#worldwide flood
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God and Disney.
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historyforfuture · 6 months
🛑 أمريكا هي التي أعطت الغطاء للجريمة اللانسانية التي ارتكبها الصهاينة بقصف مستشفي المعمداني
🛑 حركة حماس: استهداف الصحفيين الفلسطينيين أثناء تغطيتهم لمذابح الاحتلال الوحشية في قطاع غزة، والذي أدّى إلى استشهاد ستة عشر وإصابة العشرات منهم؛ هو جريمة موصوفة، ومخالَفة صارخة لكل قواعد الحروب، التي تؤكّد على حماية الصحفيين.
🛑 مجزرة (إسرائيلية) جديدة راح ضحيتها عشرات الشهداء والجرحى في قصف الاحتلال تجمع سكاني في حي الشيح رضوان-قرب مفترق بهلول.
😠الاحتلال ارتكب مجزرتين بشكل متزامن، واحدة بمستشفى المعمداني وسط مدينة غزة والثانية في حي الشيخ رضوان قرب بهول، ما أدى إلى ارتقاء عشرات الشهداء والجرحى
اللحظات الأولى بعد قصف الاحتلال لمستشفى المعمداني في غزة، ما أدى لاستشهاد المئات.
متظاهرون يقتحمون السفارة (الإسرائيلية) في عمّان ويشعلون النيران؛ تنديداً بمجزرة مستشفى المعمداني بغزة.
🛑 عاجل| اليونيسيف تدين بشدة الهجوم على مستشفى المعمداني وتدعو إلى وقف فوري لإطلاق النار
✅ حركة المقاومة الإسلامية- حماس في تصريح صحفي:
▪️نداء عاجل إلى النفير والخروج إلى الشوارع والساحات في أنحاء العالم رفضاً لمجزرة المشفى الأهلي وللإبادة الجماعية التي يتعرض لها شعبنا في قطاع غزة
▪️أمام المجزرة الوحشية التي نفّذها جيش الاحتلال الفاشي في مستشفى الأهلي العربي (المعمداني)، والتي راح ضحيتها أكثر من 500 شهيداً ومئات الجرحى، فإننا في حركة حماس ندعو شعبنا الفلسطيني في الضفة والداخل الفلسطيني المحتل عام 1948، وفي المخيمات والشتات، وأمتنا العربية والإسلامية، وأحرار العالم إلى النفير العام والخروج إلى الساحات والميادين في كل المناطق والدول، بدءً من هذه الليلة وبشكل دائم ومستمر حتى يتوقّف هذا العدوان ومسلسل المجازر الوحشية والإبادة الجماعية التي يرتكبها الاحتلال الصهيوني وجيشه الفاشي ضد شعبنا الفلسطيني المرابط الصابر في قطاع غزة
🛑 عاجل | هنية: مجزرة المعمداني التي راح ضحيتها مئات الشهداء تؤكد وحشية العدو وحجم الهزيمة المدوية
🛑 عاجل| هنية: العدو لا يحترم قيما ولا قوانين ولا أعرافا ولا شرائع
🛑 عاجل| هنية: من ارتكبوا مجزرة المعمداني ارتكبوا مجزرة صبرا وشاتيلا وبحر البقر وقتلوا أسرى الجيش المصري
🛑 عاجل| هنية: الأمريكيون الذين أعطوا الغطاء غير المحدود يتحملون مسؤولية مجزرة المعمداني
🛑 عاجل| هنية: العدو واهم إن ظن أن هذه المجازر ستغطي على هزيمته المدوية أو تدفع شعبنا للاستسلام
🛑 عاجل| هنية: المقاومة مستمرة ولن تتوقف إلا برحيل المحتل عن أرضنا ومقدساتنا
🛑 عاجل| هنية: أدعو أهلنا في الضفة والقدس والداخل إلى الخروج في كل المدن والقرى والمخيمات في وجه المحتل
🛑 عاجل| هنية: هذه المجزرة ستشكل نقطة تحول وطوفان يضاف إلى طوفان الأقصى
🛑 عاجل| قوات الاحتلال تطلق القنابل الغازية صوب الشبان خلال المواجهات المنددة بمجزرة مستشفى المعمداني بغزة
🛑 عاجل| مدير عام وزارة الصحة في غزة للجزيرة: يصعب التعرف على جثث ضحايا مجزرة المعمداني
🛑 عاجل | المدير العام لوزارة الصحة في غزة للجزيرة: مستشفى المعمداني كان يعتبر ملاذا آمنا لسكان القطاع
▪️ كل الشهداء والجرحى في مجزرة المعمداني مدنيون
▪️إحداثيات المستشفيات تسلم للصليب الأحمر الدولي الذي يسلمها للاحتلال (الإسرائيلي)
▪️ بعد قصف المستشفى المعمداني كسرت كل الخطوط الحمراء ونخشى على مستشفى الشفاء
🛑 عاجل| اشتباك مسلح بين مقاومين وقوات الاحتلال قرب حاجز دير شرف شمال غرب نابلس.
