸☸☸══════
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"The names have the link to the full character biography attached to them. Please note that some aspects of it are still incomplete, (or may even be outdated) for story purposes."
Pomni, The Last Harlequin: |•| Caine, The Puppetmaster:
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Coming soon!
Ragatha Azureus, The Artifact Collector:
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Jax Jackson Jackrabbit, The Mischievous Trickster Automaton:
Lady Gangle, The Bashful Slithery Chronicler:
Z, The No-nonsense Housesmith:
Kingr, The Helpful King:
The Lady of Forgotten Memories |•| The Skirmish General |•| Pierrot of the Deep Undergrounds |•| The Last Formidable, Imposing Structure |•| The Mischievous Trickster Automaton |•| The Maddened Princess of the Theater |•| Bladed Beast of Steel and Shadows |•| The Celestial Twin Entertainers |•| Bandits of the Confectionary Highlands |•| Former Guardian of the Maze |•| Overlooker of the Confectionary Highlands |•| The Abstraction |•| Duchess of the Cliffend House |•| Proud Queen of the Gatherers |•| The Patriarch of Puppets |•|
"Thrilling Order Of The Hunt" comic |•| Stalemate (fic) |•| Touch-Starved (Post-boss!Ragatha)
The Charmer, The Catalyst and The Inventor |•| Memory#1 |•|
Coming soon!
You can go here for that!
"Come Back To Me." (showtime, ao3) |•| Cade, The Miracle star (Showtime fankid) |•| Anya, The Little sensitive Poppet (Jesterdoll fankid) |•| The Lady of Forgotten Memories' defeat |•| Who Broke It (Harlequin AU edition) |•| The Hole (Harlequin AU edition) |•| "Chandelier" fanart (fanfic, suggestive ⚠️) |•| Morning routines |•| ⚠️The Puppetmaster's Trophy Harlequin (dark themes, nihilistic/no happy ending)⚠️ |•|
"Now, what exactly is 'The Marvelous Mechanical Harlequin' AU?"
Well I'm glad you asked! The Marvelous Mechanical Harlequin, or "Harlequin AU" for short, is a grimdark sci-fantasy story about "Puppets", whom are soul-infused robots, trying to regain their lost humanity in a broken world.
It follows Pomni, a short-tempered Combat Harlequin, as she explores the city of Circuits with the aid of Caine, The Puppetmaster.
However, as the story progresses, Pomni not only realizes that there's more to the grand scheme of things as she explores more and more, she also uncovers The Puppetmaster's story, and what secrets he may be hiding.
"How do the boss fights go down in the story?"
Action-packed, fast paced, involves a lot of dying on Pomni's part.
Even though this is inspired by a Souls-like, the boss fights go down more so like a mixture between Cuphead, Shadow of the Colossus, and God of War (2018/Raganarok). Mostly God of War.
"Are there going to be canon ships in this AU?"
Yes! The AU is very Showtime (Caine x Pomni) centric, and some of the story aspects of the AU are heavily surrounded on that. There is a bit of Jesterdoll (Pomni x Ragatha) in it, too.
Aside from these canon ships, all is fair game. The Puppets don't have ages seeing as to how they are robots (and were already adults prior to their conversion), so the possibilities are endless.
"Can I make fanarts/fanfics/make original content for your AU?"
Why, of course you can! In fact, I would REALLY love to see it, as long as it complies with my personal boundaries below. So don't be afraid to tag this blog, or @iamespecter in your posts if you want me to see it!
"What are the boundaries of the AU?"
Go wild! The AU's rating is pretty mature, if it wasn't obvious already for it's grimdark genre.
However... I would like to ask that if you would like to make something dark even for my standards for this AU (i.e non-con or dark kinks), all I ask is that you don't show it to me. I personally do not like it, and do not vibe with it.
"What are your thoughts about NSFW surrounding the AU?"
Suggestive content and NSFW is allowed! I am an adult, and I personally enjoy them. (I think I'll make a blog for the more... spicy things.)
Even I make suggestive content for this AU.
HOWEVER! Please tag it properly with "cw suggestive", "tw suggestive", "tw nsft" and various other tags for people who do not wish to see them, or are minors. I can't keep track of everything try as I might, so it'll be up to you to be a decent person, which I know you will be.
"I don't like showtime, but I find your AU interesting. Will that be a problem?"
For you, it might be. The story leans heavily around Pomni and Caine's relationship as a whole, and I'm sorry. I'm just really soft about them.
"Will this be anything like the original TADC?"
Yesss...? And no...? It takes a lot of creative liberty and inspirations from various medias.
⚠️ This masterpost is still under construction! Please excuse the technical difficulties. ⚠️
In the meantime, I hope you had a fun read nonetheless! Things will get updated overtime. - Ziku/IAmESpecter
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batboyblog · 6 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #10
March 15-22 2024
The EPA announced new emission standards with the goal of having more than half of new cars and light trucks sold in the US be low/zero emission by 2032. One of the most significant climate regulations in the nation’s history, it'll eliminate 7 billion tons of CO2 emissions over the next 30 years. It's part of President Biden's goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 on the road to eliminating them totally by 2050.
President Biden canceled nearly 6 Billion dollars in student loan debt. 78,000 borrowers who work in public sector jobs, teachers, nurses, social workers, firefighters etc will have their debt totally forgiven. An additional 380,000 public service workers will be informed that they qualify to have their loans forgiven over the next 2 years. The Biden Administration has now forgiven $143.6 Billion in student loan debt for 4 million Americans since the Supreme Court struck down the original student loan forgiveness plan last year.
Under Pressure from the administration and Democrats in Congress Drugmaker AstraZeneca caps the price of its inhalers at $35. AstraZeneca joins rival Boehringer Ingelheim in capping the price of inhalers at $35, the price the Biden Admin capped the price of insulin for seniors. The move comes as the Federal Trade Commission challenges AstraZeneca’s patents, and Senator Bernie Sanders in his role as Democratic chair of the Senate Health Committee investigates drug pricing.
The Department of Justice sued Apple for being an illegal monopoly in smartphones. The DoJ is joined by 16 state attorneys general. The DoJ accuses Apple of illegally stifling competition with how its apps work and seeking to undermining technologies that compete with its own apps.
The EPA passed a rule banning the final type of asbestos still used in the United States. The banning of chrysotile asbestos (known as white asbestos) marks the first time since 1989 the EPA taken action on asbestos, when it passed a partial ban. 40,000 deaths a year in the US are linked to asbestos
President Biden announced $8.5 billion to help build advanced computer chips in America. Currently America only manufactures 10% of the world's chips and none of the most advanced next generation of chips. The deal with Intel will open 4 factories across 4 states (Arizona, Ohio, New Mexico, and Oregon) and create 30,000 new jobs. The Administration hopes that by 2030 America will make 20% of the world's leading-edge chips.
President Biden signed an Executive Order prioritizing research into women's health. The order will direct $200 million into women's health across the government including comprehensive studies of menopause health by the Department of Defense and new outreach by the Indian Health Service to better meet the needs of American Indian and Alaska Native Women. This comes on top of $100 million secured by First Lady Jill Biden from ARPA-H.
Democratic Senators Bob Casey, Tammy Baldwin, Sherrod Brown, and Jacky Rosen (all up for re-election) along with Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, and Sheldon Whitehouse, introduced the "Shrinkflation Prevention Act" The Bill seeks to stop the practice of companies charging the same amount for products that have been subtly shrunk so consumers pay more for less.
The Department of Transportation will invest $45 million in projects that improve Bicyclist and Pedestrian Connectivity and Safety
The EPA will spend $77 Million to put 180 electric school buses onto the streets of New York City This is part of New York's goal to transition its whole school bus fleet to electric by 2035.
The Senate confirmed President Biden's nomination of Nicole Berner to the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Berner has served as the general counsel for America's largest union, SEIU, since 2017 and worked in their legal department since 2006. On behalf of SEIU she's worked on cases supporting the Affordable Care Act, DACA, and against the Defense of Marriage act and was part of the Fight for 15. Before working at SEIU she was a staff attorney at Planned Parenthood. Berner's name was listed by the liberal group Demand Justice as someone they'd like to see on the Supreme Court. Berner becomes one of just 5 LGBT federal appeals court judges, 3 appointed by Biden. The Senate also confirmed Edward Kiel and Eumi Lee to be district judges in New Jersey and Northern California respectively, bring the number of federal judges appointed by Biden to 188.
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oofthwoods · 7 months
THE BRAWN GP GARAGE GRAND PRIX! ── ˙ ̟ the echo !!
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 :: jenson button had always been a great commentator, especially when it came to narrating the wild world of imaginary races, where the only challenger was none other than the daughter of his teammate.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :: part of the "it takes a paddock" miniseries, that explores moments of echo!reader's childhood in the paddock.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 :: 1.2k (just a sweet little story)
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The Brawn garage buzzed with activity as the team prepared for another day of testing at the Circuit de Catalunya. Mechanics hurried back and forth, checking and double-checking every detail of the sleek white cars that lined the garage. The air was thick with the smell of rubber and gasoline, and the sound of engines revving filled the space, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement.
Amidst the chaos, a quieter corner of the garage served as a sanctuary from the frenzy. There, sitting on a stack of tires, was Rubens Barrichello's daughter, her hair falling in loose curls around her shoulders as she concentrated intently on her coloring book. Her small fingers gripped a crayon with determination, carefully filling in the lines of a picture with vibrant colors.
Suddenly, a familiar voice broke through her concentration, and she looked up to see Jenson Button, her father's teammate, approaching with a warm smile. Her face lit up with excitement at the sight of the man, and she jumped off the tires to greet him with a hug.
"Uncle Jen!" she exclaimed, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm. "Are you here to race today too?"
Jenson chuckled, his blue eyes twinkling with amusement as he ruffled her hair affectionately. "Not today, sweetheart," he replied. "Your dad's the one doing the racing. But I'm here to keep you company while he's busy out on track."
The girl's eyes sparkled with delight as she listened to Jenson's words. She admired him greatly, not just because of his talent, but because he always took the time to interact with her whenever they crossed paths in the garage.
