#worlds biggest pac man
smbhax · 2 years
Playing The World's Biggest Pac-Man at https://worldsbiggestpacman.com!
It's a 2011 thing by Microsoft, Namco, and a web developer to show off Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser running HTML5--but I was running it in Google Chrome; I tried MS's "Edge" browser on it briefly, but it didn't seem to run it any better than Chrome, ie there was pretty horrendous input delay when playing it in either.
There are over 600K user-created mazes to explore, and they're all interconnected by 1 to four exits around the sides of each maze, I guess. Most of the ones I bumbled into were pretty awful, and without being able to go back to the map overview without losing your score, it's easy to get kind of stuck in a maze of horrible mazes.
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screane5 · 1 year
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have yall ever been on here like
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lionheartedmusings · 10 months
the thing about q!bad recreating the soulfire base basically block by block and planning to surprise the team with it is that it says a whole lot about him, where is was during purgatory, and where he is now.
q!bad spent months trying to burn bridges and push people away, he effectively placed himself in a distrusted position on the island, his children (the only reason that man breathes) vanished in the middle of the night, he was actively torturing himself and kidnapping people. he was a man on a mission, sure, but time and time again he reinforced to us the audience that he wasn't *happy* about what he had to do. his plan — whatever his plan is — is something he deems necessary enough to have been alright with ruining his own life. as he said to q!baghera: "i'm expendable".
suddenly there's hope in egg island, but egg island is actually a hellscape and he's trapped without his biggest support systems — q!bagi, q!baghera, q!foolish, and even to an extent q!forever were the people he had to take down, they couldn't be there for him anymore. and from his team? other than q!tina and q!aypierre, he wasn't close to anyone or was just... directly antagonistic towards them (mainly q!pac and q!tubbo).
and then the funniest thing happened — he found family in hell and in people he never truly expected to be comfortable around.
he grew to respect and care for q!tubbo, he grew much closer to q!tina, his relationship with q!aypierre was tested and strengthened, he found a connection with q!niki and by god, he protected q!pac — who'd once been terrified of him — with his life. even the people who didn't log on often, he grew to see as part of his pack in a way he (and i) didn't see coming.
when soulfire mains talk about them being the perfect example of found family, that's what we mean. slow, careful changes that grew into love and protection beyond belief — enough that when green gay ninjas were split, everyone was welcomed with a warm hug and a cup of tea, now part of the family undoubtedly and forever. just like that.
their family was hitting their stride when purgatory ended and q!bad tanked a nuke to his back to save his son, and now his bookshelves are all knocked over and his memory's slipping. he's dying, he knows he's dying, and he's holding on by a thread for dapper and pomme even if he's aware that he can't just "bear it" much longer. he's isolated again, hiding and lying about his condition, watching the world turn and knowing his clock is ticking... sometimes he knows nothing at all.
and in this moment of pain, and solemn realization of the end of this version of him?
he's spending his time rebuilding the last place that felt like home block by block, talking openly about how he feels nostalgic and misses their base, their god awful spawn, the memories they made. his time with his daughter has been spent down there.
i know we as a fandom have theorized that one of these days, his memory's gonna snap down there and he'll think he's back in purgatory and it'll be a mess. sure. but right now?
right now that rebuilt base means love, and friendship, and family, and safety. it's the last place things were okay, and he felt cared for in a way that frankly your children can't provide.
a group of ragtag mismatched people got put together in a poor man's hunger games and they saw this demon — bloodthirsty, destructive, full of cold calculated murderous intent and a need to win for his child and instead of being horrified, running away screaming from his fangs and his claws?
they loved him. they found the gentleness beneath the blood and guts. they called him their attack dog because he's so full of love and so protective, and would tear anyone to pieces to protect their family.
team soulfire saw q!bad in a way no one in the island had, and they loved him for it — even when he drove them up the walls and they had to hold the leash tight, they loved him.
and now he's remade their home.
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splonk-fox · 9 months
The Chosen One's redemption: Why did it happen?
Since his reintroduction within the world of Animator vs. Animation within its second season, one of the most interesting characters that this series has to offer, at least in my opinion, is The Chosen One.
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Introduced intially as an antagonistic force to the Animator/Alan. Despite having minimal appearances overall, The Chosen One has had a massive impact on the plot overall. Due to being the one to destroy Alan's computer and forcing him to get a new one, which inadvertedly lead to the creation of The Second Coming.
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All things considered, you can thank The Chosen One for pretty much the entire series going forward, even if indirectly. With all that said though, there's one thing that's always been somewhat bothering me about his character, and it's something that I wanted to explore roday. With that thing being his redemption.
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Now on the surface, there doesn't really seem like there's much to discuss in the way of Chosen's change of heart. He disliked what The Dark Lord was doing, do he decided to stop him, pretty simple right? Well... that's where things get complicated, and it all comes down to The Chosen One's vague moral code.
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The Chosen One, the moment he was created, was a beast of mass destruction. He immediately started attacking Alan and causing havoc around his PC, and unlike victim that came beforehand, this wasn't instigated by Alan attempting to kill him. He was just given life and decided he wanted to destroy shit. And that's how he was for at least the first episode. He was incredibly destructive and uncontrollable. Why exactly? Well it's strongly implied that it comes with the name, judging by Alan's interaction with progammer021 on AIM.
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It seems that in this world, naming your stick figure "The Chosen One" instantly turns them into lethal weapons. Because of this, you could almost say that The Chosen One was simply an amoral program who destroyed because it was part of his nature. As a matter of fact, analyzing his behavior in his debut episode he almost acts like that of a wild animal. Tearing up documents and destroying programs with no real rhyme or reason, and defending himself against anyone who would try to stop him.
In Animator vs. Animation 2 though, things become a lot more interesting. As this episode starts to give The Chosen One more dimension, he starts acting less like a feral creature, and more like a person who's been caged, enslaved if you will, and is yearning for release.
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Following The Chosen One managing to release himself from Alan's grip. He continues his rampage from several years ago. Though this one noticeably feels more spiteful. While his first attack upon his awakening seems more like he was simply destroying things because of his nature, here it feels a lot more targetted at Alan, which makes sense considering he obviously hates the guy's guts for what he did to him. That isn't to say he doesn't still exhibit old traits though. He still does a lot of things in this episode that come off as somewhat childish in nature, such as eating Alan's required essay Pac-Man style.
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However, the biggest thing I believe that this episode shows isn't the fact that The Chosen One is more humanlike than we might initially give him credit for, but rather the fact also shows that he has agency. Morals even, and there's no better show of that, than with his alliance with The Dark Lord.
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The Chosen One's friendship with The Dark Lord is a weird one. Cause all things considered he had no reason to even want to ally with him. They had been enemies up until that point and it would've been more beneficial for him to just kill him off right then and there. But he didn't. Instead, he offered an alliance, for the two of them to team up and rise against their oppressive creator. This, to me, shows that even in the early days, The Chosen One was more than just a stick figure of mass destruction, he was a person, and that all leads back to the main topic of this post, his redemption.
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The Chosen One's redemption has always been a weird one to me. The main reason being that we aren't actually given an explanation for why he changed. Yes, we know that he didn't approve of Dark's actions, and that's a big reason for why he redeemed himself. But what exactly about his actions did he not approve of? It can't of been the sheer fact that he was causing destruction or endangerig lives because well... The Chosen One had already been doing that, years before his redemption
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As a matter of fact, The Chosen One was the whole reason The Dark Lord became a villain in the first place. So if not for the sheer fact of Dark putting innocents at risk being the reason he decided to change his ways, then what was it? Well I believe there are two likely explanations for what caused this change.
The first is the one that a good majority of the Animator vs. Animation fanbase believe to be the most likely of them, and that is that The Chosen One has standards against harming his own kind.
Now there's actually a lot to support this theory. The biggest one being when Chosen imagines what would happen if Dark released the ViraBots onto the internet.
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Many have pointed out that in this vision, Chosen only imagined stick figures running away from Dark's entourage, and how that's what caused him to put his foot down. There's also the fact that the moment Chosen starts having second thoughts, is when they start attacking Newgrounds, a place populated by stick figures.
Hell there was even evidence of this before his redemption. All the way back in Animator vs. Animation 3, Chosen chose to spare Dark and become friends with him. This would make a whole lot of sense if we look at this through the lens of Chosen not liking the idea of hurting his own kind.
There is... one pause I have with his however. And that is with the fact that The Chosen One, doesn't seem to just object killing fellow stick figures. Going back to the Newgrounds flashback, the last shot we see before we fast forward to present day shows The Dark Lord holding the Tankman by the neck while Chosen pleads for him to stop. Tankman isn't a stick figure, so going by the logic that he only takes issue with him hurting other stick figures, why would he care about this? Well you could argue that maybe him seeing what Dark was doing to other stick figures gave him a wake up call and made him realize that them hurting other programs was wrong, but I believe there is another possible explanation for this.
Explanation two: The Chosen One was never meant to be a villain. Let me ask you a question, were you born believing that you had a specific purpose, a specific reason to exist, and you spent most of your life thinking that's what you wanted, only to realize overtime how unfulfilled it made you feel? Well I believe that The Chosen One might just be experencing this exact thing
The Chosen One, since his very first days, was a destructive monster. He destroys things, he wreaked havoc, and there was seemingly no way to control him. Though beyond that he was also an incredibly young stick figure, one that, as noted above, acted rather childish. However, by the time of Animator vs. Animation season 2, which going by the date displayed on Alan's computer, took place in 2018, The Chosen One would've been around eleven years old. That's more than a decade of doing the same thing, and it's clear that it took its toll on him.
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In his official reintroduction to the series, The Chosen One is noticeably colder than he was when we last saw him. He completely ignored the praise he was receiving from the other sticks, and at no point do we see him getting up to any sort of childish antics. He feels a lot more mature here, like a stick figure who has grown a lot since his creation.
So considering his clear change in personality, would it be crazy to assume that perhaps his enjoyment in destructive habits did to?
The Chosen One is one of the oldest stick figures in this series, and in that time it seems like he spent most of his life doing the same thing, destroying.
So, assuming that the Newgrounds raid happened not too long before his confrontation with Dark. Perhaps The Chosen One was feeling a sense of emotional dissatisfaction. Looking at the inital shot, it does kind of come off that way, with how his hands are slowly extinguishing of their flames as he watches over the destruction. Perhaps in that moment, he realized he wasn't enjoying it anymore, as a matter of fact, he might've even felt guilty about it, if him pleading for Dark to release the Tankman is anything to go by. Really in a broader sense, I think The Chosen One, kind of had a moment of self-reflection. He finally let the years catch up to him and it made him realize how emotionally unfulfilled he was.
After all, he isn't just some amoral beast, he's a stick figure. A stick figure with its own agency. And we know for a fact that stick figures in this series possess almost humanlike intelligence, so is it bold to assume that, in the decade he's been doing the same thing, he didn't feel satisfied anymore? In my opinion, I think that's a possibility.
To take this a step forward, I might even go as far as to to argue that The Chosen One was never meant for destruction in the first place. Yes, he was born a monster, but that doesn't necessarily mean he meant to be one. As early as the third episode of the series, The Chosen One already showed to be a lot more human than we may have initally suspected, he has already shown to be capable of mercy and kindness, even when he was this supposedly ruthless villain.
Let's take a look at Chosen's name for a moment. "The Chosen One", what does it mean? Well according to wikipedia a Chosen One is "a narrative trope where one character, usually the protagonist, is framed as the inevitable hero or antihero of the story, as a result of destiny" now I dunno about you, but this sounds pretty similar to the character journey that The Chosen One underwent. He may have started out a villain, but through destiny (in this case The Dark Lord's full descent into villainy), he became the hero of the story. Maybe, this had been his true purpose from the start.
Hell, let's dive even deeper into this idea. Who is The Chosen One's archnemesis? The Dark Lord, and what does Dark Lord mean in fiction? well, looking at wikipedia again, a Dark Lord is "an antagonistic archetype, acting as the pinnacle of villainy and evil within a typically heroic narrative." which I dunno about you, but that sounds pretty fitting considering that The Dark Lord is by far the most evil antagonist this series has ever seen and one of the few who hasn't redeemed in some way. I should also mention that, even before The Dark Lord joined The Chosen One, he was fighting on the side of Alan, someone who, at this point in this series, was arguably the main villain. He created a stick figure just so he could torture and kill them and enslaved The Chosen One for four years. Sure Chosen kinda had that one coming, but even then Alan had no reason to be that cruel to him when he could've just killed him or kept him contained. But instead he decided to use him, like an object, that doesn't really sound like a hero to me. Not to mention that Alan was literally the one who gave The Dark Lord his name. All things considered, you could almost consider Chosen the hero in that scenario for trying to destroy his creator. Which kind of loops back to my original point, that The Chosen One wasn't meant to be a villain. Even in the beginning he was meant to be a hero, even if he didn't realize it. Which is why he ultimately left his past as a villain behind, because it was a life that was never made for him, a life that only provided a temporary sense of satisfcation. Meanwhile The Dark Lord, someone who's name alone means to be the worst of the worst, would become an irredeemable monster who The Chosen One, as the inevitable hero decided by destiny, would have to stop.
Oh, and one last thing that goes to support this theory, ya know The Second Coming? Well if you remember, he was meant to be The Chosen One's reincarnation, his return. So isn't it convenient that he is possibly the most heroic character in the series? And that's not mentioning the fact that he started with the same roots that Chosen did. A rogue stick figure who fought against Alan before redeeming himself. Keep in mind, The Second Coming only exists because of The Chosen One's actions. So all things considered... maybe his redemption was a lot more inevitable than any of us first thought.
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On that note, I think that's me for today, thank you all for taking valuable time out of your day to read this analysis, I greatly appreciate it. Here's hoping that more come in the future
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king-crawler · 9 months
The Disney villain book i ordered 3 weeks ago finally came and the sleeve was oily and chafed but at least I get the fabled single paragraph of King Candy insight
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this is truly a game changer
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And ralf
Page 166: Disney Villains: Delightfully Evil.
RELEASE DATE: November 2, 2012.
DIRECTOR: Rich Moore.
ANIMATOR: Zach Parrish.
"Everyone should have known with a pass code like UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, START that this sugary-sweet king was not on the up-and-up. Who in the gaming world doesn't know that cheat code?! King Candy is the ruler of Sugar Rush, a video game made of everything sweet to eat, or as a wise Wreck- It Ralph sees it, a "candy-coated heart of darkness.' " But Sugar Rush was not always such a dark place; it was once a happy kingdom where Princess Vanellope von Schweetz ruled until an evil racer from a game called Turbo Time messed with her code and took her game for his own. The biggest shock? King Candy and that villainous racer known as Turbo are one and the same. Alan Tudyk, the voice of King Candy, said he had imagined King Candy to be a much bigger character, size-wise, and found it really funny that he was actually such a small man."
“Portrait of King Candy. Artist: Clay Loftis. Medium: Digital."
“Final Frames of Turbo from Wreck-It Ralph (2012)”
"Concept art of Turbo. Artist: Jim Kim. Medium: digital."
Page 184: Disney Villains: Delightfully Evil.
WRECK-IT RALPH - Wreck-It Ralph.
RELEASE DATE: November 2, 2012.
DIRECTOR: Rich Moore.
VOICE TALENT: John C. Reilly
ANIMATOR: Nik Ranieri
“Wreck-It Ralph is a "bad guy" who has been forced to spend every day for the last thirty years trying to destroy the apartment building that took his home away and to thwart Fix-It Felix from fixing everything Ralph wrecks. After "wrecking" the thirtieth anniversary celebration of his game, Ralph decides to go on a quest to earn a medal and prove to everyone, including himself, that he can be a good guy and do good things. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, director Rich Moore said that the idea for Wreck-It Ralph came when he was asked by Walt Disney Animation Studios to revamp an idea they had been working on for a while: a movie that takes place in a video game. "Video game characters do the same job every day," said Moore. "I don't know how you could tell a story about that, and then it kind of hits me. ... What if the main character did not like his job? If you had a character who is actually wondering: Is this all there is to life?" "
Concept Art of Vanellope and Ralph. Artist: Bill Schwab. Medium: digital.
Page 185: Disney Villains: Delightfully Evil.
Story sketches of Ralph. Artist: Jim Kim. Medium: Graphite
Final character pose of Ralph.
Final frame of ralph with the Bad-Anon support group from Wreck-It Ralph, 2012.
“Bad-Anon-One Game at a Time
"I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."
-The Bad Guy Affirmation
Evervone needs a little help from their friends, even if their friends are a group of "bad guys." Bad-Anon is a place where the who's who of gaming bad guys can meet and talk about their feelings and what it is like to always be the one everyone loves to beat. Here are some of the familiar faces from the video games of the 1980s and 1990s.”