✅ المتحدث باسم وزارة الصحة د.أشرف القدرة:
▪️الاحتلال (الإسرائيلي) هدد مستشفى المعمداني عدة مرات كباقي المستشفيات.
▪️المستشفى المعمداني تعرض للاستهدف قبل يومين كرسالة أولية
▪️الاحتلال (الإسرائيلي) نفذ تهديده بارتكاب مجزرة داخل المستشفى أسفرت عن مئات الضحايا
▪️أمام هول المجزرة وما شاهده العالم من مشاهد مؤلمة لمئات الضحايا من الأطفال والنساء والمسنين ولا يستطيع المحتل التنصل من جريمته
اللحظات الأولي لقصف المستشفي👇
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vamptastic · 10 months
morrocan architecture so cool so sexy so mathematically grounded so good for tropical environment <3
#redesigning my white whale (florida apartment complex that doesn't suck bad)#the more interesting of the original studies i used for my research paper is on AC costs worldwide & how to reduce them#and while a lot of it is from commercial enterprise and is difficult to address there is actually a pretty significant#reduction in energy that could be achieved by reducing use of residential air conditioning#but ofc in tropical climates AC is literally life saving#so this study examines methods of architecture from tropical climates and how#the structure of the home allows for air flow in a way to SIGNIFICANTLY reduce need for ac#courtyards flow of air across the house through windows use of lightweight materials that don't soak up heat even#stuff like walls made of a lattice allowing air flow#but ofc you make other sacrifices for this#like bugs are a problem#and some of these methods make you vulnerable to flooding#but generally its a lot better than most current architecture in the tropical parts of the US#which largely use either very bastardized spanish architecture or just new england#and don't accommodate for the climate as much as they should#the spanish architecture has become mostly aesthetic and not functional for climate control#i would also be very interested in a study on Florida Seminole architecture#though to my understanding the seminole were pretty nomadic and mostly lived in tent structures#ive seen some cool stuff abt managing flooding at different seminole like educational events#and in later eras of seminole history a lot of seminoles took up farming and built more permanent settlements#but I can't really find a lot of stuff on it? other than firsthand talking to people#which is useful but they usually can't like#show me blueprints yk#...anyway tldr im designing a courtyard with a big tree in the middle#crossflow of air through windows wld be cool but its hard in apartments so idk#and then irrigation is improved a lot from my original plan#bc instead of the excess at the end just going back to the city water recycling system#it can flow down from the rooftop garden and water the Big Tree :)#yippee
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fandom · 5 months
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Top 23 of 2023
Have you been aching to get your hot little hands on 52 weeks of data around original posts, likes, reblogs, and searches, all weighted and ranked and tied up into categories with a nice little bow on top? Well, today’s your day! It should come as no surprise that Artists on Tumblr reign supreme: from stunning traditional art, jaw-dropping digital art, fanart, sculptures, textile art—you name it, basically—this year’s list shows that Tumblr truly is the home for art and artists. Thank you, Artists on Tumblr, for enriching our dashboards day after day. 
Rounding out the top three, we have two iconic shows: Good Omens is live-action, and The Owl House is animated, but both have a heck of a love story at their core. The second season of Good Omens blessed us with not one but two ineffably exquisite ships, while the final season of The Owl House broke and then healed fans’ hearts in equal measure. Thanks, @danaterrace! Actually, come to think of it, the Good Omens finale kinda did the same in reverse. Thanks to you, too, @neil-gaiman! We can’t wait for season 3. 
Speaking of heartbreak and healing, Our Flag Means Death’s second season offered both in droves. The entire cast gave stellar performances, and fans couldn’t have been happier to see the kinds of representation the show displayed. Last year’s #1 topic, Stranger Things, may have dropped a bit, but trust us, you wouldn’t know it from the amount of meta, fanart, and fics in the tag. And did you hear about the live-action adaptations of both The Last of Us and One Piece? They were a preeeetty big deal this year, too. Check ‘em out if you haven’t yet (lol, of course you have). And we’d be remiss not to mention the hugely dedicated fans, fanartists, and fic writers devoting their time to all things Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Y’all deserve a little pizza, as a treat.
2023 was also a year for blockbuster movies, which of course hasn’t escaped anybody’s notice here on Tumblr. Barbie smashed box offices worldwide and left us reeling with every re-watch. How can one describe Greta Gerwig’s pink-filled opus? It certainly is one of the movies of all time. Meanwhile, with its incredible animation and soundtrack, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse introduced us to a whole new multiverse of Spider-People, opening the portal to a veritable flood of incredible OCs. And then, of course, we got a fresh perspective on an old classic when cinephiles introduced Martin Scorscese’s cinematic masterpiece, Goncharov (1973), to a new generation of film aficionados who resoundingly agree that it is, in fact, the greatest mafia movie ever made. We’re so glad this underrated film finally got the acclaim it has long deserved.