"Can we do something fun?" she asked eagerly, bouncing on the balls of her feet with excitement.
Jenson nodded enthusiastically, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Of course! How about we have a little race of our own? I'll be the commentator, and you can be the driver."
The girl's face lit up with excitement as she eagerly agreed to the idea. Jenson wasted no time, quickly scurrying around the garage to gather up cones and spare parts to create a makeshift race track. With deft hands, he arranged the obstacles into a winding course that snaked its way around the various tools and equipment scattered about.
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the inaugural Brawn Garage Grand Prix!" Jenson announced with theatrical flair, holding up a makeshift microphone fashioned out of an old wrench. "On pole position, we have the one and only… Y/N Barrichello! And alongside her, it's me, Jenson Button, your trusty commentator for today's race."
The girl giggled with delight as she took her position at the starting line, her tiny hands gripping the imaginary steering wheel with determination. Jenson, playing his part to perfection, took up his position as the announcer, adopting a dramatic tone befitting the occasion.
"Get ready, folks! The tension is palpable as our fearless competitors prepare to battle it out on the treacherous Brawn Garage circuit!" Jenson proclaimed, his voice echoing off the walls of the garage.
With a flourish, he counted down from three, his arm slicing through the air like a conductor leading an orchestra. As his hand dropped, signaling the start of the race, the girl stomped on the imaginary accelerator, her make-believe engine roaring to life as she shot off the line in a blur of excitement.
The garage was transformed into a miniature racetrack, the sound of imaginary engines filling the air as the girl and Jenson darted and weaved their way through the makeshift obstacles. Cones became chicane markers, and toolboxes served as hairpin bends, each turn and straightaway presenting a new challenge for the intrepid racers.
Jenson, ever the entertainer, provided colorful commentary as they raced, his voice rising and falling with the ebb and flow of the action. He cheered the girl on with infectious enthusiasm, his words spurring her on to greater feats of daring as she navigated the course with the skill and precision of a seasoned pro (if there ever was a pro of fake racing).
As they crossed the makeshift finish line, Jenson scooped up the girl in one swift motion, lifting her onto his shoulders. Her laughter filled the garage, bubbling over with unrestrained joy as she clung to him, her tiny hands gripping his shoulder.
"Congratulations, champ!" Jenson announced, his voice booming with theatrical flair. "You've just won the first-ever Brawn Garage Grand Prix!"
The mechanics, who had been watching the impromptu race with amused smiles, erupted into cheers and applause. They clapped their hands enthusiastically, their cheers mingling with the sound of engines revving in the distance.
"Way to go, kiddo!" one of the mechanics shouted, giving the girl a thumbs-up.
Some of the mechanics rushed forward to offer high-fives to the victorious little girl, their faces alight with excitement. Others pulled out their phones, eager to capture the moment for posterity. Flashbulbs popped as they snapped photos of Jenson and the young girl, their bond evident for all to see in the warmth of their smiles.
Jenson, his own grin infectious, basked in the attention, reveling in the joy of the moment. "Looks like we've got ourselves a world champion in the making!" he declared, beaming down at the girl perched on his shoulders.
The girl giggled, her cheeks flushed with happiness. "Thanks, Uncle Jen! That was so much fun!"
Rubens, returning to the garage after his stint on track, couldn't help but smile at the heartwarming scene unfolding before him. His daughter, flushed with excitement and clinging tightly to Jenson's shoulders, looked happier than he had seen her in weeks. And Jenson, with his infectious grin and easy charm, seemed to have cast a spell over the entire garage, filling it with an atmosphere of camaraderie and joy.
Walking over to join the celebration, Rubens wrapped an arm around his daughter's shoulders, pulling her into a warm embrace. "Looks like you had quite the race, huh?" he teased, ruffling her hair affectionately.
The girl nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining with pride. "It was the best race ever, Dad! Uncle Jen said I was the fastest driver in the whole garage!"
Rubens chuckled, shooting a grateful smile in Jenson's direction. "Well, I have no doubt about that. You've got quite the talent behind the wheel, just like your old man."
Jenson grinned, giving Rubens a playful punch on the arm. "Hey now, don't go giving her all the credit. She may have won the race, but I was the one providing the commentary! And let me tell you, it was a masterpiece of sports broadcasting."
The three of them laughed, the sound echoing off the walls of the garage, mingling with the hum of activity as the team prepared for the next session. For a brief moment, all the stresses and pressures of life in the fast lane melted away.
With Jenson by her side, Rubens knew that his daughter was in good hands – and that was a comforting thought indeed.
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taglist (tell me if you want to be added or removed <3) :: @studioreader, @fanficweasley , @stinkyjax , @namgification , @judespoision , @cha-hot , @disneyprincemuke , @itsjustkhaos , @trouble-sistar , @ihateyougunthersteiner , @treehouse-mouse , @cherry-piee , @fangirl125reader , @cassie0sstuff, @be-your-coffee-pot , @elijahslover , @flannelforthetoads , @m0cha-bunny , @ironmaiden1313 , @glitterquadricorn , @spideybv28 , @celesteblack08 , @thatgirlthatreadswattpad , @itscrzy, @canihavemyhoodieback , @eugene-emt-roe, @weirdshinji, @woozarts, @marshmummy, @80sloverry
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pileofboneswrites · 2 months
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PRETTY BOY_headcanons.strangerthings
general eddie munson headcanons.
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SUMMARY — some of my eddie headcanons :)
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eddie is adhd personified
will start 16 tasks then realize he didn't finish the first one so he will go back and then turn around and do the same thing until he's finished them all
will make himself something to eat or drink, and then go back to the livingroom/his room and get hungry/thirsty only to find thr drink or snack waiting for him because he forgot it the first time
puts things down and then 'loses' them constantly!! it's literally in front of your face pretty boy!!!
obsessed with music, and absolutely hates silence
he literally cannot function if there's silence
cleaning the kitchen? he's blasting metallica. in the shower? black sabbath on full volume and you better believe he's doing every (air) guitar solo, and singing along the whole time. getting ready for bed/falling alseep? his favourite dio album is turned down low enough it won't bother wayne, but it's playing until he either passes out and it clicks off, or he's putting on another album
isn't a music genre snob but in the same breath will tell you he'd rather die than listen to country music
despite his stance on country music, loves willy nelson and johnny cash (because who doesn't???)
loves animals and would kill if he caught someone abusing them
cries watching kitty/puppy videos, because they're so damn innocent and too good for humanity and this world
he physically cannot watch those ads about abused animals, will turn the tv off or leave the room (will still get misty eyed just thinking about the poor babies)
will steal animals he sees being mistreated, and will either beg wayne to let him keep them or rehome them to somewhere they'll be loved and properly cared for (he goes and visits them periodically too)
super flirty with people, especially if you're on the shyer side, or are an old lady
if he notices you're shy/insecure he'll lay it on thick (loves seeing people blush/get flustered)
loves old ladies, like grandma's, always tells them they don't look old enough to have children let alone grandchildren or gasp, great grandchildren
gets easily flustered when people flirt with him
he's a natural flirt, unless someone flirts first/or flirts back – then his brain short circuits and he's completely thrown off his game
very gentlemanly
holds open doors for everyone, doesn't matter if you're a man, woman, etc, also doesn't matter how far from the door you are, he will hold it if he sees you coming in his direction — respects wait staff, janitors, etc (always leaves a good tip because people suck, and wait staff deserve to be treated well and tipping is essential!!!)
is a good cook/terrible baker
loves to try new recipes, loves experimenting with his cooking, wayne taught him the basics and then eddie started cooking super all the time for them, making sure wayne was well fed
also can make delicious food out of things you would never expect!!
do not try the cookies/muffins/cupcakes/etc. just don't he doesn't realize that baking soda and baking powder are different things!!!! he will make you the saltiest baked goods you've ever tried!!!
looks like a black cat is infact a golden retriever
he is a silly, goofy, happy boy!! he likes meeting new people, making new friends, (also thinks hes a lap dog)
has zero spatial awareness
he flings his hands/arms around like there's no one else on the planet often results in accidentally hitting someone or almost hitting someone
walks into things in his eyeline that he can see are coming closer, or tries to dodge things when they get close enough instead of just moving over half an inch
bumps his head, stubs his toes a lot, trips or almost trips like once an hour
will bump into your if you're walking beside him, he has a bad habit of nearly shoving people into walls because of how close he gets
apologizes to inanimate objects that he bumps into on the regular
taught himself to play the guitar, drums and piano
when he was a kid his grandparents had a little standing piano in their living room and he'd mess around with it, and then he heard a song on the radio he really liked that had a piano in it so he sat down and over christmas break he taught himself how to play the song, and then how to play some more songs — he only ever seeks out a piano when he's sad now
wayne got him a kid sized drum set for christmas one year, and he played with it until it ultimately broke apart — he taught gareth to play drums
his love of playing guitar came from his father, who before and abandoning eddie taught him a couple chords, and gave him his first guitar — it was an acoustic but it was the only good gift his father ever gave him
cannot stay still
fidgets with his rings, taps his foot, clicks pens (until everyone around his is annoyed), picks at peeling paint, stickers, etc, doodles on himself constantly
has hearing loss from how loud he plays his music + not wearing ear protection at band practices
its mostly because of how loud he cranks his music in the van, never realizes how bad it is until he gets in in the morning for work/school and nearly deafens himself but also scares himself so bad that sometimes he dumps his coffee all over the place
has a terrible memory
writes lists/important 'to do's' on the top of his hand/wrist because he always forgets something, he always has something written down — and despite this still forgets
reuses jokes that aren't that funny but will die laughing upon every delivery
walks into hell fire weaing the same shirt as every friday session and will say "oh that's embarrassing, we've all worn the same thing" ((also not my head canon but it's so funny and i can't stop thinking about it so i had to add it))
is always reading something
be it a horror novel, a dnd manual, something someone recommended to him, he always has a book on/with him
loves thunderstorms and rain
he finds it calming, the rhythmic beating of the rain hitting the metal of the trailer roof, a kind of music in its own right
he likes to sit in the doorway and watch as it pours down, just sitting there, feeling the mist of cool water that sprays up
under absolutely no circumstances does he fuck with porcelain dolls
their eyes are creepy and they follow you, 'nough said
loves halloween more than any other holiday
dresses up every year with zero regard for what anyone thinks, loves to scare kids, always has the most elaborate set up so that he can sit out in the yard and watch/be apart of the scaring
is a lover
doesn't really have many preferences for a partner, isn't really set on a specific gender, body type, age, etc
i'm of the belief that eddie would love you for loving him
terrible at fighting
he prefers not to fight, which is why he wears rings, so if he has to at least that might get them to back off
so good at gift giving
he remembers that one thing you mentioned that one time like nine years ago and anytime he sees something that reminds him of you he gets it
prefers to make gifts for people, and always gets them something they love/need
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unholyhelbig · 2 months
any chance for a kate x reader angst?