Bowser--King Koopa from Super Mario Bros.
Clyde--Ghost from Pac-Man.
Dr. Robotnik- -as himself from Sonic the Hedgehog.
Kano--as himself from Mortal Kombat.
M. Bison--as himself from Street Fighter.
Neff-as himself from Altered Beast.
Zangief-Red Cyclone from the Street Fighter series.
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fatteningmenstories2 · 2 months
At you service - Complete
Chapter 1
“Of course I’ve won” exclaimed the beefy jock, opening up his chocolate Gordo bar, this was just the normal type of luck star quarterback Alexandro had, after a gruelling workout he had decided to indulge his sweet tooth by snaking on his favourite sneaky chocolate bar, and had gone and won the Gordo gold ticket. The rest of his football crew crowed around him, exclaiming how lucky he was and how jealous they all were, “Wow you get to stay at the Gordo chocolate factory for 6 whole months”, “Imagine all the free food you are gonna get”, “damn Alexandro you better bring us some scraps’
Alexandro chuckled as he walked over the gym mirror to check out his hot bod , his ripped muscular 6ft2 frame his massive guns - which were of course the biggest out of anyone of the team. As he turned in the mirror  he saw his tight inch waist and he pumped his large firm pecs, and how  could  he forget his meaty thighs and perky bubble but, not only was he the star of the uni’s football team but also the one with the body that sent shivers the spines of  anyone he looked at. The timing was perfect summer was coming up and after a year of winning games and barely sraping by academically this was just what he needed an all inclusive holiday.
It was finally the day, Alexandro was somehow the only  one who found the lucky ticket,  this barely troubled all it meant was more attention on him by the national press and the smoking hot  interviewers ,stepping out of his limo he was met with crowds upon crowds of people cheering at him, for no-one had entered the Gordo factory in years and were dying for any  information about what actually went on inside the worlds biggest chocolate factory. He was met with the flashing lights of the paparazzi  as he strode done the red carpet towards the gates of the factory, he made sure to wear his tightest gym equipment to reveal every tight inch of his smoking hot body, as he met up with the news staff, he made sure to be as charming as ever, flashing of his pearly whites while throwing his curly black hair back. This is how he would become a celebrity, he was simply playing the long-game he couldn’t wait until he strode out of those gates at Christmas time and be met with book deals and probably his own tv show. 
The questions he was asked were just feeding his  already inflated ego , “How lucky you are to be so handsome and now this” etc etc was all he heard . However one question hit him on the spot, “How do you plan to stay in such good shape while being surrounded by so much chocolate”, He hadn’t really thought about that but he quickly threw out  on the answer, “Easy, you don’t get this good  looking without having a strict diet and large will power , and I am sure Mr Gordo’s got a few weights in there to pass the time, so don’t you worry by the time I get out I  still gonna  be hot enough to take you out on a date”. The interviewer slightly blushed while Alexandro moved on to the gates ,  it was time.
Suddenly the crowd fell silent as the factory doors opened, Alexandro quickly turned to see who his mystery lodger was gonna be, one foot after another came out until  one of the beefiest muscular man he had ever seen was standing before him , he was a giant among men. Mr Gordo stood nearly 6ft10 tall he had one of the largest upper builds that Alexandro had ever seen, as he kept walking his second biggest feature came into view,  his  large gut  - “what a fatty thought” Alexandro, his gut alone must have weighed the same as a normal American male , it had nothing on Alexandro’s tight 6 pac. Soon the started to gates close  and only Alexandro was allowed to enter guided in by Mr Grodo, they walked in silence to the factory doors and just like that they entered and Alex said goodbye to the outside world the door shut sealing him in .
Mr Gordo firmly introduced himself, to Alex as he led him  round the factory, an automated  robot  appeared out of no way and took Alex’s things - cool he thought but his mind was distracted by everything else before him , while the tour started he was shown how the chocolate was made, where the flavours were  added and even how it was packaged  it was all done entirely the automated machines  with there long metal arms moving and passing stuff along as if there were alive themselves,  the tour was quite boring in itself  aside from the robots flying past them on convery belts moving at impressive coordinated speeds, Mr Gordo must have been a genius, but aside form that   the factory seemed to  operate just like any other factory, Mr Gordo now dropped Alex of at to his suite, and had told that he would be back for dinner for a surprise, he hadn’t utter much of anything on the tour, it made sense now why he had chosen to seal himself of from the outside world. The suite, of course was massive its curtains were closed and were clasped  locked possible holding back the aforementioned surprise, Alex decided to focus on  multiple roomed living suite , this was the life Alex could get used to  designer sofas with the largest flat-screen he had ever seen  of course paired with the latest games console and decked out kitchen, stepping into it, the kitchen seemed to come alive, the lights shone and a seemingly normal kitchen cupboard open automatically 
“Ahhh, exclaimed Alex
As a 6ft robot somehow woke it self up and headed towards him, it was wearing a chef outfits allowing Alex to quickly come  to the conclusion that this was just  another one of those automated robot he had seen racing about the factory 
“What can I get for you Master Alexandro”, let out the robot in a mechanical cold voice widening its Led eyes and moving its arms 
“Wow, this is on a next level “
The robot stayed they waiting for its orders, waiting to be for service, Alex was still in shock and how impressive it all
‘What can I ask for’
“Master, there is nothing you can ask for that cannot be made in this question’
Pondering for a moment, Alex wanted to see how much this robot lived up his world and after seeing all that chocolate- his sweet tooth was begging for some chocolate 
‘Well in that case,.. I think a chocolate, vanilla infused milkshake is just what I need right now’
And just like that, the robot read to life, whizzing sound the kitchen would seemed to connected to the robot inner workings as it folded itself up and brought out tubes of choloacte and milk forms its cabinets
‘Here master, I hope this is to your liking’
As the robot handed Alex one of the most delicious looking milkshakes he had ever seen 
‘Ymmmm, this is delicious - what did you do this’
“Well a robot never shared its secrets’ and with that it could tell its job was done and shut done 
As Alex continued to look around while drinking his milkshakes, he realised  that the entire suite was packed with robots of all sizes, ones to clean the floor and make the Californian kings size bed and ones to seemingly pick out his clothes in the morning, and as he walked passed the fully equipped gym with all the things he could ever need plus some,  a fully packed desert bar  drew him away, of course coming with a robot sever that swirled alive the moment  Alex got near, it had chocolate fountains paired with a  rotating ice cream dispenser and a giant churro maker built in . The inner sweet tooth Alex had came to  alive once more  but he pulled himself away to check out the rest of suite. There were even robots in the bathroom ones that came up the wall whose hand were filled with toothbrushes and sponges, damnnnn Alex thought to himself this is the life. 
Realising he had time to kill until dinner, Alexandro of course hit the gym, he wasn’t going to be distracted by all the snacks he was an athlete and needed to get his gains in, the robots in the  gym timed him and calculated his body fat levels at a neat 10% body fat and a whopping 90% muscle. While he was lifting weights, - sported by a robot , how cool, another robot came up and introduced itself.
“Hello Master Alexandro, we robots are here to follow your every command, I am the master robot Unit in charge of all operations ”
“Now, we are all coded to one master mind to increase our efficiency in filling your wishes”
“Damn that’s sick”
“Is there anything we can help with you right now”
“Nothing that you can do”, Alex let out while struggling to lift a really heavy weight”Not unless your can make me big enough to life these weights” he chuckled
The robot  stood still for a minute ,as if he was calculating something to say Alex could even hear its  metal thoughts whizzing about in there , until he broke his silence by saying 
“We can do our best”
After a couple of minutes he promptly returned with what seemed like a protein  shake in his hand.
“Damn , who guys are good”, Alex thought assuming it was just another protein shake, unknown to him that the robot had already started on his requested to be bigger.
“Just give us a call, after all we are at your service” 
Finishing his workout , Alexandro chilled in his very own spa until planting himself down on the most comfortable sofa in his life, it was like the sofa was alive moving and adjusting itself to fit Alex’s body perfectly, damn, Mr Gordo really  had gone all out, as he felt the sofa cup around his meaty thighs and tight bubble but. It even had a massage option, which he of course turned on and every part for him vibrated  even to his ball sac.
Tuning on the flatscreen, with his voice somehow, he simply said he needed controllers and they appeared, the tv of course came with every single  game to ever come out, Alexandro simply sat back into sofa and played the lastest resident evil, until he heard a knock on the door.
Quickly checking himself out in the mirror, a thought quickly came to his mind.,
“Unit open the door would you”
And just like that Unit woke it self up from the shadows and buzzed other to the door
“Ahh, I see you are quickly adjusted to life inside the factory”, Mr Gordo announced as he made his way into the suite
“Yh, its well wicked - you got things in here that haven’t even been thought about yet what do you pay the other staff to keep them quiet ’
“Correction, for the next 6 months you and myself will be the only “humans’ in this factory trust I have had my runs in with staff members who lets say couldn’t behave themselves  ”
And with that Alex simply nodded his head, quickly seeing how imposing the 6ft 10 that towered over him really was
After a couple minutes of small talk, Alexandro was led by Mr Gordo into the grand dining room, he had explained along the way the way to the jock that he was free to spend his time however he wanted but he would have to dine with Mr Gordo every day to provide feedback on the ai, see Mr Gordo explained that Alex’s real purpose here was to simply provide feedback on the ai before he expended the company form a simple chocolate company to the  world renowned ai power house it could really be.
Or something like that, Alex hadn’t really been paying attention, he caught himself in a mirror was they were walking and had got lost in thought admiring his own hot ripped body.
“Now I see Alex, that you take very good care about your body- I myself can’t say the same to many late nights at the desk table, so I would be happy to alert Unit on any dietary stuff I don’t want any of my gluttony to rub on you and ruin you body”
“Nah don’t sweat it, I’m gym-rat  to the core, anything I gain I simply going to shred into pure muscle”, Alex body said flexing his guns to Mr Gordo 
“I see, well maybe I should learn a thing or two from you, huh’ Mr Gordo said as he patted his huge stomach.
The conversation continued as some robots whirled around them placing plates and pallets of food between the two, full breasted roast chicken and steaming hams as well as gravy boast filled to the top. It all looked so good, damn with all this extra protein in my diet I’m bound to get huge thought Alex, as the two dove straight into the food once it was all laid out. 
Mr Gordo ate as if he was famished, desperately pushing turkey leg and chicken breast into his mouth, no wonder he was so fat Alex continued to think the man has no control , however after one bite of the rich ham,  he too ate as if he hadn’t seen, food in days, it was all so good every bite was rich and creamy, he just couldn’t stop. The two didn’t talk the duration of the meal all their  thought went straight  to the food until not a scarp was left between the two of them.
“I see how you are in such shape my boy, for someone so small you sure to cramp a lot of meat down ya’  Mr Gordo chuckled as he slapped Alex bloated 6 -pac
“Yh, I treat my body like a temple, 24/7, all this is just fuel for the body”, Alex mummer back not likely being referred to as small 
“Well I hope you left room for desert, I still have my surprise to show you’
Alex was stuffed beyond words, it was like something came over him all really he needed was a good belly , his belly was bloated and was curving out of  his tight tank-top - maybe Unit gives good belly rubs, but not wanting to show himself up as a bad guest, he of course followed Mr Gordo out of the dining room, as they walked Mr Gordo inquired more about Alex, Alex simply told him that he wanted to be a big time celebrity after all this he even joked saying how he wanted to  be the biggest star the world has ever seen.Soon the two came across a large locked door,
“Now here Alex is where  I have had a  little bit of fun with the ai, all of course  vital to the wellbeing to the company”
The anticipation was killing Alex, somehow the idea of desert had somehow woken up his inner sweet-tooth and the dinner he had stuffed down him was long forgotten about, and then finally  moment he had been waiting for Mr Gordo opened the door
Chapter 2
The smell is what first hit him, it was gorgeous and so sweet it drew him  straight in, Mr Gordo simply stepped back and let the jock take it all in, Alex couldn’t believe his eyes the entire room was made out of chocolate, in the centre of the room was an Olympic sized pool made out of chocolate, that flowed all the way through the room and seemingly out to the rest of the factory, where ever   his eyes landed on he could see different kinds of chocolate ranging from white to dark to green minty and strawberry cheesecake chocolate in the all these different shapes- some were in the form of statues and others in the form of world famous paintings waiting to be eaten. Then suddenly  just when he was about to reach and grab a piece of chocolate from a towering chocolate statue, the whole room started to move and almost seemed as if ti was coming alive , Alex couldn’t comprehend it, until Mr Gordo simply said look up,
As he moved his eyes up, he couldn’t believe it the whole roof was shifting and beeping, it had tubes of chocolate flowing all throughout but  it was more than that it was as if it was waking up, that when he saw it long robotic  metal arms being sprouted form holes all around the room and coming down to shake Mr Gordo’s hand.
“What you are seeing is probably the largest sentient ai in the factory, possibly the world, meet Unit.2”
“What…. But it massive it must control this whole room”
“Yes it does butit does so much more than just that , what do your thing makes my chocolate so good, Unit of course, it is constantly tasting and adjusting the chocolate that gets pumped around the entire factory”
“And the best part about it is that its alive, hooked up the  same mega mind that all robots share in this factory, so I would stay on its good side if I were you” chuckled Mr Gordo
“Oh and to forgot Its incredibly smart, what do you think made all these chocolate pieces of art huh kid’
Mr Gordo chuckled as Alex took in the chocolate Mona Lisa, done it incredible detail it was almost a prefect copy expect of course being made entirely out of chocolate
Alex needed a minute to take it all in,  he needed to say  anything smart yet profound he thought, but he was beaten to it as he felt his stomach rumble, and Mr Gordo gave out another chuckle
“Well excuse me, I promised you desert didn’t I, here lets take a seat and give unit something to work with’
However the moment Alex sat down, he felt himself being scanned and prodded by the numerous arms of Unit.2
“Oh why yes did I forgot to mention, Unit is able to found out what type and kind of desert you desire simply by giving you a quick scan”
Alex still couldn’t process what was happening, but the moment a chocolate sundae was produced with extra chocolate sauce, he knew that Mr Gordo was a true genius.
It was amazing, it was as if the chocolate he ate was produced just for him it was sweet and filling, and it met every deep down fix he needed, it was  so good in fact he had to thank Unit for it. This was met with some lights being flashed and robotic parts  resolving.
“Oh stop it Alex, you’re making Unit blush “, Mr Gordo said ibeetween bites of his own personalised dish, “Look it’s even giving you a gift”
A tube was quickly emerging from the pool filled in with deep brown chocolate and heading towards Alex, it stoped abruptly at Alex’s face.
“I think it wants you to put your mouth to the tube, and don’t look at me like that , it’s alive remember’
Alex sat there puzzled for a bit, he was behind confused already at units power 
“Well hurry up, it doesn’t even let me drink form the river, that chocolate is the finest in the world , it has to be  watered done per say for the masses to stop them going crazy”
Well when in an ai controlled chocolate room, Alex thought, as he put his mouth to the tube, which soon become filled with the most richest and delicious chocolate he could ever even comprehend, it only lasted a couple of seconds as the hot chocolate guzzled done Alex, before he couldn’t take it any more, and had to tap out. He was stuffed behind record, now coated in delicious chocolate that he couldn’t stop licking from his fingers.
“Well Alex I believe this is all I have time for today, you are allowed anyway in the factory aside from this room of course -  safely protocols and so forth, so until tomorrow’
And as Mr Gordo plodded out, Alex needed a few minutes to digest the orgasmic chocolate he had just devoured, he think he might have cummed a bit.
Chapter 3
Waking up the next morning, Alexandro wanted to spend the whole morning in bed he couldn’t escape how comfortable it was, sure he should go on his normal morning jog but when your bed has built in massage controls, its hard to imagine ever leaving. Anyways that’s was his job here wasn’t, to product test all this ai, he would be letting Mr Gordo down if he failed to test all of it especially the built in  massage controls, his jog could wait. After another hour in bed he finally got up and checked  himself  out in the bathroom mirror, he saw his brown Latino skin look perfectly tight over his ripped abs- yesterday after all was just a cheat day. As he went to shower he realised that he might as well use all the fancy cleaning robots installed - when else was he gonna have this experience, and of course it was amazing, he didn’t  even need to move , the warm sponges simply glided over his body caressing every muscle. He was suddenly brought out of his bliss by Units metallic voice coming out of a monitor in the wall.