In the realms of gaming and tech, the long-anticipated Baldur’s Gate 3 has basically become everyone’s new favorite D&D/dating sim combination. Of course, the Pokémon franchise, games, shows, and Hatsune Miku collabs remain perennial favorites. Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, sorry, we mean of course X, made waves across the internet. Similarly, the Reddit blackout drove Redditors to new venues, and Tumblr users welcomed the folks from r/196 with open arms—we’re huge fans of your memes, y’all, and you fit right in. Welcome, we’re glad you enjoy the chaos. Here’s a fun fact: if we included post metadata in Year in Review rankings, #polls, introduced in January of 2023, would have been the #5 topic on Tumblr this year. Phenomenal. 
And, oh right. Taylor Swift had kind of a big year, what with the albums, the epic global tour, and the movie and stuff. Fantastic work, @taylorswift, the Swifties on Tumblr thank you for everything.
This is Tumblr’s Year in Review.
Artists on Tumblr
Good Omens
The Owl House
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Critical Role
Taylor Swift
Genshin Impact
Stranger Things
The Last of Us
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Elon Musk
Star Wars
Our Flag Means Death
Crowley | Good Omens
Baldur's Gate 3
One Piece
Aziraphale | Good Omens
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joseifworldblog · 1 year
#Waterfalls caused by heavy #rain have been seen in the ancient Jordanian city of #Petra. Follow @worldblog.page For More Beautiful stories #Jordan #Flood #Weather #washingtonpost #AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Repost #cnnnews #bbcnews #reuters #AlJazeeraenglish #aljazeera #instagram #instabloq9ja #abcnews #cbstv #worldblog #worldnews #worldwide #joseifworld #ancient #earth #naturephotography #nature #nigeria #unitedstates #canada #japan https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmtb7paMP5_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tanadrin · 5 months
“X event may have been responsible for worldwide myths about a great flood!” Or, you know. The fact that floods are common may have been responsible for myths about floods. Especially for cultures that live by economically important rivers that annually flood. That seems like a much more parsimonious explanation than “preserved memory of an event that occurred thousands of years before.”
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rtoffanin · 1 year
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A record number of outbreaks has drained the cholera vaccine supply, leading the W.H.O. to ration emergency vaccinations.
BY STEPHANIE NOLEN | NYTimes Health | Disclosure
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mishacollins · 8 months
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It’s nice of Mother Nature to offer to water my plants in Southern California while I’m in Charlotte this weekend, but I think a hurricane might be overdoing it. Hawaii’s burning and so are Canada and Greece. California, Vermont, and India are flooding, droughts are drying up lakes around the world and there is 100-degree sea-water off Florida and devastating heat waves worldwide…
Climate change is real and it’s here. Biden’s huge IRA bill is really doing something about it by moving us to 80% renewables by the end of the decade. A President Trump would just burn more Saudi and Russian oil, grab a Big Mac and watch it all burn. This is yet another reason we have to actually care and actually vote. Check your voter registration status right now: https://bit.ly/GoVoteMC
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"The earliest surviving account of the flood legend was written down in Mesopotamia 1,000 years before it was retold as the story of Noah in the Old Testament. So, you could say Gilgamesh fulfilled his quest for immortality." -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
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historyforfuture · 7 months
الأولى على فلسطين الشيماء أكرم صيدم في امتحانات شهادة بكالوريا 2023 بمعدل 99.6٪.تلحق وعائلتها بقوافل الش هداء.
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comicaurora · 3 months
Sorry to drop a hella irl-political question on your mostly webcomic blog, but have you/any of the OSP gang heard of/been participating in the week-long strike for palestine that's been (presumably) all over tumblr/the internet?
For some background info: Following the attack on Oct. 7th by the hamas militant group (a terrorist org. Or resistance group, depending who you ask), the state of israel (which is practically a mass colonial settlement on Palestinian land since '48) has taken the attack as an excuse to indiscriminately bomb the homes of thousands if not millions of homes while forcebly displacing almost all of the ~2.3 million people crammed in the gaza strip with no escape.
'Israel' has also tightened it's blockade on the strip of land such that a growing majority of people there are experiencing catastrophic starvation, disease from sewage-infested drinking water (as water aid is too scarce). Soon even deaths by preventable causes such as diabetes will occur since insulin pens for children have been blocked from entering by israel, who controls gaza's borders, water, power, food supplies, and shoreline. Civilians in Gaza are very frequently and indiscriminately killed often in places they were told were safe zones to evacuate to. It's agreed upon by both experts and laymen worldwide that what is happening (and has BEEN happening before Oct.7th) is nothing short of genocide.