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Title: Firecrest (Part 1/???)
Ship: Female!Reader x Kate Bishop
Wordcount: 4075
Summary: Kate Bishop and y/n have an unspoken agreement that revolves around being enemies with benefits. But when Kate's new mentor is someone Y/n is very familiar with, things become complicated.
Warnings: Mentions of sexual activities, fire, mentions of childhood abandonment, horrible grammar (I don't proofread lol), and things I'm sure I'm forgetting.
[A/n: how about enemies to lovers angst? How about Enemies to lovers with a little fake dating sprinkled in there? Let me know if this is something you all would like to see continued!]
Main Masterlist | Read my stuff on AO3 | Leave Requests
Your mother had the in-depth beauty of a street dog. Her features were angular, yet soft and welcoming. People were often tempted to reach and run their fingers through her fur. But she tended to gently correct. She had the perfect demeanor for a government spy. However, you had always known her as a brilliant biochemist. Alluring in her brilliance.
The soft lights of the city shaded her face in the back of the taxi. The air had warmed significantly, but the low hum of the air conditioner made you pull your suit jacket close to your breast. The maroon had felt like too much at first. But the impressed nod from the woman next to you was enough to ebb away any doubts.
Your mother popped open her compact and swiped her finger against the corner of her mouth, taking away the smudged gloss that wasn’t noticeable in comparison to her presence. There was not much you feared in this world, but her wrath. Her annoyance. Her disappointment. None of which she flashed often.
“Remember what we talked about, y/n.”
“Of course. Would you like me to repeat it?”
She snapped the compact and leveled you with amusement. Her eyebrow lifted, the start of a smile at the corner of her lip. She couldn’t be serious. You made eye contact with the taxi driver in the mirror. He showed the same amusement that your mother did, yet somehow, hers stung more.
A groan escaped you, but bled into the mantra that was drilled into you for the past two weeks. “I will be the perfect lady who is grateful for the success of Lance and his political circuit.”
“I will not start anything I can’t finish with Katherine Elizabeth Bishop, And I’m an adult perfectly capable of handling myself.”
“That wasn’t part of it.” Your mother corrected softly. Her hands were suddenly on you, smoothing down the lapel of your suit. “But It’ll do. Mostly, because we’re here.”
Eleanor Bishop often held her galas in the historic buildings of downtown Manhattan. There were small pamphlets lingering by the extensive hand-carved doors. They’d detail the rich family that had built it from the ground up. The architecture was always admittedly beautiful, and Eleanor had a subtle, expensive taste.
This venue was no different; stretching hallways and men in suits that mirrored yours in a tasteful black. Your mother never stepped ahead of you, instead holding a hand out and helping you from the back of the taxi. You’d left a generous tip, careful not to shove your hands into your pockets.
“This used to be a museum for fine arts and culture. The last I heard; the city was going to tear it down but made it a historical site. They use it for banquets now, I suppose.”
“Oh? You’ve read the informational booklet, then?”
She jabbed her elbow into your ribs and mocked a scowl. “No. I robbed it. How do you think we paid for your college tuition, kiddo?”
That was an exaggeration. You were 90% sure- maybe 75%. Bobbi Morse was a force to be reckoned with, and that was something you had learned from a young age. She’d let you sit on the counter of her lab while she worked, and you’d watch her with absolute awe.
Your mother had taught you, without fail, a variety of fighting skills. Starting with Aikido and ending with Taekwondo. She was a master at her craft, both in the field and in her lab and had worked with you since you could walk to train you in the same.
“Mm,” You hummed your response, “Which priceless painting did you take?”
“It was a vase, smart-ass.”
You pulled in a breath to retort before effectively being rendered silent by the performance hall. Eleanor Bishop had gone all out for the benefits that she backed. This was a vast space that was adorned in white sheer and glittering lights. A slideshow of the sponsored bird sanctuary flashed on the televisions scattered throughout the space.
There was a band on the stage, string instruments that you could feel in the center of your chest. The low notes shuddered through you as you took in the crowd. There were few that you actually recognized, usually hazed in expensive alcohol and lingering by the food, or some form of fresh air.
“It’s ironic that it’s about birds, right?”
She leveled you with an unimpressed look and squeezed your shoulder fondly. It didn’t take long for Lance to make his way over to the both of you. His eyes lit up and a smile spread across his freshly-shaved face. He gave you a small wave, gently exiting the conversation he was having with a congressman, a millionaire, or an architect that was just the right amount of desperate.
Lance Hunter had stolen your mothers heart when you were ten years old. You always assumed it was the accent, but the more you got to know him, the more you understood his charms. Lance had never forced things with you, had never claimed to be your father.
There were quiet moments when he’d join you on the wrap-around porch of your family home and just sit. The two of you would watch the way the sun dipped behind the horizon, sipping on syrupy cans of soft drink. Eventually, you talked to him, and he listened with diligence.
“My girls,” he said, placing a chaste kiss against your forehead before sidling up next to Bobbi. They had effortlessly matched in a deep and royal blue that contrasted the ignited red of your own suit. You were the perfect epitome of a political family.
Eleanor Bishop had given you a brief nod of the head, signifying your presence. It was a silent warning told through blackened eyes: Behave.
Her diligent attention was enough to split your family up. You preferred to linger away from the stuffy socialites. Bobbi and Lance were required to mingle. You plucked a flute of bubbling champagne from a passing tray and moved towards one of the elegant support beams decorated with what you now learned, was real foliage.
The floral scent tickled the back of your throat, so you took a generous swallow and let the alcohol warm your stomach diligently. There had to be something interesting around here, away from the rest of the party. A plague or two that would further explain the venue.
A burst of forced laughter greeted your parents as they sidled up next to Jack and Eleanor. Lance had produced some campaign buttons, which the group took without hesitation. You had to admit, he was loveable and politician-worthy.
“Look at us, we match.”
You swallowed back a groan, not bothering to look over. A small noise still escaped you, and the grumble conveyed your exact disposition towards Kate Bishop. Disgust. Annoyance. The slightest bit of attraction. She overwhelmed your senses with her crisp, winter scent.
Eventually, curiosity got the better of you and you glanced over at her. She was in red too, incredibly vibrant against her soft expanses of exposed skin. The dress had a dipping neckline, revealing the freckles that created constellations against her collarbone. She beamed with irritation. You’d never admit that she was captivating.
“I thought you were given explicit instructions to leave me be.” You said between gritted teeth.
She hummed and grasped the drink from your hand. Kate was calculated in her movements, wrapping her lips around the smudge of lipstick that you’d already created on the rim of the glass. She didn’t break eye contact, those slate orbs boring into you.
“We both know you’re the most interesting thing at these parties.”
“I’m not falling for your… charms, Kate Bishop. Your mother may have bought you out of our consequences last time. But, I have more at stake.”
She scoffed and set the now empty glass down on the nearest table. You knew damn well that Kate wasn’t absolved of accountability after your run-in a few months back. She held herself differently now, and it was a minute expression of her posture that caught your attention.
There was a small split at the corner of her lip, and a healing bruise just at her hairline. She’d attempted to use makeup to cover the abrasions, but you had a trained eye. You were your mother’s daughter. These were defensive wounds. And for just a moment, you worried that the Bishop’s had a heavier hand than you’d anticipated.
But then, Kate’s muscles flexed and her head lilted to the side, dark curls splaying over her shoulders. She had grown stronger. It wasn’t noticeable, or at least, it shouldn’t’ have been. But you knew every inch of her body and despite your forced separation, she’d grown steady of herself.
“Why should I be punished, when you’re the one who set the curtains ablaze.”
You leaned close enough to feel her body heat. To her credit, she didn’t step back. A ghost of a smirk was on her lips. You snarled your words. “And who’s fault was that?”
“I don’t see how I was supposed to know you’d get trigger happy with your powers when I went down on you.” She gave you a cocky pout. “Is that a new thing, or have you never been able to handle yourself in moments of pleasure?”
You couldn’t stop yourself from grasping at the strap on her dress, pulling her closer to you out of a burst of anger. The phantom look of confidence spread into a full-blown grin. You were exasperated, the familiar heat burning just under your skin.
It was true, you’d lost control for just a moment, with Kate Bishops head between your legs, one hand buried deep in her mess of tangled hair. As an orgasm washed over you, thighs shaking, your other hand had drifted too close to the drapes and had caught them ablaze.
Despite the both of you being adults, you were separated within an instant. Dragged embarrassingly away by your respective parental units after the fire was put out. The last you’d seen of her was reflected with the flashing red lights of a rumbling fire engine.
Kate had a devilish look in her eyes. “Harder, baby.”
It was a resolute sound that had you pulling apart as if she was a toxic entity. In your book, she was. Both hands landed in your pockets and the two of you looked sheepishly at Eleanor. She’d been keeping an eye on you, you were sure. And had made a direct line to you the second Kate had given you that salacious look.
“Good evening, Mrs. Bishop. It’s a pleasure to see you.”
Kate coughed out something that sounded like ‘Kiss ass’ and covered it up with a doe-eyed look of innocence. She may not have been afraid of her mother, but you were terrified. Bobbi had a soft hand. It commanded you like a weapon, and you were happy to do what you were told.
Your own punishment had consisted of heavier training. Both mentally and physically to perfect control that you’d had mastered years ago when you were nothing but a girl with streaks of tears dripping from your chin. The fire had been too strong then, overwhelming and horrible.