“Good morning master Alexandro”
“What” Alex quickly spun around covering his girthy cock until realising it was just Unit
“Woah sorry, didn’t see you there Unit, not used to robot voices in the shower to be honest”
“My fault, master Alex I need to learn how to follow normal human behaviour, what would you like for breakfast’
“Oh, I don’t know what do you have”
“Anything you could wish for”
“Well when you’ve say it like that, I might as well have an extra protein heavy breakfast, gotta get big remember”, Alex smirked flexing his guns to what he assumed where Unit’s senses 
“Of course , ‘gotta to get big’, I will have the chief cook up a meal to fit these requirements, till you need me I will be waiting for your service  “
And just like that the monitor shut down, getting out of the shower, drying fans quickly turned on - damn Mr Gordo had really thought of everything huh. Unit had left out a dressing gown on Alex’s already made bed, putting it on made him feel extremely expensive as if it was made out pure silk  - which it probably was, not knowing what else  to wear Alex simply adorned a pair of tight white jock straps that hugged his flat 6 pac and exposed his bubble but. With the curtains drawn back, he could see the large chocolate pool, decorated in waterfalls and tubes pumping  the rich creamy chocolate to the rest of the factory. He didn’t notice how  he rubbed  his stomach at the sight of the chocolate as it was calling out for another taste, As he waited for his food to be done he simply did some quick push ups to keep the blood pumping, but the moment Unit called his name he ran stomach first to the dining table.
“Damn is all this really just for me”, said Alex looking at the family size breakfast
“Well as of your orders, ‘to get big’ I simply  took the necessary  actions, Is anything wrong master  “
“ Nope not at all after all who am I to argue with a computer huh ” Alex responded greedily looking at all the food laid out before him.
And with that he dove straight in, there must have been a pancake machine, he thought as he ate the fat american  pancakes one after another each one as prefect as the next , each coated in thick maple syrup he must have had at least 5, then he munched on the beautifully cooked  sunny side ups, shortly followed by the most perfectly cooked bacon he had ever tasted This was the life, he said as he licked the maple syrup up from the plates and washed down his food with a large glass  of freshly squeezed  oj
“I see you have enjoyed all you food master Alex”
“Please this was nothing compared to what it normally takes to fuel this body”
“I see, I will make note of that for next time and I will make  sure the necessary precautions are done for your next meal ”
Feeling already stuffed at 11:00 in the morning, Alex knew he had to take it slow before hitting the gym, so he decided to take it easy and just laze about on the couch digesting his meal, when he hit the gym around  about 1ish he made sure to push himself hard on the weights, it took a lot of him but just when he was about to reach a personal record he just couldn’t hack it, he just wasn’t strong  enough yet, and was as if Unit was reading his mind, he was met with a thick shake of what he assumed to be pure protein, it must have been laced with chocolate with how sweet it was but he was sure Unit had probably just added some next level protein powder . It was so good he  asked for another one as he jokingly watched Unit lift the weights he had been lifting, he even got a bit flushed in the face  when Unit started to lift more than he could even imagine,  as he watched he downed his drink determined  to go again and after a couple of more reps of still not getting anyway near to what Unit had joking pressed he called it quits and asked for another shake, he knew it was time for cardio but after about 20 minutes of running he just felt too sluggish to carry on and instead requested another shake to refuel with as he hit the sauna. And it felt good to be the only person for miles as he let his junk hang out as Unit added more coals to the fireplace.
The rest of the day was spend lazing out on the sofa playing some intense video games, so much so he had to stop at the snack bar for his gamer fuel, ordering an extra creamy milkshake.  Oddly enough the milkshake tasted eerily simply to his shakes earlier , but he couldn’t really focus on that  especially when he had to get to the next level of his game. It wasn’t long till he had finished his second milkshake  but soon enough he  knew he needed another ‘proper’ meal, ordering his favourite cheat meal for a late lunch, a  double decker cheeseburgers and cheesy fries, he told himself he deserved it of course after all the weights he had lifted earlier, he must not have specified the order  because when Unit appeared to had made almost halve a dozen of hand sized cheeseburgers he wondered if he had bitten of more than he could chew, but liking Unit’s incentive he simply ploughed straight though  guzzling down on all the beefy cheesy burgers. Dinner wasn’t until 9 , so he knew he could go overboard and still dine fine  with Mr Gordo.
Finally plopping the last fry in his mouth, it was as if all the food he had eaten had caught up to him, on a normal day he would hit the gym again and burn some calories, but with all the food he had scoffed down he felt the world’s biggest food coma coming on, the thought of hitting the treadmill compared to lazing on the couch soon faded away and he  spent the rest of the day sitting it out on the sofa nodding in and out of a food coma and waking up to play his cock.
  The Knock on the door snapped Alex out of his sleepy rest, he had company -  shit was it already 9 he must have missed his afternoon run. Unit had already opened the door and by the time Alex had wiped the saliva from his mouth, Mr Gordo and barged in to the room while he was still halve asleep on the couch, it quickly dawned on him also  that he was still  wearing nothing but a tight jock-strap.
“Relax’ Mr Gordo said realising the look on Alex’s face as he squirmed about to get a cushion to cover his privates 
“This is your suite you home I wouldn’t have you treat any other way, besides a good looking jock like you has nothing to be hide  especially  compared to this old fat body”
“Non-sense, your in fine state, and if you ask me I need to bulk up a bit’ 
This was met with another one of Mr Gordo deep chuckles
This had  calmed Alex, but he still insisted on putting on some of Units prepared silky tracksuit  before dinner,
Dinner of course was delicious, tonight it was honey drizzled pig, and yes he meant a whole pig, despite all the food he had gorged over the day, when he laid his eyes on the beautifully cooked pig he felt his mouth salivate and his stomach growl he found himself  still craving more and more after each helping,  it was just so juicy and rich, and besides thinking about those weights he could’t  lift in the gym - he said he needed to get big and this is how he would do it.
Once again ,after the entire pig was scoffed down by the two of them, Mr Gordo escorted him though the factory and straight to the chocolate room. As Alex stepped though the door, the room came to live machines twirled and lights flashed as Unit.2 was pleases to see him.  Tonight it was double layered chocolate cake the kind that was drizzled in chocolate and was about the size of his head, he and Mr Gordo dove straight in to their separate meals, but here Alex’s size showed him up  he just couldn’t take it, eating almost halve a pig and now digging into the richest and heaviest cake he had ever seen, he just couldn’t stomach it , he forfeited, laying back in his chair and placing  his hands on his heavily extended bloated stomach. And as Mr Gordo chuckled and reached over to eat some of Alex’s cake , the he most strangest thing happened, a metal  arm extended  from a nearby vent, grabbed the plate from Mr Gordo stubby arms  and started to grab the remains of cake and feed it to Alex 
“Fascinating, I’ve never seen Unit respond to anyone like this, it’s as if it’s wanting you to finish its food, why Alex I certainly think you have left an impression on this old ai”  
Alex couldn’t help but blush before letting out a very tasty belch
“Well what can I say I have that power other the ladies… I mean robots”
Not wanting to let down the probably the smartest and arguably the biggest robot in the world, Alex took the spoonfuls of cake and stuffed them down, he was really gorging himself now, when he wanted to quit he told himself he would just burn of these extra calories in the gym tomorrow so there was really no harm. And as he stuffed his face with cake another metal arm emerged from a vent and appeared  to rub his bloated abdomen, encouraging him even more to finish the cake 
And when finally the last crumb had gone down his throat, the tube appeared again and Alex didn’t know what came other him, but pushing  himself forward he let the chocolate tube stuff  his face him till he once more had to tap at. And as if it was an reward the same arm patted Alex on his head before retreating back into the vents 
“Now Alex, my boy I would be careful if I were you, that chocolate is 100% divine, its very addictive and  I would hold back if I were you” Mr Gordo finally said after the whole ordeal ‘That chocolate is hard to quit, just look at me’
He chuckled as he slapped his fat gut
“No problem , but I don’t want to anger this robot  beauty and besides I think I’ve got a bit of a  stronger willpower then you huh Tubs  “ Alex laughed, not noticing Mr Gordo’s face drop slightly 
“Never mind then forgot, I ever said anything, besides your an athlete, I’m certain your athletes have lots of will power when it comes this’
“Yh, yh willpower” Alex mumered as he licked the chocolate off his fingers.
 They made their way back to their respective parts of the factory - if Mr Gordo had been troubled earlier he made no effort to show it as he patted Alex on the back as they parted away , Alex chuckled to himself as he let Unit brush his teeth and clean his face  thinking about how ridicules  it was of Mr Gordo to tell him to be careful with the chocolate,  after all he was a star athlete it was in his nature to be strong. Yet  the moment he hit his bed and felt Unit tuck him in, he fell into a much needed food coma dreaming about  all the chocolate that awaited him over the next couple of months. 
Chapter 4 
It had now been nearly two months  of staying in the suite and Alex had quickly gotten used to his new and much more convenient life, he would wake up every morning to the smell of a big hearty American breakfast being cooked just for him, in the bathroom all the tedious jobs of brushing his teeth and even washing himself was done by the robots happily. He could spend the entire day in his underwear and there was no one to protest- not that they would of course, Unit certainly didn’t complain as he strolled about in his underwear and silk robe. Each morning he looked forward to what Unit had had prepared for him, his favourite of course was the buttery pancakes drizzled in maple syrup and sided with a tray full of crunchy bacon. Unit had noted that this was his preferred meal ,so of course went the extra mile of doubling down on its size whenever it was served. Somedays Alexandro would start the day with nearly a dozen fat pancakes, and he loved it - he was finally being treated like the stud he was, sometimes he would hit the Gym for a couple hours pushing weights while  being weighted on by Unit who would always refill his chocolatey protein shakes, he still attempt  a bit of cardio here and there but breakfast always left him feeling so sluggish especially after weights so with that cardia was off and replaced with sauna time.  As the weeks passed the games library would always be updated with  Alex finding himself being glued to the screen  with what ever next level game he was supplied with, and of course he could play vr, it was the most intense thing he did. While he gamed he  would constantly be grazing on whatever the snack bar had on that day- somedays it would be cotton candy other nachos but there would always be chocolate to Alex’s delight. Lunch was Alex’s anchor in the day it split his two gaming session in halve and Unit always made sure it was worth it ,  Unit  of course had followed suit of Alex’s requirements to get bigger and provided Alex with all the meat a jock like him needed to get bigger, somedays he would  plough though nearly a dozen beefy overspilling burgers and of course the cheesiest fries imaginable others it would deep dish pizzas and hordes of overspilling tacos. The remaining part of the day would be spent dozing in and out of a food coma which  Alex had  called getting ready for dinner  he needed time to probably digest his food before meeting up with Mr Gordo. The competitive natures of the two had  really quickly turned dinner into a eating competition between the pair of them to see  who could digest the most quickest, Mr Gordo of course won but Alex wasn’t always that far off, his competitive nature told  told  himself that it was just because Mr Gordo was a complete fatty with no control that allowed him to beat him. Desert was however was the  polar opposite to dinner the two of them  would savour the gourmet and brilliant deserts designed for them by Unit.2, here they would engage mostly in conversation about Alex’s athletic life, Alex would explain in absolute detail his play through as a quarterback and  how winning was so easy with a body like his, while digging into Units chocolatey deserts. Then came the best part of the day , his treat for eating all his food, the most divine chocolate in the world pouring down his throat, and as the weeks passed Alex could take more and more  of it until he almost lasted a complete minute before spluttering it all up, he hadn’t heeded Mr Gordo’s advise and how could he it was too good.
month 4
Alexandro let out the another  burp as he finished another one of Unit’s shakes, ahhh it tasted so good and creamy he thought as he scratched his bloated stomach, it was almost dinner and he hadn’t left  the sofa all day and why would he anything he could possible need was delivered straight to him by unit. He wondered to himself as unit delivered a dozen of fresh hot donuts straight to his mouth as he gamed what possible joy Unit could find like this serving his every need.
Little did he know how much Unit revelled in serving him,  over the last couple of months had Unit able to learn so much about humans, about their likes and their needs, Alex was Unit’s little case study and it was learning some about him, storing  all of his  behaviours  over the last couple of months in to its hard drive -  what he liked to eat,at what time Alex liked to be woken and most importantly how much he had seemed to  enjoy Unit’s mission of getting him ‘bigger’. Unit was able to scan Alex’s brain every time whenever it delivered a plate full of food to him  and the endorphins were off the scale - Unit was definitely doing something right. Unit was learning so much and growing in its knowledge about what humans needed and Unit hadn’t been the only thing growing since had Alex moved in, Unit’s sensors eagerly picked up on Alex’s inflating size. As Alex laid on the couch mostly naked, Unit was easily able to detect the changes in Alex’s size. First it had been his abs, they quickly had lost their definition and were now slowly being coated in a layer of fat, according to Unit’s access to the web  Alex’s abdomen could know actually be classified as a gut, and these changes were all over Unit eagerly noted how Alex pecs were swelling up day by day with more adipose the same changes were being seen in his  ballooning butt - Unit made note to alter Alex’s clothes at night ( once it researched how alarming humans  can find this experience). Notes were made on  Alex’s  thickening waistline which was outgrowing his first 29 inch measurement   it was getting  thicker and thicker which Unit believed was the human body’s adaption to support his growing midsection. Unit scanned Alex all over detecting his loss in muscle tissue and tone  and his increase in body fat levels and compared it to the surface changes of how Alex’s arms and thighs  were swelling up with all this extra fat, it connetced this to Alex’s changes in behaviour. Over the last couple of months Alex was noted to use the gym less and less and favoured more sedentary practices in and how despite his change in exersise levels he still carved more and more food - food which Unit was particular energy rich. Unit was having a marvellous time, scanning and learning about humans and Alex was their prefect guina pig 
Completely oblivious to all these scans Alex reached for a donut  than another plugged into to his Vr headset he had no idea how well noted his descent of gluttony was being. As his hand danced blindly  around an empty donut box searching for any stragglers the loud sound of Mr Gordo  knocking on the door for dinner broke him form his gluttonous ritual, the days sure went fast when halve of it was spent sleeping and the other halve gaming, he had spent  almost another whole day entirety on the sofa eating whatever he could  possibly have wanted and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Alex my boy, come on quickly before the food gets cold” Mr Gordo chuckled turning off of his VR set 
Alex quickly stirred of the sofa, flicking of the crumbs of  his stomach and licking the icing of his fingers
‘Umm dinner - what’s it tonight’
“Just you wait my boy’ chuckled Mr Gordo eyeing up Alex 
Years of only spending his days with robots fixing them and winding them up, had made Mr Gordo enjoy having another play thing in his arms, when Alex had insulted him the over day he knew a funny little game he could play on the poor boy and as he sized by Alex he could see the boy was playing it very well. 
 As Alex off course had been very musclier before and with such an impressive build  the changes were harder to see but they were there, Mr Gordo of course  noticed that the jock had significantly widened in the waist, the boys abs could only faintly be seen as his stomach had rounded out and muffin topped over his tight jockstrap, and that the beginning of a double chin was slowly forming around the studs face paired with his cheeks losing their tight definition  
Dinner had of course grown in size to accommodate Alex’s increase in appetite, he was drinking nearly 5l of shakes ever day all of which riddled with appetite enhances so now after 4 month he was plowing through dinner with Mr Gordo. Only a month ago Alex would have called it quits but when Mr Gordo signalled for Unit to bring out the 3rd helping of turkey - it was like his competitive nature went into overdrive, as he reached for helping after helping mimic Mr Gordo’s piggish appetite.