In the occupied Palestinian west bank, where there is no hamas whatsoever to use as an excuse, Palestinians are still arrested without a fair trial for years, abused, prevented from using certain roads, shot, and often straight-up have their houses stolen by armed or military-backed israeli settlers (many of whom have no ancestral connection to the land at all) in a system often compared to or outright stated to be apartheid.
Very recently, a journalist in Gaza by the name of Bisan Owda called for a strike from January 21st to January 28th. The conditions of the strike can be paraphrased as:
Cease all unnecessary purchases or payments, avoid generating ad revenue when possible
Do not go to work or school if you can possibly avoid it
Pay for things only in cash if you must
Use social media exclusively to flood the internet with palestinian voices and resources about the ongoing genocide against the palestinian people
Attend protests if you can
Be visible.
It's the 26th now, but joining late would be far better than to not join at all and stay silent.
I figured I'd ask since since OSP has covered various topics about history and/or politics and we're kinda watching some awful history unfolding, the kind of history where neutrality doesn't really work and a side needs to be taken.
Opinions? (Sorry if I'm coming across as condescending! I just really want my favorite blogs to be aware and take a stance rather than being silent hhhghf)
Okay, here's my answer.
OSP has been supporting calls for a ceasefire for months, and we were fundraising in direct support of it via Doctors Without Borders all through November and December. Total, we raised over $30,000. If we include the UNICEF fundraiser we ran on the Spider-Man streams, the total is over $40,000.
During our charity livestreams, we have made our positions clear – we support a ceasefire, Israel is perpetuating settler-colonialist violence and has been for decades, Hamas is a terrorist organization that endangers Israelis and Palestinians alike, the innocent people of both Palestine and Israel deserve safety and peace. We concluded that the best thing we could do under the circumstances was empower those who are in a real position to actually help by providing funding for their work. We believe this is significantly more beneficial than adding Another Angry Internet Post to the pile of insular outrage on Internet Land. Fundraising for the organizations with boots on the ground feels like it does a lot more good than being loud online for the benefit of other online people.
This is not the first time I've heard reference to the strike, but it is the first time I've seen the parameters of the strike laid out, which to me indicates that it wasn't spread as widely or effectively as it could've been.
I understand and appreciate why you sent this ask, but your premise worries me. I know this may surprise and startle us denizens of the internet, but being extremely loud on the internet is not the only or the most effective form of activism, and people not being extremely loud on the internet with every account they have is not the same thing as silent complicity in war crimes, and people acting like those two things are the same thing has been unbelievably frustrating to watch.
If we act like everything is a binary moral choice between "scream your loudest, most angry opinions online every time you feel angry about them" and "not doing that is literally the same thing as participating in genocide", we are creating a very strong pressure to flood the internet with our angriest, most unformed thoughts, lest we be branded as complicit in war crimes. Social media sites live and die on engagement, hence why twitter has rapidly trended towards doomscrolling and encouraging inflammatory clickbait - angry shouty people are traffic and traffic is money. The cynical part of me is utterly unsurprised that social media encourages the idea that the only true form of activism is being loud on social media.
It sounds like you had the feeling that sending me this ask was weird and a boundary overstep, and you were correct. My platform is not world-changing or in any way politically powerful beyond our ability to create charity fundraisers for causes we believe in, and we are doing what we can to help in the tiny ways that we can from halfway across the world, from a position of absolutely zero political weight beyond emailing our representatives. You are just asking me to also shout about it online loudly enough that I measure up to an artificial loudness metric, because my existing shouting was not already loud or omnipresent enough.
You are not entitled to know every thought in my head or every action I take in my life. I am not online to perform outrage and live up to an arbitrary moral standard of Shouting Enough. I am especially not online on my fantasy webcomic blog to do those things. Please understand that what you see of me is what I choose to share, and I am under no obligation, moral or otherwise, to share more.
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hgfictionwriter · 10 days
Maybe This Time
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: UCLA was a long time ago. Jessie couldn't bring herself to make a move back then and missed her chance. But now that you're back in her life, maybe things can be different.
Warning: None
A/N: A bit more fluff for y'all! And sorry for flooding the Jessie tags. I’ve got a bunch of fics just sitting around!
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Jessie turned and couldn't believe her eyes. Y/N. Y/N L/N. The girl she'd pined over at UCLA; who her friends had relentlessly made fun of her for liking and never pursuing; the girl who still showed up in idle daydreams from time to time, even all these years later.
"I heard you were playing in town now. Oh my gosh - it's been so long. I was hoping I'd run into you at some point."
Here you were standing in front of her. Smiling at her. Instead of being the...relatively...confident person Jessie now was - she was national team captain, a gold medal athlete, for goodness sake - she wasn't a young girl anymore hiding behind textbooks and her friends, instead though, she felt her cheeks burn hot and her words got caught in her throat. She stood there staring speechless at you.