“Good evening, Miss Morse, I trust you’ve found a way to entertain yourself during the benefit that isn’t antagonizing my daughter.” Before you could answer, she turned her attention to Kate. “And you. I specifically allowed you to bring a guest in attempts to keep you away from Bobbi’s little arsonist.”
She had been under the full impression that you’d taken a zippo to the hanging drapes. It was the white-hot flames that leaked from your own fingers that had done the damage. Kate was thankfully tight-lipped about the fact, and you let the socialite think whatever she wanted. She hadn’t pressed charges.
Kate pulled her shoulders back, almost looking offended at the name you were tagged with. Almost. “Clint got stopped at the front for an autograph, mom. I’m just biding my time.”
“Bide it somewhere else. We’ve talked about this.”
Eleanor gave you a tight-lipped smile that had noticeably softened compared to the venomous expression she held for Kate. A light squeeze was delivered to your arm. It had always scared you how quick she could switch like that. Her shoulders pulled back as she wandered back over to her group.
Lance lifted his chin in your direction. Silently asking if everything was okay, and it was. His quiet reassurance brought the heat licking at your stomach to a bubbling halt. Why you cared more about Eleanors disposition towards Kate, then her acidity directed at you, was beyond something you were willing to confront.
“Who’s Clint?”
“Why? Jealous?”
“Can we have a normal conversation, please. Is it so shocking that I’d take interest in your friends?”
She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Yes. If you must know, he’s not a friend. He’s a mentor. He’s, my partner.”
Both of your eyebrows lifted. Partner in what? It wasn’t something you would audibly voice, save you show any concern past the normal amount that you usually had for Kate. The tautness of her muscles, and the superficial injuries made that discomfort return to the pit of your stomach.
Kate was an archer. You knew such from the trophies that littered her dresser the one time you’d been privy to her room. Truth be told, you hadn’t paid much attention. You were backed against her door and her teeth were scraping against your pulse point. But the little gold figures and the child-sized bow on the wall was enough to of a giveaway.
You only knew one archer, and you knew him distantly; from photos that your mother had blacked out with a sharpie. She’d later told you that she regretted the fact because the memories of the three of you would always remain.
The taste of bile filled your throat and Kate lilted her head to the side, like a golden retriever that had heard a piercing noise. There was a surprising amount of concern in her voice. “You okay? You’re looking a little green.”
“Hm? Yeah. Totally. The champagne is just sitting weird.”
A frown had found its way onto your face, and you directed your attention back to the crowd. It seemed that Eleanor was satisfied enough with the two of you lingering in silence. You were trained to know where the exits were in any venue. Kate’s stare shockingly darted in the same pattern as your own.
People had trickled in until the floor was bustling with conversation. You let your shoulders relax in the slightest bit, swallowing back the acrid taste in your mouth. Eleanor had lost her viewpoint of you and her daughter, and you weren’t much in the mood for fighting her on pure proximity.
“There you are, god, I didn’t know this many people cared about birds.”
This time, you couldn’t stop your narrowed eyes from flashing to the intrusion. Whatever distracted Kate was enough to be deemed a savior in your book. But the voice was familiar, painfully so. It was as if your body reacted by busting out in goosebumps, chills rushing down your spine.
Now, you wanted your mother to be able to see you. You were a strong, and capable adult that knew at least six different ways to kill a person without a weapon. You’d gone on missions with your mother, with your Aunt Daisy, too. A simple man in a simpler suit should not make your knees weak.
Yet- here he was. In a charcoal black ensemble with a pocket square that was a flash of purple. It was a color you’d grown to despise. It was an eyesore, as was the man that stood at a height taller than Kate, but just a few inches.
You’d found a singular picture of him that wasn’t defaced in your mother’s nightstand. A polaroid of the three of you on the beach. The sun had turned your cheeks a flushed pink. He had you in his arms and beamed at the camera. Eyes matching the blue of the ocean.
They were the same now, the same vibrancy that you’d thought about. He looked other, worn from parenthood and the effects of time. Of course, you’d seen him on television, but Bobbi had always been quick to flick it off, only lingering during the Sokovia accords.
His mouth fell open in disbelief, but you were careful to keep your jaw stock still. You weren’t going to give Clint Barton the satisfaction of rattling you. Not here, not if he ever decided to show up when you had a family of your own. Not on your deathbed. He couldn’t invoke that from you.
Kate had learned to pick up on body language, and she had learned fast. Her stare shifted between both you, and Clint. She had the right amount of perception to keep her mouth shut, even taking half an inch step back. She was in a position to hold the two of you apart, if need be.
“Holy shit,” He breathed out, “Sparky.”
“Don’t call me Sparky.”
You were taken aback by your own ability to produce words. They were pinched and had dropped down an octave to true anger. Not the type that Kate Bishop was used to. Sure, you had aggravation directed towards her, but nothing short of teasing.
Clint took a slight step towards you, and you took a large one back, nearly bumping into the support beam wrapped with vines and vibrant flowers. Your hand reached out to grab onto it for support, but Kate’s fingers wrapped gently around your wrist. Right. Yes. That would be the safe bet.
You needed to find Bobbi.
Chances were, Clint hadn’t seen her with the growing attendance. You could slip out through the large storm doors that were a few feet behind you. At least then, you could burn scorch marks into the grass and not into this historical building.
“What is happening?” Kate said, refusing to remove her hand from your wrist. You didn’t wrench it away, either. It was a force, a grounding factor. You refused to let the fire move past your fingertips in fear that it would burn her. “Clint?”
“She uh… She’s…”
The words died in his throat. You couldn’t’ stand looking at him, pale as ice and wringing his hands nervously. He couldn’t hold still, but you were like a stone. Almost as if he would vanish the second you averted your stare.
“I’m his daughter.”
Kate’s hand did move from your wrist and to your hand, almost out of instinct. Your relationship, or lack-there-of, had never required this kind of closeness. But She was hanging on tightly, nails digging into your skin. The slight sting brought you back.
Clint croaked “How’s your mother?”
Kate winced and you felt the spring in your spine loosen. He was more nervous than you were and that gave you an advantage. “You can ask her yourself. She and Lance are mingling.”
“Lance is here?”
“Of course.”
He was running for congressman. It would damage his campaign if he hadn’t shown up. The gossip blogs that followed the lives of New Yorks Elite had picked up on the rift between you and Kate. There were a few grainy photos of the two of you standing shoulder to shoulder, wrapped in foil blankets that made you look like Baked potatoes. There was soot on her chin, and you had wiped the darkness away with your thumb. Of course, that had been the moment they caught and wrote about, and plastered all over the internet.
Clint worked his jaw and cupped the back of his neck with a tepid smile. It wavered incessantly. He was boyish in his charm and that would always be the case, no matter how old he got. You knew he had a family now. A real family that didn’t’ consist of a secret agent and their match-happy daughter.
You gave Kate a squeeze with your free hand, signaling that you were fine. The last thing you wanted to appear was weak. She seemed to get the message loud and clear, wrenching her touch away with a nervous clearing of her throat.
“I’m sorry… Can we back up for a second?”  
Clint had a dejected look in his eyes that almost made you feel a twinge of guilt. Almost. Your own ego often got in the way of things, and this was one of them. There was a flood of emotions between both of the archers, a silent pleading to hear him out.
“You and Mrs. Morse dated?”
“They were married.” You snatched another glass of campaign, this one all for yourself. You swallowed the acrid drink and let the bubbles assault your throat. “When did the divorce finalize, again?
“No, I was never really privy to the details myself.”
“We shouldn’t do this here.”
You finished off the rest of the drink, a certain amount of your defenses lower. You felt warm, but not warm enough to do something stupid. He was right. You shouldn’t do this here and if you had your way, you wouldn’t’ do it anywhere. You were perfectly content to let this man slip back into oblivion and train the Bishop heiress that you had a habit of bedding.
Clint seemed to let out a sigh of relief when you nodded in agreement. He scrutinized you both, the rush of initial shock ebbing away like a melting lake. Chunks of ice broke off and gave way to the familiarity and closeness the two of you held. It was relaxed, despite the rivalry that landed you here in the first place.
“No,” he drawled out, “No, no, no. Kate, you didn’t’.”
The tips of her ears were red enough to match your suit and the color that painted her own lips. She hid her face in her hands with a groan. But you wrapped your arm around her waist and pulled her against your side.
“Does that bother you, old man?”
It clearly did. Kate leveled you with a delicious glare that was unmatched but didn’t’ move from your hold. Was she letting you have this? You weren’t entirely sure. He was whipping his head back and fourth with enough force to break his own neck. It was making you dizzy, but giddy all the same.
Your moment of joy at his dismay was short lived. You caught the sharp scent of your mothers perfume. She’d cut through the crowd and furrowed her brow at your closeness to Kate. It took her a few moments to realize that Clint was here. To realize that he was the man that had spurred your act of rebellion in doing the exact opposite of what she’d requested at the start of the night.
Her cool eyes took him in just as yours had. Kate was still next to you, swallowing a dryness in her throat that you could nearly hear. Bobbi didn’t attempt to separate you as Eleanor had. Instead, she gave you a quiet stare. “Darling, I think it’s time we go. There’s a situation we have to attend to.”
“Of course. It’s been a pleasure.”
It hadn’t been, but you shocked yourself and Kate by leaning in and pressing a kiss just behind her ear, still blazing with blush. She froze but gave you the slightest bit of nod. Clint opened and closed his mouth like a surfaced fish, but kept quiet.
Your mother walked with a purpose, her shoulders pulled back and an elegance to her sway. You didn’t look back, keeping time with her as she weaved through the crowd and towards the lobby that was ten degrees cooler and much, much more welcoming.
“Is there actually a situation, or is this your attempt at a rescue?”
She ignored your question, stopping and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear with a soft look in her eyes that made your stomach squirm. “Are you okay, sweetie? I had no idea that he’d be here. I never would have made you come.”
“I’m fine, mom.” She didn’t seem convinced, so you added “Really.”
Eventually, Bobbi relented with a shaky sigh and cupped your cheek in a comforting manner. “Good. Okay. Good. Because we do have a situation.”