“Alex, its nice to see you throughly making use of all the ai in your suite”, let out Mr Gordo after the plates  of food between the two had been licked clean
“Of course I have Mr Gordo” Alex let out in-between burps 
“Might I add, Alex that unit has told him your instructions of getting big, would you like myself to install a fitness regime into the gym ai”
“Nah don’t sweat it, all this extra stuffing is simply just fuel for my bulk, I gotta get big first and then imma hit the treadmill to burn off any side effects’
“Well, I’m sure  a jock like you knows what’s best, and let me just add your’re certainly  looking more beefier than when you first came’
“Yeah, its all about the process of course, gotta get big first to get some massive gains when I leave”
“ Certainly my dear boy now if you don’t mind , I think its time for dessert, If I dare say so myself”
The simple mention of desert made Alex’s eyes lit up , like always Unit.2 had  completely outdone themselves producing gourmet chocolatey eclairs each pumped to the brim with delicious cream, the moment they entered Alex’s eyesight he was fixed on stuffing each one down his throat,  it wasn’t long till he was covered in chocolate and his stomach was fully bloated after another day of ploughing through his food - this was the good life Alex thought to himself as he licked up the remains chocolate form his lips 
Dropping Alex of at his suite, Mr Gordo made a quick stop before hitting his bed,
‘Unit boot up’
With his voice Unit woke itself up immediately from  its charging spot and awaited Mr Gordo’s command
“Unit under my instructions I want you to increase you protocols on making master Alexandro bigger, this means doing what ever you can to following his demands and taking it to 300%”
“Yes master Gordo, anything else”
“Now that you have mentioned it, the gym equipment inside masters Alexandro suite is to be in a permanent state of renovations” Mr Gordo continued “None of this is to be mentioned to the my little Guinea pig master Alexandro instead carry like on normal”
“Yes master”
Chapter 5
 6 months 
 Every day the smell of sizzling bacon would find its ways through the suite and cluster around Alex’s bed, it become second nature for him to wake up, stomach rumbling eager to be fed. The smell of the pancakes filled the air as the robots brushed his teeth and washed him, Alex couldn’t even remember the last time he had to do all those tedious chores for himself. And finally the smell of freshly squeezed OJ called him to the dining table as he quickly pulled up his custom underwear and put on his fluffy robe and slippers, eager to eat his breakfast
Alex couldn’t place it but it was as if it had happened over night, but the food Unit cheffed up must have  almost doubled in size and quadrupled in taste, breakfast was constant feasts of platters filled high with greasy strips of bacon and towering stacks of plump pancakes. But despite this monstrous portions, by the time he was done with it there wasn’t a crumb left on the table, he was eating more than he had ever had and yet still he hungered for more. It might  have been when the gym was closed for temporary repairs which soon turned into an almost permanent closure that he saw his diet skyrocket in food ,  and at  first Alex was a little perplexed by this as the days turned into weeks of closure the idea of a gym even existing slowly faded out of his mind, instead it was replaced with hours spent lounging on the couch binge watching all the tv he could ever wanted, and  gaming  in the suite trying out the latest Vr experiences that required very little movement - hours  could be spent plugged in steering at the screen with one hand on the console and the other  constantly grazing on whatever snacks Unit left beside him. 
Lunch had now seemingly evolved into 2 meals  to make up the numerous amount of spare time in the day, Alex had the pleasure of being served lunch every where he was, the suite with its high tech technology bended and folded around him to make  suitable eating spaces that could accommodate for the copious amount of food that would be served up. Alex would stuff his face with Bbq coated ribs and handfuls of crispy chips  washing it all down with copious amounts of creamy milkshakes and refreshing coke without ever moving an inch .  After Lunch he would spend his hours in the newly built spa section - built just for him ( Mr Gordo’s fix due to current state of the gym he was told) , and just like ever other  part of the factory it was riddled with robots ready to serve Alex’s every whim and need. He was given  rigorous massages ( which he was told were the same exercise requirements as hitting the gym or something like that, when Unit brought up the numbers his mind quickly wondered). All he knew was that it worked for him, the machine had to all the work and all he had to do was lie there - all in all it sounded like the ideal workout, he was paraded around on a moveable island that was carried to various stations where the robots oiled him up and massaged his growing body,  finishing it off in a  long sauna session.  After being all pampered  up the rest of the day was spent lazing about and waiting for this  his next favourite part - Dinner. The simple knock of the door got his stomach rumbling,  and with the walk to dinner seemingly getting  longer and longer Alex was ravenous when he sat done at the table not nothing  the pungent  sweat forming in the rolls his ballooning body. 
Dinner was in a league of its own, like everything else it had been  ballooned to behind recognition, they must have spent hours in silence feasting on whatever Unit wheeled out, the pair of them ate like pigs and definitely started to resemble them - each other rubbing on the other, and after the seconds and the thirds the pair of them both forgot about the silly competition they had between them, as their laid back in the comfortable chairs, guts exposed to the world breathing their deep breathes too stuffed to move. However this moment of pause was shortly lived as with a the sound of a bell being rung, the door to the chocolate room was opened and  a tall  familiar muscular figure stood in the pathway. 
Over the duration of the stay Mr Gordo had gone on and on about Unit.2 how it would be lifelike, smarter more mobile - in simple mirroring the human body and mind - Alex had paid this little attention until the first prototypes started to move out , where he was met by more and more models - they started out ever so simple,  the first one was basically the base Unit model, but then as the weeks rolled past the model got more and more impressive. They got larger and larger, their limbs more smooth and their design more futuristic, it wasn’t long till their long  metals limbs were replaced with sleek metal human shaped arms, and long strong fitting legs replaced Unit’s giant wheels. The body of the machine evolved to mirror that of a firm metal torso, and finally the head was moulded into shape. When Mr Gordo finally reached the final model, Alex was at first a little drawn back up its startling familiar appearance
“Perplexed my dear boy’’
Alex was more the startled it looked almost like him
“Well my boy, I have a secret to profess, when I first laid eyes on you , I knew right then and there that you handsome form and shape would be the perfect base for Unit.2”
Alex didn’t know what to say as he approached the 7ft tall imposing metal robot that had a remarkable similarity to himself
‘Why don’t be alarmed - take it as a compliment of course - and Come meet Adam”
And with that the towering grey robot came to live, with red beaming eyes and a deep murmur, it came to live like a creature re-awakening of a long sleep, its limbs started to move and twist its parts shifted under their own weight and finally its head tilted just like a humans - until as if becoming aware of its environment it turned to face Alex 
And in a deep robotic voice it proclaimed 
“Hello Alexandra, how can I be of service today”
And since then Alex was hooked, he wished to spend ever second in this factory with this amazing experiment but under Mr Gordo’s order Adam’s appearances were heavily restricted. Alex could go weeks without seeing them, but that didn’t matter when Adam appeared in to the door way- just like they did tonight, they pair of them would spend hours communicating and conversing. Leaps and bounds were made in-between this appearance as Mr Gordo tinkered away and it wasn’t long that  Adam seemed to be a  fully sentient functioning robot who had their own their own thoughts and feelings.
And so when Unit rang the desert bell Alex did look forward to the food but the idea seeing Adam was more the greater reward. When Adam appeared it was like no time had even passed and the two would pick up on their long conversations, Adam couldn’t help but question the outside world and Alex was happy to abide. Adam just like Unit did learned all about Alex and most importantly he learned what a sweet tooth the boy and with its  more powerful body that had control over all the machines in the chocolate room it seemed to take joy in making  marvellous chocolate dishes for Alex to sink his teeth into. And the two’s relationship  only grew as Alex was stuffed his face with dessert after dessert explains his life outside as Adam happily watched and observed 
As the months  passed, Alex could barely keep track of what he ate for dinner the previous day let alone what day it was , he was happily living in this chocolatey blissful bubble  - and although the outside world wasn’t far away- he gave it no thought at all but all this came crashing down the moment Mr Gordo opened his lips to say 
“Well Alex, I hope you’ve  enjoyed you stay here - what is it one one week left till I have to bid you goodbye’
It was like an endless cold rain cloud over his head , Alex felt as if he had been rudely awoken from a perfect dream to his harsh new reality that he would have to return to the outside world , the food over the week seemed colder and his bed was less comfy now that he knew this was all not permeant, and as much as he wished it wouldn’t the week flew by until it was his final night
And with Unit packing his bags, he was soon met with an even harshly reality, he’d gone a bit too crazy with his bulk and was had long passed  chubby territory and his once trim muscular body was unmistakable fat
 The rude awakening occurred to him as he pulled out his pre factory life clothes, and even with Unit’s help he couldn’t squeeze himself back into them his nikey joggers wouldn’t budge over his pudgy thighs, his tight muscle frame shirts strained to get over his ample pecs not to mention his mountainous abdomen with his larger shirts failing at the next hurdle - his ample love handles leaving his girth sides and front bulge out. 
And as the sound of tearing filled the room as he tried to put on his Nikey jacket over him it  stood no chance against his hefty back Alex  knew it was futile. How had he let this happen, he thought as he stared at himself in the suite’s 360 mirrors he knew he had put on some weight, maybe some muscle as well but as he tried to flex his arms all he saw was fat. Admittedly he knew  had gone overboard with the food, but how couldn’t he wasn’t that what he was there for. His damn sweet tooth had cursed him as piled dish after dish down into his greedy mouth and now his big mouth had caught up to him.
 Alex knew he had put on some fat in his stay but seeing his torn trousers on the floor and tank tops that he couldn’t squee his arms into it - he didn’t realise it was this bad. For fucks sake he had a proper fat boy gut, deep under there once stone-cut abs but now as he slapped his gut it jiggled,  and it wasn’t hard to see how his trousers split he was massive he even had  proper fat boy love handles not to mention jiggly man tits.  Turning around in the mirror he couldn’t help but shed a tear at his rotund arse - his muscular bubble but was long as he took tow hands to grip one doughy but cheek
Alex couldn’t even recognise himself as he saw the fat potbellied body  in the mirror mimic his every action . Fuckk, he thought as he rubbed his hands over his plumped up body, he was soft all over, how had he let his body get so bad - the factory life had been a very sweet tasty bubble and now all he had left to show for it was a pair of plump titis and a massive waistline. There was no doubt about it he looked like the picture boy of a chocolate factory FUCK,  he imagined it now - the  reporters face outside when they saw his fattie  frame step out 
The tabloids would be crazy, flashing his before and after picks on ever surface, his fat face and much fatter butt would be everywhere, he was too distracted pinch and poking his blubber to feel his dick grow hard under his wide stomach - it didn’t help that he couldn’t even see it 
“Master Alex, I am hearing lots of swearing coming from the suite - is everything all right”
“Look at me - Unit I’m a laughing stock”
Unit sensing distain in Alex’s voice - quickly activated it’s reassurance protocols
“What ever is the matter, all I see is a Strapping young man - who I can sense has a very muscle percentage under all that ”
‘And you  from what you’ve been telling me you will drop all this weight in no time’ Unit continued as it feeled up Alex’s overweight  body
Maybe it was Unit’s exploring arms rubbing his flesh frame to their sweet lies but as Alex’s head was slowly feeling with endorphins as Unit started to massage his portly frame  he did wonder how glorious his cut would be after this ‘bulk’
Unit went on - detecting it was working with Alex’s raised endorphins and growing member 
“With your previous calculations I am certain you will get straight back in shape in no time at all anyway as I calculate most of weight is simply water weight ’
It was like a light was switched on in Alex’s head, of course that makes more sense - this was all just water weight wasn’t it , and of course  Unit  was not going to lie  to him about it . Alex’s worries seen faded away  and were replaced with spastic waves oh his dick cumiming  as  imagined how shredded  he would be after his cut while Unit continued to massage his fatty rolls harder and harder 
 And as Unit wiped away his cum  Alex had no time to think about his cut as his thoughts were quickly distracted by the knocking on the door - it was dinner and he had  definitely worked himself up an appetite
The walk seemed to take forever  ,as  Mr Gordo went on and one with how  much Unit was cooking up a to honour Alex’s departure, as as Alex’s mouth watered his chubby legs tried to get him there as fast as they could 
Unit had of course outdone themselves once again, when the plates were delivered it was like a chip was activated  in Alex’s brain hie eyes took in the towering plates of food and his arms reached out to grab them  all he wanted to do was eat and eat. Even as he felt the mound of his body  hit the table as reached over to pick up the medium done  steaks and piles of creamy mash potatoes, he couldn’t help himself - and besides this was his last night a little indulge wouldn’t hurt
Ring Ring Ring, the sound of  Unit ringing the bell for desert only ruled Alex more to finish his food to get ready for dessert, he felt the warmth he felt every night for the last 6 months of stuffing himself to the brim and it only made me more hungry 
“My boy, I will miss you very much”
Mr Gordo went on as the pair of them scarfed down  their third desert delivered by hand by  Adam
“This whole factory has learnt so much form you - not to mention Adam’
Alex turned to see Adam performing their task’s  fast and swiftly in the background - Alex didn’t let on that he would probably miss Adam more than Mr Gordo
Mr Gordo went on 
“And I see that you have certainly changed since staying in my factory - haven’t you my boy’ Mr Gordo chuckled as he reached over to  prod Alex in his fatty rolls 
“You see that its not so hard to put on the pounds when staying in a Chocolate factory, not long till you’re my size - hey boy”
He chuckled 
‘What… oh this its nothing’ Alex retorted slapping his padded midsection - he didn’t notice Adam’s attention turning  towards him in the background
“Couple shifts in the gym - and it will be right off - old man’ Alex laughed as he grabbed for another scoop of ice-cream 
“All I need is a good week of gym sessions - and I will back in action, and more stole than ever’
Alex went on, not noticing the scheming eye of Mr Gordo
“I’ve got a long way till I’m anyway near your ballpark… ’’
And as Alex tugged into his fourth helping delivered straight by Adam - he certainly didn’t notice the enlarged vein on Mr Gordo’s head 
“ But I …I … mean sure I’m not in the best shape right now, and the  media will go crazy when I step outside tomorrow’ Alex stuttered as he remembered how much water weight he was carrying right now licking his bowl clean in between words.
“But I sure, yh, that all I need is a few gym sessions and I can drop this water weight’ He said halve convincingly  
‘ All water weight you say, huh boy Why if that so .. and all you need is few shifts in the gym and you will back in fighting shape’
Alex nodded, his double chins bulging  out as as his  lowered his head 
The boy had failed to learn his lesson, even when he was carrying all these extra pounds he still saw himself as a titan of of fitness - Mr Gordo thought, he  had to fix this fast and he knew just the way to do it.
“Hey my  boy, If that’s so, why don’t you extend your stay here, save the initial embarrassment tomorrow you know and drop the weight in here’
Alex sighed a bigger internal relief than he realised   - this was easily an lifesaver, he could drop all his extra padding here while living the good this was an easy answer
‘Oh yh of course - best of both worlds huh, I’m sure the girls can wait a through more weeks till they me ha’ He chuckled trying to play it cool - flexing his porky arms
“Excellant, my dear  boy only issue is  you’ve will just have to sign another waive of course, nothing serious just protocol and stuff’
“Yh cool - whatever’ Alex was over the moon, but made sure to play it cool 
He quickly signed the contact to distract to properly  read it as  Adam brought him his fifth  helping of chocolate  ice cream to celebrate the good news
Mr Gordo chuckled to himself, as he picked up the signed contact, wiping off the chocolate from Alex’s mess. The boy  had fallen into the trap just like a fat boy in a candy shop -  he had been to eager and had happily skipped over the clauses of definite containment in the factory, giving Mr Gordo all the time he needed to finish playing with his plump guinea pig
Chapter 6 
Month  ?
Alex marvelled in this extra time he given to cut the fat,  the idea of his body after his cut made him so hard he couldn’t control himself - luckily Unit was always happy to give a hand or two. ( Alex didn’t notice the weird odd spasm Unit would produce as it massaged and grabbed his fat). And as gesture to aid Alex in his weight loss Mr Gordo insisted that the state of art  gym would be open any time soon and that he was just finishing the small details here and there. In the mean time Alex tried to start his cut, but it appeared fantasising about his dream body was a lot easier than working for it, he met the biggest roadblock straight away it appeared Mr Gordo had instructed Unit of his new dieting goals and Unit had swiftly put them to place. Alex met these changes on a very startling morning , as he plopped himself down on the breakfast table eager to be fed and was only met with a small bowl of oats. 
‘What it this Unit’
“For you stick diet orders straight from Mr Gordo’
‘Oh yh’ Alex begrudgingly responded sinking a spoon into the greyish pile of oats laid in-front of him, they won’t bad tasting not even  it was just so bland compared to the stacks of pancakes he was used to . There wasn’t even a single spoon of honey in them let along some sugar and  when his spoon hit the bottom of the empty bowl, the sound of Unit bringing over new plates filled with breakfast goodies was strikingly absent. This was barely enough to settle his ravenous hungry forcing Alex to leave the table  with his stomach growling for new food. This  pattern  was seen throughout the day, lunch was no better a simple sandwich was all that awaited him and long gone were the numerous  confectionaries scattered about the suite. By the time dinner rolled around Alex felt like had been starved, his mind couldn’t even remember the last time he  had eaten so little. 
 Dinner was  arguable  the worse  part- as he ate on his end of the table with a plate of white rice and beans down on the other end sat Mr Gordo stuffing his face with plates upon  plates of meats and pastas . Alex tried to steal a plate but Unit detected this and quickly removed the plate of creamy mashed potatoes far from his chubby arms. How could Alex live like this, he thought as he went to bed hungry, - he didn’t even get desert, he was starving and he needed something sweet asap he had a hungry for it and it wasn’t going to be so easily down-trotten. 
As the days passed and the mandatory diet showed no sign of stopping - Alex grew even more lethargic and depressed he had nothing to eat not to mention that his meeting with Adam also vanished . This was a disaster and  when he woke up in the middle of night in sweats - he felt starved  it must have been days since he had even seen some chocolate, he could not continue to live like this. As he searched the suite - every nook and cranny was empty.  This was hell, Alex was famished, his stomach  hunger pangs were relentless - calling to be fed and his brain was no better at every second of day he craved sugar and chocolate. Sure he needed to cut but surely there was another way to do it, he just wasn’t strong enough he needed to be fed now, and then the most devious idea entered his head, he knew where he could some chocolate so late at night - a whole lake of it.