"Don't tell me you don't recognize me," you said, a hint of apprehension beginning to cast over you.
Finally, Jessie began to react. She closed her eyes briefly in hopes of resetting, shaking her head and allowing herself to smile.
"Of course I do," she finally managed, only stammering slightly. "I mean, I recognize you. Of course."
"Okay." You let out a small laugh of relief. "For a second I thought worldwide athletic stardom made you forget your favourite lab partner."
"Of course not," Jessie readily assured you. "I'd never forget you."
The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. She clenched her jaw as she reprimanded herself internally for imploding so quickly and after so much time. She cut herself some slack when you smiled again at her.
"That's comforting to hear. Well, I mean, I know you're just leaving," you gestured to the door of the coffee shop, "but, um, I don't know." You laughed nervously before settling on what to say. You offered her a resolute nod. "It was nice to see you again."
Jessie's mind whirled with ideas and options. Anything coming out of her mouth now was mere instinct.
"Nice to see you too. Um, I don't know, maybe we could chat sometime? Are you in Portland too?"
"Yeah, I work at a logistics firm in town." You cracked a smirk. "Not nearly as glamorous as being a national icon, but you know, I do my part."
Jessie chuckled and ran her fingers through her hair.
"If you call 4 am wake-up calls, jet lag, and bruises to high heaven glamourous, then sure, I guess it is."
"Sounds not too unfamiliar from your UCLA days," you teased. "I still remember when you showed up to class with a black eye. And I see you've healed fine from your recent one."
Jessie blushed. So you watched her games? And you remembered moments from uni.
You'd been friends in university, but that's all it ever was. Her friends had goaded her again and again to ask you out, but Jessie could never work up the courage. She'd doubted herself too much. And then before she knew it she'd lost her chance. You dated other girls and that was the end of it. She stepped back and time ticked on.
You remained close friends throughout uni, sharing deep conversations, hopes and fears, silly moments, too. There were moments where Jessie felt hope starting to blossom in her chest - that maybe you had feelings for her, but she'd stamp it out. She’d just be setting herself up for disappointment.
After you both graduated, that was it. She'd gone off to London and you fell out of touch. It was for the best really. Well, maybe.
"Anyway," you started again, drawing Jessie back from her thoughts. "Sure, I'd love to catch up. I'd say I'll message you on Instagram, but I know your social media is a black hole. I can give you my number if you like."
Jessie gave you a tight-lipped smile as she scratched the back of her head and let her gaze fall to the bulletin of flyers instead.
"Yeah, I'm not much for social media."
"I know," you chuckled. "You never were."
Jessie cleared her throat and looked back to you. "And sure, what's your number?"
She almost missed you telling her because her mind drifted back to class when you reached over and scribbled your number on the top corner of her paper and told her to text you about the reading. Jessie’s words had died in her throat and she had to settle for merely offering you a delayed nod as you gathered up your books and left. She’d felt light on her feet, nearly dizzy even, all day. Her hands had shaken when she texted you and her palms were clammy as she awaited your response.
That was a lifetime ago. But now here you were, and number newly confirmed. Jessie tucked her phone away in her pocket.
"Okay, I'll let you go," you told her. "And truly, if you aren't up to a chat of any kind - no pressure. You probably have so many people vying for your time. I won't be offended." You said with true earnest. "In case I don't see you again, I just want to say I'm really proud of you for everything you've achieved. And I'd say I'm impressed, but A) that goes without saying, and B) I always knew you were going to do great things. I told you time and time again. Anyway, it was so good to see you. Take care."
Before Jessie could respond, you'd turned and disappeared to the other side of the shop and into the line. She forced herself to turn and leave.
The door had barely closed behind her when she opened her phone and pulled up her messages with Teagan.
"You will NEVER guess who I just ran into."
"Hi Y/N. It's Jessie. UCLA."
"Lol the one and only. How are you?"
"Well forgive me for not assuming that you would know who a random 'Jessie' is lol. I'm doing well, thanks. How are you?"
"You were always very humble. It was always very endearing, so I'm glad to see you haven't lost that. I'm doing well. Working late. Some of my vendors are shitting the bed, so I'm scrambling to find alternatives."
"Seriously? That sounds brutal. I'm sorry to hear that. Well, if it makes you feel better, the team had to run extra drills today because of how bad our last game was."
"It's the start of the season - lots of new players. Chemistry takes time. You guys will find your groove soon. I'm positive. How is Portland treating you, by the way? I'd love to hear more about your time in London too at some point."
"Well, if you still want to grab coffee, I can tell you all about it. And I want to hear about you too. Did you ever make it to the Ghibli museum?"
"Oh my gosh lolol. You remember that. And yes! I did. And it was amazing. And coffee would be amazing, too :)"
Jessie belatedly realized that she was smiling as you texted back and forth. It was an odd feeling - it was strange to be talking with you again, yet entirely natural.