181 notes · View notes
Rumor has it - Lando Norris x Leclerc!Reader
Social media AU
My first social media au! I‘m back guys, took some time off because of studies.
Disclaimer; no hate to the girl who‘s in the picture with Lando! It’s literally just for the plot.
Face claim; jade_distinguinn on instagram
summary: Lando is spotted with a blonde model, who clearly is not his girlfriend. It leads the internet to question everything.
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liked by f1fan and 17890 other
f1gossip Drama Alert! Lando was spotted chatting it up with a blonde model in Monaco today. Just days ahead of the Monaco Grand Prix while Y/n is in Cannes. Is there trouble in paradise?
view all 656 comments
user23 ouch, poor y/n
lando.y/n we dont know anything yet!
y/nstan the pictures say enough
f1.fans the leclerc brothers would surely kill him
user14 yes, hope its just rumours
y/n.fans apparently the girls friends with Pierre, so could just be a misunderstanding
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liked by charles_leclerc and 35‘789 others
y/n_leclerc living the dream
view all 1789 comments
charles_leclerc Arthur said the second pose is weird
y/n_leclerc tell him to shut it
arthur_leclerc Charles!? no wonder Lorenzo is her favourite
username1526 You gonna just ignore the rumors?
y/n.stans let her live! why don‘t you all go harrass Lando?
f1gossip maybe she‘s as confused as we are
carmenmmundt looking gorgeous love!
y/n_leclerc thanks Cami…see you soon🫶🏼
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liked by gaslyyy and 4567 others
f1gossip So Y/n has deleted a couple of posts with Lando, but she still has these up? And even pinned at the top if her instagram? I‘m as lost as you are🤷🏻‍♀️
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norris.4 see maybe they just done with the media
f1.fans yes but they could at least adress it?!
y/n.stans if she stays with him imma throw a fit
norrisupdates we don‘t even know if it‘s true? there could be an easy explanation
f1gossip yes maybe they just need time, hoping for the best though
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liked by pierregasly and 118‘929 others
landonorris it‘s monaco time ladies and gents
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liked by landonorris and 213‘782 others
charles_leclerc family first
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y/n_leclerc awww Arthur looking so innocent
arthur_leclerc i am?!
charles_leclerc stop it guys
leclerc.fans family? where‘s Y/n?
y/n.stans she‘s not gonna be in Monaco
user6282 liked by Lando?!
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liked by landonorris and 134‘892 others
y/n_leclerc finally feels like summer
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liked by f1.fan and 13‘789 others
f1gossip Confirmed: Y/n has not attended the Monaco gp. People have peeped her posting the second photo right after Landos circulated on twitter. It‘s also confirmed that the girl who was seen lunching with Lando is still in Monaco and attending the Grand Prix.
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y/nismommy she‘s in ibiza thats why she didn’t attend
f1.fan but her whole family is there?
user415 I think they broke up
norris.news what if the model is there? the whole world is there?
leclerc16 yes, exactly. I heard she even has a bf!
y/n.lec but why is Y/n not there? she always supports Charles and Arthur in monaco
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liked by y/n.stans and 10‘890 others
f1gossip News: looks like the youngest Leclerc is currently in Barcelona ahead of the GP! She has been spotted hanging out with Charles as well as attending a football game with Lorenzo. We hope she‘s also there to see Lando.
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y/nismommy so glad it‘s not true
f1.fan we don’t know, she could be there with her brothers
norris.updates Lando has been spotted kissing her in the Mclaren hospitaly. Save to say they are fine!
user678 they probably were just done with all the rumors
y/n.stans i still think him with that model is fishy
Circuit de Barcelona
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liked by landonorris and 355‘907 others
y/n_leclerc Supporting my fav reds today. Swipe for legendary Arthur content + Charlie looking like he couldn‘t hurt a fly
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f1.fansss what about Lando?
norris.updates leave them alone! They will adress once they are ready
y/n_leclerc maybe there is nothing to adress?
landonorris you look gorgeous
arthur_leclerc she‘s not even on the picture?
pierregasly you can see her from the back
charles_leclerc gonna punch you for that Gasly
y/n_leclerc Hey! leave my behind out of this 🫶🏼
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liked by y/n_leclerc and 456‘890 others
landonorris P3 babyyy. couldn‘t do it without my girl by my side. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about how lucky I am. It‘s all for you my love @y/n_leclerc
comments are limited
georgerussell63 parents
landonorris son
carlossainz55 Charles wants his leather jacket back
y/n_leclerc shhh
arthur_leclerc she changes teams like I change underwear
y/n_leclerc so almost never?
1K notes · View notes
amirasainz · 5 months
Hiiii! I love this series and can you write where Amira and Dominik Szoboszlai (He's so fine🤭) go on a date and paparazzi was stalking them or something and Carlos and the grid go crazy and go on protective mode. After that every time she wants to go out someone has to go with her
Hi loves! I hope you enjoy reading my writings. My requests are always open.
The Szoboszlai case
Charles couldn't believe it. He had his phone in his hands, a picture of Amira and Dominik Szoboslai open on his Instagram. The two of them at lunch. Her, wearing a pretty blue of the shoulder summer top with shorts. Her hair done in beautiful summer waves. A light make up, that highlights her warm chocolate brown eyes. A content smile resting on her face. And then there was him, with his stupid smirk. And stupid hair. And his stupid hand resting on her perfect arm. How. Dare. He?!
When Charles first arrived at the conference room, he found himself alone. Seeking a moment of respite from the impending chaos of the Ferrari garage, he pulled out his phone. Instagram beckoned, and he hoped to catch glimpses of his beautiful girlfriend or their pretty babygirl. But fate had other plans.
Suddenly, Charles’s screen flooded with images of Amira Sainz sharing dinner with that infuriating footsy player. His mind raced, emotions colliding like race cars on a tight circuit. The room, once empty, now teemed with drivers, FIA employees, and officials. Max, seated next to Charles, leaned in. “Charlie, mate, are you alright?” he asked, concern etching his features. The other drivers followed suit, their collective gaze fixated on Charles. Carlos chimed in, “Yeah, Lord Percival. You look really pale.” The chorus of agreement echoed around him, a symphony of curiosity and worry.
When Charles remained silent, Lewis laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Charles, hey buddy. Talk to us. You’re kind of scaring us.” Encouraged by Lewis’s words, Charles turned his phone toward the others. The room erupted with various reactions. Carlos looked as though he’d seen a ghost, while Mad Max made his first appearance in five years. Pierre let out a blood-curdling “Nooooo,” Alex and George scrambled to catch a fainting Lando, and even Yuki dropped his Dino nuggets—a sure sign of shock.
After five tension-filled minutes, Daniel broke the silence. “We can’t let anything happen. This can’t turn into something,” he began. “Hell, boys, we won’t let a stupid football—” “Um, you mean soccer,” Logan interjected. “Shut up, Logan,” Max retorted. Daniel continued, carefully navigating Carlos’s presence, “Steal our … friend.”
Carlos, lost in his own world, grappled with the image of his perfect baby sister spending precious time with a stupid football player—someone who didn’t even play for Real Madrid. How could she? So imagine Carlos’s surprise when he was suddenly slapped across the face. All eyes turned to Charles. “Sorry. Are you with us again?” No one—not even the nice lady tending her Greek garden in Italy—expected the kind Monegasque to snap Carlos out of his panic with a resounding slap. “Always, Percival,” Carlos reassured. While the other drivers still reeled from the unexpected incident, the two Ferrari boys had already begun plotting how to keep Amira away from Domi—no, from Szoboszlai. (He didn’t deserve to be called by his first name.)
And boy, planning, they did.
The drivers constructed a kind of timetable for spending time with her. For example, Oscar would have the honor of spending every Monday dinner with her, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. George, on the other hand, would enjoy Wednesday mornings in her company—a fact he promptly shared with Carmen, who was more than delighted. Kika and Pierre were allowed Thursday lunchtime visits. The two of them had initially hoped for overnight stays, but Carlos put his foot down. The mere thought of them manipulating their way into sharing a bed with her… Well, Carlos didn’t even want to entertain that idea.
During Qualifying, Red Bull had the privilege of calling her their VIP guest. The race would be watched in the Ferrari garage, with her seated between their cousin and their Papá—or perhaps cuddled up between Rebecca and Alex.
So imagine Baby!Sainz’s surprise when she returned from her lunch with Dominik, who had been so friendly as to gift her a Versace necklace. She was immediately surrounded by Alex and Fernando. And the revelation that the two of them were friends? Well, that was a twist she hadn’t seen coming.
So everyday she would spend every hour of every day with either a driver, a wag, or both of them. And for some reason, Pierre and Kika always insisted on taking a shower during Thursdays lunch time. Together. But who was she to deny the princess treatment from them.
And Dominik?……. I'm sorry, who?