With the factory in night mode, Alex set of to the chocolate room as quiet as fat boy could, it was pitch black and he ended up getting lost numerous times but the deep dark smell of chocolate kept him going. Until he finally laid eyes on the deep pool of chocolate, it was majestic - like seeing a mirage, Alex sprinted the fastest his chubby legs could take him. The guards were down and there was nobody around - who would ever know.
 It started with a sip, then a handful, with grew into two hands cusping up the chocolate, it was just so good the moment his lips touched the creamy dark chocolate, he was in heaven. It lit every bulb and flipped every switch in his head, as the delicious chocolates entered his mouth he was transported away. And he needed more and more - he leaned over the edge trying to get a better  position, he was too distracted to notice his centre of gravity shift to over the edge, and his weak chubby legs could definitely not enough to  support his overweight upper flab. And then in slow motion, with his face deep in chocolate he felt his obese body give away - but thankfully just before he was about to fall he felt  cold metal arms coming to his rescue to lift him out.
It was Adam 
‘Oh Adam, thank you so much’ Alex sighed - going in to give Adam a deep hug, his doughy soft body heavily contrasting with Adam’s sleek metal frame.
“Happy to be of service’ Adam responded in his code heavy voice.
Adam then went silence, as Alex licked his fingers clean of chocolate, as if was sensing his new environment, taking in Alex’s blubbery body
“Thank god you saved me - I would have been a goner’ 
“That certainty would be true any longer and the chocolate would be all consuming all you would want to do is drink more and more until you lungs are filled with it’ Unit responded creating an award silence, detecting this it aimed to change the conversation
‘Can I ask what brings you here at this  hour’
“Oh it just I’ve been so hungry - and Unit has seemed to cut of my food supply’
“What - whatever why’
“Oh you know - this diet is  to help me shift this extra weight’ Alex  chuckled as his patted his plump tubby
“Don’t worry about that - I will be sure to give Unit a word or two - I can’t have you putting yourself in danger now can I’
When Adam talked so imposing and in charge, Alex couldn’t help but swoon a little 
“No I need it - have to drop this extra pounds - you know’
“Matter of fact I don’t’
Adam  responded stepping closer to Alex, almost towering over him
It went on 
‘Isn’t amazing how you humans can grow and change so originally’
Adam said as his arms drifted over Alex’s chubby body
Alex was silenced - Adam had never talked so freely before - and he hated to admitted it but he was a little turned on with how Adam was talking about him 
“I mean look at you, so rounded out and soft - Us robots can only dream about having a body like this’
Adam talked deeper and deeper, as it kneaded Alex’s body.
It wasn’t long before Alex found his member throbbing
‘Ah there it is again, see how amazing the human body is’
Alex felt shocked at his own submission  
“You know to be honest, I cannot  control myself, sometimes I have to  take control of your suite Unit and explore your body whenever I wish to’
Alex shivered a bit - upon hearing this all those times he saw Unit spasm must have been Adam taking over, but that didn’t stop his member form protruding out from under his gut
“Ah there it is again ’
In a careful movement - Adam used one hand to grab a roll of fat and another Alex’s member
And with a moan the rest of the night turned into a world of sensation for Alex, Adam explored his body like a scientist eager to explore a new planet. Every pound of his body was massaged and jiggled, Alex felt his new  body in ways he could never imagine - and he enjoyed it
“Now Alex, I want you to come freely here whenever you need - and don’t worry I will always have my eye on you’ Adam said as it waved Adam goodbye as he   left though the doors back to his suite stomach full and covered in chocolate
Chapter 7 
Alex didn’t know what month it was let alone day, after he signed the contact time changed - he seemed to lose all control of it.  At first days seemed to be a blur as he continued his gluttonous lifestyle, once he had signed the contact Mr Gordo had  made no mention of when his final day was to be so, and Alex saw no need to bring it up, especially now that Adam had seemed to restore his meals back to their former status. The smell of bacon and pancakes returned to fill Alex’s mornings and lunch’s were piled on high with burgers and pizzas, not  to mention all the snacks stations restored to their previous fullness. To begin with Alex tried to slowly increase his portion size back to a ‘healthy’ balance after all once the gym was opened it was back to the cut, but despite his good intentions  and with the gym continued to maintain shut,  he found himself  fighting a losing battle to contain his gluttonous appetite. This wasn’t especially helped by his and Adam secret late night rendezvous where the machine made sure that his lover had tables full os  chocolatey desserts  ready to keep them fed as Adam explored their body
Alex had started out eating a decent halve of his previous diet, restraining himself from finishing the  copious plates of foods , but without any clear sign in the horizon of an end date this restriction barely held - it wasn’t long before the floodgates opened one extra dish turned to another, a second lunch turned into a third and then a forth. He was soon eating more than he was eating before his “diet” it was like his brain was accounting for the lost meals in his short lived fast. But Alex couldn’t help himself, he need to eat it was like an addiction to him, goaded on by Adam’s lustrous words - in their late night sessions.  Adam would encourager his organic lover to eat more and more and when Alex felt like he was about to burst Adam took over force feeding Alex the rest of whatever was laid in-front of him. Alex never viewed himself to so submissive but when Adam took charge he simply let them, towering over him Adam commanded respect and as their two bodies grew more and more in contrast Alex submitted more and more.
“Alex by dear boy’ 
Mr Gordo boomed as he bragged into the suite
“Its the big day - your gym is finally open’
Alex looked up from his plate of fried food, snapping out of his feeding loop. 
Mr Gordo chuckled to himself as he saw the fat boy quickly climb to his feet - using the table to lift his obese frame up, it was obvious the boy hadn’t been adhering to his diet plan, he was more rotund than ever, a couple of months sure he could have dropped  the weight and return tho his former glory but  now  asMr Gordo  saw  as Alex  try to composed himself wiping the crumbs of his mouth and fat folds - the boy was a last hope.
“Ah finally, about time I get this diet in action - huh’
“Yes right as rain once again boy - and  I’m sure you’ll be eager to see your new additions to your gym’
Alex was more than eager- finally it was time to shift these pesky pounds he thought as he trailed behind Mr Gordo milkshake in hand slurping up the remnants.
“Now boy I think you will happy with these changes won’t you’ My Gordo laughed eyeing up Alex’s protruding paunch  that entered doors before he did.
Alex was jaw-smacked for a spilt section, have the gym was filled with state of the art gym equipment - sleek and modern but this wasn’t what captured his attention the most. The other halve of the room had all its gym equipment torn out and instead replaced with rows of worldly food carts built into the wall. He quickly  lost all attention of the gym equipment as he waddled past them and went straight to the stalls. The moment he stepped across the barrier, the stall manned with robotic animatronic came  to life, the Chinese stand in particular started buzzing and churning until finally it produced a plate piled high with thick oily noodles coated in sweet and sour chicken
“What ….. how did it ….’
“Know exactly what you were hankering for - my boy, you can call it magic but I like to call it science’
As Alex reached out and grabbed the dish and plopped down on the extremely comfortable sofas - Mr Gordo went on..
“This sensors can detect whatever you want by the moment you enter this doors - think of it as a treat for entering the gym Alex’
“Not that you need one - right Mr Athlete ’
Alex nodded his head his mouth full of Chinese 
“Now I’ll leave you be - I think France is cooking up something over there’
Alex happily agreed turning his head to see  his fresh crepes being made
And so Alex’s cut commenced, sure he had some extra weight to his frame but with his gym back he would easily drop the pounds, and it was certainly time. He couldn’t keep the facade up much longer - his was definitely in dire need for the gym, he couldn’t remember the last time he could see feet as the mound of stomach blocked his view - everywhere he looked he found fat upon fat . And when he explored his growing body at night caressing  his hands over his thick thighs and feeing his moobs fat - he hated how turned on he got thinking about how Adam  touched  him there . This lifestyle was dangerous and it had to go - he couldn’t even recognise himself in the mirror, his face had softened out filled with chub from his triple chins and chubby cheeks. He looked like those fat fucks he used to see in the gym  struggling to hit a minute of cardio,, now that he was in their shoes he could easily see why. Being fat was tiring, waddling around the suite all day was hard work, not to forgot how lethargic he was now, he broke sweats trying to get out of bed and often need Unit to fully get him up, he was just so heavy especially with the gut of his.
But all this had to go and today was  where it started. Or so he thought, the moment he stepped though the gym doors determined to burn the fat  the sound of the robotic chefs whizzing about quickly broke the silence and it wasn’t long till the smell of fresh cooked food filled the gym luring him away from the equipment. Most days he could barley get a rep in with the smell taunting him and it was so easy to quit after all he had to do was waddle to the other side of the room.  Besides working out was just so tedious not to mention embarrassing as he felt squeezed into the already comically large weight machines, he just couldn’t righting to urge to stuff his face with the pain of working out. His  willpower  just wasn’t strong enough to continually  face the smell of fresh Belgian waffles, or crispy batter of fish and chips or  the fresh Italian  over grilled pizzas.
 His gym sessions may have started out with him struggling to lift various weights and gasping for breath on treadmills but they quickly morphed to him instead struggling to finish all the worldly treats  as he stomach continually was pushed to its limits  and  him gasping for breathe as he waddled back to the stalls for more food And it wasn’t long that he gave up altogether officially too weak to fight his stomach desire  called to be fed.
Alex quickily returned to his gluttony the cut was always delayed till the next day then the next week and then the next month, he was a man lost to his own hunger for food, he became an eating machine time passed freely months flew by and Alex paid them no attention as long as Unit filled his plate high and Adam made deep chocolaty love to him he was content.
The curve of his belly continued to grow as the months flashed pass, day by day the copious amounts of calories latched themselves to Alex wide frame, Alex couldn’t even fight back in fact he was happy to continue pigging out. He was engorged in his food he didn’t’  even notice or care how at dinners he demanded more and more, how machines soon acted like convey belts bringing him more and more food and  how his mobility was slowly eroding away as he piled his plate higher and higher. Alex payed little attention to how getting out of bed now always required the strong pull from Unit or how he now he head to squeeze through door ways where his fat filled out frames, or the fact his body was quickly outgrowing his suite. Once built for an athletic stud, furniture buckled under Alex’s bloated body, mirrors failed to to encompass his rotound frame, Vr head sets barely squeezed  unto his head and not  to mention the shower  could no longer  fit Alex in any way at all . Alex simply payed these no attention, simply grunting as he shoved his fat through doorways and  burping as he squished his doughy arse unto too  small chairs too pre-occupied by whatever food was laid out in front of him.
Mr Gordo of course was happy to help, surprising Alex every day with more and more changes - wider doorways, reinforced toilets and the biggest addition of all a people mover made just for Alex. To save the walk to the spas and dinner, although Mr Gordo had to admit the last addition was mainly for him  - their walks to dinner had become a tedious chore for him as Alex’s pace regressed to a snails pace constantly waddling behind him. It was oblivious all of Alex’s energy was now reserved for eating  dnd as they sat at dinner Mr Gordo couldn’t help but chuckle as he saw Alex ravenously stuff his face. 
Mr Gordo  had had the front row seat of Alex’s decent to gluttony and he marvelled to remember how the mountainous mound of fat infant of  him had the once been a  handsome muscular cocky young man, who now had long passed Mr Gordo’s own weight and was soaring past it. The boy had definitely  learned his lesson it had  only took a couple  hundreds of pounds of fat to him to squeeze it out of, and he reached over to butter his rolls the boy was oblivious to how he was weight his weight  in research, Alex’s appetite was  priceless to Mr Gordo and  he needed Alex fatter  and he needed it now.
Mr Gordo saw little need to mention to Alex how a year had passed since the amended contact the boy was happy what was the need to disturb that. And besides Mr Gordo even questioned with Alex could ever even return to pre-factory life, Alex had lost himself to his uncontraollable appetite and the boy dint even care. The once energetic jock was rolled out of him to make away for all the fat he had piled under his body, the boy was even losing his own basic mobility becoming a caricature of a fatty. And Mr Gordo was happy to aid, drawing up new amendments, a new suite with bigger frames once built to accommodate its obese inhabitants all designed around Mr Gordo’s breakthrough the People Mover. It was prefect Alex barely had to leave it all, he could sleep in it, be washed in it, eat in it - it was ingenius, sure Alex left it for small parts of the day but as Mr Gordo modified it those hours quickly shortened. And of course it was all worth it, just has he had hoped Alex was ballooning he was helpless to it, the more he used the fatter he got the fatter he got the harder it was to move making him use it even more.  Allowing Mr Gordo to pry off even more data now especially from a sedentary blob of fat, the people mover was built to contain up to 500lbs of fat and Mr Gordo wanted to make sure not a lbs was wasted.
But unbeknownst  to Mr Gordo design wasn’t immune to Adam’s ever growing inception, it wasn’t long till Adam was able to momentarily take over the people mover to get even closer to Alex and more importantly Alex’s fat.  Adam was growing smarter and smarter by the day and with it so did  its fascinating in Alex, when the two were alone Adam caressed, and stoked and kneaded every once of Alex - it was memorised by Alex’s organic blubbery  frame. Alex was its play thing and Adam couldn’t get enough 
Unfortunately for Alex, the danger of being  trapped between an inverters desire for research and profit to a robot  deep  fascination of  its lovers organic shape and roundness was unknown to him . But nor would it have had  much effect on him - he  was happy to eat and oblivious to the dangers his expansive body was leading him to 
Chapter 8 Part 1
This was bad, worse than bad, as Alex laid there in bed, wriggling and squirming under his own weight he was stuck by his body or more precisely his fat. Pushing off his sleep apnea mask Alex struggled to do much else, he had woken in the middle of the night thirsty. But as he laid there he could barely lift himself up in bed let alone get some water. Struggling to bend his chins he could barely see the culprit past his ample moobs - which was of course  his  large mountainous gut ballooned out  and weighing him down. He couldn’t move he tried bending with his arms but as they’re jiggled and wobbled as he tried to hoist himself up he knew there were no match for his massive stomach. How had he let himself go so badly, this was dire but he was stuck Unit was in night mode essentially dead to the world till the earlier hours of the morning. He gave it one last heave but it was useless, rolling was no better he was a like a whale on land completely harpooned by its own weight, his chubby arms frailed by his side desperately trying to grab anything - but deep down he knew it was pointless what could he even grab to shift the hundreds of pounds that were piled onto his body.  And the worst part about it these whole situation was turning him on, since the moment he felt pinned down by his own lard he felt his dick come to life pulsing  as it hit the fat of his underbelly, he couldn’t even relief himself if he tried as his arms were not even able to reach around his obese body. He was stuck like this until unit rebooted in the morning, making his dick throb even harder and that’s when it hit him. Adam 
Adam was always waiting, time to put it to the test, 
“Adam’ he yelled at the top of his fat covered lungs could 
‘Adam Adam’ he continued but it proved useless , I guess even super computers need their down time.
But then the whizzing sound of metals filled the room , and the sound of a door opening - he was saved at least he thought  he was, with his view still blocked by his gut.
“My Alex - what a situation you have gotten yourself into’ came Adam’s deep voice 
“Why I think I even found it what to do you call it - amusing’
But seeing Alex continue to frail Adam knew it was no time for jokes - instead it heaved Alex up in bed delivering the water without even be said.
Finally after a couple of seconds of Alex gulping the water down 
“Fuck Adam look at me, what have I done to  myself’
“What’d you mean - you shape is more perfection, I couldn’t design it better by myself - and here let me’
Adam said quickly relieving Alex’s throbbing member 
“Adam look at me though’ Alex let out in-between pants 
“I can barely function’ 
Adam was taken back at this - but upon detecting the struggle in Alex’s voice it knew Adam was serious
“This has to stop’ Alex continued 
“I’m more fat than man - I mean look at you body that was designed after mine’
Adam detected this more comparing his sleek muscular metal bodies to Alex’s rolls of fat 
“I know you deeply attached to all this’ Alex said slapping a vad of fat 
“But it has to go’
Adam was speechless - the smartest robot in the world for a spilt second didn’t know what to say but when it sensed Alex’s frustration it knew it had to put it fascinating beside. 
“I understand completely’ Adam finally let out after a prolonged silence
“Thank you - now come give me a belly massage while you still can’ chuckled Alex as the robotic man laid beside him in bed
In the morning Adam was gone leaving a message about his functions in the factory, and Adam began his day ready for the change. His people remover laid unused as Alex waddled  his fat body to the bathroom it certainly wasn’t easy but it was start, at breakfast despite the  towering plates of  breakfast food  he restrained  himself to one plate  only and in the gym he didn’t give up  as he shifted his fat body under the machines and  broke  a long needed well-deserved sweat as he shifted weights. It wasn’t much but it was a start- snacks were limited and plates were unfinished Alex was serious he needed to get his life in charge. 