To her surprise, you ended up texting every day until you met up Sunday afternoon. She'd mentioned to Teagan that you two had this scheduled and soon Jessie was hit with an onslaught of messages from all her Bruins mates stepping right back into form and teasing her.
On a scale from 1-10, how red did you blush? And why was it 20.
Can I finally tell her you mumbled her name in your sleep? Several times?
Please tell me you immediately pulled out a vision board with her face all over it.
LOL the universe said, “Think you’ve suffered enough pining for this girl? Think you’re over her? Guess again!”
She still hot? Send pics.
Jessie sat in her car down the street from the coffee shop and essentially gave herself a stern, mental talking to about your get together. She was not who she was 5 years ago, and neither were you. She didn't need to be so nervous. There were no stakes at all, she could just relax, be in the moment, and reconnect with an old friend.
When she stepped into the coffee shop, her pulse picked up just so when she saw you seated at a table, but thankfully by the time she sat she'd composed herself again.
"The good news is, the rain is nothing new to me after being in London," she joked as she swept some rain off her baseball cap.
You looked up from your phone and a large smile crossed your face.
"Yeah, I hear you. And what's going on - how did we both go from sunny LA to rain central?"
Not entirely surprising, conversation flowed easily between you two. And it wasn't all reminiscing and nostalgia, it was easy to talk about current things as well. Pretty soon, you were both at the ends of your second cups of coffee and yet neither of you made a move to leave.
"So, um, you've been in Portland for a while now," the ease Jessie had felt faltered some as she broached a topic she'd been highly curious about, "did [y/gf] come with you?"
You screwed up your face and laughed.
"No," you answered easily. "We broke up like a couple of months after convocation. Let's be real - that was never going to last."
"Oh," Jessie replied, surprise showing on her face at how readily you dismissed the notion. "I had no idea. I thought you two were solid."
"Well," you drained the last bit of your drink, "I guess I wasn't entirely forthcoming then. Sure, things were okay. But, I was lying to myself if I thought that was going to be a 'forever' kind of relationship." Jessie's look of surprise lingered and you rolled your eyes, leaning in. "Jessie. She'd get distracted every time she walked by a mirror. I wish I was exaggerating, but I'm not. Come on, don't tell me you didn't notice. Her full on checking herself out anytime she caught her reflection?"
Jessie sat back and gave you a brief look of disbelief, shaking her head. "I tried not to notice."
"Smart," you retorted good naturedly. "She was nice, and we had fun, but beyond our values not exactly aligning, an equal partnership it was not."
"Well, okay, she's out of the picture. You must be with someone new, then," Jessie went on. She ignored the twinge in her chest when you shook your head 'no'. Just as quickly, she scolded herself. Why would it matter? She was getting way ahead of herself here. She supposed that old habits - and evidently dormant feelings - died hard.
"No. I mean, I dated a couple of girls since I've been here, but nothing's really stuck." You looked up from your drink to Jessie. "Now, superstar, you have to tell me your update."
Jessie mouth contracted into a tight smile and she felt her cheeks begin to burn under the scrutiny.
"That's confidential," she quipped.
You rolled your eyes dramatically and leaned forward. "That is so not fair." Jessie remained smugly silent and merely shrugged. You let out an exasperated sigh and slouched back in your chair. "Fine," you relented not wanting to push too much. "You were always tight-lipped in university, too. You could've had anyone and you - as far as I know," you said pointedly, "didn't date anyone."
"Oh come on." Jessie now rolled her eyes. "I was so shy and quiet. Even if I'd liked someone I would've never gotten up the courage to ask them out." She felt a buzzing in her head as she watched your reaction. You smiled sweetly.
"You were shy and quiet, yes. But you opened up once you were comfortable. I mean, look at us, look at you with your teammates. And you were so smart, incredibly sweet, and pretty, and you had that dry sense of humour. And, hello, captain of the football team!"
"Co-captain," Jessie interjected pointedly. You hung your head briefly with a laugh.
"I repeat - you could've had anyone."
Jessie subconsciously fidgeted with her hat and planted her feet further apart as she shifted down in her chair. "Well, didn't seem that way at the time."
"Wait - so who did you like?" You probed.
"No one," Jessie retorted, her features scrunching up as she played off the question dismissively. "I barely had time to breathe. There was no way I could date someone."
"You are so cagey sometimes," you said lightly, not being able to resist ribbing her once more. "Fine, so, what about now? Are you seeing someone?"
Jessie's composure was long gone and her face burned hot as your interrogation got her flustered. She took a subtle breath and worked to calm herself.
"No, no one's caught my eye just yet," she relayed.
You studied Jessie, discerning whether to drop the topic or not. You eventually relented as you crossed your arms and reclined in your chair.
"Well, I imagine that's not easy. There's a lot to live up to. And you're surrounded by impressive people every day, so the bar's gotta be high. Again, you can have your pick."