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205 notes · View notes
dayslynthesix · 18 days
guess who's back | max verstappen x female!oc [part 2]
part 2 of the one where max got back to his ex girlfriend part 1 here
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iked by itsmegigi, charles_leclerc, thstsanneg,. beabee, f1 and others
amayamedina missed the view w/ my girls, fast cars going vroom vroom is not my passion | 📍yas marina circuit
thstsanneg_ i mean kinda like fast cars going vroom vroom 😊
amayamedina no you hate it and it's ok you don't need to lie to make me happy
thstsanneg_ thank god, can i go home now?
amayamedina no. 😊
itsmegigi i swear to god if ferrari fuck up again i might 💣💣 maranello
amayamedina hey scuderiaferrari she's short but she's very dangerous she blew up a bathroom once be warned
scuderiaferrari yes ma'am! 🫡
beabee alonso rapido y furioso
amayamedina i though you liked jenson button?
beabee i do!!
charles_leclerc nice to have you back
amayamedina yeah someone needs to keep gigi out of trouble (trouble being she imploding ferrari)
itsmegigi i would never do that now i now lewis is joing the team
lewishamilton thank you?
georgerussell63 where's the mercedes merch?
amayamedina in your dreams, carmen do something george is delusional
user29 ok so shes really back at the paddock
user93 i hope she's recording for the channel cause if i receive another "jumping of a plane | parachuting vlog" i don't know if i will be able to take it
amayamedina that sound awfully like my mom?
user84 patiently waiting for annes stories of gigi freaking out
itsmegigi to live for the hope of it all, right
november 26th, 2023
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liked by redbullracing, verstappencom, f1, silverstonegp, amayamedina, schecoperez and others
maxverstappen1 great way to finish a great season, see you all next year
verstappencom 🏆🔥
redbulracing lovely, simply lovely season! have a nice break and we see you soon!
georgerussell63 congrats mate, well done 👍🏻
f1 our world champion, ladies and gentlemen 🏆
itsmegigi congrats, i guess (?)
maxverstappen1 ariana what are you doing here?
itsmegigi what a polar bear is doing in texas?
maxverstappen1 god, you're so annoying but i kinda like you
charles_leclerc congrats mate, amazing season for you and the team
itsmegigi yeah don't expect me to say i kinda like you too (i do and i miss your cats 😭
charles_leclerc amayamedina do something your kid is suffering here
amayamedina i mean that sounds ridiculously not my problem 😭 but i can arrange a meeting between jimmy and sassy 🤝🏼 gigi
maxverstappen1 thanks charles
itsmegigi sooooo you're not following each other again?
maxverstappen1 no 😊
charles_leclerc no 😊
user1 ok so amaya is back at his likes
user2 jesus you guys need to stop being creep and stop paying attention to this shit
user1 i literally just commented on something i saw, get a grip
user2 no you get a grip, f1 is about the races and the drivers or about their girlfriends?
user1 i literally JUTS commented on something I saw cause I like amaya and she was very nice TO ME when I meet her, go touch some grass
user4 so no one is complaining how this season was a pain in the ass with the redbull dominance or it was just when it was mercedes?
user5 GOAT!!
itsmegigi yes! but what we really want is forza ferrari winning everything, hope it helped you
maxverstappen1 no
user6 flawless season for max and the team, i wish we could have saw they winning all
december 1st, 2023
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iked by itsmegigi, georgerussell63. tharles_leclerc, thstsanneg_, beabee verstappencom, maxverstappen1 and others
amayamedina summer went away and so, dump vith the best people i know
user61 ok so he's back at her likes
user83 do you think they're back together
user61 na, not yet, at least not officially, he can't keep his mouth shut about her even if his life depends on it
user83 he mentioned k a few times during his interviews last year as well
user61 idk if you were here back in 19 but 8 out of 10 times he was like "actually, my I girlfriend 🤓👆🏻"
user32 like cmon there's no way pic 2 and 4 it's not max
user61 it's so obvious lol
user853 liked by max verstappen
itsmegigi love youuuu 🩷🩷
amayamedina love u more ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
charles_leclerc i miss the old times we got to get those nice trips together 😩
amayamedina no you don't! those trips were always chaotic AND YOU KNOW IT
charles_leclerc it was not! what do you mean, we nearly got losted in croatia cause of me? it was super funny!
amayamedina yeah sure right 👍🏻, chaotic is your life choices (ferrari)
charles_leclerc i don't miss you att all
georgerussell63 yo, did you bought that boat?
mayamedina obviously! i only need a boat license now
georgerussell63 so.. who was driving the boat?
itsmegigi me!! don't worry im a great boat driver
thstsanneg_ you're the best and i love you wishing that trip was longer but time to go back to normal life 😩😭
amayamedina no! i love you 🤝🏼🩷
beabee the gang it's what a trust
amayamedina my whole world
carlossainz55 so who's the dude? asking for a friend
amayamedina meet him yesterday, don't know his name
user55 god shes so UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY
user18 care to explain??
user8 she hard launched them in interlagos 2019 haha
june 12th, 2024
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iked by itsmegigi, beabee, thstsanneg_ maxverstappen1 and others
amayamedina this is from early this month but i got the chance to celebrate my birthday 15 days earlier at the eras tour with my best friends and the people i love, thank you all for coming to england on the most chaotic 36 hours of my life, i love you all and im very grateful for you presence in my life 🩷 ps: thank you for ALL the friendship bracelets, i love them
georgerussell63 you're creating an army of swifties around the paddock and im here for it!
amayamedina keep laughing (carmen told me ou re planning to go, message me when you decide the dateee
thstsanneg_ ilove youuuuu, happiest birthday my friend, you deserve all those great memories
itsmegigi that was amazing, fabulous, incredible, i love you and i love to celebrate with you, happy (official) birthday
amayamedina i love celebrate everything with you 🩷🩷
amayamedina my fav memorie will forever be you yelling cruel summer, love you so much 🩷🩷
beabee happy happy happy birthday!! that was amazing and im very happy we can celebrate yourlife with you, ti amo ❤️❤️
amayamedina i love youuu, te quiero mucho! 🩷
maxverstappen1 happy birthday! 🧡
amayamedina thank you! ❤️‍🩹
user83 the orange heart is back
user33 they're so obvious (im envious)
user31 cuties
charles_leclerc happy birthday amayaaaa you're the best, happy 24th!!
amayamedina thanks charlie!!
user38 oh they're so back together
user16 she was friends with char but i don't see her with alex?
user92 cause the person who need to like alex is charles who's her boyfriend, but she was there as well and there's a photo of everyone in the updateswag page 👍🏻
user82 they all went to celebrate her birthday with her at the eras tour 🥹
user18 charles and charlotte broke up years ago why you keep talking about them?
user3 omg wag patrol is really a thing 🚓 god forbid us to like people 😁
lewishamilton happy birthday, amaya! all the best 😁
amayamedina thank you, lewis! all the best for youuuuu
madalenamedina happiest birthday, my baby! i love you so much and so dearly and im so happy you have all those amazing people around you to celebrate with you! 🥰❤️
amayamedina mom don't make me cry i love you so much and im so lucky to be your daughter! 🩷❤️‍🩹
user44 all again she must be amazing cause lewis is here againnn
user64 so max skipped sim session to go to the eras?
user21 my dude chill down he can skip a sim session and we cannot know 100% if it's him cause guess what she only tagged her friends
june 30th, 2024
maxverstappen1 i can't sim race untill 3 in morning and now i can't skip a sim session, what can i do?
amayamedina you could have won austria cause it's my birthday but you know... 🤷🏼‍♀️
maxverstappen1 i tried ok? but there was a mclaren dangerously racing me and that made my life A LIVING HELL
landonorris i mean you made me dnf
maxverstappen1 get out of here
amayamedina get out of here
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liked by charles_leclerc, amayamedina, redbull, verstappencom, redbullracing georgerussell63 and others
maxverstappen1 sim racing with the guardians of the galaxy, a bunch of assholes charles_leclerc, georgerussell63, landonorris
charles_leclerc you' re insufferable
maxverstappen1 no one forced you to be here, just saying ☺️
georgerussell63 now someone please release the footage of max pushing charles out of the track, crashing on lando and dive bombing me
maxverstappen1 until evidences appear im innocent of all charges
landonorris you pulled an austria on me again
maxverstappen1 we talked about it, be elsa, let it fucking go
landonorris i can't that was unfair
charles_leclerc that's my quote
maxverstappen1 actually IT'S MINE YOU PUSHED ME OUT OF THE TRACK
charles_leclerc be elsa, let it go
itsmegigi i swear i cant with all of you, seriously, go play some tennis, touch some grass, learn how to cook
maxverstappen1 what's wrong with our chilling activity?
itsmegigi what's wrong with you?
charles_leclerc i can answer that
lewishamilton i can back charles up
amayamedina i can testify that there's a lot wrong with him but we working on it
maxverstappen1 i hate all of you
amayamedina so that's why you ditched me
maxverstappen1 you're sitting across the room?
user83 sooooo they're back together right??
redbullracing we're monitoring you👀
user96 i think its unfair redbull not letting nax to sim race all night when they're LITERALLY a energy drink company
maxverstappen1 i agree with that
amayamedina they bio literally "praying for redbull downfall"
maxverstappen1 user96 i don't agree with you anymore
user21 where's the person who said max skipped a sim session to go to the eras now?
maxverstappen1 it was crazy funny, i would do it again, just for informational purposes
august 12th, 2024
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liked by itsmegigi, georgerussell63 charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, f1, thstsanneg_and others
amayamedina i like shinny things ✨️
thstsanneg_ we can see you do 👀
itsmegigi dont fool yourselves, the dress in the 3rd picture is mine and I've been looking for it!
amayamedina our* dress
beabee glowing
amayamedina alexa play bejeweled by tswift
maxverstappen1 🧡🧡🧡
amayamedina yeah idk what that supposed to mean so thank you?
maxverstappen1 jesus, woman, you're so difficult
charles_leclerc nothing to comment but i wanted to comment something so wanna go shopping with me?
amayamedina no 😁 you have a girlfriend, call her 😁
user83 so max is back to her likes AND her comments?
user1 careful with the comments about max and amaya, people are witch hunting us
user83 god forbid us to like people who were nice to us
user93 i miss her vlogs so much
amayamedina il be updating the channel this week!
user93 amaya please no more parachuting 🙏🏻
august 28th, 2024
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lked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 itsmegigi, georgerussell63, f1 and others
amayamedina i swear i don't, miss you at all and blah blah blah anywayyyy summer dumpppp with a few of the people i like (there's an intruder on the dump but whatever)
charles_leclerc that's uh very suspicious 🧐
amayamedina it's not that deep, charlie
itsmegigi you're welcome for the 1st pic 📸
amayamedina THANK YOU
beabee getaway trip for the break, i missed this
amayamedina the gang is what i trust 🤝🏼
thstsanneg_ gorgeous people and this strange dude, famillar face though 🤔
amayamedina and im sure I've seen much hotter man but right now i can't remember when
maxverstappeni excuse me?
amayamedina you're excused! 😁
georgerussell63 and yet you posted the intruder 🤔
amayamedina yeah so someone can came pick him up 😁
maxverstappen1 you're insufferable
amayamedina but you like me 🥹
maxverstappen1 maybe
landonorris im still trying to think about this subtitle, is it like...you're back together? is this max? what is this?