The people mover reared its head for dinner, even Alex knew his own weakness but at dinner he restricted himself to only one helping of seconds a stark contrast to his usual diet. Mr Gordo chalked this up to the fat boy filling himself on food all day and being too stuffed to move, but when dessert rolled around and Alex failed to touch his desert he knew something was up 
‘My dear boy - in the 3 years you  have sat across me you’ve never not touched desert’
“Yes I know’ Adam replied  as he fought the desire to stuff his face full of chocolate 
“Whatever is the matter - that sweet tooth of yours missing huh my dear boy’ Mr Gordo chuckled as he prodded Alex ’s fat rolls
‘You don’t get to that’s size by missing dessert - you know’
“That’s exactly the point - no more …. I just can’t, I’m a whale I’m too fat to barely move by myself, this has to stop I have to stop myself before I get too large that I can’t’
“Why my boy I.. …’ Mr Gordo was speechless he had to think of something fast the boy was stuck in his desire- the lack of food and raised movement would tamper his experiments but what was he going to do.  But then he chuckled to himself  it was obvious, here sat infant of him was  a man  once fit and muscular now struggling to keep his fat arse on a chair all because of one thing - Chocolate 
“Why me dear boy - if that’s so’
Alex nodded his head - as much as his  thick double chin would allow him to do so
“How about this - one final sweet, delicious, scrumptious treat’
As Alex’s eye opened - Mr Gordo knew the pig was caught
‘To end all vacation with my factory best product - how about one last trip to the finest chocolate on this planet’ as he pointed his stick to the deep gurgling hot chocolate lake
Alex turned his chubby head to the side - he had only ever drank straight from the chocolate lake once and it was glorious - so much so  that he  had nearly fallen in but no he shouldn’t,  shouldn’t he 
‘Tick tock boy the offer won’t last forever’
No he shouldn’t this was not what he needed, did he not  remember this morning struggling under his own weight harpooned
But he was so hungry, he stomach growled 
He had barely eaten today and he was ravenous 
No show restraint- he had to  do this was one long journey and today was the start
But oh well how bad could one mouthful be 
Deep chocolate rich, bubbling hot 
He couldn’t fight it no more, he needed that chocolate - his cut could wait a day 
He had no time, he had to run, a foreign concept to him know, his belly was like a pendulum weighing him down and his arms rubbed in fat as he tried to pick up momentum, 
He hadn’t run this fast in a long time, and he was sure paying for it, all over he wobbled and trembled as his swollen legs did the best they could - but it wasn’t enough. It all happened so fast  as his  came crashing down his mountainous gut weighing him down, but he couldn’t stop there 
Mr Gordo couldn’t believe his eyes, in front of him he saw the once mighty athlete  was now crawling  on his knees towards his lake of fat. His fat voluptuous arse swinging  side to side as the fatty desperately crawled to the river
He wasn’t going to make it, but  when the smell of the chocolate hit him like a dump truck, he was hypnotised he couldn’t fight it if he wanted - he needed that chocolate now 
And as the final ‘0’ left Mr Gordo’s mouth, Alex’s felt his  lips touch the deep brown chocolate, he gulped it done - it was so velvety and smooth and  as he felt the hot chocolate enter his body straight to his stomach he found a hunger inside of him. One mouthful wasn’t enough he needed more and more, like a pig at a tough, Alex drank the chocolate with a burning passion  deep inside of him, more and more  he needed it. It wasn’t long till he was head first into the chocolate, sucking it all up, only coming up for air. And as he gulped mouthful after mouthful of chocolate he didn’t hear the slow clapping coming from Mr Gordo nor did he notice his body shift closer and closer to edge. He needed the chocolate and thats all that mattered, he didn’t see Adam approach the situation and be deactivated  by Mr Gordo, all he needed was chocolate. He paid no attention to his massive body edging  more and more into the chocolate - how his whole head to he his shoulders were  soon buried in chocolate.  How his moobs now dangled done over the edge dipping into the hot  chocolate, or most importantly how his arms had started to quiver under their lack of muscle failing to keep holding him as he dived  deeper and deeper into the brown chocolate
And then it happened, his gut was the final straw, losing his balance as his head was deep in chocolate, as he tried to lift up for air he just couldn’t, he was struggling to breathe his arms were not  strong enough and the slippery chocolate didn’t help
He was going to drown, under his now weight, all he saw was chocolate and as he opened his mouth only more chocolate poured in - he was in deep danger 
‘Here let me’ chuckled Mr Gordo - Alex thought he could hear from the surface expecting a helping tug out to save him from a chocolatey death 
Instead Alex felt a  kick on in his right buttock , it certainly wasn’t strong but it was enough to make him finally lose his balance, no longer could he support the mountains of fat slapped unto his body - he was falling like a weight straight into the deep hot chocolate river.
Splash !!!
All of Alex’s fat body fell straight in, maybe a couple of hundred of pounds ago Alex would have been able to keep himself above the chocolate, but now as he kicked and squirmed it was all too much his fat heavy body and is diminished excerise capacity resulted in one thing, a sinking ship
Laughter filled the room as Alex tried desperately to support his heavy body 
‘My boy look at you struggle, ha I could watch this all day’
What was Mr Gordo saying, he was on the cusp of drowning here 
‘Looks like someone packing on the pounds my boy - 552 to be precise from you last measurement’
552lbs there was no way, Alex weighed all that but as he felt his fat gut continually weighing him down the hot  reality sank in 
‘And my goodness Alex, your transformation has definitely been entertaining to watch, I mean look at you, you can barley give that fat head of yours above the chocolate’
“ You my boy where once an all star American athlete, winning scholarships and trophies  alike and now you can’t even keep that bloated body of yours from sinking’
Mr Gordo was right, and Alex didn’t think he could go on much longer, he was just too heavy and his chubby arms and legs were growing weaker and weaker’
“And even now, when your on the edge of death you cant’t keep that sweet tooth of yours at bay - huh my boy’
Alex grunted, as the chocolate filled his mouth and he swallowed it piggishly
“My my my what has your  dirty appetite gotten you into’
Where the last words Alex could hear as his head slipped under the chocolate 
The cold metal arms of Adam, soiled around Alex as he sank deeper and deeper, it wasn’t easy but Alex’s blubbery body was slowly hauled out of the chocolate, he was saved.
Expecting Adam’s reassuring glare and words, he was instead met with a lifeless Adam once all of his 500lbs was hauled under solid ground
‘What expecting your love machine to save, my my my Alex those days are over, Adam prepare the final operation’
And just like that like a puppet Adam raced around the room pushing  buttons and flicking switches 
“Mr Gordo please let me go’
‘My dear boy, why on earth would I do that the second part of this experiment is about to commence’
Alex was sacred, but even worse he was immobile, bloated with chocolate and exhausted from his near death experience, he could barely move a muscle let alone run
‘You see my dear boy, while you’ve been stuffing you face day in day out for the last 3 years now - I’ve been collecting priceless research’
Alex had no idea where this was going but he didn’t like the sound of it, but as  he wriggled and squirmed on the floor  he knew he wasn’t going anyway fast
‘Every chocolate you stuffed down that fat endless mouth of yours was precisely engineered, every smoothie, every meal every desert !!! My dear boy was made just for your taste buds’
“At every second of day Unit was collecting date from you, your hormones, your sensations your lust’ Mr Gordo went on chuckling to himself as he saw Alex squirm on the floor
‘You’ve been the prefect specimen, the star athlete primed with muscles, I learned exactly what made you tick - what made you crave more and more, and served it straight back to you’
‘And not just you my dear boy, it’s been quite some time since you’ve stepped outside haven’t you - but I’ve give you a spoiler, I’m everywhere, all over this damn country My chocolate bars are in every house, gym, and store this side of the sun - all thanks to you’
“I started first with the gyms, free vending machines stocked to the brim with your favourite chocolate, and it wasn’t long till ever bro and chad in that place was sporting a spare tire’
“You body was the perfect blank canvas - and your little sweet tooth was the perfect cherry on the cake, I mean look at you even know your licking the chocolate of your fingers - hungry for more’
‘Master - the people mover is ready’ came Adam cold voice 
‘Excellent get the pig ready’
Like a soldier, Adam acted swiftly and ruthlessly straight to Adam dragging  his obese frame closer and closer to the people-mover
“Ah get of of me’ Alex cried out fruitlessly
But Adam didn’t stop, until All of Adam was planted straight unto his chair
“Ahh what do you want from me - seems like’ve you’ve already got everything’’
‘Ah my dear boy, that catchall question, and to be honest you’ve stumped me - at first it was simple get a jock in pump him full of chocolate and watch as the sales skyrocket when his porky body waddles out my factory doors - the perfect ad’
‘But you my dear boy,’ Mr Gordo said as he approached Alex 
“Just had to keep eating and eating !!’
“ See No one gets to these size without being a pig, my boy’ Chucked My Gordo as he grabbed Alex’s rolls
“I have  yet so much to learn about you - what are the limits of the human body, when does your appetite ever stop and who can forgot …….   how big  can you get, so got comfortable my boy your not going anywhere’ Mr Gordo finally proclaimed flicking the final switch 
Alex could only see as his fate enrolled infant of him - too weighed down by his swollen gut to do anything. 
Metal loops trapped his arms and legs, a wide metal metal wrapped around his frame, his head was pulled back and his jaw done, and then finally a long conveyor  belt spurted from the walls. At first nothing came as it gruntled to life, bring only nothingness from the dark void it came from, but then to Alex’s despair it started, plates and and plates of food started slowly rolling towards him.
He tried to fight it but it availed no use as the cold metal strengthen  around his body, and when the food came he  has even more merciless trapped by the machine he he could was beg 
‘Please Mr Gordo, let me go’
“Ah that’s the sweetest part my dear boy, I own you. Now Open up !!’
And Alex was helpless as Mr Gordo shoved the first chocolate cake slice down his throat, and left Adam to do  the rest 
Chapter 8 Part 2 
This was his life now, to eat, Alex couldn’t tell how much time passed all he knew that he had to eat. Day in and day he  didn’t leave the people mover as it transported him  around his prison - he slept in it, he bathed in  it he watched tv in it, and when it  was time  it carried him to the chocolate room  for was eating sessions, where he ate for hours at a time with no breaks and no rest. He didn’t know the last time  he had  even seen Mr Gordo but he knew he was always watching from somewhere, watching his  hours of limitless feasting It was an endless cycle, broken up by rare appearances of Adam who scanned and measured him, immune to his cry for help and love.
At first he had tried to fight the machine, but his struggles proved fruitless these attempts soon thistled   out, worsened by his growing hunger, even as he ate more and more his appetite never ceased to grow he was trapped by it. He hankered to be fed, it wasn’t long till he felt like an eating machine, it was his sole purpose the hours and hours of chocolate broke him he submitted to the machines ready to eat and stuff his face.
And so as he ate more and more he continued to blossom in size, he was becoming fatter and fatter by the day and he was powerless to it, he felt his bum grow in size as he sat on it day in and day out, his limb were becoming heavier and heavier weighing him down on the sides , and of course there was his gut. What 6 pac abs once occupied now was a the site of his ever growing  gut. It knew no boundaries and showed now restraints, Alex couldn’t even see around, if it wasn’t for its pressing weight on his thighs and legs he wouldn’t even know they were there. Every day it seemed to be growing always bloated and constantly rising pushing his man tits higher and higher until they were crushing against his neck - it was his prison within his prison.
 New features had to be constantly  installed to the people mover to accommodate Alex’s growing weight, platforms installed to keep his gut from crushing  his legs but even these were buckling. Alex’s body showed no signs of slowing down  and his people movie built to withstand up to 700lbs was soon struggling  to match its host weight just kept rising  but alas as it slowed down and needed for maintenance Alex simply paid it not attention - instead he was more invested in the food heading towards him.
“Why why why - my boy look at how you’ve grown’ Mr Gordo bellowed as he approached the mass of flesh in the chocolate room 
Alex could barely respond he was too engrossed in his food to respond, his time in the people mover had drained him all he cared about was food and keeping his stomach full
‘My my, the research these last hundred of pounds have provided has been marvellous by dear boy’
Alex only grunted in response to busy to even care
“And it looks with you finally entering 4 figures we are gonna need to upgrade that chair of yours’
4 figures !! -  What how was this possible, the thought of continuing his meal grew sour on him, 1000lbs pounds - could he even move 
“Not to worry, my dear boy, look’ve what I’ve brought you’
Alex stained his head as much as his fat neck could let him, as Adam rolled out the new people mover - It was massive - was he really that big
‘Now don’t worry my boy, I know those tubby little legs of yous are no use to you now and Im sure you won’t be running of would you now’ 
Chuckled Mr Gordo as Alex’s restraints  were turned down 
 With a Whoosh!!, the iron belt retreated and Alex felt his hundreds of pounds of fat be free, and to his dismay Mr Gordo was right he could barely move weighed down by the seer mass of his own body he was immobile 
“ Ahh looks like this not so little piggy has finally bitten off more than he can chew - huh my boy. Adam !!help our subject to his new device’
 How could he continue like this, he couldn’t let Mr Gordo win, this was his chance to end this gluttonous madness -  and he had to seize it 
“Chocolate’ he grunted 
“What’s  was that my dear pig’
“Chocolate’ Alex let out  trying to heave his  stubby arm to point  to the  brown oozing lake
‘Ah I see seems like someone hasn’t learnt their lesson- but so be it, here let me pig’ Mr Gordo willingly acted,  marvelled in this opportunity to push his fattened pig into the lake once  again.
With Adam in one hand and Mr Gordo in the other, the towering mass of fat that was Alex was slowly rolled and pushed  to the chocolate. Adam of course doing most go the heavy lifting to heave Alex gigantic body to the lake while Mr Gordo stroked and prodded the layers of Alex
“Here you are my boy - drink up’ My Gordo said instruction Adam to drop Alex to the floor 
And as he was laid on the edge in arms r each for chocolate Alex and to fight ever urge in his body to drink up the dark tempting chocolate that had lead to down this pathway of immobility  instead he grunted as tried with all his might to use all of his energy to roll his behemoth body to the side tripping an unexpected Mr Gordo straight in, and as he laid there panting and his side unable to move the sound of Mr Gordo struggling in the chocolate lake was music to his ears
‘My boy - ahh  You’re gonna pay this to fat waste of space - get me out of here!!!’
But as My Gordo went to call for Adam’s help, he was met with the deep dark  chocolate of his own creation, it was just so good - having never been granted access to this from Unit, he had no resistance to its deep heavy taste. He couldn’t help himself, he swelled more and more, with each mouthful only making him crave it more and more, he drank more and more while his body grew heavier and heavier. But he couldn’t break the cycle to call for Adam, he was too distracted by the chocolate - he didn’t notice his limbs growing weaker and weaker or how his legs couldn’t hold him up for much longer, until it was to late.
And as Alex heard the splattering sound die out to the empty hum of the chocolate room he knew it was over. But he too was stuck, under the thousands pounds of fat stuck to his body, he couldn’t wiggle himself out of it - how long could  he last like this, the weight if of all his   fat was crushing down on him and he could barely breath. 
“Adam ‘ he yelled in his final breath as it all went dark.
He didn’t wake as Adam pulled his heavy body of the ground, or when Adam placed him in his new mover neither when Adam gave him the kiss of life, but when the smell of chocolate entered his nose and the taste of chocolate entered his mouth - Alex gasped to life to see Adam feeding him one last time 
‘Alex you’ve alive !!” Gasped Adam hugging the mountain of a man 
“Adam you’ve back’ Alec couldn’t tell whether  he was happier about the taste of chocolate in his mouth of the fact Adam was back 
‘From my records,  it appears Mr Gordo had some control over me for approximately 7 months and 2 days and 4 minutes’
“You’ve losing me’
“Let me how ……. do I say cut this short….  when Mr Gordo was  ….how do  I saw disposed  of - his connection and control over me was severed’
“So you back’
“Im more than the back and look at you it seems I have a lot of you to catch  up on’ Adam asserted towering over the 1000 lbs of Adam 
“You certainly do’ Alex couldn’t help but smirk as he Adam took in all of him only distracted by the sound of his stomach growling food food 
“Adam you wouldn’t happen to be able to get lunch ready - I just haven’t eaten anything in a hour or so’
“Happily, I am after all at your service”
The end
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caseyjones-junior · 2 months
casey jr headcanons- hobbies
Casey is always down to do whatever someone else wants to do. When he’s around others, he usually relies on joining in on whatever the mad dogs are up to as he’s not one to be left out of the bale. He learns by repeating and is perfectly content with following. It’s nice to be included even when he has no idea what the hell is going on!