You grabbed your phone and looked it over quickly.
"I need to get going. I have a few errands to run still before the weekend's over," you said, a hint of regret in your voice before you offered a smile. "I had a great time though. It was so good to catch up with you."
Jessie removed her hat, running her fingers through her hair briefly before pulling the cap back down on her head.
"Yeah, I had a great time, too."
For the first time this conversation, a small lull formed and neither of you jumped to bridge it. Eventually, Jessie cleared her throat.
"Maybe we could get together again. Coffee. A drink. Whatever, really."
A mild look of surprise crossed your face, puzzling Jessie.
"Sure, I'd like that," you told her warmly as you shrugged on your jacket.
"Okay." Jessie gave you a small smile as she, too, rose from the table. "Will you be at the game next weekend?"
"I hadn't planned on it, but I could be." You smirked.
"No pressure," Jessie said as she felt that old nervousness begin to bubble up. "I could get you tickets if you ever want to go. That's all."
You smiled, looking at her in appreciation. "I'll have to take you up on that."
Jessie chuckled, but gave you a pointed look. "Honestly, you don't have to. I know you weren't a big soccer fan even in university."
"But," you started, drawing the word out and returning her pointed look, "I started going to games after becoming friends with a certain someone. I just haven't had a reason to go to a Thorns games yet."
Jessie resisted her impending blush and instead crossed her arms loosely in front of her, shifting her weight to one leg. "Okay, just let me know," Jessie said. She gave you a small nod. "And I promise these games are even better than Bruins ones."
You cocked your head, a hint of a smile on your face as you lifted a finger to your lips and narrowed your eyes in mock contemplation.
"What are they calling you these days? Midfield Maestro?"
Somehow, Jessie didn't even feel the urge to blush. Instead, she gave you a cocky smirk.
"So you really have been following my career."
She nearly grinned at how your cheeks flushed pink and you broke eye contact. You only took a moment to compose yourself and look back to Jessie with a half smirk.
"Hard not to," you simply said.
Jessie relented, feeling like she'd teased you enough. For now. She smiled and spoke earnestly.
"Offer stands - if you wants tickets, just let me know. Regardless, let's get together soon."
"Deal," you told her, your blush slowly fading.
There was a brief moment of stillness and uncertainty before you stepped forward and pulled Jessie into a hug. It only took her a moment to relax into it, her arms wrapping around you. Even though your body felt different now - so was hers - it felt natural to hold you close again.
You stayed like that for several moments, surprise and tampered excitement filling Jessie when you tightened your embrace before letting go. She noted the renewed colour on your cheeks when you stepped back.
"Text me?" You asked.
Jessie nodded. "Of course."
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joseifworldblog · 1 year
A van was swept away by raging floodwaters after a driver attempted to cross a flooded driveway in Spring Hill, Tennessee, on Wednesday as heavy rain fell in parts of the state. Follow @worldblog.page for more beautiful stories #tennessee #flood #joseifworld #washingtonpost #russia #vancouver #rain #worldwide #worldnews #nytimes #bbcnews #abcnews #aljazeera #instagram #instafollowers #tiktok #videos #unitedstates #unitedkingdom #mufasatundeednut #nigeria https://www.instagram.com/p/CmEnLRZr2tx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mixtape-racha · 8 months
crybaby | hwang hyunjin
oh, your baby was such a good boy. and so, so pretty when he cried for you. // 18+, minors dni
words: 1.23 k// warnings: sub!hyunjin, nipple play, praise, premature ejaculation, dacryphilia, dance teacher!hyunjin x local dj!reader, brief piv at the beginning, porn with plot
a/n: based on this request by anon!! i hope i did it justice ♡
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it was enlightening, really, to see how hyunjin reacted to praise. to see how he flushed red when people complimented him, to see how he hid his face in your shoulder when people told you what a cute couple you were. he had always been sensitive to praise, but you wondered how far that shyness went - and how much you could indulge him in it.
that was how you discovered how shy and submissive he really was. it was an accident, in all honesty. you wanted to test your luck by calling him a good boy while he was balls deep in your cunt, whining and whimpering as he dragged his cock along your walls. you truly weren’t expecting him to let out a high-pitched cry at your words, before cumming so hard inside you that you swore you could feel it in your throat.
the embarrassment that flooded his features was enough to have you dripping again, the realization of how much power you really held over him churning your stomach in a truly satisfying way. he really would do anything for you to praise him, huh? now, you could definitely get on board with that.