amayamedina two heads and you still can't put the dots together
landonorris max your girl is being rude do something
maxverstappen1 no, she can be rude for both of us 🧡
maxverstappen1 🧡🧡🧡
charles_leclerc stop with the orange hearts, do better, you're a world champion
maxverstappen1 whos the handsome dude?
amayamedina a richie playboy
charles_leclerc NOT LIKE THAT MAX
itsmegigi lestappen is lestappening 😭 (charles giving max relationship advices)
charles_leclerc i gave up seriously
user83 im dying to know about about this
user89 my friend and i have a theory so i'll share, we think they started to talk to each other back in the las vegas/abu dhabi gp, she was there with redbull and she was at his side of the garage, we also think they only started to follow each other again cause they talked
user74 so do you think they're back together how long?
user89 a few weeks probs, she posted him in june and the post was at the eras earlier in june soooo... and they were together during the break. amaya wouldn't post it if it wasn't serious, she's very private with her personal fe even though we think we know her cause she posts a lot liked by amayamedina
user74 how it was when they first dated?
user89 it took her MONTHS to soft launch him lol, ever whe she was at the paddock they were very discreet and it took like half a year for us to see his face on her feed and we knew they were together liked by amayamedina
lewishamilton got to know more on this section than i knew all those months, gret theories girls 🙏🏻
september 5th, 2024
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc redbullracing, fi, itsmegigi and others
amayamedina sooo guess who's back, back again 🤪❤️‍🩹 happy birthday, baby, i love you and our second-chance-trope-romance, wish you all the happiness (and sucess, and victories, can't stand a mclaren dominance please do something) in life, ik hou van je mijn liefste (i love you my love)
charles_leclerc fucking finally, i was miserable rolding back this to everyone
amayamedina you literally texted me last week asking if we were back together cause we were giving "mixed signs"
charles_leclerc yeah cause you were kissing but he called you honey and you told him to fuck off
maxverstappen1 yes, she does that, frequently
maxverstappen1 i missed you so much ❤️❤️ love you 61 times 🧡🧡
amayamedina why 61 times?
maxverstappen1 that's the amount of victories i have 🤪
landonorris that was very rude
amayamedina get out of herel!!
lewishamilton can't say i saw this coming
amayamedina i mean iwas at the paddock since melbourne, you had dinner with me and max went pick me up, gigi and anne were mocking me cause i called max my heart ????
lewishamilton i though you were supporting redbull 🤔
lewishamilton yeah yeah anyway, happy birthday 👍🏻
mayamedina no we're just friends 😁
maxverstappen1 obviously, we're very friends
itsmegigi my my my 🥹
amayamedina loverrrr
itsmegigi happy birthday max 👍🏻
maxverstappeni thanks gigi 👍🏻
thstsanneg_ im very happy for you guys and now i can finally update all the photos from summer and also happiest birthday max wishing you all the best
amayamedina please send me all of them please
maxverstappeni thanks annie
beabee my parents 🖤🖤
maxverstappen1 you re very weird you re literally 22 im 4 years older than you
amayamedina max don't talk to our daughter like that!
beabee 5* im still 22 and you're already 27
maxverstappen1 yeah taylor swift was right you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum i run
danielricciardo maxmaya is back bitch!
mayamedina guess whos back, back again tell a friends
user1 me: will only believe they're back ogether if i see it, me, seeing it: i can't believe
user84 great amaya is back sucking his fame again
user33 you're jealous cause she's sucking him and you're not 🤪
user73 i cantttt with them hard launching on max birthday 🤭
user44 kinda cute kinda missed them
september 30th, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, amayamedina redbullracing, verstappencom, f1 and others
maxverstappen1 i tried to stay out of troube but they say the sequel is better than the original ✨️
amayamedina obviously, fast and furious 2 is better than fast and furious, anyway i kinda missed you
maxverstappen1 everyone knows the best one is fast5 and you know i have missed you, too much for our own good
charles_leclerc ok so it's officially official, mom and dad are back together
maxverstappen1 for christ sake, not you too
itsmegigi war is over liked by maxverstapper
thstsanneg_ we kinda survived the great war of his relationship lked by maxverstappen1
beabee mom and dad are baaaaaack! liked by maxverstappen1
redbullracing we were missing amaya back at the garage.
madalenarnedina very nice to have you back with the family! looking forward to receive you at our house, and please, don't mind richard, he's still upset about the redbull thing
amayamedina "the redbull thing"i already told dad i couldn't date a ferrari driver ever though im a ferrari girl but he cant let it go 🥹
maxverstappen1 I already apologized for it 😭
landonorris im so confused right now
charles_leclerc they're back together, that's all you need to know
maxverstappen1 no, we're not
amayamedina just friends
georgerussell63 cuties liked by amayamedina and maxverstappen1
user33 they're so unintentionally funny lol
user13 can't wait to see oscar and amaya being unintentionally funny together
amayamedina i would never gang up with mclaren!
oscarpiastri what's wrong with us mclaren drivers?
amayamedina orange is not my color
maxverstappen1 excuse me?
amayamedina papaya orange is not my color*
user16 charles can finally go back to third wheeling them officially
user82 like they're back together and we're happy as fuck, but can you imagine the chaos the break is going to be? last time they went to brazil and it was NUTS
maxverstappen1 it was ALL on amaya's, i didn't do shit
amayamedina yeah sure whatever you say big boy
maxverstappen1 that was cringe please don't do it again
lewishamilton why there's a photo of young max?
maxverstappen1 i needed to do it aesthetic ✨️
lewishamilton you're so in love with amaya hat you're already typing like he
maxverstappen1 how do you know how amaya type? 🤔
lewishamilton we exchanged skin care routines 😊
amayamedina flawless skin ✨️
maxverstappen1 yeah sure im out of here bye
90 notes · View notes
mediumgayitalian · 6 months
At around half past one, Nico gets a Feeling.
He gets feelings a lot. Nothing he can quantify, just something telling him that something is up, somethings wrong. Or something’s about to be. At this point, he’s learned to trust his intuition, based purely on the number of times it has saved his life; a number he’s long since given up counting. (He’s only ignored his gut feelings three times in his life: when Bianca went on her quest, when his father promised not to hurt Percy before the Titan War, and when he went looking for the Doors. He has learned his lesson.)
So when something at the bottom of his stomach tells him to get up, to check things out — he does.
He knows it could be nothing. (The last time he had a Feeling, it turned out that he had placed a book precariously on the edge of his desk, and it had been about to fall. Not exactly world-saving stuff.) But regardless, he steps out of bed, shoves his feet into his shoes, and creeps out of his cabin.
Camp is kind of beautiful at night.
There’s an eerie calmness to it without so many human disasters running about, and the quiet reflects that. All Nico can really hear is the hooting of owls in the distance, the chittering of nocturnal animals and monsters alike, the distant screeches of curfew harpies, and the pleasant crashing of the waves. The air is clean, when he inhales, and he takes the time to hold it in his lungs for a bit, imagining the sweet breath is healing his burned lungs, turning the scar tissue back to something flexible and normal. Whether or not it actually works, he doesn’t know, but it feels nice.
Under the light of the brightly shining new moon and billions of stars, he starts his patrol. Around his own cabin first — there’s nothing, as he expected, the warning doesn’t seem overwhelming like threats tend to be — and then he makes his way around the circuit, checking behind gardens and shrines and inside braziers. He hums quietly as he walks, something preppy and bright the Apollo kids have been hollering for days, and waves to Lady Hestia, sword heavy at his waist.
“Come sit,” she calls, patting the seat next to her.
Nico does.
“Haven’t seen you out at night in a while.”
He hums, toneless this time, leaning back on his hands and mirroring her gaze at the sky.
“Been sleeping, for once.”
“I’m glad.”
He smiles, knowing that she means it. He watches out of the corner of his eye as she picks up his sword, sliding it from his belt loop, and uses it to stoke the flames. She doesn’t seem afraid of it, or wary. To her it’s just a stick of metal. It’s nice.
“You have you been, my Lady?”
She pokes at the embers a few more times, scooping a few to balance at the tip of the blade for a while. It glows with the heat, and he knows he’ll have to sharpen it tomorrow, but he doesn’t mind. Maybe he can do it while Will is in the archery range. It’ll give him an excuse to be at the armoury at the same time, anyway.
“I’ve been well.” She breathes deeply, small smile pulling at her face. “It’s calmer, and more people wave to me. I like it.”
She dismisses him a few minutes later, sending him off with a promise to chat again soon. She doesn’t need to worry about him promising — he makes a point to sit with her at least once a week — but it’s nice to know someone wants his company, so he appreciates it. He leaves with a wave, walking towards the eastern half of the cabins.
Nothing’s amiss. He can hear campers snoring, and see the odd reading light. Malcolm catches his eye as he walks past the Athena cabin and winks, sending a cheeky salute when he sees the sword held loosely in his hands. So far, everything seems fine. He’s beginning to think the Feeling might have simply been about Lady Hestia, so he decides to do one last check around the Big House and then head back.
Of course, that’s where the issue is.
The infirmary lights are always on. They’re dimmer in the night, more of a glow than anything, but there’s an extra brightness streaming out from the windows, and when Nico peeks inside, he sees Will, standing with his back turned at the nurse’s station.
He takes a moment to check his strength, making sure he has the energy for it — dinner last night was pho and he had three bowls, he most definitely does — and sinks into the shadows by the door. He materializes back in the little alcove by the bandage & wraps cabinet, lurking silently while he blinks the dizziness away.
The first thing he registers is soft singing.
He’s facing Will, now, and can see the glow coming from his hands, enveloping a bowl of some kind. He has both hands coated in some dusky pink substance, massaging and gently pounding it against the sides of the bowl, working it through with great care. As his voice gets higher, the glow gets brighter, fading as he dips lower. He sings something about hills and meadows and the breeze, about wing-song, about the sound of flower stems bending in the wind. For a while Nico stands, listening to the melodious ancient Greek, swaying with every pitch and hold. It’s captivating.
Will is almost haunting when he heals.