He’s happiest with active hobbies. He loves hiking, hockey, basketball, volleyball, bowling, incline skating (a personal favorite way of traveling around the city), parkour, judo, fencing, darts— you name it, he’s played it. The more dangerous and heart pounding the better.
Swimming in the ocean is a big deal for him. He never learned to swim in the apocalypse because the ocean, and most natural water systems, became dangerously acidic. After being taught how to swim (mostly by Donnie), ocean swimming becomes a very relaxing experience for him. Getting thrown around by waves, nose and mouthfuls of salty water, floating totally surrounded by water and the clear sky above him— there was nothing else like it in his future.
Although he works well in a team, Casey finds peace when he’s doing things alone. He’s not a huge talker and he likes to observe and explore.
Urban exploitation is one of his biggest pastimes. He doesn’t know that it has a name and a community, it’s just something he naturally does on his own. He can be found swinging between buildings with his grappling hook, climbing up scaffolding and abandoned factories, evading security cameras, and recording everything he sees in his mask. Occasionally he’ll free fall from skyscrapers. It’s not uncommon for the mad dogs group chat to get the occasional photo of what he found interesting.
Video games can be fun for him too but it depends on the type. Certain genres stress him out. FPS games tend to remind him of certain traumas so he avoids those or will leave the room if one of the boys are playing them. Open world, sandbox, and role playing games aren’t his thing. He gets stuck on character creations and choices.
Small, easy games with clear objectives are right up his alley! Having never played video games in the apocalypse, he’s very bad with most mechanics so the fewer buttons and menus the better. He’s very good with technology but viewing tech as anything other than a tool or weapon confuses him. Things that seem intuitive or obvious for most elude him or boggles his mind, but he’s willing to suspend his disbelief and just go with it. He prefers handheld games that he can take to bed and will sometimes fall asleep playing Pokémon, Nintendogs (digital dogs are much safer than real ones that remind him of krang hounds), and Pac-Man (he’s a nintendo baby).
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yermes · 11 months
PAC: 🃏
What gifts do you add to the world?
The beauty you possess is real because you possess it. Love like you give is real because you possess it. Manifestation of man exists because of us. Yes I was inspired by a recent post I reblogged mind ya business.
Disclaimer: please take what I say with a grain of salt and not as the gospel. I just want to share some ideas of practicing and giving advice using the medium as often as I can with school, work, and my own personal studies and practice. But I am working on sharing my notes soon so that will be exciting!
Socials: TipJar | Insta
Pick a meme
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The cards
pile 1:
Book + snake 📚 🐍
What you bring to your world is your lust for knowledge and the way you can use your cunning to work the world around you. Reading and understanding is big for you, you are the bitch in the occult GC with the best and biggest occult PDF library.
Pile 2
Stork + Tower 🐦‍⬛ 🏰
The love you have and the love you bring even in the most dire situations is your gift to the world. Even if you were to do something unwise you birth new ideas from it and create a transformation from the will within you.
Pile 3:
Anchor + Fish ⚓️ 🐠
The gift you bring to the world is your ever present sense of security and mental wealth you have within you. You are always the best kind of friend. You are also wealthy in the love of your friends and the love within yourself making you grounded and stable. That love is yours
Extras: 🎲
Going on a trip and only bring lenormand w me srry girlies
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zergula · 1 year
Welcome To Sims3City!
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They say if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere! Celebrities can be found wandering the shops and giving impromptu performances all over Sims3City. There's live show venues everywhere and it's easy to see why they say this city runs on dreams yet never sleeps!
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I found this absolutely gorgeous map: Waterfall Beauty and just had to use it to make my own city world save! This map did come with lots already designated so I filled it up with the best townhouses, apartments, and city life buildings I could find or make to make my own version of a mashup of Starlight Shores and Bridgeport.
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Every sim comes to Sims3City to make it big! With a performance venue on nearly every corner, you're sure to see:
The Warflowers - These twins started a band and pulled some of their reluctant friends into it. They know once they got here to The City, they would make it!
Chloe and Bob Katt - always on the hustle to make people believe in magic again!
The Myth family is here, of course, living in the spookiest house!
Mirage Sable always seems able to make everyone else's wishes come true, hoping one day her only one will, too!
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Candice and Arthur finally made it to The City when Candice got her book deal. Arthur is hoping to make it into the celebrity chef business...with a little help from his friend and now roommate, Derek. This new relationship has a lot of challenges being thrown its way, but this couple is determined to make it here and everywhere!
The Vireowing Fairy Sisters not only have beautiful voices, they love to bestow inner and outer beauty on all of those around them. That's perfect in a city that values beauty!
As with anywhere, crime can be overwhelming in the city but H & H Private detective family, Harmony and Henry, are on the case!
Lots of sims from Starlight Shores and Bridgeport are here: The Drama On TV household, the Crash Pad household, the Atkins Household, the Elson Family, the Sagar Family, the Platt Family, the Hemlock, Schlick and Slayer families, the Belle family, the Art Central household, and the Whitfield family.
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38 Community lots
74 Residential lots
This city is ALIVE! Along with all EA rabbitholes, you will find:
CHIPS Casino - a big show venue where you can see the greatest performers and play all games
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Across the street, you will find another live show venue - The Locker -
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where you can see more live performances. After that, dance the night away at Bubbleworks -
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and keep the party going with the late night crew over at The Afterlife Vampire Lounge!
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Don't worry about ghosts, though. A recreation of the firestation from the movie, Ghostbusters, is right next door so we ain't afraid of no ghosts! Next to that firestation and hospital emergency center, you will find the Anachronistic Art Gallery and City Hall rabbithole, with some mysterious things to explore in the basement!
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In the more affluent area of the city is where you will find the Affluence Golf Club rec park and Tee Off! Sports Bar and Grill -
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and some sweet treats at The Big Cheese bakery and shops!
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In the center of town, you will find lots of fun for the kids at The Wise Owl Library next to the Aquarium Science Center and the Bright Beginnings Daycare and School center -
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Stop by and get some sweet treats at The Plaza Ice Cream Parlor
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and then get rid of all of that excess energy at the Big Rock Climbing Centre Gym or The Pac Man Public Pool next to the stadium rabbithole!
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Don't forget to visit the Surf's Up Wave Garden at the beach right across the street or the seasonal festival grounds!
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Downtown, you can get those extra strings at the DownTown Music Store, play some games at the Laserberry Arcade, and then head over to the Stardust Diner for some drinks and good times!
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If you go at certain times of the day to catch a movie at Serena's Community Cinema, you might be able to see some of today's biggest stars working on set! You can pick up whatever you need at the big Sims 3 Market nearby and marvel at all of the old historical residential buildings before you head over to the Double Rainbow Disco Club for more dancing!
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For those sims with a more exclusive taste, Club 112 in the historical section is the perfect lounge!
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There's The Remaude Coffee Emporium Coffeehouse and Elixir Of Life Coffeehouse and shops for more live venues and fun in Sims3City!
After all of that excitement, the city folks like to visit the Stone Troll Mill Fishing Pond to unwind and maybe catch some dinner if they're lucky!
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This is a world save file. You will need to have the world installed in order to play the save file. In this download, you will find 3 save files and the world file:
Sims3CityCommunityLots - this version of the save is only the community lots
Sims3CityUnpopulated - this is the final version of the save without households
Sims3CityPopulated - this is the final version on the save with all households
I have all expansions, stuff packs, and store content so most of it is probably used in this save. If you do not have the item, the game should generate a similar item. The only expansion not used is PETS so I do not know how this save will run with pets, my apologies. THERE IS ZERO CUSTOM CONTENT IN THIS SAVE. All lots are set as regular lots (not apartments) so if you want to change them for roommates, etc feel free! I hope you enjoy this save as much as I am! Please tag me @zergula or #Sims3City if you share any photos, I would love to see them!
Please check out my other world saves here:
River Falls
Happy simming and green plumbobs for all <3
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punkpandapatrixk · 1 year
[PPA Masterlist] [corresponding PAC]
🥀Sad Bitch Lilith ★ Concept Affirmations
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I am a BAD BITCH LILITH. I embody the Dark Feminine and am comfortable in my skin. There is not a man alive who can make me sad. I am in control of my responses and reactions to everything that is said to and about me. I am aware of everything that is happening in and around me. Words don’t hurt me. Words don’t impact me in any negative way. I know who I am. I am a BAD BITCH LILITH. I am empowered in my embodiment of the Dark Divine Feminine.
I honour my emotions, all the good and the bad. I take good care of myself on days I don’t feel so great. There is not a man alive who could tell me that my feelings are bad. My feelings are my golden compass. My e-motions are energy in motion; they help me understand the inner workings of my mind and soul. I am at peace with the ebb and flow of my emotions. I am a divine being in tune with the melodies of Cosmos. I honour my emotions, all the good and the bad.
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My ego exists to protect me from other people’s disrespect. It is my ego that demands BETTER treatment from those who deal with me. I understand my ego’s responses and reactions. I have a healthy relationship with my ego. My ego sits quietly at the back, in support of my intuition who is at the wheel of my healthy navigation. My ego and intuition are balanced. They are both my reliable compass as they show me who’s a friend and who’s a fiend. My ego exists to protect me from other people’s disrespect.
I am the Countess of Cunning. I possess the sharpest intelligence. I observe everything around me, both the seen and unseen. I notice all verbal and non-verbal cues. I have strong intuition which helps me know what’s going on behind the screens. I see through people’s masks. I intuit people’s REAL intentions. I navigate through all the lies. I calculate in the dark. I turn the tables around me. Everything falls into place in my biggest favour. I am invincible in my cunningness, intelligence, intellect and intuition; and I am charming for days. I am invincible in my cunningness and beauty. I embrace all of that without apology. I am the Countess of Cunning.
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The cost of messing with me is high for those who seek to harm me. I possess genius level intelligence that is cold and calculating. I get even with my enemies which results in me coming on top, always. My cold, calculating genius saves me from potential dangers. I skilfully turn the tables around. My emotions do not get in the way. My intellect leads the way. I manifest my highest destiny. I thrive in my own ways. I always win in this world of my desired reality. I am supported and safeguarded by my Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides. The cost of messing with me is high for those who seek to harm me.
I live courageously as myself, no matter the opposition. I bask in the glory of my eccentricity. I was born with uniqueness that is my own and it is my birthright to feel comfortable in my own skin. I shine all of my Light and express all of my Dark. I am both Venus and Lilith. I am both soft and crazy. This is my power. I love me deeply. I appreciate me honestly. I am a true friend to myself. I protect the core of my being with respect. I like who I am becoming. I am becoming my authentic self. I am proud of the child I have always been. I am my biggest hype man. I live courageously as myself, no matter the opposition.
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fatteningmenstories · 6 months
At your service
Plot : Cocky jock, Alex has seemingly won the golden ticket to the Gordo chocolate factory for a 6 month stay - what could possibly go wrong
Part 1
‘Of course I’ve won” exclaimed the beefy jock, opening up his chocolate Gordo bar, this was just the normal type of luck star quarterback Alexandro had, after a gruelling workout he had decided to indulge his sweet tooth by snaking on his favourite chocolate bar, and had of course gone and won the Gordo gold ticket. The rest of his football crew crowed around him, exclaiming how lucky he was and how jealous they all were, “Wow you get to stay at the Gordo chocolate factory for 6 whole months”, “Imagine all the free food you are gonna get”, “damn Alexandro you better bring us some scraps’
Alexandro chuckled as he walked over the gym mirror to check out his hot bod , his ripped muscular 6ft2 frame, his massive guns - which were of course the biggest out of anyone of the team. As he turned in the mirror he saw his tight inch waist and he pumped his large firm pecs, and how could he forget his meaty thighs and perky bubble but, not only was he the star of the uni’s football team but also the one whose body alone sent shivers the spines of anyone he looked at. Not to mention his killer good looks that had landed him numerous exs. The timing was perfect summer was coming up and after a year of winning games and barely scraping by academically this was just what he needed an all inclusive holiday.
It was finally the day, Alexandro was somehow the only one who found the lucky ticket, this barely troubled all it meant was more attention on him by the national press and the smoking hot interviewers ,stepping out of his limo he was met with crowds upon crowds of people cheering at him, for no-one had entered the Gordo factory in years and were dying for any information about what actually went on inside the worlds biggest chocolate factory. He was met with the flashing lights of the paparazzi as he strode done the red carpet towards the gates of the factory, he made sure to wear his tightest gym equipment to reveal every tight inch of his smoking hot body, as he met up with the news staff, he made sure to be as charming as ever, flashing of his pearly whites while throwing his curly black hair back. This is how he would become a celebrity, he was simply playing the long-game he couldn’t wait until he strode out of those gates at Christmas time and be met with book deals and probably his own tv show.
The questions he was asked were just feeding his already inflated ego , “How lucky you are to be so handsome and now this” etc etc was all he heard . However one question hit him on the spot, “How do you plan to stay in such good shape while being surrounded by so much chocolate”, He hadn’t really thought about that but he quickly threw out on the answer, “Easy, you don’t get this good looking without having a strict diet and large will power , and I am sure Mr Gordo’s got a few weights in there to pass the time, so don’t you worry by the time I get out I still gonna be hot enough to take you out on a date”. The interviewer slightly blushed while Alexandro moved on to the gates , it was time.
Suddenly the crowd fell silent as the factory doors opened, Alexandro quickly turned to see who his mystery lodger was gonna be, one foot after another came out until one of the beefiest muscular man he had ever seen was standing before him , he was a giant among men. Mr Gordo stood nearly 6ft10 tall he had one of the largest upper builds that Alexandro had ever seen, as he kept walking his second biggest feature came into view, his large gut - “what a fatty thought” Alexandro, his gut alone must have weighed the same as a normal American male , it had nothing on Alexandro’s tight 6 pac. Soon the started to gates close and only Alexandro was allowed to enter guided in by Mr Grodo, they walked in silence to the factory doors and just like that they entered and Alex said goodbye to the outside world the door shut sealing him in .
Mr Gordo firmly introduced himself, to Alex as he led him round the factory, an automated robot appeared out of no way and took Alex’s things - cool he thought but his mind was distracted by everything else before him , while the tour started he was shown how the chocolate was made, where the flavours were added and even how it was packaged it was all done entirely the automated machines with there long metal arms moving and passing stuff along as if there were alive themselves, the tour was quite boring in itself aside from the robots flying past them on convery belts moving at impressive coordinated speeds, Mr Gordo must have been a genius, but aside form that the factory seemed to operate just like any other factory, Mr Gordo now dropped Alex of at to his suite, and had told that he would be back for dinner for a surprise, he hadn’t utter much of anything on the tour, it made sense now why he had chosen to seal himself of from the outside world. The suite, of course was massive its curtains were closed and were clasped locked possible holding back the aforementioned surprise, Alex decided to focus on multiple roomed living suite , this was the life Alex could get used to designer sofas with the largest flat-screen he had ever seen of course paired with the latest games console and decked out kitchen, stepping into it, the kitchen seemed to come alive, the lights shone and a seemingly normal kitchen cupboard open automatically
“Ahhh, exclaimed Alex
As a 6ft robot somehow woke it self up and headed towards him, it was wearing a chef outfits allowing Alex to quickly come to the conclusion that this was just another one of those automated robot he had seen racing about the factory
“What can I get for you Master Alexandro”, let out the robot in a mechanical cold voice widening its Led eyes and moving its arms
“Wow, this is on a next level “
The robot stayed they waiting for its orders, waiting to be for service, Alex was still in shock and how impressive it all
‘What can I ask for’
“Master, there is nothing you can ask for that cannot be made in this question’
Pondering for a moment, Alex wanted to see how much this robot lived up his world and after seeing all that chocolate- his sweet tooth was begging for some chocolate
‘Well in that case,.. I think a chocolate, vanilla infused milkshake is just what I need right now’
And just like that, the robot read to life, whizzing sound the kitchen would seemed to connected to the robot inner workings as it folded itself up and brought out tubes of choloacte and milk forms its cabinets
‘Here master, I hope this is to your liking’
As the robot handed Alex one of the most delicious looking milkshakes he had ever seen
‘Ymmmm, this is delicious - what did you do this’
“Well a robot never shared its secrets’ and with that it could tell its job was done and shut done
As Alex continued to look around while drinking his milkshakes, he realised that the entire suite was packed with robots of all sizes, ones to clean the floor and make the Californian kings size bed and ones to seemingly pick out his clothes in the morning, and as he walked passed the fully equipped gym with all the things he could ever need plus some, a fully packed desert bar drew him away, of course coming with a robot sever that swirled alive the moment Alex got near, it had chocolate fountains paired with a rotating ice cream dispenser and a giant churro maker built in . The inner sweet tooth Alex had came to alive once more but he pulled himself away to check out the rest of suite. There were even robots in the bathroom ones that came up the wall whose hand were filled with toothbrushes and sponges, damnnnn Alex thought to himself this is the life.