“its okay, baby. you did so good for me, don’t be upset.” you shushed him, lovingly, stroking his hair as he buried his face between your tits to hide his flustered expression. the last thing you wanted was for his embarrassment to cause an unpleasant sub-drop, and so you worked your hardest, giving him the best aftercare of his life and treating him like the delicate prince he was.
you pondered on his sensitivity for a few weeks after that, brainstorming a plan to have an evening that was all about him, and seeing how far his limits truly went. it started mostly innocently, playing with his gorgeous blonde hair in the bath together while he told you about his day.  work was harder than usual, he told you. he’d been dragged into teaching a dance class for newer students on top of his already packed schedule. he loved being a teaching assistant at the local music academy, but it was rough sometimes.
sometimes he claimed you were the only good thing to come out of the job - meeting you when you were just a part-time guitar teacher there, before the opportunity to become a radio dj at the local station, broadcasting worldwide, and also better pay for less hours. but you knew he didn’t mean it - the kids he got to teach, and watch grow, made him so immensely happy that you couldn’t picture him working anywhere else.
once you had moved back to the bedroom, things got… less innocent. you went from caressing his hair, and softly mumbling about how much you loved him, to grinding on his lap and messily making out - a concoction of drool and clashing teeth making him painfully hard from where you sat on him.
you worked quickly to rid him of his shirt, marveling at his body. you swore blind he must have been carved by greek gods, because there was no way anyone could be that pretty. his cock was painfully hard against the material of his sweatpants, precum staining the gray material darker in a patch where he needed you the most. but he would have to wait for that, you told him, wanting nothing more than to worship the piece of heaven before you in every way you could.
when hyunjin was exceptionally needy, he was extremely sensitive. anything, even the smallest touch, could have him keening into your touch, babbling and drooling all over for you. more often than not, you took advantage of that - and today was no different.
from soft kisses of his plush lips, you began mouthing down his jaw and throat, hands caressing every inch of skin you could reach. you shushed him everytime he whined, or tired to move your hips against him, telling him if he behaved that it would all be worth it. he instantly folded at that, taking your every word as sacred and doing whatever you asked of him.
once you were satisfied with the new batch of dark, splotchy marks you had attached to his neck and collarbones, you moved your attention to his chest. he was so, so beautiful, and you just couldn’t resist. with one hand playing with his nipple, you were quick to attach your lips around the other, teasing it with your tongue. his back arched at the motions, pushing his chest further into your face as he started to mumble out nonsense that you couldn’t begin to comprehend.
swapping your hand and mouth, you were keen to give both sides equal attention, oblivious to the wrecked state hyunjin was in. you were so wrapped up in how amazing he felt underneath you, you didn’t even realize the way he had tears springing from his eyes, and his fists balled in the sheets below.
“please, oh fuck, please please, (y/n)-- too much, too much-!”
you pulled away with a pop, caressing his cheek as you looked down in faux sympathy. he was an absolute state, and it was so unbelievably hot. tears falling down his flushed cheeks, lip wobbling from trying to contain his moans. his cock was throbbing beneath you and you couldn’t help the way you cooed at him. 
“too much, baby boy? does that mean you want me to stop?”
the shake of his head was so fast you nearly got whiplash.
“no, no, please. i’m your good boy, please.”
“yeah, you are,” you smiled, pinching one of nipples hard. “my perfect boy, aren’t you, jinnie? such a good boy, and all mine.”
with your words still ringing in his ears, you dipped you head back down, sucking on his nipple and tongue swirling around it like it was your last lifeline. with a final pinch and flick of his other nipple, you felt him tense beneath you, quickly pulling away in confusion to look at his face.
he let out a moan so loud that anyone else would think he was in pain, veins popping out of his neck and eyes rolling to the back of his head. you smirked as you felt a wet patch growing beneath you, and rocking your hips cautiously, overwhelmed with emotion when he whimpered and begged you to stop. it was too much, he said. too much, and not enough. give him a second to breathe, he asked, and you were more than willing to comply.
“that good, love?” you asked, teasingly, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to his lips when he nodded. he’d never come just from your abusing of his nipples before, and god knew you were going to be trying to more often.
he was breathless, chest heaving as his blush spread onto his ears and down his chest. but for once, he didn’t seem embarrassed. more delirious with pleasure, and so out of it your body craved to see more.
“think you can give me one more, baby?” you smirked, moving down the bed to rest between his legs, hands playing with the hem of his sweatpants. his overwhelmed nod was all you needed before you bit your lip with glee, already manhandling the offending clothing item down his legs.
yeah, you sure struck gold with such a good boy like hyunjin.
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taglist: join taglist here @pretty-racha @chubbyanarkiss @taeriffic @mits-vi @chanssmiles @5kayzee @queen-klarissa @torixx80 @fawnpeaks @bangtanmix73 @savluvsmingi @boi-bi-ahaha @skz-streamer @demetrisscarf @4evrglow @manj1ro @linocvpid @alextheweeb7 @chans-american-slave @unsweetenedpeatea @carpioassists @bangtancultsposts @reiheis @happilydeepestwonderland @leemidnightmoon @watariisbestboy @hwangrimi
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