There’s a divinity in him — in all of them — but he glows when he sings. Not just his hands, and sometimes his head if he puts enough power in his words, but there’s an almost shimmer to the air around him, a shining warp. His skin gets clearer, and his hair goes more metallic, almost, like spun gold rather than blonde. His freckles make his skin into an inverse replica of the night sky, dark specks surrounded by bright empty between them. His long fingers pluck through bright strands of light like a harpist strums their chords; lightly, carefully, skillfully; like a braider weaves their hair. There’s an undeniable age to his magic, a practice that’s visibly replicated millions of times over thousands of years, as if every healer who has come before him links their arms with his, breathes their strength in his lungs. Sometimes, when he does something truly unbelievable, amazingly beyond reason, he flickers — his orange camp shirt fades into a white chiton, or long robes, or a white coat, or a blue tunic. Watching him heal is like watching the sunrise — breathtaking and unique, every time, but powerful in its cyclic archaism.
It takes Nico a long time to realise Will is swaying.
Snapped out of his trance, he begins to notice Will’s long, slow blinks, the unsteady way he stands, the weight he has leaned on the counter. Even his face looks plainly exhausted under the glow, face pillow-creased and eyes bruised, hair mussed, limbs leaden. Footsteps as silent as he can manage, Nico creeps over to the schedule posted by the door, scanning through the scrawled pen ink.
He curses quietly. Will is not supposed to be awake.
There are really only three people who can work the infirmary to its fully capacity, barring Chiron. Kayla, Austin, and Will are the only ones who can magically heal, as much as the volunteers are imperative, so when the camp is in full swing one of them must be stationed at all times. That’s how Will sets it up. A bit of a waste of time, he acknowledges, but Nico knows he has memorized every time a camper who should have been saved. He carries far too much guilt to ever let it happen again, as inconvenient as his rules may be.
Night shift, though, is a need-be basis. If the infirmary is as empty as it is right now, then there truly is no need to keep one of the three of them awake outside their circadian rhythm, staring at nothing. Instead, they take shifts in the on-call room — asleep, but prepared should anything go wrong, should a monster chase a new camper at an odd hour. It’s Will’s turn for on-call. It’s two in the morning. He should be asleep.
And, yet.
Nico recognizes the look in his eyes. There’s a — frailty, to them, a deep-seated, animalistic fear, one he recognises from the hours after his own night terrors. A single-minded panic that cannot be unseated in any logical way, cannot be comforted with any gentle hands.
Nico handles his fear with slashing swords and bruised knuckles. Will, he knows, handles his fear with obsessive, endless preparation.
Knowing full well nothing is going to drag him away from his focus bar actual cardiac arrest, Nico walks right by him. Will doesn’t move. He settles behind him in the old, creaky leather office chair, curling his legs under him and resting his head on the soft arm. He watches Will, watches the almost machine-like movement to his kneading arms, and falls back asleep to his humming.
He wakes up warm and a little cramped, in the same position he fell asleep. Sun is streaming on from the many issues, blocked from burning his eyes by Will’s hunched frame, facing towards him now, hands and shoulders shaking with equal violence.
“What time is it?”
His voice is croaky and wrecked from hours of singing. Nico is willing to bet his throat is burned as badly as his hands, cooked from non-stop, sun-borne glowing. The divinity that had emanated from him before has abandoned him and he looks young, lost.
“Early,” Nico says softly. He unfolds himself from the chair, stretching slightly — gods, he is going to ache today — and wraps a slow, careful hand around Will’s wrists. “Probably around six, if I have to guess.”
“I don’t remember waking up.”
“That’s okay.”
“I’m tired.”
“That’s okay.”
His breathing is heavy, laboured.
“I don’t —”
Nico squeezes gently. “It’s okay, Will.”
Will swallows and says nothing.
“Come on.”
Carefully, letting Will’s stiff joints set the pace, Nico guides him out of the infirmary. The sun shines brighter as soon as he steps outside, but he doesn’t seem to notice bar a tiny, almost imperceptible flinch at the change in lighting. Nico switches from holding his wrists to laying a hand on the small of his back, half-worried he’s going to fall over.
Luckily, he makes it to the Apollo Cabin upright, although the stairs take them a while. The hinges of the old screen door creak as Nico pushes it open, and he sees both Kayla and Austin, up and dressed, jump.
“…Will?” Kayla asks softly, eyebrows creased in concern. She walks over to him when he doesn’t answer, frozen still, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. “You okay?”
Will leans — almost hesitantly — into the touch. The same blankness from before clouds his eyes, although this time there’s less of the fear.
“Hey.” Nico walks over to stand in front of him, waiting patiently for him to meet his eyes. In the minutes it takes, he hears Austin pad over, standing opposite to Kayla, hands clenching and unclenching like he can’t decide what to do with them. “You think you can sleep?”
Will doesn’t answer verbally, but drifts after a moment to his bed. Nico follows, helping him out of his shoes and shirt. After a beat of hesitation, Austin hurries over, turning down Will’s sheets and helping him crawl in. Soft guitar music begins to play, and when Nico looks over Kayla is fiddling with the CD player, turning the dials carefully. Without much fanfare, Will’s eyes flutter closed, and his breathing slows to something deep and even. His twitching fingers still.
“I don’t think today’s an activity day,” Nico murmurs. “I checked up on him a while after midnight; he’d been at it for hours. He didn’t stop ‘til sunrise.”
Kayla rubs harshly at her eyes. “Fuck.”
“He’ll be okay,” Austin whispers. He runs a gentle knuckle over Will’s forehead, then turns his careful, imploring gaze to Nico. “You kept an eye on him?”
“Thank you.”
Nico inclines his head. “Had a feeling.”
“I don’t know what to do,” Kayla admits. “He was —” She trails off, staring at something in the left half of the cabin — the empty half. “He was like this after the Titan War, too. I think he spoke maybe two words for the entirety of September.”
Nico almost can’t imagine it. The very thought of it makes something twinge in his chest, clench in his stomach.
“We’ll figure it out.” He nods, to convince himself as much as Kayla and Austin, who look to him with way more trust than he deserves. “We won’t let it — it won’t get that bad. We’ll help, and if we can’t figure it out we’ll get help. It won’t be as hard as last time.”
It won’t be as hard as last time because there won’t be twelve shrouds, Nico doesn’t say, but he doesn’t need to. Both Kayla and Austin nod, looking at their sleeping brother with firm resolution.
“This time, we’ll be there.”
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stateofcharles · 23 days
translating vanzini's commentary on charles' wins
spa 2019: the finale is here. last corner, the one that again brings Charles Leclerc on the finish line. IL PREDESTINATO WINS THE BELGIAN GRAND PRIX! CHARLES LECLERC FIRMLY CONQUERS THE FIRST VICTORY OF HIS CAREER!
monza 2019 (do we really need the translation?) he goes by the Ascari, then onto the straight towards the Parabolica. he arrived on Wednesday asking, the first thing he asked: who won? after winning his first race, the second comes immediately, consecutively. there’s 8 of them, there’s 8. and now they become 9, now they become 9. IL PREDESTINATO WINS THE ITALIAN GRAND PRIX! AFTER 9 YEARS FERRARI GETS BACK ON THE FIRST STEP! CHARLES LECLERC WINS IN MONZA! A TRIUMPH, A MAJESTIC RACE, SENSATIONAL. THIS BOY IS PURE EMOTION!
bahrain 2022: ladies and gentlemen, Tifosi, 903 days after the last win. 12 years ago here, there was the last 1-2 on the first race. IL PREDESTINATO WINS THE BAHRAIN GRAND PRIX!
australia 2022: (marc gene) carlo, he’s going for the fastest lap! (vanzini) i cannot believe it, purple first sector, purple second sector. pay attention to Alonso [...] but this is fairly irrelevant, if we want. onto the last corner, even the orange fans stand up, how nice. IL PREDESTINATO WINS THE AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX! AN IMPRESSIVE SHOWDOWN OF FERRARI!
austria 2022: going downhill, the seventh [corner]. there’s only 3 [corners] left Charles, only 3 left. the eight. the ninth comes now. the tenth. ladies and gentlemen, IL PREDESTINATO WINS THE AUSTRIAN GRAND PRIX, AFTER AN INCREDIBLE RACE, AN INCREDIBLE SUFFERING
monaco 2024: the last lap is starting for Leclerc. he’s going uphill, right where he would take the bus to go to school. onto the Casino. now downhill by Mirabeau, where he would lean out on the railings to watch f1 cars racing. on his streets, where he was born in 1997. from his dad Hervé, who passed away 7 years ago. that last lie: i signed with Ferrari. it wasn’t true, yet. that lie, he wasn’t feeling well. he would go with his father to the Bianchi family’s circuit, in Brignoles, to try karting for the first time. it’s a roaring Monaco. the pool, now exiting, one last time. Rascasse going uphill. at your home Charles, at your home Charles, at your home Charles, at your home Charles. CHARLES LECLERC WINS THE MONACO GRAND PRIX! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS CAREER, WHAT A WEEKEND, WHAT A FEELING! perhaps the most boring race in the history of formula 1, but with such a feeling, a deep waiting for a driver who had lots of bad luck at his home race. he brings it home like this, Charles Leclerc. 
monza 2024: it’s such an emotion, Monza [...] Lesmo 2, Serraglio Charles, then Ascari (marc gene: world champion material here). Ascari. his front right tyre is merely a black strip, and so is the front left. it’s incredible, it’s incredible. he gets to Alboreto, to the Parabolica. ladies and gentlemen, 5 years ago we were telling the first Monza win of the Predestinato, so then LET’S ALL GO BACK TO CALL HIM LIKE THAT, BECAUSE THIS IS A PREDESTINATO RACE! IL PREDESTINATO WINS THE ITALIAN GRAND PRIX, AFTER A FANTASTIC RACE, INCREDIBLE. HE INVENTED SOME MAGIC THAT ONLY HIM, ONLY FERRARI COULD THINK OF, IMAGINE AND CARRY OUT. IT’S A FANTASTIC DAY FOR THE TIFOSI, EVERYONE STANDING AND CLAPPING [...] AT OUR HOME CHARLES, AT OUR HOME CHARLES. WHAT A FEELING!
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