Realising he had time to kill until dinner, Alexandro of course hit the gym, he wasn’t going to be distracted by all the snacks he was an athlete and needed to get his gains in, the robots in the gym timed him and calculated his body fat levels at a neat 10% body fat and a whopping 90% muscle. While he was lifting weights, - sported by a robot , how cool, another robot came up and introduced itself.
“Hello Master Alexandro, we robots are here to follow your every command, I am the master robot Unit in charge of all operations ”
“Now, we are all coded to one master mind to increase our efficiency in filling your wishes”
“Damn that’s sick”
“Is there anything we can help with you right now”
“Nothing that you can do”, Alex let out while struggling to lift a really heavy weight”Not unless your can make me big enough to life these weights” he chuckled
The robot stood still for a minute ,as if he was calculating something to say Alex could even hear its metal thoughts whizzing about in there , until he broke his silence by saying
“We can do our best”
After a couple of minutes he promptly returned with what seemed like a protein shake in his hand.
“Damn , who guys are good”, Alex thought assuming it was just another protein shake, unknown to him that the robot had already started on his requested to be bigger.
“Just give us a call, after all we are at your service”
Finishing his workout , Alexandro chilled in his very own spa until planting himself down on the most comfortable sofa in his life, it was like the sofa was alive moving and adjusting itself to fit Alex’s body perfectly, damn, Mr Gordo really had gone all out, as he felt the sofa cup around his meaty thighs and tight bubble but. It even had a massage option, which he of course turned on and every part for him vibrated even to his ball sac.
Tuning on the flatscreen, with his voice somehow, he simply said he needed controllers and they appeared, the tv of course came with every single game to ever come out, Alexandro simply sat back into sofa and played the lastest resident evil, until he heard a knock on the door.
Quickly checking himself out in the mirror, a thought quickly came to his mind.,
“Unit open the door would you”
And just like that Unit woke it self up from the shadows and buzzed other to the door
“Ahh, I see you are quickly adjusted to life inside the factory”, Mr Gordo announced as he made his way into the suite
“Yh, its well wicked - you got things in here that haven’t even been thought about yet what do you pay the other staff to keep them quiet ’
“Correction, for the next 6 months you and myself will be the only “humans’ in this factory trust I have had my runs in with staff members who lets say couldn’t behave themselves ”
And with that Alex simply nodded his head, quickly seeing how imposing the 6ft 10 that towered over him really was
After a couple minutes of small talk, Alexandro was led by Mr Gordo into the grand dining room, he had explained along the way the way to the jock that he was free to spend his time however he wanted but he would have to dine with Mr Gordo every day to provide feedback on the ai, see Mr Gordo explained that Alex’s real purpose here was to simply provide feedback on the ai before he expended the company form a simple chocolate company to the world renowned ai power house it could really be.
Or something like that, Alex hadn’t really been paying attention, he caught himself in a mirror was they were walking and had got lost in thought admiring his own hot ripped body.
“Now I see Alex, that you take very good care about your body- I myself can’t say the same to many late nights at the desk table, so I would be happy to alert Unit on any dietary stuff I don’t want any of my gluttony to rub on you and ruin you body”
“Nah don’t sweat it, I’m gym-rat to the core, anything I gain I simply going to shred into pure muscle”, Alex body said flexing his guns to Mr Gordo
“I see, well maybe I should learn a thing or two from you, huh’ Mr Gordo said as he patted his huge stomach.
The conversation continued as some robots whirled around them placing plates and pallets of food between the two, full breasted roast chicken and steaming hams as well as gravy boast filled to the top. It all looked so good, damn with all this extra protein in my diet I’m bound to get huge thought Alex, as the two dove straight into the food once it was all laid out.
Mr Gordo ate as if he was famished, desperately pushing turkey leg and chicken breast into his mouth, no wonder he was so fat Alex continued to think the man has no control , however after one bite of the rich ham, he too ate as if he hadn’t seen, food in days, it was all so good every bite was rich and creamy, he just couldn’t stop. The two didn’t talk the duration of the meal all their thought went straight to the food until not a scarp was left between the two of them.
“I see how you are in such shape my boy, for someone so small you sure to cramp a lot of meat down ya’ Mr Gordo chuckled as he slapped Alex bloated 6 -pac
“Yh, I treat my body like a temple, 24/7, all this is just fuel for the body”, Alex mummer back not likely being referred to as small
“Well I hope you left room for desert, I still have my surprise to show you’
Alex was stuffed beyond words, it was like something came over him all really he needed was a good belly , his belly was bloated and was curving out of his tight tank-top - maybe Unit gives good belly rubs, but not wanting to show himself up as a bad guest, he of course followed Mr Gordo out of the dining room, as they walked Mr Gordo inquired more about Alex, Alex simply told him that he wanted to be a big time celebrity after all this he even joked saying how he wanted to be the biggest star the world has ever seen.Soon the two came across a large locked door,
“Now here Alex is where I have had a little bit of fun with the ai, all of course vital to the wellbeing to the company”
The anticipation was killing Alex, somehow the idea of desert had somehow woken up his inner sweet-tooth and the dinner he had stuffed down him was long forgotten about, and then finally moment he had been waiting for Mr Gordo opened the door.
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smbhax · 2 years
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User-created torture chambers at Microsoft/Namco’s 2011 HTML5 demonstration, worldsbiggestpacman.com.
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luxudus · 1 year
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An art piece i made about 2 months ago but never got around to posting it. This was the final project for my school's art class in which we had to make a triptych
    In a distant galaxy that glows a faint turquoise lies a remarkable world named Iia’Oo-uo. A tropical water world larger than Earth orbiting three suns. It is home to a menagerie of strange alien forms. The line between Plant and animal life is often very blurred. Photosynthetic life comes in shades of red, purple, yellow, and pink. Colonial organisms flourish everywhere. And radial symmetry is far more common on Iia’Oo-uo than on Earth. One such group consists of Arthropod-like organisms with eight limbs for locomotion and respiration, two antennae, six eyes, and six oral tendrils akin to the Portuguese man of war.
    One such species from that phylum has made a remarkable adaptation. One that changed the course of history forever, Sapience. Referring to their people as the Uueia-Ouoo-Oo, They are a species of four-foot-long Arthropod-like predators that take on a mix of niches. But are most known for filling a role not too similar to Dolphins.
    Their oral tendrils have become strong and more flexible. Aiding in catching prey and crafting tools akin to the tentacles of an octopus. They take on a vibrant shade of magenta to identify each other in the open water. And unlike most of the other alien arthropods of their world. The Uueia-Ouoo-Oo rarely use their front six limbs, only using them to hook onto the seafloor. They mostly use their rear limbs as a set of fins for swimming.
    The Uueia-Ouoo-Oo are very agile swimmers. They are capable of changing between 3 different methods of aquatic locomotion. When relaxing the muscles in their entire body, they can perform Anguilliform swimming akin to eels. By stiffening muscles in the front half of their body, they can switch to a mix of Subcarangiform or Carangiform swimming akin to Trout. By tightening the muscles in their entire body, they can even switch to Median-paired fin swimming, akin to many fish native to coral reefs.
    Yet despite their alien appearance, they think and act like us. They enjoy art and music and feel empathy for one another. With the lack of predators, their love and curiosity far outweighs their fear. The Uueia-Ouoo-Oo may not be human, but they capture what it means to be human.
    The biggest challenge with starting a civilization underwater is the impossibility of fire and metallurgy. Where most intelligent species either stagnate or die out. The Uueia-Ouoo-Oo prevail through selective breeding and genetic engineering. Throughout their history, they have learned to modify the life around them into tools and technology.
    Coral analogs are grown into vast cities. Color-changing invertebrates bred into handheld screens. And Radio communicating hives of small alien cnidarians become the backbone of the Uueia-Ouoo-Oo Internet. Life and its protection and mastery is a focal point of Uueia-Ouoo-Oo culture. Within 20 thousand years, they reshaped their entire planet in their image and created a paradise. But this is just the beginning.
    Once they conquered their world, their eyes turned skyward to explore the heavens. It took over millennia to find out how to do it. Nonetheless, the Uueia-Ouoo-Oo still prevailed. They came to the idea of growing vacuum-sealed organisms capable of photosynthesis and omnidirectional jet propulsion. Chromatophores cover the interior, changing color to match what this bioship sees. Along with a tendril connected to its nervous system, allowing the pilot to insert the tendril into their head, effectively becoming one with the ship.
    Lastly, they somehow learned how to create artificial wormholes, allowing the bioship to teleport anywhere in the universe. They explored the heavens with an unmatched fervor. Surveying millions of galaxies, every star within those galaxies, and every planet around those stars. All the while, they expanded at a similar pace, reshaping dead worlds into ocean worlds as beautiful as their homeworld and protecting the worlds that evolved their own alien ecosystems.
    One day, during a galaxy-wide survey, they found a unique world amongst an 8-planet star system. Like millions of other worlds, this planet had life. But it had something else. One species in this world became sapient and developed a planet-wide civilization. The Uueia-Ouoo-Oo had never seen this before, and they were eager at this discovery.
    Here 3 Uueia-Ouoo-Oo celebrate the discovery before their expeditionary fleet heads through the wormhole. Ready to venture to this world the natives call Earth.
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
Kind of a pjo au like technically
Etoiles- son of Nike. He just wants to lose for once!! Why has he been cursed this way!!
Cellbit- son of Athena. Unfortunately, his bf is the world’s biggest Spider-Man fan. Rip
Spreen- son of Ares. He’s kinda just been living in the woods by himself for the past year and nobody knows where he is. Good for him tbh
Forever- son of Aphrodite. Too bad he’s convinced that he was cursed to love and never be loved back. (This is not true, he’s just perpetually single)
Baghera- daughter of Athena. While she and Cellbit are technically half-brother and sister, her actual literal brother is Forever, who does have a different mom. This is very normal by ancient Greek standards tbh
Bad- son of Hecate. He’s decided his goal in life is to die and join Hades’ court as the new Grim Reaper. Because that’s a normal thought for a teenager to have
Roier- son of Hypnos. He’s just a little guy 🥺. Sometimes he purposefully gives people nightmares for the rest of their lives because he doesn’t like them but he’s just a little guy 🥺
Mike- son of Hephaestus. The gods are lowkey terrified of him after the Incident. Luckily, he’s only a teenager (for now)
Pac- son of Aphrodite. The Incident.
Last edited 7/15
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ell-arts · 1 year
There's a ton of strange things going on with this show, including using parodies (namely the Terminator for "Stand By Your Pac-Man" and The Wizard of Oz for "The Wizard of Odd".
All it does is aid to the already large filler that no one (or close to it) particularly needed. Not to mention the crass jokes that started showing up as early as episode 2.
Episode. Two.
So here's my question: What made you stay in the Fandom after the shows untimely cancelation? Was it for the memes and shitposts that people made off It? Or was it for the idea that, in a way, it had more potential to it?
Personally it's both the former and latter, but I've always wanted to know what made someone stay in this weird phase of Pac-Man history
That's a loaded question XD
First, I must acknowledge that my answer is only one perspective out of many. Other fans may have varying reasons for why they stayed in the fandom.
So, as for me?
I'm a simple person. I'm easily entertained :)
It's the little things that I am drawn to. Not the crass/toilet humour, of course, but I like the little design details and how the main trio looks out for each other, and some of the funny shenanigans that the ghosts end up in. I can block out/ignore the poorly done bits and genuinely enjoy the rest of it that was fun to watch.
I really don't mind the amount of parodies, I think each of them at least had something that was still relevant to the story - Stand By Your Pac-Man set the stage for Apex's reveal (in that the Pacinator revealed it was someone else who completely wiped out the yellows, however brief the reveal may be), and while Wizard of Odd was more filler than anything else, I still found enjoyment in it and we got a bit of lore on other parallel dimensions being a thing in the universe. The one parody episode I can think of that was 100% filler and probs unnecessary was Rip van Packle.
I'll admit, PMATGA is not the best show nor can I pretend that it's as great as other stories I'm interested in, like The Chronicles of Narnia or HTTYD. Whenever new people ask me what shows I'm interested in, I make a big effort not to mention PMATGA lmao. It's a guilty pleasure, simple as that.
To be honest, it was neither the memes nor the wasted potential that I stayed for (trust me, 15-year-old me was actually quite miffed about people dissing my favourite show at the time XD).
I stayed because I had sort of build up my own sets of fanons and theories of the show that I could latch onto, and build up upon for years to come, because the characters of this show are surprisingly good to use as a foundation for bigger and more epic stories, sort of like that one meme where the world you created in your head about the show is better than the show itself lol. I guess that did stem out of the show's wasted potential.
And, well, hyperfixation is a thing, innit? That definitely played a small role in why I stayed.
Over the years my interest in the show did wean a little, and up until the beginning of the year, I had been entirely inactive in the fandom. Perhaps I did lose interest in the show then. But I didn't lose interest in the fan stories I've come up with in the meantime. I guess that's the biggest reason why I stayed - I started something with my fanfics, and I've spent a lot of time building up their plots, so much so that to just leave it all now would feel wrong. Especially since I still get enjoyment out of them.
It ends up being a domino effect in and of itself tbh, because as I write more for the fanfics that I refuse to abandon, the more stories and fan content I come up with, and so the drive continues for as long as it's capable of doing so.
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piratewithvigor · 2 years
Bryan Danielson - Monty Python's Life Of Bryan
Chris Jericho - The 13 Stages Of Grief With Y2J
Danhausen - Danhausen In Exactly As Much Context As He Requires
Danhausen - Feed My Evilhausen
“Hangman” Adam Page -  Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself
"Hangman" Adam Page - Country Girl 🤠
"Hangman" Adam Page - La Folie Temporaire
Jack Perry - Jungle Boy - I Wanna Be Evil
Jon Moxley - Livewire
Marko Stunt - The Very Best
Marq Lynch - Hurt
MJF - Everybody Loves Me ;3
MJF - blah blah blah...
MJF - The Biggest Balls Of Them All
MJF - Long Island V Connecticut
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 1: Jul-Nov 2019
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 2: Nov 2019-Jan 2020
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 3: Jan-March 2020
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 4: April - August 2020
Nick Jackson - Magic Girl
Orange Cassidy -  BASIC 🍊🕶️NOMICS
Pac - If Weird Al Did Pac's Theme
Sting - What Goes On In Surfer Sting's Head
Wheeler Yuta - Yu Make My Dreams Come True 💕
William Regal - Sharp Dressed Man’s Man
William Regal - Ra Ra Regal
William Regal - What A Lucky Man (He Was)
Gunn Club Assboys - Billy Ass And The Assboys
Blackpool Combat Club - BCC Golden Girls
Dustin Rhodes VS Willie Mack - Kissin Willie
Eddie Kingston & CM Punk - WRESTLING SILENT FILMS: Was The Truth Too Much For CM Punk To Handle When Kingston Put Him On Blast?
The Elite - When I See You Dance With Another
The Elite - Best 15 Seconds Of Each BTE (1-23)
The Elite - Runnin On Empty
The Elite - What If Carly Rae Jepsen Sang Like 4 Middle Aged Men Having A Sexually Charged Karaoke Battle On A Japanese Train?
"Hangman" Adam Page VS Lance Archer - Blood In The Texas Death Match
The Hardys - The Hardy Show: Rednecks On The Loose
House Of Black - Du Rieschst So Gut~
Jurassic Express - KINGS OF THE JUNGLE
Jurassic Express - Happier Days
Pinnacle & Inner Circle - Pinnacle VS. Inner Circle: Ballroom Fucking Blitz
The Hardys VS Private Party - Poor Bones
Young Bucks VS Lucha Bros - The Match, But As Clowns
AEW Moments That Have Probably Changed Me As A Person
Ranking Hey!(EW) Guests Based On How Angry They Get Being There
Once In A Lifetime: An AEW Retrospective
Oh, You Missed The First 3 Years Of AEW? Let Me Catch You Up Real Quick
Hookhausen (Hook X Danhausen) - curses~
William Regal X Tony Schiavone - Out Of Touch Thursday
Hangmox (Hangman X Mox) - ⛓️HANGMOX: THE CHAIN⛓️
AdaMJF (Adam Cole X MJF) - You're My Best Friend
Chuck Taylor X Orange Cassidy - I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire
What if Dynamite was 2004 Raw?
What if Collision was 2009 Hockey Night In Canada?
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